#i suppose? hes kinda hunters age at this point
lonelysa1lor · 9 months
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"Hello Witches! please trust me I'm normal I swear"
go onnn trust himm he's definitely not on the hunt for his bosses god and perhaps hoping to find the last titan on the Boiling isles. You'll be fineeeee
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extra meme. he's so silly
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ariseur · 2 months
hi, can i request how dante and vergil would act after having an argument with reader? thanks!
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sparda twins after an argument 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
dante x reader, vergil x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
i hope you guys remember that i’m a ffvii AND a devil may cry acc, don’t be afraid to request for dmc 😭😭
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
intended lowercase, one spoiler for vergils lore (?), arguments ofc, lmk if i missed anything!!
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓓ANTE — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ i can’t see you and dante getting into arguments often. the only things that would lead to a fight is dante being concerned about getting you involved in his work (if you’re a devil hunter), or you worrying about how he’s too nonchalant when he eventually does get injured.
❥ even then though, he makes sure to not say things he doesn’t mean. but even after an argument, it’s like he replays it back in his head when he’s alone, thinking of every word and if it actually did offend you or not.
❥ in the case that it’s a lower to moderate argument— dante’s so fuckin goofy, he’s the type to still kiss your cheek to wake you up and make you terribly cooked breakfast to see if you’ll forgive him. up to you whether or not you do but he’d try to spoil you with whatever money he has. i’d suggest coaxing him to use that money to pay the bills instead 😭
❥ but if it was a big argument, i think it’d be pretty silent for a while. i can see dante apologizing first depending on how old he is (what game it’s set in). the younger he is, the more emotionally inept he’ll be.
❥ in the case that it’s older dante, he’ll give you an apology although he doesn’t expect you to forgive him, he just wants you to know he’s sorry.
❥ regardless of his age though, dante will leave you be until you come to him saying that you feel better. there’s no point in chasing after someone who needs space. if you cup a wild bird in your hands, the only thing it wants to do is escape.
❥ i see dante as pretty decent when talking it out though, he just wants nothing more than for the silent treatment to just simmer down so that when you’re both feeling calm and okay, you can talk it out reasonably. and the make-up sex is even more awesome.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓥ERGIL — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ as stated before in my previous hcs for vergil, he is a silent lover!! no difference whether he’s calm or angry, he silently brews. i cant see vergil getting into arguments much either, but the only difference between him and dante is that vergil brushes the topics off unless it comes to you.
❥ for instance, you get hurt? he doesn’t play lmao
❥ he might be a little harsh but considering he spent a lot of his time in hell, his social cues are kinda off. he never yells at you, but it lowkey hurts when he’s like a mom who can’t show she’s mad in public as he’s whisper yelling about how you’re not supposed to be so careless.
❥ vergil never yells, always talking lowly in that precise tone of his. however, he’s just so calculated with his words, making it more difficult when you try your attempts at a rebuttal. his sharp tongue would probably get him into trouble if you piss him off enough / if he super worried, though. might say something he’ll regret later.
❥ if it’s a small argument, he either acts like nothing happened or he overanalyzes it and overcompensates with his ‘apology’— which is sitting you down on the couch as he makes you feel like you’re in an intervention while you guys talk it out 😭
❥ if it’s a bigger argument, he’ll probably give you the silent treatment. he won’t talk about it and he won’t talk to you for a while, preferring his space over anything while he calms down.
❥ his pride stands in the way of him actually apologizing to you, especially if he recognizes the argument was his fault after a while. so you might have to be the one to confront him first.
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lollytea · 1 year
hunter baby fever haver so true. guy who is mentally furnishing a nursery before even having his own place. baby name book addict. hes comparing & crossreferencing BI & earth names as soon as children start to be a possibility
Fr I don't think he even particularly cared about kids at all until a certain point. Like his lukewarm reaction to little Philip in Hollow Mind, before he actually realized who he was? He was all like "Hm. Yes. That certainly is. A Child."
But then he starts his apprenticeship under Dell and suddenly he's exposed to kids every day. And he's put into situations where he needs to talk to them and understand them because it helps with the palisman carving process. And he was pretty awkward at first cuz he has barely had any interaction with children before this (King was the only child he knew, who happens to be very mature for his age) and kids are weird and bizarre and unpredictable and Hunter is a little out of his depth. But he gradually get accustomed to it and even warms up to being around them, even finding them endearing. So at that point he's like "Hmmm....maybe....maybe I'd like kids one day. Maybe....."
But then, but then, but THEN!!! But then he's at work one day and somebody lets him hold their baby and its all fucking over for him. It awakens the beast. He's not normal anymore. How can he possibly be normal??? How??? How can he continue to exist and live an indifferent life when babies are so fucking SMALL?????? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!! And then it just gets worse and worse and worse over time. He gets more and more comfortable with kids. He holds more babies. Now he's just insane about it.
And the thing is. Hunter knows he and Willow are too young for a baby. He knows neither are emotionally mature enough. He knows they still have so much growing up to do. He KNOWS okay he knows. So he's not begging for a baby. He has no intention of trying to have a baby right now. But that doesn't stop him from being in AGONY over the fact that it's gonna be several years before he can have a baby. His primal instincts are like. WANNA HOLD BABY!!! WANNA SQUISH BABY!!!! WANNA SMOOCH BABY!!!!!
Man is sighing wistfully over little baby clothes at the market and Willow's kicking herself for leaving him unattended cuz now he's gonna be in one of those moods tonight where he's whispering potential baby names in her ear when they're cuddling and she's had ENOUGH of it. She already wakes up every morning to twelve video links from Hunter of toddlers eating lemons and making funny faces or some shit because its usually in the middle of the night when his fever is the most potent.
Willow wants kids one day too. But she's also in very deep in her Flyer Derby thing. So while Hunter's idea of having children is the aftermath, Willow's mind immediately goes to the pregnancy part. And like. She has no intention of taking a pause from her athlete life yet. She's thriving.
Tho in fairness she does think it's kinda funny just how much of a menace Hunter is over this. He's just. Listen. If Hunter was never supposed to be a father, fate wouldn't land him with so many hobbies that could be utilized for future fatherhood.
An avid bookworm with an insanitable curiosity? He's 19 years old and reading parenting books for fun.
A tailor? He can sew, knit and embroider. He can MAKE little baby hats and mittens and booties and blankets. He'd probably be so excited to do so actually.
Woodcarver? He can build little wooden baby toys. He can make a mobile with little dangling palismen. He can build the goddamn crib itself and carve patterns into it of all of his and Willow's favourite flowers.
Like. He's spent a decade preparing. He's gonna be so ready when the time comes. But also you know that when the time DOES finally come and Willow tells him the exciting news, Hunter's euphoric celebration lasts for a total of four and a half minutes before he's like "Oh Titan....oh Titan, Willow, what if I'm a horrible father?"
He's a mess of a man.
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orphicrose · 3 months
Ok so i just saw your Hosea x child reader and it was amazing (obviously) now I'm wondering if you could do Hosea x reader who's an old friend. The reader has a somewhat stable life, used to be a doctor but moved to a small cot in the mountains. They kinda keep in contact via letters but not really that often because the reader isn't too keen to gi into town and send out mail. What if Hosea has to introduce the reader to the gang at some point, like what if they are on the run again so Hosea leads them up the mountain onto the reader's property to kinda hide there. At first reader doesn't recognize Hosea because they haven't seen each other in a long time, but then he invites them all in, maybe he's even got enough room for all of them and the reader is just this sweet old man, same age as Hosea who treat everyone with respect if they deserve it, helps them out, doesn't judge etc. Hosea is just so glad that his family and his crush best friend are getting along.
Colter (Hosea x Male!Reader)
Note: In an au where Hosea takes the gang to readers home instead of colter. Thank you for the Request!
Warnings ! ! None
W/C : 1.1k
The harsh wind was suffocatingly cold, rugged mountainous landscape making travel near impossible. The atmosphere unforgiving, and bleak. The van der linde troops struggling to maintain life, every exhale met with a cold cloud. Huddling together in the back of the wagon to invade at each others warmth. Arthur shivered on his horse uncontrollably, him and Dutch shouting back and forth.
"There's nothing out there, Dutch!" He yelled over the heaving of ice through the air, powerful enough to pull him from his horse.
"Keep looking!" Dutchs voice broke as he shouted back.
"I know a place, keep going north!" Hosea gripped at the reins on his icy seat atop the wagon.
"You heard him!"
The group travelled the treacherous land, having no other choice but to push on. A flicker of life in the distance shining hope down on them, a small cabin revealing itself from the harsh winter.
