#i wrote this all from memory so some might be off lmao
snekatiemmlpnf · 2 months
ever since i was hall monitor
and wore that safety vest all the other kids in school were jealous said i was obsessed but what you see is what you get nothing more to go on with me its safety first and second third and forth and so on im no friend to careless living im dangers biggest enemy im a soldier in the war on accidental injury hes the caution king hes the safety czar im the being careful superstar hes an advocate for living hazard free thats me so when it comes to cautious living theres a lot of free advice im giving got a non slip flame retardant high reflective shatter proof philosophy if youre looking for a safet czar thats me if youre looking for a safety czar just think of me like lifes pace car if youre looking for a safety czar elliot decker you are destined to become the greatest middle school safety inspector in the world beep beep beep beep beep
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erika-xero · 8 months
REPOSTOBER, day 22: the Champion of Cyrodiil (2015-2017)
TW! this post has some TES-headcanons which might not be everyone's cup of tea, but please, don't judge a woman by her headcanons lmao
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Here he is, my weird lil man. His mom worshipped Mephala and almost sacrifised her own newborn child to the Ebony Blade, but his father managed to steal the baby and hide him in Skyrim. Cero was raised in the orphanage (YES, THAT Orphanage) being bullied by the nord children for being, well, an elf. Many years later, Cero became a gladiator in the Imperial City Arena, and this is pretty much where his story begins.
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He starts off as a man, who kill people for money at the start of the game, and being an assassin for the Dark Brotherhood doesn't seem any difference, so he joins in.
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Lucien, being the one who brought him into the family, fascinates him. Cero soon develops feelings towards the Speaker, which he describes like some sort of a spiritual bond. He can't fully express what exactly he feels (because he is being in denial), so he keeps his feelings to himself, before it is too late.
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This was a breaking point for Cero, who was already traumatized by the Purification, so he cut his ties with Dark Brotherhood and excapes, using the chaos of the Oblivion Crisis. After the series of unfortunate events he becomes the one, who carried the Amulet of Kings and the one, who saved Martin in Kvatch. They soon become friends and Martin is the one who actually tries to make Cero a better person. And then Martin dies too.
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Being ceverely depressed and traumatized by losing all the people he loved and who were actually nice to him in a quite short period of time, Cero starts drowning himself in alcohol. And at that very moment, the Dark Brotherhood finally show up and capture the man and take him to Bravil for a trial. He manages to excape. And this is when the Shivering Isles storyline begins.
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I wrote a bunch of fics (in russian) about Cero in the Shivering Isles, and in my AU he is literally possessed by Sheogorath who takes over his body and desperately try to fight back, and the main antagonist of the story is Haskill, who does everything so that Cero would lose himself and all his memories forever.
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Eventually, he manages to take control of his own body for a few times, and one of them happened during the Skyrim timeline:
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His body changed over time, he starts looking less than himself and more like Sheogorath: his hair and eyes gone white, his skin became pale and rosy, but he never actually ended up looking the way Haskill wanted him to look. Somewhere after the Skyrim timeline his former self gets in control of his body again and gets in a fight with Haskill. Cero uses the sword of Jyggalag to snap the Staff of Sheogorath in two parts and finally breaks free. He's memory is wague, his feelings are all messed up and he barely understand what is happening, the only thing that keeps him going is his lust for freedom. And this is the point when the events of my Champion/Nerevarine AU begin. Small bonus for everyone, who read it this far: Cero as Jyggalag.
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And Cero with his lover - my Nerevarine Raelin, who was the first person he encountered when he finally broke free from the Shivering Isles, and the person who helped him regain all of his memories (she's also probably the only person in the universe who can handle this firce lil man).
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And yes, Cero is actually his father's surname. The champion has a name, but the only person who knew his name was Martin.
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senblades · 2 months
Tell us about the planning doc!!!
thank you very much for indulging me HAHA
So I started writing the planning doc like. When I really shouldn't have LMAO- I wasn't busy right then, but I was absolutely about to be. Oh well! What's done is done.
The planning doc is, essentially, a full outline of all the plot of fftsr, told exclusively in dumb jokes and memes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Or, well, more accurately, a dumping ground for all my ideas in chronological order, marked with dates and some (emphasis on SOME lmao) of the confidant rank ups for Akechi and Ren.
I'll share some of the outline already written in chapters to get my point across: (UH MAJOR AND MINOR SPOILORS FOR FAITH FOR THE SECOND RUN- earlier chapters, mostly)
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As you can see, not everything from the doc makes the cut. Sometimes things just don't work anymore, or I can't quite find a place to shoehorn it. I'm pretty sure a line showing how Sumire was struggling without a team never made it into the chapter- or, if it did, it was so negligible that it doesn't even matter.
Plus, I definitely hadn't figured out all the scene-by-scene POV's by that point. The "April 18" bullet point implies that scene might have taken place from Sumire's POV, but the final chapter actually has it as Ren's.
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I also put all my Metaverse powerpoint slide intermittently as they become relavent. I'm not actually sure if this explanation ever made it into a chapter... I think Akechi might have implied it? But I don't think it was ever spelled out, since I couldn't find a smooth way to do it. Oh well! Here it is now!
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There's also outlines of character conversations and motivations, as expected. The level of detail within the planning doc is VERY uh. Well, it's dependant on a lot of things. There are some major beats that I just hadn't thought of until writing the actual chapters, but some of the character-related convos that are more centred to the plot got written down pre-writing chapter 1
From memory, I think the above scene also changed slightly in the final fic. Sometimes what I write as character motivations in the planning doc ends up being VERY DIFFERENT by the time I get to the actual chapter. And, sometimes, the characters just run away with a scene HAHA
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Speaking of character convos, some of my jokes in the planning doc made it, almost word for word, into the fic's chapters. Akechi hysterically wondering if Rank 3 is the "deepest darkest secrets" Rank Up is something that I wanted to immortalise lmao
As you can also see, though, not all of the confidant rank-ups were planned- Magician rank 2 is implied, but I didn't actually know what it was going to be at the time.
And then there's the confidants I didn't have planned at ALL:
The Tower and the Aeon are the worst offenders of this: I retroactivaly added the Aeon into the planning doc- an easy feat, since it coincides with the Justice, but just know that it absolutely wasn't there originally lmao. The Aeon came about in two stages, if I'm remembering correctly- I wrote the dream sequence where Ren didn't remember shit, but some vision of Crow was there and did remember, pretty much on a whim, and then thought "okay what if that kept happening though"
I think that descision was one of the best things I could have done lmao- it made October third MUCH more exciting to write (and, I assume, to read)... (originally Metatron was not a factor in the boys remembering- just some annoying headaches and visions. Shadow Maruki was also a last-second addition! While Ren was off galivanting with Crow, I wanted to give Goro something interesting to do as well. So! Impromptu therapy session)
Now the Tower... I did have some. uh. Plans, for cognitive Akechi right from the start; I can't remember my exact thought process for when I started cooking for this confidant, but I think I saw a comment on Throw Away Your Mask explaining why the Tower was particularly apt for the character it's used for in that fic, and thought "wait I can cook with this". or something HAHA I can't quite remember. (I was also VERY MUCH inspired by Marigolds and A Tale of Two Tricksters for all of that... (love those fics you should read them if you haven't))
All of the PT's rank ups are missing from the planning doc, too. I knew I wanted to have all of them as confidants, but I had no idea what their arcana was going to be, or when those confidants would start or rank up.
I unfortuantly can't share some of my best jokes from the planning doc, since I'm joking about MAJOR SPOILERS from future chapters HA
ty very much for letting me gush lmao <3 <3 <3
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crazylittlejester · 7 days
Wild headcannons please?
I have some thought based off these 2 fics a friend wrote on how Wild perceives death/his option and thoughts about dying. I’m curious about yours, but I’ll honestly be happy with anything Wild.
Or Swars, I like swars
I have so many thoughts about Wild actually!! Here’s how I write/see him:
- The most independent of the group. One might think it’s Time or even Four, but no, it’s Wild. He likes to do his own thing. Sure shenanigans with friends are super fun (his favorites to run off with being Hyrule for cave exploration and Wars for Fires), but he’s perfectly content being alone and likes personal time too
- One of the most emotionally intelligent of the Links. He absolutely knows what his limits are and he knows exactly how to handle his stress, it just includes going off on his own (which does worry the others when he just heads off with no warning, but they know he can handle himself. If he’s gone too long, Wolfie will go after him just to check up on him)
- He lets Twilight hover over him when he’s hurt for Twilight’s sake. He does appreciate the comfort, because that’s his friend and brother, but he doesn’t need the rancher breathing down his neck in order to actually rest after an injury. He just lets Twilight do it because he knows Twilight’s just going to get really worried about him and taking care of people makes Twilight feel useful, so for his brother’s sake: He’ll allow the hovering
- Snores. Extremely fucking loudly, in fact
- Realizing he actually DIED and was sort of dead for 100 years was really jarring for him, but he’s also a bit used to dying and being brought back because of Mipha, so that DEFINITELY softened the blow. Also it was hard for him to adjust after losing that, because he felt he had a failsafe and now he feels incredibly mortal
- He’s still getting some memories back, nothing huge, more so little things like him and Zelda sneaking off to chase each other in the meadows, but the process does still really affect him. He feels guilty because he’s watching this old life through a third person lens and it’s hard for him to connect that that’s HIM. He feels like a completely different person
- One of the most intelligent of the chain. He may lack historical knowledge, but his ability to SOLVE things and figure out how they work had Warriors’s jaw on the ground the first time he saw Wild’s skill in action
- Multilingual, the different regions all have their own languages and Wild know em all!! He doesn’t remember learning them, it was probably in school, he just woke up from the shrine with full knowledge of them
- His eyes slightly glow the eerie color of the shrine and it’s a bit creepy sometimes because he does have the wide eyed blue eyes stare
- Loves learning new cooking dishes and also cooking with his brothers and learning THEIR recipes from home! After the journey ends he’ll make certain dishes to remind him of the others when he misses them
that’s all i can think of for now lmao 🫶
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morethansky · 2 months
Realized I never wrote up my thoughts on "Into the Breach," which was the first episode I've liked since "Extraction"!!! Probably because all I could think about was Echo for 72 hours afterward.
