#i should be arting but i answering this instead whoops haha
chilei-the-hotsauce · 2 months
ALL the artist ask game questions. ALL OF THEM-
omg yes hold up
1. uuh krita, fire alpaca (i used to use fire alpaca but not after getting csp)
2. left? i think? i can draw all directions (-ish) (it wont be good but i can)
3. none?? idk bro i have bad memory (or maybe i suppress them idk)
4. anything from canon media. like i love you boo but why. also clothes and poses
5. i post very little of my art actually lmao whoops. very busy lately but might start posting art again if i remember
6. my hyperfixation at the time. or well, me. also art tutorials i see on pinterest, though that's a bit more conscious i think
8. there's so many that i cant even remember jesus christ-
9. everything is keysmashes. i do not name my layers. i am satan
10. mm i actually like drawing shirts i think?
11. music. fun fact i listened to paranoia on loop for over a week. thats what brain rot does to a man
12. uuuh hhand
13. i really dont know. every thing is my thing. every creator is admirable in their own way. love everyone. commit crime
14. death? eldritch horrors? blood? rot and corruption? yeag the good shit
15. my room. at school also because im studying animation and game design
16. making. sprite sheets. for 2d game.
17. i usually have a tea nearby but i always forget it. i kinda drink it halfway when it's still warm, then forget about it and then when i go back for it it's cold so i just chug it all and go get a new one
18. uuh i'd say like? 10? im very gentle and loving with my stuff uwu
19. no. i do not. ok but maybe like. cloth idk.
20. hands. idk bro i drew them so much at one point out of spite i just kinda got good at it and now i just wing it and it looks good and doesnt require much thought. and if it requires thought it's in a funky position but then i just wrangle my own hands a little, inspect it, and then continue to draw
21. lineless, painting-esque, thick lines, realistic, sketchy... yeah good shit
22. nah man i just go straight for the laptop
23. uuh sometimes
24. im satan i dont use references often. but when i do? yeah i think
25. i havent been told so idk
26. i. dont really intend anything on purpose? so when someone interprets something wild i just kinda go "yeaah sure! idk either!"
27. Dno. straight for the art. might doodle thine truly if im not in a hurry
28. nah, but i'd like to! i've made art for two 2D games in the past year and now there's a 3D one in the making. im charged with making the 3D model for our main villain thing and boy is it pain
29. bold of you to assume anything doesnt inspire me artistically (he doesnt know)
30. thats a great question i have no idea 👍
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mo0n-water · 1 year
i agree, maths is useless if you don’t want to be in that field and i certainly don’t so i’ve always hated it. also i love the fact that you actually respond with good long answers, it makes my day every time :))
quite simple questions today because i’m feeling lazy:
- what is something you’ve never told anyone before?
- where do you like to go when you’re feeling overwhelmed?
- what time do you wake up/go to sleep? are you a morning or night person?
- do you have a favourite fic/fic writer/fan artist? i want to branch out more. any ships are good (but no snape or anything crazy lmao)
- what can i call you?? i want to give you a nickname but i think you should suggest it ;)
also, who do you think i am?? i’m very intrigued, i think you should guess ;)
i hope your day is brilliant and you also make my brain go brrr, i love it (and you)
this is going in direction i did not expect
no such thing as a simple question if you ask me, only simple answers! or maybe you really do just ask good questions lol
it’s hard to think of something that i’ve never told anyone before. i’m a chatty person & i talk to a lot of people, so i feel like i just end up telling people different things about me? i don’t know how to explain that. one thought that’s been in my head lately that i’ve been too embarrassed to share with anyone is that i think i’d like to put my music on spotify. feels like a lofty dream, but well… we are planning to record it, & people like it at shows, so who knows.
when i’m overwhelmed, i tend to seek out people rather than places. usually one of my best friends. if not, though, i like to go on walks. walking is a safe haven to me. sometimes i hike down to my favorite spring or cliffside, sometimes just to a church i live near. if it’s night i’ll sit in the empty bathtub though haha rather classic
my sleep schedule is incredibly inconsistent. last night i went to bed at around 6 am & then woke up at 3:30 pm. but there are some days where instead i wake up at 6 am lol. i’m the queen of all-nighters honestly, & sometimes i feel like I work better when i haven’t slept. i get the most done between 2 & 9 am. i don’t know if that makes me a night owl or an early bird - i literally just don’t sleep!
oooh, i love this question. idk what ships you’re into, but i’ll tell you some of my faves.
some medium sized fics & wips i’m following: i like starvin darlin, which is a rosekiller roadtrip au in which evan has cancer & barty is a cannibal. then i really like stay in your lane, which is a jegulus olympics au that has every background pairing you could dream of. & i also must recommend a violent kind of spin which is jegulus enemies to lovers during the war. whatever she wants is an AMAZING pandalily coffee shop au.
for longfics my favorite is black mass, as well as probably pink lemonade. i read a lot of longfic but if i had to narrow it down to two, it would be those. black mass is a wolfstar road trip au, & it’s pretty dark but i really love the way the characters are written. lots of classic music. pink lemonade is a jegulus band au (background rosekiller, established wolfstar & dorlene iirc) where the marauders are a band in emergency need of a concert photographer… regulus just so happens to BE a photographer. gasp.
& in the realm of one shots, i really like heaven has a curb perfect for smoking on which is a canon-compliant wolfstar fic where remus & sirius have a angsty chat in the afterlife. also!! slow endings where harry is cleaning out grimmauld place & finds a strange photo of james & a man who looks an awful lot like sirius. that one’s jegulus obviously.
you should also read my jegulus band au… definitely not biased in that recommendation, no way. click here for that one.
as far as fan artists go, i have a lot? you should check my art tag. i tag pretty meticulously haha. but my absolute favorite is theinvisiblemuseum for the genius rarepair content & beautifully dark ideas.
whoops sorry that was a LOT but i hope you find something you like within all that xx
as for what you should call me - my name is whatever you decide, as the taylor song goes. up to you; what do you think of when you think of me? (i’d love to have something to call you as well, though - i’ve gone with question anon in my head & when sharing theories with my bestie lol.)
& speaking of theories, i’ve gone through so many! i feel like you’ve got to be someone i know, but i feel like i’ve pretty much ruled out everyone i know? you don’t talk like any of my irls, or rhea, so i have ruled those three out. my only guess that i think would make sense is @saturninebutalive, but i genuinely have no clue. (sorry for the tag betty, hope you’re having a nice day <3)
anyway, have a lovely rest of your monday, question anon! let me know what you think of the fics if you read them. it’s so nice to hear from you
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clairenatural · 3 years
Shy Nerd | Dean
Punk | Castiel
[ the world needs more of this]
college au! this ran away from me and ended up 2.2k whoops :’) i hope you like it! (also note i have no idea how motors work i am not an engineer)
There’s an open textbook on his bed, but Dean is ignoring it; instead, he’s scrolling aimlessly through Instagram. He doesn’t really understand Instagram, but Charlie had looked so shocked and dismayed when she found out he didn’t have one that he’d given in. He doesn’t post much—doesn’t have much to post, really, besides his car and LARPing with Charlie—but it sure is a good distraction from his physics work. He sighs and flops down on his back as he taps through stories. It’s a Friday night, so there’s all the usual parties, and clubbing videos, and group dinner shots. He frowns as he taps through Charlie’s story of a few of their friends playing D&D—he’d be there, too, if it weren’t for his exam. His physics final, on Monday, that he should be studying for. Instead of being on Instagram.
Dean is about to close the app and begrudgingly turn his attention back to his notes when he clicks onto one last story.
HELP NEEDED ASAP, it says, white against a black background, in all caps. Someone who is good at engineering. Or building. Or even just welding things. I’ll pay you, it continues, and then in pizza and beer. Please, in smaller font, directly below.
Dean pauses. He likes beer. And pizza. And building things. He could help out this—who posted this, anyway? It’s a name he doesn’t recognize. casanova.k. He taps on the profile picture. His eyes go wide.
That guy. That guy from the hipster art party Charlie had dragged him to earlier in the semester, when she was still dating that art girl, and he’d ended up in a dark room thick with smoke, blurry with alcohol, talking to a guy about three levels of cool higher than him about…something he can’t remember. He just remembers hastily exchanging Instagrams as Charlie dragged him out of the party, ranting about her soon-to-be-ex.
And now he needs help.
Dean looks at his textbook. He looks back at the guy’s—Cas?—Instagram. He takes a deep breath and pulls up a message.
i like beer, pizza, and welding things
It’s smoother than usual, and Dean is proud of himself for about 2 seconds before he panics and ruins it: i’m an engineer, i mean. not just a rando with a thing for power tools, haha.
There’s an achingly long pause before Cas likes both messages.
This is how Dean Winchester ends up standing in the University’s metalwork studio, with 24 hours left until his final exam, staring at a multi-eyed, multi-winged, metal…thing.
It’s due next week, Cas had said. I know it’s last minute. The only studio space I could get was Sunday.
And Dean had said yes, like a fool, because he can never say no to boys in eyeliner with pretty eyes.
Now, staring up at the sculpture, Dean lets out a low whistle. Cas, next to him, groans and drags one hand down his face. “I know. It’s—this is why I need help, alright? I think I can still salvage it if I just—”
Dean, who has taken a few steps forward to admire the intricacies, looks up sharply. “What?”
Cas frowns back. “What?”
Dean shakes his head. “No, I mean—I’m not an art guy, but this metalwork is great, man.” He traces one of the welded seams. “You, uh. Obviously have good hands,” he continues, and then winces. Great compliment.
There’s a soft huff and Dean looks up to see Cas watching him, bemused. “My good hands,” he emphasizes it, and part of Dean wishes he could melt like solder. “Make me a good artist. They do not make me good at making things move.”
Dean blinks at him. “Excuse me?” Move?
Cas frowns again, but it’s more out of worry than confusion. His arms are crossed, and Dean tries very hard not to focus on the black ink swirling down his forearm. “I sent you the plans yesterday.” Now he’s chewing on his lip ring, too, and Dean rips his attention back to the steel structure to stop himself from focusing on that, either. He tries to think about these plans. He remembers getting the text, opening them……and immediately disregarding them in lieu of getting as much studying done as possible. Internally, he groans.
Externally, he nods, pretends to know exactly what these “plans” are. “Sure, yeah,” he covers, and hopes it’s convincing.
The metal…thing, because Dean still isn’t sure exactly what it is, has a cluster of wings in the middle—6, to be exact, and they’re poking up around 3 large rings. He reaches out for one of the rings, right between two of its welded eyes, and gives it an experimental push. It creaks, and sways, and Dean winces when he hears Cas suck in a breath behind him. “Sorry”, he mutters, but when he turns back around Cas is frowning at the art piece and not at him.
Dean is expecting to hear either it’s alright or, more likely, never touch my art again, but Cas just hums and steps up until he’s standing next to Dean. “What do you think this is?”
It’s the closest they’ve been since he arrived, and Dean takes a moment to observe the other student from this distance. He’s wearing black boots, black jeans. A t-shirt with a band on it that Dean has never heard of. His nails are black but the rings he’s wearing are silver, and so is the cross hanging around his neck. His hair looks like he either spent an hour on it or no time at all, and his eyes—like at that party, the one neither of them has mentioned yet—are rimmed in black. Dean, in his sneakers and second-hand jeans and faded Batman shirt, has never felt less cool.
“It’s an angel,” Cas continues, and Dean isn’t sure if he’s given up on waiting for a response or if he’d never expected one in the first place. “A biblical one. You know, the ‘be not afraid,’ kind.” He lowers his voice for the angel impression, which Dean didn’t think was possible. He doesn’t know what to do with the realization that it is.
“Don’t think this is what my mom meant when she used to say angels were watching over me,” Dean tries for a joke, and it’s half-hearted, but to his relief Cas chuckles anyway.
“Yes, well. The church preaches them as significantly more…cuddly.” Cas frowns. “It makes praying to them easier to sell.”
The cross around his neck is starting to get confusing.
“And these—these are gonna move,” Dean hazards a guess, reaching out to touch one of the rings again. “All of them?”
“They’re electrons,” Cas nods, which Dean supposes is an answer. “They should all circle the wings together, like the classic atom diagram. But I can’t—” Cas reaches out for the ring this time, hand landing directly above Dean’s. He pushes it, and it sways. Obviously frustrated, he pulls back. “I need it to be motorized, to look right. And I have the motor but don’t know how…to do it.”
And, well. That, Dean understands. He smiles and, in a burst of confidence, claps Cas on the shoulder. Cas looks up at him, startled, but his expression morphs into a soft smile at the look on Dean’s face.
“Let’s get her moving, then.”
He tries not to think about the time slipping away as Cas hauls out the motor, or when he hands Dean tools. He does not stare too long at Cas’ biceps when he’s screwing something in, or when they have to do last-minute welding. They get it hooked up, and it whirs to life, and Dean does not think about how late it is when Cas gives him a hug in his excitement, or when he promises to follow up on his beer and pizza promise at his apartment.
It’s there, back in Cas’ apartment, sitting on his living room floor, both a beer or two in, when Cas finally mentions it.
“You’re the one who gave me that idea, you know.”
Dean stops mid-chew and blinks at him. “Whg—” he swallows his bite of pizza and tries again. “What?”
Cas shrugs and doesn’t make eye contact. He picks at the beer label. “At the party we met at. The one we aren’t talking about, for some reason.”
