#i never drew food like this so idk if it's ok lol
kindlykolorful · 26 days
Captains, did you get any backlash from crewmates about your relationship?
Were any (Dead)past crewmates homophobic and vocal about it?
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Yeah... some people didn't agree with me suddenly coming to the ship and becoming captain. There was a little group that wanted to question it, I don't think they were specifically worried about we being a couple but more of me becoming a captain, but they sure said some offensive stuff behind our backs!
Well, they made a very good stew for Cellbit! I prepared it with a lot of love despite it all.
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son1c · 7 months
Thinking about fibula calling metal sonic ‘sonic’ and him being the only person ever to do so… AUGH how to speedrun gaining a hostile and grumpy robot as your friend fr
the thing about it too is that fibula is actually pretty scared of metal at first LOL... like. ok. he's from the 60s, and he's never seen a robot before. the most "robot" thing he probably knows is a toaster. and metal sonic is like if a toaster grew legs, arms, claws, and beady red eyes. and also it's hyper intelligent and can move on its own. idk about you, but if i saw that thing walking around in my kitchen, i'd get the men in black on the phone REAL quick.
so all things considered he takes the sudden introduction to metal REALLY well.
and also, when they first meet, fibula is still basically his old self? ykwim? cuz he JUST got zombie'd like, 5 minutes ago. that's why i drew him with such a soft expression in that art of him and metal... cuz that's the OLD fibula. wearing the new one's undead skin. and it kinda hurts me tbh :')
but yeah, fibula and metal. fibula calls him "sonic." and he also treats metal like he's not a robot, oftentimes even forgetting that he IS one, because he struggles to "catch up" with the technology... like, he'll offer him an apple, cuz he doesn't realize metal literally can't eat it. or he'll consider things that have no impact on a robot at all... like if they should bring a coat for him and etc... and metal can't help but want to be near that as much as possible, because it validates everything he's ever wanted (aside from sonic's demise).
fibula also doesn't mind metal's aggressive attitude. they have a very cartoon-y type friendship. where sometimes metal will pull out Extreme Force (i.e. shooting him with a rocket in an effort to wake him up), but fibula has worked both retail AND food service. compared to some of the people he had to deal with on the clock, metal is the nicest person he's ever met
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fallout4-reacts · 1 year
Ok so this is less of a request and more of a thought to consider. It bothers me that Danse doesn’t really comment on vertibirds going down/crashing/finding dead brotherhood in the commonwealth. It also bothers me that Hancock doesn’t really say much during the synth quest in Diamond City. Idk I feel like there’s a lot of potential dialogue that’s missing. Like Preston commenting on a settlement that’s been “improved” (hit all requirements for water, food and defense) should also be a thing.
do you have any ideas for potential dialogue that’s missing from the game? Again, not a request so don’t feel like you need to write anything, but just a good for thought.
Titan quest!
I'm inspired by your non-request
What would improve Fallout at the level of dialogues? Yeah, I realize I can't put all I wanted because it would be monumental, and even if I wanted to make (somewhere) a monumental post, it would require a lot of effort to determine what could have been done for the companions and etc…
Knowing that Fallout 4, which contains some of the most fascinating and colorful companions in the franchise, has a major scenario gap, I wondered how to fill it, what struck me, and what was missing—and it's practically unlimited. Many authors have written fanfiction on dialogue-worthy situations.
Then, I drew a line of sorts
Thus, I suggest a conversation that would have suited each companions. Like the FEV request, this Titan Request requires partitioning to conquer. Like with the FEV, I'll try the unexpected too. You've already cited Hancock's silence on his brother, Danse when he witnesses Brotherhood forces being blasted out of the sky, and Preston's remark when he visits settlements, so I'll try to be creative elsewhere
Far Harbor remains delayed. In my Survival game, which I use to write fanfiction, I'm still waiting. Long Fellow isn't familiar enough to add
Here the part 1 (because tumblr didn't let me do more)
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Dogmeat - Elder Maxson - Gage
Dogmeat : He's a dog; he doesn't speak, and he doesn't judge. Without mentioning dialogue per se and despite the fact that he is more of an anthologies than a companion, I've always believed he should have had his own quest. But I will not go there (sorry, lol, but time does not stretch to infinity, and if we do not wish to extend this topic to infinity, I must make a decision). Here, I will merely present a theory that has already appeared in one of my fanfictions.
"He was known as the Lone Wanderer. He, like Nora, came from a Vault, although he grew up in the shelter. He was motivated by the same desire to save everyone, which began with his father. And, like Nora, he had a dog."
MacCready's gaze shifts abruptly to the clinic. Dogmeat has been watching over the place since I returned his mistress. I'm not sure what Mac was staring at. He appears to have difficulties swallowing. The dog looks at him as if he understands something—whatever that is.
"Da... holy... aye!"
"Are you kidding me? Dogmeat was the name of the Lone Wanderer's dog."
I paid closer attention to the dog. He yawns in our direction before lying down in the dry grass. I couldn't stop chuckling.
"How long ago was that?"
"Around the year 2277."
"So, it's possible."
The coincidences are striking, but occasionally happens inexplicable. We look away from the dog, who appears to be uninterested in us.
"After all," I say, "the Sole Survivor and the Lone Wanderer both knew the Kid."
He gives me a puzzled look, then appears to comprehend.
"Is that me, the Kid?"
"That's what everyone refers to you as. Isn't it better than a mercenary or a gunner?"
"Not sure," he contends softly.
Elder Maxson : We all know what didn’t stand here. How could he accept we have settlements with ghouls and even synth. And just the fact he never says a word about the fact that Sole is the General of the Minutemen! And a Super-Mutant as companion! As I already do the Strong thing with Danse (not ready yet), I will just make something in the range of the dialogue of Preston when we want to join the Minutemen after Nuka-world.
"Paladin, you can retire. I desire a private conversation with the newest member."
After a final glimpse in Sole's direction, Danse walks away from them as they shrug their shoulders to indicate that they don't understand the situation anymore as he does. Maxson makes a sharp turn and gazes out the bay window of the deck while facing the horizon.
"Before entering potentially perilous territory, I conducted investigation on the happenings in the area and what information was crucial. It is unacceptable from a military perspective to be oblivious to the terrain in front of you; therefore, I am aware of who you are and whom you are protecting.
"Who exactly am I?"
The elder confronts the knight by facing them directly and gazing them in the eyes.
"Minutemen's General. Having under their protection communities overwhelmed by ghouls."
"Sir, we are not discussing ferals; we are discussing citoyens of the Comm—"
"Mutated abominations that will one day become monstrosities in their entirety."
Sole clenched their fists. They are able to accept a great deal from the Brotherhoods, and they are even able to share a portion of their vision, but in this case, it exceeds all reasonable expectations.
"You aren't allowed to bring your lethal arsenal onto our territory and tell us how to live our lives."
"I am capable of doing so, and I have to! You must recognize that those creatures pose a threat to the human race in order to safeguard yourselves."
"You must acknowledge that you don't possess the absolute truth, and that you cannot judge every person who walks the earth."
Maxson exhales a sigh and approaches them while maintaining an almost regretful expression.
"I comprehend what you are thinking; you believe I am moving into hazardous terrain and overstepping the line. I comprehend what you are telling to yourself. Alternatively, this is the point I am attempting to convey. Humans have been toiling and giving it their all for the past two centuries in an effort to survive in an environment that has become increasingly hostile to their kind. Many individuals believe that the golden age of humanity has passed and that the time has come to recognize that other species have the right to share the world with us. There are even pro-Super-Mutant advocates. In the short time that I've been in command of my organization, I've encountered a wide variety of situations, the extent of which would surprise you. But if there is one fact that stands out above all others, it is the human race's constant decline. You use the term tolerance, whereas I prefer the term assimilation. Slowly but systematically, mutated creatures transform humans, many of whom are already so irradiated that they cannot prevent mutation. If we continue to disregard certain issues in the name of tolerance and redefining the human race, we will no longer have a human race to discuss. To put it simply, this is why we, the Brotherhoods, fight every day for the survival of the human race at any cost. We don't only make friends on our quest, but you have to understand that permitting ghouls to exist, no matter how friendly they can be, is a choice that puts the entire species at risk."
"You must realize that if you bring this kind of mentality with you, you will in fact start a full-scale war with the Commonwealth!"
"Am I to understand that you are unwilling to open your mind and comprehend what this is all about?"
"From what I gather, you are the one with a narrow perspective, and if you continue to be so insistent, I will be forced to resign from my current position with your organization."
Maxson maintains his composure for a moment while frowning, and he appears to be deeply troubled by what the person in front of him has just said. He makes a nagging sound and then dismissively elevates his hand.
"At this point, I don't believe I would get through without someone like you, as you seem to be such a vital asset. I have high expectations that you will be able to understand what I am attempting to convey to you during your service. Surely co-owning more healthy human beings will help you better understand our vision. If you do not, you will be forced to make a more definitive choice sooner or later. Dismiss!"
Gage (romanced) : Gage lacks a scene with Sole when Sole betrays the Nuka-World raiders. Gage says nothing about their love affair when the Open Season adventure begins. It’s awful—empty.
"Why? What's the point of biting the hand that feeds you? Why would you turn against those who have given you everything?"
"You knew from the start that my position was unenviable; you didn't want it yourself. I would have ended up on the table one day or another like you had fed me with Colter as my first meal."
Gage sighs and takes a few steps towards Sole.
"I was honest. I had complete faith in you and your ability. When I said we'd go far and conquer the Commonwealth together, I meant it. I wanted to give you everything in the world. I gave you my heart!"
Sole pauses and lowers their weapon.
"I didn't want that at all. There is yet hope. Porter, you're a wise man. We could leave together, and instead of plundering the Commonwealth, we can serve it. We may build up an enviable niche there and retire quietly when the time comes."
Gage slowly shakes his head, a small grin on his lips.
"Do you hear what you're saying? Put me to work for the Commonwealth? The Commonwealth should come to my aid! There is no such thing as retiring for those like us, Sole. The only time I'll see for you is when I take down your damned carcass and watch it rot in the Nuka-World sun."
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torchickentacos · 1 year
Hi! This might be asking you to play on hard mode, but I really liked your ships as Taylor Swift songs/lyrics and I wondering if you think you could also do Brock/Cilan(I believe they're called opticshipping, idk why tho). I know they only really have that one special that takes place after BW that was never dubbed and they're a rarepair w/ very little content so if you can't or don't want to, that's totally fine.
I'll instead ask you to explain one of your choices. I have half mind to just ask you to go down the list since you seemed so excited and I really want to enable you but I guess I'll just ask: how'd you ended up deciding on the ones you had multiple options like Treacherous for May/Drew over Mine or Sparks Fly? (Unless you've already done that and I missed it sorry, if that's the case.)
(PS I think the one you choose for Ash & Iris is pretty perfect even platonically as someone looking at them platonically lol, I mean they're all pretty good from ones I'm fairly familiar with)
Thanks for your time and sorry if this is too long of an ask.
OK literally how many of you are closet swifties (swiftie is not derogatory here lmao). I have gotten SO many taylor related asks (and I love it!!!) but where are you guys hiding fgsjdfhs. I made that post a while ago and it’s hella fun to revisit it! And NEVER apologize for long asks! I give LONG answers, so you guys can always throw it back at me, I love it!!!! This kind of thing is what keeps me on tumblr, this unapologetic acceptance of getting long-winded with no character limit or cringe shaming to hold me back. Anyways, I answered everything here! Answer under cut. Long, which is why this took me a little while! All takes here are just my opinions, which can be either discussed and swayed or ignored if anyone dislikes them. Ideally the latter. LONG.
