#i just. can't. stop. somehow. despite how much i hate myself for it
wizardlyghost · 1 year
yknow i think i would maybe have had an easier time in life if i had been a little less autistic :/
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tardis--dreams · 1 year
I think it says nothing about me that 98% of my favorite characters are the ones who absolutely do not trust anyone, always consider how bad people can be, rather than how good they can be. The ones who cannot read social cues well, and for whom intimacy, trust, and being comfortable around people is a foreign concept. The ones with childhood trauma who learned to adapt to a world where nothing could be considered to be save and no one could be considered to be trustworthy. The ones who never show their true emotions but if they do they do so violently breaking down. The ones who get treated as outcasts and have accepted this role.
But like i said. That says nothing about me as a person
#not all my faves combine all of these characteristics. but it's a theme. i relate to them. and i love them‚ which is funny#because i really don't like myself at all.#but it explains why i got imprinted on juwon and not dongsik. because i find myself in him#(do Not understand this as 'i like juwon more than dongsik'. i would die for dongsik. it's not about liking him more or anything#can't quite explain it)#and it explains why kang yohan is so very dear to me. despite me really not liking him the first few episodes the first time i watched#how he puts on a show in public and gets awkward around the people he loves and how he expresses his love by letting people hate him#(i love how we have a similar dynamic between gaon and yohan and juwon and dongsik but vice versa. but that's a different topic)#that's why i so very dearly love do hyun soo who got demonized so much throughout his youth he started to believe he wasn't capable of love#who put so much effort into trying to seem normal without realizing he Actually felt So much love the entire time#lee ji-an who doesn't even try to act friendly. who thinks she's a terrible person and cries when told she's actually good#mijeong who feels uncomfortable all the time who doesn't like anyone completely who's exhausted all the time#i have more but I'll leave it at this. i really want to point out every single thing i love about all of them (especially juwon and yohan#)#my heart beats a little faster whenever someone shows interest in me or implies/actively expresses they like me somehow#despite my very obvious lack of social skills. and i feel like I'm tricking them even though i don't usually approach people#but I'm not myself when I'm around people. I've recently started to try to be more me but i know i wouldn't be very likeable#(yeah idk where this is supposed to be going so i better stop. i just. Love these kinds of characters So much okay?!)#shut up amy
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sincerelybubbles · 25 days
pairing: spencer reid x reader
word count: 603
warnings: angst :(
part two
it wasn't meant to be this way.
when you and spencer started dating, the honeymoon phase dripped into day-to-day life and activities, an easy transition that left you comfortable, happy, and (as you're now noticing) incredibly vulnerable.
"you can't act like my job, my life and hobbies and interests, are less important than what you do," you say, voice wet with tears.
spencer, frustrated, drags his hands through his hair, making it stand up straight, "my job objectively is!" he counters, loud, annoyed.
"sure, i'll give you that. whatever, that's not the point and you know it."
"i don't! i don't know the point because you don't have one. you just don't want to end the argument and not be right. you're impossible."
"this! this is the point," you say, gesturing between the two of you. you're both upset: you're on the verge of tears, he's disheveled from pacing and messing with his hair.
and still, you love him. you sort of hate that you do - he's being a dick, he can't see how he's hurting you, and he won't make any effort to see your side of the argument. but you love him, so much that your belly hurts with it.
"you don't listen when i come to you with things that are bothering me," you say, reaching forward to grab his arm as if the physical contact might make your point come across better. you can see in his face that he's gearing up to say something else and interrupt him before he can say anything. "all i said was that i didn't feel like you prioritized me and my life and you're the one who made it into work and hobbies.
"i can't sit here and constantly feel inferior. i know your job is important, i know you're saving lives. i don't say anything when i don't see you for weeks at a time, i don't say anything when you have to leave the second the phone rings, and i certainly haven't ever said anything to indicate that i think I'm somehow more important than all of that.
"all i'm asking is that you don't make me sit here and wonder why you're suddenly not making the effort you've had no problem making for the past 3 years and i'm begging you to stop making me feel like i'm crazy when i come to you with this shit!"
"maybe you feel crazy because you're acting crazy, blowing something up into nothing," spencer says, shaking his head at you. he tugs his arm away, taking a step back. "i'm done with this. i can't, i'm too busy to deal with you right now."
"deal with me?" you ask, anger flashing hot in your chest and racing away any tears that might have been ready to fall. "i'm not an item to check off of your to-do list, spencer."
"i can't do this right now," he sighs, turning away and pushing his hands through his hair one last time. he hesitates, back to you and head hung low, before adjusting his watch and walking away.
stunned, you listen as your front door opens and then clicks shut. you wait for him to come back, transform into your sweet boyfriend who would do anything to make sure you're happy. the doting man who spent his time memorizing everything about you so every date would be perfect, who always made time for you despite his job, who made you feel heard and important.
but you stand there, alone, for several minutes without any sign of him. mind racing, you fight the urge to cry.
damn wtf i made myself sad. sorry! hope u enjoyed :)
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themoonsbeloved · 5 months
I still need help
Its now the 8th of January and despite being told by my friend who spoke with her boss 3 weeks ago during their meeting that he was to hire me in the beginning of January and would reach out to me, he hasn't. I'm hoping somehow, eventually, when this man finally bothers to, he will contact me for a job offer since he reassured me back in november that he still intends to hire me. But since I have no idea when that will be, that means I'm left hanging completely.
long story short I am mentally ill and disabled who was dismissed from my last and only job that I struggled 2 years to get, only to be fired in 2 months in June because of my chronic fatigue and abusive managers. I rely a lot on my henna but bookings are not consistent enough to make regular income, and majority of the money ends up going to contributing to house bills for my family.
My therapy picks up again this week, very honestly been the only thing keeping me from harming myself at this point with how painful life has been and I want to be able to continue getting it low cost (£25 per session), my therapist is so amazing and we recently came to the understanding that I have complex-PTSD, and plan to look into it more this year. I'm too mentally ill to try and look for jobs right now and am basically doing 3 jobs already (one being joint caring duties with family members for my grandparents since I live with them, which I'm not paid for obviously) with inconsistent money coming in/sessional work that I will be paid for once completed further into the year.
I have so many other costs that are coming in the near future, like paying for more medication, and for more lazer hair removal sessions for my severe hirsutism, which usually is around £300 if I'm lucky to catch offers. This is another I thing I mentally can't afford to stop doing, struggling with severe hirsutism and the trauma of it all my life means its important I can feel and live somewhat comfortably in my body. Lazer hair isn't permanent and I'm looking into electrolysis, but again, I don't have that money yet and would prefer to not leave a huge gap where I don't do lazer and the mental torture of watching my body hair grow back. I also haven't gotten my eyes checked in over 3 years, and know I will need a change in perscription and need new glasses. I hate nothing more than what its come to. I'm just exhausted and burnt out from the constant anxiety and depressive episodes, I'm barely eating or sleeping, I'm sick of everything and everyone and I just wish god would give me a break.
With all of the above in mind I'm aiming for about £600. This is all basically to help me just function and continue getting the things that help me not succumb to my mental health issues. If anything, my birthday's coming up in feb so I would appreciate it if folks gave some money if they have the means to. Anything is fine at this point.
Thank you so much
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yawnderu · 8 months
She Wants Me Dead - Miguel O'Hara x Reader | Part I
I support women's rights and wrongs.
cw: toxic situationships, pathetic Miguel O'Hara, femme fatale reader, suggestive situations.
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I love her so bad but she treats me like shit.
Miguel knows it's wrong. Hell, he has known from day one she was never someone anyone should ever get involved with. Oh, how he wishes he was strong enough to lock her up and throw away the key that held his love for her.
Oh, take this veil from off my eyes.
''Hey, big guy.'' His body tensed up when he heard the voice coming from behind him. His heart aches. He hates when you do that, showing up all smug as if you don't disappear for days, contacting him only when you need him.
''I missed you.'' He barely glanced down at you, noting how you always appear to make yourself smaller, even more adorable. Your soft, small hands running up and down the muscles on his back before your arms wrap themselves around his waist.
''... why do you do this to me?'' Is all he can ask, turning around and leaning down as he picks you up with ease, your legs wrapping around his waist while your arms hold his neck for support, face nuzzling his neck as you take in his scent. He closes his eyes, trying to focus on anything but the way your body fits perfectly on his.
''Do what? I like you— You're the best.'' A soft kiss is delivered to his jaw and he flinches slightly, breath hitching and neck growing rigid as you keep brushing your soft lips against it. He hates how his whole body language changes to show a degree of submission to you. He, the Spider-Man 2099, a 6'9 beast of a man who can tear through anything with his sharp claws and talons, becoming absolute putty under the hands of a villain much smaller than him.
''You know... You're the only superhero I like. Not only because you give me money— I mean, a big part is because of it, but you also look cool.'' You praise lazily, knowing he'd love any compliment coming from your lips.
''You know what? ... You're my favorite villain.'' I hate myself. His body is still tense from holding you so close, yet he can't help but want you, despite all he knows about you. Despite the way you use and abuse him. His voice is husky, but it's true; he's completely under your spell. A soft snicker comes from your lips, instantly making him roll his eyes.
''How much do you need this time?'' He changes the topic. He has a feeling and he knows you'll ask for a big amount of money, but he wants to hear you say it. He already pays for your lifestyle, yet somehow that's not enough for you, so he bends backwards to please you and avoid anything that can make you angry, upset, or leave. He has the money for it, anyway.
''Hmm... Just around $3000.'' You shrug your shoulders and look up at him with the same cat-like grin that makes his knees weak every. single. time.
''Just three grand?'' His shock is clearly feigned, yet you still snicker softly and his eyes lose a tiny bit of the edge in them. ''if it'll make you shut up for another 10 minutes, I'll give it to you.'' He shrugs his shoulders, acting uninterested as if he wouldn't lose his shit if you actually didn't talk to him for 10 minutes after your return.
''After that, I'll stop for a while. I'm not your cashcow.'' He adds as an afterthought, giving you a sharp look.
''You're not?'' You ask teasingly, voice laced with mirth as your lips brush against his neck again, planting a kiss right on his pulse. ''What if I do this, papi?'' Your tone is seductive, voice barely above a whisper. Miguel nearly stumbles back in surprise, plump lips parting slightly before he regains his composure. It takes everything he has in him to stay still, allowing your warm tongue to lick a clean line across his neck, muscles tensing up under the warm mass.
''You little—'' He can't even finish his sentence, your lips latching onto his neck after his suit disengages just enough to give you space to kiss, sucking on the previously covered skin as you leave your mark.
''Little what...? Little slut?'' You tease, gently licking the mark you made before starting to make a new one right below, being mindful enough to make sure that body part will be covered by his hologram suit.
''... Yes.'' He gasps softly in surrender, a low moan escaping his parted lips as he holds you even tighter, his fingers digging into the fabric of your clothes. He can feel his entire body shake from his knees up.
''When will I get the money?'' You finally let go of his poor, now marked up neck, looking up at him with the same smirk that he sees on his dreams and nightmares.
Miguel takes a second to catch his breath, looking around to make sure no one is near his office before he replies to you. ''When do you need it? Today? Tomorrow?'' His tone is even and businesslike now that he regained his breath.
''Today would be great.'' He brushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear, internally slapping himself yet wondering how someone so beautiful could be so evil. So shamelessly manipulative.
''You'll have it by tonight.'' He confirmed, his voice firmer and his expression serious as he looked down at you, still carrying you like you weight nothing— and for a man his height, you don't.
