#i genuinely think part of the reason why my mom and dad never split or anything is because my mom is too self sufficient
whenever i have something rocky going on w my mom i think about that one time my dad sat me and my sister down and was like you have to be nice to your mom always because she does so much for you kids and you’re her world. which is a fair point but it would have been more well taken if my father was useful at anything and not actively part of the reason why my mom has to do so much for us
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I reblogged this Anthony Bourdain image set and somehow I just remembered that I first heard of Korea (or ever seen anything from that place) through him and this travel show he used to have.
It was probably in the first half of the 2000s. I was really too young to know anything, no older than 10-11 years old. But I used to watch his show with my mom. Bourdain would visit a different country each episode and there were things that I had seen or he'd say that stuck with me. Like never thinking that Abba was not a cool band up until he went on a rant about how awful that music is and should be used as torture. To me, Abba at that time meant playful, nice music that for some reason, my dad used to listen to from time to time. Bourdain might have been the first actual hater to witness (before me turning into one once the years passed).
But I could still sense that he was not only a cool guy, but also someone genuinely interested in what he was discovering, without ever feeling any sense of superiority coming from him.
Like I said, I first became aware of Korea through one of his episodes. I still have this image in my head where he is somewhere in the countryside, making kimchi with a group of women. I saw how they added spices and then they would put the cabbage in big jars for fermentation. At that time, I used to hate a lot of vegetables, particularly fermented cabbage and it was a nightmare each time my mom would use it to prepare food. So in my head, kimchi sounded even worse because it was spicy on top of that. I now love kimchi. I have a stash of jars in my fridge always on hand, whenever I need.
In that same episode I found that Korea was split into two. There was North and South and Bourdain was perhaps filming his episode in a village near the border. He was talking to an old man who was telling him that part of his family remained in the North and that even though they are so close geographically, they haven't seen each other in decades. My mind at that age couldn't comprehend that. How could it ever be possible and why did it sound like the most awful thing that could ever happen? It would be years later when I would become more knowledgeable of the world that I was living in. But at that time, I felt like crying. I was looking at that man telling his story and thinking how unimaginable it would be to be separated from my own family.
That was an Anthony Bourdain show for me back then and I guess an essence of his tv work. I knew nothing about food, culture, politics, but it still had an effect on me simply by watching other worlds being presented to me where food was not just something to be used as "fuel" for bodies, but food as a way to tell stories.
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c-rose2081 · 2 years
Starchild || 11. Heaviness
(Disney Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)
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Zed felt heavy and worn down.
His body was aching more than usual, and his head felt as though it was ready to split in two and spill his brains out. Morning practices were the worst. Not only was it cold, but there was dew still on the field meaning the smell of mud was now plastered inside his nose. The night had been sleepless; mostly just worried thinking about anything and everything that wasn’t related to sleeping.
He thought about his mom; how much he missed her. He thought about Zoey, not having the female role model in her life that she really needed now that she was getting older. He thought about dad, and how hard he worked for so little, but also about how he had to continue on without the love of his life. And — naturally — Zed thought about A-ddison. Because when wasn’t he thinking about her? She was everything he wasn’t. Clean, smart, beautiful, and so sweet it made his heart yearn for her attention. He was just a cranky Zombie kid with nothing but football in his future.
Not only had A-ddison fallen from the sky perfect, but she was an expert at blending in. She was already far more adapted to human life than Zed had been back when Zombies were first invited to Seabrook High. She was a Cheereader now, and the lost daughter of the Mayor. The MAYOR. One of the most important people in their town (who also happened to be part alien. Surprise!). Suddenly, Zed felt very self-conscious about himself. Not just about his clothes, either, but about his attitude in general. He wasn’t social, or really all that great at making friends. He had Eliza and Bonzo who he’d known forever, but no one else had really earned his full trust since then.
Sure he was popular, but he never asked for that. He didn’t want to be liked just because he could throw a ball and knock people over. It was an awfully brutish way to get attention, now that he thought about it. A-ddison was a natural at meeting new people — there was just something buzzing around her that made people enjoy her presence. Zed wasn’t sure what it was, but he felt addicted to its draw. The loss he felt at Addy leaving with Mayor Wells the night before to spend some time together was immense. Probably another reason why he felt like his ribs had been packed full of sand, and sawdust was coming out his ears.
“…well, you look like you just crawled out of a grave.”
Zed groaned in annoyance, lifting his head to sneer at the werewolf now standing before him.
“I’m trying to tan, dog. You’re blocking my sunlight.”
“That’s funny for a dead guy,”
“Undead guy,” Zed corrected, “if we were actually dead, you’d lose your lunch. What do you want, Wyatt?”
“Hm,” Wyatt huffed, strolling to the outside table which Zed had settled at the minute practice ended, “a little birdie told me you’ve got a new girlfriend.”
“It’s not exactly a secret,” Zed scoffed, frowning as Wyatt rested one knee up on the bench directly across from him, “pretty sure all of Seabrook knows by now.”
“Maybe. But a dogs nose knows, ya know?” Wyatt insisted, tapping the end of his nose with a finger.
“No. I feel like I’m dying; I really don’t have the patience for riddles, fleabag.”
“You’re keeping secrets, that’s what,” Wyatt growled, “the pack doesn’t like secrets.”
“What I do isn’t any of the pack’s business,” Zed snarked back, “why do you care about my relationship status, anyway? Jealous I’m taken?”
“As if,”
“Sure doesn’t sound that way.”
“I’m saying, zom-boy, that if you keeping secrets threatens our Moonstone? I’ll be sure that you really are dead meat walking, capisce?”
“Where exactly is this coming from?” Zed wondered in genuine confusion, lifting a notched brow, “you don’t even know who I’m dating, do you? Just that I am.”
“Maybe. But you’re always meddling in things you shouldn’t be,” Wyatt explained, “so I’m giving you a warning. You know, from guy to guy?”
“Right,” Zed rolled his eyes, “cause this interaction has been purely good will.”
Wyatt growled in annoyance, but turned to look at something across the quad.
“Well, well. What do we have here?” he mused, causing Zed to turn and look in that direction as well. A-ddison was getting out of a fancy blue car, practically glowing in the morning light and reflecting the sun with her brightness and apparent love of pastel pink.
Zed didn’t think A-ddison could shake him any more than she already did, but today she was positively beaming, bright blue eyes glistening, and pale blond curls kept behind her ears by the cheer bow in her hair. Mayor Wells exited the car as well. She handed a box of something to A-ddison before kissing her on the crown of the head, cradling her face in both hands. As newly reunited mother and daughter separated, it didn’t take A-ddison more than a second to spot Zed (who made sure he was as close to the front of the school as possible).
“Zed!” She greeted happily, quickening her pace to meet him, “hi!”
“Morning Addy,” he smiled at her, rising from his bench with a small grunt of pain, “you look nice today.”
“Thank you! Mom and I stopped to get a new dress before school; she says it takes up less energy to have something called a wardrobe, so I don’t have to change so much.”
“Right,” Zed agreed, moving to slip both hands into his pockets only to have A-ddison saddle up easily into his side. The only place he could put his arm was around her, which was more than comfortable, if not way more intimate than yesterday.
“Is this a friend of yours?” Addy wondered, finally spotting Wyatt who was staring very intently at her. Zed didn’t like how focused his wolf eyes were, like he was sizing up a rabbit or deer to chase.
“This is Wyatt, he’s a Werewolf.”
“Werewolf. That’s right, you told me about them,” A-ddison mused faintly, tilting her head, “it’s nice to meet you, Wyatt. I’m Addison.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” Wyatt drawled, showing off his fangs, “welcome to Seabrook.”
A-ddison smiled back, glancing up to look at Zed as she opened the tupperware given to her by Mayor Wells.
“Mom and I made these last night. She said Grandma was really good at them.”
“Cookies!” Zed laughed, reaching into the box to pick up a baked disk and observing it, “did you sleep at all? You’re practically buzzing.”
“Not really. We fell asleep watching something called a movie? It’s on the…screen-thing,” Addy insisted, forgetting the word for television and causing Zed to laugh as he took a bite of the cookie and moaned.
“Addy, oh my god, these are so good.”
“Mom did most of the work,” A-ddison chuckled, lifting a hand to show off the bandages across her fingers, “I just burned myself on the cookie sheets. Wyatt, do you want one?”
“Don’t mind if I do,” the wolf said, reaching into the bin with his claws, “you made em?”
“I’ve never made cookies before,” Addy told him, bouncing on her heels with a gleam in her eye, “it was so much fun.”
“We should probably head in. You still need to get your schedule,” Zed remembered, glancing at his z-band which told the time, “we have a bit of time before first period.”
“Alright. Will I see you inside, Wyatt?”
Zed frowned at the question, but smiled triumphantly as the wolf shook his head, seemingly downcast as he looked at his cookie, flipping it between his claws.
“Nah. We wolves just like to hang around out back; keeps things interesting. You need something, drop my name.”
“I will,” Addy nodded, “bye Wyatt.”
“Wolf.” Zed mumbled flatly as Wyatt smirked at him and gave a small salute.
“Dead guy.”
And off he went, vanishing quickly into the trees nearby as A-ddison blinked and shook her head.
“You don’t seem very much like the traditional definition of friends,” she admitted, “was I incorrect in my assumption?”
“It’s…eh, complicated,” Zed shrugged, beginning to walk with A-ddison back towards school, “we aren’t really friends. I guess you could say it’s more like unwilling acquaintances.”
“I see,” Addy mused hesitantly, not saying much else on the subject. She was either mulling it over in her mind in order to decipher what that meant, or simply didn’t have much else to include. For a while it was just a comfortable silence between two friends. Zed liked having A-ddison beside him again, and he stole another cookie to munch on while they wandered along. But eventually he spoke up, needing to figure something out before reaching Principle Lee’s office.
“Uh, A-ddison, I have a question.”
She looked up at him with those baby blues and nearly sent him to the floor. Why was she so freaking blinding? It made it so hard to focus on anything but her, “Zed?”
“You had a question?”
“Yes, sorry. Yesterday, you called me…babe, and kissed me. And I was just kinda wondering where that came from?”
A-ddison paused her walk, furrowing her brows up into her hairline.
“Yes. Is…that not what a girlfriend is supposed to do?”
“Well I mean it is, b-but we…I just…”
“Zed, I know being involved is part of the plan and is not a permanent fixture in our friendship. However, Zoey informed me that in order for it to be very believable, nouns of endearment and physical affection via the lips should be exchanged frequently.”
Pet names and kissing. Right. Typical boyfriend and girlfriend behavior.
“What does Zoey know about that?” Zed grumbled, “she’s twelve.”
“She seemed very knowledgeable to me, and I thought I’d try her advice. It worked well, don’t you think?”
“Yeah,” Zed agreed with a sigh, “really well.”
A little too well actually, because now all Zed wanted to do was kiss her back. He was curious what her delicate pink lips tasted like…he knew she borrowed some cherry, glitter lip-gloss from Bree the day before.
“Wha?” He shook out of the intrusive thoughts, “sorry.”
“You seem awfully distracted,” A-ddison observed, intertwining her fingers with his and squeezing gently, “are you alright?”
Zed stared into his Alien friends face, getting lost quickly in her eyes. They were deep and sparkling, as though she had trapped the whole universe of stars inside them. Cautiously, he leaned in a bit. She smelled really nice today; something sweet, like the cookies held in her arms. They were so close, noses were almost touching. She wasn’t pulling away from him…could he…?
Both teens jumped away from one another. A-ddison ducked her head, and Zed nearly fell into the wall as Principle Lee stared at them intently.
“H-ey, Big Lee,” Zed greeted her with a small salute, trying to stay casual while his palms were getting slimy from embarrassment, “we were just coming to see you.”
“Uh-huh? I can see that,” the woman drawled, seeming a bit amused if nothing else, “awfully brave to study one another directly outside my office? Most students do that in more private environments.”
“We were just talking,” Zed mumbled, shoving both hands into his pockets, “you know…about stuff?”
“Yes, well. A word to the wise, ‘stuff’ should probably be discussed out of the view of your Principle, hm?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. Now, Addison,” Principle Lee turned to the girl, who glanced up at her sheepishly, “I was informed of your…unique…circumstances by the Mayor. It will be kept confidential until you decide you want to share it with others. Though I must warn you that talk travels very quickly in this town.”
“I understand, ma’am.”
“Very well. We have a few more things which need to be discussed in private, so if you’ll please come with me?“
“Of course,” Addy agreed, “Zed?”
“We’ll meet up for lunch,” he told her, seeing the wariness caught in her eyes, “same spot as this morning, kay?”
“Ok. I’ll see you later.”
Zed smiled, once again caught off guard as A-ddison grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down to her level. It was just a cheek peck this time — she probably felt he was uncomfortable with the lip kissing after their conversation — but it still sent fireworks through his stale blood. He immediately reached to cup the area with his palm, watching her follow Principle Lee back into her office. The last view he had was the bow in her hair, the bounce of her turquoise curls, and the swish of her skirt. He stood there for a while, jaw slackened as he fell to rest against the nearest wall of lockers.
What in zombies name was she doing to him?
Zed spent plenty of times around girls. They tended to flock around him, after his popularity and status. They did nothing but make him squirm. A-ddison was nothing like that. She was magnetic…addictive. Having her next to him was like holding onto a charged battery. It electrified him, completely and totally. All of the exhaustion from morning practice was gone. The pain, the ache, the feeling of slowly being crushed under the weight of the world. Gone. A single glance from those sapphire irises made him feel like a new zombie.
Glancing down at his wrist, the black veins had faded. They were faint now against his pallor, unlike just after practice where they were bulging, painful, and rashy. It was the second time such a thing had happened, he realized internally. Addy touched him, and his pain went away. He also dropped down to the IQ of a trash can, and had the eloquence of a beached seal during these moments. But the pain was gone, like she had simply pulled it off him like a sheet and took it with her.
Sighing heavily, Zed flopped to the floor. He banged the back of his head against the lockers a few times, cursing himself.
He didn’t think being ‘just friends’ was working out very well.
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fics-n-stuff · 3 years
Affluenza | Pt2
Pairing: JJ × Kook!Reader
Summary: Y/N celebrates her birthday with a party that she didn't want to throw and finds out a sad truth about the boy that's not quite her boyfriend, but being in each other's company makes things at least a little better.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and descriptions of injury, reference to drugs
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: I'm so happy that so many people liked pt1!! It means the absolute world to me that people are reading and enjoying my work 🥰 Pt3 might take a little longer to get out, but I'll try to post it asap.
Taglist: @alotbnouf @fairypitou @305weasley @thecraziestcrayon @sofamochi @arvinrussellseggplant
Thanks for reading guys ❤
Pt1 here | Pt3 here
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“Why didn’t you tell me it’s your birthday on Saturday!?” JJ exclaimed, letting go of your hand and sitting up from where you had both been lying on the deck of your boat.
“I didn’t think it was that big a deal.” You replied with a laugh. “I kinda just forgot to mention it.”
“But what if I wanted to buy you a present?”
“I don’t need a present from you JJ.” You smiled, reaching up to cup his cheek and pulling him down for a kiss.
The two of you had been dating for a couple of months now, and although you very much considered yourselves to be together neither of you had said the words ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’ yet. The time you spent together was private, you kept it a secret from everyone; you didn’t want your family to know and he was hesitant to tell his friends, exactly why you weren’t sure but you didn’t want to pry. It wasn’t as if you were sneaking around, you were just being careful.
“I have plenty things already, your company is enough.” You said, pulling away from the kiss and sitting up yourself. “But unfortunately I won’t be able to see you on my actual birthday. Mom’s making me throw a party and every teenager on Figure Eight will be there, so I doubt you’d want to come.”
“I wouldn’t be welcome even if I did want to.” JJ chuckled. You hummed in agreement.
“That’s why I wanted to celebrate today.” You chirped, getting up to retrieve a cooler that you had brought with you.
“What’s in there?”
“A special birthday picnic.”
“Oh, I see.” He grinned as you took your seat opposite him again. “And what does that consist of?”
“Well, let’s have a look.” You opened up the cooler and looked in at what you had packed with a smile. “Of course the standard picnic items; sandwiches, fruit, some baked sweets.” You listed as you took them out of the cooler. “And then, as I learned from my mother, a young lady cannot celebrate her birthday without a bottle of champagne.”
“Fancy.” JJ nodded, taking the bottle from you.
“Not as fancy as these.” You said, taking the glasses out. “Crystal champagne flutes. I snuck them out of the cabinet. We only use them for the most special of occasions and my mom loves them so we have to be careful.”
“I can be careful.” JJ poured the champagne, and you clinked your glasses with a smile. “Happy early birthday.”
“This is a much better celebration than my party will be.” You sighed, finishing your sip and setting your glass down. “I don’t understand why my mom insists that I have to have one, I’m not actually friends with anyone that’s coming.”
“But I thought you said every kid on Figure Eight was going? You’re not friends with anybody?”
“No, not really. They’re all just so fake, I can’t stand it. I genuinely don’t think that any of them are really friends with each other and they’re just constantly pretending, but I can’t be bothered to pretend.” You rolled your eyes and JJ laughed.
“Sounds exhausting.” He smiled.
“What are your friends like, J?” You asked, genuinely just curious. He told you a bit about them, stories of the crazy stuff they had done, but you never got in depth about it. You felt like it was probably because he wasn’t ready to integrate the two parts of his life.
“They’re good.” He nodded. “I mean, we’re basically family. They’re just not the biggest fans of Kooks.”
“Well, neither are you.” You giggled.
“You know what I mean. I think you’d like them, I’m just worried that they wouldn’t want to give you chance.”
“How much do you bet I could win them over just like I did you?”
“I wouldn’t love it if you won them over exactly the same way as me.” He smirked, gently taking hold of your chin and pulling you in for a kiss, which you both laughed into. “I'm gonna get you a birthday present. What if I come by on Saturday just for a minute to deliver it?”
“You know I’ll be happy to see you, but nobody else at the party will.”
“Eh, who cares.” He shrugged, and you grinned broadly.
“Okay, if you insist.” You conceded. “Now let’s eat this picnic that I so painstakingly curated.”
+ + +
Your birthday party was in full swing, the ground floor of your house teeming with teenagers. People were drinking, dancing and jumping in the pool and you weren’t enjoying any of it.
Your mother had gifted you a particularly ugly necklace that was basically just a tangle of gold chain, and Nicholas had openly bad mouthed your father for only getting you a few books, even though that’s what you had asked for. The detest that you felt for him was justified. Your dad was actually supposed to have arrived back on the island the day before, but it wasn’t unusual for him to get held up with work.
You pushed past a group of boys having some loud conversation on your way into the kitchen and poured yourself a strong drink. You threw the drink back in one gulp and slammed the plastic cup back down onto the countertop with a loud sigh.
“What’s wrong, birthday girl?” Topper asked over the music, his arm slung around Sarah’s shoulders as they came up beside you.
“I’m fine.” You shrugged.
“Did your dad get you a good present this year?” Sarah asked with a smile. “A new car maybe?”
“I already have a car.” You replied with a flat chuckle. “He got me some books that I asked for.”
“That’s kinda boring.” Topper commented. You rolled your eyes and Sarah smacked him in the side.
“I think that’s sweet. What kind if books?”
You told Sarah about the books you had gotten, actually kind if enjoying the conversation. Sarah was actually pretty easy to talk to, you felt like the fact that you weren’t putting on an act made her kind of drop hers, and it was a refreshing break from the way that the rest of the teens on Figure Eight were constantly pretending to be the perfect versions of themselves.
Your explanation of the premise of one of your books was interrupted when you felt your phone ringing in your pocket. You took it out and saw that it was your dad, and you smiled.
“I gotta take this.” You excused quickly before rushing outside to get away from the music. You answered the call excitedly, greeting your dad with a bright tone.
“Hey, Pumpkin, happy birthday!” He exclaimed. “I’m sorry I didn’t call this morning, I got caught up in meetings. You know how it is.”
“I know, dad. It’s okay, you’re calling now. Are you done with work? Do you think you’ll get here tonight?” You questioned eagerly. You heard him let out a sigh, and your smile fell.
“About that, sweetheart, I’ve had a few bumps in the road.” He began. You felt your heart sink and you were already scolding yourself for getting your hopes up before he could even tell you what the reason for missing your birthday was. “My meetings haven’t gone as well as I’d hoped and it looks like I’m going to be held up for a few more days.”
“Oh, right, okay.” You nodded, keeping your voice steady even as your eyes welled with tears. “Hope things get better then.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I really did want to be there. I promise I’ll make it up to you when I get back; we can have a movie marathon night, completely your pick.” You let out a chuckle despite yourself. He might not be around much but he still knew you well, and movie marathon nights were one of your favourite things to do with him.
“Sounds great, dad. I can’t wait.”
“I hope you’ve had a good day, at least. What have you been getting up to?”
“I’m having a party, actually.” You replied. You didn’t need to tell him that you didn’t want to have the party and weren’t actually really enjoying it.
“Right now? I’ll let you get back to it then.” Your dad smiled down the phone. “Have fun.”
“Thanks, dad.”
“Love you, Pumpkin.”
“Love you too.”
You said your goodbyes and ended the call, and you tucked your phone back into the pocket of your shorts. You just stood there for a few moments, the loud music and whooping of partying teenagers emanating from the house, before tears began to fall. You shook with a silent sob and had to take a seat on the concrete of your driveway.
You sat there, with your legs pulled up to your chest and your head in your knees, for a few minutes. You sniffed, wiping your tears away on the back of your hand, when you heard a shuffle of footsteps and looked up quickly.
“JJ.” You acknowledged quickly, furiously wiping at your eyes as he walked up the driveway.
“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He asked, his voice edged with concern. You were ready to brush away his concerns, but as he got closer you saw the bruising on his face and suddenly you had some worries of your own.
“What happened to you?”
“I asked first.” JJ countered. You watched him as he came to sit down next to you, lifting your hand and softly placing it just below his purpled cheekbone, inspecting the fresh bruising around his eye and the split in his lip, then noticing the discolouration around his collarbone. He took the hand away gently, intertwining your fingers, and you saw that there was no bruising on his knuckles; these weren’t injuries earned in a fair fight. “Why are you crying?” He repeated.
“No, that doesn’t matter.” You shook your head. You weren’t trying to downplay your upset anymore, you just knew that whatever had happened to JJ was more important. “Who did this to you, JJ?”
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” He smiled, but there was no joy or amusement behind it. You hesitated for a moment before conceding.
“My dad missed my birthday again.” You told him. “The last time he actually made it home for my actual birthday was when I turned eleven, and yet somehow I still get my hopes up every year. I hate this party, there are at least three different types of club drugs being taken in my house right now, I’m sad. You’re turn.”
JJ sighed. He looked down at your joined hands, pausing to think for a moment before looking back up at you. He let out a short breath of soft laughter, lifting his free hand and smoothing his thumb over the crease that had formed on your brow.
“Promise not to freak out?” He asked.
“Okay.” You replied shakily. You could try to limit your reaction at least. “But you have to tell me the truth, J.”
“My dad hits me.” JJ said quickly, and you felt your lips part in shock. “I stay with John B most of the time, I try to stay out of his way when I’m home, but it’s not like I can avoid him completely.”
“Wha- Why don’t you tell somebody?” You stuttered. “Call the police or protective services or-?”
“I don’t want to.” He interrupted. “I’m happy here with my friends and if I get protective services involved then they’ll ship me off to the mainland. I can deal with my dad.”
“This doesn’t look like dealing.” You muttered softly, pushing the collar of his t-shirt to the side to get a better look at the bruise that it was partially covering. “When is this from?”
“Yesterday. I went home to get some money so I could buy you this.” JJ shifted to reach into his pocket and pulled out a small, flat box. “It’s not much but it’s all I could afford.”
You took the box from him curiously, unlinking your hand from his so that you could pull off the lid. Inside was a small silver necklace, a thin chain with a small circular pendant. When you lifted it up you saw that the pendant had a map of the world etched into it. The necklace was simple and sweet, and you felt a big smile take over your face.
“You didn’t have to get me this, J.” You simpered.
“I told you I wanted to.” He smiled back. You handed the box back to him and turned to face away, and JJ eagerly fastened the chain around your neck. He struggled a little with the tiny clasp, making you giggle. His hands ran over your shoulders before he dropped them, and you turned back to him with the smile gone from your face.
“You went through that just so you could buy this for me?” You murmured. JJ's smile faltered but didn’t fall, and he nodded slightly.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. It’s just what happens.”
You sat silently for a little while, but your peaceful moment was interrupted by a loud round of cheering from inside. You looked over your shoulder towards the house with a groan, but then lightened up when you got an idea.
“You wanna get away from this bullshit?” You asked, gesturing towards the party.
“You wanna leave your own birthday party?” He asked with a chuckle. You shrugged.
“Nobody will notice that I’m gone. I’ll just have to come back at, like, midnight to kick everybody out.”
“Okay, then let’s go.” JJ smiled.
“Alright. Give me one minute.” You giggled, getting up quickly. “Just wait here a sec.”
You ran back into the house and pushed past all of the people to the stairs, heading up to your bedroom. You had kept the door locked to keep out horny couples. You rooted through one of your drawers until you found a set of keys, switched out of your party sandals to a pair of converse, and grabbed your car key off of your vanity before heading back out, making sure to lock your door behind you again.
You paused on the stairs to scan the crowd until you spotted Sarah, and pushed past the bodies towards her.
“Y/N! Where’d you go?” She shouted over the music.
“Just outside. I’m gonna disappear from the party for the bit, can you call me if something major happens?” You asked. Sarah frowned.
“But this is your birthday party.”
“I know it’s weird, but I’ve got some other stuff going on right now and I just need to get away for a bit.”
“Okay, I guess that makes sense. I’ll call you if anything happens.” She nodded, though the confusion was still clear on her face.
“Thanks. I’ll see you later.” You smiled, before heading back out.
JJ was stood at the side of the driveway waiting for you when you came back out, slamming the front door shut after yourself. You grabbed his hand and pulled him after you to your car with a smile.
“Where are we going?” He questioned as you started the engine and began backing out.
“My other house.” You answered.
“Sorry, did you say ‘other house’?”
“My dad’s house. He hasn’t been home in eight months and I haven’t been there in about five, but a cleaner comes by every two weeks to maintain it.” You explained.
“Jesus you’re rich.” JJ mumbled. He had a teasing smile on his face but the comment made you feel a little guilty.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to show off or anything. We don’t have to go to my dad’s if you don't want-"
“Y/N, it’s fine.” He laughed. “You didn’t choose to be born into a rich family the same way I didn’t choose to be born into a poor one.”
“I know, I just don’t want to be... insensitive isn’t the right word. I just don’t want to seem like I take it for granted; I don’t want you think that I’m that kind of person.”
“I don’t.” He assured you. “You don’t treat me like I’m any different for being poor, so I don’t care that you’re rich.”
It wasn’t long until you were pulling into the driveway of your dad’s house. It was grand and expensive looking, but it was still smaller than your mom’s; she had kept the house after the divorce and since your dad wasn’t even home most of the time he’d decided that he didn’t need quote so much space.
The inside was modestly decorated, no elaborate sculptures or outlandish wall decorations like so many of the other houses on Figure Eight. The furniture was very nice, and the few paintings and things that were on the walls were expensive, but your father was a man of simple taste. He didn’t even have any fancy chandeliers.
“I expected something more opulent for the richest man in the Outer Banks.” JJ commented as he looked around.
“Since when was opulent a word in your vocabulary?” You questioned with a giggle. JJ gasped, and pinched you in the side with a frown.
“I’m not completely dumb.” He objected.
You laughed, grabbing his hand and dragging him after you into the living room. You flicked on the light before dropping yourself onto the sofa and pulling JJ down with you.
“What kind of movies do you like?” You asked him as you picked up the remote and switched on the TV.
“Uh, I don’t know, action and horror.” He shrugged.
“What kind of horror? Slasher? Psychological? Paranormal?”
“I don’t know.” He chuckled. You gave an exaggerated sigh, going into the horror section on Netflix.
“Fine, I guess I’ll pick.”
You ended up putting on The Blair Witch Project after discovering that JJ had never seen it, and the two of you settled down. You were thankful to be away from the crowded mess of your birthday party and just have a quiet night with JJ.
“But I don’t understand how they managed to make it scary, basically nothing happened.” JJ perplexed after the movie ended.
“Yeah, that’s why it’s genius.” You grinned up at him. Throughout the course of the film you had ended up lying across the sofa with your head resting on his lap. “All of the horror is in the fact that you know that something this out there but you never see it. Modern horror movies could never.”
“That’s crazy bro.” He said, making you laugh. He looked down at you with an amused smile and a sparkle in his eye that made your heart jump.
“Do you wanna stay here for the night?” You offered once your laughter subsided. “I’m sure my dad has some stuff in his closet that you can sleep in.”
“Are you sure? I mean, don’t you have to go home?”
“Nah, my mom and Nicholas are staying at a hotel tonight so that I can have my party so they won’t know that I’m not there.” You shrugged. “You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
“No, I’d like to stay.” He smiled. You let out a relieved breath that you didn’t realise you’d been holding.
“Cool. I need to go and kick everyone out of my house but we can watch another movie when I get back if you want?”
“Sounds good to me. Do you want me to come with you?”
“Probably best if you don’t, you know, with the whole ‘every Kook on the island is there’ thing.” JJ laughed lightly at that.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He nodded. “Can I have a shower while you’re gone.”
“Sure.” You chuckled as you sat up. “You can use my en suite and I’ll get you something to change into.”
You took him upstairs, grabbing a t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts from one of your dad’s drawers before showing him into your room. It was plainly decorated like the rest of the house, but you had posters and photos tacked up and covering almost every inch of the walls.
“This is nice.” JJ smiled, looking around.
“Don’t go snooping around while I’m gone, a person’s bedroom is their kingdom.”
“I’ll mind my own business.” He agreed with a salute that made you grin.
“And make sure you dry off properly, I don’t want you dripping all over my nice carpet.”
“Jeeze, any more rules?”
“Uh, nope. I think that’s it.” You chirped. “I should be back in, like, half an hour. I’m pretty sure I left some chicken nuggets in the freezer last time I was here, you can have those if you get hungry. Or maybe I’ll get takeout on my way back?”
“Takeout sounds good.” JJ nodded, beaming, and pulled you in for a kiss before you left.
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yunsoh · 3 years
s3 episode 3 thoughts and oh boy!!! trio time. disaster siblings + yuki time.
