#i can't remember the tune or anything but it was a good song
forbodium · 5 months
had a nightmare where my dad and i were stalked by the ghost of a serial killer called "bonny john" aubrey
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fallenneziah · 27 days
How they act with a passenger princess reader.
Optimus, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Bumblebee (no Arcee because she has no passenger seat) /Megatron, Knockout, shockwave, Starscream (Except Soundwave because unfortunately you would not fit)
Cw: Slight spicy talk? Suggestive? (Barely) I know I didn't get all the characters. This came to me like an hour ago and my dumbass fingers make it hard to type so I apologize.
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Optimus doesn't at all mind. So long as his interior stays clean and you're not laying on his horn every five minutes, he hasn't run into any troubles with you in his cabin. He rather enjoys when you relax and kick your feet up on the dash, getting all comfy.
"Are you comfortable?" He'd ask while his tires rumble down the road. You melt into the heated seat and glide your hand over the dividing dash between yourself and the driver's seat. "Couldn't be comfier, Prime."
This makes Optimus incredibly happy. He enjoys knowing you like to relax in his cabin. He enjoys knowing you'd rather sit back and let him take full reign. Not like he wouldn't have it anyway.
Occasionally he'd even treat you. "You may eat, but refrain from getting anything in my flooring. It's... Uncomfortable."
Oh happy little you, that little smile while you eagerly shoved fries in his mouth while careful of his dash and other sensitive areas which you wouldn't desire fast food residue to reside.
And what's a little teasing? Without an eye on the wheel or the instincts to boot, you could easily mess around with him. Whether it's a hand placed firmly on a well oriented joystick or brushing over the fans of his dash. All the little ways that made the cabin rumble and shake briefly.
So silent, but ever so telling. He enjoys his little passenger princess. His only passenger princess.
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You're wrong to assume you have any other choice but to be a passenger princess. Ratchet doesn't let anybody sit in the driver's seat. No grimy human hands on his steering wheel.
He forbids any fast food in his cabin, even if he feels like treating you. The most he's ever let you get away with was your water bottle or a well concealed smoothie.
He constantly is reminding you not to mess with the buttons inside the ambulance. And you always tease him, rubbing your foot against the underside of the glove compartment. "Aw, what's wrong doc, a girl can't have a little fun??"
He'd huff, warm air flaring out of his vents across the span of the cabin. "You'd do well to sit back and be quiet. We're almost there."
You'd pout, curling up in the cabin. "Ratchet..." Dragging your finger along the divider of the two seats. Ratchet would remain quiet, although the brief flare in the rumble of his engine spoke volumes. Damn you little human.
"Just sit still. All I ask."
"Yes sir, doctor."
He will never admit the amount of hot air that briefly left his fans. The rest of the drive he kept the heated seat on for you, making sure to ease you into sitting still for him while he brought you home.
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Does the occasional fry or sauce packet get lost in his cabin and joints? Yep. Does he care? Nah! Eat as much as you want in his cabin and he won't stop you. As long as you're having fun.
The only thing he's slightly sensitive about is the radio. Once you're besties though he has no problem with you curling up your feet and taking over the tunes.
He'd be lying if he didn't enjoy the little wiggle you did in the seat when a good song came on. He'd remember it. He'd remember the way you moved to each song. It's something he can't help but notice.
He'd always beep quietly, almost a drawn out sigh he couldn't help when he heard you sing along without a care to watch the road, knowing he had the wheels. (Literally)
He would sometimes beep along and enjoy the way it encouraged you. Your hand gliding over his glove compartment and made his spark throb and pound. His enjoy roaring against the road in delight to be spending such time with you.
"Having fun 'Bee??" You smiled softly, hearing him chirp and whir back. "Yeah, I am too."
He is always willing to kill time on the road for you. For... One reason or another. That isn't important, his only desire is to be out there with you.
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He literally drives Miko to and from all over Nevada. I don't think he's the least bit worried about you.
But unlike how Miko sits in the back.. you sit in the front. It feels so, in a way, intimate. You're in his dash, you're in his space. You recline the seat and relax knowing you're surrounded by a thick metal powerhouse.
Your hand wanders the dash or the seat. Sometimes spending extra time fiddling with the little nodes of his around you like the window or the throttle stick.
It grinds his gears in the best way. You're constantly laying it on thick with the praise for some reason, and Bulkhead isn't in the season to change that.
"You wanting something to eat?"
"Whatever you say goes, big guy." You pat the dash with an extra roughness than usual, making him tense a little. "Right... Right."
You know he likes it. He likes having you so close, feeling you so close to him. And in a way, that's your seat. He's sold in his mind, you belong there. Take your seat princess, it's all yours.
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Now, technically your first time as his passenger princess you happened to be duct taped but who's really counting right?? You didn't feel very princess in the moment. Unfortunately, despite their intimidation tactics you've made yourself right at home now.
I'm assuming his cabin may have 2 seats. He doesn't let you sit in the front. One because he gets that seat and two because you don't get to see the view because fuck you.
He would rather you be a comfortable and safe princess than a dead one. Because what's a dead human to him, right? Pretty fucking useless.
Just.. don't mess with the buttons. Oh Primus don't mess with the buttons.
"Hey Megs?"
"What??" He grumbled, annoyed with answering all your idiotic questions. "What's this for?" You brushed your fingers over the switch, feeling his jets almost stop working. "Do not touch. Hands to yourself."
You pouted, slumping back in his seat. "I don't like flying... There's nothing to do."
Megatron grumbled in annoyance. Of all the little fleshies he had to deal with, Primus had to give him this one. Granted there's probably worse. "Hands to yourself, touch anything more and I'll cut your little hand off."
"Sounds like someone's sensitive~" You smirk. It grinds Megatron's gears, but alas, you aren't wrong... And for some odd, blasted reason, he doesn't mind. Do whatever you damn well please, really.
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Don't scratch the interior and get comfortable for the ride princess. He thinks he's coined the term but really he's just a good 'con turned 'bot that loves to show the human some style.
Get your feet off his dash. Like now. No more.
He will let you do whatever you want but do not muck up, mess up or any other 'up' in his cabin. He will gut you and then throw you in the sewer. But that's only after a few warnings... Right??
"Knockout... I gotta stretch, we've been driving for hours." You huff and whine, the cramped little car getting to you.
"Alright alright, let me pull over." He would sigh, feeling how you tense up and stretch in the chair as best you could. Until you make it to the side of the road and you can get out and stretch.