This episode gave me such Rebels vibes, and that's truly the highest compliment I could pay any Star Wars media. I present my case:
There's an objective laid out from the start that is a small but crucial piece of the larger plot. The beginning of the episode presents this problem, and by the end of the episode, that specific problem solved.
Everyone is competent, and every character gets to do something vital to the mission. Whether it's a small thing doesn't matter; it's the fact that if that character wasn't there to do that small thing, the mission might be screwed that matters.
The action is meaningful—it conveys something about the characters while also driving the plot forward—and there's suspense that ratchets up the tension. And then to diffuse it, there's humor, and each joke is funny, but it's not overdone.
Infiltration episodes are such a Star Wars staple, and it's a real shame that TBB hasn't had more of them. They tried to make up for it by putting THREE infiltrations into this episode lmao. The fact that they show one long-term infiltration, one short-term infiltration, and one super short-term infiltration is very clever and makes the writing feel cohesive and dynamic, something this show hasn't always been able to achieve.
Also important, they do both a space/flight mission and a ground mission (two of each, technically), which is something that always helps make an episode feel like it's set in the GFFA and not just, you know *cough* Space!Louisiana. Or Tatooine scene #700.
There's also some nice storytelling going on with the environment—they go from being outside on the cloud city (free) to inside a space station (trapped with enemies), and for Omega, inside a cell (in which she actually enters another cell, visually—her bunk). The wide outdoor shots make the close, indoor shots feel much more claustrophobic, which is exactly the atmosphere these particular indoor settings should be giving off.
Other thoughts and meta:
Daytime Tantiss is a good sign! Forecast: Not death?
Prison Break Omega is just such a good vibe, and this would just be so fucking cool...except we've literally already seen her escape once this season??? And it was already really well done??? This is like the flip side of my complaint that Omega was too helpless in the first season, and it was annoying how she constantly needed to be rescued. Now she's too competent and is always escaping lol. It just really, really cheapens the dramatic effect either escape could've had.
Needless to say, the Batch's driving purpose once again being that they're struggling to rescue Omega is just. I'm tired. If there are going to be two major captures and two major escapes this season, at least one of them needs to be a narrative flip!!! The Batch rescuing her at the front end of the season and Omega escaping herself at the end, or vice versa, would've made it much less repetitive (and stopped cutting the Batch off at the knees in order to show Omega's competency). Omega even gets captured in the same fucking way—she gives herself up in "Plan 99" and "Point of No Return"! Ughhhhh
Okay I swear I actually like this episode lmao, I just. Editor instincts.
Thinking about how Omega left Lula on Pabu and has essentially left Straw!Lula to Eva, and how it shows that she's shed her need for comfort and is now ready to provide that comfort to other children, which is very lovely. But I'm also worried about Lula and Tech's goggles being on Pabu, because there are only three thematic options here: Everyone returns to them (sanctuary), everyone leaves them behind (leaving the past behind), or Omega returns to leave more items, say a bandana or a Firepuncher (memorial). The link between Lula and the goggles is actually not that natural (unless you're a Techwrecker shipper like me :D), so I've been pondering this choice a lot.
The symbolism of everything inside Tantiss being in the shape of the Empire cog and every character within its walls being a cog of the Empire is so heavy handed...and I am here for every moment of it!!!
Truly did not expect Rampart to stick around for so long. He's going to be a main character in the finale at this point?? I like how he's like a Kallus foil here—despite being scapegoated by the literal emperor he's still loyal to the regime and takes such pride in it. A very Jennifer Corbett & Brad Rau–esque character.
The way that when Echo came down the ramp I literally said, "Oh, thank god."
Hunter and Echo doing the clone hand clasp (and not wrist clasp, you'll note) isn't as emotional given that we already know how strong their bond is at this point, but it's still nice to see this visual callback to the Batch respecting Cody so much despite him being a reg that Hunter would use this hand clasp to greet him. It's a great shorthand (ha) for Hunter's feelings, since he is particularly suspicious of outsiders, and Echo is now fully "one of his."
I really love the mirror of the scene when the Batch is in the cell on Kamino and they escape by breaking into the wall—Omega effectively does the same thing here. These are the satisfying kinds of repetition, rather than entire arcs!
Every time I think about the Tech-is-the-mustachioed-doctor theory I giggle. It would just be. So anticlimactic?? But absolutely hilarious.
The costume change is so unnecessary, buuut I'll be first in line to buy the variant figures! Also it's nice to see some canon clone armor painting after writing and reading so many fics about it!!
I really like Hunter sensing Rampart plotting and how it brings his powers even closer to Jedi precognition.
Not too much Crosshunt in this ep, but I like how in both shuttle scenes, Crosshair stands in a position that blocks Rampart from getting to Hunter in the cockpit (while Wrecker blocks Rampart from getting to the exit).
Not particularly significant, but I like the visual detail of Hunter, Echo, and Crosshair bracketing Rampart in a triangle and it looking like they're his bodyguards but them actually forming that position because he's their prisoner.
The way I screamed when Rampart tries to get Echo to say "sir" and he just says, "I don't think so." Echo did not go through everything he's gone through up to this point to take anyone's shit!!! And the way Rampart just takes it and looks down all ashamed is peak comedy to me. Even he sensed that he was treading on dangerous ground there. (Just for a second think about Fives on Umbara and how he refused to take Krell's shit from the very start...)
The commandos being on this space station (that's orbiting Coruscant??) makes me very sad because it kind of foreshadows a dark ending for the Tantiss arc by showing that the commandos are spread all over the galaxy. So even if they rescue all the commandos from Tantiss, it still wouldn't save all the others. In which case, writing wise, it feels way more unlikely for them to save the commandos on Tantiss at all.
Wrecker tapping his foot while scrolling through the comments on his AO3 account is very cute. Also in the last episode the mining foreman was on his datapad like a phone and I thought it was supposed to convey that he was lazy lol but maybe this sort of thing is just going to show up in SW a lot more now haha
The lieutenant demanding to know where the captain is is kind of silly because wasn't he the one to let him go inside?? Why would he be back at his ship? But I love me the Rebels-esque gag of knocking him out on the ship.
Everyone is screaming about Crosshair having faith in Echo getting them through, but I would also like to contribute the fact that Crosshair says, "You can't go alone." A very poetic line of dialogue because being alone in the Techno Union is what the Batch saved Echo from being, and it's what Crosshair chose to be for two and a half seasons of this show. Not wanting to be alone again was also what made him turn against the Empire! We also see this anxiety in the previous episode, where he (in that very ridiculous reveal) admits he doesn't want to go back to Tantiss (and be alone again).
ECHOOOOOO!!!! About fucking time they gave him another action feature!!! I rewatch that opening sequence in "Tipping Point" constantly. And not only that, it's a very character-driven action feature for once!!! We see him showcase what it means to be an ARC trooper and also what it means that he's "part-droid." A test I like to consider when I gauge the quality of action-ensemble media is, Could any other character have done that? In this case, the text is very loudly telling us absolutely not! Also the way he exudes confidence about it ("But I can") is also just. Super hot, 10/10
Tbh the Echo feature felt so out of place for this show that at this point I was suddenly filled with terror that he was about to die. Thank god he did not, but he's still separated from the others by the end, so it's not out of the question for something terrible to happen in hyperspace, and I do not want it!!! But altogether that was a badass third act and a very good episode!
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feel free ignore this but i was just wondering when you started writing fics bc theyre all so amazing wtf???
ignore this sweet ask?? NEVER!!
so, to be completely honest, this is not the first time i've written and published fics!! though, i've NEVER received attention like this and it's so so nice!!
i've been writing little stories in my head for probs as long as i can remember. writing was just always something that i've done and i have distinct memories of crying to my mom about how hard it was sometimes when the words came out wrong or i struggled to spell them correctly. this would later be diagnosed as dyslexia but my mom made sure to get me the correct support i needed!! it still fucking sucks but whatevas lmao
also, my mom loved to write when she was in college!! and she was really good, too, but she gave it all up to marry my (stupid ass) dad and raise my sister and i. but that's a really sad story for another day.
