#i want to make a statement that you can still make fat characters cool and amazing and badass !!
beananium · 5 months
fighting with my demons (wanting to be supportive of all kaito vocaloid portrayals but finding six packs on him so weird, off putting and out of character (at least to how i see him be commonly portrayed and with my own personal vision) on him that i can't wrap my head around it)
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nomnomdiary · 9 months
I just re-read and seems like I have a different opinion from the previous one
Many Jiho stan blame Daniel Park and justify the statement "Daniel can be successful because of visual". I think Jiho was wrong, not Daniel. Little Daniel was bullied just like Jiho. But he can survive and have friends. Vasco, Zack, Zoe, etc. They became friends since Daniel was fat. You could even say that Vasco was a friend who changed Daniel 180 degrees. Daniel learned a lot about life from his friends especially Vasco.
But Jiho. He doesn't want to learn from his mistakes and only blames the world. When he was still in school, he often did prestige like wear expensive brands, smoked and act cool even though he still look stupid. He made two mistakes. It's okay to make mistakes for times because nobody is perfect. But he has no willingness to learn mistakes. He was pretty different from Daniel and Duke.
Jiho is a type of friend which if you criticize in a gently way, he will get angry and accuse you of hating him because of some reason. He is anti-criticism, selfish, does not learn from mistakes and always blames the world.
I'm not Jiho's slander. I admit Jiho's character development makes a lot of sense and that's good. I am not the type of fan who judges bad character stan means justify the evil act. I'm also stan of the bad character in Lookism. But the thing is many Jiho Stan justify him and blame Daniel.
But I'm not surprised because there are so many people who are anti-criticism and only blame the world like Jiho.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
Okay I’ve been seeing all of the content about the wedding and.. God do I have thoughts but it’s better to just cool down now with an appreciation so I don’t say anything harsh because genuinely I’m at a point with these rants where it gets hard to say things nicely, I’m ready to just say it how it is and stop sugarcoating it. But we’re not here for that, the lovely goddess that I want to appreciate today is underrated as hell and basically an antagonist to Persephone blah blah whatever, me personally I’ve always loved her design and I genuinely think she’s peak character design. The amazing goddess that we all know and hopefully love is Hestia! And everyone clapped.
Yeahh so I thought I would hype my girl up more because genuinely I don’t like how the story treats her at fucking all. First off, I hated how they got rid of her original colors and made her look like an off brand Hera it’s really annoying and I wish they actually had character sheets down. Hestia was always right about everything I don’t care and everyone tried to make it seem like she was a prude, y’all just can’t fathom that Hades is a bad guy and that it would do Persephone good to stay away from him. Hestia has common sense, she’s a sensible and rational lady and she’s the only character that I still tolerate and hasn’t been affected by bad characterization that we see for every single fucking chapter. I adore her interactions with others and I genuinely feel like if the narrative wanted to make her some sort of antagonist or villain at least make her a cooler more threatening kind. I’m thinking live action Kaa from the Jungle Book Movie, we all know that Hestia is a very reserved and relaxed goddess so if you really did want to make her intimidating you could use that to your advantage. Like honestly, why did she have to be such a small role in a plot that took up three seasons?? It’s annoying and she deserved more screen time for my sanity.
Next I would like to talk about how fans treated her. I once answered an inbox that stated that some fans actually make disgusting comments about her weight and body type to insult her all because she took the damn coat from Persephone. It’s immature and incredible insensitive to go around saying stuff like that and it’s even harder to give stans the benefit of a doubt when they’re starting shit like this. I absolutely love how people try and defend themselves by saying it’s fictional while still going beyond the line just because you don’t like what this fictional character did. You should never insult someone’s body I don’t give a fuck how mad you are you don’t go around doing that because your favorite character got brought back to reality. It makes me sick I even have to say this, I genuinely feel like Rachel herself should actually call her fans out because this is a common theme for the fandom and I’m tired of seeing it. I don’t care about the whole “she’s a creator she’s not responsible for the ignorance of other people” statement when she has full fucking control over her fans and she’s obviously very active in the fandom. I’m not saying that she should just hound them like dogs whenever she can but I am saying that this is a big issue and since she is active in the community and she wants to be praised for all of this representation that she gives she shouldn’t be allowing people to openly insult fat characters as harshly as people do. It’s time to actually address it.
Speaking of representation, I absolutely hate how fat women in this fucking comic have little to no screen time at all. It’s so incredibly annoying since they always look so good, I can only count three women that we’ve seen in the entire LO series alone with Hestia’s body type and I hate how their beauty only gets seen once or twice every blue moon. Not all women have big boobs, perfect waist, and big butts and that’s okay. I would love to see more body diversity and I would absolutely love it if the few characters who represent different bodies be shown as more than villains. Hestia didn’t have to be an antagonist and we could’ve gotten more chapters of her and Persephone bonding, she could’ve been the one to show Persephone around and she could’ve been the one to explain to Persephone why Demeter is the way she is. She also could’ve been a strong figure in her support group or even a reminder of the mortal realm, hell she could’ve even been the cool auntie! Just anything except for this character that’s only there for you to hate.
Besides my nitpicks though I absolutely loved her wardrobe. She wears more clothes than Persephone is all I’ll say (I only say that because I genuinely feel like some of the things she wears is the same thing.. But that’s only because of all the white she wears all. the. time. It gets confusing as hell) and I really love how well they go with her personality and overall just how pretty she looks in them. Like honestly you’d think she got blessed twice with beauty by the way she just effortlessly outdoes everyone in the main cast, won’t even talk about Hera.
I also really love her personality, do I love that the comic wants us to believe she’s super strict and partially an ass kisser? No she deserves better than that. I love all of her facial expressions and the way that she delivers her lines, something about it makes me cackle and it’s only because I imagine it being put so bluntly and so straight forward. Like I get the feeling she has no chill when she says things and it makes me giggle every single time, I’ve always thought of her as a little portal to LO because in many ways I understand every single emotion she’s ever had especially towards Persephone and Hades. Stop acting like she’s crazy yall I’m begging you, to be frank with you I feel like she’s the only one that does genuinely care about Persephone because I just see her being a caring person. I don’t think that she’s evil or strict or any of that, I believe that just like Demeter she wants to see Persephone being free and happy and obviously something about Hades (we all know why) isn’t giving her the idea that she will be free and happy.
Again going back to her original character design, it was peak character everything. The colors were so pretty and it really did match her nicely, I will forever be sad that I’ll never see more content of her but hey at least they did her a decent job on the recent episodes. Despite the whole Persephone and Demeter conversation she looked absolutely stunning and I was just so focused on her for the most part.
Anyways, that’s all I’ve got to say for her now but the praise will not stop just at this post. I really do hope that Hestia will continue to live her life peacefully and completely cut Persephone out because she genuinely gets on my nerves and I have a feeling that the feeling is mutual for Hestia.
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briony-poisoned · 3 years
I see a lot of posts on Twitter that are like "We should be meaner to people who draw Martin skinny" and like... I get whats going on, but I think its an impulse we could bear to look at a little more closely.
The fact is, there are like THREE lines in actual tma, which are actually not particularly obvious at all ("I'm not the smallest guy in the world" is not as clear-cut a statement as people like to pretend) that imply that Martin might be fat.
That fans and fan-artists took lines like that, decided, hey, wouldn't it be interesting if Martin was fat? And then decided to draw big Martins is a very cool thing about this fandom, and something that I personally enjoy.
But it's not... canonical. Jonny Sims did not write Martin and Jon as a brown man and an overweight man, the characters are INTENTIONALLY not physically described so people can think of them however they like.
If a person were to binge tma and avoid fan-content to not spoil themselves, they could very easily have no idea that fans have reached a group consensus that Martin is fat. And if that new tma fan artist drew their art while avoiding fan content they might very reasonably decide to draw Martin thin, without being any more openly fatphobic than like, the general public.
Fans who see art of thin Martin and think "This artist MUST have seen us all draw Martin fat but they think that fat people are too disgusting to draw, what a horrible person!" are actually doing a lot of mental work to pass a moral judgment on something that, frankly, doesn't mean a whole lot. It begins to fall into "making up a person to be mad at on the internet" territory.
And there's no need to make anybody up to be mad at. Our society is terrible to fat people. There is a lot of political and social work to be done to improve the lives of fat people. Snarking in a Discord about fan artists might make you feel good about yourself but it doesn't exactly help anybody.
Now, if you find someone who really does actively hate drawing fat people so much that they draw skinny Martin purposefully to troll fans... you might be justified in yelling at them. They're clearly loud and proud assholes. But just keep in mind that seeking these people out on this one specific issue is still like... not doing a whole lot.
I just feel like the common impulse to use one's fandom as way to feel morally superior to other people is one of the worst parts of being a fan of anything. I think wanting to show more fat people in media is good. The desire to have a fat character as a complex and well-written love interest in a story is great! Just remember, TMA does not canonically do that! So before digging your heels in in a fight that basically comes down to "what all fans should think," consider taking that energy to a front where it might do more good!
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ace-trainer-risu · 3 years
what are your fave diana wynne jones books that aren’t howl’s moving castle??
Oh whattt a lovely and fun question which I was definitely not secretly hoping someone would ask!!!! Yay!!
Hm okay so, not specifically in order, probably my top fave Diana Wynne Jones books would be:
Deep Secret! Deep Secret is not just one of my favorite books by DWJ but one of my favorite books full stop! It’s so good. Basically, the premise is that there is an infinite series of interconnected worlds, some of which have magic and some of which don’t, at the center of which is a vast interdimensional magical empire. Magic in the multiverse is overseen by an organization of magicians called Magids and there must always be a specific number of Magids in existence. When Rupert, a young Magid living on Earth, discovers that his mentor has died (ish) he becomes unexpectedly responsible for finding and training the next Magid, which is extremely inconvenient timing for him because the aforementioned magical empire is on the brink of civil war and chaos and its his job to stop it. And also almost all of this takes place at...a science fiction convention. It’s amazing.  I have read this book minimum four (probably more) times and every time it’s absolutely delightful and hilarious. I would like to go to the sci fi convention in this novel more than anything. It’s such a good read and its one of her few novels which is specifically aimed at adults, so I would EXTREMELY recommend it. Plus the romance in it is extremely good...not exactly enemy-to-lovers but more like ‘annoys-the-shit-out-of-each-other’ to lovers.  (**One note about this one...there’s a few very briefly mentioned side characters who are gender noncomforming and even tho they are actually portrayed very positively, it’s not necessarily ideal and 100% respectful (basically the protags comment on them being very beautiful and nice but also keep trying to guess their “real” gender). Additionally there’s a different briefly mentioned side character who is fat who isn’t portrayed very nicely. Both of these are brief incidents, just wanted to provide a warning for them)
Dark Lord of Derkholm - Okay this one is weirdly hard to summarize but it’s about this magical fantasy world which has been taken overy and is being used as a tourist destination by a non-magical world (heavily implied to be Earth) for people who want to role play at being in a classic high fantasy story, including fighting and killing THE DARK LORD...who is really just a random magician pretending to be evil. The inhabitants of the fantasy world do not enjoy this and are trying desperately to stop the tours, but unfortunately according to a magical oracle, their best hope of stopping the tours is this year’s Dark Lord, a hapless farmer magician named Derk, and his, um, eccentric family consisting of his glamorous wife, seven children (of whom five are griffins and one is a bard) and a simply improbable amount of magical animals. And also there is a very good dragon.  I think Derkholm is so great as a novel b/c it’s a very funny, loving but sharp, parody of high fantasy stories...but a lot of the time parodies only function as parodies but not as good stories in their own right, you know? But this novel completely functions as a story too, and in fact the first time I read at maybe age nine or ten, the high fantasy parody went completely over my head...but I still loved it. I also really love that this novel is very accessible to all ages, I think I enjoy reading it as an adult just as much as I did as a kid, which is rare.  For anyone who has read Howl’s Moving Castle but nothing else by DWJ and isn’t sure where to start, I think this is a great place to start. (TW: There’s a brief, non-explicit scene which has implied sexual assault.) 
Fire and Hemlock - This may be the most controversial one since it features a romance with a significant age gap where the two characters meet when one is a child and the other an adult. And I fully agree that that’s :/ and normally that trope is NOT my thing but it doesn’t come off at all creepy in this story imo, and if you think you can deal with that then this is a very weird, atmospheric, cool book about storytelling and fairy tales and growing up. The short summary (this is another hard to summarize one) is that as a child, Polly encounters and strikes up a friendship and correspondence with a young man, Tom, which mainly consists of the two of them jointly making up a silly, ongoing fairy tale type story...but things get weird when parts of their story start to come true in real life.  I’ve only read this one twice but it really stuck with me and in fact just describing it here...really makes me want to read it again!
The Chrestomanci Series - So all of the above are either specifically aimed at adults or a general audience whereas the Chrestomanci series is aimed at children, mainly a middle grade type audience. And tbh I started reading them as a kid (fond memory - I bought an omnibus of the first two with my allowance money...b/c it had a cat on the cover!) so I don’t know what it would be like to first read these as an older teen or an adult. BUT. Honestly they are really good and would be a quick read so I do still recommend them. There’s seven overall, with th seventh being a collection of short stories, and they’re only semi-chronological so the reading order isn’t vital. My recommended order (b/c this the order I read them in, haha) is Charmed Life, The Lives of Christopher Chant, The Magicians of Caprona, Witch Week, The Pinhoe Egg, Conrad’s Fate, and then Mixed Magic you can read whenever you want so long as you read it after Charmed Life and The Magicians of Caprona.  So the very core premise of it is not dissimilar to Deep Secret - there’s an infinite series of worlds/universes and there’s a magician, called the Crestomanci in this case, who is responsible for making sure magic isn’t abused across the multiverse. The Chrestomanci is an extremely powerful enchanter who has nine lives, and the novels are various semi-connected stories about the adventures of Chrestomanci as an adult and child. Chrestomanci is a title so it’s not always the same person, but for the majority of the stories it is the same guy and he’s...the best/worst...He’s this extremely handsome, charismatic, powerful enchanter who is very good at his job, loves his wife a lot, wears very beautiful clothes and makes, um, questionable life choices and is very annoying to everyone. I’ve thought about this very hard and I believe that he’s what happens when you take a fundamentally chaotic good person and make him do a fundamentally lawful good job; yes, he’s going to do it and do it well, but he is going to do it in the most chaotic, ridiculous way possible, and he IS going to die at an ALARMING rate, doing things that would not normally kill a person, such as playing cricket and trying to catch stray cats. He also, as previously mentioned, frequently wears very dramatic silk dressing gowns with elaborate embroidery, which the protag of Charmed Life finds deeply alarming.  It’s very odd to me how these books don’t seem to be well known, because the Chrestomanci books were some of my absolute favorite books as a child. I still have my omnibus editions of the first four novels and they are very worn and very beloved. And it’s so WILD to me that I don’t think I have ever talked to someone who also read those as a kid! Like I’m not saying those people don’t exist, I’m sure I just haven’t met them, but that’s so weiiirddddd to me. If I bring up Tamora Pierce or Garth Nix or other authors of weird, eccentric children’s fantasy novels to other avid childhood consumers of fantasy, people usually know what I mean, but Chrestomanci and its just..crickets. Is it b/c she’s British? Anyway all of the Chrestomanci books are very degrees of good, but if I had to pick a favorite, I think, controversial choice here, it would be Conrad’s Fate. Particularly in terms of recommendations to others, Conrad’s Fate works as a standalone and, unlike the other books in the series, it’s aimed more at a YA audience, so if you wanted to read a Chrestomanci novel without getting into the whole series, that’s a good way to go. It’s about a boy, Conrad, who is told that he has a terrible, possibly fatal Fate awaiting him unless he goes to work as a servant at a wealthy, and weird, estate neighboring his town, at which place he encounters things including color changing livery, an extremely annoying teenage Chrestomanci, and the greatest liminal space house EVER. It’s like a combination of an upstairs/downstairs Downton Abbey type social drama with bizarre fantasy shenanigans. How could that not be good??
Also as Honorable Mentions - A Sudden and Wild Magic and The Time of the Ghost. A Sudden and Wild Magic is fun b/c it’s one of her few works aimed specifically at adults and it’s (gasp) a little bit NAUGHTY which I was very surprised and delighted by when I read it. (This may seem like an unfair statement considering that Deep Secret fully has an orgy in it, but Rupert is so fundamentally unnaughty of a character that he completely unnaughtifies the whole novel, whereas Sudden and Wild Magic embraces being a (little bit) naughty.)   The Time of the Ghost on the other hand is weird and haunting and creepy and atmospheric. I only read it once but it’s one of those novels you just think about periodically and go “wait what the fuck that was a weird novel” (Also known as the “Garth Nix” effect) 
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If you are still doing matchups,, I'd be interested in a creepypasta one. I'm coming over from Elise blog.
So my name is Shay, I go by Whiskey because it's a preference in liquor on my end. I go by they/them pronouns, AFAB and I'm bi and omniromantic, I do have an mild preference for men or masc aligned people. I'm a Libra sun, Virgo moon and Aquarius rising. I'm also introvert (INFJ-A) and I'm constantly sleeply. I do have C-PSTD, Bipolar II and GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder).
I'm Caucasian/White and I stand at 5'9. I have celtic and Danish heritage, My family where vikings. I'm really tall and legs double the size of my torso, as in my thighs are as big as my torso in length, same with my calves. I call myself spider legs because of that. I have this natural like wolf cut going on that is this dark green with my roots be my natural dark chocolate brown hair. My eyes are hazel with gold flecks that shift in color which I found out is normal for people with hazel eyes. I paint my nails black a lot because I find the color pleasing. My build wise is like a rectangle like shape with broad shoulders. I'm pretty strong and I'm proud of my strength. I'm currently starting to get into shape and lose weight so I have fit shape but not like over for. Just the right amount of fat over my muscles. I have a lot of stretch marks,, mostly around my waist and my biceps. I call them my stripes or lighting marks. I have plans to get snake bite piercings and wear like the ring ones in them. I'm getting an tattoo soon that is like this and then I want a burning match tattoo on my color bone. My ears are piercing and I like wearing fake gauges, spirals and then the ratings that have the dangly stuff and cuffs with them. I also wear like those stereotypical hot topic chokers. I wear a lot of long sleeves and skinny jeans, I do like ripped skinny jeans. I also love flannels and black boots like doc martins or converse.
I think you can assume by the statement of me liking whiskey I am the rebellious sort which is true. I have drank a bit and tried weed, I don't do it anymore tho.I have been told if people don't know me and see me from afar I'm intimidating to approach. Even being spooky and intimidating, I promise I'm just a big softie. I usually assume the mom friend of the group with my friends. I always worry about them and make sure they take care of themselves. Sometimes I do it so much I forget to take care of myself. I'm really gentle and compassionate, along with being extremely empathetic. I can be stubborn and bit judgemental at times, mostly working off first impressions myself when getting to know each other. I have an hard time being insertive and putting my foot down with my boundaries, scared to lose people even if the hurt me. I'm an introvert through and through, liking to watch from the back and observe the way things go on around me. I do my best to be an optimist because I can't see the point in see everything wrong in this world, it helps me to see the good. I love going on adventures with my close friends and love being a chaotic bastard with them. My dnd alignment is chaotic neutral and I'm Hufflepuff. I do live by the saying do no harm but take no shit. But I won't hesitate to fight someone for the right causes.
I do always constantly look like I am going to funeral of some sort because I own nothing but black. The color makes me feel really comfortable but it's not my favorite color. My favorite color is green but I like sage green, forest green, mossy green, etc. The earthy greens are my favorites. I have a love for the forest and woodlands, finding a sense of home in the woods. I do love archery and something I'm definitely going to be picking up along with playing the drums. I also smoke herbal cigarettes as well as alternative to smoking.
I often get called a cryptid and at this point, I am just one. Cryptidcore, Midwest Gothic, and Pacific Northwest Gothic are my favorite aesthetics. I have a huge love for cryptozoology (the study of cryptids), parapsychology (the psychic phenomena and other paranormal claims), original creepypasta stories and to be honest anything like spooky and creepy. I want to be a mortician and I'm attending school for that. I also really love the dark, especially if I have some good music blasting through my earbuds. I am a sucker for long road trips and seeing things, filling the adventure heart I have. My favorite animals are coyotes and I also like horses. I like to write a lot as well.
Okay, first off, you sound so cool?! Like we should talk more 😃.
I match you with...
Hₑᄂₑ𝚗 ₒ𝚝ᵢ𝘴/ Bᄂₒₒ𝚍y Pₐᵢ𝚗𝚝ₑᵣ
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(Not my art, unknown artist. Contact me with credit info!)
Helen gets the they/them pronouns. For the longest, the thought he was a weird girl. Then he had body dysphoria for a long time, and then he came to terms with his identity.
Helen is a Virgo to your Libra. Virgos admire Libra's clear mindedness and their drive for balance in all areas.
However, Virgos can have some trust issues. Just be there and patient with Helen. He'll get over those hurdles eventually.
Helen gets being an introvert, being one himself. He never had many friends growing up, his only close one being killed by bullies who then tried to blame it on him. Helen would be perfectly content if you two were the last people on Earth.
Helen loves how you look, like you're just 'classical' beautiful? He loves painting your eyes, trying to get that perfect mix of green and gold.
He recites Robert Frost to you because your eyes remind him of this poem:
"Nature's first green is gold/ Her hardest hue to hold/ Her early leaf's a-flower;/ but only so an hour./ Then leaf subsides to leaf/ So Eden sank to grief/ So dawn goes down to day/ Nothing gold can stay"- Robert Frost "Nothing Gold Can Stay"
Helen would enjoy painting your nails for you, maybe even painting little designs on them if you'd like
Helen would be so supportive in your fitness journey. He just doesn't want you to feel like you have to lose weight to please him or anyone else. He thinks you're perfect just how you are, just like he'd think you're perfect 50 pounds overweight or 50 pounds underweight.
Helen loves your stripes. Whenever you feel self conscious about them, he reminds you that the things that make a person attractive are groupings of flaws that work well with each other to make a beautiful face
He tells you how the Chinese fill in cracked china and pottery with molten gold because the cracks make the piece more beautiful since it has more character.
Helen would love to design tattoos for you
He thinks it's sweet that you're Mom Friend™, but he's not going to let you drive yourself into the ground taking care of everyone else. So, now, you can't lift a finger around Helen. He waits on you hand and foot
He'll help you learn to be more assertive and stand up for yourself and what you believe in. He'll help you set boundaries and limits and he'll help you enforce them. One of his more important lessons is that you have no room in your life for people who hurt you, use you, or make you miserable.
Anyone that hurts you will be subjected to The Wrath of Helen Otis™
I feel like Helen wasn't a huge outside person before meeting you.
But between pictures on your camera roll of you and your friends' adventures and just listening to the way you speak about the Great Outdoors? He's intrigued as hell now and goes on a nature walk with you on an easy forest mountain trail, nothing too challenging or taxing.
And suddenly he just understood everything you'd been talking about.
A special activity he likes to do just the two of you is this: you think of and describe to him a cryptid and he paints it following your description. Then he listens to any stories or folklore for that cryptid.
Its normally exactly the way you pictured it in your head (it's actually pretty uncanny).
Thinks it's cool that you're going to mortician's school. He's always been interested in medicine, but can't tolerate all the patients. But a mortician... They do medical things and have the quietest patient that are just so agreeable! What a genius career path (seriously, I'm on a wait list for an interview with the coroners office (Low turnover rates 😑)
Helen also likes playing in paint worn you (but I'm thinking that deserves a whole post of its own)
Helen also likes to paint while you write (sometimes he paints you writing about him painting). Its beautiful, really. Just two people who love each other enjoying their hobbies together in companionable silence 😍
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uncloseted · 3 years
I wish people weren’t so black & white in their view of skins. Yes teenagers do go through these issues and it needs representation but you can acknowledge that and also see the show does glamorise some aspects of serious topics. (Drug abuse, eating disorders) it’s kind of evident in people’s anonymous confessions that I see a lot. People seem to wish they were more like Effy/Cassie or feel like they missed out if they haven’t had drug filled teenhoods. The Cassie ones are sad because a lot of people seem to echo the statement that Cassie worsened their ED’a or encouraged it because they wanted to be like her.
So I think there's kind of a larger question in here that a lot of media has been struggling with recently- should media portray life as it is, or as it should be, and what should media do to protect those who may be vulnerable?
