#i like seeing the different options people pick out for their cat
This is a follow up to my aninal lover post.
Confused as to where you got an actual cat in Hell.
At least it's not a dog.
Will say he doesn't like cats and complain about it getting fur everywhere but constantly has the cat near him while he's boradcasting, idly petting it.
If the cat is a menace and knocks things over a lot, especially while he's broadcasting he's using his shadows to restrain it or throw it out.
He literally makes a shadow cage for it sometimes when it has zoomies and attacks his feet.
Is annoyed with you for laughing and calling it "baby jail".
The cat better be useful and actually hunt the pests around the hotel.
He's feeding it flesh as a treat guys. Just accept it.
She wants your cat and Kiki to be best friends.
Buys all of the cat toys. Expensive multi level cat trees. She cooks for it.
If it's not a cuddler, she's willing to suffer dozens of scratches just to hold it.
Has dozens of nicknames for your cat and spoils it all the time with treats.
Prefers dogs probably, but won't complain about the cat because it's more practical for people who are as busy as you all are.
He's mildly annoyed by all the cat hair everywhere, especially if it gets in his wiring or joints. Is also annoyed because he generates heat and hums from his mechanical parts, so the little shit literally won't leave him alone. It's hard to be an intimidating Overlord when there's a ball of floof on your lap/chest, and it purrs really loud to match your humming.
He swears he doesn't enjoy it, and you can hear him scolding the cat like it's a child whenever it does something, it shouldn't. Also has a kennel/cat carrier made to put the child, he means cat, in timeout. Threatens to feed it to his sharks while he watches it bap the tank glass for hours.
Buys it little ties and suits with his colors and logo on it since the damn thing wants to be with him at all times. If the child (cat) wants to come to meetings it's gonna dress the part. The cat is literally your child with him he just refuses to acknowledge it.
Let's go with him not being the type of guy to shoot a pet for being annoying.
At first, Valentino doesn't like it because he just isn't an animal person. Like I said before he likes the idea of them more than actually having one. He does get annoyed with cat hair on everything and the little shit knocking things over.
However, let's say this cat is very sweet and snuggly. I think overtime he'd get used to it and begin to enjoy petting it and snuggling it. Maybe you, him, and the cat, all cuddled up to watch a movie. It helps him relax, especially if the cat is purring. He's also the type to dress it up and take photos with it.
Overall, I definitely think it's still more your pet than his, but he doesn’t hate it, and it does help him a lot, and he enjoys seeing you happy.
Cat dad. Immediately commits to that being your first child together. Like Charlie he will suffer unholy amounts of scratches to pet and cuddle it. Buys it fancy clothes and collars. Cooks homemade food for it. That's how I view it going down no matter where or how you acquired the cat.
Honestly, he's probably the only one where you suggest outright getting a pet and pick out the cat together. You didn't even know an actual normal cat was an option for a pet in Hell, but he surprises you by taking you to some fancy ass place where high ranking demons have collected things from the mortal world and sell them. Running an actual high class, well documented, and strictly maintained cat breeding business, is a cat demon, and you two spend days meeting different litters of kittens and interacting with them in various scenarios to get a feel for their personality.
You guys definitely get a snuggler, because Lucifer really needs as much extra love as he can get. He excitedly tells Charlie she and Kiki are big siblings now and posts dozens of pictures on day one of owning it. You guys have a family portrait with the cat, Charlie, Vaggie, Razzle, and Kiki.
Refers to it as his child when speaking and calls himself dad and you mom (regardless of gender. You're mom)
Alternatively, he's mom and you're the father. He thinks gender norms are bullshit anyway. He can be a mom, he can shapeshift. (Also ya know, he apparently birthed Charlie).
Charlie loves her new feline sibling and brings Kiki and Razzle over to play all the time. It helps her spend more time with her dad too.
Angel Dust
He's a pet mom too! Will bring Fat Nuggets with him to play with your cat.
You guys dress them up and do photo shoots with your cats. Angel has an entire social media account now dedicated just to your cat and Fat Nuggets and eventually the other Hotel Pets.
He likes that both your cat and Nuggets can tell when he's had a bad day, and therefore you can tell. He likes that you can just sit with him in quiet solidarity, or play music, or a podcast, or just talk shit to distract him. He loves Cherri, but her method of getting through stuff is kind of exhausting for him sometimes.
Your voice, a kitty purring (if only it was Husk), Nuggets nuzzling his floof, that's kind of all he needs right now.
He and the cat just stare at each other, sometimes for hours, just staring. The cat will make little chirps, and he'll do it back if he's not thinking about it.
If the cat hisses at him he hisses back.
Skippity baps. The cat started it, he swears, and he just bapped it back.
Both of them high and catnip with zoomies. So much shit gets knocked down. Alastor strictly forbids Husk to ever get near the stuff again afterwards.
Alternatively, he, Kiki, and your cat, sprawled in a patch of sunlight, and all purring as they doze.
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macabr3-barbi3 · 1 month
Alastor/sheep!Reader- Red Riding Hood (Ao3 Request)
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I had so much fun with this! And I'm thinking about doing a little mini-series of retellings of fairy tales because of this so 👀
Tags: chase; outside sex; rough sex; predator/prey for like 3 paragraphs; reader is kind of a little shit
2.6k words
The woods are dark and dense, and you curse yourself again for agreeing to undertake this journey for your new manager.
“It gets cold!” She had whined, gesturing to the hairless skin of her Sphynx cat form. “ I could freeze, and its really important that this delivery gets picked up tonight! You’re such a great friend,” she had gushed when you caved and agreed to make the trip for her, to the outermost edges of the Pride ring. Why couldn’t she have just air-shipped the package? “The customer doesn’t like modern technology.”  Why not have him come get it? “He isn’t really a people person, I don’t want to scare anyone off.”
An idiot is what you were- an idiot that was new to Hell and didn’t have many other options for jobs. You were sweltering under the stupid red cloak that she had given you, swearing up and down that the forest you’d be going through got chilly at night and insisting that you take it with you; the only plus to the damned thing was that it had a pocket into which you could slip the delivery parcel. Even though you weren’t technically properly trained for deliveries yet, the thick wool that coated the lush curves of your sheep-like body apparently made you the perfect candidate for the trip through the ‘cold’ woods. 
“Bullshit,” you mutter, throwing the hood of the damned thing back and letting the soft breeze whip past your ears. The trees seem to whistle their displeasure at your presence, your hair swirling around your face as you head in the general direction that the app on your phone directed you. 
There’s a sudden growl in the air, and you freeze where you stand. It almost rumbles the ground beneath your feet, and glancing over your shoulder you see a hint of crimson eyes staring from the darkness.
Fuck that. You take off without any further inspection of the glowing gaze, tossing your phone into the cloak pocket as you run- you don’t need to know what it is if it's going to try to hurt you somehow, and you don’t give a damn about the delivery being on time if it means risking your life. Why wouldn’t your manager have told you there was dangerous shit out here? You get that it’s Hell but for fuck’s sake.
Your lungs are aching as you continue on, not willing to slow or stop while you can still hear the crashing of tree branches and snarling behind you, right at your heels. There’s a hand on the hood of your cloak then, pulling you backwards, and without thinking you slam your head back, horns miraculously hitting home right in the creature’s face. It releases you with a pained groan and you don’t look back, booking it as fast as you can in a different direction, stitch in your side growing more and more painful with every step.
The woods are silent as you finally slow and stop, bracing your back against a tree and trying to catch your heaving breath. Your whole body is on fire, physical exertion having never been your strong suit, but you’re still alive and that’s what matters- body aches will heal, but you heard that regeneration was a bitch.
“Are you chilly, darling?”
The unexpected voice makes you whip around, cloak whirling as you turn. “Fuck!” Your heart is still beating like a drum, hard hammering against your chest from the run before you had stopped to rest. 
The demon casually leaning against a nearby tree watches you with a wide grin, a trickle of blood from his lips where your horns had slammed into him. His eyes, red and lidded, flick up and down your body. “It’s quite rude to leave a question unanswered.”
“It’s also quite rude to sneak up on people. Was that you chasing me?”
“Why, I’m just making sure that you are heading in the right direction! The number of people that have gotten lost on their way to me is truly a nuisance.” He eyes the shape of the package in your cloak pocket. “I’m pleased to see that this one hasn’t been lost to the forest yet.” He steps closer, holds a hand out to you. “Come along now, dear.”
“R-right. Can you confirm the name on the package?”
A wide grin, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Alastor.”
It matches the name on the package which is good enough for you. “Okay, great. Here you go.” You pull the box from your pocket and hold it out to him. “That’s all this needed to be.”
He cocks his head to one side. “Surely you won’t be leaving so soon.”
“I’m just here to make the delivery, sir.” Your hands are trembling with leftover adrenaline as he takes the parcel, inspects it for a moment, then unceremoniously tosses it over his shoulder into the darkness.
“Your work ethic is to be admired!” He exclaims, ignoring your outraged expression. “But there seems to be confusion- you are the delivery, darling.” When you stiffen at his words he chuckles and creeps closer, circling you like a predator. “Let me guess- you’re new to the shop, you aren’t trained for deliveries, and the manager had compelling reasons for why you should come instead of herself?”
“We have an understanding, you see.” He trails a finger down the cloak hanging over your arm. “Retail is a hard business in Hell- no one wants to stick around, people are hard to train, they never last long anyway. Your manager has had to run several of my packages herself and the last one was, sadly, lost to the elements by her own fault.” He looks off into the distance, seemingly irritated at the memory. “What could have possessed her to attempt to cross a river with a priceless antique electronic is beyond me but here we are. I would have simply killed her but she has connections I can use to my advantage so we made a deal instead.” He looks back to you, head cocked to one side as he smiles. “An easy meal as compensation for her transgression. Delivered right to me.” His eyes darken, raking over your form, the curves of your body. “I hadn’t expected her to act so quickly but it’s been some time since I last had mutton.”
“I won’t taste good,” you tell him calmly despite the lingering fear from the chase, and an eyebrow raises in amusement. “When I was alive my mom always said I was rotten, I’m sure that doesn’t translate well to my demon form. And then you’ll have wasted your deal on bad meat.” You keep your voice steady while you address him.
“Oh?” He circles you and you can feel his gaze running over your body again. “I’m not so sure about that, dear- I’ve never found any complaints with meat of any kind. I’m sure you’ll be quite tasty.” He smiles when he comes around the front again, the sharp teeth glinting in the light that filters through the trees.
And fuck, the way he said that shouldn’t have been kind of hot. This was a serious situation, definitely not the time to be thinking vaguely inappropriate thoughts about the demon who was quite blatantly threatening to eat you. “Do you want to risk it?” You ask, and his smile turns curious. “I mean, I’d hate to have to tell you ‘I told you so’ but I would do it. The shop has new people like me coming in every week for training that you could have your pick of instead of taking the first thing to come along; what if you missed out on something really delicious?” 
Alastor watches you carefully. “I suppose you have a point, darling,” he concedes, his slim shoulders shrugging. “A meal that talks back so much would surely be a poor one. Though I can’t say I’m not disappointed that I won’t get a chance to sample you.” His voice seems to drop, a rolling purr in the strange radio cadence he has that makes your hair stand on end and your heart thump in your chest.
“Maybe I could let you have a taste?” The words leave your mouth before you can stop them, the air between the two of you suddenly charged with tension. “Just, you know. Show you what I mean, that I won’t be any good. Rotten and all that, like my mom says.”
“On the contrary, I think you’ll be very good.” He steps closer to you, towers over your frame with hooded eyes that track the movement of your throat as you swallow. “But I’ll behave myself since you’ve shown me the error of my ways- a mere sampling of your flavor, nothing more. I suppose there is more that I could get out of your manager if I don’t ‘cash in’ right away, as it were.” He brings a claw tipped hand to cup your face, tilting your head one way then the other. “We’ll start here,” he murmurs, and you close your eyes, wait for the brush of his lips against yours.
It doesn’t come- instead you feel him lick along the column of your neck, the muscle hot and wet where it drags against your skin, a shuddering exhale leaving you at the feeling. One hand comes up to rest on your waist, the other unclipping the clasp of the red cloak you wear and letting it fall to the ground. You shiver without it, not from the cold but from the sensations raging through your body at such a simple touch, and Alastor pulls back, licking his lips at the taste of you.
“My disappointment at agreeing to let you go is immeasurable,” he whispers, pupils blown when he meets your eyes. “It’s just as I suspected- delicious.” The hand that released the cloak winds itself into your hair, brushing against the base of your horns. “Would you indulge me in another taste?”
You nod, not trusting your voice to come out clearly, and he swipes along your neck again, allowing his teeth to press gently against your pulse point before he continues down, snaking the hot appendage between the valley of your breasts and holding you tighter to his body. There’s still adrenaline coursing through your body making each touch feel like an electric pulse to your core, and when he growls into your chest you let out a quiet moan that echoes in the quiet woods.
One hand still tangled in your hair, thumb gently brushing against your horns, he slips his free hand under the waistband of your skirt and into your panties, inhaling sharply at the wetness he finds. Claws absent, he slides a finger inside of you, the press of it slow and steady, making you rock your hips into his hand.
“Someone’s eager, hm?” He presses another digit into the slickness of your cunt, bends his fingers in a way that his you seeing stars as he thrusts them in and out of your heat. You let out a soft cry against him and cling to his shirt, up on your tiptoes to let his fingers reach wherever he wants.
“More,” you whimper, letting one of your hands reach up to his face, a move that surprises him. “Please, Alastor.”
He brings his face up from your skin and devours your mouth, his tongue showing just as much attention to your mouth as he had your neck, licking into it with fervor and enthusiasm you wouldn’t have expected from him. “Would you let me have you, darling? This is hardly an appropriate place, but-”
“Yes,” you tell him, not even letting him finish his sentence, and he gently lowers you to the ground to lay across the expanse of the red cloak. He makes short work of his trousers, shoving your skirt up around your waist and slicing your panties off with a quick swipe of his fingers before he fists his cock and slots himself against you. “Oh fuck-” He impales you with a hard thrust, sinking in to the base with a harsh grip on your hips.
“Lovely,” he groans into your ear, and then he seems to lose the capability for language, his words devolving into harsh grunts and growls as he fills you over and over, snapping his hips against yours in a quick rhythm that leaves you gasping and trying to pull him closer. 
A hand leaves your hips to tangle in your hair; you arch up, thinking that he means to kiss you again until his palm wraps around the length of one horn, using it like a handle to pull your head back, throat exposed to him while he rails into you. “Delicious little thing,” he says, and drags his tongue down the column of your throat again, sucking a pattern of bruises along it that you know you’ll spend the next week pressing into with your fingertips. His sharp teeth pinch a bit of skin lightly and you jerk in his hold.
It should have terrified you, instead dousing your body in a liquid flame. “J-Just tasting, remember,” you jokingly reprimand, and his laugh reverberates through your chest.
“How could I forget?” He lets go of your horn, slips the hand between your bodies as he leans back so he can watch you rocking with the force of his thrusts into you. His thumb swipes forcefully at your clit, the ecstasy near overwhelming as he loses some of his rhythm, your cunt clamping down on him. “It's quite selfish to deny me, darling, but I’ll take of you what I can- your pleasure, your body, all of it mine-”
Your eyes roll back in your head as the tension in your lower body snaps, dragging Alastor down with a hand in his hair to meet your lips, desperate and sloppy while you quake and shatter to pieces below him. He spends himself with a snarl in the tightness of your body, slick with your arousal and release as you cry out, the sound swallowed by his mouth.
He remains still for a moment, crouched over you, before he pulls back and rests you gently on the cloak. “This thing is hideous,” he says with distaste. “It made it quite easy to track you- which was the intention- but you must have been sweltering.”
You watch what you can see if the sky through the canopy of the trees. “She said it could get cold,” you laugh, “and I’m a fool. What a terrible job.”
“Not a fool,” he corrects, spreading the fabric out to lay on it beside you for a moment. “Nearly a victim of a deal that didn’t concern you- and perhaps I will still pay your manager a visit- but never a fool. You convinced me not to eat you for now, at least.”
You shoot him a smile. “Well, you weren’t that scary once you stopped chasing me,” you giggle, “besides those sharp teeth.”
His nose wrinkles with his amusement. “Keep teasing me, dear, and I’ll acquaint you with these sharp teeth for real.” He leans close enough to nip at your shoulder, the motion more teasing than painful. “There’s always tomorrow, after all- who knows what my appetite will be once I’ve dealt with that manager of yours? Mutton could still be on the menu.”
“Well,” you say, “if I’ll be out of a job soon so I might go apply at the coffee shop around the corner from our place. I heard their manager is a real ass- how would you feel about duck instead?” He laughs into your shoulder, the sound deep and clear, and you think maybe it wasn’t such a bad job after all if this was where it lead for now.
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st-el-la-luna · 5 months
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Task Force 141 + König when you have a subtle panic attack
Thanks for being my first request (and my 69th follower)
Did this headcanon style, just testing things out, y'know?
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Captain John Price
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° Price is probably the best choice, honestly
° He’s older, worked with soldiers, he’s no stranger to panic attacks
° “You alright, love?” he asks, tenderly, his eyes soft with affection
° He’ll take your hand and rub gentle circles on the back of your hand
° If you’re in a big crowd, say at a party or something, or even just walking through a busy street, and become unsettled, Price is the type to gently herd you towards the nearest wall
° He’ll put himself between you and the crowd, leaning in close to whisper in your ear
° “Hey, it’s okay darling. Just breathe. I’m here.”
° He takes your hand and sets it over his heart so you can feel his heartbeat
° Tells you to focus on him, his breathing as he rests his forehead against yours
° Once you’ve calmed, he presses a little kiss to the tip of your nose and offers you a smile
° “Come on, let’s go, yeah?”
Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley
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° If you think Ghost doesn’t know immediately when something puts you on edge, then what do you know? Because you must be a stupid fuck to be blind to the fact that this man would be the most observant, intuitive person when it comes to you
° He notices everything, reads you like a book
° A children’s book. Easily and with a gentle sort of fondness
° He won’t say anything outwardly, he’s not one for words (he doesn’t want anyone knowing he cares)
° Everyone knows
° He’ll stand right behind you, arms crossed over his chest, as he stares at whoever's making you uncomfortable
° If you’re in a conversation that’s making you uncomfortable or a situation that you’re easily able to leave, he will lead you away, making an excuse for you if he must
° His excuses are complete bullshit, but no one’s going to call him out on that
° “Yeah, sorry. We have to go. Need to walk the dog.”
“You have a cat”
“Yeah, and the cat’s name is The Dog. Problem?”
“Yeah, ‘s what I thought.”
Sergeant Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
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° No offense to Soap, but he wouldn’t be… great?