BUT i wrote some crappy mcu fanfic on here when i was like 10?? really really bad i hadn't even seen all the movies when i wrote that i just thought bucky was hot lmao- (do not go looking for that shit i will cut you- i don't even know how you would find that but no! bad!)
then, during covid, i had a fever dream the night before christmas (deadass im not being funny) and started writing fanfic for...ugh i can't believe im gonna say this but it was sherlock lmao-
like...legit 12 books. each with like eight to nine chapters. it basically followed the plot of the show EXACTLY except for with the add in of my oc lmao. that's posted on wattpad (again. i will commit crimes to keep my name away from that shit lmao- i tried rereading it the other day and nearly died from cringe)
OH AND I WENT THROUGH A CRINGY ASS POETRY PHASE LMAO THOSE WERE BAD BAD- tbh might be willing to share them to strictly laugh at but idk where i would find it anymore bc i feel like ive scrubbed it off my phone-
all that to say, i've been doing crappy writing for a very long time, but this is the first time that i've actually felt really proud of my work. also, you're such a sweetheart to ask this and it was so fun to reply to!! i really do love yapping yall up!!
anyways, hope this made sense and i WILL find you if you so much as THINK about finding my old fics lmao-
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stormflower8 · 10 months
we're back with more south asian!ballister headcanons
part one is here
I did not expect such a positive reaction to part one, so here are some more that I wrote down while going about my day today!
starting with building on what I was doing in part one, relating to the transition to primarily speaking urdu to always speaking english
sometimes ballister forgets english words for things
now, there are two routes you can go with this
either, A, he does that thing where he snaps his fingers a few times to remember
eg, "And then I picked up that," Ballister trailed off, snapping his fingers a few times in frustration. "What's it called? Unda..." he furrowed his brow. Ambrosius tilted his head, "Unda?" he echoed. Ballister waved a hand. "That's the Urdu word for it..." he snapped his fingers definitively, face brightening. "Egg! It's an egg."
or, option B, he just makes crap up
think those videos by Dez the Lez on youtube where she talks about her mother making up random phrases in english to describe words that she forgot (eg. "horse tornado" for carousel)
for example, "Where's my hydration unit?" Ballister asked, opening a cabinet, closing it, then opening another. Nimona stared at him. "Hydration unit?" "You know, the thing," Ballister clicked his tongue as he spoke, as if he was making even a lick of sense. "The hydration capsule." Ambrosius looked up from the book he was reading. "Do you mean a water bottle?" "Water bottle, right!" Ballister laughed, as if it was totally normal to call a water bottle a hydration unit. "Where is it?" "You left it in our room," Ambrosius said offhandedly. Ballister sighed. "Thanks," he said, then left to go find it. Nimona gaped at Ambrosius. "How?" she breathed. "How the hell did you get 'water bottle' from 'hydration unit'??" Ambrosius shrugged. "You get used to it."
both are great options
while option B is way funnier and opens up more opportunities for fics, I think option A might be a little more in character
or he just alternates between the two. that is absolutely an option.
uh, fun fact, I myself have actually called a water bottle a hydration unit before, but I think that's more of me being a dumbass than anything because english is my first language LMAO
chai. ballister LOVES chai.
he is more devoted to chai than he is to ambrosius (/J /J /THAT WAS A JOKE)
if he sees starbucks "chai tea latte" or whatever they call it in his house he is KICKING YOU OUT
ambrosius's favorite hobby is to hug ballister from behind while he's stirring the chai pot and it's a very warm and cozy moment that smells like chai and it is one of their favorite things to do, both during their institute days and post-canon
there was also this one time ambrosius and ballister were kissing (actually, they were probably making out) and the chai boiled over because they were too distracted to tend to it, but the two of them try not to bring that incident up
at first, nimona made fun of ballister for his mildly obsessive chai drinking ("tea?? you're drinking tea?? my god, how old are you? just hop in the senior center now")
then, he finally just forced her to try some, and suddenly he was making three cups instead of just two
and on the topic of drinks,
ballister also really loves mangos, and has fond memories of climbing huge mango trees as a kid and picking them (this memory is stolen from my pakistani dad, shoutout to him akjdhaskj)
this has led to a love of mango juice
he knows ALL the brands. ALL OF THEM.
his favorite is Shezan, because let's be real, Shezan is the best mango juice and I CAN AND WILL throw hands on this
I can vividly imagine ambrosius and ballister grocery shopping and ballister asks ambrosius to go grab some mango juice and ambrosius returns with like the first thing he saw on the shelf and Ballister took the bottle from Ambrosius and examined it. "This one?" he asked skeptically. "Uh, yes?" Ambrosius chuckled. "It was the first one I saw." "This one has a strange aftertaste," Ballister said idly, putting it back on the shelf. Instead, he selected a pack of juice boxes. "These are the best." He then started to ramble about other brands and their pros and cons, but Ambrosius barely heard him. He was fairly certain that, if he were a cartoon character, he'd be making heart eyes at Ballister. Ballister noticed, trailing off when he caught Ambrosius's gaze. He tilted his head to the side. "What?" Ambrosius felt an uncontrollable smile spreading across his face. "Nothing." Ballister watched Ambrosius for another second before snorting out a small laugh and ducking his head to break eye contact. They moved on after that, but Ambrosius made sure to commit the brand name of that mango juice to memory after that.
mango juice is important, alright? bad mango juice is a crime.
this is already super long, but here's one more I sometimes see people talking about
kajul. kohl. whatever you want to call it, ballister uses it.
okay, let me get something straight. sometimes I see fics where one character puts kohl on another, and I just wanna say I could NEVER
for those of you who think kohl is like an eyeliner, it's not. not really.
grab a mirror, and pull your bottom eyelid down. the lower eyelid that connects to your bottom lashes? THAT'S where the kohl goes.
my sister is the one who introduced kohl to me, and she was like "okay storm, you can use mine, but I can't put it on you" to which I responded "wait, why not?" and she showed me where it goes and let me tell you I GASPED in that public bathroom
needless to say I chickened out and did not end up wearing kohl that evening
but enough about me
ballister boldheart is a braver man than me
kohl is cool because it's a culturally, historically, completely inarguably gender-neutral makeup product which is so awesome tbh
anyways he wears it fairly often and it really brings out his stupid gigantic sad wet kitten eyes
ambrosius adores it
nimona wants to try putting it on but ballister is paranoid she'll stab herself in the eye, despite her complaints that she can just "form a new one"
this was, again, so much longer than I expected, but I still have more headcanons! I'll probably make a part three soonish, but until then, enjoy these!
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nerdestiwrites · 3 months
where we are (hazbin hotel reader insert)
I wrote most of this while drunk last night so if it's shit thats why LMAO
TW// deadly car crash,slightly detailed description of car crash, guilt, spiraling, 
It all had happened so fast, in a blink of an eye, a sneeze, before an ‘Oh fuck’ could even cross your mind. The rain had been coming down hard, it was dark, and of course, the street lights had been barely working. The other car had their lights turned off, they had been swerving. You might have seen them, if you hadn’t been laughing at a joke your brother had said. You might have seen them if your focus wasn’t on the song that had just turned on. You might have seen them if the rain wasn’t coming down as hard, if the street lights were working, if the road hadn’t come to a bend. You might’ve been able to swerve out of the way, might have been able to break, might have been able to maneuver the car just the right way, a dozen might haves… 
It all had happened so fast and now you were waking up with a gasp for air, like it was the last one you might take. You could hear distant fighting, shouting, gun shots. It wasn’t raining anymore, you weren’t in a car anymore, the worst part was that you were alone. Your eyes darted around quickly, standing and looking around. The dark red sky was one thing to signal you weren’t awake, or maybe even alive. Then your heart stopped, your stomach dropped, and you stumbled forwards as the memory of your death came crashing down around you, literally.
The car had hit the drivers side, your side, and sent your car spinning. The water on the road caused both cars to hydroplane, and the car hit again, in the back passengers side, and nearly flipped the car upside down. The glass shattered, the radio still blaring, the rain hitting the broken dashboard, the blood, then nothing. Blackness. Then, this. What was around you. You weren’t sure if you were dreaming or not. If this was the afterlife or not. All you knew was you needed to wake up, you needed to go back, to wake up, to go back. That was the only thought other than was he okay? Was he still alive, was he hurt, you needed to get back to him. You were supposed to protect him, to keep him safe, and you failed.
You stumbled forwards, nails digging into your palms as you took in deep breaths, trying to keep yourself from spiraling. If you were dead, if the crash killed you on impact, then you were in Hell. That had to be the only explanation. Or some form of Hell, whatever religion had it ‘right’ in the end. You didn’t even have time to try and figure out what you had done that warranted your soul to be sent downwards instead of up. You needed to make sure he was okay.
You looked up and down the dirty street, a car was on fire, there was someone just casually stabbing a corpse, people where fucking in a building next to you, the window wide open and you could practically smell them. You stumbled away from the window and grimaced, how the hell, or where in this case, were you supposed to find a way to get back up topside? Back to Earth? Even for just a moment? A minute? To make sure? Was that even possible? It had to be possible, it had to be, it had to be, it had to be. 
You promised, you promised, you promised. You promised to keep him safe, to make sure he’d always be safe, to be okay, at the bare minimum keep him alive. What kind of older sibling were you if you couldn’t even do that? You fucked up in the most catastrophic way and maybe that was the reason you were in Hell. The reason your soul was sent down. Because you failed to keep him safe. You got him killed. He wasn’t even supposed to be in the car. He wasn’t supposed to be with you. You had asked him to. Asked. Begged. You didn’t want to go to the store alone that late at night. You bribed him with buying him whatever he wanted, within reason, you weren’t a millionaire after all. You didn’t even need to go to the store. You just wanted to. You wanted to and you didn’t want to go alone. This was your fault. 
You jumped as you felt a hand on your shoulder and instinctively moved away by taking a step to the side, your head snapping towards the person, eyes wide. You had to look up to see the others face, his appearance giving a starch reminder of where you were, if you were dead, if this wasn’t a dream. Hell. This person was a demon, condemned for eternity, for sins you weren’t aware of. But you were in Hell too, you were condemned, just the same as he was, and maybe, maybe he wasn’t as bad as he could be. You studied the demon briefly, looking him up and down once, taking in the red suit, the long microphone staff he held, the smile that seemed to stretch too far that reminded you of the Joker, the bad hair cut, the way he looked at you like you were prey.
“You seemed troubled, dear!” His voice was distorted, like it was coming through an old antique radio, one that would’ve been considered trash about five years ago but now since it was trendy would be far too expensive for you to even imagine owning. The same thing had happened with records, and now any old good quality record player was only affordable for the rich. “Perhaps I can help?”
