#i hope she'll talk to me 😭 i would love to have friends lol
tinakibed · 1 month
got called baby by a girl today 😭🩷💕
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il-miele-che-scrive · 4 months
Could you do something with Lewis, maybe reader and Lewis have been dating for a while but she’s famous too so they kept things really private, but they got married over the winter break and now the other drivers are finding out
Hello 🫶 lately I've been doing more smaus so I decided to make this one a smau also, hoping you'll like it 🩷
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yourusername I still haven't gotten used to seeing myself on those huge ads
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georgerussell63 A supermodel and an actress not being used to seeing herself in ads? 🤨
↳yourusername When was the last time you were walking down the street and saw a picture of you casually hanging on a building? 🤨 Let me tell you it always takes you by surprise, George
carmenmmundt How are you so beautiful? 😭
↳yourusername I love you Carmen 😭
oscarpiastri Good job, Y/n👏
danielricciardo What an abundance of beauty you are
landonorris an amazing day to have eyes
charles_leclerc Can't take my eyes off you
zhouguanyu24 You haven't posted in months and that's what you decided to post?🙄
↳username1 AND SHE ATE
carlossainz55 See you in Vegas soon 👋
tchalamet You busy lately? We haven't been in a movie together for a while
↳username2 Co-star rizz lmao
username3 It's so weird to me how Y/n is the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen and she's SINGLE
↳username4 It's her choice
username3 And she made it while having f1 drivers and timothee casually flirting with her in the comment section
username4 Doesn't seem that much like flirting to me 🤷‍♀️ she's friends with Carmen and George so she's gonna have the drivers in her comments. And Tim is like her bestie
username3 Are you blind 😭 okay maybe Oscar's comment is friendly, but the rest is definitely flirting!!
username4 Whatever feeds your delusions I guess. I don't think she's single, she might just be keeping her relationship super private. Exactly because of fans like you
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yourusername Nothing beats a date in Las Vegas
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username1 A DATE. IN VEGAS.
username2 Okay guys, which driver do we think took her on the date?
↳username3 I'm saying Lando, it's a very Lando thing to do
username4 imo he was too busy healing from this terrible crash he had lmao
username5 Plus Lando is too young for her, I'd say Danny Ric
username4 yooo y/n and danny would be a great couple, I hope you're right
username6 Do you guys remember what Carlos commented under her previous post?? "See you in Vegas" or smth
↳username4 yeah but it could be just because she was invited to the paddock
username6 Like usually. But did you ever see any driver say anything like see you there and there before other races?
carmenmmundt YOU WENT ON A DATE?
↳georgerussell63 @/yourusername reply immediately and say who took you
yourusername Mom, dad, I'm terribly sorry I didn't tell you 😭
carmenmmundt This doesn't answer our questions...
↳username1 Help even they didn't know lol
username7 It could be anybody, guys. Y/n has most of the drivers in her likes
↳username2 Then maybe it's someone who isn't in the likes? 🤭
username7 Well, then we have Alonso, Bottas, Hamilton and a few others, it doesn't make it easier
username3 She'll say who it is when they're both ready but I wish it would happen as soon as possible
username9 LMAO none of the guys from the previous post commented now
↳username5 She just subtly told them too f off cuz she's taken 😭
username8 I can't wait until the winter break, I know something is gonna happen...
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yourusername He made me get my first tattoo lol
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username1 WHAT?? IS?? HAPPENING??
↳username2 idk looks like miss girl moved, got a tattoo and then decided to travel around 😐
carmenmmundt When are we going to talk about who is "he"?
↳yourusername When the timing is right ✨
georgerussell63 Whoever he is, he's a bad influence on you 🙄
↳yourusername Mom can you tell dad to quit my comment section @/carmenmmundt
username3 Y/n moved to Monaco 😭
↳username4 And how do you know that?
username3 Haven't you heard she was seen there?
username4 And? Celebs love Monaco
username3 Exactly. So she moved there. Possibly with her secret boyfriend
username5 Okay so what we know about Y/n's secret man is they live together in Monaco, he could be an F1 driver and he must have tattoos (because why would he make her get one otherwise?)
username7 Well there's also Hamilton who has quite a lot of tattoos
username8 And Alonso and Stroll, she didn't say how many tattoos her bf has, could be as well one or two
username5 Don't forget some drivers might have them hidden and never spoke about them
username9 To be fair she didn't say if he has any in general lol
danielricciardo What about a party in the new apartment?
↳username6 Yeah, keep telling me it's not him
↳yourusername Most likely when I'm back from my lil vacation
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lewishamilton Winter break
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username1 EXCUSE ME
username3 Don't panic, guys, it is me in the 4th pic
username4 I know he's an almost 40 years old man but I'm still shocked
username5 ngl that woman's hand looks familiar...
username6 Not even a tag on the last pic? 😕
username7 Silly season starting early this year 😭
↳username4 Yeah, firstly he dropped the bomb about moving to Ferrari and now THIS
username7 Man said lemme dominate this winter break 🤠
landonorris congrats i guess?
carlossainz55 Unexpected but happy for you!
georgerussell63 I'm calling Toto, you're lucky he doesn't have social media
username8 I can't believe he kept it a secret from all the drivers lol
↳username7 And for so long too!! I mean, you don't marry someone you started dating a month ago, it could've been going on for YEARS
charles_leclerc When will we meet this mysterious lady?
↳lewishamilton I'm sure you all know her well
↳username7 Leclerc better stay away 🤺
username9 You guys don't ever know how sure I am that it's Y/n
↳username10 I won't believe it until they confirm it
username9 Yeah because it's a total coincidence Y/n recently moved to Monaco, got a tattoo because "her bf made her" and also went on a trip
yourusername Shik shak shok
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username1 I KNEW IT I KNEW IT
username2 The couple I never knew I needed
username3 Two fashion icons
username4 Honestly is anyone surprised? Like, okay, unexpected, but I'm not surprised Lewis is dating one of the most famous models/actresses in the world
↳username5 I am surprised tbh 😭 I think a lot of people expected DR3, not LH44
username6 rip to all the drivers who used to hit on Y/n in her comment section 💀
username7 So Y/n is dating LH44 and is best friends with the girlfriend of GR63?
↳username8 She copied her lol
username7 Except Carmen's bf hasn't ever won the world champion title lmao
↳username9 That's a real friendship. Going for drivers from the same team
username10 I need to know how did they mange to keep it a secret for so long 😭
↳username11 Yeah cuz I can't believe even Toto himself had no idea
username12 Something about them being married makes so much sense, I love them
username13 Imagine when we start seeing them doing ads together omg
↳username14 ads? 💀 now that they're out and married I expect lots of content together on both their accounts AND on Drive to survive and just anywhere
username11 tbh who cares about the races, they can just display Y/n on the screen for 2h and I'd watch
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y/nhamilton btw we used to date but now we're just married (and thanks @/zhouguanyu24 for keeping our secret)
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carmenmmundt I was just as shocked as the fans
landonorris somehow I'm not surprised Zhou knew
↳username1 And he knew about both THIS and Lewis moving to Ferrari!! And kept quiet both times!
