#i never did that before xd
darth-bagel · 2 years
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So I've been on a litte bit of a solo rampage this weekend-- yo, guys--Veteran Flashpoints solo are not that fckn hard. I had a lot of fun, like Kaon Under Siege is slightly on the more complex side but-- the mechanics are interesting.
The only one that defeated me was Veteran Lost Island. I got 5/6 bosses down, couldn't clear the last one for the life of me, just got murdered on third phase 4 times and I had to stop bc my wrist was protesting.
But that's the fckn last one I need for Flashpoint Master so, idk I have to either find some company or brave the group finder at some point.
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doodlesforfics · 1 year
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Ghosts? As my therapy animals? More likely than you think. by @bamboozledeagle3 is probably the first fic of Pet Blob-ed Jason that I actually read (despite seeing that concept floating around). I absolutely adore it ;D had to doodle the image of Jason getting blob-ed
some more meme-y doodles ;p
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fluffyartbl0g · 11 months
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The one piece reread only makes the hardest moments hit even harder,,,, even when you’re rereading it poorly in portugese
Or AKA, i found out today that HINATA SHOYO reads one piece and I haven’t recovered since
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#one piece#haikyuu#hinata shoyo#roronoa zoro#(kinda)#omfg okay time for my entirely SEPERATE POST IN THE TAGS#i only got into one piece at the end of last year... but ive been in the anime and manga scene for like. my entire life#i cannot understate how WILD it is that I havent noticed how everywhere one piece is....#like once i read it... i started finding it EVERYWHERE#my sister gifted me an issue of shonen jump ages ago cause i liked act age and kimetsu no yaiba chainsaw man promised neverland etc#and it doesnt have like a one piece chapter in it actually (to my disappointment)#but IT DOES HAVE A LIL ADVERTISING SEGMENT AT THE FRONT TALKING ABOUT OKIKU FIGURINES AND OTHER ONE PIECE CRAP#AND IDK IT LITERALLY JUST BLEW MY MIND#ONE PIECE DIDNT EXIST IN MY LIFE BUT.... IT DID????#I HAD ONE PIECE MERCH BEFORE I EVEN BECAME OBSESSED WITH IT??? (hahah if you can consider a tiny segment mentioning okiku op merch XD)#just imagine suddenly being obsessed with a piece of media. and then you look around ur room and U SUDDENLY RECOGNISE A CHARACTER MERCH???#ITS BEEN IN UR ROOM FOR YEARS BUT YOUVE NEVER REALLY EVEN NOTICED IT OR JUST BRUSHED IT OFF WHENEVR U SAW IT#BUT ITS THAT CHARACTER!!!! ITS THAT MEDIA THAT UR MADLY IN LOVE WITH????#also im being 100 percent legit when i say that the sense of comeraderie i feel when someone says theyve ALSO read one piece#is insane#discovering that domics and worthiikids and all these other big youtubers that ive known for years have loved one piece like me?#it makes my heart clench and my eyes water man#ive never felt so connected to the world... one piece really is peak fiction.....#i love one piece's community sm....
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layalu · 4 months
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this is from *checks calendar* 2 years ago now lol but. happy longest night!
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triptych-of-voids · 5 months
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very well. im committing to the bit <<
come join the movie night!! we're watching emesis blue. again. participation not mandatory of course but a lot of people seemed interested so!! its happening now. will be going live on my youtube channel :]
[ https://www.youtube.com/@triptychofvoids ]
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stardestroyer81 · 11 months
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@shrimpuufriend told me that Capcom had recently released never-before seen concept art of the original Rockman (Which you can find here!), and it is the coolest thing EVER.
That said, I wanted to be the first person to make something based off of the newly surfaced concept art, so I took one featured sketch of Rockman and turned it into its own sprite piece, complete with a faux beta title screen I craftily edited into the manual! 💙✨
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askforestoddities · 1 year
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Ziska paused, taking in a slow breath. Despite this legend’s size they gave off such a feeling of calm and... understanding. It was odd, but not unwelcome. Maybe that aura the Solgaleo had would help keep her calm this morning.
