#i will cook clean dance sing and work for her
stargirl22222222 · 6 months
If my wife isnt dana scully im dont want her she is THE woman in stem
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wileys-russo · 1 month
Mary Earps, "will you marry me"..."we're already married", nightclub/party/some sort of night out
marry me II m.earps
you weren't able to go to the game because of work but you'd heard how well mary played, score checking as often as you could when your boss wasn't looking though you knew he really wouldn't mind all that much being a united supporter himself.
finally on your afternoon break you'd had a chance to call her, getting the full recap on everything including what sounded like a rocket of a goal from both maya and ella, united going up 4-0 in one of their best games of the season.
it killed you to have to cut your wife off mid story but with only a couple minutes left mary was more than understanding as you promised to meet her with the team once you finished, not thinking you'd make it in time for dinner but they had plans to go out afterwards to a karaoke bar.
"-and i promise not to sing a single abba song until you arrive beautiful!" mary promised and you could hear the grin in her voice as you softened, the two of you having met when a rather tipsy mary had mistaken you for a friend and tried to sweep you off your feet to have a dance to voulez vouz years ago.
now it was your unspoken song, always making sure to get it requested whenever you went out with friends, the two of you in your own little bubble as you'd giggle and swing one another around like the lovesick idiots you really were.
telling her you loved her and again how proud you were of yet another clean sheet under her belt you ended the call and hurried back to your desk where a large number of emails awaited you.
you were somewhat grateful for how busy your afternoon was given that it made the rest of your shift fly past, your timer going to clock out jolting you from your chair almost as you saved the doc you were working on and shut down your monitor.
collecting your things you said your goodbyes to your coworkers and headed out, wishing you'd bought a second jacket as you speed walked from the office to the tube, settling a little once you were inside and headed home.
it was the same story as you power walked from the station to the bus, and then from the bus stop to your flat you shared with your girlfriend. your new years resolution this year had been to use public transport to get to work at least twice a week.
given the business you worked for operated seven days a week and you only worked five including like today the occasional weekend it was going quite well so far, even if also like today it was that little bit harder with the weather.
by the time you let yourself inside it was nearing half past seven, and still needing a shower and some food you sent your wife a message indicating as much with a promise to keep her updated on your eta.
you melted at her reply text, following her instructions and going to the fridge where indeed she'd already cooked you dinner earlier this morning, the food just needing to be heated up.
not wanting to chance spilling food on anything you ate before you showered, putting on the highlights of the match and watching on proudly with a smile, cheering as though you didn't already know the outcome.
finishing up you rinsed and stacked your bowl and the tupperware in the dishwasher which was nearly full, tossing a tablet in and clicking it on as you thanked your wife for the meal and ducked into the shower.
by the time you showered and changed, finally looking presentable, it was nearing nine and mary had already informed around twenty minutes ago they were headed to the bar from the restaurant and she'd see you there.
ordering an uber you slipped on your shoes and grabbed a jacket, greeting the driver but otherwise remaining quiet, grateful that he picked up on that and just turned the radio on as you messaged mary you'd arrived.
thanking the uber you stepped out and joined the small line to enter the bar, grateful for the jacket around your shoulders as a sharp breeze whipped through the night air.
you frowned a little when mary hadn't texted back, but assuming she just hadn't heard her phone you'd barely stepped foot into the bar before a couple of bodies tumbled into you.
"ya made it!" you laughed as millie lifted you into the air in a tight hug and ella hugged your other side, the two having spotted you enter from the bar as they hustled you back over with them to grab a drink.
you greeted a few more of the girls and their partners as you waited, looking around for your wife but unable to spot her. "you might want to prepare yourself babe." maya warned patting your shoulder and handing you your drink as you gave her a curious look.
"dumb and dumber here have been feeding mary shots so she's...a little bit tipsy." maya smiled apologetically as you chuckled, knowing from her tone that was clearly an understatement as you followed her back to the booths where most of the team was hanging around.
"hello beautiful!" you heard her before you saw her, the taller girl crashing into you as maya hurried to grab your drink from your hand or else you'd have wound up wearing it as your wife practically tackled you down onto the lounge.
"mary! watch out ya idiot." katie laughed with a shake of her head. "hi baby, having fun?" you smiled, taking your drink back off maya and settling it down on the table as mary sat up and nodded, arm draped securely over your shoulders.
"so much fun!" she giggled and you grinned at the bright red flush across her cheeks you knew only appeared when she'd had far too much to drink. "mm i can see that, whats this i hear about shots?" you teased sipping at your own drink.
"mary!" you groaned as you barely had a mouthful before the goalkeeper had taken it from your hand and downed it, her only response being to grab your face and smash her lips to yours causing your neck to warm and wolf whistles to ring out around you.
"okay okay! down girl." you laughed pushing at her chest as she again chased your lips with a grin. "no i missed ya, c'mere." she tugged at your dress as you shook your head. "you owe me a drink earps." you warned booping her nose with a grin.
"mary watch out!" you laughed again as she practically leapt over you and made a beeline for the bar, dragging millie along with her. "no more shots for her turner i mean it!" you yelled after them as millie only winked and you sighed.
turns out, there was more shots.
a couple of hours had passed since you'd arrived and having sung three times now both with your wife or friends you were ready to call it a night, mary barely able to hold her head up.
"i'm gonna get us an uber. can you help me get her up?" you chuckled to leah and millie, millie who had sobered up scarily fast considering you'd watched her do shot after shot with your wife who was near passed out on your shoulder.
"maz, baby. come on up we get, we're gonna head home!" you shook her lightly as her eyes fluttered open and she mumbled something incomprehensible and slumped back down. nodding to millie and leah once the uber was booked the girls helped mary up who thankfully could mostly walk herself once she was.
"for earps? thank you." you checked with the uber, leah shoving mary in the back as you sat down beside her and buckled her in, thanking both girls and waving them off as they made their way back inside.
"are we on the tube?" mary lifted her head squinting her eyes with a slur making you chuckle. "no you muppet, we're in an uber." you rubbed her knee as she hummed and collapsed into you with a grunt.
thankfully the bar wasn't too far from your flat as the uber pulled up outside and you gently pushed mary to sit up, exiting the car and quickly making your way to her door.
opening it you grunted as the girl near fell out, the sudden drop at least waking her up enough to allow you to pull her out of the car, closing the door and stumbling your way up the driveway.
"come on babe, work with me here!" you groaned as she leaned her much taller body into you with a moan and a mumble of something that wasn't english, your fingers freezing and struggling with the key in the door as you finally popped it open.
"down we go!" you dropped your wife onto the sofa as she giggled and blinked a few times, sighing as you hurried to the bedroom to change.
grabbing clothes for mary you joined her again in the living room rolling your eyes as she was now properly passed out, mouth hanging open and all.
"maz, maz baby." you crouched down beside her and poked at her as she groaned and swatted you away. "come on, we need to get you changed you idiot!" you laughed, shaking her a bit harder now as she awoke and you helped her groggily sit up.
"oh hello darling." mary slurred, grabbing your hands and tugging you down to sit on her lap. "when did you get here? i missed ya." she mumbled making you laugh and shake your head, well prepared to tease her relentlessly for this tomorrow.
you helped her get dressed, ignoring the comments about buying her dinner first and her little teenage giggles as with absolutely no assistance from your wife you managed to get her changed.
"you're so so beautiful." mary smiled lazily pulling you down onto her lap again making you sigh but crack a smile. "will you marry me? i think you should marry me." the goalkeeper grinned with hooded eyes making you laugh.
"we're already married my love." you grabbed her hand and held up your own, the taller girl squinting at the rings which sat on them. "oh lovely! tick that off the list then." she ticked mid air as you rolled your eyes.
"come on you big dope, time to go to bed with your wife."
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sanipoyo · 5 months
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note - jujutsu kaisen, fluff, reader has a kid.
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you and GOJO decided to take your daughter out for a little roadtrip. gojo had control of the aux and decided to play bad romance by lady gaga. your daughter was singing along and when the high note came up she basically shattered the windows of the car. satoru gritted his teeth at the sound of his little angel sounding like she was a cursed spirit being exorcised by a sorcerer. gojo didn’t want to break his daughter's heart by silencing her performance so instead he tried to sing over her with his own terrible singing leaving you to suffer, listening to what sounds like two cats fighting each other.
you and NANAMI’s daughter had been singing all day. you assumed it was because you both had taken her to go see the newest trolls movie the night before and she absolutely loved it. when it came time for her to take a bath nanami took her upstairs prepared her bath for her since you were cooking that night. as he filled the bathtub with warm water and bubbles she stood behind him swaying and singing. “okay, you can get in.” nanami said, giving his daughter a soft smile as he left the bathroom. once he shut the door, he heard his daughter start singing the song she heard from the movie, but loudly and out of tune. her singing soon became screeching and you couldn’t help but laugh. kento knew seeing those lively trolls singing and dancing was going to be a bad idea.
MEGUMI was cleaning up the living room from your daughters mess. he knew you’d be stressed once you returned home from work and he wanted you to come home to a nice, neat environment. once your daughter saw that her dad was cleaning she begin singing the ‘clean-up’ song. megumi stopped in his tracks when he heard a long drawn out shout come from his daughter. “hey, hey, what’s the matter?”, fushiguro questioned, picking her up and holding her tight against his side. “i was singing!” she exclaimed, causing megumi’s face to comically go pale. that was singing? he placed her back down onto the couch and smiled softly as he began cleaning again. “why don’t you try singing with your inside voice?”
you absolutely love to buy annoying toys for you and SUKUNA’s daughter. this time, you brought her a little toy karaoke machine with a microphone that actually worked. once your daughter turned on the microphone she immediately started singing (screaming) some song she learned off of one of the shows she watched. sukuna glared at you the moment she began yelling into the microphone. you had slipped away to make dinner and he observed the karaoke machine finding a volume button, with that, he turned the volume all the way down. “hey! why’d you do that?!” your daughter protests and your husband just sinks into the couch, placing his hands behind his head. “let’s play the quiet game. the winner gets two snacks for dessert.”
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Ⓒ all published work belongs to sanipoyo! do not copy/plagirize.
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linamromero · 3 months
𝗹𝗲𝗶𝗹𝗮 𝗼𝘂𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗯𝗶 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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Moving from your native country of Spain to Manchester in England with your fiancée Leila was a lot to get your head around.
Meaning you had to leave your tattoo business in the hands of your sister which wasn’t the best for you however moving overseas would be good to have a break for a while.
This is how you met Leila. Most of the Barcelona players, female and male got their tattoos done by you. One that attended the parlour the most was Mapi León, she brought Leila along with her one day so they could both get tattoos done.
The brunette decided on an Egyptian eye under her right boob, you were quite surprised at her choice of where the tattoo was to be but you caught a glimpse of lust in her chocolate eyes when she said it.
She kept making excuses to come to your tattoo parlour when she wasn’t playing football just to see you. You soon picked her up on it and she admitted her feelings to you which you were flattered by but you did feel the same way.
After dating for three years she plucked up the courage to ask you to be her wife, you obviously said yes to.
“Bueno, okay, i’ll see you when you get home, te amo mucho.” You blew kisses at the camera, you phone propped up in the kitchen.
“Te amo mucho!” Leila pouted back at you before you pressed the red hang up button.
Tonight you were having a Spanish night which you had every friday, every two weeks you would invite Ona and Laia around, who played football with Leila but tonight it was just you two.
You connected your phone to your speaker, blasting the likes of Rosalía, Bad Bunny, Bizarrap etc. Dancing around the kitchen as you made Pa amb tomàquet.
Making paella was your absolute favourite, everyone loved it, even some of Leila’s english teammates that had came over one night who don’t really like seafood said it was to die for.
You had it in the large dish as Despechá began to play, it was your all time favourite song you couldn’t help but sing and dance along as you cleared up. The music was so loud you didn’t hear Leila come in, she was enjoying watching you move your hips along to the beat.
“Oh hõla bebé.” She bit her lip, making you jump.
“LEILA!” You shouted, throwing a towel at her, “Lo siento but you scare me!”
“Lo siento i was enjoying the show.” She said as you sent her a look.
“Stop it.” You rolled your eyes turning the music down slightly.
“Food smells amazing as usual.” Your fiancée complimented.
“Gracias, why don’t you go and get changed and i’ll set the table.” You suggested which she agreed.
She returned in a hoodie, shorts and socks sitting opposite you, “I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”
“Let’s eat then.”
You plated up both dishes, taking a mouthful of the seafood dish, “Bebé this is incredible.”
A massive smile appeared on your face as she took a second mouthful.
Once you’d eaten, you both decided to crash into your large bed and watch a movie,“What you want to watch?” Leila asked pulling you onto her lap.
“Your favourite.” The defender hummed into your hair.
As the movie played Leila began stroking your face, tracing your freckles embedded into your skin. Her actions tended to send you to sleep, you quickly rolled over so she would stop, “Y/N why did you move.”
“Because i would’ve fell asleep else.” You replied taking your sports bra off.
“What are you doing.”
“What i’m hot.” You shrugged going back to the same position you were in before, “You copying me now?”
She laughed taking her own bra off, “Maybe.”
As the movie went on you noticed Leila becoming distracted, playing with your hair not paying attention to the movie. “Leila querida what are you thinking about.”
“You.” She mumbled.
You sighed, “Why is that mi amor.”
“You do everything for me i appreciate it, you cook, you clean, you work, you even moved to Manchester with me.” She said.
“Of course I try my best to look you, your going to be my wife after all.”
“I know and I can’t wait.”
“Me too querida.”