↳charles_leclerc I wonder what else Zhou knows that we don't
username2 Zhou Guanyu is officially the most trustworthy guy on the grid
↳username3 And I thought it'd be Oscar...
username4 Does it mean more iconic Y/n outfits on the paddock? 😍
↳y/nhamilton And matching outfits! 🤭
username2 Oh they're gonna kill it!!
username5 I need a friend like Zhou
zhouguanyu24 You're welcome 😌
↳y/nhamilton 🫶
↳lewishamilton 💜
username6 I never thought about Lewis and Zhou being friends, but...?
username7 in moments like this I go look at the old posts where other drivers would flirt with Y/n lmao
username8 This winter break belongs to Lewis
oscarpiastri Lewis' last name suits you
↳landonorris it would've been funny to see Lew change his last name to hers tho lol
carlossainz55 How long have you been together?
↳y/nhamilton Something like 5 years now
carlossainz55 And none of us knew all this time 😳
y/nhamilton Zhou knew... I've just said that
username9 All the other drivers immediately regretting everything they said under other Y/n's posts hahahah
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ughgoaway · 4 months
first anon so I'm a bit nervous 😭, but I've been thinking about this all day
teacher girlie and annie making matty a valentine's day card (or some sort of craft)!! I'm thinking it would be something very cutesy pinterest diy because teacher girlie is a teacher (obviously), and she probably has pinterest boards FULL of cute little holiday crafts she wants to do with the kids!! - 🎸
omg welcome!!! first anon?? please, I am BLESSED! welcome to the chaos that is my blog, I am very happy to have you contributing to it :))))
now... I'm feeling emo today, and I love a bit of pining SO, I'm thinking pre-dating here. as you said, you're a teacher, so you always do holiday crafts for the kids, and valentines is no different! for today, the kids have a few options, they can make a card, make some paper chain hearts, and they all get a rock that they can make a heart out of their fingerprints on!
(this is the vibe with the rock craft lol)
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you have separate Pinterest boards for every holiday, and each one is filled with little activities. (Once you and matty do get together, he does make fun of you slightly for this... but he also has the time of his life when you practice them at home and rope him into it.)
but back to pre-dating time, you are mopey all day. you try to be upbeat for the kids, but it's hard when you're in love with a person who you absolutely can not date, and who has no feelings for you. (or so you think...)
most of the kids are oblivious to your feelings but not Annie, so she ends up dragging you around with her all day and doing the crafts as your co-teacher handles the rest of them. now, she's trying to be thoughtful, which you appreciate endlessly, but it's agony sitting with her all day.
little Annie healy is a carbon copy of her father. the same curly hair, mischievous smile, and cheeky laugh. so instead of distracting you from thinking about matty, it only makes it 100 x worse. especially because she won't stop chattering away about him and telling you about how she's going to give alllll of this to her dad.
you help her with the paper chains first, she folds them up and you glue them together, and she is quite happily nattering away.
"my daddy is going to hang these in the studio i think. he would put them over his bed, but he has too many pictures hanging over it already." she nods assuredly, which only makes you daydream about what mattys bed looks like. (and what he looks like in it)
"oh that's nice! Will your daddy's friends like them too?" it pains you to even talk about Matty today, so you're hoping she'll start talking about the boys and their partners.
"Oh yeah! my auntie charli and uncle George are going to really like them. They're having a posh dinner, not McDonald's or anything!" she then chatters on about the Hann's plans (dropping baby hann of with their mum and going to the cinema) and uncle Ross and his girlfriends valentines day (going to the theatre and then more fancy dinner.)
then, she goes onto matty, "but my daddy doesn't have a girlfriend, so he's not doing anything. but uncle George says he should "get over himself and ask her out" so I think he likes a girllllll" she drops her voice as low as it can go when she imitates George, and giggles when she mentions her dad having a crush.
to say you feel fucking heartbroken is an understatement. she really got your hopes up there by mentioning he was single, only to shoot them back down by saying he has a crush. and you'd swear you could almost see her face if you thought hard enough; young blonde model, 5"10 and 90% legs, wears beautiful clothes and laughs slightly too hard at all of his jokes. and they're both fucking smitten with each other, totally in awe of their collective beauty.
you do the rock craft next, and annie insits that one of the fingerprints is yours, so you do it. but it does feel like a dagger to the chest. Yet, it somehow gets even worse when she demands you sign the card too, "but you helped me miss y/n! you have to put your name too!"
so you scribble down your name with a strained smile and tuck it away in the envelope, trying to not let your soul die in the process.
soon enough, it's pickup time, and annie is the last one. Matty is usually late, but you can't stop thinking of why he's late today. did he ask the girl he likes out? did she say yes? maybe they're planning a date right now. or kissing and being all stupid and happy.
but matty rocks up, thankfully alone and with a small gift bag in his hands. probably for his beautiful girlfriend you think briefly, but you manage to plaster on a fake smile and greet him.
"hi matty!" you smile, watching Annie run over and give him a hug.
"oof, hi peanut! you have a good day?" he flicks his eyes up to you and mouths "sorry" he knew he was a few minutes late, but you waved him off and gave him an gentle grin.
"yeah! I made you sooo many things today, daddy. miss y/n helped too!" Annie is scooped up into matty's arms as she chatters away, describing everything she did in detail.
"Right, Munchkin, we've got to go to Uncle Adam's house and get your cousin! his grandma can't look after him anymore, so we're having a sleepover!" Annie squeals quite happily at this information, and you feel like you could too. you highly doubt mattys got a hot date whilst baby sitting two children under 10, so any image of a hot model falling off his arm is wiped from your mind.
"oh here you go by the way y/n, happy valentines" matty says with a smile, handing over the small bag with a nervous grin on his face.
you try to act slightly cooler than you feel when you accept it, and if it was any one else they would see right through you, but matty was so blinded by nerves he didn't notice anything.
"Wow! thank you so much, that's really kind of you. " Your heart is racing in your chest, as is Matty's. if anyone were around you and saw the lovesick look in both your eyes, they would know exactly what you were both thinking. but you were alone, so it stayed unspoken and unnoticed.
matty gives you a shy wave, and walks off with Annie in his arms. leaving you shell-shocked and holding that little bag full of mystery.
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rollingsins · 1 year
Hi sweetheart! I saw other anonymous being rude about your writing tempo. Honestly fuck them. It doesn't matter how long you take for a chapter because in the end it will be perfect. The wait just builds anticipation and it's so worth it.
Lol Tara wakes up and thinks she'll get pancakes only for Sam to have cooked them. What a terrible start in the day.
Sam, I love you. I really do. But come on. Tara got her guts rearranged and not in a good way so please let that girl have some normal pancakes for once. Here I will even give Tara a pass for being grumpy with Sam. Healthy pancakes isn't okay, that's a crime against humanity.
Aw man Sam. Is so adorable. She cares so much and just wants the best for Tara. Girls, eat your carrots and cucumber to make Sam happy!
"We need bodies to catch Ghostface" I sure hope you don't meant it literally...Tara, don't use your friends as bait, please.
Well Sam. That wasn't a great performance here... Shouldn't you pay attention to the door and any noises? Girlie please.
NO FUCKING WAY MINDY MADD A POWERPOINT! 1. That's big girlboss energy. 2. No joke, I was so bored at work that I also messed around with it... I only had like 3 slides but... Mindy I love you.
Lol Liv is trying her best. Let that girl have her moment.
Ha, sassy Tara really is my favorite. Her quips are so hilarious 😂
The principals detention. Not bad. Of course Tara has experience with that. Girlie is a menace.
Okay go off Tara. Ya know girl, accidents happen at football. No need to baby slam that poor girl. But it's Tara, I'm surprised she didn't break her leg or something... and what does it say about me that I find Tara's action kinda hot...
😂 damn Tara really is like am angry chihuahua. Barking and going off on anyone that dares to be negative to R. We love to see it!
