#i drew this as a doodle while still on 7 and now that i finished 8 im well. ARGGFGFRRRR GRRR RGGRRRR GRRRRRRR head in hands
tomatoart · 1 year
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trans ppl in Louisiana be like eek so scared
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fronomeeps · 11 months
Abriged text of Off’s 15th anniversary stream!
official VOD on youtube: https://youtu.be/RG4yEM9J3Zg
full disclaimer there are inconsistencies with the typing and punctuation and capitalization, but here it is!!! the full 4 hour stream in abriged text form! i tried including as much as i can while making it short and sweet-ish, everything under the cut!
Part 1: Off’s Childhood (Off creation)
Q: Did you design and draw the characters before you decided to make a game for them or did you have the idea to design a game first and have the visuals come after?
Some of them he drew before. He knew about RPGmaker for a long time and used it to make little games. Most of the RPGmaker games he would make before were using the RPGmaker assets. When he started Off, he decided that everything would be made by him. He never made a game with his own resources before, so he had no idea what to do with the graphics. He made everything very simple with flat colors and lines, which made it easy to use and easy to create. The first map he made in OFF was Zone 0’s building extremely fast to test his chipset and as an exercise. Afterwards he thought of what characters to make for the game. He had piles of drawings he did for fun with no particular meaning, and he happened to have a drawing of a baseball player and a cat with a “very big head” and decided that these would be characters in the game. There was no symbolic meaning to it, he just thought the drawings were cool.
Yes, the characters were made before the game was made but not intended to be in the game.
Q: Was there anything in the game you weren’t happy with or anything you didn't get to finish when OFF released?
He was quite happy with everything in the game, there was some cut content, but when he finished he was really happy with what he made. It took him 1 year to make Off. He is still happy about the state of Off. Sometimes he was frustrated with the limitations of RPGmaker2003, such as the battle system, that he would change if he had total control of these things. But with the tools he had, he was happy with the results.
If he had tools he had today back then, Off would be a completely different game. There are some things he is unhappy with and says he was a completely different person back then, but it’s been 15 years and he’s proud of what he made and what Off is and is happy people like the way it is.
Q: If you could easily implement any game mechanic into off regardless of how hard it would be to implement, what would it be?
He would make a battle system from scratch. He likes the JRPG battle system, but the balancing of the numerical side of things (HP, damage, etc.) were difficult to manage and he feels he could have done it in a more fun way. He thinks there's better ways to do things with the system.
Battles such as Dedan are hard to beat but not very fun since it is hard because of his large amount of HP, since that’s how he saw to make it hard.
So if he could change the combat, he would.
Another thing he would change is the puzzles, he feels they are too hard. Especially in zone 1 he feels they are not fun. Reading text and remembering random information he does not think is very fun and weirdly difficult. The Calendar puzzle in Alma in particular comes to his mind when he thinks of a hard puzzle. The calendar was inspired by a Killer 7 puzzle that he liked at the time but doesn’t like it now.
Q: Were any of the characters inspired by real people in your life or by pets?
Real people no, but his friend made the voices for the characters.
The judge is inspired by a drawing he made of his roommate’s cat back in college. The cat was named Madame Le Judge.
Q: Have you considered other sportsmen other than batter?
No, Batter was made from a drawing he did of a baseball player from a book from the library and had no correlation to the game.
Q: Was Zacharie originally planned to be fightable?
There were doodles of Zacharie with angel wings and a sword, but they were just for fun and he was not intended to be a fighter in the game. But he is aware that it has made the fans question if Zacharie was intended to be a battler in the game.
Q: Was there anything cut or scraped from the game?
Not really, but in the doodle pack on his old website where he posted Off originally, there was a version of Enoch with a mask on as well as some items. And for the ballman and boxxer part he had some more enemies planned, one being a baseball with eyes. He scrapped it because it was an unimportant part of the game.
There were some really complex puzzle ideas that were cut because they would be too complex to put in. He likes reaction based games, rpg games where you have to think not so much. There is a game called MYST on pc where you travel to an island and are tons of insane puzzles which he was hypnotized by as a puzzle. He did not solve many of the puzzles but thought it was extremely cool as a kid and wanted to make a game as cool as MYST.
Q: Can we get the full list of magaka and artists the bats are named in reference to?
Harrold: Don’t remember
Masashi: Naruto creator
Emmanuel: French comic book artist, he liked at the time but no longer likes, but was a huge inspiration for Off.
Michael: Hellboy creator
Yoshihiro: Hunter x Hunter creator, which Mortis is a big fan of.
Lewis: French comic book artist.
Katsuhiro: Akira creator, “still a banger” -Mortis
Ashley: An American comic artist who did paintings.
Q: What went into the decisions that went into the creation of Zacharie’s masks?
If there was an inspiration, he doesn’t recall. He designed them that way because he thought he looked cool.
Q: What are the inspirations behind every character in the game?
Elsen: Just a business man, office man, supposed to featureless and “boring” or “normal”, some inspiration from his hatred of administration(?). He is sorry for what he puts the Elsen though.
Dedan: “I don’t know…” -Mortis, he has a military jacket.
Japhet: Fire bird, Final fantasy 6’s Valigarmanda who is a fire bird trapped in a block of ice was a big inspiration.
Enoch: Inspired Nicolas de Crécy’s comics. There is a character who is large like Enoch that he was heavily inspired by. He enjoyed the comics at the time but now sees there is some fatphobia with the character.
Vader Eloha (Queen): Generally, a mysterious, strange, princess-like lady. A beautiful lady to contrast the heaviness of the rest of the game.
Queen’s Addons: Just complex stuff.
Bad Batter: No direct inspiration, but is a scary, terrifying version of the batter.
Hugo: Child with a big ham, no direct inspiration.
Sucre: Was designed by a friend.
General aesthetics of the game: Inspired by Killer 7 for the aesthetics, backgrounds, feelings. If you like Off you would like Killer 7. It is similar to off, and is very violent. In general, Final Fantasy 6-10, Metal Gear Solid 2’s “Meta” content (THE GAME SPEAKS TO ME?!?!?!?!?!?!), Silent Hill 2 (after completing off, he played more silent hill games but SH2 was played before and was inspiration).
In the game, there are 2 maps that are a silent hill reference, in that the maps themselves spell “SH” “Silent Hill” and there are long hallways with locked doors like Silent Hill.
Q: What had to be the most difficult part of Off development for you?
There were some times he would get stuck not knowing what to do next. Alias Coldwood, who also made the soundtrack of the game, was his roommate at the time. Alias helped him code parts of the game as he was already a programmer, such as the Elsen balloon minigame in the Zone 2 amusement park.
He was stuck on the balloon game coding for 3 days and then Alias came in and fixed it in half an hour.
Zone 3 is mostly pretty straight forward and doesn’t have that much coding, except for the dropping Add-On collection minigame. He says that the way the engine is, if you want to do something other than classic RPG it becomes very hard.
Q: What is the overall feeling you want people to have when they play Off?
A bad feeling, guilt, sadness, emptiness. He says he was quite edgy at the time, he wanted the game to make you feel like you were the good guy, then gently make you feel like maybe you aren’t the good guy, and then at the end confirm that you are in fact the bad guy.
There is a short poem called 10 Little Soldiers, where the narrator is revealed to be the killer of the story, and it was shocking and unexpected. He wanted to recreate this feeling of shock in a video game setting. In the end, you end up doing what the creator of the game put before you regardless of feeling of freedom.
Q: How was the planning of the game?
Production of the game was 1 year, and there was no clear idea in his head before he started making Off. He sorta winged it as he went. He made all the characters, then went and made maps chronologically and made it up as he went.
Q: Who was your favorite character to design?
Japhet. There are 4 different forms of Japhet, and he likes the way he transforms. He wouldn’t change much about his design.
Q: What was your process for making the sprites?
They were drawn on paper, inked, scanned in, scaled down in photoshop, then the edges were cleaned up with a black border to work with the game (which took up most of the time in game production).
Q: What was the creative process behind the music and what did you use?
He did not make the music, Alias Coldwood did. He would come into Mortis’ room, check what Mortis was up to, see the areas, then go off and make music for the game. He would come back and give him the music gifts. He would ask if it was good or if anything needed to be changed but usually no changes were needed.
Q: Why was Over the Rainbow used for the ending of the game?
He loves the song, and it is a strong contrast of gentle music, reassurance, after the extremely brutal game.
It can also be interpreted that the game itself is a rainbow, with the zones being very brightly colored.
Q: What sorta things did you think about while making Off? What did you think it would be?
He didn’t think much about the game itself, he mostly thought about being done with the game and how cool it would be. He thought it would be so crazy and cool if 50 people played his game, or if his friends played his game.
It was his last year of doing comics studies at school. He had his studies which were art related, but his free time was filled with working on Off, which was fun for him.
Q: What role does the battle system play in the story?
None, other than Batter attacks everything he comes across. In most games you fight a lot, maybe it was more so that fighting is in games, so his game needs fighting. But it makes sense to look at it that you are fighting everything you come across, which is sort of evil. You can actually flee from most battles other than the bosses. But it is not easy to defeat the bosses without killing people beforehand.
Q: What was it like to work with Alias Coldwood?
It was really cool.
Q: Did you have a theme you wanted to follow?
Yes, the idea that the main character is the bad guy was the main theme. He had the ending idea in mind.
Q: What was the last thing you made in the game before releasing?
Since he did it in chronological order, he believes the last thing he did was the secret ending(space apes ending).
Q: Do you have any old concept art for the game/ characters?
He doesn’t have them on his computer, but if his website is still searchable, there should be a zip folder full of art. Website: http://gaarabis.free.fr
Q: Is it true that the train stations in zone 1 are based on pens?
Pentel: A really good brush pen he has
Sachihata: Don’t remember
Alma: An actual train station in brussels.
Damien: Don’t remember
Q: What were those unused soundtracks for?
Music for zones that already existed and he didn’t have a purpose for.
Q: How were the sketches for Off made, were they sketched and scanned in?
Q: Do you have any beta builds of Off?
No, just the one version.
Q: What happened to the Off Demo?
It disappeared, lost on the old website that died and he didn’t have a backup. It stopped at Dedan’s office in Alma, and a text would show up to say that’s the end of the demo. It was made for a french rpg forum for people to play there, and he received a price in a french rpgmaker contest. There is no additional or different content in the demo that isn’t in the main game.
Part 2: Into Off’s big castle (Off lore)
Mortis notes, nothing is cannon in Off, he had things in mind when he made it but nothing is cannon, “everything is cannon” anything that comes to your head when you play is cannon, everything is cannon and nothing is cannon.
Q: when the batter turns into a monster, is that a shapeshift or is it just how the judge sees the batter?
It’s based off Killer 7, whose final boss is an angel. It is implied though that the character is not actually an angel, but is the way it sees itself. He liked the idea that you can people can be represented differently than how they actually are, and it is up to you whether that is batters view of himself, the players view of him, or the judges view of the batter.
Q: What is Zacharie and Sucre’s relationship? Are they friends? A couple?
They like each other, but as you prefer. If you want them together then sure. But he doesn’t have any thought on it.
Q: is the Judge a fluffy cat or a hairless cat?
Madame le Judge, the inspiration cat, was a fluffy cat, so the Judge is fluffy. Though he doesn’t look fluffy in game so that is up to the player.
Q: Top 3 vegetables for every character.
Too long of a question, but for the judge: Zucchini, Eggplant, and Tomato
Q: Do the zone guardians get along with each other or is there a reason they all rule their own zones?
They do know each other based on the events in The Room, but if they’re friends is uncertain. But Japhet did save Enoch from a hole, so they are probably on good terms. In the room, they have similar ideas on what to evolve the world into and at that point they are probably closest to being friends, more so that they tolerate eachother or are more akin to coworkers. Once they are in their own zones, they have no need to talk to each other.
Q: Is Off a universe or world?
There are definitely past events to Off, the world is already in a crisis point with its dead appearance. Maybe it is our own earth.
Q: What do Elsen and spectres taste like?
Elsen would taste like a human, and spectres would taste like smoke.
Sucre is also supposed to be a human, please don’t eat her.
Q: How is Zacharie doing, what are his views on the world?
He is not well, he is quite nihilistic and sees the world is not doing well, but he doesn’t care.
Q: Could you go into the game’s nomenclature, specifically the names for items, guardians?
The reason he calls the health items tickets was because he wanted a cool, clever way to refer to them rather than health potions.
He chose flesh for SP items because it was gross and fit with the universe. He chose demon names for the flesh because he thought it was cool and edgy at the time.
The guardian’s names are from the Bible, but there is no significance to the names themselves.
Q: How do you imagine the voice of the Judge?
He’s a cat with a big head so maybe there’s some resonance.
Q: What’s the Judge’s favorite brand of kibble/cat food and what is his favorite fish?
In zone 2’s marketplace, Judge is looking at an ad for catfood. Catfood made with meat from the fountains of Alma is his favorite food.
There is no more fish in the world, Judge doesn’t know what a fish is.
Q: What the heck is the zone 3 secretary?
It was a drawing he did based on a photo from a book from a library. They are drawings of wood carved baby artifacts. He drew clothes on them for the game.
Q: Does the batter like men?
In a previous stream, he and chat decided batter is a lesbian. He also states that batter (he/she/they) doesn’t like men.
Q: Is there a cannon explanation for the ending?
It’s in the game, it is cannon.
Q: Did you intend Sucre to have more content, and did you plan for other secret bosses to be in the game?
Sucre was the only planned secret boss and no other content was planned for her.
He asked his friend to design Sucre, asking her to design a character to be a secret boss in the game without knowing anything about the game.
Sucre’s speech pattern (using emojis and speaking in small sentences) is based on a character from Killer 7 as well.
We don’t know why she’s in the zone 0 room, though it’s implied she has changed and Zacharie knows she has changed.
Q: Why does Sucre like ducks?
She doesn’t like ducks.
Q: Is the art depicting Zacharie with wings and a sword cannon?
It is cannon and it isn’t cannon.
Q: How far does Zacharie’s self awareness go?
He knows he is in a videogame, and being in the videogame Off is quite depressing.
He knows everything, he knows about batter and his powers.
Q: What happens when the switch turns Off?
Everything is gone
Q: Was there any reason for the Panic in Ballville section in the room?
Everything in the room are hints to what led to the creation of the world, but the hints are obscure and it is up to the player to figure that out.
It’s up to interpretation
Q: Do you think Deltarune Queen and Off Queen would be friends?
The Queen from Off is not very friendly, and probably wouldn’t want to be friends.
He has played Deltarune and loved it and loves Toby Fox’s work.
Q: Do secretaries appear because of batter’s desires?
Secretaries have no emotion, they are mindless monsters. They are not even humans, they aren’t even living. They just exist in an empty world, symbols of despair and emptiness.
Q: Did spectres appear because of the Queen’s neglect?
Enoch says they’re just the souls of the people, so yes they are just the dead Elsen.
He had another idea with Alias that in the past of Off, when people die their souls would go to the future. But since there is no longer a future, they pile up in the present as the ghosts we see.
Q: How were Elsen made?
They are one person, who was cloned. They are all named Elsen. There are lots of him.
Cannon and not cannon: Before the events of Off, there was a man named Elsen, and he cloned himself over and over and had many of his clones in a bunker. When he died, his clones were all released. It is ambiguous that the Elsen know this fact about themselves.
Q: Is it possible that there are other lands in the nothingness or across the sea?
The idea is that it is a post-apocalyptic place, and the Queen and Hugo have power that emanates from them that certain people are strong enough to use that power to create worlds. Judge, Dedan, Enoch, and Japhet are those who can use this power, which is why when you kill them their zone dies. Though it is possible there are other survivors out in the world that may weild the Queen and Hugo’s power to create lands.
Q: Is batter bald?
Q: Does the batter have any pets?
No, he would not be a good pet owner.
Q: Do the burnt elsen have any purpose other than being enemies you can fight?
The black material exploding from them comes from inside of them.
Since they are office men, it makes sense they are stressed. Burning is a direct representation of burnout. The world is too horrible for them to continue existing. As the world dies, they have a physical reaction which is dying and burning.
Q: Has the batter ever played baseball?
Q: Are Zacherie’s wings in the drawing Add-ons?
There is no cannon for this non-canonical drawing.
Q: How powerful would batter be in the real world?
He can kill lots of people, he can heal himself, and has magical powers so he would be pretty powerful.
His power is “4000”
Q: What is the Judge drinking in the drawing where he’s drinking from a cup?
Orange juice
Q: The drawing with the red dots in the room, is it an illusion?
The drawing itself is made by Hugo in the game world.
Q: How tall is Enoch?
Maybe like 4 meters.
Q: We saw the story of the zone guardians but what about Zacharie, Judge, and Valerie? Did they exist before the zones?
Yes they did exist before the zones, and they survived the apocalypse somehow, maybe in a bunker.
Maybe because Judge and Valerie have 9 lives as cats they came back to life, and Zacharie’s 4th wall breaking power allowed him to survive.
Q: Is there lore behind the important people of Zone 1 or not?
They are all dead.
Q: What happens to the puppeteer/player after we finish the cannon ending of the game?
You get back to your life, game ends.
Q: Does Hugo sees him as a monster or his human form?
Hugo would see him as a positive form, since Hugo created the batter, and is happy to see the batter arriving. But batter kills him. And Hugo probably changes his mind as he’s killed.
Q: Is the anniversary of Off also batter’s birthday?
When you start the game it is batter’s birthday.
Q: What is the reason the Queen isolated herself from everyone?
She doesn’t like anyone. She wanted to make a new world, but was disappointed in the outcome, and isolated herself and became crazy. She may be a bit of a narcissist.
Q: Who would win in a fight between Omori and Batter?
Q: How come the final hallway before the switch looks like a skull and spine?
It was not intentional, and he was just designing a strange hallway. But agrees that it looks like that.
Q: Is batter truly evil or is a victim of circumstances.
He is spawned from hugo’s wishes, in batter’s opinion he is not evil, but he is evil.
Q: Is there a timeline where Valerie lives after Japhet’s fight?
In the main game he dies, but there is many timelines where he lives.
Q: What does batter think of the player? A tool, a psychic?
He thinks of the player as a tool.
Q: Do the characters have cannon ages?
No, never thought of it.
Q: What is the meaning/story behind Off?
Play the game.
Q: Why does hugo have 8 dots on his forehead?
He doesn’t know why, but it was somewhat inspired by Krillin from Dragon Ball.
Q: Tell us more about Enoch
He’s a guardian of the zone 3, he is very big and tall. He tries to make people’s lives easier with sugar, but it is a drug in this world. But he does genuinely want his elsen to be happy, but he’s really not a good guy and doesn’t go bout it right.
Q: What characters from other franchises would batter get along with?
Batter wouldn't really be friends with anyone, he doesn’t really communicate, he doesn’t like to speak and he doesn’t want friends. He has a mission and he’s going to complete it.
Q: What’s up with the ring party members?
At first they were just there to add more party members, since being the only one is boring. So how do you have only 1 main character but multiple party members? The Add-ons do not have personalities but fill the party. But at the end they have meaning.
Each guardian is represented by an Add-On, and their ideas and thoughts and relationship with Hugo are represented by each Add-On. But as the world was created, the promises of their ideas were broken.
Q: How did the batter know what his purpose to purify the world was?
He just knew in his brain, in his programming.
Q: Was the batter the correct answer to the world’s problems?
It’s up to you to decide that, but there is probably a better solution than batter. Alooot of bad choices that led to batter.
Q: What are ghosts? Did the queen send them? Is it capitalism?
Mortis confirms he hates capitalism and you can see that in the game, and in a clumsy way it does speak about capitalism. But the ghost’s source is a mystery but they’re probably souls of Elsen.
Q: What happened to Hugo’s parents?
Probably dead.
Q: What did the batter save the elsen in zone 2 if they were all going to die anyways.
He didn’t care about saving the Elsen, he was just going after the spectres.
Q: Is each zone a planet or different universes?
They aren’t planets. The world is broken, and there are floating continents with light points that can be traveled to.
Q: Do Boxxer and Ballman have names?
Ballman is Casper, and Boxxer is Jeremy.
Q: Is it the player’s fault that batter is the way he is?
Q: What are the actual names of the Elsen?
They’re all named Elsen.
Q: What was the batter doing before the game started?
Nothing, he didn’t exist before.
Q: What would happen if you microwaved an elsen?
They would die.
Part 3: Off, the game
Q: Will the game be on steam or console?
He already got some proposals from companies to put it on different platforms, but for now he doesn’t want to, but he isn’t against it. It’s a long process of copyrights and other things and maybe one day it’ll happen, but for now no.
Q: Would you ever reconsider remaking Off in another style or game engine?
No, he’s happy that people enjoy Off as it is, but he’s not as invested in it as he was when he made it. He won’t be making any remakes or continuations, since he has other projects and plans and stories and universes.
Q: Would you ever make a sequel, comic, any continuations of Off?
When he first made Off, he had an idea for a part 2 and even spoke to Alias about it but dropped it because it works so well as a one-shot.
Q: Would you ever be interested in making projects similar to Off?
He has another videogame in the works, and RPG he’s working on with friends called HELP.
Q: Do you see yourself working on something Off related in the future? Or are you done for good for this world?
He doesn’t close every door but probably is done with the world.
Q: Will you ever expand on Hugo’s lore?
Probably not
Q: Will you ever remake Off with your current style?
If he did something Off related now, it would be in his current style, he can’t recreate his old style.
Q: Have you ever considered making merch, plushies or artbooks?
He doesn’t have any of the original drawings anymore, he sold his sketchbook. All the files he still has are too small to be used in an artbook. For plushies, it would be fun, but it isn’t a priority right now.
Q: Do you regret being better known as the creator of Off rather than other things you’ve made?
He is a little frustrated by the fact that nothing else he’s made is as popular as Off, such as comics he’s made since Off or other work he’s done. He isn’t complaining though. Whenever he does anything Off related, people give him lots of love and he’s extremely happy and moved by it and is happy that people love the game lots. He’s happy with his life.
Q: What’s your favorite piece of music from Off?
