#i do not like england ask anyone who has ever interacted with me
richkidcityfriends · 1 year
the next time i see americans blindly supporting the fucking ira i am going to kill someone 
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neechees · 5 months
I'm putting out a warning for the user @jenniferpss/jenniferpzsss for likely being a scam and likely being run by notorious scammer Laura Deramas for the following reasons & proof:
Their blog has only existed since December 16th 2023, which is when they started asking for money.
They claim they live in the U.S but are "European" and are recieving healthcare in the U.S, while also asking for donations in American dollars. We've seen this with various other scams like nevermindblog where they claimed to be European but had their paypal currency set to U.S dollars. It's also weird to me that a European would go to a country with one of the most expensive healthcare costs in the world when there's several other, closer, much less expensive options that are equal (if not higher) in quality to the U.S to recieve healthcare within Europe. (Proof of that below)
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On the note of calling themselves "European", they never specify what their Nationality or ethnicity is. Of course not all Europeans are the same, but that's precisely it, a lot of Europeans don't just call themselves "European", they'll happily list where they're from, and say something like "I'm Breton from France", or "I'm German" or "I'm from England", not just "I'm European". This allegedly European user doesn't and hasn't ever listed their country of origin, so they're likely faking an ethnicity
They claim they want to recieve donations via PayPal and Facebook pay, but to use facebook pay you have to have an active facebook account, which they refuse to give to people.
Below they also claim fbpay & paypal is "the only way I can recieve donations" despite the fact that cashapp & venmo, two of the most popular money transfer apps in the U.S, are available to Americans with an American address. If theyve been living long enough in America to be well incorporated into the American healthcare system, including having American insurance, an American specialist doctor, and a homecare nurse that they say they have in their donation post, then why can they not just use venmo or cashapp, which is available to anyone with an American address, which if they're telling the truth, they would definitely have? I find it hard to believe that someone who's been living in America for a while doesn't know about venmo or cashapp when asking for donations.
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They claim in their donation post that they want to be "truly as transparent and honest as possible!", but then when someone asked jenniferpss to clear up some allegations against them & to be transparent, instead of doing what they said they'd do, they redirected, said the person asking questions was "attacking" them, and then didn't answer ANY of the questions. This would be suspicious enough on its own, but we've also seen such behavior from Laura in previous scams where, instead of answering reasonable, legitimate questions people had, she victimized herself and claimed ANY questions were a personal "attack" on her, regardless of how nicely worded.
They started spam messaging/asking people to reblog their donation posts, including sending these messages specifically to people who say they don't reblog donation posts bc they received an ask to.
Suddenly changed their url after being asked to address their suspicious behavior, which is a common scammer tactic. (Used to be @jenniferpss, now changed to @/jenniferpzsss, which you can see the difference & dates in the above and below screenshots)
In one of their posts, they specifically tagged two previous victims of Laura Deramas asking them to reblog their post, but ONLY them. If they're truly new to tumblr then why specifically tag those two users? How did they know about those users when they previously never interacted with either of them? Why did they ONLY tag those two users? We know Laura would often re-target other people who had donated to her or that she'd manipulated in the past for her newer scams where she pretended to be someone else, so this is typical Laura behavior. Note that the replies on their donation post are also restricted, which is ALSO typical scammer behavior
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What do you have in store for Ida and Rosie’s story? Because they are the only pairing who aren’t at the POW camp.
Aha!! This is gonna be a long answer, hence why I let your ask molder away as I worked on a reply, thanks for your patience.
I can’t wait to weave this whole thing, and it’s honestly the only postwar story I’m at all sure about in this universe so far. Let’s just say it’s a hella slow burn. Even after getting married. Because they do marry. Rather soon. But they are a bit of a buddy cop duo. Romantic love -at least for Ida- comes later.
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I think it’s safe to assume that dear Ida was present when Rosie first introduced himself to the Bucks, told his underwear story and generally made a magnificent entry. Now, one must consider two things with this:
1. Rosie’s regret over what the hell he was thinking telling that story would be compounded by telling it in front of a female officer
2. Ida might have always been a stiff spined stickler before her trauma and the Stalag, but she did have a sense of humor. I like to think she found him funny, plus, with the Bucks beginning to fray a little in their own morale, flagging in offering encouragement to the newbies, I think Ida would be the sort to fill that role, best she can. Surprisingly, Rosenthal, Nash, Pappy, they’re not the sorta men to resent a woman giving them a pep m-up chat.
Now, keep in mind it’s three missions later and she’s been downed so there was not really a connection made there. Although I love to think that some night in the Stalag when everyone is bored and playing ask games with each other, one of the questions is:
“Who was the last person ya danced with?”
And Bucky gets to tell about Paulina and Gale gets chafed about choosing Meatball over Maureen and Brady bemoans having been so stuck on the bandstand playing sax instead of taking his chances and then when it’s Ida’s turn she’s just: “it was one of the new ones, the ‘egg frying on the instrument panel,’ guy.”
This is met with a chorus of “Rosenthal???”
“Told me to call him Rosie.” Ida shrugs. “He had some fun moves.”
Anyways. That’s a far off thing by April of ‘45.
when Ida get away with Gale and makes it back first of anyone to England? Best believe she is beyond distracted with worry for her girls. Who’s there to meet her and welcome her and Cleven to Thorpe? Crosby of course -and Rosie. Malnourished, ptsd riddled and burdened with responsibility for her girls, Ida isn’t exactly the sparkly female Colonel that Rosenthal remembers meeting and dancing with.
In fact, that first initial interaction goes a bit sourly. She needs a nap, he awkwardly needs a deposition on her treatment. It’s a little rough, ok?
But the longer she is back at Thorpe, reunited with her few girls still there who were never downed, she learns how well their new Lt. Colonel -Rosenthal- has looked after them, fought to resend the grounding orders after Ida went down, generally been a good bean.
Also, due to being her superior now and having been given the legal burden of collecting information and evidence on the girls treatment by the Germans, Rosenthal and Ida start spending time, a lotta time, together.
There’s Jeep chauffeuring, Coffee Breaks and Mercy Runs where he goads her into buzzing the tower for the first time in her life -“of course I haven’t done it before, Rosenthal. One of you cats do it and it’s cute, I do it and I’m fired. No, I don’t mean discharged, I mean plainly fired.”
And then there’s the depositions, eventually full of her having to dictate shit that she’s never vocalized since it happened to her. Somehow, Rosie makes the whole thing easier than she ever expected. Not to say it’s easy. Although if you asked his female secretary, she’d say the one more visibly affected by it was the male lawyer, not the half catatonic victim spewing a rote litany of horror.
One time, his grip on his pencil gets so tight that it snaps. Ida replaces it. His quiet rage for her is about the best closure she’s felt so far. And that thread of such shared knowledge between them and them alone, even if it was in professional context? -That’s Intimacy. Far more than kisses or rings.
A righteous vengeance duo? Yes please, they’re a force to be reckoned with as the war winds down.
Before long Ida is asking Croz, “Was Rosenthal always that pretty?”
Harry is cackling over it, “Yeah.” He goads her, “But he is more confident now.”
“Confidence.” Ida repeats, trying to convince herself, “Yeah, that would be it.”
The thing of it is, Ida was unsure or marriage before her brutal treatment in captivity. Now? And after her military experience? She’s very sure she could never be a wife. Not even of a smart and secure man like Robert Rosenthal. Men just expect certain things and dynamics from their wives and Ida has never been sure she had that in her. Now she’s positive. And she’s too proud to marry only to then “turn a blind eye” as he finds what she lacks in women elsewhere.
Rosie? His argument is that what they’ve already built these last months, it’s what he wants. Marrying her is to keep that. If that’s all they ever have that’s enough, he couldn’t stand to lose it.
A chaste honeymoon on the way to Nuremberg to go fuck up a bunch of Nazis for the second time in their young lives? You betcha.
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nimrism · 2 months
hello! daily morgana pendragon deserves the world. also, i'm very curious to see what you think a morgana and lena interaction would look like! i feel like the universe would break. oh! this is me realizing they both have something against their brothers. what a nice realization to have! anyway, just wondering what you think that might look like :)
i'm so sorry it took me THIS LONG to get to replying to this but i wanted to do it JUSTICE cause i love this ask with all my heart it speaks to my very soul :)) (i do apologize for this getting really really long, though)
lena and morgana!! they're so similar and yet so different at the same time it's so awesome to delve into their characters and try to dissect what's happening in those brilliant heads of theirs like i could write thesis papers analyzing their characters without ever getting bored. they're just so special to me :,)
what would an interaction between them look like, though? hmmmm i guess it depends on the context of the interaction like why would they be in the same room in the first place? has morgana been reincarnated? what is she doing in national city? or is lena the one who crossed the pond and went to england? are we talking canon s6 lena who has magic? has she gone to england to get closer to her witch ancestors? IS MORGANA HER WITCH ANCESTOR? DID SHE ACCIDENTALLY/ON PURPOSE RAISE HER FROM THE DEAD? i think the concept of morgana being lena's ancestor is super interesting cause it would influence lena's opinion on arthur and merlin and camelot in general. so, if we consider the connection between them ancestral, i think their interactions would be reverent (at least on lena's end) and morgana would (maybe after initial reluctance or hostility) sort of accept lena as her descendant and her protégé and teach her all sorts of magic. lena's part in helping morgana adjust to the modern world would also be a huge aspect i feel like cause morgana would be so confused with modern technology and the fact that technically there are no more "kingdoms" and camelot is no more so what exactly is her purpose in this modern world? lena helping her through that (or at least trying to) would form a huge part of their relationship i think.
buuuuuut if the context is different like maybe lena has discovered a way to time travel and she finds herself in camelot or in the woods around morgana's s4 cabin and morgana happens to stumble upon her there, it would be different. because WHY is there a woman in morgana's image in the STRANGEST clothes walking around with glowing objects (technology) that aren't inherently magical (morgana can't feel the magic in them) but MUST be because this isn't just something anyone can conjure up?? no matter the time we're talking (s1/2/3/4) i feel like morgana would react very negatively until lena can earn her trust or at least convince her she's not a sick joke merlin/emrys is playing on morgana. i also think lena would be wayyy out of her depth in medieval england like yeah she's a genius but she eats salads and fast food and has a bajillion-dollar penthouse equipped with all the latest technologies so living without the luxuries of the modern world would be a CHALLENGE even for her so i think it'd be fun to see morgana's reaction to lena absolutely STRUGGLING to get through her day.
once we're past the logistics of the interaction and the awkward introductions and general initial animosity phase and they FINALLY get to talking, they'll have lots of things in common. like you mentioned, they both have this innate hatred for their brothers, but with lena, lex has caused her unimaginable trauma and pain and despite all of that she's managed to get back up and say to his face that yeah she hates him but she loves herself more and that she's finally letting go of that hatred to go live her life. with morgana, however, that hatred for arthur has become all-consuming, even though it only stemmed from uther sort of unknowingly pitting them against each other forever by acknowledging arthur as his son and heir but never morgana. morgana's hatred for uther extended to arthur and when uther died, arthur became the sole recipient of that hatred. unlike lena, morgana doesn't have anyone to pull her out of the darkness, to show her that even when family fails to understand you and/or accept you, there are friends who will. she doesn't have that support system, and so she succumbs to the darkness and the hate and lets it eat away at her soul. this is where they differ, in my opinion, lena had a support system and the innate strength to stop the generational trauma cycle, while morgana had neither (doomed by the narrative from the start maybe i'll just cry).
