#i have been listening to a lot of weird electronic music
wis-art · 1 year
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well that didn't really last long
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rachelchinouriri · 1 year
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RACHEL CHINOURIRI post from January 23rd 2022 expressing the difficulties of being a black woman in Indie Alternative Music
Before then it was always “indie” or “alternative” or even “electronic”. Then it became…
“You sound like a white girl”
“I can hear influences of soul”
“This is kind of RnB”
“Neo soul?”
“This is white music”
No, I am just black and you see my colour before you hear my music.
I, like many others, enter a space which would rather adapt the space than accept us
Urban, alternative RnB, Pop/RnB, Neo Soul
This is not to say there aren’t amazing black artists who make this music… it’s just not all of us.
If you didn’t know what unconscious bias was before, this is an example.
I don’t hate or hold anger to people who mistake me as I’m aware it’s confusing sometimes. Artists are genre bending more than EVER, including myself but it’s ALWAYS rooted from indie/alternative/electronic or pop influences.
In my early days, to be put into genres I never grew up listening to was so bizzare to me, then it clicked it was because of my skin.
Any producer I have worked with can tell you that I have never once referenced an RnB, soul, blues, jazz song.
I grew up listening to hours of Daughter, Coldplay, ry x, kodaline, James Blake, sampha, labrinth, melanie martinez etc
This is not to say that I’m not seen as indie now, but the journey here has sometimes pained me and it’s because I was scared to speak up.
I’m even scared to post this incase “I lose support” from people which is so weird… I feel like crying.
2020 the industry posted black squares and publicly promised to listen to black artists so let’s talk, not just then… but until we don’t have to anymore .
I’m honest with my music, this is just one thing that always scares me.
My biggest regret is not speaking when these things happened sooner because when I have, the reaction (for me) has been extremely understanding. I am SO lucky to have @atlasartists
Speaking up and unapologetically being myself rather than adapting has made my experience in the industry so much more pleasant.
Anyways, I love you all.
Black artists exist in every genre,
Just let us in x
This is me
Lots of love, rachel x
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victorspindrop · 2 months
Music Artists I think the HOA Characters (Season 1 Specifically) would listen to!
Note: First head canon type thing I am putting on here (yay!). This is something I have thought a lot just myself in my lonesome so Id thought Id share it here! If you have any other ideas of what certain characters would listen to I would love to hear!
-> I think we as a fandom have collectively decided that Nina would 100% be a swiftie (and I agree). Her favorite album would be either Speak Now or Folklore, however, her fav song would probs be "London Boy" off of the Lover album though (for obvious reasons)
-> I can see her listening to some other softer artists like beabadobee, Clairo, and Boygenius (shes a softie at heart what can I say)
-> "All American Bitch" by Olivia Rodrigo is her confidence booster song for sure
-> Her and Amber have 2000-2010's pop music dance parties in their room together (which make annoy some of the housemates from them jumping around and dancing; also get in trouble with Victor about it but its worth it to them)
->Ok I need you guys to HEAR ME OUT with this one, but...Nina definitely is a little (just a little bit) of a theatre kid. I mean let's be real, she wrote an entire play for the school AND performed in it,,,my girl def is a little bit of a theatre girl. So with that being said, she listens to some show tunes from musicals (mostly Waitress and Mamma Mia)
-> She would so be a Y2k pop listening type of girl
-> Favorite songs would be "Rich Girl" by Gwen Stefani, "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga, HEAVY ON "Stars are Blind" by Paris Hilton!!!!!!
-> Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Gwen Stefani, Beyonce, if its an iconic pop girl, she listens to them
-> Marina and the Diamonds. IDK IT JUST MAKES SO MUCH SENSE TO ME I CANNOT EXPLAIN. Some of her songs just give that "it girl" energy and if there is an "it girl" of the Anubis house its miss Amber Millington. "Bubblegum Bitch" is blasted in her car with the top down (because she def has a convertible and its pink)
-> Ariana Grande stan. Probably had a stroke when Ariana came out with a makeup line and bought ALL OF IT.
-> Fabian def listens to alternative music old and new.
->LOVES THE SMITHS! Like its almost the only thing he listens to
-> Favorite songs by the Smiths include "There is a Light that Never Goes Out" and "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want"
-> Listens to the Arctic Monkeys for sure
-> Some other artists he listens to are Radiohead, The Cranberries, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and TV Girl.
-> Fabian is my favorite awkward loser boy... he listens to Weezer
-> Didn't Alfie call her like a "Punk rock/goth vixen" or something like that? (I can't remember the quote or the episode it is in for the life of me)
-> Regardless of whatever the quote was, this is our punk rock alternative queen right here
-> PARAMORE SHE LIKES PARAMORE (has a crush on Hayley Williams because I said so)
-> Had a Panic At the Disco and FallOutBoy phase for sure
-> Listens to the Smiths a little bit (because Fabian showed her some songs)
-> Also listens to some metal rock, loves Poppy and always liked her weird concepts
-> Alfie listens to anything and everything I feel like
-> alternative, pop, rock, jazz, electronic, DISCO, hell even fucking dubstep.
-> If he likes it, that's all that matters to him. He doesn't care about the genre or style of music it is
-> I feel he would listen to a lot of artists from the 70s and 80s (idk if that's because of Jeromes quote about him being stuck in the 80s but it would make sense!)
->Loves ABBA, BeesGees, Earth Wind and Fire, and WHAM
-> When "Lets Groove" by Earth Wind and Fire was trending on tiktok, he played it every chance he could. That song has been banned from the house since.
