#i'm thinking really hard about which of these i want to make my new icon
sanguineterrain · 8 months
Hi I’m back because couples who aren’t together just yet are EVERYTHING
And the new theme?? The icon?? Sanne 😍
May I request “you matter so much to me” with Dick? A little angsty if you’re feeling it?
hey there!!! thank you hehe i felt it was time for a theme change bc fall ❤️ hope you like it! thanks for sending a request 🥰
dick grayson x gn!reader. tw: reader is injured but not much description of the injury, mention of bombing, dick being a protective sweetheart, love confession.
You're probably being paranoid.
You probably don't need to call Dick. He'll definitely be busy right now. And you call him way too much as it is.
Wally had asked last month if you two were dating, which had been a humiliating conversation, so you've been vigilant about not clinging to Dick so much. You're just friends. That's all you'll ever be.
These two guys at the train station are really freaking you out, though. What do all the posters say? See something, say something?
You take a deep breath and dial.
"Hi, Dick," you say tentatively.
"Hey!" Dick says, sounding slightly breathless. "Hey, how are you? I've missed you, what have you been up to?"
The smile in his voice makes you ache. Fuck. You should've just called an Uber.
"Hey. I'm okay. Sorry for not calling, I've been, uh, swamped at work."
"That's okay. It's nice to hear from you."
You melt. "It's nice to hear from you, too."
One of the guys across the station tosses a duffel bag inside of a storage closet and closes the door, then locks it. Right. Back to why you called.
"Dick, I think these two guys at the train station might be up to something. I could be wrong! I-I'm probably wrong, but—"
"What are they doing?" he asks, and you can hear him shifting to Nightwing Mode.
"They threw a duffel bag into a closet, but they don't look like workers. And—"
One of them lifts his coat, and you see a holstered gun. Shit.
"Oh my God," you whisper. "One of them has a gun."
"Get out of there," Dick orders. "I'm on my way. I'll pick you up. Meet me on the corner of Mason and Jewel."
"Okay," you say, heartbeat rabbiting. "Okay, um, Mason and Jewel. Got it."
"It'll be okay," he says, a little gentler this time. "I won't let anything happen to you, alright? Go somewhere where there's a lot of people, and stay on the line."
You take a deep breath. "O-okay. I trust you."
You head for the stairs when the ground rumbles under your feet. People begin to shout and you run faster, trying to make it out of the station.
"What's happening, honey? Talk to me," Dick urges.
You hardly register the honey in your panic.
"The ground's shaking. Dick—"
Something knocks into your back and you crumple to the floor, phone falling from your hand. Everything goes black.
You open your eyes to blackness, and for a moment, you're afraid you've lost your sight. But then the shadows become clearer, and you can make out distinct, albeit dimly lit, shapes.
You try to form a word but the air has been sucked out of your lungs and it sounds more like a wheeze.
The surface beneath you is soft and firm. There's a blanket over your shoulders.
You rasp out a sound that's an attempt at 'hello.' Your lips are cracked, and your throat feels like you chugged cement.
A hand rests on your forehead. You try to sit up.
"Easy, easy. Don't try moving just yet."
Dick is in his Nightwing suit, but the mask is off. You blink at him slowly. You'd almost forgotten how blue his eyes are.
"Can you tell me your birthday?" he asks, continuing to stroke your face.
You tell him your birthday. Your throat feels like sandpaper, and a straw is pushed to your lips. You drink the water greedily.
"Wha' happ'd?" you ask.
"There was a small bomb. Half the station collapsed." Dick sucks in a deep breath and seems to steel himself. "You, um, you hit your head pretty hard. I found you and brought you back to the Batcave. I want to monitor you overnight just in case."
Your eyes widen. "Batcave?"
Dick smiles. "The one and only. I'll give you a tour later."
You frown. "Shouldn't you be out there?"
"Oh." Dick rubs his neck. "Well, uh, the others have got it pretty much covered. But I can give you space, if-if you're tired or something. Uh, Alfred's upstairs if you need anyth—"
You shake your head. "Not kicking you out, Dickie. Just don't wanna keep you from important stuff."
Dick leans in, looking at you intently.
"You're important."
You smile and look away, belly swooping at his seriousness.
"Oh. Thank you, Dick."
"I mean it," he says fiercely, then swallows. "You are... you're one of the most important people in my life. You matter so much to me. I should've said so earlier, and I guess today was the kick in the pants I needed."
You turn to him, eyes wide. "What are you saying?"
Dick slips his hand into yours, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb.
"Every day, I see how fragile life is," Dick says. "Witnessed it for myself, too. I can't—I don't want to pretend that I don't care about you as much as I do. That I don't wish we were more. And if you don't feel the same way, then that's okay, but I needed to say something before—"
"Dick," you murmur.
He stops. "Yeah?"
"Kiss me."
He blinks once, twice, then wastes no more time. Dick cups your jaw with both hands. It's almost overwhelming, the way Dick Grayson kisses you like you're the only person in the universe.
His hair is just as soft as you imagined, and you tangle your other hand in it, massaging the base of his neck. Dick makes a quiet whine in the back of his throat, and you hungrily swallow the sound.
You flinch apart, and Dick covers his mouth. He glances at you through his lashes, and the look promises that he's not finished with you.
All excitement about said promise self-destructs when you see Batman standing ten feet away. Even under the cowl, he looks unimpressed.
"Nightwing," he says. "Taking care of our patient?"
Oh God. You're never setting foot in Gotham again.
"Excellent care," Dick says, apparently used to Batman's cheek.
"Hn. I expect a report of the station incident tomorrow."
"Of course. Do you need me out there?"
"No. It's handled." Batman looks at you. "You are welcome to join us for dinner."
He swooshes away with a truly unnecessary jump into the Batmobile. You wait until he's gone before groaning and putting your face in your hands.
"Oh my God, I just made out with you in front of Batman. I can never face him."
Dick pulls you into his arms, kissing your temple.
"Are you kidding? He basically just welcomed you into the family. I knew he'd like you."
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ratrrriot · 1 year
How do you feel when people call Amy a stalker?
People can call her what they want, however…
Do i think it's fair to call Amy a stalker?
In some of the games? Yes, and even in some of the ones she wasn't a stalker per-se, she still showed possessive and obsessive tendencies. So i get where it comes from...
Generally? No. Her character originally wasn't supposed to be a harasser and she sure isn't one in the present. the franchise has been clearly trying to do better for her these past few years.
I think Amy's changing characterization is an interesting topic of discussion, so even though i technically already answered your question i'll take this chance and proceed to talk about my fave for way longer than i need to :).
Note: This is just my take on Amy and the way i understand her ENGLISH PORTRAYAL. I won't be talking about her japanese one which would deserve its own analysis.
Sorry for any writing mistakes in advance (english is hard) and feel free to correct me if i'm factually wrong about something (i wrote this thing mostly from memory so i imagine i must be.)
Amy has changed A LOT troughout the games and has been in the hands of many different writers across Sonic media ,so when talking about her is important to be specific about what game,series or comic we are talking about (and language),and while i know that some of you might not agree and i respect that, i think that -looking at the subtleties- Amy has had at least 6 different portrayals through the course of the games. That being said,i believe the idea that she is a stalker comes especifically from the characterization they started giving her around 2003
Originally,Amy was envisioned as a sweet 12-year-old kid who had a huge unreciprocated crush on her idol and a passion for fortune-reading ,but who wasn't exactly much of a heroine herself. In the classic era,her place in the narrative was just to serve as a damsel in distress and a cute,funny detail. Ofc,in comics and animated shorts for games like Origins, we have gotten more content of classic Amy being fully independent and capable of defending herself (even more with the upcoming playable mode for her in Origins Plus), but i think we can all see how such aspects of her character weren’t included at the time she was created (only exception being Sonic Fighters)
Especifically in the adventure era (AKA the birth of modern Amy) they gave Amy her iconic strong,compassionate,romantic personality and an interest/love for adventure (and her sassy attitude ofc). She's outspoken,stubborn,brave and honest. I also want to point out that in this first portrayal ,her love for Sonic feels more like innocent childish idolization than an obsession and that her character doesn't revolve exclusively around it (she will stand in his way if she doesn't think what he does is right). Tbh i think she's incredibly funny,cool and lovable,
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They slowly started planting the seeds for her character to stop being a "damsel in distress" by making her playable and defeat ZERO all on her own at the end of SA1,then also being playable in Sonic advance and helping Sonic get out of prison in SA2 (and tagging along for the rest of the adventure). In all these games,her character revolves around empathy,optimism and kindness. The way she protects the flicky since the moment she finds it,how she defends Gamma from Sonic and the iconic moment in SA2 where she convinces Shadow to help save earth are all great examples.
THEN, in Heroes , they decided to try something new with her taking her confidence and sassy attitude to a whole other level. Giving her the chance to be a fully-fleshed hero who didn't need rescuing anymore. She became independent and the leader of her own team of friends who she wanted to help. I love this Amy cause she feels really strong,determined and empowered without losing her peppiness,silliness,positivity and kindness. Her flaws are also especially endearing to me: How much of a wild kid she is,How even if she means well, she relies way too much in brute force, How she has trouble getting out of her own head, etc. She really feels just as confident and energic as Sonic,but just like him,you can tell she has a huge heart.
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HOWEVER, as much as i love how they made her strength and bravery shine in this game, Heroes was the game that gave birth to the idea that Amy is willing to chase and even fight Sonic just to insist that they should marry (in SA2 she did follow him to the prison but it was only to help him and tag along in the adventure).
Ofc this was supposed to be comedic and to be seen as childish,harmless behavior- I say this because the rest of the characters,including Sonic himself,don't seem to take it seriously- but what was supposed to be seen as an endearing flaw at the time, would rapidly mute into what's probably Amy's worst portrayal ,as the writers turned it into harassment for the next mainline games (Ignoring Shadow the hedgehog where she is the same as in heroes and only has a brief appearance.)
Before i go into Battle,i just want to say that the definition of stalker according to google is “a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.” A definition that definitely did not apply to her before Heroes,but that i can't deny that does apply to Amy for the next few games:
In Battle, Amy is suddenly written as aggresive and self-centered. All her compassion and empathy from the adventure era is gone, intimidating people (even Cream) and demanding information from them from the get-go. Of course she does a few good things throughout the game too,like take care of Emerl and such,but she still mainly uses him for her benefit (calories counter and emerald radar). Right off the bat,at the start of her storyline she insists on searching for Sonic even when she herself assumes he is hiding from her -which implies she knows what she's doing is worth hiding for- and tries to justify her behavior by saying that Sonic actually loves her and that he is being “ just shy “ or that “ he got cold feet”- while others characters react in a way that implies that's obviously not the case and that her behavior is worrysome..
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I think it's important to mention that before Battle, we hadn’t gotten a single line of dialogue that implied that Amy tought that her behavior could be hurtful for Sonic, nor did she ever threaten anyone at all unless it was self defense. She knew he didn’t reciprocate her feelings and was actively trying to make him fall for her anyways,sure, but we gotta remember that while the canon ages might have been scrapped recently, at the time Modern Amy was created they were still very much canon and you can tell they had them in mind when writing these characters. Amy was supposed to be 12 ,so it makes sense that she didn't understand why Sonic wouldn’t accept her affection. She idolized him and misinterpreted the fact that he always was protecting her as possible romantic interest,but never actually imposed anything on him. The worst thing she ever did to him was wanting to hug him without consent,and again, the games implied that she clearly didn't realize such a thing wasn't ok. Sonic also didn't seem to want to hurt her feelings so while he did run away and expressed being annoyed by her he never explicitly told her to stop. I actually think that if he had sat her down and made it clear to her that what she was doing was truly bothering him, The Amy from the adventure era would have stopped, but i doubt he cared enough to do that honestly (after all ,in his recap screens it is implied that what truly bothers him about Amy being near him is not her crush,but that he thinks shes exposed to danger.)
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BUT in Battle and for the next three games,Amy doesn’t seem to be written as a 12-year-old who mistakes admiration for love anymore. This is where the writers started to portray her as someone who is clearly still young and definitely childish but not innocent. Her whole character revolves around harassing Sonic and using her strength to intimidate others, and don't get me wrong,I like that Amy gets angry easily!! i like that she isn't afraid of a fight,that she complains a lot, and that she isn't peaceful. After all,those are important parts of who she is. But Battle!Amy is on a whole other level: she gets mad at her friends just because they don't agree with everything she does or says. It's not about having a strong personality anymore,she's just generally aggressive. For the next few games she and Sonic can't have one normal conversation that isn't Amy imposing her own wishes over him and him trying to get away from her, so it's hard to believe she wouldn't realize that what's she's doing is wrong nor accidental as we were supposed to before. This time It just feels like she is deciding to ignore the signs.