Hosea let himself in first, letting the group know there was no danger. The beautiful heat from the raging fire hit them hard, offering instant relief from their dampened cloths. But perhaps they should have knocked, first. As a strange man had the barrel of his gun pointed at Dutchs head.
"Easy, yn" Hosea stepped forward, hand stretched in front of him.
The old man slowly dropped his weapon,, eyes lighting up at the sight of Hosea.
"Hosea! Long time no see old pal" His arms pulled the man into an embrace, Hosea appreciating the extra layer of warmth. "Caught in the Blizzard, I see?"
"Oh you know me. Always getting myself into life or death situations" He patted his old friends back and then retreated from the hug, pointing to the shivering group of people behind him. "Speaking of, don't suppose you could help a old bunch of delinquents?"
Y/n stood there for a second in thought, frail hands touching at his chin. "Well, There's not a lot of space but I don't mind sharing it for a few nights. As long as y'all don't reck the place"
"Of course, y/n. And no need to worry, we will repay your kindness. We have some skilled hunters amidst our criminals." Hosea pats Arthur on the back rather hard, an indication to his next mission.
"I'm sure you do" Y/n chuckles, inviting them inside.
"We really appreciate this, what was it, y/n?" Dutch offers the man a hand.
"Thats right" He returns the hand shake and smiles warmly at the charismatic man.
"Dutch, I suppose you could call me the leader of these 'bunch of delinquents'"
"Ah, I see" Y/n gave Hosea a knowing look. Having spoken about him in the letters they shared over the years. The moment took a turn when Pearson and Javier began to heave in the injured Davey. His pale skin mimicking that of the snow that surrounded them.
"He's not going to make it for much longer if we don't do something" Abigail moved everyone out of the way as they hauled the almost corpse from the bitter cold.
"Bring him in here" Y/n waved his hand as he cleared the wooden table sat in his small kitchen.
At least 20 minutes of tireless work and tense vibes had passed, y/n doing his best to stop the bleeding and prevent infection. Davey was in a stable position, his body being warmed by a fire as he lay in a makeshift bed on the floor. Still remaining still and in a deep sleep. But alive nonetheless.
Everyone had found a space to settle in. Drying out their clothes around the room, and taking the time to finally rest. John, who had been picked up on the way, lay similarly to Davey. Still and wounded. The idiot was mauled by wolves. Luckily for him, his horse braved the blizzard enough to get him back to the group in time.
The rest of the men sipped on hot beverages made by y/n, enjoying the company of good stories and a warm shelter. Taking it in while they could, for the morning to come could only bring worse obstacles.
"I was a Doctor, years ago. Saved Hoseas life countless times. But, as most people do these days, I had bad people after me. Had to move somewhere more remote. Its really not that bad in the summer." Y/n sat, leaning on his knee on the floor with a coffee in his hand.
"Saved my life" Hosea scoffed. "You bandaged up a little scrape for me. A child could have done that"
"It was a bullet hole wound you terrible man" Y/n laughed, playfully shoving him.
They chuckled together. Listening to each other as they shared their silly stories. Ones about when Arthur was a boy, or how they'd picked up John as a child.
"We can't put into words how grateful we are for the shelter, Y/n" Dutch put a hand to his heart.
"My pleasure. Think of it as a sorry for almost shooting y'all earlier"
"Don't worry about feeding us. Pearson over here has been our designated chef for years now. I can't imagine he is about to quit now" He pointed to a larger man in the kitchen, making conversation with Swanson with a bottle in both their hands. Y/n chuckled and nodded.
"Well, good luck finding food or even fresh meat. I have to sacrifice myself once every two weeks at the moment to make it into the nearest town"
"Valentine?" Hosea questioned
"Yeah, that's the one. Not to far South-East of here" Y/n had planted an idea in Hosea's head. That would be where they will find themselves next.
The group found themselves drifting to sleep as the night grew old. Scattered on the chairs, the floor next to the fire and any space they could find. But they were warm and they were ok.
Y/n and Hosea moved to the bed, away from the swarm of people on the floor. "You are welcome here whenever you need, old friend" y/n got himself into bed and patted the empty space next to him.
Hosea gladly took the invitation and plated himself in the warmth of the blanket.
"Noted, y/n" They shared a smile, before letting themselves fall to sleep.
It had been weeks since they had left the mountains, and settled in Horse-shoe Overlook. Hosea thought about y/n most days, wondering how he was getting on. He still hadn't replied to the last letter he sent. But he will be waiting with anticipation. Perhaps he should take a trip up there soon.
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dannystheone · 1 year
We’re Gonna MAKE You Remember! (Lee Kenny/Ler Stan)
Hey guys! Here’s the ADHD Kenny fic for you! I’m actually running low on requests and inspiration so if anyone has any ideas, my DM’s are open! I’d actually be also open to a little Genshin if anyone has a drabble idea just to mix things up, I’m sure you guys are sick of constant SP lol just let me know! 
also this comes from my own ADHD experiences I’m so stubborn when it comes to lists and reminders because I gaslight myself and tell myself I’ll remember something but I NEVER do 💀 I’ve been doing better and putting things in my notes app though 
also i didn’t feel like doing kenny mumbles it’s kinda hard lel 
WARNINGS: Teenagers swearing! They’re aged up in this
 The boys are sick and tired of Kenny always forgetting the things they tell him to get for them when out on grocery runs! After the millionth time, they make sure he doesn’t forget. 
 “Dude get off. GET OFF! Dammit, I’m down.” Stan rolled his eyes as he shot zombies from his character’s laying position on the ground. Kyle axed through zombie’s heads as he tried to locate Stan’s glowing figure on the map to help him. 
 “Ah dude, you’re like three floors up! How the hell am I supposed to reach you?” Kyle sighed as he packed a pipe bomb and picked up more ammo from the supply station. It was Throwback Thursday and Game Night, so the boys settled on Left 4 Dead 2 to play. They were in a Versus match with four other people online on the opposite team playing as the zombies. Cartman cackled as Stan’s character, Nick, screamed out in pain as the zombies stomped on him. 
 “Bahahaha! Look at Stan dying! Get good already, dickface!” Cartman’s character, Coach, started tea-bagging Nick as he shot the zombies surrounding Nick’s body. 
 “Dude, Cartman revive me!” Stan demanded. Cartman shoved chips in his mouth as he started shooting Stan’s character. Nick took substantial damage and started cursing out Coach. 
 “Ahahaha! Suck me off, asshole!” Cartman left Nick with worst health than he found him in, and threw pipe-bombs down below near Kyle. 
 “Cartman, you fucking asshole! Help us!” Just at that moment, Kyle was caught by a smoker on the third balcony. Kyle’s character, Rochelle, started kicking her legs as she was trapped from the smoker’s tongue. 
 “AYE! If anyone’s exterminating Jew’s it’s me!” Cartman’s character sniped the smoker. The smoker died from a headshot and released Kyle’s character. 
 “Oh finally, you’re actually useful- DUDE!” Don’t fucking shoot me, douchebag!” Kyle shouted at Cartman. Cartman laughed with his mouth full of chips. 
 “Aaaaand I’m dead. Thanks guys.” Stan’s square of the screen read that his character was dead, and spectated Kyle’s screen as Rochelle. Stan sighed and threw himself back to lean on the couch. The door opened behind the boys as someone stepped inside the house. 
 “Omph, hey guymphs.” Kenny walked into the living room carrying grocery bags with him. Stan turned back to greet him as Kyle and Cartman kept playing. 
 “’Sup dude. Jump in, we got you as Ellis. Dead Center finale. D’you get the soda?” Kenny sat down on the couch as Stan started rifling through the grocery bags. 
  “M’yeah, I got the soda. Dude it cost two more bucks than last time for no reason.” Kenny removed his hood and shook out his blonde locks. Stan cracked open a cold one and took a sip out of it.
 “CARTMAN! Get me up already!” Kyle exclaimed. A jockey got Rochelle down to the ground, and a spitter spat directly onto his position. Kenny settled into the couch as both him and Stan watched the carnage. 
 “Can’t. I’m down too.” Coach got down from harassing an aggressive tank, and was sure he could mow down the zombie horde when he covered the tank in boomer bile. However, there were too many zombies at once, plus a stalking hunter that finished him off. 
 “This is what happens when you shoot your teammates, you fucking retard!” Kyle rolled his eyes as Cartman shifted on his beanbag chair and pointed a fat finger in his face. 
 “AYE! That’s half the fun, Kahl! Left 4 Dead is boring as shit if you don’t shoot your teammates!” Cartman retorted. The living room was filled with the agonized screams of the dying characters and the growls of the zombies, before eventually cutting to the loading screen after both characters died. 