It might not be obvious to people who are newer fans of Skins, but Skins was incredibly groundbreaking and controversial when it came out. Up until then, shows that dealt with "teen issues" were basically like Degrassi; ones where "real life problems" were discussed, but the "bad thing" the character did was always punished, and there was always a lecture about why the Bad Thing was Bad and they shouldn't do it ever again. That rang hollow to a lot of people who had seen the people around them do Bad Things without any serious consequences. So when Skins came out and started showing things as they are (albeit in a heightened kind of way), it was huge. I don't think they knew what would happen, or really had any guidelines for what "safe depiction of dangerous activities" might be. They were trying to tell stories that were authentic to the teenagers they knew, and all the writing was informed by actual teenagers' experiences. I bring this up because in retrospect, I think it's very easy to say that they should have known better. But there wasn't really any point of comparison for them to learn from. They were going into this blind, and I think one can make the argument that mistakes were made because of it.
Back to the original question I posed, I'm honestly not sure if there's a good answer. Maybe we need both Skins and Degrassi, to show the ways in which things arguably should be (a person tries drugs, immediately gets in trouble, never does them again), and the ways things actually are (sometimes people try drugs, use them in party settings, and nothing particularly bad happens), to provide a balanced look at the issue. Maybe we should be trying to mimic real-life statistics as much as possible in our representation. We certainly need to be thoughtful about which stories are being told and which are being left out of the conversation, which in a weird way, brings me to my next point.
Eating disorders are an especially complicated thing to show on screen. By and large, media representation of people with eating disorders is a Thin, Pretty White Girl who just doesn't eat. Usually at some point, someone will tell them that Not Eating is Bad, or they'll faint, and then they'll recover and it's never talked about again.
Cassie was groundbreaking, because she was a Thin, Pretty White Girl who just didn't eat, but she talked about how she got out of eating, was shown putting weights in her pants to pass a weigh-in, and was hospitalized for her eating disorder (although we never really saw what that was like for her). Instead of telling her Not Eating is Bad, Allen told her You Want to Eat, Actually, and even after that, she struggled with her eating disorder before eventually recovering (I guess??) and then never talking about it again. There's not actually a huge difference between Cassie's portrayal of anorexia and the "very special episode" portrayal of anorexia that we were used to before that. But she was (and still is) controversial, because her portrayal shows some of the (less graphic) ins and outs of what life is actually like for someone struggling with an eating disorder.
My issue with the approach the Skins writers took with Cassie is that it's simultaneously too much and too little. It shows just enough of her life that some people tore it down for being an "instruction manual on how to have anorexia" (which, 🙄, in my opinion), but it didn't show enough of the grossness of the reality of actually having an eating disorder, which would help people to better understand what having an eating disorder actually looks and feels like. Other eating disorders, like bulimia, almost never get shown on TV, because there's not as pretty to show, and I think that's a real problem. We also rarely see men with eating disorders, or fat people with eating disorders (or even average weight people with eating disorders), or people of color with eating disorders, or LGBT people with eating disorders, which reinforces this idea that eating disorders are just anorexia, and anorexia is a Vain Straight White Girl Problem.
The reason I find the concern around Cassie's character a bit eye-rolly is that I think it's not an honest depiction of what's actually happening. I do absolutely believe that Cassie's character acted as a trigger for some people with eating disorders, but I think that's the key- some people with eating disorders. Cassie's character wasn't inspiring anorexia in perfectly mentally healthy teenagers as some sort of social contagion; she was impacting people who were already struggling.
And that's where this becomes complicated, because some people with eating disorders will purposely and compulsively seek out triggering material in order to further their disorder. I don't think removing Cassie from the equation would have actually made a difference in that regard, because triggering material is easily accessible and literally everywhere. I think the argument can be made that Skins should have added a trigger warning to episodes where Cassie is explicit about her disorder eating habits (and I do think they should have), but I think on the whole, she created more good than she did harm. She helped people who don't struggle with eating disorders to understand some of the internal logic of the disorder and to see what it's like to actually live with, and she helped people who do struggle see themselves represented in a way that they hadn't been before.
I guess I just think that instead of wringing our hands about what we can and can't show on TV, we'd be better served by adding warnings so that people can avoid potentially triggering content (and so that, in turn, that content can be more honest in its discussion of eating disorders), and providing support for people who are struggling so that they can recover. We should make it mandatory that any image that has been retouched must acknowledge it, and we should show more diverse body types in media and in advertising. But it's easier to wring out hands in a "what about the impressionable children" kind of way than it is to make systemic change to support people who are predisposed to mental illness. Instagram influencers are a much bigger culprit in shaping body image issues than Cassie ever could have been.
I feel kind of similarly about the drug usage of the Skins kids. Should Skins have shown teenagers doing illegal drugs at parties? Probably not. It did definitely make doing drugs look cool and fun. Did Skins need to show that kind of thing for realism, or to get its target demographic to tune in? Maybe. At the end of the day, I think teenagers would be (and are) doing illegal drugs with or without Skins' influence. It's not like we saw a giant spike in teenage drug usage from 2007-2012 that immediately disappeared after episode 10 of series 6 aired. Art imitates life and life imitates art. To me, the bigger questions here are, "what other factors (home life, peer pressure, curiosity, a need for novelty, anxiety, depression, etc) are leading teenagers to want to do drugs?", "if teenagers are going to do drugs, how can we make sure that they do drugs in the safest way possible," and "how do we help teenagers who struggle with addiction recover in an evidence-based way?"
I'm not trying to say that media plays no role in people's life choices and perceptions. We know that it absolutely does. But I think Skins as an individual TV show has a tiny, tiny impact, even if it's your favorite show and you watch it constantly, when compared to all the other factors that contribute to eating disorders and drug use. We absolutely need to be thoughtful about how we tell these stories, and we have to make sure that they're tailored to the audience who's watching them. But we also need to be thoughtful about our media consumption as a whole- which stories are being reinforced over and over again, which stories are entirely missing from the narrative, and which forms of media we're being exposed to all day, every day. We need to be thoughtful about the way we talk about and teach about difficult issues in our day to day lives. We need to have comprehensive support systems for people who are struggling. Those types of actions will do much more than taking even the most graphic portrayals of drug use or eating disorders off the air ever would.
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Be Both {John Murphy x Plus Size Reader}
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Plot: Requested by anon: You get bullied for your weight when you’re sent down with the 100 to the ground and it’s John Murphy who steps in to defend you.
Characters: John Murphy x Plus Size Female Identifying Reader
Part of my Plus Size Reader x Character series!
Earth was everything you expected and more. It was so vibrant and freeing; so noisy and aromatic in the best way possible. You still couldn’t quite believe that you were all surviving thus far. Sure, you landed the previous day and had only been on Earth for twenty four hours but it was amazing. Falling asleep to the sounds of the wind was something you never expected before.
The camp buzzed around you, people falling into place with jobs easily. You had taken to cooking and preparing meals; it was hard considering there hadn’t been a lot of animals caught for meat but there was plenty of rice, beans and herbs to go around. Clarke Griffin had asked if you wanted to help hunt but you turned it down thinking it best if you stayed away from that sort of thing. You didn’t really know how and to be honest, you didn’t really want to learn.
You’d been gutting one of the fish that were caught when you heard someone mutter from behind you, “No wonder she wanted to cook, she’s eating all our rations.” You froze, completely stiffening up.
The other boy scoffed, “Yeah, by sending her down, the Ark is probably three tonnes lighter than it was.”
Tears burned at your eyes as you listened to them blatantly talk about you right behind your back, comparing you to animals and sea creatures, saying that you would make the Ark lighter by leaving, that you wanted to work with the food so that you could eat it all and they were just being completely horrible, disgusting and immature boys.
You hadn’t realised that you weren’t the only one who heard the two. John Murphy, who had been tipping the fish out the buckets onto your table, heard them too. He heard the vile comments they were making about you and it made his blood run hot. Now, you and Murphy were by no means close, you wouldn’t even say you were friends anymore. You had been friends long ago. Growing up next to each other and being neighbours practically forced the two of you to be friends. When you hit around fourteen, you drifted as Murphy slotted into a different crowd than you did. You’d had a massive crush on Murphy growing up until he had made friends with some idiots and made a comment about your weight when you were fourteen. Murphy had regretted it ever since. It was a comment made to impress two jerks who he learned to hate pretty soon afterwards but you never spoke to him again. You never acknowledged him.
You’d always been relatively heavy and on the plus size side of the scale. It wasn’t the end of the world that you had extra weight but to some people, it was the thing they’d use to taunt you. They’d mock you, call you names and that’s what John Murphy did that one time which ruined your friendship. People would make fun of your weight because it was easy to notice and realise ‘oh hey, she’s fat let’s bully her’. It wasn’t clever or funny and the insults they taunted you with were never very creative but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt; especially when it’s your best childhood friend pulling the figurative trigger.
You sniffed as you silently let the tears fall. You didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of knowing that they’d upset you so you stayed with your back turned, gutting the fish through blurry eyes. Murphy glanced over at you, rage coursing through his veins as he saw that you were upset and he had had enough.
With a yell of ‘that’s enough!’, he slammed the bucket down, fish spilling onto the grass. You jumped, turning to see Murphy with his fists clenched by his sides. Of all of the people to step in and defend you, you truly had not been expecting it to be John Murphy. He towered over the two boys who just raised their eyebrows and held up their hands, “You sticking up for her, Murphy?” One mocked, “Never knew you were a sucker for whales-”
Murphy didn’t want to listen to that whiny, arrogant little bastard anymore and instead, he punched him on the nose. The boy yelled out, falling to the floor, causing a few people to rush over, “That’s what you deserve!” Murphy hissed, “You’re disgusting saying that about one of the only people here that deserve anything good.” You watched in shock as blood gushed from the boy’s nose. He stared at Murphy with wide, terrified eyes.
“Back off, Murphy!” The other said, holding his hands up.
“Apologise.” Murphy’s voice was a growl but the intimidation it caused was wild.
“We’re sorry!”
“Not to me, to (y/n)!”
The boys looked at you, “We’re sorry! We didn’t mean it!”
“Now, scram!” Murphy sneered as the boys scuttled away. A large crowd had formed around you all and Murphy rolled his eyes, “Nothing to see folks, move along!”
All you could do was stare at Murphy as he forced the bystanders to move away and leave you all alone. He turned to you, sniffing and wiping his face, before looking at you. Neither of you spoke as you maintained eye contact for a few seconds longer than you should have. Quickly, you turned away, too flustered to say anything. Murphy began to gather the fish back into the bucket. Why had Murphy stepped in? Murphy had been saying the same stuff nearly four years ago so... why was he putting his foot down now?
Curiosity got the better of you because you knew that Murphy wouldn’t say anything now so you had to ask, “Why?” You asked him, turning to him, “Why would you stand up for me when you said all that stuff when we were fourteen?”
Murphy knew the question was coming but he was still nervous when you eventually did ask it. He didn’t reply for a minute, he could feel you eyes burning a hole into the side of his head. You pressed him again, “John?”
He scoffed out a laugh, “No one calls me John.”
“I always have.”
“You’re the only one.”
“Why did you defend me when you said all that stuff to me years ago?” You asked again.
Murphy sighed, “You know I didn’t mean that stuff. I still feel bad about it.” Your eyebrows furrowed and he continued to explain, “I didn’t mean it. I was a stupid kid, c’mon, you know how stupid I was back then-” it was true, he was a pretty stupid kid growing up for he always managed to get into trouble, “-I thought that in order to make friends, I had to be cool and edgy and be like them. Turns out I was just being a jerk.”
You appreciated his honesty and that he knew he had done you wrong, “Thank you.”
“Every day since, I’ve felt bad about it. I carry this guilt with me and I know I act tough but I do hate myself for what I did to you. You were my best friend and I ruined it. I’m sorry.”
You looked down at the table, “It hurt, you know. I was fourteen and was going through a lot of changes and weight fluctuations and you knew how insecure I was about my weight; how insecure I’ve always been and yet you bullied me because of it. I remember exactly what you said and how you said it. You weren’t John anymore that day, that’s when you became Murphy.”
Murphy was taken back by the brutality of your words. He puffed out a breath but didn’t speak. You asked once more why he stepped in to stand up for you, “You don’t deserve any of that bullshit. You’re one the kindest people I’ve met. You’re beautiful and they were talking about you like shit.”
You shook your head, “I’m not beautiful. Look at me, I’m hideous. I’m fat.”
“What’s wrong with being fat?” Murphy asked you, “Being skinny, fat, average or whatever doesn’t determine a person’s beauty or a person’s worth. You could be skinny and be the shittiest person ever; you’d be ugly then. You could have red skin and spiders for eyes and have your personality and I’d still consider you beautiful.”
You rolled your eyes, “John-”
“No, I’m being serious, (y/n),” he said, “Who care what you’re body looks like? Those two were complete dicks and I’ll make sure they pay for upsetting you. Don’t give me that bullshit of ‘I can’t be beautiful because I’m fat’. You can be fat and beautiful; you can be plus size and beautiful. You don’t have to be just one, you can be both. Stop letting their opinions matter to you. I treated you like shit before, I’m a dick for doing that and trust me, I know, but please don’t let them affect you anymore. It’s your body, not theirs.”
“Be both beautiful and fat?” You asked him, “I don’t feel beautiful. I never have.”
Murphy sighed, “You remember when we snuck out of that English exam when we were twelve?”
“And we went to find the best view of Earth,” you nodded, “I remember.” It was one of your favourite memories actually.
“You were looking at Earth saying how beautiful it was. Your smile...” Murphy smiled slightly, “That’s the first time I really realised you were beautiful.” Your face softened as he spoke, “That’s when I realised I liked you.”
“Liked me?”
Murphy breathed a laugh, “Seems like a lifetime ago... Yeah... I thought you knew I had this massive crush on you and then I went and ruined everything. Hell, I still think I like you.” Your cheeks burned as he said that, he still liked you? After all this time? 
“If it makes you feel any better, I had a massive crush on you too.”
“Actually, that makes me feel worse.” You laughed slightly at his statement and he cracked a smile. You found yourself smiling at him, enjoying a moment together. It was nice. It felt like you were kids again, running around the Ark playing games and looking for meteors. You missed it; you missed him. Yeah, he had hurt you badly but you could see the regret in his eyes, you saw the honesty he had when he was telling you that you were beautiful. You knew that he was sorry and he truly didn’t mean it.
“I forgive you,” you said after a pregnant pause, “for saying that stuff.” Murphy nodded, unsure of what to say, “So please, stop carrying that about with you. You’re different now. You stood up for me and defended me, that says a lot.”
Murphy nodded again, giving you a small smile, “You can be both, remember. You don’t have to just be one. You can be a lot of things. You have to remember that your beauty and self worth isn’t just about what’s on the outside.”
You thanked him before falling into silence. It was a few minutes later when you said, “If you’re not busy, I could use help with these fish...”
Murphy smiled but quickly hid it, “Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I’ll help you.” He grabbed his knife from his pocket and began to help you. You glanced at him as you worked beside each other in silence.
“You’re beautiful too, you know.”
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History lesson: The fake Sonic Boom TV show leak from 2014
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The Sonic franchise is no stranger to both real and fake leaks, I can tell that from the journet to the film alone! But over the years there have been several fake leaks going around, and this has to be one of the most insane ones.
The year is 2014, Sega was working on big reboot to their flagship franchise, which would include a big game and a TV show alongside it. Fans didn’t have much to go off besides this one image teasing the characters’ redesigns (which was obviously memed to death)...that is until they got a statement from a supposed storyboard artist working on the show.
I was unable to find the original 4-Chan thread, but I did find all the information, so we’re going to go over this trainwreck of a rumor together.
The premise of the show is simple yet strange, Sonic and friends have to battle Eggman through different locations and time periods to keep him from rewriting history. The heroes come from a good future (which serves as the show’s hub world) while the villains come from a bad one.
Sonic himself isn’t too different, still a cool super-fast dork who loves chili dogs. He has a Marty McFly inspired design with a hover board for water and everything. Oh and he uses a night light, which is pretty cute.
Tails is still the genius engineer and pilot. He’s not a fan of adventuring but will begrudgingly join in whenever he’s needed. Wears lab equipment all the time and plays the bagpipes for….some reason.
Amy is a sports captain, perfect student, and Sonic’s self-proclaimed girlfriend. She’s the daughter of a rich car magnate and is still a part of the group. Wears a retro inspired outfit and lacks her iconic Piko Piko hammer.
Knuckles is described as mellow and spiritual unless you manage to tick him off. He’s still the guardian of the Master Emerald and the main time portal, just not a great one due to how trusting and gullible he is. Wears bandages on his knuckles and….skinny jeans?
Dr. Eggman is described as a “sort of fat, bald Carmen Sandiego” as he’s constantly travelling through time to steal precious ancient artifacts. His lair in his theme park, Eggmanland, and besides world domination he dreams with becoming the ringmaster at a circus. Wears a retro inspired outfit and has Modern Eggman proportions, just way taller with long lanky limbs. Also, instead of Orbot and Cubot, he has Rouge and Shadow as his bumbling henchmen.
Rouge is the brains of the operation but will alter the plans if it means she can steal something for herself. Wears a pink tube top with purple sweatpants and has blue wings.
Shadow is the muscle, almost as strong as Sonic, however, he’s pretty lazy and always chooses to give the least effort possible. He wears an open red Hawaiian flower print shirt and sunglasses. (HAWAIIAN SHADOW!)
Evil Sonic (you read that right) comes from Eggman’s bad future, he hates his counterpart with a passion and will come up with schemes to destroy him and his reputation, occasionally working alongside the doctor if their goals intertwine. Wears the same as Sonic but with inverted colors and his fur is a slightly darker shade of blue.
Blaze is a princess from a foreign land and is currently living in Amy’s mansion as an exchange student. Is very shy and awkward, while she’s not sure what to make of Sonic’s adventures she finds them more interesting than her normal life. She still has fire controlling powers and always keeps an oil lantern with her. Wears a purple scarf and fluffy ushanka, a long sleeve shirt with armless vest over the top, a purple skirt and high heel shoes.
Metal Sonic was Eggman’s weapon until he was reprogrammed and given free will by Tails. He acts sort of like an anti-hero and rival to Sonic, who he tries to best at everything, from racing to saving people to burping contests (???)
Silver is interesting, he starts as Sonic’s bratty neighbor who’s always trying to become a part of the group. One day, after he successfully pesters Sonic into taking him on an adventure, Silver betrays him to gain ancient psychic powers and becomes a villain. He’s basically a bully that wants revenge on Sonic for humiliating him. Wears a black belt with a golden buckle and matching boots, he’s described as “very large and fat” and is constantly eating, aparently.
Finally there’s Team Chaotix, which consists of Vector, Espio and Fang. They are a group of not so bad criminals who are usually contracted by Eggman.
Vector is the leader, pretends to be a tough guy but secretly wants to be a dancer. Always broke and owing money. Wears a leather jacket with a gold chain necklace (just like how he appears in the show, strangely enough)
Espio is a ninja who travelled from the past and was saved by Vector, he joined the team as a way to pay this life debt. He’s not fond of criminal activity but goes along with it making sure no one gets hurt. Is amazed by modern technology. Only wears gloves and boots.
Fang is the most rotten of the group, quick to betray when things go sour and is only kept around because he’s good at what he does. Wears a wide brim hat, a bandana over his mouth, a brown belt and has spurs on his shoes.
This Sonic Boom is described as a children’s comedy first, action show second. Contains things like an overarching plot and pretty tame gross out humor.
So what do you think about this fake TV show? Would you watch it if it actually existed? Personally there are many things I’m not fond off, like Silver’s portrayal, but there are some gems like the Chaotix (which repurposes Fang the Sniper) and, of course, our lord and savior Hawaiian Shadow.
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The Hypno Channel
It was a long shot and a pretty stupid plan, but since it required such little setup I figured, ‘why not?’
I had Ben over for the Saturday game. Many beers and nachos later, our team won and we were both having a blast. The rest of the gang had been busy so the night was going to be just the two of us. We thought about going out but decided to stay in and maybe call it an early night.
As Ben went outside for a smoke (which I still don’t like), I brought up Netflix. We planned to just have something on in the background while we played cards so I pulled up the documentary on hypnosis. I had already watched it a few nights ago which triggered this idea. See, early on in the documentary a guy goes through the motions of hypnotizing the viewer. It didn’t work on me, but some of the reviews said it had for a few folks.
So, plan A would be Ben watches this with me and is one of the lucky minority. Plan B was going to take some acting…
I should probably mentioned a bit about Ben. He’s straight and one of my best friends. He’s thick in all the right ways without being fat, gorgeous face, full beard, and a personality of a fucking saint. If his body didn’t make me swoon, his heart would have. The ‘straight’ thing gets in the way of that though.
Many times he would tell me that, “If I were gay, I’d totally marry you.” Which is nice and awful. Also, strange as it is for how long we’ve been friends, I’d never even seen him naked unlike most of my other friends who’ve all stripped to some degree in the past. A few different occasions we’d play strip poker but Ben never lost.
Anyway, while I didn’t expect anything crazy to happen tonight, if there was even a chance it’d end with me finally being able to see what was under his pants that would suffice me for years of masturbation material.
Here’s to hoping.
I put on the video and started to watch it while I waited for Ben to finish. When he came back in he asked what I decided to put on while he shuffled some cards.
“It’s a documentary on hypnosis. Netflix recommended it and I figured it would be calm background noise.”
“Oh cool. Never heard of it.”
“It didn’t have great reviews.” I laugh a bit. “But, it does apparently have a hypnosis part in it where the narrator tries to put you under.”
“Yeah. Doesn’t seem like it works on most people though, so the reviews say at least.”
“Sounds like BS.” Ben said.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I might give it a try when it comes up though, just to see.”
“If it works I’m making you cluck like a chicken!” Ben imitated a rooster shriek.
“Haha. Fine. If it works on you I’m going to make you quit smoking!”
Ben raises his eyebrows at the thought. “I actually wouldn’t mind that.”
“You know, you could just quit without hypnosis.”
He scoffed, “yeah, addition is that easy to quit. That’s why no one’s addicted to anything.”
“Fine, fine. Well I’m kind of hoping it works then.”
“Me too…”
We watched the show for a few minutes but they were just talking about the history of hypnosis for now. I knew the part I wanted didn’t happen for at least 20 minutes. We decided to play a couple rounds of cards while it played.
I had actually been doing pretty good at poker and mentally wagered that if we had been playing Strip Poker Ben would have finally lost! Maybe another time…
The narrator starts to explain that he’s going to try to hypnotize you, the viewer. I didn’t want to seem too eager so I waited for Ben to catch notice of it, which thankfully, he did.
“Oh, hey. Here’s the hypnosis part.”
Ben put down his cards and grabbed his beer. I did the same and looked back to the screen.
The narrator began to explain things, “Now, you have a better understanding of how hypnosis works but I find it’s best to see first hand how it’s done. I’m going to describe a scene and I want you to visualize it as strongly as you can in your mind. Build every detail and make it a reality of your own imagination. If you focus hard enough on my words, you should be able to go into a very deep and suggestive state.”
“I’m nervous.” I say. Ben responds, “I’m actually kind of excited.”
The narrator continued. “Once your under, I’ll provide some generic suggestions to find better inner peace. Trying to be more organized in your life, letting go of the little things, et cetera. Let me be clear that I cannot make you do anything you wouldn’t want to do yourself if not for personal, arbitrary hurdles.”
“Ha!” I say. “No chicken noises from me!”
“Unless you secretly have always wanted to be a chicken!”
I roll my eyes, “Well we’ll see if you actually want to quit smoking or not, now won’t we.”
“I do, honest!” Ben, squints his eyes a bit when he thinks. “Actually, what happens if we both go under? Won’t he take us out of the trance before we can tell the other what to do?”
“Good point. I hadn’t thought of that…” Mainly because I knew that it wouldn’t work on me. “I guess if it does, we could rewatch it but one person covers their ears? I said it didn’t work on many people so I don’t think that’ll be an issue.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. Oh, he’s starting!”
The narrator started to describe a beach scene, which I’d heard all before. Instead of visualizing the beach I tried to look at Ben with my peripheral vision. If the hypnosis worked on him, I’d have to pause the video after this part and try my hand at suggestion. If it didn’t, my plan was to make him think it worked on me. From there, who knows what would happen.
As the narrator continued with the scene, Ben was definitely concentrating. His eyes were squinting and he was staring at the TV, but I couldn’t tell if it was actually working or not.
Finally, when the scene was finished and the narrator started to give queues on how the viewer should start relaxing more, and saying thank you more, and enjoying life more, Ben spoke up.
“I guess it is bologna.”
Well shit. Okay, Plan B. I continued to stare at the TV and ignore Ben’s statement.
“Hey, you ‘there’?”
Still nothing from me. I wasn’t an actor by any means but sitting still and staring at a TV was a pretty easy role.
