#i tend to argue with myself when i write and i can never tell if i'd come off as harsh to someone else
detransdamnation · 1 year
Maybe i am in a bit of a blind spot now but stumbling upon your blog and a few of your last answers made me question - if gender roles were nonexistent in society so the sex a person has wouldnt dictate how they are treated - how could someone develop an unease about something truly neutral? I know there are sex differences in humans and thats what we talk about when we speak of transsexual people - the desire to change sex based on a terrifyingly strong discomfort with the one one has. But i am at a loss when it comes to understanding where would that discomfort even start/be influenced by (again as long as the sex you are would make everything neutral) because i always assumed that its that dichotomy of how society views females and males is what later translates into the literal base of where it comes from which is one’s sex. Then - Would the dysphoria grow out of purely desiring something that one doesnt have along the lines the grass is greener on the other side? Getting to experience sex the way it feels like as the other sex (especially in case of not heterosexual people)? Or only An aesthetic pursue? If the only thing that differentiated us in society would be the biological abilities of our bodies and the appearance of it…why do you think would someone still come up with an idea of desiring the other?
After reading especially the last answer it made me think that after all there must be some truly transsexual people who are just born being transsexual. Thats why i decided to send it because i think you established somewhere that you believe there are no trans people who are trans ”just because”, just because they have a brain of the opposite sex trapped in the wrong body etc.
I hope this makes some sense, its not an attack on anything you said more of a big wonder and desire to understand better and i really hope it comes off this way.
You make total sense. Your message doesn't come off as an attack at all.
Anon, I'll be real with you. I reread my answer on whether or not I believe gender abolition would also abolish dysphoria. I did rush in writing that response, greatly so, so the way I phrased my thoughts was particularly subpar; however, as I was trying to tie everything together in this response to you, I realized that the viewpoint I argued didn't really make sense when I held it up to my other beliefs. So, this is a humble admittance that I was, frankly, talking out of my ass. I'm going to use this as an opportunity to reassess my beliefs on this topic and will be re-answering that question once I have done so.
In the meantime, one of the best ways to assess your beliefs is to argue something you disagree with or are unsure of, so I'm going to double down and continue the argument as if I'm completely confident that it's the truth, if only to hopefully better explain where I was coming from when I wrote my previous response. So, proposed argument: Gender abolition will not necessarily abolish sex dysphoria.
First of all, what causes dysphoria and how does gender fit into that framework? I talked about this at length here [AL] and here [AL]. I specifically want to zero in on something I said in the former link:
I [...] do not personally believe that there is a “main reason” on as to why dysphoria may develop in a young person in all cases. I suppose my own “main reason” would be that I fell into the trans community because I never thought seriously about transitioning prior to that time—but the thing is, even if I hadn’t, I would still be dealing with everything else that influenced my getting to this point. [...] If I were to take the trans community out of that equation, it would just be the influence of the trans community missing.
Let’s replace the influence of the trans community with the construct of gender and let’s fast forward to this hypothetical dream society where gender is not an existent thing. We can apply what I said above. We’ve taken away gender and its influences—but we still have everything else. There are numerous factors that could cause a person to develop sex dysphoria; in a genderless society, we have only taken away one. In order to shut down any possibility of dysphoria developing, we would need to get rid of every single possible factor and influence and that is just not a possible feat. Homophobia is a significant factor in many cases of dysphoria and will remain so in a genderless society unless efforts have been previously made to abolish it. No amount of social change will ever eradicate abuse, which can be a trigger in dysphoria in that (especially long-term) abuse victims are prone to redirecting emotional pain to certain aspects of themselves, especially in an effort to regain control, even though they may not “make sense.” It is also impossible for us to eradicate, for instance, natural aspects of our biology that are just plain inconvenient or uncomfortable, which may become objects of fixation (especially in puberty) and cause a person to develop sex dysphoria thereafter. These are just a few examples off of the top of the head—but they and more may all continue on as potential factors because these things, in and of themselves, do not have anything to do with what we have abolished. They do not cease to be potential precursors to mental illness, such as dysphoria, just because we have taken one precursor away.
But why dysphoria? Why would someone develop sex dysphoria in a genderless society if sexes were seen as entirely neutral? Well, let’s turn our attention to another mental illness that is perhaps most reflective of dysphoria (so reflective, in fact, that some people believe them to be one and the same): body dysmorphic disorder. Body dysmorphia is “a mental disorder characterized by the obsessive idea that some aspect of one's own body part or appearance is severely flawed and therefore warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix it.” One’s “flaws” cause significant distress, even to the point of seeking out cosmetic procedures in an aim to “fix” them. Anything can be a trigger in body dysmorphia, although some of the most common include facial features, hair, skin complexion, and coincidentally, sex characteristics such as breasts, facial hair, or genitals—which are all inherently neutral features. No physical feature is objectively “wrong” or “bad,” “good” or “right,” “pretty” or “ugly.” They just are.
So, then, we could ask the same question: Why would people with this disorder fixate on these features and develop an unease with them if they are truly neutral? We could argue the societal pressure of beauty ideals, and certainly, that is a factor in a lot of cases—but if body dysmorphia were truly an issue of how certain features are seen and treated, exclusively, then by all means and purposes, people who are considered to be conventionally attractive should not also be seen developing the disorder. Marilyn Monroe could be an example of this: considered one of the most beautiful women in the world in her time and years after and yet (was believed to have) struggled with body dysmorphia until the day that she died.
Things don’t have to be “not neutral” in order for someone to not like them. Things can be neutral and still cause one discomfort. Things can be seen and treated as indifferent by the collective and yet still be hated by the individual. Why do non-dysphoric people have insecurities at all? A lot of the time, they don’t have specific reasons. I don’t feel they need to have reasons. Just like I don’t feel dysphoric people need to have an ultimate reason on as to why we would develop sex dysphoria when we could have fixated on any other physical trait.
I think where people tend to get tripped up in these discussions is, they try to apply what they know to be reasonable to mental illnesses and how they present in order to rationalize, to themselves, what we are feeling and experiencing—but in doing so, I feel we easily lose sight of the fact that, even without mental illness, the brain does not need a logical reason to fixate on something, to hate something, to want to get rid of something. Marilyn Monroe having been an icon of beauty did not change the fact that she didn’t like her face—and my not believing in gender does not change the fact that I don’t like my sex and desire to be the opposite. Marilyn continued to feel the way she did because she had body dysmorphic disorder. I continue to feel the way I do because I have dysphoria. Both disorders alter how we perceive reality and cause us to believe things about ourselves that are not objectively true. We desire what we do not have because that is a symptom of the inherently nonsensical disorders that we have. That is all there is to it. That is our “why.”
And I am content just leaving it at that. It is my own personal stance that we cannot chase the logistics behind something that is not logical to begin with. At the end of the day, there is no ultimate reason for mental illness. Mental illness does not need to make sense. Mental illness only needs humanity. It will continue to exist no matter how humanity progresses.
So, under this argument, there are a few different points to be had, main ones being that gender abolition will not necessarily abolish sex dysphoria because gender and sex are not one and the same; to take away gender is to take away only one possible factor in one’s dysphoria; and although outside factors can (and do) influence dysphoria and would continue to do so in a genderless society on account of the previous two points, there’s ultimately no “reason” on as to why dysphoric people would continue to cling on to their sex in this society where the two sexes are seen and treated as the exact same—simply because dysphoria, being a mental illness, does not exist on a plane that is rational.
Considering these viewpoints and assuming that they all coexist in this genderless society, then, it may be easy to conclude, like you did, that some people are just born transgender. I do understand how you may have come to that conclusion after reading my response and even I, looking back, feel like that is what I insinuated, even though I did not mean to and was not coming from that position. To clarify, as I have stated before, I do not believe in the idea of “true trans,” and seeing as this is a belief that I actually hold very true to and have for a long time, I’d like to explain why. This is no longer me proposing an argument that I am merely “considering.” This is me demonstrating what I believe.
There are a few different things to consider in the statement, “People are born transgender,” starting with the implications of what it means to be transgender and specifically the dysphoric aspect of it. To suggest that someone could be born transgender is also to insinuate that someone could be born dysphoric, that someone could be born already set to hate their bodies as they grow older.
Of course, we could be less technical here. You may not be born with mental illness in the literal sense—but you can develop mental illness extremely early on in life. So, under the argument that dysphoria is a mental illness, dysphoria can develop from a very young age, and therefore the child, express (what may be interpreted as) a transgender identity. Okay, fair enough. What I have never received closure on is, if a young child exhibits hatred of any other part of their body for any other reason, it is universally considered abnormal, a red flag, something to treat—but as soon as gender or sex comes into the picture, this self-hatred becomes something to validate.
Let’s say that a young child tells you that they do not like their body. Without any other context, what would your first reaction be? Chances are, you would assume that someone or something in this child’s life has taught or influenced them to think this way, even if only inadvertently, and hopefully, you would rush to tell this child that there is nothing wrong with their body, that they are perfect just the way they are. But let’s say, after probing a little further, this young child tells you that they don’t “feel like” their sex, or that they want to be the opposite (in little kid terms). Would you then change your tune and decide that they were “born that way,” that they hate their body because they were just meant to be the opposite sex instead? If your answer is yes, or your no follows hesitancy, I have to wonder what, specifically, would change your mind. What is it about dysphoria that is so different from any other form of self-hatred? Moreover, what implications do you think there are in a child telling someone they presumably trust that they are uncomfortable in their body—and that trusted adult telling them that they are uncomfortable in their body because they were, indeed, born “wrong?”
This leads to an essential question that we, ironically, so often overlook. We have a dysphoric child in front of us. What would make them transgender? The most likely definition of a trans person that everyone could agree on would be someone who is dysphoric, likely someone who has been dysphoric since early childhood—but even that is not a perfect or even accurate definition because not all people with dysphoria go on to transition, not even people with long-term or “treatment-resistant” dysphoria. If dysphoria does not make a transgender person, what does?
Let’s say we have one-thousand dysphoric people in front of us and one person in the group—say, the young child in this analogy, now an adult—is transgender. The only thing that distinguishes this person from the rest of the group is the very act of transition. If this person had never transitioned, there would be no difference between them and the rest of the group. We would have a solid group of cisgender dysphoric people. The transgender person is distinguished only through action, self-identity and personal experience in attempts to accommodate that self-identity. “Brain sex” has been proven to be a myth, so we know there are no biological differences to point to them having “needed” to transition—and even under the possibility that there do exist biological markers in dysphoria that we have not discovered yet, that does not prove that people can be born transgender. At most, these markers could stand as predispositions, similar to how people can be carriers for certain diseases or have “bad genes” that make them more likely to suffer from certain ailments—but none of these things equate to destiny, and in fact, in the case of dysphoria, would only prove that a supportive environment could prevent it—and transgender identity—from coming into the picture at all.
The suggestion that some people are just “made” to go through with any action, including transition, is an insinuation of fate—and I do not believe in fate. I believe in free will to some extent, although that would open us up to the more philosophical question of whether free will is truly free, seeing as we are reflections of our environment and cannot completely separate ourselves from it. In either case, we have seen and established that we can both influence one to develop dysphoria, as well as prevent one from developing dysphoria, all depending on how we, as a society, treat them—and if the people around us can help to prevent dysphoria from becoming an issue entirely, thereby circumventing the desire to transition at all, it is impossible for transgender identity to be truly innate to any one person.
