#i really wonder if it’s intentional or just a happy accident
reminiscingtonight · 4 months
Three's Not A Crowd
Mapi León x Ingrid Engen x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
[WOSO Masterlist]
It was an accident. 
If confronted about it Ingrid will vehemently deny snooping.
Because she wasn’t. In any way. 
It all began with a simple tidying up. No matter how many times Ingrid reminded Mapi not to leave her various books and bags around the house the Spaniard just never took it to heart.
So doing what she does best, Ingrid puts them away for her girlfriend.
Opening the hallway closet, she starts the daunting task of hauling the heavy bag onto one of the higher shelves. It’s there, when the bag is halfway over her head that something falls out, the zipper not having been fully shut.
A couple curse words are grumbled out when the object smacks her square on the top of her head. Sighing, Ingrid crouches to grab at what she realizes is Mapi’s sketchbook… only to pause when she sees the page the book has fallen open onto.
Mapi’s artistic abilities have always been magnificent. When not busy with football or taking Ingrid out on dates, the Spaniard can always be found sketching away in some corner of their house. Ingrid’s always the first to point out how wonderful she finds her girlfriend’s pieces of art but these particular sketches, they’re nothing if not breathtaking. 
Ingrid picks up the book, fingers lightly tracing the unfamiliar face staring back at her. Whoever Mapi’s captured down on the paper is nothing if not beautiful. Your eyes look kind, mouth curled up into the gentlest of smiles.
Surprisingly it isn’t jealousy Ingrid feels at the sight of someone else captured so perfectly by Mapi. It’s curiosity that causes her to flip through page after page of Mapi’s sketchbook, each one containing a different picture of you through what’s clearly multiple different days. In some of them you’re staring right at Ingrid through the pages of the pad, in others it’s only your side profile that’s been captured.
The more Ingrid looks, the more her curiosity grows. And it’s this same curiosity that has Ingrid knocking on their shared bedroom a couple minutes later, book still in hand.
“Who is this?” It’s not an accusation, words coming out soft and curious as Ingrid gently places Mapi’s sketchbook down next to the defender. 
Mapi’s body all but freezes when she sees what Ingrid is referring to, eyes growing comically wide. “That’s uh, she’s um-- I just… she caught my eye-- and I… I--”
Mapi’s clearly at a loss of words, and Ingrid is quick to put her out of her misery. 
Ingrid puts a light hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder. “Mapi, don’t worry about it. I know you’re loyal. This isn’t me asking if you’re cheating on me. You love me too much to ever think about breaking my heart.”
The blonde’s quiet for a moment, looking down at her fingers. Ingrid waits patiently, as the Spaniard gathers her thoughts. 
“She works at the cafe next to the park.”
Ingrid listens, if not with a little too much investment, as Mapi details the first trip that took her across your path. Something about you had Mapi returning time and time again, if just to hear your voice or get some work done in your presence. 
Mapi finishes her story and they put away the sketchbook and their day goes on as normal.The conversation really should have put an end to the thoughts swirling around her head, but something keeps tickling at the back of Ingrid’s mind. 
She should let it go. 
Ingrid knows she should let it go. 
But everyone says curiosity kills the cat and that’s exactly what happens. 
Ingrid goes to see you.
Well she actually goes to the cafe at which you work at, but it’s definitely with the intention to see you in action. 
And see you in action she does. 
Right from the get-go Ingrid can understand why Mapi’s been so drawn to you.
You’re soft spoken, eyes sparkling as you take her order. When Ingrid hesitantly pauses over unfamiliar Spanish words you don’t make a big deal out of her sudden switch to heavy-accented English. Instead, your smile grows wider, happy to converse in your native tongue. You converse in light English. Ingrid only stumbles over her words every here and there but you don’t comment, nodding along to everything she says as if they’re the most interesting thing in the world.
You’re just so nice and just so sweet and…
Ingrid finds herself coming back to see you again. And again. And again. 
She grows used to the way your face would light up when you catch sight of her walking through the doors. You’re always quick to nudge your coworker out of the way just so you can take her order. 
Ingrid doesn’t expect to feel things.
She’s in love with Mapi, she knows that. The two of them are supposedly going to get married in the future, live the happiest of lives together. 
But something about you is just so alluring. And it isn’t like Mapi isn’t attracted to you either. Although her girlfriend has never said it out loud, Ingrid knows her fascination with you is due in part to how beautiful she finds you. 
It’s after practice that Ingrid makes up her mind. 
There’s really nothing to lose either way. Either it works out, and she can make Mapi happy as well. Or it doesn’t. Worse case scenario the two of them will just have to get their caffeine fix somewhere else. 
Ticket clutched in hand, Ingrid walks up to the counter. 
Working at a cafe was never in your plans. 
But neither was uprooting your entire life and moving across the ocean to Spain. 
A year ago you had a really nice job, a loving girlfriend, a life you were sure was set to last you until the end. Walking in on your girlfriend in bed with “the friend you didn’t need to worry about” really turned everything on its head. 
When your job’s contract ended there wasn’t really anything keeping you tied down to the city you really only moved to for your ex-girlfriend for. So with nothing but a suitcase and plane ticket in hand, you made the rash decision to go to the ever sunny Barcelona. 
You’ve only been here for a couple months, but you’re already in love with the city and the culture. 
You get used to the everyday buzz of your routine. Wake up, go for a jog, head to work, make some coffee for some pretty girls, go home, rinse and repeat. Really not too much to focus on so it’s no surprise you noticed her right away. 
Bleach-blonde hair, reserved but beautiful smile, yeah, how could you miss someone like her?
She always ordered the same thing whenever she came in, one hand clutched around a small book and pencil. You’ve only ever heard her say her drink order, her name, and a polite thank you when you’d bring her drink, but beyond that, she was a mystery to you.
During lulls in your shift you’d often find your eyes drifting to where she sat, head buried in her book as her pencil made its way across the page. Her ink was magnetic, so many tattoos everywhere, her arms, hands, neck. 
You come to look forward to the days Mapi would come in. Every Monday like clockwork.
And while Mondays were for Mapi, Thursdays were for Ingrid. 
Ingrid was another one of the girls you’ve come to look forward to seeing. 
Unlike your Spanish crush, your Norwegian crush grew out of fondness.
At first you thought it was funny, having feelings for someone not from Spain in Spain. But Ingrid would always do whatever she could to make you laugh when she came in. She’s funny and attentive and just so caring, it’s no surprise you find your crush growing with each day. 
So yeah, maybe you’re crushing on two women in Barcelona, but it’s not like the other knew about your feelings for them or the other woman, so you feel vindicated to continue pining over Mapi on Mondays and Ingrid on Thursdays. 
When Ingrid asked you to accompany her to a Barcelona match your first instinct is to say no. 
First off, you never expected her to actually ask you out. 
Secondly, and more importantly, your best friend from home was always trying to get you to go to a soccer game with her but you never found much interest in people kicking balls around for ninety minutes. But to squander some alone time with a beautiful girl away from your place of work? Well that sounded pretty appealing.
The closer the match day gets the more excited you become. The day of the game you find yourself trying on at least half of your closet before calling your friend for help. All you really got was a bunch of teasing remarks, but with only a few minutes to spare you make it out the door to the game. 
You send a text off to Ingrid when you get to your seat. Everyone around you is already joyous, spanish chattering going off everywhere around you. 
But then the minutes tick by and your text is still left unread and Ingrid is still nowhere to be seen. It’s already passed the time Ingrid said for you to get to the game, but you can’t seem to get ahold of her nor can you spot her anywhere. 
You frown. Maybe something came up and Ingrid’s just running a little (a lot) behind?
Or perhaps you were just the fool to ever believe a gorgeous woman like Ingrid would ever be into someone like you.
Your heart sinks at the prospect of being stood up.
Suddenly your mood drops, no longer as excited at watching the game as you were earlier. The longer you sit here without seeing any hint of Ingrid, the more you find yourself wishing you never accepted the ticket in the first place. 
You’re broken out of your thoughts when the crowd around you starts cheering, the first of players starting to jog out onto the field for warm-ups. 
Blinking away what you know would be tears of frustration, you let your eyes rake over the unfamiliar players. Mapi’s the last thing on your mind as you wonder where Ingrid can be, which is  why you almost do a double take when you see someone who looks a bit like her jog right past you. 
Your head whips to the side to track the player. 
Mapi’s dressed in Barcelona colors as she lightly pushes one of her teammates on the field. She’s now on the other side of the pitch, but you can still see the way she’s laughing and joking around with her teammates. 
Before you can really make sense of what you’re seeing, you feel your heart stuttering to a stop for the second time in seconds. 
There’s a familiar tall figure running up to Mapi’s side, throwing an arm around her shoulder. You would know that dazzling smile from anywhere.
Ingrid is on the field.
Ingrid is on the field next to Mapi.
Ingrid didn’t ask you to go to today’s game with her. She was asking you to watch her play in today’s game. 
And watching Ingrid play soccer apparently meant also watching Mapi play soccer too.
Although you’re here for Ingrid you can’t help but drool over how good Mapi looks streaking down the field. 
She seems to dance with the ball, effortlessly launching it right into the path of her teammates. 
You’re standing up and cheering when her assist turns into a goal. 
She’s celebrating with her teammates when you see Ingrid tug on Mapi’s sleeve. And then they’re both looking at you. You flush red at the gigantic smile on Ingrid’s face and the confused yet still slightly pleased look on Mapi’s.
When the final whistle blows you’re not quite sure what the proper etiquette is.
You’re still debating whether or not you should head out and text Ingrid later when you notice her heading in your direction. 
It’s automatic, the way your lips curl up into a smile.  
Until you realize she’s got one hand on Mapi’s forearm. 
It’s obvious that the two of them are arguing about something. Mapi’s eyebrows are drawn together, hand’s waving in front of her as she rapidly says something to the Norwegian. They’re still too far away for you to hear them but you can still make out the way Ingrid fondly rolls her eyes at the other woman.
As soon as they come within earshot of you though, Mapi falls silent. She’s looking a bit shy and bashful, not at all as confident as when she was playing earlier, but Ingrid still drags her to a stop in front of you.
“You could’ve told me you were playing in the game when you asked me to come, Ingrid.”
Ingrid grins. “Where’s the fun in that?”
You let her pull you into a sweaty hug, laughing when she shakes you side to side before letting go. Ingrid gives Mapi a slight nudge before the shorter woman gives you a subdued hello. 
She looks nervous. For what you’re not quite sure. If anything, you should be the nervous one. What’s your luck that the two women you’re crushing on know each other?
It almost seems natural, the way Mapi leans into Ingrid, and the way Ingrid so readily slots a hand on Mapi’s waist. 
It takes a moment but your heart drops when it clicks. 
“Oh, are you guys… you’re together?”
What. The. Fuck.
No, you’re not crushing on two women who know each other. You’re crushing on two women who happen to be together!
“Si,” Mapi confirms, looking a bit uncomfortable at the way Ingrid keeps manhandling her towards your body.
“Anyways, how did you like the game?” Ingrid butts in, eyelashes batting at you. 
Your eyes keep darting between hers and Mapi’s. “It was… it was a nice game. I can’t really say I have much experience to compare the match to, but you guys definitely tore up the field.”
Ingrid hums. “Well we’re just going to have to change that, won’t we.”
You don’t really understand what she means so you stay quiet, giving her a polite nod in response. If you were embarrassed thinking Ingrid stood you up earlier, there’s no words that can describe the way you’re feeling now. All you want to do is go home and curl into a ball. You’re going to need a couple days of wallowing about to get over these two stupid little crushes of yours. 
“The girls are planning on going out, if you want to come.”
Nervously scratching the back of your head, you try to swallow the lump in your throat. You’re not quite sure why Ingrid looks so hopeful when Mapi’s literally held in her arms right in front of you. 
“I don’t know…”
It’s the sight of both Mapi and Ingrid’s faces falling that instantly makes you start doubting your decision.
“Please?” Mapi rasps, hand lightly falling upon your arm.
Mapi hasn’t really said much this entire time, but your eyes drop to where she’s touching you, face instantly heating up at the simple feel of her hand on your skin.
“I--” You make the mistake of raising your eyes, making direct eye contact with Mapi. The Spaniard’s eyes are soft and it feels a bit as if she’s staring right into your soul. Her fingers absentmindedly dance their way down to your arm as you try to say anything other than how much you’ve been thinking about what exactly her hands can do. 
“Well I suppose an hour or two out won’t hurt.” It comes out of your mouth without you really intending it to. 
But your heart feels a bit lighter at the way Mapi instantly looks like you’ve just made her day. Ingrid’s sporting a similar smile, chin resting upon Mapi’s shoulder. As gently as she can, Ingrid shuffles Mapi out of the way. You don’t have any time to react before she’s leaning in to press a kiss against your cheek. You’re sure your face is flaming red when she pulls back, but then Mapi’s leaning in next, kissing you just as softly as Ingrid did. She lingers for a beat, pausing to tuck a wayward strand of hair behind your ear.
“Wait outside the corridor for us, yeah? We’ll let security know to let you through.”
Still dumbstruck you nod, not able to get rid of the tingling warmth from your skin. 
The two of them bid their goodbyes before disappearing down the tunnel towards the locker room. There’s nothing you can do but stare after their departing figures, hand coming up to touch your cheek as if you can’t believe what’s just happened. 
Because now that you’re really thinking about it, what did just happen?
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b0r3dtod3ath · 8 months
I was wondering if you could do a this request for Oscar!
Ok so reader is vettels daughter and she races.
They are on a karting race and Oscar crashes with her and she brakes her ankle so she’s in the hospital and he goes with a card and flowers to say sorry and Sebastian is a lil overprotective over her
(Try make it so that Oscar and her don’t really know eachother hustam that they race eachother)
When I thought about this I imagined it like them having 13 or 12:)
thanks for your time!!!!
Thank you @cedricsleftelbow for the request! I love this idea. You know how to melt my heart haha <33
Word count: 490
F1 masterlist
The time setting is prob weird - Sebastian is around his current age and is retired, y/n and Oscar are (as requested) 12/13. Fic approximately takes place in 2013 :)
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Your dad has introduced you to the world of motorsport form a very young age. You had watched him race ever since you were little so when he retired and noticed your interest in the sport he decided to help you. He never pressured you, you both considered it your hobby. Nonetheless, you were really good at it and obviously wanted to win every race.
Naturally, your dad was a bit overprotective when it came to your karting races. His little girl being surrounded by boys wasn't something he was very happy about.
You were like a little sunshine before each race, you always greeted everyone with a big smile that you inherited from your father. It didn't take long for you to make friends on track, one of the being Logan. Even if you didn't know someone you still were friendly towards them.
Your relation with Oscar was pretty neutral - you usually greeted each other but you never really had a conversation with him. During the race you noticed his cart getting quite close to yours but it didn't cause you to panic. You entered a turn staying on the inside but he left you little room what caused you to bump into a wall. Well, go karts don't usually achieve high speeds but the way that they are build causes the driver not to be fully safe.
This incident resulted in your dad carrying you thru the door of the nearest hospital as you couldn't walk. An hour later, you had done an x-ray and a nurse said "Fortunately, it's just a sprain, nothing serious". As she was leaving a visibly distressed boy entered the room. He was holding a bouquet, full of white and pink flowers, that covered his blushed, embarrassed face. "I'm really sorry, I- I didn't mean to. It was never my intention. I wouldn't do anything like this on purpose." he nervously tried to explain. "Oscar, kid, don't worry. It was just an accident. Things like that happen." your dad said calming the boy down. You were quite surprised by your dad's behaviour - usually you would assume that he would rip the kid apart. "I'm going to find the doctor and speak to him. I will be back in 10 minutes. Behave." he said standing up and leaving you two alone. Oscar set the flowers on a small cabinet. "I'm sorry we have to get to know each other in such situation but I don't think I have ever properly introduced myself. So, I'm Oscar Piastri and again I deeply apologise, I swear I didn't mean to-" you stuck your hand out "Apologies accepted but you will have to keep me company as I recover".
10 years later.. Y/N's second year in Formula 1, Oscar's rookie year...
"Yea so basically he broke my ankle but was really nice afterwards so that's how we met." you said during a press conference, smiling at Oscar.
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helloescapist · 8 months
Living Together Headcanons Part I | Giyuu Tomioka, Shinobu Kocho, and Kyojuro Rengoku
Word Count: 4064
Setting: [insert]hashira x gn!reader, established relationships
Content Warning(s): minor suggestive wording, SFW, domestic
Summary: just domestic headcanons with Giyuu Tomioka, Shinobu Kocho, and Kyojuro Rengoku.
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The Water Hashira
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This was not a decision the Water Hashira took lightly, nor was it one he was able to make a decisive point on for quite some time. In fact, it’s likely that Tomioka had wanted to start living together months ago. Your having fallen asleep at his place on accident gifting him the rare opportunity to see your f ace first thing in the morning, he’s smitten. It was a desire that resulted in hours of deliberation, internal screaming, and self-inflicted panic.
His mind had scampered off with a number of scenarios; Giyuu had successfully outlined every possible consequence of living together.
Pondered what domestic dispute would occur if you both discovered the swordsman was in fact, a snorer. He wouldn’t be surprised if he had a deviated septum—he had certainly been knocked in the face a number of times by Sanemi. Would you be able to sleep through such clamorous noise? What if the whistle of his botched nose robbed you of necessary slumber? What if the reality of sharing a bed spread further than him being a noisy sleeper, c-could Giyuu be restless sleeper? He was prone to nightmares since the loss of his sister, b-but he never considered that it may cause him to wander the futon. What if he pushed you off in the middle of the night? Or stole the blankets in his struggles?
The night and performance was not the only concern, the waking hours lent its own opportunities for him to sink your happy relationship. What if your social tendencies lent itself to frequent visitors? W-would he be able to keep up with communal demands? The idea of strangers acquaintances wandering throughout his home at a moment’s notice is enough to make him anxious.
Giyuu has always fretted over even the littlest of things, but when the thought to take your relationship a step further occurred to him, well, it really sent his thoughts in overdrive. His heart yearns for domestic life at your side, but he’s aware he is not the easiest person to get along with. Worried that this next phase of your relationship, well it would awake whatever fevered dream had led you to accept him as your partner.
His over consideration of others has and will continue to rob you of sweet moments as lovers. There will be moments where he wonders if he is putting the moves on you at the right time, or if perhaps you’re too busy. Too exhausted from the day’s work.
Giyuu will engage himself in an internal debate if you would like tea with the book you’re reading by the window, snuggled up in a bundle. The time dedicated to sorting through the variety of teas at your disposal, frightened that in some way selecting the wrong flavor would indicate he is no longer an appropriate match for you. Or worse, that he doesn’t care for your preferences.
Send him out for groceries unaccompanied, he will stick to the list you provided loyally at the cost of his own health. Stressed out at the realization you had set out the ingredients with the intent of serving omurice.
Yet, as Giyuu scans the list, he cannot see the request to stop by the grocer and secure the green onions. He’s certain that you were out, and he will stand in front of the grocer unsure of whether to purchase the ingredient. Equally befuddled that he would become the hero who remembered the onions, or if somehow the purchase would insinuate lack of confidence in your skills.
The little old grannies will eventually force the onions on him and shoo him.
Your first night, he didn’t sleep. Not even a wink. He spent the entire night bearing a hole into the ceiling. A shy smile etched upon his lips, heart pounding in his ears. The tender scent of your shampoo tossed in your sleep, the tickle of the strands of your hair against his nose. The coo of your breath against his neck as you snuggle into his chest. He continues to tuck your stray arm under the covers despite how many times you wiggle lose.
Truly, there is no bigger sign of progress in your relationship with the Water Hashira than the moment your belongings passed the threshold, and intermingled with his own. It’s the perfect example of the bond you two have built together. He’s too excited, his heart won’t stop and the fear he may accidentally wake you.
Giyuu as you are more than aware isn’t necessarily one for conversation. It’s not that he wouldn’t partake, it’s more that he just enjoys listening to your voice over meals.
Curled up into the late hours as you divulge everything from the inner workings of your day, your job, or even day dreams. His small inputs here and there will not only wow you, but reassure you that he is always listening to your rambles with a small smile on his face.
you bring such life to his world. he's missed this.
Giyuu wouldn’t be one to bring home something without discussing it with you first, and for the most part, he’s not too likely to complain if you decide to bring a plant home on a whim. I just feel he’s a great plant daddy.
 But I can’t imagine him bringing something home too much on a whim, he will have put into great consideration before he dares to bring home matching dinnerware for the two of you. have the cutest little flowers, and a kappa spirit motif.
He’s not going to bring home a stray animal spur of the moment, and will approach you bringing home a pet with great trebudation. Have you seen how animals treat him, he’s nervous. Though the Water Hashira would not outright reject the addition, but he is skeptical.
Mitsuri will have started sneaking little bites of goodies into his pockets to nurture the relationship.
For that matter, I feel like Giyuu as a whole keeps a very minimal home, and wouldn’t be apposed to your decorations regardless of how little or flamoyant. As long as he can continue about his daily tasks, I suspect he’d find great comfort in their presence.
it’s proof he’s no longer alone…
Likely has a preference for nostalgic pieces, especially ones that are rather simple.  Naturally gravitates to the concept of kanso. Natural light, plants, and the inclusion of wood elements.
Is the type to be quite ridged about schedules and habits. Every day without fail, he will have the laundry washed and hung at the same time. His sword will be routinely polished at the same time every day. Dishes will be promptly washed after dinner is served. Diverting from his routine often causes stress and a touch of anxiety. For the most part, he’ll be able to argue with himself—such as reminding himself of the importance of duty, or that you surely didn’t mean to leave laundry on the line for so long.
He’s a man of routine
This would also lend itself to dates. While he’s not as big on going out, through Tanjiro’s gentle reminders, he would make a point to take you out every two weeks on the dot, unless you express a desire for more time out. In which case, he’ll adjust to the need.
That being said, he’s a total home body.
Loves spending time at home together. Whether it’s engaging in board games with one another, and cooking dinner together, or if you are performing separate activities. Such as reading a book, sewing, painting, crocheting, whatever your interests may be, he is happy to just be around you will you pursue your joy. He may read a book, train, or even attempt to try out your task if you invite him to do so.
For the most part though, he’s content to just sit in the same room as you without words, listening to your murmurs of focus.
Seizes opportunities to snuggle on the veranda as the rain seizes the light of day, and little frogs hop across the garden enjoying the weather.
Would be the type to wrap a blanket around your shoulders wehtehr you’ve drifted off to sleep by the kotatsu, or if you’re too entranced in work to notice that you’ve grown cold.
Would deliver your lunch to you at work.
Would make a point of eating meals together.
Would stay up faithfully awaiting yoru return home. Probably by the door, and when the hour draws far later than expected he’s anxious. The first hour, he’ll express that you lost track of time.  Ran into a friend. The errands ran longer, making excuses after excuses. Like a worried parent.
