#i'm marlene
calc1fers · 8 months
thinking about how the marauders would either act like big babies when they're sick or won't let anyone baby them at all
sirius: convinced he's dying of the plague (it's just a tummyache) acts like a sickly victorian child (he's 5'10) & asks james to carry him outside to feel sunlight on his skin one last time (he can walk just fine)
james: straight up refuses to act like a normal sick person. bro will wake up at 5am & go for a run & train for quidditch & study & do his head boy duties & be smilin the whole time.. all bc he wants to be a good role model & has no self-preservation
remus: rarely ever gets sick bc of his werewolf immune system, but he's still a little bitch around full moons
peter: chugs orange juice by the GALLON, takes timed naps, & demands illegal amounts of pepper up potion from madame pomfrey. is a literal machine and doesn't stay down for long
marlene: if she wakes up with a cold, she's always convinced that she can thug it out & beast the day but ends up becoming an absolute veggie by lunchtime. lily levitates her back to her dorm
lily: not even the plague can stop her from being an academic weapon. she can be bedridden & still furiously studying/working until mary, marls or remus tell her off & make her take care of herself
mary: sick mary gets clingy & whiny & blames dumbledore for anything slightly inconvenient that has ever happened to her
regulus: is absolutely disgusted by his immune system's inadequacy. kind of shuts himself away & refuses to talk for days (he hasn't lost his voice he's just grumpy). has emetophobia
pandora: yells when she sneezes & scares the shit out of people. starts writing her own obituary & posts it on wattpad
evan: doesn't even know the meaning of self-care. he won't tell anyone what's wrong until he quite literally collapses bc he's physically incapable of asking for help
barty: ipad kid cough. reg & evan sentence him to quarantine by locking him in a spare slytherin dorm & letting him run rabid until he's germ-free
dorcas: probably the most normal. she takes the rest she needs & asks her friends to give her class notes, but hates being coddled
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browngirl-inthering · 6 months
decade accurate marauders era wardrobes - sirius black
hair: black, wavy, and shoulder length.
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while long hair for both women and men was popular in the 70s, the trend carried over from the later years of the 60s.
the 1960s was a decade characterized by youth rebellion and societal revolution. the decade was rife with countercultural movements such as racial equality, women's liberation, and queer rights. pushed largely by baby boomers, the young people of the 60s rejected the conservative values of their parents and the generations before them and instead valued equality, individuality, and self-expression. these values inspired the fashion of the 60s, which is why later 60s fashion trends consist of brighter colors, shorter hemlines, non-western influences, and long hair on men.
i'm not sure if sirius having long hair while he was younger is canon, but even if not it makes sense for his character. sirius practically embodies the larger societal reckonings of the time as he struggles with separating himself from his long, bigoted family history and subverts the expectations for him by actively fighting against it and carving out his own self image free from his familial legacy.
clothes: consist mainly of blacks, purples, reds, and silvers. leather, velvet, furs, and fishnets. ripped tops, colored pants, slogan tees, and a copious amount of band t-shirts.
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glam rock is a british fashion subculture that emerged in the early 70s and was pioneered by various musicians such as marc bolan and david bowie. glam rock fashion allowed participants to play with gender norms with the men wearing typically "flamboyant" feminine clothing made with velvets, silks, furs, and glitter.
punk rock is also a british fashion subculture that came about in the mid 70. although having its roots in glam rock, punk rock visually seems like the exact opposite with its fashion pieces consisting of leather pants and jackets, combat boots, altered t-shirts, and body modifications such as tattoos and piercings.
for the longest time i haven't been able to choose between whether i think sirius would dress glam or punk. i think he'd like certain elements of both so i tried my best to combine them together.
he'd love t-shirts. they seem common today but before the 60s they were worn as underwear. during this decade t-shirt printing became easier and more accessible, and thus began the trend that was the slogan tee. you could get t-shirts with almost anything printed on them, short phrases, crude jokes, and band logos.
shoes: platform shoes, combat boots, and converse.
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platforms platforms platforms
combat boots, specifically doc martens, were a staple in punk fashion
the converse are for casual wear
accessories: motorcycle gloves, star shaped belt buckle, buttons, patches, and sunglasses.