Dean wants Cas’ ugly, blue, cigarette-smelling shag carpet to swallow him whole.
“You told me you don’t ‘get’ art,” he sets the beer bottle down to do air quotes, and Dean’s shame deepens. “Because you only ‘get’ science. And I told you they were the same thing. And you told me to prove it.”
Suddenly, it clicks, and Dean risks making eye contact. Cas catches his gaze and holds it steady, and he’s calm—not upset, Dean registers, which is a relief. “The atom,” he blurts out, and Cas grins. “Yeah.”
“Art and science.”
Dean is sitting up straighter now. “But, the angel—”
Cas sighs and pushes himself up from where he’d been leaning against the couch. He turns until he’s fully facing Dean. “Divinity,” he raises one hand, “and the core building blocks of humanity,” he raises the other. “Art,” he gestures with the first hand, “and science.” With the second.
Dean stares at him. “Are you calling art divine?”
“Art is an expression of divinity,” Cas shrugs. “Science is an explanation for it. But it’s—you know. The same thing.”
Dean wonders how he can say that so casually, so nonchalantly. He wonders what would happen if he crossed the pizza-box distance and kissed him.
“I’m sorry,” he blurts instead, and Cas raises his eyebrows. “The party, I didn’t think—I didn’t think you remembered.”
“I assumed you didn’t,” Cas counters. “But you did. You do. Why didn’t you text me?”
It’s exactly what he expected to hear and it still catches him off guard. “Um—” Dean stammers, trying to think of a good excuse. Cas is just watching him—not staring at, watching—brows furrowed.
With a heavy sigh, Dean settles on the truth. “Come on, man. Look at me,” he scoffs and stares down at his jeans, the already worn knees even worse after the day spent kneeling on concrete. “I’m an engineering dork who plays D&D on Fridays and you’re—” he waves vaguely in Cas’ direction. “You know.”
The frown has deepened. “I don’t.”
“Cool.” It sounds so juvenile to say it out loud.
Now, Cas looks taken aback. “Dean. We met at a party where I voluntarily listened to you talk about string theory for an hour and a half.”
Dean doesn’t know if that’s a compliment or not. He buries any possible blush with a swig of beer. “String theory’s cool,” he grumbles into the bottle.
“Yes.” Cas agrees. “And so are you. Although—” he pauses and tilts his head. “I could have sworn you were in physics, based on how much you talk—”
Dean is so caught up in Cas Novak calling him cool that it takes his brain a second to process the word “physics,” but when he does he nearly spits beer all over the ugly carpet. “Shit,” he swears, already starting to scramble up.
“What?” Cas is following him, frowning.
“Physics final. In—” he checks his watch, “—16 hours. I gotta—” he still has time to water down the beer, study, and get at least 7 hours of sleep before—
“…Why did you just spend all day helping me if you have a final tomorrow?” Dean pauses from where he’s trying to find his other shoe to glance back at Cas, who looks so genuinely baffled it shoots a warmness into Dean’s heart.
“You needed help,” Dean shrugs, finally locating the missing sneaker and pulling it on. “Good luck with the angel, though, okay? If it gives you any running issues, feel free to—”
He’s pulling on his jacket when he feels a touch on his arm and realizes that, sometime in the past 20 seconds, Cas has crossed the room to him. “Dean,”
Dean pauses, and Cas…looks nervous.
“I like D&D,” he offers, and Dean stares at him.
Cas levels his gaze. “There is nothing more punk than dragons,” he replies, incredibly seriously.
Dean’s brain short-circuits.
Maybe it’s the adrenaline from the exam panic, maybe it’s the 1.5 beers, maybe it’s Cas’ hand still warm on his arm, maybe he’s still caught up in Cas calling him cool and maybe his brain takes an extra second to load his self-consciousness on its reboot, but—he leans down and kisses him.
Cas makes a small noise but kisses him back almost immediately—but then he’s pulling back nearly as quickly, and he gently pushes Dean back by the shoulders when he tries to follow. Not far enough away to be a rejection, just…enough. “You have an exam in the morning,” he says this like an apology, and the warmth in Dean’s chest grows. “Text me after?”
Dean nods, then pauses, realizes what Cas just said, and nods again. “Yeah, I—yeah, I will.”
“There’s not enough alcohol here for you to pretend to forget this time,” he teases, but he’s smiling.
Dean flushes anyway. “I’m sorry.”
Cas shakes his head and pushes him a bit. “Apologize tomorrow. Go.”
“Okay.” Dean doesn’t move.
“Okay,” Cas replies.
“Okay,” Dean says, and leans down to kiss him again, a quick one, because he thinks maybe he can.
“Okay,” Cas repeats, but his tone is fond. “Go.”
“Okay,” Dean repeats back. But this time, he does.
The next day, after he aces his physics final, he doesn’t pretend to forget.
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ilikemesometaetaes · 3 years
Hi baby I hope you’re doing well and looking after yourself still- I saw you’re quite busy so please don’t feel pressured to overwork yourself to release any new updates you make with your work- we’ll always be happy to wait :) xx
But besides that - the little spoiler you released oh my - something about taejin just does something to me (you rarely ever see those two as an ensemble in writings anyway so that’s also something!) your writing is great as always and I’ll be looking forward to it! :)
And regarding your question about where I would like to go - I would honestly like to just travel the whole of Asia like I’m south Asian and I go back regularly but I want to see the whole culture and cuisines of east and south east Asia - but also the history - I’m a huge fan of museums and architecture so I want to see the existing history over there. I’ve been to a museum in Toronto and most of the bottom floor was full of Chinese history and that was so interesting to me and I would honestly love to spend the whole day if I could and actually read about each one (but my family were quickly getting bored :( ). I honestly wouldn’t even mind a museum date but not many people find them that interesting here (or maybe that’s just the people I surround myself with oh my). Do you like history/ museums?
Just as a side note - honestly the UK is honestly not as cute as the internet makes it out to be - likes its raining all the time and cold and the weather is so unpredictable even the weather app gets confused 😭 and London is also very very expensive but sometimes when I people watch (which has been a lot recently but I swear I don’t mean it in a creepy sense) a lot of tourists do find it beautiful so maybe it’s just seeing the same old thing which makes it less interesting to me? Idk? But you should definitely come if you can - it’s an experience if anything (if I haven’t sold it to you already haha) But 1D will continue to be the pride of England (and the Beatles and Adele)
BUT SOMETHING ELSE IS HOW BTS IN INTERVIEWS JUST SEEM SO MUCH HAPPIER IN UK INTERVIEWS THAN AMERICAN ONES - it’s so endearing and I honestly really like how the interviewers take time to research before hand - and namjoons English accent - the way I malfunction when that beautiful man opens his mouth omg
But something else as well (so sorry this is literally an essay - I hope you’re not too bored yet whoops) I really appreciate how thought out the answers to your asks are and how you write out quite a bit too - it’s not something you see a lot on this platform (although everyone is different!) so thank you for that :))
so as an ‘ask’ - what have you been up to lately- like picking up any new hobbies or watched any new shows - or have any recommendations on Netflix or Prime ? :)) xx
Omg anon I love museums! There’s this one museum in Virginia that I go to all the time. It’s an art museum and it delves into the art history of so many cultures- it even has an Egyptian sarcophagus! Museums are also an ideal date to me because it really bares your interpretation to not only you but your date. It reveals the kind of person you are and really helps establish that connection as well as bring out the differences so that you know what you’re working with. I absolutely love the concept.
And to address the thought-out responses, I really do love receiving asks. I love answering them. I love to have conversations with people like you, anon. Thank you for being so active in this convo! I like to make everyone feel like a friend of mine. You build the most genuine of relationships when you try to see through everyone else’s eyes instead of your own and that’s what I try to do so that I can ensure I’m being the best person I can be for the world.
As for the interviews, Americans are known to be quite rude at some points, but that’s just the clash of media culture. In my opinion, a lot of cultures have the bad side of the media. Just like it’s seen as taboo in Korea for someone to have tattoos and to smoke, it’s incredibly accepted in our entertainment industry. Just as some interviewers ask personal or rude questions, they aren’t accustomed to the cultures of others and don’t know that what they are asking is morally wrong. I know I’ve overstepped and asked questions that were rude without knowing it because I don’t know the person. As much as I dislike when those conducting the interviews become rude, I have to give them the benefit of the doubt because I don’t like contributing to the hate in this world. Their job is to get juicy information; they put food on their tables by being nosy. Like I said before- seeing through others’ eyes really gives me more peace with the ugliness of the world. It’s too mean as it is.
Sorry if that was bit heavy 😅
I’m actually watching It’s Okay to Not Be Okay on Netflix right now and it’s fantastic. I’m also watching Nevertheless weekly (I’ve posted about it before omg it’s a whole trip I swear it’s just like yes. But no. But yes. But no.)
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caws5749 · 5 years
This took SO LONG thanks @natthisback
1: Name Madison
2: Age 21
3: 3 fears spiders, not becoming a doctor, becoming like my parents
4: 3 things i love marvel movies, my blanket (whoops), and scrunchies
5: 4 turn ons compliment me, be chivalrous, (idk if this means sex turn on too or not but) moaning my n- ANYWHO uh and the last one definitely like showing you want me
6: 4 turn offs someone who only talks about themselves, being like wishy washy, being arrogant/cocky, complaining about the same things
7: my best friend that would be shea @cloversofshea
8: sexual orientation lesbian
9: my best first date okay SO this like isn’t a first date but it was my first like nicer dinner date so I’m gonna count it. It was just this past weekend actually and i just i loved it so much it was amazing
10: how tall am i 5’2
11: what do i miss honestly, feeling like i was good at things
12: what time were i born 11:14am
13: favorite color purple, although it’s slowly been turning to like a baby light pink
14: do i have a crush yes yes i do and i likes her a lot
15: favorite quote “Truth is a matter of circumstance. It’s not all things to all people all the time. And neither am I.”
16: favorite place Chicago or New York City
17: favorite food SALMON
18: do i use sarcasm yes, but i feel like i don’t use it as much as i used to
19: what am i listening to right now Christmas pop playlist on Spotify
20: first thing i notice in new person whether they only talk about themselves
21: shoe size 8 or 8.5
22: eye color blue
23: hair color right now, it’s a brown that goes to blond at my ends
24: favorite style of clothing so if this means like fav style to wear daily, definitely athleisure. If it means in general, i love love love preppy looks? But not super preppy.
25: ever done a prank call? Absolutely, many times
27: meaning behind my url i explain this in my about me page (linked in bio!)
28: favorite movie captain America winter soldier
29: favorite song i don’t really have favorite songs but rn it’s prob December night by Michael buble
30: favorite band i don’t really have fav bands
31: how i feel right now it’s really hot in here, so warm. I feel okay
32: someone i love i love lots of people but ill stick with @cloversofshea
33: my current relationship status I’ve answered this so many times literally just look at the ask game tag
34: my relationship with my parents um yikes
35: favorite holiday Halloween
36: tattoos and piercing i have i have 6 tattoos! “Breathe” on my right inner ankle, a heart on left shoulder, heart w equal sign in it behind right ear, basically an ecg on my left inner ankle, Aquarius symbol on right bicep, and caws 5749 on my left side. And my ears are pierced.
37: tattoos and piercing i want definitely the black widow symbol in the same place Scarlett got her og6 tattoo, an amino acid tattoo that spells out “wah” , definitely more little tattoos! And maybe more ear piercings idk
38: the reason i joined tumblr so, I’ve had a tumblr for many many years. I originally joined bc my best friends at the time had them, and i was like sure! Ive deleted that personal blog since, and started my new personal blog a few years ago. I also have a studyblr that i started i think back in high school, and i just started this blog back in the end of July!
39: do i and my last ex hate each other no, I’d say far from it bc i likes her a lot
40: do i ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts yes from her and i fucking love it, it used to be a bigger thing almost every day and i loved it
41: have i ever kissed the last person i texted lmao no and for those who were wondering it is @cloversofshea
42: when did i last hold hands LMAO WITH @michelinaamour WHEN I WAS STUMBLING HOME DRUNK IN HIGH HEELS
43: how long does it take me to get ready in the morning it depends, anywhere from ten minutes to an hour and a half
44: have you shaved your legs in the past three days no! I am super lucky and have really light colored hairs on my legs and so i dont’ have to shave very often. Also i just want to say that i personally love shaving my legs and it is my choice to do so.. girls, you do not need to shave!!
45: where am i right now so i started answering this in the research lab, but i am currently sitting at one of the dining places on campus finishing it
46: if i were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me LMAO DEFINITELY @michelinaamour because she’s done it ALREADY FOR ME MULTIPLE TIMES
47: do i like my music loud or at a reasonable level it depends, in car trips, definitely blast it. But just driving around or listening in doors, definitely reasonable level
48: do i live with my mom and dad nope i live with @michelinaamour
49: am i excited for anything yes, I’m excited for lots of things. I get excited easily
50: do i have someone of the opposite sex i can tell everything to no. I used to
51: how often do i wear a fake smile this is a really interesting question. I don’t consider smiles i give to random people like ordering food or something to be fake, so i would say fake smiles are when I’m not okay and trying to hide it. Which happens less often now bc I’m just much happier of a person
52: when was the last time i hugged someone I think it was @michelinaamour two days ago but i think i hugged @cloversofshea that day too so
53: what if the last person i kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me I’d be heartbroken tbh
54: is there anyone i trust even though i should not yes, certain adults in my life
55: what is something i disliked about today my hair won’t do what i want it to :(
56: if i could meet anyone on this earth who would it be probably Chris Evans or Scarlett Johansson
57: what do i think about the most tumblr and everything with that, or probably her or school stuff definitely
58: what’s my strangest talent i don’t think i have any lol
59: do i have any strange phobias yes definitely haha, I’m terrified of stepping on worms
60: do i prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it i think a few years ago i would have said behind, but honestly I think I’d love to be in front of the camera now
61: what was the last lie i told i actually don’t know. Maybe this past weekend as to like the fact that i was going out on a date instead of just going out with a friend
62: do i prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online I’d say talking on the phone bc then they cant’ see me lmao
63: do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes and yes
64: do i believe in magic? Yes, or at least, that’s what i tell myself
65: do i believe in luck yes
66: what’s the weather like right now snowy!
