#i dont want to date some of my friends? im not super close to them?
ssparksflyy · 3 days
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dating jason grace hcs! (ᴗ͈ ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
pairing jason grace x child of hermes!reader summary based off this request !! an lin manuel as hermes no matter how much i pretend to hate youre iconic and i actually love you
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"okokokok" and "lalalala" who ???
people were so surprised when you started dating since youre literal opposites ?!?!
youre so chill and laid back and fun
jason straightens up so quick and salutes if somebody yells attention
but since he's met you, he's definitely relaxed a little more
he's learnt to accept the fact that he can actually relax at times and just enjoy himself ?!?!?!? (shocking, right)
and you were the one who taught him that !!
it honestly started when your first met
cause he was training by himself after lessons had finsihed
you were walking around with your siblings, just passing by and decided to ask him if he wanted to go to the fireworks show that was being held that night ♡
cause like youd seen him around camp before, always helping someone out with someone, and youd be lying if you said you didnt think he was cute 😋 (i sound like a nine year old omg bye)
so what better time to ask than now !
i could lie and say he was super chill about it but lets be honest he was already smitten before you could even finish the question
dropped his sword, face all red and everythinggg 😵‍💫
(you tease him about this now, but he just fights it with a corny "guess you stole my heart" that makes you cringe and roll your eyes yet still smile)
he tried to act all cool and say he'd think about it when in reality he was already getting ready to run to the aphrodite cabin and ask piper for help
i love tlh trio so much i just know jason would be panicking about the whole thing and piper's trying to reassure him + give genuine advice while leo is just messing around 😭
he did manage to get some tips and you ended spending the whole nights talking and laughing instead of actually watching the fireworks ♡♡
he walked you back to your cabin and by then you both established big ol' crushes on each other (aw ya cuties)
the amount of teasing you got from your cabin that night was actually crazy though
you were last to get in that night and entered to a whole chorus of 'oooooo's
a few thrown pillows and 'connor i swear to the gods i will push you off the lava wall-'s later and you were finally able to go to sleep though ♡
the teasing and jokes never stop
even when you (finally) started dating
its your cabin's love language honestly
your younger siblings are OBSESSED with jason
hes actually so good with kids bye
he just 'treats them the way he wished he was treated as a kid :(
his words not mine i dont talk like im giving an anti-bullying assembly
but like he loves playing with them
instant besties !
he even helped them prank you one time :o
he felt so devious doing it good lord
real i was a bad girl i did some bad things yaknow
literally all he did was distract you as your siblings taped a balloon full of water and got a dart pin ready to pop it when you walked into the door
but he was all giggly when the prank succeeded
only for like 5 seconds cause then he was helping you dry off and apologizing
you didnt minddddd, it was fun seeing him act like a "rebel"
okay call me crazy but like trackstar power couple
hermes kids are fast, known fact, evidence? tlt musical said so
and i feel like jupiter/zeus kids would be too!! like moving at the speed of lightning hyperbole... please tell me you see the vision
but like being able to use that as an excuse to get some time away from people... the scandal.
jason telling the group he's with (not necessarily close friends, he knows he can just tell them that he's going out with you) that he's going out for a run
youll be flushed when you return-
when really he's ditching them to go hang out with you
cause this man can NOT say no. he's a people pleaser man it's hardwired into our brains
and they'll think it's normal cause like jasons weird
why question the kid who likes musicals and history
do you see where this is going.
jason taking you to watch opening night of hamilton cause he's been bouncing off the walls for it and really wanted to show you so he'd have someone to talk to about it after :)
it started off fun!!
you were both really enjoying the beginning! well, the first minute and twenty seconds of it at least
cause after that you lost your shit :D
your dad was literally on stage, a few hundred feet away from you, acting as a founding father
the rest of the show you were internally freaking out, questioning everything
jason had no clue, not until you told him during intermission
had the AUDACITY to say "...and thats how you were born" after the traumatizing experience of say no to this
after the show you chased you dad down on the street as he was trying to get 'home'
jason was lowkey giggling the whole time like he was not taking this serious at alllll
but hey he got to meet your dad !!
hermes likes jason, thinks he's a very distinguished gentleman
jason likes hermes, thinks he's pretty good at rapping
at least one of you gained something from that experience
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not proofread !
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yourclownpal · 2 years
isnt dating just being super good friends with someone? like you such good friends that your in love like only the boundaries of the realationship change? right?? thats what dating is right?? why am i seeing stuff thats saying that isnt what dating is
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WIBTA for telling someone i can't be friends with them and returning a gift?
buckle up gamers, this is gonna be a long one. so i (22nb but i present fem) was out at the bars the other night just kinda hanging out, and a girl (26f) came up and started talking to me. she didnt really seem...super present i guess? and i talked to her to be nice and she had a cool outfit on. well i was a little drunk and ended up giving her my phone number and meeting her husband (39m) and they walked me home. the whole time she was talking about how she doesn't have any friends and her ex friends just wanted to get with her husband. she told me she was bi and i was like hey me too but im not interested in sex so that was cool. she ended up walking me home w her husband bc it was late which was nice, but they seemed really shocked i lived in such a nice apartment(i do, its expensive but my parents pay for it. im really privileged to be able to do that).