In summary and in closing, mental illness, including dysphoria, is encouraged by—and sometimes even brought on by—our surrounding environment in almost all cases. Environments naturally change overtime, and in the process, certain factors in mental illness may become less common or even disappear entirely; however, just because one goes away does not mean all others disappear. One of many of our possible futures as a society is one without gender, and unsurprisingly, this would get rid of gender as a trigger in dysphoria—but so long as no other factors have been dismantled in the process, they will continue on as potential influences in its development, even in this genderless society. It then may be easy to conclude that some people are just “born” transgender, especially seeing as how the development of sex dysphoria in a genderless society would be even more random (comparatively to that of a gendered one)—but that conclusion, that “Some people are just born that way,” would not be reached with any other mental illness, and beyond that, does not give us, the society, enough credit or responsibility. The fact that there are trans people who barely even remember not being trans, such as myself, stand not as proof that we are “true transsexuals” but as proof that we live in a society that is hostile to multiple vulnerable populations and it is up to us to change that. Gender abolition will not solve all of these problems and it may not even get rid of sex dysphoria entirely—but it is essential and a great place to start, which is why I continue to stand for it, even despite it not being a perfect fix.
I hope this gave you a little more to think on.
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copperbadge · 3 months
hi, i had a medium to big question. in your post about the adhd self-help book you mentioned people with adhd being conditioned to be nonconfrontational, but i've never once in my entire life connected the two? can you break down the connection for me so that i can once again (this week, even) have my understanding of my own condition blown wide open?
So, you are not the only person to ask about this, but that's on me for being unclear -- I wasn't trying to assert that kids with ADHD are automatically conditioned to be nonconfrontational, I was more trying to be like "Hey not everyone needs lessons in medical self-advocacy but a lot of nonconfrontational people do." And I think there is a higher population of people with neurodivergence who are deeply confrontation-averse, but I don't have like, numbers for that, it's just an assumption based on other knowledge.
It gets complicated; ADHD is a disease based heavily in acting impulsively against your best interests. But yeah I do think people with ADHD are often conditioned to avoid confrontation because of two main factors: rejection-sensitive dysphoria and executive dysfunction.
RSD, which I hate perhaps more than any other symptom or behavior associated with ADHD, automatically kicks our nervous system into high gear in social situations and encodes embarrassing moments in our memory with high-def clarity. Because RSD naturally causes a level of anxiety around socialization, it tends to make us nonconfrontational simply because a) we don't want to be yelled at, b) we don't want to embarrass ourselves by getting emotional about something that may not warrant it, and c) by the time we realize what's happening our body is already on high alert which means we are likely to go into fight-flight-freeze mode.
Me, I freeze, usually, but none of those three options are great for fast thinking during an argument. I used to lose arguments a lot simply because I couldn't think or react as fast as the neurotypical person I was fighting with, so I simply stopped having fights. Notably, I did not have this problem when fighting with my brother, who is also neurodivergent and has many of the same freeze reactions I do.
If people disagree with me, even when I know I'm right I also know I probably won't be able to vocalize it properly, so I back down. Usually it's trivial so it doesn't matter, and I've gotten strategic about how and when I argue about things that do matter; it's also a lot easier to do with strangers or professionals (like doctors) where I don't have to worry about long-term social repercussions. But yeah, our own nervous system tells us "hey maybe don't pick this fight" about every single fight and if we do pick that fight, it treats our opponent as a dangerous predator.
Executive dysfunction's interaction with nonconfrontation is something I have less problem with because while I do have poor executive function, I've spent a lot of time and energy training myself to cover the Important Stuff. I have mild ADHD so I'm capable of this; I'm not trying to say everyone with ADHD is, because lord knows it's exhausting for me and I've been doing it for roughly thirty years. But essentially, I cover where it counts: if someone needs me to do something I do it, I meet deadlines, I pay bills.
So with that disclaimer in place, a very common issue especially for children with undiagnosed ADHD is that they'll be told or asked to do something and simply be unable to begin or complete it, then when they're asked why they didn't do it they can't explain. Even if they try to explain that they simply couldn't, like they were incapable of doing it for reasons they don't understand, that usually doesn't hold water with a lot of parents and teachers.
"I couldn't bring myself to write this essay," is actually something I told myself a few times in college, but it's not something I'd bother trying to tell someone else, because if you think you're neurotypical that sounds very insane. So I'd lie and say I forgot, or I'd take the fail, or I'd simply drop out of the class. Crucially I would not fight with the authority figure who was questioning me about it, because I knew I wouldn't be able to explain myself, and I'd just end up getting in more trouble for longer.
Our culture is structured for neurotypicals, and it's not even structured for all neurotypicals. Behavior that deviates from Approved Neurotypical even when you think you are Approved Neurotypical is highly punishable. So if your options are passivity, even when passivity leads to pain, or confrontation, most people who aren't Approved Neurotypical will opt for passivity once they've had a taste of where confrontation leads. I know I do.
And the thing is, there's nothing actually wrong with that. It's a strategy calculated to minimize pain. Even when I'm firing on all cylinders on a fresh dose of Adderall, I still generally let fights go unless there will be actual real consequences, because it's just not worth it. But knowing we have ADHD and knowing we fall into this pattern, I think it is good to be aware that sometimes letting a fight go is really going to fuck you, and at that point even being bad at it is better than not engaging.
I'm pretty good at calculating those, but it's a lifelong process, knowing which hills to die on when you assume you will automatically die if you ever get above sea level.
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monstas1ut · 1 year
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Characters w/ black! s/o who’s mad at them
__ +18 black coded reader, female reader, nsfw for most, sfw for some, only the Aot men are modern, usage of ‘slut’, Kakuzu uses his tendrils.
__ a/n : Can we talk about how I got so much love from my trafalgar law post? Thank you so much. This is just a small little small headcannon thing.. I needed to write something.. even if it’s shitty lol.
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Trafalgar Law is the epitome of ‘get somebody else to do it’. This is only at first when he notices you’re slamming things, rolling your eyes, or sucking your teeth. The surgeon can barely give a damn when you’re acting like this. Most of the time, he knows it’s his fault why you’re acting this way. Law won’t give you any attention until you calm down though.
When you’re finally quiet and shriveled up in a corner with anger looming over you, that’s when he appears. He will be as calm as ever and this will piss you off even more, but alas, Law isn’t dealing with your bratty self anymore.
If this is a public dispute, Law will in fact use his devil fruit to ‘room’ you away from others. There’s just no way he’s going to argue or let you scream at him in public. His eyes would squint at you as if you’re dumb and he’ll grip your chin with his tattooed hand. This of course only gets you to shut up for a little while.
“You are picking at my nerves. Pulling the strings even, and if you do not stop your petty behavior… I will stop it myself.” His voice would be at a low tone, mixed with harsh intent. His eyes would be directly looking into yours. And if his demand did not frighten you in any way, he would then have to resort to getting closer while his thumb slips into your mouth.
Law had never been so sexual before you.. but he knows how much of a slut you are for him. He just knew you’d wrap those glossy lips around his thumb. Not only did it keep you quiet, but it turned him on.. and he’s sure you were just annoyed from him ignoring you… So, his other hand would slip away and down into your bottoms. The only thing he felt was the shameful wetness.
Maybe you were just horny and mad..
“I will not tend to your every little need if you keep acting like this everytime you want to be a little slut..” he says as his fingers slip inside you.
Roronoa Zoro didn’t even know you were mad. Mad at him? For what? The blonde cook was the one that had to flat out tell him that you were angry with him. That’s when Zoro becomes pissed about you even spilling your problems to Sanji. Then, the whole ship has to hear you two verbally brawl.
He’s a petty asshole alright. He’s hidden every bonnet and scarf you’ve ever worn, and to his disbelief, you had one stashed. He’s also the one to cross boundaries and purposefully watch your bonnet fall off your head at night.. and he will not pick it up. He’s just that petty.. But when he finds out why you’re mad, he may stop.
Zoro will end up doing things under your nose. He’ll bring you something at most. He’ll let you sleep with him again.. but the biggest of them all would be how he apologies. It would be murmurs. You wouldn’t even notice he’s trying to say sorry.. The only time he can do it is after he cums in your pussy.
Makeup sex is the way for Zoro. He cannot just verbally say sorry, it doesn’t feel correct.
“..a-ah!… Zoro~… Fuck-.. Fuck-…!” Once you’re creaming all over his cock and he’s digging his cum in you, he will be a panting mess. But yet, his kisses would be planted all on your back and your neck.. up to your ear.
“…I’m fucking sorry…”
Sasuke Uchiha has either left the building or has laid back to watch the show. This man is the most flip flopping character anyone has ever seen. It really depends on the time and day you get angry. There’s the Sasuke who will sit there and watch you with a hard cock, and there’s the Sasuke who will ignore you for the rest of the day until he comes back.
When you’re yelling, cursing and using your hands to talk, Sasuke gets hard. What can I say? He loves strong, determined women. He cannot deal with weak women who stay cooped up in their emotions and never speak up. This is why a black woman is for him. He has a thing for women who speak their mind… and he doesn’t mind saying sorry with his tip kissing your womb.
However, there’s the other side of him that wishes you would shut up for one minute. He knows he’s most likely in the wrong, but hearing you say it and curse him out kind of hurts his pride. He likes to leave home around this type of situation. Does he come back? Yes.. Does he say sorry for leaving? Sorta. He comes back with a gift that’s for sure, but he doesn’t mutter the words ‘I’m sorry’. Not until you’re doing that favorite move on his cock.
If you say sorry for yelling and screaming while bouncing on him.. he’s in heaven.. and it’s not because you apologized.. it’s because he knows you love him just enough to say sorry..
He also knows you’re too stubborn to say that to anyone else.
“Fuck I’m sorry-… I’m sorry Sasuke-… baby…” It literally makes his eyes uncontrollable. His rinnegan stays the same, however his other eye turns that signature red. It’s like he just wanted to see more with his sharingan…. He wanted to see your brown pussy lips even more, and your pink insides..
Kakuzu is just that one man that doesn’t care. Really. He had more important things to do. If you’re the type to scream and curse him out while angry, then you’re out of luck. If you are the type that says nothing and presents the silent treatment.. then you may have a chance.
There’s something about the silent treatment that gets Kakuzu’s blood boiling. He cannot stand seeing you avoid him, let alone go running to his partner and talking to that silver haired bastard. Kakuzu cannot stand it. He will constantly give you a harsh glare until you talk to him. But, if you’re consistent and you don’t tend to him at all, he’ll only wrap his tendrils around you.
Doesn’t matter if you’re talking to someone or not, he will wrap them around you and take your bratty ass with him. The second that door slams, you’re all tied with his tendrils and he forces you to tell him what’s your problem.. if it’s someone else.. he’ll deal with it. If it’s something he did.. he’ll only apologize by releasing you and buying you a silky scarf the next day. Hey.. he’ll even eat your pussy for a bonus.
“Oooeh… fuck~…” you purred, curling your toes as those black tendril’s kept your thighs parted. You could see just as well. Kakuzu was slurping every drop of juice that came out of you… and his green irises didn’t fail to stare into your soul while he did it..
“Still pissed off, woman?..”
Armin Arlert will be the one to talk things out with you. There are two men on this list who will, and he’s one of them. He will not force you to do anything, let alone fuck you to tell the truth. The blonde will only watch your anger disperse into thin air after he pampers you with services and material things. He knows you don’t care much for money, but he will buy you whatever you want.
He doesn’t want you pissed off at him forever. That’s what he believes will happen anyways. But, to put things short, he gets you happy faster than the rest. He does this within the hour he sees you mad. If he’s made you mad in some way, shape, or form, he’s going to apologize regardless. Even if it isn’t his fault, he’s spitting out apologies and begging for forgiveness.