this part's a bit controversial cause it depends on your headcanons and who you ship and stuff but another thing i feel was detrimental is UNREQUITED LOVE. lena's half-hearted "villain" arc only happened when she found out that her best friend had been keeping such a huge part of her identity from her (which isn't something you would do to someone you love) so she was like fuck it i'm going to fix humanity cause you guys SUCK. but when she eventually realized that wait, maybe kara does actually love her and care about her and she didn't entirely mean to hurt her (whether you read it as platonic or romantic, her love was requited) she went back and apologized and everything (even though she didn't need to apologize she's never done anything wrong in her life). morgana's brand might as well just be unrequited love, on the other hand. it goes as far back as her biological father (bro didn't even acknowledge her as his daughter), and extends to pretty much everyone she may or may not have been in love with (whether you ship her with gwen (the only right answer) or merlin or even the dumbass alvarr guy). she's been made to feel unlovable her whole life and at some point she believes it and takes it at face-value as the truth, and that's part of what pushes her to extremes like the ones she goes to in the show. ("if i can't have love, i want power"). with both gwen and merlin they're both so devotedly loyal to arthur that even if i were in her shoes i'd get pissed off, so, since she doesn't believe that they'll ever be loyal to her just because, she tortures and brainwashes merlin to get him to do her bidding, and she kidnaps gwen and brainwashes her to get her "old friend" back, because, in the state that she's in by s5, she doesn't believe that anyone will ever be devoted to her for HER, so she forces them to be. this concept of never having love requited voluntarily plays such a huge part in shaping morgana's character and making her that much different from lena, in my opinion.
i could go on and on about the implications of the dark tower episode and every word morgana said to gwen, but that's a story for another post because this one is already getting waaay too long.
ANYWAY i may have strayed from the point a few times BUT I JUST HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THEM, OKAY? thank you so much for this ask it was so much fun to answer and AS ALWAYS if you want to further discuss morgana or lena or both and speculate on how they would meet/interact i'm always up for a fun discussion 😼
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maddiescinema · 3 months
first, your services are very much appreciated and i hope you have a wonderful day
second, here's what i remember about the fic i'm looking for (and if it's not real wow my brain is so good at coming up with stories)
lando norris x reader
pretty sure reader is female
its (freelance?) photographer reader and i think also best friend reader
reader was hired by mclaren to do photography stuff for f1 and of the drivers, thats where lando and reader first met and became friends
im pretty sure its part of a (ongoing?) series
part smau part written
financial issues & mclaren not being able to hire reader all the time or smth like that (maybe) lead reader to accept a contract or whatever its called to photograph a football team
its one of england's/uk's football teams (im not well versed in football so bear with me) i think
i think the team may have been manchester city? and i think i remember a jack grealish or someone like that
reader goes there and does readers job and becomes accquianted with the team members
there's this one member who has a fuckboy/playboy reputation, and keeps bothering reader to go for dinner and eventually reader says yes bc he promises its just between friends
dinner goes fine until the end where he confides in reader that the team is going to let him go if he doesnt get his act together or so he believes
then he asks reader to pretend to be his girlfriend so that doesnt happen, reader says no, he threatens reader and her career, so she gives in and he says lets kiss in front of the paps so word gets out and they do bc theyre outside having this convo and there are paps around and an article is posted and it goes to social media
anyways that dude is an asshole
reader just ignores him and tries not to be with him and interact with him going back to work, and reader is feeling really alone bc lando isnt answering her calls and she deosnt really have anyone at the moment to vent and talk about this situation to, also the internet gets to her a bit i think
reader is camping out in an empty conference room getting stuff done when she goes to get a snack and maybe the bathroom to cry & try to call lando again?
when she comes back theres someone there and its jack grealish(?) (not the relationship forcing asshole) and shes like oh im sorry i must have forgot our meeting
hes like we had no meeting i just wanted to check up on you, bc ive noticed you been down lately and the whole dating thing
readers opens up and vents about being forced into the relationship
he shares that the team is either waiting or looking for a reason to let the asshole go bc his behaviour is bad and the players dont like him and dont get along with him
and he promises reader that if she ever needs anything that hes there for her and that she can go him
and she feels safe and happy and not alone anymore
and thats all i remember, and since im 94% sure that this is a series or at least part of a series, i might be mixing up parts
if you can find it thank you! if not thanks for trying!
p.s. why is it so hard to find things on tumblr??? ive tried to look for this but im also weak and give up to easily
first of all, thank uu 🫶🏻 i’m happy to help!!
second of all, I SWEAT I’VE READ SOMETHING LIKE THIS BEFORE, like i’m so sure but going back to find it is actually impossible 😭 i’ll try again tomorrow cause i know i’ve read this one BUT if anyone knows where to find it PLEASE let us know in the comments, my inbox or my dms!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
“A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words” by @f1byjessie
(thank you SO much to the comment and the anons who helped find this fic!! all the love to you guys!!)
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jadenlix · 10 months
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Close as strangers
Pairing: Lee Felix x AFAB!reader
Summary: your a foreigner in Korea, after studying in Seoul to become a English teacher. You develop social anxiety, no longer aspire to be a teacher, or work in any public job. A job opportunity comes to work within JYPE as a social media manager, making sure the idols post things that won’t cause scandals. But an idol you know, felix has gotten himself into a relationship scandal with fellow JYP idol Yuna. Management decided to damage control by asking you to become a fake partner of felix to take the heat from Yuna.
Genre: Angst
Warnings: strong language. No happy endings at all. Get tissues if your easily hurt by bad endings.
Word count: 7.8K
LIGHTLY edited
21st of January, 2023
Hey, the book that I write in, Today was… interesting…
“You want me to do what?”
You had always been a very secretive person, very private. Not ever interested in being in the public eye or the center of attention. Never took the lift because of people, always took the stairs. So applying for a job in the back lines for the company JYP Entertainment seemed like a good idea at the time. You’d be working more in the promotion side of things, behind the accounts for a few of the artists. Never needing to go out with the artists as staff. Just sat in the office controlling things from there.
And the first few months had been a breeze, you enjoyed your job! You had met a few of the artists around the building here and there, you were even an avid listener of a few of them.
Over the past couple of weeks, you had gotten more work focusing on the group, stray kids, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. Working in close contact with a few of the members with what photos they wanted to post and what to caption them. The guys did have most of the control when it came to it, you were there to make sure it appeared proper and kept their idol image intact.
One member in particular, whom you had worked with loads more than the others and gained a semi-good friendship with, was Bangchan. Though you called him Chris when you weren’t in professional settings. He spoke English fluently and was the friendliest idol you had come across. You had met a few other fluent speakers, but you weren’t that close with them, Chris made you feel like you didn’t have to be anyone you weren’t, and you appreciated that.
You were a foreigner, having moved to Seoul 5 years ago to study. Your ambition started as an English teacher. Though unfortunately, that fell through. Being in a new country with a language barrier made you anxious, so you started staying in more, only leaving for classes until you finished school and decided to work from home.
So you didn’t have much interaction with native speakers as much. Despite knowing a lot of the language, borderline fluent after your years of studying Korean back in England and continuing your studies in South Korea- you were not confident.
Today, the stray kids’ manager called you in to discuss the next thing for you.
In recent events, Felix, a member you also had gotten to know recently was involved in a relationship scandal with fellow Jyp idol Yuna from Itzy. You weren’t too close with Yuna, but you were close to Lia and Ryujin, so you had already heard about this scandal.
“We want you to act as a partner to Felix, you look nothing like Yuna, no one knows who you are, and you’d be perfect for this job”.
Sungho spoke without looking away from his laptop. You would have preferred he spoke to you directly; eye contact would have been nice.
“But I didn’t sign up for this, this wasn’t in the job description” you start, rubbing your thumb against the skin of your other hand nervously, “I don’t think this is a wise choice, can’t you just wait for the rumours to die down?”
He shakes his head “I’m sorry y/n, you are required to do this, or we will have to terminate your contract with us”.
This was beyond fair, given either the choice to be a fake partner to Felix or be fired from the one job you wanted.
You were so sure so many others would be willing to do this, and you probably would have minded doing it either, Felix was beautiful and kind-hearted, but it involved being in the public eye. Which you didn’t want.
You swallow your discomfort, looking up at Sungho again “How long would I need to do this?”
He looked up at you briefly, checking his laptop again, humming when he finds the answer on the document that solidified your new, unwanted task. “Roughly a month, maybe two,” he said once he looked back at you, “until the rumors die down, we can’t have two idol images tarnished, and you’ll be helping with that”
You take a deep breath. Were you seriously considering this?
“Yuna will be heading out with her false partner this evening also, we’re hoping this one night is enough to dial it all down, we’ll just have to see” he continues, though it wasn’t making you feel any better about the situation the company was trying to put you in.
“You get a pay rise” he finally added, and in all fairness, it did make the offer seem more tempting, but you still weren’t happy about the ultimatum you were given.
“If I say yes, when does this whole thing start?” You ask.
“If you say yes now, hair and makeup will prepare you when you leave my office, to prepare for a sighting of you and Felix later tonight”
Your eyes widened tonight?
Perhaps the quicker you say yes, the quicker it’s over and you can go back behind the scenes.
“Okay, ill do it”
 -5 hours later   -
As promised, a team of make-up and hair professionals came to your aid soon after you met with Sungho. Your hair had been washed thoroughly, probably the most it’s been washed in your life. Not because you didn’t wash your hair, of course you did. Because they used what felt like a million products in your shoulder-length hair.
Your makeup was done in what you called an idol style, accentuating certain features. You felt like an imposter of sorts. Call it imposter syndrome. The stylists had dressed you in a pretty simple white and black Celine tee, pinning the rim of the top under so it was slightly cropped, pairing it with a pair of black baggy cargos, simple yet efficient.
“look at you” that cheesy Australian accent could quite literally never hide from you.
Turning around you glare at Chris. Dressed in basketball shorts and a tank top, you were jealous he was wearing such comfy clothes.
“did you hear about my new line of work?” you ask sarcastically, adjusting your top the best you could without the staff attacking you.
“I did” he laughed, “lix wasn’t too happy about it, thinks it will cause more harm than good”
You nod, you also believed that. You didn’t quite understand how a fake relationship rumor would mute the current one. But you trusted the company. Foolishly.
“I’m surprised you accepted though y/n” Chris spoke, walking with you towards the lounge where Felix was.
“it was either this or lose my job” you sigh, you still couldn’t believe you were doing this. You could barely make it on the train without sweating, and now you had to walk around and go on a fake date with Felix, people following you to take pictures. You didn’t know how you were going to do it.
“They threatened your job?” Chris grabbed your wrist gently, stopping you before he opened the lounge door. “that’s out of order y/n, I’m so sorry” his expression softened as he looked at you.
You valued Chris as a friend. He was always good to come and talk to when you needed it, or if you were feeling especially anxious when on shift. The pair of you exchanged phone numbers around a month ago, he had asked previously but you were nervous about it, so he kindly waited until you were comfortable.