-> Like Fabian, he's an Arctic Monkeys fan
-> Favorite song by IDKHBTFM is Choke
-> I feel like he would also love Childish Gambino idk why I just feels right
-> Secretly listens to Mitski. That boy has been traumatized even BEFORE he was at Anubis, he deserves to cry to Mitski
-> The Neighborhood is a favorite of his (especially their song Daddy Issues because of,,, obvious reasons) Second favorite song of theirs would be Single (if you haven't heard that song highly recommend)
-> Hozier feels right for him idk
-> I think as a fandom we have concluded that she is also a swiftie. Her favorite album is Midnights and Reputation imo
-> HEAVY ON OLIVIA RODRIGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-> The Sour album was life changing for her (same can be said for Guts)
-> Literally her top songs of the year were all from the album. Jealously Jealousy, Favorite Crime, Hope You're Happy, Good for You to be specific
-> I can see her being a Harry fan
-> Definitely forced Patricia to go to Love on Tour (Patricia liked it, but she definitely won't tell you that)
-> She was a One Directioner so naturally, the love carried on into the members solo careers (had to miss class when Zayn left)
-> Also just listens to old Frank Sinatra, Doris Day, Dean Martin
-> Listened to 5SOS during her brief "bad girl" era to help prove her point but she actually ended up really liking them!
-> Ed Sheeran and Jojo Siwa
*AUTHOR NOTE* I really hope you guys enjoyed this! Tbh it took a while because a few were tricky for me. Please fell free let me know if you have any you would add. Sorry some descriptions are longer than others
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myriadeyed · 15 days
Legitimately really curious about the music question from that kin ask meme you just reblogged. I'd love an answer about any of your kintypes, but I'm especially interested to know if there's any music that you associate with/really resonates with your experience as an isopod.
See, here's the thing, I never really associate music with any of my theriotypes. Animalistic species specifically. I get into an animalistic mindset by being in nature or acting out instincts, and music (or any other form of art) is going to take me out of that, especially if there's lyrics. There's no bird music to me, no bug music or mustelid music. I just don't associate it, positively or negatively. I guess no, to answer your question. To be in an isopod shift I'd rather be by the ocean or eat foods similar to what we eat in the wild (seaweed salad I guess), since that's what feels the most animalistic to me. Especially for isopod shifts, an animal that does not have a traditional chordate's sense of hearing, I'm not going to vibe with music. I'd share MyNoise generators that have those vibes for me before any songs.
Music-related shifts for me are all about the sapient kintypes, i.e. computer, Novakid, or fictotypes. But I liked this particular ask meme's music question because it differentiated songs, bands, and genres! And I love to talk genre so!
Individual songs are gonna be (Link) Blame by Air Traffic Controller, Never Existed by Keldian, Take 3 by Inner Wave, Lonesome Dreams by Lord Huron, (for Novakid) S.T.A.R. Child by The Orion Experience, Lightning Riders by AWOLNATION, Space Western by Rich Aucoin, Propane Nightmares by Pendulum, Nova by VNV Nation, (...other) Dreams by Joakim Karud (I cannot concisely explain why it puts me in a computer mindset)
Coincidentally, today (after reblogging that!) I just happened upon a song I didn't know about before, from a band with only 1 album and 10 listeners on Spotify, only available for streaming on a single website in the depths of the obscure music Internet, which catapulted me into a Novakid shift, so here's that, obviously
But I feel like I've listed those songs a million times and never mentioned that genres in general are what "computer kintype music" is for me. My computer kintype is an IBM 7090 so I heavily associate it with 1970s electronic music particularly, so that playlist is a lot of vintage electronica, Space Art, Mort Garson, moog synths, songs with Casio instruments, and recent stuff that takes inspiration from that era like Eyeliner, Jack Stauber, MNQN, and certain synthwave artists. I also associate it a lot with computer animation (pre-Disney-Pixar) so that's a lot of vaporwave and also every soundtrack album for all the Mind's Eye films (those are by James Reynolds, Jan Hammer and Thomas Dolby). I've never been able to find a really good version online of the song from Fabricated Rhythm, which I think is just called Fabricated Rhythm, but I like that too.
Post-punk reminds me of autumn/whatever my weird cryptic kintype is that's associated with the season, but maybe that's just because I'm happiest in fall and I love post-punk. However if anyone can help explain why Figure In the Background by Snake Pool gives me species euphoria lmk
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savriea · 18 days
Get To Know Me Tag
Whew this was a long one! Thanks for the tag lovely, @darkurgetrash <3 This was fun! I love these games and learning more about my moots and sharing about myself when I wouldn't otherwise!
No pressure tags for: @little-paperboat @seabirdsong @forget-me-maybe Do you make your bed? Nope! Once I manage to peel myself out of that thing, what's left behind isn't my business. (plus I have 2 dogs who would promptly tear it back up, so,)
Favorite Number: I've always liked the number 11. Can't really say why, though!
What's your job? I am in sales, which works shockingly well given that I am pretty introverted IRL
If you could go back to school, would you? No. I was always smart but struggled in school because I had undiagnosed ADHD and was only seen as a problem child and as the weird girl. The lack of support and social issues left a bad taste in my mouth for school. Then, post-high school, I experienced terrible burnout in my first few years at college.
Can you parallel park/drive a manual car? Yes and yes. Cars and motorsports are actually a big passion of mine :)
Do you think aliens are real? Hell yeah! We'd be insane to think we're the only ones here. I kinda subscribe to the Dark Forest theory, though
What's your guilty pleasure? Napping. On the rare weekends that I have free time, there is nothing to stop me from a 6-hour mid-day nap. That and sweets.
Tattoos? I have 4, with plans for a few more. I have more piercings than tattoos at the moment. I just need to find a new artist, eventually... if I ever remember.
Favorite type of music: I have 2, depending on the mood. Metal/Rock or Electronic/House music. Which, these days a lot of metal leans on electronic heavily so it balances 🥰
Do you like puzzles? Yes and no. I really enjoy escape rooms as my ADHD can just go crazy with finding something, getting distracted and finding something else, then putting it all together. The time constraints are the vibe killer there, tbh
Any phobias? Fear of falling, definitely. I don't mind heights themselves if I'm in a secure position, but things like skydiving/ziplining/certain roller coasters do me in.
