#i need 2 draw him . the vision i have in my brain is so cute
soft-spooks · 1 year
update i have calmed down now and am watching silly little videos onmy computer
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llondonfog · 6 months
This is such a weird, RANDOM, and long ask (more like a rant tbh), but I wanted to say something because I can't get it out of my head.
Before you boo me, I COULDN'T HELP IT. I just, can't get it out of my brain.
Like, Lilia just wakes up one day, sees this mini horror in Silver's bedroom, and freaks out before realizing that IS Silver.
Everything he knew about Silver's parents is a lie.
Then, Silver transforms back, but part way, so he has these cute little wings with soft, white feathers, and Lilia just MELTS.
He's freaked out, amazed, confused, but he wants to comfort Silver, who is both confused and possibly in pain from the transformation. Growing wings seems painful.
Like, he had 6 wings (3 sets of 2) in the horror-fest form that is a Biblically Accurate Angel (I both encourage and warn you against searching that up lol), and now he has 2-4 wings (possibly with the feathers attached to his head as Seraphim Angels have. I think). Compared to his default human body, that's a big difference, right?
Anyway, I wanted to share this with someone. You don't have to do anything with this, or even respond, but THE IMAGE. I love Silver and he's already angelic, so might as well add a Horrifying version of that, AND pretty wings in the more "normal" version. I just can't write or draw my vision LMAO so I have to cope with sharing it instead.
BABY SILVER WITH BABY ANGEL WINGS!!! oh they are so soft and fluffy, like dreams and clouds and silk all at once!! the imagery of him draping them over lilia while they nap or simply shielding him from the sun with one as he gets older....my heart!!!
And then considering the imagery of extremely pissed off biblically accurate silver protecting his loved ones against any who would seek to bring them harm!!! Absolutely terrifying to behold!! I don't know why I'm partial to the specific one of the large eye surrounded by countless wings but that's what I think of!! All those wings to sweep up and protect his loved ones, and more to deal out powerful blows of damage, with one dizzying aurora-hued eye that can seem like the most gentle gaze that allows you to simply bask in unconditional acceptance or the most horrific choking sense of inevitable judgement for what you've done against the word of good.
on the other hand, the thought of lilia being in such awe and wonder of his child, this pure and innocent being who has been granted to him, who loves him unconditionally and uses his powers to make lilia's life kinder and easier as silver tries to take away the aches and pains and nightmares... I could see it verging into a cult of two territory; lilia being very protective and possessive of his son, the thought of throwing himself into service to protect the boy?angel?savior? at any and all costs, to be his knight in shining armor to keep him safe and unsullied from the world. silver becoming like this odd forest deity creature who pours his magic so willingly into the woods and gives freely to those that need his kindness, and his father is only too happy to kneel to him, renewed in his purpose to serve his benevolent, angelic son...
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daeyeol4you · 9 months
The Chay Rewatch Ep 9
Ep 1 & 2, Ep 3, Ep 4, Ep 5, Ep 6, Ep 7, Ep 8
Ep 9 - Kim is so whipped while somehow still being emotionally constipated
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Time: 10:22 – 12:11 – songwriting boy
Kim’s Outfit: An olive-green jacket, a white shirt, and the return of the white pants
Why does no guitar in this show have a guitar strap?
Chay’s song breaks Kim’s writing block, Kim’s written tons of music before, but now Chay is becoming his muse, taking over the one outlet Kim allows himself
The emotional shutdown Kim forces himself through once he realizes how happy even the memory of Chay is making him. He can’t allow himself to be weak because any attachment to Chay is a weakness, but even that fails because immediately he’s back to smiling while he plays
Kim is so inspired to write even while he’s very clearing trying to cut Chay out of his brain, he’s trying to write his feelings out so he can go back to being cold, untouchable Kim
Korn really did screw up all of his sons emotionally – commitment issues to spare
Time: 29:46 – Macau Spotting
Macau scaring the absolute shit out of Pete, what a little shit
Macau’s Outfit: Another sweater vest with orange and blue stripes with tan pants and white shoes
Macau and Vegas definitely planned this, and Macau is so happy to be causing mischief
Wingman Macau you will always be famous
Macau going on and on about the sermon to tease Pete only to fall asleep immediately, what a mood
Time: 39:24 – 40:03 – the guitar pick!
Not me immediately trying to analyze all of the details of Chay’s room
There’s a bottle of milk on his desk – again I’m sorry I laughed this is a funny bit
The towers of CDs behind Chay speak to how Chay isn’t just into music because its fun, he’s put a lot of effort into appreciating music
The ukelele is cute
He has a jar of I think paper stars on his back shelf – I only mention this because there are a number of different meanings to lucky paper stars but the one I know best is that if you fold either 1,000 or 2,000 (depending on the tale) you can get a wish (you also can give the stars to someone you love) I also know some do it for luck – which Chay has interesting thoughts about luck as we know
Chay creating the guitar pick with his own two hands – my art kid Chay agenda is so real
Chay’s outfit: I’m 99% sure that Chay is wearing a Geto (from Jujutsu Kaisen) shirt. Chay anime fan confirmed
Geto is an antagonist from Jujutsu Kaisen, and I view him as a tragic figure who was once good but due to the evils of his job and the abuse he saw, turned evil. Later on, his body becomes a vessel for further evil
Chay’s friend is named Ohm! I so forgot about this bit I won’t lie
Chay really had been hoping it was Kim. He may have left the next step up to Kim, but he’s still so hopeful that Kim doesn’t leave him behind. He’s for sure getting impatient about it and is planning his next move on his target – sorry crush!
Chay ignoring Ohm draws up a lot of my ideas about how private Chay is about everything. He allows others to see just the surface of everything going on with him, but he tends to be very private about his thoughts and interests. Its not a lack of confidence. I just think he learned early on that sometimes speaking up about everything can be a burden (particularly in his relationship with Porsche) you have to work to get his more internal thoughts
And Chay chooses this! At any point he could put down the guitar pick and answer his friend’s invite, who probably knows something is up with Chay just not what. He’s very tunnel-visioned when he chooses a path, but he doesn’t feel the need to tell anyone else that
Chay doesn’t hide or lie about his emotions and thoughts usually. He just doesn’t always say them out loud. There’s a difference trust me
Time: 49:48 – 53:04 – Chay’s version of gift giving
Chay’s Outfit: a grey crewneck with white and blue paint splatters over a black shirt with the same pendant from the song scene
Kim’s outfit: a studded black leather jacket paired with a white shirt and blue jeans. His necklace this time is a blend of two different chain types (partly made of safety pins I think?) with his regular silver earrings and rings
Chay breaking into the rehearsal space – child I was just praising you for leaving the ball in Kim’s court, please stop waving red flags! You are such a concerning young man
Chay is so cute no wonder Kim is okay with the stalking, also who is this friend Chay keeps getting this info from (please just be stan twitter please that’d be so funny)
I love how this scene gets presented from behind the glass of the recording booth, the slow zoom-in on the two as the scene progresses
Kim’s calm responses to this are so dynamic when placed next to Chay’s which are full of excitement and nerves
Gosh the zoom-in when Chay presents the box – beautiful
“This is limited edition. You’ve got the only one piece in the world.” – how long do you think its been since Kim received a genuine, heartfelt gift like this?
Compare this gift to Kim and the guitar. Kim bought an incredibly expensive guitar for Chay, but it was to buy his way into the house. There was more manipulation than thought put into that gift
Whereas Chay made that pick himself adding even greater meaning to the gift. Chay isn’t trying to manipulate Kim, he’s genuinely just staying true to himself by confessing and giving Kim the pick as thanks. Chay’s always been upfront about his emotions and intentions with Kim which is very refreshing
of course Chay passed - he's very talented
“From now on I won’t have any excuse to see your face.” “Can I bother you one last time?” – that’s such a cute statement, plus it also goes to show that Chay gets that Kim is trying to cut him off and will accept it after he says his piece (Chay respects boundaries! I am ignoring his stalking for right now!)
I love Chay’s fidgeting here, very genuine and doesn’t feel forced
KIM’S FACE WHEN CHAY SAYS HE LIKES HIM! He knew but was not prepared for Chay to actually say it
Chay’s rambling about making an oath with himself – he is so good! He is so emotionally healthy & confident! (I am ignoring the red flags about his stalking right now!)
I know some people were disappointed about never getting a ‘real’ kiss, but I like this cheek kiss. Chay’s still young compared to Kim, and Kim holds a lot of power as his tutor as well as how many secrets he’s keeping from Chay. A kiss on the lips would have been marred by that and would have been uncomfortable when looked back on. This kiss works for them, it's sweet and it’s a foundation for the two of them to build on
During this scene, there’s this large empty space between Kim and Chay. Chay stays respectfully away until Kim breaks the divide and kisses him. It was always going to be up to Kim to choose what to do next
THE MUSIC!! THE HUGS!! – Kim is so not a hugger, but for Chay he lets it happen, twice! This is the same man we see bullying bodyguards and murdering people! The duality of man indeed
Shoutout to Tankhun for his open and honest defense of Porsche – truly a man who knows that open communication is necessary (unlike his brothers)
Overall Chay Rating (Chrating) – A
This ep definitely goes everywhere, but we get a good amount of KimChay development as well as a Macau appearance. I’m glad we got solo scenes from Kim & Chay before they saw each other as it laid the groundwork for the confession scene, very well plotted. Chay being so truthful to himself as well as Kim’s emotional breakthrough was very refreshing
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wolame-o-ccx · 8 months
would genuinely love to see your process for sketching out your comics!! ive wanted to make my own but i have never really figured out the process and end up overwhelmed- and you're one of the folks who makes stuff in a style that I kinda draw close to, and u do ur comics with pencil and paper- so if you wouldn't mind in the future, it'd be really cool to see how you actually get everything planned :)
This ask is so cute :( probably genuinely the biggest compliment I've ever received! Well, no waiting in the future! I'll tell you now what happens behind the scenes! :)
SO FIRSTLY, I'd like to clarify I am in no way a professional or even close to one, I never even looked up how to do comics, I just kinda do them and use what I've read from DC comics and Pinterest tips.
But! Personally, I find that making comics is fun and that's what I strive on. I won't lie when I say my comics are pretty bland, the surroundings are empty and lame but I think the character's expressions and body language make up for it, and especially the script. So altogether in this post, I'll be breaking down how my comics are made!
↓↓↓ if you're interested, open up the full post!
1 - Scripting
In both dialogue and character detail/placing!
I use a notes app for when I get ideas!
* I usually don't do specific dialogue, only stating the idea and then coming up with dialogue in my head, but there are some exceptions where I do write down pre-thought-out dialogues you can see in the examples I put below!
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With the idea / dialogue in tow, we can go to character detail / placing. I don't know the actual word for it but basically how the character acts in a specific scene / dialogue!
Character expression is especially important when it comes to any type of art, be it comics or animation as it can tell a story with little to no dialogue!
* panels taken from 1 and 2 for context
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From here you can clearly tell their expressions well! Be sure to exaggerate!
2 - Limit planning
With Tumblr's 10 images limit, as well as Instagram if you post there, it's important to note that limit and know when to end the comic with a good panel where it doesn't feel like it's supposed to continue UNLESS you're making two parts!
I can't tell you how many times I've ruined my sketchbook papers trying to get a perfect script but I've been doing it long enough that my brain has adapted to the limit and every comic I've done since adapting had been a perfect ≤10.
But even if you decide to go with two (or maybe even more) parts, you should make sure it ends well still! Like a book! Those spaces between paragraphs and chapters and such!
Take these for examples too!
* panels taken from 1 and 2 for context
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So treat it like a book! I guess ?
3 - Panel placement
This isn't a necessity, but my personal way of drawing each panel is having it scattered around randomly around my sketchbook. I don't use strips or anything like that as it restricts me because using strips on paper is a whole lot harder than on digital. Because I have such a wide area to draw, I'm less restricted from drawing any excess things I want to add in case my dialogue doesn't fit the panel or so!
4 - Draw
Now to put it all together and make the comic! I usually already have my vision in mind so I can just go draw it without a light sketch layer, but I do recommend it!
What that is is essentially a sketch but drawn like.. your pencil is hovered above the page? Like you don't press down on it or something like that. Basically a guideline! So do that if you need it, and when you're satisfied with how it looks, you can draw it! And make sure it's clear!
After that, it's just picture and post! (Make sure you crop it right tho!)
4.5 - BONUS / TIPS
When I started posting Belos drawings, I never expected it to get any attention or even end up as a whole AU 😭 I just drew him in a babygirl hoodie and people ate that shit up so now it's an AU 💀 and because of that you need to prepare personalized tags!
Tags like pitmdau or sharing caleb au ! Very very useful for navigation
More important than tags, make sure you have a Masterpost!
I'm aware mine are unfinished and very messy and I'm trying to work on that right now but it's very difficult but people really need it so when making Masterposts, YOU HAVE KEEP UP WITH IT. I slacked of for ONE POST and now it's a mess.
Also another important note you can only put 100 links in one post so you have to make more Masterposts to navigate through the comics 😭
5 - Have fun!
When getting into comic making, I think really the most important thing to keep in mind is your enjoyment in making said comics. Sometimes some things can burn you out very quickly so when you're getting into things like this, especially when you're not getting paid, you gotta make sure you have fun doing it. It doesn't matter if it doesn't get a lot of traction or not, it only matters that you are enjoying making and posting them!
I've experienced MULTIPLE burn outs from making too many comics for my TOH AUs that at some point I just completely died and lacked motivation. But what drives me into making them are other people's enjoyment! Their enjoyment gives me enjoyment which gives me motivation to make more. Someday I'll know the AUs I've created will inevitably be over, at some point, but right now I'm just having fun with the small community I've built!
So make comics, and have fun!
I hope this was helpful in any way. I just want to clarify that, again, this is my way of making comics, and you don't have to follow anything I put into the post. I'm mostly hoping this was easy to understand as well. I'm more of a visual learner so making up the words to make this was kinda hard so I'm sorry if some parts didn't make sense. If anything, feel free to hit me with another ask or a PM! I know me not posting seems like I'm inactive but I promise I check Tumblr frequently 😭
Happy posting!!! :3
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the-nosy-neighbor · 2 months
The Wally/Home Connection
This is going to be some far out theorizing, but I think it might not be for everyone.  The post is about Home/Wally’s relationship.  Please don’t read if you think that might spoil your enjoyment of the project at all.  
Wally and Home
The relationship between Home and Wally is something heavily debated.  The really cool thing about this project is that you can see most of them being a possibility.  I think the one thing that is commonly expressed is that they are working together somehow.  
You know what I think?  Wally is a part of Home’s body.  Home made Wally to attract people/neighbors.
The more I spent time thinking about the relationship between Home and Wally, the idea of them being connected entities has always appealed to me more than other theories.  
Wally is such an attractive character!  He is cute and disarming and a bit slow.  He loves everyone.
In the world of the show, where Wally and his friends are real, you could make the argument that Wally is this way because of the needs of the show.  The kids need a focal point, something to relate to as their replacement in the world.  Wally doesn’t know things, he doesn’t need to.  We all learn together.
BUT, while we haven’t seen Wally of the show, we have heard him.  He is cute and funny, and everyone enjoys having him around.  He participates and asks questions and tells stories.  So, he is an active character.  In the secret videos, we have Wally as a part of every scene, and we appear to be seeing through his eyes, and he really doesn’t have any reaction while the video goes.  He appears to be disassociating, or just turned off.  
What if Wally is the representative of home, but in the same way an anglerfish has a lure?
Puppeteer Parasite IRL and in D&D
Puppeteer Parasite.  One of the bugs reminded tumblrina of something that is a real bug that is a Puppeteer Parasite, or related anyway.  
It is a fungus that makes ants do their bidding, which is a less understood way to describe the fungus affecting the nervous system.  In the end, the ants climb to the top of a bush (the night time rattling in the bushes?), bite down and die.  Scientists say that the fungus has worked around the jaw muscles at this point.
In DnD, the puppeteer parasite is a brain slug type thing (also on tv tropes)
Can’t see past 60 ft
Telepathy within 30 ft
Doesn’t require air or sleep
Spells are cling/consume life
Has a suggestion bonus action
Rubber amoeba the size of a dinner plate, glossy on top, bone hooks on the bottom
Attaches to wall or ceiling and jumps/falls on victim
Drains energy or uses them for a ride
Likes humanoid thralls as victims
Thralls:  people fear, consumes human flesh to reveal lost secrets, doesn’t breathe, has superior vision in the dark, has 2 languages
Using my own illustration here, explaining the concept, plus it was just fun.  
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It explains the secret videos, if the angler fish isn’t actively using Wally, then he just doesn’t do anything.  Home doesn’t have to do anything in these moments, so Wally is off, until the use of Wally’s name shakes the Anglerfish out of passivity into participating.
Wally doesn’t know anything maybe because Home doesn’t know these things either.  If he is the equivalent of an anglerfish to a human, then basic information and ways of living would be completely foreign on both parts.  
Wally can’t eat.
Wally is attractive and draws people to him.  He makes for a pretty good lure.  He isn’t challenging in most ways, especially since he can’t even remember small things.
Wally attempts to include Home in all of their activities.  Home can’t move around in this universe, so it makes sense that he sees all this happening through Wally.  Maybe those moments are Home’s attempt to get people closer to him.
Barnaby is close with Home (and from my Look, I made a dog post, most likely dead) and look what happened to him? As someone who spends a lot of time with Home, and has been the only character portrayed as being inside Home and capable of understanding him.  What if this is our puppeteering?  Once Barnaby has been incorporated into Home/Wally, then he could also be used to lure unsuspecting people into Home’s trap.
Wally being out of it during Barnaby’s conversation with Home could be Home's attention being divided?
There are a lot of missing people in this neighborhood.  We have mentions of Barnaby’s mom, Julie’s siblings, and Eddie’s mom.  These all came through descriptive text, and if I remember correctly, none of those characters are mentioned by the characters they are supposed to be related to.  Maybe Barnaby mentioned his mom, but then again, he could be absorbed.  What if absorbed means you have access to Home’s inner workings?
Axed character Sunny.  Maybe Sunny was devoured by Home.  
On a related note, all the black stuff /under Home could be part of the entrapment.  Black tendrils reaching out.  
Someone speculated that Wally’s I see you/I can’t see being on black backgrounds could be a zoom in of wally’s pupil (my eyes are black).  But it could be the deep sea like background.
Edit: There is no heart between Wally and Home on the pixel banner with all the neighbors.
Let’s go to an actual fish:
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This guy definitely has tendrils reaching out.  A lot of this kind of fish also have mouths that almost resemble doors. 
Maybe Home just has to get someone in the door, and once Wally gets close enough to ask someone to come in, gotcha.
The puppeteer parasite: The first is the ant, obviously, infected by the parasite.  The ant has a protuberance from the head, which also puts me in mind of the black stuff.
The DnD guy is pretty funny.  More of a flat slug-like thing that takes people unawares.  Replace all those teeth with eyes, and it would be a pretty close analog to several things we see.  
Finally, there is a very telling picture from Clown’s ko-fi.  Not going to share that, as I haven’t seen it anywhere else, but Clown’s work is often taking something happy and celebratory, and turning it into a monster, or at least as something threatening.  This sculpture is not that, specifically, but the sculpture was photographed next to Home, which is very telling indeed.  
Home the devouring entity has Wally to speak for them, and now Wally is speaking to us, trying to draw us into his world or trying to break through to ours.  
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"Hold my gaze and follow me."
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heauxzenji · 3 years
could you do the nsfw alphabet for atsumu please? thank you :)
Aw shit, here we go again...
NSFW Alphabet: Miya Atsumu
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gn!reader focused
A/N: She hasn’t written in awhile but you know what I’m proud of it- lol be nice to me or I’ll leave forever jk I won’t but still be nice to me ily 💕 Atsumu is a menace I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Obviously nasty below the cut so if you’re a kid fuck off
𝕬 - 𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊
He’s not the best, but certainly not the worst. He will take care of you, but… only after he takes care of himself first. Usually that just means he needs to take a shower. Once he does, he’s free to supply cuddles until you both fall asleep.
𝕭 - 𝕭𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙
He has abs so solid you could make a sharkcoochie board on them. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
𝕮 - 𝕮𝖚𝖒
When Atsumu cums… he cums hard. It’s like having an out of body experience- every nerve cell in his body is firing off as he tenses up, digging his nails into whatever flesh he can grab, and grinding his heels into the surface supporting him. He bites down so hard his teeth grind involuntarily as his face contorts in a strained statuesque vision. One low growl from deep in his chest comes out through gritted teeth as he sputters out mixtures of “that’s it,” and “don’t you dare fucking stop.”
The orgasm face of Atsumu Miya is one of the 7 wonders of the world.
𝕯 - 𝕯𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙
It’s not a secret per se, but he’s been exposed and clowned for eating ass… so he doesn’t wanna talk about it.
𝕰 - 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊
So contrary to popular belief, I don’t think he’s that experienced... he’s just lucky! (Lmaoooo all of his experience is based on like 2 actual people that he maybe got to second base with (he says third but come on we know he’s lying) and then a litany of porn. Poor thing just wants some coochie I AM HERE KING and he has no trouble finding it, he just never seals the deal. He’s someone who just kind of, knows what to do naturally. He’s able to read someone’s body by touch alone, and so he knows what you like right off the bat based on how you react. He might try a couple of things at the start to see what really makes you squirm, but once he’s got it... holy hell has he ever got it.
