#i'm hoping it'll come back but also i won't force it either
silentknives · 1 year
I like to be called: i’ve adopted “fizzu” as my mun name, so i’m gonna go with that.  
one thing you should know about me: in periods like these where i have the biggest writer’s block, or creative block in general, i’m 90% still interested in the plots i’ve discussed with writing partners!! just because i’m not actively writing, i still have all the established and developing plots/relationships in mind. i sometimes decide to drop threads, but i’ll always talk to my writing partner about it. doesn’t necessarily mean i’m not interested in the overall plot and character developments anymore. because i still am, i promise. :’)
thing you should know about rping with my character(s): Emily is naturally a loner, so she can be quiet and distant, and when spoken to, says things bluntly. especially when meeting new people. depending if your character is on her good side, she’ll warm up to them pretty quickly. more emotional than i initially wrote her!
joy to work with: ??? like specific people or???? 
first language: english
age range: under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | (30+) | 40+ | 70+ am
okay with nsfw?: (yes) | no | some nsfw**
my favorite/most common thing to rp is: ( angst ) |   (  fluff  )   |   (  smut  )   |   (  crack  )   |   (  action  )   |   ( plots )   | ( AUs ) |   (  violence  )   |   (  darker themes  )   |   (  other  )  
this rp blog: does contain ooc posts | doesn’t contain ooc posts | occasionally contains ooc
Tagged by:  @notsoinnocentlittleangel
Tagging: anybody who’d like to participate in this!
** “some nsfw” meaning i’m willing to write some nasty, descriptive sex or violent scenes, but only if our characters have an established relationship, chemistry, or we’ve talked and plotted extensively ooc. 
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Steve grows up thinking that love can be earned. That it has to be earned. That if he is quiet and polite, invisible most of the time and puts on his too-tight white button-downs without making a fuss, his mother will call him good and while she won't say it directly, Steve takes her approval for love.
His father is harder to please, for a while it's winning sport trophies and talking about taking out pretty girls. But as time goes on, Steve learns that disappointment is far quicker and far more willing given than love. Love can also be taken away like a toy from a naughty child.
Despite trying his best to keep earning his parents' love it keeps slipping away from him more and more often, like smoke through delicate fingers. Steve doesn't know what he is doing wrong, just assumes that he isn't good, that he doesn't deserve their love. It never occurs to him that they simply might be incapable of it, hollow, cold, harsh caves that echo where their hearts should beat.
So Steve tries to get it elsewhere. Tommy and Carol's love is easier to earn. Drive them places, pay for their food, get them booze and let them throw parties at his pool. Be mean and arrogant, laugh at jokes that make him feel sick to his stomach and do it all with a smile. Keep them happy and they'll keep loving him. He never quite figures out how he earned Nancy's love and it makes him antsy. Not knowing how to ensure that she'll keep loving him. He only realizes once they break up that the reason he never knew how to make her keep loving him was that she never loved him in the first place.
The kids are easy: be a human shield for them, beat monsters with a baseball bat, get tortured by Russians for them. If danger isn't around the corner it's driving them to the arcade, paying for their food, letting them hang out in the cold, desolate house that once they are gone echos just as much as the caves in his parents' chests. It's not that different from how he kept Tommy and Carol loving him. Only that it feels different, better. Steve doesn't have to force smiles, still recognizes the person in the mirror when he hangs out with the kids. He has fun too, would still do all these things if it didn't earn him the kids' love.
It's nice. Almost. If it wasn't for the constant fear that one day he'll say the wrong thing, bring them the wrong snack and all of that love will go poof.
Robin just like Nancy, Steve can't figure out. And it's fucking terrifying because he doesn't think he's ever loved a friend hell not just a friend, anyone, the way he has loved her. There are days he wants to crawl into her skin and make a home hoping it'll be enough to make her stay. Though a home never made his parents stay either. He knows the day he is going to lose her love, he will completely fall apart.
Eddie, Steve is slowly figuring out. Or at least he thinks he is. It's hard to tell with Eddie sometimes. On one hand, it's easy, Steve knows how to please partners in a relationship, knows how to be a good boyfriend. And Eddie clearly seems to enjoy the way Steve keeps trying to earn his love. On the other hand being a good boyfriend had already once not been enough.
It all comes down to it when Eddie and Steve end up in a stupid fight. Steve can't even remember what it started or who started it, all he knows that when Eddie says, "I need a smoke," and moves towards the door, panic closes around Steve's throat like a hand and squeezes tightly. If Eddie goes out of the door, if he leaves, he might not come back. It's been over six months since Steve last saw his parents.
"I'm sorry," he yells, tears already spilling over the corners of his eyes, running down his cheeks and pooling at his chin. He reaches for Eddie's wrist and Eddie instantly stops.
"I'm sorry, don't leave please! I'll make up for it, I promise. I'll be good. Perfect. Let me earn it again! Please!"
Eddie looks startled by Steve's outburst. He tucks his cigarette back into his pocket and pulls Steve into his arms.
"What? I'm not leaving! Steve," he says and cups Steve's wet face. Steve can't stop trembling. "What do you mean 'earn it again'?"
"Your love," Steve sniffs and buries his face in the crook of Eddie's neck, hoping, praying that it wasn't the wrong move. He knows he can be too clingy and he knows he can't afford to lose more of Eddie's love.
"My love? Baby," Eddie tightens his arms around Steve, "I'm not gonna stop loving you just because we're fighting. I love you even when I'm mad at you."
It draws a whole new wave of tears out of Steve and he does feel a bit like drowning. "And you don't have to earn my love, it's not fucking conditional," Eddie continues and presses a couple of soft kisses to Steve's hair.
"All my love is freely given. Not because you cook me dinner or let me pick movies or offer to blow me all the time. But because I love you, just you Steve. You don't even have to do anything. Just be yourself."
Eddie is crying now too, horrified that Steve went through his life in constant fear of love being taken away from him. Having to constantly bend and twist himself until he was broken just to earn crumbs of affection. It's a first step, one I love you doesn't undo years of trauma and fixes everything in an instant.
But Eddie vows he'll do everything he can to convince Steve that he is loved, so, so, so loved without having to grovel and beg for it. Without having to always be good and perfect.
And Robin and the kids make the same vow, heartbroken when they find out how scared Steve has been of losing them, how he thought they only kept him around in case of danger and because he had money.
It takes a while, but eventually, Steve starts to believe them. And if he ever has doubts or forgets everyone in his life is quick to remind him just how loved he is. Free of charge and indefinitely.
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isa-ghost · 16 days
Arre there any hc's that you can give about amfn!phils possession? I gotta say it's one of the coolest possessions I've read
Me vibrating with self control to avoid spoiling anything that isn't already revealed:
Hope you didn't think you'd be getting any major spoilers for stuff I've yet to reveal >:3c Nice try Sniff.
Also thank you!! Possession is one of my favorite things to write. >:)
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Awake Me From My Nightmare fic
Phil is a prisoner in his own body right now. Ender King is using a couple things in order to keep him suppressed so he can remain in control.
Phil's body is not built to house a god for long periods of time. I've only just started to show it in the beginning of chapter 6, but it will be slowly falling apart at the seams the longer Ender King is in control. :)
To remedy this, he's going to start pounding down gapples like his life depends on it. This will bring back an addiction Phil kicked long ago.
Ender King's possession of Phil physically manifests in equal parts vaguely draconic and enderman traits, all of which are of course purple or black, sometimes teetering on pink like an enderman’s eyes. Tbh I should doodle possessed Phil. Some of my friends have made fanart not too far off if you check my AMFMN tag (and reblog their art)!
From chapter 7 onwards, the polycule and Bagi will be finding traces of evidence suggesting Phil's body is deteriorating the longer it's being possessed. This will include feathers, blood, and belongings.
A few chapters will peek at how Phil's condition is in greater detail. I'm not going to tell you how yet ;) Currently that's planned for Chapter 11, but I might introduce it sooner if I feel it works right.
Like in canon, Phil is inhumanly strong, fast, and powerful while possessed. Case in point: Downing the polycule and breaking their full set of armor with just one hit.
Also hinted at in the start of chapter 6, Phil's body can channel Ender King's magic. Or more accurately, it's being forced to. I'm waiting on more canon lore crumbs from Phil to determine how this might be possible if it isn't just Ender King being like Because I Said So. Predictably, this intensifies the strain Phil's body is being put under, which is damaging him worse and making his body deteriorate faster.
Phil's voice is distorted and demonic sounding, like there's 2 of him speaking. You can distinctly hear his voice as well as Ender King's deeper one layered together. He can also growl and roar like the Ender Dragon.
To purge Ender King from his system, Phil will have to do so physically AND mentally. I will not reveal how that will play out. :) That's late-late game plot.
I WILL say Phil can and will have moments of clarity. Not necessarily in control but not out of it either. It'll be a struggle to speak and move, but it will stop Ender King for very short periods of time. One of my favorite angsty fucked up moments comes as a result of this at the end of Chapter 11. By far my favorite cliffhanger planned.
Phil will have very little if any memory of any time Ender King is in complete control. For example, he does not know he attacked the polycule at Phil y Missa in Chapter 5, nor does he know what the Fuck Ender King did at the start of Chapter 6. Which btw you'll learn what that was in Chapter 7. =)
Phil is completely and utterly corrupted when fully possessed, not just his body outside. Inside too. His blood and tears are tinted purple.
Because Ender King doesn't need to eat, he won't be eating until he chooses to keep Phil's body afloat with gapples. Phil is starving the entire time he's possessed, which Ender King will use to his advantage to better keep Phil smothered. It will also contribute to how fast his body is falling apart.
All damage being taken by his body is only damaging him, not Ender King. He is not only a vessel but a meat shield.
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tulipsforvin · 19 days
Hii I'm a new one here in your blog! How are you love?
Can I request a tooth rooting fluff of fatigued Mycroft from work (Moriarty The Patriot)x overprotective fem!reader?
Thank you have a nice day <33
a/n: hellooo❕ forgive my late welcome but i really hope you enjoy your time here. i'm good, thank you :) hope you're just as well ! ALSO AAAA i think i went ahead of myself and typed way more angst than fluff 😭😭
##: angst, fluff, maybe implications of depression if you squint ??
MY KIND OF WOMAN 𓍢ִ໋ ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ myc. holmes x f!reader
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tonight the moon was far too dipped into the shadows of the dark to come out; too tired, too weary. mycroft seems to deeply relate as he trudges his way in, head throbbing and utterly exhausted.
his younger brother, sherlock, was being investigated for homicide of the media mogul charles augustus milverton but thankfully no proof had risen. yet.
that, atop the stress he's facing with the people of the nation complaining and pressuring that the lord of crime be caught and punished to death—not that he could life a finger, though. he'd already been bound to the moriarty's by the contract and his vow.