Favorite childhood sport: I was never into sports as a kid. I've gotten really into motorsports as an adult, though, and feel like if I grew up somewhere that kids motor sporting/karting was more prevalent *cough cough Europe cough cough* I would have been super into that.
Do you talk to yourself? Not really. There's enough going on in my mind 24/7 that the external stimulation might push me over the edge lol
What movie(s) do you adore? When people ask about my 'favorite movie', there are only ever 2 answers. Animated: Pixar's Cars. Live Action: Interstellar. No I will not take questions.
Coffee or tea: Depends. Cold: Coffee, all day. Hot: Tea, green, please.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? An astronaut 🥰
Last song I listened to: tear gas - Architects
Favorite color: Black!
Current obsession: BG3, lol.
Last thing I Googled: The phone # for my local tire shop 😂 Fancy.
Favorite Season: Winter. I love a good cold day.
Skill I'd like to learn: Painting. I actually went to art school for 2 years before suffering from extreme burn out. I was always decent with digital art, but I would love to be able to really, actually, literally paint
Best advice: I genuinely can't share any. Big head no thoughts. Sorry
Currently watching: Catching up on the Fallout show! I'm always very behind on new TV but currently about halfway through it.
Currently reading: A stupidly long list of BG3 fanfics as my "to read" books sit gathering dust on my bookshelf.
Relationship status: Married! Together since 2016 <3
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Gosh it really depends on the mood, but if I had to choose only one for the rest of my life, SWEET! I have a weakness for baked goods.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
Happy Storyteller Saturday! What kinds of music do your characters listen to, and does that differ from the kinds of music you associate with them?
Hey, Katie! Happy STS! Thanks for the ask!
So what's funny is that I'm currently picking at my OCs' music taste. I've been doing some background work on specific preferences/favorites for them but unfortunately they're not complete yet.
The main problem I'm having is I have a very wide music taste. I love all genres. So trying to narrow down what everyone likes feels weird and restrictive. But here are the core characters and what I feel like they like.
Lexi - I associate a lot of pop music with Lexi, and she'll definitely enjoy it, but I'm also leaning toward alternative rock, classical music, country, blues, jazz. Ugh this is too many!! But she'd listen to them outside in her garden, no headphones in so she can hear people coming and maybe talk to someone if they're out with her.
Maddie - would like rock/alternative rock and hip hop is what I'm leaning for. Maybe some classical and metal. Would prefer just instant stimulation rather than meaning. Probably would put on headphones as she worked with Legos.
Ash - rock, indie rock, alternative rock. Throw in some punk. Just all rock I guess. Would probably want to be doing something with her hands while she listens. Maybe knock some chores out of the way.
Gwen - definitely has a wide variety of tastes. Jazz, classical, soul, world, alternate, rock, metal, classical. Maybe some ambient. She'd listen to music all the time. It's a part of her. She wants to be moved emotionally by it.
Robbie - similar wide taste: jazz, classical, should world, alternate, blues, country, maybe even reggae. Really likes music with a lot of meaning, relaxation, good melodies. Needs music to focus on anything. song usually in his head.
Akash - country, cultural music, pop, electronic, rap/hip hop, new age, world...yeah wide taste. He would rather have time to sing along to music then just turn it on as background noise, but sometimes it's Music Time. And if he's struggling with X emotion, then there's a playlist for that!
I'd include Jedi and Carmen but they're from an alternate dimension and I'm still figuring out their pop culture ahh!
Hope this was alright lol. Thanks for the ask! Barely got this done before the end of STS (for my time zone).
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dogtoling · 5 months
are there any specific songs/music genres your ocs would listen to? could be in game or real life
this is a hard question to answer because i don't understand music genres at all or listen to much variety myself lol. It's not a topic I've thought about much at all for most of my OCs, so I'll just keep it short with who I actually know anything about...
Peppermint and Engel are both Squid Squad stans, but Engel is also into weird ancient bands from the 70's that haven't been relevant for a hot minute due to his upbringing in the Deepsea, where everything becomes trendy like 10 years after it's become lame everywhere else and media tends to be on a giant delay as a result.
Boy has like three overlapping music careers so really he just listens to anything that's got a good groove going on as long as it's not classical. He has a soft spot for electronic music
I doubt Amber cares about music as anything more than background noise, most of the time, or even actively listens to any that often. But since the Alterna music records were discovered and brought into publicity, she's probably been really into those. (She is PUZZLED by Seep & Destroy.)
Squl likes rock, metal and edgy music and has recently been spreading his Deep Sea Dead Zone propaganda to the rest of his team(s). Nori would give up a limb to go get Callie's autograph. Graf mainly listens to extremely bizarre and quirky music, mostly without lyrics. I don't think Toast listens to music much at all.
Dodo seems like he has zero interest or passion for anything but he actually has a giant CD- and vinyl collection, though its largely bands before the 2000's, and a lot of niche Deepsea bands that no one on the surface ever even heard of.
Kombu is a reggae enjoyer and he wants music to be chill and have compelling lyrics. He doesn't love the super fast pace of a lot of modern mainstream music. He comes up with a lot of lyrics naturally and writes down a lot of love songs that he never makes, and he bonds with Engel a lot over their passion for deep lyrics, but he tends to get distressed over Engel's lyrics.
Flint listens to absurdly loud heavy metal but he's really not that picky. He doesn't understand lyrics 89% of the time and he doesn't care or listen.
there's some. i hope it suffices
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 11 months
tuesday again 7/18/2023
idk man i just work here
not another rockstar, maisie peters. spotify
this is a little poppier than i generally prefer-- the first knee-jerk comparison i can make for the vocals is taylor swift, esp in the first verse? luckily for everyone, i was white-knuckling it down the katy freeway (26 lanes. never again) and did not have the extra concentration necessary to skip it on whatever autogenerated dance playlist spotify spat out for me. as a fellow woman with a Type, i must tip my hat to ms peters.