i saw her again today because she kept texting me about wanting to hang out, so i went for ice cream with her bc it was in a public place and i wasnt super comfortable going back to her apt with her. i paid for her ice cream bc she said her card wasnt working, nbd bc my parents have money and her and her husband aren't really well off. i said she could pay me back sometime, buy me ice cream or whatever another day, but she really fixated on it. she told me her husband thought i was cute which made me a little uncomfortable but i laughed it of, and then she kept talking about how she was bi and would date a girl and how she approached me not to date but to be a friend and then 'see where it goes.' she also told me she did porn online to make money which is fine w me, that she's on disability but that the money isnt really enough to live on, and that she'd been raped in the past and drugged which yanno a little overshare-y considering ive known her for three days but she really seemed like she needed someone to talk to and im good at listening. well her husband showed up out of nowhere bc he apparently tracks her phone and we all went back to their apartment bc i couldn't say no(im a doormat. i know) and she ended up giving me two pieces of jewelry in return for buying her ice cream which felt a little like overkill. i tried to refuse but she said she wouldn't ever wear them again so it would be fine. it was really kind of her but now i kind of feel i owe her back for them. the whole time i was there they seemed really eager to get me to move in nearby, and while its true that area is definitely cheaper my parents are really fine paying for my expensive apartment bc my tuition is a lot cheaper than my sibling's. she and her husband walked me home again, mentioning they might be going on a cruise in november if they could save up the money and that they could bring a friend. i said id almost definitely have school which they seemed to accept. they kind of seemed to want to see my place, but i told them it was really messy(it is) i have anxiety around having people in my space(i do) and that maybe they could come up another day and i could make dinner, and she told me she didn't like people cooking for her bc she'd been drugged in the past and that i could go over to their apartment again instead.
my parents think theres some really big red flags going on and i should try to break this off sooner rather than later. i pretty much agree. im not gonna ghost her and they dont think i should either, but that i should somehow return the jewelry in a kind way and tell her i cant really be super close friends. my mom had the idea to draw myself wearing the jewelry and then say i still have a memory of it but to return it bc i cant accept such a nice gift which i could try to do.
to be clear i am shit at communication and setting boundaries, im very aware of that, and most of this can be solved by telling her hey i can't accept this gift and im really busy for school a lot and im sorry i cant be as much as a friend as you need. but i still kinda feel like tah for leading her on almost and then breaking it off like everyone else in her life. ive been under a lot of stress bc of school and my stepgrandmother passing and trying to take care of my grandfather so trying to be friends with someone that seems kind of high maintenance is not really tenable for me.
so, wibta if i tried to let her down gently?
What are these acronyms?
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mikalame · 10 months
hii could you do kind of platonic fem reader where her, bill and tom do everything together like when they watch a movie both of them are cuddling with reader if that make sense? and when they do other things too it’s always both of them with reader. maybe their fans think she is dating both of them but they are actually just really good friends but they are also super close yk? like their love language is tuch and all three just have so much love for each other. maybe reader has had her private moments with bill and tom but it didn’t work out with either of them and if didn’t affect the friendship either?
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taglist : @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley
"____!, you should totally come over to our house after practice" Bill whines, Bill you know i cant have to do my chores" you groan back having already told him that you needed to do them "Oh come on ___ pleasee, we will help you with them but only if you come over to ours" Tom pleased while packing all his guitar things away "wait, i dont wanna do chores" Bills says to his brother shocked that he would amke them do more chores than nessisary "Ill only come over if you help with them" ___ says back with a smug smile on her face "Ughh, fineee" Bill groans "Woo, Ho" Tom says happly.
Time skip
"Oi, are you watching the movie without me" Tom says "uhm, no?" ___ says with a mouth full of m&m's "how could you, you told me you would wait, you liar's" Tom says with faux sadness as he plops himslef on the couch on the opposite side of her "Oh get over it tom we called you ealirer but you were probaly to busy jerking off huh" ___ says cockly "was not" Tom says trying to defend himself, the two of you started to bicker "shut up, im trying to watch the movie you interrupted Tom" ___ snaps back. After the movie had ended both of you fell asleep on the couch toms arm wrapped around your shoulder and you leaning on him. Unbeknown to them but Georg had come in with one of the camera crew members and walked in on them, the camera capturing it all, tabloids went crazy thinking that you two were dating lol.
"OMG, did you see Britnry Spears new song ahhhhh i love it so muchh" Bill says bustimg down your door and jumping on to your bed nearly knocking over the nail polish you were using to paint your nails on to your magazine you were reading. "Wow, bill watch where you are going,nearly knocked over my stuff" you say pretending to be angry "oooo thats a pretty shade i love it, Oh could you paint mine its starting to chip a bit and yk i suck at doing my right hand" Bill says kicking off his shoes onto your floor" grabbing the magazine flipping though it "Oooo you would look so good with this makeup look" you point at one of the looks in the magizine leaning into bill "nah not my thing not enough black ahahah" Bill laughs "Bill, could you help me with my other hand i dont have much nail polish remover left and i dont wanna use it all up yet" you say "yea sure honey" bill says grabbing the brush from you. You two take some cute selfies uploading them onto facebook. Tabliods when crazy again (girl your so popluar lol)
Here are some HC of places where you 3 have been that made it seem like you were dating them.
. 5 star resturant- you three were clebrating winning an award and went to dinner for it. Georg and Gustav showed up later as they wantd to be dressed fancier for the dinner
. Movies- You were watching the movie that Bill voiced acted. He was very proud and wanted 2 of the most important people in his life to watch it with him.
.ice skating rink- you 3 had seen some funny videos of people doning and wanted to see if you were any better (you looked like newborn deers) you and bill were laughing at tom as his jeans goit caught on the ice and he assed over
. on a picnic- you 3 had gotten back from a 2 month long tour and just wanted some time with just you three and nature (bill got chased by a squirel trying to have his snow white moment)
Hope you likeee dont mind the spelling mistakes
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sea-of-dust · 6 months
Could we get please some headcanons about Ann and Haru with a s/o that no one thinks is her s/o? Like everyone, especially strangers, people in the modelling world, and high society folks, always think s/o is just a friend, family member, assistant, pity date, someone they pay to keep away suitors, etc, and they just don't think that a super model or rich heiress would date someone as average as her s/o?
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Fancy tuna?
