#i'm literally in the same boat except i'm doing it to myself
professorthaddeus · 29 days
Your influx of c2 posts has me nostalgic and debating on if I wanna rewatch it which would Not be a smart move for me but. I miss them 🥺🥺🥺
yesss i'm so glad my nostalgia is inflicting nostalgia on you too
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scarrletmoon · 7 months
i cant wait until i fully make sense so izzy thoughts below the cut
it's just SO REFRESHING to know that i -- and others in the same boat (ha) -- actually got izzy. got that he's the antagonist, that he's there to cling to the old guard as ed tries to escape it, that he's the representation of toxic masculinity and white supremacy and self-hating queer people
the thing that made him interesting was that he held so tightly onto one version of piracy (and masculinity) even as the world changed around him. he thought he knew what he wanted. he thought that if he could steer the ship -- steer blackbeard -- back to a bygone era, that would fix everything. izzy is every conservative who thinks that the world is falling apart bc we've lost sight of tradition. izzy is the person who doesn't realize that their hard-headedness is what's causing them misery. izzy is every person so afraid of change that they think their ultimate mission is to go back to what once was. izzy is doing this for YOUR own good
except the show doesn't think that way. at every turn, this show says "there's more than one way to be a man". it says "people can change if they want to". it says "there are people out there who want to forgive you, if you stop hardening your heart". it says "you've built this wall that you think is protecting you, but it's actually the reason why you feel unloveable"
izzy had to change in order to reach that point. he's so stubborn that he had to fall especially hard to even be receptive to it. i don't think he was always kind deep down -- i think he had to be broken down to almost nothing, until his old crutches literally broke beneath him, before he could accept that the world isn't a cruel, selfish place, or that he needs to be cruel and selfish to survive in it
and as he changes, he no longer functions as the antagonist. as ricky says, he got "boring". he's served his purpose. and unlike ed, that's not terrifying to him, because he knows it's true. serving his purpose doesn't mean he has nothing left to live for. it means that when he's finally on his deathbed, he's the old man who had a full life of regret and sadness but also love and joy, and he's finally happy. he finally likes who he is. and it's like his entire life was leading up to a moment where he realizes his true mission was to find love. he's found it, so unlike ed who had to shove himself off the ledge, he lets go by himself. he's not screaming and begging for death like he was in episode 2. he knows that he's leaving behind a man who doesn't need him, but who he loves, and who he knows loves him. and that love isn't possessive and cruel anymore.
i think there's a way the story could've ended without izzy dying, but i think it's very symbolic that in his last moments, he finally accepts who ed wants to be. he was the last one clinging to blackbeard, and he had to let that go for the story to continue. djenks has literally said izzy is the mentor who has to die in act 2 so the protagonist can actually grow into what they need to be.
and i know there are a lot of people who relate to izzy, and i know they don't want to hear it from me, and that's why they lash out at me. they think i've never done this introspection myself, that i've made excuses for my favourite characters (i read this as projection). and i'm hoping that some of them DO that introspection and realize what the show is ACTUALLY trying to tell them; not that you deserve to die for being who you are because fuck, by the time izzy dies, he's NOTHING like what he was. what the show is ACTUALLY trying to tell you is that even if your past is full of cruelty, even if you've hurt others, even if you feel like the world is against you, you can still change. you can become someone you actually like, and who others also like, without losing the parts of you that feel like YOU. YOU can realize all of that before you're on your deathbed finally apologizing for all the shit you did. i'm not saying that everyone else is better than you bc they might have reached that conclusion already. but i AM saying that maybe it might make you happier to be a little vulnerable and a little more accepting of things and people who you thought were against you
i imagine there's a trove of izzy fans who're going to leave the fandom now and do their own insular thing. and i'm not going to pretend that i'm going to miss the people -- regardless of which side of fandom they're on -- who have been shitty to me and others. but if even ONE person realizes that maybe they got izzy wrong? that's good. i'd like that
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vikings-til-valhalla · 4 months
When I was in kindergarten, my music teacher showed the class the famous movie "The Sound of Music". It took several classes to finish it, but I didn't remember anything about it except for one scene where Maria stood on a hill singing that line, "The hills are alive with the sound of music." Everything else became a total blank.
Today, I rewatched it with my mother for the first time in almost 20 years. And all I can say is this:
1. I'm damn surprised a teacher was allowed to show this to kindergarteners.
2. I'm damn mad at myself for not remembering the literal entire point of the movie, which is love and loyalty through love, whether for better or worse.
The horrors of Nazi Germany, and escaping them, it makes me think of what my family had to go through to escape themselves. That's right. I had several family members who, back in the 1940s, fled Germany to avoid being forced into Naziism. They made it onto a boat, and went to Canada, but that's as far as I was ever told. My grandma, old as she was, couldn't remember much more, so she hadn't told any of her kids beyond this.
But it makes me think. My grandma, too, was part of a convent of nuns. She also fell in love and left, married, and had 5 children, although they'd lived in America at the time and continued to do so until this day. Just like Maria fell in love with Georg despite being a nun, and together, as a family, they all fled. Because they loved each other, and they prevailed for the sake of love. It was horrifying, their escape. Traumatic, and full of fear. Fear that, to me, was real. Because somewhere, in the past, my family experienced it firsthand themselves, and were too horrified to tell anyone the whole story.
I remember in 5th grade, a kid in my class had either a grandfather or an uncle (I forget which) who'd escaped a concentration camp. That relative published a book on the experience, came into class, and read it aloud to us, or at least part of it. And... it was just as terrifying to me as when I'd met former slaves who came to my class years beforehand to talk about their experiences as well. It was the 2000s. And yet, these people lived, had stories to tell, experiences to share, and I'm damn lucky I had the opportunity to meet them, hear them out, and learn about history at such a young age specifically from those who'd experienced it themselves.
For years as a kid, I knew Nazis were awful. I felt horrible about being a huge part German growing up because of this. But when I learned my family's story, or what little of it that I know, I started to take pride. Pride in the fact that they actively went against oppression, and gave life to a legacy that continues today where, even though I'm just one person long descended from them, I have experienced all kinds of oppression myself, and met people whose experiences are parallel but distant from my own, and we've stuck together for our lives to fight oppression ourselves.
I've met folks from all walks of life. I've seen everyone who's gone through everything imaginable. I've gone through a lot of stuff myself, things I can barely speak of because they're horrifying to me. And it's because of this that I choose to do whatever it takes to help anyone and everyone find safety, happiness, and freedom.
My distant relatives did the same, and created a family with the hopes that they'd live better lives someday, as everyone who becomes a parent hopes. And thus, I fight for a future of the same desire: make it better for everyone. When you leave, make sure things are better than when you arrived.
Fuck Nazis. Fuck oppression. Fuck supremacy.
Fight for freedom. And, on that note, free Palestine. For the love of everything, free them. This is a more than a massacre, it's a genocide. I've been through massacres myself. This is far worse than that.