“It’s okay though, I guess it gives me a chance to get out and face my fears or whatever” you shrug, motioning to him that you were ready to go into the lounge.
He nods, stepping ahead of you to open the door for you. “Felix” he called out as the pair of you entered.
There he was, the victim of the latest stupid scandal in K-pop. His long silver/lilac hair was, of course, styled perfectly. A baggy white tee hung loosely on him and a pair of baggy black cargos, that seemed to match yours completed his outfit.
You smiled awkwardly in his direction, “Hello yongbok-ah” You greeted him formally, bowing in his direction. You weren’t nearly as close to Felix compared to Chris so, you usually greeted him like this.
He frowned lightly, waving his hand in dismissal, “god, y/n, no need to be so formal” he stood from the sofa and walked towards you. His eyes watching yours as his hand diverted towards your shoulder. You smile weakly in consent to him touching you.
Since the other members didn’t know you as well as Chris, they were always cautious around you. Chris made sure to inform them of that.
“Since we’re supposed to be together, I don’t expect you to bow or call me by that calling, Felix is just fine” he smiled, rubbing your shoulder gently before retracting his hand, and looking toward Chris.
“so, Mr. Connected-”
Chris rolled his eyes as soon as he heard Felix call him that, groaning playfully.
“-do we look like a couple?” Felix finished,  standing beside you.
“Yeah, you kind of do”
“so what are supposed to do, just walk together?” you quickly change the subject, questioning the two of them. You weren’t exactly told what to do. Just told to be in a fake relationship. Did you have to kiss him?!
“They didn’t tell you anything?” Felix exclaimed, his eyebrows raised. He felt bad for you. Someone who had an important position in the company, which is what he viewed it as he had thought they would of at least prepared you. but in his eyes, they had set you up for failure. “they know about your social anxiety right?” he asked, grabbing two pairs of sunglasses from the corner table. Handing you a pair.
“yeah, they do” you sigh, taking the glasses from him. He was sweet, caring, and overall seemed so friendly.
His expression changed slightly into more of a sour look. He was pissed that they hadn’t helped you, or even given you some sort of direction of what to do.
“they want us to hold hands as we walk towards the convenience store, some sort of affection inside the store, and then go somewhere to sit and just look all relationship-like I guess”
Bless him, he tried his best to explain what you had to do without cringing himself, he wanted this less than you by the sounds of it. You started to wonder if this was a good idea. Would it just be easier to cancel it? You could probably find another at-home job.
“y/n” Chris started, looking in your direction “I know what your thinking, no you aren’t quitting” he smiled softly, bringing you into a gentle hug “You got this yeah? Felix will look after you”
You buried your head into Chris’s chest, sighing against him. You didn’t want to do this, you were so unbelievably uncomfortable. You felt tears beginning to sting at the rim of your eyes. Feeling Chris’s hand rubbing your back as you sniffled.
You stayed there for almost 2 minutes, in complete silence. Just Chris holding you and Felix attempting to comfort you by rubbing your shoulder again. You pluck up the courage to pull away, not wanting to ruin any of the makeup the staff had done.
“Just breathe, deep breaths yeah?” Felix cooed, making his way to the door, his smile was warm, inviting almost. You shoot a half smile back at him. At least it was Felix you were made to do this with, could have been worse right?
“Glasses on” Felix reminds you before exiting the car.
 You clear your throat as you follow what he said. Flicking them down as you got outside. You spotted a group of girls waiting across the road from the car, probably waiting to catch a glimpse of idols coming and going. It probably looked more obvious that at least one of you was an idol. Sunglasses and a face mask. It appeared obvious. Maybe not for someone walking down the streets, but for you two, it was.
The feeling of your heart began beating harshly against your chest. Your palms felt hot. No one was looking.  Eyes were on you, watching every step you took on the pavement. They hadn’t noticed you both yet. Every breath you took the bystanders could see the rise in your chest. Your glasses hid the way your eyes began darting around the street.
Soft skin connected to your hand, the gentleness of the touch made your heart stop for a brief second, allowing it to calm down. You look over towards Felix once you notice he’s pulling you towards a smaller alley, away from the large open road.
Felix had noticed your sudden change in demeanor. So he lead you to a, not so much enclosed area, but a smaller, more intimate alleyway.
You were so shocked by the sudden physical touch and movement, you didn’t move your hand away immediately. Though once you realized what had happened, you remove your hand from his.
“I don’t think I can do this,” you say apprehensively. Your breathing picks up again. Pushing your sunglasses to your head.
Felix copies you, also moving his glasses, “Hey, look at me” he speaks softly, looking directly into your eyes, waiting patiently for yours to meet his. “Y/N look at me”
You look up at him, his eyes kind, expression warm and caring. You were so close together, you could see the individual flecks of bronze that scattered across his face. His brows were relaxed and elegant.
“That’s it, just breathe” he whispers, holding out his hand for you, offering it now instead of taking it straight away. “Focus on my voice, it’s okay, you’re okay, we’re okay”
Your eyes stayed glued to his, but your brain was focused on your breathing. You take his hand without thinking any more about it, receiving a squeeze of encouragement from him. He was truly helping. He was good at this.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be a baby about this” you sigh, your voice was still shaky, but calmer nonetheless.
“Don’t apologize, I’ve been there before and needed help calming down” he reassured you, “and a few of my members have been there also, I’m knowledgeable when it comes to calming others when they panic” his thumb rubs your hand gently. A smile gently appeared on his face. That smile.
You take your hand back. Too much physical contact. “Thank you Felix” Using the pads of your fingers, you dab under your eyes, wiping stray tears away. Looking down the other end of the alleyway, pulling your sunglasses back down over your eyes. “Let’s just get this day over with” 
“Okay then, let’s get you some caffeine” he smiles.
The convenience store was luckily very quiet, with only one other customer inside. You stay close by to Felix at all times. Following him to the ice cup chest, he opens it up for you. You grab the green-topped one and wait patiently for Felix to get his so you could grab the pouches together.
“Did you want one of the coffee ones?” he asks, walking with you to the rack.
“Please, the vanilla one if it’s there” you smile, watching as he crouches down to grab yours, looking up to you as he hands it to you, his eyes smiling more than his lips.
He nods, grabbing himself a pouch, but you didn’t catch what it was. You’ll ask him when you get out of the store.
“Just these please”
You place your cup and pouch beside Felix’s. Digging into your bag, grabbing your purse out to hand Felix some cash for your things. His hand coming to push yours back into your bag.
“Not, I got this”
You frown, but obey what he said, putting the cash back. Looking around the store as Felix pays, noticing the other person in the store standing a little way back, their phone out and pointing directly at the both of you. You quickly look back at Felix, tapping his arm gently.
“Someone taking a photo or something” you whisper, your eyes fixated on the store clerk, almost manifesting him to move faster. You see Felix turn to look at the person out of the corner of your eye. His arm coming around you, respectfully not touching you completely. Ushering you to the other side of him. He turned to face you more, smiling and thanking the clerk, taking the bag in one hand and his other hand opening the door for you.
“But what about the”
“We’ll do it on our way,” he says, walking with you.
The pair of you ended up deciding to go to the picnic area of Olympic Park. It was close by and just easier. The day had been fairly simple, though you didn’t find yourself talking too much, just listening to Felix. You could tell he was uncomfortable with walking so much about himself and the things he liked. But you appreciated he did it to make you feel more comfortable. The overall day was a whole lot better than you had anticipated.
28th of January 2023
Sorry I haven’t written in a while, but I need to tell you this,
“Hey stranger” Felix greeted you with his smile. He was waiting for you in the lounge like he had last week, only this time Chan hadn’t joined the two of you.
“Hey Felix” you greet him, you were being driven to have a picnic at the cheonggyecheon stream today. Sungho called you a couple of days after your ‘date’ last week. It wasn’t enough, it didn’t attract the attention they wanted. According to him, you had to be more touchy. Which you were, for obvious reasons, not comfortable with. But after a few hours on the phone with Felix, he had reassured you enough to become comfortable. You had both agreed to hold hands and a hug now and again throughout the picnic.
“You look nice” he adds, standing up to meet with you at the door. He a nice too, granted he was just wearing a pair of jeans and a white button-up, no doubt it was designer. He looked expensive. He smelt expensive too. Why were you smelling him?
You adjust your shoulders in a way to shrug off the thoughts, “You don’t look too bad yourself” You smile but it quickly fades in a panic that your compliment wasn’t nearly enough as he was. “I mean you look good too, like I was just-”
“I know what you mean” he chuckles, shaking his head, walking past you to open the door for you once again “Shall we?”
You nod walking out with him towards the exit. The driver waiting for you outside. Just like last week, you and Felix put your sunglasses down as soon as you exit, running straight into the car. Felix made sure to open the door for you before getting in himself on the other side, And sure enough, the picnic basket was inside on the middle seat. At least we didn’t have to pack it ourselves, you think to yourself.
The sun was hot by the time you got to the stream, it wasn’t completely packed, it was empty enough for you to feel comfortable to sit there and eat, but packed enough to make you hyper-aware of people looking. But you figured that was a good thing since people kind of need to see you with Felix. Once you were both out of the car and had found a spot to sit, Felix laid a small blanket near the edge, placing the basket down before holding your hand as you sat down, letting go briefly as he got down, but taking it back once he was sat.
“Is this okay?” he asks, lifting his hands. It was sweet that he wanted to check up on whether you were comfortable. You liked that he always made sure to do so.
“Yes, it’s okay” you smile, rather bashfully. A rose tint develops on your cheeks. Feeling the heat upon your cheeks, you look away. Leaving your hand in his as you use the other to open the basket.
“Oh Onigiri!” you exclaim, removing your hand from his excitedly to take the container out of the basket to show Felix. “I hope they put tuna inside..” you open the container and offer him one. He takes it with a thank you, you take one for yourself before putting the lid back, too hungry to look at the other things. You both collectively bow your heads before taking a bite, silently saying thank you for the meal.
“Oh wow, this is good, I think it is tuna, but I’m not sure” Felix looks at you, waiting to see what you thought. You were still eating though, covering your mouth as you chew a bit faster, nodding your head as a way to respond properly.
“I’m pretty sure it’s tuna teriyaki” you finally speak, looking over at Felix as he takes another bite, watching him intently. You found yourself smiling at how his eyes closed and eyebrows raised, appearing in pleasure. You were glad he was enjoying the food, it was the least he could enjoy since he was forced here.
But he did seemingly enjoy hanging out with you, whether it was forced or not. You smile awkwardly when he turns to look at you, catching your stare. He scoffs lightly, placing his Onigiri down on his knee. “You have some sauce on your chin”
Your eyes widen, and immediately bring your hand to wipe your face. Looking over at him to see if you had got it.
Felix looked at you, smiling with amusement. That damn smile.
He thought you looked so helpless, “may I?” he asked, lifting his hand to your face, showing he wanted to get it for you. You did not get it. You nod your head, allowing him to go ahead with it. Watching as his face got closer to yours, his thumb gently rubbing against your skin. Your breath hitched. You never in a million years thought you’d be this close to him, even with the current agreement going on. They never said you had to be this close. You would assume that was obvious though. Pretending to be together was one thing, but kissing was another. Why on earth were you thinking about kissing him? His face was pretty close to you, surely it was a default thought.