First off, I like opticshipping!!! I can’t say I’ve really seen much art or fic for it but I vibe with it! Then again I vibe with pretty much everything that’s like. Morally fine. I’m not picky, I am an appreciater of many things! And opticshipping is one of them! I just KNOW they make eachother the best food.
Anyways, the song for them that I settled on is Lover. Which, basic choice but hear me out!!!
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First off, it's a perfect song for just... domestic bliss. It's intimacy at its most casual, it's loving someone and every little trivial minor moment you two spend together. And I think that fits these two! They're very much people who I think would value the small things, like cooking dinner together, nights spent watching movies and sunday mornings cleaning together with the windows wide open. I also considered Sweet Nothing, since it covers that topic-of all anyone wants from you being... nothing. Just you. They don't want your time, your body, your money or your talents. Just YOU.
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NOW!!!! as for why I decided on Treacherous for contestshipping instead of the others. THIS IS MY TIME TO SHINE. The two things I've loved since I was seven, contestshipping and Taylor Swift. Call me dedicated or pathetic, either choice is fine by me.
I've spoken before on the push-and-pull of contestshipping. In early AG especially, they have this wonderful dynamic where they're always giving and taking. It's this fascinating dynamic of pushing away with seemingly harsh words that hide support and encouragement and pulling her back with roses and quieter moments where the affection shines through the clouds, it's this push and pull of conversation, this push and pull of figuring out the boundaries of friendship, rivalry, and romanticism. They're never static, there's this sweeping undercurrent, a back and forth. I adore it. When they argue, no one person has all the control. They throw it back at eachother. When they're having a nice moment, it's never static. There's that tension, that wanting to pull closer but not knowing quite how. I think Treacherous really captures that for me. Lyrics below.
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Here, we see this mention of wanting to be close but not too close. "put your lips close to mine as long as they don't touch". Trying to keep that safe disatnce while also longing for that closeness. "eye to eye until the gravity's too much". For this line, it really screams contest to me because like. All Drew does half the time in late AG is look at May fondly lmao. Someone made an entire post about it that I cannot find for the life of me. Here's more lyrics.
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This just perfectly sums them up to me, especially earlier on. Once they're together I think another song would fit more but for the moments we have in canon, I think this perfectly encapsulates that hesitance, that magnetic pull, the trepidation.
As for the othersongs, I think sparks fly and mine would have fit well, but to be honest I think Treacherous just really captures it in a way the other two don't.
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grenadineghost · 2 years
hello june >:) gimme your top 5, 56, 69, and 101!! (or just pick the ones that most appeal i know that’s a lot LOL)
YESS oh i love to talk about my music hehe
Mos Thoser by food house, Gupi, Fraxiom
i wasnt expecting this song to be this high up! i think its here bc its cheshire's theme song and according to spotify i listened to it the most in one day on the day i drew faer ref sheet. i love this song's like... revolving chaos. its such a fun hyperpop with this distinct motion to it? idk it bops! and is so fun for cheshire :3
2. Why Am I In This Room? by Soupy Garbage Juice
huh this was the year of metamorphosis! cause this is an emilie song! i LOVE the vibes here of like... your brain not functioning properly. and somehow the synths used are PERFECT for that feeling!! it's just such emilie vibes of this weird etheral world-distorting brain fog.
3. money machine by 100 gecs
fuck yeah. fuck yeah. gotta love the gecs. this is a LOT of characters to me tbh but i think i listened to it the most bc its a michiko song? i love the weird dreamy anger and hatred and violence in this song, its really powerful. songs that make me want to stab someone :3 it also doubles as an ella song and a claire song (though rip claire, idk if im gonna be able to post that story)
4. Sometimes by Nick Lutsko
was not expecting this to make the top 20, let alone top 5 tbh! but it bops! found it through stan's playlist for captain nat and listened to it while drawing her, then it became an annie song. it also is an awmittn song (story claire's from) so. rip that again. also my acting class read and watched and performed stuff from everybody by branden jacobs-jenkins and this went on my playlist for that, though i dont think i ever actually made it on spotify. a song with a thousand playlists...
5. If Day for Winnipeg by They Might Be Giants
this does not sound like the type of song thatd be in a top 5 list but its just. infectious. so weird and creepy and has this weird droning synth thats TERRIFYING. its this very weird haunted-children's-song-vibe-thing about terror and war and something implied to have gone Wrong and. this is all to say it's on annie's playlist ok
56. Alligator Sky - no rap version by Owl City
kira song kira song kira song!! havent actually listened in a while but its such a kira song to me hehe. and because i associate it with her it landed on my playlist for origin story, my playwriting final! listened to it a LOT while writing that. huh i should go back and revise that now that its had some time to settle in my mind. anyways. space and superheroes and freedom and flight and kira and powerpoint :3 where ecstasy becomes cavalier!
69. 4Blood by KIRA with Hatsune Miku
miku moment :3 honestly i dont associate this w many characters? its on my pluto playlist but might not always be, its just kinda there for fun kinda goth vibes. almost all my music conjures stories and characters and specific feelings for me but sometimes its just hatsune miku vampire. it genuinely does bop so hard though holy shit
101. Right to Die by AlicebanD
yes!! idk if i associate this with any characters that strongly but it def fits ella :3 anger and rage and despair.... i dont normally care that much about drums in music but aliceband songs are just. down to the drums everything is so powerful and moves me along and its so good! dark and ominous and angry :3 also fuck this was an awmittn song too. im never gonna stop talking about awmittn bittersweetly huh, its my white whale
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glassedplanets · 2 years
ok i have some time so now i can finally fill out that full ask meme
1. Art programs you have but don’t use
paint tool sai and firealpaca -- i used sai for yeeeaaaars and years and years after starting out in photoshop
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
neither, honestly? i go through phases where one thing suddenly becomes dramatically more difficult than anything else but i don’t think that among left/right/forward any one of them is easier than the other two
3. What ideas come from when you were little
uhhhh man. idk. cats? i don’t remember what i drew when i was little tbh
4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw
i feel like each blorbo goes through a phase where they’re a bitch to draw but for subject... indoor settings are currently my big bitch to draw
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
hmmmm. 90/10 post/keep, i think? i’m interpreting “post” generously to include just sharing w/ friends too
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn’t supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
oh man this is a really broad question but like. i think everything is a subconscious inspiration, you know? my friends’ art, that post i just saw, the way the sunset looked yesterday, anything. but more specifically than that... idk lol, i’m not particularly self-aware, i think, so someone would have to say something to me
7. A medium of art you don’t work in but appreciate
pixels!! pixel art is so cool but idk anything about it, and quilting too
8. What’s an old project idea that you’ve lost interest in
i’m preeeetty good about finishing things so i don’t generally abandon them out of lack of interest
9. What are your file name conventions
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
shirts generally (t-shirts and button-ups), but i’ve been enjoying pants recently too (jeans, slacks, leggings)
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
literally anything from neil cicierega to video game osts to asmr
12. Easiest part of body to draw
golly! everything has the potential to be a challenge. i feel like the thing i struggle with least often (in the sense that i don’t need to use refs quite as often and/or it needs adjustment less often) is hands, i really enjoy drawing them
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn’t your thing
hmm. i feel like this is an easy one to be Mean about so i’ll just go with naming a style that isn’t my thing, which would be 90% of drawn and quarterly’s catalog, or, the litfic (derogatory) of graphic novels
14. Any favorite motifs
man. idk. do i have Motifs? people touching subtly. late afternoon.
15. *Where* do you draw (don’t drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
home! i don’t like drawing outside of home but i am also a massive homebody in general
16. Something you are good at but don’t really have fun doing
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
yes......... lmao whatever meal intersects with whenever i happen to draw is what i eat, and i hydrate like a pro
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you’ve broken
probably some when i was a child, but i take good care of my stuff! i’ve never broken anything as a teen/adult, unless it was something inevitable like charcoal breaking
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
nature! bob rossin’ it ALL day, i am fortunate to live in a very beautiful area and i’m very deeply inspired by everything i see as i’m out and about
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
i think hands qualify for this, idk if it’s still popular to hate on hands but i really enjoy drawing them
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
so many... i feel like i don’t follow a lot of artists with a style similar to mine? or maybe i do and i’m just unselfaware about it, idk
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
i’ve got a pinchy ulnar nerve so i have to do nerve glides for that sometimes, and if i’m very stiff then i do wrist stretches
23. Do you use different layer modes
absolutely the fuck i do
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24. Do your references include stock images
yes! stock images, stuff i find by googling, pose books, awkward photos of myself, anything
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
i am genuinely not sure anyone’s ever compared my art to anyone or anything...? this is an invitation if anyone reading this has ever been just burning to tell me that my art looks like [thing]
26. What’s a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
i mean... i draw fanart. so usually it’s pretty clearly what it says on the tin.
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
not really, i use my sketch layer as a warmup
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
i’ve never participated in a zine but i would love to someday....... and i tabled at an artist alley one (1) time at a convention that where the AA was more focused on commissioning (traditional) art than selling merch
29. Media you love, but doesn’t inspire you artistically
uhhh wow. lots of stuff, i guess? even with very visual things there’s a lot of stuff i read/watch/play where i’m like, this is beautiful, but it’s not something that i want to be able to do
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
i’m gonna take this as a “plug something shamelessly” question and say this one
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calpalsworld · 2 years
do you have any dareth hc you'd be willing to share?
Dareth smokes weed (dont let his students know)
Dareth has done many drugs and recommends not to do any of them except for shrooms.
Doing drugs all the time was when he lived on his friends couch for like 3 years. That is probably also when he did a lot of music. He looks back on that time really fondly. He had fun!
Dareth grew up in Ninjago City but his grandparents are probably from the Ninjago equivalent of Greece or something. This is purely because I want to headcanon his last name as Dionysus because I think its hilarious (I KNOW ITS NOT A GREEK LAST NAME BUT--)
Random sketch of young Dareth (HE DOESNT LOOK ANY DIFFERENT LMAO) patrick star looking ass.
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Dareth was really popular in high school despite also being bullied all the time. He never let the haters get to him.
Dareth sucks athletically but was accepted into high school sports teams as a wild card
Dareth was a mix of prep / nerd. He had a fursona (brown wolf) and was ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED with ninja! 
Managed to be preppy from pure insistence on being the popular kids friend.
(Haha, the same thing kinda happened to him and the Ninja..... became a ninja team member by insisting on being their friend)
He first learned make up from popular girls during high school (probably Gayle Gossip)
Dareth was president of his high school GSA
Dareth wrote all of his history papers on the history of ninja even if it was completely fucking offtopic
Dareth has worked lots of different jobs. Literally every job you can think of and was bad at all of them. 
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By “RELIGIOUS” I mean “GYRISM” which is my headcanon for the fictional main religion of the realm of ninjago, where the FSM is seen as like, God I guess. Lol.
Due to Dareth’s religious parents and LOVING ninja history, Dareth probably knows WAY more than the Ninja. He probably starts spilling facts that the Ninja arent supposed to know, and Wu bonks him on the head with his staff to shut him up.