"Being a princess is so hard, isn't it, love?" He teases you in mock concern.
"Sorry I have muscles, unlike you big boy." He huffed when you kicked his tire, and then went rather quiet the rest of the drive.
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Big tank! Big tank! Big tank!!
You are the luckiest, even if Shockwave doesn't reciprocate your feelings.
"Illogical..." He'd grumbled as you relaxed inside the nice space. Kicking your legs up and leaning back, knowing you're in a fortified Decepticon bunker. Nothing can get you in here, no sir.
"So Shockwave, what's it like being absolutely massive??" You asked, patting the side of the interior.
Shockwave would only huff. "Do not move from your seat."
"We've got a long way to go and this thing isn't exactly F1... So, wanna talk about Cybertron?"
"No. Be quiet. You are comfortable, that is enough for humans to shut up."
"Who told you that? I could get bored?"
Shockwave is quiet. Granted those humans he experimented on may have only been loud because they were uncomfortable... And being experimented on.
"Nevermind. Sit down, and be quiet."
"Fine... Whatever you say, chief."
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You'd honestly rather fly with Megatron. Or hanging onto Soundwaves fins as you flap in the wind at full speed. He's so bitchy. He only ever wants to talk about Megatron. He doesn't care that you sit in his front seat, just don't touch anything and sit still.
You'd listen to him ramble on and on like you're besties. You'd slump back, definitely not taking a well deserved nap as he trauma dumps his entire Cybertronian life onto your little innocent ears.
"Very interesting Starscream..." You mutter, dragging your finger along the dash panels. That makes him stop. "What are you doing??"
"What? I'm listening." Am not.
"No. Stop that. Put your arms down."
You huff, feeling the throttle of his jets increase, so you continue the motion. "I don't think I will. After all... I am the passenger."
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imshii-kin · 14 days
Good Luck
Chapter # 5 Cinematic
Platonic Yandere Dc x reincarnated Reader
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 (You are here)
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The whole tradition of cinema is dominated, really, by films about good guys versus bad guys, good versus evil. But we have very few films about the nature of evil itself. - Joshua Oppenheimer
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
Jon lies on his bed, staring at nothing in particular. It had been a few weeks since Y/n went with the Waynes, and he had to admit, the apartment felt empty without her.
Shifting around, Jon reaches for the picture frame on his nightstand. A soft smile spreads on his face as he looks at a seven-year-old Y/n standing with the Justice League, a contagious smile on her face.
"I wonder what she's doing now.."
Y/n stands at the front doors of the manor, watching as Clark pulls into the driveway, discomfort bubbling in her gut.
Something told her this meeting wasn't going to go well.
"Y/n!" Clark quickly exited his car, rushing to Y/n and scooping her into his arm. "Oh Y/n, I'm sorry the others couldn't come and visit. They were too busy with work and school, but if the chance arises, I'll make sure they make it next time." Clark reassured the girl.
"Oh uh, that's good, thanks," Y/n muttered, leaving Clark's grip.
Clark frowns at Y/n's distant behavior, shooting a look at Bruce before smiling again. "I'm here to spend time with you Y/n, maybe try and jog your memory..." He reaches into his pocket and grabs two movie tickets. "See! I got us tickets to your favorite movie!"
Y/n takes one of these tickets. 'The Incredibles' strangely fits in this world.
A sigh resonates from behind Y/n, Bruce frowning at the two of them. "Clark, you know I can't let you do that. It's too soon to be trying anything yet."
Clark glares harshly at Bruce, "I don't see how you can stop me Wayne, and I'm pretty sure I know what's best for my kid."
Grabbing Y/n's hand, Clark drags her back to his car, ignoring Bruce's protest.
Clark makes Y/n sit in the front seat before going around the front and entering the driver's side. As if trying to comfort her, Clark gives Y/n a side hug as he leaves the Wayne manors driveway.
Minutes go by in uncomfortable silence, the radio station humming some random song quietly, the low hum of the car engine filling the space between them. Clark, gripped the steering wheel tightly, his eyes darting from the road to Y/n. She was staring blankly out the window, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on the glass.
"Y/n," Clark began, "I know you don't remember, but the last time we went to the movies together was your 13th birthday. You wanted to see the Incredibles then."
Y/n frowned, a knot forming in her stomach, guilt filling her, though she didn't know why.
"I thought... maybe if we watched it again, it might help jog some memories," he continued, the words coming out in a rush. "It's always been your favorite. You'd watch it over and over, even when I begged for something else." He let out a strained chuckle that seemed to contradict the radio's happy tunes.
Y/n didn't answer, continuing to look out the window at the passing buildings. Clark's heart ached with a dull, relentless throb. His mind raced back to the days before whatever this was stole his daughter away. He remembered her laughter, her curiosity, the way she would pepper him with questions about everything and anything.
Now, Y/n couldn't even look at him. Desperation gnawed at him, a dark shadow lurking at the edges of his mind. He needed to bring her back. He needed to see that spark in her eyes again, to hear her laugh, to know that she was still there, somewhere beneath that cold, nervous expression.
As they drove, Clark glanced at the rearview mirror, catching sight of his reflection. Lines on his face seemed deeper, his eyes hollow. He barely recognized himself. The effort of holding it all together was tearing him apart, piece by piece.
"Remember the time we went camping?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "You caught your first fish, and you were so excited you almost fell into the lake." He chuckled again, but it quickly turned into a choked sob. He bit down on his lip, hard, tasting blood.
Y/n gasped, "Clark-"
"Dad," he corrected sharply, his tone laced with frustration. "Call me Dad, Y/n."
Clark almost immediately regretted the sharpness in his voice as Y/n recoiled slightly, a look of guilt crossing her features.
"I-I'm sorry, sweetheart," Clark stammered, reaching out to touch her hand. "It's just... I want us to be a family again. I want... I want you to remember."
His heart almost completely shattered when Y/n moved her hand away.
The radio continued to play its happy tunes as the two sat in silence.
The car pulled into the parking lot of the movie theater, the neon lights flickering to life. Clark turned off the engine and sat there for a moment, gathering his thoughts.
"We're going to get through this," he said, more to himself than to her. "I promise you, Y/n. We'll find a way."
A/n: Sad times :,) Anyways, guess who's out of school AHHHHHHHH!!! And guess who's also going on a trip to EUROPE!!! AHHHH!!! I'm so excited y'all.
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leclerc-s · 7 months
the blue - part two
masterlist previous next
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ameliaholland eras tour you’ve been absolutely wonderful! kansas city, you’re up next!