Short and Sweet ❤️
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creedslove · 10 months
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No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: I wanna quit my job and be his stay home housewife so bad 😭
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You didn't actually have a honeymoon because the money isn't abundant but you definitely took a weekend away to stay in a nice lake house or go to a water park in summer because why not before Joel had to go back to work 
But just because you didn't have a fancy honeymoon trip it doesn't mean you didn't spend the whole day all over each other, exploring each other's bodies and barely putting any clothes, I mean, what's the point if you are gonna take them off anyway 
He took his guitar and he played to you as you watched the sunset together, he played and hummed beautifully and overcame his natural shyness so he would sing some love songs to you
You wear your wedding and your engagement ring, and Joel wears his too, not only that, he wears it proudly to show he is taken
After your time off, you had to adapt to your new routine, but now Joel leaves home a little later than he usually did, because now he had a sweet wife to have breakfast with ❤️ 
You have morning lazy sex most mornings, you always wake up with Joel's boner poking your back and you don't resist his sleeping puppy look with the messy hair, sweet smile and strong arms that pull you closer to his warm body 
Breakfast depends on who gets up first, sometimes it's Joel, sometimes it's you. He doesn't mind cooking you breakfast but he prefers when you do it because your food is way better than his 
You love packing Joel his lunch, sometimes when there's leftovers you pack him a full meal in his lunch box, otherwise you make him a real good sandwich and some other treats 
The guys who work for him low-key make fun of the fact the serious and kinda grumpy Joel Miller carries a lunch box made by his wife 
And Joel doesn't give a shit about those fuckers because he has a loving wife who takes care of him
If you don't work or you work from home, you make sure to leave the house always tidy and organized for your man 
If you work out, he makes sure to split the chores with you on the weekend, but since your shift is a lot shorter than his, you manage to do the cleaning mostly by yourself so weekends are for relaxing or going out 
You also make sure to bake him several treats: cakes, pies, cupcakes, muffins, homemade bread, cookies or desserts like pudding or different recipes 
Dinner every night for your husband, especially when he gets home a little earlier than usual and he decides to help you, because that leads to sweet moments and even maybe some dancing in the kitchen 
Usually weekends are reserved for takeout or he actually takes you out for lunch or dinner, because he wants his wife to relax and enjoy the weekend with him 
Joel's a gentleman and he doesn't want you to worry about sharing the bills at home, he sees himself as the one who needs to provide to you, so he insists you keep your money to yourself
And you do so by buying yourself things so you can be pretty for him 
But you also buy him a lot of things, you like spoiling things with new shirts, new jeans, new shoes and whenever you see something you think Sarah will like, you buy it for her too 
So when she comes home from her college break, there's usually a pile of presents waiting for her on her bed 
Joel works really hard and when you two were dating, he often arrived really late because of work, but after you got married, he decided to reduce his working schedule a little because he wants to be there for you 
But still, his work is HARD, so he often gets home exhausted and starving and you gladly serve him dinner 
He often invites you to shower with him after work, which you do it eagerly. Sometimes it leads to some slow, sexy shower sex, and sometimes you just wash his hair and down his back 
When he's sore from working so much, it's also common for you to massage him. You get some lotion and apply on his sore back and you enjoy his grunts and pleasure moans as you help him relief the tension and it might lead to a happy ending with a handjob or not, it depends on the mood 
Or you just cuddle on the couch after dinner, Joel is a gentleman and insists on doing the dishes for you or at least help you with it 
You either rest against his side or he rests his head on your lap 
Run your fingers through his hair and you can swear that man purrs at the relaxation, it never fails him to sleep 
When Tommy finally leaves the house for good, Joel and you start making plans on what to do with that spare room. If you're into art he is willing to turn it into an atelier for you; if you love reading, he already got the tools and the wood to build you a big shelf for your own library at home 
Or one night he just suggests it would could be home office so it gets easier to remodel it once the baby comes 
"What baby Joel?" You frown softly and he cleared his throat "well, you know, I thought we would… or maybe just in case…" 
You hadn't discussed that before marriage and perhaps now you see maybe you should have, but you just assumed he wouldn't want more kids after he spent the last decades of his life raising his daughter by himself 
And to be honest, not even Joel himself is sure if he wants kids or not, but he does love to picture you with a baby bump, carrying his baby, just as much as he loves watching you interact with little kids 
You two decide to sit down and talk things through, and you come to the conclusion that if it happens, it happens, but it's not a necessity or a deal breaker in your relationship
Because you love your husband Joel, and he loves you too ❤️
A/N: idk I wanna marry him so bad 😭
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yournowheregirl · 1 year
one hand, one heart
tw: mention of HIV/aids crisis and the general blatant (sometimes violent) homophobia of the 1980s
steve harrington loves musicals.
it’s something he inherits from his mother, something he always shared with her while growing up and his father is at work. she puts on hello dolly! on vinyl and sing along as she cooks, or my fair lady as she cleans out her closet, or the king and i as she does her morning crossword. 
steve doesn’t really get the songs at first, but his mother is patient with him, explaining the stories and characters of every musical and replaying his favorite songs when he asks and soon enough, steve finds himself singing and dancing alongside his mother, knowing each and every word. 
one night west side story is on tv and his mother allows him to stay up late since his father is away again. they’re huddled on the couch together, throw blanket in their laps and hot cocoa on the coffee table and steve can’t tear his eyes away from the screen. the costumes, the songs, the dancing, he just can’t look away, it’s all so pretty. 
the movie gets a bit scary at times. during the big fight scene, he squeezes his eyes shut and ducks away into the safety of his mother’s arms and when tony dies at the very end, there are tears rolling down his face. his mother tries to tell him that it’s just a story but steve knows one thing for certain now.
it’s dangerous to love someone who’s different. 
as steve grows up, his mother seems to have less and less time for him - now suddenly joined at her husband’s hip as he goes away on business trips - and their movie musical moments slowly fade away. but it’s fine, steve is at that age that people no longer find it cute when you know every word to don’t rain on my parade. no, when he tells people that, they look at him funny and whisper something that he can’t quite make out.
so he stops talking about musicals all together.
(he still listens to certain albums when he finds himself coming home in the big, empty harrington house once again. it’s comforting, almost like he’s hugging his mother again, but not quite as warm). 
he hides his love for musicals throughout most of high school. doesn’t even try out when the drama department is doing a rendition of bye, bye birdie, no matter how much he actually wants to. laughs and lies when tommy finds the sunday in the park with george album in the living room, saying the housekeeper must’ve misplaced it. acts all tough and aloof when nancy asks him to watch grease together, even though he’s watched it four times already. 
with all nightmares he gets during year after year of somehow surviving all that upside down bullshit, steve once again turns to musicals when he can’t sleep. usually it’s just a mixtape he made, consisting of his favorite songs that’ll sing him to sleep like a lullaby. but when the nightmares are particularly bad, he drags his duvet all the way downstairs, settles down on the couch and rewatches the sound of music until his eyes start to burn. 
no one knows about it. not even robin, even though steve think she might suspect a thing after he suddenly knew exactly who julie andrews was. and he had planned to keep it that way, until one night when he finds himself on the couch once again but this time, in the company of eddie munson. 
never in his life would steve have imagined that eddie munson would be one of his closest friends, but stranger things have happened. like dragging eddie’s lifeless body through the literal gates of hell and watching how he miraculously recovered from his near-fatal injuries. 
but it’s more than friendship at this point and steve is well aware of that. others may think of him as oblivious but he knows himself. he recognizes that fluttery feeling in his stomach, he felt it dozens of times before. he notices the way his face heats up when eddie calls him sweetheart and lets his hands linger a second longer than necessary. 
he knows damn well that he’s crushing on eddie munson and it scares him half to death. 
it’s movie night and they’re on the couch together. eddie is flipping through the channels when steve notices a very familiar scene. 
“wait, no. go back.” he says, gesturing towards the tv. eddie looks confused but complies anyway, until the opening scene of west side story appears on screen again. 
“you wanna watch this?” eddie snorts.
“yeah. it’s good.” 
steve is well aware that eddie is even more confused than before, but at least he doesn’t seem to question steve’s sudden interest in the movie. doesn’t tease him about it either, not when steve’s feet start tapping along to something’s coming all on their own and not even when he softly starts singing along to maria. 
it gives steve enough confidence to lean in during gee, officer krupke, barely able to hold in his laughter. “twenty bucks say you pulled shit like this with hopper at least once.”
eddie rolls his eyes, but smiles anyway and steve thinks he’s just made easy money, only for eddie to retaliate during i feel pretty. “twenty bucks say you pull shit like this in the mirror at least once a week.”
“fuck off, man.” steve mutters, bumping their shoulders together in an attempt to hide the pink flush that’s spreading across his cheeks. 
“no can do, stevie. that song is practically made for you.” eddie grins. 
he doesn’t pull away after that. stays right there, glued to steve’s side for the remainder of the movie, which makes it all the more difficult for steve to focus on whatever’s happening on screen. 
it’s a good thing steve knows this movie by heart already because it quickly becomes virtually impossible to focus on anything other than eddie when he notices eddie’s hand moving closer and closer towards him on the couch. and as soon as he feels eddie’s pinky finger curling around his own, steve’s pretty sure his brain goes static at the mere feeling of eddie’s calloused fingers against his skin.
now, it has been said that steve is the bravest one out of all of his friends - always throwing himself in danger headfirst to protect the others - but steve can still feel his heart beating in his throat as he lifts his palm and links his and eddie’s hands together. it shouldn’t be as scary as facing a demogorgon, but it’s still the most courageous thing he’s done in a long time. 
with one small, almost insignificant movement, steve can suddenly feel eddie’s eyes on him. feels his gaze burning into his skin, though he doesn’t have enough courage anymore to look back at him. instead, he lets outs a shuddering breath and tries to pay attention to the story again. 
and even though holding eddie’s hand seemed scary at first, steve soon comes to the conclusion it’s the best decision he’s made in a logn time because it’s just so fucking nice. their hands fit perfectly together and it gives him something to hold onto. an anchor of some sorts to get through the last few emotional scenes of the movie. 
eddie’s hand keeps him grounded, keeps him from bursting into tears when tony dies like he did the first time he watched it with his mom. still, that scene does something to him. hits him right in the gut and he can feel himself stiffen as maria finds tony’s lifeless body on the ground. eddie must notice it too, because he squeezes steve’s hand a little tighter, runs his thumb across steve’s knuckles, helps him stay in the moment.  
not much later, the credits appear on the screen and steve knows he no longer has an excuse not to look back at eddie. he takes a deep breath and glances to his left and- yup, grave mistake because eddie’s gaping at him, with his dark doe eyes even bigger than usual. 
still, steve can’t look away, even though the silence between them stretches longer than it should be. he should say something. anything. ask if he wants something to drink. if he wants to watch another movie. if he-
“can i kiss you?”
steve just blinks at him, a response of any kind dying on his tongue. fear creeps up on him - what if he’s dreaming, what if eddie doesn’t mean it, not in the way steve wants him to, what if-
but he was brave before, he can be brave again. he meets eddie’s eyes and nods, trusting his body just enough to take over and say what his words can’t. 
as soon as he feels eddie’s lips pressed against his own, steve is hyper-aware of every sensation - the lingering taste of diet coke, the slight stubble on his chin, the loose curl that brushes against his cheek. he almost feels like he’s floating, like the fluttering feeling in his stomach has lifted him up and transported him to a world where it’s just eddie and his lips gliding in synch against his own and it feels so, so good.
okay, screw the hand holding - this is the best decision steve’s ever made.
as eddie moves closer and tilts his head to the side to deepen the kiss, steve’s hand find its way to eddie’s chest. he lets it linger over eddie’s heart, almost as if he’s trying to make sure that this is really happening. that eddie is here and he’s alive and he’s kissing him.
it’s only their first kiss but steve decides then and there that he doesn’t want another day go by without kissing eddie. doesn’t want another go by without eddie in it, period.
fuck. this is more than just a crush, isn’t it? this is so much more than that. this is almost like love. this is... this is a lot.
and that’s when it hits him. the message that’s been burned into his brain ever since he saw west side story for the first time - that loving someone who is different is dangerous.
not because he plays a fantasy game that no one seems to understand. not because he listens to metal and sold drugs in his spare time. not because he got falsely accused of murder and the whole town looks at him with disdain.  
it’s dangerous simply because it’s another guy. 
steve’s not stupid. he reads the newspaper, he watches the news, he knows all about the protests and the hate crimes and the thousands of innocent people dying of a disease that no one seems to care enough about to help. 
it’s terrifying to love someone when the entire world seems to be against you.
he doesn’t even realize he’s crying until he tastes the saltiness of his own tears and feels eddie pulling away from him. eddie’s eyes are filled with worry and that’s somehow enough to break steve, the tears just keep coming and coming with no end in sight.
“hey, hey, look at me.” eddie says softly, his hands gently cupping steve’s face. “did i do something wrong? what’s going on, baby?”
steve shakes his head, unable to form any words just yet. there are just tears and sobs and terrifying thoughts of what would happen to them if one of them- no, he doesn’t even want to think about that, it’ll only make him more upset. 
“okay, take your time. i’m here.” eddie mutters. he presses a kiss to steve’s forehead, his hands never once leaving steve’s face. 
the tears slowly but surely stop after that and steve somehow manages to regain control of his voice, even though it’s raspy and broken.
“it’s just... i just like you so much and it makes me so fucking scared. because what if...” he swallows the lump in his throat again, gasping for air. “what if we end up like them? what if we end up like tony and maria? it just takes one wrong move and we’re- you could- i can’t lose you, eddie.”
