#i guess i shouldn't be surprised and yet i always am
hydrachea · 2 months
Andjwjsb hey what r ur thoughts on the new 4.6 trailer if you’ve seen it ? 👀 👀 👀👀
I watched the stream, and I'm cautiously very optimistic about Arlecchino now! She didn't get to do much in the Fontaine main quest and it was very disappointing, but what the trailer showed of her story quest looks super interesting. God knows I've been waiting for canon to finally spell out "By the way, the House of the Hearth isn't exactly a happy normal orphanage and Father uses the children much more than she loves them out of the goodness of her heart" for forever now. Finally, I'm about to see why Tartaglia and Scara's lines about her are like that! It's been long overdue!
Cyno's second story quest I'm not as hyped about, but I'm still very interested in. He's got a lot of lore he's sitting on and it finally looks like we're peeking into it. Plus the return of the Sumeru gang! Maybe Kaveh will even have a rerun, a whole year after his release... No, let's not be too optimistic.
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fatescaprice · 4 months
saving u from mr capitalist with (kind of) gut wrenching ideas from my insane brain but. can you imagine if you get into a heated argument with argenti or jingyuan and they accidentally break one of your gifts for them, it could be a complete accident like maybe accidentally hitting it off the table but how do you think they'll immediately react to it and what would they try to do to remedy the situation?
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argenti and jing yuan after an argument
content warnings: none
note: thank u for the brief respite between mr capitalist asks!!! after this i am jumping back into the fray . with the leaks that came out this week i guess i shouldn't have been surprised but i learn something new every day i guess
thank u for this request . i made myself upset . also this is myfirst time writing jy so if he's a little ooc ummmm don't tell me directly im sensitive (JOKE)!!!! anyways. i hope u enjoy :]
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The flash of regret in ARGENTI's eyes is both intense and immediate: a stinging shock, like the thorn of a rose piercing his skin. He says time and time again that he would do nothing to forsake you, and yet… Ah, had he grown so blind in his search for Idrila that he forgot the beauty he holds in his arms each night?
He reaches out for you first, as he always does — his gaze searching almost desperately to meet yours, his hand reaching to brush your cheek. Love, please, look at him, he’ll do anything you wish, as long as you just say the word. Believe him when he says he's already long forgotten what you had been arguing about to begin with — Argenti had lost the second he saw the pang of hurt cross your face.
Good words and deeds are normally his strong suit, but seeing the hurt look on your face made him falter, hesitant. He wants to prove himself deserving of you again, he'll say, taking your hands delicately, like glass — so please, tell him what he must do. Shall he fell a great beast? Bring you a pearl from the deepest seas of Thalassa? Now and always, he’s your loyal knight, forever at your beck and call. No task would be too great, no distance too wide — all Argenti wants is to be worthy to wipe away the tears from your cheeks again.
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JING YUAN’s regret flows inwards, towards himself — was this behaviour fitting of a general? Was this behaviour worthy of you? He seems almost resigned, contemplative, though in the heat of the moment it comes off more like indifference.
That doesn’t mean he is indifferent, though — the implication that he doesn’t care about you hurts him more than any conceivable mortal words or blades. No, he just thinks it’s better that you both have some space, so neither of you can say anything you might regret. He has far too many of those already, and he doesn’t want you to be another entry on that list.
He’ll little gifts for you, quite like a cat leaving things at your door — an apology, a peace offering, a sign of his devotion. A box of your favourite food from that place you frequent in the Exalting Sanctum, or a piece of jewellery you had mentioned wanting to buy. Jing Yuan knows he can’t win you over with gifts — neither of you are so shallow — but he hopes that when he comes to your door with more than just an apology on his lips, you’ll come to forgive him.
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
I really love you "Get off my screen" series! And I just and couldn't stop thinking about Reader just texting out of nowhere saying "Bruh I'm fucking dying"
And Vox is just going haywire(See what I did there?) Worried about you and ask what they mean and Reader be like "I'm dying because of BOARdom(Get it?)
You're Just Being Mean!
A/N: Omg I am absolutely writing this AHAHAHAHA- Vox is always the one screwing with dear Reader so I think it's about time to return the favor. Thank you @crazylzp143 for the inbox idea! I love how much this story is expanding and the ideas y'all have for it. As always, I hope you all enjoy this filler interlude and please keep the ideas coming! Happy reading!
You cheered, flopping backwards on your bed in a cheerful mood.
On your computer monitor was an empty assignment box.
You'd successfully accomplished all your required tasks before the semester's end which left you with a whole lot of free time to burn.
And did you absolutely just unwind and relax.
Playing games, watching movies, bingeing shows-
You practically spedran the chill pill treatment.
To the point where you managed to bore yourself before the day was even over.
You stared up at the ceiling with an annoyed look-
Wasn't there really anything else you could do?
And why did time pass by so slowly?
God you were bored.
In the middle of your TV show binge, your phone buzzed to life.
Considering you'd quickly found the plot line to be quite a drag, you just let the drama play while you no longer paid attention to it.
The white noise the show provided helped make it feel like you were actually doing something.
Even when you knew you weren't doing anything productive at all-
Looking over at your phone, you smiled upon opening the familiar chatbox that you saw almost daily.
"Heya Voxxy, what's up?"
"Well aren't you in a good mood today! Anything special?"
You playfully rolled your eyes, Vox really thought he was being cheeky this time wasn't he?
"Managed to complete all my work for the semester, so now I can just chillax until exams come around!"
"Wait what? Holy shit! You've got a whole two weeks of nothing then!"
"IKR! I can just laze around and do what I want after class hours!"
It wasn't surprising that Vox quickly got used to your schedule, you'd also grown slightly accustomed to his.
He knew the basic rundown of your schedule, like when your classes started and ended-
Just as much as you knew when he had to leave for his daily broadcast and when he would come back.
You could only guess him knowing when exam season happens was from looking at the calendars and schedules you had meticulously prepared in your computer.
There were times he would even remind you of things due on a day, like quizzes or projects to which you would grow embarrassed that it slipped your mind.
You were the one who made the calendar, how could you forget it???
Though it was probably helpful on his end that he quite literally had a digital reference to look back on.
You still wondered sometimes how he managed to end up with a TV for a head but didn't look into it much.
"Guess that means you'll be spending more time with me?"
"Dude, I already spend so much time with you! Any more and I'd have to call you my boyfriend!"
That message really shouldn't have caused Vox to bluescreen but it did.
He was just so flustered that his system crashed in it's entirety because of what you said.
Not that you noticed when all you got in reply was some keysmash and middle finger emojis.
Vox could only imagine you were laughing at his expense, and even then he couldn't bring himself to be annoyed with you.
It was only recently that he'd become hyper aware with how much you meant to him so jokes and comments like that easily sent his mental careening.
Not that he quite understood why he felt this way yet, a part of him still blamed some unknown untraceable malware that your devices shoved into his system.
Though he highly doubted that a stupid virus would make his stomach do flips whenever he saw your silly smile.
Oh whatever, he'll just have to run another malware check later or something.
You just continued to tease Vox for a good while before he had to excuse himself and leave for a meeting.
He was slightly glad that he had just a little respite from your teasing onslaught.
Any more of it and there was a high risk he would've accidentally caused another citywide blackout.
You tossed your phone onto an adjacent cushion and just laughed.
No wonder Vox liked to embarrass you so much.
It was downright hilarious and entertaining.
You couldn't help but feel slightly flattered with his reactions though, was your friendship that important to him?
So he really did care after all, what a dork.
The funny high you were running on, much to Vox's chagrin, didn't last long.
So you decided to go back to fucking with your TV headed companion since he usually did the same to you.
"Dudeeeee I'm fucking dyingggg-"
Vox made the mistake of checking his phone in the middle of the meeting and nearly gave himself a stroke upon reading your message.
What in Lucifer's name even happened?!
Last he checked you were completely fine???
He hadn't even left you for-
Taking a look at his internal clock, Vox glitched from sheer panic.
It hadn't even been an hour!
Was this supposed to be a joke??
Were you just fibbing with him?
Or god forbid you were actually hurt and needed help-
He was about to just bolt out of that meeting before another messaged snapped him out of it.
"I'm dying- dying of BOARDom! HAHA see what I did there?"
Vox felt the last of his patience leave him as rings appeared on his other eye.
The absolute nerve of you-!
"Oh fuck off (Y/N)."
With that, he angrily pocketed his phone and once again paid attention to the meeting.
The poor presenter in the front nearly shat himself from how irritated Vox looked, they didn't know that frustration was because of you though.
You just couldn't stop laughing at his reply, not realizing how badly your overlord friend took the joke until some noticeable time passed and there wasn't a single message or notification from him.
Now that started to concern you.
You'd be lucky to get through an hour with less than a hundred notifications at a time-
It's been two and there was still absolutely nothing.
Did something happen?
Was he upset or dealing with something?
Perchance... did you do something to upset him?
"Vox...? Hey, you good dude?"
You grew more concerned as the minutes ticked on.
Whatever it was- Vox was probably genuinely upset.
And you had a gut feeling it had something to do with you.
"I'm not talking to you."
You almost wanted to roll your eyes at his message, was he being childish?
So your hunch was right, you did manage to upset him- somehow.
"Ehhhh??? Why? What did I do?"
"You know what you fucking did (Y/N)."
Not really- that's why you asked.
Your hands dropped onto your lap tiredly as you looked up towards the ceiling.
What... what did you do wrong?
Scrolling up to read your chats, it didn't take long before you realized where it went wayside.
"Right, you don't really like it when I joke about dying huh."
"You never really told me why, and you never cared this much before. You would just laugh it off when I delivered the punchline."
"You're still young (Y/N). You have your whole life ahead of you. Dying puts you at risk of ending up here in hell with me."
"You know that doesn't sound as horrible as you paint it right?"
"I'll end up where you are, that can't seriously be that bad."
Vox genuinely wondered if you had a screw loose or something this time.
He continued to try hammering it into you that it was hell he was talking about.
Eternal damnation, the never-ending inferno, etc.
Ya know, where all the sinners went to suffer??
But again and again you would just keep repeating-
"But I'll be where you are, it won't be that bad- it can't be that bad."
Until he finally understood what you were insinuating.
It wouldn't be so bad, because he was there.
He would be there with you.
At that point the state of hell or where you were wasn't important.
Vox could only chuckle at his own foolishness.
Not to mention just how oblivious you were to your own words.
"I guess. Just don't do that again."
"I'll try not to. Besides, if I croak and end up at the heaven gates- I'll put in a good word for you."
"You? In heaven? Nice joke dollface."
"Oh fuck you too Vox, I was being optimistic."
The tech overlord just rolled his eyes, there was a real risk that he could lose you soley because heaven would take you away but he didn't dwell on it.
You were still here texting him, cracking jokes and being your obnoxiously cute self.
You were still on the other side of the screen furiously typing up a comeback of why you would be able to get into the pearly gates.
Vox just chuckled, as long as you were with him in the here and now-
He found he wouldn't care even if hell froze over.
A/N: Our Voxxy is starting to catch feels, well- slightly- he's just in the stages of caring a bit too much but not realizing it's romance yet. Writing this stuff is hilariously entertaining, plus the slow burn is just yummy hahahahah I'll be putting out some more interludes tomorrow but the direct continuation is finished! I just need to post these things chronologically XD
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Here, have this
"God, you're so annoying, y/n! You don't have any idea what you're fucking talking about!" Schlatt yelled, walking away from you and into the kitchen.
"Excuse me, Mr. I'm-too-busy-to-spend-even-a-second-with-my-girlfriend! It's not my fault you've taken on so much and stretched yourself so thin! You did this to yourself!"
It was the 5th night in a row where Schlatt had to call and tell you he 'had to work late' and 'sorry hon, rain check for dinner tonight'.
"Jesus Christ I am so tired of you nagging me all the time! You're always around, just leave me the fuck alone for once!"
"If that's how you feel then maybe we shouldn't even be together!"
"There's a bright idea. Nice to know you can have those every once in a while."
"Fuck you, Schlatt! We're done." You yelled, before grabbing your purse and walking out of his house.
Walking into your apartment, you let your purse drop to the floor and flopped onto your couch, leaning your head back, and letting out a loud sigh, releasing all the pent up anger you'd harbored on your angry drive home.
It unfortunately wasn't uncommon for you and Schlatt to get into arguments. They'd usually result in one of you storming out of the house, and either returning later that night to exchange apologies and end with rough, angy make up sex or returning the next day and deciding it'd be best for both of you if you took a break for a while.
This was the fourth time it'd happened, and you were tired of it. You loved Schlatt, you really did. But God was it exhausting to break up and get back together all the time. You knew that this wasn't what it was supposed to be like.
Deciding to call Schlatt in the morning you turned on your TV for the sole purpose of serving as background noise for you to numbly fall asleep to, preparing yourself for what would come in the morning.