- man have i missed the student council. just wow have i missed them 
- tbh my first thought is just how cute kimi is at the start of this ep. also i love that she and yuki have this same problem with the seniors suddenly confessing their love/trying to ask them out before they graduate and while yuki’s sitting here like “i can only hurt their feelings :(” kimi’s straight up like “let them throw a pity party!! whatever” queen
- and of course “what makes a guy attractive is his bank account 💖” fave. and kakeru agreeing with “true facts” god the two of them. mhm.
- the way that kimi decimates nao’s entire life and career in one fell swoop. get his ass. also i find it endlessly funny that nao has a crush on minagawa of all girls because she is point blank the most obnoxious girl in the whole school. like it just seems like he wouldn’t have the patience for her at all LMAO but i guess crushes just do that to your brain sometimes
- the girls calling machi scary for knocking over a bunch of chalk while being dead fuckin silent on haru literally destroying their classroom. actually not even dead quiet the girls literally cleaned up after him. hot privilege. 
- i’m endlessly curious about how this rumor about machi trying to kill her little brother even got around like. i have to assume it was something that slipped from either her parents or kakeru’s mom to other parents of kids who go to the same school/adjacent schools. because obviously it did not come from kakeru and he’s the only other person who knows yk.
- kakeru: *sulks*
- machi: *trots*
- ugh man it’s machi’s parents just continuing to put her own feelings in her mouth and never once letting her have control over her own personhood, down to displaying her thoughts or emotions. “you’ll be more comfortable alone.” also her dad saying that he assumed that machi might try to hurt her brother and treating that as the truth because she’s never had the space to become an individual to them separate from what they project onto her. how much can you hate your child actually.
- also find it interesting that kakeru has never fully questioned whether or not machi actually tried to kill her brother. when he says it to yuki, he says “what those girls said is pretty close to the truth.” and when yuki says he finds it hard to believe, kakeru says he “may be right,” since it’s just the version of the story he heard from his parents. but all things considered i don’t think he’s necessarily ever believed it to be true; he’s just never been able to see machi’s side of the story because she’s been fully closed off to confiding in him, which is mostly because she feels as though she won’t be listened to or understood anyway thanks to the treatment she’s had from her parents.
- that said. kakeru go to jail
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- it’s about yuki feeling comfortable enough to engage in physical acts of friendship without so much as thinking about it. yeah :)
- i do find it interesting that kakeru remembers this moment of machi making footprints in the snow when they were younger. it’s something that would probably be easily forgettable but it stuck with him because even he found something a little off about it.
- this whole minute is just such a whirlwind. the little arrows pointing to yuki. machi trying to slam the door on them. kakeru dragging yuki in to the point that he’s tripping over his own feet. yuki calling it the sea of decay with sincerity but machi has no idea what the context is. the bra. machi about to throttle yuki. kakeru finally fucking leaving after getting hit and still being a shit. this all happens in like forty seconds.
- her best quality: her squiggles 
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- oh this visual of her having to walk this tightrope with her mom. interesting
- also interesting how young machi sounds in this scene where her mom is talking down on her to another person. i know she must be in her first or second year of middle school (just because kakeru was in middle school when he finally got out of the inheritance situation) but it really drives home just how young she was.
- also heartbreaking because this is a moment where machi is trying to stand up for herself and asking why her mom is saying those things about her when she’s the one who shaped her this way, and she’s just so thoroughly shut down by her that she can’t cope.
- i thought this shot was adapted well, although i think the scene itself is kind of confusing -- in the manga, it’s insinuated that she has this breakdown moment right after this conversation with her mom, and that it’s the first time she reacts this destructively (in the manga her outfit is the same between shots, and it doesn’t appear that she’s in her own apartment yet -- it’s more ambiguously just a home office). here though they change it so that it’s a more recent event -- more like she’s reacting this way because she’s remembering this conversation, rather than reacting directly after it. the outfit she wears in this scene is the same one she wears when her parents are accusing her of trying to hurt her brother, too; it’s also reasonable to read this as her having a breakdown after being left alone in her apartment for the first time. to the team’s credit her window is also broken in the season 2 ep where we see her apartment for the first time, so we can assume that they made this change deliberately.
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- yuki is so genuinely kind as usual, but it’s also because he does have a thread of personal understanding of where she’s coming from. he also suffered from being held to an incredibly high standard and was similarly emotionally neglected because of this, but it’s also something he’s come to terms with and has started to heal and move on from. so he’s at a place where he’s able to give her some comfort. even just the simple act of praise for still being here, and just being herself, is something that is so desperately needed.
- kakeru listening in..... boy take ur notes
- literally yuki is like the epitome of being machi’s senior like this moment is just sooo gentle but also protective i think. like he’s really just taking the helm where kakeru has been unable to all this time. he’s her mentor in a way. 
- kakeru’s goofy fucking ringtone and the animation that goes with it. love that
- the chalk-breaking scene did change the game. yuki is just completely on for her to the point that he doesn’t even stop what he’s saying to consider it. he’s just really looking out for her :’(
- rest of the ep under the cut because i know this is gonna be about minagawa lmfao
- oh this new scene is cute? love kyo actually helping out + uo and hana just fucking chilling. also uo hana and yuki only giving a fuck about tohru while kyo falls from like eight feet up.
- yuki literally only coming in for that second lmfao king
- i knew that this would be the minagawa ep and yet when yuki said he had an appointment i was like...... are you....... going to the doctor’s for some reason....... this is a weird reboot addition..............
- the beginning of this scene is weeeeeird what a weird transition to minagawa. also this feels super jarring and i knew this was coming?? like there’s no setup for this being a goodbye to minagawa she’s just suddenly sitting there getting super nostalgic 
- i am grateful though that they didn’t split the time these chapters got completely 50-50. minagawa only getting like five minutes of screentime before gong away forever feels apt.
- minagawa really is just here to say “thank you yuki for being the center of my harassment campaign on the general student body here for these past two years” before bouncing. this isn’t even a point of character development she literally didn’t learn anything.
- the pacing of this feels so WEIRD like. on the one hand, glad it’s only five minutes. on the other hand why was it included at all. it really dampers the rest of the ep and just feels super distracting.
- the dramatic music....... the dramatic flashbacks......... i mean it tracks for her but i just cannot take it seriously lmaooo
- wow the way this is delivered just makes this scene with minagawa feel extra undeserved. like even more so than in the manga. that’s pretty incredible.
- am i going to sit here and make mental parallels between the fact that neither minagawa nor machi actually know yuki personally. like they’ve both been observing him from afar this whole time. like is that the parallel i’m supposed to draw this episode that both of these girls have crushes on him but he hasn’t actually divulged anything personal to either of them. idk. like i know the answer is no and that it’s more fodder for him having a romance plot and whatever but. idk!
- what is happening what is happening what is happening
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- this departing song + the shots of the empty school feels so fucking weird. we’re saying goodbye to minagawa and takei. what is being imparted emotionally does not match the actual narrative we are receiving. also feels weird to put a scene with this much “goodbye” emotion in the third episode?
- did i just fast forward through this nao and minagawa scene. maybe.
- oh that’s right we also get hiro at the end of this chapter too. and kagura talking about rin. this pacing is weird
- it still baffles me that rin was able to graduate how tf did she manage that
- wow i really wish these last parts of the ep were moved to the next episode or something. they feel really out of place squashed into the end here. this rin bit definitely deserved more time to let the weight sink in.
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ssa-babygirl · 4 years
Out of My League [Part 3]
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Single mom!Reader
Word count: ~4.5k 
Summary: Nothing brings two friends together like a bit of grief with a side of daddy issues. (Mixed POV, includes flashbacks)
Warning(s): As the summary states, angst, grief and daddy issues, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of cancer, a few swear words, i think that’s it??? i use the word “smile” like 138407894 times i’m so sorry i hate noticing my crutch words
Author’s Note: I am SO sorry how long this took I honestly have no excuse, this chapter isn’t even that great but this is only two thirds of what I actually intended this part to be so GUESS WHAT I SPLIT IT UP!!!! the next part shouldn’t take too long (I say that but watch it’s gonna take like another year) and it’s gonna be super fluffy so DON’T Y’ALL WORRY IT’S GONNA BE FLUFF CENTRAL FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF CHAPTERS
[Previous Part] [Series Masterlist]
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(Reader POV)
You had only been to D.C. a few times before to visit your dad, normally under happier circumstances, such as him getting sworn in for another term, but this time was not the case. You got the phone call from your mother the evening before when you quickly packed yours and Jamie’s bags for the flight that left later that night. The few hours you had spent in D.C. already felt like long days. You were physically and emotionally exhausted. Jamie had never been on a plane before and was grappling with the effects of jet lag.
You needed a bit of a pick-me-up yourself, so you ran over to a coffee shop for a bit of a change of scenery. It was about eight o'clock in the morning when you heard your name being called, but not by the barista making your drinks, but by a familiar voice that you had only heard over the phone for a couple of months since his last visit home. You turned around to face the source and locked eyes with Spencer.
“Hey!” You smiled, trying your best to not look like you had just had the longest 24 hours of your life.
“What are you doing here? Why didn’t you say you were gonna be in town?”
“I didn’t know I was gonna be in town until last night!” Spencer could see right through you. He pursed his lips, not asking what was wrong yet, but still opting to check-in and make sure you’re okay.
“How are you feeling? Jet lagged?”
“Some profiler.” Your chuckle came out more annoyed than you would have liked it to. 
“What’s up?”
“Nothing, just getting some coffee--”
“No, like, are you okay?” He knew something was wrong, he wasn’t stupid, quite the opposite, by a long shot.
“I’m fine, Spence,” you lied through your teeth.
“Then who isn’t?” Panic and worry flashed across his face, “Is Jamie okay?
“Yes! He’s fine!” You couldn’t help but smile at the relief Spencer displayed that your son was safe and well, his hand coming up to rest over his heart. You hesitated for a second before giving in and telling him why you seemed so off, “My dad’s sick in the hospital.”
“Oh! Do they know what’s wrong with him?”
“Yep. Stage 4 lung cancer.” Your dad had been a smoker for most of your life. He tried to quit after Jamie was born, but the damage had already been done.
Spencer looked genuinely heartbroken as he chewed on the inside of his cheek, trying to think of what to say next “Do you know how much time he has?”
“Couple of weeks if we’re lucky.”
His eyebrow furrowed and his golden eyes softened to an impossible degree, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. This wasn’t sudden, we’ve been expecting it, but when the doctor says eight to twelve months, and you get through month eight, you start hoping it’s gonna be twelve.”
“Are you going back to the hospital now?”
“I’ll come with you!”
“Don’t you have work?”
“I don’t have to be there for another hour and,” he checks his watch, which was pulled over the sleeve of his dark gray cardigan, “fifty-six minutes.”
“The hospital’s out of the way and you hate being late.”
“I hate the thought of you going through this alone even more.” You tried to ignore the warm and fuzzy feeling that gave you but ultimately failed. Those big brown eyes refused to stop studying your face, analyzing any signs that you needed him, which to be fair, you did.
“I’m not alone, I got Jamie and my mom.”
“Even more the reason for me to want to go with you.” He finally dropped the solemn frown and took up a bright smile instead. You swore his grin was contagious because, by the time you both got your coffees, you were smiling just as wide.
You drove back to the hospital in comfortable silence. Walking back to your father’s room felt easier with him by your side. Jamie looked up from his drawing as he saw you approach, beaming at you and his favorite federal agent.
“Doctor Spencer!” He came running up to him and hugging his legs.
“Hey, little man!” Spencer ruffled his hair and grinned down at the tiny human squeezing his arms around his thigh.
Your mother looked up from her book, “Doctor? Spencer? Wait. As in…”
“Yeah, mom.”
She stands and wraps him in a hug, “Oh my goodness, sweetheart, you got so big! You’re all grown up! Oh, and you’re cute, too!” She pinched his now pink cheek as his face twisted into a bashful smile, “Right, Y/N? Spencer got cute!”
Now you were blushing a little.
Why am I blushing? I don’t blush over Spencer!
You pursed your lips and looked him up and down. His striped tie was crooked under his cardigan. His long hair was a bit shaggy, as if he rolled out of bed, showered, and decided to go to work. You just laughed nervously as you met Spencer’s eyes. God, those eyes. “Yeah… I’d say so.”
“You definitely grew into your looks. Honey, this is Spencer. Remember the boy that used to tutor Y/N?”
“Oh, nice to finally meet you, son, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Your father shifted in his bed, managing to sit up slightly.
“You too, sir, I just wish it could have been under better circumstances.”
“Don’t give me any of that ‘sir’ crap, I got enough of that working on the Hill,” your father chuckled but his hearty laugh quickly devolved into a coughing fit. Your mother sat back down on the bed next to him and fed him some ice chips to keep him hydrated.
“So, Spencer, Y/N says you work for the FBI now?” She turns her attention away from her husband and forces a smile.
“Yes! I do.”
You took a seat and sipped your coffee, “He was on the team that helped save Jamie, remember?”
“What division are you in?” Your dad asked.
“The Behavioral Analysis Unit.”
“I got some buddies in the bureau, who’s your supervisor?”
“Aaron Hotchner?”
“Oh, I knew him in his prosecutor days. Helluva lawyer, he got some of my clients put away.”
“Sorry about that.”
“Don’t be, they were guilty, weren’t they?”
Spencer’s phone rang in his pocket, “Speaking of which, I have to go. Got a case.”
“Go! Don’t be late!”
“Go catch the bad guy, Doctor Spencer!”
“Will do, Jamie.” He ruffled his hair before turning to your parents, “Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. L/N, it was great seeing you.”
“Bye, sweetheart, don’t be a stranger!”
“I’ll walk you out, return the favor.” You walked quietly with him.
“Listen, I don’t know when I’ll be home from this, but I’ll let you know when I get back, and if you’re still here just give me a call, okay?”
“Of course, Spence. Now go catch the bad guy!” You grinned as you parroted your son’s words. He returned your smile and pulled you into a hug. You could feel tears brimming in your eyes, but you fought it off best you could. Spencer could still sense your pain and hugged you as tight as possible. You were the one to pull away first, patting his back and forcing your pursed lips into a smile. His phone started to ring shortly after.
“Don’t let me keep you.”
            (Spencer’s POV)
The case went on for too long. Two whole weeks passed before we were able to come home from Minneapolis. A man was strangling women with short black hair between the ages 30-40 because they reminded him of his mother, it’s standard stuff, it should have been a pretty cut and dry case, but the guy was almost impossible to find, he was completely off the grid. It took Garcia days to just get us a name, let alone contact information. He killed two other women while we were there. One of them was a mother, she had three kids all under the age of 10. Cases like these were always tough, but Gideon had seen enough to talk us all through it. I still wasn’t used to him being gone.
I couldn’t get any sleep on the jet. The nightmares have been coming back with a vengeance since Gideon left. He was like a father to me, my protector, my mentor, and now I have no one.
That’s hyperbolic; I do have the team, and they miss him too, but I’m pretty much alone out on the field. I know I can go to them, but it doesn’t feel right. I don’t like to rely on others because when they leave, I’m by myself.
Which is exactly why I am the only one awake on the jet home.
I suppose I wasn’t totally alone, I could call Y/N, but I wouldn’t wanna bother her if she was with her family. She only has so much time left with her dad. I took my phone out of my pocket anyway and saw a missed call from her last night, I hadn’t seen it before because of the case. If she wanted to talk she probably needed to, right?
I mulled it over in my head, and before I could even come to a decision, my fingers worked on autopilot, dialing the same number I had memorized years ago, and hit call.
Las Vegas, 1994
I picked up the book from the top of the pile she set down on the counter, “You’re reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream?”
“Yeah, for class.”
“If you need any help with that, my mother was a classics professor, I’ve read most of Shakespeare’s works.”
“Really? That’s cool. I’ve read the basics in other classes, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, all that, but this one is definitely my favorite so far.”
“Yeah! I don’t know why, but the idea of falling in love with the wrong person just sorta… I dunno… resonates, I guess.”
“Yeah, same here.”
She snorted, “You’re like 12, how would you know about that?”
I bit my lip before explaining, “Reminds me of my parents. They loved each other at one point, obviously, but not enough to stop my dad from leaving us.”
She cringed to herself as if she realized some horrible mistake, “Jeez, I’m sorry, man.”
“It’s okay, you didn’t know.”
“How long ago did he leave?”
“Two years ago.”
“So it’s just been you and your mom?”
She stared at the pencil as she twisted it in between her fingers. Her eyes refused to meet mine. “My dad has worked in D.C. pretty much my whole life, and a lot of the time it was just my mom and me. He was always home for Christmas and birthdays, he came to all my recitals as a kid, but he was gone the rest of the year. I see him maybe… fifteen days out of the year?”
She finally looked up, if only for a second. Seeing her eyes, at last, I took note of the sadness behind them, “Which is fine, it’s better than nothing, but I don’t really have a dad the other 350 days of the year, you know? I could call him, but I don’t, it’s always ‘Sorry sweetheart, I’m a bit busy right now.’”
“Yeah, my dad was always too busy too.”
“I know our situations are still really different, and you probably already know this after two years, but it does get easier.”
Present Day
(Reader POV)
You click the button to answer the call, “Spencer?”
“Hey! We’re landing soon, you still in D.C.?” His voice is scratchy like he had just woken up, or like he hadn’t spoken to anyone in a couple of hours.
“Y-yeah! I’m still staying with my mom.”
“How’s your dad?”
You didn’t answer. You didn’t have to, your silence answered his question well enough.
“Oh, shit…” Spencer groaned, “God, Y/N, I’m so sorry…”
“Don’t be, you didn’t know.”
“How long ago?”
“Last week, the funeral was yesterday.” You could hear him grimace over the phone.
“Y/N I am… so sorry I couldn’t be there for you—”
“Don’t be! You had to work, it’s okay, Spencer.”
“I should have called sooner.”
You almost laughed at his tone, “Spencer, you were catching a serial killer, it’s not your responsibility to make sure I’m okay.”
“I know, but—”
“But nothing. I’m fine.”
“How’s Jamie, god, how’s your mother?”
“She’s holding up. I’m helping her out for a while, I don’t want her to be in this house alone.” You decided to leave out the part about you putting a downpayment on an apartment a couple of blocks away from your mother’s house for now.
“How’s Jamie doing?” He asked with perfect timing as Jamie flopped onto the couch behind you.
“Wanna talk to him? He’s right here.”
“Can I? Please?”
“Jamie, baby, wanna talk to Doctor Spencer?” He didn’t even say yes before he leaped up from his seat and grabbed the phone from your hand.
“Hi, Doc!”
“Hey, little man! How’s it going? How are you?” You could still hear his excited voice even though it was nowhere near your ear anymore. It brought a smile to your face as you saw Jamie light up at the sound of your friend on the other side of the call.
“I’m okay. Did you catch the bad guy?”
“Yes, Jamie, we got him. How’s your mom?”
“She’s saying she’s fine, but she’s still really sad.”
“Well, can you put her back on with me?” Jamie hands the phone back to you and runs off to return to his coloring book and crayons.
You sighed before putting the phone back to your ear, “Don’t worry about me, Spence—”
“Come to the BAU.”
He said the words so fast you almost needed him to repeat it, “What?”
“I mean it, I’ll call you when we land, come visit. Bring Jamie and your mom.”
“Won’t you have a ton of work to do when you land?”
“I couldn’t sleep, I did all my paperwork on the jet.”
“Please. I need to see you guys.” He was practically begging. It tugged at your heart in a familiar way, but there was a pit in your stomach that you couldn’t place.
“What happened on the case?”
He sighed, “I don’t want to talk about it, okay? Just come in like, an hour.”
You tried to lighten the mood just a little bit, “My mom’s been obsessively baking, want us to bring you your favorite?”
“Did she make her famous oatmeal cookies?” You could almost see his face and the way his brown eyes lit up, even while he was on a plane hours away.
The image brought a soft smile to your face and sparked a tiny bit of light in your heart, “Yep!”
“Y/N L/N, if you bring me some, I will be forever indebted to you.”
“You owe me nothing, Doctor Reid.”
               Security waved you through to the elevator, Spencer had cleared you for entry already. One guard hit the button for the sixth floor and sent you up, one hand holding Jamie’s and the other holding a Tupperware of your mom’s cookies. When the doors opened, you saw the entrance to the bullpen, desks filled with paperwork, and busy agents trying to get it all done. As the three of you crept through the hall to the glass doors, your eyes locked onto Spencer, who was sprawled out in his office chair with a thick book, legs propped up on his desk, and glasses balanced on the ridge of his nose.
“Hi! Who are you here to see?” A chipper blonde with purple cat eyeglasses and curly ponytails waved at you from down the hall.
“Spencer Reid?”
“Oh! He mentioned he’d have visitors, you must be Y/N! I’m Penelope.”
“That’s a pretty name!” Jamie beamed up to the woman, who clutched a hand over her heart and returned his smile.
“Oh! Thank you, sweetheart! What’s your name, kiddo?”
“Oh you are just precious, he is precious, Y/N, good kid.”
You laughed at the pair’s enthusiasm, “Thank you, can we just go straight in?”
“Yep! Go ahead!”
You walked up to his desk and placed the cookies next to his computer, pulling his attention away from his book. He turned to look up at you, closing the book and throwing it where his feet rested before he jumped up to wrap his arms around you. Jamie hugged his leg and your mother pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Hey, how are you guys doing?”
“Spencer, we’re fine.”
He didn’t say anything, just examined your face for any sign of a lie. The frustration on his face said he didn’t find one.
“Stop profiling me, I’m okay.”
“Mommy, can I have a cookie now?” Jamie eyed the container like a hawk; he shared Spencer’s love of oatmeal cookies, especially from your mom.
“Right! You brought your cookies, thank you so much, Mrs. L/N.”
“You’re not a kid anymore, honey, you can call me by my first name.”
“No, I absolutely cannot,” he laughed.
You turned around and saw the woman who hugged you while you cried when you thought your son was gone: JJ.
“Hi! Good to see you again!” You brought her in for a hug while Spencer continued to catch up with Jamie and your mom.
“You too! Jamie got so big!” 
“Yeah, he’s starting 3rd grade soon!” You reached around to ruffle Jamie’s hair.
“When does he start?”
“A few weeks! We gotta go back to school shopping!”
“Ooh, that’s exciting! So you’re heading home soon?”
“Um…” You glanced at Spencer and your mom, who was pestering him about whether or not he had a girlfriend, “Actually, I just thought it would be best for us to stay close to my mom. Jamie likes it here, so we’re actually going to be moving here before school starts.”
“A new school! Are you excited, Jamie?”
Spencer, still a blushing mess thanks to your mother’s nosiness, sputtered out “Uh… Excited for what?”
“To move to D.C.!” You raised your hands in a little “Surprise!” motion.
“W-what?” He couldn’t stop himself from looking delighted even if he tried.
���We’re moving here to stay close to my mom.”
“She’s been such a good help,” she gestured to the cookies, half gone over the course of the conversation, “I’m not really ready to give her up just yet.”
“Spence, you should show her around!” JJ’s face had an unreadable look, but I guess that’s what profilers are for “Take her sightseeing. Jamie, have you been to the Washington Monument yet?”
“Nope! Doctor Spencer, can you take us?”
“Sure, little man, you want your mom and grandma to come with?”
Spencer grinned at him, ruffling his curls before smiling at you. His eyes were scrunched into thin lines from his cheeks, but there was still something behind them. Something you couldn’t quite read. His smile softened slightly and you finally got a clear view of his hazel eyes. His lips parted like he was about to say something, but Jamie cut him off again.
“Ooh! Ooh! Can we go to the Smithsonian?”
“Oh, honey, you’re gonna wish you didn’t say that,” JJ joked.
“The kid knows everything, you’ll be there for hours,” a deep voice said behind you.
“Morgan!” You smiled and stretched your arms out to hug him.
“Good to see you again, Y/N.”
When you turned back to Spencer, his warm grin was gone, replaced by a glare directed at Morgan. Had something happened with them? Last you heard they were best friends. Maybe that’s what happened on the case? Maybe that’s why he was so upset on the phone? Whatever it was had to be bad because he barely spoke for the rest of the visit.
               A few weeks later, after you were all moved into your new apartment and Jamie was settled into his new school, you called Spencer. He owed you a trip to the Washington Monument. On your little day trip, there was no such thing as silence. Even in the quiet museum, Spencer’s voice filled the air, spewing facts about the monument, the memorial, the exhibits, and everything in between. Jamie loved to learn, so he hung onto every word that he heard.
“Plans for the monument’s development actually started in 1783, before Washington was even elected president. D.C. wasn’t even the capital of the country yet. Washington was actually against the monument because he didn’t want to use public funds for it, but after his death, Congress wanted to build him a mausoleum--”
You didn’t mind the rants. You still loved to listen to him ramble. Even if you didn’t understand what he was talking about sometimes, the sound of his voice was just soothing, especially after the stress of moving across the country. 
Jamie got tired after walking around all day after the tour of the National Museum of Natural History and the Washington Monument, so your mom offered to take him home. You planted a kiss to his forehead and ruffled his hair, hugging your mom goodbye as Spencer high fived him and waved as they went off in the direction of home.
“You know, you didn’t have to stay with me. If you wanna go home too, you can.”
“No. I wanna stay with you.”
A small smile crept across his lips, blush rising to his cheeks. He bit his lips and looked down at his feet as he started walking off to the next stop on his little tour.
“Where to now, Doc?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Come on, tell me, tell me!”
“No, ‘cuz then it’s not a surprise!”
“I’m aware of the definition of surprise, you don’t need to have an eidetic memory to know that.” You would just have to rely on your less refined profiling skills to figure out where you were going. You were on foot, so it couldn’t be too far. 
“Why aren’t we taking a cab?”
“Because I wanna walk with you.”
Just hail a cab, it takes way less time than--
You walked side by side for the remainder of the distance. He did most of the talking, telling you stories about the team. You took notice of the softness in his voice when he talked about Morgan. He wasn’t bitter anymore. 
“--And then Garcia answered the phone.”
“Oh, god, what’d she say?”
“‘Talk dirty to me.’”
“She said that to your boss.”
“Morgan was mortified, you should have seen his face.”
You looked at him while he grinned at the memory. It was the most at peace you’d seen him in… well, a while.
“So… you guys are cool now?”
The peace was replaced with confusion, “What do you mean?”
Your pace faltered, but you kept walking, “Didn’t you guys…? Weren’t you fighting?”
“No? Why would you think that?”
You pursed your lips and furrowed your brows, “No reason.”
Why else would he have been mad at Morgan when I went to visit? You thought, There’s no other reason! Unless… 
“We’re here!” Spencer stopped in his tracks, looking up at a large white structure with tall windows and stone carvings decorating the walls. You turned and saw the sign out front that read: “Folger Shakespeare Library.”
“Spencer…” You gaped at the sign, a small, awe-filled smile tugging at your lips.
“I remembered how much you loved Shakespeare in school, I thought you’d get a kick out of this.”
“Spencer, this is… This is wonderful!”
“Good surprise?”
“Great surprise!”
You grabbed him by the arm and tugged him up the front steps as he digs through his pockets for his wallet. Once inside, he bought two tickets for the next show: Midsummer Night’s Dream. Your favorite. It didn’t start for another half hour, so he led you to the reading room.
The room was beautiful, to put it lightly. Three ornate chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The furniture and accents were all done in a dark wood, shelves packed tightly with books. The setting sun shone through the breathtaking stained glass windows. An unlit fireplace rested against the wall. Spencer led you up to the second level, a balcony wrapping around the border of the room. 
“Thank you for today,” you beamed, “I haven’t seen Jamie that happy since…”
“I know the feeling. I haven’t felt this okay since…” His gaze dropped to his feet, trying to swallow the words that came out too soon.
“Since what?”
“Since uh...” He glanced back up to your face, “Since Gideon left the team.”
Spencer never told you he left. Agent Gideon kept tabs on Jamie after his rescue. For the last three years, he got a card in the mail on Christmas and his birthday. He always checked in and asked how he was doing. When you went to visit Spencer at the BAU a few weeks ago, you wanted to say hi to Agent Gideon and thank him for his consideration, but you hadn’t seen him. You thought he was just taking a personal day, he worked too hard anyways from what Spencer told you. 
“Spence, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t think you’d care.”
The words were like a spark that shocked your heart awake from a lovely sleep, and now it was upset to be so rudely awoken, “Of course I care! What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t wanna know the reason you’ve been so… off.”
“What do you mean ‘off?’”
“You don’t have to be a profiler to see you haven’t been yourself in… when did Gideon leave?”
He played with a loose thread on the sleeve of his sweater and looked back down at his feet, the toe of his converse nudging at the emerald green carpet, “Couple of months ago.”
“You could have told me.”
“You’ve had your own stuff going on. It’s not that bad.”
“You don’t have to convince yourself that you aren’t having a hard time just because I am. You don’t always have to be the hero.”
“Neither do you, you know.”
“I really am fine.”
“Y/N, he was your dad, you’re allowed to be upset.”
“I am, okay?” You snapped, “I miss him like hell! He was always just one phone call away and now…” One hand carded through your hair as you inhaled deeply, placing your other hand on the banister beside you to steady yourself.
“I’m not going to pretend that our situations are the same because they aren’t, but I’ll tell you the same thing you told me when we were kids.” He placed his hand close to yours on the banister, your fingers almost touching. Almost. “It gets easier, not seeing him every day. But just ‘cuz he wasn’t around doesn’t mean you can’t feel bad.”
You force a smile, “Thanks, Spence.”
“Of course.” He wrapped his arms around you and held you tight. The hug wasn’t particularly emotional. Neither one of you felt like you were about to cry, it just felt nice to be in each other's embrace.
“Show’s starting soon.” He muttered into your ear before pulling away, walking off towards the theater with you following close behind.
Lmk if you wanna be added! Some names didn’t work so if you don’t see your name as a tag just dm me a url and I’ll try to fix it
@lawnmoa @ellvswriting @baby-pogue @rottenearly @confused-and-really-hungry @thatsonezesty13 @deni-gonzalez @irjuejjsaa @randomfandomshitposts @bisoner @moonstarrnghtsky @smurfflynn @eldahae​ @t0xicllama​ @undeniablyyou​ @staplernpaper @theweirdobella​ @sammypotato67​ @k-k0129​ @helloniallslovelies​
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samwrights · 4 years
Team Karasuno as dads [hc]
For a married woman that doesn’t want kids, I sure do fantasize about my boys being dads a lot.