“haaa..” he exhales gruffly, taking off his shoes—he barely has enough energy to crawl himself towards the couch before plopping down on it. it's quiet, utterly quiet. and dark; like his current state of mind. dark, yet a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.
mycroft's thoughts drift to the weight he carries—the responsibility of his work, the burdens of a brilliant mind constantly analyzing and strategizing for the sake of the nation. it was a relentless pursuit, one that often left him feeling isolated and exhausted, tired and battered. wrecked. he's tired, utterly so.
“....” mycroft pops open the abandoned whiskey on the coffee table, drinking from it. were you drinking? he wishes he could share a glass with you.
it's been too long, hasn't it?
it's been days since he's properly even had the time to look at you. he leaves for work at the break of dawn when you're still asleep and returns in the middle of the night; a perpetual, tiring cycle.
he feels like crying for the first time in a while—the weight is too heavy, too harsh on him. and he dips his head low, ducking his chin, even in the dark. as if someone would or could see him like this, so vulnerable and exhausted. he's glad you're sleeping in your shared bedroom — at least you won't have to see him this way, weak and pathetic.
mycroft freezes, neck of the whiskey bottle still touching his lips. “...(name).” he croaks out and instantly regrets it. his voice is hoarse, cracked at the end, almost whiny. he hates being this way.
“you okay? how was work?” slowly you tiptoe your way to him—the atmosphere was heavy and you could sense it from miles away. your fingers rest themselves on his shoulder, standing behind him and you realize just how tense his muscles feel.
“the same as always.” he replies plainly—the same neverending work. of course he'd like to say more than just that one sentence to you but he worries that if he starts, he won't stop, and that once he starts, it won't end in a simple complain—it'll end in a breakdown, tears and all.
so he sits there quietly. still as a rock. not facing you.
clack. he puts the whiskey bottle down.
“i see.” you mumble. you know he hates being perceived as weak and vulnerable so you don't force him to face you either. instead your fingers begin to slowly knead his shoulders, massaging him.
and mycroft swears he feels a lump grow in his throat. he leans back against the chair in silence, further back against you. it feels good, he thinks. to be cared for and loved as much as you do to him.
“...thank you, (name).” he whispers earnestly. he recognises he became so accustomed to shouldering the weight of the world that he had almost forgotten the simple joy of being cared for. “truly.”
a tear falls down onto his lap.
“..of course, honey. anytime.”
but neither of you say anything.
plop. another tear.
he's embarrassed—the tips of his ears are red but he's also grateful that you're not saying anything further. he likes that you're respectful of him and his boundaries and that you're not forcefully prying it out of him. he would tell you himself, anyway.
“i thought i'd lose my little brother today.”
mycroft says it so suddenly that it makes you pause—and it makes your heart ache painfully. he seemed to be going through a lot these past few weeks.
“i thought that he'd end up behind bars, that we'd never be able to bicker again,” he continues slowly, as if spoken too fast and he'd overwhelm himself with his own words. “the constant demands and pressures placed on me... they never cease.”
your hands have gotten softer on his body, more gentle and kind. “i can see the toll it takes on you, mikey. it's okay to feel overwhelmed.” you press a faint kiss to his nape. “you're only human, after all.”
a small silence. and then he breaks it: “i'm...afraid, (name). i'm afraid of failing. of disappointing everyone. and most of all, i'm afraid of losing you because of this— this darkness that surrounds me.”
he's at last allowing himself to feel infront of you.
and this time mycroft turns his head to look at you; you're faced with a grief stricken mycroft, heavy tears dripping down his face. you are strong. stronger than you give yourself credit for. but even the strongest of people need support and love. let me be there for you. share the burden with me." you cup his cheeks and he nuzzles himself against your warm palms.
“i love you.” he whispers softly. weakly.
“i love you too, mickey. i'll always love and stand by your side. no matter what happens to either of us.”
“even if i were to be brandished a traitor the next day for conspiring with the lord of crime & keeping silent even after i became aware of their true identity?”
“even then i would love you.”
“and if i were to be executed the next day?”
your heart hurts for him—you realize this is one of his genuine fears that he's been constantly wracked with. “then i would follow you wherever you go, mickey—even after death, i will forever be yours.”
a mix of emotions flicker across mycroft's face; fear, longing, a glimmer of hope. he takes a shaky breath, his voice barely above a whisper. "promise me you won't give up on me, no matter how difficult it gets."
“i promise.” your voice is filled with determination and he breathes a sigh of relief—something he desperately wanted to do for a long time now. “you're not alone, mycroft; you never will be. as long as i'm alive you will always be well and protected.”
mycroft nods silently, lets himself be embraced by you—he'd allow himself this much of respite. he could face all the horrors the world has to show tomorrow. as long as he can rest in your arms tonight.
there were still a lot of thorns and you were certain there'd be more along the way, but you would never allow even one of those to graze him. you were dead set on clearing a better, smoother path for mycroft and make sure that no one would stand in his way.
you look down and for the first time you feel him softly sobbing into your chest. you kiss the crown of his head and hold him tighter.
yes, you think to yourself as you pat him. the scheming and mind wracking can be set aside for tomorrow. all you want to do is be with him right now.
and you're sure mycroft feels the same.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 1 year
gahhhh i love your work sm!! perhaps reader comforting the 141 + König and Horangi if possible? something along the lines of like you were away on a mission for too long, you nearly died, they had a really tough mission, or maybe even that they just a bad nightmare </3
Task Force 141: Real World Nightmares
[Warnings: Like, none?]
[AN: Hi love bug, I only accept 5 characters per ask so I'm only doing Task Force 141. Also thank you so so much!! I also don't,,, know about about Horangi at this moment and I'm a certified Konig hater /lh]
Reblogs are appreciated!
Captain John Price
It's hell waiting to see if you're still alive. Pacing the halls, unable to think straight and far too aggressive with anyone that even asks if he's doing alright. Price doesn't handle your life being on the line very well.
He's been waiting for correspondence from you. Hours feel like weeks. You're supposed to come back to him. He hasn't bothered to change out of his gear, not when he's posted by the door hoping you'll walk through it.
When you do? He feels the world roll from his shoulders. He holds you tight. He's not emotional in the sense of crying, I don't think any of them really would, but he does that thing where he like, chastises you for taking so long to get back to him.
He checks you over, quickly, just to make sure you don't have any life threatening wounds. You're okay, rough, but generally okay. He can't let you go, won't let you go.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
A bit more neurotic when making sure you're alright. He almost gets lost in his head when waiting for you with bated breath. The moment things start to go wrong for you, he wants to figure out plans to help and get you out. Kyle isn't so clouded by his emotions that his judgment goes to hell but he's not the best at decision making either.
Price will tell him to sit down, might argue with him just a bit, but overall, Kyle listens to Price. Price knows you'll handle yourself, and even though the situation it awful, you'll be just fine. You're slippery and intelligent. And they're working on helping you.
Kyle, naturally, is the first to actually find you in the heat of it all. Slides up beside you, thankful he's at your side while the two of you are pinned for a moment or so and all he can think of is protecting you. You look a little worse for wear, but he knows it's nothing too bad physically.
You'll both make it. Eventually, after managing a tricky escape, he holds you. He's much more affectionate and spends more than enough time saying how much he loves you but it's for good reason. He can't bear the thought of actually losing you.
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Instantly wants to come get you. Hearing you've been captured makes him lose most of his rational thought. He has to be held back from just storming in. And it's not that Johnny is a bad strategist, he just really can't stand the thought of something bad happening to you when he could have been doing something rather than sitting around!
He eventually reels himself in and gets the others to come up with a plan, still working quicker than what's considered sane after getting confirmation you're 'okay.'
Coming to get you makes him feel everything all at once. He's focused on being disciplined and deadly accurate. He won't play around with your life.
Seeing you is the biggest relief. He holds you so tight, squeezes you and doesn't let you go. He's so sweet in making sure you're alright without smothering you in the same way others might.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Quite clinical! He tends to care so deeply about other people it hurts. Doesn't know when to reel in his own empathy despite hiding it so well. You hold his entire heart, and if anything happens to you, it'll break. To protect himself, but more importantly you, he needs to keep you safe.
He's got plans about everything brewing in his head. I think Ghost likes to think of every possible route in case things go wrong, and unfortunately that means he was also expecting something like this. He's on it, everyone else is on it.
You're... he's afraid you won't make it through the night once he finally gets you in his arms. He sees the loss of his loved ones flash in his eyes as he holds you when you make it out of surgery to recover. Squeezes your hand, rests near you and gives you space while also clinging so tightly to you. He knows he won't and can't live without you.
You eventually fall deeper into sleep. He watches. His eyes are stuck on you, can't look anywhere else. Won't look anywhere else. There's still a chance you won't make it. He hates that his nightmare might finally become true.
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beybaldes · 1 year
yesterday once more
Eddie Roundtree × Fem!Reader
djats masterlist
word count: 2.4k
request! : Okay I'm doing my fourth rewatch of fleabag and the confession between her and the priest is the holy grail of angstiness. So something along those lines. "awfully right person, terribly wrong time" They deeply love each other but won't end up together, a very bittersweet ending. It could be because he leaves the band or even some other third force that will come into action. Take what you need, you'll do a great job anyway!!
thank you for the request @thefemininemystiquee I hope you enjoy <3
a/n I wrote this and then realised you could've meant confession like in the confessional scene or 'I love you' 'it'll pass' - this is heavily based on the latter but if you want one based off the scene in the confessional I'd love to write it !!!
Warning!! I have not read the book or the show!!! All info I have gathered has been from other x readers I have read. sorry in advance if I have butchered vour fav show/book because I have plainly made shit up in favour of satiating my own need for more Eddie fics xoxo
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"I'm not in love with you anymore, Eddie."
A beat of silence. Eddie's tear-filled eyes met your own, a frown etched deeply onto his lips. You looked heartbroken by the words you'd just spoke, completely devastated, as if saying it had created a reality you never wanted to occur.
It wasn't that you weren't in love with him, he knew that, it was that you weren't going to let yourself be any longer. You'd spent too many years dancing around each other and you'd had enough; you'd never dare ask Eddie if he returned the sentiment in fear of breaking your own heart. You'd never have guessed that that was what would cause your heart to break.
How many times had you almost kissed? How many times had you danced around your room late at night, your favourite record playing as you became one in the moonlight? How many times had he pushed his hook ups right back out of the door at your appearance? How many times had you slept in the same bed together, cuddling throughout the night and staring silently at the other in the early morning light in hopes of studying every detail of their face before they woke up?