He loves all the music, his favorite would be Fake Orchestra, Dedan’s boss music.
Q: Do you think there’s a good way to adapt Off into an animated series?
It could be fun, but he doesn’t like translating video games into other mediums other than video games.
Q: What’s your favorite character from Off?
Japhet, he is a bad guy, even though he’s egotistical now, he really tried to please his elsen. Reading his journal, we can see he is disappointed in himself, and self-reflects.
Q: What’s your favorite spectre design? Which one is the sexiest?
His favorite is the 6th spectre, the one that explodes into many little spectres.
Smash or Pass round: He passed every spectre. The sexiest is the large spectre.
Q: Which character/creature design is your favorite?
The whale is still a favorite of his.
Q: After 15 years, what do you honestly think of Off as its creator?
He is happy that so many people still like, so he feels he succeeded in making something that speaks to or is relatable to so many people. To himself however, he thinks there’s a lot he would’ve done differently if he made it now. He’s a different person now, and elements of the game don’t resonate with him anymore.
Q: What was your reaction after the game’s big success?
Before the success, there was a translation to english, and then a while after that it really exploded. He was not prepared. He felt successful from just 50 people playing it and thought that was it for Off.
After 2 years when youtubers started making let’s plays of Off and fanart was being made, and now he is used to it. But it took a long time for him to understand that the game was a huge success.
Q: What ending do you choose, the batter or the judge?
For a long time, he liked the batter ending more. But now he likes the judge ending more. It feels like a small small spark of hope. You have a choice to not destroy everything.
Q: Do you think Off would ever get as big as it is now?
No, never.
Q: Did you expect Off to have such a big impact on people? Were you overwhelmed by it?
It wasn’t overwhelming, but he didn’t understand it at first but he was really really happy.
Q: Had you ever made a plan in case the game becomes popular?
No, he only made it to be played a little and got a price from a french rpg forum and that was all he thought would come of the game.
Q: If you could pick 5 songs not from the soundtrack to encapsulate the game what would they be?
The Kid A album from Radiohead was an album he was listening to while he was making Off and encapsulated a lot of Off’s themes that you can find in the game.
Q: How do you feel about Papyrus looking like Dedan?
He is so glad that his game had an impact on Toby Fox when he made his games.
Q: Would Papyrus and Dedan be friends?
No, Dedan is really mean and Papyrus should not be around Dedan.
Q: Where do you consider Off in your artistic journey? Has it impacted/ influenced you?
It is a part of him. Even though the stuff he does now doesn’t look like Off and everything he does doesn’t relate to Off anymore it’s a big part of him.
Q: Are you willing to/ planning to release the music on vinyl? Limited releases?
It is not in his hands, that is up to Alias.
Q: Is there anything about Off (the game, the characters, etc.) that you like much more (or less) now?
He is happy about the alternate ending with the Judge.
Q: What’s the biggest thing you scrapped out of the game?
Nothing was really scrapped out of the game.
Q: What would you say is the concept that defines OFf as a whole?
It’s a really nihilistic game about destroying a game that’s already destroyed. It’s a very sad and dark story.
Q: Which character was your favorite to draw?
Zacharie was the most fun to draw, as well as Judge with his big mouth.
Q: What do you think of the fangames?
He’s really glad and happy that people like the game so much they want to make other games. But he always thinks, why? It takes so much time to make these fangames when you could be making something you want to make.
Q: Can you explain the philosophy in the game?
It’s nihilistic and depressing.
Q: Do you have a favorite zone?
Zone 2 is his favorite. It’s more like a city, and it’s more organic than the other zones. The center of the city is a bit maze-like and he likes the way you move around it, and with a library at its center.
Q: For the longest time, I thought the batter’s left eye was a nose. Can you point out the intricate details of his face, for clarity?
Mortis sees it as a nose for the first time. But his nose is actually a left eye, both of his eyes are visible. The top 2 lines are his eyebrows, the bottom lines are his eyes closed.
Q: Is the judge smiling or is his face just like that?
He is smiling.
Q: Is there any want for batter to get into frame makers or any fighting game?
No, he won’t contact any companies to get batter into any game. If someone wants to put the batter in their game, it’s alright. Though he’s not a big fan of fanservice stuff.
Part 4: Officionados
Q: What is your favorite Off fangame and is it cannon to Off?
He doesn’t play any fangames but will in the future. He’s planning to play Home. All fangames are cannon. He’s really happy that there’s so much work around his universe.
Q: Why do you think people are still talking about and playing Off today?
Society is quite dark today, the future is not too happy, and maybe it makes sense to people nowadays. Maybe it is also because of the funny jokes.
Q: Have you seen the animated series by Tanblaque?
No, but he has seen animated content made about Off back a long time ago.
Q: What is your opinion about fan projects nowadays?
Do what you want, and he is 100% ok with it.  You can use any of his graphical assets, you have to ask Alias to use the music, and you can’t use the space monkeys since they were not made by him. He is happy if you make stuff for him, but also he would like people to make original stuff too.
Q: Have you ever played or seen gameplay of Home?
He has seen gameplay, but never played. He was in touch with Felix when he started the game, Felix would send him screenshots.
Q: What do you think about fandom theories?
It’s awesome and he loves it. What he loves the most about it is that Off is a very cryptic and vague story, and people are able to piece together things from what is presented. He thinks many of the theories are really cool. Even with the small community in the french rpg forum the game started getting really cool theories which made him really happy.
Q: Would you be open to someone remaking the game in a modern take?
He would prefer it not be done.
Q: Any silly fan ideas or head-cannons that you personally consider cannon?
He saw a lot of fan characters and fan ideas that he finds impressive, and his own personal story is not cannonic, and he doesn’t like the “trying to find cannon” way of thinking, anything is cannon. Once you play the game, the story is up to you.
Q: Thoughts on Zacharie being a tumblr sexyman?
It’s funny, there’s lots of sexy drawings of his characters and he was shocked at first, but finds it funny, but some of them are not ok. But mostly funny.
Q: Do you like my roblox cosplay?
Yes, it’s fun.
Part 5: Off-topic
Q: What’s your top 3 favorite sauces?
Archiduc sauce, Pili-Pili sauce, Pepper sauce
Q: Are you working on a new game? How is it going?
New game is called HELP, it’s being made by a team and it’s a sci-fi rpg. It is just at the beginning of production. If you want to help make the game then you can support him on patreon.
Q: Have you ever thought of making another game?
There was a large gap between Off and HELP, because making a game is a lot of work, and HELP is in another engine.
Q: Can we expect any Off references in Vold Vago?
Vold Vago had to be pushed aside for now, he doesn’t have the tools to make it right now. Maybe it will exist in the future or be restarted. But he is more comfortable staying in rpg games for now. And maybe there will be a reference, but probably not, he doesn’t like fanservice.
Q: Have you heard of other popular rpgs like Yume Nikki, Undertale, or Omori?
Yes, He has played the others but not Omori yet.
Q: Would you ever consider taking art commissions?
He did before but he doesn’t have time to do that right now. He has a lot of work to do right now, and he doesn’t see a future where he can.
Q: How much weed you’ll smoke?
He doesn’t smoke or drink.
Q: Have you made other comics similar to Doctor Cataclysm?
Yes, he worked on Star Delivery with Marie Spénale, and is working on other comics.
BONUS QUESTIONS he wanted to include but not answer:
Why is the game called Off when you have to turn on your computer in order to play it?
Does Zacharie know I love him?
Can I hug the batter? (no)
Can Sucre be my wife? (no)
Bye Bye!
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airborneice · 11 months
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gonna just d r o p some extremely rough sketches here bc my sketchbook I’ve had on the go since 2020 is almost filled up and once it is I probably won’t go revisiting any of the sketches in it, so I may as well share some of them here
I’m incapable of shutting up abt my art so ramblings under the cut
1-3 - mattie sketches :) the last ones are recent and the 1st is one of the first drawings I did of her, back in 2021. idk I just think it’s important y’all know she’s been on her tide mouse shenanigans since the beginning
4 - I think I drew this back in last march and meant to move it to digital and clean it up there but things got busy and I never did :( they’re based on @randomwords247’s wonderful mermaid designs bc I love them
5 - unrelated to the last one, but while I was working on one of my little mermaid au drawings I tried to think how I’d approach the sequel if I got that far & ended up w. this. something something mermaids having human familiars being frowned upon
6 - I think. this is a drawing of @blaithnne’s pony!lauren that I never finished oops
7 - forgot I had this!! year before last me and @bubblekidaesthetics were planning to cosplay these two at comic con, and I got super hyped and doodled this. we did do this cosplay and it was awesome <3
8 - slightly more recent design stuff for freyja, still based on hilda-fanblog/rhombus’ design ofc but figuring out if I wanted my take on her to change anything like how many legs she has lol. also some pony!mountain king doodles on the next page
9-10- something something centaur au. somewhere in my notes app is a whole list of hilda chars and horse types/colours bc I started researching them and got so carried away. johanna’s supposed to be a bay and hilda was gonna be a shetland I think…? (the hilda one is a lot more recent and I think it shows lol). rip to dee who had to watch me talk abt this au so much and barely actually draw it
anyway tumblr won’t let me add any more pics which is probably a good thing 🤷‍♀️ I hope literally everyone feels better as an artist for seeing what an absolute mess my drawings start out as 😌 now I gotta buy a new sketchbook
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recurring-polynya · 9 months
Writing/Art Update 9.12.2023
Getting this over with so I can restart my word count clock. :P
So, the damage for the week was 1243, which doesn't sound great, but hear me out: it was a thing I have been putting off forever and it was really hard.
Maybe let's back up a little. Please forgive me for actually talking about my fanfic, but this is helpful for My Process. This is really long, so I am going to throw it under a cut.
As far as the rest of the update, I drew a renruki doodle this week, which is better than drawing nothing, like I usually do.
(also, I very much did a bunch of other things this week and also spent a lot of important time Having Unnecessary Anxiety about something else. I really only had two writing days, which also contextualizes this a fair amount)
This is about Ductwork, the next part of HiaM. The thing about HiaM is that the large tentpoles of it were determined by a great deal of daydreaming I did between 2016 and 2018, and then I started writing it down in 2019. Not Broken, Just Bent was a straight brain-dump. See You on the Other Side required a little modification, but also went pretty much to plan. The problem with Between Tides is that I had never bothered to think about a bunch of the actual details of the mystery they had to solve, and it turned out to be a lot of work (or at least, I thought so at the time). It also sort of destroyed the momentum I had going of writing very quickly (or it's possible that seven months into my fanfic renaissance, it was just a natural slow down). Call Me Back was where it went off the rails. It was supposed to be short, and I was supposed to finish it in 3 mo (it took 7, which now feels incredibly fast to me), but it turned into something else entirely. I was ruined at this point. Hearts, in its original embodiment, was supposed to be, like 10k words about a stupid party, and it obviously was something else. So, anyway, here I am. The point of the next story in the series was to do the telling of the story of how Renji messed up his arm, interwoven with the story of getting it fixed. Like, 20k tops, right? (It is currently at, like 23k and much closer to the start than the end)
I think the first mistake I made was back in 2019, I actually wrote out the story of how Renji broke his arm. (Never let yourself write out of order. I still maintain moonlighting around other parts of the timeline is what is responsible for my Failure to Complete this Story in a Timely Manner). My thoughts at the time was that I would mostly be able to integrate it, as-is, into the story that I am working on now, so it was basically just working ahead.
And that's where I am now.
The thing is, the story isn't very, um, integratable. My original vision for this was that it would be in the form of a story Rukia tells to Byakuya. If you've read the story, you know that wouldn't work, even a little, because it's not written in any sort of story-telling voice. I think I was hoping I could have Rukia start talking and then ::hit sepia-toned flashback effect:: and sliiiide into flashback space. I hate that though, because then you get literally the same ambiguous stuff from canon Bleach, where I am honestly not sure what Renji said out loud to Ichigo during the Big Renruki Backstory Flashback. A very distinctive part of the Renji-breaks-an-arm story is kissing and I did not want it to be even remotely implied that Rukia told Byakuya about the kissing. The other thing is that while the proximate cause of Renruki's trauma in this story is the Arm Breaking Incident, there's a second, prior incident, which is the Boar Incident. I'm trying to figure out how to construct a story that is really about these two past incidences, but it glued together by the current narrative and it is hard as Hell, why am I doing this??? (I am doing this, because if I can pull it off, I think it will be really cool). I also keep doing the thing where I wonder if maybe I need to stop it, it's too ambitious, it's ten pounds of crap in a five pound bag, I need to focus more on a writable story. If I can carve it down small enough, maybe I can just get through it, to something I'm more excited about writing (or maybe I could try to get excited about writing this??)
Anyway, what I did last week was to rewrite the first part of Renji-Breaks-an-Arm into a flashback that slots into the first chapter between the cold open and the next scene of the fanfic. This gives me 2899 contiguous words of Chapter One. The whole time I was doing the re-write, I kept asking myself how much I should actually be rewriting. On one hand, I feel like everyone who reads my stories has read Renji-Breaks-an-Arm, and I owe you all something new. On the other hand, as I was working on it, I kept wondering if I was replacing something good with something worse. On the third hand, I've never liked the beginning of Renji-Breaks-an-Arm. Anyway, I did it. It's mostly revamped, but I did keep a few lines. Is it perfect? Probably not. Will I rewrite it later? Will I replace it with the original version? I might. It's there, though, a load-bearing flashback, and I can go forward from here (maybe! that's what I get to figure out next!)
All of this is terrible, I hate using my brain, but hopefully this is part where it starts turning into a story. I do like it when a story comes out the other side. That part is nice. It's also possible all of this will turn into a mess and a failure, and then I'll have to start over, but you know. It won't be the first time. Also, at this point, I am deeply experienced in seeing a pile of horrible garbage somehow Come Together Eventually, so I'm trying to stay optimistic here.
Word count: I am now up to three working documents!! (not linearly independent) Main doc: 20,765 Misc flashback doc: 2,633 Clean, contiguous version: 2,899
Progress towards arbitrary 20k word goal I set for myself last spring: 15,698 (4,302 to go!!)
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A little comic I drew (but never actually finished, sorry) several years back, right after I realized that Melchior in "The Star" was totally based on Bernard. And since that episode is literally made for Epiphany, I figured I'd go ahead and post it!
Also, that album was, like, MASSIVE content with these two, and not just them as them either! The friendship dynamic between them of "I do not like you, but I will help you with this, and okay maybe I like you a little, shut up" carries over into so many episodes. Whether they're being them, or they're playing characters in a radio production, or one of them is literally somebody in the past and/or Whit's program. They are friends even when they're not both them, and I love it.
Transcript (and some expansion based on what I was planning on doing) after the cut:
Panel 1: Eugene (in his Biblical attire) giving a sideways glance to Melchior, who is looking the other way
Panel 2: while Melchior inspects a scroll or other parchment, Eugene gets this look of slightly annoyed determination
Panel 3: Eugene whips out his glasses while Melchior shields his eyes and stares at the sky
Panel 4: Eugene puts on his glasses and peers closely at Melchior, who (still shielding his eyes) looks straight ahead and frowns
Panel 5: (M) *wheeling on the startled Eugene*WHAT DO YOU WANT?!
Panel 6: (E) *looking remorsefully embarrassed (and much too short, sorry) while Melchior folds his arms and scowls* Nothing, Melchior. I-I apologize if I distracted you.
Panel 7: (M) *pointing to his own head and throwing out one arm* "DISTRACTED"? You were staring at me as if the Star itself had sprouted on my forehead! (E) *chuckling as he does, still looking too short* Oh, no, no, perish the thought!
Panel 8: (E) *gesturing in explanation, now the proper height* I was merely attempting to more clearly assess your features, because-- (M) *unimpressed* Because what?
Panel 9: (E) Because... *glances down, now mouthless for some reason* Well...
Panel 10: *looks up with a shrug and a little smile* ...Because you remind me of one of my closest friends.
Panel 11: (M) *closeup, looking (I hope) particularly like Bernard* ...Oh?
From there, I'd planned on having Eugene attempt to explain what he believes the situation to be (with Mr. Whittaker's programming of the Imagination Station), while Melchior is... very confused. But despite Eugene's half-monologue, he's grumblingly friendly and offers to help him mount the camel. Maybe Eugene starts to thank him, but he's like, "ah, no, you can express your thanks by not expressing it." At which Eugene kinda smiles (sounds familiar, huh?). In the last panel, Melchior would yell from offscreen, "And you can show me how those ocular devices work!" or something like that.
It's kinda funny, honestly. A little different than how I'd write it nowadays but I had a bunch of that kind of thing in my church bulletin doodles, back in the day.
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hollie911 · 1 year
This is not my work. It is by the user constantwriter85 whose account had been deactivated on tumblr and ao3 and i am just sharing their work
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The devil you know
Vampire!Jefferson x reader
Part 7/10
Chapter Warning: **18+** Smut, Blood Drinking, Vampirism, Fluff
Jefferson sat at the computer, researching and trying to ignore the horrible squelching of innards and the whir of the bone saw from across the room. Y/N may be a kind and gentle soul, but she had a cast iron stomach and nerves of steel to do what she did. Still, he couldn’t help but watch her despite the grisly scene laid out in front of her.
Dear God, woman, you’re as terrifying as you are beautiful.
Jefferson smiled, utterly distracted by her.
He watched her long, delicate fingers as she handled the scalpel, her eyes narrowed in concentration. A lock of hair had fallen onto her forehead, but she seemed oblivious to that as well as everything else in the room. She was so smart and so incredibly beautiful, both inside and out.
More and more, Jefferson found himself daydreaming about a life with her. As a human, once again…able to walk in daylight, to hold her hand and stroll through the park like normal people, to lie in bed with her, the sun warm on their skin and both their hearts beating together as one as they made love for hours.
Jefferson hadn’t forgotten about Grace—oh, no. But if he were able to reverse the curse, he would still have a long life ahead of him before he was finally laid to rest. A long, mortal life. One that he could spend, maybe, with her.
If she’d have him.
Because he surely wanted her, in every way possible…and he wanted to give himself to her as well. His mind was made up. He wanted to bond with her and take her as his mate, not just as a means of protection, but as an expression of his true love.
He closed his eyes, listening to the slow, steady cadence of her heartbeat. He inhaled, marveling at how good she smelled. How easy it was for him to separate the scent of her from everything else. After all, some of her blood already flowed through his veins, and Jefferson felt his fangs sharpen at the thought of more.
The sound of Y/N switching off the tape recorder startled him from his reverie, and he blinked in surprise.
Now, where was I?
Jefferson had to admit, he was completely lost. Technology wasn’t exactly his forte—okay, he was hopeless with it. She’d showed him how to use the internet, and the typing—well, it was just like a typewriter, but he was still a bit lost when it came to the mouse and all the clicking.
Instead, he propped his chin on his hand and watched as she scrubbed down after cleaning her workspace.
“Finished already, love?” he called.
She shrugged. “Seventy-five-year-old who smoked for over sixty years…you don’t exactly have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out.”
“Good,” he said. “I mean…good that you’re done, not good about the…you know.”
He gestured vaguely in the direction of the corpse. Y/N laughed.
“It’s okay, Jefferson. I knew what you meant. How’s your search coming?”
He shuffled the papers and made a face. “Erm…well. I uh…I logged onto Google, but after that I admit I got a little lost…and distracted.”
Jefferson fixed her with a smoldering stare, and she bit her lip, suppressing a pleased grin. By god, if they weren’t here in her place of work he’d bend her right over that table and take her now, the little minx.
“Come,” he said, patting his leg. “Sit on my lap and show me how to double-click the mouse.”
He laughed, grinning up at her. “I’m teasing!”
“I thought you didn’t know anything about computers.”
“I don’t…but I find modern sexual euphemisms fascinating.”
“You’re impossible,” she smirked.
They sat together at the computer while Y/N led the search for a key to the runes. Jefferson tried to pay attention, but he was very easily distracted. He paged through the book, drew little doodles on desk blotter, and alphabetized the reference books on the shelf behind them. He had just finished braiding her hair when she cried out.
“Jefferson! I think I found it!”
He huddled next to her as she pointed out an article on the screen.
“The symbols are an ancient Romanian secret language,” she said excitedly. “The symbols were used in recent centuries as embroidery patterns on clothing, but way, way before that they were used in secret cults.”
“No. Pagan Romanian cults, mostly representing the worship of the sun and the moon.”
“ Copiii soarelui și lunii,” Jefferson read in a hushed voice, looking at the screen.
“You speak Romanian?”
“I’ve had all the time in the world, my dear, I speak several languages.” He smiled and nodded at the screen. “It means, ‘Children of the Sun and the Moon.’ These cults were thought to be the forerunners to the Legend of Dracula and Van Helsing.”
Y/N turned and plucked the sheets off the printer that depicted several rune diagrams. “So, do you think you could translate it with these?”
Jefferson’s brow furrowed as he looked over the pages, cross-referencing several symbols. He laughed, seeing that she was absolutely right. For the first time, a cure was within his grasp.
“Yes, I believe it’s possible.” He beamed at her. “You’ve figured it out, Y/N, you…you’ve done what’s taken me over a century. You’re amazing, darling.”
Jefferson pulled her onto his lap, cupping her face with his hands. Light kisses against her lips, the tip of her nose, her forehead.
“Te iubesc, sângele inimii mele,”he whispered against her skin. He smiled at the deep blush that crept into her cheeks, and at the look of radiant adoration in her beautiful eyes.
“It means, I love you, blood of my heart.”
Her lips parted slightly, and she blushed. Jefferson rubbed his nose against hers and trailed his lips across her cheekbone and down her jaw, delighting in the way her breath hitched at his touch.
“Tell me more,” she murmured.
"Lumina vieții mele, vreau să vă dau totul.”
Jefferson kissed the soft spot behind her ear. He drew her earlobe between his teeth, biting down gently. She gasped, and he whispered softly.
“Light of my life, I want to give you everything.”
His hands smoothed down her sides, gripping her hips and pulling her tighter to him. Lips grazed down her throat, pausing at her pulse point and feeling the rush of blood just beneath the surface.
“Vreau sa te fac al meu.”