Dareth probably accidentally burned fast food joints down while working there but his coworkers were happy about it
Being a mall ninja was the longest job he ever kept. Like 5 years.
Dareth taught Critical Spin Theory at the ninja's school during S3. He was also the guidance counselor.
Idk why Dareth can talk to animals. hes just fucked up i guess! Love him so much.
I think when the Ninja split up between seasons 3-4, Dareth became more essential to the remaining Ninja team because there were no other options. Which was bad. He crashed the destiny's bounty probably on accident.
Dareth is a big advocate for the Ninja as protectors of Ninjago and will overshare private information about how they are really good people in order to try to convince the public.
DARETH IS NOT SEXIST. he is THE MOST BASED CHARACTER and extremely feminist. and that 1 sexist moment in season 6 DID NOT HAPPEN LIKE THAT. He is like the most supportive adult Nya knows.
The ninja are good friends with Dareth for the most part. They hate when he interferes but theyve kinda accepted that they can't stop him from interacting with them. He is closest with Nya and Lloyd because he is like a fun uncle to them.
Hes good with kids.
He sees Lloyd as a child when nobody else does (I think I already talked about this before)
Sometimes I think about how Dareth is actually very similar to Kai in personality but less aggressive and more energetic.
Dareth used the stone army for a bit until the helmet was confiscated by Wu. But before that, Dareth became friends with like 3 of the stone army. Now he doesnt control them they just vibe. They are employed at his bar.
I think Dareth was probably a taxi driver for a hot minute around like... S7. 
Dareth actually DID figure out how to use spinjitzu but hes just doing it really slowly
He can also use airjitzu really slowly but he falls back down so its just walking
He actually doesn't know how to walk and just uses airjitzu to move
Heres a random sketch I found of Dareth doing a john lennon type walk
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Dareth is VERY durable
Dareth could take the FSM in a fight ANY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dareth is messy in the show but I headcanon him as mostly organized and very hygenic. Things just get messy when hes too busy focusing on his crazy antics.
Crazy antics involve: searching for extinct species of animals in the woods or trying to beat a world record. Random shit. He just gets very focused on random things. Hes been like this his whole life.
The Spirit of the FSM looks down on Ninjago and sees Dareth there and is like.... what the fuck......?
He is NOT part of the FSM’s plan. #bendingfate
Whenever the Ninja need Dareth he is gone and whenever the Ninja DO NOT WANT DARETH TO INTERFERE he is there
Dareth thinks Wu is a nice guy :) Cool Jesus friend.
If the Ninja + Ninja allies formed a group discord server dareth would always be sending really really really weird blurry selfies.
Dareth makes himself seem better than he actually is, because it is very motivational.
Gayle Gossip was his best friend from high school who he is afraid to talk to after all these years!!!
He and Gayle Gossip were in GSA together. Also in History club together (Dareth would just talk about ninja).
Gayle also ran the school newspaper and would publish cool ninja art / facts in it for Dareth
Dareth and (SENSEI) Garmadon have had like 1 or 2 hookups. O_O
Dareth HAS A PET CAT named LITTLE LADY. She is brown and fuzzy and ugly. He found her when dumpster diving. He was dumpster diving for ��ancient artifacts.”
Dareth identifies as a bear (bisexual)
Dareth is in his early 40s when he first shows up
I would make Dareth start greying after the S7-S8 timeskip. 😳😳😳 (SORRY I MIGHT BE GAY FOR DARETH)
Dareth can play saxophone good but forgot the difference between clarinet and saxophone. He started playing clarinet recently and just thinks "huh saxophones are different than I remember." Hes especially bad at clarinet because he keeps using saxophone reeds for it. He snaps them to make them fit. "Oh they must give you a little extra reed just in case"
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About Dareth being trans: Dareth is actually one of the few ninjago characters I actually hc as Cis just because I can absolutely envision him as the type of ally who asks EVERYONE what their pronouns are :D BUT DARETH BEING TRANS IS SO COOL and activates my gender envy for him even more....sigh.... maybe I can be dareth one day.....
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Heres some older random sketches I found. Dareth and Ronin embracing I guess? Second one is Dareth in a suit I think it was supposed to be him looking at Ronin at their wedding and being in love???
DARETH AND RONIN ROMANCE HEADCANONS (I have a very inactive Scruffshipping headcanons sideblog btw, so if you’ve heard any of this before thats why):
I would make Dareth and Ronin first meet and start to develop feelings for each other in Shadow of Ronin. I have made this completely rewritten version of shadow of Ronin in my head and the B plot is EXTREMELY SILLY GAY SHIT. ITS TOO COMPLICATED TO EXPLAIN IN THIS 1 POST.
(Maybe I Should just quit ninjago respun and only do my shadow of ronin rewrite lmao lmao lmao)
Dareth finds Ronin extremely beautiful at first sight. (Ronin is disgusting. No hygiene. Smells like gasoline. Aging poorly.)
Ronin also finds Dareth really attractive but is NOT the type of person to easily be overtaken by a crush. And probably vowed to never love again or some overdramatic bullshit.
Ronin is a bit of a history nerd but with samurai, the opposite of Dareth, who likes Ninja. Probably one of the only things they disagree on -- which is better.
But Ronin really likes to hear Dareth go off about things. And thinks all the overconfidence is awesome. They can counteract Dareth’s fucks up, so Dareth sucking shit is not a big deal. 
Dareth feels really validated by Ronin not trying to prove that hes a fraud. Dareth tells Ronin about how hes a valuable member of the ninja crew and Ronin doesn’t express their doubt.
Dareth asks Ronin what their pronouns are and that MAKES THE CRUSH GROW. (In my headcanon Ronin uses any pronouns but most people recently dont ask, and default to he/him. Which is fine to Ronin. But its just. So. Great. To hear someone ask. For once.)
Dareth asks lots of questions and it FUCKS RONIN UP (in a good and a bad way) since they are so private 
Ronin is always playing 4D chess with every person they encounter but with Dareth they only need to play like... tic tac toe. It shocks them and only makes them want to be with Dareth more.
Dareth just thinks all the crimes Ronin commits are Fun Antics. Dareth has been evil with Ronin and not even realize its bad. Too distracted by how fun it is.
Ronin would try to find problems with Dareth, reasons to hate him. But theres none.
Ronin tries to put distance between themself and Dareth during Season 5. But would probably still ask the ninja “so... hows that Dareth guy doing?”
Ronin and Dareth’s first date would be at a normal restaurant. They dine and dash. But then they see like.... the Ninjago City Mob attacking the restaurant they just left. So then they go back and fight the mobsters. And what started as a simple date probably ends up as a whole adventure trying to take out the mob. (mostly Ronin. Dareth fucks up a lot and it makes Ronin chuckle).
Ronin will get mad if anybody insults Dareth. UNCALLED FOR!!!
They both hype each other up so much.
Dareth is one of the only people who knows about Ronins past and tries his best to accommodate for Ronin’s trauma. O_O lol lego angst
Ronin and Dareth get engaged at the end of Season 8 when they think the Sons of Garmadon have been defeated.
But then the bad shit happens and Ronin ends up getting imprisoned. So in the whole season 9 Dareth is really worried about their fiancee!!!!!!
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listen sleep is irrelevant when there are vampires around a corporeal form what is that my needs of the flesh lol what are those
Ship: Noe Archiviste/S/I Rating: very adult anyone under the age of 18 skidaddle no srsly it's all nsfw smut from here no minors are allowed to read. All nsfw under the cut srsly do not read if you're a minor
Summary: Listen I'm not saying I'm horny for Noe Archiviste and I decided to make a self insert fic powered by that horny and make it everyone's problem BUT IDK you guys can decide for yourself whether i'm lying or not yall graduated high school, so yall have an adult level of reading comprehension. You guys got this. I'm rooting for you and so are my 10000 horny thoughts. This fic is brought to you by the sound of your past mistake chasing you. Remember. Ever day is leg day when you're running from your problems.
Also very highly self indulgent. Don't read if you don't like self inserts who are incredibly horny for certain people....or am I? Who knows.
Note: my s/i is a trans guy with all the feminine parts still attached. just needed to clear that up Copper. That's all Noe could smell. Being this close to Oz had an effect on him. One that drew him into a haze of nearly drug induced ambrosia. Gods how it made him dizzy in the most pleasant ways.
Oz unbuttoned the top of his shirt and gave him a slight smile. "Well, what you staring at," Oz said in a flirty tone.
Noe gulped going between Oz's purple eyes, chest and finally his neck. Fuck he was avoiding the neck. He felt like a Victorian virgin whose never seen a bit of skin before. Noe just felt Oz was so...exposed. It drove him crazy.
"Listen," Oz said interrupting Noe's haze, "I know what you're thinking. Well, what you waiting for. It's not like I'm saying no."
Noe was taken aback. Was Oz offering himself to him. No, it can't be. It can't be that easy. Who would offer themselves to a vampire?
"Oh or is the big bad vampire scared? I promise Noe, I've been wanting this for so long," Oz said through labored breath. Oz pulled down his shirt exposing his chest. "Please Noe, will you deny what we both clearly have been longing for. Partake onto me my love."
Noe's body moved closer to Oz than he already was. His lips grazed close to Oz's pulse. He can practically feel it throbbing with excitement.
Oz craned his neck to help Noe find a spot. Noe grazed his teeth experimentally to find the one spot that made Oz moan.
"There... no not there....wait where....," Noe thought to himself as he prodded around Oz's neck.
Suddenly, he heard that moan he had been looking for. Perfect.
He bit a little further. He looked up to see Oz's reaction.
Oz was panting wildly, face several shades dark with a violent, lustful blush. God, it was bliss to look upon.
"Please...." Oz said in a tone that Noe could have sworn was begging. If there was any doubts before, they were gone with his reserves.
Noe plunged his fangs further into Oz's tender, soft flesh. Noe shuddered at the feeling of Oz running his fingers through Noe's hair. God, it was heaven.(edited)
"Please, don't stop..." Oz said panting and moaning.
Noe tasted the blood that pooled onto his tongue. He grabbed Oz closer pulling him onto his lap. The effect Oz had on him was beyond addiction, beyond lust. It was an obsession he couldn't quit.
He had waited for this day for so long. It's what kept him up at night in a cold sweat and it invaded his dreams. However, all those dreams ended in a nightmare. Oz lying cold and deceased in his arms from not being able to simply stop. Blood run dry by his own hands. Tears streaming down his face by what he's done. He couldn't bare to act on his need to suck Oz's blood out of fear he may not be able to stop himself.
But dear god, how he wanted this so bad. So bad he's so happy he's tasting it now.
Noe suddenly push Oz down onto the couch they were sitting on. Oz's back fell to the couch, Noe pressed against him.
Noe dug himself deeper into Oz. Oz spread his legs to further accommodate him. This only encouraged Noe. His fangs dug further into Oz's pulsating flesh as he ground his ever swelling boner against Oz's crotch. Noe partook in Oz's blood like a dying man who hasn't seen food in days.
Oz began to grind back, moaning and whimpering gripping Noe's clothes for dear life.
Noe released his fangs from Oz's neck causing Oz to stare back curiously wondering why Noe stopped. The answer came in the form and Noe unbuttoning his shirt.
"So hot..," Noe managed to pant out, "Can't breathe."