“All gone” he whispered, not moving his face away from yours. You watched as Felix brought his thumb to his mouth “We don't want to waste any.”
You pull away from him slightly, not sure what to make of the situation. But something in your stomach made you feel some sort of way, you just didn’t know how to explain it. You bite your bottom lip. Unsure of how to process everything. That one decision he had just made sparked a feeling inside of you that you never felt before.
You must have appeared confused, because Felix was looking at you, amused by your reaction. “Someone flustered” he laughed, leaning back to his original position. “I guess I could have just fed it to you right?”
You blink in shock, the sudden change in the way he was speaking to you, caused your stomach to do flips. “I, uh, what?”
He laughed again, you found yourself laughing with him. His laugh was contagious, it was beautiful too. He was beautiful.
“You’re so delightful” he reached for his Onigiri once more, taking a bite leaving you once again, flustered.
You decide to lie down, enjoying the sun as your mind races. Thinking about the last 5 minutes with Felix. The pit in your stomach still felt weak, weak for him. You hated the feeling. You felt safe with him and safely made you vulnerable.
After a few moments had passed, Felix spoke again “Open your mouth” he asked gently.
You begin to fight every urge in your body to not open your eyes and to just trust him. Take a deep breath, turn your face towards him, and open your mouth.
He pushes a strawberry in between your lips, holding it there, smiling to himself as he watches your lips fold around the strawberry. Pulling it away once your mouth closed around the bite you took. His heart began racing slightly, he wasn’t certain as to why. Perhaps it was just a normal feeling of pride that you trusted him.
You hum in the pleasure of the taste. Strawberries. Your favorite.
“Thank you” you whisper once you have finished your mouthful. Smiling up at him. His hair looked as though it was sparkling with the sun against it. Despite looking as though he flourished in the sunlight, his eyes looked tired. You felt sorry for him. He had been so busy over the past few days since the recent comeback. You wished you could help him relax more. But you didn’t have the slightest idea of how to do that.
You sit up, moving slightly closer to him, reaching for a strawberry. You were so glad the staff had packed strawberries, you eat them forever.
“Can you open your mouth for me?” you whisper. Leaning slightly closer to him.
His eyes widened now, clearly not expecting you to say anything like that at all, even if it was just a whisper. Nevertheless, he opened his mouth for you, keeping his eyes on yours, watching you, so intently, so passionately.
When he takes a bite of the strawberry, his eyes finally close, humming in pleasure just as you did “Beautiful aren’t they” he says once he finishes. Sighing to himself, as if he was contemplating what he was going to do or say next.
“You know, I think I could love you” That explains the sigh.
“What?” You reply, shocked at the words Felix had just spoken, you didn’t expect to hear anything like to fall from his lips, especially if they were meant for you.
“ y/n, I think I could” his voice was soft now, looking over at you from across the table, a small smile lingering. Your heart fluttered.
“You promise?” The only words you could mutter, a week ago you would have never seen it coming. You still don’t. Even if that didn’t make sense. You still couldn’t imagine him loving you. He was Felix, you were you.
“I promise”
1st of February 2023
I like him you know…
You jumped at the sound of your text tone. You rarely got messages, when you did, it was late at night when your parents would text to you help them set up their Skype so you could tell them about your very unseasoned week.
So a text at 11 am was not something you were expecting, barely out of the shower, still sitting on your bed, wrapped in your towel where you had been for the past 10 minutes, pondering over what you wanted to do today.
You grab at your phone, checking the text message.
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“Dammit Chris” you groan, flopping into your back, scrunching your nose up at the feeling of your wet hair getting caught up in the towel. Shuffling around slightly to comfortable, before replying.
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You didn’t know how to respond, he missed your face? You should have taken that as a compliment, maybe get a bit giddy over it, but it made you confused, unsure as to why he missed your face. You didn’t take photos often, you did not need to. You didn’t use social media much. But you were willing to send Felix a picture of you.
You turn onto your stomach, burying your chin slightly into the duvet cover, the waves of the sheets covered just over the tip of your nose. Taking a deep breath, you take the picture, sending it immediately before you could overthink it.
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“What?!” you jump up from your bed, staring at your phone. Why the hell did he want to call you? But before you could even have a chance at thinking it through, Felix was calling you. Well, you had hoped so anyway. It still said unknown, you probably should have changed it.
You press to answer and put it on speaker before speaking “Hello?” you whisper, though no need to whisper, you lived alone.
“y/n hello, I’m sorry, I couldn’t wait for an answer, I missed you too much”
You take a deep breath, walking over to your dresser, placing your phone down on top.
“Well, I was going to say yes, but ideally I was going to get dressed beforehand” you sigh, getting some underwear, sweatpants, and a tank top.
“Why would you need to get dressed?” Felix questioned, causing you to frown.
“Just, well, I don’t know, so I’m not talking to you in my towel?”
“It’s not like I can see you”
“Yes I know that”
“Do you though?”
You pause, halfway pulling your sweats on, “Felix?”
“Yes, y/n”
“Have you put a camera in my apartment?”
That caused him to let out the most tasteful laugh, the kind of laugh where you could imagine the smile. His smile.
“I promise, I haven’t”
“Mhm,” you tease back, taking your phone with you, as you left the bedroom, and heading into the kitchen. “No schedule today?” you ask, placing your phone down on the counter.
“Nope, just rehearsal” he replied, “did you like the photo I sent you earlier?” he asked, you could hear tapping in the background, probably something to do with his keys or the lube, or whatever.
“Yeah, you looked good,” you tell him, a smile lingering on your lips as you think about the photo in question. He always looked good, but you usually saw him with makeup on, so a bare face was a rare occasion. “Did you like mine?”
“You looked beautiful, always do”
You pause as you reach for the knife in the drawer, smiling to yourself, he made you feel so… comfortable, you were less anxious when you were talking to him, or around him. “Now I feel like my compliment for you wasn’t enough” you pout, continuing with getting the knife out to cut your bread. Perhaps you could invite him over.
“Hey, Felix?” You question, placing the knife down and gripping the side of the counter, preparing yourself to ask him the next question.
“Yes Y/N?”
You take a deep breath, “Did you want to come over?”
“Does someone miss me as much as I miss them?” He teases, you liked it when he teased. “Sure, give me your address, I’ll come on over after I sort out these keys”
You smile to yourself excitedly, putting the bread and knife back, you could order food when Felix gets here. You tell him your address you hear the pen scratch against the paper as he writes it down. You both say your goodbyes. Sighing when you hang up.
You begin doing something you’d never thought you’d do, dancing from excitement. You were so incredibly excited about seeing him in your place. It was your safe place, and he had become a second safe place.
“Hey you,” you say as you answer the door, Felix beaming down to you as he walks inside. Opening his arms for you once you shut the door.
“Hey,” he finally says as you enclose yourself in his arms, embracing him and all he was. You hum softly against his chest, taking in the smell of his aftershave, it smelt amazing. He always smelt amazing.
“I thought we could order in some food” he smiles, pulling away to show you the bag he was carrying “-and maybe bake some brownies for desert”
“Felix I had stuff here we could have used for baking” you sigh, motioning him to follow you to the kitchen. “But that sounds good, maybe a movie?”
He nods as you show him where to place the item he brought over. You watch him intently, the veins in his hands protruding ever so slightly as he lifts the rather large bag of flour into the cabinet.
“What are you looking at?” He looked over at you, a small smirk playing on his full lips, his hair sticking to his forehead slightly from the light sweat from being out in the heat.
You gulp, shaking your head, “Oh nothing, I was just watching you”
He hummed, walking over to you slowly, Cornering you against the kitchen surface. His hands were on either side of you, but he was careful not to touch you. You looked up at him, his breath hot against your face. “Just watching me?”
“Yeah?” You whisper, your heart pounding faster as the interaction goes on. You desperately wanted something to happen, anything. Perhaps his hands would wrap around your waist, his fingers could trace faint and delicate shapes along your stomach.
 Your chest began to rise and fall heavily as his face inched closer to yours, his fingers tilting up your chin as he-
“Hey, Earth to Y/N” Felix waved his hand in front of your face.
You Internally scold yourself for even thinking such things. How could you think this way about anyone, let alone Felix, you were friends, he did see you as a friend right?
You had fantasies of being touched by him, kissed by him. Daydreams of the way his hands could caress your fragile body, how they would brush across your soft skin, and how they would relieve the shivering feeling you felt deep inside. You were soon taken away as vivid thoughts flooded your head.
“Sorry I was just, away”
“Away with the fairies?” Felix questioned, raising his eyebrow at you as the pair of you made your way to the lounge area of your apartment. “Now that you're back with me, shall we order some food?” He flops down into your couch, patting the spot beside him, “what do you fancy?”
“I’d kill for a burger” you respond properly, sitting beside him, crossing your legs up on the couch to get comfortable.
The pair of you browse Felix’s phone, hunting down the right combination of food that you’d be satisfied with. And after several minutes of looking, the food had been ordered and it was quiet once more.
“So, y/n, are you enjoying your new job?”
You look up to Felix, scoffing playfully, “Oh yeah, though my Co-worker is a bit of work, he’s pretty annoying”
He seemed to enjoy the teasing. He loved that you were having fun, whether it be at his expense or not, he just enjoyed seeing you smile. He lifted his hand to push back his hair before looking at you with the sweetest eyes. “Hey, you should probably tell someone then, you don’t want the bad relationship to ruin your love for the job”
You roll your eyes, shoving his shoulder playfully, causing him to retort with a playful expression, his hand on his shoulder acting in pain, “damn, you pack a punch!”
“Was that a cod reference?”
“You know cod?”
You raise your eyebrow, “You’re kidding right? It was one of the best games for years, it’s my guilty pleasure” you tell him, leaning forward to grab a grape from the coffee table, popping it into your mouth.
Felix’s tongue pokes into his cheek as he watched you his phone letting off a text ping, “I think you are my soulmate”
“Oh shut up you”  you laugh, taking the chance to move closer to him when he looks down at his phone. Peering over his shoulder to peek at his phone, seeing messages from Chris.
“Chris should've come over too” you whisper, making it known you had seen the texts. Causing him to turn his face to look at you, making the gap between your faces, a couple inches now at most.
“No,” he says, his eyes taking in your facial features, falling to become stuck on your lips. “I wanted you to myself” he adds, looking back up to your eyes, smiling softly at your gulping reaction. He thought it was adorable, he thought you were adorable.
So adorable that he felt his
“You're so beautiful,” he says softly, his hand coming up to cup your cheek, his thumb tracing delicate circles as he hummed.
You felt frozen in place right now, your heart pounding, was this about to happen? His face closed in on yours, both of your eyes falling to close as your lips began to-
Knock knock.
You pull back, staring at Felix for a moment before taking a deep breath, seconds ago you were so close to kissing him and now you were pushing yourself up from the couch.
“Saved by the Bell”
12th of February 2023
“Y/N!! Your back!” Chris greeted you, opening his arms up for you.
Your smile, engulfed yourself in Chris’ hug, smiling as you felt him rub your back comfortingly.
You had taken the last week off from work, you requested an emergency holiday and luckily they rewarded it. You needed time to think. After the sudden lunch date with Felix at your apartment, you needed time to figure shit out. You had almost kissed, did that mean there were mutual feelings? Possibly? Who knows. But you knew that you needed to think. The Saturday after, Felix messaged you asking where you were, you didn’t reply, and you hadn’t replied to any of his messages. You needed time to think, and anything remotely Felix flavored, caused you to not think.