“then we’ll go somewhere safer. we’ll go to chicago, or new york, or, or, literally anywhere you wanna go where you feel safe.” eddie says, like it’s the simplest thing in the world. his thumbs wiping away the tears on steve’s cheeks. “it’s like that movie said, y’know. ‘there’s a place for us, somewhere a place for us. peace and quiet and open air waits for us, somewhere.’”
steve’s eyes widen. he blinks once, twice, almost feeling speechless. “you know this musical?”
“i may have seen it before. i was in the drama club after all.” eddie shrugs, but when steve looks at him in disbelief, he sighs and adds: “okay, maybe i rewatched it because i was bored on a saturday once. it’s a good movie.”
“it really is.” steve nods, a small smile playing on his lips.
“we’re gonna be okay, y’know.” eddie assures him. “we survived literal hell, what’s a few bigots in comparison to that?”
steve nods, and as his tears are starting to dry, he’s finally starting to believe that that eddie means it. that he wants him, that he wants them, that he wants a future, together. and that might just be just enough reason for steve to lean back in again and kiss eddie with every ounce of his being, slow and warm and deep until all his worries float away and eddie is the only thing left on his mind.
(and later on, when eddie’s whimpering ‘steve’ over and over and over again, steve fully understands what tony meant when he sang that a name could almost sound like praying)
hi friends! it’s been a damn minute, i’ve been dealing with one hell of a writer’s block but this just appeared outta nowhere so i hope you enjoyed! thanks as always to @legitcookie & @sidekick-hero for their endless support as i went through the five stages of grief every time i attempted to write ilyyy <3
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rowretro · 3 months
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✧taglist✧: @baevsxii @nikisdubblchococake @manooffline lilyofhoon
✧warnings: Yandere themes, toxic themes, unhealthy love, mentions of blood, manipulation(?), shirtless-ish Riki
♡synopsis: Nishimura Riki. The Robot created by Yang Jungwon himself, a robot that is insanely human like, inside and out. No one could tell he was a robot. However, the Robot had possessed demonly powers, from Satan himself. So I guess you could see it's a half robot. Yang y/n, the younger sister of Jungwon finds herself stuck to this robot 24/7 no matter what she tried, he will always be by her because she's his muse, his world, his love, his obsession.
(PART 5)
The Yang siblings sat there silently, watching as the robot worked around the kitchen. "What do you think he's doing? do you think he's babyproofing it?" Y/n asked as Jungwon stared at her, his face had shock written all over it "Oi- no I'm not pregnant!... I meant- do you think he's baby proofing it because he thinks I'm immature?" Y/n asks as Jungwon goes silently "That would make perfect sense... but what part of baby proofing uses strawberries and rice cakes?" Jungwon asked as Y/n blinked.
"NI-KI bot what are you up to?" The girl asked as the robot frowned. "R-right... my bad- Riki- what are you doing?..." she asked as the robot continued chopping some fruit "Preparing dinner." he simply said as Y/n frowned "I- what? I'm the one who usually cooks... Jungwon can't cook for shit-" she said as the robot turned to her, suddenly planting a kiss on her forehead. "My love, My life, My battery, I don't want even a drip of blood leaving your body from chopping vegetables... so go take a seat and let me make dinner." he said as Y/n stared elsewhere, avoiding staring into his cameras that were planted into those stunning, dark eyes.
The girl cleaned around the house a little while Jungwon left the house to run a quick errand at his work place. The girl gasped when she came back. The table was all set, all sorts of perfectly cooked foods, plated aesthetically, decorating the beautiful table. "I-Is someone coming over?" Y/n asked as the robot went silent "no visitors expected today." He simply said as he took off his apron.
"Then why so much food?" she asked as Riki softly pushed her to sit at the table, serving her with some food. "For us. healthy, tasty and pretty." He said as he picked up some food with his chopsticks, feeding her softly. His fingers making their way to comb her hair back a little, as she feasted on the delectable goods. "I don't know why I'm so surprised a robot can cook... I've heard you sing, seen you dance, you really are the whole package..." Y/n trailed off as Riki smiled.
"But I can't love you... we can be friends? but even that is weird... I'm sorry but me and a robot? I'm going to look so crazy." Y/n admitted. The robot's eyes darkened "I'm only PART robot... god why is it taking so long for you to realise you have no choice but to fall in love with you pretty girl?" The robot asked in Japanese as the girl frowned, tilting her head in confusion. "Oh nothing... Just analysing some data" he lied as Y/n nodded.
Y/n helped clean the place up while Jungwon ate. Poor guy had to overwork. "Riki..." Y/n trailed off as she nervously fiddled with the hem of her skirt. "you're biting on the skin of your lips, hair looks like you just fiddled with it, you're fiddling with the hem of your skirt, you're thinking about something what is it?... what's troubling you princess?" The robot asked as the girl stared in a little shock. "O-Oh.. u-uh... w-well... the weekend's over and... I uh. I kinda have to- I uhm..." The girl was scared.
"You want to go to school?" he asked, his voice a few octaves deeper. scaring the girl more. Y/n stared at the ground, as Riki softly lifted her head so she was staring at him, his fingers just under her chin. "Riki it's kinda the law- a-and im turning 18 soon so I will be done soon anyway-" she tried to explain, only to be silenced by his lips. "I'll be going with you." He coldly said as y/n's jaw dropped.
A robot? in a school? Y/n with a robot boyfriend? she needs to keep his robotness a secret, of course the government or military won't be a big deal, I mean this robot can't even be harmed by acid or lava, what the fuck will 109487430498 measly rifles do to him? It's more the fact, he may end up killing so many students. He's going to raise the teachers' standards, it's just not ideal for a freaky demon robot to go to a place for humans. tomorrow was going to be pretty fun...
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ivystoryweaver · 8 months
Moon Boys Celebrate Your Birthday HC's
Based on this ask by @soulsforsales: How do you think the moon boys would treat you on your birthday???
Oh my goodness 🎂🎈🎉 Ok.
*angst warning, but mostly fluff
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Birthdays are hard for Marc. So, so hard. They were when he felt most alone, forgotten and unseen.
It’s when he missed Randall so much he felt physically sick.
It’s when his mom refused to acknowledge her living son.
It’s when his dad made a feasible effort but ended up defending his abuser anyway.
So they’re difficult for Marc. But it’s your birthday. It’s you. And you would never.
Marc is going to overcompensate.
He had half-assed Home birthdays with no friends and a homemade cake. Those can be great if done well, but you’re worth more.
He’s going to make a reservation at an impressive restaurant the night before your birthday. It will be unique, intimate, romantic. Candlelight, soft music, delicious food and drinks.
You will have his undivided attention and be his only priority.
The fact that you are in the world is something he cherishes.
Intense eye contact will melt you into a puddle. He’ll keep reaching across the table for your hand.
He’ll pull out your chair and guide you along with his hand on the small of your back. Everyone will know you are his and this is a special day for you.
You barely make it out of the restaurant, just a touch blissfully tipsy, when his lips crash into yours
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^idk why I keep seeing this Drive guy as Jake lol
Jake will be celebrating, probably on the weekend closest to your birthday, maybe the night after.
There will be singing, in more than one language.
There will probably be dancing even if it’s just a quick couple of Salsa steps around the kitchen.
He cooks for you, making a huge mess. But it's yummy.
He wants you to smile and laugh. He wants to make you feel as amazing as you always make him feel.
He tried to decorate your cake, but it's hilariously bizarre. The two of you try to fix it and get into a frosting war.
It gets on the tip of your nose and cheek. Jake swipes it away and submits his thumb to your lips for cleaning.
You hold his gaze, dragging your tongue across the pad of his thumb before sucking it into your mouth.
Then you get the rest of your birthday present. For the rest of the night.
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Steven doesn’t quite remember a lot of birthdays - not childhood ones anyway.
Memories are either absent, confusing, or completely a false shadow of what really happened to them.
He has to sort out his feelings about birthdays.
But again, this isn’t his birthday, it’s yours.
He’s waiting for you when you wake up. “Happy birthday, love.” He wants you to know right away that he’s remembered.
He gazes into your eyes and traces your lips with his fingertips.
"Steven," you whisper as he brushes his lips over yours.
You're late to work because of him.
He's done little things for you: your lunch is prepared, your favorite tea or coffee is in your favorite mug.
Your favorite sweater is clean and warmed in the dryer. He wraps you up in it before you leave.
When you get to work, there are flowers delivered, with a card. He is a classic romantic after all.
When you arrive home, he is positively giddy. He’s planned a scavenger hunt for you. It’s full of mischief and riddles.
You follow the clues, watching Steven's gorgeous brown eyes sparkle with excitement as his soft voice lovingly encourages you from clue to clue.
You finally get to the end and discover your present. Steven's taking you away on a trip.
Of course Marc and Jake will show up too.
The boys end up saying "Happy Birthweek" after a couple years of this. You’re worth a lot of celebrating.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Moon Knight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
Hi Timi! I don’t know if you’re request are open and if they’re not then please ignore this! Could I get your thoughts on the monster trio and their music taste please? Also I’m jealous of your set up I want it 😭
A/N: Awe:) Thank u smm :))))❣️ Enjoy!
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𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕠’𝕤 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕔 𝕋𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖
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Ft. Luffy, Sanji, Zoro
CW: None, Sanji is implied to be in a established relationship (or u can view it as him having a crush on you), Also im not a music expert I listen to the same three songs every single day🧍🏾‍♀️, All opinions too so dont fuckin try and add your own or correct mine make ur own damn post abt it
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Luffy isn’t biased about much so I doubt he’d be biased about music. His playlist can go from Avril Lavenge to friggin Tupac to it doesn’t really matter, it’s always on shuffle too when he listens
A LOT of Eminem (Moreso his Slim Shady Era). Bro really gets hype when he listens to him. Knows the words VERY quickly.
Knuck if You Buck🧍🏾‍♀️….just….don’t ask..just know ..if he plays that song he about to get ignorant.
Missy Elliot. Loves Missy Elliot, loves her songs, style, everything.
Kinda unrelated but he has a celeb crush on Sade and Lauryn Hill. Which he also listens too.
He does love Nicki Minaj. He is a fan, he likes her 2013-16 era the most
Blast Cardi B mostly because Zoro doesn’t like her
MJ LOVEEERRRRRRRRRRRR Absolutely loves “Thriller”, “They Dont Care About Us”, and “Smooth Criminal”🧍🏾‍♀️
Plays alotta krunk songs to battle against Usopp🧍🏾‍♀️
Also he likes alotta ignorant ass TikTok audios: i.e “Island boy”
Mf be walking around the sunny like
and here go Chopper because he wanna be included: “HMMM 🅰️🅰️🅰️!”
BUT SEAN PAUL IS HIS MF GO TO. If you dance with him to any of his songs be prepared for Luffy to grind against you…it’s so attractive when he sings the song because his accent peaks through
Very old school R&B, classical guy.
He also loves a few Megan the Stallion Songs
Another hardcore MJ fan, plays a lot during the evening
Another song he loves is Jealous by Labrinth. It’s something he usually plays when he is on the deck smoking and thinking.
Same with Jorja Smith he loves her songs as well
If you can catch it, while Sanji is cooking you can sometimes hear him sing Love Story by Indlia and it’s the prettiest voice you’ll ever hear.
He also plays songs like Tadow and Infruanami. They’re his new faves.
Will play them old school songs like Just The Two of Us and some Al Green
He has such an old soul😭
He really plays them because they remind him of you, but three songs that reminds him of you (besides all of ‘em) are Easily by Bruno Major, Dark Red by Steve Lacy, and Not Around by Nova
Also loves Teynna Taylor and Rihanna sm
A “guilty pleasure” song he loves to hear is that one song that go like “my neck my back lick my 🐱 and my crack”🧍🏾‍♀️
and yes he made you a playlist
also yes he has a playlist for when he has sex (it’s really good actually)
I’m sorry.
Just kidding.
Eh. Zoro just hates Cardi B songs.
Dont ask why he just does they irritate him.
Anyways ummmmmm he listens to chill lo-fi. He does he is a very simple guy. There are a few Lauryn Hill songs he vibes too, a few very chill R&B
I actually don’t see him listening to anything very loud like rock music or anything. If he is ganna listen to music while working out he needs to be as focused and relaxed as he can.
Somehow always finds THE BEST underground jazz/R&B artist???
Like his playlist is SO interesting and filled with hidden gems
He like SZA on the low
Luffy put him on
Vibes to Brent Faiyaz when he is just chilling cleaning his swords
He doesn’t listen to music much in the first place but it’s cute to hear him mutter the songs to himself when he does.
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nikkisheep · 9 months
Kill Me Slowly
Dean Winchester x pregnant!wife!reader
Warnings: ANGST, cursing, happy beginning, pregnant reader, death
Summary: You find out that Dean died and you don’t know how to react.
Words: 2,075
To be honest, I cried writing this and I will say, this is probably my saddest piece.
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You danced around the bunker as Dean’s music blasted from the speakers. You were cleaning the library when you got bored and put on music so time would go by quicker. You sing loudly with the music as you dust the shelves, the books, the tables, the corners, everything you could think of. Getting finished with the library, you move on to the kitchen. You decide to make a pie and some burgers for the boys when they get back. You were nervous about them being gone without Castiel since his death but you trusted that they would be okay.
Mixing the pie crusts, you realized that I didn't have apples for the pie so you decided to run down to the supermarket to get some. I borrow the truck from the garage and drive to the store. There an older woman needed help with selecting apples.
“Ma’am, could you grab that apple for me?” She asked kindly.
“Of course, I actually need some myself.”
You help gather the apples for her and she turns to you to thank you.