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He definitely cried when he found out you were pregnant.
When your daughter was born, he couldn’t even be in the room because he was so overwhelmed with you being in pain and the fact he was about to bE A DAD
He doesn’t even remember how you started dating because he was so blown away by your beauty or so he claims but the fact that y’all were married?? And having a kid?? When did he get so bold??
Eventually he got over it cause he felt bad that he wasn’t in the room holding your hand while you literally pushed a whole ass human out ya cooch.
He fainted
The first time he held his daughter was the first time he had felt complete, more complete than when he rejoined the volleyball team in his third year. It felt amazingly right. He tries to deny the fact and say your wedding was just as wholesome but you can tell. Fatherhood is something entirely different for him
“She takes after momma’s beauty.” A simp through and through.
Asahi is a parental HOG. Which is kinda nice cause he loves doting on your child but also HI I AM MOM AND WOULD LIKE TO HOLD MY BABY???
He tells YOU how to hold her and feed her and little ticks about her personality like you aren’t on maternity leave and are with the baby ALL DAY (although he is REALLY pushing for you to just be a stay-at-home mom)
Because he is soooo doting, it’s very rare that you wake in the middle of the night to feed or change her—Asahi is ALL over it. But he is human and there are days he’s too tired to wake up from dead sleep. It’s ok, he’s your human. Daddy deserves rest too.
Asahi would totally be a co-sleeper, or at least nap with the baby as much as he possibly could.
Definitely bought her multiple onesies that say “daddy’s little princess”.
She gonna be a spoiled brat when she’s older 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀���
Daichi Dadchi;
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I mean he’s a literal running joke in the fandom
After being elected as the unofficial dad of the VBC in his high school days, it was no wonder that he was such a natural with your three munchkins.
Having three slightly older boys of varying ages, you relied heavily on Daichi to get through to them when you couldn’t.
He’s definitely the strict parent; your sons all try to take advantage of you 💀 demons
Your boys saw you as a pushover most of the time because you were just so tired.
“Just keep trying for a girl, they said. There’s a 50/50 chance, they said.” Was something Daichi would find you chanting to yourself often while you cooked dinner and the boys were playing soccer in the house and breaking something.
Even though Daichi is strict, he really tries to emphasize to the boys to treat you with kindness to make it a bit easier on you.
“Guys, please don’t make your mother rip her hair out.”
“We’re just playin’!” They would sing in flawed harmony
“One day, you guys are going to be all grown up with your own special person with your own kids, and you’re gonna love them so much that you’ll understand why I’m telling you to calm down and listen to your mom.” Asjdfkhlek.
“Ewwww, daddy loves mommy.”
“I sure do.”
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On god, Suga would be the most patient parent. He treats your toddlers like mini adults and not your insane nine year old girl or six year old boy.
He listens thoroughly when they are upset about something, cautiously listening to the deeper truths about why they’re upset and takes great care in making sure his children feel validated.
Super dad 🥰
But it’s not a random event; after being married to you for the last decade, he had so much practice with conflict resolution and genuinely listening to you that it was a natural tendency at this point.
For the most part, your children are incredibly well behaved. Sure, there’s an occasional incident because, well they’re kids. Your daughter, being the older of the two and nearly finished with primary school, was entering her phase of discovering boys and constantly writing in her diary.
Suga may be super dad, but he is not perfect, and for some reason I totally see him reading her diary.
“Koushi, put it back. Now.” He was just going to pretend that you using your mom voice on him didn’t turn him on and prepare him to fill you with another baby.
While he may be an expert on conflict resolution, you enforced respecting their privacy; quite a dynamic between the two of you in terms of validating your children as individuals.
“But honey, our daughter is starting to like boys.”
“At least one of the females in this house does.” 💀💀💀 with angels for children, someone had to be the clown of the Sugawara family and it was certainly you.
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You and Tanaka had your first baby in your guys’ third year of high school, which you would be lying if you said it wasn’t hell.
Tanaka fought tooth and nail to try to do everything from makin dinner, working, making sure you were getting rest, and of course still playing volleyball. Everything except actually trying to graduate.
“I don’t have time to study babe, I have practice and then we gotta put this squirt to bed.”
There was a constant argument about Tanaka continuing with volleyball that nearly forced you two to split. While you knew how important it was to him, there was no way he was going to graduate from Karasuno while he was trying to care for you, a child, work, and play volleyball.
“Ryuu, please. I know you don’t wanna quit but if you can’t pass your classes, you won’t be able to participate anyway.” He did not take well to that.
It took him time to come to his senses and in that time, you had kept you and your son away from him to allow him his space.
Apparently that was also a wrong move on your part.
He was so angry and frustrated being away from his mini me that he had easily conceded to retiring from volleyball if it meant being able to watch his little nugget learn how to sit up and crawl.
Yes, he goes HAM on the nicknames. Squirt, nugget, mini me, beanie baby, tyke, and all of the above. He pretty much calls your son everything but his actual name.
“I’m sorry for being stubborn.” He says one night while you help him study for his finals, your sleeping son swaddled in your arms.
“I’m sorry for making you give up something you love.”
“Nah, I got you and the munchkin. That’s all I need.”
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I love Noya 🥺 but at first, he is a chaotic parent. Granted y’all had your first child when you were still in college and he hadn’t the faintest clue on how to be a dad.
To be perfectly honest, you weren’t quite sure how to parent either.
Neither of you knew how to change diapers
Noya definitely got peed on more times than he wishes to admit
When your son was still a newborn, just around finals time, neither of you could figure out for the life of you why your baby was crying in the middle of the night. Which inherently made you cry because you had an 8am final and you had finished studying 5 hours prior 🙃
“Try to get some sleep, babe. I’ll take care of him.” Nishinoya’s voice was thick with exhaustion, but he knew how little you’d been sleeping since giving birth.
When you went to leave for your final, Noya was asleep in your living room rocking chair, baby safely in his arms with the both of them just snoozing away.
It was a struggle but the two of you faced the challenge together, one step at a time with your energetic four-year-old son as you graduated university. By the time you had all settled into a larger apartment together as a family, Noya had yet to pop the question. He was too busy having fun with his little man.
Sometimes it scared you how in sync he was with his child probably because he was still a child himself but it was sweet and endearing.
“Hey babe?” He asks softly after the two of you tucked away your boy for the evening. You raised in eyebrow at him, silently goading for him to continue. “Do you want to have another?” Needless to say, he sure as shit impregnated you that night asjckglpwm
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With Hinata being an older brother, I actually see him being a wonderful dad. However, homie’s got a one-track mind and with him playing professionally, you’re usually left to do the parenting.
Your kids definitely like you more than Shoyo, not that anyone blamed anyone; they just never see daddy :(
BUT when he is in dad mode and home, you suddenly remember why you were eager as shit to have more kids with him 🥴 which explains ya you’ve got your third on the way
When he does come home, he automatically greets his older, 8 year old son with noogies and a brief wrestling session. For some reason, Hinata felt the need to compete with his own child 💀
But when he sees his daughter, his world stops because he has favorites and EVERYONE in the Hinata house knows it
Always asking your 6 year old girl how her day was, asking how she was doing ruling over her imaginary kingdom and if she found her Prince Charming yet.
“Pffft I don’t need Prince Charming, daddy, he’s icky!!! Mommy says I don’t need a man!”
Where is the lie
“Your mom is absolutely right and you should totally listen to her, she’s the best queen in the whole world.”
Because of his one-track mind, he is engaged fully with your kids when he is actually home. Your son had naturally gotten into volleyball which, even after a long day’s practice, Shoyo spends hours training him.
“Do you think this one’s finally gonna like me more than you?” He asks one night while he’s doing the dishes after dinner, while you’re right beside him drying them off.
“Sho, our kids love you. But mom is home with them allllll day and has been since birth.”
“Can we keep trying until one of them finally likes me more?” 💀💀💀 “or until we have enough to make our own volleyball team?”
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How this socially inept clown got ANYONE pregnant was unthinkable. Of course, to anyone but you. After being with him all throughout high school, it was more of a wonder how you didn’t get pregnant sooner
This dude dirty. His one track mind, if not on volleyball, was entirely on you. Nearly every night was date night which ALWAYS ended with bow chicka wow wow 😏 you horny mfers yalll moved in together as soon as you graduated from Karasuno.
Clothing at home was nonexistent.
With the two of you in your second year of college, living in your apartment, and being 8 months pregnant, the air had dramatically shifted.
Kageyama’s once still high sex drive had been channeled into school work, working, and of course, volleyball. You were planning on at least completing your semester before taking time off to care for the baby. It seemed one of you would have to really step up, and from what it seems, it wasn’t going to be Tobio.
When he was home, which was very few and far between with how much he had going on, he had tried to dote on you as much as he could physically muster. Kisses here and there, bathing together, and lots of snuggles.
Kageyama is in charge of the nursery and there’s no room for argument on this. With him not being as present at home, he sets up the nursery as a way to communicate with his child that he’s never going to see because of volleyball
I love Kags, but he is nowhere near ready to even think about parenting 💀 which you tried to be patient with, but with the due date approaching very rapidly, you kinda needed him to step it up.
“I’ve helped.” He tries using the nursery as an argument and he had gone to every doctors appointment but homeboy still doesn’t know how to make a bottle or change a diaper
Was he prepared to have to clean up baby shit and vomit? Absolutely not. Was he going to anyway? Lmao, absolutely not. This boy only wants to be daddy, not dad.
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It shook everyone and their mother when people found out that Kei not only had a girlfriend that he met in college, but that his girlfriend was a milf according to Kuroo and Bokuto
When you and Kei had first started dating, your daughter was already five. And while you obviously didn’t bring her to classes with you, she was always with the two of you for date nights. Oddly enough, he really didn’t mind.
His patience for kids, now that’s he’s older and kids are actually kids and NOT his peers, rivals that of Sugawara’s.
“Hey Tsukki,” your spawn asks at dinner one day. “When are you and mommy gonna get married? People keep making fun of me cause I call my parents mommy and Tsukki.”
“Making fun of people isn’t cool, it’s so lame. They’re just jealous cause they don’t get to call their parents mommy and Tsukki.”
That same night, Kei offers to read your daughter to sleep as if to reinforce the notion that mommy and Tsukki was cooler than mommy and daddy. Of course, he was pushing for this to hide that he was upset that children were making fun of her.
After that Tsukishima really gets into his dad role—walking your daughter to school with you or without you everyday, picking her up and giving her grandiose hugs. He made sure to lock eyes with every spectator, his height towering over many at the kindergarten. Silently telling them all “do not fuck with her, or you answer to me.”
He’s sosososo protective, I can’t. He ain’t scared to fight a toddler.
Even well after you and Tsukishima introduce a child of your own, your daughter still insists on calling him Tsukki and adamantly tries to teach her sister to say Tsukki instead of dada.
“You’re okay with the kids not calling you ‘Daddy’, Kei?”
“The only one I want calling me daddy is you.”
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This poor bean 💀 not only was he not prepared for fatherhood in the slightest, but twins?!
You both swore up and down they were evil. If one was hungry, the other one would refuse to eat until the other finished their meal. This applied to using their diapers as well.
Imagine the energy of Hinata and Nishinoya as baby twin boys, and lo and behold, yours and Tadashi’s kids.
While you had slightly more patience with them, knowing they were going to grow up eventually and become their own independent humans. Tadashi was not handling this well at all.
Low key, he felt like he was doing a horrible job as a parent and, after the boys had finally gone to sleep for the night, you’d spent a lot of time consoling Tadashi.
“Why can’t I be like—“
“Baby, you’ve got to stop comparing yourself to all of your friends. None of them have twin boys that are less than a year old.”
“Yeah but Hinata has three of them, so does Daichi—“
“Honey, you aren’t them. You’re you, so please, just be you.”
He’s ambitious when it comes to parenting—he wants to be the best dad ever, and he only gets better with practice.
That doesn’t make him wanna tear out his hair any less, but as the boys get older, it does get easier. We pretend their toddler years didn’t exist, it was a nightmare that Tadashi does NOT want to relive
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My thoughts on the cursed child part 2: things I didn't like
I made a post before about my opinions on the cursed child. I recommend you go read that one if you haven't yet before you read this one. My other post was mostly about my positive opinions and thoughts on the addition to the harry potter universe. This one is going to be more focused on my problems with the play. Again, this won't make such sense if you haven't read it.
I cannot stress how much I hate the fact that Harry named his child after Dumbledore and Snape. I know there is something to be said of some fondness he may feel for Dumbledore. He was kind to Harry at times and was someone Harry really looked up to. I can understand why he named his child after Dumbledore. But I don't think it's right. Dumbledore left Harry in an abusive household for his entire childhood, even when McGonagall questioned his judgement, insisted on tiptoeing around the truth and being vague on purpose when all Harry wanted was answers, ignored Harry when he needed him most(ootp), and raised a child to die without him knowing. And even though what Dumbledore put Harry through was terrible, I can understand that Harry might feel a certain fondness for him. But Snape. I cannot even begin to explain how much I hate him. I may make another post about it detailing exactly why but long story short, snape literally abused harry to the point where even less than a year into knowing him, Harry was convinced that his own teacher was trying to kill him. And then, "ur mom got mad at me cus I called her a slur twenty years ago and im still sad" and he's a saint? Fuck Snape.
I didn't like the 'Scorpius might be Voldemort's son' plotline. I don't think it made any sense. And I think it's stupid that everyone just believes this stupid rumor with no evidence at all. Even Harry believed it at one point. If they thought all the time turners were destroyed, how did they think Astoria traveled back in time to get knocked up by Voldemort? Why would Voldemort agree to that? How do they explain Scorpius looking like his father? It's ridiculous and shouldn't have been included. If they wanted to keep the plotline that Scorpius was secluded and ostracized by most of his classmates, they should have just gone with the 'his dad was a death eater' route. It makes a lot more sense than some stupid rumor that in no way could be true.
I didn't like the whole "there's a dark cloud around ur son" plot. Harry has been known to repeatedly discredit divination in the books. So why does he believe the centaur so wholeheartedly without hesitation? I know that he has respect for the centaurs because they saved his life and they are oppressed for being 'half-breeds' which is not right at all. But I still think its out of character for Harry to just believe in some vision the centaur had without any question. And it shouldn't take Draco Malfoy to tell him that after he already made both of their sons lives hell.
Speaking of Harry's character, I don't think it was in character for him to split up Albus and Scorpius like that. He, out of all people, should know how important friends are at Hogwarts. He even says to Albus earlier in the play that friends are important and he didn't know what he would've done without Ron and Hermione. So why would he willingly split his son and his only friend up just because Scorpius might be evil? And honestly, if he ever even made the effort to meet Scorpius, he would know that Scorpius 'excuse me, Mr. Muggle' and 'my geekness is a-quivering' Malfoy is the least likely person ever to be evil. I suppose it isn't too unlike him to hate Scorpius at first just because he's Malfoy's son. But if he can forgive Snape for bullying him for years, he should be able to look past his rivalry with Draco for the sake of his son's safety and happiness. I mean, Harry would be downright murderous if someone tried to split up him and Ron for no good reason at Hogwarts. So why does he think it's okay for him to split up Scorpius and Albus?
Also the way he treated McGonagall was completely out of line and out of character. In the books, he (almost) always treated McGonagall with complete respect and admired her, even if he didn't quite agree with her at times. So for him to storm into her office and demand anything of her is completely out of character and just downright shitty.
Also, and I know this has been said before but the whole Cedric Diggory being a death eater thing? So stupid. Cedric is quite possibly the best person in the series. He is always nice to everyone and always makes sure things are fair. You're telling me that because of getting embarrassed when he was 17 he's gonna turn into a wizard nazi? It doesn't make any sense. I mean. So many people loved him and were absolutely destroyed when he died. Because of how much of a genuinely nice and loving person he was. Amos Diggory, over 20 years later still is trying to find ways to bring his son back. Cedric wanted a rematch in poa after the dementors made harry faint in quidditch! Because it wasn't fair! That boy deserved better.
I hate the Delphi plot. It just kind of invalidates Voldemort's whole character. The whole point of his character and why he was so evil was because he was incapable of love. The only reason he tolerates certain people is because he has a use for them. It's incredibly stupid that Voldemort would ever feel enough for Bellatrix to do...that with her. I know that one doesn't need to love someone to have sex but I don't see Voldemort ever doing that. Not only because i dont want to picture it but also because he would find the whole concept of it too human. He would never trust anyone enough to have a child with them. The only way I could ever see him having a child is maybe to clone himself? Or find some other self dependent way to have a child. And he wouldn't have a child. So that's stupid.
I didn't like the relationship they try to push between Rose and Scorpius. Rose makes it pretty clear from their first meeting that she doesn't like Scorpius and her opinion doesn't seem to change throughout the play. Rose to me just seemed like 'I know that Albus and Scorpius have chemistry throughout the entire play and would make sense to be together but...no homo'. It's one of those 'won't take no for an answer' kind of relationships that are super harmful. If a girl says no, respect it and move on. I thought the little awkward attempts at flirting with her were cute but the overall concept of Rose and Scorpius ending up together doesn't sit right with me. Especially with the amount of chemistry that he has with Albus. It doesn't make sense for him to be with Rose.
Also. I hate that Ron and Hermione don't end up together in the alternate timelines. They obviously still love each other. It wouldn't make sense for Ron to end up marrying Padma after spending one night with her at the yule ball. While the yule ball was a big factor in ron and Hermione figuring out their feelings for each other, it definitely wasn't the only moment that mattered. Just because Hermione and Ron went to the ball together doesn't mean they wouldn't end up married. Wouldn't the house elf situation in DH have still happened in the timeline where Hermione is the teacher? I just don't get it. Is there something I'm missing here?
Hey, wtf was with the whole trolley witch thing? I hated it.
That's most of my problems with the cursed child. I overall enjoyed it but there were a lot of flaws and plot holes and things that just didn't make sense. To me the whole play was just a cash grab for jkr. She wanted to keep profiting on the franchise. She did the same with the fantastic beast series. She didn't do it for her passion for the series. She did it to stay relevant and make money. She sucks. It’s nice for if you want the feels and just need something to read but not if you want to take a serious look at something. Don’t go into it with high expectations.
Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to hear my opinions on! I was thinking about making a post about Draco Malfoy and my thoughts on his character since he’s pretty controversial in the fandom. Or maybe some popular\unpopular ships?
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
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word count: 18k
angst, fluff, smut
to this day, no one exactly knows what sparked the rivalry between the north side high school and south side high school. it seemed as if something that was just always present in the small town, with your parents and their parents and maybe even their parent's parents dealing with the tension had the two buildings been around back then.
whether it was between students personally, sports teams winning streaks, or academic scores, the two schools, centered in the same town only a few blocks away from one another, were always neck and neck. and it made socializing somewhat troublesome, always running into enemies and rivals you didn't even have a solid reason for disliking.
it was even more troublesome when brave students looked passed the silly, unknown rivalry, merging friend groups from north and south into one cohesive friend group. this isn't something you had ever done personally, sticking with the north side boys and girls you had known since elementary school.
but then one friday night party held at a friendly 'northerns' house changed everything, you and your friends walking in to see lots of unfamiliar faces.
"don't tell me she invited those scumbags," you friend bites harshly, immediately eyeing anyone and everyone she didn't recognize. 
"of course she did, she's like best friend's with all of them," your other friend scoffs, eyes roaming for the host so she can ask her what the hell she was thinking inviting this many people.
"why does it even matter?" you ask quietly. because while you've never set out to make friends with people from the other school, you also wouldn't be opposed. because until someone gives you a reason to dislike them, you're not gonna base your opinion off a group of people on some nonsensical history of hate.
"you're joking, right?" you hear your friend's high pitched voice whine, "they're literal scum. they come to our parties and try to fight everyone! they trash their school and talk back to the teachers! they're delinquents! do you know how many people get kicked out of that school a year?"
you eye the entire bottle of vodka in her hand, knowing all too well she also has a stash of weed she stole from her sister in her backpack. "delinquents, huh?"
her eyes narrow at your sarcasm, pushing your arm lightly. "okay, sorry we're all not goody too shoes like you mrs. i would never drink or smoke," she says mockingly.
you can't help the smirk that crosses your face at her bitter, snappy tone until it quickly falls when you catch a familiar pair of eyes across the room.
"oh, fuck my life..."
your older brother (but barely, you're less than a year apart for gods sake) catches your gaze and nods his head at you. you can't help but laugh internally at the irony of your friend calling the south side students delinquents when that boy right there attends your school.
because you had never met a more problematic person, always ready to pick a fight or start drama for no other reason than he just loves the thrill of it. loves the repartee back and forth before an abrupt, chaotic brawl of fists and kicks sends people into a panic.
he even loved it when you were kids, always pulling your hair and littering you in bruises that left your skin covered purple and blue more often than not; but it only got worse as he got older - luckily he had learned to spare you and other females.
it had gotten to the point where your parents almost insist you now go to every party and outing he's at, hoping that he'll curb his behavior in front of his little sister.
but no such luck because only an hour into it and you see him eyeing a group of south side boys, making his way up to them causing all of their stances to immediately stiffen. everyone has shifted into slight defense, narrowed eyes and snarled lips and a part of you watches in hopes that it'll die down.
but then you see two boys push their way forward, standing toe to toe with your brother and his friend before you stomp over.
"changbin," you growl lowly, arms folded over your chest in an attempt to look threatening. but it only causes him to laugh slightly, the boys behind you falling silent at your arrival.
"what do you want, y/n?"
"don't talk to me like that," you snap. because he's notorious for being extra snippy with you in front of his friends, like he's cool for being mean to you when you're almost always there to babysit him.
"yeah, don't talk to her like that," one of the south side boys says mockingly. you don't even bother turning around to shoot him a dirty look, grabbing changbin roughly by the arm and over to the less crowded corner.
"what is your problem?" the boy laughs out, knocking into you playfully.
"what do you think my problem is?" you ask him dully. "i know you're trying to start shit with them."
"me? start shit?" he quips sarcastically, "never."
you roll your eyes, not at all amused by him. because it's a miracle you haven't gotten hit or punched yourself from the amount of times you've broken up one of his many fights. and he doesn't even see that that's an issue.
"changbin, i'm serious!" you tell him adamently, "if i have to split up another fight-"
"okay, well, who the hell said you have to do that in the first place?" he asks, the slightest hint of annoyance seeping into his tone.
"mom and dad will get mad at both of us," you spit, "especially dad. and i don't need that." because afterall, changbin's anger and love of fighting didn't just fall out of the sky.
"whatever," he says, "just stay out of it. i'll tell them you tried, how 'bout that? so they don't get mad at their perfect little daughter."
you narrow your eyes at him, swallowing down the desire to tell him to fuck off before he cockily saunters back over to his friends. you stand there and watch him for a few seconds, the boy who mocked you peering over at you. your eyes linger on each other for a few seconds, his curious gaze roaming your face and body before a smirk plays at his lips. you rip your eyes away, escaping the loud voices and tension-filled stares in the safety of the bathroom.
you don't even know why you come to these parties anymore. you never really had fun at them, being surrounded by your drunken classmates who make out right in front of you after swearing they'd never do it again. and anytime your brother was in attendance, it added a whole new level of irritation.
because why should you watch him and keep him from being an idiot? put yourself in danger to stop his stupid, childish outbursts? you grip the sink in frustration, peering at our own reflection and wanting to laugh at how unhinged you look.
you take a few deep breaths, flushing the toilet and letting the faucet run so it at least seemed as if you were using the bathroom and not on the verge of a mental breakdown.
and thank god you did because you take three steps before you're cornered by the mysterious mocking boy with curious eyes. he blocks your path with a smirk, arms crossed over his chest as his gaze pierces down at you.
you look up at him and raise your eyebrow when he doesn't speak, just stands there and holds your eye contact.
"can i help you?" you ask, not being able to hold back the irritation that drips in your tone.
"your boyfriend's a bit of a dick, huh?"
a look of confusion crosses your face causing his head to turn ever so slightly. you haven't had a boyfriend a day in your life but you're as hell not about the to tell this strange boy that. "what are you talking about?"
his neck cranes back and nods toward changbin who you see thankfully has gone back over to his corner before looking back at you. "changbin. i think that's what you said his name was?"
a gag leaves your mouth as you shake your head frantically. "oh god, no! that's- that's my brother."
"ah, your brother," he hums, like he's genuinely fascinated by that revelation. "so what, you hang around and make sure he doesn't get in trouble?"
the condescending way in which poses the question causes your eyes to narrow, now matching his stance with folded arms and an overall cold demeanor.
"yeah because trouble always seems to start when you people come around." and even though you hadn't believed it an hour ago, there's something about this boy that's making you incredibly defensive and annoyed.
a breathy chuckle leaves his mouth as he takes a step closer to you, your eyes widening slightly when your back hits the wall. he stares down at you with a dark look in his eye, the teasing glint the only thing not making you feel nervous.
"us people?" he hums lowly, "and what kind of people is that?"
"i don't know, i hear you guys start a lot of shit," you say boldly despite being trapped, "deliquents, was the word used. and i see there might be some truth to that."
"that's funny, babe, because your brother was the one who approached us," he says calmly.
you purse your lips to the side, breaking the incessant eye contact to search for your friends. but of course, both of them are already lip-locked with their newest prospects of the night and not at all concerned about your whereabouts; which they shouldn't be, you suppose, but you could really use some assistance right now.
his throat clearing above causes you to look up at him again, pushing yourself further back into the wall.
"well, if he starts something," you say, voice changing into something unnaturally soft and sweet, "can you guys just ignore him? please?"
an amused look crosses his face, a sarcastic smile on his pretty, red lips. "oh? please?" he hums, "so you're gonna be nice, now?"
an annoyed huff leaves your mouth, reluctantly bringing your hands to this stranger's chest and pushing him back. "no, i'll be leaving you now," you say and leave you do, not once turning around to look at him as you make your way over to the other side of the room.
he watches you take a bottle of water out of the cooler before plopping down on the couch, phone in hand as you tap the screen. it lights up your face in the dimly lit room and he hates to admit that you really are pretty, a girl he'd typically seek out at a party like this and hope to end up making out with. he hums curiously before making his way back to his friends, seonghwa's eyes catching his.
"who were you talking to?"
"that loser's sister," he says quietly which causes hongjoong's head to perk up. "sister?" him and seonghwa both say at the same time; they had all really assumed you were his girlfriend.
"yup," he says, looking up to see you haven't changed positions. "she's...feisty."
"yeosang..." seonghwa says warningly, knowing all too well how the boy uses his smoldering looks and unique charm to reel girl's in.
"what," he chuckles out, meeting his friend's gaze. "i didn't do anything."
"that doesn't mean you won't," seonghwa mumbles, shaking his head at the boy.
"you know me too well, hwa," he says, patting his arm roughly before he meets changbin's glare. "you know me too well."
tense gazes and snarls only heightened throughout the night, the north side boys shouting from across the room while the south side boys just stood around quietly, plotting and preparing for a phyical fight if it was going to come down to it.
and of course, it did. you had watched it all unfold, watched your brother's friends make the first move when they got wind that a south side boy by the name of jongho started talking to one of the girls.
she was there one minute, flirting and talking friendly before the boy slightly pushed her out of the way upon seeing them charge forward, screams of profanities in one another's faces that were far too dramatic for the circumstances.
it was all just a pissing contest really, each side of boys trying to prove who was tougher and cooler when really they both just looked like fools. but you suppose you were the biggest fool, watching changbin barrel his way through the crowd and getting in the face of the black-haired boy.
"so you're the little bitch, huh?" you hear his voice bite, shooting up from your spot on the couch immediately. "i really think you guys are forgetting-"
"changbin, stop," you say lowly, going up behind him to grab the back of his shirt. but it's like you're a ghost, he doesn't even feel your presence or touch, just continues to talk shit to the boy until he draws his arm back and punches him square in the face.
"changbin!" you shout over the crowd of oohs and ahhs, onlookers with their phones out and only a few other people trying to split it up. he gets in three more punches, loud cracks while his friend's fight off the other boys and try to help you in getting your brother away from him.
"get the fuck away from me, y/n," he growls, drawing his arm back to push you backwards. his hand meets your stomach probably a bit harsher than he intended, your body stumbling back causing you to nearly fall onto the glass table.
you watch in a daze as the boy you talked to before stomps his way over to changbin, gripping him by collar and picking him off his bloody friend.
"don't touch my friend or your sister like that," he growls, tightening his hold on the boy's shirt before pushing him away from them.
"how 'bout you don't tell me what-"
"stop!" you screech, grabbing him roughly by the arm and making your way toward the front door. "just stop already, changbin!"
you throw him down in the front seat of your car before promptly locking him in, telling him you're going to get your stuff and that he better not leave the car. you run back in to the chaos, the group of south side boys huddled around the injured boy you've gathered is jongho.
you grab your bag before making your way over, kneeling down to see the boy's blooded face.
"i'm so sorry about him," you tell him quietly, wincing as you see the blood trickle down to his mouth.
"just get away from us," one of them says.
"wooyoung, she didn't-"
"no, san, this is their fault," he growls, helping jongho to his feet and dapping at his face. you can only sigh, offering one last quiet apology before making your way back outside.
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"i can't believe them, that crazy asshole," jongho snaps, eyeing himself in the mirror of hongjoong's basement apartment.
his parents had made the space for him when he started high school, first just to get him out of their hair and allow them a good night's rest away from his long nights of playing guitar or typing on his computer. but then it quickly transformed into basically housing the seven other boys, beds littered in the ample amount of rooms down there so the group of eight best friends could live together almost 24/7.
"we'll get them back," wooyoung says from the couch, leg still bouncing from the adrenaline. "they can't get away with this."
"his sister tried to apologize," san points out softly, bringing over band-aids and alcohol.
"that was just to save face," yeosang says near the open window, his lit cigarette hanging outside, "she was quick to call us out for being quote-unquote 'delinquents.'"
"oh jesus christ," hongjoong grumbles, "i mean seriously, what is their problem? we're all the same."