He bit down lightly on the tender skin there, feeling her pulse quicken in response.
“I want to make you mine.”
Jefferson looked up at her and was surprised to see the carnal hunger in her eyes. She looked as though she would devour him on the spot. Bending down, she placed feather-light kisses on his cheeks, his nose, his brow.
“I want to be yours. Only yours,” she murmured.
The coil in his belly tightened as he felt her thighs squeeze his waist, and he gasped as she gripped his chestnut locks, tilting his head back so she could lavish attention to his throat. Jefferson’s hands snaked up her back and pulled her closer as they became lost in one another.
Two eyes peered through the low window that looked into the basement morgue, crimson lips sliding into a snarl. Watching in silent fury as the couple exchanged soft kisses and gentle caresses, less than ten feet from her.
Jefferson. Walking, talking, and very much alive, right in front of her. Kissing that lying little bitch of a coroner. Regina had been fooled again, and this time by a talentless human girl. Lied to and deceived, even after Regina had done her very best to put the fear of the devil in her.
Regina stood and dusted off her pantsuit. Well, her little protector wouldn’t be able to save her this time.
Regina had followed up on the coroner’s paperwork, trying to track down Jefferson’s body…only to find that both the paperwork and the autopsy had been faked. The police were none the wiser—to them there was no way the body could be anything but dead and gone. Regina knew better, though.
Jefferson was proving to be as slippery as an eel. He had tricked her at every turn, and now he had her spell book. And not just any book—the Cartea Morților,some of the darkest and deadliest spells were in that spell book. It was one of her favorites.
Apparently, he hadn’t learned his lesson with Grace. Perhaps it was time to take someone he loved from right in front of him. Make him watch as she suffered…use her as leverage to get what she needed from him.
And then, Regina would make Jefferson watch as she killed her.
As she faded back into the surrounding woods, Regina began to plot. She would need to get the girl away from him somehow—there was no way she would be able to get to her with Jefferson around. The man had no stomach for violence, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t fight to the death to protect the woman he loved. The curse had made him stronger and faster than her…and a potentially lethal adversary.
Regina got in her car, as slow smile spreading across her face. She wasn’t worried. She would track them and find a way to get the girl alone.
Then she would make them both pay.
“Love? There’s something I want to ask you.”
You hummed, looking up at him. Sprawled across the couch with Jefferson, your head nestled against his chest, you floated in utter bliss, staring into the dancing flames in the fireplace. His long fingers grazed down the side of your face, his index finger sliding over your bottom lip.
He seemed lost in thought, and a little apprehensive.
“What is it, Jefferson? What’s wrong?”
He smiled. “Nothing’s wrong, I just…I’ve been doing some thinking, and reading…”
“About what?”
“A way to keep you safe…a way for us to look out for each other.”
You must have looked confused, because he carefully sat you up, pulling the Cartea Morților onto both your laps. He paged through the book until he found what he was looking for.
A wild heat erupted in your core the same moment you flushed in embarrassment. The page was in Romanian, of course, but the illustrations left little to the imagination. They looked like they belonged in The Joy of Sex…if Bram Stoker had written it. It appeared to be detailed instructions for a vampire mating ritual.
Jefferson caught your look, and he chuckled nervously. “Yes, ah…it’s…I know it’s a bit, erm…descriptive, but it’s…”
He cleared his throat, blinking rapidly. “The mating ritual is not just sexual, it’s used to form a bonded pair. That is, between two vampires after they’ve imprinted on one another…or a vampire and a human.”
You had to admit, just the thought of bonding with Jefferson in that way warmed your heart…as well as somewhere further south. Still, you had questions.
“Will it…will it hurt? Am I going to turn into a—”
“No!” Jefferson grabbed both your hands, clutching them with urgency. “I would never, never do anything to hurt you or…or taint you like that.”
He said it with such disgust that you immediately felt bad for even asking.
“Don’t,” he said as if he could read your thoughts. “You have questions, as you should. I…I only bring it up because it is a means of protection. After we’re bonded we’ll be able to sense when the other is in danger, feel each other’s emotions. A bonded pair will always find each other.”
“So it’s just for protection?”
“No. Not just that it’s…it’s something I want with you, very, very much.”
Your breath hitched in your chest, and your heart fluttered.
You would be lying if you said you hadn’t imagined a future with Jefferson. What he was offering, while slightly different, seemed more intimate and…lasting. You knew he loved you, but you had no idea he felt as strongly as you did. He was sitting there, watching you, waiting for your answer.
You nodded, and Jefferson broke into such a radiant and genuine smile that it melted your heart. He cradled your face, kissing you deeply. His nose rubbed against your cheek as he whispered into your ear.
“I love you, Y/N.” He smiled and pulled back, his blue eyes flicking back and forth between yours. “Do you want this, darling? Truly? I don’t want to make you—”
You silenced him with a kiss, and he moaned.
“I want to be yours, Jefferson. I want this.”
Jefferson drew you into his arms, nuzzling your hair. The fire was starting to die down as he helped you to your feet, holding your hand tightly as you ascended the stairs to his bedroom. He shut the door and stood there, fidgeting and staring at the floor.
Now that you were in his room, Jefferson seemed nervous. He was trembling, and he looked at you as if you were made of porcelain.
“Jefferson, what’s wrong?”
“I…I want to do this, I really do.” His lips trembled. “I just—I don’t want to hurt you.”
He looked at you, his eyes miserable. “And I could. Hurt you. I—you have no idea what it’s like. How much I constantly struggle to control myself with you. How long I’ve dreamed of this very moment with you. How much I want it, but I’m so afraid I’m not strong enough to stop myself.”
Jefferson looked at you, his eyes darkening with desire. He leaned in, kissing you gently as his fingers traced down your neck, stopping at the hollow of your throat. His palm flattened against your chest and he closed his eyes, feeling the steady rhythm of the organ beneath.
“I can hear your heart beating, did you know that? Always. Sometimes it beats softly in the background, a white noise I hardly notice.” He took a deep breath and his eyes fluttered open, feeling your heart start to pound beneath his hand.
“Other times, though, like this…it’s everywhere. It’s all around me. It’s inside me, I can almost feel it. It’s so alive…so beautiful…so you.It’s almost more than I can stand.”
He was staring at you now, his eyes blown black with a carnal need.
“I can smell it…your blood. God, it smells so sweet, so intoxicating.” Jefferson licked his lips, barely suppressing a shudder. “Your heart is racing, it’s pounding in my head. I can hear the liquid rush calling to me, and I can smell how much you want it.”
Jefferson ghosted his lips over the pulse point in your throat, and you could feel the light drag of his fangs against your skin. Wetness pooled at your core, and he groaned. You knew he could smell that as well.
“God help me, I want it too. I want it, but once I have that first taste, I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop myself.”
Jefferson seemed to come back to himself, and laid back on the bed with a sigh. “It won’t be like before, it’s…it’s…I’ll try to be gentle, but you have to understand, I’ll be at the very limit of my control.”
He looked up at you, miserably tormented by his conflicting emotions. It was time to take matters into your own hands.
You unbuttoned your dress, letting it fall silently to the floor as you climbed onto the bed, facing him. Jefferson stared at you as you crawled over to him, your fingers slowly untying his scarf.
“It’s okay, Jefferson, I trust you. I know you won’t hurt me.”
His breath hitched as you unbuttoned his shirt and ran your hands down his sculpted chest. He felt cold, and you remembered he hadn’t fed yet today. Heat coiled in your belly at the thought.
Jefferson reached up with trembling hands and lightly traced the vein in your throat, all the way down your chest, pausing over your heart. His fingers slipped beneath the fabric of your bra, running softly over your breasts and making your nipples hard. His eyes flashed darkly, but he was exceedingly gentle as he pulled off your undergarments.
His pants and shirt soon joined them on the floor, and he sat back, staring at you as if seeing you for the first time. It seemed like the calm before the storm. He was painfully hard, and you were almost shaking in anticipation as you felt the wetness of your arousal leak down your leg.
“So beautiful,” he said as he took your face in his hands, “and all mine.”
He laid you back against the bed, his mouth never leaving yours. For a moment you were both so still, laying skin against skin, your heart pounding so hard you felt it shaking both your bodies. Jefferson’s breath shuddered against your lips.
“Te iubesc, dragă,”he murmured. “So much.”
“I love you too, Jefferson.”
His tongue licked against your bottom lip, requesting permission. Jefferson groaned loudly as he entered your mouth, and he slid on top of your body possessively. He left wet, open-mouthed kisses down your front, whispering against your skin.
“I’m going to make you mine, darling, but first…first I’m going to make you scream with pleasure.”
His eyes found yours as his fingers found your core. He started slowly, gently, rubbing lightly over your clit as he suckled your breast. You sighed in contentment, a sight that turned into a gasp as he slipped a finger inside you and bit down on your nipple.
You cried out as his sinful tongue explored your body. He slipped a second and a third finger inside, pumping hard and rubbing your sensitive spot into a frenzy. Jefferson bit your ear, fisting your hair and holding you tightly against his body.
“Come for me, my petal. I want to hear you.”
His voice was a low growl, intensively possessive. It might have been that alone that sent you over the edge, but the moment he rubbed hard against your clit you came with a scream.
Jefferson didn’t even let you come down. Flipping you over, he grabbed your hips, drawing you up and back as he pushed in with a single hard thrust. You groaned obscenely. His hands gripped you tighter and he pushed against you, hard and quick, your name a breathless moan on his lips.
It was rough. It was animalistic and possessive. You could barely breathe with the sheer masculinity he exuded.
You came again, clenching down on him. His thrusts became erratic, and he slammed into you as he came with a choked shout. Jefferson’s hand reached up and grabbed your throat lightly, pulling you back into his chest. He panted into your shoulder, and you could still feel him twitching inside you.
Your head was buzzing with aftershock. Still, Jefferson was far from done with you. He smiled as he gently laid you down, his eyes wide and bright with adoration. He balanced his weight on his arms, his taught stomach against yours and his still-hard cock between your legs. Once again, you marveled at the sheer beauty of him.
A kiss as he entered you again, gentler this time but no less insistently. Slower thrusts this time…deeper. Taking his time now that all the frantic, needy energy had been expended from you both.
Your legs wrapped around his hips as his eyes bored into yours, and you found yourself mesmerized by their intensity. Then his lips were on yours again, the heat building slowly.
Jefferson cradled your head, lifting you up and tilting your head back slightly. His lips grazed your pulse point and you felt his breath, warm against your skin.
“I love you, Y/N.”
Two sharp pinches at your throat, and your eyes flew open as you gasped at the pain. Blood gushed up from the wound. Jefferson’s mouth pressed to your jugular as his fangs sank in deeper, and the pain disappeared, gone as suddenly as it came.
A great wave of euphoria washed over you, and you clutched at his shoulders. Jefferson drank, great long pulls as he continued to thrust into you. He moaned, his throat working at your vein. You felt your heart slow, each beat almost a painful thud against your chest. Jefferson moaned again in response, his thrusts growing harder and more desperate as he drank.
His skin was liquid fire against yours, and you swore you were both glowing. The room dimmed. You couldn’t breathe, the intensity of your previous orgasms washing into the now and making your head spin. Your body tensed and your back arched as your nails raked his back. Jefferson’s hips snapped against you once more and you came again, your vision fading to black as he released inside you.
You drifted, floating away on a cloud of ecstasy. Dimly, you were aware of Jefferson’s fangs withdrawing. His tongue slid over the wound on your throat, and he cradled you against his chest.
“Y/N? Darling, open your eyes…I need you to tell me you’re okay.”
His voice was hoarse and thick with emotion. It didn’t worry you though, nothing did. You couldn’t feel anything except for him—your world began and ended in his arms.
Your hand fell limply onto the sheets.
Worried hands at your face, and your eyes sleepily blinked open. You felt so exhausted, so…thoroughly sated. Lazy with afterglow. You smiled up at Jefferson, reaching up to caress his face.
“…so pretty…so…you’re so…beautiful…”
Blue eyes looking concerned now, lifting your head.
“Y/N, listen to me. You have to drink now, you’re too weak.”
Jefferson bit down on his wrist. Blood immediately welled from the wound, running down his forearm and dripping onto the sheets. Your eyes had fluttered shut, and he held his injured arm to your lips.
“Please, love…you have to take some from me now…I know it’s…”
His words faded to a gasp as your lips found the wound at his wrist, and you began to drink.
It was far from disgusting. It was a bit salty with a coppery hint, but it was rich and warm and somehow, it tasted like him. Jefferson shuddered and gasped, pulling you close and cradling your head against his chest as he fed you.
The haziness retreated, replaced by a startling clarity. Your eyes fluttered open. The colors of the room were brighter, your hearing sharper. You could sense Jefferson’s every feeling, every movement, your hypersensitivity completely in tune with his body.
All too soon he gently pulled his wrist away, licking the wound closed. You laid back, sighing deeply. Your body was thrumming with sudden energy. With life.
You rolled over, staring at him, feeling an immense and visceral pull. Jefferson looked at you, his eyes shining with devotion. You could feel his love, tempered with lingering concern.
Suddenly, you wanted him again. You needed him.
You pressed him back against the bed, raising his arms above his head and pinning him down. You knew he could easily overpower him, but at that moment, something otherworldly was driving you to dominate him. To make him yours.
Jefferson growled up at you, his eyes flashing with desire as your lips met his in a bruising kiss. Fingers tangled in his hair, pulling his head back as you bit his throat, sucking his skin between your teeth as he whimpered submissively.
You bit his lip and tasted his blood again, and it was all over after that. Jefferson groaned as you sank down on him, taking his hands and placing them on your hips. His head tilted back and he cried out as you rode him.
Neither of you lasted long this time, toppling over the edge together with a mutual shout. You collapsed against his heaving chest, your strength utterly spent. Jefferson curled his arms around you. Legs wrapped around his waist, you held him, neither of you wanting to let the other go.
Now it was time for sweet kisses and lingering touches, the heat of your passion burning low but still just as bright. You stared at each other with new eyes. Hands caressed gentle curves and taught muscle, each of you breathless with love for the other.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of kissing you,” you said, sighing dreamily as his lips found yours yet again.
Jefferson laughed, a light and carefree sound. “Then I’ll make it my life’s mission to make sure you get your fill, from sun up to sun down.”
You looked at him, realizing what he had just said.
“I mean it, Y/N. If…if we’re able to pull this off, to reverse the curse and make me human again, I’d like to court you…properly.”
You giggled. “I don’t think they call it courting anymore, Jefferson.”
“Well, dating then,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Whatever you call it, I’d like the chance to live a mortal life with you, if you’ll have me.”
After everything you’d just done, everything you’d been through together, he was still unsure.
“You already have me Jefferson,” you said, kissing his cheek. “I’m yours, in this life and the next. I’m never leaving you.”
Jefferson exhaled sharply, and he blinked. Tears spilled over as he drew you into his chest in a bone-crushing hug and peppered kisses all over your face and neck until you were giggling again.
Soon the first hints of rose began to peek over the horizon as dawn approached. Jefferson looked up at you apologetically.
“It’s okay, Jefferson. I’m exhausted too. Let’s just go to sleep, we’ll need our strength for tomorrow.”
“Yes. Tomorrow.”
Despite the fatigue, his eyes twinkled in anticipation. Tomorrow you would begin to translate the runes and gather the materials needed for the potion. Tomorrow you would take the first steps towards turning him human once more.
You curled into Jefferson as his arm wrapped protectively around you, and you watched as his eyes grew heavy…long, dark lashes resting against his cheekbones. His breathing slowed, and as the first glimpse of the sun peeked over the horizon, he let out a small sigh. His chest didn’t rise again.
You knew what to expect with the dawn, but it didn’t make it any easier to watch. You held Jefferson tightly as the last bit of warmth left his body.
Soon, love. Soon, you won’t have to live like this anymore.
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glassedplanets · 2 years
ok i have some time so now i can finally fill out that full ask meme
1. Art programs you have but don’t use
paint tool sai and firealpaca -- i used sai for yeeeaaaars and years and years after starting out in photoshop
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
neither, honestly? i go through phases where one thing suddenly becomes dramatically more difficult than anything else but i don’t think that among left/right/forward any one of them is easier than the other two
3. What ideas come from when you were little
uhhhh man. idk. cats? i don’t remember what i drew when i was little tbh
4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw
i feel like each blorbo goes through a phase where they’re a bitch to draw but for subject... indoor settings are currently my big bitch to draw
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
hmmmm. 90/10 post/keep, i think? i’m interpreting “post” generously to include just sharing w/ friends too
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn’t supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
oh man this is a really broad question but like. i think everything is a subconscious inspiration, you know? my friends’ art, that post i just saw, the way the sunset looked yesterday, anything. but more specifically than that... idk lol, i’m not particularly self-aware, i think, so someone would have to say something to me
7. A medium of art you don’t work in but appreciate
pixels!! pixel art is so cool but idk anything about it, and quilting too
8. What’s an old project idea that you’ve lost interest in
i’m preeeetty good about finishing things so i don’t generally abandon them out of lack of interest
9. What are your file name conventions
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
shirts generally (t-shirts and button-ups), but i’ve been enjoying pants recently too (jeans, slacks, leggings)
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
literally anything from neil cicierega to video game osts to asmr
12. Easiest part of body to draw
golly! everything has the potential to be a challenge. i feel like the thing i struggle with least often (in the sense that i don’t need to use refs quite as often and/or it needs adjustment less often) is hands, i really enjoy drawing them
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn’t your thing
hmm. i feel like this is an easy one to be Mean about so i’ll just go with naming a style that isn’t my thing, which would be 90% of drawn and quarterly’s catalog, or, the litfic (derogatory) of graphic novels
14. Any favorite motifs
man. idk. do i have Motifs? people touching subtly. late afternoon.
15. *Where* do you draw (don’t drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
home! i don’t like drawing outside of home but i am also a massive homebody in general
16. Something you are good at but don’t really have fun doing
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
yes......... lmao whatever meal intersects with whenever i happen to draw is what i eat, and i hydrate like a pro
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you’ve broken
probably some when i was a child, but i take good care of my stuff! i’ve never broken anything as a teen/adult, unless it was something inevitable like charcoal breaking
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
nature! bob rossin’ it ALL day, i am fortunate to live in a very beautiful area and i’m very deeply inspired by everything i see as i’m out and about
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
i think hands qualify for this, idk if it’s still popular to hate on hands but i really enjoy drawing them
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
so many... i feel like i don’t follow a lot of artists with a style similar to mine? or maybe i do and i’m just unselfaware about it, idk
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
i’ve got a pinchy ulnar nerve so i have to do nerve glides for that sometimes, and if i’m very stiff then i do wrist stretches
23. Do you use different layer modes
absolutely the fuck i do
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24. Do your references include stock images
yes! stock images, stuff i find by googling, pose books, awkward photos of myself, anything
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
i am genuinely not sure anyone’s ever compared my art to anyone or anything...? this is an invitation if anyone reading this has ever been just burning to tell me that my art looks like [thing]
26. What’s a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
i mean... i draw fanart. so usually it’s pretty clearly what it says on the tin.
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
not really, i use my sketch layer as a warmup
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
i’ve never participated in a zine but i would love to someday....... and i tabled at an artist alley one (1) time at a convention that where the AA was more focused on commissioning (traditional) art than selling merch
29. Media you love, but doesn’t inspire you artistically
uhhh wow. lots of stuff, i guess? even with very visual things there’s a lot of stuff i read/watch/play where i’m like, this is beautiful, but it’s not something that i want to be able to do
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
i’m gonna take this as a “plug something shamelessly” question and say this one
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thebaddestbean · 2 years
hope u spamming me with likes as a subtle hint u r gonna post some banger art soon…
For you, my dearest anon, anything
(In all seriousness I’m hoping to have some new art out soon. I’m taking an art class rn but all the prompts are kind of boring- fun to draw, but boring to look at. Once summer starts I’m hoping to draw some cool stuff again. Until then, have a sketchbook dump + some random art I forgot to post)
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1. Zombie deer. I moved to a place with a lot of deer and I made this on Halloween. I really oughta go over it in ink sometime but I don’t have access to a photocopier so I can’t right now
2. Portrait of Zuko (the plant). For a while this was hanging directly above the real plant, like that meme where a guy is sitting beneath his own portrait and they look exactly alike.
3. Portrait of Mewtwo (the plant) and a different plant whose name I can’t remember. The second plant has since died, but Mewtwo is still going strong (Mewtwo is the one on the right).
4. Art class assignment. We had to draw a crumpled paper and the light kept changing so I couldn’t get a consistent model. Class ran out of time before I could finish
5. Hand with mushrooms. I actually made this way earlier in the year when I was bored in class.
6. This is actually based on a real photo of my dog on her birthday. I made her a “cake” made out of meatloaf and mashed potatoes.
7. This one makes me mad bc I messed up the perspective and it’s way too wide. Ironically, I think I drew it just to prove to someone that perspective drawing isn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be. But yeah I was on a lemon demon kick so that’s Cabinet Man
8. The most recent in my plant tarot series. These are just little doodles I like to do in class, bc I usually can do them without a reference. The chariot is Himalayan blackberry and the tower is based on a real poison hemlock plant that I tried and failed to destroy.
9. The magician. I originally wanted to use a lichen as the magician bc they’re an amalgamation of a lot of wildly different things that come together into one much stronger thing. But I couldn’t figure out a way to draw a lichen that would be recognizable, so I just went with plants, fungi, animals, and earth. The mushroom is a destroying angel.
10. The fool. Idk why but I’ve been kinda obsessed with the idea of a dandelion as the fool. Something about it coming up in the harshest of environments and thriving anyways. Idk. It’s very messy but it’s fun to make.
Anyways anon ily (also pls dm me if you want access to the Secret Art! (aka the art that isn’t good or finished enough to post))
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fluffy-lee · 3 years
Part 8 of the series Vacation
This is a TICKLE series
PLATONIC Avengers x reader
Warnings: Mentions of separation anxiety.
Summary: Y/n has a lot of fun messing with Bucky and Steve under Wanda’s magical protection, but what happens when Wanda and Vision have date night, leaving Y/n at the cabin unprotected from the vicious super soldiers?
