#i honestly can't think of other professions for him lol
lunar-years · 8 months
Do you think they originally had a different plan for Ms Bowen? Tbh I thought it was a wild move to break up RK since almost everyone was rooting for them and their romance is just how shows like that go, but I do wonder if Ms Bowen was supposed to be something more for Roy. Then the chemistry with Jamie exploded all over the place and they switched tracks
hmm I mean maybe in very early drafts they had larger plans for Ms. Bowen, but I can't imagine it was still on the table when they were plotting s3, because if so they would have just written that instead of writing an entire season of roy and jamie best friendism and maybe more, lol.
I understand why people were/are upset about roykeeley breakup but I personally was expecting it when I went in to s3 based on where we left them in the s2 finale. And I gotta say that after rewatching s2 it feels more inevitable to me than ever that this was where it was always headed between them. Which is not to say that I think their problems are insurmountable or that there isn't a path open for them to get back together! I definitely do! But yeah, s2 is just episode after episode continually showcasing what isn't working between them. They're already foreshadowing the downfall practically from the moment they get together. (and i do think it's interesting that the Christmas episode, which is arguably roykeeley's best s2 episode in terms of them geling within their established relationship, was added later. If we hadn't gotten that, wow we wouldn't have much at all of them genuinely being on the same page, would we?) Biggest shock for me was that the breakup was offscreen and that the follow up to that arc was so shoddy and disappointing.
As for Ms. Bowen... I think in the s2 scene, Roy is drawn to her not only because they have a nice back-and-forth banter going, but also (and crucially) because of the momentary allure of her lifestyle, which is so very different from his own. On the one hand Roy is stressing about Keeley's photoshoot, where the VF people have already told him he's basically going to be a prop to make her look good. So he's feeling insecure and like Keeley is on her way up while he's on his way out, petering into irrelevancy in the public eye. On the other hand is Ms Bowen. And in that moment, he almost feels like he's on more equal footing with Ms. Bowen, who's just a regular woman with a regular profession outside of the spotlight doing well for herself, than he is with Keeley. So Ms. Bowen provides him a temporary relief from the problems of his own life in a way that appeals to him (for three hours, apparently).
But like, the reality is that all we see them talking about is Ms Bowen being good at her job, what her jobs entails, Phoebe, the other children, etc. He doesn't learn her first name! It's pretty harmless flirting, not a very deep connection or a particularly meaningful conversation, and I don't think we were ever meant to see it as such (just my opinion, there's a bunch of shippers out there I know!). She's an easy escape, and then Roy's phone buzzes with the reminder to go to the photoshoot, and Roy steps back into his own life, which he was always going to return to.
I'm honestly less clear what the point of her reappearance in s3 was for because I'm not sure it really works as Roy's big epiphany moment for me... her telling him he was stuck is literally nothing Rebecca didn't already tell him! and "I hope that mess didn't cause too much damage" is such an odd Realization™️ line to prompt Roy to action because 1) he already knew it caused damage. He was there and saw Keeley's face when he told her he'd talked to Ms Bowen for 3 hours and 2) I dislike how that frames it as Roy flirting with Ms Bowen being THE driving force in the r/k breakup, when the reality is it was the very tip of the iceberg in a relationship that was falling apart no matter what. I think you could argue it was the point of no return, so maybe that's what they were going for? But they don't make that very clear because they don't write a very specific apology for Roy, do they! ugh. idk. If anyone has better insight they want to offer me please do!
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burntheedges · 3 months
Hi Kate!
For this round of daily askgasms I’m asking the Inside the Actors Studio questionnaire! Imagine me doing my best James Lipton impression…
* What is your favorite word?
* What is your least favorite word?
* What turns you on?
* What turns you off?
* What is your favorite curse word?
* What sound or noise do you love?
* What sound or noise do you hate?
* What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
* What profession would you not like to do?
* If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
I’m excited to hear your answers!
Katie! This is such a good idea! This took me a minute and got kind of long lol here we go:
What is your favorite word? I'm picking a favorite in a few of the languages I know, you can't stop me.
indubitably - honestly before you asked I'm not sure I would have been able to answer, I like a lot of words, but then this word just came to me and I do love it. It's so fun to say and it feels nice. Indubitably.
необходимо (neobkhodimo) - this probably seems like a weird one if you speak Russian, but there's a story behind it. It means necessary or obligatory and it confused the crap out of me for a while when I was learning Russian because why would necessary or obligatory be a negated word?? (не- / ne- is a negative prefix) I kept trying to say обходимо (obkhodimo) instead, which makes no sense. And then one day it clicked in my head how the word breaks down:
не- / ne- = no/not/negated -об- / -ob- = around -ходи(мо)- / -khodi(mo)- = walk (verb stem) So it's literally you can't go around it. Boom! Makes perfect sense. It felt like I was actually speaking the language for the first time when I figured it out. Also a big fan of the word бегемот (begemot - hippo).
krtek - mole in Czech (like the animal). In many languages 'r' and 'l' can function like vowels as syllabic consonants (kr- is a syllable) but it's just very obvious in the spelling of Czech and I like it.
What is your least favorite word? Not a fan of:
Decimated - I'm not any kind of grammar dictator and as a linguist I'm firmly on team "words mean what we use them to mean" but for some reason my brain can't let go of the official meaning for this one instead of the common use. I'd just rather not see it. lol
Tři (three) - I can't do the Czech ř (rolled r + sh) sound to save my life (I can make each sound separately but not together)
What turns you on? Emotional and intellectual connection. I want to know someone and feel known. Pretty sure my husband would say acts of service (lol). Also hands and shoulders. And laughing/humor.
What turns you off? Feeling like the other person is impatient with me. Cruelty (casual or intentional) in worldview and treatment of others. Lack of emotional intelligence.
What is your favorite curse word? English: fuck (so useful! works in so many situations!) Russian: чёрт (chort, pleasing to say and in so many good idioms)
What sound or noise do you love? The brrrt sound my cat makes when you poke him (the cat activation noise). Also the ocean (waves).