"he started it in the first place," mingi snaps before yunho adds, "exactly. and apparently, that kid fights everyone."
jongho hisses when seonghwa accidentally grazes the bruise on his face, all the boys heads snapping toward him with sympathy in their eyes. "well he's a little psycho who needs to be humbled," the bruised, bloody boy says.
yeosang listens to his friends conversation silently as he inhales the smoke, holding it and letting it burn as he tries to concoct a plan. because it'd be easy to get revenge on changbin himself, jump him at the next party with their fists and stomping feet the way they always do to people who deserve it.
but where's the fun in that when he has a feisty little sister who's already peeked his interest?
yeosang exhales, the smoke swirling out of the window before he puts the cigarette out in the dirt. "i have an idea," he says, the seven other boys turning their attention to the smirking boy with an all too familiar look in his eye.
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ironically enough, your part-time job at a small bakery is where you find the most solace. there's no stress from annoying teachers or piles of schoolwork like at school or fighting parents and an obnoxious brother at home.
instead, it's just the fresh smell of pastries and bread, the occasional ding of the bell welcoming in customers and the soft hum of 50s music playing through the speakers. your boss is also the owner, a tiny but incredibly sweet woman who has yet to tell you her age but you have to assume is in her early 70s.
"thank you for coming!" you chirp happily, eyeing the little girl who you slipped in an extra chocolate chip cookie for, "enjoy!"
the mother and daughter walk out, your eyes following them as the little girl eagerly clings to her mom for the dessert. you smile softly before sighing, going over to wipe off the few tables by the front window.
you hum along to elvis presley's version of hound dog, bobbing your head side to side as you wipe down tables and push in chairs. your hips begin to wiggle slightly as the guitar solo starts and unbeknownst to you, someone had been watching you from the window; you hear the familiar ding of the door opening a few seconds later.
"i'll be with you in a second," you call out, wiping down the last table before turning around; your friendly, customer-service smile falls immediately upon seeing a familiar pair of teasing, brown eyes.
"hello again," he says, looking over your uniform that is a pastel pink apron with smiling cupcakes plastered over it. "how cute."
"what- what are you doing here?" you stutter out, standing a few feet away from him. he smirks upon hearing your nervousness, taking three steps closer to you so he can properly look at you.
"isn't it obvious? i'm looking for something... sweet," he says, the smirk crossing his face as he looks at you causing your eyes to roll. this guy can not be serious.
you ignore his stupid words, pushing passed him and behind the register to take his order. "then what can i get you?"
"hmm, well i don't know," his deep voice hums, looking over the glass counter before meeting your gaze. "what do you recommend?"
you bite your tongue, figuring a yelp review of 'the girl behind the register suggested a foot up the ass' would be bad for business; so you smile through gritted teeth as you tell him the chocolate mousse cake is a customer favorite.
"but what do you like?" he asks, propping his elbow on the counter and smiling cockily at you. because he really couldn't believe his luck, that he just happened to pass your workplace the day after the party. he figured it was gonna take time, having to wait to see you next weekend or ask around at school.
"i don't like sweets," is all you say. because it's not a lie. and if you did, you certainly wouldn't work at a bakery.
"not at all?" he asks.
"not at all."
"well then what would you recommend to someone healing from a fight?" he asks, "because, you know, my friend got pretty messed up last night."
your face falls upon the mention of the boy, your heart tugging a bit because you always feel bad for the people you have to pull your brother away from. and last night wasn't the first time someone has gotten mad at you for it.
"is he okay?" you ask quietly, the soft concerned way in which you ask almost making him think you're genuine.
"he'll be fine," is all he says before that flirty, conniving look is back on his face. "so c'mon, babe, help a guy out here."
you sharply inhale so you don't start yelling at him, thinking to yourself before picking up a small white box and tray. yeosang watches you move around the bakery with ease, opening the small blue fridge before turning on a chocolate fountain.  
a few minutes later, you bring him a box with six chocolate-covered strawberries. "how's this?" you ask him, the sweet sarcasm dripping in your tone. he looks down at the fresh strawberries drizzled carefully in warm chocolate.
"now that is nice," he hums lowly.
"yeah, they're really good," you tell him, trying to act like he's any normal customer and not the boy from last night.
"oh?" he says, fumbling with the back of his jeans to grab his wallet. "i thought you didn't like sweets?"
"i don't but i like chocolate covered fruit," you mumble before telling him the price. he hands you a ten dollar bill, winking to keep the change before he turns to leave.
you almost let out a sigh of relief when he turns back around. "i don't think i ever got your name."
"that's because i didn't tell you," you snap sassily, his boyish chuckle filling the empty space.
"well, i'm yeosang," he says, walking back over to the register with his hand outstretched. you look down at it, ignoring the protruding veins and black rings adorned on his fingers, before your eyes meet again.
"that's nice."
his lips turn into a handsome smirk, licking his lips in a way that has your eyes quickly falling behind him to the people entering the store. "well, have a nice day, i hope you enjoy your-" you try to say when you meet his gaze again but he shakes his head.
"what's your name?"
"i have other customers," you mumble lowly, looking at him with wide eyes and a hot, fire growing in them.
"then i guess i'm just gonna have to call you babe," he says before his voice raises an octave. "it was nice seeing you again, babe! i hope to see you again ba-
"y/n," you snap, "my name's y/n."
"y/n," he repeats in his deep voice, letting it flow off his tongue. "that's pretty."
you narrow your eyes at him, eyeing the people behind him before he finally gets the hint. "i'll see you soon, y/n."
your eyes follow him out the door and catch his when he passes the window, smirking at you through the glass and throwing you a wink. he misses the sneer that crosses your face, letting out a sigh of relief when he's finally out of sight. you really hoping you won't be seeing him anytime soon.
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much to your dismay, yeosang came in the next three saturdays. walking in with that stupid smirk on his face, clad in a leather jacket and boots making you shake your head at him.
"what are you doing here?" you asked again, similiar to the last week you had seen him. he had smiled slyly at you, insisting that the chocolate covered strawberries were so good, he couldn't help but get another batch.
"but this time, can i have ten?" you eye him wordlessly before drizzling ten strawberries, wrapping them nicely in a box for him.
"oh no, to stay," he says, "i was hoping you could help me eat them."
"excuse me?" you mutter. because he's more absurd than you thought if you really thinks you're gonna entertain his company and-
"eat them with me."
you looked at the boy in shock, shaking your head at his commanding tone as a scoff leaves your mouth.
"i'm working."
"you don't get a break?" he asks lowly.
"had it already," you respond, bending down to arrange the desserts you've fiddled with a hundred times already today.
"then eat with me later tonight."
your head nearly smacks into the display case in shock, eyebrows furrowed together before you jump up to see him with a serious expression.
"go on a date with me."
a strangled laugh bubbles out of your mouth as you shake your head at him in bewilderment.
"and why on earth would i do that?" you ask him, "you don't even know me."
"but i want to," he says quietly, eyes roaming over your face in a way that makes you feel incredibly nervous. "and that's typically how people do it, right?"
you can only stare at him blankly, brain racing because where the hell did this come from? you barely know the kid, quite frankly find him rather irritating, and now he's here asking you on a date?
"you....intrigue me," he says, "you follow around your asshole brother but you're actually a nice girl. you care about people even though you pretend to be all...feisty and jaded."
"wow, you got all that in our two meetings? impressive," you quip sarcastically, feeling far too exposed at his analysis. "and it probably isn't the best idea to call someone jaded when you're trying to ask them out on a date."
his laugh echoes through the pastel bakery, his eyes peering into yours with an unreadable expression. "see," he says, "and you make me laugh. i definitely wanna go on a date with you."
your eyes search his face for any hint of mockery or joking, very wary of this boy and the way he talks to you. because parts of you are screaming to go for it, that there's obviously something pulling you towards the boy just a little bit. that he gets you worked up and sometimes unable to meet his you gaze.
but you also barely know him and see behind his handsome smirk and piercing eyes that he's someone who could easily have you under his control.
so you're about to utter a no when a loud group of kids and adults come through the door, ripping you from his gaze and causing you to swallow the nervous lump in your throat.
"leave," you whisper to him before plastering on a smile, welcoming the new customers without a second glance back at yeosang who maybe finally got the hint when he retreats to the door.
but no such luck. because the saturday after that, he came in and ordered another ten strawberries to stay.
"i'm not gonna eat them with you," you mumble before the door behind you flies open, your little boss barely visible over the counter.
"y/n have you seen the- oh, hi, young man," she says to yeosang, a small smile on her face. he waves at her, a polite smile on his face that transforms him into a boy who looks like he belongs in church or on a school's debate team.
"hello. are you y/n's boss?" you hear him ask, causing your eyes to widen.
"why yes i am," she quips with a smile, patting you on the shoulder lovingly before she looks back at him. "why? she giving you trouble?"
"not at all, she's great," he says with a chuckle. "she even recommended the chocolate covered strawberries and they're delicious. but...i was kind of hoping to share them with her."
your eyes narrow at him, silently mouthing 'stop it' when a humming leaves the little old lady's mouth. "oh really? well, i don't believe she's taken her break yet. y/n, why don't you join him?"
"i took it before," you lie, keeping your cold gaze on yeosang so you miss the way the woman next to you is already trapped under his spell. the dejected smile on his face is what does her over, insisting you take a 20-minute break and share the delicious treats with him.
"i couldn't, mrs.-"
"you can and you will," she says before bringing her mouth to your ear. "or i will and i don't think he or my husband wants that."
you press yours lips together to surpress the laugh from bubbling out of your mouth, side eyeing her with an unsure expression as she quickly takes the apron off you. "go, go," she says, "i'll be on the register."
and so that's how you end up sitting across the table from yeosang, a box of strawberries between you both as you sit there with your arms crossed.
"are you happy now?" you ask him lowly, rolling your eyes as you watch him bite into the chocolate.
"very," he says, smirking when he sees you roll your eyes. "you know, i don't think i've given you a reason to dislike me so much."
you raise your eyebrow as your lips purse to the side, swallowing down the need to become defensive.
"oh no? this is the third saturday you've harassed me at work," you say, thinking about when he came in last week asking for samples, so many samples you ran out of spoons, before he just decided on the very dessert he's chowing down on now.
"visited," he gently corrects, biting his lip to hide his smile when an exasperated look crosses your face.
"okay, then what's it gonna take you for you to stop 'visiting' me? is this all you wanted?" you ask, gesturing between you both.
"no," he says, "i still want to go on a date with you."
you put your head in your hands frustratedly, rubbing over your eyes before looking right into his. and you can just tell from that, that he's not gonna be the type to let up. that he'll keep coming in every single saturday and spending $10 on fruit and chocolate until you agree.
so it's why you let out a sigh, pluck a strawberry from the box and bite into it before you grunt out "fine."
his eyebrows raise in surprise, tongue peeking out to lick over his lip. "really?"
"yes. one date," you say with finality, "and then you stop visiting me."
"deal," he says with a smirk before his eyes fall to your mouth. you swallow nervously at his gaze, watching his hand reach out before his thumb brushes over the corner of your lip.
he looks back at you, smirk still planted on his face when he sees the look on your face. "chocolate," he mumbles, "you work friday?"
you can only find it in yourself to nod your head, "till 8," you squeak out.
he smiles at you before standing up, pushing the box toward you before winking. "see you then," he says, waving goodbye to your boss who's been trying (but failing) to not make her staring too obvious.
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you really, really hate to admit it but you were having fun. and that's saying a lot considering yeosang (and fine, maybe you too) just promptly got you guys kicked out of your date location. he had been outside your work place at 7:55, the loud tremble of his motorcycle whipping down the small street and alerting you of his arrival.
he walked in looking like the stereotypical bad boy, clad in usual leather but the singular pink rose in his hand a sharp contrast. your mouth dropped open in surprise, an awkwad giggle leaving your mouth because you hadn't expected that at all; in fact, you were half expecting him to forget all about it.
but you were really happy he didn't. you guys had a late dinner at a resturant a few blocks away, walking side-by-side in the cool night as you tell him about your shift and how long you've been working there.
he tells you that he lives with his seven friends in one of their basements, his boyish chuckle ringing in your ears over and over as he talks about them. he broke down your cold, slightly guarded exterior within the first hour and a half, now the both of you at an arcade as you try to beat each other at skee ball.
because you had been unbeatable at air hockey. at first, you both surely thought it was beginners luck but after four games, it really seemed as if it was you had a truly remarkable talent. one that he seems to have at skee ball.
"you're a cheater!" you squeal, hitting him in the arm playfully watching his ball swoop into the 10,000 points slot for the sixth time in a row.
"i'm not," he laughs out, looking down and smiling at the determination on your face as you stand in front of the board. you side-eye him before taking the ball in your hand, swinging your arm back and attempting to line it up directly with the top right side.
but just like every other time, it tips off the slot and clatters down to showcase a measly 1,000 points on the screen proudly. an annoyed groan leaves your mouth, the boy's chuckle next to you only making you look up in frustration.
"stop it," you whine. the pout on your face causes him to pop his neck nervously, a thought rushing to his mind to distract him before he quickly moves his eyes around the room.
"what're you doing?" you ask, watching his eyes roam suspiciously around the room.
"shh," he says, putting a finger to his lips before it twists into a smile. his arm wraps around your waist suddenly, causing a surprised squeal to leave your mouth when you feel your feet lift off the ground and onto the runway of the skee ball machine.
"yeosang!" you whisper-yell, like your figure standing tall in the machine isn't obvious enough.
"sh," he laughs out, placing a ball in your hand before tapping your hip. "go."
you look at him with wide eyes before they scan the room quickly, turning around and scurrying up the platform to throw the ball directly into the 10,000 point slot.
you run back with a smile, clapping your hands like you aren't the biggest cheater in this place and giggling when he plops you back down on the ground by your hips.
"there, we're even now," he says, looking at you with amusement in his light, brown eyes.
"so you were cheating!" you yelp, poking his chest lightly and feeling your heart stutter when his hand grabs it.
"no," he mumbles, "but i guess anything to keep you-"
"i saw that," a grouchy old worker tells you, her hair gray and thinning a sure sign this is the last place she wants to work. "do that again and you're out."
"sorry," you wince while yeosang begins to justify your actions. but you quickly elbow him, smiling politely at the lady before dragging him away from the skee ball machines.
"you weren't seriously gonna fight that lady," you say, voice laced with teasing and amusement.
"she interupted our date," he says lowly causing your eyes to roll as you lead him back toward the air hockey table. "it's annoying when people interrupt you when you're busy, huh? like at work, per se."
"oh shut up," he mumbles, squeezing his hand in yours that you had completely forgotten about. "because it doesn't seem like you'd mind now, hm?"
you rip your hand away quickly, mumbling "shut up" as heat rises to your cheeks. he grabs you again by the waist before you can leave, turning you in his hold to get a good look at the shy, flustered look on your face.
"look how pink you are," he says, hand grazing your cheek with a smile.
"stop it and let me go!" you squeak out, even more embarrassed as you wriggle in his hold.
"what if i don't want to?" he mumbles, words whispered as he brings his mouth to your ear. "what if i like seeing you a little flustered and blushing for me?"
you swallow down the lump that's quickly formed in your throat, giving yourself a few seconds to calm down and forget about his breath fanning over your skin before you push him away.
"then that's unfortunate for you," you snap, "now let's play."
his loud cackle booms through the noisy arcade, shaking his head before he confesses he let you win the whole time. you let out a scoff, the two of you arguing back and forth as you play which is what, you're convinced, led you to lose.
so you play four more games, all of them neck and neck until he easily scores the winning shot every single time. but the last game had really gotten to you, causing you in a fit of competetive rage to throw yourself on the table with a yelp of "no!"
he watches in amusement as your arm stretches to grab his puck, teasingly moving it back and forth in his hand as all of your internal organs slowly get crushed. you grumble pleas to "stop" and "give it to you" to which he smirks and promises he will one day.
and who comes around the corner at that moment other than the old lady from thirty minutes ago, narrowing her eyes at you guys before stomping over.
"i warned you," she spit, arms folded as she taps her foot at the both of you. "now get out."
you quickly scurry off the table and give her a small, apologetic smile. "i'm sorry, ma'am! i got too competitive! i promise it won't happen-"
"no. i said get out," she says roughly.
"out!" she yells, her loud tone causing you to naturally jump back. you hit yeosang's hard body, his hand moving to squeeze your waist reassuringly.
"god, you're a bitch," he mumbles causing your eyes to widen.
"yeosang," you whisper.
her face twists into one of absolute rage, stomping over to you and going off about his lack of respect and asking if that's how his parents raised him.
"they told me to respect people who deserve it, not to respect people just because they're an old hag," he says, gripping your hand tightly and pulling you next to him. "you screaming in her face doesn't warrant shit."
he turns around when she starts to yell again, the both of you charging out of the arcade with a horrified look on your face.
"yeosang! i- you just called that woman an old hag! to her face!"
"and?" he says, interlacing your fingers as you scurry through the parking lot.
"that is....that was.... that was so mean!" you finally get out, covering your mouth with your hand as a shameful laugh bubbles out of it.
"oh yeah?" he quips, teasing in his tone as you stand in front of his motorcycle.  "because you're laughing right now."
"stop, i can't help it," you giggle, biting your lip so a huge smile doesn't cross your face. "i guess that makes me as bad as you, right?"
his eyes roam your face, eyes full of a light and a giant smile that almost had him forgetting why he asked you out in the first place. why he has to keep up his acts of bringing you flowers and holding your hand and whispering in your ear.
why he's gently tucking your hair behind your ear, looking at you with the softest expression he can muster on his face.
"no," he mumbles into the cold air, "you're much better than me, y/n."
there's something about the way he says it that has your eyebrows knitting together, lips pursing to the side before you open your mouth to speak. but he's quick to place his black helmet on your head, snapping the buckle under your chin before revving up his motorcycle.
you sit on the back, your arms tightly wrapped around his abdomen as the wind whips past you and thoughts swarm in your head that maybe, if given the opportunity, you wouldn't mind going on a second date with him.
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and lucky for you, many more opportunities came.
the next three weekends consist of dates with yeosang, fridays either going to new dinner spots or (disastrously) trying out rollerblading while on saturdays he came in to order his ten chocolate covered strawberries and waited around for the break you now save for his arrival.
tonight's date was at the movie theater, planning to see a horror movie despite your pleas to watch literally anything else. but yeosang was quick to snag you guys a seat in the back, guiding you in by the small of your back as he held the biggest tub of popcorn you'd ever seen.
the date started out normal, the two of you quietly chatting and laughing through the previews as your slightly greasy hands collided ever so often; he earned a small piece of popcorn being thrown at him when he commented on your butter fingers.
it was when the movie was about forty minutes in, proving to be as boring and slow as most horror movies were nowadays, that things took a turn. at first you thought nothing of it, his elbow hitting yours as he rested his arm on your armrest.
you tried to focus, keep your eyes on the screen and not turn to look at the boy you've really grown to like over this past month.
because while he was still a bit obnoxious and out of line sometimes, there was sometimes a glimmer in his soft eyes and smile that made your heart jump in your chest. and then towards the end of your days together, something else took over. a deeper, darker look that made your stomach tighten and palms sweat, his whispered words ghosting over your ear or the feel of his strong hands on your waist.
your focus wavers when you feel his hand fall to the top of your thigh, his pointer finger reaching down to graze your exposed skin ever so slightly. because you typically don't wear skirts but on your last dinner date, you had noticed yeosang's lingering gaze on your legs and you'd be lying if you said it didn't make feel happy and excited. (but, of course, if he had called you out on it, you'd insist you wore it because it was pretty and new).
you look down at it and bite your lip, turning to squint your eyes at him. but his are trained on the screen, an unreadable expression on his face like he can't feel your gaze penetrating his face.
you look back and swallow nervously, trying to ignore the feeling of his finger itching its way up your thigh slowly, almost painfully, like his skin is burning yours. he continues this for the next few minutes, dragging his finger up and down your thigh lightly before he suddenly palms it, squeezing lightly and causing you to harshly inhale.
"what-what are you doing?" you whisper to him lowly, his fingers resting on your inner thigh.
"nothing," he mumbles, but you can hear the smirk in his voice. "what are you doing?"
"i'm trying to watch this movie but you're-"
the distinct sound of someone shushing you from a few rows down causes you to stop talking, side-eyeing him but making no move to take his hand off your leg. and maybe that's cause every week, the desire's been creeping up on you. and now sitting here with him, in the dark, surrounded by a bunch of unsuspecting people, isn't exactly helping that feeling.
because would someone really notice if he-
you feel his fingers trail closer to the innermost part of your thigh, feeling a familiar searing sensation rip through your core causing you to grab his palm. at first he thinks he's fucked up, made you incredibly uncomfortable and drew a line that not even he would pass. but then he sees your heated gaze, your teeth sunken into your lip as your feet press into the floor.
"yeosang," you say warningly.
"what are you doing?" you repeat through your choked whisper.
"i'm bored, y/n," he whispers lowly before leaning closer to your ear. "and i've been wanting to play with this pretty pussy of yours for weeks now."
your mouth drops open at his words, a strangled laugh threatening to leave at his absurdity if the desire and clenching between your legs didn't completely overwhelm your entire being. so instead, a shaky exhale leaves your mouth as you squirm in your seat at the feel of wetness pooling.
"and you thought now would be the appropriate time?" you get out, voice strangled and clearly bothered but still with that underlying attitude it always seem to hold with him.
his breathy laugh fans over your ear, warm breath ghosting over your burning skin. "yeah," his deep voice mumbles out, "it's dark. and we're pretty spaced out." there were only a few other couples and groups in the movie theater, all of them near the front or middle.
"do you not want me to?" he asks, moving his hand out of your grasp to continue its assault on your inner thigh. "say the word and i'll take my hand away right now."
you meet his penetrative gaze, seduction and teasing in his brown eyes as a knowing smirk spreads over his lips.
it makes you absolutely hate that you can't say it, that your body is screaming to keep your mouth shut and not rob it of recieving any sort of relief. you only stare up into his cocky, teasy gaze, his tongue coming out to lick his lips when he sees the tightness in your glossy eyes.
"now let's see just how wet you are for me," he mumbles, your teeth digging into your own lip now so a tiny whine doesn't leave your mouth.
you attempt to control your ragged breathing when you feel his hand slip under your skirt, rubbing you slowly through your wet thong that causes quiet, synchronized curses to leave your mouths. him because he loves feeling just how much his touches effect you and you because his hands are finally on you.
"that's good, baby," he mumbles lowly, "you're doing really good for me. but i'm gonna need you to stay quiet, okay?"  
your head lolls to the side, looking up at him and nodding before your eyes roll back when his hand moves your underwear to the side and his finger grazes over your clit. you whisper his name but it only causes his other hand to cover your mouth, slowly moving over you faster causing you to wriggle in the seat. your quiet moan is muffled by his hand and he smiles into the darkness, speeding up his finger's pace.
"you like this, pretty girl? does that feel good?"
too embarrassed to speak, your eyes shut as you welcome the pleasure his fingers are giving you. but then, like in some sick form of punishment for not acknowledging him, he pushes his finger into your dripping opening.
his eyes immediately widen when he feels just how tight you are around it, the tiny grimace on your face at the foreign feeling causing him to rip his hand out of your skirt.
"wait-are you a virgin?" he asks, his voice one of disbelief; he hadn't even considered that.
your eyes pop open as you nod your head, your lips turned into a pout at the feeling of being empty and wet. "why-why did you do that?"
the whine in your voice causes him to smirk, looking down at your legs where your skirt is rumpled at your thighs. "i thought i hurt you," he hums, "but you still want more?"
heat rushes to your cheeks as you nod your head, feeling like every bit of pride and dignity you had was momentarily stripped from you. but the sensation between your legs and dripping down your thighs is almost too much to handle.
"do you want my fingers in you?" he asks lowly, bringing the hand that was just inside you to your lips, his thumb threatening to slip between them. "or how 'bout my mouth? something tells me you probably taste-"
a jump scare in the movie seems to bring both of you back to your surroundings, remembering you're very much still in public and surrounded by people. so when your glossy eyes meet, your own full of arousal as his remain dark and teasing, he takes your hand and out the door to his motorcycle.
you both slip into his bedroom fifteen minutes later, your hand still in his as he slams the door shut and locks it. the ache between your legs hasn't even subsided a little; if anything, it only grew more with your body straddled over his motorcyle as you clung on to his hard stomach.
so you just about die when he pushes you back on the bed and falls to his knees, exposing your wet core when he drags your underwear down your quivering legs. you crane your neck up to see him already looking at you, a sinister smile on his face just as his hand disappers under your skirt again.
"you're still wet for me, right?" he asks, his tone almost condescending but proving to make your arousal grow stronger.
you nod your head, a strangled plea to touch you falling from your lips. you feel the breath from his laugh fan onto you, your eyes shutting as his finger barely grazes over you.
"just a few more seconds, baby," he teases, "you can wait, can't you?" and even though he's getting off on the fact that you're desperate for him, face pinched into one of frustration and arousal as you wriggle underneath him, he feels himself grow hard looking at your wet pussy.
"yeosang," you whine, bucking your hips up in hopes that it'll give you some relief. any relief. just something other than the borderline painful throbbing shooting through you. because it's bad enough that you're stripped here, half naked for a boy you couldn't stand but are begging to get you off.
and he must take pity on you because of that, his small chuckle followed by the sound of your loud, abrupt moan when his tongue swipes over your slit. your head falls back onto the mattress when he licks up to your clit, lapping over it skillfully as your hands start gripping the sheets.
you hadn't felt anything like this before, his tongue licking and sucking every part of you as his own content hums and moans vibrate against you. he hears your breathing turn ragged as you choke on moans, trying to surpress the urge to scream out when he slowly slips a finger in you.
"moan for me, baby, it's okay," he assures in his deep voice, "let me hear you."
and hear you he does, high-pitched moans and a mantra of his name over and over again as he drills his two fingers into your wetnes and eats you out like a man starved. you feel yourself on the brink of coming when he suddenly stops like some sort of sadist, your head shooting up to see him taking off his own jeans and underwear. and that's when you realize just how hard he is, his veiny cock springing from his boxers as he pants pool at his feet.
"i'm sorry, baby, it was about to fall off," he laughs out, the sounds of your moans and the taste of you getting to him. "you're gonna come on my tongue, don't worry."
but before he dives back in, you place your hand on his forehead and move back on the bed, guiding him up with your hand.
"what?" he asks, eyes narrowed as he tries to figure out what you want. but being this forward causes your cheeks to warm, suddenly consumed by an unsure feeling. because you've never done anything like this before. you have no idea what you're doing and here you are-
"hey, what happened?" he asks, noticing your slight change in demeanor. his hand rests on your cheek as he slips into that soft voice that makes your heart flutter.
"i just...don't you wanna come too?" you ask quietly, eyes nervously filtering around the room.
he smiles down at you, moving his thumb over your skin as he shakes his head. "i mean, of course i do," he laughs out, "but this was about you. i wasn't gonna...expect anything from you."
but then the unanimous decision that 69 would be best case scenario won, your warnings that you've never done this before and might be awful calmed by his assurance that as long as your pussy is in his mouth and your lips are wrapped around his cock, nothing could be that awful.
you take your time learning by listening to his reactions, licking around his tip and feeling him groan against you before you take him in your mouth. you bob your head up and down, spitting down him like he suggested and then finding a motion that only seemed to spur him on above.
his tongue dove into your opening with an eagerness that had you moaning against his cock, planting yourself harder on his face as he lapped up your wetness and played with your clit.
you came with a loud moan around his cock soon after, the vibrations causing him to buck his hips further into your mouth and making you to gag. he was quick to pull you off him and lay you down, placing a kiss on your sweaty head before taking his own dick in his hand and jerking off until he released onto your stomach.
you'd probably be a little disgusted by the sight of his semen if you weren't so blissed out, eyes heavy and heart racing as you lay there in a post orgasm daze. after cleaning you and himself up, he lays down beside you and smiles seeing you in your tired state.
"how was that, baby?" he hums lowly. already exposed and vulnerable, you roll over to rest your head on his chest, mumbling something that sounds like a mix of "so good" and "amazing" into his skin.
he chuckles before pulling the blanket up and around you both, his hand running through your sweaty, slighty-knotted hair until he hears your steady, even breaths of sleep. he lays there for a few moments and allows himself this bliss. the bliss he absolutely doesn't deserve. somewhere deep inside his chest reminding him, screaming at him in guilt and horror.
he rips himself away from you and pulls on a pair of sweatpants before quietly leaving the room, being met with the disappointed faces of san and hongjoong who were mindlessly watching tv.
"hey," he says quietly, padding his way over and plopping down on the couch. it's no secret they had gotten a good idea of what just happened, hearing the muffled moans and calls of yeosang's name.
it's a few minutes of tense, slightly awkward silence until san breaks it.
"you went too far, yeosang," his friend says, shaking his head as he looks at the bedroom door.
"what're you talking about?" he asks, the sinking feeling in his heart and stomach proving he knows exactly what the boy's talking about.
yeosang watches the smoke swirl out of the window as he puts his cigarette out in the dirt. "i have an idea," he says, the seven other boys turning their attention to the smirking boy with an all too familiar look in his eye.
"oh god, i know that look," san says cautiously, "what sadistic shit did your brain just conjure up?"
"not sadistic," yeosang assures, placing his arm on the back of the couch. "rather juvenile. but i think it'd work a lot better than the alternative."
jongho's eyebrow raises, dapping at his face with antiseptic cream as he looks in the mirror. "what're you going on about?"
"i figured we have two options," he explains, going over his plan that, of course, they could go after changbin. punch and kick and fight him until his face looks ten times worse than jongho's.
but why not target someone he loves? someone that he finds himself responsible for, no matter how poorly he may treat them. someone that peeked his interest just enough for him to devise this sort of twisted plan: get to know you, date you, 'fall in love' with you just for him to end things in the name of changbin and his hatred toward him and his friends.
"you're not honestly considering this,"  san says to yeosang when he's done talking, "you can't play with someone's heart like that!  that's fucked up, even for you."
"it's perfect!" wooyoung says, ignoring san's words as he claps his hands together. "jevenile, you're right. but perfect. nothing like using someone's sister for revenge. ooooh do you know how pissed he'll be too when he finds out his own sister is dating you, of all people?"
the boys look at each other warily, parts of them thinking it'll be harmless fun while others are thinking this could quite possibly be their friend's worst idea yet.
"i'm with san, i don't like it either," hongjoong says, "she was nice to us and apologized. i dont't think she deserves to be dragged into this."
