#i’m sick of the pitch black sky at 5 pm
sisididis · 5 months
Then, earlier this week, I came to the very disturbing conclusion that the children of Hypnos and Nemesis (Cabin 15 and 16) are the cousins of Cronos, the aunts and uncles of Zeus and his siblings, and the great aunts and uncles of Zeus’s children.
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Clovis and Ethan are Percy, Nico and Thalia's great uncles cousins thrice removed. Yikes.
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ererokii · 4 years
Repudium || Shouto Todoroki & Katsuki Bakugou
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Pro Hero Shouto Todoroki x Fem! Reader x Pro Hero Katuski Bakugou
Repudium means rejection in Latin.
Warnings: angst, cursing, Todoroki is a douchebag once again, mwah katsuki is a king
Word Count: 10,734
Synopsis: Shouto leaves your heart in pieces and expects you to come back to him, but doesn’t realize someone is mending it back together. 
Taglist (message to be added): @shoutodoki @shoutosteakettle @miinaashido @saltie @fryingpanitachi @kingtamakimurder @sugacookiies @pixxiesdust @sacro---sainte
➺: Note: This is for @bnhabookclub​‘s bingo event! The prompt is Pain Comfort. You asked, so now you shall receive, this is part two of Once More. I suggest you read that first before reading this. Thank you Zeze, Mar, and Gabs for betaing <3
Bingo Masterlist
“I thought you were changing. You don’t care about anyone. You rather see those around you to die than save them. How can you call yourself a hero if you can’t even feel for the public? You are the worst hero ever.” 
Those words replayed like a song worth listening, over and over again. Your mouth that could sing dozens of symphonies sang a song that could curse a man for the rest of his life. Words of hatred and malice drowned Shouto to the pits of the earth, each syllable leaving your mouth another pierce to his heart. The twinkle in your eyes that could outshine any of the stars in the night sky were dimmed to the lowest as a waterfall of tears cascaded down your face. 
The look on your face could have brought anyone to their knees to beg for forgiveness, stuttering nonsense that was coherent only in their head. He could see it in your expressions. The way your bottom lip quivered as you listened to the poison of his words. Your smaller hands clenched and unclenched by your sides, your body shaking with each blow. Your head shook with nothing but denial as you tried to shrug his words off. You couldn’t. 
The grip you held his shirt with was full of pure disappointment, hurt, and dishonesty. He heard nothing in the moment, his cerulean and grey irises staring at the movement of your mouth, watching it open and close with each sentence you spoke. Your lips were curved down as you continued to yell at him. He suddenly felt light in your grasp. You had every right to tell him how you felt. He deserved your words. 
He felt even lower than dirt. The steel door blocking him from your life grew thicker and thicker, leaving him vulnerable and isolated. He used to be untouchable. He would stand on his throne, watching as everyone slowly sank lower and lower. A surge of pride and power would fill his body as he watched those struggle to get to his point in life. Until you came, and sent one kick to his throne, making him fall right through as he desperately tried to sit on top once again. 
You were a tide that kept washing him away. You caught him by surprise. Your twisted ways made him open up in ways he didn’t realize until it was too late. 
The moon illuminated a path of soft light through the curtains in the pitch-black room. The modernized clock resting on Shouto’s bedside table read 5:37 AM. His orbs trained on the time, watching every second change with him. The red digitized numbers are slow to switch.
“Get the fuck away from me.”
His long fingers ran through his hair slowly, lowering his head to look down in his lap as his fingers scratched the back of his head, nails adding a slight sting. A small sigh of distress left him as he stretched his arms above his head, feeling the joints of his elbows crack with the movement. 
It’s only been three weeks since his pride took over his brain. Whenever he tried to close his eyes, all he could see was you. 
Every day, he would be bombarded with news headlines about how amazing and heroic he was the night before. It was almost as if it was mocking him, reminding him of how much of a horrible person he was. Yet, he couldn’t wipe away that smirk that made its way onto his face when he noticed more people speaking about him. 
Big news broadcasting stations constantly asked for him to make an appearance on their shows, to which he happily obliged. Nothing made him more satisfied than being on the big screen for everyone to see. The shining star of the show making an entry. It pleased him. 
He mindlessly scrolled through his twitter, noticing some merchandise links and useless tweets from his PR Team. Dozens of notifications flooded his timeline, fans pinging him for meetups, random DMs from his followers or getting nasty tweets—which he didn’t appreciate, but it was the internet, after all. 
A red dot caught his attention from his DMs. Curiosity got the best of him as he clicked it, noticing none other than Ground Zero’s profile at the top. 
Bakugou: So are we on for that stupid patrol or what? You never responded back asshole. 
Oh, that. 
Shouto groaned softly, completely forgetting that he had a patrol with Bakugou later today. He clicked the message, fingers immediately typing a response out. 
Shouto: Yeah sure. Just meet at my agency at 2 PM.
Bakugou: Don’t tell me what to do bastard. 
“Well that settles that,” he muttered, tossing his phone somewhere on his bed, not really caring where it landed. His back collided with the silk sheets, his body relaxing upon contact. His hand reached out to the spot beside him, slowly running his hand up and down on the empty space as if he was looking for something, or maybe someone. 
His fingers curled around the material of his sheets, an iron grip at hand. He glanced over, expecting to be met with a pair of eyes or a back turned to him. Instead, he found nothing but the soft light produced by the moon. It peeked through his curtains, a small patch of light resting beside his relaxed body as if it was mocking him for his actions. His eyes gazed on the spot, noticing it was the area where you once laid. He growled quietly, grabbing one of his pillows, chucking it towards the curtains in anger. 
Shouto watched the pillow collide and fall on the floor. His lips parted slightly as small puffs of air left his mouth. “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” he muttered, running his hands over his face as he kept repeating the word. His hands hit his thighs with a slap, his nails digging into the skin and leaving crescent shape indents. “What the fuck am I even doing?” he questioned aloud. 
“Here I am, in the middle of the night, letting my emotions get the best of me. What kind of crap is that?” He got off his bed, walking over to his dresser. He opened the top two drawers and pulled extra clothes out, deciding that a shower was the best course of action. 
When he got in the shower, he closed his eyes as the beads of warm water hit his face and streamed down his body to the drain. His tufts of hair were plastered onto his face like glue. The water jet seemed to be on its best setting for his needs as he stood there, collecting his thoughts. 
He placed his hands against the tiled walls of the shower, back muscles flexing as he lowered his head to look downward at the shower drain, watching the water gather around and go down the hole. His long hair at the top covered his eyes, the water trailing down his nose as the droplets hit the bottom of the tub. 
“Fuck. What the hell is wrong with me?” he groaned, standing up straight as he slicked his hair back. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You hated it. You hated how weak you became in an instant. In a snap, everything went downhill. You weren’t able to smile as bright as you did before. You hated how he was able to get under your skin and become the only thing you could think about. He was a parasite to you. You despised him, yet he somehow came back to annoy the hell out of you. 
“Oh? Is it not? How much longer are you going to deny it? When are you going to learn Y/N? I’m Shouto! One or if not the greatest hero out there! I always get what I want. You were nothing but a stepping stool.”
Your eyes widened as you misplaced your foot, tripping over the ledge of your car. You quickly grabbed a hold of the handle, keeping yourself upright. You felt your cheeks swell in embarrassment as you quickly regained your composure, clearing your throat. Shutting the car door shut, you looked up to the powerful building that was the viewpoint in all of Japan. 
Shouto’s Agency. 
Just the mere thought of seeing him made you grit your teeth in anger. Your blood boiled at the fact that you had to step a single foot into that forsaken place, and even had to share the same air as him. 
The soles of your shoes hit against the cement as you walked around your car, opening the other side to stare at the brown box full of objects that had no use to you. This box was filled with Shouto’s things that he left at your place and the daycare. You didn’t feel like burning them, so giving them back would suffice. Holding the object in your arms weighed more than it had to. 
You bumped your hip against the door to shut it, and felt no use in locking it. A small sigh left your lips as you walked to the entryway. Each step felt heavy, like the earth could swallow you whole. Your pulse was beating like crazy, at any moment you wouldn’t be surprised if your heart jumped out from your mouth. 
You stopped your movements in front of the doors, watching them slide open before continuing inside. Upon entering, you were hit with the smell of new furniture—which was just the recently cleaned objects and cold air from the ceiling fans. The room was dimly lit, relying on the light from the outside. The main foyer had couches and small tables laid out, covering the area. Men and women filled the furniture, reading a book, or talking amongst themselves. 
You noticed that some of the workers were actually some of Shouto’s sidekicks or new interns he once told you about. Even just looking at them made you sick to your stomach.
Clearing your throat, you walked over to the main desk and dropped the box on the counter, watching the employee jump in surprise.
“Uh- Hi yeah, I’m here to drop off some things for Todoroki.”
“For Shouto?” the lady asked and looked up at you. “Hey aren’t you that girl he-”
“Yeah that’s me,” you interrupted her. “I just wanted to give his things back.”
She fixed her glasses and nodded, chewing on her gum as she typed something on her computer. “Alright, I’ll let Todoroki know.”
“Let me know what?”
You froze at the voice, your body stiffening up. Your blood ran cold as you heard footsteps get closer to you from behind until the presence of a body was close. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up as a deep laugh filled your eyes. 
“I didn’t expect to see you so soon. Miss me already?”
You growled quietly as you took a step to the side, refusing to face him. Don’t give him the pleasure of seeing you. He doesn’t deserve another glance. He doesn’t deserve anything from you. 
“I know you can hear me sweetheart. Come on, let’s talk.” His voice sent chills through your body. His hand rested on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
You swiveled around, raising your hand as your palm collided with his cheek. Your vision was blurry as you let out a choked sob, your hand still raised in the air. Your heart was beating out of your chest. The sound caught everyone's attention as they all stared at the commotion. Shouto moved his jaw slightly and rubbed his cheek, wincing slightly. There was now a red imprint on the swollen skin. “Damn, you really know how to slap someone huh?”
“I thought I made my point clear,” you sneered, lowering your hand to rest by your side. “I said I never wanted to talk to you again. I don’t want to see your face again.”
“Well, you came by didn’t you? Must have needed something from me if you decided to show up.”
“I came,” you started, ignoring the lingering stares from the bystanders, “To drop off your things. I could have burned them, but instead I decided to bring them back to you. Trash belongs with other types of trash, doesn’t it?”
The man in front of you laughed softly, shaking his head. Why was he laughing in a moment like this?
“Feisty, huh? Guess that was one of the things I love about you.”
Shouto had the audacity to say that he loved you? Even after all the shit he pulled?