“I know you’re fucking with me.” Does he? Or is that just what anyone would say in this situation. I continued to ignore him. Ben got up from his chair but I couldn’t turn to watch what he was doing while staying in character. Suddenly the documentary was muted, close to the time where the guy was about to bring the viewer back to reality.
Ben came back and sat his chair in front of mine.
“Can you hear me?”
Okay, now the real acting begins. “Yes.” I tried to not sound like a zombie which I’ve seen some stereotypical hypnosis crap that goes too far with it. Instead I just acted calm and relaxed. Like I was getting a massage with his words.
“Are you hypnotized?”
“I’m not sure. I don’t think so.” Would I have been aware of my own hypnosis if I were?
“Hmm. Bark like a dog.”
Really, Ben? The narrator made it very clear that I wouldn’t do things I didn’t want to do. How do I steer him towards the right answer?
“I don’t want to.” I said back to him.
“Ugh. Are you fucking with me, man?”
“I don’t think so.” I say back.
I can see his wheels turning, trying to figure out how to see if I’m really hypnotized but coming up blank.
“How do you feel?” He finally asks.
Okay, I can work with this. Let’s see…
“Relaxed. A little warm.”
“Warm, huh?”
Come’on! Take the bait, Ben!
He mulls it over. We’re at my house, just us, so there’s really no risk here Ben.
“Take off your pants then.”
“Wha..” I catch myself. I honestly was expecting my shirt as the toe-in-the-water move but he skipped some steps and it caught me off guard. Quickly, I realize he’s testing me. My shirt might have been too easy. Although, still. You start here?
“You said you’re warm. Taking off your pants would help cool you down.”
I’m looking at him and he has a devilish grin. It’s totally a test. Well fuck you Ben. I’m going to win this game one way or another.
I stand up. “You’re right. It would.” I try to keep a calm in my voice even though I’m excited and nervous. Unbuckling my belt was easy and I just as quick popped the four buttons on my jeans and shimmied them down my legs. I stepped out of them, kicked them to the side of the living room, and sit back down.
“Better?” Ben asks timidly.
“I think so.”
I can’t just answer yes or else where would he go with this. Sitting there in my boxer briefs and t-shirt probably would have made me a teeny chilly but my blood is pumping so fast. The heat from the moment is rising to my face and I can tell it’s about to run somewhere else if I don’t pull it together.
“Well you could always lose the shorts too.”
Here we go.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” I reply. I’m supposed to be more liberated and suggestible but not a zombie. I figured I can’t give my underwear up so easily.
“Why not?”
“Well, you’re here. I haven’t been naked in front of you before.”
“But you’ve thought about it, right?”
Shit, now we’re adding truths into these dares? Well, honesty’s the best policy.
“How often?” 
“How often have I thought about being naked in front of you?”
“Yeah. Do you think about that a lot?”
“Probably once a week or so,” I sheepishly reply.
Ben laughs. “Once a week?! I know you think I’m hot but we need to find you a boyfriend.”
I just sit there awkwardly. I’m not sure what I should do next.
“Well now’s your chance. I don’t mind. Get comfortable.”
“Are you sure?” I ask.
Ben sits back on the chair near me, reclines, and raises his hands behind his head. “Positive.”
Standing up again, I know I can’t hesitate. It’s like I’m standing at the edge of a cliff. I want to peer over, to second guess myself, but any hesitation may give up my act and I want to see where this ends.
With a quick, surgical motion I push my briefs down to the floor where they pool at my ankles. I fight the urge to cover myself as Ben stares at my cock. It’s barely hard, hanging limp at probably 4 inches.
Ben had never seen my penis before now. I’d seen his butt a couple times when he’s mooned the guys as a joke and caught most of his pubes one night when his shorts sagged too much, but he’s never seen anything on my that I can remember. And now here he is, staring at my exposed cock just a few feet from him.
I sit back down but keep my legs spread to reiterate how comfortable I am now. I decide to sigh to clear the silence and reaffirm that.
“Hmm. This feels good.” I say.
Ben clears his throat and looks up at me. I can tell he’s working out the odds. He’s wondering if I just showed him my cock as a joke, to try and catch him doing something he shouldn’t or if I really am under some sort of spell. Then again, if I was just trying to catch him doing something gay he already got me naked. I guess he could say he was just doing that to test my limits though.
Again, he just stares into my eyes, then to my cock, then to my eyes. “Are you fucking with me?” he finally asks.
“No, why?”
I can see his eyebrows furrow as he directs his eyes at my cock. I pretend to not pick up on the gesture and he leans his head back like he can’t believe this.
He finally stands up and walks over towards me. My heart’s going a mile a minute when he reaches out to me, and grabs the remote. He rewinds the documentary back to where the hypnotist starts attempting to put the audience under.
“Watch this.” He tells me.
I obey, and rewatch the segment. I’m not sure what he had in mind but I decided to assume he thought watching it again would put me deeper under or something. Hedging on that bet, I begin to act more lethargic and bit more zombie like. It’s actually easier to act that way then just calm believe it or not.
Once the hypnotist gets to the commands, Ben mutes it and makes up some of his own rules.
“Can you hear me?”
“Yes.” I say, super monotone.
“You are hypnotized.” Kinda breaking the 4th wall there, Benny. “You are feeling very compliant and will do whatever people tell you to do, whether you want to or not.”
“I will.”
“Now bark.”
I bark.
“Take off your shirt.”
I do.
I’m sitting there now, completely naked, with Ben standing over me. I’ve since chubbed up a bit but still probably only 5 inches, not my full 7.
“Fuck this…” Ben says under his breath.
I can tell he’s really struggling with his decisions. It didn’t occur to me that he’s probably not weighing the chance that this is a rouse but instead the consequence of what he’s thinking of doing to me. If only I could tell him nothing was off limits.
“Unbutton my pants.”
My eyes definitely widened. I looked up to him but thank God he’s looking up at the ceiling, like he can’t look at me do what he just told me to do.
I don’t want him to retract it though so like the good little, naked zombie I am, I reach for his jeans. Ben’s not wearing a belt so I simply unbutton the first button. His jeans have a zipper and I decide to be literal with his command and stop. Sitting there obediently.
“Fuck. Take my jeans off.”
Thank you. I reach back for his zipper and pull it down slowly. His jeans are a bit baggy even though he’s more built than I am, so they fall to the floor. His boxer briefs are gray, and boring. Probably from a Hanes pack or something. However, they’re not baggy and I get my first good look at Ben’s bulge.
It’s huge, in my opinion. It’s hard to make out what’s cock and what’s balls but it’s hefty.
I instinctively lick my lips but Ben must have looked back down to me. “You want that, don’t you?”
“I do.”
“How bad?”
“More than anything.”
“Sniff it.”
Oh you kinky bitch. I lean in towards his package and take a whiff. He’s not super sweaty but the musk is undeniably incredible. In an instant I’m hard and my cock is bobbing between my legs. Ben notices.
“I guess you really do want it.”
I risk a bit but couldn’t help myself. When I take my next whiff I lightly press my nose against his cock bulge. My God I could cum right now.
“Do you want to see my dick?”
“Yes, Ben.”
“Take off my underwear.”
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alias-b · 4 years
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OKAY. So, I wasn’t gonna dignify this with an answer, but I’m feeling super good and starting my vacation and have few things to lose tbh. I blocked you, but you’ll find a way back if you feel this is really worth it.
You certainly found it worth it enough to slap that anon button to insult me and dress it up as idk ?? being helpful & even kind in your mind?? If you followed my fics, you know the nasty msgs I get monthly so why would I take a personal jab as from a good place? Why would anyone mean to act “holier than thou” ???? Telling me you’re not coming from a bad place....yet you still went anon bc you knew how this read. Hm. Anyways....to answer, I’ll just unpack this neatly:::
1) ???? When did I say ANY of that even in a talk down/negative context??? lmao I even searched my asks trying to find myself being this rude. Slide into my DMs and let me know bc from my POV, you’re blatantly misreading something or making it up?? I’m confused and of course, I’d never want to come across any kind of way like that! If I ever mention young ppl, I mean actual teenagers in fandom spaces that adults get nasty interacting with. Ppl in their 20s/30s+ really need to be mindful about interacting with ppl under 18 and attacking them or being creepy and inappropriate with them/their content. Don’t twist my words.
Ppl who write thin OCs still get hate on their fics lmao, I did. But they don’t get constant hate generally based on their size or race. ((Also like...we’re all aware of fatphobia & racism in fandom and what types of OCs/characters are targets for that...esp if they’re being paired with favs... Writers of color are absolutely also allowed their frustrations with racism in fandom spaces btw too. Do not talk over them. Just listen and be aware. Do your best.))
2) I absolutely DO NOT think I’m better or “more moral/braver” than any other writer on here wtf, I consider myself even “still young” and learning... I’m in my 20s, I’m not a fandom gma trying to police anyone??? As long as you’re living your best life, surrounded by the best content YOU want, go tf off, sis!!! We’re all in a pandemic here trying to get by.
Writing is always a growing process and we’re doing it for free, it’s not perfect and always is a skill that gets better as we do it. I try not to compare myself to others, my fics are mine and that’s IT. I’m allowed to be proud of what I’ve created and I encourage all writers to do the same. A lot of writers are happy and patting themselves on the back for what they created but I’m NOT taking digs or doing it cause I think I’m some brave crusader on a mission. I’m too tired for that bull. I don’t get/want cool points for anything. Have you sent these concerns to any one else for doing the same??? Or are you irked I’m trying to uplift MY fat character?? That I get constant hate for??? More reflection for you.
3) I’ve been incredibly supportive of OCs of all shapes and sizes. I’ve gotten asks shading thin/white “model” ocs and only ever preached patience and support to all oc writers bc it’s never right to bring someone down to lift someone else up. It’s never right to shame a writer not hurting anyone. All OCs are good OCs. That’s the point I always make!! Writing is hard. Finding face claims is hard. Making whole ass humans for a fictional world is hard. So, I’m constantly posting/replying to be open and understanding with writers, whatever they do. It’s their fic. Their characters. Their choices. All OCs are valid.
No one is obligated to make a specific type of OC, just make the OCs you want to see. I don’t think it’s right to hate or shade ANY writer/OC and I make it clear in asks that try to suggest otherwise. Maybe go reread them before slapping that brave anon button again to come from ‘a good place.’
4) Evie is ONE of FIVE OCs I’ve written on this account. And the only plus size OC of them too so IDK why I’d ever act ‘holier than thou’ about a SINGLE OC when the numbers are 1 of 5 here... I’m not gifting the fandom the gift of me, I’m just writing content I enjoy. I’m gifting it to my damn self. There’s no crusade. There’s no BIG STATEMENT UWU. She’s not some political piece, y’all can be so dehumanizing with that toward fat characters or characters of color. Just let them exist proudly. If you don’t like it maybe they’re really not for you!
Evie’s literally just a character I created that I adore. Fat characters exist and they can be whatever we writers want. If people feel represented by her, I think that’s amazing and I so so appreciate when I’m told. It’s a special thing to see yourself represented when you never do in fandom or mainstream spaces!! She represents parts of me too that I’m still learning to love. But if not, I’m sure she’s still relatable. She has a whole personality beyond being a plus size girl bc being fat is not her defining trait. We absolutely should encourage more positive diversity in fandom, esp in main characters. Everyone of all sizes writing about what they look like is awesome! We agree on that point!
5) Evie is one of five ocs. Again. I’ve gotten hate messages and passive aggressive comments for all three of my big fics. Evie has ONLY EVER gotten hate for her size and race. She’s gotten a LOT.  ((sometimes her eating disorder, but that’s another issue)) And yeah, it doesn’t shock me. It’s too transparent. People who relate to her don’t deserve that shame either.
I hadn’t even started posting the actual fic before I got my first hate msg about her being an “oc reach bc billy hates fat chicks” whatever. So I think I’m allowed to defend and stan her that much harder and her role in this fic. I think I’m allowed to gush about how much I love her story against all the disgusting hate she gets. I’m not apologizing for that. Me loving Evie super hard has nothing to do with anyone else’s OC. It’s not a mission. It’s not a dig. She’s mine.
**So no, anon, I don’t think I’m doing any big, in your face, public service with my ONE plus size oc. I don’t think I’m better. I think I’m just creating content for myself to enjoy. If others enjoy it too, awesome!! If not, they’ll find something else to enjoy. It’s a big space with lots of amazing writers, I can even direct you to a few!!! I’m happy to do that!! ****If I really had an issue with white or skinny ocs....I wouldn’t be writing them myself which I DO. I wouldn’t be supporting my fellow writers who also write them!!
So you’ll excuse me if I don’t believe that you actually support Evie or me or my fics. All this message served to do was dwindle an author’s excitement for her OC and accomplishments. And you didn’t do that. I’ll try even harder to support fellow writers around me tho!! ^_^
If this is a big misunderstanding bc you misreading asks that I’ve gotten or you misread my tone or remarks anywhere, that’s really not my issue either. IDK, maybe I’m popping off too much too, but this accusation is truly mean-spirited. I know things don’t always translate over the internet well, but I’ve been openly loving and supportive to fellow friends and authors despite anything that’s been said. Even through laundry lists of passive aggressive and hateful messages about my stories since my first fic took off. I’ve seen friends get hate too and I can’t stand that they have to deal with that. They SHOULD be proud of their works always.
I know I don’t deserve them and I know I don’t deserve this either. I know who I am at the end of the day and I know what I put into the world and I know that my fics are mine first. I know my truth and I hope you know yours behind that anon button.
So, thank you for your concerns but please drop them somewhere else and have a wonderful day enjoying the free content we put out. Support your favorite writers and encourage all writers to keep doing what they love and getting better at it! Thanks!!! xoxo :)))
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maddiesup · 4 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by @ohbabycupcakes thank u💖
RULES: Name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things then tag 10 people + leave comments on all of them
This is gonna be hard, where do I even start?
1) Keith (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Okay I'm- trying not to laugh too hard because oh boy, this show was a complete mess. BUT Keith still stays as one of my favorite characters ever just because no matter how badly I was hurt by vld he'll always be precious to me 💖 He's hotheaded, cool and a lone wolf, but needs affection more than anyone else on the team. He's easy for me to relate to as I am more likely to push someone away than to keep them close just to avoid being hurt as well. His development is amazing tho and I love love him so much 😭 also it might be just that I have a soft spot for emo characters lmao
2) Todoroki Shoto (Boku no Hero Academia)
This just reinforces my statement earlier since Todoroki is pretty emo too :') But in a different way than Keith. If you are a part of bnha fandom you know he's generally a little bit overrated, but I couldn't help falling in love with him at first sight anyway lol His backstory is tragic but he keeps pursuing his dream and damn is he good at it. Also the combo of fire and ice is aesthetic goals. However, what I admire the most about Shoto is probably his loyalty to his friends, his will to fight and sometimes his goofy attitude (even if he probably isn't aware that he's being goofy lol) In conclusion: I love him, let's move on.
3) Uenoyama Ritsuka (Given)
Can I just stop to say how much I love given for a moment? Like I've never seen a bl anime/manga that would portray gay characters so respectfully 😭❤️ Ue is basically me gay panicking, I feel the boy so much :') OH also what's up with gays & guitars bc first given, then why r u and now also 2gether :') (I might be falling in love with this trope help) okay so: Ue is panicking when he starts liking Mafuyu but he handles it so well in a way? He doesn't deny his crush even if he is slow to notice it lol He's straightforward and sometimes a little bit rough around the edges, but even if he's supposed to be "the cool guy" we see him in the most hilarious settings and that just makes me love him all the more 💖 he respects Mafuyu and his boundaries and I want more of that in bl anime please
4) Eiji & Ash (Banana Fish)
Uhhhh this anime,,, I CANNOT choose between Ash and Eiji, I'm gonna forever see them as a pair and that's simply it. Ash is another emo one I would like to say that but he's actually not. He's backstory is heartbreaking and the life he has to live is dangerous and scary. He gets used to this reality where he has no one to rely on and no one to trust but then Eiji appears tearing his walls down and making him finally be able to show his soft and sensitive side to someone. Eiji is like a salve for his wounds and yes, I'm still emotional about it bc their relationship is one of the best developped I've ever seen. Their bond is so strong it's beautiful, they would literally die for each other. It's so apparent that they love each other and care for each other so much (don't mind me crying in the corner)
5) Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson & the Olympians)
PJ technically got me into fantasy/sci-fi in elementary school and it stays at the top of my favorite book series list ever (big props to Uncle Rick 👏) The whole series is funny and I would say pretty light-hearted even tho you know,,, Percy saves the world several times, lol, usual demigod things™. He's lovable. Son of Poseidon so he has seaweeds instead of a brain (or so you thought, he is brilliant at strategic planning and has a charisma to be a great leader), has a very good sense of humor, is loyal and would risk everything for his friends. Also he loves his girlfriend very much and I was crying while reading the House of Hades but no one needed to know that oh well. I'm also gonna mention Nico de Angelo here, since he fell in love with Percy (didn't we all tho) and was the first gay character I saw portrayed in the book and oh do I love him 😭💖
6) 707 (Mystic Messenger)
Was I losing sleep over this game? I was. Do I regret anything? Absolutely not. I think my choices are pretty boring tho, since Seven is literally everyone's favorite but oh boy there's a reason for that. Apart from being a talented hacker who knows too much (and I think is cautious of us the most at the start) he has a lovely happy-go-lucky personality composed of all the lame jokes, questions "have you eaten already" and anxiety (another emo one). He's that type of a character who will always try to make you laugh but you never know what's going on inside his head. He's mysterious and we don't get to know him well till his route so pretty much till the end of the game lol. Also he loves his brother, phd pepper, honey buddha chips and Elizabeth 3rd the most in this entire world and I love him for that
7) Evan Hansen (Dear Evan Hansen)
ANOTHER EMO ONE okay but hear me out Evan has social anxiety and its portrayal is almost too real for me. He makes a big oopsie which at the start seems like a little innocent lie but then snowballs to enormous sizes. He gains everything in this bargain, a best (dead) friend, a caring mother, a father, a girlfriend even - and then everything falls apart since it all is built on one fat lie. He makes a lot of mistakes and then some more but you get it and you feel for him, and you cry with him and you're happy for him. And when all of this is over you're glad that he's still there trying his best, taking it one day at a time. And sidenote: Ben Platt's voice is angelic and I love him as Evan 💖💖💖
8) Isak (SKAM)
Another gay panicking one. I'm starting to realize there's a set of traits that I particularly like in fictional characters lol But ye, when I was watching skam ofc it was the third season which gripped me the most and kept me on the edge, bc yet again Isak taking an "are you gay" test was way too real for me. He makes a lot of mistakes along the way of figuring out his sexuality and sometimes stuff with Evan becomes really messy (for both of them) but he stays with him nevertheless ❤️ Skam is literally so good in its portrayal of the characters :') Anyways: alt er love 💖
9) Viktor & Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Em, another one that I absolutely can't break up to just one bc how could I? Yuri on ice got me into skating ❤️ I went to an ice rink for the first time bc of this anime and I almost died but now look at me actually finishing my first three months of ice skating training and watching real life figure skating competitions :') Little did I know then. But they're not only my favourites bc of that, I genuinely love the development of their relationship from fan - idol through skater - couch to lovers and history makers in the end. I love how Yuuri is a ball of insecurities and how Viktor manages to reassure him. I love how Viktor fell in love with drunk Yuuri clinging to him. I love how at first Yuuri wasn't able to get too close to Viktor without getting flustered and it changes so drastically to them basically always holding onto each other. I love how Viktor was stuck with no inspiration but then Yuuri came and turned his world upside down. I love how they support and respect each other. I could probably go on into eternity like that and Yuri on ice isn't even the best anime I've ever seen but it's certainly my favourite one ❤️
10) Tutor (WHY R U)
I can't believe I'm so obsessed with thai dramas rn and I'm only gonna include Tor on this list smh He's mental attitude inspires me. He's able to hold so much and appears totally unfazed even if he's barely holding on inside. He's hardworking and doesn't want others to pity him since he can manage it all just fine. He has a kind heart, he's a wonderful friend (especially to Hwa, he always listens to her, gives her pieces of advise, supports her and tries to cheer her up). He never forgets to say thank you when he genuinely feels grateful. But as we've seen he also is passionate and when he loves he LOVES. Also he's the biggest tease to Fighter and I love him for that :') I am so satisfied just by seeing him happy, please do not change that whyru gods 🙏
As it appears I'm done .-. I have no idea what have just happened and if my rambling even makes sense but not that I care at this point. If you read this far, please drink some water now, that was a lot of reading to go through ❤️
Tagging: @wir-ro, @saecookie and any other 8 people who might want to ksks (im too tired to tag lmao)
Don't be like me and go to bed at reasonable hours despite this whole quarantine thing .-. thank again Doreen for tagging since it was really fun 🥺❤️
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Stars Dance
Ch. 17: The Ghosts of Christmas
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: 11th Doctor x Original Female Character
Chapter summary: It's the first Christmas the Doctor and his companions get to spend together after putting the universe back together. Of course the Ponds aren't having the best of their honeymoon, and Lena is terrified of a flying shark...but Avalon does get to reenact one of the most classic Christmas stories to make everything all better!
(Previous chapters) // Sequel Story!! 
Fairy Tale Memoirs (Companion story)
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~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
"I'm not doing it," Avalon crossed her arms as she peered down the chimney of a rather large house, ignoring the pouting Time Lord beside her.
"But it's Christmas!" he sighed in exasperation, gesturing to the chimney that was just begging to be climbed into. He thought this would be something Avalon would literally jump to do. It was part of the classic movies, right? Why was she all frowny in the face then!?
"Yes, and I'm not Santa Claus," Avalon snapped at him. "I am going to take the front door like a proper person." She headed back to the TARDIS when Lena stepped out.
"Guys, Amy and Rory are pretty distressed up in that ship of theirs, what are you both doing here?"
They'd recently gotten a distress call from the newlywed Ponds that the cruise ship the Doctor had brought them to for their honeymoon had entered some sort of problem and the ship was actually going to crash if the clouds in the sky weren't cleared up. Apparently, the clouds were controlled by a family in the planet they found themselves in and for some reason the Doctor thought going down the chimney was the best way to enter the house of the man who controlled the sky.
Avalon felt ready to smack him for being such an...idiot. "Your 'big brother' wants to play Santa Claus and go down that chimney," she sighed.
"Cool!" Lena beamed and shut the doors of the TARDIS before running over to the Doctor, "Can I be one of those helping elves? I think they're so cute."
"No!" Avalon turned to them, gaping at her sister. "Lena, you can't jump into a chimney! Do you know how bad that'll be for your asthma?"
Lena rolled her eyes, "Here we go again," she muttered to the Doctor. She really thought Avalon was finally going to let go of her over-protectiveness and simply have fun. But apparently that was going to be something difficult judging by what they were seeing now.
"It's Christmas," the Doctor called back to Avalon, as if that alone was the perfect excuse, "C'mon, Ava," he hurried up to her, grinning widely, "You're fun, you're...a bit wreckless-"
"I am not!" she huffed and crossed her arms.
"But you're fun," he pointed, "And fun people always take the fun route..." he nodded back to the chimney, "...c'mon, Ava," he poked her hair.
"Don't touch my hair," she closed her eyes with irritation as he continued to do just that, "Don't...Doctor, don't...don't...FINE!" she snapped and startled him enough to back off, "Fine, we'll...play Santa," she huffed again, "But I am not gonna be the elf," she warned.
The Doctor hadn't listened as he'd grabbed her hand and brought them back to the chimney where he peeked again, hearing the loud voice of an elderly man coming below, "Geronimo," he smirked at the twins.
"Not with me you don't," Avalon took back her hand, "You go first and break our fall," she smiled sweetly, hoping that it would make the man realize he was being completely childish and ridiculous and would end up getting hurt.
It was like she didn't know the Doctor at all, thought Lena.
The Doctor clapped his hands together and jumped into the chimney.
"You have got to be kidding me," Avalon sighed while Lena giggled.
"Wonder if he got hurt," Lena peered inside.
"Probably," Avalon shrugged and sighed, "Well...better get it over with," she sighed again, unable to believe she was actually going to do this.
If she still had more space in her journal she would've written about it.
~ 0 ~
The Doctor had fallen down the chimney and managed to land with a perfect somersault on the floor. He stood up to greet an elderly man, a family of four with one daughter and son, and a couple of servants. He dusted the soot off himself and grinned, "Ah! Yes, blimey. Sorry! Christmas Eve on a rooftop, saw a chimney, my whole brain just went, "What the hell!" Don't worry, fat fella will be doing the rounds later. I'm just scoping out the general...chimney-ness. Yes," he leaned against the chimney and smirked when he started hearing the shrieks of the twins.