What sound or noise do you hate? Chewing. I can't stand it and never have been able to. Sitting through extended family dinners as a child was absolute torture. It triggers overstimulation in me almost instantly and I usually have to leave the room. If I don't swipe fast enough on TikTok and someone is eating I have to like cool down and go do something else.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? If I'd been able to choose anything else it probably would have been professional dancer. I had the feet and the turnout but not the body type (even dancing 6 days/week as a teen in a company I was never skinny). In a perfect world that wouldn't matter, I guess. And it would pay well.
What profession would you not like to do? Lawyer. Absolutely no way. I get overwhelmed just thinking about it.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? If heaven does exist I'd like to also discover that there's not actually a corresponding hell, and that instead the afterlife is something kinder. So maybe just something welcoming about that. Honestly I have no idea lol
These were fun!
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brineffxiv · 1 year
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Estinien is not an easy man to find, but finally we run into him at the airship landing.
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Uh oh
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To be fair, Alisaie, you and Alphinaud do wear the exact same hairstyle.
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LOL G'raha.
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Thankfully, Alphinaud arrives to save Estinien and explain to him what's going on.
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Alphinaud and Estinein's relationship is so wholesome. They make each other better people, and they make me smile.
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Estinien is on the way to Azys Lla, to speak with Tiamat about this new incarnation of Bahamut. As the original summoner of the primal, she may be able to provide information that can help us deal with this new incarnation. We think this is a good idea, and join him.
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Lol, you two should have met him back in Heavensward. He's practically warm and personable now by comparison.
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Azys Lla has to be my least favorite map. The brown and sickly green lighting puts me in mind of vomit, or industrial contaminants. I suppose both of those are appropriate comparisons for the late Allagan Empire.
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Oh. I. Didn't realize Nidhogg was still with you. Still a part of you. That's got to be difficult. But it's good that you feel you need to be there for Tiamat in Nidhogg's place. Nidhogg's rage and grief were fully justified for what was done to him and his family, it was his choices and actions in the aftermath that went beyond the pale.
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It seems that Fandaniel must have utilized Tiamat and Bahamut's children to summon the primal.
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Omg omg are we finally going to free Tiamat?! I've wanted to break her out of there since Heavensward. Yes yes yes!!!
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Oh damn. She's tempered. If not quite as severely as some others. It didn't occur to me that a great wyrm could be tempered. But hell, if the Ascians could be, why not Tiamat.
Thankfully, we have a treatment for this now.
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Oh yeah, gotta remember that nobody else knows that Hydaelyn is a freaking primal, and not just the name of the will of our star. Hey, can we test that tempering cure on me? Not saying I am for sure... but... better safe than sorry?
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While G'raha and Alisaie prepare to cure Tiamat of her tempering, Estinien, Alphinaud, and I (plus a spirit vessel imbued with his blood that G'raha had on him for reasons) search the flagship for a node or terminal from which to control her restraints.
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But before we go and free Tiamat, Estinien has a few questions regarding how we've been handling the Ascians.
And honestly, I don't think there is anything worth salvaging in Fandaniel. He is a man who professes to desire naught but to die and to take the rest of us with him in "a paroxysm of pain and suffering."
Hmm, how do I say this?
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Meeting and dealing with Emet-Selch effected me. He was brilliantly written, and I came to understand and empathize with his plight. I cannot say that, if I had been in his position, I would have done any different. From his point of view, he was entirely justified. He did terrible things, that he knew were terrible, in order to save his people. He was selfless, and sacrificed everything he had in order to save them. In the name of the greater good.
And so, I find I can't so easily dismiss Fandaniel as purely "evil." He must have a motive, a reason for why he does what he does, and I want to know it. He's not crazy, or illogical, and in the brief glimpses we have into his interactions with Zenos, I have become convinced that Fandaniel is manipulating him. And for him to be doing that, there's something he's trying to get or do beyond just what he openly claims to want, and he thinks he can use Zenos to get it. Zenos is too secure in his own power, and too distracted by me to see it. Fandaniel's a bitter, angry, shell of a man. And I want to know why.
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With the aid of G'raha and myself, Alisaie manages to cure Tiamat of her tempering.
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And then, finally, after three expansions, Tiamat is freed of her prison.
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And just in time, because Bahamut has been sighted over Paglth'an, at the head of a host of dragons. That's where Arenvald and Fordola have gone. I smell a dungeon.
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And then, like the badass he is, Estinien leaps to Tiamat's back and the two of them fly away to battle.
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We reunite with the rest of the Scions in Ul'dah, where we are joined by Nanamo. The Immortal Flames have been dispatched (along with many of the other Alliance nations' troops) to Paglth'an to defend the Amalj'aa. But it will be a fierce fight, and we are invited to join the fray as soon as possible.
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Incidentally, it appears that Lunar Bahamut may be incapable of tempering people? Which would mark it as different from any primal we have faced before, and also mean it cannot be the entity behind the tempering going on at the towers.
To Paglth'an!
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greghatecrimes · 7 months
okay this is dumb but i just felt the need to tell/discuss this and i like your blog and fics and house posts
while drinking tea, i was thinking about house's self-destructive behaviours and his leg pain and such, and i realised these behaviours are probably partly related to the fact that he can't really control his leg pain, it's always there and he resents that a lot, so it's likely in part an attempt to 'control' or take back control in other aspects of his life and pain
jskdjs sorry for rambling in asks this is probably obvious to people who aren't me but yes
not dumb at all!! I love getting asks and I'm so glad you enjoy my blog/posts/fics! Honestly, that makes complete sense to me. I've never thought of his behavior in terms of that before (so you're not the only one who didn't realize it), but as a self-professed grade-A control freak myself (/hj lol) it seems totally plausible for him that part of his self-destructive behaviors are an attempt to take back some kind of control from the pain.