Keep taking action, keep protesting, keep fighting, keep flooding politicians with messages, keep donating to Palestinian organizations, keep hearing the voices of Palestinians because they're here and they will tell you what must be done to help them. Do not stop. Ever. The future depends on everyone together fighting for the safety and freedom of one another.
From the river to the sea. Free Palestine.
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kelseytheballerina · 1 year
Based on your blog I'm sure you've been asked this a million times, but do you have any practical advice for bettering yourself when you're starting at a really low point?
I've always WANTED to be better but I never follow through. I don't do anything impressive (I get up, go to work for 8 hours, come home, rest and try to recover from the day, sleep, repeat) but I'm so exhausted all the time anyway that adding extra effort to my routine feels impossible. In my free time I do basically nothing, I don't really enjoy anything except sleeping and I usually feel brain-dead tbh. I hate myself but even when I try to use that as motivation I flop every time.
I see all these people who do so much all the time and I want to be like you, but I can't imagine being able to do it. Where does your discipline come from and how do you maintain it when it's so difficult?
Keep in mind that the more you do, the more time it requires of you. Definitely don’t compare yourself to unemployed people like me or those who make a living being productive for social media. You work 8 hours, not to mention the commute, not to mention getting dressed and undressed, not to mention feeding yourself and taking care of all the things required to keep the house running and lights on. Add in dating, family, friends, grief, hard times, yeah it’s understandable why you are exhausted. You may see others in the same boat as you who also manage to muster up the energy to work on a degree and take care of their kids but not everyone can do the same things. We all have our limits. Our limits may change over time, but as of now your limit isn’t theirs and that’s okay.
What I think would be best is to not attempt to overload yourself if you don’t have to. Pick literally just one thing to put your remaining energy into for the time being. Let’s say that’s hitting the gym. Make that your thing for a while and ignore other stuff. Who knows, 6 months from now you may find that you can also squeeze in a cooking class once a week.
Obviously I’m someone who loves productivity and trying to maximize the days with all things learning and skill building. But I don’t think that everyone needs to live like that. Take care of your responsibilities first and have even just one thing on the side. You’ll feel better about yourself and you won’t be forcing yourself to be the biggest productivity slave. Bc if you aren’t even enjoying it, then what’s the point?
As for where my discipline comes from, I’d say that my mom instilled good habits in me when I was young (no tv until xyz is done, if you do it wrong I’ll wake you up and make you redo it so you might as well do it properly the first time, do these things bc you deserve to look good/live in a nice environment/reach your potential instead of just bc you “have to”) but also bc I went though a phase of uncertainty and unstructured living that made my life very difficult and I felt no pride in the way I was conducting myself, so I made changes to never feel that way again. I’ve seen what life is like when I don’t ‘parent’ myself and instead just run amuck and it’s not fulfilling, it’s not high quality, it’s not a life I am in love with. So in order to avoid that, I do the work and I absolutely positively love the results. That’s a priceless feeling.
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monkeygirl727 · 11 months
So. No one really cares about reality TV but I've started watching Below Deck and I have opinions and I need to rant. Season 1 of below deck sailing yacht is a shit show by which I mean the head stewardess is an ass and like one of those people who knows their shit and they're going to let you know what you're doing wrong every step but like if they break the rules it's fine. The chef also kind of a dick also sleeping with the head stewardess cuz you know that will never cause drama. The first mate take him or leave him he's cute he's nice enough but the one that I care about the most is the guy named Parker. The entire first half of the season they are ripping into this guy, they're like oh he doesn't know a lot cuz he's new, oh he's still attached to his mom's breast (bro! Tf!!?) oh he's not good at following direction, he doesn't follow the hierarchy and like one of them jokes later on AFTER he resigns because he's like I can't deal with this shit anymore, is like the first rule of yawning is shut the fuck up and then they keep making jokes about him and two of the stewardesses are like visibly uncomfortable cuz they were his friends and like I don't know I see a lot of myself in that. This like trying to fit in in an industry that refuses to accommodate people who are a little different. He's like oh how about we do this and they're like shut up and do as you're told. And like the head stewardess I cannot reiterate enough how much of an absolute bitch this woman is and like I don't like to say that about people but she's constantly like I'm the one in charge so you have to listen and I guess that's a thing in boating. And like she has the audacity to use the master suite with the chef and they're like oh it's fine because we're in charge. The chef literally says hey if she says we can do it we can and it's like if anybody else were to do that they would be fired immediately. That shit infuriates me. Like on the one hand I understand experience and history comes with benefits but like?? Using a guest suite when you are a staff member??
The other person who I have a soft spot for is Madison who is the second stewardess. Because she gets shit from Jenna who is the head stewardess and then when Georgia the third stewardess comes on she doesn't know a ton so she's having to pick up her Slack and then they're like Madison why aren't you doing well and she's like I don't fucking know because I'm trying to do five jobs and yet Jenna doesn't know where the goddamn washing machine is but has the audacity to yell at me about laundry.
Jenna also has the audacity to be like oh Madison had a crush on Parker and like it's distracting her and she's not going to bed in a sufficient amount of time cuz she's staying up to talk to Parker meanwhile she's making out with the chef in the galley on shift and again using the master suite. Like?! I understand that being in a lead position comes with benefits but like don't fucking tell me what to do if you're going to go ahead and break the rules. And like Madison is well aware of like why Jenna does things and she's like oh so you're going to finally train Georgia for the good of everybody else and not because I called you out in front of the other crew for using the master suite and your boyfriend had something to say about it?
I love Georgia because she doesn't really cause any problems she's adorable she's a bit inappropriate and flirty but like honestly she's just trying to figure out how to keep everybody at peace and I support that. Cierra and Paget are dating and they argue a bunch because they're not good at being in the same work roles ie both working as deck hands and like having done the research in Googled afterwards they are not together anymore but like honestly she doesn't really bother me either other than the fact that she was a jerk to Parker. Everybody except for Madison and Georgia were jerks to Parker and for that they are on my shit list.
Glen, the captain. I would die for that man he radiates Grandpa/dad energy, he is like the boat dad and he's great. He is very much unlike Captain Sandy who is on below deck Mediterranean in that he's like you don't have to call me Captain just call me Glenn and like always willing to lend a hand anywhere on the boat if he's not doing Captain things like he helps load provisions he helps move things he's just the kind of person that I want more of. I can't agree with the entire boating industry opinion of "respect the hierarchy or shut the fuck up and get out of the industry". This is all to say that I can't wait for season one to be over so I can move on. I won't even get into the guests because they range from a group of adult men who basically act like Frat Boys the entire time and like one of them picks up Madison and uses her as like a weight lift much to her extreme dismay and she's like please put me down several times and then they're like oh don't tell anyone and then when she's out of your shot they're like what she going to do report us to the Greek police? Essentially the entirety of this show is rich people rented a boat for a few days and some of them are wild and crazy and others are like you but with money and the crew are trying to not kill each other because you know essentially living with six people that you never met until the beginning of this season constantly causes Growing Pains.