If only you'd have said something sooner, rather then revealing your love for the blonde by denying it, then you would've known he loved you just as much as you loved him. And while he may have spent time pining after Camilla, being infatuated with the thought of her, he fell in love with you; but now it was far too late for him to say anything. The damage had been dually done.
"I didn't know you ever were, birdie."
What would've been better? He couldn't undo the years he'd lost from plain obliviousness and even ignorance, he couldn't fix the parts of you he'd silently hurt across the years - and Eddie decided then that he wouldn't hurt you again, not now the choice so easily presented itself. So, he lied.
Eddie had been in love with you since the night when he stumbled into his room in the house with some just as drunk blonde wrapped around his arm. He hadn't been expecting to find you sat in his bed; though the sight wasn't an unwelcome one. Before either you or the blonde could comment on the situation, he asked her to show herself out, ignoring the nasty words she started throwing at him and continuing to ignore her complaints even as he closed the door in her face. Eddie was quick to kick off his shoes and make his way over to his bed, joining you against the pillows. The two of you spent the night dancing to both sides of the carpenters album 'close to you,' and then fell asleep together in Eddie's bed, both of you in his clothes and wrapped in each others arms.
That was the first of many nights like that, and one of the last nights either of you attempted to hook up with some stranger or some groupie despite the many that would flock to you over the years to come.
Eddie also knew you were in love with him ever since that day. The following morning, he woke up to the feeling of your finger ghosting over his temple, brushing the hair of his face every time it fell back in the way of your view. He let you stare at him for over a hour before he pretended to wake up, allowing you to commit every crack, wrinkle, freckle and scar to memory.
Over two decades on from that night you could still draw his expression from that morning.
Why didn't he ever say anything? As the two of you stared each other down backstage, neither moving, neither wanting to be the first to leave, all he could think about was all the opportunities he'd had over the past decade to confess his feelings to you - non of which he'd ever taken.
After the shit-show that was the performance you'd just done and the day you'd just had, the both of you knew the end was near, even if you didn't want to say it out loud. For all he knew, this was the last time Eddie was ever going to see you again.
Eddie closed the gap between the two of you, cupping your face in his hands and running his thumbs across the apples of your cheeks that were flushed and tear stained. Another position you were familiar with when it came to Eddie, many of your almost kisses beginning from something along these lines, except this time there was no almost; just an actual kiss.
Pensively, Eddie leant forward, pressing his lips to yours softly, cradling your face close to his with a tension in the hold he had on your face. You would've waited another ten years if it meant you could kiss Eddie again; if that meant he'd kiss you like this, hold you like this.
The both of you melded together, holding onto the kiss for as long as you could, knowing it was a hello and a goodbye and an I love you, I love you, I love you all in one.
But someone has to leave first. That is a very old story of which there is no other version.
You pulled away from Eddie's touch, resting your forehead against his as you regained your breath. Your eyes stayed downcast to the floor, knowing if you met his gaze, you'd never want to look away - you wouldn't be able to go on and live and find the life you deserved. Eddie didn't push you, instead respecting the space you'd created between the two of you. He let you walk away without another word and didn't chase after you, even when his heart felt like it was going to explode out of his chest and everything in him told him to.
The following morning, after a restless night without you in his arms for the first time in a long time, a smile finally graced Eddie's face. He hadn't been earlier enough to see you get in your cab, but he'd arrived just in time to know you weren't getting back in that your bus, and neither was he.
It felt like closure in a way - knowing that neither of you were going to continue with the life that was the band, that both of you were beginning a new chapter in your life. It stung deeper then any weapon could though that going forward you weren't going to be friends; only strangers who'd happened to cross paths.
When Julia showed up on his doorstep 20 years later he knew it would cause him a world of hurt to talk about the band, but when she inevitably brought up your name, he was truly and completely crushed. He'd spent 20 years trying not to think about you and what could've been and here he was recounting every moment of your relationship like he was okay with it.
"I never did find anyone else." Eddie answered honestly to the camera, a fond and longing smile curled on his lips. "There was no one better then y/n. You couldn't help but fall in love with her, even then... even now."
It was six months later, to the day, that he received an email with a copy of the documentary attached and was quick to open the file and watch it.
Seeing your face for the first time in two decades was bittersweet. You looked just like, well, you, but older, more beautiful if that was possible. And when his name inevitably came up, the same soft and loving smile that had crossed his face graced yours.
"Eddie?" You rhetorically asked, thinking on your words in a long moment of gentle silence. "We spent so many years worried about admitting our feelings to each other - and potentially loosing each other because of it."
Julia let you sit in the silence, your eyes glazing over with what looked like tears through the camera. "I never loved anyone like I loved Eddie, and I still haven't, I don't think I ever will. And I spent years thinking about how the last thing I said to him that day was that I didn't love him anymore."
"But you lied?" Juli prompted.
"Kind of. I think Eddie knew the truth - we always did when it came to each other - I really hope he knew that when I said that, I meant quite the opposite."
"And if he's out there watching this, what would you want to say to him?" Eddie's eyes widened at the question, not having been asked that himself and now wondering which of the two of you had been interviewed first, or If fate was pulling some twisted and long frayed strings on his behalf through Julia.
A longer pause. You avoided the camera and Julia's gaze, looking down at your hands as you picked at the skin around your nails, unsure of where to begin or what to say. "My Eddie." You mused, looking back to camera. It felt to Eddie, that even through the screen, you were looking directly at him. "I hope that we work out in another lifetime. I'll come and find you in the next one and we'll start over again."
"Yeah." Eddie answered, though he knew you couldn't hear him, that you'd never get to hear him tell you that's all he wanted as well. He knew you'd know, though, you always did when it came to gather. "Yeah, that'd be nice, birdie. Be real nice."
~~~ non-angst/bittersweet bonus ending ~~~
It had taken 12 minutes exactly after finishing Julia's documentary for Eddie to book a flight to Pittsburgh. Though you'd never said it in the documentary, he'd recognise the house behind you as your childhood home even centuries on. He'd spent countless days and nights in his adolescence in that garden, that kitchen, that bedroom.
By the afternoon of the same day, he was standing on your doorstep, hands shaking as he raised them to knock of your door, and after 10 minutes of debating whether what he was doing was crazy or not, he finally got the courage to do so.
Even your call of 'one second' and footsteps rushing through the house had Eddie weak in the knees. He was terrified of what you would say - would you kick him to the curb, tell him that he was 20 years too late for you love? Would you welcome him back into your life with open arms? Would you have a family? Kids? A husband? A wife?
"Sorry, I-" You were just as beautiful as the day he'd last seen you. "Eddie?"
Eddie had spent the entire flight practising what he was going to say to you when he got here, but now he was in front of you, he found himself speechless. Where could he even begin in terms of making things right? Making things how they were supposed to be?
"I want to pay bills and slow dance with you, birdie, until we're old and wrinkled and you regret ever being with me." You stepped out from inside of your house, one step closer to Eddie on your porch and the life you'd spent years dreaming about and he was now offering to you. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I should've said something as soon as the day I met you, but I'm here and saying it now and-"
You'd be a fool not to.
You grabbed Eddie's face, clashing your lips to his in a sudden, swift motion. Despite being stunned by the kiss, Eddie was quick to lean into it, pulling you flush against him and lifting you off the ground, spinning the two of you around as you laughed into him, breaking away from the kiss with a smile.
Eddie placed you back down on the ground, but his hands never left your waist now that they'd found it. A series of ruby red kissed were pressed to his cheeks, his jaw and his lips once again, staining his skin though he'd never mind, not as long as it was you doing it.
"I'm old." You whispered into the space between you, though there wasn't much to begin with, your lips brushing against his as you moved them to speak. "I'm not the girl you fell in love with all those years ago."
"I don't care." Eddie answered back, holding your cheeks so carefully you'd think he was holding the world in the palm of his hand: as far as he was concerned, he was. "I could fall in love with you anywhere in any form. As long as you let me, I want to do this and I want to do it with you. I don't want to spend another second without you in my life, not again."
"You sure?"
"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." Eddie pressed another kiss to your lips, cradling the back of your neck with the hand that wasn't cradling your cheek and keeping you close to him. "I love you birdie. I always have and I always will."
"My Eddie." You hummed, smiling up at the blonde you'd loved since you were 13, him finally and permanently in your arms. "I love you too."
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lostinthewiind · 1 month
Hi! Hope you're having a good day! You are so right, the Generation Kill fics are very rare, it's a shame.
Could you please write something for Nate Fick where the reader is oblivious and doesn't realize that he loves them?
Nathaniel "Nate" Fick - Generation Kill
Rating: All ages
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It had been a long tour. Iraq was brutal from start to finish, and even now, when you knew you would be heading back to the States in a couple of days, it still didn't feel real.
Staring out at the vast Iraqi desert that surrounded the base camp, you exhaled long and deep—a last-ditch attempt to expel the weeks of dust that accumulated in your lungs.
"Ready to head back home?" A familiar voice came from behind you.
You smiled to yourself as you scooted over, making room for your visitor in the back of the truck you had found refuge in. "And here I was thinking I had finally found a moment of peace and quiet in this damn war."
Nate smirked as he sat down next to you, his bright blue eyes practically sparkling in the sun. You had seen a lot of things you wouldn't ever forget while in Iraq, most of them bad—but Nate's eyes were one of the few good things that lingered in your mind.
"Sorry to disturb your personal oasis in the back of this Motor T rust bucket." The truck made a worrying sound as he shifted his weight and he quirked a brow. "Point made."
"Well maybe if you had whipped your men into shape more, I wouldn't have to feel as though Motor T is the only place I can go for some quality alone time," you told him as you tilted your head toward the sunset.
"Manimal trying to buy your underwear off of you again?"
You choked on your next breath. "How the hell do you know about that?"
Nate laughed. "I know about everything that goes on in my platoon."
"Either way, no, that wasn't happening ... not again, at least." You shook your head. "I was just trying to take some time to reflect. I thought going home would be a happy feeling."
"You're not happy?"
"I am. But I'm also not." You tried to explain your complex feelings. "I don't know, the possibility of never seeing any of you guys again isn't as much of a relief as I thought it might be. Don't tell anyone I said that."
"I won't," Nate assured you with a chuckle. "For someone coming into a group of guys who have been together since Afghanistan, you really held your own. It'll be weird if we ship out again and you're not there."
You watched as the night sky shifted from a brilliant shade of orange into a dark purple. "Give it some time and I'll be as ready as you are to be done with this war and go home."
"How do you know I'm ready to go home?" Nate asked.
"You're not the only observant one," you answered, earning a dubious look from Nate. "... and I overheard you and Brad talking."
Nate nodded when you confirmed his suspicions. "That sounds more like it."