And there's no need to apologize! Thank you for sharing this!!
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alister312 · 7 months
i think about your fuckyeahgregstophe page a lot. what are your thoughts on politician gregory and head of security christophe?
oooh yes, a flavor of gregstophe with MUCH potential 👀!!
first off, the way i imagine AUs like this, these roles are specifically how the two of them meet. i do always love the idea of gregory and christophe growing up and knowing one another, really solidifying just how much they know and understand one another, but them meeting later in life but still having that same bond? just as good, if not better if you can pull it off right.
politician gregory isn't a foreign concept in any way, considering how much of his identity in the movie is about him "being political" (in contrast to Stan). so i'm thinking this gregory grew up and decided that the best way for him to fix the system was to be a part of it, so he became a politician in some way. i guess most likely he'd become a member of british parliament, but idk anything about british politics so in my mind i think of him doing work similar to a us senator. or maybe even speaker of the house or an ambassador. whatever his position is, it's rather high up but not at the very top. enough to warrant at least one constant bodyguard: christophe.
i honestly can't imagine christophe going into a security profession naturally (especially when he thinks rather lowly of the us and its military), so i think he'd initially join as cover for some mercenary operation. probably to try and get dirt on gregory, who is suspicious since he's somehow risen up to such a high position at such an early stage in his life and career. but gregory doesn't have a big secret (other than nepotism probably lol), he's just single and a workaholic. no one and nothing to distract him from his goals (nor anyone or anything to care for him). which means christophe hanging around gregory constantly and asking him questions just leads to them growing very close (rather than dirt he might've been looking for).
since it's just the two of them, there'd be a lot of late night conversations between the two of them, christophe trying to get gregory to bed so he can snoop through gregory's work and gregory finding him annoying. but eventually christophe would genuinely just worry about how much gregory is working and want him to rest, and gregory would realize that someone out there really cares for him. they'd travel often for gregory's work and get to experience new places and people, never running out of things to talk about. there'd probably be big parties and events they'd have to go to so gregory can network, but he sees christophe is so miserable in his suit that he always leaves early for his sake.
basically, christophe would have a change of heart, realizing that whatever gregory is doing is right and really could work, vowing to protect him from all the people that he knows for a fact are after gregory. maybe gregory even realizes there's people like that, or christophe tells him, and he develops a little bit of paranoia and sends christophe after those people. christophe is fiercely loyal and devoted to him and his campaign, no matter what.
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
alone, break, desire, ghost, hide, nightmare, and skin for Quinn, Nikoletta, and Kestrel
Oooooh thank you!! There will be some good answers here, with this lot (so prepare for a loooong ramble lol)
Not-so-nice Asks
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
Quinn: Has spent a good amount of time on her own, in the space between her fall and joining One's crew, though she thrives when she's around others. She tends to get emotionally unstable when she's alone, with mood swings and irritation, and balances out a lot more once she's got some social interaction. Her hallucinations also tend to get a little worse when she's alone, since one of her grounding strategies is to observe what other people do or do not react to.
Nikoletta: Believes she's more comfortable alone, whether or not that's true. If it isn't comfortable, at least it's familiar, and a little safer than being around others, so she tends to seek out solitude perhaps a little more than she should. She's been completely alone for most of her life, and usually feels like she's more like herself when she's alone than with other people.
Kestrel: This is difficult. They definitely feel like they're meant to be alone, with the idea of "changelings can't trust" being beat into their head for so many years, but really they thrive when they find a close-knit circle to be around. They can survive well enough alone, and have, but really come to life when they're around those they trust.
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
Quinn: Honestly... I don't think there's anything that would cause her to break down completely. She's been through a lot of really intense, horrible things, and by now she's hardened herself against them. There would be ways to hurt her incredibly severely, yes - losing Billy, losing what mobility she has left, etc. - but eventually she'd pick herself up and keep going. She reached her lowest just before joining the original thieving crew, and Billy was the one to find her there (heartbroken, newly homeless, and sobbing in a London alleyway) and encourage her to join the crew.
Nikoletta: I think she's been broken for a very, very long time and hasn't even realized it. Being captured and experimented on by STAR Labs was by far her lowest point, and she recognizes that entirely, but she's never processed the way it profoundly broke her. Really, it's more of a question of who she'll be if and when she finally allows herself to heal from that.
Kestrel: Their lowest point was after Warren was struck by the revenant, and was left catatonic for two years. With such a dangerous profession, they'd have emotionally prepared for the chance of him dying, but going catatonic left everything in this very bizarre stasis. They couldn't grieve and move on because the curse might be broken, but they also didn't have him there to keep going, so it left them in a very difficult place. Losing Warren in that way again would break them, it was hard enough the first time.
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Quinn: More than anything, she wants to feel comfortable with herself. This means gender security, being around people that she likes, and doing what she loves (which happens to be thievery). She's very open about this, and works hard to strive towards that.
Nikoletta: More than anything, she wants somebody to know her - really, really know her for who she is instead of the masks she puts up. She is not aware of this desire, and tends to bury it with the rest of her connection-seeking urges.
Kestrel: More than anything, wants to be considered a part of someone's family, and wants to belong somewhere. For a long time, they also weren't aware of this because they thought it was technically impossible, but once they come to terms with it they do actively start to seek it - and do find it, thankfully.
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
Quinn: She's haunted by thoughts of betrayal. After being betrayed in Kyiv led to her falling 12 stories and becoming permanently disabled, she finds herself incredibly wary of all forms of betrayal. This normally suits her well enough, as a thief, but it makes it difficult to reach them on a closer level.
Nikoletta: She's haunted by herself, honestly. With everything that was done to her in STAR Labs, she's never fully come to terms with how they changed her, and rather than sort through that trauma, she just ends up burying it deeper. She's a little frightened of what she'd find if she actually allowed herself to process everything, so she doesn't.