This continued in advance 3 ,where she literally threatens him with her hammer just cause he shows signs of not being interested in spending time with her when they meet, Then in rush she becomes possesive and jealous the second he mentions Blaze and also seems to treathen him with the hammer in the credits scene because he is running from her hug.
They changed the direction of her characterization again after Rush. The best way i can describe the Amy that is present in Riders,06,etc is one that has two very polarized sides to her personality. On one side,she is a peppy,sweet,over enthusiastic and romantic girl, on the other she is a pretty intimidating one with an obsession with Sonic and very fiery temper. However,contrary to her last portrayal,she is more polite and actually asks Sonic if she can come with him various times,doesn't harass him and doesn't threaten people simply cause they don't agree with her anymore, but she still doesn't seem to have any sense of boundaries,still follows Sonic without permission sometimes and still clearly has no consideration for his personal space. Another thing about this Amy is how her flirting is really intense, and even if she isn't as aggressive as the Amy from Battle,if someone messes a bit with her she doesn't hesitate to resort to intimidation or take her hammer out.
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She still gets violent towards Sonic sometimes,but what's different from her last characterization is that instead of doing so merely because he doesn't show romantic interest in her ,its mostly because he doesn't follow on his promises (end of Black Knight) or shows up to save her “properly” (Referring to 1- that scene in Riders where he blows eggman -who had caught Amy- away with wind and she chases him with her hammer because “how could he not think that would hit her too “ and 2- the one in Zero Gravity where he arrives late to save her and she playfully throws him a few fists saying that “it took him long enough!”). I don't think she's necesarily right to do that but i don't consider it to be problematic either, since by that point the games had strongly implied that there was a non-spoken agreement between the two that he'll always show up to save her and the whole thing feels more playful than anything else. Mostly because Sonic seems to be fine with her being around again, as he never really denies her acussations or runs away when she gets mad,and even tries to explain himself to her.
So yeah,this Amy is one of the more famous -and infamous- ones,as her negative and positive qualities are more balanced than the one from Battle. However,i personally don't like her much as there's almost no focus on the empathetic/compassionate side of her character that was so prominent in the adventure era and ,even if i wouldn’t call this version of her a Stalker , she's still is way too obsessive and possesive for my liking. The writing for her character is still pretty much completely based on being attracted to Sonic, to the point that In 06 she tells Silver that, if she had to, she'd “choose Sonic over the world".
In Sonic Chronicles , Amy gets a lot of dialogue. She gets jealous in a scene but its not as bad as in Rush and she tries to make Sonic jealous by inventing a fake boyfriend (terrible trope) but her levels of aggressiveness are up to the player's treatment of her. I am ,however , mentioning this game because of a scene in specific near the final section in which Amy is scared they might die and aks Sonic if she can have a moment with him. She then tries to have a serious conversation and politely asks if he cares about her or if he likes her at all. if the player chooses to make Sonic say he does care for her she is legitimately surprised and thankful. Idk what happens If he rejects her cause i haven't been able to find any recordings of that and i never owned this game,but i'll assume that her reaction won't be too bad considering she is asking in the first place(?) feel free to tell me if you know…
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This portrayal of Amy is still present in Unleashed (2008) ,in which Amy is there to cheer/support Sonic on throughout the game and to serve as an important indicator that Sonic is quite self conscious of his looks when he's a werehog. She is generally very sweet towards him in this game (especially when she shows no rejection towards his werehog form,which is a detail i adore), even if she does get annoyed when he doesn't pay as much attention to her as he does to Chip or reciprocate her feelings.
A good example is how, before the last temple ,she asks him if he'd like to go on a date with her after everything is over. If you choose the positive dialogue option she is ,again, positively surprised and thankful. If you make him say no she complains about how he's being mean, but doesn't insist on it and just accepts it.
In Free Riders (2010) ,Amy just generally acts extremely out out of character (like,she doesn't even fit into Battle's portrayal). It really feels like someone who didn't know anything about the character wrote her, so for the sake of the pink hedgie let's ignore it and go back to talking about portrayal 4.
I already mentioned her brief apparition in Black Night and there's nothing worth mentioning about her in Generations so i'll skip them.
This portrayal ended in Lost World (2013),In which they toned down Amy as a character in general,leaving out all of her flaws and iconic traits out. She feels plain and her strong personality,confidence,sass,energy,etc all seem to be completely gone. She's just sweet and that's it . For some reason there's a scene where she literally tries to confess to Sonic and is cut off before she can finish,which is very funny considering it had never been treated as a secret before??? it really goes to show how hard they were trying to pull some kind of reboot on her. Fortunately,this characterization was only a two-game-thing (She is just as plain in Forces (2015)) so i'll put it in the same bag as the Free riders one and we'll leave it at that.
After Lost world came Boom (2014) ,and then we got the most recent change of Amy's personality,which we all know has had a mixed reception from the fandom. Originally people thought that this Amy would stay just in the Boom universe ,but this personality has been showing up in the mainline games for a while now,like in Team Sonic Racing (2019) and Frontiers (2021).
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This Amy feels older than any of the ones that came before her. She kept the sass,the love for romanticism,the positive attitude,the confidence and the strenght but her bad temper and over enthusiasm are gone,as she is generally more calm,less energetic and not childish at all. Most importantly,this Amy is extremely emotionally intelligent,as the rest of characters seem to look for her help and advice constantly ( to the point that she has been given the "therapist friend" title by the fandom and is even referred as "the nice one" by Eggman himself ). Another interesting thing about this Amy is that she doesn't flirt with Sonic anymore,In fact, she barely expresses her liking for him (She does so a bit more in Japanese chz the characterization varies) and Sonic seems completely comfortable with this version of her around.
A lot of people say that this version of her is out of character and I completely understand where that comes from, but i must disagree because this characterization of Amy is the first one since the adventure era that focuses on her compassion/empathy rather than on her crush on Sonic, which combined with her intelligence,makes her not out of character,just the most emotionally mature Amy to date instead. I actually think that if the og modern Amy had grown up,this is the kind of personality she would’ve developed while becoming an adult (although she isn't supposed to be one). A good argument to defend this point would be that one Egg-memo you can buy through the fishing minigame in Frontiers where Eggman talks about how Amy has "come a long way" and how it took her some time "to find herself" and get out of Sonic's shadow.
Only problem i have with this Amy is that i wish she was more flawed and bubbly,mostly cause she can come off as very plain from time to time and way too mature. She is a bit too perfect for my taste. I'd like her to mess up more,to not always be so smart,to be more impulsive,a little bit more clumsy,fiery and wild,just so she could have some more of the charm of the original,y'know?
Before i talk about her more recent Videogame portrayal (TMoSTH) i want talk about IDW Amy:
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in IDW, all of Amy's flaws and positive traits from past games are balanced pretty well: she is flawed and relatable and can mess up a bit sometimes because of her impulsivity,but she's emotionally and strategically inteligent, optimistic and incredibly kind. She is a great fighter and leader,but also a wonderful friend who offers emotional support. She has a strong personality, lots of sass and can be very aggressive and intimidating towards her enemies, but not any less of an empathetic and compassionate person because of that. Her strength and confidence are pillars for her character instead of nonsensical anger,but she still shows self doubt and fear from time to time. She is energic, idealistic and still a romantic,but not obsessive nor possesive. peppy but emotionally intelligent. She still loves Sonic, but her feelings for him feel authentic rather than childish idealization,and given that she now respects his space,she's written to be happy just with fighting by his side and jokingly flirt from time to time. (their bond also seems stronger,but that's a topic for another day.)
I believe this portrayal of her is one of the best we've gotten in the sense that she represents a good mix of most things that has made her positively memorable since the beginning and lacks every problematic aspect of her character that was added post her creation. And because of this good mix of characteristics, IDW Amy is constantly praised by the fandom. But something i hear a lot is people saying how they love IDW Amy and despise "Main Amy" -by which i'll assume they refer to videogame Amy just in general- and that way of summarizing all of Amy's game portrayals feels very odd to me, especially because IDW Amy is a culmination of every single good aspect that has been added to this character combined with most of what she was meant to be at the start. In other words,IDW Amy couldn't exist if it wasn't for all the game Amys before her.
It's true that in IDW we haven't seen her character be as impulsive and outspoken as in the Adventure era or Heroes, and i miss that as much as every other Amy fan. But I do think that ,because so much assertiveness wouldn’t coexist very well with things like careful thought, the reason for that change must be that IDW is writing an more mature version of the character and It’s hard for them to keep such aspects of her personality intact without her being seen as childish by the audience now that they are paired up with big responsabilities (ex: the restoration) Especially since that super impulsive nature of hers probably came naturally at the time because she was supposed to be a 12-year old and wether we like it or not, it was implied by the narrative that it was one of the main reasons she got caught by eggman both in SA1 and SA2. Aka,IDW Amy isn't allowed to make as many mistakes as the og.
After all ,Amy used to be written to be mostly seen as a comedic character and as an "extra addition" to the main team rather than as an important,needed member of it. ( even in Heroes,where she had formed her own team,she was still trying to catch up to Sonic and his team because she had been excluded of it.) If she made a mistake and got caught by eggman because of her stubborness,the writers would just make Sonix fix things. In IDW she doesn't just feel older,but she has also gotten to have important roles in the fight against Eggman and people rely on her with their lives,so it doesn't surprise me that the writers try to make her be more conscious and careful when it comes to her actions now that she has more responsibilities and can't allow herself to make as many mistakes as she did back when she was written to be more immature and impulsive because of that extreme assertiveness.
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Now,I personally believe that Amy in TMoSTH is the same as in IDW, just that she feels more like her OG self in TMOSTH because ,for the most part ,Bday Girl is on that train literally to just have fun and do as she pleases. She doesn't have any weight on her shoulders nor expectations,she is free of responsabilities all the way until the climax of the game and the game itself is very comedy-centric for the most part, so the writers pobably felt like they could set that impulsive,assertive side of her loose again, and i loved it!
In this game her character doesn't revolve around Sonic and she messes up a lot (The way she was so ashamed of how she broke her hammer when she tried to escape the closet with brute force that she lied, how she didn't realize Sonic was actually hurt because she was too excited about the game, how she was overconfident and impulsively tried to solve the case and completely failed ,how she and vector started beating a wall violently after realizing the train was alive,etc),but her positive qualities shine throughout the game as well ( How she took the time to organize a party that she'd think everyone would have fun at,How she is so thankful that everyone showed up and doesn't mind that Shad and Sonic didn't bring gifts, how she makes sweets remarks about others and cute jokes in distressing situations,how she has faith in Shadow's goodwill, The way she delivers the final blow at the end and says that despite everything,she loved the party because it was an adventure,etc ). Throughout the game,Sonic and the rest treat her in a way that really goes to show what a good friend and a lovely person she is ,and she expresses great appreciation for everyone's presence in her life.
It's honestly an amazing coincidence that this game takes place on her bday considering that it's the one that made this portrayal of her "game canon". As a fan of her, i celebrate it and hope we get more of it in the near future.
So yeah, i didn't talk about Sonic X Amy,Archie Amy nor all the comics,series and games that came out between the big videogame titles. There is much more about how Amy has been written that could be said, but i think i did a pretty decent summary of the most important changes her character has gone through the years mainline game-wise,at least good enough to defend my point that she wasn't a stalker originally and she definitely isn't one now. As i mentioned before,i agree that she was portrayed as possesive and obsessive for a long period of time and as an actual harasser for a shorter one , and that we should definitely recognize it and be critical of such things being portrayed as “quirky” and “funny” aspects when they are in reality, hurtful. BUT summarizing her whole character by calling her a stalker and an obsessive fangirl is defining her based on the worst examples of her characterization and ignoring her good ones completely.
Feel free to disagree with my character analysis,my opinions and the way i categorize her portrayals,but i strongly believe that Amy rose isn't meant to be a harasser,an obsessive fangirl or personal space invader.
My girl deserves better.
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xjackjackx · 5 months
Alan Becker Theory: How Victim Returned
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Ok so this is my first real Tumblr post, but basically I want to talk about the Animator vs. Animation series and its first and now most recent villain: Victim. More specifically, how he "returned" after seemingly being killed by the Animator at the end of his first appearance.
When we first saw Victim in AVA 1, he was deleted by the Animator. He closed the program without saving changes, without saving Victim onto anything, thus removing him from existence. Something like that seems pretty hard to come back from...
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...but, 17 years later, he has come back without any scratch (besides turning gray).
Now, it's not the first time a character survived being deleted, but none of the previous examples are similar to Victim.
Orange survived being deleted by Task Manager and then stabbed by the Dark Lord's Vira-Blades, but he's clearly special in a way: from knowing a lot since creation to having superpowers that not even he knows of (until he saw a video of him killing a guy with them). He's far from a normal stick figure.
The Chosen One survived being hit by several code-erasing blades, but he's a superpowered being compared to the completely normal Victim.
