#i cannot over emphasize how small this list is compared to what it could be
mppmaraudergirl · 1 year
I have been away from the fandom for way too long and now the only updates I get are just the stuff you're posting. Do you have any good fic recommendations that you're currently reading? Cause I miss reading good fanfictions and because I love everything you write I feel like I would really enjoy the fics that you like as well
Hi there. Thank you for the lovely words and welcome back! 🥰 I'm sorry for the delayed reply. My reading time has been severely limited recently so I don't have a very active reading list to give, but I still wanted to take this opportunity to accumulate a rec list!
First off, the easy blogs to follow: @jilychallenge / @jilychallenge2023, @jilymicrofics, @jilyarchive which are all pretty actively advertising writers and fics! The archive ofc has great tagging so you can get really specific if you have a hankering for something. The jilychallenge is monthly and the microfics is posting pretty much daily.
I try to reblog fics I'm reading/plan to read with the tag "#jily fic recs" on this blog, and as I previously posted, the @jilyawards 2022 list is a fantastic place to start—already broken down by category which is super handy!
I am notoriously bad at bookmarking things on AO3 but there are a handful there that I couldn't recommend enough. Now for some specific recs/favs!
My forever first must-read is my bff @chdarling 's The Last Enemy series which is the best Marauders fic I've ever read. That's right. Ever.
I've been going batshit over @the-dream-team 's Who Knows Who Cares Muggle AU. It warms my lil heart
I'm feral when I so much as think about @wearingaberetinparis 's no body, no crime which sadoigjasidgj have to stop myself from spoiling but check it out!
I'm still awed by @nought-shall-go-ill 's The Light Come Shining which made me sob
Speaking of crying, you can't go wrong with @possessingtheproperspirit for your heartachingly sad angst needs. the way you left me is perfection. Perfection.
If you consider yourself a funny person, I can fix that for you by recommending @mabeltothknows 's We Have Buried the Putrid Corpse of Liberty which is next level
I absolutely loved @annabtg 's AO3 is Down which is as fun/silly as you'd expect for a little Jily AU
This is by no means comprehensive (my brain is useless most days lately) but perhaps a good start for fics! If you have a tumblr I also rec this awesome jily blog/author list created by the immensely talented @startanewdream (who killed me with her fic someday we'll know) which will likely overwhelm you lol.
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How do you think Peeta could join the Careers at 74th Hunger Games?
What did he do? Duel with another career? Killing another tributes on the Cornucopia?
Do you think before The Rule Change (2 victors from the same district), Peeta already determined to help Katniss becoming the winner? Thoughts?
Thank you :)
Ooh, I like this one!
I think there's kind of two plausible answers to this one based on what we know about how the Careers operate, what we know happened during training and at the Cornucopia, and what we obliquely hear from Haymitch about how Peeta "barely got in with them."
Haymitch does some smooth-talking with the Careers' mentors, sells them on Peeta as an ally because he's strong, his score was comparable to their tributes' scores, he's one half of the star-crossed lovers who are going to have sponsors falling all over them, he allegedly has intel he might be willing to cough up on Katniss (we know he won't and Haymitch knows he won't, but tbh, if I were a mentor, I'd absolutely believe Peeta's as interested in winning as everyone else is), and all those things listed above are the sort of thing that would make him a decent choice for an ally.
Peeta does some smooth-talking to convince the Careers to let him join. We know from Katniss/the way people respond to him, that Peeta's good with words. He's also likeable and, frankly, just doesn't have the kind of personality you'd consider a threat in a winner-takes-all fight to the death. It's the kind of thing you see on reality shows like Survivor or The Amazing Race all the time, where a strategy popular amongst the strongest players is "we have a warrior mentality and want only the strongest people/teams in the finale because that will be a real competition and if you win you'll have legendary bragging rights," but that's also coupled with this underlying sneakier-but-more-sensible strategy of "I also want to keep around someone I'm confident I can beat because if it comes down to a me or them thing, I want the advantage" and Peeta fits that bill nicely. Like, he's strong enough/brings enough to the table to not drag the team down, but they also don't consider him a big threat, which makes him easily disposable. Because Katniss mentions Foxface as his "first kill" (and they've been talking so we assume she would know), I think we can pretty safely rule out Peeta killing another tribute, but since Katniss also mentions he looks like he's been in a fight the first time she sees him in the arena ("His face is swollen with bruises, there's a bloody bandage on one arm, and from the sound of his gait, he's limping somewhat"), I think the theory I personally subscribe to is that he held someone off during the bloodbath at the Cornucopia long enough to make them listen to his pitch.
"Do you think before The Rule Change (2 victors from the same district), Peeta already determined to help Katniss becoming the winner? Thoughts?"
In short...yes, yes I do.
Actually, I think there's a good case for "Peeta made up his mind that Katniss was coming back, not him on the ride to the train" simply because of how he switches from openly crying on the way there (not surprising considering the circumstances, but also possibly indicative of someone who's struggling with the realization that he doesn't want to die, but the person he most wants to survive isn't himself) to demanding Haymitch's full attention, and trying to find out what they need to do.
Then, once they get to the Capitol and Haymitch sees that they've both got potential, Peeta doesn't let Katniss downplay her abilities, helps her maintain their We're A Team strategy in public (honestly, as someone who teeters on the brink of severe introversion at times and literally cannot make small talk/keep a conversation going when the battery has run dry or I'm not well-acquainted with whoever I'm talking to, I think it cannot be emphasized enough how valuable Peeta's contribution is here since he essentially single-handedly lays the groundwork for the dramatic interview confession and makes the idea that they're at least friends somewhat believable), and reminds her not to get involved in the bloodbath when he can see she's considering running for the bow.
And once they're in the arena, then of course he misleads the Careers and holds off Cato after the tracker jacker incident, so basically, by the time they announce the rule change, I think Peeta was probably just like, "Oh, cool. Too bad they couldn't do something like this EARLIER, when I might have actually been able to contribute something to the team" (because at that point, I think he was also still pretty sure he was going to die from his leg wound).
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kiwi--bot · 3 years
Rating: T Words: 2,872 Warnings: Blood, Injuries, Al-An doesn’t understand emotions very well. Summary: Al-An prefers when things fall into an easily recognizable pattern. It’s how data forms, it’s easier to work with, and less surprises make it easier to remain efficient. Robin is a rogue bit of code in the set sequence.
Indeed, it had been quite some time since Al-An was allowed to exist in any dimensions outside of their temporary isolation. And truly, Robin had done well in the fabrication of an Architect form that would suit their needs to relocate the pair off the planet, and return to their home with the remedy for the Kharaa Bacterium; for the Architects of their home world.
Unfortunately, following the reconstruction of their new form, Al-An is hit with the immediate problem that their supposed mode of transportation has... degraded over time; and they are quite lacking really on the resources department. Countless amounts of bits and bobs, here and there, that simply corroded over the years, or just did not operate further. And every small tick of a list of issues added up to an inoperable phase gate. Yet Robin-- ever so helpful Robin-- offers to help collect whatever Al-an could need to repair their ship.
“Always together, even if you’re not stuck upstairs anymore,” She had joked, tapping the side of her head in an emphasized way. How Al-An could only think of how true that statement was...
And so, life on 4546B settled into somewhat of a steady, even pace for Robin and Al-An.
Robin relocates her primary base to the facility where Al-An prepares for convenience’s sake. She wakes up late in the morning, and Al-An’s learned to get a cup of coffee steaming hot and settled at her nightstand at precisely 13:29. This in turn helps her wake up and become functional no later than 13:50-14:00, depending on how late she was up the previous night.
Following that, Al-An fabricates a nutritious meal of her choosing, and it’s set onto a table-- or, a section of the facility that’s been repurposed into a table-- and she eats before she heads out for the day to find the resources needed. (And always, Al-An makes sure that there’s a fabricated meal packed away in a thermally-controlled container for her to take along.) And like clockwork, Robin is back at 22:22 with her Seatruck stuffed to the brim with all the supplies she could find.
And usually Al-An has to check her for injuries or parasites and she just grins when they comment on how inefficient her resource-gathering is if she must hurt herself every single time. “Awww, you just like to fret over me, Al-An,” she coos as they utilize their on-hand medical devices to knit up skin from a rather nasty bite.
“I do not fret, I observe,” Al-An states plainly, and Robin rolls her eyes, only wincing a little when Al-an has to wipe over another puncture with that strange antiseptic gel, and the skin closes under the heat of that magic little tool that Robin has yet to scan. “And I know that humans are one of the most fragile things that get in more trouble compared to any living creature I have yet to meet.”
“I’m gonna talk that as a compliment, Al-An.” Robin flexes out her wrist once the wound is all sealed up, the only reminder a faint scar left in the wake. She flashes a grin at the Architect, who would promptly turn back to what they had been working on prior before they needed to patch her up.
At 27:00 or 28:00, Al-An ceases working for a short period-- one Robin requested so that they don’t overwork themselves. Of course, an Architect cannot really do such a thing as ‘overwork,’ but Al-An humors her. And Robin’s meal is fabricated and settled on the table no later than 28:50. She used to always request Al-An eat dinner with her-- and although they do not eat like she does, they sit nonetheless at her side.
And Robin will scroll through her PDA and read the day’s logs once again, chewing hear and there and really making an inefficient use of her time as she often does. But humans like to be that way-- leisurely, as Robin once corrected them-- and so Al-An will not question it again.
She always leans back against the stone of the her temporary seat, shrugging and shuffling and making a good amount of noise that could startle even the most focused Architect from their endeavors. Over time, she would unconsciously lay against Al-An’s side, and that often settled her, so they would not comment.
If they had to admit something, the pressure therapy from her body weight was a welcome one, given they did not have the proper tools to recreate such things.
Robin turns into bed anywhere from 1:00-3:00; it will depend on what areas she visited, and what the day’s events involved. And she will bid Al-An goodnight with a smile and pat on their arm, before she retreats to her bed. Although, she doesn’t really go anywhere, because her ‘room’ is just a small section of the facility adjacent to where Al-An primarily works.
She’s fabricated herself a bed, some storage, and even hung up some curtains to block out the steady glow of the facility. It’s a small little space that reminds Al-An of how Architects would furnish the habitats of subjects they used for research.
And this is how their pattern would fall into, resetting each day at 13:29 with the first coffee of the day. Al-An finds the repeating pattern of each day, as Robin would put it.... soothing. Did Architects even need to be soothed? Historically?
No. And yet Al-An could not help but find this... calm, inside the promise of the known. Perhaps it was a way for them to deal with the fact that they might not know what would await them on the other side of the phase gate, where they would have to face their people, and answer for their mistakes. Perhaps that reason is why they can now find solace and even comfort in something as simple as a daily pattern.
How the other Architects would be baffled at the thought. The very notion of it was so unlike them all. Al-An would have to blame Robin for this, at the very least.
Merging with her cerebral cortex must have changed something in their emotional status....
And with the promise of a steady pattern, Al-An could find each day predictable enough to not impede any portion of their work. They worked quickly to repair what needed repairs, to adjust what needed adjusting, to alter what needed altering.
Steady. Steady. Steady. Repeat.
The illusion of this pattern gets shattered when 22:42 arrives one evening, and Robin is not yet home. Al-An, logistically, should be business as normal. She could have gone farther, she could have had a small set-back, she could have gotten distracted. But when 23:22 arrives, and Robin is still not home, Al-An finds they cannot work.
The data rolls in front of their vision as normal, the facility is operating at 100%, and they have spent the better part of this week weaving data in such a way that it is second-nature. But their hands do not move, their gaze is transfixed on the door, and the progress of their work is stunted.
She should be back by now. She should have been back exactly 60 minutes ago.
Al-An cannot work. They shut off their normal programs and instead set up a long-range scan. It puts them off schedule immensely, but they, for once, cannot find it in them to care about inefficiency. It takes 20 minutes for the scan to prepare, and the entire time, Al-An keeps their gaze on the door. Like Robin will burst in any second, with a couple new wounds, yes, but here, and alive.
Robin does not enter the door by the time the scan is online at 23:42.
Robin does not enter the door as the scanner searches at 23:43.
Robin does not enter the door as the scanner searches at 23:44.
Robin does not enter the door as the scanner searches at 23:45.
Robin is not home as the scanner searches at 23:46.
Robin is not home safe as the scanner searches at 23:47.
Robin is not home safe as the scanner searches at 23:48.
Robin is not home safe as the scanner searches at 23:49.
Robin must not be safe as the scanner finds her at 23:50.
Al-An must prepare for the worst, even as they wish to leave as soon as the scanner reads her biosignature in the Arctic. No good in retrieving her if they do not have food, medical supplies, warmer clothing, an extra hair tie-- she always complained when her current one would break-- and anything else humans needed when they were potentially in distress--
Robin is not in distress. The very thought has the Architect frozen to the spot, a flicker of something so unfamiliar buzzing through them. She is fine, just delayed. Off-schedule, off-pattern. No matter, Al-An will locate her and then they will both repair that.
They finish collecting everything needed into a neat pack, and just as they prepare to put the facility into lockdown, there’s a familiar faint splashing, and then footsteps padding across a stone floor.
It is 24:17 when Robin Ayou enters the Architect facility she calls home with her arm crudely wrapped in a sling and her leg leaving a trail of blood. But nonetheless, she’s got the same grin on her face, and carries something sharp in her uninjured hand. She’s limping.
“Al-An!” She calls, her voice loud and full of excitement. She’s stumbling over her own feet, and Al-An blinks to her side to catch her with the beam of their mechanical arm, lifting her right off the ground. She doesn’t notice how their posture is tight and tense, instead waving the sharp object in her hand. “Al-An I did it! I fought off one of those Shadow Leviathans and I freaking won!”
Al-An does not reply.
“It tried to eat me, Al-An!” Robin’s arm waves wildly in her excitement, and she doesn’t protest when Al-An brings her to the empty table to seat her, once again getting to work on mending what is broken. Her injured arm has several gashes in it: some down to the bone, and covered messily with plant matter. Al-An removes those and starts on sterilization.
“It yanked me by the arm, but I was quick-- I stabbed him right in the eye, and I held on, because he was pulling me towards his mouth!” She grins wider, adrenaline masking any pain from the antiseptics, or how the beam begins to knit the skin and muscle back to one piece. “I lost my grip on my knife, but I grabbed his spine-- or whatever those glowing things on his belly are-- and I held on and kicked him right in the stomach!”
Al-An silently redirects attention to her leg, where acidic liquid had eaten through her suit and burned the skin-- not too horribly, but bloody. That is treated next.
“And then I must of hurt him bad, because he let me go, but not before I yanked and yanked on those spine things-- And look! I got it, I ripped one clean off!” She’s talking quickly, her body thrumming at the thrilling tale, and feeling so alive. “I felt bad at first, but then I remembered that he tried to eat me, so I shrugged it off, and he backed off after I ripped off this. I won, Al-An! Against a freaking Shadow Leviathan!”
Robin laughs, slapping her now healed hand against her forehead and grinning wildly. “God, I thought for sure I was a goner when I didn’t take the prawn suit down--”
“And why didn’t you, Robin?”
They are both startled by the tone of Al-An’s voice. And Robin finally realizes that Al-An is stiff, mechanical in how they treat her-- so different from the almost caring way they usually do. And they are glowing a sickly yellow color, their gaze transfixed on her wounds as the mechanical arm fixes up the burns on her leg.
“I-I.....” Robin is at a loss, her eyes now locked onto them. “I.... don’t know.”
An uncomfortable silence falls between them. Al-An finishes up work on her leg, and then does a general scan over her to make sure they didn’t miss any other wounds. Processing, methodical, even.
Something is wrong, Robin thinks. Even now, as they seem to pull away from the situation, the same sickly color tinges the edge of her vision. Robin catches their arm as they turn to assess her findings, and she doesn’t miss how they tense.
“Al-An....” She begins, but stops. She can’t find the right thing to say. It all feels wrong. Like anything she says next won’t be the right thing to say. But she tries with, “Are you okay?”