''But it'll be the last time. I'm not giving you any more money after this.'' He adds while looking at one of his monitors, afraid to look at you in fear of his resolve wavering.
''So I'll have to ask another man for money, Miguel...?'' Your tone is controlled and dangerous, though he can hear you feigning sadness at the news. Your hand holds his cheek, thumb right below his high cheekbone as you force him to look at you. ''What if he wants something else from me?''
Miguel bites his tongue and clenches his fists. God fucking dammit. He knows better than this. He hates when you make it all about you, and he hates how he falls for it every single time, as if he didn't know all your tactics by now.
''... Fine. You can have your money.'' His voice is rough, almost a growl, yet he knows better than to argue.
''You're amazing!'' You praise, arms raising slightly as you fake excitement, as if you didn't know he'd relent anyway. He rolls his eyes, a huff of air coming out of his nose as he gives you an unamused look.
''I'm doing what any good man would do, mami.'' Keep telling yourself that. ''And I'm not amazing, I'm a dumbass.'' He knows full well he's being played by you, that you'll turn those comments on him and use them as ammo, yet he doesn't care. The truth hurts either way, so he chooses to ignore it, he chooses to ignore the little voice in the back of his head and he chooses to love you.
''I'm serious.'' You give him an honest smile— something totally different from those teasing and smug grins you give him when you get your way. Just a pure smile that shows you're having fun with him, in a good way.
His gaze softens slightly when he realizes how honest your smile looks, the way it reaches your eyes and lights them up like stars he could gaze at for eternity, yet eventually the sun has to rise, this time in the form of the harsh reality.
''I see right through you, muñeca. I know your game.'' Miguel says, not rudely and his words don't hold his usual snark.
''It was never a secret.'' You shrug your shoulders, clearly not affected by him knowing you're playing him like a fiddle.
''Never said it was.'' The corners of his lips pull up in a subtle, knowing smirk as he looks down at you. ''But you should know that even without all the manipulation and the games... I'd do anything to help you. I'm a sucker for you, mami.''
''You'd do anything for me?'' Of course that's all you got out of his sentence.
''... Obviously not anything. I draw certain lines.'' He answers with pure honesty, trying to make it seem cool despite having you so close to him. ''But you know me. It doesn't take much to get whatever you want out of me.'' My heart is more yours than mine.
The corners of your lips tilt up into the smirk he knows all too well, yet you don't reply, simply staring up at him with your head slightly tilted to the side, examining his features like you have him under a microscope.
''You could have any woman... so why me?'' You ask curiously, the question that has been eating at your brain finally leaving your lips.
''Why not you?'' He turns the question to you, eyebrows slightly raised as he gives you a knowing look before elaborating. ''You're smart, charismatic, beautiful... Why any other woman when you have it all?'' You hum in acknowledgement, thinking about his words.
''Is it tiring? Loving me?'' Your tone is much more honest this time, as if you're deep in thought. His heart fills with fake hope as he sees your honest expression.
''Tiring? No...'' He replies in a whisper, voice rough for a moment as he thinks about it. ''No, mami, but it's hard.'' He matches your honesty, adjusting you so you're more comfortable as he carries you.
''I know you use me, but I still love you either way. It drives me crazy.'' He admits with a soft chuckle, a small smile on his lips despite the hurt in his eyes, showing you just how honest he's with you.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 6 months
some real nagi thoughts
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a/n; it's some god gamer nagi time. as a gamer myself, i want some real gamer shit in headcanons. we may want a duo in gaming but only in genshin??? HELL NO. im like half sorry to genshin players. there's probably some crazy power creep in that, with the amount of characters they have now
[implied to be no blue lock project]
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unapologetic gamer! nagi who hate matching pfps and usernames. do you know how weird those can get, especially on the horniest fps games? he doesn't hate you for the idea, he hates the reputation that comes with it.
unapologetic gamer! nagi who plays (mostly) everything, mmos, rpgs, card battlers, moba, rts, auto battlers, etc. he does not limit himself (kind of), and he's okay with playing games on his own.
unapologetic gamer! nagi who cannot simply pause his online matches for you. you'll have a damn hard time getting him off those ones. "it's too much of a bother to leave the match now, i'll get a timeout if i leave."
unapologetic gamer! nagi who hates gacha games because "it's always more of a cash grab than most games i even play." and he plays games from riot and ea company.
unapologetic gamer! nagi who has definitely went free to play on other games just out of pure spite when he heard about how bad genshin was. "there's no excuse for them to be so stingy, they didn't learn from honkai impact."
unapologetic gamer! nagi who loves gore and horror games more than anything. he won't stop playing those. he'll be considerable enough to play away from you if you hate them, but he's like locked in, headphones on max, and stuck in his chair. you're not getting him back for hours.
unapologetic gamer! nagi who plays slow games despite how much they make him tired. he can't play life/farming sims because of this. he can do his best to speedrun it but he gets impatient.
unapologetic gamer! nagi who jumps from game to game. he gets fixated on different games every few months. when you see him, he's talking about them casually, or he's infodumping everything he physically can. he has that little passionate shine in his eyes, like when he plays a good game of soccer.
unapologetic gamer! nagi who plays ranked like the loser he is. he doesn't really care about the toxic people in those matches. he likes a challenge. but he does unintentionally rile people up though with his nonchalant and blunt words. don't play ranked with this man, he is in diamond/low masters, and he is so tilted about it even if he doesn't say it.
unapologetic gamer! nagi who definitely needs to be taken care of. god help him, reo was a godsend to deal with his shit. when he gets tilted, he's somehow even more lazier than he normally is. "being angry is such a hassle." but you know he's fucking pissed off out of his mind about to smash his desk about that one bad match that gets him de-ranked.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
Seven Days to Fall Again | Thursday | Jeon Jungkook
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Inspired by the MV "Seven" by Jung Kook ft. Latto (obvi lol) Summary: Flowers for my love. Jungkook is trying absolutely everything he can to get you back. No matter how ridiculous it might seem. Pairing: Reader x Jungkook (almost exes to lovers lol) Word Count: 3.2k (longer one this time lol) a/n: So I haven't posted anything for this series in almost a month so I'm really really sorry for that. I have so many other series going at this point that it's taken me a second to come back around and write for this one again. This one is a little bit longer to hopefully make up for it. Let me know what you think! p.s. Pretty much wrote all of this is one night so I hope it's not complete crap but I thought it was cute hehe Start from the beginning
Jungkook's visit yesterday threw me for a loop to say the least. 
I've tried to do everything in my power to make sure it doesn't get to me but no matter how many pep talks I give myself or how many times I've tried to scold myself instead, nothing works. 
I miss him, and I hate myself because of that. 
I've been able to go through my morning and most of my afternoon with radio silence from him which has been incredible for my stress levels but I can't help but feel his absence more and more as time goes by.
He was hardly ever around for the last few months of our relationship so I don't know why his presence; which I had specifically chose not to have around now almost feels more painful. 
"Maybe I just need a walk" I say out loud "Yeah a walk and some fresh air should clear everything up" I continue, trying to lie to myself in thinking that some sunshine might actually fix this. 
Walking out of my apartment and heading straight to the subway I make a decision to go to a little cafe that I used to go to with my classmates. It's been a while since I've been there and their strawberry crepes were to die for from what I remember so I think it's time I treated myself to something nice.
Leaving the station I notice a big crowd starting to  gather around and I get a glimpse of what they're all staring at, seeing that it's some guy getting picked up off the ground and rolled out on a gurney. 
Taking a closer look, believing that I somehow know them, I feel the need to make sure they're okay but I'm stopped by the police tape they've put up. 
Once the guy's head turns towards me my eyes widen in horror seeing that it's Jungkook. "Wait! Wait! Jungkook! Wait that's my boyfriend!" I say and duck under the yellow tape not bothering to worry about the repercussions. 
When he hears my voice and opens his eyes and I see them quickly change from seeming like he had been on the edge of life and death into his big doe ones, sending me a bright smile, showing zero sighs of distress anymore and leaves me stopping in my tracks.
"CUT" I hear someone shout in the distance. "Who is this girl and why is she on my set?" the same voice say as they gradually get closer. 
"No one" I say, crossing my arms over my chest and see Jungkook give me an awkward smile in response. I scoff and don't bother listening to no doubt the director trying to speak to me and from the small bits I catch onto it sounds almost as if he wanted me to complete the scene. 
"Not interested" I mumble and walk off, ignoring their efforts to keep me there. "Baby wait!" I hear Jungkook say as he struggles to get the belt they had fastened off of him. 
I don't even bother responding and continue to make my way down the street to the cafe, praying that he won't follow me but it seems as though the universe is laughing at me because despite the growing crowd around us he still is able to keep his eyes on me. 
"Y/n wait! Please!" he yells, making sure that there's no way possible that I couldn't hear him but I choose to ignore him nonetheless. "Please Noona wait!" he continues, using a word that he knows will get a reaction out of me and my steps stutter for a second but I regain my balance seamlessly and pick up the pace seconds after. 
"Excuse me, sorry. Excuse me, thank you" I hear him say, continuing to use that loud voice letting me know that he's still on my tail but as soon as I get to a crosswalk I start to walk a bit faster, hoping to cut him off and lose him when he hopefully gets stuck waiting for the next light and luckily this time it works. 
I take a quick glance behind me to check and see him standing there catching my gaze and turning to a flower vender beside him and buying a bouquet of sunflowers, my favorite flowers during this time of year and I know he didn't just get them randomly because no matter how much I think he doesn't pay attention or care about our relationship I know he makes sure he knows the little things about me.
And that's one of the things that makes me want to take him back. 
"Y/n wait! Please" he yells and I turn around just in time to see him decide to take a risk and cross the street without waiting for the light and seconds later I hear the sound of tires screeching on the pavement and see Jungkook duck out of view. 
"Jungkook" I whisper, stopping dead in my tracks, my body totally frozen at the thought that he might've gotten hit. 
Moments later though I see the sunflowers resurface above the crowd and his head soon after that and I watch the exchange between him and the driver and then soon see him turning back to me and abandoning the conversation to start running after me again. 
"Wait!" he says and I turn on my heel to keep going, hating the fact that I've already lost the distance I had gained between us. 
I duck into a random shop in hopes that he'll somehow lose sight of me and walk right past it, losing me and hopefully letting me resume my intended relaxing day to myself. I'll just stop by the bakery instead and make my way home so I can head in the opposite way of what he probably had expected me to be going in. 
As I hear the shopkeeper welcome me I quickly return their greeting and hide behind one of their shelves, picking up a random book and holding it up to my face. Making sure it's open and covering me just enough for him not to notice, but also giving me enough visual to see him pass by and continue his search in the opposite way, just as I had planned. 
I watch as he walks past the store, frantically turning his head in all directions to see if he could finally catch sight of me again and to my delight he continues on the path he had seen me on a few minutes before. 
I let out a deep breath at the sight and put the book down, finally gaining some of that peace of mind. 
"Were you looking for anything specific dear?" the older shopkeeper asks. "No not really, I was just trying to lose my tail" I say pointing towards the window. "My ex boyfriend has been trying to get me back and he won't stop trying to talk to me so we can 'Talk things out' or whatever" I say, letting out a huge sigh, happy to get a chance to talk to someone at least a little bit. 
"Well have you given him a chance to say his piece yet?" she questions, leaving me shocked, expecting her to side with me. "Well...no, but we've gone through these sorts of problems before and I just don't want him to say something that will convince me to give him another chance again" I say, walking towards her and leaning on a shelf nearby. 