Herobrine survived being deleted with the rest of Minecraft, somehow resurrecting several years later, but he's not even a stick figure, and another superpowered being that's arguably even weirder then Chosen.
So, how does the completely normal, powerless Victim survive being deleted with no superpowers or anything special about him?
It's simple. He didn't.
I'm not saying that Grey Dude is actually a burnt Dark or something, that was debunked and never made sense anyway. What I'm suggesting is that the AVA 6 Victim is not the Victim. Rather, he's a copy.
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... well, a better word to use is recording.
Animation VS YouTube was always a weird entry, in my opinion. It somehow makes every entry in the series an actual video in-universe, it somewhat breaks continuity by having the Minecraft icon on the task bar, and it just gets weirder every time it returns (such as that one scene in Showdown). But, I think AVA 6 made it really important in hindsight.
While fighting YouTube, Green and Orange encounter a recording of the first AVA 1 and witness Victim's birth. In the climax, Green defeats YouTube by putting himself inside a video and destroying it from the inside, thus destroying the website's sentient avatar.
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I think Victim came back in a similar way. Thanks to the Animator posting AVA 1 on numerous websites and it being reposted countless times, there are countless videos of Victim: thus, countless opportunities for a Victim recording to escape a similar way Green did. The AVA 6 Victim - let's call him Vic - is one of those: a recording that came to life and broke out. He's not the true Victim, just evidence that he once existed, but he has his memories and will continue his fight with the Animator.
But, there's an issue: Green entered a brand new video, he didn't record himself. A clear difference. Which is why I think Vic didn't escape his video by himself. Someone freed him. But, who?
Well, think about it. Who is Vic close to? Who is special and gets attention from IRL Alan, compared to the others? Who has the most important role in AVA 6, aside from the hollow-heads and RYGB?
Who does Vic trust so much, he puts his own life in their hands when entering the Box?
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I think the Glasses Guy - let's call him Agent cause that's the best nickname I've seen - is the one who freed Vic. It would explain why Vic would trust him so much or why he'd get so much attention besides just "the villain's right hand who is badass".
I also think that Vic's trust in Agent is what will fuck him over in the end. That he will not be the final villain of AVA 6.
If you watch The Box closely, you'll see Vic is saved on the Box's files. Nothing special or surprising, right? I mean, he's in the Box, of course he'd be saved as part of it. But... Chosen is not.
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In fact, none of the items on the list are inside the Box, aside from Vic. Not the sword, not the chains, not anything. But, they can still be summoned. Which means that the Box doesn't work like "You go inside it, you are part of its files": You need to be saved onto it, and once that happens, you can be summoned whenever one wants, even when you're not inside the Box. What does that mean?
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That, at any point in time, Agent can clone Vic hundreds of times, as many as he needs. That Vic is replaceable.
I think that's the big twist of AVA 6: Vic will be killed by Agent sooner than anyone would think, allowing Agent to become the true villain and create a Vic Army. What is Agent's motive? Why did he bring back Vic, only to plan to kill him when he's no longer needed? Frankly, I have no idea. We don't know enough about him to speculate his motives. But, I know one thing:
Vic cannot escape who he is. That, behind the different color and the fancy company and the fact he's but a copy of the real deal, he is still Victim. And who is Victim?
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A stick figure who was mistreated, killed and forgotten by a man with animation tools.
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lunerium · 16 days
Hello dear person. I hope I don't bother you… I come messaging you because I have no one else to talk to about it … I came to really like the couple between Ciel and Sebastian but it's hard to find content about them And I did not read the manga yet I wanted to know if there was Sebaciel content in the public arc school ? And if according to you, what was the arc that had the best content about them ?
Hello again, @canonicallytrue heh. I'm sorry I haven't answered all your asks, but finally, I've had some time to start writing.
I answered your question about which arc had the most sebaciel in it, in this post.
But your question about the sebaciel moments in the public school arc did catch my eye. After all, the new season is still being released, and there are many sebaciel moments that we have yet to see.
Their "first meeting" is notably Sebaciel. Sebastian is completely in his role as "Professor Michaelis", and pretends that it is the first time he has seen Ciel. It is an amusing interaction between the two because they are just going to pretend they don't know each other. Also, the fact that this entire arc is filled with shojo tropes, and this is one of the first shojo moments we see. Where the heroine falls, and the love interest offers a helping hand.
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Onto the next moment, or rather, moments. We have their late-night rendez vous. They are so intimate, so clandestine, that perhaps even a rumor got spread that Phantomhive was always in Mr. Michaelis' office late at night. I would give anything to know what the students truly thought about that.
First, this rather erotic pose Ciel does for Sebastian. He got a little too caught up in his role as a student, he refers to him as a professor even in private, heh. The pose he is doing, as if attempting to seduce him, doesn't help much either.
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Adding this little exchange between the two. And yes, Yana surrounded them in shojo bubbles :)
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A Sebaciel moment that became iconic throughout the fandom: The Library Scene. The famous moment where Sebastian urgently pinned Ciel against the bookshelves, late at night, while covering his mouth. Not only that, but the scene right before that, where Sebastian carefully sneaks a secret note to Ciel while he is teaching the class. A moment truly worthy of a romance novel.
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Onto our next moment: When Ciel "thanked" Sebastian for recommending him to the team. Yes, Professor Michaelis recommended Ciel to the team, and Ciel had to thank him. But was it truly necessary to create a whole shojo scene? Ciel runs into Sebastian's arms like two lovers seeing each other after being apart for a long time, the way he so genuinely smiles, and lightly blushes. Also, the shojo bubbles all around them. Yana intended to make them canon from the very start. Those two students walking past them must've thought these two had a romantic affair going on.
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The way Sebastian so tenderly and lovingly looked at Ciel here, with genuine affection. This was not acted. This was truly romantic. And also, he carried him bridal style all across the field, while letting Ciel rest his head on his shoulder. I screamed a little during this scene.
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Sebastian, again, looked at Ciel with the most tender eyes. And then, he made his pastries. He truly was showing his romantic side a little too much in this arc, huh. Pastry-making and acts of service are his love language. Even Ciel is impressed at Sebastian's efficiency, but Sebastian only wants to see a smile on his master's face <3
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The last and most cathartic Sebaciel moment of all, is when Sebastian absolutely loses it over thinking that Undertaker might steal Ciel away from him. Just the thought of it, he was losing it. He even imagined Ciel being stolen by the Undertaker like his damsel in distress, surrounded by rose petals. And then he admits to Ciel, that the thought of him getting stolen away is just something that he cannot afford. He cannot even afford to fathom it. He has gone completely and obsessively feral over Ciel, to the point of delirium.
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And that concludes this little blog, I hope these Sebaciel moments made your day :) Bonus:
The Season 4 ED, although not part of the school arc by itself, it is part of the fourth season. I will never grow tired of it. It is just so romantically beautiful.
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bradshawsbaby · 5 months
Letters to My Love // Part X
Rosie the Riveter
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Female Reader
Summary: When you signed up to volunteer with the USO, you never anticipated that you would meet a man like Ensign Robert Floyd. Fate brings you together one balmy spring evening in Charleston—the night before Bob is set to ship off across the Atlantic. Pen and paper become your only means of sharing your heart with the naval aviator who’s captivated it, igniting a correspondence that spans the distance between you. Can love blossom even as war rages and thousands of miles keep you apart?
Word Count: 2.9k
Author’s Note: I'm so sorry for how long it's taken me to update this story! One of my goals for 2024 is to get this series completed. Although it's taken me so long to update, Bobby and Peach are never far from my mind and are always in my heart. I hope you enjoy this latest installment of their story!
Set the Mood: If you’re looking for some 1940s vibes, check out the playlist I made to pair with the story.
The title of this chapter is obviously a tribute to the iconic figure of Rosie the Riveter. But it was also inspired by the song of the same name by The Four Vagabonds, which you can listen to here!
Dedication: As always, this story is dedicated to my dear friend, Clara (@luminousnotmatter). She was the first person to listen to all my endless ramblings about this universe, and she has never stopped supporting me or believing that I can get it finished. Thank you, Clara!
Warnings: Alternating POV, references to casualties of war and grief, slight angst, lots and lots of fluff.
July 8, 1943
My Dearest Peach,
I want to start by saying that I’m terribly sorry it’s taken me so long to respond to your last letter. I think I’ve worn down the paper to nearly nothing with how many times I’ve read it, but it’s been hard to get a free moment to sit and write you the response you deserve. Things are really heating up over here, and we have to be ready to move at a moment’s notice. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down to start a new letter, only for us to be called up just as I set my pen to the paper.
To set your mind at ease, I want you to know that I’m alright. I’m not sure how much information they’re sharing with you all back home, but I know one of the fellas got a letter from his wife recently and she told him that three different families on their street got notified that their boys had been killed in action in just one week. It made her real scared that she was going to be the next one getting a knock on the door. I won’t lie to you, Peach, because I don’t think that’s fair—we’re losing a lot of men over here. It’s scary to think that any day now, it could be me they’re sending a flag home for.
I hate to start this letter off so morbidly, but there’s been something weighing on my mind lately, especially since my buddy got that letter from his wife. If anything happens to me over here, you won’t know. They’ll tell my family, sure, but not you. And I can’t stand the thought of you waiting for another letter that isn’t going to come. So I’ve spoken to Paul, Tommy Boy, and Benny about it. If anything happens to me over here, Peach, they’re going to write to you and let you know. It gives me some comfort to think that their words will be a little softer and kinder than the formality of Uncle Sam.
I hope this doesn’t make you sad, Peach, although I admit it makes me a bit sad to write. The truth is, I’m quite alright right now, like I said, and I don’t plan on letting anything happen to me over here. We have to take that drive to Folly Beach and get ice cream on the pier, after all. I tell you, that thought alone is enough to get me through even the hardest days over here.
Alright, enough of all this. Time to get back to your lovely letter. They’re calling us for dinner right now, but as soon as I’m finished, I’m coming right back to continue this letter. Nothing’s going to stop me from getting it to you.
I’m back, Peach. All the fellas were teasing me in the galley because of how quickly I scarfed down my dinner, but I didn’t care because I knew I was getting back to you and your sweet words, and that means a whole lot more than the crummy food they’re serving over here. Boy, I tell you, I sure do miss home-cooked meals. They even had—I’m not lying, I promise—they even had peach cobbler for dessert tonight. It made me think of you, but I’m sure it’s nowhere near as good as the cobbler your family makes, so I didn’t even bother giving it a taste.
Now I do have to say that you’re right, of course. I hate hearing you call yourself shy and mousey. If that’s the way you feel when I call myself boring, then I certainly promise I won’t ever do it again. It’s a deal—neither of us will talk about ourselves like that anymore.
Nothing you say could ever sound silly to me, Peach. Even though we only got to spend a few hours in each other’s company, your letters have made me feel like we’ve known each other for years and years. I’m honored that I’ve been able to make you feel seen. I do see you, Peach. You’re the most beautiful, interesting, intelligent girl I’ve ever known, and I hope you can see that in yourself. For what it’s worth, you’ve helped me to come out of my shell, too. Paul was just saying the other day that I look like a new man—that I’m standing taller and seem more confident than he’s ever seen in all the years he’s known me. I had just finished reading one of your letters when he said that. I don’t think that’s a coincidence. You’re turning me into a new man, Peach, and I like it. I like it a lot.
I’m glad that you passed along my well wishes to Emily. Even though part of me still thinks her fiancé is a dunce, I do wish them all the best. Has she heard from Eddie? I don’t know where he’s stationed, but if you’d like to find out and send the information to me, I can try to keep an ear out. How has the wedding planning been going? I’m still confident you’re going to make the prettiest bridesmaid.
I did pass along your invitation in my last letter home to my family, and my mother said she would certainly inquire after the Sheridan residence should she ever happen to find herself in Charleston. I think she’s happy that you and I are still writing to each other. She’s even happier about the thought of swapping recipes with you. Watch out—if the two of you ever do meet, I think she’ll hold you hostage in the kitchen all day.
Now I am very proud to hear about all the fine work you and Dottie have been doing with your Victory Garden. I’m sure there must have been a lot of progress since you last wrote to me! I eagerly await news about the beans, carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes. I’m sure you’ve been able to make lots of hearty soups and healthy salads. My mouth is watering at the notion. Like I said, the food in the galley has been pretty crummy lately.
I’m sorry to hear there’s been some trouble back home. I’m sure it can’t be easy for anyone, with all the rationing and the fear and the worry. I promise that we’re doing our best over here to bring this war to an end quickly so that life can return to normal for all of you over there. For us, too. We really can’t wait to be home again.