 Kyle turned back to greet Kenny and look through the grocery bags. “’Sup Kenny. Did you get the Twizzlers like I asked?” Kenny snapped his fingers as his face looked enlightened. 
 “Thaaaat’s what I forgot! I swear I was gonna fucking lose it. I knew I forgot something I just didn’t know what. I got Oreos though.” Kenny offered the package to Kyle, but Kyle turned him down. 
 “Uh, no thanks man, I don’t like Oreos.” Cartman perked up at the sound of food and snatched the package from Kenny’s hands. 
 “I’ll be taking that, thank you, ‘food stamps’.” Kenny rolled his eyes at the nickname as Stan turned to Kenny. 
 “Oh Kenny sorry, did you get the M n’ M’s I asked for? I texted you about them.” Stan looked up to Kenny on the couch. Kenny held the side of his neck as he sighed. 
 “Sorry Stan. Totally slipped my mind. I was thinking about them too, but I passed by the aisle.” Stan’s gaze turned downcast as he sipped his soda again. 
 “Uh, it’s alright dude, no sweat.” Cartman scrolled through his phone as Kyle picked up his controller. 
 “Hey ‘beggar’ did you get my Ding-Dong’s and Ho-Ho’s and Twinkies?” Cartman asked Kenny. Kenny didn’t like these new nicknames he was trying out for size. 
 “Damn fatass you want the whole fucking store?” Kyle accused. 
 “Shut your ass up Jew! I know your gun is pink choosing Rochelle as your character, gaywad!” Cartman pointed at a frustrated Kyle. 
 “My gun isn’t pink!!” Kyle shouted back. 
 “Uh Cartman, I forgot. Sorry. I don’t even remember you asking for all that stuff to be honest...” Kenny spoke up. The boys inwardly groaned as less and less snacks were available for the hangout. 
 Stan looked up to Kenny and threw up his hands. “Dude what the hell is going on? You forgot nearly everything we asked for, and this isn’t the first time this has happened either.” Kyle looked back at Kenny and agreed with Stan. 
 “Yeah man, about half of the stuff we ask for or all the stuff we ask for just slips your mind. And I tell you every single time to bring a grocery list, but you-” Kenny put up his hands as he scooched forward on the couch. 
 “I don’t like bringing grocery lists ‘cause the list is too small to need one.” Kenny explained. Cartman turned his head to the side without taking his eyes off his phone. He was scrolling through a #shitpost channel in a Discord server. 
 “Clearly not dipshit, if you’re forgetting the whole fucking thing.” Cartman called out. “We can’t even hang out like this if we don’t have anything to fucking eat!” 
 “Well what do you guys want from me? I don’t know why I forget stuff, it’ll just be in my brain one minute and then it goes *poof* like it was never there.” Kenny made it look like his brain was blowing up with both his hands to accentuate his point.
 “We want you to swallow your pride and go back to the store with a list this time. So you don’t forget anything.” Stan stated, straightforward. Kenny put up his hands with his eyes closed. 
 “Alright, alright, just tell me everything you guys want and I’ll go back and get it.” Kenny said. Kyle shook his head, his curls swishing from side to side. 
 “No dude that’s not gonna work. Bring a list with you so you don’t forget any groceries this time.” Kyle tried for lightness, but Kenny’s stubbornness was starting to upset him.
 “I don’t need it guys, I got it! It’ll just be a few things, I’ll remember this time!” Kenny argued. Stan pinched his two eyelids together to suppress a headache as Cartman swiftly stood up from his beanbag chair. Well, as swiftly as he could anyway. 
 “Alright Kenny, you give us no other choice. Just remember we gave you plenty of chances. Stan, go grab a marker from the junk drawer in my kitchen. Kyle, help me out here.” Stan stood up to do what he was told, and figured Cartman would just fill out the list himself on paper and hand it to Kenny. Stan walked into the kitchen and started opening random drawers to try and locate the marker. 
 “Hey what- DUDE! What the- GET OFF! GUYS!” Stan located a black marker eventually, but heard commotion from the living room. Stan ran back to the living room to see Kyle and Cartman wrestling down a resisting Kenny. 
 “What the fuck-” Stan stuttered as Cartman looked up from his place. He had Kenny’s left arm and Kyle had his right. Kenny was in a half-squatting position while he bucked and tried to throw his friends off of him. 
 “Stan! Grab his legs!” Cartman pointed and ordered at Stan. Kenny threw his elbow back to try and jab Kyle in the gut. He turned wild as Stan advanced toward him and kicked his legs out. 
 “Get the hell off me!” Kenny demanded as Stan took hold of his legs and all three boys lowered a writhing Kenny onto the carpet. Kyle sat on the floor and hugged Kenny’s arm between his legs, while Cartman was less courteous and just sat on his elbow. Kenny growled as Stan parted his legs and sat on his thigh. 
 “Alright Stan, take this down.” Cartman reached forward and grabbed the hem of Kenny’s jacket and shirt and lifted it up to his chest, revealing his bronzed skin. Stan put two and two together as he uncapped the black marker he had. 
 “Guys seriously, get the hell off me! I’ll remember, I swear!” Kenny twisted and squirmed underneath his friends, his pants riding lower on his hips with his struggling. Stan held Kenny’s bare side to keep him steady. 
 “Alright, we want more Dr. Pepper, we need M n’ M’s, the Ding-Dong’s, the Ho-Ho’s-” Kyle listed off. Stan ducked his head and started writing down the grocery list onto Kenny’s bare tummy. Kenny huffed and started to sputter under Stan’s marker; his tough guy struggling crumbling as soon as the marker started to write. 
 “Pfft- Pfmhmhmt- St-Stahan! S-Stop it!” Stan held a tighter grip on Kenny’s side to keep the skin taught, but it slipped under his thumb as Kenny’s tummy spasmed. Stan’s eyebrows furrowed as he wrote out every word as legibly as he could. 
 “Okay, Ding-Dong’s, Ho-Ho’s, M n’ M’s, what else?” Stan was finishing up a few words on Kenny’s skin while trying to keep the marker steady on Kenny’s shuddering tummy. 
 “Oh, we need Twizzlers, Junior Mints and Coke.” Kyle recited. Kenny took a breath as Stan flattened Kenny’s stomach and wrote the continuing grocery list underneath the initial groceries. Kenny laughed out as he twisted and pulled at his elbows. Kyle hugged Kenny’s arm tighter to his chest to better restrain him, while Cartman scrolled through his phone. 
 “Pfftah- ahahaha! Stan- Stahahahan!” Kenny giggled and brought up his one free leg fruitlessly. Stan’s eye winced in concentration as he tried to keep his lettering straight across Kenny’s belly, but his flexing was making it hard. At least it was a flat surface. He couldn’t imagine trying to write on Cartman’s folds. 
 “Dude quit fucking squirming- Jesus-” Stan complained and pushed down on Kenny’s hip to finish up the last of the lettering. 
 “I cahahahan’t hehehehelp it ahahahasshole!” Kenny yelled out, and tried to fold himself in half to escape the marker. His belly made a small wrinkle as he curled himself up, and smudged the writing. 
 “Aw dude, what the fuck, Kenny? Now I have to write over what I just wrote so you can read it.” Stan, completely oblivious to what he was subjecting his friend to, forced Kenny to straighten out his belly and started writing over the words he already wrote. 
 “Aahahahaha! Fuhuhuhuck- Stahahahan stohohohop! Pl-Plehehehease!” Kenny’s free leg kicked out just to bring itself back up again in a desperate attempt to protect himself. That damn marker was too teasy. Kenny was gonna shove it so far up Stan’s...Kyle watched Stan write down the grocery list curiously as Kenny’s tummy pulsed up and down with his laughter. 
 “Alright, anything else?” Stan asked as he re-wrote the grocery items. Kenny laid limp and breathed out on the carpet as Cartman spoke up. 
 “Yeah, we’re gonna need three packs of Mega-Stuf Oreos, two liters of Sprite and three bags of Doritos. Make sure you get the Cool Ranch ones or I’m sending you back a third time.” Cartman stated. Kyle rolled his eyes as Stan began writing down the requested groceries. Kenny’s laughter filled up the living room again as Kyle looked at Cartman. 
 “Chrihihist! Stohohop ahahalready! This- Thihihis suhuhuhucks!” Kenny cried out as his tummy tried curling up in protection. Stan was writing over the skin above his belly button now. The surface was a bit raised here from the flat muscle, but the contracting from his laughter made the area shaky. 