Kestrel: They're haunted by all the reputations around their kind. Changelings are surrounded by rumors - that they're physically incapable of love or trust, that betrayal is inevitable, that they don't even have souls - and they grapple with that paradox for the longest time. They still deal with some of that insecurity, and always will, though having a devout support system has helped them recognize the irrational nature of those thoughts - of course they're capable of love and trust, look at the family they've built around them! That's not fake!
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
Quinn: She hides a lot of her real resentment towards what happened in Kyiv. She claims she's processed it and has grown comfortable with her disability, but she really hasn't. She accepts it for what it is, namely because there's no other choice, but she still holds a lot of resentment for all the chronic pain and lost mobility. But she hides this, partially because she hates to be undervalued and partially because she feels like nobody would understand her feelings if she tried to share them.
Nikoletta: It would be easier to list what she doesn't hide, honestly. She doesn't let anybody see who she really is at the heart of it - really, she doesn't even let herself see that. It's tied to the above answer, how she's haunted by herself: naturally, that means she can't let anybody see her for who she is, since she's frightened of what that might be.
Kestrel: For a lot of people, they hide their identity as a changeling entirely. As said before, there are a lot of rumors surrounding their kind, and most adventurers would adopt a "shoot first" mentality to keep them from being betrayed gruesomely later on. It's easier, and safer, to hide behind an alibi
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
Quinn: She has a lot of nightmares about the fall, and her subsequent struggles in recovery afterwards. She was all alone for most of her recovery (no accepting family, her old crew wasn't there for her, and Billy assumed she was dead), which really made everything worse, and it was an incredibly difficult part of her life. It takes a while for her to open up about this, but eventually Billy manages to coax it out of her, and from there is able to support her and help her through them.
Nikoletta: She has vivid, recurring nightmares of her time at STAR Labs, and she does close to nothing to deal with them. She'll walk around sometimes if they're especially bad, since the feeling of captivity makes it worse, but otherwise she just shoves it aside like she shoves aside just about everything else.
Kestrel: They don't have many nightmares, actually. They've had their share of traumatic or frightening events, certainly, but in their mind the good moments outweigh the bad - especially since they tend to expect the bad, and value the good all the more. Sometimes, though, they do get nightmares of being hunted down by adventurers or monster hunters for being a changeling.
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Quinn: She's happy with herself, for the most part. There are things she struggles with, mainly of the physical variety, but emotionally she knows exactly who she is and is comfortable with that. They know they're probably a bad person by most standards, and they fully recognize that. Overall, they're a very self-assured person, even to the point of being brash at times.
Nikoletta: She would assume that she is, but it's more of her hiding from herself. Being the Queen of Belle Reve is easy. It takes finesse, but it's a job that asks very little of her and doesn't require her to really process who she is or what she's doing. She hardly acknowledges any part of herself, and she's afraid to.
Kestrel: For a long time, they weren't. It goes back to the paradox between what they felt versus the stereotypes they were faced with - they felt that they could neither fully trust what they were feeling not what was expected of them, and they were caught in the middle. Once they grow to accept themself, and have others accept them, they get a lot more comfortable with who they are (which also means growing more comfortable with openly shapeshifting)
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direwrath · 5 months
Hey all!
Happy New Year and I hope that everyone is starting this one off right because that last one can go pound sand for all I care.
I know I haven't really been posting and reblogging like I used to, but I honestly had to take a break for my own sanity. It's nothing here in particular, I've just been trying to steer clear of the internet social sites so I could catch my breath from all of it.
During this time me and my daughter have been playing two different BG3 campaigns and here are some things that we have learned:
Never let the druid talk to any animal in bear form if she is not great at conversation. Even if she is an animal other beasties aren't going to want to hear what she has to say.
Sometimes the barbarian may seem like a big dumb oaf, but other times he can be convincing enough to part far more intelligent beings from their loot.
It's never smart to stand on the edge of a large tree root when fighting hook horrors, or anything for that matter. But you can't tell a mage anything these days.
Ice spells are great until you accidentally make an ice rink around the very enemies you have to melee attack.
Astarion just disapproves of us. That's it, he just does not like anything we do.
My daughter is really, and I stress, really good at rolling that devastating 1. Critical Fail!
There are too many hot guys at camp!
You never, ever turn your back on an angry barbarian! (My boy Tal'Ruuk made me proud that fight)
Scratch is a good boy
I am in love with a magic user? Like I never thought I would say those words, but here I am, professing my love for that sweet but troublesome man Gale.
When in smoke form you are pretty much useless in a fight. Yeah, the mage thought it was hilarious though.
Badger form is not what you think it would be. What good is a bear sized badger?
My daughter's character Craylin (the aforementioned mage) is a delusional dragon boy, that's what the guy with the pen and the floppy hat called him anyways. Guess he doesn't believe he is part dragon, lol.
Sometimes the stupid plans are the ones that work.
Oh the adventures that we get ourselves caught up in..
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spiteless-xo · 9 months
HELLO 5, 10, and 28 for the ask thing plz 💕
hellooooo 💗💗 ty for asking!!
5. What is your most underrated set of headcanons?
jean being a rich, nepo-baby finance bro in au fics lmao i honestly can't see him in any other profession. i see him mostly written as a cowboy or a mechanic and that's totally fine but like.... to me, he's a finance bro. you cannot look at that man with a mullet and tell me that he's NOT going golfing on the weekend with his bros. talking about stocks and smoking cigars. taking girls out on his (daddy's) boat in the summertime. a designer watch collection in his closet. honestly jean just SCREAMS rich boy to me. either really leaning into his richboy-ness and being a stuck up asshole or fighting against it and "slumming it" with us commoners and pretending like he hasn't gotten everything in life handed to him on a silver platter.
10. What is your writing schedule like?
i try to write every day but lately i've been having writers block so i've just been opening up google docs and staring at the screen lol rereading stuff that i've already written, making notes to myself about stuff i wanna add/change..... but not a whole lot of actual writing.
