#i’m getting a headache
strawberrybyers · 2 months
lesson learned this week: if your teenage niece asks to throw a party at your house, say no because you might end up feeling trapped in your bedroom due to not wanting to encounter a group of teens in your own home so now you’re thirsty, and being thirsty triggers anxiety and anxiety triggers nausea and nausea triggers more anxiety which triggers stomach cramps which triggers more anxiety which triggers more nausea and i’m still thirsty on top of that. i am fighting for my life in here 😭😭 i think i could start crying i’m having so much anxiety 😭😭
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angelxxreaper · 10 months
Why? Were you planning on sucking slime into your thermos Danny phantom style
what- no. jesus christ-
i think i just left my tea at home
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May each and every one of you find something you love as much as my dog loves his new squeaky ball.
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rubbish78 · 2 years
So glad I brought noise cancelling headphones so I don’t have to listen to my grandma spew anti abortion shit
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cartoonmanic34 · 3 months
I hate school and school sucks fr. Friends and teachers treating you like a 2 year old when you’re fully capable of doing things by yourself by confidence and brilliance, getting up in the morning every frigging day, being stuck on the bus with loud ass kids that scream, sing annoying songs over and over again, bothering you when you’re listening to music or playing a game, etc.
School really just suck it makes me sick. I just want to live a happy stressful life where I could sit back, play games, watch videos, be on social media, watch cartoons, etc. Not dealing with this jackass dumb kid Jack and his stupid annoying songs he sings over and over again and being treated like a 2 year old by many staff, teachers, and friends. If you hate school as much as I do, you’re in the right place👍 Summer break, Spring break, holiday break, day off, and snow days, hallelujah thank you Jesus👏🙌
School really just suck and I hate my life smh😓
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sadgirlautumn · 8 months
It’s wayyyy too hot for fall :(
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I think I need a little nappy-nap.
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
bakugou would know when you’re getting sick before you even get the chance to tell him
he’d arrive home and find you cuddled up under some warm blankets while watching some rom-com, something that is not foreign for him to find you doing when he gets home late after a long day
but as soon as he leans down to give you a kiss he immediately stops in his tracks, vermilion eyes taking in every detail of your features that he’s memorized like the back of his hand. your lips already curling into a smile, mesmerized at how nothing gets past him when it comes to you
“you’re getting si-”, he starts to speak but before he can finish you’re interrupting him before he goes in full caretaker mode
“i already took some tea, and a spoonful of honey to calm my throat…” you say but all you get is a grunt in return beckoning you to continue, not completely satisfied with your answer
“… aaand i made a ginger and carrot elixir that is already cooling in the fridge to take later, plus i’m going to shower soon before it starts getting more chilly”
“hmm”, is all he answers before a cough erupts from your throat interrupting him again
“yeah… you’re sick”, he confirms as he brings his palm to press against your forehead and neck to check for a fever
“i got it under control, no need to worry”, you argue while leaning into his touch, the warmth from his palm making you feel at ease now that he’s home
“yeah right”, he chuckles while leaning down to give you the kiss he was originally going to
“wait!… you could get sick too”, you argue
“huhhh?!, you’re my wife…”, he says while still leaning in, cradling your face in his hands whilst rubbing his thumbs across your temples
“… in sickness and in health, remember?”, he whispers against your lips before pulling you into a fervent kiss, long and full of emotion making you smile against each other before pulling away as he softly drags his thumb against your bottom lip, watching as you gently kiss his digit before leaning more into his touch
“come ‘er”, he beckons while rounding the couch, lifting you up as you wrap your legs around his waist while burying your head in the crook of his neck as he makes his way towards the bathroom to prepare a warm bath for the both of you
fully giving into him, knowing that it is futile to fight him when he’s determined to get you back to full health and will most likely be attached to your side for the next couple of days until he knows your back to your usual self
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nottspocket · 1 year
Hey, I don't know if you are interested in this kind of topic, but as a prompt for your sketches: physically disabled yet sporty and fit Izuku, and Katsuki is his college (whipped) roommate. This idea had been living rent free in my head for a while and I wrote a little novel on ao3 recently as well.
