#i probably will not be writing a fic with the TS version of it. probably
spottedenchants · 2 years
figured out where the uk'otoa fight goes in the TS timeline >:3
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monkiebois · 23 days
Aight it's been a long hit minute since I sent ya anything (hi hello bye the bye)
Top five favorite facts/bits of lore/ HCs (can be yours or others head canons) of nezha 😁
ooooh top five facts/bits of lore/ HCs about Nezha. this is gonna be fun~
youd never guess. but when i first watched through LMK i didnt care for Nezha. not rlly. I always thought he was cool and had a nice design but I didnt really care much for him. But i ALWAYS thought his powers and abilitys were so cool. maybe its my bias for pink characters and powers (i also have a bias for blue) but when i needed a character to do some fighting in my fic i snatched Nezha. and ever since i started writing him i couldnt stop. So honestly i gotta put his cool lookin powers as #1 since its what initially hooked me onto his character. both canon and other power HC's i have.
2. His personality PSA: Im not saying any of this is canon. these are my headcanons.
I love canon Nezha dont get me wrong, but im a little biased to my headcanons. well- more then a little XP. I ADORE sassy traumatized fucked up little guys. LMK Nezha is already sassy as hell, as he should be. he's soooooo traumatized if you read into his mythology. and he's also so POWERFUL.
it's just something about characters who are mainly known for being powerful and unstoppable. a force to be reckoned with. but eventually it's revealed this 'unstopable persona' is actually just a mask they've built. They are no doubt very powerful. but one of the reasons people are so scared of them is bc they've built the reputation so no one hurts them anymore. Nearly always on the defensive and holding their emotions inside so thy don't get hurt anymore. But like we saw in the s3 special with MK can still be gentle and kind.
not only that, but needs that kind of kindness and acceptance in his life. Needs a family that will accept all aspects of him. The good and the bad.
TS Nezha is a hurt kid. Traumatized and honestly kinda lonely. Because there's very few people that know the real him. Even if he trusts other people, there's no guarantee that they will accept the real him without the mask he's created. Kin moment.
that and the fact its very easy to shove him into a found family.
also Autism representation in my HC's. I'm Autistic, and some of his traits are just me projecting my Autism onto him.
3. His white hair.
My favorite lore bit about Nezha is not something a lot of people know about him. In the translation of Investiture of the Gods I own it says he was born with white hair.
Chapter 12 - The birth of Nezha
However, as Yin had a strange dream one night, she suddenly gave birth to this strange child the following morning. With maidens rushing about saying that a demon was present in Yin's chambers, Li Jing immediately rushed forth into her room and cleaved in two a strange fleshy ball that rolled to and fro across the floor. Within the ball emerged a small young child with hair as white as snow with a gleaming golden bracelet on his right wrist.
I have implemented this in my Tangled Star AU but how is spoilers >:3
all im saying is TSNezha and TSMac have something in common~ but thats already saying too much >:3
4. His Design Theres a reason ive only minorly changed his design in my headcanons. Overall i ADORE it. Again im probably biased because of all the pink but I love characters like him. He's got some traditionaly feminine design choices. at least traditionally in the west (Pink, Long hair, the bottom of his armor looks like a skirt). It's very gender. and he's just cute overall. his design is so much fun to draw and my version is even more fun.
Honestly. The guys got my gender. Masc, but confident in wearing some feminine things. He just seems like the kind of guy who'd like wearing dresses and keeping his hair long, but still masc nonetheless. Breaking gender norms as he should.
5. His dynamics with other characters.
I love writing him interacting with other characters. He just clashes so well with the other characters when i write him in my AU's. both positively and negatively. I love writing him in angst, i love writing him in fluff. I just. love putting this guy into situations XD.
his relationship with his found family in tangled star is SO MUCH FUN to write. traumatized little guy who trusts no one but the people he's closest with. and even they are still getting him to open up.
thats...honestly the best way i can describe my top five things about nezha. its hard to explain why i like him and i was just tempted to write
So be happy you got that much out of me. sorry it got so long but once i start ranting i cant stop. XD
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silawastaken · 2 months
yes im the same anon!! yayyy for the post. I agree with everything. Regarding midnights? Hmmm I’d say Mastermind, the Great War and Midnight Rain are probably the most ssk coded :3 bigger than the whole sky COULD be ssk but only if chuuya had actually been a vampire and tried to kill Dazai I think :3 could also be post-divorce ssk but I don’t think the divorce was ACTUALLY tragic enough for bigger than the whole sky. OH AND KARMA!! CHUUYA IS SOOO DAZAIS KARMA!!! Actually!! Would’ve could’ve should’ve could be ssk coded but I think they aren’t toxic enough for wcs :/
For fearless like I said if this was a movie. Fifteen (lol), the way I loved you and uhhh forever and always?? Tbh all ts songs make me think of ssk the brainrot is THAT bad.
For lover it’s deffo daylight. For rep? I did something bad, don’t blame me, bla bla bla that entire album is 15/dark era core idc 🗣️ I said what I said!!! New Year’s Day? (Actually that song was kinda ruined for me because I used to love an edit associated with one of the very recently exposed exdsmp guys!! and now when I hear it I get very mad haha!!) Getaway car??? Call it what you want????
God I have to stoppp I’m actually going insane! :3 anyways slay glad to know im not the only one that very heavily links ssk to taylor swift.
You're so right with all of these, midnights is very dazai coded and forever and always is so the divorce era ESP THE PIANO VERSION OMG
I think an skk au based off of lover would be such a cool idea because I think a lot of lover would fit a college au OR OR like a strangers/ex friends to lovers au where they've both ended up in the same place for summer break(great now i have ANOTHER fic I want to write 😭)
and i do think new years day is such a sweet song for skk but i think i know which edit you're talking abt so yeah... i get it unfortunately
I'm on my easter break so maybe I'll actually finish all my taylor swift skk comparison things and post them 🤞🤞
ALSO in regards to bigger than the whole sky, if you were thinking about it as a Chuuya pov after Dazai defected where he believes Dazai is dead... :DD would've could've should've is literally my fav on midnights, and I wouldn't compare it to skk, but more just Dazai, and his relationship with Mori sooo yeah!!!
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winryofresembool · 1 year
Get to Know Me meme
Thank you @athenasparrow for the tag!!! :)
Last song: Taylor Swift Eras tour spoilers (if I have someone who wants to avoid those following me!)
Um, possibly Karma by Taylor Swift since that was the last song she sang in her concert and I spent a /lot/ (too much) of yesterday finding clips from the said concert. Also currently have this is me trying open in a tab but haven’t listened to it yet. 
Last Show: (referring to my previous answer) Watching a concert online doesn’t count, right? In that case, I think it was Diandra’s (a Finnish singer) concert in November. Yeah, I don’t really get to go to these often bc I live in the middle of nowhere :d
Currently watching: I watch very few TV shows these days (aside from certain anime but I’m not gonna list them here) but I currently have a tinykittens (a Canadian cat rescue organisation) livestream open and I take a peek at it every once in a while. Those Bramble kittens are super cute ♥ (I would absolutely love it if I happened to have a fellow TinyVillager following me! So if you do, pls come talk to me!)
Currently reading: While my TBR list is ever growing, I have to be honest, I haven’t really been reading published books for several months now. Blame the Jily fics. They are way better :P But if I have to mention one, I’ve been reading this book by the Finnish translator of Harry Potter (Jaana Kapari) where she tells about her translating process and it’s honestly pretty interesting, makes me wish I was a translator too.