"she dragged herself in when she inserted herself into her brother's fights," wooyoung says, not being able to get passed his anger and bitterness at watching jongho getting injured. "she also probably thinks of us the same way he does."
the boys bicker back and forth about the plan, yeosang remaining silent as he toys with the  cigarette in his pocket. but hongjoong can see the boy has already made up his mind, that he's narrowed himself in on you and plans to carry out whatever else he's concocted in that brain of his.
"he's gonna do whatever he wants, guys," hongjoong says, halting the boy's voices as he looks at yeosang. "whatever we say isn't even gonna matter, is it?"
"probably not," he says with a smirk because his friend really does know him well. "besides, she was a fiesty little thing. she might end up being more trouble than she's worth."
"you said date her, not bring her to the house and fuck her," san spits angrily, not at all liking how this little plan of his is playing out.
"i didn't fuck her, she's a- she hasn't done that before."
hongjoong and san's eyes widen, the latter boy running a hand through his hair in frustration; that makes everything worse.
"yeosang..." hongjoong says warningly.
"i know what i'm doing," he snaps, "jeez, it's not that big of a deal."
"not that big of a deal?" san says, voice raising as he shakes his head. "you're using her to get back at her asshole of a brother! how is that not-"
"shut the fuck up, san," yeosang growls lowly, shooting up from the couch and over to his friend, "she's sleeping."
"maybe i should wake her up then," san says, standing up and going over to the boy, "let her know what an asshole you're being right now and tell her the truth."
"like you being a little bitch is any better," yeosang spits, "you don't even know the whole truth so stop rubbing your mouth." hongjoong sees the exact moment san considers punching him in the face, his small fists bawled before he jumps up and throws his body between the two boys.
"stop. both of you."
and because hongjoong's word is final, the two boys stare at one another before yeosang scoffs. he makes it a point to bump into san's shoulder roughly, pretending that the angry brewing in him is aimed at the boy and not himself.
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a feeling of deja vu hits you when you walk into your classmate's house and your eyes collide with yeosang, a small smile on your face as he nods his head at you.
you guys have been seeing each other for a little over two months now, texting when you can during the week and spending every friday and saturday together. it was concerning how fast you let your guard down with him and it only proved to deepen your feelings, both your emotional nd physical bond getting stronger and stronger everyday.
it's why you guys can barely keep your eyes off each other, gazes meeting and smiles spreading across your face before you nervously look away or get called out by your friend.
"why does he keep smiling at you?" your friend asks.
"yeah," the other girl goes, "you keep looking at him too! do you guys know each other?"
you can only nod your head, informing them that he sometimes comes into your bakery since it's technically not a lie, afterall. they look at him with a grimace before rolling their eyes, dragging you away so you're out of his view. "we can't have you associating with him," they said.
so you could only imagine how surprised they were when an hour later, you waltzed right up to yeosang and placed a kiss on his cheek.
"finally," he mumbles in your ear, resting his hand on your hip and squeezing it lightly. "i've been waiting for you."
"they kept ushering me away," you tell him over the blaring music, "didn't want me around a bunch of deliquents."
you suddenly hear a loud deep voice booming the words to the song, turning around to see yeosang's two large friends dropping their asses to the floor.
"a elle le gusta la gasolina!" the red-haired one sings, beer in the air shortly followed by the other's "dame mas gasolina!"
you can't help but burst out laughing, snapping your head to yeosang who watches them with a blank expression. "yeah, cause that's what are. deliquents," he says dryly.
you hadn't really gotten to know his friends very well, just exchanged polite hi's and bye's when you happen to see them when you visit their house. they all seemed nice enough, though you did find it strange that none of them could really look you in the eye. you figured it was because of changbin's antics, who you made sure to apologize again for when you saw jongho.
"they're good," you comment, giggling when the one yeosang introduced as yunho winks playfully at you.
he drags you in front of him by your hip, pushing your body back into his crotch and causing your eyes to widen. what the hell is he- "but i'm sure you're better," he hums in your ear, moving his body against yours ever so slightly and causing you to snort.
"stop it," you giggle, pushing yourself back into him harshly. "i went my whole high school career not grinding at a sleazy party and i'd like to keep it that way."
he turns you in his hold so your chests are flush against one another, his arms wrapped around your waist as you splay your fingers across his chest.
"i thought that was because you never had anyone to grind with," he mumbles in your ear, smiling into your hair when he hears you scoff.
"not technically, no.... but i probably could've if i wanted to," you whine, cheeks warming as he calls out your lack of experience.
"but you didn't," he says, voice dropped the way it always is when you're behind his closed bedroom door. "and now you have me."
you crane your neck back to look at him, eyes wide and curious as you bite your lip to hide your smile. because you suppose this is the closest you two have come to putting an official title on whatever you two have been doing. going on dates and holding hands and fumbling under his warm comforter while you swallow each other's moans.
"oh...really?" you squeak and your voice sounds so hopeful and happy that it makes his heart tug for more than one reason. but he smiles through it, pecks a kiss right onto your lips in front of everyone.
"of course, baby," he chuckles out, "what'd you think we were doing?"
"i don't know," you blush again, a shy smile making it's way on your face. "i don't know the proper procedure."
"proper procedure?" he asks, raising an eyebrow teasingly causing you to giggle into your palm and smack his chest lightly.
"stop making fun of me!"
"i'm sorry, you're just so cute," he says, reaching his hand up to pinch your cheek causing your nose to scrunch in distaste. but then his voice drops again, eyes falling to the lips as a sinister, teasing smirk crosses his face. "even when you're gagging on my cock, you're still so-"
"what. the. fuck," you hear a familiar voice behind you, jumping around with flushed cheeks and wide eyes to see changbin staring at the both of you with fire in his eyes. at yeosang's hands on your hips and your bodies pressed flush against each other.
you can only stare blankly, eyes wide and mouth agape because how the hell could you have forgotten your brother was here? and now he's so angry looking at the both of you comfortably pressed up against one another, the familiar twinge of anxiety and nervousness creeping it's way into your bones when you're around a pissed off changbin ready to fight.
"changbin, if you would just-"
"get your hands off her. now," your brother demands, jaw clenched and body advancing forward like he's about to snatch you out of yeosang's arms. but the boy's quick to turn you around, angle your body to the side to ensure no one's taking you away from him.
"i don't think i will," yeosang says cooly, evenly, like an eerie calmness before a storm.
"you're really out of your fucking mi-"
"she's my girl and brother or not, you won't tell me what to do," yeosang snaps, watching his jaw tick and face turn to one of absolute rage. "especially when you're so angry."
"your gir- y/n, you're dating him? what the fuck is wrong with you!" he screams, the people around you falling silent as they side-eye you.
"don't yell at me, changbin, it's none of your business," you snap, trying to get yourself out of yeosang's hold.
"how do you figure, little sister," he spits sarcastically, "you're making us look so stupid, don't you know that? you look like the biggest idiot."
"i suggest you shut your fucking mouth," yeosang growls, watching as changbin's harsh gaze turns from you to him.
"what, you're too big a pussy to go after me so you target my sister?" he asks. you feel yeosang's hold let go out of you and advance toward your brother who's collar is quickly grabbed again.
"what gave you the impression i'm a pussy?" he asks, tightening his hold on his shirt and turning his neck to the side. "like i won't fuck you up right now."
"then do it and see what happens, see how fast my sister leaves you," changbin snaps before smikring, "not like you really give a shit about her anyway, right?"
one of yeosang's friends, sporting soft brown eyes and a dimply smiles tries to guide you away from them when he sees you watching them in a panic. but you're quick to jump in the middle of them, pull yeosang back by the shirt who immediately releases your brother when he feels your touch.
and because you know your brother, you're quick to jump around to the middle and drag him out the door into the cold, outside air.
"what is your problem?!" you ask, voice raising and threatning to wobble. "why do you always have to start shit?"
"you can't be serious, y/n. you really can't be that fucking stupid!"
your face drops when as he yells harshly in your face, pressing your lips into one another so you don't scream or cry. but it doesn't stop your brother from shaking his head and continuing to give you a reality check. because he's a boy, a mean one at that, and it's abundantly clear to him what yeosang is doing.
"he's using you to get back at me, y/n. for punching his little coconut head friend," he says, your eyes narrowing at his petty insult. "how do you not see that?"
"you're so full of yourself, changbin," you spit, in disbelief that someone could actually have an ego this inflated. because it's bad enough your own parents make you surround your weekend with his nonsense but now he really has the balls to think he's able to have that effect on other people as well? that the only reason a boy would talk and interact and show an interest in you was because of him?
"maybe he just likes me for me. would that be so hard to believe?"
but he only rolls his eyes at your dramatics, letting out a scoff as he shakes his head at you. "whatever, y/n. just don't come crying to me when you discover i was right." he pushes passed you and disappears back into the house, the door slamming behind him and causing you to exhale shakily.
you plop down on the steps and put your head in your hands, frustrated and hurt and annoyed at him; changbin's never been there for you ever. you can't think of a time he was ever nice to you or stuck up for you, not when people used to bully you at school or when your parents on the daily yell at you for nonsense.
and now the one time you finally get a boy that likes you, he can't even do the big brother thing and be happy for you. he has to assume the worse case scenario and make everything about him.
you sit there in the cold for a few minutes, rubbing over your pounding temples and shivering when a cold breeze tickles your skin. you hear the door open behind you, moving down a step with a small apology until yeosang is crouched down below you. a small smile appears on his face upon seeing your red, cold cheeks.
"it's cold out here, babe," he mumbles, placing his warm hands on your cheeks causing your eyes to drop into your lap.
"i-i don't wanna go back in there," you tell him quietly, for some reason feeling embarrassed that changbin made those accusations about him. "i just can't believe him," you mumble, "he's such an asshole. how could he say that-"
"it's okay," he grunts out, voice tight and strained and you imagine it's because another harsh whip of wind hits you both in the face. "he doesn't matter."
you look up at him, heart and stomach fluttering when you see something twinged in his brown eyes that you've never seen before. it's an emotion you can't quite pinpoint, his eyes roaming your face as his thumbs gently start to stroke your cheeks.
"how 'bout we just go?" he says softly, "we can go back to my room and just hang out. or i can bring you home." but you're quick to shake your head, a small shy smile when you tell him you wanna stay with him.
so he pecks your cheek, interlaces your fingers and drags you over to his motorcycle. he plops his helmet on your head the way he always does, snapping it under your chin before bringing your arms around his waist.
you spend the night in his bed, feet tangled as you talk and giggle and kiss until he slips his fingers between your legs and moans ring throughout his room.
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the knot in yeosang's stomach only grew over the past two weeks, changbin's words and the way he couldn't even assure you that they weren't true eating him alive. because he'll admit it started that way, he didn't have any intention of actually coming to have feelings for you. but ever since that night, he can't stop wracking his brain over how wrong he's been. how stupid and mean and childish the idea was in the first place and that now maybe he deserves all the guilt and anxiety ridding his body.
because it didn't take him long to realize he geninely loves your company, loves the way you smile at him and laugh and chastise him when he gets a little too out of line. and if all of that didn't make it clear to him that you were the real deal for him, seeing you with tears in your eyes outside of the bakery surely did the trick.
he had come to pick you up for your friday night date when he saw you and an older man talking animately to each other, both your faces pinched in anger though yours hold the slightest hint of fear and frustration.
"because i have plans with my friend, dad!" you screech, resisting the urge to stomp your foot. and to anyone else walking by, it would look like you were a bratty teenage girl disobeying your father. "why should i have to go and babysit him? he's a 17-year-old boy!"
"really, y/n," he spats, his eyes burning into yours and you know it's taking everything in him to not put his fist through the glass window. "i give you everything you could possibly need and you can't do this one thing for me?"
you resist the urge to roll your eyes because that's always his line. throwing it in your face that he provides you with food and shelter and clothing when really, that's what he signed up for when he decided to have kids. because you work this job for your own money, never asking him for a cent and even offering to pay for your own phone bill.
"because it's not fair," you whine, "i should be able to do my own things without having to follow my older brother around. i don't understand why you even enable this be-"
"who do you think you're talking to!" he shouts, your body retracting at the sound as a squeal leaves your mouth. "you should just do the things i tell you to do."
"well why can't changbin do things you tell him! like not to get into fights like a child."
yeosang listens from across the street, his legs itching to go over and help you but thinking it might do more harm than good. but once he sees the familiar twitch of your dad's hand moving up, more shouts leaving his mouth, he's quick to rev his motorcycle.
your head snaps to the side, looking at the boy's figure covered by his black helmet and tears spring to your eyes because you just wanna be with him, far away from your dad and brother and family who do nothing but harass you.
"i don't know what's gotten into you but-"
"i left my sweatshirt inside," you suddenly snap, "and my friend's gonna be here soon. i'm not going, dad. i'm done watching over your grown son."
and with that, shoulders flinching up to your ears because there's a 50% chance you're about to get smacked, you pull open the door to the bakery and wait behind the register until you see your father stomp towards his car. you shakily exhale, grasping the counter to reign yourself in. you're happy you were able to stand up for yourself, finally tell your father just how absurd it is that he's been making you enable changbin's behavior; but that doesn't mean it had been easy.
because that was only half the battle, now you'll have to deal with more backlash from him and your mom and maybe even changbin himself if he ever decides to talk to you again.
and the thought of having to do that sends you into a nervous panic, not wanting to deal with the hostile environment and the fighting and the-
the ding of the bell rips you from your frazzled, panicked thoughts, your mouth opening to stutter out an apology that you're closed until your glossy eyes meet yeosang's. a small smile rests on his face as he makes his way up to the counter, tucking your hair behind your ear gently.
"am i still able to get chocolate-covered strawberries?" he asks, his eyes and tone teasing, "i know you're closing but have a date tonight and i really think she'd like them."
a small, half-hearted giggle leaves your mouth as you nod your head getting ready to grab a box and tray before his arm reaches out and grabs your wrist. "hey, i was kidding," he says softly with warm, brown eyes to match.
"oh," you squeak, your cheeks warming at the way he's looking at you. "sorry."
his eyes narrow at you, tongue poking out to swipe across his lip contemplatively. "c'mere," he suddenly mumbles, fingers moving in a curved motion. you raise your eyebrow but obey nonetheless, walking out from around the counter before his arms reach out and wrap around you in a hug.
you close your eyes the second your head hits his chest, letting out a sigh of relief you didn't realize you needed when his arms close around your body and he hums lowly in your ear. "what happened?"
tears prick your eyes as you think back to the encounter with your dad, swallowing the lump in your throat and basking in the familiar scent of cigarettes and cologne. his hand toys with the end strands of your hair, patiently waiting for you to answer until he hears your breathing start to labor.
"y/n?" he mumbles, pulling back to take your face in his hands. you watch his expression fall as his eyes roam over your face, the concern laced in them causing your lip to tremble.
"please don't cry," he begs, his stomach plummeting when he reaches up to wipe a stray tear that's escaped your eye.
"i'm sorry," you say, voice breaking as you shake your head. "i'm just so... frustrated."
"was that your dad?"
"yes," you grunt out, sadness and frustration quickly being replaced by anger at the mere mention of him. "he wanted me to go out with changbin and got mad when i said i had other plans. why-why should i have to do that, yeosang?" you yelp, tears still gathering but voice getting louder and more exasperated. "he's a grown man! they completely enable the behavior and then they yell at me like i'm the asshole here."
"i know," he says softly, rubbing his hand over your hair soothingly. "it's really not fa-"
"you're right, it's not fair!" you interupt in your heat of passion and venting, "because then i feel bad and now when i go back home, the house is gonna be tense and awkward and oh, my god i'm gonna-"
his lips on yours stop the words from leaving your mouth, his arm tightning around your waist as he pushes you back into the counter. you meet his kiss with fevor, parting your lips and allowing his tongue to slip in your mouth. you moan at the intrusion, bringing your hands to the back of his head and pulling on the honey blonde strands of his hair.
your mouths break apart as he rests his forehead on yours, looking into your wide, glossy eyes. "i'm sorry," he mumbles, "but you needed to-"
"shut up," you say, jumping up on the counter and pulling him back down to your lips. he chuckles into the kiss, his arms wrapping around your neck as he pulls you closer to him. desire builds between your legs the more you kiss, his tongue slipping easily into your mouth and groaning when your own meets his.
he lets it slide the first time, knowing you're in a pissed off state but when you do it three more times, he's quick to pull away. his hand follows to your throat, wrapping around it and causing your eyes to widen.
"careful, baby," he mumbles lowly, his thumb rubbing over your rapid pulse point. "i know you're troubled but remember who's in charge here, hm?"
and at that point, you're almost sure you're gonna let him fuck you on the counter you work at every weekend. but the small part of your brain not completely absorbed by desire and lust screams at you about how unsanitary that is, how you can't allow your little boss's business to succumb to a place you lose your virginity.
"can we- can we go back to your place?"
he pulls back to look at you, hand still wrapped around your neck as he sees the growing desire and fire in your eyes that match his. but he had every intention of bringing you out on a real date, to dinner and maybe another movie that wouldn't end with his hand under your skirt.
"i thought maybe we'd go to dinner or-"
"no," you whine, shaking your head as you feel your thighs clench together. "i wanna go to your house."
his eyebrow raises, trying to calm down the excitement brewing in his lower half. because after everything that's happened, he thinks this might be the worst possible thing to do.
but he's aware of his geuine feelings for you, knows since the first date ended that his stupid little plan was never gonna be a thing and that what he feels for you is real.
so that's why he does what you ask and brings you to his house, locking the door to his room and stripping you down before licking up the arousal between your legs and planting his mouth on your clit. he slides two fingers in with ease, curling them up and relishing in the way you scream out his name.
"more," you begged, hands pulling and twisting and tugging at his hair so hard he's almost sure it's about to fall out.
"you want a third?" he mumbles from between your legs, "can your tight little pussy take that?"
"no, your cock," you say and the words falling from your mouth cause his already aching dick to grow harder. because you've always been so compliant, only moans of yes or his name echoing through his room.
"baby..." he says warningly. because no matter how hard he is, he knows it's your first time. and a part of him feels like it isn't right, given the day you've had.
"yeosang, please," you beg, on the verge of tears again by how wrecked and aroused you feel. "i'm-i'm ready."
he abandons his spot between your legs to lean over you, his face over your flushed one as he stares straight into your glossy eyes. "baby, i want too. believe me, i do," he says, bringing his hand into you hair again. "but i think after everything, maybe we shouldn't- i don't wanna-"
in a lust-induced daze, you take his hand and put it between your legs letting him feel just how wet and ready you are for him. "i'm ready and i need you," you whine, moving your hips so your pussy drags against his hand. "i need you to fuck me."
he swallows down the lump in his throat, never once feeling his cock ache the way it did upon hearing you say that. his takes your jaw between his hand, squeezing ever so slightly so your faces are nearly pressed together.
"you sure?" he asks, watching your face as he slips a finger back into you. you moan out at the feeling, your legs shaking as you spread them further.
"yes," you say, repeating the words over and over until he silences you with his lips. he kisses you as he aligns himself between your legs, rubbing his tip against your slit teasingly and chuckling when you pull your lips away to whine his name.
"alright, baby, it might sting, okay?"
but you're pleasantly surprised when you don't feel much pain at all. he's slow and inches his way in further and further until your walls adjust around his length, only the first two thrusts rather uncomfortable until the third smacks you with a feeling of finally.
your moans ring out over and over, his hard length moving in and out of you causing your eyes to roll back. yeosang has to control himself from not busting right away, your tight clenching and fucked out expression nearly bringing him over the edge everytime he looked at you.
"how's that feel, baby?" he grunts out, voice deep and guttural. but you can only moan in response, moving your hips to meet his steady thrusts. "do you know how happy it makes me to know i'm the only one who's fucked you?"
his hand comes down to toy with your clit, rubbing and tweaking it gently as he continues to pound into you. "you're mine and this pussy's mine now. you know that?"
you chest heaves up and down as your breathing picks up, his words and thrusts and fingers causing the familiar tightening in your stomach to be the most intense you've ever felt. "yeosang, holyshit, holy fuck, i'm gonna-"
loud, squeaky moans leave your mouth when your first orgasm hits, followed by longer deeper ones when his thrusts becomes more sporadic, movements sloppy as he chases after his own high. his brain reminds him to pull out just before he comes, releasing on your stomach with low, deep groans.
you lay there with your eyes closed, feeling boneless as he wipes your stomach and legs before placing a kiss on your forehead. you hear him move around the room before crawling back in next to you, gently moving you until you're both under his comforter. you turn your head to look at him, eyes lazily opening as a shy, satisfied smile crosses your face.
"are you good?" he asks, "you feel okay?"
"i feel like...i wanna do that again in ten minutes," you say honestly, a blush creeping up on your face when he bursts out laughing and pulls you into him.
"i think i'll be able to make that happen, love," he says, pecking your cheek with multiple, loud kisses before trailing his lips down your neck.
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it takes you a few seconds to remember where you are when your eyes pop open the next morning, looking around at the walls and comforter before realizing you're in yeosang's bed. the very same bed you spent hours in last night, exploring every surface of each other's bodies with your mouths and hands.
you sit up and stretch your arms up with a tiny groan, feeling a bit of soreness between your legs when you start to move around the room for a pair of pants. but as you put on the t-shirt and sweatpants he left on his dresser, you know every bit of it was worth it. because he truly is a talented man, you think any of his personality faults could be made up with by the sheer power and skill his fingers have.
except, maybe, when you open the door to his bedroom and hear him and his friend seonghwa talking in the kitchen area.
"you have to tell her," seonghwa says quietly. "tell her that your feelings changed and that you regret ever even thinking like that."
" but what if- i can't even think about-"
"she has to know, yeosang," the boy says adamantly, "it wouldn't be right if you kept it from her."
your stomach drops as you listen to the boy's words, hearing yeosang sigh heavily.
"i know. but what the fuck," he says, the frustration and fear in his tone obvious. "how do i tell her something like that? i can't just be like hey, y/n, your brother was actually right, i was just using you to get back at him but now i'm-"
you can't even stop the broken "what?" from escaping your mouth as your chest caves in.
yeosang and seonghwa's heads immediately snap up to you, both of their faces falling before the blonde boy charges to you. "y/n, wait..."
your eyes sting and chest burns as you go back in the room, slamming his own door shut as you frantically start looking for your clothes.
because how fucking stupid could you have been. how could you not have seen that he'd been faking everything? was he that good of an actor? or were you really just an absolute idiot blinded by a hot guy in a leather jacket?
yeosang comes barreling in the room less than a second later, face frantic and panicked.
"y/n, you have to listen to me."
a maniac laugh falls from your lips as you shake your head frantically, taking his shirt off as you back yourself into the opposite side of his room.
"fuck you."
"baby, i know that sounded bad but you have-"
"don't call me that!" you screech, throwing his shirt across the room as you quickly slip on yours. "you're disgusting, you're so fucking disgusting, oh my god."
"y/n, i said that stupid shit the first night i met you because we were all pissed at what changbin did and i-"
"stop!" you screech, fumbling to take off his pants as you slip on your jeans, "stop talking. i-i don't wanna hear anything you have to say."
"i regret even saying that after our first date because i could tell i was really gonna like you, that i wanted-"
"shut up," you snap, getting your bag from his dresser and making your way to his bedroom door. he grabs you gently by the arm and brings you into him, disgust making its way up your throat as he holds you in his arms.
"baby, please," he begs, voice wavering and fearful, "just give me five minutes to-"
"i said don't fucking call me that!" you yell, placing your hands on his chest and forcefully pushing him back. your eyes meet his and you feel the humiliation and embarassment flood through you. because you're still so stupid and blinded, thinking there's actual hurt swirling in his eyes as he looks at you on the verge of a breakdown.
"we had sex," you blurt out, tears swarming in your eyes that start to leak down your cheeks. "i-i gave you my-" you can't even get the words out before a humorless laugh slips out of your mouth. "you fucking lied about everything, yeosang. you lied straight to my face and took me on dates and had fucking sex with me."
"i didn't lie, i never lied," he says, making his way over to you as he holds out his hands . "i like you, y/n, i like you so fucking much and i regretted saying that stupid shit the second i-"
"i never wanna see you again, do you understand me?" you say, voice breaking as you look in his eyes one last time. "don't ever talk to me again."
"y/n, please-" but you quickly turn around and make your way out the door with your head hung low, scurrying past the seven boys on the couch who are trying to act like they hadn't just heard everything.
yeosang runs out of his room the second the upstairs door slams shut, the seven pairs of eyes going from the staircase to the dishevled, broken boy standing in the doorway.
"yeosang," hongjoong says tentatively, unable to gauge if the boy's about to cry or punch a hole in the wall. but he himself isn't too sure what he's gonna do, walking over to the couch and sinking into it as his head falls into his hands.
"i fucked up," he grumbles, voice wet and wobbling, "i fucked up so bad."
"i told you," san's voice says sadly after a few moments of silence, the other boys looking at him with wide eyes because now is so not the time for i told you so. but yeosang can only look at him, watery eyes on the boy as he nods his head.
"i know you did," he says and the whole room can hear how devastated he is. how his mind is already screaming at him, fearful that it just ruined one of the best things he's ever had.
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the car ride back to your house is silent, changbin's grip on the wheel tight as he listens to you cry into your hands. he knows you both have your issues, that you fight and dislike each other more often than not, but seeing you cry is something he'll always consider to be one of his least favorite things.
"are you gonna tell me what happened, y/n?" he asks, tone surprisingly calm and even.
"no changbin," you spit, "i already told you 500 times that i don't wanna talk about it."
the car stops a few minutes later and you figure you're at a red light until you feel him put it in park. your teary eyes shoot up to look at him, lips pursing together so a loud sob doesn't leave them.
"if you don't tell me, i'm turning around and asking him myself."
and that's when you break down even further, lips trembling as ugly, horrific sobs start to leave you. he can only stare blankly for a few moments before awkwardly reaching his hand out to place it on your shoulder, shock quickly replacing his face when you harshly knock it off.
"don't touch me!" you scream, "this is your fault in the first place!"
his eyebrows furrow together at your outburst, turning his head to look at you. "what? what are you talking about?"
"you were right, okay," you say, voice considerably more weak and saddended from just seconds ago. "he-he was using me. because of what you did to his friend. and i was so fucking stupid and didn't see it and you were right all along and-"
"okay, wait, wait, slow down," he says, "what happened? how did you find this out?"
"why the hell does that matter," you squeak, "all that matters is he fucking lied to me and i never wanna see him again!"
changbin's eye remain narrowed as his brain wracks itself over a conversation, his mouth opening to speak before you beat him to it.
"can we just go home, please," you beg, "i just wanna go to sleep."
he looks over to see your face wet and eyes puffy, body and soul completely drained and in need of sleep. so he spares you for now, driving you home where you end up not leaving your room for three straight days.
by the fourth day of you missing school, telling your parents your stomach still doesn't feel right and you're gonna vomit, he's had enough.
changbin charges into your room before he leaves for school, plopping down on your bed and smacking your head with one of your many decor pillows.
"leave me alone, changbin," you whine, moving your head to bury it in your sheets.
"no," he says, crawling over your legs to sit on the other side. "you've wallowed enough. now you have to sit up so i can tell you something."
"i don't care," you dramatically whine, "i don't wanna hear anything you have to tell me."
"what if i tell you yeosang told me himself that he was using you?"
your head snaps up immediately, unwashed knotty hair a mess as you stare at him with wide eyes and an empty feeling in your chest.
"maybe he just likes me for me. would that be so hard to believe?"
changbin can only roll his eyes at your dramatics, letting out a scoff as he shakes his head at you. "whatever, y/n. just don't come crying to me when you discover i was right." he pushes passed you and into the house, bumping into the shoulder of a familiar leather jacket.
"oops, sor-" the deep male voice says until his head snaps up. "oh."
changbin's head snaps up, eyes narrowing at the boy and resisting the urge to punch him int he face.
"yeah, oh," he says sarcastically, pushing the boy back roughly. "stay the hell away from my sister."
"what part of she's my girl didn't you understand?" the boy says back daringly, looking at him with such determination and sureness he'd respect him if they were in any other circumstances.
"you're fucking nuts, you know that?" changbin laughs out, pushing him again until he hits the back of the wall. "our issues are with each other. so why go after her, huh? are you that scared of me?"
"i'm not scared of you at all actually," yeosang snaps back, "if i was, would i straight up be telling you that was initially my plan?"
it takes a second for changbin to register what the boy actually just told him, his eyebrows furrowed together. because there was no way he just admitted to his face that he was going to-
"i was gonna do that at first, use her to get even and have you pissed off," he says, "but that plan went to shit right after our first date when i realized i would end up having feelings for her."
"wow, how romantic," changbin bites sarcastically, "is that supposed to earn you my approval, you twisted fuck?"
"no, because i'm not asking for your approval. i just want you to know my feelings for her are genuine."
changbin's eyebrow raises at his comment, the intensity in his eyes and tone telling him the kid is telling the truth.
"you know, you give her a lot of unnecessary stress with your petty bullshit and fighting. she cares about you a lot and you take advantage of that."
changbin's neck tenses up and he pops it to the side, taking a step closer to the boy as his voice drops threateningly. "you don't know anything so i suggest you-”
"i'm not trying to start shit with you," yeosang says, rolling his eyes and pushing him back slightly because this idiot totally missed the point. "but if you can't stop being an asshole for yourself, then at least do it for her. because she feels obligated to you and your parents even though she shouldn't."
and with that, changbin watches him walk past him and open the front door. he sees your figure hunched over, head in your hands as you sit out in the cold and something about that image mixed with yeosang's words causes his stomach to sink.
you remain speechless after changbin tells you about his and yeosang's conversation, teeth digging into your lip as you mull over the this new information. because parts of it make you feel a little bit better, that he was honest to you about the timeline and did truly have feelings for you.
but he still lied to you. still based your relationship off lies and negativity and made you feel so incredibly humiliate during those first few moments of finding out.
"i'm not saying what he did was right and i still don't particularly like him," changbin says, "but i think any malicious intent he had lasted for about three seconds. you seem to have the guy pretty whipped."
a humorless laugh leaves your mouth as you shake your head, pursing your lips to the side in thought. "but he still lied to me," you say quietly, "he started our whole relationship off on a lie to get stupid revenge on you."
changbin's hand comes up to pat your head like you're a little lap dop, your nose scrunching up at him in distaste before a small smile crosses his face. "it's obviously gonna be your decision, y/n, i was just saying my thoughts."
and with that, he gets up and heads toward your door. you watch him turn in the doorway, looking at you cuddled up in bed and looking so much like the little sister he used to torment. "i'm also gonna tell dad to lay off you about being my babysitter," he says teasingly, "i'm getting kind of old, right?"