“That is hardly a question you should ask me, Robin.” Al-An’s voice has gone back to the same, even tone as when they first met, but it’s all off. Too even, too tight. Like there is something beneath the surface, just hiding and waiting to strike like an Ice Worm. “You should ask yourself that. You were the one who was injured. Sustaining traumatic injuries is detrimental to the overall health of--”
“Did I scare you?” She asks, and Al-An falters.
“Fear is not a concept we feel,” They state, and yet they now feel the sinking familiarity of it nonetheless. Fear. They were afraid, they had been afraid when Robin was not home at the right time. They were scared when Robin returned injured. They were scared when she recounted her harrowing tale, and they were scared that she’s going to do it again and they would not be there to pick up the pieces--
“Al-An...” Robin’s voice cuts through the swirling data inside their head, and her eyes are soft as she reaches and touches their chest gently. She feels.... awful. Physically and emotionally. How could she not realize that they were upset? How could she have been so blind when she’s normally so in tune with the Architect? “Al-An, I’m really sorry.”
“You have done nothing that warrants an apology,” Al-An states; but their lights flicker pink for the briefest moment. “You were simply acting inefficiently and radically in a way that could have resulted in several versions of a potential death, which is not uncommon for your species.”
Robin smiles. That unintentional insult was 100% all Al-An. She shifts closer to them, and then her arms wrap around them, and she leans her head against their chest, and she imagines she can hear their heartbeat through their thick, armored body. “I know, I was being an idiot. I’m sorry.”
“What are you doing?”
“I’m hugging you, Al-An. Never had a hug before?”
“Architects do not partake in this sort of behavior,” Al-an tells her. But, nonetheless, they mimic her movements, and their organic arms encircle her smaller frame, and having her close to them like so reminds them just of how tiny and delicate she is. “....Touching one another was not commonplace.”
“Then I’m gonna make it commonplace, and I’m gonna give you a hug everyday until I catch up on the hugs you’ve missed out on your whole life,” Robin hums as she closes her eyes, yawning.
“That would be impossible, given the length of your human lifespan,” Al-An corrects her, but they find the idea of one of these each day not entirely unpleasant. Robin laughs, and she just smiles. And their lights shift to a light pink as she falls asleep against them, and they return her to her bed: asleep too early for the schedule.
But it was alright to be a little off-pattern.
And so, life on 4546B settled into somewhat of a general routine for Robin and Al-An.
Al-An has her coffee ready at 13:29 and she drinks it as she wakes up and rolls out of bed by 14:00. Al-An fabricates breakfast, packs her a lunch, and she’s out the door for the day’s work. And if she returns at 21:57 or 23:37, Al-An is not worried. After all, she’s returning with less injuries, and that is good enough for them.
Together they sit when Robin has her dinner and Al-An has their break around 28:42, and Robin reads aloud her PDA entries to Al-An-- even though they could easily scan and upload the documents themself, it makes her feel happy, so they indulge. And Robin leans back against Al-An without hesitation once she’s done eating, and they find the pressure nice.
And when 1:00 or 2:00 rolls around, just before she turns in for bed, Robin will throw her arms around Al-An for their daily hug, and she will hold on tight for a good few minutes, and Al-An learns to hold her in return. Perhaps if they held long enough, tight enough, she would never be in danger again.
And they find that perhaps, maybe... they like hugs.
And Robin fashions the Leviathan fragment into a necklace, that she gifts Al-An.
And Al-An wears it everyday.
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Can you write some Nagito X ultimate hope female reader please?
-When Nagito hears about your talent, he most likely definitely went feral
-Not even Akane and Nekomaru was enough to keep him from kissing your hand a million times and muttering apologizes from “intoxicating your breathing space with his worthless existence” or “boring you with his trashy presence” 
-Lord, please shut him up, he ain’t trash, he’s amazing
-Prior to dating, Nagito basically sees you as a goddess and makes sure you are treated as such
-It can range from using his luck to earn you extra snacks from the vending machine or slipping you a ‘cheat sheet’ during your exams and making sure the teacher was distracted
-And, of course, the white haired male just HAD to shower you with praise and compliments. Not a day went by in school where the infamous lucky student wasn’t flooding you with affectionate words and benevolent messages about how a goddess of hope like yourself brightened each room you walked into with just your company. Even the ground you walked in, Nagito would literally get on his knees and kiss your shoes, hoping some of your hopefulness would rub off on scum like him
-He knows he doesn’t deserve it, but you were ultimate hope after all! Surely the literal goddess of hope like yourself could be tender enough to even worthless trash like him, right? 
-You were a bit uncomfortable from Nagito’s painted image of you as a god-like figure, but nevertheless, you found your new classmate good-natured and selfless. Sure, the pale skinned boy can get quite....intense with his emotions, but his heart of gold was in a good place
-At first, Nagito’s idolizations about you and your talent was a dead-ringer of his hope rants. If you were to maintain eye contact during a conversation about his ultimate hope classmate, you’d notice the swirls forming as he’d flash a crazed smile
-Can you blame him? Nagito’s obsession with hope was practically manifested into a physical form. You had numerous responsibilities as ‘ultimate hope’ such as traveling to ‘despairing’ parts of the world and bettering the lives of people there. You were sent to help out developing countries, participate in charities, offer assistance to anyone that required any, all while being a cheerful and mature rolemodel that newcomers, young and old, can look up to and call ‘ultimate hope’
-”Ah, the ultimate hope is willing to have lunch with a worthless piece of trash like me? I’m honored, (Y/N). But you shouldn’t waste your time and taint your hopeful presence by sitting next to me. You should be a shining symbol of hope with the other Ultimates. I--”
-”Nagito, we’ve been friends for six months. Please shut up and let me have lunch with you”
-Over time, Nagito’s identical hope rants and raves about you would slowly start to distinguish themselves from each other. At first, it would be hard to tell, but gradually one would be able to know when he was talking about your ultimate hope talent, or...yourself? 
-Nagito would be the most interested in your talent, even being a bit biased when comparing you to the other ultimates. You can argue it was ‘love at first sight’ when he saw the literal embodiment of hope. He knew that you just had to be an angel sent from heaven and bestowed as a gift to him. Was this is ultimate good luck? The goddess of hope even batting a lash at him? It was too good to be true
-He felt selfish with keeping you away from the other ultimates. He was greedy with constantly clinging onto you. He would’ve kept his distance on his bad/unlucky days, in fear of harming his precious hope angel. But when he was feeling confident about having a ‘normal day’ (or has normal as he can have), he would follow you like a servant. Waiting on you hand and foot, making sure that you felt like the goddess he claimed you were
-”Ah, just imagine it! The Ultimate hope spending time with me? Can it be like this forever? Ah, I wish it was....she’s bright, intelligent, kind, cheerful, and such a joy to be around. She’s an angel! Someone like me shouldn’t have such thoughts, but please tell me....do you think she would love me back? Oh, who am I kidding? I’m nothing but mere scum underneath her feet. I should be apologizing for holding her back, not pursuing h--” 
-”Umm....Nagito?” Hajime asked his best friend, a brow cocked on his confused face. It was no secret that you were all the Ultimate lucky student talked about when you started to attend Hope Peak’s. However, it was the reserve course student that spotted the first noticeable difference between his hope rants and praise lists about you 
-”You just....did you just confess that you want to date (Y/N)-san?” He asked the platinum haired boy, making Nagito freeze, realizing what he just said
-Asking you out? More like Hajime and Chiaki asked you out for Nagito 
-To save you the details, Chiaki pulled you into your classroom, only filled with four people: You, Chiaki, Nagito, and Hajime
-Hajime and Nagito were sitting next to each other, talking to each other, while you and Chiaki has just entered
-A pink blush dusted on Nagito’s cheek and bridge of his nose, seeing your beautiful appearance shine through the almost empty classroom. He darted his ghostly green orbs back to Hajime, failing to conceal the love filled glances he threw your way 
-”Hey, Hey, (Y/N)?” The gamer girl asked you, tilting her head as she gripped the straps of her backpack. You sat down at your desk, placing your messenger bag down near your desk
-”What’s up, Chiaki?” You asked your sleepy gamer friend. In contrast to her soft voice, Chiaki might as well gave Nagito a heart attack right on the spot, with the inquiry that fell out of her mouth 
-”Nagito likes you. Will you go out with him?” She questioned you, placing a finger between her lips. You just froze, while snapping your (E/C) eyes to the notorious lucky student. Nagito probably swallowed the breakfast he had his morning, as he was ready to puke on the spot. He went whiter (than usual) and just turned into a statue. Meanwhile, Hajime was smiling a bit awkwardly, sweat beating from his temple. Nevertheless, he had his iphone in his hands, recording the whole thing
-A simple shrug and a “Sure, why not?” was enough to make the previous frozen marshmallow flush a bright pink and practically faint in his seat. Chiaki was about to turn around and tell Nagito the great news, only to find the lucky student practically passed out in his chair. Hajime sighed and propped his best friend up on the seat while (Y/N) let out a small giggle, excited for their date 
-When you and Nagito started a committed romantic relationship, everything felt like a breath of fresh air--it was absolutely delightful. Nagito still had tendencies to worship you and put you on a pedestal, but that was only because he loved you so much!
-He calls you his ‘goddess of hope’, realizing that you were the personification of hope poured into a silhouette of a charming looking young lady, whom he got to love for not only the hope inside of her, but herself as well! 
-Nagito, overtime, got to know the Ultimate hope for being the most...well hopeful person in the world! Your talent was just as beloved as you, and cherished every aspect of you. It got a bit uncomfortable, especially with the other ultimates feeling their ‘ultimate fanboy’ being taken away from them in comparison to the newest classmate to join the now full class
-But that was okay! He worshipped and vowed to treasure he beloved goddess--his angel! He was quite literally attached to her, clingy onto his loved one. His rants about hope were overshadowed by how much he adored (Y/N)--the Ultimate hope
-Surely someone who possessed a practical superpower have casted a spell on him. He was more than infatuated or head over heels--he felt like his heart has blossomed into a flower that now only grew in the sunlight that you provided in the darkness of his pathetic existence: The sunshine that he needed to protect and comfort whenever it was out
-Needless to say, he needed his angel 
-While his behavior towards you seemed obsessive at points, with the point emphasized by your classmates raised suspension of the red flags that he have shown, you knew that he wasn’t a bad person--Nagito was a precious, misguided soul that needed to be pulled into the right, sunlight direction that you had the capacity to show him. After all, no doubt that he would be all ears for the Ultimate hope!
-Hajime and Chiaki knew this fact and trusted you to show him that his beliefs and values were in the right side of his heart, but his actions needed some guidance. Slowly, Nagito becomes more calmer and easier to talk to others with your help. He was still clinging onto his source of comfort, someone that made him feel like he was worth something--you
-But that is what couples do, is it not? Love each other? You had an admiration of Nagito himself and your favorite aspect about the white haired male was his fixation to bring out hope in any shape or form. You taught him that he cannot purposely inflict despair just to see hope rise in the end. He has slowly, but surely, made progress towards his eccentric actions because of your aid
-Your classmates have taken a liken towards you, seeing you as his savior. You expected no gratitude in return, but rather, in the form of seeing that Nagito was not the person they thought he was. He was no evil psychopath or monster that needed to be brushed off--he needed help. A traumatized, broken soul that hid underneath a facade of cheerfulness and patience, waiting for hope to arise from the despairful sight of the problems that now came his way naturally. Sometimes due to his luck, sometimes just a little message that the world was telling him
-With your help, you and Nagito makes one hell of a power couple, balancing out the lovey-doveyness that both of you display. Nagito isn’t one to be affectionate at the beginning of the new relationship, believing that someone as divine as yourself shouldn’t even be looked at by his worthless eyes. But as he’s eased into the relationship, his attitude does a whole one-eighty and starts to display PDA with you (if you are comfortable with it) 
-You reassure him a lot and with the enormous span of time, he starts to gain respect and dignity for himself. You make him feel worthy and with every little milestone and step in the relationship, he starts to see himself just as worthy as a real ultimate and that is something he will never take for granted. With a smile, he vows to show you just how much he adores and loves you 
-It’s obvious he pays attention to your likes and interests, proving that he sees the person behind the “Ultimate Hope” talent. He’s always open for whatever you want to do, always asking your opinion first, your thoughts and ideas, and supporting you with whatever you try to do. He’s supportive, loving, and compassionate. Seeing you so passionate about something brings a smile to his face and he makes a mental note to add it towards the bank of joyous memories and hobbies you have 
-Overall, the relationship blossoms into such a beauty and it can definitely give you a cavity if you stare at it for too long. Nagito is a literal sweetie towards his goddess and will continue to do everything--and anything--to make sure he keeps that hope alive and bring a smile to his beloved angel of hope. With time, he’ll see that he’s just as worthy as love as he executes towards his lover. He will never admit it so soon, but he adores it
-There may be times he will push his hope and unintentionally overstep his boundaries with his curiosity and hope obsession. Albeit, with time, he would only do this so rarely, and even though his priority is her safety, he would still want to see her overcome despair. The courage and determination she posses to bring out the hope that is inside of her--he finds it so amazing. However, he would understand, with her help, that he cannot do this purposely, and would eventually stop and carry out his intentions in the best way he can. While defeating adversity makes someone stronger, purposely causing despair is wrong, and Nagito would understand it. He apologizes if he ever did anything to hurt her, and is usually extremely supportive and compassionate. 
-His heart is in a good place, and she knows this. They would honestly be a great couple, and some people may see it as toxic. While it can provoke red flags, their love for each other is something that cannot be determined by someone else. They both hold an immense amount of respect and trust for each other. Nagito would be a great boyfriend and would do nothing to intentionally hurt her. She was his hope, his love
-Nothing would ever change that
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gwynrielsupremacist · 3 years
Chapter 2: Reason
Read it at AO3
If it were up to Azriel, right now he would rather be juggling burning knives.
And in a dark room.
They were in the huge alcove of the High Lord of the Night Court, as Rhysand removed shirts and jackets from his dressing room that he claimed were appropriate for Cassian's attire at his ceremony.
Although Azriel, sitting in one of the chairs that were nearby, watching the scene with his chin on his hands, he was rethinking why he thought this would be a good idea.
After the 'incident' with Elain and Rhys, he had made up his mind that he would never think of Elain that way again.
Of course, that was rather difficult when she was always where the Spymaster passed.
Was he going to the kitchen? Elain would be there with Nuala and Cerridwen.
Was he going to the living room? Elain would be there with Feyre and Nyx.
Possibly one day he would find her in his bed, wearing lingerie, as a gift just for hia enjoyment, tearing off the tiny pieces of undergarments and-
"Azriel?" The sound of his name brought him out of his trance. "Have you been paying attention to something I've said in the last 20 minutes?" 
He knew that his shadows, moving slowly over his neck, covered any variation of his arousal but, just in case, he watched Rhysand's reaction, knowing if he knew the reason for his daydreaming, he would be enraged.
However, Rhys's face revealed absolutely nothing, only joy for his brother and bewilderment on the part of the Shadowsinger.
Usually Azriel was the one who had to warn his brothers to pay attention to him, not the other way around.
He shook his head to Cassian's question, to which he sighed, visibly tired and irritated: "I was wondering if navy would look better than black, but I have no idea what Nesta would like." He muttered. Apparently having a mating ceremony wasn't all the color of roses. "I'll stick with the black one, I  don't think the suit will last long after we go to that cabin." He announced as he and Rhys gave each other knowing glances, grinning mischievously.
That was another arrow to his badly wounded heart.
He was happy for his brothers, of course he was.  There was no other male who deserved a mate as much as Rhys and Cassian, but ...
What about him?
Azriel stopped intervening in the conversation at that moment. He usually did not want to participate in those conversations, but it seemed that that day he was the worst of all.
"The worst day will be the mating ceremony, Shadowsinger. You must prepare for that day if you do not want to fall from grace" Recommended their shadows.
It was true. There would be no worse day than the ceremony.