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Steve had carried you up to your bed after the two of you made up. You nearly fell asleep in his arms with your head on his shoulder. He was careful to not wake Natasha when he laid you down. The last thing you remember is Steve kissing your head before you fell asleep. 
  Is this what it is to be unconditionally loved by someone? No matter how mad you made them, they’d still be willing to forgive you the same day, and love you the same, if not more. When you were in the HYDRA base, you expected that was what your whole life would be. Never escaping, ruled by the evil that killed your mother for falling in love with you and wanting a better life for you. You knew if you tried to get away, they would kill you too. 
You remember spying on Captain America one time. He was wearing regular clothes, a hat and sunglasses. He was with Natasha. Your job was to find out what they were doing. You never would’ve believed that man would become like a big brother, father, uncle, or best friend to you. You never knew how to properly describe what he is to you. He is just… Steve. You knew Steve wouldn’t hesitate to lay down his life for you. You would do the same for him. 
You knew Steve’s heart. You knew he missed the past. You knew he still missed his mother. You knew he had struggles that he kept to himself. You knew he was pure, and a good man. You wanted nothing but for him to be happy. 
You heard your name being whispered and felt yourself being shaken softly awake. 
  “Hmm? What?” You mumbled confused. 
  “Open your eyes!” The voice whispered. 
You knew exactly who it was. You opened your eyes to meet the all-too-familiar warm, brown eyes. 
  “Peter?” You asked. “What do you need?”
  “Let’s go swimming!” Peter whisper-yelled. 
You rolled over and saw the clock read 7:02 a.m. A morning swim sounded nice, and it was beautiful and sunny outside, the birds were chirping and you could see a slight breeze blowing through the pines out the white paned windows. 
  “I’ll meet you downstairs in five.” You whispered. 
Peter smiled and left the room. 
You hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom to change into your swimsuit. After you changed you brushed your teeth and made your way downstairs. Peter had towels and sunscreen ready for the both of you. 
  “I’ll make us some iced coffee. You better put sunscreen on, Peter Benjamin!” You scolded. 
  “Yay coffee! And I wiiiill-uh!” Peter groaned. 
You chuckled and pulled out the ingredients for the drinks. You were surprised that you and Peter were the only two awake. A lot of times, the adults woke up before you. 
  You brought the glasses of iced coffee out to the pool deck. You walked up the steps to find your best friend lounging in a lounge chair with his favorite pair of sunglasses on (that Tony gifted him with). 
  “Peeeter? Did you put sunscreen on?” You asked, suspiciously. 
  “Yes I did!” He nodded
You picked up the sunscreen only to find out it was a brand new bottle… and the seal was yet to be broken. You smirked and walked over to him, towering over him. 
He slightly pushed his sunglasses down to peer over them at you. 
  “What Y/n/n?”
  “Don’t you “Y/n/n” me, you liar!” You exclaimed dramatically, holding the sealed sunscreen to his face. 
Peter smiled guiltily with a blush. 
You dug your fingers around his collarbones and neck to tickle him. 
  “AHAH! Y/N! Nohhohoho!” Peter began, kicking frantically.
  “This is whatcha get!” You teased in a cute voice, projecting your adoration for him. 
He was too cute for his own good. 
  “Y/n! Plehehehease! I don’t want suhuhunscreehehen!” Peter cried through his ticklish agony. 
You switched to scritching around his belly button, making him scream. 
  “You better wear sunscreen or I’m gonna get Tony!” You warned. 
Peter’s eyes went wide at you. 
  “OKAY! OKAHAHAY! I will! Plehehehease stohohop tickling!” He whined through his laughter, obviously threatened by the thought of you getting Tony. 
You ceased the tickles and began opening the bottle of sunscreen, grinning to yourself over what just happened. 
  “I’m going to get you back for that miss Y/n.” Peter said, sitting up on the edge of the lounge chair. 
  “No Peter! You can’t!” You whined. 
  “And why not?” 
  “I made you coffee!” You argued, pointing over to the glasses with the cute swirly straws. 
  “Oh alright. You’re safe... for now.” 
You furrowed your brows at him with a smirk. “Stand up.” You ordered. 
Peter did as told and you began spraying his back and shoulders with sunscreen. You reached up to rub extra on his upper back and shoulders where he most often burned for extra protection. 
When Peter had all his sunscreen on, he grabbed the bottle to help you. He sprayed your tummy and rubbed it in, but made sure to make it tickle by digging his fingertips into the skin. 
  “Hehehehey! Yohohou said I wahahas safe!” You giggled, flinching away. 
Peter smirked evilly. 
  “I’m just trying to help you! Gosh!” He fibbed. 
You rolled your eyes and finished applying the sunscreen. 
  You and Peter spent the next twenty minutes sunbathing by the pool, drinking the refreshing iced coffee and letting the sunscreen set in. Peter had tanned so much over the trip. Tony was right to be so strict about Peter wearing sunscreen because of his skin. Your skin was glowing too, and you felt extra confident in yourself. Luckily, being surrounded by such encouraging and accepting people really helped you feel good about yourself. You had been degraded a lot growing up by the people at HYDRA. They always wanted you to feel weak, so you’d do what you were told. They sucked. However, you always knew you were beautiful, because your mother always told you so, and instilled that in you. You missed her, even though you were so young when she passed. You were glad Bucky was such a good father and that he was in your life. You always felt it was a miracle that Sam spotted you that dreadful morning. Here you were now, enjoying a beautiful vacation with a family to call your own. 
   It was now July 1st, and this was your last week here. Steve’s birthday and the Fourth of July was just three days away. There were big plans for the week and you still felt you had plenty of vacation left. 
 You and Peter finally jumped in the pool, doing flips, splashing each other and laughing. You had some random, deep conversations, but you also found yourselves laughing so hard your abs ached. You floated on your back, looking up at the blue sky through a semi-circle of pine tree tops. It was so beautiful and you could smell the evergreens in the fresh, mountain air. 
  You and Peter were soon quietly laying on pool floaties, sunglasses on. This lasted for a while, until something felt different. You felt like you were floating, not on the water, but… above the water. You and Peter opened your eyes to see you were six feet above the pool. Familiar red magic surrounded you. 
  “WANDA!!” You and Peter screamed in unison, before being dropped and flipped into the water. 
You came up from the water and you both couldn’t help but laugh. 
  “What was that for?!” You asked. 
  “Breakfast is ready!” Wanda cheered, turning and going back inside. 
  “That was fun!” You and Peter said in unison. 
 After you and Peter got out of the pool and dried off, you went to your rooms and got ready for breakfast. 
  You walked into the kitchen to see everyone awake. 
 “How was your morning swim?” Wanda asked with a smirk. 
 “It was quite relaxing… until… you know.” You answered with a smile.
Wanda patted your head and placed your plate in front of you. It was your favorite breakfast and you were hungry after swimming, so you dug in. 
  Steve plopped down next to you and gave you a loving smile. You returned the smile with a blush. He rubbed the middle of your back lovingly. 
  “When did you two make up?” Bucky asked before taking a bite of his food. 
  “At like midnight.” You said. 
Steve nodded. 
  “Yeah I got up to use the bathroom and I heard Y/n laughing. I thought “Dang! It’s too late for all that!” said Sam, sitting across from you. 
You and Steve laughed. 
  After breakfast, everyone had spread out and was doing their own thing for a while before it was time to get ready to go down to the town to have lunch and go to some gift shops. 
This was the first time you had really been alone for the trip, so you were just kind of exploring the cabin. You opened the closet by the front door and found things that made your heart soar! Bubbles, jump ropes, hoola-hoops, and a big bucket of chalk. You grabbed the bucket of chalk and slipped on your flip-flops. You went out the door and found a shady spot in the small looped driveway and began drawing all kinds of doodles. You were actually working pretty hard on them and wiped some sweat off your forehead from the heat. 
  “What are you doing out here, kid?” Sam asked, walking down the porch steps to you.
You gave him your bubbly smile and showed him your work. 
  “Oooh you found the sidewalk chalk!” He said. “I’m impressed! These are cute!” 
  “Thank you!” You exclaimed. 
  “Mind if I join you?”
  “Please!” You answered. 
You and Sam drew, laughing and enjoying each other's company. 
  “Now let me show you something we used to do when we were kids.” Sam started, taking what he knew was your favorite color. 
He began swirling the chalk in circles, until it created a thick layer of chalk on the ground. 
  “Okay, now watch.” He said, and then pressed his whole hand in the chalk, coating it. 
You smiled wide. “That’s such a good idea!”
Sam made his hand print on the concrete and you did the same, dipping your hand in it, and placing your hand print next to his. Sam dipped his hand in it again, this time placing his print on your shin. 
  “Hey!” You giggled and placed your print on his arm. 
Sam laughed and poked your sides, making you squeal. You placed your print on his shirt. 
  “Oh it’s on!” Sam challenged and you both began racing, swirling all different colors of chalk on the ground and covering each other in chalk, all while laughing up a storm. 
  Bucky opened the door and walked out to find you two. Purple chalk in Sam’s beard, blue and pink chalk in your hair, orange chalk on Sam’s face, yellow and blue on your face, and your clothes looked like the rainbow. Bucky’s mouth hung open. 
  “What in the world?” Bucky blurted. 
  “Hi Daddy!” 
  “Uhh hi Y/n…” Then, Bucky smirked. “Hi Sam!” He said in a teasing voice, obviously amused to see Sam in such a childish state.
  “Hey.” Sam said seriously, waiting to be teased to the ends of the earth by Bucky. 
Bucky, however, wasn’t going to tease him. He thought it was really sweet how big, tough Sam could be a kid with you. You loved that too. 
 Wanda walked outside to see the scene, a giant smile on her face. 
  “Smile you two!” She said, holding her phone up to take a bunch of pictures, which you and Sam had fun with- making funny faces, throwing up peace signs, and hugs. 
  Steve walked out to see what was going on and his contagious laughter rang throughout the cabin. He had never seen Sam like that. Sam just rolled his eyes and laughed with him. 
 Tony and Peter soon walked out. 
  “Oh sweet! Chalk!” Peter cheered, running down the steps to draw something. 
  “You guys better be hosed off before you come inside dragging chalk all over the place!” Tony scolded. He really just wanted an excuse to spray you with the hose. 
You and Sam walked over to the hose and Tony followed, a mischievous grin on his face. 
  “I can do it myself!” Sam snapped, taking the hose and spraying himself down. 
You felt like messing with Tony, so the perfect idea came to your mind. 
  “I’m just going to go inside like this.” You shrugged, walking towards the house.
  “Uh! No ma’am!” Tony scolded. 
  “Yes sir, I am!” You replied, giving him a playful look before running toward the front door, flip-flops flying off. 
  “Y/N! NO!” Tony yelled, chasing you around the yard. 
You giggled as you ran and would squeal any time he got close to catching you, but you were doing good. Natasha made you run almost every day. 
Bucky, Steve, Wanda, and Peter laughed as they watched the chase. 
It had been too long and Tony decided to call for backup. You stood in the middle of the yard, away from Tony. Your heart sank with nervousness. What was he going to do? 
  “Cap! Help me get her!” Tony shouted. 
Steve bit his lip with a grin and started slowly walking down the steps, cracking his knuckles. 
You curled in on yourself where you stood in the grass and screamed. Steve started running toward you. You knew you were done-for, but you ran anyway, circling behind the trees. Tony stayed behind catching his breath. 
Your feet slammed against the grass and you could hear Steve close behind. You stopped and turned around. He was right there and reached out to grab you but you dove between his legs and came out the other side, and barely made it, much to your surprise. You got away. You launched to your feet again and sprinted, but this was Captain America. Next thing you knew, you felt his arms snake around your waist, making you scream again and you were lifted up in his arms. He laughed evilly. 
  “Got her, Tony!” Steve cheered. 
  “Thanks Cap! Hold her down for me?”
  “Why of course!” Steve answered, a teasing tone in his voice. 
You just took the time to catch your breath because you knew you wouldn’t be breathing much longer. Steve laid you on the grass. 
  “I must say, Y/n, that was very good! You’re a good runner, and you dodged me! I’m impressed!” Steve praised you. 
That made you really happy. He was impressed with you!
Steve saw you smile at that and tilted his head and smiled back. He saw how much his approval meant to you and he noted that. He used that as a reminder to keep that in mind. 
    “That’s the last time you run from me, Y/n/n!” Tony said, towering over you and wiggling his fingers at you. 
 “I’m sorry, Tony! Plehehease dohohn’t!” You begged. 
 “Too late!” He said, and immediately began dancing his fingers around your belly, causing you to burst into your belly laughter, making Tony and Steve both smile and look at each other over how cute it was. 
Peter who was drawing with the chalk looked up with a smile at Tony tickling your tummy and he got butterflies and blushed. He knew what you were going through, that’s for sure. He decided it was probably a good time to go inside and get ready to leave. 
 “I’m gonna… go inside.” Peter said to Wanda, slipping past her. 
 “Probably a good idea.” She giggled, rolling her eyes. 
Steve laughed along with you as he held you down to let Tony tickle you. Tony was now squeezing your sides and you were laughing like a maniac. 
  “Plehehease let mehehe gohoho, Steve!” You squealed, dying for him to let you move. 
  “Okay, if you say so!” Steve responded, releasing his grip on your wrists and joined Tony in tickling you. Steve dug one hand into your belly and the other in your armpit while Tony continued tickling your ribs and sides. 
 “NOOOO! AHAHAHAHAHA!” You screamed. 
The feeling of being tickled by two people at once was like torture, and all you could do was squirm and laugh. You couldn’t admit you were actually having fun. Once Tony’s hands found their way to your knees, and Steve’s to your neck, you couldn’t stand it any longer. 
  “STAHAHAHAP!” You cried, making Tony and Steve laugh. 
  “NO!” Steve teased, and he and Tony continued, making you think they weren’t going to stop. 
  “PLEHEHEASE!’ You squealed, finally making them stop. 
  “Well that should teach you.” Tony smirked. 
You blushed at him with a playful smile, sitting up in the grass. 
  “My hands are covered in chalk now!” Steve laughed. 
  “Looks like the Care Bears threw up on us.” Tony chuckled, standing up, pulling you up with him. 
  “I have an idea!” You perked up. 
Next thing you knew, you, Tony, and Steve were standing on the edge of the pool. 
 “3...2….1!” You counted down, and the three of you jumped into the pool, laughing and splashing each other. 
  Everyone was getting ready to go to town. You were now showered and dressed, standing on the back porch practicing braiding Thor’s hair while Natasha did yours.  
  “Am I doing this right, Nat?” You asked her, showing her the progress you made on Thor’s long, blonde hair. 
Nat looked over your shoulder. 
  “Hmm, you’re getting there. It’s a little lop-sided.” Nat smirked. 
  “I’m gonna restart it.” You said for the fifth time. 
  “I’m sure you’re doing a lovely job, Y/n.” Thor encouraged. 
 Suddenly, Tony stepped out on the porch. He was nearly ready and you could smell his cologne. You liked that smell. 
 “Hey Nat, you’ve got a call from Barton.” Tony said, holding up his phone. 
 “Oh okay, I’ll be right there. Thor, can you finish her hair, please?” She asked, stepping inside. 
 “Of course!” Thor said, standing up. Your progress on the new braid fell from his hair. 
 “Aww. That one was looking straighter!” You whined. 
Thor chuckled and began running his fingers on the nape of your neck, collecting your hair. It made you shiver and scrunch your shoulders. 
 “Does that tickle?” He asked with a smirk. 
You got butterflies and blushed, but you nodded. 
 “Now why doesn’t that surprise me?” He asked, sarcasm in his voice. 
You rolled your eyes and let him finish your hair. 
When he was done, he picked you up and threw you high in the air, making you shriek. He caught you and you giggled. 
  “Tony, I want to talk to you about something.” Bucky said, walking into the kitchen where Tony was. 
 “What’s up?” Tony asked, filling up everyone’s water bottles. 
 “Well, with everything that happened with Y/n the past few days… I was thinking she really needs social interaction with kids her age.” Bucky suggested. 
 “Oh, definitely.” Tony replied, giving Bucky his full attention.
Tony had suggested this before, but you had said you really wanted to be homeschooled. You wanted to be home with the Avengers as much as possible. You really hated being away from them. 
  “Y/n has bad separation anxiety… but as her dad, I just can’t let that rule her life. I want to help her overcome it.” Bucky explained. 
  “You are absolutely right, Barnes.” 
Steve, who was leaning in the doorway, entered the kitchen. 
  “It has really taken a bit of a toll on her.” Steve added, catching their attention. 
  “I just don’t know how on earth we’re going to get her to do it.” Tony said, shaking his head. “I don’t want to force her into anything.” 
  “But at the end of the day, we can’t just sit back and let her continue to be taken over by fear.” Steve sighed. 
  “That’s why I was thinking we don’t send her to school. We get her involved in some extra-curricular activities. She’s way too talented to not be!” Bucky said. 
Steve and Tony agreed. They actually felt excited about it. They wanted Y/n to be happy, and to start developing more of her own life. 
  “I think we should get her to try a few different things, and let her pick the things she likes best.” Bucky added. 
 “That is a fantastic idea, Buck.” Steve smiled. 
 “Alright, we’re all in agreement. We’ll talk to her when we get home, and this Fall, we’ll get her started.” Tony concluded, patting Bucky’s back. 
The three grinned at each other. 
 “Alright, everyone in the van.” Tony urged.
Steve and Bucky climbed into the backseat of the van, leaving a space between them. You looked at them, and then looked at Wanda and Vision in the middle seat. 
  “I’m going to be smart and NOT get myself trapped between you two.” You said to Bucky and Steve. 
  “Awww really? We weren’t gonna do anything!” Bucky whined, sarcasm evident in his voice.
 “Yes! You can sit with us!” Wanda cheered happily. 
You smiled brightly at her and Vision. Vision leaned over and lifted you into the vehicle and placed you in between him and Wanda. You giggled at that. You loved Wanda and Vision. They always looked out for you, and you knew Vision would always be an ally to you. If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have gotten to experience Asgard. 
  “Aww come on!” Peter groaned, standing outside the van when he saw he was going to be stuck between the two super soldiers. 
They chuckled.
  “I don’t think we’re very popular amongst the kids, Buck.” Steve smirked. 
  “Sorry Peter.” You apologized. 
Peter dramatically sulked his way into the seat. He didn’t actually mind. He enjoyed playing around with them. 
  Pepper and Tony got in the front and Natasha, Sam, and Thor took the other car. 
  Tony put on his music and everyone in the car was jamming and having fun. You were watching the pretty scenery out the window in front of you when suddenly you felt thirty fingers (5/30 which were metal)  fluttering around your neck. You squealed and scrunched your shoulders up. 
  "What?" Bucky teased. "You thought we wouldn't find a way to get you from back here?" 
Bucky, Steve, and Peter were all giving you little tickles on your neck and shoulders. You were red, gasping for air as you cackled. 
  "Silly girl!" Steve chimed in. 
  "Oh, do you guys ever quit? Let her be!" Wanda hissed protectively. Still, she couldn't help but smile at your state. 
  "I guess they tickle her because… it is quite adorable." Vision grinned. 
Vision’s statement made you blush more. 
  "STAHAHAP!" You cried as they continued to torment you. 
Just when you thought you wouldn't be able to take it anymore, you felt a pair of hands leave your neck. You immediately knew they were Steve's.
  "BUHUHUCKY! STAHAHAP!" Steve shouted. 
You felt the other two pairs of hands leave your neck.
 "IHIHIT'S NOT MEHEHE!" Bucky cried. 
You looked back to see the three of them in stitches, clutching their torsos and squirming. 
Something red caught your eye, and you looked down to see Wanda's fingers wiggling, the scarlet magic dancing around her hands. 
You smiled wide and turned around to watch the three superheroes in ticklish agony. Pepper and Tony saw what was going on and were cracking up themselves. 
Steve, Peter, and Bucky (much to his dismay) begged and begged for Wanda to stop. 
  "No more torturing poor Y/n! Deal?" She asked. 
 "DEAL!" They hollered. 
Wanda ceased her magic and grinned at you. 
  "Thank you, Wanda!" You smiled. 
 "You're welcome." She said cooly. "You want to know how they felt?" 
 "Yes… I MEAN NO!" You answered, realizing what she meant. 
Next thing you knew,  the ticklish sensation was now going through your belly, and you'd never felt anything quite like it. Sure, when Steve would tickle you, you'd feel his fingertips wiggling into your ticklish spots, making you laugh so hard you could barely breathe, or when Bucky would squeeze your thighs in just the right way, you'd cry with laughter and thrash around, or when Peter would blow a raspberry on your neck and you'd feel the ticklish buzz all the way up to your ears- this was different. It tickled deeper, and you felt that you'd collapse into madness before too long, or just straight up pass out. You'd be surprised if any of them dared to tickle you in front of Wanda again. 
Wanda saw your reaction and knew to let up. 
  "Do you know what that feels like?" You asked her, residual giggles pouring out of you. 
  "Yes. I based it off how I'd feel when Pietro would tickle me." She answered with a fond smile. 
  "Ooooh you poor thing!" Peter said sincerely. 
Wanda laughed. 
"I think the magic makes it… a little worse." She smirked. 
 All the Avengers wore hats and sunglasses in an attempt to not draw attention to themselves. Thor even wore Earth clothes. Tony had F.R.I.D.A.Y. monitoring to make sure no one or nothing could take pictures or record without permission, in order to protect Peter's identity. People may be suspicious of him being Spider-Man, and walking around in the suit wouldn't help with drawing attention either. Needless to say, you all were safe and free to have a normal day at the town. 
After lunch, you and Peter ran ahead of everyone into the first gift shop. The gift shop looked like a cabin and there was lots of lake and forest themed stuff. There were tons and tons of friendship bracelets, t-shirts, hoodies, little knick knacks, and more. Tony let everyone get pretty much whatever they want. You and Peter picked out various bracelets and necklaces, and even got matching tie-dye shirts. 