As time goes on, he’s stressed, no he’s worried. scared.
His mind is running through every scenario. What if you ran into a demon, what if you were kidnapped and sold to the red district. he’s out the door..
Ensures that he asks how your day was every day.
Carries a hudge amount of the mental load.
Remembers that you like a specific scent for your laundry, and makes a point of always utilizing it in the wash.
Always makes sure that bills are paid on time, and the fridge is stocked.
Will work tirelessly to ensure you have everything you need to be happy.
Even if he’s not the breadwinner in the home, he’ll make a point of contributing to the hosuehold very seriously. Strict budgeter.
Makes Saturday morning breakfast after he’s convinced himself to crawl out of bed. takes balancing nutrition very seriously.
Will never take for granted having someone to come home to.
If you can make it pass the initial panic obstacles of living together, you’ll be gifted with a stable, consistent, and happy home. Literally the definition of a warm home to return to, snuggles, and all the fuzzy feels.
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The Insect Pillar
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Let’s be clear, if Shinobu has made the step to cohabitate with you, then you are more than familiar with her peculiarities. Otherwise, there’s just no way in hell that she would allow you to invade her personal space. Regardless of how romantic or attached she is to you, she worked hard to imbed the best version of herself to you, so taking this next big move in the relationship, you’ve already seen what lies beneath her gentle mask.
You’re already acquainted with her morning breath, groggy snippy remarks at the rise of the sun having spent a late night studying medical texts, how her hair will stick at odd ends, and the bags beneath her eyes that have not been tended to by make up. You are… aware that she is far from perfect, and thus, why she has allowed you to scoot your belongings pass the door. The ultimate sign of not commitment, but vulnerability.
You know she’s still human.
Just as guarded as she is about her own vulnerabilities, I also believe Shinobu wouldn’t allow you to jump into this commitment without the proper thought and time. She’s flattered, and oh she will savor teasing your eagerness to live together, but she’s not jeopardizing the relationship to satisfy a whim. Pressing forward will only happy if she is confident you can handle it her. After all, living together means more exposure to her sassy remarks. Her tongue is a double edge sword, her words can be cute and feisty as they are mysterious and lethal.
Living together, the Insect Pillar would take so much pride in having you in her home. Would openly flaunt her relationship status. A jubilant combination of smugness, and devious. Tormenting anyone who’s thoughts have strayed at her sassy remarks of keeping you up--- she saw the way Mitsuri and Sanemi’s face lit up at the implication, and now, ta ta her love.
she’s hunting. no matter the excuse they make, they’ll fall under her tormenting.
Living with Kocho means a bit of work on your part, and less on hers. For her, hers, well, she’s enamored with you. Thrilled by your brain, how your mind ticks. Your habits, your smile, your frustrations, all of it, so whatever you contribute to the Butterfly Estate, she’s fairly accepting.But, you’ll have to familiarize yourself with her whims. And they are… vast.
Shinobu will never hesitate to bring work home with her, or consider how it will affect you, or those around you. why would she?
Because of this, you’ll often find curious concoctions throughout the home. Mixtures of wisteria, and other anomalies left out without a second thought. I’m just convinced that under her mask, Shinobu tends to be messy by nature.Some days, you’ll open the store house to discover a variety of severed, talking heads. Demons who have been inflicted with varying injections and dosages of her wisteria concoctions.
All for the sake of her research clearly, but you’ll have to volley the notion of a separate storehouse for her… work. seriously who wants to eat leeks that have been close to the decapitated horrors. She doesn’t get it, they didn’t touch, but okay, okay, she’ll get on the construction.
You share a lot of similarities with those test subjects as you’re essentially in a petri dish yourself. Nothing malicious.  No, no, rest assured she means no harm in observing you. She really adores you, so much so that she wants to know everything. Everything.
The exact measurements you implicate when you go through your skin routine, why it is you add a touch of sugar to your cooking rice, or why you tuck the end of your fold the way you do when putting away laundry.
While it’s adorable that she’s taking mental notes, I can’t imagine being studied at all aspects of your being will always be… comfortable. imagine waking up to her counting your freckles.
Enact your boundaries. She’ll respect them. but she doesn’t understand why you’re upset.
As I’ve said, Shinobu isn’t the type to care too much about what you bring into the home. Whether on a whim you’ve dragged a stray home, a plant, new wallpaper, whatever it may be, Kocho is for the most part, unbothered. Really, as long as you bare in mind specific things, such as tokens of her older sister are significant to her, you’re free to do whatever you’d like with the home. If anything, she looks forward to seeing what you come up with. Just as, she will welcome any additions to the home you drag home. A cat, ah well, you needed a companion. A plant, it will look lovely in that corner. New wallpaper, oh this color makes your eyes pop. She’s smiten.
you could commit a murder and Shinobu would still take your side. I swear.
I do feel like she would gravitate towards more macabre interior chocies, or perhaps some Victorian inspired pieces. Collecting books in a variety of foreign languages, extra draping for privacy.
For the acceptance she provides you, Shinobu expects the same in return. Again, she is a victim to whims. Just as you’ll find severed demon flesh in unique places, you may also find other samples as well. There will also be days when she may just outright wander the home naked, or other times when she’s spirited away investigating ingredients.
She’ll leave a note with Aoi explaining her absence, but you will never receive a heads up. Nor much of a justification.
She isn’t the type to stay up awaiting your return like Giyuu to be fair, she doesn’t want you to do the same. But, she is the type to leave medical substances around the home, as well as other tokens of affections. Although, it may take some time before you understand a fish head= a gift. I don’t blame you.
You’ll never be bored.
And your home will always be lively.
Similar to Giyuu, the Insect Hashira is rather content to perform her experiments while you indulge in a personal activity. or she’ll just out right watch you. Other times, she’d welcome being invited to attempt the hobby herself, but she’s not likely to do it more than once. Sort of like a check list. Try sewing, check, moving on!. Onto a new pursuit.
Alongside her whims, you’ll find that she has random moments of fancy. Spur of the moment decisions. Some nights, you may find her wandering the garden beneath the moonlight, just because. Other times, she has become convinced, she needs a late night dango. Would you like to accompany her? No? no worries, she’ll bring home your favorite snack.
Because of this, you can expect your dating life to remain… turbulent as they always were. Shinobu is literally the type to pick you up in the middle of a less than significant duty, and kidnap you for a midafternoon tryst. Other times, because her mind often wanders, it could be a while since you’ve had an outing. But, she always, always welcomes the opportunity to explore with you.
I cannot for the life of me justify it--- but I just strongly feel like you should never eat her cooking. It’s cute when she tries, but… just don’t.
In fact, you may have to convince her to eat actual food. She just seems like the type to maintain her life with nutrient supplements, and caffeine. You’ve likely had an argument or two about the importance of an actual meal. Together.
I think as time goes on, living with Shinobu would be a rather enjoyable experience. Especially if you naturally want a little space and independence. SHe would be the type to more than except that... as long as you make room for snuggles in your day.
The woman will punish long bouts of time not spent together with squeezing you inappropriately when you're trying to wash the dishes.
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The Flame Hashira
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Kyojuro Rengoku | The Flame Hashira
Unlike Shinobu, or Giyuu, he needs no convincing. In fact, he probably approached you with the prospect way before you were ready and had to be shelved. but he brought it up a few more times. not because he’s manipulated, but because, he is just. So. Excited.
He’s waited for this moment for the entirety of your relationship. Like, the second date, he was already considering what your life together would be like. I’m not kidding.
He had dresser drawers cleared and awaiting your clothing, cleared out space on shelves to ensure you could place beloved items within view. He had the home prepped the second you said yes, dragging poor Senjuro with him. the little brother having to remind him that he needs to pace himself.
Kyojuro doesn’t have time to be tired. He’s way too excited. Off to the store! Senjuro is ragged.
Like an overeager child preparing for a trip, the Flame Hashira was quick to scoop everything into heart, and move forward. Snacks, gifts, decorations, oh cannot forget the matching cups. Tiger and dragon. EXCELLENT.
As enthusiastic and wonderful his approach is, he’s more likely to be hit rather hard be the initial relationship struggles. He will push through, but it will leave quite a wound to his heart to know that living together was not as effortless. Kyojuro has always wanted a happy home. like he once had. so being met with the realities of domestic life may rattle him a little.
But he’s dedicated.
He’s committed.
Living together will also provide doors to the depths of his heart that you had not otherwise witness, such as how desperately he longs for a happy home, and family. His eagerness to try everything to be the best partner revealing small pieces of his insecurities, and his desire to be praised. Living together means that you’ll be met with the parts of himself he tries to conceal behind a smile.
A late night in which he curls into bed, detached and lost to the world. Horrified at the loss of a small child he could not save in time. A mizunoto relieved of duty due to their wounds, or retrieving the bodies of those lost in the final selection. His façade is crumbling, and more than anything, he just needs you to hold him.
To feel life between his arms.
Truthfully, I recommend just getting acquainted with taking care of him in general. You will have to nurse colds and flues, brought on giving the haori off his back to a stranger. To be clear, he’s not taking being cared for as easily as you might think, he’ll protest. He doesn’t want to add to your burdens; Rengoku feels strongly that his duty is to carry yours, not add to them. But oh, your cold hand feels heavenly against his forehead… maybe just a moment. like a kitten curled under the kotetsu, he’s a goner.
 He also has a habit of working himself to the bone, and you’ll likely find yourself assisting him with the day to day activities, such as bathing after a hefty battle.
You’re doing the cooking. With assistance. It’s not that Kyojuro is a horrific cook, or unwilling to cook in your absence. He may be traditional in a lot of aspects, but he’s affectionate and willing to take part in meals.
In fact, I believe he’s rather experimental, and far too excited at the prospect of gifting you with a meal, that he begins to toss in ingredients regardless of what the contents already exist in the concoction. Nope, nope, you’ll have to take over the majority of cooking if you want something edible. But you’ll still find him at your side, eager to lend a hand.
Actually, this will be the case with the mass majority of home tasks. He’ll love the opportunity to care for you as you do him, so much so that in his enthusiasm, you’ll likely find some tasks not.. completed appropriately.  Clothing still bearing blood stains from a tussle, rice not properly cooked through, floors that are smeared, or the garden disheveled. he tried
To his credit, Rengoku grew up in a fairly well cared for family in terms of finances and status. It’s likely that his struggles with home chores, are likely the result of just not having taken too much of the responsibility for the majority of them. I also suspect that he prefers a traditional home in terms of décor. Wall scrolls depicting honor, textbooks over tactics and swords men ship, a room dedicated to a study, separated from a bedroom with two futons laid out. Folding screens, the works.
I think it’s more about the familiarity—it’s the way his mother maintained the home, and like the ghost of her absence remained after passing. No one ever redecorated, and because of this, antique pieces in a way are comforting.
Although I imagine he also keeps the oddest knick knack mixed into the shovel. Whether tokens from grateful rescued, or of your relationship, they’re mixed into his belongings.
Kyojuro enjoys being home, and while he wants a happy home, you will have to understand that he is well dedicated to his duties. As such, you will need to become comfortable in the time you spent apart because it is going to happen. He will never refute his duties. You will have many late nights alone, an empty bed. It’s the burden of being with a Hashira, specifically the Flame Pillar.
He doesn’t expect you to wake up for him. Or leave meals out awaiting his return.
Really, living your life as you are in his absence, quick to intergrade him back into the routine is more than enough for him. Knowing you’re caring for his little brother in his stead, and awaiting his arrival home… he could never ask for more.
But if you should find the time to prepare him a bento in the dead of night for his early departure… he will treasure it. Savor every bite.
He is the type to bring home the most obscure items that made him think of you, and to pick up a bento along the way home. I’ll be honest, he will not reject anything you bring home. He recognizes that you are the primarily person at home. Decorate how you like. You want a rabbit? A dog? A cat? It’s welcome.
To be fair, this is probably because Kyojuro is just as likely to bring home a stray without consideration as to how it may impact the household.
Rather, he just saw a little creature that needed his aide, and so, you’ll awake to a puppy wandering the garden, or a stray child curled up in the guest room with only a small explanation as to how your guest or adopted child came to pass. But... are you really surprised?
would be the type to wear matching pajamas every chance he gets. sir dressed up to go to the Barbie movie, and I cannot promise you he was Ken.
Loves the idea of a garden, and appreciates the effort you put into it, but, Rengoku does not have a green thumb. Plant killer. So, the garden will be more for recreational activities in his book.
The type to get excited about a visiting theater trope, rush home, grab your hand with no explaination, and just run with you.
The opposite of Giyuu, where the Water Hashira hesitates, the Flame Hashira acts. without consideration of reprocussions.
is the type to bring home a boar after training in the mountains whether as a pet or a dinner depends on the day. you're just grateful it's not Inosuke.
Would scoop you up and spin you around while you're hanging laundry, urging you to skip the work for the day, and join him for a game of hide and seek.
I really feel like if you both can get over the initial realities of domestic life, you'll find that life with Kyojuro would be playful, full of laughter, and warm. A messy life that is sweet, and as adorable as returning home to him with chocolate smeared over the counter and his face from a failed batch of chocolate covered strawberries.
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luminouslywriting · 8 days
Ok weird request, Bob headcannons them getting hard and moaning by accident while your not in a relathionship, things can escalate from there or not ,obviously if you don't feel comfortable writing this that's totally fine.
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Oh Nonny this one was delightfully wicked and so fun haha! As always, enjoy and reminder that my requests are open! Feel free to spam me as much as you'd like haha! I'm taking the day off and lounging by the pool to help me feel better so I'm pretty pleased with that!
More under the cut, cut for length, spice under the cut:
Dick Winters:
-Mortified to the max
-Like this man is a blushing upset mess and apologizing and stammering out how it was an accident
-Will not look you in the eyes for several days or weeks, depending on how loud the moan was haha
-Probably tells Nixon about it because he's so embarrassed and Nixon teases him about it
-This is not going to help him in his feelings for you and is going to be something that he wants to genuinely forget and hope that you forget.
-Though if you thought it was hot and admit it to him, he'll be super flattered and will definitely finally make a move.
Lewis Nixon:
-Probably drunk when he does it and not as embarrassed as he should be?? The thing about him is that he knew he was drunk and it was a normal human response
-He'll definitely apologize when he sobers up about things but it's not a weird point between the two of you
-Might even attempt to get himself soberly locked in the closet with you so that he can do it again sober
-And at that point, handsy makeout session that absolutely ends in someone walking in on the two of you
-But at least you two get together by the end of it??
Ronald Speirs:
-Internally embarrassed and feeling like the WORST, externally really chill about it as you reassure him that it's perfectly normal and fine
-He definitely overthinks and hyperfixates on this for WAY too long and is trying to figure out if he actually likes you or if he's just physically attracted to you
-But when he finally figures it out, it's this really simple statement about how it's not just a physical reaction and how he really likes you
-This might result in locking yourselves in the nearest bedroom and figuring out how to make more of those pretty moans that you heard haha
-Turns out, you're just as in love with him as he is with you and he's perfectly pleased with that
-Wonders what would've happened if he had actually figured it out sooner because he's really happy with you
Buck Compton:
-Stammering an apology and blushing
-Will absolutely need some space so he can recover his pride and not be super embarrassed or a wreck around you
-Probably writes out an apology to you because he doesn't want you to feel weird around him
-Then further writes a little letter about how he actually feels and you find said letter by mistake
-So if you go up and kiss him, then all will work out on its own haha
-Happy if it all works out in the end
Carwood Lipton:
-Immediate apologies and avoiding eye contact. He knows he's messed up somehow and he is NOT the type to do that to a lady.
-It will take you approaching him about the situation and about your feelings for him to actually make a move.
-Even then, he's super shy about the moaning and feels embarrassed whenever it happens.
-Keep practicing with him though, he'll get more comfortable being vocal haha
-Or purposely try to tease him in public and he'll figure out what works for him REAL quick, I promise haha
-Either way, he's consistently embarrassed about it throughout your relationship whenever it happens though
Joseph Liebgott:
-Let's say for the sake of his personality, this was intentional on your part because he hadn't made a move yet. So whatever sort of teasing that you did to make it happen, he's just gonna roll with it.
-Initially a little embarrassed but it fades quickly
-This turns into the world's fastest makeout session with the both of you getting handsy
-Public teasing for the two of you? Absolutely a fact of matter in your newfound relationship
-Don't worry, he fully intends on getting you back for the fact that you technically made the first move in the relationship—and you'll get your dues in full honey
-Never shy about his moaning or the fact that he's hard—he will tell you and he will expect to have it taken care of post-haste haha
Donald Malarkey:
-Swearing up a panicked storm about it because NO, FOUL, it was an accident
-Requires a whole 48 hours of space because he's literally so embarrassed and not having it with you
-Also comes back to you and admits that there's only one person he wants to have him help take care of things and it's you
-It might be the weirdest sweetest thing you've ever heard??
-But I digress—he is NOT into teasing in any way, but any sort of physical contact he can have with you is a turn on for him.
-Clingy king to the max after this
Eugene Roe:
-French swears, French swears, French swears, mortification, feeling a little humbled lol
-Apologizes very quickly and tries to get space
-But if you grab his arm and kiss him, he loses all track of where his mindset was and not a single brain cell will be present
-Offer to take care of things for him—he'll probably tell you that he loves you in the middle of it
-And then he'll insist on taking care of YOU at that point
-This absolutely turns into soft and sweet sex with doc haha
Bill Guarnere:
-Also swears and feels super bad about it because he doesn't want you to feel like you HAVE to do anything with him
-Locate this man immediately and find a nice wall that you can talk near, because that wall is about to become the only thing holding you up lol
-Listen, if you admit that you didn't mind and that you were also turned on by what he did, he's going to go FERAL
-I'm talking holding your hands above you head as he kisses you and trying to keep the both of you quiet because he's got a LOT of feelings
-Is a pretty vocal guy so you might have to wait for some actual alone time before anything gets taken care of or done haha
-Either way, you two end up together pretty quickly
Joe Toye:
-Apologizes, removes himself from the situation, tries not to think about it ever again
-Thinks about it WAY TOO much though and ends up trying to take care of things himself for a while
-Until he decides that it's just not gonna work and he can't do it without you....
-At which point, he locates you, admits how he's feeling, and says that he hopes to have some time alone with you soon
-Still tries to make things really romantic between the two of you and special
-Consistently dreams about you until you get together, and then he's much worse haha
George Luz:
-This sweet loudmouth lets that moan slip and he knows immediately that he's colossally messed up
-But uh, in the event you're not bothered by that, he's going to be even more turned on and vocal
-This quickly descends into sex for the two of you
-But you're not together together yet?? So it requires some conversations afterwards for it to turn into a relationship
-He's still trying to figure out his feelings and you might be the person to say that you love him first
-At that point, he's so enamored and committed to you that it's a win-win situation haha
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whohasthecards · 1 year
Walk it off
That was probably the kindest lesson Hangman's, no Jake's father ever instilled in him. Probably because the intentions weren't malicious at that time.
Jake had be around 3 or 4 and he fell as he was running around the house. He was stunned into silence as he thudded on the ground, and started stifling before his dad propped him up on his hip and gently rubbed his back as he checked for any damage.
Come on buddy, you can walk it off. You ain't able ta run fast right now, but you can still walk, can ya? Yah can still move, and then you'll be able to run real fast later on, yeah?
Jake sniffled and nodded on his dad's shoulder before his dad put him down. One step at a time.
This was the time before everything went to shit.
Despite trying, trying not to become anything like his father that motto stayed (and on bad days he looks in a mirror and sees so much of his parents in him and he's terrified that he has become som-).
When he was a kid and had bruises littered across his skin and words scarred his heart. He gritted his teeth and walked it off, as if the pain never bothered him.
When he felt like he hit a wall during high school or the academy. He walked right through it.
When he was staring at the ceiling lying on his bunk during flight school, wondering if he could make it. He walked as if he was the best.
When he was in enemy territory and had to keep swiping off the blood that continuously ran down his face, and ignore the bruises so deep. He kept on walking, trying to make sure blood didn't trail on the ground behind him.
When he was drinking in the bar after a particularly difficult mission, and saw a group of 20-somethings just like him, but happy and together, friends, family. And he didn't have that-- If he died, only Javy would probably care. He paid his tab and walked away, his throat tightening as he hears the cheers of happiness and conversation behind him, quickly stuffing earphones in his ears.
It worked out well for him. Walking one step at a time through whatever scenario, through leaving what hurt him.
He can do this alone. Walk off everything, no one was there to stop him anyways, no one can really hold him back.
Then the mission happened.
The dagger squad became a permanent squadron.
It was during a day when he and the team where doing maintenance on their planes, an accident had Hangman frowning down at a pretty deep gash on his arm, slicing through his uniform.
Careless, stupid, walk it off, clean it up.
He clucked his tongue and let out an annoyed sigh as he felt the blood drip to his boots, and was about to walk to the bathroom and clean himself up, when--
Hangman let out a groan as he nodded his head to the side as he acknowledged the man who was slowing down to a walk behind him.
"Heyya pops," Hangman drawled, "I'm a bit busy, got to go inside and get some stuff."
"This will only take a second Lieutenant, I just wanted to run some things by the next training session, and I could help you with your plane--"
A second my ass.
"Wait. Is that blood?" Mav said sharply as he grabbed Hangman's shoulder to turn him around to face him.
Hangman stiffened before forcing himself to relax, it's just Mav, it's just Mav.
Mav looked at him with a scrunch between his eyes and a frown on his lips, as he slowly reached out to take Hangman's arm to examine the gash, jaw tightening, as he whipped out a towel from god knows where and started wrapping up Hangman's arm and applying pressure with it.
"What happened? Accident? Of course, stupid question," Mav said applying a bit more pressure making Hangman grit his teeth to stop from hissing in pain. "Why didn't you wrap it up, Seresin?" Mav scolded a he looked at Hangman in the eye.
"I was about to, Mav, that's why I was walkin', was about to clean myself up in the bathroom," Hangman muttered looking skyward to give him patience.
"Bathroom? Nope, nah-uh, you're going to the sick-bay, Lieutenant," Mav said keeping a hand around Hangman's arm, as he steered him by the shoulder.
"It's just a scratch, Mav, I can take care of it myself," Hangman said eyebrows shot up in bewilderment as he tried to pull away from his Captain's grasp on him.
"I know, but that doesn't mean you have to take care of yourself alone. That's what a team is for. Hey, if I can't get out of my check-ups and all that medical jazz, I'm not letting you escape it too. We're both suffering through medical together, kid," Mav said firmly wrapping an arm around his shoulders to pull him against his side as he walked them both to the sick-bay.
Jake sighed, resigning himself to his faith, as he leaned on Mav a bit more, sinking in the older man's warmth. "You don't hafta come with me, ya know?" Jake muttered giving the older man an out.
He followed Mav's instructions to sit down on the examination table and keep pressure on his arm, and slowly blinked as the older man sat beside him pulling him back to his side, and ruffled his hair, making Jake rest his head on his shoulder.