𝕱 - 𝕱𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕻𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
I hate to say how easy this was- but I KNOW Atsumu is a guy who prefers doggy. I see him as a hair puller, so this is perfect for him. I also could see him being into mirrors, and this is the perfect position to make you look at what he’s doing to you, especially while he’s pulling your head back by your hair. He especially likes gripping his thumbs into the smalls of your back (he crosses his arms bc saw it in a porn once and he thinks it makes him look cool), and when he’s INTO it, he likes to smack your ass to encourage you.
𝕲 - 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖋𝖞
Is goofy by accident. Like will sometimes try throwing in something new with his normal dirty talk that completely throws you off. He hates when you laugh at him for it, but you find it endearing.
𝕳 - 𝕳𝖆𝖎𝖗
I’m gonna… say something so controversial yet so bold:
What hair?
And yes I mean that. Smooth. He waxes. Monthly. No hair. (Besides like… legs and armpits… yah he doesn’t touch those) Naked mole rat dick but fuck it he’s Atsumu motherfucking Miya he can do what he wants.
𝕴 - 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖞
While he’s not the most... romantic in general per se, he does want to make you feel appreciated. He’s very eager to get his, but he won’t allow himself to unless you have already. It takes restraint, but he cools himself down by having you get on top, or by leaving lingering kisses anywhere he can, saying you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
𝕵 - 𝕵𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕺𝖋𝖋
When he’s away from you he loves to send you videos of himself or FaceTime you. He gets you worked up enough to join him no matter where you are. He just needs to see you, he needs you to see him stroking his cock to the thought of you- he can’t cum without you telling him to.
𝕶 - 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖐
I have to get this out but I KNOW he’s nasty. I imagine Atsumu as a huge dirty talker and also someone who’s into spitting. Both of those are just clear in my brain... like he would be pundinng you from behind, spit on your back, and then call you a slut all in 3 seconds flat but the way that you would cream? Ugh insanity he needs to be arrested he needs to be stopped
𝕷 - 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Since he’s got money now- he’s a big fan of ordering Uber XLs or even just hiring a driver for a night on the town as a flex. But he especially loves telling his driver to put up the window partition while he annihilates you in the backseat. I just think he’s a fan of car sex in general- it just does it for him.
𝕸 - 𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Loves to hear his name. Whether you’re moaning it or screaming it like it’s the only word you know, he’s always going to ask you who you belong to, and the answer is always Atsumu.
𝕹 - 𝕹𝖔!
He totally eats ass. He’s just not gonna tell anyone bc he told Osamu ONCE and now his contact name is ASStumu and he lives in fear of that getting out.
𝕺 - 𝕺𝖗𝖆𝖑
Sloppppppyyyyyy. Loves giving ~slightly~ more than receiving, simply bc he loves the sight of seeing his spit dripping down your thighs while he goes down on you. Loves eye contact when you’re going down on him.
𝕻 - 𝕻𝖆𝖈𝖊
Though I wouldn’t say he’s super experienced, I know he’s relentless. He fucks. Literally just fucks. Not in the sense that he only treats you like a hole bc yikes, but in the sense that he just goes the speeds of fast or faster. There’s no slow with him.
𝕼 - 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖊
Yeah. Lots of them. Anywhere, anytime. Particularly for him, a lot of them end up being in his car, simply because you’ll be out somewhere and the mood strikes. He’ll quickly take you out to the car for a few minutes, slut you out, and then return to the function like nothing happened. You’ve had many a quickie in a bathroom or closet in a party as well. When he wants you, he wants you, so he’s not afraid to take you.
𝕽 - 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖐
Not as much of a risk-taker as people think. Mostly because he wants to protect you. He would hate for someone to see you in such a compromising position… but also, you’ve had your fair share of quickies in the bathrooms of various wedding receptions, so he’s lying.
𝕾 - 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆
Can last a decent amount of time, if he spreads it out over multiple rounds. I’m general, he can probably go about 2 or 3 rounds without needing a break. More if you draw out foreplay with him. He’s a pleaser, so really how long he lasts is up to you. He’s got the power and control to hold off on is own release until he’s certain you absolutely can’t take anymore.
𝕿 - 𝕿𝖔𝖞
One of those mfs who gets you the mold of his dick as a toy for your birthday for when he’s away because according to him “you’ll be so needy while I’m gone”
I hate him so much but I would use that shit every day he knows what he’s doing I’m so upset
𝖀 - 𝖀𝖓𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗
Speaking of being needy- he loves to egg you on when you are. He knows all the buttons to push, but he��ll never actually make the move until you’re begging. And of course he loves to turn that around in you, hitting you with that “god, ya just can’t get enough of me, can ya?”
𝖁 - 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖊
He’s more of a talker than a moaner. Not necessarily loud in bed- but very, very vocal. Commanding of you in a good way, and will definitely show his appreciation through praise.
𝖂 - 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉
Actually has a Cosmo subscription bc he likes trying all the strange and obscure sex positions in the articles. Also likes taking the quizzes, and will casually have you do them with him at breakfast.
𝖃 - 𝖃-𝕽𝖆𝖞
he’s a little on the thicker side. Its probably a good 7 inches, so it’s enough to fill you, add in the stretch of his girth and it’s a good, mild burn when he first goes in, but he fills you just enough without it being way too much. He’s a shower, so he doesn’t get much longer, but you have a lot to work with. He also has a cute freckle on his left inner thigh.
𝖄 - 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌
His sex drive is on the higher end, but really only when he’s in his off season. When he’s actively playing in games, he tries to curb his appetite a bit because he believes in the superstition that sex messes with players’ stamina on the court.
𝖅 - 𝖅𝖟𝖟
He’s gonna knock out, but not until he showers. He ALWAYS showers after. The water soothes his muscles and by the time he’s done it’s lights out.
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
We say we're friends, we play pretend (2/2 )You're more to me, we're everything
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Fem reader
Summary: Charlie and Y/N were best friends and a couple as teens, after their breakup they meet again 4 years later on JATP and have to work together. Will they be able to recover more than their friendship?
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If Charlie knew anything in life, it was that he had to take things carefully. Especially with such strong feelings involved. In general, when you like someone, the least you want is for that person to see you as a friend, but particularly for them, recovering their friendship bond was the most important step.
“You were so cute!” Tori and Owen are looking at photos of the guitarist's childhood on his phone. A photo of little Charlie in a suit grinning from ear to ear while holding a girl as if he is spinning her around shows up.
That memory is one of his favorites. He was always a very loved boy with many friends, but in the case of girls he was not the most popular. His best friend on the other hand was, at least for him, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and boys were always around her. He knew he needed to find a partner for the dance so that she wouldn't feel guilty or he wouldn't feel humiliated by not having someone to go with.
However, he was rejected, quite a few times. He didn’t want to say anything about the dance to his best friend that week because he knew that she would stay home with him without hesitation. But that day half an hour before, he arrived in a suit and flowers for her, so at least he could have a picture of such an important moment with the person he loves the most, and he was the one surprised.
“It was about time Char, we have to take about 30 pictures before we go. Mom bought you a tie so we can match." She is up and down looking for one of her shoes, not even turning to see her friend who doesn’t know if he understood correctly.
At that moment she finally turns to see him and runs for a hug, Charlie barely had time to raise his arm with the flowers.
“You look so handsome, and the flowers are perfect. Best partner ever, I love you so much C! I’ll be ready in a second.”
She had planned to go with him from the beginning, and thought it was an implicit pact. That realization made Charlie's heart beat a lot faster that day. No matter how many people invited her, she wanted to go with him. He spent the night with his favorite person dancing and singing, feeling grateful for her, this light who always chooses him of all people.
“I looked pretty good in those clothes.” Y/N says as she and Madison sit at the table.
“You always look amazing, but yeah that night was special.” It's also the night that he realized that he was feeling more than friendship for his best friend, but this is not the time to talk about it.
He decides to continue preparing his waffles, than even though it already has like 5 ingredients, it seems something is missing.
Y/N blushes a little and smiles. “Here, handsome.” She hands him a can of pringles that she grabbed from the cafeteria when she saw him making eggo’s.
“Perfect, Y/N Y/L teaching everyone why she's my soulmate.” Everyone at the table begins to complain about what they qualify as the most disgusting thing they have ever seen, while the former couple smiles happily as they secretly link their legs under the table and continue their breakfast.
Little details like that one, or as removing all the products that she would take with milk from her hands because she seems to forget every morning that she is allergic can make a difference.
“You are 22 years old and you are still as careless as when we were children, I do not understand how you have survived these 4 years."
“You were always the one who cared about it and kept me safe, I guess unconsciously having you close my brain says, ‘no worries, Char will take care of it.’ So I’m sorry, I'll be more careful.”
A seriously ill 10-year Y/N on the way to the hospital invaded Charlie's mind, whom quickly shook off the bad memory.
“It’s all good, bright star.”
“What did you say?” Madison asks.
“Bright star. I know Kenny calls her ‘golden star’, but he’s the copycat. I've been calling her like that all my life.”
Y/N just smiles, enjoying the moment. She had not heard those words from his lips for years, and honestly Kenny also calling her a star even If it was sweet, made her remember Charles practically every day, and that didn’t help at all to get over the guitarist.
“You are my brightest burning star.” Madison replies, looking at Charlie with amusement in her eyes.
At that moment the actor understands what is going through his co-star's head and panics.
“So this queen is the one who has you so inspired, I should have realized it before.”
“She’s always my inspiration, period.” Y/N starts to laugh while blushing, and Madison’s attention falls completely on her.
“And I guess ‘Bright’ is a coincidence? And rise through the night, you and I, We will fight to shine together...Bright forever.” The songwriter wants to disappear at that precise moment while everyone turns to see her as if she had a third eye on her forehead.
“But you wrote bright long before you even knew Charlie was part of the proyect.” Owen adds, smirking.
“If you are asking me if I draw inspiration from the people I love, to write... the answer is yes. And yes, of course I love him.” How is it possible for the guitarist to slow things down when she says things like that in front of everyone? All he wants right now is to kiss her. This discovery means that despite the time she still had him in mind, the song cannot have been written for long. Hope is flooding his body.
“Ok but they inspiring each other is the sweetest thing in the world, goals right there.” Tori adds excited, her friends blushing.
All those teasing moments helped them to be more transparent with their feelings, hugging, touching, and basically staying close each time they finished their work obligations, almost as if they were afraid that the other would disappear or as if they were trying to make up for lost time.
“We need a lot more energy, especially from Charlie. Luke lives for music, nothing can give him more joy than being on stage."
"They have been working for 17 hours straight and at least 15 attempts with this musical." Paul tries to reason with Kenny mid-recording of Now or Never, which still does not come out as the director was expecting.
“What was in the recording studio that is not here now? I thought they would show an even greater energy than there after they stepped on stage."
They both turn to each other, as if the light had been turned on at the same time, and Paul takes his phone.
A few minutes later Y/N walks on set, Sunset Curve smiles upon seeing her.
“I wanted to make sure that we are fulfilling the vision of our beloved songwriter. Let's not disappoint her, okay? Let's try it one more time." Kenny shouts before starting to record again.
Instantly the energy is seen a thousand times higher, Charlie more radiant than ever, while Y/N replicates his energy behind the cameras, flooding him with sass and attitude. The young singer also motivates her now friends and unknowingly gave Sunset Curve that extra thing they needed to finally achieve the perfect performance. Kenny and Paul doing a fist bump behind the screens.
Soon their chemistry and energy turned into open conversation. The way they made everyone on set cry the first time they practiced Unsaid Emily or how connected and dreamy they were while dancing to Perfect Harmony when Madison wasn't on set.
But they still weren’t together, at least officialy.
If Charlie was honest, the fear of throwing himself all over and losing her again terrified him. The industry they love so much and decided to work in doesn't let having a relationship be easy, and if things go wrong again, they don't know if it might be possible to fix it again. It was basically a leap of faith.
Nonetheless, he knows he's willing, but what about her?
That morning he enters the set overwhelmed with his situation when he sees an even more overwhelmed Y/N walk by without even turning around, almost running to the recording studio.
“I advise you to give her some space for a few hours. Let's say she’s going to have a pretty difficult day."
"Why? What happened?" Jeremy asks as he and Owen stand next to the director.
“She got a call from the people at Netflix, they have already approved almost all the music except ‘Stand Tall’, the closing song, and her favorite. They will come in an hour to hear her presentation and convince them that it is good enough."
At that moment Charlie has an idea. There is no way that he will leave her alone, if he has the opportunity to help her he will do it and he’ll drag along all the people he needs to achieve it.
"Kenny, do you happen to have the music sheets for the song?"
“Don’t tell me-” Owen tries to ask but Charlie interrumpts him.
“Yes, let’s get to work boys.”
An hour later Y/N is freaking out, and she can't help but wish Charlie was around. Of all the days he could choose to disappear, he chose today.
She walks towards the auditorium, where to her surprise way more people than she expected are present, including most of the cast. But there is no sign of her lover boy anywhere.
Now or never. She takes a deep breath and start playing the keyboard. Her voice is the only thing that accompanies the keys. Everything is going as planned, but she can't help but feel distracted, nervous, and overwhelmed.
She is about to give up this fight internally when a drum before the second verse gives her the strength to continue singing, Owen smiles and winks at her to give her some peace of mind, and just a few seconds later Jeremy begins to accompany them with the bass. She knows whose idea it is and she just waits for him to come out from wherever he is hidden.
"I’m going out of my mind, Whatever happens, even if I'm the last standing I’ma stand tall, I’ma stand tall." His voice finishes waking her up and she accompanies him in the chorus, their chemistry electrifying everyone until every single person is standing, the cast supporting, dancing and clapping while the couple continues to focus on each other, separating out of obligation every so often but taking the opportunity to sing along with Jeremy and Owen who were doing an amazing job too, impacting with their solos.
The song ends and the boys disappear while Y/N talks to the people who came to evaluate her work, who finally approve the last song on the soundtrack that she has been working on for so long and to which she put all her soul.
The very second people outside the cast leave, Y/N looks for who has always been the boy of her life, the one who has proven that even though the years go by, they only need a few seconds to be themselves again, to be everything again. And as soon as she finds him hanging around only with the other 3 members of JATP she runs and jumps on him, entwining her legs at his hips and hugging him from the neck with all her strength, he immediately secures her by putting his arms around her waist.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
The band starts screaming “Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!” hoping that one of the two will already dare to take the next step, and Y/N stamps her lips against Charlie's, who reacts almost automatically and kisses her back hard, deciding quickly this is the happiest moment of his life. He finally got the girl, or with what just happened, her fierce girl got him.
Hours later both are in Y/N's apartment curled up on a sofa, enjoying being together again.
“Yes, that sexy, beautiful, adorable and talented man is my boyfriend, Charlie Gillespie.”
Charlie chuckles at her random declaration. “What was that?”
“I’m practicing, and I wanted to say it aloud. I’m just so happy right now.”
His heart melts, she’s the most beautiful thing in the world. His brightest burning star.
His girlfriend doesn't give him time to reply, devouring his lips again. After all, she has four years to recover, and as always, he is more than willing to help her.
Thank you so much for reading!
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multipandombabe · 4 years
A Nate Jacobs Blurb part 2
A/N: Here it is! The long awaited part 2 I’ve had so many of you ask for lol. I want to mention before reading that the opening scene takes place after an hour or two into the party scene and kinda just opens up on a random scene. I didn’t feel like there was any real need to make this super long as I only wrote the most definitive moment for these characters to carry the storyline along.
I hope to continue this story as I do have many ideas but anything I post will probably just continue to be written as installments such as this and the one previous to it, as I don’t want it to be my main line of work. I’m always coming up with new ideas and I don’t like simply having one on the forefront as it places to much pressure on writing.
Regardless I hope you enjoy!
a disclaimer: If you have seen the show Euphoria you know what the character Nate Jacobs is like and what he’s done. This is not me condoning the actions of this character--in fact, I urge you to view him as the bad guy he is when reading this. That’s how I wrote it, that’s what I wanted to portray because I’ve yet to write a character as such. Though his actions may not come off as terrible when reading this remember who he is written as and try and read it in that way. 
WARNINGS: alluded sexual assault, foul language 
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The crystalize haze taking over her entire perception of reality right now was almost near blinding to what was happening. The alcohol and whatever that asshole had slipped into her drink had truly and officially taken its toll on her physical being, her vision and balance being hit the worst. Her body laid skewed across the pile of blankets and sheets, having little to no strength to even shuffle through them and find her way up. 
She couldn’t determine though if that was solely for the obvious roofie or also from the shock of watching Nate barge into the room—practically snapping the door off it’s hinges, and ripping Chris from atop of her before (with a speed she had never witnessed in her life) wrestling him out the door and down the hallway. 
Through it all though and the now busted open door she was able to make out the figures of everyone still filling the living room from her placement on the guest bed, the energy to move no longer permitted in her body but simply her eyes which watched with as much intent as they could muster up.
There was yelling, screaming, and a series of other loud noises, all echoing back to her a million times louder than they probably actually were. Figures moved in flashes and the lights burned into her skull as they danced across the catastrophe spilling all over Elias’ parents’ living room wood. Her hands were on her temples before she could even feel them, body making the intent of covering her ears to attempt to silence all the overstimulation.
Bleary eyed she breathed a deep sigh and tried to find herself, but that moment being ripped away as another set of yelling broke out, the shrills emitted from Nate himself. 
He was in the dead center of it all, hands (from what she could tell) wrapped around the throat of Chris Daniel’s as he looked to be throwing him to the floor. Followed by more commotion, a body hitting the floor—it looked to give the tall brunette new access to whomever’s torso, as he barreled his foot into it repeatedly. 
If only she wasn’t swimming her own vision, her own thoughts, maybe then she could truly make it all out. But the way that pill made her skin ripple over her bones and her own brain pound its way out of her skull was too much, focus was lost on her. 
Before she even had a choice to say or do otherwise her eyes slipped closed and she sunk into the abyss of her body again.
Though she was nearing unconsciousness her ears pricked up at the sound of approaching footsteps. They were distinctively heavy and almost mismatched—like the person was stumbling over their own two feet. 
Crossing the carpet until they were near her own body she could hear mumbling above her.
“God dammit.” 
Even in her current state she could recognize that voice, the one that belonged to the person who was just moments ago beating the life out of someone. Nate.
“Look at you.” He whispered. 
The feelings of hands along the sides of her hips heightened her senses for a split second, a whine rolling from the back of her lips as to protest. 
“Shh shh shh, it’s okay it’s okay.” The fingertips grasped at the length of her dress and slowly they pulled it back down-- the whole movement now familiar to a piece of her memory somewhere in the back of her mind, “You’re okay I promise.”
There was a brush of her hair out of her face, the touch cascading down her face to her shoulders where she could make little notice of her sleeves being pulled back up. 
Within seconds the same arms were now wrapped around her form and she was being lifted from the bed. The rocking of her motionless figure was the only distinctive thing she was able to recognize before sleep finally took her under in one vast swoop of both of her eyes shutting close. —————————
Swaying gently back and forth on his feet Nate turned the hall into her bedroom, careful to watch her head as he shuffled through the door. 
The memories of their infamous night flooded back to him instantly, but now as he carried her unconscious body to her bed, he was able to take in the details surrounding them. Her room was a light shade of blue, decorated with huge posters starring various artists and movie stars. 
It triggered a memory from a month or so ago. Sat around a lunch table only one over from her own he could vividly remember overhearing her and April Denavive discussing that Timothée Chalamet kid and how Y/N had such an affinity for him. 
”He was so incredible in Little Women, I swear I’d give anything to just hold his hand or something.” Nate from his seat could see that her rambles caused April to snort into her fruit cup, the red head shaking her head at her friend.
”God Y/N you’re such a virgin.” 
She made sure to swat at April’s arm, poking her finger into her side for sure measure, ”Oh fuck off.” 
April laughed aloud once more as she pushed back before managing to maneuver her arms around her friend, squeezing her in a tight embrace before pressing kisses to her cheeks. 
”No no no, it’s cute!” She gushed, “It’s cute how much you want to fuck that French boy but can’t work up the nerve to say it.”
”April! God--He’s American his dad is just French--oh you know what never mind I hate you.” “N-Nate?”
Returning back to reality Nate was almost startled at the sound of another voice, completely forgetting where he was for a moment. Drawing his eyes downward he found himself back in Y/N’s room, still hovering over her side.
“Shh,” he cooed, fingers tangling in the ends of her hair as he brushed them off of her forehead, admiring the array of glitter from her eyeshadow decorating her skin. It made her shine even brighter than how he always saw her. “You’re safe now..sleep.”
She rustled amongst her blankets, nose curling and eyebrows furrowing as she struggled, a huff following.
“What’s wrong?” He questioned, instantly taking notice of her discomfort. She whined innocently, sitting herself up with her eyes still wired shut and began to tug at the sleeves of her dress. 
“Itchy,” She breathed another huff as she tore at the seems, “Need it...off.”
Nate’s entire demeanor shifted. He watched her meticulously as she pulled at the material until it was up and over her chest—but the poor drunk girl seemed to lose all momentum as her arms suddenly dropped, the dress now a mess sagging off of her neck. 
Another shrill moan echoed from Y/N, not having the energy to pull the rest of the dress off and expressing her frustrations. Nate waved her off.
“Shush, I’ve got it.” Reaching forward he pulled the rest of the dress up and off of her figure, careful to not get her earrings or hair caught, before tossing it to the side just shy of her hamper he noticed upon entrance into her room.
A deep, noticeable breath expelled from her lungs before she fell back amongst the pillows, body now severely bare to Nate—the only thing keeping her covered being her bra with a pair of matching panties around her hips. 