Ann,Haru x GN! Reader
So what if my s/o isn't as popular or as rich as me it's what's personality that counts right?
notes: YOU WALKED URSELF INTO THAT HEADER IM SORRY. Ima need a name for persona annons yall are just sucking my soul out my body 💀
Warning: spoilers for okumuras palace
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"Who are you texting while giggling like a pixie" "Ann" "Ann? You only-" your friend stares at your screen to various I love you texts between both of you with you just about to finish typing out plans for a date. "YOURE DATING TAKAMAKI?!" "were in a library"
Even after a week of knowing he still can't wrap his head around it. YOU?! TAKAMAKI?! And then it kinda all made sense the more he thought about it. The rest of the school? Nah they just wanted something to complain about. "You're not even that popular how could she wanna date you?" "Have you seen how rude the popular kids are" you yawn waiting for the three people to finish speaking only slightly waking up to hear a familiar voice saying something along the lines of "Leave em alone!" "But Takamaki they're so average what do they have that I dont!" "A life that's what" she huffs linking arms with you and dragging you off with her "what nerve" "Relax I wanna fill out my bingo sheet for how many times they said that"
Surprisingly people didn't really come by as you thought they would only just kinda theorized. Surprisingly all you had to do was just show off your talents and then they just kinda understood why. "Hey y/n do you mind helping me with this" you lean over them looking at their screen. Ann would have considered that kid the luckiest person alive you carefully instructing them with such a gentle look in your eyes. Most rumors kind of cleared up after that.
She's quite protective of you out and about as soon as someone asks what you're doing on set she's saying it bluntly "we have a date after this" wide eyed stares go your way before they get back to the shoot. They never got to ask because of Ann shooting glares at them.
It was dumb when Ann pointed it out but whenever youd just stop by to eat somewhere there would be people staring at her and then at you and then back at her. It got to the point youd stare back and you two would just make a game to see who could stare back at the most people
If they ever did get under your skin shed be pissed! But you matter more than those guys. She's always ready to comfort you. "So what? I'm with you because of how you are and how you don't just see me as an object" she pulls you in for a hug. "I'll make sure of it they quit talking behind your back" "I'm more worried for you Ann" she sighs putting a kiss to your forehead. "It's fine just a glare and they shut up real quick orr" she searches for a small bracelet. "Lets just make it more.." she ties it around your wrist with one already around hers. "Perfect! Everyone's gonna know now" getting you to giggle while crying is something she loves doing, she's gonna keep matching with you now just to show you off to people to flex who she's with.
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You shouldn't piss off the girl with the axe is something that rings true. As soon as someone asks she grabs your waist firmly with something a bit passive aggressive or "Why they're just such a good cook how could I ever pass them up" "so you have them around only to cook? There's way better butlers-" "then perhaps you've never experienced what it's like being with someone that you didn't have to pay off" she huffs taking off with you.
Very close to you at all times when you're together she's hearing you breath. "You're so warm" "you sure the sun's not getting to you?" "Nope" all cuddled up to you while your walking somewhere thank god the tablod articles didn't catch clear shots of you two.
Okumura can't say anything about your relationships but the guy she was forced to marry by him does. Just because the guys dead dosent mean you can just take his wife! He's fuming, unfortunately he can't really do anything about it. "HOW DARE A COMMONER EVEN TRY TO MARRY MY WIFE" "sir without okumura I'm afraid we can't do anything about it" "NON-" and then the convent security cam footage of you looking straight at the camera as if knowing hes talking about you, with narrow eyes and a clearly annoyed look. "Yea- you know let's just find another ya know!"
You fully expect people to come for your status whenever Harus involved, unfortunately for her want for blood, you're pretty fine at public speaking yourself. "Why a civilian dating a rich girl is outragous" "Why it's ironic for you to say such a thing when as soon as Okumura fell you swarmed my poor lover like flies trying to make alliances, really seems like I'm the only one around her without some sort of motive" the person who said that did go whinning to Haru only to be met with a totally not very passive aggressive letter.
shop keepers that know her always flip when they know youre dating. One of their sons did an actual flip too was incredible. But theyre always asking how you two met, sometimes they asked what you like about eatchother and you felt as if Haru was ready to pull out a shopping list over this. "maybe we shouldnt" "no i insist i specialize in these questions" this is also why you usually have flowers in your room or accessories that remind you if her that she totally didn't sneak on while you weren't looking.
They almost never get under your skin, but if they do strike a cord, she'll know. She's already brought a blanket you like as well as snacks. "They're quite cruel because of status" she wrapped the blanket around you "but status is all they have" she scoots closer to you, hugging you. "Please don't worry about it too much if you want we can think of ways to insult them" her smile too warm for that sentence, you embrace her tightly "that sounds fun" "it's great"
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roe-and-memory · 6 months
Hello! Might I ask if you have any Headcanons on strip? He's literally my favorite yet only has like 5 minutes of screen time :'(
(Or any doodles??? Cowboy man???)
HI!! yes of course we do, i LOVE strip
im so sorry this took us so long to get to, but i wont ur time anymore ENJOY!!
strip grew up with racing, his dad was a racer and he definitely started as soon as he was old enough to. at some point in his life, he and his dad raced side by side. i think he started racing in 1970, probably at 18, his first car was the plymouth superbird and he not only got his number 43, but with his dads winning money he got the actual showroom model of one too. his dad bought it for him as a late birthday gift/“congrats on your first race, kid” gift. he still has both of them in his shop at home.
i also believe strip and lynda were highschool sweethearts. they got married as soon as possible and have been married with no issues ever since. he LOVES that woman with every bone in his body and would throw himself in front of a train if it meant saving her life. i like to think that they went to the same highschool, but REALLY met at a local derby. she won the derby (this was maybe? grade 10?) and he was totally blown away by 1. how gorgeous this girl was 2. the fact he’d seen her in the halls at school 3. the fact that they had such similar interests but never spoke before. he found his way to where she was and striked up a little conversation by complimenting her and starting racing talk. they fell for each other right then and there, but didnt start dating until 2 or 3 months later.
he and tex have been friends for a WHILE. tex inherited dinoco from his parents when they passed on, and when the racer that had races under the sponsor previously retired, tex almost immediately sponsored strip. it wasnt just a “best friend” sponsorship though, they both thought long and hard about it and had negotiations because tex just inherited a Huge part of the sport and they needed a good racer to back them up — so he hired strip, because that man could race with his eyes closed. strip won every one of his piston cups under dinoco.