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↳ ameliaholland i'm your only sister dumbass
↳ tomholland2013 well that's not true, harry and sam exist you know
↳ samholland1999 i'm telling mum.
↳ tomholland2013 that doesn't work anymore, she can't ground me
↳ username forget keeping up with kardashians i want keeping up with the hollands
landonorris THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND!
↳ username a pair of best friends that we never saw coming
↳ username i love their friendship.
oscarpiastri ‘you’re doing amazing sweetie!’
↳ ameliaholland aw shucks, you're making me blush pastry boy.
↳ oscarpiastri 🙄 i won't even bother to correct you because i know you'll just keep doing it.
↳ username icons supporting icons. we love to see it.
hazosterfield you're killing it! so proud of you!
tuwaine yeah! you go baby holland!
↳ ameliaholland do i look like paddy?
↳ tuwaine a little bit, you are siblings.
↳ ameliaholland he's adopted.
↳ paddyholland2004 we look alike, if i'm adopted, so are you. HA!
↳ username peak sibling behavior right here
zendaya little rockstar 🩷
↳ ameliaholland dump my brother. date me.
↳ username she's so real for that. i too would ask zendaya to dump my brother and date me instead.
alex_albon i see we’ve been replaced by a pop star.
↳ georgerussell63 i agree alex. charles_leclerc thoughts on being replaced?
↳ charles_leclerc the twitch quartet was supposed to be forever lando! (i love your music)
↳ ameliaholland thank you! lando talks about you guys and both maxs all the time!
↳ landonorris i do not!
↳ oscarpiastri you do
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maybe amelia hadn’t been too on the nose with her last song. she needed him to understand that she was done with him, for good. she wasn’t going to go back to him, not that they had ever been anything for her to go back too. amelia’s schoolgirl crush had been crushed when had drunkenly exclaimed ‘you’re an idiot if you ever think i’m going to love you back. you’re my best mate’s sister, that’s all you’ll ever be to me.’ what was it that they said of drunken words? they were sober thoughts, and as much as it hurt to admit it, she was an idiot for falling for him. but there was no reason for him to be so cruel.
perhaps the part that hurt the most was that he remembered none of his cruel words. to him everything between them was fine, and it pained her that he couldn’t take a hint, he just couldn’t take a hint that she wanted nothing to with him. it also didn’t help that right after that day he announced he had a girlfriend he had been seeing for over 6 months. she had been the other woman, not physically but emotionally, and that was just as bad.
she jumped as her phone rang, the familiar facetime tune breaking her out of her trance. lando’s joyful face stared back at her and she felt horrible for having missed the race. but in her defense she had been too tired to wake up early enough to watch it. she felt horrible but she hoped lando would understand, it’s not like she was breaking a promise.
slowly she reached for her phone to answer, and lando began screaming in joy. amelia flinched at his volume and noticed he was surrounded by other people, oscar being one of them, she could’ve sworn she saw lewis hamilton there too.
“p2!” lando shouted, “i got p2!”
amelia squealed, “congrats! that’s amazing!”
“oscar got p4! we’re literally on top of the world right now!”
“and congrats to koala too,” she smiled. oscar waved at her before someone snatched the phone from lando’s grip. amelia stopped herself from gasping at the sight of daniel ricciardo.
daniel smiled brightly at her, “you must be amelia, i’m daniel. anyways, we’re all dying to know is taylor dating fernando? have you heard anything?”
amelia laughed, “no, i haven’t heard anything. you'll be the first to know if i learn anything."
"sick," daniel claimed, "i like you baby holland."
daniel flipped the camera around to lando, the boy was laid on the floor, being crushed by alex albon and george russell who were cheering him on loudly. daniel turned the camera back around to him, "is that you're new best friend?"
"sadly, he is," amelia said.
"well baby holland, i'll let you go. i'm sure you're a very busy woman."
"i am," amelia agreed, "i'm currently in the studio."
"STUDIO?!" lando exclaimed, "new music? when? get off alex!" lando pushed alex off him as the brunette laughed loudly. lando took his phone from daniel, "when? tell me amelia!"
amelia simply smiled mischievously at him, "oh look, i have to go walk my fish!"
"amelia!" lando shouted as daniel's laughter could be heard as she hung up. her heart warmed knowing lando supported whole-heartedly. his friendship meant so much to her, and she was glad she had dragged herself out of bed the day before
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lando norris amelia holland! how dare you do this to me.
oscar piastri who broke your heart? seriously.
oscar piastri please answer, he's been screaming the grudge. i have no clue how he even memorized the lyrics already.
lando norris added one person
daniel ricciardo baby holland! c'mon! he's getting impatient.
amelia holland sorry, tom and his friend were being annoying.
lando norris what friend?
amelia holland harrison.
oscar piastri i'm sensing some tension with harrison.
oscar piastri oh.
oscar piastri you fell in love with your brother's best friend.
amelia holland i had a crush on him.
daniel ricciardo well fuck harrison.
daniel ricciardo actually don't fuck harrison. but you know what i mean
amelia holland they weren't about him?
daniel ricciardo we're finding you a new muse. i'm making it my mission.
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you good?
bullshit but okay.
i'm fine oscar. i swear.
you called me oscar, that's never happened. what happened to kangaroo? koala? pastry boy?
maybe i'm not fine. how am i supposed to be fine when the dickhead won't understand that i want nothing to do with him? he strung me along for months making me think that one day we could be something more. so i start releasing songs and he still won't get it.
have you i don't know, tried talking to him?
jeez oscar why didn't i think of that? the only time he ever seems to speak to me is when we're in a group setting. he has a girlfriend.
amelia please tell me he didn't.
cheat on his girlfriend with me? not physically. but emotionally yes.
that guy is a piece of work.
he wasn't always like this.
you’re not seriously defending the guy who cheated on his girlfriend?
i’m defending the guy i used to know. the harrison who was sweet and kind to me. he snuck me candy when my mum didn't allow me to have any. he took me to the movies when my brothers didn't want to hang out with me.
okay. whatever.
why are you getting mad at me?
i’m not mad. i just-
forget it. i have to go.
lando’s insisting i follow him to the club to celebrate
have fun.
i'm sorry
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i think i like her...