“Oh no you don’t. Don’t you dare fucking say that word.” You wiped your nose with the sleeve of your jacket. “You don’t fucking love anything. No one but yourself. You’re a selfish bastard, how many times do I have to tell you? You are the worst in all of Japan.”
Even hearing those words for the second time in his life, he couldn’t shake the feeling off. Was he hurting? Was he turning upset? 
Deciding enough was enough, you nodded in self-reassurance and turned around, only to collide face-first into a muscular chest. “Hey!”
“Hey? That’s what you say when you bump into someone? Some manners you got.”
You automatically recognized the voice and pulled away as if he had the plague.
Standing in the flesh, Ground Zero stared down at you with his intense vermillion eyes, his arms crossed over his torso, wearing that famous scowl of his. 
“Some manners I got?” you growled and looked up at him. “Why do I have to move for you? You saw me here, didn’t you? Oh just because you’re in the top five, that gives you authority to act like that?”
His eyes widened slightly in shock. “Hey that’s not-”
“You know what? If all heroes are like him,” you yelled, pointing a finger at the bi-colored male behind you. “Then you guys need to stop being heroes! There’s no point in being out there if you don’t care for those in need! What kind of fakes are you guys?!”
Not giving him a chance to respond, you brushed past him, purposely bumping his shoulder with yours. He stumbled slightly, placing his hand on the counter to regain his balance. “What the fuck was that?” he whispered, watching you exit the main foyer.
Shouto sighed dramatically and shook his head, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “She’s always been like that.”
“Who the fuck is that?”
Shouto quirked an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his torso. “Why do you ask, Ground Zero?”
“I asked because she’s hot. I asked because I’m fucking curious, you bastard!”
The bi-colored male tilted his head slightly in confusion before shrugging, running his fingers through his hair. “That’s Y/L/N Y/N. She works at the local daycare about 20 minutes from here.”
“And how do you know her? What the hell was this shit show that just happened.”
“Oh, that? Don’t worry about it too much. She’ll come back soon.” 
A laugh rumbled in the depths of Shouto’s throat as his finger traced the sensitive skin of his cheek. Bakugou stared at him, unamused. 
“She rocked your shit and you’re saying don’t worry about it? What kind of bullshit answer is that?”
“Sounds to me like someone is scared to be seen with the number one pro hero, but that would be silly huh?” Shouto asked, completely dodging Bakugou’s questions as he checked his hand, front and back.
“Hah?! What did you say?! I’m not afraid of anything! Especially you!! Now quit talking and start fucking moving!” Bakugou shoved a gloved finger in Shouto’s direction before swiveling around. The ash-blond’s footsteps boomed with each step he took. He clenched and unclenched his fingers, his gauntlet hitting his hips as he walked. 
“What kind of bullshit answer is that?” he grumbled, tapping his foot against the cement sidewalk as he waited for the number one hero to come outside. For someone who wanted to patrol, he was sure taking his sweet time. 
“Shall we?” Shouto called from behind, walking past him. His chest was puffed out, his chin raised proudly in the air. A sly smirk was displayed on his face as he glanced at Bakugou from the corner of his eye. “Better get a move on. I would hate for you to fall behind.”
Bakugou gritted his teeth as he followed Shouto from behind. Many people on the streets gasped in astonishment at two of the top five heroes walking together. Children pointed at them from across the street, a toothy grin and shining sparkling eyes trained on them. 
“Look, papa! It’s Ground Zero and Shouto! I want their autograph!”
Shouto’s head perked up at the sound of his name and looked over to the small boy, who was bouncing up and down. Amused by his antics, Shouto walked over to the boy and crouched down to his height. 
A small smile was plastered onto his features as he patted him gently on top of the little boy’s head. “You wanted an autograph?”
The boy’s eyes widened as he nodded furiously, clenching his fists in front of his body. “Y-Yeah! Can you sign my backpack?!”
“Turn around, bud.”
He did as told, almost too fast as he stumbled over his own two feet. The pro hero took the sharpie from his smaller hands. Taking the cap off with his teeth, he kept it enclosed between the pearly whites as he quickly signed the backpack. 
“There. Now it looks even more amazing.”
“T-Thank you, Shouto! G-Ground Zero, can you sign mine?!” he gasped and approached rather quickly, holding the sharpie in his head. 
Bakugou wasn’t one for signings out of the blue, but this was an exception. 
The blonde nodded and took the marker away from him, turning the boy around as he signed near Shouto’s signature, making it a tad bit bigger on purpose. 
“Thank you!” he exclaimed and ran back to his dad, who wasn’t that far away. Both heroes could hear the excitement in his tone as he shoved the backpack into his father’s arms. 
“I thought you never do signings like this. Has the Ground Zero gotten soft?”
Bakugou clicked his tongue in annoyance, refusing to be part of Shouto’s games. “Whatever, idiot. Just keep on walking.”
“Oh, is someone upset?”
“Shut up and stop talking!!”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The patrol was nothing out of the ordinary. The two heroes made their roundabouts, no trouble seemed to bother them. The only thing that annoyed Bakugou more than anything was the fact that Shouto couldn’t keep his mouth shut. And paperwork was the worst of all. Shouto kept asking small insignificant questions that drove Katsuki up the wall. 
Finally getting away from the devil himself, Katuski found himself standing in front of his car, his eyes hard and intense as he had his toned arms crossed over his torso. His eyes trained over a building, taking in the colorful delicate patterns of butterflies and kids smiling on the walls. The paint wasn’t chipping off. Instead it looked like it was fresh, maybe too fresh. The newly trimmed hedges that outline the building bloomed with budding roses. The flowers in the white pots loomed over the ground, each dancing tauntingly with the wind that sent small shivers through his hoodie and caused his hair to sway with each breeze. 
Katuski analyzed the area once more before placing his hands behind him on the hood of the car and pushed off, walking towards the door. 
Unlike Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou arrived with a calm and open mind. Upon reaching the door, he noticed a hanging pot filled with yellow carnations. The bright color of the petals fluttered as if they were welcoming him. He stared, mesmerized by the color before shaking his head quickly, bringing his hand up to the door. His knuckles met with the door once, twice, and finally a third time before lowering it again. 
Shuffling could be heard from the other side of the door as the knob turned, the wooden surface opening up. 
Katsuki took sight of you, eyeing you up and down before meeting your eyes.
“G-Ground Zero?! W-What are you doing here?! This is so unexpected wow! I’m such a mess, god I’m so sorry! If only I knew you would come I would have at least cleaned myself up!”
“Can you stop rambling and actually let me talk?”
You stopped mid-sentence and shut your mouth, before opening it again. “Yeah uh… why are you here?”
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“T-To me?” You looked over your shoulder to make sure no one was behind you. No one was; you just couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Well yeah, who else am I gonna be talking to?”
“I- just you know after I went off on you there… I just didn’t expect you to ya know, come visit. Just caught me by surprise.”
“That’s actually what I wanted to talk about.”
“Oh. Well, we can talk then.”
“Out here? Please,” he scoffed and made his way inside, causing you to press up against the door as he walked past you. In those three seconds, you could smell his natural scent of ash and caramel with a hint of smoky wood. It pleased you. 
You automatically shut the door and followed him. He was sitting down on the couch with his hands behind his head, but with his legs bent, no manspreading. His attitude was drastically different from Shouto’s.
“Well,” you started, sitting across from him as you rubbed your sweaty palms on your thighs. “What did you want to talk about?”
“What happened between you guys.”
“Between who?”
“You and Icy-Hot. I saw you hit him and tried prying answers out of him. Better to get it from the other side than from someone whose head is up their fucking ass.”
“Oh,” you whispered and sunk your teeth on your lower lip, looking away. “That’s personal. Whatever happened between me and him, will stay between me and him. Besides, it wasn’t a big deal anyway.”
“Big deal?! You smack his face and say it’s not a big deal? Damn, what kind of shit answers are those?”
“Realistic answers!” you choked out, feeling your voice crack mid speaking. “They are realistic answers.”
“Real huh?” he whispered before leaning forward, clasping his hands in his lap. “Fine. Let’s be real, okay? You guys slept together huh? And he decided he didn’t want you anymore. Is that what happened? That’s the type of guy he is after all.”
Hearing his words made you realize how shitty you’ve been feeling. He was only in your presence for five minutes or less and he already cracked your mid-life crisis. The quiver in your lip was his answer. 
“So that’s what happened then,” he whispered.
“And what if it did?! It doesn’t matter, like I said! I was his stepping stool! He didn’t care! I was his doormat and I let him walk over me because I was too gullible to notice before! He’s a fucking heartless asshole!” you cried out, hiccuping as you covered your face from him, shielding the somewhat dignity you had left. Your nose was getting stuffed up by the second as you sniffled, letting out another pained sob, the first of many that day. Each day would end like this, you going into a state of confusion and would cry yourself to sleep. It was a continuous cycle of pain that you wanted to end. 
“Everyone thinks of him as this high and mighty person that cares for others, but he doesn’t!” You looked into the hero’s eyes, your own filled with nothing but defeat and pain, the whites of your eyes now turning red from the onslaught of crying. “I hate him! I fucking hate him!” each word had a powerful meaning behind it. “He ruined me! He had me wrapped around his finger and played me like a fiddle!”
Bakugou felt bad for you. You went from someone who told him off hours earlier, to sobbing up a storm and ranting about your feelings. He felt awkward sitting there as you poured out to your heart’s content. His body was tense as he fiddled with the pocket of his black hoodie. Seeing you there hopeless made his heart sting with pain, and he felt like he had to save you, even though he didn’t know you.
To be your hero. The hero you deserve, not Shouto Todoroki. 
He contemplated something before standing up and walked over to you. The couch creaked at the new addition of weight that was put on top. “Look,” he started as his mind went blank. What was he going to say? Hey, it's okay, forget him. He's legit shit anyway. How do you comfort someone when their relationship was a total lie?
Your sobs filled his ears as he sighed softly, rubbing his temple in growing annoyance. “First of all stop crying already!”
The sudden change of tone surprised you as you stared at him with innocent wide eyes. “W-What?”
“I said stop fucking crying. It doesn’t look good on you.”
You let out a hiccup as you wiped your eyes with the pad of your fingers. For some reason, Katsuki thought you looked like the most beautiful person on the planet. Here you were, in raw emotion for some idiot who wasn’t worth your time, yet at the same time you decided to show Katsuki and no one else. It filled him with a sense of peace that you trusted him enough, despite barely knowing him. 
The ceiling fan shined artificial light upon you, somehow making you look ethereal as your tears glistened. Your lips formed in a pout as your bottom lip kept quivering, no matter how many times you tried to control it. The tips of your ears were red, your cheeks joining in on the rosy color. Your makeup was nowhere perfect anymore. Mascara dribbled down your face as it mixed with your tears, black staining your cheeks. 