28. What character(s) do you think you most resemble?
physically i think i most resemble mikasa or ymir (short dark hair, darker skin, half-asian) personality-wise i think i most resemble annie or ymir irl but i think online i act more like sasha
asks game questions!
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monocytogenes · 2 years
AND PRANA: 10, 13, 38!!
(this is for the OTP asks and yes imma indulge you with your OTP)
10. Describe their first date.
Lol, I feel like this is one of those ships where they wind up in a lot of situations that look like dates, but it's really them talking about work stuff at a spaceport cantina or whatever so it doesn't really count.
I can picture Lana organizing something kind of archetypically romantic once they're both like 'I guess this is a Thing now', e.g. inviting him to a fine restaurant in some part of Imperial space where he's not going to get scrutinized. This of course entails her going like 'Pravin you need to wear a proper suit and not have your shirt half open' so he winds up in something like this, and then she shows up in a sexy cocktail dress. And yeah, they have this moment where she's like 'wow he cleans up really nicely' and he's like literally just realizing he's only ever seen her in robes and armor and is all 'oh fuck, tits.' And yeah, they order dinner and cocktails, he entertains her with some of his 'crazy shit that happened in the field' stories where he has to redact everybody's names, she talks about her life and they bond over both being the kids of rich businesspeople, and they knock back enough cocktails that she dares to grab him and make out with him after they leave. (I get some 'I'm an introvert who's kind of awkward about romance because I have intense feelings but don't want to come on too strong' vibes from her. Which is fine by Pravin because while he likes her as a person, she is still Sith, and he's treading a liiiittttle more carefully than he might otherwise.)
13. Who’s the bigger tease?
Honestly, I see the teasing being kind of mutual, lol. Pravin definitely starts out being the obnoxiously seductive one because he's Like That, but once Lana gets more confident in the relationship she dishes it right back to him. She can sense his emotions, so she pretty quickly figures out what works on him, haha. (Also, I have this hilarious headcanon that they try for a while to keep their banter and come-hither looks on the down low so Theron doesn't realize what's up, but it's really not discreet at all. At some point he's all 'oh for fuck's sake get a room' and Lana's kind of mortified, lol.)
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who’s more vanilla?
This is a FASCINATING question, actually, and let me tell you why (under the cut because I'm going to talk details)--
Pravin, in spite of the inadvisable amount of sex he's out having, isn't really kinky at all. This is largely because while he's tried several kinky activities, it's all performance to him, and acting is basically what he does as a profession. He doesn't want to have to plan; he wants his actions and reactions to be as chill and natural as possible, even if his partners don't necessarily know his real identity.
While this wasn't really a factor before the events of his class story, he also came out of that whole thing with some very particular hangups about being restrained, feeling like he can't breathe or see, and the like. For instance, being manhandled in the throes of passion is okay, but do not tie him down; he's either going to emotionally dissociate or have an anxiety attack.
Lana, on the other hand, I see as sexually adventurous (which isn't that unusual among Sith.) I feel like she's had some but not a lot of sexual experience, and her first encounter with Pravin ends up being really nice because he's very communicative and, well, fucking great at pleasing a woman. She comes out of it all like 'oh man, there's a whole world of things I could try with this guy' and knowing how slutty he is, I imagine she winds up a little surprised when he does respond with some hard no's, lol.
From a kink perspective I imagine she's a dominant-leaning switch; while Pravin doesn't really occupy that framework, I think he's usually the giving partner in his encounters on account of his experience and rather enjoys when one of them takes initiative and he can occupy a more receptive role. And yeah, he'll indulge her desires to get a little rough with him or inflict a bit of pain on her if she's feeling that, so long as she also gets him off the way he wants.
(Another funny headcanon: they've had a few mishaps here and there. Lana totally tried to throw some degrading dirty talk at him on a whim once and he started losing his shit laughing and completely ruined the mood. There also was totally an incident where she got so into topping that she started pinning him down with the Force and he freaked out, wrenched an arm free and struck her--cue an abrupt stop and profuse apologies from both parties.)
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sketchguk · 18 days
I really like your ideas about it being a staff but I don't want it to be like a gardener or chef or , I need to be like some person she looks up to also or like their royal duties bring them together ..... And their just waiting for the good time to take their relationship further . Yeah you saying secretary makes so much sense!!!! Will that mean someone like brimsbury omg ??? That would be nice but like a little icky because of his duty .
An advisor sounds GREAT !!!!! He could be really smart important to the kingdom and mc would be attracted to him ! What kind of advisor?? Like a political one?? Or how about a commander 😭 why's that kind of hot??? But usually I guess commander would be older sksksksks but it's just a fic !!!! Maybe we can have a young commander lolll . Not the way I'm overthinking this!