Noe quickly, with deft precision, unbuttoned and took off his shirt revealing a sight Oz couldn't help but stare at disrespectfully and objectify to filth as he's done so many times in his sexual fantasies.
"Hey you ok," Noe asked noticing staring as Oz was not subtle and also thirstier than the most dehydrated man lost in the desert.
"Oh, yes I am. I just always thought you were very sexy. God, you're beautiful," Oz said blushing head to toe.
Noe's cool broke and he started blushing too. "T-thanks," he managed to squeak out.
Oz giggled at Noe's flustered reaction. Oz lifted his hand to Noe's face to calm him.
Noe stared down at Oz's face. It was almost magical seeing Oz's disheveled stated. Blood dripping down Oz's neck, shirt wrinkled cascading down his nearly exposed breasts, eyes and face filled with wanting. Noe touched Oz's hand that was still on his face. This wasn't a dream. God, this was better than one.
Noe couldn't help what he did next.
Noe lowered himself on top of Oz. Noe and Oz's noses practically met they were so close. A mix of being so close and Noe's hot breath against Oz's skin made Oz turn away flustered.
Noe placed his fingers under Oz's chin to keep his face where he needed it to be. Noe slowly and sensually placed his lips upon Oz's. Oz returned the kiss just as slow and soft.
Noe ran his fingers through Oz's hair as he pressed his lips harder against Oz's. Oz returned the favor running his fingers down Noe's exposed back. The sensation made Noe shiver and moan as he ran his tongue against Oz's lips. The kisses became laced with moans as Noe pulled on Oz's shirt.
Noe parted from the kiss with panting. "Take your clothes off," said pulling on Oz's shirt.
Oz did what he was told. Noe stared in fascination as his eyes partook in every length of the increasing exposure of Oz's skin. Noe suddenly became aware of the grating ache of his own erection. He would have taken his own pants if he wasn't so afraid it'd embarrass Oz at this moment.
With the last article of Oz's clothing gone, Oz turned away embarrassed by Noe's stare. Oz had trouble finding himself attractive, but Noe would beg to differ.
As if reading his mind, Noe turned Oz's face towards him. Noe gave Oz a kind smile. One that Oz always fell in love with over and over again.
Noe leaned into Oz's face. He gently put his hand on Oz's cheek, rubbing his thumb across it. "You're beautiful," he whispered.
"Thank you," Oz said blushing. "You're amazing Noe. I love you so much."
Noe smiled hearing those words. He had longed to hear them for so long even though he had heard them in many ways in his imagination and dreams. Nothing compared to how he heard it coming from Oz's own lips.
"I love you too Oz. More than I could ever explain," Noe said barely above a whisper.
Noe once again took Oz's lips onto his own as he pressed Oz back onto the couch again.
Noe once again placed himself between Oz's legs once again becoming aware of his aching erection.
"I-I'm sorry, mind if I..." Noe said lifting himself off Oz. Noe place his hands around the button his pants to gesture what he wanted to do.
"Mind if you what," Oz asked.
Noe was taken aback with that question. "God Oz, you better be glad you're cute at times like these," Noe thought to himself.
"My pants," Noe stuttered out, "Mind if I take them off."
"Oh yeah sure," Oz said immediately, "Why wouldn't I want you to?"
"I don't know. Anxiety told me I shouldn't because you might not like it," Noe said now fully embarrassed.
Oz bit his lip and ran his fingers through his own hair. "Listen, I want this I promise you. More than I have ever admitted to you."
Noe whipped his head back to Oz now fully intrigued. "Really," he asked without hesitation.
Oz nodded covering his face.
Suddenly, Noe placed his fingers on Oz's pussy to find it wet beyond what he thought it would be. The sensation of Noe's fingers down there made him gasp and moan as he curled his toes inwardly.
Noe kissed Oz's neck around the same spot he bit to tease him further. "How long have you been thinking of me like this," Noe asked as he rubbed Oz's wetness a little harder. Noe's thumb reached for the clit to tease him further.
Electric pleasure surged through Oz's body in such an overwhelming way that he couldn't talk. All that came out were squeaks and moans. The stimulation was killing him.
"Now now, that's not what I asked," Noe whispered in Oz's ear. "Be a good boy and tell me exactly what you've been thinking of me." Noe breath hitched as he managed to shudder out his next words,"and please don't' skimp on the details."
Oz wriggled under Noe's touched as he to rub the same way. Noe's brow furrowed realizing Oz wasn't going to talk unless Noe made him. Noe took his thumb away from Oz's clit. An action that made Oz whimper from its absence.
"Now now, I'll give you what you want once you give daddy what he wants," Noe growled out, his voice dropping to such an octave it seemed like it came from somewhere deep in his chest.
Oz's lip quivered as he struggled to tell him. God where to begin.
"Well, I had a fantasy similar to this. I'm alone with you in your place. You get so close to me and bite me sucking my blood because you can't take it anymore. The need making you so feral it hurts. Then you fuck me so hard I can't walk straight for a few days," Oz said blushing turning away so flustered by describing his sexual fantasies.
Noe blushed harder than he thought he would hearing someone think of him that way. He never thought he'd find anyone who thought of him that way. Confidence suddenly rising within him, he teasingly placed his hand upon Oz's thigh, hovering just above the spot he needed Noe's hand to be.
"Really and how often do you think of me in such a....sinful manner," he said voice heavy with lust straining against taking Oz right then and there.
"More than you can imagine," Oz admitted daring not to look Noe in the eye.
Noe's breath came out ragged hearing that. Noe's fingers grazed harder into Oz's thighs. He suddenly remembered he never took his pants off. They were officially killing him from how hard his cock was straining against them now.
Noe furiously tore them away revealing all of himself to Oz. Oz's eyes took Noe in fully, trying not to stare at his dick too long. Oz stared back up at Noe's. Noe leaned in close to Oz.
"What," Oz squeaked out.
"Were you staring," Noe asked.
Oz nodded blushing 500 shades darker than he thought he would.
Noe blushed along with Oz. "I-uh I hope I look ok," Noe said rubbing the back of his neck eyes darting to uncertain places. Places he will never admit but fortunately the writer is tattle tale and those places were Oz's tits. You're welcome.
Oz smiled and kissed Noe's cheek. "You look amazing. You're so beautiful," Oz said whispering against Noe's cheek.
Noe turned back to Oz's eyes. God, Noe considered himself the luckiest bastard on Earth right now and so did Oz. They felt so lucky to be in each other's presence right now, wanting each other in mutual lust.
Noe and Oz pressed their lips against each other for another kiss as Noe slid his hands down Oz's thigh and onto his clit once more.
Oz moaned wildly into the kiss as Noe pressed rubbed it harder and faster.
"S-stop..t-t--too mUCH,"Oz managed to squeak out.
"Ssshh sshh it's ok. You're so close. I just want to feel you cum once. Or tell me where you want it by precious boy," Noe whispered reading the vibes.
Oz, with much hesitance, pushed Noe's fingers towards Oz's dripping vaginal hole.
"P-please," Oz moaned.
Noe nodded as he dipped two fingers in. Oz dug his fingers into the couch cushion as Noe thrust his fingers in and out.
"Better," Noe asked checking in on Oz to see if he was doing ok.
"Yes oh gods yes," Oz said through his moans and pants.
Noe took this as a sign to go harder and deeper. Noe dug deeper trying to find the spot that would make Oz scream. Noe managed to find it with the sound of Oz's gasp.
"There," Oz said barely audible.
"There," Noe asked as he thrust his fingers harder onto that same spot.
Oz's toes curled and dug into the couch. His nail dug and scraped against Noe's back, driving him insane. Gods, Noe wasn't sure how much of this he could take before he took Oz like an animal in heat.
Noe, wanting to speed up the process before his own orgasm denial drove him to madness, kissed and teased around Oz's tits and nipple. Oz ran his fingers through Noe's hair encouraging him. Noe moaned at the sensation of Oz doing this. Curse the fact he was so tender headed.
Noe sucked on one of Oz's tits as his fingers thrust into Oz's spot harder feeling Oz on the edge of cumming.
With a final moan and gasp, Noe finally felt Oz cum around his fingers. Noe suddenly became self aware how hot and sweaty he felt at this moment.
He needed Oz now.
Noe took in Oz's blissed out, post orgasm face. Noe bathed in the sight. He couldn't believe Oz came for him of all people. Fantasized about him doing this to him. The thought of it made Noe's dick twitch with need.
Noe turned Oz's face towards him once more as he took him into another kiss. Sliding both hands down to Oz's hips, he pulled Oz forward so Noe's dick was at Oz's entrance.
Noe lifted Oz's legs higher onto his back so he can get a good angle.
"Ready," Noe asked looking for Oz's consent.
Oz nodded. "Please....fuck me please...."
That was the last thread that was cut for Noe. He ceased to be a man with reserves or gentleness at that point.
Noe dug his fingers into Oz's hips as he pulled Oz's body forward and thrust his throbbing cock in roughly. More roughly than he thought he would.
Oz moaned feeling himself squeeze around the sudden intrusion. God it felt amazing to him.
Noe panted, heart pounding at the new sensation he had never felt before. Oz was so tight around him. He could get drunk off this feeling for the rest of eternity.
"You ok," Noe asked checking to see if Oz was hurting or if it was too overstimulating.
"Yes. It feels amazing. I need you please please please," Oz said running his fingers through his own hair becoming overwhelmed with pleasure.
Noe nodded taking this as a sign he's allowed to move. Noe steadied himself, hand hooking around the back of Oz's head, other hand on Oz's hip. He began to thrust slowly and deeply trying to find a pace they both liked.
Oz's moans became progressively loud reaching in harmony with Noe's own moans. Both Oz and Noe's nails dug into each other with each motion.
Noe reached down and began to scrape his fangs against Oz's neck. Oz tilted his head back to expose himself more. Noe found another good spot and plunged his fangs into Oz's flesh once more.
As Oz's blood pooled onto Noe's tongue, he began to thrust harder. Oz moaned louder gripping Noe's hair. Noe moaned from the feeling of Oz tugging on his hair. He lifted Oz's lower body higher and began to thrust deeper and harder.
Noe ran his fingers through Oz's hair, pulling Oz's hair roughly. Noe released his fangs from Oz's neck. His teeth scraped and traveled other places on Oz's neck leaving deep, dark love bites all over.
Oz's legs began to buckle and shake from all of this happening at once. Nails dug further into Noe's skin.
"Oh gods don't stop fuck don't stop," Oz moaned and panted out.
Noe picked up the pace, thrusting harder until Oz screamed.
Oz became barely audible at this point feeling himself on the edge of cumming.
"Oz, you're so close. I can feel it," Noe panted out feeling himself getting close too.
"Don't stop. I'm gonna cum," Oz said just before biting down on Noe's shoulder.
Noe gasped and bit harder into Oz's neck. Noe had no idea being the one getting bit would turn him on too. Well noted.
With a few hard thrusts, Noe felt Oz cumming around him with Noe cumming with him.
Noe took a few moment to compose himself and then collapsed on top of Oz. The room was only filled with exhausted pants coming from both parties.
"So, how was that for you," Noe asked.
"Amazing. What about you," Oz asked in return.
"That was incredible," Noe said kissing the nearest parts his lips could reach before giving him a soft peck on the lips.
Noe pulled himself out of Oz, watching the stream of cum drip from Oz's hole. The sight made him shiver with arousal. Little did he know, Oz loved the sensation of it too.