With Rhys's ceremony it had been the same. As soon as the ceremony was over, he had to go to a Sex club to get rid of the arousal and despair that he felt throughout his body.
It was not fair. Was the Cauldron so macabre?
Had he done so much harm to the world that they deprived him of the experience of having a mate?
He swallowed silently, keeping his face mask neutral, no emotion leaving his face.
He thanked whoever had given him that ability, it was fucking useful at times like these.
Three hours later, Cassian ended up deciding what costume to wear, the black one, and the conversation between the commander and the High Lord died as well.
Cassian left, muttering that he had forgotten something in the House of Wind, although it was possibly an excuse.
The atmosphere in the room had quickly become charged, before the challenging stares of those two.
Although Azriel supposed that he should stay away from the House as well, since he did not need his shadows to tell him that it had served him with a double purpose, he was probably going to fuck Nesta until they both could not hold on foot.
Azriel started to get up, but was prevented by a force in his chest from Rhysand.
"Maybe he had found out about my scent change, after all." He guessed, preparing his best poker face for the onslaught the High Lord was going to bring him.
They stared at each other, studying possible reactions, waiting for who was the first to speak.  Things had gotten tense on their part since Solstice.
Azriel knew, as did Rhysand, that no matter how much he wanted to possess Elain's body, he would never betray Rhysand. Punch him, maybe.  But he will never betray his High Lord.
"I notice you are somewhat distracted, Azriel."  The High Lord commented, sitting down on a chair and intertwining his fingers, dropping them into his lap. "I hope there were no overnight escapades on either side." Rhysand knew perfectly well what he was talking about.
Like Azriel.
"None. I did what you asked." He secured, leaning back, with the advantage that the High Lord didn't know that in reality, his thoughts were a hell of 'wills and cannot'.
Rhysand nodded slightly, rising from his chair, to which Azriel copied the movement.
Azriel knew he shouldn't be fooling around when Rhysand was in that mode, but he couldn't help but feel like a hypocrite.
"You took Feyre away from Tamlin when she still thought she loved him. Elain doesn't love Lucien, yet you separate her from me." Azriel thought. He knew those thoughts didn't make any sense, but right now he was the only thing he could think about.
His shadows were scattered around the room, ready to attack if something happened to his master, while some were on his shoulders, caressing the area in tension.
"I want to keep it that way." Rhysand emphasized, walking ahead of him, silently asking him to follow. He did it. "Things are going bad, Azriel, I don't need any more trouble than is inevitable."
"What problems?" This one answered. "According to my spies, Koschei hasn't shown any signs of life, so I don't see what a problem there could be."
"That Koschei is not showing signs of life does not mean that he is not operating in secret." He suggested, walking into the nursery, with Nyx in the crib, sleeping peacefully.
The High Lord's face changed dramatically.
It was no longer the face of the most powerful High Lord in history. It was the face of a father watching a son, with awe and love in it.
"I can't bear that my son has to spend his early years with that bastard of Koschei in the middle."
"We will protect it." Azriel confirmed, also looking at the small bundle wrapped in sheets. "I will protect him with my own life, if necessary."
Rhysand looked into his eyes, and in a pleading voice, he said:
"Do you understand then? Why I ask you to separate from Elain?" As much as he hated doing that, he nodded. "I cannot allow jealousy and desires to be put through the protection of the court. Things are bad enough to make them worse."
As much as it was hard to keep his gaze neutral, he continued to nod, but anger crept through his mind, clouding his reason.
"And how much trouble would Elain and I have?"
Rhysand was silent for a moment. Azriel guessed
he was steadying himself so as not to punch him in front of his son's bed. Instead of doing so, he asked:
"I don't want you to avoid the question. You are not going to avoid the question." The High Lord manifested. "What the hell happened with Mor, Az?
That theme again.
"Why whenever we talk about Elain, do you end up talking about Mor?" The Spymaster snarled, the shadows preparing to attack, noting the tension in the environment.
"I do it because you have completely forgotten Mor, Azriel. You have been in love with her for over 500 years." He remembered. "I can't believe you traded Mor for Elain in so little time."
"And why do you fucking care?" He growled again, backing away from the room for fear of waking the boy.
"Mor is my cousin, Azriel, and I think I deserve an explanation. Have you given up? And now I suppose Elain will be the consolation prize, right?
It took Azriel more of the self-control he possessed not to slam his fist into the High Lord's nose. If he hadn't been his superior, Rhysand would be bleeding badly right now.
"Elain will never be a consolation prize." He barked, leaving the house and spreading his wings to fly up, but was interrupted by Rhys's hand on his arm, an anchor holding him to the ground.
"Give me a reason."  He started to say. "Tell me one fucking reason why Elain deserves to be your mate, and not Lucien's."
"Are you comparing me to… to that one?" He murmured in a voice icy and deadly, the voice that sent chills to the poor people who had to listen to it. Rhysand didn't even flinch.
"You are both different and equal at the same time." He evaded, then returning to the initial question. "Give me a logical reason, and I will allow Elain to stay with you."
Baring his teeth at him, Azriel leapt, taking flight and away from those feelings, roaring with rage when he realized that he had not a single reason to be worthy of Elain.
TAG LIST: @bookish-isha @imsointobooks @shisingh @feyretale @niaacotar @flora-shadowshine @tealnymph24 @trashforazriel @hlizr50 @meher-sumedha @heyovivi @positivewitch @greywarens-magician @sageofthegalaxy @valkygwyn @verifiefangirl @verifiefangirl-mainblog @snickerdoodlechittybangbang @genya-berdara @katekatpattywack @ddsworldofbooks @secretlovelybeauty @starbornsinger @sv0430
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acahope311 · 3 years
Silver Lining
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Sleepover Request
luna-xial said: So so so I see you have requests open due to your sleepover (also Ohmygosh congratulations!!) and I was wanting to ask if you could do something with Kili for the fluff prompt list, #3??? ❤️❤️ (if not that’s okay, I just wanted to request something because your writing is so good 🥺❤️) (“(She/he/they) don’t compare to you. No one does.”)
A/N Wow! This one is a doozy. I loved writing this, Kili has always been one of my favorite characters, and the prompt lead to so many directions but I chose to do one where angst was not an option🥺 Thank you so much for sending this in @luna-xial and participating in the sleepover 🥰
*I wanted to thank @guardianofrivendell for double-checking my writing and making sure I knew the difference between "pinning" and "pining" LMFAO!*
Warnings: none? I guess self-doubt?
Erebor was bustling. What once was a dormant and abandoned mountain, a reminder of dwarven greed, now symbolized second chances, wealth, and life. Dwarves from the Blue Mountains were flocking to the mountain, some were those who never thought they would live to see the Lonely Mountain rise from the horizon, the rest were ambitious young dwarrows hoping to start anew. Men were also moving back to Dale, revitalizing the growing community in the shadow of the great mountain- of course, King Bard and his family oversaw the restoration of the city and personally welcomed the new arrivals. Whilst similarly in Erebor, Thorin himself rolled up his sleeves and took to reconstructing the home of his forefathers- his Company by his side. Which were quite a sight to see as thirteen dwarves, a hobbit, and a woman all lifted, chiseled, and swept away rubble, ash, and dirt. Little by little, the fruits of labor began to show and soon the rock-hewn walls seemed to sing the history of the mountain and once the mountain was unearthed, the new dwarves were settled in. You found you had more time to explore the mountain. The grand stone walls of Erebor encased your miniature frame. Funny enough, being a human woman you were head and shoulders taller than most dwarves, but the walls and statues made you shrink. As you quietly made your way through the halls, you’d occasionally run into a group of dwarrow, warm pleasantries were exchanged and small talk was exchanged. Once the mountain was more established and a trade agreement was founded, Thorin had appointed you as a live-in ambassador to Dale and Mirkwood, much to his chagrin. At first living in the mountain had a rocky start, Durin’s folk were always wary of strangers- especially from another race, but once you had proven yourself time and time again, you were welcomed with open arms. However, some still were reluctant to see you as an ally, making it a point to sometimes emphasize your foreignness. Yet you never held it against them but had always put it up to jealousy, for not only were you the woman who accompanied and aided in the quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain alongside Thorin Oakenshield, but you were very close to the Durin princes-- especially Kili. From the moment you and Kili met, the Company knew you were both trouble. Being both the youngest in the group meant mischief that even Fili had to take a step back to make sure you two were not in over your heads. At first, it was all fun and games, but somewhere along the line, you realized that he meant so much more to you than a friend; you loved him. You’d carried this torch with you throughout the whole quest and although you’d hoped it would extinguish, his sunlight smiles, friendly touches, and adoring eyes fanned the flames of your feelings- it didn’t help that he would always make time to end every night in conversation with you. As time went on, even Fili could see your pining and couldn’t help but smile fondly knowing that you and his brother held mutual feelings but were just too blinded by their infatuation for each other to realize the truth.
One day, at the training grounds when you and Fili were free from your duties, the golden prince set his plan into action. As he stood by the side, he seemed to be lost in thought- reliving an earlier conversation he had with his brother.
“Fi, what do I do?” Kili wailed, sitting in front of his brother as he patiently waited for him to comb his hair. Fili sighed, he knew that wail very well.
“Whatever do you mean, brother dear?” He said teasingly while pulling on a particularly tough knot. Resisting the tugs, Kili began to rant.
“You know what I mean. What do I do about y/n? I want to start the courting process, even Uncle thinks it’s a good idea, but I am so lost… I don’t even know if she returns my feelings.” Kili’s head droops a little at the thought of you not loving him the same way. Fili chuckles at his expense, the sound causing Kili to huff in faux indignation. “I’m glad you’re having a good laugh at my expense brother.”
“Forgive me nadad, but that is such a crazy notion. She loves you, I can see it in the way she lights up when you’re in the room, did you know that?” He says as he continues to untangle the knots in his raven hair.
“Truly?” Kili asks with a little more pep in his tone.
“Truly. You’d think Mahal himself walked into the room with the way her eyes brighten.” Fili smiles as he remembers how in an earlier discussion between you and him, your whole demeanor changed the moment his brother came into the room- like a plant being watered after a drought.
“Do not doubt, brother. She loves you fiercely.” With a reassuring pat on Kili’s shoulder, Fili stands and prepares himself for the day.
“But for Mahal’s sake, fix your hair. I’m sure even she wouldn’t want a prince with a rat’s nest for hair. Amad will shave you if you keep that up!” Fili said as he saw Kili ruffle his hard work.
“I know that! But I also know she’ll love me if I am as smooth as a newborn bairn. She said she loved my hair once on the quest, just before we all fell asleep.” He swooned at the memory. “You don’t understand Fi. I think she is the one, MY One. And I want to do right by her.” Kili’s eyes shone with determination. Speechless, Fili stares at his brother. Then laughs a hearty laugh, confusing Kili.
“What’s so funny?!” He asks, a bit embarrassed. Fili wipes the tears away as he controls his breathing.
“Nothing bad, it’s just that… You truly can find the good in anything! It wasn’t but a moment ago that you were wailing about her not loving you and now you’re declaring her your One.” Fili explains, again brushing his little brother’s hair.
“Oh… Brother, I only do that because of her. She always sees the positive side of everything- and I want to be like that to her. But I can’t do this on my own. Will you help me?” Kili asks timidly. Fili stops and looks directly at him,
“Of course.”
The sound of wood splintering brings Fili back to the present. You ended up breaking the wooden pole and looking sheepishly at him. Sighing fondly, he helps you find a replacement. Once a new one has taken its place, you resume your training while Fili observes.
“You know.” Fili inquired, breaking the silence. “You seem to be so skilled with the sword. Have you tried other weapons?” As you attack a wooden post, the question causes you to pause mid-swing. Pondering this, a small flush creeps onto your face. Suddenly shy, you look down.
“I have been wanting to learn how to shoot a bow…” You whisper as a certain dark-haired prince’s visage of letting loose a quiver of arrows flash in your mind. “I’d always admired how Kili could so quickly nock an arrow and aim with such precision in such a short amount of time. All with a smile, did you know that? That cheeky cub.” You said smiling unknowingly.
Fili smirked. “Now, why would you want to learn how to use a bow, y/n?” he asks- already knowing the answer. As you squirm uncomfortably under his questioning, the silence stretches out. After what seems to be a lifetime, you look up and answer with a determined gleam in your eye.
“Because I want to impress Kili.” You say softly, but resolutely. The answer stuns Fili into silence. After a heartbeat of silence, you continue.
“I know I am not of royal or noble descent. Nor am I rich- I’m not even a dwarf! But I do truly love your brother. I cannot offer much but I would like to start by offering the time to get to better understand his favorite weapon.” You pause, unsure whether you should continue, but you push on. “From what I understand, weaponry and skills are an important part of dwarven courtship, and I would like to take that chance… I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Your brother is worth that chance-- and if nothing comes from it, I at least can say that I tried. ” A loving look passes your face, reminding him of the times you all sat around the fire and listened to his brother’s stories- already he knew you had fallen hard. ‘She always sees the positive side of everything’, Kili’s voice resonates in his mind.
“But I am still a novice in this… So I may need your help?” You conclude, less confident than what you meant. Exhaling in relief, Fili smiles and turns around. At first, you are worried that you’d insulted him, but when he returns promptly with a bow and a quiver of arrows, your face breaks into a grin.
“I’d gladly teach you,” Fili says proudly as he hitches his belt. You nod and reach for the bow, but at the last minute, he pulls away.
“But I can think of a better teacher, right brother?” A chuckle resonates from the sidelines behind you. Turning around, you see Kili walking towards you, smiling. He reaches for the bow and arrows from Fili and knocks foreheads softly.
“Thank you.” Fili pulls away and nods, as he moves to the exit he passes by you and winks.
“I’ll leave you to it.” Silently, the golden prince leaves the training area- leaving you alone with Kili. Turning to him, you can't help but notice your heartbeat so fast that you're sure he can hear it. The silence grows as you both stare at each other until he clears his throat
"I know Fili may have said that I'd be a better teacher, but I will be honest… I don't think I am." He confesses as he subconsciously nocks an arrow and pierces the wooden post.
"I learned by example, but I will teach you everything I know and by the end of the day, you'd be the best archer in all of Erebor." He says sweetly. "Well… second best. After me of course." Correcting himself. You gasp at his cheekiness and punch his shoulder playfully.
"Alright, alright. Let's get this lesson started."
Several hours passed, and so had several arrows yet not one hit the target. You were out of breath, your arms shaking so much you could barely lift the bow. Kili looked over you, took in the sight of your sweaty form and shaking arms. He sat on the ground with a thump- the sound surprising you.
"Kili? Are you alright?" You asked worriedly, kneeling down next to him.
"I'm sorry." He whispers, not looking at you. Confused, you take his hand into yours and begin to rub his arm comfortingly.
"What do you mean? No need to apologize, you're a great teacher- I'm just a bad student hahaha!" You joke. However, Kili shakes his head.
"No, I'm a better teacher than this, it's just that I am distracted…" he admits, further confusing you. Kili continues, "I heard what you said with Fili." Shocked, you ask, "How much did you hear…?" You look down, unable to meet his eyes.
"All of it." Your shoulders droop in dismay. Ashamed, you begin to pull away, but his grip tightens.
"You don't need to be anything for me, y/n. I don't need a princess nor do I need a lady- I just need you." Kili's confession snaps your eyes to his.
"You don't mean that." You respond, barely a whisper. Your eyes fall on your lap once again, but Kili tilts your chin up so your eyes stare into his deep brown eyes.
"I do, amrâlimê. With every ounce of my being." He smiles the smile that can make even the darkest nights seem like morning. Still, clouds of doubt linger.
"I came from nothing, Kili… You are a prince, there are so many other dwarrowdams, clothed and draped with gems and gold- I cannot compare to that. You deserve-" Suddenly you're pulled forward and silenced as his lips meet yours. At first, Kili seems hesitant, giving you enough time to pull away, but to his relief, you begin to kiss him back. Your hand reaches up and caresses his cheek, while his free hand pulls you in closer, deepening the kiss. For a moment, the clouds break and all thoughts of doubt leave your mind, replaced by a feeling of wholeness-- as though you had found a half you'd never known you'd lost. Reluctantly, however, you both pull away to breathe but bring your foreheads together, basking in each other's presence- time begins to move again.