"Hey, I am plenty observant!" You smacked him on the shoulder. "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. It's a pretty important quality for a marine."
"True. But still."
"But still?"
Nate turned away from the sunset to look at you. His mouth opened to respond, but before he could get a word out, he decided against it and averted his gaze. "Nothing."
"No, no, no." You grabbed his face with your hand and forced him to look at you once more. In that moment, you didn't think about the fact that you were technically laying hands on your superior. "But still what?"
"I think it's a conversation better had at a later date," he told you as he gently pushed your hand away. "When there's less sand and less gunfire. When we're just normal people, not a Lieutenant and his Corporal."
"You know we could die tomorrow, right?" you reminded him. "Or right now. There could be a sniper lining up the head shot as we speak. What if I died right now and you never got to tell me whatever it is you're being so secretive about?"
Letting out a defeated sigh, Nate reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a ring. It wasn't just some class ring either; no, it was an honest-to-God gold banded ring with a diamond on the top.
"Lieutenant Fick?" Your eyes darted between his face and the ring.
"Please do not call me Lieutenant when I'm holding an engagement ring."
Your mouth fell open. You were at a loss for words. "What ... what the fuck, Nate?"
"I suppose that's better." He clasped his hand firmly around the ring so it was no longer in sight. "When I first met you, I wrote a letter home and mentioned you. Told my folks all about how we had this woman riding with us and how I didn't think she'd last a week."
You were too impatient to wait for the follow-up. "And?" you prompted.
"And my mother sent me back the family ring and told me to let her know when the wedding was."
You laughed. You were aware how incredibly insensitive it was but in that moment, it was the only outlet you could think of for your overwhelming emotions. "What the fuck, Nate?" you whispered.
"You already said that."
"Well, I'm sorry I'm a little shocked in a moment like this. Can you blame me for not exactly expecting a proposal when I didn't even know you had feelings for me?"
Nate rolled his eyes. "I never actually asked you to marry me, now did I?"
"Then what's the ring for?"
"Well obviously it's for engagement!"
"What is happening right now?" You couldn't believe what was going on. Surely, you must have been dreaming. "Did you hit your head when I wasn't looking? Do I need to call Doc Bryan?"
"Oh, my God. I've really fucked this." Nate stuffed the ring back into his pocket. "This is not how I meant to approach this topic."
"What topic?"
"That I'm in love with you!" Nate proclaimed before burying his face in his hands.
A beat of silence passed and you were suddenly very grateful that you had chosen an abandoned corner of the camp to watch the sunset from.
"Nate?" you whispered once more.
"Yes?" he whispered back, his voice even more muffled from his hands.
"Did you just tell me you're in love with me?"
"And that engagement ring in your pocket is for me?"
"Yes." He finally lifted his head to look at you. "Not right now, of course. But yes, theoretically, at some point."
You couldn't help but laugh again. "This is so weird."
Nate made a strangled, embarrassed sound. "You're killing me here." He stood up to leave. "I should just go. This was clearly a mistake."
"Oh, settle down." You grabbed him by his uniform and pulled him back down. "Yes, I had a bit of a strong reaction at first, but considering the circumstances, I think I'm allowed that much. I never said I didn't love you back."
Nate's blue eyes lit up. "Do you?"
"Well, I don't know. I hadn't thought about it until now," you answered. "Maybe."
"Maybe?" That same sound slipped past his lips. "That's romantic."
"Okay, it's not that I've never thought about. You're obviously very attractive and all that," you rephrased. "I've just never thought about it seriously. In case you haven't noticed, we are in the middle of a war."
"I noticed. Which is why the ring's been burning a hole in my pocket until now." He drew in a deep breath, and when you didn't share another thought, he spoke again. "Now what?"
Reaching into his pocket, you fished out the engagement ring and handed it to him. "Now you ask me to marry you."
"Really?" His fingers trembled slightly as they plucked the ring out of your grasp. "Here?"
"Right here." You nodded.
"Okay. Right. Yes." He cleared his throat and jumped down from the back of the truck. Then he offered you a hand down, and once you were both standing on solid ground, he dropped down onto one knee. "Y/N, I know we haven't known each other very long. I know the typical thing is to date for a while before asking this question; hell, the typical thing is to actually have feelings for one another before asking this question. However, as a fellow marine, you know that typical is merely a suggestion. Either way, meeting you has been the highlight of this war, which I know isn't saying much but still ... I'd like for you to be the highlight of the rest of my life as well. Will you marry me?"
Your heart swelled at the gentle words falling from the mouth of one of the toughest men you had ever met. The way Nate looked up at you, as if you had the answer to every question in the world, was beyond endearing. You could truly picture a long, happy life with him.
"No," you answered.
Nate's hopeful smile fell. "No?"
"That's what you get for springing a goddamn engagement ring on me like this." You plucked the ring from his hand before inspecting it. "It is a rather beautiful ring though. Ask me again in a couple months and I'll gladly take it off your hands."
Nate shook his head as he stood back up and dusted off his knee. "And until then?"
"We date," you said matter-of-factly. "As typical as it is, I've had enough atypical for one lifetime."
Nate smiled wide. "I can't wait to marry you."
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unseededtoast · 2 months
Turtle Doves | Joel Miller
Part Ten
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Chapter Directory
Series Summary: In which two broken souls connect so deeply, that if one should perish, the other would surely die of a broken heart. (slow burn, timeline changes. After TLOU1, before TLOU2, assumed knowledge of infected, uses elements from both show and game)
Series Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, and sexual content.
Also cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. Link to my masterlist for everything else I’ve posted!
We continue on our route, leaving the cursed town behind us.
The shelf scrapes the floor with a loud squeal as we move it out of the way. Thankfully there are no infected around, otherwise this would have drawn all of them right to us. My body still aches from yesterday, and it'll probably continue to get worse today. Once the shelf is out of the way enough for us to squeeze through, we begin back on our route.
The morning sun is just barely peeking up over the horizon, meaning the air is still cool. I know it won't last long, so I savor it now. If my thoughts are correct, we should be passing through the town marked with a star within an hour or two. Something inside me is wary of this location, but the optimistic part of me is hoping that we find something useful.
As usual, our journey begins with more silence. If we're going to be going to Omaha together, I might as well start trying to break the silence to hopefully make him more comfortable talking to me. However, I will give him credit where it's due, he was rather talkative yesterday. Twisting my neck side to side, it cracks and relieves some pressure; and I wish the rest of my bones would do the same.
"Not as young as I used to be." I say as I try to get my back to crack. After trying two more times I give up and just accept that I'm going to be in pain. Joel lets out what sounds like a small laugh.
"You're tellin' me." He turns to face me, a faint trail of humor shown on his features.
"Finding a car would be nice." I say with a huff, thinking about the luxury of even the most run-down car. Joel nods his head,
"I guess you want a night at a five-star hotel too?" His humor catches me off guard, and I laugh at his joke. He looks ahead once more, focusing on our route.
"Hey if the opportunity comes around I wouldn't say no." The two of us fall into a silence once more, but this one feels comfortable and not forced, I don't feel like this one needs to be broken.
As Joel walks I notice how his shoulders aren't as tense as they have been the past few days. He doesn't make an effort to stay several paces ahead of me either. Maybe he's warming up to me after all, or maybe it's just the exhaustion. Tearing my eyes away from his figure, I look ahead and see the faint silhouette of buildings. That must be the place we're looking for.
"Look." I say and point out the buildings. Joel's eyes squint to see what I'm pointing at before he nods.
"Gettin' close. We should try to scope it out before we walk on up." He says, thinking tactfully.
"There are some trees off to the right, we could take cover in those." I spot a small area of trees off the road a ways up. The town is still rural enough to where it's not all concrete, there's still some traces of nature, unlike the QZ. He nods his head and changes our course so that we head for the trees.
Once we reach the woods, we both crouch down to muffle our footsteps. At first glance the town seems to be empty, but my instincts are telling me there's more than meets the eye here. There are several buildings that people could be hiding out in, and we would never know from this vantage point. Joel's eyes stay intensely focused on the town as I try to pick up on anything that suggests life.
After fifteen minutes of silent surveillance, I still can't find anything. Nudging Joel with my arm, I silently ask if he wants to move forward. His face looks apprehensive, but he ends up nodding. We cautiously make our way to the conglomerate of buildings through the woods. Though I'm not sure if anyone is here, going in this way is still our smartest bet.
I get to the edge of the woods first and crouch down again to check the surroundings. It's like a ghost town. But then again, it's still early enough that the occupants of this place might still be sleeping. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something just feels off. My head turns to Joel behind me,
"Something isn't right." My concerns come out as a whisper, and I wonder if he's picking up on the same thing. His eyes are narrowed, his eyebrows knitted together.
"Stay close, we go in quiet." He says and walks in front of me without another word. The curved knife finds its way in my grasp and I follow Joel out into the town, trying to keep my breathing calm and collected. We enter the town from the side, finding an alleyway to sneak down instead of taking the main road.
As we come to the end of the alleyway, my eyes land on a barrel sitting out in the middle of the main road. The black soot on the rim suggests to me that it might be a burn barrel. The windows of the buildings have all been boarded up, blocking our vision of any possible inhabitants. Carefully, Joel rounds the corner of the alley and we're out on the main road, sticking close to the front side of the building.
I see cars lined up at the end of the main street, almost like a makeshift barricade. Confirming my suspicions, I turn around and see a similar barrier on the other side of the main street. There's most definitely someone here. I tug on the back of Joel's shirt and point to the cars, seeing his face darken as he reaches the same conclusion as me.
Before we have time to duck back down the alley, a door opens across the street from us. Three men walk out lazily. My body freezes in place and I watch with wide eyes how the men turn left and go away from us. The men all look very unkempt. Their hair is long and stringy, their clothes tattered and worn. I'm willing to bet they've been out here a while.
Joel grabs my hand and pulls me into the building we're standing in front of. The space is dark, and I can barely see in front of me. But I do see a shadow move behind Joel. As my eyes adjust to the dim light, I swear I see something duck down behind the counter.
My grip on my knife gets tighter, and my elbow nudges Joel again. His head whips over to me, and I just silently point to the counter. From the looks of it, this place must have been some sort of diner. There are tables scattering the floorspace and an old menu board hangs crooked on the wall.
Keeping my footsteps silent is my top priority as we go towards the counter. Joel walks in front of me, his own knife secure in his palm. I try my best to listen for movement on the other side of the counter, but I hear nothing. However, Joel rounds the corner of the counter and I hear scurrying. Peeking around the corner, I see a man in the arms of Joel, being placed into a headlock. Too stunned to move, I watch as Joel chokes the man out until his body goes limp. Joel leaves the body and we continue our way to clear the rest of the building.