When you woke up, you briefly looked around your apartment before remembering the previous night's fight. You'd grown used to waking up in Schlatt's warm arms, his face buried in your neck from behind, so it was almost a strange feeling to be cold and alone.
Looking at the clock it read 10:30. Schlatt would probably be awake, most likely editing again. You pressed the call button on his contact half expecting him not to answer.
"I think we need to talk."
"Yeah, I guess."
"Yeah. I can be there in 20."
"See you then."
You left only a few minutes later after running your fingers through your hair and brushing your teeth, making yourself look somewhat presentable, and almost subconsciously walked to the coffee shop down the street, a place that had quickly become of favorite of yours and Schlatt's.
Looking around and not seeing him yet you at a table by the door, watching it and gently scratching your arms as a distraction from the way you were feeling.
Schlatt walked in and after briefly meeting your eyes sat silently across from you. It was obvious how little either of you wanted to be there right now, and it looked like neither of you wanted to speak first.
"Schlatt, we can't keep doing this."
Taking a deep breath, Schlatt muttered a defeated "I know."
"I think we need to break up. For good this time."
He sat silent for a long pause, staring at the fingers he was tapping on table.
"Whatever." he finally said, quickly standing up and leaving the coffee shop without another word or glance your way.
You sat for a bit, letting what had happened sink in. That was it. Wiping away the trapped tears that were making your eyes burn and throat hurt you left as well, walking the opposite way that Schlatt had, to your apartment, heartbroken and alone.
It'd been a week. There were no texts, no calls, nothing exchanged between either of you. Schlatt hadn't posted anything, which surprised you. He had been trying to be more consistent with it. You posted a memory on Instagram and he wasn't among the notifications of likes like he normally would be.
This was foreign. You and Schlatt had started as friends before you'd gotten together the first time. You'd never gone longer than a couple days without any sort of contact, and that was only because he'd had to go back home and had forgotten his phone charger.
Your kitchen counters were littered with pizza boxes, food wrappers, bottles, you hadn't been bothered to cook anything or clean anything up. You could stand for a shower, shown evident by the greasy knot on top of your head and the thin layer of grime that had settled on your skin. Snotty and tear soaked tissues blanketed your living room floor. You were sinking and there was no one that could pull you up.
"I'm so pathetic" you whispered to yourself, looking at your smelly clothes and dirty surroundings. "I can't just sit here anymore." you resolved, standing up before moving to the bathroom to shower and start putting your life back in order.
A few hours later you were tying the last garbage bag, your apartment, and you, looking leagues better than they had earlier..
A knock on your door pulled your attention away from cleaning. You hadn't ordered anything and your neighbors weren't usually the kind to stop by for anything.
Opening the door you were surprised by what you saw.
There he stood, nearly filling your door frame with his large frame. He was unshaven, and his outfit looked about how yours had this morning, wrinkly and disheveled. But what surprised you was that he was crying. In all the time you'd known him, as a friend or a boyfriend, you'd never seen Schlatt cry.
But here he was, on your door step, big brown eyes watery with unshed tears, his nose running and red.
"Y/n" he choked out, voice rough from a combination of unuse and sobs.
Before you could say or do anything, Schlatt reached out and pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug and hiding his face in your neck.
"I'm so so sorry for how I was treating you recently. You were right, I'd been spending too much time away from you. But I'm gonna get better." He blubbered.
"Schlatt--" you started, before he cut you off.
"I am. I'm going to be so much better for you. I know I don't deserve you, Y/n, I know you deserve someone who's so much better than me, but I'm gonna be better for you. I love you so much, angel. I know, we've had our issues, and i've said things in the past, but none of it is true. You're it. You're it for me. I need you in my life, Y/n. This last week has been hell without you. God I can't even begin to explain how I felt in the coffee shop when you said we were done for good. My whole world came tumbling down. It hurt so, so much. And I know it hurt you too and i'm sorry that I pushed you to do that. Please, give me one more chance. Please."
He looked into your eyes after that speech, trying to find your response before you said it.
Letting out a small sigh you pulled him down into another hug, clearing your throat from the new wash of tears that came over you.
"I love you, Schlatt."
You could feel Schlatt let out a breath you knew he'd been holding before he held you even tighter than before, if it was possible.
"I love you. So much."
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ettelenethelien · 6 months
1st age Beleriand dashboard Simulator
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🌫️ mithrim-noldo following
Yeah, Thingol kind of flew off the handle with banning Quenya and all that, but why on Arda are people now justifying the Kinslaying in response?? have some nuance and also, that's just plain horrible.
✨ btw-this-is-hopeless following
hope it's fine to copy your tags, mithrim, because they're great:
#I mean I know this is probably because they've taken part in the kinslaying themselves #but #can't you just admit you did wrong and move on? #in so far as it is possible because of course forgetting would be disrespectful and unwise #because the consequences are with us still #but it should be way more comfortable than being on your defences all the time #always ready to rationalize or deny #with a conscience you cannot silence
✴️ eightpointedstar83
I am tired of typing this out again and again but Alqualondë could have been averted had the teleri been less self-centred and readier to cooperate. Thingol is just another example of this attitude. But of course, please deny that the third clan is what it is and pin the blame on the people who saved everyone's skins.
We have done nothing wrong and yet our own people are turning on us. One day you will rue this.
Long live the house of Fëanor!
💝 heart-in-a-box
This is just the sort of behaviour OP was talking about.🤦‍♀️
🌫️ mithrim-noldo following
Admittedly, this seems to be a fanatical Fëanorian and more committed than the average apologist of his/her own actions - but yes.
#current events #thingol's quenya ban #my post
11,062 notes
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🧝🏼‍♂️maglorfeanorion following
finished another canto of the noldolante today
🌖 hunters-moon
you have a tumblr account??!
🧝🏼‍♂️ maglorfeanorion following
do I know you?
🌖 hunters-moon
yes :)
🧝🏼‍♂️ maglorfeanorion following
wait - yeah, I do...
which of the twins are you?
🌖 hunters-moon
how did you know😮???
he looked through your blog, nitwit :)
🧝🏼‍♂️maglorfeanorion following
I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find you two out of all possible people on here...
so - which is which?
36 notes
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🌸 a-flower-in-the-snow following
himring winters are horrible and I hate my parents for bringing me to middle-earth
#rant #children of exilse #i meant #children of exiles #coe
4 notes
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🏞️ the-wide-earth-unexplored following
Y'all weren't joking when y'all said the Sirion is impressive...
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(more photos under cut)
read more
#photography #nature photography #nature #sirion #falls of sirion
213 notes
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🖼️ wonder-the-earth
is it still a secret city when everyone is talking about it?
👰🏼‍♀️ celebrin following
that's a good question
21 notes
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👤 incessant-leaves following
It makes me sick to see all those positive nostalgic posts about the Mereth Aderthad. How pretty the pools of Ivrin were or weren't doesn't change the fact that THE NOLDOR WERE HIDING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE KINSLAYING THE WHOLE TIME. Yeah "everyone was kind" back then. You were feasting together with people whose cousins you had killed and have the audacity to complain they don't like you as much anymore. I don't care if you're a Sinda or a Noldo who "didn't take part in it" - if you say anything positive about it I'm blocking you.
#mereth aderthad #the truth about ivrin
159, 307 notes
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💎 lord-maedhros-is-the-true-king
Things they don't want you to know about Fëanaro:
read more
157 notes
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🏹 huntingprincess following
with all due respect, gondolin is the most boring place in the world.
🌼 golden-flower
it's not. but you're entitled to your opinion.
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
if only all debates on here were as civil...
👤 incessant-leaves
OP is a kinslayer apologist. Didn't you check that out before you started praising them?
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
*throws hands up*
I was admiring that one exchange.
(and this was actually more about @golden-flower's response than about OP)
#this site...
2009 notes
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image used for Sirion: link
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally and a Puppeteer Reader (part 6)
The silly is goofing lets go.
TW: Stalking, Obsessive Behavior, Idol Worshipping, Scopophobia/Eye Imagery, Mentions of Threats
🎥 It's your first day off, though, that doesn't mean you don't need to work! You have been taking care of your 3 year old nephew, Henry, for a few years now alongside your sister. You live with your stepsister, Angela, who takes care of him while you are at work. Then, you take care of him while she is at work.
🎥 You smile as you look over to Henry, who is sitting in front of the television as he watches Welcome Home. It truly is becoming a popular show! Angela has tried to ruin the magic for him by telling him that you work on the show, but you always stop her. Henry thinks that Wally, Julie, Sally, and all the others are real. You aren't going to let Angela or yourself ruin the childhood wonder for him.
🎥 It is late at night when you get the call. Walking over to the phone, you answer it, letting out a soft "Hello?" as you do so. To your surprise, Eddie's puppeteer replies to you, their voice shaking and quiet as they do so. "This... This is (Y/N), right? I got your number from the boss's phone book... I need to know something. Please..."
🎥 You, needless to say, are extremely concerned. They don't sound too good. You can also hear a muffled voice on the other end of the line, but you can't make out who it is or what they are saying. "Sure thing. What is it that you need to know?"
🎥"This is going to sound weird... But I need your address. There are more letters for you and-" they stop, their breath hitching as the muffled voice says something, again. They continue after a few moments, their voice sounding more hoarse, like they are holding back tears "I mean... there is a package and a few letters for you. Also, a drawing. I-I am scared. I got more threats, saying that if I don't deliver them, I will be hurt. Please, I need your address."
🎥 You hesitate. You have no idea what is in that package. You can make an educated guess that the letters and the drawing will just be more of the same old, adoring writings and creepy eyes watching a drawing of you. But the package could really be anything. However, considering the fact that you haven't gotten any threats against you, you feel like it is safe to assume that whatever is in that package won't be an immediate danger to you. Meanwhile, the person on the other end of the line has been threatened, and just so happens to possibly be in the building with the culprit.
🎥 You decide to give your address to them. You don't want them to be hurt, even if it does put you in the disturbing situation of having to witness whatever that package beholds. Within two hours, you hear a car pull up in your driveway and see Eddie's puppeteer walk up to your doorstep, a large cardboard box in their arms with a few envelopes stacked on top. Their face is pale, like they have seen something they really shouldn't have, and their leg is shaking. You also notice how, as they walk, they look like they have a slight limp.
🎥"Here you go, (Y/N). I hope you have a nice day. I'm sorry... for bothering you." You take the package and envelopes from them, but before you could thank them, they have already gotten into their car and sped off. Taking the mail inside, you open the drawing and letters, first. The drawing is, as you expected, yet another drawing of you being watched. The letters, though, seem a bit different.
🎥"I heard you talking. They said you are leaving for a few days! Don't leave me! Don't leave me! What if you don't come back? Don't abandon me! I need you to be me! Actions speak louder than words! I need you to decide what I do!" "Why haven't you come back? You are the as above to my so below! I don't know what that means, but I think it means you complete me. It's true! You complete me! Without you, I am just... there. No movement, no life besides my thoughts. Just a body that is trapped. Kind of like being stuck in an old, empty home, with no friends... Unable to leave but unable to really live. Do you WANT me to be like that? As much as it hurts, if you want that I will bear the pain of living like that. Just visit from time to time. Tell me what you want..." "I can't take it! It has only been a day and they are all so loud! They are trying to find someone. I don't know who. They aren't treating me well. They aren't holding me and making sure I am safe. They just messily shoved me into a tote alongside the others. I am coming to visit. I am scared. Help me."
🎥You feel sick. This person is visiting you? You look around, trying to see if the person behind these notes is watching you. You don't see anyone, but it doesn't do anything to relieve your anxiety. Their eyes could be anywhere. Opening the cardboard box, you expect the worst. Maybe they took a bunch of photos of you without you looking and decided to show you? Maybe journals filled with a detailed description of your schedule? You don't want to know what it is, but you have to. Maybe it could be used as evidence if you decide to call the police. Then again, you have heard that they aren't very helpful with stalkers...
🎥 You open it. Inside is a bunch of packing peanuts. Through the white and pink packing peanuts, you see a bit of blue popping through. You reach inside, pulling out the cargo that was delivered.
🎥 It's Wally. Whoever this stalker is wanted you to have Wally, for some reason. He is in a bit of a rough condition. You can see some parts that need fluffing up, and his outfit is a little wrinkled here and there. You check him over, like you normally do, to see if there are any other blemishes on him. You see a little bit of red paint on the plastic sole of his shoes. It's a bit darker than the normal red paint that the studio uses, though. A lot more watery, too. At least the paint should come of easily, since the studio uses the cheap stuff.