 “You wonder why you’re tubby, fatboy.” Kyle antagonized Cartman. Kenny’s hand clenched and swatted for Kyle’s face. Kyle’s head jolted back at the small attempted attack, and bat Kenny’s hand in retaliation. 
 “I’d be big boned any day of the week than a retarded Jew, Kahl.” Cartman didn’t look up from his phone as Cartman retaliated. Kyle scoffed as Stan finished the last item on Kenny’s stomach. 
 “Okay, that’s three liters of Sprite, two bags of Cool Ranch Doritos, and three packs of Double-Stuf Oreos-” Cartman shook his head as he looked up at Stan from his phone. 
 “No no no. It was TWO liters of Sprite, three bags of Cool Ranch Doritos and three packs of MEGA-Stuf Oreos.” Cartman quoted. Stan pushed back his hat as it fell into his eyes. Kenny breathed underneath the three of them with his head back on the carpet. 
 “Oh crap. Well what should I do? It’s already on him?” Stan asked. Kyle shrugged. 
 “Just scribble it off and write it again.” Kyle suggested. Stan shrugged himself as he took the marker and scribbled out the writing on Kenny’s belly. Kenny jolted and bucked his hips to try and throw off the marker with renewed energy. 
 “GAHAHA-hahahad! Nohohoho no no stohohop!” Kenny’s eyes screwed shut as Stan blacked-out the numbers for the Sprite, Doritos, AND corrected the name on the Oreos. Stan tightened his knees around Kenny’s thigh to keep him steady, and started to write the new requested numbers over the scribbles in smaller font. 
 “Jeez Kenny, you’re jumpy today- what gives?” Kyle asked his friend. Kenny’s hair shook against Kyle’s shoe as he laughed with pink cheeks. His arm hung loose in Kyle’s grip as he stopped fighting at that point and just waited for it to be over. 
 “It fuhuhuhucking- pfft- ahahaha- hahahahaa! Stahahan I’m gohohohonna kihihihill yohohohou!” The tips of Kenny’s ears burned as Stan finished up the rest of the changes made to the grocery list. 
 “Okay...alright. That should be it. Anything else guys?” Stan asked. Kyle and Cartman exchanged glances and shrugged as Kenny slumped back on the floor. 
 “I think that should be it. We’re gonna order the pizza, so we’ll be good on dinner.” Kyle said. Stan nodded as the three boys got up off of their friend. Kenny slowly rose up off the floor and pulled his shirt down in a huff. 
 “You got all that Kenny? You good? You were acting really weird when we were writing down that grocery list.” Stan laid a supportive hand on Kenny’s shoulder. Kenny bumped his hand off and stepped away from his friend. 
 “Yeah, cause you assholes were holding me down and tickling me the whole time!” Kenny exclaimed with splayed hands. Stan, Kyle and Cartman all had confused looks on their faces. 
 “...Ooooooh!” They all said in unison with brightened expressions when it hit them. Kenny scoffed as he threw his hood back on his head. 
 “That makes sense. Well, you coulda said something earlier! Well, anyway, go ahead and grab that really quick at the market and we can hang out sooner.” Kyle clapped a hand on Kenny’s back as they sent him on his way. Kenny tightened his hoodie strings in embarrassment as he walked towards the door. 
 “Fumph youmph guymphs. Serioumphly...” Kenny grumbled and headed out the door.
 At the grocery store, Kenny carried a basket in one hand filled with soda, candy and cookies. He was sure he was forgetting items, but he tried his hardest to remember everything possible. He wouldn’t even think about what was tattooed on his stomach, because every time he did, he could feel the teasy trace of the marker on his skin. 
 When he knew for a fact that he was forgetting things from his basket, and did NOT want to go through everything he had to go through a second time, he made his way to the mirror aisle. 
 Kenny set his basket down and begrudgingly lifted his hoodie and shirt to glance at the grocery list on his tummy. His belly above his navel was tattooed with three lines of groceries, with a mess of scribbles on the bottom line where Stan had messed up. Kenny’s face burned to a crisp at the sight, and shoved his hoodie down with a furious quickness. 
 No matter how much he would never admit it, the list actually did help Kenny remember what he needed from the store for his friends. And after that experience, Kenny definitely left the house with a grocery list more often. 
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roxyco-deliverygirl · 4 months
The more I think about totk the less I like it. Like I've played almost every zelda game (the only ones I haven't played are Zelda 2, the four swords games & oracle of ages because I played seasons) and totk is like, maybe bottom 3, the only thing saving it from actually being in the bottom is that none of my friends would play triforce heroes with me and that's significantly less fun without multiplayer (and there are some things I like in triforce more than totk, like being able to put Link in a dress, actually it’s just that) also at first I was going to end it there but then I remembered that they said there was no dlc because they'd done everything they wanted to do with this version of Hyrule which might mean no Hyrule warriors (the only redeeming point I would have given to totk) so fuck it here's every problem I have with it.
So the story isn't very good, you go to a place, see Zelda be so incredibly suspicious (more on that later), secret stone demon king, repeat another 3 times. Then you learn about the 5th temple, secret stone demon king, now go kill Ganondorf.
And a barebones story can be fine, but it's frustrating that the some of the biggest complaints about botw were about the story, the only real difference is that instead of getting the divine beasts you're getting secret stones.
Weapon design
More specifically what I have a problem with is the monster horns. The monsters looked pretty good in botw but because of the weapon fuse mechanic every monster has a different horn so you can get different weapons (which also bloats the inventory but that's a minor issue I dont really care about) and they clearly designed them as weapons not as body parts so they looked good in botw but now they look kinda awkward in totk by having a sword or a scythe blade sticking out of their head, it's also kinda annoying that the new monsters like the aerocuda, gibdo and gleeok look really good and have weapon parts that fit into the designs much more naturally.
But I also have a problem with the weapons themselves. There's so much less variation than in botw. Weapons had different shapes like with the Yiga sickle or the spring loaded hammer or even the weak weppons like a broom or a farming tool, but totk doesn't have anything like that. It kinda reminds me of Monster Hunter World, where a lot of the weapons looked very similar to eachother and the only variation was the monster parts attached to them.
More story
The memories are kinda terrible. They have information thats wrong compared to the gameplay, and some spoilers that actually ruined some of the present day stuff that Link is doing. For stuff that's wrong: the great deku tree says that the master sword will get more powerful if its exposed to more sacred power, after you get it back from the light dragon it is identical to how it was at the beginning of the game and a lot weaker than it was if you did any of the botw dlc, I guess this is supposed to be about Ganondorf not being able to break the sword this time but he doesn't even try. And Mineru says that secret stones only amplify their owners' power, but the companions you get don't actually have their abilities amplified and are functionally identical to how they were before, and the secret stone aparantly gives them a new power of duplicating themselves.
The gameplay clashing with the story can be seen as nitpicking or whatever but the story ruining itself is so much worse. So if you finish the dragon tears before doing the temples, it makes Link look stupid or that he's actively withholding information from the team and leading them into traps on purpose. Link sees in the memories that Zelda turned herself into a dragon and that it's impossible to turn back, he knows that Zelda is still a dragon because you've seen her, it's pretty likely that you've touched the light dragon. You've also seen a memory where Ganondorf created an illusion of Zelda to assassinate Sonia. So whenever the new sages say they saw Zelda, Link knows for an absolute fact that they've been tricked, and he doesn't tell them. The worst offender of this is when you go to Hyrule Castle following "Zelda". Purah sees her through a telescope and Link doesn't say that it's an illusion from Ganondorf. He goes to her and gets ambushed by monsters six times in a row, then he goes into another ambush against the strongest version of the phantom Ganon boss. And sure you could do the dragon tears after, but there's nothing stopping you from spoiling yourself and no indication that one of the main quests in your quest log contains spoilers for the rest of the game.
General attitude to fans
This is a kinda minor problem that just rubbed me the wrong way. In botw there was a trick called whistle sprinting, where you could move faster without using your stamina by whistling and mashing the sprint button. In totk if you mash sprint like you would to whistle sprint, it actually drains your stamina faster. Sure it was an exploit or a glitch or whatever getting patched, but they clearly fixed the issue and then deliberately added a mechanic that would punish you for trying. People who know how to whistle sprint are mostly speedrunners or people who replayed the game a lot, as in the people who cared about the game the most, and they're getting punished because they love the game.