For reference, google pictures of "Paralympics physical disability", you should be able to get some nice references. 😊
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Sorry it took me so long to get around to this one. Being physically disabled myself, it was a prompt I really really wanted to project onto Izuku with, but I ended up,,, not doing that lol. Instead he runs. Art block kicked my ass with this one boysss
​That said, I have a couple scrapped archery sketches I’ll probably redo and reblog this with later. Who knows.
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noughticalcrossings · 5 months
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No men, but animals
Harry Goodsir - Soay Sheep
Thomas Blanky - European Badger
Edward Little - Hackney Horse
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teecupangel · 5 months
From @saberamane’s reblog of this majestic leucistic moose
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@teecupangel Desmond as a big ass white moose walking through Masyaf/Firenze/Boston looking for Altair/Ezio/Ratonhnhaké:ton because he needs to figure out where in the timeline he is so he can plan his next step. ...after he finds out if he can return to a human form. Being this big and blatant is attracting too much attention. (Surprise! He's stuck as a moose.)
“Good morning, Altaïr!” The informant cheerfully greeted him, either not caring or not seeing the darkness on the face of the Master Assassin turned novice.
‘Ah, he must have talked to Malik.’ The informant noted, deciding to just ignore the murderous air around Altaïr.
He knew Altaïr wouldn’t attack him. For all the bad rumors going around about his personality, everyone knew that Altaïr didn’t attack without a good reason.
“I assume you wish for information about a certain someone?” The informant asked lightly, “I may have something that may be of use…”
Altaïr’s eyebrow twitched when it became clear that the informant was not going to continue talking. He took a deep breath before he asked through gritted teeth, “What do you need from me?”
“A little of your time and talent, my friend!” The informant patted his shoulder and kept the hand there. When he saw Altaïr glare at the offending hand, he simply patted him again.
Perhaps he should care more about his life but he trusted Altaïr not to do anything.
He did pity the next man that Altaïr would have to ‘interrogate’.
“The guards have captured an animal. A supposed sacred animal from God.”
Altaïr’s lips curled into a frown.
“The guards have been guarding-” He waited for a reaction but just shrugged when Altaïr just glared at him, “-this sacred animal west of here, in the guards’ main base of operation.”
“Malik believes that I can slip inside and find out what this animal is supposed to be.” The informant continued, placing his other hand on his chest as he said with a nod, “I am honored by Malik’s trust of my abilities.”
“Yet here you are, asking me to be the one to slip inside and find out what this animal is.” Altaïr reminded him dryly.
“Knowing people who could do a better job and having the means to make them do it in your stead is also a kind of ability, my friend.” The informant countered with a smile. He patted Altaïr’s shoulder once more, ignoring the way Altaïr looked ready to smack it off hard enough to topple him to the ground, as he said, “All I need is to know what kind of animal it is, Altaïr. I will wait for you here, my friend!”
He placed his other hand on Altaïr’s shoulder, ignoring the warning glare Altaïr gave him as he said cheerfully, “I believe in you, Altaïr.”
20 minutes later, the entire city is engulfed in complete chaos as news of a hooded man, rumored to be an Assassin, was riding the sacred animal all over the city to evade the guards sent to hunt them down.
The informant paused and asked the most important question.
“And what is this sacred animal supposed to be?”
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ebonytails · 3 months
Hey everyone! this is where the zebra is currently with the design.
It has knee braces!! I will most probably be drawing the zebra usually with them on, but it’s no requirement, for example if anyone else wants to draw the zebra :-]. I always like to make sure an animal design has official colors underneath any clothing and accessory anyway. I think this will be final! thank you everyone for your feedback!