° It’s not that he wouldn’t care, no, no, he cares. Soap cares a lot. Too much, even
° But Johnny is, at his core, a people person, so he can't quite understand your position
° He’s likely not to notice your discomfort at first, excited to meet and talk to new people
° Once he does notice though, oh boy is he going to make up for it
° If you’re chewing your lip, he’s quick to put an end to that with a kiss; “Och, don’t you know? 'tis my job to bite those lips raw, love.”
° If you’re picking at your nails, tugging at your hair, he’ll take your hand in his; “Aye, if you want something to do with your hands… I’m right here.”
° Despite being a people-loving extrovert, he is absolutely willing to leave if you really can’t be there any more
° He’ll treat you nice and soft, make you forget all about all of your worries
° He’s the type to cross the room if he sees you getting uncomfortable. One second you can barely see him through the crowd. The next, he’s standing right behind you, arms around your middle
Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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° Aside from Price, Gaz is your next best bet
° Gentle and sympathetic, he’ll take your hand and give it a little kiss
° “Alright?”
° His rich eyes empathetic as he meets your gaze, and just like that everything but Gaz fades from your mind
° Gaz will set her hand on your knee, not to get it to stop bouncing, no, he recognizes that it calms you. His hand on your knee is more of a gentle, wordless, reminder of his presence
° If you’re in a situation you can’t just leave, one where physical touch isn’t an option, he’ll shoot you a knowing look
° Speaking with his eyes, “it’s okay. You’re okay. Everything’s going to be okay”
° He’ll take you away from the situation if he can, back home or to a different room or a park
° Someplace quiet and safe
° He’ll cater to you, bringing you a blanket, snacks and a drink. Then, he’ll cuddle with you
° And don’t you dare try to apoloigize, he won’t hear any of it
Colonel Konig
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° Simultaneously the best and the worst
° He has anxiety, he has experience with panic attacks!
° And while don't think his anxiety is the sort of "uwu shy bean" kind some people portray him with (see my thoughts on his anxiety/behaviour here!) He does still have anxiety- crowds and new people freak him out too! Though he may show it in a different way
° In situations of stress, his military training kicks in- the anxiety borne adrenaline making him on edge and attentive
° He keys into your discomfort very quick. Doesn't mean he knows what to do about it Will probably stress a bit about wanting to something to help, but not knowing what The best thing to do is probably for you two to comfort each other
° He's not big on PDA (He's a grown man, a Colonel, he's above those things {secretly it makes him melt}) but an easy way for both of you to calm is to link pinkies, or for you to hold his pinky
° It's not in your face but it's enough to know that you're both there, that you're going to be okay
° He'll let you to play with his sleeve, or his gloves, or his bracelet or his watch
° He may start, once he’s comfortable enough, or if he’s nervous enough, he may do the same. Most commonly, he will pinch one of your fingers between two of his and sort of just wiggle it around
° Think someone waving out those metal sheets to make a whomplewoomblewoom sound
° He’ll do his best to get you out of the situation, not afraid to throw his rank around, or use his imposing stature to do so
Please reblog to support my writing!
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anxious-lee · 4 months
Ask || Hazbin Tickle Fic ||
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A/N: what can I say? they inspire me. you know what else inspires me? the agonizing lack of content there is for them 💀
Ship: Huskerdust
No beta, we die for our craft
Word count: 1,720
One wouldn't typically think of obnoxious behavior as out of character for Angel Dust, but this was a tad excessive. In a way that spells out exactly what he wants, if you know what to look for.
Angel had a very particular set of needs, some being more overt than others, but one facet of his desire was not known to many. Ironically, his incessant jabber of licking holes and getting punished weren't nearly as vulnerable as this information was. He never told his nightly flings, he never told Valentino, and he rarely became close enough to anyone to be able to share.
Angel Dust, the world-renowned porn star, loved to be tickled.
Now, some might say this could very easily fit into his menagerie of BDSM kinks. But that's what was so humiliating. It wasn't a kink. It wasn't sexy. It was romantic. Even downright fond.
His need would be fulfilled from time to time as partners or clients sought playfulness, but he wouldn't bring up his appreciation of it. Merely went along with and pretended to hate it. How far that was from the truth.
The obvious downside to this, of course, is that no one is available to satisfy your lee moods. Like today, for example.
The minute Angel woke up, he knew today was going to be one of those days.
The thoughts were driving him mad. He needed someone to hold him and touch him and take away his control in a way that had nothing to do with pain or power. It was about trust and love and sharing and fucking christ, does he sound like a hippie.
The thought of telling Husk did cross his mind, seeing as how they were now a month into their relationship, but he quickly banished it to where all the other scary thoughts go. Surely, he would laugh at him or look at him with disgust.
He couldn't risk it this time.
Not with Husk.
Not with him.
Fortunately, there was an option B. You see, he already loved to get on people's nerves, and that happened to be the most successful way to get tickled. As retribution.
The hotel guests, of course, didn't pick up on Angel's different behavior. They merely gave him a smirk or an eye-roll, but nothing more. Except, of course, Husk.
Angel sauntered over to the bar counter where his pussycat was busy at work polishing bottles.
"Mornin', Whiskers. Did ya dream of me?" Angel said, batting his eyelashes.
Husk chuckled. "Yeah, I did. It was the noisiest dream of my afterlife."
Angel gasped in mock offense and pouted. "I thought you liked our little chats!"
"I do when I'm not working. Just sit tight until I'm on my break, we can go cuddle as much as you want then, okay?"
"But that's sooo long from now!"
Returning to his bottles, Husk half-turned away from Angel, who was growing antsy.
He waited a couple of moments, then very swiftly poked his bartender in the arm.
"Baby, I can't talk right now, I'm busy."
Another poke.
"Fuck, can't you wait 5 minutes?" Husk sighed with a hint of annoyance.
It seemed to be working. One more push should send him over the edge.
Angel plucked the rag out of Husk's paw and held it out of his reach.
Husk finally turned to face his boyfriend.
Was this it? Was he gonna snap and tickle him senseless for pestering him?
The cat leaned forward, grabbed the rag, and went back to his task after giving Angel a tired glare.
It was obvious to the spider that his lover wouldn't bite. Defeated, he left the bar to find something else to distract himself with.
It was a few hours later when Angel found himself cuddled up next to Husk watching a movie. It was some crime boss flick, something-or-other. To be perfectly honest, he wasn't paying much attention to it. The incessant thoughts of laughter and smiles spun 'round his head, keeping his focus off of the gunfight happening on-screen.
On impulse, Angel started playing with Husk's ears, plucking and pulling and flicking in any way he could to get a rise out of him.
"What the- stop! I'm trying to watch." The cat said.
"I ain't doing nothing~"
Next, Angel gave a teensy little push to Husk's tophat, just enough to put it off-center.
"If you're that bored, why'd you pick this movie?" Was the reply.
"Who said I was bored? I'm very entertained," Angel said.
And finally, he twirled his finger around the tail beside him like a spaghetti noodle and gave it a tug.
That seemed to do the trick. Husk's face whipped to meet Angel's.
"What is going on with you? You've been pressing my buttons all day. What's the matter? You feeling friskier than normal or somethin'?" Husk was confused, and annoyed certainly, but more than anything, curious. This wasn't typical Angel Dust behavior. This was a cry for help. In regards to what, he had no idea.
Angel certainly wasn't giving him any help. "I don't know what you're talking about," he quipped with a smile tugging at his lips.
Husk watched him for a moment, then seemingly gave up and returned to cuddling in front of the movie.
It only frustrated Angel more. What was with this guy?! It didn't normally take THIS much effort to instigate a good tickle fight! And the cuddling made everything worse. Like waving a bone in front of a dog. He was given just enough touch to drive him crazy but not enough to satisfy his hunger.
Several days had gone by, and Angel's lee mood persisted, and Husk still wasn't taking the bait. The spider began to wonder if he would ever get tickled again at this rate.
One night, the two sinners were sitting in bed together, being on their phones or reading. It was quiet nights in with each other like these that they treasured more than anything.
Angel had lost almost all hope of actually getting tickled. No matter what he tried to get Husk's goat, nothing worked. But that didn't mean he wouldn't try.
Husk was so enraptured by the book in front of him that he didn't notice the mischievous look creeping onto his boyfriend's face.
Angel snatched the book out from Husk's nose and dangled it in front of him. "Why would you want to look at some ol' book when you could be looking at meee~?"
Husk gave the usual huff and eye-roll.
Angel waited for a moment, then set the book aside in order to sprawl across Husk's lap with his hands supporting his head.
"What's the matter, Whiskers?" He emphasized the provoking nickname. "Am I botherin' ya?"
Angel pursed his lips and gave the kitty's nose a boop.
For a moment, it was silent as Husk looked down at his lover in what looked to be...
An epiphany.
Then came the chuckle.
"You know, if you wanted it so bad, you coulda just asked," Husk sultry said.
What did that-
Angel didn't have time to finish the thought before Husk's claws were dancing nimbly on his sides. He squealed in startlement, and the giggles came flowing out. As much as his body wanted to worm and wriggle away from the touch, his heart was exactly where it wanted to be. Where he needed to be. But what Husk had said-
"Whahat does thahahat mehehean?!" The spider queried.
"Don't act like you haven't been trying to provoke me into ticklin' you this whole time. Honestly, it all seems kinda obvious now," Husk laughed, "Can't believe I didn't piece it together sooner."
Wait, he knew?!
Abort, abort, abort!
"I dohont know whahahat you're tahahalking abohohout!"
"Relax, I ain't judging," Husk assured warmly, "I've heard of far stranger things than a pesky little brat who wants to relinquish control every now and then. 'Sides, I can't say it's not adorable." His voice took on a more teasing tone at that last statement.
And Angel noticed it.
His face began burning hellfire red as the claws at his sides still scribbled furiously, and his giggles now elevated to laughter.
"Ihihit's NOHOHOT!" Angel cried indignantly.
"Uh huh. And what do you call this?" Husk darted his hands up to the spider's neck and scritched and scratched into every nook and cranny he could reach.
Glass could shatter at the pitch Angel shrieked. His chortles returned to snickers and giggles as he tried to invert his head into his body like a turtle. What's more, he even began to 'tee-hee'. Like a coquettish little school girl. How humiliating.
"Seems pretty cute to me~," Husk cooed with a saccharine smile.
Angel couldn't tell if he loved it or hated it.
"I've never seen this smile on you before! Maybe I should tickle you all the time."
Definitely loved it.
Husk ran his claws down from his neck to his shoulders all the way down to his underarms.
The spider's arms snapped with the strength of a bear trap. He screeched with all his might and began to cackle. This was the most pleasant hell he's ever been in! His face-splitting grin wasn't just from all the laughing. He hoped Husk knew that.
The cat in question jumped at the loud noise. "Woah! Didn't realize this was a bad spot. You okay down there?" His fingers slowing for a second.
Angel could not nod fast enough.
Husk could feel his icy heart melting. Christ, the things this boy did to him. He'd keep this up all night if it kept Angel happy and free and forgetful of his troubles.
"Alright, just let me know when you've had enough," and with that, Husk tickled his pits harder than he did before, "But next time, just ask for this instead of purposely getting on my nerves. I'd rather just give you the love without the headache, okay baby?"
And he did.
It wasn't easy for Angel, but part of this new dynamic was learning to trust each other, hoping that the other would catch them when they fell. Every moment they spent together proved that they would.
But for now, all that was left was Angel's blissful laughter, Husk's light-hearted teases, and five nosy tennants listening in from beyond the door.
The more tickle scenes I write, the harder it is to think of new things to say lol 😅
Thank you all so much for the kind feedback, you guys are why I write ❤️
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upheavalofmemory · 1 year
pick a pile | random things about your next lover
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I love future spouse content but not everyone you meet is going to be your future spouse so let's focus on your next lover!
For this reading, I am using charms because they are fun to use and interpret :)! The topic of this reading is Random Things about Your Future Lover!
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♢ There are five piles to choose from. Pile one is the Pantone images, pile two is the moth, pile three is the fairy, pile four is the flower pressings and pile five is the heart with swords. ♢
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Pile One ♢ Pantone images
Cancer placements or Cancer season may be significant in some way.
Height difference. If this is the case, the shorter one will be somewhat more fiery and the taller one will be subdued and calm.
Enjoys dressing fancy or may have somewhat of an "extra" dressing style; always fashionable late.
Has the key to your heart, may melt a frozen-over heart <3
They may hold themselves to high standards, have a good self-concept, and love themselves. Would date themselves if it was an option.
May have a feisty pet cat, or however you want to interpret this.
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Pile Two ♢ moth/butterfly
Possible blue eyes or you may have blue eyes.
May be a bit chubby, have some weight OR loves people with weight, depends on how you take it. They might also just be a big foodie (got a banana here also lol)
If you're into dudes & questioning if you're going to be with one (maybe you're bi) then yeah, it's a dude.
May be...very sexual. I'll leave it at that.
Built like a horse?
Very fast, high endurance, a runner or athlete. Possibly in football.
Loves the beach, might be from a hot country.
Song: Wannabe by Spice Girls
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Pile Three ♢ fairy
Free spirited
May have a child or has younger siblings/cousins
May be a saggitaruis or saggitarius season is significant.
May have a lotus or flower tattoo.
Military, I see them being an engineer or working on planes or something, not necessarily in combat.
May be in the marines, honestly.
Has expensive taste, enjoys the finer things in life.
Would love to take you on a cruise? They really want to go on a cruise. They really need a break.
May dress nicely for work.
May have their pilots license.
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Pile Four ♢ pressed flowers with bandaids
Might be from Central or South America, or from the Caribbean.
Might play guitar.
Loves animals.
May have a...pegasas on the side of their minivan? (This is really specific for someone)
Absolutely smitten for you.
May have been born with a hole in their heart or has a heart defect.
Really wants to move to a cold place. They may live somewhere hot now and they really hate it.
Doesn't stop at anything, lives life to the fullest.
Might enjoy gardening or helps with a community garden.
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Pile Five ♢ heart with swords
Might be a shopaholic or overconsumes things, I felt like pulling more and more charms to no end.
You both may have a child together if possible, they may have lost a child or young sibling.
Divine orchestration, this relationship is divinely protected.
Capricorn, Scorpio, or Cancer placements or season is significant.
Has a cat they absolutely adore.
Pink and green, your relationship may be like Cosmo's and Wanda's from Fairly Odd Parents
You guys are a cute, perfect match and may be meant to last a long time. Possibly the person you will marry.
You may know this person or they may know you ("The gears are turning!")
You may enjoy bike riding together.
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Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to check out my masterpost with more readings, or you can support me by purchasing a reading by clicking here. Thanks for the support, let me know which pile you picked and if it resonated or not :)!
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igotanidea · 1 year
that damn gala: Jason todd x fem!reader
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the graphic is not mine, found it on Pinterest, all credit goes to the author.
Summary: credit for the idea goes to @p4inis: Can someone write a fanfic of “wear whatever u want, I know how to fight” Jason x fem reader???? Like they’re going to a gala and reader can’t choose which dress she should wear and Jay is her biggest hype man.
hope you'll like it: )
A/N: this is part of my Cheshire!reader!verse. You can find another story of it here in the post: Cheshire cat. And there will be more coming for sure since I'm having a lot of fun writing this verse.
Warning: cursing, a bit of sexual innuendo, but nothing explicit, Jason being a warning of himself :D
„Please, remind me why did I even agree to this?”
“Because you truly had no other option?”
“I hate you.”
“We both know you don’t.”
“Really? Do we?” Y/N smirked. Dick Grayson was her longtime friend and it gave her one privilege no one else had. She was resistant to him charm. So when he asked her to come over the annual Wayne gala it took a lot more than a pretty please and a nice smile to actually convince her to do so. Unlike many girls, she hated having to get all dressed up, putting on make-up and heels and acting like someone different than she really was only to win over some potential investors. Honestly, for a long time she couldn’t understand why was it her business. That lasted until Bruce offered her a job, an old RD position of her late father. Of course, the numbers were tempting but the thing was finally made her say yes was the opportunity to work with the latest technology and to put her ideas into work. And use them on patrols later on. So she gave in.
And soon one thing led to another, when she was forced to get involved into those stupid galas. Dick hated them equally as much, but at least he would be accompanied by Babs and they definitely would keep each other entertained. Unlike her friends, Y/N was going to be there by herself since for obvious reasons her beloved anti-hero boyfriend could not attend. So, she would either join Tim in deep conversation concerning Wayne Enterprises, sulk in the corner with Damian scaring people away with only look or spend the night getting drunk from all the expensive alcohol. One way or another it was going to be a loooong night.
“Yeah, we do. Come on Y/N, please, I’m gonna need your help you know it.”
“My help? Dick you are making zero sense. You will have your girl to dance with, Tim to take the duties and Damian for a security system. Why do you need me?”
“Because out of everyone you just mentioned, you are the only person that is actually fun.”
“Should I tell Babs about what you just said?” the girl laughed and heard Dick do the same on the other side of the phone.
“Please don’t” he turned deadly serious a second later “but you know what I mean. We both have known every guest for years now. We know their behavior, their bad traits and can predict who, when and how will make a fool of themselves. We have our inside jokes. Come on, please…..”
“Fine, stop whining, it’s out of character. I’ll come…..
“I knew you will give in at some point.”
“shut up, Grayson. I’m not giving in. Firstly because you will owe me and you know I’m not lenient when someone is in debt with me. Secondly, Jay will not like it, so good luck with having to deal with him. And lastly, I still got my cat claws on, so don’t expect me to be an egg-sucker.”
“As for the debts, that something we’ve been back and forth with for years now, so nothing new. I can deal with my brother, and Tim will deal with toadying, he’s used to it after all.”
“I hate you, Dick.”
“I know Y/n. See you at 9. You need me to pick you? Since you are coming alone?”
“No, I’ll be fine. Cheshire will swing by earlier and change in the manor if that’s fine.”
“I’ll leave the window open. See you, Y/n.”
“See you, Dick.”
She disconnected the phone and rubbed her forehead in frustration. She really though she would get away this year, but she’s been keeping this foolish hope for the last five years, always with no desired result. She always came and frankly it was never even half as bad as she expected, not that Y/N would ever say it out loud. But now, she had to choose a dress to go in and that was the hard part.
“Please, tell me you’re not preparing for the gala.” Jason stood in the door, only half-dressed In his gear, watching his girlfriend hurrying-scurrying in front of her wardrobe wearing only a sport bra and a pair of leggings.
“I am…” she groaned
“Was it Grayson? Did he force you? Do you want me to talk to him?” he took a few steps closer and grabbed her hands calming her down a bit.
“Nah. It’s fine. It’s always like this. He said I should come, I object, he uses his last-year arguments and I pretend to fall for them. It’s kind of tradition now. I would hate to break it.” She shrugged
“Maybe I can make knew tradition of making Dick attend the party with a bruise or…..”