It was pink, the bra, lace yet exuded softness with its subtle tone of color and petite bow in the middle to add a touch of innocence. Her underwear resonated in the same way; they were different than Nate had pictured when his fingers grasped at them earlier that night. He was expecting something more revealing as was common with most girls at parties like that, or in high school in general. But they weren’t—they were form fitting, far from raunchy and bore a soft pink hue like her bra, which was different than the deep red he once imagined.
And it all looked so right on her.
Y/N had seemed to finally settle in her sheets, sleep overtaking her whole figure as she noticeably sank deeper into the mattress. Nate took that as his moment to breathe in, truly, the sight before him. 
His eyes nearly followed her every move with adamancy, in an effort to note every singular detail possibly manufactured by her sleeping frame that he could then later remember at his pleasing. 
“You are so,” his fingers traced down the length of her arm, watching as the touch triggered a wave of goosebumps even as she was unconscious; He smiled, “Perfect.” 
Drawing back he grasped at the blanket before tugging it up and over her body, covering her up to her chest. Tucking in the sides of the cover to her skin he rustled them until he deemed her absolutely comfortable and then took his place  at the flank of her bed once more. 
“And you are all mine.” -------------------------
A/N: Hope you enjoyed, send requests for more if you liked!
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marjansmarwani · 3 years
In the midnight hour, we came alive
3.3k || ao3 
He heard footsteps behind as he walked him but thought nothing of it until he noticed a figure leaning against the side of a building, at the mouth of an alley. It seemed innocent enough but something about it made the hair on the back of Carlos’s neck stand on edge. Something wasn’t right.
Or, When Carlos goes off on his own while out with TK and Paul, he finds more far trouble than he expected. ---- Day 2 of Angst Week: "does it hurt badly?” + "don’t move, they hit your head really hard” + infected wound for bthb
This one was started with a prompt request from an Anon who asked for hurt Carlos and I decided to throw in my infected wound square for @badthingshappenbingo, requested by @immortalstrand. 
Beta’d by @silvarafael
“I still don’t know why you didn’t ask Picnic Girl to come out with us.” 
Carlos rolled his eyes fondly as Paul glared at TK, “Will you let that go?” 
“No, I will not,” TK said firmly. “It seemed like she liked you and I know you liked her. So I’m just wondering why you haven’t seen more of her.” 
“You know most of us don’t just fall into a perfect committed relationship with the first person we meet in a new town, TK. Some of us have to play the game.” 
“First of all, don’t hate,” TK chided, sliding an arm around Carlos’s waist as he spoke and flashing him a grin before he continued. “Secondly, you have been playing the game! And you found a girl that seems like a good match for you. So I’m just curious why you aren’t trying harder to pursue it.”
Paul opened up his mouth to respond to his friend but was interrupted when the line moved forward. 
“Oh thank god,” Carlos muttered, rather louder than he meant to, causing the other two to look at him. “Don’t give me those looks,” he said defensively, “ you two have been having this argument all night. I will happily take any distraction. Like this lovely ID check before we get into the club where it will be too loud for you to hear each other enough to continue this conversation.” 
Paul snorted and TK shook his head at his boyfriend even as he leaned closer to him. 
“I’m sorry,” TK said sheepishly, “I didn’t mean to drag it on so long.” 
“It’s okay,” Carlos responded with a smile, “I know you mean well.” 
“You’re really just going to let him off like that?” Paul asked incredulously. 
Carlos shrugged, “He is awfully cute.” 
“Wow man, wow. I thought you had my back.” 
Carlos’s response was cut off when the line moved forward again the bouncer at the club asked for their IDs. Carlos shifted out of TK’s grasp so he could reach into his pocket, only to come up empty. He frowned, reaching into his other pocket instead with the same result. Both Paul and TK as well as the bouncer were watching him now and he shrugged, “It doesn’t look like I have it, I must have left it in the car.”
“Can’t let you in without it, man,” the bouncer began, and Carlos nodded. 
“Of course, I understand. I’ll just go get it.” 
“Do you want us to come with you?” TK asked, but Carlos shook his head. 
“No, you two go in. I’ll meet you there shortly.” 
“Are you sure?” TK asked again, “We don’t mind.” 
“I’m a big boy, Ty,” Carlos reminded him with a roll of his eyes, “I can handle walking two blocks to the car on my own. Go inside and I’ll be there before you know it. Just make sure that you save a dance for me?” 
“They’re all for you,” TK assured him, and Carlos grinned. He gave TK a quick kiss before waving at Paul and stepping out of the line, heading towards his car. 
He hadn’t parked far - the Camaro was on a side street about two blocks from the front door of the club - and it was a nice night for a walk at least. The humid day had faded into a cool night and Carlos savored the breeze and the quiet of the city at night. It was a nice reprieve from what was sure to be several hours full of loud music and close quarters with strangers and Carlos let himself enjoy it as he finished the journey to his car. 
It wasn’t a long walk and within a few minutes he had reached his destination, unlocking the door and leaning inside, peering around for his missing wallet. It only took him a moment to spot it on the floor of the driver’s seat. He picked it up, sliding it back into his pocket as he shut and locked the door behind him and stepped back onto the sidewalk to head back towards the noise and bright lights of the main street. 
He heard footsteps behind as he walked him but thought nothing of it until he noticed a figure leaning against the side of a building, at the mouth of an alley. It seemed innocent enough but something about it made the hair on the back of Carlos’s neck stand on edge. Something wasn’t right. 
He sped up slightly, not wanting to draw attention to himself but wanting to reach the main street as quickly as possible. His focus was split between that goal and on watching the figure by the alley that he didn’t notice the footsteps behind him growing ever closer until it was too late. 
The assailant attacked from behind, using a surprising amount of force to shove Carlos to the side, sending him sprawling onto the ground of the alley to his right. He picked himself up, spinning to face his attackers. It may be two against one, but he had training and strength on his side. He was a cop, he knew what was likely about to happen and he knew how to handle it. He wasn’t worried, it would be fine. 
Or at least, he thought it would until he heard more footsteps behind him, coming from different sides. Four was different. Four against one had odds that almost never favored the one. For the first time, Carlos let himself feel fear. This was not going to go well for him, he knew it with cold certainty. 
That doesn’t mean they needed to know that though. 
“What do you want?” he asked calmly, voice steady and back straight. He turned as he spoke, trying to keep them all in his field of vision as much as possible. He didn’t get an answer. What he got instead was a blinding pain as something collided with the side of his head, and he staggered. He managed to regain his footing, to stay upright, but only for another moment. There were hands on him now, roughly reaching for his pockets before shoving him down and he collided with the alley ground. A sharp pain ripped through him from his side as blows rained down on him from all directions. 
He couldn’t follow what was happening - all he knew was pain and noise. It was loud and fast and all-consuming; it made his head swim. The noise didn’t stop but eventually, the blows did. It took him a moment to realize they were done but once he did he tried to pull himself up. He needed to get out of this alley, he needed to get help. 
But the pain was too sharp and it sent him crashing down again, the arms he had been trying to push himself up with giving out beneath him. He lay there, mindful of the peril of his predicament and knowing he needed to do something, that he needed to move. But his head was swimming and he couldn’t manage to follow a coherent thought. Even the need to get help was not so much a plan as a disjointed thought floating through his pain hazed mind. He needed to get help, but all he wanted to do was close his eyes and let the blackness encroaching on the edges of his vision consume him. 
He was about to do just that when the sound of more commotion drifted in from the mouth of the alley. He heard more footsteps, and he tensed. Could they be back for round two? He was fairly certain they had already stripped him of anything of value. What more could there be to take? Maybe, he thought wryly, they just wanted to hurt him some more. Maybe that was just their idea of a good time. 
The footsteps grew closer but there were fewer of them this time, he thought. He was still trying to blink, to open his eyes and see who was coming when a voice joined the footsteps, “Carlos!” 
The voice was familiar, but he couldn’t place it. He must know them though, they had called him by name. He heard the sound of the footsteps quickening as they drew closer and the sudden warmth of someone else’s hands against his skin. He jerked back on reflex before the same voice sounded again, warm and soothing in his ears. 
“Easy Carlos, it’s just me babe. You’re safe and we’re going to get you help.” 
He frowned as he pulled his eyes open, squinting in an effort to focus, to make out the face before him. Worried green eyes greeted his own and he could feel some of the tension leave his body. 
“TK,” he croaked and his boyfriend swallowed before reaching out to rub a gentle hand on his face. 
“Yeah, it’s me, babe. Can you tell me what hurts?”
Everything Carlos thought dully but he pushed his mind, running over the pain that covered his body, looking for a source. “Head,” he said eventually, “hip.” 
He felt TK’s gentle hands leave his face and travel to his side, where he let out a curse. He said something over his shoulder and got a response but Carlos couldn’t follow any of it. Maybe if he stood up... 
“Hey, don’t move,” TK instructed, “they hit your head really hard and you have a wound on your side too. You need to stay put until paramedics get here.”  
“You are a paramedic,” Carlos muttered, but it came out more like a question. He wasn’t too sure of anything at the moment.
“Paramedics with gear and an ambulance then,” TK amended, “you’re going to need both for your side.” 
“What’s wrong with it?” he managed to ask. 
“There’s some scrap metal stuck in it,” TK told him. “I’m not sure if…” 
He trailed off but even Carlos’s hazy brain could figure out where his mind had been going, “Must’ve fallen on it,” he muttered, “when they pushed me down.” 
He could feel TK’s hands tighten on him at the revelation and saw movement as another face entered his field of vision. 
“Do you know how many of them there were?” the other face (Paul, his mind provided. They had been out with Paul) asked. 
“Four maybe?” Carlos said with a shrug that ended abruptly with a wince as he jostled his side. TK’s hands moved to his shoulders, steadying him. 
“Hey, try and hold still,” he said softly, “you’re in pretty rough shape.”
“I’m fine.” 
The fact that the words entered the night air slurred did not help his case and caused TK to scoff, “Don’t even try that with me Carlos Reyes, you are not fine.” 
Carlos wanted to argue with him, to tell him he was fine so he could get rid of that terrified look in TK’s eyes but he couldn’t find the words. His efforts were stalled by the sounds of approaching sirens and he realized with dread that there would be police called to the scene as well. When he had planned his night in his head being found bleeding and injured in an alley by his coworkers had never entered the equation, but his luck was just like he supposed. 
“It’s okay,” TK assured him, “the ambulance just got here. You’ll be out of here soon.” 
Carlos wasn’t sure if he had shared his thoughts out loud or not, but he appreciated the reassurance either way. He wouldn’t be any good to talk to at the moment anyway. His brain was still too scrambled, everything that had happened was in his mind in flashes; quick and jumbled and out of order. 
There were more footsteps and voices now. There was a flurry of activity and Carlos couldn’t keep track of any of it. All he knew was pain and the feel of TK’s hands on him. He heard his boyfriend’s voice and he tried to follow it, tried to cling to it to maintain some semblance of what was going on but he was only able to extract every few words. The rest hit his mind and dissipated, losing all meaning in the face of the pain and confusion engulfing him. 
More hands were on him now but TK stayed at his side, a comfort and an anchor amongst all the commotion. He heard his name from the edges of the commotion - his fellow officers, no doubt. He closed his eyes again, cursing his horrible luck but TK lightly prodded him.
“Hey, stay with me Carlos. You need to stay awake.” 
He made a noise of protest but opened his eyes nonetheless in time to see the world shift as he was transferred to the gurney. He was pushed through the growing crowd, TK at his side murmuring words of encouragement. His world shifts again as the gurney is lifted into the ambulance and pain washes over him as his side is jostled. He hisses in pain and TK’s hands are on him again, warm and comforting to pair with his soothing voice, “It’s okay Carlos, you’re going to be fine. Just stay with me, babe.” 
And Carlos wants to, he really does. But the darkness at the edges of his vision is growing closer now and he doesn’t think he really has a choice. He meets TK’s eyes, so full of love and worry, and tries to smile before his eyes close again, TK’s voice the last sound he hears. 
The next time he’s aware of anything he’s in a hospital room. At least, he thinks he is. Everything is a little hazy, but he knows he’s no longer in the alley, at least. 
He groans as the light hits his eyes, causing a spike of pain in his head. He hears movement off to the side and then there is a hand on him and a soft voice to his side: “Carlos?” 
The voice was soft and familiar. “TK?” 
“Yeah babe,” he said, “it’s me. How are you feeling?” 
“Lousy,” Carlos told him honestly, pulling a weak chuckle from the other man. 
“That’s not surprising,” he said quietly, gently pulling himself onto the edge of the bed so Carlos could see him better. 
“What happened?” Carlos asked him, frowning as he tried to piece the fragments of sound and sensations in his mind into something concrete. “I remember being attacked and then you and Paul finding me, but nothing after that.” 
 TK reached out a hand wrapped it around one of Carlos’s, “You just got out of surgery a little while ago,” he told him softly, “they had to remove the metal in your side. There was a decent amount of tearing and it was dirty, so they’re worried about infection. To top all that off you have a concussion and a skull fracture.” 
“Ouch,” Carlos said absently and TK gave him a sympathetic grin. 
“Ouch is right. The good news is that as long as you aren’t showing any signs of infection you should be able to be released tomorrow, providing you have someone to stay with you. And it just so happens I have some vacation time saved up.” 
“Is that so?” 
“Mhm,” TK confirmed lightly, reaching out his other hand to caress Carlos’s face. Carlos leaned into the touch, but TK frowned. “You’re really warm, babe.” 
Really? Carlos was surprised by the statement. “I’m freezing,” he told TK, whose frown deepened. 
“That’s not a great sign,” he admitted, “could be an infection setting in. I’m going to try and grab your doctor, you just relax, okay?” 
“Okay,” he told TK, but his eyes were already drifting closed again. He didn’t know why it was so hard to keep them open. Maybe it was the after effects of the anesthesia. Regardless of the reason, Carlos was out before TK even reached the door. 
The next few times Carlos woke up were a haze. He thinks he’s been awake a few times, but they all blended together. There are sounds and voices, people and faces he can’t quite place. And TK - TK is always there. That’s the only thing Carlos knows for sure. 
He doesn’t know how long it had been but eventually, when he opened his eyes, his mind felt clearer. He blinked a few times to test it before glancing around the room. The hospital seemed quieter than usual, the typical hustle and bustle more sedated. But that’s not Carlos’s concern. His only concern is the sleeping figure in the chair beside his bed, head braced uncomfortably by his left arm held aloft by the side of the chair. The other man looked exhausted and as much as Carlos wanted to see his eyes and get some answers, he couldn’t bear the thought of waking him. He settled instead for attempting to shift into a more comfortable position, which turned out to both be impossible and a mistake as he jostled his side and let out an involuntary gasp of pain. 
TK was awake in an instant, head dropping unceremoniously off of his extended hand as he sat up, eyes flying open and seeking Carlos in panic. 
“I’m sorry,” Carlos said sheepishly when their eyes met, “I didn’t want to wake you, you look exhausted.” 
“It’s fine,” TK assured him hurriedly, leaning forward in his seat, “I’m just happy to see you awake again. How are you feeling?” 
“Better,” Carlos told him honestly, “still in pain and not feeling great, but my mind feels clearer than it has the last few times I woke up, I think. It’s all kind of a haze, to be honest.” 
TK’s expression darkened as he leaned forward, placing the back of his hand on Carlos’s forehead, “I’m not surprised, the infection they were worried about came, and it hit you hard. You don’t feel warm anymore, I think the fever finally broke.” 
Carlos frowned at his boyfriend as he leaned back into his seat, “How long has it been?” 
“We’re on day 3 now. Well, night 3. It’s after midnight now.”
“Shit,” Carlos said, leaning his head back into the pillows and TK chuckled lightly.
“That about sums it up, yeah. That’s what happens when a piece of rusty metal impales you. They think that it got into your bloodstream which is why the infection spread so fast and, well it was really scary, Carlos.” 
There was quiet for a few moments as they both got lost in their own thoughts. Carlos opened his mouth, but TK shook his head. 
“Don’t apologize,” he said firmly, “none of this is your fault.” 
“I wasn’t going to,” Carlos said defensively, choosing to ignore TK’s skeptical eyebrow, “I was going to thank you, for being here. I know it can’t have been easy.” 
TK’s expression softened and he lifted himself out of his chair, coming to rest on the side of Carlos’s bed. “There’s nowhere else I would have wanted to be,” he told him honestly, “you needed me and that’s where I will always be, no matter what.”  
Carlos smiled at him and shifted over in the bed to make more room. Or at least, that is what he planned to do. Instead, his movements were brought to an abrupt halt by a flash of pain as he jostled his side again, freezing his movements and pulling a gasp from his lips. 
TK’s hands were on him in an instant, steady and reassuring. “Hey, try not to move too much,” he admonished lightly, “you’re still injured.” He gestured down to his side, “Does it hurt badly?” 
“Yeah,” Carlos admitted, “but I’ll be fine. You’re here and that’s all I need.” 
TK studied him for a moment before breaking out in laughter. “Carlos Reyes,” he said between breaths, “you are a sap. And while that’s sweet, I think some pain medication might help too.” 
He leaned around Carlos to reach for the call button and Carlos sighed in defeat. 
“Fine,” he relented, “but I’d much rather have you.” 
“Whoever said the two were mutually exclusive, babe?” TK asked him, leaning forward and pressing a light kiss to his forehead, “I’m not going anywhere, and that’s a promise.” 
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 𝟙𝟛]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, breeding kink, sir!kink, pet play(kitten), v small amt of anal play, dirty talk!!! HAPPY FRIDAY THE 𝟙𝟛TH! 😗💕 Here we are with ch 13 on Friday the 13th, I didn't even realize it but man my ✨brain✨just planned that out so perfectly LOL 💕 I just wanna apologize for any grammatic/spelling errors in this one and it’s a bit shorter... I tried to proofread this all day but I'm also watching unus annus’s livestream at the same time and my peabrain cannot multitask but I TRIED!! let it be known 😩😭 Anyway, I hope ya’ll have a great weekend, stay hydrated and safe! Enjoy~! 🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - ?
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alphagyu97: oh fuck oh fuck
alphagyu97 has donated $100
hoshi_tiger_xx: oh??? Cute lil kitten ears????
A moan floats past your lips as you sit in Seungcheol’s lap; his cock already snug inside of you before you’d even turned the camera on. “Ah, ye--yeah, we thought we’d, mmh, try--try something n-new…”
Seungcheol smirks although neither you nor the camera catch it as he holds you still. Much like before, he’d started working you up before you got on camera and this time he’d asked you to sink down onto his cock and wait patiently until it was time to begin; neither of you saying a word or moving an inch as he peppered kisses along your shoulders and neck.  “Why don’t you show them your cute ‘lil tail, kitten? It’s getting squished between our bodies...”
universe_WZ: yes yes yes
tangerine_kwan: show us your cute tail princess
therealchan99: thank u for the pics btw i scream abt them every 30 minutes
therealchan99 has donated $50
You reach a shaky hand behind your back for the fluffy material as you show it off to the camera to the best of your ability; making sure to not move it around too much or else you knew you’d cum too soon. “I, ah, it’s--it’s keeping me s-so full…” He makes you answer a few more comments as you sit on his cock; blunt nails digging into the skin of your waist when he feels you trying to get him to move.
artist8hao: so so so pretty baby
kitty_junjun: cute little kitty
kitty_junjun: should come and play sometime ;)
xcaliburDK has donated $75
The way Seungcheol has you in his lap is a little uncomfortable for you and he quickly takes notice of the way you start to squirm more and more with each comment or question you reply to. “Kitten, it looks like you hit your donation minimum already. Should we start?” He coos.
You can only nod in return as you squint your eyes to check the laptop screen to see how you were doing. “Ngh, p-please… I--I’m so f-full I can’t wait any l-longer…” Whining, you clench around his cock and the toy as he chuckles lightly behind you. He’d purposely asked if the two of you could sit further back on the bed and further from the camera and laptop and you’d raised an eyebrow but agreed.
“Sorry, the angle’s not going to be very good for this but you’ll understand why.” Seungcheol comments.
The laptop screen is full of questioning comments and donations that beg Seungcheol to hurry up and fuck you.
His grip on your waist tightens a little before he’s slowly lifting you off of his cock and you let out a disappointed noise when he’s completely pulled out. “Nooo~ I w-want--”
“Ah, ah, I know what you want, kitten. But you need to get on your hands and knees for me. Facing the camera.”
Oooh, that’s why he wanted space.
You nod frantically as you easily get comfortable on your hands and knees in front of the camera and laptop; fluffy tail resting against your spine as the bell on your collar jingles.
alphagyu97: oh god please breed her
angelhan: yes god please
Seungcheol kneels behind you; already easing his cock back into your tight pussy as you mewl straight into the camera. “Our cute little kitten is already squeezing my cock so tight…”
You feel his fingertips on your skin before he’s reaching for the fluffy tail and he gives it a small tug as you whine and whimper in return.
“No, no pl--please, sir, I’ll cum if, ah, you p-play with my--my tail!”
Your eyes clamp shut just as Seungcheol starts to play with the anal plug; tugging on it and moving it slightly in order to get you to squirm a little more before he gives you want you wanted. He smirks at your back as he hears the sound of donations and comments flooding the screen in rapid succession.