Okay, Liv. I'm sure that ar some point in your life you've had a good idea but telling Tara and R to FUCK IN SCHOOL is absolutely NOT a good idea. Let them have some self respect please. I'm sure that would give them more than detention. Liv, try again. Just let Tara go off on someone again. It's her favorite past time activity after fucking R and killing people.
Hell yes Chad! That's what I'm talking about. You get a cookie for that idea 🍪
"Liv folds like a lawn chair" OMG The mental image 😂 It cracked me up. Anything related to Liv always makes me laugh. Poor girl.
Ah Sam. I love how protective you are. And you're right. These idiots are incredible to be around, hilarious friends but no. They can't protect anyone, they're way too goofy for that. Yes Sam! Join them and become the only competent leader of the scooby gang!
Lol Tara shut up. Stop being grumpy about being denied having sex at school! That girl is addicted to sex, I swear.
Oh please don't tell me they got the reputation cause they ACTUALLY fucked at school a couple of times... They really got some nerves.
OH HELL YES LETS ANTAGONZIE THE BORING HISTORY TEACHER! Doing that was my dream in school. I'm living out my teenage dream through Tara and R right now.
TARA!! "He's balding" I gasped out loud. That was absolutely savage. I love it!
OMG TARA LITERALLY CAME FOR HIS WIG!! WIG SNATCHED! I REPEAT, WIG SNATCHED! Okay, this part was absolutely fantastic. It's my favorite paragraph you've ever written. I was brimming with excitement, I love evil little bitches going off on boring teachers. My teenage self is happy now. Take that, Mr. Christ! (He was balding too so very fitting)
You sure letting Chad and Liv sneak away together is a good idea... they're nearly as horny as Tara...
Oh I doubt the Sjeriff would be knocking on their door because SHE IS GHOSTFACE! Yes, I'm still convinced it's her. Come on people, wake up!
(I'm sure this is a lot of fun for you. Either you're like damn, that bitch got it right or you're like ha, she's so wrong about it)
Lop why did you come for Latvia like this 😭
Of course Tara is offended about shooting the gun right. I love her so much.
Okay no. If that isn't prove for Judy being Ghostface then call me delusional. How in the world is she even allowed to investigate her own sons death?? That can't be legal. She must have caught wind of the plan and wanted to finally get rid of Tara.
Oh man, poor Tara. She is completely out of control here and is so desperate for R to be safe.
Okay hmm. They are still going through with the plan. Oh no, I'm doubting Judy being Ghostface now... As if she would Attest Tara and then go into the school to kill the scooby gang. Aah help I'm so confused now. What did you do to me 😭
Poor Tara was arrested, Judy feels victorious and the others are still going through with the plan. I'm emotionally destroyed, how will I be able to work now??
Also sorry for this long ass ask but I told you I will get more unhinged the closer we get to discovering the identity of Ghostface.
Hi bby!!! Thank you for your amazing asks as always 😊
I live for how your train of thought is getting more and more chaotic 😂
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vee-crytraps · 3 days
hi!! don't mind me, just passing to say I love your writing and I've been reading and rereading kmm and glb like a madwoman these past few days. I swear you write so scrumptious-ly I want to eat your brain (good).
these is just an idea, a rant perhaps, but I love Tim's and batsis' dynamic in kmm when she just goes "can I watch?" (relatable) and him saying (want me to eat you out?" hahsha god I snorted so bad loved it. they're actually the more sibling-y and for some reason I just love the trust and comfort and comfyness (is that even a word? don't know, english ain't my first language). I just want to feed him properly, offer cuddles and massage his shoulders 😞.
also, I like to think that Jason's and batsis' in glb are kind of like a slow burn? cause you know, they don't really have the closeness she has with the rest. I feel like bc she's so aware and attentive (?) she even can read Damian (sometimes) better than she can Jason. and so, they construct this relationship that even tho they call it sibling-y it feels more of a awkward friends to lovers. but you know, slow burn cause Jason got great (doubtful) self control (I'm looking at you Dick). he tries so hard to be the brother he never gave her a chance to have but ends up straying from that role into a more annoying friend that's emotionally constipated but tries and is soft for her and it's so obvious he has heart eyes.
also, I love to think she could Damian and Jason as if they were wounded animals? idk, I just love intimacy and sweet moments and obviously I need to gravitate towards the most grumpy-angy boys 😭😭😭😭.
+ imagine reader just washing there hair after readying a bath for them? good god (I'm definitely projecting my wants onto her sorry).
this is a rant I'm sorry, the batboys just plague my mind on a daily basis and I'm not managing.
here 🤲🫀 (could I be anatomically accurate heart anon? cause love that emoji lol)
love you, hope you have a good day 🫂🫂🫂🫂
🫀 anon!!! You GET IT!!! You are in my brain and I am letting you know that you're allowed to have a little nibble of it as a treat!!!
With Dick there is some sibling comfort, but ultimately at the end of the day she's got rose colored glasses on with him. She'll try to sit a bit straighter, do her hair a bit nicer. She's comfy with him but is always trying to be the best version of herself. But with TIM, it's no holds barred. They'll horse around and pick on each other. They can be curious and gross and just be themselves (we'll see a lot of that in the next chapter of glb!). Their relationship is very sibling-y. Yes! I think that she and Jason are slow burn-y for sureeee. They never hung out the year he was Robin, and through his early RH days he mostly kept up with the bats because they saw eachother on the feild. Now that he's trying to be a part of their civilian family dynamic he now has this little sister that he like literally never talked to. So to him really she's just a cute girl that lives in the house, and while he's attracted to her he's holding back because getting with her is the sort of fuck up everyone else is expecting from him??? And she's sweet! And she gives a shit about him even after his murder phase! She's choosing him, scars and all, and calling for help? Jason loooooved being her knight in shining armor, while also struggling with the totally filthy thoughts he has about her. He both does and doesn't want to corrupt her, per the first chapter of KMM! She for sure treats them like wounded animals! Big agree! If it works, it works haha ALSO??? That bath thing??? Feed me anon. I cannot promise I will use everything but that is so good. Tim would definitely have his hair washed. ilu2! Have a nice day!
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
No one writes mmf poly relationships quite like you and I just….
My favorite FAVORITE thing is how you make sure to stress consistent consent and check-ins. Not only do I find it incredibly hot when they make sure you’re with them, but because even in long term relationships where consent and limits have been so thoroughly discussed and understood, when a scene is this intense there MUST be check-ins bc the body will respond differently on different days etc. I also love how you put reader panicking or getting overwhelmed bc that feeling is SO REAL. Plus Yunhwa asking her to please communicate with them when this happens next time and properly checking in for aftercare…just 🤌🏻
Just- thank you for writing HEALTHY and SAFE bdsm and kink fics bc ffs some people really scare me with how they write it sometimes. (And when I was younger and less knowledgeable/experienced I really thought it was okay bc I didn’t know better)
Also harsh Hard Dom Seonghwa into caring/coddling (almost Mommy)Seonghwa really just hits every time.