(As for the Jily fics, do not ask me how many fic tabs I have currently open. I literally just visited the Jily tag here and was like :--------O ‘Oh wow, a lot of authors seem to have decided to post stuff last night’)
Current obsession: my poor friend @criis55 who has to listen to my ramblings every day would be able to testify for this: currently it’s Taylor Swift. I wanna talk about what my relationship with her music is because I’m not a long time Swiftie unlike so many of the people I’ve seen here are. I first started paying attention to some of her songs maaaaybe around the time I started writing Caleo fics so ~ 2020 (obviously I knew some of her hit songs before that but I couldn’t call myself a fan) but a year later she released Red (TV), incl. All Too Well 10 minute version and that was probably when I started thinking, hey, this song is wonderful, I should give a chance to her other songs too. Since then I’ve been slowly getting more familiar with her other albums (it’s been a longish process bc she has a /lot/ of songs and as a non native English speaker I need to be able to see the lyrics to know what’s really going on in the song) and found more songs that I enjoy. This very week is an important milestone to me when it comes to me being her fan because she just released 4 new songs/new versions of her old songs and started her tour and I get to follow it from the beginning and as a relatively new fan I find all that really exciting. Hence you may also see me talking about this more here on tumblr as well. 
Well, other than TS, Jily ofc remains high on my current obsessions list ♥
Tagging: @criis55 if you happen to want to do this, no pressure ♥
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artsybi · 2 years
so a few nights i had a dream, it was daredevil but with virgil as matt and logan as foggy (and an oc as karen for some reason, i kept her) and i knew immediately upon waking up that i had to make it a proper au, so i did a BUNCH of art, and some writing, so like, have an art dump while i infodump about this au :D
(also PLEASE click for quality, these images are all pretty big and tumblr hates me for it, so PLEASE click for quality)
[all image IDs in alt text]
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virgil's daredevil suit! no cowl version bc i haven't managed a cowl design i like yet, so that'll come later with any hope. i'm not a huge fan of zdarsky's run for my own reasons, but i do love how checchetto draws the daredevil suit, so i took a lot of inspiration from that for this look. i did feel like it needed a little more visual interest, hence the black paneling and the wraps being a different shade of purple. i actually love the boots, and i imagine they were designed with good grip and range of motion in mind, so they're really flexible while looking like combat boots. virgil strikes me as more of a staff kind of person, but it does disassemble into a pair of escrima sticks, and it also assembles into his white guide cane, bc it's my favorite detail from the comics and NO i will never be letting it go 💖.
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and the boys!!! this is how they appear in the main time frame of the fic. i went back and forth on virgil's outfit, but i decided that he's the type of person to show up to a client meeting wearing his patched up hoodie and combat boots, so his design is pretty true to ts canon lmao. logan bought him his purple sunglasses as a grad present, and they are one of the most precious things virgil has ever owned for it. they run brooks and storm law offices together.
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you know i had to draw the boys in college!! this is how they looked when they first met, and it's for sure the blondest virgil's hair ever is. i do however like this length for his bangs a lot, so i might rework my current design for him, it's not like it matters if his eyes are obscured lol. they roomed together for the entirety of law school, and have been best friends since basically day one, because they clicked so easily. logan got into so many fights with ableist professors on virgil's behalf, even though he knew that virgil could defend himself, logan never let anyone say anything negative about virgil behind his back. virgil appreciated this more than he could ever put into words, but once he managed to decode the weird ways in which virgil shows affection and appreciation, logan understood. (virgil stopped wearing his cross one day in their third year. logan never asked why, and virgil never shared.)
the other roles in this au i have so far are an oc as karen (her name is eleanor "ellie" valentine), patton as claire, janus as brett, and remus as melvin , but only kind of, it's a whole thing that i will explain in due time. i'm not sure of roman's role yet, i had the thought of his as elektra but that felt WILDLY mean, so i'm probably not going to do that lmao. i will find a place for him, because i like roman, i'm just not sure yet. i considered thomas as lantom but idk, virgil is less religious than matt is, (actually, he's exactly as religious as i always write matt to be, but in terms of this au loosely following the show, he's less religious) so i doubt that'll stick.
(also yes!! romantic analogical endgame!! i am a sucker for both mattfoggy and analogical, so it was the only logical progression :D)
there'll almost certainly be more of this au soon, and please feel free to ask me any questions you have about it! my anons are on and everything, i really just want an excuse to talk even more about this au, i'm so hyperfixated rn lol.
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phoebe-delia · 2 years
Since you said you loved questions...
Which is your favorite Taylor inspired fanfic you have written so far? And why?
(And not, this is my trying doesn't count, that's my favorite. Kidding. But I'm asking because I want to read others.)
Hello lovely!! Thank you for the question. I really do love getting them lol.
And OH boy what an amazing question it is!! I don't think I've been asked this before.
The answer truly is TIMT. But since you asked for more—
I'm also very proud of my Wireless fic based on All Too Well 10-minute version. (fic is called Just Between Us)
I'm not sure if you've read that one. If on the off chance you have, I'd say probably Holy Ground.
It's a bit funny you asked this because I was looking at one of the other fics (not mentioned here) in the Official TS as Drarry Series and I cringed so hard. I wanted to go in and fix it and make it better. But I didn't change anything. Because my early writing, cringey though I may find it, got me where I am today.
Also I gotta mention the little mini series I did based on the cardigan/betty/august love song trilogy, called I Knew You.
Oh I forgot to say a reason lol.
Hmmm TIMT is my Ultimate Favorite because it has SO much of me in it and I'm still proud of it and the writing doesn't make me cringe lol.
Just Between Us is up there because I'm just really fucking proud that I finished it because it absolutely kicked my ass.
Holy Ground because it was harder than I thought it would be and I like the banter I wrote for them.
And the I Knew You mini series because I just really like what I did with it.
Thanks so much again!
Ask me a question about my writing, if you have one!
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neitherlightnordark · 2 years
tell me about ur fics. tell me what seam misses most about jevil. tell me what jevil misses most about seam. tell me what queen missed most about both of them even though she didnt completely remember them
tali thank you thank you!
probably the saddest thing about the sock and the buskin chapter 5 prototype 7.4 revision 2 is that i won't be able to write swatch announcing a wwe match
i feel like this fic slowly changing tone was a map of how i changed my view of writing fanfic... the way the swatch chapter was narrated was partially because swatch is just like that but also because i figured fic should be a little more pretentious, as a treat. the susie chapter was relief in finding something new to write. and of course ts&tb changed how i wrote fic too it helped and hindered a lot... man i love this stupid wonderful fic
there's still not enough seam and queen in the fic i'm writing about seam and queen. i hope that changes soon (is writing it myself)
it's hard to say what seam missed about jevil because really it's... everything isn't it? seam's a mess :] like in this version of canon i'm spinning up for this seam actually has a chance to talk to jevil again... how's seam supposed to reconcile with that. "would i have found a little more purpose in my life...?" well, you didn't come to him, even after all these years; but he came out, and just happened to come to you. now you get a chance to see. now you get to talk to him, and you slowly realize that yes, this is almost-comfortable, yes, this is almost-content, but not quite. it's always going to be uneasy. jevil will not fix you. something like that?
and of course jevil comes to seam. there's an irrepressible fondness in there that jevil chooses to keep; of course seam didn't choose to come to him, and jevil both doesn't (can't) understand (understand) that and appreciates that. oh, that keep's so stubborn, caught in a web of the cat's own making. indecisiveness! stubbornness! the fool's only companion- and they do say things about birds of a feather, don't they? so jevil scratches out poetry in his head and the two talk and there's more narrative in there than... like... living. but also not. see i'm doing it too they say things about birds of a feather don't they
queen was jevil's before she was seam's, is what i've decided. like, it makes sense; seam was [someone]'s plushie and always out doing adventures, but queen and jevil were at the castle, busy being final boss material and starting a supermarket together and whatnot. they must have thought the other hysterical. queen is very directive focused, jevil's here to have fun; both the chaos-es they create are still based on calculating and order; they like loud noises (thunder, explosion.mp3, whatever queen's mixtape has going on).
and i like to think the two of them are very genre aware, jevil canonically so, and queen was like Okay This Guy Is My Foil? Guess We're Destined To Be Besties 4 Life Then and jevil was like the "queen" seeks to break the mold!! her mold will be broken first, i suspect, uee hee- and what better seat to the nosebleeds than the front row!! and then they accidentally became besties. they mostly use this to torment card castle psychologically
seam, abandoned by the lightners for the final time, comes in upon a dark and stormy night and collapses on the castle's front doorstep. dramatically. like undyne. this doesn't really have anything to do with anything i just think undyne
ANYWAY i have this fic idea in my head where queen (as per the strangely common fic beat of her suggesting her friends take vacations) decides she wants to know jevil's funny stuffed aminmal friend together and then the three escape card castle in the middle of the night upon queen's moon-mantled wings. they collapse somewhere in the scarlet forest and they go to the great door. it's great
the point here is that back then seam didn't know queen well at all. but they were friends!! they were friends through jevil's fondness for them both. i imagine jevil took it hardest and went searching for her, and, well... he found her. an interesting thing that accidentally came out of this is that, as queen grieved a land that wasn't dead, seam and jevil never really let themselves grieve, because they knew she would return
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bbnibini · 3 years
Hi! I really love your works but it gotten me curious if you also read fanfics? Do you have any fanfic recommendations?