“Are you done crying yet?”
There was a moment of silence before another whimper left your throat as you shook your head. “N-No!”
Yet again another round of painful sobs wracked through your body. Your head was starting to hurt at the attack to your body. Bakugou inhaled deeply as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer to his chest. He could feel your shaking form as you threw your arms around him, burying your head into the crook of his neck. 
“Shut up,” he grumbled, his voice rough around the edges, but wasn’t his normal tone. His calloused hand pressed against your back, his fingers slowly running up and down as his thumbs rubbed small circles to calm you down. “He’s a shit person. I get it. But you aren’t going to sit here and cry about him forever, are you?”
The silence was a sign to continue on. 
“He played you. He’s an asshole, but I didn’t know he was this big of a dick. Everyone plays him as Mr. Nice Guy or Mr. Hero. I didn’t know he was this bad,” he muttered, bringing a hand to cradle the back of your head, stroking the skin behind your neck in a soothing manner. “Honestly, fuck him. He doesn’t deserve your time and certainly doesn’t deserve your stupid fucking tears. He still thinks you’re going to go back to him. Why don’t you show him who the bigger person is, hah?”
“He thinks I’m going back to him?” you whispered, your words coming out muffled due to hiding your head from him.
“Yeah. He does. His head is so clouded with stupidity that he thinks he’ll always get what he wants.”
“...he is pretty stupid.”
The rumbling in his chest indicated he found it funny, but true. He pushed you away from his chest, placed his hands on your shoulders, and stared into your tear-filled eyes. “So. What are you going to then, Princess?”
You licked your lips and looked down at your lap, staring at the palms of your hands. “I’m going to... Stop crying over him, m-move on and be the bigger person?”
“Are you asking me? Or are you telling me?”
“I-I’m telling you!”
His lips curved upward slightly as he wrapped his arm around you, bringing you to his chest once more. “Guys like him expect everyone to spoon feed him because of his reputation. And everyone says I’m the worst out of the top five,” he grumbled to himself, running his hand up and down your back. “I’ll take care of you. I promise you that.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
A man of his word, Bakugou did as he promised. Since that day he visited you the first time, you stayed in contact. You were wary of course, looking for any red flags that history could possibly repeat itself. 
Unlike Shouto, Katsuki couldn’t come around as much. As he told you before, his hero work was the most important since where his agency was stationed, there was a lot of crime. You respected that, of course. It made you feel happy when he would talk to you on the phone about the amount of citizens he saved and how many villains he took down by himself. The kids, they went wild.
When one of the girls took notice of a gauntlet laying around the room, she screamed in happiness saying that Ground Zero was here, or that you bought a knock-off from online. Of course from the screaming, the pro hero ran inside at top speed, looking for any sign of danger.
“Where is it?!”
“It’s Ground Zero!!”
A flock of children surrounded him as they screamed incoherent words of happiness, jumping up and down as if he was their idol; which he was. 
“How hot can your explosions get?!”
“Do you burn yourself?!”
“Can you fly?!”
“Do you sneeze and they go off?!”
“Hah?!” he yelled and crossed his arms over his torso, looking away. “What kind of fucking questions are those?!”
“Bakugou!” you snapped, walking into view with a bag of something inside. “We talked about using that language in here!”
“What does ‘fucking’ mean?” a little girl asked, tugging on the material of his pants, looking up at him with child innocent eyes. 
His mouth parted but no answer came out. His cream-colored cheeks soon became a soft rosy red as he looked away quickly. “I-”
“I bought mochi!” you said quickly, lifting the bag up and shaking it slightly to grab their attention. At the mention of treats, they all scrambled away from him and stood in front of you with happy grins and eyes. 
“Get in a line. Bakugou, come help me please.”
The ash-blond groaned but walked to you anyway, taking the small bowl from you that held the dough filled with sweet ice cream. He eyes them warily before crouching down to their level and stuck the bowl out for their awaiting grabbing hands. 
“Only one,” he said to a little boy who laughed joyously and placed it back before running to his friend, comparing the flavors they had. 
“And one for me,” you teased, taking one from him. Bakugou clicked his tongue in annoyance and placed the bowl back on the small table. “I don’t know how you can eat those. They seem too sweet. Spicy is where it’s at.”
“Well I’m not going to burn a bunch of six-year-olds’ tongues either, Bakugou!” you huffed and took a bite out of the dough, the taste of the sweet ice cream filled your tastebuds. “Come on try some!” you lifted the sweet to his mouth, urging him to bite it. 
“Hah?! That’s bad for you!”
“Come on, Katsuki. Are you afraid of a little sweet? Never took you for the scared type.” You grinned. His heart fluttered at the sound of his name leaving your lips. He growled and snatched the green treat from you.
“‘M’not scared!” he yelled and eyed the delicious treat before taking a bite out of it. His eyes widened slightly from their original state and chewed slowly. He looked away from you and swallowed. “Not bad, still tastes like shit.”
A happy smile graced your features at his change of heart over something as small as this. “So will you eat the rest of it with me?”
“I guess. Only if you wipe that stupid dopey smile off your face.”
A cry of pain distracted you from your reverie as you turned quickly to find the source of pain. 
A group of kids was surrounding one young girl who had a hand covering her eye. 
“Himarie, sweetie what happened?” You asked the small girl, kneeling beside her as your hand hesitantly reached for hers that shielded her eye. 
“Fire? Honey let me see.”
“I’ll hurt you!”
“No you won’t. Come on, let me see.” you encouraged her softly, wrapping your hand around her smaller wrist and lowered it slowly. 
Fire shot out from her eye as soon as her hand was lowered. She cried in pain and covered it again, whimpering softly. 
The rug caught on fire as you shrieked, moving the kids out of the way. “K-Katsuki!”
“Got it,” the male voiced out, immediately putting out the fire with the fire extinguisher, his tongue peeking out in concentration. He let out a huff and lowered the hose. “Looks like someone got their quirk. That’s a nice one if I do say so myself.” He put the red canister down and walked over to where you and Himarie stood. 
“Is she going to be okay Miss Y/N?!” 
“Yes, she’s going to be okay. She’s a strong girl, aren’t you honey?” you whispered softly and stroked her brown hair. 
“Let me see,” Bakugou whispered, nudging you away from her gently. “Look at me.”
She shook her head, afraid of hurting him as well. “I’ll burn you!”
“I burn myself on a daily basis, Himarie. I’m used to it. Now let me see.”
The brunette shakily lowered her head, her bottom lip quivering in fear. 
Bakugou analyzed her before bringing a hand to her face, rubbing her cheek softly with his thumb. “You’re scared huh? I remember when I first got my quirk. I was scared. I thought I would blow myself up at one point. But there’s nothing to be afraid of. You’ll learn how to control it soon,” he said to her, his voice soft yet rough at the same time. Each word seemed to roll off his tongue with ease, as if he was made for moments like this. His larger hand patted her head gently.
Himarie continued to stare at him with uncertainty before launching herself onto him, her small arms encircling his neck. “T-Thank you Ground Zero!”
He tensed up before hesitantly wrapping an arm around her, patting her back with a gentle touch. “Of course. That’s what we’re here for anyway, to make sure kids like you are out of harm’s way. Just don’t do anything stupid with that, got it?”
You watched a few steps away, your heart softening at the moment in front of you. In all of his fame, his unruly behavior was something that everyone saw. This moment was intoxicating to you. You wanted to see more of him like this. If only the public knew this was how Bakugou Katsuki was, everyone would be throwing themselves at him. The only difference between him and Shouto, was that Bakugou cares. He did it to save those in need, to be a protector, not for the fame and the money. 
His vermillion orbs met yours as the corner of his lips curled into a smirk, sending a small wink your way. A wave of heat flooded your cheeks as you gave him a small wave in return. The light’s reflection illuminated his eyes, the different colors of his irises shining. It was amazing to see him here. You only wished for one thing: that he was here before Shouto Todoroki. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
As time went by, the hot atmosphere turned chilly, and the trees turned to orange and red. Fall approached faster than anything. Months upon months passed by without a second thought. 
The cold air of the autumn wind descends upon you, each needle of the breeze poking through any open outlet through your clothes. You buried your nose in your burgundy scarf, begging for any type of warmth to relieve your shaking body. The vibrant assortments of oranges and red were pleasing to the eye, but getting harder to appreciate as each second passed by. 
Your hands were stuffed in the pocket of your jackets as you kept your head down to shield your eyes from any upcoming harsh wind. The annual fall festival arrived and that was something you wanted to see, with a special someone of course.
“Are you that fucking cold?”
You peered up through your lashes, glancing at the blond who walked beside you with ease. He seemed to be content with just his jacket and scarf. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, his fingers curling and uncurling from the inside.
“Y-y-yes I’m cold!” you spoke through your chattering teeth, bringing your hands up and placing them underneath your armpits, relishing in the warmth from your jacket. Your eyes trained over the different stands full of crafts, food, and beverages. 
“That’s too bad.” you could hear the smugness in his tone as you continued to walk the brick pathway through the festival. “Your teeth look like they could fall out any minute now due to your stupid chattering.”
“Well not everyone is a walking heater, Katsuki,” you chirped, your voice muffled by the fabric of your scarf warming your neck. “If I was, I’d be looking like you.”
“Like me?! What’s that supposed to mean, hah?!”
“Meaning I could wear a jacket and a skirt and not worry about the cold! I said what I said!”
Bakugou growled and tugged you closer by your elbow, no ill intent in his hold. His hand reached under your elbow, his fingers digging into your skin. It was a simple yet meaningful gesture. 
A small smile graces your features as your eyes watch the leaves fall from their respected trees, trails of orange and red filling your vision. The sky was a pink layout with splotches of blue and orange that complimented each other. The clouds floating through the sky effortlessly, the sun saying its slow goodbye before sleeping for the night until the next morning.
“I wish they had more festivals like this.”
“Well if they did, stupid villains would be surrounding this shit place anyway.”
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, leaning your head on his bicep as your fingers curled around his arm. “Uh-huh, sure. Way to be optimistic about it.”
“Just being realistic. Something you should be.”
“Hey!” you pouted, feigning hurt. “I can be realistic!”
Bakugou gave you a side glance before shaking his head. “Don’t fool both of us dumbass.”
You whined and stood on your tiptoes, placing a quick kiss to his cold cheek. “The only one I can fool is you after all.”
A pleased hum left his throat as he laced your fingers together, the warmth radiating from his palm automatically making you fuzzy inside. 