Avalon came toppling down the chimney first and ended on the ground on her stomach. She groaned and lifted her head up to look at the Doctor, "I hate you."
He absolutely grinned at her soot-covered face. "No you don't!"
"Eek!" Lena came down right after and landed on her back, laughing to herself, "Okay, even I have to admit that was fun."
Now the Doctor softly smiled at his baby sister. His hearts warmed seeing her having so much fun again. She was alive and having fun. He still couldn't get over the fact she was back!
"Sorry," Avalon noticed the others after the Doctor helped her and Lena up. "He wanted to play Santa."
"Santa?" the little boy of the family spoke up.
"Father Christmas," Lena offered another alias, "Santa Claus?"
"Or, as I've always known him, Jeff," the Doctor shrugged.
"Shut up, you do not know Santa Claus," Avalon nearly laughed but got paused when the Doctor gave her a smirk. Her eyes widened - did he know Santa Claus? Wait, was Santa Claus real?
"There's no such person as Father Christmas," the boy shook his head, cutting the silence.
"Oh, yeah?" the Doctor pulled out a small, black and white photo from his inside pocket and walked up to the family, "Me and Father Christmas, Frank Sinatra's hunting lodge, 1952. See him at the back with the blonde...Albert Einstein. The three of us together...vrrroom! Watch out! OK? Keep the faith, stay off the naughty list."
"No way!" Avalon snatched the picture right out of his hand to see for herself. "This is impossible!"
Lena sighed and tapped the Doctor on the shoulder. "We have our friends stuck in a crashing spaceship, remember?"
"Oh, yes," the Doctor quickly ran to a large panel filled with buttons of all kinds, "Now, what's this? And I love this, a big flashy lighty thing - that's what brought me here. Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually, but give me time and a crayon," he sat on the chair in front of the panel and swivels to face the others, "Now, this big flashy lighty thing is connected to the spire in your dome, yeah, and it controls the sky. Well, technically, it controls the clouds, which technically aren't clouds at all," he stood up and walked up to the elderly man, "Well, they're clouds of tiny particles of ice. Ice clouds, love that. Who's she?" he pointed at a silver chamber containing a woman inside.
"Nobody important," the elderly man, Kazran, dismissed.
"That's rude," Lena frowned.
"Do you know, in 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before," the Doctor agreed and headed back to the control panel to use the controls, "Now, this console is the key to saving that ship, or I'll eat my hat... if I had a hat. I'll eat someone's hat. Not someone who's using their hat-"
"How about you don't eat anyone's hat and we save Amy and Rory?" Lena raised an eyebrow, making him stop his rambles and see he was once again trailing off into another subject.
"You can't know Santa Claus!" Avalon finally looked up from the picture she'd taken from the Doctor, still unable to wrap her mind around it.
"I do," the Doctor returned and took back his picture, smirking at her. "And those controls aren't working!"
"The controls are isomorphic – one to one - they respond only to me," Kazran informed as he moved up to the Doctor.
"Oh, you fibber... Isomorphic! There's no such thing."
Kazran pulled a switch on the panel and shut down the machine to prove his statement. The Doctor went ahead and used the same switch only to see it wouldn't respond. With a frown, he pulled out his screwdriver and used it over the controls and Kazran. Once he checked the readings he blinked and looked at the others, "These controls are isomorphic!"
"The skies of this entire world are mine. My family tamed them, and now I own them," Kazran explained, getting more and more irritated with the Doctor.
"Tamed the sky? What does that mean?" Lena looked at Avalon, knowing that didn't sound very good for their situation.
"It means I'm Kazran Sardick," Kazran glared at them, "How can you possibly not know who I am?"
"Because we get bored easily," Avalon snapped, not liking the attitude the man had taken with her twin, "Point here is we need your help to save our friends."
"Make an appointment."
"I wasn't asking for your help, I was informing you," Avalon crossed her arms.
"There are 4,003 people in a spaceship trapped in your cloud belt," the Doctor stepped in before the ginger went off with a full temper, "And what my friend is trying to say is that without your help, they're going to die."
"Yes," Kazran nodded.
"I think the correct answer is that you're going to help," Lena spoke up again.
"You don't have to let that happen," the Doctor agreed.
"I know, but I'm going to. Bye-bye. Bored now. ..Chuck!"
Avalon's mouth opened with horror, "You old-"
"I'd watch the tongue," the Doctor pointed at her before she finished her sentence.
"I'll take it under consideration," Avalon mock-glared at him as servants neared them from behind to get them out the door.
The Doctor managed to break free from the servants restraining him and rushed back to Kazran as the man had sat down on his chair, "Ooh, look at you, looking all tough now," the man mocked.
"There are 4,003 people I won't allow to die tonight. Do you know where that puts you?" the Doctor asked.
Kazran let out a small laugh, "Was that a sort of threat-y thing?"
"Whatever happens tonight, remember... you brought it on yourself."
"Yeah, yeah, right. ..Get him out of here," Kazran called to the servants again, "And next time, try and find me some funny poor people."
The Doctor was forced towards the doors along with the twins and family. The little boy took a lump of coal on the ground and threw it Kazran, hitting him on the head. Kazran stood up in anger and headed for the boy with a raised hand to strike with.
"No, stop, don't!" the Doctor struggled to free himself of the servants holding him back.
"Don't you dare! You leave him!" the father of the boy was in the same predicament as the Doctor.
After a moment, Kazran seemed to realize what he was about to do and lowered his hand, "Get him out of here! Get that foul-smelling family out of here! Out!"
Although the family was taken, the Doctor remained in the house, nodding for the twins to go ahead and leave as well. He waited a moment until Kazran noticed he was still there.
"What? What do you want?" Kazran rolled his eyes with irritation.
"A simple life," the Doctor shrugged, "But you didn't hit the boy."
"Well, I will next time!"
"No, you see, you won't. Now why? What am I missing?" the Doctor turned and started to focus on the details of the house.
"Get out! Get out of this house!" Kazran shooed him off to no avail.
"The chairs! Of course, the chairs! Stupid me, the chairs!" the Doctor smacked his own forehead.
"The chairs?"
"There's a portrait on the wall behind me. Looks like you, but it's too old, so it's your father. All the chairs are angled away from it," the Doctor gestured to each chair facing the portraits away, "Daddy's been dead for 20 years. But you still can't get comfortable where he can see you. There's a Christmas tree in the painting, but none in this house, on Christmas Eve. You're scared of him and you're scared of being like him. And good for you, you're not like him, not really. Do you know why?"
"Why?" Kazran blinked.
"Because you didn't hit the boy. Merry Christmas, Mr Sardick."
"I despise Christmas!"
"You shouldn't," the Doctor headed for the doors, "It's very you."
"It's what? What do you mean?"
"Halfway out of the dark," the Doctor mumbled as he finally left.
~ 0 ~
The Doctor and the twins were outside of Kazran's home where they spoke to Amy and Rory on the phone. Up in the ship things were growing more and more frantic and so it was no surprise that the first thing Amy said to the group below was, "Have you got a plan yet?"
"Yes, I do," the Doctor answered almost immediately, prompting Amy to respond with...
"Are you lying?"
"Yes, I am," the Doctor bowed his head.
"Don't treat me like an idiot," Amy snapped.
"OK, the good news. I've tracked the machine that unlocks the cloud belt. I could use it to clear you a flight corridor and you could land easily."
Avalon took the phone from the Doctor and scolded him, "Don't give false hope," she rolled her eyes and spoke into the phone, "He can't control the machine, Amy."
"Less great," Amy sighed.
"But I've met a man who can," the Doctor shouted into the phone, making Avalon flinch with his voice right beside her ear.
"Ah, well, there you go!" Amy cheered.
"And he hated you," Avalon reminded the Doctor who stuck his tongue out at her for ruining it again.
"Let me guess, he was being extra charming and clever?" Amy sighed.
"To the max," Avalon nodded even though Amy couldn't see it.
"Say what you want but all I heard is that you thought I was being charming and extra clever," the Doctor pointed at Avalon with a smirk.
"Oh don't get too riled up on that," Avalon looked at him with a smirk of her own, "That was my own Christmas present for you, one nice lie."
The Doctor frowned and pointed at her again when Lena cut in, "Alright, stop it." She looked at both with a scolding face before she took the phone from Avalon.
"Sir, sir," the father of the family they'd been thrown out with came towards the group.
"Hang on," the Doctor told the twins and met with the father, shaking his hand.
"I've never seen anybody stand up to Mr Sardick like that," the father remarked, "Bless you, sir, and merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas. Lovely," the Doctor nodded.
"But a bit busy," Avalon reminded.
"You'd better get inside, though," the father warned.
"Why?" Avalon asked as she looked around.
"The fog's thick tonight, and there's a fish warning."
At that, the trio gave the father an odd look, "The fish?" they asked together.
"Yeah," the father nodded, "You know what they're like when they get a bit hungry."
"Yeah, fish, I know fish," the Doctor looked at the twins, "Fish?" both sisters shrugged in confusion.
"It's all Mr Sardick's fault, I reckon. He always lets a few fish through the cloud layer when he's in a bad mood," the father shrugged, "Thank you. Bless you once again, sir," and with that he hurried on out.
"I'm sorry but did he just say fish?" Avalon scratched her head.
"OI!" they heard Amy's voice from the phone, "The Captain says we've got less than an hour. What should we be doing?"
"Uh, hang on..." Lena said to her while she and the other two looked around and saw small fish swimming around a streelight as if they were moths.
"Fish," the Doctor blinked.
"Fish that can swim in fog?" Avalon frowned, "That's a real thing?"
"How's that for impression Miss Reynolds?" the Doctor shot her back a smirk.
"Now I feel terrible for my lousy present," she playfully rolled her eyes.
He shook his head and stepped closer to the fish, "Now, why would people be frightened of you tiny little fellas?" he held up his hand and let the fish go near it, "Look at you, sweet little fishy-wishies. Mind you, fish in the fog, so the cloud cover... Ooh. Careful up there."
"Big brother, Amy's very adamant about being saved," Lena called, holding the phone from her ear as the ginger shouted over it, "And she says they've got less than an hour."
"I know,' the Doctor mumbled as he glanced at a nearby clock.
"Then best stop messing around with the 'fishy wishys' and get to work," Avalon clapped her hands to get the attention off the fish.
"Big Brother, it's Amy again," Lena sighed, her ear partially ringing from the loud tone Amy was taking with her.
"Oh alright, let's see," the Doctor started pacing as he thought, "Can't use the TARDIS, cos it can't lock on. So that ship needs to land, but it can't land unless a very bad man suddenly decides to turn nice, just in time for Christmas Day!"
"Oh!" Avalon suddenly squealed, startling him and Lena, even Amy as the phone had gone quiet for a moment.
"What?" the Doctor looked back to see her clapping her hands excitedly with a huge smile.
"I got it! I got the plan!" she cheered, "Don't you hear the singing?" she gestured to the speakers of the town that were playing a Christmas song, "A Christmas Carol! A Christmas Carol! A Christmas Carol!"
"I'm scared," the Doctor looked at Lena, never seeing the ginger acting like such a...ray of sunshine? If that even made sense.
"Me too," Lena admitted as she stared at her squealing twin.
"We have to do this," Avalon ran up to the Doctor who instinctively took steps back, "Oh please, oh please, oh please!?" she clapped her hands together, "A Christmas Carol is one of the best stories I've read!"
"That's great...what does it have to do with this though?" the Doctor asked, taking one more step back for caution.
"You said it yourself!" Avalon laughed, "How do we turn a man who's been bitter and mean his entire life? A Christmas Carol!"
The Doctor blinked as he finally got what the ginger was so excited about. Of course, a story, a classic story that Avalon loved. She had the opportunity to play out an entire story...on Christmas...of course she was squealing and clapping about it. That made more sense.
"You are clever," he concluded, "Well done," he did a mock-bow, making her laugh.
"Can someone explain to me, please?" Lena came up to them, "And perhaps Amy?" she held the phone between them, "She's yelling again," she whispered.
~ 0 ~
The Doctor and the twins managed to sneak back into Kazran's house, after the servants had 'luckily' won the lottery. The Doctor set up a projection of a young Kazran while the current, elder Kazran slept. With a loud shout of his father in the
projection, the current Kazran awoke with a startle. He was stunned to see the projection of his younger self talking about the fish in the skies when his father came in...and struck him. He quickly stood up from his chair and rushed up to the wall where the projection played.
The trio had entered the room without Kazran noticing and the Doctor cautiously walked up to him and set a hand on his shoulder, "It's OK. It's OK."
Kazran jumped and turned around, angrily shouting, "What have you done? What is this?"
"Found it on an old drive. Sorry about the picture quality, had to recover the data using quantum enfolding and a paperclip," the Doctor stepped back as the twins joined him.
"Oh, I wouldn't bother calling your servants, they quit. Apparently they won the lottery at exactly the same time," Lena crossed her arms with an innocent smile, "Which is a bit lucky when you think about it."
"There isn't a lottery," Kazran pointed at her violently.
"Extra lucky," Avalon remarked as she plopped down in Kazran's chair.
"Who are you?"
Avalon smirked and looked at her sister and the Doctor, "I've always wanted to do this, eek," she took a breath and got into character before she leaned back on her chair, "Tonight, I am the Ghost Of Christmas Past," she dramatically waved her hands.
The Doctor playfully rolled his eyes at her, glad to see she was at least beginning to have some actual fun, "Did you ever get to see a fish back then, when you were a kid?" he asked Kazran who scoffed.
"What does that matter to you?"
"Look how it mattered to you," Lena softly said, gazing back at the projection where the young Kazran cried.
"I cried all night, and I learned life's most invaluable lesson," Kazran turned to her with a dark look in his eyes.
"Which is?"
"Nobody comes. Get out!" he startled them with his shouts, "Get out of my house!"
"Okay, okay, but we'll be back," the Doctor warned as he gathered his two companions and brought them behind him, "Way back, way, way back," they moved to the door where the projection played, the TARDIS waiting behind.
Kazran heard the wheezing sound of the TARDIS slowly leave his house...only to be heard again in his younger self's room...
~ 0 ~
The Doctor excitedly opened the window of young Kazran's bedroom, "See? Back!" he shouted to the recorder young Kazran had on his desk.
"Nice, Doctor, just enter a boy's room without greetings and introductions," Avalon came through the window next and helped Lena last.
"Who are you?" young Kazran asked them all, debating whether he should start calling for help.
"Right," the Doctor agreed with Avalon's statement and turned to the boy, "Hi, I'm the Doctor, that's Avalon and her sister Lena. We're your new babysitters."
"Where's Mrs Mantovani?"
"Oh, you'll never guess!" the Doctor hopped onto Kazran's bed and started jumping on it, "Clever old Mrs Manters, she only went and won the lottery!"
"There isn't any lottery," Kazran frowned and looked at the women.
"She got extra lucky," Avalon shrugged then looked at the Doctor with a sigh, "And so your dad got a babysitter that acts younger than you."
Lena laughed as the Doctor stopped jumping and let himself fall on the bed with a small bounce afterwards, "I would've liked one like that," she shrugged.
Kazran checked his open window and frowned, "If you're my babysitters, why were you climbing in the window?"
"That is a very good point," Avalon mused for an excuse and glanced at the Doctor, "Doctor?"
"Need saving again?" he smirked and raised an eyebrow, earning a mock-glare back, "The answer is simple, really," he turned to Kazran, the boy still expecting an answer, "Because if we were climbing out, we'd be going in the wrong direction. Pay attention."
"Smooth," Avalon rolled her eyes.
"Mrs Mantovani's always my babysitter," Kazran slowly said, still unsure they were actual babysitters.
"Times change," the Doctor peered into the camera, "Wouldn't you say? You see... Christmas Past."
"Who are you talking to?" Kazran frowned.
"You," the Doctor pointed, "Now, your past is going to change. That means your memories will too. Scary, but you'll get the hang of it."
"I don't understand," Kazran turned to the women again, wondering what kind of answer he'd be getting from them.
"I'll bet you don't! I wish I could see your face!" the Doctor exclaimed as he pointed between Kazran and the camera.
"And you're scaring him," Avalon pushed down his finger, "Quit it."
"Yeah, maybe we should focus on the plan," even Lena agreed that the boy looked a bit frightened and confused.
"Right then," the Doctor finally focused and looked around, "Your bedroom. Great! Let's see, you're 12 years old, so we'll stay away from under the bed. Cupboard! Big cupboard, I love a cupboard," he ran up to said cupboard and opened it up, poking his head inside.
"What've you been doing inside cupboards, Fairy Tale Man?" Avalon smirked, even making Lena giggle when the Doctor nearly slipped inside from her comment.
"Ava!" he turned around, a scowl on his face as the two sisters laugh.
"I don't get it," Kazran said to the Doctor, thinking it must have been a girl thing as the women kept laughing.
"Good," the Doctor pointed at him then sighed, "So what are we going to do? Eat crisps and talk about girls? I've never actually done that, but I bet it's easy. Girls! Yeah?"
"I'm not so sure you can do that," Avalon looked at Lena with another laugh wanting to slip out.
"Shut up!" he pointed at her.
"Are you really babysitters?" Kazran had to question again, "You keep arguing..."
"Bantering," Lena corrected with an amused smile.
"Wish it would stop," the Doctor shot Avalon a look before he pulled out his psychic paper and held it to Kazran, "I think you'll find I'm universally recognized as a mature and responsible adult."
Kazran looked at the paper and tilted his head, "It's just a lot of wavy lines."
The Doctor took a look and raised his eyebrows, "Hm, it's shorted out..." he looked up at Avalon who was biting her lip with a smile that was threatening to turn into another laugh. She was making the effort not to laugh but the psychic paper had really done it this time. "Oh alright, have at it!" the Doctor rolled his eyes, resigned to another round of bantering.
Avalon instantly burst into laughter that could probably be heard a mile off. "You shorted out a paper designed to lie to everyone about anything! This is too good!" She clutched her stomach, her face beginning to match the color of her hair from how much she was laughing.
The Doctor huffed after a few minutes. "Okay that's enough!" But Avalon kept going. Her legs almost buckled that she had to go near the bed to keep her footing. The Doctor followed her wobbly walk with another huff. "Ava, c'mon! Stop it!"
"I don't think she can..." Lena remarked, genuinely surprised to see that side of Avalon. She'd seen Avalon laugh, sure, but not even Rory had made her laugh that much, "...well done, big brother," she looked at him with a big grin.
"Welcome...sure..." the Doctor wasn't paying attention as he was focused on the ginger making fun of him, "I know someone who's getting coal for Christmas."
"I never get anything anyways," Avalon wiped some tears from her eyes, "Woah, that was a fun," she glanced at young Kazran, "Sorry about that, kid. Now then, you're right...pretty clear we're not real babysitters."
"That's an understatement," he crossed his arms.
"Oh, smart boy," she raised an eyebrow and straightened up, "Then I can tell you right now that we're gonna be much cooler than a regular babysitter who gives you a bedtime."
"And how are you going to do that?"
"Doctor," Avalon pointed at him, "You're going to show the kid the fish he wants to see."
"You don't have to point," he moved over and pushed her finger down, "But she's right," he nodded to Kazran, "It's going to be fish time!"
"Mind you, that's a bit strange," Lena thought about the creatures, "There's fish in the fog and the clouds..."
"My dad's invented a machine to control the cloud belt. Tame the sky, he says. The fish'll be able to come down, but only when we let them," Kazran said what he'd been told so many times, "We can charge whatever we like."
"Yeah, we've seen your dad's machine," the Doctor sighed, "Big, bad machine," he mumbled.
"Why would you charge, though?" Avalon asked, "Wouldn't it be fun to just let the fish down for everyone to enjoy? C'mon, fish? In the air?"
"Well technically," the Doctor began, "It's-" but he received Avalon's hand on his mouth.
"Like I was saying," she shot him an irritated look, no one needed to know the technicalities of the fish, "We can see a fish right now, and I won't charge you a thing for it," she tapped Kazran on the nose with her free hand.
Kazran raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you going to tell me it's dangerous?"
The Doctor pushed Avalon's hand down and looked at him, "The woman's been to jail many times, she's way past playing the goody too-shoes."
"He's right," Avalon agreed.
"But it's still dangerous," Lena had to remind as she moved closer.
"Dangerous!?" the Doctor raised an eyebrow and stepped beside Kazran, "We're boys," he put an arm around Kazran's shoulders, "And you know what boys say in the face of danger."
"What?" Lena looked at Avalon who already had a hand over her forehead, just knowing the Doctor would come up with something utterly stupid like...
"Mummy!" the Doctor grinned.
"And there we go," Avalon looked up and shook his head at them, "And then the girls-" she pointed at Lena and herself, "-will have to come and save your sorry behinds."
And so, the Doctor's screwdriver had a string tired around it and was hung in the center of Kazran's room, the string rigged up and going through the cupboard door where inside the Doctor held onto it. Kazran sat beside him while the twins across, the camera that would allow the older Kazran to see, being held by Lena.
"Are there any spiders in here?" Lena whispered to Avalon since she was deadly afraid of the creatures.
"No," she shushed her, for they had to be quiet.
"Are you afraid of spiders, baby sister?" the Doctor raised an eyebrow.
"Don't encourage it," Avalon sighed, "Why don't we ask Kazran why he likes the fish so much instead of poking at the fears of Lena?"
"I like that idea," Lena meekly nodded.
"Cos they're scary," Kazran went ahead and answered as he saw how pale the brunette woman looked just at the talks of spiders.
"That's a good answer," the Doctor pointed.
"What kind of tie is that?" Kazran looked at his bow-tie with a face that didn't exactly spell 'like'.
"A cool one," the Doctor tweaked his bow-tie.
"Why is it cool?"
"It's not," Avalon whispered, making the boy chuckle.
"Avalon," the Doctor sounded like he was pleading for her to stop.
The ginger playfully rolled her eyes, "So why are you really interested in fish?" she decided to give the man a break for the moment.
"My school. During the last fog belt, the nets broke and there was an attack. Loads of them, a whole shoal. No-one was hurt, but it was the most fish ever seen below the mountains."
"Were you scared?" Lena wondered, knowing she would probably be screaming about with terror if something like that happened.
"I wasn't there. I was off sick."
"Ooh, lucky you. Not lucky?" the Doctor observed the boy's disappointment.
"It's all anyone ever talks about now, the day the fish came. Everyone's got a story."
"But you don't," Avalon gave a small smile.
"Why are you recording this?" Kazran looked at Lena curiously.
"Do you pay attention at school, Kazran?" the Doctor asked.
"Sorry, what?"
"Cos you're not paying attention now," the Doctor's finger was tugged towards the door via the string, "Sh!" he quickly said as he stood up.
"Doctor, are you sure about that?" Kazran watched the man, debating whether he should stand or not.
"Trust me."
"Oi! Eyes on the tie. Look at me. I wear it and I don't care. Trust me?"
"Yes," Kazran nodded and looked at the twins.
"That's why it's cool," the Doctor smirked to himself.
"It usually works out fine," Avalon gave a shrug, assuming what the boy was going to ask, "Just be ready to pull him back when he gets into trouble."
The Doctor had taken that as another sarcastic remark and was about to make a comeback...when he realized that had actually been something true. He shrugged and focused back on the doors, "Stay inside..."
"Now are you sure that's the best choice?" this time even Lena was hesitant to let him go out on his own.
"Listen to your sister, baby sister," the Doctor looked back, "And just be ready to pull me out when I get into trouble."
With that the Doctor slowly entered the bedroom and closed the cupboard, seeing the small fish repeatedly hitting his screwdriver, "Hello, fishy. Let's see. Interesting. Crystalline fog, eh? Maybe carrying a tiny electrical charge. Is that how you fly, little fishy?"
"What is it? What kind? Can I see?" Kazran gently knocked on the cupboard to be heard.
"Just stay there a moment."
"Is it big?"
"Nah, just a little one," the Doctor moved closer to the fish, about to try and touch it, "So, little fella, what do you eat?"
And then a shark zoomed into the room and swallowed whole the small fish along with part of the screwdriver.
"How little?" Kazran's voice was heard again.
"Erm..." the Doctor had jerked away from the shark.
"Is it time to pull you back inside, now?" Avalon inquired, the Doctor a bit surprised she'd pick up on the change of mood.
"No, no. Maybe just...wait there for a moment," he tried to play it 'cool' as he slowly made his way towards the cupboard.
"Don't think you can pull one over me, fairy tale man," Avalon warned.
"Yup, sorry," he swallowed and ran the rest of the way back to the cupboard, hastily leaning against the shut doors as the shark banged from the other side.