In both their minds, they decided one round wasn't enough.
But it was Noe who made the first advance. Noe picked Oz up off the couch.
"How about we do this again, but this time on the bed where we can cuddle and have more room," Noe said holding her close.
"Ok," Oz said leaning his ear into Noe's chest feeling his heart pounding from excitement.
Noe settled Oz down onto the bed, moonlight beaming down into the room. "Thank you Oz my little moonbeam. I love you so much," Noe said pulling Oz towards him.
"I love you too little starlight," Oz said as Noe pulled Oz in for another kiss.
This was going to be a long night.
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If it isn't to much trouble may i have (male) lotr matchup please. My pronouns are she/her. Im a Capricorn, my Mbti type is infj-a/infj-t. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud with people who im close to. I have a brown hair, green eyes i wear black glasses,pale skin and a lot of freckles. My height is 5'0. I have a septum nose piecing. My aesthetic would be cottegecore mixed with oversized sweaters. Im not very athletic and im not a big fan of sports but i love to go roller and ice skating. I also love to read books and to also cook and bake food. I also like to garden. I've been playing the violin for 6-ish years. I love animals and im planing on becoming a wildlife veterinarian. I like to Watch nature/animal documentaries. I also like sweets. Some things i dislike are people who bend or ruin my books and people who speak over me when im trying to talk. I love music, I can listen to any genre and like it but my favorites are indie,bedroom pop and classic rock. sorry if i spelt anything wrong. Hope im not bothering you, also I hope the infor is ok :)
(If its not to much trouble could you avoid matching me with the hobbits, they give best friend vibes idk how to explain it lol)
Hope your having a good day/night :)
Alright hello once again we are here with a lotr ship soooo in that case no hobbits allowed (my dear are you an elf hahaha jk)
Actually speaking of elf's I pair you with I match you with:
Legalos 🌹
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-your personality and strong passion for the wild life service is what drew him in. Your looks was confusing to him as he usually had never seen such a beauty.
-geese the height difference he would need to bend down to reach a kiss from you. Legalos surprisingly doesn't mind at all.
- ever since he spotted you in the forest helping a wounded deer he was drawn in from your kindness because his dad thinks all human men are evil. Destroying the forest but from your sight the rebellious elf greeted you.
-when you go ice skating or rollerblading he's surprinsly elegant but still needs a few lessons so I always imagined a blonde haired flowing elf carrying a brown haired pretty girl around the ice.
- your nature and kindness I can picture the two of you spending a lot of time in the forest simply reading books he would be fascinated by what your reading.
You: *reading* oh legalos I had no idea you were peering from their
Legalos: oh forgive me I wanted to know what you were reading
You: oh it's just about the wildlife around here fascinating is it not
Legalos: oh indeed elfs usually protect the forest from humans
You: I wore the dress you gave me it's so beautiful *forest cottage core vibes dress*
Legalos: indeed I'm glad I got you the dress
You: so about our wedding I was wondering if it could be in the forest
Legalos: oh of course um I've never planned weddings before
You: well I can help with that *sits up and wrapping hands around his head*
Legalos: hm what are you doing *looks confused*
You: shh just let me show you happiness *kisses his soft lips*
Legalos: *locks lips as the forest surrounds them* I..loved you y/n ever since I saw you in the forest healing animals I never felt anything like this before with anyone.
You: I know I've had the same for you.
-cooking would be fun normally legalos wouldn't really know how to bake much since he's used to grabbing food usually.
-you playing the violin in the forest would sooth his needs. The elf would listen from in the trees not disturbing you always loving to wait until your finished.
-music may be hard but he would love to listen to your favourite tunes with you even if it's blasting rock.
-expect daddy issues with thranduil he doesn't like humans but if you convinced him enough he would accept your marriage.
-the wedding will be in the forest as crowds gather to see their new human queen as thranduil may be iffy. But you wore a beautiful nature dress with an oak crown and legalos wore won to complement you.
Welp that's all for now please let me know if anything needs changing ♥️
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samwilsonsbabymama · 4 years
Best Friends
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Summary: Based off this prompt from the lovely @crushed-pink-petals​ I hope you like it ☀️
Warnings: Fluff, a cuss word or three, ants, idk what else lol
A/N: I couldn’t choose between them because I love them both and they both deserve to be happy lol
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Your heart lurched when you heard the loud clang from the kitchen. Muffled voices followed and you drew the covers over your head to try to block them out. Bucky and Sam were arguing yet again and you didn’t know if you could take any more of their bickering.
You hopped out of your bed when another clang sounded and rushed to the kitchen.
“WHAT ARE YOU-” you cut yourself off at the sight before you. The kitchen table was covered with food, the countertops were filled with dishes, and two Avengers packing what seemed to be a picnic basket.
“Morning, y/n!” Bucky beamed as he placed the food that he was holding into the basket. 
Sam walked over and scooped you up into a hug and placed a kiss on your cheek, “Morning, sweet cheeks, how’d you sleep?”
“What’s going on?” you asked, completely ignoring Sam’s questions.
“We’re taking you on a picnic,” Bucky stated matter-of-factly. “To apologize for our constant arguing.”
You crossed your arms over your chest and scrunched your nose. “Why don’t you two just stop arguing?”
“Nah,” Sam refused. “The picnic’s easier. And besides, we get to spend time with our favorite girl.” 
Sam’s smile broke your resolve. You could never refuse him when he smiled at you, and he knew it. His smile grew when he realized that you’d given in.
“Ok, go get ready. We’re leaving in 30 minutes.” Sam physically turned you around and gently shoved you from the kitchen.
Your mind wandered as you got ready. If they wanted to apologize for always arguing, you weren’t going to stop them. You wondered if maybe you’d get the courage to actually tell them how you feel about them. After living together for over a year, your feelings for the two of them had grown. At first, you thought it was just a crush and that it would pass, but it only grew stronger. You wanted to be with both of them, but you also didn’t want to ruin your friendship. You’d tried going out on dates but nothing really compared to spending time with them.
Shaking yourself from your thoughts, you chose your favorite sundress and sandals and put your hair into two puffy buns. When you walked into the living room, Sam and Bucky were waiting for you, picnic basket ready to go. 
Sam was the first to spot you and his jaw dropped as he stared. You began to get a little self-conscious and you began to fidget.
Bucky cleared his throat and spoke, “You look great, y/n, doesn’t she Sam?”
Sam nodded but didn’t say anything. He stood and grabbed the picnic basket and headed towards the door. He held it open as you and Bucky walked past him.
Bucky grabbed hold of your hand and led you to the elevator. He held your hand the entire way to the park and you tried to engage Sam in conversation but he refused to talk to you. Once you all made it to the park, Bucky laid down the blanket and began setting out the food. You attempted to help, but they both moved your hand away and told you to relax.
The sun felt good on your shoulders, you hadn’t realized how much you missed being outside but you were grateful that these two brought you here.
You were deep in thought until you felt something crawling across your hand. You quickly looked down and screeched when you saw the trail of ants leading up to your arm.
“Oh shit!” Sam yelled. “We’re right next to a fucking anthill!!!”
You’ve never moved so fast. You felt like ants were crawling all over you as you watched the two quickly throw the food back into the basket, arguing the entire time.
“Why would you choose this spot, Bucky?”
“It looked fine to me! I didn’t realize they were anthills!”
“Guys, let’s just find another spot, okay?” you offered. “I’ll pick this time.”
You looked around and found a different spot. This spot was closer to the pond and when you got over to it, you didn’t see any anthills. You sat down and cloud watched as they began to set up the picnic once again. You were excited because you were actually beginning to get hungry since you didn’t have breakfast.
Sam came and sat next to you after a few minutes and sat a plate of fruit covered in honey on your lap. “Thanks, buddy!” you smiled up at him and began to eat. Bucky came over and sat on your other side and handed a plate to Sam. As Sam reached for his plate, his hand accidentally knocked yours over, spilling fruit and honey all over your dress.
“Y/N!” Sam yelled. “I’m so sorry!” He tried to clean up the mess that he made. You and Bucky both laughed as you attempted to help him.
“It’s okay, Sam,” your sides were beginning to hurt from laughing so hard. “Accidents happen.”
You were almost done picking up the fruit when you felt something wet hit your arm. You ignored it until you felt a few more hit your leg as well. You looked up at the sky and a few more raindrops hit your face.
“Guys?” you mumbled. “Did either of you check the weather?” 
They both froze and right when they looked at you, the skies opened up and drenched the three of you.
You scrambled to your feet and helped them clean up as fast as possible before racing to the nearest shelter. You laughed the entire time you ran, and you laughed harder when you saw the serious looks on Sam and Bucky’s faces.
“This was fun, guys,” you giggled. “Come on, it’s funny.”
It took a few seconds, but they both began to laugh. When their laughter died down, Bucky spoke. “So do you forgive us for always arguing?”
You chuckled, “Yeah, you two are my best friends. I can’t stay mad at either of you for long.”
Bucky frowned and turned away from you. You pouted before shooting a questioning look at Sam, who was also frowning at you.
“See, that’s the thing, y/n,” Sam finally spoke. “We don’t want to just be friends, and we believe you feel the same way. Am I right?”
You looked from Sam to Bucky, then back again. Your heart sped up but you managed to nod your head.
“Good,” BUcky finally spoke. “Because I don’t know if I would have been able to watch you go out on another date.”
“Well,” you clarified. “I do have to go on one more date.”
Bucky tensed beside you. “What?”
“There’s one more date that I need to go on,” you repeated.
Sam chuckled. “Y/n, would you like to go out on a date with us?”
Bucky shook his head and smiled, “Yeah, how about it, y/n? You wanna go on a date with us?
You smiled and linked your hands within theirs, “I’d love to.”
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thegreenerartist · 4 years
Okay okay guys wait
Just I M A G I N E
The Foxhole Court,,, but set in the Philippines (they’ll all still be the same characters but it’ll just take place in the Philippines!)
The Filipino & Filipina Foxes!
Okay so Neil is still on the run, with 5 mil ($) in his pocket, but think about it. There are 7,641 islands. 7,641. His father would have absolute HELL trying to find him and his mother (until she died oop) (probably somewhere where they are trying to sneak into Luzon?) So then Nathan will be stationed, not in Baltimore, but maybe somewhere in Luzon (it being the central island and all)
Neil would know how to speak English (universal language duh), Tagalog (common Filipino language) and maybe Ilongo? Or Ilocano? For Luzon, but then he’ll probably know the common languages too, like Bisaya and Cebuano for Visayas, maybe he’ll know Arabic or Islamic for Mindanao? (I highlighted the ones I think he would most likely know, but most Filipino langauges tbh sound similar. Takes maybe a few months, weeks if you’re good, to learn a language like a native)
So idk how to segúé (how to even spell??) to him meeting the Foxes bUT HE GETS THERE
Soo let’s say the Cousins (yes thats their official tital no I don’t take critisism) know how to speak Arabic while Kevin is the one who speaks Bisaya. Everyone can speak English and Tagalog because Filipinos are taught English and Tagalog early on oop
Okay fine this will still be an Exy universe (but can yall imagine? Street basketball?)