Anyways, you’re incredible, nothing new, okaythanksloveyoubye
~🖤🖤🖤 Anon
😭 thank you so much?????
also yes you make some excellent points about long term relationships and still needing to respect limits and do check-ins. i think it's ridiculous to think that just because you established consent with a partner a week ago that it would apply to today, let alone how much gets established over the course of a long term relationship.
as far as the panicking, i feel like this part is really important to me, thank you for picking up on it! there's this interesting impression that i think some people have about subs in bdsm / bdsm porn that like no matter how intense or 'painful' a scene may be, the sub is in nothing but ecstasy and pleasure the whole time. but that's just not true - when you actually listen to people who engage in acts this intense, something they will talk about is this concept of testing personal limits as well as the results of pain play (surging endorphins / adrenaline), it's not just endless orgasms because someone likes being slapped lol
i think a lot of writers portray bdsm poorly because they are garnering all their information from sources like fifty shades or from porn that is not really made from the sub's perspective. i've done a lot of research outside of porn itself to understand these dynamics better so that when i write them, it doesn't come off hollow or problematic, and i really hope that it is working for people who do engage in dynamics like these.
while i personally may not have done everything that i've written in these fics, i do my best to make sure things stay as true to life as possible. one of my best friends is also a practicing submissive and actively working with a dom on some of these more intense dynamics, so she'll share a lot of that with me from the internal sub perspective that way the emotions and physical sensations that i'm putting on paper sound a bit more real.
i'm currently deep in shibari research mode for this very intense san fic i'm writing, so stay tuned for that one....
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taegularities · 1 year
Hiee~~ Rid, I'm sorry I'm late for dropping my feedback but was waiting for my friend to finish this up so we could share some theories👀... So yea, I do have some theories and my friend does too maybe she'll drop hers anytime. We discussed like a group project, I'm sorry🙈
Okay so, first off I loved the first part of Candles and Flames... Love seems short in front of what I felt my heart was nearly popping up in my throat the end part I shed tears and felt bad for our OC maybe, kook too💔. I have read fanfic after a long time or let's say after CMI and I'm hooked on this one. Well won't lie, love, I have always loved what you write.
And my theory?!?! Don't know if I'm right but -- kinda feel Kook does feel something for her / he does know something is off with that Uncle of his, that the man is a real douchebag (if not then Kook is a douchebag)
“Watching someone stand so close to you… I told myself it doesn’t bother me, but it does.” kook was pissin me off but with this statement... 🤐 I'll better keep my mouth shut for now.
An inside voice chuckles when your knees threaten to buckle — after everything you’ve heard, you still think that deep down, he cares (i do feel the same). That despite his battle plan, you took over at least a tiny spot in his heart; somewhere in the back, hidden but there. (girl is right, what she feels is right... just my theory, Rid... Looking forward to reading more about them. And, yes this Uncle would be the first one to enter Hell and it won't be empty anymore)
Omg, it's huge, I'm sorry, btw Rid, I enjoyed this and hope you did too while you wrote this. You're doing amazing keep this up, we love what you write, and thank you for everything💕
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HAZEL, you're not lateeee, it's just been a week, you're good !!! <3 ah also wait, your friend? is she around here somewhere? friend, wanna tell me your theories, too? 👀 it's so sweet that guys talk about my stuff, though, thank you 🥺
awwh no, you shed tears :((( i'm sorry !! but also not, bc you loved it and that's all that counts <3 also, your theory? solid. loving it !! i think a few c&f readers and oc would agree with you :D
hahaha yes the "he's so annoying" to "god he's hot" shift is pretty clear, and i assure you that oc felt the same :') we're all in the same boat, and can't escape </3
this Uncle would be the first one to enter Hell and it won't be empty anymore
LOL truth 😭 and don't worry about huge reviews! it was so nice to read, and you're so so kind, so i'm just happy you liked it and wanna say thank you for reading, enjoying it enough to talk about it to a friend and leaving this lovely message. can't wait for the next one and everything else that's to come, bc i'm definitely having a good time <3
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eatsbop · 2 years
totally not coming from a jihyeok stan but WHYY does he get so little screentime??? i thought HE was the MC'S BESTFRIEND so tell me why rumi gets more screentime than jihyeok when all she does is stand around?? no hate to rumi she's my gf i love her nd all but still. so sick and tired of this gaeul-hobin-bomi love triangle tbh. gaeul already got rejected once i dont understand why she's still trying to shoot her shot. nd did hobin just forget all that happened between him nd bomi in that movie café or something place. she was quite literally on top of him. why does he still think they're still friends how dense nd dumb does one have to be to think this way 😭😭
in conclusion, ptj needs to bring seongjun back. its been incredibly boring w/o him. nd i miss his lil dramatic & problematic ass ❤️ and that jinho nd seongjun divorce drama be entertaining as FUCK. so, stan jihyeok. #jihyeokforpresident2022
Well, anon. I had to pick up HTF again to answer this.. and I still have nothing to say lol (I mean not that you're asking me to say anything lmao)
I don't think Hobin thinks he and Bomi are just friends though? I mean I was reading quite fast so maybe I missed him implying he thinks they're only friends? They've also agreed on "putting a distance" between them since Bomi needs to focus in school but pretty sure they've got to be aware they're exclusive to each other to agree about such an arrangement. And with all the permission asking for the subchannel and the female cockroaches guarantee-ing, Hobin and Bomi know they're a couple.
I'd understand if Hobin thinks they're just friends though (but I don't think he thinks that way). Some of us grew up ugly, anon. Unless you shoot your affection point blank to us and spell it out nuance by nuance, we won't be able to read between the lines. That's just not something that happens to us. I mean him. I mean. Anyway. Totally not about me. Moving on.
I also don't think Gaeul's hoping for any chance with Hobin. Like at the moment. Kind of? I mean she likes Hobin so if Hobin pays attention to her it'll be exciting for her. If Hobin's gushing about Bomi, she'll get jealous sure. That's just the nature of people's heart. (Based on nothing lmao)
I think there'll be more Jihyeok appearance next update. Who knows maybe a plot twist. Maybe Jihyeok would be so hurt of the Gaeul/Hobin couple subchannel that he'll sell them out to Jinho.
I always appreciate the og team appearance so I won't complain about Rumi. But yeah, totally miss Jihyeok. I can't talk shit about him if he's not being an idiot. Bring Jihyeok back.
I'm afraid there won't be any necromancy in this story though, anon. Hate to break this to you but don't hold your breath for Seongjoon's reappearance.
Thanks for the ask. Fistbump.
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seelestia · 2 years
that's what i get for always spending time with him i guess lmao and yes ofc you're v v welcome to invade my inbox anytime you so wish <3
the two hu taos running around is sure to turn anyone's hair grey lol i can't for the life of me imagine the shenanigans you're both up to when put together /j
ah the social status gap ;;;; THAT'S 3 TROPES IN ONE HLDJSFLKSJDL OH MY LORD i can already taste the bitter angst at the tip of my tongue....
