#i have a hypothesis
It's early in the morning, and curiosity strikes. SO, Sonic fans:
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ghouletteanon · 1 year
*A chasuble is traditionally worn only by the celebrant (=the priest who says the prayer over the wine and wafers) during mass (=a church service where they serve the eucharist that depending on the denomination is either believed to be wine and bread or actually the body and blood of Jesus).
The reason for this poll is that Genesis’ “Jesus He Knows Me” is specifically aimed at televangelists, which carries over to the Ghost video with the prosperity gospel stuff. Father Jim DeFroque is supposed to be a type of megacurch televangelist but he wears something similar to a chasuble.
Please add the denomination in the tags if you feel like it and reblog for a bigger reach.
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trickster-spirit · 10 months
the theory of consciousness as an evolved sensory experience
current model: previously nonexistent senses, and thus sensory experiences, evolutionary appeared at finite points within earth's finite history. the arrival of new senses, sight for instance, constituted a paradigm shift in the way that life forms interacted with the environment and each other. alternative theory of human consciousness: perhaps such things that make humans an "intelligent" species (i.e. consciousness, symbolism, language, etc.) are simply a sense that has appeared from the sensory organ of our brain and nervous system. perhaps we evolved to sense a sort of inherent force within the universe, and that in perceiving, we became inextricably linked with it. could it be that conscious is the sense of the universal one, the singular energy that flows through, between, from, and into all things? Brahma? YHWH? whatever name the religions of the world have deemed fit to dub the universal consciousness of Jung? perhaps our individuality is not due to any inherent purpose of our soul, but rather stems from our sensory organ's individuality, and our life from the perspective of a living mortal being in a state of physical isolation in relation to other beings. this theory being true would go a long way toward solving particular puzzles surrounding consciousness. for instance, the phenomenon of acquired savant syndrome, where a person sustains a severe head injury, and seemingly develops a mastery of a skill overnight. perhaps the sensory organ being disrupted changes its perception of the sense of consciousness. if this is the case, it would mean that our experience of consciousness is somewhat illusory, but also concretely real. we can measure the amount of thoughts we have, we can measure the time that we experience anxiety. consciousness is measurable, and therefore within the realm of reality as science sees it. however its nature and relation to reality has remained unexplained. should consciousness prove to be a sensory adaptation allowing us to experience a universal energy, it should be the case that the sensory organ (our brain), and thus our access to the observable reality of consciousness will continue to develop even further as we continue to evolve. when eyes first evolved, they were rudimentary, simply a way to tell light from dark, with little distinction between what that means. as they developed further, soon the ability to distinguish shapes appeared, and so on, then color could be sensed and other stranger spectra. are we simply witnessing the beginning of this sense of consciousness' evolutionary path? consider our rapid and all-encompassing shift to civilization (not going to put a date to that, because i am personally no longer firmly persuaded on the certainty of any date about the actual epoch of civilization's arrival). what happened to human consciousness when writing appeared? an explosion of symbolism, languages, arts, sciences, mathematics. all of these function from a single process available to us from the sense of consciousness. symbolism. what other things consciousness may produce for our sensory experience is difficult to say with any degree of credibility. to speculate would be as fruitful as imagining a new color. yet, if consciousness is a sense, it stands to reason that it may (and more than likely will) continue to evolve, and in a dizzying array of varieties as well.
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colourful-void · 1 year
Pokemon SV Enjoyers!
Which version of the game did you play, and which version do you prefer to see in fanart, fanfic, etc? Paticularly for things like Fics where there's usually just one or the other, which would you rather see? If you watched someone else play first, vote for whichever they played. If you played both, vote for what you saw first. Vote for your personal preference, not whatever you think is the "right" answer.
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a-single-white-crow · 11 months
Now firstly!
From as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated with ghosts.
(My first memory being when I was 3 or 4 cuddling in bed with my parents and watching ghost hunters)
In fact, I've been researching ghosts for 13 years.
Just recently, in the last 4 years: i've become a witch. Now, with my ever growing knowledge of witchcraft and renewed religious beliefs; I noticed something a bit interesting....
Now as of late (like this week)
I've found myself quite drawn to
liminal spaces.