Yeah honestly I thought her being together with him is too much but I need soonyoung to get mad and stop being a pushover 😭 like for him to just stop being mc would knock sense into mc and stop treating him like this u know? I think soon young just enters the room and finds him unexpectedly. I don't think mc would do it if she knew soonyoung is around! Like she's a little mean but only because she feels wronged and genuinely likes her other bf ! Not because she's cruel or anything 😔 so soonyoung finds them and gets CRAZY and kicks out the bf from his palace lol. And mc is like "you can't do that ! He answers to me you can't just kick him out !! And soonyoung will be like " Well I AM PRINCE AND THIS IS MY KINGDOM " so lol. Just like that king George moment when he's like "I AM KING" skskskkksk. Also later mc and soonyoung keep fighting because mc is upset this happened. Like she apologizs and says she shouldn't have done it but also she's like "it's not like you don't take your lovers. I know I was wrong but I also don't interfere in your business!" And he would be like " I don't take lovers " and she doesn't believe him at first but then she's like .. "because it's your duty to be faithful to me?" And he would be like. Because you're my wife. And I would never not be faithful to you. And mc would just feel like CRAP 😔
yes !! it makes a lot of sense if his profession requires a lot of interaction with the mc. it would be so scandalous too ! ahah i think that which ever role he ends up with, then there would be some sort of power imbalance. unless he doesn't exactly work under the mc !! (i wish i knew how these hypothetical politics worked)
a commander 😵‍💫😵‍💫 there's a cheol fic that i'm obsessed with, and he has the same title hhh. i feel like i've talked about it before, and i'll say it again ! the great war is one of the best fics i've ever read !!! sexiest man in the world award goes to choi sungcheol <3
the drama with the boyfriend being in the bedroom is so juicy lkjdklask. and the way that this isn't the major "climax" 😭 but just a bump in the road before the main couple gets together. i'm on the edge of my seat !!! i wonder how explosive mc's conversation with soonyoung would be when they finally get together !!!! unless the realization hits her in a slow and romantic way. the confession would definitely make me scream into my pillow fr
yooo !!!!! when he says "i don't take lovers because you're my wife" 😭😭 I COULD DIE ON THE SPOT !!!!!! how could words be so painful and romantic at the same time 😭
is mc going to continue seeing her boyfriend :'((( that moment has to sway her at least a little bit, right ?!!!!! she should be more sympathetic to soonyoung lkasjdkal
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piduai · 1 month
I totally agree with you , I tend to remember the bad more than the good . I guess for self care it's better to just watch the arcs you loved . I watched the episode 153 or 157 something ( I don't remember the exact number but it's about Kagura not wanting to sleep ) more than ten times because I liked it. I think it's the best way to view an anime like this.
After all not much is to be  expected from an author like this.
The aliens versus us is just a way to portray the pre opening era . CLEARLY . No reach. If he could write "THOSE FOREIGNERS " he would. Very weird it's giving Isayama with Snk , the world population vs us the people of ( I don't remember honestly 🥴). It's like a nostalgic / xenophobic stand but not outspoken.
I just wish we got more contents of characters like Asaemon and nobume + mutsu these three really could introduce  interesting drama with their profession and personalities. I will never NEVER get over it 😩👹. You know what ? I wish gunatama was a female only cast ( I DARE TO SAY IT👹👹👹)
Also I don't like Emosugi , Kamui is so  cringe , he's what to expect from a teenage boy. He's so predictable, a violent  emotional red hair emo .
But  Takasugi Dramasuke ?!  I just can't . His rage is valid but he never gave anything . A plate of pasta without salt . The hype about him is what all his character is . I never understood it. He doesn't look cool and I think his feet smell NGL.
He's the example of a delayed frontal lobe growth. Soratchi just used limited appearance to tune the citizens on. I don't know how they fell for it . When the whole truth was finally exposed i was disappointed 🧍🏻‍♀️.
I don't know how to explain it and why . He's just so cliché i thought ginballma would be more original but it's not when you look back when it's about serious topic.
i don't have arcs i particularly hate, tbh i watched it in 2013 for the first time and a lot of the cultural & linguistic jokes flew over my head, as well as a lot of references. so now i rediscover a lot of stuff on my rewatch, which is fun. but ig if you have stuff you really hate it's just better to skip altogether, i mean who cares. i only started rewatching it bc i need something to play in the bg while i eat/do my nails/clean around the house etc and short series end too fast while i don't feel like committing to a long series i haven't watched yet
yeah i do wonder, i didn't notice it the first time at all but now it feels very sus. it's also funny that earth = japan it seems, the word japan is never uttered actually but the existence of other nations is never brought up either. and amanto = foreigners, with kagura and the rest of the yato being alien chinese while catherine being alien something vaguely southeast asian. with the rest being animals. i don't think it's that deep just something that made me raise an eyebrow
asaemon is a one arc character and mutsu was shown for a bit towards the end, but nobume was snubbed lol. but again everyone else who isn't g*ntoki was also snubbed. with nobume it's a shame that her shoyo disciple side was never explored while some whomstie (oboro) got an entire thing around it. zura was also sidelined when it comes to this. nobume didn't really do much after sabuchan died from what i recall which is a shame. but also the cast is HUGE so with sorachi's limited formulaic writing abilities it's understandable lol
people always praise the character writing in gintama and i always disagreed with that because 98% of the cast is the same thing from different angles, or rather it seems that he can't write anything else. default character in this series is kind of a rude jerk who is actually super duper kind and niceys deep down and when it matters, and if push comes to shove they'll give you a helping hand no questions asked. most of them have their own quirks (kagura is an abrasive glutton, tae is arrogant, mean and backstabbing, nobume is aloof and apathetic, kyuubei and tsukuyo are overly-serious and awkward and so on and so forth) but the mold is the same. which is like, fine for shounen standards, and a lot of them are very likeable, but let's be real no giocondas are being painted here
i liked kamui until it was revealed that he actually fr fr is obsessed with his mom and sister and this whole time he was just lonely and misunderstood and lashing out. boring. he was fun as a power-hungry #psycho little shit but obviously we can't have any divergences from the mold in this house. as for takasugi he's always been one of my favorites so i can't say much here lol to each their own
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lovings4turn · 2 months
𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄 — send me a lil description of yourself + fandom(s) and i'll ship you with someone + give you your best friend !
first off congrats again lovely
I'm Dominican, Portuguese and black i love stem ( but not good at math lol ) training to become a peds nurse in school i play soccer, softball and badminton and sometimes go karting with friends
I love f1, soccer, and ice hockey
I like long walks, going shopping, yapping ( sometimes I talk too much lol ), reading, watch medical dramas, and horror films
favorite color is lavender and light blue
my favorite drivers are lewis, the ferrari and mclaren boys and jenson button and seb vettel
I love listening to Abba, sza, Raya, bad bunny, rauw alejandro, kali uchis, adele
thank you so so much darling - and thank you for joining in the celebration !!! hope you like this <333
𝐢'𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜 !
your description just absolutely screamed charles to me oh my god !!! i can see him being absolutely enamoured by you , like , head over heels , he's down that bad
ᡣ𐭩 charles gets so invested in all of the medical dramas you watch like . at first , he's just watching them because you enjoy them , and hell , if it means he gets to sit and cuddle you he would watch anything . but then , as he watches more episodes , he becomes more and more invested , and before he knows it he's absolutely hooked !!!