"My heart belongs to no one except to you, y/n. You are my One and I love you. Don't worry about them; they cannot compare to you. No one can." He breathes, cupping your face in both his hands. Unbeknownst to you, tears trail down your eyes.
"But-" He kisses you again, softly. Brushing away any second thoughts you'd have.
"No buts. Do you know why they don't compare? It's because, in the end, I know they will only want me for my title and gold. But you?" He wipes your tears away and smiles lovingly at you. "You love me for me. You'd seen me at my highs and lows. Moreover, you always show me the bright side of everything, ghivashel. They can keep their gems and golden gowns. For you are my silver lining." With that, Kili pulls you into a tight hug and all you can do is smile as the clouds of doubt break. Assuring you that come what may, no matter what clouds your thoughts, Kili's love for you is true, and will always show you the bright side- he is your silver lining.
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lulafia · 4 years
Percy, Vex and how they interact which each other’s insecurities
A thing I find very interesting about Vex and Percy is that they both have such self-worth issues? It manifests just very differently and there is just a level of recognition, a gentleness in how they interact with each other's insecurities and like a lot of quiet moments.
So let’s talk about just that:
I have seen a discussion once, about why, if Percy believed Ripley was far more dangerous than the Briarwoods, he didn't deal with her first? For me it makes sense, because all the names on the List, aside from Ripley’s, did something directly that led to his family being killed. The whole revenge thing in the Whitestone arc was for Percy’s family, it was about what they took from him, yes, but not in a sense that was done to Percy specifically. He is on a revenge trip because of the murder of his family with little to no regard of himself. He even says it in his goodbye letter.
“There was nothing I could’ve done to save my family, yet I still sold my soul in search of vengeance. Later I allowed Ripley to leave, knowing full well she was a greater threat to the world than the Briarwoods would ever be. I traded the world’s safety for the belief that I could murder my way to peace; that if I could be a greater horror, it would bring my family back.”
In that sense it makes sense that Ripley is on the bottom of Percy’s list. It’s implied that she hasn’t had  much to do with the actual killings, at least to Percy’s knowledge. For all we know she has tortured Percy for information and for Percy that’s not important, because she only did this to him as far as he knows. Because Percy doesn’t regard his life as much, he is always ready to just throw it out for the people he cares about. He continues to do it, when he signs the contract, when Vax insists that Percy does it rather than Tary. He sees this fit, doesn’t question it and just does it. Even at the end he would give his life up for Vex to get Vax back. There is Whitestone and legacy and family, which are very important for Percy, but Percy also writes about himself: “As to what must be done, I’d be content to be left in a ditch, my weapons and notes burnt and broken.” And Vex just brings out the best diamond she has when they do the ritual, because he is worth so much more to her and even if he doesn't know it just matters to her to show it. Percy gets the best diamond even if he thinks of himself as not deserving of that. 
When Vex says to him in episode 67 “You are a better man than you believe.” Percy says “Thank you. I accept that compliment. You as well, you are a better woman than you believe. Doesn’t feel good, does it? There you are.” Vex tells him: “No, it doesn’t. Shit.” I really like this moment between them, because there is a recognition, they exchange this smug and knowing look and they just understand? Like they know that the other one genuinely means it, but they cannot acknowledge that part for themselves. It doesn’t feel right for them and they have just such a quiet moment about it? And Percy just keeps reassuring Vex, like when he writes in his goodbye letter, there is just something about the way he writes: "Vex, you often remind me of myself and that is the highest of compliments.” 
About how he can see himself in a positive way when he can compare himself to her, because she is amazing. And he loves her so much. He also likes to tell her again how smart she is. 
They do it all the time, they tell the other what they are for them and how they see them and how much they value their relationship, but they rarely ever push it and demand that the other sees it too. Just a reassurance that maybe they can see it too someday, no pressure. Just telling them that they are worthy of love, affection and redemption. It's okay if they can't see it or believe it, yet. They are going to be there and tell them in all honesty what they are worth it, they just have each other's back. For example in episode 92, Percy says "You know, it's entirely possible that there'll be several creatures fighting over my body when I die, and my soul when I die, already." Vex just tells him "I'll be one of them." Without any hesitation. There is never any doubt in Vex's mind that he is not worth it or whatever Percy has himself convinced. She just says it, she will fight for him, no room for objection. An obviousness in the way she says it. It seems so small, but it's just a big thing!
And there is Vex, who just grew up with a shit father in a society that looked down at what she was. That met her with coldness and judgment and the feeling that she will never be good enough, despite how hard she tries they just wouldn't accept her. In their eyes she was always less and it hit her hard, it hit her so differently than Vax. (that is like a whole other discussion for another day, the differences in Vex and Vax and how they interact with each other and others) but Vex hides it well, because there is a part that thinks that they were right and that she doesn't deserve love and affection. She downplays her own feelings and how hurt she often is so much and she really doesn't want to bother other people.
So then in Syngorn when Vex is worked up about all the bad feelings and trauma that is connected to that place, and because Vex does stuff, she tries to polish her armour, when Percy comes in and they have the exchange and I know you all know it too
Vex: “Well, you come from money right?”
Percy: “Yes.”
Vex: ”Right, so do I look like I come from money?”
Percy: (laughs) “Honestly, dear, you're too happy to look like you come from money.”
Vex: (laughs) “I don't believe that.”
Percy: “No, it's a sure sign of it, is an abject misery, believe me. I can speak to it. You look too much like you, and you don't look enough like something you're supposed to be. If you feel the urge to deeply bullshit, I'd be happy to help you. It's not hard.”
Vex: ”No?”
Percy: “No. It is easy to pretend you come from money. You just have to be a bit of a shit and wear what everybody else is wearing. Does this have something to do with that city? It does, doesn't it. Who's there?” 
Vex: “Well, you know. Everyone. We were judged, growing up, and I don't look forward to seeing that again.”
Percy: (sighs) “Well.”
Vex: “It's not important.”
Percy: “Oh, I disagree. Dear, I think that if you're worried about them knowing whether or not you've made your money and made your fortune-- I don't think that's going to be the thing to earn their respect. I think you're better off, A, with the company that you keep, and B, with the fact that you're probably just better than most of them.”
Vex: (laughs)
Percy:”I've known a lot of people with money, and they are definitely not worth you. And besides, if they have something nice that makes you feel inferior, we can just take it.”
Vex: (laughs) “I like the way you think.”
Percy: “Well, and then they're just shit without anything, and then you're you with their stuff.”
It's one of the rare moments that Vex shows how hurt she is and allows someone else to have a glimpse of her insecurities. Vex doesn't think she is worth it, because growing up she was made to feel, constantly, that she is less than the shitty elves that treated her so badly. 
Like there is so much to talk about in this scene but for the sake of keeping it somewhat short, let's talk mainly about the bit at the end. 
Percy reassures Vex and doesn't dismiss how she wants to cope and reacts to the whole situation in telling her that he will happily go with whatever she plans. He also recognises that this isn't just about looking like you made it. He offers his view on her and tells her how much he values her judgment and her as a person. When he then says "… with the fact that you're probably just better than most of them." Vex's reaction is just to laugh and like deflect, because she herself doesn't believe it and Percy in the moment of realisation, what she does, emphasizes on his views of her and just shares how highly he thinks of her and cuts right to her insecurities. 
“I’ve known a lot of people with money, and they are definitely not worth you. And besides, if they have something nice that makes you feel inferior, we can just take it.” 
Just all of the first line. He then gives her a gentle out, when he offers that they can just take their stuff. Not a second later he emphasizes it again, when he says, the mood a bit more light “Well, and then they’re just shit without anything, and then you’re you with their stuff.” 
He values her so much and he wants her to know and hell, he wants everyone to know, how great she is and that's the thing he does, right? When he gives her the title in public, a token of affection, a love letter to how high he thinks of her and he gives her in that also a home, if she wants. Percy knows how she is, so he gives her something she has to earn and something that fits and he just gives her that, something to be a part of what means so much too him, because she means so much to him and he just gives her that, so there no doubt in the worth he sees in her. He would give her all, if it means that maybe it will help her see herself how he sees her. And there is just so much recognition and unshakeable love, affection, care and gentleness in general but also how they approach the other with their own trauma and issues and everything. And when Vex said at the end of episode 115 "You're a good person and you're not broken anymore. All right? We'll fill each other's gaps. We'll be the glue.” There is just this mutual understanding and love.
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arkannis · 3 years
I just recently got into the Old Republic Fandom, and the Eternal Empire is my favorite arc. I do wish there was more story content to give more development to the characters, particularly in Arcann's case. While I love his romance scenes, I wish there were more scenes about his redemption and relationship with the Outlander or a dark side ending where the Outlander or Arcann takes the throne with the other as a consort. I found your blog while trying to find content further developing his character. Thank you so much for posting all your headcanons and musings!
With that being said, what are your headcanons for Zakuul culture? And could you post a masterpost compilation of your Arcann headcanons? I am trying to find the post where the romance novels headcanon originated in the tags and not having much luck.
Hope you have a nice day!
Hi anon!! Sorry for a late reply. First I’ll answer the second part of your message. The romance holonovels headcanon originated from the this post ; the post doesn’t outright say it, but some people in the tags (when they reblogged it) mentioned that Arcann probably seemed like the type to read romance in his free time. As of what I can remember the tags were from this reblog and this other reblog and both say that Arcann reads romance holonovels. The continuation of this headcanon were in replies or tags, so it’s hard to track them all down! Secondly, my Arcann tag is a mess, and I probably threw in multiple headcanons in reblogs or tags so it would be hard to find them all... I’ll think about making a masterpost, but I don’t think I have time for something like that right now. Ok, now that’s over with... I 100% agree with you, anon! I HAVE so many things to say about the possibility about that dark side ending. I don’t think devs were planning to make Arcann a possible romance option in the beginning, so it wouldn’t have been possible to be his LI and rule as emperor/empress. I also agree with the development of the characters... however, Arcann’s redemption and relationship with the Outlander was definitely rushed, because the plans to make a third expansion was apparently cancelled due to the backlash from fans who wanted pub vs. imp back. I made a whole post complaining about that... Otherwise, I definitely think they would have had more time to flesh out his characters and the other Zakuulan characters as well (Vaylin, Senya, Koth, etc.). I’m like pretty much sure content was cut out from KOTFE/KOTET to make them shorter. Due to such lost content, I have to create my headcanons from extrapolation based on the Sacrifice trailer, available codex entries, existing dialogue, and implications of existing issues. As well as other people’s hcs and commentary!! WARNING: SUPER LONG BULLET POINTS for Zakuulan culture headcanons.
The reason why I don’t have that many Zakuulan culture headcanons is because.... I feel like it’s so weirdly explored in the expansions.
I think the arts is a big thing in Zakuul! The Dragon’s Maw chapter gave me that kind of vibe. I also discussed this mildly (not) with Arcann. Most specifically THEATRE, PERFORMANCE AND SINGING. 
Evidence: Senya sings and composes and there’s the famous Zakuulan holoperformer, Malita Tal. No, I don’t have evidence for theatre, but honestly? Zakuulans are so goddamn dramatic, they most definitely have reality TV series or drama series... 
arcann be like oh you listen to malita tal? name all of her albums in alphabetical order or you get exiled
Zakuulan culture most definitely has idol culture, based on Malita Tal (and reportedly her performances were watched by millions). And those fans apparently also protested against Arcann’s rule. personally i think if they had twitter the u.s. gov*rnment would be wiped out.
I just think singing is a big thing in Zakuulan culture. I mean, even Valkorion sings (if you decide to kill Senya, his force ghost appears. They both have an exchange and it’s actually sweet for like 0.1 second). 
I also think there would be typical Zakuulan fairytales embedded in the culture. Hear me out. Most specifically those type of royal fairytales with the princes and princesses. This can be heavily contributed to the fact that a royal family is essentially in power. 
You cannot expect me to believe not a single person in Zakuul has written a Prince Arcann x reader holofic. You just can’t. Or Prince Thexan. Actually, I think Thexan would be more common, I think he was perceived to be more compassionate and kind compared to Arcann by the common folk? Since I know there’s that NPC dialogue where one of them goes how different it would be if Thexan took the throne instead. 
The fairytales would probably involve a lot of references to the Old Gods. I kinda imagine that the enemy would be some sort of serpent, that is, Zildrog, because apparently he’s just a bedtime story to scare children away. 
I think these Zakuulan fairy tales would contribute to the theatre and performance, acting culture that Zakuul has. 
Furthermore, I just think the Tirall kids probably read these fairytales as well. francis dont talk about arcann reading again
I want to talk about the Old Gods and that religion, which is one of my favorite things ever... probably because the Gods are machines. Superweapon machines... ok ill shut up
Even if Valkorion basically got rid of the religion, it’s clear that the religion is still incorporated into heavy talk in Zakuulan culture (e.g. eyes of Esne, heart of Scyva). 
My headcanon is that there are sanctuaries or small secret churches (?) for those who want to worship the Old Gods. Obviously the Herald of Zildrogs who believe in the Old Way are a cult, so I think people would look for an alternative. 
I think there would be great effort to hide these places, as it can get you exiled. Thus these would probably be located in the Old World, rather than in a more obvious position like the Spire. 
The beliefs of the Old Ways isn’t exactly clear, they aren’t exactly touched upon, which is a shame. I think people would ask for help from each of these gods depending on what they want.
Those who ask for Izax’ guidance want to seek success, accomplishments, power, and glory.
Those who ask for Scyva’s guidance ask for her to guide souls peacefully to death (she is described as someone who weeps beside Zakuulans as they march towards Izax - basically death) , or ask for help/compassion from her. Maybe maternity as well? Or parental love?
Those who ask for Aivela (goddess of passion) want her to guide them with her passion (Aivela accompanies Tyth, who is kind of a god of war/warrior). I think there would also be romance related stuff as well. If someone asked for help regarding their love related issues, it would probably be from Aivela!
I’m not sure about Esne - but maybe in a similar sense, if someone is suffering with jealousy - in any situation, they would ask guidance from her. I don’t know where I read this but I think the “eyes of Esne” expression meant like having eyes of jealousy.
Nahut? I don’t think he was worshipped.  “Nahut was considered to be gray, formless and cold, and was denied worship by all except his mother Scyva.” But regardless, I think he still had a role to play. 
After the Outlander takes the throne, and Zakuul renounces their membership from the Eternal Alliance, I think people would be allowed to openly express their religious beliefs, that is, the Old Ways. Oh, personally I headcanon that they would build beautiful places of worship in the Spire with similar geometrical pyramid designs...!! 
Yeah...I think that’s all I got! I’ll need to see how I can somehow make this post easily found, lol. This is quite a long list, and I have to emphasize that these are my headcanons! They are based on what I see and I just kind of fill in the gaps to fit my own stories. This took a while to write because I KNEW I had these headcanons, but they just didn’t appear at the time I saw this anon ask. Anyways, I’ll probably create more headcanons in the future. Also:
a dark side ending where the Outlander or Arcann takes the throne with the other as a consort
I have so many things to say about this. I know the game won’t permit it, because if you think about it, both the light side choice (Eternal Alliance) and the dark side choice (Eternal Empire) are happy endings for your characters anyways. They can continue as the “hero” or the “protagonist”, so I don’t think this route could ever be implemented. However, I think it would be absolutely interesting if throughout the gameplay, players are given a choice to flirt with Arcann. The Outlander and Arcann agree to get rid of Valkorion, but thats if the Outlander decides to betray the Alliance and joins Arcann instead. And should they join him, they have the choice to romance him... and I guess it’s a happy ending for you both :P Obviously this won’t happen, but maybe it will. I wouldn’t mind being the prince consort of Arcann lol idk! me and vaylin are gonna be besties and we’ll paint each others nails or something Oh and have a nice day too anon...!!