Hmm, funny I could pick 'em in a line up, line up Pretty certain I could do it with my eyes shut, eyes shut A little self-obsessive and I sign up, sign up Where's the pen? Where's the line?
@pasta-pardner has made a gorgeously lush electronic/indie pop cowboy playlist. my very favorite song (so far, still have it on loop) is Horsie by Twilight Circus Dub Sound System. it sounds like the opening theme to Samurai Champloo. it ripples and grooves. it lives somewhere between rock and reggae. the whole album is incredible music to hang out to.
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retractionwatch (my beloved) linked out to datacolada.org in a recent article and my ears perked up. data colada gets REAL deep into the investigative reporting of specific papers, including some fascinating excel sleuthing. they use CalcChain!!! i thought i was the only one who used CalcChain!!!
CalcChain tells Excel in which order to carry out the calculations in the spreadsheet. It tells Excel something like "First solve the formula in cell A1, then the one in A2, then B1, etc." CalcChain is short for 'calculation chain'.
one of my worst traits as a person is that i looooooooove an academic trainwreck. i love watching academia eat itself. i love watching people get caught for sloppy shit like "excel file sorted REAL weird, pointing to tampering with individual data points"
new jennings motor sport!!! the oil change is. hough. impressively disgusting. oil does some funky shit when it's been sitting for ??? decades
ive been playing genshi/n impact like it's my job. having a lot of thoughts about crunch, and content, and player expectations vs shareholder expectations and Line Go Up and if AAA free-to-play video games are at all ethical to play for anyone ever, but hey! look at this snarky catgirl!
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also lol. lmao. this is a game for children. we are all aware of the restrictions and limitations placed upon games for children in the chinese and american markets so yeah the answer is going to be yes, every time
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lately i have been going to my best friend's house after work (what an unimaginable sentence a month ago) and hanging out and watching whatever toddler shows are on tv while we shoot the shit and i knit. there's another half-repeat on the baby blanket for the baby who has just turned four months old, but it's in the car and the night is dark and full of mosquitoes.
i literally cannot do any life shit, even most doctor's appointments, until i have a real physical stable address so all i am really doing is knitting and playing genshi/n and opening and closing my email like the fridge. i have one security deposit back from the old mass apt plus one more paycheck (but, crucially, not the nearly $2k from the roach apt and we are rapidly approaching lawsuit time) so the cat and i are a little bit more stable/able to put down a security deposit on something else the minute it comes along. this would not have been possible without the incredible generosity of readers like you during that very bad first week here. thank you. i want to do some sort of thank you...stream? liveblog? series of posts about something? but i'm not sure what yet. stay tuned. tell me your thoughts. what would you like to see?
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tim-official · 5 months
greetings and salutations, tim of tim-official fame. I'm composing this semi-late night (for me at least) ask to inform you that I listened to your total swarm for young men album a couple days ago and I very much liked it. this was surprising to me as the album was not anything like my normal taste in music and I was not expecting to like it (because let's be real I got here from tumblr) but fortunately it's both very very weird and filled with absolute bangers so gj 10/10 5 stars. since this is so far outside of my normal arena I would also like to ask what genre/s you would say the water gun water gun sky attack stuff is and what you would say your major influences are as a musician? au revoir
tyvm this warms my heart.... It has always been my explicit goal to make weird things people are surprised they like, and to encourage people to like stranger music
usually people seem to put me in the "post-punk" or "art punk" genres which are very bad names for genres but they work fine. my sound design is influenced by a lot of glitch / experimental electronic stuff, because I think the current state of the art in post-punk is stuck on the ol guitar-bass-drums sound which is boring
biggest songwriting influences are protomartyr (listen to relatives in descent) and tropical fuck storm (listen to Braindrops). Biggest sound design influence and fav band of all time is autechre, who do mind-bending glitchy things so far in the future nobody else is even close (listen to literally anything they have made after 2012)
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hotasfahrenheit · 5 months
So you wanna get into NCT, eh?
Part 3 - NCT 127 - More MVs and Social Media Links
Oh hey I'm finally back. It's been more than a day but life happens and it's only been like two days... or so? (it's been three) but let's get back into this!
So last time we covered a little bit about the members of the group and then I linked some MVs. I realised something I could have done there was link some social media accounts so let's do that!
There are general accounts for NCT on most of the big social media services such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. There are also accounts for all of the subgroups, so NCT 127 does have their own accounts on all of those as well. I feel like the Youtube content deserves its own post so I'll get to that but 127 does have a Youtube channel as well.
The individual members share things like the Twitter and Instagram accounts on and off, taking turns sometimes to post on there, tho most posts are from the company. Facebook gets posts from the company and not from individuals very often. The boys do all have their own Instagram accounts tho, and they also all use Bubble to varying degrees, which is an app which a lot of kpop groups use where fans can pay to access special posts from idols that include text posts, pictures, voice recordings, etc. I have never been a Bubble user, but I follow everyone on Instagram so here's all of those:
Taeil | Taeyong | Johnny | Yuta | Doyoung | Jaehyun | Winwin | Jungwoo | Mark | Haechan
You can use those to become more familiar with the members and see some of the nonsense they get up to. Some of them post often and some post almost never so your mileage may vary with them as a tool, but I'm a sucker for personal social media accounts so I'm clearly following those all.
It's also worth throwing out there since I skipped talking about positions last time that Taeyong is the leader of both NCT 127 and also of NCT in general. He's also a main rapper, main dancer, visual, center, helps write and produce music and has since The 7th Sense was released, etc etc, you name it, he's probably done the thing. He's ridiculously talented, basically. (They all are.) I could list everyone's positions but there's tons of wiki pages and etc with those kinds of lists and I find them to be less helpful when you have a group like NCT where everyone kinda does everything a lot of the time and has multiple talents and jobs since the rappers might be singing or the vocalists might be rapping depending on the song and literally everyone is a visual etc. But that's part of why you might be noticing that Taeyong is front and center like... a lot. Very often. He's recognisable and has a distinctive voice and being the leader is a good extra excuse to focus on him.
