#i tried my best to make a cool banner but i dont think it worked very well sjddkdhsj oh well
feua-old · 5 years
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@delicatelyshycollection I love kids!! I'm really good with them too, so I'm like the go to babysitter
@nouveausims no u!!!!
@stambysims I just spent 3 hours on homework and I have 4 tests tomorrow and a presentation,,, love that for me
@frogb0ys um ilysm I hope you get twice as much ok gn bby
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give-grian-rights · 3 years
fifteen hermits worth of liveblogging. i am losing my mind. LONG POST AHEAD.
JOE HILLS (First HC8 Video)
Mumbo did the speech. he forgot everything he was supposed to say <3
Pearl and Gemini were just .in a pit . having stuff thrown onto them
Every Hermit is staying on the same continent !!
FIRST DEATHS VERY QUICKLY, Iron Golems took out Tango and Etho (maybe more?)
Joe seems to be the only one looting the chests
Evil Jevin !!
Evil Xisuma appearance on Jevin’s 60 second video!
Pearl has something planned for an “archeticual wonder” for a resupply area upon death?
Stress, Xisuma and Joe are capturing villagers and starting up a resupply debut.
Bdubs is killed by Cleo and is now OUT FOR BLOOD
First death counts- Etho, Tango, Bdubs, Cleo?
Cleo was killed by Keralis
Joe has now supplied Cleo with weapons and food . She left but not before saying “Time to kill BDubs again!”
Gemini was killed by Bdubs! They both died and are now at spawn.
Pearl was killed by Cleo
Pearl is planning a respawn inn !!
Cleo was killed by Iskall
Cleo was killed by Pearl
False, Stress, and Gemini team up??? AA!!! they brought a delivery of supplies to Joe <3
i wish i knew what was happening on that end .
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Iskall is the first with Diamonds??
Breathe in that ash !
the big eyed trio are now off to shake down Gemini
Joe fell in Lava in the Nether
Joe Death To Lava Two: Electric Boogaloo
Joe drowned trying to kill a glowsquid
Zedaph Episode Recap
Zed gave us a recap of the continent every Hermit will be living on !!
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Wouldn’t recommend Zedaph as the first video for the season, he skips the intro/speech but it’s Zedaph and hes making it fun!! Lots of nice editing :)
Zedaph.. why is your starter base made out of concrete ?
There are no sheeps whatsoever on his mountain
Hes calling his lab an icecream sandwich..yeah i see it
Zed tried to make a portal underater...f
Scar died to a creeper </3
Zedaphs base is gonna be tracking how long hes there/someones loading the chunk!
A cool cinema scene of him becoming an axolotl!! <3
XIsuma’s baseplans need over 45 THOUSAND BLOCKS TO BE PLACED
He’s also planning on making a shulkershell farm!!
i’m not gonna lie ! talking axolotl X is horrifying ! thanks !
Day one Villager Breeder... chaos.
Xisuma Derp! looked straight at a buncha wool and said how badly he needed beds and then walked away
day one and Xisuma has got his axolotl!!
Very pretty starterbase!!
..I’m not gonna lie theres not much to say!! He’s very calm :) he says hes going into it without a plan, and htat last season was the only time he had any thought of what he was gonna do.
He made a real nice starter house and thats about it!
Bdubs: “She ain’t gonna hurt me!! i’m invincible, babey!”
Cleo learnt that BDubs will never hurt her even if she deserves it . I am starting to realize why she kills him
“Alright I found my mission for the season! Murder.”
Cleo, Mumbo, Grian, and Scar are all holed up in a cave together!
..Scar died from a skeleton !
Cleo has now split from Grian and Mumbo! Scar is missing in action
she got a HORSE <3 and Joe gave her a saddle! I think her name is..Widget?
She LOVES the candles for shamboo n waterbottles and bits n bobs for her armorstands!!
Got her Armorstand stickgod book <3
Geminitay POV
She has a LOVELY voice!!
The pov of her in a hole . being surrrounded . is kinda hilarious
It might’ve been Etho who was first death?? I GENUIENLY CANNOT TELL BECAUSE OF EDITING
All the murder was just for heads!
Seriously her voice is. wow
False, Gemini, and Stress are on the great journey for MOSS !
Gem just blew their minds with the moss.
TANGO KERALIS AND BDUBS ARE BACK Keralis: “Show the diamonds show the diamonds show the diamonds!” Gem: “Keralis. This is not how you make friends.”
The boys suecessfully recieved a diamond each
Etho n Iskall are travelling together!! You dont see those two together often
Etho got a glowsquid head!!
Gem: “Etho doesn’t share, is what i’m learning..?”
Etho hooked her with a fishing rod and said she has to do what he said .
In order to get the diamonds, Tango, Keralis, and BDubs placed down a sign saying “Gem is Great!” and Gem used a glow inksack on it.
Etho: “So..What is this? Do you have an ego, or this a motivational thing, or..?” He said, while laughing
Iskall: “I think its really funny that you have set your base up in the middle of a birch forest.” Gem: “I love birch forests! Do you not like my birch forest? Iskall: “I love it, yeah.” Gem: “This is the best biome in the game, Iskall.” Iskall: “Mmmm..” Etho: “I’m pretty sure I heard Iskall talking earlier that like, of all the biomes in the game, there was one he hated more than anything. Gem: “Oh really? And what was that one?” Iskall: “..Taiga.” Gem: “Taiga.. That’s true, thats a good one, thats a good one.” Iskall: “Don’t like Taiga.” Gem: “Mhm.” Etho: “Which one do you hate more than anyone?” Iskall: “..Diorite fields. Thats a bad one.” Etho: “Yeah thats a bad one.” Gem: “Didn’t know about that one. Well make sure to avoid’em. Birch forests are really good.” Iskall: “I’m a big fan of birch forests.” Gem: “Yeah, me too, me too. I’m glad we’re on the same page :) This is so beautiful! All the white and- and the like zebra stripes! is fantastic.” Iskall: “I..Um.. Yes.”
She accidentally found an enchanted golden apple in a mineshaft!! she thinks its the first she ever found in survival!!
She has a cow, sheep, and a few crop farms set up!! Her starter house has INTERRIOR!
shes doing a cottage core inspired base!
BDUBS IS HERE and he is so so so impressed by the tree ?!
also hes carrying a clock.. :(
He’s here with a present!
she thinks its so funny that he stops conversations to sleep AOIDHFEAUI\
WE GOT A TRANSITION SCENE!! the canonical reason for the bed in his old village always being occupied is because underneath it, was his wizard portal!
Bdubs: “It’s a new season! You’re the little guy now!”
They are all very amused by that ^
they’re rubbing the fleece of bdubs jacket .
His starter base is gonna be a wagon and he wants the end game to be a bioshock esque skyscraper!
he confused a horse for a player . flashback to iskall thinking mumbo was a mob
Scar, Mumbo, and Grian.. have NO braincells. at all. THey just placed a crafting table with a boat on top with a bed on top with a boat on top .
this is what BROS FOR LIFE looks like.
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it seems like Grian, Mumbo, and Scar are working together !!!! HOLY SHIT !!
he died several times trying to catch a skeleton with a sword
its a giant ass house boat wagon . its pulled by a llama . that killed him . so now its trapped, pulling hte agon, forever
Grian: “..Thats a very big house, for a very little hat.”
they really came out here . and killed the egg already.
Scar: “..I touched the thing”
We see the three big eyed boys forming <3 they interrupted Tangos intro
they found an axolotl and Bdubs was TERRIFIED just screaming “WHAT IS THAT YELLOW THING?!”
okay nope Bdubs caught one and Tango lost it
Bdubs is naming his axolotl Idiot
Impulse POV
so it looks like those four are hteo nes who grouped up together
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So its gonna be about five people in the same area!!
YOO!! Fantasy build for Impulse!!
G gave Impulse a spyglass, they had a fun moment of zooming in on eachothers face and complimenting eachother IHAUDIHAW
Grian and Impulse worked on an xp farm!
a pillager stole his boat . not just any pillager . the one with a banner. </3
he has to live with Mumbo tuning a song .. </3 haha
Mumbo POV
it took fifteen seconds until Grian ran in during Mumbos intro
Grian: “Can you..Briefly explain why you’re just wearing a hawaiian shirt?” Mumbo: “Uh- what do you mean ‘just wearing a hawaiin shirt? I have shorts on as-well, dude”
Mumbo: “Can you explain why you’re wearing a red jumper?” Grian: “You know- you know i was born with this!”
Grian: “Is that Scar?” Mumbo: “I can’t see past your giant waffle!”
DSFSDFJIOA they did an edit where they placed down a boat, both Mumbo and Grian got in, they made noises and then bopped up on top of the ravine they were in <3
..Mumbo is trying to be a pacifist this season!
Grian’s taunting him with beheaded things
And obviously part of being pacifist means he’s gonna be vegetarian in minecraft!
..he cannot use monster farms because pacifisim..
Mumbo was in the middle of reading the magical Timmy shack that Tango made (did i remember to mention that? who knows) and IN THE MIDDLE OF GETTING TO THE PART ABOUT IF YOU REMOVE STUFF FROM THE CHEST, NOTHING WILL BE ADDED IN IT AGAIN. Grian opened the chest . Mumbo SHOUTED HIAUDHUW Grian jumped man
They renamed it “Cave of Do Not Enter” HIAUEDUH
Mumbo and Scar BOTH did not know- at least Mumbo didn’t, Scar forgot,  that podzol spawns from two-by-two spruce..
him and his guitar song to be played underneath his house.. it goes with the aesthetic i suppose
Mumbo: “What.. On Earth.. Scar, it’s meant to be a starterbase, buddy! What is this? This is many things, many many things, a starterbase is NOT one of them!”
nothing special we havent seen yet!! just him screaming about axolotls.
He was working in the Mesa in his intro, skipping the “speech” from Mumbo
He released Idiot the Axolotl and lost it .
While Gemini gave away those three diamonds, Keralis got so excited he won a bet with Tango and Bdubs, that he gave back . two of the diamonds . and none of htem released until well after they left
Bdubs: “That’s why i have my mwoss skin!” PLEASE I LOVE THE WAY HE SAYS IT.. make the moss hood.. REAL..
it took me a while to figure out what his base is but i LOVE IT so so much!!!
Nothing much new to add !!
Stress pov
please i love her . very good !! False seems to have joined her sheerly because Stress sounded like she knew what she was doing. she does not.
False felt peerpressured and asked Stress for permission to fight her because everyone was killing eachother .
It ended up with Stress following False. they found a village!
ISKALL only saw him one other time today!!
Ren: “Ya look goregous, Stress!” Stress: “Thanks! Don’t murder my dog!”
She’s so proud of herself for caving!! (with False n Gem
Iskall blew up!
..Iskall fell from a high place
Stress has a LOVELY ravine base!!
False wants to become pirates with Stress <3
gatekeep gaslight girlboss
it looks like a mushroom church and i LOVE IT.
Nothing new we didn’t see from Gem. She does want to come up with a banner design for her base, though!
..Mumbo just thought Grian had a purpose so decided to follow him <3
Grian is SO PROUD of the fact taht they got good loot from a treasure map. Ren and Doc are NOT IMPRESSED
Grian: “Lets go, potato boy!”
Mumbo: “I don’t have to replace everything I break! Peace Love and Plants- are these plants..?” He says, mining amethyst
he who controls the egg, controls the server... Grian.. you’re doing great sir
...He decided.. his goal.. is to make his OWN..caves and cliffs update... HELLO..?
Grian was the first one to kill the enderdragon, MAN. Speedrunning career WHEN? /j
Grian: “And now [Mumbo] is flexing on my bed!”
he might not have a base. but he has an egg.
It is now 2am. i cannot do this anymore. This will be continued.. tomorrow!
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pocketramblr · 3 years
Poll Results
Alright, that’s it, i’m tired of trying to sort the answers so yall just get the big list of all the free response answers to that quiz about ofa. be aware some are less safe for work than others.
memorable ones: OfA Snickerdoodle, I’d Give It To A Cat, So You Know Vore Right?, I’m in Love With Nana, Slicey Blood Oath, and Homoerotic Sword Fight
(My answer above is how I think it did happen, not how I want it to happen.) I personally think something along the lines of a Bruce Banner Jennifer Walker blood transfusion where the OFA holder doesn’t realize they’ve passed it on until later.
a tender kiss. perhaps loving. perhaps they're dying, and i already knew that they loved me, either platonically or otherwise, and we always knew that i'd be next. perhaps they tried so hard to make sure it never happened, and perhaps that tender kiss as an apology as much as it is a gift. sure sucks to be gay i guess 
Peacefully? By doing the do and making it a wonderful moment of lovemaking and passing on the future.. If we're in the middle of battle you bet your freaking butt I want them to kiss me dramatically, tell me they love me, and then yeet me away as they turn back to the fight. Ow but relationship goals. 
If we're not romantic because I am obsessed with the Duo Holders ship currently, blood works fine. Ingest it or have them pressing a bloody palm into a wound of mine *shrugs* Gotta pass it along somehow
Personally, I'd rather drink blood instead of hair. It feels less gross. But I'd pass it on as hair just to fuck with my successor
Hair or blood eating, but no touchy-touchy or whatever thx.
Probably a vial of blood so it’s easy and over quick
kiss 👉👈
i would like it to be blood from an already opened wound just cause it would probably less weird, ..........but knowing my luck and because irl my sister has attempted to feed me her baby teeth by shoving it to my lips and saying "eat", thats actually how i would get ofa. ( >:/ i have almost eaten at least two teeth this way because i thought she was being nice and giving me candy )
Consider: doing one of those blood oath things where you swear to be BFFs for eternity except now you also get a quirk out of it. But lbr kissing is way more romantic and you’ve made First/Second my new OTP, so I’ll stick with that for them. <3 But also, maybe to make the kiss option more romantic First thought something more along the lines of wishing he could give ~everything he has/all of himself~ to Second which counted as including his quirk, rather than specifically about giving him the power to defeat his brother?
This is going to sound gross but all ways of transferring DNA is. Just work up a sweat and have the other party drink it. It would probably be the best tasting option which is kinda a weird thing to think about. Nvm sweat doesn't contain DNA looked it up but I don't want to delete all of this so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe a scraping of skin cells
Honestly the hair is probably the way I'd want to go. That or blood. Like just swallowing it.
Look, i know realistically it was probably some desparate on-the-brink-of-death "please defeat my brother" thing and oo, magic he gets the quirk. But consider. First's last fight with afo. Second is holding his bleeding body, crying. First gently cups Second's cheek and pulls him into a bloody kiss before dying. Second pulls himself together just long enough to flip off afo, barely resisting the urge to absolutely slaughter him, knowing he would lose. He finds his successor and trains him to the best of his ability, determined to not lose another person he cared for
I mean like dead skin cells probably dont work right? Except hair works so thats not true. So like you totally could lick someone to get OFA. Like could you imagine the whole holding your hand over someones mouth to shut them up but they lick you and they somehow wind up with your quirk, like crazy. What must have been the trial and error with this stuff cause they must have kept passing it inbetween each other to figure out its dna right. How long did it take for them to realize. Like you’re eating breakfast and theres a hair in your food like ew and why am i stronger now. Overall, comedic timing for getting a quirk would be hilarious.
My apprentice lays broken and bloody beneath me as I cradle them in my arms, crying on to an open wound on their face praying the power will be enough to save them
little bit of skin like a hang nail just like put it in a sandwich and dont thing about it
Put it in my coffee.
If I received it from Nana then I would love to have received it via eating her out~ though for passing it on to others I think I would just either spit into their mouths or shove a bleeding finger down their throat until they swallow and then run and get myself killed by AfO while taunting him with "I DON'T HAVE YOUR BROTHER'S QUIRK ANYMORE! SUCK MY NON-EXISTENT DICK YOU LOSER!"
knock me out and just inject the blood. if i have to actively think abt ingesting someone elses dna im gonna yeet myself into the ocean. to pass it on i'll just spit in a cup (or in their mouth) bc im not gonna make someone eat my hair nor is anyone getting my blood
who in their right mind would trust me with a power like ofa 💀afo just looks at me funny the quirk is his. im not a mc for a reason
Sexy battle where I’m the villain, and randomly the hero thinks “I wish I could save you”. Boom I punch them with bloody knuckles and the quirk passes to me. Now the hero has to teach me how to be good again. Also we fall in love.
You know, I always assumed I would head canon it as something romantic until canon proved me wrong But these options are so varied - I had to choose the most Dramatic (tm) one As for my actual answer: a gentle kiss with full consent from both parties
I will bite a holder as a sign of affection. There's probably some dead skin cells in the arm I can swallow by accident. They are used to this and sometimes we switch the quirk around for funsies.
