#i need to find this pleaee
aroaceanxietylemon · 3 months
Okay somebody please help me find this fanfic I read it was a my hero academia one it was really dark it was yandere class a1 with female reader where they would continue to touch her inappropriate and there was one were one of the girls came into her room for some tea and stole her underwear to masturbate with and another part where reader went to a party and I think they tried to drug her or something but I remember I think it was delusional trying to insert his dick into her without consent I also think that reader then becomes a villain in the future or something.
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metalgearawesome · 1 year
Woahg... feeling shitty but hey I am alive
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notebooks-and-laptops · 7 months
I'm thinking about the Andraste cult "the disciples of Andraste" who believe that Andraste is now reborn as a dragon and I honestly have so many questions.
According to this codex they're all completely mad because of "inbreeding" by the time we reach them in DAO, but we actually know surprisingly little about them other than the fact that a) they at some point turned away from worshipping the ashes to worshipping the dragon which got them locked out of the inner sanctuary and the gauntlet, b) they looked after the dragons young and eggs and the dragon and her children never attacked them but instead let them drink dragons blood to become revers d) they distrust outsiders and c) their chantry officials are male much like Tevinter but unlike Orlais.
It's implied that the village possibly practices human sacrifice in DAO, although the exact reasons are unspecified (to feed the dragon? Are their mages blood mages? Why? I have questions!!!) And it's also possibly they were just sacrifing outsiders (the knights of Redcliffe) who managed to find their village? Other than that, there is little to learn by walking through the original haven.
Nothing much more is revealed by the series of quests you can do on the wartable about Haven in Inquisition either (much to my own disappointment). They point to the fact that the cave systems and the temple were built pre-andraste, but they kind of trail off in a very unsatisfactory manner regardless of which agent you pick to complete them.
We also have Tamar who was imprisoned by the inquisition and then began to fight for them to secure her freedom. She has some very interesting dialogue:
"Your Chantry goes belly up, the Inquisition steps in. Always something to keep the same people in power."
"The gilded Chantry says only one truth exists. And its servants lie, steal, kill to make it so."
This reads almost identical to what I would imagine the Dalish might say; and cast the cult in a very different light to "inbreeded mad men". From these quotes and other context we get the idea that she belonged to a group who secluded themselves and kept their own traditions away from regular society, and so her people were slaughtered to preserve the chantrys "truth" and deny her own. Even with the dragon gone (possibly dead) she still believes in her cults traditions and is faithful!!!! (Let me talk to her more PLEAEE.) But regardless, this is about as sympathetic as the games really get towards this cult.
So....what were they? I'm so facinated by these guys.
Because like. They clearly have different ideas about magic, ideas possibly handed down from Andraste herself? Or ideas that developed later? Regardless they have many mages in their group and there isn't any evidence those mages are restricted in any way. If anything their mages are sent to do important things like be the main religious leaders or to impersonate Wylen. Their ideas might honestly be closer to the Avvar which would make some sense geographically (did they have contact with the Avvar? Did they trade with them? Farming would have been hard in their snowy mountains as we know from needing supply routes to Skyhold/Haven in DAI so other than hunting, did they have contact with these groups or not?)
And I have MORE questions!!! Did they have similar religious holidays to regular Andrastism? How did they see Andrastes death most pre and post the arrival of her reborn dragon self? Did their belief in reincarnation spread beyond the dragon (to people as well) or was it something special that had only happened to Andraste? Did they have any religious texts that were important - maybe oral history was particularly favoured in this group like with the Dalish? If so, any oral history dating back to Andraste would have died out when the cult itself did.
I want to anthropologically study these people so bad and like learn everything there is to know but unfortunately they are fictional and in a game and bioware doesn't seem to have any plans to develop them so :/
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sanisse · 2 years
hi can I request for Erestor please?—So excited! Just some cute fluffy smut with him after he let's say went to the war with Elrond and returns he safely. The reader has so worried because it has been centuries since he had picked up a sword again— since he had swapped his sword for books.
Pleaee and thanking you - @eunoiaastralwings
Erestor is SO underrated IMO. Thank you for the request!!! I hope you enjoy~ 
Spice Level (1-5): 🌶🌶🌶🌶 🌶(ghost pepper hot but like in a fluffy way) 
Pairing: Erestor/fem!Reader.
Warnings/tags: penetrative sex, blowjobs, reader on top, marking, possessive behavior, dominant Erestor because I can’t help myself.
Minors DNI. Your media consumption is your own responsibility.
Homecoming | Erestor x Reader - fluff & smut
The second you and Erestor make it back to your room, you kick the door shut and reach for the laces of his shirt. He isn’t badly injured; you know he isn’t badly injured. He visited Elrond’s healing halls the moment he returned and you know Elrond wouldn’t have let him leave if something was seriously wrong. Still, you haven’t been able to stop worrying about him ever since he left to fight the goblins in the mountains. Erestor is a capable warrior. You know that. But it has been so long since Elrond has needed to call upon that particular skill. Erestor preferred his books and maps.
Erestor exhales a laugh through his nose and catches your fingers.
“Did you miss me so dearly?“
“I want to see you,” you hiss back, wrenching your fingers free and yanking the front laces of his shirt open, then tugging it over his head.