ᡣ𐭩 he so suggests that the two of you go karting together . it seems a little unfair , considering he is literally a formula one driver , but he thinks it's so fun that the two of you get to enjoy one of his passions together !!! plus , he thinks there's no sight cuter than you wearing a race helmet , visor up so all he can see is the crinkles by your eyes produced by how hard you're smiling at him . he also loves attending any of your sports games - even if he doesn't fully understand every last rule !
ᡣ𐭩 charles also loves shopping , and so you guys often have little shopping dates together !!! he insists on spoiling you , shutting down any protest you try to produce ,, because he wants to buy you everything your heart desires !!! and of course , he'll carry your bags for you , too (twitter definitely goes wild when a picture of him walking around with tons of shopping bags and a huge smile is dropped)
ᡣ𐭩 so , so impressed by the fact that you're training to become a peds nurse like . he cannot wrap his head around how smart you must be for that ,, he's truly amazed by you !!! loves to ask you about your day and will also inundate you with trillions of questions about your profession choice , not only because he's interested but also loves getting to hear you talk !!!
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬 !
ᡣ𐭩 as one of the biggest yappers ever , you and lando would make the best of friends !!! you two never run out of things to talk about , and never tire of hearing the other talk , either !! there is no such thing as 'talking too much' as far as lando is concerned , honestly
ᡣ𐭩 lando definitely watches one (1) ice hockey game with you and becomes convinced he could do it , too . you remind him that he can't even stay upright for more than a minute on the ice but he waves you off , assuring you he'd probably be able to skate circles around half of the players on the team (he's lying to himself . physically cannot stop himself from giggling before the words have even left his mouth)
ᡣ𐭩 watching a horror movie with lando is the funniest thing ever . he insists he won't get scared by it , then thirty minutes in is hiding behind a pillow , laughing so hard despite being absolutely horrified . he's so reactive (and so , so easy to scare afterwards . sneak up behind him and shout 'boo!' and he's jumping a foot into the air , i swear)
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Oop he's coming overrr
Noooope Mr. Early xDD
I mean it sucks but like xd chill a bit
Mood though I'd be stressing xD
Yk what yeah Hen slay
Like is it great manners to serve food you know the guest doesn't like? Maybe not but you can't always bend over backwards for them lol
It is what it is
I'm sorry though Hen :(( this is tough <33
Y'all got this :))
LOL Eddie xD
Yeahh no
(I mena I'll bet he tries for her again but still eh lol)
You have BUCK
Girls from work?
Oop married before 👀
Eddie STILL finding out the family drama and he's in his 30s XDD
I mean yeah though Eddie :')) if it's what you want, you deserve it <333
And to be fair it has been a while lol
Awww 🥰🥰🥰
AWWWWW ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰😭
Them in general, Maddie singing again, and BOTH OF THEM SINGING?? What a slay of a scene 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Aww poor guy :/
But hey yeah there's other professions!
Hmm are we thinking doctor? Nahh I don't think so
What is it. . .
OOOHH YES dispatch?
Good for him :DDD
Ahh yeah!!! That's cool :DD :))
LOL oof Ravi you've been caught
I mean yeah you gotta get back out there eventually if you think you have a chance of doing it again
OOP yeeep they're a great place for learning on the job and getting kicked XD
Is Ravi seriously coming back :DD
Lol you idiots 🥰🥰 <33
R A V I ' S B A C K :DDDDD!!!!!!
WHOOOOOOOOO :'DDDD YAYYY 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️😭❤️🥰
Awww they're all so happy to see him :'D
LOL Buck is literally picking him up and swinging him around xD 🥰
Aww hey y'all :))
LOL Bobby sent him to get Ravi? That's amazing XD
And yeah to maybe remind him how good of a teacher and leader he is :')) because honestly he is it's such a slay whatever he does :')))
OOH lol his performance review XDD
Wait why is Chimney so EXCITED to tell him lol?
What a slay lol
These fools <333
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pepi-nillo · 2 years
what would have happened if juwon's mom managed to leave with him before hkh sent her off tho
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backslashdelta · 2 years
If performing (acting, singing, dancing, etc) wasn't an option, what professions do you think all the new directioners would be pursuing instead?
Oh anon this is a wonderful question thank you so much for asking it!
Kurt. Definitely fashion. I basically headcanon Kurt as going into fashion over performing anyway, so this is an easy one for me.
Finn. I can't really see him sticking with teaching like he'd planned on doing honestly. I think he'd do it for a bit, and then maybe take over the garage from Burt or something? I could see that.
Rachel. She's the hardest to choose, because I think of everyone she's the one I associate most strongly with performing, for what I think are obvious reasons. So it doesn't feel quite right to picture her doing anything else. I could maybe see her doing like, event organizing/party planning? Like I could see her planning weddings and making sure everything is just right because she's a perfectionist and she wants to make sure the bride feels like the most special person in the works at her wedding. The more I think about it the more right it feels honestly, so yeah, that's what I'm going with.
Mercedes. I could see her going into some kind of charity-related work? I think she'd be good at coordinating and she would love how rewarding it was to help her community. she wouldn't always be on the front lines (though of course she is if needed), but she would do a lot of the behind-the-scenes work to make sure everything runs smoothly and whatever money they raise or donations they collect get to where they need to go.
Tina. Why was my immediate thought a tattoo artist? I don't know but I kind of love that idea for her. It's artsy but kinda alternative and I love the vibe of her owning her own studio.
Artie. I could see him going into computer science maybe? I think he's like the problem solving and I could see him with a really impressive and excessive computer setup with like 3 monitors and a fancy Dvorak keyboard and whatnot.