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I loved that Dad!Nick short it was really cute. I’m not sure if you write for DiMA and if not you could totally ignore this but if you do could I request DiMA’s reaction to meeting Nick and His Daughter Sole? Please and Thank you💚
i'm not gonna cry writing this. no i'm not.
Ground Zero Idiocies Presents: An Extended (Synthetic) Family
"I've never liked boats. It makes me so damn seasick."
Nick gripped his stomach, trying to alleviate some abstract, robotic pain.
"Dad, you're literally a robot now. How are you possibly seasick?"
Nora looked up from her pistol, which she'd been obsessively polishing on the entire ride up from the Nakano house.
"Doesn't matter. Look, we're almost there. Finally."
Nick pointed at a small sign sticking out from a cloud of fog. In faded letters, it clearly read 'Welcome to Far Harbor'.
"They're really calling this place Far Harbor now? That's uncreative. Remember when you used to take us up here during Spring Break?"
Nora holstered her gun.
"Yeah. You never stopped kvetching about how cold it was."
"Wish the weather was the worst of our problems nowadays."
"Hey now, technically nuclear fallout counts as weather. Kind of."
Nora just laughed, walking to the edge of the boat as it automatically docked on the rickety pier. The driverless boat was a Godsend, since neither Nick or Nora remembered that one summer in Jamaica where they'd all learned, and promptly forgotten, how to sail.
It wasn’t the first time they’d been to Far Harbor, but it was the first time that they’d put the two name clues together. Before, they’d been either too seasick or too drunk to notice or care. Finally, though, they were going to set forth for Acadia.
They’d been constantly warned that the road was filled with dangers and creatures from the beyond, so both Daughter and Dad were kitted out to the max. Rifles, pistols, grenades, axes, netherite hoes, even combat armor.
It really wasn’t that bad. The biggest threat they found along the way was a lone radstag pup, that scrammed after a single warning shot.
After a few hours of walking, the pair finally reached the old observatory. Stepping inside, it was...different than they expected. Having worked for so long with the railroad, the two had expected somewhat of a fortress. Turrets lining the walls, armed guards around every corner, and a reinforced structure built deep beneath the Earth.
Acadia just wasn’t that. People, presumably Synths, crossed to and fro around the observatory, taking little notice of the overdressed human and her early-model dad. That was, except for one man sitting in the center of the observatory dome. His large harness swiveled around towards the door, inviting Nick and Nora to approach.
Slowly, they approached him. Walking down the hallway, taking care not to disturb any of the seemingly haphazardly-placed junk.
“Nick. I never thought I’d see you again.”
Nick turned to Nora, confused. He spoke in a whisper.
“I’ve never seen this man before in my life, but seeing someone your own one-of-a-kind mug on someone else’s face is more than a little disturbing.”
Nora nodded, turning to the strange robot.
“Sorry stranger, but I don’t know what you think you know about my robot Dad. He says he’s never seen you before in his life!”
The strange robot nodded.
“Of course, it might be hard to remember at first. Let me introduce myself. My name is DiMA. I’m the...leader...of Acadia. I use the term ‘leader’ loosely, for everyone here is free to make their own...”
Nick, still shocked at seeing a mirror image of himself, wasn’t exactly keen on hearing a sales pitch.
“Cut the crap, DiMA. I want to know why we share the same face. And why I can’t remember a single thing about you.”
DiMA stared blankly into space for a moment before re-centering his focus on Nick.
“My apologies. I am...your brother. We were both created by the Institute, sister models. I was left as a blank slate - no memories, no personality. You were constructed as a reincarnation of a man, days before his death. I helped you escape the Institute. You helped me.”
Nick immediately started to probe his memory banks for any corroborating evidence. Nick was pretty sure that this Gen 2 with delusions of grandeur was just lying about their shared past - all Nick could dredge up was that he woke up in a dumpster, somewhere in Cambridge. Before that, all was a hazy memory - a fact he’d chocked up to a favor from the railroad. An absence of memory meant an absence of trauma.
“Bullshit. I escaped on my own. I didn’t have any help escaping, that much I can recall. The only family I have is my daughter...Nick’s daughter...it’s complicated. And technically I have a synthetic grandson. I hate to break it to you, but you don’t exactly fit into that family tree.”
Seemingly out of nowhere, Nora pulled her pistol on DiMA.
“Doesn’t matter what it is. I’ve been to the VIM factory. I’ve seen your handiwork, DiMA. Family or not, you’re a murderer.”
DiMA slightly reclined, checking his own memory banks.
“I hate to believe you, but it appears to be true. But, know that I feel great remorse. I despise violence, of any kind. Righteous or not. That is something that you know personally.”
Nora lowered her gun. 
“Not to change the subject, but how exactly do you plan on convincing me that we really are related?”
Nick interjected, hoping to somewhat cut the tension.
“I was hoping you would ask that. Please, if you’ll just observe my holotape. It should explain everything.”
DiMA extended his hand, tightly gripping a holotape and placing it into Nick’s. He placed the holotape into a slot on his arm, reading the information it stored in less than a second.
“I suppose...this is not how I expected this visit to go. Here, Nora, you should listen to it.” 
Nick attempted to give the holotape to Nora, only to notice a bullet hole blasted straight through.
“No. No. Not again. That man is a liar, a thief, and a fucking murderer, and I am not letting you welcome him into whatever the fuck we’re still trying to figure out!”
A single tear rolled down Nora’s face, followed by a second and a third. Soon, the bright blue top collar of her signature vault suit was temporarily turned a dark shade, close to navy. Soaked with tears of insecurity and fear.
“I’m sorry that you feel that way, but everything I’ve done has only served to further the interests of peace on this island. All I desire is a chance to reconnect with my family. The piece of me that I thought I’d lost the day I relayed away from the dark aluminum halls.”
DiMA took a long, deep breath. Not like he needed to breathe.
“Seaweed, I...”
DiMA had crossed a line.
“Don’t you DARE call me that. It’s not a word that should ever FUCKING touch your lips.”
“I apologize. I only wanted to...”
“You don’t understand. I don’t care what you want. I don’t care that you’re sorry.”
Nick cut in again.
“Jesus Nora, you don’t even know that man! You refused to listen to the holotape, even! What is with this resistance?”
Nora collapsed onto Nick’s shoulder, soaking his coat, too.
“I can’t continue with this...with the pretending that everything is normal...with discovering some new threat, some new place to save, some new tangentially related person to worry about. All I want is to live peacefully. With you, and Shaun, and peace of mind. And I think...I know...that i can’t allow murderous maniacs into that dream. Is that reason enough for you?”
DiMA slipped away, leaving Nick and Nora in the empty observatory. Suddenly, the lively room was quiet.
“It’s a reason. But what you can’t do is push away everyone who comes into your life! DiMA’s made mistakes, yes. But if I may remind you, you were blasting through dozens of raiders when I saw you for the first time. Well, when I saw you for the first time.”