They’ll probably be learning somewhere in Luzon, most likely NCR for plot because it’s probably where Nathan and his men are too
They meet and stuff, cool shenanigans
(Their backstories might be a tad rougher than in canon because,,, yeah. It happens here)
Okay so I just wanna get to the fun stuff, since that’s what I originally planned for this post
Nicky and Allison will deffo be like those ladies who wash clothes and gossip, i.e. spreading chismis
Nicky reminds me of the gays here that go “oH HEY MGA BES!”
Andrew is THAT dude who goes up to an ice cream guy and asks for, “Cornetto. The sweetest one you have”
He wouldnt like dirty ice cream. It’s too bland and milky, not sweet
Neil would fit right in. Everyone here wears shirts and pants/shorts. Some guys dont even bother putting a shirt on
Dan and Neil go bonding to the palengke (wet market) since most of the other foxes have been raised in middle class
Matt buys those birds in the cages so he can set them free like the good boy he is :)
Renee is a BOSS in chinese garter
Allison was the heir to,, idk probably something like SM or something
Aaron is every asian parents’ dream tbh
Also I love the idea of them getting houses since Filipino houses here look basic as heck but look SO authentic, as in yall could go, “wow that looks like a normal house” but then,,, yall would know. That’s a Filipino’s house right there
Everyone get’s THOSE houses where there are literal bars on the windows and the fence is so goddamn tall
Except for Kevin and Allison
Those two would get the classy stuff
Like Allison would probably be living in those houses that were during the Spanish Colonial Period (with Renee because duh)
Kevin will get a private resort or something somewhere in Boracay or Palawan or something (with no one because I fully support aro ace Kevin [ but bi Kevin is awesome too though don’t get me wrong {sorry Thea}])
I would love to propose the idea of Neil calling Andrew ‘mahal’ or ‘love’(THEY ARE MARRIED HERE LET ME LIVE) (ILL JUST SAY THEY GOT MARRIED IN THE US OKAY)
In the morning, when they wake up and Neil goes, “m’hal, pakibukas ung bintana” “love, can you open the blinds?”
(Fun fact, the prefix paki is a polite way of asking someone to do the action, the same way you say ‘may’, ‘can’ and ‘please’)
But then ‘mahal’ ALSO means ‘expensive’ in Tagalog. I find it funny because Andrew is truly, very, absolutely expensive
“My god napakamahal naman yan’ Drew’!”
“Oh my god Drew’, that’s so expensive!”
“mAy stAnDArdS akO excUSE Me!!11!”
“I have standards excuse me!”
“M A H A L ‘W A G”
“L O V E , N O”
I love the idea that they play basketball in their free time with neighbourhood kids, as in street basketball
It starts with Andrew and Neil
They were outside, holding hands (it’s ok Philippines isn’t SUPER homophobic) (and even if someone was stupid enough to talk them down, they have knives :)
And these,,, kids go up and be like, “laro?” “play?”
Because kids right?
And BOOM it becomes a thing (usually on their breaks :)
Renee joins because Peace Corps (actually no. She did it out of the kindness of her own heart)
Then Dan, Matt and Nicky wanted to join
Allison was dragged there by Renee
Katelyn wanted Aaron to come too
Kevin decided to go since it’s the off-season and he has nothing to do, yaba daba da he actually misses his foxes
He keeps mumbling, “buti pa kapag nilaro nila an Exy *grumble grumble*” “it would be better if the played Exy instead *grumble grumble*”
They are happy :D
Okay so yall know how Kevin is a health freak
So one day Andrew will eat one too many goSH DARN AICE AND KEVIN WILL HAVE A F I T
Andrew doesn’t care
Until he does
Kevin can go on and on about how unhealthy some foods are and blah blah blah
But yall cANNOT TELL ME that that boy does NOT eat those streetfoods
Im talking about fishballs, squidballs, siomai, tokneneng, ALL OF THAT JAZZ
(That’s what happens when yall let a person who never played in the neighbourhood try streetfood) (they get OBSESSED) (I can tell from experience lol)
Then Andrew keeps that footage for blackmail
Just imagine. Kevin Day. Eating. The oiliest. The most unhealthy. Goddamn streetfood
I’ll probably make more :P it was fun to write this!
I would love it if this were liked and reblogged 🥺👉👈 I would appreciate that very much because I spent some time on this and I need validation 🥺🥺
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homosociallyyours · 4 years
@velvet-impala tagged me to answer this long set of questions, and bc I love this sort of thing I’m DOING IT! I’ll tag folks here just in case you don’t want to read thru this whole dang thing. But I wanna say: if you want to do this, PLEASE DO IT and tag me so I can see-- I *love* reading responses to stuff like this. But @la-paritalienne @disgruntledkittenface @and-id-marry-larry @calmrry @crinkle-eyed-boo @lightwoodsmagic -- y’all are tagged :) 
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? black, but what matters most is how smoothly it writes.
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? walkable neighborhood in a city. 3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? would love to learn how to hack into billionaire bank accounts without getting caught so i could redistribute their wealth to a variety of mutual aid funds. :)  4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? no, just milk! unless it’s really shitty/bitter coffee, and then i will take it with a couple sugars or sweetened creamer. 
5. What was your favourite book as a child? probably the Anne of Green Gables books  6. Do you prefer baths or showers? showers! i wanna love a bath, but i get bored too fast and i never feel comfortable (where do i put my head? my feet? what do i do when my belly isn’t covered by the water and it gets cold?) so they’re meh. 
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? dryad! i wanna be a tree spirit!
8. Paper or electronic books? paper, i guess. but i do love reading fic electronically, so..
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? used to be my work hoodie. but now i would say this blue striped button down i have OR this one black dress i have with 3/4 sleeves that’s really soft and comfy. 
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? i always meant to start going by Dottie when I got older, but it hasn’t happened yet so it probably won’t by now? but i would never change my name generally speaking. 
more after the cut! 
  11. Who is a mentor to you? i had a co-worker who was really a mentor for me since i got into being a cheesemonger in 2008. he’s been in the industry for a long time and basically recruited me to the job i have/had here. but when i got sick he basically dropped me/hasn’t spoken to me in a long time. let me tell you: it fucking sucks. bc a mentor is a cross between a friend and a colleague and a relative; we jokingly called him my lesbian uncle. and so losing him from my life so completely over something like this is deeply shitty. 
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for?  not now, but before i was sick i would’ve said yes. BUT only bc i think i would be a great Saturday Night Live host (not a cast member! just a one time host with a monologue/skits). So whatever level of fame i needed to get that..
13. Are you a restless sleeper? I have really bad insomnia that means i take at least an hour to fall asleep most nights. Once I’m out, I usually sleep ok, but i do have intense dreams/nightmares that wake me up sometimes. 
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? yeah :/
15. Which element best represents you? earth: the wet dirt and leaves in a forest after rain in particular
16. Who do you want to be closer to? emotionally i’m pretty good i think. physically i wish i could be closer to friends and family in NYC, Seattle area, TN/Atlanta, and Germany
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? the people referenced above. also missing my Grandmomma a lot lately and my mom. 
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. art lessons with my grandmomma. her set of pastels that were all worn down and the heavy paper (black) that she pulled out to work on. she drew a quick portrait of a man, showing me how to create depth in skin tones with blue and green against the softer flesh tones. she didn’t blend it out, the marks all painterly and strong-- her style. i was 10, maybe? 12? so not *early* but it feels like forever ago. 
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? i have no idea? i’ve eaten a lot of weirdish cheeses. i’ve had geoduck? 
20. What are you most thankful for? the amazing friends i’ve gathered into my life along the way, my dad, and my baby dog. 
21. Do you like spicy food? yes, within reason (i don’t get stuff that’s spicy just for the heck of it, like ghost pepper chips or whatever? but when spice is integrated in with other flavors i love it)
22. Have you ever met someone famous? i used to make up stories about meeting famous people that were based on partial truths. i’ve hung out with or met a lot of gay famous people. but the biggest person who comes to mind is Sandra Bernhard. I sold her cheese.  23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? i have over the years. now i sometimes write things down in a paper journal, but mostly go to a really old blogging site where i basically put all my big feelings down in a public but sorta private spot.  
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? depends on my mood.
25. What is your star sign? taurus sun and moon, gemini rising
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? in between...not HARD crunchy, but not soft soggy. 
27. What would you want your legacy to be? would like people to remember that i loved them well and made them feel good/happy when i was around them. and hopefully that it made them feel like being good to others too. 
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? i do, but i’m mostly reading fic these days. i think the thing i read last was Pink Like the Paradise Found, which was FANTASTIC!
29. How do you show someone you love them? i tell them, shower them with physical affection, and do little things for them. also try to remember small details about what they enjoy and then do stuff to make them feel good when they’re down
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? yes, but not too much
31. What are you afraid of? sometimes being along but only when it’s very dark out and i’m in the sads. honestly-- this is some deep internalized ableism but here it is --i’m very afraid of never getting better and not being able to take care of myself or anyone else. 
32. What is your favourite scent? jasmine flowers, pu-er tea, the specific scents of people i love
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? however they’re introduced i guess. maybe because i’m an older person lol
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? i would live in the apartment i had alone (with a guest room). i would hire someone from my community to come help me out sometimes. i would get a weekly grocery delivery from the good quality place. i would have a dog walker. and i would fly home to see my family more than once a year and fly my family out for a visit sometimes. so like. probably the way a lot of ppl live? idk. 
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? ocean
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? get dinner at the thai restaurant down the street a couple times. 
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? yes, lots! 
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? i’m not having kids BUT for the kids in my life, i try to teach them/model the importance of consent and respect for their own bodies as well as other people’s. and i know it said one thing, but alongside that is that i respect and love them for who they are, and that’s something they get to decide. 
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? i want a lot of tattoos, but if i could get one tomorrow it would be a cheese themed tattoo with a variety of cheese knives (parm tools, dutch style knife) and a small cheese assortment. or a portrait of my dog
40. What can you hear now? this kinda dumb netflix show that i decided to binge today even tho it’s only kinda meh and my dog snoring just a little. 
41. Where do you feel the safest? when i’m surrounded by friends. 
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? my stupid money issues prolly
43. Of you could travel back to any era, what would it be? wanna go back to 1977 and live in the girl direction AU i wrote last year, lol.
44. What is your most used emoji? laugh crying emoji or sobbing maybe
45. Describe yourself using one word. colorful
46. What do you regret the most? not sure if this is a thing but i regret not realizing when i got bitten by a tick/got lyme disease the first time, bc maybe i could’ve just taken antibiotics and killed it, and then maybe i wouldn’t be sick? 
47. Last movie you saw? watched the new charlie’s angels the other night
48. Last tv show you watched? this dumb show is called sweet magnolias, and it’s. honestly not terrible! it’s just not my style of show. OH WAIT i take it back, they left it on a really shitty cliffhanger without warning, and that is the one way to make me drop your show/fic HARD unless i like. genuinely love you. so byeeee dumb show, hope you get cancelled
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning. saungry: sadness brought on by being hungry, like hangry except oops you’re crying now! example: “fuck i knew i should’ve eaten before calling my best friend, now i miss them and i’m too saungry to figure out what to eat! Guess I’ll have tears for dinner” (almost called it sungry, but the internet thinks that might just mean ‘so hungry’)
did you make it to the end? WOW! devotion. thank you. 