67: what was the last book I’ve ever read The Butchering Art, it’s about the history of surgery
68: do i like the smell of gasoline omg yes yes yes yes yes yes
69: do i have any nicknames yes, madz, madi, girl who lives by the kitchen, queen (a new one) and clown (also a new one) thanks @natthisback
70: what was the worst injury I’ve ever had back in freshman year of college, i did something stupid and my foot swelled up like hell and hurt so bad. There were no fractures detected but the swelling stayed for a really long time, as well as the bruising and pain, and it never returned to normal
71: do i spent my money or save it SPEND IT BABY
72: can i touch my nose w my tongue no I’m not that talented
73: is there anything pink in 10 ft from me. Hmm part of my backpack? And my rings are pinkish bc they are rose gold. Oh and my scrunchie is pink, as well as my iPad
74: favorite animal cat
75: what was i doing last night at 12am i was still at work In the emergency room!
76: what do i think satan’s last name is uh honestly Jim lmao (it’s demons Jim! @cloversofshea )
77: what’s a song that always makes me happy when i hear it so good by dove Cameron
78: how can you win my heart suggest we watch a marvel movie, and I’m prob straight up in love. There are other things too but they’re pretty general, like compliment me, show you want me ya know
79: what would i want to be written on my tombstone haha, as a joke, “so realy its very thing. Just to keep everyone guessing.” But idk something funny
80: what is my favorite word i have no idea, maybe like sophisticated or something like that or aesthetic , champagne is a good one too
81: my top 5 blogs on tumblr ooh! Okay so @markiplier @lesbian-deadpool @americasass-romanoff @lesbianmariahilll @shining-rey-of-sunshine but i love so so so so so many more, and i have a lot of top blogs
82: if the whole world were listening to me right now what would i say fuck trump also I’m gay as hell and I’m growing tired of hiding it from people
83: do i have any relatives in jail not that i know of
84: i accidentally eat some radioactive vegatables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super power of my choice! What is that power lmao this question is great. Prob same powers as Wanda
85: what would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on any weird fetis- JUST KIDDING. Do you still think about them?
86: what is my current desktop picture so on my laptop, it’s fall flowers. But since that’s broken af, i use my iPad and that background is one of the apple ones. It’s just a beach idk why but I’ve never changed it
88: bought condoms nope i am gay as hell bye
89: gotten pregnant nope i am gay as hell bye
90: failed a class nope, definitely come close though
91: kissed a boy yes
92: kissed a girl yes
93: have i ever kissed somebody in th rain honestly, probably at some point, but I’ve never had one of those romantic kisses in the rain. I really really want to though and i think about it a lot
94: had job yeah, I’ve had three true jobs
95: left the house without my wallet probably
96: bullied someone on the internet no bc I’m not a fucking douche
97: had sex in public not yet
98: played on a sports team yeah, played softball and basketball in middle school
99: smoked weed yeah, but i didn’t get high
100: did drugs nope
101: smoked cigarettes nope, i think i asked drunk once if i could smoke, but my friend was like “really?” And i was like uhhhhhh just kidding haha
102: drank alcohol lmao i drink fucking all the time i mean. I literally have drunk writing nights , I’m drinking tonight too
103: am i a vegetarian/vegan i was a vegetarian for a while, and then an aspiring vegan, and then vegetarian, and then pescatarian now!
104: been overweight no
105: been underweight yes
106: been to a wedding yeah, but like not for a long time. I was like 4 and the flower girl. Oh WAIT. Does playing a wedding count? I played cello at a wedding so i was there???
107: been on the computer for 5 hours straight hell yeah, how would i function not doing this with class and relaxing
108: watched tv for 5 hours straight lmao definitely
109: been outside my home country yeah
110: gotten my heart broken yeah
111: been to a professional sports game yeah. I don’t really do sports though , so when i go it’s usually in suites and I’m just there for the food
112: broken a bone nope!
113: cut myself this is...a. Really deep question but bc i want to be able to speak about mental health on here, the answer is yes.
114: been to prom yes! I went to my junior and senior proms!
115: been in airplane too many times
116: fly by helicopter no, I’m not sure if i want to do this or not
117: what concerts have i been to I’ve been to lots. So first off, I’ve been to hundreds of classical concerts (and performed in them). As for pop, Bruno mars twice, maroon five like three times. Selena Gomez. Josh groban. American authors. Definitely others that i don’t remember
118: had a crush on someone of the same sex yes I’m fucking gay
119: learned another language so if this means fluent, no. I took a decent amount of French and am learning Russian right now!
120: wore make up absolutely. When i choose to wear makeup, its because i fuckign love makeup haha. Most days I’m lazy though and like to let my skin breathe and be natural
121: lost my virginity before I was 18 no
122: had oral sex yeah
123: dyed my hair many times
124: voted in a presidential election okay i think so but honestly can’t remember. But I’m pretty sure i did.
125: rode in an ambulance no and i never want to.
126: had a surgery no and i never want to haha. Well i cant say that. Depending on how my life plays out, I might freeze my eggs or something.
127: met someone famous yes, several I think, but probably Henry winkler was the one I remember most.
128: stalked someone on a social network yeah
129: peed outside nope don’t think so and definitely don’t want to
130: been fishing yes I have been ice fishing and regular fishing
131: helped w charity i have!
132: been rejected by a crush I’ve been not liked back but i don’t think I’ve ever made like a move on a crush and been rejected
133: broken a mirror ooh i don’t think i have actually
134: what do i want for birthday nothing bc i dont’ like my bday
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fantroll-purgatory · 5 years
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World:  honestly not sure yet; i’m thinking either alternia or some sort of alternate universe that follows pretty much all of the same rules but with a different history, whatever my friends decide on.  (i’m considering the latter due to my friends having limeblooded characters based off of their extended zodiac. pfft who knows.) Name:  Diezzi Cafein  (truly i wish i had some sort of interesting and witty explanation for this name, but nope, all I can say is this is a cheap bastardization of my league of legends user haha: dizzyoncaffeine)
Hey, the name has meaning, then. It means Dizzy on Caffeine! You just gotta pull that characterization through. Make sure Diezzi is caffeinated. Age:  7.5 sweeps
Theme/Story:  Diezzi fears becoming just like their ancestor, The Betrayer (personal hitman for the ruler at the time who killed some close friends and/or the ruler before killing themselves), doing their best to avoid a fate like theirs though subconsciously failing to escape the inevitable as their personality, interests, and morale paralleling that of the former assassin. though i’m not set yet on wether or not i make this next bit canon, i think they might directly follow in those footsteps by killing some friends for *time*, considering their classpect.  Goals:  I’m looking for a general overview! I really want to have a second opinion on both general and visual design so that I can fix all the flaws I may be unable to fully see. I didn’t have any thematic or vision at all when I first made this character, most of it just being random fun, so there’s probably a lot of issues thanks to that haha Strife Specibus:  scissorkind, 1/2scissorkind  (their main weapon consists of a *rather* large pair of scissors, white + glowy blades with bright red tips. i have yet to name these scissors mostly due to my laziness. though it’d typically be able to be weaponized in a variety of different ways unique to the scissor form, Diezzi’s dumbass managed to find a way to accidentally break it resulting in them pretty much just being two weird swords. oh well.) Particular weapons don’t really need names until you hop into Sburb anyways! Now something important to consider here is that weapons for Trolls usually tend to be related to a character’s interests or ambitions. (See: Karkat using a sickle because of career ambitions, Nepeta using claws because She’s Cat, and Vriska using dice because she loves luck and pirates). So what is the utility for Diezzi? Why do they use the scissors? Create an interest or ambition that leads to this. Fetch Modus: honestly not quite sure what to make it yet. suggestions are welcome!
Fetch Moduses are also usually interest-based. Since your character likes bones, how about a Skeletal Chart? Each object is placed in a bone on a fake troll skeleton and in order to get the item, you’ve gotta Name That Bone! 
Blood Color:  indigo Symbol and Meaning:  sagiries (this was actually the answer i originally obtained from the extended zodiac quiz haha) Handle:  grievousCollections  (the name simply alludes to Diezzi’s skull collection. don’t worry, they’re not troll skulls! … yet?) Quirk: - types in all lowercase, except for the last letter of every sentencE. - (uses parenthesis when whispering or saying something somewhat offtopic) - sometimes spams the semicolon ;;;;; to emphasize disbelief or confusion. - r-plac-s all ‘e’s with a hyp-n, -, unless the last l-tt-r of the s-nt-nc- is an e, in that cas- it is replac-d with a plus sign + - doubles all ‘i’s, even in proper names or words that already have double consecutiive ‘ii’s. - question and exclamation marks are always separated from the sentence by a space ! but not periods.
Special Abilities:  n/a
Don’t forget that Blues usually have Big Strength. Not Equius level, but still pretty strong. Lusus/Guardian: a large quadraped with a graceful yet very canine-like build, a slight bit bigger than a deer. their front feet have paws but their back have hooflike ends. no visible eyes or ears whatsoever but have horns just like Diezzi’s. long, furless, and slick tentacle-like tail that you hopeful won’t get slapped in the face by. haven’t thought of a personality/relationship yet whoops!
This is nicely creative. AND the descrip vaguely reminds me of Horsaroni, which is fun.  Interests: Diezzi collects the skulls of different lusii and boasts a rather impressive collection too. while it may seem to be something for intimidating other trolls, it’s really just a bit of morbid curiosity and they *tend* to get their skulls for already dead lusii. on the topic of, Diezzi likes milk (haha get it cause like calcium and stuff). wait no, they *love* it. their moirail pokes fun at them for this odd fixation on the liquid but they don’t care anymore. they would live exclusively off it if given the chance. no cap. aside from that, they’re honestly a bit of a dork and like to play whatever troll the troll version of league is although they honestly aren’t all that good at it.
This is a good start, but I think for a more well-rounded character you might want to throw two of three more things into the mix. To bring in the example of another blueblooded milk fan, Equius likes Milk, but he also likes fine art of hoofbeasts, and archery, and robotics. Tavros liked obvious theme stuff like Peter Pan/Fairies/General Fantasy, but he also liked jousting and Fiduspawn and FLARPing and slam poetry. Try to bring in a few more broad fascinations and then narrow down the particulars and you’ll have a stronger character.
Appearance: +  +  +
Personality:  they like to think of themself as the more sane one between them and their palemate but honestly? not really. they’re a bit stressed + anxious at any given time but cover it up with a chill and reasonable demeanor. though this might make them a generally cool and sensible troll to be around, sometimes the unspoken inner turmoil can lead to poor mental health if it’s bad enough. for some reason time’s never on their side, though that’s partly because of their *shit* sense of time. they have a bad tendency to stay up late (sometimes to the point they’re well into daytime until they realize they should probably get some sleep) and usually over/under estimate how long something will take. they suffer from this ever-constant sense of running out time, even when there’s nothing to do. they’re surprisingly open to different ideas and don’t really dwell too much on blood color for a member of a cooler caste, though Diezzi probably won’t stand for any specific cause if it could potentially lead to pissing off higherbloods, for several reasons. however, if something directly affects a lowblood pal, this is tempted to change. sometimes you gotta prove yourself better than your shitty ancestor… but hopefully something like that won’t happen cause being loyal and self sacrificing is fucking scary dude. Lunar Sway: Derse
The personality you describe is honestly more in line with a Prospitan. The fear of becoming like their ancestor thing especially- remember that Prospit players believe more in fate/destiny and are more likely to believe that the ancestor thing holds any weight. Most trolls don’t know or care much about their ancestor, who usually died well before their time. 
Vriska knows about Mindfang because she discovered her journal, but most trolls aren’t going to have that kind of knowledge or connection unless they’re deeply invested in the narrative of the ancestors-- It’s kind of like the human idea of the Zodiac in that way. While some people are really diehard believers that it’s some kind of predetermination of personality, other people don’t know or care about it at all. 
Which isn’t to say dersites can’t know about it, they’re just probably not going to actually BELIEVE it as much. So if Diezzi is the type to believe in ancestors Thoroughly and Passionately and to worry about their inevitable fate, they might make a better prospit character. 
If you wanna make them more derse, you’ll need to pull back on the predetermination idea and give them a little more of that dersite “something to fight for” spirit. That doesn’t mean they have to want to fight for anything Big, they could just like... want to start a Got Milk? campaign in their local neighborhood.   Title:  Thief of Time
Thieves and Princes/Bards are up there as the most Selfish classes. That’s something you have to think about with this title. How do you want this character to develop? Do they need to learn to be selfish and take time for themself instead of sharing it with others? Or will Thief of Time play on their worst habits and make them into a terrible person? Is that what’s necessary for the course of the story? Those kinds of things are hard to consider, but necessary. 