“Come, we’re having dance practice right now, but I’m sure the others will be glad to see you” Chris suggested, directing you towards the studio.
“Felix…what about Felix” you speak quietly, you didn’t know if you were completely ready to see him. Or if he wanted to see you.
“Oh, he’s missed you more than the 7 of us combined!” He turns to look at you before opening the door. You could hear the stomping of feet through the closed door. Knowing one of those belonged to Felix had brought everything back. “Come on y/n, I’m with you” Chris reassured you, opening the door without giving you another chance to protest.
“Look who’s back!” Chris exclaimed,
The guys greeted you one by one, with six hello’s and a nod. The nod belongs to Felix. At least the awkwardness waited until the rest of them said hello.
“Felix” you start softly, walking up towards him, “I, I’m sorry-”
“Woah woah, okay how about we all go get some more water?” You hear Chris suggest, the others nod or grunt, and soon you and Felix were alone.
“You're sorry?” Felix asks once he was in the clear, raising his brow at you before walking closer. “I messaged you multiple times a day without fail since the last time I had seen you”
He was upset.
“We almost kissed, I poured my heart out to you in those texts as soon as I left your apartment, and you read every single one, and ghosted me” his voice cracked.
“Felix…please” your eyes began to sting, the lump in your throat threatening to come out. You didn’t realize how much this had affected him.
“I wrote a fucking song for you Y/N” His voice raised now, he was upset, but he was more importantly angry. And you understood why. “A fucking song, I was going to. I was going to sing it to you, to tell you how I felt, but you left, you, the person who’s scared of their reflection in a window, left the city” he turned away from you, his hands messed with his hair,  “I wanted to tell you I loved you!”
You look up at him, his sad eyes penetrating your very soul, “loved?” You whisper, “Felix I was scared!”
“Then you fucking tell me!” He snapped, “You don’t fucking run off, you don’t run away from me, you talk to me!” In the time you’d known him, he had never been this angry in front of you. You had heard of his outbursts from Chris, but having that outburst be caused because of you, was a whole different experience.
“You’re scaring me, Felix”
Those four words stopped his world, he felt as though his heart had been torn from his chest. He stopped and just looked at you, his eyes saddened, his bottom lip quivering ever so slightly. “I didn’t, I didn’t mean to”
He inches closer to you, pulling you desperately into his arms, where the both of you, immediately broke down on impact. Both of your cries filled the room. He loved you, and you loved him, it wasn’t going to be an easygoing relationship, it wasn’t the most convenient and it certainly wasn’t going to be practical. But you loved each other. Unfortunately, it took you both hurting each other to admit it.
“I love you too” you whisper against his chest.
He pulled away gently, looking down at you with such sad but loving eyes. You look right back at him, sniffling slightly as you take in his gaze, he was perfect, truly, utterly beautiful. Over the last few seconds, your faces had gotten so close together. You could practically feel the atoms of his lips tickling your own.
“Felix..” you whisper,
Just as quickly as your hands laced with his, he kissed you. You responded with such enthusiasm that he was taken aback at first, but regained his composure and reminded himself of what was happening; he was kissing you, you were kissing him, and everything around you was now meaningless.
Nothing could have possibly meant more than them, nothing could have more beauty than this moment: your small hands pressed into his, the way your eyes fluttered to a close. You fit into him like a glove, her kiss like the beating of a butterfly’s wings, soft until it became addictive.
And you were falling fast, craving his scent and the feeling of him so close to you, unsure where he ended and you began. You had never been more grateful to have life until now. You would have rather walked into hell again and again than lose this: his entrancing eyes, his captivating smile against your lips, his laugh,
But your stupid, stupid lungs had to find air, and you were forced to separate from him with the feeling of gravity being torn out of your core. Somehow, you had been moved up onto a ledge, sitting high above him and disconnecting your hands from his (with another pitiful drop in his stomach) so you could run them through his disheveled hair, and he closed his eyes at your touch.
You looked up at him with such an inviting warmth that you wanted to kiss him again, but it would have come off as obsessive. When he was non-respondent, you pulled away. He took a step back, heat rising to his face. “Sorry — Shouldn’t have done that.”
“What are you talking about?” You said softly, watching him. “That was... it was fine.”
“F- fine?” His voice was hoarse. He cleared his throat, laughing a little before you made the move to kiss him again: he had become addicted, and you knew it, but this was short and sweet now.
God, he had forgotten how much he loved you.
“What the hell is going on in here?”
Felix jumps away from you, you jump down from the ledge of the countertop. Gulping hard when your eyes connect with the manager standing in the doorway.
“Y/N, my office, now,” he says calmly before exiting the room.
You would have preferred him to shout.
You had been fired. Effective immediately. The conditions of your termination? No contact with the members of the stray kids, especially Felix. Ideally, the company would like you to leave the country, but they didn’t hold that jurisdiction.
You look around your office sadly, licking your lip gently, still tasting Felix on your tongue. Placing the last photo frame from your desk into your box, you pick it up and head to the door.
You wanted to desperately see Felix before you left, but you signed the waiver. You could be fined. Thousands. You didn’t have that kind of money to risk it. As you walk down the elevator, you couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with sadness. Not knowing what to do at all.
When the doors open you step into the elevator, choking back tears as the door started to close.
A hand blocked the door as it almost closed, the door opening once again, standing in front of you with a relieved expression, was Felix. He gets in and hurriedly presses the button to close the doors.
“They fired me” you finally say, refusing to look him in the eyes, “I can’t talk to you”
“We’re in an elevator together, what are they going to do?”
“Felix, I’m sorry”
“No” he warned, “don't you dare apologize” he took the box from your hands and placed it down on the floor, taking your hands in his, his eyes sad “They can’t stop us loving each other y/n”
“They can.. they have” you sob, trying your absolute hardest to not look him in his eyes, but you couldn’t tear yours away from his.
He sighed, “Then I can’t love you right now” his soft hand comes into contact with your cheek like it had done very few times before. But this time it felt different. Even though he said it was the wrong time, this made it clear it was definitive. This would be the last time you’d feel his hand cupping your cheek, the last time you’d stare into his perfect eyes, the last time you’d see his smile in person.
“I will promise to continue to love you, and when it’s our time, I will love you unconditionally” His face leans down, his lips pressing against yours with such love, attention, and warmth. A tear escapes down your cheek as you kiss him back without hesitation.
And it was the last time you’d feel his lips on yours.
Please don’t be afraid to tell me what you think!! Tysm for reading! Have an awesome day!
Tags; @hyunjinskxfelix @drhsthl @stockholmstyles @dutchesskarma
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hella1975 · 11 months
would LOVE to know full details to the culture difference bestie when you've got the time because I'm kinda just a sucker for that. also. were we too nice for you tell me more about that
here we gooooo here's a rundown of the top things that were really jarring to me as a brit in america!
kinda dumb that i feel the need to say this but ive been burned before: americans, if you're going to send me shit about this list, please first reread what you've typed and ask yourself 'am i addressing this person as an actual real life adult that not only has experienced both countries she speaks about but also has perfectly functioning social skills that allow her to navigate what is and isn't a culture difference, or am i talking to her like a condescending little prick?' this includes messages like 'americans aren't actually ___, we're just ___ which clearly went over your head as a silly foreigner :)' do u understand how condescending messages like that are as the person who was there? this list is me saying what was strange to me AS A BRIT IN AMERICA. it is a comparison, not an objective statement of something ive decided is a fact about your culture. im not writing this so people can try and like. educate me on all the things i missed because america was just soooo complex. okay? stunning
you guys were SO nice like i think the best way i can contextualise this for an american is that the first time i felt actually comfortable (not that i was uncomfortable otherwise but i mean in a social sense) was when we were in new york city. no one looked at me no one wanted to talk to me people were shouting and being rude to each other it was just like home <3 the way americans are friendly is just so intense and it took me a good while to stop being so bowled over by it. like if you met someone one time they'd try and hug you and i found that very very strange
americans generally talk about their feelings a lot more and i dont even mean just from the people i interacted with bc that very well might have been because i just got on well with them so we were talking honestly, but even on commercials and things you guys talk about mental illnesses and such like it's a grocery shop whereas in england there's still very much a stiff upper lip culture about that kind of thing
you guys do speak louder. like objectively even 'quiet' americans were louder than most brits and would be glared at in public if we were in england just bc of the volume they were speaking at. you also inflect more. again i think this is another thing that boils down to americans being very bright and intense while the english are renowned for not wanting anyone to look at them ever. like a bug under a rock
FREE REFILLS!! i have not shut up about this but if you order a coffee somewhere then you have in fact ordered UNLIMITED COFFEE. the first time a waitress leaned over me to fill my coffee up i flinched away from her bc i was like what in god's name are you doing
if you try and make a hot drink in america then you are taking your life in your hands. you have to filter the water, find whatever apparatus this specific house uses to boil water, remind yourself that americans have a vendetta against milk so you have to use creamer which is 'exactly like milk' but 'you wouldnt drink it like milk' so what the fuck is going on there, and then by the time everything's done you want to go out back to curl up and die like an old dog. dont get me started on tea
one thing i thought was cute is that you guys say 'come get in the AC' the same way we would say 'come get out of the rain' like that's such a cute little human thing i think
AC itself is such a godsend but me not being used to it was kind of baffling to americans. boom's brother asked me what my ideal AC temp was at home and i just. looked at him bc i didnt even know where to start with that
it took me WEEKS to stop trying to get in the driver's side of the car
american ignorance is a very real very frustrating thing. 'whats that thing they do in europe-' idk bc ive never been to all of europe. 'when i went to europe-' where in europe. it is a continent. i got asked if we have fireworks in europe. bonfire night is older than the founding of america. there's just a genuine belief amongst americans that they're not even AWARE of (because it would be smart, nice americans that i genuinely liked saying these things) that america is the most elite country in the world and is the only place to have certain things
speaking of the european thing with americans, the fact that 'travelling to europe' is typically a bragging right over there and is seen as quite an upper class thing is very interesting. a lot of the times people would be bragging TO ME and it would go over my head bc id be like 'well anyone can go to spain'. i feel like shagaluf would give americans an aneurysm
the sheer size of america never truly registered with me until i was there like i cannot wrap my head around it. the uk can fit in lake michigan 4 times. you guys have cargo ships on lakes. the roads just go straight for miles and miles and miles. you have every environment and weather possible. literally obsessed
capitalism is actually way more intense in america. like yeah it makes sense america is thee capitalist country but i guess i thought because i was coming from a western capitalist country myself that it wouldnt change much. but like. billboards on roads. adverts while you pump gas. there is someone selling u something everywhere u look
tipping was so hard 😭 i knowwww it's necessary i understand the econ behind it all but i was so stressed all the time because of it 😭
i knew i was going to have to change the way i spoke in america bc of obvious things (my accent isnt The British Accent that americans recognise, i use a lot of slang etc) but it surprised me just how much i had to change. like by the end of it i wasnt using any slang and i was enunciating every letter because i was just so tired of saying something just for boom to have to literally translate bc like? it was no fault of theirs or mine or even the person i was talking to but it just made me feel Weird and Odd and most surprising of all was that it made me feel stupid? and i guess that's bc i get a lot of shit for my accent over here too so im oversensitive to it but ive never properly felt more like a foreigner in a different country than i did trying to talk to americans
sarcasm. im just. like the running joke is that americans dont get sarcasm and id have actually preferred that i think bc what instead happened is you guys have AMERICAN sarcasm and it just. made no fucking sense to me at all. i literally did not get american humour even slightly it was probably my biggest thing when i was over there like i literally felt like entire conversations were going over my head. british humour is very dry so not only did i not get american humour but sometimes MY humour would be misinterpreted as well and the entire thing was just very strange lol
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Liam Evans Main Story: Chapter 21 (Blind Love)
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
Liam: I don't ever want to disappear before your eyes again.