"Nah, of course I have to, buddy," Mav said turning to look down at the boy with soft eyes. "I'm not letting you walk away and alone, Jake."
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quimichi · 9 months
Hello! This is my first time asking so forgive my mistakes,
I don’t know if you’ve done this before but could you do headcanons for a reader who’s lumine’s traveling partner and when their in liyue (I don’t remember how it’s spelt 🥲) Qiqi randomly starts addressing them as her parent, uhhh what’s the reaction of the liyue crew (who kinda have feels for reader) when reader just accepts it and calls her their daughter
Gosh that was long, yea that’s my ask sorry for the mistakes 😅 you don’t have to do it if you’re busy
-Honey Anon
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. . . . ╰──╮BEING QIQI'S "PARENT" ╭──╯ . . . .
PLATONIC!Qiqi x GN!Reader
¡! ❞ having qiqi refer to you as her parent, which is clearly not the truth, is a situation you needed to get used to
¡! ❞ but no wonder she thinks you're her parent when you take care of her. Yes, Baizhu does too but you somehow manage to not order her around and rather gently guide her and help. (Not like baizhu would mistreat her or anything!)
¡! ❞ you always remind her to take her notebook with her, on her worst days she may forget it to take it. On the absolute worst days she even forgot where she put it. Luckily you always remember
¡! ❞ awww look at you always packing her lunch for when she works at bubu pharmacy. And the lunch always includes coconut milk, thats very important
¡! ❞ you know she can't taste anything, but she can feel textures and temperatures, so her lunchbox may look weird to people who dont know. You always try your best to pack in every food she likes the texture or temperature of
¡! ❞ I don't really know if she needs to eat and drink but--pls it's to cute
¡! ❞ Qiqi also looooves to pick herbs with you! She can't really show emotions but having you by her side all day long really makes her feel "better". With you she feels like she can't forget anything
¡! ❞ she read in books how parents act with their children, and this is what you do with her. So obviously you must be her parent!
¡! ❞ she's proud of that conclusion tho
¡! ❞ she mostly stays over at your place, sleeps with you all cuddled up in her parents arms. Its cute, really
¡! ❞ she's stuck with you, or you're rather with her but who would complain about little cute qiqi being glued to your side?
¡! ❞ Lumine and Paimon also find it adorable, weird at first but it's cute. Paimon tried once or twice to explain qiqi that you are indeed not her parent but Lumine always stops her. Crushing a little zombies dreams like this is not what they want.
¡! ❞ but they're happy for you and sometimes even join in, in the herb adventures if they have time
¡! ❞ Baizhu on the other hand was not surprised at qiqi calling you her parent. (Considering he probably was the one who gave her the books where the most basic human stuff was written down so she would remember or know) Theres not much that can surprise him. But hes sure also very happy. At first he was worried, you could hurt her or play around with her forgetfull mind. But you didn't, you helped even more and then he was relieved. What a relief no he doesn't have to poison you---
¡! ❞ and after more time spend with you and qiqi together he understood why she feels this way. Youre patient, caring and supportive. Like a good parent should be. Hes even prouer when qiqi seemed to have thought you some things about herbs. It was for sure a accident she did but now you can even help around in Bubu pharmacy with little to no struggle
¡! ❞ not Baizhu realizing he caught feelings after a few months. Panic--like this was not his intention at all-
¡! ❞ but Zhongli was definitely warm around he heart. What a nice and caring person you must be that a child will call you their parent. He already was interested in you before but now---
¡! ❞ Qiqi calling you her parent was a big gossip in Liyue once, everybody knew or talked about it and it also came to the ears of Ningguang, Keqing and Ganyu. All three of them are taken aback by the cuteness overload of it all. Although Ganyu was more open to show how soft you made her feel with you parently behavior
¡! ❞ whenever Ningguang is in Liyue she will pay Bubu pharmacy a visit just to see you two acting along. She might even give you some Mora for Qiqi like a sugar mommy--but mostly because her heart is aching for you and your attention-pls visit her in the Jade palace too, you might also bring Qiqi along for a evening tea! Be careful to not let her fall down tho---
A/n: getting the others involved was very hard to do and didn't truned out this well but--yeah
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vagabond-umlaut · 4 months
sweet & sour is a horrible flavour
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Chapter 2 of functio laesa Gojo x Fem!Reader; Geto & Reader [platonic]; Canon Divergent AU; Isekai. Fluff & Angst & Drama & Humor; Reincarnation; Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies; Incredibly Self-Indulgent; Eventual Happy Ending; Eventual Friendships & Romance.
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Writing the Reader & Geto interact with each other is actually fun...
Chapter warnings: Reader is unable to pay her hospital bills. There's a small mention or two of cops. Sad Reader [briefly]. Cult leader Geto. [This chapter's not as serious or gloomy as the warnings make it seem; still, it never hurts to be careful while listing them.]
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Scratch whatever you thought three days ago.
Yeah, yeah, you're sure. Totally scratch that.
Yeah. So. You see, the thing is: dying is actually fun.
What is not fun is dying, then waking up, next falling into a boiling hot bowl of soup. Especially one garnished with legal shit out of everything. Double especially, one which may or may not involve the hospital folks wanting to call the cops on you.
Gulping down the last dredges of your cold coffee [no, not the cold coffee™️; it's the coffee which's turned cold], you shoot a quick smile to the woman at the billing counter. Only to earn an insultingly suspicious look in return, one which darts from you to the landline on her desk far too many times for your liking.
Defeated, you drop the act and sigh. Then erupt into a gush of tears.
"Please, Ma'am," you beg, voice trembling and warbling, "I'm not any criminal on the run, I swear. I had an accident in the forest following which I lost consciousness. I woke up after how many hours, I don't know, but only when I was lying on the hospital bed. With several bandages wrapped around my limbs and a stitch on my forehead, that too."
You pause, wanting to gauge your listener's reaction. Still suspicious, maybe more than before... Fine. Never mind. Carry on.
"I know I look very fishy right now but–"
"You can just pay your hospital bills and leave," The woman cuts you off, none too gently. You should take offense for that but you decide not to. You need to be in her good books to get out of this safely. And swiftly. And–
"How much was the total amount again?" you ask.
"Ten thousand yen."
You check your pockets [the eighth time in the last thirty minutes] and sniffle, "But I don't even have one yen with me."
"You can always call your family or friends and arrange some help," A kind elderly lady interjects from beside. You shake your head in the most crestfallen fashion you can manage. Not that it's too hard or anything. The very mention of your loved ones is more than enough to send you down a new cliff of depression. "I've no one left in the world, Ma'am. I'm all alone."
"What about your insurance?" Another person joins in. Yet another kind stranger. "Surely, it'll be enough to cover your bills?"
"Yeah..." You start, but the woman doesn't let you finish, butting in, "Of course, the insurance will be enough but the thing is she doesn't have an insurance. And before you suggest her applying for one, she cannot: her name is mysteriously not there even in a single government rec–"
"I shall pay twenty thousand yen. Let her off the hook, please?" A friendly voice cuts her off in one short smooth stroke.
You screw your eyes shut.
Wondering, if now is too late a time to beg the lady to call the cops on you instead.
At the very least, you won't meet your end, being called a monkey in the jail.
"Is that all you would like to eat?"
A simple question, really.
But you know the man asking it is not so simple. Very possibly, nor his intentions behind asking you either. For all you know [which is A LOT], he could be fattening you up like a pig before getting rid of you in a sacrifice or some shit. He does run a murderous cult, after all... You borrow a beat to chew the cupcake then return a curt nod.
"Are you sure?" Geto continues to press, however, sounding as worried as he looks. The sweet taste on your tongue turns bitter all of a sudden. "You need not worry about the money, if that's what—"
In retrospect, you know you'll regret your next course of action. If anything ever goes wrong, you know this will be when and where everything goes wrong first. Yet, you don't let anything stop you from placing your cupcake back on the plate and interrupting his sentence with a scoff. Eyes burning and chest aching from the uncanny resemblance between the care you used to receive from your friends, back in your world, and the care you're being shown now, by Geto Suguru of all people.
You manage to twist your face into a weak smile. "You wanted to ask questions from me, right?"
The man across from you stares at you for a bit. Then nods, quickly slipping into his usual mask of cordiality. It makes you want to scoff again, but you hold yourself back this time. You might lose control of your emotions from time to time, but you're better than digging your own grave... Yeah, you're better than that. You have to be if you don't wanna die a second time.
Geto leans back into his chair, wearing a warm expression. Have you already mentioned how good an actor he can be? He hums, "That I do, but I would much rather if I don't ask you those here. My home is a couple of hours away. Mind accompanying me there?"
"No, I don't think I will mind," You answer immediately but slowly. Almost as if you're muliing your words over while speaking them out. You aren't, though. You know what to say, what to ask, what to expect. A quiet feel of knowing sneaks into your careful query. "But I don't think you'll let me go soon, will you?"
"No," He agrees easily after watching you for a while [sort of taken aback, you can tell], "You're a peculiar specimen. It's rare to come across ones like you."
Specimen? SPECIMEN???
You draw in a deep breath to calm yourself before shoving out a tense chuckle. He is finally showing his true colours, huh?
"Very funny choice of words, Geto-san," You comment, thoughts in a bloody war with your words, "But the teeny-tiny problem here is: I Am Not A Specimen. And..." Pausing to take a sip of your chai, you resume, "Since I'll be giving answers to your questions, I shall be expecting something in return. Okay, yea?"
An amused look. Curious too, boredly so.
You beg your self-esteem to remain unhurt for a minute more. Just. A. Minute. More.
Geto inquires, "What do you want in return?"
"I want you to let me live," You shoot without a moment wasted, adopting a steely tone to hide your apprehension while you say the words you've been rehearsing in your mind for a while now, "But it's not just in the literal sense of the word 'live'. I want to live how any human being likes to live. With my well-being and dignity intact. If you want me to return the help you showed me earlier, I can cook or clean your house or tutor your kids— but I won't let you hold that over my head to keep me as a prisoner or a slave." Leaning forwards towards the centre of the table, you pin the man under a grave stare. "Do you agree or do you not?"
A beat passes. Then another. And another. Geto cracks a smile at you, but you can see it's not a smile. It's a sliver of a warning. He hums, "You do know you're in a more disadvantageous place than me, right?"
"In terms of cursed energy and all that stuff, I am," You agree easily, then add, smiling the exact same smile you're being shown, "But in terms of knowledge, I doubt you're anywhere near me. The things I know can change everything. Agree to my demands and I promise to answer whatever question you ask truthfully, be it regarding the past, the present or the future. What do you think? Fair deal, right?"
Of course, it is!!! An indignant voice screams in the back of your head. It is right. You know. Still, you decide to keep quiet, deciding to finish the rest of your breakfast while your listener mulls over the terms you laid down— or maybe, thinks of ways to murder you without creating a fuss in this crowded café. You don't think you can be very sure right now...
You didn't go too far, did you?
A cough draws your attention away from the empty plates before. Absently, you think the cupcakes and the scrambled eggs weren't too bad for a last meal. Geto regards you, as curiously as ever but now with a new tinge of disquiet. The sight fills you with a dark form of glee— a twisted sense of victory.
He lets go of a disturbingly long sigh.
"I agree to your demands," The man says, wearing the stiffest smile you've ever seen him wear, be it in this world or in yours, "But only if you promise to never tell me anything of the future— don't ask why, I am simply not fond of spoilers," He adds firmly when you open your mouth; you snap it shut. His tone doesn't scare you, however. Nor does the edge in his voice when he asks, repeating your words from earlier, "Do you agree or do you not?"
"I won't give you spoilers, alright, okay," You hum after a few moments. Decidedly satisfied after cutting open every word spoken to you and extracting its deepest meanings and implications, until there's nothing left for you to see— well, almost nothing. You hesitate a little before giving in to voice out the confusion nagging and poking you.
"But aren't you interested in what I know, Geto-san? Isn't me knowing too much why you called me 'a peculiar specimen'?"
Your question earns no response for a while... Until he leans back into his seat and with an odd glint in his gaze, asks, "You think you coming here was simply an accident and nothing more, don't you?"
"Yeah..." You answer honestly, despite the sudden feeling of uncertainty creeping into your senses and crawling down your spine. Tainting and troubling the brief lull of comfort and security you've built for yourself.
You watch Geto regard you for a few more seconds before he offers a faint grin— one that spells nothing nice. Nothing good. His voice drops to a hushed whisper.
"Then I don't think you know as much as you believe you do, Miss."
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Reader: *flexing her isekai-granted muscles like there's no tomorrow*
Geto, meanwhile: *having a traumatic flashback to that time in HS, Gojo spoilt a movie the poor boy was waiting eagerly for, for nearly a year*
Divider by @benkeibear. Header from Pinterest. I don't own the characters used here.
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anki-of-beleriand · 2 years
Enhanced senses
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Summary: While on a mission you heard a conversation that make you think about your relationship with Wanda.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Female!reader
Warnings: smut, drama, happy ending, some dirty talk and brief mentions of sexual abuse (but mentinoned only), insecurities, fluff. So much fluff. Selective mutism Reader. Past trauma.
Author's note: Hey there, just another brief one-shot along the lines of my first story Without words  and When there are no words I hope you guys like it. I found this world fun to write and I really hope you guys enjoyed it.
Please do remember English is not my mother tongue, so I apologise for the grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Enhanced senses
If there was someone who always knew what was going on in the Avengers Compound or even in SHIELD that would be you.
Of that Wanda was completely sure.
It was as if the fact you spoke nothing at all, and that you seemed to just wander around silently helped by your own powers allowed you to be the ears and the eyes of the Team. Fury specially was torn between hating this ability and loving it, the rest of the team was just looking for the potential behind this information gathering from you while Wanda and Natasha found it amusing.
You didn’t do it because you wanted to, if anything, you were doing it by accident.
Which it was funnier.
You discovered whenever you know a funny fact, Wanda would lit up with mirth and whispered at you just how amusing it was. Sometimes, you found some secrets meant to be kept and, in those moments, you felt bad, it really wasn’t your intention to find out those details and yet you did. So you never revealed them and pretend as if nothing had happened, people deserved intimacy and that was why you were learning to be careful and to leave whenever the time was right. 
Sometimes, of course, when you were on a mission you were made to stay and hear the secrets. That was your goal and the role you held during recon and surveillance.
And this brought you to the point you were right in.
Standing in the shadows with the earpiece in your ear and the keyboard on your wrist that Tony had facilitated to you so you didn’t have to use your voice, you listened to the conversation happening between two HYDRA agents. You were supposed to gather some intel before you could infiltrate the facility, but what they were talking about was so much important that whatever chemical or bioweapon HYDRA was building in the facility.
“Dude, I’m serious! This chick was like an animal, she was this hungry creature we fucked all night long!”
You scowled at the words, pursing your lips. The other guy laughed and the one talking made a few moaning sounds.
“She was complaining all the time, you know? How her husband was never home, he never touched her again. How long has it been since she felt dick inside her.” Here you noticed the change of tone in the man speaking, he was feeling smug about the whole situation. “She even told me her cunt must felt like a virgin’s one since it had been two years since they have sex.”
You squirmed uncomfortably, though there was something in the contents of the conversation that was raising flags inside your head. It was something you had considered before but that you had never forced or even dare to explore more than a couple of times, Wanda had never said anything and then all of a sudden you wondered why you never spoke about it.
“Well, two years without sex? I would fuck whatever comes across my path.” The other man laughed while the one that had been speaking hit him playfully before laughing as well.
“I know, right? I mean, this dude really thought that gifts and love would keep her from looking what she was really missing.”
“You know? Perhaps the guy didn’t even know how to do it? You know small dick, poor performance…”
You didn’t hear much afterwards; you had already sent the message the Team was waiting for and a couple of minutes later you heard the explosions. The two men talking comfortably in the outlook post never had the opportunity to react as a shadow engulfed them and were left unconscious.
Night was already falling in the compound by the time you returned from the mission.
In all this time, you had dedicated your time to observe the world right outside the window, a define frown upon your face while you played the conversation you overheard over and over inside your head. Everyone was kind of loud inside the Quinjet, the laughter and the conversation threatened to be overwhelming for you as you tried to organize your thoughts.
A hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality, Natasha sat beside you smiling softly while wincing when Thor let out a booming laughter.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Natasha asked leaning in to brush some stray locks of hair out of your face.
You pursed your lips shrugging, your eyes flickering back to the window. In reality you weren’t sure if this was something you could discuss with Natasha, you felt as if probably she would laugh at you or finding it ridiculous. When her hand closed around yours, and she offered that motherly smile she reserved only for you, your heart swelled with affection knowing if there was someone you could trust with this was her.
“I still think you did amazing,” Natasha commented referring to the mission. “The guys just wanted to make everything difficult by bursting into the facilities and making everything explode.”
You chuckled rolling your eyes.
Yes, they were always up to create some mayhem when bringing justice, which was the reason why Thor and Pietro usually pouted whenever you get there first knocking out everyone with your powers. It had become a matter of honor between you, Pietro and Thor, who would get there first and submit their opponents first. Sometimes you enjoyed the competition too much, and Thor would celebrate your actions even though he always claimed he could have done it all on his own. When Natasha saw how your eyes gleamed amusedly, and your position relaxed some she knew this was not what was bothering you.
There was something else, and the young woman decided to try with something else.
“Wanda called.”
There it was.
You tensed completely and this time around your eyes were fixated on the window. You shifted on the seat pursing your lips together.
“She said she and Vision would have dinner ready and was really excited you to have you back.” Natasha continued leaning against the window, her eyes drifted to the rest of the team that were still as loud as always. “Did you guys have a fight or something?”
You lowered your gaze shaking your head, then your eyes sought those of Natasha and the question was there. Your lip quivered ready to say something when Thor came right int placing his hand on your shoulder.
“Ah, but let’s not forget that today was a tie!”
“There was no tie! Come on Thor, you lost to me and Y/N!” Pietro retorted crossing his arm bumping against you with a playful smile, the other Avenger blinked shaking his head. Steve sighed giving up, while Sam saw this as an opportunity to see how far their childish antics would go.
Your change was almost immediate, Natasha furrowed her brows watching you stand up with arms crossed and eyes gleaming playfully while shaking your head. Even as you joined in with the rest of the guys, Natasha could tell by your posture and the tension around your eyes there was something else bothering you. The Black Widow observed as you tried to mingle in with the rest of the boys, always silent and gesturing, it was a miracle most of the time they understood what you meant without you uttering a single word.
It had been more than two years since you joined the team and for Natasha had been a relief to see how easy was for you to be a part of the team. You were quiet, yes. But it didn’t mean you couldn’t be funny, or playful, sometimes your actions were those of a mischievous child while some others you were like this ancient individual ready to listen to others and provide words of comfort.
Everyone had been a participant of such moments.
And everyone had come to love you for it.
Natasha chuckled when you poked Thor on his nose, your hands lifting up to show ten fingers wiggling your eyebrows at him.
“That’s not true!! Take that back!” Thor leaned in while you shook your head snorting.
Another discussion erupted, Steve trying to calm everyone up while Sam and Tony seemed ready to put more wood into the fire.
It was just like any other mission.
And yet, Natasha observed your eyes flickered with concern and something else she couldn’t decipher. The former spy made a note to get you alone and see if there was something she could do to help, her mind already drifting back to Wanda and perhaps get the young woman help her out in this.
Whenever you were in her arms, it was as if the whole world stopped around you.
Your whole body relaxed, your arms sneaking around her hips putting her closer to you. You could hear her intake of breath; you could smell her perfume and the shampoo of peaches she loved so much.
“Welcome home, detka.” She whispered in your ear before placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
“Ugh, God, get a room!” Sam teased walking past the both of you, you flickered your hand chuckling when the man almost fell to the ground your shadows tripping the man over. “Hey! It was a joke!”
You rolled your eyes turning back to Wanda noticing for the very first time her flustered expression, the dilated eyes and her coy smile adorning her lips. You leaned in wondering if perhaps you had missed something in regards to your relationship with her.
The conversation between the two HYDRA guards came back at you, and you had to wonder if perhaps this was something Wanda wanted it. Maybe you had missed the signs? You had never thought about it, and now…you didn’t want to lose her.
Wanda winced leaning in placing a kiss on your cheek, “you’re thinking too loud, detka. Is something the matter?”
You pursed your lips shaking your head, your hand finding hers before you flashed the most brilliant smile you could form. Wanda heisted for a moment, before taking your hand and following you inside the compound.
The dinner soon turned into a late gathering with all of them talking and joking around, the games had been brough in and music was sounding right in the living room. You sat in a corner far from the main gathering, smiling at Wanda whenever she would lift her eyes to you.
“So, what is it?” Natasha sat beside you offering a beer, you took the bottle pursing your lips shrugging slightly.
Natasha took a long sip from her beer nodding, “it’s gonna be like this then, you’re gonna worry yourself until you can’t take it anymore and then go around all grumpy and irritable?”
“I’m not a child.” You retorted with indignation; Natasha smirked lifting her eyebrow at you.
“You behave like one sometimes.” Natasha observed how you grabbed the bottle drinking some while your eyes focused on Wanda. “If you two didn’t have a fight then, what is it? You know you can trust me…”
“I want to have sex with Wanda.” You blurted out, your voice rough and uncertain.
Natasha opened her eyes at the revelation, she could not look away from you and the bottle on her hand almost feel to the ground. You rolled your eyes looking away from her, soon the rest of the room disappeared, and you could think only of how stupid you were.
“What?” Natasha finally asked in a rush whisper, she leaned in placing her hand on your knee, so you looked back at her. “You and Wanda have never…”
You scowled shifting uncomfortably, the sharp shaking of your head was all Natasha needed for an answer. You looked down, your heart hammering against your chest while your cheeks turned an uncomfortable shade of red. You were about to stand up but the hand on your knee clenched tightly until you found yourself looking into Natasha’s eyes.
“I’m not judging you, Y/N. I am surprised, but I don’t think less of you for this.”
Sometimes you hated how well Natasha could read you, some others you were just grateful there was someone who could do so. Someone other than Wanda, of course.  The drop of your shoulders, with the tilt of your head told Natasha you were still unsure if the conversation should continue. But in all honesty, this was a complete shock to Natasha.
You and Wanda had been dating for more than a year, the both of you spent most of the time together and you even sleep in the same room from time to time. There were days in which really, there was an atmosphere of sexual satisfaction in both of you that everyone thought it was almost logical that the both of you had been...sleeping together.
The conversation at the other end of the room soon became too loud, you turned to see Wanda glancing back at you with a concern gleam in her emerald eyes. Pietro by her side glancing at you with the same concern look, you softened slightly winking at your girlfriend, your lips turning into a reassuring smile she returned shyly.