I THINK SO lol black + blue palette on ayato... and with all the signature fatui accessories... gosh. i really can't. any artists seeing this, if you ever want to draw it please tag me 🙏🏻 yeah no the moment he starts liking your presence you're locked in for life sis i am so sorry- /j
that's so fast sldkjfsldf i'm still on part 2 atm and i probably won't continue anytime soon cause of vacation plans sobsob
the rng gods blessed you with that one lollll nahh i am hopeless at building characters i tell you. i have no idea what i'm doing 80% of the time 🤣 i'm just here for the lore and music/voice and zhongli ✨
literally us:
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"a child holding a bomb is two terrible signs manifested into one." i am dead, deceased, wheezing, tearing up with laughter-
oh al haitham is coming home whether he wants it or not 😈 i think i might skip 3.1 banners entirely in favor of saving up... the remelting tablet has got me hooked on ayato's playstyle so i'm eyeing for when he reruns too. probably not gonna be soon but still... also i want scara when he comes out solely bc his jp va lmao (and on that note, maybe childe hmmm)
definitely, more chars >>>>>>> constellations!!! yeah that's actually a good thinking hahah being on guaranteed is fun but also stressful sometimes.... my brother is at 60 pity rn and he actually wanted dori but he doesn't dare to pull bc he doesn't like ganyu or kokomi's playstyle lol rip
oooo strawberry and passionfruit tea, those sounds gooooood <3
i imagine zhongli very much approves of our tea addiction lol
atp, you should put copying zhongli's speech to a tee as your hidden talent 😭 i guess, this is what happens when you write for him sm, huh?? + all that listening to his voicelines, uh-huhhh 👀 i cannot blame you for that will also be me when i get ayato 🚶 (the day i start using, "ah, yes. naturally." like him is the day you'd know i've gone off of the deep end /j)
i may make your hair grey, but you will love me either way, right??? *innocently bats eyelashes* (/lh) hu tao and lia in one room would fr be the most effective aging process because i'd honestly laugh at her jokes and then add on to them 😭 also, i vividly recall that one time when zhongli did his osmanthus wine idle and i just absentmindedly responded, "i think your friends are six feet under tho". THE SILENCE AFTERWARDS WAS SO LOUD. idk how i can be both chaotic and chill at the same time (is this where my venti side comes out /j)
a love triangle with ayato and thoma is such a concept 🙏 but with a more realistic twist to it and with that, comes the harsh realization that reality brings. after all, a fairytale-like love is pleasant to indulge in; an escape, an almost surreal-like lantern of hope but you can't keep your head buried in books forever, can you? reality where capitalism reigns (/j) will always call, whether you wish to turn a blind eye to it or not. MMM, REALITY, THE ENEMY OF DAYDREAMERS *hiss* 🤺 (/lh)
fatui!ayato, what an enigma (don't lock me up, please. at least, let rin jie visit me because she'll help bail me out /j) 👀 yeahhh, you can't escape him if he's locked onto you <//3 which makes me think about how he'd be as your ex... i feel like ayato would be that smiling yet salty on the inside + passive aggressive ex. LOLLL he would 100% sneakily trip your new partner in public and extend an oh-so gracious and concerned helping hand to them (wowww, talk about sneaky).
rin jie, the only thing keeping me going with the quests is the aranara's <//3 i just divided the quests neatly, so i followed the process of completing at least one or two quests per day — THIS WAS EXACTLY HOW I DID MY STUDYING AND I GOT WAR FLASHBACKS FROM MY LAST EXAMS 😭 i love it when i apply my studying technique to long genshin quests, hehehe 🥸🏃 (/s)
who cares about meta because even at ar 50+, we're just cruising thru 🏂 does your brother beg to differ with his op builds??? we shall abandon him. (/j) i still remember when you told me he started building diluc after the new skin was released LOLLL and speaking of !! have you read up on enkanomiya's lore yet??? because remember my boy, caelin?? i think i might post his profile soon 👀 but absolutely dw if you haven't, the lore related to enkanomiya is only in the trivia section at the very end~
YEAHHHH, the way we are saving for both al-haitham and ayato 🤝 no because i was so happy when i saw ayato in the fayz trials + remelting tablet event 😭 the way he does his normal attacks, hello??? it was enjoyable being an ayato main even for a few minutes, i'm getting a taste of my future <//3 but let's wish scara and al-haitham won't be on the same banner because that shall be your true test + you're softening up to childe, it aeems??? 👀
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ink-livi · 2 years
Hi can i just take a sec to scream about how endearing my friends are and how fucking fond i am of them because FUCK bro
Hopefully none of them see this because I would never hear the end of it DDUWYEBFKEU
Just today has me all sorts of soft and thankful and im jut gonna list little things that just have me so ugensdhej rn
(Not using names just in case :D)
- today a coworker friend of mine bought me a monster and half a dozen donuts during his lunch just because he could and was in a good mood
- keep getting reminded of the matching bracelet my bestie (lol shed hate that im using that but i think its funny) got for me and how i absolutely refuse to take mine off until it falls off <33 it makes me so happy
- its some of my friends one year today and one of them sent me a snap of them in call being all cute and i just love seeing them happy and in love with each other ugh
- another one of them has made a habit of jumping into her vc in our group discord server to get ready in the mornings and put on music, and as soon as one of us joins to vibe with her she'll turn on her camera so we can watch her do her routine and hang out <33 she cant always talk but it's always fun to chill together regardless i love it
- said friend actually takes us along a lot and keaves us on call with the camera to chill and i genuinely love it so much every time its so sweet <333
- speaking of discord though!! In our group's discord we each have personal nicknames (that are constantly changing bc of each other), roles, and we each have our own "room" (text channel) and voice chat, all of which have choice names and I love it so so much its so cute and fun
- (the fact that on the server i have been given the permission to kick people but only that. sSDIWHNSD its so fucking funny we're constantly fighting for who gets what rights)
- that one time we all split up into our own voice chats and it looked like a high school cafeteria with cliques (i sat alone and got bullied in the vc text chat </3)
- the fact that one of our group made fanart of that, with her being all confused
- we are all degenerates and put quote chat is awful and holy shit i hope it never sees the light of day LMAO
God theres so much more but i just LOVE MY FRIENDS SO MUCH
And we're coming up on 3 years of all being together!!! Im losing my shit i just 😭😭💖💖
Always been a soft bitch
Also bonus accidental screenshot a friend took with great timing of me, with no context:
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sketchguk · 27 days
Hi this is jungkook au anon and OMG I'M SO EMBARRASSED THAT SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE YOUR FIC 😭 but I swear the one I was talking about is atleast a few years old , and it has like three parts ! What I talked about happens in the first part and in the second part she goes on a date with jungkook and tae keeps calling her and I'm pretty sure the name of the fic is cherry !!!! But you know what ..... Maybe I'm getting both your fic and that fic mixed up??? Like I'm sure the trope is the same though😭😭😭😭
I've sent my headcanon to you separately because the ask is too long!!! It's okay if you don't wanna post that . I get that you might not want such a long ask on your page!!! So you can read that and answer under this one!
My main head canon for this au actually comes wayyyyyy after their establishd. And it's based on Ethan and Harper from white lotus S2!!! I won't bore you incase you have seen it! But if not then lmk and I'll tell youuuu. It's SOOO JUICY !
omg no it's okay, don't be embarrassed !! that's hilarious how the plots are so similar 🤣 i tried to look up the fic, but nothing came up !! :-( I've never seen white lotus !! do you recommend it? :0 i love juicy drama
Sorry about that!!! It's honesty soo embarrassing 😭 if you still wanna hear about my headcanons ... I have small ones like when kook hangs out with her , it doesn't start as date like he just asks to hang out . And then they hang out over and over , and then kook fixes her necklace or something and kisses her! And he asks if he can take her on a date . But she's like .... Not really interested in anything serious so she says that and that she'd like to do casual stuff though. But he says no 😭
AHH jungkook doesn't wanna do casual because he wants the real thing. all or nothing 😭 he can't settle for a situationship when he wants so much more hhh. we stan a boy who's just so smitten 💛 mc needs to give him a chance please please please
After that they stay friends and mc keeps thinking about him and how nice he is .. Once she hangs out with her girlfriends and gets WASTED and she was making out with some guy lolll. ofcourse jungkook is around at the same party and when she's having even more drinks with her friends, he's like, okay that's enough for tonight and he takes her to her flat.