 As you all walked around town into the many different stores, Bucky gave you a piggy-back ride. You were quite grateful he didn’t get tired, because your leg was bothering you a bit. Bucky didn’t set you down until you were at the snow cone stand. Everyone got their favorite flavors and you were sitting at the picnic tables, enjoying the shade of the umbrellas. You sat in between Bucky and Sam. You were feeling playful and you knew you could mess with Bucky, Steve, and even Peter, because you had Wanda to protect you. 
You smirked to yourself and reached up and ruffled Bucky’s hair. He smiled at you a first, but then you did it again. He raised his “claw’ but stopped when Wanda gave him a look. He sighed and you giggled to yourself. This is going to be fun. You squeezed Bucky’s thigh under the table, making him slam it on the bottom of the table with a loud BANG! You laugh hysterically as everyone else was confused about what just happened. 
  “Y/n stop!” Bucky urged.
You figured you’d give him a break and mess with someone else. Everyone finished their snowcones and began walking to the next location. You were going to walk next to Peter and maybe mess with him, but you soon found yourself being lifted up high in the air. You didn’t even flinch as this was a common occurrence. Steve placed you on his back to give you a piggyback ride, not knowing he just made himself your next victim. You slipped your hands to his ribs and scribbled. Steve let out a loud laugh and nearly dropped you.
  “HEHEY! NOHOHO Y/N!” He shouted through his laughter while you couldn’t help but giggle. 
He attacked your knees and shins the best he could while you held on. 
  “Steheheve nonono!” You giggled, but he kept going. “WANDA!” You shouted, catching her attention. 
Steve slowly stopped tickling, locking eyes with Wanda. 
  “I’m normally up for a fight… but I'm on vacation.” Steve huffed. 
Wanda smirked at you and you grinned back. She was letting you get your revenge and you were having a field day. You reached up and scribbled all over Steve’s neck and ears, making him scrunch his shoulders up and cackle. 
  “Ahahahaha! Alrihihight, thahahat’s enough!” Steve declared, prying you off him and setting you down.  “Go get someone else, would ya?” He said, gently pushing you away. 
You laughed at him and skipped into the store. Steve shook his head with a smile.
   “Y/n come here! Do you like these, sweetheart?” Bucky asked, standing in front of a display for really cool friendship bracelets. 
You gasped. “I love them! Can we get matching ones?” You asked him. 
  “That’s just what I was thinking.” Bucky grinned happily and picked out two to go check out. 
You went with him to the check out and you were so excited for the bracelets, but your mission wasn’t over. You had to get as much revenge tickles in as possible before Wanda’s protection from them was no longer over you. So, as Bucky was talking to the lady at check out, who was very cute, you snuck your fingers around his waist and started tickling him. 
Bucky’s eyes went wide as he was reaching into his wallet, and he tried his best not to squirm and laugh. You were having trouble holding in your laughter yourself. The clerk was very confused as she couldn’t see you tickling him, because the counter was tall, blocking the view of Bucky’s belly. She tried to make conversation with Bucky who was frozen in ticklish agony and would be so embarrassed to break out into laughter in front of her. This was too good, and pretty mean, but you couldn’t resist. 
  “Have a nice day!” The pretty lady said with a smile. 
  “You too.” Bucky managed to say cooly, with a smirk. He grabbed this little bag with the bracelets and turned around in your arms. You ran outside and he followed quickly after you. 
  “OH YOU LITTLE- THAT WAS HUMILIATING!” Bucky thundered, but he couldn’t help the smile creeping on his lips. 
You clutched your torso in hysterical laughter. 
  “OH I’M GONNA-” Bucky snatched you up in his arms baby style, and lifted your shirt up a bit, the cold metal fingertips slowly slid across your belly. He was ready to give you the biggest raspberry of your life, but was soon cut off by your cries for help.
Wanda looked over and instantly shot tickles at Bucky and he collapsed into laughter, and set you down. Wanda ceased her magic and you got away. 
  “How fair.” Bucky grumbled sarcastically. 
You struted back over to him with a mischievous smile. Bucky sat down on a bench and had a little bit of a nervous look on his face. Were you coming back to tickle him some more? You weren’t. You came back because you were ready to wear your new bracelet. 
  “Let’s wear our bracelets now.” You said sweetly. 
  “Okay.” Bucky smiled at you adoringly. 
He got the bracelets out of the bag, and you tied his on his right wrist first. He was now tying yours on. 
  “Do you like it?” He asked. 
  “I love it.”
Once he had it tied on you, you were ready to go, but he yanked you very close to him by your wrist, making your eyes widen in surprise. 
  “Don’t think I won’t get you back for your shenanigans, Y/n, because I am going to.” He warned through gritted teeth. 
You gulped. He pulled you closer and placed kisses on your cheek making you giggle. You got butterflies at the thought of his revenge, but you knew it was worth it. Bucky stood back up, towering over you, and you were on your way. 
You figured Peter would be your final victim of the day, but you saw he was having such a good time with Tony, and you didn’t want to interrupt that. Peter had practically been glued to Tony’s hip all day. You saw he was happy and maybe he just needed Tony right now. Plus, you were saving your future self from a third person wanting revenge. 
  When it was a time to leave, you stood behind Steve as he climbed in the van and you rapidly poked his sides. 
  “Y/N! NOHOHO!” Steve yelled as he quickly got into his seat. 
You giggled, and then found yourself being scooped up into Vision’s arms. 
  “Are you having fun tormenting Steve and Bucky, Y/n?” Vision teased, holding you baby style. 
You nodded, making Vision chuckle. He sat down in the van, still holding you. 
  “You know, Y/n, Wanda can’t and won’t protect you from me.” Vision said in a teasing tone you don’t hear often enough. 
Wanda smirked at him. 
 You smiled up expectantly at him. He scribbled into your tummy and you curled in on yourself and began laughing and squirming, but he held you still in his arms. Wanda giggled at the sight. 
  “I bet that tickles, doesn’t it?” Vision teased through his smile. He had never tickled you before, because he figured you got enough from everyone else. You were very flustered, but were really loving this. Vision plopped you down into your seat, giving you a few more pokes with a chuckle. You blushed, residual giggles pouring out of your smile. You definitely felt closer to Vision after that. 
 You all had been back at the cabin for about two hours. You, Wanda, Natasha, and Pepper lounged in the sun by the pool for a while and now you were inside changed. You sat on your bed reading when Wanda came in all dressed up. 
  “You look so pretty!” You gasped.
  “Thank you, Y/n! Listen, I came here to warn you.” She whispered. 
You dropped your book and sat up. 
  “About what?” You asked nervously. 
  “I’m not going to be able to protect you tonight. Vis and I are having a date night.” She said with a grin. 
  “No! You can’t! You have to stay!” You begged. 
She rolled her eyes. “Y/n, we’re going!”
  “Oh alright… have fun then.” You sighed with a smile. 
Wanda ruffled your hair lovingly and left. 
 You grabbed your book and a flashlight off the nightstand. You were going to hide in the hall closet and read until she got home. It’s not that you were scared, but you felt way too bashful to face Steve and Bucky. You knew if they got a hold of you they’d not only tickle you, but tease you into oblivion. So, you got comfortable in the upstairs hall closet ready to hideout for the night.
  “Where’s Y/n?” Steve asked, walking into the living room. 
  “Hiding.” Bucky answered. He didn’t know where you were hiding, but he knew Wanda was gone for the evening, and wasn’t there to save you from the soldiers’ wrath. 
  “Hiding? Why?” Tony asked, sitting next to Peter on the couch watching a movie.
  “She’s scared.” Bucky smirked. 
Steve chuckled and crossed his arms. “Huh. I’m gonna find her.”
He began searching the downstairs of the cabin, not finding you anywhere, so he decided to check the upstairs. 
You were lost in your book when you heard footsteps. Your eyes widened and your breathing quickened. You quietly turned off your flashlight and held your book to your nose. The footsteps got closer and you squeezed your eyes shut. You knew the footsteps, too. Steve. 
Suddenly, the door swung open and the light flicked on. You looked up at Steve. You gave him your famous puppy dog eyes. 
  “Hello!” You said to him innocently. 
  “Well hello Y/n/n! Enjoying your book? Tell me, honey, why are you hiding in the closet?” Steve teased. 
  “I just like it in here. It’s nice and quiet!” You shrugged. 
Steve tilted his head at you and raised an eyebrow at you. 
You couldn’t look him in the eye. You screamed when he snatched you up. 
   “NOHOHOHO STEHEHEVE DOHOHON’T!” You squealed, curling in on yourself. 
   “I’m not even doing anything!” Steve laughed.
   “But you’re gonna!” 
   “Awww Y/n! You know me too well!” Steve teased. 
  “I see you got her!” Bucky said, entering the hallway. 
  “You know, I think you guys should just let me go.” You shrugged.
  “And why would we do that? After what you pulled today?” Bucky seethed through gritted teeth.
  “Steeeeve don’t do it pleeease? I just wanna read my book!” You whined, leaning in to give him butterfly kisses on his eyelashes. This always melted his heart. 
  “Awww. Maybe we should just have mercy on her.” Steve supposed, returning the butterfly kisses and pressing his nose to your cheek. 
  “Oh you are such a chump! Snap out of it!” Bucky ordered, snatching you from Steve and throwing you over his shoulder, carrying you into the room and throwing you on your bed. 
  “I gotta say… you had me there, Y/n! But not anymore!” Steve teased. 
Bucky immediately attacked your belly with raspberries. You squealed and laughed and pushed at his head, but he wouldn’t let up. When he finally did, Steve grabbed your ankle and pulled you toward him, making you yelp. He shook his hand into your tummy and you belly laughed your heart out. Butterflies always swarmed into your stomach when Steve did this. He just laughed at you as he sent you into ticklish agony. Bucky laid down on his side next to you, propping himself up on one arm and danced his fingers around your neck while Steve continued to shake your tummy. 
  “It’s so easy to tickle you to pieces!” Steve teased, making you blush. 
  “Aww look at her blush!” Bucky joined, sitting up and pinning your arms above your head. Though you put up a fight, he got them down and dug in your armpit. 
You screamed with laughter. 
  “Get her feet, Steve!” Bucky demanded, now, digging into both your armpits while you trapped his hands by throwing your arms down. Classic.
  “NOHOHOHO!” You shouted, while Steve put your ankles in a headlock. 
Bucky ceased his tickles to hold you down. 
  “Y/n I have a question for you.” Steve stated, that teasing tone never leaving his voice. 
  “What!” You spat, catching your breath. You couldn’t hide the smile on your face that said you were having fun.
Steve shook his head and shrugged at your sass. He slowly dragged a single finger up your foot from your heel to your toe. You giggled and flinched. 
  “Does that tickle?” He asked. 
  “Yes.” You said unamused. 
  “Okay, and what about this?” 
He scribbled his hands across both of your feet and you screamed and laughed and kicked. 
Bucky just laughed at you and began tickling your ribs. You went crazy with laughter and began begging for mercy. 
  “Should we stop, Buck?”
  “Yeah let’s stop.” Bucky chuckled, letting you go soon followed by Steve. 
You caught your breath.
  “That was mean.”
  “You asked for it.” Bucky shrugged. 
  “I always ask for it. I don’t know why.” You admitted with a blush making them smile. 
  “When will you learn, Y/n?” Steve teased, rolling onto you and attacking your neck with raspberries.  
You were laughing, enduring Steve ticklish raspberries when suddenly his raspberries turned into laughter, and of course that still tickled you. 
  “Are you torturing my Y/n/n, Steve?” Nat quipped, as she squeezed his sides. Steve collapsed with laughter next to you.  
 You sat up and watched her tickle Steve. She finally let up on him and he sat up with you, wrapping his arm around you. 
  “My Y/n/n!” Steve claimed. 
  “Uhhh no! My Y/n/n.” Bucky said, taking you from Steve. 
You looked at all of them. 
  “First one to bring me a bowl of ice cream loves me the most!” You challenged. 
Bucky dropped you on the bed and you watched them all fight their way out the door.
You laid back on the bed, rolled your eyes and smiled. You loved them more.
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chxrrysangel · 3 years
Stark Tea Time
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Summary || Morgan Stark drags Bucky to one of her legendary tea parties, Sam leaving him to drown in pink fluff and glitter.
Warnings || Bucky actually smiles
You do not have permission to post my work anywhere else
“Lay up Cyborg, live a little. It’s not like I’m gonna di—”
“Look! Sam, I drew something for you!”
The two men’s attention is diverted from their conversation as little Morgan Stark comes barreling down the hallway, paper flapping in one hand and an assortment of crayons in the other. Her hair is covered in little butterfly clips, strands adorned with a wide array of colors from the chalk dye strewn across her cherry wood floors. She’s wearing a massive tutu, dressing to the 9s in a blue ballerina costume.
Sam smiles at the little girl, always excited to see what she has to offer. Ever since Tony passed, all of the Avengers men have taken on a father-like role towards the child, always making sure she feels loved and cared for. It’s the least they can do.
He bends down to her eye level, giving her his full attention. The smile on Sam’s face is in complete contrast to the grimace adorning Bucky’s features.
“What’s up sweetheart? Whatcha got?”
The little Stark giggles in excitement, overjoyed to see her two favorite Avengers come to see her again. They’re always quite busy, saving the world and everything. So each visit is quite meaningful to her. They’ll never replace Tony, but they ensure that his memory and love for Morgan is something she’ll never lack. They’d all die before that happens, and she knows that.
She takes the drawing from behind her back and lays it out for both of them to see. It resembles some sort of bird-like figure, Sam thinks to himself. Next to it is a robot-type figure, not failing to notice the frown etched into his features with a Crayola marker. Shaking with excitement, the little Stark looks at the two men expectantly.
“What is it?”
Morgan sighs loudly, annoyed by their stupidity and lack of “artistic vision”. The two men have yet to figure out where she learned such a concept.
“It’s you guys! Duh!” Their mouthes form into an ‘o’ shape in understanding.
“Well it’s stunning. It’s absolutely beautiful Morg. You know, I might have frame this one actually. When you become a famous painter, this is gonna be worth so much money!” Morgan squeals, jumping around excitedly as Sam praises her.
“I think it’s kind of ugl—” Sam cuts him off by sending a small electrical current to Bucky’s arm, causing him to hunch over in pain as he’s being electrocuted.
“What he was trying to say is that it’s very avant-garde, meaning unique in the art world. Don’t worry little Stark, it’s a good thing.” Sam smiles at her encouragingly, hoping Terminator’s harsh words back there wash over her. She nods in understanding, James’s words already long forgotten.
The two men attempt to continue their conversation from before, discussing details about their next mission. There’s a hostage situation in the Palace of Westminster, the perpetrators threatening to blow the whole thing up with everyone in it. But before they can really strategize how to scope out the place, Sam feels a tap on his leg.
“Yes princess?”
“Can you guys come to my tea party?”
“Actually Morgan, we have to go so—” Bucky starts to say before being rudely cut off my bird-man to his left. Sam shoot daggers in his partner’s direction and the words die in his throat.
“Actually, I have to go take care of something really quickly. But Bucky can join you.” At those words, Bucky’s head jolts in his direction, giving Sam one of the meanest looks he’s probably ever seen. But the big man is all bark and no bite, so Sam just laughs in his face. Bucky’s fists tighten at his sides, thinking of all the ways he plans to torture and murder Sam when they leave the Stark house.
Morgan, on the other hand, is practically bursting at the seams. Bucky doesn’t know this, but he’s her favorite of all the Avengers, especially because his titanium arm reminds her of her dad’s suit. She feels closer to him when she’s with Bucky. Plus, they’re both kinda stoic, but it’s only an act in her eyes. She knows that deep down, he has a heart of gold.
Morgan takes Bucky by the hand, dragging him down the hallway back to her room. Meanwhile, Bucky looks back at Sam, pleading for some kind of mercy or aid. Sam, of course, provides no such thing and only cackles at his best friend’s misfortune. He says goodbye to Pepper, promising to be back once he finishes talking to Torres.
Meanwhile in a certain Stark’s bedroom…
Morgan bounced from corner to corner of her large bedroom, capturing all of the items she needs for this special occasion. It’s not often she has a guest for her weekly tea parties, let along James Buchanan Barnes of all people. She has to make a good impression if he’s ever going to come back.
Standing like a dark looming giant,surrounded by tiny chairs and more pink and purple than he’s ever seen, Bucky is clearly out of his element. At 6’0 tall, he stands taller than anything in this room, standing neck and neck with the canopy bed in the middle. Morgan doesn’t take notice of his discomfort however, she’s just happy to have him. She whips around him, gathering her stuffed animals at the table and setting up the placemats for each guest.
Almost as if having an epiphany, the mini Stark girl gasps and runs out the bedroom, yelling that she’ll be right back. Bucky wanders around the room, taking notice of all the little trinkets and toys that he, along with the rest of the team, gifted to her over time. His lips contort into a ghost of a smile, reminiscing all the times Morgan screamed for joy every time they came bearing gifts. The gifts didn’t really matter to her, though. It was just their presence that set her heart into cardiac arrest and her cheeks aflame. They were her family.
Not soon after, Morgan returns dragging a more normal sized chair into her room. Bucky is surprised at this action, as the small girl is barely breaking a sweat. That is, until he noticed the two small gadgets attached the back of the chair, marked with Tony’s insignia. So little Stark is smart, just like her dad.
Morgan sets the chair down next to her own pink, fluffy and bedazzled throne at the head of the table. She sits down, motioning Bucky to take a seat and calls the tea party into session. Bucky’s eyes wander over the pristinely white tabletop, taking in the wide assortment of snacks. From shortbread, frosted oatmeal cookies, to cheeseburgers and mini sandwiches, you name it and she’s got it. The baked goods are Pepper’s doing of course, courtesy of her daily afternoon attempts to become the next Martha Stewart. Morgan doesn’t mind at all, eager to indulge in a daily sugar high as the designated guinea pig.
“Tea?,” the child offers, “it’s raspberry, your favorite.” James can’t help but blush as her consideration of his tastes. For a kid, she’s a pretty decent host. He quickly covers up his blush by coughing and nods firmly.
After filling up the China tea cups lined up around the table, Morgan moves towards introductions. “Bucky, these are my friends. There’s Mr.Whiskers, Genevieve, Fae, Natasha, Tony, and James. They’re very happy to have you here with us. They think you look quite nice today.”
James? As in… Bucky can’t help but blush again, honored that Morgan named one of her beloved stuffed animals after him. He smiles shyly, staring at the lavender Elephant across the table. The girl doesn’t fail to notice his smile, happy that he’s happy.
“So James, how do you feel about glitter?”
The doorbell rings sometime around 7:00, just after sunset. Pepper opens the door to a smiling Sam, carrying a mysterious box by his side. He just left Torres house, the two men agreeing to scope out the place just before dawn when everyone is still sleeping. That way, they can get a good picture of what it looks like on the inside without having to use night vision technology.
“What’s in the box?”
“Lemon Merengue. For Morgan.” Lemon Merengue is Morgan’s favorite dessert. So by bringing her some, Sam hopes that she’ll forgive him for taking a rain check on one of her illustrious tea parties.
“They’re still down the hall.” Pepper points in the direction of mini Stark’s room, before returning to her baking. Tonight, she’s trying devil’s food cake.
Even from down the hall, Sam can hear the chatting of two distinct voices, a deep scratchy one and a much higher, daintier tone. He shakes his head at Morgan’s complete lack of an inside voice when she’s excited. They must be having a blast in there.
To Sam’s surprise, Bucky actually seems to be enjoying himself. He stands in the doorframe, watching the two chat back and forth while a Disney movie soundtrack plays in the background. From the distinct piano, Sam recognizes Beauty & the Beast (also one of Morgan’s favorites).
Sitting down obediently, Bucky gives Morgan his full attention as she places puffy stickers on his titanium arm and adds little doodles to his real one. He smiles as he watches her drawing a picture of the two of them with princess tiaras and feather boas, just like they are now. She babbles away, telling him the details of the movie she wants them to watch together. It’s called Tangled, he learns.
Sam decides to leave the two alone, going back to help Pepper bake in the kitchen. Although, not before snapping a picture of the two together, reminding himself to print it and put it on the fridge. He knows that Pepper isn’t exactly the kindest person to be in the kitchen with, as she is very bossy and demanding. But he’d take that over ruining this special moment in the princess-themed room down the hall.
He can still hear the faint giggles and screams of Morgan, this time begging Bucky to stop tickling her. She pleads for mercy but he refuses to budge, only making her laugh harder and her giggles to bounce off the walls like they’re in an echo chamber. And to think, he was gonna say no earlier.
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Little Robin and Momma Bird
 In honor of First Day of Spring 2021 which for comic fans is the birth date of Richard John-Grayson Wayne, Member of the Flying Graysons, Bruce Wayne’s Adopted Son, Barbara Gordon’s classmate, Wally West and Roy Harper’s best friend, Princess Koriand’r’s true love, the first Robin, The Boy Wonder, Leader and founding member of the Teen Titans, Nightwing, Protector of the City of Bludhaven, Renegade, Ex Apprentice of Slade Wilson, Agent 37, Big Brother to Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, and Damian Wayne, in varying times and places Father of Mar’i ‘Nightstar’ and Jacob ‘Jake’ Grayson and above all else and beyond all those titles, son of John Grayson and Mary Elizabeth Lloyd Grayson; here’s what I hope is something short and sweet. 
 Now with long intro out of the way, the following is dedicated to @mothnem @lightdusk96 @hood-ex @thattimdrakeguy @tarisilmarwen @fireflyxrebel-writes @nightglider124 @nyxqueen97 @wisegirlandseaweedbrainforever @arabian-batboy @meara-eldestofthemall @robxstar @bluerene and so many others for being my friends in light of this occasion. Please like, comment and especially reblog for any corrections and constructive criticisms. It’ll be very appreciated. 
  Please Enjoy....  