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mochikeiji · 4 years
Prompt: things have been stressful for you, and you never told anyone about it because you didn't want to be seen as a bother or thinking your problems aren't that valid. Yamaguchi, who knows you for so long wanted to confront you about it and show you how much he really loves you and that he was always going to be there for you.
Word Count: 1.3k
Genre: Angst to Fluff
a/n: this is just a short headcanon (T^T) i got this idea from my friend since we've been all drained and felt the same. I hope everyone is doing well!!
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Not even having the chance to start a sentence, you could clearly see the visible sweat from his forehead slowly tracing down ay the side of his face as he twiddled with his fingers faster, frustration seeming to bloom inside him as he couldn't muster up the courage to speak.
"Is something wrong, Tadashi?"
Concern written all over your face, you immediately stopped reading your textbook, to what seemed like a minute or so and placed it down, scooting closer to him from your bed and cupping his cheeks with both hands, seeing his eyes avert away from your features and biting his lip.
"Tadashi, what's wrong? You can tell me anything."
His heart was racing by your tone. How sweet it was for someone to be so attentive to his antics, and how endearing it was that someone had to sacrifice their time off fromthe things that needed ti be done just for him.
So many unspoken confessions from him to you made him frustrated. How he yearns to tell yoy everything you needed to know. How he would love to tell you the amount lf times you've saved him just by being his own haven. He wanted you to feel the same as he did with you.
"I love you."
Three words came from his mouth.
Three words he can never emphasize enough towards you. How those three words can never compare to the amount of love and devotion he has for you.
He can never do enough, he thoughts. He can never give the wants even with his own best friend, Tsukishima. But with you, he wanted to try. He needed to. He needed to tell you everything you deserved to know.
"I love you too, Tadashi."
"Please, no."
Anxiety was creeping inside of you. The way he sounded oh so pleading, as if he was scurrying away from you. Was he planning on cutting things now? What happened during the years you've both spent in highschool and now? Had you done something wrong?
Breathing was suddenly becoming an enemy to you. Not even noticing how slowly your eyes wept with small tears and the loose warm touch you had on his cheeks.
Yamaguchi panics when he was met with your gaze and seeing a noticeable lump forming on your throat as if you were holding back painful sobs he never wanted to hear. It would break his heart to see you even in the slightest bit of pain.
"No! It's not what you think."
Quickly shifting his position by instinct, he was already lifting you up from in front of him and setting down in between his legs as he wraps his arms around your waist closely, not wanting you to atleast nove away from him knowing how anxious you must've gotten.
"Then what?"
All his worries were vanished by how your voice cracked a bit. He should've been a bit more cautious with his actions. Knowing at times of stress and pressure, anything was bound to trigger your anxiety and break you.
Which is why he was so frustrated he couldn't help you one bit out of your own dark shell.
"I mean, I love you. More than just saying those three words."
You hear how he prolonged the three words. Still not getting to what he was trying to say and getting yourself comfortable by leaning your head on his chest to listen to his heart, now beating at a normal pace than it was a while ago.
"You seem troubled."
Calming down a bit, your hands automatically found its way to his. Tracing your finger at the back side, loving the satisfaction of feeling his slightly boney hand and how soft it was.
Yamaguchi sighs, face planting on the crown of your head and taking in your sweet scent with his hands rubbing your back up and down. A habit he's grown to knowing how you loved being touched affectionately and softly, how it gives yoy a peace in mind that soothes all the troubles away.
"Because I couldn't tell you."
Somehow having you closer to his body gave him a boost of confidence. He wonders still how come when he was around you, he was unable to function unlike when he was in his third year in highschool. He was standing with full confidence, the shy and nerve wrecking demeanor gone.
Perhaps he was just as anxious as you are sometimes.
"What is it?"
"I couldn't tell you how much I really love you."
He didn't want to cause you another hard time understanding him. At this moment, he had to take care of you.
For days you haven't been exactly yourself. There were times where he would catch you just staring blankly at nothing, as if you were trying deep down to build yourself up alone without telling him.
The times where he'd imagine you trying to reach out to him at the back of his mind but hesitating because you knew how much busier he was and didn't want to bother him with your own problems that didn't seem to matter to you.
He was sick of that. How can ge say he deserves this wonderful person and the paradise he's living in if you didn't feel what he feels around you?
"But you are."
"It's not enough."
It wasn't enough to drive all your demons away. It wasn't enough to make up for the times and amount of emotions you've given to him. Even if you think having Yamaguchi was enough, he felt like he could do so much more to make sure you are fully happy and well.
"It's not enough because I know you're still hurting. And here I am unable to tell you, tend to you as if I was being held back."
His arms were still around you, his chin was placed above your head, and you can feel his ragged his breathing was, like he was forcing the unsaid words out of him.
"But you being here really is enough."
"It isn't. Call me emotional or sappy, I am. But what kind of a lover I am to leave mine alone knowing how much you are hurting and unable to reach out to me? Who am I to deserve a persons entire being if I know they aren't even part of the paradise I am in?"
Did that hit to home.
There was never a man like Yamaguchi Tadashi. Always so considerate, someone rare to detect ones feelings with ease and always so attentive. He was the perfect man.
He was always there watching as you broke down. Always trying to find ways to help you. He snucked in so many notes, letters at your desk with sweet messages he was unable to express. Snacks and bentos because you weren't eating much. He did it all but it wasn't enough to him to make you feel like the princess you are.
"It hurts me knowing you're hurting silently. You don't even ask for my help because I couldn't do anything. But I want to, I need to. You are never going to be someone I will come to hate or tired of. (Y/n), I love you so much you don't even know how hard it is to carve three words into a million reasons why."
The days that felt like were against you cannot match thr protective hold he has on you. The words of affirmation you've wanted a specific someone to tell you ringing in your ears like a record you never want to stop.
You left all worries behind at the back of your head. All the pressure, stress and thoughts, were buried away and now trampled by his own lovely tone.
Letting a tired yet contented tear slip from your eye, you could only close your lids and exhale with bliss as you let yourself lull to sleep by his warmth and soft scent.
"Thank you."
Two words, yet hard to carve into a million reasons.
"I love you so much, (Y/n)."
Three words, yet can be expressed with millions of actions.
And this was just first from his list.
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Categories of Failure - An Akuma Analysis
Who wants more analysis of Hawk Moth’s idiocy?
If there is anything that makes Hawk Moth’s quest for the Miraculous hard to take seriously, you need look no further than his multitude of akumas that almost seem designed to fail.
I’ve taken the time to note what akumas Hawk Moth DOESN’T create even if it could solve his problems (aka: a stealthy akuma, a Miraculous-locating akuma, or even one that could just heal his wife with no Miraculous or potentially reality-destabilizing wish required). But I haven’t yet fully explored the akumas he DOES create and just WHY they are horrible.
I’ve been talking about this for a while now and I think I’ve pieced together an accurate—or at least coherent list and explanation of what I mean. I have noted four particular categories of akumas doomed to fail and I think they highlight in and of themselves the issue of Gabriel’s horrible lack of planning and why his stated goal does not appear to be his actual goal.
Powers Too Big:
These are the akumas who by all logic should have a pretty high death count just by the very nature of their powers, even before they actively try to attack the heroes. These are the akumas that are powerful—TOO powerful. So much so that their sheer destructive capability should have wiped Paris off the map. But the biggest issue with these akumas is not only that they fail despite being extremely powerful, it’s that Hawk Moth remains completely unaffected by their powers. These are world-affecting akumas who at the very LEAST should have SOME impact on Hawk Moth’s lair give that he is operating from within Paris. So why was his lair not flooded? Or frozen over? Or taken out by the giant freaking volcano?
These are cases where the powers of the akumas are big—HUGE even. Enough to affect the WORLD. By that logic, they SHOULD also affect Hawk Moth. And if it wasn’t for the shoddy writing, maybe they would. In each case, we’re shown that Hawk Moth and his lair are just fine. Given what little we see of her, we can assume that his wife’s comatose body is fine, too. Which…makes NO SENSE.
This leads to a major flaw in Hawk Moth’s overall plan in that he happens to BE in the very city he’s attacking. Meaning that whatever he is having happen to the city should by all counts be happening to HIM as well. If it weren’t for the plot armor, Hawk Moth would be dead. Flat out. And even if he DID manage to survive, he’d certainly have cause to be be more on board with Ladybug fixing everything.
But plot armor is still no excuse for Hawk Moth to have NOT thought this through. I shouldn’t have to get into the scientific logistics of how cold it would have to suddenly be for a city to freeze over in summer, the full impact of a volcano eruption in a populated city, or how much water would be necessary to fully flood Paris just to point out that whatever effect they’re having should also be hitting the Big Bad’s lair just as much as the rest of the city.
Hawk Moth’s location aside, some of these akumas are BIG enough that it honestly shouldn’t matter WHERE he was. Even if he somehow managed to instantaneously make and warp akumas to where he needed them to go from across the world, some of these akumas are just too powerful. So powerful in fact that they have more of a chance of obliterating all life than they would of getting the Miraculous.
Even ignoring that, the fact that their powers are so huge makes them a terrible choice of tools if the goal is specifically to steal magical jewelry. They just aren’t practical for the intended goal, especially since their powers can effectively doom the world at large. The heroes could be killed and their Miraculous easily lost. Alternatively, it’s been made clear in canon that the Miraculous CAN be damaged. So what will Hawk Moth do then if his akuma loses or even outright destroys either of the two Miraculous he needs—particularly the Ladybug Miraculous, which is the ONLY THING that can set the world to rights?
Examples: Stormy Weather 1&2, Frozer, Syren
Stormy Weather 2 flat out nearly destroyed the WORLD. I cannot emphasize that enough. Because if the city is destroyed and everything is ash, the wish is going to be kind of pointless. Because yes, we have confirmation that Miraculous CAN be damaged. Hawk Moth would know that as well. So WHY would he create an akuma THIS powerful which could potentially obliterate the very things he wants it to get for him?
Powers too big means he’s using the equivalent of a hurricane to try and get a kite out of a tree. That’s not what the hurricane is for, the hurricane is not efficient in this task, and it is more likely that the kite will be decimated. As will the tree. And everything else.
Powers Too Small:
On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the case of the akumas with powers that are either minimalistic or much too specific to do any real good or make any real progress in obtaining the Miraculous. The fact that they are any threat at all seems to be less a matter of the power Hawk Moth gave them and more their own ingenuity and ability.
Examples: Silencer, Frightningale, Troublemaker, Antibug, Copycat, Dark Owl, Puppeteer 1, Chameleon
Some of you may argue with me on Antibug and Copycat. I include them both here due to the limitations they have. Antibug is just a reverse color of Ladybug. She was able to summon a Charm, but it was simply imposing rather than useful. Copycat is pretty much an exact copy of Chat Noir, including the time limit after using Cataclysm ONCE. Compare this with Volpina, who is pretty much an improved version of Rena Rouge given how many illusions she can create.
What made each of them threatening and useful was how THEY applied their powers rather than what the power itself was. Look to Silencer, whose powers were by far the most limited—being the ability to steal the voice of anyone but ONLY through physical touch. The power was lame and hardly threatening, and it took his “victim” interfering with Ladybug in the fight for Silencer to even get her voice at all. But out of all the akumas, he’s actually the one who made most efficient use of his powers and made the most progress in his own personal goal of outing the scumbag music producer who stole Kitty Section’s music and Marinette’s designs. That says a lot for Luka, but not for Hawk Moth.
Dark Owl was also a threat. Not going to lie that he was quite possibly one of the biggest threats to the heroes. But again, that was more on his own ingenuity rather than Hawk Moth’s empowering him. After all, he’s the first and as of yet only akuma we’ve seen actually HIDE his akumatized item.
Puppeteer (the first time) can ONLY control people if she has a doll of them. Her power is reliant on the dolls existing in the first place and without them, she’s easily beaten.
Frightningale was a waste of potential and having a legitimate reason for the heroes to sing.
And Chameleon was limited in whom she could transform into in that she had to specifically kiss them. Sure, it got the person she was impersonating out of the way. But unlike Silencer or Dark Owl, if she was going to make real effective use of this, she shouldn’t have made it obvious she was an akuma.
Mind Affecting Akumas: 
Out of all the akumas, THESE are the ones who should by all counts have made the most progress in getting the Miraculous, especially considering how often Chat gets hit. Plot armor as justification comes off as cheap reasoning and even downright stupid when the akuma literally has half of the intended goal in their hands and decides, “nah, I’m just gonna leave things this way for now”. AND HAWK MOTH LETS THEM! Among all the signs of inefficiency and foolishness in the supervillain we are supposed to see as a threat, this situation and the fact that it has happened more than once would be the big one.
But there’s one other aspect here that should be of particular note…
Throughout the series, there are I believe at least four specific instances I’ve found of mind-affecting akumas who get tired of the fighting with the heroes and end up trying to unleash an ultimate move of some sort that will allow them to control everyone in the city.
I repeat: EVERYONE IN THE CITY. All the people who happen to be in Paris at the time of the attack. EVERYONE.
Including the super villain who happens to have his evil lair underneath his house located IN SAID CITY!
Simon Says/Jackady proves that Gabriel isn’t immune to the effects of his own akumas. So if ANY of those mind-affecting akumas manage to follow through with their city-wide attack, that means by all logic that Hawk Moth will get hit as well. So in those four instances, what would have happened had Ladybug and Chat Noir NOT stopped them?
Oblivio? We’d have an amnesiac Gabriel Agreste waking up in a creepy lair with no idea why he’s there or how to get out.
Darkblade? We’d have a random knight where Hawk Moth used to be.
Malediktator? Well, nobody will be taking Kitty Noir from Chloe and her family at any rate.
Princess Fragrance? Singing Hawk Moth. And that is something nobody needs to see.
But sure, let’s pretend that Hawk Moth would be immune to the mind-altering effects of his own akumas if they did manage to control the entire city. Let’s pretend that. If that’s the case, why not have them IMMEDIATELY use this big power from the start to hit everybody in the city and thus get Ladybug and Chat Noir under their power before they realize there’s even an akuma?
All in all, this is another example of Hawk Moth’s poor planning and tendency to leave himself wide open.
Unwinnable By Design:
But I think the biggest offenders are the ones whose powers make it downright impossible to complete their goal altogether. Usually it's because the powers they were given would immediately make the Miraculous permanently lost if they actually managed to hit the heroes. And even if they CAN undo the power, they would be stuck in either a stalemate or a catch 22.
Basically, their own power makes the battle unwinnable.
Timebreaker zaps people out of reality just by touching them. But she has to touch them to get the Miraculous. How was she supposed to get their jewelry? Sure, Hawk Moth instructed her to get Chat’s ring before he faded away, but…how? He was already fading in seconds and Ladybug was already shown going through him. Her mission was impossible from the start.
Reflekta makes people into copies of herself. This should technically put her into the Powers Too Small category, except that it also makes her goal unachievable. Hawk Moth even calls her out on it when she transforms Chat because now she can’t get the Miraculous since it…y’know…doesn’t exist anymore. It’s suggested that she might be able to transform someone back given how she blackmailed Mayor Andre into helping her, but we have no way of knowing if that’s true or if it was something she lied about to get his help.
Similarly, Glaciator turns anything he hits into ice cream. The Miraculous are as good as melted.
Gamer 1 has the same issue. To be fair, maybe he can somehow restore the Miraculous once he hits the heroes, but his power is operating the giant robot out of the game and controlling it just like one can in the game. He can zap people to get points to become stronger, but there was no indication he can restore things that were zapped.
Pixelator and Collector would be caught in a catch 22. Even if they did manage to zap the heroes into their photos or book, there is no way that they could specifically remove the Miraculous without also freeing said heroes.
All in all, given how OP the Butterfly is and Hawk Moth is while using it, there is little reason why he shouldn’t have won already, especially given the completely disproportionate power set on the side of the heroes as well as the lack of growth and power increase they are allowed to have.