“You know, my husband really likes apples and today would have been his 90th birthday,” she says sadly.
“I am so sorry for your loss. I actually am making a pie for my husband when he gets home from work,” You smile softly at her and she looks down to my belly.
“Oh, congrats. Is it a boy or a girl?” She gushes.
“We aren’t sure just yet but Dean, my husband, hopes it’s a girl. He says that he always wanted a daughter but I hope it’s a boy so he could be just like his father,” You smile as you look down at the growing baby bump that you had been trying to cover.
- - - - 
You come home to the bunker and go to the kitchen. Dean and Sam weren’t home just yet so you had a little bit more time before they were to walk through the door. You cut the apples and your belly growls so you get the peanut butter from the cabinet and dipped a few apple slices in to eat. You put on some music and danced along as you baked the pie and cooked the burgers. 
Your hands rubbed the seasoning deep into the meat as you heated the grill. You threw in some fries to be made fresh and you pulled the apple pie from the oven and smiled as the smell washed over you and the bunker. Once everything was ready, you jumped in the shower.
Thoughts of seeing Dean after so long flooded your mind and you smiled as you imagined the feeling of his skin against yours once more. You open his body wash and shampoo to use them. Dean always liked it when you smelt like him. It let him know that you were his. You run your hands up and down your body as you wash yourself and you relax into the hot water as your daydream of Dean continues. 
Getting dressed into a cute sundress, Dean picked it up when he was on a hunt about a month ago and thought it would be beautiful on you, and you headed to the kitchen and started making plates because you heard the Impala pull up into the garage. 
- - - -
Placing Dean’s pie on the table, you hear the door to the bunker open and footsteps begin to fall down the stairs. You gather up Dean’s plate to bring it to the table and you have a big smile on your face as you start walking to the table once again.
“Dean, I made your favorite. I figured that you would want a nice, hot apple pie for when you get ho-” You get interrupted when you round the corner when you only see Sam and his face is all red, with dark circles around his eyes, and his eyes were bloodshot. You stand there and then look around him for your dear husband.
“Oh Sam, you look horrible,” You sigh. “Where is Dean? Surely, he wouldn’t still be in the garage pulling out all the bags instead of greeting his wife?” 
You laughed softly, nervous.
“Dean isn’t here.” Is all he said.
He stumbled down the step to the dining room and sat at the table with his head in his hands. You were confused. If Dean wasn’t here, where was he?’’
“Where is Dean?”
“Sam, where is Dean?” You demand an answer and this time when Sam looked up at you, you could just read his expression. Tears in his eyes, sobs being held back with all of his might. 
“No,” You say quietly. “No, no, no!”
The glass plate in your hand fell to the ground and shattered. Dean’s bacon cheeseburger that you made landed on the ground and fell apart. Your body started to quake as tears filled your eyesight. Your knees got weak and you let out an earth-shattering sob fall from your mouth. You felt a pain in your chest that felt like it was squeezing your lungs until they could barely constrict any further. Breathing began to become painful as your tears fell more frequently. You start to hyperventilate as your knees give out and Sam has to race to catch you before you land onto the broken glass that laid on the floor. Your hand got cut on the glass and you could barely even feel it. Your sobs turned violent as you begged for Dean to be there with you. 
“Dean! No, no, this isn’t true. Dean!” You start to shout, hoping, praying that he would walk right through the bunker door with a smile on his face with his green eyes shining.
“Shhh,” Sam said as he smoothed your hair, his arms cradling you as you grew to be weaker from crying.
Your body shook as you let out the painful wails that were buried deep inside your soul. You couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t hear. You couldn’t see. You couldn’t do anything but feel the pain that was tearing your heart and soul into pieces that would never be repaired. 
- - - -
The walk to your shared room with Dean felt like it was ten miles long. Your face hurts from crying, sobbing over the loss of your husband. You laid in bed, your hand was bandaged by Sam after he basically had to pin you to the ground to fix it for you, thinking about everything that had happened. 
Four Days Ago
You held out your hand for Dean to take it as you climbed in bed. You kissed his pink lips softly as his hand rubbed over your growing belly. He was being careful about everything around you since you told him the news.
“What do you hope it to be?” You asked as you played with his freshly washed hair as he laid his head on your stomach, hoping to feel the baby.
“I already know that it’s going to be a girl because she is just like her mama,” He said with a smile.
“You know it’s a girl?”
“Don’t call her an “it”.” You laughed lightly.
“Okay, why do you hope she’s a girl?’’
“Because, I have always pictured our first baby to be a girl and then when we have a second one, it would be a boy so she can be a big sister and beat up the boys who try to mess with our little boy,” He said with a very bright smile. You smiled at him and pulled him in for a kiss.
- - - -
Day One: Removing
You start to bring in boxes from the truck and head straight to your room. You walk in and start to gather Dean’s belongings up. You grab all of his shirts and throw them into the box. You grab his blanket and fold it up to put it in the box as well. You gather up his PJ’s, his pillows, his jeans, his Jelly Beans that you told him that they belonged in the kitchen instead of the room. You open the top drawer and find his underwear and you throw them in the box as well. You tear the room apart, removing anything Dean from the room. You didn’t want to be reminded of the fact that Dean wasn’t here anymore.
- - - - 
Day Six: Remembering
You stare at the boxes that sit on the other side of the room and you walk over. The first thing inside the box was your wedding ring. You had taken it off because you couldn’t stop crying every time you moved your left hand which gave you a glimpse of the ring.
You turned it over and tears welled up but you quickly put the ring away and then you found the tape that you had made him when he was away for a case on Christmas. You put it in the player.
“Dean, I miss you but I know you are doing what you need to do. I just wish that you had let me go with you.” The frame moves to the kitchen. 
“I made all of your favorites and I really hope that I don’t stress eat them all because that would not be a good idea,” You laughed as the camera shook.
You turned it off and then you looked at more tapes. One was when you moved all of your stuff into his room. You watched as you and Dean were smiling sweetly at each other. You were looking at the camera and he was looking at you. His green eyes bored into the side of your face with a loving gaze. He kissed your cheek and you let out a loud laugh at his gesture. You were happy then. That was before you had gotten married. You were so excited that Dean wanted you to move to his room and you were acting like a giddy teenager who just got asked to Prom. 
- - - -
One day later: Acceptance; The Funeral
Sam and you were the only people at the funeral. Dean’s body rested on the wooden stand and Sam had to hold you so you didn’t collapse. You were crying and sobbing but you were overcome by grief that you briefly forgot about Sam’s grief. You lost your husband but he lost his brother.
“Sam, can I do it?” You asked, you knew that he had done this for so many people, you didn’t want him to do it for his brother.
Sam gave you Dean’s lighter and you lit the flame bottle and you threw it on his body. Fire burst into the sky as soon as the flame touched the stand. You looked down at the lighter in your hands and you didn’t want to get rid of it but you knew that you had to. You wanted Dean to be at peace. 
As the lighter soars through the air, flashes of your wedding day, you telling Dean about your pregnancy, your meeting, you working cases with him, the nights of passion, the nights of tears, the hunts, the singing, the dancing, the reading, the kisses, everything that you ever did together flashed through your mind all at once and you felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders. 
You grab Sam’s hand and the two of you walk back to the bunker to eat a burger and a slice of apple pie in honor of Dean Winchester’s life.
Bonus scene:
Three months later:
You lay in the hospital bed with Sam sitting beside you, holding a pink baby blanket and a blue baby blanket.
“It’s twins. A boy and a girl” the doctor said.
She left and Sam gently placed your babies in your loving arms. One look and you saw that they both had Dean’s green eyes and his freckles. You start to cry as you cradle your children and Sam wraps his arms around you and kisses your hair.
“What are their names?” He asks.
“The girl is going to be named Charlie.” 
“And what about the boy?”
“His name is Dean.” You looked down at the little boy in your arms.
“His name is Dean.”
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mar3ggiata · 3 months
professional help, c2. 'The urgency.'
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simon riley x original character.
trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault, mentions of rape, trauma, sexual themes, swearing, use of alcohol and drugs, eating disorders, depression.
song to listen to when reading this: The Chain, Fleetwood Mac.
abstract: this is Jude, this is a little bit of information about me since you care so much, I don't even know you… anyway yes, I really like being mysterious, what you gonna do about it, punch me in the face? I'm not even real, grow the fuck up. see ya.
Sometimes, she just fucking hated her life. She supposed it was normal like that, it happened to everyone to absolutely fucking despise their lives, no? She wakes at the same hour everyday, does her makeup. Not too much, not too little to show she was sleep deprived and got high last night. Her identity was concealed under eyeliner and blush. She looks like a doll. She likes her makeup, she's quite good at it. She plays with her hairstyles, sometimes a bun, sometimes braids, sometimes loose with a headband, depending on the mood. She walks her dog and cleans his poop. Jinx, a 5 month old Belgian Malinois she adopted when she moved. She found him at a shelter for abused puppies, he was the last one to get adopted. She decided to take him, she planned to move to the countryside soon anyways. Gaining his trust was one of her biggest accomplishments, now the dog had a bit of an attachment issue, but they were working on getting better together. She drives to work with the same 4 playlists playing in her car. Old rock, Frank Ocean, some Italian songs here and there.
She always comes in dressed in dark colours, dark red, dark blue or black. She has 10 male patients and 8 female soldiers. Some of them are combat medics, some snipers. Demolition experts. She works 'till lunch time, eats alone, sometimes skips lunch just to make her body feel something and indulge in disordered eating, then goes outside to smoke and comes back in. After the afternoon sessions, she sometimes has groups together for some group therapy. Then she usually goes home and smokes weed while she cooks her dinner, she acts like she's in MasterChef, puts on music and pours herself a glass of wine 'Quando sei qui con me' she sings to her dog, 'Questa stanza non ha più pareti, ma alberi'. Jinx doesn't even know Italian. Two times a week, she teaches ballet at a local dance school. 13 year old is not old enough to be on point shoes. It's her favourite time of the week though. She gets to finally have control of a situation, she gets some respect. 13 year olds, a fucking nightmare… She gets to tell them what to do and correct their arms, their feet, their posture and they listen! They do, and they like her, they say thank you Alba, see you next week! They learn her choreographies, they follow her lead when she explains a new variation. They even like the songs she chooses for warm up. Mostly Abba.
Alba is not her real name, but they don't know that. A gift from Laswell, when she started working for her. A sparkly new identity, English ID and nice documents that prove she's an English citizen, born in Southampton. She's not. Kept a little bit of Italian in the fake name. She hasn't been in Italy in close to five years. She went on vacation alone in Tuscany once, just to feel her country again for a second. She is not in contact with her family, last message from her sister was three years ago, it went 'I hope you're alive.' Her mother taught her violence. To be in power. To be beautiful and kind. To never ever trust someone who wouldn't give their life for you. Her mother taught her loyalty, respect. She used to never cry as a child. She loved to know stuff, to read about planets. She would kill lizards in the backyard with her little brother, who died young. She saw her first gun at 13. Now, her name is not Alba and it sure isn't Jude. Or Judy, as some patients call her. They know it's a callsign, a code name, everyone has one, especially in the task forces. Hers is Jude. 'Jude looks like an angel, but her words have thorns'. That's what Billy Lunette had to say about her. Billy had been her favourite patient for the whole of 2021. He had PTSD, he had night terrors and was in a mental hospital for schizophrenia symptoms for a while. He wouldn't take his medication, he would smoke, he was a mess. He listened to her though. She was the only one who visited him in the hospital. She showed him he could trust her and he completely lost himself in her. He would call her at 3 in the morning, drop by her office too many times per day, developed a bit of a codependency, but she was able to help him through his pain. He would do research about the treatments, the medicine, cognitive behavioural therapy. Billy was happy now. He was grateful to have had her and she was grateful that Billy had been a great patient. Big challenge. Billy was her biggest accomplishment, and proof of the fact she wasn't completely useless in the army.
She didn't work for the entirety of 2022. She had an accident with one of the patients, classified information. She survived, but man was it hard to live after that day... Spent time with her dog, visited a friend in San Francisco, taught ballet. Price and Laswell felt so guilty they continued to pay her even if she wasn't working. Why she decided to come back she really didn't know. She thinks the truth is she likes helping people, makes her feel good. She likes the crazy stories and that she had a reputation at the base, she was starting to be respected. She craved that. And it really started to bore her, the routine. Until Arash. Seeing Arash so frighted and tense was new, he was a calm and polite gentlemen. She saw an invisible string tying his story and his damned pilgrimage book to the mission she knew had failed in the Middle East. Now, it was a little bit of a stretch. So she did her little research, put her Sherlock hat on, lit a cigarette and started digging.