Anyway, let's get back to the music! I somehow managed to come up with ten more videos to link to hit the max per post so you're getting another full variety tasting of 127's style and range with a special treat at the end.
Favorite (Oct 25, 2021) was the lead single from the repackage of Sticker and was not quite as divisive as Sticker but still a bit weird. Released right before Halloween, there's a whole vampire concept going on (GREAT) and the MV and live stage performances all have a weird electronic dance break 2 1/2 minutes in (BAD) that I am PLEASED TO TELL YOU is not part of the song on the actual album. The first time I watched the MV it threw me for such a hard loop that I almost hated disliked the song but when I listened to the album later on spotify I was like "wait it's gone!!!! it was all just a bad dream!!!" and I try to forget it until I do something like watch the MV to make a post like this.
We're gonna mix in some of 127's Japanese releases today starting with their first one, Chain (May 8, 2018) off their first Japanese mini album. Despite NCT's initial plan to have groups based in different countries and markets, they are still now in early 2024 only ABOUT to have their first Japan-centric subunit debut, which means that they've just been having 127 (and Dream) release some stuff in Japanese in the meantime. It helps that they have a Japanese member. Anyway Chain is just a great song so here it is.
gimme gimme (Feb 15, 2021) suffers a little from the eternal problem of kpop songs even in primarily Japanese having some.... wild? English lyrics (spicy disease? dead clowns? who wrote these lyrics? why did their native English speakers go along with this?) but despite the nonsense it's a catchy, mesmerizing earworm of a song with a tight MV with a lot of neat cuts and transitions and I have watched it VERY MANY times. I love it. Spicy disease and all.
In the first main NCT intro post I included WayV's version of Regular (October 8, 2018) and linked both this and the Korean version. I was going to include the Korean version and just link the English here since the Korean one is the one that I personally listen to the most, but then I noticed that the English version has like 66 million more views so I decided to reverse that and you get the English one. Anyway. All versions of Regular are great and the English version has some great weird lyrics too ("I be walking with the cheese that's the queso" is like... ultimate. Incredible. A+. How did Jaehyun record that without laughing? Legendary.). It's also, with Simon Says, one of the only MVs that has all ten members of NCT 127. It also has a CGI tiger, shiny cars, rockets going off, Winwin jumping off a building, there's just a lot going on.
Sliding back to Japan for a minute, I feel like I should include Wakey Wakey (March 18, 2019). I almost forget this song exists sometimes and I think it's because I just want to block out having seen the absolutely terrible wig they put on Johnny for this MV. Seriously why? The song itself is solidly in the weird but also very catchy lane that 127 does so well but I just keep thinking about the wig. Johnny had some long extensions for NCT 2020 that looked great on him, but this wig was just not it. My eyes are drawn to it every time he's on screen. I need to put this into my regular listening-only playlists and let my brain block that wig out the way I forget the dance break in Favorite exists.
127 started 2023 off with Ay-Yo (Jan 30, 2023) which was the (somewhat delayed) repackage of 2 Baddies, which we'll get to in a moment. I wasn't sure what to think of Ay-Yo at first but it has definitely grown on me despite having veered back into some questionable hair territory mainly for Taeyong (and I say that as a grown up late 90s punk kid who thought giant hair spikes were cool). The MV has some absolutely wild visuals mixed in, and the song is definitely outside of the realm of standard kpop releases even if it's not as weird as some others like Sticker. It's solid.
Okay so. Like. I honestly didn't really pay enough attention to the general reactions to 2 Baddies (Sep 15, 2022) to tell you how divisive this song was to most people, but it split one of my group chats VERY strongly and one of my friends has refused to listen to any 127 releases since then because she hates this song so much. I tried to get her with Fact Check at the very least and she's so anti this song that she still refused and I may have lost her on 127 altogether 🤣 It's mainly the chorus that she dislikes, and I'm a little back and forth on it myself sometimes honestly but also I have absolutely BLASTED this song while driving down the highway so it feels kinda like a guilty pleasure song sometimes. If you ignore the chorus the other parts of the song are so goooooooood and no one can deny that the last part of the bridge slaps. Plus there's a whole lot of shirtless Johnny and Yuta which you can never go wrong with.
Touch (Mar 13, 2018) is a little off from the style of kpop that I listen to regularly since it's a bit more in the bubbly poppy side of things that I don't always go for but the vibes are immaculate and everyone looks so happy in the MV and there's fuzzy sweaters and everyone smiles so much? It's hard to not love it. It's fluff and cheery and delightful.
I don't know if SM actually started the "track video" trend (short MVs that have an edited, cut down version of a song so they cost less to produce than a full MV- Lemonade is 3:10 on the Sticker/Favorite album, but this track video is 2:01 for instance) but they love doing them with NCT, and despite Lemonade (Sep 9, 2021) definitely deserving a full MV, since it wasn't the lead single it didn't get one but it did at least get a track video and was performed a lot on the music shows when they were promoting Sticker. It's catchy and has some clever work in the full version lyrics that involve titles of other NCT 127 songs and I've listened to it as much as or possibly more than Sticker.
I've covered all of the lead singles and there ARE some other track videos or special release songs like the recent Be There For Me that I could be using the last slot for but you know what? We're gonna go fully off the expected path and include Let's Shut Up & Dance (Feb 21, 2019) instead because it's wild and fun. 127 doesn't do much besides sing part of the chorus and do a bunch of dancing in this (on the ceiling? on the walls? in an alley?) but like. Lay is here too and the song is SO fun and an absolute bop so that's what we're closing this post out with.
So that wraps the NCT 127 music videos! I'm thinking the next post and the last of the 127 centric ones will be a guide to some of their Youtube content, since there's a whole lot, and that'll kinda set up expectations for the posts about Dream and WayV as well when we get to them. I think after I get through the main posts of MVs and content for all of the sub-units that I might do some special posts of performance videos for songs that don't have MVs just to get some of those out there, or I might just post a bunch of links to them. We'll see how I'm feeling and if my audience of like two or three people has any kind of preference (that's you, hey, yeah you, lemme know what you want from me).