Treatment of the Zelda franchise as a whole
After the totk trailer, the next game released was a remake of Skyward Sword (my favourite Zelda game). Clearly making a comparison between the sky islands seen in totk and the sky islands of Skyward Sword. The story of Skyward Sword explained the continuity between Zelda games and turned it from a series of legends into a story across fate about how love and goodness will always be there to stop evil. Tears of the Kingdom pretty much explicitly says that all previous Zelda games aren't canon, not just botw's "they're in the ancient past and won't have any effect on this game" but fully overwriting the events of other games, Skyward sword ended with the sky islands descending and the people deciding to found a kingdom that would become Hyrule but in the dragon tear memories and what Mineru says about history, we know that the Zonai founded Hyrule. It feels like they don't like the previous games.
And there are a few other things that are smaller, like I don't like the Zonai powers compared to the Shieka slate, I think the memories feel disconnected since there's no zonai tech (other than one cooking pot), the weapons look completely different from anything we have access to and Rauru never uses any of the powers that Link gets from his arm (other than opening a door) it feels almost like the game and the story were made separately from eachother.
I don't want the next Zelda game to be like these games have been.
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leeylisten · 2 years
A drunk one speaks the heart [Huntlow]
She doesn't care about being the third wheel, she always has so much fun with Amity and Luz that not even once has felt uncomfortable while partying with them. Not even when the romantic songs come. The girls would kiss and then smooch Willow's cheeks. She loves it.
But tonight they are all a little too tipsy. Willow is dancing at the beat, next to her couple of friends, singing out loud as everyone else in the party ,when she notices this radom blonde guy is looking at her with a smile, three feet away from her.
To be fair, Willow is always friendly. It's just that when she is drunk she kinda befriends everyone too easily. And so she does it this time too. She waves at the guy who seems a little shy at first and then gives two steps to come closer.
"hi!" She says cheerfully over the music, never stopping the movements she is so proud of.
"Hi" he replies. "You dance very well!" Adds, trying to copy her last movement, unsuccessfully, though.
"Thanks!" She laughs. She grabbs one of his hands and tries to teach him the same thing, making his body move. He lets her do it, the smile on his face goes bigger. Then, he gently grabs her hand again and makes her spin once. The three glasses of rum Willow had before give an extra effect and the world spins with her.
Willow giggles and copies the movement.
Man, he's tall, she notices while he is trying to spin with their hands awkwardly connected. When their eyes meet again, he is still smiling, Willow notices he's got light brown eyes, and something in her stomach twirls.
"I'm Hunter" he leans closer to her, so she can listen.
"Willow" she replies, pointing at herself. How stupid.
He nods and repeats her name as if he trying to taste it. But maybe she's just too tipsy and is imagining things.
The song changes to an even more energetic one than the previous and Hunter starts jumping, getting the rythm of it. His eyes sparkle and she feels the thing in her stomach again. Maybe she'll throw up.
She doesn't pay attention to her not-very-functional body and follows him, and she's not sure who does it first but at some point they are holding hands while doing so.
She glimpses Luz, looking at her with arched eyebrows and she immediately feels something weird again. She lets Hunter's hands go, but grabs his wrist and pulls him towards the girls.
"Guys this is Hunter" she declares, as if she has known him for ages. "He's got sick dancing skills!"
"Yep. That's me" He says, waving his arms at the sides of his body.
"Yeah we can see that" Luz is laughing. Her arms are around Amity's waist and pecks her cheek. The purple haired girl giggles and looks at Hunter again.
They introduce themselves briefly.
"Did you come by yourself tonight?" Amity asks.
"I came with a friend but I think he got a hot date somewhere and now I'm alone" He tries to explain.
"Get better friends, dude!" Luz comments.
"You bet I will. We were supposed to celebrate my birthday!"
Willow covers her mouth in surprise.
"Is today your birthday?"
Hunter looks at his phone before answering.
"Well technically it is not since 27 minutes ago."
Willow pouts.
"Hunter you're lost! And on your birthday!" She cries.
"I am!" He replies in the same tone, and pouts as well. Then burst into laughs.
But this is serious, Willow thinks.
"We need to do something" She says with determination "guys we need to adopt Hunter, he can't be alone. Not on his birthday."
"Well, it seems like you already did" Amity says, and she has that look. The one that gives her when she's up to something but won't tell Willow. So she ignores her. Grabs Hunter's cheeks to pull him closer, so he can direct his attention to her.
"You don't need to worry now, Hunter, I'll be your caretaker".
He smiles. She notices now the gap between his teeth and damn. She lets him go quickly.
Then giggles because what are the odds? She always falls for the gay one and this is probably another case.
"What?" He asks, curious.
"Nothing" she says, palming his face softly. "You're very cute, that's all".
He blushes. She laughs harder.
Wanna continue reading? 👀 Here
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netscapenavigaytor · 1 year
characters in skates i know adn if they wuold join the GGs from jet set radio
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okay, so, on one hand i think he could handle it and would maybe even arguably find the rudie lifestyle fun - i mean he beats the shit out of mr x's evil criminal organization by breakdancing, he's definitely got the style and goofing off points for it.
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND….. his brother is a cop (later a government agent according to the wiki), and he and his ex-cop friends are all ultimately pretty anti-crime overall (beating the shit out of mr x's flunkies with your fists does not count as a crime). so maybe if he went through a really heavily rebellious phase he'd think about it but otherwise i think this is Not happening.
also i thought he was like 10 which might've also be a problem, but now that i'm looking it seems he never got a confirmed age so where the hell did my brain get THAT number.
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SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (Sonic the Hedgehog)
OHH this is a very very tricky one and i think also depends somewhat on what point in time we're talking here. the first thing that feels notable here is that shadow comes off as a pretty grim self-serious guy a lot of the time and tends to keep to himself - however, he also DOES have friends he cares deeply about (i dont care what sega says) and tends to enjoy being the coolest guy in the room. it'd also probably do him some good to have an artistic outlet for his inner darkness.
that being said, i feel like he'd find the GGs and the other rudies to be petty and juvenile (dude, you're like mentally 15! you're basically younger than the youngest GG!); and on top of that he's working pretty closely with G.U.N. which kinda makes him part of the establishment, right?
however. there is a window of time that i think shadow's odds of joining the GGs is actually very likely, which is during the era around his self-titled game. shadow is at his most lost and confused at that point (i mean you saw how many story routes there were.) and i think if he met the GGs then they would be all totally like "hey dont let people push you around into who THEY tell you you're supposed to be, make your own path" and it would emotionally resonate with him and there'd be a cool end cutscene where he's like "I… am Shadow the Hedgehog. Once born to be the ultimate lifeform, now one of the GGs. I paint my own destiny. This… is WHO I AM." and awesome credits music plays. hope you liked my shadow fanfic
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are you fucking kidding me of course he would, no hesitation. he was pretty much BORN for this. maybe he'd have trouble getting the GGs to take him seriously on account of the fact he is a funny little circle, but hey the GGs let anyone join if they are cool enough at skate tricks and i think paint roller could pull it off. also i think being a funny little circle would make paint roller better at avoiding consequences.
HOWEVER. i do think that paint roller tagging up the city would eventually have dire consequences due to his art's tendency to come to life. like im talking like the streets crowded with all sorts of random creatures and objects and stuff, kirby has to show up to save the day, it's a whole Thing.
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YUICHI "ICHI" TAIRA (Paranoia Agent)
fuck no, never in a million years. ichi is a Perfect Little Straight A's Golden Student Who Everybody Loves and frankly he's furious that you'd even imply he'd consider turning to delinquency. he'd probably regard the GGs as selfish attention whores who only cause trouble because they're too pathetic to get anyone to like them. it's NOT FAIR that you're confusing ICHI with that brat beat just because they both wear golden skates!!!
i think though that in a direct confrontation he'd actually be pretty scared of rudies, cuz like, ichi is only about 13 while even the youngest GG is 16. he'd totally want to tell them to their faces how worthless they are and how they're ruining everything for everyone with common sense, but instead he'll just call the cops on them.
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Uh. Well . if you know his deal already then you probably already know the answer is "I don't think that would even be fucking possible". like can you IMAGINE. but even certain details about his nature aside, i think he's just plain too malevolent for the GGs, though.
(now, a certain spoiler character, on the other hand. i honestly don't think he'd try to join the GGs. but i think he theoretically COULD'VE and if he did i think it would have been MUCH better for him than what he actually did.)
and thats everybody with skates i know iran out of characters already. Sorry 👍
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pinkplatiploo · 2 years
So umm. I’m kinda confused as to how the golden guards were supposed to work? Mostly how Belos was able to get away with doing what he was doing with them.