She had fun, until things really started clocking. He was missing his doctor appointments on purpose on specific dates, to go do what? Call someone? She couldn't steal his phone. Send letters? She tried the post office but found out nothing. The bank really did give her his statements, which was pure luck. He had set his personal security questions as his birthday and his mother's name, which she knew, because he told her. She knew everything about him, even his social security number. Arash really trusted her and she had an incredible memory for unnecessary details. Also, he left his wallet on the couch in her office countless times, it’s not that she looked, it was just there and she remembered. When she saw him stressed and fidgety she knew he was hiding something. She kept a straight face, 'Arash, we can really talk about whatever you want, you know' and he would interrupt her 'You don't understand. The urgency!', he continued to say. She really didn't want to tell Price herself, she would have preferred for Laswell to do it. She took extra time in the morning to get ready that day. She was going in a separate area she knew very little about, and nobody knew who she was. Sometimes people mistook her for someone's wife, or daughter. She chose her outfit accordingly, she wanted to seem professional. She wore a sports bra. There was nothing to look at anyways. She didn't put on lipstick, not even the nude one. She was used to being underestimated, and being looked down at. She was also used to raising her voice and presenting herself as stoic and cold. She knew perfectly how to be violence. She noticed a familiar face once she opened the door of the briefing room. A familiar face mask. The skull guy, she had seen him before. Was he the guy…
She could't get distracted. Her little mission went smoothly. She always knew Price liked her and feared her at the same time, and when it came to his little soldier boys, she really didn't care what they thought. The guy from the day of her accident even spoke to her. Poor thing. She was really amused no one told him about the reason why she didn't want to go home alone. He did really good that night, she remembers him well. He didn't try to speak too much, he sounded gentle. A gentle giant. Unfortunately for him, no one was gonna tell him about that day. When she left the room, she went straight home. She doubted someone would ever contact her again about the situation, they would handle it themselves, and probably very badly. She was driving to her ballet lesson, still thinking they all looked so confused by her words. They were probably gonna do a stupid interrogation, or rather do nothing and wait for the next mission to be a shit show. Imbecilli.
'Alright girls, one more time please!' At least she had her little ballerinas to cheer her up. She had them warm up, she usually did the warm up routine with them. She walked between the four rows of kids at the barre, delivering her corrections. Jennifer usually had stiff hands, and she was tense in her shoulders. Kyla had a beautiful turnout but she often confused her arms positions. The jetes routine, they always forgot that one. 'It's three in front and switch… guys I'm not gonna repeat myself'. She thought she sounded rude sometimes, but 13 year old American girls were a nightmare to work with. Last month, she even had to deal with poor Gemma being bullied in the changing rooms. 'I'm gonna say this just once, three in the front, switch to the back.' she liked demonstrating, felt like she was taking lessons herself. 'Ta-ra, ta-ra, ta-da. And we're gonna hold here' she lifted herself on her toes and attached her right pointed foot to her knee. She let go of the barre, holding her balance on one foot. 'Passè.' she said. The girls groaned. 'The more you complain the more I'm gonna make you stay like this girls. We're gonna do one minute.' She went to the side of the room, to play the music 'From the top.'
notes: translation of the song: 'Quando sei qui con me' when you're with me, 'Questa stanza non ha più pareti, ma alberi', this room doesn't have walls no more, it has trees.
notes: Alba means something specific!
translation: imbecilli, means imbeciles.
notes: let me know what you think !! <3
love, mare.
@ummmmmwat @ghostlythots @sweetfemmefatal @natxpat @chavarriakeren647 @ravenmoore14 @farther-than-pleiades @internallyscreamings @hwromi @atoxicrat @cuti3maddi3 @deafeningkittenblaze @its-celeste @serene-hills @lexidoll12 @poohkie90 @lunatiquess
@warmedbythebody @katzykat @iristhemuse @azkza @keiraslayz @abbyandermine @jennyjencakes @dest-nai @corset-briefs @nutze-kekse @ilytsukiw @b3anspr0ut
@pondsblog @missyouzoe @fallenkitten @bigauthorrascalturkey @bethtay @angelynn-nicole @starluv @stargirlisworld @giyuuslittleslut @impossiblecupcakelight
@rkrivees-blog @ghosts-hoe @kam1snotverysmart @gauky76 @freyjaaasstuff @spicyspicyliving @scottpilgrimvsmyfists @courtney0-0 @shinchanboi @darling006
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wileys-russo · 8 months
Fic idea for Mary: You wear one of her favourite hoodies/jerseys whilst she's at practice, and accidentally ruin it. You feel guilty and get really emotional when she returns and you tell her what happened. She just laughs and comforts you because she loves you more than she could love a piece of clothing
material posessions II m.earps
you hummed along to yourself as music drifted around your kitchen, busying yourself cooking dinner so that it would be ready by the time your fiance returned from training, knowing that after a full day of commitments she'd be both hungry and exhausted.
however in hindsight to try and dance, sing and cook all simultaneously was really quite the ambitious task. and it wasn't long before of course, something went wrong.
you'd scooped up a large spoonful of pasta sauce to taste, and too busy bopping your head along to the beat you missed your mouth completely, spilling the bright red sauce all down the front of yourself.
now in any other situation this would be easily fixable, you'd just pop it in the wash and be done with it. however, the item of clothing which was now covered in pasta sauce did not belong to you, it belonged to your fiance.
and it just so happened to be one of her favourite items of clothing. it was old and it was faded and given the years of wear and tear from both you and her it was stretched out. but it was a jumper from her grass roots club, and you knew the incredibly sentimental connection mary had with it.
and of course, it had to be white.
"fuck fuck fuck fuck." you repeated over and over, looking around in panic trying to plan your next move, well aware that every second which ticked passed only further closed the small window of time you had to fix this before a. the stain became dried out and impossible to clean and b. your fiance returned home.
you quickly pulled it off and raced to the laundry, grabbing what you needed and scrubbing at the stain, the jumper covered in bubbles as you let out a shaky breath.
you moved to the sink, rinsing it as your eyes widened, seeing now the entire front was stained a pale red colour. "oh god please work." you whispered, dumping it into the washing machine and selecting the settings, clicking it on for a fifteen minute cycle.
"baby? i'm home!" your eyes widened hearing your fiance walk through the door, of course she would be early the one time you needed her late.
you hurried out of the laundry, quietly closing the door behind you and returning to the kitchen as you heard her take her shoes off by the front door. with wide eyes you watched the sauce bubble over and spill, quickly snatching it off the heat as your heart raced.
"hello beautiful how was-" marys words died in her mouth as her eyes landed on your bare back, spare for the tattoo which wound its way down your spine. "hi love, dinners almost done." you rambled out, trying to get your head straight again as you frantically scrambled to save the meal you'd spent the last hour labouring over.
"not that i'm complaining. but would you like to explain why you're in here cooking half naked babe?" marys taller form pressed to yours from behind, her hands snaking around you, gently caressing your abs as they slowly trailed upwards.
"um, i got hot?" you winced at the poor excuse, your breath hitching as her large hands teasingly squeezed your breasts and her lips began to kiss at your neck. "i'll go put a top on now!" you pushed back into her, sending her stumbling away as you almost sprinted off into your bedroom.
mary only smiled in amusement, shaking her head at her fiance and moving to continue where you'd left off, dumping the pasta in with the sauce and mixing it, humming appreciatively as she sucked a drop of sauce off her thumb.
you quickly returned, top half now clad in one of your own shirts, not wanting to risk a repeat of earlier if you had another slip up. "i'll do that baby! go sit down." you shooed her away from the food, pulling her down to sweetly peck her lips before turning back to the meal.
"are you alright love? you seem a bit...frazzled." mary asked softly, knowing you like the back of her hand as you hummed with a nod, flickering around the kitchen trying to keep your head above water, the chime of the washing machine sounding.
"i'll grab it, i've gotta put my gloves in they proper stink!" mary chuckled to herself, grabbing her kit bag off the ground and standing as your eyes widened. "no no! i'll get it. you've been on the go all day mary, sit down." you firmly pushed her back into her seat with a quick smile, darting off to the laundry.
"and leave the food i'll finish it in just a second!" you yelled over your shoulder, also knowing mary as well as she knew you as the blonde sat back down with a roll of her eyes. "shit!" you muttered to yourself as you opened the washer and pulled out her jumper, the stain not clearing and now the entire jumper stained blotchy red.
"why." your head thumped down on the washer with a small groan, stomach tied in knots with guilt. "baby is there something in the oven? i think its burning." mary called out as your eyes widened and you shot up, leaving the wet jumper on top of the washer and shooting back out, slamming the door after you making your fiance jump.
you scrambled to the oven, throwing it open to retrieve the garlic bread you'd made. however with your head spinning like a top you neglected to remember your hands were not heat resistant like the oven mits you should have donned.
"fuck!" you swore as you grabbed the red hot tray, snatching your hand away with a hiss as mary was by your side in an instant. she hurried you to the sink, holding your hand under the cool water as her other hand reached up into the cupboards above your head, grabbing out the first aid kit with ease.
she mumbles sweet nothings to you as she gently pats your hand dry, kissing you in between each step as she carefully applies the burn cream and wraps your hand up in a bandage, kissing it softly once she's finished.
leaving you for a moment to lick your wounds she zooms around the kitchen like your own personal superhero, salvaging what she could of dinner and once she was sure everything was off the heat and all danger minimized she returned right back to you.
"come here." the taller girl wrapped you in a tight hug as you buried your face in her shoulder, feeling her fingers tangle in your hair gently as her other hand rubbed comforting circles on your back.
you stood there in one anothers safe and warm embrace for a few moments, lavishing in the comfort she brought to you without even needing to say a single word.
"now. what's happened then baby? you're not yourself." mary pulled away, hands cupping your face and tilting your head to look up at her as her eyes shone with a soft but sincere concern for your well being.
"well I-i just-and then i-" you stuttered, huffing in frustration as tears pricked at the back of your eyes, marys face softening even further as she caught them welling up, grabbing your hand as you tried to hastily wipe them away.
"hey, my love talk to me." she ordered softly, wiping away the tears which pooled in your eyes tenderly with her thumbs. "wait here." you sighed, gently pulling her hands off your face as her eyebrows knit together with a confused frown but she waited patiently none the less as you stepped away.
when you returned it was obvious that you were hiding something behind your back, the crease in marys forehead growing as you stood back in front of her.
"i wasn't being careful and i spilled something on it. then i tried to clean it and well...it got worse." you hesitantly revealed her damp jumper, mary taking it carefully off of you and inspecting it, turning the material around in her hands.
"i'm so so sorry mary. i don't know quite how yet but i promise i'll try to make it up to you. god you must be so angry i know how much it means to you, i'm so sorry." the tears returned to your eyes as mary glanced up from her jumper.
"hey hey hey." she placed it quickly down on the counter, her hands again cupping your face, a smile curling onto her lips. "why are you laughing!" you hiccuped out among a sob, mary pulling you into a hug with a shake of her head, surprising you at the action.
"i'm laughing because it's ridiculous that you think i'd ever be upset with you over something like this baby. i love you far more than any silly old jumper, more than any material posession in fact." she assured you, stealing a kiss as her hands gripped your hips, pulling you up to sit on the bench as she moved between your legs.
"honestly you're so cute." mary smiled in amusement as you used your top to wipe your eyes. "shut up." you grumbled with a small sigh, glancing down to the ruined jumper beside you. "i am sorry though. i should have been more careful!" you sighed out as mary shook her head firmly.
"no, i love when you wear my clothes, especially my football kits. seeing my last name across your shoulder blades brings me more happiness than you'll ever know." mary promised, hand caressing your face softly and bringing your lips to hers in a sweet and loving kiss.
"soon it'll be my last name." you smiled, mary holding up your hand admiring the small rock on your finger, the thought of your impending wedding making her heart soar.
"very true. but i especially love when you're in here cooking me a meal and not wearing any shorts. then when your top rides up i can see your cute little bum." mary mumbled into the kiss with a lazy smirk meaning you pulled away and smacked her shoulder with a playful roll of your eyes.
"perv." you teased, pecking her lips a few more times and wrapping her in another hug, your chin resting on her shoulder as the taller girl hunched over slightly.
"i burnt our dinner." you sighed looking at the mess of the kitchen behind you. "yeah, yeah you did love." marys body vibrated with a quiet chuckle as she rubbed your back.
"get a takeaway?" "get a takeaway."
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egcdeath · 2 years
sunday kind of love
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request: I'm still so so so in love with jake lockely, and wanted to request something with him and his girl being domestic af, like going to the night market together to get stuff for a late dinner, him not letting her get an uber because he's the best, dancing with her in the kitchen while it cooks 🥺 you're so good at writing intimacy it kills me honestly (in a good way) 
pairing: jake lockley x reader
summary: a glimpse into the best and most domestic day of the week for jake and the reader.
word count: 5.1k
warnings: SO MUCH FLUFF!! you will need to see your dentist after this, domesticity, playful nagging, a lot of references to food idk why, dialogue heavy towards the end, really really soft, not beta read
author's note: i want to preface this by saying that jake is ooc. to be fair we’ve seen like 3 minutes of him in canon, but he is just a big old teddy bear softie in this fic who loves his gf more than anything. this fic involves the same couple from love in bloom. i wrote it with them being together for at least a few years in mind, but it’s really up to interpretation, and you definitely don’t have to read that before you read this fic! i hope you enjoy.
Saturdays used to be your favorite day of the week; that was, until you fell into your Sunday routine with Jake. 
You woke up to the rhythmic snoring of the sleeping man beside you, the familiar vibrations from his chest rattling through your own body, fueling your reluctance as you slowly and quietly slipped out of bed, attempting to escape the heavy arm laid across your own chest. Despite the knowledge that he often slept like a rock, you made sure to avoid your one creaky floorboard as you escaped your bedroom. 
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you evaluated the ingredients you’d picked up from the farmer’s market just a day prior before turning on a playlist of some of yours and Jake’s favorite music. 
It was almost alarming how easily you’d fallen into a familiar rhythm with the man—beginning with routine visits to the market on the weekend, to second, third, and countless other dates, then escalating into spending more time at each other’s places together, and collaborating on little things together when you couldn’t be together, like watching the most recent season of Acapulco Shore while sending texts with commentary to each other, or adding a song you thought he might like to your shared playlist. Falling for Jake, and loving him, was easy—something you frequently thought about, like now, as you evaluated your pantry and fridge for something nice for your partner to wake up to.