“Stop it, Jay!” Y/N punched his shoulder and he grinned “if I really didn’t want to come, believe me I wouldn’t. But it really is entertaining making quiet jokes about all those bigwigs with excessive self-esteem and watching Tim trying his best to not speak his mind. The only thing that sucks about it is that I have to go alone” she moved her hands up his arms to his neck, pulling him in and he immediately grabbed her waist and leaned his forehead on hers, swaying from side to side.
“We can have our little party here. Or you can come with me to the patrol.” He whispered
“Mhm, don’t try to play me. That offer is a trap on your side, Red Hood only works alone. If you don’t count two teammates. And he does not want or need anyone else. Let alone little troublesome vigilante that also works with the bats.”
“That little vigilante cat knows her ways around words. She can play two sides, doesn’t she?”
“Jay, come on. You will never let me go with you and I will never ask. Too much of a risk and distraction. But I’m up for that party for two idea later on….”
“Do you have anything specific in mind?” he whispered seductively and leaned in to kiss her, but she quickly pulled away.
“Maybe. Maybe not. That depends if someone will take me home after the gala tonight. I mean, I have a couple dresses to choose from and I could use man’s advice on what to wear. Even if I absolutely hate the idea of playing the bait for man’s money. And I hate getting dolled up. I’ll be much more comfortable with tee and sweatpants or my suit. But I don’t have much opportunities to look nice, so…..” she pecked Jason lips quickly and moved towards the open wardrobe “what do you think, boyfriend?”
“Babe” every word she just said stung him. He knew she would never betray or cheat on him, but the thought of all those creeps staring at her and getting dirty ideas made him want to tie her to bed and keep her in the sheets with him, reminding her who’s the one to always keep her high and satisfied. But they all had duties to take care of. So he settled on embracing her from behind and kissing her neck softly “you know you can wear whatever you want. You will look hotter than hell. And I know how to fight if anyone would like to steal you away.”
“Babs is the resident beauty not me. If anything Dick should be scared. I’m only …. Addition.”
“Addition?” Jay kissed her neck again hitting her soft spot and making her gasp “you’re the crown jewel, babe. I wish I could go with you and watch everyone getting so jealous of me having you all to myself….” his lips on her skin was sending goosebumps all over her body.
“Jace….” She whispered closing her eyes
“Yes, sweetheart?” his grip was now tighter and she loved it and hate it at the same time.
“Let go of me. Now. Cause if you don’t neither me nor you will leave this apartment tonight.”
“Would it be so bad?” he muttered against her shoulder blade but reluctantly released her. “you should wear the black and red one. You will break necks in it.”
“Bet it has nothing to do with the fact some particular vigilante got those colors as a signature.”
“Vigilante? Who? I don’t really recall anyone choosing that palette.” He smirked with the boyish grin and she could not stop herself from kissing him again.
***  It was 8 when they both left the apartment, using different exits and wishing each other good luck. No hugs and kisses since that would only make them waver once again. Red Hood was on patrol while Cheshire made her way towards Wayne Manor making sure no one was following her. Being truthful to his words, Dick left the window open and without any trouble she found herself in his room, where much to her surprise she found Babs getting ready.
“Hey there, girl.” She smiled removing her domino mask and meeting with red-head wide and sincere smile “what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same question, kitten. Is my boyfriend cheating on me?”
“Oh, you caught me! I only came here to tell him our little affair was over since I cannot do this to my best friend.” Y/N put her hand on her heart “And arguably because my boyfriend was after him to hurt him, but that’s on the side.”
“It’s good to see you Y/N.” Barbara smiled again and came to hug the other girl “dick told me you were going to get ready here so I thought we might as well help each other in preparation.”
“Oh, thank god for your foresight. I have no idea how to drape this freaking dress to avoid putting my whole chest on display.
“I had my suspicions about that.”
“And I am absolutely hopeless with makeup and hairdo, so yes, please and thank you for any help you can give me.”
“Don’t worry, my friend. I will make you look perfect.”
Barbara really was a magician with women stuff. Only because of her skillful hands and endless ideas Y/N was now looking like a real lady, classy and gentle, even if most of the times she was just a girl next door. Her dress fit her perfectly and any risk of showing too much was eliminated by cleverly used veil, draped on girl’s shoulder. Her make-up was almost invisible since Y/N had pretty skin (luckily she got no bruises or cuts for the last week so there was no problem with that) and she refused using anything more than some concealer, liner and mascara sticking to the minimum. Unlike Babs she ditched the lipstick not wanting to look like Joker after having one drink and leaving stains on the glass and all over. But still, she felt odd, especially standing next to Babs with her perfect figure and proud posture. Cheshire was used to skin tight suit that was supposed to protect her and enable all the kicks and punches, but this? Evening gown that accented all her hated curves and imperfections  made her feel exposed, not protected. And this was another tradition that was happening every single year even though after all this time she should already be used to it.
“good evening, ladies.” Dick emerged from behind and offered an arm to Barbara “Babs, Y/N.”
“Richard.” Babs smiled at her boyfriend
“Hello Grayson” Y/N smirked only to cover for her insecurity. In a second she would be left all alone like a prey while Dick and Babs will make rounds together.
“You look nervous kitten” Dick pointed out and Y/N scoffed
“Nervous? Of course I am. I’m nervous for the safety of everyone here. You know I got…..”
“claws, I know. And that is exactly why I took care of things.”
“I’m sorry you did what?” she nearly choked because of his words.
“There’s this one guy, really big fish in IT industry. We are trying to get him to share some ideas with WE. And since you are in a warlike mood, you will talk to him. Besides, you are the only one here that actually knows enough about the technology to cover the subject so…..”
“Are you insane?!” she yelled-whispered “did you even hear a word I told you about attending this gala. I wanted out of the radar not being put on the spotlight! What happened to…..” she paused when an elderly couple passed through and smiled charmingly “what happened to the inside jokes and making fun of people?!”
“I’m sorry Y/N, but it’s like I said. You’re the only one knowledgeable enough to succeed. Just this one guy, please, and then you are off the hook.”
“Where is Tim when you need him?” she hissed and reached for the nearest glass of champagne “I don’t think I can do it sober.”
“I will owe you twice” Dick pleaded
“That is tempting…..”
The guy assigned to Y/N was hot. Tall, dark haired and well-build, with perfect nose, lips and all face. His eyes glistened when he saw her approaching and in a real gentleman manner he turned towards the girl.
“You must be miss Y/N Y/L/N?” of course his smile was perfect as well and Y/N was almost blinded by the whiteness of his teeth
“I am” she smiled through gritted teeth “I suppose you’re the tech genius Mr. Blake?”
“ Please, call me Desmond. It would be so much easier to cut the distance this way”
“I see you are very direct Desmond. Does that match in the workplace?” he might have been a predator but she was the one who hold power over words, not the other way round.
“We are not in workplace, are we?”
“But we are supposed to discuss some RD matters.”
“Who said we can’t have a little fun while at it? This is a party after all.”
“High-class party, Mr. Blake and as a CEO you surely understand that.”
“Of course, I had nothing wrong on my mind. Tell me, miss Y/N, do you dance?”
“Only when I’m forced to” she muttered making sure he couldn’t hear her while taking another discreet sip of champagne
“I’m sorry?”
“I said I do, although I am not very good at it.”
“Maybe you just haven’t met the right partner. Let me guide you” he offered his hand and lead Y/N onto the dancefloor.
This was going to be a looooong night, she thought while noticing Dick and Babs moving to the music on her left. Dick put his thumb up while Barbara only smiled. This was already a torture. Hopefully, things were going better for Jay.
Two hours and three drinks later Desmond seemed a bit nicer than at the beginning. Y/N was not drunk, she was used to keep her senses alerted all the time so she poured away all the alcohol Desmond so wholeheartedly kept on bringing. He did not and that’s why they were now sitting on the secluded couch, far from the crowd, the man babbling about how pretty she looked and how much of his type she was.
“I think you had enough Mr. Blake” she put a hand on his when he reached towards another glass. Apparently that was a mistake since he turned her gaze towards her, his eyes widening.
“Tell me Y/N, why is a girl like you alone at the party? I mean, you are hot.” Oh, fuck. She knew where he was going now. “and everyone here is just ogling you, me included.” Fuck square since he moved closer, almost grabbing her hip.
“ You’re drunk” she said standing up “I think you should sober up. Alone.”
“Don’t you dare turning your back on me, you little bitch. Who do you think you are?”
If only he knew…..
“A woman who knows better than to argue with you. You work for your own reputation Mr. Blake and let me tell you, you are only embarrassing yourself right now. Maybe you should stop before some reporter takes a picture of you stumbling.”
“You think you are so high and mighty, huh? A strong, independent woman, working for Wayne? Acting like a whore to get some attention and you can’t even get a boyfriend?”
“Careful with words, now” she warned slowly turning into Cheshire
“Or what? What exactly will you do, huh? Cause I don’t think you will do a thing…..” he lunged forward and before she could react had her pressed onto the wall, his lips on hers “you are only good for one night stand. And you ask for it, wearing that dress, you little bitch. You only deserved to be fucked and forgotten.’ He was using the fact no one could see them in this place
“Get the fuck off me!!!” she yelled all her instincts kicking in when she pushed the man away and he stumbled back. Unfortunately, while doing so, he stepped onto the hem of her dress tearing it apart and leaving Y/N legs almost completely exposed. “Damn it.” She muttered turning red while the man started laughing like crazy which finally caught some attention and Dick immediately came running for rescue.
“What is going on here?”
“Your little wanton friend is finally dressed the way she should be from the beginning.” Blake snorted
“Mr Blake, I think you should leave….” Tim rushed from the other side of the ballroom scared that either his brother or his friend would kick the man’s ass and made even more of a scene. This was going to be a PR nightmare.
“Leave? Oh, no, no, no. Not before I have a little fun with your little rag doll, here.”
“Let me though.” Another voice interrupted the discussion and Y/N, Dick and Tim turned their gazes towards the side where it came from.
“You’ve got to be kidding me….” Dick whined
“Oh, hell no!” Tim screamed
“What the…..?” y/N said in surprise
“What. The fuck. You think. You are doing?”
“Jason…..” dick tried to step between his brother and Blake before it came to fisticuffs. All of a sudden the latter became much more sober than a second before.
“Get out of my way, Dickhead. This scumbag just humiliated my girlfriend. I will not let him get away with it.”
“I’m sorry but…..”
“You are not sorry.”
“You’re right. I’m not sorry and I can’t let you through. We are trying our best to avoid bloodbath here.”
“I don’t fucking care! He asked for it.”
“Back off, replacement!”
Only now he stopped in his tracks. Because of her voice. Her soft, calm voice. All this time she was standing there silently watching the scene, her dress torn apart , hair messy due to the scuffle, being her calm, collected self. Fuck, she was so beautiful, somewhere deep inside he could not blame this man for wanting her. Who wouldn’t wish for this beauty to be in his arms. But she was his and only his. Only he was allowed to hold her and kiss her and love her. No one fucking else. And this one here, were not only trying to force himself on her, but also called her a bitch and a whore. And that was something Jason Todd could not let go easily.
“Jason, please, let’s just go home.” She said calmly “come on, baby. Nothing happened, all right? He’s not worth your anger. He’s just sad, pathetic man with a lot of problems, apparently. I’m safe.”
“Baby” Jason came closer to her sneaking his arms around her pulling her close “he needs to be punished. He offended you. Let me  take care of that…..”
“Nope. Not this time. Besides, as much as I appreciate your effort, I can take care of myself and this one is just beyond are level. So why bother when we can go home and have that little party for two you mentioned earlier?” she caressed his side softly looking straight into his eyes and he was slowly melting.
“See? I told she is a whore! You better watch out for her, she will cheat on you with the first man…..” Blake did not get to finish the sentence when Dick and Jason grabbed each of his arm and dragged him out the door.
“This will hit all the headlines tomorrow morning….” Tim stammered out, his face as white as a ghost
“You can just buyout all the press companies in Gotham” Y/N said, equally white, but not because of the press.
“Are you kidding me now Y/N?!”
“Come on, Tim. Not the first PR drama for WE. We can turn this around. If not as Y/N and Tim then as Cheshire and Red Robin. We’ve done this before, all right?”
“Fine.” He huffed “One problem at the time. Now, are you all right? He did not hurt you, did he?”
“He could never. I’m better and stronger than it seems in this dress, or rather half-dress now.”
“Good. Otherwise I would have to stand against my own rules and help dick and Jason beat the man.”
“Speaking of the devils, this is taking them too long. Do you think maybe we should check out what is going on?”
“Nothing is going on. The boys are making sure Blake would never come around again. And from what I can predict his company will go down soon.” Barbara chimed in
“If that’s coming from the Oracle, who are we to argue?”
“By the way, where is Damian? He was supposed to act like security. How the hell did Jason sneak in? Not that I’m complaining, but I’d rather dance with my boyfriend than see him fight again ….”
“I was not the security! I never wanted to be here in the first place! I was forced!”
“Who wasn’t?” Tim scoffed
“You’re good Y/N/N?” Damian asked turning towards the girl
“Yes! God! I’m fine, please stop asking me that. I’m just a bit ….. tired.”
“You can stay at the manor than. There is always a place for you.”
“Thanks Dami, but…..”
“She is not going to stay. I’m taking her home.” Jason came into the view again, his nose bleeding.
“What did you do Jace?”
"I told you I know how to fight for you."
“Where is Dick?” Barbara became alerted and both girls exchanged looks
“I’m here. I’m fine. It’s all taken care off.” The oldest Wayne was clutching his bleeding nose as well.
“Did you two have a fight? How unsurprising…..”
"Wait, you beat each other instead of that fucking Blake?" Damian frowned "Can I do it then? I need some action, this party is boring like hell."
"He's been taken care of as well. Probably won't come around ever again" Jason stated proudly.
"What did you do him? Can you descibe in details?" the youngest brother suddenly became much more energetic and interested.
“I’m out, I’m done” Tim turned around throwing his hands in the air “you are all on your own now. I;ve got to do some damage control. See you tomorrow, Y/N. Remember your promise.” He left and so did Damian leaving Jason, y/n, Babs and Dick alone.
“Why did you beat him Jace?”
“He was supposed to watch out for you!”
“I said I’m fine!”
“But who knows what could have happened?!”
“could have, would have, should have….. How about we stop with the possibilities that never came to life, hm? How about you calm down, Jace?”
“How can I calm down?! You could have been hurt!”
“Dick? Babs? I’m so terribly sorry for everything that just happened.” Y/N decided to stop paying attention to Jason for a while.
“As much as I hate to say it, it might have been a bit of my fault.” Dick admitted
“a bit?!”
“Shut up Jason. I’m not talking to you now!” Y/N hissed and he just stood there with open mouth but did not dare saying a word. “I think we should call it a night, do you agree, Babs. We can’t let boys kill each other, right? Someone has to be smart.”
“Yeah, that’s true. We can’t ever rely on them with life choices, can we?”
“Nope. But I guess that’s the Wayne charm. Talk to you tomorrow?”
“Sure y/n. I’ll let you know if dick’s coming after Jay to take revenge for the beating.”
“Ok. I’ll let you know if Jace is coming after Dick to avenge my honor” Y/N laughed and waved Babs and Dick goodbye before turning to Jason. “As for you….”
“Look, I did not mean to make a scene…..”
“I saw you in danger and acted without thinking…..”
“You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you…..”
“Oh for god’s sake!” she moved forward and cut his babbling with a passionate kiss taking him by surprise and leaving a few spare seconds for his brain to react and started kissing her back, his hands travelling up her sides. “I love you, you idiot. And I’m not mad at you, really. That was kind of…. Hot.”
“Only kind of?” he smirked
“Yes, because you still think I cannot take care of myself. You really don’t have to put  the guns out every time you think I’m in danger. Especially when I’m not.”
“but you still like me in my vigilante mode, don’t you?”
 “I never said it.” She scoffed
“Sometimes, words are not needed. I can settle on sounds.” He smirked and she smacked his head becoming red.
“Why are you even here? What about patrol? What about….red’s matters?”
“It’s a quiet night. I was patrolling nearby by accident….
“by accident?” she raised an eyebrow
“And thought I would swing by. And you know the rest.”
‘You are a child, Jason. A big child. And we definitely have a lot to work on in that area. Are you going back on patrol?”
“I wasn’t planning on, but…..”
“Good. Cause you know, I might be a bit turned on and need someone to take care of that. Are you up for the challenge?”
“Let’s go upstairs.” He picked her up and carried her the stairs to his old room, bridal style.
“Wait, here?!” she squealed when he threw her onto the bed and climbed up hovering over her body.
“Do you think I can wait? Honey, I need you right now.” He pressed his lips onto her, delighting in the way she melted into him and started letting out those sweets sounds. “now we can start our party” he smirked moving down her body, removing the straps of her dress and taking care of each square centimeter of her body.
“Jason….” she moaned arching her back “come on, don’t tease…..”
“I’m taking my time with you, babe. You will have to deal with it….”
@pinksirensong @somest1 - let me know if anyone wants a tag in any of my stories
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simplyanjuta · 9 months
Adjusted Thumbnails for the Household Panel (incl. a version for shorter teens)
Some of this started off as an experiment following a chat in Creator Musings but a few people wondered if I can share it sometime, so here it is.
1A) Adjusted camera settings for kids and pets
This is just something that bothered me and it mainly affects thumbnails in CAS. There's a strong perspective view applied to the CAS thumbnails of kids and pets, which makes them look a bit distorted and the zoom is too close cutting off the face in some cases:
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The adjustments are somewhat a compromise of CAS and in-game settings leaning towards the latter. The adjustments for human sims are also included for in-game thumbnails (due to some restrictions this is not quite possible for pets, but their in-game version looks fine anyways).
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1B) Adjusted camera settings for shorter teens (tested with the Shorter Teens mod by Menaceman44)
Disclaimer that sims aged teen-elder use the same camera settings and there's no way that I know of to treat teens differently or assign different settings based on the height of a sim, if you use such a mod.
When you use a height mod, the sims faces will be cut off with the default settings.
My workaround here is zooming out to allow shorter sims to fit into the picture frame. It's not an optimal solution, but the only solution I can think of. Below a preview using the standard teen height (first row) and the "shortest" teen height (second row) from the Shorter Teens mod.
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This version uses 1A) as a base, but zooms out more on human sims (pets have the same settings as in 1A).
Note: Also not optimal, but you can try making the UI bigger via the game accessibility settings to make the household panel incl. the thumbnails a bit larger if these settings make the sims portraits too small.
2) Angled Pose (made for Waffle ^^)
Waffle mentioned that we used to have angled pictures in the household panel (seems like this was the case until pets were added to the game). Below I tried to recreate the original settings (based on a very old blurry screenshot :P).