“Oh? But they seem to like when I play with you like this.” You clench around Seungcheol and the toy, small cries on your lips when your sensitive body already wants to give in to the pleasure. “So fuckin’ pretty with your cute tail and ears and your pretty ‘lil collar on.”
chwenon: shes gonna cum so fast lol
gentleman_josh95: i kno, u can already tell she wants to
hoshi_tiger_xx has donated $50
xcaliburDK has donated $50
sleepy_wonu: look at her cute fuckin face while she tries to not cum haha
Seungcheol draws his hips back slightly before slowly thrusting into you from behind; fingertips still playing with the tail as he moves it around in tandem with his slow thrusts. “Oh kitten, you’re so fuckin’ wet for me, baby~” You can only moan back in response as you resist the urge to meet his slow movements with your own, much quicker ones.
“Ah, s-sir, please…”
tangerine_kwan: so cute when she's whiningggg
angelhan: dont give into her so easily~ make her work for it ;)
kitty_junjun: aww but shes so cute like this
Your fingertips dig into the bed sheets and you peel your eyes open as you attempt to read off the comments flying across the screen. “Mmh, ‘m so full… and sir won’t s-stop playing, ah, with my--my tail…” You can see Seungcheol’s form behind you on the screen, hips slowly moving as he plays with the tail.
You slowly find yourself moving with him and meeting his thrusts; chasing your pleasure as Seungcheol seemingly takes his time.
“Ngh, s-sir, can I c-cum?”
Seungcheol grins at your back, suddenly picking up the pace as he finally leaves the anal plug alone. “I don’t know, can you? Why don’t you ask them?” You blink your hazy eyes at the camera before flitting towards the comments section of your camshow.
“P-please tell s-sir to, mmh, let m-me cum…” You beg; unintentionally sending the comments section and donations into a flurry of yes’s and no’s.
artist8hao: let her cum but dont let it be the only time
alphagyu97: aww princess dont forget he still needs to breed your cute lil cunt
universe_WZ: she can cum but she still needs to be a good girl and let sir get what he wants
“Mmh, of--of course I, ah, w-want sir to b-breed my pussy… I, hah, want his--his cum i-inside of m-me…” You start working your hips back as you meet Seungcheol’s pace that speeds up at your words and the two of you fall into a rhythm as he works to get you off first. His hands grip your waist as he angles his thrusts to tap your g-spot and you mewl and whine in response; careful to not accidentally call Seungcheol’s name in the midst of the moment.
“Fuh--fuck, sir, ‘m g-gonna cum… please…”
“Cum whenever you want, kitten.”
You nod shakily; head falling forward as you let yourself get lost in the pleasure.
Your eyes flutter shut as various thoughts flood your mind. The main one being how seamlessly Seungcheol fit into your camshows and how much easier it was to film with him than you ever anticipated. The two of you easily forgot that the camera was even rolling most of the time, whether it was live or pre-recorded for your channel and now that he was always with you, it was hard to imagine filming without him.
“Ah, kitten, your cute ‘lil cunt is, ah, sucking me in deeper… You must really want my cum, huh?”
His words bring you out of your thoughts as you bite your lip. “Mmhmm, I w-want sir to c-cum, hah,  inside my p-pussy and b-breed me… wanna be, ngh, filled with your---your cum…”
“Why don’t we cum together then, hmm? Bet you wanna feel my cock throbbing in your cute ‘lil cunt, huh, kitten?”
The warmth blooms inside of you as you nod; cheeks hot as you peer straight into the camera. You readjust slightly, the bell on your collar tinkling as the set of cat ears on your head slip slightly. “Y-yes, sir… Please cum w-with me…”
Seungcheol doubles his pace and you quickly feel one of his hands leaving your body as he wraps his hand around the fluffy tail again. He starts to move it around again, slightly tugging on it as you cry out. “Ah, s-sir!”
chwenon has donated $75
angelhan has donated $50
universe_WZ has donated $100
artist8hao has donated $75
“Fuh--fuck, sir, please! P-please breed me, please, ah, c-cum inside m-my little cunt and--and fill m-me up with your c-cum!”
Tears blur your vision as you’re quickly thrown over the edge and into an orgasm; ears ringing when your entire body goes rigid. Seungcheol finds it harder and harder to thrust into you as your walls flutter around his cock and he soon finds himself cumming with you too; cock throbbing as he unloads all of him cum inside you. “Oh, fuck, kitten…” He moans; eyes rolling to the back of his head as he lets the pleasure wash over himself as well.
The sound of donations and comments drown out your soft cries and Seungcheol’s deep groans and you’re almost positive that you’d made at least a couple thousand off of tonight’s show.
alphagyu97: holy shit look at her face, fuck
kitty_junjun: is she crying?
hoshi_tiger_xx: damn, shes so drunk on cock shes crying
therealchan99: aww poor kitten~
You let out a stuttered breath as your body starts to relax; soft sniffles following right after. “Ngh… sir…”
Seungcheol smiles softly when he hears the way your voice trembles and he’s gentle to slide his cock from inside your cunt; groaning when his cum immediately drips down onto the sheets from how much he’d cum inside you.
“Ah, kitten, what a waste. How am I supposed to breed your ‘lil cunt if you’re letting my cum spill out of you already?”
You lick your lips and despite the tiredness, a new wave of arousal pours over your body at the thought of Seungcheol cumming inside of you a second time. You shake your hips; foggy eyes staring straight into the camera.
“You’re just going to, ah, cum inside me again… and let e-everyone watch...”
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The next morning, Seungcheol drives you over to the diner to start your first real day at work and you feel downright nervous once the car stops. You’d gotten so used to camming and being alone that this new foray into normalcy was making you think twice, even just momentarily.
“You gonna be okay?” He turns to you, concern obvious on his face when your eyes meet his. “I can always take you straight home or take you back to the roller rink with me if you d--”
“No! No, I wanna do this... I know we made a lot of money off of the show last night but... But I think this’ll be good for me. Both of us working so we can afford rent ‘n stuff!” 
“We should like a married couple.” Seungcheol jokes. 
Your cheeks burn hot at his comment as you bite your lip. “Ehehe~” 
Seungcheol grins at you, hands still on the steering wheel. “Just let me know if you need anything, okay? I always have my phone on me anyway, Namjoon doesn’t really care.” 
The two of you share a laugh as you slowly reach for the door handle. 
“I will, I promise!” 
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“I still do not get why you want to work here.” 
Jun laughs, hands on his hips as he watches you adjust the short dress uniform you’d put on, moments before. 
“It’s just... something to keep me occupied, is all.” Smoothing down your uniform, you do a small spin for Jun who nods back in approval. “And I wanna make friends! Aren’t we friends?” 
Jun’s eyes twinkle with playfulness as he gestures you over to the front of the diner. “Of course we are! Which by the way...” He pauses, looking over the relatively full diner to make sure nobody caught your conversation. “Is... Seungcheol-hyung okay with y’know... You working here and me... Being one of your viewers leaving comments ‘n stuff?” 
A genuine look of concern crosses his features as he waits for you to respond. 
You puff your cheeks as you think, “I think so? I mean he hasn’t...” Memories of Seungcheol saying he’d kick Jun’s ass immediately flood your mind as you laugh nervously. 
“Y-yeah, he didn’t say a word!” 
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After two hours, you decide to take your 15 minute break; waving to Jun before you head towards the employee backroom to grab your phone. 
You check your notifications, surprise on your face when you see Seungcheol’s already messaged you a few times. 
cheollie ✨: have a good day!
cheollie ✨: u okay over there, baby?
cheollie ✨: dont feel pressured to answer asap lol 
You laugh under your breath, typing up a response as you take a seat in the break room.
‘It’s been going okay! I’m taking a short break right now tho!’
Shockingly, Seungcheol response only after a few seconds.
cheollie ✨: oh, thats good! I take it no issues?
‘Nope! my feet kinda hurt tho lol’
He asks you a few more questions; one about Jun keeping his distance, to which you shake your head and laugh. 
cheollie ✨: you never showed me your uniform btw 😏
You let out a noise of realization, fingertips already swiping through your phone to get to your photos as you send him one that you’d taken earlier. 
‘How's it look? 🥺’
It goes quiet for a couple minutes and you half-wonder if Seungcheol got in trouble for having his phone out. 
‘Cheol, u ok?’
cheollie ✨: is it bad I'm already thinking about lifting that cute little skirt up 
cheollie ✨: fucking you nice and hard with your panties just pushed to the side
cheollie ✨: fuck, and making you go back to work with your pussy filled with my cum 
A shiver rolls down your spine at his words; gulping as you check the time for how much you had left before you had to get back out onto the floor. 
‘what if I bend over and someone sees my panties all wet n soaked thru with ur cum...’
cheollie ✨: then they’d know you’re mine. 
cheollie ✨: I mean most of your viewers already know that 
cheollie ✨: but I want everyone to know, yknow?
cheollie ✨: god the way I wanna fuck you on the hood of my car
cheollie ✨: your cute little whines while you try to keep quiet 
You let out a shaky, quiet moan; thighs rubbing together when you notice you only have about three more minutes before your break was up. 
‘Cheol... I have to get back to work 😭 how could you get me horny before I have to get back...’ 
You pout your lips at your phone screen as you wait for his response.
cheollie ✨: 😈 
cheollie ✨: I have an idea 
cheollie ✨: for later 
cheollie ✨: I hope you can wear your uniform home 
cheollie ✨: see u in a few hours baby 
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399 notes · View notes
kissinginkitchens · 3 years
You Bring Me Home—Chapter Eight: Don’t Worry Baby
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a/n: hello hello!!! a massive apology for this one being so late it’s been such a hectic week for me, so I really appreciate your patience <3 Thank you for sticking around and for the continued love and support you have shown to this story. It really means the world to me :’) I hope you enjoy this chapter, feel free to chat with me afterwards, I’m intrigued to see where y’all think this story is going now👀 there is certainly much 2 think about... Much love, Mel <3
Pairing: Hawai’i!Harry x Original Character
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 4.5k
catch up on parts one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven
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The faint clanging of pots and pans, Freddie barking, and Pua’s laughter rouses Alani from her peaceful sleep. She sees nothing but pink as her eyes peel open and momentarily thinks that she’s gone blind, but her vision soon focuses on the vague outline of black ink. With a curious dent between her brows, she removes the sticky note pressed to her forehead and turns it over.
♡  H
Her mouth, still puffy with the touch of sleep, curls at the edges as she clutches the note to her chest. One hand slides over to the indentation left in her bed by Harry and it’s still warm, which means that he must not have been gone long. Alani climbs out of the covers and races to the top of the stairs where she can hear him and her sister having a playful exchange. 
“I don’t think you put enough chocolate chips,”
“What do you mean? It’s about 90% chocolate right now,”
“So make it 100%,”
As she creeps down the stairs, she spots Pua perched on a swiveling chair at the kitchen island, Freddie snoozing in her lap, while Harry meticulously sprinkles chocolate chips into a bowl of pancake batter next to the stove. The scene makes Alani’s heart swell, so she silently observes for a moment before interrupting. 
“Is this more to your liking, Your Majesty?”
“Much better. Even Freddie thinks so,”
“I thought dogs couldn’t have chocolate,”
“Must you question everything I say?”
“I think he’s right,” Alani confirms, stepping into the kitchen to tussle her sister’s hair and pet Freddie. Harry lights up at the sound of her voice and immediately sticks his cheek out for a kiss. She gives him a peck and accepts the chocolate chip that he holds to her lips, letting him have a taste as it dissolves on their tongues. 
“Please, don’t stop on my account,” Pua grimaces. 
The pair separate and Alani pokes her tongue out at her younger sister, making Harry chuckle beside her. 
“Hey, no fighting,” he warns. “Or no one gets pancakes.”
“She started it!” both sisters defend in unison. 
They share a laugh and dissolve into their own antics while Harry returns to the stove with a cheerful whistle. He methodically shapes the pancakes into hearts on the skillet, playfully swatting Alani’s hand away from the bag of chocolate every five minutes or so. Freddie waits patiently at Harry’s ankles during the entire cooking process, praying that the human will drop a scrap of food his way. 
“Sorry, Mr. Mercury,” Harry apologizes, reaching down to give the dog a gentle pat. “These aren’t for you. Take it up with Mother Nature,”
Alani fills Freddie’s bowl to relieve Harry of his dog-sitting duties before hopping up onto the counter beside him. He slots himself between her legs, flashing a cheesy grin that makes her giggle, and her fingertips trace over the faint shadow of stubble around his jawline and above his lip.
“Can you grow a beard?”
“Do you want me to?”
Alani shrugs, considering the idea. “I was just wondering if you were capable,”
“Hey,” he pouts. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
She smiles innocently, pinching his chin. “Nothing, I like the fresh face. But stubble’s kinda hot,”
“Noted,” Harry winks.
“I like spending my mornings with you,” Alani admits quietly. “And the whole chef thing you’ve got going on is definitely a perk,” 
Harry’s dimple resurfaces and his emerald eyes gleam. “Me too, sweets. Did you like the note I left you?”
“Yes, it was a very nice touch,” Alani confesses, heart still soaring over the sentiment. 
“Didn’t wanna wake you. Looked so peaceful drooling, hair all in your face—”
“Did you know that you kinda talk a little in your sleep?”
“I do not!” 
Harry kisses the wrinkle in the middle of her forehead and it eases. “Do too. It’s cute, though.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Alani grumbles with a small, affectionate smile. “Let’s eat.”
Both Pua and Alani compliment Harry on the restaurant quality of his heart-shaped pancakes, and he accepts the praise with a bow that makes them both giggle. The three of them gather happily around the dining table, sharing jokes and analyses of each other’s dreams from the night before. Of particular interest is Pua’s dream about her teeth being replaced by kernels of candy corn, which Harry explains is a warning to cut down on the sugar before bed. 
“You’re no fun,” Pua teases with her arms crossed. “Only had a pint of ice cream last night,”
Harry snickers. “As opposed to?”
“Alani, can you date a dairy farmer next time?” 
Alani rolls her eyes, but her smile reveals her true amusement. “Be nice,”
“Thought I was your ‘favorite singer,’” Harry sulks. 
Pua’s eyes dart to her older sister. “You told him?!”
“What?” Alani asks innocently. “It was sweet,”
Harry’s brow furrows. “Why wasn’t I supposed to know that?”
“Cause you’ll get a big head,” 
“Too late. I won your sister over, even though she’s way out of my league,”
“And don’t you forget it.” Pua cautions with a friendly tussle of his hair before standing with her empty plate. 
Harry chuckles lightly. “I thought we were friends,”
“Sisters before misters,” Alani shrugs, grabbing his plate and utensils to put in a pile with her own. “So whatcha doin’ today?”
“Good question,” he ponders, tapping his chin. “Get dressed, we’re going out,”
“Where to?”
“It’s a surprise,”
“I don’t like surprises,”
“Tough,” Harry maintains. “And you’re a liar cos everyone likes good surprises,”
Alani traces a heart onto the back of his hand with her fingertip and sighs. “But I need to know what to dress for,”
“Dress for the perfect afternoon with your favorite guy,”
“James Marsden’s coming?”
Harry purses his lips and stands. “Alright, I’m leaving now,”
“I’m kidding!” Alani giggles, offering an apologetic kiss. “I’m sorry, sunshine. Please don’t go,”
“I wasn’t aware that James Marsden made you these pancakes,” Harry dodges her affection.
“Or that he had your face as his screensaver,”
“You do not!” Alani counters, eyes wide. 
She gasps when he holds up his phone to reveal her unflattering selfie. “Why?!”
“Because you’re so cute, that’s why!” Harry explains with a delicate smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Even when you’re mean,”
Alani playfully swats his arm and pulls him closer by the pocket of his hoodie. “I’m sorry, ku’uipo. You’re the sweetest. Thank you for breakfast.”
“Welcome, dove,” he beams. “Now grab some clothes, we gotta stop by my place first.”
Alani slips on a pair of platform sandals and smoothes out her skirt while Harry pulls on a white t-shirt with a blue bandana secured around his neck. The polka dots on her yellow dress bring a fond crease to the corners of his eyes as he swipes a pair of black sunglasses from his dresser and pushes them into his unruly curls for the time being. 
“Give us a twirl,” he requests, whistling when she obliges. 
Alani spins into his arms and her hands smooth over the soft material of his burnt orange button up adorned with white lilies. “Digging the white tee, babe. How very James Dean of you.”
“Only the best for you, doll.” Harry shoots back in his best American accent. 
As they make their way to the back of the house where the Cadillac is parked, he queues up a song that he hopes will bring a smile to Alani’s face. “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” begins playing as loud as his phone speakers will allow and he flashes a cheeky grin in her direction. “Bit of a theme song for you today,”
“You’re such a cheese ball,”
“Don’t act like you don’t love it,” he teases with a pinch of her thigh. 
“Never said I didn’t,”
“Fair enough,” 
“So, are you finally gonna tell me where we’re going now?” Alani asks, batting her eyelashes. 
Harry shakes his head and tuts in mock disapproval. “Are you gonna try to ruin every surprise I plan for you?”
“I just wanna know what to expect!”
“You’ll like it, promise,”
“A hint?” she bargains. “An itsy bitsy, teenie weenie one?”
Harry captures his bottom lip between his teeth and thinks. “It’s for something in your room,”
“That’s all?” Alani blurts. “That could mean anything!”
“You said one hint and I delivered! So why don’t you just sit back and enjoy the ride now?” he suggests, laughing to himself when Alani crosses her arms with a huff. 
The drive is scenic and the weather is especially nice, which explains why the beaches they pass are more crowded than usual. Alani checks “beach” off her list of possible locations, racking her brain for the items in her room that could have possibly caught Harry’s attention. She wonders if he noticed the various scented candles perched on her nightstand and dressing table, deciding that a candle shop probably isn’t likely. Momentarily, she recalls the pile of books on her desk and her mind flashes back to their conversation about one of their mutual favorite authors, Angela Avery. Getting warmer. Harry remains tight-lipped and merely offers a coy smile or a whistle each time Alani ventures a guess. But just when she started to believe she would wear him down, the two of them pull into the parking lot of Moku Records and draw her speculation to an end. 
“Of course,” Alani surrenders, stepping out of the passenger door that Harry opens for her. “I should’ve known,”
“Came here my first week. The day after I met you, actually,” he explains bashfully.
Alani’s cheeks warm at the sentiment, and she laughs at the way he swings their joint hands softly as they cross the empty parking lot. Harry pulls the door open and she takes a curious step over the threshold, noting the hint of jasmine and sandalwood mixed in the air of the little shop. Her eyes immediately land on the A-B section first where she spots ABBA and The Beatles, and her fingers tenderly run over the cover art. 
“Like a kid in a candy shop,” Harry observes fondly. “Pick out whatever you want,”
“Are you serious?” Alani asks, eyes wide.
He shrugs nonchalantly. “Course. Wanted to make a contribution to your collection,”
“I don’t know,” she smiles sheepishly. “I don’t want you spending a lot of money on me. I really appreciate the offer, though,���
“So what if you pick some out for me, too? Then we can think of it as compensation for your generous musical recommendations,” Harry puts forward.
“You make music for a living,” Alani scoffs. “What do you need my recommendations for?”
“What, you think musicians are born knowing every song that exists?”
“Okay, fine. Who can we credit for your music taste, then?”
Harry mulls it over for a second, a gentle hum vibrating in his Adam’s apple, before he responds. “My mum, mostly. Some friends—”
“—Any exes?” Alani fishes. 
“Yeah,” he confirms shyly. “Some I guess. You?”
“Same, pretty much,”
“Right, well now you’ve gotta tell me where you picked up all of these albums ‘cause I don’t wanna be buying shit your ex-boyfriend introduced you to,” Harry teases to lighten the mood. 
An amused exhale escapes from Alani’s nose and she shakes her head. “No, I meant your exes also inspired me,”
 She holds up a record with the numbers “1989″ and a familiar blonde on the cover, and Harry shoots her an unamused look. “Okay, now you’re just being mean again,”
“Long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt,” Alani sings as he turns to walk away. 
“Keep it up and you’re gonna be buying your own bloody records!”
“Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style,” 
Harry gives her a sharp side-eye, but the faint curl of his lips betrays the intended message of his glare. “Why are you doing this to me?”
“Because it’s a good song,” Alani giggles. “And you’re just being a hater,”
Alani turns on her heel with Harry’s palm pressed firmly against hers, and continues to sort through the collection of vinyls. The two of them snake through the aisles and pull albums that they think the other person would enjoy. Harry grabs one from Wings that has been in his recent playlists while Alani explains that he absolutely must own the vinyl version of “AM” by the Arctic Monkeys. He picks out a Shania Twain and highlights the track “You’re Still the One,” which Alani counters with The Mamas and the Papas. 
“Wait,” Alani stops, pulling another record excitedly. “You gotta have this one as a starter,” 
Harry accepts the copy of Queen’s “A Day at the Races” and adds it to the growing pile. “A classic, of course,”
“And I already have its sister album, ‘A Night at the Opera,’ so we can share, ” she suggests, turning back to her browsing. 
Harry’s phone rings and he shuffles the albums around in his arms before lifting it to his ear. “Hello?”
“Hey,” Jeff’s voice carries through the speaker. “Film crew’s here. Are you on your way?”
“Shit,” Harry curses, eyes shutting tight. 
“You forgot?”
“I’ll be there as soon as possible,”
He had completely disregarded all of his previous plans in favor of spending every possible minute with Alani. One of those plans, however, was a mini documentary following the formation of his debut solo album which would start filming that day and continue over the course of the week. 
“No worries,” Jeff continues. “Might wanna give Alani a heads up if you bring her, though.”