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¡leclerc-s speaks! this series was always meant to be a short series so if it seems like it's a little fast paced, i'm sorry. but i am also doing a lot of time jumps, so realistically it's not moving that fast.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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I’m Still Standing.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
author's note - this concept came into my head really randomly and it’s the most angsty thing i’ve ever written on this account, so i hope it’s good for you all!!
please understand that i’m not trying to portray harry’s fans as people who would laugh about scars, i made this up so it would fit the outlook for the story.
word count - 6.8k
in which, you and harry first met when you auditioned to be a member of his love band, since then, your relationship has only just got better, friends turned to best friends and best friends slowly morphed into lovers. it was definitely love at first sight. but in december of 2022, you were the victim of an accidental road injury, you were hit by a car. it took a long time for you to recover, your fiance tried to cancel the shows so that he could care for you but you didn't want him to miss anything, so whilst he toured oceania and asia, you stayed home. june, 2023 was when you thought you were ready to appear on stage again, but that all takes a turn for the worst when some fans make some nasty remarks, but harry's quick to remind you, that you're still standing better than you ever did.
trigger warnings - mentions of panic attacks and car accidents, mentions of scars and hospital terms, mentions of mental health and body dysmorphia.
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You stand backstage, your fingers nervously strumming the strings of your guitar, trying to get it into tune. This audition for Harry Styles' tour band feels like the culmination of all your hard work and dedication. 
The stakes are high, and the nerves threaten to consume you.
You didn’t really know what you were doing there, your mother had recorded you playing your guitar in front of your dog Monty and had posted it on her facebook, loads of people saw it and that was when you got an email from Columbia Records requesting that you come in for an audition, apparently Mr. Styles was looking for someone to join his band for his 2018, Live On Tour, tour.
To say you were nervous would definitely be an understatement, your hands were shaking and you didn’t really know how to stop them from doing it.
Just as doubt starts to creep in, the sound of the door creaking open catches your attention. 
Your eyes go wide when you turn around and there he is, Harry Styles himself, leaning casually against the doorframe with that captivating smile on his face.
He was wearing a black loose fitted shirt, with flamingos adorned over the material, the buttons not fully done up so you could see the tips of his swallow tattoos peaking through, his legs were fitted with a pair of beige trousers and some yellow loafers attached to his feet.
He looked good.
"Hey there," he says in his velvety voice, his eyes twinkling with warmth. "You must be the talented guitarist I've been hearing so much about."
For some reason, your breath caught in your throat, resulting in you losing the ability to respond back to him.
Your heart skips a beat, and you struggle to find your voice. "Uh, yeah, that's me. I'm a big fan, by the way."
Way to embarrass yourself, (Y/N).
Harry chuckles, his laughter like music to your ears. "Well, I'm flattered. But remember, I'm just a guy with a few decent songs. No need to be nervous."
A few decent songs, he definitely needed to be humbled. His songs were like going to space, beautiful and rare, there was hardly any music like his nowadays.
His words instantly put you at ease, a wave of relief washing over you. You offer a shy smile and respond, "Thanks, Mr. Styles. I needed that."
He steps closer, his eyes fixated on your guitar. "Mind if I take a look?"
Harry Styles wanted to hold your guitar.
Harry Styles, heartthrob, wanted to hold your guitar, how could you ever say not to that.
Control yourself.
You nod and hand him the instrument, your fingers lightly brushing against his. Call it cliche, but a jolt of electricity shoots through you, and you can't help but blush. 
Harry strums a few chords, effortlessly coaxing a beautiful melody from the strings.
"Sounds fantastic," Harry remarks, returning the guitar to your waiting hands. "I think you're going to fit right in."
Your confidence begins to soar as Harry's charm wraps around you like a warm embrace. The audition becomes less daunting with every word he speaks, his encouragement laced with playful banter.
"So, do you always have this effect on musicians?" you tease, a twinkle in your eye.
Harry smirks, leaning in closer. "Only the ones who make my heart skip a beat."
Your breath once again caught, you made his heart skip a beat?
His words catch you off guard, and your cheeks flush with a mix of surprise and excitement. You try to maintain your composure, but deep down, you can't deny the flutter of anticipation building within you.
He was really good looking.
You didn’t even know that you were auditioning until the audition progressed, your fingers gliding effortlessly across the strings, the music resonating with every fiber of your being. Harry's presence fuels your performance, his voice blending seamlessly with your guitar, creating a harmonious masterpiece. It's as if you've been playing together for years.
Maybe that was how it was supposed to be.
In between your audition, Harry flashes you a sly grin and quips, "You know, if you keep playing like that, I might just fall head over heels for you."
You blushed once again.
Your heart skips a beat, and you laugh nervously, attempting to hide the blush that creeps up your neck. "I think I'd be okay with that."
Did you really just say that?
The air in the room crackles with a charged energy, and you find yourself lost in a dance of music and flirtation. Each note you play is a secret message, a longing that speaks louder than words. And in Harry's eyes, you catch glimpses of a shared desire.
By the time you reach the final chords, the room erupts in applause. Harry rises from his seat, his eyes never leaving yours.
"You were incredible," he says, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "I'd love for you to join the tour."
I’m sorry, what?!
You can hardly believe your ears. The moment you've been dreaming of is here. With a wide smile, you respond, "I'd be honored, Mr. Styles."
He reaches out, his hand finding yours, and pulls you into a warm embrace. As his arms encircle you, you can't help but notice the racing of your heart and the way his touch sends a surge of electricity through your veins. The world around you fades into the background, and all that exists in this moment is the two of you, entangled in a moment of undeniable connection.
Harry's voice, barely above a whisper, caresses your ear. "Welcome to the band, love."
You lean back slightly, looking into his eyes, a mixture of excitement and uncertainty swirling within you. The unspoken tension between you is palpable, and you find yourself wondering if Harry feels the same magnetic pull that you do.
Maybe you were just imagining it.
As you break from the embrace, a mischievous smile tugs at the corners of Harry's lips. "I must admit, there's a part of me that's relieved you're joining the band. I wouldn't want to miss out on the opportunity to get to know you better."
Your heart skips a beat for about the millionth time that day, the words hanging in the air, heavy with unspoken possibilities. A playful glint dances in his eyes, and you find yourself being drawn closer to him, your bodies now only inches apart.
"Getting to know you better sounds like a delightful prospect," you reply, your voice laced with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity.
Harry leans in, his voice a seductive murmur. "Maybe we could grab a drink after rehearsal? I'd love to hear more about the person behind that incredible talent."
A rush of warmth floods through you, and you nod eagerly. "That sounds perfect."  
That was just over three months ago.