Below an example of how it looks standalone and with the camera settings 1A/1B.
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The pose override is only for human sims, not for pets. I feel like the very different proportions and profiles of cats and dogs won't always look great when angled (and I suspect that's the reason this was changed when pets were added).
You can use this option in addition to the above settings or standalone. (This is a pose override, not an override for camera settings and can therefore be used independently.)
Download links are below the cut.
1A) Adjusted camera settings for kids and pets: SFS | MF
1B) Adjusted camera settings for shorter teens: SFS | MF
2) Angled Pose: SFS | MF
Pick either 1A) or 1B)! Don't put both files into your mods folder.
You can use 2) in addition or standalone.
You need to delete the file localthumbcache.package to let the game generate new thumbnails. Otherwise you won't see any changes in game until the game needs to update the thumbnails on its own. (You should see the changes in CAS immediately, though.)
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clangenrising · 2 months
Month 13 - Newleaf
“You'll watch her the whole time?” Russetfrond was saying to Pantherhaze. “I don’t want anything to happen while I’m gone.” 
“I will, I promise,” said Pantherhaze offering a wilted-looking smile. “Please, just go enjoy the Gathering.” 
“I won’t cause any trouble,” Mystique said, sitting beside her guard for the night. She offered a smile of her own to the deputy and he scowled in response. She still didn’t understand why he was so angry with her all the time or why he seemed to think she was going to turn around and attack them the first chance she got. 
“You’d better not,” he growled. 
“Come on, Russetfrond,” called Goldenstar from across the camp. Almost half of the cats had gathered on the slope of the hill - Goldenstar, Yarrowshade, Sagetooth, Ospreymask, and Floodpaw - and they were waiting expectantly for Russetfrond to join them. He huffed and gave Mystique one more pointed glare before stalking off to join them. She frowned .
“Have fun!” called Barleypaw. 
“Will do!” Ospreymask called back. 
After another beat, the group turned and headed out. Mystique yawned and stretched and looked over at her guard. 
“So where are they all off to again?” 
“The Gathering,” said Pantherhaze as if that answered the question.
“Okay…” she raised a brow. “That’s not vague or anything.” 
“It’s a meeting between the different Clans,” he supplied. “Every full moon they go and-”
Sparrowpaw called over to them, “I’m not sure Russetfrond would approve of telling her all that.” He looked a bit anxious as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. 
“It’s fine,” said Branchbark, laid out in the grass with Aldertail. “If she stays for too much longer, she’ll figure it out anyway.” 
“Yeah, and besides,” Mystique said, “It’s not like I’m gonna try and kill you all or anything. I don’t know why everyone keeps acting like I’m some big threat.” Her eyes caught movement as Aldertail squirmed uncomfortably. 
There was a small, uncomfortable silence that baffled her, but eventually Scorch spoke up from the warriors’ den. “If you still don’t get it then you’re being dumb on purpose.” She strolled over to the prey pile and hunched beside it to inspect the options, tail swishing with all of the confidence that she had wielded back in the city. Mystique’s eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to space where her Name Charm should be. 
She considered shooting back but held her tongue. She still wasn’t sure where she stood with Scorch and she didn’t want any good-natured ribbing to be taken as an insult. Instead she cleared her throat and looked away, returning to her den in a way she tried to make casual instead of defeated. Scorch smirked and Mystique knew she hadn’t succeeded. 
Pantherhaze followed her and settled down outside the door. The rest of the cats in camp went back to what they had been doing. Scorch picked a fish from the pile and ate it on the Stoneperch. The apprentices finished their own meals and went off into the night together. Branchbark slowly convinced Aldertail to relax again and started grooming her pelt. Mystique watched them and chewed the side of her cheek in frustration. 
Why was she such an outsider here? She was fun and personable wasn’t she? Why did it feel like she had a symbol of doom hovering above her head that only other people could see? She wished her Folk were nearby. She wanted nothing more than to be pet and coddled. She sighed and flopped her head onto her legs. Pantherhaze tilted his head to look at her.
“Are you alright?” he asked. 
“No,” she groaned. “Am I dumb?” She tilted her head to look at him. 
“Oh, no, I’m sure you’re not,” he said, which wasn’t the most reassuring thing in the world. “Don’t let Scorchplume bother you too much. She can be…. Prickly.” 
Mystique shifted to face him more squarely. “No, but she’s right, isn’t she? I mean, what am I missing? Clearly it’s something or everyone wouldn’t treat me like I was a sprinkler waiting to go off.” 
“A what?” he tilted his head in confusion like a puppy. 
“A sprinkler,” she brushed the thought away with her tail. “It sprays water on a patch of grass or flowers.” 
“Weird,” he frowned. 
“Look, that’s not the point!” she shook her head, “What’s wrong with me?” 
“What’s-” the little warrior blundered, “I don’t-”
“Ugh,” she rolled her eyes. She heaved herself to her feet and started across the camp towards Branchbark. “Hey!” Pantherhaze scrambled to keep up with her. At the sound of her voice, Aldertail shrank into a ball again. It was, honestly, really annoying. 
“Uh-” Branchbark glanced between her and Aldertail, unsure what to do.
“I’ve got a question for you,” said Mystique. “Why does everyone think I’m a secret murderer or something?” Branchbark swallowed hard and sat up taller, giving Aldertail better cover and lifting his face up onto the level with Mystique’s. 
“Um, because you’re a rogue?” he said like it was a question. 
“What is that?” she pressed. “I’m a rogue? Since when?” 
“It’s just a word we use for dangerous groups of cats,” said Pantherhaze, tail twitching. 
“Okay, but what makes me so dangerous?” she said. From her spot above them all, Scorch laughed. 
“Well, all the kittypets we’ve met so far have it out for us?” said Branchbark in the same tone. “They’ve been starving us out, they’re trying to kill Aldertail…”
“Well, okay, but she’s a criminal,” Mystique scoffed. “Besides, it's not like I’m gonna attack her right now for no reason.” 
“You’ve contradicted yourself,” Scorch called airily. Mystique glared over, not appreciating the attitude she was giving.
“Yeah,” agreed Branchbark, “you just said you wouldn’t attack her for no reason but you admitted you think other cats have a reason to hurt her.” His tone was getting bolder, his jaw set with a defiant edge. 
“Well, that’s not-” Mystique tried. 
“And!” Branchbark kept talking, a fire starting to grow in him, “And, she didn’t even do anything! Her brother is the one who committed the crime!” Behind him Aldertail was shaking visibly. Her tail was tucked underneath her, her ears pressed flatly against her skull. 
“I-it was an accident anyway!” she cried shakily, hiding under her own paws. “He didn’t mean it, he didn’t-!” The kittens had poked their heads out of the nursery to watch. Branchbark wrapped his tail tightly around her and leaned down to run his tongue over her forehead. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” he said softly, “take a deep breath.” 
“Right, but-” Mystique took a step back, “Look, I didn’t do anything though! I don’t know why you’re angry at me.” 
“Exactly,” Scorch snapped, rising to her full height. “You didn’t do anything.” She stared at Mystique burning those words into her with eyes of blue flame. Mystique’s tail started to lash anxiously. 
“What was there to do?” she said, “I’d never even met her before now!” 
Scorch scoffed and leaped down to stride up to the group of cats. “You think you’re so good ‘cause you never do anything wrong but you never do anything right either. Razor and his pig-headed friends bully and kill and worse every day and you just pretend not to see it.” 
“I don’t-” Mystique’s stomach was tight. The recesses of her mind were screaming. No! Leave now! You’re too close to the shadow truth! She took another step back.
Scorch followed her into the empty space, staring up at her. “You just sat by and let him. You’ll claim you didn’t see anything but you didn’t want to see it! I don’t know what’s worse, honestly; Razor, pretending he’s done nothing wrong, or you, pretending to believe him.” Mystique’s fur bristled and the words stung, sinking deep into her and piercing holes in the wall protecting her from the shadow truth. She’s right, it hissed, bubbling up within her. 
Scorch was still going. “Tell me, Mystique: What will you do when he comes to kill us all? To drag me back? Will you shuffle your paws and turn away as he slaughters these cats? Will you go back to your Folk and forget it ever happened? Will you still convince yourself you were good?” 
Mystique reeled. “No,” she said on instinct. “No, of course not, I-”
“Really?” Scorch laughed. “That’s what you’ve done every other day of your life! Why change now?” 
‘Cause… ‘Cause I wouldn’t, Mystique thought, but no words managed to get through the chokepoint of her throat. How did she know that? She tried to imagine what she would do if Razor showed up in one of his tempers. The thought was paralyzing and that wasn’t a good sign. The shadow truth was starting to swallow her whole. He isn’t a good cat, it whispered, you know this. It’s been here the whole time. You don’t just know this, you have known. Her stomach roiled terribly. 
Suddenly, Pantherhaze was shoving himself between her and Scorchplume. “Hey, ease off,” he said, his little voice firm as he could make it. Scorch curled her lip, glanced at Mystique one more time, and then turned around.
“Fine,” she said as if she were perfectly satisfied, “I said my piece.” She swished back up to the top of the Stoneperch to finish her meal, brows lifted imperiously. To Mystique, she felt vacant somehow. She didn’t have much time to examine why though. Pantherhaze turned to her, looking concerned.
“Why don’t we go back to the den?” he said gently and she just nodded. Branchbark was glaring at her while Aldertail clung to him like she was drowning, shivering in fear. The kittens were staring. Mystique ducked her head and, like a coward, fled back to the safety of her cage.
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veenus777 · 9 months
◜Wilbur Soot Boyfriend Headcanons◞
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┊ ᝰ﹕SFW, please ignore my Google translate English
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♤ This man is a gentleman! He would be romantic but not in big things but in small ones.
♧ He would buy you your favorite snacks, memorize the way you make your coffee just so he could make it how you like it.
♤ He would want to know everything about you but not just about your life but about the things you like.
♧ And speaking of which, he would learn everything just to be closer to you, your favorite book? He will read it, do you like a band? He will listen to all the albums, are you a fan of a series? He will spend the entire morning watching just to have something to talk to you about.
♤ he's the careful type, he'd "fight" with you for not taking good care of yourself but deep down he knows he loves doing that, like always taking two sweaters when he leaves the house or making sure you've eaten that day.
♧ Talking about food, every time he needed to go out in the morning, whether for a Lovejoy rehearsal or a recording, he would make a point of waking up early just to prepare your favorite coffee and leave it on the counter with a note for when you wake up .
♤ Obviously he would take you to band rehearsals and take your opinion very seriously about the songs.
♧ You would have a VIP pass to go to all the shows and you always do, but when you can't attend Wilbur becomes a little less excited and anxious about the show, For him, you are like a lucky charm that makes everything perfect and incredible.
♤ He would include you in his group of friends, on trips and recordings and they will welcome you very well, but don't think you will be immune to Charlie or Tommy's jokes.
♧ If you are also a content creator, it will take you in front of the camera even if you are not have a public relationship, you will always be present in Tommy's vlogs or in some Sorry videos even if for just a few seconds.
♤ Talking about the Sorry brothers I feel like Wilbur would pull you into this (if you're a public person) even if little by little, it would all start with a few appearances here and there and then it would become something more regular and when you see it it's already part of the cast, but like Phil you try to be the point of balance amidst the general chaos.
♧ If you are not a public person you would still be present but behind the cameras, always helping backstage with clothes, makeup or video ideas.
♤ You would probably adopt a small animal, from the most common options like cats or dogs or something more different like a rabbit or ferret. Ps: they would probably have names related to music, either referencing a song or names of singers they both like.
♧ He would be the more reserved type of person in public and with little to no PDA, but he would still hold hands or have his arm on your shoulder.
♤ However, when you are alone Oh My God! this man is pure neediness, he would love hugs and physical touches, or just quality time where you are both in the same place focused on your own things but still together.
♧ I feel like he has three moods: The singer, the older brother and the boyfriend
♤ The singer happens when he is super focused and committed to his career, he has a dream and definitely wants to achieve it and he works hard for it.
♧ The older brother usually happens when he joins Tommy and Charlie, he is chaotic and playful, always making jokes and being sarcastic and picking on his "younger brothers" Tommy and Charlie.
♤ The third is something that few people see, it's the soft boy Wilbur, it's when he's not all that chaos and shouting, he just hangs out, listens to music or a movie and relaxes without having to worry about his career or the Internet for a while.
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.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌
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yacinthemorning · 4 months
A Lesson in Listening
Summary: Grian's brother is moving to town and staying with him while he house hunts. While introducing him to his friend, however, Jimmy and Tango seem to make quite a connection. Determined not to suffer through the pining, Grian and Impulse attempt to play matchmaker.
Ships: Grian & Impulse(Platonic), Jimmy/Tango (Romantic), ZITS (Platonic), Grian & Jimmy (Familial)
Warnings: mild acephobia, verbal fight, sibling bullying, misunderstandings, relationship meddling
If Grian was good at one thing, it was connecting people. Not to be a braggart, but he was a sociable sort who was good at reading people, made new friends with ease, and led the pecking order in his circles. It was his great talent, really. One of many.
“Humility not being among them, clearly.”
“Shush.” Grian hissed, whipping his head around to glare daggers into Impulse. The stout man returned it with his trademark innocent smile, as if Grian didn’t know what went on in the head behind it. “You’re distracting me.”
Impulse chuckled. “What’s there to distract from?”
“I’ll have you know mixing friend groups is a very delicate process!” Grian explained, holding his phone to show the opened notepad doc. “Inviting the wrong person could be the difference between success and disaster.”
“I think you’re overthinking things, G. Anyone who’d get along with you will probably get along with your brother.”
Therein lied the problem, though. Jimmy was nothing like Grian. Okay, well, nothing was a bit of a strong word. Jimmy was extroverted and sociable like Grian, and they both had a fondness for mischief and cats. And maybe Jimmy was the first person Grian always invited to karaoke night when he was in town, because no one else was quite as enthusiastic as they were. But other than that they were nothing alike! For one, unlike Grian, Jimmy was a massive loser.
“That’s a bit rude.”
Grian squawked. “Would you please stop reading my mind!”
“You should stop speaking your mind, then.” Impulse shrugged and returned to scrolling through his phone. Grian had assigned him the task of picking out the venue for the night out, being far more familiar with the town than Grian. He paused, “You might as well monologue, I know you want to.”
“I don’t monologue! I’m not Scar.” Another name was struck out on the list. Doc was angry at him right now, anyways. “I just want things to go well, can I not be excited that Tim is moving closer? I’ve barely got to see him more than once every other month for the past several years! By the way, we can’t-“
“Can’t eat red meat so make sure there’s other options, yeah, I know.” A large hand patted down on Grian’s head, ruffling his hair.
He pouted, falling back into the cushions of his couch. “I feel like you do not appreciate the skill needed to coordinate you people. It’s like herding cats, you know.”
“Why do you think we leave it to you?” Impulse leaned over Grian’s shoulder. “Who you got so far, anyways?”
“You, Scar, Gem, and Cleo. Mostly people he’s met before at least.”
A curious hum filled the air and Grian patiently waited for whatever idea was brewing in Impulse’s head. There were a few taps to his screen, then, “You think Tango can come?”
“Tango?” Grian’s eyebrow quirked up. “Isn’t he hauled up in his basement working on some game right now?” While most certainly a good friend, Tango was one Grian went almost just as long without seeing as his brother half a day’s drive away, despite being a street away. Once he had an idea he would dedicate himself to it until it was done.
Impulse sighed. “Yeah. Zed was able to get him outside for an hour last week, and he went on some business trip for a bit, but he also hasn’t eaten in like two days last I checked. It’d be good excuse to drag him out. He’s gonna forget what real people sound like outside his headphones if we don’t.”
“I honestly don’t know how he expects to survive if he moves out from you guys.”
“I already made him promise to give me a set of spare keys when he does.”
Grian tilted his head as he stared at his last message to the man in question. Something about a crazy idea for a remote-controlled cat toy he thought of. In all honesty it wasn’t the worst idea. Not the cat toy- Tango was a strong personality who left a big impression, but he was always polite. Certainly much more introverted than everyone else going, but not nearly as bad as Zed. At least, when he remembered to leave his basement. It couldn’t do them any harm. At the very worst he could sit in the corner and chatter with Impulse. “Yeah, sure, let’s invite him.” He said, already typing. 
Impulse gave a thumbs up. “Tell him we’re gonna go to that barbeque place he loves, that’ll get him.”
“I said-”
“They have plenty of chicken and even vegetarian options, I double checked. It’s right across from the bowling alley, too. And call him, don’t text, or he’ll never see it.”
It was a small miracle Tango agreed to go. It was a small miracle he answered his phone at all. The mention of barbeque worked, though. How much of the rest of the evening they could convince him to stick around for had yet to be seen, but Grian was hopeful he’d stay a little while at least.
Impulse could deal with Tango, though. Right now, Grian had his hands full with Jimmy. They were running ten minutes behind because his poor little brother couldn’t bear going a day without a bubble bath. “C’mon, Tim, get in the car!” He shouted from the window.
Jimmy stumbled in, nearly dropping his phone between the seats in the process. “I’m hurrying, I’m hurrying, I just had to send a text. I thought this was supposed to be fun?” He whined. The second his door was closed Grian began driving, not waiting for him to get his seatbelt in. He was so tall and lanky he’d just smash his head through the glass whether he had one on or not, anyways.
“It’s called punctuality, Timmy. Something the hosts should have!”
“Alright, I get it.” He slumped back into his seat, caving as he always did. It must be hard, having an older brother who was always right. Of course, it was much harder being said brother, as Grian could attest.
The car ride was quiet, only the radio filling the space while Grian worked to remember where he needed to go. Jimmy was the first to break the silence, “So, I’ve scheduled some tours for this week.”
Grian hummed. “Anything promising?”
“Actually yeah.” He chirped, pulling out his phone. Before he could shove it in Grian’s face he put his hand up. It’d only been a month since he rear-ended a Toyota, and he’ll be damned if he hit someone else. The last thing his friends needed was to reignite the jokes about him being too short to see over the dashboard. Jimmy made a whine but didn’t try again. “There’s a place not far out of town in the farmlands. It’s small and old, but it’s an actual house with over half an acre.”
“I dunno why you care so much about land. A condo downtown is way better.”
“It’s nice, isn’t it? I could have a garden.”
“I guess.” The obnoxiously large sign for the barbeque glared high above the trees and buildings around it just up ahead. “Oh, we’re already here. Should be mostly people you met before, by the way.”
“That’s fine.”
Pulling into the parking lot, Grian could already see Impulse’s minivan and Cleo’s beat up old car. He clicked his tongue as he pulled up next to them. “See! I told you we were late, everyone’s already here.”
“Oh, come off it, they probably just got here, it’s fine.”