“You never….really?” Natasha lifted her hands emptied the bottle in her hand, your glare more than enough to tell her she shouldn’t make the wrong comment, or you wouldn’t speak at all. “Now, I just…well, we assume…”
You shook your head shrugging, Natasha leaned back pursing her lips while glancing back at the group. For a moment a tensed silence formed between the both of you, you were already regretting your decision of telling her this, perhaps you were an idiot and you should have resolve this on your own. Then a hand placed itself on your knee once again and you found yourself looking into Natasha’s eyes.
“Okay, you two haven’t been together in that way, but you want to, right?” You nodded hesitantly; Natasha softened slightly. “And you know how it is done, I know about…”
At that moment everything clicked inside Natasha’s mind. You could see as her mind worked around the reasons behind your lack of interest or even your attempts to explore a physical relationship with Wanda. You clenched your jaw nodding curtly, your eyes hardening and the shadows lurking behind you shifted slightly.
“Y/N, look at me.” Natasha offered a tense smile, though her eye never lost the tenderness in them. “You are unsure if this is going to be like one of those missions, that perhaps this won’t be or even mean what it should…that you are far too damage to make this special.”
You huffed dropping your shoulders while looking away, “she deserves something special.”
Your mumbled words dripped with affection, and Natasha could see how this was affecting you at the moment. Whatever had happened during the mission, it made you think about this under a different light. You pursed your lips then turned to Natasha, ready to reveal what was really bothering you.
“I heard them say that when you don’t have sex, you leave.”
There it was, Natasha snorted at this revelation rolling her eyes.
“No, Y/N, when you have sex out of love and attraction, it is just a bonus to the relationship.” Natasha made sure you didn’t look away from her as she continued. “Your relationship with Wanda should not be based on that, the fact that you two have been together for a year and a half without so much of a kiss should tell you that what you have is more than a physical attraction.”
You shrugged again, unsure as to what exactly that could mean. Your eyes lifted again and this time around Wanda was engaged in a childish discussion with Pietro who was laughing while pointing at the UNO cards.
“But I want to make her feel special. And I want us to…” You couldn’t finish the sentence, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
It was in moments like this Natasha melted at the sight of you. Sometimes you were just a child made to grow too fast and faced a world you barely understood, carrying upon your shoulders the weight of powers you barely understood and the life of a spy that brought emotional damage you were trying to heal. And yet, you were still capable of innocence, of giving your all to everyone around you and show them how much you could love, and how much you could do for them.
“Y/N, do you want to have sex with Wanda? Or do you want to give sex to her so she won’t leave you?” Before you opened your mouth to respond Natasha lifted her hand shaking her head. “No, think about it, the answer to these questions should be enough for you to make a decision, whatever it is, whatever you do…I know it would be special and Wanda would love you regardless of it.”
That night you thought about it.
Wanda came at you smiling sweetly, her lips upon yours as she arranged her position on the bed, her head on your shoulder and your legs intertwined. You put her closer, listening to her narrating her weekend. It had always been this way, but this time around you were noticing other things. How her body felt against yours, how warm she usually was, how soft was her skin…
You smiled when she told you about the disaster in the kitchen, or how Vision taught her to hack into the secure system to download movies in the TV. You relationship with her had never been defined by the physical contact, and though the both of you had gotten into some sexy games it never went beyond that. Wanda never said anything and you just assumed it was okay.
Perhaps, it was time?
The small figured beside you stirred, her nose nuzzling against your pulse point while she placed a sweet kiss on your jaw.
“What is it, love? You have been so restless since the mission.” Wanda lifted herself on her elbow, her eyes filled with sleep though you could see how worried she really was. “Wanna talk about it?”
You sighed shaking your head, your hand lifting up to caress her face, cupping her check in your arm you leaned in kissing her slowly. The hand you had on her waist rubbing circles on her lower back, putting her closer while your lips and tongue played a lazy game of dominance you won in the end. The whimper that left her lips sent a shiver down your back.
When the both of you parted away, you could see the lust gleaming in her eyes. She was breathing hard, flustered while looking at you with curiosity, up until that point you had ignored such reactions because it was not important. A pang of guiltiness went right through you, how selfish you had been with the situation; you might think it wasn’t important, your idea must be distorted but…what about Wanda?
“Detka?” Wanda asked placing a hand on your cheek.
You kissed her again, this time around just a quick peck on the lips.
“I have a surprised for you, tomorrow.” You said simply, your voice filled with affection as you said this.
Wanda opened her eyes big, they were gleaming with happiness and her heart speed up at your words. It must be something special for you to say it out loud; she giggled hiding her face on the crook of your neck.
“You do? What is it?” You snorted shaking your head, and Wanda could do nothing but giggled like a high school girl. “Right, if you tell me if wouldn’t be a surprised, right?”
You nodded matching the smile on her face, she rolled her eyes affectionately at you.
“That was what have you so worried?” She asked and you just shrugged, sometimes you could not say what you wanted or what you really meant. It was better to show her everything.
Wanda nuzzled your neck again snuggling closer to you, her heart feeling lighter knowing everything was because you had a surprised for her. She knew it was still difficult for you to understand and assimilated that whatever you did for Wanda, she would always love it.
“Very well, I expected my surprised to be worth my concern for you all day. It cost me the UNO game against Pietro.”
You chuckled rolling your eyes, a void at the pit of your stomach.
Now, what would you do?
Ever since you met him, he became your best friend.
Your partner in crime.
He was the brother you wished you had.
Sometimes, he was too much …some others he wasn’t.
Like, he was acting right at the moment. He was turning blue, still coughing while waving his hand away matching the glare you had on your face. You rolled your eyes patting him on the back, easing him down on the ground while he tried to recover his breathing abilities.
“Yo…you…” He rasped out clearing his throat, you passed him a bottle of water lifting an eyebrow at him. “Yo---you CAN’T!”
The last part was said with a scream, you jumped startled taking in a defensive position out of instinct. Pietro was torn between disbelief, mortification and protectiveness; his sore throat calming while he tried to drink more water clearing his throat shooting you a nasty glare for asking such a thing when he was in the middle of drinking water. He almost died.
“You…can’t. NO, absolutely NO.” He reiterated shaking his head, you were not impressed by his antics, your eyes narrowed while you lift the small whiteboard he had giving you for your birthday,
I’m not asking for your permission.
“Good, because you’re not having it!” Pietro exclaimed. “She is my little sister!”
You scrunched up your nose, writing something there rather fast.
You’re twins! You’re just older by 12 minutes!
“It doesn’t matter! I’m not about to let you, to…geez, really? What make you think this was a good idea?” As soon as those words left his mouth, Pietro regretted them.
He could see the changes in your face, how your whole body stiffened while your eyes flickered down and your whole expression dropped. You nodded curtly turning around when his hand wrapped around your wrist.
“No, wait, Y/N, I didn’t mean that…” You refused to look at him, trembling in anger and hurt because of his words. “Shit, I’m sorry, it’s just…I mean…she is my sister and you…well, I just thought…Look, sorry.”
You crossed your arms looking away, Pietro knew you came to him because she trusted you. Because you were her friend and was hoping for a good advised as she always did whenever Wanda was involved. Pietro also knew this topic was a complete discovery to you, he had known for quite sometime the two of you hadn’t had any physical intercourse he had heard Wanda’s worries and your silent inquiries.
Still…Wanda was his siter, he just…
“Look, it’s just weird.” He finally said shrugging. “I know you’re not asking me to give you a class…”
You scoffed at his comment writing something down on the board, Pietro opened and closed his mouth several times.
I’m pretty sure I’m better than you in that area.
Pietro straightened up ready to retort until he noticed the glint of amusement in your eyes, he lifted his arms in the air shaking his head.
“You know what? I’m not going to fall on that discussion, I know the real answer so…” He rolled his eyes at your condescending smile. “Okay, so you really want to…you know? With Wanda?”
You nodded curtly, this time around you could sense the blush forming on your cheeks. Pietro let a hand brushed his hair before he sighed.
“Okay, I think…I’m not…I just…” Pietro tried to start several times, you just tapped the ground with your foot waiting impatiently. “Okay, okay…geez, eager much?”
You hit him on his arm, he yelped moving away from you.
“Y/N she really loves you, man she is so in love with you is amazing how happy you make her.” Pietro finally said placing his hands on your shoulders. “Whatever you do, I know she would love it because it’s you.”
You felt tears at the corner of your eyes, Pietro offered a comforting squeeze on your shoulders before continuing. “Now, what we can do…because I bet you don’t want anyone snooping around,” you nodded in agreement and Pietro put a hand on his chin. “Well, the Avenger’s tower had a complete section meant for each one of us. I know it’s still being build but…I think mine and Wanda’s is about to be finished, why don’t you take her there?”
You tilted your head nodding in approval, your eyes drifted back to the compound then back to Pietro.
“I talk to Tony, don’t worry.” You sighed in relief offering a smile, Pietro smiled back wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Now, for the date…”
Wanda has been talking non-stop about the concert of her favourite band, they have a very exclusive presentation today.
Pietro nodded in agreement, “yeah, yeah she gave me hell about that too. Mmm, well for that one, we’re Avengers pal, I think we can get in.”
No cheating or doing something illegal like last time?
Pietro looked offended by the insinuation, both of you shared the same mischievous smile.
“Me? Never!”
You chuckled wrapping your arms around him, Pietro softened wrapping his arms around you. The whole situation was absurd and while a part of him still thought that it was odd and just a tad bit embarrassing, he also knew he couldn’t trust his sister to anyone that wasn’t you.
“Y/N just…” Pietro stepped back looking you in the eye. “If you hurt my little sister, I’ll kill you. And please, no details. I really don’t need to know how you deflower her…”
You cringed hitting him on the arm again, Pietro chuckled staring at you.
“Sorry, what I mean is I know you make her happy, and that she makes you happy so let’s keep it that way.”
You nodded curtly nodding towards the compound, Pietro nodded as well and soon the both of you were getting ready for the date.
Wanda Maximoff had learnt a long time ago that what you didn’t say with words, you most certainly did with actions.
She didn’t need a full declaration of love, or the retelling of your life and adventures for Wanda to get to know you by looking at you. Your body and your gestures were enough to tell her whenever you were mad or happy, or when you found yourself sad or contemplative. It had taken some time, even moments of denial before she finally gave in her feelings for you, but when she was finally there she realized not many got a chance to see you.
The real you.
Your contemplative nature allowed for you to be very observant, to always notice whenever there was someone in need of help or a shoulder to cry on. You were kind and highly sensitive, mischievous, and quite competitive and each of these aspects Wanda loved with all her heart. Then there were the traits not as positive as these ones, you were easy to anger and sometimes highly impatient, you were secretive and kept what you really felt deep inside your head until it was almost impossible to hold it back. You were stubborn and defiant, and sometimes just for the hell of it you were at rebel by heart.
Wanda never needed to hear you to know all of this.
The relationship the both of you shared was special like that, whenever you needed to share something special or meaningful you would open your mind to her. When Wanda felt as if the world was too much, you stood by her side wrapping your arms protectively around her drawing shows on a wall, telling her stories you had learnt thanks to your trips to Wakanda. When the both of you fought it was explosive and chaotic, everyone knew something bad had happened because you would pout and grunt all day long and Wanda would hex whoever tried to approach her without a real reason behind it.
This and more were what the both of you had built over time, and Wanda loved every single moment of it.
She fixed her hair and makeup in front of the mirror, her lips curling into a soft smile as her hand went to the pendant you had given to her for your first anniversary. Wanda knew that day was not special, it was just another day in the calendar but the way you had acted as of late she knew perhaps there was something else bothering you and this was your way to talk to her when you lack the words.
There was a knock on her door, Wanda straightened up giving herself one last glance before opening the door of her room. She stopped dead on her tracks, her breath caught in her throat when she took in your outfit.
Her mouth hang opened as you fit a pair of black jeans with come vans, the white shirt was bottom up all the way to your neck and on top of it you wore a leather jacket complementing the hair and the lack of makeup. Your lips curled into a smirk, and your eyes checking Wanda out with the same hunger.
You cleared your throat stretching your hand to her, “you look stunning, Little Witch.”
Your voice sent a shiver down Wanda’s back, her eyes darkened for a moment and the young witch knew just that night there was something different. Her hand grasped yours, the warm she brough to you always made your heart leap to your throat.
“You look beautiful, detka.” Wanda replied breathlessly. “Where are we going?”
You winked at her, making your way down the hall to the garage.
“Please, don’t tell me you stole the keys from Natasha.” Wanda giggled at your offend stare, the keys of the bike on your hand while you merely shook your head.
This time around Wanda was quite shocked, “she lend you the bike? Really?”
You rolled your eyes, your lips tugging up as you nodded pointing to your chest. Wanda leaned in pecking you on the lips.
“I know you’re very responsible, it’s just Natasha loves the bike as much as she loves you.” Then as an afterthought, “I would say she loves the bike even more.”
The indignation crossing your features was well worth the comment, Wanda chuckled kissing you softly.
“I’m kidding, detka, as of today you were upgraded to the first place, since she is letting you use her bike.” Wanda yelped in surprised when your arms wrapped around her waist putting her closer to you, the young woman stood in between your legs and she found herself unable to look away from your eyes.
Wanda shivered leaning in, her body tingling all over submitting slowly to your caresses. Your hand moved up to cup her cheeks, you stood up locking your lips with hers and the kiss ended up being different to the ones you had shared so far. It was lips only, a danced of sensations in which you lead Wanda deeper into the game with sensuous nibbles while your fingers tickled the skin of her cheeks, jaw and neck.
When the both of you parted, Wanda was blushing furiously her eyes completely darkened and her heart about ready to burst out of her chest.
“What was that for?” She asked in a whisper, you smiled at her. A real smile. The one you only gave to her.
“I love you.” You said simply, Wanda accepted this and soon the both of you were making your way to the centre of the city of New York.
Wanda noticed there was something different about this date by the time she was laughing in the midst of a club, your arms around her with people celebrating around the both of you. Even in the midst of such a party, with the noise and the music and the lights, it was as if no one else exited but you and her. Your eyes had been all night on her, even after you received many invitations from both male and females, and you had stolen more than a couple of glances your hand never left hers, and your eyes were looking at Wanda with adoration.
Wanda was not sure how you had gotten two VIP passes to the concert she was dying to go, but she didn’t care as long as she could enjoy the way she was doing at the moment.
“Oh, no, I’m beat I think I need to sit!” Wanda exclaimed above the music, you nodded looking around while pointing to the private longue at the back. “You’re kidding, right?”
You shrugged but of course Wanda knew you were not kidding, of course the private longue had been reserved for the both of you. It seemed as if the whole night had been planned for just the two of you, the rest of the world was just a guest in your own little world.
Once the both of you were inside the room the sound of the music got muffled by the protective barrier of the walls and the windows, there was food and drink available for the both of you as well as a comfortable sofa. Wanda couldn’t help but take you in her arms, her lips seeking out yours in a content gesture of how well she had spent her night so far.
You melted into the kiss, tasting her as if it was the very first time you did so. By the time you both sought out air, your arms wrapped comfortably on her hips and her arms were on the back of your neck.
“This was perfect, detka, thank you. How did you get all of this?” Wanda inquired never losing her smile.
“Tony, Pietro and Natasha.” You answered with affection in your voice, “I want tonight to be special for you.”
This surprised Wanda greatly, the young woman softened slightly knowing this must be really special even for you to go all the way to prepare things and to be so open and talkative about it.
“Every day I spend in your arms is special, Y/N.” Wanda said honestly. “And today you made it extra special, I love you.”
The goofy smile that appeared on your face told Wanda you would never get tired of hearing such things coming from her, it was such a new emotion that bubbled up on your chest and made you all girly and cute in her eyes. Wanda chuckled when you dipped your head shyly before speaking again.
“There is something else, but…” Here you trailed off, and Wanda knew not to press you to speak up. The fact you were talking at the moment told her whatever was happening was important enough. “We can get to that part whenever you want.”
Wanda tilted her head for a moment, her nose crunching up adorably with her eyes gleaming with the same happiness reflecting in yours.
“How about if we go now?” Wanda said after a moment of hesitation, “I think I’m beat and I wouldn’t say no to more of this surprised you have prepared for me.”
Wanda was highly surprised when all of a sudden you looked away with a blush adorning your cheeks, your eyes glancing coyly at you with a smile that denote a timidity she would never associate with you. Ever. Now, she was more curious than before as to what you had prepared for her.
The Avengers Tower was a structure protected by pure Stark technology.
Friday alongside with some modifications made by Vision and Tony himself, worked in a way only few people in the world were capable of accessing the whole facility without being threatened with forced or criminal charges.  
For the moment the place was empty, but by the penthouse Tony used once in a while, and the upper floors meant to be the private flats for each and every single member of the Avengers.
Welcome, Agent Y/N, Ms. Maximoff.
“Hello Friday.” Wanda greeted the AI as soon as the both of you entered the lifts located it in the garage.
Wanda was still highly confused about the whole trip, she thought there was something different for her. Perhaps a visit to a beach, or a restaurant or an amusement park…in reality, Wanda thought about everything but the both of you coming all the way to the Avenger’s Tower.
It was quite evident, thought this was what you had planned and right now it had you fidgeting nervously in place while shooting Wanda nervous stares. The ride in the elevator was a slow one, Wanda had stopped trying to get out of you when it was quite evident you would not show or speak until the right moment.
The elevator stopped with a familiar ring, and the doors opened to present an amazing penthouse decorated with all your favourite colours. Wanda gasped entering the palace while admiring the expensive furniture and the professional decoration, the blue and black along with the white and soft tones of green contrasted beautifully with the interior. You were just as surprised as Wanda, your feet took you deeper into the living room, down to the dining room and then to the hall leading to four different doors.
You stepped back making your way to the kitchen where there was a single note waiting for you.
You owed me a big deal kid, there is champagne on the fridge and everything else was done according to your specifications. Enjoy!
Tony S.
You smiled at the note making your way to the fridge, the bottle was waiting right there for you and you decided to put it out along with some glasses. Wanda came to you still in awed with what she just saw.
“Tony really outdid himself with these apartments.” Wanda tilted her head watching in amusement as you open the bottle, serving the champagne with a smile. “Did you know he had finished your place already?”
You nodded presenting Wanda with one glass, the young woman took it furrowing her brows for a moment.
“Was this the second part of your surprised to me?” Wanda finally asked, you took a long sip from the champagne shaking your head.
With a deep breath you stepped closer to Wanda, the sudden air around the both of you changed and Wanda felt the tension radiating from you. Your hand grabbed the glass putting it on the kitchen counter before leaning in to kiss Wanda.
Just like everything that was happening that day, the kiss turned out to be completely different. It was an invitation, a tentative question you didn’t dare to voice just yet; Wanda felt her knees buckled under the pressure, your hand wrapping around her waist putting her closer to you, your leg placing itself in between her legs, your other hand placed possessively on the back of her neck helping you into deepening the kiss.
You smiled hearing the whimper that scaped Wanda’s lips when you broke the kiss leaning back, her eyes had darkened again trembling under your touch. Her cheeks flustered, and her lips swollen from the kissing.
“Y/N?” And her voice was trembling under the confusion and the arousal she felt at the moment, you leaned in pressing your forehead against hers. Your lips ghosting above hers, breathing in her perfume and the singular aroma that was her.
You opened your mouth, but not words came.
You stepped back in frustration; you want to make of this moment something memorable but you were unsure as to how to put it in words. Wanda furrowed her brows, following you her arms wrapped around you making you look back at her.
“Y/N, what is it?” She finally asked, and while it was evident there was arousal in there was concern and a question she wanted to ask but dare not to.
With a single breath, you grabbed her hand and placed it on top of your temple. Wanda opened her eyes shocked.
“Are you sure?” She asked in a whispered, you smiled at her giving her silent permission with a single gesture.
The moment her fingertips touched your temple, and the red wisps of magic danced around your head Wanda gasped loudly. You made sure whatever it was you need to tell her was there for her to see, your eyes gleamed black just as her gleamed red.
Wanda felt it first, the waves of lust and arousal coming from you. Your desire for her, your eagerness to touch her and make her reach ectasis while screaming your name; Wanda saw your hesitation, she found herself glancing at a very familiar scene in which you were taught the usefulness of sex during missions. How you were afraid to treat Wanda the way you had treated others in the past.
You wanted for this to be special.
You wanted Wanda to know that you had never touched anyone before her the way you wanted to touch her.
There was no need for sex, you knew this. And yet, you just wanted to give yourself to Wanda the way Wanda had given you so much in such little time.
You want to show her that you were hers now and forever.
Wanda felt tears rolling down her cheeks, she locked eyes with you and found the pure adoration you felt for her there. Wanda would be lying if she said she didn’t think about it, of course she had. She thought about it when she saw you training with Natasha and got to see the muscles of your arms and legs. She thought about it when you picked her up or straddled her while playing around, and she thought about it when the both of you made out on the bed or the sofa.
But the young witch had never pressed matters because she knew how much you had suffered due to the physical contact, you had shown her what you were made to do, how you were made to do it…at what age they started you. So Wanda had never pressed you to do anything that you didn’t feel comfortable with, perhaps it was something the both of you should had talked about but it wasn’t that important.
And the end of the day Wanda had realized, it really wasn’t that important as long as she had you.
But now…seeing you like this, all exited but fearful, ready but unsure… it made her heart swelled with affection for you. She really was in love with you the way she would never be with anyone else.
Wanda grabbed your cheeks in her hands, she leaned in smiling at you.
“My love, I’ll do whatever you want to do right now, I would love nothing more than make love to you, but I will be as happy with just cuddling with you enjoying the closeness and the love you provide.” She tried to pour her emotions in her words, making sure you understood what she was trying to convey.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, your lips curled into a content smile just as you place your hands on her waist.
“I want to make love to you, Little Witch.” You declared simply, with affection dripping from your tone.
“Then, love, kiss me.”
Wanda knew you were experienced.
Of course, you were, it was something you had learnt in your line of work.
What she never expected to experience was the raw emotions that your touch brought to her, not sooner had she asked you to kiss her you were devouring her lips, your hands touching gently the length of her back and the side of her body, your fingertips brushing and kneading those spots that made her react.
The clothes were left alongside the hall, you guided Wanda slowly but surely to the main room where the bed and a couple of artificial candles were already waiting for you setting the romantic atmosphere Wanda had always talked about whenever the both of you watched a movie.
Wanda let out a breathy laugh when her eyes found the petals of roses on the floor, and the candles illuminating the room. The bedsheets were black and blue, and everything was just out of one of those movies. Her eyes found yours, and you knew you did something well because she was smiling brightly at you.
“You’re such a hopeless romantic,” she whispered letting her hands travelled down your naked torso, the warm of her palms making you shiver with anticipation as she cupped your breast in her hands. “God, I don’t know…I love you so much, I’m …I’m afraid of losing you or thinking this is just an illusion…”
You furrowed your brows locking your eyes with hers, grabbing her hands in yours you led her to the bed helping her up while you pressed your knee on the mattress.