Now, the EZ can get a little Time and Space happy (since those are the two necessary aspects and so they come up more often), and I think that’s what happened here. Which isn’t to say I don’t think Diezzi (or you) wouldn’t make a good time player. I think you just need to emphasize the fact that Diezzi needs to Learn to rail against something. Because Time is about Fighting The Flows Of Time, and making them your own, ESPECIALLY as a thief.  Land: Land of Embers and Constellations (LOEAC), inhabited by crocodile consorts and the denizen Hephaestus.
I don’t have any design notes, I think this design is fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing and I hope this helped. 
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princesskeda · 6 years
i reread the entire HotO yesterday instead of doing homework, whoops. worth it though :) i have a few questions for you and nikki! 1. what software do you use for your art? 2. were you suprised that the story ended up as long as it did? why did you keep going? 3. how do you suppose cole would propose to keyda, and do the oni have different marriage traditions than ninjago? 4. what’s your favorite scene? i adore kayda’s confusion about kissing 🙃
Oh my goodness XD homework is important but we are so happy you love the story so much that you read it again hahah!! So many questions I love it!! this is gonna be such a long post haha 
1. (Maddie) I use Adobe Photoshop mainly, I really like the Dry media brushes. They work like real pencils and I love the textures. 
2. (Nicki) Well, when season 8 was over my cousin and I spent a lot of timetheorizing how the next one would start/the things we really hoped they wouldcover.  She mentioned that I could writeit out and that I should try writing fan fiction, but I was kind ofuncomfortable with the concept because I had no experience in fanfic.  So I started by just writing 7 pages (nowchapters 1 and 2) that basically just covered my own interpretations of howLloyd, Pix, and Nya would feel in the next season.  But it turned out to be so fun that I wentforward with it and decided to go into the ninja trapped in the first realm’spoint of view as well.  After about 50pages I was pretty content to be done; originally it stopped after Cole and Jaymake up from their fight on the one side and after the funeral aftermath on theother.  I sort of wrapped everything upand was going to leave it there, but my cousin challenged me to write the wholeseason 9.  I argued I couldn’t do thatbecause I would have to make up characters, climaxes, character arcs, plot, badguys…etc.  She is pretty persistent, mycousin, and I finally decided that I would just sort of start writing and “seewhere it goes.”  That’s probably the mainreason it turned out so long; I just sort of wrote blind and would think ofplot points or climaxes and get to them and make up the next few plot pointsand get to them, etc.  Plus with such alarge cast and my internal desire to give as many characters character arcs aspossible, this story became quite a beast hahaha.  I never really expected to finish it and toactually have a running plot that made sense, but it just kept building onitself.  I’m really glad my cousinchallenged me, because I’m really happy with how it all turned out haha.  Plus I really love Keyda and she wouldn’texist if I had stopped lol. Anyways, this is a really long answer….as you canprobably tell I’m a bit wordy when it comes to writing lol sorry aboutthat.  But that’s basically the run down!
3. … undecided as of yet… ;D
4. (Nicki)Thisquestion is so hard….I have many favorites hahaha.  My favourite scenes to write were always thedramatic ones (probably why there is so much angst in this story…)  For instance, Keyda vs Baron scenes werealways fun; the extraction chamber scene, Baron vs Keyda on the Battlefield,and the Baron vs Keyda nightmare near the end are three of my favoritescenes.  I also liked writing funnyscenes, so the Keyda learning about kissing is one of my favorites, andbasically anytime I got to write Ronin. Lou comforting Keyda and their talk in the hospital are also ones Ilove.  Hahahaha….sorry, I can’t reallynarrow it down!  
(Maddie) Nicki stole most of mine haha!  Other than those, I really love the scene where Cole finds good Garmadon in Limbo, cus I love Garmadon and it was a fun blindside( Nicki didnt always tell me where she was going). The scene where Cole is attacked by the Ninja is another one of my favorites because dramaaaaa(when the ninja find out what they did is another great one MY HEART). I also love the Pixal scenes cus I begged for those haha. oh oh and the one where zane gets his dragon! In reality I love the whole thing its too hard to choose haha
Thank you so much for the questions!! we had so much fun answering!
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universal-kitty · 6 years
1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 23, 25, 28, 29, 32, 35, 36, 38, 40, 46, 48, 50 and 51 for any of your Platonic f/O's!! Maybe multiple because I asked so many whoops ajsndnfjf (@hardcoresshippingmyself)
Another Platonic Self Ship Ask Meme@hardcoresshippingmyself1. Do you have a secret greeting/handshake?2. What’s your favorite inside joke?
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   THAT…. REALLY IS A LOT…….but I did burn through a BUNCH of the new BnHA eps, so maybe tis a good time to talk about my good son….
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   Izuku Midoriya!!!! So I’ll answer all these questions with him!! To start… We do not have a secret greeting! Mostly cause neither of us have…considered that. (Now I’m feeling we should.) I mostly give him hugs! I may also teach at U.A., but……. I am also prone to favoritism, just like the rest of the staff, HAH.
   Our favorite inside joke… I suppose it’s chanting “banana, banana…” Why? How this became a thing?!? …….That’s why it’s an inside joke. ;> It’s very silly, I’ll admit to that much.
3. What is your favourite sleepover activity?
   Well, teachers don’t usually have sleepovers with the students….but what Aizawa doesn’t know I do won’t kill him! I usually regale him and the other 1-A kids about my heroic exploits. I even opened up a little on what it’s like to grow up with a villain parent, so I try to be a bit of an eye-opener that way.
   The stories are the better part of the night, though. I get super into reenacting them!!
6. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done together?
   ….Tried to prank Aizawa together and getting caught. Scolded, too. It’s one thing when it’s rowdy kids, but for a teacher to get into the spirit of pranks….. Sorry, Midoriya…
8. Who is more likely to get into a fight defending the other?
   We both are defensive of the other, but it depends on the topic. Izuku gets more angry when he overhears people talking down of me due to my father, a villain. (Distrust of my background, as you do.) I get angry and worked up when it’s someone talking shit about him. (I’ve learned restraint with Bakugo, the mouthy kid…but anyone else? These paws are rated E FOR EVERYONE!)
   I try to be the level-headed adult, but that’s not always guaranteed… [siiiiiighhh]
11. What do your texts/letters to each other usually consist of?
   Something like this.
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13. What’s your best memory together?
   Heh, aside from meeting that kid? (He’s a little treasure HONESTLY, just ask Toshi next Takeover; I’ve cried over Izuku before.) I guess it would be when Toshinori and I invited him and his mother out for a picnic! I thought it’d be a nice way to all hang out together, meet up with her again, and just…have a nice day with good food.
   It was wonderful.
15. How do you help each other cope with your trauma?
   I’m there for him as much as possible, to make sure these things aren’t effecting him too badly. Being in such…early situations of danger can really mess with a person. I’d know; it’s not like dad’s villainy was a secret after I was born. He was never really a danger, but I felt it on him.
   And being a pro hero? Taxing, emotionally. People can not realize that…. So I check up on him sometimes to make sure he’s okay and knows that he can tell me anything. In return, that bright smile cheers me up. I’ve told him as much; I may have depression, but it always feels better when he smiles. He really is like Toshi in that way…….
16. Do either of you have an item of clothing you wear that used to belong to the other? (Eg. You stole their jacket and they let you keep it)
   Ahh, no! He’s too smol for me and it’d be weird. Though…. Not a wear item, but he did ask what happened to some of my older stuff from my younger hero days… I let him keep an old collar from my school days, since it collects dust and I thought he’s appreciate a trinket like that.
   I hear it’s stationed around a figure of All Might, these days…..
18. What do you both do that annoys each other?
   For Deku… Well, early on I got annoyed by how much he got hurt. Less anger, more a sort of panic and concern that bubbled into other emotions, you know? It’s reckless behavior and…I just didn’t want him to be lethally hurt, but he always tempted fate….. Now that he’s getting better at controlling One for All, I’m relaxing a bit more, but…yeesh. Otherwise, I love the kid.
   Ditto with him to me. Once the news leaked my dad was a villain, things…blew up for awhile. They’re still not perfect. Yet when things started calming down, I took it upon myself to still get involved in issues, saving people left and right to prove to them (and even myself, in a way) that I’m still a hero. Deku got fussy with me for the same reasons and overexerting myself when I didn’t need to.
   …He’s a good kid.
23. If you have a romantic f/o how do they react to them? Do they know them? Do they get along?
   HAHA, OH BOY. GLAD YOU ASKED…. Fanboy to the highest degree. Me being related to a villain? Whatever. Learning that I was dating his hero, however…? Izuku went over the moon. We’d never made our relationship public and had no intention to, but that kid was one of the first to know.
   ….And the first major fanboy we were ever going to get, let’s be real. I wouldn’t be surprised if he became an avid shipper on some forum to talk about it… Ehehehe~
25. If one of you gets injured how does the other react? (And during the healing process do they hover or only occasionally check in?)
   I freak out over Izuku on the daily, so you know I’m hovering wherever I’m allowed to be until he’s awake again. Y’know, considering most of his injuries end up being LIFE THREATENING….. Eugh. If it’s a smaller thing, I make sure it’s not too bad, deal with it, we’re good… With only minor hovering to make sure it’s not bothering him too much.
   On the reverse, he tries to hover, but school keeps him busy. He visits when he can, I appreciate the company, and he usually goes right back to melting when Toshi stops in, too.
28. Have you ever accidentally referred to them as your sibling/parent? What was their reaction?
   I have most assuredly called him my son before. At this point, he has two moms and Toshi is his dad. I am absolutely okay with this. (Inko got a laugh out of it when I told it to her later, too!)
29. Who gives who piggybacks when they’re tired? Who carries the other in general?
   I’m the big, strong adult here! I carry the boy! ….Though he’s really getting harder to carry with all that muscle he’s been gaining… Yeesh, kid! They really grow up too fast, huh?
32. If they see you getting uncomfortable in a conversation will they intervene and give you a chance to get out of said conversation or will they let you deal with it yourself?
   He rushes over, immediately. Unless it seems like not a good idea. Then he quickly gets Toshinori, instead. OR texts him to get over there, immediately, and proceeds to stall for time.
   Either way, I’m about to be protected and…..I kinda need it. People are too much for me, sometimes…!
35. Have you ever built something together?
   Mostly Lego stuff! It’s a struggle, but a nice way to relax with a friend and hang out with hilarious frustrations over pieces. Iida tries to help on occasion and we’ve learned he’s much better at getting that sort of thing done than we are.
36. If you were stranded on an island together what would happen?
   We’d be the best fuckin’ survivors of all time! Cat quirk and One for All….. We’d dominate and surely get home in no time.
38. Do you quote vines/memes/musical lyrics to each other and laugh as everyone else has no idea what you’re both saying? What’s your favorite thing to quote together?
   OH, I quote Vines and memes ALL THE TIME with the class!!! I enjoy it because Aizawa largely disapproves (and understands nothing; he’s a cat video man) and Toshi is thrice as baffled.
   “Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does!” is our favorite. Right next to “I’m just cooking pizza.”
40. What’s the most embarrassing photo they have of you and vice versa?
   His is a picture he caught of Toshi and I hugging in the breakroom. I mean, he got a good shot and it’s sweet, in a way, but also….!! DEKU, PLEASE– (To my knowledge, he still has that to this day.)
   My personal favorite is when he slipped on a banana peel and all you see in the picture is wide eyes of fright and a blue of green and grey. I was laughing so hard that day!!! Still my favorite to look back on.
46. When you’re both bored and have nothing to do what do you do to cure your boredom? (Eg. Play pranks, annoy each other, pillow fight, etc.)
   Pillow fights or pranks on the others, for sure! I especially adore ruining Mineta, as he’s a little goblin and deserves all that happens to him.
48. Would ‘Platonic Soulmates’ be an accurate description of your bond?
   Ehhhh, after thinking about it…. Not really. It’s more mentor-student or parental than something dramatic like soulmates. It’s just not that deep for us, yanno?
50. What are a couple of words that sum up your friendship?
   Bright, laughter, joy, free, and forever.
51. Not a question, give a random fact/headcanon about you and your f/o!
   Later confirmed, he did start a movement for shipping “All Might x Mani-Neko”. Where there was nothing before, there are fans and rather silly fanfictions. A few art, too. It’s all…weirdly adorable.
   The better part was overhearing Deku and Toshi talking about where to find more content and what they thought of this-and-that…. Its great, in its own way, it really is.