There was a passionate look in his rose coloured eyes as he gazed at me, and I was so mesmerised that I forgot how to breathe.
We’ve exchanged glances like this many times, but somehow that felt like it was the first time.
The slight change made my heart go crazy.
It made me want to embrace the change.
Liam: Hey, Kate.
Liam: I couldn’t take your hand back then. However—
Liam: However…
While his face contorted as he tried to force out the words that were caught in his throat, I shook my head.
Kate: You don’t have to force yourself to say something. You can tell me when you're ready to.
Liam: … Okay.
Liam: Thanks… Kate.
Kate: You’re welcome?
Liam: Ahaha, why did that sound like a question?
Kate: Fufu, I wonder.
When we looked at each other and burst into laughter, I realised that it had been a while since we last laughed together.
The tiny change that might seem insignificant to others was so precious to me that it caused a yearning feeling in my heart.
The next day, Liam and I headed for The Scala.
It was to put into action the plan William proposed, and—
As usual, all the troupe members were present at The Scala, practising their vocalisations and rehearsing for the play.
Tom’s eyes met Liam’s while he was mixing around with the troupe members and earnestly guiding them.
Tom: … Li… Liam.
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Liam: … Tom.
Liam: … Tom… I… you...
Before Liam could explain himself, Tom ran up to him and threw his arms around him.
Tom: You don’t have to say anything. … You’re here now, and that’s all that matters to me.
(Tom must have so many questions he wants to ask Liam, but his happiness from seeing him has surpassed them.)
Liam: … I’m sorry. And, thank you.
Troupe Member: Uwa, Tom and Liam are flirting with each other again!
Troupe Member 2: Are you okay with that, Kate? He’s being unfaithful, he’s a cheater!
We smiled at each other as the troupe members watched and teased us.
Liam: Anyway, Tom, I have something to discuss with you— I mean, with everyone here at The Scala.
Tom: Judging from the look on your face, it must be something as important as a love confession.
Tom: OK, I’ll have everyone gather.
When Tom called out to them, everyone gathered around Liam and I.
(Everyone at The Scala should never know about me being a fairytale writer and the existence of Crown.)
Anyone who found out about that secret would have only one possible fate awaiting them — being silenced.
When I thought about it, I knew that the plan would be anything but calm, and I could get a sense of the lengths William would go to.
It seemed that Liam was thinking the same thing, and he spoke with an even more serious look on his face.
Liam: Long story short — there is a message I want to send to all of England, through the use of this play.
Liam briefly explained that a dangerous organisation in England by the name of “Golden Butterfly” that had once been annihilated was showing signs of reviving its activities.
Due to the identity of the mastermind behind its revival being unknown, the plan was to make use of theatre to convey the message “stop the revival”.
(It might not sound very convincing because he left out some pieces of information to avoid putting everyone at risk.)
Liam: I can’t reveal the reason why I want to destroy that organisation. … I’m sorry.
Liam: But I know for sure that if we leave them as they are, more people will be hurt.
Liam: Therefore, I hope that all of you will agree to help me…
Kate: … I, too, would like to ask the same of everyone.
Tom: …
Tom: Lift your heads, Kate and Liam. The answer to your request for help is YES.
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Kate • Liam: …!
Tom: What does the art of stage acting exist for? It exists for the people.
Tom: We believe that theatre has the miraculous ability to move the hearts of people. Is that right, all of you?
The eyes of the troupe members around us were filled with passion, hope, and trust.
Tom: It’s time for The Scala to come together and destroy that wicked organisation…!
Entire Troupe: Woooo…!
Troupe Member 1: Don’t we look like heroes standing up for justice?
Troupe Member 2: Yes, yes. I’m getting all pumped up!
Liam: Oh—... uhm.
It was rather funny to see Liam being the only one standing there awkwardly amidst everyone being excited and calling the plan “justice”.
Tom: Moreover…
Tom: This is the first time you’ve ever asked us for a favour. Therefore, we’ll do everything possible to help you!
Liam: … —anks.
Liam’s soft “thanks” reached my ears as I stood next to him.
Bianca: Men! It’s nice to get excited, but we should at least decide on the play first!
Bianca: Right, Kate?
Kate: Fufu, you’re right.
Tom: I’ll write a script that will include the existence of “Golden Butterfly” in the story and will make the crowd go wild.
Tom: Word won’t spread all over England if the story is boring, right?
Liam: In that case, how about “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”?
I recalled the time Tom had previously explained to us what he wanted The Scala to play.
"The story is set in 15th Century Paris. At the Notre Dame Cathedral, there was a man named Quasimodo.
Quasimodo spent his days alone at the top of the tall tower ringing the bells, never knowing what the outside world was like.
One day, he met a beautiful dancer named Esmeralda and fell in love with her."
Liam: I’ve read the original, and I thought “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” was a story about battles.
Liam: Battles against fate and things that hurt oneself. … I don’t know how to phrase this better, but I just think that this story is perfect for our current situation.
(Everything Liam just said are truths. They’re all precious things that I treasure.)
(However, Liam’s tone… it sounds different from before.)
He was definitely saying those things out of his own will, and it moved the hearts of everyone present and mine as well.
The gentle warmth melted the ice.
Everyone present nodded in agreement.
Tom: Then it’s decided, The Scala’s next production will be “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”. So, Liam—
Tom: I still want you to play the role of Quasimodo, the main character. Will you accept the role?
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Liam: …
Liam: What do you think, Kate?
There was a hint of fear in those eyes in front of me, but the old dangerous tendency to invalidate one's own will in order to satisfy others was no longer there.
Kate: What do YOU want to do, Liam?
Liam: I…
Liam: What do /I/ want to do, huh?
Fearful of taking the first step, Liam’s lips trembled.
Liam: I want to play the role of Quasimodo. I’ll do my very best, so please let me do it.
Tom: … Of course.
Tom: Now that it’s been decided, I shall make the necessary changes to the script! There’s the stage setting to take care of as well. Things will get very busy from now on.
Liam: Ahaha, that’s right.
We worked days and nights to prepare for the performance of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”.
During that period of time, we received some unexpected help—
Troupe Member: Kate, Liam, over here!
The members of the theatrical troupe were holding more lavish packed lunches than their arms could carry.
Troupe Member: It was delivered to us without prior notice, but the sender didn’t leave a name. We only have this message card.
Liam: …?
“To my beloved Liam and Kate.
I made these myself, so please enjoy them with everyone there.
Wishing you all the best for your performance.”
Kate • Liam: … It’s Victor.
Troupe Member: I was about to throw them away because they could be a bad prank, but they looked too delicious…
Liam: Pfft, ahaha. A prank?
Liam: This is from a very passionate fan of mine and Kate’s. All of you can be rest assured and eat up.
< timeskip >
Troupe Member: I need to put this curtain up, but I can’t reach that height. Does anyone have a ladder—
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Ellis: … You want to put this up? Alright, let me help you.
Troupe Member: Huh…?
Ellis unexpectedly dropped by the theatre to help out and was able to get much of the work done easily with his amazing agility.
Bianca: Liam. You sure have a few rather… unusual friends.
Liam: Mm, that’s true.
Ellis: Kate, Liam, is there anything else that needs to be done?
Kate: Oh, in that case—
(... Everyone is doing what they can to help out.)
Every time, Liam would smile, a little bewildered, but he was genuinely happy.
He savoured every subtle act of kindness like each one of them was a miracle.
(... I’ve been by Liam’s side for quite a while, but this is the first time I’m seeing this side of him.)
I didn’t want to miss out on any changes that could possibly be happening in Liam’s heart.
My gaze was naturally drawn to him, like a butterfly attracted to a flower.
When we were almost done with the preparations for the play, an unexpected “guest” came to the theatre for Liam.
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Liam: … Harry.
Kate: Huh?
We went up to the second floor of the theatre and saw Harrison leaning against a wall, staring at the stage.
Harrison: Haha, you’re too quick to notice. I intended to keep watching for a little more before calling out to you.
Harrison: Looks like all of you have been working and rehearsing hard. Good work.
Kate: By any chance, are you here to help?
Harrison: No way, I’m not such a kind person.
Harrison: Now, I did something else instead.
He looked at us as we cocked our heads in puzzlement, and narrowed his mint coloured eyes that could see through lies.
Harrison: There’s a limit to the amount of people you can convey your message to, if you rely solely on your performance.
Harrison: That means that your message might not reach the initiator of the revival of “Golden Butterfly”, who could be somewhere else in England.
(Um, so that means—)
Kate: In order to spread this one drop of poison throughout England, we need to make it a popular topic for conversation…?
Harrison: Yeah, exactly.
Harrison pulled a letter out of his pocket and waved it at us.
Kate: An invitation to the play?
Harrison: I made a request to an acquaintance in the publication industry to invite journalists from newspaper publishers and magazines to the play.
Harrison: If they enjoy the play, they’ll publish huge articles about it.
Harrison: Ah, and of course this invitation is real. I spoke to Tom Crawford, and he gave me this seat.
Liam: Could it be that…
Liam: You’ve been working behind the scenes?
Harrison: This is one of my missions. All I did was get my job done.
Harrison: If the performance is of poor quality, our plan will be a failure. Do your best.
Liam: … Thanks, Harry.
Harrison: Yeah. Oh, and one more thing.
Harrison: Your father, Max Evans, was given an invitation too.
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jaylikesrainbowtigers · 9 months
I’m trying something a little bit new today. A positivity post because I feel like shit now. For those of you who don’t know my ex broke up with me two days ago and I didn’t really feel anything about it. Turns out I had just numbed my feelings until it hit me on my dog walk today. So trying positivity to make me feel better.
@intothedysphoria is where I got the inspiration to do this. Max makes positivity posts when he feels down and it’s something I admire so much. He also writes such good disabled Harringrove content. Like I don’t even ship it and here I am liking all of the posts because I love it all. And he has been so kind to me on discord when I vented about the breakup. I know right now is a rough patch for you, Max but I just want you to know that you kind of feel like a positive force that teaches me brilliant chaotic gremlin things. Thank you for that!!
@hargrove-mayfields is so amazing too. EJ, you were the first person I have truly interacted with online for any fandom ever. I couldn’t have asked for a better person. You have been nothing but sweet and lovely to me, and though you don’t see my jumping up and down frantically whilst waving my hands in the air every single time we interact and especially when you let me get my grubby mitts on a fandom event (again), I kinda want to let you know I maybe do that. So thanks EJ for being amazing.