“Thanks, mate. See you soon.” Harry says before ending the call. 
Alani had only been half listening, still admiring the artwork of the vinyl covers. “Everything okay?”
“Music thing I forgot about. Gotta go back to the house for a bit,”
“Okay,” she nods understandingly, though it pains her to do so. “So you can just drop me off at my house and we’ll hang tomorrow,”
“Tomorrow?” Harry repeats. “I can pick you up after work, it’ll just be for the afternoon,”
Alani shakes her head apologetically. “My dad’s picking me up on his way home from the airport. He’s getting back from his trip tonight and he’ll wanna see me and my sister,”
“Oh,” he relents, defeated. “Okay, so tomorrow morning?”
“Well, tomorrow afternoon. I work the morning shift,”
Harry groans. “Twenty-four hours?” 
“We’ll be fine,” Alani chuckles, taking some of the records from his hands to lighten the load.
“Distance makes the heart grow fonder and all that,”
“That’s a load of bollocks,” 
“Bollocks? God you’re so British,”
“And you are so American,” Harry pouts over the sudden derailment of his romantic afternoon plans. “God, this sucks,”
Alani offers him a kiss to soothe the sting, which he accepts with a hum. “Majorly. But hey, what can you do? The music calls.”
They check out and she carries the bag on her hip, the temporary relief of retail therapy distracting her from the disappointment of their time cut short. Harry checks the time and calculates that he’ll be a little later than promised, but he’s more concerned with making every second with Alani count. There’s a bit of cloud coverage over his usual sunny disposition, so she tries her best to cheer him up by lifting their intertwined fingers and pressing gentle kisses to his knuckles. 
“Thank you for the most perfect afternoon,” she murmurs against his skin.
“Wasn’t supposed to be over for a few more hours.” 
“Every minute with my favorite guy is like heaven.” Alani admits, watching intently as his smile slowly returns. 
“How’s California?”
“You know, it’s kinda growing on me. My nana and pops send their love,” 
“Aw, miss them,” Alani smiles, shifting the phone to her other ear. She decided to spend her free afternoon catching up with her best friend still on the mainland, though her thoughts occasionally drifted back to Harry. “Any cute surfer boys?”
“Maybe one,” Maleah confides. “But it’s nothing serious,”
“And you’ve been holding out on me?” Alani gasps. 
“His name’s Max, he’s a lifeguard,”
“I demand photos immediately,”
“Sure thing,” Maleah giggles sweetly. “Speaking of boytoys, where’s yours? I thought you two were attached at the lips at all times,”
Alani walks her toes up the wall, a soft grin easing onto her face when she spots the pink sticky note from earlier. She turns her head to Harry’s spot and takes a deep breath to soak in the lingering scent of vanilla.
“Working, kinda,”
Maleah frowns. “Doing what exactly?”
“Some music thing. I guess they’re filming a behind the scenes mini-film or something, I’m not entirely sure. Harry was kind of cryptic,”
“That’s weird,”
Alani sits up. “Do you think it sounds fishy?”
“No way. Mr. Perfect would never,” Maleah assures her. “But you know him best. What does your heart tell you?”
It hadn’t even crossed Alani’s mind that Harry might not be telling the truth, but for a brief, guilt ridden moment she considers it. She quickly closes that door after considering all the things he had already been so open about. “He would tell me if something was up,”
“Then there you go,” Maleah says decisively. “That’s good that you guys are so open. Communication is key as they say,”
“Yeah, absolutely. Mind if I gush for a second?”
“Of course not, spill!” Maleah urges her. 
Alani recaps the events of the last couple of days, from the painting and the heart-shaped pancakes to the record store. The weight of Harry’s absence grows heavier with each passing minute until it forms a lump at the back of her throat, but she swallows it down.
“Wow,” Maleah swoons. “What planet did this guy come from, and are there more of him there?”
“Sometimes I think he’s too good to be true, like I made him up or something,”
“Can you make me one like that, too?”
Alani giggles. “What about Max?”
“Well hey, maybe we can all double date sometime,” her best friend suggests eagerly. “He’s kind of coming to visit when I go back home,”
“I thought you said it wasn’t serious?”
“Yeah, well, I just didn’t wanna jinx it,” Maleah explains shyly. “So whaddya say? Think Harry will be in town a couple more weeks for us all to meet up?”
Alani searches her brain for any mention of Harry’s travel plans and it suddenly dawns on her that she didn’t know how long he planned to stay, or where he would go once he did eventually leave the island. He had said once that he considered London his home, but it hadn’t exactly been a straight answer. The thought of his inevitable departure makes her stomach turn, so she musters up a more hopeful answer than what reflects her worries. “Definitely.”
Harry rushes into the house and runs a hand through his disheveled hair. The voices of his manager and friends mixed with the unfamiliar chatter of another person echo from the kitchen, and he takes a deep breath to steady his nerves. 
“I’m sorry for being so late,” he apologizes with an outstretched hand towards one of the strangers he’d only conversed with over emails. “It’s nice to meet you,”
"Paul,” the man offers warmly. “Paul Dugdale,”
Paul introduces the rest of the film crew that will be following the band for the week and Harry extends a gracious welcome to each of them, despite secretly wishing that he’d never agreed to the project in the first place. Every minute on camera, he realizes, is another agonizing minute away from Alani. 
“So listen,” Paul instructs. “Based on everything we’ve discussed in our creative meetings, we’re gonna approach this very fly-on-the-wall style. Very little intervention, you won’t even notice we’re here,”
“Good deal,” Harry nods. 
“We’ll save the interviews for when you come back to London in two weeks,”
“I’m sorry, what was that you just said?”
Paul’s brows furrow. “About the interviews?”
“The two weeks bit,” Harry clarifies. 
“Oh, right. Well we’re gonna need you back in London in two weeks so we can film the sit-down interviews that will sort of guide the narrative. But don’t worry, we already scheduled it around the Dunkirk shoots so there shouldn’t be any conflicts.”
Harry’s head spins. He had been living in such a carefree bubble with Alani that every other responsibility in his life career-wise had slipped his mind entirely. There was no way on Earth that he could pack everything up and leave just when things had started to fall into place for them. With uneasiness burrowing a whole in the pit of his stomach, Harry musters up a pleasant smile. “Course, sounds great.”
The film crew sets up quickly and urges Harry and his friends to go about their usual business, but nothing feels natural about the clock ticking away inside the singer’s mind. He had always known that he was living on borrowed time in Hawai’i, but he hadn’t planned on finding something worth sticking around for. There had to be something he could do, some way that he could stay even if it was just until the end of summer before Alani would have to return to school full-time in the fall. Despite the uncertainty surrounding his plan to buy more time, one thing is certain: he can’t tell Alani until he has a solid course of action. Harry is fully aware of the risk he runs by leaving her in the dark, but it seems less daunting than the possibility of her ending things because of the sudden expiration date put on their relationship. And no matter how long Harry is able to extend their time together, he knows it won’t be easy to leave Alani and everything they had built together behind. His anxious fingers fiddle with the strings of the guitar resting in his lap as he imagines what it will take to prove his feelings, wishing all the while that he could just hold her in his arms and hear her say that everything would be alright. 
Alani yawns, but she rubs the drowsiness out of her eyes and returns her fingers to the keyboard. She isn’t sure whether she should go through with the Rolling Stone submission, but writing has always been her way of processing her thoughts, so she decides not to let the material that she already has go to waste. Her phone buzzes on the nightstand next to her cup of coffee and she lifts it gently before reading the caller ID. 
“Hey, sunshine,” she murmurs.
“Did I wake you?”
“Nah, just doing some writing,”
A smirk tugs at the corners of Harry’s mouth. “Anything I would like?”
“It’s about you,” 
“Love it already,”
Alani giggles softly on the other end and it makes Harry’s chest ache. “Funny that you called. I’m actually having a bit of writer’s block,”
“Alright, let me help you out,” Harry clears his throat. “Harry Styles: aspiring musician, fashion novice, phenomenal lover—”
“—And the most humble person I know,”
“Yeah put that, too,” he adds playfully. “Hey, what time are you working tomorrow?”
Alani yawns and closes her laptop for the night. “Eight to three,”
“She works hard for the money or whatever Donna Summer said,”
Harry checks the time on his phone—23:39—and he decides to act quickly. “Can you stay awake for another 20 minutes?”
“Yeah, I guess. Why?” Alani questions, taking a sip of her tepid coffee.  
“Just don’t fall asleep. I’ll call you back in a few.”
She assumes that Harry must have gotten busy again and puts on a movie to keep her awake. Fifteen minutes pass and her eyelids are as heavy as bricks, but the ringing of her phone nearly causes her to jump out of her skin. 
“Hello?” she answers weakly. 
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair! Or a ladder, preferably,”
Alani’s face scrunches in confusion. “What?”
“I’m outside, sweets,” 
She quickly jumps to her feet and makes her way over to the window at the opposite side of her room. Sure enough, Harry is waiting below with a thumbs up and she chuckles to herself as she lifts the windowpane up. 
“What are you doing?”
“Climbing this tree I guess, since you’re no help,” he explains, already finding his footing in the Acacia Koa outside her window. 
“We have a front door, you know,”
Harry swiftly maneuvers from branch to branch, which frankly surprises himself as much as it does Alani. When he finally reaches the window and hoists himself inside, a victorious grin spreads across his face punctuated by a dimple on each cheek. “Can James Marsden do that?”
“You’re crazy,” Alani muses, an incredulous look in her eye. 
Harry shrugs and reaches behind his back to close the window gently. “Only about you,”
Alani wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a warm kiss, humming when she feels his strong hands smooth up and down her spine. 
“Missed you,” he whispers against her lips, tickling her sides lightly. 
She giggles and tightens her embrace. “Missed you more,”
Harry kicks off his shoes and follows Alani into her bed, his head tilting when he spots a familiar picture tacked to her ceiling. “Is that—?”
“—An original from my favorite up-and-coming painter, Harry Styles?” she questions, completing his thought. “Why yes, it is. But it’s not for sale, so don’t even think about it,”
“Right next to the O’Keeffe one,” he boasts. “I’m honored,”
“You should be,”
Harry searches his memory to no avail. “Where did you say the original was?” 
“New York Botanical Garden,” Alani murmurs against his neck, fighting the fatigue weighing on her muscles. 
“I’m gonna take you one day,”
“Promise,” he affirms with a feathery kiss to her temple. 
Alani sits up and rests her chin on his chest, peering down at him with sleepy eyes and a sweet smile.
“Can’t wait,”
“I should probably go,” Harry breathes deeply, his own exhaustion settling in. “Let you sleep. I just wanted a good-night kiss,”
“No, stay. I’m not even tired,” Alani pleads. 
“Your droopy eyes say otherwise,”
“So tell me something to keep me awake,”
Harry swallows. He searches his brain for something to say other than the news that he isn’t ready to break yet. “Like what?”
“Liiiike,” Alani sighs. “Why One Direction broke up,”
“It’s not a very interesting story,”
“I don’t believe you, but whatever. Tell me a secret, then,”
“A secret,” Harry leans in close, the tip of his nose brushing agains the apple of her cheek. “I really wanna kiss you now,”
Alani pulls back the slightest bit to steal a glance at his mouth, already parted enough for her to slot her lips between his. She buries her fingertips in the soft curls at the nape of his neck and the taste of Harry’s spearmint washes over her tongue. His hands brace each side of her neck as he plucks needy kiss after needy kiss from her generous lips. 
“I can’t believe we didn’t even make it a whole day apart,” Alani jokes when they pull apart slowly. 
“It’s after midnight,” Harry mumbles against her skin. “So we kinda did.”
She chuckles and plants a delicate peck to his forehead. “I love the way your mind works.”
23 notes · View notes
arhvste · 4 years
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request - could it be possible to get a kenma fic/scenario where his gf or girl crush is an artist and often draws him- probably hides it n testu or someone finds it and shows him so now they go on lip dates where kenma just plays his games and she draws him just like extra fluffy if you can I love kenma so much 🥺🥺🥺 if it’s too much then just something fluffy with ken ! thank you!
warnings - none
an - thank you for the request anon i just know kuroo the little shit would show his best friend all the drawings he finds 😈
classes were boring enough as it is but learning about the history or hiragana? what was the need? 
sitting by the window seat, you had the obvious choice to stare outside the glass as class dragged along but you hardly found yourself looking outside at the window. instead, you would look and admire a classmate of yours.
kozume kenma.
he was one of the prettiest boys you’d ever seen. even his actions were so delicate and gentle to which would encourage the light butteries in your stomach to flutter a little more while you watched him. it wasn’t long before you found yourself sketching the bleached haired boy.
you were an avid artist with a beautiful talent. drawing kenma seemed a little out of your comfort zone at first. when you noticed you’d been sketching him for a few weeks you tried to consciously stop yourself, you didn’t want to feel like a creep who would just stare and draw someone. these sketches captured the boy’s calmness perfectly though and you found you couldn’t help yourself but continue, even deciding to add more detail into particular pieces you liked.
you told yourself that you were just using him as inspiration. you weren't infatuated with the boy, just inspired. no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself of this though, you found yourself enjoying drawing him more than anyone or anything else bringing you to the conclusion that yes, maybe you were perhaps a little smitten with him. not that you’d ever let him find out though.
your sketch book was littered with an assortment of drawings. some finished down to the smallest detailed and others half done, lazily sketched and yet to be completed. kenma took up most of the occupation of the pages though. surrounded by statues, flowers and other pretty things you often drew kenma as the centre piece for all your pages.
the drawings you skillfully created depended on your mood and kenma’s mood on the day. some days, kenma would be struggling to keep his concentration on the lesson going on in front of him, other days he’d be almost interested and looked as if he was putting more effort into his work. your most favourite days, were ones where kenma was lazily interested in the lesson. he would often propt is chin under his hand, eyes prettily fluttering occasionally while trying to stay awake (probably sleep deprived from excessive hours of gaming) and he would sometimes even use a thin black bobby pin to pin his long hair out of his face to stop his field of vision from closing in tempting him to fall into a slumber in the midst of class. those days were your favourite. he looked extra pretty.
today just happened to be one of those days as you gazed at kenma who at this moment had his hair messily pinned out of his face, eyes drooping every so often with the setters head dropping ever so slightly every time he felt the weight of sleep too heavy to handle. one hand placed under his chin, keeping his head from completely falling onto the desk and the other weakly holding his pen as he attempted to keep up with the classes notes.
you wanted to draw him in this moment really, but you did happen to feel bad for the blonde. he was obviously struggling to keep his head clear enough to focus so you decided now was a good opportunity to step out of your comfort zone a little.
“kozume-san? you whispered ever so gently.
kenma’s eyes widened slightly at the sound of his voice being called. he tilted his head in you direction and blinked his twinkly golden eyes at you
“d-do you want me to uh keep up with your notes for you?”
kenma’s eyes softened at the sound of your gentle voice.
“why would you want to do that l/n?”
“i can see you’re struggling to stay focused. we sit near the back and the teacher isn't interested in looking in our direction. you can catch up on a bit of sleep - o-only if you want though you don't have to!”
you knew you were blushing now. maybe you should’ve just minded your own business but in a split second you knew it was all worth it.
kenma gave you a small but genuine smile. fuck. it was so pretty. he was so pretty. his smile wasn’t blinding no, more of a gentle angelic glowing light that warms ones heart. the rare sort of golden light that can only be captured in a small time window each day and only through clear skies. you had made kozume kenma smile and you knew you were right to have stepped out your comfort zone.
“you’re observant. its much appreciated l/n, thank you. let me know how i can repay you after.”
his soft voice heavy with sleep sent the butteries in your stomach to go off in a frenzy. his delicate hands handed you his class book and he blushed so lightly it wasn't even noticeable at the subtle contact of your fingers brushing past each other.
he gave you a gentle nod as he laid his head down gently on his desk and gave into the strong craving to fall into a sleep.
drawing and writing were two things that came naturally to you. you were able at completing both tasks at a quick speed but you did it so flawlessly. you took a shy pride in your notes and classwork as you did with your drawings. both aesthetically pleasing to look at, but full of appropriate and useful content.
writing kenma’s notes alongside yours wouldn’t be a problem to you.
however, this would cause one in the unbeknownst future to you.
class ended about 50 minutes after you had encouraged kenma to have a small sleep. classmates were closing their notebooks and packing up their things. you gently tapped the sleeping setters shoulder with notes in your hand.
after a few taps the boy slowly lifted his head and gently rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. your heart melted at the sight of his eyes flickering while adjusting to the light. the slightly darkened sun depicting his eyes as gold speckled pools of honey, his nose scrunched up as he allowed his body to wake up. was there ever a time this boy was ugly? he seemed to be attractive doing everything, it wasn’t fair.
taking the book from your hands he nodded and gave you a shy smile.
“thank you, l/n. please tell me how i can repay you”
“oh! please don't worry about it! you looked like you needed a recharge i’m just happy you were able to do just that.”
“you’re a kind person l/n. but don’t hesitate to let me know if you ever need a favour.”
and with that, the setter packed up the few papers he had been resting on and then slightly bowing at you before heading out the door most likely to get ready for practice.
you smiled to yourself and headed out your classroom to leave for home knowing you had done a good deed for the day and you had happened to have your first direct interaction with the boy you’d been delicately sketching for the past couple of months.
“kenma! you’re 2 minutes and 38 seconds later than usual! we can't afford to have the brain of the team slacking.” kuroo teased his best friend with an irritating smile.
“was talking to a classmate. she helped keep me up with the class notes.” kenma spoke boredly as he set his bag down so he could change into his gym clothes.
“notes eh? offended you wouldn't just ask me for help. this feels like betrayal.” 
kenma rolled his eyes at his friend’s childish behaviour and dug through his bag to look for his clothes.
“the offer was there so i just took it. besides, l/n’s handwriting is much more eligible than yours.”
“ouch. are they as detailed though?”
“probably even more.”
“i don’t believe you.”
“look for yourself.” kenma shrugged nodding towards his schoolbag.
kuroo wandered over to kenma’s bag and pulled the classwork book out.
“uh yeah i guess these are pretty ne- oHOHO what do we have here?”
kuroos eyes danced over the pages, a shit eating grin spreading across his face.
“i hate when you pull that face what’s wrong with you?” kenma’s disgusted face looked up at kuroo who looked like he was having an internal field day.
“l/n eh? i think someones got a little crush on you kenma.”
kuroo turned the book around to show the pages to kenma who’s eye widened.
there was the pages you had littered with beautifully depicted drawings of kenma. 
both boys were silent as kenma’s eyes scanned over the pages.
“no reaction? personally i’d be flattered if someone drew me that much and with such good detail too.”
kenma was still processing all the drawings as a million possible reasons for why you’d drawn him so much ran though his head.
did you think he was attractive?
was it a crush like kuroo had teased?
did you just need a reference and he just so happened to be there?
were the drawings actually him or were they just someone scarily similar?
“sooooo... you gonna talk to her then?”
kuroo smiled teasingly at the now blushing setter.
“i’ll just give this back to her. it’s obviously personal and she might even explain herself when she sees that i have her book.”
kuroo shrugged and put the book back in kenma’s bag. 
“i think it’s cute kenma, take my advice, you should take the opportunity to get to know her a little, she's obviously interested in you.”
kenma snorted at his friends words slightly as he begun to follow him out the changing rooms and into the gym to join the rest of the team.
“ironic the relationship virgin is giving me advice.”
kuroo could only roll his eyes and laugh.
“to think you’d be the one to get a girl first, in my defence i’m too busy for relationships.”
“okay mr docosahexaenoic acid, whatever helps you sleep at night.”
you had just arrived home and you felt the weight of the day lift itself off of you as you threw your shoes off and dropped your bag to the floor in your bedroom.
you bag tipped over with some of the contents spilling out causing you to huff but get up and pick it up anyway.
then you saw it.
your heart dropped.
‘kozume kenma’ was written on the front of one of your classwork books. how had you been so stupid in getting them mixed up.
you began to panic and think of solutions to this fresh dilemma.
“maybe i should just tell him that i just like him nows a chance? no that's stupid why would i do that? i’ll just tell him it’s a model that just looks similar to him. no, that’s not believable is it? fuck it. i’m moving country.”
you screamed into your pillow but then stopped when you remembered something. 
kenma was in practice right now. there’s no way he could’ve opened the book and bothered checking the work right? why would he bother doing that?
you checked the time on your phone. 3:28pm. you still had a while until practice was over. that would be more than enough time to go into the changing rooms and swap the books before anyone notices. and even if he had opened the book already, when he saw his book was back in his bag, you could easily play it off as if he had dreamt the drawings up as he would’ve just woken up and still been drowsy.
you wasted no time grabbing your shoes and the book to sprint out the door. school wasn’t too far from your house, a 17 minute walk to be exact. your legs started to ache at the sudden intense action of you sprinting like your life depended on it. well, your life did depend on it. if kenma saw them and thought you were weird, what were you to do then? dropping out of school seemed like the most reasonable option.
finally reaching the gates you caught your breath. getting to school was a 17 minute walk but a 9 minute run. once you gathered your thoughts you quietly approached the gym to peek inside. there the team were training and focused on the court. going in through the front of the school and walking through the halls to get to the changing rooms through the back way, you gripped the book tightly as you got to the boys changing rooms.
a quiet prayer was muttered before entering. the changing room was surprisingly clean and didn't smell like over sprayed deodorant and excessive sweat like you’d imagined. you let out a sigh of relief as you scanned the room for kenma’s stuff before noticing it at the end of the room.