She takes a second to think before responding and says something that I was hoping she wouldn't. "You need to give him a chance to at least say something. Everyone deserves closure don't you think?" she says with a soft smile, hoping to get through to me. "Unless he's violent or something of that sort. Then he can go fuck himself" she says with a grin, already knowing that's not the case. 
I open and close my mouth a bit, not really knowing how to respond and she laughs at my reaction, loving how much she's caught me off guard. "He was the young man that just passed by with those sunflowers wasn't he?" she says with a knowing smile. "How did you-" I start out but she cuts me off with another laugh. 
"That boy had the most adorable panicked look, searching here and there as if he had lost his owner. He's quite handsome if you ask me" she say winking at me and making me blush a bit at her straightforward nature. "Give him a chance love. And if you let him go, then you let him go. Trust me, you don't want to deal with the what ifs if he stops trying" she says giving me a soft smile. 
I know she's right and I know I should at least hear him out but at this point I think it's something I've gotta work my way up to. His all or nothing attitude right now is just too much for me. 
"You're right. I'll take some time and when I'm ready I'll sit down with him to talk it all out. Thank you. Oh I'm sorry I should probably get out of your hair. Uh" I stammer at the end, feeling guilty for taking up so much of her time. 
"Um here, can I buy this?" I ask, placing a little bear with a lavender flower embroidered on it's collar on the counter, grabbing the first thing I laid eyes on. It can't be more than four inches tall with it's cute round belly and a little sun hat on it with the ears sticking through it. 
"Keep it" she say, not even bothering to offer room for discussion as she walks away from the counter. "It's full of lavender petals so keep it close and the smell will help calm you down whenever you need it. You might even want to hold it close when you're talking to that boyfriend of yours" she says with a wink and walks to the back of the store, disappearing behind a shelf, leaving me alone with my thoughts. 
I pull out my wallet and put a five dollar bill in the tip jar and take a second glance at the bear and hold it up close to my face, breathing in it's sweet and slightly musky fragrance. I smile down at it's cute little face and put it in my purse. 'I've never been in this bookstore before' I think to myself, now finally taking a second to check out the rest of the interior beyond the immediate storefront. 
I make it a note to come back here one day and return her kindness by bringing something for her to repay her not only for the bear but also for her hospitality and advice.
I take one last glance around and turn to make my way out. 
"You certainly took your time in there" I hear a familiar voice say beside me, leaving me holding my breath for a second at the scare. "Jungkook" I say placing my hand over my chest before using that same hand seconds later to wack his arm making him drop the flowers he had started to hold out for me to take. 
"Hey! What was that for?" he whines, rubbing his arm for a few seconds and picking them back up. "That's for not only scaring me just now, but also scarring me earlier today with that stupid ambulance nonsense" I say throwing my arm out towards what I now know as being a stupid movie set and when I turn back to face him all I can see is a big grin on his face. 
"Why are you smiling at me like that?" I question crossing my arms over my chest. "You know you called me your boyfriend back there right?" he says, his smile growing even wider. I scoff at the memory and don't even dignify his words with a response, turning and making my way back to the bakery just as I had intended as my plan B.
"Wait Noona please" he says and places a light grip on my arm. "What?" I spit out, turning to face him again, a look of displeasure on my face which somehow makes him smile even wider. "Can I at least walk you home?" he asks, poised in anticipation. 
Now that the shop keeper had equated him to a dog I can't help but notice how much he's been giving off golden retriever energy these past few days. Excited and begging for my attention no matter what I say.
"I'm not going home" I say pulling my arm out of his grasp but he grabs onto my hand this time instead, making me stop again, knowing that as much as I want to, I'm probably not going to get my way this time. "Can I walk you to wherever you're going then?" he questions, now completing the look with his puppy dog eyes that pull on my heartstrings every time.
"Fine" I say and he happily catches up to me after deciding to hand the flowers off to some guy and his girlfriend, knowing for a fact that I won't take them. For a second I don't even realize that he had decided to hold my hand again until he sways them back and forth a bit making me rip mine out of his grasp and opting to cross my arms over my chest instead, leaving it hard for him to try to grab onto me again. 
Walking up to the bakery a few minutes later I stop and face him for a second hoping to shoo him away. "Okay, you can leave now" I say and take a few steps but I still feel his presence close behind me. "Why are you following me?" I ask turning around again, not amused at the fact that he's not listening to me. 
"Who said I was following you? I wanted to get something from here too! You know I like the chocolate donuts here, remember?" he says giving me a soft smile. "Fine" I mumble and reach for the door handle but before I can his hand reaches for it and opens it for me. I spare him a glare and he sends me a sweet bunny smile in return making me roll my eyes in response. 
I walk in and when he tries to do the same he notices a group of older woman making their way out and he waits to hold it open for them as well and I can't help but roll my eyes again, watching him continue to play the sweet loving gentlemen. They smile and thank him a few times in return which he responds with a smile and once they're finally out he heads inside intending to stand next to me in line but is cut off by a few people between us leaving me smiling in victory but it doesn't last long. 
"Excuse me sorry do you mind? I'm with her" he says pointing towards me leaving me widening my gaze and turning around but not fast enough for the others to notice if he's lying or not. "Yeah, sure" one of the guys says and they step aside and let him walk up to me but in the process of squeezing through he stumbles and falls into me a little bit, leaving him latching onto me, pressing me up against the wall I had been leaning against. 
"S-sorry Noona" he apologizes, ears turning red clearly embarrassed at our current position. "It's fine" I grumble and push him off of me, creating some much needed space and walking up to the counter where they're waiting for the next customer. 
"Hi can I get a raspberry donut and a ham and cheese croissant? Thanks" I say and the worker looks over at Jungkook as he is standing next to me and waits for his order. "Oh we're not, we're not together" I say tripping over my words, this being the first time I've said that in front of someone while he's standing right next to me. 
The worker looks between us and draws what I can assume is a line under my order that she's written down and then asks for Jungkook's which he orders just what he had said before, a chocolate donut. 
"Thank you" he says warmly and the worker looks between the two of us, not believing my words from before but smiles almost amused by our situation and tells us our orders will be right out before handing the paper over to the cashier where she gives me my total. 
Before I'm even able to reach for my card though I see Jungkook place his phone on the card reader to pay. 
"Hey!" I say in protest while Jungkook tells her to ring him up again for his donut as well. I decide it's useless arguing with him in public and walk off to the side to wait for our food. "I can pay for my own food" I grumble as he walks up to me. "I know, but I wanted to" he says simply and we wait in silence until they hand us our bags. 
"So where are you going now?" he asks, holding the door open for me again and jogging after me, having to hold the door for the next person again. "Home" I say and make my way to the subway entrance. "Can I walk you home?" he asks, already knowing the answer but trying anyway. 
"No Jungkook. You can't. You asked if you could walk me to wherever I was going next but that isn't an invitation to follow me around for the rest of the day. Just leave me alone." I say, the last part not as confident as the rest. "I just want to make sure you get back safely" he offers and at that my blood starts boiling. 
"I'm more that capable of taking care of myself! I don't need you to babysit me because last time I checked I was the one that was older than you" spit out at him, pressing a finger on his chest. Getting more and more irritated with every breath and watch as his eyes get wide, surprised by my sudden hostile nature. 
"I'm s-sorry I didn't think tha-" "And that's exactly what your problem is. You don't think about what I want or even what I don't want. Now will you please leave me alone? I don't want to deal with this today and I don't want you to follow me" I say, punctuating my words so it'll get through his thick skull. 
He opens his mouth to respond but I cut him off again before he makes me even more upset. "Don't" I say and walk away, throwing my food away in the nearest trashcan and descend down the step into the subway station, hoping and praying he doesn't follow me. 
This time around though the universe smiles down at me, granting my wishes but leaves behind a broken and beaten down Jungkook, truly trying to figure out how everything went so wrong. 
Wednesday / Friday Series Masterlist
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steodraws · 6 months
Crimson Snow: Mistletoe and Memories ❄️
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disclaimers: this story contains angst, sad, tension, literally no happy ending feels, drama and it's bada's pov. remember it's a work of fiction, none of this represents what i truly think about bada's/bebe's character or nature! it is meant for fun and entertainment purposes only. also, i'm not a native english speaker and this is my first ever fanfiction so keep that in mind and be nice please. thank you 🩵
Summary: "Old flames, city lights, and buried memories — Bada Lee, against her own wishes, returns to Incheon for Christmas. Amidst the moonlit whispers and the unyielding snowfall, she's compelled to confront a past she believed buried beneath the frost."
WC: 2.1k
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"Yes, mom, i'll be there for Christmas," i muttered into the phone, my voice tinged with a hint of disdain.
"This city gives me the creeps," i ponder.
Incheon is like a patchwork of bitter memories; every street corner bears the weight of choices made and opportunities lost. This place represents a chapter of my life I struggle to bury.
Regrets, disappointments—I tried to shove those aside a while ago, or at least attempted to.
Nevertheless, i made a promise to my mother about being there for Christmas. What foolishness it is to commit to something i might not fulfill. Yet, is it too late to reconsider? Can i claim i couldn't secure a flight on time?
Idiot; no turning back now. I wonder how much longer i'll keep evading my past.
"I just wish i don't run into her there," i murmur with a slight tremor in my tone. I knew all too well whom i was talking about.
It's exactly 9 o'clock, my train departs in about 30 minutes. Unfortunately, i'll be in Incheon in a few hours.
"I can't believe you're finally coming back here! I guess i'll have to spend Christmas at your mom's house if that's the case," a sharp, loud feminine voice speaks over the phone; Lusher, a childhood friend.
Lusher has always been with me throughout our high school years and even into adulthood. Despite me moving to Busan a few years ago, we've kept in touch. She always mentions how much she misses me and that i should visit more often, to which i consistently reply, "Maybe someday."
It seems that day has finally come.
"Stop. Don't get too excited; i don't intend to spend much time in this place," I retort, my tone indifferent.
"The entire city already knows you're coming back, Bada."
Briefly, i freeze and fall silent. I only plan to make a short visit to my family, precisely.
"Incheon is wide-ranging; i doubt everyone really knows," I reply, an attempt to reassure myself that my plans won't change.
"Lin knows."
As soon as she counters, i instinctively hang up the phone, my back colliding with the seat of the moving train.
This definitely cannot be happening.
I was praying fervently not to encounter her during my time in Incheon, and i hope it stays that way. Regardless, she wouldn't want to see me after all these years... no, she hates me. I hope she hates me.
It felt like time stood still; i couldn't tell whether i had plunged into a deep sleep during those four hours of travel or if i had ended up in a temporal lapse. I open my eyes, and there's Incheon Station outside the window.
The time has come to face this city once again, with people bustling around, knee-deep in Christmas preparations just hours away.
I step off the train, grab my luggage, and find myself compelled to smile at strangers who somehow recognized me, waving as they passed. Perhaps they did, considering i gained some visibility after opening my dance studio in Busan. Or maybe it's simply because i am notably taller than the average Korean women; either of these reasons would be plausible.
My eyes scan the surroundings, searching for a familiar figure in the crowd. Mom said she would be waiting at the end of the station, my next stop.
"Bada!" Someone yells my name amid that human sea, resembling canned sardines.
My older sister came to greet me, slightly shorter than me, with a delicate and sweet appearance framed by her impeccably cared-for dark brown hair and welcoming smile.
"Haeda!" i respond, happy to see a familiar face, rushing to hug her.