“I will never let it happen, Wanda. For as long as you want me, I am yours.” You whispered kissing her again, leaning in until her back was on the bed and you were hovering above her.
You broke the kiss, your lips curling slightly watching Wanda with laboured breathing and her hands on your arms.
“Do you trust me?” You asked in a whisper, she merely nodded and you let your fingertips brush lightly on her eyelids. “Close your eyes, and don’t open them, let me love you tonight.”
The husky tinge in your voice, the heated coming in waves from your body made Wanda shivered, and she closed her eyes obediently. You bit the inside of your cheeks, leaning in placing open-mouthed kisses down her jaw to her neck; you enjoyed the sounds coming from her throat, the way she tilted her head to give you space to continue with the kisses, her hands grasping tightly around your forearms.
You had done this before, many missions in which you were to be a willing participant and others in which you were there for the final prize.
Wanda was different.
And everything that you were doing to her was so much different. You sighed into her skin, your left hand dancing around her body while your mouth travelled down her neck sucking lightly on the skin while your tongue soothe the light bites. The moans tearing out of her mouth were music for your ears, your fingertips mapping out the skin you had imagined up until now, brushing against one hardened nipple chuckling when a cursed left those lips.
Never once did Wanda opened her eyes.
Whatever you were doing, the fact she could no see but only feel was driving her mad. She could feel the texture of your lips traveling down the length of her neck, the teasing nibbles and the flickering of a playful tongue just as a pair of fingers pinched on a hardened nipple, her hips lifted from the mattress and a moan left her mouth when a volt of electricity went all the way to her core.
“Y/N…” your name sounded like a prayer, your eyes closing enjoying the sound of her voice. Your name on her lips, your hands dancing around her abdomen, your mouth tasting every single corner of her shoulders and her collarbone.
Moving down until you found the hem of the skirt she had chosen that day, you watched fascinated as Wanda grabbed the bed sheets her mouth hanging open and her eyes tightly close. The muscles of her abdomen and arms jumping whenever your mouth discovered a new sensitive spot you could explore while playing with the hem of her skirt, deciding if it was wise to take it off or not.
Your games took a couple of minutes, your mouth teasingly danced around her skin never touching those hardened knots on her breast or moving down beyond the well worked out abdomen. Your fingers and your hands moving down to spread her legs touching the soft skin of her inner thighs.
“Please, Y/N…” Her voice sounded broken, almost like a whine. You lifted your head and her green eyes were glancing down at you.
You sat up taking the warm of your body off of hers, Wanda groan in frustration her eyes gleaming red while a petulant pout formed on her face.
“Y/N, please…” She started but you shook your head, lifting a hand you made a gesture with two of your fingers. Wanda swallowed nodding before closing her eyes, you smiled at that standing up only to grab her skirt putting it off in a single pulled.
Your eyes darkened completely at the sight of her dark panties already sporting a wet spot in the middle, her boots and socks came soon after and you took of your shoes and pants along your underwear leaving yourself and her completely naked. You sighed taking all the courage you could muster, ready to show Wanda all the love you had for her.
You started by kissing her feet, smiling when Wanda let out a giggle, her finger wiggling playfully while your fingertips brushed against the skin on her ankle moving up alongside your mouth. You were not thinking about anything else that wasn’t to worship the woman in front of you, your own pleasure linked directly with hers.
Your lips moving up, kissing the back of her knees up to the warm skin on her thighs, the smell of her arousal making you groan with want. The sounds of her ragged breathing, and the moans leaving her lips were enhancing your own experienced as you focused on what you had in front of you.
The moment your tongue flickered out; you closed your eyes moaning with pleasure at the taste that was purely Wanda. Your hands placed firmly around her hips; Wanda let out a whimper mixed out with a scream her hands gripping the bedsheets tightly while she tried to buck her hips to get more of your tongue in her.
You moaned leaning in, your tongue licking teasingly on those pussy lips before you let it trace the dripping slit enjoying the reactions you were getting from Wanda. The young witch was driving herself to the edge by the mere contact of the tongue in between her legs, she wanted to desperately open her eyes and see you licking her mound but the fear of you stopping was more than enough to make her clenched her eyes shut tightly.
It was extremely pleasurable to just imagine you licking and kissing her pussy, your eyes concentrating in the task at hand while your mouth move enthusiastically lapping at her juices, flickering around her clit while probing at her entrance with playful thrusts of your tongue.
God, the mere thought of you doing all of this, while your hands sought out to rub her abdomen until they reach on her breast. Wanda arched her back with her hips bucking upwards, her eyes caught the sound of your moans while the vibrations of your mouth clashed against her sensitive pussy making her screamed again.
“God, Y/N…please….please…” Wanda was not sure why she was begging, or what exactly she was looking for.
It didn’t matter because it seemed as if you knew exactly what Wanda wanted, your flattened tongue pressed against her clit and Wanda let out a breathy screamed when two of your fingers entered her in one swift thrust.
It was all it took, she was shivering under you mewling while your name left her lips in a shattering scream, her orgasm making her trembled and spasm around you.
Wanda didn’t know exactly what happened, her eyes were still close and she was shivering under your body, your tongue sneaking inside her mouth and the young witch moan tasting herself in you.  
The moment she opened her eyes you were wearing a content smile, your eyes gleaming happily at her and Wanda couldn’t help but think you look cute like this.
“God, Y/N…I love you.” She said unable to think of anything else to say, you leaned in rubbing the tip of your nose against hers.
For a moment you were about to touch her but her hands grabbed yours, her smirked grew and soon she turned you around hovering above you.
“Now, detka, it’s my turn.” You opened your eyes wide, and just as you had done before she lifted a hand and with uttered cared close your eyelids. “Do you trust me?”
You hesitated for moment before speaking, “with my life.”
Wanda stopped for a moment, her heart swelling with emotions she could barely hold back.
“Then, detka, let me make you feel love…let me love you like no one had ever done so before me.”
Wanda had learnt a long time ago that you were highly susceptible to words and to touch, it could be your touch-starve nature due to your uprising and the lack of conversations you held when you were but a kid and a teen.
Whatever the case, Wanda let her hands caressed every inch of your body, her lips right beside your ear prising your performance telling you she had never come so hard for anyone. How her heart was beating only for you, and that you were all she needed it.
Wanda’s hands went to your breast squeezing them lightly, while her fingers played with the nipples pinching and pulling at them before her mouth closed around them. You let out a moan bucking your hips seeking relief. The young witch smirked sucking on your nipple while her hand slid down your abdomen cupping your dripping pussy in her hand, she let go of you moaning alongside you her lips right above you.
“Y/N, you’re so wet, baby.” The moment her lips closed around yours, her fingers flickered on your clit and Wanda drank your whimpers as she kissed you passionately.
Soon you were trashing under her, your hands on her arms and her hand moving all the way to your entrance, Wanda was fascinated at how easy was for you to give up your control to her. How your trusted in her was so complete you have your eyes closed and were giving her everything you were. Everything you had.
She started trusting inside you, over and over, her lips moving to your ear.
“Please detka, come for me.” That was all it took, your inner walls clenched around her fingers and Wanda watched with fascination as you came around her fingers a scream of her name leaving your lips.
It was fascinating for her, she rode out your orgasm until you were whimpering with discomfort. Wanda kissed you softly snuggling to you, placing tender kisses on your neck and jaw until she felt your arms wrapping tightly around you.
Nothing else was said that night, the both of you fall asleep enjoying the breathing of the other the smell of sex in the room. The heartbeat that seemed to beat as one.
You woke up to a pair of green eyes looking down at you.
Wanda was always beautiful in the mornings, but on that morning in particular she was breath-taking. She had a smile on her face, her fingertips were drawing lazy figures on your abdomen you stretched out smiling back at her your eyes drifting down to see her completely naked pressed against you.
“Like what you see?” She asked playfully, leaning against her arm. You nodded turning around so you two were facing each other your fingers went to draw the same patterns on her arm.
“I like it too.” She said to which you merely snickered, she leaned in kissing you softly on the lips. “Last night…”
You tensed slightly, your eyes drifting to the side before they settled back on Wanda. The redhead smiled tenderly at you, she understood without you having to say anything at all. She always did.
“Last night was really magical, Y/N. It was everything I imagine would be with you.” Wanda snuggled closer to you, never breaking the eye contact. “And I can’t think of anyone I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
“Marry me?” You blurted out before you can contain yourself, your eyes opened wide just as Wanda opened hers.
You shook your head, your body stiffened and your mouth opened and closed trying to get the words out before Wanda could leave before she could just say how a fucking moron you were for blurting something so stupid just after sex. Who did that?
The reaction you got from Wanda was not something you were expecting, she went right ahead to crash her lips against yours until you were on your back. Wanda was smiling, and you couldn’t help but smile back at her enthusiasm.
“Yes, yes I will marry you if that’s what you want.” You chuckled shaking your head when Wanda started placing kisses on your face.
You grabbed her hands in yours, turning you two around until it was you the one of top of her. She was chuckling happily, tilting her head to lock her eyes on yours.
“Did you mean it or the sex was that fantastic?” You chuckled rubbing your nose to hers, there was a flickered of hesitation in your eyes and for a moment Wanda thought you were going to back off without saying anything.
You broke your defences at that moment, Wanda watched with fascination as all protective barriers around your eyes left and all that was left was you.
“I meant it…not now, not tomorrow, probably not next year.” You said with your voice taking in a deep, serious tone Wanda was familiar with. “I don’t want to do this all my life, the fight, the missions. But you, Wanda, I want to be by your side all my life. Be a family. Be with you.”
Wanda melted at your words, whenever you decided to speak it was the most amazing experience for her. You never used your words in vain, and what always brough a bubble of happiness to Wanda was that she was your favourite person to talk to.
“So, Wanda Maximoff, would you marry me?”
Wanda sighed nodding lifting her head to meet your lips in a sweet kiss, “yes, Y/N, I will marry you. Not today, not tomorrow, probably no next year, but I will and we can build our family, right outside the suburbs…”
You chuckled lifting your hand and moving your pinkie finger, Wanda laughed at the absurdity of your actions but followed you lifting her hand and entangling her pinkie finger with yours.
“Pinkie promise.” She whispered before sealing the promised with a deep kiss.
The rest of the morning was spend showing one another just how much they loved one another, how their future was looking brighter.
How it was looking like a promise.
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lightlycareless · 5 months
What would say would be the easiest and fastest way to fluster Naoya? I was reading your work on the one with having an s/o who’s to shy to ask for anything(it was something along those lines but I’m sure you know what I’m talking about :D) and he was such a tease so I’m curious to how Y/N could get her revenge lol
For anyone wondering btw, this is the ask anon was referring to ❤️
Aww this was kinda cute ngl but it also got me thinking, how do you even get back to someone as Naoya??? that man is like, idk, prank proof and such? Like I feel you'd need to go to extremes in order to really hit him where it hurts, but even then...
Luckily, there is one way :> and it's all detailed right below hehe.
Warnings: none. it's fluff. Naoya is slightly miserable, good. shouldn't mess with his wife that much.
Happy reading!
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So, first things first, do not try to out-tease him.
You will not win against Naoya, because no matter how much you try, or the lengths you go to fluster him back, you’re quickly reminded that he excels in just about anything he puts his mind to…
Thus, the best way for you to get your revenge, and perhaps the only that works, is to simply…
Ignore him.
Don’t see him, don’t talk to him, don’t engage with him—nothing. You are to be ice cold with everything that pertains to him, and soon, you begin to see how easy it is to make him regret his decisions. (a bit)
It starts quite simply: by not giving him his usual good morning kiss.
Naoya immediately notices there’s something amiss, and when he eventually finds out what it is, he doesn’t say anything, hoping to see if you notice it too…  
Until he becomes desperate and takes the initiative.
He initially thought you had simply forgotten, an innocent accident; but when you don’t respond to his “good morning”, even going as far glance away when he tries to kiss you, Naoya immediately knows it was intentional.
Your husband is going to be in a terrible mood from that point forward, evident by the way murmurs sprouted amongst the staff of his highly irritable (yet gloomy) attitude—yet, this does not sway him from trying to get your attention.
“Well, guess I won’t be buying your favorite sweets if you’re going to keep avoiding me.” Is one of the many ways he tries to coerce you into speaking to him. Surprisingly, it doesn’t work. However, he is not out of ideas just yet.
“You know what? I’ve been wanting to go to this amusement park now that I have a few days off… but I don’t know, I still have to think about it. See who I’ll take with me and all that…” He’d say, his ace up his sleeve, while discreetly looking over to you as to catch your reaction, since he knows you’ve been dying to travel for months now.
Yet, nothing. Not even batting an eye, going on with whatever activity you were doing at the moment instead of acknowledging him.
And that’s when he knows it’s something serious.
“Y/N, talk to me.” He’d finally insist after a long, silent, but heavily uncomfortable dinner.
“Why are you upset now?” Naoya asks.
“Is that’s how it’s going to be? You’re not going to talk to me anymore?”
“…Can I at least know why?”
That would be the only instance you’d react, with a look on your face that lets him know there is a reason for your behavior, but most importantly, that he should know about it. But you continue to refuse to tell him, extending what he considered to be his punishment, even after he tried to force you to do so.
“Stop avoiding me!” Naoya says, grabbing your face and forcing you to see him—he thinks this way you won’t be able to do anything else but talk to him, and yet, your eyes are literally anywhere else but on him. “Seriously?!
And you were determined to remain oblivious of him…
Until Naoya begins to tease you yet again, by using his fingers to purse your lips up to a smile.
“Aw, don’t be like that, Y/N—give me that cute smile you always do.” He chuckles, hoping to ease this situation, with the same technique he’d used in the past. “See? Just like that, come on now, I know you want to laugh too—”
But you weren’t having any of it, not when he still took you as a joke, swiftly freeing your face from his hands and taking a step away from him, all with a frown that makes his heart sink to his stomach.
“Stop making fun of me!” you cry. “Seriously, that’s all you ever do…”
“That’s not true!” he immediately responds, attempting to defend himself. “I’m nothing but nice with you!”
Nothing of what you wanted to hear. So, after realizing he has yet to give you want you need, you decided to leave him alone, yet again, to either cool down or hope he’ll get the memo by this point, much to his remorseful solitude.
Naoya wouldn’t let this situation die, of course, not when your words still resonated inside his mind, quickly identifying there was a much bigger problem at hand and going off to figure out what you meant, what is it that you needed, and maybe vent as well, with the one person he knew he could always count on.
Receiving a reality check he didn’t precisely like, but indeed much needed, because after a few moments of reflection alongside Ranta, Naoya finds that indeed he hasn’t been as nice as he proclaimed, if anything, his behavior had gotten a bit worse these past few days, seemingly out of personal enjoyment to seeing you all flustered—careless of how you might perceive this, or how tiring and awkward it had become for you… and the rest.
“I obviously didn’t do it to make Y/N angry, I was just joking!” Naoya would say.
“Don’t tell me that, tell her!” Ranta responds—he guessed it was only a matter of time before you snapped.
And so, that’s what he mentally prepares himself to do at the end of the day, when alone in the confines of their shared bedroom, deep into the night.
Naoya is happy that even through all this commotion, the two still sleep in the same bed. Although the thought of you avoiding him even there is one that occasionally creeps in the back of his mind… fearing that this might be the next step if he doesn’t mend his mistakes.
“Y/N.” He eventually begins, sitting by the edge of the futon. You don’t respond, as expected.
It’s always hard for him to place his heart on his sleeve and admit that he was wrong, given his… background.
But he’s long learned that he loves you far more than anyone and anything in this world, and for you, he’d go to the end of the time just to see you happy. Something so redundant as shame would never stop him from doing what he needed to do.
“I brought you something.” He says, and through the corner of your eye, you manage to see there was indeed something in his hands. “I saw it the other day at a store, and it reminded me of you…”
Naoya then hands you a plushie, a white chubby duck—something you would’ve normally seen as adorable, but after all the things that have been happening, all you could do is frown as you look away.
“If you’re here to still make fun—”
“I’m not.” Naoya sternly responds. “…I thought you knew I would never do anything to upset you.”
“… but you did.”
“When I tease you, it’s only because I want to make you… blush, or laugh, nothing else.” He explains. “But, if you don’t want me to do it anymore, then I’ll stop.”
“That’s not the problem—I really don’t mind when you act that way.” You say. “It’s more that I don’t like it when you do that with important things. I don’t enjoy having to repeat myself a thousand times for you to do what I want you to…”
“Does it make you feel I wouldn’t do it?”
“No. It makes me feel like you’re not taking me seriously, at least to do it by the first time.”
Naoya presses his lips together, feeling enormously regretful for having planted those doubts onto you.
There’s nothing, no one, not a single person in this world, more important to him than you; and while it was always in his nature to react so… sardonically, he always complied when needed, especially with you.
But now that you mention it, he understands that perhaps he might’ve abused your willingness to take whatever he gives you—because more than his friend, you’re his wife, the woman of his dreams, and should treat you as such.
“I’m sorry.” He says. “I love you too much to ever want to make you feel that way, and it pains me to know that I have. …Will you ever forgive me?”
Your lips tremble slightly as you slowly turn around to see him, with teary eyes telling him that you didn’t like being away from him like this, but you didn’t know what to do in order for him to understand how unhappy you were.
Naoya surprises you yet again how different he’s become from the man you met all those years ago. Reminding you how much he’s grown, matured, done his part to make this relationship work…
And why you loved him so much in the first place.
“…With one condition” you begin, taking the plushie from his hands. “… if you promise me to stop being so playful with serious things, and… if you take me to the amusement park you were saying—it’s been a while since we went out on a date—…. I’ll forgive you.”
“Consider it done.” He says, leaning closer to you, intending to place a kiss on your lips, but you stop him by placing the ducky in-between the two, he raises an eyebrow. “Hmm?”
“And if you give me all the kisses I was supposed to get these days.” You murmur, a slight pout on your lips. He chuckles.
“You really are a spoiled princess, did you know that?”
You blush at the nickname, Naoya smirks.
“Ah, so you do like it when I tease you!”
“What? No!” you gasp. “I mean… maybe, when you don’t use the weird ones…”
“Weird ones? What are you even talking about?” he laughs, wrapping his arms around you and snuggling his face against yours, giving you a kiss, and another, and another, and another. “Little ducky”
“There you go again, naming me everything that crosses your sight!” you giggle, ticklish by his kisses.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, mochi.”
“Really? I didn’t even notice, pumpkin.”
“Stop it…” you whine, hiding your face against his chest out of embarrassment, he just continues laughing before placing a kiss on top of your head.
Naoya certainly tries his best to not tease you as much, however, he does fall back into old habits from time to time—but could he be blamed? It’s not his fault that he loved so much just how flustered you got… Or how easy you made it for him.
Sometimes you even wonder how you could tolerate him; one of the many mysteries of your relationship with him.
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now add to that 5 kids. y/n has the patience of a saint. DaMN.
Anyways, thank you for sending in this ask!! it's the small things that develop naoya's and y/n's relationship more and more :') kajfhjaghfjka we need more domestic fluff ngl 😭 luckily, I have two more things in mind hehe + pending asks 😏
I hope you have a wonderful week, take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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peachymilkandcream · 7 months
Movie!William Afton x Evelyn -> Night Terrors
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(A/N: No request was given for this one BUT the prompt is: What if WIlliam used the animatronics to keep her scared that they were coming for the family if she left so she lays awake at night terrified and seeing things and he helps comfort her? ;) This one spoke to me as someone who's afraid of the dark as an adult XD Hope y'all enjoy, after this one I'm going to bed I've been writing a lot today XD As always this is not canon to Break Me Slowly, Evelyn is just my go to OC and I like seeing her get railed what can I say.)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, power imbalance, age difference, etc.
Evelyn stared at the ceiling, that was all she could do, stare and listen for the sounds in the halls, terror gripping her as her mind filled in the blanks and she could almost hear the haunting clank of metal. It was all in her head, she knew it, she knew it deep down, but the small part of her wondered just how much was her mind or reality. Sweet, sweet William was a brilliant man, but she couldn't deny how much his creations terrified her. Her life had become nothing but terror in the wake of the accidents that claimed the lives of her two children.
Of course he was sound asleep, in dreamland thinking of some other brilliant scheme to regain their previous financial standing. Her heart her because she wanted to tell him that she didn't care about that, she'd give it all up to have him and their children back. However she knew she could never say anything, he was her husband after all, she couldn't just question him. He had given her the future that she had, she couldn't just bother him with her stupid opinions.
Evelyn knew better than to wake him, but the shadows in the dark room started to look like they came alive. Pulsating and moving closer to her, horrifying amalgamations of those cute creatures that brought so many children joy back in the day. William was usually such a sound sleeper, he probably wouldn't even wake up as she slid closer and cuddled into his back.
She felt slightly better, the fear wasn't as prominent with the warmth that he radiated. He was all that she had in this world, William had told her this often, especially since her two living children has selfishly abandoned them because they couldn't give their father the respect he deserved.
A small smile crept onto her face as she cuddled in closer, her movements just a little too much which made him stir and wake up, rolling over to her. His smile matching hers as am arm snaked around her waist, feeling her curves and giving her ass a little squeeze that he made sure she didn't miss.
"Sleep troubles my love?" His hand squeezed harder, and at this close proximity she could feel his intentions through his pants. "I can help you with that." He starts to climb on top of her until he notices her discomfort. "What's the matter?"
"It's fine William I really just don't, want to-"
His smile vanishes, a look of warning coming into his eyes. "Excuse me?" He always gave her one chance to change her tune, and she knew what would happen if she refused.
"Nevermind, that sounds great."
His smile returns, leaning over her and kissing her neck. His beard was uncomfortable on her skin, but with the way his tongue soothed the spots his teeth bit it was worth it. William's happiness was all that was important, and having time like this was rare, she should be appreciative that he was even willing to sleep with her. Therefore she made sure to arch her back and moan extra loud, it was fake, it was all fake, but neither of them cared. The way he gripped her thighs with such desperation made her feel more alive and younger than she had in years, even if she still wasn't that old compared to him.
William took his time worshipping every inch of her, in the past he would have never done this, but with how well she had made things for him how could he not spoil her every once and a while? She put up with his narcissistic and erratic personality and at least claimed to love him in return, sucking on her breasts until she pulled his head down for more was the least he could do.
She was so wet as he pumped one finger and then two inside her, the slight winces of pain from the extra stitch he made her get with each of the pregnancies not slowing him down in the slightest. It wasn't like she had a choice anyway, she never had a choice. Even now she was still tight, fitting him perfectly as he slid in, he truly believed she was built for him, built to be used by him and to stay by his side through all of the horrors he subjected everyone he encountered to.
With each thrust the fear surrounding her seemed to fade a little more, the shadows moved less and less as the passion built more and more. She wasn't sure what it was about William, but the way he was set her on fire like never before, he was like a drug, if he wasn't giving her some kind of drug already.