As we go deeper into the building I see several sleeping bags on the floor and supplies scattered on shelves. My hands grab what I can hold and shove the supplies into my bag. Luckily, it seems like nobody else is in this building. Unfortunately, that means they're probably all lurking out there somewhere. Once we're in the kitchen area of the diner, I whisper to Joel,
"What's the plan here?" I have a good idea of what the plan probably is, but if we're both certainly on the same page, then there's less of a chance that I make a wrong move.
"We take what we find and kill who we have to." He replies nonchalantly, like this is nothing new for him. And truthfully, this might be a regular occurrence for him. If that's the case, then I should be thankful he's here with me, and not against me. I nod my head and we continue moving.
Joel opens the back door to the diner so that we're in a back alley, not the main road. There's a door slamming across the street, followed by several voices. They all sound like men to me. I swallow my nerves and focus on the task at hand; surviving. I follow Joel closely as we move into another building, seeming to be some sort of old hobby store.
"Yeah man, he told me he was going on patrol today. Fucker keeps getting all the good shit." A voice loudly speaks as the front door opens. Joel ducks behind a shelf and I'm forced to take cover behind a display case.
"Would be a damn shame if he came back and all his shit was gone." Another gruff voice speaks. They're getting closer to us. The metal of the knife's hilt digs into my palm and I prepare myself for what has to happen. My eyes stay trained on Joel, waiting for his signal to move since he has the better vantage point.
Heavy footsteps fall just in front of the display case I'm behind, and a hand slams on the top of it, making me jump. The man's hand is large, dirty, and thicky callused.
"You know there would be hell to pay. Crazy bastard would kill us all to find his stuff and you know it." My breathing is shallow. Joel slowly motions for my to stay calm and I nod, showing him that I'm not going to do anything rash. He turns around and throws something, causing a clashing in the front of the store.
"The hell?" One of the men say, but only one of them moves to check it out. The hand on the display case stays put.
"What is it?" The man in front of me asks, his hand finally moving off the case.
There's no reply, they must be skeptical of something. Only the soft sound of footsteps can be heard, but I can't really tell where they're at. My breath catches in my throat as I see a leather boot step in front of me. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I make eye contact with the man, and he looks startled.
"There's a woman over here!" He yells out as I lunge forward with my knife. I catch the man's abdomen with the blade's curve and he cries out in pain, doubling over. My hand goes back to wind up another strike, but the injured man stands to his full height and grabs my arm. Thinking quickly, I drop the knife from my incapacitated hand and catch it with my free one, and I waste no time in slashing the man's arm, cutting it wide open with the sharp edge.
The man puts up a fight, but he's losing too much blood too quickly, and soon he falls over. There will be more coming after his tip off, and so I move towards Joel, who took down the second man without any issue. The two of us go to leave through the back of the hobby store, the way we came in, but there's something wrong with the door's lock and it won't budge.
"Shit." Joel grumbles as he tries to force the door open, but to no avail. In the front part of the store, the door opens and there's several people that come rushing in. They're all shouting incoherently and causing chaos in the small space. Joel and I split away once more, trying to hide the best we can.
Luckily I had reloaded my gun just outside of Boston, the night Joel found his stash in the store. So I know I have bullets if I need them. However, if I can use stealth to my advantage, I'm going to do that over wasting bullets on live people.
I try to tuck my body closely underneath the clerk's counter, but my bag is just a little too bulky for me to be able to fit all the way in. The approaching men round the corner and one of them spots me right off the bat. Two men come at me and before I can reach for my gun, they're on me.
Wildly, I slash my knife back and forth, trying to fend them off. They keep backing off quickly to dodge the blade, but one of them moves too fast. He tackles me to the ground, my knife falls from my hand. I reach for my gun in a last ditch effort, but my hands are pinned above me. Across the store I hear gunshots ring out and I can only hope they're Joel's.
I use my legs to try to throw the man off of me, but he's too big. His hips hold my torso down and he's got a sick grin on his face.
"Look what we got here boys!" He announces as I struggle to get free from him. I thrash and twist my body in any way that I can, but it's no use. Soon, another man's face hovers over top of me, his face full of curiosity and perverted thoughts. He licks his lips and smiles before he speaks to my captor.
"Oh she's a pretty one too. Whole team can have fun with her for weeks." He claps my captor on the back and my body is frozen to the ground, no longer able to put up a fight. Hot tears stream from my eyes and the man standing above me crouches down, his finger wiping the tears. Instinctually, my body flinches away from his touch.
"Awe don't cry now hun, we're gonna take care of you." He says sickly sweet before moving out of my field of vision. The gunshots on the other end of the store still ring out, and I hear what I think is a body hitting the floor. My chest heaves up and down in a panic as I feel someone's hands on my hips.
"She's armed to the teeth, look at all this." I feel my hunting knife being taken out of its holster and my gun is tossed from my thigh. My captor chuckles and looks down at me, his black eyes raking over my body while the other man disarms me. If he didn't have to keep my hands pinned to the ground, I fear to imagine what he'd be doing to me.
With no more weapons on me, the hands drift to the button of my jeans to undo it. I try to thrash and kick and fight back to get them off of me, but I think it only makes them more excited. My captor laughs as I sob, the man behind him trying to tug my jeans down.
Suddenly, the hands are gone from my hips and a shot rings in my ears. My captor whips around and I see a bullet go right between his eyes. The man's full body weight falls on top of me, making it even more difficult to breathe. Luckily, the weight is moved off of me and I go to hit whoever is coming for me next.
My swinging fists are caught and I'm looking into familiar brown eyes. It takes a moment to register that it's Joel looking back at me. His eyes are wide and there's blood splattered on his face.
"They're gone, they're gone. It's okay." His voice tries to soothe me but I can't stop the sobs that come through me. He lets go of my fists and I lay on the ground, staring at the ceiling as if my body had become permanently bonded to the linoleum underneath me.
After a few fleeting moments, my breathing has started to level out, though the tears continue to fall. I muster up all the strength I have and sit myself up, quickly redoing the button of my jeans with trembling fingers. My dirty hand wipes my nose and I gather my weapons, putting them all in the correct places.
Without another word I stand to my feet and stumble out of the store. I hear Joel behind me as I turn the corner of the store and get sick in the alleyway. My hands are on my knees to support me as my body ejects whatever was in my stomach. Ragged breaths shake me and I close my eyes, trying to calm myself.
When I find it within myself to open my eyes, I turn around and see Joel standing away from me, a concerned look on his face. I readjust the straps of my backpack and wipe my mouth on my shirt.
Though I would love nothing more than to get out of here, I still have to search these buildings and the corpses for anything useful.
I go building by building and search all that I can. Some buildings have canned goods, others are full of old shoes, old clothes, and other old items. It looks like they used these buildings for anything and everything, there's no organization to this chaos.
As I walk to the last building, I see Joel going through the corpses in the store we were just ambushed in. He's checking their pockets and taking their ammo. With quiet gratitude, I focus back on clearing this building so we can get out of here.
I open all the drawers and go through the shelves, only to find a deck of playing cards. There's nothing useful here. My hands grip the edge of the counter and I close my eyes in an attempt to keep my composure. If we went through all of that for nothing, there will be no words to describe my anger.
Joel comes back out to the street and I meet up with him, still sniffling. He offers me a small smile and tilts his head,
"Ready to get out of here?" He asks and I nod.
We continue on our route, leaving the cursed town behind us. The day is still young, so we have the rest of daylight to travel. Hopefully we get as far away from here as possible. My eyes stay trained on the road below me, and I count my steps to keep my mind occupied on anything except what just happened in that town. For once I'm thankful for Joel's silent nature.
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spade-riddles · 10 days
champagneproblesm asked:
Kinda tells a story when you pick the outro or last verse from each song backwards :
The only thing that's left is the manuscript. One last souvenir from my trip to your shores. Now and then i re read the manuscript. But the story isn't mine anymore
But now we'll curtail your curiosity in sweetness
She's been many places with men of many faces. First, they're off to the races. She's laughing drawin' aces. But, none of it is changin'. That the chariot is waitin'. Hearts are hers for the breakin. There's an escape in escaping OR she fell through the Ice then came black Alive.
But the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light
When the truth Comes out it's quiet. It's so quiet .
(I'm so afraid I sealed my fate no sign of soulmates. I'm just a paperweight in shades of greige) Spending my last coin so someone will tell it'll be ok
What if your eyes looked up and met mine one more time.
I pushed each boulder up that hill.
This place made me feel worthless
Your words were just still ringing in my head.
I'm hearing voices like a mad man
Leaving me bereft and reeling, my beloved ghost and me sitting in a tree D-Y-I-N-G
Can we watch our phantoms like watching wild horses, cooler in theory but not if you force it to be, it just didn't happen.
The devil that you know looks now more like an angel. I'm the life you chose and all this terrible danger OR she IS here to destroy you
Pick your poison, babe I'm poison either way
Now I want to sell my house and set fire to all my clothes and hire a priest to come and exorcise my demons. Even if I die screaming and I hope you hear it.
Only when your girlish glow flickers just so do they let you know i's hell on earth to be heavenly. Them's the breaksThey don't come gently
They said there was no chance, trying to be the greatest in the league.
You hung me on your wall, stabbed me with your push pins. In public, showed me off then sank in stoned oblivion cause once your queen had come you treat her like an also-ran. You didn't measure up in any measure of a man
Cause i'm miserable. And no one even knows. Try and Come for my job
Your arsons match your somber eyes. And i'll still see it till the day i die. (You're the loss of my life.)
Your good lord didn't need to lift a finger.
I am what i am cause you trained me. So who's afraid of little old me?
Am i allowed to cry ?
Go on fuck me up
I did my Time.
All the wine moms are still holding out but it's over.
You'll find someone.
Waving at the ship, fuck it if i can't have him
Left all these broken parts, told me i'm better of but i'm not
Who else decodes you ? or / i chose this cyclone with you
it won't start up 'til I touch, touch, touch you
it won't start up 'til I touch, touch, touch you (fortnight)
Then midnights
I can't find a pulse my Heart won't start anymore
have they come to take me away?
You should find another guiding light
Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
It's been two thousand one hundred and 90 days of our love blackout. The system's breaking down.
I'd pay if you'd just know me. Seemed like the right thing at the time.
Levitate above all the messes made sit quiet by my side in the shade. And not the kind that's thrown, I mean The kind under where a tree has grown
it's all over, it's not meant to be. So I'll say words I don't believe
There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair. And we will never go back.
Had to do it this way 'Cause we were born to be the pawn In every lover's game
You say "what a mind" this happens all the Time
It's coming back around.
Break up, break free, break through, break down. You would break your back to make me break a smile
I think it's time to teach some lessons i made you my world. have you heard? I can reclaim the land.