Thank you, anon! That's really kind of you. 🥺💕 I do read fanfics, but not as much anymore. I'm assuming this ask is for Obey Me fics? But if not, I will include some of my absolute favourites in a future post. Fair warning: I gushed. A LOT hahaha. Please support the authors and their works! I included the fics in the hyperlinks~
NSFW fics are marked appropriately, so please click the links at your own discretion (some of them are in my public bookmarks in AO3).
Elle's Obey Me Fic Recommendations
🌸Your Coal by Angrish(LettuceBean)
Truth be told, I belong to the "forgive but don't forget camp" in lieu of what happened in Chapter 16; reading Angrish's YC and how their MC coped with the aftermath(+ how others coped along with them) felt really powerful, raw and so so emotional. It made me think and really think about how I processed the whole thing that happened. While it didn't really change my outlook on how I have forgiven Belphie for what he had done, Angrish shedding light to the unanswered questions and lingering doubts the main story have left most of its readers was done in such a thoughtful and poetic way that I found myself binge reading the whole thing.
Given that I read this whole coping with a lot of stuff as well (and may have contributed with sympathising a lot more to the vindictiveness of the MC), reading what Angrish had written was really cathartic. Their writing style is also beautiful--the way the words string together, simple, elegant, yet impactful really made MC's emotions a lot...tangible, real and sometimes, frustrating (in a good way, mind you). I also liked how they had fleshed out the other characters, especially Belphegor, Satan and the Purgatory Hall members.
🌸You'll Have to Ask Your Dad by DefenestrationProtestration
I remembered clicking on this fic because of the author's punny name, stayed for the pretty writing and reread a few several times for the characterisation and THE WRITING. I'm pretty sure I left a litany of praises and incomprehensible gushing on the comments section because of how much I've devoured this piece of art.
Even as I'm typing this review, I can't seem to organise my thoughts haha. You can tell by the writing style that the author had a lot of fun writing their prose; it permeates through the screeen...my "screen" of imagination at least. I am not joking--the writing is so pretty and vivid that I literally saw it as a movie in my head lol. I chatted with them a bit on the comments and they said the prose is more of something they had written subconsciously; it reminded me of James Joyce and how he had masterfully perfected the same technique. Of course, their writing styles differ a lot from each other, but I can see what they meant.
...as I'm typing this, I didn't realise how I haven't talked about the plot of the fic at all soz. This piece is the author's character study of Lucifer. It talks about how he was before, during and after the fall. He is a bit of an unreliable narrator, which I'm not sure if the author intended, but he has all these presumptions that miss the mark so so much, particularly at how his brothers, Lord Diavolo and the others perceive him--but reading the whole thing would make you understand why he had gotten to that kind of self-perception in the first place. And honestly? It really, really hurt to read. But was it bad? The total opposite of that, in fact! I loved how they had written the angst in this piece. So many things in the fic are "show, rather than tell" and I really really appreciate that.
Most of my brainrot about this fic is better to be explored on your own. Overall, 10/10: a definite, recommended read.
🌸Fairy Tales for the Fallen by indiavolowetrust
I haven't fully devoured all of the stories in the collection yet, but the ones I've read (Her Name Was Thousand Eyes is my favourite) was such a really good spin on dark fairy tales (Obey Me style!). It reminded me of my childhood Little Mermaid picture book for some reason. Probably the writing style(the author's writing reads a lot like a storybook) The one I had was Hans Christian Andersen's (aka the OG) version and the ending was rather...dark for a 5 year old lol. It was a big part of my life though and was probably the precursor for my affinity with sad stories haha.
🌸TieGuanYin by Taciturn
Like tea on a tiring day, Taciturn's writing style feels very homey, cozy and familiar. I love rereading this oneshot when I'm having a shitty day and imagining myself having tea with Barbatos haha. Ever had pieces of art or literature that just...relaxes you when you consume it? This one is one of my, as the youngsters say, "comfort fic" haha.
🌸glass half empty; glass half full by unagis
I love unagis' fics.♡ I also love her Childe fics. The concepts she comes up with, as well as how she delivers it is *chef kiss*. Admittedly, I read this one when I was still a Satan stan, with all the suspicions and doubts about Solomon's intentions still rampant within me. Reading him blush and become flustered is CUTE and aaaaa this whole fic is just really cute.🥺♡
🌸The Eternal Storm by @sondepoch
Sondepoch's Satan oneshot was the very first fic I read in the OM fandom so it has a special place in my heart~ I remembered how awkward it was to skim through the Satan filters, looking for a gen fic/SFW fic because around that time, most OM fics are smut (no shade on smut ofc, I'm just super uncomfortable reading them unless the writing is really pretty or there's something else going on in the story). Finding GEN AND A WELL-WRITTEN CHARACTER STUDY about my (former) favourite OM character was like I hit the jackpot. I remembered that feeling really well haha. My bias with one of my favourite forms of fic (char. study) aside, Sondepoch's writing is easy on the eyes and is definitely a great entry for anyone who wants to be in the OM fandom.
🌸Read Me by GENE515
One of my more recent reads and definitely worth a mention!♡ Read Me was a beautifully written, heartfelt two-shot about Lucifer's love, which he tried his best to express in penned words. Probably because of my own love letter-themed OM series, this one really stuck to me haha. The author is also really sweet. :3
🌸Schrodinger by fickleminder
I read this one around Halloween and it definitely fit the occasion. Schrodinger was such a great thriller/horror fic with how it set its unsettling atmosphere from the very beginning--the way fickleminder's writing just sucks you in and makes you bystand the whole ordeal between Belphegor and MC was just...so suspenseful? Nail biting? Creepy (in a good way ofc)? I won't spoil the ending, but the process and way they tackled it was a lot scarier than what I was initially bracing myself for.
🌸Siberia by @polandspringz
Seeing another Obey Me mystery in AO3 really hyped me up! Polandspringz did a spectacular job in writing this series and I can relate so much with their experiences in writing for mystery. Their writing style is easy on the eyes--I also really liked how they characterised the OM characters I have read on their series so far. There's still quite a lot of stuff left in speculation (from my most recent reading at least), and I really look forward to see how everything unfolds!
🌸Tetris Syndrome by apocketfulofposies (NSFW)
I am very very uncomfortable with smut content, so the smut I've read can be counted on one hand. ;; That is to say, TS is one of the few smut that I really, really enjoyed. First of all, Levi's characterisation is on point. It was really really interesting to get in his head and read about his thought process. What is envy? And how much does the sin of envy really define him?
I really enjoyed Levi's internalisations, as well as the author's writing style. If you want smut with a brooding, jealous otaku boy, I really recommend this one!
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sineala · 4 years
On Being Fannish
An answer to a question I got on Patreon last month.
A question I recently received:
I saw your Tumblr post about The Eagle and I went back to your AO3 page to see the other fandoms you’d written in. I’m curious as to whether there’s a fandom you’ve written in that you didn’t particularly follow or like the canon? And why (can be more than 1 answer) For me I think about Due South. I tried to get into to show but it wasn’t happening. But I was engrossed in the works (and fanzines).