 The sun gleaming and bright rays shone through the small trailer window, lighting the small bedroom with many bright colors of its own decorated throughout. The beige carpet, still an ever bit of simple yet practical use of being the floor, was littered with small shapes of varying sizes, almost all being made of plastic. In particular, these spread out toys were action figures, representing the recent phenomena of spandex clad and awe inspiring individuals that are the ‘Superman’ from Metropolis and the rest being merely the few robotic and unnatural opponents he faces in protecting the oppressed and those in need. The resident of this small bedroom was for all accounts a fan of Superman, something not too unprecedented given the caped champion’s crusades in correcting the wrongs and dangers Metropolis and the larger world face the best he can ever since his first day to the public. 
   And given these are action figures of Superman, it shall be of no surprise said resident was indeed very young; a small acrobat of the famous Haly’s Circus currently asleep and softly snoring away in this room’s bed, blankets draped and covering almost every part of him, even his face. It’s his 7th birthday as of today, this wonderful first day of Spring. Now if only something or someone can get him awake to enjoy such a day. That’s where a certain Mrs. Mary Grayson enters our picture. 
  As she gently pries open her son’s bedroom door as to not awaken him, clad only in a grey t-shirt and black pants as used for pajamas last night, Mary carefully trudges across the beige carpet towards the bed being occupied by said son. Sure, both her and him have slept in until nearly 9:30 am as of now since their family group, the Flying Graysons, have a day off from practice for today, but frankly had Dick remembered that today’s his birthday from earlier, he would been by now sneaking into his parents’ neighboring room, awaking them both his father John and her up about said day, probably  the best he can think of for a gentle reminder. But due to recent influx of performances across the West Coast, Dick lost count so now it was Mary’s turn to gently remind him and in the best way she knows how. 
  As Mary’s bare feet carefully skirt around the action figures spread across the floor, even picking some up along the way (maybe reminding Dick to next time pick up his toys before bed will come in later tonight), she eventually reaches her son’s twin sized bed and the red, green and yellow pattern blanket that draped over the little guy overnight. In her right hand was a blue fine point marker pen with washable ink while her left gently leans to one end of the blanket where a small tuff of black hair sticks out. Gently caressing her left hand the black mass, Mary can hear a content giggle coming from under the blanket, no doubt her son feeling the familiar, loving motion John and her regularly do as parents can. On normal moments this happens, Dick would playfully push the hand ruffling his black hair away. This time, he just simply lightly giggles in his sleep. Mary was sort of banking the hair ruffling being enough to awaken her son to this bright and beautiful first day of Spring. As soon as her hand though stops with the affectionate ruffling and once more snores are heard coming from Dick, her lips turn into a soft yet mischievous smile; it was time for Plan B. Sure Enough, when looking over to the other end of the blanket and seeing her son’s own two feet, so far socked but with her there not for too long. That marker in her hand has its cap screw off. 
  On some occasions when she was basically passed out from a long night on the trapeze, Mary wold wake to find the soles of her feet with scribbles and doodles all across, most of them featuring the Flying Graysons logo prominently. She almost immediately knew the culprit behind such drawing but often times just leaves it be and even walks on her two feet with drawing and all since the marker ink easily comes off so it was overall no big deal. Besides, her son was just having some harmless fun so why would she dare try ruining that; sure she was strict on some parts of his behavior but this ain’t one of the them. Now though, as she lightly tugs the two socks off her sleeping son as to not awake him, revealing two velvet soles and the ten toes and with her marker in hand, it was time for payback if you may. 
  Starting with lightly drawing smiley faces on his big toes, Dick’s reaction was almost immediate as a slightly louder giggle comes from the blankets and his toes clench. Mary briefly backs off the marker until the toes relaxing and using her free hand, she lightly grabs unto the big ones, leaving his feet still. With that, she can proceed with the rest as sure enough, various other faces across his other toes are drawn along with flowers and even an elephant on the arch of his right foot. As for that last one, the giggling had reached its loudest and looking upward, Mary couldn’t help but smile at the results. Plan B was a success, Dick was awake and laughing his head off due to the scribbling.
   “Momma!” he yells between hearty giggles, “That tickles!” 
   Mary grins a bit, “Oh really?” 
  She continues with that elephant on Dick’s right foot, now holding him still with arm entrapping his ankles tightly, making sure he can’t pull his feet back from that blue marker as it continued its path. Though Mary notes that even then, Dick wouldn’t want to. He had not once told her to stop, indicating that he was enjoying this instead. Frankly, after a long time doing this to her, she couldn’t blame him. All Dick does on his part is lay his head on the pillows, the blankets off of him, allowing Mary to see him clad in a similar style of PJs to hers only with the coloring being a blue t shirt and grey sweat pants instead. To the left of him was his precious stuffed elephant Peanut; ever since being first given that on his 4th birthday, he keeps it close to him whenever going to bed. All this time afterwards, Mary still hasn’t been able in getting her son a second stuffed toy like Peanut much to her disappointment but hey that’s a thought for another time, she has one more spot to draw before she can move on for the rest of the day, the arch on Dick’s left foot.
  At first, Mary thought of drawing the Flying Graysons logo for the finishing touch but instead opts for a more casually yet fitting wording. With that in mind, her blue marker makes contact with the velvet of her son’s arch and starts its ink dripped path. By now, the 7 year old was still in full hysterics over his Momma’s drawings but he will admit, at least it was better waking up from his trapeze swinging dreams like this rather than the sun’s rays shining on him as it usually happens. Finally though, he feels the marker stop and opening his ocean blue eyes, sees his mother put the cap back on. Putting the marker away in her pocket, Mary places a soft kiss on her son’s forehead while giving him another hair ruffle. This time, now fully awake, Dick gently pushes her hand away. 
  His blue eyes meet his mother’s own blue eyes and a wide smile stretches on his face. 
  “Thanks Momma” he chirps happily in Romani Chib. 
  Another motherly kiss, this time his cheek, “You’re welcome, Just wanted to make sure you didn’t forget about your special day today, My Little Robin” 
  As Mary stands and makes her way back to the door, Dick stretches his arms, letting out a yawn from his mouth doing so. 
  “Breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes” Mary states with a warm smile on her face.
  “Cereal, Momma?”
  “Any type you like that we have of course” 
  “I’ll be there soon” Dick says, a wide grin on his face. 
 Mary has a humming giggle of her own before making her own to the kitchen to no doubt prepare her son and her’s bowls for the day. Though of course, they were just getting started. 
  Dick swings his feet to step off his bed and begin trudging to his breakfast, he briefly wonders on what his mother drew on him before putting the marker away. As such, flexing his leg to where he can see the soles and toes of his two feet, Dick smiles of all nice stuff Momma left. Indeed, there were flowers on the balls of his arches, goofy faces on each of his ten toes, what looks like a circus ball on his right heel, a trapeze bar on his left heel, a short yet cute elephant on right foot’s arch and at least the words on his left arch. 
‘Happy 7th B-Day Little Robin, Love Momma’ 
  Now that was love from a mother alright. Dick certainly will never forget this. Now to get the table without stepping on his toys on the floor. 
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riisinaakka-draws · 3 years
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Part 4 of my old Black Sails scraps and doodles from 2016–2021. Not in any particular order.
And of course, please do not steal and repost elsewhere. But if you do get inspired, feel free to make your own interpretations! :D
This post contains chicken on Walrus doodles, lots of touching faces, mustache shenanigans and grooming, inktober plans, surprisingly many parental moments (?) etc.
Under the cut, because this is another very long post!
Old plans for the “chickens on the Walrus” serie (2016) inspired by [THIS]  @balloonstand​​’s post (s4 ideas) where The Walrus crew aquires lots of chickens and here are some scenes I imagined could further happen, lol.
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The fluffy chicken and those rubber ones were a hot thing at the time, so I tried to incorporate them somehow xD Also I think only one person “got” my joke of “c*ck between his legs” but I guess it was also because I didn’t really draw a proper rooster... Here the chicken have occupied the cabin and are looking at maps:
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Max trying to console Anne while Jack looks, snuggled in a hammock. This was right after the episode 7 of season 4 and I had no idea how things would go - but I wanted them to make amends :) I like this sketch more because the end result (2017) became quite murky and blurry :/ (I think my screen wasn’t calibrated properly, lol)
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I drew this in 2016 and I remember how paranoid I was after the series ended (in 2017) because I was so afraid that some anti-silver people would be mad if they stumbled on this and didn’t read the caption properly and somehow took this like I was trying to replace Thomas (yeah I know I was overthinking things wayyy too much but things were quite heated after the finale).
But anyway, the sad hidden truth is that the ref for this was the moment when Flint is grieving Mr Gates in s1 and holding his body... and I drew this because I was just wishing there would be at least a hug in season 4 (because who else would be there to hug Flint now that Miranda was gone too? Well now we know!). Still wish there had been also a silverflint hug...
Now moving on!
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“That’s my wee lad, Gimli.” (2017) This is one of the early drafts for Woodes Rogers and captain Berringer. Idk why, but I laughed when he was looking at that locket in the show and it reminded me of the Hobbit movie scene with Legolas and Glóin... Woodes regrets asking about the locket, lol. This was around the same time as the MaxAnneJack+hammock, because the lantern is very similar here. And I was drawing these right after the episodes.
Next, the grooming shop at the Nassau’s market (2019):
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as you can see, the original sketch was mirrored. Another one, thinking about the values and adding Anne:
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There were other versions too. One where Flint is twirling Thomas’ (?) new mustache and one where Flint is playing with Silver’s hair/mustache while they are in bed, one with Jack and his mustache and one where the Brothel Blackbeard, Silver (still clean faced bb) and Max have fun after the orgy with fake mustaches made of their long dark curly hair and Jack stumbles on them (shocked, when he wasn’t asked to join) - but the timelines were all over the place and one art was enough, lol. Although this idea grew into another piece with Flint, Thomas and Silver but I have not finished it yet.
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This is original plan I had for the Abigail and Miranda piece (2018):
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The ref was from the show but for some reason I ended up changing quite a lot. Although I like the colours and the ship in this one a bit more than the final result.
I just realised that this post has a lot of touching people’s faces! xD
As does this one too, lol. (finally posted the finished art in 2021)
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The original working title was “PinkyChair” because the idea was that Flint was tied to the chair and Silver was teasing him, but Flint still managed to touch with his pinky, lol.
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The parallels, lol ~ This is just a sketch with no further development. It had something to do with the funny pose when 1) Flint is fighting Teach on the beach and falls on his back, leg kicked straight up 2) and what if Silver used his peg leg as an extra blade when he and Flint were training.
Next, some plans for inktober 2017. I was planning to draw Anne and was trying to figure out which prompt would fit. I brainstormed almost all the prompts so I wouldn’t have to spend time thinking about them daily during the month, but never really got into it after all.
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Some ideas I did use later, tho, like the De Groot and “SCREECH”:
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Same batch, prompt “TRAIL” (Dooley and Flint carrying the treasure chest and Silver, Israel and company going after them). 
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The next sketch is quite old (and never continued) and had something to do with the interview where Toby talked about eating his kids candies secretly or something? and how hard he found lying to his mom about things? I don’t quite remember anymore. But of course here’s a combination of Captain Flint and his mom, the dowager from Downton Abbey, heh.
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Thank you for checking this out and I hope you had fun! <3
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captainjanegay · 3 years
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Where I’m Meant to Be | Stucky | Meet-Cute, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Kid Fic, No powers AU | Chapter 1 | 4.6k words | Ao3
Bucky is a single dad coming back from a work trip with a very bored, very whiney 7-year-old girl. A mysterious stranger with a kind heart and a notebook full of doodles comes to the rescue.
A/N: This fic was supposed to be just a short one-shot for the Stucky Bingo but somehow, it's at 11k at this point and it's nowhere near done. I have two more chapters all done and ready and a vague outline for the rest of the story. It's my first time posting a fic chapter by chapter so it's both exciting and kinda scary. I hope you'll like the story enough to stick with me for a while. 
My sixth fill for the @stuckybingo2020​ ♥
At some point in his life Bucky didn't mind spending hours at airports and he found traveling —even work-related —quite enjoyable. But that was when he was young, stupid and alone. Now he's older, just as stupid and has a wonderful girl in his life. 
The girl in question is now standing next to him, little arms crossed and a sullen expression on her face. She's repeatedly kicking at the leg of the chair he's sitting on. There's no real force to it —she's only 7 after all —and she's not doing it to do any real damage to anyone or anything. It's just little taps, really and she's doing it out of boredom. But dear lord, Bucky's about to explode.
"Alex, sweetheart," Bucky says, slowly breathing out through his nose. "Could you please stop with that kicking? It's a bit annoying."
"But papa," she whines, drawling out the word. "I'm bored!"
"I know, love and I'm really sorry but papa’s gotta do something important for work," he sighs, trying to run a hand through her hair. She ducks and flops onto the chair next to him, an angry little pout on her face. "I have to finish it before we go on the plane. I'll do it as quickly as possible and then I'll be all yours, ok?"
It's not really surprising when he doesn't get an answer. With another sigh, he leans to the side and presses a kiss to the top of his daughter's head and then turns back to his laptop. 
From the very moment she woke up today, Bucky knew it's gonna be a long day. She was cranky and teary all morning, not wanting to say goodbye to Natasha and it took a good hour to calm her down. Then Bucky had to basically beg her to eat something before they left for the airport. It wasn't a great day. And Bucky knew she didn't do it just to make him miserable, she was just as frustrated and tired as he was. On top of that, he has to edit and upload a report from the conference and the airport Wi-Fi is so bad Bucky is close to tears himself.
The work would probably take less time if he wasn't getting distracted every minute or so and glancing to the side, making sure that Alex is fine. Or relatively fine, the bad mood excluded. At the moment she is slouching on the plastic chair, still pouting. Felicia—a pink stuffed Triceratops —is placed on her lap so at least Alex has something to occupy her for a moment.
Bucky tries his best to get through the documents quickly but he doesn't want to miss any errors either. He gets lost in the work for the entirety of about five minutes when he hears something truly surprising.
Alex laughs. It’s so unexpected after what seems like hours of complaining, crying and whining that Bucky’s head snaps up from his laptop and he looks at his daughter.
She is still sitting by his side, Felicia pressed closely to her chest and there is a smile on her face. It’s definitely not aimed at Bucky, though. So Bucky follows her line of sight and… oh.
It’s not like he didn’t notice the guy sitting across from them before. Because he did. It would be rather impossible not to notice this guy. He is tall and well-built and could look intimidating if it wasn’t for his bright blue eyes or tousled golden hair or the gentle smile or the fact that he’s wearing the softest beige sweater Bucky has ever seen. He is both ridiculously handsome and cute at the same time. So of course, Bucky noticed him before. But now he tries to figure out what about him made Alex laugh. It doesn’t take long, because the man is holding up his notebook, showing the page to Alex.
On the page are three little, cartoon-like doodles. The first one at the top looks unmistakably like Alex—her brows are furrowed, arms crossed and a little storm cloud is hovering above her. Underneath there’s his daughter again but this time she’s laughing, her eyes only small slits and a little sun peeks from behind the cloud. The last drawing, just next to the smiling Alex, is of Bucky. His head is partly hidden behind a laptop screen and there’s a look of utter concentration on his face. Above his cartoon persona floats a swarm of little gears, question marks and lightbulbs. Bucky snorts. It’s probably quite accurate.
Noticing that Bucky is staring at the drawing, the stranger startles and his cheeks turn red.
“I’m not some creep, I promise!” he starts explaining himself, before Bucky even opens his mouth. “I just—she seemed so upset and I’ve heard you said you have something important to do so I just wanted—Man, it’s weird, isn’t it? I’m sorry I promise I just wanted to help, not bug your kid without permission.”
“It’s not—,” Bucky starts, slightly taken aback. “It’s very sweet of you, actually. Thank you. Really, that’s just—I don’t mind. And Alex here seems to enjoy your drawings.” Bucky smiles down at his daughter and then at the stranger. His smile falters a bit and he sighs. “I’d really love to chat some more but I really need to get this shit done and the airport Wi-Fi is truly horrible.”
“Oh! Bad word!” Alex gasps, covering Bucky’s mouth with her little hand. “You said a bad word! No sweets for you!”
The stranger laughs at that and Bucky probably shouldn’t be as charmed as he feels right now. He just kisses Alex's hand and leans away from it.
“OK, sweetheart. Promise not to eat any when we get home,” he says solemnly. “But papa really needs to work a little longer, OK? Ten more minutes, I promise. Try not to bother the nice man too much until then, yeah?”
She lets a long-suffering sigh but she agrees.
“I’m Steve, by the way,” the man says, smiling at Bucky. 
Before he gets the chance to answer, Alex chimes in, “I’m Alexandra. And papa’s name is James but only mama and people at work call him that. Everyone calls him Bucky.”
The man — Steve — lets out a small laugh. “It’s nice to meet you both. Alexandra, do you want me to draw you something specific, while we let your papa work?”
“Oh, can you draw Felicia? She’s a...,” Alex furrows her brows in concentration, “tri-ce-ra-tops! That’s a dinosaur!” 
Steve leans forward from his chair and smiles at her. “She’s so cool! But weren’t dinosaurs kinda dangerous?”
“Some of them, yeah. They ate other dinosaurs. But the ones like Felicia only ate plants, so she’s cool.”
Steve lets out an attentive hum but something in his expression tells Bucky that it’s not new information for him and he’s just indulging Alex and letting her share what she knows. It makes Bucky feel a wave of sympathy towards this Steve guy.
Soon enough, a new page of Steve’s notebook gets covered with doodles of various dinosaurs, based on Alex’s jurassic knowledge—it’s a bit flawed, but Bucky is proud of her nonetheless.
It takes Bucky a few moments to stop sending glances towards the two. It’s partly because Steve—no matter how sweet he seems to be—is still a stranger. Steve might be bigger than him, but Bucky would end him if he tried to do anything to his little girl. But there are no red lights when it comes to Steve—and Bucky always prided himself on his ability to read people.
The other thing making it hard to go back to work is the fact that the scene he’s looking at is quite an adorable one. Both Alex and Steve are sitting at the edges of their seats, leaning over the passage between the two rows of chairs and their eyes are fixed on the notebook propped on Steve’s knee. They’re chatting, exchanging random facts about dinosaurs but since their knowledge is limited, they switch to talking about modern animals soon enough. Steve listens intently to whatever Alex has to say without patronising her. And sadly, Bucky has met a fair share of adults for whom it was impossible to take Alex seriously just because she was a kid. It calms Bucky enough to actually focus on his work for a little longer.
Some peace of mind does wonders for his concentration and the ten minutes he promised Alex are actually enough for him to finish editing the reports. The WiFi is still a bitch, though. However, after staring at the loading circle for what feels like an eternity, he is able to send the documents. With a triumphant little cheer, he turns off the laptop and slides it back into his bag.
Steve looks up at him and smiles. Alex completely ignores him, though, still too focused on whatever Steve was drawing. Bucky feels a bit betrayed. When she looks up, she glances at Steve first, probably to ask why the drawing has stopped and turns to Bucky when she notices Steve looking his way.
“Oh, you’ve finished the work, daddy?” she asks and when he nods, she smiles and reaches to wrap her arms around his neck. “It took you some time. But I’m proud of you.”
Bucky laughs at that, shaking his head slightly, “Thank you, sunshine. I see you were having fun with Steve while I was busy?”
“Yeah! Steve drawings are so pretty! He drew you riding a dinosaur!” Alex giggles, pointing at one of the little drawings.
Raising his brows, Bucky sends Steve a questioning look but the other man just shrugs and rubs at his neck. “It was her idea,” he says with a sheepish smile.
The doodle Alex is pointing at is indeed of him sitting on a dinosaur's back. It’s the one with the long, giraffe-like neck, Brachiosaurus if he remembers correctly. The cartoon Bucky’s arms are wrapped around the base of the reptile’s neck, his hair fluttering behind him and his mouth is open in either a big smile or a scream, he’s not sure. Either way, it’s a very cute drawing.
“Well,” Bucky says. “I’m not a fan of horses but I’d totally ride a dinosaur if I had a chance. Shouldn’t he have a saddle, though?”
It’s not even that funny but Steve still laughs and Bucky smiles at that. His daughter is less impressed or at least tries to appear so. She rolls her eyes but there’s a grin on her face.
“You’re so silly, daddy. They didn’t have saddles back then! And besides you’d need a very, very big one for a dinosaur!”
Bucky hums in agreement and looks up at the departure display. Noticing that their flight’s gate is open, he nudges Alex lightly.
“We gotta go, sweetheart,” he says. She perks up a bit but then glances at Steve with a small pout. “Sadly, we have to say goodbye to Steve. On the bright side, we’re gonna be home soon, yeah?”
Alex nods and slides off her chair. Steve looks up at the display and straightens up.
“Oh, my flight’s boarding, too. But you know what?” Steve asks and then rips the page with all the dinosaur doodles and holds it out to Alex. “You should keep this, if you want.”
Hearing this, Alex’s whole face lights up and she takes the drawings with gentle hands, as if afraid to mess it up. “Thank you, Steve! Those are so cool I’m gonna keep them forever!”
“I’m glad to hear that,” Steve smiles. He looks up at Bucky. “It was nice to meet you, guys.”
“Likewise. Thank you again for the help. It was very nice of you,” Bucky says sincerely.
“It was my pleasure. My knowledge about dinosaurs is so much better now,” Steve’s smile grows even bigger and Bucky chuckles.
Bucky leans to help Alex put on her little backpack, since she refuses to put down the drawing and then reaches for his bag. He rests his hand on his daughter’s back and turns to Steve one last time. He’s still sitting at the edge of his seat and is watching them. A smile is still plastered to his face and at this point Bucky is sure that it’s his default setting.
“Bye, Steve. Have a safe flight,” Bucky says.
“Bye, Steve. Thank you for the dinosaurs,” Alex adds, making Steve laugh.
“You are very welcome, Alexandra,” he says. “Have a nice day, guys.”
Bucky gently steers Alex towards their gate. Before they disappear behind the corner, he turns away to look at Steve one more time. The man is already looking back and he waves at them when he notices Bucky staring. Alex waves back enthusiastically and Bucky just ducks his head, feeling flustered all of sudden. He used to be more collected around nice, attractive people. And Steve definitely qualifies as both.