I'm on my vigilante shit again.
But you were on somethin', It was one drink after another, Fuckin' politics and gender roles, And you're not sure and I don't know. Got swept away in the gray. I just may like to have a conversation
So I peered through a window, A deep portal, time travel, All the love we unravel. And the life I gave away
I'll run away
to hide that would be so dishonest. And it's fine to fake it 'til you make it. 'Til you do, 'til it's true
Pierced through the Heart but Never killed.
I feel you no matter what. The rubies that i gave up.
I find it dizzing they're bringing m'y History. But you weren't Even listening.
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Helpless part 6 :D
Nico woke up to a loud knock on the door, he had slept in his jeans and camp shirt so he just put on his jacket and ran his fingers through his hair before opening the door. Standing there, with far to much energy for someone to have in the morning: Will Solace.
"What in the Hades are you doing here Solace?" Nico asked rubbing his eyes before spotting the sun towards the east, well it wasn't past 12, truly a miracle. "And what time is it?"
"It's 9:30 and I am here to make sure you take your meds, it's protocol to make sure it's been taken."
Nico rolled his eyes as he grabbed the container that was next to his bed as well as a glass of water that he had left there, as he swallowed he said.
"Happy now Solace?"
"I told you it's protocol, normally we get someone else from the cabin to check but Hazel went to New Rome."
"Aren't you head? Doesn't that mean you made the protocol?" Will put his finger to his lip before responding with,
"Bye Nico, I'll wait for you at the Hades table for breakfast. Oh and watch out for Piper, she is insistent on taking you shopping and Chiron already agreed to letting her take you." He said as he walked out the door. Nico sighed, well there was no chance he was getting out of something if Piper wanted him to do it. He needed a new jacket anyways.
Will had annoyingly made sure Nico got food, he picked up a single slice of toast and was forcing himself to eat.
"Neeks don't forget to take the other one as well."
"Don't call me Neeks." He said grumbling as he put the pill in his mouth and swallowed.
"It's a cute nickname."
"Would you like an army of skeletons chasing you? Is that cute enough?"
"No underworldly stuff Neeks, or else-"
"You're kidnapping me and locking me in the infirmary again."
"Exactly." Will smiled resisting the urge to ruffle the Ghost Kings long hair. Then Piper ran up to them,
"Nico I'm taking you shopping today. You can't stop me, I've already asked Chiron and he agrees you need more social interaction." Nico gave her dagger eyes, the Apollo kid had already left to go to the infirmary seemly please with Nico's eating. "Also you need a haircut-"
"Not a chance McLean, I do not trust those people."
"Nico it'll be fine, unless you would rather me cut it."
"No chance."
"One or the other, come on di Angelo. Son of Hades scared of a haircut?"
"Oh fuck you McLean."
"You aren't denying it...."Piper grinned as Nico thought about his options, he knew he wasn't getting away, Piper would probably charmspeak him into getting it cut anyways so there's no point resisting.
"I hate you so much McLean, either way I trust you more." Nico sighed, Piper's face lit up.
"You're the best Nico, trust me I know what I'm doing. Oh you're still not getting out of shopping by the way, you need to own something that isn't black."
"I don't think I do,"
"You act like you're allergic to colour I swear, hey you might even enjoy it."
"We can go to McDonalds? I remember Percy saying something about you loving that place."
Nico considered the offer, it had been two year's since he had gone to McDonalds. He was almost certain Piper had charmspoke him considering after that offer he agreed.
"Great, I'll meet you at thirteen in an hour." Piper said before walking off to celebrate her success with Jason. Then he reaslied what he agreed to, Piper would probably find out about his eating thing. Fuck. At that point though there was no going back, 'well let's hope that Piper McLean can keep a secret.' he thought before walking to the Hades cabin and throwing up everything he had eaten. He still thought it was a miracle no one had found out, he always made sure to be in his cabin before it happened. People worry about him enough already, he didn't need them worrying even more, he would be fine, it would fix itself.
Nico heard a knock and went to open the door, Piper looked back at him with a smile.
"Hey McLean, please do not make me regret this."
"Trust me you won't Nico, and you do realise that people have first names right?" Piper smiled as she walked inside; Nico rolled his eyes at the comment and closed the door. As they walked inside the bathroom the Aphrodite girl pulled out some scissors, a comb and a spray bottle filled with water. "Okay so since your hair is straight so it'll be easier to cut while it's wet, I'll cut it to around your shoulders and add some layers, any objections?"
"You forced me into this, I'm hoping you know what you're doing."
"You have so much confidence in me, why are you so against getting your hair cut anyway? I'm genuinely curious."
"Great explanation." Piper muttered as she started brushing Nico's hair, it was soft and wasn't that thick but not thin either.
"Last time I got it cut was like two years ago, I asked for it to but cut around my shoulders and this bitch cut it shorter than Jason's saying it 'Wasn't right' so now I refuse to have it shorter than my collar to spite her."
"I'm surprised you didn't kill her, I probably would have." Piper laughed as she continued brushing,
"Well social anxiety is a real bitch." Nico smiled as he said it. The daughter of Aphrodite started to spray his hair with water and cutting carefully half an inch above his shoulder and adding layers into it. Nico stood perfectly still the whole time, neither talked until Piper had finished.
"So di Angelo, thoughts?" Piper asked,
"You're surprising good at this McLean." Nico smiled, a often a rare occurrence for the child of. Hades yet it had become more common in the last few days.
"Don't be so shocked Nico, my mother is Aphrodite, Goddess of beauty." Piper said as she handed him some hair ties, "You'll need these, I have no clue how you've survived so long with your hair out but you don't have to suffer any longer. Also Will would love it." Piper winked, Nico rolled his eyes.
"Oh leave me be McLean, but thanks for the hair ties." he said as he put them around his wrist. The two cleaned up, Piper started collecting her things and glaced at her watch.
"I'll go get ready, meet you back here in twenty minutes." She said running out of the door, giving Nico just enough time to overthink. Piper had actually done a good job at cutting it, he ran his fingers through it, pulling some part from the sides in front of his face. It was shorter than he was used to but it probably looked more decent, the longer hair had started getting on his nerve either way and he mentally noted to thank Piper for cutting it. He wondered what the Apollo  boy would think; he took one of the hair ties off his wrist and tied his hair back, trying to stop thinking about it, before getting ready to be dragged out by Piper. He wore the first pair of black jeans he saw with a black T-shirt and his aviator jacket, he suspected the colour may be making less of an appearance in his closest after Piper was done.
Guys I'll try to keep updating daily but I will be away for five weeks and I don't know how good my internet will be and how much time I'll have to write in general. I have 9.5 chapters written already so I'll try to post those if the internet will let me, sorry.
@midnightisday2 Tysm for reading each part, ur like the best person on this app mate. Also ur drawings are fucking amazing.
Have a good day peeps, I'll (hopefully) see ya tmr
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mellohirust · 2 months
In the dark timeline, what do you think would happen if Neil Gaiman wrote it so Aziraphale and Crowley didn’t reunite and reconcile in S3? 👀
In the infinite sunshine timeline, how would everyone react if S3 was just South Downs fluff?
Finally, what’s a plot twist nobody would see coming?
OK OK putting my good omens thoughts under the cut because we're gonna be here a while. strap in.
-Dark timeline where they don't reunite and reconcile is admittedly VERY hard to envision. They've always relied on each other in some capacity whether they like it or not (literally their FIRST INTERACTION before the beginning is Crowley needing Aziraphale's help). I'd imagine Aziraphale would have a LOT to sort out on his own, and it would not be easy at all for him, if even possible given the circumstances. He'd have the whole Second Coming to handle (and also hope he can somehow thwart), all while Heaven is likely watching like a HAWK, all while he wouldn't want to be doing any of it at all. For the first time in thousands of years he'd be truly alone, and I doubt he'd have a plan that would feel reliable. It would be awful. There's only so much a single angel can do. The Book of Life is also a very real threat. Falling is also something he's still worried about. He'd have to get VERY lucky. I doubt he could just sway the Metatron into a different opinion (although I'm sure he'll try). I think he's pretty fucked unless God were to intervene and look out for him.
Not that he'd be satisfied in the end, even if the world was saved and everything was fine. He'd never forgive himself if he didn't reconcile with Crowley by the end of things, I'd imagine.
I also think Crowley would never shake the feeling of something being wrong, even if Aziraphale doesn't reach out to him for help (which... come on. He will. Where else could he go?). He always expected a "big one", he just doesn't know when or where it'll happen, but obviously Heaven would need Aziraphale for SOMETHING. They wanted to erase Gabriel's memories because he refused to do Armageddon 2.0! Do you really think that's gonna stop them? That they won't just try again? Their whole deal is that they're insistent on this. They won't let up. That's not gonna change no matter who's in charge, and he knows it. I can't see Crowley giving up on Earth until it's too late, maybe abandoning ship last second as to avoid his own demise, but it's a question as to what he could piece together on his own, whether or not Hell would still tell him things, etc when it comes to what he'd actually try to achieve. After all, you can't thwart what you don't know the details of. It would be a lost cause. (Personally, I don't see him becoming a Duke of Hell either; it's something I can enjoy in fanworks but I don't see him as the type to take that deal even to 'spite Aziraphale' in canon. Not unless he hoped to get intel? But I think he'd much rather not have them watching him.)
Could either of them thwart the Second Coming on their own or with others besides each other? Very, very unlikely, and it would be a very close call, and probably still entail other sorts of disaster. Could they do it without crossing paths at least once? Also very unlikely. (After all, the entire driving force of S1/the book is how many people come together for Armageddon in attempts to either start or stop it). If they work at this and want to stand a chance they're doomed to reunite, and therefore, doomed to reconcile. They would quite literally have to be exterminated or wiped out of the Book of Life in order to never reunite (and I just don't think this is that kind of story). Make of this what you will.
(I also can't see them just being able to go back to before their feelings were revealed to each other, either. There's no pretending it isn't there, anymore. Crowley said as much. No more hiding. I don't think this doomed their relationship going forward, even if it may take a while to fully smooth things over.)
TL;DR They'd fight like hell for Earth, probably wouldn't be able to succeed without the other, probably die trying anyways and with many regrets regarding each other. Best case scenario God personally intervenes out of the blue and mercifully decides to thwart Heaven's own plan but they both still spend the rest of eternity thinking of what could've been. They'd hate it. They'd miss each other SO BAD and would (fail to) pretend they didn't.