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Get to Know Me Tag
I was tagged by @professorhotchkissesta ! Thanks Maddy!! :)
Name: Cambria
nickname: Sometimes I get called Cam or Cambie (that second one is by my family), Bones by my brother, and rarely I get a Bri. I mostly go by Cambria, but if you wanna call me a nickname that’s fine! :) 
zodiac sign: Pisces 
height: 5′ 7′’
nationality: american
languages spoken: english, a spot of Latin from when I took it for two semesters lol
what time is it?: 1:24 am oof ( 2am at the end now big yikes)
celebrity crush: Chris Evans, (also a lot of marvel actors loool) Timothee Chalamet, Jensen Ackles, and Justin Min (probably others but I don’t follow celebs craaazy close so)
favorite fictional character: *get ready this be long* Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, the Doctor, Merlin, Percy Jackson, Batman (and co.), DEAN and Sam Winchester, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Natasha Romanov, Matt Murdock, Aragorn (and Legolas and a basically the whole fellowship) Spiderman Peter Parker but a lil bit more Miles Morales, Gansey from the Raven Cycle, them lovely peoples from the many Star Wars movies (ok tbh kinda enjoyed Ben Solo. But the others are cool too including of COURSE og trio and prequel trio) and you don’t know him but Jason Whittiker. There’s a whole heckin lot more but this is me keeping a minimum lol. 
favorite musician: Adam Young or Taylor Swift
favorite sports team: Sports?? What is this thing you speak of
favorite season: ummm...late summer? Spring too maybe. Fall is dope. Only thing I like about winter is the first snow, Christmas, and the clothes ha
favorite flower: unlike francis I do not have favorite flowers to put on my favorites, because I don’t know enough about flowers. Maybe sunflowers, those make me happy. 
favorite scent: Cherry blossoms, lavender, lakeside, the lakehouse I go to every summer, the smell of someone grilling, that buffy body butter from LUSH, a new book’s pages, that new spring smell
favorite color: lots of shades of blue, like a very rich, purple blue maybe? idk the name lol. I like purple too!!!
favorite animal: *prepare for another list* Dinosaurs, ducks, lots of birds (owls), dolphins, whales, horses, deer, cheetahs, elephants, lions, penguins, polar bears, bears, hedgehogs, probably more I can’t think of rn
favorite food: I love a ton of food, but the first thing that comes to mind is these bacon wrapped dates I had one time and I have never been the same since
dream car: ‘67 Chevy Impala, because I know nothing about cars and it looks cool
dream trip: I wanna go a lot of places, but I’d like to go to Japan, Korea, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Italy to name a few. One trip I spent a day in Iceland and then three days in France, and I’d like to go back to both! 
instruments: Learned like 7 songs on the piano and forgot them all. I have an old hand-me-down guitar that I need to learn to play but haven’t yet.
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: aLL ! Seriously though, love hot chocolate, coffee is good but it heightens anxiety so I gotta watch it. Tea is awesome too!
dog or cat person: boTH but technically who knows cause I’ve never owned either
following: 61
followers: 60
other blogs: @justa-smalltown-gargoyle and @spot-the-three-heads
blog established: March of this year :0 
do you have a tumblr crush?: nope, but I wanna be friends with everyone on here, ya’ll are pretty rad and I love ya!!!
do you get asks?: sooooometimes not often tho
what is your lucky number?: not really a lucky number....but 11 seems common for me. 
what are you wearing rn?: a MAssive Marvel t-shirt and blue sweatpants + llama socks. I’m wearin’ pjs
drink of choice: any kind of good juice
number of blankets you sleep with: four....? If it’s summer though probably none or like one. However I am a cold person and lots of blankets are cozy
average # of sleep hours:  Dunno. I have a really bad sleeping pattern haha. Maybe six or seven hours??? idk
random fact: I took a Karate class in highschool and I had to make my own black belt kata (a kata is an organized performance/dance/acting out? of moves all put together) to pass the test, and I created it with inspiration from the four different forms of bending from Avatar: the Last Airbender XD
Thanks for the tag!! This was super fun!!
@thejoeisthejoe @hardyfrank @nancydrew428 @irinyaclockworker I tag ya’ll unless I missed the fact that you were already tagged for some reason- also I tag anyone who sees this and wants to do it!!!
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color asks all the colors. i promise i’m very friendly and not evil
you are extremely evil and that's ok!
red: describe your favorite shirt
any of those overly specific ones
orange: if you could, would you change your eye color? why? to what color, if so?
i wouldn't change my eye color 💖 its fine as is
yellow: name of an artist you think is underappreciated
*hypnotizes you* ooo you wanna give teddy hyde more attention ooo
green: do you have a favourite flower?
blue: preferred type of weather?
purple: a poem you think describes your closest friend
idk if i have a closet friend...
magenta: do you keep your fingernails long or short?
long but short if i want to paint them
turquoise: favorite sea animal?
sea slug or that one fucked up shrimp that punches really hard
fuchsia: favorite land animal?
uhhh pangolin? my fav animals change frequently
cyan: are you religious? spiritual?
sea green: can you fold a fitted sheet?
fold a what now
violet: are you a part of the lgbt+ community?
amber: what's saved as your phone's lockscreen?
an aesthetic photo
aqua: do you thrift?
pink: what's your natural hair color?
dark brown
beige: have any pets? what're their names?
2 pets <3 cyrus n goldie
black: would you ever try going vegetarian or vegan?
ill probably go vegetarian once i graduate
coral: an animal you wish hadn't gone extinct
all of them
grey: how many languages do you speak? do you want to learn any more?
1, working on 2. id love to learn as many as possible
maroon: do you care for clothing brands?
rose: favourite scent on a person? 
any fruit
charcoal: have you ever been camping?
claret: do you play an instrument? do you want to learn to play any?
i can play. the kazoo and the snare drum
i wanna play the bass guitar so bad it's the sexiest instrument
copper: gold or silver jewelry?
it depends on what im wearing but silver
cream: any piercings or tattoos? do you want any?
i have ear piercings. i wouldn't mind a septum piercing
salmon: how many pairs of sunglasses do you own?
0 :(
ebony: would you ever want to play a game on television? (jeopardy, family fued, etc)
yes i love money
indigo: have you ever lived on a farm?
emerald: if you had the option, would you choose to move and live in another country? which one?
i have no fucking clue
lavender: relationship status?
single but crushing on... someone
erin: what was/is your best school subject?
english ig? im good at math but i hate it lol
mauve: any unpopular opinions?
i think bi women should be able to use butch/femme
fulvous: another name you think would suit you
i was originally going to be named phoenix so ig that
coconut: a subject you enjoy learning about
computer science
frost: a -core you enjoy
lovecore, glitchcore, what eva
porcelain: an tv show you used to love
i used to really love total wipeout
fawn: any interesting family stories?
my great grandma fucking. murdered her husband and got away with it
gold: do you wear your socks mismatched?
honey: your thoughts on magic- does it exist?
no but i wish it did
rust: form of art you enjoy doing?
painting. sketching. breathing.
ginger: any sideblogs?
no im too lazy for that
cherry: YouTubers you enjoy watching?
i like vine star-turned commentary youtubers (drew gooden, cody ko, etc.) i watch a couple of video essayists and movie reviewers
wine: do you have a 'type'
i am looking away
mahogany: your sun, moon, and rising signs
i had to get my birth certificate for this one fuck off
sun: libra(?) moon: aquarius rising: also aquarius
blood: twin beds, queen, or king?
hot pink: did you/do you had/have strong feelings against the color pink?
no pink is a cute color
plum: a food you've never tried
i don't think ive eaten most indian food? id like to
lilac: dogs, cats, or fish?
all of the above
amethyst: do you collect anything?
i collect ribbons and buttons
mulberry: earbuds or headphones?
azure: jean jackets?
teal: have a job?
not yet
denim: kill the spider or take it outside?
sapphire: do you think you can sing well?
mint: favourite flavour of gum?
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up?
sir chloe - too close
penny: icecream or cake
ash: can you do your own makeup?
ahh im not a makeup person
jade: ever written fanfiction?
i am looking away part 2
grape: how many blogs do you follow?
627 🤢🤢
umber: do you brush your teeth before you eat?
chestnut: type of phone you have
it sure is A Phone
prussian blue: what's your first choice at the vending machine
aquamarine: beach or pool
brass: least favorite food condiment
mustard: how much sugar in your tea/coffee?
a lot 😌 i want that shit rotting my teeth
silver: ever broken a bone?
rose quartz: rings or necklaces
necklaces i fidget with rings too much
onyx: do you still play Minecraft?
burgundy: ever ridden a motorcycle?
scarlet: favorite holiday
apricot: opinion on 3 in 1 body wash/hair wash 
it doesn't fucking work!! just buy them all separately its worth it
platinum: do you follow politics?
magnolia: your Instagram handle?
gucci_smarttoilet but i don't post things
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help-me-obiwan · 4 years
Rules: Answer 10 questions, come up with 10 more and tag 10 people.
Tagged by @danystormbornsnow Thank you for tagging me:)))
The 10 Questions:
1. What was the first tv series you really obsessed over, and what drew you into it?
Probably Supernatural. I was thirteen and was super into that type of stuff and my best friend told me to watch the second episode of the second season when it first aired, that i’d totally be into it. And she was right!
2. What activity/hobby are you most passionate about and why?
Well I’m an avid reader, though over the last two years it’s been almost exclusively fanfiction which in my opinion is basically the perfect storytelling medium, it’s gotten me through some of the worst times in my life.
I also recently took up crochet. And I’m good. Like ridiculously good. And man does it help keep the bad thoughts and anxiety away. 
3. What love story (from a film, show, book, etc) first made you believe true love could actually exist, if any?
The first one that comes to mind is Will and Elizabeth from Pirates of the Caribbean. I was obsessed with them when that movie came out and it was just a beautiful love story. Even just taken in the context of the first movie. Two people who are so alike despite coming from such different backgrounds and being willing to do ANYTHING for the other person. If that’s not true love IDK what it. 
4. What’s your go-to food item when you’ve gotta cook/make something for a pot-luck?
I’m the veggie tray person:)
5. Surprise! The stork left you a set of twins on your doorstep. You don’t have to be their parent, but you do have to name them! What do you name them? (gender is your choice).
Ok, so I have two kids currently. Both girls. And their names are Athena and Aries (my husband and I thought that looked more feminine than Ares and he was worried she’d get made fun of if we went with Aeris like from FF7)
So I’d probably stick with the greek theme and do Apollo and Artemis.
6. You need a roommate. If you could pick any fictional character to be your new roommate, who would it be?
Peeta Mellark or maybe Aragorn. Two characters who NEVER let me down and who would be awesome roommates lol
7. Which cliche fanfic plotline do you wish you could live out in real life?
Probably the OMG there was only one bed plot.
8. You get to date any celebrity. Who do you choose and why? (Don’t worry, they’re into you too!)
Emilia Clarke. She’s beautiful and funny and sweet and I love her.
9. If you’re only remembered for one thing, what would you want that one thing to be?
Being a genuinely good person.
10. You’re in the Olympics! What Winter sport are you in? What Summer sport?
I’m going to go with Figure Skating and Archery!
**Your Questions**
1. What is your go to thing to rewatch, be it movie or TV, and why?
2. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life what would it be?