It took no time for her to spasm and climax around him, holding onto his arms desperately and whimpering out his name as she rode out her high, his hot cum filling her not long after as they held each other in their arms. Whether it was his presence or the liquid dripping out from between her legs Evelyn wasn't sure, she just knew that for once the world was still. And as he held her firmly against his chest she could finally drift into a peaceful sleep.
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cookieswithay · 1 year
One piece stuff! Ace boyfriend headcanons!
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Got this idea from a dream! And cause I was watching the Navy vs Pirates war thing...Getting ready to cry. Happy reading😭
• Kisses:
• Is always kissing you. Lips usually, but your cheeks are always nice. Since you both are powerful and busy, you guys don't get too much time to hang. So you always get passing by pecks. Short and sweet, just how you like 'em.
• But when YOU kiss him, he's gotta stop whatever he's doing. You don't eat his face or anything, but for some reason, it drives him insane. Just having your lips on his for more than 3 seconds is more than enough for him. Heaven forbid you two start making out. It's gets naughty
• Teases:
1. Tickling
• Ace is always finding someway to tickle you. And anywhere. The deck, your room, battle. Anywhere. It's fun to see you jolt, even if he gets whacked by accident. (Some are intentional)
2. Sunbathing
• He became real "interested" in tanning when you joined the crew. At first it was just to fluster you, but it really started doing wonders his complexion. Your eyes and darker skin? A win!
3. Neck noms
• He often catches you with those when your sitting down. It's something about your neck just being out there. Just vulnerable and stuff. He doesn't exactly wanna kiss it, but he doesn't wanna bite it either. And there comes a neck nom.
• Dates
• You guys sadly had to stop going on 'em. Since every pirate that's not part of the worst generation, is a asshole. You guys often get into fights. Though it is fun, you guys usually get scolded by Whitebeard for destroying stuff. So now you guys just have dinners in different quarters.
• Sleeping
• You guys have sleepovers all the time. It doesn't matter who's room it is, just bring a pillow and a blanket! And since you two are both "secretly" immature, pillow fights usually commence. As far as actual sleeping, Ace snoozes in your chest. And you do the same. It's both soft and soothing.
• P.D.A:
• Not so much public, more like on DECK displays of affection. He'll be laying on your lap or you'll be sitting on his. You'll embrace each other, sometimes kiss. You guys are pretty open about loving each other. Though you don't wanna be affectionate in public PUBLIC, Ace can't help but pull you closer by the waist. It's fun to make other people jealous.
• Eating:
• You two are animals at the table. Except, unlike your boyfriend, you don't swallow the bones. (Although fish shells go down rather easily) Anywho, the both of you have a knack for seeking out each other's favorites. So when you meet up, you swap plates. It's fun and saves time. Plus, Ace throws in something different at times. Although you usually don't like them.
Actually finished this one pretty quickly🤔 Though I'm on a One piece high, I still have some turtle stuff coming up. (And a little Haiyku) Stay cool!😎
Will I ever come back to that Ice skating one? Or my hero academia stuff in general?
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romanarose · 8 months
Secret's Out
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Art by @runa-falls who drew me and marc lolololol
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Brother Best Friend!Marc Spector x fem!reader
Summary: Marc is your brothers roommate and best friend in college. When you attend the same school, you meet and fall in love with Marc Spector. You both try to keep it a secret, for fear of what he'll say... eventually though, the secret comes out.
Warnings: Brief smut, readers brother drinks alcohol, protected creampie, mentions of oral.
Immersability: Reader is not Jewish, or least knows nothing about holidays as she tries to learn. Picture above does nothing to describe reader, including height, I just thought it was cute and Em let me use it lol. Reader is fem and AFAB
A/N: Although I know no one owns the idea of collage AU's, I think in this fandom it's safe to say that @juneknight is a big inspo for a lot of us writing college au marc. June had said she doesn't mind other people writing college marc but I still wanted to give her credit for it as that series is something I love v v v much and is a fandom fav. If you havn't read any of it, check em out. June is amazing. Als, I feel like i've had similar conversations with people in different discord servers about this concept but I can't remember who or who said what? but y'all know how those convos go, everyone throwing things in. If you feel i ripped of something you said, know it was on accident and i can give you creds as well!
1.5k words
Sex on a dorm bed was hard enough, but Marc insisted he wanted the bed raised so he could fit his mini fridge under there. 
And a pile of fucking junk, but thats neither here nor there. Marc looked like he packed up all his personal belongings into plastic bins. He must live far away, because he never went home, not even over thanksgiving break and he paid the extra money to stay over winter break coming up, citing he was Jewish so he didn’t really need to be home for christmas. But what about new years? And he never felt for Jewish holidays either. You know, because you had been looking into them all in order to properly greet him. 
A few weeks into classes your first year, your older brother introduced you and let you hang around them while you got oriented in your new school. You had told Marc ‘Happy Yom Kippur’ to which he politely smiled and thanked you, only for you to find out later that ‘happy’ wasn’t exactly the right verbiage. So, you did your best to research. It wasn’t until you were intently watching youtube videos on what everything on a passover seder symbolizes that you realized how hard you had fallen for him.
Lucky for you, your interest and effort had endeared you to him just as much. He fought his feelings for a long time. Your brother, AJ, had been his roommate freshman year and all four years since, and there was no goddamn way on this planet he’d let Marc date you, always telling you which guys to stay away from. He was one of those guys, wasn’t he? So he tried his best to avoid you.
Fate had other plans, a normal day where you showed up at their room looking for AJ had ended with you both tumbling into bed, starting a secret little affair. Marc was good at what he did, opening you up with his fingers first and spending so long with his head between your legs you wondered if he was even planning on getting off at all. But he did, oh god he did, blowing his load inside you and you both came with a loud groan that caused the next door neighbors to bang on the adjacent wall telling you to shut the fuck up.
So started your dirty little secret, sneaking fucks in where you could, hooking up in the public bathroom next to the laundry room, quick kisses in unused classrooms. There was one time AJ was supposed to be gone for a 3 hour class, and walked in unceremoniously as Marc was balls deep inside you, the jingle of the keys and the sound of the key in the door only barely giving Marc enough time to throw you under the covers. AJ was quick to realize Marc had a girl in his bed, closing the door. Covering your mouth, Marc slowly began fucking you as he told AJ the come back later, AJ giving him some good-natured ribbing before announcing he would be at the dining hall. You were back on the verge of an orgasm by the time he left the door, the thrill of near getting caught culminating in cumming hard enough you bit Marc’s hand that still covered you.
 It was hard, you wanted to be out. Marc wanted to show you off, to show all the assholes in school how you, YOU were willingly dating him. Prettiest damn thing he’d ever seen. And you, you just wanted everyone to know who you belonged to. You knew Marc had a reputation, and you knew being his girl, you were safe.
Most of all, outside of the public image, you just wanted to be able to be together.
You helped Marc climb back on the bed despite the fit of laughter. After he finished, Marc rolled off you, but seemed to forget you were on a twin bed and promptly fell off. That’s where the bed being raised came in, adding a few feet for him to drop down. You would like to have thought you would have been a concerned girlfriend, but once you saw he didn’t land on his face or anything you couldn’t stop laughing, especially at his grumpy frown. Fucker was funny as shit without trying to be.
When he finally climbed back up, you two cuddled back under the covers and you began to kiss away his frown lines all over his face until they eased in a smile, kissing you back.
“I love you, you know.”
You did. You knew that with your whole heart. “Love you right back, Marc Spector.”
It wasn’t two minuets later when AJ walked in to see you laying on top of Marc, only covered by the blanket, he quickly closes his eyes. 
“GOD DAMMIT! WHAT THE FUCK!” He shouts, Marc quickly pulling the blanket up more and rolling over to cover you with his body. 
AJ left, going to the lounge and you knew it was over. He knew it was you. You were shaking, your anxiety through the roof and Marc tried to calm you.
“Shh, baby, it’s okay, it’s gonna be okay, I’ll take the blame-”
“I’m sorry, I forgot!” 
Marc took your face in hands, sitting up and gently coaxing you. “Hey, baby, look at me.” You open your eyes, lost inside his and you knew you were safe. “I’m sorry, I’m really fucking sorry. But you’re safe, it’s going to be okay. I swear. I’ll never forget to lock the door again, I promise.”
Tearful, you express your fears. “I don’t know if there’s going to be a next time.”
Marc’s soft eyes are in contrast to his tense face. “You’re a grown adult, baby. He might not like it, but he can’t stop us.”
“But he’s going to be mad at you! He’s your…”
He chuckled. “My only friend?”
“Your best friend.” You correct.
With a sign, he strokes your face, knowing you both had to go out there and face him soon enough. “You’re worth it, okay? Whatever happens, you’re worth it.”
Overcome with emotions, you tuck your head into Marc’s neck. “It’ll be okay.”
You both got dressed, Marc opening the door to the loud, his body symbolically in front of you. Neither of you thought that there was any chance your brother would hurt you, but it was the gesture and what it meant. Marc would always be your protection.
“J, listen man, I can explain-”
“C’mon dude, all you had to do was text me to stay out so I don’t have to walk in on you fucking my sister.”
Everyone was quite, that wasn’t the response they were expecting. “I wasn’t- we weren’t- we were done,”
You smack Marc’s arm, whispering ‘gross’ and then look to AJ. “So you’re not… mad? You sounded mad…”
“I was mad because it was nasty, I don’t need to see that. I don’t give a fuck what you guys do.”
Marc was hesitant, but you moved out from behind Marc to join at his side. He spoke next. “You don’t care?”
AJ laughed. “I don’t care for her,” He clarified, smiling. “For you.” AJ pushed past both of you and made his way to Marc’s minifridge, stealing a beer.
“What does that mean?” Marc asked, incredulous and only semi-distracted by his roommate's theft. Bigger fish to fry.
“I mean,” AJ finished the beer and handed the can to Marc. “You know she cries every time she watched Revenge of the Sith, right?”
Marc turned to you and you shrug. “They were brothers, Marc!”
AJ continued. “She once cried because she wanted to make pasta but we didn’t have sauce. Like laid down on the kitchen floor and cried.”
“I was hungry and to broke to order food!”
“I offered to drive you to walmart!”
“I was tired!”
“You she bites her toe nails”
Marc jumped back in. “that’s why you’re so flexible”
AJ had enough “DISGUSTING! GET OUT! OUT!” He pushed you both out of the room he claimed you had defiled. “Go be disgusting elsewhere, sickos.” He slammed the door in your face as you laughed, giddy that the secret was out and it went well.
“Well, that was not what I expected?” You wrap your arm around his middle, walking towards the elevator. 
“Yeah… I thought I was about to get decked.”
Just then, you hear your brother scream your name down the hall.
Marc turned to you. “You forgot your underwear?”
Sex was moved to your dorm from then on.
Sorry this came to me today again and i had to write it.
@fandxmslxt69 @runa-falls @campingwiththecharmings @whatthefishh @k-ra @ivystoryweaver @steven-grants-world @ahookedheroespureheart @littlenosoul @mikaelak @stevenandmarcslove @scarletthefierce @pikapuff-316 @del-ightfulling @missdictatorme
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loki-hargreeves · 2 years
So Cold
Pairing: mainly Jake Lockley x fem!Reader (established relationship), Steven Grant x fem!Reader & Marc Spector x fem!Reader
Warnings/Tags: fluff, suggestive stuff [making out, dirty talk, smutty undertones etc], gun violence, car accident, near death situation [drowning], angst, vulgar language, mentions of blood, hospitalization, character death [you and the moon boys will be fine], hurt/comfort
Word Count: 9,5K
Summary: Your date gets interrupted by Jake’s enemies and you end up trapped underwater.
A/N: Not my best but this concept has lived in my head rent free for weeks. @davosmymaster​ has been lovely enough to brainstorm with me and also help me with most of the Spanish parts <3 Any and all mistakes are mine!!! 😤
Please don’t come at me for any technical stuff. I don’t know what it’s like to be in a car that’s stuck underwater nor am I a medical expert (I’m basing it on personal experiences). Just enjoy the vibes <3
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“Jake, oh my god!” Your laughter filled the car and his ears, his name fitting somewhere in between the joyous erupts. The sun was setting below the horizon, directly in front of you as the final rays of the day bounced off the deep, dark sea. Everything was golden with hints of pink and orange. Late autumn leaves were carried by the gentle wind, cascading down onto the ground and some landing on the hood of the vehicle surely to be blown away when you’d eventually drive home.
When he looked at you trying to contain your adorable laughter after the terrible joke he told only moments earlier, he swore he felt his heart expand in his chest. Tearing his eyes off of you was impossible, not even the picture perfect sunset being a match to you, the love of his life smiling so wide it reached your eyes. If telling bad jokes always made you laugh like that, Jake would never stop.
Jake was happy.
Truly happy.
He hadn’t known this kind of love and pure bliss prior to meeting you. Before, his existence consisted mainly of protecting others and dealing with the worst of the worst. Every touch he felt was rough and cold, with violent intentions. When he felt your loving touch, he was hooked. It took time but Jake learned to long for it. Jake hadn’t lived much for himself nor had anyone ever protected him. Not that he really needed protection, not like that. But the way you loved him and made him feel was enough. You protected his heart.
That day had been wonderful so far and there was no doubt in his mind that the night would be just as good. Since it was Jake’s day, he had taken you out on a date to surprise you. Sure, there were some bumps on the road; the restaurant he had wanted to take you to was closed due to water damages, the plumbing had seen better days at that place. 
That didn’t stop you, no. You and Jake opted for fast food instead and drove to a remote area to watch the sunset and eat your food in the car instead. Sure, it had felt a bit ridiculous to walk into a fast food place in your fancy clothes but in a way, it was amusing. The heels, the dress, the suit Jake was wearing that made it hard for you to keep your hands off of him. If the weather had been nicer, you would’ve eaten outside but winter was nearing quickly. Staying in the car where it was warm, especially when you were only in a thin dress, was much better.
Somehow, that was one of your best dates so far. Just the two of you, the sunset and a lot of privacy which allowed opportunities for you to get all touchy and hands-on with each other without being judged by strangers. Jake never loved the way some people, especially other guys, would look at you. He couldn’t blame them though, because you were an absolute goddess. He felt so lucky to be with you, to be able to call you his girl. People who knew what was best for them knew not to even think about getting between you and Jake. The same applied for you and Marc and Steven. The harmony you all had was beautiful and nothing could possibly disrupt that.
Even the music was excellent tonight because the car was connected to your Spotify account. Jake had put some of his favourite songs in the queue. Right now, you were listening to a tune he always loved to sing and whistle around the flat, más allá del sol. It reminded you of the time he had completely surprised you one evening as he played the song and swayed with you in the living room. Jake Lockley was more romantic than you had ever expected him to be - and you loved everything about it.
“You have something there,” Your laughter faded after a while and you pointed at Jake’s cheek with a mischievous smile on your face. It was clear as day you had something up your sleeve.
“Here?” Jake raised an eyebrow, playing along. He pointed past the moustache he had been growing. They had decided to let their facial hair grow after they all learned how much you liked that. Besides, it looked good. Fantastic, actually.
“More like…” You began as you leaned closer to Jake and wrapped your hand around the black tie around his neck. As said, you two were definitely overdressed for a fast food date. Then you tugged at it, pulling Jake’s face close to yours.
“...right here,” You whispered and shamelessly kissed his cheek, concealing the fact that there hadn’t actually been anything on his face. You just wanted to kiss him. There was no harm in that, right?
Jake felt all warm and fuzzy inside when your lips pressed against his skin. He was sure you were able to tell it made his cheeks heat up, not that he’d admit it. The fact that you were acting like this just to smooch his cheek made Jake feel a lot of things. He wanted to return the favour before you’d drive him mad with your little antics.
“If you wanted a kiss, mi amor, you could’ve just asked,” Jake explained. Yup. He had definitely turned soft but he didn’t mind because it was all for you. He looked in your eyes, willing to get lost in the beauty and mystery that was hidden in them, something magnetizing behind your coated lashes that tried to captivate him time after time - and it worked. They said eyes were the doors to one’s soul, there was no doubt about that when he gazed into yours.
“Making you blush is more fun,” You teased. Of course, you did.
“Oh come here you,” Jake had finally reached the point of not being able to keep his hands off of you any longer. He cupped your face with his hands, fingers resting against the back of your head as he kissed you. It was fierce and passionate, a kiss that instantly took your breath away and wiped away the playful gleam. That was replaced by a burning desire, a need that only he could satisfy and you were willing to do anything for.
Jake’s tongue slipped past your lips as he tasted you, his needy and unabashed kiss making you moan. Not even the music could hide the fact. Your closed your eyes and tilted your head, needing him to get closer somehow. In a desperate attempt, you tangled your fingers in his dark locks, pulling him closer while also holding onto him for support as the kiss threatened to make you swoon. Just one kiss was all it took, the feeling of his soft stubble poking lightly against your skin and his hands now roaming down your body, toying with the straps of your dress.
As Jake pulled back from the kiss with glistening lips, it was his time to smirk.
“Do you want me to touch you?” Jake wondered in a low voice, sending shivers down your spine. It didn’t help that his breath landed on your neck, making you think about just how amazing his lips would feel on the sensitive skin. The answer to his question was quite obvious but he thought it was fun to tease you too.
“Please,” You nodded, running your fingers down his neck and then beginning to work on loosening his tie, “I’ve wanted you from the moment you walked out the house in this suit.”
“Really?” Jake acted surprised, peppering light kisses on your neck, right above your increasing pulse and inhaling the sweet, sweet scent of your perfume, “Maybe I should wear it more often. Had no clue you so into men in suits.”
“Liar,” You rolled your eyes, knowing damn well he knew what he was doing.
“Well you’re in luck, cariño,” Jake rolled one strap off your shoulder, kissing the newly exposed skin rather tenderly, “because I’ve been thinking about fucking you dumb ever since you put this dress on.”
This was the Jake you knew, being so shameless with his words yet the boldness did wonders to you. Those words went right to your core. If he kept talking to you like that as his lips were on a journey to touch every inch of your skin, you weren’t sure you’d be able to wait until you got home. You needed him now.
“Jake…” You whimpered his name, feeling your heart thundering in your chest. It wouldn’t be the first time you two got adventurous outside the flat but you wanted to make sure no one could accidentally see you.
Jake knew that. There was no way in hell he’d ever expose you like that, not when he knew what kinds of creeps existed out there. With a quick glance, he looked past your shoulder and in the side mirror. Now that the sun had set, it was darker outside but not dark enough to let anyone hide in the shadows. In fact, it made it clearer than before that there was a car nearby, parked sort of behind you two. That was definitely odd as your car was blocking the view, there was no sensible reason for anyone to be there.
When Jake put his hand on your thigh and sat up straight, you just knew something was wrong. The look on his face said it all. It’s like his mind shut out everything else and focused solely on the fact that you had to get away.
“What’s going on?” You tried to look behind and out the window, but Jake didn’t let you. He urged you to fasten your seat belt as he started the engine with a roar.
The people in the other car realized they had been caught. Their headlights turned on when they prepared to follow you for whatever reasons they had. It couldn’t be good. Suddenly the mood had gone from excitement to genuine fear. The kisses and butterflies had flown out the window, replaced by confusion and worry. Jake got on the road and began speeding up immediately, knowing the best option was to put distance between you and the people who had interrupted your date.
“There’s a gun in the glove box,” Jake told you with a flat tone. He tried so intently to stay neutral for your sake because he didn’t want to scare you. Jake recognized the car that was now tailing you and that plagued him. If anything happened to you now, he would never be able to forgive himself.
“A gun?” You didn’t know why you were surprised. As the initial shock disappeared, you followed the unspoken instructions and opened the glove box. Just as he had said, there was a gun there. The sight made you feel uneasy. What was happening?!
“Do you remember how to use it?” Jake wondered, needing to know that in case things got ugly.
“Are you serious right now?”
“It’s a yes or no question!” He snapped, not meaning to sound so harsh but neither of you had time for bickering. As he took a look in the rear view mirror, he saw the car coming closer and closer. Cars. There were more of them now, each car speeding toward you at a dangerous rate. Something flashed in the reflection. They had a gun too. Most likely guns.
“Yes! I remember how to shoot, Jake.”
“Good,” Jake hit the gas pedal, taking a rough turn to the right. The road was bumpy and in terrible condition, leading you down the hill. There was water surrounding it which meant that this road was the only way out of there. Either that or a swim in the cold, murky water that was quite the long fall away. Walking through the woods wasn’t an option either.
“Joder!” Jake cursed, angry at the fact he hadn’t noticed the car earlier. His mind jumped to the worst places, thinking about every possible scenario from start to finish. Every what-if was already taunting Jake. What would’ve happened if they had gone by unnoticed for longer? What did these people want from him? From you? Guilt was already creeping up to Jake, squirming underneath his skin like a worm and making him feel sick.
He should’ve been more alert. Letting his guard down for just one damn day had been foolish. Jake couldn’t believe this was happening.
You shook your head in disbelief as you stared at the empty road ahead, squeezing the gun in your hands. Although you were prepared to fight, your mind tried so desperately to distance itself from what was going on. The weapon was heavy in your soft hands. You didn’t want to use it but knew you would if someone threatened to hurt Jake. The thought of anyone wanting to hurt him made you sick, it sparked a raging fire you would never be able to tame. So you took a few deep breaths, chasing away the crippling fear that threatened to get the best of you. This was not the time to freak out.
“I'm sorry, mi vida,” Jake hadn’t meant to snap at you but the situation was stressful to say the least. Stress brought out a different side of him. Jake was a protector to the core but he wasn’t used to working like this. Jake preferred going solo against these assholes. Surprisingly gently, considering the circumstances, he reached out to grab your hand, giving you a squeeze before taking the gun away from you. That was simultaneously a relief and incredibly alarming.
“Who are they?” You wondered, trying to put the pieces together, to focus on facts instead of the terrifying and unreliable conclusions in your head. Everything happened so fast. One moment you had been all over each other and now some shady people were tailing you. Jake was holding the gun. You were awfully aware of your own breathing and it became more and more difficult to control it.
“Bad people,” Jake groaned, being vague on purpose. He was aware of the fact you weren’t doing well and it was killing him on the inside. Truly, it shattered his very soul to know you must’ve been scared out of your mind, not knowing the whats and whys. You had done nothing wrong and yet here you were, being hunted like an animal. If only he had a chance to comfort you, he would’ve. Right now though, he could only focus on getting rid of these people and driving far away from here.
As if to confirm what Jake just said, a shot echoed and the rear window shattered. It was loud and it made you flinch. In an instant, Jake pushed your head down as far as you could go, not giving those people a chance to aim at you. He’d rather catch those bullets in his arm than to have them anywhere near you.