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The unique feeling of time ever stretching existence mixed with that beautiful sense of deja vu of a time long since forgotten.
And I couldn't help but wonder about liminal space in witchcraft.
What I learned was that liminal space is a place where the veil of this world and the other side is blurred.
Meaning these places are best for divination, spirit work, astral travel, ect.
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Well, that's all good and dandy, but it's nothing particularly interesting.
Although this one doesn't particularly count.
The poltergeist, to be exact.
For paranormal investigators, the poltergeist is generally believed to not be a ghost or a haunting at all.
They are caused by the human mind itself. One usually under extreme stress.
Who is generally most likely to deal with a poltergeist?
Being a teenager is being in a constant state of liminality.
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Everything is changing. Teenagers are in this phase from being a child to becoming adults.
As I stated above. In witchcraft, being in a place/time of liminality allows the veil to blur. Allowing teens a stronger connections to their own psychic ability and magic. Even without their knowledge of said connections.
Meaning poltergeists are just a reflection of this state of liminality, stress of change, and near constant stress that comes with the teenage years.
This is based on nothing but my own knowledge, thoughts, and opinions.
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madlichen · 1 year
soul : spell : program : seed :: creature : magic : robot : plant
Everything needs some kind of "spark of life" to move and respond to stimuli. Spells, programs, and seeds have information in common. Indeed, each may simulate the other, and information can be written down which fully describes the behavior of each one. Perhaps there is some higher-order class which satisfies the constraints of both information and souls.
Alternative Hypothesis
dna : spell : program :: life : magic : robot
soul : seed :: creature : plant
Everything which moves and responds to stimuli has information in common. Indeed, each may simulate the other, and information can be written down which fully describes the behavior of each one. Just as a spell written down is different from an activated one, and a copy of a program is different from one running, so too is dna different from a soul or seed. The first is dormant information in storage, but the second is a medium reacting to the information held within.
However, there is also information which does not animate a body. Therefore, there is some subset of information which causes a medium to move and respond to stimuli.
Corollary I
There exists some information for any medium which, upon activation, will cause it to move and respond to stimuli.
For example, glass. It may be possible to strategically add impurities to glass in such a way that they act as information describing the behavior of a robot. Upon activation via some kind of current, the glass may then respond to stimuli.
Corollary II
The "spark of life" activates dormant information in a medium. Perhaps via a change of state of the information or its storage media. The "touch of death" returns information to its dormant state. Neither one creates or destroys information.
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cimicherrychanga · 8 months
Because i feel like i might be overestimating what the average is, i shall Conduct Research
This isn't about how many languages you speak, but how many youre able to count up to at least 10 in, since basic numbers are some of the first words you learn in a foreign language and sometimes you catch them without having studied the language at all
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jumpscaregoose · 10 months
I need to conduct a fucking academic study to determine if one of my takes is actually hot
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queerfox-tales · 1 year
* kind of a rant, kind of a hypothesis about a popular romance trope *
So lately I thought about that romance trope where the 2 people greatly dislike each other at the start. People use different ideas to explain it: don't judge someone before you really get to know them, opposites attract, etc.
One of the things I've been doing these past few years to analyse romantic relationships is to compare them to non-romantic relationships. It's amazing how much they share in common. My society totally got 90% of it all wrong. Which makes me wonder what truly is a romantic relationship but that's a whole other rant.
Back to the trope, going outside relationships with romantic or sexual attraction, this quick dislike of certain people is quite common. It can occur for many reasons: the person is simply different in some way, the person has traits you dislike (usually shared traits but "you" deny having them), the person is part of a category that society associates with negativity, etc. Usually what happens is person 1 ignores person 2, attacks them in some way, simply rejects them, or some other behaviour that keeps the two of them apart. So what makes it different in these movies? The attraction. You're attracted to the other person.
You ever notice how some people dislike others of a group but will make exceptions. Like "sure, Bob is technically X but he's..." and then have reasons for why Bob is okay and can be accepted. I think that's what's happening. The 2 people continue to interact in a significant and meaningful way due to the pull from the attraction. As time goes on, they learn more about each other, therefore find "excuses" to make the person an exception to their general bias against those with certain traits or in certain groups.