Nick sat quietly, letting Nora’s tear ducts ran dry. Nick’s had emptied hundreds of years prior.
“Do you want to find DiMA?”
Nora nodded.
“Come on. I think he’s just downstairs. Let’s give this another go.”
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etoilesombre · 2 years
Would love to know more about your writing process and how much work goes into your fics.
Oh hm. Well. I'm literally always working on something, but I work very slowly, I think is the short answer. I write constantly, it is my preferred activity, if I'm not writing it is because I have been pulled away by obligations.
So I started writing about a year ago and have only ever written for this fandom. It's alllllll processing over here all the time. Their heads are so fucked up, I need to explore them infinitely. Well. And also they need to kiss.
I do a lot of interactive concepting with a few different people, and that is usually how things get their overall shape. I have a pretty detailed idea of the overall beats of something before I start, and know where it's going to end up. Sometimes a scene or something will surprise me but not often. I do research, possibly more than most people because I care about history (and boats) but try not to get bogged down because I'm not gonna try that much harder than the writers of the show, and man, they played fast and loose with some shit.
Actual writing comes out slowly and in full sentences. I will stare for hours, edit the same damn paragraph for an afternoon, play with something in my head until I can get it just right. Even when new words are actually happening it's usually like... 100-200 an hour. I am the pack mule of writing. Slow and steady, many many hours put in. It's not always exactly in order, I can be working on a fic at a few different places at once, but whatever is coming out comes out pretty close to its final form. To me, drafting is much more like uncovering something that is already there or solving a puzzle than like inventing something, so I often have to just stop and Ponder Deeply before writing any more. This is what I'm usually doing while driving/walking/swimming/cooking/really anything that ISNT writing or interacting with another human face to face.
I show a couple people who have the same brainrot I do progress as I'm working, for validation and characterization checks. Then when it's done I show it to a couple non-fandom writing friends for overall structure check and line and copy edits. I thought when I started that it would be hard to take feedback, but in fact I weirdly love having my writing ripped apart? Like yeah! I hated that sentence too thanks for de-fucking it! But I credit all of that to having amazing supportive writing pals who very much Get It. So then it's final edits and AO3 bullshit. I usually read something to myself aloud in full a final time before hitting the button, for typos and cadence. It doesn't catch everything but it catches most things.
I have no idea who asked this, and feel a little weird going on about it publicly. I hope this is what you were asking for, and it was helpful? Send a followup if not, I feel like I may have gone way off track. Anyway my process is not.... good. It's just the way it works for me. Writing advice is all terrible except for 'it's different for everybody, if you figure out what works for you go for it.'
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godofsmallthings · 2 years
wait, what happened to xomg pop??
okay so basically one of the members kiya barczyszyn (actually she was the first member to be picked for the group on the show, which makes this even sadder for me lol) left the group. there's a lot of speculation and i think some of the moms of the other girls have said things/implied that it was because kiya's mom kept demanding that kiya get bigger parts and be featured more (and she was definitely one of the stronger overall members so she was already featured quite a bit) and jess and jojo siwa fired her because they couldn't deal with it anymore. it's been weird though because neither side has publicly addressed this--one day kiya just changed her bio to 'former xomg pop' and they stopped posting pics with her in them to the official xomg pop instagram. they also just announced that they're playing shows on a cruise this fall (which i think sucks both because i just hate cruises in general but also because being a tween/teen stuck on a boat with my young fans unable to really escape or take time for myself sounds stressful as hell to me. but maybe that's why i'm not famous and they are lol) which they're been teasing BUT ALSO i just read through the reddit and apparently they're also doing a concert tour/tv show/movie/animated series that have received literally no promo. basically their marketing sucks and feels incredibly outdated except for their tiktoks, which i'm pretty sure jojo probably just runs herself because she actually knows what she's doing. a seven-person child popstar group was bound to be messy, and unfortunately i think we're starting to see the threads unravel. from a personal standpoint, it's frustrated to see how these girls talents are being underutilized and underappreciated due to improper marketing, but neither the siwas nor jojo's manager (assuming she still has the same one) have a background in music so it makes sense.
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justlemmeadoreyou · 23 days
Hii! My day was--oh god it was so tiring 😭😭 40 degrees temperatures here and I drove about 20 km on a two wheeler so it was literally hell! its just 10pm rn and I feel like I'm dead 💀
Ohh what the hell bestie like the tem is so hot!!! Nd on two wheeler aree u okayy?? Please Drink lots nd lots of water nd have some fresh food tomorrow!!! Did you have dinner yet??😋
My day was so hectic like my exams for going nd all I'm doing is studying nd doing stupid assignments!!!😭
😭😭😭 ikr! like my exam ends at 2 pm and driving back during that is hell, plus my mum made me do chores after I came back so I had to go back 🫠
and i need to learn how to drive a car! it'll be of no use rn bc there's only one car at home that my dad uses, but maybe I'll buy myself one some day! 😚😚 and the water--oh god!!!!! there's shortage of water here! after like 4 hours it was back on and I died
NOOO GIRLIE WE'RE LITERALLY IN THE SAME BOAT!!! except I'm done with the assignments part for now
all the best for your exams! hope you do your best! hugs and kisses! 💞💞
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I wanted to talk to somebody. I don't have a therapist.
(I am a mutual of yours but I hope you understand that I don't want you to know who I am. I already feel ashamed enough. I really don't want anybody's pity. Just someone to talk to honestly and from my heart.)
We're in a place that's very religious. My family is super religious but me, not so much. See, the religion itself and what it represents simply doesn't resonate with me.
I'm going away to college very soon (in a month). My father wanted to sow that religious seed in me. He doesn't realise that the more he tries the more I'm gonna get tired of it and hate it.
When you try to force something on a person which they don't necessarily like, it's gonna make them dislike it more.
And see, its very very hot (40 degrees) and my skin doens't do well in the sun. I don't burn in the sun, but I've got eczema and sweat is not good for it and UV rays? Very very bad. I feel itchy all over and it so goddamn hard for me to even sit in one place.
In this condition they make me walk 3-4 miles a day to visit temples that I'm so not interested in and oh my god the photos.
It's a 7 day trip and I feel like dying. To make things worse, my father criticizes everything I wear saying it just doesn't make sense. Example: today I wore a wrap dress that ties around the waist. He looked me from head to toe and said that the tie should be lower and that the way its tied it makes me look not good.
I said that it's the way the dress comes and the tie stays in place. I can't lower it. I may have gotten annoyed and talked harshly but you can blame that on my sour mood this whole week.
He said that whoever designed the dress didn't know what they were doing and ended the convo. And I ofc, felt very insecure and kept pulling on my dress that I'd thought looked so good on me. I know that he doesn't know shit about fashion but still. It really really bothers me.