Peach, I want you to know that it is our duty, our honor, and, quite frankly, our privilege to be fighting for you over here. I know the other fellas would agree with me saying so. So I don’t want you to feel like you have to do anything at home to “earn” us fighting for you. That said, I think it’s incredible that you want to contribute to the war effort in that way. I’m sure you haven’t been waiting for my response or my approval—which you shouldn’t, by the way—but I give a wholehearted yes to you applying for that position at the air station. We just recently saw Mr. Norman Rockwell’s illustration of Rosie the Riveter on the cover of the Post, and I have to say that I think you’d wear those coveralls a hundred times better.
I’m so proud of you, Peach. I want you to know that.
Speaking of the war effort, we have a couple big campaigns coming up very soon. I can’t say much more than that, but your well wishes and prayers for success would be very much appreciated. I’m always thankful for them.
Until next time, Peach! I’m already counting down the days until your next letter arrives.
Most Truly Yours,
P.S. I almost forgot! I told Paul how much you loved the fact that he sends drawings home to Clara and Paul, Jr.—by the way, that reminds me, how is little Frankie doing?—and he was more than happy to create a few illustrations for you. He did a couple portraits—one of me and one of you, based off your beautiful photograph. He said to apologize that he’s too much of an amateur to capture all of your beauty. He did say that he thought he did a fine enough job capturing my likeness—I’m telling you, Peach, I think my friends officially like you better than they like me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
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July 31, 1943
My Dearest Bobby,
Please don’t ever feel like you need to apologize for how long it takes you to write back to me. I can only imagine how difficult it is to find the time to write with everything that must be happening over there, and yet you always find the time to pen the most thoughtful and wonderful letters. I cherish each and every one of them, and I promise that I’m more than content to read your old letters as I await the new ones.
I’m so sorry to hear about how many of our boys we’re losing. Just last week, our neighbors, the Pattersons—you remember I mentioned Mrs. Patterson had helped me and Dottie with our Victory Garden?—received news that their son, Clarence was killed in action in France. It was devastating. Dottie and I had just been coming home from the grocery store when we saw the officer standing on their front steps with a telegram in hand. We knew what that meant. Mrs. Patterson has been inconsolable since. Mr. Patterson is equally devastated, but I think he’s trying to be strong for her. Dottie and I have been taking turns cooking meals for them and spending some time over at their house. We just want them to know that they’re not alone.
I admit, Bobby, that every time I hear news of someone else being lost in this war, I immediately think of you. It feels selfish, but I’m always so relieved when the news is about someone else and not you. I don’t know how I would bear it. I pray every day that I never have to receive that letter from Paul or Tommy Boy or Benny, but I am touched that you’ve thought about how I could be notified. Oh, Bobby, I hope more than anything that your parents never have to experience what the Pattersons are going through.
But you’re right—you’re going to come home safely. We have too many plans for you to do otherwise!
I’m sorry to hear that the food aboard your carrier has been so crummy lately. I wish that I could whip up a home-cooked feast and send it in the mail with my letters. Every time I sit down to dinner now, I think of all of you, and I count my blessings. Things aren’t perfect on the homefront, but I know that we certainly have no room to complain with all you boys are going through. I promise to have a peach cobbler waiting for you when you come home—and a pumpkin pie, for good measure.
If I’m turning you into a new man, Bobby, then you simply must know that you’re turning me into a new woman as well. I hardly remember the girl that I was before I met you. Can you believe that it’s been over a year now since our paths first crossed? I feel like my life is totally different now. The way that I see myself, the way I interact with others, the way that I’m not so terrified to step out of my comfort zone anymore—so much of that is thanks to you, Bobby. I’m still me, of course. But I feel like I’m a stronger, braver version of myself now. I like it, too.
It’s so kind of you to offer to keep an ear out for Eddie’s infantry! Emily received a letter from him around the same time that I received my letter from you, and he seems to be doing well, same as you, thank goodness. Eddie is part of the 1st Infantry Division. Emily said that last she knew, he was stationed somewhere near the Rhineland. The wedding planning has been going very well. Pretty much everything is set now—all we need is the groom. Emily can’t wait for Eddie to come home for good. Once he does, they’ll be able to officially set the date. Us bridesmaids are going to be wearing lilac-colored dresses. Dottie says she already knows how she’s going to style my hair. I hope that you’re home, too, when the wedding finally happens. Emily said that I could invite you to be my date. Only if you’d like that, of course.
I would be very happy to be kept hostage in the kitchen with your mother! I’m sure there’s so much I could learn from her, and it sounds like a splendid way to spend the day. I look forward to meeting her one of these days!
Oh, the Victory Garden, Bobby! You wouldn’t believe how it’s grown! Trust me, no one is more shocked than me and Dottie. Well, maybe Paddy. He knows firsthand what brown thumbs my sister and I normally have. At first, we weren’t so sure what was going to happen—the cucumbers seemed a bit small and some of the tomatoes didn’t really take. But by the end of June, everything was thriving! It’s been such a joy to watch, and I have to admit, both Dottie and I are feeling extremely accomplished. Frankie loves to spend time in the garden with us, although he spends a bit more time digging in the dirt than helping us pick vegetables, I’m afraid. Now that we’re in the middle of summer, we’re experimenting with zucchini and eggplant. We might also try radishes and turnips. We’re turning into quite the farmers! If your mother has any recipes to share, we’d be more than grateful and happy to try them out!
Now I admit that I’ve saved the most exciting news for last. At the beginning of June, I decided to go for it and I applied for the position at the air station in Goose Creek, the one Paddy told me about. I’m sure being his sister-in-law gave me a bit of an advantage, but it only took a couple days for me to hear back from them. I got the job! I’ve officially been working on the assembly line since the middle of June. It’s hard work, and I’ve never been so tired in all my life, but I have to say that I’m really proud of the work we’re doing. It’s funny that you mention Rosie the Riveter—my job these past few weeks has actually been to fasten pieces of the planes we’re assembling with rivets! So I guess you could call me Peach the Riveter. Doesn’t have quite the same ring though, does it?
I know that the chances are small that anything I’m helping to build is going to reach you specifically, Bobby, but I can’t help but smile every time we finish a new part, or get a new plane put together. I imagine you and Paul, or Tommy Boy or Benny hopping inside and it brings me more pleasure and pride than I could possibly explain. I feel like I’m doing something important, something meaningful and special. If spending hours riveting until my fingers turn numb brings you home even a day faster, then it will all have been worth it. And it gives me a real sense of purpose, driving to work each day with Paddy. I feel proud of myself.
I’ve made some new friends at work, too! Florence and Virginia—we call them Florie and Ginny—are the loveliest, kindest girls. They had already been working on the assembly line for a few months before I got the job, so they’ve been showing me the ropes and teaching me everything they know. They’ve made me feel so welcome, so a part of things. I have to admit that I was terrified my first week or so, terrified that I was going to mess something up or make a fool of myself. But I’ve settled in quite well, thankfully.
It means a lot to me to know that I have your support, Bobby. Truly, it does. Thinking of you and all that you’re doing to protect us is what really motivated me to take this job, so thank you.
Of course I’m sending all my best wishes for the campaigns you have coming up! Wherever you are right now, I pray that you’re safe and that your missions are successful.
You’re so brave, Bobby. Have I told you that lately? Even if I have, you deserve to hear it again. I’m so, so proud of you. You’re my hero.
I hope this letter gets to you soon. I wish it could grow wings and fly to you. I know time is going to pass so slowly until I’m holding a new letter from you in my hands. But until then, Bobby, I’m thinking of you and holding you in my heart.
Most Truly and Affectionately Yours,
P.S. Paul is quite the artist!!! I now have his portraits hanging right beside the photographs you sent me. Please tell him how talented I think he is, and how much I love the drawings he made for me! I was especially touched by the little note he wrote me on the back of your portrait. I hope he’s doing well. Send my best to him and Tommy Boy and Benny!
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TAGLIST: @teacupsandtopgun @saturnsbabe69 @gigisimsonmars @marchingicenotes7 @high-speed-r @cadencebeat2662 @up-thereinthesky @lostinthefandoms11 @strangerparks @sweetwhispersofchaos @callsign-magnolia @the-wayward-daughter @becks-things @jostyriggslover96 @solo-pitstop-vibes @wretchedmo @muddwheelz123 @ryebecca @lewmagoo @withahappyrefrain @rhettabbotts
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taeraeszn · 1 year
i started squealing to myself when i read where zb1 finds you accidentally falling asleep on their team member T^T
would it be possible to request zb1 patting your head/caressing your hair? i think that would be so cute.. thank you !!
when zb1 pats your head/caresses your hair
omg your so sweet anon!! thank you for the nice words about my reaction post <3 i seriously smiled so much reading your request!! and ofc i'll write it!!
warnings: food, cursing, and mention of fear. but nothing else from what i see, lmk if there is any i should add!
kim jiwoong
you haven't seen jiwoong in nearly a month due to the tour zb1 was currently having
you were so proud of him and how far he came, but god you just missed his presence so much. you often found yourself scrolling through old texts and looking back at the pictures you favourited of jiwoong
but what you didn't know was that jiwoong actually came back to seoul! he just wanted to surprise you since he figured just telling you was too boring
you were fast asleep on the couch after binge watching a k-drama on netflix. the door clicked open and jiwoong walked into this scene, immediately chuckling
"of course they were watching a k-drama..." he whispers to himself
he puts his bag down and makes his way towards you, he bends down to the ground level to get a closer look of your face
jiwoong then decides to leave a sweet kiss on your forehead <3 as well as caressing your hair softly
just then you wake up, sight still dizzy as you were deep in your sleep. as you looked around, you met eyes with your partner and immediately engulfed him into your arms
"JIWOONG!" you exclaimed, he gave you that iconic smirk and kissed you gently on the lips
"i missed seeing you." he said. your face was nuzzled into his neck, "me too..."
"i loved the tour but god i wanted to see you again." he mumbled
"i could say the same..."
rest of the members are under the cut!
zhang hao
"ugh why is this so hard?!" you yelled to yourself. you were attempting to cook something new for dinner, something that is a special dish in hao's home province of fujian
but unfortunately nothing seemed to work as you tried nearly every tip in the cookbook, you were growing extremely frustrated and were close to just giving up entirely on this dish and just ordering chicken instead
but just then you saw hao walk into your apartment, damn it, it was too late
"baobei?" he called out. you sighed and made your way towards him. he was hanging up his coat in the closet and noticed you when he turned around
"hi..." you greeted. he seemed excited and clasped his hands together, "so what's for dinner tonight?"
"yeah about dinner...it's..." before you could finish your sentence, hao walked into the mess that was the kitchen
there were plates and bowls everywhere, utensils thrown around, and just overall a mess
"care to explain why our kitchen looks like it's in shambles?" his face giving an extremely puzzled look
you shrugged, sitting on the dining room chair, "i dunno, i just wanted to make a dish from fujian just for you, i guess it didn't work out."
hao then smiled (YK WHICH ONE I'M TALKING ABOUT) and patted your head, pulling you into his arms
"baobei, i appreciate you doing this for me, i really do! but if it's giving you too much stress then we can make it together!"
your eyes lit up, "really?"
"absolutely, we're in this together right?"
sung hanbin
after a year of dating, you were finally getting ready to meet hanbin's parents. he had been waiting for this moment ever since you two first met, he knew you were his life partner and he wanted you to meet them
you on the other hand were extremely nervous and had trouble sleeping the entire night, continuously tossing and turning while worrying of every worst scenario possible
making a great first impression was very important to you, embarrassing yourself was your worst fear and the last thing you wanted to happen
the day you were going to meet them was nerve-wracking. hanbin noticed how you were fidgeting with your hands the whole drive there
when a red light halted his driving, he gently held your hand, he could tell from the look on your face that you were worried
"babe, don't be scared. my parents will love you." he reassured, caressing your hair
you sighed, "i'm not sure bin, i'm just so nervous because i want to make a good impression for them."
"and that's okay! you remember how i was acting when i had to meet yours? but it went fine. i've told my parents about you and they're so thrilled to finally see you. in fact, whenever i call them the first thing they ask me about is you!"
"seriously?" you asked, he nodded, "yes trust me baby, everything will be fine."
you took a deep breath in, "your right."
just then the lights turned green and before you knew it, you reached his parent's house
you had your bag in hand, it was full of gifts for his parents and sister as well as some food you had made for them
"ready?" you nodded and headed to the front doorstep, hanbin then rang the doorbell with you feeling less worried than before
seok matthew
you weren't sure how long you had been at your desk, continuously checking if you knew each definition and fact for your upcoming exam
this exam was huge and played a massive part in your final grade, the last you wanted to do was fail
you had your laptop open, notebook open, and pens scattered all over your desk
matthew sighed as he was sat on your bed, he wasn't expecting you to study for this long and was growing concerned over your health
he had also been there for hours and was excited to just spend time with you only for you to begin studying after informing him about your exam
he couldn't take seeing you like this and got up, the first thing he did was take the pen out of your hands and shut your laptop
"hey!" you said, when you made eye contact, he noticed that you eyes were bloodshot red
"you need to take a break." was all he said before picking you up bridal style and putting you down on the bed. he cuddled up right next to you and covered you two with the blanket
"matthew, i need to study."