This post is the third in a series of posts introducing new fans to NCT in a way that makes sense, by getting familiar with one subgroup at a time before moving on to the next. Linked down at the bottom is the intro post, and the rest will be linked as they're added.
Dedicated as ever to @catatonicrainbow and @poetry-protest-pornography 💖
[So you wanna get into NCT eh? 1 | 2 | 3]
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cadmium-free · 9 months
tagged by @clementine-kesh :3 I rarely get to tag games but i DO NOT want to do the work I'm doing today, so I'm treating this as a break.
Last Song I Listened to: I keep coming back to Never Ending Nightmare by Big Blood which played on CJSW a couple weeks back and I really enjoyed. I've been listening to a lot of CJSW in general actually, which is the University of Calgary's radio station and you can stream it online. I particularly like Poser Radio and Fossil Records. I go through the Electronic, Psychedelic/Garage, and Folk shows a lot. Every show is really different. And I often listen to whatever is live, I like a lot of different kinds of music, but when I really don't like the live show I've been going through the archives for Poser Radio and Fossil Records.
Currently Reading: uhhh idk. I read a lot of things at once. Just finished Benji Nate's Girl Juice which was a lot of fun. Reading Mark Fisher's The Weird and the Eerie on and off. I really like Mark Fisher's essays and it is interesting to breakdown the differences and overlaps in the different modes of uncanny.
Currently Watching: Other than trying to watch every single episode of Star Trek? Ghost Files is back and I've never been able to shake the Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural fan from my bones, so, that. I've watched a lot, A LOT, of ghost hunting shows and I do maintain theirs is the best one just for Shane's incredibly dismissive energy. It's very calming to me, a ghost believer. I haven't been watching a lot of tv, mostly movies. I'll probably watch the new seasons of The Bear and What We Do in the Shadows soon.
Current Obsessions: tomatoes. it's tomato season. the tomatoes in my garden are ripe. all i want to eat all the time is tomatoes. tomatoes...also its september and i can feel the weather changing, so i can feel all the halloween slimes in my body emerging. i'm like...how will i decorate my home for halloween....how will i dress for halloween...who am i hanging out with for halloween...what movies am i watching....what am i eating...
hi i'm only tagging @angfdz and @haunthouse and @neopetsdotcom because i think both of you have tagged me in things before and i'm a reciprocal tagger....
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mieux-de-se-taire · 4 months
To the End - MCR Interviews
89.5 WSOU Radio Interview - 6/7/04
Gerard: Let's do track 3 "To the End." Interviewer: Track 3 "To the End" Gerard: Yeah, I'm psyched, this one's like very cinematic, kinda tells a story 'bout marriage and a lot of weird stuff that I had never lyrically written about before, so I'm kinda psyched on that one. Interviewer: So where was the inspiration for this from? Gerard: (Either forgetting or unwilling to admit that it's based on the short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner) Um, no idea. It just-- yeah, LA. It just kinda came out. When we wrote the music, it was just like-- it had this really great like dance feel, which we had never tried ever, and I was just like, "This is so funny, let's put some really messed up lyrics to it."
Trouble Bunch Music Interview - Aug 2004
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Interviewer: In 'To The End', why does the elevator only go up to ten and would you feel okay getting off on the thirteen floor? Gerard: Well, I felt that picking a lower number would be like 'I can't get high enough' so I had to pick somewhere around ten. I felt like I just needed to get higher; like the top just isn't good enough. I think that's kind of a metaphor in how we feel and how we operate as a band, that the top isn't good enough since that's not what we're after. It's not good enough for us because we want to make a difference and actually change things. We don't just want things thrown at us. But I've gotten off on thirteenth floors. They make them right? 
Kerrang Interview - Aug 2005
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Gerard: Without Blur we never would have had songs like 'You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison'. I saw 300 people start crying when they played 'To The End', which is a song title I ripped off of them.
MCR Forum Interview - 10/30/10
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Ray: Planetary (GO), which has a different energy, but it's something that we've always tried to write, but we never did one hundred percent. If you look at a song like "Vampires Will Never Hurt You," it has a little bit of that. It doesn't have the electronics in it, but it easily could. And "To The End" on Revenge has that kind of like disco *drums on leg* 16th note hi-hat thing in the verses.
Grammy Museum Interview - 1/26/11
Mikey: On each of our albums we'd always come like a centimeter closer to writing a full on dance song. And even back to like "Vampires Will Never Hurt You," it's kind of-- Ray: Yeah, it has that vibe for sure. Mikey: --good dance to it. And then, um, "Sharpest Lives," uh, (quietly, not into the mic, holding up 3 fingers) what was the other one? Ray: "To the End" Mikey: "To the End," yeah.
Two Minutes to Late Night Interview - 8/15/22
8:05-8:54, 46:42-46:54
Gwarsenio Hall (Interviewer): Like "To the End" Frank: Oh yeah Gwarsenio: "To the End" are, like-- "To the End" and-- Frank: I'm pulling up the track listing by the way Gwarsenio: "To the End" and, uh-- I'm so sorry-- song number 2 on the record, start-- they both have these like-- Frank: Oh, "Give 'Em Hell Kid" ... Gwarsenio: Like, I listened to it, and I was like-- there's like The Stooges and Queens of the Stone Age shit on this. Even in "To the End," the little (vocalizing) "do do do do." I'm like, "This is a Josh Homme riff right here." Frank: (laughs) Which is funny because I don't feel like anybody was listening to Queens at that point. I don't know, was-- when did Songs for the Deaf come out? Gwarsenio: '03, probably, so you guys might have been-- Frank: Oh really? Alright, so maybe right around there then.