🎥 You set him down, fluffing him up a bit. It isn't often that you need to fluff up the puppets, since they are usually very well cared for and don't get deformed while in storage, but you know how to do it. You just put your hands on his blue pompadour, then gently press inwards to try to reshape it. Then, you continue to do so with the rest of the parts that need fluffing. It could be a trick of the eye, but sometimes you feel like Wally's eyes move around, almost like he is observing you and your home. You shake it off, though, thinking that it is just your paranoia getting to you. Soon enough, he is back in tip top shape! When you clean his shoes, you are almost shocked by how quickly the paint comes off. The boss must've really lowered their standards... Or it could be water coloring. You honestly can't tell.
🎥 After you finish cleaning him up, you decide to surprise Henry. If whoever wanted you to have Wally decided to send him to you, you should have the right to do whatever you want with the puppet before you have to go back to work. So, you want to brighten Henry's night by having Wally visit him. You find Henry sitting at the kitchen table, eating a sandwich that you made him as a snack. He looks a bit downtrodden, probably because Angela went to work early, before they could play their nightly board game. You decide that it is the perfect time to cheer him up!
🎥"Henry, look who came to visit! It's your friendly neighbor, Wally Darling! He wants to have a sleepover for the next few nights! Isn't that great?" His eyes practically light up, bringing a smile to your face. Probably the first smile ever since this stalker situation started getting worse. Seeing your nephew grin is all that matters at the moment, though, as you do your best to put on a show for him while not blowing your cover. If he finds out that Wally isn't real, you know he would be devastated.
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acourtofmarvels · 1 year
Surprise - Cassian
Warnings: none really, cute fluff. mentions of sex n stuff lol
Word count: 694
"Does it hurt?" I asked sheepishly. I felt so guilty. And a little bit proud of myself, but don't tell Cassian that.
He groaned in response. I could tell he was trying not to blow up on me. I hit him pretty hard.
"I'm sorry, baby." I sat beside him on the bed. I took the ice from his hand and held it onto his head myself. "At least you don't have a concussion."
"At least we know training is working. You got me good." He tried to smile at me but only winced in the process.
"You startled me! I wasn't expecting anyone to be at the house." And I smashed a bottle of wine over his head. It wasn't a small bottle either.
Rhys told me they were gonna be gone all day and most likely wouldn't get back tomorrow. Rhys always informs me when they are on their way home, then I can expect Cassian to come and see me.
"I expect a blowjob after this." Even in pain he's horny and inappropriate. I honestly shouldn't be surprised he said that.
Cassian was... unexpected for me. This thing between us happened one night and never stopped. At some point it was just a fling, then we said we were exclusive. Next thing I know we're all in and dating. 
Our relationship never should have happened. We had a one night stand on a drunken holiday. And the next morning we slept with each other again. Cassian never did relationships. He was a go with the flow kind of guy and always said he never had the time for it.
I was just wanting sex. No strings and the kind that made your legs weak afterwards. Cassian exceeded expectations. We've been friends for so long now and I've heard from other girls I know whom he's slept with, that he's great in bed. Don't tell him this cause it will just boost his massive ego, but he's the best I've ever had.
"I feel like I should get an award for my marvelously teaching. I think I taught you too well." He groaned and layed back on the bed, taking the ice with him. "Cauldron boil me, I can't believe you got the drop on me like that. You're lucky I love you, babe. If any other person had done this to me-"
"You love me?" I blurt out, my eyes wide.
Cassian halts mid-sentence. He looked genuinely confused as if he had no clue what I just questioned. But he said it. I heard it loud and clear. I think my heart nearly stopped beating when he said it. He said he loved me.
"You just said it." I was fighting the urge to smile. Cause what if he didn't mean it? What if the hit had really messed him up. Oh shit did I rattle his brain with that wine bottle?
"I..." He cleared his throat, slowly bringing the ice down from his head to look at me. "Well, damn. I guess I did."
My heart is racing. He didn't deny it, yet. 
"D-did you mean it?" I had to ask. I would give him the way out if he needed it. This was serious for us. I mean, we didn't even want to be in a relationship at first, let alone fall in love.
A small smile crept up on his face. When he nods I feel immediately relieved. I moved over beside him, running my fingers through his hair like I always did. "Say it again." The words nearly came out as a beg.
He moaned and ran a hand down his face. "Come on, sweetheart. Don't make me say it again. It's bad enough that I said it first. That's never happened before." His arrogant tone deserved a slap on the arm from me. But then I couldn't help but climb onto his lap and attack his face with kisses. His body shakes under mine from laughing. 
"On a scale from one to ten how badly does your head really hurt? Because I don't know if you know this about me but, emotional intimacy really turns me on. And you just told me you loved me, and I sure as hell am completely head over heels in love with you. And I think we should have sex right now."
His gaze on me darkens, his hands grip my hips firmly. "Suddenly I feel a whole lot better." 
inspired by The Score by Elle Kennedy
Acotar Masterlist
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pikahlua · 1 month
I've been in the dkbk fandom for 3 years and my husband is an anime only. We just watched the new episode and he was disappointed. He predicted that Star will die and the plot won't really move forward. He's a sci-fi fan and he's seen many a series fall apart after more characters, complexity, and a war are introduced. I've been avoiding spoling the manga for him but since he's lost interest, I spoiled him and confirmed that the manga has been in a holding pattern for 2-3 years with this final arc. I told him what you said about Bk's death and Deku losing his arms as being symbolic but he said those actions being reversed lowers the stakes and it's hard to maintain emotional investment if you know that major plot points will just get reversed. I wanna believe in Hori but I'm waiting for payoff instead of enjoying the story. Is what's happening really good storytelling if this final battle has been dragging on so long and Deku's characterization has come to a halt?
I’m hesitant to answer this. I said I wouldn't answer any asks that were looking to me for reasons to keep liking MHA, and I really don't want to encourage more asks like this--and yes OP, I don't know if you realize it but that's basically what you're asking. You've framed this question around your husband's opinions, but you're couching your own thoughts inside.
If your issue is that you and your husband like different media, then that's a marital issue to resolve; accept that you shouldn't always watch all media together, particularly if doing so isn't fun for both of you. But your husband doesn't like what's going on in MHA, and this is enough to make you doubt whether or not MHA is written well? Despite the fact that many, many people like MHA in its current form? That sounds more to me like you agree with your husband. It certainly doesn't sound like you tried to sell this story arc to him.
I decided I'll answer a question like this this one time because it'll help me summarize my feelings on these topics, though I'm sorry to say the topics I address may not be what you expect.
"We just watched the new episode and he was disappointed. He predicted that Star will die and the plot won't really move forward."
Is this really a surprise? I don't remember anyone being all that into this arc when it first came out. Everyone was saying Star would die, and yet most people did not correctly predict the actual outcome of this fight--that Star's quirk would be eliminated and Tomura would be weakened. Most guessed Tomura would steal Star's quirk and become overpowered.
"He's a sci-fi fan and he's seen many a series fall apart after more characters, complexity, and a war are introduced."
You mention sci-fi but uh, has your husband watched like...any other anime? Ever? At all? MHA is far from the first shounen anime to do this. You can't really make your husband like MHA if his problem is that he came to an anime restaurant and got upset when there was nothing but anime on the menu.
Seriously, MHA is not doing all that much different with its ending than what Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood did, and that's one of the most critically acclaimed shounen anime of all time. If he's predisposed to dislike the stuff anime does, that's not a writing problem. That's a mismatch of anime with his tastes.
It strikes a nerve with me because I grew up loving anime and was bullied for it by people with opinions such as your husband's. Now, the mainstream-ification of anime has drawn those same sorts of people to anime for whatever reason, and all they seem to wanna do is complain about anime being anime. Take sci-fi for example: I typically hate outerspace-themed media and the concepts such media often explore, and you know what I do? Not watch it. I've decided such media is not for me. Honestly, the same is true for a lot of anime too. I am very picky about anime because there are some tropes or themes I'm just sick of.
"I've been avoiding spoling the manga for him but since he's lost interest, I spoiled him and confirmed that the manga has been in a holding pattern for 2-3 years with this final arc."
This is where it sounds like you primed him with your own feelings, because it certainly doesn't sound like you were selling him. I don't even know what this means. "A holding pattern"? Do you mean the arc has just been going on a long time (see: welcome to anime being anime)? Or do you mean not much has happened with Izuku? Because I am getting a bit of a sense that your issue is you're an Izuku fan and his growth has been slow because the arc has had to wrap up all the other characters' arcs first. Because a lot HAS been happening with all the other characters (and we recently got some Izuku progression too).
The only other thing I can think of is an opinion I've had for a long time. I think a lot of anime fans don't realize they're not actually manga people. You watch an anime you like a lot and you wanna get up to speed, so you go to the manga not understanding that the manga is different from the anime. The pacing is different, as is the presentation and focus on details. The manga presents one or two story points per chapter, whereas anime episodes are 2-3 chapters compressed into one sitting. The anime's major selling point is its fast pacing, but this is not a selling point of the manga--of ANY weekly manga. "2-3 years" means very little in the context of a 15-page-a-week-AT-BEST manga.
"I told him what you said about Bk's death and Deku losing his arms as being symbolic"
The symbolism angle is one thing. I've never really understood why people like any media without symbolism--that's what gives a story its flavor, isn't it? If we're talking about tropes and familiar story structures, the artist's approach to familiar items is precisely what makes it unique and interesting to me. I wouldn't become invested enough to care about Katsuki's death if all that mattered to me was the surface-level event.
But are you saying you spoiled the fact that Izuku lost his arms? That's...not that big of a plot point to spoil if you ask me. Certainly not one I'd bring up as one of the greatest hits of this arc. This is another detail that makes me feel like you're particularly focused on Izuku, which is not a bad thing nor is there anything wrong with that, but Izuku doesn't actually feature very much in this anime season all things considered. It's hard to sell anyone on what's currently happening with Izuku in the manga since we just got to his stuff and it's not complete.
Again, this was what happened with Fullmetal Alchemist. The last arc covered the events of one day that ended the final war. The main characters were only occasionally featured and didn't do all that much in the season until the very end, as one would expect. When it was coming out in manga form, the pacing was admittedly very weird because of this storytelling choice, albeit it felt a bit different from MHA since it was a monthly manga and covered more ground per chapter. But when the same arc was adapted to anime, the feeling and pacing were very different, and a lot of iffy elements improved on me as a result.
"he said those actions being reversed lowers the stakes and it's hard to maintain emotional investment if you know that major plot points will just get reversed."
Is your husband someone who watches things only once and then can't rewatch and enjoy them ever again? Does he only watch stories for plot twists and once he knows the twist he stops liking it?
I don't understand this general obsession with consequences and stakes a lot of people have. Sure, they are elements that can contribute to a mood or feeling in a story, but they're far from the make-or-break linchpins so many people make them out to be. The "reversals" are major plot points too. I find much more enjoyment in trying to follow why a writer would do such things and what they're trying to say than wondering how likely some character is to die or how many people will be brutalized.
I'm in the camp that believes spoilers should not make a difference in whether or not I find a series "good" or whether or not I can invest in it. I personally have played video games specifically BECAUSE they were spoiled for me and it sounded like I would like them, and having those major things spoiled for me did not detract from my enjoyment at all. I'm not saying everyone has to be like me, but I do certainly think a story's ability to persist as an impactful and memorable work has very little to do with its stakes and everything to do with how it handles its story and characters. Was Star Wars memorable and beloved because of how many people were at risk of dying in it? Was something taken away from the story when Luke got a robotic replacement for the hand he lost?
Goodness, didn't the MHA fandom predict for years that Dabi was Touya Todoroki? And wasn't everyone just waiting for the reveal to fucking happen already so we could get it over with? And wasn't the entire fandom surprised and enthralled when the Touya reveal did happen precisely because it was handled in such a unique and cool way with Horikoshi's flair? Did predicting that twist really ruin anything for the story?
A good story is a good story.
"I'm waiting for payoff instead of enjoying the story."
I can't know what payoff you're waiting for. I've enjoyed all the events and details along the way, even if there were some expected dips here and there. When I went back and reread the entire arc in one go, the pacing really hit me differently and I got a lot out of it. If you're not enjoying the story, that's not about whether or not the story is employing "good storytelling." I've enjoyed plenty of stories that were told poorly and sloppily because there were other redeeming features that appealed to me. This is about preference. You and your husband have your own personal preferences, and that's okay! But you both have to manage your preferences with respect to each other and to yourselves.
"Is what's happening really good storytelling if this final battle has been dragging on so long and Deku's characterization has come to a halt?"
If you're actually interested in whether or not MHA has "good storytelling," I'd suggest you take a creative writing class or otherwise learn about the way stories are told in different media i.e. novels vs comics vs TV shows vs movies vs video games. But I honestly don't think that's what you mean. I think you're looking for permission to keep liking MHA even if you personally don't like its storytelling or how Izuku's character is currently being handled. I can tell you from experience that yeah, you can. Plenty of people do it all the time. Some people get so frustrated with the stories they like they write fix-it fanfiction. Some people appreciate the way a story is so perfectly written that they cannot build a fandom around it because they can't come up with anything to add. It's going to depend on you and how you want to approach the situation, and while I'm happy to talk about what I like about MHA and which writing choices I think are well made, that's not going to get us very far if you don't like the same things.