Every nerve in your body told you to run, your stomach had dropped and twisted, you felt ill just standing near the taller man-demon-whatever he was. Your body just wanted you to flee but he was offering help. The worst he could say is no, he couldn’t help your situation and you’d be stuck at square one. You were desperate, and that desperation was coming off you in waves. “I need to go back to Earth. Now. Or rather like, five minutes ago. I- I need to. I’ll do anything.” 
You put it out there instantly, how desperate you were. You currently didn’t care about logistics, about how this might end up with you completely screwed for the rest of eternity. You couldn’t care less, if you were honest with yourself. If this was Hell, if you were dead, there wasn’t a single thing that you could care about. The demon-man-thing could have you do almost anything at this point and you wouldn’t care. If he asked you to kill someone, could you die in Hell, well you saw that corpse and a demon-person-thing stabbing it, so surely you could die a second time, and that only brought up more questions-
“Anything?” The demons voice, still glitched and filtered through an old radio seemed to have been enhanced in that very way. His smile stretched further across his face, his head cocked to the side ever so slightly in interest as he took a step forwards towards you. 
You instinctively took a step backwards, just to keep distance between yourself and the stranger. You were both demons, you realized, if you were in Hell. Or maybe there was something else that defined a demon and you were just a poor unfortunate soul. Either way, you decided to keep the assumptions to a minimum until you learned more about what the fuck was going on. You cleared your throat and nodded in response. Anything. You’d do anything at this point. 
He again took a stride towards you, holding his free hand out, the microphone cane held behind his back as the smile on his face continued to grow. Antlers grew from his head, expanding and twisting in sharp turns. A dark green aura enveloped the both of you as he spoke, “I can give you two minutes back on Earth. Two minutes for your soul. I feel like that’s a fair trade!” 
Two minutes. Two minutes would be all you had to make sure your brother was alive and okay. Two minutes to try and make sure he got the help he needed, two minutes to help him, support him, tell him everything would be okay. Two minutes for your soul. Two minutes was more than enough time. You grabbed onto the strangers hand and shook it once, your face hardening in seriousness. “Deal.”
The green completely overtook you, nearly choking you before it dissipated and you felt the cold rain hit your skin. You weren’t in the car, no, you were standing next to the car. Smoke rose from crumpled hood, the driver side was nearly non existent, the door crushed into the seat, no wonder you had died on impact. It would’ve been impossible, a miracle if you hadn’t. There was no saving you, you knew that much. Your eyes darted to the passengers side. It looked better but not by a large margin. You called out your brothers name and rushed forwards, prying the passenger door off with a strength you didn’t even realize you had.
His head rolled to the side, blood was trickling down his forehead, his arm looked bent at an awful angle, but his chest was rising and falling. He was still breathing, he was alive, he had a chance. You swallow thickly and search through the broken car, pushing past the glass covered seats and grabbed onto your phone, your hands shaking. As you go to turn it on, it was the first time you saw yourself after death. Your refelction staring back at you clear as day in the black mirror. You no longer looked like yourself, a demon, a monster, stared back. 
Your brother groaned, quietly, and coughed, your fingers quickly dialing 911 and explaining the situation and the road you were on. Your voice was shaking, tears were streaming down your face, you were begging the responder to get there as soon as possible, to save your brother. They responder told you that an ambulance was on its way and to stay calm. 
Your brothers voice pierced your ears as you looked down at him. You give a shaky smile and knelt down, grabbing onto the hand that didn’t look like a mangled nest. “I don’t know where we are, but it’ll be okay. It’s going to be okay. Everything will be okay. I promise.” You told him, wiping the blood off his cheek and sniffling. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I know I’m not who you wanted me to be all the time, I wasn’t the best older sibling I could’ve been, I-I fucked up a lot, but it’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay.” Your voice was shaking, breaking every other second, you felt like you were going to sob. But you couldn’t you had to be strong, for him, to make him feel safe. That was your job, to protect him, from everything. From yourself.
“Tell mom- tell mom I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry… Tell her not to blame herself, not to blame you. We both- fuck we both know you’ve always been the strongest one out of all of us. I’m so fucking sorry… You deserved so much better. Than to be strong. I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough. You… fuck… You don’t have to be strong all the time. You’re allowed to be weak and scared and sad and frustrated. I’m sorry.”
The sound of sirens in the distance filled your chest with hope and the sight of the flashing lights coming closer signaled that help had arrived. You stood up from beside the crashed car and waved your hands, calling out for the first responders, crying out for them to hurry, to get over there and save your brother, and just as a flashlight shone in your direction, you saw the green smoke start to overtake your body. Just as you heard the shouting from the first responders telling the others where the car was, you disappeared in the green smoke.
You were back, standing on the street with the burning car, the two demons fucking in the building behind you, with the tall red demon in front of you with the sinister smile across his face. “Well I sure do hope you spent those two minutes being productive!” 
You felt like he was mocking you, making fun of what you had just done, what you just went through. You felt like the tears that had dried on your face gave him amusement, that your misery was fun to him, and that gave you chills that ran down your spine. You wouldn’t give him the amusement of a reaction however. You knew how to suck up your emotions and break down when you were alone. You knew how to disguise your hurt, frustrations, anguish, by laughing and joking and brushing it off until you couldn’t anymore. And now you had all of eternity to perfect it.
“Oh, it was super productive, started a business, worked hard, had it become a billion dollar idea, made some bad investment choices, crashed the stock market, got married, regretted that, divorced, had a midlife crisis around a minute, went to the Bahamas and bought a sports car far too expensive for me to reasonably pay every month-” You went on rambling, having no intention on stopping any time soon. 
You wanted to see how long he would let you ramble, listing off more and more bizarre things, you were going to talk about trading the sports car in for an elephant but had been cut off as a chain appeared around your neck and you were tugged forwards. Your eyes widened slightly as your hands reached up to pull at the chain, uselessly it seemed, before you looked at the stranger. His ears twitched slightly with annoyance, you knew that much from the years of owning animals. It’s hard to hide emotions with ears and tails, easiest way to read an animal. His eyes were narrowed, but his smile remained the same. “Well worth your soul then!” The radio waves coming from his voice seemed to shake slightly. 
“Half a mint and a toothpick would’ve been worth my soul, hate to tell you that it wasn’t worth much. Definitely scammed you.” You say and wince, gasping out as the chain around your neck tightened and he pulled you forwards again, causing you to trip and fall onto the ground straight into a puddle of what smelt rancid. 
He stood over you, towering now that you were on the ground in front of him, and he looked down on you. You couldn’t see the expression on his face, it shadowed from how he stood, but you could feel the power radiating off of him. You swallowed hard once, your jaw clenched as you took in a sharp breath, immediately regretting it from the putrid smell of whatever puddle you laid in.
He took one step forward, his shoes inches away from your face. Instead of green smoke, shadows seemed to encase the both of you and when they disappeared, you were in a new location. Still on the floor, beneath the demon, he took a seat and rested the microphone cane against a console panel. “Welcome to Hell, darling! You’re about to learn who you made a deal with.”
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ghost-bard · 2 years
The Revali Rant
Fun fact I’ve actually gone on this rant before but it was... 7 months ago and I was half asleep and on the bus when I wrote it so actually I’m gonna do it again cuz i can :) 
also @flustered-flux @initforthecache @godmodebeginswithlesbians @bonethievery @https://www.tumblr.com/brennaauragoldwing @caligulousaquarium @barnabyboppins @rudecanadian (idk if you wanted to be tagged rudecanadian but you did ask why he lost so)
Disclaimer I do not care if anyone dislikes Revali, like I truly do not care lmao. However I do get annoyed when the fandom dissolves the champions to like. One core trait. And especially when Revali is just. Mean/weak bird. It’s annoying lmao
That said, lemme get into it. 
As a whole Revali is pompous, he’s mean, he’s full of himself, he knows how good he is. But none of those negate the fact that yeah, he lost to Windblight Ganon. However, there are two things that a lot of people tend to look over when talking about this. Each champion is caught off guard, and in one of the memories you actually see this happen. Zelda and Link come back from a shrine with Zelda once again unsuccessfully gaining her power, and as this happens, the “final battle” starts. None of the champions were actually able to prepare for their fight, and further more I don’t think any of them were ready to fight a version of Ganon? Like do people forget that the other champions died to, or is it fine that Revali died because he talks himself up? The second thing is that each Blight was tailored specifically for each of the champions. Again, Revali was not the only so called great warrior to die, they each were up against an unfair fight. Further more, before I get into the true disadvantage that Revali had, I would like to mention that (and correct me if I’m wrong) in a dlc you can go back and fight each Divine Beast and you get something similar to what each champion fought with, you can truly see, that once again each champion was not prepared to fight. But even then, you may be wondering, why was Revali at more of a disadvantage than the others? They were also caught unawares, so why was Revali different?
Well, let me answer that.
Revali was fighting Windblight in the dark, and the Rito see much worse in the dark, and I know it sounds like I’m stating the obvious, but as a whole birds just can’t see at night, and the Rito have awful night vision. He could not see anything while fighting Windblight. He only got glimpses of Windblight whilst fighting him, pair that with him being unprepared, and it’s already a bad situation, but then we have to get to Windblights skill set. 
He is able to send out tornados which would be able to knock Revali out of the air if he were flying, which is very likely, and once again, he could not see them. Revali is a very skilled warrior, obviously, but I don’t it’d be all that possible to try and hit a moving target while also trying to dodge multiple tornados, while also not being able to see. It seems very unlikely actually. Then there’s also his projectiles, if you are unable to see properly, probably will be unable to know where the fuck a projectile is hitting you from. There’s his lasers, which shoot out very quickly, and guess what? If you don’t see it quick enough you’re probably going to get hit. Regardless of the fact that each champion was fighting something tailored to beat them specifically, Revali also had to do it in the dark.