So far, you were rehearsing for his first tour as a solo member and things had been going great. You had met Sarah, Mitch, Clare and Adam five days after your audition and instantly got along with the two of them, calling them your best friends within two weeks of knowing them.
As for Harry, things were definitely starting to get better with the two of you. If you seemed to be having a bad day, he would find a way to put a smile on your face. He was cute like that.
As you join the band and embark on rehearsals, Harry's presence continues to fill you with a sense of comfort and confidence. His playful banter and infectious laughter become the soundtrack to your journey together.
During breaks, you steal stolen glances, your eyes locking and holding for longer than necessary. The air brims with unspoken tension, each encounter tinged with the promise of something more.
One evening, after an intense rehearsal, Harry takes you aside, his eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and vulnerability. 
"I've been thinking about us, you know," he admits, his voice filled with honesty. "There's something between us, something I can't ignore."
You weren’t sure you could ignore it for much longer either.
Your heart pounds in your chest, your own feelings echoing his words. "I feel it too, Harry. It's like we've found a connection that's hard to put into words."
He steps closer, his hand reaching up to gently brush a stray lock of hair behind your ear. "Would it be too forward of me to say that I'm falling for you? That being around you makes everything feel right?"
A smile tugs at your lips, your heart soaring with newfound courage. "It wouldn't be too forward at all, Harry. I'm falling for you too."
In that moment, the world around you fades away once again. It's just the two of you, standing in the quiet embrace of a shared revelation. And as your lips meet in a tender, passionate kiss, you know that this journey—this tour with Harry Styles—will be more than just a musical experience. It will be a love story for the ages, where the strings of your guitar intertwine with the strings of your hearts, creating a melody that will resonate long after the final notes have faded.
You had finally found the one.
Five years.
Five years you had been in a relationship with Harry and during those five years, the relationship between the two of you had done nothing but flourish.
On your anniversary in 2020, he proposed to you. He got down on one knee in your shared London house and there was no doubt that you were going to say yes.
You adored the man with every fiber of your body.
You find yourself sitting on the cosy couch in your shared hotel in Werchter, Belgium, a gentle warmth filling the room. Your fingers trace absent-minded patterns on the fabric of the blanket thrown over your lower body, keeping you warm as you let your mind wander, reflecting on the journey that has brought you to this very moment.
You cautiously cross the road, anticipation pulsating through your veins as you head towards the café to meet your boyfriend.  The air is crisp, carrying a hint of autumn's arrival, and the city buzzes with its usual energy.
The road was safe when you crossed, until it wasn’t.
In the midst of the bustling crowd, a danger lurks, unseen and unforgiving. 
A drunk driver, his senses impaired, careens towards you without warning. Time slows down, and your instincts kick in, desperately trying to avoid the inevitable collision.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you attempt to evade the oncoming car, but the impact is inevitable. 
Pain sears through your body as you're flung through the air, crashing onto the unforgiving pavement. The world spins, and darkness descends upon you like a heavy curtain.
Inside the café, Harry sits near the window, a cup of untouched coffee growing cold before him. As he waits, a knot of anxiety tightens in his stomach. Suddenly, the tranquility of the moment shatters, and his gaze is drawn to the horrific scene unfolding just outside.
That’s when he sees you.
Time slows to a torturous crawl as Harry's eyes widen in disbelief. He watches in helpless horror as the car strikes you, his heart pounding in his ears. With a mix of disbelief and raw emotion, he stumbles out of his seat, knocking over his chair in the process.
His voice trembles as he shouts your name, the desperation and anguish evident in his cries. "No! Oh God, no! Somebody help! Call an ambulance!"
Passersby freeze, their eyes widening in shock as they witness the aftermath of the accident. Harry's voice breaks, the weight of the situation crashing down upon him. He drops to his knees beside your motionless body, trembling fingers reaching out to touch your cold skin.
Tears blur his vision as he cradles your face, his voice choked with pain. "Please, wake up…(Y/N)... Don't leave me like this, m’angel… I can't lose you."
Amidst the chaos, someone steps forward, dialing emergency services and relaying the dire situation. The sound of sirens grows closer, a faint glimmer of hope in the midst of despair.
As paramedics arrive on the scene, Harry is forced to release his grip on you, not without giving a fight, another paramedic holds him back, running soft circles onto him as his hands shake uncontrollably. He watches, a mix of fear and agony etched on his face, as they work to stabilize your fragile form.
His heart shatters with each passing second that lacks a sign of life. He whispers desperate prayers into the void, his voice trembling with emotion. "Please, don't take her away from me...I can’t…I can't live without….her…"
Finally, a flicker of movement, a gasp of breath escapes your lips. Harry's eyes widen in disbelief, his heart surging with a renewed sense of hope. "She's breathing…she’s breathing, you saw that…right?!" he exclaims, his voice filled with equal parts relief and disbelief.
As the paramedics prepare to transport you to the hospital, Harry is forced to release his grip on your hand, his gaze filled with a mix of longing and determination. 
"I'll be right behind you," he promises, his voice steady with resolve.
Alone in the hospital waiting room, Harry paces anxiously, his mind clouded with thoughts of what could have been lost. He replays the accident over and over in his mind, tormented by the what-ifs that haunt him.
He had been waiting just over an hour and half for someone to come and talk to him. Give him an update on what was going on with you.
Hours stretch into an agonizing eternity as he clings to the faint hope that you will recover. The sterile hospital walls offer no solace, and he finds himself retracing the steps that led you both to this point, questioning the fragility of life and the unpredictable turns it can take.
Finally, a weary doctor emerges from behind the double doors, his expression a mix of weariness and cautious optimism. Harry's heart lurches in his chest as he rushes towards the doctor, desperation etched on his face.
"How is she? Is she going to be alright?" Harry's voice trembles with a mix of fear and longing, his hands clenched into tight fists.
You needed to be okay.
The doctor meets Harry's gaze, his eyes filled with compassion. "She's stable now. It was a close call, but she's a fighter. She sustained some serious injuries, but we're doing everything we can to help her recover."
Relief washes over Harry, but it's quickly replaced by a wave of guilt. He clenches his jaw, his voice strained. "I should have been there to protect her. I should have... I should have done something."
The doctor places a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder. "Accidents happen, and it's not your fault. What matters now is supporting her through her recovery."
Harry nods, a mixture of determination and guilt playing across his features. "I'll be there for her. Every step of the way."