"What did you do!?" Avalon frowned and tried helping him keep the doors shut while Lena brought Kazran back with her.
"Well, concentrating on the plusses, Kazran's definitely got a story of his own now," the Doctor tried to smile but the shark was getting tougher and tougher, "Also, I got a good look at the fish, and I understand the fog, which'll help me land a spaceship in the future, and save a lot of lives. And I'll get some readings off my sonic screwdriver when I get it off the shark in the bedroom."
"There's a shark in my bedroom?" Kazran gaped, his eyes wide as could be.
"Oh, fine, focus on that part!" the Doctor rolled his eyes.
"It stopped," Avalon whispered and stood off the door.
"What's it doing, then?" Lena trembled with the eery silence that now laid around them.
"What do you call it if you don't have any feet, and you're taking a run-up?" the Doctor asked.
"Oh, this is no time for-"
The Doctor didn't wait for the finish of Avalon's words as he grabbed her and pulled her to the others, both falling a bit too close to with each other, while Lena and Kazran had fallen beside them. They looked at each other with mesmerization, even forgetting about a pending danger literally in front of them. Avalon then recalled her newest dreams and blushed like mad.
"It's going to eat us!" came Lena's cry, startling them back to reality.
Avalon cleared her throat and shuffled to turn away from the Doctor and to her twin, "Not on my watch," she managed to say, "Is that your screwdriver, Doctor?"
"Hm?" the Doctor blinked and looked at the shark that was stuck in the doorway with its mouth open with a green glow inside, "Oh, look at that..."
"That looks in reach, right?"
"Are you actually going to stick your hand inside that shark?" Kazran had seen where the woman was headed with her words and gawked.
"Lesson number one, kid, girls are so much better than boys," Avalon shot him a smirk.
"Ah, you will not be doing any of that," the Doctor kept her back as soon as she tried moving forwards, "My screwdriver, my arms," he gestured.
"Fine, but after two goes it's my turn," she gestured to her own arms, "And then Lena...and then Kazran..."
"Get the screwdriver!" Lena cried again, horrified to think of putting her arms inside a shark. She now recalled why exactly she didn't want to keep traveling.
"Right then! OK. Geronimo! Open wide," the Doctor took a breath and moved for the shark.
~ 0 ~
After managing to get his screwdriver back, the Doctor had gotten the rest of the group out into the patio outside Kazran's bedroom, the shark seemingly weaker all of a sudden. It had tried to make a move on them again but after entering the patio, it had slowly fallen to the ground and remained there.
Worried, Kazran moved to its side along with Lena, while Avalon stayed behind them just in case the creature tried to do anything more.
Meanwhile, the Doctor stood a bit to the side, checking his meek piece of screwdriver, "What's the big fishy done to you? Swallowed half of you, that's what. Half a screwdriver, what use is that? Bad, big fishy."
"Doctor? I think she's dying," Kazran called quietly, not wanting to startle the shark.
"Half my screwdriver's still inside, but yeah, I think so," he turned around, "I doubt they can survive long outside the cloud belt. Just quick raiding trips on a foggy night."
"Can't we get it back up there?" Kazran began sniffling, "We were just going to stun it. I didn't want to kill it."
"She was trying to eat you, Kazran," Avalon pointed out the events that had led to the shark's demise, "All of us..."
"She was hungry," the boy defended.
"I'm sorry, Kazran. We can't save her," the Doctor walked over, "I could take her back up there, but she'd never survive the trip. We need a fully functioning life-support."
At that, Kazran looked up with new sudden hope, "You mean like an icebox? OK."
And that was how the trio found themselves chasing after the boy, running down the stairs while Kazran only grew farther away, now even carrying a lamp to lead the way.
On their way to wherever Kazran led there was a large, decorated Christmas tree where the Doctor had to stop and gawk at, "Ooh, a tree!"
"C'mon," Avalon rolled her eyes as she walked past him, yanking him by the arm after her.
Kazran had taken the group into the basement of the house where a large, metal door with a security keypad on the side blocked their way into a new room full of ice by the glimpse they got from a small window. As the Doctor took a better look he saw the room was covered in ice and full of chambers like the one he'd seen earlier.
"What is this?" he asked Kazran with curiosity.
"The surplus population. That's what my dad calls it."
"Well that's nice," Avalon blinked.
Kazran was trying to turn the wheel for the door to open, even Lena trying to help as she thought the boy would need some extra strength. Unfortunately, the wheel wouldn't work, "Oh, it's not turning! Oh, why won't it turn?" Kazran stepped back while the Doctor used his remnant of a screwdriver on the keypad.
"Ah, what's the number?" he saw the keypad asking for the security code.
Kazran shrugged, "I don't know!"
"This place is full of alarms, it's not just the door. I need the number!"
"I'm not allowed to know until I'm older."
The Doctor huffed and ran out without a word, leaving Kazran to call after him.
"He'll be back," Avalon assured as she moved up to the window to take a look.
Just like Avalon assured, the Doctor had come back running only a minute after he'd left, hollering, "7258!" repeatedly.
Lena hurried to the keypad and typed in the numbers, opening the doors for them. Together, they entered the cold room full of thicker fog, Kazran once again taking the lead and sprinting over to a specific chamber.
"Ah, there's fish down here, too," the Doctor looked around as small fishes swam around them.
"Yeah, but only tiny ones. The house is built on a fog lake. That's how Dad freezes the people," Kazran stopped in front of a chamber, "They're all full, but we could borrow one," he pointed at the chamber he stood by, "Yeah, this one."
The Doctor held up the lamp they'd carried in to the chamber's window and saw it was the woman the family had been arguing over, "Hello again," he whispered.
"You know her?" Kazran looked at them all, seeing the similar expressions on each of their faces.
"What is so important about her?" Avalon wondered and blinked, "Sorry, that came out completely wrong," she amended her error with embarrassment, "I meant why this specific chamber? What's the significance?"
"She won't mind. She loves the fish," Kazran quickly typed in a number into the woman's chamber's keypad, starting a holographic video on the window of the chamber for them.
"My name is Abigail Pettigrew, and I'm very grateful for Mr Sardick's kindness. My father..."
"She starts to talk about the fish in a minute," Kazran assured with excitement.
"…but I would not allow it. I could not have chosen this path were it not for the compassion and generosity of the great philanthropist and patron of the poor, Mr Elliot Sardick, but I'm also surrounded by the fish, the beautiful, iridescent, magical fish..."
While the video played, the Doctor took the lamp with him and made a small walk around the other chambers nearby, "Why are these people here? What's all this for?"
Kazran sighed, "My dad lends money. He always takes a family member as... He calls it security."
"Hard man to love, your dad," Lena made a face and looked down at the boy, "But I suppose you know that." She thanked the heavens she had been given the type of father she had. He never struck her nor her siblings and always gave the best he could for them all.
Kazran had pressed more buttons on Abigail's chamber and lighted it up, activating the defrosting, "What's wrong?" he looked over at the Doctor who had been tampering with his screwdriver again.
"Just my half a screwdriver trying to repair itself. It's signalling the other half..."
The twins looked at each other with concerned looks, the same looks slowly making its way onto Kazran's and the Doctor's faces.
"The other half's inside the shark," Avalon breathed.
"Yeah. Sounds like she's woken up," the Doctor nodded, "OK. So it's homing on the screwdriver..."
The shark reappeared with its mouth open for another attack. The group quickly dispersed and ran off as the shark tried to attack once more, some of the chambers were even knocked down with the attempts. While each of them had taken a position to hide in, a new voice had taken over the entire vault room, a singer. With the singing, the shark seemed to have retreated from its attacks and so the group was able to come out of hiding and go check what/who was singing.
It was Abigail, who'd come out of her chamber, and was now singing to the shark, the creature at her side in a complete calm manner.
"It's not really the singing, of course," the Doctor began once he'd rejoined the group, all standing several feet away from Abigail.
"Yes, it is," Lena observed the manner in which all the fishes seemed to grow close to Abigail.
"Nah, baby sister..."
"The fish love the singing, it's true," Kazran agreed.
"Nah. The notes resonate in the ice, causing a delta wave pattern in the fog," but the Doctor stopped with a slap on the back of his neck, "Ow! A fish bit me."
"Shut up, then," Avalon smirked, guessing the fish had meant for him to be quiet so they could hear what they wanted.
"Of course!" the Doctor didn't seem to capture the message, "That's how the machine controls the cloud belt. The clouds are ice crystals. If you vibrate them at the right frequency, you could align them..." he slapped the back of his neck again, "Ow! Why do they keep biting me?"
Kazran rolled his eyes and looked up at him, "Look, the fish like the singing, OK? Now shut up!"
"Okay," the Doctor grumbled and finally stayed quiet like everyone seemed to want.
~ 0 ~
Once the shark had been placed into Abigail's chamber, the group, now with Abigail, had gone into the TARDIS. Upon entering, Abigail and Kazran had fallen into shock of the dimensions of the box.
"It's bigger on the inside," Kazran turned around in a circle.
"Yeah, it's the colour. Really knocks the walls back," the Doctor tapped the chamber on the floor.
"I don't think that's what he meant," Avalon gave him a look.
"Anyways,"" he rolled his eyes, "Shark in a box, to go," he ran to the console to set the box in motion.
Abigail was taking several steps around the room to gaze at every detail of the bigger place, "This is...amazing!"
"Nah, this is transport," the Doctor played innocent, "I keep amazing...out here," he ran for the doors and flung them open to allow them the view of millions of fish swimming among the cloud belt.
"Now that's just showing off," Avalon shook her head but nonetheless ran for the doorway to look out.
"Point one: big brother," Lena congratulated the Doctor as he returned for the chamber, chuckling to herself as Avalon poked her head out the doorway along with Kazran and Abigail.
The Doctor smirked to himself as he punched in numbers on the chamber, "Come on, then, let's get this shark out."
It was only a couple minutes when the shark was finally able to return back to its home with the other fish.
"Hey, look at her go!" Kazran cheered and laughed.
As the Doctor went to close the chamber he saw a couple numbers on the front of it, not belonging to any security code, "Abigail, this number, what does it mean?" he assumed she would know best.
"It pertains to me, sir, not the fish," Abigail tried to keep the smile she'd had since she stepped out of the chamber as best she could.
"Yeah, but how?"
She stepped towards him, slightly sheepish, "You are a doctor, you say? Are you one of mine?"
"Do you need a doctor?"
The bell chiming at the console broke through the conversation and made the Doctor hurry back to to the console.
"Ah! Sorry! Time's up, kids!"
"Why?" Avalon looked back with genuine disappointment, only making the Doctor smirk again of triumph.
"It's nearly Christmas Day," he informed and looked away before he was caught.
~ 0 ~
Abigail and her chamber were brought back to the Ice Vault to resume her 'sleep'. Abigail gave a small, genuine smile at the group, "If you should ever wish to visit again..."
"Well, you know, we're ever in the neighborhood..." the Doctor began to say when Kazran cut in.
"They come every Christmas Eve. Yeah, they do, every time. They promise!"
"We do?" Lena looked over at the Doctor, confused.
"No, we don't..." the Doctor blinked, confused himself, as Kazran closed Abigail's chamber's door.
But it had already been decided, apparently, that he and the twins would come back every year on Christmas Eve for Kazran ans Abigail. The Doctor hoped that by doing this they would be able to help Amy and Rory in the future with Kazran now a good man. So, every year, Abigail was greeted by him, Kazran, and the twins and was taken out to celebrate Christmas Eve. Beginning with a shark - carriage flight throughout the sky and to the rest of time and space. Young Kazran ended up growing up with each visit the Doctor and the twins made, entering his early teens ans finding a new, shy, personality...and a bow-tie.
While Abigail and the older Kazran walked (slowly) towards the console, the Doctor and the twins were battling it out to see where exactly they would be headed for this Christmas.
"You've grown," Abigail tried to be as discreet as possible.
Kazran gave a small nod, "Yeah."
"And now you're blushing," Abigail chuckled.
"Sorry," Kazran looked away.
"That's OK," Abigail shrugged.
"So, Doctor, where this time?" Kazran quickly looked at rhe others in hopes of ending the awkward conversation.
"Weeell..." Avalon discreetly walked around the console, "I've got Hollywood in mind!" she beamed excitedly.
"And I just want a snowy place," Lena remarked.
"And I've got time and space," the Doctor smirked.
"Might I make a request?" Abigail sheepishly stepped up.
"Of course," the Doctor moved over to them.
"This one," Abigail nodded.
~ 0 ~
After Abigail made her request, the Doctor brought them to her sister's house, the family that had been pleading for Abigail's release in the future. The blonde stood in front of a window of her sister's house, wearing a cloak over her. Off to the side stood the rest of the group, watching her begin to quietly cry.
"Who are they?" Kazran didn't understand why they stood in a random street.
"Her family. The lady's her sister," the Doctor answered, "We met her once, when she was...older."
"Abigail's crying," Kazran whispered.
"I think we've noticed," Avalon crossed her arms.
"When girls are crying, are you supposed to talk to them?"
"I've learned it helps," the Doctor glanced at Avalon with a small smile.
She caught the words and shared a look with him, "Yeah, it does..." she whispered with her own smile.
Lena looked between them and assumed it must be something while she'd been 'dead'. She had to admit it was a bit odd to see them closer, even their bantering had changed. Still, she preferred them this way than the early days. She turned to Kazran, about to suggest he go and talk to Abigail when she realized he was already doing that, "Smart guy," she smiled and then gasped, "Do you know what we should do?"
"What did you have in mind, baby sister?" the Doctor wondered, seeing her overly excitedly about something.
"Christmas with the family! C'mon!" Lena took his hand and Avalon's, rushing them for Abigail's sister's house.
~ 0 ~
Christmas Eve had been moved to be celebrated with Abigail's family. Although it was a strange for Abigail sister, Isabel, to see her sister with Kazran and time travelers, she had accepted Abigail right away. And while the two sisters caught up, Kazran had taken to helping Isabel's husband with the house decorations while the Doctor and the twins entertained the children.
The Doctor held up playing cards for the son, "Pick a card, any card at all. Memorize the card, put it back in the deck. Don't let me see it," the son took a card and studied it for a minute then returned it to the deck. The Doctor then took a card out and held it for the boy to see, "The three of clubs."
"No," the boy shook his head.
"You sure? I'm very good at card tricks," the Doctor made a face at the card he'd pulled out.
"It wasn't the three of clubs."
"Well, of course it wasn't," the Doctor chucked the card to the side, "Because it was the seven of diamonds!"
"No," the boy looked at the card with amusement.
"Oi, stop it, you're doing it wrong," the Doctor set the cards down with a huff.
"It's not his fault you're a bad card player," Avalon took a seat beside the boy and picked up the deck.
"Oh, and you can do better?"
Avalon raised an eyebrow, accepting the challenge, "Tell you what, let's make this interesting," she motioned for the son to move over so she could take his place.
"How so?" the Doctor curiously asked as she shuffled the cards.
"I wouldn't do that, big brother," Lena came over as soon as she saw Avalon shuffling playing cards.
"You place your wager and I'll say mine," Avalon smirked.
"Anything I want?" the Doctor ignored Lena's warnings. This was sounding pretty interesting and he could never resist anything interesting.
"Anything," Avalon assured him, her smirk widening once she knew he was hooked. Sucks for him because I always win.
"Fine," the Doctor officially agreed. "If I win, you stop all your sarcastic remarks for the rest of Christmas Eve and Day. No making fun of me at all."
"Difficult, but manageable," Avalon nodded, "I'll take it. But if I win..." she eyed him for a minute as she thought of what she could possibly want from him. She soon noticed the watch on his wrist. He always wore that thing even when he barely looked at the time. "I get your watch."
The Doctor immediately held his wrist wearing the watch to his chest. It was his favorite watch. Yes, he didn't really use it but it was a really cool watch. Why would Avalon want that? To make me suffer that's why, he rolled his eyes.
"Don't do this, please," Lena bent down beside them, almost begging them to stop altogether. But if she was being honest, she knew that they were practically the same person. Both Avalon and the Doctor craved adventure even in the smallest of places...like a stupid card game with a bet.
"Well?" Avalon raised an eyebrow at the Doctor. "Scared of little ole me?"
The Doctor scoffed and lowered his hands to his lap. "It's a deal." He shook hands with Avalon, truly making it official.
"Guys..." Lena tried again but Avalon was already shuffling the cards.
"Same rules go for the game," Avalon warned the Doctor, "Pick a card and study it, put it back and I'll pick out that same card."
"I know how the game works," the Doctor rolled his eyes as he pulled out a card, showing it to Lena, "Lena will be our cheater detector."
"I'm not gonna cheat," Avalon shook her head and held the deck for him to return his card. She shuffled them again and took out a card, "Was this your card?"
The Doctor blinked when he saw his card being held in front of him. "How did...?" he snatched the card from her and turned it around. She couldn't have done it! It was impossible! "That...that is..."
"Hand over the watch, Fairy Tale Man," Avalon chuckled as she set down the deck between them. He was utterly shocked. It was too priceless! "I wish I had a camera right now!"
"That was...but...no!" the Doctor snapped, throwing his card to the side.
"I did warn you not to do it," Lena sighed. "She's a very good card player."
"How did you do that!?" the Doctor was narrowing his eyes on Avalon, searching for anything on her that would prove she hadn't played an honest game. You cheated!"
"Like I said, it's not our fault you don't know how to play," Avalon wiggled her fingers at him. "Watch, now, please."
"I'm gonna go help decorate," Lena cautiously stood up and hurried away, preferring to stay out of it.
"Hand it over, fairy tale man," Avalon insisted.
"You cheated," the Doctor pointed at her.
"No, I'm just really good at cards!"
"How do you even know how to play!?"
"My Dad taught me," Avalon smirked. "So cough it up."
The Doctor glared for a minute before finally removing his watch from his wrist. A deal was a deal no matter how badly he wanted to take it back. Avalon held her left hand out and watched with giddy smile as he wrapped the watch around her wrist. He had to admit, it was nice to see her openly happy...even if it was because she was taking something of his.
"You like my new watch?" she bared a teethy smile at him as she raised her left hand.
"You are evil," he said flatly, making her laugh.
Isabel suddenly cleared her throat and stood up at the dinner table. "Tomorrow's dinner is cancelled, as my sister refuses to attend."
"Isabella..." Abigail tried to sit her back down.
"Instead...we'll have it tonight," Isabel smiled, surprising the others.
And within the hour, dinner had been set up for everyone to be a part of. They even had all the crackers to pull!
"Three! Two! One! Pull!"
Everyone cheered after seeing the gifts inside, although the little boy was more surprised to see a playing card inside his cracker, "How did you do that?" he looked at the Doctor with awe.
"Your card, I believe," the Doctor pointed, smirking, until...
"No!" the boy laughed and set the card down.
"Oh, shut up!" the Doctor gave up on the game altogether.
"Maybe I can teach you later," Avalon laughed, "And maybe even win your screwdriver this time!" The Doctor looked horrified at that and quickly shook his head, making Avalon laugh even more.
Kazran cleared his throat and raised his glass, "Er, Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas!" the rest cheered.
~ 0 ~
Once more, Abigail was brought back to the Ice Vault, the blonde thanking the group for their gift, "Best Christmas Eve ever," she hugged the Doctor last.
"Ah! Till the next one," he stepped back.
"I look forward to it. Now I'd like to say good night to Kazran..."
"Of course," the Doctor nodded, "Well, on you go."
"You really are clueless," Avalon shook her head, "We'll be on our way," she waved at Abigail then took the Doctor back, with the help of Lena, towards the TARDIS.
"Wait!" Kazran rushed after them, "Doctor! I, er, I think she's going to kiss me."
"You are not asking him for advice, are you?" Avalon sighed.
"I can give good advice," the Doctor argued and pushed Kazran towards Abigail.
"I've never kissed anyone before. What do I do?" the teenage boy urgently asked.
"Well...try and be all nervous and rubbish and a bit shaky."
"You'll be like that anyway. Make it part of the plan!"
"That is the worst advice I have ever heard!" Avalon exclaimed, though not so surprised by it.
"Well, it's not that bad of an idea," Lena stepped forwards, "Just go for it, Kazran!"
"What, now? I kiss her now?" he blinked with wide eyes.
"Kazran," the Doctor put an arm around his shoulder, "It's this or go to your room and design a new kind of screwdriver. Don't make my mistakes. Now, go!"
"I am so not gonna let that one go," Avalon pointed and walked off, laughing to herself. "Of course that's what you would do!" her laughter because like a howl all the way into the TARDIS.
"Oh c'mon!" the Doctor went after her, Lena scurrying behind them to try and stop their newest banter.
~ 0 ~
California, 1952.
The Doctor hurried through some bushes that led into the pool area of a lovely Hollywood party. He'd listened to Avalon's request to bring them to the era - that was his first mistake - and even got dressed for the occasion as Avalon suggested...that had been his second mistake.
The third mistake had been listening to her to make friends at the party.
Now, he was on the run to gather up his companions and get the hell out of there. He came to find Kazran and Abigail kissing by the pool, "Guys, we've really got to go quite quickly. I just accidentally got engaged to Marilyn Monroe!" he rambled but the pair did not break apart, "How do you keep going like that? Do you breathe out your ears? Hello? Sorry, hello? Guys, she's phoned a chapel, there's a car outside, this is happening now!"
"Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo!" he heard Marilyn Monroe calling for him.
"Twins," the Doctor blinked and dashed off, hoping to at least get them to help him...even if it meant hearing the nonstop laughter of Avalon once again.
~ 0 ~
Lena plopped down beside Avalon at a table, Lena a bit distressed, "I can't find any of our friends," she sighed.
Avalon had a plate of food in front of her, the fork already in her hand, "Who cares, Lena. Kazran and Abigail are probably snogging somewhere and the Doctor is probably getting himself into trouble. Let me eat!"
"What is that?" Lena crinkled her nose at the scent the food was giving off.
"No idea," Avalon shrugged, "Nice fella handed it to me, asked for a dance afterwards."
"Avalon!" Lena took the plate from her before Avalon dug her fork into it, "You can't accept things from strangers!"
"He's a celebrity!" Avalon took back from her plate.
"Oh yeah, who was he?" Lena pulled the plate again.
"Um..." Avalon thought for a moment and realized she didn't have the foggiest idea, "...well, he's a celebrity so everyone knows him! That's not a stranger! Now give me!" she pulled the plate again and finally sunk her fork into it.
"Do you even know what it is?" Lena raised an eyebrow.
"Nope!" the ginger toasted with her fork and was about to put it in her mouth when she heard the Doctor calling for them.
"Ava! Lena!" the Doctor rushed up to them in urgency.
"What happened to you, big brother?" Lena asked, making Avalon look up to see what her sister was talking about.
The Doctor had been dressed in a white evening jacket and black trousers, only now his face wore the smudges of someone's lips on his cheek.
"Who have you been snogging?" Avalon raised her eyebrows.
"Shut up! Help me!" he clapped his hands together.
"Let me eat," Avalon shifted back in her chair, waving him off.
"Oh, don't be so mean," Lena looked at the Doctor who seemed very desperate.
"I'm eating!" but then Avalon tasted a bit of the food and spit it back out. That was horrible. "Okay, what do you need?" she turned to the Doctor, pushing her plate away from her.
"Marilyn Monroe! Engaged! Marriage! Chapel! Help me!"
"Okay," Avalon stood up and took a sip of her drink to get rid of the awful taste, "This is what we're going to do. Lena, give me your bag," she held her hand out as Lena gave her purse.
"What are you going to do?" the Doctor frowned as the ginger pulled out a lipstick tube.
"Oh, I get it," Lena stood up as Avalon applied the lipstick.
"I don't! What's going on!?" the Doctor flapped his hands with urgency, "I don't have time!"
"No, no, it'll be fine. She's done this before and it worked perfectly!" Lena assured and received her purse back.
"What?" the Doctor waited impatiently.
Avalon moved over to the Doctor's side and grabbed his face, kissing the corner of his mouth and making sure her smudge stayed on.
"Wh-what are you doing?" the Doctor stiffened, thoroughly confused.
He was expecting some kind of teasing laughter instead of kisses! Avalon had kissed him on the other side of his face, also making sure that her smudge would stay. He could feel her breath on his skin and frankly it...hadn't felt so bad. He looked down at the wrong time, for her lips were dangerously close and for a split second he wondered what it might be to k...
"Don't forget the jacket!" Lena exclaimed, startling the Doctor from his thoughts.
He blinked and stepped away from them while he gathered himself. What had that been about? He shouldn't have those thoughts at all! It was Avalon, his baby sister's twin (or step-sister, but no one really knew that), the woman who laughed and teased him all the time! What was wrong with him?