he is BLONDE. he had a sister too (cal’s mom), most people mistook them for twins because of how similar they looked, both blonde, both with a similar birthmark on their face, and the fact that they were only one year apart didnt help. they were best friends. strip was the best man at his sisters wedding, and she was the maid of honour at his.
hi it's roe. you pulled me out of retirement thanks for the req
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i dont think strip and lynda ever really wanted kids, strip was off racing a majority of weekends every year and lynda still had the odd gig here and there — they were comfortable in their little married life wirh just one another, but when their nephew Cal was born, strip and lynda were apart of his life from the beginning - and obviously not in the overbearing way, they wanted the ultimate titles of cool aunt and uncle, but in the “we’ll always be here if you need us to care for him, we’re here if you need ANYTHING!!” kind of way too. strip took that kid to races with him, set him up in the pits with a headset and his crew chief, and even let him BE the crew chief for one race when he was 9 (with the guidance of the actual one, of course.)
when cals parents died in a car accident, the same one that left cal deaf, it was probably the worst days of strip and lyndas life. the four of them (five, counting cal i suppose) had been a family Together. they were all super close, and to just lose them both like that was destroying. in their wills, everything went to Them. Including custody of cal. so in one day they lost their best friends and had a new life to care for — a very uprooted life, at that.
strip and lynda learned things for cal, like how to help him cope with the loss and trauma he experienced, what to do if he had panic attacks or nightmares, and how to help him adjust to his hearing loss.. and never once did they try to replace his parents. they knew their place in his life would never be the ones of his parents, and they didnt ever think they WOULD be parents, he lost them at the age of 13 when he finally had a proper sense of self and finally knew them, so itd be impossible for those holes to fill. obviously strip and lynda did everything they could to be as close to parental as possible without crossing the line, because the typical aunt and uncle roles felt too distant for the situation. obviously cal lashed out because he felt scared and alone, and they refused to take any of it personally because they knew it wasnt something personal.
strip inherited the farm when his father passed away, the north carolina farm that they grew up in, so he has Acres of land and a huge shop/garage where he keeps all his classic cars and old racecars. they have horses and a forest on their property, and when cal was 14 strip taught him how to drive using the track he’d plowed in one of the fields for practice. cal entered his first “race” when he was 15 1/2, and raced for small leagues until he was 19, when strip retired and cal took his place on team dinoco. strip then replaced his own crew chief and became cal’s.
strip and doc definitely hang out at the tracks all the time, they bond over their surrogate “children” being goofy as hell and even talk about their own racing highlights. strip still cannot believe lightning managed to get THE fabulous hudson, the racer his own father told him all about, who strip had dreamed about meeting as a child until he realized it might be a high possibility the man had died, to ADOPT HIM. absolutely insane behaviour on lightnings part.
I HOPE THIS IS ENOUGH!! i have more but a magician cannot share all his secrets.. or magic tricks.. or however the saying goes..
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sainns · 28 days
naw tell me about eraser cause
i copied this from my dms with sru plus added a couple of things erm sorry for the essay fawwwkkk me
the beginning of anna x eraser was first grade. i had a crush on him bcos he was friends with my cousin and they lived on them same block awwww!!!!!
anyways super fast forward, sophomore year: me, my friend n, eraser, k, r, and y sit at lunch together during first semester. n was like the mutual friend we all had so that's how our lunch table came to me. + i also have eraser in my geometry and my biology class yay!! so we become close again, we're friends and we talk a lot you know, he was probably my first guy friend bcos boys scare me :(
so yk it's first semester and i have a crush on him like i think he's cute but i also have a few other guys i think are cute so eh who cares about him. then one day he tells me "you're the kinda girl who wouldn't even look pretty wearing makeup" and i'm like oh okay. so i leave lunch and cry about it to n and i stop having a crush on him. he did apologize tho and give me food so i was friends with him again.
second semester comes around and i am OBSESSED with him like i actually like him soooo much it's insane. n ended up moving lunches so it's just me, eraser, r, k, and y + my friend c also joined.
anyways i end up telling y, c, and r that i like him. then r tells eraser that i have a crush on him after i day she can and he gets my snap and we have a conversation and we talk for a goodddd two weeks but it's super awkward and he's like . corny / weird like refers to himself in the third person, does my work for me when i tell him not to (not explaing that but it pmo), plays with his food, talks shit on k (who is supposedly his bffie) weird
he was nice tho, he would pull a chair up for me at lunch and he listened to txt for me LOL ^.^ he said he liked me since kindergarten too LMAOOOO i was like omg… stop that's so cutesy. i did end up like.. dropping him because i genuinely couldn't do it and he icked me out plus i was very depressed oops. we stopped being friends for a little and then we were fine again.
FAST FORWARD TO THIS YEAR! he's in my english class. i thought i was over him. i am not. lots of things happen, i find out he knows i like him so i ask him. and i tell him "i like you and yk if you don't like me just tell me so i can move on" and at first he won't tell me and then he does. he says he doesn't and i'm like okay hahaha. THIS IS AFTER SCHOOL BTW WHILE WE ARE WALKING OUT.
he leaves after rejecting me and daps me up. he DAPS ME UP. then i walk over to my friends and i start crying and i go home crying and then he added me back on snap (he unadded me over the summer) and said the whole "you're a bit too obvious about liking me" and "im with someone rn jsyk so u should get over me" thing
then i cried some more and a few days pass i was over it and a couple more small things happened but whatever. and then my friend j texted eraser and was like "ik someone who likes u 😏" ans eraser was like oh i think ik who why didn't she tell me herself tho and j was like bcos last time u dapped her up and lied to her. and you may be wondering what he was lying about!!!!! turns out he wasn't fucking with anyone HE LIED. HE'S A LIAR.