SHE'S MAKING OUT WITH ANOTHER GUY? RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM??? and he still offers to take care of her and bring her home safely klasjdkl. put me in a casket right NOW TT. i would literally never recover from something like that. jungkook is so much stronger than me . why do we love to torture our characters? LOL
Kook appears a bit upset And at this point mc is sloshed so she tries to like sit really close to him hugging hys arm . And she asks why he's acting like the grinch and he's pretty tipsy too so he's like " those guys kissing you smh. Like it probably doesn't even mean anything to them and that's so frustrating because it were me, it would mean everything to me lol" .
he is seriously so sweet........ how can she not want him 😭😭 i would instantly fold. i love that he's more upset with the guys and not with mc. that's how a gentleman should be :')
Obviously mc gets soooo soft and is like, Kiss me then . But kook reallyyyyyy wants to buy he says he can't because she's drunk! And tomorrow she'll go back to not caring and he will feel terrible. But she'll be like, no I don't care I want you to keep kissing me and be my bf!!! But jungkook is afraid she's saying that because she's drunk. So he says ok, If that's true then come find me in the morning and ask again? And she's like OK!!! I'll do it definitely! And Jung kook in his heart desperately hopes she will 😔 but she keeps puckering her lips dramatically and begs for just one kiss, and jungkook pecks her once and is like "happy??" But then immediately he kisses her again very briefly 😔 and he gets up quickly and leaves lol. But before closing the door he's like "see you tomorrow?" And it feels like there's so much hope in his eyes.
I'm squealing so HARD. kicking my feet, punching the air ❗❗ nobody deserves a happy ending more than jungkook. the way that he refuses to kiss her, but ends up relenting 🥲 they don't make men like him anymore. i love him dearly, i love him SO MUCH
The next day!!!! MC sees him and the way jungkkok looks at her makes me feel both terrible and soooo shy because he looks so nervous but also hopeful. And she starts with saying "Sorry about last night ...." And immediately kook thinks she's saying it was just a stupid drunk blabbering, so he's like "It's ok really I get it , we're good ahaha" but then mc is like NO!!!! I'm sorry about getting drunk and forcing you to take me home and for being annoying and asking for kisses! I do wanna date you!!" And that's how it happens 😭😭😭
RAHHHH . jungkook is so cute :-( we all deserve a man like him in our life hakldjakl. do you think jungkook ever gets jealous or insecure considering he initially liked mc more and was more serious about a relationship?? meanwhile she only wanted something casual? surely she shows more affection as their relationship develops, but maybe those feelings of insecurity creep up on him :'( especially because he's so devoted to her aha
if white lotus is anything like you described, i am SEATED. thank you for telling me your head canons omg <333 i'll remember this jungkook fondly <33
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maybeimamuppet · 2 months
rahhh hi again! I loved reading your response to my movie review, you made a lot of good points! first of all im so sorry your poor 7-year-old self had to suffer through the 1996 movie :(( I dont have adhd but I can imagine how you must have not liked it AND MISS HONEYS DRESS HAD HOT AIR BALLOONS?? I did not notice that, how cute!! I'm in love love her cottagecore/pastel style, it fits her personlity so well i think. and ooh the red beret girl is called hortensia? cool, thanks! I read her name in your fics and I wasnt quite sure who she was so thank you 😭 and it was interesting to hear your view on the songs!! And I'm gonna be honest here, I've listened to Naughty, Revolting Children, and This Is My House at least once a day since I watched the movie 😭 THEY'RE SO FUN :D i also love This Is My House so much, it's such a sweet and deep songgggg uhggshdhsd 😭i think one of the reasons I wasn't a fan of how many songs there are is beacuse I've watched maybe 2 musicals in my life so far, and I'm more of a slow-burn dialog girl. But thats awesome you love them!! and I'd like to take back what I said about Matilda being timid in the 1996 movie. The way you described her as being bristly, clever and conniving was perfect. I think I said that because I'm just not used to her being so loud and bold with her clever whit and sense of justice 😭 (also ignore how many of the crying emojis im using lolll its a habit) so it stood out to me more than it would if I had watched the musical before 1996. i absolutely agree with what you said about miss honey. She's the soft and sweet people-pleaser type. She'll sacrfice herself to help others I think, and hates conflict. However like you said, I think that she has bravery inside her. And if it came down to protecting Matilda or something like that, she could absolutly stand up for herself. I think that her escapologist father and acrobat mother are lying right beneath her skin, just waiting to be let out. (not them literally ofc, but their daring, bold, and powerful spirit that has been passed down to jenny)
thanks for sharing your thoughts!! -🐸
hello again!!
it is absolutely fine i was just a coward lol. i’ve. obviously watched it since and it has a special place in my heart i’m over all the second grade nonsense lmao
EVERYONES CLOTHES IN 2022 ARE WILD. the set and the costumes have so much detail it’s bonkers and i still notice new things every time i watch it and go !!!!!!
that’s absolutely valid musicals absolutely have a kind of learning curve to them lol. matilda was the first one that i got really into on my own accord after being raised on annie and being friends with theater kids who talked about others. but matilda was the first one where i was like 👀👀👀👀👀 hello. and that kickstarted my whole musicals thing and now i am here
i find it so interesting that you look at it a different way now!! i thought all your points in the first ask were incredibly valid but i’m glad (not the word i’m looking for but whatever) that i kinda got to shift your perspective a little! also we love the crying emoji never apologize
you are absolutely right abt everything here and i’m hopeful you learn to love musicals (or at least not be thrown off by the number of songs lmao)
thank you for sharing yours!! it was really fun getting to see a different opinion/pov so thank you for sharing :)
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So a friend of mine gave me an idea and I started but I ended up posting it when it wasn't done so I copy pasted and deleted it😅 so yep that's how my day went lol
The idea deals with Fem Malleus x reader so yeah
⚠️Warning sexy content ⚠️
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Ugh Duece and Ace got in trouble again and Jack and Epel are studying, and for sebek it's something about sparing with silver I don't know, our plans of having a wild sleepover are crushed...Just when I had a movie idea too... You complained. You were walking down the halls when a Female from Octavinelle came towards you looking flustered she started to stutter out a couple of words. You looked at her confused on what she wanted to ask, she took a breath and started to flrit with you. Talk about a switch of a hat! You thought it was cute how much she tried to whoo you yep this isn't the first time, she would leave flowers, chocolate, new sets of undergarments she pretty much showered you in gifts and compliments. You always turned her down because you currently were in love with someone else and dating that same person.
But today was different somehow, you could smell it in the air. You started to tell her no again when you felt a shiver run up your spine. The girl looked behind you and paled she started to shake like a leaf, she bowed and ran away yelling something like "I'm sorry don't kill me!". You released a breath you didn't know you had as you were about to walk away but soft hands grabbed your arm and pulled you in a room. The mystery person pinned you against a wall, you closed your eyes in reflex, Your whole body was stiffened you could barely hear your breathing. In a calm voice the voice told you to open your eyes, Wait you knew that voice...Malleus!
Before you could say anything her lips crashed on yours roughly, she bit your bottom lip allowing entrance into the depths of your mouth she glided her tongue around the tissues finding every spot that would make you moan. You couldn't breathe you needed air she noticed this and let you breathe for a few seconds, you sucked in a breathe looked up at her. Malleus's eyes darkened when she thought about that girl that kept making advances on you, she'll have to make sure everyone knows your taken so they'll stop touching what doesn't belong to them.