@skutter We have never interacted but this is a post to make me happy so I wanted to tag you. I really couldn’t believe it when you shared one of my posts for the first time. Because you are like the only other person who blogs about Red Dwarf I could find. And I barely get to ever talk or do anything about Red Dwarf with anybody my age because I’m really the wrong generation for classics like that but oh boy, your posts bring my so much happiness when I see them. Thank you so much for helping me indulge in a silly little brain rot I have.
Also tagging @shieldofiron, @carito-dorito, @salthat, @peachyaliien (who tumblr will not let me tag despite me literally opening her blog), and anybody else on the @disabledbillyandsteveweek discord (check out that tag for stranger things content) who let me be a bit of a mess over there.
A final thanks to my irl friends Abi and Ciara who will probably never know or see this post. You two have been so amazing over the past few days and I am so sad we are all leaving this weekend down our own paths. We will meet again at Christmas when we return from the land beyond (England is that hour plane ride away beyond). My DofE besties who have been with me for so long, I can’t wait to go out tonight which you two arranged beautifully just for me.
Ciara and I have been friends for 14 years, and boy have we been through thick and thin together. We might no longer be as close but I will always remember you for being my first crush and my closest childhood friend. Also the legend who said in response to my I think I’m autistic said yeah, we all knew that.
Abi, we met later but we have been inseparable since. From chucking things at each other, to me making fun of your height (you aren’t *that* short, our friends and me are just tall), and to being the crush who made me realize oh shit, I’m gay.
And to the frankly hilarious coincidence named Jay. You bastard. Why did Ciara have a crush on you and then Abi went on to date you now. Do I have to expect my ex to date you soon? Do I? Will you haunt my romances for evermore?
Anyway thank you to anyone who actually bothered to get up to this point. I see why Max does these now. I feel better.
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zuuriell · 9 months
Introduction ˚⋆。˚ ❀
hi everyone! my name is zuri and welcome to my blog!! here i’m going to share pretty random things to be honest, i’ll list a few below:
About my blog:
Random thoughts - it’ll probably end up being mostly these if i’m honest, i can’t stop talking sometimes no matter what the subject is about 😭
Shifting/Spiritual Stuff - i’d like to think i’m a pretty spiritual person; i’m into witchcraft (specifically crystals), runes + tarot, and i’m also a shifter! (i’ll write more later about my personal stuff with that, and be aware i’ll likely talk about it on multiple occasions)
Spreading Awareness! - i’m hoping for this to be one of the things i talk frequently about. i’ll likely speak a lot on disabilities, mental health, lgbtqia+ & women’s rights as those are what i have personal experience with, but it’s not a limited list! i will try my best to use this platform to advocate for people in any ways i can, so know i’ve got your back, friend <3
Also: just wanna note that my blog is here for everyone! other than the icky ppl listed in the DNI criteria below, you are welcome to be yourselves here, no judgement 🫶
DNI List:
1) NSFW/Kink Accounts:
-> I’m a minor & I want my blog to be an SFW safe space for everyone, so please do not interact or bring your content anywhere near mine
2) Antis (e.g. agere antis, shifting antis, etc.)
-> You don’t have to partake in it to approve of it, and again this is supposed to be a safe space for everyone, so haters should stay away pls and ty <3
3) Anti-LGBTQ+, Racists, Ableists, etc:
-> Pretty self-explanatory to be honest. I do not want these types of people interacting with me or my blog, respectfully please go away 🤗
About me:
i’m a 16 year old kid from england, also a november sagittarius
currently i am studying for my GCSEs! i am taking biology, english lang+lit, psychology and sociology! i am homeschooled too <3
i’m genderfluid + bisexual! my pronouns do change from day to day and i appreciate people who ask for my pronouns at the time, but if you don’t feel like doing that then they/them is fine :)
i have the best boyfriend ever! he’s so cool and he also has his own blog - @agere-tomndavid-imagines everyone should totally go check it out!! :D
i’m a shifter - i haven’t shifted yet but i’ve been attempting on and off for the last couple of years. my main dr is in the marvel cinematic universe!
i’m also an age regressor - this isn’t going to be an agere-specific blog, but i may talk about it here n there so just be aware of that (also if you are a regressor, pls be aware that i may swear in my posts! other than that though, this blog is SFW ^^)
i’m autistic and my special interests are: marvel (specifically loki ), sharks, fnaf and psychology
music is my life - my fav artists are: harry styles, taylor swift, james marriott & good kid
Additional note: i am disabled so please be aware and be patient with me! i’ve got CRS, POTS, PCOS & suspected hEDS - i know it looks like i just splurted out half the alphabet so if anyone wants me to explain these i am happy to do so LOL - and my healthcare isn’t the greatest either so i’m often having flareups, therefore if this blog isn’t the most consistent i apologise but i will still try my best :) ❤️
if anyone wants to message me, feel free- im always happy to meet new people!
have an awesome day/night, take care of yourself, and i hope to see you around! <33
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van-eazy · 5 months
What a lot of young folk don’t understand, in a very beautiful attempt at inclusion and love, is that obesity isn’t really about food or weight. It’s never about “oh my parents were fat and thus so am I” or “being poor in America/England/insert nation made me this way.” Obesity has a root cause, and it’s not something out of your control, however it’s also not because you’re lazy or bad or a failure. Often it’s depression or anxiety, which is not an invitation to get on pills, it’s an invitation to seek out what part of your life sucks so hard that a symptom of your dissatisfaction in life is weight gain. It could be something temporary like grief for a lost loved one or it could be a lifetime of unloving family and isolation from community….
There is absolutely no reason to shame anyone for their weight or treat them with any lack of respect. But we do a great disservice pretending it’s natural, normal, or healthy. One simply cannot be healthy at just any weight, period. Even more bizarre is the embracing of people who purposely gain weight (imagine how many starving kids in any country could eat from those extra 4000 calories a day taken for “gainers.”)
Obese people owe it to nobody to lose weight, but we owe it to coming generations to embrace and love fitness and health, not just for the idea of being hot, but for the endless benefits of fitness and health.
The way to help people struggling with obesity is to love them unconditionally for their true self, and never ever make comments, jokes, snide remarks, helpful suggestions, or even the friendliest of help… unless they ask for it! Only when a person comes to you for advice or even just loving support while they try to make a change in their life should you offer your help. Nobody wants unsolicited advice, least of which your friends who just want your love and support.
I would wager a guess the true cause of obesity for a lot of our gay brothers is isolation, loneliness, lack of community, and a feeling of pointlessness in life. Being lifelong medicated by the pharmaceutical industry isn’t a proper fix, and it won’t make things better.
Choosing to treat your body and soul better is not a light choice to make, and it’s even harder to tell your best friends that you’re trying.
Right now we’re about to hit that point when New Year’s resolutions flop, and the old patterns return. If a change in lifestyle just won’t stick, the last thing I want you to do is feel like you’re just not made for this, or like you’re permanently stuck. Perhaps it has nothing to do with your ability to stick to a plan, or to have self control or determination. Maybe there’s something blocking that healthier self, a great barrier that only self-introspection and love can move.
Your body is a reflection of your inner self and your outer health, and if your head needs a bit of proper healing, no amount of boot camp fitness or low carb diets will do it. The change *must* be internal first for the external to reflect such a change.
But remember, it’s not enough to figure out what caused you to be this way, bad parents, trauma, etc, nobody cares, we’ve all got it. Yes, you have to discover it, but I’m willing to bet you already know what went wrong in your life cos you’ve probably played it over a million times in your head, thinking about how much better things would be if only things had been different.
It’s not enough to find out what traumatized you, you have to next forgive, forget, and move on. And if you haven’t forgotten then you haven’t forgiven.
You don’t need to hire anyone or pay someone to listen to you. You don’t need to talk to your friends or family, you need to talk to yourself. Our entire lives are nonstop interaction with the outside world but for most of human history we spent a lot of time on the inside, with our inner self.
A person who is healthy on the inside will wear it on the outside. If you are ready emotionally to lose weight, check out my video below which has great tips from someone who has been through it more than once.
And if you’re spiritually not ready and you know it but you just don’t know where to start, I’ve got great book recommendations for people of any faith or no faith and my DMs and anon is always open.
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paperuniverse · 1 year
19. Has anyone ever gotten mad over how you've portrayed an character or over a headcanon or something?
20. In what ways do you think this fandom should step outside it's comfort zone
21. What frustrates you about the Hetalia fandon
3. most chill character stans
5. Best fandom interaction
Worse of Times
19. Has anyone ever gotten mad over how you've portrayed an character or over a headcanon or something?
Not yet, although I’m sure someone will give me shit for giving the Italies, Spain and Portugal tanned skin at some point. I portray them that way because I wanted them to look like my friends from those places, I am aware those countries are predominantly white but discoursers will discourse.
20. In what ways do you think this fandom should step outside it's comfort zone
No idea, maybe more research on countries relationships like Canada and England as an example since a lot of people don’t seem to realize how close we as a country we still are to England Royal Red bros ftw
21. What frustrates you about the Hetalia fandon
The incest debate. Who cares who raised who, they live for hundreds of years. You really think a relationship wouldn’t change between two immortals decades, or even centuries later? Same with blood, they are dirt, can they really be blood related??
Best of Times
3. Most chill character stans
Probably Nordic fans? I don’t interact with them much but I don’t ever hear of any drama for them. They just love their blond men and Vikings.
5. Best fandom interaction
Love getting nice asks (like this one) and making friends on a discord or with another ask blog. I just love making real friends over this silly little series :)
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god-of-dust · 1 year
WIP last lines tag game
thank you for the tag @limonium-anemos 💕
rules: share 7 (or more) lines of a WIP you've been working on.
this is from a tomarrymort wip i started ages ago, where tom is a necromancer and harry is the master of death. i have no idea if i'll ever finish it because the plot didn't make much sense as it was, but!!! i reread it a few days ago and i actually liked it, so here it is:
“Ginny Weasley. My friend is coming, I can ask him to relay your message to Cho.”
Tom takes the proffered hand and shakes it. She's saving him from tedious bureaucracy, so she definitely deserve the last dregs of politeness Tom still carries after the interaction with the Welcome Witch. “Tom Riddle.”
Her eyebrows furrow for a moment, then her expression clears as if she's had a big revelation. “The Gaunt heir?”
“Because if you are that Tom Riddle, and I don't think there are many others with that name, then my friend will want to meet you too. He's been looking for you for a while.”
“Why is an Auror looking for me?” Tom's made sure that any blatantly illegal act he's performed in England has been concealed to perfection; besides, his consulting work with the Unspeakables gives him a certain amount of room to play with, as long as he doesn't maim or murder anyone or try to overthrow the Ministry.
Well, he hasn't murdered in a long time, and as soon as the thought crosses his mind he tightens his Occlumency shields on instinct.
“You can ask him. He's right over there.”
But Tom doesn't need to look, doesn't need to be told who her friend is. Death has crossed the protection wards and it's reverberating through Tom's core, submerging him in still waves.
tagging: @the-cloud-whisperer, @richardcampbellganseytheiiird, @thetpot, and whoever wants to do this!
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britneyshakespeare · 11 months
another tag
today is a twofer brought to you by @buddyhollyscurls
1. Are you named after anyone?
No :^) people have asked me before if I was named after Princess Diana but. No it’s just the only other name my parents could agree on for a girl. I’m the second born in a set of twins with two older brothers, so my parents never anticipated having to name another girl until they got the news.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Couple days ago over pain and health anxiety.