"kind of?" you quip sarcastically, a smile tugging at your lips when he throws his middle finger up at you and slams your door shut. your first laugh in days bubbles out of your mouth before you roll over in bed, staring at the ceiling as you mule over everything in your head.
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the next time you see yeosang, it's the first time you ever get drunk. another party with only 'northerners' left it without incident, changbin not only friendly and cordial but also sober to keep a watchful eye on you.
which by the end of the night, was absolutely needed. because four shots and two beers would've been a decent amount for any high school girl but especially one who hadn't drank before.
and with a week to think over your situation with yeosang, it was clear drunk you had finally come to a consensus as you dial up his number; he had respected your wishes and hadn't once contacted you, a sinking feeling in you that maybe it's actually because he didn't care enough to try.
but then he answered one the first ring, a frantic "hello?" spoken into the phone that was met with your drunk, girlish giggle.
"i-i've missed your voice, wow," you stutter, the deep, gruffness something all too desirable. "what are youuu doing."
"are you drunk?" he asks, the sound of him moving in the background getting lost in your ringing ears.
"are- are you drunk?" you gasp, "oh no, how are-are you gonna get me on your coooool motorcycle bad boy yeosang."
he'd laugh at you in other circumstance but right now, he has no idea where you are or if you're in a safe space or if you're about to remember what he did and hang up on him.
"where are you? is changbin with you?"
"changbin?" you squeak, the boy snapping his head to look at you. "he's right next to me! he-he told me you guys talked, ya know. k-kind of saved your ass, if i'm being honest."
"can i talk to him?"
you hand the phone to changbin as you tiredly lean against the wall, shutting your eyes as your body starts to feel boneless and warm. you hear the sound of changbin's voice and even a strangled chuckle before he hangs up the phone, guiding you toward the corner of your room where your bag is.
"where-where are we going?"
"yeosang's gonna come pick you up. is that okay?" changbin asks softly.
"he is?" you squeal happily, "tha-that's okay. i've missed him. i-i want to see him."
"okay, good," changbin says, "because he's coming. let's go wait for him."
he guides you up the stairs and out the door carefully, holding on to your arm and trying not to laugh when you almost face-plant several times. your eyes stay trained on the street looking for a familiar black motorcycle that you miss the white car pulling up completely, yeosang getting out and walking around the hood as he races toward the house.
"hi changbin," he says, looking at the boy who gives him a nod before his eyes land on your glassy ones. "hey, you."
"oh-oh, my god, he forgot my name already," you whisper to changbin, "what an asshole!"
"i don't think he forgot your name," he assures with a smile, yeosang biting his lip to hide his own.
"i could never forget your name, y/n," he says teasingly, holding his hand out for you to grab.
you look at it with a smile before quickly taking it, intertwining your fingers and feeling your heart warm at the familiar sensation of his hand in yours. the whole time to his house, you complain that you really expected his arrival on the motorcycle.
"th-this car is fine, i guess," you say, "but a motorcycle is like sexy, you know. even though you're only a teenager. hey, are you-are you even old enough to ride a motorcycle? di-did you break the rules just so you can have a bad boy agenda?"
he snorts when he pulls up to his house, assuring you he had all the proper training and licensing to ride a motorcycle before guiding you carefully into his house. the seven boys are sprawled out on the couch, looking at your stumbling figure with a wary look but a smile nonetheless.
"i-i'm not stupid, i promise, you guys," you tell them, causing them to fall silent. "i-i think he actually likes me." only a few beats of silence pass before they burst out laughing, yeosang's cheeks warming because if anyone knows how much he likes you, it's them.
"i think you're right," mingi says, thinking back to how sulky and miserable the boy's been all week. "actually, i know you're right."
"really!" you squeal, clapping your hands together before you recongize his bright red hair. "hey! you're the one who was dancing to gasol-"
"okay, let's go, c'mon," yeosang says, ushering you into his room quickly because he knows just how fast a grind line could start if that song comes on in the presence of his friends.
he lays out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt for you before he leaves to get you water, your eyes lighting up the second you see comfortable clothes and his bed. he comes back in a few minutes later to see your clothes in a ball, your body sprawled out on his bed.
"sooo comfy..." you hum, shutting your tired eyes and letting yourself melt into the warm comforter.
"y/n..." he says, placing the glass on his bedside table before sitting next to you. "i need to tell you how fucking sorry-"
"sh," you say, bringing your finger to his lips and pulling him down next to you. "we'll talk tomorrow, mmkay? i just want to sleep with you right now."
he roams over your sleepy face softly, your eyes shut and face relaxed as your head nods off side to side. you feel him place a kiss on your forehead, letting his lips linger before he pulls you under the covers and guides your head to his chest.
you're about to fall asleep to the sound of his steady heartbeat when you hear his deep voice mutter, "i missed you, baby. i'm sorry."
the second your eyes open, there's a pain pounding in your head so severe you think you're about to die. you slowly sit up, wincing at the seering sensation that shoots through your temple before a hand carefully guides your back to sit up.
you jump at the feeling, turning your head frantically to the side before your face drops when you see yeosang. it takes a few seconds for the hazy memories to come back, all the meanwhile he's staring at you with such fear and sadness in his eyes.
because he thinks you're regretting all of this: calling him and coming home with him in the first place, giving him a second chance he probably doesn't deserve but is gonna make sure he proves worthy of. he knows that the next words you speak could potentially shatter him, make him cry and beg on the spot and completely show you just how whipped you really made him in three months.
but instead, you quietly get out "hi," and he thinks that's probably an okay start.
"how you feeling?" he asks, running his fingers through your hair.
"horrible," you blunty speak causing a small laugh to bubble out of his chest.
"you'll feel better after you eat. i'll make you something, okay?" he says gently, his hand moving from your hair to your cheek. "there's water right there."
you nod your head, gulping down the cold liquid before laying back down as he pads out of the bedroom. you don't know how long you fall back asleep for until yeosang comes back into his room, placing the plate on the bed before he gently stirs you awake.
"food, love," he mumbles lowly, causing your eyes to pop open. you let him feed you small bites of an omlette and gulp down another glass of water before you feel slightly human, curling back up into his bed in fetal position.
he rests his back on the headboard as he looks down at you, looking over your figure with such a soft, gentle look it causes your eyes to narrow. "what?"
he swallows the lump in his throat, his adams apple bobbing as he tries to gather himself.
"i'm sorry, y/n," he rushes out, "i-i've felt so shitty this past week and i don't deserve to have you hear me out but i swear to you, i swear i only had that stupid idea in my head for a second and then after our-"
"first date," you finish with closed eyes, "changbin told me about your conversation."
he's shocked and a little thrown off by the calmness in your tone, thinking and knowing he deserves to have his ass handed to him. "oh."
"i'm still mad at you," you tell him, "and you're gonna have a lot of making up to do."
"i know," he says, "believe me, i know, and i'm ready. more than ready."
"and we have to be honest from here on out about everything. like we always should've been."
he nods his head quickly, "i know, yes. i agree. i completely agree."
"okay," you say simply, wanting so bad to smile at the shocked look on his face. "then...i'll forgive you."
the look on his face causes your heart to soar, his lips pressing into one another as his eyes gloss over.
"unless you cry," you say, the teasing in your tone causing him to smile. "you're supposed to be a bad boy and bad boys don't cry."
his deep chuckle booms through his room as he shakes his head, wrapping his arm around your waist as he pulls you into him. "there's that bad boy, talk, again," he says, "do you remember calling me out on my, what was the phrase, bad boy agenda?"
you giggle against his chest as you nod your head, shutting your eyes contently as you snuggle against his warm chest. he tightens his hold around you, placing a kiss to the top of your head when you suddenly blurt out, "some bad boy you are, liking me after the first date," you tease playfully, "i didn't even like you until after the third."
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In My Dreams, We're Still Together
“Why is it so important to dream?” a faint voice of a woman asks.
“In my dreams, we're still together.”
Wanda opens her eyes.
She's... unsure, of where she is.
Like her synapses are splitting, her neurons are firing in all directions, and her mind is about to combust from tearing itself in half… It almost feels like… she’s glitching.
Just suddenly caught unawares, dropped into the middle of a simulation, or… a dream, with no idea whatsoever where she came from or how she got here.
She spots Geraldine, or Monica- her, that woman, that SWORD agent.
She's standing in front of her, pleading some case about how she understands, how she "knows" what Wanda was going through right now.
All Wanda could manage was a wry, sad, lonely, chuckle.
She feels tired. Like life has drained every fiber from her, and she’s just… a hollow, cracked, shell. No longer a live human teeming with breaths of air and purpose… if she was ever even such a thing to begin with, considering what Agatha revealed to her.
But “Understand?”
Wanda may not completely comprehend where she is, or what was happening right now, but the losses she’s suffered through still feel as raw inside her as the days she lost every single one of her family.
And so, No.
No, Monica did not understand.
She just could not possibly, know, comprehend, understand, what Wanda was feeling right now.
Wanda felt so empty inside she sacrificed everything, her conscience, her soul, her family, everything.
For a vague copy, a shadow… of the living breathing feeling, loving, man she dreamed of sharing her life with.
She sacrificed everything.
For someone that didn’t even know who she was. Someone who didn’t trust her, believe her, and maybe even… feared her.
Someone who no longer saw her as she was… but as the villain.
Just like, everyone else.
And Wanda was fine with being the villain, people already feared her nevertheless, even when she fought for them. She made herself the villain to get her family back.
But, she still lost him anyways, all the same.
So Monica can stand there and go on and on about how she understands.
She understands nothing.
Wanda didn’t even understand her own pain, and anger, the vicious black hatred inside her that erupted after being ignored for so long. And, desperation.
The hatred for a universe that sought to take away everything and everyone Wanda dared to risk caring about.
The hatred and anger that would just immediately shield her fragile psyche everytime someone dared to pop her precious ideal dream bubble.
And the desperation. For a life of normalcy she had some semblance of in her childhood, but one she can never seem to have, no matter what she did.
Westview, her transformed version of it, was her dream.
It was her parents, her family TV nights, Pietro trying to change the show, Vis learning TV tropes and cheesy romance storyline gestures for the first time from her.
Them shyly, hesitantly (for good reason) wondering and secretly hoping for a future, but daring to still do so anyways despite of everything.
“I think Mom and Dad would’ve loved it.”
Those same nights of watching in awe of Mary Tyler Moore and her grace and beauty and charm. Wanda wishing she could be like her when she grew up, laughing at her and Dick’s shenanigans.
And looking back at Mama and Papa on the couch, from where she laid on the floor as near as they allowed her to be to the TV.
Wanda faintly remembers The Dick Van Dyke Show, Bewitched, The Brady Bunch, Malcolm in the Middle, and all the rest of them flashing through her mind, in the same vein as her and Vis’ dangerously hopeful conversations for a shared future.
Those fictional sitcoms of the past and foolish daydreams of the future, all brightly flashed, when her mind and her body finally broke, and everything she was, her sadness, her hopes, her past, and her future, came flooding out of her.
She thought of her parents when she made Westview.
“I think Mom and Dad would’ve loved it,” says the Pietro she wanted more than anything to be hers.
“Yeah, I think they would have,” Wanda replied like the man she was speaking to actually knew them.
Westview was, and still is, her dream.
It was her living the life she wanted with the man she wanted to live it with.
And her hate and anger for the universe depriving her of this dream, her desperation to do everything it took to keep it in her grasp; it all swirled inside her, dizzyingly blurring everything. Corrupting and permeating the inside of her mind, and thus, the world she created from her fingertips.
And Wanda couldn’t see past it anymore.
Her sight consisted of tunnel vision exclusively set on Westview, and Tommy and Billy, and Vis.
Anything else didn’t make sense.
Even if this world of Westview, this family she created on her own, even if they and it themselves were... broken.
It was all Wanda had left.
And so, Monica could never understand.
No one, could ever unders-
Not even-
"You?" Wanda bitterly spits out, “You… understand??” frustratingly in disbelief at this hero trying to talk her down.
Wanda can't help but laugh that sad lonely chuckle again.
"No one could possibly understand what I'm going through right now." Wanda states, affirming it as fact, irrefutable, undeniable, fact.
"The one person I thought-”
Suddenly flashes of Vis shouting at her begging her to put him out of his misery pop back up again in her mind.
“Not even the person I loved so much, I-”
“I sacrificed everything for.” As Wanda closes her eyes when she says the words, all the corrupted actions Wanda’s done to keep hold of this broken fantasy flash her mind, as well as that sight of Vision leaving her.
“Even he doesn't understand. He, doesn't believe me, trust me… If even Vis sees me as the villain, maybe I already am.” The shock in Wanda’s words as she says this only undercutting the tragedy of what she’s done; she genuinely hoped all the wrong she’s done would be worth the sacrifice.
Monica, almost steps back. She doesn’t know if it’s out of fear, pity… But the pain in Wanda as she’s seeing it now is just as tangible and permanent as the pain she felt when Wanda was actually inside her head.
Monica almost fears, Wanda’s too far gone to- … to come back.
Be who she was before she lost Vision.
How can you talk sense to someone who’s all but destroyed themselves from the inside out?
Someone who’s been drowned out by their pain, loss, and anger, they can’t see anything past it.
Monica felt like Wanda was in her most fragile, vulnerable state right now. And that one wrong move, one wrong word, and you could just set her off, exploding and disintegrating everything around her.
“So, don't you stand there, and claim you understand anything,” the crimson energy starts swirling on Wanda’s fingertips once more.
“Because you understand nothing.”
“Nothing,” Wanda doesn’t even hold back the tears that were now falling down her cheek as she voices her vitriol at the hero in front of her, “About what I am feeling right now.”
But even after all the rage she’s spewing, lashing out at Monica. Even after Wanda tries her damnedest to shut out the anguish, the guilt. Her sadness over what all that she’s done was even for, amounting to what. It all eventually comes pouring out.
“If he doesn’t want to be here, there’s nothing I can do about it.”
That’s what Wanda said to their children who saved their father… their father and the love of her life, that she couldn’t bring back.
All she, Tommy, and Billy, wanted was to spend time with him.
Vision’s only still alive because of them.
But she still couldn’t stop him from abandoning them altogether.
“Even after I brought him back…” Wanda’s previously volatile disposition suddenly, disappears.
The grief that was barely being held back, begging to come out, finally did.
“He still left.”
Vision wanted to get as far away from her as possible he was willing to die for it.
Wanda expanded the barrier, their kids ask her where he is… and yet-
“He's still- gone.”
Vis appears from their front door, and Monica was about to speak to him about SWORD and Hayward, but Vision looked her in the eyes, and pleaded, for a moment alone with his wife.
Maybe a part of her was feeling pity, or sympathy, for Wanda and Vision, but Monica left them alone. “I’ll stand watch outside. Just know that you don’t have much time.”
Vision nods and thanks the Captain for understanding.
Wanda scoffed at what she said. When did they ever have time?
Wanda currently had her back turned away from Vis, she was wiping away the tears she’d cried in her anger.
Vision stares, at Wanda’s sullen, defeated figure. He’s unsure of what he’s going to do.
He cannot explain, what he feels… for Wanda.
A part of him felt trapped, played with, like he was being controlled, and that he was given sentience yet still bound, forced to play a role he didn’t choose for himself. And every time he’d get the slightest bit of control back, he’d be rewound, dumbed back into sedation.
Vision felt unbelievably at the mercy of some unknown being, unable to take control of his own life, but with enough sentience to know that something was wrong.
He was petrified.
And yet, why does he still feel this torturously irrational emotion that can only be called love, for the one who has been causing him all this pain?
Why does he feel warmth, family, and joy, and home, from someone he doesn’t even remember how he met?
Why does he want to protect, shield, guard, defend, and reach towards to, this woman who violated his mind?
And why, does the sight of Wanda in tears, nearly bring tears out of him as well?
Maybe Wanda could answer the questions that plagued his mind, maybe not.
His entire existence on this world has him grappling, struggling to determine what is real, which of his actions are truly his alone, and which are under Wanda’s control.
But whether or not he’s doing this for the people of West View, for himself, or for Wanda, fact of the matter was that something inside him was telling him that he had to comfort his wife.
He had to bring her back to who she used to be.
He had to go to her.
He had to speak to her, confront her.
He had to love her.
Even if it meant hurting her. Making her say goodbye, having her lose him, again.
He loved her.
Vision stepped forwards and got closer to his wife.
“Wanda...” Vision raised his arm to place his hand on Wanda’s shoulder. Wanda looks at it from her periphery and her face contorts itself, as if she’s trying to hold back- everything.
“I still love you,” Vision admitted, wrapping his arms around Wanda, but exasperation and weariness felt evident in his voice.
Wanda was still turned away from him, Vis essentially hugging her from behind, but he can feel the tension and tiredness in her body, her muscles trembling, despite the exhaustion.
And he can’t help but feel, the guilt in the tears she shed. Tears spilled for him, for what she’d done to him.
“I don't know how. I don't know why.”
“But even after all you've done,”
“I still love you.”
He hears her cry louder, her pain and guilt and self-destruction, pouring out of her little by little. He can feel her, hear her, trying to say something.
“I.. I’m… I didn’t…” Wanda struggles to say, her breath hitching from her sob.
Wanda didn’t want to think about so much of her life, when so much of it just seemed to overflow with loss.
Vital parts of her being, her family that was her only safe haven, the thing she fought for the hardest, all just missing empty cavities now. Where there was hopes for the future and warmth from her past, was replaced with endless pain and grief over losing what she had and could have had.
She was drowning. She really was.
And no one could hear her cries for help. No one was there to catch her when she broke and collapsed.
She couldn’t think. Reason was a privilege known only to those whose emotions didn’t destroy them from the inside out.
She collapsed into herself, lost herself in her own created fake broken fantasy. And she just… she drowned.
“Wanda, I know why you created this world.”
Wanda stops her crying, catches her breath.
He knows.
She didn’t know what to make of that.
“I was told what happened with Thanos and the Mind Stone. But, Wanda, I still don’t know- don’t remember my life, our lives, before West View.”
“I don't remember how I met you. I don't remember how we came to be. I don't remember anything, that we shared. I don't remember why I fell for you, Wanda,” Vis looks at Wanda inquisitively but also devotedly, his unceasing need to figure out how he fell just as pervasive as his love for her.
“I don't know who we were.”
So this is where he’s heading.
“I love you, my darling, and that’s why you need to give me my life, my memories of us, back.”
“I can't-” Wanda grits through her hitched sobs, curling over in Vis’ grasp.
Vision lets her go, heartbroken frustrated to see the woman he loves this far gone. Wanda holds her breath to at least try and control herself, but breaks anyways once she feels the space and distance between her and Vis.
She faces him, “I can't let you know the truth.” Wanda states resolutely, but almost pleading with him, desperate for him not to know.
Before Vis argues otherwise, Wanda gets ahead of him, “If you go back, and find out who you really were, remember everything that we had…” she explains, her fears evident in her rushed petrified speech.
“You'd know why I did this.”
His deed flashes to her mind.
“And you’d know who I was,” placing her hand on her chest as she faces Vis head on“and tell me that this,” Wanda waves her arms around her, pointing to all of Westview, “isn’t me.”
“- Even though that me you knew is long gone by now,” Wanda says, tiredly laughing in self-depreciation at what she’s become.
Wanda looks at the floor, weary. Tears pooling over still, despite the thousands she’d already shed, falling onto that same floor she’s now acutely aware is really just sullen abandoned earth in reality.
Grieving the her that she lost. The them that they lost. And the them they’ve become now, because of her.
Wanda can remember it all. Their past, their struggle to find peace & moments together, the moments they did have, and their hopes for a future that felt so close.
And Vision doesn't.
And Wanda remembers killing off all of it when Vision asked her to kill him.
And Vision doesn't.
Wanda was ready to forsake it all, for a chance to live a new life with him and the home and family they made here.
But here was Vis now, begging for memories of that old lost life back.
Wanda is still staring at the floor, into nothing, vanished in the memories of old Vis, that him begging for brought her back to.
Her tears still flow as she recounts just how innocent, pure, good-hearted, and well-meaningly kind Vis was.
And how much he loved her.
Truly, loved her.
“And you’d tell me to do the “right” thing…”
And Wanda remembers who she used to be. The her that Vis fell for.
The daughter, the sister, the fighter and the rebel, and eventually, once upon a time, the hero. The Avenger, who fought for good even when the rest of the world feared her.
But that was before the world took everything she had from her.
“But then I'd just lose you,” Wanda grimaces, “all over again.” then dissolves once more, as she knows, has known all this time if she’s finally going to be honest, what the right thing was.
Vis tries to walk over to her, finally wholly understanding, wanting nothing more but to shield and protect Wanda from the hurt she’s currently drowning in but-
“And I can't, I can't-” Wanda pushes him away then stops, still holding onto him. Tells her love the truth.
“I can't lose you,” Wanda finally looks at him directly, grasping onto him so tight, her fear of losing him an overwhelmingly powerful need felt even with just her touch, and sees Vis for who he is, all of who he is, her created copy of her lost beloved, but even still, “not again.”
Vision gently cups Wanda’s face in his right hand, grabs both of hers and plants a soft kiss on them with his other, and admits, “And I don't want to lose you.”
And Wanda breaks down in his arms. Like the first time she did when she truly met him, the tens of other times she had when they were friends, and the thousands of times she did when they were together.
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My Only Sunshine -- chapter 1
Warnings: Mentions of blood, language
Word Count: 2.5k
Author's note: this fic takes place during 1983 but I need to clarify some things. In this universe, DOFP never happens because Peter was born in ‘66 instead of ‘56 to avoid anything weird between him and OC. Also, while the events of First Class take place, Erik eventually just comes to stay with the X-men and lives there full-time. He’s still Peter’s father, it just happens later than it does in canon, and no one knows yet.
Nyah Walker's physical appearance for anyone who wants it :)
1 | 2 |
We passed through the front gates and I sighed once again. I was already pissed, and the gloomy weather really wasn’t helping.
My dad rolled his eyes at my attitude. “It’s for your own good, Nyah. Not just yours, but for me and your siblings, too.”
“I know,” the sound was muffled from behind my fist. The trees were blurry and covered in snow as we drove down the path leading to the school. “Couldn’t we have waited till the end of the school year, at least?”
“You know the answer to that question.”
I turned towards the window again, hating the fact that he was right. The school was a large part of why I was in this situation in the first place, but it didn’t matter. I don’t even know what really happened-- how come I got expelled just cause the school didn’t wanna believe me?
The rest of the car ride was silent, but the falling snow brings a feeling of peace over the awkward quiet. We finally reach our destination and I see a building that looks as if it was built in the decades before I was born. I stepped out of the passenger side and somehow the building managed to practically double in size. The sky seemed to be getting darker and the building started to lean over me and I got dizzy up at it and it wasn’t until my dad greeted the man in front of us that I snapped back to reality.
My dad extended his hand to greet a man in a wheelchair. “Grayson Walker,” he said.
“Professor Charles Xavier.” He smiled, and it seemed genuine.
Just behind Charles stood another man wearing a dark brown vest under a beige jacket. He was fidgety, and couldn’t meet my eye for more than about a second.
While I studied the man, Charles stuck his hand out to me. It took a nudge from my dad to realize that he was trying to get my attention.
“And your name is?” He asked politely.
I hesitated before speaking. “Nyah Walker.” Sure, Charles seemed nice enough, but there was something about him that seemed strange. Not bad, just different-- as if he were hiding something.
“Wonderful to meet you, Nyah. The man behind me is Hank McCoy.”
“Hello, both of you.” He offered a small smile which I couldn’t help but return, but even he seemed to have something else on his mind.
“I suppose we ought to get inside,” the Professor broke the silence, turning the joystick on his wheelchair. “I’d hate for any of you to catch a cold.”
Despite the bitter cold, I had completely forgotten about the snow. Wrapping my coat tighter around myself and adjusting the bag on my shoulder, my dad and I followed Hank and the Professor through the doors of the mansion.
The place managed to look bigger on the inside than it outside. A staircase in the back of the main hall split in two directions, leading to what I assumed was the dorms and classrooms. Hank and the Professor led us farther down to an office, having both my dad and I take seats on the same side of the desk.
“So,” the Professor began. “Nyah, if you wouldn’t mind, could you walk us through what exactly happened that day?”
I opened my mouth but nothing came out. “Take your time,” said Hank. “it’s uh-- it’s not something that’s easy for everyone to talk about.” At that, he gave the man next to him a pointed look.
“Right...” I began. It definitely took me a little while longer than it should have to gather my thoughts. “Well, uh. About a month ago I got into an… altercation. Some prick--” my dad made a point of clearing his throat. “A kid from my homeroom, Jackson Dill, made some sick joke about my mom.”
I noticed Charles rest his chin on his fist. “I swear I’m not an angry person, but he just kept pushing. Saying stuff about how funny it was that my mom was dead, cause usually, it’s the dad who’s gone in families like mine.”
Hank looked confused. “Families like--” Charles cleared his throat and glared at Hank.
“I did my best to keep my cool. My friends came to my defense cause the teacher just so happened to not hear anything, but it still ended with me storming out of the classroom. Naturally, my teacher chose that time to look up from her papers and followed me out. Not sure how, but I ended up in the bathroom. The halls were pretty dark, so maybe I just lost my way?”
My gaze slowly moved from the men in front of me to my shoes and my voice got quieter as I began to mutter more to myself. “Honestly-- the more I think about it, the more I realize that I don’t even remember walking from the classroom to the bathroom.”
Hank opened his mouth to speak, his brow furrowed. The Professor held his hand up. “Let her finish, Hank.”
My stare flickered between the two before I continued. “Instead of locking myself into a stall like someone with common sense, I was hunched over the sink. My head was spinning and my stomach was churning and I had heard of people seeing red when they get angry enough, but that felt like something so much worse.”
There was so much darkness, I could hardly lift my head enough to look in the mirror and see that my eyes were all red and my hair was everywhere-- I think my nose might have been bleeding, not sure though. The most noticeable thing was that the lights started flickering…” My words petered out at the end of the sentence.
Was this even worth going over again?
“What’s the matter?” The Professor asked when I stopped. “Is that all?”
“No,” I muttered. “It’s just that things get a little… hard to believe from this point. I don’t even think my dad believes me.”
“That’s not true Nyah, I just--”
“Yeah. You just think I don’t know what I’m talking about. I get it.”
The two men in front of us looked mildly uncomfortable, so I took that as my sign to keep talking. “There was no weird weather or anything. Actually, it was pretty nice for December, so the weird thing with the lights went out outta nowhere. It wasn’t until a while later that I began thinking that the flickering might have been caused cause of me.”
God, my mouth was so dry. Since when did my heartbeat get that loud?
“The school says that what got me expelled was what happened to the teacher who came after me. In my defense, no one really liked her. She was always rude and her class was hard for no reason other than the sake of being difficult.” My dad, never one to appreciate my jokes, glared at me.
I sighed. “The point is, she came into the bathroom and grabbed my arm. I’ve never been a huge fan of being touched in the first place, and the fact that I felt like my body was being turned inside out wasn’t exactly helping.”
“Almost automatically, as if-- like I knew what I was supposed to do-- my eyes locked on her shadow-- don’t ask me why cause I don’t know. The next thing I knew, she was on the opposite side of the bathroom, unconscious. My eyes grew wider than I ever thought possible and in an instant, I was back in the classroom. Things were back to normal, except my teacher was gone and the entire school was pitch black.
Things happened. The teacher claimed that I shoved her-- as if I could throw her all the way across the bathroom, and the final decision was to expel me without pressing charges. About two weeks after all of that, my dad got a call from someone saying that they could help me.”
The whole thing was insane. Everyone was talking about it, especially how Mrs. Rio came out of it with a fractured spine and I just-- appeared in the back of the classroom looking shaken and sporting a bloody nose.”
The last time something like this happened, some kid blasted a hole through the stalls in the boys’ bathroom.
Hank and the Professor looked at each other for a while, seeming to have an entire conversation with nothing but their eyes.
Bits of words and phrases came out of their mouths.
“She’s… than anything we’ve…”
“But are we sure we… nothing’s ever…”
“We’ll just have to… and… as we go.”
My dad broke into the conversation. “Excuse me,” I could hear the impatience in his voice. “What’s going on?”
“Well, she’s enrolled.” The Professor said finally, turning towards me. “That is if you’d like to be.”
“You’d be allowed to leave whenever you choose, of course.” The four of us walked in line with the Professor. “We would never make you do anything against your will, but I do hope you understand that everything we do here is for your safety.”
“Of course,” I said. “I understand.”
The bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Kids of all ages flooded the halls and at that moment I couldn’t help but think that I may have been in over my head. The students here used their mutations so… freely.
Apparently, I said that last part out loud. “Yeah,” Hank smiled at the passing students. “No one’s shunned here, Nyah. You’ll be in an environment where you can learn and grow along with everyone else.”
My dad turned to me. “I think these people will be good for you. Might as well try it out, right?”
A grey blur flew past us making everyone’s hair and clothes blow everywhere.
“Yeah,” I croaked. “Might as well.”
“And this is your new room!” the white-haired girl smiled at me warmly as she stood in front of the open door.
I nodded awkwardly, taking in the room. It was small enough for me, with the bed in the corner and a window that had a view of the yard-- full of children running around in winter coats and laughing.
A little boy caught my eye. His head was tossed back and his mouth was open, and it took me a moment to realize that it was still snowing and that he was trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue.
I couldn’t help but smile to myself, which I immediately stopped once I noticed Ororo staring at me awkwardly. “Thanks again, uh--”
“Ororo. Ororo Munroe.”
“Thank you, Ororo.” I tossed my duffel bag on my bed and plopped down right next to it. Ororo still stood in the doorway, almost unsure.
“Everything alright?” I asked.
“Of course,” she said, her smile fading slightly. “It's just that you seem, uh, nervous.”
I thought I had been hiding it well enough. “How’d you know?” I asked. “Is knowing people’s emotions your, what’s it called? Your uhm…”
“My mutation?” She grinned at my sheepish nod. “No, but would you like to see it?”
I nodded again. God, I felt like a little kid, barely knowing what to say or using my words.
Ororo’s grin managed to grow even bigger. “Watch this.”