1) How many were there? Like there was a reasonable amount given he’s presumably been at this for about 400 years in Hollow Mind. Like there’d be enough that they’d live to be fully grown adult most likely, but then in Kings Tide there’s A LOT more. So I’m wondering, how many guards did he go through in his 50 years of power? Because this leads to the next question…
2) Did anyone wonder or question when a golden guard was switched out? Like did no one find it sus when a presumably whole adult guard (given he was Darius’s mentor) disappeared and a kid took his place? Darius couldn’t have been the only one weirded out by this right (assuming he didn’t ever find out the truth or exact truth of what happened cause we don’t really know at this point). If he went through a bunch of guards like candy wouldn’t that automatically make him suspicious? Like. Imagine that you work in the emperor’s coven then and then you see that an important, established leader just die mysteriously then gets replaced by a child. Potentially multiple times. (I mean I get that if you questioned things you risk being imprisoned or killed but you know. Just seems weird). Speaking of replacing an adult with a child…
3) Why did Belos feel the need to make a whole new person each time (like a child) instead of just cloning to make it the same person from their exact state (assuming hunter was made the exact same as the other ones in this way).
4) For each guard created, is there a ~20 year gap where there is no golden guard? Hunter said he’s the youngest to become guard and he’s 16. So that means the other guards had to be even older than that? Did he just start making another guard in case so that there would be less of a time gap between guards? If that was the case why was there no back up made for Hunter? The replacement is not even made yet based off of the convo Belos and the Collector had based on making a new grimwalker.
5) What age is a grimwalker made into? Can you even control that? This kinda ties back to number 4, but assuming Belos wants to limit the amount of time between each guard, does he make them not be babies? If that’s the case, why has Hunter not question that he doesn’t have any childhood memories? I guess if that’s true Belos might just photoshop memory photos and put them in a grimwalker’s brain? Idk.
6) Do people just think that Belos’s sibling just vibes in private on the Boiling Iles. Like does no one question who his nephew came from? Like the emperor is a very public figure and so is the guard. I know Belos only recently showed his face in public but wouldn’t there be a general fascination with the royal family?
*edit for #6
-I accidentally put 4 again instead of 6 Oopsies so I changed that
- I also realized that people probably think hunters parents are dead from wild magic/witches so. That’s probably why there isn’t much speculation there but I still find it odd there isn’t SOME sort of interest there among people
Uh yeah these are the questions I have rn 😅
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deans-baby-momma · 2 years
The Story of Us-Chapter 17
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A/N: This is a rewrite of a story my good friend @spnbaby-67 allowed me to take and rewrite. All mistakes are mine. This is canon divergent, meaning some things that happened in the show will still happen here but with my own twist to it.
Summary: She and Dean met when they were kids. Even at such a young age, she knew that he was her soulmate. Being the daughter of a hunter, Michaela (Micki) Singer knew the life he led came with a price, but she was up to the challenge.
Pairings: Dean Winchester/reader, Sam Winchester/friend!reader, John Winchester, Mary Winchester (mentioned only), Bobby Singer
Warnings: Flashbacks are in italics, fluffy stuff, angst stuff, character death, kidnapping, depression, semi-dark themes
Present Day (2008)
"You did what?!"
"Listen, I'm not proud of it, okay? Believe me, if I could take it back I would," Sam defends. "I can't unsee it though. As much as I want," he ends in a whisper.
"But, you saw," Dean says as he gestures a circle in front of his groin. "Her….her….her vagina!"
"I told you I didn't mean to. It just, my eyes seemed to have a mind of their own ."
"Does she know?" Dean inquires.
Sam shakes his head. "No. She was captivated by Maren. And I never said a word. Until now."
Silence fills the room then Dean smiles and looks at his brother with arrogance. "It's a nice one, ain't it?" 
"DUDE!" Sam exclaims in horror then shrugs. "Couldn't really tell. It was kinda messy."
"I'm too old for this," Bobby mutters putting his head in his hands.
"Anyway, aren't you supposed to be getting Maren a bottle?" Sam asks and Dean jumps into action, going into the kitchen to make up a bottle.
On his way back through, Dean pointed a finger at Sam and then Bobby and states, "This stays between us, you hear me? Micki doesn't need to know what happened."
Both men nod in agreement and Dean heads back to his girls.
"Baby?" Dean says to Micki as she feeds their daughter. "I didn't know-" he pauses to swallow the emotion welling up in his chest. "I didn't know Maren was so early. Did she have to stay in the hospital? Did you?"
Micki looks from the baby to Dean. "How d-?"
"Sam and your dad told me," he cuts her off answering. "I thought something had gotten ahold of you but they explained that you had worn yourself down with grief. Baby, if I could've stayed, I-"
It was Micki's turn to interrupt. "Dean, as pissed as I was at you when you made that fucking deal, I understood. You had to save Sam. And I never blamed you for dying. Even when we found out I was pregnant when you only had a few months to live. But, damn! It was torture, you not being here. 
"Knowing you were missing all the milestones of my pregnancy, her impending birth, her first word,  first steps. I mourned all the things you were gonna miss. And then, when she arrived. Oh god! As happy as I was at seeing her perfect little face, my heart was breaking because you weren't there."
Tears build up in Dean's eyes but he doesn't wipe them away. Instead he just listens as Micki continues.
"I vowed in that hospital room to be the best mother and father to our little girl I could be. And I was. Sure, Sam was here and helped when I just couldn't but I did my damnedest."
"And almost killed yourself doing it," Dean states as the tears escape and roll down his cheeks. 
"I had no choice," Micki tells him. "Then when the Impala showed up and Sam forced my inside to protect Maren, it just hit. What if e'd made a mistake?  What if something had found you and was using your meatsuit to exact revenge? So as I was standing there, I just let go. I let the exhaustion take over."
"You are the strongest woman I've ever known, Michaela Quinn Singer!" Dean says as he leans over to kiss her lips. "And soon I hope you'll become a Winchester."
Micki smiles against his lips. That is all she'd dreamed of since she was 13 years old.
"Barney, baby."
Micki chuckles and says, "Do you remember when we started that?"
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Summer 1997
Dean and Micki had once again snuck off to their spot in the junkyard to make out and fool around while Bobby and John were in the den, studying up for some job and Sam was enthralled in some stupid kid's show with a giant purple dinosaur. 
Dean had once again fingered Micki to orgasm, twice, having paid extra attention to her breasts. Now he was spread out on the back seat of the old car with his pants down around his ankles as Micki bobbed her head in his lap, sucking and licking his shaft and tip.
Her long golden brown hair was pulled up into his fist, keeping it out of the way. "Fuck Mick! Just like that. God, that feels good. Unh, don't stop."
Micki cups his balls in her free hand and squeezing gently, knowing from prior experience that Dean enjoyed that. 
"Shit! Baby, I'm gonna cum."
Micki pulls off his dick long enough to look up at him and smile. "Then cum."
Dean groans as she resumes her task and in no time he is spurting and shooting a load into her warm, wet mouth.
"Damn! That was good."
"Yes baby. You are getting really good at sucking my dick."
Micki smiles up at him and then they get redressed to head back to the house before they are missed.
Walking in, they see that everyone is in the same place they were before. The tv is still on and Sammy is watching intently.
"I love you Barney."  "I love you too Julie."
Music begins and the big, plush, fake dinosaur starts singing.  
"I love you. You love me. We're a happy family."
"Sam, aren't you too old to be watching baby shit. Turn it off," Dean mocks toward Sam.
"Shut up," Sam responds at the same time Micki slaps his shoulder. "Leave him alone."
Later that evening,  Dean and Micki sit outside on the porch swing, holding hands.
"We're like that stupid dinosaur."
"Barney? How?"
"Well, I like you and you like me right?"
"Yea," Micki answers, perplexed.
"Listen, I'm not good with this," Dean  says and Micki can see the tip of his ears turn pink. "I Barney you okay?"
Micki realizes the enormity of what Dean just admitted. She smiles and lays her head on his shoulder. "I Barney you too, Dean."
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​ @spnbaby-67​ @tftumblin​ @sea040561​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ @larajadeschmidt13​ @atc74​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @squirrelnotsam​  @sandlee44​ @blacktithe7​ @hoboal87​ @mogaruke​ @deanwanddamons​ @supraveng​ @deandreamernp​ @akshi8278​ @lyarr24​ @maggiegirl17​ @chriszgirl92​
"God we were so cheesy," Micki laughs as she sits up to place Maren on her shoulder to burp.  "But I love it. It's just so us!"
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davekat-sucks · 2 years
Wish we had more lore troll wise
Like we don't even know the roles most of the blood castes played
Like Fuchsia is royalty and jade is grub-raising and stuff
But what about those of the olive caste? Or the cerulean?