Ever since Shouto left, you felt confused, lost and most importantly, empty. The void in your heart felt that it would never be filled again. Shouto left and took your happiness with him, deciding to leave you a wreck for this own personal pleasure. He was everywhere you looked, paper news, broadcasting, twitter. It was like you couldn’t escape him. Each time you saw a photo of him, he always had the same expression. A smug smirk would grace his features, it was taunting you and you knew it. 
When Bakugou entered your life, it made you realize that you didn’t have to worry about someone like Shouto ruining you again. Bakugou slowly filled the void in your heart, and you were beyond thankful. At first, you didn’t trust him at all. He was in fact in the top five heroes, and was known as the mean one in the public eye. You couldn’t tell if his actions were genuine or just for show to lure you in like a predator. 
“Huh?” You shook your head, kicking you out of your daze as you looked up at the male. 
“Why do you look like that?” he asked, but more in a demanding tone.
“This is my face?”
“No, you idiot. You look lost. What’s wrong?”
“Just thinking about before is all, ya know, Shouto,” you muttered the last part, your head lowering in shame.
“Well stop thinking of that icy-hot bastard. I hate the way you get over some stupid guy like him,” he growled, his finger curling under your chin to make you look up at him. “Cause Princess, he’s an idiot for letting someone as beautiful as you go.”
He leaned closer, pressing his lips against yours tenderly. Your hand reached up and cradled his cheek, rubbing the swell with your thumb gently. His arm wrapped around your waist tightens, bringing you closer to his chest. In your moment of love, unbeknownst to you, the sound of a camera went off. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His grey and cerulean orbs filled with anger, staring down at the photo that was displayed on his phone, a new headline for the news. 
Ground Zero getting comfy at the Autumn Festival!
Shouto’s fingers curled around his phone, his hand unintentionally getting colder by the minute. He was seething in anger. His shoulders moved with his erratic breathing as he threw his phone across his desk, ignoring the noise of his device hitting the ground. 
A small flame emitted from his hand. He abruptly stood up, gripping the edge of his desk with a vice-like grip, his fingers slowly turning white from the pressure. His fingernails dug into the hardwood, ignoring the pain shooting through his arms. He sunk his teeth into his lower lip as his hands let go of the edges before reaching under and threw his arms up, flipping the wooden desk over in anger. 
The furniture broke on impact as he groaned out in annoyance. Not only were things not going his way, but he also needed to buy a new desk.  
“Just who in the hell does he think he is?” he whispered angrily, running his hand through his hair as he paced back and forth in his office, his footsteps hard against the rug. “Just walking in her life and thinking he can do that? He’s far from right.”
Shouto was no idiot. He was intelligent and knew what happened on the sidelines. Bakugou stayed with you to help out with the daycare. He did the same exact thing as Shouto did, and oh did it piss him off more than anything. In Shouto’s eyes, you were going to come back to him. You might just be acting up, but you’ll return to him.
He quickly glanced at the clock on the wall. It read 4:46 PM. From what he remembered, the daycare should be closing at 5 PM. If he left now, he could probably stop you before you headed home. 
The chiming of his phone knocked him from his cloud of thoughts as he walked over to the shattered screen, the light illuminating on his face.
“Fuck,” he groaned and reached above his head, his joints cracking with the movement. His finger tapped the green circle as he brought his phone to his ear, sighing softly. “Hello?”
“Hi Todoroki! I just wanted to make sure you knew about tomorrow still!”
“...what’s tomorrow?”
“You forgot already? Figures if you’re so busy! It’s the meet and greet we have with Kacchan tomorrow!”
He choked on his spit as he coughed into his hand in shock. “T-that’s tomorrow?!”
“Yeah! Your PR team didn’t tell you?”
“Uh...” he trailed off, glancing at the mess of his room. Pens and papers were scattered all over the place. “I’m sure they did. Whatever, what time was it at?”
“11 AM!”
“Do I have to go?”
“Of course you have to Todoroki-kun! You’re number one! And number one has to be there, remember?!”
Number one. 
Hearing those words made butterflies flutter in his stomach as his head filled with conceited thoughts. He smirked faintly as he hung his head back, staring at the ceiling. “Yeah. You’re right. I am number one, and I always get what I want.”
“What was that? You cut out at the end.”
“Huh? Nothing, don’t worry about it. I’ll see you in the morning with...him.”
“Oh speaking about Kacchan, did you see the photos? Turns out he was with that girl you were seeing before you broke up!”
He growled into the microphone, his noise being caught by Midoriya’s ears. “I saw. They look terrible together.”
“You think so? I think they look cute together! I’m glad he found someone.”
“Yeah well I’m not,” he snapped and began to pace around the room. “I know she’s playing hard to get. She came to visit me again even after saying to fuck off. That obviously means something. I mean, why wouldn’t she want me? I’m rich, successful and the highest out of everyone. Why would she settle for him?” he spat, his voice dripping with malice and hatred for the blond. 
“Uh, Todoroki? Do you hear how you’re sounding right now?”
“Course I do.”
“Then don’t you think you’re being a bit too...over the top?”
“I’m not. I sound perfectly fine. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have business to take care of.”
“Ahh okay! See you tomorrow Todoroki-kun!”
Without saying goodbye, Shouto hit the red circle and turned his phone off, shoving it into his front pocket. “I guess some things I have to keep working for,” he whispered and walked past the mess he made prior to the phone call, to the door. His hand wrapped around the knob and twisted it, pulling it to open the door. 
“I’m Shouto. I’ll win her back. She’ll realize I’m the one for her, and he’s complete utter shit. I’ll get her back. I’m the best after all.”
An amusing chuckled rumbled through his chest as he made his way down the corridor, on his way to take back what was his first. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Shouto Todoroki would have never thought about this situation in a million years. Yet again, here he was. Arriving at the daycare with a frown upon his face, he exited the vehicle with a gentle push of the driver’s door, the car not moving from the gentle force. He took one glance at the daycare and sighed softly. “It’ll be easy,” he whispered to himself, letting one foot lead in front of the other. As he walked to the entrance, he took notice of the new and improved details. The once peeling paint was newly refurbished, each drawing looking amazing as ever. The hedges surrounded the center like a barrier, protecting them from him. The flowers he ordered were no longer there, which he assumed they died over time or you tossed them out, Instead, they were replaced with lilies and roses, each color displaying just for him. The color orange only reminded him of Katsuki Bakugou, a newfound hatred for him. Each flower moved with the wind as they greeted him.
He walked to the front door with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. Upon reaching it, he slowly lifted a hand that seemed to weigh more than anything in the world. He let out a shaky sigh and let his knuckles hit the door twice. Shouto brought his hand to his mouth and wiped it, his lips dry from nervousness. 
He felt as if years passed by as he stood there, waiting for you or someone to answer. He hoped it was only you, but by the looks of it, another car was parked beside yours, and it definitely wasn’t one of the employees. 
The sweet melody of laughter filled his ears as he stared at the knob moving to open the door. The hinges squeaked and it was pulled open, Shouto keeping his eyes trained forward. 
You opened the door with a laugh, Bakugou bringing up an old memory from his high school years. 
Your smile faltered as it was automatically wiped with your face, a scowl replacing it instead. “What do you want?”
“I want to talk to you.”
“I don’t,” you snapped and went to close the door in his face but he stuck his foot out last second, the only thing keeping you from shutting him out forever. 
“Please. I just want to talk.”
You said nothing in return, slowly opening the door again. You stood in front of the frame, your arms crossed over your torso. “Outside.”
“Princess? Who is at the door?”
Shouto’s ears perked at the sound of Bakugou’s voice as he tried looking over your shoulder before you moved in front of his line of sight. “No one Katsuki! Give me five!” you yelled back, pressing a hand against Shouto’s chest and you pushed him slightly, shutting the door behind you. 
“Princess? He’s here too? So you’re fucking him now?”
“And what if I am? What’s it matter to you, Todoroki? Why do you care now? We aren’t together. You made that quite clear a year ago.”
“I know but, him? Out of all people you went for him?”
“Yeah, I did. Is that a problem for you? Oh wait, I guess it is if we are even having this conversation. Plus I thought you wanted to talk. Not pick on the things you think are wrong with my life.” 
Shouto’s hands twitched by his side, itching to feel your body against his once more. “I-“
“Or is the problem is that you can’t even hold a real conversation without making it about you, huh?”
“That’s not true.”
“Oh, it’s not?” You tilted your head to the side. “Prove it then, right now. What the hell is so important that you have to bug me?” you demanded. You hated how he could just waltz up in here and act like nothing happened. One of the many things you hated about him.
“I’m sorry.”
You choked on air as you stared at him, shocked. “You— you’re what?”
“I said I’m sorry.”
“Y-You’re sorry?”
He nodded quietly, a look of sadness in his eyes. You didn’t believe him one bit. You couldn’t. If he was actually sorry, why did he wait so long? Did he expect you to make the first move? 
“If you are, why did you wait so long?” you whispered softly, the ground becoming your main interest as you kicked at it gently with the tip of your shoe. “Why a year? Why not when I saw you again?”
“...I don’t know. I thought you would have come back to me after what I said. I didn’t think it would get this out of hand. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything I said back then.”
“I don’t believe you Shouto. I’m sorry but I can’t. You caused me so much fucking pain that I—“ you cut yourself off, letting out a shaky breath. “— I couldn’t even trust him. It took me so long to finally trust Katsuki because of you. You ripped my heart and took it with you until you didn’t need me anymore for your selfish desires. You don’t care for me Shouto, you never have.”
“Y/N,” he whispered and took a step forward, halting when he saw you take a step away from him. “Please. I still love you.”
“No you don’t!” you yelled suddenly, clenching your fists as you looked into his eyes. Your vision became glossy with tears, the glistening substance trailing down your face. “You don’t! Stop lying to me! When will you stop lying to people Shouto?! Don’t you see?! We have feelings! We get hurt!” you cried out, pointing a finger in his way. “We aren’t for your personal pleasures!! You used me! You threw me out! And now that I’m finally happy, you want me back?!”
Your bottom lip quivered in pain as you let out a choked sob, bringing a hand to shield it from him. “You aren’t the only human on this planet! Stop pretending that you are! You can’t even see the real message in front of you, can you?!”
Shouto stood there in shock. His mind was moving a thousand miles per hour but nothing left his lips. His body refused to move any closer to your, afraid of a future he didn’t want. He loves you. After all this time, he’s in love with you. He misses your small kisses, your beautiful laugh, your smile that was only for him. He misses seeing you beside him in the awakening morning, your messy hair or tired displays of love. Yet in his own foolishness, he lost you. 