“just in and out.” you muttered under your breath as you walked swiftly over to the setter’s belongings
digging through kenma’s stuff proved to be quite stressful. you were so focused on not getting caught, you failed to noticed the door separating the gym and changing rooms open.
“uh l/n?”
you jumped and turned your head to the owner of the voice.
there stood a slight sweaty and tired looking kenma who had offered to return to the changing rooms to grab one of yaku’s extra kneepads.
“uhhh i can explain.. our books got um mixed up and i uh well -”
“you’re talented you know.” kenma gave you a small almost ghost smile.
your face instantly heated up at the small praise the boy had given you.
“the drawings. i must say, i was surprised when i saw them but, you have talent y/n and... i don’t mind if you keep drawing me...”
kenma’s shy persona caused the last part to come out so quietly you almost didn't hear him.
“i’ll keep that in mind.” you smiled as you approached kenma to give him his book back.
he muttered a quiet thanks and went through his own bag to fish you out your book to give back to you. the tension was awkward but not heavy enough to drive either of you away instantly. both of you holding back in anticipation waiting for one of you to talk.
“so um, do you wanna maybe go out sometime? you don’t have to.”
your eyes softened again as you shyly nodded.
“i would like that kozume-san.”
“kenma. call me kenma.”
months had passed since then. you found you had things in common with the setter and found his neutral presence calming. he wasn’t too loud or in your face but he also wasn’t completely extroverted to the point where you’d sit in awkward silence like people often assumed he was like. 
you had met his team and family and they all welcomed you with open arms eager to get to know the girl who had drawn kenma not only on paper but drawn him out of his comfort zone gently. 
the two of you weren’t big on going out on dates. you would both often opt to stay in and enjoy each other’s company. kenma would game and you would draw, the two of you engaging in soft and relaxing conversation. kenma would never admit it out loud, but he loved the days where you would draw him. he would act like he was too immersed in his game to notice you sketching away but he felt a sense of pride in him whenever he noticed you using him as your model.
you had grown more confident in yourself and often allowed kenma to see your drawings. you decided since you were using him as your reference, the least you could do was show him how you portrayed him and every time he would compliment and praise you for your work.
“you know i’m glad i felt extra tired that one day you offered to do my notes.”
you hummed and looked up at your boyfriend.
“yeah? i’m just gad you weren’t weirded out by my book.”
kenma offered a gentle smile at you.
“weirded out? i was taken aback but not weirded out. i was ever so slightly flattered even. thank you for seeing some sort of beauty in me.”
brushing his hair out of his face you smiled softly as you leaned closer to his face to whisper your final words before pressing a delicate kiss to his lips.
“no, thank you for being a work of art.”
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hopesbarnes · 4 years
Right In Front Of Me
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Wanda’s your best friend. The only person who knows you completely. So if she’s your friend, why does her going on a date bother you so much?
Warnings: None 
A/N: 1. men ain't shit so here's a wlw fic. 2. I am 100% up to write a second part to this if you guys are interested?
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Parents call their kids special every day. It’s nothing new. Moms and Dads all over the world think their kid is unique and that they’re different from every other child out there. Your parents though? They were spot on. You were special, and not in the way they led you to believe.
You first learned about your powers when you were 13 years old. One minute you’re eating dinner with your parents. Discussing math tests over spaghetti. Then you felt a rush of warmth and suddenly they were eating with famous singer Stevie Nicks. (Who you had just been listening to prior to the meal). It didn’t take long for the lot of you to realize that by special, it meant mutant. Somehow, someway you were born with the ability to shapeshift. If you can picture the person, you can become that person. DNA and all. 
For the next four years, you felt alone. You learned to control your ability, and not just shapeshift all the time. But you still couldn’t let anyone get close to you. They could find out and put you in harm’s way. So no friends, or boyfriends. Just you and your parents. And you got used to being lonely. It was what was best.
Until one day when you were 17, and Tony Stark appeared at your door with an offer to become an Avenger. You had no idea how he knew, but if he could find out so could someone else. So after a quick conversation with your parents, you packed up and moved to New York to live with actual superheroes. 
It was then you met Wanda. A gorgeous girl your age, who dressed witchily and was a mutant. Just like you. She was the first person to understand what it was like. To fear what you were capable of, and to know what it’s like to hide yourself to save face. It was almost instantly the pair of you became friends. You even moved into the room beside hers and spent every possible moment you could with the girl.
Shopping trips were common (avenger’s got a nice stipend, and you had no bills), movie nights were mandatory, and just grabbing lunch dates was common between the two of you. You were attached at the hip and finally felt like you had someone in your life you could trust.
Until today.
Wanda came into your room bubbly as always and announced, “I have a date.” Suddenly it wasn’t such a good day and you didn’t know why. All your energy immediately drained and your stomach felt tight. 
“With who?” you asked walking towards your connected bathroom to avoid facing her.
“Vision! He asked me to dinner,” she yelled laying back on your bed. You could hear her sigh happily. 
“That’s exciting,” you say with forced enthusiasm. Why was this bothering you so much? You should be happy your friend has a date. 
“You’ll help me get ready, won’t you?” she asks as you leave the bathroom.
“That’s what best friends are for,” you reply sincerely. 
“Thank you!” she says and kisses your cheek before running out of the room. You move your hand to where her lips met your skin. Huh.
A few days later you were over Peter’s house to help with homework. You met him through Tony and became friends. He was the person you felt closest to after Wanda. And he was close to your age. 
You’d spent the last few days confused, angry, and in a funk and everyone let you. The adults of the tower just thought it was teenage angst. But Peter called you out on it.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” he asks between calculus questions.
“Yup totally fine!” you say half paying attention to him.
“Hey,” he says closing the textbook and looking at you. “You know you can talk to me.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong!” you sigh dramatically, “Wanda said she had a date and now I’m completely off. That’s weird right?” you ask ashamed. You should be happy for your friend.
“Can I ask a question?” he says and you smile back at him.
“Do you think you have feelings for Wanda?” he says quietly.
“No,” you say unconvincingly, “No!” you repeat. “She’s my best friend. We hang out a lot, but it’s because we’re close. And I mean it’s normal to think she’s cute right? Anyone can see she’s attractive. Her soft skin, and pretty lips. Visions lucky really. She’s a great girl.”
Then after a moment, your eyes go wide and you turn to Peter.
In a really soft whisper, you say, “I think I’m in love with Wanda. And gay.”
“Woah,” is Peter’s response.
“Woah,” you confirm. You’re crying now and Peter pulls you in tight. 
“It’s gonna be okay. You’re going to be okay,” he says and kisses the top of your head while holding you as you cry.
After crying, you were pretty tired and sent Tony a text letting him know you were spending the night at Peter’s. He was fine with it and after Peter explained to Aunt May that you were having a bit of a gay awakening. She brought in a plate of Oreos and told you she loved you before letting the two of you watch a movie in peace. 
The next day after school you headed back to the tower to find Wanda getting ready for her date with Vision. She asked you to help do her hair, and you did while the two of you chatted about things. But as you braided her long hair you realized you really and truly were in love with her. You wanted to kiss her and hold her and date her. But she was going out with Vision, so you put that part down deep inside you and tried your best to be happy for her. 
“I’ll see you later!” she says as she grabs her purse and heads to the door.
“Have fun!” you tell her and head back to your room.
You grab the book your reading and decide to just immerse yourself into it rather than let your brain wander. Until two hours later a visually distressed Wanda opens your door.
“I thought you were on a date?” you ask and she tugs her hair out of the braid you did. She walks over to your mirror and groans at her mascara tears. “Wanda?” you ask getting up to go see what happened.
“So,” she says drawing out the oh sound. “It turns out I am in love with you.” 
“Wait WHAT?” you ask and she laughs at your shocked face.
“It took me on a date with a non-human man to realize that I’ve been in love with my best friend for a while,” she says laughing hysterically. 
“I love you too,” you rush out then put your hand over your mouth.
“You do?” she says and giggles. “What a mess we are.”
“You,” you say laughing, “Need to start your story from the top.”
“I do don’t I?” she says smiling. She grabs your arm and the two of you sit on the bed sitting with your legs crisscrossed and knees touching.
“Well,” she starts, “I was on the date with Vis. And he took me to the zoo, and it was nice. But apparently I kept talking about you. A lot. So much so in fact, he pointed it out. Said ‘You seem to talk about Y/N an abundant amount. It would seem you have feelings for her.’ Then it felt like a light bulb and I started crying and he brought me home, and I told him he’s sweet. But I can’t be with him.” 
You can’t help but have a smile across your face. On the one hand, it all feels fast. Realizing your feelings, realizing your identity, and learning she feels the same way. But on the other hand? This feels right. It feels like you always should’ve been together.
“I can’t believe this whole time you were right in front of me, and I didn’t see it,” she says and leans in closer to you. 
“You’re telling me. So, you’ll be my girlfriend now?” you ask.
“Of course dragoste,” she says and finally leans in close enough to meet her lips to yours. 
Her lips are soft and taste faintly of strawberries. Her eyes flutter close as soon as you reach a hand to brush her hair from her face, and you let yours close too. You need to savor the moment, although you’re sure there’s many more to come. Your other hand grips her waist as if telling her to stay. And she uses her hands to cup your face. The kiss lights fireworks inside you, and all you want to do is kiss her forever now. She moves softly against you and the two of you part ways and stares into each other’s eyes. 
“I love you,” she says again.
“I love you too,” you repeat once more. And you know you’ll be repeating these words to her millions more times.  
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lollytea · 3 years
Fearless (part 2/3)
( PART ONE okokok some parts of this are pretty good. some not so good. but the important part is im tryin my goddamn best out here.)
[OCTOBER 22ND, 7:02PM] The sun had melted away beneath the distant hills and Louie had somewhat calmed himself down.
At least, he was no longer hyperventilating. The feathery tufts on his cheeks were not as fluffy as before, now clumped together from his waterworks earlier. 
He lit the last of his lights, drawing the match away and allowed the head of the flame to seize its last moments. It danced with delight, flickering as it devoured the thin strand of poplar wood.
Louie watched it too long, finding solace in the glow of gentle orange. Just as it was teasing to taste his fingertips, he snuffed it out, not nearly as interested in the arising string of pale smoke. Seven illuminated oil lamps circled his room, washing him in warm, yellow light. But still, It would breed an array of shadows, outlining everything with subtle pools of gloom. Shadows made Louie uneasy. They gave him the strangest feeling that he was being watched. Reminded him of people and powers that were best not to think about. But a shadowy room was preferable to pitch black. He was scared of the dark. Come to think of it, he was scared of a lot of things. Louie had a complicated relationship with fear. He was, by no means, the skittish kid from five years ago. He simply couldn't live with that mindset for long when thrust into the life of McDuck royalty and all the madness and danger attached. So, he adapted. His busiest days tended to fall in the order of breakfast, adventure, magic, certain doom, barely escaping with your life and then sleep. Rinse and repeat. Living like that didn't phase him much anymore. How could it when he was surrounded by the most courageous family put on this earth? And when you continue to survive when that was your Day-to-Day, it had a tendency to boost your confidence. He had gotten braver for sure. Much braver. And yet, he couldn't help but feel like he was lying to himself sometimes. Being afraid of the world around him had never quite faded, he just gotten much better at handling it. Recent years made things all the more messy. His brothers weren't as brave as they used to be these days. Not after what they went through. As a spot of hope, Huey was starting to rebuild a stronger, improved version of his old self. But Dewey still needed time. It made Louie wonder if his intrepid brothers could be broken like this, should he even bother trying to toughen up? He had never been like them. Not naturally, at least. He didn't stand a chance when his time came. He figured that with all he's experienced, he should've at least developed past his more irrational fears. But he didn't.  Deep down, silly stuff still unsettled him. Spiders, violence, surprises. The dark. Ty knew he was afraid of the dark. Ty knew most of the stuff he was afraid of. And despite teasing Louie for pretty much everything else, never his fears. He claimed his brother was the same so he didn't find it all that weird. Louie called bullshit on that one. From what little he knew about Ben, it was impossible to picture that guy being scared of the dark. Ty was most likely trying to ease his insecurity. It didn't work. He felt uncomfortable sometimes, being somebody scared of so much, being close with somebody like Ty. Fearless. It sorta made him wonder if he was inferior. As if standing alongside Ty just wasn't right. The balance didn't seem equal. Wow. Louie was never gonna be good enough, was he?   Wait, no, stop it. Fucking stop it. He had no right to be feeling all sorry for himself for the probability that he wasn't good enough for Ty. On the grounds that he wasn't brave enough? No. Of course Louie wasn't good enough for Ty. That was an irrefutable fact. But what mattered right now was that his carelessness had almost gotten Ty killed today and he couldn't, in good conscience, be focusing on anything else. He almost got Ty killed. He almost got Ty killed. He almost got Ty killed. That was a little more important than "Boohoo, cute bear boy is never gonna kiss me. I'm sad." To make matters worse, Louie had gone and chosen the perfect time to figure out he was in love with Ty. Sure, It had left him happily dopey at the time. But now, after everything that happened, it was like his imaginary little love letter left a paper cut on his heart and splashed it with lemon juice. Ty was going to resign as his retainer. The more Louie said this to himself, the easier it would be to accept it when he received the news. It was truly possible Ty was currently out of his life for good. As much as Louie was trying to talk himself into hunting the boy down right this minute and begging for forgiveness, there was a part of him speculating that Ty would prefer not to see his stupid royal face ever again. It hurt. It really did hurt. But if that's what Ty wanted, Louie would silently abide by the request. He hated to admit it but the spineless side of him didn't want to face Ty either. The last look at him had been his still body laying on an iron bedstead in the castle infirmary. Beakley had assured the stricken Louie that Ty was not dead but refused to divulge the details as she ushered him out and exiled him to his room for the rest of the night. He needed to see Ty conscious. He needed to see him alive. It would be one weight off his chest just to know his retainer had bounced back. But also.....he didn't want to know the damage he'd done. He want to know how badly Ty had been wounded nor how close he had brushed by death. It had been Louie's fault. And he knew that. But the thought of confronting it head-on was a difficult reality to swallow. Even though he should. He should. Completely unrelated but another dumb, embarrassing thing that made him jump out of his skin? Sudden noises. Still completely unrelated but there was a knock at his door.
[OCTOBER 22ND, 11:24AM]
The sky was clear, the autumn air wasn't chilly but pleasantly crisp and there was a lively gathering in the forest. It was held in a wide clearing, bursting with happy people, milling around and chatting. Surrounding them was an almost perfect circle of tangled old oaks, their branches wreathed with strings of homemade lanterns and flower garlands. 
Ty and Louie were quick to turn on tunnel vision towards the table with a large arrangement of party food. They came away with armfuls of bread, cheese, fruits and two tankards of apple cider. They found a spot for themselves, hiding away behind a stack of bailed hay just on the outskirts of the festivities. They set up their little feast, which they wasted no time in devouring. 
There were minstrels playing a vibrant tune. But even with all their flutes, fiddles and practice, they fell short in comparison to the natural music of Ty Cloudkicker's laughter. Louie was talking fast. He was gravitating into Ty's space as he did so, lured in by the bubbling sound. He was eager, grinning deliriously as he spouted out more and more of his story to keep the laugh from fading.
As if it was a lifeline. Like the back of his mind was utterly terrified it would stop. Yet he was entranced with a flood with endorphins, so enamored with the resonance that he couldn't help but be elated as he rattled on to keep himself alive. "Okay, so nobody specifically told Uncle Donald that keeping snacks in your crown was not considered "Kingly" behavior. But see, he just saw it as an extra pocket. He didn't get what the big deal was." 