You know, I spent like 10 minutes trying to think of something original here, but knowing my shit luck some bastard would spit in my drink or something and cast upon me the Curse of Bone Breaking and/or.... y’know..... AFO...........
okay this is gonna sound weird but. consider this i marry a very lovely women. we are in much love. we get attacked by evil people because she is a good hero but plot twist. i am secretly her nemisis. the attackers are my minions. i wanted her to protect me because i am very smol but. my comrades were too mean. she is nearly dead. "take this" she says. she kisses me and i am one for all. fuck, i say internally, but i dont tell her. she dies in my arms. i run and become vigilante and take down my once comrades. all is not well. i die unsatisfied. i eventually pass it onto a cat in an alleyway because they are the only one who is with me when i get hit with a back alley sniper
Blood or just like. skin. You could use nail clippers to take a bit off from a really fleshy area, like just under the nail. It's that easy
Spit in my food like an underpaid fast food worker.
i have long hair so that would not be ideal, but blood seems kinda...unsanitary, but i guess it would be better if i was 100% positive i wouldn't pass on some sort of disease. so if that could be ascertained then like a few drops of blood in a glass of water or something and then down the hatch, bam ofa passed on. i know other folks are probably typing some nsfw stuff but just. no. keep it in your pants y'all.
Blood transfusion First, pick a hospital Second, steal all their blood Third, have the previous user donate their blood to that hospital Fourth, get into a major accident and need a blood transfusion near the hospital you robbed Fifth, hope either OfA will only pass onto you bc your the intended recipient, or that no one else needs a blood transfusion Sixth, get the transfusion Seventh, steal all of the previous users blood back Eigth, return all the other stolen blood Ninth, get new identities, this crime leaves DNA everywhere Tenth, die of a blood clot due to incompatible blood types (optional)
okay realistically bleeding into a cut or a drop of blood into water and drinking it would be easiest but like... what if somehow dna could be baked into like a muffin or cookie or something... like i know when cooking with wines and stuff the alcohol cooks away and evaporates out but is that process the same for like blood? like if you baked your blood into a cookie would traces of your dna still be there? basically i want an ofa cookie (snickerdoodle preferably)
no i like my bones
drink a drop of blood. it'd go down easier than hair
Something dramatic and desperate in the heat of battle like blood or something
First of all, I think First passed OfA as he was dying entirely on accident, because Second was badly (though not critically) injured and they'd been sort of dancing around each other's feelings and doubting their own worth, so First, knowing he was dying and that his brother was a petty bitch who would probably kill Second anyway because he knows that First cared about him, kisses Second with blood on his lips and his last thoughts before dying are about how he wants Second to have the strength to survive if his brother comes after him.
If I was given the option of getting OfA, I wouldn't take it. I'm a coward and being given something like that is a death sentence.
If it was forced, probably ingesting the previous users blood, because blood is a lot easier to choke down than hair.
If I already had it and had to pass it on, I would want it to be something suitably dramatic like collapsing on the doorstep of a trusted loved one and explaining with my dying breath who killed me and why and then raising my blood covered hand to their face like I was going to caress their cheek only for them to taste blood. They cry and try to get me take it back and when I finally die they swear vengeance over my slowly cooling corpse.
Pass it on in a non-life threatening scenario where I decide I actually don’t like the weird bone breaking power a random person gave me as they were dying and wish I could pass it to someone else and through a weird set of circumstances end up accidentally cooking some of my own hair into brownies I was making because I shed like a dog and passing it to my new neighbor I came to welcome to the neighborhood.
Either drinking a glass of milk with their saliva (no icky hair taste), or an epic sharing of blood while clasping hands like knights in a noble brotherhood!
not by eating all mights long ass hair thats for sure, why did he give midoriya one of the longest ones he had, he has shorter hair right there on the back of his head. not to mention the fact of like how i would prefer to recieve it or give it away which would be just, fucking sharing a pop or something and swaping it through the backwash??? less nasty than hair and not as weird as the other options for spit which is like straight up spitting in a drink or the other persons mouth outside of kissing. if someone told me i had to eat their hair i would straight up say no thanks, cheers for the fitness glow up tho homie
I want nana 2 kiss me, on.,, the m,,,.."#*(@÷out.h pretty lady.,
Q-tip to the inside of the cheek
Those blood pacts where you slice your hands open and do a little handshake thing. Not very creative, but idk it just appeals to me
Via consumption of blood, babey
I would want it to be with a maybe maybe not homoerotic sword fight in a Wendy's parking lot, preferably while we are both being impaled on each other's swords. The sweet pain of almost dying is a very intense moment to share isn't it?
Sweet love
If it's someone cute, a kiss. Otherwise I'd probably just swallow a hair with some water.
i'd just like. spit in their water bottle. if thats not enough dna i guess licking a paper cut it is. hair is bad idwa bc it doesn't digest and can get wrapped up in things. and like. im too aroace for kissing and such
Last option, cause first is sexy as hell
okay you know what vore is, right. and you know how blood and organ transfusions work? well...
Not at all, like?? I enjoy being alive and not having my body destroyed thank you. Literally everyone with OfA died young-ish or has suffered debilitating injuries bc of it. Like Midoriya's bones are powder, and we don't even need to go into All Might's medical history. Like thanks but no thanks no freaky dna ingestion 4 me
Had a open cut from a can lid and ofa holder had an open cut. While lamenting about fins a successor.
Assuming we can bypass the rules of canon, it would be funny as fuck is OFA was passed on by intentional physical contact. So yes, a smooch for First and Second (and Second and Third) but also. Bitchslap of destiny. Nana giving her protege one last hug. All Might ruffles Mido’s hair like a dad to pass it on. I’m sure you get it
Bleeding over an open wound
lil bit of spit in a milkshake.
I hold their hand Platonically but it's summer and we're both sweaty and they're a little loopy and having weird thoughts due to dehydration and heat lmao, literally hanging around anyone for any extended period of time guarantees you accidentally ingest SOME of their dna. Dead skin cells are floating through the air ~constantly~ and if you have a friend I promise you've inhaled their dead skin cells before. Have fun with that knowledge!!
ok so like deffo a kiss, but in canon people get weird biological urges for using their quirks, like bby Toga drinking bird blood. First has had a LOT of "spit in their drink" intrusive thoughts over the years. immediately post first-kiss he is mystified that his intrusive thoughts have disappeared entirely, but then BAM it seems that second has the stockpile now, and with it, a preoccupation with vampire lore
drink from the same water bottle?
Pass it on by making them lick my arm because that would make them rly uncomfortable, passed to me by spiting in my 20oz Red Bull and then chugging it
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sapphicomenn · 3 years
“the tesseract has awakened” oh you mean the glowy cube from captain america AND captain marvel? THAT glowly cube?? cool looking stairs- ew who tf are you? the grim reaper??
what the fuck is a chitauri and why does it sound like sea food. “a world will be his. the universe, yours.” STOP BLAMING THE PRONOUN GAME AND GIVE ME NAMES FFS
ooo shield base. “not a drill.” oh shits going down- COULSON. FUURRRYYY FUCK YEAH. the best marvel characters are here the movie has peaked- oldman from thor is here?? intoresting. and who the hell is this woman tryna question fury??
the glowy cube is a shE???????? HUH??????? oh hey its hawkeye the badass archer guy. oh shit things are going down. the cube is sparking and swirling??- IT OPENED A PORTAL
“loki. brother of thor.” OLDMAN STFU
GUNS GO PEW PEW ALONG SIDE A GOOD OLD CAR CHASE SKSHSKKSHS. RUN FURY RUNNN. the portal imploded on itself like a moron hA
tis a train and a old building- NATASHA. how tf were you taken hostage? im so glad i have subtitles on otherwise i wouldnt understand a thing these ppl are saying. HOW TF IS SHE KICKING ASS WHILE TIED TO A CHAIR WHAT IN THE HELL-
oh his leg deff broke once he fell off the ledge tied to a chain. cut to a lil gorl running to find a doctor- who tf this is of course. THIS GUY IS BANNER??? i mean im glad they changed the actor but wtf. “theres no one that knows gamma radiation like you do.” YA DONT SAY, ROMANOFF. “STOP LYING TO ME” JESUS FUCK THAT MADE ME JUMP
oh damn shield has their own O5 council? cool. EXPLAIN WHAT PHASE2 IS ALREADY. also dont say thor is bad he is a giant puppy dog with a war-boner.
oh hi steve, working off that PTSD by beating the shit out of a punching bag ay? oh right steve knows the glowy cube. “at this point i doubt anything would surprise me.” “ten bucks says you’re wrong” welp ya owe him ten bucks steve
“is there anything you can tell us about the tesseract to help us now?” “you should’ve left it in the ocean.” WELL THAT HELPS ALOT DOESNT IT. hello there iron man, at the bottom of the ocean.? sure why the hell not
aye stark tower’s about to have clean energy, yay stark! “stark tower, is your baby.” how do you give birth to a tower.???????? KSHSJSHSKSJS COULSON BROKE INTO THE TOWER “is first name is agent.” TONY SKSHKSSHKSVSKSHSKS
*whisper whisper whisper* yeah she bribed tony with sex so he’d work on the avengers and stuff. “the guys like a stephen hawking.” “. . .” “hes like a smart person”
awh coulson is fangirling over steve- watched you while you were sleepin- man you’re awkward. you adorable dumbass. ohshit underground musky lab- OLDMAN AND LOKI
the world is breaking around loki. sea food army is restless- shut the fuck up you stupid looking eye wrapped bastard. WHO THE HELL IS THIS HE?????? welcome back to earth you smexy man
back to avenger tingz. man coulson is the biggest cap fan- oh its a giant sub- NO ITS A GIANT FLYING BASE HOLYSHIT SHIELD THATS AMAZING.
now we go into the meetings and talking related stuff :I yey. “lets vanish” wdym- IT HAD A CLOAKING DEVICE. HA STEVE JUST GAVE THE TEN HE OWED SKSHSKHSKSJS
i dont understand a word of all the science stuff they just said but yay. “i need a distraction. and an eyeball” barton what the fuck why do you need an eye.?
oh lokis in germany, at a very fancy party might i add. loki is best boy ever. even if he just bonked a the head/ OHMYGOD AND STOLE HIS FUCKING EYE JESUS CHRIST INFRONT OF ALL THOSE PEOPLE.??????
“i said. KNEEEEL” dont need to tell me twice-
blagh villain speeches are the worst. why tf did this old guy stand up “not to men like you.” shut up. SHOOT HIM- wtf. steve what the hell are you wearing? what the fuck is that- aye tonnnyyy!!!! he hacked into the jet thingy and started playing music from the speaker thats the best.
CAPSICLE SKSHSKSHKSHSKSJ- ohfuck thunder. THOR WELCOME TO THE PARTY. “im not overly fond of what follows” WKVSKSBSKSHSJS
HE JUST BROKE INTO THE JET AND STOLE LOKI FROM EM. “theres only one god ma’am. and im sure he doesnt dress like that.” cap stfu
“i thought you were dead.” “did you mourn.” damn loki thats harsh. thor is angy at his brother. “you listen well brot-ARGH” “..im listening?” STARK YOU CHOSE THAT MOMENT TO BODY SLAM THOR OFF THAT CLIFF AND LEAVE LOKI BEHIND? REALLY?
if someone throwed me against a tree i wouldnt be walking. im just saying
“THATS ENOUGH.” cap did you think that would work?? and how the hell did your dinner plate stop the power of thor
loki do be in jail tho. how’s this gonna go wrong- oh he smiled at banner. THATS how it goes wrong
tell him off fury! “you have made me very disapoin-“ OH NVM HE SAYS DESPERATE IGNORE THIS
“uNlimiteD pOoWeRRRRR”
“let me know if real power wants a magazine or something.” good comeback fury. i think
“loki is beyond reason, but he is of asgard. and he is my brother” “he killed 80 people in two days.” “he’s adopted.” KSBSKSJSJSJSK
“that man is playing galaga. he thought we wouldnt notice, but we did.” TONYKANSKSHKSJSKSJ tony is a fucking legend. “finally someone who speaks english!” “is that what just happened?” steve stfu you’re a fighty man not a smart man
“i do! . . . i understood that reference.” steve nvm keep talking please. PLEASE THE MAN IS STILL PLAYING GALAGA SOSJSKSJSJKS
why is tony eating blueberrys- where the hell did he get blueberrys. “we have orders. we should start following them.” steve you tried to get into the army under fake locations for months AND broke into a german base when you were a showpony. stfu about following rules
“so you’re saying the hulk.. the other guy? saved me” yes. yes we are saying that, banner. aye steve go break into shit like you’re suppost to :D
oh hi again oldman, welcome back. yay shield saved padme, and awh oldman talked about thor alot. thor i love you alot. loki just tell nat where tf you left barton :/ oh barton was sent to KILL nat?? not hire her?? well that went downhill. whomst the hell is dreykov- sao paulo- the hospital fire???? hawkeye wtf why’d you spill it all to loki.
mewley quim wtf kind of insult is that- oh damn nat figured out the hulk is lokis next plan of attack. PHASE TWO IS TO USE THE GLOWY CUBE TO MAKE FUCKING WEAPONS? SHIELD WHAT THE HELL
WAIT THEY WERE MADE FOR THOR AND ASGARDIANS? WHAT THE FUCK SHIELD- oh damn lokis staff is the reason they’re all at eachother. probably
“yeah. big man in a suit of armor. take that off what are you?.” “genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.” well you’re not wrong
guys stop fighting, HAWKEYE IS BREAKING IN. “in case you needed to kill me. but you cant. i know, i tried.” awh thats sad, i wanna hug banner so bad :(
loki stop smiling because the plan is going your way. “it seems to run on some form of electricity.” “well you’re not wrong” tony stop being funny this isnt fair
*B O N K*
glass cage go brrrrr
HA LOKI GOT FUCKIN SHOT BY COULSON BEFORE HE DIES( :( ) tony almost got minced by the engine thingys
im gonna cry coulson how dare your death make me sad :(( stupid heart breaking aftermath moments.
thor is stuck in a field, banner fell through the roof of a building. awh the security guard is so nice :) barton is a fucking mess right now “how’d you get him out?” “i hit you on the head really hard.” KSJSKKSSK
wait a fucking moment, the cards coulson has are covered in blood. so you’d think they were on him when he was stabbed- yet hill just said they were in his locker “they needed the push.” FURY YOU RUINED NEAR MINT VINTAGE COLLECTABLE CARDS TO MOTIVATE SUPER FREAKS???
o hi loki welcome to stark tower
“stalling wont change-“ “no no, threatening. no drink? ya sure? im having one.”
“i have an army.” “we have a hulk.” HE SAID IT, HE SAID THE LINE
HA LOKI CANT TAKE STARKS MIND BC HIS HEART IS SOME TECHY METAL CRAPKSJSKSJSKS- i guess choking and tossing him around works. so does throwing hik out a window
oh no the glowy cube just opened a portal for the army of seafood. they look like creatures from halo.
what the fuck just growled- HOLYSHIT THEY HAVE A SPACE LEVIATHAN. it looks badass ngl. loki redemption arc? nope he just stabbed thor.
yes because arrows and guns will stop the, alien monsters with lazer arms. some how its working. “just like budapest all over again.” “you and i remember budapest very differently.” WTF HAPPENED AT BUDAPEST BARTON AND NAt, HUH?
cap just scared the shit outta some police men HAHA
“i have unfinished business with loki.” “yeah? get in line” barton is snarky right now. banner just rides up on a motercycle like “hi what i’d miss”
“im bringing the party to you.” stark says while being chased by a giant metal space whale who’s crashing and crushing everything in its path along a street
the music, the avengers circling around. its amazing. well things are gonna get worse bc more space whales showed up
“and hulk. . . smash.”
LIGHT THEM FUCKERS UP, THOR. shield maybe instead of watching, maybe, oh i dont know. HELP THEM???
i dont know what else to say other then its alot of fighting and smashing alien faces into the ground
hulk and thor kicking ass on the back of a space whale is awesome. HULK WHY DID YOU PUNCH HIMSJSOSHSKJSKSJSKSKSKSK
i fuxking love when steve turtle shells behind his shield.
“director fury. the council has made a decision.” “i recognize the council has made a decision. but given its a stupid-ass decision, i have elected to ignore it.” fury never stop being awesome
loki thought he was so smug when he caught bartons arrow, then it blew up in his face. literally IKSKSKSKSKS
HULK FUCK LOKI UP! JSHSKSGKSHSJSHSJSJ HE JUST TOSSED LOKI AROUND LIKE A RAGDOLL “puny god.” “*pained wheezing from a smooshed loki*”
oh damn- OH DAMN, STARK. he just jonahed the fucking whale thing and blew it up from the inside. well now the city has a nuke coming for it :/
yall have a chance to shut the portal down, and tony, you want to go INTO that portal and throw the nuke in? wtf stark.
TONY GO BACK TO EARTH DAMNIT FUCKING BASTARD PASSED OUT. yay hulk saved his stupid ass. do cpr.? mayb.? or a hulk roar will wake him up KEJSKJSKSSKJS
tony. you just blew up a alien command center with a nuke, passed out and fell to earth through a portal. and you want, shawarma?
and now back to loki. “if its all the same to you, i’d like that drink now.” ISHSKSJSJSJSKSJSJ
the people love em. yey
council lady stfu about the avengers being a threat. they just said the earth and you’re worried about them going rouge??
“if we get into a situation like this again, what happens then?” “they’ll come back.” i mean theres three more avenger movies so i assume so. remodaling stark towers so its the avenger tower? neat!