You eventually settled on dressing up some avocado toast on Jake’s favorite artisanal sourdough, and got right to work with washing and cutting produce, along with arranging the avocado in a manner that was simply unnecessary—although, as you’d learned, it was the little details that Jake appreciated. Singing under your breath along to a song that Jake had added to the playlist, you found yourself focused and lost in making a clean green spiral of avocado slices. 
“Morning,” Jake said raspily, voice low and groggy from sleep. He casually snaked his arms around your hips as he approached you, setting his head on your shoulder, giving you the tiniest start. You couldn’t deny that one of your favorite parts of spending the weekend with Jake lied in how you kicked off the morning. The back hug and cheek kiss was now a classic move, one you always looked forward to while you stood alone in your kitchen, despite the tiny scare it always seemed to give you. 
“‘m glad you finally decided to wake up,” you teased, setting down the butter knife in your hand that you’d been using to design your own toast, and reaching up to gently scratch the stubble on the cheek next to yours.  
“It’s hard for me to get my beauty sleep without my girl,” he shot back, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. You fought (and lost) a smile as his stubble gently rubbed against your face, a familiar comfort that seemed to make your heart leap no matter how many times you felt it. 
“I dunno, you still look pretty beautiful to me,” you shrugged, reaching back down to the cutting board to grab a washed strawberry by its stem before holding it up to Jake’s mouth for him to bite while you held your free hand under his chin in order to catch any mess. “Open.”
Jake gladly took your strawberry offering and practically purred. “Delicious. But not as sweet as you, cariño.”
“Shut up,” you laughed, watching Jake with nothing short of hearts in your eyes as he shuffled away from you and made somewhat of a beeline to your Keurig. You paid him no mind as you moved over to your stovetop to work on cooking eggs to go on top of your toast. “Did you sleep well?”
“I’d sleep better if you didn’t leave me,” he sighed dramatically, grabbing two mugs and coffee pods as the machine gurgled at him in a frankly uncouth manner.
“I was gone for like, ten minutes tops. You’re just clingy,” you teased right back, setting a lid on top of the popping skillet. 
“Can you blame me for wanting to spend every second of the day con mi corazón?” Jake questioned, walking to your fridge and grabbing your respective creamers. “You’d be complaining too if one of your major organs got up and left you alone in the middle of the night.”
You scoffed playfully, “It was nine in the morning! I’m tired of this honeymoon phase. Will you ever stop being lovesick?” you whined, setting your hands on your hips as Jake took a detour to snatch yet another strawberry off the cutting board on his way back to your now fully functioning coffee machine.
“Unfortunately no. Doc says it’s chronic. I may never recover,” he sighed, adding the creamer and sugar to your piping hot drink in just the way he knew you liked it. “And Doc told me that the only temporary cure is for you to stay in bed with me all night.”
“That’s too bad,” you feigned disappointment, sliding the now over-easy egg onto Jake’s overdressed toast. “I guess I’ll sacrifice the possibility of ever bringing you breakfast in bed. Those are just the kinds of things you do when you love someone.” 
You made quick work of putting finishing touches on the slice before grabbing your plates and heading over to the table. 
“Eh, I’ll live,” he shrugged, setting your mug in front of you, then leaning down for a quick kiss that you gladly returned. “Everything looks amazing. You’re amazing.”
You shook your head fondly, “sit down and eat before I make you take me to the dentist for being so sweet.”
There was never a dull moment between the two of you, which was why something as simple as doing the dishes had somehow managed to become a ‘moment.’
It all began when Jake insisted that he do the dishes, as he often did, followed by you protesting (as you often did); something about you being a good host and him being a good guest. Either way, it ended with you at the sink, and Jake on drying duty standing in a comfortable silence as your joint playlist flipped through some of your favorite songs. 
Eventually, one slow song in particular popped onto your speaker, eliciting a soft gasp from the both of you— one that said ‘This is our song!’ without really having to say anything at all. 
All at once, the fork in your hand fell into the basin of the sink, and Jake set the partially dried mug onto your countertop. You gave each other a certain look, and Jake reached out an expecting hand, one that you gladly took.
He pulled you close to him and hummed softly along to the words as he wrapped his arms around your waist once more and softly swayed you along to the music. 
You draped your arms around his neck and wordlessly grinned up at the man who seemed just as happy as you to be dancing along to the song that had grown to have so much meaning to the two of you. 
Catching you off guard, Jake lifted an arm, encouraging you to do a little twirl in the tight space of your apartment dance floor, and twirl you did, returning to him with a giggle as his ever passionate eyes locked on yours, as if you were the only person in the entire world. 
You held on tight to Jake once more, heart (and body) practically melting as he sang the last few lines of the song to you, maintaining that intense, yet adoring eye contact before he leaned down once more to give you a soft, tender kiss. 
Jake stepped on your foot a few times, and you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t catch your own on his, but standing in your kitchen, swaying along to your song, there was no place on Earth that you’d rather be. 
There were only so many times that you could playfully tell one another that you didn’t smell the best until you finally had to do something about it, so it was no surprise when you and Jake ended up in the shower together, somewhere between comfortably and uncomfortably cramped between the tile of the wall and the flimsy curtain. 
Showering together had become yet another staple in your Sunday routine—something about saving energy and money on a water bill, or maximizing your time together. In reality, you knew there was nothing Jake looked forward to more than the intimacy of something as simple as a joint shower… and the promise of a thorough scalp massage just happened to be a bonus. 
You lathered up your hands in your favorite lavender body wash and gently massaged the suds into Jake’s back, smiling to yourself when he unconsciously let out the sigh and tension that his body had been holding onto. 
“When are you gonna let me take you out to get a real massage?” you asked, running your hands up to his slowly untenseing shoulders. 
“Never. You do a good enough job,” you could practically hear the bliss in his voice as you both cleaned and kneaded his back. 
“While I appreciate the flattery, I promise you that once a professional gives you one, you’ll never go back,” you lightly ran your nails down his back before passing off the body wash for him to take care of the rest of himself while you worked on shampooing his hair. 
“You’re perfectly adequate enough for me,” he countered as you rubbed the product into his scalp. “And if you keep that up, I’m going to fall asleep.”
“Hey! You’re not allowed to fall asleep before you lather me up. Those are the shower rules,” you paused from your scalp massaging to peek around Jake’s torso, and didn’t miss the slightly too relaxed expression on his face. “I’m serious, Jake. I’ll make the water freezing cold right now if I must.”
“Fine, fine. Turn around,” he ordered, voice slightly more alert from the new threat of a cold shower. You gladly followed his direction, pleasantly humming to yourself as Jake rubbed soothing suds onto your body. 
“Stop, you know I’m ticklish there!” you laughed, attempting to slap away your partner’s hand as he unnecessarily emphasized rubbing on your neck. Jake’s laughter joined with yours, the sound of your shared giggling filling up the room. “You have one more strike, Jake Lockley,” you threatened emptily. 
“Yeah? Or what?” 
“Or you’ll be showering alone for the rest of your life,” you snapped back, suddenly reaching for the sides of his torso, eliciting a mixture of Spanish curses and laughter as you tickled him back in his most vulnerable spot. 
“Okay, okay, I get it, we’re even now,” he wheezed out, grabbing your hands to stop you. “I don’t even know if I want to shower with you anymore.”
“I don’t believe that coming from the biggest shower sap in the entire universe,” you looked up at him expectantly, using your joined hands to wipe out some of the water in your eyes. “You come here every weekend practically begging for a shower and massage.”
“Fine, you got me there.” Jake conceded. “It’s time for you to rinse, though. I’m starting to prune up.”
You nodded in agreement before awkwardly shuffling around so you could rinse yourself off at a somewhat better angle, and you cringed at the heat. “I’ll never understand why you need it so hot. Are you trying to boil us to death?”
“Hey, I just like my showers hot,” he defended. “But I guess dying with you is my ideal way to go.”
You rolled your eyes, turning back to lightly hit his chest. “You are something else.”
“One day we’re gonna move into a place with two sinks,” you mumbled against the toothbrush in your mouth. “I can’t go much longer like this,” you glanced up at Jake in the mirror, fighting laughter as you peered at his foamy mouth and ridiculous appearance with just his waist wrapped in a towel. 
“Why? You don’t like being close like this?” Jake asked, gently bumping his hip against yours and smirking at you through the mirror. 
“Something like that,” you muttered back, spitting out the remaining toothpaste and reaching across your countertop to grab a roll of floss. 
“Are you asking me to move in with you?” Jake asked after a beat as he watched you quietly floss your teeth. 
You shrugged cavalierly, but the heat practically radiating off of you betrayed your true feelings on the matter, and it certainly didn’t help that Jake was standing so close to you. The truth of the matter was that you would love to move with him, maybe go upstate and have a pet and a garden, and eventually even children—but for now you were just enjoying your Sunday with the man you loved in a bathroom that was far too cramped to comfortably brush, let alone floss your teeth—and that was plenty for you. 
Besides, Jake knew what you really wanted regardless of what you did or didn’t say. 
Rain lightly pelted against the living room windows, a soft soundtrack of serenity that contrasted awfully well with the overdramatic reality show playing out on the television while Jake laid against your chest, half-lidded eyes falling closed every now and then as you ran your fingers through his curls and occasionally scratched his scalp. 
“This is just ridiculous,” you murmured, glancing down at Jake as you aimed your commentary toward him. “Can you believe they’re doing all of this for fucking Flavor Flav?”
Jake grunted out a sound of agreement, not really processing anything you’d just said as he was clearly much more interested in being spooned and having his hair played with than the trashy television playing in front of you. 
“Having a good time?” you asked with a cheeky grin, obviously picking up on his distraction. 
“With you? Always,” he hummed. “I’m not having a good time with Pumpkin, though. She needs to leave New York alone.”
“Right?!” you laughed. “You just get it. I’m glad I have you to indulge me in my shitty shows.”
“I feel like you’re indulging me. These have always been a guilty pleasure of mine,” he confessed. 
“Really?” you asked with raised brows. “I never would have guessed. Really! I’m not being sarcastic or anything.”
“I guess our terrible television taste makes us the perfect pair,” he suggested. 
“Yeah, just our television taste,” you retorted, amusement ever present in your voice. 
While your local grocery store was no farmers market, it was nice to grab a few pantry staples for the week at a much more understandable price. It also just so happened that you had an extra pair of hands and an Uber driver to assist you during your weekly trip. 
You happily strolled through aisles, tossing whatever looked right into the basket that Jake was faithfully following you around with through the store.
“You’re doing a great job sticking to your list,” Jake teased as you checked off pasta from your list after tossing various other grains that were not exactly pasta into your basket. 
“Thank you,” you gave him a tight smile. “Y’know, it didn’t always used to be like this.”
“Really? Tell me more,” you gave the back of the cart a little tug to let him know that you were on the move once more. 
“Alright, once upon a time, long, long ago, only one person lived in my home for all seven days a week—me,” you continued to guide him to a checkout lane. “But then, one day, a man, a very handsome and lovable one, ended up essentially moving in for two of those seven days. And my pantry could no longer keep up with those two mouths. Especially when the handsome dork thinks that finding a bunch of ingredients and cooking together is the ideal date.”
“Is it not?” Jake asked, setting one of the fully checked out and packed bags into your cart. “I understand now. I’ll never question you ever again.”
“Stop,” you laughed, grabbing the next bag from the cashier. “You don’t have to stop questioning me, you just have to stop judging me.”
“I’m never judging you! Just making observations.”
“You’ve done enough damage today. There’s no coming back from the things you’ve said in the walls of this store.” 
Sundays were a day of domestic chores, which meant laundry, and ever since Jake started staying with you more often— a lot of it. 
You were fortunate enough to have your own washer and dryer in a practically microscopic closet next to your kitchen, meaning that you had a more than ideal view of Jake working on your next meal as you fidgeted with the settings on your washing machine. 
You attempted not to pay him too much mind as you moved one load of clothes into the dryer, but the very obvious scent of burning herbs was too much to ignore. 
“What’cha doin’ Jake?” you questioned, wandering over to him as he peered into the oven. 
He looked back at you and gave you a guilty half-smile, eyes shifting back to the mystery item in the oven. “Just admiring the view.”
“The oven view?” you asked, already slipping on a mit and maneuvering yourself in front of the appliance.
“The you view, pretty girl,” he attempted, knowing that neither of you were buying his words.
“Mhm. You’re a cute liar,” you laughed, opening the oven and coughing as a mixture of steam and the stench of a burnt item hit your nose. 
“Come run another errand with me,” you asked as you finished folding up the last of your laundry. Jake peeked out from the closet and raised a curious brow at you. 
“What’re we doing?” he questioned, hooking one last piece of clothing onto the valet rod before flopping onto his back atop your bed. 
“It’s a surprise,” you sat down on your knees next to him and leaned over his face. 
“I’m scared,” he countered, the dopey, lovesick smile on his face not matching his comment at all. 
“Trust me,” you reached down and grabbed his hand, giving it a little squeeze. “It’ll be fun. It’s just a surprise. You trust me, right?”
“I do, but when you keep bringing up trust it makes me not want to trust you,” he laughed. 
“Fine. Don’t trust me. Just trust that you’re gonna have a good time.”
“Hey! I never said I don’t trust you! I would trust you with my life, and even more.”
“I’m convinced you really will never grow out of being a lovesick sap,” you teased, pushing down that warm and fuzzy feeling in your stomach in favor of nuzzling his nose. 
“I love when you drive my car,” Jake commented as you parked in a spot of the mystery location. 
You really didn’t drive too often, only when you had a secret date you’d planned that you didn’t want to have spoiled by Google Maps. Other than that, Jake practically insisted on being your chauffeur, even when it came to mundane tasks, like a trip to the hair salon on a Tuesday afternoon. 