"What about it?" Avalon looked back at Lena, sporting her own blush from her kisses.
"It's not gonna work if you don't mess that up too," Lena moved up to the Doctor, "Sorry big brother," she apologized before pulling his bow-tie undone and ruffling his hair, "There!" she stepped back.
"What is the point of all this?" the Doctor frowned moving to fix his hair when Lena smacked his hand, "Ow!"
"No woman wants to share her man, whether boyfriend or husband," Avalon remarked, "Duh. That's why you and Lena are going back to Marilyn where Lena's going to play your wife, or girlfriend, whatever you want. I'll act as the previous woman you've been engaged to."
"And this works?" the Doctor raised an eyebrow, full of doubt.
"I've done it before with Mels and it is hilarious." Avalon crossed her arms, "Now go on! I bet Marilyn is getting frustrated!"
"I don't want to be his wife," Lena made a face.
"Thanks baby sister," the Doctor mock-glared at her.
"No, not like that," Lena chuckled, "You're my 'big brother', remember? I feel weird playing your wife..."
"Yoo-hoo!" they heard Marilyn calling.
"Well someone's got to do it or he'll be walking down that aisle in ten minutes," Avalon reminded.
"Ava please!" the Doctor hurried up to her, "Please! Please! Please!"
"Alright, alright," Avalon rolled her eyes, "Stole your watch and I keep making cheap remarks, least I could do is get you out of a marriage," she linked arms with him, "Let's go!"
Lena laughed as they all headed to get the Doctor out of his terrible mess, none of them aware of what was happening with Kazran and Abigail at the same time.
~ 0 ~
The group finally returned back to the Ice Vault to place Abigail back in her chamber, everyone alright and no one married. Abigail and Kazran asked for a moment to be alone before parting but when Kazran rejoined the group afterwards, there was an evident change in his mood and expression.
"There we go. Another day, another Christmas Eve. We'll see you in a minute, eh? I mean, a year," the Doctor clapped Kazran on the shoulder.
"Doctor... Listen, why don't we leave it?" Kazran quietly asked.
"Sorry, leave what?"
"Oh, you know. This. Every Christmas Eve, it's getting a bit old."
"Christmas never gets old," Lena frowned.
"Well, Christmas is for kids, isn't it?" Kazran countered, "I've got some work with my dad now, I'm going to focus on that. Get that cloud belt under control."
"Did we bore you or something?" Avalon raised an eyebrow, "Or is there something you don't want to tell us?"
"It's just times changing," Kazran shrugged and started walking away.
"Not as much as I'd hoped," the Doctor went after the teen, "Kazran," he handed his screwdriver to Kazran, "I'll be needing a new one, anyway. What the hell, Merry Christmas. And if you ever need me, just activate it. I'll hear you."
"I won't need you," Kazran took the screwdriver and mumbled.
"What's happened? What are you not telling me?" the Doctor eyed him suspiciously but Kazran walked off again, "What about Abigail?" he called.
"I know where to find her," Kazran shouted and disappeared through the chambers.
"Well that went well," Lena frowned, "What happens now?"
"I'll tell you what, the Ghost of Christmas Present happens now," Avalon stared at Abigail's chamber up ahead, "He won't tell us, fine. But he'll have to tell in the present," with that, she hurried back to the TARDIS, "Doctor! C'mon!" she called.
~ 0 ~
As Avalon directed, Amy took the role of the next 'ghost' and projected herself to the older, current Kazran in hopes of changing the man's mind and help the ship in the clouds. Once that didn't happen, Kazran was brought to the Ice Vault...in front of Abigail's chamber. It was there that Kazran explained the illness Abigail had before going into the chamber, the ice barely able to keep her alive. But with each Christmas Eve she spent out of it, her moments of life went down, hence the number in front of her chamber. None of them had realized it had went down to number '1'. She only had one more opportunity to go out before she would die, which was the reason Kazran had forgone the traditional Christmas Eve's.
"We're really sorry about Abigail," Lena had come towards the current Kazran, the Doctor and Avalon behind her, "We didn't know..."
"Because you didn't tell us," Avalon muttered, getting a look from the Doctor to get her be quiet. She was just upset that Kazran had left them to the side and then got angry with them for what happened to Abigail. It can't be their fault if they weren't even informed. But on requests of Lena and the Doctor, she was forced to say quiet about it.
"All my life, I've been called heartless. My other life, my real life, the one you rewrote. Now look at me," Kazran stood in front of Abigail's chamber with a heartbroken expression as he looked into the window.
"Better a broken heart than no heart at all," the Doctor tried to comfort the man.
"Oh, try it. You try it. Why are you here?"
"Have you even read A Christmas Carol?" Avalon huffed, "It's time for the Ghost of Christmas Future. The future's about to be shown!"
"Fine! Do it! Show me! I'll die cold, alone and afraid. Of course I will, we all do! What difference does showing me make? Do you know why I'm going to let those people die? It's not a plan. I don't get anything from it. It's just that I don't care. I'm not like you, any of you. I don't even want to be like you! I don't and never, ever will care!"
"And we don't believe that," the Doctor stood straight, looking the man in the eye.
"Then show me the future. Prove me wrong."
"We're showing you the future right now," Lena corrected, pointing past Kazran, "What do you think, sweetheart?" she called, "Is that who you want to become, Kazran?"
The current Kazran turned around and found his younger 12 year old self standing in front of him, "Dad?" young Kazran blinked.
The current Kazran dropped his cane and went for the boy, about to strike when he got the flashes of his father beating him then of himself trying to hurt Abigail's nephew. He came to a halt and realized the man he had become over the years, certainly not one he wanted to continue to be, "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry," he reached out to hug his younger self, "It's OK, don't be frightened. I'm...I'm so, so, so..."
"Kazran. We don't have much time," the Doctor reminded.
There was only a couple minutes until the ship above would come crashing down...
~ 0 ~
With Kazran now changed, the group hurried back to the control room to turn off the cloud belt...only to realize the controls wouldn't work anymore. The Doctor realized they had made a mistake in changing Kazran too much. The controls were programmed for a man like Kazran's father, and since Kazran wasn't like that anymore...the controls were useless. Another option had to be thought of and fast because the ship would be coming down soon. The option, when thought of one, hadn't been the happiest of choices but it was the only thing that was sure to work. That was how Abigail had gotten out of her chamber for the last time, to sing for the fishes up in the sky. She stood outside Kazran's house, singing into the Doctor's screwdriver that was wired to Kazran's machine inside.
"Well?" Kazran quietly turned to the Doctor frantically, wondering if it had been worth it to take Abigail's last moments of life.
"Well, the singing resonates in the crystals. It's feeding back and forth between the two halves of the screwdriver. One song, filling the sky. The crystals will align, I'll feed in a controlled phase loop, and the clouds will unlock."
"And in English...?" Avalon raised an eyebrow, young Kazran and Lena wondering the same thing.
"Something that hasn't happened in this town for a very long time now will happen right about..." the Doctor didn't finish when the first couple of snowflakes began falling from the sky.
"Snow!" Lena cheered, "Yes!"
With the snow falling, the other townsfolk started coming out of their houses to celebrate. While the ship did its clear landing, the Doctor and the twins went to return young Kazran to his own time...while leaving the current Kazran and Abigail a familiar gift: a carriage, a harness and a familiar shark swimming above.
~ 0 ~
Once Amy and Rory had been released from the ship, they had quickly went to find their friends, hoping they were alright after such events. They didn't have to do much searching when they heard the calls of Avalon and Lena, both nearly tackled with great, big hugs.
"You guys alright?" Avalon pulled Lena back with her.
"Yeah, yeah, nothing like a crashing ship for a honeymoon," Amy joked and laughed.
"The best, I hear," Avalon joined in with a small laugh.
"Ah, yes, you two! About time!" the Doctor joined them, immediately eyeing the clothing they wore, Amy with her Kissogram outfit and Rory dressed as a Centurion, "Why are you dressed like that?"
The twins chuckled, "You are way too clueless," Avalon mumbled to Lena.
"Ah, kind of lost our luggage. Kind of crash landed," Rory rubbed the side of his neck.
"Yeah, but why are you dressed like that at all?" the Doctor insisted, genuinely curious of the attire.
"They really love their snowmen around here," Amy desperately changed the topic and looked at a nearby snowman, "I've counted about 20."
"Yeah, I've been busy," the Doctor easily followed without noticing the blushes of either married human.
"Yeah, yeah, you have," Amy nodded and hugged him, "Thank you. "
"Pleasure. Right, come on, then, let's go!" the Doctor clapped his hands and headed for the TARDIS.
"Got any more honeymoon ideas?" Rory dared to ask as they followed.
"Careful what you ask for," Avalon put a hand on his shoulder.
"Is that...is that your watch?" Amy looked at the Doctor with confusion when she spotted the familiar watch on Avalon's wrist.
"She conned me out of it," the Doctor muttered.
"Did not!" Avalon exclaimed, "I won it fair and square and Lena is a witness!"
The Doctor rolled his eyes, "Anyways, I do have another honeymoon idea, not sure if anyone's interested. There's a moon that's made of actual honey. Well, not actual honey. And it's not actually a moon. And technically, it's alive and a bit carnivorous, but there are some lovely views."
"Yeah, great, thanks," Rory shot Amy a look and mouthed 'no' to her before going inside the TARDIS with Avalon.
"Are you OK?" Amy looked between the Doctor and Lena.
"Course we're okay," the Doctor nodded and glanced at Lena for confirmation.
"Yeah," she agreed, "Just a bit sad that I'll be leaving."
"You can always stay, you know that," the Doctor pointed, Amy nodding in agreement.
"No, I just...I remember now why I was going to leave the first time around," Lena sighed, unaware of the questioning look Amy was now giving her, "I get scared easily and I become a burden. Plus, it's just not me," she shook her head, "Doesn't mean I don't want to take a trip here and then, it's always fun to be with my friends and sister. But, I think like Avalon, it's time I figure out who I want to be. I'm not going to stay as the 'sick girl' forever." She smiled and went inside.
"That was...wow," Amy didn't even know how to comment on that, "When was she going to leave?" she asked the Doctor quietly.
"Before she died'," the Doctor sighed, preferring not to remember that day.
"And let me guess, Avalon had no idea?"
"None whatsoever."
"Sounds right," Amy nodded and looked up to the clear sky, "It'll be their last day together, won't it?" she sighed when she thought of Kazran and Abigail.
"Everything has to end some time, otherwise nothing would ever get started."
Rory came back out with a concerned expression on his face, "Your phone was ringing. Someone called Marilyn. Actually sounds like the Marilyn. Avalon took the call and it sounds like it's not going so well..."
The Doctor blinked, "Right..." from now on, neither Avalon nor Lena were fans of Marilyn Monroe and vice versa. The blonde woman hadn't been too happy to hear that he had 'tricked' another woman (Lena) into marrying him while he was already 'married' (to Avalon).
"Doctor?" Amy smiled in amusement at his expression, "Something you want to tell us, maybe?"
"You may want to get Ava off the phone, I've learned her words are very colorful when she gets into her temper," the Doctor took a breath and shook his head.
"Yeah," Rory knew exactly how Avalon would get and so hurried back inside.
"Where are they, anyways? Kazran and Abigail?" Amy got over her chuckle from the Doctor.
"Off on a little trip, I should think."
"Yeah, Christmas," the Doctor opened the door for her and let her go inside first. He glanced up with a small smile, "Halfway out of the dark," he went into the TARDIS a moment after.
~ 0 ~
"Oh my one, I'm so happy
That you've got so far
I know the good, the great
Is working you like a charm.
Oh my one, rushing away,
With a bag full of bones,
I know the place you left,
Still won't leave you alone.
The Doctor had come to a stop in the corridors of the TARDIS after hearing those melancholic words. He was looking for Lena since the brunette would be returning to her father and brother in a couple of minutes. She'd just excused herself to say goodbye to Avalon but was expected she'd taken slightly longer. The Doctor knew this would probably be the first time in their lives they would be apart, whether twins or step-sisters they loved each other sincerely. Of course, in his mind Avalon didn't know her status as a Reynolds was in question.
The Doctor had allowed Lena to spend as much time as she wanted in the TARDIS but after some time he was curious to see what the twins were up to. Now hearing the sound of a piano, he wondered if it had been wise for him to allow them the time together if they were going to be sad about it.
He stopped in front of the room the sounds were coming from and found Lena standing by a piano (one that he had no idea even existed in the box) where Avalon sat and played, and sang...sadly. He didn't like it, he didn't like it one bit for either of them to be sad. He strode into the room and cleared his throat, ending the music, which admittedly wasn't bad. He knew Avalon had a lovely singing voice, he just didn't know she had musical instrument talent as well.
"It's Christmas, why are we so sad?" he sighed as he came up beside Lena, giving her a side hug.
"I asked her the same thing," Lena agreed with a nod.
"I like the song, sue me," Avalon tried to defend herself, "I love its chords, the sounds, the lyrics..."
"Gloomy," the Doctor accused.
"I didn't force anyone to stay nor come," she pointed, "Sorry if I was bad."
"No, no, I think you were fantastic," the Doctor quickly clarified, "You're 'Ava Williams', of course you're fantastic!" she managed to smile at his words, "But perhaps your voice could do even better at joyful songs...Christmas songs."
"Hard to do so when you're not exactly in a cheery mood," she ran a finger down the piano's keyboard, "Christmas or no Christmas," she mumbled under her breath as her gaze fell down. "Everything's changing now. Lena's leaving and...I don't know what to do about that."
"Be happy," Lena gave her sister another side hug. "Plus, we've got our matching bracelets now, see?" she put her wrist and Avalon's side by side so the Doctor could see matching bracelets on their wrists. They were both pink and blue but one sister had a little charm with the letter 'L' and the other sister had the charm with the letter 'A'. "Thought they would be a nice gift."
"And they are," Avalon assured her. "Just doesn't mean it makes me any less sad."
"Baby sister, do you think you could give me a moment with Avalon?" the Doctor looked down at Lena, "I'll take you back home right afterwards, promise."
Lena nodded, "Sure," she moved over to Avalon and gave her a big hug, Avalon quickly retreating into it, "You take care, alright? And don't worry about me, you just have fun."
"It's impossible not to worry about you, Lena," Avalon pulled back, "Your my sister..." And she meant that with all of her heart, despite not knowing whether or not she was actually Lena's sister.
Lena felt that ping of guilt in her chest. She still didn't have the courage to tell Avalon the truth. "Yeah," she gave Avalon one last hug. She turned around and gave a nod to the Doctor, hoping that he could do something to help her sister when no one else had been able to.
"I don't need a pep talk, you know," Avalon spoke quietly as Lena left, her fingers playing with the piano keyboard.
"I'm not here to give you one," the Doctor took a seat beside her.
"Yes, really."
"Then what do you want? No offence, but...yeah."
"I just want to know one thing," the Doctor turned to her, looking her in the eye, "One thing that I bet no one has asked you since the wedding..."
"How do you feel?"
Avalon stiffened and looked away, "Why...why do you ask?"
"Because you got a strange letter warning you of danger and your sister - whom you've never been separated from - is leaving you. I think it's valid for someone to ask how you feel about that."
Avalon had to agree with that but wasn't going to openly agree, "It's...I don't know," she shrugged, "There's no words that come close to describing it, honestly."
"I get that, but maybe you can say something so it doesn't stay bottled up inside. You remember how that went the last time with your nightmares, right?" for some reason, he saw her blush and was going to ask about it when she spoke again.
She let out a big breath. "I mean, what do you want me to say? That maybe it scares me a little? What'd be the point?"
"Ava, you know it's never a good idea to keep things bottled inside. We've been over this," the Doctor sighed.
"Yeah, fine, maybe I am a little scared. And I'm sad because Lena is leaving but at the same time I'm thinking it's better for her to be away for whenever this thing comes for me..."
"Nothing is going to come for you, Ava, I promise," the Doctor placed a hand on her arm.
"We'll see, won't we?" Avalon gave a brief smirk that the Doctor knew was just meant to make him believe she was better.
"How's about a small gift, hmm?" he surprised her with instead.
"What?" she frowned in confusion. He reached inside his jacket and pulled out a rectangular box wrapped in red and green wrapping paper. "What?" Avalon blinked as the gift was held between them, "But...I don't understand..."
"What's to understand?" the Doctor chuckled, "It's Christmas, it's a gift, and it's for you."
"You didn't even know it was going to be Christmas," she took the gift and turned it over, trying to learn what it was by shaking it. "Lena just stopped by a store before leaving, but you-"
"This is sort of something I've been working on for some time. Christmas just happened to complete it," the Doctor smiled, "Go ahead, open it."
Avalon studied the gift for another moment before she began unwrapping it. She found a white box underneath in the shape of a rectangle and took off its lid. Inside laid a silver journal with her initials 'A.H.R.' engraved on the bottom of the cover and a latch binding the journal shut, "It's a journal," she whispered as she took it out the box, "You got me a journal," she looked at the Doctor with blinking eyes.
"Well, yes, but there's more to it," the Doctor was now in complete smiles, nervous, but still smiles, and nervous. Why was he nervous? It was just a journal, "I know you said you didn't want to buy a new one because of the last one's special value to you, but this one might change your mind."
"Not to be rude or anything but I find that a bit difficult," Avalon admitted with a sad smile, "My mother, Emmalina, gave me that journal and it had this…" she swallowed hard, unable to finish her words anymore.
The Doctor set a hand on her shoulder, "I know…that's why I went ahead and did this…" he took the journal from her and kept it between them as he opened it up to the first page, making sure Avalon could see it.
Her eyes widened as she looked at the page that had writing on it, "Oh my god…"
"I didn't look, I just scanned and moved it," the Doctor quickly said before she jumped to conclusions, "I swear."
But Avalon had no doubt about it. Out of everyone of their group, only he and Rory had stayed away from all her writings in the past. She slowly took the journal from his hands and read the familiar words of the first page, "…these are my mother's words she wrote in my first journal. The ones that inspired me to write…" she looked up with teary eyes, "You did this?"
He nodded, "I know it's not the same as the original and that's okay, but this is a very special kind of journal that you'll never finish."
"Why do you say that?"
"Cause it's bigger on the inside," he whispered with pure excitement.
"What?" she frowned and turned the pages of the journal, "It seems ordinary to me…"
"It's like the TARDIS, it's infinitely endless," the Doctor declared, "You can keep writing in this thing forever and you will never run out of pages. It's the ultimate journal. Best of all is it contains all of your original journal's entries with your mother's writing in the beginning, see?" he made her flip to the first couple of pages, making sure to keep a look on the side so she wouldn't think he was looking at her writing, "You'll never have to buy another journal."
"This is…" Avalon bit her lip as she went through her old entries, "…there are no words to describe how perfect this is! It's truly fairytale like," she looked up with a happy smile, "I love it, thank you."
"Merry Christmas, Avalon," he smiled softly.
She hugged her journal with joy at the thought of writing again. Oh she had a lot of things to write about now and she finally could without feeling guilty, "Thank you," she looked at him and kiss his cheek.
As she pulled away, the Doctor had turned his head to kiss her cheek as well but accidentally found himself a bit too close to her lips. That was the second time something like that happened and it was really starting to take a toll on him. It made him feel...odd, not in a bad way but...odd. Avalon realized how close they were to each other and blushed as she looked away, a faint image of her dreams coming back and only making things worse.
"I, um...I think Lena is probably waiting," she finally said, her gaze locked on the piano's keyboard, "We should go take her."
"Um, yeah, yeah, don't worry," the Doctor quickly stood up, clearing his throat.
"Thank you, though," Avalon smiled softly as she gazed back at her new journal. "I won't forget this present ever, trust me."
She really wouldn't.
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
To be continued in...Falling in Temptation! 
Thank you to everyone who's read, commented, liked and reblogged! I hope you guys continue onto the second story!
I thought it might be fun to include a couple fun facts about the story while I was drafting? If it was boring then let me know and I'll never do it again xD
Fun Facts:
1. Avalon's name was taken from the street name of my old college!
2. Lena was originally named 'Melina' but since I totally fell in love with the character ‘Lena Luthor’ from Supergirl, I had to make the switch!
3. Originally, I was going to make Avalon confess to her dad that she knew she was adopted - it was going to blow up into a whole argument! I decided against it in the end because I didn't want her to join the Doctor out of anger. This way she joined because she wanted to and she's also going to be safer with him!
4. I originally intended on bringing Avalon along right after the Eleventh Hour but I thought it would be better to introduce each OC separately, leaving Avalon for last since she's the main OC.
Once again, thanks for reading and see you in the next story!!
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insfiringyou · 4 years
BTS - Aftermath (Jungkook x Young-soon)
Contains: Angst. Mentions of smut. Mentions of cheating.
Set almost a week following the disastrous events of ‘A Celebration to Forget’, Jungkook’s girlfriend finds out about his moment of weakness at the party. 
This fic contains all members of BTS but centers around Jungkook and Young-soon. Jimin’s breakup with Angel is also mentioned as well as Suga’s relationship with Jeong-sun. 
This is a major chapter in our headcanon universe (find out more about our headcanon universe plot and characters here). 
To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook
& Our full masterlist can be found here
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Rated content below the cut
"You're pretty chirpy for someone who just got dumped." Taehyung commented from across the dining table, chopsticks in hand. Jimin swallowed his mouthful of Bulgogi, his bright smile slipping a fraction. 
"I wasn't dumped.” He protested, lowering his chopsticks. “It was mutual..."
"You mutually decided Angel would rather be fucking Donghyuk?" Asked Taehyung, dryly, his eyebrow cocking slightly.
"They've known each other for ages." Jimin replied easily with a shrug. "It was bound to happen." The breakup had come as a relief, if he had been honest with himself. Instead of feeling irritated by his nerve, he had been quick to reassure Donghyuk over text with a simple “Yeah, we’re cool,” and left the matter at that.
Sensing that the topic was closed, Taehyung turned his attention to the three seated at the end of the dinner table. "How come you all got back so late anyway? Did you get lucky, Yoongi?"
The elder of the three did not look up, sipping from his glass without much expression. "No." 
"We were waiting for Jungkook," piped up Hoseok, carefully avoiding eye contact. Taehyung suspected that no amount of sunshine yellow punch could have erased the memory for Hoseok of catching him perform oral sex on his girlfriend in the bathroom the previous evening. He sipped his glass of shiraz slowly, savouring it’s sweet, spicy flavour on his palette as he regarded the statement with intrigue. 
Jimin spoke first, his eyes sparkling with glee towards the maknae. "Did you get some?" 
"He has a girlfriend."Namjoon interjected, as though this settled the matter. The youngest man shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his face appearing a little blotchy in the light of the nearby wall lamp.
"I fell asleep." He squirmed. 
Nobody but Yoongi seemed to pay any attention to the way Jungkook tapped his chopsticks agitatedly against the edge of his bowl, its contents as full as it had been when he had received it. Feeling irked, Yoongi picked unenthusiastically at his own food, not really tasting it. Whilst he knew that whatever had happened with the woman in the blue pyjamas would not have happened were he sober, he simply could not understand how Jungkook could allow a moment of drunken boredom to escalate so wildly. The absent, sickly-looking expression on his face told Yoongi that he was also struggling with the thought and the older man felt a fleeting stab of pity for his friend’s inner turmoil, wondering whether he would be able to come to terms with what he had done. He thought, were Jungkook's relationship anything like his own with Jeong-sun, the damage would be too devastating to repair.
When they had all eaten their fill, it was the youngest of the group who was first to gather his jacket and make his way to the exit, closely tailed by Jimin and Taehyung. Yoongi sat for a while, in no real hurry, as he pulled his phone out from the pocket of his jeans. It had vibrated against his leg a few times in quick succession, and a small smile broke as he stared at the new messages in his inbox. 
The first was a picture of a man who regarded the camera in surprise, clearly caught off-guard as he turned in mid-speech to the photographer, his stubby fingers gently freeing a hook from the mouth of a large, slimy-looking trout. The next made his heart skip inexplicably, and he chuckled softly against the palm of his hand. Jeong-sun, out of focus and half-obscured by a thumb on the lens, looked put-out at the small minnow dangling from her own fishing wire. The wide-brimmed hat and khaki body-warmer clearly belonged to her father. Even despite this, her resemblance to him was immediately obvious. 
A firm pressure on Yoongi’s shoulder made him look away, and he lowered the screen discreetly. 
"Are you coming? The taxi’s are here." Jin prompted.
"Yeah…I’ll join you in a minute." He slipped his phone back into his pocket, getting up slowly as he realised that the others had already left. The brief glimpse of Jeong-sun was welcome, but bittersweet. His heart ached, thinking that the next few weeks couldn't pass quickly enough, and how he wished he too could have gone on the trip with her.