I do often find media that I personally think is not written that well, and like I said, sometimes I like it and sometimes I hate it, but if it's a piece of media with a large fanbase like MHA, I have a hard time calling its writing universally "bad." If it speaks to that many people in some way, clearly there's something about it that reaches people effectively, and who am I to judge? I'm certainly no expert in quality of writing. All I have are what I've taken away from my education in literature/writing, my years of experience with many anime that came before MHA, and my thoughts on all the other media I've enjoyed. My experiences will lead to different conclusions than others'. I know I don't like a lot of what's popular with most people, so I certainly can't hold myself out as some paragon of good taste.
It's okay to like or dislike whatever for whatever reason. I don't always stay with the same fandom. I move around when I find new and good things. I sometimes come back to old things I loved and like it anew or find it underwhelming as I currently am. As of right now, I'm actually willing to say something I never was before, which is that MHA might be one of the best-written manga if not the best manga I've ever read. While FMA is top-tier, its themes are a lot safer than MHA's ambitious goals. MHA was always going to be controversial in some ways just because of what it attempts to do, such as telling its story through comic book-themed superheroes. It also says a lot of political things that risk alienating readers. The levels of risk MHA takes are part of what makes it amazing to me and what makes it a worthwhile piece of art to enjoy. I'm so happy it exists, flaws and all. No story will be universally loved, and that's something I accepted a long time ago when I decided I wouldn't let the bullying stop me from liking anime. All I can hope to do is have the courage to love the things I love and the grace to leave alone the things I dislike for others to enjoy.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hello hun, if it's possible do you think you could write a headcanon for the clones where they react to getting rescued by their s/o after getting captured by the enemy?
The clones can be of your choosing, but please do add Kix. I love him so much, he has my whole heart 🥺💕
I wrote about the other way around before. But this is an interesting take. Let me see 😊
Clones of my choosing? Interesting...
Kix/Rex/Fives/Tech x Reader - Who's The Hero?
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Warnings: Slightly Angsty/Mostly Fluffy/A Bit Of Humor (I guess)
What Happened:
Your clone partner has been captured by the enemy. But you won't leave him behind. You sneak behind enemy lines, you have a plan. You find your beloved in a cell. Here is his reaction…
You have no idea if the plan will work, but Kix is definitely worth the risk.
You say softly, yet peppery, "Tadaaa! Your hero has arrived!"
He looks at you as if you were a ghost when you appear at the cell door.
"What the... How... Why are you... You should-"
Raising your brows, you ask dryly, "Do you need more time to finish that sentence?"
Kix huffs, "Mesh'la, you shouldn't be here, it's too dangerous."
You shrug and operate the keypad on the cell to open it.
You cock an eyebrow and say, "Oh, I know. Tons of droids out there. Wasn't so easy to find a sneak path. But who else is going to come rescue you? Did you really think I was going to leave you here to rot?"
He smirks and steps out of the cell.
"Well, to be honest, I didn't think anyone would come at all. Clones are expendable."
"Not to me," you say softly and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
For a brief moment he looks deep into your eyes and finally says, "Who am I kidding, I had a feeling you would come. I know you can be counted on".
With an affectionate, soft smile, you say, "I will always come for you".
"Usually I'm the one saving people, you know, as a medic and a soldier"
You smirk at him and say softly, "You still are my hero, Kix, always will be"
Kix expression softens a little.
"Okay, Mesh'la, I take your word for it"
You grab his hand and say, "Now come on, we have to hurry before they discover our escape vehicle."
"Hey you, you look lonely in your cell".
Rex jumps up from his seat.
"How did you get in here! You shouldn't be here!"
"Yeah, I'm glad to see you too" you say dryly and open the cell.
"Cyare, that was stupid of you."
You frown critically and look at him.
"I beg your pardon?"
"I didn't mean-"
Your gaze silences him. You give him hand signals to show him to follow you silently. You creep back the way you came in, to the shuttle hidden in a nearby patch of woods.
You just booted up the engine and have to wait a few more seconds for it to start before you can take off. You turn to him and see how meekly he looks at you.
"Thank you for coming here for me."
You smile.
"You would have done the same, Rex"
He nods and says, "Of course. Still, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I was just so startled to see you here."
You sit down in the pilot's seat and he sits next to you in the copilot's seat.
"Because you care about me, I know you always do."
As the shuttle lifts off, and you hurry into space and on a hyperspace jump home, you feel a tension fall from you and breathe a deep sigh of relief. You have Rex safely with you again. As if to confirm your thought, one of his hands grasps yours, gently but firmly. He gently squeezes your fingers and smiles at you as you look at him.
"I missed you," you say softly.
"I missed you even more"
"It's about time you showed up," he says impatiently.
You look at him, puzzled.
"You're not at all surprised to see me here?"
Fives smirks, "I know you, sweet Mesh'la, you know it's dangerous, you know basically no one wants you to put yourself in danger, especially not for me, but you're more stubborn than a defiant Bantha."
You snort.
"You could at least pretend to be happy. Well, so much for the surprise"
He chuckles.
"My dear, would you rather I hadn't expected you and assumed you'd abandon me?"
You think for a second as you open the cell door and finally shake your head with a pout.
He comes toward you smiling and says, "There you go. And don't get me wrong, I'm overjoyed that you're here, so stop pouting, love."
Placing a kiss on your forehead, he finally says, "Let's get out of here before we both end up in that cell."
He sits there like a heap of misery, they have taken away his belt with the datapad and his tools, his weapons too, of course. As Tech sits there, he looks pretty lost.
"Hey Genius," you say quietly, trying to get his attention.
Tech looks up in surprise.
He jumps up and comes to the cell door. Tech looks relieved and worried at the same time.
"Are you sure no one saw you?" he asks tensely.
"I am," you say confidently.
He sighs with relief and says, "It's good to see you, my dear."
"Likewise," you return with a smile.
As you open the cell door, Tech explains in his matter-of-fact way, "I have weighed and calculated some options, but have come to the conclusion that my situation is hopeless without outside help. In a way, I had already mentally prepared myself to die here."
You frown and look at him reprovingly.
"I don't want to hear anything like that!"
Puzzled, he looks at you.
"The other day you told me to always tell you what's on my mind whenever I feel like I need to get something off my chest."
"I- yes, that's true of course, Tech, sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I just don't want you to give up on yourself."
"I didn't, I knew you'd come."
You say, "Just now, you said you expected to die in here."
He raises a finger and says, "In fact, in case you got caught and killed yourself, which was highly likely."
"You do have an incredible amount of faith in me" you say sarcastically with a small humorless smirk.
Again he raises his finger, "This has nothing to do with trust or faith, I was merely calculating probabilities"
Shaking your head you look up at him, "My dearest genius, sometimes you might want to try listening to your gut more."
As again his finger goes up in the air, and he opens his mouth, you encircle the finger with your hand so that it's in your fist. He looks at you puzzled and falls silent.
You say, "Enough. Let's go get you out of here, sweetheart"
"Good idea, my love"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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romantichomicide95 · 10 months
Hi Bee!! Congrats on the 1000k!! What a huge milestone! You deserve every follower. <3
I'm here to request a chocolate chip cookie as well as a birthday cake cupcake (but reverse, so reader is the one saying Levi is cute when he's mad. MAKE THAT MAN FLUSTERED) and an iced macchiato to go please!
Thank you. :3
Sky, my love. I hope you like this! I suck at endings btw
Levi Ackerman
“You’re cute when your mad”
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You're sitting in your bedroom, anticipating Levi's return. It had been a few hours since the argument. It was stupid really, just one of the small little tiffs you and Levi seemed to get into. They always say opposites attract, and though that’s very true opposites also clash; so arguments were bound to happen between the two of you. Still, you felt a tiny bit of guilt lingering in your chest.
Finally, the sound of the front door creaking open broke the stillness. You leapt up, dashing out of the bedroom to greet Levi. His usually stoic expression remained unchanged, but there was a flicker of annoyance in his eyes.
"Hey, Levi," you spoke softly with an apologetic tone. "I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to upset you."
Levi sighed as he removed his boots, his gaze avoiding yours. "You have a tendency to push my buttons when you know I'm stressed. It's frustrating." He says harshly.
You let out a sigh, understanding exactly what he meant. You had always thought you knew how to handle Levi's mood swings, but sometimes crossed the line without realizing it. "You're right, Levi. I shouldn't have made light of the situation."
Levi turned to face you, his arms crossed tightly against his chest. The tension between you was palpable, but you refused to let it consume you. Stepping closer, you gently placed a hand on his arm. "You're cute when you're mad, you know."
Levi's eyebrows shot up in surprise, momentarily breaking his usual composed facade. "Don't be ridiculous." He groaned but you could see a faint blush rise to his cheeks.
You couldn't help but smile a little at his reaction. Levi wasn’t one to get flustered easily, or care what others thought of him. But when it came to you, well at times that all seemed to fly out the window .
“It's true, Levi. It’s kind of adorable actually, but I really am sorry.”
He sighed again, his blush growing deeper. “You’re so damn annoying you know.” he said, rolling his eyes. “ But I suppose I can't stay mad at you for too long.” he admitted.
A weight seemed to lift off your chest. You knew Levi wasn't one to easily let go of his frustrations, so his words were a small victory for you.
A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of your lips. "I must have some sort of superpower to break through that tough exterior of yours."
Levi scoffed, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "More like a you’re a pain in the ass." He said, amusement in his town.
You laughed, shaking your head. "Well, I'm glad my annoying antics can at least bring a smile to your face."
Levi rolled his eyes yet again, but this time there was no malice behind it. "You have a strange way of showing your affection," he muttered.
“And yet, you still put up with me. Guess we're just made for each other." you say stepping closer.
Levi slightly shakes his head, his expression not faltering. “Making assumptions now, are we?" he replies with a slight chuckle. “Youre right though. I guess we are.”
You chuckled, relieved that the tension was starting to fade away. "I know I’m right. But I promise I'll remember to think twice before teasing you when you're already stressed."
Levi stepped closer, reaching out and brushing his hand against yours . It was a subtle touch to show he cared, and that you were forgiven. "Good. Because I'd hate to have to teach you a lesson."
You throw your arms around Levi’s neck, closing the gap between you. “Oh, is that a threat, Captain?" you teased, you couldn’t really help yourself.
“Call it what you want brat.” And with that, Levi's lips met yours in a passionate kiss, effectively silencing any further conversation. As the kiss deepened, all the tension and worries of the day seemed to wash away.
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parkkiablah · 7 months
Teasing game - pt. 2 (Zevlor x Tav)
part 1 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7
The next time you met Zevlor was when you were just buying food for the day.
You were on your way to the merchants, still thinking about what kind of food you were craving. It really shouldn't be a tough decision to just figure out what you wanted to eat, but honestly it felt too easy, too much like a normal life to you.
Your mind was still stuck on trying to survive a war against the Absolute and deciding what to eat was never part of your thoughts back then. It felt like such a luxury problem to you now.
Your mind cleared when you saw Zevlor standing at one of the merchant stands, picking up vegetables.
A smile instantly found its way on your lips when you saw him and you found yourself walking over to him already.
I linked my arm with his, which startled him slightly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.", you said laughing. He smiled at you as soon as he realized it's you.
"You didn't scare me, I was just surprised. It's good to see you." His gaze fell onto your arm linked with his, but he didn't comment on it. "I guess you are here to buy food, too?"
"Yea, even though I can't really decide on what I want to eat. It really shouldn't be such a tough choice.", you said while you casually gazed around the vegetables the merchant offered. All of them looked fresh and probably tasted just as good as they looked but still your stomach didn't seem to show any interest in them.
"If you don't mind me offering, you are welcome to join me. I am not the best cook, but eating in company is always better than eating alone.", he stated and you couldn't help but be caught off guard by his offer. He was still looking at the vegetables in front of you, which you read as him not seeing it as a big deal, while he was actually just to nervous you might say no, that he couldn't look you in the eyes.
"Sure, I would love to.", you responded once you got over the surprise.
You still had your arm linked with his, which you claimed to be a brave move of yours, when actually he had just startled you with a simple invitation for lunch.
When you arrived at his home you weren't suprised to see it very clean and organized, yet it seemed to hold a certain warmth that made you feel welcomed.
"Do you want to drink something?", he asked after he had put his bag down. When you said yes he took two cups out of the cupboard.
"Water or wine?"
"Water. It's only noon.", you responded laughing.
"Fine, we will save the wine for later.", he laughed and handed you the cup with water.
You blinked a few times taking in what he just said.
"Can I help you with the food?"
"Feel free to just take a seat and relax, it's noting too complicated.", he said as he started cutting some of the food and preparing it.