"you can rest for today and study tomorrow, i just can't stand you pushing yourself this much and not prioritizing your health."
you noticed how matthew's expression darkened, you could tell that he was very worried
"i know..i think i've been so distressed about this exam that i haven't been thinking about myself."
matthew caressed your hair lightly and pressed his lips against your forehead, "don't think about it right now, forget about it."
you nodded, "thank you matt, i love you."
"i love you too."
kim taerae
"babe!" you heard taerae call out, you looked up from your book at saw your boyfriend at the front door
you haven't heard him call you babe in person for the last three days and it was a huge refresher hearing it again
your face immediately softened as you put your book down
taerae quickly pulled you into his arms, his grip being tight and not wanting to let go of you
for context it had been a few days since you'd seen taerae, he was busy filming a new show that required multiple days of shooting since it was outside of seoul
but taerae had been texting you everyday, sending you an update for everything the group did, as well as some handsome selfies you got to keep to yourself
"how was it in paju?" you asked, he giggled, "so fun! we went to the countryside and did some missions for money and just got to relax." seeing him talk about it this excited made you smile, but seeing taerae always made you smile
he noticed you were still reading the book you picked up the exact day he had to leave with his members
"oh how far are you in the book?" you showed him and he noticed that the bookmark you previously had was gone
"i finished it!" his eyes lit up
"that's great! i love seeing you do the things you love such as reading." he said then patting your head
your face was stuffed into his chest as you wrapped your arms around him, "and i love seeing you spending time with the other members. i'm so happy you got to debut..."
"me too."
shen ricky
"ready to go to bed love?" ricky asked, you were writing in your notebook and ricky was ready to fall asleep after your busy day together
you had a habit of writing inside your notebook. it became a regular thing after you randomly decided to one day and you didn't stop after that, the writing usually consisted of what you did during the day
ricky had always wanted to take you to his hometown of shanghai and when your schedule was empty, he thought it was a great idea
you were in the house that he grew up in and you two had just travelled around the beautiful city today
it's safe to say that you now have enough souvenirs to cover your entire room in, and of course the young and rich man offered to pay for everything despite you telling him that he didn't have to
just then you finished writing and closed the book, putting it on the side table, "yup."
ricky smiled, finally able to shut the lights off and cuddle up next to you in the comfy blanket
the room fell silent for a while until you spoke up again, "you know ricky, i just wanted to say thank you for showing me shanghai, i know how much you've been wanting to go."
he caressed your hair lightly, "of course! it's so nice to be back and i knew i had to bring you as well."
"you're amazing shen quanrui." he giggled after hearing you say his real name.
"so are you (name)." you looked at the cat man full of love then kissed his cheek softly
"so what's tomorrow going to be like?"
"hmm not sure, let's see wherever our minds take us."
kim gyuvin
"(name)! come here!" gyuvin shouted, you excused yourself from the conversation you were having with gunwook to see what your boyfriend was calling you for
"what is it?" you said, sitting next to him on the dorm floor, he began caressing your hair lightly and held your hand
"oh nothing i just wanted you to come near me." you rolled your eyes playfully
"y'know i was talking to gunwook about something really interesting." he side eyed you
"more than any conversation you've had with me?"
the little puppy pouted causing you laugh, "of course not."
yujin then joined you guys on the floor, he was observing gyuvin for a while in the kitchen and wanted to expose his hyung
"hey (name), you know that gyuvin hyung was staring at you for the last ten minutes every since you began talking with gunwook hyung?" gyuvin eyes immediately widen and denied this claim
"WHAT? no i wasn't!" you raised your brow
"really gyu?" he shrugged, "okay fine, yeah i'll admit i was staring for a bit."
"more like a lot" yujin rebutted.
gyuvin then nudged yujin playfully, "YOU STAY QUIET!"
yujin began chuckling and left the scene to go back into his room, you then turned to face your boyfriend
"it's cute seeing you jealous." you said, he nuzzled his face into your neck, "oh stop it.."
park gunwook
(sorry everything i do for the maknae line is school related, i don't really know what else to do for them 😭)
you and gunwook were sitting in the field together eating your homemade lunch, you weren't actually planning on even coming to school that day because you were sick
but nonetheless you still decided to because you had an exam today and couldn't miss it
gunwook was clearly worried as you kept coughing and sneezing, he even offered some medicine to you but you kindly refused since you had already taken some
"i think you should just go home now, (name)." he said, eyes filled with concerned
you shook your head, "no, no, i'm fine."
"no you're not. the whole exam period you were trying to hold in your coughs!"
"well yeah because i didn't want our classmates to be grossed out by me."
"don't worry, i can provide you notes for the other classes." for a minute you forgot that gunwook was the class president of your homeroom and realized that he was right
"you're right. i'll take the bus home." he patted your head gently, "make sure to have lots of fluids and medicine okay?"
"i will, don't worry. thank you for being there for me babe."
"i'm always here if you need me."
gunwook decided to walk to the nearby bus stop with you and he even held your hand the whole time while you were waiting for the bus to arrive
when it did arrive, you hugged him goodbye and headed home, ready to get a good rest
han yujin
you were coming home from the after school academy and didn't realize how dark it got outside
like it was pitch black outside and you could barely see anything ahead, it didn't help that you had a fear of darkness
so you turned your phone's flashlight on and began heading home
but after a few minutes you felt as if someone was walking behind you and began thinking of the worst
"who the fuck is that?" you whispered, stopping in your tracks
you somehow got yourself to point the light behind you to reveal... yujin?
yujin didn't go to the same academy as you so you were surprised to see your boyfriend there, he had a black hoodie on with some jeans
"what are you doing?" he chuckled
"oh i thought someone was following me, turns out it's just you."
"uh it's not just me, i'm your boyfriend."
"yeah yeah boyfriend." but you couldn't hide the fact that you were terrified to walk home
yujin sensed this and caressed your hair, "want me to walk home with you?"
you were so grateful that your boyfriend happened to be strolling around the area your academy was in
"yes, please, i'm so scared." you admitted. he held your hand and you two began walking together
"it's really not that dark, but i can understand why you might be scared." his voice didn't have a hint of fear in it, making you feel more safe around him
"thank you yujin." you hugged him
"let's head home hmm?"
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bryce-bucher · 1 year
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Basidia Post #4
Vintage CGI:
Modus Interactive and I have been spending the last week or so learning how to use Alias Power Animator 9 which is essentially an old version of maya. It was used on sgi workstations back in the day on games like ff7 and mario64 for all the pre-rendered stuff. For a long time Modus and I have been pretty invested in learning how to replicate the look of old pre-rendered stuff, and, as it turns out, the best way was just to do it how they did it. For so long I tried to wrap my head around how old cgi stuff was modeled because the sorts of shapes that were often created seemed like they'd be unnecessarily hard to create with polygons. The thing that specifically stumped me for a while was how they handled wrinkles in clothing and organic shapes. As it turns out, the answer was hidden right under my nose the whole time. They weren't using polygons at all! Instead they were modeling with NURBS! It seems very obvious in hindsight, but I feel like I deleted the memory of NURBS once I exited highschool, and nobody ever seems to talk about or use them these days. If you don't know what they are, it's basically a style of modeling that involves making a bunch of bezier curves and using them to define surfaces. It's a totally different style of modeling from polygons with a lot of pros and cons, but it achieves that smooth look we're after extremely well.
Scout Rifle Render:
As shown in the pics above, I decided to make a model of the scout rifle in Basidia so that we could use it for an item icon. The process was definitely a learning experience, and one of the things I learned is that modeling like this is super fun. It's like creating each shape is a puzzle where you need to theorize what is the best approach to take, and following through is always a multi-step process of defining a surface and slicing it up. I find it super satisfying to pull off, and making slapping materials on it is always fun as well. Moving forward we are probably gonna use this program and/or older versions of maya to create any pre-rendered item icons or backgrounds that we'll be needing. Modus actually made new versions of the vials in it as well which I will put right here \/
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Wow there it is would u look at that. Power Animator just has an amazing way of outputting some unique, rich colors that are hard to get in modern software. I mean, just look at that cork. How do you make a cork have such interesting colors? Amazing. Fuck it, I'm gonna show off a little guy I made in power animator that has nothing to do with Basidia. I've been hyperfixating on this program since I downloaded it so I owe this to myself.
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Here he is! Power animator has this amazing glow effect you can put on any shader that adds this bloom as a post processing layer. I used it on the head in this one, and I think it achieves a particular dreamlike effect really well. The sorts of shapes I can get for cloth out of NURBS is also super fun and rewarding, as shown with the cape here. Character modeling is something I'm always really excited about, and I'll definitely be modeling some Basidia characters in this thing.
I am loving this program and I cannot stop thinking about it. Anyway, I have some commissions to take care of before switching back to midwest lost development, so I may or may not be posting about that game next week. I'm trying to buy an old sgi workstation with the commission money, and, if I can pull that off, then I will have access to all the old software they used back then (including the IRIX version of poweranimator). If you want to check out power animator yourself then here is a link to the program, and here is a helpful tutorial. Oke bye take care!
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phoenix-manga · 6 months
Yuu No. 83 Birthday Vignette
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"A party? For me...? Oh, how nice of you. Oh, but make sure Shin and Ghidorah don't fight over the cake, okay?" - Yuu No. 83
NRC School Newspaper A Birthday Interview with Yuu No. 83
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Grimm: First off, henchman. I, the Great Grimm, would like to wish you a happy birthday!
Yuu No. 83: Thanks, Grimm.
Grimm: Now, onto the questions! Firstly, I would like to know how you found something like Shin and Ghidorah, and why do they look so weird?
Yuu No. 83: Ah... They're a special kind of organism. Something ancient, yet new. Like an endangered species, yeah? Doesn't this world have all sorts of magical beasts?
Grimm: Is that so? Sounds fishy...
Yuu No. 83: *nervous chuckle* I'm sure you're much more iconic than any magical best, Grimm.
Grimm: Fufu~! Yeah, I am! Not even a dragon can be more popular than the Great Grimm!
Yuu No. 83: But Shin beats you in being the cutest *smirk*
Grimm: Wha-! Hey! I'm much cuter than that chihuahua thing anyday! You just have a bad eye for cuteness...
Grimm: Next, what is up with your name, Yuu? And why is your last name 83? It sounds very weird to have a number for a last name...
Yuu No. 83: Oh, you probably didn't know...
But "Yuu" is the nickname everyone in NRC decided to give me because they couldn't remember my number ID.
Grimm: How hard could it be to remember 83?
Yuu No. 83: It's actually 083-116...
Grimm: Funya!? That's it?! No real name or anything!?
Yuu No. 83: Let's just say... I grew up somewhere militaristic. There were a lot of "kids" in that facility- I mean, "boarding house".
They couldn't give all of us names so they used numbers to be more orderly... But I do agree that it seems out of place.
Grimm: How many were you all living in that place?
Yuu No. 83: Umm... about a thousand.
Grimm: Aren't you cramped in there?!
Yuu No. 83: It was a really big "boarding house", okay? So, can we drop the subject and move onto the next question... please.
Grimm: What's your favorite food?
Yuu No. 83: Noodles! I love the broth, the toppings and I love the variety. I am a huge fan of beef noodles!
It's so good to eat on a cold day or when you get sick.
Grimm: Noodles aren't that full of meat though, if it were me, I would want a big juicy steak!
Wait... now that I think about it what do Shin and Ghidorah eat?
Yuu No. 83: Well... Shin eats mostly anything, sweets, meat, and fruits. But he likes raw meat the most. It's quite hard to stock up, especially when I'm not that good at hunting...
And I don't want to impose on Rook even if he was offering to help.
As for Ghidorah... he eats minerals. He doesn't eat anything else other than that. I tried but they all end up being thrown away... or at me. *scowls at Ghidorah*
Grimm: I can understand, rocks taste good too if you pick the right ones!
Yuu No. 83: ...
Grimm: By the way... what's with that pink little box that you always carry in your pocket?
Yuu No. 83: It's my taser.
Grimm: What's it for?
Yuu No. 83: It's for self defense. Just a press of the button and... ZAP! They get stunned long enough for me to counterattack or run away. Useful, isn't it?
Grimm: You must be paranoid or something... Do you really need something that severe?
Yuu No. 83: This thing is the only thing keeping us away from being squeezed by Floyd.
Grimm: Good point...
Grimm: Look at all the gifts! Which ones do you like best, Yuu?
Yuu No. 83: Professor Crewel gave me these custom harnesses to carry Shin and Ghidorah around. It doesn't lessen the weight, but at least I have both my hands unoccupied!