Some time later they finally make it to the plane. Alex flops down onto the middle seat and eventually — after a long discussion and promises that he won’t ruin it — she lets Bucky put the drawings she got from Steve into the folder he keeps his documents in. When the treasure is safely put away Bucky straightens to put his bag in the overhead compartment.
“Oh,” he hears a voice behind his back and a low chuckle quickly follows. “Fancy bumping into you here.”
Bucky looks over his shoulder and the surprise makes him try to close the compartment while his other hand is still holding the bag. He yelps in pain, making Alex look up.
“Steve!” she says with a smile, completely ignoring her father’s distress.
“Hello again, Alexandra,” Steve shoots her a quick smile and looks at Bucky, concerned. “You’re OK? I didn’t want to spook you.”
Man, he really got bad at keeping his cool around attractive people. Feeling a blush creep up his neck, Bucky nods. “No, no, you didn’t. I’m just a clutz, this happens a lot, ignore me.”
Steve raises an eyebrow at him but he doesn’t say anything more. For a moment they just stand in the narrow aisle, looking at each other. Finally, Bucky’s ability to think kicks back in and he moves to the side.
“Sorry, you probably want to get through to your seat.”
“Actually,” Steve says and glances down at the boarding pass in his hand. After checking it, he points to the seat by the window, on Alex’s other side. “That one’s mine.”
“Oh,” Bucky looks at the seat and then at Steve. His cheeks still feel warm for some reason but he hopes he's not blushing too visibly. "That's great. I'm just gonna—"
Bucky shifts to the other side and takes a step back, making room for Steve.
"You're flying with us back home?" Alex asks with a hopeful glint in her eyes. "Will you draw something more for me?"
"Alex, come on. Don't abuse Steve niceness like that," Bucky scolds her gently but before he can even finish the sentence, Steve starts shaking his head.
"It's fine, don't worry about it. I often doodle when I get bored anyway so I'd be honoured to draw for you again, Alexandra," Steve grins at her.
She actually lets out a little happy squeal when she hears that and Bucky's heart skips a beat. He's absolutely charmed by the way Steve treats his daughter. He really seems like entertaining some random little girl is the best thing he could be doing and while Bucky - absolutely objectively - thinks that Alex is the most wonderful little girl in the world, it still seems unusual. And he positively melts every time that Steve uses her full name, just because that was the way she introduced herself the first time. Most adults Bucky knows don't do that with other adults, not to mention kids. And Steve is just so… kind and genuine, it takes Bucky off guard but it's a really nice surprise.
"Ok, fine," Bucky says with a smile. "You have no idea what you've brought on yourself. Is it possible to strain your hand from drawing too much? The flight's almost two hours, right?"
"Does your dad always complain this much?" Steve asks Alex and she giggles in response. He sends Bucky a glance over her head and he has a smirk on his face. Ignoring Bucky again, he says to Alex, "Hey, have you ever watched Sesame Street? There was this one grouchy green guy."
Bucky just sends him his most unimpressed look. Steve doesn't seem affected. Alex is delighted. And in truth, Bucky has to bite the inside of his cheek to contain a smile.
It turns out that on top of being nice and lovely, Steve is also a little shit, because he draws a Bucky-version of Oscar the Grouch - with a grumpy expression and wild hair, sitting in a garbage can. It's actually amazing. Bucky doesn't say that out loud, but he snorts when he sees it, so that might betray him a little.
This time — prompted by the mention of Sesame Street — the conversation resolves mostly around animated movies. To Bucky’s surprise, it turns out that Steve is a huge Disney fan. He doesn’t even try to hide it. Not to brag but Bucky knows his way around animated movies — partly because he has a 7-year-old daughter and partly because who doesn’t like animated movies? But compared to Steve and Alex? He knows nothing. They use names he doesn’t even recognise - who or what even is Flit? Judging by Steve’s drawing it’s some kind of a bird, apparently. When Bucky can’t remember — he knows it, of course, it just slipped his mind — the name of the redheaded princess from Brave, he is given the most disdainful look he’s ever seen. Both by his daughter and by Steve. Bucky still tries to participate in the conversation, at least for as much as they let him. He never expected his own daughter to team up with some stranger against him. It hurts.
The pain is all forgotten when Steve and Alex start quietly singing Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid together. Bucky can’t help a laugh that bubbles from his chest at the sight. How is Steve even real, Bucky has no idea. He is over six feet of muscle, his bicep is bigger than Alex's head and he could probably bench press Bucky and here he is, sitting next to Bucky’s little girl, drawing a picture of Megara, because she’s his favourite Disney princess and singing a song from The Little Mermaid.
This guy can’t be real.
About half an hour into the flight it turns out that Bucky was wrong — Alex does leave Steve alone but it’s only because the tiredness catches up to her and she falls asleep. And she’s sleeping with her head resting on Steve’s arm. It’s a really nice arm, Bucky has to admit, a nap on such an arm would be good and comfortable even for him, probably. But that doesn’t change the fact that he feels left out.
“Sorry,” Bucky says quietly. “You probably want your arm back, I can just—”
He offers to move Alex’s sleeping body but Steve just shrugs with his free arm, careful not to jostle the girl.
“Don't want to wake her and I really don't mind," Steve says, smiling at Bucky.
"You sure?" Bucky asks and after getting a nod in confirmation, he chuckles and shakes his head. “I keep trying to figure out where the catch is but I’ve got nothing. You’re just naturally this kind, aren’t you?”
Steve barks out a laugh and then slaps his hand over his mouth to quiet the noise. He looks down to make sure he didn’t wake Alex.
“Oh there’s plenty wrong with me,” Steve says with a chuckle. “For one I’m usually really awkward around kids. Alexandra’s such a great girl, though. But I do like to help and try to be nice whenever I can.”
Bucky narrows his eyes at Steve. “You think you’d side-track me by complimenting my daughter? You’re totally right, but that doesn’t mean I’m not curious.”
With an exaggerated eye roll, Steve makes the ‘bring it’ gesture and grins. “Come on. Hit me with your best guesses.”
“OK. OK, fine,” Bucky says and shifts in his seat so he can look at Steve more directly. Crossing his arms, he asks, “Do I have a limited number of guesses?”
“It’s not that long of a flight,” Steve shrugs with one shoulder, grin still in place.
In a theatrically thoughtful gesture Bucky strokes his chin gauging Steve with his eyes.
“You… secretly work as a hitman” Bucky says slowly, “or like, an underwear model. Which is not a bad thing to do.”
A blush creeps up Steve’s cheeks as he laughs again. “Those are… pretty far off. Why those two?”
“Well, you’re built appropriately for both from what I can see,” Bucky explains, enjoying the way Steve cheeks go darker. Maybe he’s not so helpless at talking to attractive people as he thought. It feels a whole lot like flirting.
That terrifies him for a moment. He didn't do flirting in what feels like ages. He doesn't have time for this. Should he even do this? He has a daughter, he shouldn’t just—
Bucky takes a deep breath and smacks himself mentally across the head. He’s not doing anything bad. He’s just talking and having fun with an attractive stranger. Maybe even flirting a bit. And that’s OK, this is allowed, he doesn’t have to go anywhere else with that. It’s not like he’s ever going to see the guy again, anyway. Natasha would punch him for denying himself that. So he will make sure not to mention it the next time they talk.
“Well…,” Steve rubs the back of his neck. “I am not. Hitman or— I’m neither of those. I’m actually an illustrator. Mostly freelance stuff. I paint sometimes, too. But that’s mostly for fun.”
“OK, fine. Somehow I can believe that. You seem like an artsy type,” Bucky agrees.
“No hitman vibes anymore?”
“Who says a hitman can’t enjoy painting in his free time?”
Steve laughs, throwing his head back. Somehow he manages to keep the left side of his body completely still, mindful of Alex sleeping on him.
“I don’t know if there’s a point in trying to convince you, but I’m really not.”
“Sure. Probably what a hitman would say,” Bucky waves a hand at him but smiles. “That’s cool though. Being able to get paid for doing what you love.”
“It is. Sometimes you get frustrated enough to hate it but it’s still pretty cool,” Steve agrees. “You don’t like your job?”
Bucky scrunches his nose, making a non-committal sound as he tries to find the best way to explain. “It’s not that I don’t like it. It’s fun. Interesting, exciting, sometimes frustrating as hell, too. And the responsibility can be incredibly stressful. It’s just…  I never took time to think about what I really like doing in life. And since the job was good enough, I just stuck with it.”
Steve hums, nodding along to Bucky's words. "It's never too late to figure it out, you know?" he says. "I mean, I don't wanna impose and tell you how to live your life or anything. I'd never. I just— I think it's an important thing to know."
"You might be right," Bucky agrees. He glances down at Alex. "I don't think it's a good time for me to experiment, you know? Besides — if there's one thing I know for sure that I like it's having this little rascal around."
The smile on Steve's face turns soft. But only for a moment, before it turns back into that smirk he had earlier. "Any guesses left? About my dark side?"
"A few," Bucky grins. 
It's a bit of a lie because he really struggles to see Steve as anything but perfect but he can try. It's just a game they're playing to kill time after all.
"You are that kind of guy who can eat garbage food and not move a finger and still look like you've just walked straight out of a gym. I hate those people. It's so unfair."
"Are all of your guesses based on how I look? I kind of see a pattern here so far."
Bucky opens his mouth to protest but there's something in the way Steve looks at him, with a raised eyebrow and one corner of his mouth quirked up that makes him close his mouth without a word. He might be blushing. Maybe he's being too forward. It's probably not appropriate to talk about a stranger's body this much.
Before he gets the chance to apologize, Steve answers, "And you're wrong, again. I like working out. Takes my mind off things, helps me clear my head when I need that. Besides I used to be small and sickly my whole childhood. Couldn't even play with other kids for too long without getting an asthma attack. So I'm kinda compensating for that," he jokes.
"Yeah. All pointy elbows and bony knees."
"Huh," Bucky says. "Bet you looked way cuter than me when I had my bowl cut. We all had our dark moments."
Steve laughs again and Bucky really enjoys the sound of that. He really enjoys Steve's company in general, which is weird considering they've just met. It usually takes him much more time to get comfortable around people. Maybe it's the fact that they'll go their separate ways as soon as the plane lands makes it all easier.
"I'm kinda disappointed, you know?" Steve starts after a moment. "I thought you'd guess at least once. Or at least would be more creative with those."
"Who says I'm done? It was all on purpose, I was just assessing, gathering intel. I'm a scientist, I don't know if I've mentioned that before," Bucky points a finger at Steve. "You've got to be methodical about stuff."
Raising his hands in surrender, Steve tries to keep a straight face. He fails miserably.
"I wanted to say that you secretly hate dogs or cats but that would be just too harsh," Bucky says. "I don't think you're a monster."
"I love dogs," Steve confirms. "Always wanted to get one but my flat's too small and I doubt that'd be good for a dog. I don't have anything against cats but I feel like they don't… like me that much."
Bucky chuckles. "I feel like there's a story there."
"Just— My friend Sam has a cat and she absolutely hates me. I can't leave my phone on the table cause she pushes it off, but she doesn't touch Sam's. Every time I'm there she follows me around and hisses at me for no reason. She peed in my shoe more than once," Steve says and tries to look hurt when Bucky starts laughing. "It's not funny! I haven't done anything to deserve this. I tried to bribe her with food, I tried to pet her but I only got scratched for my efforts. And she doesn't do that with anyone but me."
"So that's your dark secret? That your nemesis is a cat?" Bucky asks with a grin.
"It's… definitely true."
“Can’t say I’ve seen that one coming,” Bucky laughs.
Steve shrugs with one arm. “I’m full of surprises.”
Clearly, Bucky thinks, shaking his head at the other man.
Title: Wrap me up (in your love) Creator(s): niallhoranbitches Card number: 065 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27745402/chapters/67911988 Square filled: B2 - Airport Rating: Teen and Up Archive warnings: None Major tags: Meet-Cute, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Kid Fic, No powers AU Summary: Bucky is a single dad coming back from a work trip with a very bored, very whiney 7-year-old girl. A mysterious stranger with a kind heart and a notebook full of doodles comes to the rescue. Word count: 4591 
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gamebunny-advance · 3 years
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Grab Bag Doodles
As predicted, since I started working again, I haven’t had much time to draw anymore, but here’s some scraps that I have in the files~
Y’all should know the drill by now.
1) V-Sona Doodle. Thought about giving her GAB’s signature bowtie, but I dunno how I feel about it. I think bowties are a cute accessory for a cartoon character, but when I see someone wearing one in real life, I’m immediately put off by it. I dunno why UoU.
2) E.G. Outfit scribbles. There’s nothing substantial about the scribbles themselves, but I’ll use this as a talking point. I’d like to give him a few more outfits than just his “default” hoodie because it leaves the rest of his body exposed. The original justification for this being okay was that bootleg 1010s are so common in Vinyl City that E.G. really doesn’t need to do much to blend in, but I dunno how well that reasoning would hold up under scrutiny. I considered giving him a long skirt to hide his legs since tight pants might get caught in his joints and restrict movement, but I guess the skirt would have the same problem if he ever sat down, yeah? I might just have it so he gets them painted over at some point. Maybe hot rod flames?
3) My Magician’s Quest Girlfriends (Brandy & Lucille). Just thinking about them lately.
4) Taizo Hori, take two. I drew him again to make him look a little more different from my human!Pac-Man. I dunno how I feel about it yet. It’s not like I’m gonna draw him much more anyway >m<
5-7) My Favorite Least Favorite Villagers. Based on this list, I drew my favorite “Tier 6″ villagers: Claudia, Gaston, Cobb, and Kevin. I also did sketches of Curt and Baabara, but they’re less finished than these. I will now proceed to gush about why I like each one (including the non-pictured ones).
Claudia: If you say you like lovecore but don’t like Claudia you’re a hypocrite. She’s literally covered in hearts and I think she’s so cool~
Gaston: I think there’s just something really funny about Cranky villagers that are also cute small animals like the rabbits and squirrels. Like, you’re so small yet so full of anger. Plus he’s rocking a pretty sweet mustache, and I think that’s very unique.
Cobb: You wouldn’t know it if you’ve only met him in New Horizons, but he’s supposed to be a mad scientist pig. Need I say more? Because I will. I have a huge fondness for the “injured” villagers like Cobb and Curt because it’s just a small reminder that even in a world as cute as this one, violence still occurs.
Kevin: I’m honestly surprised that Kevin is so low on the popularity list. Like, it’s probably because he’s one of the newer villagers (introduced in New Leaf) that doesn’t have a “gimmick” per se. He’s a well-designed pig that hasn’t had enough time to build up a fanbase.
Curt: He’s another one of the “injured” villagers, but this time in middle-aged man flavor. At first I didn’t really like him because of his mustache, but after having him live in one of my New Leaf towns for a while, he really grew on me.
Baabara: I first had her in one of my gamecube towns and later one of my New Leaf towns. I can’t say that I have very pleasant memories with her, but despite her troubled history I think she’s a very cute sheep that should get a little more love~
8) Lucas & Red. Just felt like doodling them one day. I dunno why, but Lucas is one of those characters that I can’t help but to draw with bandages on their face.
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rune-writes · 4 years
Family Album
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Cloti Fall Festival 2020 by @clotiweek Day 2: Tradition
Word count: 2269
Rating: T
Warning: none really, but there are mentions of the Nibelheim Incident and Cloud’s mother’s death. Not anything too graphic though.
Summary: Cloud was cleaning the storage when he came across an old dusty book on the shelves. As he pulled it out, a small square paper fluttered by and landed on his feet. It was a photograph of a little girl with long ebony hair and bright ruby eyes sitting in front of a piano.
Read on AO3. 
Cloud was cleaning the storage when he came across an old dusty book on the shelves. Blackened and burnt, it stood out among other thick, heavy volumes and an abandoned computer set, fraying around the edges with a hint of red leather underneath. A little haphazard in the way it was placed, as though whoever had unpacked their moving boxes had dumped its contents with no regard of what was inside. 
Cloud scrunched his brows and tilted his head to the side. He set his rag down and pulled the book out of the shelf, blowing the dust away and wiping the rest from the hard, crisp edges. It looked like it had caught fire a long time ago, but the binding was thick enough to preserve the overall shape. The scorched pages had grown musty, the edges set in permanent blackened curl. The front cover had nothing except an engraved border that had seemed to be embossed in gold once upon a time, but had now faded with age.
Curious of what such a book contained, Cloud gingerly lifted the cover. As he did, a piece of small square paper fluttered by and fell on his feet. Cloud reached down and picked it up.
A photograph? It was so old that the paper had grown yellow and the colors had faded. Upon closer inspection, he could make out a little girl, probably around seven or eight years old, that looked uncannily like Tifa. The same round face, the same ruby eyes. Her long ebony hair hung low down her back as she sat in front of her piano, facing the camera with a huge grin across her face.
A picture from before the Fire…
Cloud recognized the piano. He recognized the room. He remembered sitting by his windowsill every time a piano melody drifted in from the house next door, followed by laughter and giggles as Sara Lockhart taught her daughter how to play the instrument. Cloud’s fingers trembled as his gaze shifted back toward the book.
Lifting the cover once more, Cloud adjusted his position to get the best light possible in the dim storage. LOCKHART was spelled across the front page with doodles and scribbles of what looked like a deformed dog, a flower, and then three faces beneath it. Papa, Mama, and Tifa.
Cloud stopped short. It was Tifa’s family album. When he flipped to the next page, the first picture he met was of Tifa’s parents in their younger days. Probably around the time after they just got married. Brian Lockhart had his arm around his wife in front of their two-story house Cloud knew so well, their faces parting into small smiles. The next picture was of the small garden they’d kept in their front yard, to which Cloud often saw Tifa help her mother tend. Then there were many pictures of Brian—Brian going to work, Brian in the living room, Brian having dinner. There were not many pictures of Sara herself—at least not alone. She was always with someone, either her husband or one of the villagers. When Cloud spotted a familiar face, his hand went still.
His mother, in that brown dress and white apron, her blond hair tied back to a ponytail, stood shoulder to shoulder with Sara. The huge toothy grin plastered across her face seemed enough to brighten a room. She looked so young then—much younger than he was now. Had she even had him?
Cloud traced his mother’s face with his finger. The painful twinge to his heart every time he thought about her had gradually ceased, but sometimes, there were moments like this when her face was so visible that his mind brought him back to that fateful day seven years ago. When he’d stood in front of his burning house while his mother hung limp from a long steel blade, her face so pale, blood trickling out of the corner of her mouth.
Her mouth had formed the word, her voice was nothing more but a strained whisper and a choked gurgling sound; her gaze, scrunched up in pain, bore into his. His heart had seized, as though Sephiroth had stabbed his Masamune into Cloud himself. 
“Cloud?” The call was sudden and loud in the quiet stillness, pulling him out of his reverie. Cloud blinked in surprise, only to find tears had sprung to his eyes. “Cloud, are you here?”
Footsteps approached. Cloud hastily blinked away his unshed tears, slipping the picture of Tifa with her piano inside the photo album before shutting it close. Just in time before Tifa poked her head in, her hair swaying to her side. Her eyes narrowed, her lips drawing back in a frown at the sight of the still-disorganized storage. She stepped inside and folded her arms over her chest.
“Are you still not done? We’ve finished cleaning the bar.”
Cloud chuckled under his breath, willing his voice not to quaver and hoping it was enough to hide his mental disquiet. He placed the book back on the shelf and said over his shoulder, “There’s a lot to clean here, you know.”
That wasn’t a lie. This was their smaller storage room where they kept many of their old belongings, including their undamaged possessions Marle had retrieved from the Sector 7 Slum ruins while they had been away. She, and some survivors, had found the hidden entryway to Avalanche’s hideout. Everything they’d kept inside was unscathed, including Jessie’s computer set, Barret’s punching bag, and Tifa’s camera. Books had been scattered across the floor—the tremor from the fallen plate had probably shaken them off their stack. There was also a TV—but what good would a TV do with no cable or signal?
Those were some that now crowded the space in their small storage. After packing and moving everything to Tifa’s new bar at the new city of Edge, they’d dumped most of everything in the small room at the back. That was well over two years ago now. Neither Cloud nor Tifa had ever cleaned or organized the shelves since then.
Cloud wondered if the family album had been among those belongings found within their old hideout. If so, how had it reached the place? He doubted Tifa had gone back to Nibelheim. Had some traveler found it and brought it with him—and later by chance it had found its way back to Tifa’s hands? That would be nice if that was the case. He wondered if any of his mother’s belongings had survived the Fire. Cloud never thought to look.
He felt Tifa’s gaze on him, the annoyance transforming to concern. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
Cloud gave a shake of his head, averting his eyes away from the album and resisting the temptation to check if there were other pictures of his mother there. But his movements were too slow. Tifa had already followed his line of sight by the time he grabbed the rag from the shelf. He heard her quiet intake of breath. Saw, from the edges of his vision, her taking a step forward before stopping short and pulling back.
Her voice wavered. Cloud glanced over his shoulder. Tifa’s eyes were wide in a mixture of surprise and apprehension. As though she’d forgotten the album existed. Her voice was quiet when she spoke next.
“Master gave me that—Zangan.”
She finally took that step forward, then another, then strode over to the shelf where the book lay between heavy volumes on computers, programming, and stage acting. She reached over and made to pull the album out, before she paused, her hold on the book faltering. But then she shook her head and set her jaws, gripping the book binding and pulling it out of its place.
The picture fluttered out again. Cloud grabbed it before it reached the floor. When Tifa accepted it from his held-out hand and her eyes finally landed on it, her body went still. One moment; two… Cloud was wiping the shelf with the rag when Tifa broke into a small, melancholy smile.
“I remember this,” she murmured. She flipped the book open, her smile growing by the inches at the sight of her doodles on the front page. “I remember drawing this.”
From the corner of his eyes, Cloud watched as Tifa slowly turned the pages one by one, absorbing every picture in that album that wasn’t burned. He noticed some pages were lost, while others were burned to a crisp they couldn’t even make out the pictures on it. Tifa drew a shuddering breath as she stopped on a rare lone picture of her mother sitting on a rocking chair, her stomach big and round in late pregnancy.