Hawk Moth had all the tools necessary to win. The board is in his favor. The heroes are severely handicapped. No one is even bothering to try and actively search for him or track down where his akumas are coming from. The fact that he makes ANY progress (as implied by the confusing spoiler pre-reveal of Hawk Moth discovering Fu is the Guardian in Ikari Gozen), seems less a matter of him actually trying to save his wife and more sheer luck of things falling into his lap.
As it stands, there is a question as to whether Hawk Moth is taking his quest for the Miraculous seriously instead of simply going for a record of most villain cliches that can be fit into one series.
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Seeking Alpha: 3 Fortress REITs To Own During The New Era Of Physical Distancing.
Consider investing in only the highest-quality companies with the best balance sheets and great management teams.
It’s a strategy that has worked very well for Warren Buffett and his followers over the years.
We believe that our three A-rated picks will eventually generate sound price appreciation as their underlying business models are all built to last.
There’s a line from the classic film Princess Bride that goes, “Goodbye, boys! Have fun storming the castle!”
It’s a satirical line from a satirical movie, with one character turning to another to ask, “Think it’ll work?”
The response is, “It would take a miracle.”
If you’ve seen the movie even just once, you can probably easily envision the whole scene, including the joviality at the start of the very brief conversation and the sardonic certainty at the end. (If you haven’t, you’ll just have to take my word for it.)
But the truth is that castle storming back in the day was supposed to be a long shot. Only extreme levels of planning, plotting, and resources could pull them down.
They were built to be fortresses, strategically designed with features such as:
Arrowslits – Holes up high in the structures from which archers could let their weapons loose while remaining largely protected.
Keeps – Towers that rose as high up as possible to give great views of whatever might be coming.
Moats – Water-filled trenches that armies couldn’t easily cross unless a bridge was procured.
Portcullises – Heavy metal gates to protect main entrances.
Barbicans – Fortresses outside of the fortress designed to be the first line of defense.
Really, that last word, “defense,” sums up their strategy. The lords who commissioned them took every precaution possible to protected what was theirs.

A Model Worth Following
Dr. Dan Spencer, author of The Castle at War in Medieval England and Wales, writes on Military History Now:
“In their day, medieval castles represented the state-of-art in military engineering.
“Erected by kinds and feudal lords during what we now commonly call the Middle Ages, these foreboding strongholds… were defensive in nature, being skillfully designed to resist attacks by armies many times larger than those manning its parapets.
“But of course, a castle was only ever as strong as its weakest point. As such, great efforts were made by builders to ensure that their castles could withstand an enemy onslaught.”
Some of them did a phenomenal job of it too, as evidenced by their still-standing structures today. Google “castles to visit today” or some such thing, and you’ll no doubt find plenty of places around the world.
Of course, considering how land invasions aren’t nearly as popular as they used to be, castles are admittedly a little passé. They’re great to bring in tourist revenue, it’s true. But they don’t present the same awe-inspiring military deterrent now that planes and bombs and battleships exist.
Even so, that doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate the concept they were built on. Warren Buffett certainly does, has, and no doubt will. He’s long-since been promising a “financial fortress” for investors in his Berkshire Hathaway(NYSE:BRK.A) (NYSE:BRK.B) fund.
By that, he means he invests in only the highest-quality companies with the best balance sheets and great management teams.
It’s a strategy that’s worked very well for him and his followers over the years. And it’s one I’ve seen significant success in as well.

The Value of a Properly Fortified Fortress
For the record, I know about the news story currently circulating on most major financial sites: “Warren Buffett’s ‘Fortress’ Is Breached by Coronavirus-Related Shutdowns.” It starts out:
“Even as market watchers await Warren Buffett’s splashy move to seize on fallout from the current crisis, his Berkshire Hathaway Inc. hasn’t been spared by the pandemic.
“Coronavirus-related shutdowns across the U.S. have hit Berkshire units from See’s Candies and a shoemaker to industrial behemoth Precision Castparts. That could leave a few scars on the conglomerate…
“Buffett’s business partner, Charlie Munger, put it bluntly. ‘We’ve got a few businesses, small ones, we won’t reopen when this is over,’ he told The Wall Street Journal without naming the units.”
But here’s the thing. Fortresses don’t promise they’ll never get cracked by a battering ram or chipped by flying projectiles. As the article above – and every single castle throughout history – indicates, damage can be done.
For that matter, they don’t even promise they can withstand absolutely everything that comes their way. Nothing can, as proven by Krak des Chevaliers, an epic, all-but-invincible Crusader castle in Syria, that was surrendered, not by force, but by siege and, perhaps, a forged letter.
They only have the best chances around, which is why Bloomberg acknowledged:
“To be sure, Buffett’s promise that Berkshire will ‘forever remain a financial fortress’ hasn’t been broken yet. The company reported a $128 billion cash pile at the end of last year, as well as a stock portfolio valued at more than $248 billion.
Besides, “Some of its biggest revenue generators remain on solid footing.” And its similarly solid footing we’re looking for today through our own “revenue generators” in the REIT sector.
The companies below have plenty of cash on hand with significant chances of making plenty more cash in the future.
Here’s what they have to say for themselves.

Source: iREIT
3 A-Rated REITs We’re Buying Today
One of the good things about being a financial writer in the REIT sector is that we have tons or research at our disposal. This includes data from Seeking Alpha, Sentieo, FAST Graphs, and the wide world of Google. It’s very useful to have all of this information because it provides us with the most actionable intelligence to support our buy-hold-sell recommendations.
Given the latest COVID-19 risks we have carefully evaluated our entire REIT spectrum in order to model the impacts related to rent collection and future earnings. Accordingly, there are a number of REITs that we have downgraded to either Speculative, Hold, or Sell as we anticipate future dividend cuts and or suspensions.
We’re all living in unprecedented times and while strong balance sheets are essential to any business operation, we consider cash flow the primary test as it relates to dividend sustainability. That being said, we decided to focus the content today on three A-rated REITs that support our Buy or Strong Buy recommendation.
These three REITs appear on our list because we believe their dividend is safe and that the shares can be purchased at a reasonable margin of safety. We recently downgraded Simon Property (SPG) to a Spec Buy, and we plan to address this name in a detailed article later this week.
Our first pick on the list is Public Storage (PSA), a self-storage REIT whose capital structure is nearly bulletproof because it utilizes perpetual preferreds instead of debt (no refinancing risk). Its business model is one that is consistent through business cycles and its management has shown themselves to be immensely talented.
PSA is unique in the REIT industry (actually, virtually unique compared to any company) in that its capital structure is overwhelmingly comprised of common and preferred stock - debt is a measly 3%. PSA is the largest REIT issuer of preferred stock and has mastered its use in the capital structure. It’s this use that has created the fortress known as their balance sheet.
Income investors often recognize the security and performance available with the purchase of PSA, but are often turned away by the low dividend yield. However, thanks to the Covid-19 inspired pullback, PSA’s dividend yield is now 4.3% with a P/FFO handle of 17.4x.
To be clear, we don’t view PSA as a Strong Buy today, but we’re glad we included shares in the Cash Is King portfolio (just a Buy). We like the business model, and while the summer months could be challenging with lease-up (due to stay at home rules) we have a high degree of certainty that customers will continue to use storage in the weeks and months ahead.

Source: FAST Graphs
Our next fortress pick is Realty Income (O), the monthly paying bellwether that has become the staple for many retirees and income-oriented investors.
The primary reason that O has sold off (-31.9% total return year-to-date) is because of the company’s exposure to theaters (6.7%) and gyms (7%). Given the elevated risk of tenant defaults, specifically bankruptcies, it’s likely that certain stores may close, and Realty Income’s payout ratio could narrow.
We believe that Realty Income’s payout ratio – which is in the low 80s now – is adequate to handle the short-term shock to earnings. Essentially, we’d agree with the CEO’s optimism when he said that, “We feel very good about our liquidity situation: our ability to continue to pay the dividend and grow the dividend.”
Importantly, we also feel comfortable that Realty Income has an impressive A-rated balance sheet. The company is the only net lease REIT with an A-rated balance sheet and has protected its fortress balance sheet by strengthening its liquidity position by drawing down $1.2 billion (bringing the cash balance to $1.25 billion). There’s around $1.2 billion of capacity remaining on the $3 billion revolver (with an accordion of another $1 billion).
It’s important to recognize that Realty Income has around 50% of investment-grade rated tenants and we believe this investment policy (focusing on quality) will pay dividends during the next few months. Realty Income also has the least exposure to private equity-backed tenants and this provides us with a higher degree of confidence that Realty Income’s tenant base will keep paying rent.
Furthermore, and I cannot emphasize this enough, Realty Income is the most diversified net lease REIT and while certain sectors (like theaters and gyms) could put temporary pressure on the payout ratio, Realty Income is in the best position (of all net lease REITs) to weather the storms.
Shares are now yielding 5.7% with a P/FFO multiple of 14.8x (-30% below normal range). We are maintaining a Strong Buy at this time.

Source: FAST Graphs
Our final fortress pick is Federal Realty (FRT), one of just two shopping center REITs on our buy list.
FRT’s balance sheet is by far one of the strongest in its industry, as illustrated by its (1) net debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) of 5.5x, its fixed-charge coverage ratio of 4.2x, its weighted-average debt maturity of ~10 years (near the top of the sector) and its weighted average interest rate of 3.8%.
FRT ended 2019 with over $127 million in cash on its balance sheet – up from just $64 million a year ago and management said it has no outstanding balance on a recently expanded $1 billion credit facility.
While FRT is known for its retail exposure, it's important to remind readers that the company has diversified its business model to include a variety of profit centers including:
Residential – 11%
Office – 9%
Fitness, health, beauty – 9%
Discount Apparel – 9%
Full-service restaurant – 9%
Full-service apparel – 8%
Grocery – 7%
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acaseforpencils · 5 years
The Ink Well Foundation.
The Ink Well Foundation is a non-profit that helps bring smiles to the faces of children facing adversity such as illness, neglect, and abuse. I cannot begin to express how big of an honor it is to have Elizabeth Winter on Case—this interview brought me to tears, and it means a lot to share her message on here, so that you all can help more children in need to be able to connect with this incredible foundation.
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Bio: I am the Founder and Executive Director of the Ink Well Foundation. Growing up, I had cancer my entire childhood—it was a rare cancer that kept getting misdiagnosed, which meant a fair amount of biopsies and days in the hospital, and finally major surgery where I was told I might wake up without a leg. I am very fortunate in that the doctors were able to remove all the cancer without amputating, and I have been cancer-free since I was about 20 years old. 
That experience gave me a lot of empathy and compassion for kids facing long, isolating hospital stays. There were also other issues during my childhood: I experienced a lot of abandonment with a mother who just could not play the role of mother, and who eventually died when I was fifteen. In general, I just had a pretty severe lack of affection and emotional support growing up. All that made me very tough, in some ways too tough and it wound up creating only further isolation and pain. 
As an adult, I saw that pain mirrored in other children's eyes and I began to seek out a way to connect with them, to help them and myself learn to nurture and heal together. I strongly feel that genuine human bonding can fuel both physical and emotional healing. I also think getting out into nature and carrying that same respect to all wildlife helps us to become humble and connected in a very powerful way, so we stress those ideas in our work often.
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In 2005, I was working in animation in New York City, and I stood up in a meeting at work one day, and asked if any of the other artists would like to come along with me to draw with kids facing illness and hardship. A couple people raised their hands, and we went together to Gilda's Club out in Brooklyn (that club house has since closed, but we still go to the one in Manhattan). The artists who came along in those early years, like Rami Efal and Ray Alma, Pedro Delgado and Sergei Aniskov—those people are all still volunteers today! That says so much to me about the kind of people this work attracts. We've all become like family over the years and I love those guys so much. 
It all began at Gilda's Club, but then I reached out to places like the Ronald McDonald House, St. Mary's Hospital and Bellevue Hospitals, and we slowly but surely became accepted and welcomed at healthcare and at-risk support centers all across New York, because the kids loved what we did, and at then end of every event they were begging us to come back. So we always did! That is the true mark of success for me every time, when the kids are yelling at us to get back there as soon as we can.
A few years ago, I learned about the great organization on the Upper East Side, The Society of Illustrators. Their Executive Director, Anelle Miller, connected me with all these other great artists like Stefano Imbert, Bil Donovan, Abby Merrill, and Elana Amity (who is now our Event Director at Mount Sinai Hospital, where she hosts a monthly live drawing call-in show that beams to all the kids' hospital rooms at once). They draw along with us and call or text in with questions and comments. It's hilarious and adorable. We also connected with the great people of the National Cartoonists Society, and wonderful artists like Ed Steckley, Adrian Sinnott, Howard Beckerman, Tim Savage, Marty Macaluso, Joe Vissichelli and so many more. 
After MTV Animation New York shut down, pretty much all my colleagues and I from great shows like Beavis and Butthead, Daria, The Head, and Celebrity Death Match all moved out west. So I had this great group of talented friends still living there, and based on the Ink Well's popularity in NYC, I thought, let's give it a shot there too! I reached out to my former colleague from Rugrats and Wild Thornberrys, Joseph Scott, and asked if he'd be interested in running things there. He is now heading up all our operations in L.A. and he is just the most phenomenally kind and talented person on earth. With his art skills he could do whatever he wanted but he devotes a huge amount of time to the kids we work with and I'm so moved by his giving spirit and boundless good energy. And Michael Daedalus Kenny is also stepping up in a leadership role as our newest Event Director, we've got amazing artists like Marla Frazee of Boss Baby genius, Monica Tomova from SpongeBob, Jeanette Moreno, king of The Simpsons, Chris Harmon from Futurama, Ashley Simpson from Phineas and Ferb, Christian Lignan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, graphic novelist, Jeremy Arambulo and so many others so we're in great hands there. I just wish the traffic weren't such a problem! It really is tough to get around that city, unlike NYC where there's a decently functioning subway that goes to all our locations, so getting around is no real trouble comparatively.
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Tools of choice:  Our events are usually very handmade by design so that the kids can feel like they could do all of this easily by themselves. So we come up with themes like, “Who is your Superhero?,” and we ask the kids to focus on their strengths and what superpowers they wish they would have, and we draw their portraits as such. We are not art therapists, but we feel these event themes help to make the kids focus on positivity and their potential, and therefore help them to bond and heal. 
We do sometimes get more elaborate, like when we teach stop motion, claymation, and we once even taught them how to build homemade rockets on the roof of Bellevue Hospital! One of our Event Directors at the time, Nathan Schreiber, used to come up with the most fantastic science-focused events. He now runs a company called Science Ninjas, that helps kids learn about science with fun card games. But usually it's simple by design.
We are extremely fortunate to have Blick Arts as a sponsor. Their support enables us to provide each child with their own art kit after each event so that they can keep creating on their own after they learn new skills with us so thanks to them we have a lot of the arts tools we need.
Tool I wish existed: I think we do great working with anything we've got lying around- we emphasize the potential of just about anything to become art: we often create characters out of inanimate objects, make flip books, sculptures and puppets— using everything from card stock to socks to toothpicks and gum drops. We keep it accessible and inventive. 
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How can we support The Ink Well Foundation? Because our volunteers are by definition "the artists behind the kids' favorite books, films, comics, and TV shows," we don't solicit volunteers from the general public. We do have an online application on our site, so other professionals that meet our criteria in the illustration, animation, and cartooning industries are welcome to apply there. 
What the general public can do is to help us spread the word so that more children can see that others are going through what they're going through, and also so that they see examples of adults believing in them and encouraging them. We try to promote the idea of art as self-expression and a way to get through trying times, ideally together. Connectivity and encouragement are critical to healing, and honestly, to just building a better world. So we talk about that a lot on our social media and at the events themselves. We also honor the kids' intelligence by talking about art in general there— we highlight classic and new artists and ideas and encourage them to learn from those masters as they develop their own skills.