He will not go straight to sex, as he believes it will alter the way you two go about things. Instead, after he pampers you in such a manner, he will take you out to dinner and he’ll then.. make passionate love to you.. filled with ‘I love you’.
“Armin-… oh-… right there baby…”
“Right here..? Alright baby I got it.” He softly spoke, his cock rushing through you time and time again. His voice was so soft compared to his hips..
“I love you… I love you so much…”
Eren Yeager. Toxic as hell. We all know this man. The first thing he does when he notices how mad you are is ask you. Yes, he asks you what’s wrong. If you comply and tell him.. it’ll be all dandy.. but if you’re a brat and you say that he should already know what’s wrong, you’re in for it.
This man will not only fuck the truth out of you.. but he will be so rough that you’re seeing stars and you can barely remember what you were even mad for. He cares about your feelings, yes, but the fact is that you were trying to be smart.. so he just fucked the smartness out of you.
Honestly though, after Eren does that and when your brain comes back to life, he will hold you. He won’t leave your side and he’ll even lift you and take you to the bath after a while. No doubt, he has his answer now. He got it while he fucked you silly. If it’s his fault, he’ll actually apologize, however if it’s someone else’s fault… he’s gonna grab his glocky and that’s that.
Long story short.. he’s trying to do better about that..
“Don’t try to hide anything from me.. I just don’t like that shit…”
“Okay.. so that means fuck me and make me mess up the sheets..?”
“Well.. Nah…. I just don’t like that smartass attitude, baby. Now cmere’ I gotta fix that” Eren says as he points to your lifting lace front.
Ichigo Kurosaki will only make the situation worse before it gets better. However, this isn’t such a bad thing. His brain can only comprehend women a little. He doesn’t understand why you’re even mad. He’ll have to get a lesson from Kisuke, that's for sure. The lesson being, women are always right.. which isn’t true at all, but it’s a known motto. Ichigo will try to stand by it..
But he’s Ichigo.
The argument between you two will go on for less than an hour before you're laughing and he’s laughing non stop. Either you two saw someone fall, or you ended up watching something that was entirely too funny to not laugh. Not only that, but you two are straight back to holding each other close.
Ichigo is always so tired from dealing with the soul society, so you naturally understand he comes and goes. But, he does say sorry eventually.. with a letter. He cannot verbally say it because he’s a secret tsundere and will blush like hell is on earth.
‘ I’m sorry for being a bastard. I love you.’
Byakuya Kuchiki, the other man who will talk things out. He’s not dumb whatsoever, and frankly, he knows you’re mad just from the way you hold a glass or the way you move your lips. He’s very attentive and cannot miss a beat with you. Another main, obvious example would be when you are doing your hair and you get frustrated too quickly.
The way of approaching you would be quite formal. He’ll ask pretty quick. He won’t hold back, and he prefers you don’t either. He’s such a good man that you’ll most likely be spilling out what’s wrong. Once he knows, he’ll immediately try to fix said problem, it’ll be easier if it’s because of him… However, if it’s because of someone else, they better run like hell.
Byakuya may be pissed at himself if it was him, but someone else??? Not only will he have a long talk with you, but it’ll also be a long talk with that other person.. and you are also tagging along. He doesn’t like when you’re mad, simply because it interrupts the peace and he wants you happy. He’s the dull one here.. he doesn’t need you to be the same.
After correcting said situation, Byakuya would have a meal ready for the both of you.. and he will make sure to pamper you in a bathtub.. he’s also the king of kissing hands.
“I’d love it if you kept that gorgeous smile on your face. Don’t let anyone take that away, not even me.”
ⓒ Monstas1ut (do not copy)
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restinslices · 4 months
I love your stuff so much, could you write something with the reader getting jealous about Smoke? Someone getting a bit too close to him and the reader feels bad about it. And Tomas finds out and comforts her, finding it endearing.
And I love you💕 Idk why this was kicking my ass so bad. I did two drafts and idk if I like this but this is all I got😔
Word count: 1476
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Tomas was not entirely stupid. 
Sure he had moments where he'd made something that should've been simple,  incredibly complicated but he wasn't stupid. He didn't think so at least. 
Anyone who's been around him for the past week might disagree though. 
Tomas had just returned from a mission along with his brothers, and naturally he was telling you all about it. If you were being honest with yourself, you weren't really listening. Tomas tended to ramble and his missions were usually the same as the last, so it was best to let him go on and on but still add commentary here and there. “Wow”, “Really?”, “No you didn't”, and other side comments would hold him. 
Your ears perked up and you started to listen more when he started mentioning women.
It's not that he couldn't speak to other women or he couldn't have female friends, you weren't that crazy. It was just the way he was describing them. Great fighters, moving with the wind, long flowy hair that danced in the sun. It was compliment after compliment, and as much as you hated to admit it, it made your heart squeeze. 
“Wanna tell me how they all looked in detail?” You said sarcastically. You expected Tomas to hear your sarcasm, realize what was wrong, apologize and keep telling his story. Instead he just chuckled and said 
“Then we'd be here all day”. 
Unfortunately for you, the day got worse. 
Another woman whose name you hadn't memorized was all over him. Giggling at jokes that weren't nearly as funny as she pretended they are and finding any reason to touch him. 
You should've said something. You should've communicated your feelings. That's how relationships are supposed to work. 
But you didn't. 
On one hand, you thought you had every reason to be jealous and if Tomas actually cared for your feelings, then he would've picked up on this and apologized. On the other hand you thought you were being unreasonable. Tomas couldn't help if some ditzy bitch liked him. Plus, you never told him how you felt, so you couldn't be mad at him for not understanding. In the same breath though, why didn't he tell her to get off of him and why did he feel it was necessary to describe how great these other women he met were? 
You were arguing with yourself for a solid week, and each day that devil on your shoulder got louder. After all, if Tomas did care about how you felt, he'd stop entertaining that girl. Everytime she was near, you left. Didn't you absence bother him?
But once again, that damn angel got in the way telling you to just be honest with him. He'd understand. How can you be mad at something you hadn't communicated upsets you?
But communication came with shame. How would you look telling Tomas that you got a little butt hurt about him talking about other girls and a girl that kept flirting with him? He'd either understand, or he'd be upset. That's how relationships fell apart, right?
No. It was the lack of communication. 
“I'm gonna throw myself down the stairs” you mumbled. 
“Why?” he asked. 
You somehow forgot he was there. You and him were in charge of washing dishes for the week, but neither of you had been talking. 
“I just hate washing dishes” you said, not completely lying. 
It went silent again, the only thing filling the air being the sounds of you washing and him rinsing. 
Then that silence was broken. 
“Are you ignoring me?” he asked. You didn't know how to answer. You didn't mean to ignore him. You were just in your head a lot. 
You didn't answer and he sighed. “Did I do something?”
“No” you answered without thinking. It was a reflex at this point. Tomas over thought things a lot and you'd have to remind him not everything was on him. Telling him he wasn't at fault was natural, but you weren't sure who was at fault now. 
“I mean… I don't know. It doesn't matter”
“It does to me”
“Does it?”. 
You closed your eyes and breathed slowly. You were being way too harsh and you knew it. Tomas was asking you to share what was going on in your head, and you were saying no?
You opened your eyes again. Your mouth opened a few times, trying to figure out how to put what you were feeling but it never felt right. 
“I don't know how to get this out. It doesn't even make sense in my head. It won't make sense out loud”
“Just say it anyway and I'll ask you questions if I'm confused”. You wondered how Tomas was so good and patient and wondered if he learned that from one of his parents. Or maybe his sister. Either way, you mentally thanked whoever he learned from. 
“Ok so, I just feel- no. No, I should explain first in chronological order. You came back and then… actually that sounds really accusatory”. You groaned and looked over at him “can you just tell me to shut the fuck up”. 
He smiled a little and shook his head. “I wanna hear it. We have all day”. 
“It's late at night. That is not true”. He didn't respond and he wouldn't until you confessed whatever you were thinking. 
“Chronological order then…”, after some more stumbling and backtracking you managed to get it all out. Why you were jealous, when it started, how conflicted you felt and how ashamed you felt for being jealous in the first place. The whole time he just listened, nodded, and furrowed his brows at some parts. You couldn't tell if it was confusion or anger. 
“I didn't mean it that way” he said when you were done. “When I said 'then we’d be here all day’. I just meant there was a lot of them, which I realize now still sounds bad but I didn't mean it in some 'they were just too beautiful’ way. I didn't hear your sarcasm”
“And I just kept conversation with her to be nice. I don't know. I didn't wanna seem rude”
“Being rude can go a long way”
“I guess. And I noticed your absence, I just didn't know why. I figured you needed space for whatever reason, so I didn't bother you”
“I think it's impossible for you to bother me”. 
Once again, he smiled and let out a small laugh. You looked back down at the soapy water and that's when you felt like a complete idiot. You were worrying him when you could've been had this conversation. 
“I'm an idiot”
“I don’t think so” and you could tell by his voice that he was smirking. “I think you're just really in love with me”
“Ok buddy”. You rolled your eyes, even if he was right. 
“It's cute”
“It's embarrassing”
“Loving me or-”
“Being jealous. I haven't been that jealous before with anyone else”
“I'm not like anyone else”
“You're white. You're quite literally like everyone else-” Tomas flicked water your way, some of it getting in your eye. 
“I'm gonna kill you”
“You wouldn't. You'd get jealous over the Grim Reaper”. You frowned but he kept smiling that stupid smile that was both loving and antagonistic. Then he laughed. A nice heartfelt laugh that ended up making you crack a smile. 
“Are you smiling because I'm laughing?”
“Absolutely not”,  you lied. 
“You really got a thing for me”
“I've never met you a day in my life”
“That's even more embarrassing then if you're that in love with me”. You went to make another smart comment, but he bumped his shoulder against yours “hey”, he said softly. So soft it threw you off guard. “I think it's cute. You're like a little guard dog”. 
“Were you dropped on your head as a baby and now your social cues are scrambled? A guard dog? I'd prefer if you stabbed me. Here-”, you went to grab a knife but he caught your hand. Any other time you would've hated this. Both your hands were soaking and something about the feel of that made you skin crawl, but you guessed you could deal with that. 
“I think it's cute that you love me so much. I just wish you'd be more honest about what you feel. I was worried”. 
You cringed. You supposed that was your fault. You and your dumb brain making shit complicated, which is something you swore was more of a Tomas thing. 
“I'll be better. I promise. I'll start now”
“Now. The texture of you wet hand makes me wanna die. Please unhand me”. He couldn't help but laugh as he let you go, and you couldn't help but laugh as well. 
You didn't know what you were laughing at. 
You were just happy to be laughing together. 
Finally getting back to requests. The crowd goes wild. Tumblr has this big space between lines so I cannot tell if the format is weird and I should add more space or if I’m tweaking. Oh well.
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writersblockended · 11 months
Miguel O’Hara - HC
Warnings: no translated Spanish, other than that none??? Just fluff
Miguel O’Hara x reader
First of all that man is extremely romantic
He comes off as a serious man but did you see how he’s able to get bat shit crazy like he did for miles?
So he’s 100% capable of feeling intense emotions and SHOWS it. He’s got no problem with it
So he will shower you with gifts, sugar daddy style
One day you’ll see something in your closet or outside your door and think…I’ve never bought this before did i?
Honestly it didn’t take much to put two and two together, so you would just ask him about it
“Miguel, what did I tell you about buying me things, I’m not gonna have enough space for everything at some point you know?”