You did sit down for a few minutes but you were too curious to what he was doing, still looking for inspiration for the next time you couldn't decide what to make.
You walked up behind him, putting your chin on his shoulder to look over it.
He turned his head to the side to look at you and you noticed how close his face was to yours.
"What are you making?", you asked him. It made you nervous how close he was but you weren't gonna back down now.
His eyes stayed on you, locked with your eyes but you noticed how his gaze was falling to your lips for a moment.
"Just a dish, that I learned how to make while traveling. You'll see.", he stated while turning his attention back on the food.
"Are you on the menu, too?", you asked.
He immediately stopped and looked back at you. He seriously didn't trust his ears today.
"Uh-.. what?"
You smiled at him sweetly like your simple question didn't just make his heart stutter and took a step back.
"You heard me."
He paused for a moment, trying his best to remain calm on the outside and find a fitting answer.
"I'm not so easy to chew." He quickly avoided your gaze.
He was in disbelieve, you can't seriously be flirting with him. You are the most beautiful, smart and brave person he knew, so why would you be flirting with him? You obviously had a dozen better options than him.
"What a pity..", you said and leaned against the door frame still watching him.
"Seriously feel free to just sit down and relax, the food will be ready in a few minutes anyway."
"But I enjoy watching you.", you stated.
He laughed to hide how nervous he felt.
Just as he calmed his heart you got him flustered again and he was as thankful as he could be for his skintone perfectly hiding his blush. What was he supposed to do? He tried to focus on the dish he was making while he could feel your gaze on him. You were gonna be the death of him for sure.
"Do you ever knock something over with your tail by accident?", you asked noticing the movement of it while he was leaning over to pick up some of the ingredients.
"It honestly happens more than I would like to confess.", he sounded amused by your questions but he would probably be just as curious. "It usually happens when I trip over something and use it to catch balance."
He looked over his shoulder at you and noticed your eyes taking in his form. If it were for any other person looking at him like that he would have been uncomfortable. It's probably because he saw the genuine curiosity in your eyes and the fact that he knew you wouldn't judge him for anything. Thats something he adored about you. No matter what he did, you were always certain he had a good heart and it showed in the way you treated him.
He noticed your eyes finding his again and you smiled at him.
"Any more questions?", he asked amused.
"Not for now.", you answered.
A few minutes later you were sitting in front of him at the table with the food in front of you. It smelled amazing and you couldn't wait to try it.
"I hope you like it.", he said when you shoved the first bit of it in your mouth.
It seriously was the best meal you've had in a while. Probably the best you ever had, to be honest.
"Didn't you say you aren't a good cook?", you asked in disbelieve.
He nodded.
"Excuse me?"
"This is amazing. Do you seriously think you're not good at cooking?" You couldn't believe it.
He laughed quietly while looking down. You weren't going to get tired of hearing his laugh ever.
"Thank you. I rarely got the chance to cook for anyone else but me, so I'm very glad you like it."
"No, thank you for inviting me." You reached over to his hand and gently held it.
He looked up at you at the sudden touch.
"Anytime. It's much better to eat in good company."
"Very true."
(I just can't stop writing about Zevlor, there aren't enough stories about him fr 😭
I hope you enjoyed the new part! 🧡)
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noroi1000 · 1 year
could a request of the i don't love him but i want him be accepted ? where reader is basically kidnapped by a powerful ( yet weaker ) rival of the gojo family,so we get to see overprotective gojo(he's always protective of her not in that insecure guy way though lol) for that while where he does anything to rescue n protect his wife ? ( badass n feral doing anything for love gojo ? hell yea )
I don't love him but I want to be with him 5
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warnings: guns wounds, death
words: 2.1k
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"Er… What's your name?"
"…I'm your cousin, Satoru!"
"Yeah… But… Again, how have you been?"
You felt the gun at your temple pressed tighter against your skull.
You didn't mind that you might die soon.
You only feel sorry for your children who are sitting at home with Toge, Yuji and Nobara unaware of anything. To protect them.
You want to see them, so you'll never forgive Satoru if you die now.
You'll never forgive him after you die.
You will not leave your children voluntarily.
They are the most important thing to you. Your family is the most important thing to you.
"I can't remember your name… Is your surname Gojo?" Satoru asked, looking at him.
"I am your father's sister's son!" He shouted, gripping your body in anger.
"Have we ever met?"
"We are Family!"
Satoru was stalling…
Your husband always has a plan for everything…
"Here. Way to go! You won!" Satoru said as he played Monopoly with his sons.
Who would have thought that a mafia boss who sees such sums of money on a daily basis as in this game loses to small children.
He was the first to go bankrupt.
You guessed it was because every time one of your sons stopped in a field he bought, he didn't even tell them to pay him.
Plus, when they wanted to buy something, he paid for it.
You wondered if he even knew the rules of this game well…
But well, he often spoiled his children with gifts. So he also spent in-game money for them.
It was nice for you to watch them play.
The laughter of your children and your husband.
Their smiles.
You were sitting next to him on the couch, staring at the board. And how Satoru had less and less money until he finally lost.
"So what do you want to play now?" he asked as he picked up pieces from the board.
"Hide and Seek!" one of your sons said.
"Sorry, Yuko, but let's pick something from board games, shall we?" said the white-haired one.
He was good with children…
Which of course surprised you a bit because he is young. He's not even 30 years old. But he does a good job as a father.
Even though at the very beginning, when Yuko and Yasuo were babies, he was very insecure and afraid to take them in his arms.
They were so tiny, and he felt insecure about picking them up.
His hands had never held a tiny baby.
He held the gun, he held the bloody blade, he held the collar of a beaten man. He even held a corpse.
But he never held a new life.
There had never been anything so delicate and tiny in his hands before.
He's never seen something he created with someone else.
He had never seen the little baby he had created with another person.
It was the first time he had touched a baby.
And that first time made him able to hold small children.
He helped you feed them, change their diapers, even bathe them.
You can't say otherwise because he also helped you hold them while you were still breastfeeding them.
So what if that pervert's plan was to stare at your tits with impunity.
He could hold the baby and watch…
But you didn't blame him.
He always helped you.
So now when you look at him spending time with his kids, you don't regret anything.
You know that the ruthless mafia boss, who had blood on his hands more than once, found happiness in his family.
You know he hasn't changed as a mob boss. But others may think otherwise.
He just changed as an individual.
Even though he was always good and kind.
Probably he found his inner happiness and love.
He loved his family.
All this made others think that he had become weak…
That he has weaknesses he shouldn't have.
That he is no longer ruthless. That he can't do what he used to do.
That's not true.
He's the same boss he's always been. However, he is husband for you.
You knew something would happen someday.
That someday your happiness will suffer.
And your happiness is your family.
Sitting on the floor with your hands tied behind your back, you just wondered why the man standing in front of you had white hair and was tall.
However, his eyes were a different color. They weren't as beautiful as your husband's eyes.
And his hair was different too. They weren't snow white. His hair was a very light brown tint. It made his hair a cream color.
And his eyes were brown. Completely different from your Satoru…
"Who are you?" You grunted looking at him.
Even though your head hurt, you could still glare at him with fury.
"Come on. We're family." He said and turned to you. "It's good you're awake. I didn't want you to faint for long. But you know, it's dangerous to walk around the city alone knowing you're married to the head of the most powerful mafia in Japan."
He crouched next to you.
"I don't know you…" you growled.
"Satoru probably didn't tell you about having another cousin, did he?"
"Don't talk much. It has that thing that makes you weak when you wake up." He laughed.
"What do you want?"
"Just take it all for good. My cousin has become weak. All because he has a family now… You weaken him, his children protect him. Don't you think he's not the same boss he was before? His power has diminished. All because he wanted to be a good husband and father…"
"Fuck off…"
"Same as Satoru… I just want to make sure that my family's mafia doesn't fall down in rank because of this asshole. So either he gives me the boss or you and his kids die."
Suddenly you saw him pull out your phone and dial your husband's number.
"(y/n)? Where are you, the boys started to cry that you're not home for a long time."
You heard his voice coming from the phone.
"Satoru…" You grunted but were silenced.
"Let's start politely, and I'll tell you everything right away. Give me the leadership of the entire family mafia and nothing will happen to your family."
"Who are you?"
"Don't you recognize my voice, Satoru?"
"Not very."
"You little…"
"Let's talk differently. Let my wife out and your ass won't hurt that much."
"Oh? Can you threaten? And could you say the same to your family?" he laughed. "Come on. Just admit that you couldn't hurt or sacrifice anyone in your family… Admit that you've gone soft. That you have become weak."
Suddenly he disconnected.
"If I find you, you'll regret it. If I find my wife, you will feel the pain."
You heard screams, noises and bangs all over the building while you were sitting on the floor that same day and your hands were tied.
This position has already started to tire you because your wrists are already sore from the rope.
"Oh? Something wrong? Did I tie it too tight?"
You looked over at the man. You wanted so badly to spit in his face. Let him know his place.
As a trash…
"Hang on a little longer. I think he'll be here soon-"
Suddenly the door burst open with a bang.
You saw the smile of the man as he reached for the collar of your clothes and pulled you closer to him.
"Shut up bitch." he said as he pulled a gun from his waistband.
You saw people come in and you recognized them all immediately.
Your friends.
Each of them had a gun ready to fire.
He, your husband, came out between them.
In a white shirt. The gun visible in the waistband of his pants.
The thin black glasses on his nose were lowered as he studied you and the guy behind you.
You felt no fear from him. He wasn't afraid of anything.
"(y/n)?" He grunted at you.
It was a question of are you okay.
"Satoru–" you groaned, but you were interrupted by the gun that was pressed against your head.
"We finally see each other. After all these years… I knew you were doing well. However…"
Satoru interrupted him.
"However, have I become weak and soft? Don't make me laugh." He snorted with obvious dignity and superiority.
"Just give me control of our family mafia. You can no longer rule. Your father made a mistake giving it to you instead of me. And as his nephew, I always had the right to…" he snapped. "Give it to me and I'll let your wife go. Resist, and she, like you and your children, will die."
"Do you have any other people? As far as I know, we've already killed everyone who was in the building."
"I will always be in a winning position. You would never hurt someone you love…"
"Er…what's your name?" he asked suddenly.
"…I'm your cousin, Satoru!"
"Yeah… But… Again, how have you been?"
You felt the gun at your temple pressed tighter against your skull.
You didn't mind that you might die soon.
You only feel sorry for your children who are sitting at home with Toge, Yuji and Nobara unaware of anything. To protect them.
You want to see them, so you'll never forgive Satoru if you die now.
You'll never forgive him after you die.
You will not leave your children voluntarily.
They are the most important thing to you. Your family is the most important thing to you.
"I can't remember your name… Is your surname Gojo?" Satoru asked, looking at him.
"I am your father's sister's son!" He shouted, gripping your body in anger.
"Have we ever met?"
"We are Family!"
Satoru was stalling…
Your husband always has a plan for everything…
"We may be family, but I don't remember you…"
During their conversation, you saw Megumi's lips move.
And suddenly you heard a loud shot behind you.
This caused the gun to fall out of your kidnapper's hand.
"Just shoot, Dad…" Megumi murmured softly into the small earpiece in his ear.
"I'm not supposed to kill, am I?" Toji replied.
"Don't do it yet."
"Megumi, but you know I would love to kill someone from the Gojo family. If that white-haired jerk didn't pay me to murder, I'd gladly kill him too."
"Don't wait and don't talk. Do it now…"
Drops of blood fell to the floor from the wound in his arm.
You pulled away quickly and ran over to Satoru, standing up.
His hands were placed on your cheeks as he looked all over you. Defining your condition.
"Are you okay?" he asked as he took the knife from Geto and cut the rope around your wrists.
You nodded your head and hugged him quickly.
"I told you…" said his relative weaker. He had his hand on the bullet-pierced shoulder. "You are weak and soft. You only care about your family… And you should care about your power and image… You've become–."
You heard it very loud next to your head.
As you turned around, you saw the man's eyes widened as the bullet pierced his thigh.
Then another shot. Second leg pierced.
You looked at your husband's hand holding the gun.
He gently pushed you away, standing in front of you.
When he saw him trying to grab his gun, Gojo fired another bullet. Fitting perfectly in the middle of his hand. Making him cry out in pain.
Satoru was known for that when he was holding a gun, he never missed. He always hit the target. His perfect eyesight made it possible.
He did everything as fast as few people. He noticed everything even faster. Hence his nickname as a member of the Mafia. "six eyes".
"Say something else…" he said stepping closer.
He pulled the trigger again. Shooting the other arm of the man.
He kicked his chest, and placed his boot on his sternum, pressing down.
"Say something else. So that I can put a few more bullets into you with even more pleasure."
"You fucking bastard…"
"I'm only nice to my family. If I don't consider you a member of this, you're just shit getting in my way. If it was me, you'd get one bullet in the head. But you took her. You wanted to take my children from me. Hols in the body for my one son. Second ones for second. And a bullet in your head, for my wife. I guess that's fair, isn't it?"