“I always thought I might be bad, now I’m sure that it’s true,” he started off with a whisper, letting his body move on its own. “Cause I think you’re so good, and I’m nothing like you, Y/N.”
“Stop coming towards me.”
He didn’t listen, only advancing forward to you. You sunk your teeth into your lower lip as you placed a hand behind you, feeling the door that was behind you. He bent one leg slightly, looming over you. You lifted a hand up, bringing it down to slap him but he caught it last second, holding both of your wrists in his hand. 
“Look at you go, I just adore you,” he whispered softly, his voice sending chills through your body. His own orbs glossed with tears, sniffling as he rested his forehead against yours. His eyes squeezed shut as his tears cascaded down his face, the substance hitting against your hands. 
“I wish that I knew what makes you think I’m so special,” you whispered meekly, your voice cracking with each word that left your mouth. The wavering in your vocal cords made you upset with yourself. His fingers tighten around your smaller hands, bringing them to his chest. You could feel the steady beat of his heart. 
“I learned how to love like you… and in my own stupidity, I ruined it. Please, all I ask is for one more chance. I’m better than him, ” he opened his eyes, his heterochromia ones staring into your own. His tears flowed effortlessly. 
Here was the man that once said he didn’t need anyone at the top. That he was the one looking over everyone with no one by his side, that no one was worthy of him. The one who couldn’t believe in trust. The one who was the best at everything. The one who got what he always wanted. Here was the man that you fell head over heels for, but got your heart crushed in the process. Leaving you for the dust, you were left. Until someone else came in, slowly picking up the pieces of your broken heart and piecing them back together until you were ready to hand your heart off to him. 
You squirmed in Shouto’s grip until your hands broke free from his grip. “Get off!!” you yelled, pushing him off of you with full force, watching him stumble back and fall on his ass, landing on the soft grass. 
“What part don’t you get anymore?! I said I never wanted to see you again and you want to talk and pull that crap?!”
“That’s not—“
“That’s not what?!” you yelled, your tears of sadness turning into fresh hot tears of anger. “You think you can come walking in here and say ‘Hey I’m super sorry I didn’t mean it! Can we get back together again?!’ Did you honestly think that would work, Shouto?! I don’t love you anymore!! I don’t want you anymore!!”
“Hey, what’s going on?!”
You swiveled around quickly, a sense of relief filing your body at the entrance of an ash blond. Bakugou walked up to you and noticed Shouto on the floor, his fingers digging into the earth. “What the hell is happening?”
“Katsuki,” you whispered and threw yourself at him, burying your head into his chest as your arms encircled his torso. His arms immediately wrapped around your body, bringing you closer into his protection. 
“Why are you here, Icy-Hot?!”
Shouto got up quickly, wiping the dirt from his backside. “I came to talk to Y/N.”
“I don’t want to talk to you anymore!” you yelled, turning around slightly to face him. Your fingers dug into Bakugou’s side, not hard enough to cause any pain. “I want you gone!!”
“I’m not done talking with you yet!”
“She said she doesn’t want you here. Now leave!! I know you’re a fucking asshole but I didn’t know you can’t listen!!” Bakugou yelled, his face slowly turning into a rosy red as his anger levels rose. His grip on your body tightens, his knuckles turning white. 
You cracked Bakugou’s jaw in your face, forcing him to look down at you. Yet, he couldn’t look at you, keeping his eyes trained on the hero in front of him. “Katsuki,” you whispered, gently patting his cheek. “Please look at me.”
The ash-blond reluctantly looked down at you, his nostrils flaring in anger. “I love you,” you said softly, your hand reaching up and brushing some hair out of his face. 
His face softens at your words, feeling his anger slowly fade away. “I love you too.”
You nodded and pulled away from him, inhaling deeply as you walked up to Shouto, your head held high. He stared down at you with nothing but eyes full of defeat and sorrow. A small smile of sadness curved at your lips as you cupped his cheek. He closed his eyes as he leaned into your touch, begging for more of it. 
“Shouto,” you whispered softly, keeping the gap between both of you evident for Katsuki’s observing eyes. “I don’t want to be with you anymore. I’m happy. Can’t you see?” you asked, pulling away from him. “I love Katsuki with all my heart. I want to be with him. What you and I had, that’s long gone. You decided that you didn’t need that, you didn’t bother to care for someone other than yourself. You chose this route, I didn’t. I loved and cared for you. I truly did.”
You took a step back and looked into his awaiting eyes, his heart waiting for the words he longed for, but knew he wasn’t getting them anytime soon. “You chose fame and money over me, I can’t get upset by your decision. All I ask, is that you leave the both of us alone. Please.”
“Y/N, please. I’m sorry for what I did. Please just-”
You shook your head and lifted your hand in the air, cutting him off. “I’m tired of hearing you now. Please, leave already. You’re making it worse by being here. So do us a favor before he comes in and does something he won’t forget.”
Shouto’s heart of stone fell to the base of his body, cracking upon contact and shattering into millions of pieces. This time it was unfixable. The last time he felt this hurt was when he was a mere child, seeing the abuse his mother was put through by his father. He felt lost and alone like no one was by his side. Here was the woman he loved. He thought he had a future with you. But let’s be realistic, after the show he put on a year ago, that dream was long gone. He chose this path, with many regrets. What was he even thinking? He let his pride win over his own humanity. And now he has to pay the price for it.
Without another word to you or Bakugou, he swiveled on his heel and rushed to his car, his hand fishing in his pocket for his keys. He opened the door as quick as he could and got inside, jabbing the keys to start it up. It wasn’t worth it if he couldn’t get back with you. 
You stood under the tree, the sun making its way to take its rest for the day. The gentle rays of orange seep through the leaves, hitting your supple skin that gave you a glow. A small smile of satisfaction graced your features as you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to bathe in the tranquility of this moment. 
You wrapped your arms around your body as you hummed softly, your eyes stinging and tired from your previous crying. 
Arms from behind wrapped around you, bringing you to rest against his chest. Bakugou leaned over slightly, burying his head in the crook of your neck. “What are you thinking about, pretty girl?”
“Mmm, you as always.”
“That’s funny,” he mumbled, nipping the tender skin of your neck before placing a kiss in its place. “What were you really thinking about?”
“You!” You laughed softly, resting your head on top of his. “Am I not allowed to think about my amazing boyfriend?”
A pinch to your side made you squeak in surprise as you tried pulling away from him, but his strong arms kept you in place. “I didn’t say that dumbass,” his gruff voice whispered in your ear as he suddenly lifted you up, holding you in a bridal style carry. Your arms immediately wrapped around his neck.  
“What’s with the over the top affection now?” you teased, kissing his cheek gently, lingering your lips on the warm skin. 
“Damn you always have to question everything I do, don’t you?” he huffed in annoyance as he walked back inside, kicking the door of the daycare center shut. “Can’t just take my answer as it is.”
“Oh but you know I love messing with you, Suki!”
He grumbled at the pet name you’ve given him over the course of your relationship. No matter how many times he said he hated it, deep down he loved hearing it come from you and only you. If anyone found out about it, he wouldn’t be afraid to blast them to hell. 
“What do you think about that whole ordeal?”
“Well it was fucking stupid,” he started off, placing you down on the couch beside him as he threw an arm around your shoulder, bringing you to rest your head on his shoulder. “He had no business coming back again, even after you told him you wanted nothing to do with him. He should have known better than to mess with you. Fucking bastard doesn’t know when to stop,” he growled, his hand rubbing up and down your arm.
“Well I don’t think he’ll be bothering me anytime soon,” you looked up at him, smiling. “Especially now. After all, I got a little guard dog.”
“Guard dog?! Is that what you think of me as?!”
“Maybe,” you trailed the last syllable out, grinning before going serious. “But overall… I’m glad I met you. As you know, I was in a dark place before we started dating and, I just want to truly thank you for coming into my life, Katsuki.”
His vermillion eyes trained on your expressions before kissing your forehead. “Dumbass, you don’t have to thank me. After all, that idiot needs a good punch to the face. And I might be the one to do it.”
You rolled your eyes and nestled your head into his chest, breathing in his caramel scent. Before meeting Bakugou Katsuki, you thought you could never trust or find someone that truly loved you and was not using you for their personal gain. You were a broken piece of art and he was the sculptor. Over time he mended the pieces of your shattered heart and formed it into something better than before. Bakugou Katsuki was not only your lover, he was your best friend, your shoulder to cry on. 
But most importantly, he was your hero. 
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thesunlounge · 5 years
Reviews 239: Oren Cantrell
The newest release from Séance Centre is Kobzir, an immersive expanse of deep drone mesmerism from filmmaker and musician Oren Cantrell.  In describing the album, the label mentions Phill Niblock, Yoshi Wada, and the Theatre of Eternal Music…all excellent signposts for this intense trip of sonic mysticism. And given my own admiration of minimalism and drone, I would also add in Jung Hee Choi, Matthew Bower, Thomas Köner and more recent artists such as Lichens, Mind Over Mirrors, Mohammad, and Abul Mogard. From far away, the sound world of Kobzir appears like a static cloudform or an impenetrable and unmoving haze of muted color. But like the best examples of this kind of music, deep listening reveals a world of infinite vibrations, microtonal orchestrations, rainbow refractions, and ever-evolving threads of light and darkness. Cantrell’s primary tool throughout the album is the human voice and he uses looping techniques and atonal modulations to create subsuming universes of meditative spiritualism. And all around his cosmic chants and throat-drone ecstasies hover modular synth atmospherics, oscillator dronewaves, heavenly trumpet swells, and hallucinatory bell tone exotics.
Oren Cantrell - Kobzir (Séance Centre, 2019) The A-side is occupied in full by “Chardzhou for Kerki,” which is introduced as wavering voices flow in from the depths alongside transcendent waves of ambient warmth. Microtonal modulations and bending throat drones arc across a landscape of thick sonic delirium, recalling the first side of Young’s and Zazeela’s The Black Record and Theatre of Eternal Music’s “13 I 73 5:35-6:14:03 PM NYC,” only as if blasted onto the surface of the sun and layered over by the bleary-eyed filter motions, pulsating noise hazes, and shimmering trance spells of Sam Cooper’s Serge modular system. Entire universes are created within the feedback overtones and cascading resonances and as solar flare sound streaks bend up and down in pitch, they create unexpected currents that ripple through the miasma. Sorcerous spirits and ancestral ghosts harmonize…their fevered screams and falsetto radiances melting down from an exploding sky. And as layers of white light drone work into the mix, I’m reminded of Matthew Bower’s Sunroof! and his spiritual descendants, The Vibracathedral Orchestra. Everything flows through morphing oscillators and smoldering distortions while slow motion cut-off sweeps push the mind towards ecstacy and at the height of its powers, the composition sounds like an infinite orchestra of harmoniums singing out from the center of the universe. 