-Pure South Downs fluff would be such tonal whiplash lmao and would also feel kinda unearned? I think fluffier moments shine brightest when the characters have had to work for it a little and Aziraphale/Crowley still have a LOT of problems that need to be sorted in order to be able to be happy together. (Also it's just... not gonna happen. You can't tease the Second Coming and then skip past it to an "everything's fine" future.) The entire point of S3 for me is we KNOW where they'll end up- we want to see HOW. It's not a story without stakes and consequences and a bit of risk, at least when it comes to Good Omens. That isn't to say that they need to be tortured or whatever in S3 to feel earned, but we need to see a lot of things get wrapped up (Second Coming, Aziraphale needs Heaven to leave him alone + needs to be able to work through his complicated feelings regarding it, Crowley needs for Hell to stop calling on him, they need to be able to safely communicate what they want, they need to talk about the kiss, etc). We want to see these!! We can't get these without a bit of hurt. I wanna see them break free more than I want pure fluff. That's just me though.
(With that being said, I hope that at least they get a BIT of time next season to just... be together. Happily. And do some of the things they couldn't before. And by a 'bit of time' I mean 'I sure do hope it's more than like 2 minutes before the credits roll but I will take literally anything I can get at this point'. There's potential here!!! So much of it!!! And they deserve it!!! It's just not the show's tone for it to take up that much time. I'd miss the chaos too much I think, and I'd miss the catharsis of seeing a character finally getting what they want in real time. Just a BIT of fluff at the end though, all I ask. This could insta-kill me.)
TL;DR Bit too much!!! I want them to bicker!!! In a way that's framed comically!!! This is a comedy show!!! And I want to watch them get through hard times!!! I just also want them to make out afterwards and also save the world and stuff. Then I'll be satisfied.
-Honestly I haven't thought much about possible plot twists in S3? I take the Final Fifteen pretty "straightforward" (I don't think the coffee is spiked, I don't think they stopped time, I don't think they body swapped, I don't think the Metatron will be "secretly good", etc) so I don't think there's really enough to go off of at the moment for me when it comes to the plot itself, let alone plot twists for it. I will say though if God is in S3 I will lose my shit; I have a feeling She wouldn't be "caring" but not 100% pure dark evil either if we DO see Her. I don't think She won't be what most fans expect. (Of course, that's just in the hypothetical that She appears. Who knows?)
TL;DR Where is God I'm scared
It took me over an hour to draft this response my bad
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wishing-stones · 9 months
Apologies for the lack of updates on any R&R content lately, the brain does not want to do it LMAO
Instead, I've started work on another multi-chapter fic: Ready Aim Fire (With... punctuation in the title pending)
This would be the Star Sanses x Paintball Reader fic. I've gotten a few chapters written, but unlike R&R, RAF has a beta. Should help with continuity errors and the like. I won't be posting any of it until it's been gone over.
I'm not abandoning R&R, but I'm having difficulty getting started on the content I want to write for it. Nothing good comes out of what gets forced, so I'm directing my creative energies elsewhere.
Additionally, my workstation has been moved. I do the vast majority (98% or better) of my writing at work because the lulls in responsibilities and tasks are often wide and boring. Without real consultation, my station was moved out into the open a little more (where I previously sat in a corner specialized for my job) with the manager occasionally sitting over my shoulder.
Feeling like I'm being babysat does not help my creativity in the slightest, and I feel like I have to kind of... hunch over to be able to write anything without someone reading over my shoulder. Even writing the most innocuous of things, I haaatteee people reading over my shoulder. It's already happened once at this job (I was editing a site page at the time) and I really don't want it to happen again.
Fortunately, the manager both isn't here very often, and doesn't like the setup. I'm hoping this is a very temporary thing. My back is also to the office printer, so I have a pretty steady stream of people behind my desk a lot. That isn't new, but it's more difficult to handle now than it was before.
Also contributing to my lack of ability to make anything is the somewhat unfortunate complete-attention-grab of Baldur's Gate 3, since my partner and I got it on our PS5 to play couch co-op. BG3 has my brain in a chokehold LMAO. I'm trying to evenly split hyperfixation between my projects and the new fandom/special interest, but BG3 is winning that LOL
Also, the domesticity of the first half of RAF is not as exciting for me to write. I'm struggling through a chapter because there's nothing really going on. Still have to make it engaging without dragging ass, so I've rewritten six paragraphs already. I also have to work with a couple of characters I'm not as practiced in writing, and I'm trying to do that well. (Neither of whom were in R&R, for the record.)
I've seen a couple of things for R&R floating around in the wild (ie, not shown directly to me; either I saw it in passing, or friends showed it to me) and it's absolutely mind-boggling that my work is as inspiring as it is, and that people talk about me without talking to me. It almost doesn't feel real. Thank you guys.
Speaking of R&R, I haven't done a proper promotion for this, and it's a crime:
If you enjoyed R&R, especially from a character interaction standpoint, you will absolutely love Rubble&Ramparts by Hiddenshadowwolf on Ao3
Here's a link
The story's premise is: what if the events of Chapter 20 didn't go so smoothly? If everyone got injured in the fight, not just Ren and Dust. What would happen if Baggs was in over his head trying to make sure everyone survives? The answer is to accost a nurse from a very mundane AU to help out, but... there's more to her than meets the eye.
Ru&Ra follows Alexis, a nurse, as she navigates the prickly personalities of Nightmare's crew, discovers and learns about magic, and becomes entangled in the complex web of events that follow xGaster's attack.
Every new chapter is a wonderful treat and an absolute goldmine of characterization and study. You can feel the love and effort put into it.
If you're over there chewing the walls waiting for content from me, go read this, it'll scratch the itch very effectively.
For now, I'll happily take continued questions about the fics, the casts, and the characters. You can ask about RAF, but some things might get a very vague answer if they're spoilery.
Thanks guys!
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phantombmoll · 1 year
Hiiii 😊
Would you mind doing this one 'Kisses that mean everything to one party and nothing to the other party' for Greg lestrade x reader. Where they're detectives together and maybe nearly get caught on a stake out so he kisses her to keep thier cover but he doesn't know that she's actually in love with him?
Greg Lestrade x Reader - Executive decision
Rating; T - mild angst, heavy petting
Author note; Thank you for the request anon! Hope you like it, I had to stop myself making it all romantic! I do love romance. You've inspired me though because I also have this prompt saved to write something really angsty and heartbreaking when I'm fully back in the swing of things.
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As you watched the desolate building in the distance and the figures moving around you were starting to wish that you hadn't pointed out the Delvaney brothers to Greg in the pub.
An after work pint had quickly turned into a mini stakeout. You'd told him you could report it, have Sally get someone on it. Greg was having none of it though. The Delvaney brothers had escaped arrest five times now, all either technicalities or the bank roll for high set bail. The force needed harder evidence, they needed to catch them at something with fingerprints all over it and no excuses.
There was no way you could let Greg follow them on his own. So though you were apprehensive about walking, well driving, into a fight you were both unprepared for, follow him you did.
You'd hoped for somewhere a bit busier, or somewhere with a bit more nature to it. Places like those the car wouldn't have drawn to much attention. There was no luck though, the Delvaney brothers were meeting whoever it was at the tail end of a disused industrial estate in a huge empty and crumbling building. It looked like it could have been a factory or warehouse.
"There!" In his excitement to point out a side entrance the brothers were using Greg clipped the horn. "Shit!"
You waited, holding your breath to see if the noise would draw attention. It did.
"We need to go." Greg said about to turn the key, the lights flashing and drawing more attention.
"We can't." You put a hand out to his arm to stop him. "They've seen us, if we take off it'll spook them. They'll move whatever is in there and we'll be back to square one." You watched out the windscreen as a large man began heading towards the car. You could see him cracking his knuckles.
Greg ran a hand over his face and up into his hair. For a second you were struck by just how handsome he looked slightly dishevelled. It wasn't the first time you'd thought about what Greg would look like on just waking up. In fact it wasn't even the second or the third. At some point you'd fallen head over heels for him.
"It's a lacky, they won't know us. We just need an excuse for being here." You said the man getting closer with every beat. "Driving lesson?"
"Pretty dodgy instructor bringing you up here." Greg said running a hand through his hair.
"Dogging." You laughed despite the situation but Greg was looking at you like you were a genius. "Absolutely not."
"Not dogging but here's as good a place as any for a seedy little shag in a car." Greg said, raising a brow. You couldn't deny the way your heart stuttered a little at the idea. "He won't be able to see us yet. We just need to be a bit rumpled. Maybe get in in my lap."
"No, no we can think of something else." You said looking back out the windscreen to where the man was getting closer. "Developers?"
"At this time of night?" Greg shook his head.
You sighed, in all the ways you'd thought about ending up in his lap, this wouldn't have even made the top hundred. God you hoped you wouldn't blush or flush, at least the kick up in heart rate could be put down to adrenaline if Greg even noticed it.
"Right. Executive decision." Greg said loosing his tie, undoing the top button and then running both hands through his hair to make it look tussled and messy. The sight was delicious and heat coiled deep in your belly. "Come on."
You slipped the belt off and moved to straddle him on the seat.
"You've done this before." He teased trying to ease the tension as you settled in his lap with ease.
"Where is he?" You said trying not to shift too much on his lap as your fingers came up to undo the buttons on your shirt, at least down to show casing your ample bosom. You were trying to keep your mind from wandering too, wandering to a place where you and Greg were actually getting hot and heavy in a car. Wandering to a place where the car would be steamy and the air muggy with heated passion.
You shook your glancing back towards the lacky who was about 3 foot away from the car. "This is stupid, we hardly look like we're in the midst of a passionate embrace they're going to-"
As you turned back to look at Greg his hand slid into the hair at the base of your neck and his lips were suddenly on yours. Heat spiked inside you, your hands sliding over his strong shoulders, up his neck and into his hair. The weight of him beneath you was thrilling. The idea that this was play, a ruse to stop you getting the shit beaten out of you both fell by the way side. You lost yourself in the kiss. A kiss you'd thought about, dreamed about and he was just as good as you imagined.
Greg made a noise and your hips rolled involuntarily. You should have been embarrassed but the feel of him, his hair in your hands, his lap beneath you, his chest pressed against yours completely enclosed your brain. You felt like you belonged here, wrapped in his arms.
The knock on the window brought you back to reality and you turned to see the large man who'd been coming towards the car with a sly grin on his face. You moved off Greg quickly. Embarrassment that should have been for play suddenly very real.
Greg wound the window down.
"I was going to ask what y'were doin' here pal but I think I can see." An Irish accent left the mans mouth as he gave Greg an approving seedy smile. "Look, I'm not one to stop a good time but this is private property and the boss, well, the boss thought you might be coppers, told me to move you along." He flashed a metal bar in the street light, not explicitly threatening but definitely implied.
"No, no trouble, sorry, we ah, we thought it was all just abandoned." Greg said, injecting his voice with a hint of fear. "We'll be on our way."