"You –"
"Oh yeah…" he smiled suddenly. "I am a ruthless madman. I don't care about your life."
The gun was aimed at his head.
The mad smile widened.
"And whoever threatens my family that I love will never see anything but darkness again."
"My family is what I care most about… I would never forgive myself if I lost them. I will not lose my closest and dearest people. I won't let anyone take that happiness away from us."
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coeluvr · 2 months
I'm going guess Helios did not overhear anything too bad about MC in Vesphire and that made him comfortable with plan to get them there for a little trip. I am also, however, going to guess some of those people kept those negative comments out about MC of his earshot and he's coming back to a fun surprise once he steps foot in Vesphire again with MC this time.
See, people from Vesphire don't really hate MC they just don't feel enough pity or any loyalty toward MC.
Roseans hate MC due to the whole situation as they believe Catalina + Family poisoned their queen and "evil family so this little kid is a demon too."
Vesphirians however just hated how the royal family was ruling over them as they felt like they didn't try to make things better for them and instead it was all getting worse and then the war took place so they were just plain unhappy so "goodbye loser royal family that didn't do stuff for me."
Vesphirians don't hate MC yet, it will depend entirely on how your MC is but well your MC can always clean up their act.
Helios used those appearance changing potions when he lived the "poor traveler totally not a prince" life because yes that was a thing as he wanted to hear from them and know their struggles so he's not a dumb dumb idiot bringing MC to a different level of hell lol.
You shouldn't worry too much about how the Vesphirian public will view MC (unless your MC is an evil little guy who is just unpleasant to be around), Vesphire has enough Rosean nobles to give the feeling of being right in Luceris' home so maybe think of them. ✨️
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wickedwhing · 2 months
Buddie (One-Shot)
So I ended up writing a Buddie one-shot. Here ya go.
This is an AU fanfic one-shot so not everything is accurately based on the show. Not that good though as it's been years since the last time I wrote anything. Haha. I hope you like it, still.
It's in Buck's POV so I didn't go much into Eddie's perspective and realization journey.
"So, how's things with Tommy?" Maddie asks Buck as they both sit down at the table.
"Uh...it didn't work out," Buck answers, avoiding looking at Maddie as he places food on his plate.
Maddie, though not entirely surprised, still the news is new to her as she thought that Buck and Tommy would go on for a little bit longer.
"Buck, what happened? What did you do?"
This time, Buck looks at Maddie with a disappointed look on his face, and says, "So, whenever a relationship of mine fails, your first assumption is that I was the one who fucked it up?"
"Well, no. But it's just that Tommy seems a really nice guy and, like, you were both kinda into each other."
"Yeah, well, he's really nice and I like him and he likes me, but...I guess you're right, I was the one who did something wrong."
"Okay, now, so what did you do?"
"It's not exactly what I did but something that I didn't really realize until Tommy pointed it out to me."
"Oh, for god's sake, Buck, spill it."
"I'm in love with Eddie..." Buck quietly said as if he's telling himself that. But it is the first time he has admitted it - that he tells himself it and believes it. It is the first time that he finally acknowledges his feelings for Eddie and knows they're real and he accepts it.
"Finally. Took you long enough," Maddie comments, making Buck look at her with surprise written all over his face.
"You knew?" Buck asks his sister in disbelief.
"Well, yeah. It's pretty much obvious."
"And you didn't care to tell me? "
"Buck, I know I'm your sister and I am always willing to help you and do things for you, but this is not something that I should have done for you."
"You could've just at least told me what was 'obvious.'"
"I was always dropping hints, you know. You were just too oblivious to your actual feelings for him. And I shouldn't just tell you you're in love with your best friend when you haven't even come to terms with yourself yet. I know you really don't brush it off when I joke about you being attracted to men, but have you really acknowledged that with yourself?"
Buck didn't answer, because it's already pretty obvious what the answer is.
"Exactly," Maddie says, accepting the silent answer. "You needed to realize first who you are, Buck, on your own, before you deal with your feelings for Eddie."
Buck sighs, "Yeah, you're right."
"Well, you did great, Buck, in figuring out who you really are and I'm so proud of you. Even though you almost deeply embarrassed yourself in the process and injured Eddie."
Buck tightly smiles.
"So, what do you plan on doing?"
"About what?"
"About your feelings with Eddie. I mean, it took you YEARS to realize that, and now that you do, what are planning on doing? Are you gonna tell him?"
"What? No! He's with Marisol and I don't think Eddie will ever be into a guy, much less me."
"Hmm-mmm," Maddie responds with a knowing look and an eyebrow raised.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, Buck. Eddie and you really need some sense knocked into you - HARD. You two are inseparable. You always have your own world. You have things that only you two know and do together. Something happens to one of you, the first person you go to is each other. You understand each other like no other people can. I mean I'm your sister but Eddie knows how to handle you better than me. And hell, you are even raising Christopher together. Eddie's not just doing this whole parenting thing alone because you two are already doing it. You are even the first person Christopher runs to if something happens with him and Eddie. You're practically his second dad."
"You know, that's pretty much what Tommy also told me. The whole co-parenting Christopher thing with Eddie. But well, I'm his legal guardian so might as well start now, right?"
"Legal guardian?!" Maddie asks clearly surprised by this news as Buck never mentioned this to her before.
"Well, Eddie listed me to be Chris' legal guardian in case something happens to him. But let's hope that will never happen."
"How come I just know about this now?"
"Well, I don't think that it should be announced to everyone. I mean, it's something between me and Eddie."
"See what I'm talking about?"
"No, I don't, Maddie. What's your point?"
"My point is you and Eddie have been so into each other ever since you met but it's either you two are in denial or too stupid to realize it. Well, in your case, most likely the second one since Tommy had to point it out to you for you to realize it."
Buck laughs humorlessly, not believing Maddie about Eddie also having feelings for him. "I am telling you, Maddie. You are wrong about Eddie."
"Well, there's only one way to find out, right? Tell him how you feel."
"He's with Marisol. He's happy with his relationship now. I can't just ruin that for him."
"You'll never know, Buck, unless you try."
Buck is cooking when suddenly there is a knock on his door. Wondering who might it be as he's not expecting any guests, he goes over to it and is surprised to see Eddie standing on the other side with a frustrated look on his face.
"Marisol and I broke up," Eddie says, stepping inside Buck's apartment before Buck can even say anything.
Buck closes the door and asks, "What happened? I thought things were going great?"
"I thought so too," Eddie says, going to Buck's fridge and getting himself a beer. He opens the bottle and leans against the counter as he continues, "But it turns out, it's not. I mean, she's great. She loves Christopher. But I just feel like that's there's something missing, you know. I like her. But not enough for me to stay in the relationship."
"Hold on, Eds. What exactly happened that led to this break-up? This is not Ana 2.0, right?"
Eddie looks at Buck then sighs and says, "She said 'I love you' and I just couldn't say it back. I don't wanna lie, Buck."
"Yeah. Well, at least one of us has it going good."
"Actually, Tommy and I...it didn't work out."
"What happened?"
"I realized I wasn't into him like I thought I was. Well, after he pointed it out to me."
"He told you that you were not into him?" Eddie asks, confused.
"No. He told me that I'm already in love with someone else."
"Who? Is there something that you weren't telling me?"
"I can't tell you."
"Why? Buck, it's me. We tell each other everything."
"Not this one, Eds."
Eddie gives him a look of being offended and says, "So when I am the one keeping something from you, you won't stop nagging at me until I tell you what it is, but here you are, huh?"
"I don't nag at you, you know. I just persuade you into telling me."
"And yet, I still tell you. But you just won't. That's unfair, Buck."
"I'm sorry, Eds. I just can't tell you this one."
"Why? Do I know that person? Do you think I will judge you?"
"Then tell me who it is."
"Come on, Buck. Tell me. Maybe I can help you with it."
Buck chuckles, "No, I can't tell you."
"You can't see Christopher for a week if you won't tell me."
"Oh, come on, Eddie, that's not fair."
"You're the one who's not being fair. Why don't you just tell me who it is that you're in love with and you keep your rights of seeing Christopher every day."
"You can't do this, Eddie."
"I can and I just did. So it's your choice, Buckley."
"I really can't tell you."
"Okay, then. No Christopher for a week."
Frustrated, Buck says, "You can't just use your son to extort me."
"Then, tell me. Come on, Evan. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me."
Now, even more frustrated and with Maddie's words repeating in his head, Buck lets out a sigh as he says, "Fine." Then he walks over to Eddie, grabs his face, and crashes his lips against his.
To say Eddie is caught off guard is an understatement. His eyes are wide and he froze on where he is standing. He even almost dropped the bottle of beer in his hand.
"Happy now?" Buck asks as he pulls away and looks at Eddie who stares at him in shock. Buck drops his hands and steps back a bit.
As Eddie recovers from his shock, he puts the bottle down on the counter, and without a word, he walks out of the apartment, leaving Buck standing in the middle of his kitchen alone.
"I took your advice - kinda - and I'm pretty sure I just ruined my friendship with Eddie forever. I may not even be able to see Christopher ever again," Buck tells Maddie over the phone.
Ever since Eddie left him the night before, they have never talked. Eddie never called or even just texted him and Buck just doesn't have the nerve to reach out to Eddie after what he did.
"I'm sorry, Buck," was all Maddie can say.
"Well, you're still right. I will never know unless I try, and I did, and now I know."
"Have you tried reaching out to him?"
"And say what? 'I'm sorry I kissed you and I'm in love with you?'"
"Well, you can't just avoid each other forever because of one kiss. You two need to talk about it and move past it. You still work together, Buck. It will just be awkward if you don't fix this now, and everyone will notice it."
"But, I'm scared, Mads."
"But you have to. And you better do it before today ends because you'll be seeing each other tomorrow at work."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll try."
"Good luck."
Buck hangs up and slumps back into his bed with a frustrated groan. What is he going to say to Eddie? How is he going to make Eddie talk to him? But still, he knows Maddie is right and he needs to talk to Eddie no matter what. Despite his feelings for him, Eddie's still his best friend and he can't just throw that away because he ends up falling in love with him.
Throughout the day, Buck tries to call or text Eddie but he doesn't know what to say, and he's pretty sure Eddie won't answer him. So finally, he makes a decision of just going over to his house and talk to him in person.
It's already a bit late when he checks his watch, but he knows Eddie is still up at this hour. He grabs his keys and drives over to Eddie's house.
As he gets there, he hesitantly knocks on his door. As he waits for Eddie to answer, he just gets more and more nervous that he thinks he's going to have a panic attack.
Then Eddie opens the door and Buck stands there not able to say anything and just looks at Eddie in surprise.
Confused, Eddie says, "Hey, Buck. Is everything okay?"
Buck recovers, clears his throat, and says, "Can we talk?"
Eddie knows what this is about and he too knows that they need to talk about it rather sooner than later. So he steps aside and lets Buck inside his house.
As Eddie closes the door, Buck asks, "Is Christopher already in bed?"
"Uh, yeah. He went to sleep early tonight. Big day tomorrow."
"Oh...yeah. The field trip thing."
Then it was silence and the two men stand in the middle of Eddie's living room awkwardly. Couldn't take it anymore, Buck takes up the courage and says, "I'm so sorry, Eds. Everything just happened kinda all at once, you know? I mean, me figuring out who I really am and then realizing my feelings for you...I didn't mean to just drop it all like that on you."
"Well, to be fair to you, I was the one who forced you to tell me who it is."
"Only that you didn't expect it to be you."
"And I understand if after this you would not be friends with me anymore. Just let me know if you want to keep a distance between us. Just that...just don't ban me from seeing Christopher. You know how much I love that kid."
Confused and surprised from hearing what Buck just said, Eddie asks, "Why are you saying that? Why would you think that I would ban you from seeing Christopher?"
"Well, I don't know...I mean, now you know I'm in love with you and you may be weirded out about it and you may be weirded out by me..."
"What? Buck, why are you saying that?"
"Well, because you walked out on me after I kissed you and I know you're pretty pissed at me and may never want to see me again."
"Do you think we're standing here now if I feel that way?"
Buck doesn't answer so Eddie sighs and says, "Alright. I know I walked out and I didn't reach out to you after. I'm sorry about that. But it wasn't because I was mad or weirded out, Buck. I was in shock that I couldn't say anything and I had to process everything first, okay? I've been meaning to talk to you, I just didn't know how..."
"So, you're not mad at me?" Buck asks in a hopeful tone.
Eddie sighs and decides that he better say everything now. "No. I wasn't mad at you. I can never be mad at you, Buck. You see, after I left your place last night, all I did was think about everything and I realized a lot of things too. About you and about myself.