Days blend into nights as Harry sits vigil by your bedside, his fingers tracing the contours of your hand, desperate for any sign of improvement. The beeping machines and sterile hospital environment become your temporary reality, a stark contrast to the vibrant world you both once knew.
He called his mother about what happened to you and she and Gemma took the first flight to Los Angeles, so they could support not only you but him as well.
They forced him to go home and change his clothes, promising to call him if there was any news.
Sarah, Clare, Mitch, Adam and Jeff and Glenne were by your bedside as much as they could be but with there busy schedules it made it harder for them to be there.
In moments of silence, Harry finds solace in sharing memories of your love and laughter, his voice filled with a mix of tenderness and longing. He whispers words of encouragement and love, as if the sheer force of his devotion could bring you back to consciousness.
And then, one day, a miracle unfolds. Your eyes flutter open, and for a moment, confusion clouds your gaze. But as you take in the sight of Harry, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, recognition dawns, and a feeble smile graces your lips.
"I'm here, love. You're going to be okay," Harry whispers, his voice laced with relief. He brushes a gentle hand against your cheek, his touch a testament to his unwavering love and devotion.
A month into your recovery, was when Harry finally realised just how bad the whole ordeal was affecting you.
Harry arrives home from grocery shopping, his arms laden with bags filled with fresh produce and essentials. He enters the bedroom, expecting to find you in your usual spot, engrossed in a book or working on a project. But what he sees stops him in his tracks.
There you sit, in your wheelchair, wearing nothing but a sports bra and shorts. Your eyes are fixed on the floor-length mirror before you, your gaze filled with a mix of vulnerability and frustration. Harry's heart skips a beat at the sight, his instinct to protect and comfort you kicking into high gear.
His eyes never leave your form in the mirror. With a deep breath, he approaches you, his voice soft and filled with love. "Hey, beautiful. What's on your mind?"
You startle at his voice, a mixture of embarrassment and sadness crossing your face. "Harry, look at me. I can't stand on my own. I feel so... broken."
You were struggling, really fucking struggling.
Harry kneels down beside you, his hands gently grasping yours. His gaze meets yours in the mirror, his voice filled with determination. "But look at everything you've overcome. You've faced unimaginable challenges, and yet here you are, still standing."
Tears well up in your eyes, a mixture of gratitude and self-doubt coursing through your veins. "I don't always feel strong, Harry. Sometimes, I feel defeated by my own body."
Harry's thumb strokes the back of your hand in a soothing motion. "I know it's not easy, and it's okay to have moments of doubt. But remember, you're not defined by what you can or can't do physically. Your strength shines through in countless other ways."
His words resonate within you, a glimmer of hope flickering in the depths of your soul. You take a deep breath, allowing his words to wash over you. "I guess... I just miss feeling independent, like I used to."
Harry's eyes never leave yours, his voice filled with unwavering support. "You are independent, love. It may look different now, but that doesn't diminish your spirit or your worth. Remember the chorus of that song by Elton John? 'I'm still standing, yeah yeah yeah.'"
That was the song that was getting you through the hard days, the lyrics of the song reminded you that even though you had been through hell and back, you were in fact still standing.
A small smile tugs at the corners of your lips as the lyrics echo in your mind. You meet Harry's gaze, a flicker of determination in your eyes. "You're right. I'm still standing, and I won't let this define me."
Harry's face lights up with pride, his voice brimming with admiration. "That's my girl. Together, we'll face anything that comes our way. We'll rewrite the rules and show the world just how resilient we are."
You lean into him, finding solace in his embrace. In his arms, you feel a renewed sense of strength and acceptance. With Harry by your side, you know that you'll navigate this journey together, overcoming obstacles with unwavering love and unwavering determination.
As the echoes of Elton John's lyrics fade into the air, you realize that standing on your own two feet is not just about physical ability. It's about resilience, love, and the unwavering spirit that resides within. And together, you and Harry are an unbreakable force, ready to face any challenge that comes your way, still standing.
Memories of the accident resurface, the one that left you with a broken leg, a few broken ribs, and scars that tell a story of resilience and strength. The pain you endured during those days in the hospital, the grueling physical therapy sessions, and the long road to recovery—all of it has shaped you into the person you are today.
The accident left you with a lot of scars and sometimes, you didn’t like how they were on your body, you didn’t want them, you shouldn’t have had them in the first place had it not been for the drunk driver that had struck you.
One time, Harry had caught you sitting in the wheelchair the hospital provided you with and was sitting in front of the floor length mirror, eyes wet and feeling disgusted with the way your body now looked.
Lost in your thoughts, you feel a comforting presence beside you. Your fiancé, the person who has been your rock throughout this entire journey, sits down, his eyes filled with love and concern.
"What's on your mind, love?" Harry asks gently, their voice laced with a mixture of tenderness and curiosity.
You take a deep breath, gathering the courage to share your thoughts. "I've been thinking a lot about everything that's happened, about how far I've come since the accident. The fear I had of losing my ability to play the guitar, to perform on stage, has slowly transformed into a burning desire to reclaim what I love."
Your fiancé listens intently, their hand finding yours, providing a comforting anchor in the depths of your vulnerability.
"I think I'm ready," you continue, your voice filled with determination. "I'm ready to join you back on tour as your guitarist. I want to step back into the spotlight, to feel the exhilaration of playing for a crowd again."
A flicker of excitement dances in their eyes as they take in your words. "Are you sure, love? I mean, I've seen your strength and resilience, but I want to make sure you're ready for the demands and challenges of touring."
You had thought it over. So many times, you kissed touring with him and not being on stage with him in what felt like forever, you just wanted a little bit or norm back in your life.
You smile, your gaze meeting theirs. "I am sure. The accident made me realize that life is too short to let fear hold me back. I want to embrace every opportunity that comes my way, and being on stage with you is the greatest opportunity of all."
Your fiancé's face lights up with a mixture of pride and love. "I've always believed in you, in your talent and your unwavering spirit. I can't express how happy I am to hear you say this."
Their words fill your heart with warmth, and you lean in, your forehead resting against theirs. "I couldn't have done it without your love and support. You've been my rock, my inspiration. And now, it's time for us to conquer the stage together."
24th June, 2023.
The day you would be back on stage, and reclaiming your spot next to Mitch as Harry’s guitarists.
As you stand before the mirror in the dressing room, your heart pounds with a mix of excitement and apprehension. It's been seven long months since the accident, the incident that left you scarred physically and emotionally. But tonight, you're stepping back onto the stage alongside your fiancé, the incredibly talented man that held your heart captive.