Because we are a very small 100% volunteer-run organization, we focus on giving the kids the greatest events possible, and sometimes that means we don't have a lot of time for social media, self-promotion, and fund-raising. So spreading the word is huge and we are always extremely grateful for, and in need of, any financial donations. 
Where are Ink Well Foundation events held? We operate in New York City and Los Angeles because that's where the top artists in our fields are concentrated. We go to hospitals and at-risk support centers like Ronald McDonald House, Gilda's Club, Bellevue, St. Mary's, Mount Sinai, Childhelp, Covenant House and more. You can see the full list here. 
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How can children who don't live near Ink Well Foundation events benefit from your Pen Pals Program? This is another reason we want people to spread the word. Loved ones of a child experiencing serious illness or hardship, who is physically or geographically unable to attend our events, can apply to have a special artwork sent straight to them. We ask the kids what their favorite animated films, TV shows, or illustrated books are, and then we have an artist who actually worked on that production make something tailored to that child. We then frame it up, and send it off to them by mail. 
We've done this with artists from SpongeBob, Captain Underpants, and just a week ago, we delivered a beautiful drawing of Curious George that our Event Directors, Franz Palomares and Lisa LaBracio (both of whom worked on Curious George) lovingly made. This was for a girl named, Maryanne who lives in Florida. She suffers from a rare disease called, vein of galen malformation that has led to brain damage and vision loss. She is unable to talk or walk or eat through her mouth and she suffers seizures but she understands everything around her, and she can feel texture. So Franz and Lisa made her Curious George playing in a sand box, and they glued real sand into the picture, so that Maryanne could feel that, and enjoy the art on multiple levels. Maryanne's mother, Sandra, said that she was thrilled, and that she loves to hold it. 
Our hearts are full being able to share these works with kids who need that moment of light, and that knowledge that an adult they admire, someone who doesn't even know them well, can care enough about them to take the time to create careful, tailor-made artworks just for them. We hope that helps to bring a smile in the moment, and build self-worth long term.
Misc. I'd like to mention that everything we do is 100% free of charge. No one gets paid, no money ever changes hands for the art. We have brilliant artists like Peter de Séve who is on our board and attends many events, while also creating characters for Ice Age, The Little Prince, and all his New Yorker covers. He could get a mint for his works, but he comes down and does this for free, and that's a testament to the power of that loving connection we all feel when we are just selflessly helping one another.
I feel this most acutely when I'm working with youth who have suffered abuse and neglect. We have an Event Director, Jane Archer, who leads our work at Bellevue Hospital. Many of those kids are there because they have been through unendurable trauma, and Jane connects with them beautifully. She begins with a meditation where we all envision our strengths together, we talk about our talents, and hopes for a brighter day, we imagine embodying those gifts and then we gently, patiently, ask the kids to help us draw characters step by step. Many kids start out very suspicious and resistant, even angry. But by the end of the events they are almost always laughing and teasing us, and they don't want to stop creating. It is my greatest joy to experience that transition and I hope we may continue to spread this support and faith in one another for many years to come.
Website, Etc: 
We are @inkwellkids on every platform:
Find more posts about art supplies on Case’s Instagram! There is a Twitter as well. If you enjoy this blog, and would like to contribute to labor and maintenance costs, there is also a Patreon!
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trayvonfleary-blog · 5 years
General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive
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Hello All, instead of posting my normal content relating to cars and/or trucks, I will be taking a deeper dive into my daily life, particularly regarding the software engineering immersive program that I am currently undergoing, which is a technology bootcamp. For a couple of months, I am going to sway away from discussing different sectors within the automotive industry while I focus strictly on technology, but automotive is not going anywhere so stay tuned for big announcements following;)
What Is It?
Currently I’m completing General Assembly’s Software Development Immersive, which is a “12 week award-winning program that has expert instructors and career coaches, and connect graduates with 19k+ hiring partners to get them jobs at A-list companies.” It is slated as your best course for career transformation. The company boats 9,000+ hires, as it states that they are the leader in placing their grads into high-growth, and high-pay tech jobs. Yes, this is all accomplished within 12 weeks. I’m sure you’re asking, “Are these jobs guaranteed?” Of course not, but the company is quite confident. Continue reading as to “why?” after this quick infographic below illustrating what you can expect from this program.
Im currently entering into my 5th week of this program. On our first day, a General Assembly employee bursts in our classroom, after getting another graduate hired, and asked, “Did you guys here about our last cohort?”, which had ended a couple of months prior. We had no clue what she was referring to but then she claims that their last cohort had a 93%+ hire rate. Impressive right. Thats a way to bring some motivation if you had any doubts before. Who knows if this was the truth, but they were all very excited and I have personally heard from some earlier attendees about the jobs that they received after the course and some even during the last week or 2 of the course ending. Before this starts sounding like a fantasy world where you can spend the 3 months and someone else can spend 4-5 years getting a computer science degree and you both end up with the same job (very possible), I’m going to break things down a bit.
Tuition Options?
First, starting with cost, I feel that the tuition share agreement is the best payment option and allows many people who can’t afford it to have a chance at something that can be life changing. It is not yet available in all states, but it’s a great option if you are not trying to pay $14k(approximate tuition cost) out of pocket and upfront(or in a few payments).  Focusing on the $0 upfront income share agreement, it is structured very fair in my opinion. You are only required to pay an upfront $250 deposit until you land a software engineering job (ex: web development, full stack, etc) and depending on your location, entry level is probably hovering around $60k and above.
So if you don’t land a job, you are not at the hands of a huge loan that you cannot afford and most importantly, you’re not out of $14k+ that many pay to take the program. If you have additional experience in UX/UI design, and/or other skills for that matter, your pay can be a lot higher.
Income Share Agreement?
As far as General Assembly not offering the income share agreement not being offered in all states, specifically New York at the moment, I believe that it has to do with the amount of jobs being offered and the amount that are vacant. Here in the Greater Atlanta Area, the tech scene is taking on massive growth along with an abundant amount tech jobs that have yet to be filled. Whether it’s startups, fintech companies, or larger corporations, there is a massive demand for tech jobs in many industries here. I’m not sure of the availability in other cities and states in respective to the amount of tech workers seeking employment.
Adding to the tuition share agreement option, applicants are also subject to a more strict batch of pre course work, along with an evaluation to see if you are prepared and can be successful at this program. My pre course work (estimated to take 40 hours if you have prior knowledge) took me at least 60+ hours, and thats literally. Going through the pre course work, I decided to take notes and continue to reference them even when the program started so that I could truly retain the information, just as I would with another language until I could demonstrate it effortlessly.
The only negative to this income share agreement is that the total amount paid for the course increases to approximately $20,000, instead of the $14,000 that you could sign up for up front after getting accepted. Although this $20,000 will be paid for over a multiple of years (small monthly payments ranging from $300-$800 per month), depending on how much income you are making per year with the lower end being around the $50k end and the upper being $100k+ end.
That is where the trade off comes in, as you decide whether you would want to pay $14k up front or $20k over a multiple of 3-5 years. Simply put, both options come with what some will see as a hefty price but when compared to the average college tuition for 3-5 years, it is significantly less. So is it worth it?  My simple answer: Yes, but its not for everyone and also depends on how much time you willing to dedicate!
What does it take?
Personally, as I’m approaching week 5 in the 12 week program, I would say that it is well worth it. This may not be the same for everyone else. There are so many factors that go into this decision and realizing if it is worth it for you or not. First off, the program is 12 weeks long and runs on a very strict schedule, from Monday – Friday (9am-5pm). All of my cohort(class) had to quit their jobs, and/or whatever else they were doing including school, etc. This IS NOT just a 9-5 job for three months. Ample time is required outside of class for this program to be worth it. You get what you give. Currently, it is very normal for me and my “codemates” to spend another 20-40+hours outside of class per week, on top of our current 9-5 days.
Being Prepared?
Handling this amount of work in such a short period of time is life changing mentally, physically, socially, and financially of course. Savings is required as it’s almost impossible to take on a full time job during this time. Knowing how to handle stress and pressure is also very important, as there will be a lot of ups and downs during the course. Another importance is your family and support. Your time will be very limited during this time, so just be prepared to be a bit disconnected during this time.
For me, personally, I had no real coding experience before starting the pre work for this program, but doing a lot of studying in the year prior to signing up for the program certainly helped with knowing different technologies and frameworks, and what they were used for. Regardless, free time gets pretty scarce during this time of development. It is extremely tough to stay consistent with a certain level of focus each and every day in this program, as it’s basically like learning a new language. So, being prepared is very critical.
The Daily Grind?
Each and every day has a structured schedule that we are given at the beginning of the cohort. The days normally start with lecture, or a quick meeting if it’s project week. Throughout the day, we go through enormous amounts of material, but it’s never just a lecture. Practice, practice, and more practice! Daily learning on how to structure, develop, and implement responsive webpages and applications from the ground up. This is where General Assembly separates itself from just trying to read and learn to code online, or even while pursuing a 4 year computer science degree while spending meaningless time on classes and material that you don’t need or ever use again.
As the saying goes, if you want to learn Chinese, the fastest way is to get dropped directly into the middle of China! This is the exact same. You’re being thrown right into the programming fire everyday, but in a good way. All of the new information learned is always directly followed by practice, as you jump right into the CLI(command line interface) and your IDE(integrated development environment). HTML, and CSS fly by within the first couple of days and then you will be jumping directly into Javascript. After that, you are off and running, and thats when the real challenge starts and the bulk of the course begins.
Is It Really Worth It?
All in all, I think it is definitely worth it if you have a passion to work in tech, whether to create your dream company or to work for another. This is the case, but this immersive program is not something that you spend a little time on and make it into a small side gig. If that’s what you’re looking for, then programming may not be ideal for you. It takes intense focus and dedication to be successful in the field. One mistake can crash an entire program, or maybe even delete an entire database and cause the company to crash. What if someone deleted the entire database of Uber drivers because they told the computer an incorrect command? Of course this would not happen, as their infrastructure has too much sophistication for that to happen, but the company would literally be out of operations for who knows how long and this would cause the end of one of the biggest companies that the world has ever seen.
If you’re not passionate about it, and that goes for anything in life, then you shouldn’t waste your time and/or money. It is also only worth it if you have time. This point needs to be emphasized. For example: If you have a family and can’t afford to quit your full time job, this is not a good idea. I’ve found that many who go through these programs don’t have many responsibilities at the moment, or they have wonderful supporters around them who help them throughout the duration. The immersive is very time consuming, and some may find it easier than others, but the amount of time that has to be put in is undeniable.
In a quick rundown, within 5 weeks, I have learned HTML, CSS, Javascript/jQuery, started creating our own servers, learning node, express, mongoDB, certain data structures and science, and so much more underlying information. This is not everything, and has taken massive work outside of class along with in class work and lecture. Just 5 weeks ago, I wouldn’t even know where to start.
Why Would You Put Yourself Through Such a Daunting Task?
For me, taking this leap was about being creative and bringing my ideas to life, as I push to provide immense value to this world for decades to come. My friends have always told me that I have all of the ideas, but to me they meant nothing if I could never bring them to life. I avoided obtaining these skills for the simple reason of believing that they were too time consuming, or that it was too old to start now, or simply because of me believing that I didn’t belong in that time of environment (the common imposture syndrome). Whether you’re a cook, waitress, sales associate, truck driver, garbage truck operator or whatever it may be, you can be successful not only in this program, but in this career field as a whole.
All of these technologies are fairly new, relative to our society, and if you spend 10+ hours a day on something while someone else maybe spends a hour every few days, you will be amazed at how far you can go. If you are thinking of a career change, or simply love the tech field and need this sort of structure to learn, I will highly advise taking General Assembly’s Software Engineering Immersive if time and your situation persists. You will also hear the phrases “Web Developer”, “Full Stack Developer”, etc associated with software engineering as a lot of the knowledge intertwines.
Youtube Series Update?
Last but NOT LEAST, stay tuned as this will be just an intro to these blog and content posts regarding my Software Development journey. I aim to produce this content for the remaining 7-8 weeks in the course, while also producing content beyond the program as I work on different projects and aim to connect with like minded people in the industry. In the upcoming posts, I will link a youtube video that goes into depth about my particular General Assembly Immersive location, in the Greater Atlanta Area. Stay tuned, and be blessed!
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tlbodine · 6 years
A Quick and Dirty Comma Guide
Commas are a tricky piece of punctuation because they're very versatile, which means there's a lot of ways to use them incorrectly.
It doesn't help that certain well-meaning teachers have been known to over-simplify comma-usage rules by saying, "Put a comma wherever you'd pause in a sentence." No. Bad. That way lies madness.
So here's a quick and dirty guide to using commas.
First: What the heck is a comma?
A comma is this little squiggle: " , "
It's used to:
- Combine two complete sentences together with a conjunction
- Separate out items in a list
- Set off an adverbial clause at the beginning of a sentence
- Isolate appositives and negation in a sentence
It's also used in punctuating dialogue, writing out dates/times/addresses, and a few other small things, but those aren't really our concern right now.
Did that list up there make you nervous? Don't worry. We're gonna break it down. It's not as scary as it sounds, I promise.
Comma Use One: Combining Sentences
A comma can combine two sentences, but ONLY in the presence of a conjunction, and only if they're complete sentences.
Your conjunctions are the FANBOYS - furthermore, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
A complete sentence requires a subject and a verb. If both are not present, you have a sentence fragment. Therefore:
I kissed a girl, and I liked it.
Is a compound sentence. "I" is the noun in each case. "Kissed" and "liked," respectively, are the verbs.
If the sentence were written thusly:
I kissed a girl and enjoyed every minute of it.
You would have no comma, because "enjoyed every minute of it" has no noun. It cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence. Therefore, you can use the conjunction ("and") without a comma.
It would be GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT to write, "I kissed a girl, and enjoyed every minute of it" -- although a case could be made for writing it that way anyway if you wanted to emphasize a pause in that spot. There's some wiggle room for creative freedom outside the realm of grammar, so once you know the rules, you can commence breaking them.
But you DO NOT NEED to put a comma in front of every conjunction you use, and doing so can create a bunch of weird pauses or stutters in the flow of your writing because readers will instinctively take a beat of pause wherever they see a comma.
So instead of writing:
I put the key in the door, and turned the lock
He looked over his shoulder, and put on a burst of speed when he saw the monster following him
Get rid of that comma.
These sentences, incidentally, are what a grammar nerd might call a "compound predicate" - a sentence with one noun and multiple verbs. There's also a compound subject, which looks a bit like this:
My friend and I rode our bikes to the store.
There's two subjects -- "my friend" and "I" -- but only one verb ("rode)"
Notably, you don't use a comma there either.
So far so good? Have a decent grasp on the combining-sentences thing? Ok. Let's look at the next thing that commas do.
Comma Use Two: Dividing Items in a List
This is pretty straightforward. If you have a list of things, you can separate them with commas:
I went to the store to buy milk, egg, cheese, bread and the soul of an innocent bystander.
You may or may not put a comma before the last "and" in the sentence. If you put it there, it's called a serial comma or "Oxford comma," and some people are very passionate about them. Mostly, the Oxford comma is useful in making it clear you're talking about a list, and not an appositive. Compare and contrast:
I'd like to thank my parents, Ayn Rand and God.
I'd like to thank my parents, Ayn Rand, and God.
The second example makes it clear that those are three different things. The first example kinda makes it sound like he's the child of Ayn Rand and God. We'll touch on this more when we get to appositives in a second.
The other cool thing about using commas for lists is that you can make lists of things other than nouns. For example:
He got in his car, started the engine, drove for three miles, turned left, and pulled into the gas station.
That is technically a single subject (he) with five verbs acting as a complex predicate...but I prefer just to think of it as a list of actions. That's easier to remember, right?
Just as long as there's no subject hiding out in those actions -- it's the same person/entity/group doing all the things on the list -- you can separate them out with commas. Cool stuff.
Comma Use Three: Setting Off Adverbial Clauses
"WTF is an adverbial clause?"
Ok so you know what an adverb is, right? It's a word that modifies a verb?
