#utterly pointless kinda ridiculous looking yet biting even harder any time someone tries to make me let go
wizardlyghost · 1 year
yknow i think i would maybe have had an easier time in life if i had been a little less autistic :/
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slowly catching up, somehow I managed to get day 3 done today. Not really sure where I was going with this to be honest but hopefully it’s soft and fluffy enough 
day 1 | day 2 
prompt: home/family
words: 1,634
summary: Lance has a discussion with Shiro about their roles in the Voltron family 
“You know Shiro, you don’t have to be such a dad all the time,” Lance said emphatically swinging his arms wide. His gun was held loosely in one hand swinging with his movements like a bat. He paced back and forth restlessly in front of Shiro frustration and worry in every step.
Shiro watched considering his words carefully not wanting to say something to cause the final string of tension holding Lance up to break, but he needed to say something to calm the other man down.
“I'm ok,” he said making a considerable effort to keep the strain out of his voice. It was definitely the wrong thing to say.
“Shiro you are bleeding you are not ok!” Lance rounded on Shiro jerking his gun towards the other man with every word. Shiro might have been alarmed if it were anyone else but Lance behind the trigger. Shiro did however hold his hands up in surrender with a rueful smile.
“Quiznak my hands are so sweaty,” Lance grumbled shifting the gun to his other hand Lance rugged a gloved hand against the exposed part of his thigh not covered in armour. Shiro bit his tongue avoiding drawing attention to the fact that since Lance still had his gloves on what he was doing was utterly pointless. Shiro changed the subject instead.
“I don't act that much like a dad do I?” He asked mildly, a hint of amusement lacing his words because the very idea was just ridiculous.
“Yes you do!” Lance bit out sharply.
Shiro blinked back owlishly not sure how to reply.
“No not really, ugh I don't know,” Lance slumped forward with a groan shifting his gun from one hand, to the other, and back again. He just couldn't decide which hand to hold it in.
“Maybe a little bit,” he pushed his shoulders back, standing taller yet somehow looking weaker. More tired than he really had reason to be.
Shiro felt a pang of guilt realising he was probably the reason.
“You've been more attentive lately, like you're keeping tabs on us more or something,” Lance swung his arm around searching for the right words as if he could pluck them out of the air in front of him.
“Really? I don't think I've been acting any differently,” Shiro said shiftily his eyes not quite meeting Lance when he spoke.
Lance raised a fine, perfectly shaped eyebrow at that.
“You lie worse than my four year old sister,” he said flatly.
Shiro's face fell. Ok so maybe he wasn't the smooth liar he thought he was. Shit.
“You've been acting weird. You don't let Pidge get away with nearly as much as you used to and she won't stop complaining about it. You keep asking Hunk about his feelings and telling him he can come to you with anything, which by the way is kinda making him freak out even more. And you're spending more time with me…...” Lance trailed off, a shadow of something flickering across his expression that was gone before Shiro could figure out what it was.
“It's weird,” Lance finished with a frustrated scowl.
Os so Lance had noticed something but that was no reason to panic, Shiro told himself. It wasn't like Lance had figured out what had caused the sudden change.
“Bad weird?” He asked cautiously.
“No” Lance said quickly looking almost afraid.
“No not at all,” Lance added shaking his head. He moved over to Shiro sitting beside him resting the gun between his legs, grip lose but ready.
“I like spending time with you. The extra training sessions and all that have been kinda fun and it's nice to just….you know…..hang,” Lance shrugged turning to Shiro with a hint of a blush to his cheeks mostly hidden by his helmet. What a shame.
“But it's also like you've been taking on even more responsibility, and you've always tried to take on all the responsibility. Lately it's more than that. Like you're trying evne harder to take care of us and make sure we all get along, and we're all happy.
A heavy silence fell. Shiro could almost hear the gears turning in Lance's head. Lance wasn't done talking so he kept quiet.
“And it's great don't get me wrong. We all really appreciate what you're doing and how you look after us all, but you need to show some of that care and consideration towards yourself too.”
“I take care of myself,” Shiro said meekly avoiding looking at Lance again because that was the biggest lie he'd told so far.
“The gaping hole in your side says different.” Lance glowered at him.