Immediately, you run your hand over his chest. The sunlight streaming in from the window warms his skin to the color of gold. He’s littered with bruises, and there is some wound that Elrond has bandaged around his stomach, a compress pressed against it.
He sucks in a sharp breath as you run your fingers lightly over a purple bruise, then trace down to the cotton wrapping.
“It is only a minor surface cut,” he promises. “It happened early. Elrond did not even need to stitch it.”
Your eyes fill with tears. You’re not sure if it’s relief or catharsis or pain. Gingerly, you wrap your arms around him and press your forehead to his.
“I am well,” he murmurs. “I am whole. There is no need to fret over me.”
“I was so worried,” you choke out.
“Did I not promise you that I would return? Goblins are merely goblins.” There is no irritation in his tone, only a fondness and perhaps a hint of that whipcrack derisiveness.
“Goblins still wield poisoned knives,” you say back. “And you are not invincible.”
His mouth his bruised, too. Likely from some kind of blow to his face. You trace his lips with the pad of your thumb and then kiss him.
He winds his arm around your waist, pulling you up against him, and deepens the kiss of his own accord. His tongue darts over your bottom lip, insistent, and without thinking you sigh and part for him. He smells like the healing halls: of eucalyptus and vaguely of antiseptic, and of green growing things and sunlight. It’s a change from his ink-stained fingers and parchment and myrrh, and you find it pleasant.
His hand slides into your hair and gives it the slightest tug, then he reaches around and takes a handful of your ass and squeezes. You gasp, hit a cold rush of clarity, and press a hand to his chest.
“We shouldn’t,” you say. Still, you kiss him.
He breaks away and nips at your jaw. “Why ever not?”
“You’re hurt,” you protest.
“Hardly,” he hums against your pulse. “I am in no danger from you.” Another nip that makes your head light. “If,” he teases, “You can be gentle with me.”
You pull back enough to give him a dry look. “We both know I am fully capable of that. You, on the other hand—“
“I will be very responsible,” he promises with a laugh. “Elrond will scold me if I undo all his hard work.” He dips down to kiss you again, more chastely this time.
You can’t deny that you have missed him. Missed this. Missed the way your body slots so perfectly against his. Missed the way he kisses you, imperious and self-assured.
You crowd a little into his space until Erestor takes the hint and walks back until his knees hit the back of the bed and he sits, pulling you on top of him. You take his face in your hands, kiss his mouth, then dip to kiss each bruise you can find, each little mostly-healed cut. Erestor lets out a pleased sigh and strokes the curve of your side, one hand curling around your hip, pulling, rocking you until the two of you knock together and you can feel that he’s already half hard.
You moan. Erestor makes a strangled, compressed little noise.
“Were you thinking of me?” You whisper, tracing your hands down to his trouser laces, yanking them open, and slipping inside to wrap your hand around him.
Erestor hisses and bucks up into your hand, hardening further still.
“I never stop thinking of you.”
You lean down to crash your mouth against his. Erestor nips, pushes his tongue inside your mouth while you stroke him, gathering up some of the moisture that’s begun to bead at his tip and working it down.
Erestor works over your jaw again, down your neck, sucks at it hard enough to make it bruise and squeezes your breast. You arch up into the touch. His mouth trails a little lower. He sucks another bruise, then lower still— you yelp when he sinks his teeth into your shoulder.
“It’s getting too warm outside for me to wear high collars,” you complain. It’s half hearted.
Erestor soothes the bite with the flat of his tongue and says unapologetically: “A pity. I suppose all of Imladris will just have to know who you belong to.”
It makes heat pool between your legs. Erestor hikes up your skirt and slips his hand under it, and chuckles in approval. “It doesn’t seem as if you mind.”
You don’t. You love it when he marks you. Love looking at the bruises in the mirror afterward. Erestor pushes two fingers inside of you and you gasp and pitch forward, letting go of his cock to wrap your arms around his neck.
“Please,” you murmur.
“Please what?”
“Fuck me, Erestor. I’ve missed you so much.”
Erestor guides your hips, lines himself up, and lets you sink onto him.
You take him in one fluid motion. Your body sucks and grips at his cock. He makes a soft sound, almost a moan— not quite. Erestor reaches around you to unlace the back of your dress and push it down your shoulder, surges down to close his mouth around one of your nipples and suck so hard you see stars.
He feels so good, so deep, easy to take with how soaked you are. You roll your hips, bracing your hands on his shoulders, and begin to fuck him.
It’s a rare thing that he doesn’t just grab a handful of your ass and drive up into you. Instead, he lets you slide out, sink back down, take your pleasure from him as he takes his own, sucking first at one breast and then the other, licking a line up your throat and sinking his teeth into your neck again. It makes you cry out. He chuckles darkly against your skin.
“I love the sounds you make. How I’ve missed them.”
You mewl and push yourself down onto him. The drag is slow, exquisite. The pressure already coils at the base of your spine.
That is how you fuck him: in languid twists of your hips that wrench little gasps from him despite himself. The room starts to smell like sex, your head feels light, you’re so close—
Erestor grabs you, pulling you up against his chest, fingers lacing in your hair with the slightest tug. He leans in to command in your ear: “Come. Now.”
You mewl and fall apart, shuddering, leaking all over his cock. Erestor stays still, makes you work for it, lets you take it for yourself.