“Stop being sarcastic,” you scolded, your tone not matching the silly smile you shot Jake. 
“I’m not! It’s very endearing,” he countered, grabbing his wallet from the center console. “So what is this mystery errand?”
“We’re at a night market! They have a bunch of vendors selling neat things they made, and a ton of street food, since lunch was kinda a flop.”
“So it’s like the farmer’s market?”
“Yeah, but at night. So it’s different.”
“Sounds different and fun,” he concurred. “What are the odds we’ll need an umbrella at this market?”
“Slim to none, since it stopped raining hours ago. But we will be outside.”
“It stopped raining hours ago, but the sky looks ominous as hell right now.”
“It’s only like that because it’s late. And because of pollution.”
“Mhm, sure.”
“I’ll bet you that it doesn’t rain.”
“And what do I get when I win this bet?”
“Prizes are to be determined. But don’t hold your breath. There will be no rain.”
“I’m sure,” Jake nodded as he reached into his backseat to grab an umbrella. “Just in case.”
“You won’t need it, but okay. Come on,” you popped out of the car, hurried around the front, and opened Jake’s door for him as well. “M’lady.”
“Keeping chivalry alive as always,” he mused as he slipped out of the car. 
Jake slipped his hand into yours and you gladly wove your fingers together—a comforting and familiar motion that seemed to warm you up from the inside out— before you led him into the entrance of the market.
It started with one droplet hitting your cheek as you stood in line to pick up bao that was allegedly the best in town, then another, and suddenly it was as if all hell broke loose from the heavens above. You both glanced up at the sky in a synchronized act, then back down at each other. 
In one quick moment, Jake had popped open the umbrella and held it over both of your heads before too much rain had the opportunity to drench the two of you. 
“Start thinking of what I’ll get for winning our little bet,” he goaded, shifting the umbrella slightly further over to you to ensure that you wouldn’t get too wet.
“It seems like you’re already having enough fun with bragging rights that you really don’t need a reward,” you shot back, moving in closer to him to attempt to avoid getting too wet, as it turned out that the umbrella was not quite big enough for two people. 
“I’ll gladly take your permission to bring this up at every opportunity I get,” Jake continued on, perking up when your names were called with food. “Why don’t you go find us seating and I’ll grab our food? You can take the umbrella.”
You nodded, taking the umbrella and briefly basking in only being a little wet before hurrying off to find a seating area with some kind of roof. 
After searching a good amount, you stumbled upon a little tent with only a few people scattered about, sitting at various different tables. It wasn’t too long before Jake showed up in the tent, lifting up one of the little paper trays as if he were waving at you with it. You could’ve sworn that man had a sixth sense for where you were located, but you weren’t particularly mad about it. 
Your partner walked up to you, pretty much drenched from the less than pleasant weather. He sighed out something that seemed like relief as he sat down next to you, passed you your similarly damp food and wasted no time getting straight to business. 
“This is really good,” Jake commented between ravenous bites. “Here, try mine,” he held up his bao to you and you took a bite, humming pleasantly at its flavor. 
“Okay, okay, try mine,” you held one of yours up to his face, and didn’t miss that his eyes lit up after taking a little bite. “Wanna swap?”
He gave you a smile that said a thousand words, and you gladly switched the paper trays in front of you. “You know me so well,” Jake hummed, extremely content as he finished off your order. 
As you sat, the cold wind and a stray drizzle of rain continued to batter you, despite you being under the overhead safety of a tent. You couldn’t help but shiver as you and Jake played Words with Friends, attempting to wait out the rain. 
“Are you cold?” he asked, wrapping an arm around your hip and pulling you closer to his side in an attempt to share some of his warmth.
Jake’s observance was both a blessing and a curse. Sure, you were shivering a little, but it really wasn’t that bad. And since you were showing any sign of discomfort, you had a feeling you knew the direction of this conversation. 
“I’m okay,” you dismissed. 
“No,” he countered stubbornly, already shrugging off the shoulders of his jacket in preparation of draping it around you. 
“Jake,” you whined. 
“No, really. I was overheating. You feel the heat radiating off of me, right? Why not share some of the heat with my girl?” 
There was no other protest you could make, as Jake was already slipping his surprisingly warm jacket around you. 
A few rounds of your game and facetious arguments later, the rain still hadn’t cleared up. You were usually quite patient, but the thought of getting out of your wet clothes and laying in your warm bed was far too exciting of a prospect to stay under the shelter for one minute longer than you needed to.
“Think we should just brave it?” Jake asked as if he could read your mind. 
“Please. I was literally about to ask you the same thing,” you both were already getting out from your seats as you spoke. 
“What’s our plan here? Duck and run?” Jake asked, already popping the umbrella back up.
“I think so. And my honest opinion is that the umbrella is only going to slow us down. We need to raw it.”
“Ew,” he cringed at your word choice, and began to fold the umbrella back down. “But you’re right about it slowing us down. Okay, let’s go.”
You two looked at each other and took a dramatic deep breath before grabbing one another’s hand and rushing out from under the tent.
You had an idea of just how ridiculous the two of you must’ve looked, holding hands and running in the rain as an umbrella dangled off of your wrist, but you would be lying if you didn’t admit just how fun it was. 
It was surprisingly easy to find your vehicle, but before you could slip into the passenger side, Jake grabbed you by your waist and pulled you into a rather dramatic and surprisingly passionate kiss. 
“I’ve always wanted to do that,” he gasped breathlessly, winded from both running and kissing you so intensely. 
“Rom-com kiss? I think we can both cross that off of our bucket lists,” you giggled, pecking his lips once more before getting into the car. 
“That was fun. We should do it again sometime,” Jake chimed as he sat down next to you, immediately blasting the heat in the car. 
“I think we have different definitions of fun,” you panted. 
It was a miracle that Jake had managed to stay over so long, usually opting to leave your apartment sometime in the evening with a gentle kiss and a promise to be back the following weekend. But not tonight. Following a second shower together—the result of getting so damp at the night market—Jake followed you to bed and laid on his side as he watched you get a book out and try to relax your mind enough to fall asleep. 
You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t love when he decided to stay over an extra night, or that you didn’t love when he got into one of his ‘lost puppy dog’ moods where all he wanted to do was follow you around and be close to you. Hence, why you didn’t comment on him laying his head on your stomach while you attempted to read, despite the action distracting you every time you noticed the heap of wet curls sticking out from the top of your book.
“Would you marry me someday?” he asked out of the blue, looking up at you from where his head was resting on your stomach. 
You would be taken aback, but it wasn’t the first time one of you pulled out a future card after a long day of domestic bliss. 
“What do you think?” you asked, setting your book down on your bedside table. 
“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you,” the earnest look on his face telling you that he genuinely was curious—if not a little concerned—about what your answer would be. 
“We’re practically a married couple already,” you slipped your hands down to cup his face. “Some of my friends think we’ve been engaged for months. I’ve received texts asking why they haven’t been invited to the ceremony.”
You both chuckle at that, Jake’s sounding slightly more nervous than your own. You rubbed at his forehead gently with your thumb, as if you could wipe away his worry lines. 
“Please don’t look so anxious. I will marry you someday. Hell, if you proposed to me right now, I would find a minister online and marry you in this bed at this very moment. How else are we gonna have two and a half kids, a few cats and dogs, and a garden full of meaningful flowers in our suburban upstate home?”
“We could be lifelong partners…?”
“Shh,” you cooed before beckoning him closer to you. “C’mere.”
Jake readjusted himself so he could properly spoon you, giving you a second to hit your bedside lamp before wrapping his arms and body around you. 
“That wasn’t you proposing to me, was it?” you asked, your hands finding his as you cuddled. 
“No! No. I just wanted to gauge how you feel about me.”
“You really think I would say no to marrying you?”
“I just come with a lot of baggage, you know? Seeing each other is one thing, but marriage?”
You rolled over a bit awkwardly so you could properly face the man. “I would spend the rest of my life with you if you had three eyes, a tail, and were the owner of the baggage factory. We all have our things. I don’t love you any less because of it.”
Jake sighed, and you weren’t quite sure whether it was a sigh of relief or surrender. 
“It’s true. Really. You need to worry less about whether or not I’d say yes, and worry more about how you’re gonna propose. I love you, but asking to get married while I’m trying to read before bed isn’t gonna cut it. I might end up thinking it’s a dream.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe even add it to my proposal notebook.”
“You have a notebook on how you’re gonna propose to me?”
“Maybe…” he drew the word out.  
“You are so…” you broke out into laughter. “I don’t even know. I just adore you.”
“Would it be redundant to say that I adore you?”
“Maybe a little bit. But I wanna hear it anyway.”
“I adore you. I truly love you to the moon and back,” he hummed, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. 
“Mm, music to my ears,” you yawned sleepily. “I love you too. Sweet dreams.”
“With you? Always.”
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What kind of drunk would the villagers of SDV be? 👀
Heh, it was so funny to write the answer to this ask right after my own hangover. Quite the experience, I would say 😅
I hope, anon, you don't mind if I don't write about Evelyn and George and the kids on this ask, because trying to imagine them drunk... is an unpleasant thought for me. But I will describe all the others (if I do not forget about someone). Thanks for your ask! ❤️
Drunk SDV villagers (except Evelyn, George and kids):
Oh what music! After 3 or 4 glasses of sambuca, Emily feels much more energetic (even more than usual) and simply has to find a potential victim partner to dance until they both fall to exhaustion. In the morning, however, she does not remember anything.
In general, Sebastian despises the taste of alcohol, but somehow he decided to try something like Amaretto coffee or Irish coffee (basically coffee with liqueur or whiskey). Yuck, Sebby didn't appreciate it. The taste of alcohol is terrible and now he feels sleepy and weak. And he can't ride his motorcycle in that condition. It sucks, now he's a mischievous and sleepy drunk.
Jodi is always busy cleaning the house and cooking, so she has almost no time to relax. But if she does get a chance to have a glass of wine with Caroline and Marnie, then she will be more cheerful and a little more chatty, nothing hardcore.
Preferring more green tea and coffee, Caroline, however, also agrees to hang out with friends with the bottle of something strong. Being slightly drunk from a couple of glasses of wine, Caroline will chuckle at her friends' every joke, and may even decide to order a stronger drink. True, all the energy leaves quickly and she immediately becomes drowsy drunk.
Cheerful and energetic, Abigail is ready to conquer mountains after a few strong cocktails. A drunk girl teeters on the edge of "noisy party soul" and "I'm ready to get into any fight for my homies." Luckily, she's not drunk enough to stubbornly go into the mines with a sword in her condition.
Marnie, having drunk about 5 glasses of wine, becomes flirty drunk. And Lewis's slightly angry comments about the fact that she can work on their secret relationship does not bother her at all. It's been a long time since she felt so cheerful and carefree, just like when she was young, ah...
Lewis, meanwhile, teeters somewhere between "paranoid drunk" and "sleazy drunk." At his age, it's not very useful to drink so much alcohol, and now to keep an eye on Marnie, who, as he thinks, will now blather everything about the two of them to everyone. Damn it, you can rest calmly without worries, you old fart.
Let's race, who's faster? Or let's fight on the hands? Alex wants the competition to prove that even though he's a little tipsy, he's still the best. Although the next day he will be ashamed if during the fun he broke some dishes or chair, and apologize to everyone.
Shane canonically is a depressed drunk. He sits in a corner of the Saloon and drinks mostly alone. Please don't touch him, otherwise he will transform from a depressed drunk into an angry drunk. And you definitely don't want to see Shane drunk AND angry.
If the Saloon has karaoke, then Elliott will be always there after drinking mugs of strong ale or wine. Apart from his loud singing, he becomes reckless enough to spontaneously do anything. Gus or the others often help Elliott get home before the failed singer (sorry Elliott, but you write so much better than you sing) hurts himself or others. The poor guy would later lock himself up in his cabin for a couple of days when he found out about his drunken adventures.
After an extra drink, Sam suddenly becomes overly affectionate and touchy-feely. In a state of intoxication, it seems to him that he did not hug someone enough, or that he was not hugged enough. Hug him please, he's like a little puppy.
Linus doesn't drink alcohol, but sometimes in the harvest seasons in the forest he often comes across fermented fruits and berries. Linus almost always processes them carefully before eating so that he doesn't get more intoxicated during dinner, but sometimes he can occasionally eat some raw fermented grapes before bed. He perfectly understands which fruits are more fermented or less. But he treats this without fanaticism, because the main goal is to eat, not get drunk.
"What if? No, it's impossible. But what if I use that formula, and... Nah, it still won't work. But what if I... No no no. Or maybe yes? Or maybe..." The constant ebb and flow of ideas for new inventions is a typical behavior for Maru when she has a drink that is quite strong for her. This will continue until she falls asleep. It is good that her brother is nearby and help her.
Ah, for old Willy there's nothing better than a bottle of mead after a hard day of fishing. So to speak, to celebrate a successful catch. He most often drinks alone, even when in the Saloon, but can occasionally tell his fishing stories to Marlon, Gil, or Clint with a few drinks. And no matter how much he drinks, he will remain the same. Honestly, as if in the mug not alcohol, but just water!
Penny will never touch a drink, but there was a case when she accidentally drank Sam's cocktail, confusing it with her glass of juice. She immediately became sloppy drunk, embarrassed by her condition and making haste to get home. Penny doesn't understand how her mother can enjoy such a state.
Oh, the doctor knows that in small doses, wine can even be beneficial to the body. But when, by coincidence, Harvey has to drink more than his body can handle, then this is a complete blackout. He doesn't remember anything and prays that he did not do anything obscene.