Despite all of this though, I feel as though it’s unfair to always talk about how easy Windblight is when Waterblight is also incredibly easy. In fact so is Fireblight! The reason why Thunderblight is so difficult for most people is because of similar the Gerudo and Hylians are. They are the most similar in build, so of course a ganonblight that was tailored to Urbosa’s weaknesses is going to be the most difficult for a Hylian. And of course, each person is different, so to some Thunderblight might not actually be that hard, and that’s fine! But it is important to note that all the champions were up against something tailored to their weaknesses.
And the most tragic part? Revali was the last to send out his distress signal, which was basically the signifier that the champion was about to die. In each of the divine beasts songs when you get close to them you can hear morse code intertwined with the music that spells out s o s. And Revali’s comes out panicked. Everyone knows just how proud of a person Revali is, and for his signal to come out like that is just plain sad. 
And even then, you don’t really hear that much about Revali in the base game. He is not as remembered as the other champions, he just simply isn’t. When you go to each area, you can very easily tell the mark that the champions left on history. The Zora live for a long time, so a lot of the people you meet at the Zora domain have some sort of image of Mipha, she is so clearly remembered it hurts, in a bittersweet way. In Goron city they literally have Daruk’s face etched into the mountain. In Gerudo town Urbosa was literally their leader, so it would be difficult to forget her. In fact in each area except Rito village Link is accompanied by a direct relative of each Champian. Sidon in Zora’s Domain, Riju in Gerudo Town, and Yunobo in Goron City. Revali does not have a single direct descendent. Revali is not truly remembered by anyone. Teba is simply the one who takes Revali’s place as protector of Rito village. Revali did not have anyone. He was young. He lived and died as a warrior. All Revali had was a ledge. Nothing else.
Which brings me to why I think Revali acts the way he does. Now of course, I will be the first person to admit that yeah Revali is mean. But does anyone who makes this very obvious criticism of him know why he is so apparently mean, self-centered, ect, ect? 
Because I truly believe that that Revali and Link are foils of each other in some form. Link and Revali are very similar in theory, both notable warriors who train day-in day-out. They both aren’t in any form of leadership when brought in to help with the calamity. Revali was an extremely trained person, and in the dlc cutscene when Zelda goes to recruit him you can see that Revali had not actually perfected his gale. His ability was not something handed to him through being royalty, or simply because he was born. He MADE his gale. He literally practiced everyday, more likely than not injuring himself in the process. Revali is a perfectionist, plain and simple. So, in a way he sees himself in Link. Link is a warrior. Link was not someone who was all that special. Except then he, a nobody warrior suddenly became special, simply because he pulled out a sword from the ground. Revali acts so pompous because he knows how much he had to work himself to the bone to actually be someone. If he can’t at least put on an act of confidence than who is he in comparison? Yes, Revali was likely the most powerful warrior in Rito village, but how much of his status do we actually know? Do we know how revered he was? With each champion we clearly know why Zelda picked them, Mipha had an amazing healing ability, was also a princess, Urbosa was known to be an excellent fighter, like people compared her fighting to dancing, she could quite literally summon lightning, and she was also leader of the Gerudo, Daruk also a known fighter and has his magical(? you get what I mean) protection. Revali was in all honesty just a warrior. He wasn’t known for his ability because he had not actually perfected it in yet Zelda went to see him. In the dlc you can read his diary and it reveals that Revali was insecure, painfully so, and the anger directed at Link in game is in part because of Link’s silence. He writes in his diary that the fact that Link simply wouldn’t react to anything he would show him just fed into his insecurity, which caused him to lash out. We see that to most of the champions he is just confident, plain and simple, but when it comes to Link he’s more than just confident, he’s demeaning, but Link never reacts. 
Was Revali in the right for how he acted to Link? Obviously not, but at least there’s a reason for it. In each memory we can clearly see that throughout the time that the champions spent time together no one ever really asked why he acted the way he did. None of them attempted to get close to him (except maybe Daruk but that might've been his personality), they all pretty much tolerated him. Despite this he was still able to work with them. It is apparent that beneath all his snark, Revali did care, at least a little bit. 
Revali died without anyone truly caring about him or knowing who he was, and that’s just the truth of the matter. 
Again I do not care if someone dislikes Revali, but sometimes it gets annoying that so many people in the fandom seem to hate him for no reason other than being mean. Then again I’m the one getting pressed about a fictional character so who am I to talk lol. This did go from talking about revali v windblight to talking more about his character but its fine, i still p much got what I was trying to say across so like yknow.
I feel like I could say so much more about him but at some point it goes from a bit of an analysis to headcanon so I won’t lmao. If you read this far, maybe check out my revalink fanfic “When the snow melts, will you still be with me?” on ao3. Also, if anyone would like to know my headcanons for Revali (and all the other champions of course) uhh let me know lmao
the dlc i mention a few times is the Champions Ballad dlc, in case anyone wants to look it up
Also, links to 2 vids I reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti3qY2AeFo0&t=278s this talks about Revali v. Windblight Hyrule gamer also made a vid about how Revali acts but I have yet to watch it 
https://youtu.be/B1FJp9WISGQ this is so you can hear the sos signal I referenced at some point 
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itsallyscorner · 2 years
࿔*:・゚Co-Stars: That’s a Wrap | H.S
↝ pairing: Harry Styles x actress!readwr
↝ faceclaim: Daisy Edgar Jones <3
↝ summary: Filming’s done.
↝ warnings: cursing
↝ a/n: I love Emma Watson. Should I start making blurbs for this? Also this isn’t the last of the co-stars series, there’s many more coming ;)
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emmawatson The previous months have shown me the reason why I pursued filmmaking. The concept of this film started off as a small story that I wrote in a notebook and hid in a drawer in my desk for years. I would come back to this notebook for many months until I mustered the courage to propose this idea to a production company a year and a half later. It took months of rejection until I finally got the green light to turn this story into a film. Thank you to everyone who has been patient with me and teaching me along the way through my directorial journey. I have learned an incredible amount and am forever grateful for this experience. To everyone who was part of this production thank you from the bottom of my heart for the hard work and kindness you have all brought to this film. To Harry and Y/n, you have both brought so much love and light to set every single day and I thank you for creating such a loving and safe environment for all of us. This film would not have been the same with either of you, I love you both so so SO much! I should probably end my little speech here or else this caption might be paragraphs long…but once again THANK YOU! And that’s a wrap on Sunshine!!!!💛🌻🌞
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yourinstagram EMMA!! You have been such a joy to work with and I’m excited for this new journey you’re on. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your beautiful and unique story, I love you and this film so much❤️❤️❤️❤️
ynfan1 in her active era
ynfan2 HI MOM
emmafan1 Can’t wait to see this movie Em!!!
harrystyles It has been the biggest honor to work with you and I will be forever blessed to have lived this experience. Thank you for allowing me to be part of it, all the love❤️ x
ynfan3 not Y/n and Harry commenting 30 seconds apart from each other..
harryfan1 @ynfan3 I wouldn’t look into it lmao
harryfan2 For once can you all not ship these two together, they literally commented on something their director posted about the film. Stop making it about them it’s about Emma🙄
harryfan3 why is no one literally talking about the picture???🧍‍♀️
harryfan3 Their arms around each other makes me sob
harryfan4 Imagine being that CLOSE to Harry fucking Styles
ynfan4 They really are the cutest people on the planet
ynfan5 Emma confirming that Y/n and Harry are two of the most loveliest people ever
harryfan5 they’re both my comfort people, I love them sm🥺
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Liked by harrystyles, emmawatson, and 3,934,723 others
yourinstagram And that my lovely friends is a wrap on Sunshine💛! This has been such an incredible experience and it’s been quite the ride. I had the benefit of working with some of the most talented and remarkable people in the business and it has been the greatest honor of getting to know you all. I have made many friends and memories that I will forever look back on. This film means a lot to me but most importantly to our marvelous director @/emmawatson✨ Thank you again for allowing me to be part of this story and your journey as a director, I wish you nothing but the best on this new chapter in your life and I will always support you! A special thank you goes to my wonderful co-star @/harrystyles❤️ You have grown to become a close friend of mine and I admire you. I’ll miss you and our late night Love Island binging, best of luck on tour you rockstar :) Lastly, a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped operate our set, whether you worked on set, behind the scenes, or in the editing rooms we as a cast appreciate your hard work for taking good care of us. I love you all so much and hope to see you all soon xxx
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ynfan6 she has the biggest heart I swear🥺
ynfan7 “I admire you” I.ADMIRE.YOU😭
emmawatson you’re a gem❤️
[liked by yourinstagram]
harryfan6 she’s so real for flipping Harry off RIGHT to his face❤️
ynfan8 icon behavior💅
harrystyles all the love sunny💛
[liked by yourinstagram]
harryfan8 God has favorites and Y/n is one of them.
harryfan9 very active today Harold👀
harryfan10 don’t know why I’ve never been an Y/n fan but seeing how genuine and thoughtful she is makes me want to protect her with every ounce of my being, bless her ugh
harryfan11 The fact that she calls him rockstar and they binge love island together late at night LIKE JUST KISS ALREADY PLEASE
ynfan9 a man and a woman can be friends without being in a romantic relationship!!!!
harryfan12 they’re a couple of besties🥰
ynfan10 I’m sorry but they make it so hard NOT to ship them💀
gemmastyles I’d like to clarify that I’ll be seeing this movie for you and only you <3
harryfan13 GEMMA?!!!
harryfan14 UM HI GEMMA
ynfan11 clearly y’all were shipping Y/n with the wrong Styles🤭
harryfan15 the better Styles
Y/n’s Instagram Story:
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Liked by yourinstagram, emmawatson, and 4,917,345 others
harrystyles Just wrapped a little film called Sunshine. Had the honor of working with two of the most gifted women I’ve ever met. Women truly are powerful and are capable of creating spectacular stories just like male directors. I hope this film brings more recognition to female directors around the world. It’s been a huge honor working beside Y/n and Emma, you are both unbelievable. Thank you for having me, I love you all. H.