All this aside, I'm having somewhat of a crisis. The people here are so very pretty and wear simple clothing and I feel overdressed and like everybody is staring at me like I'm some abomination. I feel ugly. The sun's ruining my hair and God to make all this even worse, I forgot my sunscreen at home and idk what's gonna happen to my sensitive skin. I hate my face. Why does my hair get frizzy like that. I've got dark circles because of little to no sleep (we're travelling at night, spend the day at the particular place and then travel again, next place and so on.)
I feel worthy of nothing. I hate the looks my mother gives me literally drenched in pity. Yes I feel very bad and I'm not happy but pity makes it all worse.
I've never been that insecure about the way I look except for the occasional bad days where you hate everything that is you for no reason. No reason at all. You just. Hate yourself. Idk how to explain it.
I am short and people think my mother starves me. I can pass as a 12 year old when in reality I'm 17. Why am I the way I am. Why was I born in this family where body shaming is an everyday thing. My brother constantly calls me a mouse and maybe he means it affectionately but it still.. affects me yk. My mother forcing food until I feel like I'm gonna puke. She asks me to do skipping so I can grow an inch. See, me doing it on my own for my own health is different. But other people (yes even my own mother) making me do it is just.. not good yk.
Honestly, I understand part of what you're going through, especially the last paragraph, but sort of inversed. I'm sort of chubby, so I also understand that sort of thing, with my brother calling me nicknames (I don't know if they're affectionate or not) my parents (mostly my mom) making contsant comments and trying to make me exercise... I sort of appreciate it cause I can't motivate myself very well, but I also understand what you mean by it just not being good or effective. I really understand all of that; we're in opposite ends, sure, but we're in the same boat.
As for the rest, such as the religious aspect, I can't really relate to, but I'm going to try to give you some sort of advice and confort you anyways, even if you don't need it (bear with me though). I understand the part of you wanting to dislike something even more when someone tries to force you to like it.
I would suggest having a serious converstion with both your parents about...everything. But I feel like you can suggest that yourself; there's probably something that's preventing you from doing it (the fact that they're your parents, the fact that you already tried, etc).
For the frizzyness of the hair, if no one's restricting you, I would suggest a sort of binding hairstyle? A bun, or if that's too heavy for your head, a braid. If your parents forbid it, maybe try saying that your hair will look better this way, that it accentuates curls, and that you'll take it out when you get there?
Try maybe to wear very thin (heat) but skin-covering (excema) clothing. Buy a new sunscreen asap! Maybe some sort of cream for the excema? I can't quite suggest anything because I don't use those sort of products, but I think you should.
About the feeling ugly part, at times we just can't help it. We have a shit day, and we feel like crap in every and all aspects; we can't help this. But, it's so, so important to (at least try to) not compare yourself to others. There was this one video I saw that I feel would sort of accentuate what I'm trying to say, but I can't find it. The idea was that one girl was eating chips and felt like she should be more healthy and fit like another girl she saw. Cut to that other girl and her thoughts, and she felt weak from the diet she was on, and just wanted to regain her energy like a very loud and energetic person she saw across the street. Cut to this person, who is chiding themself for being so loud, and wanted to be calm and reserved like one of their friends. And this cycle continued. The idea is that maybe you feel inferior to them, while they may be feeling the same thing about you. Try your best to think of that. This is gonna be really cheesy but I also speak a quote to you (I don't know who wrote it, and I'm paraphrasing): "A bottle of water is 50 cents in the grocery store, $1.50 in a vending machine, $4 at the gym, and $9.50 on an airplane. The next time you feel as if you're worthless, maybe you're in the wrong place." The same thing can apply here. Maybe you're just not in the right place. I bet you're in a supermarket. Hopefully college will be the airplane.
And I totally understand that you might not want me to know who you are, no pressure! I hope you feel better. Look at the bright side: at least college is coming soon (ish) so this won't go on forever. Try your best to pay attention to the nicer things in life as well, even though I understand this is really difficult for you. Just don't lose sight of them.
I apologize if that's not what you wanted to hear. To be honest I'm pretty shit at comforting people, but I tried realy hard. I really don't mean to insult you to offend you in any way, if that's how it comes across. A lot of my advice is probably useless and you've probably thoughts of it anyway. If any of that is true, I hope at least the thought counts. If you want to say something else my ask box is always open (and feel free to drop criticism about my response or ask me to say something specifically).
I hope the trip isn't too bad. I wish you the best of luck, confidence, the Vibes, and everything else. Manifesting that it isn't too terrible and that it's over soon. Whoever you are, I love you <33 and I'm sending you support.
If you want to boost your mood I'm gonna drop a meme, probably a terrible one haha. If not, just scroll past really fast. I tried to cut it off but the "expand" feature disabled my cut. Sorry about that.
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backslashdelta · 2 years
Veggie Tales according to backslashdelta (me!)
It was recently brought to my attention that Veggie Tales, the animated children's show about sentient vegetables, is actually about the Bible.
I didn't know this.
I am a whole ass 27 year old woman, and I am very aware of the existence of Veggie Tales, but I have never watched an episode. Despite knowing about this show's existence for many years, I never knew that it was Christian programming.
Until now.
Thank you @kurthummeldeservesbetter and @finnmcnamhaira for bringing this to my attention.
I will now be giving a summary of what I think Veggie Tales is, given this new information that has come to light. I didn't want to google and spoil anything for myself, so I had these two lovely people send me some photos.
I've been told the image below shows the cast of main + frequently recurring characters. I've taken the time to label it with the characters' names:
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Bob the tomato is also known as GodBob. He's like, the "main" main character and the one who is very much "and the moral of the story is..." y'know. Like the proxy for God. Hence his name, GodBob.
Hank the cucumber is Bob's best friend, and the other "main" main character (but a bit less so than GodBob, for obvious reasons). He's a big family guy, and everybody else in that photo that's green is his relative, regardless of what kind of vegetable they actually are.
Debra the cucumber (she looks different due to sexual dimorphism) and Christopher the broccoli are Hank's parents, and Henry the broccoli is his little brother. Harold the cucumber is his grandfather on his mother's side, and Clive the pea is Harold's brother. Greg the pea is Clive's son, and then Michael and Isaac (aka Mike&Ike) the peas are his sons. Reginald the squash is Bob's uncle, and Eugene the squash and Emily the carrot are his children.
Gracie the turnip is the only one who isn't related to anyone else, and that's because she's Bob's love interest.
Now that we have all the characters out of the way, I have a few screenshots of scenes. I'm going to take this time to explain what is happening in each scene.
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This is clearly an Easter episode. This is a chocolate Easter bunny production plant, and Hank here is being unsafe by getting in the way of the production line. He's going to get painted with the brush that hand thingy in the background is holding and he's gonna have to go to the veggie rinse station (this is what their production plants have instead of eyewash stations) to get cleaned up. He's going to learn that this is a dangerous place and what that means is that chocolate Easter bunnies/the commercialization of Easter is Bad, and that it's not about chocolate it's about Jesus dying. Or coming back to life. Or whatever he did at Easter idk I think I was supposed to be a Christian once.