*MID CREDIT SCENE* oh hi again mr no eyes. do we get to see this HE? OH WE DO. o hi mr 10 chins
once again ignore the misspells it was three AM when i finally finished this and im just now rereading it
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
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summary : solar congratulate botanica for debuting and welcome them to the dorm building by throwing a party for them.
characters : all of solar + botanica ensemble
genre : comedy / fluff
warnings : swearing , they literally just make fun of each other the whole time . but mostly it’s just a lighthearted piece . it’s also the most chaotic piece i’ve written . oh my god they’re so annoying i hate them so much they’re just kids whose internet should be taken away . it’s also all over the place so if it’s hard to follow lmk
words : 3.4k
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[ july 2019, 3:58 pm, botanica dorms ]
“do you think this is too much? they’re just moving in.”
“of course not!”
the party planning committee- which consisted of yongmi, elizabeth, and hyesoo- stood back and admired their work with the other five members behind them. the three of them did surprisingly decent with the small amount of space in the dorm’s living room and kitchen area and the probably under $30 budget they’d pooled from all their pockets and wallets. multicoloured streamers hung from multiple points on the wall and ceiling, bowls with assorted flavours of chips were placed artfully on the coffee table, and a big banner hung above the door that was obviously originally one of those “happy birthday!” banners, but the birthday part had been covered up and now said “happy debut!” because it was no one’s birthday. at least forty balloons were strewn out across the floor- which yongmi almost busted a lung trying to blow them all up- they were gonna get more helium ones but because of their tight budget they’d only managed six. which was fine, six balloons for six boys, right?
“it looks like an eight year old’s birthday party,” minjung said.
“hey! we had thirty dollars, i’d like to see you do better with that,” hyesoo replied, shooting her a glare, which minjung shrugged in response to.
“are they coming soon?” honghui asked, which yongmi responded to not with words but with an expression that clearly stated she didn’t know. meanwhile elizabeth was occupied with her phone seemingly texting someone.
[ new message from : DONT ANSWER//kim sangWHORE ]
[ DONT ANSWER//kim sangWHORE : are we allowed to come up yet ]
after quickly typing out a response, elizabeth announced, “they’re on their way up!”
“quick! hide!“ hyesoo exclaimed, frantically searching the room for a hiding space.
“it’s- it’s not one of those parties,” yongmi replied quietly while hyesoo spotted a nice hiding spot behind an armchair, completely ignoring yongmi’s words.
while elizabeth adjusted the chip bowls and pop bottles on the table for the twelfth time in the last ten minutes, the door opened slightly to reveal baekhan cautiously peeking in.
“are we- is this good can we come in now? are we good?”
elizabeth gave a thumbs-up in his direction, “all set! MINJUNG! get the door!”
minjung sighed, “i should be the one bossing you around,” but despite her comment, she complied and got the door for the six boys.
“so... we did the best we could, we had a tight budget,” yongmi explained as the boys made their way inside, completely ignoring or just not noticing hyesoo jumping out from behind the armchair and yelling “surprise!”.
“kinda reminds me of a little kid’s birthday party,” elliot laughed as tian dashed past him in a beeline for the chip table.
“that’s what i said!” minjung exclaimed.
“elliot! don’t be rude!” baekhan hissed, swatting him in the side of the arm, but not enough to hurt him, even though baekhan was the leader, elliot was tall and strong enough to punt him across the room if he so wanted. and baekhan wanted to set a good example and not make his group look like a dysfunctional mess in front of their seniors.
“i think it’s nice,” jaeyi said, “thanks for doing this, there was really no need.”
“i know,” beth shrugged, “just felt like throwing a party, y’know?”
jaeyi suddenly looked down as he felt someone poking his stomach, and there stood hyesoo, the one poking him, looking up at him with an expression that was a sort of weird mix of amazement, jealousy, and confusion.
“hey you!” she called out with wide eyes, “why are you so tall?” hyesoo was short on a normal day, but her 5’0 figure compared to his 6’2 absolutely dwarfed her, and jaeyi had to keep it together and try not to laugh at the tiny girl in front of him.
“oh my god hyesoo! at least use formalities or something!” minjung snapped at hyesoo, who turned around and looked at her with an innocent expression, then promptly turned back to jaeyi.
“would you rather me call you oppa?”
jaeyi shook his head, “not really, no.”
“good! me neither! i’m gonna go talk to someone else now, talking to you makes my neck hurt.”
jaeyi nodded awkwardly as hyesoo skipped away to the chip bowl, and elizabeth clapped her hands together loudly.
“isn’t it time to actually get this party started?” she announced, only earning a few scattered “heck yeah!”’s but continuing anyway.
“come on! let’s go!!”
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“so, min, i have a question,” baekhan sat on the couch with his hands clasped together underneath his chin, and minjung sat next to him with her legs crossed, listening intently. “how do you do it? honestly, how do you cope with being the leader, i want some advice.”
“let me let you in on a little secret,” minjung said, and baekhan leaned in closer, “i don’t.”
“no way!” he jumped back in surprise, “same!” minjung laughed and soon, baekhan followed.
across the room, standing next to the chip table, elizabeth and jaeyi had started talking.
“soooo, how do you feel about debuting?” elizabeth asked in a light, giggly voice, twirling a strand of hair around her index finger.
“it’s... a lot, but i think i’ll get used to it,” jaeyi answered, completely oblivious to elizabeth’s cheesy early 2000s disney channel romcom style flirting attempts.
“how old are you, anyway? you don’t look that much older than me,” she asked, batting her eyelashes.
“i’m- uh- 21,” he answered simply, “why?”
“just wondering,” elizabeth replied, “i just turned 18, so you aren’t that much older than me-“
she was suddenly interrupted by elliot coming up behind jaeyi and exclaiming a little too loudly, “jae, man! there’s this really cool... pop bottle that i need to show you real quick,” he clapped a hand on the taller boy’s shoulder and leaned into his ear to whisper, “i’m saving you, man.”
“i can hear you!” elizabeth huffed, crossing her arms across her chest.
“yeah, stop flirting with my bro, it’s fuckin’ weird, man,” elliot responded in english- albeit not proper english, obviously, but being raised in america such as the former, elizabeth understood no problem.
“what makes you think i’m flirting with your bro?” elizabeth said.
“maybe the whole- oh my god, hi jaeyi! how are you? how old are you? just making sure i’ll be able to get in your pants without you catching a case!” elliot mimicked in a high voice, complete with the hair twirling and eyelash batting.
elizabeth rolled her eyes.
“just watch it, okay?” elliot said, and began walking away only to immediately bump into minjae after a few steps of obviously not watching where he was going.
“oh shit sorry,” he said quickly, still speaking english.
minjae looked up at him, not exactly understanding what he said so instead he simply replied, “hi.”
“hi,” elliot echoed, “mj, right?”
minjae nodded, “i like...” he reached up and touched his hair as he tried to find the correct word in english, a language he was in no means fluent in, “...your hair.”
elliot chuckled, “thanks,” and in realizing the other didn’t speak english well, he said, “you know i can speak korean, right?”
“oh! yeah, okay, that’s better,” minjae said with pink cheeks, obviously much more comfortable now speaking in his native tongue. “elliot, right?”
elliot nodded, “i’m fine with whatever, elliot, eli, hanryeol is my korean name if that makes it any easier for you.”
minjae nodded, “hanryeol... i like that. but what if i call you... yeollie?”
he’d never admit it out loud, obviously, but minjae’s little gesture of giving elliot a cute nickname sent his heart up into his throat and painted his face a bright shade of red. so instead he chuckled again and covered it up with a little nonchalant “...cute.”
“isn’t it? and i came up with it on the spot too.”
minjae was just as adorable as the nickname he’d given elliot. when he smiled or spoke, his eyes lit up like he was admiring a star filled sky, and without thinking, elliot blurted, “almost as cute as you.”
he didn’t really think about what he had said until he saw minjae’s smile drop and his face go red, regret set in immediately. “oh god- not like that-!”
“weren’t you just telling off that other girl for flirting with jaeyi? and now look at you two!” a voice behind elliot called causing him fly around, bringing a hand to his chest so his heart didn’t bust out of his throat for the second time in the last minute. when he saw sangwoo standing behind him with a shit-eating grin, he quickly raised a fist like he was getting ready to punch him, and sangwoo retreated.
minjae rolled his eyes at sangwoo, and surprised at his reaction, elliot asked, “you two know each other?”
he nodded, “we were on a dance team together a few years ago, we’ve never really gotten along. i mean, no offence or anything if you like him.”
elliot shrugged, “nah i get it, he’s a bit of a bitch sometimes.”
“i am literally right here,” sangwoo said, laying a hand over his chest like he was offended, even though he knew full well that he was indeed a bit of a bitch sometimes.
elliot scoffed, “get lost.”
when sangwoo eventually left to go annoy someone else, minjae leaned in closer to elliot’s ear and whispered, “i don’t actually hate him, he’s just annoying and he gets on my nerves sometimes. i don’t have the balls to say i hate someone.”
“it’s all cool,” elliot laughed. “anyways i should probably- go over- there,” he jabbed a thumb somewhere behind him.
“no- yeah- you go do that i’ll- see you around,” minjae replied just as awkwardly, and the two split up and went in separate directions.
elliot ended up at one of the snack tables next to daniel and tian, the latter busy with a bowl of chips and the former watching elliot fumble for a plastic cup and a pop bottle with a slightly exasperated look. daniel took one look at his flushed face and knew exactly what was going on.
“simp,” he snorted.
“i’ll fucking hit you,” elliot threatened, not taking his eyes off the cup he was pouring for himself, but it was all too evident that his cheeks were burning a brighter shade of red than they had been before.
“no, i get it, cute little guy, isn’t he?”
“stop trying to fit in, hetero,” elliot said in a sweet but condescending voice, looking up to meet his eye and taking a sip of his drink.
“YO!” they were suddenly interrupted by a voice, and when they looked over to see the source of the voice, hyesoo was standing on top of the kitchen counter with one of those cheap plastic megaphones. “WHO THE FUCK WANTS CAKE?!”
there were a couple scattered cheers, followed by a “HYESOO! get down from there you’re gonna hurt yourself!” from minjung.
“they bought cake? damn, they really went all out,” daniel commented, but elliot wasn’t listening, he was already walking over to where the party planning committee was bringing out a big store bought cake with icing flower decorations and the words “HAPPY DEBUT” written across it in pink icing.
“i think... peach should cut the cake!” yongmi said, “he’s the leader, he should get to do the honours.”
baekhan shot up at the mention of his stage name, and immediately his cheeks went pink and he mumbled out a quick, “ah, no... i’m not good at cutting cake,” in response.
“nonsense!” yongmi exclaimed, “how bad can you be? get over here?”
baekhan reluctantly moved up to the front, where they had the cake set up on the table. and to his (and the rest of his group’s) surprise, he didn’t mess up too bad, and the party planning committee cheering him on didn’t seem to help much.
“you guys really went all out on the eight year old’s birthday party theme huh?” elliot commented, “here- i’ll help hand it out.”
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“so have you talked to anyone else yet?” honghui asked tian, who sat next to him with a mouthful of cake.
“not from my group? yeah, i talked to the girls over there that put this all together, they seem nice enough,” tian explained, “i mean- obviously i’d like to get to know you guys better, we’re gonna know each other for a while i’m assuming.”
honghui laughed, “yeah, once you get to know them you might not like them as much. they’re kind of annoying sometimes, but i love them.”
“trust me, i know annoying,” tian replied, “have you talked to eli or clover yet? then you’ll know annoying..”
“i know sangwoo,” honghui said, “i used to-“
jihoon sat down next to him with a piece of cake, cutting him off with a loud, “WHEW!” minjae sat down too, but not as loudly. “so anyways,” jihoon said as he shovelled a forkful of cake into his mouth, “what’s up?”
“tian and i grew up in the same city, isn’t that neat?” honghui said excitedly.
“big city,” jihoon replied simply while shovelling more cake into his mouth.
“talk to anyone else?” minjae asked.
“yeah! peach and jaeyi,” honghui explained, “they both seem like super genuine people, you can tell baekhan is really good at being a leader. jaeyi reminds me of myself in some ways.”
“ah, a simp? and a pussy?” jihoon said.
“a- a what? i don’t know english slang, jihoon-“ honghui replied, furrowing his eyebrows, “but anyways, they’re both super nice.”
“i’ve talked to... yeollie and sangwoo a bit,” minjae said, trying not to roll his eyes at his own mention of the latter’s name.
“...yeollie?” minjae’s eyes widened when he realized honghui’s confusion, and he quickly corrected himself.
“i- i meant eli!”
“you’re already giving each other nicknames?” jihoon exclaimed, tian snickered beside him as he got up to go get more cake.
“well- i mean- i just did that to make his name easier to remember,” minjae mumbled, shoving a large piece of cake into his mouth to try and distract from the flush creeping up his face. he then immediately started choking on said piece of cake.
“MINJAE?! oh god, oh fuck-“ jihoon exclaimed in a panic. he seized minjae around the shoulders and started yelling at him, “ARE YOU CHOKING?! ARE YOU CHOKING?!”
“he can’t respond if he’s choking, dumbass!” honghui yelled back at him, “stand up and put you hands up! i heard that helps somewhere.”
around this time is when tian came back, a plate with two more slices of cake in his hands, and immediately froze. minjae stared at him with his hands in the air, looking like he was silently pleading for help.
“do you think i should- should i go and get someone, or something?” tian said.
“NOPE! we got this!” jihoon exclaimed as he hit minjae on the back, “i took a first aid course with boy scouts when i was in fourth grade, i don’t need help!”
honghui sighed, rubbing his temples, “they’re gonna need help.”
but just as soon as tian was about to get up and call for someone, minjae managed to yell out “i’m good!” and sat back down again. jihoon patted himself on the back.
as he sat down, minjae pulled something out of his mouth, “oh! that’s probably what-“ but then he stopped when he was it was a small slip of paper. he could make out a phone number quickly jotted down in purple ink, as well as a short message below it.
call me
- yeollie
“so that’s why he offered to help with the cake...” tian glanced over to the cake table where elliot was standing with a bright red face. he saw tian staring in his direction and immediately looked away. “what a dumbass!” tian exclaimed, “does he not realize that he could’ve just asked for your number?”
“the mind of a teenage boy works in strange ways,” honghui replied.
“word,” jihoon added.
“i mean... if he wanted to be my friend he could’ve just asked,” minjae said, to which tian laughed loudly.
“this is elliot we’re talking about?” he said, “if he just wanted to be your friend he wouldn’t go through all that. he thinks you’re cute, mj.”
“ooh shit!” jihoon exclaimed as minjae sat there, red faced and staring at his hands.
“YO! LOOK OVER HERE!” they heard hyesoo yell once again, and they looked over to see her standing on the counter with her cheap megaphone. “I NEED ALL THE BOYS OVER HERE. THE NEW BOYS. DON’T CARE ABOUT MY THREE. GATHER ‘ROUND THE PARTY PLANNING COMMITTEE.”
tian looked over to hyesoo, confused, but reluctantly got up and made his way over, but not before telling the other three at the table to not touch his cake. jihoon stole a bite as soon as he turned around anyways.
“so, since we’re gonna wrap up the party soon because we don’t wanna be here too late, we’ll give this to you now. we have a present for you!” hyesoo explained, now sitting on the counter with her legs swinging in front of her, “it’s handmade because we’re great artists if i do say so myself, and we put a lot of time and emotion into it.”
yongmi pulled a medium sized canvas from behind her back. on said canvas was what appeared to be- when baekhan leaned forward slightly to get a better look- a macaroni portrait of the six of them. surprisingly well detailed for an art piece literally made out of noodles, who knew.
sangwoo was the first to speak, like usual, “that’s-“
“i know,” elizabeth cut him off, “we were on a budget, we could only get the cheap macaroni.”
“no, it’s not that,” sangwoo continued, “why macaroni?”
“it’s the best for art pieces,” hyesoo replied confidently.
“i think it’s cute-“ daniel said quickly before sangwoo began to speak once again.
he sighed, “no i mean- why macaroni and not, like, actual paint or something?”
“feels more personal this way,” hyesoo said, sticking her nose up in the air, “and if you have a problem with it then i guess we’ll keep it.”
baekhan lightly shoved sangwoo back so he wasn’t at the front to say something possibly rude without realizing. “i’ll take it- thank you guys, i can see all the effort you put into this.”
“where the fuck are we gonna put it?” sangwoo called from over baekhan’s shoulder, who cringed internally and desperately hoped he wouldn’t say anything else that could leave a sour taste in the mouths of the other three girls. who very obviously put in the effort they could into this party and the gift with the budget they had.
baekhan sighed, knowing he had a lot more to do to try and humble sangwoo. “i’ll take the macaroni thingy.”
jaeyi looked to sangwoo, sensing baekhan’s frustration just a little bit. “what’s the big deal? i think it’s really cute. and considerate, they already threw a party for us and gave us a present.”
“this guy gets it!” elizabeth exclaimed, throwing her arm up to gesture in his direction.