It was not fine, the host should always be first, but he wouldn’t expect Jimmy to understand. The two squabbled all the way inside, only stopping to tell the waiter their booking. A nice large table on the patio already had most of Grian’s friends sitting around, still having yet to be served even drinks. Everyone but Tango despite his phone, unmistakable with its Guy Fieri case, on the table. Bathroom, maybe? He was always terrible about going before he left. Scar was the first to spot them. “G! Timmy! You’re here!”
“That we are.” Grian mumbled and turned to Impulse. “Where’s-”
“Hey, Grian, just in time!” The scratchy voice of Tango shouted too-loudly behind them. He saw Jimmy jump, and both brothers swivelled on their heels. Tango jolted back a bit, friendly wave shrinking to his side at the reaction. His eyes grew wide, locking with Jimmy’s which mirrored him like two deer caught in headlights. “Oh!” He squeaked unintentionally.
It jogged Jimmy out of his fright enough to look away, though Grian took suspicious note of the redness of his ears. He gave his baby brother a raised eyebrow, but he didn’t seem to see it.
“Right, well, Tango, Cleo, this is my brother, Ti-”
“It’s Jimmy.” Jimmy jumped in at lightning speed, holding his hand out for Tango to shake with a wide smile. “The name’s Jimmy.” Tango hesitated for a second, before tentatively shaking back with an equally tentative smile.
“Tango, of the Tek variety. Nice to finally meet you.”
“I thought you said your brother was Tim?” Cleo asked.
Impulse scratched at his bread. “Honestly, I thought it was.”
“It’s not, my name’s Jimmy. Don’t trust anything this man says, he’s a menace.” Jimmy huffed, which got far too enthusiastic an agreement from nearly the whole table for Grian’s liking. Behind him, Tango snuck around back to the table. In a baffling move, as far as Grian was concerned, he paused at the empty chair across from his own and pulled it out. He nodded towards Jimmy, who muttered a sheepish thanks. Grian narrowed his eyes at the engineer, but he seemed to be pointedly not looking at him. A shared look from Impulse, though, let him know he wasn’t the only one who took notice.
“Well, then, Jimmy, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Cleo reached over the table, offering their hand.
Chatter very quickly picked itself up once they were all sat down. Most was directed towards Jimmy, asking what he did and the places he was looking at and how on earth did he get his hair that perfect. It was a bit awkward with him sitting at the end. Given the middle seat where Grian now sat was also empty, he suspected Tango’s little gentleman’s stunt had messed up the seating arrangement Impulse intentionally left. 
It wasn’t the last. When their drinks came Tango had ordered some crazy bright red fruity slushy monstrosity like he was on vacation or something. For him it might as well be. Something that brightly coloured, with a fruit skewer at that, was basically tempting the gods as far as Jimmy was concerned, who looked more dazzled by it than the already bright blue drink he ordered. Only a sip had been taken before Tango was nudging it towards him, asking, “Wanna try?” Which he wholeheartedly accepted.
Honestly, between that and the conversation somehow always managing to close into a back and forth between the pair, Grian wanted to gag. Did his brother have absolutely no shame? Or maybe Grian was just bitter he had to order something lighter as their driver. It was at least funny to watch Scar also ask for a sip and be completely ignored.
A large platter was ordered over individual meals. It was just easier, when everyone wanted to try this and that. Astonishingly, it was probably the first time Grian had witnessed Tango eat a vegetable, when he tried one of the skewers the brothers ordered on the side. That was the power of good barbeque, he supposed.
They finally called it after Gem won the third round of bowling in a row. Grian tapped against the open door of his car, glaring holes in the back of his brother’s head, who was too busy saying goodbye to Tango to notice. “Come ooon Tim!” He finally shouted after the third obnoxious little giggle they shared. When he turned, Grian narrowed his eyes. You ain’t subtle. The pair finally said goodbye for real, and Jimmy ran to get in the car before Grian decided to drive off without him. He’d barely gotten his seatbelt on before he was furiously typing something on his phone. Really?
“So, how was it?” Grian asked.
“It was fun, your friends seem cool.” Was the distracted response.
“Mhm…” He leaned closer over his shoulder. “And how was Tango?”
If it was possible to jump out of one’s skin then Jimmy had jumped out of his skin, muscles, and bones. “Huh?” He squeaked, face red and eyes bugged. Grian only returned it with an unimpressed eye roll.
“Oh please. You nearly dropped a bowling ball on your foot while swooning.”
“Well… He’s a cool guy, isn’t he?”
And that shut Grian up. More efficiently than he would like to admit. He expected Jimmy to deny it, or be too flustered to say much of anything. When Grian failed to reply Jimmy went back to his phone, tapping away with a smile. There was that obnoxious giggle again.
This was not one of the issues Grian anticipated having when his brother told him he was moving. 
“So, how do we set them up?”
Impulse Hummed, spending far too long reading the contents of a can of cream of mushroom like it wasn’t the same can he always bought. “Who?”
“ Who? ” Grian mocked back. “Tim and Tango!”
“Do we need to?” Three more cans joined the first, before they moved on to the broths. Grian threw the bouillon in the cart before his companion could grab a carton that would languish in the back of his fridge. “They seem to be doing fine on their own.”
“No, trust me. I know Tim. He was literally living with his last boyfriend before he realized they were dating and that he liked him. He’s an idiot.”
“And Tango hasn’t exactly been leaving the basement much lately.” Impulse conceded, grabbing a carton of pho broth anyways. Acceptable, Grian supposed.
“So, then, any ideas?”
They paused before entering the next aisle. The larger man’s face twisted in thought. “Well, we could invite him to D&D, run a oneshot, and have their characters drink a love potion until they get the hint.”
“That sounds like a terrible idea, absolutely not.” He wrote it down in his phone for a future session.
“Another dinner?”
“What are the odds of getting Tango out of the house twice?”
“Probably a lot higher than you’d think with how they were acting.”
“What if I gave Timmy a tour of your house and just locked the basement door behind him?”
“You know I’m starting to think we might be bad at this and should leave it to someone else.”
“Nonsense!” Grian grabbed the first bottle of soya sauce he spotted, much to Impulse’s protests. He wasn’t going to sit and wait for him to match the prices to the ounces. “Look, I know Timmy best, and you know Tango best. Logically, there’s no better pair of heads to crack together for this. They’ll thank us at the wedding.”
A jar of pickled bamboo shoots found its way into the cart beside the biggest bag of basmati rice Impulse could pick up. He had to catch his breath before he continued. “Listen, Grian, do you need to… talk, or something?”
“What?” Grian’s head whipped around from the wall of spices he was mulling over. “About what?”
Impulse hunched his shoulders up, cringing slightly. “I dunno, y’know… You’re planning your brother’s wedding to your friend while picking out my groceries for me. I’m not even sure how you found out I was grocery shopping or found me in the store. I don’t think that’s normal, healthy person behaviour.” 
“I am so completely normal and healthy!” He said just a bit too loud.
“You know you can talk to me if you need to.”
This was getting nowhere real fast. “Are you going to help me or not?”
Impulse sighed. “I’ll help.”
“Good. Then, what’s the plan?”
In the end, the plan was little more than ‘wait and see’ with a side sprinkling of putting the pair in as much direct contact as possible. This turned out to be much more work than they anticipated, however. Jimmy had always been a socialite, but he seemed to be gone every other day viewing houses or visiting locations. Meanwhile, Tango did as he does and made himself busy constantly. Every group activity Grian planned was lucky to get even one of them, and he was about to lose his damn mind.
Their big break finally showed itself one evening, when Jimmy dropped in with Grian. Well, it was more like Grian promised to drive him to do some errands and made a left turn away from the mall and directly to the ZITS house instead. A decision Jimmy was not familiar enough with the town yet to notice until it was too late. Just the sound of Jimmy’s voice managed to draw Tango upstairs to see what was going on in his kitchen, where the rest of them were chatting.
Immediately the annoying little giggles started up again. If there was one thing in this world that could make Grian try to keep them apart, it was that giggle.
“By the way, Jimmy,” Skizz piped up from where he leaned against the sink. “You still need a lift tomorrow?”
When had Jimmy found time to befriend Skizz? Who knows. Knowing the two of them they probably bumped into each other on the street and kept talking till the sun went down. Extroverts were so exhausting. (He ignored the little Impulse-ish voice nagging that Grian was also something of an extrovert.)
“Yeah, sorry, I appreciate it.”
“Where you going?” Impulse asked.
“Got another house tour.” Tango of all people replied. Maybe that wasn’t all that surprising, though, given the amount Grian has spotted Jimmy texting the past few days.
“Is that so? Will you be going with them?” Grian teased, but instead got a toothy grin back.
Really? Inviting your crush house hunting? Was that forward or just weird? Either way, it was an opportunity. “You know, Tim, you haven’t invited me to go with you.” He whined, putting on his best puppy dog eyes. 
Unfortunately, while Jimmy’s talents were sparse, this was one area where he outranked Grian by a factor of magnitudes and had unlocked absolute immunity, or something. “Yeah. That was on purpose.” He said bluntly, not even looking away from Tango, who laughed. In fact, everyone laughed. Even Impulse, the traitor.
Grian wouldn’t give up so easily, however. “Well I think you should. So where is it?”
“What? You’ll just embarrass me, I’m not telling you!” He squeaked, finally looking at his kind, sweet, dear older brother.
“Yes, you are!”
“No, I’m not!”
And that was how Jimmy ended up in a headlock on ZITS’s kitchen floor, Impulse reluctantly using Jimmy’s phone to text Grian the address on his calendar. Tango, simp that he was, managed to distract Grian by jokingly calling Jimmy honey, forcing Grian to let go in order to pretend to hurl, during which time Jimmy made his escape back to the car. 
He won though, and the next day when Jimmy pulled up with Skizz and Tango to the house tour, Grian and Impulse were already waiting there with the realtor.
“I can’t believe you.” Jimmy dragged his hands down his face. “Don’t you have to, I don’t know, work?”
“Jokes on you, I’m my own boss.” Grian puffed up his chest.
Tango patted Jimmy on the back and turned the both of them towards the poor, confused realtor. “Let’s just get this over with.” He soothed, to which Jimmy gave him a saccharine smile.
The property was ridiculously nice. It wasn’t especially big, but it was lined by woodlands and already had a garden, albeit in need of some severe TLC. There was even an old chicken coop to the side of the house that only needed new fencing and cleaning. The house itself was a one-story cutesy cottage-like thing. It was older, but whomever had lived in it last had the wiring redone and appliances replaced. The bedroom was big, too, as they tended to be in these older houses, and the bathroom had a proper large tub. There was a spare office room with a nice big window to the garden. The garage was separate, and large enough to be a workshop. All that while being well within the range of good internet and still close enough one could walk to town if they really wanted to. 
It was, essentially, Jimmy’s dream home. The only issue Jimmy seemed to have was the fact that the wall between the living room and kitchen had been knocked out for a more modern open concept design with the largest windows in the house.
“It’d probably be a pain to heat in winter, right?” He asked no one in particular. 
Grian knew jack all about houses, and only shrugged. It still wasn’t that big, so he imagined not. Impulse and Skizz seemed to mull the idea over a little longer. Tango, though, saw an opportunity, and Grian had to give him credit because the man took it without hesitation. His arm was around Jimmy’s shoulder, toothy grin leaned in a bit too close. “Well, that sounds like a good excuse to cuddle up in bed all winter, hm?”
Jimmy’s cheeks turned pink. He muttered something under his breath that made Tango chuckle. Grian rolled his eyes towards Impulse, who seemed almost too shocked by his friend’s forwardness to notice.
More questions were asked, things Grian was glad he never had to worry about as a condo guy. Owning a home seemed like so much work, but Jimmy had lists upon lists. Of course, it was Jimmy, and even with lists he forgot certain things. But Tango seemed ready to pick up the slack with his own barrage of inquiries. 
“I think,” Jimmy said, looking at the kitchen with a bit of awe. “I think this might be it, guys.”
“Yeah?” Tango’s eyes practically sparkled with excitement. Jimmy nodded.
The realtor stepped up. “There aren’t any other serious inquiries at the moment, I think you have a good chance if you put in the asking price.” Jimmy nodded, and the realtor went off to his car to make a call.
Grian pursed his lips at his brother, though. “Are you sure you can afford that? I know you’ve saved up and all, but it’s still a lot.”
Jimmy beamed though, clearly overwhelmed with excitement. “Of course, you think we would look at houses we can’t afford?”
“I mean if I’m honest kind of, but- wait. We?”
“I’ll have you know, despite the beliefs of certain individuals, my credit score’s top notch.” Tango patted his chest proudly. “And between the two of us we have more than enough savings for the down payment.”
Grian felt the wires in his brain short circuit and reboot. An unholy screech came from his throat. “What!”
Jimmy and Tango both side-eyed each other, their awkward smiles caught between guilty and like they were ready to burst out laughing. “You… Thought I could buy a home on my own?” Jimmy asked, hiccupping in the middle.
Impulse looked just as dumbfounded. “When did you work this out?” His voice came out hoarse.
It was Tango’s turn to be confused, raising an eyebrow. “Um, months ago? I told you, Impy.”
“You said you were thinking about moving out, not buying a house with a stranger!”
“Wait-” Skizz burst out laughing, pointing at Grian and Impulse. “You guys really didn’t know?”
“No, why do you know!”
“Cause I listen to my roommates?”
“Hold on. Months ago?” Grian pushed them out of the way, getting into his brother’s face.
It seemed Tango was no longer able to hold in his laughter, leaning on Jimmy for support while Jimmy rubbed the back of his neck. “I honestly couldn’t tell if you’d actually forgotten or if this was some bit.” He admitted.
“We’ve been together for almost three years.” Tango wheezed out between cackles.
“Excuse me?” Balked Grian. “Since when? You’ve never met!” His head whipped between the two. How on earth-
A finger twirled absently in the air as Jimmy tried to explain. “Do you remember your Halloween party? The one me and Joel attended, where Tango was dressed up as an imposter?”
“Yeah?” It was the biggest party he’d ever held, how could he forget? His brow creased. “But that doesn’t make any sense, I never got to introduce you two cause you both went… home… early.” Grian’s eyes went wide as the puzzle pieces clicked into place.
Tango leaned against Jimmy’s shoulder with a smirk. “There it is.”
“Oh. My god.”
“I told you he doesn’t ever listen to me.” Jimmy groaned.
“You two-”
Grian gasp cracked. “Jimmy you slut !”
“ Excuse me? ” Jimmy shouted back in equal amounts of disbelief and anger.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw the realtor pause in the entryway, then slowly back out of view once more.
“You heard me!”
“What do you think we did!”
“Well you weren’t enjoying my party, that’s for sure!”
 “Okay, okay, everybody calm down.” Skizz stepped in, pushing Grian towards Impulse, who seemed to hold Grian back on instinct more than anything as he was still lost in shock.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Impulse asked, giving his housemate a look of betrayal. It was returned with concern.
“I did? I swear I did.”
“Dipple Dop, he told us he was busy in call with his partner all the time. He extended his work trips several times.”
“That was Timmy?” He stumbled back, leaning on the counter. “I thought he meant, like, an MMO buddy.”
“Yeah, and you certainly never told me!” Grian huffed, which Jimmy returned.
“I did tell you, but you didn’t listen! Or did you just do that thing like with Scott where you thought I wasn’t aware I was dating the guy I lived with for two months just because I told you we hadn’t-”
“You know what?” Skizz clapped his hands together. “I think we all need to just take a deep breath, okay? Everybody just breathe. In,” He took a deep breath, of which his housemates joined in while the brothers continued to glare at each other. “And out.” They all let out a long sigh.
 A brief silence fell over the group, only interrupted by a nervous knock at the door. The realtor stuck his head in, eyes darting between the group. “Um, Mister Solidarity, Mister Tek, could I speak to you now?”
“Yes, one second.” Jimmy said, voice tight. The pair left to talk outside.
Grian and Impulse went home after that, waiting for the other three to return. They said little, Grian fuming while Impulse stared at his lap like his dog just died. Zed popped in to say he was going out, at which point he was let in on the day’s events and gave them both odd looks. Had they really been the only ones who didn’t know? 
By the time everyone else arrived back at the house they’d pulled themselves together somewhat. Not entirely, but enough to ask questions without shouting.
“So, you’re really leaving?” Impulse asked, voice almost watery. Tango’s posture softened with his smile, and pulled the larger man into a big hug.
“Oh, buddy, I told you I was gonna. I’m a big boy now!”
“Yeah, but… I dunno. We’ve lived together since college. I didn’t think this would actually happen…”
Skizz rubbed his back. “Hey, he ain’t movin’ cross country, he’s just down the road. We’ll see him all the time.”
“Yeah! I promise, Impy, I ain’t going nowhere.”
The three continued to talk among each other, comforting their friend, so Grian left them be. Instead, he turned his attention onto Jimmy, who still looked huffy, with his arms crossed and a glare squarely on Grian.
“I told you.”
“Well, maybe you should have told me better.” Grian turned his nose up as an almost automatic response. Jimmy threw his arms in the air and stomped off to the doorway, and immediately Grian felt the regret. He chased after his little brother. “Wait, Tim. I’m…” A warbled wheeze escaped his throat, straining to get the dreaded word out. “Ssso-…rry... That I didn’t listen.”
The shift was near-instant, disdain laxing into smugness. “There, was that so hard?”
“Oh, come off it, you big baby.”
“I just don’t get it.” Grian grabbed his hair. “How did I miss that you two were dating? Why didn’t Tango say something when we invited him to dinner?”
“Well, it probably started with the fact that you introduce me to everyone as Tim and his boyfriend’s name is Jimmy.” He sneered, eyebrow raised.
Well, he had him there. Not that he would ever admit that to his brother’s face. “I still can’t believe you ditched my party to hook up with my friend.”
“Oh my god, we didn’t hook up!” Jimmy threw his head back. “We just went to get Mcdonald’s and watch movies because Tango almost had a panic attack at the number of people you invited and couldn’t breathe.”
“In my defence, I didn’t expect that many people to actually show up.”
“Either way, stop projecting.”
“Wh- excuse me?”
“Tango’s the same as me. I can assure you nothing like that would ever happen.”
Grian pouted. Well, at least they were happy and close by. “Fine, I’ll forgive you if you can get Tango to come to roller derby night.”
“Uh, I don’t have anything I need to be forgiven for, and I’m not going to make Tango do something he doesn’t want to do.”
“But Tim, consider: Tango falling on his butt in the most hideous disco suit.”
That gave Jimmy pause, thinking for a solid moment before a smile stretched behind his hand. “Alright, fine.”
“Yes!” Grian pumped his fist into the air, nearly smacking Impulse in the face as the group joined them.
“What’s going on out here?”