And my answer:
Thank you for asking this! I think there's a few different ways I could answer this question, and I'm going to try all of them.
The larger, more general big-picture question, for me, is: what qualities about a fandom make me feel fannish about it? This is something I have actually thought about enough over the years to have a decent answer for. One big plus is if the fandom has a lot of canon -- I mean, I'm in Marvel Comics fandom now, and my first fandom was Star Trek, so when I say I like fandoms with a lot of canon, I mean a lot of canon. I like to have lots of facts and little details to be able to play around with; that's the kind of thing that gets my writing brain going. Single TV shows without extended universes are probably just enough canon, but I would be happier with more. Single books are not usually enough canon to make my fannish brain light up, but book series can. Single movies are not usually enough.
Similarly, I also really like when a fandom has multiple versions in different media -- like, if it's a book series and a TV show and a movie and a comic, or whatever. I like being able to compare and contrast different versions of plots and characters, and, yes, I do find the Marvel multiverse absolutely delightful. But, say, I probably wouldn't have been into The Eagle as long as I was if there hadn't been so much other ancillary canon -- not only was there the movie, there was also the book The Eagle of the Ninth by Rosemary Sutcliff, and the 1970s BBC miniseries that also adapted the book, and there were the rest of Sutcliff's novels, many of which were set in the same universe (The Dolphin Ring Cycle), and then that even ties into, well, being a giant classical history and language nerd and getting to be fannish, more or less, about Ancient Rome. (I learned Latin so I could write a Roman AU. No, really.) If The Eagle had just been a movie and nothing else, with no other related things, I probably wouldn't have been very interested.
There's also another important quality that I like to see in fandoms I really get fannish about, creatively fannish, and this is going to sound deeply weird when I say it, but this is the best way I can think of to phrase it: they have to be mediocre. They can't be bad, exactly, because if they are bad then I'm not going to like them at all, but they can't be too good, because if they're too good, I can't really do anything with them. Take Babylon 5 as an example. I happen to love Babylon 5. I watched it when I was originally airing, I've watched it multiple times in reruns, I own copies of the scripts and a bunch of the tie-in novels and all the DVDs. You get the idea. I used to be glued to the  Lurker's Guide and rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated. And as a fan, I love it, but I can't really create anything about it. It's too good. It's a sprawling, epic, five-year arc, from before arc-based TV was cool, with what I consider to be amazing characters and a gripping plot. But there's no room. What kind of story could I possibly tell? Sure, maybe I could write a couple of vignettes. I'm pretty sure I have. But I can't tell a B5 story that's equal to the glory of B5. B5 already did that. And it wrapped up the arc on the way out. There's not really much left to do.
And I know we say that no one hates comics like comics fans do, but when I say comics are mediocre I mean that with affection. Sure, there are so many amazing stories that I love with my entire heart. But there are also things I wish they had done differently, and gaps that canon never explored -- and that, that's the kind of thing that gets my fannish brain going, if I can look at canon and think, okay, this but more. And then I can do that. There's room to play around! If I want to rewrite Civil War but add more UST between Steve and Tony, I can do that! Everyone can do that!
And then there's the more specific version of the question: what fandoms do I like the fandom for but not the canon? I have been in a lot of fandoms over the years, and I'm willing to read in fandoms I don't know as long as the fic is good, so that often means I've read a lot of fic in big slash fandoms without being into the canon all that much. I've read a bunch of Teen Wolf slash, I've never seen the show in my life, and I'm not likely to start. I only made it through Season 1 of Merlin but I still read the fic sometimes. I have zero interest in hockey but sometimes I read the Hockey RPF AUs. I've read a bunch of SGA fic but am kind of meh about the actual show. You get the idea. Sometimes I read a bunch of fic and get a new fandom. Sometimes I just get the fic.
And then there's your actual question: have I written in fandoms where I didn't like the canon? I'd have to say generally not. My fandom journey is a little weird because I spent about ten years lurking and not writing anything and not really able to finish anything -- this started back in the late 90s when the big Western slash fandoms were The Sentinel, Due South, Highlander, X-Files, and maybe Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, and it felt like everyone in fandom was in some combination of the above. And in all those fandoms, I liked the canon (I think I would change my mind about TS if I rewatched it now, though) and I liked the fandom -- I just didn't write any fic because I couldn't figure out how to start and finish a story. So the fact that I have barely any dS stories doesn't mean I hated dS; it means I just wasn't writing anything back when I was really into dS. And then one day a switch flipped in my brain, or something, and I wrote a 90,000-word Professionals story and it just went on from there.
I do love Due South in particular, though; it was the fandom I met my wife in, because we both shipped Fraser/Kowalski and liked to hang out on AOL Instant Messenger and talk about fandom. And then fourteen years later we got married.
I hope that answers your question!
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chatxkilluaxnoir · 3 years
My Online To Do List:
I’m legit so busy in both real life (kind of) and esp. for online stuff.  The stuff I am busy with is mostly fun stuff.  Including the more time-consuming stuff.  Still it does cause me a bit busy.  Like, he is my list of stuff of to do.  I might add more this list, as I think of more stuff and more stuff comes up.  
A long post and to-do list under the read more cut.  I was gonna put the cut further down, but I didn’t really know where would be a good place to put one.  So I am just going to put one here, since it makes sense, and it is a good place to put one.  And that is just what I am going to do.
So this is a legend type thing I have decided to for this to-do list, and I am going to do it for all or most of the sections/parts of this ‘Legend’.  This is to help track my progress of the stuff on this list.
For the Game Section, the ‘Legend’ is:  Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.  Maybe some other ones in the future and some Section/Part specific ones.
For the Fics/Writings Section, the ‘Legend’ is:  Out of the Planning Stages/In the Planning Stages.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Writing/Not Currently Writing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Hasn’t been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Currently being edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Has been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed.
Whatever is bolded, is what is applicable to that section/thing.  So for example if Haven’t Started is bolded, and not Started, that means I haven’t started it yet. And etc.  Alright, that is all there is to the ‘Legend’ for now.  Now on to actually adding this/these to the parts/sections of this list, and on to the actual to-do list itself.                                                             
                           PC Games I Want to Play and/or Finish:
1.  DATING START!  Undertale Sans Dating Sim Visual Novel/Game:  Been meaning to play this, since the demo was so good and it just looked so good in general.  I even was following the countdown to full release super closely, because I wanted to play it right when it came out.  Which I did dip up opening up, just to see if everything was good boot up wise, and I saw the intro.  But then I ended up not playing it, even though I wanted to play it right when it came out, lol.  I got busy with the HxH Big Bang and other stuff.  And I wanted to make sure once I started playing the game, I really got through a lot of it.  
Basically, I wanted to have a decent amount to actually play it once.  But I just couldn’t set aside a lot of time.  However, I am less busy now, and also a bit less busy with my HxH BB.  So I am finally going to get to playing this game, and I am very excited to play it.  I may or may not post stuff about while I play or/& after I finish it.  Will tag spoilers if so.
Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
2.  Your Turn To Die and  Your Time To Shine: Island Existence!  Visual Novel/Sprite Game/Game/etc.:  I am still in Ch2.  So I got the rest of Ch2 and part of Ch3 to play.  Been meaning to do finish what is released of this currently for awhile, since it is really good.  But my break from it ended up being longer than I thought.  
Anyway, I am going to get back to it and play and finish this soon.  I also just need to outright play ‘Your Time To Shine: Island Existence!’, since I haven’t started that game at all.  Will tag spoilers if I post anything about them.
Your Turn to Die:  Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
Your Turn to Shine:   Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
3.  The Witch’s Heart/Witch’s Heart Game/Sprite Game/etc.:  Haven’t even started this yet, and from what I have seen and heard of it on YouTube I am really missing out by doing so.  And honestly, if I don’t play it soon, I am probably going to get even more spoiled about it, hahaha.  So yeah, gotta play this game.  Will tag spoilers if I post anything about it.
Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
4.  Undertale:  Act to Flirt:  I am about halfway through this.  I kind of what to wait until 0.4 comes out to get more through it, but we will see.  I might not be able to resist finishing up what is already out for this VN.
Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
5.  TS! Underswap Demo:  I both need to download AND play this.  From stuff I have seen of it, some let’s plays thumbnails, character designs, and etc., it just looks really good, and I should really get to playing it.  From what I have seen of character portrayals in this too, I am also liking them, and I think this is probably one of my favorite versions of Underswap of a/the Swap AU.  I am looking forward to more of it too, whenever that ended up being.
Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
6.  UT MV (Undertale Multiverse) Bonely Hearts Club VN Demo:  Currently not finished, and is just a Demo. still want to play the demo though.  Which is what is out of the actual game/VN so far.  There will be ? routes and ? dates.  They already say how many of these things, but I forget.  So I will add the number(s) later after I remember them, or look it up.
Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
7.  Shattered Hope F:  Cabin Confiding (Events):  Haven’t started yet.  But I what to soon, because they say people should watch/play this and the Social Butterfly events, before watching the new batch of episodes; which have started to come out.  Also, it just looks fun, so yeah.
Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
8.  Some other visual novels, games, demos/chapters, and etc. that I will add later.  Since the games above, are the ones I want to play the most currently.
                         My Planning and Writing of my Fics and etc.:
1.  The Meeting of a God and a Demon:  Just need to do some slight edits.  Nothing major to the story, just fixing some typos/grammar errors I missed, maybe removing/adding some tags, and adding some page dividers (Since I now it is a good idea to add these, and because I also now how to them kind of on AO3) to make reading a bit easier.  So yeah, just some minor edits for this.
Out of the Planning Stages/In the Planning Stages.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Writing/Not Currently Writing. Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Hasn’t been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Currently being edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Has been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed.
2.  Secret Upcoming Fic:  The fic is basically completely beta’ed, just some stuff earlier on in the fic we need to get back to, and just some more beta’ing and editing.  But we have already gone over the whole fic, it just needs a bit more editing, beta’ing, and polishing it up.  
I said I will probably will release this fic this month (or next one), but it looks like releasing it at least this month (February) might not super likely for a couple of reasons.  1.  My beta has been bit busy lately, and so I am just waiting when there less busy and for them to reach out to me again when they are less busy and ready.  And 2.  This fic (or at least a snippet of it.  I am going to release the whole fic after the zine with the snippet of it is released) was originally meant for a TAU Zine.  More specially, TAU Zine ED2:  Demonology and the Occult.  
I thought since I had taken so long to get this fic done and beta’ed, that I was too late to enter it in the zine, but I was wrong, and I was able to sign up for it.  Now I am just waiting for the deadline date(s) for the zine to be posted on the transcendence-zine tumblr.  And because I am waiting for the deadline date, I actually don’t know when the zine itself will release.  And I can’t release the fic until the zine gets released which I don’t know if that will be February or March.  Pretty unlikely to be February though.  So those are the reasons why I am not sure if this fic will be released in March and esp. February.  
I will try for both release of this fic for both months, but like I said, due to needing it be finished beta’ing and due to not knowing when the deadline for this and zine release dates are, I am not sure it will be in February or March and might end up being later.  So like, maybe April or May instead.  Still trying for February or March though, so let’s just *cross our fingers* that I will be able to.
Out of the Planning Stages/In the Planning Stages.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Writing/Not Currently Writing. Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Hasn’t been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Currently being edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Has been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed.
3.  Hunter x Hunter Big Bang 2021 Fic:  I have already started planning this fic out, but I got a lot to do.  I have a few months until when the draft is due, but I have a lot to do for it, and I want to make sure this fic is good as my 1st HxH fic posted online and because this my first time actually entering the HxH BB.  I have read and seen a lot of HxH BB stuff in the past, but I haven’t entered myself, until this year!  So yeah, pretty busy with this.
Out of the Planning Stages/In the Planning Stages.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Writing/Not Currently Writing. Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Hasn’t been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Currently being edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Has been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed.
4.  Planning for and a another TAU (TAU meaning the Gravity Falls AU called Transcendence-AU) Fic:  Got some ideas for a fic, but before I can really get started planning and writing this fic and stuff about it, I am waiting for the transcendence-au tumblr to answer a question/submission of mine.  Depending on the answer, this fic might either need more or less behind-the-scenes stuff and planning.  This fic probably won’t be able for awhile.
Out of the Planning Stages/In the Planning Stages.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Writing/Not Currently Writing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Hasn’t been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Currently being edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Has been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed.
5.  Planning for and another yet again another TAU (TAU meaning the Gravity Falls AU called Transcendence-AU) Fic:  Most likely another God/Goddess/Deity Fic like my Gaia one.  And while I have other stuff planned for Gaia, this fic probably won’t be focused on her, though she might get mentioned.  This fic is much more likely to release before that other fic am planning and talking about for the previous numbered point, 4.  And while I don’t have an estimate date for when this will be released, hopefully it won’t be TOO far off in the future.  This fic should definitely be interesting.
Out of the Planning Stages/In the Planning Stages.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Writing/Not Currently Writing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Hasn’t been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Currently being edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Has been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed.
6.  Maybe/Probably other stuff in the future.  But the above is my current to-do list for my writings and fics.
                                              Miscellaneous Stuff:
1.  Start and get caught up on some fics.
2.  Start and get caught up on some comics.
3.  Watch YouTube Videos.
4.  Some other stuff to write out, that aren’t fics.
5.  Maybe/Probably other stuff in the future.
Hahah, I know this might not seem like a lot (this just my online stuff), but it it is defin. a lot to me, and is gonna keep me busy for awhile.  Which I am happy I have stuff to keep busy, but this is still quite a lot.  Still looking forward start really making way through this to-do list.  
This took me so long to do, lol.  The list itself took long enough, but trying to do the legend stuff, which I originally had spaced differently, but that wasn’t working, so I had to fix it/them to make it/them look good, and that took me even more time.  Finally done for now though.
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Sanders Sides Fic Prompts
I know @xbrad-pitifulx needed some ideas, but I decided to just make them open to anyone! If you use one of these though, please tag me! I'd love to read it ^^ 
-Logan refuses to admit he likes really sweet hot cocoa but Deceit knows and makes it for him while the others aren't looking 
-Alternatively, Patton finds out and accidentally says it in front of the others and Logan either denies it or feels humiliated and leaves to his room 
-Remus makes Deceit some good ol coffee but it's got just a teensy bit of alcohol in it (got this idea after reading a particular one of Remy's fics). Dee knows somethings up and either ignores it or questions Remus about it, your choice! 
-(insert side of your choice) catches Virgil listening to a super sappy love song
-There's so many fics about Logan or Roman overworking, so what about Patton working hard to make sure everyone else is happy and making sure Thomas does the right thing and making dinner and cleaning, but the others catch on 
-Virgil walks into the living room without any eyeshadow or makeup
-Or he shows up wearing super fancy purple eyeshadow 
-Roman gets criticized for his work and loses motivation, aka, Creators Block and locks himself in his room until he can get a good idea (could be angsty if you'd like wink wonk) 
-The others (minus one side, your choice) don't know that Deceit is cold-blooded and take him outside in the snow. (That one side who knows) shows up and sees Dee looking miserable and cold and pulls him inside, lecturing the others about Dee's condition 
-Emile gets made fun of for liking cartoons (by a stranger, online or in person) and (insert side/Remy) steps up to comfort him while threatening to beat up that one person (if it's a side who wouldn't do that bluntly, probably make it like a vague threat) 
-Since Virgil's birthday is soon: Virgil doesn't expect a birthday party after telling Thomas he was a Dark Side™. The others clearly disagree. They plan him a surprise party, but by the time it's ready Virgil is either sleeping or crying (again, could be angsty!) 
-The sides meet their alternate versions from the TS Shorts. That is all. 