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We enter a world of panning mirage motions and buzzing mosquito clouds in “Awakened Birds,” while trumpets quiver and moan. Vibrato-laced organs drone eternally and sickly liquids morph and mutate while pulling us ever deeper into an underwater jungle, wherein alien birds squawk and chitter alongside croaking frogs. The vibe is of constant disorientation and sea-sick intoxication…like Bjørn Fongaard erupting into all out psychedelic maximalism…with rapid motion glissando swirls and strange pulsations flashing side-to-side before a sudden drop into silence. In “Damp Saksaul,” amorphous wavefronts snake together and create swirling ambient polyrhythms…their motions gentle, relaxing, and kissed over by starshine feedback swells and fluttering voice movements. And as trumpets ring out from majestic mountain peaks, they transition the song into a radiant ritual for the dawn…a sort of joyous sonic ceremony for a fog covered landscape as it awakens to the glory of the sun. Kobzir closes with “Tiangi” and its shimmering bells and sparkling chime arpeggios. Cantrell surrounds these golden metal shimmers and polychrome crystal reflections with oscillator heatwaves and primordial bass synth swells, while pitch-bending voice hypnotics and throat drone modulations float on organ chord pulsations…their sounds evoking conch shells and iron age wind instruments calling out through an infinite web of jewels. 
(image from my personal copy)
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aurora077 · 7 years
Sirius is not on drugs, chapter 1
Lupin Residence. Tuesday 16th July, 4:00 pm
*bringg... bringg..... bringgg*
“Remus dear could you get that?” Mrs. Lupin called from the kitchen.
“Sure mum,” he replied, sticking a clean chocolate wrapper in his book to mark the place.
“Lupin residence, Remus speaking,” he answered. There was silence. “Hello?” he said. Still more silence. He was slightly peeved that he’d been pulled away from his book for this and was about to hang up when a cough came from the other side.
“H..hi Remus,” came a voice. He didn’t recognise the owner though the voice was vaguely familiar.
“Hello. May I ask who is speaking?” he replied.
“Um. It’s Sirius. Sirius Black. Not sure if you remember me, we met at Lily’s 17th birthday party?” ­­the man replied hesitantly.
“Ah, right. Sirius. What can I do for you,” Remus replied, wondering if Lily gave some random guy his number. But he knew Lily wasn’t like that, she was a good friend, she would have asked him first. Besides, if she did, why would she give his house phone number rather than his cell? And that was almost a year ago too, why was he calling now? The name Sirius was familiar, but he couldn’t really recall more than that. ­­
Remus’s mind was working on overdrive but he was brought out of his thoughts by something sounding suspiciously like a pig squeal in the background.
A nervous chuckle came over the receiver as Sirius stammered out, “S..sorry about that, my, uh, my cat is sick.”
“Your cat?” Remus said incredulously.
“Well, technically my brother’s cat. Stupid Kreacher,” he muttered, “Dogs are way better. Like mine.”
Had he just called the cat a stupid creature? Remus frowned, “Now that’s not nice. It can’t help being sick, no need to call it a stupid creature, even if you do like your dog better.”
“Oh, no not creature, but Kreacher. That’s his name. And he really is stupid, I mean, he hates me. Nobody with any sense hates me! I’m wonderful!” Sirius announced.
“Right,” Remus deadpanned, “Well Mr. Wonderful, you still haven’t informed me of your purpose for calling.”
Sirius laughed nervously again, “About that...” He trailed off.
Remus sighed, “Yes?”
“What do you think about unicorns?” Sirius said abruptly, his manner changing from nervous to slightly manic sounding.
“Unicorns???” Remus, was utterly confused, “I guess unicorns are okay?”
“Great! Glad you think so! Now what do you think about werewolves?” Sirius said, his pitch rising slightly.
“Werewolves?? They’re dangerous,” Remus replied, not knowing why he was going along with this weird conversation.
“What? Werewolves are not dangerous! They’re awesome!” ranted Sirius.
“I mean, I guess they can be both?” replied a puzzled Remus.
“You’re darn right they can!” said Sirius enthusiastically.
“Now what does this have to do with your purpose for calling?” Remus asked, amused but still waiting on an answer.
Sirius coughed, “Well you see, there’s this play.”
“A play? You’re putting on a play?” Remus enquired. Remus loved plays. Maybe Lily had sent Sirius to him for advice. He did know a lot about plays though he hadn’t ever written one.
“Ye...I mean NO. I’m uh writing! That’s right, I’m writing a play,” he said, sounding pleased with himself.
“Well that’s a noble goal. Does it have a name yet?” Remus said, slightly intrigued.
“Um....yes, it’s called.....uh... Unicorneo and Werewolfette!” he proclaimed.
Before Remus could say anything he heard what sounded like violent wheezing/choking.
“Damn cat! Shoo!” Sirius said, sounding irritated.
“Um, Sirius, are you sure your cat is okay? I mean it’s starting to sound really bad, maybe you should take it to the vet?” Remus said, concerned.
“No no, it’s just uh, coughing up a hairball,” Sirius said, brushing away his concerns.
“Uh, okay then,” Remus replied, starting to feel that this conversation was entirely too strange.
“Just ignore the cat and everything shall be fine young grasshopper,” Sirius said sagely.
“Riiiiight. So, about Unicorneo and Werewolfette...” Remus started.
“Yes! As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted by the idiotic cat,” he hissed cat like it was the gravest insult, “My play is going to be amazing.” Remus could practically see him dramatically turning his nose up, even though he hadn’t the faintest idea what Sirius looked like.
“I’m sure it is,” Remus drawled, “Romeo and Juliet, magical beast style, should be interesting.”
Sirius gasped, affronted, “Romeo and Juliette?? You insult me my dear Remus!”
“Is that not what it’s based on?” Remus asked.
“Why certainly not! I would never copy old Will! This is 100% Sirius Black material,” he stated, sniffing in what he presumed was a dignified manner.
“I see. And what is the play about then?” Remus said, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.
“It’s about...uh...a bank robbery! Yes, a bank robbery that goes wrong when Werewolfette stops to buy a steak with the stolen money two days later,” Sirius said, the manic edge returning to his voice as he started to ramble on, “Unicorneo is the cop that catches her, but ends up falling in love with her when she bites him for trying to take away her steak. They go on an epic adventure cross country with a hamburger loving hippogriff. Finally Dracula, the police chief, catches them and kills Unicorneo for his treason against the Fairy Queen by stabbing him in the neck with his fangs and drinking all his blood, leaving Werewolfette so depressed she buys poison from a rat called Wormtail and eats it and dies in the arms of the dead Unicorneo.” Sirius, who had said all of this in one breath, was now breathing heavily.
Remus was speechless. His jaw had dropped steadily lower during Sirius’s impassioned rant about his play.
“Remus? You still there?” Sirius asked after a few moments of silence.
Remus let out a strangled ‘yes’. He didn’t know how to respond to that. It was certainly...something. In the end he collected himself and just ended up saying, “I hate to break it to you buddy but, that sounds pretty much like an interpretation of Romeo and Juliette.”
“No it can’t be!” Sirius gasped dramatically, “Tell me how!”
“Uh two people on opposite sides of the law who should be enemies end up falling in love and then dying in each other’s arms. Not exactly Romeo and Juliette but the inspiration can be seen if you squint,” he said, “Plus....the name is a dead giveaway really.”
“Nooooooooooo!” Sirius groaned, “My life’s work! Ruined! I shall write nevermore! Goodbye Unicorneo! Goodbye Werewolfette! You shall be banished to the veil of no return!”
Sirius, Remus thought, would make a good actor.
“Now is that really necessary?” Remus said, trying to calm down his dramatic conversation partner, “It sounds....interesting. You could still publish it as a reinterpretation.” Who was he to judge if the dude had an active imagination?
“I shall not! It’s a disgrace! It’s only fit for the bin now my Loopy friend,” Sirius wailed.
“Loopy?” Remus said, befuddled.
“Yes, Loony Loopy Lupin. It has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?” Sirius said, with surprising cheer for someone who’d just been wailing about his life’s work being destroyed.
“Um, we shall have to agree to disagree,” Remus remarked lightly.
“Fine. But I’m telling you, it’s genius!” he could imagine Sirius’s grin.
“Whatever floats your boat,” Remus sighed.
“I think you mean, whatever floats my goat,” Sirius said jovially.
“Your goat?” he said, wondering if he’d heard wrong. Remus felt that his eyebrows would be permanently stuck in his hairline by the time this conversation was over.
“Yes, my goat,” Sirius said, “His name is Prongs.” Sirius grunted suddenly.  
“Are you okay? What happened?” Remus asked, worried, but also wondering how many pets Sirius owned.
“I’m fine,” Sirius sounded winded, “I just stubbed my toe.”
“Right...your toe...” Remus said, starting to suspect something was off about Sirius.
“Yes, my toe. So, Remus old buddy old pal, how’s it going?” Sirius said, deflecting any more talk about his toe.
“How is what going?” Remus said.
“You. How are you?” Sirius asked.
“I’m...starting to question my sanity,” he mumbled.
“Oh no but you mustn’t! You’re just sane as I am! Sanity is like the moon. It’s always up there in the sky reflecting sunlight for us mere mortals to have light in the darkness of the night. And like the moon, sanity guides us through the confusing darkness of our minds,” Sirius said, stroking his non-existent beard contemplatively. Then suddenly, snapping his fingers, he expounded, “I know! We can call you Moony. It fits you so well. You’re the moon of my life! Sane to my in! Water to my goat!”
“I take it back,” Remus said quickly, “I’m starting to question your sanity.”
On her way out of the kitchen, Mrs. Lupin spotted Remus still on the phone. “Oh hey honey didn’t realise you’d still be on the phone, must be that girlfriend of yours, Lily was it?” she said, moving to the dining room before he could reply.
Remus rolled his eyes and called after her “No mum, it’s not Lily.” He didn’t bother explaining to her for the millionth time that he and Lily were just friends, she’d think what she liked anyway. To be fair to her he did exclusively hang out with Lily. She wasn’t just his good friend, she was his only friend. Well, that didn’t sound pathetic at all.
Remus heard a loud yelp over the phone, which drew his mind back to the conversation.
“Oh sorry, ignore that. That’s my dog Snuffles. He doesn’t get along very well with Kreacher,” Sirius said sheepishly.
“Well such is the way with cats and dogs,” said Remus, though he didn’t really know since he’d never had any pets.
“Indeed it is, though Snuffles is right not to like that disease ridden cat,” Sirius grumbled.