“Nothing.” Both brothers replied, matching smiles immediately getting them suspicious looks. Jimmy pushed past them to grab Tango’s hand and drag him towards the basement. “C’mon, we have to finish planning.”
“Yessir.” Tango saluted with a chuckle. 
As they retreated, Grian shouted after them. “Oh, Tango!”
“Yeah?” Bless his soul, he was too busy giving his partner a doofy look that was wiped away the second he turned to see Grian. He did his best to bore a hole through the man’s skull.
“You better watch your back. I know where you sleep.”
“Well, I’d hope so.” Grian didn’t like that grin. “Be weird if you didn’t know where your brother was.”
And that was how Grian began to plan the death of Tango Tek.
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edenalieth · 9 months
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Pairing: Minho x Y/N
Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff fluff fluff (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
You found a small kitten during a rainy day, little did you know it would be the bond to your next romance…
Words: 5K 
A.N: hi guys! im still trying to write more often huhu so here is a minho fluff! im not really used to write full fluff so your opinion truly matters to me (reblog and comments are very much appreciated). english not being my first language, i apologize for the possible mistakes… a big thank you to my friend maria and enjoy ;) — 230831
The rain was pouring outside. Why didn’t you bring a damn umbrella ? It’s not like you didn’t check the weather forecast on your phone before going out. Apparently, the 40% chances of downpour didn’t convince you and you didn’t want to clutter your small hand bag with such a big object… Now, you were looking awfully foolish. 
Your clothes were getting wet, your hair were a mess, all of this only because of that stupid guy you met on an app and didn’t show up. Yes. It was a shitty day. 
You were grumbling, each steps you took on the sidewalks soaking your sneakers. You needed to find a place to hide, at least for a bit. You would have preferred to go home quick, not wanting to show yourself to anyone looking like this, but you could feel your hands and feet getting cold. 
The place you were at was thankfully crowded with different shops and one especially caught your eyes. It was a pretty small café, a little bit hidden behind some trees. Warm light was coming from it and you could see people happily seeping on their drinks, eating some delicacies and chatting. This would be perfect ! Hastily walking towards it, already thinking about the hot drink you would order, you put a halt to your run when you heard some muffled noises. They sounded familiar to you and you were wondering where they were coming from. Checking your surroundings, you couldn’t see anything. You were about to give up when you heard them again. Small meows. Following them, you almost stumbled over a little dirty plushie. At least, this is what you thought it was until you saw it trembling, small pointy ears dressed on its head, its tail enclosing its frail body. It was a kitten. 
Its orange and white fur was sticking and it was crying out for help, probably looking for its mom, shivering against the pavement. Apparently, someone was having a rough day too… Moved by the small creature, you crouched down to analyze the situation. 
« Hi little thing » you softly said. « Why are you here ? » you talked to the cat as if it was about to answer you any time. You scoffed at the thought of it. It didn’t seem to be hurt, there wasn’t any blood or weird swelling. However, rain wasn’t giving you a break and was getting heavier. Your muscles were getting stiff, you had to make a decision quickly. You weren’t sure if it was okay for you to pick it up like this. Its mom was probably going to be disturbed by the unknown scent on her baby, on the other hand, leaving it near the road wasn’t an option either. 
Stretching the fabric of your jacket, you carefully grabbed the kitten, who didn’t show an ounce of resistance, too weak and cold to do so. It was literally fitting in the palm of your hand, the sight of it making your heart break a bit… You noticed a space between two shops which seemed to be dry enough for the little guy. It would be safe under those bushes until its mom would find it. You put it down delicately, dirt already staining its fur and gave a little pat between its ears to reassure it. « Here you go! I’m sure your mom will come back soon. Good luck little one ». 
Saying you were feeling guilty was an understatement, even more after hearing it meowing again… You had to pull yourself together, you had made the best choice. You couldn’t just pick it up and bring it home in case its mom would come back. It was better to wait for few days. You just hoped that, if it was left alone, a kind soul would find it again and help. Giving it one last glanced, you waved at him and went back towards you first destination: the café. 
As you opened the door, you were welcomed by the sound of small bells and warm brown eyes. The man behind the bar was cleaning some cups with a towel, the sleeves of his black shirt rolled up, staring right at you. He put down his stuff and came to greet you. 
«  Welcome. For one person ? », he asked, a soft smile on his face. « Yes please », you answered. The barista gestured you to follow him to a table and handed you the menu for you to choose. You thanked him as he walked away to take care of the other customers. Unzipping your jacket, you put it on the back rest, hoping it would dry fast. Bringing your attention back to the menu, you were absent-mindedly looking at it. Your brain was fuzzing with questions and worries about the stray cat. Was it really ok to leave it like that ? Maybe you should go back and take it to the vet… But, if its mom was close it would be cruel to take her baby away. 
Biting your nails and lost into your thoughts, you didn’t even notice that the auburn haired boy was back. 
« Did you make your choice ? », he was holding a pen, unconsciously taping on a notebook, his cat like eyes questioning you, his head slightly tilted to the side. He was curiously looking at you, his brows slightly furrowed. Taken aback by his question, you vaguely answered. «  Hmm… I will take a hot chocolate and… hmm… whatever cake you think would go along with it. Thank you. » 
« Then I would recommend the pistachio and raspberry tart » he offered, waiting for your approval. « Perfect ! ». He nodded and grabbed the menu you were handing him before going back to the bar, not without a last glance to your table. After several minutes, the brown haired man came back with your order. You gladly took it and tried to enjoy it, however, your stomach was kind of tied with a knot at the memory of the frail wet cat. Despite your reluctance, the hot chocolate going down your throat felt like a relief. You could feel your entire system getting its energy back sip after sip and you thanked the heavens for putting this place on your path. You would have to come back in a less miserable state and not with a mind full of worries. 
Time went by and you had to go home. You were still thinking of what you could do. Maybe you could come back the next day to check on the animal ? With your job schedules it might be a bit difficult but that would be better than nothing. 
Looking out the window, the rain hadn’t stop at all… Never mind. One last run towards the bus stop wouldn’t be so bad. A soft voice startled you « Was everything fine ? », he asked while clearing your table and the fact that you barely touched the pie didn’t go unnoticed. « Oh! You didn’t like it ? I’m sorry, I should have recommended something more simple maybe… » You stopped him « No! Not at all! It was delicious! » 
Visibly relieved by your statement, he continued « Then, would you like me to pack it for you to bring at home ? ». You accepted, thankful on how thoughtful the man was. Following him to the countertop to pay the bill, you thought about this word again: thoughtful. Maybe you could ask him to keep an eye on the cat ? It was a bit inappropriate to do so, after all, he had his job and probably a ton of things to do after that… Yet, the way he was patiently gazing at you, clumsily looking for your credit card, made you think it would be fine. 
« Can I ask you something ? You, obviously can say no, I wouldn’t mind » you said sheepishly. The man was visibly curious. Were you going to ask for his number ? Was it why you seemed a bit embarrassed around him ? He was full of expectations but probably not that one. « Of course ! » 
You were kind of fidgeting while paying the bill. « Well, I have came across a small kitten earlier and I’m really worried about it… Its mom wasn’t around and it was trembling. Do you mind looking for it ? I let it near your store, under the bushes so it could dry. » Visibly surprised by your request, he quickly tried to keep his composure and hide the slight deception. « Where exactly did you let it ? » he asked smiling as an even brighter smile was forming on your face. You started to describe the exact spot you let it and thanked the man a hundred times for his help. « No worries, I have three cats myself » he laughed. 
You were about to leave when he noticed that he forgot to give you the tart. « Miss, wait! » he stopped you, gently grabbing your wrist. « You forgot this and please take this as well ». In his hand was the food bag and an umbrella. You tried to politely decline the offer but he insisted, saying the pie would go to waste otherwise. You blushed a little, profusely thanked him and went to catch the bus. 
The umbrella was a blessing and you thought that, maybe, he was an angel who helped to make your day better. You would have to return it to him as soon as possible and ask him about the stray kitten. You didn’t even know his name… 
Finally, the bus appeared and you jumped inside it. Sitting comfortably, you put your hands inside your jacket’s pockets when your fingers came across a paper that wasn’t there before. Intrigued, you pulled it out to see what it was. Handwritten on it was a phone number with a message: « Please call me so I can give you news of your furry friend — Minho Lee ». A weird little drawing was next to it, it looked like a strange face. You giggled. Lee Minho. Here was the name of your helper. Your heart felt warm at the idea of him taking care of the cat and got you happy the whole ride. 
« Where the hell are you running to ? » asked your coworker. « I have an appointment! » You half screamed while heading to the exit. It was the end of your schedule and one thing kept you going the whole day: you were going to see the kitten. You waved them goodbye, your bag in one hand, Minho’s umbrella in the other. 
Last night, you did call him. It was kind of awkward at first and very polite, until you heard his cats meowing, asking for their food. Minho seemed a bit overwhelmed and couldn’t keep up with your small talk. He apologized and hang up. Few days passed and you had exchanged some messages with the café worker. He sent you a picture of a cardboard shelter he made, where you could see some old blankets, milk and food, then some messages to plan your meeting. He also reassured you saying that your friend wasn’t cold anymore but its mom hadn’t showed up. You were worriedly looking at your screen when you received another text from Minho. 
| minho lee: fluffy boy is waiting for you! 
A picture was attached to it. It was kinda blurry, the kitten was probably moving around, but you could see the orange and white fur of it which looked like a cotton ball. Asking for the man’s help had been the best idea. After 40 minutes, you finally arrived to destination. A panel with the word « closed » was hanging on the front door. Getting closer of the glass you used your hands as a shield to look inside. Minho was actively sweeping the floor but as soon as he turned around he gestured for you to come. You entered the café, once again welcomed by the bells’ symphony. 
« Give me a second, I’m almost done » he asked, one finger up to emphasize his sentence. 
« No problem, I’m sorry to bother at this moment of the day… » 
« Yea, you’re right. You’ve been a bother from the start » he jokingly said. You looked at him and sticked your tongue out. He shook his head and rolled his eyes at your childish behavior but, deep inside, he could feel his heart beating a bit faster. It only had been less than a week since you met each other, however, he wanted to talk to you every day and felt strangely close to you. Things were still pretty formal but he could see that you were slowly opening up. 
« Ok! I think everything is done! We can go. » he stated, both of his hands on his hips, looking around as a last check. 
« Where are we going already ? » you gently asked, following him as you were leaving the place. « To Sondonri association. It’s where I let the kitten. Its mom didn’t show up and it was visibly loosing weight… » he closed the door and went to the parking behind the shop. « I would have kept it with me if I wasn’t so busy with work… » this last sentence was more of a murmur and you could see a wrinkle on his forehead. He had been worried.  
You took place on the passenger seat while the brown haired boy was starting the car to drive you to destination. During the trip, you talked about your day and he also told you that the association you were going to was the same one where he adopted his three cats (or his sons as he liked to call them). Soon enough, you were in front of the association… which was closed. 
« Wait ? What time is… Oh… », his mouth was forming a small cercle, letting his bunny teeth slightly showing. Minho was clearly dumbfounded as he looked at the hour on his watch. It was passed 7:30pm. 
« Don’t tell me you didn’t check the opening hours ? » you looked at him, half laughing, half sarcastic but the man was remaining silent. 
« It happens to the best of us, ok ? I was s-sure it was closing at 8! » he stuttered, hopelessly trying to defend himself. He frowned and his ears were turning red, embarrassed by the situation and you couldn’t help but laugh. You put a compassionate hand on his shoulder. 
« Yea sure. » you rolled your eyes. « But I owe you one, so why don’t we go eat somewhere ? ». Your offer seemed to surprise him and the redness of his ears was spreading through his cheeks. You couldn’t really tell tho, the dusky light distorting his real skin tone. « Exactly, so be more respectful. » Minho scoffed and you gently pushed him with your shoulder. He flashed you a mischievous grin and you realized how handsome he was. Of course, you noticed that since day one. Still, the more you learnt to know him, the more you found him beautiful inside and out. You especially liked his funny and devoted personality, as well as his cat like eyes, his manly hands (they seemed really soft!) and his li-… Wait a minute. Your thoughts were running a bit too wild and your friend was looking at you, confused by your sudden change of emotion. You made him turn over to go back to the car, which he followed not without a hint of hesitation and asking on where you were going to have a diner. But honestly, you had no idea… You ended up going to the closest konbini, eating ramyeon at the store, drinking and enjoying the evening. You discovered that he had a sweet spot for pudding. 
« Pudding ? Really ? » 
« What ? Is it that weird for a man to like sweet things ? » he side eyed you, still eating his desert with a pout. 
« I don’t know, you work at a café. I was expecting something else, I guess ». 
« Maybe but sometimes simple things are the best » Minho stated with a proud face. And he was right. This evening was pretty simple. You both here, eating and talking about your lives, learning to know each other, talking about your furry friend. It truly was the best. 
« Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home ? » he offered for the nth time. 
« Yes, don’t worry. I’m not really far. » you reassured him even if he wasn’t completely ok with it. 
« Mmh… Fine. But send me a text, you know, just to be sure you didn’t get into a weird situation or something. ». The brown haired man was intensely staring at you, as a warning. « I promise ».
As soon as you arrived, you kept your words. 
| you: im still alive! 
| minho: ugh, guess I will have to bear with you a bit longer then
| you: meanie…
| minho: :p
Removing, your jacket and putting your bag on the coffee table, you realized that you totally forgot to return his umbrella. Thankfully, you were seeing each other at the association tomorrow and, this time, you would be able to see the rescued cat. 
| you: at which hour tomorrow ? and, please, dont mess it up this time
| minho: tch! you loved spending time with me! 
His words made your heart flutter, it was true. You really enjoyed your time together.
| minho: let’s say around 11am, sounds good for you ? 
| you: perfect! see you tomorrow then, good night! 
| minho: g’night y/n 
This night, you could barely sleep. Your head was filled with his face, his smile, his voice calling your name… Holding your pillow tight, you tossed it aside while facing the feeling, a sweet feeling blooming in your heart. 
You were awake at 7 this morning, too excited to keep sleeping. What was happening to you ? Getting over excited like a teenager. You were impatient to see the kitten, you hoped it was in a better shape than the last time you saw it. You were also impatient to see Minho. Where you having a crush ?… Uh. Definitely. The ringtone of your phone startled you. 
| minho: yo y/n ! you up ? 
You hastily took the phone and answered. 
| you: yup! Slept well ? 
| minho: woaaa, you answered faster than usual. can’t wait to see kitty cat ? 
His comment made you blush a little. Thank god he wasn’t there or he would have teased you for that. 
| you: yes :( it’s like my baby 
| minho: i understand, felt the same for my sons. ok, let’s meet at the association then, see you 
At 10am, you were more than ready to go and arrived even a bit in advance. Now that it was broad daylight, you could see many dogs behind the fences, enjoying their time outside. Some people were there to adopt some of the animals, others were probably caretakers. You were absorbed by the scenery, when you felt that weird feeling telling you someone was watching you. When you turned around, a smily Minho was there. 
« You truly are impatient to see the cat » he said while walking up to you. 
« What about it ? Are you jealous I don’t give you the same attention ? » you teased. « Hmm, maybe ». He passed next to you as you were stunned by his words. Quickly coming back to your senses you followed him inside. 
You were welcomed by two women and one of them seemed to know the brown haired man pretty well. 
« Minho! It’s good to see you! How is the café going ? Are your parents fine ? And your cats ? » she asked with a soothing voice. She was middle-aged and exhaled literal kindness, the type of perfect mom you see in series. « Everything is going great, thank you so much. I came with my friend to see the kitten I brought early this week ». He stepped aside so he could properly introduce you to the women. « Oh my! You’re the lady who saved this baby. Thank you for your help, I can’t imagine what would have happened to it if you didn’t help it… » she shook her head, picturing the worst. « Come, I will bring you to it » the woman gestured for you to go with her, which you did. 
You entered a room which probably was a nursery. Lots of kitten were sleeping or playing together but, as soon as your eyes landed on its white and orange fur, you could tell that it was your cat. You gasped and repeatedly tapped on Minho’s arm. He sighed at your behavior but he was truly amused by it. 
« Can I go see it ? » you politely ask to the worker. « Of course! Be careful of the other ones, they might want to climb on you » she prevented. And she was right. As soon as you crouched down, some of the cats hide behind the cat trees or boxes, while some others were really curious. They were sniffing your clothes, trying to climb on your legs and you decided to sit down so you could be more stable. Unfortunately, the rescued kitten seemed too scared to come close. 
Your friend joined you and tried to lure the cat with a toy. Moving it close to it, the colored feathers of the stick seemed to catch its attention. You could see its pupils getting rounder, its small body ready to jump and lightly wiggling. It attacked the toy and did it again.
« What are you doing ? » you asked when Minho started to move the feathers closer to you. « Shh, just trust me ». You weren’t so sure of his tactics until it paid off. The cotton ball was happily playing with the toy on your legs, biting its feathers and trying to catch it with its claws. You heart melted at the view of it. It had gained weight since the last time you saw it, you could tell that it was happy and healthy. « It truly worked! ». Your friend looked at you with a smug face and leaned towards you. You felt his fingers brushing over yours, chill going down your spine and it created an eye contact. You were both staring at each other, Minho’s gaze trailing along your face features until he quickly removed his hand. « S-sorry, I didn’t realize we were that closed » he apologized with a sheepish look. « It’s fine! » you almost squeaked that sentence and swore in your mind for being so easy to read. The brown haired boy acted as if nothing happened, still playing with the kitten. However, his ears betrayed him once again because of their bright red color. 
You kept playing a bit more with the cats before you had to go back home. 
You both thanked the workers and told them you would come back soon. 
Once outside, you stretched and sighed in content. « Fuzzy seems happy ! Did you see how playful it is ? It was adorable ! » you were toddling gently and humming. 
« Fuzzy ? » you friend raised an eyebrow. « Yes, the kitten. » you replied. « That’s plain as fuck. » he deadpanned. « Did I ask ? » you turned around to face him with challenging eyes. « Maybe you should have ». 
Your faces were now so close that you could feel his breath on your cheeks. Heart racing, palms getting moist and you still couldn’t look away, totally captivated by his gaze. Oh, you looked gorgeous to him and the contact you made earlier this day made his stomach tingle in the most delicious way. Too busy looking at Fuzzy, you didn’t even notice how Minho gave you all his attention, how he loved seeing all your facial expressions, how he loved your laugh, your face, your curves. He was getting greedy. Greedy to be part of your life and be able to be just as close as you were right now or even more. 
You gulped and created a diversion. « Here. Your umbrella ! I forgot to give it back to you last time ». 
Minho looked at it and took it, brushing your hand in the process. The shivers were back. « Thanks Y/N, glad it helped you. But you still owe me. » 
« What ? I paid for last time dinner ! » you protested, crossing your arms in front of your chest. A mischievous smile was adorning the man’s face. « A bit weak for someone who saved your kitten and gave you his umbrella. ». He was expecting and, gullible, you fell into his trap. 