-Remus gets lonely while Deceit is busy and tries to get the other sides to pay attention to him, but they either ignore him or tell him to leave (definetely angst! Up to you how it ends) 
-One of the sides go looking for Roman in the imagination and get lost, running into either a monster or they accidentally go into Remus's side and stuff happens 
-Alternatively Roman gets lost in the Imagination and the others have to find him
-The creative sides fuse and make King Creativity! The others have their own individual reactions, but one if them is disaster gay (If you make this KingCeit, please please please tag me!) 
-Roman and Remus both require attention to thrive. Not live, because they can't die. Remus gets his attention from Dee. One day the light Sides find out that Logan is touch starved Gay and pay attention to him. Roman loses his attention and is left to stay in his room and wonder why he was so tired
Again, if you use any of these, let me know so I can read it! I might make more of these in the future because I come up with ideas but then I lose the motivation to write it ^^' 
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pastelvirgil · 6 years
8, 18, 28, 38, 48? For the writer asks please!
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
a lot of times a get inspired by random things or im high key projecting tbh
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
for sanders sides, not necessarily abandoned so much as i dont have enough time/inspiration to finish/write all of the ideas i have. i did have a spn fic on my ao3 that i took down bc i started it freshman year and had last updated it /at the latest/ summer before junior year. that was mostly bc i’ve definitely fallen out of the spn fandom. i also have an unfinished voltron/pjo crossover that i planned out a lot but probably wont finish, but im too attatched to it to delete it from ao3/abandon it.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction? 
i think the truth is we’re all harder on ourselves than we need to be/everyone else is. this fandom is, for the most part, really amazing at supporting its content creators- fan works or thomas and friends. ive never posted any fic other than ts stuff on tumblr, but there are definitely more toxic fandoms out there where people would come after you for the content of your fic being slightly different from what /they/ want.
(that wasn’t a straight answer but also im not straight lmao. a simple version is that tumblr definitely gave me a lot more response than ao3 ever did, even though i still cross post everything there.)
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.
@virmillion obvs (hey remember when we did that somewhat angsty logan Thing and it was beautiful???)
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?
probably like,, human au?? i mean i did write a whole verse with teacher logan and hs royality so make of that what u will
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
Hello, Phoebe. I’m back :)
How are you doing? Just put whatever you feel like here! This ask is the Phoebe Show; make it yours!
Lyssa, it is always a pleasure to see you in my notifs, but especially in my ask box! Thank you for filling it with kind words, awesome prompts, and fun questions for me to play around with.
This blog is the closest I imagine I'll ever come to having the Phoebe Delia Show, and since you have given me free rein with this ask, I shall endeavor to make it count.
I've gotten some incredible asks about my interests, but I'm going to answer a question that has been asked by exactly no one and rank Taylor Swift's albums.
This will be in order of my favorites; this isn't necessarily a reflection of what I think the rank would be in terms of objective quality; instead, this is based on my own personal enjoyment of the albums.
As always, I will provide a little explanation as to my reasoning, because I am nothing if not indulgent.
I actually really surprised myself with this ranking; as I looked through the albums I evaluated each by counting the number of songs I liked off of each one, and the ranking I thought I had has now changed. (I will explain in my comments!).
So! With that said. The Phoebe Delia Show Presents: Ranking Taylor Swift Albums.
1. Speak Now--To me, there is only one skip on this entire album; it is bop after bop. (If you're wondering, I think "Innocent" is the skip). Every song is just fun! I should also point out that this is also my favorite in part because Taylor said it was inspired by theater/Broadway.
2. 1989--I'm gonna be honest and say that I'm ashamed to have sort of slept on this album for so long. Don't get me wrong--I listened to and enjoyed it a lot when it came out, but I always sort of automatically pushed it further down on my list in favor of my 3rd choice because I liked the songs on my 3rd choice more. But now that I'm older and my music taste has somewhat evolved, I think I can say that 1989 is my 2nd favorite. There are truly no skips on this album. Yes, I know I said SN has a skip, but that album holds a special place in my heart so it gets number 1. I was thinking it over today, and while Taylor has always been amazing, I think this is the album that launched her into superstardom. We, her fans, knew she could do anything, but she still shocked us all by making the transition to an entirely pop album. Remember the "Blank Space" and "Bad Blood" music videos? I still think those are two fo my favorite of her mvs, though LWYMMD is a close second.
3. Red--Oh, my beloved. This album is wonderful. I have a lot of memories associated with this one, particularly watching the WANGBT music video and the IKYWT parody with the fucking goat that makes me laugh so hard even to this day. I am SO pumped for TV in November!! And while, yes, "All Too Well" is my favorite song on the album (and my fave TS song overall), "Holy Ground" is slept on and amazing.
4. folklore--This album is probably the most meaningful to me of them all just because of when it came out. We as an entire global community were struggling, and I know I had immense privilege to have been healthy and safe during that time. Still, like everyone else, I was depressed, lonely, and felt trapped inside my home and inside my mind. I will never forget listening to this album in my room and gasping when I heard TIMT. Not long after this album came out, I also lost my family dog, and this album was essential in helping me grieve. This album saved my sanity and gave me a cathartic outlet. I will be forever grateful to Taylor for writing it.
5. Reputation--This is another one for which I have a lot of memories. I will never forget when the LWYMMD music video came out and the world lost its entire mind. Taylor said there are still easter eggs we missed and I want someone to find them please and thank you. There are a few songs on this album that I'm not obsessed with, but the storytelling is so cohesive and creative. On the surface, one might think Taylor was being petty or whiny, but if you look closer--and remember the utter hell she was going through at the time--I think there are deeper meanings than her just getting back at Kim and Kanye.
6. Fearless--Oh, this album. It has some of her most iconic songs: YBWM, "White Horse," "Love Story"," "Forever and Always," etc. I truly wish I could tie this one with Rep, but I think Rep edges this one out *just* barely with songwriting/lyrical quality. I also don't know if I'll ever fully get over the fact that she kept "Mr. Perfectly Fine" from us for so long, but I suppose I can consider the 10 min "All Too Well" on Red TV to be proper repayment. ;)
7. evermore--I could not believe my eyes when she announced this album. How can this woman write this fast and this well!! I will never forget listening to "champagne problems," "no body, no crime," and "tolerate it" in particular. I ranked this after reputation just bc I think I enjoy listening to Rep more, but some of the songwriting on this album is *chefs kiss.*
8. Lover--I know, I know, I'm sorry. I don't want to put this one so low on the list but I just kind of can't put it any higher? I really love some of the songs on this album, but SYGB is too sad for me, "London Boy" kinda annoys me I'm sorry, and I just never really got into INTHAF or "Afterglow." But, that said, every other song on the album is a bop, even ME!, although I listen to the live version over the studio recording. It's a great album though.
9. Taylor Swift (Debut album)--I feel a little bad ranking this so low but I cannot honestly tell you that this album is better than her others, and something has to be last on the list. There are also some great, classic songs on this album. So, instead of being critical, I'm instead going to say that I remember vividly seeing a snippet of "Teardrops On My Guitar" advertised on Disney Channel for Radio Disney. It makes me smile to think of how far she's come since then.
And that concludes this episode of The Phoebe Delia Show! Tune in next time where I post some other self-indulgent opinion about one of my interests and hope it reaches people who care to read it :)
Send me an ask about Harry Potter, broadway/musicals, The West Wing, and/or Taylor Swift! Or just about life in general :).
Also, I have a playlist of my 99 most listened-to songs of the year so far. Pick a number 1--99 and send me an ask and I'll write you a fic based on it!
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sof-ingtired · 3 years
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For every post I created, I reblogged 22.4 posts.
I added 1,312 tags in 2021
#remus rambles - 968 posts
#sanders sides - 78 posts
#remus rants - 40 posts
#ts janus - 37 posts
#janus sanders - 35 posts
#ts remus - 35 posts
#ts roman - 32 posts
#remus writes - 30 posts
#remus sanders - 30 posts
#roman sanders - 27 posts
My Top Posts in 2021
,,,,, Achilles Come Down but it's Roman or Remus' pleading with the other to come down and the one telling one of them to jump is u!patton,,,,,
im totally okay
46 notes • Posted 2021-03-15 09:06:53 GMT
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It's done! Took like,,,,,3-4 hours to do but it's done and I'm happy with it!