You love him, you love him, you love him.
There are tears in your eyes when next you crash down to earth.
Erestor wipes them for you, touch gentle— a sharp contrast to all the bruises blooming on your neck.
You sniffle and press your forehead to his again, sucking in the air in the negative space between you and him.
“I was so frightened for you,” you say again.
“I am right here,” he reassures. “I am home.”
He’s still hard inside you. You slide off with a wet pop and sink to your knees on the floor, then dive on to take him in your mouth as deep as he’ll go.
Erestor rumbles a growl, winding his hand in your hair. You look up at him with a triumphant smile— it’s rare that you can draw that sort of noise out of him.
You hollow your cheeks and suck. Erestor bucks up, shivers, and comes right down your throat with a wrecked noise and a torrent of Sindarin expletives.
You swallow around him, then pull back and suck lightly on the tip until he pulls you off.
Your grin is wolfish as you look up at him and say, “Welcome home.”
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I don’t know if I’ll do a part two to that fic in particular because the way I wrote it doesn’t feel like it’ll flow if you get me?
I do have one planned which is gonna be like 2 or three parts. Very pregnant reader finds elvis in bed with someone & storms out. Same vibe.
Don’t have a timeline of when though I’m mind series and have a couple requests pending but keep an eye out 💜
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sadreadermha · 2 years
I can find this mha fic and it's driving me up a wall.
Can you help tumblr
Aizawa, deku and inko get kidnapped, inko dies, they are all chained up in the same room, they get tortured, aizawa develops a panther mutation to his quirk, when they get saved aizawa attacks mic to defend deku, their kidnapper has to be careful when interacting with deku since aizawa gets aggressive, aizawa starts calling deku cub. Pleaee help me
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I need to find my earbuds omg pleaee i just wanna walk around after work with my music
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r0und3bitch · 2 years
TF ❤️‍🔥: Part 4 “You Like The Bad Ones Too” SOUNDTRACK
Series Playlist
Part 4 Playlist
I made an individual playlist for Part 4, unnecessary but I figured since it’s so long why no have them all in one so you can list in order! Plus it would only let me link a certain amount of songs. The ones I couldn’t I included the artist name.
Track 1 - Pretty Pleaee
The song playing as YN is getting ready, when Rafe comes into her room…
“How do I look…?” You ask sweetly. “You Look perfect”
Track 2 - Royals
“Yeah c’mon, Princess…” Rafe teases, using Noah’s usual nickname for you. “Princess?!” You question, “Aren’t you like Kook Royalty at these things?!”
Track 3, 4 & 5  -
Buss It Open
Keep It Real
Down Bad 
The songs playing as Rafe and Y/N enter Topper’s party.
“Rafe kept you close by his side as he guided you through the masses of people, introducing you to some new people as “Y/N”. Not Noah’s sister…not as his friend…leaving just enough air to it so that some people would raise eyebrows at the two of you in the process, trying to figure out whatever was going on there.”
Track 6 - Let The Beat Build
The song playing as Noah tries to get Y/Ns attention, the tension slowly building as she lays the coke out on the table...
Track 7- Feeling Myself
The song playing as Y/N leaves her friends inside as she approaches Emma and John B before making her way to JJ...
Track 8 - Sorry Not Sorry
The song that start’s playing after you grab a drink and head back inside, leading up to the huge scene...
Track 9 - Poetic Justice
The song playing as Rafe leaves the group and finds you outside, alone on the patio....💋
Track 10 - We found Love
The song Noah requests (one of Sarah’s favorites) to get her to dance..
“You know that this is one of Sarah’s favorite songs ever and that Noah requested to play it. You and Rafe watch as Noah and Sarah dance only momentarily before he full on twirls her. Sarah’s hair whips through the air and for a moment you can’t help but take in how truly captivating Sarah Cameron is.”
Track 11- 0 to 100(Drake)
The song playing right as John B approaches Sarah, losing his tempter and the events that follow...
“Noah has Sarah positioned perfectly as he clocks John B’s furious figure coming towards them before she does. The raging look in his eye was exactly what he was hoping for, Noah’s rare sadistic alter ego in full effect as he locks eyes with John B as he leans down to his girlfriend's ear.”
Track 12 - S.O.S (Aviichi)
The song playing when Rafe and YN are dancing together...
“Will you dance with me?” “He shakes his head yes and not a second later you’re grabbing his wrist, beaming as you pull him into the crowd, time moving slowly as the lights and sounds flicker around you. You two begin to move together, the words of the song quite literally blending you two together in ways you can’t even begin to imagine yet.   
🎶”Can you hear me? S.O.S. Help me put my mind to rest Two times clean again, I'm actin' low A pound of weed and a bag of blowI can feel your love pullin' me up from the underground, and I don't need my drugs, we could be more than just part-time lovers I can feel your touch pickin' me up from the underground, and I don't need my drugs, we could be more than just part-time lovers” 🎶
Track 13 Slow - (Noah Cyrus)
The song playing when they crash into the guest bedroom at the end of the night...