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themisfitthrone · 6 years
i was tagged in 3 tag games in the last day or so and instead of making 3 separate posts in which i tag much of the same people, i decided to consolidate. i love you all who tagged me.
uh....idk if i have anyone to tag? you guys kind of covered everyone i WOULD tag. i guess @flowerparrish, @colormekorrasami, @jordanetalaredead, @megayest, @twin-ace, @lakesandquarries, @peachy-shrimp, and @hotdamnlookatthispan.... if any of these look interesting, you should totally do them!
okay everything under the cuuuuut
tag game number one: tagged by the sweetest human, @carrie-frances
what’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum? this is a tough one? currently i’ve been singing You by Keaton Henson a lot and also Ophelia by The Lumineers. Let Her Go by Passenger is another goodie for singing lately. Oh and Lost Boy!!!! by Ruth B.
what’s your favourite flower/tree/plant? I love nature wow. My favorite tree is definitely a Weeping Cherry Tree or Willow. My favorite flowers are sunflowers and roses! Plants in general, I just really love cacti? It’s a product of having family I adore in Arizona haha
what do you always doodle? hm... cats, mostly
how do you take your tea/coffee? With plenty of splenda and some milk
favourite candle scent? Vanilla, mostly. just sweet things
what perfume do you wear? body sprays from bath and bodyworks, usually vanilla or peach
what’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone? i have zero clue haha
favourite quote? i don’t know off of the top of my head! perhaps the one i have tattooed, from star wars. “luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.”
favourite self care routine? putting on good smelling lotions. reading a book. snuggling oliver. calling someone i love.
fuzzy socks or house slippers? both! but mostly fuzzy socks
what colour are your eyes? just plain ole brown
what’s your favourite eye colour on others? idk? i think blue or green but i adore brown eyes on everyone
favourite season? why? autumn, i like the colors and the clothes and the smells
cheek, neck or nose kisses? cheek! but the real MVP are forehead ones
what does your happy place look like? the beach but without all the people. or a quiet forest with light filtering in
favourite breed of dog? i’ve always loved boxers the most, and cavaliers
do you ever want to be married? if so, what colours would you pick for your wedding theme? yes, i think i do? i don’t know what colors, it’s always changing. i think it depends on the person i’m with because their input would matter. i’d want the colors to be whatever colors they think of when they see me and vice versa
cursive or print? it’s a solid mix but mostly print
favourite weather? raining and warm, but not thundering
tag game number two: tagged by the amazing @dancyon
— What was your last…
1. Drink: iced tea
2. Phone call: my aunt calling with some hard news
3. Text message: my aunt with an update
4. Song you listened to: love me by the 1975
5. Time you cried: yesterday and i’m gonna cry later today @ love, simon
6. Dated someone twice: yeah
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: for sure
8. Been cheated on: by two different people, apparently im easy to cheat on
9. Lost someone special: sadly, i’ve lost a few
10. Been depressed: lmao got that good good depression goblin
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: god yeah whoops sorry friends
— Fave colours
12. purple (any shade really)
13. blue (any shade really)
14. soft yellow
— in the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: ahhhh!!!! yes i have ♥
16. Fallen out of love: hhhhhhhhhh
17. Laughed until you cried: probably
18. Found out someone was talking about you: oh yeah
19. Met someone who changed you: yeah, in more ways than one
20. Found out who your friends are: idk???? kinda yeah
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: uh i think i have my ex still
— General
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: majority
23. Do you have any pets: my boy @ollycat and then my dogs and cats @ my parents house
24. Do you want to change your name: i actually did but now i’m back to my birthname bc being NB is one big ???? of what do i want 
25. What did you do for your last birthday: oh shit well w my friends i got drunk on rum, dressed up like a pirate, and played d&d. and then fam was the usual cheesecake factory adventure
26. What time did you wake up today: uh around 8 something officially?
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i think i fell asleep before midnight? if not i was watching Critical Role
28. What is something you can’t wait for: my next tattoo!!
30. What are you listening to right now: just the sounds of my grandparents house
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I have an ex named Tom and a Grandpa named Tom
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: just like....everything about this breakup and stuff i guess
33. Most visited website: god uh...tumblr and twitter????
34. Hair colour: naturally a dark brown with some reddish in it. it’s currently died as close as possible to that
35. Long or short hair: medium?
36. Do you have a crush on someone: no currently i’m avoiding all romance like the fucking PLAGUE
37. What do you like about yourself: i’m pretty tenacious
38. Want any piercings: nah, i’m more the tattoo type
39. Blood type: ..............why
40. Nicknames: bird, birb, kbird, kbirb, broseidon
41. Relationship status: single
42. Sign: aries
43. Pronouns: they/them
44. Fave tv show: on air right now it’s b99 and the good place. in general, buffy and gilmore girls
45. Tattoos: i currently have 6 and i want sooooo many more
46. Right or left handed: left!!!!
47: Ever had surgery: tonsils and stomach yeah
48. Piercings: none
49. Sport: none currently but football (soccer) will always have my heart
50. Vacation: currently in arizona!! i’ve been all over though, i miss mexico a lot
51. Trainers:  what does this....mean....like.....shoes???????
— More general
52. Eating: currently nothing? 
53. Drinking: iced tea currently
54. I’m about to watch: LOVE, SIMON AGAIN BITCH!!!!!!!
55. Waiting for: life to feel right
56. Want: a nap, like always
57. Get married: okay your answer of “if i get past my commitment issues and find someone that loves me, sure” was fucking perfect
58. Career: teacher!
— Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses: hugs
60. Lips or eyes: eyes
61. Shorter or taller: taller
62. Older or younger: older
63. Nice arms or stomach: arms
64. Hookup or relationships: relationship
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
— Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger: nope
67. Drank hard liquor: hell yeah
68.Turned someone down: in high school yeah. and like once in college
69. Sex on first date: ........im an ace baby
70: Broken someone’s heart: supposedly
71. Had your heart broken: mhmmmm
72. Been arrested: nah, just brought home by cops
73. Cried when someone died: yeah, i cry at everything but especially death
74. Fallen for a friend: ..........only friends tbh
— Do you believe in
75. Yourself: trying to? cullen says my heart’s vibranium
76. Miracles: some days i do
77. Love at first sight: probably not, i used to though
78. Santa Claus: not anymore
79. Angels: i’d like to
— Misc
80. Eye colour: brown!
81. Best friends name: i mean..... jenny, ellie, michelle, and cullen? plus like max and jor, of course
82. Favourite movie: i guess the princess bride is the Most Favorite of All
83. Favourite actor: my MAIN MAN, hugh jackman
84. Favourite cartoon: danny phantom right now
85. Favourite teacher’s name: in HS it was mrs haley and in college it was dr trainor....grad school so far it’s been jen lynady
final tag game: tagged by the cutest, @blurredmxnds
bold the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory (lmao about some things???)
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else 
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year (on and off)
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have at least 15 CDs (somewhere in my things)
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (i JUST ended my thing w this)
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone (just a toe)
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
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prioritizingpurples · 7 years
there's this green blogger I follow, limmuda, and they've just posted something about purples being allies to greens and I don't feel like we're obligated to being their allies, but the points they make sound convincing and i'm having trouble articulating why i disagree. if you have time/energy could you have a look at their post and share your thoughts? i understand if you can't, I just really look up to you as a purple role-model
You've hit on it in your ask, really--purples are not morally obligated to be the "allies" of greens to the same extent that greens are to purples. I had trouble articulating my disagreement, at first, too, and I think that's because we give similar practical advice: listen to people no matter their speaking style, genuinely follow through on what you hear, assume that people are experts on their own lives, said and don't overgeneralize about a whole caste based on knowing a couple. This is good advice when thinking about how to approach people from ANY caste as individuals (and I think that's an important thing to note--that doing this to other castes is good advice, but if you do it to purples you're an ally. the bar is low to be an ally, i promise!) But, while the advice is the same, the situations are not--greens are privileged over purples. like, if I were writing a guide on how poor people can be an ally to rich people, I would include stuff like "listen to people no matter their speaking style and don't assume they're all the same". but yknow what? i don't really care about how to be an ally to rich people! i do care to some degree how to be an ally to greens, but it's not my first priority, and it doesn't have to be. expecting purples to be allies to greens can conflict with expecting greens to be allies to purples--for example, if a purple squashes their own natural speaking style and emotional reactions in order to be an ally to greens. not only that, purples are already expected to be "allies" to greens. in day to day life, people see their style of speaking as "smart", many of us adopt it in order to be taken more seriously, and people assume their opinions are more valid and grounded than ours (even if the green is, say, an art green!), etc. while there may be places that are purple-dominated, and where green styles of speaking are seen as condescending or out-of-touch, these are mostly (a) online, where it probably will not affect your life, and (b) in purple areas that are almost entirely purple and which will almost certainly not have any greens unless the greens really want to be there--essentially, greens can avoid messages from purple culture, while purples cannot avoid messages from green culture. i think it's telling that their answer focused mostly on cultural misunderstandings and miscommunications, while mine focused more on treating purples fairly and calling out people who don't. now, if a purple WANTS to go out of their way to be extra understanding and kind to greens due to cultural differences, that's fine! it's a-ok for purples to identify as green allies! but it's also fine for purples to say "i have been pretending all day that you sound smart when the only thing i can think of is how much i feel condescended to and i'm going to vent about that on my personal blog". doing so is not violating caste solidarity or failing to be understanding of cultural differences--on the other hand, expecting nobody to feel that way is. it is /absolutely fine/ to say "yknow what, i don't want to be a green ally, i want to focus on what i can do for my fellow purples".which, like, not that greens don't have problems, or don't face casteism--they do. but generally not because of purples. i will still call out anti-green casteism when i see it, because casteism is wrong and we're all oppressed under blues, but these are fundamentally different situations and can't be treated interchangeably. and as a purple, i am going to prioritize purples. i have no problem if a green decides that they are going to prioritize other greens and problems that greens face, as long as they don't endorse anti-purple casteism--that's the basis of my separatism. as separate castes, we have different concerns and priorities, and since each caste knows themselves and their needs best, each caste should focus within themselves to fix their problems and meet their needs instead of relying on other castes. (for this reason, i'd be more comfortable declaring myself an ally to e.g. a green separatist cause, organization, or movement than just "an ally to greens".)also, when greens face casteism from purples, it is almost (almost! not 100%, but usually. do not bombard me with messages about edge cases) always in a low-stakes situation in which the purple has little or no power, social or material, over the green. when purples face casteism from greens, it is much more likely to be a higher-stakes situation in which the green has power over the purple. ("is stupid a worse insult when said to greens or purples?" vs "are purple artists real artists who deserve to be seen as such and compensated for their work?") we do not have the same moral obligation to not get in flame wars or be mildly rude to random strangers as we do to not demean and attempt to damage people's livelihoods--and purples do not have the same moral obligation to be a green ally as greens do to be a purple ally. greens have power, both individually and as a caste, that purples simply do not, and the more power you have the more careful you have to be to not hurt people with less power. (yes, yes, I know, starving artist vs purple billionaire, generalizations are bad. generalizations are also necessary, because we don't have time to talk about every single green and purple on the planet.) not all casteism is created equal. the average purple cannot effect the lives of blues except maybe by sending anon hate. the average blue can effect the lives of purples in so many ways, whether through land or law or money. not all power differentials are that severe! but even when they're subtler--maybe even especially when they're subtler--it's important to pay attention to them. (another thing that greens can do: when we upset you, avoid it--walk away, block us, whatever. because you have that luxury. anti-green casteism is generally not as widespread or as vicious "irl" as anti-purple casteism is, because greens have that privilege. take advantage of it.)....gosh, this got very long and rambly, whoops! thank you so much for the compliment by the way nonny, i really am honored by it. i'm not a role model, haha, i'm just a 4-year-old with internet access and too much time on her hands. but it means a lot to me! hearing stuff like that is why i keep running this blog. it's so incredible to know that i inspire other purples like this!
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beanwaitingforya · 7 years
Daisuga Art Students AU Part 2
*drops this here quietly* I still don’t have a name for this halp? Inspired by @priintaniere‘s CUTE ADORABLE ART 
Part 1 Here and Part 3 Here
Note: This is from Sugawara’s POV, more notes at end, and this is pretty much unedited whoops, all mistakes are mine
Sugawara Koushi does not have crushes. He's had a few flings, to be sure, but nothing ever serious. Nothing that ever made his skin burn with excitement or had him dancing on his toes. He maintains this stance when his friend visits him at his part-time job working at the campus library. He's sitting at the front counter, doodling on a scrap of paper while he waits for someone to check out books, when Yaku Morisuke barrels inside. He leans against the tall desk, just barely able to rest his arms on the counter. "Suga, you would NOT believe what Kuroo said, I can't even - Hey, you're drawing that guy again!" Yaku stops mid-sentence to point at Suga's latest doodle, not much more than the back of a head and a well-defined back. Suga absentmindedly erases a bit, then thickens a few lines. "What?" "You know, muscles guy. You're always drawing this same dude. Anyway, will you listen to this? Kuroo said he'd wait for me after practice, but ditched me for Kenma again, the bastard -" Yaku kept talking but Sugawara wasn't listening. Muscles guy? Who was he even talking about? He supposed the dark-haired man he was currently drawing looked a bit familiar, but that wasn't too surprising. He flipped over the scrap of paper to some doodles he had done at breakfast and sure enough it was the same guy, dark, closely cropped hair, wide shoulders, and muscles. He was still admiring the biceps he had drawn when Yaku's voice suddenly dropped to a whisper. He tugged on Suga's sweater and pointed over his shoulder. "Hey, is that the guy? The one you've been drawing for weeks?" he hissed. Two guys with oversized art portfolios and messenger bags had just walked in, claiming a large table by the small corner cafe. One was tall, wearing a long coat, and had long hair pulled back into a ponytail. The other was wearing a dark beanie and navy hoodie. They had their backs to the counter, but looked strangely familiar... "What, the tall one with the longish hair? No, that's not the same guy-" Long-haired dude sat down while the other guy dropped his bags, taking off the beanie and ruffling his hair. As he turned to stand in line for the cafe, Suga finally caught a glimpse of his face. "It's him," Suga whispered. Sawamura Daichi, the subject of his sketches, was standing in line for coffee, just twenty feet away. "Yaku, stop staring!" Suga hissed. "Oho, he's pretty good looking. You should tell him to join the volleyball team, I'm sure Kuroo and Bokuto would enjoy that. That other guy is pretty tall too." Yaku ignored Suga to contemplate the stranger's ability. "We could use a few wing spikers-" "Yaku, cut it out, go home or go study!" Suga scolded. He was saved by a girl with an armload of books. "Shoo, I've got work now, Yaku!" He smiled at the girl while delivering a chop to Yaku's head. She looked slightly alarmed, but quietly handed over her mountain of books while Yaku sulked out the front doors. Sugawara was absorbed in scanning, so he didn't notice a familiar figure in line until he stepped up. "Hey, Sugawara. Didn't know you worked here," Daichi said quietly. A soft, gentle smile appeared on his face, and Suga was taken by surprise. He seemed much more...serious, the last time they were paired together for drawing class. Daichi handed over a few large books, then stuffed his hands into the large pocket of his hoodie while he waited. "Oh, you remember me! It's been a few weeks, huh? Yeah, this is my part-time job." He took the books from Daichi to scan. "It's a pretty easy job, and I can do some work if it's really slow here. These are over-size, so make sure to bring them back in two weeks to return or renew, instead of the usual four, okay?" He stamped the card on the inside of each book.