When Ty laughed hard enough, he started snorting. He attempted to control himself. Louie wished he wouldn't. "So imagine being one of those advisor buzzard dorks, right? And you're having this big, important royal audience with the new king. And then right in the middle of discussing warships or something, he reaches into his crown, (not breaking eye contact.) and starts munching on a fish sandwich. They looked at him like he just spat on their mothers' graves." The octave skyrocketed and Ty disintegrated into high pitched cackles, tightly clutching his side as if he would split in half. It swept away the narrative in Louie's head, fizzling the thought process as he continued to gaze at Ty as if he were channeling golden light. However, his brain did not send the memo to this mouth that it was time to stop talking. Which led to Louie stuttering out "And the--....He--...uh, he--,um...." a brainless smile slapped on his face all the while. He couldn't stop smiling. He was crashing and burning and he couldn't stop smiling. He was certain he would be humiliated over this blunder later but right now, it was pretty funny. Thankfully, his subconscious had mercy on him, cutting him off with a nervous, breathless giggle. Ty was oblivious to whatever kind of gay breakdown Louie was having as he was trying to regain composure from his own hysterics. He was beginning to calm down, occasional wheezy yet delighted noises still sputtering out of him. His shoulders relaxed and he leaned back with a shaky exhale, still stuck with that huge sunny smile. They fell into a silence in the aftermath, content to sit and just listen to the music. Ty picked up his cider and took a gulp. Louie mirrored him. Then Ty's entire frame bucked with a surprise hiccup and Louie nearly choked. He was pretty sure he saw his whole life flash before his eyes as he collapsed into a coughing fit, Ty thumping him firmly on the back. "I'll live, I'll live!" Louie gasped, regaining himself. "Stop hitting me, I bruise like a peach." "Sorry." He drew his hand away. Then he hiccuped again and Louie lost it. "It's not funny!" Ty insisted, a desperate crack to his voice. It was pretty hilarious, actually. Not just the ridiculous little noises, but the way his shoulders jumped and how he would blink in split second afterwards, startled and bewildered like a baby animal. Ty gave him a shove, Louie still snickering and flailing his hands to halfheartedly fend him off. "Hey, hey, what gives you the right to attack me? I nearly choked and died 'cause of you." "Sounds like a "you" problem." "Where'd those hiccups even come from? Your papa bear never teach you not to drink your cider so fast?" Ty's bottom lip jutted out, irritated. He shook his head "Nah, it's--" Hic. Louie snorted. "Shut up!" He snapped. Yeah, his face was definitely a darker shade of pink than usual. "Sometimes I get hiccups if I laugh too much." "Huh. that's a thing that can happen?" "Yeah. A thing I gotta live with." Hic. "Lemme guess, this hasn't happened in a while?" "Huh?" Ty turned to him, perplexed. "Nah, it happens all the time. And when I tell ya it's the most annoying thing--" "You can't be serious." Louie smiled with a disbelieving shake of the head. "You, like, barely laugh anymore." "What's that supposed to mean?" "What?" He shrugged. "You don't." Ty rolled his eyes and directed his vision elsewhere. "I usually do whenever I go back to the glen." "Are Ben and Lottie really that funny?" "They are the least funny people I know. Also they suck and they're cheaters and I hate them." Hic. Let's see. So, he was clearly pouting. Acting all petty about his siblings. The Glen. Laughing to the point of hiccups. "Lots of tickle fights, huh?" Louie deduced, a smirk playing across his beak. Ty considered him for a moment, as if he was thinking about decking him right then and there but ultimately decided it wasn't worth the effort. (Louie was offended.) He then looked off into the distance, an indescribably haunted look in his eye. "Soooo....I'm gonna guess you usually lose the tickle fi--?" "I do not!" Ty abruptly yelled, shooting him an indignant look. "Let's get this straight, if it's one-on-one, I win. I always win. You better not forget that, your highness." He jabbed Louie's chest with his forefinger. "I'm the best fighter out of the three of us. In fact, I probably got the potential to be the best fighter in the whole kingdom!" "Real modest." "It's just if they team up, then it's unfair! That's why they're--" Hic. Louie watched, delightfully entertained as Ty hissed "God. Damn. Hiccups." "And how often do they team up?" He didn't answer right away. Then reluctantly grumbled "Most of the time." "So what I'm hearing is--...." Louie casually leaned against Ty's side, propping his elbow on the latter's shoulder.  "You do lose most of the time?" "Shut up." "No." "Okay, so here's the thing. Let's say you're a big, strong brave knight. You're super cool and heroic and everybody respects you." Hic. "Then you go back home and then suddenly you're just someone else's baby brother and they see you just standing there, minding your business and they're just like "Well! Guess I gotta obliterate him!" And they do not hold back." "Ohhhhh, I get that, I totally get that." Said Louie. "Well, not the brave knight part. But y'know. Me and my brothers had to share a room. It was tiny. There was always a foot in your face or whatever. And sometimes when were bored, they started getting rowdy and throwing hands and it's not like I asked but I got dragged in too. When I was just trying to sleep, man! I wasn't asking for a spontaneous duel at 2am." Ty snorted. "Oh yeah, and sometimes Dewey calls me a little bitch." "He's right." Louie knocked his body against Ty's, making a sound of faux outrage. Ty only found that funnier. Huffing, Louie pawed around for the cluster of grapes at his side. He twisted one free and twirled it around his fingers for a moment. "Watch this. I can feel it. I'm gonna do it this time." "Are you now?" Said Ty in such a distinctly pleasant tone that Louie could not possibly interpret it any other way than "I do not believe that but I'm humoring you but I also want you to understand that my sweet voice is oh, so bitterly sarcastic. Fuck you." "I see you're doubting me." "Me? Doubt my liege? I could never." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're a real court jester. Now shut up and observe." Louie wiped all expression from his face and inhaled deeply to obtain peak tranquility. He relaxed his whole frame. If he could pull this off, this would be his day for sure. Ty was watching. This moment would define his life. Thinking a hasty prayer to every known God, force and entity  that had ever favored the unlikely ones, he tossed the grape in the air, threw his head back and opened his beak. The grape finished rising and gravity took control. It fell. Down, down, down, down. Louie now understood the concept of meditation. He was so in the zone, he could've sworn the grape was descending in slow motion. Yes, yes, it was aligning directly below his beak. He was gonna catch it! Down, down, down, down. Then Ty snatched it right out of the air and swallowed it whole. Louie sat, slack jawed, attempting to process what had just happened. He slowly turned to Ty, completely blank. Huh. That moment really did define his life. "You bastard!" He squawked. "Me bastard!" Ty exclaimed, looking insufferably proud of himself. "How could you?! I know our allyship has been complicated but this is high treason!" "Sorry, sorry, I just--" He sat back a little, shaking with silent laughter. He then formed a square with his hands and hovered it before Louie, squinting one eye. "I just needed to see the face you would make and god, it was worth it. You think you could hold that face for a few hours to get a portrait made? I'd get it framed and hang it in my room." He was teasing him. Louie knew he was teasing him. And yet he still blushed bright red from the fragment of fondness blurred in the implication. "W-well, well I would--I'd--" He floundered, racking his brain for a retort. "You think there's any musical instruments that could replicate your dorky little hiccups? I'd hire minstrels just to have them play it for me! Y'know, for when I need a laugh." Ty's smug grin dropped and his eyes flicked about uncertainly. "I--..." He dragged the word out, face flushing at a rapid rate as he folded his knees up to curl in on himself. He crossed his arms. "I think they're gone now anyway." He mumbled. Hic. God, that never got old. "If you laugh one more time, I'm putting you in a tree and leaving you there." Louie laughed again, out of spite. "Nobody's fault but your own. Imagine you've just fought an epic battle and you think there's no more enemies to take on. But as soon as you say that out loud, boom! Second ambush! You would think a warrior like you would get that." "Your highness?" "Yeah?" "Shut your huge mouth." "No." "Okay. Dunno why I thought that would work. Never does." "Y'know I would offer to spook your hiccups away. But we both know that wouldn't work." "Yeah, probably not." Said Ty with a shake of his head. He perked up a bit. "Lottie gave it a shot once. Nothing." "Well, it's just like you said that one time." Louie shrugged, then faltered when the back of his mind took notice of the dimly glowing orange irises he was met with. His voice softened involuntarily. "You're fearless." He didn't know what he said wrong. Ty's face fell. He looked so utterly devastated that Louie, completely lost to why he was even upset, felt his own heart shatter to pieces. He wanted to start sobbing just from seeing him. "Oh..." Ty whispered. He clutched one of his hands with the other and began fidgeting with his fingers. "Well, see. Uh, the thing about that is--...." Concerned, Louie scooched in closer, peering at the face that had once again turned away from him. He hesitantly touched Ty's upper arm. "Hey. Ty. Are you--?" "HEY, LOOK AT THAT!" Ty blurted out, his voice nervously rising in pitch. He attempted to subtly clear his throat. Louie followed the direction of Ty's pointer finger which was gesturing out to the thick expanse of forestry. There was nothing there. But then he caught a flash of movement and noticed two figures tucked away in the shadows of the trees. A young man and woman, probably only a few years older than them. "The couple?" Louie asked, puzzled. "The what now?" Then Ty did a double take, then snapped to attention as if he had just noticed them. "Oh! Oh, yeah, them, sure. I mean, yeah, that's what I meant. Them. Uhhh....look at them!" "Uh. Okay? Why?" "Theeeyyyy're....cute? Gross? They're something. They're definitely something." Louie hummed, taking the two into consideration. The girl was letting out a peal of laughter and the guy was blabbing away animatedly, looking thrilled with himself that she was finding him funny. He was trying so hard.... Louie didn't know if he wanted to gag or coo out an "aww!" "Grossly cute." He decided. Ty snapped his fingers. "That's it!" "You know, I don't get why they're over there. There's tons of people around here. Why would you wanna show up to a party if you're just gonna hide away and hang out with one person the whole time?" "For real though." For the next few minutes, Ty and Louie observed the couple, keeping up a running commentary on the guy's obvious nerves and the girl's less than subtle advances. Ty and Louie learned a lot about themselves in those few minutes. Namely that they were both terrible at lip reading. "He said Pants." Ty was certain. "No, he said Nance." Louie countered. "Her name is probably Nancy." The girl clapped her hands together, nodding eagerly. "Then what's that for, huh? Clearly he just offered to tailor her a personalized pair of pants." "You are so dumb, that's not what's happening here at all." The guy took a dramatic step back and twirled his wrist an unnecessary amount of times before offering her his hand with a half-bow. She took it, giggling. The two them scampered off, out of the shadows and into the heart of the party, where other couples were twirling around as the minstrels played. He curled an arm around her waist, smiling as though this was his greatest honor and they spun into the motion, flowing so naturally amidst the other dancers as if they were simply another cogwheel in the world's most elegant clock. "Dance." Said Ty and Louie in unison. "Pretty sure we were close." "Pretty sure we're idiots." "Yeah, I know but just let me pretend." Ty suddenly snickered, his eyes glinting. "What was that thing he did with his hand anyway? And why did she eat it up?" "It's called flair, Tiberius." "Kinda dumb." "You're just mad that flair is not something you possess." "Bullshit, watch this!" Ty sat up straight and bent his arm into a perfect ninety-degree angle. "Prepare to be amazed." And then his entire forearm began to spin and spin and spin and spin and spin like a windmill in a hurricane. "Flair, flair, flair, flair," He was chanting and Louie had already collapsed in a giggle fit. It wasn't even remotely funny. It was dumb, it was so dumb. But Louie could admit to himself that dumb schticks get like ninety percent more humorous to him if there's a really cute boy performing them. He was easy like that. Ty was extremely committed to the joke as he kept spinning and spinning for over ten seconds. He kept shooting Louie glances and his grin got wider and wider every time he looked away. "FLAIR!" He let his arm go, throwing out an open palm and nearly knocked it against the side of Louie's head. "Hey!" He dodged. "Watch where you swing that thing, you could've whacked me!" "But I didn't!" Said Ty gleefully. He lowered his hand but did not withdraw. It remained unwavering and offered out to Louie. He took it. He didn't think, he just took it. It was only when they made contact that Louie woke up and his heart promptly spiked. But besides a light blush, he managed to keep his face neutral. "So, I guess it's not just that girl who's impressed by this stuff." Ty was nonchalant. His smile then twitched, as if aching to stretch wider but he was reigning it in. "You are too." They were still touching, which, by all accounts, should continue to fluster Louie. But as seconds ticked by, a sense of calm was settling over him. The very thing originally causing panic was now bringing him comfort. It was the weirdest thing, "I was laughing at you, not with you." He said evenly, catching Ty's contagious smile. "Ehh," He shrugged. "I'll take it." Louie would count this as a new domain for sure. Uncharted waters. As if he and Ty had stumbled in accidentally but now they were here, their curiosity was urging them to explore. Not to a dangerous extent, of course. But maybe just edge along the sidelines and see what they could discover. "Your hands are so tiny, it's crazy." Ty commented, tilting his head. Turning it over, he slid his thumb thoughtfully across Louie's palm. "How do you even hold anything?" Louie wasn't even eyeing their hands but was regarding Ty's pensive face. "It's kinda the worst. Whenever we find treasure and I get my cut, the fancy rings and bracelets are huge. I always gotta go to a jeweler and get them resized if I wanna wear them."' Ty was fiddling with Louie's fingers now, fixing him with a decisive nod. "I'll get you a ring for Christmas." "Woah, woah. For real?" "Yeah. I'll put it in one of those fancy boxes. But then you'll open it and see it's made out of grass and try to have me beheaded." As they were speaking, their hands continued to play around. Ty had flattened his own, aligning his palm against Louie's. Louie spread his fingers and Ty laced his through. "Uncle Donald says I'm not allowed to say "Off with his head" anymore or I'm grounded 'til I'm thirty-five. It "makes the people want to revolt."" Louie air-quoted with his free hand. "But I would fire you for sure." Ty snorted. "You would not and you know it." There would never be any proof that they held hands that day. Not a single eye witnesses, including themselves, as both boys had turned a blind eye to their own actions. They were afraid to look down, as that would be an acknowledgement. Louie had no mental image of the moment, fuschia fur intertwined with snow feathers, only a rush of heat and a hazy ponder if the dampness was his sweat or Ty's. And if the feel of Ty's touch was just an illusion of the mind, there was one poignant hint of the reality and that was how gentle their voices had gotten. "Oh, so, you're really gonna test me like that, Tiberius? Pushing me around, stealing grapes, calling me a little bitch. Is this any way to treat your liege? You don't think I'm at the end of my rope with you?" "Nahhhh...." Ty drew the word out, grinning. He twisted his muzzle into an exaggerated pout and batted his eyes. "You would never because I'm awesome and cool and smart and you love me." It was Ty's utter nerve that left Louie too astonished to even blush. Instead, he simply tilted his head, an eyebrow cocked. "Do I?" He challenged. To his credit, Ty did not relent either. However, the impishness gradually died from his eyes until he was left solemn. "Maybe?" He spoke softly, as though too much force would crack the delicate little word. He bore into Louie's eyes, like he was searching for an answer. Pleading for an answer. Louie felt his own hand squeeze Ty's. He inhaled. He knew he was going to say something, he was just leaving it up his own scattered subconscious to determine what. He would open his beak and whatever words wound up tumbling out would seal his fate. He didn't have a second to panic, to fret, as he was already speaking and he was petrified by how fast this was all going. "I--" Something shattered and a woman screamed in pain. Indistinct shouting and Ty cursed under his breath. Louie scrambled around to see the commotion and the last few things he registered were the gleam of sunlight catching unsheathed weapons, the girl he called Nancy with crimson pooling from her forehead, Ty demanding "Get down!" and knocking him stomach-down into the ground. 
“Stay there and don’t move.” Then Ty had rushed off and everything went to shit.
[OCTOBER 22ND, 7:13PM] Louie was well acquainted with that knock. Firstly, one firm rap against wood, proceeded by two more rapid-fire. He associated it with a twinge of annoyance, high sun beams streaking in his window and somebody near, dear and insufferable to his heart, pestering him from the other side to rise and shine already or his breakfast would go stale. This usually occurred around 9:30AM. If given a say in the matter, Louie would sleep til noon. But he didn't have a say in the matter because every morning, without fail, there was a retainer banging down his door. Something was off this time. Once he knocked, Ty had fallen uncharacteristically silent. No continuation of drumming out an obnoxious little tune and and no insisting he open up. Louie was hesitant to do much of anything. It seemed his door was the only thing protecting him from facing repercussions right now. If he fell deep enough into denial, he could pretend Ty wasn't there. So long as he kept his door shut, he could pretend everything was alright. Ty didn't almost die. It was a tempting thought. It resounded in such an appealing voice inside his head that Louie seized his latch before he could give in. The brass shocked a chill to the pads of his fingers as he held on tight. He had to open up. He had to. His hand fidgeted, stalling the moment. He thumped his forehead against the door, heaving a steadying sigh. "You don't wanna see me, do you, your highness?" He heard Ty say in hushed tones, his voice startlingly close to where Louie had situated himself. "Ehh, if we're being honest....not really." "Oh...." "Do you wanna see me?" "I mean....I kinda don't? The idea of seeing you right now is making me nauseous." The statement skewered Louie's heart. He shook it off. "Why'd you knock?" "'Cause it doesn't matter what I want, I gotta see you right now. It's important." An prolonged pause hung in the air, buzzing with a mutual uncertainty. Louie tapped his fingers to the wood and after a second or two, Ty did the same. Their respective rhythms aligned. "But..." Ty continued, his voice faltering. "If you don't wanna see me, I can go--" "Convince me." Louie was blurting out before he thought twice about it. "Huh?" "I need to open this door but, like surprise surprise, I'm scared. You've done it before. I get scared and you talk me into stuff. Do your big strong hero magic and get me to suck it up. Please, I need it." "Oh, uh, I--" He could hear how flustered Ty had gotten suddenly being put on the spot. "Well, I--...I guess you don't have a choice 'cause if you don't open up, I'm strong enough to barricade the door down. So, I figure we should just do this the easy way." Despite the circumstances and the scruple wrung tense in his stomach, Louie felt the corner of his beak twitch at the tentative touch to Ty's tone. He felt his stiff shoulders relax. "Is that a threat, Tiberius?" "Uh, no." Ty admitted, sounding sheepish. "That was just a joke. See, it was the first thing that came into my head and then suddenly I was saying it. Sorry, I dunno for sure if now is "joke time" and I figured it'd be kinda weird to ask so--" He didn't get to finish rambling. His hair whipped to the side with the rush of air that came with the swift swing of the door. Louie fixed him with a hard look, processing the sight of his retainer standing there, alive and bright eyed. Ty's hand was still hovering awkwardly in the air, where he assumed it had been resting against the door. He blinked back at him, puzzled and a little alarmed, as if caught under a spotlight. He didn't look angry. But Louie knew better than to lull himself into thinking he was in the clear. Whatever resentment Ty was feeling would spill out in time. Louie braced himself. "Hey, Ty." He said stiffly. "Come on in."
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rmtndew · 4 years
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Begin Again ~ Chapter 6
Summary: Walter Marshall is a dedicated homicide detective doing his best to balance his work life with being a single father to a teenage girl. Fiona Sparks is a woman doing her best to take care of everyone and everything around her, except for herself. Neither has had the best luck with relationships, but once they meet, they’re willing to give it another shot, this time with each other. (It’s basically just romantic fluff) 
Pairing: Marshall and OFC.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions of death, cancer.
A/N - This is a sequel to ‘All I’ve Ever Known’. I started writing this because I needed an escape for some personal stuff going on and my coping mechanism included giving Marshall all the love that man needed, and imagining him being the softest boyfriend to me, then passing those details on to Fiona (my OFC).
Tag list - @hollydaisy23, @alyxkbrl, @onlyhenrys, @omgkatinka, @speakerforthedead0​​, @gearhead66,  @thethirstyarchive, @oddsnendsfanfics, @littlerinoa, @agniavateira, @aaescritora, @justaboringadult, @beenthroughalot, @seriouslygoodlookinggents, @xxxkatxo, @musicartmayheminmyheart​, @lilliannaansalla​
If you want to be added/removed from the tag list, let me know!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
The next week started out well. Marshall’s closed case meant paperwork - which I knew he wasn’t a fan of - but it gave us the ability to spend more time together. After his court appearance on Monday, he stopped by the shop so I could see him in his suit. He was insanely handsome - he really did clean up nicely - but I preferred him looking like a big cozy bear in his thick sweaters, so I gave him the go ahead to change into something more casual for our date that night. Darcy, being the wonderful friend that she was, let me leave a few hours early so that Walter and I could meet up sooner. We had dinner and picked up everything he’d ordered for Faye’s room. Then we went to his house and he assembled the new furniture while I painted the old. Tuesday he picked me up and we had Chinese takeout before finishing the room. It took all night - I didn’t get home until close to one in the morning - but we both worked to get it done in time. And it was well worth it. I may have been an adult, but even I was a little jealous of how cute it had turned out. Faye’s birthday was the next day, Wednesday, and Marshall picked her up from school, then surprised her with it before taking her home. That evening while I was on the phone with him, she sent me a sweet text thanking me for helping him out and telling me how much she loved it. 
Unfortunately, things started falling apart for me after that. Mom spent Thursday getting ready for her trip with my aunts that weekend, and despite how much I tried to convince myself that she would be okay, my anxiety wasn’t buying it. Since Dad died, I hadn’t spent a single night away from her. And with her cancer still feeling fresh in my mind, knowing that I wouldn’t be there with her if something were to go wrong made my anxiety worse. It came to a head Friday morning when I had a panic attack. I was having coffee when it hit me. The chest pains, the heart palpitations, the tingling in my arms, the numbness in my fingers and toes. I felt dizzy, my vision swimming. I knew what it was, I’d had them for more than half my life, and yet I was always scared it was something more. A heart attack usually. My mind could never comprehend how something like anxiety could cause such an intense physical reaction. But it did and when it was over, I was exhausted. I was thankful that I didn’t have to go to work - Darcy had closed the shop for the day - because the most I managed to do that morning was take a shower and put on sweatpants and an oversized sweater. By that afternoon, I felt torn between being too tired to do anything useful and needing something to distract me from dwelling on Mom going away. She wouldn’t let me help her with anything, so I finally settled on cleaning out the fridge. That’s where I was, trying to identify the contents of a container that had gotten pushed to the back, for who knows how long, when I got a text from Marshall. 
Marshall:  I wanted to see if you had plans for dinner? I know your mother is leaving this evening and didn’t know if you’d cook for yourself. I  can take you out, or cook for you, if you’d like?
I wanted so badly to say yes, but I didn’t have the energy. Cleaning out the fridge was as much as I had been able to force myself to do, and even that was pushing it. There was no way I could manage to get ready for a date. 
Me:  I don’t have plans. Unfortunately I’m not feeling well. Do you take rainchecks on dinner?
I hated turning him down for several reasons. One being that I loved spending time with him, no matter what we did. But another was knowing that he wasn’t always going to have free time to spend with me. That these few weeks we’d had were rare, at least by his admission, and I felt like I was squandering it. 
Marshall:  I do take rainchecks. And I’m sorry that you’re not well. Is there anything I can do for you? 
Me: No. It’ll pass. But thank you for offering. I promise I’ll make it up to you when I can. 
Almost as soon as I sent it, he replied, like he’d anticipated what I was going to say and was waiting, his thumb hovering over the send button. 
Marshall:  You have nothing to make up for, Fi. Just let me know if I  can get you anything. 
Reading the text, I felt like crying. He was wonderful and there was no reason why I shouldn’t have been able to go out with him, except my brain decided to have a meltdown and destroy my whole day. 
Me:  I will. You’re too sweet, Walter. Thank you. 
Marshall:  That’s not possible. 
Me:  For you to be sweet? I highly disagree, mister. 
Marshall:  No. For anyone to be too sweet to you, love. 
My heart fluttered for a moment, touched by how wonderful he truly was. But it was over quickly, replaced by tears. I’d finally found someone that I adored and that treated me better than anyone ever had, but even still, my anxiety fought it and that afternoon, it won. 
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A few hours later, June came by to pick up Mom. I carried her suitcase to the car, then made sure she had everything important in her purse. 
“Fiona, I’ve got it, sweetie. I’ve got my medicine, my wallet, and my phone. Anything else I need, we can pull over and get.”
“What about your phone charger?” I asked. 
“In the suitcase.”
“Your car charger?”
At that, she looked a little sheepish. “I did forget that one.”
“I’ll go grab it for you. Where is it?”
“I think it’s on my vanity. If not, don’t worry about it, Bird. June will have her phone, too.”
“I know, but I’d feel better if you had it. I’ll be right back.” 
I ran upstairs and looked at Mom’s vanity. The charger wasn’t sitting on it, so I went through the drawers, searching for it with no luck. I didn’t know where else she would keep it, but I knew that if I asked, she would tell me to forget it and try to leave before I could find it. So I decided to give her mine to take instead. I had a backup one with a shorter cord in the bottom drawer of my nightstand. 
“You’ll have to take mine. I can’t find yours,” I called, starting down the stairs. 
“Well, I found something,” she called back. “There was a surprise on the doorstep.”
“Mom, I swear if you brought the neighbor’s cat in again, I’m telling. It’s not inhumane to have an outdoor cat,” I said. But when I reached the bottom of the staircase, I saw who she’d ‘found’ and couldn’t hold back my smile. It wasn’t a cat, thankfully. It was Marshall. He smiled back at me. 
“Are you still going to tell on me?” Mom asked. 
“I’ll consult with Detective Marshall here and decide,” I said, walking over to her. 
Marshall was standing with one hand behind his back, the other holding a bouquet of wildflowers. “I hope it’s okay that I’m here.”
“Of course,” I said. 
“Well, we have to get on the road, so we’ll leave the two of you to it.” Mom turned and gently pulled my head down for her to kiss my forehead. “I love you, sweetie. I’ll call you when we get there.” 
I handed her my charger and she put it in her purse. “I love you, too. Be careful and have fun, okay?” 
“I will.” She looked up at Walter. “Would you do me a favor and keep an eye on her this weekend? She could cut one of her limbs off and wouldn’t tell me because she wouldn’t want to ‘bother’ me.” 
He nodded. “Yes, ma’am, I will.”
She patted his arm. “Thank you.”
Mom and June gave me hugs before leaving. June told Marshall that it was nice to ‘finally’ meet him. I rolled my eyes but he smiled and said it was nice to meet her, too. I stood in the doorway and watched them leave. Once they were gone, I closed the door and turned back to Walter. 
He rubbed his neck, looking a bit bashful. I didn’t think I could ever get used to him looking that way. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you sending her off.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure she was happy to have you here to be a buffer. I think she was half afraid that I was going to cling to her leg like I did when I was a kid and try to keep her from going.” I went to him and brushed a curl back from his forehead. I squinted at him playfully. “Now that I’m thinking about it, that was pretty convenient for her. Did she call you?” I joked. 
He smiled enough for me to see the sharp end of his canines. “No. I was on my way home and wanted to check on you since you said you weren’t feeling well.” He held up the flowers. “And bring these to you.”
“That was sweet. Thank you.”
“Are you worried about your mum leaving?” he asked. I nodded. He put his free hand on my hip, drawing me closer. “I figured that may have been it, instead of you being ill.”