“I was... young when I was taken from my parents. I know that’s common for a lot of mons and most just... accept the forced change. I refused to.
My first owner was someone who simply traveled and collected rare mons for bragging rights. There was no real care, he just expected us to break down and accept what ever he said. When I refused and fought back constantly, he decided I wasn’t worth it and just sold me off for some other exotic mon. After that I lost any hope of ever returning home since I was suddenly in a completely different region.”
The eevee had to stop again, anger bubbling to the surface as she remembered being treated as not a living being with her own will but simply a object of value. Another moment and she forced herself to relax, no energy spikes. Not with West here.
“This cycle continued more times then I care to remember. Traded to some new stranger in a new place, and when I refused to be some decoration or pet I was tossed to the next person because I wasn’t ‘worth the hassle’. Sometimes they tried to force me to obey by being some training punching bag to their other mons. Some even tried to force me into rare mon breeding programs since I’m female but that ended quickly once they realized I’d hurt any mon or human without hesitation. I just got madder, more distrusting, and gave up on humans bringing anything but pain. 
Even the one time a human treated me like a proper living being, nothing came from it long term and it just left me thrown out by another human who hated my existence. At this point, I don’t want to see another human for the rest of my life. And those who defend them can simply shut up and stay away from me.”
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Writer Life: Part 3.
Here are All The Notebooks I Own! Everything in the first picture is what was in Part 2 but Stacked (wow I go through a lot of paper).
The second picture is ALL. The back left two stacks are everything that's written in; everything else is Yet To Be Written In (although the blues and yellows splayed out front are for Lucius stuff and NaNo 2023 stuff, respectively, and that little flask-looking journal will be Bitch Journal Volume 2 when I fill up Volume 1). Also pictured here are my plot note cards! I started those in high school when I was trying to keep track of a trilogy, and I haven't looked back since.
By Total Counts, I have:
33 empty/unused notebooks (including: 13 gifted notebooks, 6 salvaged partial notebooks from other projects, and 6 bookmarked for specific usage imminently)
74 used/full notebooks (including although not limited to: 14 Lucius notebooks, 7 Driscoll notebooks, and At Least Six (6) Alicia notebooks, plus whatever loose leaf Alicia I've got squirreled away)
Consider this a Defense of the Honor of Writers Everywhere--sure, we have a lot of notebooks as a group, but!: At least some them really do get used!! And that's including the fact that the ~Vibe~ must be Correct™.
Part 1 | Part 2
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
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me: man i barely post lately :/
also me: i will post 5 pieces at the same time and not come back for months haha >:D
these were supposed to be small doodles.... :')
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damiemontclair · 9 months
Thanks to this post I finally took the plunge into trying to bind a fanfic myself, and because I am an overly ambitious asshole, I immediately went for an almost 30k fic.
Point is: I just finished my very first ficbinding using The One-Body Problem by metisket (@metisket I think?)
I haven't gotten to take any daylight photos yet (because it is half past midnight right now) but I'm really excited so here's the ones I've got so far:
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This was really fun to make and I really enjoy being able to hold one of my favourite fanfics in my hands and being able to put it on my shelf next to my MDZS novels! Time for a comfy no-screen re-read of this fic!
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brown-little-robin · 10 months
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Under what circumstances would Regis have met his grandchildren before he met his son again?
Is a good question.
I could see Solaris finding some strange tunnels somewhere that lead into the archives below the Citadel. A secret pathway used way back when to connect the archive with the old palace.
(The palace that was in use while Insomnia did not have layers like an onion. It burned down a good 1500 years ago, and the new palace was build where the Citadel now is. The tunnels remained and were forgotten.)
So Solaris finds the tunnels and instead of finding a responsible adult - or Ardyn - she decides to be a brave 8 year old and go exploring. She lands in the royal archives.