“It's hardly a gaping hole,” Shiro reasoned. Or he tried to.
“It's bleeding enough. You shouldn't have used yourself like a human shield!”
“This coming from the guy who put himself between a bomb blast and a man he'd only just met.” Shiro shot back challengingly.
“Listen buddy,” Lance jabbed Shiro's shoulder with a finger, paused, then forgetting whatever argument he'd been about to make burst out laughing.
“Ok so maybe you do have a point there,” he huffed with a roll of his eyes drawing a laugh from Shiro too. The laughter was abruptly cut off by a stab of pain shooting through his side. Shiro winced curling up on himself as he clutched his injured side tightly.
“You ok?” Lance asked leaning over Shiro eyed wide and attentive, worried all over again.
“I'm fine I'm fine. Just a twinge,” Shiro reassured him with a wan smile.
“The bleeding has stopped, it's just a little sore that's all so maybe laughter wasn't the best medicine here,” he grinned watching as Lance's expression softened with exasperation.
“Idiot,” he grumbled under his breath.
“Now where was I?” Lance mumbled to himself. Shiro tensed, he had hoped Lance had forgotten the lecture he'd been in the middle of. He was starting to feel like a child being scolded, finally accepting the fact that maybe he had been a little too reckless. It was a strange feeling.
“Oh yeah!” Lance snapped to attention sitting up straight.
“So you need to stop being such a dad and taking all the responsibility and hard stuff on all by yourself ok. I know you’re the leader and the head of Voltron and all that,” Lance ranted swinging his hand around in a circle, “but this isn’t like the garrison where you have to be in charge all the time. We’re all in this together, all of us an equally important part of Voltron, right?”
“Yes that is true,” Shiro agreed with a small nod unable to argue back when his own words were being used against him. Lance beamed.
“Right. So you should share some of that responsibility with all of us. We’re all here to help you, help each other. If we’re all an equal part of Voltron then that means we’re all equals.”Lance was staring at him sternly as if he could sense the objection on the tip of Shiro's tongue.
“You make a very good point Lance and we are all equals. No one is more important than the other but as the black paladin-”
“Uh buh buh buh,” lifting a hand Lance cut Shiro off not letting him finished.
“None of that don’t make me be the mom!” Lance reprimanded sharply.
“You heard me. If you’re going to be all responsible dad over this then someone has to be the mom and take care of you, so I guess that someone is me.”
Shiro shifted feeling a hot twisting feeling settle in his stomach. He was pretty sure Lance hadn’t meant it like that, the suggestion in his words.
“Shouldn't Allur be he mom? Or Pidge?” He asked quickly to distract from the fluttering feeling in his stomach.
“That's sexist Shiro. Besides Allura needs a mom more than any of us and Pidge is a gremlin so she's out.”
Shiro ginned at that biting back another laugh.
“And I have a lot of siblings so I have the most experience .” Lance said confidently.
“I think that just makes you and overbearing brother, not a mother.” Shiro teased.
“Overbearing? Well I never! The nerve!” Lance gasped holding a hand over his chest with such an over exaggerated look of offence Shiro couldn't help but let the laugh slip out.
Another jolt of pain shot through Shiro's body and he jolted forward curling up again.
“You've got to stop doing that,” Lance chuckled sympathetically rubbing Shiro's back soothingly.
“That was your fault,” Shiro shot back with little malice. Lance glanced away and whistled innocently.
The pain died down and Shiro fell back against the wall with a sigh, Lance leaning close to him.
“But you know at the end of the day none of us are really the mom or the dad, we're only just about adults thrown into this crazy situation with the weight of the universe on our shoulders. And that means that no one person should be taking on all that weight on their own. You need to share that weight with us, with me,” Lance said softly looking up at Shiro with a soft, unguarded expression that made the older man catch his breath.
“I’ll try,” he promised. Lance smiled knowing that was the best he was going to get for now.
The others returned then having finished the mission and cleared the way of any lingering Galra troops so they could get Shiro through safely. Lance deactivated his bayard when they arrived leaving it to form back into his suit so he could help Shiro to his feet. He pulled Shiro's arm over his shoulders. Shiro held on tight leaning on him gratefully even though he could probably manage to at least walk without any help.
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