“i mean- we would’ve gotten something more extravagant if we had a larger budget,” yongmi said carefully, “but anyways- since we’ve basically done everything we were planning on doing should we start to clean up? we don’t wanna be in the way of you guys settling in here.”
while the party planning committee were talking, tian was tugging on baekhan’s sleeve trying to get his attention. when the shorter male turned to him, he asked, “can we order something? maybe pizza? we didn’t eat dinner.”
“what are you talking about- i just saw you eat three slices of cake,” baekhan whisper-yelled back.
“that wasn’t dinner,” tian replied simply, “you should know that everyone has a dinner stomach and a dessert stomach.”
baekhan sighed once more, knowing arguing with tian was essentially pointless. “does anyone want pizza?” he asked loudly, “you guys can stay for some if you want.”
yongmi slowly looked around the room, waiting for someone to respond before her. hyesoo and elizabeth looked like they wanted to say yes, honghui, jihoon, and minjae were sitting in the same spot as before, looking like they didn’t even hear, and minjung and yeonwoo sat on the couch, yeonwoo staring at them in anticipation and minjung looking confused, probably didn’t hear either.
“i’m down for pizza,” yeonwoo finally said, followed by a jumbled mix of agreements from the rest of the people in the room.
“alright!” elizabeth exclaimed, “change of plans, the party isn’t over yet!”
“what are you talking about? the party never ends when we’re here,” daniel said, playfully winking. the rest of botanica groaned in unison as baekhan dialled the number for a nearby pizza place.
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drangues · 4 years
HES A GOOD BOY AND A SMART BOY HE DESERVES TO DO ANYTHING HE WANTS. And yeah she’d soften up eventually!!! Especially with a history as fucked up as Kyouka’s is. But it can be hard to,, Adjust? To someone else getting some of the attention you’re used to receiving from another person. BUT yes they eventually realize that they must unite under a common banner: Making Dazai very jealous. And that’s fair!!! It’d definitely be an interesting source of conflict? (Nyanon, 1/6)
Maybe like, their first real Upset, since, even if they got angry with each other before, they wouldn’t really have the energy to do anything about? Since they would be more focused on dealing with the orphanage... Hm. Either way, I agree, once they talk it out, no one’s too upset. (Also, that makes sense! To be honest, I always just imagine that Dazai like. Lures him in with the promise of Food or a Paycheck and other stuff that he doesn’t have access to? (Nyanon, 2/6)
Though that DOES remind me of a good story on AO3 you might like- It’s Hum by chimesDissent, it’s Dazatsu, and it’s! Super cute! Also bonus Kyouka-Atsushi sibling relationship. Basically, Atsushi has a better relationship with the tiger, since he knows it exists, and he kinda. Picks up a different, unofficial job, instead of with the ADA? It’s a good story, I think you’d like it! Also no I don’t know how this turned into a fanfic rec, ignore me if you waaant.) (Nyanon, 3/6)
Aaahhh it’s super impressive that you’re multilingual! I’ve always found it cool when someone speaks multiple languages, for some reason I just can’t retain anything myself??? But good on you for being able to!!! Also, I just want a side series, kinda like Wan, where it’s just little snippets of his life with the rest of the ADA. Nothing dark, nothing sad, just them, like. Talking or playing a game or fishing or something? I’m starved I’d take Literally Anything. Anyways, yes! (Nyanon, 4/6)
He’s super mega cute and I love him, he’d put SO much effort into it and even if it isn’t perfect, everyone who gets something cherishes it, even if they say they don’t. And yeah, he’d definitely buy a few things here and there! Not everything can be handmade, after all- But he tries where he can. Moving on, though... I have another General Atsushi Concept: He sleep talks! Usually it’s just one or two words and some tiny noises, but others, it’s semi coherent. (Nyanon, 5/6)
That’s usually just cute or funny stuff, like “Kyouka, no, don’t run away with the giant crêpe bunnies, they’re lying-“ or “Dazai-san, give me back my paws, I’ll drown with you later. Kunikida-san needs them for paperwork.” Other times, it’s weird stuff, like “Ranpo-san the red man is coming for you run-“ or “Kyouka it’s gonna eat you because you’re chocolate, hide in the cabinets.” It’s hilarious. (Nyanon, 6/6)
aw yea being multilingual can sometimes be a curse but it’s good i guess?? dont give yourself such a hard time for not knowing other languages!! as long as youre respectful to other people and dont mock their accents speaking your language (which im sure you already do) then youre gucci
atsushi saying weird stuff in his sleep?? stan. amazed. Loved. forever the best thing to ever exist and i am so blessed to live in a timeline where atsushi exists
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warmau · 6 years
hello mom! idk how well you know stray kids but if you do, could you try a little something for hyunjin? i can't get 80s prom out of my head for some reason jsdkjsd anyways i love your work
80s prom au hyunjin!! i tried my best OTL
the sound of whitney houston’s “i wanna dance with somebody” is playing so loud when you walk in you practically have to cover your ears
the crowded gymnasium is decorated with banners of all colors, a corny disco ball projects a rainbow on the people under it 
and all the dresses are way TOO big, covered in ruffles, and topped off with glitter
the teachers are running around, trying to pull couples who are dancing way too close together apart 
and the dateless students are stuck on the bleachers pushed to the back with solemn expressions
“nice bowtie hyunjin”
chan comments, sliding up next to hyunjin and lowering his black raybands with a wink
hyunjin doesn’t say anything, instead jeongin pops his head around his shoulder and sticks his tongue out at chan
“you shouldnt be talking, who wears sunglasses inside?”
chan huffs, “eat my shorts kid - everyone knows this is fashion”
the two quarrel playfully as usual
but hyunjin is distracted
he picks at his tuxedo, fidgeting and pulling back his lip between his teeth
it takes a moment, but chan finally notices that their friend isnt joining in on the fun
“hey, hey what’s your damage - are you looking for someone?”
hyunjin sighs, his free hand clutching the bright blue corsage he’d picked out before getting here
“thats a rad looking flower there,,,,”
chan starts
and jeongin perks up, “yeah it’s for hyunjin’s totally rad date-”
“they’re not my date, they probably aren’t even coming”
hyunjin’s shoulders sag, he mumbles something about how he should just go home
but chan and jeongin refuse to let their friend leave
“dude, you totally need to stay. they’ll show up. i mean, you got like your dads camero and everything, this is THE night to tell them how you feel!”
hyunjin just lets a dark look overcast his features
the ‘they’ his friends keep mentioning is you 
his seatmate for third period chemistry 
you’re always taking notes, diligently answering questions, and being all around a model student
you’re polite, well put together, and unlike all of the other students who tease and annoy the teacher - you actually seem to care for school
which everyone thinks is weird of you
but that hyunjin has come to really like
at first, his friends had teased him
said you were a bookworm, a wallflower, but to him you were totally rad - you were no airhead or wannabe
you were just,,,,,so authentically you
“look at him - he’s thinking about them, completely spazzing”
jeongjin comments and chan sighs, “wish i could find a love like that”
the track switches from whitney houston to michael jackson, and immediately both jeongin and chan rush out onto the dance floor
leaving hyunjin, pressed to the wall of the gym with a glum look on his face
until,,,,,,,,he spots you
you’re wearing something simple, and your hair isn’t anywhere near as over-the-top as the rest of the student body
and you look ,,,,,, you look pretty
to the point where hyunjin has to turn and press his face to the wall to hide the embarrassment that’s going to crawl up onto his cheeks
suddenly giving you the corsage seems stupid
begging his dad to get the car for a night seems stupid
everything seems stupid because what if you dont even really like him, what if you dont even know he exists-
“hey hyunjin!”
he freezes, his tall body suddenly unable to move itself
“are you ok, you look like you’re having a lame time,,,,”
he knows that it’s your voice, and that he should turn around and face you
and it takes all his effort to do so
you shine, under the rainbow of lights and even though there’s a huge crowd out tonight
none of them matter to hyunjin
it’s just,,,,,,,,,you that he can see
you look down at the corsage he’s holding and then back up at him
shyly you ask if he’s got someone to give it to
his ears go red, but hyunjin offers it to you with shaky hands
you take it, smiling and let hyunjin put it on your wrist - giggling at his trembling fingers
“d-does it look ok?” he asks finally
“it’s totally wicked, and it matches my outfit!”
you grin and then look up when the lights suddenly dim
the song turns slow and jeongin and chan saunter back over to hyunjin
but the moment they notice you, they start making wolf whistles and giving hyunjin thumbs up
he shoos them away, but you just laugh and put your hand out to touch hyunjin’s
“do you wanna dance?”
his eyes widen, but with a slow nod you manage to pull him out onto the floor
and as you two sway, hyunjin’s polite hands hovering over the slope of your waist
you look up at him and go
“you should have just asked me.”
he blinks
“a-a-about what?”
“asked me to the dance.”
hyunjin loses the ability to speak, unsure of what to say
you think it’s cute, how nervous he is about all this
“i actually only came because your friends over there told me yesterday during study hall that you wanted me to.”
hyunjin straightens up, looking over to see jeongin and chan sitting on the bleachers, mocking each other over something he’s sure
he turns to you and sighs
“sorry if they bothered you ,,,”
“no no, they were nice and ,,,,, the said you even got your dads car for the night?”
you look up through your lashes and hyunjin is sure he’s about to have the most gnarly heart attack of his life from how cute you look
he nods and you grin
“cool, because i dont really like dances. i thought we could go for a drive instead?”
hyunjin looks around, the song coming to an end and the blasting of wham’s “wake me up” starts as everyone goes back into a dancing frenzy
through the chaos of it all, he pulls you through the back door of the gym and you two make it out into the parking lot
laughing under the warm summer stars
“where do you want me to take you?”
hyunjin asks, the gentleman as always as you stop in front of the car 
you shrug
“let’s just drive and see where we end up?”
hyunjin nods, but before he turns to open the door
you stop him, tippy-toeing up to kiss him lightly on the lips 
it’s like fireworks go off in his brain, poor hyunjin goes embarrassingly pink
and you just think he’s the cutest ever
the next morning outside of english class, chan finds hyunjin still in a starstruck gaze 
“dude, are you like majorly in love now?”
hyunjin nods, “yeah,,,,,like,,,,,,,,majorly.” 
find more stray kids here | buy the author a kofi 
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magistertheos · 5 years
Random survey I found.
Was your childhood wasted by something?
No, not really. I feel like I may have squandered my early adulthood through lack of motivation and feeling stuck though.
Would you rather die during an adventure or die like a normal person?
* Like a normal person for sure. Like, I sometimes enjoy reading about explorers and their quest for the North West Passage, or ascending Everest, or what have you. And there is a certain bit of romanticism with those that die in the endeavors. But on the whole I'd much rather die in a more mundane way.
Have your parents ever put you on a diet?
* No, but I need to put myself on a diet.
Have your parents ever tried to commit suicide?
* Actually tried, not as far as I know. My mom has been suicidal in the past though due to grief after my grandma passed away.
Do you have a gag reflex?
* Yes. It can make taking pills difficult sometimes, and if I go too far back with the toothbrush it can trigger it.
Do you ever fantasize about trying drugs?
* I wouldn't say fantasize really, but I have been curious about pot. I've heard from some friends that it's super relaxing and calming, and there have been times I've been super stressed and really thought that sounded good. And if I'm being blunt and honest, another friend of mine once told me that sex while high was amazing, and ever since she told me that I've been intrigued.
Have you ever put gum in someone's hair?
* Not as far as I can remember.
Would you rather have sex before you're married or wait till marriage?
* I've already had sex before being married. Whenever I get into another relationship I'll probably have sex before again too, provided she was cool with it.
Have you ever not gone to school, just because?
* Yep.
Do you know anyone who can play the bagpipes?
* I dont, but I'd like to be that person.
Have you ever let someone hit you?
* No.
Do you own a hand warmer?
* Unless gloves count, no.
Do you have friends in other states/countries?
* Yep, my one of my best friends lives in Texas.
Do you ever pay attention during church?
* I haven't gone regularly in long, long time. But when I did go, I paid attention to the sermon.
Do you have self control?
* Far less than I'd like. This is something I'd like to work on for myself.
Have you ever broke a window?
* Accidentally when I was little. My brother and I were pressing against the living room window trying to get a good look at mourning doves outside, and we put a big ol crack in it. Our mom heard it from upstairs in the tub and wanted to know what was going on. We cleverly told her nothing, and everything was ok. When she came downstairs later everything was indeed not ok, and our very clever ruse of pretending nothing happened was over, haha.
When was the last time you freaked someone out?
* I'm not sure.
Have you ever gone on a date with a weirdo?
* I don't think so.
Who's the last person you called a bitch?
* Probably some random car that was driving like an idiot that I encountered.
Do you drink kool-aid?
* I did when I was younger, and my ex made it from time to time.
Have you ever dropped something hot on your foot?
* Maybe when cooking.
Do you watch porn?
* Yes.
Have you ever missed someone you hated?
* No I haven't.
Is anyone in your family disabled?
* My dad is on disability because of his back, because he slipped and fell and hurt himself on the job which screwed up his back.
What do you want for Christmas?
* Books are always a safe bet, or money.
How many moles do you have?
* I'm not sure?
Do you make your bed everyday?
* Haha, no.
Do you know how to ride a bike?
* It's been eons since I have, but I did, so I suppose I do.
Do you own any comic books?
* No, I've never really been a comic book person.
What is the nastiest dare you have ever committed?
* I'm pretty lame so I don't know if I have anything really for this.
Do you know anyone who has been raped?
* I was about to say no, but actually yes I do.
Are you an atheist?
* No I'm a Christian.
Have you ever owned a goldfish?
* No.
Who was the last person to call you beautiful?
* Probably my mom at her wedding this past weekend because I was in a three piece suit. Barring that I think @ambivertomnivore may have at another friend's wedding we went to together where I was also in a suit.
How many times have you been stung by a bee?
* An actual bee? Maybe once when I was really young. If we're including flying asshole wasps maybe like 7 times.
What was the last flavor of gum you chewed?
* Peppermint.
When was the last time you used tape?
* July when decorating the office for a beach theme.
When was the last time you said fuck?
* While filling this out because my cursor keeps jumping to the bottom of the post as I'm trying to switch between questions.
Have you ever stolen something?
* Toothpaste on Christmas Eve. It was totally an accident. I was doing my normal shopping for the pay period, and it was a madhouse at the market, and they shut down self checkout for some awful reason funneling everyone into just a few lines, and the guy in front of me was sketchy as all heck and probably high. And he did straight up steal on purpose and tried to used a (probably) stolen card.
What's the last movie you watched?
* Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Who's the last person you watched a movie with?
* @ambivertomnivore
Where were you yesterday at 5 PM?
* At home.
Who would you like to kiss right now?
* The sandman so I could fall asleep.
When was the last time you had tic tacs?
* I can't remember, it's been so long. If I'm getting something like that I'm getting Altoids.
When was the last time you ate chicken?
* Saturday night.
Who was the last person you told to 'Shut the fuck up' to?
* I don't think I've ever told someone that in those words. I've told my brother to shut up, but never shut the f up
Why were you last nervous?
* Probably Saturday at the wedding, meeting a lot of new people for the first time.
Whose pants did you last take off?
* My own. I haven't taken or helped take anyone else's pants off for like a year and a half. Which is on the one hand a huge bummer, but on the other hand not as big of a deal to me most of the time.
When was the last time you were disturbed?
* This past weekend. I just didn't feel well most of it.
Why did you last feel awkward?
* The wedding Saturday. I'm pretty shy, and can have a hard time hearing in an atmosphere where it's enclosed with music playing.
When was the last time you got in a fight with your best friend?
* I can't specifically remember but probably recently'ish with my brother.
Have you ever asked someone for a tampon?
* I haven't. I don't need those, and my ex was pretty prepared for her period so I never had to go asking for her.
What was the last book you read?
* Your Maryland by Rick Cottom that @ambivertomnivore got me for my birthday.
Who was the last person you read a book to?
* My mom tried to get my brother and I to read The Hobbit to her back in middle school and I think that would have to be it.
Who is the person you say the most naughtiest things to?
* If you're talking dirty talk/sexting then I don't. If you're talking about being open and unfiltered (about anything) then probably @ambivertomnivore .
Who was the last person to send you a letter?
* @ambivertomnivore though it was a birthday card given in person.
How do you feel about war?
* It's complicated. War for war's sake is really dumb, to put it mildly. But sometimes there just isn't another way. Countries tried to negotiate with Hitler for a few years to no avail, until they had had enough and declared war. I love history, and I enjoy military history. I also can get dazzled by the glory of it, the shining sabres, the smart uniforms, the flowing banners - to wax poetic; but the reality of it is that war is hell. For those who serve, and for the innocent civilians caught up in the war zone. And it should be avoided at all costs, for many reasons. But the fact remains that sometimes it is necessary.
Do you like cupcakes or muffins more?
* That's a painful choice! I'm going to say muffins because they don't have icing to get caught in my mustache.
Have you ever pushed someone on purpose?
* My brother while fighting some years ago.
Have you ever slapped someone in the face?