"Was that him?"
"No." Young-Soon slid her phone back onto the table, her disappointment obvious as she sighed and took a sip of the sparkling, baby pink beverage in front of her. The ice cubes rattled as she set it down, now half-empty, and picked out a fat, red strawberry from the glass and popped it into her mouth. "Just a reminder that my phone bill's due."
"He probably just has the world's biggest hangover." Her colleague, Mi-Ja, commented coolly. 
Young-soon smiled back half-heartedly, unable to find comfort in the thought as an odd sensation of nerves fluttered in her stomach. It was unlike Jungkook to stop responding to her messages and calls, and she couldn't help but shake the feeling that something was wrong.
The group looked up in unison, momentarily startled as a howl of cheers and screams erupted from across the bar. A petite, blonde-haired woman was staggering towards the group in absurdly high heels, balancing a tray of neon-coloured shot glasses and a bottle of ominously clear liquid. Mi-Ja looked up with a smirk, twirling the shocking pink straw idly around her glass. ”Why don't you just try calling him again?" 
Young-soon sighed, sliding her thumb across the screen of her phone. Her boyfriend answered on the third ring. 
“Young-soon?” Came Jungkook’s voice, swallowed slightly by another loud yell from the rowdy table. Young-soon got to her feet, sticking a finger into one ear and wandered over towards the direction of the bathroom. “What's the matter?”
"Nothing... I just wanted to see how you were." She purred, relief flooding her at the sound of him on the other end of the line. "Why didn't you answer before? I was worried."
"I'm fine...I just had it on silent... are you okay ?”
She thought he sounded a little strange, but perhaps this was just the effect of the pink gin. She did feel a little light-headed, now she was alone and away from the sickly sweet smell of the alcohol. 
"Yeah. I'm out with a friend. She's moving floors at work so we're having a few cocktails to celebrate."
"That's nice...” Jungkook said softly, and there was a slight pause before she broke it, enjoying the sound of his breathing through the receiver.
"So did you find anyone to pair up with last night?" 
"What?" The response came, a little sharply, and Young-soon clarified, toying with the fluffy keychain on her purse. 
"At Cassandra's party. You said Yoongi was busy."
Jungkook cleared his throat. "Uhm, there were a lot of people,” He hesitated. After a pause, he sighed heavily and continued. “I really wish you could have been there."
"Me too. I really miss you."He sounded so gloomy, and she rested her head lightly against the velvety texture of the wall by the ladies' bathroom. The solution was suddenly obvious. “Can’t you stay over tonight?"
There was silence. Thinking maybe she had accidentally ended the call, she pulled the phone away from her ear and saw that it was still connected. Young -Soon frowned, her stomach turning unpleasantly. Gently, she called his name, wondering whether he had heard her.
“Uhm, I probably shouldn't..." Came his voice, uneasily. 
"Oh," Young-Soon said, feeling a little stunned. The guilt in his tone was hard to ignore.  "Alright.”
She tried hard to listen to him over the sounds of music and merry bar visitors. It was growing steadily rowdier as another large group entered through the double-glass doors, and her head had begun to pound. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine… I just really need to pee.” He replied, a little unconvincingly. “I'll see you on Tuesday."
“Okay, well if you change your mind….” Young-soon sighed, trailing off as a woman in red heels stumbled, cross-legged in her direction. “ I love you.”
“You too. Get home safe.”
The call ended and it had not had the comforting effect that Young-Soon had hoped for. Her fingertips paused over his name in her contacts, but she resisted the urge to call him back, knowing it'd do no good. If her instinct was right, he would likely tell her what was bothering him when he was ready and no sooner than that.
Jungkook slipped the phone from his ear listlessly and turned it over on the bedsheet, making the room black once more. He was laid in the dark, the duvet cool as a breeze fluttered over him from the nearby open window. But he couldn't settle.
"JK…?" A familiar voice called, soft and low-pitched, from the other side of the bedroom door. 
Jungkook turned over onto his side, trying to ignore it. He was quite sure that Yoongi would not tell the others, but still, he did not think he could bear to hear whatever he had to say. He felt bad enough. 
After a moment's silence, Yoongi's shadow shifted and disappeared, leaving an uninterrupted strip of light glowing from beneath his door. The sound of chatter and noise drifted over from the living room. He could barely even remember the face of the woman in blue pyjamas anymore. Miserable, he rolled over once more and tried to forget everything.
It took a little longer than usual to dress when Tuesday finally came around. Feeling too sore to keep up with the new routine, Jungkook had skipped practice and instead spent the past hour numbly searching online. The same type of articles and forum posts from teenagers with incredibly bad spelling had kept popping up, and after a while had resigned himself to deleting his browser history and getting dressed. He gingerly adjusted himself beneath the waistband of his jeans. He would have to deal with his little problem later. Grabbing a spare pair of underwear from his cabinet, he shoved them into his gym holdall along with the silver gift bag.
He waited outside her front door, shuffling nervously from foot to foot. When she answered the doorbell a minute or two later, he stepped back automatically, his eyes wide. Young-Soon, her body wrapped in a fluffy lilac towel, looked at him in a little surprise as he corrected himself.
"What's wrong?" She asked, wearily, adjusting her make-shift clothes a little around her breasts.
"You're wearing a towel." Jungkook answered quickly, eyes lingering for a fraction on the pattern of moles disappearing between the crevice of her breasts.
Her voice was momentarily prickly. "Well, I wasn't ready." But to his intense relief she stepped aside to let him in, knowing that perhaps he should have given her better warning.
"I decided to drive myself. And your neighbor let me in downstairs." He explained, shuffling off his shoes  as he closed the door gently behind himself. A large sea-green candle in a glass jar was burning lazily on her coffee table, filling the room with the fresh, clean scent of eucalyptus. Somewhere from the apartment upstairs, the muffled pop music changed into a slow, soulful ballad.  Her wet footprints, trailing from the bathroom down the hall, were still visible on the bare wooden floorboards. She had clearly been mid-shower when he had knocked. He couldn't help but watch her as he set down his bag on the coffee table, her long dark hair slightly tangled as she ran her fingers through it and swept it back over her shoulder.
"Is it really that distracting?" Young-Soon asked, catching his gaze as she tugged the towel back up a little. 
She felt strangely self-conscious, wishing in hindsight that she had spent the extra minute or two to dress before answering the door. Her expression softened however when his plump lips parted in a  slight stutter, his eyes wide as they flickered to the glistening crevice between her breasts. She moved instinctively towards him, her arms folding around him into the warm, chocolatey fragrance of his skin. Their lips met tentatively and brief. His pulse quickened as she pressed her cheek against his chest, feeling its frantic rhythm. Gently, she kissed the exposed area of his neckline, feeling him sigh deeply at the feel of her lips. Her meaning obvious, she continued to press delicate pecks to his collar and throat, aching for him to reciprocate.
But a firm pressure on her hips held her back, and Young-Soon couldn't help but feel bemused and hurt as he unraveled himself from her and began to unzip the large holdall. Jungkook looked strangely pained and embarrassed as he handed her the silver gift bag.
"I got you something whilst I was in China," he said quickly. She took the package with a quizzical expression, suddenly feeling nervous too as she pulled out a plush panda from tissue paper. "It's from the reserve...the guide says all donations go to their breeding program."
"It's...it's really cute." Young-Soon said blankly, unsure of what else to say.
"Don't you like it?"
Young-Soon shook her head slowly, trying hard to verbalise the suspicion churning in her mind. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate it. Truthfully, it was the nagging feeling that maybe he was trying to keep her at a distance which made her feel so confused."It's not that. It's just...you're being weird."
"No I'm not." Jungkook replied, suddenly abrupt. The defensive edge in his voice took her off-guard, and she met his eyes in surprise, scrutinising him.
"Yeah... you are."
He looked away and gave a shrug. This irritated her, but not wanting to start an argument, she took a deep breath and set his gift on the coffee table.
"I'm going to get changed."  She said, a little more coolly than she usually might have done. "You can go through to the bedroom if you want.”
She found her boyfriend fiddling with the TV remote when she returned from the bathroom 15 minutes later, wearing a simple pair of spotted pyjama shorts and a loose-fitting shirt. Her period was due in the next week or so, and she felt a little too bloated to opt for the matching tank top. 
Looking up at the sound of her footsteps, he watched as she tied back her now dry hair in a ponytail and settled in the bed next to him. "You don't want to go out?" He asked. 
Young-Soon adjusted the pillows behind herself, shaking her head. "Not really. I hoped it would be just us."
The channel flicked onto a  historical drama; judging from the outfits she guessed it was based on the Joseon era, the main actor one she vaguely knew from a series she had enjoyed in her late teens. Jungkook slipped the remote onto the bed-stand, his arm curving behind her. The soft impression of his lips against her hair made her stomach churn guiltily. Up close, Jungkook really did look tired and a little ill, his skin sallow and lacking its usual glow.
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to snap at you earlier." Young-soon said, awkwardly, shuffling closer into him. "Hormones..."
Jungkook was quiet for a moment. "...You don't have to apologise."
"My mom said that she saw you on TV," She continued, remembering the phone call she had received the previous night. "...When you landed back in Seoul, it was on the news."
"Was it?" He said in mild surprise. The journey from the airport to the private cars had been so brief that the thought of it being news-worthy was a little ridiculous. 
"Yeah. She said my dad decorated my old room and got a larger bed so we can stay over more often. But they know how hard it is for you to get time off."
The mention of her parents, and what should have been a warm gesture, made Jungkook's insides burn. Young-soon's mother and father had accepted him as part of the family without hesitation and he felt ashamed for their trust, his breath growing shallower at the thought as his eyes began to prick with tears. He couldn't bear it.
"Kook...?" She murmured, her blood running cold as she saw the sheen of tears in his eyes. 
“I’ll just be a moment...” He quickly murmured, getting to his feet and heading to the bathroom through the door. 
Young-soon watched him go with an equal amount of confusion and fear. He had looked ghostly pale at the mention of her parents and, when he did not come back a few minutes later, she found herself following in his footsteps, her heart thudding hard as she walked quietly down the hallway. There was a fraction of light spilling from the gap at the edge of the bathroom door from where he had left it slightly ajar in his hurry and she knocked nervously upon the wood, watching as it swung open on its hinges.
It took a moment for Jungkook to notice her in the doorway, allowing a moment for her to regard his pained expression as he clutched himself between his thumb and index finger lightly, his face scrunched up and eyes shut tight as he tried to direct the weak stream into the toilet from his standing position. He gasped, letting out a small, frustrated sound as the flow stopped abruptly before a few more trickles leaked out from the tip and he finally looked up. His eyes widened in horror and he quickly covered himself, swiftly shaking his flaccid cock a couple of times before slipping it into the confines of his boxer shorts.
Young-soon felt her heart sink at the sight, realising immediately what was wrong, despite the part of her which protested against her better judgment that there was probably a simple explanation for this; that everyone got infections from time to time. His guilty look, however, combined with the way he had been acting for the past few days confirmed to her what he had done and she found herself staring at the tiled floor from the shadowy hallway, unable to speak or move until his frantic protest a moment later caused her to look at him once more. 
“Young-soon...” He called out. “I...” 
“Have you been to see a doctor?” She interrupted, her voice strangely numb and empty. He paused at the unexpected sound of her voice, blank and indifferent. He could see from her pasty face and dark eyes that there was no hiding what he had done from her; she had figured it out from the moment she opened the bathroom door and he could no more lie to her than he could himself. He didn’t know how he had expected her to sound, but her calmness frightened more than if she had shouted. 
He hesitated. “Not...not yet.” He said weakly. 
She nodded slowly. “You should.” She murmured. “It looks infected.” She reached out to touch the wooden edge of the doorframe with the palm of her hand, steadying her tall body. “Does it hurt?” She asked.
He paused before nodding, his eyebrows furrowed. She recognised he was worried about this. “Yes.”
“Good.” She muttered collectedly, turning to leave the doorway. 
“Young-soon!” He called after her, his voice panicked. She slowly turned back to him. 
Her emotions were slowly starting to return and she felt a stab of pain at the sight of him. She knew she would be furious in an hour or two, that no amount of camomile tea or Kalms would stop her from hyperventilating in the lofty confines of her bedroom as the events of the evening hit her, but for now, her voice remained serene. 
“Was it while you were in China?” Young-soon asked, wondering whether he would try to lie about this. He surprised her by meeting her gaze as he shook his head. She pressed on, realising when it must have been. He had seemed on edge and uncharacteristically jittery since the party at the country hotel the week before and, even on the phone, a part of her had known something was seriously wrong. “Do you know her?” She continued. 
He shook his head again. “No.”
She thought for a moment, her gaze returning to the floor. “What if you got her pregnant Jungkook?” Her voice trembled, but only a little. “Did you think about that before you put your cock in her?” He was silent and she couldn’t bring herself to look at him, knowing his inevitable panic would set her over the edge. 
Instead, she took a breath of air before turning on her heels and heading down the hallway, hearing his footsteps slowly following a moment later. She reached the front door and unlatched the safety lock, holding it open and waiting for him to catch up. Clenching her jaw tightly to avoid it shaking, she refused to look up, even when he hovered in front of her for a moment, wanting to say something and thinking better of it. She remained silent until he was safely on the other side of the door and she returned the latch to its usual place. 
She hovered for a few minutes, gazing into space as her heart began to slow in her chest, before walking into the kitchen to put on a fresh pot of tea. She forwent the chamomile for a regular black tea bag which she placed into her favourite mug, waiting for the kettle to boil patiently and wondering how she was managing to cope so well in light of what had happened. It wasn’t until she was back on her double bed, vaguely surprised to find that the episode of the drama she had been watching earlier had not yet finished, that the first sob escaped her lips. 
She quickly put down her steaming cup on the bedside table before she had a chance to scold herself, before clutching her palms to her face, her cries echoing through the empty space and bouncing off the decorated plaster of the high ceiling. How could she have been so foolish as to let herself fall for him? She had been so reluctant to do so, knowing he was young and naive and too ridiculously famous for his own good. It had taken her months to acknowledge it, refusing to believe she truly loved him until her entire body ached with it; the thought of his smile making her stomach lurch and groan for hours until she could deny it no more. 
“I didn’t want to...” She found herself sobbing, barely able to hear her own voice, low against her wet hand. “Stupid...stupid...stupid...” She murmured, silencing the blare of the television at the obnoxious sound of credits with the remote and throwing it harshly across the room where it echoed loudly against the bare wooden boards. The worst part, she thought as she wrapped her body in her warm piles of covers, her tea quickly forgotten as she pulled a warm patchwork blanket over her torso, was that the thought of him in pain had made her stomach pang miserably, despite what she had said to him. The sight of him, clutching himself so pathetically as he dealt with the aftermath of his grotesque misjudgment, had filled her simultaneously with anger and pity. How did he hold the power to do that to her? 
She wondered if he would try to call and if she should turn her device off, before realising she had left it in the living room earlier that day. Too far away to bother with it, she wrapped herself up in a cocoon of bedsheets, unable to stand being awake a single moment longer. She urged sleep to come quickly. 
Despite waking up two hours after the start of her shift, Young-soon considered going in to work the next day if only to distract herself. She had booked the day off as holiday time, hoping to spend it with her boyfriend, but the thought of being alone in her apartment filled her with dread. She got dressed in a smart pair of trousers and a patterned blouse, filling the kettle with a fresh bout of water to boil for her morning cup of tea, before a thought occurred to her. She didn’t know if it was the sight of the cold liquid in her mug from the evening before or the loose AA battery she trod on as she tried to find her work shoes, the little cylinder having been dislodged from the remote control she had lobbed at the floor, but the image of Jungkook, his features scrunched up tightly in distress, flashed before her eyes and she sighed heavily, opening up her laptop.
A quick search gave her an address and she jotted it on her phone in the notes app., followed by a brand name. On her way to the front door, a large object on the table caught her eye and she wondered how she had missed seeing it last night after letting Jungkook out of the apartment. Slowly, she pulled the stuffed panda from the confines of the bag and regarded it listlessly. Refusing to let herself get upset again, she slid it back in and walked through to her bedroom, discarding it at the back of her wardrobe, behind a messy pile of unironed clothes. 
Getting into her car ten minutes later, she inputted the address she had found on the internet into her satnav and headed towards Eunpyeong-gu. The pharmacy had been the closest which sold the product she was looking for without a doctor’s note according to the search engine on her computer, but she looked around the store anxiously before entering as a matter of course; Wednesday mornings were clearly not the busiest time of day to be a pharmacist. She walked over to the counter at the far end of the room, passing through the aisles of medicine and toiletries before fishing in her jacket pocket for her phone.
The young woman hovering awkwardly behind the stacks of prescriptions looked barely old enough to have left school but one quick look around the room told Young-soon she was the only person serving today. She was bent down, shifting through a tray filled with cardboard boxes of pills and didn’t look up until Young-soon cleared her throat a little impatiently. Smiling shyly, the girl muttered an apology before heading towards the counter and asking if she could be of service. Young-soon showed her the screen of her phone, trying to show an air of indifference as, expectedly, the young woman blushed. Despite having been able to foresee this detail, Young-soon found it irritating and wished she had been served by someone older.
“I searched online...it said you stock these.” The older woman murmured cooly as the girl practically squirmed before nodding. 
“Yeah, sure. I’ll just be a moment...” She promptly disappeared into the back room behind the boxes of prescriptions and disappeared from view. Young-soon pocketed her cell and waited, shifting around anxiously at the sound of the bell over the front door tingling as an elderly male entered the store. She sighed and moved from foot to foot as he moved slowly past the glass cabinet of fragrances, walking with a cane towards the medicine aisle. Glancing back at the stockroom, she mentally cursed the young woman for taking so long before breathing a sigh of relief when she came into view.
“I’m sorry I took so long...” The young woman muttered, clutching something in her hand. “My colleague usually covers the stockroom but she’s in Gwangju...” She explained clumsily, more to herself than the woman on the other side of the counter as she placed the box down on the mock-marble countertop.
“Thanks.” Young-soon murmured indifferently, casting a quick glance to the front of the store and letting out a slow exhalation as she saw the elderly man was still a distance from the pair.
“I knew we had them around there somewhere...” The girl smiled nervously, turning the box over to read the instructions on the back. “So, uhm...you can get an accurate chlamydia screening with a urine sample...” She explained painfully, her cheeks stained pink as she squinted a little to read the small text. “If you bring it back to a registered health practice you can get the results in five to ten days.”
Young-soon listened politely but felt herself growing frustrated as she removed her purse from her small leather handbag. She could just have easily paid for the item and read the back of the box by herself in the comfort of her car.
The girl continued. “ But for gonorrhea, a urine sample only works for men. It is recommended that women are tested via vaginal swab...”
Young-soon handed over the correct change in deliberately small notes as she took the box from the woman. “It’s not for me...” She snapped coldly as she turned to leave.
“Wait...” The girl called weakly after her, clutching the handful of change. The older woman turned. “You’ll want a bag for that...”
Young-soon sighed, accepting the carrier and heading out into the deserted streets. She suddenly felt a pang of guilt for snapping at the girl and creating more work for her, realising as she walked towards her hastily parked car that it wasn’t her fault the person she loved had cheated and gotten himself an infection. The situation was almost laughable; she looked at the bag in her hand with perplexity. A shrink would have a field day questioning why she had just bought a chlamydia test for a man who had betrayed her.
Shaking her head, she buckled her belt and tossed the bag on the back seat, adjusting the satnav on her dashboard to input a new address.
Young-soon didn’t notice Yoongi’s eyes dart towards the carrier bag in her hand as she hovered awkwardly on the doorstep to the group’s shared apartment. He hesitated before speaking, recognising the logo in the centre immediately. She noted that he looked vaguely surprised to see her, though she didn’t believe Jungkook would have the nerve to admit his blunder to the other members so soon.
“He’s in his room.” The man muttered, side-stepping carefully and opening the front door wide for her to enter. 
“Thanks Yoongi.” She replied as he closed the door behind her, his socked feet almost silent against the carpet as he re-attached the safety lock and headed into the adjoined kitchen. 
Hoseok looked up from the steaming bowl of stew he had finished dishing up at the sound of the door opening and handed it to Yoongi, turning back to the counter to get his own. “Who was that?” The younger man asked, contemplating a clean set of chopsticks before settling on a spoon to capture the sauce. 
“Young-soon.” He murmured, not expecting the other man to pick up on his surprise. He had slept through most of the party, after all. 
“Oh.” Hoseok said, taking a slurp.
They ate in silence for a few moments before the younger man spoke up. “When does Jeong-sun get back from her trip?”
Yoongi paused, his spoon mid-way between his parted lips. The mention of his girlfriend was unexpected, even from his best friend, and he tried to swallow the stew as quickly as he could. “Not until Friday.” He murmured. 
“Oh.” Hoseok thought for a moment, realising the implication. “That’s a shame.”
“Yeah.” Yoongi nodded before taking another spoonful of food, closing the matter before it had the chance to take root and make his chest ache. 
Young-soon knocked quietly upon the door, her action causing an unexpected and unpleasant moment of deja vu. She fought through it and opened without waiting for a reply, the door revealing Jungkook’s room in a state of chaos. At first she worried that he had thrown half of the contents of his wardrobe on the floor in anger; piles of shirts and jeans lay messily around the carpet, rendering it virtually invisible. Her eyes flicked towards the figure kneeling topless on the floor, Jungkook’s tanned chest visible above the waistband of his plain blue jeans. The sight would usually make her heart flutter, but for now, it felt stony and still in her chest. She realised he was crouching beside a large suitcase and had began the process of packing for his upcoming trip to Japan. 
He looked up and jumped in shock, quickly shuffling through the few items of clothes that had been folded in the case for a t-shirt to cover himself. She waited dispassionately for him to dress. His hair was unbrushed and slightly wavy and he ran his hand through it agitatedly as he got to his feet. 
“Young-soon...” He stumbled, taking an automatic step towards her as she closed the door firmly behind her, making sure she heard the sound of it clicking in the frame. “What are you doing here?” He asked. 
She looked at him for a moment, her eyes dark and troubled beneath her eyebrows before they flickered to the floor. “When do you go away?” She asked, her voice nonchalant.
He followed her gaze to the suitcase hesitantly. “Tomorrow evening.”
“Oh.” She murmured, reaching out to give him the carrier bag. “I got you this...” He grasped it from her automatically as she continued. “The instructions are on the back.”
The cold tone of her voice alerted him to the fact that whatever was in the carrier was not a gift, but he was surprised to read the label as he pulled it from the plastic. He stared at it stupidly, unable to speak. 
“Just...follow them.” Young-soon sighed, frustrated with herself as she turned towards the door and grasped the handle. “And make an appointment with the doctor.” She turned the knob and stepped into the hallway, closing the door before Jungkook had the chance to follow her out. 
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more fics within this universe. As we tend to write fics out of order, we have already explored scenarios later in Jungkook and Young-soon’s storyline but will be filling in some of the gaps in upcoming fics. 
Please follow the link here to read all of Jungkook’s headcanon universe fics in order
The other member’s headcanon fics can be found here in order by person:  RM   /   Jin /   Suga /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   
Our full masterlist can be found here
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holdmekhh · 4 years
I Like You, Do You Like Me? -Pt.1 (Jealous!Seungyoun / Enemies to Lovers)
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Artist/Person : Cho Seungyoun/WOODZ
 Group/Crew : UNIQ/X1
Genre : SMUT/ Semi-Angst/ Fluff
Words : 3.6K
Requested: “ hi can you please write a super jealous seungyoun smut w daddy kink 🥺 i love your writing sm 💕💕”- Anon
A/N; I’m soooo sorry this was posted so late, I was on the road... But enjoyyy!
If looks could kill, Seungyoun would’ve been a goner. Her eyes were set ablaze at his grinning face. He stuck his tongue out, laughing obnoxiously when she stuck up her manicured middle finger. “Fuck off, Cho!” She hissed, her friends grabbing at her arms when she started to march towards the boy and his group of friends. “Is princess angry?” He mocked, a fake pout on his lips making her growl softly and fight against her friends’ hold. “Just let it go, he’s dumb.” One of her friends muttered, making the other one nod. “Let’s go get some lunch.” They nodded, glancing to each other and forcing her around as they led her away from the area. “Have fun, princess!” She heard him call to them, making her groan softly. 