“I don’t dont know what you’re talking about.”
You’ll just roll your eyes, he’s never going to learn is he?
He is also jealous, but not controlling
He respects you and trusts you, but he doesn’t trust others
So if you’re in HQ to visit him and you find yourself talking to the different spidermen…
Hobie would be talking to you about politics and the importance of unions for workers, you would animatedly reply
And then walks Miguel…he saw you both and he knew you were going to surprise him
But he couldn’t help but feel jealous
Why couldn’t you go straight to him?
I think those feelings of jealousy come from his fear of losing people
You turn around and see Miguel, you smile
“Hey babe, cómo estás mi amorcito? Te quise sorprender pero ya veo que ya me viste”
“Hola, i see you two are talking, but that can wait. Ven contigo amor.”
You follow him to his lair (or rlly was is it …an office?)
And you go “okay what is it, did you need anything?”
“No, I just wanted you for myself.”
This makes you laugh, honestly Hobie is harmless and Miguel knows this. But he can’t help but feel threatened
He just wants you for himself really.
He’s also a huge cuddle bug, but he doesn’t show his affection in public. He doesn’t have an image to maintain doesn’t he?
At HQ he won’t kiss you unless everyone’s distracted, or he’ll have you sit on his lap while no one’s around.
Honestly it’s so easy to take naps while he’s working on things, those arms are quite literally pillows.
But at home? Oh my god, he’s like him stuck to your hair on a hot day
He will drop that persona and just simply attach himself to you and the nearest piece of furniture.
He will kiss you up and want to lay in bed so he’s fully on you
Sometimes he will fall asleep on you entirely, and he will wake up in the middle of the night panicking thinking he’s hurt you with his huge body
“No te hecho nada no mi amor? Fuck you should’ve told me I fell asleep on you babe”
“Oh my god Miguel you act as if you’ weight a ton, besides it’s no big deal”
He’s honestly such a worrier with you, he just wants you to be happy with him, so sometimes he will overanalyze every aspect of his relationship and you can see the gears turning everytime
Thats when you’ll reassure him and let him know he’s doing great, that he’s an amazing man who should not feel as if you are going to leave him. That simply won’t happen.
He also loved it when you take care of him, mostly bc he’s neglecting himself and it feels good to have someone do that for you u know?
If you give him a massage after a particular long day or tend to his wounds if he’s injured
He will just look at you with these loving glazed eyes and he will just melt under your touch
He acts tough but inside he’s like melted butter, softest guy you will ever meet.
He’s actually so emotional, he’s just good at hiding it
So if you guys argue, he’s upset and will look cranky at work
Once he gets home he sees you and your cold gaze and he will absolutely beg on his knees for your forgiveness, it makes you feel bad instantly, so you forgive him
All in all, your relationship with him is super stable and loving.
So yea this is me attempting to write after two years 😭🫣
Let me know if you guys like it cus idk I’m thinking of going back to writing fanfics and drabbles and all that good stuff ;)
Requests are open!!
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dulcewrites · 10 months
I’m actually curious to see if, and honestly hope, in s2 (whenever that may come out. Studios pay your writers and actors) we get some sort of callback or allusion to the rumor that Jacaerys tried to convert Cregan from the old gods to the faith of the seven.
Not because I care about the gods, outside the religious symbolism they bring. I only want to see people’s reactions. Namely the ones who act as if Alicent is the first woman to ever openly practice the faith. Because I have a feeling those same people will paint Jace possibly doing that as endearing versus Alicent who gets painted as a monster for her connection to the faith. The most we see Alicent doing a redecorating her home. Mind you, not even every room because you can clearly see the tacky tapestries in Viserys’ room in ep 8. Plus we see her praying and wearing religious iconography. Things that are not out of the ordinary… at all. She’s honestly your textbook highborn noble woman during that time. She was born and raised in Oldtown ffs. What is she supposed to follow if not the faith💀
She gets seen as this horrible zealot out to destroy the Targaryens through the faith, and to me that is just indicative on how badly people misinterpret Alicent’s feelings/motivations.
People can have their problems with the writing in hotd. I know there are certain things I have problems with myself. But when can we start being honest about how a lot of the conversations that are regurgitated and argued about day after day have less to do with the writing, and more to do with bad faith viewing. People are watching to see what they want to see, not what is actually in front of them.
Anyone with an objective view of Alicent would be able to tell how much she clings to the faith for salvation and hope. She does it to feel close to her mother, and very kindly/cautiously tries to help Rhaenyra with that too. She then reaffirms her faith after 1. She (imo justifiably) loses her shit at Driftmark and feels guilty about it, and 2. Has to marry her children to each other. Something she expresses thinking is immoral in the past. We even see her cut her hair, more than likely as a means of punishment and repentance. She’s miserable and has very few lifelines to hold onto.
How that gets twisted into her being a bigot because she doesn’t want to see dragons having orgies on her walls is beyond me.
Also the idea she is trying to bring down House Targaryen is nuts, but also laughable. Because between her and her actual Targaryen husband, Alicent is the one affirming her childrens’ Targaryen heritage. She makes sure Aemond knows he will get a dragon one day. She makes sure Aegon gets Blackfyre and his namesake’s crown. It seems like Aemond, and more than likely her other kids, know Valyrian. Ironically, the most anti targ (and frankly valid) sentiments we get are from Viserys. He speaks on the doom, fears what is to come, and how they never should have messed with dragons.
Alicent ‘let the people remember the ancient strength of House Targaryen’ Hightower is not the Baelor y’all want her to be. And if she was, it would’ve worked in her favor more. People tend to leave out the part where the most beloved Targaryens (by their people) were partly that because of their connection to the faith. Ya know the thing Targaryens also practice.
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mummybear · 8 months
My Brother's Best Friend - Chapter One - Unexpected Night
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Words: 4079
Warnings: Swearing, Dirty Talk, Attempted Assault (Implied Sexual), Possessive Stiles, Protective Stiles, Grinding, Talk Of Marking, Protective Scott. Think that's it.
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Reader/Sadie McCall, Lydia Martin, Liam Dunbar, Allison Argent, Travis(OC)
Summary: Stiles Stilinski has always been your weakness, but since he was your brother's best friend you'd stayed away. When Stiles comes back to Beacon Hills fresh from his time in the FBI Academy something is very different about the boy you once knew.
A/N So hey guys! I know it's been a while hopefully this is the start of me getting back into my writing! We shall see. I really hope you guys enjoy this, any feedback is encouraged as always, and please let me know if you would like a tag as I update.
Chapter 1 - Unexpected Night
I can’t believe this goddamn party is still going on. I am far too drunk right now, I just want to  sleep. However, as usual, my dumbass brother is too busy making out with his girlfriend. Don’t get me wrong, Allison is amazing, and I’m so happy for them. They had realised that they belonged together not long ago, after years of dating something happened. Scott didn’t explain it further than saying it was a wolf thing, that apparently I wouldn’t understand. 
Mom always tells me never to go home by myself, however, right now I’m seriously considering it. I don’t even know why I came here tonight. It was stupid, they’re all his friends anyway, the great Scott McCall, I’m pretty sure people forget that I even exist. Not that I have any ill feelings towards him, he’s my brother, yes he might be a giant pain in the ass but all he’s ever done is protect me and look out for me.
If I’m honest with myself, I do know why I came here tonight, Stiles is here. He’s finally back from his FBI training, I hadn’t asked Scott too much about the situation, or how long he was back for. In fact I hadn’t even seen him yet. 
Yes it’s one giant cliche. I have the world's biggest crush on my big brother’s best and oldest friend. I think I have since I was ten and Stiles was fourteen, I’ve been following them around for the better part of ten years. Before that I’d avoided them as much as possible. Then one day everything changed, as soon as I started hanging out with Scott and his friends, I finally felt like I fit in. I’m not sure what changed exactly, but whatever it was made it easier for me to become part of their group. Scott’s probably everything a big brother should be, and I know if he knew what I felt for Stiles he’d try and talk to me about it. Probably try and make me see what I’m already afraid of, that Stiles and I wouldn’t work. 
Not really sure why I’m having these thoughts, probably has something to do with the fact that I’m drunk off my ass, in this random ass house. And while it may not be the best time for it, when I’ve been drinking my mind tends to wander. 
After finally traipsing my way upstairs I find a bedroom, one that doesn’t really appear to belong to anyone, at least not permanently. Maybe it’s a spare room? People still have those, right? I close the door softly behind me. I’m unable to find a lock for the door, so I opt to just lay down for a minute or two, just to rest my eyes. I quickly climb up onto the bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow I let out a sigh of relief, finally giving in. I close my eyes, hoping that both the room and my head will stop spinning at some point soon. I can hear some kind of arguing going on behind the door, but I can’t bring myself to open my eyes, it feels like they’re being weighed down, I hadn’t had a drink in such a long time, but I don’t remember it ever hitting me like this before.
Suddenly there’s the sound of the door crashing open, as it bounces hard against the wall, before it slams closed again. I wince, feeling a throbbing in my head suddenly and manage to wrench my eyes open. However, they snap all the way open in fear as soon as I register the big body standing in the corner of the room. I can feel eyes on me as a tense silence settles over the room. Clearly he knows I’m awake, but he’s yet to make a move. 
A sudden sickness overtakes me, when I hear Stiles on the other side of the door, quieter, but still audible, shouting my name, or his nickname for me. Mini or Mini McCall was the go to name for me among most of Scott’s friends. He sounds worried as he calls for me, and my head is so foggy that I can’t concentrate on anything, I can’t even tell if I’m imagining Stiles calling for me, why would he want to find me? He hadn’t so much as texted me since he’d been home, much less tried to see me or speak to me in person. It was strange, almost like he was avoiding me, even Stiles’s dad hadn’t seen him yet.
I clear my throat, testing out if I can speak or not, but the nerves are clear in my every word. “W-Who are you?” I manage to stutter out, my throat a little sore and my voice a bit hoarse. 
“Don’t you worry about it, Doll. Just close your eyes, don’t worry about anything, I'll take real good care of you. Go back to sleep,” there’s a clear threat in that deep voice, one that makes me shudder. 
I quickly sit up, doing my best to ignore the way the entire room blurs and moves once again. As I try to back myself into a corner, trying to make myself as small as possible. I know it’s stupid, but I also know I don’t stand a chance in hell of standing up right now, I’m scared and drunk off my ass, feeling like a fucking idiot for isolating myself in a freaking bedroom of all places, I should’ve just found Scott, or even Lydia.
He smirks at me as starts to walk closer and I can finally see his face. I don’t recognise him, but that isn’t really a shock, he’s definitely older than me, not sure if he’s older than my brother though. A sickness coats my throat just seeing the look on his face, the sick twisted grin. The door hasn’t stopped rattling since he stepped inside, so I keep my gaze fastened to it. 
I’m hoping for a miracle, however unlikely it might be. He closes in on me until I can no longer see the door behind him, because this guy's huge hulking frame is blocking my view of anything but him. On instinct I close my eyes and hold my legs tighter, and I finally let out a scream.
“Stiles!” The scream sounds helpless and terrified as it’s ripped from somewhere deep within me, which makes complete sense, given the current circumstances.
He reaches for me, I can feel his large moist palm as he grips my knee squeezing roughly, trying to pry my legs down or apart, with enough force to leave a bruise. But before he can get too far, the door smashes open against the wall once more, revealing a much more welcome intruder. My heart thuds even harder in my chest, because the guy releases me in surprise and whirls around on my saviour. 