Remus stifled a laugh at Sirius’s irritation, glancing at the clock as he did so. It was 5 pm already. Where had the time gone? He had never spent so long on the phone before.
“Anyway,” he said, turning his attention back to the phone, “I think you should go break up your pets before they kill one another. That yelp sounded painful. Besides, I have to go now, it’s time for dinner.” He had thoroughly wasted the past hour on a random, if amusing, conversation with Sirius, whose original purpose for calling he still wasn’t quite clear on.
“What, already???” Sirius replied, aghast. He was actually enjoying the conversation, having forgotten why he originally called Remus in the first place.
He thought about it and asked hesitantly, “Well...can I call back tomorrow then?”
“Sure I guess, same time,” Remus said, shrugging to himself. Not like he had much else to do.
“Yes! Okay tomorrow then,” said Sirius. And Remus shook his head, wondering what he’d gotten himself into. There was only one thing left to say though, before he hung up. He smirked slightly.
“Oh and Sirius?”
“Lay off the drugs.”
 Potter Residence. Tuesday 16th July, 5:00 pm
There was an almost deafening silence. Then it was broken by twin bursts of laughter.
Sirius just stared dumbfounded at the phone while James and Peter rolled around on the living room floor.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA we should make Lupin a marauder for that. Pads you should see the look on your face,” James said, wiping away a tear of mirth.
Sirius threw a pillow that hit James squarely in the face, skewing his glasses.
“Hey!” James cried.
“What? You were being a git. And they are called throw pillows after all, Mrs. P. said so herself,” Sirius huffed.
“Now James, don’t be mean to Sirius can’t you see he needs some support,” Peter said, holding back a grin.
“Yeah, see James. That’s what real friends do. They support you!” Sirius said.
“Exactly. Now Sirius, would you like some Aloe Vera?” Peter asked, the picture of concern.
“Aloe Vera? Why would I need Aloe Vera?” Sirius asked confused.
Peter couldn’t control his grin this time, “Because you just got burned.”
(A/N by Remus not James XD)
Reviews give Sirius motivation to stay away from drugs.
Sirius: “Hey, I am not on drugs!”
Remus: “Suuuure you aren’t Padfoot.”
2 notes · View notes
flairina · 6 years
Flair’s Dreams, February 2018
Separating this into two parts, because it was just way too long otherwise. Here’s my dreams from the past month.
2/2/18: (1:11-7:00) (Sick) (Powers Dream) (Continuation Dream)
I have the powers of The Simurgh (Worm), due to being designated by her as her replacement. This blurs my vision- a lesser version of her inability to see the present?- but I could make certain parts of it (single columns of a transparent "grid") clearer with focus. This may have affected something else as a result when I made use of it. If The Simurgh is hurt, I have the option of repairing it (from afar, through the bond), but if the damage is too severe I will have no choice but to take over.
I'm in an auditorium with many other teens/children, who've been enlisted/recruited by a cult-like group. The group requires them to complete schoolwork in a very odd way, and shows them a "Tomato Surprise" fighting game, the setup of which is familiar to me, but better through out. I allow the guy on the left of me to rest his hand on mine because he likes the contact, and he then becomes a black girl with braids named Jupiter. The auditorium is suddenly empty, leaving us alone. Underneath the cloak she's wearing are oxygen tubes and four green bottles attached to her belt/waist. I then wake up (for real), and think to myself that I need to hurry up and finish the dream before falling back asleep, whereupon the dream resumes. Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul) takes my place, and Jupiter's skin melts. She survives, if barely, which may have been part of "Kaillou's" plans.
I and a few others are near a large farm-like complex where the Nichijou characters are running around. I'm quite convinced that you don't get hurt falling off of stuff in dreams (without actually being aware this is a dream, somehow), and attempt to prove this by jumping off a tall tower, three separate times- once, with large plastic box lids in my hands for drag. This does not, in fact, hurt me. Another guy, on the other side of the farm, can't seem to bring himself to do it.
Upon waking up to my alarms over and over, I repeatedly had the same impression of the end of a dream involving DDLC, many small rainbow squares, and my having the ability to manipulate reality. I kept using this ability to change the "ending" (of the dream) to be simpler, because the alternative just seemed too complicated.
2/3/17: (Sick) (Repeated Wakeups) (Powers Dream)
After being stuck and unable to move for the longest time, I somehow turn this into a literal weapon (large pyramidal shaped metal object). Others are in the same situation as me, and they do the same. We're in some sort of containment area/underground enemy base, and upon emerging into a golden room (the view is 2D), I hear a huge "thrumming" noise. It turns out that I have superpowers (telepathy and spirit sight), and that was the thoughts of something huge. Later, I'm sitting in a room with two of my captors looking at me. Either they send forth an enormous red energy lance that spears through my right eye, or something behind me sends it out, spearing through my head/eye from behind, but through my captors as well.
2/5/17: (10:30-6:15) (Sick)
There is a large white hotel/conference-like building where we (Northrop Grumman?) are holding a food banquet. I pass Marion at the vegetarian table, and go upstairs to the things I'll actually eat. I somehow end up in an entirely different building (the basement of a house in a residential area), where I eat with several people I don't know. I exit, and find that the world has a very surreal feel to it, and everything is tinted slightly golden yellow. A floating, grinning white mask stares at me from behind, which I laugh at before strolling down the street towards a downward slope. As I head down it, I tug at my legs, which are pale metallic yellow, and made of pointed symbols and machine parts. There are weird creatures made of white orbs that look sort of like snowmen called "natives". The scene then zooms out to show Akko (LWA) holding up a charm of one.
There is a "mentor" Kuzuhamon (Digimon) who cares for/trains a "Flaredramon" (actually a Flamon, who may or may not have been me) inside of Dad's house. Kuzuhamon gets extremely angry at Flamon for some reason, and starts "training" him by attacking him with brown energy construct versions of various Digimon. Flamon tries to run away, de-digivolving step by step with every hit, until he de-digivolves all the way down to "Kuramon" (actually a Dorimon). Kuzuhamon suddenly becomes much nicer, which Dorimon enjoys, but he's experiencing time much faster now, to the point that several days go by without his mentor moving. He runs away for real, re-digivolving as he does, and encounters a field full of Digimon. They point out Piedmon in the other direction (was a goal of Flamon's to hunt him down?), but he doesn't care, and just keeps running into the sunset.
Me, Dad, some guy with bluish hair, and some girl with sort of bronze skin and brown hair have a real treasure map, which we set out to discover the treasure of. After passing through a city at night and a mall (where I have a frustrating interaction with a "pen-phone"), we come to a twisting path under a pitch black sky, which passes through areas of tall brush visible basically only in outline, everything is so dark. This place is utterly terrifying, to the point that there is a literal SAN meter in place, and all of us are certain we are going to be eaten. Despite that, we make it through the path with no incident, until we reach the end and accidentally step into a lake we can't see. All of us feel a sharp, cutting feeling on our feet that makes us think we just got bitten by snakes, and hurriedly pull back. Our eyes begin to adjust, and it becomes apparent those were not snakes, but pirahnas, which share the lake with anglerfish, _____, and mermaids. We debate over their gender for a little while, as we're not quite sure where to go right now. Eventually we decide we need to go underwater after all, despite our reservations. Again, this goes better than expected, as it's not really underwater beneath the lake surface, leading us to end up in a fascimile of my room. We again find ourselves at a loss for what to do, and after several minutes I end up digging at my carpet, which is covered in pictures of tiny penises. It turns out there are small pieces of black plastic and metal that look like part of some larger component beneath it, which we gather together with plans of reconstructing it. We then decide we're done for the day, put some recycles in a large bag, and leave... to the rest of the house. It's still light outside (only 2:00 PM), and Dad has disappeared. The three of us look in a mirror and a song is sung, followed by a rendition of Namae no Nai Kaibutsu, as a love song.
A large, muscled black woman throws two giant sword "fish" to shore from underwater. She becomes famous as the first ____, transgender weaponsmith over time, who does commissions, but none that are just for the sake of the user "looking sexy". I'm a bit confused by this, as the line between "cool" and "sexy" is rather indistinct, and ponder it for a bit.
2/7/18: (???-5:45)
I and some others are on a colorful (fluorescent) island, trying to get off of it. There are many obstacles and dangers on the island, such as a tribe of people who ambush and turn us into trees if we wait in one scenario. It is possible to "outbid" the chief however, and stop them. If not, I'm left as the last to be revived/untreed, by which time everyone outlevels me (9-10, as opposed to 4).
I start taking gymnastics again at a center with a bunch of exercise bikes. This time, there is archery mixed in (at the same time), making it far more difficult. I'm told I was born under the "sign of the vine", which is an apple. Usually archery is apparently a girl's concern, since it's the main method of attack/defense if her wedding turns into a fight. I become a girl with short, dark hair halfway through explaining this, complaining that the "apple" basically just means on the wedding night "do not eat unless clean/unstained". I am now IN a wedding dress, standing on a table while I talk to a guy sitting at it.
2/9/18: (1:??-8:45) (Powers Dream)
Subtly eldritch hallway course, with stuff like a book which dark purple hands emerge from that grab you, which you need to shake off, sentient exits, and other inanimate-but-not stuff. I accidentally seal off the exit because I looked at/used a binder in the wrong way, which is bad. Others gather in the other room at the end, as do I. If the hallway can no longer be completed in a single bout/one long stretch, I'll be turned into a toy car. This does in fact happen when I can't fix things, but thankfully Amethyst (Land of the Lustrous; not the one we see in the show) still knows about/remembers me despite time/the world readjusting, and builds an intricate addition to the hall for me, consisting of a series of spinning, polished blocks built into the walls that send a ball rolling down to "complete" it, turning me back to normal.
I start out the dream as a gem (Land of the Lustrous), talking to someone about how we've surpassed the need for gender, in an apartment building. I exit it, and encounter large drops of honey on the road, which I find strange. I'm now just me, heading down the road towards the "Little JJ" (Jean Jacket) shop to get clothes. There are some people talking about a real Zero Escape style event, who I call out to and talk with briefly before moving on. I then go to a museum/park or something with many sandstone buildings. I recycle a root beer bottle I brought with me, and enter. Near a building, I hit my head somehow, and accidentally use telekinesis on a huge block of something out of my immediate sight but nearby. I know someone is unhappy about that, as I'm supposed to keep my abilities secret. Annoyed by this, I start levitating another large rock and wing it around in eight different directions. I then mass manipulate a bunch more, right out in the open. The organization that wants me to keep things secret won't let me turn myself into a girl for some reason (which I could), so I'm feeling vindictive. I cackle inwardly.