With some castes we can kinda infer what there roles might be like gold bloods are probably usually technical psiionics stuff and usually fill those roles and violet bloods are probably in charge of a Royal Navy (if there is one) but what about the other castes???
I suppose olive bloods could be like hunters and assassins or frontline soldiers and stuff
Idk it's just hard for me sometimes to figure out what roles they would play
Golds would also be subjected to being the battery life, or at least the one with the most powerful psiionic gets to be this, as we see with the Ancestors. Hiveswap has shown and tries to expand a bit on the caste and their roles for future trolls. Like how purplebloods after reaching a certain older age, will train to become true soldiers or ceruleans are said to be the spy or info gatherers. But someone like Mallek is more into computer coding and hacking and said it is something his kind is not suppose to really be doing that kind of thing. Though as you can see in contradiction, how is hacking not part of being a spy or info gatherer? You could argue that Mallek is already part of the good trolls and future narrative will have him push to being part of the rebellion. But it's odd how can he not have this sort of hobby when it fits for the role his system makes. They are trying a bit hard that even certain parts of the highblood have it bad despite their high privilege. But some bit of consistency would at least be nice. And that is if you take Hiveswap as a continuation or part of Homestuck world. I really would love to see more. Other fantrolls out there are trying, but most fall into headcanons of LGBT, when they should remember terms like homosexual or lesbian, don't exist on Alternia. Not only that, most of the fan trolls in this modern fandom are all too nice. The point of Alternia is that all the trolls are fucked up people in a fucked up society and it is the norm for them. A gold digger rustblood girl or violetblood experimenting on dead corpses are examples of the kinds of trolls that would be living there.
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vaugarde · 1 year
Sending another warrior bc of warriors brainrot but how about breezepelt?
sorry this is so late xmx i had this open in a tab and forgot about it
sexuality headcanon: hmmm idk tbh. i'll go with bi ace but he doesnt know it yet
gender/pronouns headcanon: nonbinary but also doesnt know it so goes by he/him for now but will eventually be comfortable w he/she/they
rate them out of ten: it has been a hot minute. i'm gonna go with like a 6 or 7 because the discourse about him is exhausting but also fans are not normal abt him so i kinda feel inclined to like him out of spite.
favorite thing about them: can't tell if this should technically be a bad thing because the erins absolutely wrote him the way they did to be like "oh look how much WORSE crowfeathers life is. dont you wish he was present in the three's lives and still with leafpool?? they arent as annoying as him!" but i do like that he's an unconventional abuse victim. like in fiction, authors like to portray abuse victims as only quiet and meek. which like, those people exist in real life so that's not an issue, per say, but people are VERY quick to suddenly say that a child deserves to be abused if that kid lashes out instead. so, personally i like breezepelt for defying that, but at the same time it wasn't meant to be subversive so like, fuck you erin hunter im stealing him
least favorite thing about them: uhhh kinda the above, its like a double edged sword.
why i first started liking/disliking them: it was half the scene where they say that no one in windclan likes him because. uh oh thats me. and half spite
do i relate/project onto/kin them?: sort of. i kind of understand the sheer rage he feels because of how he's treated in windclan even if its not seen as a "big deal", tho not to a murderous degree obviously. i also understand being seen as the obnoxious kid that no one likes and everyone thinks hes a baby that complains, and people saying that they're glad that he's gone because they think he's exhausting. like. uh oh family and school memories flooding back. dont relate to the dad issues tho
favorite quote/moment: not much comes to mind, hes just kind of a sad character so it feels weird to pick one. ig the scene where brokenstar manipulates him bc its a good representation of how fucked up he's become
my fav ship: idk tbh. ive seen breezeblossom get thrown around but i dont really like blossomfall that much tbh. which one of his ships gets the most vitriol (without age gaps or incest)? bc i wanna do that one to be funny
my fav platonic friendship idk how i feel abt breezeheather but i do at least like em as friends. im fine either way w them tho
a ship i hate: not much comes to mind
do i prefer canon or fanon?: well fanon is kinda weird so ig canon idk. i like the version of him in my head ig?
random headcanon:
what color do i picture them as: orange is what i associate, otherwise he's pitch black
cat breed headcanon: oriental cat
unpopular opinion: honestly i don't know why people take him trying to kill poppyfrost as like an end all thing to saying hes a bad character and not someone you should "side with" over crowfeather. like, i do know why but like this is the murder cat book. most of them kill. the book acts like its both scary and epic. like why are you mocking shadowclan and calling them stupid for mourning russetfur's death at lionblaze's hand after thunderclan invaded them and also clutching your pearls over this? when is it ok to kill in this society? and its also an outlandish action not grounded in reality, while crow's neglect hits closer to home. also breeze is a villain at that point lol hes supposed to do fucked up shit while crow's neglect is painted as misunderstood and uwu sad for him at the end of the day. so yeah i do think its fucked that he did that, but at the same time yeah im not gonna "side with crowfeather" and say he deserved the neglect over it. wtf
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eldragon-x · 2 years
If it wouldn't be revealed, what would your version of the story would be? Darius's past and his relationship with his old mentor I mean. What would your story be about them? :3
To be honest, I just have a few loose ideas right now because I don't want to get too attached to anything in case it gets contradicted in canon. I'll be more eager to fill in the blanks once the story's done.
But right now I picture that Darius has been training under the previous Golden Guard since he was an older teen or young adult with the Guard being significantly older than him, possibly even being the oldest Grimwalker at that point (like in his 30's or 40's). Seeing how attached Darius was to him, I kinda like the idea that GG was like an older brother or father-figure to him (leaning towards father-figure because of the age difference I picture, plus I've seen people say that prev GG and Hunter being older brother-figures is something inherent from Caleb which... I don't like). While we know nothing about Darius' actual family, I believe he had a good home life, his mentor was just another supporting adult figure in his life.
I like to think Darius was considered a prodigy in Abomination magic, catching the attention of the Emperor's Coven as a potential future scout or Coven Head. And once Darius expressed that he has no interest in joining the Emperor's Coven rather than the Abomination Coven, all that led to prev GG being assigned to mentor Darius and encourage his talent. This is also where I imagine his rivalry with Alador started, considering they're both powerful Abomination witches in the current time.
The previous Golden Guard defenetly questioned Belos for some time before his death and influenced Darius' views on the Coven System and Belos himself. I don't think Darius knows for sure that Belos killed prev GG, but I believe he's had heavy suspicions. His mentor, Belos' supposed bother, who made Darius aware of the flaws in Belos' rule suddenly dies while Belos just brushes it under the rug and Darius never really gets the details about his death? Yeah no. On that note, I think the circumstances didn't allow Darius any real closure for the death of his mentor which still affects him now.
After that point, I imagine Darius went a similar route Raine did: Carefully climb the ranks and become one of Belos' closest allies to take him down from the inside. Nothing seems to imply that Eberwolf went to Hexside or knew any of the other characters from there, so I like to think Darius got to know Eber while they were both working their way up and became friends after knowing they were both on the same page about Belos being a corrupt ruler.
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lollytea · 2 years
I watched Eclipse Lake (again) yesterday and this time I chose to focus on Flapjack. This makes the episode a lot funnier because it becomes the story of one tired, exasperated yet endlessly optimistic little bird who is determined to help his kid make a friend.
The kid in question being Hunter is where the tired and exasperated part comes in because wow he does not make this easy, does he? There's also the fact that Hunter does not seem to understand that he is now Flapjack's kid, nor does he realize that the bird is already making the effort to improve his mental health and guide him in the right direction. This makes the process of guidance difficult because Hunter is simply perplexed and annoyed by everything the bird does and is unwilling to cooperate. But it's okay! Flapjack has a lot of patience! ^^
"Well, we can't afford to mess this up. Luz is counting on me."
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When Hunter and Flapjack first set sights on Amity Blight, everything Flapjack needs to pass judgement is evident in the first words they hear her say. She too is under pressure to succeed and that drive is linked to someone who she's desperate to please. If there's anyone Hunter can find common ground with it, it's her.
OR maybe Flapjack tuned her out completely and just saw a girl who was roughly his boy's age and said "Yep. She'll suffice."
Or maybe it was a mix of both.
Either way Flapjack's mind was made up.
"Look!! Potential friend for Hunter!! Let's go say hi!! Remember to introduce yourself!! Be nice!!"
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We can talk about how Flapjack's method of getting Hunter to mix with other kids is yanking him by the hair so hard he falls off a ledge and eats shit, but it's not relevant. But it is SO funny. Gotta get the kid from point A to point B somehow.
Hunter is taken captive and is pushed through the cave at staffpoint by the girl and the two interact in a less than friendly manner. At first it seems like Flapjack has made himself scarce.