Though, Shin is the only one I bring around campus. Ghidorah is too heavy to carry on my side. I have to hold him in the front.
His weight makes my back sore...
Grimm: He is bigger than Shin.
Yuu No. 83: Then Vil gave me this ring that was modeld after his crown. I don't wear much jewelry, but I like the simple yet elegant design of the ring.
Grimm: I bet it's worth a lot of madols!
Yuu No. 83: It probably is... And I feel so scared to acidentally scratch it.
Grimm: What's this one?
Yuu No. 83: Oh, that's the last of my favorites. Deuce actually took me to a place where we can spin gacha machines.
I spent a good chunk of my savings to get a bunch of cute and tiny figurines, hehe!
Grimm: You seem oddly fixated on those things. You don't even use them for anything.
Yuu No. 83: Hey, it's just a hoard, okay? I don't judge you for stuffing mountains of tuna cans under the bed.
Grimm: Urk! Anyway... happy birthday once again, Yuu. This concludes the interview from yours truly, the Great Grimm!
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lightsoutletsgo · 2 months
Hey Mimi! I've noticed lots of people doing the "which mutual is which driver" tag and so I wondered what your choices would be? If this isn't your kind of post don't worry about it! xx
oooo this is so fun! tysm for sending this in, I love this kind of stuff! I only have a few mutuals that I talk to because I'm super shy about starting new conversations! (so if we are moots, pls dm me! I'd love to talk to you) ₊˚❀.ೃ࿔*:・ okay so this is all my personal opinion guys pls don't be offended 🥹 ily: LANDO NORRIS — @jamminvroomvroom; jas is 100% lando 🥹 the chaotic energy is just too similar for me to pick anyone else. always up for a laugh but knows how to be serious when needed. says the most silly goose things but it's just too fucking funny and iconic. also the loml 🤭
CHARLES LECLERC — @thebearchives bear! my baby 🥰 idk why but I like... have to give you charles? it just fits. I think bc you're both silly and goofy but hard working and dedicated. plus you both sometimes say things and then realise you made an oopsie and it makes me giggle! (also ur the charles to my carlos soooo)
OSCAR PIASTRI — @norrizzandpia; the dry sense of humour and the way you both say things so deadpan is literally the same 😭 funny asf but also sweet asf. just two small beans I want to put in my pocket and protect forever
ALEX ALBON — @scuderiahoney; lee! I honestly could not pick anyone else for lee. both of them give me warm hug vibes. alex is v much someone that's super supportive and caring and lee is the same! also scrolling through lee's blog makes me think that they're both quite memeable 🤭
MAX VERSTAPPEN — @verstappen-cult; so I haven't really spoken to you yet (I may or may not have freaked when I saw you'd followed me sksksks) but just from scrolling through your blog you give me max vibes - not just because of the user! again I can't explain it, I just get the same feeling from you that I get from max (it's a nice one don't worry!)
PIERRE GASLY — @jackhues; naqia! we haven't talked in dm's but I love scrolling through your blog and catching up on what I've missed! you give me big pierre vibes. just the way you seem so cool and your blog is super aesthetic and chilled!
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m4g0rtz · 7 months
OMG It's been a YEAR!!!!!!!
A year of daily nail polish posts. How is that even possible??? 😱 I set out a year ago to photograph and post my daily manicures cause chronic illness sucks and finding joy where you can is important. And now here we are a year later. Btw here is what a years worth of nail polishes look like in case you were curious:
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359 manicure posts. Endless bottles of top coat, base coat, and peely base coat. (I wish I'd kept better track of it, but my best guess is at least 18 bottles of each cause I went through about 1.5 bottles of top coat, base coat, and peely base per month. Plus at least 5 bottles of matte topcoat for an estimated total of 59 bottles of everything. 🤯) Hours and hours taking and editing pictures and videos. And a whole bunch of new Tumblr friends that I've made along the way. 🥰
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all. If you interacted with my posts regularly you're why I made it all the way to a year. Thank you so much @l0vegl0wsinthedark @phdmama @comaraudery @muddyclump @getawayfox @lesmotsdemoi @vmcgmidlifecrisis @caroll-in @xx-thedarklord-xx @lqtraintracks @unfiltered-alice-liddle @taigasrandomshit @fayerye @shealwaysreads. I tried to tag more, but Tumblr wouldn't let me. 😭 Honestly though, every person who liked my posts on an even semi regular basis: I recognized your icons and smiled every time I saw you in my notes. I do have to give a special shout-out to @julcheninred for not only cheering me along the whole way but also for convincing me to start doing this in the first place. Sending you every barnyard noise on Old McDonald's farm! ♥️🦖♥️🐄♥️🐖♥️🐑♥️🦆♥️🐎♥️
Moving forward I think I am going to change things up JUST a bit. I still plan on making a post every time I paint my nails, which will be most days (cause I still have a TON of untried polishes 😅👀), but I'm going to be less strict about trying to post EVERY day. I'm hoping that this will give me more chances to do nail art, which is something that is hard to do and then take off a day later. I'd also enjoy keeping a polish on for more than a day if it's one I really love. 😂 This will also help with those days where my chronic illness is kicking my butt and I need a day to rest.
Thank you all again. You don't know how much doing this has helped me get through this past year. Looking forward to sharing even more manicures with you in the year to come! 💖💖💖
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doomsday-dj · 26 days
Hello! So this is kind of a heavy ask and I totally understand if you don’t feel like replying, but I just thought I’d reach out on the off chance. I’ve been curious about Rizzles for a while, just never getting around to watching, and I somehow ended up reading fic before I actually have lol and I LOVE your fic sm in particular, thank you for that. Unfortunately I did also however come across some …. Less great facts about Angie…. I went into a spiral and did find her saying she doesn’t consider herself part of that party anymore and pretty sure she supported differently most recently (thank god). But I still can’t shake the horrible knowledge of what came before, it’s making me insane, and is really putting me off starting the show which I was SO excited about. I just wondered if you had any words of solace about this? We should let people grow and change right? That’s how the world gets better? Anyway, sorry for all this 😅 I hope it hasn’t brought you down and again no worries if you want to ignore this ❤️
Not a heavy ask at all, I totally get it.
Before we dive in, thanks for letting me know you love my fics. :) Now, I should preface this all by saying that I have plenty of problematic faves. There's not a band in the world that I've listened to more than The Smiths, and Morrissey is just the fuckin wooooooorst. So I obviously am capable of looking beyond someone's unsavory qualities to enjoy art they've helped make.
I'm aging myself here, but I was familiar with Angie Harmon's character on Law & Order well before Rizzoli & Isles. If you never saw it, Abbie Carmichael was the, like, token conservative character to contrast with all the liberal New Yorkers. She was from Texas, anti-abortion, pro-gun, pro-death penalty. She sucked, I hated her, and so I went into Rizzoli & Isles with an Anti-Harmon bias. Were it not for the fact that Sasha Alexander is such a fucking smoke show I don't think I ever would have watched. And then I got hooked.
It does sound like she's changed her mind about some things, and good for her I guess, and if that makes you feel better about watching the show then hold on to it! If it's not enough for you to enjoy the show, that's okay too. We all have our dealbreakers, myself included. But like she can be a bad person and you can like the show, if you want to.
Here's how I see it: Angie Harmon, girly girl Republican, was told by the producers to play Jane as a rough and tumble tomboy and she overshot it by SO MUCH that she accidentally created a lesbian icon and it really resonated with a lot of us and that's okay! She played against type and inexplicably crushed it. She made the most lesbian possible choice nearly every time. It makes me crazy every time I watch it. Abbie Carmichael was NOT hot. Not even a little bit hot. But Jane Rizzoli is hot.
Further to that, I am personally doing god's work by making that accidental lesbian icon have lots of fictional sex with women (well, mostly woman). Angie Harmon complained out loud that she was always "the man" in the fan fiction? Too bad, girl, I'm going to have you laying pipe in internet stories EIGHT YEARS after your stupid show ended and people are gonna eat it up.
But I realize your stated problem isn't with reading fan fiction, it's with watching the show, so listen. She's hot in it, Sasha Alexander is hot in it, it's a fun, dumb little show. She's playing a cop, so you should at least hate her a little bit anyway. Give the show a try and don't make yourself feel guilty if you enjoy it. And if you can't get over her politics at the time, don't be too hard on yourself for that either. At least there's fan fiction. :)
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blackraged · 9 months
MORTAL KOMBAT 1 Thoughts Pt1.
[❌❌contains SPOILERS❌❌]
I've been waiting for this for such a long time and we finally got it. Now with MK1 being practically a full reboot, A LOT of changes are to follow. So here are my current thoughts in order how the story went:
Chapter 1
Kung Lao and Raiden being practically brothers is my fave thing in the world.
Half of the MK1 boys are full on babygirl and honestly? I love that for them. Except for Shang Tsung because that feels very much illegal.
That last scene with Madam Bo felt like a fcking fever dream.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN KUAI LIANG IS SCORPION? WHAT THE FCK DO YOU MEAN?? WHERE IS HANZO?? That feels very wrong. Only Hanzo is allowed to say "gET OVER HERE" that is HIS iconic line. I'm not sure if I like this change.
I KNEW the boys were pulling their punches. I KNEW IT. The entire fight felt so awkward and staged. For a short moment I legit thought NRS pushed down on their fighting animation.
Chapter 2
Sooo...Johnny is a failed Actor now? What happened to the glamour? That's not very Cage behavior.
Okay but I love love LOVED Liu Kang literally showing up in front at Johnny's Door all serious, and Johnny being Johnny.
What made NRS choose to paint Kenshi as a former Yakuza?? I mean the idea isn't too bad, because it would make sense for him to be searching for Sento to free his family. But I still prefer his revenge timeline more. Hell, even him being a cocky arse warrior trying to fight anyone and everyone made more sense.
Chapter 3
Idk why but I half expected Kano to show up in this chapter. The trailers made it look like he was at the Wu Shi academy
Liu Kang practically pathed the way for human Raiden to be champion and it shows. I'd like to think it's out of respect for former God Raiden from before, who practically raised Liu Kang and was a father figure to him.
General Shao is so fine, I can't. He was hot before, but now he's so....so..... y'know?
Liu Kang really wanted to give Kitana the loving Fam she deserved qwq
Everyone is so mean to Li Mei :(( I feel so bad for her
Reiko tho😳😳😳
Raiden has a cruuush~ Raiden has a cruuush~ unexpected but cute. I wonder what Liu Kang thinks about this.
Chapter 4
Johnny and Sonya are forever iconic...but Johnny and Kenshi? I didn't know I needed it until I had it. Their bickering is GOLD. They're so married.
Wealthy merchant Baraka???
Props to Quan Chis new look. He looks like a clown escaped asylum. Very uncanny.
Are they...are they trying to redeem Shang Tsung? No,that would be way too obvious. Plus that intro scene with Krusty Kronika makes it super sus.
Called it.
Chapter 5
KENSHIS BLINDFOLD WAS PART OF JOHNNYS ARMOR. Y'all NRS knew what they were doing. I am eating this up
I adore Reptiles human form. Very baby girl, very cute.
So if Tarkat is transmitted via physical contact, wouldn't that mean that the guys would have it too when they fought the prisoners in this chapter? You even see Johnny react in Chapter 4 to that fact when Baraka told them. Could it be that it's not infectious since they're clones/experiments?
So help me out here... Baraka is strong enough to rip the cages open that seem to be made of the same metal as their cell door, but failed to open that? Plot, I know, but c'mon.
REPTILE IS EVEN MORE BABY OMGGGGG. Pls let me hold him,, poor baby boy,, his sadness is literally tugging at my heart strings.
I love how honorable Baraka is. This is great character improvement. For a beast (visually) to be showing mercy. It's like he accepts who he is now but still holds onto that human (edenian) side of him.
Stopping here for tonight, but will continue tomorrow. So far it's going great but I have a hard time remembering which of some stories in this timeline are kept the same as from the previous timeline.
I'm still pleasantly overwhelmed by the amount if babygirls.
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wildfangz · 5 months
Lil (long) simblr gratitude day post
I wanted to make a post shouting out some of my favorite creators, storytellers, and just general simmers from over the last year, mainly focused on ts4 since that's where my attention has been the most. Long post ahead so it's going under a cut. If you're not tagged please know I did wake up late today so it's not as complete of a list as I wanted it to be!!