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harryfan16 Harry “I love women” Styles
harryfan17 Already doing better than the shit show behind DWD🤭
ynfan12 Oop—
ynfan13 brutal but true
harryfan18 At least we get to see Harry and Flo in the same movie again without the drama!!
harryfan19 Flo’s in this movie???
harryfan18 @/harryfan19 yes she is! She has a smaller role, but she’s very much in it☺️
ynfan14 honestly was not expecting Harry to post, but I’m here for it
harryfan20 him and Y/n are both so active today I’m not used to it
1dfan1 it’s giving 2015 Harry❤️
harryfan21 pls my heart😭
1dfan2 the nostalgia that just hit me
harryfan22 Photographerry📸
yourinstagram love you lots❤️
[liked by harrystyles]
ynfan15 I hate the both of you, I’m not supposed to ship y’all
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Liked by ynscamera, ilovemitchrowland, and 16,924 others
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ynfan18 she’s so small next to him
ynfan19 Rockstar and sunny💛
harryfan24 are jumpers his new thing? Will we be seeing jumpers on tour??
ynfan20 Jumpers on Tour 2022
ynfan21 they’re literally my faves I love them
ynfan22 he has a hat, a mask, and the picture is mad blurry but I know DAMN well he’s looking fine asl
harryfan25 @/harrystyles what is that pose?
harryflorals awkward hands smh
ynscamera MY PARENTS
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Liked by ynscamera, ynupdates, and 17,834 others
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ynscamera WAS Y/N THERE?
ynfan23 “A SLITHER”😭😭
ynscamera @/ynscloset dare you to find her exact outfit using the second pic
ynfan24 @/ynscloset
ynfan25 @/ynscloset do it bestie
ynfan26 @/ynscloset
ynscloset I fucking hate all of you🙄
harryfan26 comfy Harry🤎
harryfan27 I wonder what he’s eating
harryfan28 a plate full of peas
harryfan29 beans.
florencefan1 I was at the same place they were at! They were eating at this lowkey cafe/restaurant kind of place and were all so chill, everyone seemed to get along great and there was lots of laughing :)
ynfan27 omg you saw them???
florencefan1 @/ynfan27 I did! They’re all still in London
ynfan28 did you happen to see Harry and Y/n interacting?👀
florencefan1 @/ynfan28 They were sitting a few seats apart, Y/n sat next to Elizabeth Olsen:) I got to see them all leave and Harry was instantly beside Y/n, he had an arm around her when they left!!
harryfan30 Harry the simp
ynfan29 I didn’t see it with my own eyeballs but they’re so cute
ynfan30 fine I’ll ship them #y/nrry
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miniimapp · 1 year
A-Z Fluff (Aaron Z Edition)
Gen ;; Fluff - Alphabet Headcanons
Warnings ;; nah
Proofread + Edited ;; not in this lifetime
Auth. Note ;; nearly just wrote the christmas countdown intro lmao.. anyways since the rest of your boys have one it's time Z got one of his own too just to round off the end of this year
I look forward to many 4*TOWN related shenanigans in 2023
Enjoy !! <3
A = Activities (What kind of things do you do?)
Z would 100% be advocating for that hiking couple lifestyle but if you're not up for it just relaxing walks together would be just as good
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Z hasn't considered the option and won't consider it until he's at a stable and happy place in his career and personal life
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Mans basically wraps himself around you,, kinda just drapes himself on top of you like a weighted blanket lmao
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
At home dates are definitely more at Z's speed than public dates like going to the movies or to a fancy restaurant
He wants to be comfortable around you and for you to be comfortable around him and the best place for that, in his mind, is in the private comfort of home
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world)
You are Z's sun,, you light up his world
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
T literally told him that he loved you lmao
Yall were just friends but you were dropping serious hints and poor, oblivious Z was catching none of them. You were getting him water during a break in dance practice and T just started grilling him
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
So so gentle,, literally almost terrified if he breathes too hard you'll crack and disappear
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Z has big hands so he likes to cover all of your hand with his when he can,,
I = Injury (How would they react if you got hurt?)
Calm and collected on the outside,, will patch you up with little to no visible reaction
On the inside tho ?? Many panicked mental screams coming from ya boy
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
No,, you have his wholehearted trust
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Very sweet and chaste,, you will not get a make out session out of this boy very easily because he will be so flustered lmao
You definitely initiated the first kiss,, and Z combusted on the spot lmao
L = Love (Who says I love you first?)
He does surprisingly lmao
When Z gets very flustered and has trouble getting his words out he just ends up shouting them so be prepared for Z to just shout his confession at you and then attempt to run away
M = Memory (What's their favourite memory together?)
Z teaching you some of his favourite basketball tricks and then getting ice cream together afterwards
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
If he sees something that makes him think of you he'll buy it and then just carry it around, hyping himself up to give it to you you day a cute little speech or something
Almost always ends up just shoving it in your hands and speed walking away but at least you get the gift so..
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Yellow because you make him happy
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Babe and baby are the most common ones Z uses,, he might throw in a doll or a sweetheart every now and then
Q= Questions (What are the questions they’re always asking?)
"Is this okay?"
"Are you comfortable?"
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Stay in and channel surf until you just pick a random channel that you ignore anyway in favour of talking with each other
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
For someone else,, Z isn't very good with his words and is scared to rely on them to cheer someone up so instead he'll just take them to do something they enjoy
For himself,, Z will dance, play basketball or go on a walk.. something that will keep both his body and mind active and distracted
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
His favourite athletes, basketball and new choreography he's put together
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Listening to music or other people talking
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Z won't propose unless you express direct interest in the idea and only after a couple of years in an explicit relationship
His proposal wouldn't be anything extravagant and it definitely wouldn't be in public,, probably on an indoor date
Forewarning,, he may shout his proposal at you but he means every word. His eyes will be closed in feat of rejection and there's a chance he'll forget to get down on one knee, or perhaps wobble getting there. Honestly kinda reminds me of Cove's proposals in Our Life if you've played it lmao
X = Xylophone (What's their song?)
Beautiful - Bazzi
Y = Yearning (How well do they cope when they’re separated from their S/O?)
Fairly well,, he'll call every now and then to check in on you and to hear your voice and Z will worry about you when he has the spare time but don't worry,, he'll be fine without you lmao
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Z wants a dog so bad it's not even funny,, he gets so excited when he sees dogs in public that he doesn't even care what people think of him for as long as that dog is his focus lmao
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cboffshore · 4 months
Since I saw you reblogging an ask post...
I was reading one of your fics on ao3 (I forgot which one :,) ) and in one of the notes you mentioned that there were certain Skybound angst tropes that you weren't quite fond of. So what are those tropes if you do mind me asking?
Hey there! Starting off with a SPICY one, that's fun. I've probably got that note on all of my Skybound stuff in some way, shape, or form, because aside from being my personal preferences, these tropes I don't like run DEEP in the fandom. This is going to get long, so under the cut we go! (Cw/tw for mentions of SA and related topics.)
There are three main tropes in Skybound fic that I dislike, but they appear so often and in so many forms that it's impossible to name them all, so they're split into three main categories for ease here. Ordered from least to most irritating:
Probably the least annoying on this list: violence and gore. This is the most understandable one that shows up - after all, this is a fighting show, and of course we've got that whole eyepatch scene to reckon with - but it's still a little annoying. I can usually work past it unless it's take 62837272727 of someone gouging out Jay's eye or a souped up Scrap n Tap scene with nothing added but more blood and gratuitous violence. Doesn't matter how creative it is, that's usually enough to make me close out unless the fic has something cooler to offer. It gets boring fast, okay? Like, I completely get it most times, but it's been done to death. Not always a total deal breaker, though. I've used shades of it in my own work, so I can't condemn it entirely.
A lethal pairing I like to call Sopping Wet Cat Jay and Therapy Dog Nya- usually comorbid, very rarely independent. This also usually presents in post-Skybound reveal/healing style fics. Sopping Wet Cat Jay is when all Jay (when presented with Skybound memories or reminders) is capable of is being absolutely, well, sopping wet and pathetic about it. Lots of crying and wailing and nightmares. Therapy Dog Nya is the traditional response to this, where Nya forgets her own trauma entirely to be a huggable object and supplier of gentle reassurance that nothing that happens to Jay was his fault. Again, I completely understand why people write these, but I feel very strongly that they're a disservice to BOTH characters. Jay flew the Keep (ETA: originally wrote Jeep lmao) straight into the Temple and threatened to turn Nadakhan into French toast! Nya DIED after spending all season trying to advocate for herself and her independence! Did we even watch the same show? Sure doesn't feel like it when I see this trope. Absolutely, yes, trauma presents weirdly down the line - but this as the default response always seems weird to me. And it shows up so, so often. Worse still is when a fic might try to give Nya a little agency and nod at her trauma, only to spin on its heel the moment the author decides Jay needs to start sobbing about mops or something. (I'm probably coming off bitter here, but let's be real: this has been happening for seven years. I'm tired.)