I put my hands on his chest, feeling the soft texture of his cable knit sweater under my palms. “I know she’s a grown woman, and I know she’s a lot healthier now than she was, and I know she’s going to be with family, so I really shouldn’t be worried, but I can’t help it.” I chewed my lip for a moment. “I had a panic attack this morning. I didn’t tell her, because I knew she’d know it was over her leaving and I didn’t want her to feel guilty,” I said. “But that’s why I asked about a raincheck for dinner. It drained me and I didn’t think I’d have the energy to go anywhere. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize for that. It’s understandable to be worried about her. You’ve taken care of her the whole time she was sick,” he said. “I’m sorry it caused you to have a panic attack, though.”
“I’m used to them. I’ve had them half my life.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
I shook my head. “It just drained me. I’ll be better tomorrow.” 
“Would you like me to stay and keep you company?” 
I looked down at my hands. “You don’t have to.”
“I know I don’t have to. Do you want me to?”
I took a deep breath. “Please,” I whispered.
He kissed the bridge of my nose, then put his forehead to mine. “I’ll stay as long as you want.”
I smiled. “Then you may never leave.”
“I wouldn’t complain.”
I looked up at him again. “Have you eaten? I could make us dinner.”
“Would you let me order take out for us instead?”
“You don’t trust my cooking?” I joked. 
He smiled back. “It’s not that. I promise. But I would feel better if I felt like I was taking care of you, not the other way around.
I bit my lip for a moment, thinking. “Okay.”
“Good girl,” he said, then placed a kiss on my forehead.
A flush instantly pinched at my cheeks, the heat spreading to my ears and neck, just from two simple words. “We should get those flowers in some water,” I said, moving back and taking them from his hand. I didn’t want him to see how flustered I was.
I walked to the kitchen and he followed. I found a vase in one of the cabinets and filled it with water, then I took the flowers from their wrapping and placed them inside. Marshall took the wrapping from me and put it in the trash while I arranged the flowers. Once I had them how I wanted them, I carried them to the table and placed them in the center. Marshall came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my shoulder. I wasn’t a petite woman, but he engulfed me, making me feel dainty for the first time in my life. I closed my eyes and melted into his touch.
“Thank you again for the flowers. They’re beautiful,” I said. 
“You’re welcome.” He kissed my shoulder again, then kissed a trail from there up to my neck. I sunk further into him with each kiss. He finished with a soft, lingering kiss behind my ear. “What would you like to eat?”
“Do we have to eat? I kind of don’t want to move from right here.”
He laughed and I felt it rumble through me. “I assure you, I plan on resuming this as soon as dinner’s taken care of.”
He nodded. “Yes, darling.”
“Keep calling me stuff like that and I’m going to be too weak in the knees to do anything else.”
He laughed again. “Is that so?”
I turned my head to look at him. He looked amused. “Yes, it is. Don’t act like you don’t know what kind of effect you have on me.”
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said with a slight smirk.
“Oh really?” I asked. He shook his head. I took his right hand away from my waist and moved it, placing it over my heart, and held it there with my own hand. “Call me darling again.”
He looked confused, but he did it anyway. “My darling, Fiona,” he said. Then I watched his eyes widen as he felt my heart rate pick up. “That’s because of one word?”
“It’s because of you. Because of how you say it. Because of how you make me feel when you say it.” 
He gave me a kiss, soft and gentle, then smiled as he pulled back. My heart was beating faster and I knew he could feel it under his palm. “So it’s not just words,” he whispered, sending shivers through me. “My beautiful -” He kissed behind my ear. “Sweet -” He kissed my neck. “Smart -” My head tilted for him naturally. He kissed the underside of my jaw. “Darling,” he said, then pressed a kiss to my exposed collarbone. 
Never in my life had a man made me feel the way Walter did. Especially right then. He surrounded me, crowded every one of my senses, and made me feel weak and strong at the same time. I could be vulnerable with him, let him know exactly what he did to me, and I wasn’t afraid he’d exploit it. I wasn’t afraid of him at all. He was protection. I knew that he would protect me, protect my heart, and so even though I could feel it beating so fast it almost hurt, I kept his hand pressed against it, wanting him to feel some small part of how he made me feel. 
He let his lips linger on my collarbone for a moment, and then, to my surprise, he blew a raspberry on it. I squealed, my knees buckling at the sudden tickling sensation. He caught me, his arm around my waist tightening to keep me from falling. I burst into a fit of giggles and he laughed, too, moving his hand from my heart to circle around my waist, joining the other one.
“Are you ticklish?” he asked, still laughing. 
“I didn’t think I was, but no one’s ever done that,” I said, my cheeks starting to hurt from how wide my smile was. 
“Hm...this could be an interesting experiment, then.”
“No, sir!” I said, still laughing. 
“Fine.” He kissed the side of my head. “It’s better when it’s a surprise anyway,” he said. He loosened his grip on me, then turned me to face him. He looked very satisfied with himself as he smirked at me. “Do you still want to do this, or will you let me order dinner now?”
I shook my head at him. “You sneaky bear,” I said, my smile never breaking. “Yes, you may order dinner now.”
“What would you like?” 
“I think...a deep-dish pizza, please.”
He smiled. “Then pizza it is, love.” 
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Marshall ordered pizza, then he and I cuddled on the couch until it arrived. Then we ate it straight from the box while watching baking shows. After dinner, we got comfortable. He sat on the couch and I sat beside him, stretching my legs out and leaning my back against his chest. He wrapped me up in a blanket and held me. His hand occasionally playing with my hair, running his fingers through it. We didn’t talk very much, but we didn’t have to. Just him being there was enough to make me feel better. Eventually, my anxiety melted away, leaving me relaxed. My eyes were growing heavy when Mom called, the sound startling me. 
“Hey Bird, did I wake you?” she asked. 
“No. I’m watching TV. You’re fine.”
“You didn’t stay up for me, did you?”
“No. I’m watching a show with Walt.”
“Oh, is he still there?”
“He is. You’d be proud of him. He’s looked after me very well tonight.”
“That makes me feel better. You’ll have to tell him I said thank you.”
“I will. How was the drive? Did you guys get there okay?”
“We did. We ran into some snow, but it wasn’t too bad.” There was a pause, then I heard her yawn. “I won’t keep you. I just wanted to let you know we made it.”
“Thank you for letting me know. I’m glad you got there safely and I hope you guys have fun this weekend. Try not to get too crazy.”
“No promises, Fi.” 
I laughed. “Alright. Go get some sleep, Mom. I love you.”
“I love you, too, sweetie. Goodnight.” 
We hung up and I put my phone back on the coffee table. 
“She made it to their hotel?” Marshall asked. 
“Yeah. I didn’t realize they’d been gone that long.”
He looked at his watch, then raised his eyebrows. “I didn’t, either. It’s nearly midnight.” He rubbed his hand up and down my back. “I should probably go and let you sleep.”
I didn’t want him to leave, but I knew he must have been tired. He’d worked that day, then spent all evening taking care of me. I couldn’t ask him to stay any longer. 
“Okay,” I said. 
He helped me tidy up the living room, throwing away the trash from dinner and cleaning up the few dishes we’d dirtied. I walked him to the door. He gave me a hug and a kiss and I tried not to linger with either, not wanting him to see how reluctant I was to let him go. But he must have seen it or sensed it because as he was about to leave, he paused and turned back to look at me. 
“You know, if you’re nervous about being here alone, I could stay with you,” he said. “I could sleep down here, on the couch, if you want.”
“I couldn’t ask you to sleep on the couch.”
“You’re not; I’m offering.”
I chewed my lip and looked down at my feet. “I could...I could ask you to sleep somewhere else, though,” I said quietly.
I watched his feet turn as he walked back to me. His hand gently lifted my face to look at him. “Do you want me to stay tonight, love?”
I nodded. “Please.”
He stroked my jaw softly with his fingers. His blue eyes were the softest I’d ever seen them. “All you ever have to do is ask.”
“Will you stay with me, Walter?”
We locked up, then he followed me upstairs. I gave him the pair of sweatpants he’d loaned me when I’d painted Faye’s furniture because he was worried I’d ruin my jeans. I’d washed them, intending to return them on our next date. He changed into them while I was getting the pillows from the guest room. I watched him from the corner of my eye as I arranged the bed so we could share it, trying not to be shallow and stare as he pulled off his sweater, his T-shirt going with it. It was difficult. I knew he was muscular, even his sweaters couldn’t hide that, but seeing him for the first time took my breath away. He was so big and broad and manly. I’d never dated anyone that had even remotely come close to looking the same. 
I got into bed and lay on my side. Marshall turned off the light, then joined me. He put his phone on the nightstand, then lay facing me. Even in the dark, he was beautiful. 
“Thank you for this,” I said. 
“You’re welcome, my love.”
“Would you mind holding me? Just until I fall asleep?”
“Of course.” 
I rolled onto my other side and he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to him, his chest pressed against my back. I rested my arm on top of his, my fingers threading down through his. He nosed the back of my neck, then kissed it, before resting his head behind mine. 
“I love how warm you are,” I said, my eyes closing. “You’re like a big, strong blanket.”
“A hairy one at that.”
I laughed. “Yes, but I love that, too. Have you ever seen a shaved bear? They’re terrifying.”
It was his turn to laugh. It shook my whole body as he did. “What?” 
“Have you never seen the picture of the shaved bear?”
“No. But what does that have to do with me, anyway?”
“You’re my bear.” 
“Am I?” he asked. I nodded. “Does that mean I can’t ever shave my beard?”
I hummed sleepily. “I don’t know. I do really like it. I like all of your hair, though. Especially your curls.”
“Do you?”
“Yes. I always want to play with them. They’re soft.”
“You’re more than welcome to play with them anytime you want, then.”
“You’re so sweet.”
“And you get very complimentary when you’re tired,” he remarked, humor in his voice. 
“Well, you deserve all the compliments.” 
“Do I now?” 
“Yes.” I yawned. “You’re my favorite person, you know? And you make me feel safe. Always,” I said. “Not that I feel unsafe without you, I just… I don’t know. You make me feel protected anytime I’m around you.” I let out a breath. “Especially right now.”
He tightened his arm around me, pulling me closer. “You are always safe with me, love,” he said softly. 
I melted further into his embrace. I could feel myself starting to drift off to sleep. The weight of his arm around me, the heat of him pressed against my back, it all felt so comforting, I couldn’t stay awake. 
As I fell asleep, the last thought I had was that I was without a doubt falling in love with Walter Marshall. 
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A few hours later, I woke with a start. A phone was ringing and my first thought was that it was Mom. I sat up, groping in the dark for my phone. My worry turned to confusion when I realized it wasn’t my phone ringing. A moment later, the ringing stopped.
“Yeah, Marshall,” Walter answered the call, his voice deep and raspy from sleep. There was a pause and he let out a breath. “Okay, yeah, I’ll be there in thirty.” He hung up, putting his phone back on the nightstand, and sat up beside me. He put his hand on my back. “Are you okay?”
I nodded. “I thought it was Mom. It scared me for a second.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine.” I took a deep breath, reaching out to touch him, my hand landing on his knee. “You have to go?”
“Yeah. There was a shooting.” He rubbed my back softly. “Will you be able to go back to sleep?”
“I think so,” I said. “Do you want me to make you coffee while you get dressed? I have a thermos I can put it in.”
He shook his head. “No, don’t worry about me. Just go back to sleep. I’ll lock up behind me. Okay?”
He moved his hand from my back up to the back of my head and cradled it as he kissed me before getting out of bed. I watched him as my eyes adjusted to the dark. He went to the chair where he’d put his clothes and swapped his sweatpants for his jeans. His black boxer briefs gave me my first glimpse of his muscular thighs with nothing hiding them, before covering them again. He pulled on his shirt and sweater, then sat long enough to put on his boots. He came back to the bed, putting his phone in his pocket, then came around to my side.
“I’m sorry I can’t stay,” he said, sitting beside me.
I shook my head at him. “Don’t be. It means a lot that you stayed as long as you did.”
He cupped my face in his hand. I leaned into it. He stroked my cheek. “I’ll call you later and check in on you, yeah?”
He pressed a kiss to my forehead, then my nose, then my lips. “Lay down,” he whispered. “I’ll tuck you in.” I lay back down and he pulled the covers up around me, tucking them around me. He bent and gave me another kiss to my temple. “Goodnight, Fi.”
I had to fight every urge that wanted me to hold on to him and ask him to stay. “Be careful, Walt.”
He smiled at me. “Always, love.”
He left and I’d never felt so alone. The bed was cold and I missed him. I grabbed the pillow he’d been sleeping on and hugged it to me. It smelled like him. With that scent still there, I felt my body relaxing, and soon I fell back to sleep.
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
Stronger Part 2 (Get Lost)
Summary: Mun-yeong makes amends with someone very special in her life and confronts someone she didn’t expect to see.
Notes: I cackle manically every time I write this story, it’s a problem LMAO. I’ll try to update at least once a week since it’s such short chapters and I have most of it planned in my head since I’ve been thinking about this forever.
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Sang-in finds her sobbing on the edge of the staircase, her whimpers painfully loud in the room, wet streaks pouring from her eyes. He simply takes her hand, she's limp in his arms it's clear he was expecting a fight, but she simply doesn't have anymore in her.
Like a small child she lets him pull her into her room and deposit her in the bed, cocooning her in the thick sheets and wiping her tears with a soft handkerchief he pulls from his pocket. He mumbles soft words of comfort to her, there there and it'll be okay, and she wants to lash out, yearns to thrash and scream that nothing will ever be okay. She's not okay.
However he'd seemed okay. Gang-tae. After a moment's pause it seemed he was fine to just walk out the door and leave her in the past. She'd been a small blip in the grand scheme of his life, a petulant child that wouldn't take his rejections and stabbing words for what they were, deterrents.
But she'd thought herself special, what they had unusual, she'd opened up to him about things no one else has ever known. It seemed like he had done the same for her, secrets whispered in the dark of night.
With him she'd been different. Leaving herself open in ways she'd never imagined before and her greatest fear had been recognized, he had seen her core and smashed it to pieces only to return with empty words and promises.
I'm sorry.
Those were the words she longed to hear, but he never uttered them. Not once. And it appeared he never would, he would continue to push her away and pull her back when it was convenient for him. And she was expected to wait for his cue, an obedient dog that should accept abuse and callous words.
It was hard to pinpoint when he'd tamed her and made her so pathetic, but she had no intentions of remaining this way.
I will be better.
It takes day before she feels enough like herself before she leaves the bed, showering and arranging herself into some semblance of the person others have come to expect.
Hair perfectly combed and curled.
Deep wine dress with a high collar and ruffles.
Expensive towering heels, sharp enough to draw blood and a small bag worth more than rent.
Her heart is still broken but he hasn't called or text, further proving her point. She is expendable.
With a deep sigh and a final look in the mirror she leaves.
"Hello." She greets, head bowed in respect, feeling suddenly shy and not knowing what to do with this novel emotion.
Ju-ri's mother, Soon-duk smiles warmly at her before stepping aside to let her in. Her shoulder heats up from the motherly hand that leads in her.
"Come in, it's nice to see you. You look beautiful today."
She feels her cheeks pinken from the compliment, the woman is perpetually praising her and it's so uncommon that she finds herself basking in the warmth.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, are you looking for Ga--"
"No." The strength and conviction of her response causes the woman to step back as shock colors her face. She doesn't doesn't want to hear his name. She still isn't strong enough to do so without crumbling.
"I'm here to see Sang-tae. I want to apologize to him."
Soon-duk looks taken back before a wider smile fills her face, absently she wonders how the woman looked in her youth she's quite beautiful in her own regard. One day maybe she'll say those words aloud and watch her reaction.
"He only left his room yesterday, he's upstairs on the roof. He'll be happy to see you."
She silently hopes those words are true, she's never had a friend before, a true one that didn't run when things became hard or turned their back on you because others found you unusual. Sang-tae has come to mean a lot to her, someone who sees her and accepts her and challenges her. A true friend.
At first, he's reluctant to speak to her running and locking himself away, forcing her to speak to him through the bedroom window.
She explains herself in a language that they've both come to understand, fairy tales. A language she is fluent in and has used to share her deepest feelings with others.
Interprets the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf, tells him of her impenetrable loneliness, she's been alone for so long but having a friend has shown her the beauty of letting others in, so much so the thought of going back to the way she lived sounds unimaginable and cruel.
There is silence, long and crawling after she's done speaking, she waits patiently staring at the moon.
Then finally he responds, "Are you lonely? Is that what the story means? Are you lonely Ko Mun-yeong?"
He never sugar-coats anything, never spares her feelings, that's what she's come to like about him. He's unapologetic and frank, just as she is with him treating him exactly how she treats others.
"You're not answering. If you want me to forgive you, you have to be sincere. If you're sincere then I will believe you otherwise you're just crying wolf."
She smiles humorlessly, to be so understood by one who has difficulties connecting to others is unsettling.
"Yes. I'm lonely. I miss you, I miss my best friend."
The sound of the window opening echoes and suddenly they are face to face, his brows drawn in consternation.
"You're telling the truth, your face doesn't look like you're lying."
She nods, "I am. I'm sorry I made you feel left out, I should have been honest with you. I promise I will be in the future."
He tilts his head cutely like a puppy before imploring, "Will you have fun with Gang-tae without me again? You can't have him."
The similar tinge of pain that implodes every time she hears his name detonates in her heart but she fights through it desperate to reconcile with Sang-tae.
"I won't. I just want to be your best friend again, he's yours; he's always been yours."
It hurts, like a throbbing wound that has reopened but she means it. Gang-tae was never truly hers, she was merely his mistress a dirty secret to hide away, temporary and it was time to accept that but she could still repair her relationship with Sang-tae, he made everything a little bit better. A dash of happiness.
Sang-tae looks surprised by her answer but he doesn't question her thankfully, instead rewarding her with a smile, it's tiny but it makes her heart grow three times larger.
Maybe all wasn't lost and she could fix the wrongs she'd made.
They make plans to see each other in two days, they need to work on their book, she has some ideas for a storyline. She's always written about her suffering, this time will be no different.
She hears him before she sees her, she screams at her body to move, flee but he flight or fight is broken, halted by his sudden unexpected appearance. She was told he was working overtime, news provided by Sang-in from Ju-ri.
Defying her information, he turns the corner with Jae-su and immediately like they are opposite magnets their eyes gravitate to each other. She watches him pause mid-laughter. His smile melting off his face as he watches her.
Jae-su babbles on unaware of his friends condition, slapping at his shoulder and guffawing at whatever hilarious story he'd been regaling before he too notices the eerie silence. When he notices her dark figure he jumps, hiding behind Gang-tae.
His reaction is enough to drag her from her stillness, her eyes dropping to the ground she makes her way to her car, keys jingling as she pulls them from her bag.
Behind her Gang-tae's deep voice rumbles as he speaks to Jae-su, his words are indecipherable. Taking deep breaths she quickens her movements, cursing herself as her key falls from her hand in her rush, clanking on the ground.
Before she can retrieve them, his hand fills her vision as he picks them up for her, sheepish grin on his face.
She takes the proffered keys from his hands, nodding in acknowledgment before opening the door and sliding into the seat. She goes to close the door when she feels resistance, she pulls harder but still the door refuses to close.
Glancing up she finds his hand on the door, prying it open his muscled hand flexing as he prevents the door from closing.
Finally lowering her hand, she turns to look at him. Staring at him with passive eyes, careful not to let anything slip through.
"You came to see me."
His words are a punch to the solar plexus, knocking the breath from her lungs.
Her brain short circuits and then turns back on, whirling at the audacity and confidence that oozes off him. He is failing immensely to keep a small grin off his face, eyes dancing as he looks at her eagerly.
She wants to punch it off his face.
"No. Why would I come to see you?"
His grin cracks.
"I tried to avoid you. I wanted to see Sang-tae and now that I have, I'll be going. Let go of my car."
His entire face crumbles like sand under a boot, his hand falls to his side as he gazes at her with soft pleading eyes. The amount of times those eyes are rendered her helpless makes her recoil in disgust.
"What's wrong with you? I don't understand why you're being like this! I tried to give you space but I don't get it, I opened up to you isn't that what you've been begging for!"
His anger cracks at her whip sharp, and all the rage deep beneath her surface bubbles up as she turns to glare at him.
"I want nothing to do with you. I'm sorry I ever met you, leave me alone. I will not be begging you for anything in the future." Reaching over to pick up the object she had stored in the backseat, she throws it harshly at him, it bounces off his chest.
"You can have Mang-tae, I don't need it anymore. Just like I don't need you. I only need Sang-tae. You got your wish I'll get lost, you do the same."
Satisfaction surges under her skin as she watches the hurt bloom on his face, his eyes open and expressive screaming at her but she slams up all her walls, she will not be weak any longer.
No fucking way.
Turning the key viciously in the ignition, the engine revs to life and he's forced to jump back to avoid losing his foot as she screeches off, smoke left in her wake.
She watches him getting smaller and smaller in the side mirror, before reversing.
A small hopeful glint flashes in his eyes, she immediately snuffs that out.
"I need my car back, you can give the keys to Sang-tae. "
The tires squeal as she peels out again, manic smile on her face as she laughs, elated at the look on his face. Finally she is the one abandoning him, the one to hurt and belittle. Her deep chuckles boom in the small space of the car as she drives back to her castle and its ominous silence.
Her lap is warm and wet from the tears that escape, she allows herself this final moment of anguish. These are the last tears she'll waste crying over him and their ill-fated romance.
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