49 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 14:25:09 GMT
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I might have spent a few hours on this and don’t hate it. I wrote their names kinda???? how I’d picture them writing them but Roman’s is a bit messy to be Roman. 
Anyway this is my headcanons for everyone’s eyes and skin tones. Virgil has spider eyes but his regular eyes are based off the puppet colours , Janus has a snake eye and the only one with an eye that matches Thomas, Roman has blue-ringed octopus pupils with green eyes and same Remus but red eyes, Logan has human eyes but dark blue and finally Patton has bullfrog pupils with light blue eyes.
Yes they all have minour eyebags except Remus. Also I’m including two versions, one with their colours and one without.
I’ll be honest this is the first fully rendered piece since Janus’ birthday piece (which I genuinely dislike so fucking much, why is his face so skinny???)
anyway this is gonna be like the only time I tag @thatsthat24 ​ because I really like this drawing.
50 notes • Posted 2021-02-22 20:07:40 GMT
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I redrew a piece from February cause it was straight up not good lol, quite happy with how this one came out!!
60 notes • Posted 2021-11-13 02:42:56 GMT
Touched-Starved Janus Pt. 1
It’s been almost two weeks since I mentioned I started writing this, and I said Monday I’d post this this week, well....the week...hasn’t ended it’s only 00:15 on Sunday. This is being broken into multiple parts, idk how many yet, because my doc is at 3.2k words and is 6 pages long. So! Enjoy Part One of the Touch-Starved Janus fic!
Ao3 Link | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five |
Taglist!( Please let me know if you want to be added for future parts or if you wish to be removed): @daroamine, @janus-sanders-pain, @imma-potatoo, @whatishappeningrightnow
Summery: Janus is more snake than previously perceived and reacts violently at the sight of the others hugging, only for it to be revealed Janus hasn’t been hugged in years, so long my that he's even forgotten what hugs are,,,, just how touch-starved is he?
Pairings: Platonic Dukeceit (Parental Remus) , Referenced Past Platonic Anxceitmus
Warnings: overstimulation, swearing, Remus yells at the others at one point, swearing, bold and italicized text, referenced unsympathetic unnamed dark sides and Idk what else please tell me if I need additional tags
Additional Notes: So there is,,,,a lot of headcanons by me in this? Like I headcanon Janus as being the youngest side and being like....really young, just barely 21 young. Also there is a lot of parental and protective Remus. This is also probably really OOC but I don’t mind much tbh?
Janus was in the living room, lounging in the early morning sunbeam that was hitting the couch and reading a book. Virgil was on the opposite side of the couch, scrolling through his phone. The two had fallen into this rhythm of this a month ago when Janus and Remus’ rooms had been moved over to the ‘light’ side as they had been accepted fully by Thomas. It had taken a heavy conversation between all of them and a lot of apologies but they were slowly going back to being a real family like they had been before the mindscape split.
Patton walked into the room and smiled at the two sides on the couch, he was so happy everyone has been getting along, especially Remus and Janus with the others. Sometimes he still felt a bit guilty having sent away the previous ‘dark’ sides, but he knew that it wasn’t good to hold onto that guilt when they’ve stated their forgiveness.
He continued his way to the kitchen to begin making breakfast for all the sides. That was also something that the others had taken time to get used to, proper meals made by the father-like side. When Patton had learned the state of the other’s kitchen he had been horrified, it was no wonder Janus and Remus were so thin. He was working on getting them to a healthier size, they were getting there but were still too thin. 
Patton smiled as he headed back to the living room after almost an hour to let the two on the couch know that breakfast was ready. He made them all pancakes, blueberry for Logan and himself, chocolate chip for the twins and plain for Virgil and Janus, he knew what his kiddos liked after all. “Heya kiddos! Breakfast is ready!” Patton said as he reached the couch. 
“Thanks Pat, “ Virgil said as he stood up off the couch and stretched. He held out his hand to Janus, “C’mon Jan let’s get some breakfast.”
Janus hums and looks up at Virgil, “Ah yes, food.” He takes Virgil’s hand and lets himself get pulled into a standing position, then quickly releases his hand.
With a shout upstairs from Patton it was a few seconds until the other three sides made  their way downstairs. Roman and Remus were groggily arguing about something arbitrary, meanwhile Logan looks like he’s been awake for at least an hour.
Janus and Virgil had already taken their seats at the table when the others began sitting down, Logan on the left of Virgil on one side of the table, with Virgil in the middle, and Janus on the other side of the table in the furthest left seat, Remus seated to his right with an open spot for Roman next to him. 
And then it happens. It was so innocent to them, all Patton had did was give Roman a nice snug hug. They honestly hadn’t known the snake side would react the way he did. They didn’t expect him to jump in his seat and stare wide-eyed at Patton hugging Roman and begin to tremble. And they certainly hadn’t expected his shaky voice and frantic rambling.
“W-why are you constricting him like that!? Are you fighting? Why are you fighting? He didn’t do anything wha-” Janus rambled frantically, looking like he was a second from prying Patton off Roman, eyes wide and breathing picking up.
“Constricting him- Fighting? Janus, he is merely giving Roman a hug. Why are you acting like you don’t know what that is?” Logan asked the trembling and panicking side.
“Janny, Jan hey,” Remus gently scooched the chair with Janus in it away from the table and turned it to face him fully. “Do you remember hugs? Remember how I’d hug you when you were really little?”
Janus shook his head no, blond curls bouncing. As he shook his head no Remus hummed in thought. Janus opened his mouth to speak again but Remus held a hand up to shush him.
“That’s what I thought baby blep, “ Remus sighed before he explained what a hug is. “Well ,a hug is just affection. You wrap your arms around them and give just a little squeeze. It’s not constricting and it’s not fighting.” Remus opened his arms in invitation. “It’s like how we used to cuddle but standing up or sitting, do you wanna try?”
Janus looked hesitant as he calmed down. “Will it hurt?” He watched Remus warily.
Remus gave the younger side a sad look, “No noodle it won’t hurt. It feels nice, and if you don’t like it just tell me and I’ll let go, okay?”
Janus hesitantly moved forwards and let Remus gently pull him into a hug. He tensed at the initial feeling of Remus’ arms around him, holding him, but calmed when he didn’t feel the grip tighten to constrict him. Warm, that's all Janus thought as he melted into Remus’ hold, it was like how they used to cuddle.
Remus sighed and gave the others a glare over Janus’ head. “Want to explain why you’ve never hugged him? I know why I hadn’t, I know why Virgil might not have, but why haven’t you?” He turned his glare to Patton, some ‘father-figure’ he was.
The others stood awkwardly looking guilty, even Virgil looked guilty, but Remus didn’t mind Virgil not explaining hugs to Janus. He knew he never had time as a dark side and any sign of weakness was dangerous so affection just wasn’t given in the open, hell it was rarely given behind closed doors. He had other reasons to be upset with Virgil.
“Affection is not something I generally give.” Logan said after clearing his throat and adjusted his glasses. “I never initiated a hug on the assumption he was like Virgil and did not care for them.”
Remus hummed at the answer and then turned to his twin. “Well Ro? Why haven’t you given Janus a hug?  In the month our rooms have been here why have you never given him a hug?” He held a steady, unnerving stare into Roman’s green eyes. However his stare was interrupted when Janus let out a small whine after a few minutes and he averted his eyes to the smallest side.
“What is it baby blep?” Remus asked softly, honestly shocking the others with how soft he was with Janus.
“Burnsss” Janus let out a small hiss and squirmed in Remus’ arms. 
“Mkay, here I'll let go now okay?” Remus reassured as he let go of the smaller side. “That was overstimulation. You’re a bit touch-starved aren’t you?” Remus internally snorted at the words ‘touched-starved’.  
Janus continued to just stare for a few moments before speaking up, “What isn't that?”