You peel off your clothes, revealing the remnants of the past—a tapestry of scars that litter your body. Each mark tells a story, a chapter of pain and healing. Your fingers trace the scars delicately, memories flooding back with each touch.
Your fingertips glide over the long, jagged scar on your stomach, a reminder of the surgery that saved your life. It stretches across your abdomen, a visible testament to the fragility of existence. You can still recall the sterile scent of the hospital, the sensation of being under anaesthesia, and the sound of the surgeon's voice assuring you that everything would be alright.
As you trace the path of the scar, tears well up in your eyes. The emotions overwhelm you—the fear, the vulnerability, the gratitude for being alive. You hastily wipe away the tears, refusing to let them consume you. You don't want Harry to see you like this—fragile, still grappling with the remnants of the accident.
Taking a deep breath, you collect yourself and begin to change into the performance outfit meticulously chosen for tonight's show. With each article of clothing, you shed the emotional weight and don a cloak of resilience.
But it's not just the scar on your stomach that serves as a reminder. Your fingers move upward, skimming over the faint marks on your chest. They are the remnants of broken ribs, the physical proof of the impact that threatened to shatter your entire being.
As your fingers dance across the scars, a mixture of emotions swirls within you. You remember the excruciating pain that radiated through your chest, making each breath a struggle. The nights spent gasping for air, wondering if you would ever be able to play guitar again. And yet, here you are, on the verge of reclaiming that stage.
When you finally emerge from the room, you plaster a smile on your face, determined to project confidence. Harry turns to you, his eyes lighting up as he takes in your appearance.
"Hey, love, you look absolutely stunning!" he exclaims, wrapping you in a warm embrace.
You glanced down at what you were wearing, nodding softly. You had decided to wear short sleeves tonight due to the humidity of the Belgian air and had gotten Elin and Madi to cover up the scars on your arms with foundation, if you had to get through this performance tonight without a hitch, you needed to make sure the fans didn’t see the state of your arms.
It wasn’t second nature to the fans and the world that you had been the victim of a car accident, paps had eaten the story up and it wasn’t long before the world were all feeling sorry for you, and telling you ‘get well soon.’
It wasn’t second nature that the fans knew you and Harry were in a relationship. They were happy for him, some fans weren’t, some were bitter but the majority were kind hearted.
The fans knew not to expect you to be on stage for a while, they liked your replacement , you just hoped they didn’t resent you for reclaiming your spot.
"Thank you," you reply, your voice tinged with a hint of nerves. "I'm so excited to perform with you again, sweet boy. It's been too long."
Harry nods, his eyes filled with adoration. "I've missed having you by my side on stage, baby. Tonight is going to be incredible."
When you first walked onto the stage with the rest of the band, the crowd cheered, happy to see you back.
You wanted to perform at Wembley when he was there but the 90,000 people just made your nerves too hard to get rid of.
It had gotten to the part of the show where Harry introduced the band helping him perform tonight.
The crowd erupts into thunderous applause, their cheers blending with the pounding of your heart.
Harry steps forward, his charm radiating as he takes hold of the microphone. "Thank you all so much!" he exclaims, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "Tonight has been incredible, and I want to take a moment to introduce you to the extraordinary people who make this show possible."
The spotlight shifts, illuminating each member of the band in turn as Harry introduces them, acknowledging their talent and contributions. The crowd roars with approval, showing their love and appreciation for the musicians who have taken them on this unforgettable journey.
"And last, but certainly not least," Harry says, his eyes glimmering with affection as he turns toward you, "I want to welcome someone very special back to the stage tonight. Please give a round of applause for my incredible fiancée, who's been through so much and is now here, shining brighter than ever. Welcome back, (Y/N)!"
The crowd erupts into thunderous applause once again, their cheers echoing throughout the venue. The sound washes over you, filling you with warmth and a renewed sense of purpose. Harry walks over to you, his smile radiant as he presses a gentle kiss to your cheek.
"I'm so proud of you, love," he whispers, his voice barely audible over the roaring crowd. "You're incredible."
Touched by his words and the overwhelming support of the crowd, you turn to face the audience, a beaming smile adorning your face. You raise a hand in gratitude, acknowledging their cheers and the immense love they've shown.
The performance took a turn for the worst when Harry was performing Matilda.
As Harry takes the centre stage, his voice resonates through the venue, captivating the crowd with his heartfelt rendition of "Matilda." You stand beside him, shoulder to shoulder with Sarah, Madi, and Elin, proud to be part of his performance.
However, as the heat intensifies under the stage lights, the foundation covering the scars on your arms begins to melt away, slowly revealing the marks beneath. Unbeknownst to you, a group of fans standing in the front row notices the scars and begins to snicker and laugh, their insensitivity cutting through the air.
Caught off guard, you glance down at your arms, now exposed for all to see. Shame washes over you, accompanied by a deep sense of vulnerability. The laughter echoes in your ears, a cruel reminder of the pain you carry on a daily basis.
The song concludes, and as you go to step back, picking up your guitar, tears well up in your eyes. The weight of their laughter presses heavily on your heart, and without a second thought, you bolt offstage, seeking solace in the privacy of the dressing room.
You stumble through the corridors, your vision blurred by tears. Jeff, who was standing on the side stage, attempted to touch your arm and see if he could do anything but you bolted straight past him, too upset to even attempt to speak.
Finally, you reach the dressing room, the door becoming a barrier between you and the outside world. You lock it behind you, the sound of the latch giving you a brief sense of security.
Collapsing onto a chaise lounge, sobs wrack your body as you struggle to catch your breath. The pain of their laughter reverberates through you, and the scars that you've worked so hard to embrace now feel like glaring flaws. In this moment of despair, you feel utterly alone.
Through your tear-stained face, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. The scars etched on your arms serve as a painful reminder of the journey you've travelled—a journey that has tested your resilience and strength. But at this moment, they seem to mock you, amplifying your vulnerability.
You don’t know how long you were sitting there.
But the panic that has gripped your chest refuses to subside, and the air feels thin, suffocating.
Amidst your distress, you hear Harry's desperate pleas from the other side of the door, his voice filled with concern and love.
"Please, love," he implores, his voice cracking. "Let me in. I need to be with you. I can't bear to see you like this."
You find it difficult to think, your mind clouded by fear and self-doubt. Harry's words echo in your ears, but a part of you hesitates, questioning whether you should expose him to your vulnerable state.
Yet, Harry persists, his voice growing more desperate with each passing moment.