then i added him back on snap cos yk i unadded him after that whole thing and i was like "yeah sorry j is stupid i didn't tell him to do that" etc etc and we had a conversation and he said he liked me and that was that!!! shortest talking stage ever i reckon bcos we talked for two days until he said smt mean about my brother's appearance and i was like ok dont say that LOL 😭😭 i wasn't even mad either but we just ghosted each other after that I WANTED HIM BAD THOOOOO STILL LIKE FML i wasn't texting him first tho bcos tell me why he was asking everyone but me if i was mad hello
and then recently!!!!!!! i found out him and r (girl who set me up with him) are dating 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and they dated sophomore year too. like right after me and him stopped talking. and freshman year. andddd him and r were close when me and him were talking like they would hang out alone and he just never ever told me that they dated. and yassss that's all i still want him bad icb he's dating her 😐😐😐😐
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mamadarama · 2 months
OH MY GOD the long response was a very pleasant surprise . i am very happy to give madakei brainrot
they're like. madara bothers keito always because y'know, it's madara, so he just pesters and pesters him to hang out until keito is like "okay, maybe if i do it once he'll stop bothering me" but he just doesn't. and then we have madakei because keito starts enjoying his company aww.
i think that would also evolve into anger or something LOL. keito scolding madara more because he likes him, so it becomes frustrating for him and madara just plays around with that idea. silly
also yeah they ahve definitely hatefucked before . once or twice idk
they're toxic yuri in my head tbh. madakei girlfriends ^-^ they can kiss sometimes as a treat y'know
madakei is a super funny concept i'm glad you liked it 🙏
I LOVE THIS TOO keito eventually warming up to madara is really cute , but im so enamored by the hyper aggressive version that comes with keitos feelings for madara going in the polar opposite direction. madara doesnt really like keito either but not even close to as much as keito hates him . they try to avoid each other but their social circles overlap too much (and theyre in the same class) so they dont intentionally hang out but their paths cross constantly. sometimes theyll be with mutual friends and then their friends have to leave and theyre left alone together so madara is like "im hungry im going to the cafe you can come if you want i guess" and for some reason keito does come along but doesnt really know why (maybe he subconsciously just wants to look at him some more) so theyre both sitting there like "how the hell did i get here what did i do to deserve this" . maybe some bystanders even think theyre on a date. like the universe keeps putting them in succession match type situations and theyre NOT happy about it . the irony and coincidence of it all is pure comedy to me. its like the red string of fate but turned upside down. the worlds horniest romantic comedy. its just, we all know keito has a type. he has a thing for delinquents with muscles that are a little bit scary . madara fits into that type perfectly, but hes also incredibly similar to rei personality wise. hes like if you combined kuro and rei and cranked everything up to 11. and then taking into account keitos relationships with kuro and rei.... suddenly everything he has going on with madara makes perfect sense.
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the-ourple-ouppy · 9 months
i rlly like your art style and i wanted to ask how you imagine kyle and cartmans personalitys?? (+ any general headcanons you'd like to share)
i see a lot of variety in how kyman is characterized and im curious abt your take on it
tysm for saying u like my artstyle!!
here's a drawing i just did of them:
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putting all the stuff below the cut cuz its LONG
now, personalities...
uh first i'll do how they act towards each other and then more general personality stuff after 👍
i feel like at first cartman would be like "holy shit i like fucking KYLE ewewew no way" but at one point he just goes ah fuck it and confesses to kyle. i feel like he'd be the type to show kyle off and would probably tell EVERYONE when they start dating lol. also you cannot tell me this man isnt the biggest flirt EVER. he loves flustering the hell outta kyle.
as for kyle, i feel like he'd be more reserved in a way. he leans more towards verbal affection than physical affection. like, cartman has him in a death grip of a hug and kyle just sorta, pats cartmans back awkwardly.
(also fun tidbit: when cartman first confessed to kyle, kyle laughed in his face and thought he was joking. cartman tears up, calls kyle an asshole, and runs away, which makes kyle have this sorta 'oh shit' moment and he runs after cartman, blah blah blah they kiss, they start dating, the end.)
as for general personalities...
with cartman, he's still an asshole ofc, just kinda toned down for obvious reasons. most of the time he acts like a mean fucking bastard, but the SECOND someone he cares about is in trouble he's all over that shit. also CATS. he loves cats. and raccoons. and animals in general. he just loves animals, ok.
i imagine kyle being more stoic around acquaintances and strangers and stuff, but with close friends he acts more laid back and jokes around a lot more. also he's SUPER protective of ike. i see some people make kyle bully ike, and like, NUH UH. i'm a good older brother kyle truther till the day i die.
now some random headcanons:
PINE CANON PINE CANON!! kyle is tall as shit u cant change my mind.
i dont rlly like to call my designs a 'teen au' cuz i make them 13-14. its more like a 'cringe ass middle schooler au'.
the broflovskis are fucking rich bcuz a) gerald is a lawyer and b) they bought kyle a GODDAMN ELEPHANT in one of the earlier episodes.
cartman has heterochromia bcuz i said so.
kyle has green eyes because i have green eyes and i want more characters with red hair and green eyes bcuz its pretty.