She grabbed your chin and tilted your head up to get a better angle you gasped and and shouted Wait Malleus! We can't do this here anybody could walk in! She looked at you “shh..You’re all mine, my treasure. I felt bad when I saw that random person flirting with you. But worry not the door is locked shut with magic, so we are alone and we will both show them you’re mine, all mine” She whispered out in a seductive and dominating tone. Your heart started to beat faster as Malleus turned her attention towards your neck, she placed her soft plump lips on your bare neck and started to mark up your neck with love bites and hickeys.
She runs her hands up from your thigh to your breast while she bit at your tender skin, you let out shaky moan as your eyes glossed over in pleasure? Pain? All you know is whatever she was doing was working. You felt yourself sink deep into your desire and started to rub your crotch against her knee. She only chuckled as you continued to rub your clothed heat on her knee, Mhm dear it seems you might need help with that She whispered in your ear. You only pulled her closer and she took that as a sign to get to work
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Down the hall a short girl can be seen walking away from the scene My my it seems Malleus and y/n are having their fun I guess I'll just visit another time~ she said while giggling to herself
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AKAOQOSJEKAKSK I don't know why I wrote thisss😭 it took so much brain power and left my brain fried and this is cringy as hell
Will anyways I hoped you enjoyed ❤
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oven-thermometer · 2 years
SFW ABCs of Fury
Author's notes: I wrote all of this while sleep deprived so bare with me lmao. Also who was gonna tell me writing Fury was so fun?? Hello??? I love her now - writing her is very much recommended 10/10. Also woo! This series is officially done :D
Warnings: fluff, mentions of blood, fighting, and sleep talking (??)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Fury's main way of showing affection is through acts of service. I've talked about this before but she just wants to do things for you and look strong. To make you feel safe, she will never falter - so you never have to worry if she'll ever be able to protect you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
I feel like she's a mix between War and Strife. She will defend you to the end but will also slap you if you're simping for a glorified chicken strip and drag you to the club. 👏 Will help you with your eyeliner and beat up anyone who messes with you kinda vibes 👏
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Gets lowkey flustered but is also lowkey touch starved. She's never had anyone to hug or affirm her, so she doesn't know what to do with you when you start existing. Prefers to be the big spoon ofc, and she laughs when you try to be the big spoon. Since she's so much taller than you she just lies there trying not to say anything cause you can't even get your arm around her comfortably 😭
But she also prefers lying on her back with you on her chest, you can hear her heartbeat and she can play with your hair 💕
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
A lil scared of settling down, like all of her siblings - and I don't really know if she'd want to. She'd definitely prefer to keep fighting for a large part of her life, so something big would probably have to happen to change her mind. It's not that she's scared, sure she appreciates the breaks but she loves what she does.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I feel like Fury would ignore you, not because she wants you to dislike her but because she just genuinely doesn't know how to go about this. She has little to no relationship experience, less so for breaking up. Fury hopes you get the message LMAO.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Wouldn't mind settling down, but it would take a long and deep commitment. Isn't gonna fall in love in a day and won't get married too quickly either - she wants to make sure you're both OK with this. Commitment in general though, is sorta the same. Fury only let herself realize she had feelings for you after months of one-sided pining from you that she had unintentionally ignored lol.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
She isn't gonna talk to you like you can't understand anything. She respects you and will treat you accordingly - which she'll expect in return of course! She has her soft days, when she needs some comforting or just wants some affection. She'll have a problem accepting this affection though - you?? Giving her? Affection for no reason??? Preposterous.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Doesn't like being all touchy feely. She likes her personal space a lot of the time. But that doesn't mean she won't slump her head on your shoulder and drape her arms around you... after a tough inner debate about whether or not to risk it. When Fury does give out her super rare hugs; they're actually surprisingly gentle. Very warm, and she smells like a fresh cinnabun ❤️
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Would probably say it first - but not outright. It would take at least a year of a good steady partnership that she'd let the word slip. Well, in a way.
At first, her way of saying 'I love you' was letting you get closer, see her fragile side and doing tasks for you. You eventually caught on, and after that you haven't hesitated to reciprocate <3
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Gets all huffy puffy >:(
Fury will either ignore you and give you the silent treatment or she'll try and upstage the other person - depending on how jealous she is. She'll casually show-off her strength by throwing you 3 or 4 meters into the air and brush off any complaints or words of awe from you. Very healthy :)
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Soft and sweet, like her hugs. They're full of quiet adoration and she hopes they show how enamored she is by you. She knows she's terrible with words or any sort of affection so she pulls everything together in this wordless act. If you thought hugs were rare, Fury's kisses are basically once in a lifetime. But they're worth it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Lowkey dislikes them, she finds them annoying. And we all know for a fact that she would have no shame in making that point known 😭
If you're friends with someone who has a child or you're close to one, she'll make an effort at least. But no promises - her words, not mine 💀
If you have a kid of you're own, she'll be a lot more patient. It's gonna take ages for her to warm up to the ankle-biter, but that's to be expected.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Since Fury works so hard, and so often; she likes to sleep in. And unfortunately her sleep schedule includes you lol. That means you are stuck underneath a labyrinth of pillows, blankets and her arms holding you down. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you 😗
Will ignore any and all pleas from you to get up with a tired smile on her face.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
More or less the same lmao
Either likes to spend the night having a nice dinner and spending time with you, or she comes home exhausted and basically divebombs into bed.
Sometimes she'll be so tired she forgets to shower so unless you wanna be trapped with all that dirt and grime; you'll redirect her to the shower first.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
For a relationship to form, it would take months or years - and being open about her feelings would take about the same time. If Fury enters a relationship, she's going to do it right. She understands there should be some sort of emotional transparency, so she comes to terms with the fact that she'll probably have to tell you some personal things. She's probably the most rational of the four when it comes to this!
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Her fuse is shorter than Strife's attention span. Her name is Fury. C'mon.
In regards to you though, she will try to be a bit more considerate. She has scared so many people off, and if she ever sees that flicker of fear in your eyes she doesn't know what she'd do with herself :(
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Fury would remember all of the major things, and some small important things. But she would also unintentionally forget a lot too - one of her pet peeves is when you badger her about this though, if anything she will draw back a little from the situation if you keep reminding her every 20 seconds. She can take care of herself, so she can remember what she needs to as well....sometimes.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
It was one of those nights Fury came home bruised and battered. You had sat her down, looking over her to make sure she didn't have any injuries that were too fatal.
She tried to assure you that she'd just run out of health potions, she could probably have healed herself if she wasn't so exhausted. But you weren't having any of it. Taking care of Fury in these moments was pivotal, it showed her that it was natural to vulnerable and to not always be strong.
After sitting her down, and shushing her complaints, you took your place in front of her. Gently dabbing the wound on her forehead, crimson blood soaked the white material and stained the water. You were silent as Fury kept talking about the mission, bragging on and on about how she definitely won that last fight without having to lift a finger. Tilting your head in mock-disbelief, you smiled and finished cleaning the cut. Fury suddenly lost her will to continue when you slowly ran your hand over her jaw; tracing her markings and twirling her hair around your fingers. You pecked her nose. She sat in silence, silently begging her mind to remember this moment forever.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very very protective. Wants to know when you're going out, where you're going and who's going. I say that like you're going alone. Yeah, not a chance.