"Yeah, sure. How often do you work here? My friend, Asahi, will probably drag me back to study for the art history exam later this week." Daichi gathered his books as Sugawara finished scanning them. "Uh, just a couple of days a week. My next shift is on Saturday though, same time. I have that exam too! You must be in the Tuesday-Thursday class, right? I'm on Wednesdays and Fridays," Sugawara replied. "Yikes, that's a late shift," Daichi chuckled. His eyes crinkled, and Suga got the sudden urge to sketch the little smile lines on Daichi's face. Suga shook his head, partly to rid himself of the feeling, and partly to answer Daichi. "Well, if you're free, Asahi and I will be studying here all week, you're welcome to join us. He complains that when we study at work we always get flour over our stuff." Flour? "Ah, I'll take you up on that!" Another person began walking up with an armload of books, but Suga didn't want the conversation to end. He scribbled his contact information on a corner of the scrap paper he had hastily stuffed under a textbook and handed it to Daichi. "Just shoot me a message whenever you're planning on studying. Sorry, I should help..." his voice trailed off. Daichi looked over his shoulder, eyebrows rising when he noticed a line forming. "Ah, sorry, for keeping you. I'll let you get back to work, Sugawara." He turned to leave, but Suga called out to him one more time. "Just Suga is fine!"
He was hushed by three impatient people in line, his coworker at the desk beside him, and his conscience. 
He spent the rest of the evening putting books away, checking books out for people, and sneaking glances at Daichi, and wondering why in the world they had flour at work. 
Scratch that last part, he couldn't even believe his staring was subtle at all, he was just incredibly lucky that Daichi was intent on passing his art history exam. He had given up on scribbling on his small scrap of paper, so he dumped out a few sketchbooks from his bag, putting back the ones used exclusively for class. Computer graphics was a spiral bound, black cover that he slid back into his bag. His art history notebook had normal notes so he stuffed that one back into his bag as well. He finally selected a plain brown flip book, the size of a paper back and opened it to the first few pages. 
Shit, Yaku was right. Sure enough, the pages and doodles all starred one Sawamura Daichi. How did he even manage to draw him this much when they barely saw each other even with one shared class? Why had he drawn his hands so much? As he flipped through page after page, Suga's heart sunk. I've got it bad, he thought. Real bad. 
Suga had spent his precious few nights off attempting to study at the library with Daichi and Asahi. Attempting because as much as he tried to study, he just ended up doodling Daichi's smile, Daichi's hands, Daichi's neck, and Daichi eating a granola bar. He adjusted his scarf and his notebook, angling it slightly in his lap as he settled into a large plush chair. They had chosen a quiet corner of the library after Asahi had said the cafe smelled too much like work - apparently the two worked at a bakery down the street. 
They hadn't realized he spent the whole time sketching, so Suga figured it was fine to continue...discretely. 
But he hadn't anticipated Daichi asking to see his work himself. Asahi had just gotten up to get another coffee when Daichi had slid his chair over to Suga's. Suga quickly flipped the page, covering a doodle of Daichi's ankle, only to find another of the back of his head. Shit, really me? His face colored slightly as he shut the notebook completely. 
"Hey, Suga." Daichi whispered. Suga looked up, cocking his head to the side with a tentative smile.
"You might as well call me Daichi, Asahi does anyway." Suga let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "And, this might be a bit forward of me, but well-" Daichi rubbed the back of his head, why was he so damn cute all the time? "I'd like to ask you something, if it's okay." Suga nodded, but he had a bad feeling creep up his spine.  Suga knew what Daichi was going to ask.
He knew and was still sweating. He ran a hand through his messy hair, prepared to come up with an excuse, any excuse, but he was still drawing a blank. Daichi was going to see and realize he had the biggest crush on him, and there wasn't anything he could do about it. He already felt the heat creeping up his neck, and Suga clutched at his scarf, clenching his teeth so hard he swore he could hear them rattling.
"Suga, could I see your sketchbook?"
Bean says: omfgsurghlsighvbneawrig it took so long? So I realized the stuff I had originally written for a part 2 were boring and hard to write because THERE WAS NO CLIMAX OR ANYTHING you know like problem -> solution type of resolution and while this doesn’t exactly have resolution I feel like it’s better than whatever I had before haha. So basically I scrapped the old part and rewrote the whole part (which was not too bad since it’s not so long). ALSO my tenses are probably all over the place welp @_@ ALSO I PROMISED A CUTE ANON I’D HAVE THIS DONE BY THIS WEEKEND I HOPE YOU ENJOY I WISH I COULD TAG YOU 
<3  Bean
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yujachachacha · 7 years
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The end result of my impromptu trip to Venice Beach! Click for captions~
(Context: In a recent Aqours Club video report, the girls were split into 3 teams and given 30 minutes to buy souvenirs at the Venice Beach Boardwalk with $30. They ended up signing their chosen items for merch purposes, but as a SoCal native I figured I’d just go and get the items myself.)
Explanation under the cut because I got waaaay too detailed about this stuff.
1. Look at all this merch I whaled on! I love Shukashuu so much that I bought 6 of her shirts! ᕙ(˵ ಠ ਊ ಠ ˵)ᕗ
…okay, I actually only own 1 of each item (shirt, shot glass, figurine). The rest are for friends. :^)
Fun fact: I only realized after I got home that the merch I picked out was all second-year stuff, haha.
Shukashuu’s blue shirt seems to be popular, as there weren’t any medium sizes available. The quality is actually pretty good - it’s 100% cotton and was soft and comfortable when I tried on the S size. Not really worth the $8.99 price tag IMO for such a basic design (the color is really pretty, but IDK how that would fare after going through a washing machine), but the “3 shirts for $19.99” deal made it a bit easier to stomach.
As for Anchan’s shot glass, that costs $3.99 (RIP Anchan bought it for 6 bucks apparently) and is totally not worth it. It’s slightly larger than average-sized with frosted glass, and the design on it actually consists of stickers that are already peeling/fading. It’s plastered with the words “venice beach”, “los angeles”, and “california”, along with pictures of colorful dots, hearts, various summer motifs, sports, and…a marijuana leaf. I have no idea what possessed Anchan to buy this, dear lord. She at least had to know what the item itself was used for, since it’s a common souvenir item that she’s probably seen often in her travels, plus Anchan’s recently become legally able to drink (since 2016 in Japan, and since February of this year for the US lol), so…actually, I’m just gonna stop myself here before I start implying that Anchan is totally a bro who enjoys taking shots like a champ whoops too late ε=┌(;・_・)┘.
But as for the design…Anchan, why? Why this specific glass out of all of the other cute ones you could’ve picked? Like, I’m not sure if the Aqours girls knew, but for me (a SoCal native who attended college in Grassachusetts MA and thus doubly familiar with the smell of pot), certain areas in the Boardwalk reeked of marijuana. Did Anchan think that the pot leaf on the shot glass was a palm tree? Did she not get a good look at the shot glass before she bought it? Or was she fully aware that a marijuana-patterned shot glass would become Aqours signed merch and was like, “lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s just a part of american culture, nbd~”
The “Little Rikyako” is exactly how I remembered it from the Aqours Club report - a hilariously fucked-up-looking figurine. The figurines appear to be all hand-painted, which probably explains the exorbitant $9 price tag for an item that’s barely the length of my ring finger (and I have small hands). I’d never go out and buy it on my own, but I was so amused by how amused King and Aikyan were by the little figurine that I ended up caving. The eyes do certainly remind me of Rikyako’s art. :3c
2. The mural that Arisha, Shukashuu, and Ainya took pictures in front of in the Aqours Club video! I could only take this lame selfie instead of replicating Shukashuu’s pose because I went on this pilgrimage by myself, but I’m hoping to make a return trip someday.
You might notice that I wrote a location on the caption for that pic. I’ve actually written a guide for finding all the places the Aqours girls stopped by at Venice Beach Boardwalk because apparently I’m frighteningly good at figuring out the locations _(:3 」∠)_. I unfortunately couldn’t find the Fureek merchant (the guy who sold Furirin a rainbow fluff tree for a fraction of the original price after she begged him to “GIBU MII DISCOUNT”), so I’m kinda on the fence about whether I should publish it just yet. I mean, I did figure out where his stall was located in the video, but I kinda want to meet the guy myself.
If anyone’s curious about my pilgrimage, feel free to ask me anything about it~ Though, I might answer a lot of questions if I published the guide…hm…
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chromemuffin · 7 years
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Shoukoku no Altair Liveblog (Chapter 6)
The first volume was a wild ride filled with more gorgeous art than I had room to gush about.
Let me just say that I love the color palettes used in these covers. Although I don’t really have a good sense for color balance, none of the elements of these extremely detailed and busy covers seem to clash with one another.
There is just so much going on here, even the dark blue sash around his midsection has detailing. The collar, cuffs, and shoes have a really nice flower/vine motif going on, and interestingly there is a lock and key hanging off the shirt collar (which is made to look like an actual collar). Then there is that tassel (how do you even draw knots like that), and the ones crossing his chest. I also like the little flower buttons going up the sleeves?
idk let’s move on.
I have run out of Japanese raws, which is a good thing. Cuts down on my language ramblings a bit. 
Chapter 6: The Council of Generals
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We start the volume off with a portrait of Zaganos walking like a badass. Lots of thorns on the frame, and one exits the frame to become that dangly...thing in the back with the eyes and idk I really need to know more about Turkish designs to say anything. I did notice a flower and moon charm thing in the back.
So, first we get a review and additional information about the Diwan, which is nice. This series has a good balance of breaking away to ramble about the world’s structure before going back to the action with our main characters.
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Anyway, I love Kato’s attention to detail (have I mentioned that already lol) that extends even to background characters. We never got the name of any of the Araba characters, yet they each looked distinct from one another. Same with the other pasha (there are 42 in all, wow). There’s a good range of features (especially nose shapes, here), but even their clothes and chins are different.
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Assuming this is the head-honcho, the buyuk pasha (are these titles capitalized...?) who has glorious facial hair and a very, very large turban.
Oh god, this post is going to be so long. These panels are all really tall.
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“And most important of all, military and foreign policy, which are handled by the third convention and decided by a unanimous vote between the 30 vizers.” In case you can’t see it in that image. Interesting how the most ‘important’ section is the only one in the dark, so to say. As we’ve seen, foreign policy and the potential for military action can be a very shade business.
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I shrink every image to fit the theme I’m using, just in case it gets wonky if the picture is too large, but it so does not do this shot justice. Just look at the architecture! @the-golden-city has several posts picking apart these tiny details throughout the series, although I haven’t gotten around to reading all of them because for once I want to avoid spoilers.
This hall/chamber is probably based off this real life building in Istanbul:
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Even the chandelier, and the railings, match. Getting back to Altair, though,  I vaguely see Zaganos, Mahmut, and Ibrahim at the far right.
Ok, so they are asking why Ibrahim left Hisar for Altin in the first place, which I had almost forgotten about by this point.
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Huh, I had to go back to the second chapter. Didn’t quite remember that Zaganos had told everyone to meet up to exchange information.
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Whoops, gut reaction there. Why is he so surprised though...? Ibrahim told him why they were called to Altin, so was it that last bit “In regards to that case, I can’t call it anything but recklessness” that shocked him?
Also, add another intimidating face to the cast. The Buyuk Pasha (have a feeling “Pasha” should be in caps) is definitely a guy you do not want to cross.
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“Mahmut Pasha, quiet, we did not give you permission to speak.” 
“Ok next matter of business.”
“Mahmut Pasha, your turn.”
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Oh? I meant to speculate about the aftermath in my last liveblog, but ended up forgetting (chapter 5 was a long one, I was exhausted by the end). We don’t actually know how much time has passed between now and the uprising, only that it’s no longer the month of Seker.
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...Are you capable of smiling (without smirking). He is very displeased, yet again.
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That splotch of blood. o.o He got stabbed last chapter and is still up and about. You really need to get that patched up, Mahmut. On the next page he’s actually holding his left arm up to it, so.