He made sure the road ahead was clear so he didn’t have to focus on steering for the next second or two. Another gunshot was heard which came from Jake’s gun. This one was louder. It made your ears ring painfully which seemed to be the least of your worries. He had the gun pointing at the nearest car from behind his headrest, forcing the ‘bad people’ to dodge too. Jake pulled the trigger again, successfully breaking the windshield and disarming the man in the passenger seat. His bullet seemed to have gone right through his shoulder.
After firing behind a few more times, Jake had successfully gotten rid of one of the cars. It lost its steering and ended up spinning around on the road and disappearing into the rear view. Before you knew it, it was far out of sight.
This was getting nasty.
Another round of shots forced Jake to dodge, giving him a chance to look at the road and make sure nothing was in your way and that you weren’t driving into a ditch. He had been in car chases and shootouts many times before but never like this, never with your life on the line.
Jake had Khonshu’s protection, you didn’t.
“Jake, let me help!” You were fighting your tears, hating how useless you felt.
He opened his mouth to protest, thinking there was no reason to make you do anything unless it was absolutely necessary but when he saw your determined expression, Jake couldn’t just say no. The situation was dire. Focusing on the road ahead while dodging bullets and shooting at people when you were right there was too risky. There was a reason they all had trained you to fight. It was now or never.
“Aim at the tires,” Jake instructed you as he handed you the gun, trusting you. He had to. He wanted you to aim at the tires instead of the driver because he knew taking a life wasn’t easy. Jake didn’t wish that burden upon you.
With a deep breath, you pointed the deadly weapon at the enemy, struggling to see properly through the thousands of cracks and holes in the window of the nearest car that tailed you. As well as you possibly could, you tried to control the tremble in your hands. 
Before you got a chance to comprehend what was really happening, something hit the side of the car completely out of the blue and it hit you hard. The impact steered you off road instantly despite Jake hitting the brakes so hard that they screetched. Everything became a haze and you lost your sense of balance, dropping the gun in the process. Whether you were upside down or sideways, you had no way of telling. Thud after thud, it became harder to even guess. Hell, it was so sudden you didn’t even get a chance to comprehend what was really going on.
The last thing you picked up before hitting your head against the side of the car was Jake’s voice. He yelled out your name with panic and fear in his voice you had never heard before. It completely broke your heart.
             “Wake up, you idiot!”
What the hell?
“You need to get out of the car, Lockley. You’ve got no time to waste.”
Followed by Khonshu's echoing words, Jake felt the brutal sting of the cold that had enveloped his entire body. His eyes opened up wide in surprise and fear. Not only was it cold to the point it felt like his muscles were burning, it was so dark that he couldn’t see anything at all. How long had he been out?
Water was rising rapidly, pouring into the car from bullet holes and rising up Jake’s legs. It had already reached his waist, soaking his clothes and threatening to take the rest of him too. Jake didn’t fear for himself, he found himself worrying over someone else entirely.
Were you okay?
Jake snapped his head instinctively to his side and reached out to make sure you were there. After blinking a few times while trying not to freak out, he managed to find the light switch on the ceiling of the car. Miraculously, the lights still worked but they were already flickering. They revealed the murky water that was pulling the vehicle deeper and deeper below the surface, with no promise of ending any time soon. It seemed like an endless abyss.
Then Jake saw blood. Crimson had painted your skin and hair, dripping into the water below and washing away into the vast sea. There was a wound on the side of your head that made Jake feel ill. If the water hadn’t frozen his body by now, the sight certainly did. It’s like his heart stopped for a moment when he realized how hopeless this situation seemed. Jake couldn’t believe he had failed to protect you.
You were unconscious, the seat belt being the only thing keeping you from hunching over into the icy pool below your waist. There was a notable dent in the side of the car, the metal compressed together like a crushed soda can. Whether your legs had wiggle room or not, Jake couldn’t tell. Judging by all the blood, the answer was more gruesome than he wished for it to be.
Jake summoned his suit, feeling how the material wrapped around his body and offered some shield from the biting, frosty water. Without wasting any more time, he ripped his seat belt off with ease thanks to his powers. They really came in handy now as the water pressure had trapped you like bugs in a jar. The belt snapped in half loudly and caused Jake to stumble to the side a little bit. He didn’t know if he was injured or not - it didn’t matter. Jake felt the water rising past his waist and chest, ever so surely making the air bubble smaller and smaller.
Khonshu hadn't been lying when he said there was no time to waste.
“Come on…” Jake groaned through gritted teeth, kicking the already smashed dashboard in order to free your body from the trap the crash had created. His movements were slower than he wanted them to be underwater. Either way, the car bent due to the force, freeing your legs. The damage caused more water to flood inside. It splashed around as he searched for your seat belt, hardly feeling his hands at this point. As he eventually found it, he yanked it out of the lock with a snap and caught your body that slumped forward as the belt no longer secured you.
"I've got you," Jake didn't know if you could hear him but he needed to believe you could. It made him feel less lonely.
Jake’s body was trembling uncontrollably, his teeth beginning to chatter as his breaths became forced and sharp. Despite all that, he managed to pull you toward him, guiding your legs up from the leg room and praying to whoever heard him that you weren’t in too much pain. To his horror, he didn’t feel your body heat. Your skin was ice cold - it must’ve been normal under these circumstances. Jake refused to believe there was any other explanation.
In the poor lighting the car offered, Jake could see that his breath was foggy. However, it was more than just alarming when he realized you weren’t breathing at all. Your eyelashes rested against your bloody cheeks and you looked like you were sleeping. Why weren’t you breathing?!
“Amor,” Jake hoped to catch your attention, that somehow you would reply to him and open those pretty eyes of yours. Oh what he would give to see you looking back at him.
Jake needed to drag you out of there and get you the help you needed. That’s exactly what he was going to do. If doctors couldn’t help you then Khonshu had to. If not, Jake would make that old bird regret it for the rest of his goddamn days.
When he didn’t get a response from you and you looked like that, so tranquil and relaxed as death crept around the corner, the entire world around him shattered. There was no way he’d give up on you this easily but Jake had seen enough bodies in his lifetime to see the striking resemblance.
“No, no, no,” Jake had never felt this way before. This hopeless and terrified, like a child in a room full of corpses. It was like hell had frozen over. Everything about this situation was obscure and so fucking unfair. This was not how it would end! Not like this… Jake couldn’t let that happen. You had so much to live for, so many things yet to see and do. He would give his life if it meant you got to keep yours.
If Marc and Steven had been co-conscious and speaking all this time, Jake didn’t notice until now. He was holding you as Steven’s voice broke the silence, carrying above the sound of water filling the space nearly to the brim. At the very same time, the lights gave out, abandoning you all in a void. That made the bone-reaching coldness all the more brutal as it was overwhelmingly the only thing Jake could really feel. Adrenaline was coursing through his body but even that couldn’t block out the chilling temperature.
“Jake, you’ve got to get us out of here! Now!” Steven was frightened, feeling the panic growing stronger by the second. His sense of survival was stronger and so he urged Jake to do something - anything that would ensure you’d live to see another day.
“Ya lo sé!” Jake wasn’t angry, at least not with Steven. He was just frustrated because of the pressure he was under. He knew he had to get out of there and having his alter freaking out too wasn’t really helping.
“Oh my god, why isn’t she breathing? Jake?! Jake…”
Marc couldn’t even speak. There were no words that did justice to how he felt as memories of his past flooded him and merged with the present. He had caught a glimpse of you slack and boneless in Jake’s arms as water surrounded you all the way up to your shoulders, rising up and up.
  Steven’s voice faded into the background as Jake got into action. It’s like he spaced out and worked on autopilot. He had one mission and that was to get you out of there alive. Nothing else mattered.
How cruel was it that fate threatened to put you through the same torture as it had put Randall through? At that very moment, Marc was convinced his existence was cursed.
Jake needed to stop ‘fate’ before it was too late. It better not dare take you now. This was not your time! 
He pulled you as close to him as he possibly could, making sure his grip was secure because he knew that the moment you’d plunge out of the car, he couldn’t risk losing you. Not when it was so dark. Not when you weren’t even breathing on your own! One wrong move and he feared he’d lose you forever. That was simply not an option.
With one last, deep breath, Jake pushed your face into his suit as if to shield your face from the water and then he kicked as hard as he could. It took a couple of tries but eventually, he kicked off the entire door, which disappeared into the shadows instantly. The air bubble was lost as water surged into the car, rushing in so fast it forced Jake to hold onto you even tighter. Finally, he made it out of the car, using his powers to move up instead of sinking to the bottom like the car did. It was probably going to stay down there for a while.
The only way to tell which was up was by blowing out air and following the direction of the bubbles. In the pitch-darkness, he relied on his other senses, feeling the bubbles moving up his face. Jake felt disorientated and dizzy, but he trusted his senses as he surged through the water and hoped it was toward the surface.
Then, at last, he began to see something again. Distant lights were guiding him in the right direction. Street lamps and city lights from far, far away. Jake reached the surface of the water and immediately sucked in another deep breath, relieved as his lungs expanded with air instead of water. As he breathed in and out a few times, he tasted mud and blood on his tongue.
He soared above the surface with you limp in his arms. The cape was drenched, weighing heavy on Jake’s shoulders. It was the first thing to reach the ground, instantly followed by his boots. As he felt secure on the ground, Jake examined his surroundings through narrowed eyes, not daring to let go of you until he knew it was safe. The shore consisted mainly of countless of rocks and dirt. There was a steep hill that lead up to the road. Right now, that offered you some shelter. Jake couldn’t see any of the cars that had been chasing you. They must’ve assumed you wouldn’t make it out of there alive.
As much as Jake wanted to go and find them, anger boiling in his veins as he thought about what they had done, he stayed put. Vengeance could wait. You couldn’t. He lowered you on your back ever so carefully and knelt by your side, the black and white cape pooling around you two. Jake made sure your head was positioned in a way that wouldn't cause further damage to the gnarly wound. Under the faint, blue glow of the moon, Jake made out your relaxed expression. That scared him beyond comprehension.
Not only that, the dress you wore did little to hide the damage the crash had caused. Cuts and bruises were scattered across your body but seeing your legs out of the water for the first time really showed how bad it was. It didn’t take a doctor to know something was broken. Jake saw the bright, red blood that gushed out of a deep wound on your thigh. After all this time, it was still pumping out blood at an alarming rate.
He cursed as he ripped his cape, not giving a damn what Khonshu thought of it as he used the material to stop the bleeding. Not that it mattered anyway, as the material reappeared out of thin air. Jake secured it around your leg as tightly as he could, hating that he had to use this kind of force on you although he knew it was for the best. If he didn’t stop the bleeding, you’d bleed out. That was much worse.
As he was done with stopping the bleeding, Jake parted his quivering lips as if to say something but nothing came out. Jake brushed your wet hair to the side, gently caressing your face in doing so and then he tried to feel your breath with the back of his hand.
Still nothing.
It only took a moment and he had pulled your head back gently to open your airways as his hands pressed together above your heart. Then without hesitating, he started to push down in a steady rhythm. Everyone always said to give chest compressions in the rhythm of a few certain songs but when the moment arrived, that was the last thing one could think about. Jake relied on Steven's help to merely count the compressions. The black and white fabric vanished from around his head so it wasn’t in the way.
An unfamiliar sting blurred Jake's vision as he tried to resuscitate you. The longer he knelt by your side, pushing your ribcage down in a way that felt way too rough, the more he dreaded the outcome. Why were you still not breathing?! He bent down to meet your lips, pinching your nose shut as he tried his best to breathe air into your lungs as steady as he possibly could. It was difficult to think that only moments before he had kissed your lips, not knowing it could’ve potentially been the very last time.
Jake pulled back, shoved his dark thoughts away and used all his strength to focus on the compressions. This was repeated again. Again. And again...
"Por favor!" Jake cried out like never before, begging for you to be okay. You had to be okay!
Truth be told, Jake began to lose focus. He never lost focus on missions. This was different. When he was faced with the chance of losing you, it shook him right to the core. The very foundation he had built with you, the safety net of knowing you were there was now threatening to slip through his fingers. Dread was making Jake feel sick to his stomach. Nothing he was doing seemed to help and that was the single most haunting realization of his life.
Jake had failed to protect you.
"Abre los ojos, mi amor. Por favor," he pleaded with raw desperation in his voice. Had Jake's enemies seen him now, they would've thought he was a man possessed. His brows furrowed in a sorrowful manner, deep brown eyes filling with tears. Jake Lockley was crying for you. His tough and cool demeanour was nowhere to be seen. How could he possibly keep a grip on himself in a moment like this? Even Jake was just a man who loved with his entire heart.
"Breathe for me. Just breathe." That’s all he asked for. He was sorry but he didn’t ask for forgiveness. Only for you to breathe.
“Lo siento mucho,” numerous apologizes slipped past his quivering lips. Could you even hear him? Did you know how sorry he was for this? 
Then it happened. Seemingly out of the blue, your eyes opened as a coughing fit forced you to turn to the side. Jake pulled his hands back from your chest and looked at you in shock. Although, as he heard the struggle in your breath, he instantly rushed to your aid. Jake rubbed your back and encouraged you to let it all out and then fill up those lungs. The coughing fit came to a halt and you were taking in deep and shaky breaths. They revealed that you were in pain but god was it a relief to know you were alive.
It was a miracle if Jake had ever seen one.
Whatever hope and joy he had felt for only a moment was quickly wiped away when he heard the pain in your voice.
“Jake!” You sobbed his name, hands trying to reach your thigh where the shooting pain came from but he stopped you. Tears welled up in your eyes instantly. Everything hurt in a way you had never felt before. You wanted it to stop.
“You’re okay. You’ll be fine, I promise,” Jake gave you his word but that was hard to believe when you writhed on the rocks in pure agony. His words went in one ear and out the other. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t find comfort in them. Not when it felt like every cell in your body had been torn apart.
“It hurts!” Those two words absolutely shattered Jake’s heart.
“I know. I’m so sorry,” Jake didn’t know what else to say. Words couldn’t heal you magically, could they? So what was the point? Knowing that you were in any kind of pain was just awful, truly awful. He wished he had the ability to take it all away in the blink of an eye. Somehow, he needed to take you to the nearest hospital but he was terrified of touching you and hurting you furthermore.
In a state of panic, you tried to sit up so you could see what was causing you so much pain, but moving your body was almost impossible. When you tried lift your head from the ground, a sharp sting in your neck forced you to stop. Flashes of what happened came to you, reminding you of the car chase. Where were the others now? Had Jake dealt with them? Or were they out there, waiting for an opportunity to strike again?
“What h-happened?” You wondered as hot tears rolled down your face. God it was cold. You didn’t notice until now how badly you were shivering. Even Jake was cold, his hands not warming up yours like they used to. Even in the state of shock you were in, you realized you were both soaking wet.
Jake didn’t know what to say or do. He just wanted to get you somewhere safe where people could help you. But how? The car was in the bottom on the sea and he had no idea if it was safe to move you. Did you have whiplash? Inner bleedings? Would lifting you make it worse? How could he call for help when you didn’t have phones and the nearest house was probably miles away.
A gush of wind went right to Jake’s bones, making him shiver because of how cold it was but it also revealed that Khonshu was standing right behind him. He didn’t even have to look to know the god was looming over his shoulder. If not to help then Jake didn’t care. He had no patience for Khonshu’s games now.
“I suggest you get up. You’ve got company,” Khonshu warned Jake in a calm and collected way. The god’s words changed Jake’s demeanour. The people who had put you through so much already came back and it was the worst mistake those people had ever made. The spiraling panic and fear were wiped to the side as Jake nodded, acknowledging Khonshu’s warning.
There was no way in hell he would let them hurt you again.
As Jake heard an engine roaring nearby, coming closer and closer, he knew he had to protect you no matter what the cost. He looked down at you, silently apologizing for what he had to do. Even when he did it to make sure you were safe, he felt incredibly guilty for having to leave your side. Just a second was enough to make him feel rotten deep down to the core.
“Everything will be alright,” Jake bent down to your face level, looking you right in the eye as he spoke, “I promise.”
You heard the car as well which filled your every vein with terror. So you hadn’t managed to escape from them after all.
“Be careful,” You could hardly get the two words past your bloodied lips. You knew he was going to face them, there was no doubt about it. You had to trust he would come back for you.
He placed the softest kiss on your forehead, refusing to speak of the thoughts that tormented him. A kiss would have to do. It would have to express how sorry he was. It had to express his promise that he’d come back to you. That soon you wouldn’t feel all that pain anymore.
Then he got up, summoned the hood and the mask so he was fully suited and he got up the hill before the bad guys could come down and find you. If they did, Jake had zero doubt they would aim for you instead of him.
When Jake saw a familiar car parked on the other side of the road, he saw red.
The driver looked scared out of his mind when he faced Jake in his ceremonial armor, much darker than Marc’s, much more intimidating than Steven’s. His cape was now flowing in the wind and his eyes were glowing, glaring daggers into the man’s head. Jake looked furious even when the dark fabric covered his face. Rage was radiating off of him and the driver must’ve realized his mistake; coming after you again.
The driver pointed his gun at Jake and pulled the trigger. Twice. Three times. Then he stopped because the bullets seemed to do nothing to Jake. He kept walking toward the car with only one goal in mind - to defeat the enemy.
“Stop!” The terrified man yelled, trying to intimidate Jake Lockley. He needed a lot of luck if he wanted to succeed in that.
“Don’t come closer!”
Jake noticed another man in the passenger seat. He was already dead, presumably from the bullets that flew their way during the car chase. The driver would join his friend soon. Wherever they went to after this life.
As Jake reached the man, he tried to open the car door and use that to push Jake. Worth a shot, but Jake saw it coming so he slammed the door shut and trapped the man inside. The window was already rolled down so it made it easy for Jake to reach into the car and wrap his hand around the man’s neck. There wasn’t a single part of Jake that felt bad for crushing that man’s windpipe. There were worse things he could do but he didn’t have time. Oh if it was up to Jake, he’d rip his fucking spine out of his back. This was merciful when compared to what Jake would’ve done if you weren’t currently bleeding out on the rocks.
In a last, desperate attempt to come out of this alive, the man pointed the damn gun at Jake’s head. In just a split second, Jake used his other hand to grab the barrel of the gun. His grip was so tight that the solid metal barrel bent under his touch, forcing the bullet to get stuck somewhere in there. Now it was rendered useless and Jake didn’t hesitate to throw it out on the road, smashing it into bits and pieces in doing so.
“No debiste ni mirarla,” Jake made sure that the last thing this poor excuse of a man ever did was regret coming after you. He would have to die realizing the cost of that one mistake.
The man let out a silent scream or plea - it didn’t matter. His nails dug into Jake’s suit, trying to claw his way free from the deadly grip but to no avail. In fact, it just made Jake squeeze harder, pushing the man’s head into the seat because of the sheer force he was using.
As Jake stood there with his arm inside the vehicle, he looked around the empty road and deep into the dark woods. The silence was ominous. The loneliness a reminder of the fact no one was going to help you. Clouds swirled around the moon in the ever darkening sky. It was the only witness to this man’s early demise.
No one else had been stupid enough to follow you there.
                      Seeing you in that hospital bed was the worst thing Jake had ever seen in his entire life.
Hooked up to all these machines with needles and tubes sticking into you to the point he could hardly see your beautiful face. Instead of hearing the soft sounds of your relaced breaths, he was forced to listen to the beeping of a heart monitor and the low buzz of all the other machines that did things Jake didn’t even know about. That repeating beep was tantalizing. 
But it was also a sign that you were alright. In a way, the worst sight he had ever seen was also a relief. You had gotten the help you needed and were now on the path of getting better. There was no place he’d rather be with you now than this hospital, surrounded by skilled experts who could rush in without wasting any time if you needed help.
Getting to the hospital felt like such a distant memory now. Jake had thrown the bodies out of the car and used it to get you from the middle of nowhere to the nearest hospital. Despite the fact that driving was the reason you had gotten hurt in the first place, Jake drove again without hesitation. What were the odds of getting into another accident right after the first one, right?
He barely remembered what he had said when you reached the building. Nurses and guards had swarmed you, taking you away from Jake because they knew you needed urgent care. Letting them roll you away from him had been difficult to do. Jake was so scared someone would try to hurt you again. Trusting strangers with your life, even when they dedicated their lives in helping others, was incredibly difficult. By the time he realized the security guards were refusing him to follow you any further, Jake stopped. 
You were getting the help you needed. There was nothing more he could do. Knowing that your fate was out of his control was scary. Jake had to trust these people to give you the care you needed and deserved. He didn’t trust easily.
Jake learned that they were performing emergency surgery on you when a doctor had walked up to him and asked all sorts of questions. The police had arrived too. Everything had been a bloody mess, as Steven would’ve said.
Hours later, it was all over. The questioning, the nauseating feeling of having to wait for you to get out of surgery. Just to hear that everything went well. Jake needed to know you’d make a full recovery. It took some convincing to do but finally, he was by your side in a hospital room and Jake wasn’t going anywhere.
What if more of those guys decided to find you? What if they found out where you were staying? Would they kill you if Jake left you alone for even a moment?
That was a risk he refused to take. He would rather sit on the uncomfortable plastic chair by your bedside and hold your hand all night long. Was it night or was it morning? Jake had no clue. 
“Mate,” Steven’s careful voice snapped Jake out of the bubble of thoughts he had been in. He raised his gaze from your sleeping face to meet Steven’s in the reflection in the small mirror on the wall right above the sink. He looked worried sick. Worried about you and Jake.
“What?” Jake was beyond exhausted. His eyelids were heavy and he didn’t feel like talking to anyone right now. He had done enough talking with doctors and police who had the audacity to suspect that Jake had hurt you. The fucking nerve of some people.
“You should go home-”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Jake didn’t even let Steven finish that sentence. By shooting another glance at the mirror, Jake realized Marc was still not there. Great. Just great.
“Look at yourself!” Steven put his foot down, trying so hard to look after everyone. “You’re covered in blood and dirt. Do you think that she’ll be relieved to wake up to that?”
Jake clenched his jaw and ignored his alter. He hated to admit that Steven had a point. Then again, he didn’t want to leave your side. Not even when he had dry blood on his face and hair and he could smell it on his torn up shirt. His dark locks were disheveled. 
The nurses and doctors who walked in to check on you from time to time must’ve thought Jake looked terrifying. One of the nurses had even offered him a chance to shower at the hospital, seemingly out of pity but Jake had refused. She even let him know when the hospital cafe opened if he needed anything from there.
“She’ll be fine, Jake. She has all the help she needs right here. Just go home, take care of yourself and come back after.”
A shower sounded nice, it really did. Also food wouldn’t hurt. It felt like forever ago when you and Jake had eaten the fast food on your date. It had only been less than a day but had someone told Jake weeks had passed, he would’ve almost believed them.