3. Do you have kids?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. But I have four chickens that I love dearly.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I’m generally pretty witty and jovial but I’d say I’m less sarcastic than just silly and goofy. I’m not one of those people that sees sarcasm as the funniest sort of humor; I use it sparingly. I prefer to be the joke.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
NONE lol. But watching swordfights in Shakespeare plays recently (and also a cute artist’s model I used to have a crush on) has made me have passing thoughts of “what if I tried fencing...” (never gonna happen though, especially not now with my health being what it is)
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Physically or personality-wise? If someone meets me in real life they probably notice my red hair, I suppose, since that’s a rather rare trait. But I don’t post my face all that much, especially not anymore, so it’s not like everyone who interacts with me here would first notice that. They probably notice my eclectic mix of interests and eccentric personality first. 
Although in real life I’m very reserved; I don’t share much of myself. People often pick up despite that though that I’m rather intelligent, and I don’t say that as though *I* think I’m exceptionally intelligent, but that is the way people treat me automatically sometimes when I’m not necessarily trying to show off. Idk it’s weird. I’ve always very much been the “quiet smart girl” when that’s not what I feel best represents me. It’s a very limiting role to be assigned. It’s like being written off, in a way.
7. What's your eye color?
Bleu, bleu, l’amour est bleu... 
(that is a Vicky Leandros song)
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies WITH happy endings. Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale.
9. Any special talents?
One could argue my poetry portrays some level of talent... cough follow @creatediana
10. Where were you born?
The Merrimack Valley region of New England. Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack all dressed in black black black. Fun fact that song is a reference to the Merrimack River and NOW YOU KNOW.
11. What are your hobbies?
Probably reading and writing are the major ones, but I’ve also enjoyed a lot of music in my life (both playing it and listening to it... but I’ve always been better at listening than playing). Acting and theater for a very short stint, although I wouldn’t be opposed to doing it ever again under the *very correct* circumstances (which would basically have to fall in my lap because I’m never seeking that shit out again). 
12. Do you have any pet?
My doggy Dickens who is a little bastard fucker and also my sweetheart. Dickens ‘n chickens.
13. How tall are you?
5′7″ but... I can get on my knees if you need me to be smaller
14. Favorite subject in school?
I loved all of them, truly. Especially in college, my enjoyment depended a lot more on the enthusiasm of my professor than the subject. But one thing I’ve learned to love more in recent years is science and the visual arts. Those always eluded me when I was younger. But back in the day my favorite classes were theater, English, Spanish, history, and my guitar classes. Typical humanities girly.
15. Dream job?
Job? Fuck you, pay me. 
I’m a schoolteacher.
I would like it better if it had more financial incentives and if there weren’t so many systemic failures in the education system.
I tag: uhhmmm let me see... I’ll do @sneez @david-watts @dylaissante @angelblooms @personshapedsplder @titoro @shecomesincolors @nebylitsa @porsiempretriste and @renjunnipeikko .... if you can HANDLE IT 
(or just if you want to)
(anyone can do this actually and tag me back I love you guys xoxox)
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ferelden-loser · 1 year
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#‘she’s not one of us’ ‘she’s only doing it for attention/to prey on other women’ shut the fuck up you sound like a terf
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really weird seeing the sudden opinion of consumers of interactive fiction that the whole world has to revolve around the MC? that everyone has to like them and instantly think they’re the best thing ever? like… no???
8 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
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8 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
presented with absolutely no context
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21 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Dreamling - Recreated
(sorry I’m on the app and I can’t do read more - if you don’t wanna read then you’re gonna have to scroll 😅)
Anything can be reborn in the Dreaming. Perhaps the recollections of another who had walked the ancient walls of the White Horse Inn would not have recreated it in their mind so authentically, and at the same time a man who had seen so many different iterations of it ought not to have solidly identified one. But Hob Gadling was not an ordinary man, and his eye for detail may have found trouble for him in the past, but in this instance it proved a boon.
He faced down the Endless with a quiet smug smile.
“Well? What do you think?”
Dream’s gaze cast about the pub - an almost perfect recreation of their first meeting many hundreds of years prior. There were one or two bricks out of place, true, but the building still stood. Perhaps that serving girl’s bosom was not quite so generous in life, but in Hob’s mind, it suited her. And currently Hob imagined himself in faded jeans and an aged leather jacket, quite out of place in a smoky tavern somewhere in the Middle Ages of England.
“I have seen worse attempts at easier things,” Dream provided, but Hob knew better than anyone to watch for the quirk at the corner of his mouth… and there it was. Faint amusement. As much as he would deign to show to a mere mortal. Did Hob even qualify as that anymore, he wondered?
He chased the thought off and gestured to a free table in the middle. It was not the large one that he and his fellows had sat at when Hob had sealed his deal with Dream, but rather a smaller one with only two seats; more akin to the others they had taken in subsequent meetings.
Dream sat, sweeping his long black coat out behind him with an inhuman grace.
“Drink?” Hob asked.
Dream shook his head. “Not on the job, no.”
“A joke!” Hob grinned, “Are you sure you’re feeling alright? Didn’t think you had it in you.”
“I am glad I can still surprise you,” Dream responded, “But… you wanted to speak with me.”
It was a statement, not a question, like another might have delivered it. Hob had noticed that Dream did often did that.
25 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
okay this dynamic but Dreamling? anybody?
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64 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
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dollycas · 4 months
Special Guest Kitty Kildare - Author of Death at the Fireside Inn: 1920s Historical Mystery (Veronica Vale Investigates) #GuestPost / #Giveaway - Great Escapes Book Tour
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Death at the Fireside Inn: 1920s Historical Mystery (Veronica Vale Investigates) by Kitty Kildare It is my pleasure to welcome Kitty Kildare to Escape With Dollycas today. WHY COZY MYSTERIES by Kitty Kildare Life is full of mystery. I’ve always had a fascination with finding out what goes on beneath the surface of every situation. I learned this the hard way when I made an off the cuff comment about someone’s ridiculously happy marriage and how content they seemed and I’d be so lucky to be in that situation. Two hours later, and after a lot of shed tears, I learned the grim reality of that magical marriage. That lesson showed me nothing is ever quite what it seems. The happy smile on the baker’s face as he stocks his counter for the day. The cheerful whistle of the chimneysweep as he goes about his job (does that whistle sound strained to you? And what’s that rolled up in the back of his van?) And the intense expression of the chambermaid as she dashes past with a bundled parcel. Is she busy or does she have something to hide? What else is going on? I always ask myself about the secrets the strangers I meet could be keeping. If you’re ever bored on a journey, it’s a wonderful game to play. Look around the aeroplane, train carriage, or even glance into other people’s cars if you’re stuck in traffic, and play the what if game. What if that person is scowling because they’ve learned a secret about their older brother? A secret that’s lost them thousands of dollars and the respect of their father. What if the woman looking pensive has learned a dark puzzling clue to exactly what her husband was doing two weeks ago last Friday? What will she do with that knowledge? What if the speeding fool who is risking his life and everyone else’s, is dashing somewhere of the utmost importance? Maybe he has a clue that will solve a murder tucked in his inside jacket pocket. Or he needs to get somewhere by a certain time to interview a key witness or the case will fall apart. Sometimes, playing this game makes real life seem so much more interesting. My characters always ask the question ‘what if’ and dig for more information. They’re never content with the surface, simple answers they first receive and are observant of their surroundings and the way people interact with them and others. It’s often the small clues and the little hints that give away the big secrets. The Veronica Vale Investigates series delves into people’s lives and unearths the often surprising (and sometimes shocking) secrets. Secrets that lead to murder. And my sleuth is never alone. That’s another delightful thing about cozy mysteries. Veronica is surrounded by friends and family who inspire her to do her best. The mysteries could never be solved without the valuable input of those around her. Ruby Smythe, her best friend. Her fretful, nosy mother, Edith, and the not always helpful Inspector Templeton. And not forgetting Veronica’s amazing clue-hunting dog, Benji. I can think of nothing I’d like more than to solve perplexing mysteries surrounded by the people I trust most, and for those people to encourage me to do my best and find a solution to a confounding puzzle. I’m only a hero when I have my team around me. The same goes for Veronica. And the nice thing about having a team to help you solve the puzzles, is that once you’re done, you can go and have a delicious slice of cake, a gossip, and a nice cup of tea in your favorite café. Would anyone like to join Veronica, Ruby, and Benji for afternoon tea at the Ritz? Thank you, Kitty, for stopping by today. ______ Keep reading for more information about Kitty's book.  About Death at the Fireside Inn Death at the Fireside Inn: 1920s Historical Mystery (Veronica Vale Investigates) Historical British Cozy Mystery 1st in Series Setting – 1920s London, England K.E. O’Connor Books (January 16, 2024) Number of Pages: 225 Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CL2HDFSM A fading star, a puzzling death, and a mystery that must be solved! Veronica Vale spent a turbulent few years serving her country during the Great War - doing more than her role in the exchange network suggested! Now back on British soil and adjusting to life as an obituary writer for her uncle's newspaper, while caring for her ailing mother, Veronica has gotten used to a slower (and safer) pace of life. Excitement comes from fun parties, walks with Benji, her beloved rescue dog, and volunteering at the Dogs' Home. When an old family friend, and former superstar of the theatre, Florence Sterling, is discovered dead in her dressing room at the Winter Garden Theatre in London, Veronica is curious to discover what happened to the sweet, funny, ruthlessly ambitious beauty. Much to the dismay of her sometimes nemesis Inspector Templeton, Veronica is tasked with writing Florence's obituary. And what she learns will blow the roof off the theatre! That's if she survives to tell the tale. *** If you love witty dialogue, historical glamour, intrigue, and a fast-paced cozy mystery set in 1920s England, then you'll adore Kitty Kildare's unputdownable whodunits. About Kitty Kildare Immerse yourself into Kitty Kildare's cleverly woven historical British mysteries. Follow the mystery in the Veronica Vale Investigates series and enjoy the dazzle and delights of 1920s England. Kitty is a not-so-secret pen name of established cozy mystery author K.E. O’Connor, who decided she wanted to time travel rather than cast spells! Enjoy the twists and turns. Author Links Webpage    Facebook    GoodReads Purchase Links: Amazon US   Amazon UK   Amazon CA   Amazon AU TOUR PARTICIPANTS - Please visit all the stops.  February 7 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT February 7 – Sneaky the Library Cat's Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW February 7 – Christa Reads and Writes – CHARACTER GUEST POST February 8 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW February 8 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – AUTHOR GUEST POST February 9 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT  February 9 – Sarah Can't Stop Reading Books – REVIEW February 9 – Novels Alive - REVIEW February 10 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT February 10 – FUONLYKNEW – SPOTLIGHT February 11 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT February 11 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT February 12 – Literary Gold – AUTHOR INTERVIEW February 12 – Eskimo Princess Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT February 13 – Christy's Cozy Corners – AUTHOR GUEST POST February 13 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – REVIEW February 13 – Elizabeth McKenna - Author – SPOTLIGHT a Rafflecopter giveaway Have you signed up to be a Tour Host? Click Here to Find Details and Sign Up Today! Want to Book a Tour? Click Here Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent Read the full article
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