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Oh there's a new character here! This is... I have literally no idea what kind of vegetable he is. But his name is... Simon. Because that name's the gayest. He's Bob's cousin who is visiting. In this scene they are putting on a skit, since clearly that is not a real door or bathroom. The skit is about not letting other boys be in the bathroom at the same time as you because they might see you naked and that's gay.
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New guy?? Or is that Greg but a bit yellower? OR DOES GREG HAVE A TWIN?? Maybe twins run in the family. Anyway. This is clearly Noah's Arc except they made it pirates because they wanted to make it more entertaining for the kidding. I'm docking (get it? because boats? you dock boats? you park boats at a dock?) it points because Noah's Arc had nothing to do with pirates and also I don't think this many people were allowed on it. Could Noah take his whole family? Genuinely do not remember.
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This is the time Veggie Tales did an extra-long special where they remade Prince of Egypt but with vegetables. This scene is Moses wandering lost and alone through the dessert in the night or something. That definitely happened. I've seen the movie. The regular one, not the vegetable version.
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Harold! And his wife?!?! Debra's mom?!?!?! This is Margaret the cucumber (again, sexual dimorphism). Harold is one of the Three Wise Men and it turns out he has a wife! And that's who they're depicting right now. Very fun.
I hope this has been an entertaining an informative explanation of Veggie Tales. Thank you for your time.
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miss-mossball · 2 years
what's something about each one of your aus you've never shared before,,
this is a rlly great ask, thank u :D ill try to come up with some obscure facts that at most Rou or Zoe know about
(pls note most these things happen in the same universe, but they're focused on different characters so we just call them diff AUs)
The Hearte Family - (fantasy au)
- Haze is autistic-coded and I just never realized it! :v His special interests are about history, and boats, and historical boats. Haze also collects quills :v< He hates the sensory feeling of the elaborated outfits the other royals wear, so he's usually in a more simple, if dolled up tunic with loose sleeves. (but it works because they tend to see him on lower ranking anyway). He also stims with his hands a lot! Haze also struggles with literal thinking, so he doesn't Get it when girls are teasing and flirting with him. He gets quite irritated about it, actually (and I'm on the spectrum myself so boo, dont come for me if its inaccurate, im not diagnosing him)
The Nettecracker AU - (fantasy au)
- Tho he's fairly rare to come across, Hail has a secret guild thats registered in Cygni(kind of the capitol of magic and the study of it). the members meet up every now and again, and each of them are connected to a season of some sort :v they each live somewhere else in the world now. tho apparently they used to go on adventures when they were all younger or smthing idk :V
The School AU - (Modern AU)
- Peter never graduated, he doesn't have a GED because he took a leave of absence from school and never bothered going back :v any wild rumors about him he just says "sure" cuz he thinks its entertaining. So he avoids a solid job for the most part because he thinks he can't get any, and adamantly refuses to work at Diana's cafe like the other Puppe kiddos do
Robots (Modern AU)
-Goldenrods's family company for creating and manufacturing living robot bjds was going pretty well until there was an incident with one of the robots killed an employee of a well-established science institute. From there, the stigma of their builds never died in time for other bigger companies to pick up their ideas and put them out of business with offering cheaper and more producible designs :v Goldenrod and his father were both too stubborn about quality to lower the prices and match up to their competitors, especially with the new trend in smart phone accessory dolls, so...it just Died
the Shadows (Modern AU)
-Its been a consistent thing since the very beginning of my making the shadows that Bunny just wasn't welcome in them first by Nette, and now with redoing them, Hail won't let her go in now. I always sorta knew the reason but never had like a valid idea or story to come up with the why - or rather, not one that made any sense or wanted to bring attention to in RP. Seeing it from a more protective than mean POV now, I have a story, but I made it up literally yesterday so I won't be sharing it yet =<= or ever! who knows lololol
-okay since that didnt rlly give you anything, heres something else: Nette does corrupt from being in the shadows too long, being half human. He looses his cool pretty easily and has a recording of Mia's singing on his phone he listens to to calm himself down, unless she's there herself. He depends on her pretty heavily, but will his overabundance of pride ever let him admit so?
Aretieans (sheepies, totally separate from the rest)
- Vanilla was in love. With Coal, the head of the royal army. The timing was off and she was already married by the time they ever saw eachother again :( and Mousse, in all his misery of never being able to be with his love, forbade her from being happy with her love. He didn't tell anyone his wife was dying until it was too late, so they never got a last chance to say goodbye either
Bunnypluians (every and all aus)
- Bunnyplu don't have any sort of culture except to 'find a mate and procreate'. They dont have any sort of society, so Plu being the Bunnyplu Princess doesn't really mean fuckall, but she titled herself a princess from the moon anyway when she moved into the world, fell in love, and spread her babies across the planet. Plenty of other bunnyplu came to this world too, but the more "known" line of bunny aliens comes from Plu the Bunnyplu Princess.
I thiiink thats all my major AUs. obviously there are dozens of sub-subsections, like Lord Haze and his manor full of maids, the Bad End/cult au, the single mother Iris au, and so on =<= theres typically not a huge plot to any of those tho, more like spinoffs of the main ones just for funsies. I mean.... All of this is for funsies tho so who can say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if you'd like to know more about any of these aus or the spinoffs, lmk!
Ofc, every au here is co-created with @duckroulette, but I did try to come up with ideas for my characters mostly for this ask!
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toruvi · 2 years
I remember at some point in paychecks Levi mentioning that Erwin couldn’t have a sugar baby because he’d fall in love with them kind of deal. So my mind kinda ran with that randomly and I wanted to share, if that’s okay: what I’ve been imagining is him being like “mm this works for Levi, I should try it.” (He should not) And going on a website and getting the pro sugar baby. And like she can tell he’s never done this before but he’s so handsome and so fucking rich and NICE. So she makes an exception.
While she is the perfect companion for his business trips and giving amazing massages after a stressful day and is just everything he could ever want. So of course Erwin is catching feelings so fast and it’s the sugar baby who won’t commit. Cause it’s her job. So Erwin is like buying all her time. He’ll go bankrupt trying to have her all to himself. But Levi is watching all this like -_- “your an idiot.” (I’ve been in an Erwin pit after rewatching season 3. I’m just comforting myself, sorry.)
Oh my god this would've made such a great subplot I'm actually screaming while reading this? I love this wtf!!
"You're an idiot," Levi says as he's literally texting Reader hoping she had a nice day today and making sure she's eating properly pft. Levi will roast Erwin about being smitten even though he's in the same damn boat the little hypocrite!! God that would've made such a great contrast in character storylines you actually have such a nice idea here 😭
The irony of Levi constantly warning Erwin not to fall in love as he's doing it in his own way. The possibility of this sugar baby knowing/meeting Reader. (Plot twist it's Ymir's friend) The potential for tension and drama AGH thank you for sharing!!! I'm loving thisss
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fyeahnix · 2 years
Monster Hunter Rise - Early Thoughts
I've played MHR for about 20 hours since launch on Wednesday and I'm about at the tail end of Low Rank quests. Gonna talk a bit about my initial thoughts for the game.