Part of me is a little upset by it because at no point does the person self-reflect on their initial issue or even acknowledge their bias. It's just some stupid "opposites attract" or "oh I need to get to know someone" instead of the truth of having negative bias against people for no good reason. They still discriminate just as much as the beginning of the movie but now, just not against the love interest because that person's been approved of. What bugs me most is how realistic it is. People do this so often. They never self-reflect nor change. They just make up stupid reasons as to why someone should be accepted despite belonging to a group that isn't even problematic. And they act like that's okay. Like they're not part of the problem. Like the mess at the beginning of the relationship was just something cute and maybe a little annoying.
With movies now mostly needing a streaming platform, I can't watch most new releases. It may be a good thing. Too many tropes drive me crazy. Like the one in this post. There's too much stupid being cheered on and then people cry about the problems it causes. Like self-reflect and stop supporting the things that cause the problems in society. It's not even hard. But it won't make you rich. Who wants happiness and a better place to live if you can't be rich. Not most of this society it seems.
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(If you like specifically the diet or sugar free version of any of these, just vote for that option. Same thing for specific flavors, eg. cherry coke, or mtn dew red, etc.)
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mylittleredgirl · 2 months
i can't stop chewing on the MASH time loop situation. my star trek brain will not turn off. there is definitely some kind of temporal anomaly at play, but it's not really a time loop in the traditional sense.
effects carry over from loop to loop. they appear to age. the same wounded soldiers appear on the table three times, but the scars of past surgeries are still there. a character leaves or dies and is gone from the mash forever; their replacement arrives near the end of the war and is still there at the beginning. the dates overlap, yet their presence is sequential. the other characters remember all of them.
how far does this effect extend? if it's summer again at mash, is it summer in tokyo? is it summer in maine? if BJ is in korea two years before he arrived, who's in residency in california, marrying his wife, conceiving his child?
their family trees at home deform—different wives, different children, loved ones alternately dead and alive and never born. those inside are oblivious to what they've lost. hawkeye remembers trapper, but not his sister. what happens in korea persists; the world outside is a fragile suggestion. he tells a soldier that men at the front can't see the whole war, only the other guys dug in with them on their one little hill.
for a deep space nine fan this is irresistible. hawkeye says, wars end, but war is forever. kira asks, if the past has changed, why do i still remember it? sisko never left that ship. time itself is warped by trauma. it is not linear. you exist here. you choose to exist here.
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tahdashi · 2 years
yoU THINK OF ME ?!?!
I hope I'm not only an annoying mutual to you sayu, but also an annoying constant reminder of marius and kuroo 👉👈
DIANA PLEASEJRJ you are my lil marius lover i keep a picture of the both of you in a locket and look at it longingly when i miss you
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dontfuckmylifewtf · 2 years
No matter how weird the questions are that Neil Gaiman gets (or for the matter we see because he answered them), I would like to remind everyone, that having around 80.000 asks in your inbox gives you a lot to choose from.
Meaning, that Neil Gaiman probably actively chooses from these 80.000 questions what he answers.
So for the love of god, stop bullying the people asking "cringe" questions. They probably didn't expect to get an answer anyways, and Neil chose to answer them.
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adhd-languages · 7 months
So if I’m speaking Spanish, and I need to say an English word — like a name, brand, website, etc — I say it like a Spanish speaker
However, I hear a lot of speakers drop into a very native English accent in the middle of a sentence to say “el Starbucks” and whatnot (I love hearing it. Just a random completely English-sounding word in a Spanish sentence)
So I’m wondering…
From my personal observations I think native bilinguals do this more, but I’m interested in more data. Feel free to reply or reblog for a more detailed answer!
(EDIT: sorry the poll is so confusing. “YES” means yes, you do the thing I described, changing your accent to a different one in the middle of a sentence)
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lesbianralzarek · 3 months
its 2AM and i cant figure out how to say "monosexual in a gay way towards men" in a way that includes nonbinary people so i hope you get my drift with "gay dude"
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space-manatees · 7 months
am I painfully aware that the book I’m reading is the same story different font? yes absolutely
am I still loving every second of it and eating it up in under a day? yes absolutely
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