* I don't think so.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
January 14th-January 20th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from January 13th, 2019 to January 20th, 2019.  The chat focused on Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story by ShaRose49.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story by ShaRose49~! (http://sunstrikeandbluemist.thecomicseries.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until January 20th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Who do you think Kairo being a double agent for and for what reason? What are the organization’s goals? How does Kat and Evan’s training factor into the organization’s goals to the point it’s an advantage?
QUESTION 4. Do you feel the secret police are a force for good or a force for evil? How might Kat’s dad’s return to investigations play a role in the story, especially considering he’s investigating super-human traffickers?
Kat is definitely my favourite character. Hey what's not to love? She's fiery, driven, sweet, and wild. And she has green hair... I love that she doesn't let anything stop her. Not the prosthetic leg, not the challenges of being a mutant, not anyone else's fears. She courageously stands up for what she believes is right.
QUESTION 5. Why do you think Evan wants to keep his true self hidden, even from Kat? Do you think Evan will open up more as time goes on? How might his work for the secret police help or hurt him where this is concerned?
I’m encouraged that some people really like Kat. She’s a real outlet for me
These are really interesting questions, some of them I haven’t really thought of
Idk if I’m allowed to answer a question since I’m the author, but I think my favourite scene so far is the scene in the bedroom
I think Evan has a lot of pain and scars and he's afraid to open up and create attachments because he might lose them. To me he seems equally scared of getting hurt and hurting others. That's a theory anyhow.
And I think he will open up more, especially with someone like Kat around.
As for secret police..I think it will force him out of his comfort zone, and that's probably in and of itself going to be very good for him...can't wait to see where it all goes.(edited)
Favorite scene was the fight with the mugger. It was a great showcase of the two's powers, and also the mugger was kind of funny.
my favorite is dad. he's not perfect, but he tries his hardest, and i love him for it
Awwwwww! That is so cool @snuffysam!
Usually people like the teens best so it’s refreshing to hear a different perspective but you’re totally right
@DeNay well you’re not wrong, but hiding your true self is probably more fear of what others will think if they knew his true self
@DeNay And yeah, his comfort zone is like a cage
QUESTION 6. Do you think working for the secret police will be everything Kat dreamed of? What unfortunate obstacles do you think might interrupt Kat’s dreams of living openly as herself?
1) my favorite scene is probably the bedroom scenes. if only cause shallow-ly, i really loved evan just walking through the damn wall. hes so dang casual about it that i can help but admire how normalized the powers are to them in comparison to other ppls reactions. 2) the dad because he walks that fine line between looking out for the kids' safety and acknowledging that they are ppl who need room to grow and become their own ppl. that honestly a really rare depiction that i feel we dont get to see enough of in comics. 3) i want to assume its for an agency that is trying to disstablize the use of things like secret police. and the advantage comes in that if they can show the secret police are dangerous and have super powered ppl working for them, they can convince others to shut it down. 4) i have mixed feelings on the secret police. i assume its a bit of both. the little guys just want to do good things for the world. but the larger entity has probably slowly corrupted or something. become riddled with office politics. something like that. i feel the dad returning to investigations is significant to the story since hes probably gonna find leads the kiddos are gonna follow. 5) i think evan wants to keep his true self hidden cause he doesnt trust anyone and kind of hates everyone secretly cause he hates himself. i actually think working for the secret police is gonna hurt with him opening up. cause i feel hes always gonna get into trouble doing with kat wants instead of developing as his own person and its gonna get overwhelming. 6) i dont think the secret police will be everything kat dreamed of XD cause i think kat is gonna find when an organization doesnt have huge oversight, bad things tend to happen. not to mention, i feel like she has this delusion shell suddenly be accepted with open arms by the world when more likely theres gonna be some levels of discrimination.
I love how in thought out these answers are
Thought out I meant
yeah i think the secret police aren't going to be as rosy as kat expects. there's levels of bureaucracy, or she isn't allowed to be open the way she wants, or something...
Well I guess we’ll see. I do think @RebelVampire is the most accurate when describing Evan’s internal struggle so far. And I love how many people favour the dad, Derek. And it sounds kind of like you guys think the Secret Police is like S.H.I.E.L.D. or something lol
And yes, while Kat is a beautiful gem she is too accepting to the point where she is naive and even clueless. But what else would you expect from someone who’s grown up kind of in hiding with no or few friends? It’s actually amazing that Evan is more cautious and less trusting, but to be fair he’s had some traumatic experiences with people, much more so than Kat, but I won’t spoil it
I didn’t expect people to think so highly of Derek I thought I was better at writing younger characters so thanks you guys🥳
QUESTION 7. In general, what tasks do you think Kat and Evan will be doing for the secret police? Do you think Kat and Evan will run into other people with abilities? Do you believe the two will be able to handle it, or will they be outmatched?
Hmm that's an interesting question...
I'm not really sure what they'll all be up to, but I'm definitely curious to see. I'm guessing they will run into some other mutants down the road...although I can't really see them fighting one of their "kind."
Oh reaaaally?
You can’t imagine the, fighting, say, a mutant SUPERVILLAIN??
I’m not saying that’s gonna happen this episode, but keep in mind this story has superhero themes
As for other mutants showing up this episode...let’s just say there may be a cameo
Well, maybe I could imagine that... Sounds pretty awesome.
I'm not sure what the secret police will be willing to let Kat & Evan do at first. Because even though they are supermutants, they're also children. Maybe they'll be sent to deal with parking violations at first?
Whoo, finally caught up with work, so I can read comics again! I'm really enjoying the family dynamic in this one and probably like Kat the most. She's very earnest and energetic about her goals, and I'm looking forward to seeing if the secret police will encourage that or just add layers of moral grey.
I'm assuming Evan's parents died in a tragic mutant-power-related accident that he blames himself for and he was trying to attempt suicide back there before Kat called out to help with her prosthetic leg. I would hope he learns how to overcome his feelings of guilt and shame, but that seems like a long road and I could also see him giving in to those dark feelings and becoming an antagonist. Too early in the story to really tell!
(The banner at the top with Kairo and Kat in the foreground and Evan's eyes menacingly in the background indicates the latter from a design choice standpoint though. )(edited)
@snuffysam Parking violations XD I’m dying
@Delphina wow you are perceptive. Not 100% right but you’ve noticed a lot of subtle details
You’re really good at examining Evan
@Delphina and yeah, work’s been a little nuts for me too recently
lol parking violations. XD somehow i dont think being children will make them go easy on them. cause they already didnt care about the children fact when they hired them. and if them being kids bugged them all that much thats probably when they wouldve decided it wasnt a good idea.
I think you’re sorta right
But technically they’re not hired yet they’re just in training
QUESTION 8. How exactly do you believe Kairo ends up working with Kat and Evan, and what is the mess he supposedly gets them into? Do you believe they’ll manage to get out of it?
(the archive for the chat on MoonSlayer is now available~! https://comicteaparty.com/post/182104413735/january-7th-january-13th-2019-ctp-archive)
7) i assume theyre going to be handling super powered ppl and perhaps other situations where the situation is easily solved with their powers. like evan's walk through wall ability could come in really handy for doing the sneaky sneaks. but i assume super villains cause this is why you get ppl with superpowers, to fight the super villains that regular civilians cant. as for their ability to handle it, they are 1000% going to be outmatched i think for a while. mostly because youth breeds arrogance and cavalier attitudes while their inexperience breeds clumsiness for lack of a better word. not the best combo. 8) i assume kairo specifically requested it, and im going to guess that the situation is them having to fight a super powered bad guy or something. cause for kids just starting out in the secret police, thats not a situation youd want to be involved in right off the bat. i assume theyll manage to get out of it though. just cause if they dont the comic ends cause everybody be dead.
Yeah everyone dies XD
People who weren’t familiar with anime kept asking me why Kairo had no eyes on that one panel. It was a little hard to explain lol
QUESTION 9. Overall, how do you think being “superheroes” will change Kat and Evan, both in regards to their own personalities and their views of the world?
Kat's been strong-willed and taking risks and doing things she's not supposed to because she feels it's right, so I expect that'll get her into a fair bit of trouble when going after bad guys is her job. Evan is less risk-averse, but also prone to being pulled into trouble by Kat. I expect their problems are going to get a little more complex working with double agents and sides may become more difficult to choose, but I'm curious where becoming less sheltered and open to the world about their powers will take them, since we haven't seen many other examples of how people with powers are treated in society. Is it an X-Men "everyone knows they're around and hates them" thing or a Superman "superpowers are rare and letting people know my secret will be a huge hassle for me"?
It’s probably more like X-Men
And yeah, Kay and Evan have a lot to learn, but I think they really balance each other out, or they will eventually
Kat stupid autocorrect
i think both good things and bad things will happen to kat & evan due to be more open with their powers. but it'll end up with kat seeing the good side of people being helped by them, and evan will focus on all the people who look at them funny.
Haha!! That’s so sweet
@Delphina Were you the one who came up with the Evan turning evil theory? I spent a few seconds scribbling doodles based on this. I think I scared myself
I think it’s the last day, so I just wanted to thank everyone who took the time to read this comic and for chatting about it (and listening to me geek out). I also wanna thank Comic Tea Party for hosting this!
'bout 26 hours left, yeah. Thanks for offering your comic up! Discussing stuff has been really fun so far!
@snuffysam Aw, thanks!! Yeah I’ve had so much fun too
Also, as for whether or not Evan turns evil...that depends on what you define as evil
welp i showed up to this discussion late but nevertheless i have things to say that are pretty similar to what others have said
first off my favorite character is kat. i decided this when she was like "by the way, you disgust me :)" to that criminal in the beginning of the story. great moment! i also like her design a lot, and the comic's use of bright colors in general
kat and evan view their role in the world v differently and i don't think they'll change easily. maybe evan will come around to accepting that it's okay to be in the spotlight, but i think it's more likely he'll keep wanting to hide away and that'll interfere with their work. even if he doesn't become a full on villain i think he'll at least want to do his own thing
as for kat, i'm worried for her, because i always worry about upbeat characters lol. what if being a Hero isn't what she expected huh, what if it sucks at first? i think evan would handle a reality shock better than kat since he isn't that enthusiastic about it to begin with. but kat might end up being really disappointed until she can adjust.
i really hope evan doesn't turn evil (or, like... evil adjacent?). then turn into a sibling vs sibling fight and ahhh oh no ;_;
Beef Liver
I hope being super heroes won't change Kat and Evan TO much... I really love who they are!
@ShaRose49 Thanks for writing the comic so we could discuss it!
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
9) i think for kat she's going to learn that doing the right thing is less black & white than she wants to believe. and that sometimes ppl do bad things with good intentions. so playing superhero is complicated and not just this 100% awesome thing. and i think shes really going to have to come to terms with the fact powers dont make her invincible and that ppl can get hurt as bystanders. as for her personality, i think overall itll mature her and make her more conscious of how her actions affect others at the end of the day. as for evan, i think hes gonna have an internal conflict about his personal feelings on his powers vs. the world showing him he can make a positive impact. and so while not evil, i think its gonna make him super angst for a while until eventually he chills out and learns to care about himself. i also think hell learn some independence and that he doesnt just have to follow kat everywhere. 10) im actually most looking forward to more world-building. seeing things like how the secret police are generally regarded, how powers are regarded, who kairo might be working for, etc. i think these are some elements thatll really set the stage for the future for kat and evan.
@Beef Liver My pleasure!
@khkddn I’m so glad you like the bright colours!:
@RebelVampire You’ll See more world building soon! Kim looking forward to it as well. And as for Kat and Evan changing, @Beef Liver don’t worry, they won’t change drastically right away. However I think they both need to change, perhaps especially Evan. We’ll see why later on
Evan is my favorite. I'm sorry I'm not very good at elaborating (I did terrible in high school english class xl )
One thing I'm really looking forward to is Kat & Evan's first day at the secret police. Just seeing how various people there react to their powers and stuff.
@EhNeli no worries mate.
I guess I’m looking forward to drawing more of the awesome sibling relationship and going into depth with Kairo. If he doesn’t seem like an important character yet get ready...
@snuffysam I’m really looking forward to that too. I don’t think it will be too long from now (I less it takes me ages to draw cause of work or something)
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story this week! Please also give a special thank you to ShaRose49 for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://sunstrikeandbluemist.thecomicseries.com/
ShaRose49’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/KadachSharon
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realasunicorns · 5 years
"Give me a character and I will answer:"
@callmehername asked me about Tony Stark/Iron man.
(My answers to other characters are here)
Why I like them
Well, as an engineer how could I not love a genius technitian? 😍😍😍
And speaking of MCU's Tony Stark, I think it was a great choice to choose someone older for the role. Originally he was very young, but these days anyone knows that to achieve such level of knowledge would require huge amounts of study and practice, and thus, it would be achieved later in life (in case it was possible at all haha), so at least he doesn't look 22 as if he just finished uni! I think it adds credibility to the character.
He has the attitude of the gryffiest gryffi to ever gryffi and I have to admit that I love him for it (or at least I do once he comes back down to earth in the first movie and stops selling weapons for his own profit).
His character evolution is just ARGH❤️💛
He goes from completely deluded to awakening, step by step and it's a complete delight to see. He has a mission now. He's seen the weapons, the warfield for what it is. He wants to do good or at least bwtter with what he has. And better. And better every time. He He's determined to make it and he will push himself to the very limit for it. He makes mistakes, yes,as big has he makes his successes, but he keeps learning from them. Technology or life, he can't stop learning about them, making himself see things he never thought he would, understand things in a way he never thought he could. He's the epithome of improvement.
In other words, he's not perfect at all and that gives the character a lot of depth: he has many layers.
And he has a cool AI (I mean Jarvis. I love Jarvis so much tbh.).
Oh, and his fiancee. I like his fiancee very much too. No (yes), but the reason I brought this up is to say that he's all fluff inside and bless him.
Why I don’t
As much as I love him, there are so many things I don't like about him, I warn you.
If I had met him before I would have wanted to strangle the guy. Not just for Tony "the guy", but his company. As someone who does not want any military, defense, weaponary, etc., his creations are the devil. Notice I said are and not were, because he still makes weapons even if he's not selling them the same way.
The logic behind "I don't sell these weapons bc god knows what the military would do with them, but hey I'm gonna keep building some to use them myself ignoring every law bc I'm a filthy rich motherfucker and I do what I want, try to come and stop me if you can haha"? There is so much wrong with this I could write an essay 😅 But I don't give much relevance to these things when it comes to superhero stuff tbh, so I can deal. But yeah, horribly wrong if taken seriously.
What else? Well, on a personal level: communication, baby. You need some serious help with that. Relationships, connecting with your feelings and all that stuff. So much room for improvement there, mate (not that I don't feel you tho).
He also needs to work out some sort of limit for his addiction aka his work/creations/mission. It's not just in very unhealthy levels (mentally and physically) for himself, but also for those around him when he loses himself to it.
And I know I'm forgetting stuff, but this seems to be enough, I'll stop here haha
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
Oh, well. That's hard.
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Favorite season/movie
Gonna go with Civil War just bc #PAIN.
Favorite line
"Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is but I wanna try it."
Favorite outfit
🤔 I don't think I have one from him!
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So many?! Dr. Banner tbh haha I love them as a duo but then also with Cap bc yes and the there is also his kiddo Peter to whom he's kinda like a dad but it's a cool dad and he isn't really his dad so it could also be kinda like a big bro thing? idk someone hELLLLLLP
Head Canon
He's kinda submissive (in bed)? 🙈 He had a kink for a bit of a fem dom.
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And maybe also being babied... aaaaaand ok, I better stop here xD
Unpopular opinion
Idk which is the popular opinion or not bc I don't interact in that fandom... I can't think of anything "unpopular" to say about him, but maybe a general opinion I have that I don't think is said often enough.
I feel like if a character does some good, their bad actions get completely overlooked or excused in some way as if in "he saved many, who cares if he had previously hurt just as many?" Not talking about weapons now.
Just a reminder that if someone is being mean is not funny. If they are mocking someone with a disability is not ok. If the person is being paid by them it's still shit behaviour. If someone does any of these, they're assholes. Period.
One doesn't need to be an asshole full-time, it's ok. One can still be an asshole tho, part-time. But that shouldn't mean one doesn't get called out. Saving the world does not mean Tony Stark shouldn't be called on his bullshit. Just that.
A wish
That he and Pepper would figure things out in a healthy way so we could get Pepperony forever, yay
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
I would only ask that they don't mess up with the character in general, its coherence.
5 words to best describe them
Genius. Impulsive. Show-off. Ambitious. Obsessive.
My nickname for them
He's "another of those gryffis" 🙈
And this is it!
Unicorn Kisses!🦄
*Excuse the not-so-great cites of GIF sources BLAME THE TUMBLR APP, I’ll change them once I have a computer… some day.
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straydays7-blog · 7 years
My Day6inNYC Experience!
EDIT: I typed this up in word and pasted it into Tumblr. Tumblr kinda make some things look a little weird so excuse that please.
This is super late coming but as soon as I left NYC I had to cram for a ton of exams and now that most of those are over I can take the time to talk about my experience seeing Day6 perform live and even hi-touching them;;;; This post might be a little bit all over the place, but I cant help but to feel SO MANY FEELINGS when I think about this okay. Its still so surreal I cant believe it actually happened it felt like a really good dream okay. Also, I wish my English were better to express myself here I have so many emotions I wish to express but honestly, I dont know how Id even describe these feelings in any other languages I know SO ILL TRY MY BEST WITH ENGLISH. Also, fair warning, thisll probably be really long so prepare yourself.