@adelarsims - You are an essential in my mods folder!! I love how much realism and/or character your cc adds to sims, from things like the piercing holes to the wonky glasses to the mechanic overlay... Just so many little things that I can't imagine not having in my game or on certain characters now. Speaking of characters, your sims both original and premade are always so gorgeous, and I really enjoy your interpretations of wg and jeb. & Thank you for being WCIF friendly, I know it takes time to get that info but it's so appreciated, u've help me find some very beloved pieces of CC. Also the level of dedication u have to organizing your mods folder is incredible and you've inspired me a lot to get my folder's act together finally!! Which is SUCH a QoL improvement
@bearphase - I adore the bright legacy and I admire all the little details and effort you put into your posts, like fixing clipping issues, making icons and templates for custom careers or story events, ur creativity really shines through. You've also reminded me how fun NSB can be and inspired me to get back to it and my human enough gameplay and I can't thank u for that enough, it's got me sooo excited for future simming endeavors
@daisydezem - You've been a welcome addition on my dash back since POSE, which was a fantastic first community experience for me and so much fun, & I love your gameplay & love how much work u put into rainbowsin! (I adore Venus so much btw!!) I hope you're healing well and that u have a lovely new year!!
@divinedionym - CLAIRE!!! I was SO happy to see you dipping your toes back in the community I missed you on my dash! and while I adored ur vatores and their story and ur an incredible storyteller, I'm glad you've been able to pivot into something more enjoyable for u. I hope you have lots of fun in the coming year and I can't wait to see what Aspen gets up to… or into… especially with his vampire BF. Aside from that idk if you'll ever wanna run another sims server, but I did want to give you a late shoutout and props for that bc I know from experience it can be difficult and I really loved how you ran yours! I could just be an anxious bitch but I feel like its so hard to find comfortable servers.... and esp the storytellers one was so cozy and helpful, and ur management of it was *chefs kiss* I've also really enjoyed it every time we've talked, tho I'm sorry I'm so shy 😭😭
@earthmoonz - LONG TIME MUTUAL ALERT ….. ur sims are always so gorgeous. Love the Devereauxs and... Max and Lena… WOO. I support womens and nonbinary rights. and wrongs. Wifey has been SO good and I'm pumped to see where the rest of the story goes. U have a natural talent for storytelling and I really appreciate how much care u put into your characters. Everyone read wifey today rn
@hauntedtrait - Another mutual I enjoy every time I see you on my dash!! Your Lilith is drop dead gorgeous but honestly so many of your sims are. I love ur premade makeovers and Dakota is sooo pretty I'm obsessed. I can't wait 2 see who he ends up with! :]
@horusmenhosetix - I love seeing u on my dash and every time we've talked has been so lovely!! There's been so many times you've made me want to jump back into my projects for ts2 or even go back to ts3 once I have the space to download it. I love your s2cc and god ur sims …. its been a year but I still smile whenever I think about the vatore siblings you shared jhskfdh they're so perfect its got me inspired to throw together an s4 save whenever I get my mods folder sorted. & I'm so excited to go thru ur downloads tag and fill that baby UP with ur stuff next time I work on that !!!!!!!!
@myshunosun - One of my favorite CC creators, pretty sure my folder has all of your stuff in it bc I couldn't help myself. Always impressed with the quality and I love the variety. Thank u for sharing such incredible work with us!
@nucrests - I downloaded a lot of ur cc more recently but MY BOYS!!! U'VE CLOTHED MY BOYS!!! You make such good quality content and I'm always a huge fan of those that help me give my male sims some flair and style, thank u! :')
@oshinsimblr - Long 1 incoming... While I've never been a sims 4 hater, like a lot of people I've still struggled with the gameplay aspect of this iteration, so it's been really inspiring to watch how you go about your game and immerse yourself in it, see all the care you put into your sims. I have to thank you for the videos you've made on it, like the one on how to make sims you connect to, season 1 of Lovesick where you went basically vanilla with the specific intent to show people how much you can do with imagination and what that looks like in gameplay! It's been literally game-changing for me lol and helped me to have more fun with my saves, even if they're not one of the rare few that starts out off the rails, I get more enjoyment playing it out until things do start happening outside of my control. & YOUR CC RECS!! I've downloaded so many of the mods you've recommended and I love how much they fill out the game. On the topic of Lovesick, I have not been able 2 get enough!! I'm so hooked lmao. Watching this series has really taken me back to the days when I was a teen reading like those particularly juicy drama-filled sims 3 stories you can't help but to keep clicking "next page" on, except Lovesick is so solid writing-wise. SO excited to see where Lizbeth is going in her life!!
@simandy - Your hairs have been an essential in my CAS folder for so long, and I've been so impressed with the evolution of your creations over the years. I've always liked your work but GODDAMN the quality always blows me away these days!! & I really, really adore and appreciate the variety! @squea - ANOTHER SORT OF LONG ONE BUT ... Your sims just POP!!! SO much character, and your edits and art r phenomenal. Corn is one of my favorite little digital guys I've had the pleasure of experiencing on line in all my years in the sims community reading stories and gameplay. If Cornelius has a million fans I am one of them. If Cornelius has ten fans I am one of them. If Cornelius has no fans I am no longer on the earth. If world against Cornelius, I am against the world. So on and so forth TBH you've also helped me have a lot more fun with the sims 4 talking about how you enjoy your game, and have a healthier mindset about my place in the community and connect back with the reason I made this blog in the first place, which was just to have fun and archive something I love, regardless of whether it got any attention or not! I started going MIA a bit post 2019 after really getting involved in the community, for Life Happens reasons, and naturally the lack of consistent posting for a while meant less eyes on whatever I came back to share. For a while I let that discourage me esp when a lot of effort was put into something, but after you posted about just genuinely enjoying ur game and loving what you made regardless of notes it made me realize what I was doing and helped me get back to that state of mind. Now whatever I make gets to matter simply because it matters to me, even if I post it at like 3am bc I'm so excited and no one ever sees it bc of that DHKDHKHSD. & I feel like I have u to thank for that!! U turned da lightbulb on
@thefoxburyinstitute - I could not make a gratitude post without forgetting to include the foxbury institute!! I've been messing around more with making CC the last couple of months and your blog has been so incredibly helpful, and I highly recommend everyone interested in creating or just wanting to maintenance and mend their mods folder a bit check them out!
@tricoufamily - YOUR RENDERS ARE SO GORGEOUSSS and I love your take on the Villareals. I never ran into the original story so I'm really excited tbh to see whats up ur sleeve... also I love everything you've shared about two headed lamb so far, so eerie and offputting in the best way. Also everyone read this is the fall here
@void-imp I know we just followed each other a few days ago but ur trio is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! I love Jab's design so much and I rlly enjoy what I've read about aleksey so far. :-)
@warwickroyals - Ok so first off your clothing is a STAPLE in my folder for my more wealthy and/or fashion-oriented sims! And as for the Warwick Legacy? One of my absolute favorite simblr stories I've read. I still remember when I started it, it was pretty late at night so I was just planning on reading a handful of posts and then picking it back up the next day. That did not happen I could not stop. Straight up stayed up the entire night bingeing all the way to the latest post (which was the Big Phillip Thing. I had to get up from my computer to pace I was having a Moment LOL) I've got some catching up to do but so far I think that's been my favorite arc. Aside from that your editing is beautiful, and I've always been a character enjoyer so I'm in love with how much thought you've put into all of yours, and the fact we get to learn so much about them. I think you do a really good job of balancing the cast and I really dig your storytelling style in general.
@whimsyalien I know u post moreso on twitter but since u ARE technically also on simblr... I just wanna say I love the polaris legacy and thank you so much for all the poses and templates you share!!!
@windbrook THANK YOU for making so many fantastic builds and for sharing your saves, it's one of my absolute favorites. Also all the original sims u post are so striking, and ur cartoon-ish makeovers were so much fun!! Loving the recent builds/world pics u shared as well, and looking forward to whatever you create whether its in sims 4 or a previous game in the series!
@yooniesim Your cc is a more recent addition to my folder but there's so many things you've made and I'm sure will make that are essentials there now, like the teeth and body hair and god that necklace set for men is a necessity, but outside of that I love a lot of the other CAS CC you make you have some of the cutest hairs and I really adore the accessories! Thank you also for speaking out on certain issues within the community.
To My Followers: thank u all for sticking with me even as I've been a biiit flaky over the years. My healths doing a lot better tho and I have so much passion for the game and I'm so excited for what I have to share with u all next, and I hope it can brighten ur dash up a bit, pull the heartstrings when appropriate, etc!! I also have a lil milestone coming up so im planning on doing some sim requests soon as a thank you when that hits. c:
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finley-theal1en · 3 months
i don't know what compelled me to do this but here's a list of how mcsm incorporated and expanded on elements from the game and mc community!!!
along with aspects of how mcsm was written that i really like!!!!
allot of the following will be taken either from things i noticed in the game itself and things the head writer @/stirpicus's blog from like. years ago
so first of all, i love the direction they went with in mcsm. for the time it was made, you'd think they'd make something relating to Alex and Steve and even herobrine, or even the popular overworld vs nether trope that was around, BUT NO!! they introduce a new set of characters in an original setting with its own story
and having the ender dragon already be beaten and a finished arc is a breath of fresh air in my opinion
so instead they took the second(?) strongest boss, mixed it with the command block which they made stronger/more powerful than it already is and made the wither crazier than before, thats just fucking cool
the (old) order of the stone are awesome too, they took different types of mc players and made them into a group of heroes!!!! and it isnt the usual group from nowadays, like sure a warrior and an alchemist are typical but they threw in a builder, an alchemist, and griefer!!! thats fucking awesome!!!! and ivor as the alchemist isnt even the biggest fighter (because he's fucking old) which i love, they use his other characteristics as an advantage. before the ninja arc obviously
AND THE ORDER'S TEMPLE AND THE TRACKING MAAAPP!!! i love how they used and expanded on that feature
now this might be biased cause i don't like ep2 thaaatt muchhh, though it deserved so much more when it comes to redstonia and boomtown, tho the concepts alone are really creative
only thing i can point out from ep3 is the grinder from soren's fortress, and how its just the actual mechanism to get loot and xp in game but on a larger scale. and the fact that the amulet doesnt work in the nether/end like any other tool of that sort!! small details!!!!
and this is just my opinion but soren's studies on the enderman feel like a jab at those enderman related theories from years ago xd
the far lands. i just really love that they added the farlands in ep4 was it?? and i love how they utilized the aspect of enchanting weapons, which they kept it as epic as in ep4 x(
the portal arc.. I LOVE THE PORTAL ARC. SO MUCH. it uses allot of aspects outside of mc survival like mini games and the community itself!!
like. episode 5 is literally just sky block, obviously. and it's got spawn eggs, which without the world build in the network would've been hard to implement BUT THEY STILL MANAGED TO ADD IT IN!!!
ep6 is murder mystery with some iconic mcyt. literally what more do you want!!!
ep7, pama's inspired by players who make redstone computers in the game like said here!!! thats so fucking cool!!!!
EP8 COULD'VE AND SHOULD'VE HAD SO MUCH MOREEE!!! and its inspiration is obvious too; the different mini games in mc and respawning!! i love that they added respawning in at least one episode
like the way they took elements from and outside of mc survival is so creative, especially with how they were implemented (even if sometimes they weren't accurate) and all the world build!!!!
season 2's more focused on the idea and limits of creative mode or the idea of a "god" in mc, and definitely has its fair share of world build, which is still really cool
i actually like how they went about revealing the admins and their connection to the overworld without it messing up the lore in s1 or having it come out of nowhere in a bad way!! like old OLD myth turned real trope worked out well here
also it felt like the sea temple scene was foreshadowing the aquatic update that was to come in mc at the time!!
and one thing about the sea temple, when the origins of the world and the admin were being explained, i'm pretty sure they mention how "the world was flat until the admin gave it hills and trees" and stuff, referencing both super-flat worlds and foreshadowing the bedrocking event!!!
and idk how many people actually know this but the structure block is an actual thing in mc?? i did NOT know about that till recently it's embarrassing
might just be me but i like to think that the original mobs romeo makes are also a subtle reference at mods and how people can mess around with that kinda stufff.... idk tho
from this point on i can't think of anything else in s2 that i could put in this ramble, but overall, mcsm writers and develops were fucking geniuses and i love how they put everything together ^_^ ty for any1 who read this far, and feel free to leave your own insights!!!!!
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marky-iplier · 1 month
Bactor, wholesome Bactor? Pretty please with a cherry on top 🥺👉👈
Of course! Here u go :3 I'm not sure if this counts as wholesome but I tried sobs
Unexpected Confession (Actor!Mark x Butler Ben)
Valentine's Day. A day filled with love. However, not for Mark, perhaps. His, well now, ex-wife, had divorced him so he wasn't sure what to do on the day. He didn't have any ongoing project, he couldn't just stay in his manor for Valentine's Day. That would be sad. But, in reality, he did have someone to spend with and he finally knew what to do.
Ben's POV
I just finished dressing up in my room, just another day being a butler. It was around 8 in the morning and Master was not awake yet. He told me he wanted to go out and get some things for tonight. He wanted me to wake him up if he hadn't woken up after 9 AM.