“It’s just past 3am when you and him come stumbling into one of Topper’s guest bedrooms, wasted beyond belief as you both basically fall into the room in a messy, beautiful blur.  He doesn’t want to go slow”
🎶”It's three o'clock in the mornin' No one can make me go home 'Cause no one's waitin' there for me And I just can't be alone Your green eyes are a weapon Shot a hole in my heart Now I'm fallin' for the bad one And I'm seein' signs I don't wanna go slow, oh I don't wanna go slow, oh Every time you're pullin' backwards I'm just gonna fall in faster 'Cause I don't wanna go slow, oh” 🎶
Honorable Mentions: 
End Game (Taylor Swift)
🎶Big reputation, big reputation Ooh you and me we got big reputations, ah And you heard about me, ooh I got some big enemiesBig reputation, big reputation Ooh you and me would be a big conversation, ah And I heard about you, ooh You like the bad ones too🎶
Goin Bad (Drake, Meek Mill)
The title, this part? Enough said. Can literally be inserted into any scene and it will fit.
No Problem (Chance the Rapper, Lil Wayne, 2 Chainz)
Another one that can be inserted into literally almost any scene. Heavilyyyyyy influenced the writing of this entire story...
Best Friend (Saweetie, Doja Cat)
Sarah fucking Cameron and Y/N to a T
Paradise (Bazzi va Vincent remix)
How they all feel at the end of the night, no matter how crazy, chaotic and insane it gets...
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manga-gamer · 3 years
Obey Me! Daughters: Satan; Nia
Nia held Asmo's hand as he led her through the hallway. This was so boring, he wasn't saying anything coherent.
"Asmo, I'll be in the library. Come get me when Satan comes back."
She looked up and saw Lucifer speaking with him. Perfect. She watched him walk away and set her plan in motion. She continued walking with Asmo before slipping the arm of her elephant into his hand, replacing her own hand. She quietly stepped away before running away, making sure to keep her footsteps light.
She ran downstairs and into the library, seeinng Lucifer sitting in one of the chairs, reading a book. She crept up to him and peeked over his shoulder, trying to see what he was reading
"Yes, Nia?"
"Whatcha reading?"
He raised an eyebrow at her, "Dune. Why do you ask?"
"Curious. My daddy likes reading, you know."
"Of course. I lived with him."
"I know..." She looked over his shoulder, reading a few sentences, "D'you like the story?"
"Yes, I do."
"Y'do?" She walked around him and climbed into his lap, "Can I read?"
Lucifer eyed her, "It's a bit advanced."
"You look like you're four."
"My daddy read Gulliver's Travels to me when I was 7. I'm 8 now."
"I age... oddly. Pleaee read it to me Uncle Lucifer!" She used her big puppy eyes to pull at his heartstrings.
"You should go find Asmo. He's supposed to be leading you around."
Nia pouted before sliding off of his lap and stomping away. She tried to be nice, and now she needed to prank him.
"Asmo, where is Nia?"
"I have no idea, Lucifer... she hasn't come back and I'm starting to get worried."
"Satan would kill us if we lost Nia!" Mammon whined.
The brothers tried to come up with way to find her, until someone cleared their throat above them."
They looked up and saw Nia sitting on the chandelier.
"Nia!" Lucifer gasped.
"I tried to bond with you, Uncle Lucifer. Taking an intrest in something you liked, giving you the benefit of the doubt, but no. And now I know my daddy was right! The only way to interact with you is by pranking you!"
She raised her hands up and pulled them close to herself, confusing the brothers. Suddenly, Lucifer's pants dropped, making Nia laugh.
"I'll be seeing you, Lucifer!"
She jumped down and grabbed his pants, making him trip, and she ran away. She thr snatched her elephant from Asmo's hand and running to the staircase. She slid down the banister and dropped his pants from her hand on the way down. She stopped in front of the door, before turning back to look at them.
"Good bye! I'll be taking my lea-"
The door was opened quickly and with such a force that she was hit and knocked to the side.
"That was nice, wasn't it, Satan?"
"Yes, Lord Diavolo. It was nice to see you again and... Nia, what happened?!"
Satan rushed to his daughter and picked her up, his heart shattering at her small groans.
"Hit with the door..."
"Satan, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to, I didn't know she was there!"
"It's okay..." He kissed her forehead, "She's tough, she'll be okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Quite sure."
Satan smiled at them, "We'll be taking our leave."
Satan left the house, waving at his brothers before walking down the street, looking to find the portal to the Human Realm.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"I pranked Uncle Lucifer..."
"Mhmm. Pulled down his pants."
"Naughty... good job. Proud of you." Satan kissed her cheek.
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ah-yes-paris · 3 years
beatles harmonies that cured my depression.
It is important that i discuss this. Well, not really important I just really wanted to share. This is in no particular order either it's just the ones that come to the top of my head lol. Feel free to reblog and share your own 😎
1. The "Woahoooah AHHHHH" from When I Get Home.
Not even words can describe the battery power that starts coursing through my veins when I hear this harmony. I cant even,....LIKE HELLO??? i have never heard such a blessing... Such a well-fitting triplet of voices singing a vowel thats made me feel like i can run 10 miles straight. They aren't real. The Beatles, of course. To this day I don't understand how this harmony exists in this universe. My ears melt everytime. One of my favorites, in case you couldn't tell.