that it!! (for now teehee)
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hannieehaee · 6 months
Idk if this is appropriate or not (feel free if this is something you don't want to answer) but as a casual kpop stan who really only stans seventeen and listens to other kpop artists on a somewhat frequent basis I just feel as though seventeen is reaching their peak in a way that's far from satisfying. Like idk if this makes sense but to me it seems as tho the members are struggling to keep out of "scandals" with mingyu's incident last year, minghao/seoksoon being labeled as fat phobic earlier this year over out of context clips and now with Joshua (he's not even close to being my favorite member but these rumors and pregnancy stories are honestly making me so upset rn) ...as a fan who feels a genuine attachment to these people it's hard for me to be happy because while Ik the boys deserve every good thing coming their way fame comes with a price and that price is what I'm worried about. Like I get that Pledis isn't SM and seventeen definitely see themselves as family unlike NCT who view themselves more as colleagues I'm so scared that Joshua will eventually leave like Lucas or heaven forbid anything more drastic happens. It's just that I always see these "we could never save them" posts but then the same people who post them also comment the worst things forgetting that idols are humans too. I'm super sorry for the long ask but I just read that jeonghan got hurt and that made me think of the rest of the members and everything else they've been going thru. I'm not even the type of person to get attached to people I barely know but with Seventeen it's like I'm really and honestly praying for their success because they seem that THAT genuine group of people who are just trying their best. Sorry for the rambling
i get what ur saying. dont worry abt sending a long ask! ur welcome to rant abt svt in my inbox whenever! honestly i havent stanned for too long so idk how things were before this past year but i do worry for them lately :/ theyre getting injured too often and they get no rest. i dont like how pledis/hybe are managing them at all. theyve been constantly touring japan very repeatedly for seemingly no good reason at all which has obviously tired them out (theyve been dropping like flies, LITERALLY). pledis had the opportunity to promote them in ways that didnt involve constant performances but have just chosen not to for some reason. i really hope they get to rest soon (unlikely tho since theyre likely gonna have a world tour next year).
about the joshua thing. i feel sosososo bad for him. idk and idc if hes really dating that girl honestly. i do feel like it was kinda dumb of her to consistently post herself in the same places/clothes as him if they really wanted to keep it a secret BUT neither of them deserved the hate/scrutiny they got for it. not even with the pregnancy thingy on her stories. i don't think joshua and lucas' situations are comparable whatsoever since joshua has not done anything wrong unlike lucas. im hoping pledis somehow protects him better but thats unlikely. i dont think any member of svt will ever leave bc as u said, theyre family. cant rlly compare to nct tho lol bc i only stan svt so idk any other groups' dynamics like that. i do get what ur saying tho i have friends who stan nct and svt and theyve said to me that they do see a drastic difference in dynamics between the two groups but thats neither here nor there.
lastly, i have the best hopes for svt. they keep saying theyll only go up from here and i believe that. idk how that will play out with military service in consideration or with what seems to be chronic incidents that keep happening to them (gyu, cheol, and han in the past few months) but i trust and hope they'll be okay. they have a very established fanbase and a rlly good support group with one another so i only see good things for them in the future. hope they get at least a month off soon though.
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princesssmars · 1 year
Could you do a josh x reader x matt poly?
Whether that be just what it's like dating them, how they go together, or just a random fic. I just live them, please.
perfectly unconventional
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some josh x reader x matt hcs
contains : fluff, poly stuff ofc, angst
a/n : im. so sorry it took me so long to make this anon 💀 i dont dislike any of the UD characters but matt and josh werent high up on my list so its cool to focus on them for this. hope yall enjoy :)
you knew josh first, having met him and his friends in middle school thanks to being on the same soccer team as sam and beth.
when you met josh you thought he was a bit weird becuase of him being rather...eccentric, but he quickly warmed up to you when he saw how well you got along with his sister. after that it was all long laughs and numerous hangouts.
eventually your fondness for each other develops into a mutual crush on the other, but you both dont want to ruin what you have so it remains unsaid.
eventually the time for the annual blackwood pines trip comes along and you (and your entire friend group at this point) are hoping josh will make a move or youll have to.
but things were differnt this year with the new addition to the friend group in the form of matt taylor, resident jock next door.
you had seen him around school before, never really talking to him minus the few interactions when hed ask you for help on a question in english and you to him in math.
now he and mike were both on the football team, so he introduced him to everyone and josh said he could tag along on the trip after knowing him for a few months.
you had to admit that he was super cute, not just in the face but in his actions as well. deapite starting to become close friends with nearly everyone, he still was a bit reserved and polite, mostly keeping to himself, mike, josh, jess, and you.
on the way up to the lodge you walked beside him, succesfully getting him to open up to you and start talking more about himself and his interests, finding you have more in common than you thought.
the fleeting moments you have with him during the trip make you confused, you still have strong feelings for josh but being around matt makes your heart flutter...
when you tell jess this one night in your room she says "maybe you just like both of them" like its the easiest thing in the world.
you know shes right, but you dont know what to do. do you just go up to the both of them and ask if theyre ok all dating???
you stew over this until the next morning, finding most of your friends gone and only a sticky note left on the fridge saying "(wo)man up". great.
while fixing yourself up some breakfast, josh and matt both join you after coming from upstairs. they ask where everyone is, following the direction of your pointed eyes to the note, josh laughing and matt looking bewildered.
"what does...what do you think it means?" he asks, reverting back to his shy state and looking between you and josh.
josh laughs, shaking his head. "it means they want me and yn to ask each other out already."
his words shock you, causing you to hit him with a handtowel, making him yelp. "youre telling me you already knew i liked you!? and you like me and still havent done anything!? oh youre such an asshole..."
"hey! i just didnt wanna rush it and mess anything up, besides i thought you were still getting over your oh so dramatic breakup with tyler-"
"oh dont act like you didnt know i was only dating him to make you jealous-"
"wait...you two...already like each other?"
the sound of matts quiet voice boots the two of you from your unserious argument, turning to look at the brown skinned boy who looks so dejected it makes your heart ache.
"i just thought that with all those conversations we had when staying up together that we... you know what, nevermind." he starts to turn away out of embarrassment before both you and josh grab his arms, pulling him back to you.
he looks surprised, his mouth moving to start asking what youre doing before you cut him off.
"matt, i have had feelings for josh for a long time now, yes. but i can also say this trip made me see you in a different light. youre...sweet and caring, and i know i have feelings for you as well. i know its..not the most normal situation in the world, but i know that i want to be with the both of you."
josh and matt are quiet for a few moments, which definitely doesnt help your nerves. but a smile is put on your face when josh wraps his arms around the both of you, pulling you both in for a hug.