Keep in mind, this is only my second MH game. My first was World (1041 hours), so any comparisons I make will ONLY be to World since that's my only experience. I am never going back to play the old game, I don't care, don't even bring it up.
With that disclaimer out of the way, let's blab.
The Setting
Right off the the bat, I absolutely fucking LOVE the setting. Outing myself as a former lowkey weeb here, as a child and early teen, I had a strong fascination with Japanese culture as I watched some anime and playing JRPGs. I took 4 years of Japanese in high school, and while my initial interest was rooted in my hobbies (yes, I know, it's embarrassing for me), my genuine respect grew as I learned more about the culture and history. That being said, I'm not an expert here, just a slight admirer.
I dunno what else to say except that I prefer this setting over World by like... 100x. No joke. This village looks like an actual community of people (THERE ARE KIDS AND FAMILIES) and not just...a bunch of ragtag individuals who jumped off a boat and started colonizing the land. And what's even cooler is that a lot of, if not all, the new monsters (whatever the fuck they are, I can't remember the entire list) are based off yokai or other themes in Japanese folklore. It's so fucking cool.
This entire setting just looks like it was made with a labor of love and like...how do you top this?
I had to look this up in case I was misremembering, but it seems like the customization for this game is mostly similar to World. Last time I went with a female character, because I didn't know any better. This time, I chose the "Male" body type and tweaked my character to look a little more feminine to go for that butch/stud profile I wanted. I genuinely hate the female armor in this series so seeing my Hunter walk around with full armor sets but still looking how I want her is such a fucking godsend. Probably going to be doing this going forward unless the devs bring in more parity with regards to armor skimpiness.
The Village/Hub
I appreciate the area being like...less than half the size of Astera. Astera in MHW was too fucking big with limited fast travel. I wouldn't be surprised if I spent a grand total of 15 hours here just because of how much walking I had to do. I eventually gave up and started using the Gathering Hub unless I needed to handle other business.
Having a much smaller area and the ability to fast travel around Kamura with next to no loading times means I spend less time here and more time out on a hunt like I should be. Love it. It's beautiful, keep up the good work.
Rise, early on, already has a better variety of monsters than World did. World has too many flying wyverns. I know MH is a series with a LOT of enemy variety and it would have been nice to see that. I do understand there were some concerns over feasibility and performance with regards to getting some monsters in World like Lagiacrus, but eh.
One thing that truly irked me about MHW was how boring and bland a lot of the weapons were. They were either branched off the Bone or Ore tree and they were literally just....bone/metal with little monster bits on them. When I looked at weapons from older games (this is 1/2 times I'm mentioning pre-World), they looked cool as fuck. Lots of inspiration into their designs. Thankfully Rise seems to return to that. The only monster I've seen so far to have those uninspired designs has been Pukei Pukei, which I'm sure is because its introduction was World but it still would be nice to see something more inspiring for it. I hope I'm speaking too soon and the design improves later on.
Armor seems about the same which is good.
In MHW, we had the slinger and clutch claw, and while I think they were good ideas in theory, the execution was not at all great. Wirebugs in Rise feel pretty good so far and a step up to the slinger. My muscle memory is still on World so I'm definitely forgetting to use them often, but once I get proper practice in during endgame, I'm sure I'll get better.
I like the verticality of the maps so far. It feels fair with the Wirebug usage and not tedious. I want to explore! Verticality was awful in World, especially Ancient Forest, because if you fall, that's fucking GGs, spend 10 minutes climbing back up.
I'm hoping there's more to unlock here, too? I have the first switch skill for all my weapons. I don't know how many more there are, but I'm hoping if there are that they're good! I tried out the second one for SnS and absolutely do not like it lmao.
This is....I dunno yet. My first Rampage quest was a confusing mess. Like I understand that it's basically just MH Tower Defense but still. Maybe my mind will change as I do more of them and get more comfortable with the format.
Quality of Life
There's a few things I've noticed about quality of life:
UI Changes
Pre-World UI looked pretty good from what I saw. World was....weird? It wasn't awful but the text and icons were small, the health bar was small, you could barely tell what your sharpness was, etc. And maybe that's because I played World solely on a 15.6'' laptop screen and not a 27'' monitor.
Regardless, the UI in Rise just looks so good imo. It's bright, colorful, informative and big enough to give you good at a glance info during a hunt. The sharpness meter was a huge upgrade to me over World because now I can actually TELL what my sharpness level is before it drops!
Maybe some people hate it or think it's bad UI design. When I look at it, I don't have to squint so that's good for me.
In World, fishing was meh. I fished a lot for whetfishes towards the release of Iceborne because I wanted to try them over regular sharpening. In MHW, when you fished, you only had about 7-10 (I think mostly 10?) fish per pond and once those fish were gone, you had to leave the general area for a while to let them respawn. This sucked.
In Rise, you can just keep fishing non-stop apparently. You catch something and then another fish immediately spawns in. This is much faster and way less annoying.
Village Fast Travel
World had something like this but it was way clunkier and slower and didn't feel nearly as snappy. In Rise, you can immediately move to any specific area of the village nearly instantly with no load time (or at least none for my SSD)
I love them, and not because they're dogs. This goes a little in hand with the Wirebug point, but using them for an extra way to travel feels really good. They're fast as hell and I don't hate exploring as much when I have one. The Hunter isn't the fastest when running so having the extra speed to chase monsters or traverse land is great.
Once I reach endgame, I will more than likely retire the Buddies permanently like I did 100 hours into World. So I'm enjoying them while it lasts.
Final Thoughts 20 Hours In...
So far the game is great. I know it's technically the "handheld" title of the 5th Generation and more closely resembles older games, but even knowing that, I'm still having a ton of fun this early on. I'm hoping that feels sticks around.
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gureishi · 3 years
so... today I finished off Rays route with the GOOD ENDING (thank god) and my sleep schedule is officially non existent! :D
lemme start off with Day 8, because that must've been the creepiest the game has ever gotten for me. I MEAN LOOK AT THIS:
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I never knew there was a part of Saerans route in which he quite literally cuts off your contact with the RFA????? wish someone warned me, but the surprise was quite welcome too I suppose?? the glitches and the distorted music definitely amplified that scary and hopeless feel I got after being cut off from the rest of the members (especially bby Saeyoung, god I love that boy). OH AND THE WAY THE CHATROOMS WOULD GLITCH BEFORE LOADING?? THAT CREEPED ME TF OUT THANKS!! Although I was in a way also happy that I was able to talk to Saeran more! (it is his route after all).
The chats with Rika always left me feeling frustrated. I could see where she came from and understood her motivations for the way she acted and behaved, but it hurt to see the way in which she believed she was loving and caring for Saeran, and how Saeran internalized everything she told him, idk that just left me feeling a new typa broken.