Okay, first things first. I arrived like 30 mins early to pick up my P2 wristband and apparently had I been a little earlier I could have seen day6 enter the Town Hall! Somehow, even though I was not the first that arrived at the venue to pick up my wristband, I did end up being first in the P2 line. And lord behold. Someone opened the backstage door. Then and there, I caught a glimpse of Sungjin, playing his guitar singing his part in the You Were Beautiful chorus. EVERYONE AROUND ME STARTED SCREAMING LOL. I was in such shock. Sungjin is so beautiful (in present tense) and has one of the best voices Ive ever heard okay. I dont think I really realized until then I was going to see Day6, like the band that inspires me to work hard every day and makes me so happy. Even though I had bought the ticket and everything that brought me to NYC, it felt surreal and then I knew it was R E A L. Theyre real and I was about to watch them perform live and even meet them afterwards like what the heck? After getting my wristband, I picked up a fanproject banner that would later be used to move day6 to tears:) These boys are so wholesome.
I went back to my hotel for a while after that because it was rainy and windy so walking around didnt sound so nice. Around 5:30 I left to get a bite to eat and then head back to the venue. Ended up getting a burger at Five Guys (and okay totally off topic from seeing Day6, but the Five Guys burger I had in NYC was so much better than any Ive had here in VA? Or maybe excitement makes stuff taste better.) I arrived at the venue at like 6:00 and the line was already pretty long! There were some My Days handing out photocards and I bought a Sungjin badge from one girl. (This experience is gonna make me sound so Sungjin biased but omg my bias is definitely Young K)
Once I was in the Town Hall I decided to buy a lightstick to cheer for the band! Id already ordered some of the other merch from the Subkulture Shop, because I was literally only traveling with one backpack and didnt want to buy more than I could fit in to take back home.
I had no idea on which side my seat would be, I only knew I would be 12 rows away from the stage. So, when I found my seat I was beyond happy to see I was on Young K and Wonpils side of the stage omg. With a really clear view of the both of them also! All the MyDays there were so sweet man, I had a great time talking with some while waiting for the concert to begin. Though I do honestly really wish that @mikulinneamew or @reading-river would have been there with me. Day6s instruments were already set on the stage and oh my goodness I fell in love with Sungjins Gibson Les Paul. Its white body with the black pickguard and golden hardware is SO BEAUTIFUL. Makes me want to go out and buy a Les Paul just like it, but going to this concert I used money I was originally saving for a new Fender P-Bass (That aint happening for a while now lol) but I am so not complaining. Sungjins Martin acoustic is also really beautiful, but I still prefer Taylors. Young Ks bass is also super pretty. Really, I was drooling over these instruments while waiting for the concert to begin.
Its two minutes before the concert was set to begin and everyone is already chanting “DAY6! DAY6! DAY6! DAY6!”. Shortly after the lights went dark and the screen behind the stage started to play a video introducing the members (And can I say I love how so many of their songs were mashed up perfectly in that video like wow Id love the audio of just that)! One by one then the members came on stage. First Dowoon, then Wonpil, followed by Young K, Jae and last but not least, leader Sungjin! While the video was finishing playing I could see Young K getting his bass tuned and ready to perform. I started tearing up here already because they were right in front of me? Unreal, but yet so real.
And then, the first song was: I WAIT! One of my favorite songs already ;; (what am I saying, all of their songs are my favorites) Such a high energy song for the first one. It was perfect to get the crowd hyped and pumped for what was to come! Then there was me crying of happiness and singing along though omg. DAY6 IS SO COOL PERFORMING. Sungjin and Jae rocking out on their guitars, Young K thumping on the Bass, Wonpil playing the Synth and Dowoon rocking the drums! I loved how connected the audience was with the band too like out of all the live performances from bands Ive seen, this one was definitely the one with the most chemistry with the audience and music! All of the “I WAIT!” chants were so nice to hear with the music aaaa. THE SONG ENDED SO FAST. All songs went by so quick really, but hey that just means youre having a great time.
The second song was: HUNT! I was NOT prepared for this song so early on in the show already. If I had to summarize this performance in two words: Younghyuns rap (I love it so much). I really love the guitar riffs in this song so I payed a lot of attention to Jae and Sungjin at first but man, as soon as it was rapping time my eyes were focused on Young K. His rapping timbre is soooOOO darn good. And hes such a good performer too when he does it. HE FEELS EVERY WORD HE SAYS. Hunt is such a good song. I loved it. So much.
After the first two songs, lights went back on for a moment and Jae hyped up the audience! Young K shook his head the first time everyone made noise at Jaes request, but the second time Jae asked us to make some noise BOY THAT WAS GOOD VOLUME MYDAYS HAVE GREAT LUNGS.
That was followed by: IM SERIOUS! This song is so fluffy and catchy Im pretty sure everyone was singing along in the “I cant stop loving you” part. I mean, how could anyone stop loving day6 theyre so wholesome and talented and KIND AND SWEET. Wow. Its SO FUN to watch Sungjin play his acoustic guitar he was smiling the whole time. Everyone was smiling during that performance EVEN DOWOON HE WAS SO CUTE. Its such a sweet song how can you not smile playing it or listening to it. During the acapella part Young K was shooting finger hearts and did an AMAZING adlib. I was m e l t i n g. Turning me into a puddle.
The next song was: MAN IN A MOVIE! I REALLY LOVE THIS SONG A LOT. Another really soft and fluffy song, but soOOO musically interesting. Day6 is one of the few groups that not only produces earcandy, but earcandy that is also thinking candy for people who enjoy music theory (a n d I d o) This is the only day6 song Ive actually written out a fingerstyle ukulele arrangement for (totally weird instrument choice, but Im working on rewriting it for guitar LOL). Im EXTREMELY fond of everyones vocals on this song. Especially Sungjins and Young Ks :)
After this song it was game and Q&A time! I cant remember if the preference game or Q&A was first so Im just going to talk about the preference game first.
Firstly though, all the members introduced themselves. They all looked so happy that it made me even happier LOL. For the preference game, all of the audience had to stand up and participate in a game with day6! It was so fun! First up the audience had to guess which one Jae like more, by either raising their left or right arm: The statue of liberty or Brooklyn bridge. The right answer was Brooklyn bridge and the majority of the audience (including me) had guessed it right! The MyDays who guessed wrong, had to take their seat again. Second was Bob (Sungjin). I guessed his wrong already! >3< The question was if he preferred playing Overwatch or Fifa. The correct answer was Fifa. Sadly, most people had guessed this one wrong. Next was Dowoon. We had to guess if he prefers skirts or jeans on girls LOL. His answer was jeans but it got too loud that I couldnt quite hear his reasoning. Then was Young K. Does he prefer sneakers or high heels? His answer was sneakers, because high heels are very uncomfortable (he said hes even tried them on before what a cutie). Wonpil had the most far fetched question in my opinion it was kinda funny! The audience had to guess if he likes Ariel or Snow White more. His answer was Snow White because he feels more sorry for her. Lastly was a question that would decide the faith of a lot of Jae stans hair LOL. Does he like long hair or short hair better on girls? His answer was short hair, because it makes them seem more confident. After all of those guesses only four lucky MyDays out of about 1500 were left standing! They got invited onto the stage and got a bag full of (signed!) tour merch gifted to them by Day6! It was so sweet and kind that the winners even received such a gift from Day6 themselves!
MOVING ON TO THE Q&A! Before they picked their questions to answer, Sungjin said “This! Is! Paradise!” and Dowoon sang the “Oh you are My Daaay” part of their song MY DAY to the NYC MyDays. Wonpil went first to pick his question. While each member would choose their question, the audience would sing the jeopardy theme song. It was hilarious. He chose the question: “Where did your interest in music come from?” Right when he was about to answer the question someone in the audience screamed “I LOVE YOU YOUNG K” but Young K shut her down so fast saying “Its Wonpil time!” Wonpil was flustered for a sec but then resumed to answer his question and said that he listened to a lot of hip hop when he was young and that got him interested. Next up was Young K! He chose the question: “What was the funniest moment in your life?”. He began to say that since Chuseok hes been eating more. And his most funny moment was before he came onto the stage. Apparently his pants didnt fit him anymore and he had to expand them a bit! The way he told this story was utterly hilarious and cute I can highly recommend finding a fancam of this moment omg. After him was Dowoon. His question was: “If you could have a superpower what would it be?” He said he wishes he could talk to animals. When he was in college he had a pet cat which he neglected and now he feels bad for that. He said if he could only communicate with one kind of animal though it would be bear LOL. Sungjin started imitating a bear after that and it was so hilarious omg he puffed himself up and was clawing at him. Next was Sungjin! He was lowkey dancing along to the jeopardy theme omg. His question was: “What is the hardest thing you have ever done?”. He said working towards Day6s debut was the hardest time in his life ;; He shouted out collapsedone who helped them a lot towards their debut and he was actually at the concert right there ;; Jae was the last one to get a question. He chose: “What inspired you to pursue music?”. He said he was getting into a bunch of Youtube musicians and thought he should try it out too. He met Wong Fu Productions Phil who also further inspired him to pursue music. And so Yellowpostitman was born. That concluded the Q&A! Day6 left the stage for a quick moment while the NYC Vlog-like video they made for the tour started playing. This time it was Wonpils cut! It showed the boys having fun at times square (someone in the audience screamed I SEE MYSELF and everyone laughed it was so funny) and Wonpil loosing his phone while dancing on the street LOL. I really love this vlog concept they had to play during intermission its so sweet of them.
Once the vlog was over they came back on stage and started to perform You Were Beautiful. THIS SONG IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Its one of the first songs of theirs I heard that got me into them ;; I was tearing up during this whole performance its such a heartfelt song and you could truly feel the emotions of the song being conveyed in their performance. They all sing it so softly yet powerfully. I really love Young Ks vocal parts in this song and his voice was so stable too (everyones was really) aaa ;;
The next song they performed was their debut song CONGRATULATIONS! Everyone in the audience had received a red sticker to cover their phone flashlight with during this song to create a red ocean. I wasnt in a good seat so see if it was a success or not but the lighting definitely seemed more red :) Everyone was singing along to EVERY BIT of this song it was fantastic. I love this song so much aaa. Young Ks rap makes me feel so many FEELINGS. This song was over way too quick I wish itd last forever.
After Congratulations Jae was saying that the last two songs are coming now and everyone was getting a LIL SAD that the night was coming to an end soon. (Jae didnt count the encore though ;D) Jae also took a moment to tell everyone that they should follow their dreams and not let anyone tell them that they cant make it. Even when it seems impossible to make it to your dreams he believes that we can make the jump and achieve them ;; Hearing those words from him made me a sobbing mess. For a few reasons I think. Even just seeing them perform live was a dream come true. Being in NYC (if even just for two days) was a dream come true. Its a city Id been dreaming of seeing someday since I was a little kid. Probably because music as a career has almost always been my dream. And NYC is one of the worlds music capitals. I used to want to become a concert pianist. Then I wanted to become a music teacher. Right now Im leaning more towards songwriting, production and playing guitar LOL. But as someone whos in the position where I need to decide what I want to do with my future relatively soon, Jaes words helped me so much.
Their next song was LETTING GO! And oh my goodness. I was not prepared for those buttery sweet harmonies in the beginning. I was thinking so much about what Jae had said before during this performance so Im a little blank on what special happened during this performance but I totally remember it being mesmerizing;;
Their last song before encore was I SMILE! The fanchants on this one were so strong! Everyone held their banner up which read “My Day6 which I thought I only met in my dreams is right in front of me”. I could see Young K tear up when he read it. It was so sweet :) I do wish that Wonpils synth had been a tiny bit louder because he has that cool solo part in it, but I could hardly hear it. But the whole performance was so overwhelmingly beautiful that I was crying.
After performing I SMILE they left the stage and everyone started chanting “DAY6! DAY6!” again. Shortly after they came back on stage and THEY PERFORMED DANCE DANCE. This song is so upbeat and happy and makes you forget all the stress so much I love it to bits. I absolutely love Jaes guitar part in this song too so I tried to focus on him until Brians rap distracted me AGAIN (rapper K is my weakness okay). The entire performance was so high energy it was perfect buildup to the next song they performed which was also their last performance for the night. FREE하게! This is my go-to song for escaping from the stress of life and simply basking in how powerful music truly is. So, hearing it live, as the encore really touched me (and I cried more). I felt so many emotions go through me during this performance. It felt like a reminder of why I love music so much, which sometimes is well needed. Its so energetic and uplifting. My highlight of this performance: …Young Ks rap (wow surprise surprise). Also Sungjins high note! And Jae jumping into the crowd and hyping us up even more! (If Jae tells you to jump, you have to jump.) This performance was a perfect end for the concert. I really didnt want it to end though.
After this performance Day6 bowed and thanked the audience. I dont know where to begin describing how I felt after that. I still had the high touch left but the main event was over. I felt (still feel and always will) so extremely blessed to have been able to experience that. Theyre such a wholesome, hardworking and admirable band. I felt such extreme happiness.
The night was nearly over, but the hi-touch was still left for those who had purchased a P2 ticket! Id never done a hi-touch before, so I didnt know what to expect. I only knew itd go by super quick. What I did NOT expect however, is to walk around a corner and BAM there standing is Young K, Mr. Brian Kang, THE KANG YOUNGHYUN, BASSIST RAPPER GODLY VOCALS FULL TIME COLLEGE STUDENT BUT ALSO FULL TIME BANDMEMBER HE WORKS SO HARD OK. It is a lot to take in when you see your ultimate bias being the first in line for the hi-touch. My first thought was how pretty his NOSE is. Like dang, boys got the finest nose Ive ever seen. My second thought was how intimidating he seemed though omg. But as soon as it was my turn for a brief second with him it seemed like he was glowing and flowers were blooming around him? Hes got the sweetest smile and eyes. Instead of high fiving him I held onto his hand for a second and all I could say was “I love you so much” I WAS IN SUCH AWE. He gave my hand a bit of a squeeze and said he loves me back. SUCH A NICE MAN IM CRYING.   Then it was already time to move on though and next was Dowoon! My mind was completely blank from Young K being first (I was hoping hed be last for this reason LOL) I also grabbed onto Dowoons hand for a moment and I mustve not said anything at first, because he was like “Thank you!” first (his Korean accent is adorable) so I said thank you back to him and he then gave a teeny bow like how polite omg. Thats all I had with Dowoon though (Wish I could have said more I wanted to tell him how cool he is!) But next was Jae. First impression: Hes so TALL. Second impression: Hes so NICE. I think Jae made it a thing to keep eye contact with his fans for as much as he could. I told him “Thank you so much Jae” because man especially his speech about following dreams hit me hard as I had mentioned before. Hes honestly the member I was most thankful for that night (Im thankful for them all though please dont misunderstand!) I would have hugged him if I could. His face is so pretty up close too, how can someone manage to look handsome but like a personification of Chicken Little at the same time? Jae can. Next was Wonpil! And I must say I was taken a back a little like “Who is this man?” HE LOOKS SO DIFFERENT IN REAL LIFE. In a good way of course! I held onto his hand for a moment and said “Thanks Wonpil” he nodded and had such a smug look on his face like omg. SUNGJIN WAS NEXT AND BOY THIS WAS MY FAVORITE ENCOUNTER. He was already like pulling his arm back to give a really hard high five so I was BRACING myself, because it looked like it might be painful omg. Hes the only member I actually high fived whoops. BUT his high five was so happy and so energetic! Yet it was aggressively soft? It was definitely a hard high five but it didnt hurt at all LOL. He was like “Ah yeah!” after that and I thanked him for the great show. Then the hi-touch was over for me. Even though I wish I could have had a little more time with them, I was so thankful to have had the experience in the first place.
IN CONCLUSION: This was the best night of my life so far. This definitely is not going to be the last time I see them live. If they come back to NA while Im still here you can count on me doing my best to get that P1 or P2 ticket. They better come to Europe someday too! For their next tour if it works out I might even try to go to more than one of their concerts. I was trying to go to the Toronto concert for this tour too, but my exam schedule wouldnt allow that. But I am so blessed that NYC happened. I will also definitely plan any trip to Asia around their concert schedule!
Tl;dr: I love day6 so much. See them live someday plz. Tell Brian I love him plz.
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showingthroughtome · 7 years
1: june 3rd
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“That was rude, Jess. I’m hurt.” He covers his heart with both hands, holding onto his peck through his tank top tightly. “I was going to invite you inside but I’m rethinking it now.”
“It is what it is.” Jessica shrugs like the excitement she felt fluttering in her stomach didn’t just churn into a tiny panic. “It’s not like I particularly wanted to watch you play Xbox anyway.”