2. The obvious.. "yeah yeah yeah YEAHH" from She Loves You :)
LET ME TELL YOU. oh my god let me tell yo u .. Way back when, when I was a new fan... Good lord. I was literally ascending. ASCENDING. i felt every inch of my body start to lift off the ground. Im sure im not the only one who's experienced this. I remember thinking 'how the wiggle wubble do 3 men sound so GOOD TOGETHER' IT DOES NOT ADD UP PEOPLE THE BEATLES HAVE TO BE SOME SORT OF ROBOTIC BOY BAND GROWN IN A LAB THIS ISNT POSSIBLE how do we live on the same dimensional plane that this harmony lives on..
3. "The magical mystery tour, is coming to take you away, Coming to take you away!" from Magical Mystery Tour.
guys. Guys you dont understand. This one line, adds, YEARS. LITERAL YEARS TO MY LIFE SPAN. At this point I am fully immortal. The "coming to take you awayyy" makes my heart POUND. i love this song so much... And this line especially... It makes me go insane. Basically the beatles are manic melody genuises that have successfully spread one of the biggest diseases in musical history. Personally, I think this line was a clear example of why.
4. "Last night I said these words to my girl", "Please pleaase me, oh yeah, like i please you...", "...With you! Oh yeah, why do you make me blue" from Please Please Me.
do i even have to say anything. Well, i dont but i will for the sake of the post. There is so much. So much. About this song that I. I cant even,,. I would choose this song over SO MANY BEATLES SONGS DUDE. not that its cause i think its better than all the others but it just holds such a special place in my heart. Its the only song thats Ever made me feel some intense wave of nostalgia for a decade i wasnt even born in. Its one of the songs that continue to make me question the beatles existance. How could something like this ever come to reality. My brain has never been so pleased in its life.
5. "Carve your number on my wall and maybe you will get a call from me" from If I Needed Someone.
The way that this song was added into my Liked playlist SO QUICKLY...... God. I love george. Hes my favorite after all. Rubber Soul as a whole makes me feel warm inside but this song and this one line just hits so much more intensely for some reason... Their voices just flow insanely well and I just DONT UNDERSTAND HOW. its like an angel choir making its way through the clouds as you see the gate to heaven start to appear. Wonderful song and mind-blowing harmony... The beat is so good too and i just explode.
6. The "ahhhhh Ahhhhh AHhhhh *inhale* AHHHhhhh AHHHHH *inhale* AHHHHHH" from Day Tripper.
HOLY JESUS CHIRST THIS SONG HAS SO MUCH TO UNPACK... There are undeniably A BUNCH of other flawless harmonies in this song but my god the beatles knew what they were doing. Thats all I'm going to say really.... But once again. Power. In my veins. A few listens to this song and you'll find yourself having the strength of 1,000 men.
7. "Oh, now", "All I want is you" from Dig a Pony.
FIRST LYRIC... ITS LITERALLY 2 WORDS AND YET IT CONTINUES TO BLOW MY MIND. Something about the "Oh" ...... Its like an arrow passing through my heart I dont even know guys. Im not lying when I say it makes me feel like im floating. It makes me feel like i can quite literally grow wings and fling myself towards the sun. Dont even get me started on "All I want is you".......it literally triples the effect. It makes me go ballistic. The song is just mindless lyrics but the harmonieeesss.....
8. "Ah girlll.... *inhaeahelrlsseeesh* Girrll...." from Girl.
no words. Like. No words. I cant even. I seriously dont need to explain this one. Im just going to drop the isolated vocals version because if you havent listened to it you are MISSING OUT... you thought the originally recorded song was the greatest cause of your heart palpitations? Well you thought WRONG.
9. "I love youwoowooowoowoooo...", "ask me WHYY..", "I can't believe.. Its happened to MEeee", "i cant concieve *doo doo doo do doo* of anymore *dun dun dun* MISERY" from Ask Me Why.
GOD OK LISTEN im just gonna say this now i absolutely adore and favor the please please me album so much i dont care what anyone says ok im such a sucker for their early sappy love songs ITS SO MANY GOOD HARMONIES ESPECIALLY FROM THIS ONE. MY GOD i listen to this and i feel like im with a lover late at night and we're like at one or the others house keeping each other warm and being all romantic and happy. Specifically the part that goes "ask me whyy I say i love you.. (OOOOHHHOOOO) and im always thinking of youuhoohohoo..." LIKE COME ON PLEAEE IT MAKES ME FEEL SO WARM INSIDE AND I SMILE IN AN INSTANT GOD I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. Whenever i think im sad i go "no im not because Please Please Me." And its like all the sudden everything im sad about just poof disappears!
10. "If theres anything that you want.. IF THERES ANYTHING I CAN DOOOO" from From Me To You.
I am so in love with this song you guys i have no idea I LOVE IT SO MUCH. IT HAS THIS LITTLE SWING TO IT SPECIFICALLY BETWEEN THESE 2 LINES THAT MY BRAIN SEEKS FOR NEARLY EVERY DAY. the amount of blessing i get from this song is more than i can comprehend its literally insane i cant even. How does someone do this how did the beatles make music guys I am seriously so dumbfounded like they just sat there and wrote banger after banger like WHAT. this song makes me believe that life isnt as horrible as it seems and if im lucky enough i can just sing and dance to this song for all of eternity. There are also so many other good harmonies in this one as well...