I see him then, Stiles Stilinski in the flesh. And what flesh it is, he’s put on muscle lately. Muscle that could rival even that of my big brother, the true Alpha. But this guy is huge and I can see Stiles gulp from across the room, but his eyes harden as the flick between me and the guy who still has his hand firmly gripping my knee.
“Get your filthy fucking hands off of her!” Stiles shouts, taking another step into the room.
“Nah. Not gonna happen.” The guy states with a slimy grin, as his eyes slide over me, making me wish I was anywhere else.
“I said get the fuck away from her. What the hell is wrong with you?!” Stiles growls, stepping closer to this giant of a man. But I can only watch from where I sit, still paralysed with fear.
“Get over yourself, Stilinski, we were just gonna have a little fun. Stop being so hard up, go find your own pussy. This one's mine tonight, maybe I’ll let you have a go tomorrow. After I’ve used her up, such a pretty little body, bet she’s gonna feel real fuckin’ good.”
The words almost make me throw up, but my tongue feels swollen and I can speak. My eyes lock with Stiles for the first time in years as a tear slides down my cheek. 
“I’ll make you fucking eat those words, Travis. The only thing you’re about to feel is my fist,” Stiles snarls, “take your fucking hands off of her.”
“Whose makin’ me? Your pansy ass?” Travis laughs, removing his hands and taking a few steps closer to Travis.
Suddenly those deep brown eyes draw me in like never before and my heart stills in my chest. This is the first time I’ve seen him in a few months. The FBI program has kept him so busy lately that we haven’t seen much of him. But still, I could swear there’s something a little different about him, other than his size, but there’s definitely something different about his eyes, something that I can’t quite place.
I can’t tear my gaze away, instead they fall to his lips and I shift uncomfortably where I sit, suddenly a growl tears through the room. My eyes widen and I look to the doorway behind Stiles, expecting to see my brother, but he isn’t there. I swallow thickly as my eyes automatically snap back to Stiles, and I see it, the flaring of his nostrils, the way his eyes are focused entirely on me, then I realise the sound could only have come from him. But he doesn’t share the same wolf affliction that my brother has, at least, not that I know of. How much has changed since I last saw him! 
Stiles steps closer, body tense and unflinching. All traces of fear have disappeared from his face. Now he just looks furious, more so than anyone I’ve ever seen before. 
“Mate.” Stiles snarls, shoving the guy as soon as he’s close enough, and to my utter shock and surprise the guy slams back into the wall with a crash, leaving behind an imprint of his giant body as he slides down the wall with a groan. Everything happens so fast, I don’t have time to analyse what the hell Stiles meant when he’d growled that one word. But I can’t help but shudder with excitement at the way my body responded.
Suddenly, I hear footsteps hammering up the stairs, and before I know it Scott has Stiles pinned against him, as Liam all but wrestles the other guy from the room. 
“Stiles, you need to calm down, breathe buddy. ” Scott instructs calmly, his deep red Alpha eyes flaring to life, like they would when he’s trying to calm the other members of his pack. Something flits across my brother’s face as he relaxes his grip a little. Whatever it is, seems to register with Stiles that other than my brother we’re alone in the room and safe once again.
His body goes completely lax and Scott releases the tight band he’d been holding around his best friend. I can’t help but stare as Stiles staggers towards me. Safe to say I’ve sobered up in the last five minutes.
“Can one of you tell me what the hell just happened here?” Scott asks carefully, but I can’t take my eyes off of Stiles.
“Just give us a minute, Scott. I, um, I think I should talk to Stiles.” 
I hear my brother huff out a breath before he leaves, closing the door quietly behind him.
“I’ll be back in ten if you’re not downstairs before then, we’re going home.” He calls through the door. Then the door opens again and Scott smiles at us both, “oh and thanks for having my sister's back, buddy.”
Stiles turns towards the doorway with a slight smile as his eyes lock on his Alpha, “Always, Scotty, you know that. We won’t be long.”
I finally let myself relax a little when the door closes. Stiles crawls on the bed and sits in front of me. He rests his hand over the reddened skin on my knee, and lets out another quieter growl. “I’m gonna fucking kill him. He won’t ever touch anyone ever again.” 
“Hey, I’m okay,” I whisper, resting my hand on top of his, “you saved me.” 
He runs a shaking hand through his thick hair and his eyes lock with mine once more.
“I should’ve been here. I’m supposed to protect you, I’m so fucking sorry, Mini. If that sick fuck had touched you…” He sounds so defeated and my heart squeezes at his words.
“You got here in time, you’ve always had my back. This time wasn’t any different, except maybe that,” you giggle slightly, as you nod toward the dent in the wall.
He shifts closer to me and drops his forehead against mine, letting out a contented sigh. I let my eyes slip closed for a second. For once I give myself the freedom to enjoy the closeness, I open my eyes again and those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes are focused on mine. I lick my lips and feel the shuddered breath that escapes his lips. 
Ever so gently he reaches out and his thumb brushes my bottom lip. 
“You’re so fucking beatiful. Please tell me you feel this, Mini, because you smell so damn good, I don’t know If I’m strong enough to stay away.” 
I swallow thickly as his nose nudges mine gently, my entire body practically vibrating with need. 
“Y-Yeah, I feel it,” I reply quietly, scared that if I talk too loud this dream will end, I don’t dare to tell him just how long I’ve felt these things though.
“Then we should probably talk. Because I need to tell you some things before this goes any further,” he replies, voice hoarse and strained, like it’s painful for him to speak these words. But then he goes to pull away and all my instincts go into overdrive, and I finally give in to what I want, I clamp onto him and don’t let go.
Nor do I fight the need to keep him close to me. Right where he belongs. My fingers push into his thick hair and I gently tug him back towards me, just those last few millimetres. Until his lips brush mine ever so briefly. He doesn’t even try to fight me, and I can feel the shudder that runs through his entire body when I push him back and straddle his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist. I think there’s some kind of trick of the lights because I could swear there’s this purple glow in his eyes for a few seconds before they settle back on brown. But I push the thought  away for now, and press myself a little closer. So that every part of our bodies is connected.
“Tell me later, please Stiles, I need this.” I hope I don’t sound as desperate as I feel, Stiles doesn’t move, but I hear how hard he swallows, almost like a gulp as he lets his eyes slip closed. Following his lead I let my own eyes close when his hand cups my cheek, the other hand slips somewhere much less innocent. When he cups my ass his long fingers curl and he squeezes slightly, letting out a groan of pleasure when I grind down against the obvious hardness pressing against me.
Suddenly his lips are on mine, insistent and urgent, and it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. Our lips are in perfect sync, and a shudder rolls through me when his tongue nudges my lips, seeking permission that I happily and easily grant. I’m rocking my hips in a steady rhythm now, and the kiss grows deeper, his fingers dig harder into my skin as he urges me to keep moving. 
Holding me as close as he physically can against his body, Stiles sits up, turning us so that my back hits the mattress and he’s hovering above me. He breaks our kiss and I gasp for breath as he drags his lips across my cheek and down into the crease of my neck. He groans as he inhales deeply, “smell so good. My mate. Just wanna mark you up, make you mine the right way.” His voice vibrates against my skin and I shiver as he laps at the soft skin of my neck.
Confusion sweeps through my lust-addled brain at his wording. 
“What do you mean?” I ask breathlessly, more confused about his words than I’d care to admit.
Pulling back to meet my eyes he smiles, and ducks his head looking a little more like the Stiles I remember. I cup his cheek gently, urging him to look at me again.
“This is why I said we should talk. I can’t do what I need to. Not without you knowing what you’re letting yourself in for. I’m not the same man I was the last time I saw you, something happened, I just…I don’t know how to begin to explain this.”
It hurts me that he sounds so defeated already, almost like he’s worried about what he has to tell me.
“Don’t you know by now, nothing you tell me will change how I see you,” I tell him honestly, pulling him closer so his body is pressed against mine, and he finally lets some of his weight rest on me.
“I wanna believe you, but I’m scared. This is huge, and I can’t let anyone down, but especially you, I can’t lose you. Especially not now I know what you are to me, not now I’m so close.” 
Before I can ask what he means there’s a hesitant knock on the door, before it slowly creaks open. Liam stands there, watching us sheepishly for a few seconds before Stiles growls at him, I can’t help but frown as I look up at my protector. But then I see it again, the purple in his eyes. 
The gasp falls from my lips unintentionally and as soon as it does Stiles snaps his gaze towards me. Closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath, his fingers tightening their hold on me and I can only stare up at him. 
“Liam, get the fuck out. Now!” Stiles snarls.
“But, Scott said…” 
Stiles is off the bed before I can react, when I do finally open my eyes I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Stiles has Liam pinned to the wall by his throat. And Liam is trying to get free, but he’s stuck fast. I can’t help but wonder, how the hell is that possible! 
Mouth agape I watch as my brother’s Beta looks over at me, “little help here, mini. Calm your man down, please.” 
My man? I inwardly ask myself, we’ve fooled around for all of 5 minutes and suddenly he’s mine. While I can’t fight the pleasure at hearing those words, I also can’t help but fight the confusion, maybe he wants me to calm Stiles down so he doesn’t have to hurt him. 
“What do you want me to do?” I ask nervously, looking between the two of them.
Stiles gives a final squeeze before dropping Liam and racing to me, covering me with his body. 
“Don’t you dare fucking look at her!” Stiles snarls, his arms shaking as he holds himself above me. “Tell Scott we’re coming and leave now!” Stiles warns in a low commanding voice that sends shivers racing across my body as he carefully tugs my skirt back into place. 
I can’t deny the pulse between my thighs, even as I clamp them shut, and the whimper that falls from my lips causes Stiles to stiffen. Before he’s off the bed, practically throwing Liam further down the hallway when he doesn’t move by himself, slamming the door behind him. Before he turns back to me. 
“God, please tell me you know what you just said,” Stiles rasps as he pulls me up off the bed and hauls me against his hard body.
“I don’t… what do you mean?” I ask, frowning in confusion, as I try to search his eyes for an answer. I hadn’t said anything… had I?
Stiles whimpers like those words cause him some kind of pain. He shakes his head, running his fingers through the thick mass of hair before tugging at it harshly. I want to comfort him but I don’t know how. Hell I don’t have a clue what the fuck is happening right now.
“We can’t do this. Not right now.” His words sound harsh and bitter, no matter how softly he speaks them.
I stumble away from him, confusion and hurt lancing through me like an actual weapon. I know there’s a reason for this, but it doesn’t hurt any less, doesn’t feel any less like rejection either. Tears fill my eyes, it’s irrational and I don’t feel even remotely in control of my emotions right now, but I can’t stop it, maybe i’m still drunk. Though it doesn’t feel like that’s it. Stiles steps towards me again and I step back, “no, no. Please, Sadie, I want to. But not until you know everything! I swear to you, whatever you’re thinking, we can talk about it. Please, Mini, just trust me.” 
Hearing my real name on his lips is so strange, but I can’t deny that I really like hearing him say it.
I feel myself giving in, because as much as it hurts to have him turn me down, he's still one of the best people in my life. And despite myself, I’ve been in love with this pain in the ass longer than I can even remember, he’s yet to let me down in a real way. Letting out a sigh, I know it’s best to give him the chance to explain.
“Fine. Then let’s talk.” 
He swallows thickly, as I watch him carefully. Pretty sure I’m not going to like the next thing that comes out of his mouth. He looks nervous and twitchy.