She doesn't do it because she wants to be suffocating - she hopes you know that. Her lifestyle is just extremely dangerous, and any sort of demon king or vengeful creature could harm you while she isn't there.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
I feel like Fury is the kind of partner to act all nonchalant and like she doesn't even remember your birthday but secretly she's got a surprise party planned and 20 different gifts. Sure she forgets some things, but when it comes to the important stuff she is observant. So she picks up the little things you stare at or that thing you went on a rant to her about. Granted she has no idea what half of this stuff is for; but she will still buy you that small plastic figurine of the cartoon guy that runs around your television.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Tends to hide the fact that she ever gets upset or needy. She will be strong for you. There are no cracks in her facade. Yes, 100%, definitely no cracks. Because there was no way you could slowly tell she was breaking down which ultimately led to a meltdown! :D
Afterwards, she apologized. She saw how worried it made you and she promised to try and be more open about what was going on, and why - she is trying.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Will obviously make sure her hair is in check and (if she's wearing human clothes) she is only dressed in the finest brands and outfits. Fury appreciates when she feels good about herself, which isn't often, so she admittedly likes to wear makeup and dress up for herself. It makes her do that lil twirl too - she's so giddy akfjdjgsk
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Short answer: yes
Long answer:
She missed being happy, and you reminded her of when she didn't have to murder every creature in sight. You calm her down, you ground her. She appreciates and loves you so much for this. She can relax with you like she's never been able to in her life.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Loves baking with you! When she is home she usually sleeps most the time - but on the rare occasion that she has an extended stay, she likes doing homey things with you: buying furniture, organizing plants, doing chores and baking! Will use this as an excuse to mess chocolate all over your face - but you don't mind.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
As I mentioned, Fury hates when you nitpick. She is trying. She is doing her best. Granted she hasn't had many relationships, but she knows when someone is irritating her. She isn't a pushover either, she'll make you aware.
That is also another bad habit of hers, she can sometimes be a little too honest. She thinks it's the right thing, cause it's the truth - trust me, Fury can lay her words a little bare 🙂
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Sometimes Fury will mumble things in her sleep, some common phrases are:
"No! I'll get the goose."; "I will smack you." and "GuUUyyYs he's outside!"
They get quite loud. So you just lie there listening to her ramble about someone's goose. She doesn't remember them though so if you ask her about she just laughs at you lol.
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saintobio · 2 years
hello saint!!! saw your update about being busy with the transfer to another department, so all the best dealing with numbers!!! 🥲 it's okay if the updates gonna take you 10 years, what's more important is that you remember to prioritise and take care of yourself. no rush.
after scrolling through your asks in sy tag, i realised that there's other people who had the same thoughts as me about the ending of sy being bittersweet. i was contemplating to continue writing this ask of mine or not (because im sure you're getting the same annoying asks again and again) but i'll just go ahead anyway
i think sy will flow like this (towards the end?):
at one point toji and yn is going to talk about their relationship and decide to break the engagement off (because they are better off as friends than lovers). then yn realises that she still loves gojo and yearns for his love but she has to witness him fall in love with utahime from afar. we have to watch yn face her fears of watching someone she loves falling in love with someone else and just being in a dilemma about it (because they're divorced etc.). by then, it's already too late for them to be even get together (although they talked it out already) because gojo has already decided to let yn go like how she did with gojo back at the end of sn (not blaming her for that) and instead seek his happily ever after with utahime instead.
to add on, before i continue, this fic is called "sincerely yours" right? i didn't see anyone mentioning that the phrase "sincerely yours" is also the phrase people usually use as a way to end a letter to someone they are close to. maybe we can assume that at the end of this, gojo and yn bid farewell to this chapter of their lives and move on? haha.....
if i have to talk about gojohime's ending in my theory more in depth, i would say that if gojo happens to realise that he's falling in love utahime and he already decided to let yn go, i think he would ask utahime to wait for him until he gets better and is emotionally ready to love again. at that stage, he's ready to learn from his mistakes in his previous marriage so that he won't repeat them and put another woman he's going to love into the same mess again.
and then for yn, after years of burying her trauma and feelings for gojo, she finally learns to let him go (like gojo was trying to do after she announced the divorce and before she got married to toji) because she realised that no matter how much she hope they can overcome the odds together, they will never be really happy together because of the many things that had happened in their relationship.
this is super sad for yn because in this lifetime, she couldn't be in a proper, loving relationship. all she has left is her company and sachiro. i think she'll forever reminisce the moments she had with gojo (especially when she have to see him be happy with his new family).
i guess the only path yn can pursue with this ending is that she ends up with no one and just be an independent single mother. anyways, you do not need to be in a relationship to have a happily ever after and maybe yn will learn how to love herself more (and overcome her rs traumas)
also!! they don't really give me soulmates, meant-to-be vibes from the start 😭 im not hating on them (so dont come after me!!) but they give me tragic first love kind of vibes. there's this website that explains the different types of love and i think what yn and gojo had (or have lol) is puppy, first & great love. puppy love is the love you get from a crush (their childhood), first love is the love that teaches you what love is/should be, and the love that hurts you (sn). lastly, great love. more of like romeo & juliet, they're the one for you but because of fate, the two of you can never happen (sy).
i guess since utahime is the second fl, there's a possibility that she might be gojo's true love (the kind of love you get when you are living a happy ending with someone). because if gojo decides to be with her in the end, he should already be in a much better place in his life by then to really love her properly, and be loved in return deservedly (after all the trauma he had).
yn already got her 'kinda' version of 'happily ever after' in sn (moving away to take better care of herself, being in another r/s, her own fashion brand and almost got married). i think in sy, it's going to be gojo's turn to have all of that.
the article is below if u wanna read it!! i also hope people can stop hating and sending death threats to utahime ffs 😭 some of the comments are just quite ridiculous (no im not a gojohime shipper or whatever in fact all i want is yn to be living her best life fhkdjdkd I KNOW im imagining a sad outcome for yn but i based this theory off the sy playlist & the hints given through sy related asks!)
yay thank u for taking ur time to read this rambling of mine ((:
ps i actually came up with 10 different possible endings (1/2 of them is gojoyn ending up together) & scenes that might happen in between sy6 and sy15 WITH evidences for sy :") like its to the point i had to use the table template in google docs to organise everything (like how one would do with a book for literature classes) hdushsjsjjsdks i guess i'll share more next time
thanks sm!! i’m still on a transitioning period and i’ll be working long hours now :’( i really hope i’d still find enough time to write daily. if not, i can only write on weekends <//3
also that’s a rly good theory!! i can’t confirm anything as of now but your predictions are very interesting :> that definitely sounds bittersweet and omg u have other predictions for the ending too?? hhhhhh that’s so nice :’D i hope we get to hear more of ur theories soon!!
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cobertaddict · 2 years
Realized that with Thomas off to America to never return to Downton, it means that any hope that Robert and Cora would ever learn the truth about O’Brien and the soap is now 10000% destroyed 😭😭😭
Yeah, it is unfortunately 😔 I suppose we'll never seek justice 😓
But to be honest, I never imagined Cora or Robert ever finding out, especially when O'Brien decided to run for the hills in Scotland- I think that ship has sailed unfortunately 😔
Plus, I always ponder what Cora's reaction would be if she was told about the soap. I feel like she wouldn't believe anyone who told her and kinda be like, "nah, you're playing with me". She'll probably believe O'Brien wouldn't be capable of doing such a thing. As much as I love Cora, there's no denying she was overly trusting in O'Brien- and I don't blame her! Cora, as we see, didn't have many friends or people to talk to (unless it's Robert or her children of course). And I think this probably played a big part in why Cora relied on O'Brien a lot. Unless Cora was told by O'Brien herself about the soap, she would then believe it
Robert on the other hand would probably believe it without a doubt, I feel like he hated that woman since day 1 😂
Sorry if that's a longer response than you anticipated 😅 kinda went on a ramble there lol. Anyways, here's some cobert cuteness!
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