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i couldn't find any good pictures or an actual belt that i liked but i feel sirius would love statement belts with a big buckle that has some sort of design on it
the patches and pins are for his infamous leather jacket™ i'm pretty sure his leather jacket isn't canon but it might as well be anyways 🤷🏿‍♀️
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bimoonphases · 1 month
@wolfstarmicrofic May 7 - prompt 7: Secret Relationship [word count 390]
They had discussed it, and decided they didn’t want to tell anyone for a while. Remus because he still couldn’t believe he was dating Sirius Black, and Sirius because he enjoyed having Remus all for himself. So they agreed on keeping their relationship secret while they figured this whole dating thing out.
The very first day of their secret relationship, James had to crawl out of the dorm they had thought was empty enough for an impromptu makeout session.
The first week of their secret relationship, Peter quietly levitated a chair to strategically block from view the fact that Sirius’s hand was resting on Remus’s thigh in History of Magic.
The second week of their secret relationship, Lily redirected a bunch of first years away from the library shelves they were passionately kissing behind.
The third week of their secret relationship, Marlene walked singing out loud on the Quidditch pitch, giving them enough time to get dressed and sneak out of the showers.
The fourth week of their secret relationship, Mary broke a pot in Herbology to startle them back from looking deep into each other’s eyes instead of pruning the Bubotuber.
The fifth week of their secret relationship, Peter got their Potions essays in order since both their owners were off doing who knew what (they all knew what).
The sixth week of their secret relationship, James had to swim further away than usual to avoid coming out of the lake right by where they were putting flowers in each other’s hair.
The seventh week in their secret relationship, Professor McGonagall flicked her wand and conjured a velvet curtain to keep the alcove they were making out in from prying eyes.
The eight week of their secret relationship they walked up to their friends in the Common Room hand in hand and finally told them they were dating. They got loud cheers, good wishes, hugs, kisses, enthusiasm and were urged to enjoy the empty dorm, that James and Peter were more than happy sleeping by the fireplace for one night.
The very first day of their official relationship, both Sirius and Remus wondered why all of their friends were so hangover at breakfast. From the main table, Professor McGonagall gifted them with one of her rare smiles as Professor Dumbledore counted the Galleons he was putting in her hand.
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What I think each of my favourite marauders era couples would do as a first date!!! (I'm so single that it's come to this):
Wolfstar -> Let's be so fucking for real right now, Sirius and Remus would be smoking cigarettes and kissing at a David Bowie concert like the absolute power couple they are
Jegulus -> James would absolutely take Regulus to an aquarium (so he can practice his swimming ofc) or some sort of art museum (art heist baby reference!!!)
Pandalily -> My sweethearts would definitely have a picnic by the lake and take walks by the beach (🫶🏽). I can also see them baking cookies together or making paintings for each other (ahhh the cuteness level)
Rosekiller -> These lovely old ladies (🤓) would somehow wind up in a dim-lit corner of a gay bar with bruises on their necks "by accident" on the first date
Dorlene -> I can see Dorcas and Marls going to an arcade or an amusement park for a first date and Marlene buying Dorcas something from the gift shop afterwards (stop I can't take this anymore 😭)
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vindicia · 1 year
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thatdammchickennugget · 6 months
All the marauders are pretty but...
[includes the girls + Regulus]
...Remus is pretty like fairy lights and annotated books
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...James is pretty like orange trees and colourful kites
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...Sirius is pretty like the stars and stage lights
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...Peter is pretty like sweet honey and soft grass
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...Lily is pretty like cherry blossoms and freckled skin
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...Marlene is pretty like street art and coral reefs
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...Mary is pretty like lace and stained glass windows
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...Alice is pretty like butterflies and sunny creeks
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...Dorcas is pretty like swans and poetry
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...Regulus is pretty like calligraphy and the northern lights
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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The Last of Us | 1.09 "Look for the Light"
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pearlynia · 6 months
Some random dude: Are you fucking serious!!!??