He winces before he even speaks, “I’m sorry. But not here, let’s go home, there’s too many ears here. I swear I’ll tell you everything as soon as we’re safe,” he all but begs, holding out his hand for me.
Pushing away any and all doubts, I take his hand. Watching as he visibly relaxes and pulls me closer to him.
“Thank you, I promise, I’ll make this up to you,” he whispers before pressing a kiss to my inner wrist. Yet another shiver ripples through my body at the contact that I can’t control. 
He keeps me tucked into his side as we leave the room, careful to touch as few people as possible while we walk. When we finally make it outside, Scott’s waiting with the rest of the pack. Stiles looks reluctant to get in the car, judging by the way Liam forces his body closer to the opposite door Stiles’ look had been less than friendly. 
He slips inside and I can’t help but squeak in surprise as he hauls me inside with him, not into my own seat but so that my back is tightly pressed against his front, and his arms band protectively around my waist. 
“Dude. Come on! Not in my car, she’s still my little sister. Damn,” Scott groans, locking eyes with Stiles in the rear view mirror.
Stiles seems to consider his words before he reluctantly relents, moving to the middle seat before he gently eases me into the seat as far away from Liam as humanly possible. Keeping a hand firmly planted on my thigh, huffing like a petulant child, I can’t help but giggle. It’s almost like he can’t stop himself from touching me. His long fingers tightly curl around my leg, almost like he’s afraid someone will take me from him if he lets go. Taking a deep breath I tentatively slip my fingers between the gaps in his, gently squeezing them, hoping to offer even a little comfort, those big brown eyes jump to mine and he visibly relaxes into the seat.
I look up and catch my brother’s eyes. I can’t work out the look on his face, for the first time since we were kids, I can’t tell what he’s thinking and for some reason that only makes me even more anxious.
Tags: @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @lilulo-12fanfiction @charmed-asylum @defenderrosetyler @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @akshi8278 @stylesismyhubs @peachyyybabyy @fantasy-myth1 @coffeebooksandfandom @magssteenkamp @screamxqueenx94 @brien-odylan @riseandshinelittleblossom @ceceliaking-18 @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @missindecision @chewie-redbird
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curry-and-gunpowder · 5 months
Okay so I have some stuff to get off my chest, might get a bit heated, but I mean no disrespect to anyone, just expressing my genuine confusion and frustration and trying to make my stance on some matters clear.
Clearly I ship Odazai. But that does not mean I reject other interpretations of their relationship. Be it platonic, queerplatonic, brotherly, it's all lovely to me - I genuinely just enjoy their unique dynamic.
However, I am constantly on the brink of losing it over hearing them referred to as a father/son pair by so many people in the fandom. And I'm gonna attempt to break down why this interpretation bothers me so much.
Firstly, it just flies in the face of my personal experience of intergenerational friendships - I'm a young-ish Millennial with many Gen Z friends. And I find it completely incomprehensible to try and force people who are relatively close in age into such a dynamic. I'm aware that a lot of bsd fans are teens or young adults who maybe don't have much social contact with people outside their age range. But as a 30+ person on the Internet, let me tell you, five years? That's nothing. The plain truth is, the older you get, the less age starts to matter. Once you get out of school, you will interact with people of all ages regularly and you will have friends who are older or younger than you and nobody fucking cares. The thought of seeing any of my younger friends as my children is, pardon my french, fucking ridiculous.
Secondly, and I've spoken about this before, the fandom's tendency to parentify Odasaku way beyond what the text ever implies. It's easy to put him into the role, considering the way he cares for his orphans. In that way, he has some parental traits - but it's only a facet of his personality, and, i would argue, one that the fandom puts way too much emphasis on, imho. I'll gladly write some more meta on that at a later time, but doing that here would make the post even longer than it already is. Just to quickly reiterate, for anyone who hasn't read the dark era lightnovel - Oda does explicitly NOT treat the kids like his children. Why then would he treat Dazai like one? Dazai, whom he explicitly invites to go drinking with him in TDIPUD? How does that track? Is he supposed to be just a shitty parent? Or could it maybe indicate that he sees Dazai as his equal more than anything?
(Tangentially, I would argue that Oda's perception of what constitutes a child/an adult is horrendously skewed, considering his own past.)
Thirdly, and this is probably gonna be the one that might get me into hot water with some people, the thing I like to call the Cope. The tendency in fandom to manifest a hard line between groups of characters that somehow should never be crossed when shipping, otherwise that makes the ship badwrongtoxic. This is a phenomenon I've observed developing more and more in recent years, and it's ngl pretty worrying, because it's generally used to present one's own ship as "superior", and all "rival ships" as less than/bad. Ships with "significant" age gaps tend to fall into that category relatively often, but I suspect very few people actually genuinely care about the characters' ages, but rather use it as a shield to justify why these relationships are To Be Avoided. Odazai is an absolute stellar example of such a ship - by all means it should be way more popular than it is, considering the themes that surround it and the way its absolutely center to the nareative of bsd. But without fail, when I look up media for the ship, be it YouTube videos or simply browsing the tag on tumblr or pinterest, I see the same mantra repeated over and over - "how can you ship them, they're like father and son!"
(I'm concerned about the relationship you have with your parents, I say to myself in response.)
And its, quite frankly, just not the case. I cannot for the life of me find any indication of this so-called parental relationship anywhere in the text. All I can see is two people who are friends who have a deep and sincere love for each other.
In conclusion, not every relationship has to fall into the category of familial or romantic. Sometimes... people are just friends. Sometimes friends are some years apart in age. It's not shocking or special or anything, it literally happens all the time.
Just let them be friends. It's fine, really, it's allowed.
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Azul's Vulnerability
Happy birthday to me, and as a way to celebrate this, I'm going to be talking about my biggest gripes on how people view Azul in general 🤩🤩🤩 ok I'm not gonna attack anyone but I do want to speak about something that has been on my mind for a while
Having exposed myself to a lot of Azul content, I've seen a very common trend in the fandom when it comes to how people write about him. Much of the written content I see always has something to do with Azul being a so-called crybaby, particularly in x reader fics and headcanons. Reader would comfort Azul as he's crying, and they'd wipe his tears away while assuaging his insecurities. This also influences the NSFW content that Azul has as well. Reader would be the one to top Azul, and they would be the one in control in the bedroom.
I want to preface first that this is all valid. Write whatever you want. I don't have the right to stop any of you from writing Azul like this. NSFW especially is something that's really valid because a lot of the times, females want to experience having agency in the bedroom (let's not deny it, a majority of x readers are fem readers). In fact, fics and hcs where readers can comfort Azul stem from a desire to be the person to give him the comfort that Twisted Wonderland never gave him. We all want to be that person whom Azul can feel vulnerable to. We want to comfort him and to be close to him, and this is the best way we can do that.
But with that in mind, those fics and hcs also reflect the way people see Azul. People tend to write him as that crybaby. Whenever people talk about Azul, that's the one trait that they tend to attribute to him. I've heard people say it as an insult to him or to make fun of him as well. I'd even say that in the NSFW space, people choose to bottom Azul for that reason. And as someone who loves Azul, I really want people to see that Azul is more than just "a crybaby".
In fact, I would argue that the Azul we know now is not a crybaby. After his overblot, when everyone compliments his notes, Jade and Floyd comment on how Azul looked like he was about to cry. But pay attention to the way that they comment on it:
Floyd: What now? Azul, are you getting a little misty eyed? Jade: My my, have you gone back to being the ink-spitting crybaby? [shel_bb book 3 chapter 35]
The kind of wording in Jade's comment implies that Azul hasn't cried in a while. If he still cried often, Jade would have said something along the lines of "are you going to cry again".
And besides, if one is ashamed of crying, there would be a resolve built to stop themselves from crying. Personally speaking, I have a hard time crying unless something big happens because I had family either telling me to stop crying or laugh at me for crying over something trivial. Azul had been made fun of for the way he cries as a child—that has to have some traumatic impact on him, and it would make him hate crying and tell himself to never cry again. People who can cry easily are those who don't think it's a bad thing to cry.
There's this one anon ask that I will never forget that is related to this topic. It was one that a friend received, and it was a hc request to write Azul and Vil "being their vulnerable selves". As in, they explicitly said that the kind of confidence they exude is all a facade to hide the real emotional vulnerability underneath them, thereby saying that their vulnerable insecure selves are the real Azul and Vil and their confidence is faked.
A Vil essay can be made another day and probably by another person, but for now, we focus on Azul.
First of all, this will never be forgotten from memory because it shocks me that someone thinks Azul's confidence is wholly faked just to hide his insecurities. Now I'm not saying there's no merit to it nor that it's totally wrong. It's true that Azul's charm feels plastic. It's true that Azul does have a strong front that hides a painful past. But it doesn't mean that the Azul now who makes deals, runs a restaurant, and achieves high grades is not the real Azul.
What I want people (and most especially Azul himself but that's another post entirely) to realize is that he's grown to be so much more than the little octopus who used to be bullied and made fun of by other merfolk. The charisma and confidence he has is real. He worked hard to develop his social skills, and that hard work cannot be faked. I think if anything, the part that would feel fake is the part where he chooses to be Azul the businessman and not Azul as in Azul.
And Azul as in Azul is not just his insecurities. It's Azul with his wit and his strategical mindset. It's Azul with his joking remarks and his anger. Chapter 6 and Glorious Masquerade show Azul's real self the most in the game. When he shows his enthusiasm over City of Flowers' food culture in GloMas. When he teases Riddle during the part where the OB boys were playing video games after their experiments in ch6. When Azul roasts Deuce in response to a comment Deuce made about financier cake matching Azul in GloMas. When Azul gets mad at Riddle because he disagreed with his way of doing things in the tower chapters of ch6. There's just so much to Azul.
And lastly, I want to address the idea of Azul's vulnerability. Loads of times, when we think about vulnerability, we think about the sides we wish to not show to people, but we tend to associate those with insecurities and tears. Maybe it's just me, but Azul's vulnerabilities don't always have to manifest in the form of tears. Look at how he acts in narrating his flashback in 3-34 and in the way he reacted when Riddle in chapter 6 says that he can never be top 1 in their year because Azul runs his restaurant too. He's not bursting to tears as he's face to face with the insecurities—he's angry. He's angry about the circumstances he was placed in, angry at the people who hurt him. He's angry at Riddle for essentially saying everything he does was a waste.
It's also important to remember that to the general public, Azul keeps a certain image of himself. Capable of helping. Unable to be stepped on. So in a sense, anything that contradicts his image or even has the potential to harm it is in some way a vulnerability for him.
I think giving Azul a bunch of cuddles as he's crying is really cute. But you can also write about how Azul would open himself up to you—late night rant sessions about certain people, a secret about himself that not many people know. Something to remember as well is that he likes to be in control. Azul will have a tight hold on the kind of image he shows to people. Azul will choose carefully what people should hear and should not hear. So imagine him just letting himself be around you, with little thought about keeping that control of himself... that in itself is a sign of Azul opening up to you.
I acknowledge that this is a little bit messy, but I do want people to see that Azul is more than the breakdown that he had in chapter 3. He's got a more vibrant personality than that. And I would love to see more fics that explore his character a lot more, especially in romance fics.
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senlinyu · 10 months
Hi sen! Hope you’re doing lovely. Just wanted to ask how writing outside of fanfic is going? I’ve only ever written fanfic in long form and now I’m trying my hand at original work and it’s horrific. I worry I have no original ideas and all my characters are a ripoff of dramione. Have you felt creating new worlds and characters is hard outside of fanfic?