"About 3 miles down there's a little turning, weird desolate spot. That ain't private property and people use it all the time." The man winked.
"Thanks." Greg said starting the car. "Sorry again."
Greg wound the window up and the Irish man slapped the top of the car as it pulled away and turned around.
"Jesus that was close." Greg ran a hand through already mussed hair. You were quiet as you buttoned your shirt. "Sorry, about-" he gestured to his lips a stupid grin on his face.
You weren't sorry though, not right now when the heat of his touch was still on your skin.
"Just you said we didn't look-"
"It's fine." You said, knowing deep down that he just thought you felt awkward. Knowing that the kiss hadn't affected him the way it had you. Knowing that the memory wouldn't linger for him like it would you, knowing that his heart wouldn't ache tomorrow in the cold light of day.
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puppy-steve · 3 months
hi mr cjman 🥰 you absolutely stunning and wonderful specimen!! do you know how though we haven’t talked in actual forealsies months i still think about you soooo much and always with like a liddle smile or a kick in my chest like !!!! just sparks joy yknow. i think you’re so cool. i think you’re so gentle. i think you’re so fucking strong and i absolutely know you’ll get through this and come out on top. it’s just who you are, it’s so deeply ingrained in who you are in this world and it’s inspiring actually. i like you so much, i’m so fond of you, and believe in you so endlessly 🤍
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i've read this so many times in the hour that you sent it. most times i'm under the impression that people forget about me, like i'm not worth remembering. idk id its just me but every interaction with people i've had these past couple weeks has just felt a little forced. like everyone is mad at me and won't tell me why.
but i recognize how silly (again, i'm trying to move away from calling my feelings stupid) that all is in the big picture. nobody is mad at me, they're just busy. but also.... i'm not really being reassured of any of this, either. and that kind of hurts, but i'm a big boy and can deal with that. it'll pass.
sdlkdlkgh i didn't mean to unload, i'm sorry. but thank you for this 💙ik it's been months, like you said, but i think about you all the time too! i send out positive vibes in the universe that say "i hope dio's having a good day" and i'm going to send your words right back at you, bc you're also cool and strong and gentle, and our conversations, no matter how infrequent or short they are, always make me feel so safe 💙💙
thank you for being my friend <3
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merakiui · 2 years
Hemlooo Meraaa!! I'm havin yandere octavinelle thoughts and I thought why not share it with u? I hope you're havin a good day!
(CW: imprisonment, forced use of potion, dubcon kissing, implied sadism?)
imagine one of em (or all three of em, take your pick) keeping you prisoner in the dorm's big ass aquarium that decorates the Mostro Lounge.
But like, in some corner surrounded by rocks/corals/just a secluded place where no one can really see u, and only he knows of your location.
And you're chained at the bottom of the tank (probably long enough that u can explore just a tiny itty bitty bit of your space) and only he can visit you cause he can change into his merform, aight.
In order to keep you alive, he's given you a potion that enables you to breath underwater (or maybe turn u into a merfolk?)
But here's the thing, the potion's effect is not permanent, and it'll probably last like 24 hour ish or less.
Don't worry, he won't let u die, he'll still give u your daily dose (an excuse to visit u). Probably let u struggle a bit before giving u the potion (if he's feeling sadistic that day/feels like u need to be punished or sumthin).
He also won't just give you the potion as it is, oh no. He'd probably give it thru a kiss (u know, like that giving oxygen via kissin thing??) You're just so complaint whenever he gives you your potion.
And so every time you feel like you're feeling hard to breathe, you'd trash around in your chains and try to swim closer to him who are just in time (or a bit later) for his visit, clinging to him and desperately crashing your lips to his to get your daily dose.
He'll probably saw it as you just being really eager to meet him and that you finally loving him back (I mean why else would you initiate the kiss first if u don't love him?)
He's so happy that you're finally depending yourself on him, giving all of you to him and him only. Don't worry darling, this will only last until graduation, and after that you can live happily at the bottom of the sea with him forever <3
Also, this one is a specific thought for Azul:
octopus can change how they look to match their surroundings as camouflage right?Imagine a darling who thought they're finally alone (either still in the aquarium or in the ocean), only to suddenly feel his arms around their waist and his tentacles clinging to them as he hugs them from behind. He's been there all this time, just lovingly observing his beloved pearl among the corals and rocks, they're so cute when they're oblivious <33
I'm having big brain thoughts when I tried to take a nap today and so I'm sharing it with u cause I love your yandere writings so much <33
Hello, heyyy!!! Thank you so much for blessing me with yan!Octavinelle. OTL they’re always on my mind… this is fueling my brain rot.
(cw: yandere, captivity/kidnapping, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, non-con touches/kisses, brief mention of violence)
Omg giving the potion to you through a kiss is so good because they would absolutely prefer that way. Why force the potion down your throat when they can transfer it through a sweet (or all teeth and tongue if you’re Floyd) kiss? And every time they feel you reciprocate the kiss, even if it’s only because you need the potion in order to live, they’re certain that you’re getting closer to accepting the new life that awaits you!
If anyone ever does happen to notice you in the tank, they should start running. The trio aren’t fond of prying eyes and those who don’t know how to stay out of business that doesn’t concern them. A few broken ribs ought to teach that nosy student. And if they aren’t scared soulless by that, there are always scarier threats that can be used. Death is always on the table when it comes to keeping their beloved safe and sound.
AAAA YES YES!! Azul camouflaging himself so he can watch you is very delicious to think about. He can be as suave as he wants when he interacts with you, but he just can’t quite be entirely truthful with you. He’s still hiding some unsavory part of himself. He’s still shrouding himself in all of these layers in order to bury who he really is. You’ve yet to meet the real Azul—the Azul who laughs with genuine amusement, who occasionally cries in secret, who spends hours starting and scrapping love letters because he just keeps messing up and he wants it to be absolutely perfect for you. What terms of endearment should he use? How should he begin his greeting? What should he write about? These questions haunt him.
It’s easier to lie and hide and bury. It’s easier to act as he always has: sly and silver-tongued. But it’s harder to avoid his reflection in the mirror because it’s the one thing that can’t lie.
So when he hides himself from your view, he’s not only doing it to watch you. He also does it so that you won’t see his tentacles. So you won’t judge him. So you won’t have to face the fact that he’s not actually human. But as much as he wishes to observe, he can’t resist reaching out for you. You’re like the radiant light that draws him out of his octopus pot—into a world of love and color and fluttery heartbeats. It’s fine if you detest him. He’ll fix that. It’s fine if you claim you could never love him, a heartless monster from the deep. He’ll fix that. It’s fine if you prefer your humanity. He’ll fix that, too.
Azul’s hugs range in severity. Sometimes they’re quick and fleeting—merely a brush of tentacles against skin. Sometimes they’re possessive and insistent—tentacles wrapping so tightly around you that you’re certain your bones will splinter. And sometimes they’re sweet and sad—a rare sort of hug where Azul sheds his many layers and clings to you. All while lamenting about how much he missed you, how it’s not fair that he can’t be with you 24/7, how you still avoid his touch, how he’s worked so hard for your sake.
And like the variety of hugs you receive, there are also many sides to Azul. You’re not sure if you prefer clingy Azul, emotional Azul, cruel Azul, sweet Azul… But all of these facets make up his personality and you’re forced to accept it—to accept him—because there’s no way you can escape him.
Like a ship destined for wreckage, he’ll sink alongside you if it means he can be with you for all of eternity. And luckily for him, the ocean is as deep and blue as his love for you.
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thenexusofsouls · 3 months
PSA: Hiatus until 3/5
{i am the caretaker of souls} So sorry guys, but the upshot is that I've decided I need a little hiatus from my usual rp schedule because my anxiety is a bit overwhelming at present. Details below the cut for those who would like to know, but basically I'm going to be on hiatus until at least 3/4, for both anxiety reasons and grading responsibilities, and after an appt I have on Mon I'll know whether that needs to be extended further or not.
I'm sorry to do this when everyone was expecting replies tonight, but I need to do some self-care here, because I'm feeling very anxious and overwhelmed. I love you all, this isn't anything anybody did, and I will come back, I just need to take some time for myself. I will be back to my normal schedule once things have calmed down. Thank you for understanding. Hopefully things resolve themselves sooner rather than later. Keep your fingers crossed!
Okay, so... I've decided to take a short hiatus until I know what's going on with the surgery I'm going to be having. I vastly underestimated the amount of anxiety I would feel regarding even just the consultation appt, which is Mon (3/4). It's not that I don't want to write the muses/threads I have here, it's just that some require more creativity and/or focus than I have right now. I need to feel relaxed, happy, creative, and/or at least be able to concentrate and focus to write a lot of my muses, and lately that's been in short supply for me.
I felt anxiety creep in yesterday and thought I was just having a moment, but no, it seems like I'll be this wigged out until Mon. I hope to have a surgery date after the appt. Until then, I know the surgery and recovery will disrupt my life, my job, my diet, my mobility, etc. but I can't prepare for that disruption until I know when it's happening, and that's driving me crazy. I also have an evaluation for this promotion I'm applying for that's supposed to be done this month, but the university won't tell me when it's occurring or what it even entails. So not being able to plan for and around these important events is causing almost more anxiety than the events themselves, heh.
I realized tonight, as I've been sitting here trying to force myself to write and instead I stress-played Minecraft for four hours straight, that I've been adding to my own stress by worrying about upsetting you all, feeling that I let everyone down by not writing a lot, or by feeling pressured to write when I really didn't feel like it. It's gotten out of hand, and I need to take some time to just be with myself, feel the anxiety, and process it so I can let it go.
Right now, the muses on @tarnishedxknight are coming very easily to me, as they have been for a couple months now. *shrugs* I honestly don't know why those muses are coming through loud and clear, but they've been cutting through the anxiety fog when not many others are. Even at that, I'm not writing as much for them as I usually do. Nevertheless, I'll leave that blog open during the hiatus, and I may do some things here and there as time and anxiety allow. Even under stress, I need some writing to do. ;) But it'll be very much when and if I'm able.
Other than that, I'm going to be on hiatus from my usual rp schedule until at least Tues (3/5). I have grading to do Mon and Tues anyway, and tonight and tomorrow night I'll try to calm down and then see how this appt goes on Mon. If I get a surgery date or any better idea of when things will happen, then I'll know if I need to continue the hiatus beyond that or not, either because of surgery/evaluation scheduling or just due to anxiety.
I feel like once these two honking balls of stress (the surgery and the evaluation for my promotion) are done and out of the way, I'm going to feel a huge sense of relief and I'll be back here full force again, heh. I'm optimistic that that's what will happen. I just need you all to be a little bit patient until then.
Love you guys, be back soon I hope! ❤
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