Remus: well it depends on which-
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lee-isnotcool · 17 days
the entire marauders fandom is comprised exclusively of:
1. sad teenage girls
2. gay teenage girls
3. sad gay teenage not-girls
4. sad gay not-teenage not-girls
and i think it's pretty easy to tell just by looking at the music we relate to our boys...
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enbysiriusblack · 7 months
marlene "I'm not in love with you anymore" mckinnon
mary "I didn't know you ever were" macdonald
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themanfromeire · 3 months
Oh to be a wizard in the 70s, with good music, even better friends, and a better economy
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Alice (about marauders and valkyries): I'm like a proud mama hen whose chicks have learned to fly for the first time Narcissa: Interesting analogy. Chicken are famously bad at flying
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seekmemystar · 23 days
absolutely obsessed with the desi marauders hc! do you have any specific hcs? I'd love to hear them :]
Hii thank you so much haha
I was really only having fun with it I don't hc all of them as desi just James
But if they were, a few hcs I have are:
James is Punjabi and a typical one so anytime anyone stereotypes him he can't protest because it's almost always true but he speaks up for other desis getting stereotyped or if someone gets particularly mean
Sirius is the 'can't stick to a career' rich boy whose favourite directors are Imtiaz Ali and Karan Johar (yes both) and sirius' favourite movies are "Rockstar" and "Tamasha". He is definitely one of the people who is in the 'you won't understand Tamasha' club
Remus is from Lucknow and while he is not of the religion he fucks people up who disrespect Islam in any way. His favourite director is Satyajit Ray and his favourite place to visit in Delhi was the Faqirchand bookstore but hates it now because it became 'trendy'
Peter is from Indore, he definitely has the Indori accent and uses jeeravan (a common Indori spice) to spice up everything. He goes to 'Litchawk' and 'Jatra' every time they take place.
Lily is a South Delhi girl through and through and a regular visitor of the Faqirchand bookstore. She is a big fan of the poems of Rahimdas and Tulsidas and her favourite movie is Hema Malini's "Meera"
Marlene is a mumbaikar and has a love-hate relationship with Mumbai but in her mind she knows she'll never leave. I definitely think she has slept on the Marine Drive just to fuck with the police
Mary is a Malayalee and very very proud of her culture and follows it to the book. She gets up at 3 in the morning, prays, makes rangoli in front of her house, applies tailum to her hair and all the works. She knows Hindi but refuses to speak it and will deck you if you come to her house and ask for 'idli/dosa/sambhar'
Feel free to add to these if you like!
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bimoonphases · 3 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 14 – prompt 14: Polyjuice Potion – word count 700
Polyjuice Potion - Temporarily transforms the drinker into another person
Remus looked up from his book as Sirius and James stumbled in from the portrait hole. It wasn’t unusual for those two to disappear somewhere together, but the fact that Sirius’s shirt and trousers were baggier than what he usually wore and, conversely, James’s were very tight was.
“Did you two finally shag and put each other’s clothes back on by mistake?” Lily piped up from the carpet where Peter was absolutely destroying her at chess.
“You wish, Evans,” Sirius said.
“Admit it, you can’t take your eyes off me like this,” James added, pirouetting to show the way his trousers were clinging to his skin.
Remus frowned. Something wasn’t right.
“There’s something weird about you two,” Mary voiced his thoughts from the armchair where she was braiding Marlene’s hair. “I mean, weirder than usual.”
James winked while Sirius passed a hand through his hair and suddenly it clicked.
“No!” Peter exclaimed, apparently having come to Remus’s same conclusion.
He got up and walked over to their friends, looking at them closely.
“You didn’t!” he stepped back, eyes wide.
“Did what, exactly?” Marlene asked.
“These two went and drank Polyjuice Potion!” Peter said. “How did you do it?”
“Slughorn’s personal stash,” James and Sirius chorused.
“Wait, so you,” Mary pointed at James, “are really Sirius?”
“Correct,” ‘James’ bowed.
“And you are actually James?” Lily pointed at Sirius.
“You know it, Evans,” ‘Sirius’ smiled.
Remus got up from the couch, eyes fixed on his friends. And then it clicked again.
“For how long will it last?” he asked.
“No clue,” ‘James’ smirked.