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I’M SO GLAD NO ONE ENDED UP DYING. Seems they may not be out of the water yet, though, with the council deliberating as to their fates.
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His mood instantly switches here, from happy/relieved that his friend and his family are safe, to serious. While Ibrahim says it with a smile on his face in front of his kids, he and Mahmut realize that it’s not over yet.
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He realizes his own limits here. Things seemed sort of bleak before, but that was nothing compared to what happens after.
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Dude doesn’t even bother giving him a real answer. You could confirm or deny, you know, instead of being like that. Though I guess he figures it doesn’t matter at this point, which is true. Or he just likes being mysterious.
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I bet Zaganos’s expression would be the same if they had announced the opposite result. I sort of guessed that he’d be let off, but I still breathed a sigh of relief when they reinstated him. I’m weak, ok.
Anyway, more Mahmut expressions! Shocked makes him look younger than he is, and serious makes him more mature. I like how, well, mature he is. These are high stakes, and he knows the severity of the situation well.
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Aww look at his shell-shocked face. I guess Mahmut really guessed/feared that they wouldn’t forgive what Ibrahim had done. From the standpoint of someone in their universe though, the result they got must have been very unlikely.
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He held it together until he left! In isolation, that face looks a little derpy though.
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AW. I needed that. I always love it when that chain with the tassel and (don’t know if it’s a whistle haha that thing) are drawn. And the asymmetry of his outfits. I think I mentioned that in my first liveblog. I usually do not like asymmetrical designs much, but.
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And this! This look of unease. I have a baaad feeling about this.
Mahmut’s thought process is fun to read.
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WELL. First, you’ve gotta appreciate this extreme, divine irony going on where the sun is shining on him full force, and yet he’s lost so much in this single instant.
AND THEN. Well, I guess his demotion has to do with the whole war thing. It seems a good portion of them want to go to war, and up until this moment Mahmut has had the initiative and position to resist that. Just because he was younger didn’t mean he had less power as a pasha, but if he no longer has that title...
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He’s too stunned to even be sad that his dream, which he had just achieved, was snatched away like that.
But lol at least the council is clear in their intentions: “Please think of it as a sort of permanent house arrest.”
This shot of him walking away...
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Talk about a tough position to be in. He was punished the most, even though he did the most to resolve the situation. He’s happy that his friend wasn’t executed, but this is the price.
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I love these shots of his front in darkness, with his back to the light. IT’S ALSO REALLY SAD.
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As shitty as it is, Halil does have a point. And he prefaces saying this with a “Mah-kun”, so you know he really means it. He clearly cares for this boy, and it’s probably not easy seeing him crash so hard, but Mahmut was simply too young and inexperienced for the position he held. His thought process is getting there in some aspects, but in others he hasn’t experienced enough about the complexities of the world around him. He knows what he wants to change, but not how to do it.
I wonder why they bothered making him a pasha so young, anyway. Turkiye hasn’t gone to war since he was young, so he doesn’t have experience in that, either.
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It’s probably even more painful because everything Halil is saying is true. It wasn’t a malicious decision. His look here is like a mix of devastated and a quiet sort of revelation. Like: “....oh.”
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Then why did you guys freaking promote him to pasha in the first place. Just saying. But, now it’s out.
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Weeelll, at least you’re not banned for life.
God I love this kid so much. He was indignant before he started talking to Halil, but now he realizes the gravity of what he has done. He’s not stubbornly rejecting or acting out against that logic, he’s mature enough to own up to his mistake.
And now...
This is a terrifying “oh shit” moment. He realizes here just how much his mistake has cost him, and not just him, but the country. He has no power to do prevent a war now that he got himself kicked out, essentially. If he’d stayed a pasha, maybe he’d be able to exert enough influence to alter events.
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But his expression here as he realizing this is really good.
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Zaganos is heeere. Never know how things are going to go with him around.
HAHAHA. Oh, Zaganos. “I made a mistake and your impulsivity somehow helped me out of it. (thanks I guess) But what you did was still stupid as hell.” That was such backhanded compliments/acknowledgment that you might as well not have said anything at all aside from “That was stupid.”
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Oh? You’re actually giving him something?
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It’s something useful! I love the little details on this bauble. The intricate knot, the little crescent moon.
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Wait, don’t blow up and get angry, I want to know why he’s entrusting this thing to you.
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So Zaganos did indeed know and let everything proceed, all of this just to make one very strong point to the council. Geez.
Mahmut, you look so tiny next to him.
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This is why I love this kid as a protagonist already. He is intelligent, smart, and hard-working, but he isn’t infallible. Youthful arrogance and inexperience was his downfall. It doesn’t even seem like youthful arrogance while you’re experiencing he situation in Hisar with him. He’s the protagonist, and you know he’s right in that he couldn’t just leave Ibrahim to go down for a crime he didn’t willingly commit.
But, now that he’s realized it, he also acknowledges that it’s pointless to dwell on it and beat himself up. And in that sense, we can see he’s already grown from how he was as a child. Then, he lost hope that he could ever improve and needed Ibrahim to talk him out of his tears.
What Ibrahim gave him is actually really precious, I’m dying here ok, he made Mahmut realize that if he works hard at it, improves himself, he can achieve his dream. Now he knows that he’s just going to need more effort than he thought.
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He gets frustrated a lot, and it usually seems to be about himself. I feel bad for him, but on the other hand, like when he got knocked off his horse in cirit and the older guy admonished him, he really needed it.
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It didn’t take him long, not even a full day it looks like, to bounce back and resolve himself on a new goal. Seems like his journey has gone a little backwards (don’t protags in manga usually work their way up from rock bottom; Mahmut had one of the highest positions in the country after coming from the bottom up, and now he has to do it again).
This has been a sort of transition chapter (I wouldn’t call it quiet), but by god did it have impact.
← back・onward →
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sunshine-captain · 7 years
do you have any good star trek novel recommendations? (tos please!!)
Yes! I do! I’ve been meaning to make a post about this for…so long, whoops, but I’ll answer this ask instead! (might still make the post someday, idk tbh. I probably should though because since I have so many Trek books I haven’t read yet, I might like more enough to rec them, haha.) Okay, anyway… (By TOS I assume you mean the original Enterprise crew, I hope it’s okay that not all of these actually take place during TOS, aka the five year mission.)
Sarek by A. C. Crispin You might have seen me mention this one the other day on my blog; I really love it. It takes place post TUC, Amanda is dying and Sarek is uncovering a plot that’s way bigger than anyone realizes at first… Also there’s some stuff about Jim’s nephew Peter (from the episode with the farting flying pancake aliens? lol.) and yeah, it’s a great read. All the parts with Sarek and Amanda are lovely and sad and the plot is interesting and it’s just all around enjoyable.Definitely recommend.
Collision Course by William Shatner This is the other one I mentioned on my blog already, and this one is probably my favorite Trek novel. Spock is nineteen and Jim is seventeen when they first meet, and they’re both too smart for their own good and get into trouble and…well, all the things you expect from Jim and Spock. It was originally supposed to be the first in a series, but for various reasons, there probably won’t be any more (CRIES) but this one is so good. And it doesn’t end on a cliffhanger so it’s okay. I especially enjoyed tbh how Bill appreciates what an effect Tarsus would have had on Jim (this is only three years later, after all) and it’s still very visible on lil’ Jim. Not a spoiler, bc a reference is made to Tarsus on…literally the very first page. Lol. Anyway, this one is really fun and sometimes sad (bc Tarsus) and just really great! Also, at least one of the plot twists genuinely surprised me, which is rare… I normally see them coming a mile off in Trek novels. ;) (Which doesn’t usually take away from my enjoyment, tbh!) But I really appreciate when they can surprise me.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (novelization) by Gene Roddenberry You knew this was coming. This is an absolute must read if you’re a Spirk fan, tbh. I’m not all the way through with it so far, about halfway done, but I can tell you it’s a much better way of telling the story of TMP than TMP. Lol. The movie has this simple feeling and Jim rushing to Spock on the bridge and saying his name like a prayer and other things, but it also has all those dreadful special effect sequences. And the novel has its own gay to offer. I don’t necessarily agree with the way Gene wrote Jim (in fact, it’s been forever since I picked it up but I distinctly remember being bothered by it), but…yeah, at least borrow a copy from someone and witness the gay parts for yourself, haha.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (novelization) by Vonda McIntyre I’m going to go ahead and say right now that if you’re going to read the novelizations, go for the ones by Ms. (Mrs? idk) McIntyre. She wrote 2, 3, and 4. I haven’t read 3 yet, but I have read 2 and 4 and I like that she actually adds in scenes and stuff that weren’t in the movies. It makes me feel like I’m actually getting something additional for my time even though I’m reading a novelization of a movie I’ve already seen. I like this one, because there was quite a bit that wasn’t in the movie (I have a hunch the extra scenes, at least some of them, might be based on the script? because the scene with Sulu’s great….something or other grandfather as a child meeting Sulu is in the book, and I know they tried to put that in the movie but never managed to. anyway.) But yeah, there’s actual stuff in there that’s not in the movie! that’s the way it should be. Also…she ships Saavik/David pretty clearly. :P Like I said, haven’t read TSS novel yet, but I know she was working it into 2, and it’s mentioned in 4 as a thing. Anyway…good stuff! This is the one where the whole “Vulcans get drunk on chocolate” thing comes from btw :))) (Avoid the novelizations by JM Dillard! Avoid!!! I’ve read them and they’re not good.) (Oh and pretty much everything I’ve read by Vonda McIntyre I’ve enjoyed, she’s a good Trek writer.)
Dwellers In The Crucible by Margaret Wander Bonnano Margaret Bonnano is another writer I just generally recommend bc I like all the stuff by her that I’ve read, too. Anyway… okay so let me say that this book’s main characters are not Jim and Spock. I know, I know. But wait!! It’s so worth a read!! Jim and Spock are in it, not much, but when they are they’re literally so married and explicitly confirmed to be t’hy’la… :)) it’s great. okay anyway. The main characters are a human named Cleante and a Vulcan named T’Shael. They are ladies. THEY ARE GAY AF. OKAY. THAT ALONE MAKES IT WORTH A READ. it’s so glorious.I mean the book only says they’re friends but…in the same way Jim and Spock are friends in canon. they’re super freaking gay. and also there are like a thousand incredibly obvious parallels between our human and vulcan lady and Jim and Spock. it’s fun. also Sulu goes undercover as a Romulan. :D yeah, just…read it. it’s great. (it made me angry at one point. I’m still angry. but I recommend it.)
Ishmael by Barbara Hambly This one was, for me at least, just a genuinely good read. I really enjoyed the plot. So…Spock goes back in time to 1867, not willingly I don’t think. And he gets amnesia. So right there are two tropes I ADORE (time travel and amnesia, I don’t care, I LOVE THEM.) He lands in North America, in Seattle if I remember correctly. And that’s the plot pretty much. Haha…okay, there’s a Klingon plot, the Enterprise crew searching for Spock, Spock trying to adapt and hide he’s an alien while bonding with the members of the community he lands in. Also Jim and Spock’s reunion is a bit gay. (Warning for spoilers if you click that? it’s pictures of when they find him near the end, so. Yeah.) I just really enjoyed the book in itself, the plot and everything. Fun!
Enterprise: The First Adventure by Vonda McIntyre In light of the tv series called Enterprise, the title of this one might be a little confusing… But it’s most definitely TOS and has nothing to do with Enterprise, haha. The premise is that it’s the first voyage of the Enterprise with Jim as the captain. And the mission is…to transport a theater troupe. It’s ridiculous and so silly, I know, but it’s really fun. There’s a winged horse, a really un-Vulcan Vulcan (I think he’s Spock’s cousin? I don’t really remember tbh), Spock heckling the theater troop, Uhura being a good friend to Janice…that’s all I remember off the top of my head, but I remember really enjoying it when I read it! 
Unspoken Truth by Margaret Wander Bonanno Remember what I said about those two writers? Lol. Okay so this is a Saavik-centric book. I really love Saavik, okay? So, as you might know, Saavik is half Vulcan, half Romulan. Well in this book (actually, in a bunch of books, by at least three different writers, it seems to be her accepted backstory in the novels) she was the result of a terrible experiment by Romulans, and when it didn’t work out, she and a bunch of other children were abandoned on a planet called Hellguard, and…some really horrible things happen. Anyway, Spock saves her, mentors her, and Amanda and Sarek basically adopt her (literally, she calls them mother and father, IT’S MY FAVE), well anyway, years later, either after or during TVH, she learns things are happening to the survivors of Hellguard…and the story goes from there. This was really good! Intense tbh. I loved it, but then, I love Saavik. If you don’t like her… But if you do, you’ll enjoy this one!!!!
Doctor’s Orders by Diane Duane Diane Duane is another must read author. All her books are excellent. In all honestly, I don’t remember too much about the plot of this one, but I know I liked it! Dr. McCoy is like “you can’t make me take command on the bridge” and Jim is like “uh actually I CAN” so he does and of course on McCoy’s very first day watching over the bridge Jim goes AWOL and shit starts going down. Poor Bones. Also, there’s some crazy aliens in this one, but they’re interesting!
The Vulcan Academy Murders by Jean Lorrah This one has such misleading cover art, lmaooo. At least, the version I have. There might be others… Anyway. Patients at a hospital on Vulcan keep dying and stuff, and then Amanda is in trouble. Lots of Sarek and Spock and Jim and Bones interaction. It’s a good one. (It’s been soo long since I read this one, too, sorry. But again, I know I enjoyed it!)