"dont worry, i like you guys too. pretty easy since youre both so cute." he teases, making matt giggle with you.
matt relaxes, hugging the both of you tighter. "yeah. yeah, i think we can make this work."
and so there the three of you stood, in the kitchen of this giant, cold lodge all locked in embrace.
but in your head, you think youve never felt warmer.
i wrote all of this in a day bc again anon im so sorry i let this sit in my inbox for so long 😭 i hope yall liked this little thing and thanks for reading <3
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yomiurinikei · 1 year
Hello! I enjoy your blog and hearing you talk about the another cast! (I got into the franchise in like late August, am addicted) uh what would you say is your favorite hcs for some of the characters?
.....i never answered this i am SO sorry </3 gonna try to list off random hcs for a mix of characters!!
1)yuuki + nikei bond over drinking a absurd amount of soda. yuuki drinking mountain dew will always be real to me, and we knowww nikei likes weird and obscure sodas
2)kizuna struggles with being possessive over her items and doesn't like people borrowing her stuff, but if she actually tried it, she'd realize she really likes buying gifts for people
3)kanata isn't super into fashion but she likes feeling pretty, and often feels cute in like... flowy dresses, but she rarely has the time/energy, and feels a bit weird "dressing up"
4)while he felt more in his element in the killing game/had reason to distance himself from the class, and not try to bond with them, in non-despair verses, tsurugi feels really awkward around the others, and has a hard time engaging and making friends. part of this is because he befriended kouhei via kouhei looking at him and going "is for me?", part of it is because he's. ya know. still extremely traumatized by the uh... other thing that happened with kouhei
5)kinji can't draw for shit. like, objectively speaking, he can't get his pencil to do what he wants
6)yoruko dedicates one day a week to taking care of her hair, nails, skin, etc. it helps her feel in control + comfortable with her experience after being bullied, but once she does some more healing with her past, she realizes it's just genuinely soothing now
7)emma isn't very popular with her fellow actors. she tends to isolate a lot when on set, and isn't close with her co-stars. she's very friendly with reports, fans, et cetera though.
8)haruhiko is very "man i wish i liked dudes, girls are totally sweet, but sometimes i wish i could date guys too..." not realizing he literally just described an attraction to both genders.
9)im just generally a queer yuri truther. i remember seeing people say hc'ing him as lgbt was gross. i for one think that looking at how he acts in canon and going "yeah this is fine and healthy and indicative of a good mental status" is gross.
10)mikako had a "not like other girls" phase which she has officially left behind her, but only semi-recently. while working on undoing that mentality, she realized she's sapphic (i hc her as a-spec too tho, maybe aro lesbian? my identity hcs change every three seconds whoopsie)
11)speaking of. EVERYONE TRANS!!! i esp like transhet shinji tho that has a special place in my heart. he's big bro, ur honor <3
okay i want to say more BUT i have a lab due in a few hours and dont want to fall class so. the end!!!!! oh fuck i have to tag this.
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aita for ghosting 2 of my closet friends?
TL;DR: 2 of my closest/longest friendships ive had were ended by me stopping any and all communication, either unprompted or prompted. i dont feel any urge to talk with these people again, and i do not want to rekindle these friendships.
i (19ftm) have had only 2 friendships were i would consider the other person a "best friend". the first one was when i was in middle school (12-13). this other person, we'll call K(at the time 13F). now back in middle school i was what would be considered as the cool kids say: Cringe. super obsessed with undertale AND homestuck, a big 1-2 punch.
i met K through our homeroom class, and we really hit it off well. she was funny, great at art, and also loved undertale (she was the one who actually got me into homestuck, but thats besides the point). we hung out constantly, always chatting and swapping art tips, that sorta thing.
when i moved schools in 7th grade we became distance friends. not long distance bc we lived 30 min. away from each other, but we didn't get to see each other everyday anymore. eventually we started dating, but i didnt really feel content w the relationship at the time (i didnt know i was trans/gay yet lol).
one day i told her i was taking a break from social media/discord for a while until i sorted myself out, and then i would be back. i never spoke with her again after that and i felt like shit for years for ghosting my at the time girlfriend. i didnt take the break with the intention of ghosting K, it just kinda happened. she deleted her discord and i don't remember her tumblr so i have no way of communicating w her anymore. we knew each other for about 3-4 years, and dated for about half of that.
my other friend we'll call T(ftm). I met T my freshman year, when i was 14. T is 2 years older than me, so he was 16 at the time, a sophomore. T and i really hit it off well, and we hung out all the time after school, and talked over discord daily. he did a lot for me ill be honest, and helped me through an identity crisis when i realized i was trans and also gay.
however, when T graduated he started to drift away. i was still a junior at the time but we stayed in contact the best we could. i started driving so i would visit him in his apartment on weekends. however things really nose dived my senior year. i was 17-18 and all my friends had graduated, so i was already feeling pretty alone.
i kept trying to find comfort in T but he just kinda faded away. he found a new friend group of ppl closer to his age and they started hanging out more. i knew some of these people from our school, and was even friends w one of them, but for some reason he insisted on keeping me separate from them.
things boiled over when our mutual friend from this new friend group decided to throw a halloween party, but had to cancel last minute. time skip to november 1st and im picking up T to go rollerskating, and to my surprise he hops in my car out of breath and says "sorry it took so long, i was cleaning up after a halloween party!" and went on about this party he threw the night before with all his friends from the other group. T explained to me that he didn't invite me bc "i wouldn't know any of them".
i was pissed. really pissed. i stopped making plans to hang out with him, but to my surprise so did he. we stopped chatting daily, and the last time we spoke was april of last year. i sent him a final message in may trying to spark another conversation but he never replied. so i gave up. i stopped talking to him.
then i realized the pattern of me growing extremely close with someone only to ghost them. i know T basically ghosted me but i also stopped putting in the effort so i feel i still hold some of the blame. even when i last saw T in person i avoided him like the plague, and i just pray that if we do see each other again he does NOT recognize me.
What are these acronyms?