Logan perked up at the chance to explain something and gave a small hint of a smile when Remus motioned for him to tell Janus. “Touch starvation refers to the desire for physical contact that people may experience after receiving little to no physical interaction with others for a period of time. Some people may compare it to the desire for food during hunger.” Logan trailed off at the end.
A look of horror came across the faces of everyone but Remus and Janus. Had they really not gave Janus any physical contact other than the occasional brushing of hands, hands that were always gloved?
“But...what doesn’t overstimulation have to do with being touch-ssstarved?” Janus hissed quietly.
“Well little snake, when you’re touch-starved too much touch at once can cause overstimulation and can feel like you’re burning. We haven’t cuddled in…. a while...so, you’re touch-starved.” Remus calmly explained. He grimaced when various intrusive thoughts about burning flesh flashed through his mind. 
“...ᵒʰ” Janus whispered. He fidgeted in his seat, growing increasingly uncomfortable with everyone looking at him and paying attention to him. “....ᵖᵃᵖᵃ ᶜᵃⁿ ᴵ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵍᵒ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ʳᵒᵒᵐ ⁿᵒʷ…” Janus whispered again to Remus, avoiding looking at the others.
Remus blinked back tears at being called Papa for the first time in years. He smiled at the small side in front of him and nodded. “Yea baby blep you can go to your room. Today has been a bit much, huh?” He said as he stood up, stepping away so Janus could leave to his room. He watched with unshed tears as Janus scrambled away.
Once Janus had left and everyone heard Janus’ door click shut they all turned to Remus with questions. “Did he call you Papa?”, “How long has he been touched-starved?”, “How can we help him?” Roman, Logan and Patton all spoke at once.
“One question at a time.” Remus stated, giving them all a cold stare when he turned back to them. “Ro, you first.” Remus gestured at Roman to talk.
“Why did he call you Papa?” Roman asked, genuinely very confused.
“ I raised him. He formed when I was 7, Virgil was 10.” Remus shrugged. He was surprised they didn’t figure that out. Virgil wasn’t exactly the most parental side but he guessed he wouldn’t be seen as one either.
“Wait what?!” All of them but Virgil shouted. 
“Remus are you sure he’s that young? Deceit and denial are formed much younger than that,” Logan questioned.
Remus looked Logan directly in his eyes, making the glasses clad side fidget. “Are you stupid?”
Logan sputtered and Roman looked angry and ready to intervene when Logan spoke up, “Of course not! His primary function is Deceit and that would make him around my age! Ergo, just a year younger than you and Roman as one creativity!”
Remus raised a single brow, “Really? You genuinely believe that deception is Janus’ prime function? Have you ever listened to him? Do you remember him forming back then, before the split?”
“Of course I have! I-...oh” Logan stopped, a perplexed look crossing his face before and understanding look.
“Oh what?! His primary function is Deceit is it not?! That’s why he’s called Deceit!” Roman threw his hands up as he spoke. 
“Deceit is just...part of him Princey, a big part but....his primary function is societal self-preservation. Like Patton said in Jan’s first episode. ‘Deceit is an inner couch that acts with the one intention of self-preservation’ his primary may...seem like deceit but it’s not” Virgil said reluctently.
“Well put Virgey!” Remus grinned unnaturally wide and then as soon as the grin appeared it dropped. “Janus formed when Thomas started to have the desire for things to be fair and when Thomas started forming his sense of self on his ability to perform. He formed when Thomas was ten years old.” Remus stated. 
The others looked guilty. “So...he...he really does want the best for Thomas?” Patton questioned.
Remus groaned and threw his hands in the air. “Of course he fucking does! That’s all any of us want for Thomas! What? You thought that because he often speaks in lies and encourages certain lying he wants to ruin Thomas? He wants Thomas to throw everything down the drain? That he wants Thomas to lose his friends?! Are you fucking stupid!? You and Roman had a whole fucking 50 minute video on the topic WITH HIM! He literally said he’s looking out for Thomas’ mental wellbeing!! The whole wedding debacle in the courtroom was trying to get Thomas to be HONEST with himself!” Remus growled as he stomped around the table to Patton.
 “You all view things in black and white, well Padre , that’s not how life WORKS! That’s not how ANYTHING works! Nothing is in black and white! It’s shades of grey daddy-o!” Remus spat at Patton, a boney finger jabbing him in the center of his chest as he stared down at the ‘father-figure’.
“Like I fucking said in my song ‘good and bad is all made up nonsense’.” Remus huffed as he pulled away and crossed his arms. “Now if you excuse me I need to help a certain snake get used to touch again and not be overstimulated when I cuddle him to death.” 
Virgil went to open his mouth but quickly snapped it shut when Remus threw him a glare.
“You ,Virgil, are the last person to visit him right now.” Remus snapped as he sank out and into Janus’ room, leaving the room cold and unsettled.
82 notes • Posted 2021-04-25 05:16:15 GMT
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what-even-is-thiss · 7 years
Fic, Shattered Dreams
Screw it I’m going to indulge the sick twisted part of my mind. Strap in, folks. Roman is writing one of his darker fantasies for the sides.
Tip Jar
Warnings: Body horror. Hopelessness.
Abstract: Literal sayings. Broken dreams.
Such a fragile thing, the ego.
Roman felt like there was a million kilos of force pushing on his head. He continued walking anyways.
Its hopeless. Its never going to happen.
Come on up, Princey. You can do it.
But he couldn’t. The crushing weight was too much. He knew what was coming next but he fought it with all his might. He tried to come up. Tried to say something creative. Something dramatic.
The words didn’t come.
So you can’t. I wish I could say I’m sorry.
No he doesn’t. He ruined this. Everything is ruined.
Thinking like that only makes it harder on you.
Roman lost the fight. He fell to his knees, then with the last of his strength twisted around so he landed on his back. He lay there on the living room floor of his version of the mind palace and felt the crushing weight of defeat take him.
A shattered dream. Can’t say I didn’t see this coming.
“I know he’s still here. He didn’t leave. What is he doing?”
Thomas was upset. Therefore Morality was upset. Anxiety was probably working harder than usual. That would be what all the voices were today.
You got that right. Brace yourself, Princey.
Well, at least Virgil didn’t enjoy the fact that he caused this. There was that. Unless he was lying...
The weight grew even heavier. A crack appeared on Roman’s right shoulder and he cried out in pain. A line began from there, making its way down his torso and crotch and down to the leg. More cracks branched out from there.
There was a slow crunch like someone methodically crushing ice underfoot as the Prince’s arm, shoulder, and a part of his chest broke into pieces.
He was hollow inside. Like a breathing china doll. There was no blood. He may as well have been a broken dinner plate.
So fragile.
“No one asked you.” Roman managed through gritted teeth. “I have survived this before and I shall do it again.”
Never said you wouldn’t.
As Roman blacked out he swore he heard a surprised “Oh! My goodness!”
He was... where was this?
“Don’t move, kiddo. You’re alright.”
Roman opened his eyes.
“Why... Patton, what is...”
“Shhh. No moving now. You’re still getting better. You’re doing great.”
Roman saw above him a head with glasses. Another one appeared. This was farther away.
Morality was kneeling next to the prince pushing parts of his arm into place. Logan appeared to be holding a cardboard box containing various types of glue. There was no smile to be seen from either of them.
He decided talking would take too much energy. He didn’t think about where he was. He just did his job as best he could under the circumstances,but it was a rough day and Thomas was feeling sluggish.
As Roman realized he was lying in the main mind palace on the imagined version of Thomas’ bed, he thought of something.
“May I ask where the tacky emo is?”
“Working.” Logan said simply.
“Would the nerd care to elaborate?”
Logic gave him a stern look. “I would prefer not to.”
Patton smiled again. “We’re halfway there, everybody.”
Roman smiled a princely grin. “Nothing can shake you for long, can it Patton?”
“If I shook you around enough we’d have enough pieces to make a maraca.” Patton said a little too cheerily.
“Please do not make me picture that again.” Roman said, closing his eyes in disgust.
103 notes · View notes