In conclusion the beatles have had a chokehold on me for 3 years but I mean their stupid groundbreaking songs keep drawing me back in so.... This has also made me come to the conclusion that the Beatles simply arent real because I still dont believe a band can not only write consistent hits, but also harmonize in a way that causes me to spin around while doing backflips.
Thank you for your time.
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kazuma with an affectionate and touch starved s/o (he/him pronouns pls) orz. he's embarassed to show it on public and may even look distant, but when they're alone he's more touchy. he craves for cuddles or hugs, or even crave small physical touches when they're not hugging/cuddling like always having their fingers or hands touch each other, holding hands and locking pinky fingers together. im very lovesick with this man he won't leave my mind. pleaee help assjdhejhdhd im sorry - dadlock
a/n: hi anon ! thank you so much !!! i had surprising fun with this one, i too would also hug the shit out of him given the chance gsgrhdhscdhs
kazuma with a touch starved s/o (he / him)
i think kazuma would be more willing to give lots of cuddles and affection moreso than ryuunosuke because well, he's not as shy or awkward. he's warm and upbeat compared to ryuunosuke.
he doesn't mind how shy you are, he knows you love him and you know he loves you !
though he does find it cute when you suddenly change from quiet and awkward to cuddly and adorable !
finding out that you're touch starved and to deal with it you cuddle him, kazuma understands.
although he's not touch starved like you, hell make sure to accommodate your needs !
he loves to cuddle, he has a natural warm aura around him that can lull you into a deep sleep when you're cuddling him.
he is cuddly too on his behalf, but it's in more subtle ways like letting you sit in his lap while he works on some papers and cuddle each other.
it's quite cute in your eyes, the fearless attorney, kazuma asougi, who won't stop until his client is proven innocent, melt at the sight of you cuddling into his warm chest.
although he can't cling to you all day sadly as much as he wants to because of work related purposes but he makes the most of it.
i think he'd like to carry you around, bridal style while you lean yourself into his warm chest and listen to his gentle heartbeat thump.
he's also a fan of it when you pounce on him as he's sitting down so he rolls with you in his arms, both giggly messes.
he hasn't really thought about pda all that much since all you two do at home is cuddle. but if you want to hold his hand then that's fine by him !
he loves it when he comes home from work to see you run up to him and squeeze him in a welcome home hug.
he just loves his boyfriend to bits. if he could he'd stay in the same position, cuddling in bed with you for all of eternity.
even ryuunosuke can tell that he's softened up because of you, you've had such an important impact with the man.
"your boyfriend.. ever since you've started dating him, you've started to grow a bit.. softer !"
"hahaha ! all in the name of love, ryuunosuke."
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
bestie if you need more recommendations just say the word😁❤️❤️
It’s so damn hard finding hot male yanderes x female webtoons or any sort of manga/manhwas, like even fuckin hentai is so bland w that shit.
Honestly the more messed up it is, the better please💀idk where to find the good ones, I usually read them on mangago…which is prolly why I can’t find any LOL
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Helloooo love!
Are you spirit readings still available?
Hello there 👋 my darling .. starting at 7:18pm I have effectively channeled your Spirit Guide through my special Shamanic Healing Journey experience and have come to find out that you've got so many Spiritusl Guardians , some of yoyr Spirit Guides are angelic realm goddess angels and even Archangels .. (x3 of them ) and you've got two elemental realm mystical beings for Spurit Guiees .. I believe i have connected with a very shy fairy witch goddess named OlivineRavenn and she's a very special creature because her mythological background is actually ♥ in my particular heritage...
I am more than 1/3 Finnish from Finland, my Mothers nordic bloodline of Scandinavian heritage makes me a strong Shamanic Healer& I'm an eclectic-earth witch myself, who's path is mystic Shamanism and Also my (other) half of heritage which is Native American, that's where I get my roots of shamanism from, but Finland is what keeps my Shaman blood thick with culture traditions that I can folliw without people telling me I'm too white to be practicing native traditions
I am an Albino Indian
Your Spirit Guide is telling me that she is , too, the same mux as me now..
(I suppose that was your Spirit Guide talking through md, going on n on about herself but counting like talking about meee lolol)..
I suppose that makes more sense now, knowing how her symbolism (Raven/crow)
But , with your Particularly Shamanic Session i will have to cut it short since you've not payed by donation yet., Im only going to go as far as your Spirit Guides let me within 2 +1/2 hrs of work because I cannot continue to work for FREE, !!
Especially in financial recession i need real support since I've got no secure income working as a psychic advisor.
So, id appreciate it if you'd help me meet my goal of reaching $120 by tomorrow ,so far I've got $12.11 so pleaee I suggest that you make a donation of $9 or more: is my time and effort not worth so so very much more ? I know my skilkset is far more valuable than onky a $10 tip so pleaee make my day , because the PayPal youllbe donating to is my coven cancer fund , and its for myself and my Dad, we both have Cancer and both also have home care(nursing staff)
that are hired to come x5 a week but I've cut down to x3 a week and now my schedule is going to ( as of next week ) going to be less than x4 hrs of nurses per week !! 😮😯😲😳😳🤯😵🥶😱🤮🤮🙀😬😬😬 mb link to PayPal is in all my other posts, you shoukd see it easily , www.paypal.me/ripleysreadings
Your Spirit Guide Reading Cont'...⚡⚡❄❣🌸🌿🕷🌏🦋
OlivivneRavenn is a fairy witch goddess of 🔥 fire Nd earth 🌎 and her current image is as follows (she looks just like thus photo, shc has dark hair and dark eyes .