“I had something else in mind.”
read below - story page - playlist - banner by @booksncoffee - word count: 929
Jessica stands at the end of her driveway like Marissa Cooper from The OC except way less rich and so much happier. Happier because her best friend/lifelong neighbor just pulled into his own driveway across the street and she knows his parents aren’t there. She’s only seen him twice since she has gotten home from college for the summer, but both instances have almost been exactly like old times… only almost like old times due to the fact that now when she sees him emerge from the car, she enjoys his smile in a way that she never has before. The dimples on his cheeks look deeper and better. His lips glisten like they are trying to attract her attention.
He stops at the edge of his yard, directly across from her, wearing a black tank top and knee length jean shorts with a backwards baseball cap taming his curls. Leaning on the big brick mailbox, he questions, “You waiting on someone?”
“I don’t know. My good friend Harry promised me last night that we’d do something fun today.” Jessica bites the inside of her cheeks to keep from smiling too wide. The memories of the previous night feel like a dream sequence as they flash in her mind, causing her jaw to tighten that much more.
“Sounds like a cool dude.”
“Not nearly.”
“Hey!” He immediately took offense, grimacing. “I am the coolest guy you’ve ever known.”
“Nah.” She shakes her head once and grazes her teeth against her bottom lip, trying her hardest to keep her eyes from wandering away from his. “Ben has always been way more fun.”
Ben was the other guy who sat at the table where she first met Harry Styles in fourth grade. It was pure consequence that the kids who lived across from each other, but never spoke, got put in the same classroom and perhaps it was serendipity that they were both assigned to table three.
Harry has never admitted it, but Jessica knows for the year they shared a learning space with the other 9-year-old, he compared himself to Ben. That’s why for the last ten years, she has brought him up at Harry’s expense any chance she’s gotten.
“That was rude, Jess. I’m hurt.” He covers his heart with both hands, holding onto his peck through his tank top tightly. “I was going to invite you inside but I’m rethinking it now.”
“It is what it is.” Jessica shrugs like the excitement she felt fluttering in her stomach didn’t just churn into a tiny panic. “It’s not like I particularly wanted to watch you play Xbox anyway.”
“I had something else in mind.”
An actual lump forms in her throat as she tries to swallow and come up with something witty to respond with.  She lets her eyes drift down his toned arm, covered with the tattoos he only gained once he went away and kissed by the sun thanks to the tan they got on their first day by the pool together.
It felt like her pause was a few minutes too long, but it really was just seconds before she thought to say, “Like what?”
Again, her thoughts wander back to the night before - alone in his basement, no lights on but the glow from the movie credits illuminating their faces. They sat closer than they ever had and spent more time stealing glances at one another than watching whatever rom com he had insisted on.
“Maybe another movie?” Harry’s lip split his face in half, smug at the way those simple words get Jessica to lower her eyes to the ground and kick at the gravel crunching underneath her. There’s no doubt that he is also thinking of the one moment in particular that she is hoping to recreate, and with the feel of him still fresh in her mind, there’s no way she’ll object his suggestion.
She lets him peer at her for a second, hopeful that he’ll admire the way her dress hugs her in all the right places and exposes her skin at even better ones. When she feels he’s looked long enough, she squares her shoulders and propositions, “I get to pick the movie this time?”
His hand is ruffling through his hair and his mouth is opening when a familiar car drives between them, pulling in behind Harry’s Camry. With the dramatics she feels in her soul, Harry sighs and hangs his head.
“Hiya.” His mom calls over to them as soon as she is out of the vehicle, her husband popping out of the passenger side.
It doesn’t occur to Jessica that she’s still standing on the other side of the street until Anne gives her a weird look. “Are you coming over, sweetheart? Or have you finally learned to keep your distance from this crazy one?”
“I’ve been trying to warn her for years.” Robin opens the trunk and begins unloading the grocery bags, displaying husband goals to the fullest extent.
“Are you guys making dinner?” Jessica ignores the teasing for her best friend and focuses on something way more exciting than Harry.
“Of course. We’re doing ultimate grilled cheeses.” Anne nods at the same time that Harry shakes his head, smiling, full of disbelief that someone could be so shameless in bumming food off people.
“Oh, well then, of course I’m coming over.” She tosses her blonde hair over her shoulder and walks the nine steps it takes her to get across the street, the prospect of melted cheese and Harry running high on her mind.
authors note: 
so this is the new thing ive been working on. i came up with the idea while listening to summer friends by chance. (go listen to the very diverse playlist for this fic) its not so much about growing up in chicago like chance obviously but more about the vibe it gives me - extraordinary in totally ordinary settings. 
i hope you like it! i hope you dont mind that im posting one scene at a time. i hope i achieved my goal of making less than 1k kind of fulfilling. if this goes over well, ill probably post another one in a few days. if not, ill be posting next wednesday along with another update of somewhere in between (my other friends to lovers lol, but much much longer chapters)
please let me know what you think!!! PLEASE!!! jessica? harry? what happened in the basement?? tell me!
thank you to ash @what-comes-from-within for editing this! she is seriously amazing and this story wouldnt be what it is without her!!!
thank you!!!
- lauren xxx
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galactic-womann · 7 years
Hello hello~ Could you do RFA+ V and Saeran reacting to MC being a super famous music composer (popular or classical is up to you :)) but under a different name so no one knows it's her? Thanks so much!
I’m really sorry if you aren’t pleased with this, I tried my best. I had to do some research on modern musical composition. It didn’t help much though haha. The Saeran part actually had me in my feels, I love him so much honestly.
When you told him he kind of just??? 
The girl he’s in love with is not only so amazing to him but hella fucking talented too?
“We’re a power couple, babe!”
Then you told him you use a different name and he respects it 100%. He uses a stage name for personal reasons and understands yours. 
Obsessed with your music tbh. This boy actually buys ALL your produced music and follows on any news about you.
Offers to collaborate with you just because he loves your work so much
That song y’all produced was a fucking hit
He loves making music with you, or just sitting in. 
Literally can listen to you for hours and will never get tired of your music
But you when you get frustrated or stressed while writing he will be so sweet and make you tea, maybe even some massages  hmmmmm
You told her after you released one of your new pieces and she was non stop listening to it after.
“MC! You have to listen to this!” shit here it goes 
You tried to explain as calm as possible because you thought she’d be angry at you for keeping it from her girl were you wrong
Fangirl mode: To the fucking max
Homegirl was so shook, she had to take a moment to let this information sink in.
It was so quiet you almost thought you were going to have to spend weeks making it up to her for lying
Nope she was so excited for you. She’s asks some questions about why you use a different name but completely understands and respects your reasons 
To apologize for keeping it from her, you gave her a piece for only her to listen to because it reminded you of her
She is literally in tears 
You’re both hella lucky
He had no clue 
When you told him he thought this came out of no where
He’s super impressed with your music 
Puts your music on while he’s working or away on business trips
People in the office got sick of it fast but kept their mouths shut because Jumin is intimidating af
He’s real protective of your identity. He helps you out and does whatever he can to keep it a secret.
He gets you the best deals for your confidential identity 
But he can be much..
“MC I think that person knew who you were..”
“She asked if I could take a picture of her family… at a tourist sight.” 
“Jumin Chill”
Paralyzed with astonishment because “My girlfriend is so cool!”
Probably has listened to your music before and doesn’t realize it until he goes through it. 
Subtly brags about how his girlfriend is super talented with his buddies on LOLOL 
Loves to listen to you while you’re making music
He’s staring at you though because he loves how beautiful you look when you’re so focused 
You tried teaching him a thing or two about music 
He didn’t catch on quick exactly, he sort of quit after a few days because it was exhausting 
“How do you do this so much MC??” 
“Lots of practice, Yoosung.” 
No matter how many times you say it’s all about practice he’s totally convinced you’re this superhuman machine
That he absolutely adores
He already knew.
There ain’t nothing you can hide digitally from this boy 
He didn’t mention it because he wanted you to tell him yourself..
But he low key fangirled when he found sheets under your public name. 
Listened to your music even before you joined RFA 
Tried to keep it on the down low that he was a big fan but when you told him he couldn’t contain it anymore oh boy
Non stop and horribly obnoxious humming to your music around the house 
You were so torn between being annoyed and wondering how you got such a wonderful guy by your side 
#1 MC Stan by day, #1 MC’s Music Stan by night 
Buys all your music but ohhh no he didn’t stop there. 
Starts making shirts, hats, banners.. even pet clothes 
“Do you really think making even the robot cat wear your merch is necessary?” 
When you told him he was really, really proud of you and your music. 
He likes listening to it while smoking his pipe
Though he can’t see you, he really loves that you make music so he can feel what you were feeling while you made it. 
He totally understands why you kept your identity a secret. 
Fame is a pain in the ass and neither of you need it. 
You both bond through your artistic work, it made you understand each other really well.
He was already head over heels in love with you before and now he’s just so happy.
He was really skeptical about the fame being a good thing. 
Until you told him you kept your identity a secret, he was pretty relieved. 
Just imagining you two getting stopped in public just freaked him out 
He sat in the same room as you while you showed and played some of your music 
He kind of just sat there awkwardly, amazed that it sounded so good 
He totally gets why your music is famous. He doesn’t know much about music but that was some good shit if he says so himself. 
If he ever feels overwhelmed or frustrated he asks you to play for him because it calms him down. 
If you can’t, he’ll listen to a playback. It helped with his recovery and anxiety a lot.
He thinks he’s so lucky to have someone so talented and understanding in his life.
You actually tried teaching him some basics and some snippets of your music and he surprisingly enjoyed it. 
You wrote a piece just for him that you knew would put him at ease anytime he listened to it, he was so flustered you presented it to him. Honestly protect my poor baby.
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survivor-ingary · 3 years
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At the tribal, Ping was voted out of the Pendragon Tribe nearly unamimously. Tribal immunity for this round is Pictionary.
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I bet all these bitches know i voted for Keith and now they are going to come kill me in my sleep if i die i blame dylan
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yass round 2 i either think im in the best position on this tribe or theyre all secretly coming for me thats all
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Tribal went as well as I expected it to go. No major drama. It seems like Keith is in real trouble if we do go to tribal again though which would put me in a very tricky spot. For now, though, I will be trying my best in the upcoming challenge. The problem is, however, timezones and schedules. Jon is going to be our drawer, but he can only do it tonight or in the early afternoon tomorrow which I will not be there for. Additionally, Keith is asleep so we have no idea what his schedule is going to be so we basically had to schedule the challenge without him. And Nya could only do right before the deadline tomorrow which Jon cannot do. I hate this for us, truly. I just hope that Moth and I can rub our brain cells together for this one so that we can pull out a win. OR somehow the other tribes fail horribly. On the bright side, I am finally starting to catch up on Duolingo exercises. They're a lot easier than I thought, but it is still going to be tedious af to save up enough coins for some of the higher end products at the shop. As a final note, I am going to work with Nya in the long term as we promised each other to. Hopefully that actually works out. Time to actually be loyal and be a hero this time around. Need to try something different.
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If we lose this challenge, I will be very upset. We went so hard on this challenge!!! I believe that we can at least get second place, but I don't know how crazy the other tribes are. So, let's see what goes on
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Ayyyyy soooooooo looks like the four, Colin, me, Ava, and Brayden are officially in an alliance!? I’m really hyped to be working with everybody and already have sights on who should go if we have to go to tribal 👀 but like I’m gonna feel so bad if we go to tribal and I orchestrate a whole plan to take someone out I gotta do it when I’m not in my feels and the planets aren’t fucking with my emotions too heavy. But go alliance ! This means I’ll be able to stay safe until hopefully a merge and hopefully we can avoid a tribe swap till then which I get those vibe from it !! But I’ll be here to survive two more tribals just in case which is pretty rad. Other then that hopefully me offering to draw doesn’t end us up in the bottom and we can keep killing ! But anyways that is it as off know hopefully I have a lot more coins tomorrow morning and I get hit the hat shop bright and motherfucking early.
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Just got asked to be apart of an alliance <33333 the besties in the group trust me which maybe ain't the right move but for now we gotta love the bonding. exciting!!!
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YAY FOR ROUND 2! Okay, so I meet once again with the Hat Shop and... third times the charm! Except,,, the charm is getting nothing AGAIN lmao I'm not complaining though, still got that extra vote :P I stayed up at 1 AM for this challenge, and I honestly think our team popped off. Anastasia was guessing a ton, and Riley was amazing at drawing real quick! I have a relatively good feeling about our performance, so I hope I wake up to the news of our tribe being immune :D
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so yesterday I set myself on a mission to get an alliance. I wanted Ava + Brayden + Toph + me as a majority alliance. it was our day off from tribal so I thought it was the perfect day to do it!! I talked to Brayden about it first because he's the person I feel the most comfortable with, and then after a lot of coordination and careful communication I was able to pull it together!! I think the most important thing when making alliances is making everyone feel like they're a big part in it. So I was careful to ask each person how they feel about the others, about the game, and made a point to say that I wanted to work with them specifically. Some may call that a little manipulative, but I wanna make sure that I'm an essential part of the alliance!! i need everyone to feel like they need/want me there.
all of this happening so soon into the game is a testament to how aggressive I'm playing this time around. I usually like to lay low and just rely solely on my social game in the start, but I'm trying this out to establish myself early on! I wanted to play the tribe leader and I think I'm doing that in a smart and subtle way!!
so yes now we have a 4 person majority alliance named "duolingo owl hate club" because fuck that guy. I think we're the 4 most active and present people on the tribe so it's only natural for us to work together, but I think it's definitely worth noting that I was the one that was pulling the strings here.
We just did the pictionary challenge, I have a good feeling about it!! Toph was an amazing artist, and if we win, all credit rightfully goes to him!! I think the guessers also did great of course, but like come on, the artist has to be the mvp. I'm really hoping we pull through!! I don't mind going to tribal, but I genuinely don't wanna vote anyone out yet. I'm fine just playing the game in a precautionary way. I know I'm in a great position if we do go to tribal, but it's always preferred that we don't go.
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Everyone else on my tribe: doing the challenge and kicking ass
Me: I’m sleep
Riley (Tumblr has once again chosen violence so only the first 10 get banners 🥲)
I think our challenge went pretty well! My team were good guessers. Feeling like I've established some Integrity now. Hope it keeps me safe later!
Toph Soooooo we finished the challenge with 32 points and like wig !! I was a quick as drawer for 32pts expect when my internet lagged, but still ! I think we whooped some ass and if we do go to tribal I know it won’t be me going, thanks to Duolingo owl hate club but I’m also worried same could have and advantage because they seem pretty kean on learning a lot in like 3 hours and then tried to cover that statement to not seem so threatening but like babs s a huge threat too apparently they love Duolingo and know 5 laugnes ? This is from brayden but If so go babs ! That’s absolutely iconic for real Life but fucking scary in this game ! I gotta be buddy buddy with them so hopefully if they do have something it won’t be them going home first and it will be Ava. But I’m thinking we might get second place again unless someone is a fucking wizard at this.
Dennis hmm i think we did well enough in the challenge to not see tribal tomorrow but who knows i guess we shall find out tn
the way ellie was so on top of stuff yesterday only to oversleep the challenge makes me giggle maybe shes freaking out about it which makes me also giggle but i dont think its really a big deal
anastasia asked me to call yesterday and i was like sure lets talk but it is damn near impossible to hold a conversation with her idk i tried BUT she did tell me “yeah i just got off a call with ellie” im like i see. she says shes down to work with ellie but that quickly switched from ellie being ~experienced~ but good to know ellie is also playing hard. anastasia also mentioned that she talks to riley a fair amount who i still have yet to connect to well. but dat makes me think ellie is def talking to riley too miss debate team is definitely a talker. but good on her for the social game i guess
kenneth keeps being like haha we’re the same person and im like yeah👁 i bet we are👁
i just wanna win and not think about tribal just keep it slow and chill for now keep learnin my welsh i guess
Ava Second challenge was Pictionary and I had a ton of fun playing. The tea is: toph did a great job. He was pretty vocal about not being a great artist but really I think he did great. However, Babs was super inactive yesterday and ~too late~ said they were a great artist and should've been picked to draw. It was kind of like.... k babs thanks for the belated "help". They did do great guessing which scored a point in my book. Brayden was supposed to play but last minute logged off without saying anything so we did the challenge without him :/ sorta a bummer. Anyway the lack of participation from Sam is kind of popping off so we'll see where that leads them... Overall a fun game and fingers crossed we did well!
Moth I think we did okay at the challenge. Today I am dying from the heatwave so I’m not thinking too straight! Stay cool everyone
Ellie So yesterday Anastasia and I called for about an hour!!! I’d say we’re definitely way closer, she’s someone I really wanna work with although the idea of her and Brayden eventually being on the same tribe is kinda scary cause I know how close they are. Still she’s so fun to talk to and I just love her energy so much!
Pictionary challenge results: Jenkins Tribe wins with Penadragon second, Hatter Tribe has to go to tribal council on the following day.
Ava Well well well seems our bob ross, toph, didn't pull through (y'all think babs would've pulled it out for us or slept through our challenge like they said they almost did?) I can't wait for tribal. I'm in it for the drama. I'm hashtag voting Sam off - didn't even bother to be apart of our challenge and not too sure they've even been online for a full 24 hours. Weed out the weak.....
Brayden https://imgur.com/n60Lz0c
guys i dont know what to do someone help me out
Dennis i hope damn brayden gets the boot
Raffy Woo! We don't have to go to tribal again! We stan!