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Hi I'm questioning if im Aro and am wonder if this makes sense with being Aro
I tend to view a relationship as a bond between two really good friends who want to spend their lives together
I dont view kissing, hugging ect as just romantic.
I think best friends should be able too I love the idea of friends getting married and even if its not romantic living together and spending their lives together
I dont get the hype about big expensive weddings
i just assumed wanting to get close with someone and be really good friends was a crush
I never understood what ppl meant by someone being attractive
I have the tunnel vision thing where i hyperfixation if I find someone cool or interesting and realize i was mistaking that as crushes
I assumed if you wanted to be above best friends like super close that meant dating
I realized i dont really care if i get married bc i just thought it was expected of me because thats just what people do. I didn't realize romantic attraction was a feeling and people actually feel a certain emotion? I just assumed every one when they met some decided if they fit their boxes of if i could see them fitting in my life/preferences and chose people that way
Like yeah i love my friends but i dont really value them any differently then say a partner. A partner would have high priority but i still care for everyone
honestly, if this is still helpful -
this sounds almost exactly like what i thought before i realized i was aro. this sounds, honestly, reminiscent of a post about "signs you might be aro" from ages ago.
i can't tell you for sure your identity - but... i'd strongly advise following aromantic blogs, stories, etc and seeing how you feel about the idea that you might be aro. I link to it in my pinned post, but AUREA is a great resource for a variety of terms, concepts, articles, and such :)
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jennaissantes · 1 year
the cut that always bleeds — p.js [teaser!]
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PAIRING: besf!jay x fem!reader
sypnosis: maybe it wasnt always like the books. life was definitely not a movie. even if it were, youre sure yours would be the saddest. now add park jongseong to the equation.
GENRE: heavy angst, little fluff. friends to strangers to best friends , bittersweet ending [kind of]
WARNINGS: a lot of heavily angst scenes, a lot of talk about mental health, depression and anxiety [su!c!de is also mentioned at places], mentions toxic family household, and some really just sad stuff man ; some abuse, quite a lot of bullying [nothing physical just a lot of mental bullying and manipulation]. this is in general just a very sad story. jay and reader dont end up together but reader is quite content. will add more in the actual fic i promise.
teaser doesnt rlly depict much of the story lol but idw make it super sad in the teaser so i will give u guys what i have.
RELEASE DATE: april 18th
EST WC: i think 10k [im hoping lol]
AUTHORS NOTE: hello everyone!!! so… this might just be like the saddest most gruesome fic ive written. except its mainly based on my life. surprise? im actl rlly scared no one will want to read it haha. im fr hoping im able to include some happy scenes in it so you guys dont end up crying. story of my life in short words basically. it took me a lot of courage to write about this because i go pretty deep into the problems ive had in my life. so this is kind of my way of telling you guys this is my life. please seek help if any of the given stances apply to you. like genuinely. if any of you are facing any mental health issues or any sort of problems in your life, please dont hesitate to talk to someone about it. my inbox and dms are also always open if youd like to chat with me ❤️
TAGLIST: please send in an ask to be added to the taglist! permanent taglist need not ask
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Love is a ship which at a distance has every man's wish on board.
Or womens. Didn't matter, really.
But that's all it was now. Love was beautiful, you had learnt, from a distance. Quite ugly from up close, once you found out that love isn't for everyone, not even those who had faced some of the worst struggles.
Okay so maybe you were pushing it a bit with the whole ‘Love’ thing, but you needed some way to express yourself.
Your entire life, you were told that you were a golden child, a prodigy. As a kid, you loved the praise.
Singing was not a talent many possessed, at least not singing worthy of a broadway star. You took pride in your talent. Most kids being jealous of you was really cool, you could always show off your voice to them. At the age, it didn't matter to you, or any of the kids in fact.
Your mother too, took much pride in your talent. Although your sister, who was 8 years older to you, was also a singer, she loved that the younger child was also a singer, if not a better one than the first child.
Growing up in the same small state for your entire life, and going to the same school throughout the years had its ups and downs. There were always a bunch of people who were constant in your life. Even if they didn't play a big part in it.
Including him.
The first time you met Park Jongseong was in preschool. He was the epitome of trouble, for a 3 year old at least.
You had always been very outgoing, from your tender age. That bubbly, genuine personality which present you so selfishly wish for. You were always good at making friends. You wish you weren't.
He was a troublemaker. You being a child, attracted by his stubbornness for not following rules, decided to become his friend.
And thats how your friendship with Park Jay began, only blooming as the years went by.
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He was a troublemaker. You being a child, attracted by his stubbornness for not following rules, decided to become his friend.
And thats how your friendship with Park Jay began, only blooming as the years went by.
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gerardpilled · 1 year
I turned 25 this year and other than kissing random boys during parties (oh those crazy pre-covid years) I've never had any relationships! One of my friends (also 25) has never even kissed anyone yet, another had his first kiss last year, and yet another is 28 and she just started trying to date and having her own various first times at pretty much everything, and she's only now 'daring' to do that cause she has finally reached a point where she feels ready to try and knows she can now healthily react to rejection. I think it's easy to get overwhelmed and feel bad about not having more experiences or not having had them earlier (and honestly, feeling like no one has/will want you can and does hurt a lot, and it can mess you up), but at the end of the day the truth is that despite what society may have us feel it's pretty normal (specially if you arent cishet ngl) for some things to take time to happen :)! I had my first kiss at 21 I thnk? and i don't have a good memory of it cause it was with some random dude i didnt even like just cause i wanted to just 'get over it' lol I think that, while it is normal to 'worry' about being a late bloomer, at the end of the day its better to focus on living your life and reaching (or trying to get close) to a healthy mentality (which i didnt have back then) when you can tell the difference between 'im nervous cause this is a new experience' and 'im nervous cause i dont actually want this'. ANyway sorry for the super long ask, just needed to share my very messy 2 cents and send my love to all other 'late bloomers' out there 🖤
Thank you so much for this :)
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