“I can’t,” Jake sighed eventually, his shoulders slumping down as he leaned against your hospital bed. He studied your face and brought his still trembling fingers to your cheek, ever so carefully caressing your soft skin just below the tubing of the nasal cannula. Were you dreaming? If so, Jake hoped you had the sweetest dreams. Perhaps the medication caused you to dream of nothing at all. Maybe it was for the best. He knew you needed the rest.
Steven didn’t want to leave your side either, no. But he also knew that Jake wasn’t able to help you when he was in that state. A shower and some food, maybe even a nap would do wonders. Besides, Steven knew you’d be safe here. The hospital security had definitely noticed that something odd was going on here. They had been patrolling the corridor ever since you had been wheeled into the room after surgery. If anyone tried to come visit you that wasn’t Jake or family, they would be stopped.
Steven fronted now, sensing that Jake just didn’t have it in him to fight. Part of Jake wanted to let someone else front, to give up control for a while. So when Steven was in control, he wasn’t really surprised that Jake didn’t even argue with him. It was better this way.
“Oh, love,” Steven felt a pang in his chest as he felt everything so much more vividly. The smell of the hand sanitizer that was a distinct smell all over the hospital. He could feel the exhaustion in his body, feel how the thin hospital blanket felt like against his skin. Despite Khonshu’s healing, it felt like Steven had gone through hell. If he felt this way, he couldn’t even begin to imagine what you were going through. Steven was afraid to touch you but he fought that fear as he placed his hand above yours. It didn’t take long for him to feel the tears in the corners of his eyes.
How could anyone in their right mind ever wish to hurt you? Steven couldn’t understand that. He just couldn’t.
“I’ll be right back, yeah?” Steven tried to smile. He pressed a feather-light kiss on the roof of your hand, relieved when he realized your skin was warm. That alone was a good sign.
“I’ll bring you something from the flat. I promise it won’t take long,” Steven gave you his word as he stood up, taking in the sight of you resting in a hospital bed. That one would haunt his nightmares and memories for a long time.
But he had to go. Steven knew you would stay here for a while so he already planned on bringing you things that would make you feel closer to home. Should he bring a book so he could read to you? Perhaps your own clothes would make you feel more comfortable than the ones provided by the hospital. Surely no one would mind if he brought your favourite movies. It’s not like the hospital TV had Netflix on it. He’d figure something out.
                                        Steven had been right. Jake was too stubborn to tell him though. He felt much better in clean clothes and without blood all over him. Some of it had been your blood, which only made it worse. He had even packed a bag full of clothes and other things he figured you would need on your stay.
Just as promised, you were alright when they came back. Steven hadn’t taken a nap at the flat because he too wanted to waste no time. There was a need to take care of you and that need told him to make sure you wouldn’t wake up alone. Steven had just made it back to the plastic chair. The moment he sat down and knew you were okay, he fell asleep right by your side, his hand never letting go of yours.
Jake was fronting when you woke up. His eyes snapped open as he watched you take in your surroundings. The relief on your face when you saw him was visible. Seeing him made you feel safe.
It was obvious you were in a hospital although you didn’t remember getting there. Not that it mattered. You felt an odd sense of joy when you realized Jake was holding your hand. Perhaps you just felt odd in general. You swore your vision was hazy, almost dream like. Focusing on something was near impossible. There was something on your face that felt uncomfortable and you tried to pull it off. Jake grabbed your other wrist ever so carefully to stop you.
“I can’t let you do that, amor. It helps you breathe,” He explained and then let go of you, knowing you wouldn’t try that again.
“...you…mkay?” You mumbled tiredly, frustrated as your body didn’t co-operate with your mind. Moving your lips when they felt numb was strange. Just finding your voice proved to be hard. Must’ve been the morphine. All you wanted was to know Jake was alright.
Jake knew what you were trying to ask and it made his heart tighten in his chest. After everything you had been through you worried about him. Jake felt undeserving of your pure love and concern. If it wasn’t for him and the entire ordeal with Khonshu, you wouldn’t be hospitalized in the first place!
“I’m okay,” He let you know.
That made you smile droopily, your lips curving slightly more to the left side than the right. At least the drugs were working.
“I’m gonna go get a doc, alright?”
You squeezed Jake’s hand weakly before he could get up. Just for a moment longer, you wanted to be like this. You knew that when the doctor would walk in, reality would crash over you. Honestly, it was terrifying. You didn’t want to hear the awful news they most certainly had nor were you interested in knowing how long you had to be there. For just a brief moment longer, you wanted to be with Jake and tell yourself everything was perfectly fine. Granted, the dull ache in your body told another story.
“Not yet,” You muttered, tilting your head to the side and forcing your body to relax against the stacked pillows. Fear and anxiety were beginning to torment you, whispering terrible things to the part of your brain that wondered what would happen next. That brought tears to your eyes without you even realizing it.
“Okay,” Jake wasn’t going to argue with you. He suspected there was a reason for this request. “I’m not going anywhere yet.”
After he confirmed that, you nodded as if to let the words sink in. In a moment of clarity, you looked down your body that was covered in blankets. You tried to move your legs cautiously, remembering the pain from before. When you felt how restricted your movements were, Jake closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. He knew something you didn’t. His reaction caused your anxiety to spike.
If something was wrong with you, you wanted to hear it from him instead of a doctor who didn’t know you or care about you. Not personally, at least.
“Baby,” You swallowed the lump in your throat, “how bad is it?”
Of course, you asked that. Jake would’ve been a fool if he believed you wouldn’t. This was your life and your body you were talking about.
“They said you’ll make a full recovery,” Jake started with that, failing to meet your eye as he continued, “but it will take some time.”
“And the…the people who did this?” That question didn’t need any clarification.
“They won’t bother you ever again,” Jake hadn’t taken all of them out but he would stop at nothing to make sure vengeance was delivered upon each and every one of them. 
“I promise.”
“Okay,” You believed him. That didn’t make it hurt any less. Without even seeing most of your body and with strong medications concealing the true amount of pain you were in, you knew it was going to be a long time before this could be put in the past.
That made you feel defeated in so many ways. 
Would they stick by your side through it all? Or would this scare all of them away from you forever? 
Jake saw the tears rolling down your face, glistening in the corners of your eyes as you held your breath in order to keep your sobs and whimpers to yourself. He had never seen such a miserable expression on your face and neither did he want to. If someone had a time machine, he would steal it if that would undo what had already happened. Jake would do anything to make sure you’d never have to feel this way.
“Oh, mi amor,” he didn’t hesitate to move from the chair to the edge of the hospital bed, being incredibly cautious as to avoid hurting you as he wrapped you in his arms. When Jake pulled you close to his chest and you felt his tender embrace, it was impossible to keep the cries at bay any longer.
Jake swayed from side to side ever so softly as you clung onto his shirt and let it all out in violent sobs. At the worst of it, you couldn’t even bring yourself to speak. Jake was quiet too, knowing that no words could fix this. He offered to hold you in his loving arms as you let the pain out.
Eventually, your cries calmed down but neither of you let go of each other. Jake felt your chest rising as you took in shaky breaths, working so hard just to steady them. You wondered if he knew that his cologne was calming you down. It was constant, something that reminded you of good things. It reminded you of home. You wanted nothing more than to go home but you knew you couldn’t. Not like this.
As Jake held you, his eyes peered out through the blinds. The window gave him a view of the hospital parking lot. Cars were driving in and out, struggling to find a parking spot and others struggling to navigate their way through the concrete mess. Somewhere out there, near or far in the distance, were the rest of the people who stood behind this. Living their lives and going on about their days with far less damage. Perhaps they were trying to come up with a new master plan to catch Khonshu’s avatar. To destroy him by hurting the one thing they truly loved.
Jake was heartbroken but if anyone saw his expression, they would see a man full of rage. He shot death glares out the window, only thinking about what he’d do once he found them. It wouldn’t be pretty. He wouldn’t have to go after them alone, no. Steven and Marc would be there too.
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A/N: Should I write a part 2? If you enjoyed it pls let me know. The next part would be more focused on hurt/comfort and recovery. Maybe even smut, who knows 👀
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Hello! Before I get to the request, I just wanted to say thank you for writing what you write! I was super stressed out last month and I wanted something to take my mind off of it, so I was going through the Rex tag when I found some of the stuff you wrote. I don't remember what it was but it was one of the tbb and rex hcs. I clearly loved them.
So I was wondering if you would ever expand on the hcs? I really love the Crosshair helmet kiss one and I would love to read like maybe a build-up to that scene or maybe an aftermath of it
No pressure if you don't want to! I eat up anything you write! Happy writing!
What Comes After
Crosshair X GN!Reader
word count:1.7k
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A continuation to Crosshair’s helmet kiss that you can read here:
With a kiss that had you thinking non stop for days, what happens when Crosshair pulls you aside and lays it all on the table to you?
warnings: it’s a little saucy so gonna class it as 16+. mutual pining, friends to lovers, kissy kissy 😚, cheeky crosshair. Continuation of a previous HC request. Italics indicates a snippet of the previous one shot.
Authors note:. Thank you for the kind words anon. Hope life is treating you better. Enjoy 😊
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You heard footsteps behind you and you were certain it was Crosshair who was about to give you a telling off. But when you turned around to face him, you didn’t expect him to be ripping his helmet off and tossing it to the side as he bound towards you.
“If you’re gonna kiss me, do it properly.”
In a second, he has you pinned to the wall with his body, one hand in your hair and the other to your waist as he flushed his lips to yours in a heated embrace.
Your eyes are wide and hands are flailing pathetically as you were both unsure where to put them or if you could even touch him. A second before you felt yourself melt into the kiss he pulled away, panting a little but there was that infamous smirk.
“Better?” You gasp out, not quite believing what just happened.
The night replayed in your mind like an unyielding record, and the sensation of his lips on yours lingered relentlessly. As you lay in your bunk, consumed by thoughts of his fervent embrace, a gnawing despair settled in the pit of your stomach. It had been nearly a week since that intimate moment, and yet he had not uttered a single word.
Granted, you had not been forthcoming either. You didn’t want to overstep, thinking that you could ruin your friendship with him. But that kiss, it spoke volumes. It was far too potent to be reduced to mere platonic affection.
The taste of his lips was intoxicating, an overwhelming sensation that threatened to topple you. And when you had first pressed your mouth to his helmet, you felt him tense up like a statue, caught off guard by your boldness. You can’t help but wonder if you two kissing was inevitable.
Alas, you can’t help but harbor ardent feelings for the Clone as he was always someone you had a bond with. Perhaps it was this profound connection that had driven you to kiss him in the first place - an accident, and yet, an intentional one at that.
“You getting up?” The sound of Hunter's voice pierces through the haze of your daydreams, jolting you back to reality. You turn to see him leaning against your bunk, his arms folded, and his piercing gaze locking onto yours. You sigh as you sit up, running a hand through your unruly hair.
"I overslept," you mutter, feeling the weight of his suspicious gaze on you. Hunter's heightened senses are always on high alert, and you know that he can sense when something is off.
"Uh-huh," he quips, his voice laced with skepticism. You feel a knot forming in your stomach as he turns his attention to the snoring Wrecker in the opposite bunk.
As you begin to prepare for the day ahead, you're filled with a sense of unease. You have no idea what the day may hold, but you know that it won't be easy. The constant threat of danger looms over your head, and you feel the weight of responsibility bearing down on you.
Lost in your thoughts, you're startled by the sound of the refresher door hissing open. Before you can even register what's happening, you freeze at the sight of the man who's been occupying your thoughts for days.
"You got a minute?" His voice is soft, yet commanding, and you can't help but feel a shiver run down your spine.
You stand there, toothbrush in your mouth, feeling a sense of vulnerability wash over you. You're still in a state of undress, with only a towel wrapped around your body and another in your hair. You can feel his gaze on you, and it sends a wave of heat through your body.
"Uhhhh, I'm a little busy," you mumbled, trying to avoid his gaze. But it's almost impossible. His piercing trained brown eyes seem to see right through you, and you feel exposed.
Crosshair looks you up and down, his gaze lingering on your body. A smirk plays at the corners of his mouth, and you can feel your heart rate quicken.
"You look cute," he says, his voice low and seductive.
You feel a warm blush creeping up your neck as you try to retort, but your speech is muffled by the toothbrush in your mouth.
Shouldn't you be angry with him for not talking to you until now? You want to be, but Maker, he's so infuriatingly charming and cheeky. You need to snap out of it and stick up for yourself but before you could say anything,
"Meet me outside the ship when you're dressed. We need to talk," he says abruptly, his voice breaking through the haze of your thoughts. You're left shocked and a little curious as he turns and walks away, leaving you to wonder what this sudden meeting could mean.
When you’re dressed and ready, you do a quick check with the others to see if a mission has been patched through but luckily there hasn't been so you take a deep breath and go meet Crosshair outside.
As you step down the ramp and scan your surroundings, you initially fail to spot him. But then, you catch sight of a pair of long, slender legs on the other side of the ship, the owner of which is tapping their foot anxiously.
You walk around to get to Crosshair, your mind racing with different thoughts and words, but when you finally meet his gaze, all words seem to vanish from your mind.
Crosshair shifts his position, his eyes flickering with a hint of conflict as he takes in your appearance. You feel a sudden urge to ask him what he wants, but once again, you find yourself at a loss for words. Fortunately, he is the first to break the silence.
"Why did you kiss me?" He questions simply, arms folding over his chest.
Your face contorts with bewilderment, and you let out a nervous laugh. "You mean why did I kiss you on the helmet?" you ask, trying to play it off as a harmless gesture.
Crosshair furrows his brow and steps closer to you, his body tense with anticipation. "Yes," he says, "why did you kiss me on the helmet?”
You stutter in response, feeling the warmth of a blush creeping up your neck once again. "I-I don't know," you admit. But then, you frown and turn the question back on him. "Why did you kiss me?"
Crosshair chews on his lip nervously, something you've never seen him do before. He runs a hand through his silver hair before he takes a bold gamble, stepping closer to you which causes you to back up against the ship. His arm extends over your head, and he gazes down at you with an intensity that makes your heart skip a beat. "I told you why," he murmurs, his voice husky. "If you were going to kiss me, do it properly."
You can feel his breath on your face, and your mind goes blank once again. "But why did you kiss me like that?" you ask, your tone a mixture of curiosity and apprehension as you hint at the passion of the kiss.
"I'm… I’m not good at expressing my feelings with words," Crosshair admits. "I thought it would be better to show you instead."
Feelings? Wait, did this mean…? He likes you? Your mind goes fuzzy and you're staring at him with parted lips. “You like me? But you’ve ignored me for the last week.”
“And what’s your excuse, huh?” His tone wasn’t harsh, instead rather soft and full of curiosity. “You kissed me because you feel the same. I know you do.”
As Crosshair towers over you, his breath hot on your face, you feel a shiver run down your spine. “Please tell me you do.” He pleads softly, eyelids becoming hooded as he slowly leans into you.
His eyes bore into yours, and you can feel his body trembling with emotion.
“I do like you.” You rasp with a shaken breath and you swore he almost whimpered at your confession. You feel a rush of emotions flood through you - confusion, excitement.
He’s flushed against you now, your hands moving to his chest where you almost melt at the feeling of his muscles through his blacks. "I know this is sudden," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I've been thinking about you for a long time. And I couldn't hold back anymore when you kissed me that night. I had to kiss you like I always wanted to.”
You feel your heart racing in your chest, and you know that this is a pivotal moment. You can either give in to your desire and let the moment take over, or you can hold back and play it safe. It's a decision you know you'll have to make sooner rather than later. But, you’re in the middle of a war, you don’t know how much time either of you have left, so why not take the plunge?
Letting yourself savor the moment, you reach up and place a hand on Crosshair's cheek, and apprehensively, he leans into your touch. You can feel the rough stubble on his jaw, and it sends a tingle down your spine. The touch was clearly foreign to the man, his eyes trained on you as the sensation of being held this way was abnormal for a man like him.
“Well seeing as we don’t have to get ready for a mission,” you say softly, looking up at him through your lashes, “why don’t we-.”
His hand is against your cheek, a jolt of surprise as he plants his lips firmly to yours, silencing your want.
You moan against him already, fingers clutched at his blacks whilst his other hand that was resting above you moves into your hair, bringing your mouth closer.
There’s a fiery intensity within the kiss, both of you getting lost in the moment as a rush of desire rushes through your veins. “Crosshair,” you breathe his name softly, pulling away partly only for him to chase after your lips, wanting and needing more.
His tongue began to beg permission against your lips and you gladly gave him entrance instantly, the kiss intensifying quickly as your hands reached up from his chest to around his neck and pulled him in deeper. He broke away for a second, adoration in his eyes before you felt him begin to lift you by the thighs, an excited squeal escaping your lips as he carried you to one of the crates under the ship.
As soon as you are sat upon it, your legs wrap around him and draw him near, kissing him again with just as much passion as before only for you both to part minutes later, gasping for breaths. “You’re something, you know that?” He mutters, resting his forehead to yours, breathless and dazed.
You smile warmly at him, deep down knowing that this kiss this time round was just the beginning of something sweet. You should’ve kissed him on the helmet sooner if you knew this was going to be the result.
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More Crosshair Works
Tags: @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @theroguesully @equalityforcats @mustluvecho @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone2 @ko-neko-san n @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf f @tinyreadersmur @crystal076 @agenteliix @rintheemolion @kaminocasey @hotpinkplastoid @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater @swiftiexstarwarssimp @the-good-shittt @s1st3r @taskfork-archive @by-the-primes
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saberamane · 3 months
I would just like to share this lovely comment from someone on chapter 65 of 'We Were Born For This', it is just so great to see some just get it when you write something that isn't blatant or right in your face.
I've been binge reading this wonderful story over the past couple days, and when i got to this chapter i just had to comment. It feels almost like the culmination of... a lot of things desmond is overcoming, i don't quite know how to put it into words though i'll try (if it comes across awkwardly just keep in mind i absolutely adore this story with my whole heart, so it absolutely isn't intentional).
The way i'm thinking about it, is that we've been slowly watching desmond reclaim how to be a person, and this is one of the last Big Things that have been taken from him without any progress on overcoming it, so it feels like a big victory for desmond to find a way that feels 'safe' for him to explore this side of himself. While as an ace myself i'm fully aware sex isn't necessary for a fulfilling life, it is a completely different thing to have something forcibly stolen than it is to willingly give it up, so there's almost a feeling of pride in seeing desmond begin to grow past it. I also really liked the subtle dom/sub aspects you introduced, even if it was apparently an accident, because i've always felt like it was almost, natural, for things to go in that direction with characters like that. Let's see if i can put it into words, sorry if i ramble on too much...
Okay, so when you have that human weapon vibe from a character, it almost feels like having some sort of sub vibes (sexual or non-sexual) comes naturally, you know? Like, when someone has been built from birth to be nothing more than a weapon, with no wants or desires of their own, the idea of taking charge of themselves for no purpose other than to serve themselves would probably feel unnatural. Like, even when those characters heal and grow beyond just being nothing more than a weapon, that doesn't erase the past, doesn't change the fact that they feel more like they were /built/ than /born/, and that part of their being is always going to be there in the background. And it's its own kind of healing, to choose for yourself who you /want/ to guide and direct you, to willingly offer what was previously taken forcibly. To still be a weapon, but one wielded by gentle hands that you know would never hurt you, that doesn't even view you as the weapon you know yourself to be but instead considers you as the person with wants and needs you can only allow under their encouragement... still a weapon, but more than just a /thing/ to be used and thrown aside... the inherent eroticism of the weapon/wielder dynamic, is what i'm saying. I like my smut with a side of psychoanalysis, lol.
It was wonderfully executed as well, i must say. The smut was written in a wonderfully visceral way, and you could just feel desmond giving himself over so beautifully. Being a good soft dom apparently comes naturally to ezio, with his easy confidence and understanding of what desmond wants and needs, and sheer delight at providing it. Desmond being able to completely relax into it thanks to the mix of the pleasure (unfamiliar and taboo) with the feeling of being commanded (easy and safe). The shame and fear being countered by the comfort of a person he loves and wholly trusted being the one to guide him through it, turning it from something he's doing wrong and must be punished for, to something he's unquestionably doing right as ezio tells him how good he is for it, all while being considerate to hold himself back and not push desmond too far for his own wants and desires.
Basically, thank you very much for such a wonderful story, i am very happy to read this :)
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pinkykats-place · 4 months
BakuDeku ft. Valentine’s Day Confession(s)
AO3 Recommendations
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Stories linked below are NOT mine.
All are SFW … still check tags.
Permission given by @fihella to use this wonderful art.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
Warmth by AuspiciousWhiskers
Summary: Bakugou has a problem with words and his own emotions and decides to turn to homemade chocolate as a form of expression instead.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Please Go Out With Me by TsunaidaMay
Summary: Valentine's day is too cheesy to express your romantic feelings, and yet, it is the only perfect day to do so.
Aka: Izuku and Katsuki are fucking idiots and why on Earth is nobody stopping them?
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Why Would He? by s_the_queen
Summary: He actually felt sick. She was going to have everything he wanted, and she'd deserve it. Because Deku deserved something good and since she was good, she deserved him too. He had no right to feel jealous—he'd practically designed this outcome himself.
Deku wouldn't choose him. Why would he?
Complete | 4 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
White Day Dread by Sifl
Summary: “You don’t have to return them,” Izuku said. “I’m just asking you to accept them.”
“I don’t want your damn chocolate.”
Katsuki thrust out the box towards Izuku like he might toss it as a gauntlet challenge, but it stayed in his hand as if stuck by a last-minute doubt.
“That doesn’t matter. I’m not taking them back,” said Izuku.
Deku gives Bakugo a box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day. Bakugo holds it together about as well as you’d expect.
{One Shot}
Rated - SFW
bonafide by sapphicflower
Summary: “Kacchan,” Izuku starts warily, “why is there a clone of me in the common room?” From the way Kacchan is breathing so heavily, shoulders hiked up to the ears, Izuku can only assume that there’s something really bad happening right now. 
“You need to leave,” Kacchan says.
— — —
When Katsuki gets hit by a Quirk that manifests his deepest romantic fantasy into physical form, a lookalike Izuku Midoriya springs into existence and doesn't leave Katsuki's side.
Izuku, the poor guy, has no idea what's going on.
Honestly, is it a real Valentine's Day if a good old fashioned Love Quirk accident isn't involved?
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
obligation, friendship, love by myheartslikepaper
Summary: Katsuki and Izuku are best friends, coworkers, and secretly in love with one another. But they're too afraid of losing their friendship to confess. On Valentine's Day Katsuki witnesses an abundance of people happy and in love, and decides that enough is enough. He takes Izuku out to a fancy Valentine's Day dinner, but there's one issue - Izuku doesn't get the memo that it's a date. Will Katsuki’s true intentions come to light?
One Shot | Quirkless Deku x PH Baku
Rated - General Audiences
Presents and Rejections by CrunchySnow
Summary: It’s the day before Valentine’s Day and Katsuki is about to receive a confession from a girl at UA and Izuku is not taking it well.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
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