Ellie So I figured I’d go idol hunting today cause the shop was about to close and I just wanted to see what had been bought and what possible hats there were, I see that there’s a hat I have enough for that hasn’t been bought and I decide fuck it let’s get it
Sam Well you see. I like all my tribe people. And I think we did real good on that music video! So, I think rather than voting anyone else off, I think I should just vote myself off if that is possible! Ahhh
Babs So sad to see Sam not only go but go through what they're going through :( same w Toph :( they all seem so lovely
Keith Not sure if i submitted a confession after the last tribal. But if I didnt here it is.
Happy I made it out of that tribal. I had raffy backing me with whom I played. Last time we played. We were at odds. We didnt work together but whats worse that we were against each other. It was either him or me goin out. Hopefully thats the past n we can work together. I jus need to keep things calm n show that Im not here itching to make big moves. So they dont feel threatened by me. N its easy cause right now. I havnt made that kind og bond with anyone on my tribe. To even think of such moves. Lets see what round two holds for me.
Colin so uh
we lost! :(
I was really bummed tbh. Like I thought we did well but circumstances with the challenge were just really unfortunate, from conflict about who wanted to be the artist to people disappearing the moment the challenge started, I think we did well despite all of that. Except we did kinda get stomped anyway. Oh well!! The game moves on. Tribal has to happen.
Initially I was gonna push for Babs, just because I feel like I don't wanna attach myself to them too early on. I've seen how much of a bitter player they can be, and lets just say I'm not the most loyal ally to have. however! 9 minutes after we lost, Ava announces to our alliance that she's voting Sam. I wasn't surprised, Sam has been the one not really pulling their weight. But I had some good connections with her!! we both did colorguard and shes so sweet and easy to talk to. I was really conflicted for a little bit, debating on whether or not to actually push for Babs. I think brayden sensed my hesitance but we both knew there was nothing really I could do to stop Sam from being the vote. At first tribal, the initial name always spreads like wildfire.
However, my mess was stopped abruptly by Sam asking to be voted out. welp!! okay then!! babs stays i guess!! i'm not too bothered. I'll never turn down an easy vote hehe.
Pretty sure there's a swap tonight. I'm kinda scared of that
i almost forgot to upload this but dont worry i just remembered
Colin screams
Toph So we’re going to tribal in 20 and all I have to say right now is if there is a tribe swap after I’m gonna so scared but I ducking called I had a vibe and it was right that’s what is gonna win me this game trusting my intuition. I’m holding on now and gonna be the biggest comp beast next challenge in case I get fucked on this swap !!!! Or at least if it is a swap 🤔
Riley I don't know what this announcement's gonna be I'm worriedddd... Ginny said it probably means we're swapping teams but I don't wannaaaa I like our team.
Toph Sam self sacrificing made this the easiest vote ever and me being safe is a plus I guess 😎
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baosensteelcom · 5 years
  How To Get  Mink Lash Band Soften and Flexible ?
  Much clients ask two questions, why some mink strip lashes band so hard, especially 20mm mink strip lashes and 25mm mink strip lashes?  How to get mink lash band soften and flexible?  How to wash or clean the mink lashes?
This is a very simple thing for us, because we are lash manufacturer, a  wholesale lash vendors, we have 12 years experiences on mink lashes. Here below i will give you a few tips and tricks to help you how you can easily soften the mink lash band and how to clean your favorite dirty mink strip lashes.
25mm mink strip lashes, compare to regular 3D mink lashes, they are at least use 3 times mink hairs, the band, which is made of soft cotton thread, and use glue to stick the mink hairs onto it, turns into  thick and heavy, that is normal situation. So only when we solve the this problem, then you can get soft and thinner lash band.
Aupres lashes,  leading lash manufacturer of 20mm and 25mm mink strip lashes, never meet this kind complaints from customers. Because we have well trained skillful workers, they select the hairs carefully by hand, and lay every layer by hand, and we use the best glue to stick the bread and hairs, so the results is our mink strip lashes with a lightweight and soft band.
lI have been wearing false lashes for years and years and let me tell you that they are definitely one of my favorite parts of makeup, i love lashes with hats .I’m going to go ahead and show you how i apply them and again just some tips and tricks that i have learned along the way.
If you want see false lashes hack, then to keep on watching that awesome feeling. When you first get a pair of lashes they’er nice and fresh,nice and clean .
But or sometimes the band is way to thick, all you have to do is pick the lighter and your lashes make sure that you do not burn them because that has happened to me way too many times,  just that you’re standing far away from it as possible and this will just mouth the band on your lashes and it’ll make it a lot more flexible.
As you can see now they are little bit more flexible and you can just pop them on to your lashes and your are good to go now,  if you don’t feel comfortable with applying some heat to the banner of your lashes, or you can do is just make them into a circle ,  you can just leave them on for a while this will help the lash be a little bit more flexible. You can also take a brush whatever an eye bursh whatever you have and just place the lashes around the actual brush and that will also help soften the bands that way, it’s not too thick and it doesn’t poke your eye.
The next tip i have for you guys is if you have some lashes that you love,  and that you just are not ready to part with,  i know that lashes can get dirty with eyeshadow fallout bitter, fallout dirty with glue , don’t throw them away, do not throw your lashes away.  You have to do is grab a little bit of micellar water, this is my faorite one.  it is my Garnier its amazing it takes off all my makeup for my skin,  all i do is i grab a little Q- -tip when it’s back and forth through the lashes, i also use that same q-tip and i just clean around the band eare make sure that you do this a few times . Then what you want to do if you want to grab a spoolie and you just want to comb out the lashes other one. Might stick together and they might look a little bit spidery and you definitely don’t want that so make sure that you comb them up with  a spoolie and just make sure you let them dry out and you are good to use them again.
If you guys wondering how to apply false lashes without a winged liner i do have have already a video on that, i show you how i apply my false lashes when i don’t wear a winged line i will have it linked down below. In case you guys are interested in watching that then i will have a link down below for you.  My favorite glue is from the drugstore i tried so many of them and i always go back to this one, it is the strip lash adhesive with tallow and this is by the brand kiss i believe mine is super dirty and disgusting but i use it every day it’s very long wearing, i dont need reapply it over the day because it just really sticks on my lashes very well ..For some reaon people feel like i need to add tons of glue to their lashes in order for them to adhere and last all day, that is definitely not true , just take a little bit of glue and run it through the lash band.  Just a small amount don’t go overboard otherwise they’re just going to be slippery and sliding all over your eye. I am sure you guys smell this but make sure that you let them dry a little bit,  don’t let them try too much because them the glue will dry down and they won’t stick to your lashes  just  about maybe 5 10 seconds . I like to just move them back and forth,  so all you have to do  is plop them on ,  just do like little wiggling motion just like this your lashes are on.
Once you’ve applied your lashes you want to take your favorite mascara or whatever mascara you have and you want to apply a generous amount back to your lashes once it’s a little bit tacky you want to press your fake lashes and your real lashes together just cool oh/and kind of press them squeeze them together that way you become one and you can’t tell the difference between fake lashes and your real lashes if they ‘re  having a hard time with lashes looking good on your id if you have really small eyes and we have hooded eyes just make sure you do your research and you find out which lashes look best on you usually  we have larger eyes most lashes will be flattering but you also don’t want to wear anything that’s going to be too heavy and weigh down your eyes so manke sure you do your research find what kind of a shape you have and kind of experiment with lashes that way you know what best suits you and your eye type if you guys are wondering what my favorite lashes are i have a whole bunch of lashes of ass i love typically don’t keep my lashes back where they belong i have a little drawer where i have all these like spider looking lashes my favorite lashes that i go back to every single time are -the first ones are the koko lashes but in the  style goddess those are my absolute favorites, i just lve them i love how they look on my eyes personally my second favorite lashes are grant’s a glamour by Vegas nay and i lore i love those lashes they are a little bit harder to work with because the band is so fake but i love them and once you get used to lashes trust me you will never go back and that i s those are all the tips and i have for now, if i can think of any and we’ll definitely leave them in the description bar down below, i really hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did don’t  forget to give me a thumbs up and before you leave don’t forget to hit that subscribe button either
      how to get your mink lash band soften and flexible ?   How To Get  Mink Lash Band Soften and Flexible ? Much clients ask two questions, why some mink strip lashes band so hard, especially…
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himenation · 6 years
I finally managed to get tickets, but I already bought expensive tickets on stubhub I had to sell at the venue on Saturday ;;; But first I had to go to Korean School, but I had a fever and was feeling so sick (I still am...) When we arrived at the venue, it was SO CROWDY?????!!!!! there were a lot of fans and the weather was so hot too wow :o Anyways I still managed to sell my tickets and made two armys really happy <3 
In the venue I was by myself and made a new friend and we talked so much! They were playing MVs and I couldn't wait any longer ;; My view for the stage was amazing too! I could see everything really well and I`was pretty close too :D
I posted fancams and fanpics on my twitter  
Note: I didn't film everything, I was only holding my phone at some songs at some parts, Idk how I remember everything so clearly, but they mean so much to me so probably my mind wanted to remember everything ;;
CONCERT They started Idol with lots of fireworks, am I really seeing bangtan? I couldn't believe my eyes AT ALL. The fan chants were amazing too, in my fancams Im screaming a lot AHAHHA but oh my god..... I still cant believe I saw bangtan!!! I also wanted to say they talked Dutch a lot (Namjoon: Aangenaam Kennis te maken, Jungkook: Geniet van de Show and I cant remember what the others said). And then they did the Save me + im fine and really save me and im NOT fine. it was so good SKFJKSDJFS Im fine is one of my favourite songs of ANSWER and I JUST SAW IT LIVE TOO?! And next up was Magic Shop, which is such a beautiful song. Especially singing ‘’I show you’’ to bangtan made me really teary and the precious VMIN moments too <3 I also want to say I've never seen any live performances (except the old songs, medley, mic drop, anpanman, im fine and idol)! Now Jhope and Jungkook were about to have their solo, and the dance moves in just dance of JHOPE. I need.... air, he is so good ;;;; Jungkook was still hurt and was doing Euphoria while sitting (he also did lots of choreos on the chair). And he had such a beautiful smile at the ‘high note parts’ it made me so weak and soft ;u; And I expected this song, but then I didn't expect it either, but this was another version of I NEED U and they were all wearing white and lowkey were looking like the most beautiful angels and human beings ive ever seen ;; We had to rap yoongis part too! and tHEN SJSKFJKSJ RUN RUN!!!! RUNN CAME!!!! IM SOBBING, I LOVE RUN SO MUCH?!!!! And now Serendipity was next :’) this was the most cutest, adorable, yet beautiful and so jimin performance I have EVER SEEN. He was playing with bubbles, doing a smooth choreo and smiling/giggling a lot, but the heartbeat he did? My heartbeat was total flat line at that POINT because that was TOOO MUCH JIMINess. Next up was our president: Kim Namjoon, he had so much fun performing and I did the fan chants so loudly ;; DNAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! I know I say I dont like DNA a lot, but the moment I heard the flute I screamed the fan chants so loudly and since ive been screaming for more than an hour too: I was losing my voice. BUT FIRST OF ALL, IS KING TAEHYUNG LOOKING AT JHOPE WHILE DANCING (INSTEAD OF THEIR BACKS ON EACHOTHER), THEN HE IS HOLDING JUNGKOOK WHILE SINGING? EXCUSE ME SIR.
JIMIN BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION So during this MC, the screen behind turned into a Jimin screen and it said In dutch ‘’My Angel and my world’’ and jimin is indeed our angel and our world! he was so happy and started running towards the main stage (they were on the extended stage) and he went on his knees and said things like thank you!!! I love you!! and this is my best birthday and wont forget it either!! (things like that) and the member started running (EVEN INJURED JUNGKOOK!) towards him too and hugging him ;; We all sang happy birthday to him!
Medley and then the amazing medley! they started with Boys with Fun (taehyung didn't choreo his dance :( ) but it was nevertheless really amazing! Jungkook was doing lots of choreos on the chair during this medley! During Attack on Bangtan; Jimin was sitting on the floor and looking at Jungkook and both had such a beautiful smile ;; And it was so quiet and suddenly taehyung screamed MAKE SOOMEEEEE NOOOISE and you heard a loud ‘’Bultaoreune’’ and [closed] they did the 3:33 [username himenation more closed]. their energy was mind-blowing! Especially Jimins! and suddenLY BAEPSAE CAME AN I REALY LOVE THIS SONG (they were A LOT less wild and less hoe-ing than in USA, they did baepsae how they always did it lol). but everyone jumped away from the stage to give Jhope is part anD DAMN JHOOOOOPEEEE. After BAEPSAE they dID DOPE GUYS!!!!!!!! and jungkook did the choreo while sitting, oh god I love bts so much man
Concert part 2 After DOPE they did AIRPLANE PT 2. And I havent mentioned yet how gorgeous they looked, but especially Jin! He was wearing this oversized holographic-ish shirt but looked so amazing and the namjin part [ooof], jin also accidentally exposed his abs lol (Issa win for the kimseokjinstans), but also the yoongmin part, the dance EVERYTHING! 
And... singularity came, guys.... taehyung is my bias, but he wrecked me so much this whole concert, ive been sobbing man, this man is so perfect ;; the way he sings it, his voice, dance, aura, his visuals, all A+ After singularity they did the rock version of Fake Love and they were wearing this black outfit, with lots of mesh, leather etc They looked so OOF. But the funniest part was everyone chanting I DONT KNOW NAN MOLLA (its not even part of the fanchant HAAHHA). and then finally! MR YOONGIS SOLO! MY FAV RAPPERS SOLO! He was on a table, but he was performing like he was on a seesaw (the meaning of the song is past-present though) but IT WAS SO GOOD!!! and now we were about to go emo, because jin started his solo on a piano ;; his mic didn't work properly in the beginning so the fans started to sing for him, but after one-two sentences he got his mic back and he continued and the song was so beautiful I got so teary ;; And then we had the truth untold, in other words the superior song by the vocal line ever. It was.... so...... beautiful.......... taehyung and jimin both changed their notes, which made this song more memorable. Jimin was crying though (and I think taehyung a bit too) it gave the performance such an amazing touch; how they were able to sing with such emotions. Jungkooks mic didn't work In the beginning either, so we sang for him! I was such a mess I was feeling so emotional ;;;;;;;;; im so glad TEAR was up next because rapline POPPED OFF AND CAME FOR OUR WIGS AND EVERYONE. IT WAS SO GOOD! The whole venue turned black, with greenlights and laser OH GOD and oh my god oh my god the raps oh my god. And now MIC DROP REMIX CAME UP INCLUDING THE DANCE BREAK KJFKSJDKSJKFSJJFKS jungkook didn't participate but wow THIS SONG AND THE FANCHANTS??!! THE Bodyrolls were so cool, taehyung came for my wig! 
ENCORE They all came in blue pants and their white t-shirt. Jimin also had a cap on! they all looked so handsome omg (when do they not!?) But when they sung SO WHAT, I burst into tears because I realised it was about to end ;; Jin was being very very very wild with a towel, did the shoot dance with jungkook (yes he tried to!!!) jin and taehyung did their part again, and taehyung was wearing an orange hairband (on purpose) and playing with it ;^; During anpanman taehyung was holding jungkook and singing his part, then jin came running towards jungkook and was dancing very wildly he fell on the grOUND KFJKFSKJ also our president came to jungkook too and pat his shoulders ;;; jimin gave his cap to jungkook OOOF SO MANY INTERACTIONS!!!!! and lastly... LOVE MYSELF, I cried so hard, during this song I couldn't even breathe. its one of the most beautiful songs ive ever heard and hearing those voice and message coming from bangtan really made me cry. They mean so much to me. The VMIN part had me on the floor, I couldn't handle it anymore and my friend started hugging me :( 
LAST MC Yoongi said he loved Amsterdam a lot and it was so far one of the best concerts they ever had. We were so loud! They also admitted they wanted to come here last year, but it got cancelled and they feel sorry they couldn't do a 2nd date here, but theyre coming back next year! Jhope also talked how he was sightseeing with taehyung and jungkook talked that he was thinking about things a lot lately. Jimin was being the cutie again and was copying fans, but he called us his presents too :(( Jin also talked dutch but I couldn't really understand HAHAH but then Jhope wanted say goodbye (doei) and he kept saying DOEI, DOEIDOEI, DDDDOEEII, DOEIDOEIDOEI, DOEEEEEII, DDDDOEEEI and made it sound like a sound effect and bangtan followed and they were laughing so much :’)
Jiminbar (a fansite) turned zing into jimin by advertising his birthday!! ooof the banner and the whole venue looked GREAT! 
I really loved the concert so much, and I miss them so much. I cant wait to see them again :(( theyre such great human beings, bless them T_T They know how to perform! Their vocals and dance moves are a whole another level, and if you think they sound good on CD? bish get ready for hearing it live, because it sounds so much better!!!! Im going to miss them so much, but thank you Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jhope, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook for being in my life, changing it for the better, cheering me up, having good music and being such great humble human beings <3 I love you guys so much. See you next time <3 
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