"Mom couldn't come; she's busy with preparations for the dinner later," she shares, helping me with the luggage. "Lots of people are excited to see you, little sister! We're glad you've come back."
"I haven't come back; i'm just joining you for this Christmas season," I respond seriously, making it clear my stay won't extend beyond Christmas.
"You've always been a bit grumpy, haven't you?" she laughs, teasingly.
Finally out of the station, we settle into a taxi. During the ride, we chat casually and laugh about things that happened during our time apart. I'm trying to have some fun as much as possible.
"So, how's your love life?" she asks, innocently.
Oh, crap.
"I don't really want to get into that," i reply, slightly irritated by the question. The fun and nice atmosphere that surrounded us moments ago seems to have abruptly evaporated.
"Seems like you still think about Lin," she murmurs softly to herself, sighing calmly, yet i hear her loud and clear.
I arch my eyebrows, surprised and bothered by Haeda's comment. I plan to stay silent, but i can't resist.
"Why do you always bring her into everything? It's been years since we last spoke; she was just a kid. Now, forget about it," i assert firmly aiming to put an end to the subject once and for all. The silence in the taxi becomes deafening.
Not even five minutes pass, and i ask the taxi make an unscheduled stop.
"Aren't you going home?" my sister inquires, confused.
"I promised to have lunch with Lusher; there's a café around here," i reply, still maintaining a slight arrogance in my voice.
"I'll drop your bags off at home then," she understands, nodding.
I step out of the vehicle and grab my phone, immediately calling Lusher, asking her to meet me where i am. She agrees without a second thought.
A short time passes, and i spot a girl of average height, black hair, always smiling, with a high-pitched voice that stands out in the crowd. She runs towards me as soon as she sees me.
"Is that really you, Bada? It's been ages since i saw you. Have you grown even more?" Lusher enthusiastically hugs me, talking without even taking a breath.
"Looks like you're still talkative... and no, of course, i haven't grown more. I'm already 26. Now I'm just going to shrink," i reciprocate her warm hug as we head to the café.
"Tell me, how's Busan? How's your studio doing? I want the whole scoop!"
"We don't have time for me to give you the full rundown. Overall, the city is comfy, and the studio is doing well," i say, a bit curt; i'm not one to drag out my words.
"That's it? Nothing interesting happening?" she says in a frustrated sigh, still curious about my life.
"I know where you're going with this, miss Lusher, but i'm not commenting on that. I'm kind of fed up with this topic," i respond, making my exasperation clear.
We lapsed into silence for a few minutes until someone finally spoke up; she seemed nervous.
"Listen, i messaged Lin yesterday." She pauses, intending to continue talking.
Lin, Lin, Lin—I'm tired of hearing that name.
"She seems to want to talk to you," Lusher finishes, taking a sip of her coffee.
"Unfortunate. I've already stated that I'm only here for Christmas with my family," i halt, clenching my fists, wanting to say more but finding myself unable.
"Bada, you know she was deeply hurt after you left." Lusher attempts to ease the situation. "After all, you left without telling anyone, not even me."
"I didn't have to tell anyone. I've said that before; new opportunities arose, and that's what happened. Am I to blame for considering my future?" I say, feeling a slight warmth in my body due to the anger this topic brings up
"There's no issue with you wanting to pursue your dreams; the problem was leaving her in the dark out of nowhere. I think you should talk."
"Lusher, i've had enough. I don't owe her any explanations, it's over. I've paved my own way, and she's chosen hers, end of story." Rising abruptly, i toss money on the table for Lusher to settle the bill and i make a swift exit.
I sense Lusher's gaze on me, even though i haven't cast a glance back after leaving the place.
This is why i hate this city—the people, the environment, everything reminds me of her. I despise it; I despise being so coward and weak, unable to endure an environment where her name lingers. Tears stream down my face as i silently reassure myself, "The past is the past; it'll be fine."
It won't be fine.
For quite a while, i just roam around the city, immersed in the festive Christmas decorations and the chilly yet pleasant atmosphere. Families stroll along snow-covered roads, little cafes are buzzling with events, and everyone radiates happiness, caught up in the joy of being together—while i meander alone. I'm the odd one out here.
The city lights gradually begin to flicker on, signaling the encroaching darkness. It's time to head home for the Christmas Eve feast, but before that, i need something to ease my stress.
I head to a nearby convenience store, searching for a pack of cigarettes. I randomly choose any available brand, pay, and head towards a secluded alley.
Turns out, i'm not the only one there; a woman next to me doing the same, and i can't quite see her face. I shake my pockets, searching for my lighter.
"Fuck..." i mutter softly as i lean against the wall, frustrated.
Suddenly, i notice something fall to the ground, accompanied by words.
"Pick it up," the woman, slightly mysterious but oddly familiar, says, tossing the lighter onto the snow-covered ground.
I quickly bend down to grab it. "Thanks," I express promptly, attempting to say something more. "Do you come here often?"
"Sometimes, only when i think about my ex." She pulls the cigarette calmly, allowing the smoke to envelop her face in a thin mist. An ephemeral cloud of smoke slowly wafts around me.
"We're in the same boat," i muse, giving a little laugh at her comment. "Does your ex smoke?"
"Since I've known her. She was always cautious so i wouldn't end up like her; nevertheless, here i am," she narrates with a tense tone.
"You shouldn't smoke; judging by your voice, you've quit for a long time. You should stop while you still can," i suggest while lighting my cigarette with the borrowed lighter.
"Look who wants to give me a moral lecture," she laughs, mocking. The whole situation is ironic.
"Pfft, you don't even know me; you probably think i'm a hypocritical smoker," i admit, in a casual tone.
"Maybe i really am, but I still have feelings!" I laugh, playfully.
She seems serious now, and we stay silent for a few seconds.
"Have you ever thought about your ex's feelings when you two broke up?" she inquires, finishing her last drag before dropping the cigarette on the ground and crushing it under her foot.
I remain motionless, confused, and unsure of how to respond.
"I'm just messing with you; after all, i don't even know you." She lets out a nervous laugh before completely disappearing into the darkness of that dimly lit alley.
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"I'm home," i announce, slipping off my shoes and opening the door.
My mother greets me with a smile as she sets the dining table with the help of my father and sister.
"You're here! It's so good to see you, dear," my mother smiles warmly and hugs me. The scent of kimchi fills the air; she must have been cooking for a long time.
"What's that smell of smoke..." She makes a disgusted face, and i quickly plan an excuse.
"There were some delinquents smoking in the streets; the smell must have clung to me," i say cautiously.
"Looks delicious," i observe the meal on the table after greeting everyone present, trying to change subjects. Despite my reservations about Incheon and the memories this city brings, i feel welcomed and relieved with my family by my side.
"Let's eat!" My father exclaims, excitedly, sitting down and preparing to enjoy the eagerly anticipated tteokguk, a unique skill of my mother.
A few minutes were left for the long-awaited December 25th, and the countdown unfolded gradually.
"I'm eager to know what you brought for us from Busan, little sister!"
"Did i have to bring a present?" I laugh ironically, joking. "Just kidding, i'm sure you guys will like it!"
1 minute to the 25th.
"Wow, i can already hear the neighbors starting the countdown," my sweet and dear mother says.
A sound echoes at the door.
"Knock, knock."
30 seconds to the 25th.
"Oh, let me get that!" I quickly get up from my seat and head to the door.
10 seconds to the 25th.
I grab the keys and swiftly unlock the door, while my family had already started the countdown.
"5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."
I can't believe who is on the other side of the door.
"Merry Christmas!" the whole family celebrates in unison as i stand there, paralyzed, looking at my former love standing right in front of me.
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aaand we're done! i don't know if i should make it a series or not since i'm the lazy type but lmk! also tysm for @/kiyaedits for the dividers. i hope you enjoyed this as much as i did, thank you for reading. ❄️
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itjazzbicch · 8 months
Beneath The Surface
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Pairing: Shunsui Kyōraku x Reader
Summary: Considering that the reader has been dealing with an illness, they are not as strong as they once were, desperate to be strong again as the war against Quincy's rage. Becoming hopeless, they begin to find some hope beneath the surface when their best friend lends a small hand with their emotions...
Warnings: The reader is sad, and mentions of death & illness (it's just a hurt/comfort fic) TYBW spoilers if you haven't watched!
Word Count: 0.9k 
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My heart was breaking with every step when I dragged my cane along the rubble-covered ground. These Quincy's must've gone all out. Meanwhile, I was sick and barely able to walk.
I had never been so disappointed in myself, unable to bear the horrific sights that were now the Seireitei. Dragging myself back to my grounds, I wasn't allowed to due to my illness, but I took my zanpakuto, then went out to the shriveled-up garden where I once trained daily.
Pulling my zanpakuto from its sheath, it looked dull, the memory of the first time I held it in my hands flashing in my mind. How strong I was back then and how that strength led me to be a captain, once upon a time the strongest.
The longer I stared, the more I hated being who I was now. Fragile and weak, a burden rather than a fighting force, considering everything we knew was at stake. Those thoughts made me angry, sick, and shaking as I used all my strength to wield my zanpakuto.
"Talk to me, please," I whispered, trying not to cry, the shaking growing worse, "P-Please."
No matter how badly my body tried to give way on me, I stayed in stance, breathing heavily as I yelled in an attempt to build some motivation:
"I refuse to be so weak! Please! I need you!"
Again, nothing.
Using up my energy, I fell to a knee, the tip of my zanpakuto in the ground and clinging to it as I cried, begging it to talk to me somehow, to make me strong again.
"I'll do anything, just-"
"Y/N flower?"
Shunsui's voice brought me to silence despite the tears rolling down my cheeks, only listening:
"You know that you shouldn't-"
"I can't sit around and tolerate this anymore, Shunsui!"
It was becoming hard to breathe from the tears making my throat close. I knew precisely what Shunsui would tell me, and he should've known how I would react.
"I know that you're dealing with much more than your illness," He sighed, joining me on his knees, a hand on my back, "But we both know that-"
"What? That I'm weak? That I'm useless?" I couldn't look at him, clinging to my once mighty zanpakuto, "It won't even speak to me anymore."
"Stop talking like that," Shunsui was always trying to keep me optimistic, but given the times we were going through, that was impossible.
"It's the truth," I wept, drowning in those negative thoughts, "If I was strong enough, I could've done something. We lost so many, and Old Man Yama-"
The devastating memory of when I learned about Captain Yama's death made me start to sob, collapsing, but Shunsui caught me, holding me to his chest.
He knew that I needed to get this out of my system, only rubbing my back and hugging me as I cried:
"I hate this. Why did I have to get sick?"
"If I could change things, I would," He whispered as my cries settled, "But know, sick or not, you're much stronger than you think."
Finally, growing the courage to look at him and seeing his eyepatch added to that guilt as I was always protective over him. I tried my hardest to take in his words profoundly and believe I was strong like in the past, but it was challenging.
"You've had a lot to deal with since you took charge, Shunsui," I sniffled, cleaning my face, "Don't-"
"Crazy to think that after all the long years we've spent together, this is the first time I'd ever seen you cry," He realized; the thought never occurred to me, and our gazes connected, "I may be head captain now, but you're still my flower too."
His words made tears swell again, an arm wrapping around my head and holding me tight, clinging to his floral robe. Despite what little tears I had left coming down, I finally saw some light in my dark world:
"Flowers aren't just delicate, you know? They're not just beautiful, either. They weather through storms and may lose a pedal or two, but they grow back as beautiful as they were before. They have an unspoken strength."
I stared off into space as I related to his words. It may not be happening as quickly as I'd hoped, but maybe the strength I once possessed was slowly returning to me.