Her feet left the ground and she crossed her legs under her. A ball of lightning formed in her hands and grew as she expanded them. Her smile grew into a frown as she concentrated on making it bigger, eventually making it the size of her head. She clapped her hands together just as her feet came back to the ground, sparks flying like fireworks.
I clapped in excitement as Ororo took an overdramatic bow. I giggled once again as she walked over to me, her eyes asking for permission to sit. I nodded.
“So what exactly is your mutation?” My smile faded and Ororo’s face grew worried. “Oh no, I’m not trying to pressure you! You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, I was just--”
I smiled slightly. “It’s alright, I just have no real idea how to explain it.” a sigh left my lips as I fell back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Feeling Ororo do the same next to me, I turned towards her.
“It’s only happened a few times since the incident at school. I still don’t know how my teacher ended up against the wall on the other side of the bathroom, but I swear I don’t remember touching her.”
She thought for a moment. “Telekinesis maybe? I know someone who can do that.”
“I’m not sure.”
“Wanna try it?”
I had been staring at the pencil in front of me for about five minutes before I turned to Ororo in exasperation. “I feel stupid.”
“Yeah, you don’t look much better.” Ororo deadpanned.
I shot her an annoyed look and she raised her hands in mock surrender.
“Alright, alright. Just sayin’.”
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Welp, telekinesis is off the table--”
“Same thing goes for mind-reading, elemental manipulation, teleportation--”
“Yeah, okay, I get it.” I snapped.
Ororo looked mildly annoyed at my reaction before her gaze softened. “Hey, we’ll figure it out, you just need time.”
“That’s easy for someone who both knows how to use and enjoys having their powers.”
She snorted. “I’m not exaggerating when I say it took me years to become comfortable with my abilities. I was terrified of who I was-- what I was-- for so long. But here, while it has its flaws, I felt at home. Accepted. Being around people like you can do so much more than you think.”
“Yeah,” I mumbled. “I guess you’re right.”
Ororo looked at me for a moment before shooting up from where she sat. “I have an idea!” Her eyes were wide and I could see the gears in her head turning.
“Something tells me I should be worried…”
“No no, it’ll be fine, but I just remembered--” somehow, her eyes managed to grow wider than before. Something about her eagerness to try whatever she had in mind was slightly unsettling. “Whenever new students are having trouble using their powers for the first time, the Professor will make them feel whatever they were feeling the very first time their mutation emerged.”
“Wait a minute.” I squinted, trying to figure out exactly what she was getting at. “So you--”
“Think we should try and replicate the emotions you were feeling the day your mutation first arose? Yes. Yes, we should.”
“But… you don’t have any sort of mind control. How are we gonna do that?”
“I’ve already got that figured out!”
Ororo took one look at my anxious face and rolled her eyes playfully. “You’ll be fine. There’s just someone I need you to meet.”
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Breaking down the “leak”
It seems the leak from back in April is on everyone’s minds lately. While I don’t really see anything to suggest it is legit, there’s not really much else to talk about. I think what I’d like to do is go down the leak, bit by bit, and give my thoughts. I’ll be going through the points in the order I see them in a series of screengrabs, so it may not be the order the original post had them. A lot of this seems like it would be from a single episode, likely the first one.
The first thing I see is Steve applying to Hawkins PD, but being rebuffed for his previous vandalism in Season 1. This seems odd considering we never saw the police get involved in that. Steve being a police officer is something born out of fan theory, which further casts doubt in my mind. While it could simply be a nod to fans, it still comes off as out of place. Steve was last shown getting a new job at a video store, and we’re going to see him going for another job already?
The next bit is that Max is depressed and sees the school counselor. She has a fight with Lucas and then dumps him. Working in the school counselor from the earlier reported new characters could have been an attempt to make it seem more legit. I don’t know if that casting report was truly legit since it had more info than I’d expect. Max and Lucas fighting is not terribly surprising. Their relationship was not shown to be all that great in Season 3. Saying Max would be depressed links onto the end of Season 3, so, again, nothing too shocking. This could just be good guesswork as opposed to a leak.
Next is a new character Fred (an orphan, but more on him later) talking to Dustin. Fred tells Dustin that he believes his dad, thought to be dead, is actually alive. He was allegedly experimented on by the lab and then thrown into a mental hospital after he went nuts and killed Fred’s mom. This is a rather big piece of info for a leaker to have. The idea that there were adult test subjects was covered in the Suspicious Minds novel, so it could be a tie-in to that, but this part of the “leak” could also just be fan theories based on that same novel. I can’t see Brenner taking any chances with his work being exposed by throwing a subject into a mental hospital.
Next, we have Dustin having lunch with Nancy and Robin, while Lucas and apparent new character Eddie watch Mike be friendly with a cheerleader. If true, then Season 4 occurs immediately after Season 3, otherwise there’s no way Dustin would be in high school with Nancy and Robin. I was never too clear on what grade exactly Nancy was in, but she could potentially be a senior now. Robin had mentioned being in class with Steve though, so I would’ve thought she’d be his age. Still, it’s possible I suppose. Dustin having lunch with them seems to clash with his Hellfire Club status though, unless this occurs before he joins. One would think he’d eat with his new friends, especially if he ISN’T eating with his old friends. Meanwhile, said old friends are also split, with Lucas hanging out with Eddie and watching Mike be “friendly” with a cheerleader.
The next bit is where we’re told Dustin joins the Hellfire Club (set photos confirm this). It’s described as an elite group of nerds formed by the previously mentioned Fred. Dustin apparently is interested when they play D&D, but Lucas and Mike decline. This both clashes and fits with Season 3. Mike is bothered by Will seeming to move on from D&D, but it could still fit if Mike just doesn’t want to play without Will. Still, this seems to be building a rupture of the Party right after Season 3 showed how good they are together. Yes, it’s normal for kids their age to look to reinvent themselves, but it also goes against what the show was apparently building. Each season does have elements where there’s strife in the Party that gets resolved, but this takes it to an absurd level.
Dustin is then described as being seen as a “runt of the litter” in the Hellfire Club. That’s not really unusual treatment for a freshman in a high school club. His D&D skills and link to Robin gain him cred, apparently. This leads to him getting close to Fred. There’s not a lot here, but this “leak” does spend a lot of time on the Fred/Dustin dynamic.
Next is the “shocker” where Mike and El have a phone/walkie call that doesn’t go well. Mike is losing interest, El picks up on it. She says “I love you” and he says “I know.” Considering the level of detail on some of the other parts, this is rather brief. The exchange is verbatim Empire Strikes Back, and, while that isn’t totally out of the ordinary for this show, it makes me see it as something more fanfiction-y. The idea of them having a “meh” phone call isn’t too weird since we saw at the end of Season 3 that they were definitely not on the same page. It wouldn’t be hard for a fake leaker to come up with something like this. Should it be true, then it could spur El to go back to her possessive and distrustful ways. She may be driven to find out how to get her powers back in order to spy on Mike.
The “leak” specifically mentions there being no plans to include Chernobyl. This is an odd thing to say. I’m not sure how popular a fan theory this is, but it’d be in bad taste to work a real-life deadly disaster into a show like this. I don’t know why the person who wrote this felt the need to specifically debunk this unless they just wanted to seem more legit.
A flashback to Joyce, Hopper, and Lonnie in high school. That’s reasonable, especially since we know Lonnie is back this season in some capacity. I have no doubts that Hopper will be having flashbacks/memories during his captivity. This being believable doesn’t necessarily make this real though, as it’s another thing that’s reasonable to predict.
Despite most of the leak seeming to be from an early point in the season, the leaker goes on to say that there’s 5 major deaths (2 new characters, 3 previously existing characters), one of whom is one of the kids who dies in the final episode. Now perhaps there’s parts of the “leak” that I just don’t see in these screengrabs, but this is very odd. Prior to this is just looks like maybe someone got their hands on the first script somehow, or parts of it anyway. I don’t know how many people would be entrusted with every script, particularly the end, for this very reason. A single script getting out is at least somewhat believable, but this is where I lose any faith in this “leak.”
Finally, the leaker mentions this season taking place over the course of months, ending with the end of the Party’s freshman year. This would indeed be a change from the usual storytelling, and it would have to mean a slowly growing threat as opposed to one already striking in the first episode. That would kinda sorta work now that there’s no superpowered character to fend off the supernatural, but it would leave a lot of skipped time that I’m not sure would work in a show like this.
Will is mysteriously left out of this “leak.” There’s literally no mention of him that I can find unless there’s missing parts I don’t have. Someone who knows who dies would have something to say about Will, but there’s just nothing. It’s especially odd considering that if this is indeed the Party’s freshman year, then Will would have started school with them. The Byers don’t move until sometime in October, so Will would have spent at least a month at Hawkins High. This would also make Season 4 start with the shortest potential time skip, or perhaps no skip at all.
So, IF this leak is genuine:
There is a small, if any, time skip, with Season 4 beginning shortly after the Byers move in October.
Given the above statement, Mike must quickly lose interest in El, possibly even before their planned holiday visit.
The Party falls apart despite them all seeing how good they are together at the end of Season 3.
Max is going through depression, likely related to Billy’s death and everything else that happened (the end of S3 supports this).
Max and Lucas’ relationship gets even worse.
Mike and Lucas don’t want to be seen as nerds
Steve is still just a lost man child, or at least suffering the consequences of having been one for so long.
Robin and Nancy hang out together, and with Dustin until he joins the Hellfire Club
Will is a nonfactor, at least in the episode the bulk of this comes from?
I really have trouble believing this “leak” simply due to how the poster claims knowledge of the ending while the details all seem to be from the first episode. I suppose it’s possible they did legit get the first episode and made up some other stuff, but that seems pointless. For now, I’m just going with the idea that ANY legitimacy in this would be that it’s a real fake “leak” created by someone on the show to mislead fans or create buzz.
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Abandon Ship | Monty De La Cruz
M A S T E R L I S T Timothy Granaderos Masterlist
smut requests info
important notice:  13 reasons why covers some really heavy stuff and their material can be extremely triggering. seeing as my writing is supposed to be for fun only I won’t be including many of the topics seen in the show. in fact, unless I say otherwise most of all my writings for this show will take place before Hannah Bakers suicide. if you or a loved one ever needs to seek professional help please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. 
why are all the men named timothy hot as hell??? first timothee chalamet and now timothy granaderos?? wtf???
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You doubt Monty knew you were Alex’s twin sister. At least you hoped he didn’t, because if he did and continued to beat Alex to a pulp then that would show how much you actually matter to him. You held a bandage in your hand, carefully dabbing at Alex’s eye which was split open. “Don’t tell Dad.” You nearly laughed at how ludicrous his request was. Alex looked as though he’d gone 4 rounds with a boxer, there was no way Dad wasn’t going to notice. “I can’t cover this with makeup Al, Dad is going to notice.” You tell him and you see the subtle eye roll and the oncoming lecture he knew he would receive. His eye was swollen shut, and there were cuts and bruises all over his face. “So what did you say to piss Monty off?” You ask, you know your boyfriend pretty well. He’d been trying to get a handle on his anger management issues and normally he could keep it together...unless provoked. In no way was what Monty did to Alex justifiable, but you knew Alex could get fired up and he says shit without thinking. “Nothing, it doesn’t matter. Doesn’t change the fact that your boyfriend is a psychopath.” Alex says with a heavy sigh as he shoves past you out of the bathroom. 
“Like how do you know he won’t turn that anger on you someday?” Alex says, both anger and concern deep in his eyes as he watches you. You begin to clean up the bandages and bloody rags, “Monty would never hurt me. He loves me.” You argue gently, you trust Monty with your life. Alex scoffs and you can tell he’s still stood behind you. “So he says. I don’t know how you trust him at all.” With that last grumble Alex retreats back to his bedroom, leaving you to finish cleaning the bathroom. When your Dad gets home, you know he’s going to ask where Alex is. Although it’s not unusual for Alex to hide away in his room these days, he’s getting...angrier than he used to be. You heard the kids at Liberty High whispering about what happened, Alex picked a fight with Monty. Alex approached him first, Alex egged him on. Alex knows about Monty’s explosive temper so why on Earth would he do that? 
“Hey honey, where’s your brother?” Your Dad smiles as he presses a kiss to your head. You return his hug as he wraps his arms around you, “room.” You tell him simply and when he releases you to head for Alex’s room you wait for the yelling to start. After the door opens, it does’t take long for the bomb to go off and soon they’re screaming at each other. Your Dad is obviously very upset that someone nearly beat Alex half to death, but you get upset after Alex opens his mouth and a barrage of words spill out. “It’s only because of Y/N’s freak boyfriend! He’s a fucking lunatic, he’s the one who did this to me! How could you let her date someone like that?” As soon as the words leave his lips he sees the shift in Deputy Standall. Your eyes widen, first of all your Dad didn’t even know you were dating anybody. Second of all, this is his very first impression of Monty. “Alex you are such an asshole!” You yell as you slam your bedroom door before propping your office chair against it to keep it closed. 
The next morning you emerged from your room only when Monty texted that he was out front. This is the first time Monty has picked you up from your house but you figured it was time he knew who your family was. Your Dad was of course waiting for you by the front door with a look of both concern and anger on his face. “Y/N why didn’t you tell me and your Mom you were seeing anybody? I don’t want you to see him again, look what he did to your brother.” Your Dad said sternly but you shook your head forcefully as you pulled your shoes on. “Well I’m pretty sure Alex left out the part where he egged Monty on. Alex started the fight Dad. That fight was both of their faults. I don’t want to be late for school.” You snapped as you shoved past your Dad and out to Monty’s car. Offering a smile, Monty noticed right away that something was off with you. You slid into the passenger seat as Monty leaned over to press a sweet kiss to your lips. “What’s up with you baby?” He asks, genuine concern in his eyes. He looked up and spotted Deputy Standall standing in the doorway and his eyes widened. 
“Woah shit, is that your Dad?” Monty asks as he pulls off down the street. You’re silent in the passenger seat, your arms crossed. Your silent treatment and tense body language is starting to freak Monty out as he fidgets with a seam on his jeans. “Baby did I do something?” He asks, his panicked eyes glancing over at you. You smiled bitterly as you turn your head to look at him, “yeah Monty you did. You beat my twin brother to a pulp yesterday.” You snap and Monty looks confused for a second before a look of understanding dawns on his face. “Alex is your brother? Ah shit baby, I’m sorry I didn’t know.” Monty says with a sigh as he pulls into his usual parking spot at the school. You stay silent, but honestly you feel a bit relieved that he didn’t know. Monty turns to you and takes your hand, “I’m sorry Y/N. Is uh is he okay?” Monty asks but from the tension seeping into his voice you can tell he really doesn’t care if Alex is okay or not. You exit the car, with Monty not too far behind you as he slings your bag over his shoulder. Just like he does every morning. 
“What was the fight about?” You ask, remembering how Alex completely avoided the question when you tried to ask him. Monty looks uncomfortable as his hand slides into yours, your eyebrows pinch together. “Monty.” Your voice is angrier then you intended but you were angry. Why wont either of them tell you what’s going on? You pulled your hand from Monty’s and snatched your bag from his shoulder. “I have to go meet with Jess.” You snap angrily as you stomp down the hallway, leaving a very dejected Monty behind. You spent most of the rest of the day avoiding Monty and Alex, having had enough of both of them. Monty leaned back against the lockers, his eyes on you as you stood and chatted with Clay. “Yeah I saw the fight from yesterday, Monty went kind of crazy.” Clay commented, and you sighed while pinching the bridge of your nose. You had been really good friends with Clay since 6th grade and you can honestly say he’s one of your closest friends. “Neither of them will tell me what happened either. It’s pissing me off.” You grumble, catching Monty’s agitated gaze. Clay shut his locker and turned to face you, “I think I heard one of them say your name but I’m not sure. Anyway I should go, Monty looks like he wants to kill me.” Clay says, his eyes also meeting Monty’s before he turns and heads down the hall. 
You roll your eyes at Monty and you turn to follow the path Clay took when you feel a hand wrap around your arm. You’re not at all surprised to see Monty forcefully, but gently, dragging you to a supply closet. When he shuts the door behind you two, you can practically feel the frustration coming from him. “The fuck Y/N! I said I was sorry about Alex I don’t know what else you want from me.” Monty snapped, crossing his arms as you glare up at him. “And seriously, Jensen? You avoid me all day and I see you hanging out with fucking Clay Jensen.” Monty snaps, and while most people would see anger you can see a flicker of insecurity flash behind his eyes. “Monty what I want is the truth. What happened with Alex? You know Clay is my friend Mon, he doesn’t mean anything to me.” You tell him gently, your anger melting away when you see how big of an issue this is for him. “You wanna know what happened with Alex? Fine! What happened was that he reminded me how bad I am for you, how fucking badly I’m going to fuck up your life.” Monty snapped, nothing but fear and self-hatred pooling in his eyes. 
“He reminded me how I’m just some stupid prick from the wrong part of town with a drunk Dad who beats on me for fun. He reminded me how I have no idea how to love people or how to let them love me. My life has been in a downward spiral from the moment I was born, my life is a sinking ship Y/N and if you knew any better you’d find a fucking lifeboat and abandon ship.” By the time Monty was finished there were unshed tears in his eyes and he refused to look at you. His chest is heaving and you can tell what Alex said really got to him. You take a step forward and reach up to cup his cheeks before you’re forcing him to meet your gaze. “I love you Montgomery. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.” You whisper but Monty pulls away, his eyes sad and his body language tense. “No I’m not. I nearly beat your brother half to death yesterday because he had the balls to tell me the truth. We can’t be together, you’re too good for me. You deserve to be with someone like Clay.” Monty says, turning for the door. 
Your heart is broken even though you know he didn’t mean it. Your heart is fucking broken even though you know his is too. You lay back on your bed, the tears still fresh and rolling down your cheeks. Monty broke up with you today. He thinks he’s saving you, but he’s hurting you. Alex knocks on the door before pushing it open, guilt weighing heavily in his chest when he sees the tears. “Well what you said must have resonated with Monty because you got what you wanted. He broke up with me because you’ve convinced him he’s going to ruin my life.” You said, your voice weak from the crying. Alex stayed silent as he pushed his hands into his jean pockets. “I didn’t want this, I just wanted you to be safe.” Alex says sadly but you laugh bitterly as you roll to your right side. “Don’t worry Alex, my body is safe but my heart has been fucking shattered now get the hell out.” You snap as sobs begin to choke through your chest again. Alex leaves and closes the door behind him, leaving you alone with your quiet crying. 
School the next day was awkward. And painful. You’d arrived with Alex, but as soon as you crossed the threshold into the school you bolted to find Clay. You couldn’t be around Monty or Alex right now. You could see Monty out of the corner of your eye in his usual place against the lockers with the football guys. You felt tears thickening in your eyes as you turned towards Clay, who had been gracious enough to endure a 3 hour phone call last night about the breakup. He’d listened to you cry and he comforted you and promised he’d walk everywhere with you today. Monty spotted the bags under your swollen eyes, he felt guilt upon the realization you must have spent most of the night crying. In the long run this is better for you though, you’ll get over Monty and find someone who could treat you better. Or at least that’s what Monty repeatedly told himself to stop from caving and begging for your forgiveness. You had your back to Monty and firmly on Clay- who had been babbling on about some robot comic he reads. You’d asked him to talk about literally anything to keep your mind off Monty. 
Alex sat on the bleachers, his elbows resting on his knees. He didn’t only see how messed up you were, he also saw how messed up Monty was. He was stalking through the halls like a ticking time bomb, as though he’s waiting for someone to give him a reason to hit them. Alex knew he messed up, and he also knew he needed to be the one to fix it. He pushes from the table and after checking the clock he figures Monty will probably be out back, it’s his off hour. When Alex pushes through the schools back doors he sees Monty send his fist into some kids face, “you wanna say that about my girl again?” His voice was tense and his fist was holding the kids shirt tightly. The kid, who apparently said something about Y/N, quickly shook his head while reaching up to pinch his bleeding nose. Monty released the kid, watching him scramble inside and his eyes land on Alex. “Y/N send you?” Monty asks, looking down at his bruised and bloody knuckles. Alex shook his head as he took a few steps towards Monty, “no but I am here because of her.” 
Monty reached into his backpack to pull out a rag, which already had bloodstains on it to wipe his knuckles. “I think breaking up with her was a mistake. She’s like really sad.” Alex says, itching the back of his neck as Monty pauses for a second before continuing to wipe his hand. “That’s funny coming from you. Nice face by the way.” Monty says, a snide smiling crossing onto his face. When he’s in pain he deflects and lashes out. “I know. Look I’m sorry about what I said yesterday, I know you have a crappy home life but I guess I didn’t realize how happy you make Y/N. Even though you’re an asshole to everyone else, you’re really good to her. Don’t punch me for saying this but I think she’s changing you, you’re way less of an asshole then you were 6 months ago.” Alex said and Monty turned to look at him, an unreadable expression on his face. “I might have been right about a few things but definitely not about everything. I was wrong when I said Y/N would be happier without you, because I’ve never seen her so sad. She was up all night crying on the phone with Clay.” Monty’s eyebrows rise at the mention of Clay. 
“I mean you can do what you want but I genuinely think the best thing for Y/N is you. So, yeah.” Alex says, clearing his throat awkwardly before turning back inside the school. “Also she’s been with Clay all day. Last I heard they were getting pretty friendly in the Library.” Alex quips before the door closes. That’s a lie of course, while it is true you’re in the Library with Clay you two are in no way getting ‘friendly’. The comment is enough however to set Monty off, so he yanks open the door and storms for the Library. When Monty nearly barrels into the Library he sees you and Clay looking for a book near the back, but you’re not really near each other. Just talking. “Fuckin’ Alex.” Monty grumbles and as Monty turns to leave he hears his name come from your angelic lips. “I haven’t heard from Monty yet. He hasn’t even glanced in my direction.” You say to Clay sadly. Clay reaches up to grab a book from a higher shelf that you were struggling to reach, “well if he’s not a complete retard he’ll come around. I don’t know Monty very well but I know he cares about you.” Clay reassures and while you smile you’re not sure you believe him. 
As you and Clay keep searching for books, you feel a large, familiar hand wrap around your arm. “Can we talk?” Monty asks, his eyes boring into yours. Clay continues down the isles of books, a small smile on his face. You nod hesitantly as you pull Monty to a back corner of the Library. Monty awkwardly itches the back of his neck as you wait for him to say something. Desperately trying to form the right words in his head Monty rolls his eyes as he cups your cheeks. He’s always been more of an action guy than a word guy. He desperately presses his lips against yours, his hands pulling you impossibly close to his body. You melt into him as your arms wrap around his neck. “I love you.” Monty whispers against your lips, his hands sliding down to rest on your hips. There is nobody in this secluded area of the Library and soon the kisses grow more frantic, as Monty reaches for your ass to haul you up. You wrap your legs around his waist as he rests you on a table, his lips fervently moving against yours. Monty’s hands press flat against the table on either side of your legs. He grinds his hardening cock into you, causing a breathless gasp to escape your lips. 
“Monty we can’t, not here.” You whisper through the kisses as Monty’s fingers begin to dance up your thighs. Your head falls back as Monty’s lips trail down your neck to your shoulder, “sure we can baby. You just gotta be quiet for me.” Monty whispers into your skin as his hands make contact with your core through your jeans. You bite your lip to prevent a moan from slipping out, you grind your hips into his hand in an attempt to get more friction. “Think you can keep those pretty sounds you make nice and quiet so I can fuck you right here?” Monty asks, his hand rubbing tortuously slow. You bite down hard on your lip as your fingers grab tightly onto Monty’s shoulders. “God Monty,” You moan softly into his ear as his knee presses between your legs to part them. His lips work magic on your neck as he sucks and bites all the right places, “please tell me this is makeup sex.” You whisper as your fingers gasp onto the short hairs on his head. 
“Baby this is ‘I never should have let you go’ sex.” Monty whispered, his fingers gently popping the button of your jeans open. Monty quickly glances over his shoulder, and when he sees nobody in sight he pulls your jeans down to your calves. “I love you,” Monty whispers, his eyes looking into yours as his hand dips under the waistband of your panties. Your fingers gently rub along his neck as his fingers dip into your wet opening, “fuck I love you Monty.” You nearly cry out as he begins to slowly pump 2 fingers into you. Monty’s forehead is nearly pressed against yours as his hand comes up to clasp over your mouth. His pupils dilate as he lustfully watches your eyes roll back in your head when he crooks his fingers inside you. Your fingers curl around his wrist to ensure he keeps pumping his fingers into you but much to your dismay Monty pulls his hand away when he notices your thighs beginning to shake. Reattaching his lips to yours Monty lets you reach for the button of his jeans.  
You desperately fumble with the button of his jeans before you finally pop them open and yank the zipper down. “Condom?” You whisper against his lips and Monty nods quickly while digging into the pocket of his jeans. He always has one with him just in case the two of you can’t wait until school is over. Like now. After Monty has rolled the condom down onto his hard cock he presses the head against your entrance. “Now baby I need you to be nice and quiet or we’re going to get in a lot of trouble mkay?” Monty breathes softly against your lips and you nod as your arms pulls his body closer to yours. Monty wraps one arm around your body as the other reaches down to help guide his cock into your tight opening. “Shit Y/N.” Monty hisses quietly as he stretches you open, inch by inch. Your mouth hangs open as a quiet gasp escapes your mouth at the feeling of Monty sliding inside you. Monty begins to slowly but forcefully thrust into you, his hand coming up to cover your mouth when a tiny moan escapes. You’re softly crying out against his palm as he pushes into you over and over again. “Christ baby you feel so good around me.” Monty huskily whispers into your neck as you hold his hand over your lips. You’d cry out in ecstasy if his hand wasn’t there. 
Monty’s other hand reaches down to thumb at your clit, “need you to cum around my cock baby. Fuck I need to feel you cum around me, need to know I’m making you feel good.” Monty breathes, his face still nuzzled into your neck. You feel the heat spreading through your body like liquid fire as you keep your knees spread wide open for him, your chest heaving against his. Your hips begin to buck against his and with one more sharp, forceful thrust into you Monty slams the head of his cock directly into your g-spot and you cum instantaneously. You clench hard around him as you cum on his cock and Monty groans softly as he also cums into the condom as you cum. Monty presses a long kiss to your sweaty forehead before he pulls out and tosses the condom into a large trashcan sitting nearby. Monty tucks his cock back into his jeans as he pulls your jeans back up your legs. After Monty buttons your jeans again he looks up into your eyes, “baby I’m sorry. What Alex said just really got to me because he said literally everything I have ever worried about, out loud, straight to my face. I’m really good at pretending to be confident but I can’t act around you. You always see right through me, and I got scared. So I ran. If Alex didn’t come and tell me to get off my ass and fix this I don’t know if I would have and that scares me more.”  
“Wait Alex came and talk to you today?” You ask and Monty nods, his hands resting on your hips as you stay seated on the table. “He told me to fix this, and well I’m glad he did.” Monty smiled, a loving look crossing onto his face as he studies your eyes. “I’m not about to be a presumptuous asshole and assume you’ll take me back because you let me fuck you so, Y/N baby will you please take me back?” Monty asks and you can see that flicker of fear in his eyes that you’ll say no. You press your lips against his again, nearly taking him by surprise as he stumbles back a step when you completely throw yourself into his arms. “I love you and you’re stuck with me.” You smile and Monty smiles widely, pressing his forehead against yours. “I love you-” “God ew I’m happy you two are back together but seriously ew.” A voice sounds from behind you. You step back onto the floor as you turn to see Alex with a grimace on his face. “Will you two just hurry up? There’s a fight out back and for once Monty isn’t involved.” Alex says with a roll of his eyes as he watches Monty smack your ass. You lace your fingers with Monty’s as you two follow Alex out of the Library. 
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Playlist Feels
Member: j u y e o n
Genre: drama with chaebol/lawyer juyeon
A/N: I’m investing way too much feelings and emotions into this i might cry when it ends. this chapter is more serious i guess i can’t be writing angst and smut every chapter LOL
Link to other parts: 
I Never Wanna See You Again
Frustrated (light smut)
Love Somebody (light smut)
Play With Fire (smut)
Tumblr media
“i’m playing with fire.”
all you wanted to do was have breakfast, but you walk out along the hallways of the second floor only to watch an entire crowd of staff members push and pull countless of racks across the living room. 
the female staff member who recognised you from the previous week notices you standing awkwardly behind the wall, struggling to process the crowd at the foot of the stairs. 
you watch her say something to another staff member, before she strolls across the living room and heads up the stairs to greet you.
“i’m going to hope you don’t have any clothes of your own,” she smiles at you, eyes flitting to your neck for a split second and looks at your bare legs. 
“uh--” you stumble on your tongue, having trouble finding any words to say. you completely forget about the marks on your neck, and you were only in his underwear with the large pullover barely covering your rear. 
“i’m gonna get you a robe while you choose your clothes for today and i’ll run you a bath before you have breakfast.”
you watch as she walks away into the bathroom, and again, you wonder why it was so difficult to think of anything to say. you had expected the house staff to be judging you for sleeping with him, but they all seemed so nice and candid, it was a little difficult to believe. 
you just couldn’t get the idea of juyeon being such a kind, relaxed boss out of your head. 
she returns from the bathroom with a robe, the water now running and a rose scent begins to waft through your nose. “here,” she hands you the robe and waits for you to put it on. 
“mr lee wanted you to pick out as many clothes as you wanted, and he wants you to know not to worry about the price.”
you reach the bottom of the stairs with her standing right next to you, and you see at least three racks of clothes surrounding the living room. there were at least two full-body mirrors next to the sofas, and a separate mobile shelf with shoes. 
“uh... do i have to? where are my clothes from yesterday?” your hand unconsciously reaches up to your neck to cover your skin. 
“in the laundry! we’ll get it steamed and ready for you by lunch, but right now, he’s told us he wants to see you in something from any of these racks. he didn’t exactly give us much choice either,” she gives you a look that comforts you, gently patting your arm to encourage you. 
you choose out exactly five different sets of clothes, which included shoes. you suddenly feel like you went on a splurge and your credit card would’ve exceeded by now, judging by the brands the clothes were from. 
you soak yourself in the bathtub, the light from behind you illuminating the white, black and golden surfaces. you couldn’t help but to let your head replay the memories from the night before as the rose scent pulls all the knots in your body apart. 
it felt like you were on vacation, when you were really just... feeding off your boyfriend’s wealth. you felt guilty, and frankly, a little worried that people were going to start thinking you were with him for his money. 
you haven’t done anything for him besides curse at him, take the credit for his workings for the case and sleep in his bed. 
you shake your thoughts away, deciding that it was time for you to get your due breakfast before working on the case. 
you were pushing the last few bites of the strange looking pudding around in the bowl, and the female staff from before was in the dining room with you, arranging the cutlery and utensils away from sight.