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But then they walk past and he peeks out from behind some machinery and follows them. At a distance. He doesn't try bothering Hunter again. He doesn't intervene. He simply observes. Kinda like a parent whose watching their toddler interact with other toddlers at the playground for the first time. In this case his toddler has been kidnapped and bound and the other toddler is pointing a deadly weapon at him. In Flapjack's opinion, this is going very well!
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This moment must have been the point where Flapjack is like "Well he has realized their similarity. Yay! But at what cost...?" Because now his goddamn kid is inflicting terrible relationship advice on the other goddamn kid and projecting his inferiority complex on her and really, what the fuck is Flapjack even supposed to do here?
But he quite likes this girl, threatening his kid at staffpoint aside, so he's still holding on to hope that they can salvage a friendship here.
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lastoneout · 2 years
Tell us Ophelia and Eugene’s backstories plz
I would if I knew them haha jk, or well, not cuz so for I haven't really had anything super concrete for either of them? But I've been working on that more these last few days and am slowly starting to get an idea in my head of what's going on with them. I don't mind sharing, but it's def pretty vague and subject to change as I figure the story out more lol
I have more for Eugene than for Ophelia at the moment just cuz I need to figure out how my version of hell works to you know, explain his whole deal and justify him being dragged back, as that's one of the most major plot points lmao but for him it's basically that not all demons are fallen angels, and instead new ones can be made/manifested?? by the most powerful old fallen angel demons so they can essentially have minions to do their bidding, and that's where he came from. He's supposed to be on earth tempting people to sin so his...I guess ancient demon mom?? can continue to be powerful or grow in power or something idk she wants those sweet sweet human souls.
He'd always been a bit milder and nicer than the average demon tho, but still at first he was totally down cuz the other demons he was around were like "yeah humans suck it's so easy to get them to be evil and earth blows we've totally gotta go up there and cause problems" but when he did get there he was like "wait...no this place kinda rules actually? there's weather and the sun and food and people are actually pretty good when you give them the chance to be?? uh yeah...I don't think I can keep being evil, I'm gonna stop and go rogue" but it's less like a full rebellion and more like he's kinda just hiding as best he can just skirting by and praying his demon mom doesn't notice. He got trapped in the building Ophelia works at sometime around 1900 by a demon hunter who wasn't particularly interested in finding out if he was good or bad, and didn't awaken until Ophelia accidentally found and unsealed him.
As for Ophelia, for now I'm not entirely sure why she's so jaded and cynical and depressed, but I know she doesn't have many friends and basically has no contact with her family/parents(idk if I wanna do the dead mom/dad thing or if she's just on really bad terms with them) but yeah she's pretty Alone for the most part and has been for a while. She does like her job at the concert venue, but aside from that she's pretty withdrawn and apathetic. Eugene ends up being the first demon? person in ages that she ends up really connecting with even if his brand of optimism and general zest for life gets on her nerves at first.
Anyway, that's basically it for rn, but now that I have a barebones backstory slapped together for Eugene Ophelia is next, hopefully it won't be too hard to figure out lmao
Thanks for asking!
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freya-fallen · 2 years
The Unfortunately Voluntary Tribulations of Camie Utsushimi
(I dunno what to actually title this. It's past midnight, so...)
The start of a fic I've been writing even though I have too many WIPS... this is/was intended to be a crackfic wherein Camie is a tribute in the Hunger Games. No quirks. Not following either stuff from MHA, nor the Hunger Games 100 percent (some ages of characters might be different, the way things happen HG wise might be different, so on and so forth).
Camie Utsushimi had fucked herself, well-and-truly fucked herself. All her fault, of course (well, kinda, but also not really), but she wouldn’t have changed it even if she could go back and do so.
It all started the day of the annual reaping. No one in her district enjoyed the reaping (did anyone anywhere), not least of which because they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the kids whose names were picked were dead. It was inevitable, given that District 15 had never had a victor in the 98 year-long-tradition. She supposed it was due to a few factors, not least of which was the ravages of a epidemic that had swept through some six years ago.
Many adults had died, especially the old and infirm; but more children had been impacted. It seemed to particularly hit those who hadn’t reached their teens. 
At one point her school year consisted of herself, Shindou You, and Inasa Yoarashi. She hadn’t gotten virus at all, while it had just grazed Shindou’s little family (thankfully, his two younger brothers were alright; their father passed, but their mom endured). They’d become besties, despite everyone always accusing Camie of being an irredeemable flirt and airheaded, Inasa of being a hothead, and Shindou of being… well, Shindou. A full month saw them learning more about one another than they did about anything that was actually a school subject, though they learned plenty there, too.
In truth, all three were smart. It was just that people treated Camie like she was stupid to such a degree that she sometimes believed it herself. And everyone was intimidated by Inasa. It was only Shindou who saw the potential in the two and decided to convince their teacher that they were the best minds the district had to offer.
In the end, that was one of the most fruitful academic periods of her life.
And then larger-than-life Inasa fell ill. Within a week, his usually powerful body was honed down to sweating, pale flesh that clung to his frame. His aggressively optimistic personality remained, and she’d tried to believe that would be enough…
Like all good friends, he was concerned about the two of them, so he had Shindou and Camie promise to be there for one another.
That was why Camie had nine entries for the reaping instead of the eight she should have, given this was her eighth (and penultimate) year eligible. One extra in exchange for rations was all she could convince Shindou to accept from her, which was unfair. He was a brilliant hunter, and he provided her and her dad with meat most days. She swore it was the only reason her boobs were able to get so big.
He had twelve, and he’d started taking his brother Kaito out hunting with him. Little Renji didn’t like hunting, so he and Camie generally foraged or worked on lessons. 
She thought it might be nice to be a teacher someday; she genuinely loved kids. They also loved her, even Kaito, who was twelve and at his second ever reaping. Camie suspected he only returned her hugs for the press of her boobs against him, but he’d never tried to cop a squeeze, so she overlooked it. Besides, he was pretty much her own little brother since she’d been there half his life.
At least she didn’t have to worry about Renji for several more years; the boys’ reaping was nearly as panic inducing as her own!
It was always tough, standing in the crowd of girls who had slowly become younger than she was (even though most were already taller, little brats), and wondering where the sacrificial lamb would get pulled from this time. In recent years, they’d all been older teens, small mercy there. With the preteens having one or two entries each, it was far more likely someone her age would get chosen.
Especially because her district was poor, nigh-on starving at times, so many oldest children took tesserae. She’d heard a rumor that someone this year had maxed out all 99 entried, but hoped it wasn’t true. How hadn’t she noticed a family that desperate?
When the name called out wasn’t her own, Camie thought she could breathe easy. There was the little ripple (of mostly hushed relief) through the crowd, then the unlucky girl would be walking toward the stage.
Only Camie couldn’t see her for the longest time. She’d started to wonder if the kid had fainted.
Instead, upon stepping up the second stair, a head of hair with braided pigtails came into sight. The little thing was shaking like a leaf, and she wanted to scream out a refusal to believe the kid was eleven. She was tiny.
Camie glanced around, but saw no recognition, nor mortification on the faces around her, though there was one woman in the crowd who was sobbing while she white-knuckled a pale-faced man’s shirt.
“Um, excuse me!” Camie tried to think before she acted; she really, really did, but sometimes her heart seemed to know what needed doing even faster than her mind, and it was quicker to get a move on, too. So here she was, waving her hand and standing on tiptoes to get the attention of the woman with lashes like white moth wings around her eyes. “Hello! Hi, hi. Um, sweetiepie, do you have a big sister?”
The little girl shook her head, pigtails swinging adorably against her shoulders.
Camie sighed and squeezed the bridge of her nose, then glanced around to return the looks of everyone who was staring back at her. She’d thought so, but having it confirmed was unfortunate. It really left her no choice. “Okay. That’s— that’s fine. Guess I volunteer, then,” she said with a nervous little giggle at the end.
The pale woman, Lady Alba, who was always decked out like a white rabbit in winter, blinked slowly. “That’s not really how—”
“Go ahead and sit down, honey, big sis Camie’s got you.” She pushed through to the peacekeepers and gestured for them to move. After exchanging a glance, they did. 
The little girl practically flew down to her, grabbing her in a quick hug before running straight to her parents; no one stopped her as Camie climbed the steps.
“Well,” Alba said. “Well. It seems we have our female victor. And what’s your name, dear?"
“Camie Utsushiri,” she proclaimed with a wink, blowing a kiss out at the crowd. It was standard Camie when she was nervous; Shindou always said it sent the wrong message, but whatever.
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