She is fascinated by all the old books and scrols and other things she finds there. It's so different from where her dad stores his books. Her fascination is so great that she does not notice the man standing in front of a shelf with old history texts. (History texts Noctis had read shortly before he had vanished.)
Of course Solaris walks straight into the man, who nearly falls over. He is old, with white hair and many wrinkles, and he has a cane, which makes Solaris doubly sorry for walking into him.
She does what any responsible 8 year old would do: scream and hide behind a shelf. Only then does she realise that the man has a very stark resemblance to her dad.
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For the first time in my life i’m actually going to try and beat the big boss in a zelda game XD
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
Hi! I love your analysis posts! So, I have a question: What kind of music do you think the Octonauts (And any Octo agents you want to add) would listen to, and what are their favorite song?
merci beaucoup <33 I have very little actual musical "knowledge"; I just like specific songs that go beep bap boop a specific way, but I'll try my best here—and as for their favourite songs, I'll just name some songs that remind me of them, if that's okay 👍
Barnacles likes accordion of course, so he'd probably enjoy anything that incorporates it. I can see him liking most genres tbh, he's not super picky—but he definitely likes folk and classical, and he LOVES sea shanties—almost more than Kwazii 👀
Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf
Born For Greatness - Papa Roach
Leaving London
Ship In A Bottle
Abandon Ship* (*pretend it's Kwazii singing to him)
They're all from an album by Steffan Argus, and you need to listen to them in order because they tell a story, and the whole thing is so Him fr.
See also:
Bones In The Ocean - The Longest Johns
—if you'd enjoy some Manitoba angst vibes.
Kwazii claims he ONLY listens to the jauntiest of shanties... but the secret truth is that he is pretty picky about them, and about music in general. He has auditory sensory issues, and one off note makes him want to curl up and perish, which is why he gets so upset when the Captain plays anything. As for his REAL taste: basically just Cosmo Sheldrake-core, his own singing, and anything Peso or the Vegimals play/sing.
Every Cosmo Sheldrake song ever, actually; but I recommend Come Along and The Moss the most.
The Villain I Appear To Be - Diamond Jack
Fish In A Birdcage - [band has the same name as the song]
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters And Men
I will not explain any of those- just listen to them and know that I Am Right /lh.
I forget the context, but I remember saying at one point that Shellington enjoys things that are organized and rhythmic (actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure the context was someone sharing their headcanon of him having a music stim with me—so there ya go 👍) so I can fully see him enjoying either electronica, or orchestra. Two very different things, but I rest my case.
Told You So - Nathan Evans
Tardigrade Song - Cosmo Sheldrake (I know I said every CS song belonged to Kwazii, but shh- this one's Shellington's.)
Line Without A Hook - Ricky Montgomery. just based on vibes tbh.
Tweak likes chiptune because I like chiptune and she is just like me fr /hj. Okay but actually she does LOVE electronic music—and any music that's like,, not made with traditional instruments?? Yeah. She likes chaotic music, and likes to jam out to folk with Barnacles because it feels nostalgic to her.
Bottom Of The River - Delta Rae
Crazy = Genius - P!@TD
Curses - The Crane Wives (this is also a Calico Jack song somehow- it fits both of them lol)
Pieces And Parts - Sydney Zarlengo
Sweet Hibiscus Tea - Penelope Scott
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men BUT it's a duet between her and Barnacles /p
See also:
The Last Shanty - Derina Harvey Band
—for some Manitoba!Tweak vibes.
Dashi listens to nightcore. She also got Peso into it. Honestly I feel like the two of them are both into pretty much anything—Dashi has a preference for pop, and Peso definitely likes symphonies, ballads, and anything that's chill and lofi.