Haha. It's going alright. I have written original stuff sort of on and off for longer than I've been writing fanfic but just always keeping it to myself and never finishing it for a myriad of reasons. Personally I have discovered that my mind exists in liquid form and wants to run in all directions at once unless there is a container to keep it penned it. Fanfic works nicely for me because it comes with presets for character backgrounds and worldbuilding that I have to work really hard to argue with. So I tend to have lots of ideas for original projects but then I get overwhelmed by the fact that I have infinite choices and they all branch off into more choices and I try to think through all my options until my brain explodes. So my biggest issue is making creative boundaries for myself so that I actually write instead of endlessly contemplating every possibility imaginable, and part of that has been by forcing myself to focus on the specific story I actually want to tell, and using that as the initial framework for starting an outline and draft, and cutting all the infinite possibilities that don't fit. Personally I find that my creativity actually thrives within boundaries because then I have to stretch myself and subvert the rules out of spite, whereas when there are no limits I turn rather dull and boring and placid.
As for characterisations: I mean, I think if anyone knows I'm a dramione, they'll be able to tell to some degree. But I don't really think that's because I'm just ripping off dramione but more that I have a particular type of characters and relationship dynamic that I specifically like and always come back to. I've been a voracious reader most of my life, I've been in a myriad of different fandoms, but dramione is the one I always come back to because it is my favourite dynamic. I want to write really blisteringly intelligent female characters, and I enjoy antagonistic/antiheroic love interests with dubious morals. The reason I like and write dramione is because I like that dynamic and dramione has consistently been the most interesting place to write and read that, moreso than because I like dramione and that's the dynamic they happen to have. But honestly, dramione has become it's own culture at this point in how we write Draco and Hermione. I just found out that Ianthe Tridentarius is drarry-coded femme Draco, and that literally never occurred to me when I read The Locked Tomb series, even though I'm in drarry enough to immediately recognise it once I knew which fandom she was based on. Subfandoms tend to evolve their characters into really fandom specific iteration that aren't necessarily recognizable to anyone on the outside. Besides you can always change things a lot in revision.
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hamliet · 6 months
Dear Hamliet, I've read some of your analysis and I really admire the way in which you articulate your thoughts. I'm a literature major who goes through a breakdown every time I have to write an essay. It is a really hard job for me and recently a proff told me that I rely too much on paraphrasing and I don't understand what to do with that.
So I was wondering if you have any tips on writing a well articulated argument.
Thanks in advance and hope you're having a great day! ☺️🫶
Thank you! And of course.
First of all, go easy on yourself. Learning to write good essays takes time and practice. I routinely got told the same thing about paraphrasing in high school, and then in college it was "you didn't answer 'so what?'" I was also incredibly hard on myself in college, and only realized that I actually liked writing arguments and essays after college. Probably has something to do with the fact that, while some people tend to refine under pressure, I crumble into a heap of anxiety. Lol.
Tips for Arguments: Thesis
Here are my first tips: come up with a good thesis and write an outline based on this, but also keep in mind that your thesis can be revised after you've written it should you find you were arguing something slightly different than you planned on.
Good thesis tips: should be debatable (for example, saying "Daenerys and Jon Snow are foils" is not debatable; they blatantly are). It should also answer "so what?" aka, why does what you're trying to argue matter? In terms of literature, specifically, you might want to tie it to the themes of the story or the historical context of the work, depending on the prompt, to explain that your argument affects how people read the work. For example, "Daenerys and Jon Snow foil each other in that they each deconstruct a particular archetype of the chosen one, which shows both the bad and the good of chosen one arcs; ultimately, Martin affirms the heroic goals of chosen one tropes."
You'll also hear "repeat your thesis in every body paragraph!" Which you should do (or paraphrase it, lol). But basically you want the last sentence of each argumentative point to explain why it proves your thesis.
Tip for Argument: Bluntness
You can never be too blunt in an essay. Particularly if you're writing in English, and particularly even more so if you're doing so in America (yes, culture does play a role in the levels of bluntness expected in an essay, and there are actual studies on this, as well as how culture affects essay structures!).
If you think it seems obvious, state it anyways. Don't worry about repetition so much. Worry instead about being too vague.
This is obviously a different idea than in creative writing, where subtext and "show, don't tell" get a lot of attention. Not so in academic writing. Tell us, even if you think you've shown us.
Tips for Avoiding Paraphrasing:
Think about your audience. It's hard to know specifically what you refer to, but I'm going to assume that you might be referring to the idea that you might be summarizing the book too much?
Your audience already knows the story. You aren't speaking to a rando on the street. Your audience is your professor.
Every piece of text you cite, be it a quote or a plot development, is evidence. They don't need the context of the broader work. Assume they already have it. They need evidence.
Context matters for you, insofar as authorial intent (your intent as the author of the essay) matters. Not for the audience perception. Basically, I'm saying don't take quotes out of context to make them seem like they support your thesis when they really don't, but you also don't need to explain in great detail why the context does support your thesis. Assume your professor is not a hostile audience who needs to be convinced because they believe the opposite of what you're arguing.
The other potential thing you might mean for paraphrasing is that you use brief paraphrases of the text rather than direct quotes. Where you can use direct quotes, always use them.
If you ever have specific questions on an essay, please feel free to reach out! And if any part of this isn't clear, also feel free to reach out!
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ofmermaidstories · 9 months
ur post about oc fic and reader insert fic made me think about how every time i see a post dragging x reader it's kinda just... thinly veiled misogyny.
like i don't wanna get super deep or whatever but a good chunk of x reader writers (myself included) are just women or people socialized as women that have felt unloved or under appreciated in their lives because of their looks or their personality or their skills in things that women/feminine people are expected to excel in and i think that oc/reader insert stories give women a really important space to make themselves (or a version of themselves) the most desired thing which is something that they often don't experience. it's a space where women can feel comfortable and loved in a world where they're under appreciated and tossed aside because of things out of their control and it drives me up a wall when i see people shitting on these spaces and these works because these are just safe spaces for marginalized people PREDOMINATELY CREATED BY MARGINALIZED PEOPLE!!
n e ways this was a long rant oops..
omg see the thing that gets me about the occassional x reader/oc drag is that—the call is coming from inside the house LMAO. like, okay maybe original characters in fics aren’t a niche thing, but x reader sure the hell is, so you have to like, know internet culture/fandom to be aware of it let alone to start using it like an insult, you know? and i would argue that fanfic tends to be a hobby that attracts marginalised identities as you say, so like, why are we clowning on ourselves? LOL. it’s like a mathlete bullying the horse girl of their class, like, buddy—we’re both losers!!! get over yourself LMAO.
i think my favourite dig at x reader (specifically) that i’ve ever seen is some rando on tiktok saying it was fanfic for people who were popular in public school—i think it’s so telling of how other fans might view oc/reader content? like, “oh that’s just some straight girl shit, they’re not putting any effort into it/they’re stealing our precious ship boys for their pORN/they’re ruining the canon story by inserting themselves into it”. and idk—part of it is just human nature (we are always going to shit on things we don’t like, that is a fact) and part of it might be fandom/internet culture at large at the moment (the purity aspect/policing) but at the end of the day all we can do is tell them to eat dog shit when they sprout up in our spaces and ignore ‘em.
idk! it drives me bonkers though, because it does feel like these spaces/niches do get targeted unfairly for it—if it’s not for the simple crime of writing a love story with your favourite character, then it’s like… being old and doing it! because god forbid you be over the age of 18 and still enjoy engaging with fiction! don’t you have a mortgage to go pay? like—i never see that attitude (within a fandom space) directed at the grown-ass men and women and gender neutral pals who play like, Dungeons and Dragons. No one (within a fandom space!) tells them they’re weird for forty-hour long campaigns where they fight and fall in love and idk, put dragons in some dungeons or something. no—it’s the blatant love stories that get picked on. the ones written by girls (gender neutral).
romance—and falling in love—is one of the most universal feelings/acts in the world. we want to fall in love with everything! in every world! we wanna—fall in love and be loved by superheroes and the villains they fight and the monsters in the dark and the good guys that rush in with swords and the cute barista at the coffee shop down the road. if other fans wanna get hung up on the fact that a tiny fraction of others want to insert themselves in these incredible worlds and experience everything they want to (having powers; being saved. saving someone else—saving yourself) then that’s their problem lmaoooo. im sorry you can’t have fun and create whimsy for yourself by drawing an oc who wins the sports festival and saves bakugou from being kidnapped—but im built different. 😌 and im gonna have fun while im here.
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prismatic-bell · 5 months
5, 20, 32, and 39 for the Fic Writer Ask Game, if you want? (I'm indecisive. Many questions for you!)
ooooh :D 5) What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something? I HAVE WANTED TO RANT ABOUT THIS FOR AGES. PEOPLE WHO DON'T FUCKING USE CORRECT PUNCTUATION FOR DIALOGUE. Like this: "Let's go up the hill." Jack said. (Should be: "Let's go up the hill," Jack said.) "We can fetch a pail of water" Jill said. (Should be: "We can fetch a pail of water," Jill said.)
"I fell down and broke my crown" Jack held his head in his hands "I'll come tumbling after" (Should be: "I fell down and broke my crown." Jack held his head in his hands. And Jill's dialogue should be on a different line altogether and lacks a period.) And no, I will not read fics that do this. As soon as I see it I backspace out. 20) What's your favorite part about the writing process? So, it's important to understand I work in a job that doesn't require much brainpower. Most of my "writing" is done in my head, away from a keyboard. And sometimes you just get the most perfect nugget of fic--for me, it's usually dialogue--and you know you're going to use it. That moment when you put it on the page, whether it's that day or a year later? That moment, man. Straight into the vein. Give it to me. 32) Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you've ever written. What fics do they come from? ....this is the moment I can tell this is aimed at younger writers. I've been writing fic for 24 years. I'll restrict myself to things I've written in the last ten, then. I'm not sure these are "top" three with that much writing involved, but they're up there. #1: He taught me how to balance a budget, trust my own judgment, and fuck like it was the last night on earth. I taught him how to slice vegetables without slicing himself, change a tire, and in the end I taught him how to die. One of us got a very, very bad end of that deal. This is from a fic I never fully ported to AO3 (although I really should), written about an original longform story posted to r/nosleep. It's called I Used To Be A Stagecoach Driver and if it ever gets a surge of traffic again on the AO3 I'll probably port the rest, but it's low priority. #2: Crow waits a few seconds more, debating if he wants to admit he's been jonesing—and, yeah, chewing on his thumb—since about ten o'clock this morning. Finally he caves and takes a smoke. Godwin puts the pack back on the desk, offers a lighter, and waits until Crow's had a drag that tastes like menthol and bad dreams before Godwin rests his elbows on the arms of the chair and tents his fingers. This is from a Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds fic I swear I actually will finish someday. It's an AU that breaks off at episode 35, although it has a lot of its basis in the 50-to-64 episodes. I love the description "menthol and bad dreams," but also this was the point where I decided I had to let my characters have bad habits without considering them bad people for it, and I'm really proud of it for that. #3: Bond rather enjoyed lesbians. They tended to have quite a lot in common with him, like enjoying beautiful women and being entirely done with everyone else’s shit, and that made them easy to ingratiate with when he needed an ally and not a honeypot. This one's from a James Bond fic I wrote last year, and honestly, I just love the idea of Bond being like "hell yeah lesbians." 35) How much has fic writing changed your life? Oh, man. I don't even know where to begin. I've met so many friends through fic, and even one of my old girlfriends. You could argue the entire trajectory of my life would be different without it, in so many ways I can't even begin to imagine.