« Hmph. What do you want from me Lee Minho ? » you asked, suspicious. « I’m going to think about it. » he then headed towards the bus stop you previously used. Running after him, you called his name but he wasn’t answering. He didn’t want to break the game he was putting in place.
Days went by and you still didn’t know what he wanted. He teased you a lot about it, saying you had to be kind and obedient until he would find out. Except, that you weren’t. 
You grew to know each other more deeply, you crush for him getting stronger and often came to visit him to spend time together such as: visiting your furry friend or just wondering around the city after work. This evening was no exception to the rule as you were walking along the river. 
« I’m still waiting for my penalty ».
« A penalty ? » he sneered « You mean the price of your debt, right ? ». You sticked your tongue out and nudged him. « Come on. There must be something. » 
Minho stopped and you bumped into him. « What the… » 
« There is something. » he announced. You rubbed your lightly bruised nose and asked « Spill it! Why are you being so secretive ? ». 
« You would grant me anything ? » his face was totally serious and you didn’t know if you had to laugh or be scared right now. « If by granting, you mean being your servant for the rest of my life, that’s an absolute no ». He broke into a smile before answering « No, silly. It’s something else. » 
« Just say it, Minho ! » you sighed. « Is a kiss too much ? », his voice was soft and he tried to keep his composure despite his heart beating so hard he was afraid you could hear it. You felt your blood rushing to your cheeks. Did you hear that well ? You were used to his jokes and you could tell when he wasn’t playing. And he wasn’t. Too startled to speak, you simply nodded, holding your breath in anticipation. Minho stepped closer, a brand new glow shining in his beautiful eyes. His hand traveled to cup your face, his gaze glued to your lips. « I need an answer, Y/N. Is a kiss too much ? ». You whined. Why was he like this ? « Kiss me already, Lee Minho. » He tenderly smirked and closed the gap between you. He first kissed your cheeks as you were putting your arms around his waist. He then went to the corner of your mouth, teasing you till the last second before you could fully feel his lips on yours. It felt warm and soft, just like taking a nap in a sunny room or savoring the sweetest delicacy. 
You pushed your body against his and deepened your kiss. You would never get tired of this and you could feel the emotions, that you diligently took care of, were fully blooming into your stomach. You both stopped to catch your breath, Minho still cupping your face, his forehead resting against yours. You felt at peace with him. « You’re a good kisser Y/N Y/L/N» he stated, brushing his nose with yours. « What made you even doubt of it ? ». He laughed and laced his fingers with yours. « Let’s head home ». 
During the way back, you both couldn’t stop looking at each other, smiling like idiots and kissing from time to time. You loved it, feeling like you were falling in love for the first time again. 
« Here we are », Minho had walked you home and was about to part way when you held him back, grabbing his jacket. « Do you want to s-sleep here ? » you offered. His eyes widened a bit but his actions spoke for himself when he entered your apartment, a tender smile on his face. 
The next day, your eyes were welcomed by a sleepy Minho next to you. You caressed his bare back before preparing breakfast. You didn’t have much at your house and tried to make it as good as possible. When he woke up, his hair were all messy and he was walking with his eyes half-closed. « Morning » he said with a raspy voice. « Hi ». Wow. How did you manage to pull a man like him and be able to call him yours ? Wait. Was he even yours ? You didn’t clearly talk about your feelings or what you wanted to do next. Realization made you a bit gloomy but it was soon soothed by Minho’s kiss on the top of your head.
« Are we going to see Fuzzy today ? » he asked. 
« Yes and… You know what ? I’m going to adopt it. » you were determined. After all, you had created a special bond with this cat since day one and it was thank to that very same cat that you met this amazing boy. « It’s about time ! » he sarcastically answered. 
« But, before we go, I will have to go home and change. » the brown haired man stood up and started to pack his things. « I can accompany you, if you want » you were about to follow him when he stopped you. « No take your time and meet me to Sondonri when you’re ready » another kiss, « Thank you for the breakfast. » and he left. 
Two hours later, you were in front of the association and your boyfriend (?) was nowhere to be seen. 
| you: where r u ?
| minho ♡: come inside
When you entered, Minho was talking to one of the worker at the front desk. He gently grabbed your hand before inviting you to tell your request. 
« Good morning, I would like to adopt a kitten. »
« I guess it’s for the little male you kept visiting ? » the man asked, « One second please ». He was looking through the files of his computer when he started to frown. « I’m so sorry miss but it seems that it has been adopted earlier… ». You felt your heart sinking. « What ? Are you su-… ». You couldn’t finish your sentence that Minho let go your hand to join the middle-aged women you had seen multiple times. She was handing him a little ball of white and orange fur. Fuzzy ! You almost ran up to him, your vision getting blurry because of your tears. « Is… Is it the right cat ? » your throat was tight, waiting. « Yes and it’s all yours. I made the necessary steps before you arrived » he said, visibly satisfied by your reaction. Happy tears were rolling down your cheeks as you were patting the kitten’s head. Minho bowed a little and whispered « I like you, Y/N ». Half giggling, half crying, all you could say was « I thought you would never say it. ». He chuckled and softly hugged you, not to crush the small fluffy boy. 
You could tell the the kitten had found his new home, just as you found one in Minho. 
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tuliptic · 1 year
How To Overcome Your Fears
Thank you to @bichou-angel​ for suggesting this PAC idea. Know that I love it a lot.
Piles go from left to right, up to down. Memos and notes used here are by me, everything is literally by me. And I do not consent my work being used by third parties in other websites as well.
Now. Breathe in with me, and then breathe out. Picked your pile? Let’s scroll down to see what are the messages for you.
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it.
Decks used: Linestrider Tarot Deck, Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Flower Petals Oracle Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made lyrics deck.
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Pile 1:
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How to overcome your fears? By letting go of what no longer serves you and by embracing your inner child. See, you’re prolly the type of person who loves to take things up upon yourself because you don’t trust others, or you are not comfortable with letting others to do tasks that will affect you (something like group assignment isn’t your forte cuz you tend to do 90% of the scope). It’s not easy to let go, but you have to accept your own flaws as well as the flaws of others. After that, you’ll need to learn to reconstruct the thoughts in your head where flaws are failures. Cuz you see them as something that doesn’t align with you, but sometimes (or most of the time), others may see your method as authoritarian and whatever you do doesn’t align with them. Acceptance is difficult, but it’s necessary, and that’s one of your biggest challenges to overcome. Be here at the present with willing hands and heart.
You may have a lot of nurturing to do, starting with yourself. However, instead of the feminine energy of nurturing, there's more of a… Divine sense to it. Along with some judgement that you really couldn’t help. Lemme give an example. 
You came across this PAC. Though your heart tells you to believe it, your brain couldn’t help but to be critical and just tries to deny some random people on the internet telling you that these are your fears and how you can overcome them. Someone online who doesn’t know you personally? Telling you your fears? Overcoming it just by “embracing your inner child”? Hello?
Yeah this kind of divine sense and judgement is what I’m talking about. It is not easy to let go of what you’ve been taught, which is good. But sometimes, you’re called to listen to your heart, only then you’ll be able to obtain a different sense of mental clarity, something that will be able to help you in the near future.
That aside, going back to the nurturing part. You’re called to nurture your inner child and to try again the things you’ve used to enjoy. For example, if you’ve used to enjoy drawing and arts, try going back into it again. If you’ve used to playing a musical instrument or composing music, try going back into it again. If you’ve enjoyed doing algebra equations and all, try going back into it again. It never hurts to do things you’ve enjoyed. Reconnect with your inner child through fun and play, nurture them, help them, heal them. Your life has been filled with a lot of confrontations, so try soothing them a little with some fun.
Pile 2:
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Walking away from the past is what you need to do. There’s still so many fears in you because you’re still staying in the place that caused you the most hurt. You couldn’t control the things that have happened, so the better option towards it is to leave. But of course, to leave requires a lot of strength and courage, and it’s gonna be worse if you don't have proper financial assistance to leave. Either ways, you’ll find the courage and the opportunity to get out. There’s The Sun in this pile, but instead of seeing things will turn bright, I’m seeing it as a chance to get out. Toxic situations won’t turn nice cuz it’s already fermented and bad there for so freaking long. 
I’m also seeing fears of disappointing others in this pile? Which is why y’all tend to take up a lot of responsibilities and burn yourself out in the process. You have this innate uhh… Expression in you. It’s like deep inside you, you want to shine, you want the eyes of people to be on you. That’s why you took up a lot of tasks, even tasks that should be other people’s responsibility. You want to be liked. Thing is, you need to accept that your inner peace is more important than the visibility and fame you want to gain. Some people can have both, but are you one of them? If you’re not, you need to weigh which is more important, or you need to find a point of balance between these two. Sometimes, a quiet time for yourself, with yourself would be good for some introspection, where you welcome some comfort into your life, allow your guides to show up and send you any messages.
Treat yourself with care, give yourself the kindness that you'd want to receive. Letting go of self-criticism is your main task for now and know that your guides have been trying to send you so many powerful messages. Let yourself be free from your past. Know that your past doesn’t define you and you have a whole lot of abundance waiting for you in the future. It’s difficult to see it right now, it’s difficult to believe in it too. But know that it’s real. You’ve gone through so much, and it only makes sense when the Universe wants to reward you for all you’ve been through.
Take a deep breath, and let it all out. Do it a couple of times. Pat yourself on the shoulder for me. You’ve done well and you’ll continue to do your best of the day every single day. Expect a new you coming out bit by bit. Have some tea and welcome them.
Pile 3:
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To all who picked this pile, I feel you a lot, because this is the pile I’ve picked and if it sounds personal, it’s mainly because I prolly subconsciously wrote it for myself.
There’s a lack of balance here, lack of control in this pile. This pile fears not having things in their control and tends to flail around when things happen because. They are not used to going with the flow. There’s this saying in Chinese that goes 船到桥头自然直 , which means things will naturally resolve itself when it’s here. However, my dear pile 3 are probably over-thinkers who can’t accept things to flow on their own. With this, the fear will make you lose your foothold and you’ll feel a lot of disappointments and upsets and a bunch of other not so nice feelings. I wouldn’t call them negative feelings cuz they’re all here for a reason.
You’re also prolly the type who feels caught up in the past, thinking of what you’ve done or said and how you could have fixed the problem if you said a certain thing. Once again, this is peak overthinking energy. You’re called to let those thoughts go, as they’re holding only you back. They’re not disturbing others but you only. Let the past go as it is over, and let your true self, a more experienced you, to step forward. Life’s a constant learning process, so don’t hold yourself too hard, let yourself learn, allow yourself to learn. Once you’ve accepted the fact that we’re all learning, then maybe your fears can lessen a bit. Remember, tomorrow is always a day of new hope.
There’s a childhood card present and it can talk about reconnecting to your childhood, to your inner child. Your inner child is like a divine whisper in your heart and you’re called to listen to it. I saw the word mirror and I think there’s some mirroring of activities (your inner child is mirroring something you do, or you’re mimicking something your inner child is doing), or there may be some reflection going on. Your dreams may be significant as well so maybe pay certain attention to certain themes that have been going on.
You’re called to take action now. Whatever that you’ve been wanting to do, now is the best time. Remember that you’re the co-creator of your life and destiny. A bunch of messages may come, there may be a bunch of things to do. But ultimately, you’re the one who needs to select which message to listen to, which items you should act on. If something’s too much for you to handle and you’re starting to feel anxious, try asking help and working with someone else to get things done?
Once again, remember, you’re no longer the you from the past days. You’re a new you facing a new challenge. Be kind to yourself. You’re facing so many things and it’s alright to let yourself be swept away at times. Remember to get up at the end of things or whenever you wanna fight it. I have faith in you.
Pile 4:
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First of all, it’s time to evolve. Know that you may be an ugly duckling for now but it’s time for you to transform into the beautiful swan that you’re meant to be.
Next up. I’m not quite sure what the fears of this pile are, but I see that you tend to distract yourself with new projects so that instead of spending your time worrying about things, you can redirect the energy and focus on something new that you’ve wanted to do. You’re very conscious of your own fears and those who picked this pile have a clear and concise plan on how to manoeuvre around them, letting go of things that should be thrown aside. 
However, being aware of your fears doesn’t guarantee overcoming them. Sometimes you’re just moving away from it, ignoring it until one day it prolly gobbles you up. No fault in it cuz you’ll pick yourself up again and find ways to counter it during then. Still, have you thought of countering it when you’re feeling fine right now? Or you’re just confused and have no idea where to start? We’ll see what insights the cards have to offer you.
You’re called to stop taking up so many things and slowly let go of tasks that are burdening you, that are hurting you. There’s this Ten of Swords in reverse here, which tells me the pain they did is more damaging than wearing you down. You’ll need to utilise your thinking skills and let certain things and thoughts go. 
Another thing the cards are telling you is to make strong emotional connections with the important people in your life. It’s time for you to reconnect with your old friends and to maybe go for a cup of tea? Comfort of good company always helps in easing and healing past hurts that have been there. I have a feeling that these people are also here to help you to bring certain messages that you need to hear, bring forth certain changes so that you can transition into a new you.
There’s some strength in you that you need to unlock, so maybe it’s time for you to explore certain heritages of yours, and maybe you can get certain information or updates from there. You may even unlock a new skill from it, and it may even help you to be more at peace with yourself.
For some reason, reading also is significant. Pay attention to the words that appear around you and digest those messages. Maybe lyrics. Who knows, certain part of the lyrics may awaken something new in you, or allow you to cry out the tears that you’ve been holding in for so long that you never knew of. Letting them go only gives you space to focus on nicer things in life that can help you cope or deal with your fears.
Pile 4, your pile is one of the most difficult piles I’ve felt and I really hope all the best for you. I don’t know if my words are making sense right now cuz there’s clarity and confusion at the same time. Just drop me an ask or rb or comment if you have any questions and I’ll do my best to answer you.
Thank you for reading until the end. Working on yourself, especially fears and past are not easy, and I’m proud of you that you’ve decided to work on yourself. Remember, it’s all baby steps.
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things-erin-likes · 2 months
I know this is wildly different from my usual art posts BUT I have wanted to make it for a long, long time, because I love sharing any knowledge that might help someone else. SO...
If you (A) don't want to spend more than 1 minute on your face routine, (B) don't want to completely change what your face structure looks like with makeup to have a consistent skin appearance and/or (C) have cystic/nodal/regular acne that just doesn't go away no matter what people tell you to do,
then I give to you:
My One Single Product 1 Minute Makeup Tutorial For People Who Don't Wear Makeup
In which I bravely show you my face to illustrate
Before and after on one of my "best" skin days:
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It's very likely this is common knowledge for a lot of people BUT I wish I had known it when I was in my teens and struggling with a severe skin condition I thought would eventually go away and never did.
[TLDR: It's a concealer stick that matches your skin]
No, having a skin condition doesn't mean you need to cover it. However, that doesn't mean it can't still hurt your self image, confidence, and relationships with people who give you unsolicited comments on it (because you want to throw them out the window).
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A concealer stick, my preference being Covergirl's CG Smoothers. They're non-comodogenic and somehow seem to help with my acne, maybe just because covering it helps me not pick at it.
Now, I am the pastiest, whitest shade of white, so I use two shades: "Fair" for my face, which has more of a pink hue, and "Neutralizer" (wheeze) for my neck because it gets even less sun than my face, and is both paler and less pink.
You might be able to get along just fine with one tone if you don't get acne on your neck and chest or have a more even skin tone, but the most important thing is to get the shade that matches your skin tone as close as possible.
To do this, either look in a mirror in the most natural light you can find and hold up your hands and arms until you find a spot that matches your face the closest, then compare the makeup in the store to this. OR.... Just bring a little mirror with you to the store.
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1. Start with a clean face. (Wipe your face with a wet cloth if you haven't washed your face already that day)
Optional step 2. Put on a little moisturizer if your skin dries out and flakes, like mine does. I'm allergic to my cats so I use a medicated cream in place of moisturizer lmao
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3. Swipe the concealer directly onto red spots, scabs, or bumps, and rub it in with your finger making a soft halo that blends in with the rest of your skin.
...and that's it.
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You don't have to do your whole face. You're only adjusting the parts that stands out so they blend in and leaving the rest alone. Some days I cover a few spots, other days it feels like my whole face.
It can't always completely everything, but it makes everything much less noticeable. The shape of scabs may still be there:
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It won't cover freshly bleeding wounds well, either... But it will cover the red skin around it:
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Like with any makeup, always remove it before you go to bed!!! With makeup remover or a cleanser! Cheap, unscented makeup wipes work great for me.
So yeah, I'm 30 and only just now started finally seeing improvement in my own skin because I did my own research and asked a doctor to try treatments for hormonal acne instead of all the antibiotic approaches, meaning I'm on spironolactone and thus also a mandatory birth control. But hey! It's something.
Having control over how my face looks helps my confidence and self image, like controlling how my hair or clothes look. I don't feel like I have to wear it any more than I don't have to wear my hair short, I just like it that way.
I also hope that this might be able to help guys too, or anyone else who feels like they're not "allowed" to wear makeup but still struggle with the look of their own skin, since the lack of any other product means you really don't look like you're "wearing makeup".
Anyway, long post over, time to flee 🏃‍♀️
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anemoiashifts · 1 month
why everyone won’t shift.
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚.
“do you think everyone will shift?”