Quinn. I could see her being a journalist! We know she's smart and reads a lot, and I think it would be a really good fit for her. She'd like the investigative aspects and she'd have a great way with words to make her articles interesting and still get all of her points and facts across really well. And she'd love using her job to expose insutices in the community or broader, or raise awareness about political interests she thinks are important.
Santana. Lawyer. She would be a badass lawyer. She's smart and witty and quick on her feet. She has a drive to win and I think she'd be a first to be reckoned with.
Brittany. I could see her owning a bakery! Making cakes and cupcakes and decorating them in the weirdest of ways but they all just come out looking so amazing because she has such a unique perspective.
Puck. I could see him going into a trade. Maybe construction? I could see plumbing as well. Something very hands-on where he can really see the results of his work.
Mike. I could see him coaching sports?? Or teaching dance of course but maybe that's too close to actually being a dance (since obviously if you teach dance you're a dancer lol) so I'll go with sports. I don't think he'd want to be a school teachers, but I think he'd love teaching them sports. In particular I'm imaging him as a gymnastics instructor, just in a gym full of kids like jumping and tumblr around and he would be living for it. I can see it so clearly. And he'd be so proud anytime his kids did competitions, regardless of how they placed.
Blaine. I love the idea of Blaine as a teacher so I think I'm going with that. I think he'd find it really rewarding, and he's be great with kids. And I think he'd teach middle school, because he remembers how much he struggled at that time in his life and he wants to be there for other kids who might be struggling then too.
Sam. I could see him going into social work. I think he has a really big heart and he'd just want to help people, and he would be so great with kids and helping them feel safe when they're at really rough points in their lives.
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 3 years
First. H.H
Tumblr media
A/N: this is like 100% fluff.
Warnings: fluff. Pure fluff. Lol
I sat on the edge of the tub with my feet in the cold water. I was kicking myself for choosing to wear heels knowing the way Harry's family was. I was a competitive person, and I was also a people pleaser. So of course when paddy had cornered me telling me about his plan to take down his three older brothers with water guns, I couldn't just not help. After what felt like hours of running in my wedges after the three older Hollands, we had finally abandoned all hope of taking them down, just before Harry had announced we should be leaving.
The drive from Harry's family home to my flat was a short one, twenty minutes tops with heavy traffic. But it was late, and in London, even if the days were warm the nights usually held a good chill.
We had been at mine for only a few minutes when I had told Harry I needed to soak my aching feet, and left for the bathtub. We had only been dating a few months, even though we had been friends for years.
"It's late, I should be going," Harry said from where he leaned on the door frame. I pushed my bottom lip out in a pout.
"You can't stay?" I wondered. We hadn't really stayed over at each other's flats yet, trying to keep our pace slow and one day at a time, but I felt like I had barely seen him all day, and I wanted to spend more time with him.
"Like a sleepover?" He asked, a surprised look plastered on his face. I quickly nodded, with a smile that was sure to look dorky from his point of view. He walked closer to me as he set his hand on my shoulder squeezing only lightly. "I'd love that darling,"
"Your brother had me running around like crazy," I told him as I wiggled my toes in the cold water. He laughed as he sat down next to me on the tub.
"I really appreciate how much effort you put in with my family," his tone was earnest and sincere. I had known the Hollands for a few years, they had hired me to tutor their youngest (paddy) in maths, which is how harry and I had initially met. It wasn't love at first sight by any means. There were lots of long and awkward conversations before we had even become friends, and slowly it became obvious that our friendship was leading to something more. So we had decided to date, now six months later things were going well.
"Honestly harry, I love them like my own family, there's not much effort I have to put into it," I admitted.
"They love you," he said. "I love you," I smiled at him as the wheels in my head started to turn thinking about his words. 'They love you, I love you' I love you. Love? I love YOU? He loves me? Harry Robert Holland loves me? It felt like my heart stopped as I realized what had happened. An invisible line that we had been parading on for quite some time had finally been stepped over. He loves me. He said it first.
"You do?" I asked quietly looking at his face for any tell tale signs that he had said it accidentally.
"I do what?" He wondered, looking like a dumbfounded little kid with a math question. He didn't mean it. I felt my heart drop. Maybe it was a fluke. Or he hadn't said it. His family was big on the word so maybe it was just second nature, and he didn't think about it.
"Oh nothing, I thought I heard something," I tried to quickly cover my let down feelings. I wasn't sure we were even ready for that step in our relationship, yet when I had heard the words from his mouth, it was like I could jump over that barrier and rejoice. Because as much as I tried not to, I had fallen completely, head over heels, in love with Harry Holland.
"You look disappointed," he pointed out. I tried to play it off as I swung my legs over the tub, drying my feet off. I didn't want him to know I was disappointed. How could I possibly explain that? 'oh I thought you said you loved me, but I must have heard wrong so I can't really profess my undying love for you' no!
"I'm fine, baby. Just a little worn from the long day." It wasn't exactly a lie, just not the whole truth.
"Let's go lay down and maybe you'll feel better," he stood to his feet bringing me to my bed. I pulled off my clothes and found an over-sized shirt and crawled into bed in that and my undies. While he stripped down to his boxers and crawled under the covers next to me.
I snuggled into his side, laying my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. I sighed with the immediate comfort that washed over me laying in Harry's arms. We had many intimate moments, but we had never just slept.
"This is nice," I whispered to him, not sure if he was asleep. He placed a kiss on top of my head before sighing.
"I really, really do," he said. I turned my head to look at him, not sure if he had misheard me or I him.
"Huh?" He had a goofy grin on his lips as he looked down at my face. He leaned forward connecting our lips in a sweet kiss.
"I really, really do love you," he whispered, this time I knew I had heard him. He had said it. I wasn't crazy, and he hadn't just let it slip without meaning.
"I love you," I said, not even needing to think about it. I snuggled myself more into his side, kissing his chest lightly and just enjoying his presence, knowing we were moving forward into a new chapter.
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