“We might be back to ourselves by tomorrow, or we might not,” ‘Sirius’ shrugged.
“But why did-“ Remus started before pinching the bridge of his nose. “No, you know what? Don’t tell me. I’m going to bed. Pete, you coming?”
It didn’t take long for the other two to follow them into the dorm, but it was enough. Peter closed his curtains with a yawn and Remus settled in bed as he peeked at ‘Sirius’ flop down on James’s bed while ‘James’ climbed into Sirius’s before turning the lights out with a flick of his wand. Remus waited a couple of minutes then he got up and tiptoed to Sirius’s bed, silently parting the curtains.
“Pads?” he called softly.
“Moony?” James’s voice hesitated.
Remus settled on the mattress, searching for Sirius’s hand and ending up taking one of James’s calloused hands in his.
“It was fun?”
“If you say so. But it’s weird for me, talking to you and hearing James’s voice instead…” Remus reached up and let his fingers wander on the other’s mouth, ignoring the strangled sound which came from it. He got closer. “Or feeling James’s lips…”
The kiss lasted a couple of seconds before three things happened all at once. ‘James’ jolted back from Remus with so much force he fell of the bed.
“PRONGS, DON’T YOU DARE KISS MY BOYFRIEND!” came from James’s bed.
“LUMOS MAXIMA!” Peter shouted from his.
Remus blinked against the light, taking in James sprawled on the floor, Sirius wide-eyed by James’s bed and Peter, wand in hand, smirking from his.
“You really thought you could play us?” Peter said. “Make your two best friends believe you had swapped bodies?”
“It was worth a try,” James grumbled.
“Not so sure,” Sirius said, eyes fixed on Remus.
“Boyfriend, eh?” Remus smiled.
“I mean…” Sirius blushed. “If you’d like?”
Remus shook his head, laughing.
“I’d love to, you idiot.”
Sirius crossed the room and jumped on the bed, kissing Remus fiercely.
“Fucking finally,” Remus heard Peter say.
“You knew?!” James exclaimed.
“Of course I knew, Prongs, I’ve got eyes.”
Remus laughed again in Sirius’s kiss and they let go of each other, both smiling.
“Well, I learned two new things today, then,” James said, getting up from the floor.
“One is Pads and Moony because you’re oblivious, but what’s the other one?” Peter asked.
James looked at Remus and immediately looked away, blushing.
“Apparently, I’m not straight,” he said.
“Prongs, what the hell?” Sirius groaned as Remus and Peter burst out laughing.
“And that’s what you get for playing your friends for fools,” Remus smirked, pecking his boyfriend on the cheek.
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thehitchcockbrunette · 4 months
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My top ten favourite Hitchcock films - 10. Stage Fright (1950)
I've done a bit of acting.
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immortalbutterflycos · 3 months
More Ballroom Dancing AU brain rot:
James's first dance partner was Lily and he was in love with her. She actually thought she was in love with him too so they dated for a while until she realized that she just loved dancing with him.
They broke up, it was amicable even though it secretly broke James, and they continued dancing with each other competitively for a couple more years until Lily decided that she would rather do it recreationally. (this is where she met Pandora who would eventually become her dance partner.)
Since James lost his dance partner, he kind of felt lost for a while, dancing with a few different people over the years;
His stint with Marlene lasted 6 months (I'm pretty sure that's how long a competitive season lasts?) and ended because she simply hated the sparkly gowns she had to wear
Dorcas lasted a year and 1/2, and their partnership ended because she danced with Marlene once at a random pair-up at a party after she and James won their second competition, and they were just way too compatible to leave it at that. She and Marlene end up becoming a permanent pair after Marlene realizes that she gets to wear the suit this time~
Then James ended up dancing with Benjy and that was fun! Until they admitted that they had wanted to dance with Peter the whole time... They lasted 2 months.
James is like this accidental matchmaker. Everyone he dances with ends up with someone else who they usually meet through James in one way or another. Like, it's bad. It's actually gotten to the point that rumors are going around the dance community that James might have a similar reputation to Barty, in that he's just too hard to dance with since he can't seem to keep a dance partner for more than a few months at a time lately. He genuinely thinks he's cursed now.
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