3. You’re on a couples retreat with a mythic creature. What creature are you going with?
4. What fictional character would you hire to babysit (or petsit) and why?
5. What is your favorite fanfic trope?
6. What is your favorite fanfic you’ve ever read from any fandom you’ve ever been in, and what do you love about it?
7. What is one food that just absolutely grosses you out?
8. You are only able to see one color for the rest of your life, what color would it be?
9. Your favorite fictional person is coming over for dinner. Who are they and what are you making for them?
10. How did you come into fandom to begin with?
Tagging @thelionessinthedark, @galacticidiots, @mystical-flute, @pacificwanderer, @oadara, @princeofdarkness15, @cirieael, @the-darkling, @bennskywalker, @oberynmartell
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kyn19 · 4 years
Lmaooooo what a fuckin Mood. Thank you!!!!! Also, you’re getting Drunk Kylie answers which are arguably the Best answers. For the courtesy of everyone’s dash, answers are below the cut!! <3 <3 <3
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Coffee mugs! I have a sizable collection lmao #WriterLife
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
omg such a tough one, both are aces. seriously I can think of so many combatting pros & cons!! the only fair way i can currently conceive is which i would want weed in. Which is lollipops bc (#UnpopularOpinion) pot makes chocolate taste bad.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
both are great, but def bubblegum.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
“Pleasure to have in class” in true Gifted Child fashion
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
i’ll rate them in order: 1) can (absolutely preferred), 2) bottle if alone but plastic (lez be honest, Red Solo Cup) if with company, 3) glass (do not like)
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
#1 goth all the way. Pastel and Formal guest appearances
7. earbuds or headphones?
headphone, bc earbuds usually hurt my ears.
8. movies or tv shows?
first of all, how dare you. second of all, tv shows ONLY BECAUSE if all my fave movies were given tv shows so that they could last longer i would choose so
9. favorite smell in the summer?
idk i guess pool chlorine? dislike summer
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
bruh fuckin none. elementary school: too long ago to recall. middle school: escaped having to take gym at all. high school: had a medical excuse to take online PE. least athletic girl u know
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
i don’t have bfast bc eating close to when i awaken makes my tummy upset
12. name of your favorite playlist?
hmm 4-way tie between “#motivate #bitch” (gets me pumped to work) and “Friends Of The Illness” (my playlist of songs about and/or artist who are mentally ill) and “Ominous/haunting” (speaks to my creepy side) and “Bad Bitches” (self-explanatory amirite)
13. lanyard or key ring?
Key ring. Straight up I use an extra shoelace as my key ring string, despite owning multiple lanyards.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
god another fkn hard one. Listen y’all, you dont understand how much of a sugar fiend i am. candy is my JAM. Starbursts, Sour Straws, Skittles, Jolly Ranchers...who can choose?!
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
“Ceremony” by Leslie Marmon Silko. Highly recommend!!!!!!!!!!!
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
laying down lol sitting is for suckers
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
combat boots like the gay i am
18. ideal weather?
low 70′s degrees (F*), intermittent showers during the day but clear starry skies overnight
19. sleeping position?
mostly fetal, mostly on my side but chest is towards the bed, one arm under the pillow under my head
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Laptop. I used to love writing in notebooks, but ya girl got weak fingy joints nowadays
21. obsession from childhood?
pfft as if they aren’t the same obsessions i have now
22. role model?
so many!!!!! Jameela Jamil is the first that comes to mind
23. strange habits?
lmao i am ass-deep in idiosyncrasies, if you ain’t read the blog title already
24. favorite crystal?
i don’t know anything about crystals. does blue topaz count? cuz that’s my birthstone and i like that one a lot. i even had the foresight to pick that as my engagement ring’s stone in my utterly preposterous & failed relationship
25. first song you remember hearing?
oh wow, no idea. music has always been huge for me. probably either a Britney Spears or Mary J. Blige song???
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
stay inside lmao
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
oof ok, hard, but here goes:
“Here” by Alessia Cara
“Wannabe” by the Spice Girls
“I’m Just a Kid and Life Is A Nightmare” by Simple Plan
“No Daddy” by Teairra Mari
“Brick By Boring Brick” by Paramore
29. best way to bond with you?
i am straight up not easy to make friends with (bc my own bullshit, not trying to be pretentious), so bonding is hard. the best way is probably a combo of queer + memes + loves food + correct morals + being the dominant talker
30. places that you find sacred?
Libraries, locally owned coffee shops, Walmarts at 3am, playgrounds in the middle of the night, side of a rural road at 12am, my bed
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Blazer + shirt with a titty window + high waisted plaid pants + platform booties
32. top five favorite vines?
Josh Kennedy: “What’s up my name’s Jared I’m 19 and I never fucking learned how to read”
Sarah Schauer: [dont remember the beginning] “didn’t you..?” “sleep in this? yes. mama needs A DRINK”
Evan Breer: “What’s up my & my boys are going to see Uncle Kracker - give me my hat back Jordan, do you see Uncle Kracker or no - *gasp!*”
Drew Gooden: “Road work ahead? Um yeah, I sure hope it does...”
Nathan Enick: “Yo how much money do you have?” “69 cents” “Oh you know what that means!” “...i don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets :( ...”
33. most used phrase in your phone?
bruh like how even am i supposed to answer this?? like texts or Siri requests or????? bc if it’s Siri requests then it’s 100% for arithmetic
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Stanley Steamer. you kno the one
35. average time you fall asleep?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
bitch i’m a 90′s child of the internet, i was around the web before YouTube launched, i was there when the first modern memes were fucking conceived. i will say the biggest repository of meme culture that i was a part of was YouTube and icanhazcheezburger.com & its side-sites.
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
duffel - Tie-Dye Girl from the Lindsey Lohan “Parent Trap” made quite the impression on me
38. lemonade or tea?
Lemonade! hate the leaf water
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon cake! Not a meringue pie girl saly
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
I’ve been to a lot of schools yo lol. My undergrad college was def the “weirdest” ofc, bc it was an art school lol. An instance that stands out was a string of “Solid Gold Clit” graffiti after a Sophia Wallace visit to campus right before i started there.
41. last person you texted?
My bff triad pals @backwardswriter and @bristarshine
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
damn tough call. Probably jacket pockets bc i’m more likely to have those as a lady who wears lady-targeted pants
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Fantasy, though sci-fi is a solid 2nd. Not much of a superhero gal
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
.....underwear only. Sometimes an oversized t-shirt too.
47. favorite type of cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
I would want to be like a pomegranate, but i’m probably a nectarine
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“If you hope for the best but expect the worst, you’ll never be disappointed.”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
bitch i’m a giggle monster, i taught myself to be easily amused as a survival mechanism.
51. current stresses?
My own lack of discipline.
52. favorite font?
oooooof i have so many ok. too name a few: Centaur, Garamont, Book Antigua, Times New Roman, Montserrat.....mostly Serif fonts bc I’m an old books bitch
53. what is the current state of your hands?
I don’t love my hands (how homophobic of me, I know). Currently they’re kinda dry and full of sandwich
54. what did you learn from your first job?
what kind of boss I like. also that my customer service voice is frighteningly pleasant
55. favorite fairy tale?
Original tale: Thumbelina. Adaptations: Snow White.
56. favorite tradition?
uhhh Thanksgiving feast I guess? i am not a traditions gal
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
I am very very fortunate to not have a lot or a severity of these. The ones that I’ve had the worst of are: gender discrimination/harassment as a woman, hardcore emotional abuse in a relationship, and heavy heavy mental illness
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Tangible talents: writing, lying. Intangible: A+ imagination, useless trivia.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“I support you!”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
like if Tokyo Mew Mew and Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni had a baby
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Again, how dare you. Like literally, asking me to pick a favorite line from something is like asking what my favorite breed of dog is. Legit impossible
62. seven characters you relate to?
Ananka Fishbein (Kiki Strike series), Mermista (She Ra & the Princesses of Power), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter), Gwen (Total Drama), Rori Gilmore (Gilmore Girls), Villanelle (Killing Eve), Andrea (St. Trinian’s)
so like all very- to semi-weird white girls lmao
63. five songs that would play in your club?
[by the term “club” i assume that i’m limited to pop and electronic music. even with the limitation, though, a super hard question]
“Talking Body” by Tove Lo
“Hot in Herre” by Nelly
“Because the Night” by Cascada
“Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels” by Todrick Hall
“Break Free” by Ariana Grande ft. Zedd
64. favorite website from your childhood?
pretty much any doll franchise’s site (Barbie, Bratz, My Scene, Polly Pocket, Diva Girlz, everGirl, etc you name it)
65. any permanent scars?
Yep. One by a dog scratch (it was honestly a weak/shallow/innocent scratch, i still have no idea why it scarred at all), and a few from a car crash last year
66. favorite flower(s)?
i don’t really like flowers? i usually just say Forget-Me-Not’s for ease
67. good luck charms?
bitch idk but i’m knocking on wood just from thinking bout it
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
you ever taste that chocolate Laffy Taffy? vile bruh
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
I am annoying enough to know how i learnt all my facts, but the funnest fact I like to annoy people with is that ducks have corkscrew penises evolved from their main form of mating being rape
70. left or right handed?
Right (like any ol’ simp)
71. least favorite pattern?
polka dots
72. worst subject?
MATH and also PHYS ED
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
One time whilst high, I put nacho cheese Doritos on a tuna sandwich. Winning combo, I’m telling you
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
My pain tolerance is straight up unpredictable, so like anywhere from a 3 to a 9
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
5 years old
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Mashed potatoes
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
I am not a plant person. Moss.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
fucking neither but i at least like coffee so i guess the former....
(i know, it’s tragic and barbaric that i dislike sushi, i wish i had another answer for you)
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
Neither lmao - I got them within a month of each other (six years ago) so they’re essentially the same photo.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
I mean those are the same bug so I assume this is asking about which terminology I typically use/prefer. Which i would say both bc I’m a cultured ho
82. pc or console?
I don’t game so I guess PC lmao
83. writing or drawing?
Writing but I like both
84. podcasts or talk radio?
damn neither lmao I can’t focus on non-music audio only. I guess talk radio, just bc I can do like ten minute radio segments at least lol
84. barbie or polly pocket?
both were lit but I had more Barbies
85. fairy tales or mythology?
not to sound like a broken record but FIRST OF ALL HOW DARE YOU? second of all, I essentially consider them in the same category at this point in modernity, so my answer is Yes.
86. cookies or cupcakes?
Cupcakes, but both are exquisite
87. your greatest fear?
spiders, heights, clowns, seeing bad things happening to animals, that my consciousness will exist even after death, y’know normal stuff
88. your greatest wish?
to transfer myself into one of my fave fictional worlds
89. who would you put before everyone else?
dogs, next question
90. luckiest mistake?
i make a lot of those honestly, so who knows
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
Ky, KyKy, Moonshine, SugarTits, Goog Bones
94. favorite season?
Autumn (yes i call it that instead of Fall bc i’m a pretentious ass bitch lol)
95. favorite app on your phone?
Tumblr, c’mon
96. desktop background?
Currently a digital art painting of a flowing stag in a swamp that I downloaded from DeviantArt. I change it every few months though (to other downloaded digital art from DA that I collect periodically lmao)
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
Seven - mine, my mom’s 2 numbers, my grandma’s, my pop’s cell and office (also my old office) numbers, and my childhood house phone number lol
98. favorite historical era?
Golden Age of Piracy, specifically bc the piracy lol
Thank you so much for the asks, this was so much fun!!!
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