“hey, uh--” you call out, looking at her while mrs jung comes out of the kitchen. you wonder why it took you three meals before you notice that you could see into the kitchen. the dining table was right next to a black counter where mrs jung would leave the food right after it was prepared, and the kitchen itself looked extravagant.
“you called?” the female staff lays down the plate and walks over to your side. 
“yeah, uh...” you scratch your temple, slightly pulling on the turtleneck you chose to hide the bruises he left. “you don’t-- happen to think that... i’m with mr lee for his money... do you?”
the female staff blinks in surprise at you, and before she could respond, mrs jung does the honor. 
“oh, my dear, definitely not! you’d be surprised at how good juyeon-nim is at picking out who’s genuine and who isn’t.” you turn and watch mrs jung carry some leftover food back into the kitchen. 
“we were very surprised when he asked you to stay last friday, past the time where the house staff gets off work. he doesn’t like guests over, unless they are his parents... so it was nice to see him bring someone back.”
you let a small laugh escape your lips, feeling the blood rush up to your ears and cheek. 
hold on. 
“you mean he’s never brought anybody home before?” 
“not willingly, no.” mrs jung responds from the kitchen. “juyeon-nim is only friendly to people he trusts and even then he’s extremely cautious, though sometimes a little dense... but now that we know how comfortable he is with you, and we’re all just happy for him.”
you feel a second wave of embarrassment wash over you, your hand now wrapping around your own neck and pulling up the material to hide any possible marks that were peeking out from under. 
“you don’t have to hide those as long as you’re here. everybody knows what happened,” the female staff member teases you, clearing the plates that you literally licked the crumbs off from before. 
“awh... nooooo,” you whine, hiding your face in your hands. 
the staff member laughs at your embarrassment, encouraging you to finish your dessert before she tells you where his office was. 
you get the door open, and the first thing you notice was the similar L-shaped glass windows like his bedroom had. the desk sat on the right side, with a main leather seat back facing a large shelf. the levels were alternated between files and small, expensive-looking statues and souvenirs. 
right before the glass panels were two single-seaters with a small coffee table between them, and your eyes took awhile to notice the little fridge under the table. 
you log into the computer with ease, surprised that there wasn’t a password required. you remember mrs jung saying that he doesn’t have anybody over, and you figure that nobody else has been in his office anyway. the worry about someone hacking into his files was non-existent. 
your suitcase was already placed by the table, and you wonder when did it get here. did he leave it in here last night? this morning? or did he get a staff member to do it?
the online system was perfectly synced with the system you had in the office, and all you needed to do was log in with your information before your case displays itself on the screen. 
you get to work almost immediately, every now and then looking past the computer screen to look out the large glass windows. 
the clouds were so fluffy against the bright blue sky today, and you couldn’t help but imagine chanhee, eric and sunwoo’s reactions when they notice you didn’t clock in today.
oh. chanhee, eric and sunwoo.
you reach over to your suitcase and pull out your cellphone, noticing the nearly ten missed calls you got from them starting about five minutes before the supposed reporting time. 
chanhee: where the hell are you? its 7.55am!
eric: did she oversleep
chanhee: she doesn’t oversleep
sunwoo: not with that annoying ass alarm she’s got
you smile to yourself, unable to contain your happiness as you scroll down.
chanhee: why do we have to hear about your absence from our manager?
sunwoo: wait
eric: OH MY GOD
sunwoo: mf WAIT
chanhee: but he’s in office! 
sunwoo: so? he could’ve just left her at home and came to work to reduce suspicion cause it’ll too obvious if the both of them are absent
eric: unless...
sunwoo: i’m betting on that and OTHER REASONS
eric: i was thinking about other reasons
chanhee: whatever the reason, call us during our lunch break!
eric: yeah we want details
sunwoo: fucking disgusting
you snort to yourself, ready to keep your phone away and finish up the case. 
but the aggressive vibration from your phone stops you just as you laid it down, and you sigh heavily when you see the caller ID. 
“yello,” you put the phone down on the table, keeping it on loudspeaker. 
“why do you sound so glum? i return from a two month trip and this is how you greet me?”
you roll your eyes, laying your hands right at the keyboard. “hi mom, how was your trip to san francisco?”
“oh, it was gorgeous!” she says with a strange accent. must’ve been the american air for two months. “i was pretty sad to leave, but nothing can stop me from coming back to see you!”
“when have you ever needed to see me?” your tone was unenthusiastic, and you resist the urge to hang up altogether. 
“aw, no, honey,” she whines. “are you still mad about last year?”
“just so you know, i’m gonna stay mad for quite a bit, so don’t expect anything different.”
“aw, but you did say you wanted swavroski--”
“yeah, a swavroski ring! not the damn brand!” you huff, burying your face into your hands. your eyes were on the screen, staring at the case document, but all you could hear was the heavy breathing over the phone. 
“i take it that you haven’t signed the contract to claim ownership of the brand.”
“of course i didn’t! i left home so i could build a life for myself. you promised me that you’d leave me and my finances and my life alone. you know i don’t want you or dad’s help but you go ahead and buy a whole jewellery brand?!”
“i’m never signing that contract, just so you know. it’s been sitting at home since you had it mailed to me while you ran off to canada.”
“are you still living in that tiny flat by the lake outside of town?”
you pick up a pinch of contempt in her voice. “yeah, what’s so bad about my 'tiny flat’?”
“nothing,” liar. “i just want you to have the best we can afford.”
“again with the ‘we’. how many times do i have to tell you that i don’t want you or dad’s help?”
“no,” you snap into the phone, picking it up and hovering your thumb over the hang up button. “i’m gonna go now because i have work to do. don’t call me unless it’s to tell me that someone else already owns swavroski.”
you finally hang up and you throw the phone back into your suitcase, hands on your forehead as you return your attention to the screen. 
needed me? what a load of bullcrap. 
maybe if she didn’t treat you like some kind of trophy when you were younger, you’d believe that she genuinely loved you. 
you were called to lunch when the sun was at its highest, the blinding rays bouncing off windows and the metal from buildings that it heated up the room like a toaster. 
mrs jung’s food never fails to deliver, and the female staff from before struggles to tuck your napkin into your clothes so that the gravy doesn’t fly about. 
you were mindlessly praising the hell out of mrs jung’s pasta when you hear a staff outside the dining room shout. you turn at the sound of the doors swinging open, and you find yourself standing immediately at the sight of a lady who looked like a million bucks. 
“what do you mean he’s in offic--” the lady finally turns her attention from the staff outside the dining room and to you. “and... who are you?”
so much for that lunch phone call to your friends.
you find yourself sitting awkwardly opposite her, carefully watching as she swirls the wine in her glass. you feel her eyes pierce right through you, and your hands reach up to your turtleneck in a bid to pull it upwards.
“there’s no need to hide,” she nearly scolds you, and the harsh tone strikes a chord in you. “i know who you are.”
“you’re the reason why my son’s fiance is in shambles right now.”
his what--
“i’m sorry, who?” you squint your eyes at her, for a split second forgetting that she was the mother of your now-boyfriend.
“he didn’t tell you?” she offers a smile of disbelief. “and here i was thinking he changed for the better.”
“’for the better’? he wanted to leave the country to do charity work, not run away.”
“he was running away from the responsibilities he was born to shoulder. we do enough charity for him to stay,” she leans forward on the table, one palm pressed flat on the surface. 
“but he didn’t even want the damn law fi--”
the both of you turn to the door of the dining room. every staff member within your line of vision looked like they were scared shitless, which was a strange sight, considering how relaxed and candid they were in the absence of this... crazy lady.
who might be my mother-in-law? ugh. 
“you should’ve told me you’re visiting,” juyeon walks in the doors and the staff members shut them behind him. he grabs a seat next to you, and it visibly stuns his mother. 
“i wouldn’t have bothered if i knew you weren’t even at home,” she watches in slight disgust as juyeon leans into your face and plants a kiss on your cheek. your eyes widen and your heart feels extremely heavy. “care to explain what is going on?”
juyeon carefully sits his suitcase next to his chair as the kitchen staff serves him a glass of wine. you remember the only food that was prepared was only for you and the staff members.
“what’s there to explain? i never said i agreed to marry anybody i was told to.”
you watch anxiously, eyes switching between juyeon, who was calmly sipping on his wine, and his mother, who was so angry that you could almost see the steam escaping from her ears...
“and so you run off and sleep with some random girl?”
“will she still be ‘some random girl’ if you knew what she was capable of? she’s closed more cases in six months than i did in a year, mother.”
“i didn’t think a lawyer would let someone leave such savage marks all over her body like this!” she berates you, hand carelessly gesturing to all of you.
“which year did you walk through a portal from? it’s not the 1800s, mother.”
wow, so she blames me and not the one who made these marks?
“girls nowadays.”
you could feel juyeon’s frustration hit the roof, and the atmosphere in the dining hall gets heavier as each second passes in silence. 
“what are you here for, anyway? just to ask me about me dumping my fiance who i never even loved? i don’t even like her face, mother. she’s an incapable princess who does nothing but sit around and gets waited on.”
“forget about that, you’ve gone ahead and spent your weekend breaking off the engagement anyway,” his mother glares at the two of you. 
didn’t he spend his weekend with his family--
“but i do want to know why you’re back in the office.”
juyeon locks his jaw in odd angles, and if you didn’t know it was his mother who was pissing him off, you would’ve thought he was going to throw a punch across the table. 
“what do you mean ‘why i’m back in the office’? doing my job and accepting my responsibilities like you wanted to!” 
“and you didn’t have the decency to at least inform us? we were ready to re-sell it to the bureau director!” 
juyeon sucks in a deep breath and stands up, eyes tightly shut as you watch him collect his feelings. his mother remains relaxed in the seat opposite you, arms tightly crossed over her chest but her face still brimming with anger and dissatisfaction. 
“okay,” he leans downwards, pressing his palms flat against the surface of the table. “if you’re so upset then i assume a contract has already been drawn up, yes?”
his mother doesn’t respond. 
“alright, i’ll contact the bureau director and i’ll explain the situation. it’s you the bureau director has a problem with, anyway. it’ll be easy for me.”
your face was turned to juyeon, but your eyes couldn’t resist the temptation to look at his mother. she had just been outspoken by her son, and you felt so proud of him for standing up for himself. 
his mother finishes the win, visibly angry. she gets up and leaves the dining hall, and when you hear the lift ‘ding’ followed by the sound of its gears shutting its doors, you heaved a sigh of relief.
the entire room relaxes and begins helping to clear the table. juyeon was the only one who looked like he was about to burst from anger and frustration. 
you stand up and wrap your arms around his torso, leaning your chin on his shoulder.
“i’m sorry you had to see that.”
you shake your head, pulling away and hugging his arm instead. 
“i’m sorry that i lied about what i did over the weekend, and i’m sorry i didn’t tell you i was already engaged.”
you let the pain of the realisation sink in for a moment, before giving him a weak smile. “well, it wasn’t really a lie. you said it was something to do with your family... and besides, you broke off the engagement.” you reach over his chest and find his arm to pull him to face you, looking up at him whose eyes were filled with remorse. 
naturally, a shitty feeling swamps you when you lose sight of his prideful, authorial self, so you pull his face down to meet yours and you feel him melt into the kiss. 
“do you need to go back to the office?” you let him go, his hands now resting on your waist.
“yeah,” he sighs apologetically. “i only came back because the lobby called to tell me my mother was here.”
“aw,” you grin in attempt to shake off the tension that was still hanging in the air. “nice to know you came back to save me from your mother.”
a smile appears on his lips, and he pulls you in all so suddenly, planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
“maybe i shouldn’t leave my marks so high up your neck next time.”
you sigh with your lips in smile, pressing your head into his chest as he wraps his arms tightly around you. 
your arm was linked tightly with juyeon’s as he walks you up the stairs of the grand hotel, the ends of your gown dragging along the marble surface to the restaurant where he would meet the bureau director. 
you couldn’t take your eyes off him, though the simple suit was nothing compared to the dress he had prepared for you within a day’s notice. you reach the restaurant entrance and the lady immediately recognises him, turning to lead you two into the restaurant and in the corner where the private rooms were.
“so just to be clear, ignore your mother and be nice to the bureau director, right?” you giggle as the restaurant staff knocks on the door. 
juyeon laughs and pecks you on your temple. “maybe if you ignore her enough, she’ll start wanting your attention.”
you snicker to yourself, watching the door pull open and the light from inside spills out. 
you trail behind juyeon and look into the room, and your heart stops in your chest.
the world stops revolving around the sun and your breath hitches in your throat, your grip on juyeon’s arm tightening instantly when you see the two people in the room. 
“mother,” juyeon awkwardly starts, only noticing your sudden grip on his arm. 
she looks at you with wide, surprised eyes before they dissipate into a wide smile. 
“this is the bureau director, mrs--”
“it’s alright,” she stops juyeon. “i know who she is.”
you gulp and your chest collapses in on itself. 
of all people, THIS bureau director just had to be your mother?
Part 6: Bourbon
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skyblue-ringpops · 3 years
Hello -are you new here? Welcome if you are!
So your Deep Dive into Blaine Anderson is quite a lot to think about. It’s really mostly your head canon and not actually what happens in the show? Not canon?
When first introduced he becomes Kurt’s friend, who he has a crush on. He was subsequently called a mentor to him, but that’s not how we first see him. He’s just another teenager at this point, who Kurt falls in love with.
Most people don’t actually call Blaine whiny and clingy - only a small proportion of the fandom for a variety of reasons. Just like every character had their flaws and their critics. Most people like Blaine.
Blaine was a confident happy pupil at Dalton, and I don’t think he was putting on an act. But of course, there are other sides to him that we don’t see initially.
Yes, Blaine was assaulted at a Sadie Hawkins dance. Yes, he suggests on at least one occasion that he doesn’t have a good relationship with his dad. We don’t know for certain anything about Blaine’s relationship with his parents. But he does still mention them throughout the five seasons, indicating he lives with them, and that they were upset after Shooting Star.
Blaine attended prom with Kurt in season 2: it was hard for both of them, but they stood up to the bullies together. He also attended prom in season 3. So by Sadie Hawkins in 4, he rejects Tina’s proposal because he has a crush on Sam, not because of any apparent continued fear of school dances. Likewise, in Tina in the Sky with Diamonds, he’s happy to be there - he seems to have fact moved on from the assault trauma.
Do you think he had a close relationship with the Warblers? They were friends in 2, in fact they all looked up to him as charismatic lead singer who made the song choices. But they betrayed him in 3; in 4 Hunter and Sebastian tried to get him back to Dalton to secure a win at nationals, and then there was the drug issue. I’m inclined to think they were using him, and not genuine friends or family. He made his genuine friends, apart from Kurt, in season 4 at Mck.
Yes he was happy at Dalton, or so it seems. He wasn’t present when it burned down - he came back from his honeymoon to discover it had been burnt down. Yes he was upset, but bounced back quickly as the Warblers became part of the ND. A plot line really to insureBlaine had nothing to stay in Lima for, and could return to NY with Kurt. I don’t feel he was traumatised by it.
The wedding of course was Britannia’s wedding, and they had managed to get Blaine’s mum there, which was a nice touch. So the absence of dad and Cooper is not particularly shocking. And yes, there is part of deleted plot that the parents had divorced but a lot of plots were changed over the course of the show, so nothing can be gained from this.
I don’t agree Blaine raised himself. He dresses beautifully, he is beautifully mannered and follows etiquette. There must have been someone around to teach him these things. He never says his parents are not there, yes we don’t see them, and we can head canon a distant relationship, but it’s not certain. He calls his mum after SS, he is obviously close to her. He mentions them in Feud, and in Loser like Me. He has a sibling rivalry with Cooper - we don’t know how badly that affected Blaine: but Cooper does seem to care for him and be proud of him.
There’s no indication mum had a drink problem - yes she’s drunk at the wedding. Mmmm a lot of people get drunk at weddings. Santana and Quinn got drunk in I do - does that mean they have a drink problem? Blaine certainly doesn’t have a drink problem. In fact, he doesn’t drink a lot - we see him drunk on two occasions. We see several of the ND also drunk on occasions, but they don’t have a drink problem. In the scene with Dave, he appears to have a coke in front of him, and likely he drove. He said himself he went to the bar because he was lonely, and that’s probably the only place in Lima he would actually meet other gay people . By this stage, he was in therapy, had a job and was moving on: no suggestion he’s hanging round a bar because he’s depressed.
His relationship with Karofsky. Yes many in fandom hate it. I don’t love it. But let’s remember: they do seem to have a warm relationship, Blaine speaks fondly of him, there’s the gentle cheek kiss and eye contact when they split, which speaks volumes. Blaine looks happy to be with him. He tells him he admires him. Blaine is getting on with his life - as far as he’s concerned Kurt is in NY, they may not see each other again for a very long time. Blaine didn’t date Dave out of spite - Dave was there when he needed company, Dave had suffered himself - he was a good support to Blaine when he needed it. Why would he date him for pain and abuse, or punishment. He was in therapy, he was getting better and he was genuinely happy. Why would he feel guilty about the split - it was Kurt who called it off.
Blaine is one if the happiest, most likeable characters . He is loved by his friends and teachers - he is talented, high achieving, ambitious and kind. He’s generous, he cares for his friends, he will do anything to help his friends. He is great fun to be with. Yes, he’s insecure and suffers from loneliness which means he makes rash decisions. He’s not extremely depressed, he has periods when he is down - don’t we all?? He’s not suffering , depressed, sad individual but the opposite most of the time - fondly regarded as a ray of sunshine. If I was having a bad day, I’d want Blaine as my friend to cheer me up.
He’s not suicidal - I can’t see what you are saying re On my way - he isn’t in camera shot most of the time . He’s not rubbing his wrists or looking sad, he confidently states he wants marriage equality in 50 states - another thing that’s very important to him. Because he wants to marry. And he wants to marry Kurt. Cough Syrup is an excellent solo - at the time he sings it , no one is aware about Dave. Blaine had his own stresses that day - mostly to do with Sebastian. Kurt is the one who has been lonely, depressed and suicidal. Not Blaine.
He doesn’t have an eating disorder - we see one episode where he overeats because he is a new city. Then he feels bad because he’s put on the weight, and pulls away physically from Kurt. He’s not got an eating disorder. He enjoys sport - we see him at gym, boxing, aerobics and he dances a lot with friends.
Also, you make a big jump to assume he’s been sexually abused or assaulted. In fact, there is no indication of this at all. If that’s your head canon, that’s fine, but there’s nothing in canon that says this. Or nothing in his behaviour that says this. Plus I think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick regarding Tina, and his reaction to the vapo rape and Sam teasing Tina. Watch it again, Blaine isn’t upset.
There’s a lot I could go into about his relationship with Kurt but it’s already a long ask. Please feel free to chat to me about any of these!!! I note you think Blaine and Puck would be a good friendship, but that’s a chat for another day!!!
Look forward to a pleasant discussion with you!!
I'm fairly new to the Glee fandom, it'll be one year in the summer (I think August?)
It's a mix of canon and headcanons that are heavily supported by canon, I tried to specify what is what.
Most of the people I've seen that don't like Blaine or only like him in season 2 say he's whiny and clingy, and I'm happy to see that not a lot of people on Tumblr say that. More people do on Instagram, which is where I see most of the hate directed at him (he's still very popular there though!)
I've seen a lot of people say that he's mostly himself in the later seasons, it may not have been a mask at Dalton and could have been a personality change maybe impacted by the environment/who he surrounded himself with. In a deleted scene it says that his mom (maybe both parents? I just remember his mom specifically) isn't home much because of work - but I usually think that she's home late at night and on most weekends (nothing to support it, just what I think)
For the school dances, that is pretty likely, but the Sadie Hawkins specifically could have also brought certain memories back. I won't go into detail but I also have a bad experience related with a certain type of event, similar events don't bring back memories but that one specifically does, it does depend on the person though.
I think it depends on the person if he had a close relationship with them. Trent, for example, yes, but this is supported the most by canon. I also believe he was close with Nick and Jeff, but that's not as supported, and looked up to David, Wes, and Thad. But I don't really see them spending much time with him.
I don't think Blaine did have a drinking problem, I tried to specify that in the analysis but I think I wasn't clear because you're the second person to ask about that, just that he may have picked up the coping mechanism when he was in a bad place but to a lesser extent. The reason I think his mom may be is because (again, deleted shot) there was a shot in which Puck was holding her up and nobody seemed to be in a similar state, Quinn and Santana in I Do weren't as drunk as Pam appeared to be in that shot. But again, since it was deleted, I'm not entirely sure if it counts (I literally forgot it was a deleted shot until I rewatched the episode which is why I didn't point that out.) I do think Blaine and Dave got closer throughout their relationship because it did seem healthy, I don't think Dave was ever abusive because he changed a lot from the beginning of the series. It could have been something Blaine expected knowing his past. During the breakup, Blaine asks if it was something he did, which would be a reason why he'd blame himself. And I also don't think Blaine dated him out of spite, that's very out of character for him. But I've seen a lot of people say they think he might have it that don't like him because he dated Dave. Since writing the analysis (it's been a few months) I actually changed my opinion on Blainofsky, I still don't love it but I don't really hate it either.
In On My Way, he does rub his wrists, but it is kind of hard to see. You have to be watching him closely, and I don't think I would have noticed had it not been pointed out to me. I really think he needed more backstory and more of a look at his mental health - while he does seem happy most of the time, he does have signs of mental illness in his darker times, so it could just be how he feels in that moment, or he could be covering up feelings of depression or anxiety when he seems happier. And Kurt was definitely depressed and suicidal - I meant to write something on him as well but never got to it...
The eating disorder thing has been pointed out by a few other people as well, and a lot of people say it could be just stress eating, or it could be disordered eating which could potentially become an eating disorder had Kurt not intervened. There are warning signs that he could have potentially developed one - most notably a desire for control, which is a very common cause.
I wasn't even going to discuss sexual assault at first, I never considered it. The only reason it was brought up was because of the article I linked in the analysis and every point I made was from there.
And the mention of Tina and the vapo-rape thing, again, you're not the first to mention it so I'm probably wrong about it and I'll admit that. I had it pointed out that he was upset by one person and I haven't seen the episode in a while.
I'll probably look more into the character and update the analysis because lately a lot of people have been asking about it (honestly idk why it's suddenly popular since I did it a while ago but- I'm not complaining!)
Thank you for the ask, I hope I kinda cleared things up... And I appreciate the criticisms and your input!! If you wanna keep talking about this or anything else, feel free to send another ask or DM me :)
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fmdminhee · 3 years
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task. #famedrstask1.
notes: word counts are included with each individual answer! completed for +5 tracker points.
assuming your muse has changed in some way, be it internally or as a result of a change of the external factors around them, how is your muse different? these can be as small as an opinion on a song they hadn’t released previously or as big as a major change in their background. word count: 261.
minhee’s childhood prior to becoming a trainee is pretty much the exact same as before the restructuring. dance prodigy says fuck u crazy dance mom, i’m not gonna be maddie ziegler, and ends up becoming an idol. she started training a year earlier than before though, so she had a slightly longer training process! i think the most obvious change to everyone else is her faceclaim, which is now lee hyeri. buuuut if you take a look at her pages or app or anything else, you’ll see that she’s now a main dancer, lead vocal & rapper, rather than being a main dancer, lead rapper & vocal! this was sort of a selfish change on my part, because i wanted to open her up to some opportunities for solo work that wouldn’t have suited her before because of her position, but that would’ve fitted more along the lines of what i initially imagined for her image than the options actually available to her. she’s also been a lot happier for a lot longer, because instead of debuting with a concept she hated, minhee got to debut in ... an age appropriate group! if you look here, you can see some examples of what i thought of when thinking of minhee’s ideal group and ... yeah, lily lines up with that pretty well. not perfectly, but pretty well. she’s still dealing with her issues surrounding her family, her sexuality and her fear of aging, but for the most part, minhee’s a lot more settled, or even satisfied, in terms of her career.
what does your muse think of their company and their group? word count: 255.
let’s start with lily, minhee’s beloved. she loves her members, she loves the overwhelming majority of their songs, and she’s proud as hell of the legacy they’ve built up for themselves so far. to be honest, sometimes she it just hits her that oh shit, she’s minnie from lily! and oh shit, they’re basically the biggest girl group ever. no one tell her that candy inherited nation’s girl group or that ultraviolet are taking over the world, let her be dumb. no, but genuinely, she can’t believe the scale of what they’ve achieved sometimes. she doesn’t totally feel like she deserves all the love she gets. then there’s the company behind it all; bc entertainment. she wonders all the time if her mother would’ve went along with everything if it was any other company that minhee came home with a callback from. probably not. for that alone, she’s thankful. she sort of dislikes being portrayed as perfect and untouchable -- more silly and down to earth than a lot of her peers under the company, but still. it’s just part and parcel of bc’s status. the reason it gets to her is that she’s very much not that perfect girl next door that the company wants her to be, and she puts a lot of pressure on herself to live up to it. as such, minhee probably doesn’t take advantage of all of the resources being under bc allows her access to as much as she should, choosing instead to just grin and bear it. 
is your muse on their first contract or their second? if they’ve renewed, what were their feelings around that at the time and what were their hopes for their second contract? if they haven’t renewed, what are their current thoughts on the end of their eventual first contract? word count: 260.
minhee is on her second contract. she renewed with bc in 2019 for a further seven years, which doesn’t feel like that long of a time. seven years seemed like a liftetime when she signed her debut contract in 2012, but it went by pretty fast for her. finding out what the rest of her members were doing was the most important thing for minhee when choosing whether or not to renew. with lily’s status in the industry, the money she made over the previous years, and the wealth belonging to her family, she felt confident that she’d be okay no matter what happened. a safety net. but her preference was always going to be to continue with the rest of lily if possible. she wouldn’t have forced the issue if the others didn’t want to though ... at least not on purpose. knowing minhee, she probably would’ve been crying all over the place and ended up messing with everyone’s plans like that. maybe she would’ve put out an ad like, “nation’s girl group in search of new agency. must be willing to take in four fully grown women and meet all of their demands.” as for the terms in her second contract, minhee was looking for some more royalties and some reassurance that lily would continue to receive the levels of resources and investment that they were already receiving from the company, as well as more opportunities for her to grow as a soloist. she didn’t want them falling by the wayside. she’s too young to be washed up! 
what are your muse’s goals and motivations? word count: 259.
in terms of her career, minhee actually has some pretty lofty ambitions. her top two focuses are solo music and modeling, and they’re basically split an even 50/50. she wants to continue releasing upbeat solo songs, but as for the music itself, aside from some dabbling in lyrics, she’s happy to leave it to the professionals. her primary interest, aside from the obvious performance and promotion aspects, lies in developing her own choreography. for her own songs firstly, but also for lily’s songs, and maybe even others within the company. outside of bc remains to be seen. she’s been really inspired over the years by a lot of the dancers and choreographers that she’s worked with, even from before entering bc, and she’d like to inspire someone else some day too! and modeling ... i can’t lie, minhee just likes looking pretty and getting free stuff, so she’d like to do some more of that. 
as for her personal life ... messy as hell! she still really wants to find love but still only goes looking for it with fuckboys. she wants to get closer with her dad and her extended family, but is finding it difficult to pull off while also keeping her mother at arm’s length. she also can’t help antagonising her mother because she’s a dumb brat. i don’t think minhee realises it yet, but she’s slowly coming to a place of self acceptance too. when she does realise it, i think that’s something that will really motivate her to be the best she can be.
what is one conflict, internal or external, that your muse is currently dealing with, has recently dealt with, or will need to deal with in the future? word count: 262.
i’ve talked in depth about minhee’s conflict over her sexuality here, which all still holds true, but i want to take this opportunity to talk about something else very close to my heart concerning minhee that i’ve mentioned once or twice in passing but never explicitly. minhee is autistic. she just doesn’t know it yet. some fun mun trivia is that i’m autistic! but, as is typical for a lot of afab people, i was basically an adult by the time it was diagnosed. you might say, hey sucy, stop projecting on your muses, but i say no! write what you know and all that. it’s kind of ironic though, because not even i realised minhee could very well be autistic until i’d written her for two years, and deciding took me another. and now she has to go through the diagnostic process again in character, smh me. anyways, yeah, minhee is probably going to have it suggested to her pretty soon while seeking some help for her anxiety about aging, and after that she’s gonna have to recontextualise her whole life because it’s truly like a lightbulb moment for a lot of people, myself included. suddenly everything that was weird to you growing up makes sense. it’s kind of a lot to wrap your head around, and would be for anyone, so writing about that for minhee is going to be interesting. i mentioned above that she’s been kind of moving towards self acceptance anyways, and i think this will be a very big turning point for her on that journey.
if your muse has established career claims, what are their thoughts on their career so far? if they do not, how do they feel about not having individual activities yet? what would they like to do in the future, if anything? if they don’t have ambitions for individual activities, explain why. word count: 277.
she does! her individual activities consist of modeling jobs and a couple of variety show cast positions, because i felt that these were the avenues she would’ve been pushed down up until more recently in her career, when her interest in choreographing for herself would’ve really taken off. minhee has really enjoyed her career so far. she feels settled within the entertainment industry, and that type of security is so sexy to her. the less chance that her mother can say i told you so the better.it’s kind of a big difference for her in terms of character actually, but this incarnation of minhee likes being on variety shows! she’s actually confident appearing on them! this is because of the difference in concept between lily and lipstick. lipstick’s minnie’s confidence took a long time to build up. lily’s minnie’s didn’t. she’d like to be on more variety shows in the future, especially something competition based, like dancing with the stars ... or masterchef, for a laugh, because she’d be the first person eliminated. and then, there’s the modeling. as mentioned a couple of questions ago, it’s something she wants to focus pretty tightly on going forward. her favourite brand that she’s been the ambassador for so far is crocs. she loves her crocs. she has, like, five different colours. crocs, please sign minhee again. working with etude house and kloud was pretty cool too though. sometimes she’s still able to swing free beers when she goes out. so, going forward, she wants to continue with those types of gigs, as well as pursuing more solo music and developing her skills as a choreographer, like i mentioned earlier!
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