This one is an absolute deal breaker: gratuitous sexual assault and/or capital R offenses. Doesn't matter who it happens to, honestly, but the absolute worst is when it happens to Jay (perpetrated by Nadakhan) and when the author acts like it's canon and writes as if it's a given. I actually have already written an entire two part essay on this - part one is here, with a link to part two at the end. Some of my stances in part two have shifted slightly (for instance, I've recently blocked both case study authors because every time I see someone endorsing their work, I want to deep fry my thumbs), but for the most part, this essay conveys my feelings on, nuances of, and rough history of this trend WAY better than I can here. And if you thought #2 came off kinda bitter, well. This essay is battery acid, but I mean every word. An opinion I didn't fully examine in the essay is that I also feel it's a disservice to Nadakhan's character - he's FASCINATING, so to see him reduced to a r*pist just makes me mad. Go after him for his CANON crimes, please. Stop making stuff up!!
Anyway - thanks for the ask! If you read the essay and have any questions, please let me know.
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christlois · 8 months
//I just wanted to say, back in my Black Butler days (Which was WAY back like 2009-2019) I used to be a HUGE fan of Ash/Angela in particular, they were my first muse and for that, they still hold an EXTREMELY special place in my heart and sometimes I honestly kinda wanna go back to writing them lol //They were my favourite chracter, and Alois is/was a close second, I wrote cringey fanfic, had based and created a whole OC off a kinda "Combination" of them who I still use today, and also RPed him for a time back on a few ancient forums and Google+ when that was a thing still (I'm ancient lmao) //but overall the former ESPECIALLY barely had ever gotten any content - especially good, genuine content made from love rather than half spite "Look at this asshole" - and putting aside my surprise that the Black Butler fandom is still alive and kicking, i just stumbled across your blog and while I'm not sure entirely what Christlois is about (Please do feel free to give an explanation!) I just wanna say, a combination of my favourite things from my Black Butler days: Being Ash/Angela, Alois, THAT SEASON ONE AND TWO GET SOME ATTENTION, SERIOUSLY THEYRE STILL SO FUCKING GOOD!!!! ill be honest the direction it took with season three onwards kinda was a part of why i fell out of love with the series and just the existence of catholicism/priest aesthetics as a whole lmao) //For the longest time the memory of the Black Butler fandom had left a VERY bitter taste in my mouth since being around in it's heyday as an Ash/Angela RPer was certainly an experience lol, but just looking through your blog, though I don't exactly know what it's about, is such a sweet taste of nostalgia that while I don't exactly find myself missing the community, I miss the characters and story established by the first two seasons greatly. :,) It's kinda odd to say but I was almost certain that Ash/Angela would just fade into obscurity with offhand mentions at best, no one to love and care for them, and so glad to see that someone is caring for them where I couldn't anymore! //While I still find myself coming back to the priestisms (Leonard's 1.3 verse.... *Cough*) after all these years, it's honestly been a nice reminder on just how much these Ash/Angela and Alois have impacted my writing, both in muse writing and creative! Either way, thank you so much for your care put into this and please pardon the long message sfkdhbfkhkdfh
Where do I even begin? First of all THANK YOU!! I love these angels so bad, and YOU understand. They're a fascinating evil and a very interesting character concept. It's really cool that you roleplayed with them and I bet you had a ton of interesting headcanons and developments, more so than we got from the show! Because the thing is there is not a character as neglected by the fandom and the media as Ash and Angela. For their presence in Season 1, they are never talked about...
And that's not fair! They're so fascinating!! And thank you so much for the ask, genuinely, lenght doesn't bother me at all, and it's nice my mildly sacreligious blog brought some feeling of nostalgia.
ONTO THE INFO DUMPING! You're going to love this!
So Christlois is basically the universe of one specific fic, that being this one , written by me and co-written by @eemoo1o . It's basically a story about Alois turning his back on Claude and instead being swayed to Ash's side, becoming Ash's little puppet as opposed to Queen Victoria. It's mythological, theological, philosophical, and also really really disturbing JFJKSDF there's sebaclaude, sebastian being ciel's weird dad, alois being in-characteredly toyed with (poor boy), and ashgela being a total bastard.
here are some other goodies you might have seen, some animatics about it: part 1, part 2, and an anime opening, and an original song piece (I know...I'm very intense about this hgshdf).
Oh, and this! its unrelated but also I think you'd enjoy it!!:
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your-rdo-gf · 8 months
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Part 2/2 Of course, Charles looks amazing on Johnny. My main focus was him for the photos, but I'll definitely get more eventually. For being a video game character, he's really just… stupidly naturally photogenic. So I nabbed some pics and opted to get on Taima for the time being because, why not? Nah, that actually isn't how it went down. It was more like Me: *gets on Taima and takes off* Charles: Aren't you gonna take Johnny back? Me: Huh? Oh shit I forgot Charles: It's fine, I wanna keep riding him, he looks cool. Have you thought about putting feathers on Taima? We had a little exchange on that as we continued (whether or not Charles would, wishing that he had because it would be cute as hell, telling him how I desperately wish that Charles' feathers were an object in game, then went on to complain about how unfair it is that the Charles outfit in RDO has the necklace properly colored on men but not on women. There might be a cultural reason for that though, I'm not sure). Oh, and Johnny broke a sign with his face. Anyway, next you're gonna see a pic with a sign in the foreground, and I took that for one reason and one reason only; because the text glitched out lol. I think it's supposed to say race series? But it caught my eye regardless. I didn't realize that the text was dynamic. Went through that enclosed bridge a few times for pics, but Charles was having a hard time keeping up because of the slowmo, so I picked a few that I liked after like 4 rounds back and forth and we moved on our merry way. At this point we were getting snacky too, I had made some chip dip and neither of us had started to eat it, and it smelled soooo good. But I was WAY too distracted lol. And I think Charles felt like he had to be polite, but the second I realized what was happening and gave him the go ahead, he ate 3/4 of my damn chips before I even had one. Mean lmfao. Shortly after moving on from that bridge we hit a moonshiner free roam event, and I wanted to ignore it, but Charles was itching to fight. Turns out he's not a great shot lmao (relatable) and Charles (the character) also just doesn't really look that hot when shooting. I mean, he always looks hot, but he makes silly faces. Guess we can't all be sexy when we're being shot by 30 men lol. I managed to nab a few good screenies before I decided to help him out. One thing that really amazed me is Johnny and Taima; they were SO CALM the entire time. I took these pics by putting Blair (my character) in a scenario and then used my free cam to get up in Charles' face without getting shot by him, so right before I stopped I pulled the cam back so I could snag a pic of just how chill Johnny and Taima were (sorry Charles lol). Even Johnny, who tends to get a bit antsy with shooting going on if someone's on his back, was still as stone. Taima is generally bombproof anyway, but the fact that I wasn't even there to help her chill out made it all the more impressive that she just… didn't care. That's about all the interesting stuff that happened! We started our trail ride at 2:10 AM and I'm wrapping up writing this at about 6:20 AM. I took 485 pictures, didn't edit any yet, nor did I go through the clips, but Charles is passed the fuck out and his snoring is making me tired as all hell, so I guess that means it's time for me to get some rest too lmao. I mostly wrote this for the memories, but if you read this far, I hope you enjoyed!!
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fearowkenya · 6 months
Winds of Change
Chapter 4: Stemming the Tide
It’s hard to hold onto hope when panic and fear take root and start to spread, climbing the notches of his spine and weaving back and forth between his ribs. But Ryo knows now, that hope and fear can both exist at once—he’s seen it for himself.
The group witnesses something that looks a lot like a miracle, but it's still not enough to chase away everybody's fears. Ryo and Shuuji each find themselves with separate demons to battle as they resist the pull of despair.
ao3 link in source, extended end-of-chapter author's note below!
editing this chapter took WAY longer than usual. I do two proofreads per chapter before i post, and if i edit more than a couple of sentences at any point, i start the entire proofread over. needless to say, i did a LOT of editing and rereading before finally making it to my posting checklist. ultimately though im pretty happy with it. mostly im just so glad to have finally posted the scene that was jokingly titled "labramon the egg wizard" so i could talk about how much I enjoy the title "labramon the egg wizard". jokes that are for me
anyway, "labramon the egg wizard" is one of the first parts of this fic that i wrote! there's a skeletal outline of the events in that section in my replay notes, though a lot about that scene has changed since then. it was always going to be labramon who was gonna help out though! why labramon..? … … well she's a dog , and it made me go 'heheh' to think of her doing pointer behaviors. no other reason (:
i know we get renamon egg in moral, but i don't actually remember much of what that looked like because it lasted like 2 seconds. thats absolutely NOT what i wanted for shuuji - i wanted it to be a scene that completely bodies him, where hes got this unexpected second chance hovering just beyond his reach, but he has to confront exactly what he's done in order to get it. i dont remember a lot of 02, but that one episode where ken goes looking for wormmons egg has this very specific vibe where its like, "here's some hope for you when youre at your lowest but never forget that you seriously fucked it up". it was brutal but beautiful and then i cried a bunch i think. idk it was a long time ago. maybe im completely misremembering that scene, who can say. thats how it lives in my memories tho
in any case, i definitely wanted it to be from ryo's perspective for the same reason that the aftermath of wendimon was from his pov. he's so much more observant than shuuji, who would not take notice of what the others are doing and saying while he's in the middle of getting pingponged between hope and gut-wrenching remorse.
the middle section, titled in the draft as "mcfreakin losin it", was a lot of fun too! the Plan(tm) at the beginning was something i edited in pretty late in proofreading. having an itemized list like that might feel more like a "shuuji thing" than a "ryo thing", but i think ryo's active effort to take responsibility and try to help kunemon with what hes stressed about would lend to him trying to come up with something a little more concrete. unfortunately for ryo, he has no backup plan for when the first one is turned upside down, and we all know what happens when something catches him off guard lmao. it was actually really interesting to write ryo in a position where he's witnessing more or less what he himself is like when he shuts down. being the one who has to snap shuuji out of this state has ryo realizing that this is what takuma and kunemon have to deal with when he's the one freaking out. i think that's kinda fun.
the last section has what feels to me like the most editing. it really wasn't a section that i spent a lot of time fiddling with until now because the bulk of it was quoting or paraphrasing existing dialogue from the start of part 6 for context, then diverging into what that scene looks like in a world where lopmon isn't around to be unable to explain what happened. like i said on ao3, as i was reading over the canon dialogue in truthful for reference, i realized i really just…didn't like it much. the argument escalates and de-escalates several times but never to a degree that feels all that extreme, and ends up feeling like it's just dragging out for no reason. people make their points at times that feel WEIRD, particularly ryo. lemme see if i can explain this.