Gwarsenio: What song do you think would make like a fun, like, drag queen lipsync? Frank: I'm thinking-- I think the danciest song is "To the End," right? It has the most vibe to it, so maybe "To the End."
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shed0kryptz · 1 month
hi guyz !! im makin a bit of a different post today. i wanted to share some album/ep covers that ive been thinking about recently cuz album art is so cool + i love all of these artists dearly. enjoy my rambles :D
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Sign - Nobukazu Takemura (2000)
my pfp !!!! i discovered the title track sign from the album hoshi no koe, but this is the record it originally debuted in! takemura is a japanese electronic musician who makes a lot of experimental music, and this album is no different. however, it has sort of a.. nintendo vibe to it? it’s difficult to describe, but it’s super fun !! i love the album art as well and the rhythmic motion of the building. the little music note guy has my whole heart too, theyre jus a little goober <3
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Paraiso - Haruomi Hosono and The Yellow Magic Band (1978)
i wouldve put this in yellow but there is no option. anywayz this is a interesting album. ive recently started listening to hosono’s music and i enjoy it a lot !!! hosono house is fire, but this one is also good ! the cover art is what initially led me to listening to this, i love the beach atmosphere and the sky as space. and the little bubbles that have random monuments in them. and the palm trees n plants and agh. it’s delightfully surreal and im here for it !!!
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S-F-X - Haruomi Hosono (1984)
look hosono you’re awesome and i love your early stuff so far. but i could not get into this ep at all. might try again tho !! but it’s really a shame because the cover is awesome. i love the distortion on the face and the pops of pink and yellow against the teal background. it’s very pleasing to look at and it’s been floating in my mind for awhile. very futuristic lookin !
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Sail - Masakatsu Takagi (2003)
I AM THE ULTIMATE TAKAGI FAN #1 anyway. this album is so so lovely and silly. it has a special place in my heart now fr. the best way to describe it is animal crossing/picopop(??) type music. some of it reminds me of kero kero bonito’s music too. idk genres are weird !! point is it’s very upbeat and nostalgic. a few tracks are more somber sounding, especially rama. but i love the album art of this one, it’s like something you’d see in a dream or a childhood memory. i love the watercolor texture and the blend of pastel colors too!! and how it looks as if it was combined from multiple layers, as in each piece of the figure was made separately. overall takagi is a genius and this album SLAPS
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Keep It Unreal (10th Anniversary) - Mr. Scruff (2009)
mr. scruff makes very cheeky and silly electronic music, but occasionally he drops an absolute banger. nah fr all of his stuff is good, some of it is just more “serious” than others. but i appreciate his sense of humor and the beats he makes ! this album of his is a great listen, but i especially love the cover. the og album cover is mounted up in the corner while these little bean guys are celebrating. truly a work of art. his other album ninja tuna also shares a similar art style !! very goofy <3
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A Wizard, a True Star - Todd Rundgren (1973)
do i gotta say anything even. this is just a masterpiece of a cover. there is so much going on in the best way possible. i love the incorporation of the geometric shapes. the trippy visuals. it screams 70s. not to mention this album is fire. international feel is so good !!!
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Desire, I Want to Turn Into You - Caroline Polachek (2023)
PHOTOGRAPHY JUMPSCARE ! i recently go into caroline polachek and OML where have you been all my life. this album is pure pop bliss and her vocals are so so good. sunset and fly to you are especially good oug. the album cover in particular is very simple in concept but it’s executed so well. the lighting, the sand, the bus chairs, her outfit?? absolutely stunning. this woman oozes creativity fr.
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Dreams - Gabor Szabo (1968)
i could not find a better quality image of this one but holy molay this is a great jazz fusion record. is it fusion? idk anymore. but this is a great album and the art is just. mwah. i love all of the intricate details and the flowers. it’s just gorgeous !!! what else can i say !
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Dead but Dreaming - vivivivivi (2023)
final one !!! vivivivivi is honestly super underrated, though her song credits song for my death has 8 million views on yt. anyway, this was a pretty recent album from her and it’s very cool !!! def gives the vibes of an rpg. i love the album cover tho!! the artist did a tremendous job with it, i love the overgrowth of the flowers and the shading. it also suits the tracks well !!
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confield · 1 year
Fuck maybe I should make one of those "pinned post" things in case people visit this blog because of my sporadically popular posts. Ok.
1) I listen to a lot of music. I generally like anything that's weird, but I have fairly deep/obsessive interests in electronic music (of most types, dance or not dance) and punk/post-hardcore/noise rock (not the bad stuff though). I used to be very into jazz, so there might be remnants of that here. I am particularly knowledgable about electronic genres such as "idm," Detroit techno/electro, ambient, glitch (as in Oval, Pole, that sort of sound), microsound/"extreme" minimal music, ambient techno, and the rest of that sort of thing.
2) I am pretty fucking autistic so my knowledge on musical things is simultaneously obsessive yet very narrow. If you have music recommendations, please send them.
3) I make my own music under the name One Eyed Bastard Frog. I have been making music since I pirated FL Studio 12 when I was in middle school. My older tracks suck. My newer tracks suck less. The music is on Bandcamp, Spotify, and other platforms. I post demo-type tracks, works in progress, and albums and stuff in the tag #my music.
4) My electronic music tag is #electronicposting. My non-electronic music tag is #music.
5) This is an Autechre stan blog.
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ocpdzim · 9 months
In honor of my dismay over Grubstep not being a real album, I'm recommending some of my favorite WEIRD, NICHE, and DIFFICULT TO ENJOY music to you all. I get to be weird and pretentious as a treat. Noise warning for basically all these.
The Shaggs - "Philosophy of the World" : I'm starting off with a doozy here but since discovering it from a "worst song" poll I have been obsessed w this. It's an album written and performed entirely by a group of teenage sisters with 0 musical training - they even developed their own system for writing down and reading music, since they never were taught the usual one. It's actually been fairly influential, apparently... It's certainly unique, you can tell it's very meticulously put together but in a way that you would never expect someone to do on purpose. The songs all have a very mournful undertone to them even when the lyrics are ostensibly cheerful. My favorite song on the album is "My Pal Foot Foot," about the girls' cat that got away from home.