Dashi also listens to hard rock and heavy metal in her spare time, and it disorients the heck out of whoever witnesses it randomly come on in her shuffled playlists. However, the only type of music I can't see Peso liking, is really loud music; like rock or metal—so they're the exact same and polar opposites at the same time 😂
I ALSO always think of Dashi when I listen to Marina—no idea why lol—might be her accent 😅
I don't have many songs for either of em- but here's what I've got:
Cold Cold Cold - Cage The Elephant
Anxiety Song - Human Petting Zoo
Right Hand Man - Something Rotten
Hermit The Frog - Marina. just vibes once again.
Dude exclusively listens to oldies, classics, and like,,, Beethoven probably, BUT! I feel like any one of the Octonauts could ask him to listen to anything and he would. He unironically enjoys Kwazii's music.
Octopus' Garden - The Beatles
They all have ridiculously contrasting tastes; they all probably enjoy the same kind of music as their respective Octonaut counterparts—but aside from that, they mostly just make their own music so they can all be happy.
Get Back Up Again but SPECIFICALLY the version from Disney's Trolls. trust me on this.
(some) Agent songs under cut:
Calico Jack me beloved:
I headcanon that he wrote his own theme song, so he likes shanties for sure; but I feel like as the years went by and he grew as a person, his music and general interests toned down a lot—so now he's more into ballads, and very Lord Huron or Hozier-esque music.
(all the following songs are angsty but they also hit HARD ykwim?? aye 👀 /pos)
Never Love An Anchor - The Crane Wives
Farewell Wanderlust - The Amazing Devil
Problems - Mother Mother
Metaphor - The Crane Wives
Flight Of The Crows - Jhariah
(oh look a non-angsty song–)
That's Life - Frank Sinatra
Natquik my beloved²:
Barnacles 100% got his music taste from him, I cannot be told otherwise. That's all I have to say about him.
Constellations - The Oh Hellos
Snow - Ricky Montgomery
December - Ricky Montgomery
New Discovery - The Crane Wives
Runaway - Aurora
plus bonus:
Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In - Will Wood
Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
—to satisfy my personal "I think Natquik deserves to go feral" needs.
Ranger Marsh my belov–:
Exclusively listens to folk and country, and actively refuses to branch out his horizons.
Cicada Days - Will Wood
Swarm Swamp Swim - Cosmo Sheldrake
Birdhouse In My Soul - They Might Be Giants
On one hand, I really like headcanoning that he likes to sing when he's alone—and is actually pretty good; but on the other hand... I think it'd be hilarious if he had unbelievably bland taste in terms of what he enjoys listening to 😂 He has no real preference, so he just lets whoever he's with control the radio. For their sake.
Hold It In - Jukebox The Ghost
I shall not/cannot explain why that song reminds me of him but it does so much-
and I don't have any more for him, RIP ✌️😔 I could probably find some easily if I looked, but I'm lazy ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌
He has weird taste too; but unlike Tracker, he has the most alternative underground music taste you can imagine, and he WILL subject you to it. He eats bugs in a universe of talking bugs, and I think it'd be funny if all of his interests were on the same wavelength lmao. He's just a weirdo (affectionate).
Just like Tracker I probably could find more songs if I actually tried to look—but for now all I have is this:
Water Island - My Singing Monsters
I found it on tiktok and it's literally His Song™ ever fr.
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fortune-maiden · 15 days
Got my revenge on Darknight Relic! xD
Postgame difficulty is still a little intimidating but I've recruited the legendary birds and am slowly working my way towards challenging Groudon & Rayquaza (and then Kyogre lol... but seeing as my starter is a fire type, I'm not going anywhere near that thing until I have my rollout cheese, and a Groudon with an Empowerment Seed xD)
I wish I could remember how far into the postgame I got in Blue Rescue Team. I feel like I vaguely remember the Ho-oh story arc, but I don't think I ever got past Fiery Field
I do know for a fact I had Purity Forest unlocked though because I have very vivid memories of dying on the 40th floor and then never touching the game again xD (some say a Meganium still awaits rescuing to this day...)
So I guess that means I did the Lati@s story arc?
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thewirewitch · 1 month
The one time I was ready to go stand out in the rain is the time it stopped raining when I went out there :(
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