"How many terrifying challenges have we conquered, huh?" He whispered, kissing my cheek, "Remember that you're strong."
"I'll try," I whimpered, watching him place his hat down so he could hug me tighter, our heads together as I whispered, "I love you, Shunsui. Never forget that."
"That's good to know. Thought I'd have to wait another century or two to hear those words," He joked, and it did get a slight chuckle out of me, but seriousness settled in, thankfully the good kind, as he stroked my cheek, "I love you too my beautiful, strong flower."
"I promise from now on," I breathed in deeply, looking towards becoming better rather than drowning in sadness, "Every day till I'm gone, whether if it's this illness or by someone's hands, I'll never give up."
"Finally got some fire in your eyes," He mumbled with a smile, giving me more motivation to keep that promise as he kissed me softly, "I know you won't. You never have." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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sweetmariihs2 · 4 months
I just finished reading @shychick-52 fanfic and I can't stop thinking about it (The Master Wand)
I don't have an account on ao3 BUT I really want to give you my feedback because OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT (I left kudos in each one of the chapters btw)
As a fanfic writer myself (in portuguese of course) it's so hard for me to create real interesting stories based in the original work, and that's one of the reasons I don't write since last year, BUT YOU'RE SO CREATIVE OMG THAT WAS SO GOOD
It truly felt like an expansion of STF, but of course, more mature considering what happens within the story. I admire so much these fic writers who can expand the original universe, explore the characters without bringing them too far from their original personality, you did an amazing job creating a post-end fic and everything there makes so much sense and is well explored, to the point that it seems like it was written by professional screenwriters
The way you explored Cedric's feelings about the events in the last season just feels so right. I didn't thought too much about it when I watched the show but now reading your fic it makes a lot more of sense. Sofia's speeches are just like Sofia's speeches inside the show, the way she wants to carry the world in her back despite being too young for that.
Even after what Wormwood did in the show I just couldn't hate him, and I saw some people online saying how much they hate him and while understanding their reasons, I just don't feel any hate for him. But ohh your Wormwood
That little shit made me want to squeeze him in my hands, that bird brought me anger in so many levels
I think I get it now, that's how the part of the fandom who hates Wormwood sees him. It makes sense
And what can I say about Grimtrix. Even knowing that official Grimtrix is not that cruel it just fits him very well and his personality somehow matches with what you wrote.
And I need to separate a whole part of the post just to talk about the angst, that was so good
It wasn't too much, you didn't completely ruined the characters' lives and drained their pain for us to watch (because I've read fics like this in the past, it's not really something bad, but the fact that you could write without making it too much or even tresspassing (too much) the limits of the show it's really impressive), everything you wrote has a reason and the characters react the way they would do if those events happened inside the show.
(just an observation: I know that scenes like these wouldn't be inside a Disney show made for preschoolers, and that's also something so impressive because you DID IT and IT MAKES SENSE. The characters make sense, the story makes sense).
I loved how you added the angst scenes because they always left me so shocked. I don't like to see my favorite characters suffering but at the same time I like how we can explore their reactions and their true feelings when they're vulnerable. I knew that this fic was going to be good when the Order Of The Wand appeared and they chained Cedric. I was like "WHAT THE HELL THAT'S VERY HEAVY FOR STF" (in a good way cuz I was impressed) and when Grimtrix started to hit him and that serious scene got agonizing, your fic got all my respect. I really wasn't expecting that and I was unprepared just like Sofia was, that was the moment that I knew that this fic was going to be amazing because you were brave enough to write this, and even better, without flaws because it fits the characters.
You could just have wrote Grimtrix as this cruel guy who wanted to torture Cedric but you gave him a reason. I mean, yes, a very cruel reason, but that's expected from a villain. The events in your fic just impressed me every time something new happened. I MEAN CEDRIC SWEARING?? THE ORDER OF THE WAND BLACKMAILING HIM??? GRIMTRIX TAKING SOFIA??
I swear to you I just read that chapter and when I got to the "out of sight, out of mind" line I literally physically covered my mouth and stopped reading for a second because that took me by surprise. Actually no, I read that line and my eyes ran for a moment through Cedric's thoughts part and that's when that happened. At the moment I'm in a place where I shouldn't be reading but I just couldn't hold my reaction. That's by far my favorite STF fic, the best one I've ever read.
I know that their suffering will end so I don't feel so bad about enjoying these scenes, because of the wonderful writing, the plot, the characters so close to canon. And seeing Winifred and Goodwyn watching what happened was so sad too. I have a feeling that Cedric will try to rebel against the ootw and he's not going to succeed, and the things will get worse for him and/or Sofia (you totally should write that)
Greylock feeling sorry for what happened to Cedric really fits his character very well, and the reason of why he took over his kingdom maintained the canon part while also adding fanon stuff that matches incredibly.
I just wanted to make a small comment about noticing that the Order Of The Wand is just like Akatsuki from Naruto but in STF and I couldn't stop laughing because it makes so much sense XD
Fun fact: sometimes I'm not really in the mood for reading in english since it demands a little more from my brain (other people not born in an english-speaking country will understand) and and I surrendered to google's mobile option to translate the page. So know that someone in the world (me) have read parts of your story in portuguese nsbskqnshsj
Also Cedric being Sofia's godfather was so sweet. Him feeling guilty about "betraying" the kingdom again by staying at the ootw side was so good too. When I read that I really thought that Roland and Miranda In the future would notice that Cedric betrayed them again and they would think that he was just faking being nice this whole time, only making Cedric feel even worse inside because he can't tell them the truth or else Sofia will be in danger. And Sofia can't tell her parents the truth either or else Cedric will be in danger. But thank god Goodwyn noticed what happened and explained it to them so it won't happen.
Basically I loved every single part of your fic and I'm looking forward to new chapters. Don't wanna press you of course! Write in your time. But I'll be waiting patiently for the next chapter because that was so good. I hope this works as encouragement as I know how important it is for the author to receive feedback, and I related to you when you asked for comments because I understand how you feel. Hearing what readers think is really important.
My new favorite fic 💖💖
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galaxyinacup · 1 year
Not to overshare or get too parasocial on main but I can't stop thinking about the Clocker "kids" and Etho dynamic
I've never felt like my own feelings towards my dad so well represented by a piece of media before, and that's- kinda wild? I can clearly see myself in both Bdubs and Scar's attitude and approach to the whole "not quite divorced parents" thing
Bdubs' blind adoration and admiration of Etho's prowess even when he has seen clear evidence of the contrary is very young me coded, but what I relate to the most and what I've seen other people comment on is how he's so earnest in his attempt to keep his family together. He is, on his own words "bridging the infinite gap", he wants everyone to get along, he wants Etho back at the dinner table, he wants his brother and mom to be nicer to who he sees as a hero and a good dad, he wants Etho to love his familily as much as be loves Bdusb and Bdubs lives his family.
And Scar, on the other hand, plays the role of the older brother who has Seen Shit so well. He starts off just as if not more excited about Etho being his dad than Bdubs, but he is not blinded by the admiration, he can see when him and his family are being mistreated and he simply will not be having it. "He's just Etho to me" hits so hard when you know that Etho quite literally killed him and his brother just because, all while pretending to be a good dad to them,after they invite him for dinner.
I don't think Bdubs is dumb, I think he understands that Etho is not a Good Person, but he can't let go of hope that, somehow, if he's a good enough son, if he's Etho's favorite, if he joins his team, maybe Etho will go back and things can be better, everyone can go back together and be a happy family.
I also don't think that Scar completely hates Etho and has no affection for him either, if anything, I think that's the whole point, being conflicted by loving someone who time and time again ends up hurting and disappointing you, wanting to hate someone but not being able to because despite it all, you want to love them.
There's something to say about the two very different responses the two of them had when presented with the idea of a father figure that leaves you and doesn't work to get you back, I find it fascinating and it makes me so so emotional
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corpium · 7 months
Of Madness & Reason (Of Dragons & Chickens) muddled plot ideas that may or may not happen
Maybe I will finish this fic one day. Maybe I won't. Last time I took a one-year hiatus from a long fic I actually did come back to it. Buuut I know as a reader myself how frustrating and unresolved WIPs can be, so here's some semi-resolution for you in the form of a very loose timeline of events.
I will use the pronoun 'he' for this because of reasons I've previously expressed in the comments on the fic.
Full disclosure, SI and I as the writer Have a Plan, but I write the other characters off the cuff, and they often come in and fuck up my plans for the plot because I try to write them with as much agency as possible. This is how Snape became such a pivotal character despite me disliking him.
But I digress. Here are my rambling plans for this story.
Harry goes back to Hogwarts for Year 2 and Voldemort comes off REALLY strong in the first dream, so Harry manages somehow to get in and obliviate him. I'm guessing this happens by persuading Snape to let Harry see Quirrelmort to make sure he's still knocked out via Draught of Living Death, but Idk yet how difficult Snape makes it for HP.
Deciding that Voldemort far outmatches our SI, right after obliviating LV, Harry kills the diary Horcrux, which merges with our obliviated LV. In the next dream, Harry meets the now very confused 16y.o. TRJ and takes advantage of TRJ's vulnerability to legilimize him and learn all his secrets, mainly that of Horcrux creation.
Tom is very Not Thrilled about this and goes on the offensive. I'm not totally sure what this entails yet; perhaps he does the same and breaks into Harry's mind and learns all his secrets, including his SI history, which Riddle finds intriguing and very exploitable.
Harry inevitably tries to obliviate Quirrelmort again, but Snape makes it much more difficult. He might even bring Dumbledore into the picture. That, or Harry does because LV is getting too dangerous. Or maybe even Sirius does it. Either way, somehow Dumbledore gets involved, and lo and behold, despite all the Dumbledore bashing vibes, it turns out he is not evil, though he is very ambivalent towards Harry, who he has concerns about. Not sure if Harry tells Dumbledore just the 'I'm-a-seer' narrative or the whole SI deal. Might depend on how nosey/pushy Dumbledore is and if he tries his own legilimency.
One of the things that might turn Snape more towards Dumbledore is a beat I really want to happen - you know how Harry is starting to sorta kinda like SNape? Yeah that doesn't last. He finds Neville crying because Snape fed his toad one of his (Neville's) crappy potions and Neville panics because he thinks Trevor's dying. Harry LOSES HIS SHIT and confronts Snape about it. Snape silencios Harry, which Harry can't silently finite, so Harry sets some of Snape's papers on fire. End the scene with HArry being like, oh, yeah, this is why I hated you.
Either way, Harry ends up telling Dumbledore about the Ring Horcrux, and probably tells him not to put the ring on lest he wish to die a painful death. Not sure yet if Dumbledore caves to temptation or not.
With the ring Horcrux destroyed, somehow Harry gets ahold of it from Dumbledore (maybe Dumbledore knows the whole SI story and suggests this) and they use the ring for a little Deus Ex Machina to find out how SI became Harry. SI!Harry ends up summoning MOD!Harry from another universe who says he tried to go back in time to stop Voldemort, but he, being MOD, could not "fit" in baby Harry's mortal body, essentially shattering poor baby!Harry's soul, thus screwing with Fate itself. The universe, in an attempt to right itself, pulled the most compatible soul nearby into HArry's body. SI, having a shattered soul herself, and having died at the exact same moment, was the most convenient option. Basically, MOD!Harry fucked up and SI being SI!HArry was just a silly fluke of the universe.