"Ever since I met you, Buck, I immediately got these strong feelings for you - this attachment to you. You've become a very important person in not just my life but in my son's too. You are not just a friend to us, Buck. You are our family. You are practically Christopher's dad too, you know? I wouldn't have been able to raise Christopher without you. I won't be able to make a good life here in LA without you. There's no one in this world I would do all this with but you, Buck. And that's pretty much why I can't make any relationship work with other people. Because they are NOT you. It took me a while to realize that. Well, it's pretty much Carla who spelled it all out for me this morning, and she's right. I already have my home and my own family here and that's Christopher and you."
"What are you trying to say, Eds?" Buck asks, tearful and hopeful.
Eddie chuckles then walks over to Buck and this time, it is he who pulls Buck to him and kisses him deeply.
Buck is surprised but he manages to catch on quickly and responds to Eddie's kiss as his arms find their way around Eddie's body.
As they pull away, Buck looks at Eddie with a smile that says he just can't believe what just happened. Eddie smiles back at him and says, "I love you too, Evan."
"Finally!" They hear Christopher say, making them both turn in his direction in surprise. "Took you a long time to realize that."
"I thought you were already sleeping," Eddie says with a chuckle as he goes over to Christopher.
"I was but you two are so loud talking."
"Sorry, buddy," Buck says.
"It's okay. I'm happy now that you finally know now that you love each other the way you do. It was frustrating to wait for you to realize that, you know."
"So, you already know before us?" Buck asks.
"I mean, it was pretty obvious."
"Why do you all keep saying that?"
Christopher laughs.
"So, you're okay with me and Buck?" Eddie asks Chris.
"Yeah, and I've been telling my friends already since before that I got two dads. You and Buck."
Buck laughs and then smiles as he fondly looks at Eddie and Chris. And hell yeah, he loves them so much. His two boys. His family.
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pedroschka · 1 year
Joseph Quinn x reader
words: 1,7k fluff
Summary: first impressions are the best impressions - and you certainly delivered
A/n: do not get drunk alone in clubs kids! The possibility of a Joe in shiny armor is very low
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"I can buy myself floweeers!" belting out the lyrics while moving around the kitchen, attempting to clean the flat but keep stopping midway to give Miley backup with the vacuum cleaner rumbling in the background, humming out the last words when you're done "hmm hm I can love me better hmm"
" I guess I keep them for myself then "
seconds away from a heart attack you turned annoyed to your boyfriend who suddenly stands behind you, ready to give him a speech that there are better ways to get rid of you instead of an early death.
But there he stood with a huge bouquet of your favourite flowers, a cheeky smile on his lips and still clad in his coat, curls sticking on his forehead from the rain outside.
"Happy Valentine's day, love "
Rushing over to him and grabbing the bouquet, nearly blocking your entire view of him, staring in surprise at the various assemble of colours in front of you
You've never received flowers before and certainly not on valentine's day and as it was only your first one together you really didn't expect anything at all - The bar is set so low and yet it seems so difficult to reach
But on second thought it really shouldn't surprise you at all because Joe always goes over and above to let you feel like the most precious thing in his life, from surprise date nights, small weekend vacations, just coming home and a warm bath is ready for you or his homecooked meals, slightly overwhelming you at the beginning and feeling pressured to somehow be able to compete, but it didn't last long for your love languages to balance eachother out, like a well played ping pong match where you express your gratitude in forms of affirmation, simple touches or just enjoying the trip's he planned for you or eating the food he made.
Taking in your appearance,at least the parts not being hidden from him behind the bunch of flowers, his lips turning upwards when he recognised the familiar fabric hanging off your frame and your feet shuffling over the floor in his white tennis socks
"You know this reminds me of our first morning together"
" Please don't " you groaned and threw your head back, still deeply embarrassed of your first impression on him.
World turning around you , lights flickering all over before everything suddenly stops and starts rotating in the other direction, holding your arms out in panic and you could hear the distant sound of your own voice in your ears " wooah" . Hands searching clumsily for something to hold onto , fingertips making contact with something soft , stroking the fabric in awe before it suddenly moves away from you
" Hey, you alright there ?" a firm grip holds onto your upper arm and you needed a second to be able to hold your head up , squinting your eyes trying to focus on the figure ,or two in front of you
" I need to pee!"
" Mate she's an absolute goner " hearing the words but not really registering them you started turning away again , swaying your way through the group of people in front of you , mumbling sorry whenever you had a feeling you stepped on someone's foot
" Hey hey , the toilets are the other way , come on "
" nuh uh mum said I shouldn't walk away with strangers"
" Yes wise words….so how about this, I just show you the directions to the toilets and then leave you alone , ok?"
"Okey dokey, lead the way! "
Gentle hands on your shoulders turning your body in the opposite direction, slow but still making the room starting to spin around you again , clinging to the body beside you and letting him drag you through the club with unsteady steps due your high heels
" Ok there we are , you ok walking alone from here ?"
" Course 'am , name?"
" You're one of the good ones joey " patting him what you thought was his shoulder, but instead accidentally slapping him slightly on his cheek , before making your way into to way to brightly lit room
Joe stayed in front of the bathroom, debating if he should go back to his friends or keep an eye on you to make sure nothing happens to you , because Wesley was right, you are an absolute goner .
Getting a bit uncomfortable under the questioning stares from the other women around him, because yes he's aware how he probably looks like an utter creep lurking in front of the women's restroom ,he made up his decision and turned back around but the whiny cry of his name behind him makes him stop in his tracks again.
Dragging his hand over his face and taking a deep breath he makes his way inside , giving the other women inside an uncomfortable tight-lipped smile with a motion of his hand towards your voice
" Yeah I'm here " leaning against the white stall door and trying to keep his voice down , which didn't really matter because you clearly didn't
"I'm stuck"
Taking a double take at this he looked bewildered around him " what do you mean you're stuck?! In the toilet?! " He whisper yelled at you
A drunk snort leaves you " noo silly, in my jumpsuit"
" Uhm do you want someone else to help you in there ?"
" No I'm not comfortable around strangers"
He wanted to tell you that he was a stranger too but instead decided against it, oldest rule, don't try to have an argument with someone who's drunk
" Ok so with what are you stuck with in your jumpsuit?"
" Uhm…my arm ? I think "
"Just try to move your arm upwards out of the opening"
Hearing shuffling behind the door and your annoyed huffing and then sniffling
" It doesn't work " a pityfull whine leaves you, sounding like you're on the verge to cry and Joe starts to panic
" Ok open the door I'm gonna help you "
" No I'm naked !"
" Why the hell are you naked !"
" It's a jumpsuit Joe!"
As if this was explanation enough for him .
" I'm not gonna look I promise "
" Pinky promise?"
" Double pinky promise"
The door clicked open and he quickly wriggles inside, hand over his eyes
" Ok give me your arm "
Your hand grips his outstretched arm and he searched his way around to find the other one, the one which apparently was stuck but comes around something else
" That's my boob "
Quickly removing his hand again and holding it up in panic " Shit sorry , I'm so sorry! it's really hard doing this blind here "
" Ok I guess you can look , just help me "
Taking his hand from his eyes he tried really hard to not look at your naked chest in front of him and instead looked at the arm in question
" Oh love…that's the wrong hole "
To which you started giggling like a teenager over a bad sex joke
Grabbing your arm out of the pants leg and through the right strap, covering your chest again, all while receiving no help from you and just letting him do his thing, which concerns him even more
" There you go "
Giving him a weak thumb up before falling to your knees in front of the toilet seat and emptying your stomach
" Oh Jesus Christ …" he really has to take up the role of a babysitter for a drunk stranger tonight
A few minutes later he shoves a glass of water In front of your miserable figure, sitting in the booth with his friends again who all stared at you in pity
" You have a friend you can call who can take you home ?"
Wesley asked but you just shook your head , on the verge of throwing up again and Joe encourage you again to drink the water
Sunbeams stirred you out of your slumber and you groaned as a massive headache makes it's appearance as well, grabbing the nearest pillow and pushing your face into it in misery
"Morning" a male voice makes your grip on the pillow freeze in panic, slowly sticking your head over it to make out the unknown man standing in your living room…but wait your living room doesn't look like this
" Shit shit shit " you tried scrambling from the sofa, blanked getting tangled up in your legs and nearly making you fall into to small table In front of you
" Hey sorry didn't want to startle you...uhm coffee?" The man scratches his neck awkwardly, looking lost just standing there in joggers and shirt, head of wild curls sticking out in every direction
" No thank you " you freed yourself from the blanket before looking down at yourself, nearly expecting to see your naked body but instead you wear a big soft shirt and your feet clad in white socks, blinking up at him in question
" Ah yeah funny story… "
Giving you a quick recap of your drunk mess of last night and how you got yourself staying on an unknown man's sofa in the first place and you hide your face in your hands in embarrassment and shame
" So uhm yeah , I put your clothes in the washer so they're just hanging out to dry now, hope that's ok "
" Yeah yeah thanks , that's actually really thoughtful"
" To be fair I'm not so keen on vomit on my sofa "
You snorted "makes sense, but really you could just left me on this damn toilet, I can only imagine what a burden I must've been "
" I could never! And you were kinda fun to be around after your second glass of water, well before vomiting all over yourself again "
Cringing again you groaned and threw your head back
Hearing him chuckle before asking you again " so , still no to the coffee?'
"We're gonna stuck to the "met on tinder " story for our families" you shook your head at the memories of this night while arranging the flowers in a vase
" Wesley already promised to save the true story for his speech on our wedding"
" Good luck getting me to marry you now" you snorted
" Hey it's not that bad "
" You saw my tits 5 minutes after meeting me, on a toilet with my arm in my pants,drunk out of my mind how is this not that bad Joseph?"
" First impressions are the best impressions and they definitely are the most beautiful tits I've ever seen"
"oh shut up" slightly shoving him and his cheeky grin out of your way but feeling your cheeks redden anyway
" So, coffee?"
(reblogs and comments are very appreciated additional to your likes)
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Oh i have a modern sihtric idea! Animal carer Sihtric where he's not the biggest fan of animals but all animals enjoy his company. He can handle grumpy cats and bratty birds while Finan only gets along with happy cheerful excited dogs. Uhtred gets hissed at all the time😂
Warnings: mention of an evil parrot.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: see request and: You work in an animal shelter and, against your will, you're suddenly working with three new men.
Word count: 3,1k
Note: the ending is rather open. I felt this story would either have a rushed ending if I tried to wrap it up or it would become waaaay too long. And I guess I also left the option open to possibly return to this if anyone seems to enjoy it. This was just a little fun thing to write!
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us
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'The parrot is right.'
'You want me to deal with that bunch?' you grimaced at the sight of two strange men on the other side of the room, 'why me?'
'You've been here the longest, apart from me, but I don't have the time to teach them. Nor the patience,' your boss, Thyra, admitted.
'Oh, and I have?'
'I hope so.'
'Who are they and why are they even here?'
You watched Thyra flip some papers on her clipboard.
'That guy on the left, his name is Uhtred. What a strange name. Anyway, the Irish man is called Finan and… there should be another guy named Sihtric, but he hasn't shown up yet. Big surprise,' she sighed, 'but they'll be here only a few days… for community service.'
'I know, I know! I didn't want them at first either, but it's nothing bad. I mean, nothing to be scared of.'
'What on earth did they do?'
'Apparently,' Thyra giggled, 'they stole a holy relic from a church and they got caught.'
'You're kidding?' you started to laugh.
'I knew you'd be amused at that,' she grinned.
'But how did they end up here? This is an animal shelter, shouldn't they volunteer at that church?'
'That was the plan, but the church doesn't want them. And since we need the help, I accepted the request. So,' Thyra patted you on the back, 'good luck!'
'Well, thanks,' you scoffed.
'Oh,' Thyra stopped at the door, 'they always show you a picture of the people who come to work, so they can't send someone else in their place, and,' she paused to give you a smile, 'I hope that other guy shows up. I think he's your type,' she winked, 'he has tattoos.'
'What? What is that supposed to mean?!' you called after her, but she only gave you another wink and left.
'Okay, so, now that you know who I am and what we do here, are you two ready?' you smiled.
Finan nodded and Uhtred gave you a hesitant smile.
'Okay, let's go. Uhtred, you can clean the enclosures. Finan, I think you'll do good helping my colleague, feeding the animals.'
You sent both men on their way and quickly noticed that Finan was good with overly excited dogs, and you chuckled when you figured that Finan actually had the same energy. As for Uhtred… well, let's just say Uhtred tried. Uhtred did his job well, it was just that the animals didn't seem to like him. You told Uhtred that animals can sense fear, to which Uhtred quickly said he wasn't scared. But you saw the terror in his eyes when he faced that one vile parrot that had been in the shelter for years already, and you expected Uhtred to gain a few more scars the next couple of days.