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ceasarslegion · 1 year
Alright I just watched a disastrous date go down at the restaurant I was in (woman getting the cold shoulder from the wait staff after asking if her date left while she was in the restroom) so now I gotta know your ramen story, pretty please ☕️ ☕️
Alright so uh, sit down for this one I guess.
Picture me a few months ago. It was still warm out, I was a bit lonely, I go on tinder. I end up striking up a nice conversation with someone who seemed very similar to me. Third culture kids have very unique lifestyles so when we find each other we tend to cling, especially when that person grew up in the same general area you did and came from the same general parent culture. This was what got us talking in the first place.
The guy seemed nice, okay? Articulate, funny, approachable, and easy to keep a conversation with (which is rarer than the diamond itself for the tinder population, who communicate so little it makes me wonder if I missed a telepathy patch somewhere). So I thought hey, why the hell not, right? Let's go to dinner.
I'm a really big meat-eater who can and has eaten everything from chicken hearts to beef tongue and I enjoyed both of them. My dad's side of the family are cattle ranchers in a province only known for two things: oil and beef. I grew up in the part of the middle east that consumes some form of spiced meat in every damn meal, snack, and candy. I was doomed from the start, bro. No part of me could even be vegetarian. I order my steak blue rare at the places that let me. I drink tall glasses of milk with every dinner. I buy family sizes of meat cuts at the grocery store for myself.
No word of a fucking lie, my mom kept this baby book writing down milestones and personality quirks with me, and under the section that says "my favourite food is..." it just says "MEAT: ALL" underlined 3 times. I was meant to be some kind of obligate carnivore but god decided to curse me for my hubris by placing my soul in the body of an omnivorous ape.
Anyway. I suggest ramen for dinner because it's a good crowd pleaser thats really hard to fuck up for a first date. I mean, who doesn't like noodle soups? I usually order it with pork belly, but I was really craving beef that night so I ordered beef ramen with extra beef and a fried egg on top with a cup of green tea
Apparently, this was an issue.
I thank the waiter and he heads off with our orders. I am greeted by a facial expression i can only describe as "moral fury disguised as vague disappointment."
I immediately start getting an earful about how disgusting it is to eat animal flesh and how I should be ashamed of myself for promoting "speciesism" while calling myself an anti-racist. "Speciesism" was a term I have never heard before that day, and I still think it's fucking stupid to compare eating meat to full-blown racism.
I start pointing out that I have no issue with how he decides to eat, but it's a massive overstep of personal boundaries and a very presumptive and self-righteous move to act like he had any right to tell someone else how to eat. Plus, the shit he was spouting about livestock rearing and byproduct sourcing were straight up untrue and made up by PETA. Plus, I hate to break it to him, but cows are not humans. They aren't. They just aren't, and if he can't understand that then he shouldn't be taking care of them and he definitely shouldn't be acting like he should.
I am not the most held back individual when it comes to these things. I have a big blunt mouth and I don't have much of a concept of a filter. I acknowledge that about myself and try my hardest to only argue things i have immediate credible evidence for, because I know that I always come off as emotionally-charged because of my big blunt mouth. But oh, oh boy. Oh man did he not like that.
The argument keeps escalating and escalating until our food gets served. He decides to make a very exaggerated barf gesture at the beef and egg in my bowl. C'mon, bro. But you wanna be petty? Alright, I can be petty too. I looked him dead in the eye while I picked out chunks of only egg and beef with my chopsticks and ate it. I made constant comments on how good the meat was and how much I loved the texture and juiciness of it. He gave me a very charged silent treatment the whole time.
We mutually ghosted each other after that night.
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nickeverdeen · 1 year
Hi! Can I get a match for The hunger games, MCU, Harry Potter, and the umbrella academy? I get if it’s too much then just the first one is fine.
I’m 5’7 almost 5’8. My hair is a little more than shoulder length; my roots are black but lead into a dark hunters/forest green and my bangs are auburn. Then I have 2 braided strands decorated with beads. I have a eyebrow and nose ring with 13 ear piercings and really dark brown eyes. I have kinda pear build w a little pudge ngl. I also always have acrylics (stiletto ofc :) )
My mbti type is INTJ. I definitely keep to myself and wait to be approached by others. Although I tend to take a leader role in almost any situation. My anxiety is through the roof especially in social settings. I have very few friends because people don’t meet my expectations or they “can’t break through my wall”. I have no filter and am overly blunt. People think I’m super rude and bitchy but I genuinely think I’m a sweet person; just very very selective. Overlay sarcastic and monotone too. I enjoy reading books and writing and listening to music. I write my own poetry too. I have the biggest soft spot for animals. I’m not very athletic. I’m definitely the brains instead of Braun. Not to brag but I’m extremely smart. I rely on logic more than feelings. I have a hard time opening up and caring about people. But when I do it’s one of those things where I do it hard. I’m a different person in public than behind closed doors for sure. My love language is gifts either giving or receiving and acts of service. I have really bad and unhinged irritability/anger and tend to lash out a lot. I shut off and isolate then tend to struggle with expressing myself. I’m super super stubborn and ambitious, only assertive too.
Idk if this is relevant or not but my favorite quote is: “Who is it that can tell me who I am?”
Hey there, thank you so much for requesting!
Your Hunger Games match is…
Johanna Mason
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Likes that you can be the leader
No filter and blunt?
You two have that one in common
Johanna ain’t really into books, but she’d listen to you telling her what happened in the book etc
She would have some comments though
You’re the only person she cares about
Very protective
Makes fun of you for being “smart-ass”
Not in a bad way
But she secretely likes how smart you are
As we all know Johanna also has a problem with anger
But she’d never lash out at you
Is actually a softie when it comes to your feelings
She cares about you
Likes the fact that you’re ambitious and stubborn
Even though the stubborness would annoy her sometimes
Johanna is also stubborn so she has no problem arguing all day long
She hates arguing with you though
Your MCU match is…
Eddie Brock
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Firstly: Venom likes you too
Eddie is definetly awkward at first in the relationship
Makes fun of the fact that you can be bitchy
Likes the fact that you’re smart, but won’t admit it
Backs the fuck up when you lash out at it
Which makes Venom tease him about being scared of you
You’re the only one who he trusts enough to tell you about Venom
He likes how you look like
And how you behave
Is acting slightly like a bitch ‘cause that’s just part of his personality
He actually wouldn’t dare to lash out at you
Thinks you’re pretty much badass
Cocky bitch
Gets awkward whenever you and Venom talk to him at the same time
Your Umbrella Academy match is…
Five Hargreeves
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He really likes how smart you are
Protective very much, thank you
Five really enjoys your personality
He ain’t good with feelings or comforting, but he’s here for you 24/7
The Hargreeves siblings like you
Mainly Diego
Doesn’t like it when you lash out at him and tries to calm you down
Or just lash out at you too
Extremely proud that he’s dating you
He can kill for you easily
Likes the fact that you can take the leader role
Luther doesn’t really like you, but who cares?
Lets you help him when he has a problem
Shows off about the fact that you two are together
Actually intrested in what you read
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petitelepus · 1 year
Hiii!! Requesting a TFP Normal and Humans Are Cute!AU matchup! Autobot or Decepticon is fine!
Appearance: female, short, long brown hair, green eyes, chubby, a September Virgo
Sexuality: straight, cis
Likes/Interests: history, true crime, weird medical cases, zoology, 2000’s pop, techno music, nature, thunderstorms, biology, reading, silence, writing, drawing, vintage horror movies, dry humor, antique stuff.
Personality: Very shy but once comfortable, I become more outgoing, loud, passionate and talk alot about interests but like to have days where I keep to myself. I like to keep to myself but sometimes I yearn to connect with others but I don’t know how as I’m not very good at socializing. I am timid and easy to pushover but I may argue back. Hate conflict, don’t want any. I prefer companionable silence over talking. Tend to think with my emotions but I try to think logically. I believe actions speak louder than words.
My love language is: Mainly quality time, acts of services and words of affirmation. Sometimes physical touch like hugs and resting head on them.
Dislikes/Fears: the dark, being stalked, bugs, people quick to anger, close-mindedness, people who think they know everything about something/someone but actually don't know shit. Entitlement. People who portray themselves to be good natured but are actually awful. People who preach a change but don’t bother to do anything about it. Most people in general tbh.
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I match you with Dreadwing!
This Decepticon warrior might just be the most loyal and honorable Con there actually is. He takes notice of you on the battlefield, lost and scared and not an Autobot in sight so he makes the decision to grab you and take you to Nemesis with him. At least there you would be safe until he figured out what to do with you.
…But the blue con didn't expect to fall for you. You may be a human and shy one, but you're unnaturally… Cute to him. Maybe returning you home can wait for a day or a week or two?
Dreadwing makes sure you are comfortable and gives you time if you want or need it and slowly you start to warm up to him.
He is interested in you and wants to know more about you and he doesn't miss how you smile brighter when you talk about your interests such as music, history, vintage horror, and so much more. Dreadwing doesn't know that much about Earth so he asks you to teach him, a task you accept happily.
Do you believe actions speak louder than words? That's a good saying and Dreadwing himself believes in it also. He has proven to you that he cares about you and you have shown that you aren't just an ordinary human but you can see further.
He is gentle and careful with you, never raising his voice with you around him. If you ever feel like just being with him in comfortable silence he nods and enjoys your silent company.
When the two of you take your relationship to the official level, Dreadwing makes sure to always bring you something nice when he visits the Earth and he tells you every day how he loves you and how much you mean to him.
You perfectly described Starscream when talking about your dislikes and the blue Con honestly returns the feelings. He doesn't trust Starscream one bit, but he works for Megatron, to who Dreadwing's loyalty belongs, and because of that he can't hurt Starscream.
But if that schemer ever tries anything with you, Dreadwing doesn't hold back anymore. Your safety comes before Starscream's well-being.
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Shockwave is your Owner!
At first, Shockwave paid no mind to humans. They were just pests living off as parasites on Earth, on Unicron's body.
When he first saw you, he was going to ignore you and be on his way and continue his experiments, but then he thought about it...
The Autobots seem to thrive with human pets of their own so maybe having you as Shockwave's pet would increase his work ethic and better yet produce superior results?
With that in his mind, he turned, picked you up, and took you back to Nemesis with him.
You are shy and quiet and he doesn't mind it one bit, but he soon understands that he should not underestimate you.
For a human, you are very observant of your surroundings and you can make realistic assumptions based on the information you're given.
Shockwave will give you things to keep you occupied and from growing bored or even dull. He gives you things to use like a computer but enables it so you can't request help. Pet or not, even those can bite the hand that feeds them.
Arguments don't happen between the two of you. Shockwave has made it clear to you that he is the dominant one and that you are his pet. Your job is to be there for him and in return, he takes care of you.
Despite being emotionless, there are times when the Decepticon scientist does compliment you. Like, he reads one of your stories and admires your grammar or he compliments your drawing technique.
He very rarely does this, but once in a while, he will nod at you, "You have performed well given the time you had in your arsenal. You have earned yourself a chance to request a meal and dessert of your own choice for today."
Yes, he uses compliments, stuff, and food to reward you.
Shockwave will punish you if you misbehave. He thinks that the best way for a pet, for you to learn what is right and what is wrong is by punishing you when you act badly.
He will scold you, but if you don't take a hint and apologize then he will take a more extreme approach and locks you in a dark closet until you are begging for his forgiveness.
Shockwave holds tight discipline, as his rewards and punishments are both extreme, but they do show clear results. Do as he says and play along and you will be taken good care of.
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