MOD!Harry doesn't know if he approves of SI!Harry's methods, but basically says to go for it and do whatever you wanna do. This is just one universe of many and SI!Harry's life is his to do as he likes. This makes SI!Harry live a bit more guilt-free.
Scamander owls HArry to tell him he and Tina have successfully begun the creation of a sanctuary for the sea serpent and its young out in international waters, and Harry's like "Hey so now that you've done that, want to expand it for another crazy deadly serpent?"
Scamander ends up coming to Hogwarts and meets the basilisk. Dumbledore probably inserts himself into this meeting because he's the Headmaster and Newt's his friend. The Parseltongue translator he and Tina made for HArry partially works, enabling the Scamanders and Dumbledore to kinda talk to the basilisk. Dumbledore would have killed it otherwise, so thank god for that.
There's a moment when Harry convinces the basilisk to join Scamander where Harry's like "omg my plans are actually coming into fruition, i can't believe it but i actually i can believe it. fuck you voldemort i'm better than you" and remember Slytherin's sword hanging on the wall in the Chamber? It falls down with a clang and SCamander and Dumbledore (if he's there) are like "um? I guess this is yours?" and Dumbledore's all suspicious because oooo only a true Slytherin can pick up the sword and MC's just like "Lol Slytherin just really loved snakes :)"
Scamander takes the basilisk away to the sanctuary. Maybe this sanctuary gets more public recognition? Maybe it doesn't? Maybe people find out about the basilisk's existence and are like wtf? But Lucius and his crew are like "Oh it's a relic from the founders' era, let's give Scamander money and support to build that sanctuary" Idk. would have to get further into the weeds.
The Parseltongue translator becomes more functional over time and the SCamanders and their friends figure out how to duplicate it/make more. Suddenly PArseltongue has become a lot more accessible and Mundane. Voldemort probably finds out about this and is pissed because it was his Special Talent, which SI thinks is funny.
LV & HP's relationships is ever-evolving and threatening. LV is always trying to figure himself out and why this random Muggle chick is in "his" mind - or is he in her mind? It's like they're circling each other and for now, Harry just barely has the upper hand.
So far the Horcruxes that have been destroyed are: 1) the diadem, 2) the locket, 3) the diary, and 4) the ring. Nagini doesn't exist yet. The cup is still up in the air. Sirius may destroy it during second year while Harry's at Hogwarts, or I may decide to draw it out. I'm thinking I want to draw it out, but who knows.
The time before Hogwarts, Harry beefed up his Potions skill. The summer after first year, he beefed up his legilimency skill. The summer after second year, he focuses on learning the Animagus transfiguration and working with the Scamanders on their creature reserve.
Turns out, the basilisk and the sea serpent make up great "natural" defenses for the reservation. We got land and sea covered. Now all that's left is the sky. Enter the dragons. With Muggle drones and air travel becoming more prominent (I think, not sure when drones became such a big deal) the dragons are more at risk of being discovered. But guesssss what?
Newt's been talking to one species using the Parseltongue translator, which has opened the door to speaking with other dragon species. He, Tina, maybe some of their friends - maybe even Dumbledore??? - and now Harry work on expanding the unzoned/international Creature Reserve. SI!Harry may start to show some of the real Isekai OP tropes. He might be planning to create his own islands so he can finally live in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of chickens -- and also dragons. Depends. idk how over-powered I wanna get.
End the summer with Harry finally achieving his Animagus form: a coyote. American like SI - some nostalgia for their past self and their life experience, and an adaptable, clever creature with excellent survival skills. Also I love them and this fic is largely written out of self-indulgence.
Y3-? ----
Some plotlines:
Sirius Black and Harry recruit a leadership board to run their nonprofit, The Potter Black Foundation for Orphans and Troubled Children. The leadership board probably includes Molly Weasley for her experience with parenting and frugality and Narcissa Malfoy because money. Also probably a half-blood and/or Muggleborn adult OC (or named character with no background) to balance out the pureblood perspective.
Harry continues working on the Creature Reserve and makes it his own thing. Ends up going all Minecraft and building the skeleton of a city in his spare time "just in case". The place just keeps growing and growing. Multiple different islands with their own unique ecosystems and environments and every natural resource. Might decide the Fae mythology doesn't exist in this world, so Harry nicknames the place Underhill to be funny. But also maybe foreshadowing.
I'm not sure how long I want to draw out the LV & HP dance, but given the breakneck speed of the plot in this fic, it will probably happen sooner rather than later. LV legilimizes Harry back and finds out EVERYTHING. He's pissed. So pissed. But he also realizes he's trapped and at Harry's mercy -- and he knows HArry's a Horcrux. He tries coaxing, tempting, growing close, and using Harry's past as Kenzie to his advantage. It probably sorta kinda works. I love my villains, man, ok? Eventually, probably galvanized by the destruction of Hufflepuff's cup, aka the final Horcrux except for Harry, he ends up possessing Harry and releasing Quirrelmort/himself.
Realizing how badly he's fucked up, Harry races to remove the Horcrux in his head before Voldemort gets his body back, and, even after three+ years of research, and probably a couple failed attempts, the scar Horcrux is still firmly attached.
But remember how Harry legilimized TMR to learn how he created a Horcrux? Harry knows one surefire way to split off a piece of soul, and that's a Horcrux ritual, and Harry, as we have come to find out, is no stranger to death. He visits the Dursleys. They've outlived their use. (He makes sure Dudley's not there first.)
I'm not sure if I reveal the Horcrux ritual or not. Might be something super horrific I leave to the imagination. Or it's one of the theories I've read: the Horcrux creator legilimizes their victim as the victim dies and essentially commits ritual suicide. Harry uses this ritual on Vernon to split off the LV Horcrux into some relic or other, maybe a Black one or something cool from the Room of Lost Things, idk. In my headcanon, the object has to have sentimental and/or cultural value. Then Harry destroys that Horcrux - ha, take that, LV. Then, maybe on a whim, maybe now that creating a Horcrux has just made Harry a bit colder, Harry kills Petunia to make his own Horcrux with Slytherin's sword, because spite.
There are repercussions that Harry might realize right away or later. STill not sure what those are, maybe the loss of smell, or the loss of his emotional reaction to music. Maybe animals/nature/creatures don't bring him joy anymore. It depends on what I've planted/emphasized in the writing before.
Voldemort gets a body and confronts Harry to secure Harry and therefore the scar!Horcrux only to be horrified and enraged by its destruction. Harry's even more like "fuck you, asshole," which makes LV try to kill him. LV probably almost succeeds and disarms Harry, but psych, Harry's got not one, not two, but three wands. And maybe a gun as a callback to SI's prior Life Event with her ex. Not sure how crazy I wanna get. LV getting shot with a gun is a bit of a crack!trope. But this fic is constantly teetering on the line of crack so maybe I could make it work.
Anyway, LV dies, hurray! (Right? He didn't have enough time to make another Horcrux before killing Harry, right? Right?!?? Where did Dudley go? ;)
As an epilogue, maybe, or an end to this "book", LV comes back and kills Harry. But psych! HArry has the sword!Horcrux so is a floating spirit. Maybe he turns to Kreacher for help. Or Sirius, depending on how close the two got. Because Sirius would be hella pissed. But he might do it, idk. ANyway, whoever helps HArry come back to life, they're like "omg how are we gonna do this?" and Harry's like "Look in the xyz compartment of my satchel for a shiny red stone. That's the Philosopher's stone. Yeah, I stole it just in case. And look, just in case happened! Good job, past self."
The end.
OR maybe not.
HP graduates Hogwarts and retreats to the Creature Reserve. Goes ham with building it out. As tensions rise between wizards and "dark" creatures, as they might have done even without LV's involvement, Harry invites the more isolated werewolves to come live on one of the islands. This scene may happen before or after he and LV have their first showdown: Greyback tries to smooze and reveals some creepy shit with the kids, so Harry casts the killing curse for the first time, and it's successful. Harry's like "huh, I didn't know if that would work. Anyone else want to try it? No? Don't hurt kids if you want to live :)"
At the same time as this is happening, LV's back in action in the UK - but he can't go as himself or TMR because someone revealed his identity and tragic backstory to the entire wizarding world. (Fuck you, Harry Potter.) Also a lot of people have Parseltongue translators so he can't even use his --his-- language for secrecy and intimidation. (again, fuck you, Harry Potter.) He probably tries the more subtle politician route, maybe. Or a new terrorist identity, idk.
I'm very vague on the details now. Just how long do I wanna keep this going? Idk. But years, decades down the line, the Muggles begin to suspect. LV's rising to power and maybe Harry tries to stay out of it because he has Underhill, but characters like Sirius try (probably successfully) to pull him in because Britain is their home. Maybe there's a bit of a cold war between Underhill and magical Britain as both LV and HP build their forces. HP's pulled dark-ish creatures away from LV by offering each species their island - maybe he gets Hermione and other smarties to research the best, most sustainable government types in history. Point is, Underhill is growing.
(Harry reflects on Slytherin's sword and LV not getting it and, like the egotist he's becoming, he looks down on LV. Why put so much effort into forcefully reshaping the world when you can simply create your own?)
LV probably pisses off the Muggles or they find out on their own thanks to technology, and he goes to war with them. Underhill becomes a sort of magical asylum. Maybe they figure out how to use water as a shield to hide it from satellites like Atlantis. OR they declare it as a sovereign nation to Muggles and are like "we have magical weapons of mass destruction in the form of sea serpents, basilisks, and armies of dragons, don't fuck with us" and the Muggles are like "aight" grudgingly. Maybe SI encouraged Arthur Weasley & the twins to learn about and experiment with Muggle technology and we get a bit magical cyberpunky. Maybe Underhill's a bit isololationisty like Wakanda. Idk. Maybe they snatch Muggleborns and replace them with with Squibs to mirror Fae changling mythology. Maybe not. Idk. But they certainly try to incorporate muggleborns more than wizarding Britain does.
Maybe LV & HP grudgingly come to respectfully ignore each other. Maybe LV dies to Muggle warfare like he feared he would as a child. Who knows? Not me.
Honestly I don't think the fic will ever get this far because all of this would be like a million+ words and I want to put my writing efforts into other things. But you never know? :)
Also, sidenote: In an AU of this fic, Harry tries to feed Quirrelmort to a dementor and due to crazy soul magic, LV and the dementor fuse into an Eldritch abomination. Decided that simplified my villain too much and also was too dark.
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glisten-inthedark · 26 days
Drarry Time Travel AU
Yes, another one. Yes, I couldn't help myself.
I think I might devide into parts (?), who knows.
In this one Draco dies in the OG timeline and somehow ends up in 11 years body (oh the horror!) and remembers everything that happened before. But once he realizes that he's indeed not dreaming nor dead, he decides he'll do everything differently. Starting with befriending Harry fucking Potter.
But because it's magic™ somehow Draco's death in the OG world triggers something in the second timeline and Lucius starts having dreams he can't explain and that feel like memories. In book one, he stars with just small snippets of Draco's childhood (that mirrors the second timeline) but that interwoven with things that didn't happen, things that couldn't possibly happen.
Meanwhile, Draco manages to befriend Harry and not to say something to offend him and decides his role is to ensure Voldemort doens't rise again or that if he does, he can keep him from killing these many people.
At Hogwarts, Draco still ends up in Slytherin because I think that despite of it all, he's still cunning and smart and fiercely loyal to his family (which he's also trying to save), so yeah, Slytherin. And while Harry would no longer have that much of a bias against Slytherin and would do quite well in it, I just think he's too much of a hothead, impulsive, doesn't think through little shit to belong to any other house other than Gryffindor.