“A few years after I settled here, Master came by one day. Said he was checking up on me, and that he was glad I’d found a way to make my own living. We chatted for a while, catching up. Then he told me he had returned to Nibelheim and found it reconstructed with people living there, as though nothing ever happened.” One corner of her lips twisted into a hateful scorn. “None of our belongings should have survived. But somehow, Master found the book lying around in a ditch a little ways away from the house. It might’ve fallen off a cart or something when they were cleaning up the place.”
Tifa gazed at the picture of her mother. The picture beneath it had Sara holding a tiny bundle in a blanket, with Brian in a rare joyous grin as he looked at the camera. A tear rolled down her eye, and Tifa blinked them away.
“I never had the courage to look through it. So I stashed it among Jessie’s books in the basement.”
She turned to another page, and a quiet laugh burst out of her. She lifted her head. Cloud caught the twinkle in her eyes.
“Look, it’s you.”
Cloud’s eyes widened in surprise, his rag already forgotten while he listened to her talk. Tifa turned the album around and showed him the picture on the top right corner. A small square picture with Tifa and Cloud standing in front of his house. Tifa was grinning from ear to ear, wearing that white one-piece dress with the brown ribbon, one hand held high in a wave while the other clasped his.
“Look at the camera, Cloud!” Sara had said then. 
“Smile!” his mother had shouted. “Come on, Cloud, say cheese!”
When he had refused, the two women had only giggled among themselves. He remembered scowling and thinking it was such a pain to have to take a picture with the girl next door. What would the other kids say if they saw him? They’d probably jeer and mock him. He’d refused to look at the camera.
But then he’d felt her hand enveloping his and heard her say, “Come on, Cloud. Smile.” He couldn’t have smiled. Not when Tifa had been smiling so close in front of him. She’d only made his ears burn, and he’d turned his face away despite the two women’s urging.
Judging from the picture, Cloud should have been six or seven then. He couldn’t believe he still held a memory from so long ago.
“Here’s another one,” Tifa said, turning to another page and finding a group photo in what looked like a birthday party. There was a cake on the table, and they’d strung a banner across the living room. It read Happy Birthday, Tifa! Cloud had stood on the side, still with a frown on his face. But at least he was looking at the camera now.
“Seems like it’s my seventh birthday.” Tifa’s eyes drew back in reminiscence, nostalgia tinging her voice. “You were so cute back then.”
“I should’ve smiled more then.”
What were photographs if not preserving a moment in time? Had he thought that, had he known those days would come to an end just sixteen years into his life, he might have appreciated taking pictures together more.
Cloud had always thought they were a farce. That people should just live in the moment and let it stay in their memories. If memories failed to retain them, then those moments were not worth remembering. But who was he to say anything about it? He’d forgotten the most crucial parts of his memories. He’d forgotten his friend. He’d almost forgotten his mother. Cloud regretted now not having anything to remember them by.
“Should we make them?” Tifa asked then. “A family album.” He met her gaze, open and inviting, as she smiled a soft smile at him. “I got my camera. We should start making one.”
“Photography was a hobby of my mom’s. That’s why she took many pictures. This was only one of the many albums she had in store. The only one that survived...” She pursed her lips, keeping her sadness at bay. “That’s why when a traveling merchant came by the bar a few years ago and I found a camera among his wares…” She chuckled. “It wasn’t that hard to buy it.”
So that was why she always had that camera with her. On days off or break times, she would often go out with a camera in hand, taking pictures of Marlene, of Denzel, of people visiting the bar or just people passing by. They’d smiled at her and posed for her. She had even tried to take his picture a few times, despite his reluctance. Tifa always looked so happy behind the camera.
“Sure,” Cloud found himself saying. A quiet smile broke through his lips. “Why not?”
~ END ~
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kimamanitranslate · 4 years
Filled It With My Feelings Text Translation
Sorry it took so long, but I finished the text translation of Filled It With My Feelings, the Senyuu 10th anniversary book! I didn’t translate the Season 1 Episode 1 redraw though because I’m sure we can all recite what happens in there by heart at this point. 
As it’s an illustration book, the translation is meant to be read along with the pictures - you can purchase the digital PDF of the book at hiaruron.booth.pm/items/2329424. You should be able to purchase it through PayPal or some international credit cards.
I’ve included the text under the cut, but you can also read it on the Google Docs here. 
Please note I do not give permission to anyone to use this translation for scanlations. There’s a reason why I’m posting this as a text translation rather than as a scanlation - it reads perfectly fine along with the raw book.
However, feel free to use this for text-only translations to different languages, just send me a message about it.
Page 1
Title: Filled It With My Feelings 10th. senyu.
Page 2
<no text>
Page 3
[Panel 1] SFX (Slime): *squeak* SFX (sword): *slam*
[Text Paragraph]
The story of Senyu first arrived on Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010 at 12:39 PM. Naturally, at that point, the name “Senyu” didn’t yet exist - a email was sent to my inbox entitled “A discussion about a new project.”
It was a rather vague email with few details, but at the time, I  was working as a day labourer in a certain distribution centre in Tokyo’s Ota Ward. As I hauled around boxes, my days were filled with uneasy thoughts of my future- I gave up on becoming a mangaka, I started work at an anime company but I quit there too, what am I going to do from now on? So I pounced on that vague email- Maybe this will shine some clarity into my life!
Senyu. was the product borne out of that email, and to my great appreciation, it really did shine clarity into my life. My future, which had been dark and uneasy, was illuminated bright by the light of Senyu. I would like to say that was why I made the protagonist’s name “Alba” - which means dawn - but unfortunately, that isn’t the case. I only learned the meaning of Alba’s name later - it was a total coincidence. 
Anyways, a lot has happened, but it’s now Senyu’s tenth anniversary.
Thank you very much. I never thought that I could continue for this long. This is all thanks to all of you, for supporting me all this way. 
Senyu. is a part of my life at this point - I don’t plan to end it any time soon, so I will be counting on everyone for their continued support.
Haruhara Robinson.
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While this may be obvious, the character I’ve spent the most time with in this work no longer feels like a mere “character” to me. 
He had a beta design with bangs. But since I thought he might seem more cheerful with his forehead showing, I settled on his current design. I intended to give him a haircut that was similar to characters like Kirimaru, but my lack of artistic skills at the time ended up giving him a hairstyle with a bizarre composition. 
I struggle now with how to draw his hair well.
Hero Symbol
I’ve always liked the idea of accessories that had the symbol of a hero, so wanting to have the same concept in my own work, I did my best to think up a design. I was really happy when it came out as merch.
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His backstory is really something!
I feel like he carried the entirety of Senyu’s serious plotlines on his back. I thought of Senyu. as like a story that uses the protagonist Alba to give the completed story of Hero Sion a happy ending? 
There were times when I was drawing things out that I thought, He feels kinda pitiful? But then in the story, Ros says, “Don’t judge people as pitiful by your own standards,” so then I thought, I-I’m sorry.
His equipment at the start was supposed to be like a machine that let him whip around his heavy sword like it was nothing, but everything ended before I explained any of that.
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At the start, I just thought of her as a cute little girl. But gradually, she grew darker and darker, and by now, the dark aspects of her personality are a part of what makes her unique as a character.
Her hair accessory often disappears. Near the start, there was the explanation that it was confiscated when they were arrested, but beyond that it’s just because I forgot to draw it.
There was an explanation for why she was naked under her cloak during her first appearance, but I’ve forgotten it. I believe it was because since she was camping outside, she washed herself outside as well but her clothes were blown away by the wind - so she wrapped an old cloth around herself…?
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The name “Foyfoy” was decided by an audience poll. At first, I was planning to make him Chinese-inspired, but before I realized it that concept had disappeared. His mark is leftover from that original idea.
Foyfoy’s hairstyle is one I drew often when I was a student. I often gave rivals or secondary main characters this hairstyle. 
I’m glad I could draw a design like this in an official work.
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A character drawn specifically with boobs that a Haruhara who was too embarrassed to draw boobs drew because “I can’t run from boobs!” The reason why I stopped drawing her midway through isn’t because of my embarrassment, but because I wasn’t used to drawing them, so since I never practiced it, I forgot how to.
TL: This is written with the kanji for “Princess” rather than the katakana for “Hime” as her name is usually written.
She was meant to be a cute, elegant girl, so it shocked me when she immediately ended up as a violent character from her first appearance.
Since I hadn’t decided on a name for her, in the anime her name was listed as ???. I caused trouble for the anime staff.
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I can’t help but feel that eldery soldiers are cool. When I was doodling for fun, I often drew eldery soldiers.
I thought of a development where a cute girl pops out from a nice big suit of armour, so I created the Himendam.
At the time, I thought, “This is a pretty unusual development, it’s great!” but now that I think back on it, it’s actually pretty common.
The first monster to appear. The first monster you fight should be a slime! Slimes should be blue! I’ve been influenced by Dragon Quest in that way.
I had this child of mine show up as your standard old monster in order to increase the impact of the panda who would show up right after.
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While I honestly have no idea why the minister is always standing next to the king, usually that’s the case in RPGs, right? 
So I had him stand next to the king in the same way. I feel as though his overall image is influenced by Magical Circle Guru Guru’s Kaya. While I hadn’t realized it while designing him, Kaya’s design affected me unconsciously.
The King
His whole thing was “a super serious old man that makes a stupid face during funny scenes,” but before I realized it, his stupid face became his default expression.
He just may be the nastiest character in the series, considering he wrapped up the entire world in his schemes for his own personal desires.
Mob Characters
The mob characters in my work tend to have this face. I like how they tend to make cutting comments while having non-descript faces.
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When Ros’ design went from complicated equipment to this thing, I was shocked at how much easier it was to draw.
I think this thing was what triggered me striving for easiness in my work. Can I blame everything on this thing instead of me? 
Just kidding, it’s all my fault.
Fake Foyfoy
If you don’t make careful enough observations, you can’t make a perfect disguise, and you end up in an idiotic costumed-character-like disguise. I wanted to use this plot device a few times more after this, but I didn’t have any chance to use it at all.
Haruhara happens to have had a stuffed animal for as long as he can remember, and he still has it since he’s never been able to throw it away. I feel as though that stuffed animal served as the model for Mii-chan. In terms of his colour and overall atmosphere.
But my stuffed animal isn’t a pervert like him!
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A delinquent overflowing with manliness. What’s with his hairstyle, I wonder. It’s actually pretty easy to draw. 
He just might never lose against anyone so long as he thinks, “There’s no way I can lose.”
I stuffed in everything my little sister likes into his appearance. “Straight-cut bangs, black-haired, one-eyed, droopy eyes.” But it isn’t as though I went and got her feedback directly so she might just tell me, “He’s not my type at all.”
I chose his personality based on my tastes- “A kind idiot.”
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I thought of a “butler who doesn’t obey orders” around the same time as a “soldier who doesn’t listen to what you say.”
I wanted to have him appear at some point in the future, but then I saw a book called The After-Dinner Mysteries in a book store, which made me think- “M-m-m-m-maybe this book has a butler who doesn’t obey orders as well?!” So I panicked, ran back home, and drew out the head butler’s story. 
That’s why the head butler’s story was shoved in out of nowhere.
I read The After-Dinner Mysteries after I wrote in all the butler plot devices I wanted to use, and it was interesting.
At the start, Ros had his three burrs hairstyle so his design was differentiated from Teufel’s, but from Season 2 forwards I struggled with differentiating them. 
So Teuf-kun has been going through some small design changes, a bit at a time.
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Before Dwango reached out to me, there was a manga I thought up with the plot “a zoo with an easily deceived curator.”
I planned to have a nisepanda appear in that work. The plot device was, “They thought it was a panda, but they were given a mysterious lifeform instead.”
Death Hot Dog-kun
A character that was born during the enthusiastic atmosphere during a meeting with my editor.
We happened to be eating hot dogs during the meeting.
I barely ever have these meetings for my other works, but for Senyu, I’ve been having meetings like this for years. So through sheer enthusiasm and cheer, things like mysterious characters and plot devices end up being created during the meetings.
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Mysterious characters in manga often show up with their face cast in shadows. Dezember was born because I thought, “Why not make those shadows real?” But he ended up as a cooler character than I expected, using his shadows to attack and such.
I wanted to base him off of a toy for future plot developments, but I’m really glad I decided to based him off of dice. He became a really good character.
I think he’s actually a really nice person.
My editor for Main Quest really liked August, so whenever they got the chance they tried to push for more August.
A character that’s rather rare for Senyuu - one that just genuinely does bad things for bad reasons. I planned to draw her as really evil so you could tell she was a bad person, but she ended up just casually munching on bread - it really surprised me.
Back when his only appearance was a silhouette, I just wanted to make people think of that character at first. But now that I really think about the design I thought up for him after - isn’t he pretty cute?
Just like Foyfoy, I often drew characters with this hairstyle back when I was a student. I usually gave it to trustworthy ally characters. I like his design and personality quite a bit - sorry I haven’t used you much…
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The Shadows
It’s super cool to be able to split your body for each die face. I also feel like it’s a great character setting that each split has his own personality. A thought just crossed my mind - couldn’t I draw a manga just based around the Dezembers’ home life? 
...I guess it would end up like Osomatsu-san...? 
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I wanted to use the concept that she was old despite her looks because she was a demon, so I had her dentures fly out - but now that I think about it, there’s other old demon characters, including some characters older than Zwei. So that would make her dentures a result of her own problematic lifestyle, not because of her old age…
Wanna Stab~
A mob among mobs, who ranked high in a popularity poll. I shall now grant him a name - “Phoenix the Rich”.
The stuff on his shoulder does some mysterious things, preventing his body from turning as well when the drill turns.
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The Great Mage
The cape he wears is very warm. His research assistants gifted him the cape as a present for his birthday sometime in his later years of life, as they were worried about his health. That’s why Alba always wears the cape.
He’s meant to be someone who knows the secrets of the world - but I can’t count the number of times I considered whether it would be better to just make him a regular old funny character. Good on you for surviving through all that, Elf!
While I did want there to be a “Elf’s best friend” character, I hadn’t thought about his name at all. So when it came time for him to appear, I really struggled with it. I wanted to make his name like Alba and Ros (Albatross) or Salt and Lake (Salt Lake)…
I may have struggled the most with Alf’s name among all my characters, considering I usually just pick names on instinct. 
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Salt and Lake and Lym
The Hero Academy trio. At first, I planned for Salt to become the Demon Lord, but when I sat down to draw everything out, Lake ended up in that role - it really shocked me.
I had always planned for the story to shift from the adventure setting of Seasons 1 and 2 to the school setting of Season 3. Though the end result is completely different from what I imagined. 
Season 3 was really fun to draw since it defied my expectations at every turn.
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I wanted to draw a pathetic older man. I also want his scar to be because of some pathetic reason like “He tripped at a bar.”
I reused the soldier design I thought up prior to thinking up Alba and Ros. He’s a little older than Rchi.
Justice is her ally. In other words, I wanted to make a character where no matter what she does, “I’m doing it, so it’s just!”
But it was too difficult to figure out how to deal with a character like that, so I ended up just making a regular old hotheaded reckless character. 
In the end though, she ended up as a character I quite like.
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A character who loves money. Since I love characters who love money, he’s a character that’s fun to use. It doesn’t actually have to be money, I like characters true to their own desires in general.
He was originally meant to be a silent character, but I got the urge to make him talk right before I was going to send in the manuscript. Since I wouldn’t make it if I typesetted his speech, I wrote his lines myself. By writing his lines in a way that can only be expressed through handwriting, I made it seem like I planned that from the start.
I made his speech typesetted again after I did that plot where he speaks super eloquently. 
Rib Man
He requires no explanation! 
It was funny when he moved in the anime.
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Sochi and Co.
There’s a game called Medabots - in that game, a character called Samantha leads a three-person team called the Screws. I’ve always liked that team since I was a kid. And then, I learned that my editor for Senyu was close with people who were involved with creating the original Medabots. So I had my editor tell them, “I want to put in characters I respect! Please leave it be!” 
Please google the Screws that I respect, I respect them.
I had vaguely thought up what was going to happen until the end of season 4 of Senyu. But since I’ve done everything I originally thought up, F5 - which I’m drawing now - is all based on plot developments I thought up in +. 
-I’ve been saying that for a while now. Lucop as well was just a throwaway joke at first. But as I started moving him around, amazing developments like “Huh? No way… you had a past like this…?” burst out of him, and so he became the current Lucop.
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A travelling doctor. As he treats his patients, he’s also searching for a cure to Mom’s mysterious disease. He’s a completely normal person with no special powers. He wanted Alba to become strong through his own power, not through familial connections.
A mother who adores her children. I think it’s pretty amazing that she managed to raise Lake up herself and send him off to school despite being blown off to a mysterious place out of nowhere.
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Rchimedes the Second and his wife
Rchimedes the Second and his wife. (T/N: Yes, it’s written twice.)
Daromeon-san, who’s currently illustrating Kengan Ashura, was the one to draw the ridiculously beautiful backgrounds in the flashback arc in Season 2 when the Second was imprisoned. When I complained that I couldn’t draw it, he drew me amazingly beautiful.backgrounds. 
The Second’s design is based off of a mysterious preconception I have that “Demon Lords should wear raggedy capes.” Mama’s design is based on those soothing, kind moms you often see in anime.
The Mana Maker that he holds in this picture isn’t any particular Mana Maker. I just wanted to let a Mana Maker show up in a group picture.
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While he’s tremendously evil, he ended up being quite loved. The Senyu characters I designed near the start wear clothes that I would never design now - I really think it’s amazing. Why did I dress him up in a jumpsuit when I decided to draw a Demon Lord?
On a side note, I imagined that the white part of his clothes peels off smoothly like tape if you pull at it from his neck. 
Since he took back his body from Rchimedes, his height shouldn’t have changed, but for some reason he mysteriously shrunk. 
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In a way, the story of these three marks the start of Senyu. Originia comes from me messing around with the the word “Original”. 
Rchimedes' scariest era just might be when he was living alone with Sion in Originia. Even though at first glance, it seems like he was living a peaceful, cheerful life with Sion, though occasionally getting beat up by him. But in reality, just what was he thinking deep inside, as he lived out his life, watching Crea and Sion?
Since I’m the author, I can generally imagine what my characters think just by thinking about it. But when it comes to Rchimedes during this time, all that comes to mind is “Scary scary scary”, and I can’t really think any further in detail.
I’m often asked “What’s Rchimedes’ original eye colour?”, but I think it was probably blue. I feel like I drew his eyes as blue somewhere, but I can’t remember…
Crea’s clothes slung around his shoulders that don’t fall off for whatever reason are actually sewn on - that’s why they don’t fall off. Crea sewed it on himself. While his threadwork is rough, it’s very sturdy. I think it’s wild and cool.
I showed a bit of what Sion did in the main story, but he generally did things like hauling supplies for hunting, looking far in the distance since his eyes are good, and going shopping in far-off cities for the village. Things like that.
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The two from Season 4 Episode 0
The two from Elf and Alf’s universe. Since Rchimedes’ magic research hasn’t progressed that much, they mostly fight with brute force. Since Crea never had his body stolen, he’s doing well. (He’s not doing well at all.)
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When I was a kid, I read in a manga, “‘Hero’ isn’t something you call yourself - it’s a title you’re granted by others.” I remember thinking, “I see, that certainly makes sense,” and agreeing with it. I also thought, “While you generally think of heroes as being brave and splendid, the person who’s actually adventuring might not be able to stand expectations like that sometimes.”
Creasion may be a character borne out of those feelings of mine.
Ros, please have tons of sweets and smile tons as well.
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When I thought of the name “Sleepiez” in Senyu+, I didn’t think much of it except “There’s an anti-Alba organization”. I also planned for Boss to be a new character. But after I took the time to think about it properly, the Sleepiez in their current form were born.
Thanks to the current Sleepiez being created, F5 was able to start even though I thought before “I’ve already done everything I want to do with Senyu, I can’t make another proper season.”
If there was no Sleepiez, I feel like + would’ve lazily continued, then at some good cut-off point, I feel like I would’ve been told, “Do you think it’s about time to end it?”
A tenth anniversary for example… it would’ve been a good cut-off point… how scary!
I can’t write about most of the Sleepiez members just yet, so I’ll be talking about Boss as their representative. 
Boss is an alternate universe’s Alba, so despite being Boss, he’s still Alba, and so I want to make him feel like Alba still. But since he’s Boss he can’t retort or make jokes, since it would ruin his dignity. So at the very least, I gave him Alba’s fashion sense to keep his Alba feel. Since his heart stained black and he became evil, his fashion sense naturally became eviller as well, but he’s still Alba, the base is still Alba. He’s wearing clothes that kinda feel like a middle schooler who just discovered fashion for the first time, like he hasn’t managed to go full evil in terms of clothes just yet.
Now I can keep Boss as Boss while still giving him an Alba feel! ...is what I thought, but… does he actually still have that feel…?
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Alba with Mana 
It made me happy that my wish for my protagonist to become the strongest at the end was granted. I thought up a lot of reasons for why only one of his eyes is red, like how it’s because his awakening is still incomplete, etc., but the number one reason is “it’s cool.” 
A single red eye is cool, right?! It’s cool right?!
Now that he can use his mana to some extent, he controls his overwhelming mana to hold it back, so his eyes are both back to black now.
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SQ Senyuu.
I had this conversation once-
Y-san from Dwango told me, “I want to take Senyu to a magazine to have it serialized!” 
I thought it would be awesome if it actually happened, so I approved it. Then I was like, “If you do take it to a magazine, where would you take it?”
Then Y-san responded, “Well, if you say ‘magazine’, you think Jump.”
And I was like, “Nah nah, Jump would be impossible, ahahaha.”
I never thought that Y-san would actually bring me an offer for serialization in Jump - Y-san was way too capable. Since my personal experience with Jump all started from there, I’m really grateful!
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<Season 1 Episode 1 redraw>
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Since I’ve remade Senyu Episode 1 many times before, I thought that I would never remake it again. But then I thought- why don’t I remake Episode 1 at the exact time it was originally released ten years ago, as celebration! So I ended up remaking it again.
But I think it may be my first time remaking it without changing any of the jokes or content.
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