Your Spirit Guide is legendary!
Shrouded in legendary mystery, has been a prominent character in the Underground Scandinavian Folklore legends and Fairytale...She was the sister and aid to King Gatae himself. In some of the legends, OlivineRavenn saves King Gatae by whisking him off to WhiteRabbitCity after a fatal battle. In her witch goddess form, OlivineRavenn is an elemental master and herbalist.
Part fairy, she was a priestess of WhiteRabbitCity and consort to the Lady of the Lakes. Moreover, she possessed the ability to cross into other worlds and realms. Invoke OlivindRavenn, fairy witch goddess, when working with fairies and elementals, parting the veil, and casting magic with herbs. Her symbol is the raven or crow.
It is now 10: 04 pm
Here is one image of your goddess , SpiritGuide
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Anybody looking for a Spirit Guide session with me to do their Shamanic Healing Journey experience 🙏 please remember that I can't work fir FREE and that channeling intuitively takes hours , like fir example: do you see the time I started this reading at ? 7 o'clock now it ten ... crazy.. time flies. Nos pleaee everybody understand that i have cancer and need to pay for urgent homd care services and that I've got NO OTHER INCOME besides this psychic advisor job title which j have lost my high paying job at The Purple Ocean Psychics🔮 App on Google🤔 now I'm sort of doing charity psychic readings here on Tumblr anc on instagrsm bug thix cannot happen ang longer!!
I really need to af least make enough to feed myself because this month i survived off one leaf of bread and half a jar of peanut butter...
But I did manage to bum a bag of rice from my next door neighbor but ghrg are a frank pot an z bit of a pervert an id rather NOT had to go back over there , fir nothing I jusf don't wanna pug myself jn that situation . Please hell md people!!
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phereinnike · 4 years
Thank you so much your kind offer of readings. Pleaee could I request an insight spread? I'm asking about someone I'm attracted to: How can I strengthen the possibility of romantic feeling between us? I'm a woman, he is a slightly older man. If this isn't enough info, please say and I'll gladly provide more.
I don’t need to know your gender, age or that of the person, but thanks for providing details the relentless gossip in me appreciates it. 
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Where there is a seed, there can be a flower. Of course, although the flower can bloom on it’s own, it doesn’t hurt to give it a helping hand. Love is not something that grows on its own out of barren ground, nor is it something you can just find already made and ready to pick-up and go. Love, like any relationship with another person, is something you build. There is potential there for you to work with, put your best face forward, don’t let yourself be tricked by insecurity or haste, get to gardening. 
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thefivecalls · 5 years
(I wrote this mid sugar high at midnight last night there are a thousand spelling mistakes I'm sorry)
Imb the forst movie Ana freezes amd im the 2 elsa gets the punishment if the producers follow through with elsa amd Ana storyline does that mean KRISTOFF is gomma get frozen next
Also like Ana unfroze elsa but she was miles away doe Ana habe love as magic like its so subtle amd that's why she wanted elsa to come out when they were kids she like physically needs love to live
And on that same note what if thats why shes so loyal she loves so strongly she kmows unconsciously that if she isn't there they'll despair amd stop feelimg love
Why is elsa the bridge amd not the chief amd their grandparents because as far as I know spirits don't usually stick with petty humams they would have let them war but mooooo who truly broke the bridge? Who has the power to cause the spirits so much anguish they banish humams from their realm?
Something is familiar, like a dream I can reach, but not quite hold ❊
Is elsa the chief reincarnate is that why she and omly she coupld break the fog be ause suhe was the innocent blood spilt beforehand it woupd explaim why shes albino shes a ghost with meat
Wheb elsa is in the Frozen River she saw her parents and her mom said something like I need to tell you about my past why did she's not stopped and keep it looking at it she could have figure it out so much and their parents wouldn't have been so much of a mystery like I know that the people were a big deal but like they still we're going to go the same direction so she could have listened and follow then follow the other people
Whenever else is singing into the unknown why don't the towns people here her or they just like you up same shirt as always or and then like oh yeah I know more stuff happening just like last time
If else's mom was able to give offspring that had magic powers why don't the rest of the people have powers I know that if she was like a blessing or something but they prove themselves worthy living in the Forest with monsters in Magic 4 34 years was it like there should have been another magic child then they could have talked with Elsa and they could have been together 2 the ice River
Olaf almost melts in the first movie and in the second he flurries so does that mean that with every movie is he just going to like kind of die and then Nana is going to save them with else's help and then have them be saved again and and Olaf just comes back like is that a thing
Are the people of Aaron Dale sick of Anna and Elsa yet I mean they both almost ruined Aaron Del with like no intention I guess but like pull intention I guess to so yeah why are they loyal maybe Anna put magic on them and like Bewitched them without knowing it
what happened to Elsa's Castle whenever she was frozen did it ummagic itself amd the people of aremdel like kmow she was dead like Ana abd olaf kmew when olaf disintegrated
Elsa could easily control people with a wave if her habd why doesn't she do it
She has SO MUCH POWER  and never uses it and never uses it it has to pent-up, build and eventually like all snow does either melt or Avalanche
What's going to happen if Elsa has a kid and it also has a spirit is it going to be more powerful than her in the first movie love overpowered Elsa and Elsa is a spirit does that mean the kid is going to be more powerful than love or will it incarnate love like Anna
The trolls can see the future did that does that mean that they saw Elsa and Anna freeze? Does that mean that they saw people dying in alternate futures? If that actually happened why did they not speak of it why didn't they stop Hans or better yet stop their parents from seeking the Frozen River they might have known they died and didn't tell anyone
In one of the theories it states that the parents washed ashore on Tarzan Island does that mean Tarzan has powers is that why he can speak to the animals
Kristoff and 10 obviously are close and so is writer and his reindeers they both communicate to the animals easily and and Kristoff in the first movie was working with the ice people and no one came back for him when he went missing no parents no family does that mean he's part of the tribe does that mean that he survived the fog and just doesn't remember because the trolls took him in and maybe change his memory?