“but if they really want they’ll eventually—“
before you pick up your pitchforks & form an angry mob in the comments, hear me out.
first & foremost. what is a want ? a want is something you desire. but not every want is desired. for example, ive been thinking of getting a cat once i move out of my parents house. i want the animal & have the funds for it. when i dig deeper in my desire, i see all the vet trips, the having to feed it & take care of it & i realized that i don’t actually want the cat at the moment. im not ready to make that drastic of a change in my life. on the surface, id like one but i don’t want to take on the responsibility for taking care of a pet at the moment.
i like the idea of getting a cat (shifting) — but when the actual time comes to get a cat (actually shift), i don’t actually want a new pet at the moment (to create that big of a change because i am comfortable with my situation & not mentally prepared / mature enough).
i made a post about comfort already. what previously spoke about can tie into this.
if you don’t actually want something & just like fantasizing about it, that’s okay. but fantasy & imagination needs to be backed by intention. you need intention & effort put into your shifting attempts. ive seen so so many people say “i tried to shift” & all they do is say “i said one affirmation & rolled over & went to sleep & hoped i would wake up in my dr.”
you could say a million affirmations & hope you will wake up in your dr & not shift. you know why ? hope. it’s not hoping you will shift — it’s that internal knowing. it’s letting go fully of the comfort & all you know of this life to go to another & a lot of people don’t want to do that even if they say they do. again, they like the idea of shifting, but aren’t stopping to consider that you’re actually living it.
this isn’t a bad thing. if you actually have come to the conclusion that you don’t want to shift & are in the community — that’s okay. if you’re just interested in the science or content for the subject & that’s why you’ve stumbled across this blog, i don’t have an issue with that.
when i say not everyone will shift, i mean that not everyone wants to shift in the first place despite what they may say. what they want is an escape. time & time again i see comments on tiktok say “i want to get out of this reality”. that statement has nothing to do with wanting to shift — it’s wanting to get out of the situation you are in. you do not have to shift to get out of your current situation. if you live with family or are younger, it’s different, i understand.
if you’re someone who thinks “when i shift, ill be happy.” no no no. happiness comes from within you. while the 3d can bring you momentarily happiness, that only lasts so long. if you don’t have internal happiness & self love those feelings won’t last. shifting — in my option — can sometimes be putting a bandaid on a bigger issue & that’s loneliness & a yearning for another life. you can solve both of those right here at anytime.
lastly, shifting takes effort despite what you may think. “but such and such shifted without trying”. cool, that’s them. but have you ? if you’re reading this im going so safely assume at least a handful of you are saying “no” internally. when you want something you have to work for it. weather that be manifestation or putting yourself first. if you wake up & think “i didn’t shift” or “i hate this world it’s sucks” guess what ?? you’re focusing on the negative. what you pay attention to & give your energy to expands because you’re shifting awareness to it. you make up your thoughts & control them, thus affecting the 3d.
im not saying you can’t shift with negative mindsets or anything. im saying confidence helps a ton. how are you going to believe other people can shift when you can’t even extend that belief to yourself ? you’re making it much, much harder for yourself. doing healing work, finding the root cause of why you want to shift (for love, sense or belonging, etc.) & finding that here first, may alleviate the desperation to shift. when you have a sense of knowing, there’s nothing to be desperate about because whatever happens, you know the outcome already.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚.
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gay4harm · 8 months
Pick a side l part 4
Pairing: Shuriri x reader
Warning: A tad bit of angst, Shuri is lowkey a bit toxic she need a therapist, fluff and das it I think...
A/N: So I made a poll to see which one I would post first but I literally couldn't help but to write this. I literally wrote it in a day which is something I've never done. Anywaysss let's get into this fic. Also this is not well proofread so ignore any mistakes.
Taglist: @s0lam33y, @tishlvr, @belli-3, @jordisblogg, @callmewifey,
interact with this post to be added :)
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Shuri didn't have any words.
The only thing she could comprehend were the thoughts coursing through her mind.
Lets take a minute to recap everything that has happened.
Shuri and Riri saw you at a party and made a bet to see who could have sex with you first, they would have two weeks to complete this task.
Riri was close on the first night said bet was made until Shuri interrupted.
You and Riri had became very close in the first week while Shuri had a few chances and fucked up on every single one.
And more recently Shuri had just now found out that you and Riri have not had sex yet despite the many chances that it could have happened.
Not only have the two of you not have sex yet but Shuri had just found out that Riri is the reason why.
Now Shuri knew that she shouldn't necessarily be mad but she was.
No one knows, not even her.
Maybe instead of being mad at Riri she was mad at herself.
Maybe she had taken in consideration of what you were saying; that the real reason you hadn't given her a real chance was because of her earlier action of acting out.
Because maybe it was true, Shuri had found the women and drinks and constant partying a way to cope, it was unhealthy but it worked for her, even if it sometimes made her feel worse about herself.
She knew her entire family would be disappointed, but did that matter? No
She knew the way Riri felt about it but instead of stopping or talking about it she pushed Riri away and to be completely honest her and Riri weren't in a good spot. And it was because of her.
She hated that she was making one of the only people she had drift away.
She hated the way Riri would look at her sometimes, like she was a completely different person.
Over all that guilt she felt was still the whole situation with you and Riri, so instead of holding accountability she went to Riri's apartment that she would spend her days at when the party life was too much.
She went there and planned on confronting Riri. Which was strange since she had no real reason to.
She knocked once, then twice and as she was about to knock the third time the door swung open revealing Riri in one of Shuri's oversized shirts and a pair of shorts that clung to her athletic looking legs. If Shuri wasn't so upset she might have fucked Riri right then and there.
"Hey wassup?" Riri saw Shuri's distorted face as she wiped the sleep from her eyes. She had just woke up from a quick cat nap when she had heard the door.
"We need to talk" Shuri replied as she pushed pass Riri.
"About?" Riri was concerned which wasn't a uncommon feeling she felt whenever Shuri came around.
"When was the last time you saw Y/N?"
"Last night. Why?"
Riri had remembered the night well. She and you were hanging out in your room when you had decided to get a little too touchy which ended up with you on top of Riri as you two basically ate each others faces off. Riri had stopped it once you had begun to take your top off leaving you shirtless and her back in her dorm sustaining yet another orgasm.
Riri didn't want to end what you two had and she knew that if she slept with you then all of this would be over and she and Shuri would go on to some other broad that wanted their attention. She knew Shuri wouldn't want to settle down and add a third to their relationship, they had talked about it but it seemed like Shuri was really picky when it came to them weighting out option for a person to date.
She said she just wanted to chill and have fun but her version of fun was having sex with people then leaving right after.
Shuri spoke again as she sat on Riri's couch.
"What'd you guys do?"
Shuri seemed calm which honestly spooked Riri a bit.
"We just hung out. Why are you asking? Are you ok? Riri was once again concerned, she didn't understand why Shuri was so interested.
"I'm asking because I just had a very interesting conversation with Y/N- about how you and her haven't sleep with each other yet"
"So what? You have your way of doing things and I have mine. Is it so wrong that I maybe want to get to know her before we have sex?"
"I'm not saying its wrong but why are you doing it? I mean you never usually do"
"There's no reason I just- I like talking to her" Riri was getting a bit frustrated as she took a pause in her sentence to take a deep breath.
Why was Shuri so interested?
What did you tell her?
"What do you mean you like talking to her?" Now Shuri was getting frustrated.
What was Riri trying to say?
What, that she liked you?
"I'm just saying there's a lot more to her than how she looks. She has actual dreams and shit, she's a sweet girl with real feeling and I don't want to hurt her."
"So- so what, do you have feeling for her?" Shuri stood up as she spoke making Riri take a step back.
"If I did then what? You gonna do something?"
Riri didn't know why she was so nervous, she didn't know why she thought Shuri was going to do something. After Shuri's family passes she had to tendency to have random outburst, she had never hurt Riri or threatened her but Shuri was the type to break a thing or two.
"What no- of course not, I just- I'm just trying to figure out what your saying. I mean truthfully Riri do you have feeling for her?"
Riri paused. She didn't know what to say, all she could do was think about Shuri's question.
Did she have real feelings for you?
Could she imagine herself and Shuri in a relationship with you?
There was only one answer to all those questions
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This week was going to be stressful for you. It was the week before the production of Heather: The musical, would go on at your school.
High school theater was one thing but college theater was another.
In high school no one really take you serious, your just kids with dreams
But in college you were young adults that really needed to prove yourselves. You couldn't make yourself look like a fool and you weren't.
As the week went by which was hellishly fast, you got more and more anxious.
For anyone wondering about the whole Shuri and Riri situation, there wasn't one. You hadn't talked to Shuri since the day she had walked you to rehearsals and you had been talking to Riri on occasion when you weren't busy which was mostly all the time.
In two more days you would have to be front on stage singing and dancing, doing something you loved. You had no reason to be nervous.
But you were, so nervous that you couldn't sleep.
You tried everything. Tea, melatonin and even a few ASMR videos. Nothing.
So your next best bet was to do one of the things you loved most.
You got up, put on a comfortable outfit that was decent enough just in case someone saw you. You also packed a bag with just a few snack incase you got hungry and your favorite book of poems with a flashlight to add.
As you walked out and closed your door you were met face to face with a clearly tired Shuri Udaka.
You two stared at each other for a beat until you speak up
"Um- hi"
"Uh hi... Its pretty late, huh?"
"Yeah I couldn't sleep. I'm guessing its the same with you"
"Yeah I have these- you know really bad nightmares"
Things seemed really.... awkward
Rightfully so
You two hadn't really went well last time you had saw each other.
Shuri wanted to apologize
And so did you
"Uh where are you headed?" Shuri asked sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her neck.
"Uh I was just going for a drive"
"You can join me if you want"
Shuri looked up, looked in your eyes and all she saw was compassion.
You two had walked to your car, a black Audi your father had gotten for you, and got in, you put on your 'Chill playlist' and as you guys rode the streets of Boston, Frank Ocean, Solange, The internet and many more played throughout the car.
After about a half hour, you stopped and pulled into what seemed to be a park.
After you turned off the ignition you turned towards Shuri with a smirk on your face.
"You ready?"
Shuri wasn't sure what you were talking about but it got her a bit excited.
"For what?"
"Have you ever been stargazing?"
Without giving Shuri a chance to answer you got out the car, went to the backseat and grabbed a big blanket that Shuri hadn't noticed was there.
"Come on, get out the car." Shuri obeyed as you also grabbed your backpack and began to walk.
Shuri followed you into the forest of trees, you turned on your flashlight and ventured into what seemed to be the unknown.
There were a few paths, you had followed none of them, Shuri had hoped you knew what you were doing but for right now she wanted to trust you.
You had finally stopped at a open spot that seem to be the only place without trees. You placed down your blanket and sat while looking up at the sky.
Shuri just stood awkwardly until you had motioned for her to sit down.
"This is one of my favorite things to do- sit and just look at the stars. I've always wanted to go up into space and touch one- that was until I found out that they're literally hot balls of gas."
Shuri let a small chuckle fall from her lips and you followed suite.
You had learned quickly that Shuri's smile was contagious.
For a moment there was absolute silence, a few crickets here and there but besides that nothing but you and Shuri looking up into the night sky.
"Do you do this often?"
Shuri had finally broke it, the comfortable that went through the air.
"Yeah actually, whenever life becomes too much for me, which is sadly often. I just get so stresses all the time and I have problems sleeping as well but being out here helps."
Shuri shakes her head as a way of showing she understood. Life could be a lot sometimes, she really understood that.
"Oh wait look, do you see that?" You pointed up at a bunch of stars that sat together beautifully.
"That's Cygnus and Deneb, and that one right there is Vega and Lyra and that one looks like Draco and that one..."
Shuri listened to you list all the constellation een the ones you guys couldn't see.
After you got tired of doing that you reached into your bag and pulled out a book.
"What's that?"
"Well this is my favorite book of poems." It has all the best."
"Oh well why don't you read me some."
You look down and open your book, flipping through it to find the perfect poem. You cleared your throat as you began to read.
"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace. I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death."
“How Do I Love Thee,” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning"
Shuri didn't speak, neither did you. All either of you could do was stare, stare in each others eyes, letting them do all the talking.
It wasn't until you broke eyes contact to look down at your book once again.
Until Shuri had grabbed a hold of your chin, lifting your head up with one finger.
You two move slowly as you get closer and closer to each other.
But before your lips connected you rang out Shuri's name in a faint whisper that she could barely hear.
"Shuri- I- I can't, I'm sorry I just can't"
Shuri looks up at you with her dark brown eyes, almost being like your kryptonite.
But you pulled away before you could lose yourself.
Shuri wasn't mad or did she feel offended. She respected your decision and wouldn't come back to it unless you wanted to.
You look back up at the sky, Shuri doing the same, and you saw the full moon in all her glory, gleaming, shining a big light on the both of you. You couldn't help but to speak up.
"Its beautiful, isn't it?" You were referring to the moon.
"Yeah she is" Shuri was referring to you.
As you rested your head on Shuri's shoulder she saw what Riri had saw in you. This quirky, charismatic, thespian with big dreams. Someone that didn't care about what people thought. Someone who was warm and gentle and had a bright light deep inside them that could never be dimmed. You were by definition the most unique person that Shuri had ever met.
She could see why Riri didn't want to let you go.
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Ok she's donee.
I literally could not get this out of my head and was so excited to write it and I'm glad I did.
As always let me know how y'all felt about this one cause I love hearing from you guys❤
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thefandomlesbian · 5 months
The Canopener
A House MD one-shot for @gaylilsherlock. In which Stacy leaves, and Wilson must help House pick up the pieces.
link to AO3
Fat raindrops blistered the windshield of Wilson’s car, the wind threatening to veer his car off the slickened asphalt as he pulled into the parking lot at Baker Street. The nor’easter tearing down the coastline had punctuated the news channels all day, but he had never been more immune to the stinging sideways sheets of water or the lightning splintering the navy-gray dusk of autumn. 
Stacy had called him. “I packed while he was at PT. I’m leaving.” She heard his silence as frigid rather than stunned. “I know you don’t think I should. It’s my only option.”
“It’s not the only option.” Wilson was begging, though it didn’t sound like begging. “He needs you.” 
“He hates me.”
“ And he needs you.” He licked his lips, knowing intrinsically he had lost this battle before he even knew he was fighting. He took one last stab at it. “You owe it to him to see it through. You chose this for him.” 
“I shouldn’t have.”
Wilson shattered like glass. “You saved his life.”
“I know.” Stacy ended the call. Wilson didn’t know if he would ever speak to her again. He didn’t know if he ever wanted to speak to her again. House could be a cantankerous bully. But she loved him, or at least, she was supposed to. How could she leave? How could she regret saving him? Wilson would never leave. (Wilson existed in other people’s lives without ever taking his clothes out of his luggage, always one emotional flight away from permanent severance, but for House, he could make every exception.)
The rain smarted through his blazer like paintballs as he entered the apartment building. Usually, he thought of it as rather tranquil, but today, it was sedated, like the human body in active stages of dying. The stormy winds knocked death rattles from the foundation of the building, throaty moans exhaling from the old stone before he had lifted a hand to knock on the apartment door. 
He didn’t announce himself. He knocked twice, and then he entered the unlocked door.
All of the lights were turned off in the living room, only the dim daylight filtering in through the windows. Wilson went for the lamp. “Don’t.” House spoke from somewhere in the room filled with darker silhouettes on dark backgrounds. So, standing back, he waited for his eyes to adjust. 
Everything was gone. All of their pictures, her trinkets, the quilt throw she kept over the back of the couch. She left the furniture—all of that had been there when she arrived. And she left House. 
Wilson presumed House hadn’t been on the floor when Stacy walked out the door of his life, but in any case, he was there now, curled up on his left side in the fetal position, forearm tucked pathetically under his head, baleful expression on his face. His boxer shorts fell just above the glossy sheen of the wound vac dressing on his leg, tubing disconnected and dangling loosely over the floor. The suction canister was plugged into the wall a few feet away. 
“Okay. You’ve had floor time. Let’s get up.” Picking House up off of the floor wasn’t a new task. Stacy wasn’t strong enough to get him up when he fell, or rather, House loved her too much to put his weight on her shoulders. They sent up flare gun distress signals in the night for Wilson to come help. This was no different.
House slapped his hands hard. “Don’t touch me.” It was so different. 
“You can’t lie on the floor forever.” Wilson withdrew only a few inches to examine the tubing of the wound vac. “We need to plug this back in. It’s meant to be continuous suction for a reason.” 
Snaking the tubing back up to himself protectively, House poised over it like a predator preparing to strike; no, like a cat cowering over its kittens in the face of a forest fire, terrified and desperate. “Stupid thing won’t stop fucking beeping.”
Wilson picked up the suction canister and examined the screen. “The line is clotted off.”
“I know.”
“The dressing needs to be changed.”
“I know! ” House snapped. His mouth twisted into a sneer. 
Again, Wilson squatted to grab him. House withdrew, but Wilson was faster. “Let’s get you up.” He took him under the arms like a child, the way he always did, their faces close together, Wilson keeping his back straight and his knees bent to lift without hurting himself, an insanely vulnerable position. In the darkness of the living room, he didn’t see House pull back his closed fist. 
The impact of knuckles to jaw knocked him backward onto his ass, vision going skewed as he fumbled to right himself in shock. He propped his weight onto his elbows to peer at House, who looked just as shocked as Wilson was. Shocked and frightened, dragging himself backward, a panicked anguished sheen of tears appeared in his quicksilver eyes, left knee bending upward to defend his vital organs. He was prepared to be hurt. 
Stabbing pain pulsed through his face. He probed the area with deft fingers. Then, shakily, he got to his knees—his knees, not his feet, crawling toward House like an infant. His trousers picked up all the silt on the hardwood floor, which seemed to have gone unswept for weeks. House only gave up scooting away from him when his back hit the wall. His chest heaved in a fractured, stifled sob, the breath catching there and lingering, unable to hold it and unable to free it. 
When a sound finally came out of him, it was the high-pitched, pressurized squeak of air being released from a balloon incredibly slowly. 
A hefty clink and loll on the floor caught Wilson’s attention. A can of Beanee Weanees rolled away from House’s hand. He swiped at it, a weak grab, before he conceded defeat and curled back into himself, not meeting Wilson’s gaze, whole body braced for Wilson to attack him. 
Wilson didn’t. He picked up the dented can of Beanee Weanees, the label starting to wear off from being dinged and beaten on the floor. 
“She took the canopener,” House croaked. 
Wilson nodded once. He rocked his weight back onto his haunches, reaching into his trouser pocket for his multitool. It had a dozen extensions, each of which House had mocked on more occasions than either of them could count, but when he flicked out the blade of the manual canopener and popped the tin lid off of the can, House was silent. He still braced for the impact of a punch. 
Wilson didn’t put the open can in House’s hand. He placed it on the floor next to him. Then, he sidled up beside him, back to the wall, shoulders almost touching. They sat with parallel postures like synchronized swimming, left knees bent, right legs extended, hands in their laps, both facing the blank wall where Stacy’s pictures had hung. 
House didn’t have a spoon. He picked up the can. Wilson stilled his wrist. “You’ll cut your mouth.” The touch froze House’s muscles, but the fingers wrapped around his forearm were warm, dry from years of sanitizing obsessively, soft from his favorite strawberry-scented hand lotion. House had often mocked that, too, but now, the sweet scent was the only thing in his apartment that felt like home. 
Holding eye contact with Wilson, he brought the jagged edge of the open tin to his lips, slurping some frank chunks and brothy beans from inside it. The tin was acrid when his tongue incidentally brushed the rim. The edge of the can didn’t cut into his skin, quite a matter of accident rather than skill. After his long sip of beans, he put the can back on the hardwood floor between their hips. 
A long moment of silence passed. Then, Wilson picked up the can and also poured a mouthful into his lips. His hands were shaking, jaw swelling and bruised. The razor-sharp point of torn metal grazed his lower lip. He licked the blood away before House could see. 
“You hate Beanee Weanees,” House said. 
“Yeah,” Wilson said. He took another sip. 
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