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so ryo doesnt say this til the latter half of this argument, and i HATED THAT because it's like… after everything he's been through with kunemon, it doesn't feel right that he's having those doubts. but i thought about it and i actually think it makes sense for him to have a momentary lapse where he slips back into old habits - letting fear take over and pushing away anything and anyone that has even the slightest chance of hurting him. he spent a LOT of time in that mindset, and even though he's working on reversing it, it's not gonna happen in a day. that said… the placement of ryo's doubts in the canon dialogue still feels super weird. i think it makes a lot more sense for him to panic at the very beginning of this argument, and then calm down as he remembers how solid his bond with kunemon is before sticking up for the digimon a little more aggressively. it just feels so passive in-canon when i think he would have taken a much more active role in defending falcomon and the others once 1) he remembers the context surrounding what happened in the waterway, and 2) he's reminded of how kunemon has helped him change.
i know some of the weird pacing of this dialogue is because the player needs to have input at some point, but i think takuma could've been much more powerless during this argument - the game has no problem taking away agency, since saving ryo is the only thing that will save shuuji, no matter what the player does. maybe im nitpicking, idk.
regardless, minoru's dialogue makes the most sense, but i still think it could have been condensed into a much sharper and more sudden escalation. it keeps being like "(minoru voice) IM MAD IM MAD" "(takuma voice) chill" "(minoru voice) oops sorry. … … … IM MAD IM MAD IM MAD" "(takuma voice) calm down" "(minoru voice) oops. … … … IM MAD IM MAD" etc etc etc. it just made the argument feel weak and drawn-out instead of intense and explosive.
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i did keep some of it though! i thought that minoru's paranoia and sudden fear of trusting his partner was pretty compelling, which is why i kept those doubts in and quoted the lines about him wanting falcomon to prove his loyalty.
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i chose those lines specifically because they say a LOT about minoru once you connect this argument with what i think is the root of his insecurities - his parents' divorce.
it's funny because as far as im aware, The Divorce doesn't even come up unless you choose an INCORRECT ANSWER in an OPTIONAL affinity event with minoru. im not 100% sure thats the only mention though! im currently at pt8 of my replay where the goal is to see every bit of truthful route dialogue possible. if it comes up in other routes, i managed to miss it lmao. anyway, because of that, for the longest time i thought The Divorce was just a popular headcanon, and didn't actually see that dialogue until recently. but as soon as i did i started looking at the stuff he does and says through the lens of somebody who was affected extremely poorly by his parents divorce, and it contextualized A LOT for me. suddenly the way he reacts in pt 6 makes so much sense, because imo falcomon turning around and killing him isn't his only concern: he's also terrified that he was vulnerable in front of someone who doesn't actually care.
pre-game minoru lacks a support system, and is afraid to rely on a new one. im not going to go on about it for too long because we'd be here all day, but im pretty sure that his parents divorce was MESSY, and he witnessed all of it. that same event where he mentions to takuma that his parents are divorced is also when he says that he doesn't think his mom has noticed that he's missing, even though at this point the kids believe that they've been gone for several days. he doesn't see his mother as support because she's too busy working, and since he doesn't even know where his father currently lives, clearly he doesnt get much if any support from his dad. the difficulty minoru has in shedding the goofy exterior and being genuine and vulnerable in front of people makes me think that he never found a support system to replace the one that he watched crumble in realtime when his parents split.
prior to part 6, we can assume that minoru started to see falcomon as someone that he could allow to see his insecurities. i also believe that minoru understood that shuuji and lopmon's relationship was supposed to look a lot like his and falcomon's, or like anybody else and their partner's. minoru could see lopmon trying to be supportive, so the dysfunction only seemed like it was on shuuji's end. so when lopmon flies off the handle and tries to murder shuuji, one of the things that minoru gets from it is that, no, actually, the trust and support that the digimon have for their partners is NOT unconditional. i think that watching this happen looks exactly like how it felt when the support system he'd had in his parents completely fell apart, except the lopmon situation comes with a fun extra "I'm going to kill you" sort of vibe that tells minoru that his relationship with falcomon is just not safe.
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or worse, maybe that support system was never real in the first place. what if there was something darker beneath the surface that he just couldn't see?
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now, as dracmon says, all we gotta do is hurry up and wait. well. you do. i dont, im gonna be editing chapter 5 til the cows come home. im getting the distinct impression that it's gonna require even more reworking than this chapter did.
but that's neither here nor there - id love to hear your Gamer Theories about what im cooking up. there are a few things that are still going unaddressed after four chapters, and i wonder how much of it can be puzzled out based on what i've said so far. obviously im not able to see the story from a reader's perspective, so im not really able to gauge if the stuff that's being foreshadowed or otherwise implied is starting to become clearer. so please consider leaving a comment with what you think, or your favorite part or anything else that stood out to you! I'd much appreciate it. thank you for reading, and see you… mm… nnnnext…week…? ideally.
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licensedqueerio · 2 years
could u pretty please write some headcannons on dating gareth ? or just hanging out with him? i know it’s vague but i am willing to take anything you’ll give lmao
So I wrote this in one sitting after I saw this, so I can't promise any order to these or that they're super good, but I do enjoy these and had fun writing them, so I hope you enjoy reading them! (I might come back and add more tomorrow if I can think of anything else)
Also! I have more Gareth headcanons here and here if you're interested in those!
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So hanging out with Gareth would be...an experience to say the least
Ofc everyone knows that he's like super chaotic and stuff and sometimes your hangouts are chaotic
He'll invite you to band practice and let you play his kit, whooping about how good you are and how much better you are than the rest of the bandmates
But you also have quiet hangouts
At some point in your relationship, you realize that if you sit with him and quietly play with his hair, he immediately calms down. Sometimes he'll fall asleep
It's handy when you're watching movies, you sit behind him with him between your legs, just slowly combing your fingers through his hair to calm him down
So sometimes when you hang out, you read
You two relax on the bed, with his back against your chest, your fingers combing through his curls
He reads the book aloud to you, whatever he picks off the shelf, or what you have in your bag
Gareth may not seem it, but he does actually enjoy literature
Can't stand the classics though, except a select few
He enjoyed the Hobbit, you made him read it
(He had told Eddie no for the longest time)
The Lord of The Rings would have bored him though, because of how fast his mind works and how fast he switches from task to task
But if you read it to him, he'll listen
Oh also
He prefers to read out loud because it helps him focus, especially when he reads to you
If you're the one reading, he needs to be doing something else to stop from getting bored
(this is why he annotates and writes in his books when he reads alone, it helps him focus)
But when Gareth reads, he does different voices for all the characters
Sometimes it's just silly and he's doing it to be obnoxious/funny
And sometimes he's really into it and he does the voices, iterating what he thinks they sound like
You two could sit and read all afternoon if his attention span allows it
If his mind is particularly loud, his body jittery with more energy than he knows to do with, you go out
Mainly for hikes through the woods
And I mean actually hikes, not a simple stroll through the woods, he needs to exert himself and get that energy out
You're just happy to come along with him
(Plus he has a habit of forgetting water and food, so you have to bring them along)
He's fond of picnics
So when you go out to hike, sometimes you stop in a particularly pretty spot and sit down and eat
You talk about nothingness while time wanes on, enjoying each other's company
Once you two found a spot with a bunch of flowers and you made him a flower crown
You cherish that memory
If you hang out with the others, he's much more rowdy
He teases you a lot more and is more outgoing when it comes to PDA
He definitely shows you off, and tried to make the others jealous by claiming you're the best partner
You play into it and are extra loving towards him
When you're with the others outside of band practice or school or D&D, Gareth usually suggests getting food
So you all cram in different cars and meet up at a diner
You and Gareth usually manage to snag a booth by yourselves
But when you don't, you sit across from each other
(You totally play footsie until one of you ends up getting kicked. Either by each other or by an exasperated hellfire member)
One time it was Mike who did the kicking groaning about how gross couples were
You and Gareth were overly obnoxious that time just to bother him
With a prestigious name like Gareth Benjamin Emerson II, he's ofc got money
His parents are bigshot lawyers up in the city
(he technically lives alone bc they're always so busy but that just means you can stay over more)
His house ends up the designated hang out spot during the summer, because he's got good air conditioning and a pool
You one hundred percent push each other in the pool
You do the thing
Where Gareth pushes you in, and when he offers a hand to help you out, you pull him in
Games of chicken are great
You two are always triumphant, mostly because you cheat
Even when you cheat against Eddie and Steve, who are the kings of playing dirty
Sometimes you can push them into the water before they get you guys
It's always fun, and you're always laughing when you're with him
It doesn't really what you're doing when you hang out, being close to each other is enough
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