So first year happens in a similar fashion with Harry befriending Ron - who hates Draco and the feeling is mutual - and Hermione. Their friendship strikes everyone as odd but no one questions it.
But Draco also suffers through the frustration of convincing everyone Quirrell is the bad guy because no one fucking listens to him, but eventually when he turns out to be right (duh) he'll rub it in Harry's face for the rest of eternity.
Second year comes, Draco manages to convice Dumbledore to allow Harry to spend the summer with him and the Malfoys and while Lucius scares the hell of out Harry, everything turns out fine. (Screw blood wards, if it were up to me I'd kill the Dursley's but it'd be too big of a change).
Lucius' dreams become more and more real with each passing day - agonizing, terrorizing dreams of death, torture and war, of his son dying, of Voldemort rising, of him shackled in Azkaban.
He can't give the Weasley girl the diary, he can't. But someone else does.
But at the same time, Draco and Harry become closer and closer and he tries to think of how he'll handle the Sirius Black ordeal next year, because he really, really needs Harry to b happy a fact which he refuses to examine too closely. Lockhart is still an lying, incompetent ass and Ginny is still posessed by Tom Riddle's evil spirit.
The four of them go and try to save the day and everything happens pretty much the same.
Next summer has Lucius struggling with dreams that are being confused with reality, he grows more weary and protective of Draco that notices something is off with his father but can't say for certain what it is.
Sirius escapes (yay!), Harry starts noticing people more and Draco is the first person he finds pretty meanwhile Draco is already a pining mess.
Harry finds out the truth, drama ensues and a time travel within a time travel takes place. During all the confusion, Pettigrew escapes and Sirius has go on the run.
Forth year has Lucius freaking out because he realizes his mark is getting darker. Draco meets Cedric and it's irrationally jealous of him, but does everything he can to stop him from putting his name on the cup, to no avail.
Harry names also get's called, Ron still acts like an ass and Draco feels left out as he constantly would. His own deep insecurities and fears making him see ghosts where there are none.
But then, then Ron is the one down the lake and Draco is so fucking tired. He's tired of all this bullshit, thinks it would be best if he did die instead, and Harry will always care more about anyone else, he'll always be the one he doesn't really need.
Angst ensues.
Draco stops talking to him and Harry is miserable and sad and angry and he needs Draco to see that he does care, so much!
While still giving Harry the silent treatment, Draco tries to hurt Cedric so he won't go into the maze, but it doesn't work.
Harry comes back - and so does Voldemort - but Cedric is dead.
He and Harry finally start talking again.
The screams of his father haunt Lucius at night, mixed with dreams and fantasies and memories he can't understand. So for the first time, he makes a choice and strikes a deal with the lesser devil (Dumbledore) to keep his son safe.
Another summer spent with Draco's parents, the awareness of Voldemort's return leaving everyone on edge, his parents whispering quietly when they think he can't hear them.
Draco starts to train Harry in Occlumency, Umbridge is still a thing, but both Draco and Harry start Dumbledore's Army and help train the kids from the school.
This time around, Lucius does show up at the ministry and his head and his hurt at seeing the look of betrayal in his son. Draco should've know better, his father would never change.
Sirius comes to the rescue, but Draco manages to fight against Bellatrix with the help of his father of all people and Sirius gets to live.
The Malfoy family stays hidden in a place that no one knows about and this time around Dumbledore is the secret keeper because we all know that's what makes logical sense.
Harry finds the HBP diary, the sectumsempra scene never happens but Draco still gets hurt somehow and the Malfoys and Harry freak out. That's when Harry realizes he's in love with his best friend.
The convient person we pick to take Draco's place in this timeline fixes the cabinet and the death eaters get inside the castle. Snape kills Dumbledore, and it's one of the hardest things Draco had to do - watch someone he cares about be called a coward, a murderer -. Snape wasn't a good person, but he was so much more than what he used to be.
They finally go horcrux haunting and Draco has the leverage of knowing what some of them were. (Don't ask how, he just does). Harry and Draco finally get their acts together and kiss.
They fight. Harry finds out the truth. Harry dies. Harry lives. Neville kills Nagine, the war is over.
Sirius and Remus make it, Tonks doesn't and little Teddy will grow up without a mother. Lavender still dies and so does Fred.
And after some hard earned rest and years upon years of therapy, everyone lives happily ever after.
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comshipbracket · 3 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Antis DNI - Block the tag "comship" if this causes discomfort.
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise.
Jimthan Propaganda (One-sided Toxic Dynamic, Underage - Both Jimmy and Nathan are children)
"Jimmy and Nathan have an adorably onesided dynamic where it's never entirely clear if Jimmy is fully aware just how much Nathan hates his guts. Fueled partly by their different feelings on summer camp, Nathan has tried to get Jimmy killed multiple times, almost always ending in his own misfortune as a result. Much like a classic Looney Toons pair, Jimmy's insistence on fair play and good sportsmanship somehow always wins against Nathan's schemes. Even after encountering a situation where it is Severely, OBJECTIVELY clear that Nathan is just a straight up evil person who wants him and everyone else involved in the camp Dead, Jimmy seems to openly consider him a friend who he's glad to see every summer. This doesn't mean he never fucks with him, but Jimmy's attitude being so chill and friendly makes a wonderful contrast against Nathan's seething hatered. They also seem to be on mildly reasonable terms at school, partly because whenever Nathan has to directly interact with him, he feigns friendship, making the whole dynamic that much more complex. Please let my disabled babies win against the conventionally attractive anime people, i mean no disdain for the other ships i just think that would be really cool!!"
Stannarrator Propaganda (Codependency, Toxic Power Dynamics - In most endings)
"The Stanley Parable is a game about The Narrator wanting to tell a story through their game but having to rely on the Stanley's choices. The core of the game is that Stanley and The Narrator are bound to each other: Stanley needs The Narrator to make the "parable" he lives in, and The Narrator needs Stanley to make the choices that drive the story.
The Narrator clearly has the most power in this dynamic, since he can alter the world the Stanley lives in: modifying the rooms, creating and deleting objects at will, reloading the game, altering Stanley's perception, knowing almost everything and being almost everywhere. But, despite all that power, he isn't able to control the one thing that keeps his story existing: Stanley's choices.
Okay, spoilers to both the original 2013 game and the Ultra Deluxe remake from here on out since it's impossible to talk about them without spoiling a lot of the endings.
In one of the new endings on the Ultra Deluxe remake, the Skip Button ending, The Narrator creates a button that lets Stanley skip his dialogue `inspired` by a bad Steam review, but when Stanley clicks this button The Narrator is left all alone in that room, and which each click the skip becomes longer, from minutes, to hours, to weeks, to months… And in the fifth skip (where Stanley stays frozen for like, one, two weeks), The Narrator breaks up, talking about how he needs Stanley to listen to him and how scared he is of slipping back into the silence he passes through every time we use the skip button. In his own words, `I can't lose myself in the stretch of emptiness between you and me.` Of course, since it's the only way to advance in this ending, we skip again, and again, until The Narrator ends up eventually disappearing after the 12th or 13th skip, leaving Stanley alone in a desert, and that's where the ending stops, though it continues on the Epilogue, but I'll leave some things to add as propaganda during the polls.
Despite this, The Narrator still has more control of the situation than Stanley, like on the Explosion ending, where he traps Stanley in a room while the building's destroys itself as consequence for choosing to activate the Mind Control Machine instead of shutting it down to free everyone. He keeps acting like Stanley is nothing but a vehicle for him to pass a message through his story. `Watching you try to make sense of everything and take back the control wrested away from you…it's quite rich. I almost hate to see it go!` `You're only still playing instead of watching a cutscene because I want to watch you for every moment that you're powerless, to see you made humble. […] You wanted to control this world; that's fine. But I'm going to destroy it first, so you can't.`
But there's one point where they're equal, they both want to free themselves. On the Museum ending, we meet a being that is higher than The Narrator, the Female Narrator (yeah, that's her name), and she gives the best description of the relationship between these two: `Oh, look at these two. How they wish to destroy one another. How they wish to control one another. How they both wish to be free. Can you see? Can you see how much they need one another? No, perhaps not. Sometimes these things cannot be seen.`"
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sadiewayne · 9 months
my somewhat hot take on ric grayson
firstly, spoilers for the whole ric grayson arc. if you haven't read it and have somehow avoided learning about it through tumblr, here is your warning
also a disclaimer, i am only just getting into comics by reading nightwing. i have read nightwing (2011) aka new 52, grayson, and all the rebirth (2016) stuff. i am yet to read infinite frontier (it's on its way) so i can't talk about any of that
spoilers and shit opinions ahead
so, i read all of ric grayson aka nightwing (2016) #50-73/77 depending on how you want to fully define his arc and the supporting issues of batman #54-55, and the joker war where he gets his memories back
and tbh, it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be
don't get me wrong, its an awful nightwing story. i did hate a lot of it. it was only when jurgens took over and actually made the plot a plot did it get better, but i was expecting it to be the worst thing in the world and i actually found myself enjoying it in the same way i enjoy watching twilight, which is to say its cringy but there's just something that keeps me hooked.
so lets look at the positives and negatives
bea: i actually really like bea. i think she was actually a decent match for dick as she did good in her own, non-vigilante way, and was reliable. she wasn't trying to backstab him or trying to mind control him, and she actively fought for him to get his memories back in the end and was willing to get to know dick even thought she fell in love with ric. she also wasn't annoyed that he was/is a vigilante and didn't tell him to stop for her sake. i'm not mad dick broke up with her bc i expected as much, but she was one of the better partners.
parts of ric: under it all, ric was still dick. i was expecting an absolute piece of shit but ric was actually a good guy after jurgens took over. maybe it was the expectations i had from what others have said but fully, i think he isn't given enough credit. he wanted to leave the life he didn't remember behind but ended up going back to it and being one of the 'nightwings'. he didn't do it for an anterior motive, he didn't do it because he owed someone, he did it because it felt right. especially after the way he reacted in nightwing annual #2 when bruce old him he was nightwing, it was nice to see him going out there.
the court of owls: i loved the court of owls tie in. its a great plot that has been central to dicks new 52 story, and one that carried all the way through to the end. especially with it being cobb in the end, the way it started, it felt nice and cyclical. the history of the court of owls in terms of its creation for new 52 is interesting and the way dick was tied up in it all is one of the things that i have really enjoyed throughout the 3 titles. seeing it through 2011, grayson, and then multiple times in 2016 makes me little nerd heart sing. again, it may just be my bias to the court as a villain, but seeing dick as a talon, even for a short period of time, was pretty cool.
joker war: obviously this whole storyline could work independently with dick or ric but i do like how it was tied into his story so well. the magic crystal thing is weird but, given dick's history with the joker as robin and as jason's brother, i loved that it was the joker that brought his memories back in the end i know it was the court and the bea that did most of the work but still i also loved seeing the aftermath, seeing him struggle to go back to nightwing despite him being dick again, the fact that he was happy as ric and had to leave that behind. dick had another hero moment and i do like that
ok, with that all done, here are the negatives:
the arc length: i know this is very common but the arc went on for way too long. i know it was because the original 8 issue plan was thrown out, and jurgens then had to do damage control, but it was still too long. im lucky that could read it all start to finish in one sitting, but this was an arc that lasted 2 years! like WHAT! this really should have been 1 arc, i get it being 2 after the whole mess with who wrote it but still, cut out like most of the middle stuff, have the first arc and the final court arc and then boom, it would be so much better.