You let them do their job and went back to your own duty, walking a few dogs. But before you could leave, you were stopped as a handsome man entered the shelter, looking sleepy and a little lost. You saw his face had a couple of scars and soon your eyes spotted a tattoo in his neck, and you figured this was probably the guy Thyra told you about.
'H-hi,' you stammered when he looked at you, 'can I… can I help you?'
'Eh,' the man smiled and a rosy colour appeared on his cheeks, 'I- I'm here for my community service.'
'Oh!' you blushed too, 'yeah, I was told we, eh, were missing one guy.'
You held out your hand and introduced yourself, albeit with a lot of tripping over your words, and the blushing man seemed to have the same issue.
'Nice to - to meet y-you. I- I'm Sihtric, lady.'
'Sihtric,' you smiled, still holding his hand, which he didn't seem to realise either, and your eyes darted over his toned arms, 'you're like an animal, I mean, I mean… you, d-do you like animals?'
'I actually do not, lady, not really,' he chuckled lightly, still holding your hand, 'I apologise.'
'Well… maybe, maybe you'll learn to l-like them… or something,' you felt yourself get lost in his eyes once you noticed they were two different colours. You only snapped out of your trance when you heard Finan mimic the bark of a very happy golden retriever, and you finally let go of Sihtric's hand. You both looked away and cleared your throat while looking red in the face.
'S-so I was about to walk the dogs. M-maybe you could help with that? We have a-a great Dane, a lovely dog, but huge and doesn't really listen. He dragged me over the street once already, so maybe you,' you looked at Sihtric's muscular arms again and sighed when you thought about how he would have to flex those while walking the dog, 'y-you could…maybe, flex- I mean help! H-help with that dog.'
'I, eh, I suppose,' Sihtric chuckled.
When you just started your walk with the dogs, the great Dane was overly excited and Sihtric really had to showcase his strength to not let the dog escape, but he did it with grace. And it made you weak to your knees. Luckily, soon all dogs seemed to calm down, especially the great Dane, and the dog didn't seem to stray far from Sihtric, and if he did, Sihtric would whistle and the dog obeyed immediately. You didn't even know the dog could do that.
'I can't believe he's actually calm,' you smiled in disbelief, 'who are you, the dog whisperer? He really seems to like you.'
Sihtric chuckled and patted the great Dane on his head, 'I don't know,' he smiled, 'maybe it's because we're both Danes,' he joked.
'You're a Dane?'
'I am, lady. Maybe the dog knows,' he winked, 'and… I guess I might be a little fond of him as well.'
'Really?' you raised an eyebrow, 'and a few hours ago you told me you didn't like animals.'
Sihtric shrugged with a sly smile and continued to pet the dog. You looked at them and thought how Sihtric would be the perfect person to adopt this dog. They say dogs tend to resemble their owners, and that's exactly what you saw. The dog's fur was smooth and dark, he was well built, friendly but clumsy, shy at first but curious and simply won over your heart in no time. And Sihtric, with his dark, long hair tied together, his muscular body and his dazzling smile gave you the same energy.
'What's his name?' Sihtric asked, crouched down next to the dog.
'Oh, sorry, I never told you. It's Thor.'
'It is?' Sihtric's eyes grew big and looked up at you. Then he looked back at the dog and reached into his shirt. He pulled out his necklace and clutched it in his hand. You weren't sure why, it was only moments later when Sihtric got back up that you saw his pendant. Thor's hammer. And you couldn't help but smile.
When you and Sihtric got back to the shelter it was almost time for the men to leave already. You placed the dogs back in their enclosures and took out one of the recently brought in kittens. You had grown fond of the little thing and simply couldn't leave her alone. You held the cat in your arms while you thanked the men for doing their jobs today and looked forward to seeing them tomorrow, and unless they wished to stay longer today, they could go home now. Finan, with his thick accent, told you how he had loved the dogs and was excited to come back again. Uhtred, who was hissed and scratched at, gave you a polite but fake smile and mumbled that he'd see you again tomorrow. The two men left while Sihtric seemed to linger around a little longer before he awkwardly walked over to you.
'I, eh, I- I was wondering if, if maybe I could, eh,' he stammered, 'I- I just wonder how it would work if I were to, you know, want to look into … adopting a pet.'
'Really?' you smiled widely, 'eh, it requires some paperwork and rules, but, I-I can tell you some stuff about it tomorrow, if you like?
'Yeah, yeah,' Sihtric blushed, 'I-I'd like that.'
'Me too,' you felt your own cheeks reddened too, and you both quickly focused your attention on the kitten in your arms, 'would you like to hold her?' you blurted out.
'I-I don't think I'm good with animals,' Sihtric said.
'Are you sure?' you chuckled, 'you seemed great today. Here,' you said and handed him the young cat, 'try.'
Sihtric tensed up and awkwardly took the cat in his arms. The cat, however, seemed completely at ease rather fast and nestled against his chest as he held her. You almost squealed at the sight of Sihtric, the muscular "thief", with Freya, the white fluffy kitten, all cuddled up in his arms. And you saw Sihtric slowly relax and his face softened into a shy smile when he chuckled.
'I think animals just love you,' you said as you stepped closer to pet Freya.
'It seems,' Sihtric smiled, watching Freya while you petted her. As you petted the kitten, you accidentally brushed your fingers against Sihtric's arm.
'Oh, sorry,' you blushed and looked up at him, to find he was already looking at you, and you both stopped breathing for a moment when you locked eyes. You could just kiss him right there, and you felt he thought the same when you saw his eyes trail down to your lips. But then Thyra walked in and you both took a step back quickly.
'H-hey,' you greeted her and cleared your throat, pretending to look for something that wasn't there while you tried to hide your red cheeks. But you were lucky that Freya drew all the attention to her right away, so you didn't have to feel awkward much longer. 
Eventually Sihtric brought Freya to her enclosure, and you saw how he stopped by Thor, the great Dane, to pet him before walking back over to you.
'I was actually thinking,' Sihtric mumbled slightly, 'maybe… maybe you could, if-if you want, m-maybe explain the adopting procedure to me, eh, while y-you maybe get a-a, a drink with me?'
Sihtric quickly looked down at his feet and sighed, feeling he completely fucked that up.
'Oh,' you said softly and felt flustered again, 'I-I would actually… like that, but… I-I have to work here until later tonight.'
'Oh,' Sihtric said and shook his head, 'no, it's okay. I-I understand.'
'But,' you quickly said, 'maybe… I mean, if the offer is still standing tomorrow, then I-I'd like to, to get a drink with… you, yes.'
The next morning you were anxious to see Sihtric again. You had agreed to get a drink together after work, but you still felt he might cancel it. There was no way he could be interested in you, you thought. And as you arrived at the shelter, usually being the first to do so, you found Sihtric, smoking a cigarette, while waiting for you near the entrance.
'My type,' you muttered in your car as you studied his side profile, 'you're not wrong, Thyra, I just wish he didn't smoke,' you chuckled to yourself before you got out.
'Sihtric?' you smiled, 'you're early. And also you can't smoke here,' you grinned.
'Oh,' he chuckled, 'sorry, lady.' And he threw the cigarette away before he turned to face you.
'Oh, god!' you said when you saw his hair, 'what happened to you?' you snorted, 'I mean, oh, sorry, I don't mean it badly! I-I just… I didn't… expect this to…,' you coughed slightly.
'It's fine,' Sihtric chuckled and rolled his eyes, 'I actually only wanted to shave the sides, but I messed up. I either had to go completely bald or,' he shrugged, 'make the most of this.'
'Oh, god,' you snorted again and took a step closer, inspecting his half shaved head. You saw he had a small braid with beads in it, and on the other side of that braid he still had his longer curls, 'Actually,' you smiled with a blush, 'it's kinda cool.'
'You don't have to lie, lady,' Sihtric laughed.
'I would never,' you said and couldn't help but look away and bite down on your lip. Goddamnit, you thought, he looks really good.
After Finan and Uhtred arrived later, and had finally stopped laughing at Sihtric's haircut, you put them all to work again. Today Finan was to walk the dogs with a colleague, and because Uhtred had taunted Sihtric the most, you told Uhtred he was to feed the evil parrot again, much to his disgrace. 
You nudged Sihtric and told him to watch. You both stood at safe distance while Uhtred closed in on the parrot's cage.
'You're a good bird,' Uhtred kept saying, to which you and Sihtric already giggled. You watched Uhtred cautiously open the enclosure, and just as you expected, the parrot started screaming curse words to Uhtred.
'Did he just call me arseling?' Uhtred yelled back to you.
'The parrot is right,' Sihtric whispered to you, and you both couldn't stop laughing while Uhtred kept being cursed at by the hostile bird. After a few minutes you thought it was enough and told Sihtric you'd help Uhtred, but Sihtric was quick to offer his help too.
'Are you sure? The bird is pure evil,' you laughed, 'I'm serious.'
'I'm sure,' Sihtric smiled, and you beckoned him to follow you.
'Okay, try to get him out then. We need to clean the cage,' you told Sihtric.
Uhtred quickly stepped away and you told him he should go and feed the rest of the animals, you'd take care of the bird.
And to your surprise, and Sihtric's, the parrot grew rather quiet when he approached. Sihtric held his hand out, a little nervously, but you gave him an encouraging smile, and before you knew it the parrot calmly stepped onto Sihtric's hand.
'There is just no way,' you whispered, seeing the event unfold in front of you, 'that bird hates everyone. No one can get him out.'
Sihtric looked at you with a smirk and shrugged lightly.
'You're like… like Ace Ventura or something,' you laughed, and Sihtric definitely appreciated the joke and chuckled.
The rest of the day went by fast. Finan, once again, was completely in love with all the overly excited dogs, while Uhtred needed a few plasters after a cat named Brida had scratched him. Sihtric was given the task to clean the enclosures and every time you checked on him, you found him petting a different animal. And just like every animal at the shelter, you were also absolutely smitten by that man.
You wished the men a good evening again and like the day before, Uhtred and Finan left while Sihtric waited around, but this time he was waiting to take you out for a drink. You quickly got changed in some comfortable clothes and met up with him outside the shelter.
He took you to a quiet, local bar where you came to realise that Sihtric was just all kinds of interesting. And attractive. You explained him how the adoption process goes, and if he was really serious about it, you could help him get approved. Sihtric said he'd love that, and soon after that you both chatted about all kinds of other things.
'So,' you said after a while, 'I have to ask this.'
'Ask what?' Sihtric raised his eyebrow with a half smile.
'Your community service,' you tried to hide your smile as Sihtric looked at you while he took a sip of his drink, 'a holy relic? Why?'
'Yeah,' Sihtric sighed and chuckled, 'in my defence, it wasn't my idea. It was Uhtred's. But,' Sihtric sighed and clicked his tongue, 'look,' he said curtly and locked eyes with you, 'I am not a real thief or anything, I am not a criminal. We were drunk, we passed the church as we walked home and we just thought it was a good idea,' he shrugged.
'But what did you steal? Or, well, try to steal?'
'A comb.'
'An ivory comb.'
'Sihtric,' you snorted, 'you got arrested for stealing a comb?'
'St Cuthbert's ivory comb, yes.'
'Still a comb.'
'Uhtred said it's worth a lot of money.'
'Is it?'
'I don't know, lady,' Sihtric hissed playfully, 'we never got to sell it.'
'Oh my god!' you laughed, 'this is the most outrageous thing I have ever heard. I love it. But what were you going to do with the money? I mean, if it really was worth a lot?'
'I don't even know, I was drunk, okay,' Sihtric laughed.
'Who even is St Cuthbert?' you frowned.
'I have no idea, lady,' Sihtric snickered, 'I am a pagan.'
'You don't even know who you stole from? Jesus. Well, I hope it was worth it,' you smiled and shook your head.
'Yeah,' Sihtric smiled and looked at you, 'it was worth it.' 
You blushed and looked away when you understood he was flirting, and you didn't know what to do.
'Hey,' you finally said, 'I know you keep saying you don't like animals. But they clearly like you. Have you considered continuing working at the shelter after the community service? I mean, we could really use your help.'
'You know,' he sighed, 'I wouldn't mind. But, I need a paid job to live.'
'We have those too,' you said quickly, 'I get paid for example. It just depends on how many hours you can work. If you can work full time, you'll get a contract and a payment. But a lot of people only come in for one day a week, and those are the ones who volunteer.'
'Hm, I might consider that,' he nodded, 'but would you want me to work there?'
'Maybe,' you blushed, 'you're the only one who has been accepted by the evil parrot.'
'Oh,' Sihtric laughed, 'is that all I'm good for?'
'Well, that and… y-you're good on the eye,' you blurted out, 'I mean good on the…the,' you sighed and buried your face in your hands, 'I can't talk myself out of that one, can I?'
'Nope,' Sihtric smiled and sat back, watching you in amusement as you tried to regain your confidence.
'But if it helps,' Sihtric smiled as he leaned in, 'I think you're good on the eye too.'
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