Hans is from the Southern Isles. Elsa's from the Northern Isles. Elsa has powers ice powers Hans never liked Elsa nor she him he had fire powers and that's why she automatically didn't like him nor any of his brothers whenever her coronation came around the Fire and Ice collided spiritually and maybe they picked up on it?
Why did Elsa hear her mother singing to her from the ice River and how did her mother use the plants to save their father could she coax them somehow did she have powers could she have been a spirit the Earth spirit most of the time whenever Elsa heard the song it was either via wind or Earth that we saw her like camera wise so is her mother a spirit to or did she just know to coax the plants via tradition
How did their grandfather find the tribe and the magical land was there another tribe member that spoke with them beforehand Maybe someone connected to Kristoff biologically I mean he looks like the kingdom people but he has characteristics like the tribe he even somehow knew the forest quote-unquote after only being there a day how did he know is it part of his blood or is it from the trolls giving him magic
Why is it only 5 spirits there's sub categories like ice and water they're the same thing but Elsa and the water spirit are two different things so is like there a lava spirit just like lesser known is there sub categories of spirits that aren't represented or like are they the other parts of the ice crystals that Elsa created whenever she sang into the unknown are the rest of those tinier spirits
If water has memory does that mean the water spirit has felt their parents died like it recognized and was tamed by Elsa but only after I tried to kill her did it recognize the same characteristics from her parents whenever they tried die and be like oh I know this person somehow like is that a thing
In the first movie Elsa created her castle with spiders similar to the symbol created by the spirits did she realize that she was creating those things unconscious lie or did she think the ice was doing it also the castle was built on a cliff similar to the one in the ice River did a part of her recognize and feel at home there to create that new Palace there to feel closer to home
Elsa's ice has created two dresses so far so that means that she can create filament so small they can be thread like with with that power it tears a part her old dresses and creates new fabric from it does that mean she could tear apart anything and create a new part of it like say animal for tree or human and build off of that to create a icier version of the original being
The tribe means from the Sun the name so that part of fire spirit is that why we only see the gecko as a fire spirit there's more of this fire somewhere else like a little bit in the people and maybe even the flower from Tangled which eventually ended up and Rapunzel and eventually ended up in a single tear in Flynn and then somehow comes back to the tribe to the spirit
Elsa not only saw only her memories but also Anna's. As the bridge between Magic and none magic or they somehow connected is that why they both like chocolate or they both read each other so well or I don't know how they both fall asleep to the same song in the similar ways maybe on I got the human half and Elsa got the magical half
Elsa got frozen in the ice River whenever she jumped off the cliff did her powers react to the recognizable area and overcome her meat suit is that why she froze because I know that jumping too deep in the river from the song freezes you or drowns you but a normal person wouldn't have survived half of things the chasms the controlling the water spirit so was that just her embracing her powers and then the magic getting too much of her Grand Papi warned Anna about elsas magic being too much for the world maybe the body was the last barrier before it was to take the world with ice
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pbcnita · 3 years
#relationshipgoals The relationship with yourself, thats the one a lot of yall need to focus on.
Allow me to reintroduce myself!!! 🤣 Welcome to my page. Pleaee don't come in here playing.
I'm serious and passionate about living a true spiritual existence. We are spirit first and must get back to our ways of honoring our spirits.. We laugh, learn, grow over here. I am here to offer hard, honest truths & guidance for your safety & self empowerment in your spiritual journey. Your life is your own, so you owe it to yourself to use the tools provided to help you move forward and one of the first things required is for you to go back. Your ancestors are always first. You've got to know where you come from and there's no better way to get clarity than going directly to the source, Your Ancestors. The elevated ancestors are our guidance and protection whether you know it or not. 🙏🏾 Find peace.
#iyalode #madrenkisi #motherofspirits #eggunwoman #palera #yaya #witch #naturesdaughter #bruja #spiritualconnection #tradition #ancestralwisdom #intuitiveguidance #eggunsaidspeaktothosewhowilllisten #godputyourhelpcloserthanyouthink #weareheretolearngrowelevate #spiritualawakening #spiritualityiswhereourpowerlies #workisrequired #wegetbackwhatweputout #everythingearnednothinggiven #africanspirituality #tradition #weareconnectedtotheuniverse #energyisthecurrencyoftheuniverse #reader
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