the other parts of ric: ok, so i don't like most of his character. mainly him not accepting help from his family. again i know this is a common complain, most of the negatives are, but he had so many people around him that wanted to help and he dismissed them all. they all tried to help him have a life afterwards and he basically told them to fuck off. even after he started going and vigilante-ing again, he never reached out to talk to them. i do sort of get it when he first left the hospital to go to the manor and bruce had the stupid idea to show him his death, but i still think it was a major flaw.
dan didio, scott lobdell, and eric esquivel: if you don't know these names, count yourself lucky. i did my research and found a great reddit post all about the logistical history of ric grayson that is worth reading if you're interested but the crux of these three is a whole list of verbal abuse, toxic workplace practices, and sexual harassment/assault. didio is co-publisher and has a reputation of hating nightwing, like he tried to have him killed off during infinite crisis all the way back in 2005. lobdell is the person who ached for the amnesia arc to be extended despite him only writing 8 issues in the end. esquivel was only brought on for co-writer for one issue but that issue was released only a few days after sexual abuse allegations about him came out. a lot of these men being in charge of nightwing and not being fired until 2020 comes down to their standings in DC and the connections they had at the top. all disgusting, but it meant that the first chunk of ric graysons run is marred with their names and actions. i wouldn't;t include this as a factor except it is a factor. ric grayson may have been 'created' by benjamin percy but he only wrote the first issue, the next 8 were lobdell, before jurgens wrote the rest. and if the big men upstairs wanted ric grayson, they would get ric grayson.
honestly, when i got to #49, i was tempted to not read any further. I would just skip straight to infinite frontier and pretend that ric didn't exist. but i wanted to do my due diligence to the character, so i powered through and found that there was some light in the dark. there is a lot wrong with the arc, and even with the positives i would still say i didn't like the arc, but i can see some of the positives.
also again, this reddit post is super interesting for anyone who doesn't know the history behind ric as how he was received at the time. im glad i read it but i won't be revisiting it
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mishanym · 1 year
Yours truly.
Day 1.
Yesterday, there was a random message sent to my phone from an unknown number that said,
Yeah.. I know. Seems like a text from a madman or a drunk who mistypes but then again it's too neat to be a typo message. Hmm..
I spent hours cracking it until I realized I can use the Fibonacci sequence.
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
Wait. Sometimes "I" can be seen as "L" too, so..
Okay, who would ever use a complicated way just to say I love you? And that person knows I love puzzles.. JAKE?!
He's alive?!
I stared at the message for quite some time, my heart started to race as I'm trying to reply to the unknown number.
Number doesn't exist.
Hmm. So this number cannot receive text. My text didn't get delivered.
How about I try calling?
The number you are calling does not exist..
Okay.. These things are screaming "Jake" in all elements. It must be him.
MC has activated my spyware. Not a wise move MC, but, I'm sure it's because you already cracked my puzzle. A smile on my lips, I executed my spyware immediately. The moment you tried calling the number, your phone activated the trap I set for you. Correction: love trap :)
I am sorry. I merely.. Miss you. But I cannot contact you directly. Any direct contact to you would risk leaving traces of evidence that we both are connected. That we know each other. And if they ever find you with any trace of me in it you will be in danger.
"You're not being fair, Jake!"
Somehow I can hear you say that in my ears. I am sorry. All is fair in love and war. I grin. Forgive me. I miss you too much. Please let me at least hack into your phone and listen in to you. I want to know what you're doing. I want to know how your day is. I want to make sure nothing hurts you, despite my limited power because I can't be there physically for you.
Note: Jake's POV is gonna be in green color, MC's POV is gonna be in blue color. Let's get their perspectives together at the same time because Jake is now in "I can hear your voice mode: on." ;)
I completed the activation of my spyware on MC's phone and suddenly felt the rush of excitement. I try and take a deep breath. Finally. Very soon, I will be able to hear you. I put in the last line of codes and.. voila! I ended my series of typing with a firm tap on my enter button.
I see the strings of code processing before me and the donut shaped "connecting" icon running in circles. Come on connection! I can not wait to hear the voice of the woman I love. The swirling circle finally stopped and I am connected to MC's speaker.
"GAAHHH! THIS IS ANNOYING! I hate you, Jake! You can hack me but I can't hack you back!" I grunted and shouted out my frustrations.
I chuckled. "I love you too, MC." I mumbled to myself and I can feel my face lit up in glee. Oh how I miss you, MC.
I lie on my bed, my phone beside me. I am hit with realization. "I know your spyware is here." My face made a knowing smile.
I smile. You're smart. You caught on fast. Thankfully not faster than me. If it was any faster, I wouldn't be able to hear you, love.
"Jake?" I say your name out loud subconsciously.
"Yes, MC." I can't help but reply to you despite knowing you can't hear me.
"Where are.. you?" I sigh in exasperation.
"I am here, MC." Well. Physically I am somewhere, hiding safely in my hideout. I quite like my new hiding place. It is safe enough to let me stay for a few days.
I am very worried about you. I miss you.
You must be missing me. I remember your last message for me, saying you love me too. If only I could hear it one more time...
"I love you too, Jake." My lips are echoing the last text I sent you over and over again, every time I think about you.
I gasped. Did you read my mind? I chuckled. Your hacking skills are better than mine MC, because you have hacked my mind, and.. my heart. You fascinate me.
My eyes glanced at the clock out of habit. It's late. If I could just send you a message to your mind. If there's a slightest chance at all that we are connected, please hear me and go to sleep.
I sigh, trying to calm the worries in my heart. "I think I'd better sleep." I reach for the cover and cover myself warmly.
I am still in disbelief. How intriguing that you can hear what my mind is desperately telling you. Like a magical connection. Two souls that are connected.
"Good night, Jake." I speak to my phone. I don't know whether Jake can hear me or not but I say it nonetheless. It helps me cope with loneliness, thinking that he's right there, listening in to what I say.
"Good night, MC." I transferred the access to MC's spyware on her phone to my phone and put on my earphones. This way if there's a suspicious noise around her I will hear it too. But the thing is, I've been very exhausted. After weeks of being on the run, I never really find peace. Peace is when I can talk to you. Peace is when I know for sure that you're safe. Peace is when I am able to hear your voice, it gives me a big sense of relief. At this point I don't know who is protecting who. I thought I was protecting you. Ironically, it is actually you that is protecting my sanity. Meeting you makes me start to have hope again. And I can finally sleep soundly.
Day 2.
I overslept. I only meant to sleep for four hours. But when I woke up this morning, it was already 9 AM. I slept for 9 hours?! This is insane. I panicked. I hurriedly checked all of my surroundings and ran my safety procedures. All systems are normal. No anomaly, no threats. I'm good. I sigh a breath of relief.
MC! I hurry and check on you. I can hear you breathing evenly through the speaker. Okay. I have to regain my composure. Suddenly there's an incoming text to your phone. I am tempted to read it but I am having second doubt.
What if it's something private? I do not dare. But then there's another and another new message incoming. I am starting to worry. If you have to hate me for this then you can hate me. It's a cheap price to pay if it means I can keep you safe.
I open the text, it's from someone that I assume is your classmate. "Class moved from 1PM to 9.30AM. YOU MUST HURRY, MC!" I look at the clock, 9.10AM. That's soon!
"Alright." I speak to myself. "Commencing, 'Operation getting MC to class on time'." I grin. I will get you to class on time, MC.
I hacked into your phone alarm and set the alarm to maximum volume. I grimace. "I am sorry for this, love." I ring your phone alarm in a jiffy. This is child's play.
My phone alarm is ringing so loudly. "Ughh?!" I groaned.
I grimaced again. I'm sorry. But you need to wake up. You got class.
I pressed stop on the phone alarm notification.
Oh no, I won't let you go back to sleep. You need to wake up. I set your phone alarm on again.
My phone alarm rings again. "Ahhhh! Jake!" I screamed his name now completely sure I am not imagining it. I'm pretty sure he did something to my phone alarm. "What are you doing, Jake?" I take my phone and turn off the alarm. Still annoyed I look at my phone and suddenly it opens my text messages. "Class moved to 9.30AM?" Gasp! I look at my phone's clock. 9.15? Oh God!
I hurry and get out of my bed, change to the closest clothes I can find and grab my bag. I ran to the subway. It usually takes me 25 to 30 minutes to go to my university how am I going to make it in 15 frikkin minutes?!
"I will be your escort, my love." I say this and a smile formed on my lips. I followed your movement through your phone's GPS location and CCTV. "Ahh despite being in a hurry you are still looking so beautiful." I mumble to myself. For a few seconds I was admiring your beauty until I slap myself to reality. Ahem. I need to focus. I will have my own sweet time admiring your beauty after you arrive at your classroom on time.
I quickly tried to get on the subway train but I was late by a split second, the door of the subway closed in front of my face. "Ahh!" I quickly stopped before my face hit the subway door. I can see the guy in the suit inside is sneering at me. I grunt. "Ugh. Wipe that smug off your face!"
I saw the sneer that stranger gave you through nearby CCTV. "What a bastard." I quickly type strings of codes on my computer. "Let's secure your carriage, my love." My speed is faster than normal, maybe because this is for you. I ended my input with a sharp sound of my enter button. "Aaaand done. Who's laughing now?" I snorted.
The subway door opens up again in front of me. THIS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Could it be... I pull up my phone quickly. "Jake? Was it you?"
"It is I, Jake, yours truly." I smile lovingly to the camera live feeds showing MC standing in front of the subway door.
Astonishing! I smile, impressed. I hurry to enter the subway. The guy in the suit who just sneered at me now has his mouth agape. I give him a smug smile. "Heh."
"Alright, now for the finale." I cracked my knuckles and started working on my next hacking. I scan your route to University and while you're in the subway I am securing your next trip. I feel like my fingers are flying on my keyboard. I have never felt so ecstatic, so alive, hacking for anyone. Is this what it feels like to do your best for someone you love? You are the first one who makes me feel like I'm on fire. And I like it.
My train arrives at the destination nearest to my university. Now to quickly get on my bus. I only have 7 minutes left! "Will I make it in time, Jake?" I talk to Jake who is listening in to me. Right now I'm pretty sure if I don't mess around with my phone his connection to my phone will be secured.
"Way ahead of you, love. I will make sure you arrive in time." Eyes on the nearest bus to your bus stop I'm watching its movement closely, making sure it's not stopping on any red lights.
"Hmm? The bus is here so fast!" I squeal in joy. I get on the bus quickly.
"Now let there be only greens on your way..." I nimbly move my fingers on my keyboard typing in correctly every code I need to turn all the traffic lights in your way to green. "And... done." My computer swiftly processes my hacking inputs.
I can't believe my eyes. I see every red light in front of me quickly turning to green whenever my bus is approaching it. Now 7 minutes is long enough for me to arrive at my university.
"Yes!!" I jumped for joy. MC arrives in time.
I grab my phone and whisper to it softly while I'm walking to my classroom.
"Thank you, my sweet boyfriend." I smile with affection and put my phone away inside my bag.
I heard the words you just said, utterly dumbfounded by them. "Did you just, call me your boyfriend..?" I feel my heart skips a beat. I.. I.. I never experienced the great happiness of being called as someone's boyfriend. And it's by someone as wonderful and as gorgeous as you, MC.. I don't deserve you.. and yet.. The happiness in my heart right now is betraying my logic. I know deep inside I want this. It is dangerous, but I simply can't evade you. And I do not want to. I want to be with you. And I am elated to be your boyfriend.
Yours truly,
Your man hacker,
Jake. :)
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