Uhura’s Song by Janet Hagan I love the alien species in this one. They’re like giant cats, and I love cats. When I read it, I got really into the planet and the species and their culture. The plot is that an old friend of Uhura’s is from this planet, and they “exchanged songs”…songs are a big deal in their culture. Anyway, there’s a plague threatening everyone on the planet and humans, too, and they think a song might hold the key to curing the disease, so they all go down on the planet to try and find it.
Strangers From The Sky by Margaret Wander Bonanno The plot to this one is…kind of hard to describe. Okay. So the parts with Jim and Spock go back and forth in time, part of the time being like, post-all the movies (I think) where they’re old friends (and really married, they’re just like. Margaret Bonanno has this way of inserting this really easy, casual intimacy they have with each other, and calling it friendship when OBVIOUSLY they’re married af, but either way I love it) and part of the time being very early on when Jim hasn’t been in command for long and he and Spock didn’t care much for each other (I mean personally I think they liked each other quite well from the start, but I’ll let it go, lol)… And then there’s a book. In the book. That everyone is reading and obsessed with and Jim starts reading it… It sounds weird, I know, but the book in the book is the story of the first time Vulcans came in contact with humans, long before the OFFICIAL first contact, it was when Vulcans crash landed on Earth and were discovered by some humans… I fucking love Vulcans, so that is obviously a great point of interest for me. Lol. Anyway when Jim reads the book he has nightmares, but then he discovers Spock has those nightmares, too, and it’s more than ‘just’ a book. Probably sounds bizarre but I really enjoyed it. ….and doesn’t every Trek plot EVER sound bizarre af when you try to describe it?
That’s all I’ve got right now!! This got so long I’M SO SORRY TBH BUT I HAD TO BE THOROUGH.
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rayonfrozenwings · 7 years
For the ASK MEME: 02, 52, 54, 19
WARNING - I RAMBLED (when do I not?)
Ok I hate my computer. It crashed. urgh. Just got it going again.and 2yr old driving me nuts. lol anywho... thank you @squaddreamcourt for the ask/jolning the question game. :D
- I just finished writing all my answers - and im so sorry... lol they are long because i added stories. :s (and i didn’t edit/put in capital letters etc because i said i would go get coffee... haha and im being nagged.
ask me stuff
02:Who did you last say “I love you” to? 
Probably my daughter or my husband. When I say it to Danae she says “I lub-a you” back. So I say it all the time to her.
52:Do you believe everything happens for a reason? 
Sometimes the world just sucks - and then other times you think “oh that’s why that happened”.
For Example, a long time ago i applied for university - and i applied for the wrong thing. i applied for a conjoint degree right off the bat and nothing else. i then found out that in order to get into the law programme i had to just apply for law, then down the track i could swap out my course etc. long story short i didn’t meet the cut for the conjoint but i would have for the law degree by itself. because i didn’t get in, i studied English lit and classical studies through the arts degree. once i was done i thought i should still give law a shot. got in to an accelerated programme because I already had a degree so it would have taken me 3 years instead of 4. Packed up my bags - moved cities - got a new job - first time living away from home -  and hated it. Law was awful. I hated that “justice” wasn’t end game. it was just who argued better. I hated that I was away from my family and my boyfriend and I was sooo lonely. I had a bit of an anxiety related breakdown. I had done everything right and it just wasn’t for me. So I got out - right before the deadline to get a refund (about 6weeks). and I realised that maybe me not getting into law at the start was a blessing in disguise. I would have kept going if I managed to get in right out of school - I wouldn’t have known myself and trusted my gut to get out of it.
So yes - I do believe that some things happen for a reason.
I also have lots of eye problems - and I have yet to see where someone breaking their leg, or getting sick can happen for a reason.
its not fair. And you may have gathered that i like stuff to be fair - to be just. So yea.... wow that got a little heavy, but its the best way I can explain.
54:Is cheating ever okay? 
Ok prepare yourself for a story. because I don’t just give a yes no.
cheating is not ok.
but people are very particular about “defining” what cheating is.
Also if you are the one being cheated on it is not ok - you don’t need to forgive, but if it is your friend/family and it doesn’t impact you directly then you need to think about why it is your business.
My grandfather cheated on my grandmother for years (1950′s - 80′s) it was with one woman. he invited the other woman over to dinner for my grandmother to cook for her and the family. that is not ok. he was awful to her. then they got divorced. he married the mistress and she was/is in our life because of that. he was still our grandad, still my dads dad. but my dad said he could never forgive him  -but he was still his dad and it would be unfair to exclude him from our live when he didn’t directly harm us. We grew up knowing the story. We knew he hurt grandma, and we knew the barest details as we got older we learned more. i dont think we will ever know the whole story. But my grandmother used to play games back - she would have my grandfather over to “help out” around the house behind his new wifes/the mistresses back. So they were all as bad as eachother and it was messed up. But It is not my place to hold it against them.
My parents are pretty ordinary. But its everywhere. the idea of it makes me sick.
When I was 16, my boyfriend had a phone and was messeging another girl. I was heartbroken, and i told him it was awful - he told me he deleted the messages and that it was one sided. I told him to give me his phone. back then sent messages were in a different folder, and although he had deleted all the messages from the girl he hadn’t deleted his responses. Which were incriminating. I told him up front - “you hurt me” - “to me this is cheating” - “you are betraying my trust” - “I don’t want to be with someone like this” - “make a choice”. it was hard. But he knew where i stood - basically if he couldn’t tell me something then it must be because he doesn’t think its right. I’m so glad we had this conversation within the first month of dating because it set up our relationship - there was no room for argument over what he thought was/wasn’t cheating. betrayal sucks. but i married this guy, and we have been pretty upfront about everything  -even if he thought I’d be upset. He’s an engineer, and at uni the engineers are very rowdy. he attended a few “topless” kegs and toga parties. i suppose its sometimes dependent on intent also - he can look, he doesn’t intend to go home with any of those people. i’m getting a little off track.
ok my third instance,
My friend was cheated on by her husband and she took him back. I will never trust him. But it is her choice. I will attend functions where he is because that is her choice. if they break up again i will be there because it is her choice. I do not agree with what he did.
and the last one is more about lying.
My MIL recently separated from her husband. She asked me before she did this what I would think if she started dating other men and how I thought her boys would react. I said I think if there was cheating she would find it very hard to keep her boys talking to her. Then they get separated. she lives by herself for 10 weeks then finds a place with a “friend”. She says “its 2 bedroom, we are just friends”, she comes to visit and goes looking for super-king sheets because her “friends” bed is bigger than her old one and she wants “nice sheets because he is fussy”, they are still just “friends”, aparently still in different rooms (with the same bed- hmmm i don’t think so). the boys ask her outright if she was seeing him before she left their dad - she says no “i did not cheat on your dad”. this is an important statement because what does she consider cheating? I would consider correspondence with someone with the intent of getting together or leaving the current partner cheating but perhaps she only considers sleeping with someone as cheating. We are still in the middle of this one and it changes every day.
anywho. its so prevalent it just makes me sick. My kids will never call her new partner grandad. he will always be called by his name. because i think i need to make those distinctions. if he came along a long time after they had split it might be different - but i dont know the full story.
OMG! that is apparently a topic i have experience with... whoops...
19:Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Maybe not in my own timeline - like I wouldn’t want to change anything.
But i think it would be fun to dress up and watch people from a different time. like just sitting in hyde park and watching carriages go past (id have to get to the uk somehow first).
If I could just watch I would be down for it. I wouldn't want to accidentally get taken away and made to do stuff I didn't want to do - because tbh the past wasn’t very nice.
Thanks for the ask - sorry for the TMI. :D
ask me stuff
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Interview with Charlotte Winbolt
I account Charlotte as the main influence for me discovering my love of creating magazines, telling stories and working with interesting women. I interviewed her in my second year for a magazine created for diversity, she was working as a lap dancer in the night and then completing her floristry course in the day, I real thought provoking contrast I thought. 
I envisioned that it would be a good idea to create another article with her, but this time make it stronger and better than before. I feel that my skills have improved since then, and I’d like to showcase her story. It also would be nice to see how her life has changed since then, as she is no longer working at the club, but instead running her own floristry business and working in Topshop part time. I desperately want other women to hear Charlottes story, as she is someone that embodies the very essence of an empowering woman. Not many can loose their mother, survive sex work, and then create their own business solely of their own back. 
I decided questions that would reflect this, as well as give Charlotte enough space to draw her own ideas. As she’s so busy, we messaged each other back and forth over text and email, and I have organised a date to shoot with her when she’s not working. I’m slightly concerned that this is a little late, as the nearest date she’s available is the 4th of April, will this give me enough time? Should I see if she's free before?? I asked if I could shoot her at her home, as this is where she runs her business, again I have set up a Pinterest board to generate inspiration for this shoot, and so Charlotte knows the direction I am after. I have recieved her answers, but I might her to edit these as she swears a little, but this is something I can decide when I come down to creating the article on InDesign. 
1.     Hi there Charlotte, for those who don’t know you as well as I do, would you mind briefly describing your story so far?
So basically, I'm a failed art student (hahahahahah Oh god) and retail slave of 5 years. I had a brief stint of working in the ���nightlife entertainment’ industry, and now I'm training to be a florist.
2.     What is it you do exactly, a little birdie tells me you’re quite the flower queen?
I'm trying my hardest to run a small floristry business from home while working a 37.5-hour week, at the moment, so definitely a struggling but motivated flower queen!
3.     When I last interviewed you, you were juggling working at the club while completing your floristry training, how has life blossomed since then?
Life has blossomed in the sense that I don't work night and day now; I have so much more time for my own wellbeing which feels fucking wonderful. My relationships with friends are finally great and I'm the healthiest I've ever been, mentally and physically.
4.     You’ve also acquired some new beautiful artworks on your body, would you describe what these are, why you got them and the inspiration behind them?
I'm a little bit obsessed with tattoos and a great tattooist has done most of my recent ones, Patrick Bates (Instagram: European.son.420). He hand pokes, which is just a needle and ink as opposed to the traditional way of doing it with a gun. I love the handwritten element of his work, and it feels much less aggressive on your body. Tattoos never used to be personal to me or mean anything, but I think they all do now, I'm inspired by my own mind state as every time I get a new one I'm in a different place. That sounds really fucking pretentious, but it doesn't come from a place of showiness.
5.     How is your floristry business flourishing?
I don't know if flourishing is the correct word, because how much can a business really flourish when you work a 37 hour week and you like napping as much as I do haha? It's definitely progressed in the sense that I am doing a few weddings this year, I have plans in the works to do a few workshops this summer.
6.     What’re your hopes for 2017, what do you wish to do?
It's as simple as not losing my fucking marbles. I've always struggled with balance my whole life so it's just maintaining that really. In an ideal world I'd like to make enough money from Stem & Petal to work part time in retail, but I think that might be a 2018 pipe dream.
 7.     With Infinite being Brighton based, what does this city mean to you?
I was on holiday recently, and I couldn't stop telling everyone I met that Brighton is the best city in the whole world. I don't think I realised how much it meant to me until I nearly left 2 years ago for good…like I've met some of the best people ever in Brighton. As much as I hate the tourists and shoosh and the wind, it could be a lot worse. Just means familiarity.
8.     Is this somewhere that you feel you could call home? 
Yes, definitely.
9.     Who or what would you cite as your main inspiration?
This is a really hard question, because it changes daily…probably the people I surround myself with that I genuinely am fully in love with, like all my friends. Quality over quantity is the best decision with friends and I've met some of the purest kindest gentlest people this year. It's when I noticed that I literally had no negative feelings ever towards them that I realised that these people are my soulmates.
I guess I'm inspired by some celebrities, but not on a deep level. I inspire myself too because of all the times I thought ‘fuck I'm not gonna make it to tomorrow’, and whoops here I am? That's super cool, like I did it. So nearly everyone is my main inspiration…sorry I didn't answer that question very well haha.
10.  What is your current life motto?
That it's going to be good and I'm only going to thrive more. That happiness being a constant state, is a stupid westernised idea and it's not that simple. Everything is good already, but it's not going to be all the time and it's okay? You're allowed to have bad weeks and basically I need to stop being so hard on myself haha because it only makes me miserable.
11.  Do you believe in fate?
I didn't, but I think maybe I do. I don't believe in people using fate as a precursor to them making bad decisions you know? Like not everything is fate, sometimes you just make stupid decisions because you're stupid. But definitely the universe has conspired to bring me the people I have met in the past year 
12.  How does it feel to be so young, but already achieved so much, with Stem Petal being testament to that?
It feels like a lot of pressure but I think I work better under pressure
13.  Lastly, talk me through your favourite flowers (mine are chrysanthemums)
THE HARDEST QUESTION EVER! I fucking love peonies. I'll get married in July just to have a peony wedding. But I also love dahlias, sweet peas, tulips, anenomies and ranunculus. Oh, and roses. Probably daffodils too. All of them really, I think they're fucking wonderful.
I’m not sure if I’m going to include all the interview questions and answers, as upon reflection it is quite lengthy??? I think that once I have the on location photoshoot with Charlotte I’ll be able to decide from there, it definitely makes for an interesting read! I had my Mum and friends read it and they reported how interesting Charlotte is, without even meeting her. 
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