After weeks of him, being alone, it felt miserable to see him being broken and sad. I also had this feeling that I tried to push away to maintain professionalism over being personal. It was hard, really hard but I couldn't help it. It was a job I needed to face. The news of the divorce saddened me but somehow I felt relieved. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling.
I went up to his room and opened the curtain, he just rolled over under his blanket, facing away from the window. I grabbed his iconic dark red silky robe and hung it on the bed frame,
“Can you turn off the lamp, please?” he groaned, plumping his face on the pillow. 
“Sir, it’s already past 8. I am afraid you need to wake up due to your schedule today,” I said. I grabbed some of his clothes on the floor and put them away in the laundry basket, then stood beside him to give him his robe when he finally stood up,
“Fuck, is it today? What date is it?” He wiped his eyes with the heel of his hand, “14th February. It is Valentine’s Day.”
“Oh, yeah. Is the driver here already?” he asked while standing up on the side of the table, I gave him his robe as he covered his half-naked body was only covered with negligees. I looked at my watch, “He will be here in 15 minutes, sir.”
“That’s enough time to get ready. Oh yeah, you’re coming with me for today,” he blurted. I was surprised, usually when he went out, I would stay in the manor to make sure everything was okay.
“Pardon?” I needed to make sure what I heard was correct. Him? Asking me to go with him?
“Yes, you’re coming with me to go out today. Now, will you excuse me, I need to get ready.” He went past me, heading to his bathroom.
I just stood there, trying to process what was going on. I did not expect that. This was going to be nice. I went downstairs to make sure the chef was already cooking breakfast for all of us.
“Is the breakfast ready?” I asked, walking inside the kitchen. The chef put down a plate of bacon, egg, and toast on the counter. Then, another plate of pancakes. I just grabbed two pieces of toast for myself from the stack of cooked toast, since I hadn’t had my breakfast.
"Oh yeah, have fun on your go out," the chef teased, smiling to himself while cooking breakfast for himself. I just turned around and looked at him confusingly, "How did you know?"
"I know everything in this house. Don't ask." Huh. Although I tried not to think about it too much, he was right. The chef knew about everything and everyone in this house because of his little buddy. I put down the plate of breakfast on the dining table, along with the utensils. I went to the bar to make his favorite morning cocktail, Mimosa.
It took me a couple of minutes to make the drink, and without delay, after finishing it, I went to the dining table to put down his drink. Everything was settled. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder which caused me to jump a bit, "Well, isn't this a wonderful morning, don't you think, Ben?" 
I exhaled, "Yes, indeed. I should check on the driver to get us ready, sir." Before I walked out of the room, he called my name, "Ben. Hold on. Why don't you sit down here with me? You can have these pancakes. Enjoy the morning with me,"
"Oh, I don't think that is necessary. I already had my own feast for this morning." He was still insisting, pushing the plate of pancakes to the empty side of the table in front of him,
"Please, I insist. I don't want to get too full." He took a bite of his toast. I couldn't resist his plead. I smiled and sat down in front of him, grabbing the utensils in the middle of the table. 
"Thank you," I said before eating the pancakes. He opened his mouth which was slightly full from the meal, "Yeah, yeah, no problem."
The breakfast was silent. This wasn't the first time he did this, it was pretty common so it wasn't something special. He just wanted to have someone to eat with after his divorce. I finished my food faster than him, oddly, because his food had less portion than mine. 
"I shall check on the driver now." I wiped my mouth and got up from my seat, heading to the front door. 
The car was ready and parked perfectly. I smiled and headed back to the dining table, "Sir, the car is waiting for you." He just finished drinking, "Oh my god, you know me so well, Ben. I will wait for you in the car, okay?" He tapped me on the shoulder. I grabbed the empty dirty plates, glasses, and utensils on the table to put them away in the sink. The chef was enjoying his food on the counter, "Here are the dirty dishes. I will go now."
"Yeah, man. Enjoy your time," he said. I went outside to where the car was, the passenger front seat was empty because Master took the back seat, his favorite seat. 
"Good Morning, Butler Ben," the driver greeted me when I got in.
"Good Morning."
"So, are we going to the Boutique, Mr. Iplier?" He looked up while reading a magazine, "Oh yeah, yeah. You know which one. Also, can you play another radio channel too? I'm kinda getting bored with this one. You know, to try something new," he said as he continued reading the magazine.
"Of course, anything for you, sir." The driver changed the radio channel as the car started, driving to one of the most popular department stores, I. Magnin.
The day went on, it was about a 45-minute drive from the manor. We went through the department store to get a new suit but the size seemed to be bigger than his. Odd. He also got a box of chocolate, a flower bouquet, and a wrapped gift. It wasn't much for him, was he going on a date? He looked at the time, we had been there for more than an hour. Why did it hurt me a bit knowing he got a new date?
"It seemed like that's all. We should head back now, don't want to miss my afternoon nap," he said while stretching his body. The Driver and I were just assisting him with his shopping bags. We just walked around the department store for quite a long time now. 
We headed back to the car, putting the items beside him as I went to the front passenger seat. Master was just sitting there in the back while crossing his legs while we drove back to the manor.
Third Person POV
Time passed by, and Actor Mark was getting ready for something. It was almost sunset, Ben on the other hand was cleaning up the house. The thought of Mark going on a date was stuck in his head, hurting him inside. He had been on the first floor for the whole afternoon since Mark had told him not to go upstairs because he didn't want to be bothered? So, he did what he asked, not going upstairs. 
After cleaning, Ben decided to head back to his room and clean up, taking a shower. He didn't have much plan that evening, perhaps, reading a book would help past the time.
There were knocks on the door while he was fixing his tie after showering, and he wasn't sure who it was, the door was then opened, and it was The Chef, "Ben, Mark wants to see you upstairs on the balcony, he said that he needed help to prepare for his date or something." Ben looked at him, he needed to examine his facial reaction just in case he was messing around with him since he always did that to him,
"How can I be sure that you're not messing with me?"
"See it for yourself, man. You know how it is when Mark is mad." He narrowed his eyes as he walked past him, heading upstairs to the balcony.
The sun was slowly setting, it was a beautiful view along with dim lights from the city in the distance. He walked out to see a table set, the tablecloth, a vase of roses, candelabra, utensils, glasses, and plates. He didn't set this for sure. There was also the chocolate box and bouquet on one of the chairs. Ben felt relieved knowing Mark wouldn't be as miserable as he was after the divorce but again, a scar was made along the relief. 
'Wait, he's not here. Chef, I'm gonna come for yo-'
"Ah! Ben! There you are!" The familiar voice appeared behind me, he was admiring how amazing Actor looked in the suit, it was a different suit that I hadn't seen before, it wasn't the one that he bought. He shook his head a bit to brush off the thoughts, noticing he was holding two boxes that were wrapped beautifully.
"What do you need me for, sir?" he asked. Actor sat down on the opposite chair from where the bouquet and chocolate box were,
"How do I look?" he asked while facing me. 'Beautiful' 
"You look amazing, sir. Who is the lucky one if I may ask?" 
"Well..." He got up and looked down at the boxes, Ben was waiting for the answer nervously and anxiously. 
"One of the most amazing people I ever met." He smiled to himself, "I'm sure the person must've felt lucky to have you, si-"
"... and he's standing in front of me." 
Ben's POV
I was shocked by what he said. Me? No. The feelings that I had pushed aside came back at me. I could feel my cheeks heating up, I mean, he meant it as a friend, perhaps,
"I wasn't sure when the feeling appeared but every time you were there for me, it was like the first time feeling love again. I love you, Ben. Happy Valentine's Day," he softly said. His hands extended to me, lending me the boxes of gifts.
"You should try the suit, I'm sure it looks good on you," I was still speechless about what was going on but gracefully accepted the gifts. All this time, he also had the same feeling as me, perhaps burying it down. Or was he waiting for this moment to come?
"I... I am sorry. I am out of words. Thank you. I..." He was waiting for my answer, I couldn't form words in my head, "I also have been feeling the same way. I was just afraid that it would ruin my job." There I said it.
"Oh, Ben..." he stopped for a moment, "I noticed it, I was just waiting for this moment. I just thought that maybe it'd be more romantic if we do it right here, at this moment, during Valentine's Day." I smiled to myself, what were these butterflies feeling in my stomach? Should I just do it? Do it, Ben. Kiss him.
I put down the boxes on the chair. I turned around to face him as we both got closer, I could feel my heart beating faster, slightly sweating. I was taller than him so I needed to look down to see his eyes, I put my hand on his waist and slowly leaned down, planting my lips on his. He smiled and kissed me back. 
After waiting, it felt amazing. All those emotions just felt fulfilled. The connection and chemistry were strong, I could feel them. It was passionate. It wasn't long until I let go, "I should try on the suit now. Again, thank you, sir."
"Please, call me Mark from now on." I grabbed the bigger box, "I will."
I went to change to the new suit for the date tonight. The date that I didn't expect. 
It was truly planted as a core memory for me.
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thishazbinamistake · 5 months
*Mild spoilers*
I watched the first episode, so here are my kind of disjointed thoughts if anyone is interested in hearing them:
So first off, I thought it was okay visually. I tried to ignore the weird animation errors, like how in one scene I noticed Charlie has five fingers on one of her hands instead of her usual four, and that they never fixed that one scene where Vaggie just... disappears in the background (you know the one), because I try not to be too harsh the animators for these sorts of things. But it definitely felt amateurish in places. Other than that, Viv definitely wasn't lying when she said it looked "fine". I've seen worse, for sure.
The voice acting ranges from pretty good to honestly terrible. Stephanie sounded like she could not give less of a shit about being there, and had some weird annunciation, making her kind of hard to understand in places. I was optimistic about Keith, and he sounded great, but honestly did not fit the character of Husk very well. Charlie was actually quite good, she has a great singing voice and overall I thought Erika did a good job for her. Alastor was decent, Amir definitely did a better job than I was expecting, considering how iconic Edward's performance was in the pilot. Niffty didn't talk nearly enough in the first episode for me to even form an opinion on her voice acting, but she's fine, I guess? Katie is literally just Brandon Rogers doing his Brandon Rogers voice.
Blake was super annoying, and he did not make Angel's constant sex jokes endearing or funny in the slightest. For the record, I didn't even like pilot Angel in the first place, but now, compared to this, I'm honestly starting to miss him. And I'm not even going to touch that "this body was made to be exploited" line with a ten foot pole.
Adam, though... God, he was easily the worst part of this first episode. His surfer-dude voice was annoying as shit, and his lines were so cringeworthy. He is not an entertaining or engaging villain in the slightest. Literally, every time he was on screen I was just waiting desperately for the scene to change.
In the first episode, we hardly get any glimpse into the personalities of honestly most of the characters besides Adam and maybe Angel, which is unfortunate because they're the two most annoying characters.
With Lucifer and Lilith's backstory, in typical Vivzie fashion, Lucifer is the sad uwu boy while Lilith is treated as being the one responsible for everything. Not really surprising.
As for the writing, it's 30% boring exposition, and 70% unfunny sex jokes. Literally most of Adam's dialogue is sex related. I hate him so much it's unreal.
And the songs... they sounded fine, but they don't feel like something you would want to casually listen to on their own. They just feel like they're meant to be transitions from one scene to the next and nothing more.
For as little as we saw her, I think my favorite part of the first episode was Niffty. She's honestly a super cute and fun character, and the scenes with her were the few times I actually cracked a smile. She's such a little freak and I love her. Everyone else was either boring or made me want to shove a screwdriver in my ears.
Finally, one of the most glaring issues to me (aside from Adam) is that the show didn't really give much of a setup for what was happening. We got a little exposition about Lucifer and Lilith and the fall of man and all that, but aside from Charlie, we aren't reintroduced to any of the characters from the pilot. This feels like a really dumb move because it's alienating to new viewers. If you were someone with no knowledge of the pilot scrolling through Amazon Prime looking for a new show to watch, and Hazbin caught your eye, you'd probably get confused about who all these characters are and what it is they're actually doing, so you'd probably just click off and look for something different. It's obvious the writers just assumed that everyone watching had already seen the pilot, I guess because they think only longtime fans would be interested in the show, which is honestly really sad. You'd think they'd want to try and grow their audience more, but it just feels like they only want to pander to the people who are already fans, which feels like a bad desicion from both a storytelling standpoint as well as a business one. A show, especially one that migrated from an internet pilot to a full series on a paid streaming platform, should be able to stand on its own two legs without needing the pilot to do all the explaining. Especially considering the designs and voice actors changing between the pilot and the series. I didn't expect them to completely remake the pilot, but they could have at least done a better job establishing the characters.
All in all, episode one was at best a 5/10. Like I said, I've seen far worse but this just felt like a bad note to start this all off on. For newcomers, it's confusing and downright unappealing, and for longtime fans it's just disappointing. I can really only see diehard Vivzie fans getting a ton of enjoyment out of it.
Still need to watch episode two, maybe things will improve from there.
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