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As a reminder, aside from why the zebra was requested for this flag, this is also just a zebra with the disability pride flag on it. It’s just a deisgn to fit the flag, with input from other disabled people in our community. It doesn’t mean other animals can’t have designs with these colors, too! I don’t mean this design to be the only mascot for all disabled people. It’s just a silly series i do of pride animals, and at the time, during disability pride month, I wanted to see what everyone wanted me to start off with for this flag!
the goal with my pride animals is to take requests and make people feel happy and seen.. that’s all <:-)
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
I want Fae!Dick to scare Deathstroke, or Jason using his "scary big brother privileges" 🥺
Omg literally can you imagine tho!?
Like, I don’t know much about Deathstroke, only that he’s apparently had a phase or two where he’s obsessed with Robin and making him his apprentice.
And Dick? Oh boy did Slade bite off more than he could chew with that particular sidekick.
Dick is amused.
When Slade tries to threaten him? Well, sure. Okay, he can play along. He’s got his gimmick with the titans right now and Bruce isn’t here to lecture him on morals. So, bring it, old man! And Slade? Totally convinced he scared the kid into submission? He’s in for a nasty surprise, because he was expecting an angry, terrified kid who was gonna fight him every step of the way. Someone he’d have fun breaking and molding into his version of a good soldier.
He’s not prepared for Dick “several rows of teeth” Grayson, for Robin “you should really work on leaving so many loopholes in your instructions” sidekick to Batman, for Richard “I am about to make you regret the day your mom and dad had their first kiss” Grayson-Wayne.
And Slade does. He regrets it so, so much. By day seven he’s ready to throw in the towel when he once again wakes up in the middle of a swamp with Robin splashing through the murky waters like it’s a day at the beach, animatedly talking to a something that looks like an alligator but has way too many eyes and feathers to be one.
“What? You only said not to move anywhere with trees again. We’re in a swamp!”
“This counts as the woods!”
“You said trees tho” :))))
“There ARE trees!!!!”
“They’re mangroves, jackass. God, read the room. They’re real sensitive about being called trees.”
(Slade will forever deny that he sheds a tear out of sheer relief when Batman comes to pick up his weird af kid)
And I’m afraid Jason would never actively have to invoke scary older brother privileges. It’s more of a “Dick, I know I complained about my maths teacher one (1) time, but please don’t have the deer eat her.”
Dick, who was totally about to tell the deer to eat her: “… Not even a nibble?” 🥺
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spineless-lobster · 5 months
I wish fanny was a gynaecologist so she could say something funny like “fanny button, at your cervix”
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hamable · 6 months
Hey I just finished Hilda season 3 and I am forever changed.
I joke that I could write a thesis about some media but I could really truly talk for hours about how fucking good Hilda is.
It’s core strength, which tears at my heart and soul so earnestly, is that it is not just a story about child adventurer, but equally a story about the MOTHER of a child adventurer and it’s just so beautiful. So impactful.
I think Johanna may be one of my favorite characters… ever. I think she is Absolutey Incredible.
Season three was just so amazing, the whole series is. I beg y’all to watch it because it’s so so good and deserves all the love it can get.
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shieldofiron · 11 months
I think the thing that bothers me most about the racism storyline with Billy is that it’s handled so poorly, it centers Max so much, that it becomes a “not all white people” storyline. Lucas is incidental to it, really, because at the end his feelings about what happened aren’t even discussed. He never gets to talk about it. The white people “fixed” the racism for him and now it’s done forever and we never talk about it again. Only Max even knows what Billy said? Who makes a racism storyline where the whole point is to valorize white people? What kind of seventh heaven ass storyline is that?
And I understand at the end of that story not liking Billy. It couldn’t be me, because I want Billy to learn differently and be better to Lucas. I want an actual resolution. But I guess I understand if you just skate on the surface, thinking Max is good white person and Billy is Bad white person and not thinking beyond that. Because the story doesn’t ask you to.
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