“Why do you idiots do that shit? Just fucking ignore him.” Her friend, Kendall rolled her eyes. “You know why.” Her other friend, Erin, laughed as she wiggled her eyebrows. “They’re gonna end up fucking. We all know it’s gonna happen eventually.” The look of absolute irritation took over her face. “Shut up.” She rolled her eyes, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. “But, nevermind that topic, are you guys gonna help me with my art assignment?” She muttered, half focused on pushing the bobby pins back into her hair to keep it neat, but keep them well hidden. “Of course, we’re helping you. The only person I’d let paint my fat ass.” Erin laughed, head falling back.  The three were best friends, all having met in middle school and stuck out together up until now, their second year of college. There was Kendall, a dark chocolate goddess. She was tall, standing at 5 '11, and thin. 100% stereotypical model material but was a complete tomboy, top it off with a genius scientist brain. Then, there was Erin, a gorgeous Mongolian queen. She was average height and was curvy as hell, though she wouldn’t agree with that statement. And, last but definitely not least, there was Y/N. She was introverted and didn’t like many people, and usually looked at people in the light of an art piece. Which isn’t always the best, or healthy way, to look at others when she didn’t fancy them too well. 
“Yeah, stay like that.” She muttered softly, looking at her friends through her camera lense before snapping away. “Turn your right side in just a little more. Shoulder forward. Yes, just like that.” She whispered at the end, adjusting the camera before snapping away for more photos. “Why’re we taking pictures instead you painting?” Erin muttered, raising an eyebrow at Y/N just as she snapped another picture. “Because if I just painted you guys and had y’all standing there, then it would take too long of y’all standing. With pictures-” She moved around and got close, snapping a few more before stepping back to look at the shots on her camera. “I can search through them and find which one I like the best and want to paint. We’re done by the way.” She stated, making the two rush over and look at the pictures. “Ugh, I’m so fat.” “Shut up, Erin. You look good as hell. Like, yo-look at that ass!” Y/N laughed and Kendalls words, nodding along silently as she glanced to her blushing friend. “Alright, go get dressed you two. Y’all can stay here and chill, order food and watch me paint, if you want.” She sat at her desk, connecting her camera to her desktop and transferring the photos. She’d become a master at these motions, getting the pictures transferred and a couple of them printed onto large pieces of photo paper in no time. Standing, she moved to set the photo down on a part of her eisel, against the canvas. “We’re gonna head out. Skype sesh in a few hours, so we can see how far you’ve gotten.” She hummed out in confirmation, looking back as her friends left. Overly exaggerated waves and blown kisses were exchanged until they disappeared, leaving her all alone in her studio.
It’d been almost 7 hours since Kendall and Erin had left, and she still hadn’t gotten to the actual painting. Melanie Martinez was blasting in the room, here eyes focused intently on the canvas as she continued to sketch the body and attire of her friends. She’d decided to make it into a greek renaissance kind of style, draping the drawn figures in soft strokes of silks. She was so into her painting, she didn’t hear the knocking on her studio door until the song ended and left a pause before the next one started. Her head whipped around to stare at the intruder through the glass barrier, eyebrows furrowing. Moving over, she lifted the needle from the vinyl and halted the music. Standing to make her way over, she pulled open the door with a soft grunt. “What?” She deadpanned at male in front of her. Wooseok was his name, he hung out with the asshat Seungyoun, but for the most part never gave her issues. “H-Hey...um, I wanted to ask um- I was told by the professor that you would be a good art history tutor...and I need a tutor for this upcoming test.” He stuttered along his whole speech, cheeks getting redder and redder the longer she stared at him. She nodded softly, “Okay. My pay rate is 10 an hour, so if you’re cool with that, I’m down to help.” Her voice was still emotionless, stable and clear as she stared at him making his stomach do backflips. He nodded, hold tightening on his backpack strap. “Would it be a problem if we did our first session now? It’s okay if not! I don’t want to intrude...I know you don’t really have the best impression of my character.” He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck as it heated up. She merely looked at her watch and shrugged. “I planned on being here for a few more hours, so why not.” She opened the door wider and stepped to the side, allowing him in.  
The look of pure wonder took over his face as he looked around the room at all of her paintings. They were masterpieces. Pieces that could easily go for thousands. “You can pull out a chair from over there or you could sit on the couch.” She sat back down in front of her eisel, starting to sketch again. He watched for a few heartbeats, eyes intently watching how she held the pencil and stroked it lightly across the fabric of the canvas. “So, what level are you on? 101, 102?” Her voice made him jump back into reality, rushing to grab his material out his backpack. “U-Uh...101.” He stated, ear heating up in embarrassment, and nervousness. She was one of the top art students, he didn’t want her to look down on him because of his level in the subject, especially because he was a year above her. But, she simply nodded, asking him questions about the topic of the test. She stayed neutral throughout the whole session, explaining things that he needed extra understanding of. She even halted her drawing to give visual examples a couple of times. Then, she looked to her watch and stood from her seat and stretched. “Well, Wooseok, it’s almost midnight and I have to get back home.” She stated, watching the male nod and start to pack his things. Grabbing her bags of books and materials, she led him out of her studio, shutting off the lights and locking the door. “I’ll have the payment for you in cash tomorrow morning, promise.” He smiled after walking her to her car, making her nod as she got in. “Okay, see you around.” She started the vehicle and pulled out, going back to her apartment.
“Oh, look who’s here. Did you miss me, princess?” Seungyoun’s grinning face almost made her regret walking over, but the awaiting payment in Wooseoks hand made it worth it. “As if. I just came to get my money, then I’ll be out of here.” She deadpanned, walking to Wooseok as he slipped it to her with flaming cheeks. “My studio, tomorrow at 6.” She stated, making the blushing boy nod, before turning and walking away to her other class. “And what the fuck was that?!” Seungyoun stared confused as Hangyul started to poke at their friend for answers. “She started tutoring for my art history test…” “Since when?!” “Last night…” Seungyoun felt his face contort into one of disbelief. “Look, my professor suggested her to me and told me where to find her. She said she’d do it, and her pricing isn’t that bad. And, I’m pretty sure I’ll pass with her helping me.” And though Wooseok’s words made sense, Seungyoun couldn’t help the intense feeling of irritation as he clenched his jaw.
“So you do tutoring?” At the sound of the familiar voice breaking the silence that surrounded her, made her huff in annoyance and roll her eyes. “I’m doing work right now. So, kindly, fuck off.” She stated bitterly, keeping her eyes trained on the books and laptop that sat in front of her. But, her eyes squeezed shut as the chair across from her was pulled out and he plopped in it. “What do you want, Cho?” “For you to tutor me.” The laugh that slipped through her lips was genuine as her head fell forward. “Fuck off.” “I’m serious.” He deadpanned, making her raise an eyebrow as she looked at him with complete amusement. “Is this because I’m tutoring your friend?” The chuckle that left her as his ears turned pink was soft. “I’m only tutoring him for the cash. And because it’s easy shit that I know. We’re on the same intellectual level, you and I, surprisingly. You don’t need my help, and even if you did, I wouldn’t help you.” She spoke so softly, he almost didn’t process her words because the tone made his heart flutter. “Now, leave me alone. I have work to do.” 
As expected, the male never left from his spot across from her, but he did stay silent as she worked. She could feel his eyes on her most of the time, but he didn’t speak another word to her. At one point, he’d even started on his own tasks, headphones covering his ears completely as he worked diligently on his activity. When she looked up from her computer screen, her eyes red behind her glasses as they rested low on her nose. Stretching, her lips parted in a satisfied whimper as her muscles pulled and bones popped. Her eyes shut as she rolled her neck and cracked her fingers. She’d been sitting in the same position for hours, working sedulously and unmoving, so the tug and snap of her body was very welcomed. Both to her, and to the male across from her. The soft sounds that slipped from her lips didn’t go unnoticed by him, having stopped the track he’d been working on to add some more things. His heart fluttered and his stomach did backflips as the sounds flowed to him, making his breath catch in his throat. 
Days had gone by, Y/N and Wooseok becoming a bit closer through the process making it easier for her to tolerate him and his friends that sometimes came to pick up their friend. Today was the final tutoring session, ending the two weeks, and to say that Wooseok was nervous was an understatement. Y/N could tell, immediately trying to talk down his nervousness, even getting a few words of encouragement from Seungyoun who’d invaded their session. Y/N didn’t mind, as long as he didn’t interfere because this wasn’t just a hang out, she wouldn’t allow people who weren’t her best friends into her studio just to hang out. She was doing business in the situation, and also helping out an art-ignorant fellow student. “Look, think about it this way… As long as you get a 75, you’re not a complete failure.” She states simply, eyes still focused on her canvas as she slowly stroked her brush over the material. The piece was almost done, needing a few more finishing touches before she would put the finishing gloss on. It’d taken so long to get the piece done, as she had actual work for school to finish between painting sessions. But, the time was worth it to get the perfect result.
“Okay! Well, I have to get out of here. I have night shift tonight.” Wooseok muttered, standing and stretching before packing his things. “See you.” Y/N called over her shoulder, barely pulling her focus away from her art. After the door shut, it was silent for a long time. She’d even reached over and placed the needle of her record player onto the vinyl that rested on the inside, letting the soft jazzy instruments fill the space of her studio. The lights were dim, she had a couple candles lit, and she had incense burning in a small corner of the room where she kept a few gems. Soft hums left her lips as she swayed softly to the tunes, completely in her element. She thought she was alone, until she felt  breathing on her exposed shoulder making her freeze. Slowly turning her head, a loud gasp left her lips as she came face to face with Seungyoun. “What the hell, Cho?!” She squeaked, hand resting over her chest as her head fell back, giving the male an heart fluttering view. “What?” He muttered, smiling gently as he eyed her. “I thought you two left!” “Wooseok did, I wanted to stay back and watch you finish. It’s intriguing, seeing you in your element.” He stated, straightening himself to go look around at all of her works. She was still settling back after the scare he’d given her, merely watching him with shaky eyes. “You’re really talented.” “Thanks.” She muttered, feeling her insides twist as he studied each piece. “Can you explain these to me?” He asked gently, making her stand and walk over. She was nervous, stomach doing backflips as she approached his figure, because no one had ever asked her to explain her art work to them. “Which one?” She muttered, standing next to him as he pointed to a piece of two people morphing into one another. “That one...I did my freshman year, I think. I was going through a really hard time, figuring out who I was at the time and who I was becoming.” The soft hum of acknowledgement made her look to him as he pointed to another one. “That’s my sister...my favorite person. She was reading in the middle of the libary and looked so intrigued with the book she was reading, which peaked my interest and I had to capture the moment. I sketched it and later on resketched it on a canvas and painted it like a greek sculpture.” She chuckled at the end, making him smile as he pointed to another and another before finally turning to her and eyeing her. “And what about your outfit for today? What inspired this one?” The shock was evident in her features as her ears started to heat up. “M-My outfit?” He nodded, “I always notice your outfits are usually dark and very grunge-like. Today, though...seems super sexy and elegant…” She cleared her throat, looking down as her ears heated more. “I had a showing today…” “M’okay...tell me about your outfit. What fabrics? Tell me about the pieces you chose.” Suddenly she felt small under his gaze, clearing her throat again. “So...my top is actually a silk slip dress that I thrifted for like 3 bucks. My skirt is a silk, a vintage piece I got from my granny...and the shoes that I wore with it were a treat to myself, because they were almost 200. Oh! I also wore a cute pinstripe blazer over it, so I could cover all of my tattoos.” He nodded, smiling as he watched her, “You also left your hair out.” She subconciously ran a hand through her afro of curls, humming softly. “I like them…” He muttered, having moved closer to tower in front of her. She gasped softly as she looked up to him. The way he was looking down at her made her stomach twist and heart race; it was filled with such adoration. “Can I kiss you?” He whispered, making her nod without hesitation as he smiled gently.
His hand raised slowly, burying into her curls as he leaned down slowly to gently brush his lips against hers. Finally, pressing their lips together completely, he stood still as he waited for her react. The slight pressure of her pushing her lips closer to his made his heart swell and his other hand to move to cup her waist, pulling her to his body. Her lips were as soft as he imagined, like beautiful, full clouds. And her hair, so soft and bouncy as it curled around his palm. Pulling back slightly, he smiled against her lips. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that, princess.” The nickname, along with the kiss, made her head go fuzzy. “Princess…” He muttered softly, chuckling when she whined softly. “Stop calling me that…” “Why?” He smiled as she pushed face into his chest. “It makes me tingly…” She muffled out. “Now it does....after all this time.” “Always has.” At that, his chest tightened and his stomach knotted, body stilling as it heated up. “Really?” He squeaked, making her nod as she chuckled into his shirt. “Why were you always so mean about it then?” “Because it made me tingly…” The loud laugh that ripped through him shook her, making her whine.
The days after that were mutually less aggrivation filled, and she’d almost thought that he liked her until she saw him flirting with another girl at a frat party the weekend after. She knew that shouldn’t be so hurt, because they just kissed and everyone just kisses, but she was. Add that to her being high as hell, and petty as hell, it was a big uh-oh moment. Walking up to Wooseok, she grabbed his hand and pulled him with her to the dancefloor. “Woah...you okay?” He asked making her nod, though a soft pout played on her lips. “Is it because of Seungyoun-ie?” He leaned in to mutter in her ear, unknowingly giving her the advantage of seeing over his shoulder slightly. She made eye contact with Seungyoun, a sly smirk finding purchase on her face as she silently nodded to Wooseok’s question. Pulling away to look her in the face, he kept his face close enough for her to hear him. “She’s been flirting with him all night, but I don’t think he’s really interested.”He stated just as they heard a throat clearing, pulling away to turn to the interrupter. And there, in all of his fuming glory stood Seungyoun. “Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?” She shrugged stubbornly, rolling her eyes as he gently grabbed her hand and led her to one of the bathrooms. Shutting and locking the door, he turned to lean against the door. She sat on closed toilet, his low gaze on her form as she looked to him with reddened sclera. “What was that about, princess?” His voice was stable, calm and relaxed. “I don’t know, ask your little girlfriend.” She snipped back with an icy tone, eyes rolling when he chuckled softly. “You saw that, huh?” He pushed off the door, and crouched in front of her. “Is that why you acted out with Wooseok, princess?” She scoffed, rolling her eyes again making him clench his jaw. When she turned her head, he caught her chin between his fingers gently to turn her back to look at him with a couple of soft ‘tsk’s. “Listen, princess, she was nobody. She came up to talk to me, but I wasn’t interested. Wanna know why?” He made her stand up by slowly pulling her to him by her chin. “Because you’re the only one I want.” He whispered, leaning down to peck her lips. “I’m only interested in fucking, kissing, and loving my princess. M’okay?” He muttered, kissing down the column of her neck to latch onto her throat as she whined. His hands cupped her butt, rubbing it gently before gripping it and lifting her up. “You’re so light, baby.” He chuckled, nipping at the skin of her neck softly, smiling when she whined. “So cute…” He cooed, sucking at the skin with a grin. 
Setting her on the sink, he pulled her head back by her hair. “So pretty.” He hummed, staring down at her before running his nose over her jaw. “I bet you taste as sweet as you look.” The growl in his voice set waves of arousal to her core, causing her to whine as she clenched around nothing. “Daddy…” She cried as he tugged on her hair a little, making him freeze. “What’d you call me?” He muttered, feeling his adrenaline spike and heart speed up. “D-Daddy…” She muttered, face flushed and eyes blown as she stared at him wide eyed. His head fell back, eyes squeezing shut, as he growled lowly. “You’re gonna make me ruin you,  princess.” He stated, voice having dropped a couple of octaves in a raspy groan. “Let’s go back to mine?”
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canyouhearthelight · 5 years
The Miys, Ch. 62
Thank you, everyone, for bearing with me on the delays for this chapter.  There was a benefit: @satan-parisienne got to beta the chapter, AND our other sister got caught up all the way in the meantime.
Right now, I’m at 463 followers.  As soon as I hit 500, do we want to do another character contest, or Name the Colony??  I am honestly dying to have all of you name the Colony... I feel like it would make you ALL crew-members of the Ark!
Same warning as always: this is a plague arc, so there are several references to medical procedures.
“There has to be a correlation.”
It was the first thing I heard as I woke up from yet another episode of passing out.  Once again, I had been wandering a dream version of the Ark, complete with ever changing levels of dereliction.  No matter how hard I tried, I was unable to speak with the Else again, however, and if the Council asked anyone else to even try, no one had informed me.
Blearily, I glanced toward the voice that I had heard.  Grey’s hair was ruffled in every direction, as though they had run their hands through it repeatedly.  Antoine was asleep, a tube trailing away from a bandage on his arm – I wasn’t the only one in the room needing transfusions anymore.  Maverick and Conor were berthed on either side of me, blotches taunting me from the skin around their eyes.  Tears pricked at my eyes as I tried to steady my breath before speaking. “How long have you been at it, Grey?”
With a sigh they turned toward me, forcing a kind smile on their face. “Sophia. How are you feeling?”
“Like I’m living in a horror movie. Again,” I groaned. “But seriously. Are the shadows because you’ve been working too much, or are you sick, too?”
“Medical scans only show slightly decreased iron levels from my baseline,” Grey admitted. “But that could also be related to standing and running tests for the last twelve hours.”
I tapped the space beside me in my berth. “Sit down for a minute. Take a break. You know as well as I do that wearing yourself out is counterproductive.” With great reluctance, they folded themselves to sit beside me. “You’re stressed out, aren’t you?” I asked, tapping their fingers gently.
The smile this time was reluctant but genuine. “People are falling ill all over the ship.  I have been trying to find a connection – some common activity that they all may have come into contact with each other during.”
“There’s the Food Festival,” I pointed out.
“Very few Terran viruses have such a long gestation period,” Grey explained. “And those that do, have a much different set of symptoms.  Additionally, in a setting this small, there are precious the majority of the ship do not share.”
“And you have the problem with the platforms,” I realized ruefully before glancing at my partners.
Cool fingers tapped my cheek. “That issue can wait,” Grey admonished gently. “It is not as important as the health of the people on this ship.”
“Speaking of…” I tried to prop myself up on my elbows, but a pointed look from my friend – as effective as any of Tyche’s glares – had me surrendering to leaning back on the pillows again. “Is there anyone on the ship who isn’t sick so far?”
Grey nodded with a grimace. “The number of those not affected numbers in the low double digits, unfortunately.”
“What do they have in common?”
“Hermits, every last one,” a voice announced quietly as the door hissed open. “And that’s saying something, coming from me.”  A tantalizing smell wafted over, setting my mouth and eyes watering as Tyche grinned like the cat who got the cream.  She shoved a forkful of something deep reddish brown into her mouth and moaned. “Phaal curry with scotch bonnets. Why didn’t you tell me about this stuff, Soph?”
“Noah is going to kill you if he comes in here,” I warned. “They have officially deemed that a biohazard.”
Grey winced. “I feel I should deem that a biohazard.  How are you eating that? Where did you even find it?”
“Four menus deep in my sister’s food console when I stopped in to water the plants,” she explained around yet another mouthful. “I warned Noah I have it, and they promised to wait for the scrubbers to clear the room before they come in here.”
“Give me a bite and I won’t complain,” I wheedled.  Noah never let me take that stuff out of my quarters.  “And tell me what you mean by hermits?”
Obligingly, she sauntered over and held out a forkful of nuclear-spicy lamb as she clarified. “The few people who aren’t sick are the ones who haven’t left their quarters since arriving.  They make me and Derek look downright outgoing.”
“Wait,” I sputtered as sweat beaded and started to drip from my quickly-numbing face. “They haven’t left their quarters in over a year?”
“Nope,” she confirmed. “They contribute, but all of it is remotely.  Programming, online tutoring, that sort of thing.”
“Well, that tells us a great deal of nothing,” I sighed. “We can’t even narrow down what activities they haven’t participated in, because they haven’t participated in any.”
“So go the other route,” she shrugged. “Who is the most sick?”
“Nixe,” Grey and I answered in unison.  Our resident mermaid was still holding on, but she hadn’t regained consciousness yet.
“Wait,” I interjected as I realized something. I squinted at my sister. “Your symptoms showed up before Antoine’s. How come you’re up, bouncing around?”
“You kidding?” she cocked an eyebrow at me. “Soph. I’ve lived most of my life with sever anemia. Even now I probably have more in my body than I ever did back on Earth. I feel amazing, by comparison.”
“She also has a habitually high-iron diet,” Grey added, tilting their head and glancing at me. “Current comestibles notwithstanding.”
“That makes sense,” I conceded. “So we can’t even build a timeline around onset of symptoms, can we?”
“Negative.  Several people on the ship have high-iron diets for various reasons. Particularly your sister and Maverick.”
I rolled my head to left and squinted. “Really?  He’s one of the pickiest eaters I know.”
“Spinach, tofu, red meat,” they started ticking off on their fingers. “Lentils and other legumes, pumpkin seeds, broccoli, and organ meats are among the foods with the highest iron content.”
My eyes widened. “You practically listed Maverick’s entire diet, Grey.”
“I am well aware.  I do monitor his nutrition closely, as he still has to prove he has consumed sufficient healthy calories in order to start his daily shift.”
“Huh,” I grunted. “So, he could have been sick the longest and we are just now seeing it?”
“While I highly doubt it, your theory is somewhat correct.”
“Weh di’ oo geh ‘im oo ee ohgah mee?” Tyche asked delicately around the last of her curry.
“Conor likes kidney pie, black pudding, and liver with onions,” I explained, trying not to wince at my sister’s breathtaking lack of manners and reminding myself that she just found out she can eat food she only dreamed of trying in the past.
She gulped, a look of revulsion on her face. “Liver and onions? That’s disgusting.”
As Grey completely lost their composure and gaped openly at the statement, I shrugged and soldiered on. “Not my idea of a good time, either, but they like it, so it’s their bonding time.”
“Surely not all three at once?”
“Christ, no. I would kill them if they ate kidney pie without me.”
“Okay, just checking.”  Tyche made her way to a disposal and made Noah aware that the curry had vacated the premises.
By this point, Grey was absentmindedly scratching at the rash that appeared from simply being near the dish.  “Can one of you explain to me how someone even eats something like that?  My eyes are burning just from being near food that spicy?”
“Ask her,” Tyche gestured. “I’m still figuring this out.”
I scowled at being put on the spot before turning to our friend. “I’ve always loved spicy food,” I admitted. “And I’ve never had any digestive issues with it. As I got older, I tried spicier and spicier food. It’s all so – vibrant. So full of flavor. Sure, you have some stuff that is just spicy for the sake of being painful, and I hate that kind of food. It’s just hate and spite made into food. No one should do that.” I sighed, struggling with my words. “Most spicy foods are ethnic foods, and I always liked being able to enjoy the ‘full’ version, for lack of a better term.  Being able to go to any country and say ‘I want to eat this the way you eat it,’ and mean that.  It just opens so many doors.”
“And it isn’t just spicy food,” Tyche pitched in. “She found this old show once, where this guy went around the world and tried weird native foods, and that was always her dream.  Every chance she got to travel like that, she tried the weirdest, most disgusting foods she could, just because she knew she wouldn’t get sick.”
“What was the worst?” Grey asked.  When we looked at each other in doubt, they laughed quietly. “It helps me get my mind off of all this.” They waved vaguely at the lab equipment. “So, tell me.  I never got to travel much before this.  I would like to hear.”
“Well,” I started hesitantly. “I only managed to choke down one bite of balut, but that may be more squeamish heart than squeamish stomach. Anything involving hard fat or cartilage is just right out, sorry.  I can’t get past the texture.  Once I got past the smell, durian was actually pretty good.  Most bugs are really nutty and delicious, surprisingly.  Balut was probably the one I liked the least. But – “ I held up my hands in a defensive posture. “I literally don’t remember what it tasted like, I couldn’t get my mind past the thought of what I was eating, so take that for what you will.”
Grey paled slightly as they looked the dish up on their datapad. “People eat that?”
Tyche nodded. “Yep.  I don’t get it either, but it’s a delicacy.”
They paled further as they looked up other dishes and confirmed I had tried them. “How did you not get ill?”
“Cast iron stomach,” Tyche and I explained, laughing at ourselves for responding in synch.
“Cast iron stomach, indeed,” they murmured.  Suddenly, their head snapped up.  They stared intently at the wall behind me before squinting slightly. “Cast iron…”
Without explanation, Grey jumped up from my berth, brushing past my sister on their way to the lab equipment. “Iron.  Whatever we are looking for is impacting iron absorption and red blood cell function. – “ Tyche and I looked at each other in confusion as Grey continued their impression of a rambling mad-scientist. “But nutritive iron does have elemental iron as part of the molecule…” Images flickered around the researcher as they scanned through notes and images; expanding this one, discarding that one, squinting at a few. “What if we are segregating the two for no reason… bacteria are bacteria, and the tail failed, too.”
The tail failed? Tyche mouthed at me. I shrugged, lost as she was.  We stared on in concern as Grey muttered, only half-audibly, into the night.
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