It was very tempting to lash out and get angry or even just to submit to Saeran and his horrible tormenting, but I held on to get that sweet delectable good ending! (gotta get that cute kiss CG after all)
Also I was worried about Saeyoung and his safety ALL THE TIME, I knew there was a part in the game in which he'd be kidnapped but when it finally happened I honestly wanted to stop playing lmao, also Saejoong Choi can take a piss somewhere, I hate him and I wish they revealed more of his crimes in Saeran's route :(
Saeran's route also honestly made me love Jumin so much more, his so endearing, honest and caring. Love that we get to see more of his relationship with V here, you can actually see that they're best friends and that makes my heart smile.
and AWW THE END WHERE WE SEE V WITH RIKA? That really played with my emotions, and has got me considering jumping straight into his route, because I for one know his life doesn't get any better in Saeran's AE unfortunately. (and of course I won't jump straight in again, since everyone around me has been saying getting two hours of sleep every night just to play an otome game is not healthy at all)
I love the calls we get with Saeran after he finally comes to and realizes his worth, the drugs finally out his system. His so adorable and soft and even goofy at times that it makes me question whether I actually see Saeyoung as my fav (though I'll have to think alot more about that T_T, I swear tomato boy I definitely still luv u lmao)
Also love that Saeran has the most kiss CGs out of all the routes, like yes we love to see it ^^
Oh and the guests for Another Story are just such a treat from Cheritz. I mean we literally invite a dragon?? (a shame Saeyoung couldn't see his dragon buddy) and a coding language??? cmon you can't tell me that's not cool.
even though you gave me the sleep friendly guide, I still ended up getting 100% for nearly everyday (except for 2 of them which was 90%) and I must say I'm quite drained and tired but also happy that I was FINALLY able to experience Another Story, something I only really read about online before without knowing too much detail of what specifically happened. It has quite honestly given me a bigger appreciation of the game as a whole :)
I would love to play Saeran's AE but am so scared of getting a bad end, and also there's like no guides for it anywhere? so there's that to worry about too i guess.
I did decide I'd perhaps take a break from playing this game for a while since unfortunately life continues and its back to work for me, but perhaps sometime soon I'll see myself playing through the alluring and mysterious photographers route instead? ;)
also this route got me thinking alot more why Cheritz didn't give the MC eyes?? Like what purpose does the MC not having eyes provide?? idk Cheritz just give her eyes please, I think that way there'd be alot less questions floating around my bloated and overfilled mind, thanks.
Also thanks for coming along with me and listening about my journey of playing through this Another Story, I really appreciated it! :))) <3
I have been so eagerly waiting for this update!!!! Congrats on getting that good end! I'm really impressed with your dedication—and also, like, please get some sleep 😭❤️
He really is such a sweetheart, isn't he? I totally relate to that feeling of like I LOVE YOU wait I wanna MARRY YOUR BROTHER wait I love you uhhhhhh help, both of you come here and give me a hug.
I am so excited to hear how you feel when you play V's route and, eventually, the AE! And I'll recommend another of Seeme's guides, hehe. I used it last time I replayed the AE and it was great. Here! There's a sleep schedule-friendly one too (though you are clearly a completionist when you play these routes and I feel that—I'm the same way).
Those kiss CGs! Are! Amazing. He honestly needs a lot of kisses.
As far as the eyes thing goes, it sure is weird, huh? Apparently it used to be pretty popular for otome game MCs not to have eyes so it's easier for players to self-insert. Lots of newer games seem to have MCs with more specific appearances (and personalities), though.
I do like to self-insert when I'm playing otome games but also...I look nothing like this MC anyway, so her being eyeless does nothing for me, lol.
Would you prefer an MC with eyes even if she's more clearly not you? I think I would.
Also this route ending man it kills me literally just thinking about it. But just! Remember! That our boy is fine in the end. He's okay!!! He's safe and he's happy and he's got a boat ❤️
Thank you for sharing this Saeran route journey with me, my dear. I enjoyed every second of it!
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notquitetwilight · 3 years
Ik I don't engage w u much but I'd just really like to talk to an Irish person....this pandemic is shit and its handled badly by Martin here and I just know that we won't get level 3 in march....I'm really fed up with it, I've graduated into a workplace where no one knows what's going on and there's no support. And to make it worse, beast from the east 2 is on the way so it's Baltic here which makes going for a walk a bit shit.
Do you have any tips or recommendations or even have just a good moan about the pandemic, Ireland style?
It’s feckin disastrous with FF and FG and the turncoat Greens in government tbh. Idk what you’ve graduated in but based on your ask it sounds like possibly something in the medical/science industries??? If that is the case I can’t imagine how hard it is rn bc the Irish govt’s lack of support there is evident at the best of times, never mind in a feckin pandemic 🥴 Don’t be shy to DM me off anon if you ever wanna rant!!!!!!! No pressure tho ofc as I know lots of people prefer anon and that’s why I’ve it enabled 💞
I don’t have any tips bc I feel exactly the same in terms of barely leaving the house both bc of lockdown and the weather, it’s near impossible to get out for walks. Like I’m glad we’re in lockdown bc of how bad the numbers were and I’m hoping they don’t just open back up again like they did the other two times we came out of lockdown bc otherwise we’re just gonna be back in the same boat a few weeks/months later yano? But that doesn’t make living in lockdown any less shite/easier. It’s like groundhog day over and over and the vaccine rollout is so bloody slow??????? I’ve pals in the States who’ve pre-existing conditions and have already had their first dose, meanwhile we’re being told all over 70s, who’ve priority next to frontline workers, probably won’t be done til MAY????? It legit feels like all I’m doing is hearing of people going for tests or dying and life is just on pause at the minute with the vague promise of “it’ll be better soon” but no idea as to when. I’m also job hunting atm and p much every industry’s job market is cat bc of the pandemic but my industry was limited in Ireland beforehand anyway, which was why I emigrated, but then the pandemic made me return home and now I’m stuck here and it feels never-fucking-ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙃🙃🙃🙃
Generally I’m trying to take it one day at a time and truly just survive. Some days are more productive than others (I’ve a chronic illness too that I’ll be waiting to be seen for for god knows how long again bc of the pandemic so some days I’m dragging myself out of the bed just before noon) and I’m trynna be forgiving with myself but it’s hard. It’s my birthday later this week and as someone with achievement/career anxiety turning another year older while unemployed in an unpromising situation is literally giving me chest pains hskskdkskksf 💀 I’m sorry if I went too negative there but I just kinda wanted to be honest and show you (or anyone else who’s struggling atm) that you’re not alone. We’re all in different circumstances and some people’s are definitely worse than others but the current situation is affecting us all in different and harmful ways and none of us are getting out of it unscathed (well except the rich maybe lol 🙃). So take comfort in the fact that you’re not the only one, but don’t let that diminish/invalidate how you’re feeling, if you get me? We’re allowed to be sad and angry and grieve normal life while doing our part to lessen the grieving of people. 💗
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