The Magnetic Fields - Various Songs : The Magnetic Fields is a band that's always worth listening to but not always weird, niche, or difficult to enjoy. Every now and then, though, they'll put out a more experimental number that knocks you right on your ass when you try to listen to it in the middle of an otherwise fairly accessible album. I think this is a highly respectable thing for a band to do. Examples of these unusual songs are "The Day I Finally...," "The 1989 Musical Marching Zoo," "How Fucking Romantic," "Love Is Like Jazz," and "Experimental Music Love."
Captain Beefheart - "Trout Mask Replica" : It's difficult to describe what's happening in this album and I'm really not going to try. Less harsh noise than a lot of the stuff on this list but just as discordant. Fair disclaimer that I haven't looked up all the lyrics yet because it's really long and I mostly can't understand what he's saying, though. My favorite on this album is "Ella Guru."
Le Butcherettes - "Mr. Tolstoi" : This is just one song. Le Butcherettes' other songs are also awesome but not particularly weird or difficult to enjoy. This one specific song rules so hard though that it deserves a spot on this list despite being only 1 song. It's very frenetic and high energy and she's doing like, a bad fake Russian accent. It rules.
Ada Rook - "UGLY DEATH NO REDEMPTION ANGEL CURSE I LOVE YOU" : This is one of the more accessible albums on this list (?) and I debated whether to include it at all because I was thinking it is very well thought out and polished and therefore might not be weird or difficult to enjoy enough, but then I thought, I probably have a higher bar for weird and difficult to enjoy than most people, I don't think I'd hear it on the radio, and it is such a good album that I hate to ever not include it while making music recommendations. It's one of my all time favorites. It's hard to pick favorite songs off this album because every single song is a strong contender, but I guess I'd say my favorites are "Tru U" and "Gravity Weapon."
Clown Core - "Van" : Recommended to me very recently by @gr3y-heron, this one is instrumental aside from possibly some heavily distorted yelling. Lots of different instruments thrown together in really cool ways. They use clown squeaky horns sometimes. Pretty great.
Machine Girl - "Wlfgrl" : Not sure how niche Machine Girl is but I do think it's weird and difficult to enjoy. Instrumental aside from some samples of movies and things, very cut up electronic. I think it's breakcore but there are so many different names for music subgenres please don't kill me if I'm wrong. I just listen to them I'm not up on the information.
Dorian Electra - "My Agenda" : This is a lot more out there than Dorian Electra's first album, and is like, a concept album based on toxic masculinity and incel culture. This is another I'm not 100% sure is actually niche but I don't really know how to tell, to be honest. It gets pretty explicit so watch out for that. My favorite song on this album is "Ram It Down."
Cardiacs - "Sing To God" : A CLASSIC weird album. So much is happening in this album. "Dirty Boy" is apparently considered the best song on the album by a large number of people, and I do like it, but my personal favorite by a long shot is "Fiery Gun Hand."
Is my music not WEIRD, NICHE, and DIFFICULT TO ENJOY enough for you? Well, if you can do better, I'd love to see it. No, seriously. Please show me if you have any weirder, more niche, and/or more difficult to enjoy music. I like that stuff but it's super hard to find and I'm dissatisfied with my collection.
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foxgloveinspace · 4 months
LMAO I’m so sorry I lured you in with my weird and then OH GOD SHES SPICY?!?! 😭😹🫶🏼💀🖤 bahahaha omggg I wonder how many others I’ve tricked accidentally. I PROMISE IM WEIRD ABOVE ALL 🙏🏼😭😹
Anywho!!! Hi hi hi!
I’m sorry I’ve been so few n far between, studying (and palworld……oops) has been getting the best of me recently! I hope you’re doing well my dear friend!
I’m getting ready this week to go see The Prize Fighter Inferno, Claudio Sanchez of Coheed and Cambria and his wife’s side project; they’re something special. Very different. Electronic lullaby vibes. I feel like you may like them, so here’s a couple suggestions!
-Death Rattle.
-Virtual Pioneers.
-Run, Gunner Recall, Run! The Town Wants You Dead!
-Roll For Initiative.
-She’s The Brains, My Sweetheart.
Ahhh I hope you enjoy them!!! Iloveyouuuuu!!!
🖤 @a-little-lynx
Hihi Cass!!
Thank you for the music recs, I put a few on while I was doing dishes, I did really enjoy it! I’ll have to give them more of a listen sometime. (A few of the songs reminded me kinda of Half-Moon Run? In a way… something about how the words are sang, haha.) I Really liked Death Rattle, and I hope you have a lot of fun at the concert!!!
Never worry about being busy please!! You’re all good. How has Palword been treating you, haha. I watched a streamer play it a little bit, but I don’t have anything to play it on right now lol.
I’ve been, ok… I figured out my increase in migraines was cause I was binge playing video games on the weekends like when I was a teenager. And I need less screen time in my life now. Which sucks cause I’ve been really enjoying Hollow Knight. And I feel like limiting the play time will be really hard for that game haha.
Other then that not a lot has been going on for me? Mostly hobby stuff really. Been reading more, im finally in the mood to knit again, so I started a new project today, and it’s a sweater which will mostly be in the round which is good, cause I can read on my kindle and knit at the same time that way😂.
I don’t know if you’ll enjoy them, but I found this band on Saturday and I’ve been listening to their EP a lot. It's kinda. I don't know it's hard to describe. It's jazz? electronic, jazz. with 70s vibes. and reminds me of Legend of Zelda somehow, haha. The band also wears sparkly jewl masks, and a mask is always a plus to me!!
I've also been listening to a lot of pop? I've been putting Troye Sivan on repeat again, oof. Idk why his stuff reminds me of Midwest winters.
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