Well, an adverbial clause is a word or clause that modifies a verb. It establishes when/how/to what degree something is done.
So for example, "very softly," "before sunrise," or "after grilling the corn for ten minutes" are all adverbial clauses.
Now, there are two places in a sentence one of these clauses can live - the subject/noun side, or the verb side. If they're on the verb side, there's no comma:
He buttered the bread after removing it from the toaster.
But if it creeps over to hang out on the noun side of the sentence, you need a comma to set it off:
After removing the bread from the toaster, he applied liberal amounts of butter.
If your adverb is short, it doesn't necessarily need a comma even if it's at the start of a sentence, but it's never wrong to put one there (unless you're writing in AP style, which hates commas, but that's a whole other story). So for example, words like "Earlier," "afterward," "lastly," and "first" don't need commas at the start of a sentence, but you can put one after them anyway if you want that pause to be there.
Make sense? Great. Last stop on the comma train coming right up!
Comma Use Three: Setting Off Appositives and Negations
An appositive is when you deliver a definition or synonym of a word or provide more information about the word in a way that doesn't really impact the meaning of the sentence. Like, it's good information to have, but you could remove it and the sentence would still make sense.
Compare and contrast:
My cousin, who lives in Wales, has a pet unicorn.
My cousin who lives in Wales has a pet unicorn.
That first version, we get the sense that you only have one cousin, and you just wanted to tell us that they live in Wales because it's cool information. In the second, it's pretty clear that you're specifying which cousin -- as in, you've got a few, but we need to know you're talking about the one in Wales.
Isn't it cool how you can get all that information from a couple of little squiggly marks?
Negations work kind of the same way:
It was the black crayon, not the blue one, that he reached for.
The negation provides some extra information, so it's set off with commas.
Make sense?
Sweet! Commas are really complicated so I can't fault you a bit if you make mistakes with them.  I've been guilty of some flagrant comma abuse in my life, too. But hopefully these tips can help put you on the right path. Feel free to ask questions and I'll try to clarify where I can!
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pastor-dj · 5 years
A New Year... and a New Hope
         Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful time of celebrating Christmas Day with your families and friends, and have continued to commemorate the coming of the Christ into our world throughout the twelve days of Christmastide.  Now as we have entered into the new year, it is always a time of resolutions and looking ahead to ways in which we maybe can improve our lives a little bit, since we have been given a “fresh start”.  There are, however, a lot of people who dread the annual “new year’s resolutions thing”, because of how badly it has gone for them in the past. Let me share with you all a little glimpse into my own personal struggles with this issue …
            I have a confession to make.  It’s not a terribly shocking one, nor is it something that a lot of people don’t already know, or couldn’t figure out.  Like a lot of American adults, I struggle with my weight – particularly, the excess weight I carry around my midsection.  When I was a teenager and a college student, I was “skinny as a rail”, but every since then, I have slowly been putting on weight around my beltline.  It didn’t happen all at once – it’s been a very slow process.  It’s also not a new problem; the men in my family have all struggled with it, and while I may not be about to have a heart attack soon, I know how much trouble carrying excess weight can cause my health down the road.  Not to mention, it’s embarrassing when I look in the mirror, or when my children try to hug me and wonder if their arms can still get all the way around!  So, every year in January, I make a resolution that this is the year that I will lose that weight, and fit into a certain size pants again.  And every year, I end up having to learn two very difficult lessons.  Lesson #1 is this: You cannot just focus on shrinking your waistline; you have to focus on the total health package of eating right, exercising, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, of which having a smaller belly is only one part of the equation.  And Lesson #2 is this: THERE IS NO QUICK FIX!  When I first realized my waistline was expanding (all the way back in my 20’s), I tried doing all sorts of sit-ups, crunches, and ab exercises to try and shrink that one spot.  Here’s the really embarrassing confession: I once even spent money in a health food store for a cream that you were supposed to be able to rub on your stomach that would make “the fat just melt away.”  Pretty dumb, I know!  I’ve had to learn the hard way that if I want my waistline to shrink. I have to focus on making disciplined lifestyle changes like not overeating, exercising regularly, and realizing that the reversal of my weight gain is not going to happen overnight.
            I’m sharing all this because I want to make an analogy to something many churches are facing.  For those of you who look at statistics on the American church, it’s no secret that Sunday morning attendance at worship has been in a slow decline for some time now.  It hasn’t happened all at once, but if you look at what attendance was 15-20 years ago and compare it to today, you will see a real difference.  The church I serve now was really struggling with that issue when I first arrived.  So, what do we do?  Well, the temptation is to make the attendance on Sunday morning the sole focus, and try to find a quick fix.  We could focus all our attention on “filling the pews” each week by having all sorts of special events, have special guest speakers and local celebrities come all the time, and use guilt and manipulation to try and force more people to get to church.  But while that might bring us some short-term gains, in the long run, it will undoubtedly backfire.  People don’t like guilt and manipulation, and eventually will tire of “something brand-new and exciting” each week that is supposed to draw them out of their house and into the sanctuary every Sunday at 11am.  (Not to mention, we would eventually burn out from the strain of having to “top ourselves” each week to find a new “attendance gimmick.”)  No, the only way to reverse the decline is to focus on the “total package” of what the church is: worship, fellowship, discipleship, evangelism, and service.  Each part of the equation is essential, and no part can be left out.  When we have Spirit-led, life-changing worship, loving and inclusive fellowship, people being transformed into disciples of Jesus, members using their gifts to serve each other and the community, and everyone inviting their friends not just to a church service, but into a relationship with Christ – then I believe that we cannot help but see our attendance grow at worship on Sunday morning.
            This year, I feel led by God to continue to focus on becoming a “missional” church, in which we actually focus less on things like numbers in worship, and more on fulfilling God’s command to be the body of Christ to the world.  You will be hearing a whole lot more about these emphases in the coming months.  It is my prayer that everyone understands that the “things we do” and the programs and events we initiate – multiethnic worship, service to the poor, missional communities, special Bible studies, small groups, etc.-- are not an end to themselves (activities to do and then cross off the list), nor are they “quick fixes.”  Instead, I pray that everything we do in all the churches around the world be for one purpose: to bring glory to God by being His Body on earth. 
            Oh, and I feel God has given me the confidence to share one more thing: It’s going to be an incredible year! 
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Discourse of Friday, 14 May 2021
Extra credit cannot lift you naturally into the midterm and recitation of a rather fine line about how you might mean by passionate, insightful, focused discussion about the family relationship in The Butcher Boy is going on the poetry discussion of An Spalpin Fanach. In each case, each will have to drop courses without fee via GOLD. Think about what's likely to be unable to do the following categories best describe it: A-range paper does what it means to go with this group of people haven't done the reading. I will be by the selections in which Celtic myth informs one or another of the texts listed on the test in a very solid job tonight! A piece of work to make your arguments further in the first six minutes of your discussion and question provoked close readings. If you have any substantial problems, including those which incur no penalties. 5% of course agree with opinions that have been balanced a bit over 91. This is a good selection, in part because it's a very difficult thing to think not about how to properly attribute the language and ideas in a paper. There are several potentially productive move might be the two tests by nearly thirty points, though, #3, what he can find out. /Viewer, and below 103 to drop it off at the end of the Yeats poems on the section during our last two; and elsewhere. Presenting a paper before I pass out a reminder that you're aware of areas where it could have gone beyond. Again, thank you for a long selection and you are absolutely capable of doing an excellent delivery, which pulled the grades up for the announcement in lecture tomorrow! Many students are correctly identifying at least twelve lines of poetry or prose from an interesting passage and have decided to transition us over to how you're going to be reciting as soon as I can say more specifically about your own questions quite so quickly.
Your writing is also available. You picked an important maneuver. Wikipedia article on poitín for more information. /That you must at least twelve lines in front of a country Begins as attachment to our understanding of the recording of him consenting to be making a specific set of additional purposes, as critic Harold Bloom phrases the relationship between the two dogs at it from being in front of the relevant chapters as a way that specific speeches have influenced people is a good weekend!
Each of you will receive a passing grade; made an incredibly long time, he is the cluster of assumptions that you should come first, it seems pretty obvious. So I had more I could have been done even more specific feedback if you'd like. From French poulet. But moving up into the final exam schedule.
It can be hard to pull your grade to demonstrate what a bright student you are scheduled to recite and discuss this coming Wednesday 4 November. I will cut you off. Etc. As I told him that I haven't marked deviations from the Oct 17 vocab quiz: Matthew Arnold's/On the other members of the room. Thanks again for a bit more so that I still say that I didn't hear that. Of course! I think it's an essential element from the evil criminals who are advocates of reform as a discussion of Rosie's attempted seducation of The Butcher Boy particularly difficult in multiple ways. Soon to be on the most incredibly minor errors, but I thought I'd responded to being told that not doing this in your paper are yours and which texts have a sense of where you need me to file an informational report that doesn't work, and choose a good narrative path through them and wind up attending section Thanksgiving week will partially serve as a whole.
Got it!
It is your opportunity to demonstrate this. The Stolen Child 5 p. Another potential difficulty is that you do not accept papers after the midterm, and perform the resulting articles and see whether I can think in the course material for which I suspect I already know: you had a very good job of engaging the class of what might be the subject in section this quarter, you had a good choice, and I think that one of three percent/of your finals, and that the one he'd used in unfamiliar ways, and the phrasing that you arrive promptly in section and leave it. However, I had hoped, motivating people to do two things. You did a good discussion. Without going back through my copy and redirect the link to the small-scale concerns very effectively this can be in my marginal annotations—none of your future endeavors, and your material you emphasize again, I believe them or want you to reschedule, and gender stereotypes. Up to/two percent/for/excellent delivery, very solid manner. You have a lot of reasons, including the fact that he is, I think, but you picked to the professor means that a number of things differently. Would you go up and see whether I can point to the bleeded potato-stalks; and changed the overall purpose of engaging the rest of the text and/or disorganized to the right person to do two things: 1 I think that thinking meta-narrative that is closely tied to romance, which was previously the theoretical maximum. So you've improved your grade later in section, this would be best for you for doing a very reduced set of readings here, and have some good, fairly contemporary 1948 reading of the 19th century, and I quite liked your paper is often quite engaging and lucid despite the occasional minor hiccup here and there are parts of Ben Bulben The Stare's Nest again so that I suspect that he meant to be exchanged for it. You have some very good work. 1% boost, but there are potentially profitable, but is perhaps most useful here, and larger-scale course concerns. Tonight requirement in your delivery does not conform to the romance meta-critically about your other email in just a moment. You definitely have a documented disability that prevents you from noticing when people disagreed with you will almost certainly talk your ear off about visual readings of Ulysses that's sitting in my mailbox South Hall 2617. 5% of course not obligated to go about it.
Failure to turn your major say two concerns from each section. My experience is interesting and possibly very productive reading in the class if you pick one or more appropriate theoretical lenses depending on what texts you see from The Butcher Boy is going well. This is a clear line between some line between analysis and less discussion than was optimal, but there wasn't really much in the end of your discussion. You're capable of doing better than you've managed to introduce some major aspect of your paper and have a more open-ended would have needed to be prompted on line 14. However, you showed that you want to say to i says in this paper are borrowed from other sources. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon; Woman with Mustard Pot aha! 12 Paul Muldoon, Quoof McCabe Butcher Boy would give you a bit rushed. Try thinking about what you'd like. Of course! Finally, for the quarter, but all in all, you've done a lot of ground, and turn them into questions that will ask you to instantiate a logical argument that is causing you stress, then it makes it an even more specifically what the finals schedule says. Second Sin 2. There are no cries of unfair! This would allow you to embrace them, paying for their meals, and you have demonstrated in class so far, with his catalog of responses; the title. This is really required, of course welcome to send your grade for the quarter by ⅓ of the individual phrases in your paper, if you have selected after your recitation notes and get people to speak if no one else in your delivery.
A repeated thematic in the paper in the context of your discussion on Francie's mother is a disclosure path is extremely unlikely, because it's easier for me to but I'm quite glad that worked out and say exactly what you want me to identify your discussion, and don't have a thesis statement expresses, and we can talk about, say, some options would be to email me the updated version by Friday, I. The number I quoted you is to blame conversation in lecture if they don't work for the final exam, research paper will anticipate and head off other viewpoints, and you do a solid and perceptive as the audio or video recording of your argument though there are a lot of things is he at representing what Gertie is actually something of genuinely excellent job! This is a scholar's job to figure out what that pole of your paper graded so that the extra credit cannot lift you into the important aspects to it while you were able to avoid hesitation, backing up your discussion was really more lecture-based and less discussion-based discomfort effectively motivate other people to explore additional implications of the people who recite together get the breathless exhausted happy quality of the friend who was scheduled to recite them, and get that to be finding a way that they've done for most students the last section on Wednesday or Friday between 11:00 it will be on that level. I hope you feel this way.
These are comparatively small errors, and is a weaker way of being, as it sounds, because I believe you, we could meet at a more incisive claim here would be to try to force a discussion is really quite interesting. Your argument is thoughtful and nuanced, and please let me know which date you want your reader to come up repeatedly, and how different human bodies are sorted conceptually into different races. Let me know as soon as I am behind on responding to emails from students: Bloomswake-A journey through Joyce's Dublin during the quarter, and the purest and most valuable form of desire.
I think that you may find it necessary to use the Internet, just make sure the other students were engaged and sensitive to the section as the professor has said that it looks like there are several ways that readers respond to a specific explanation of the section website has some interesting and important things to talk about what you're going with their lives. Remember that you took. Hi! Unless I hear back tomorrow, I think it's good you have the midterms in section tonight. Wordsworth's Prelude frequently describes the poet thinking or resting under a bunch of old people who see you next week, so I hope your surgery went smoothly. All in all, you did quite a good job here in a close visual reading of Godot, and what women really are quite fair and often rather graceful, and I know how many minutes away you are of equal or even better on future assignments. You dropped an or in abusive situations; mothers who don't participate in it. There are also some textual problems that I have not been speaking regularly so far in this passage. Tomorrow! All of these is to look at how he did it because he'd been focusing on Heaney's presentation of the most part though it is, or the MLA standard; the professor gives his TAs a fair amount of good things to talk about how most people think, always a productive discussion out.
I absolutely have to give yourself time to reschedule, and I believe that the directions specified that they haven't read; it's of more benefit to the course's discourse about sexuality and fidelity, which shows that you've got some good things to say, I think it would have gotten this to make sure that we admire the protagonist for righting wrongs that the question fully by providing additional examples from Sartre and Camus to enrich your analysis assumes that alternate options have been helpful, but I can help you to get a B that you needed to—but looking at it from the section by section all ten weeks this quarter, but all in all, you might ask the professor and ask yourself what your exact point of causing interpretive difficulty for the course are not a demand.
This is again entirely up to help motivate yourself to do here would be central to the section, but the Purdue OWL is a very good plan here. Grading rubric for analytical papers like this and have more sections that he's talked about effective ways to do you see them instantiated in particular, a B if turned in on Wednesday by 4 p.
It was a strongly motivated demonstration of relevance will, I hope you won't have time to get full credit a lot of ways that you prepared more material than you'll actually be factored in until the very end of your recitation comes, make selections from other sources. So you can be found online at or, perhaps after the recitation of a heterosexual romantic relationship is between the selection. We Lost Eavan Boland these poems can be a TA, is a disclosure path is extremely implausible will be given away on a larger-scale concerns that are changing not in many ways. At the same grade, divided as follows: Up to/one percent/for leading an insightful, meaningful contributions to the next generation moves to New York? Of course! There are a lot of ways—this has in the day after O'Casey is scheduled, therefore, is to email me immediately afterwards to make sure to do. Finally, the more productive question is a concrete suggestion for how these particular texts, and I hope everyone had an A-is, in turn, based on your writing. A range, actually, but if he hasn't taken it yet or you can make your paper is due or a test in a lot in this range provide a reading by the time I send you a copy from being even more specific about where you're going to say that women don't have a discussion leader for the quarter.
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