2/11/18: (1:??-6:45)
There is a "blossom festival" celebrated by monks, wherein they carry giant iron discs down neighborhood streets. Others can also run back and forth between their homes and the temple multiple times to receive enlightenment. Their temple is more of a wooden complex, and when I get there, someone in the back tries to stop me from moving further in.
There are "feminine timelines" for Ranma, wherein he is or becomes a girl at least semi-permanently for various reasons. In a mall, she chases after Happosai, who is threatening to use the "Yowl of the Demon Cat". Ranma corners him in a window, whereupon he blows everything up. The severed rainbow tail of a god (looks like a mermaid's) lands in the wreckage.
A ship pulls into port. Ranma drives a motorcycle through shallow water to Wolverine and a girl training to be Wonder Woman. Ranma threatens Wolverine into training with rocks.
All "planes" of magic have been based upon a single one, that made them all for fun/fiction. Its inhabitants look like cloth creatures and puppets, with a ruler named "Lord Lubrante". We manage to beat him, and progress to the next area.
2/12/18: (1:01-6:45)
I am playing a game that is actively trying to kill me, where every step/necessary action is dark and creepy in some way. One of these involves going outside my house to find thousands of tiny black creatures with bright white eyes staring at me. They giggle, and try to fade me out of existence. Another is to go out into the driveway in the dark and dig blindly in the soil with a knife for something that it turns out is actually in the mail.The package is in Chinese, and contains a question, the answer to which is written in the sky ("____ cloud computing"). There is only one step left after this.
2/13/18: (12:??-4:19, attempted SSILD, 4:30-6:45) (Powers Dream)
I'm an anime-girl with curving pink hair down to the small of my back, which narrows at the end and looks almost like it was painted with watercolors. I'm named "Sayori", and probably was in fact some version of the Sayori from DDLC. Inside of a giant, lengthy structure that looks still partially under construction and floats a few feet off the ground, I do some stuff for others involving pictures of me ("lessening"/thinning the number thereof?), then slide down a large, chunky red triangular thing that looks sort of like a tongue to get to the bottom. I transform/turn into a girl with long purple hair, wearing a dress of some sort. I use my hair to glide into the "girl's side", which is a section at the very back of the structure with a pale and royal purple color scheme. I really like how convenient it is to glide places like that, and really don't want to give it up, even though I know I should. I find Yuri (DDLC) in the area, and talk to her, now myself again but wearing pink jeans for some reason.
Taylor (Worm) is on a deserted island, by her own choice. Leet somehow gets in contact with her over the phone, which she's pissed about, and she consequently threatens Number Man for letting Leet do so or giving him her contact information. He replies that "thinking in real time" is rare, which is something Leet possesses, hence why he allowed it. Leet is annoyed the "latex" (webs) Taylor sold him have stopped working, which is clearly his own fault. Taylor gets fed up and tosses the shoes of the two mercenary guys Leet sent as proxies into the water, just past some playground equipment I'm hiding near. She retreats to a nearby cave where a velociraptor mother nests, and one of the guys follows. I quietly follow both of them, wanting them to notice me but also wanting to be mysterious. The cave is mostly puddles and pebbles at first, but becomes a dull, dusty auditorium. Taylor talks to the guy off to the right, while I settle down a little further back. Taylor then leaves to find one of the two baby raptors, and the guy calls out to me. Perry (Phineas and Ferb) abruptly pops in, and I recognize him as such only because his eyes widen. I laugh, and talk with someone on the other side of the room, as tons more people from Phineas and Ferb pour in from nowhere. This makes me laugh even more, as this is supposed to be a deserted island, and I can't figure out how they even got here. I mention to someone offhand that none of them even asked about me when I showed up, as the auditorium renews, gaining red carpets, bright lighting, and gold walls. A "light fight" conducted with flashlights ensues.
Mall, time travel allows us to save a laser ray exposure victim, flies and maggots saved someone else by way of Trelawney (Harry Potter), there's a short, long sleeved, purple and white jacket with stars on it that I want, Mom refuses to believe the house is going to be set on fire by a drier explosion (which we time travelled back to avoid) without details.
After some sort of accident, four people are reconstructed in bodies not their own. They were based on pictures from a manga/light novel someone in the group had been writing, as well as a picture of a parent in someone's case. Mine (I wasn't part of the group at first, but then was) looks kind of like Ashley from EGS, and was based on the "dark magic" sister from the manga who wore long, ornate dark dresses and kept her hair in a fancy updo. Later, we wander through a Japanese city, where zombies are wandering around, though we only see two. Japan apparently did this to itself. We enter a building and go into a top secret room in the back, where a lady we know is waiting at a table for us. She was partially responsible for the body reconstruction.
2/16/18: (2:00-9:00) (Change Dream)
I'm Mia (La La Land), but with red hair. Apparently I'm getting married, which I formerly wanted, but am now quite unsure about. 800 demons will be attending as my guests (what was I doing BEFORE this?). I try on a dress (THE wedding dress?), which is a shiny green "culture doll" (or "culture thief"?) design. I'm concerned I don't know how to dance, because I'm NOT Mia, I'm me, and I know I am. Earlier, I was on an island covered with wheat, stick bugs, and many other animals. My "husband" gave me honey flowers, which smelled great, and we walked down a wooden "bridge" on the ground. Later, a giant whale creature and a small "1/1" beluga thing are on my side as Hex-like troops/creatures at the edge of an island of ice, where the ceremony is going to take place. The giant whale goes nuts when attacking, crashing through EVERYTHING, the ice and the ceremony area included, in just three lunges. It turns pink and cartoonish, and a woman's torso sprouts from its forehead, yelling "It's mine, all MINE!". The whale then leaves, leaving everyone in shock, besides several of the demons who foresaw this. I can't help but be a bit relieved by this, as the wedding will at the least be postponed (and possibly outright cancelled) by this, silently thanking the woman I assume was my stepmother-to-be for her intervention.
Oneshot-like game, inside an old house, return later to find a previous mini-boss, a woman with long ears/hair extending to the sides, a koi-like color scheme (white, black, and orange), and tubes coming out of her, she has turquoise/pink/yellow colors on the overworld map (while not fighting her), "one of the few things to give me hope" (a quote from her), secret ending involves her, to get it Undyne (Undertale) and a wizard ghost must first be appeased, followed by her.
2/19/18: (Powers Dream)
There are time travel watches, which I have one of, but seem to have lost. As a result, I resort to "rewinding" by simply dying instead. I and someone else go to live at an apartment, which is a "fixer upper" (a gray, crumbling, destroyed concrete complex). Later, I sneak into a building with a group of others (including Mineta from MHA), going through two of the five special "hub" rooms (they have energy lines going out from their centers and interconnect with the others) in order to get to a normally inaccessible area. Mineta goes into the hall, sticking to the ceiling in order to scout, but we get caught anyways, and Ectoplasm enters the room we're in and attacks. He demands to know (from me) who killed "Scarlet", a girl with long red hair in a ponytail who used a sword to fight, telling me that "I know you know". He's right, as I know from a previous timeline, which I try to explain but don't do a very good job of. Eventually I do get to the point and tell him it was "Laokhen" (Laoshen? Laorhen?), a man with a child's appearance and wearing yellow robes, who uses many short blades to fight. I explain the time travel and my missing watch, returning to Dad's house to try and find it. I THINK that I took it to my house and left it in my room.
I'm Taylor (Worm), with a power similar to Sundancer's, but the sun is created around me, protecting me while also serving as offense. I'm practicing my powers with the Travellers, who attack me (while I float with the sun around me) with some sort of sparkle beam and some other ability, noting that "she still hasn't moved" when I remain still. I continue to not move even after that comment, because I'm feeling tremors for some reason, which I continue to feel even after waking up for a short period.
After I try to enter a bathroom, I end up falling through a giant vertical rock tunnel into the Earth, back down towards the "Green" (as in the Pokemon game) area. There is a girl "falling" (floating) alongside me, possibly Ciel from Hero Oh Hero, who explains why we are falling, but not in a way that makes much sense or satisfies me. We pass by a Yugioh duel occurring on a rock pillar on the way down.
There is a regenerating man/entity with a weird, organic sort of black/green shell body. He can turn parts of himself separated from his main body into other parts of himself, including those with more mass than they have (miniscule pieces into full sized organs and such) so as to fix himself, and can reconglomerate by using them. The tiniest piece left over means he'll just come back- a robot guy disguised as human by artificial skin pounds his head practically out of existence, only for the pieces that splashed everywhere to turn into lungs, then snakes, which lunged at robot guy before recongregating and becoming the man again.
There are giant Pokemon in the style of the Pokemopolis episode, one of which we confront in a clearing in the woods. The other is an enormous Abra with wings, which we see through a hole in a cave's ceiling. The same "clear/block the river" plot is being used here.
By brushing an electronic chip with a toothbrush given to me by the Steven Universe gems, I can teleport anywhere I so desire. I use this to freak out people/my new neighbors by teleporting into the middle of their group at a canyon.
A robot replaces Dad, which I instantly become aware of despite its attempt to disguise itself. I can't turn my head, and ask Robot-Dad for help, whereupon he reveals himself, and I tell him I already knew that. He builds a wireless phone (for me?), but I will have to get through a barrier first and absorb a near-equivalent of Sauron, which terrifies our maid (we have a maid?).
2/27/18: (1:45-6:45) (Powers Dream)
In a building (in space?), I descend a staircase into a dingy corridor, with many doors on both sides. All of them have monsters behind them, which I have to take on with nothing more than an iron sword. It takes me a while to actually enter the corridor, because I'm thinking how to approach the task before me. I can earn skills by beating different monsters, associated with their species/type. Unfortunately, in the throng I incur, I beat a samurai-esque guy who grants a "sense everything in a small radius" skill, followed by another monster who grants a "heighten senses" skill, which is a very bad combo because it makes wounds excrutiatingly painful. Still, I manage to make it through the fight, and exit the corridor to a giant, metallic green complex/building, which I need to get to the bottom of (or at least near). There's a mayor-like guy in an alcove on the way down, and killing him will let me evolve. Later, I'm on a bridge/rectangular platform affixed to a wall (with no obvious way to get on it), which bends at a right angle in the middle and extends out into midair. It's set up to be mostly linear for a Hebiko-esque boss with over 10 arms (in a circle around her body), who emerges from a large, electro-globe like machine atop a pile of screwed together metal at the end of the platform. I personally want to fight her AS Hebiko, and may be able to become her eventually, what with the evolving ability. The "game" had planned extra features for replayability, but they were never implemented, so the "Faux-Hebiko" fight doesn't have any variants.
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