Pam is an aggressive drunk. This is even more noticeable when her order for another beer is delayed by more than five minutes. Mostly this is a verbal skirmish, Pam will not show physical aggression (unless it concerns her daughter. For her sake, she will grab anyone by the throat, and she does not need alcohol for this).
Usually Wizard is always strict about alcohol, but there are times when you just want to get drunk. Given that he always drinks alone, he is most often sad drunk, remembering the old days when he and his ex were still together. If anyone (Farmer) wants to console him, then let them mentally prepare for an hour-long story about his ex-wife, youth, and that "the grass used to be greener."
Marlon will also remember the old days with a glass of whiskey along with Gil, but unlike the same Wizard, Marlon's stories are more filled with fun and excitement. Usually he is strict and silent, but when a little drunk, he opens up a little more, with his comrade remembering their adventures when the young guys just embarked on the path of an adventurer. These old people deserve some rest and fun.
Pierre considers a couple of strong cocktails a well-deserved reward after a hard week at work. The alcohol in his blood makes him more talkative, but now his tongue is tangled up so that you no longer understand whether Pierre asked to repeat the order, or somehow insulted you.
The last cocktail was obviously superfluous, but Haley didn't care. She wants to have fun, and why is the music so quiet, and let's all dance, and she already changed her mind don't touch her, and anyway where is her other cocktail? Cheerful, energetic, but at the same time more capricious - this is how it goes.
Kent has been very wary of drinking since he returned to Stardew Valley. After all he's been through, it's very easy to drown at the bottom of the bottle, and he doesn't want to get to that point. He still has his family. So he asks Gus, Marlon or Willy to stop him if he gets depressed drunk after a mug of beer or two.
Ah, the tango began to play in the music machine! Robin will not miss the opportunity to dance with her husband to passionate music. She usually asks her husband, but after a few sips of ale, Robin pulled Demetrius off the table and onto the dance floor with almost one tug.
The same Demetrius, after drinking, was very sleepy, but the whole life flashed before the eyes of the poor scientist, when his dearest wife grabbed his hand and he heard the words "tango". Demetrius loves Robin and will not refuse her a dance, but still, a strong drink affected the scientist's vestibular apparatus, and he dances no better than a rag doll. But it looks funny Maru and Sebastian will definitely film this on camera as compromising evidence for the future.
Clint has a fairly high tolerance for alcohol, so he probably drinks almost every day. Even in the cinema, he manages to smuggle alcohol under the guise of Joja Cola. So you can call him secret drunk: no matter how much he drinks, he does not look drunk. Just like Willy.
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lillithhearts · 3 months
Mimzy with a male darling, like engaged when they were alive? Like their dynamic is like Roger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit?
Mimzy x male!Reader ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
ׂׂૢ pairing : Mimzy x Reader
ׂׂૢ CW: Not proofread, Lilly has never seen these two characters and has little idea of what he's doing
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
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♪ When you finally join her in hell after a few years of her passing, she immediately runs into your arms while she starts blabbering and talking on and on about you and to you while spinning you around.
"oh my darling sweet husband! I knew you'd come back to me; you're not hurt right? Come here, Handsome, let me have a look at you."
♪ it would be hard to be shorter than her so she grabs you by the hem of whatever shirt you're wearing and pulls you down before peppering your face in tiny kisses.
♪ You both show each other off in different ways however, You having a more; innocent and doting husband thing going on showing mimzy off like she's an Angel that lost its way and ended up in hell, You seem and are absolutely smitten still even after years of marriage even in the human realm. Mimzy drags you around and introduces you to every face she can find, every regular or not, the staff everyone has seen your face and the nervous wave you do; she goes on and on about how wonderful and handsome and absolutely adorable! The cutest little thing to wander into her loving arms
♪ she takes care of most of the social interaction since you seem very, skittish but in an endearing way! You're just there to sit pretty and love her and you're absolutely going to do that; her hand is always in yours while talking to people, turning to you to see your opinion on something or waiting for you to say anything; oh how she absolutely loves hearing your voice! Especially when you're turning into putty in her hands; eyes lidded and a cheeky smile while Mimzy coos and dotes on you.
♪ loves singing with you and around you, you always look at her like she's a goddess gracing you with her divine presence and she basks in it, pulling you with her while she sings your favorite songs at the top of her lungs; her absolute favorite thing to perform for you is your wedding song, it brings her right back to the day you both proclaimed your ever lasting love for each other and tied the knot.
♪ is quite frankly always around you, you're so cute and fun and very good company; she just couldn't stay away if she tried she just loves her hubby so much! Expect alot of kisses and sweet words.
♪ is 100% defending you whenever and you do the same for her, not one bad word shall be uttered about either of you while one of you is present or mimzy will rip them a new one and you'll get on their ass verbally, you're both each other's guard dogs
♪ you get favoritism at her lounge, free drinks and food; vip seating areas you name it she'll do it for you, anything for her darling husband. You get everything you'd like from her in and out of her work place, this however has caused you issues with Patrons before and she just kicks them out and bans them; shouting at them like they just did the most heinous and unspeakable thing in hell while you stand behind her with a blush on your cheeks and the tips of your ears looking nervous and feeling bad you lost her money; she quickly kisses that silly thought out of your head
♪ quite domestic and wifey at home, you both cook meals together while dancing and singing in the kitchen, cleaning together; baking something and throwing flour at each other as you laugh so hard you kneel over in pain. She often asks you to play with her hair, you add little braids or brush it, anything you do with your hands on her head will likely have her napping in your lap as you chuckle at her peaceful expression; her brows finally not knitted together and her shoulders untensed her eyes fluttering before her breathing steadies
♪ she's just so happy and lucky to have her sweet husband back; the love of her life as well as afterlife
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Authors note : this was short.. And kinda bad— but I tried some new stuff I hope it's okay..
Taglist : @ihavetoomanyfictionalcrushes @k1y0yo
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blackopals-world · 1 year
Sharks in the Water part 2
Part 1 Part 3
OnsenOwner!femYuu x Azul Ashengrotto
Azul isn't a fan of competition, especially when they steal away his best girls to work for them. He'll have to learn to share if he wants the benefits of having a business partner.
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Azul had heard of many business meetings over dinner. He drafted a contract and placed it in his breast pocket. If the meeting went well he could end up taking the spa right from under her or at the very least, keep it under his control.
He wanted to arrive early to get the perfect table for two, only to find she was already there. She was dressed to the nines. A simple but elegant long cocktail dress with heels. Her jewelry were a strings of pearls on her neck and wrists.
She with her back to the door. Clearly, she knew etiquette. Never sit at the head of the table unless you are the guest of honor. Which in this case was him. She hadn't ordered anything as she waved off the server. She didn't want him to feel like he was late by starting without him.
Azul should have just greeted her but he was enraptured by her. Yuu reached into her clutch and pulled out a hand mirror. She gazed into it and smiled as she apprised herself only to quickly flick it in another direction to show Azul his own reflection. She caught him.
"Azul, you shouldn't sneak up on people." She teased as she snapped the mirror closed.
He straightened his tie as he move to sit down.
"I could help but stare. You really dressed for the occasion." Azul said quietly picking up a menu.
Yuu pouted making a pitiful sound.
"Is that all I get?" She asked poking her lower lip out. "Can't you say I look pretty?"
"You're confident." Azul smiled.
"I'm right. Is this how you treat a girl, especially one trying to make you happy?" Yuu said slyly.
"Considering this meeting is over you oweing me an apology then you already know how to make me happy." That came out a bit more flirtatious than intended.
"Correction, I owe Floyd an apology. He's already being compensated though. The girls are seeing to that. This, right now, is merely a dinner invitation." Yuu said as she waved down the waiter "A chardonnay please."
"Pinot Noir." Azul said before dismissing the server. "A chardonnay?"
"I had a sudden craving for fish tonight. The taste pairs well." Yuu purred as she rested her chin on her hand. He eyes were piercing yet there was a subtle softness.
The dim lights of the restaurant and the soft light of the lamp on the table made it impossible for Azul to focus on anything but her. A chill traveled up his spine and the waiter couldn't have come sooner as he poured their glasses.
As he stepped away Yuu gave a wink to the waiter who blushed and took their orders for the main course.
Azul rolled his eyes. He needed to remind himself that she was probably like this to everyone. Still, she could at least focus on her date guest.
"Don't give me that look. I'm just being friendly." She smiled.
"Is that what you call friendly? Is that what you have your girls doing?" Azul was already suspicious of the goings on in Yuu's Onsen but he was beginning to confirm his thoughts.
"Of course not. Well not exactly." Yuu tried to explain "The girls are like hostesses. They entertain, only in the traditional sense. I train them in singing, dancing, art, and playing instruments. Alongside tea ceremonies, holding games, and playing a mean game of ping pong. Other girls learn spa care and cleaning. The last practice cooking in the kitchen. Each has their own role." Yuu explained feeling slightly insulted but understanding Azul's concerns. He wanted to know what his dorm were doing.
"Wouldn't it be better to focus just on the spa? You have plenty of customers from Pomefiore alone." Azul asked.
"No, the Onsen is a place to relax and escape work, not just a spa. Sometimes people just want to eat some good food while listening to music or play games." Yuu's reasoning was based on her upbringing in her own family's hot spring.
"If they wanted food and music the lounge would be the best." Azul had an undercurrent of irritation. Losing customers to the Onsen had been the source of his issue with the spring's Mistress.
"I suppose, but don't you think the atmosphere of being tended to by pretty women makes the food much better?" Yuu officiated.
"Personally I think you have your hands full. Training so many girls at once while balancing out managing the spa sounds exhausting." Azul reached into his pocket to pull out the contract. With one little signature, he would have it all.
"You're too forward. Give a girl a minute. We haven't even eaten." Yuu whined stopping Azul in his tracks.
Azul knew he needed to keep her happy if she would sign. He relented and they talked about other things until their food arrived.
Yuu gleefully dug into her seafood paella as Azul received his roasted lamb.
"Now then, you had a proposal? I do like proposals you know, looking over at that table it seems they agree as well." Yuu joked as she pointed out the couple at a neighboring table.
As if on queue one got on bended knee and asked for their hand. The restaurant was filled with polite clapping and enthusiastic cheers.
"I have a deal for you but nothing as life-changing as that." Azul felt his face turn red at Yuu's little joke.
Yuu pouted as she began tuning Azul out, much more interested in her wine glass.
"As I was saying earlier I believe you could use some help. I'm offering my aid to take care of all the messy business so that you can focus on what matters. The beloved matron of the onsen could use a break." Azul's honeyed words fell on deaf ears as Yuu gazed absent-minded as she tapped the shaft to her class. "Just sign here."
Yuu pursed her lips in thought before smiling.
"How generous of you Azul. Unfortunately, I am in no need of help. You on the other hand need it." She said smugly.
"Why in the seven's names would I need your help?" Azul asked aghast.
"Well let's face it besides the shifty atmosphere, unhinged staff, lack of entertainment, and honestly laughably dated decor. All you have are your backroom deals. It seems to me that your lounge is just some front you'd see run by mobsters. How can you bring in new customers like that? " Yuu didn't mince words. "It's not awful. But it needs a woman's touch."
"A woman's touch?" Azul repeated in a deadpan tone.
"My touch makes anything better~♡. But yes. You don't have what you need to get more customers. I propose a counteroffer. We spend some funds on a few minor renovations to the dining room. New stage, instruments, change some of the seating and cutlery. I introduce you to some of my best girls to get my regulars in your door. I'm also training a few who are good at serving and I'll offer them to you under contract. They can charm and keep customers coming back. They can even perform on stage. I've polished my gems nicely." Yuu said with pride in her voice.
"I don't understand? What do you get out of this?" Azul was suspicious of course.
"Look the Onsen is doing well but my girls need to shine more and show off their talents. Getting them out there to a bigger crowd would benefit me when customers come to request them. They need a taste before they ask for me. Plus if you offer some culinary expertise it would help. We don't serve meals and don't intend to but our snacks and sushi are much to be desired I will admit." Yuu was being realistic. They both had something to gain, it's a fair deal.
"Can I request girls? How about the mouse one?"Azul could tell Yuu liked that girl and wanted to know how desperate was she for the deal.
"Tilly isn't going anywhere she's one of my best. The older crowd loves her."
"Older crowd are you selling her to old men?" Azul wretched in disgust.
"Of course not. But the NRC staff love her. The sweet little girl appeal reminds them of a daughter. Having a sweetheart listen to your complaints and bringing youth back into your life is needed for older people. I need girl to target every market?" Yuu snapped at first.
"So what's your market?" Who liked a flirty girl like her? Not that Azul didn't see the appeal. She was mature, well spoken but always seemed like she wanted to eat you up.
"No one really. As the matron, I only entertain during events. The only person who'd ask for me are guys like you. Ones that come in with something to say already. I'd like to say I'm jealous when the girls go out on lunch dates with customers. All the while I'm stuck with clients. It's fine I at least know where I stand." Yuu sighed downing her glass.
"Have a preferred customer you'd like to entertain?" Azul asked feeling his neck turn pink as he watched her spin the glass between her fingers.
"We all do. But mine is rare. I like the ones who like money. Not rich. Guys with more money than sense are short-term investments. Guys who know value are the ones I like. They pick their target wisely and then strike when the moment is right." Her voice was low and sultry like honey and Azul felt pulled in.
"Is the moment right? He smiled leaning towards her.
Yuu brushed back a lock of Azul's silvery hair.
"Take me home for dessert and we'll see if we can seal the deal."
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