"Please, just open the door," he pleads again. "I'll do anything to make this better. Just let me in."
As the minutes stretch on, your panic intensifies. The room feels smaller, the air heavier, and you begin to scratch at your arms, hoping to erase the scars that have become a constant reminder of your pain. The act is born out of frustration, a desperate attempt to regain control over your emotions.
But the more you scratch, the more the scars stand out against your skin, marking the battles you've fought and the strength you've shown. The pain intensifies, both physical and emotional, and your nails dig deeper into your flesh.
Finally, Harry's voice breaks through the chaos in your mind.
"Love, please," he pleads once more. "I can't stand being separated from you like this. Please, open the door."
His words penetrate your fog of panic, stirring a flicker of clarity within you. You realise that shutting him out would only deepen the isolation you feel. With trembling hands, you reach for the lock, slowly turning it until the latch clicks, allowing Harry to step into the room.
Harry rushes toward you, his eyes wide with worry, and wraps his arms around you, pulling you close. Your breath hitches as he embraces you, his warmth and steady heartbeat serving as an anchor amidst the storm raging inside you.
But as the panic continues to surge, your scratching becomes more frantic, fueled by the desperation to rid yourself of the scars. Harry's eyes widen as he notices your self-destructive actions, his heart aching at the sight.
"Stop, love," Harry pleads, his voice filled with a mix of concern and determination. He gently grasps your hands, restraining them from causing further harm. "Please, you don't need to do this. Your scars don't define you. They are a testament to your strength and resilience."
Tears stream down your face as you struggle to find your voice amidst the overwhelming emotions.
"Harry," you manage to whisper, your voice trembling, "the fans... they laughed at me. I feel so exposed, so broken."
Harry's hold on you tightens, his voice filled with unwavering support. "Love, never forget what Elton John said in 'I'm Still Standing.' 'I'm still standing after all this time.' We've faced adversity together, and we've triumphed. We won't let their laughter dim your light."
His words wash over you, reminding you of the battles you've fought, the hurdles you've overcome. In that moment, you realise that their laughter, though painful, is a reflection of their ignorance, not your worth.
As Harry's arms enfold you, a newfound resolve begins to take hold. You slowly cease
Your frantic scratching, your nails no longer leaving trails of desperation on your skin. Instead, you allow Harry's touch to calm you, to remind you that you are not alone in this struggle.
As you gradually regain control of your breath, Harry's soothing voice fills the room once again. "You are beautiful, inside and out," he assures you. "Those scars are a part of your journey, a testament to the strength that resides within you. They are not something to be ashamed of."
With each word, the weight of the fans' laughter begins to lift, replaced by a growing sense of self-acceptance. You realise that their cruel taunts are not a reflection of your worth but a testament to their own insecurities and ignorance.
In that moment of revelation, you look into Harry's eyes, finding solace in his unwavering gaze. He pulls you closer, his embrace a shield against the world's judgments.
"You are loved," he whispers, his voice filled with conviction. "By me, by your fans, by all those who see the incredible person you are."
After the storm of emotions, Harry guides you to rest your head on his lap, finding comfort in his presence. He senses your need for warmth and reaches for a soft blanket that carries his familiar scent. As he carefully drapes it over your body, you feel an instant sense of security, as if his love and protection have enveloped you.
Harry pulls out his phone, his brow furrowed with concern. He dials Jeff's number, his voice steady but laced with an undertone of worry.
"Jeff, mate," he begins, "I need to talk to you. We can't continue with the show right now. (Y/N)s head is in a bad place, and she needs me here with her."
You hated letting the fans down as much as Harry did, but right now, you needed him, you needed him more than anything right now.
As he speaks, his free hand finds its way to your hair, his fingers gently running through the strands. The soothing motion sends waves of comfort through your body, easing the tension that had gripped your soul.
There's a brief pause as Jeff responds on the other end of the line. Harry's voice grows firmer as he continues, his protective instincts kicking in. "I know, Jeff, but she's my priority. We can't push her right now. She needs time and space to heal. I hope you understand."
You feel the weight of his determination, his unwavering commitment to your well-being. His words, spoken with conviction, serve as a reminder that you are not alone in this battle.
As the conversation with Jeff continues, your body begins to relax, the exhaustion of the emotional rollercoaster setting in. Harry's touch and his voice lull you into a state of tranquillity, your eyelids growing heavy.
You listen to Harry's voice, a mix of concern and reassurance, as he explains the situation to Jeff. The sound of his voice becomes a soothing melody, guiding you towards much-needed rest. The world outside the dressing room fades away, and in that moment, it's just you and Harry, wrapped in a cocoon of love and understanding.
With Harry's presence anchoring you,drifting you into a peaceful slumber, your mind dances on the edge of consciousness. Harry's comforting presence lingers, filling the room with a sense of love and security. In the hazy realm between wakefulness and dreams, you hear his soft voice whispering.
"I love you," Harry murmurs, his words like a gentle caress against your skin. His declaration of love resonates deep within your heart, a reminder that you are cherished and adored.
In the quiet of the room, Harry's fingers trace the scars on your forearm from when you hit the ground and the skin collided with the concrete of the floor, resulting in a skin graft on both arms, with delicate reverence.
His touch is tender, his love evident in every stroke. With each pass of his fingers, you feel a mixture of vulnerability and acceptance, knowing that he sees beyond the scars and embraces every part of you.
Touched by his gesture, you shift slightly, gazing up at him through half-closed eyes. The love shining in his eyes mirrors the love you hold in your heart.
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips, and in a soft voice filled with gratitude, you whisper, "I love you too, Harry."
His lips curve into a gentle smile, and without hesitation, he leans down to press a loving kiss against the scars on your arms. The warmth of his lips against your skin sends a rush of emotions cascading through your veins—a blend of love, acceptance, and healing.
In that tender moment, you realise that Harry's love is not conditional. It extends far beyond the physical, embracing the entirety of who you are—scars and all. With his unwavering support, you find the strength to embrace your own journey, to let go of the pain inflicted by others' judgement.
As Harry's lips leave a trail of love and reassurance upon your scars, you feel a renewed sense of self-acceptance. You understand that love has the power to heal, to transcend the wounds of the past. With each kiss, Harry affirms that you are worthy of love and that your scars are a testament to your strength.
In the warmth of his embrace, you feel a newfound sense of peace settle within you. The doubts and insecurities that plagued your mind are replaced with a quiet confidence, knowing that you are loved unconditionally.
One thing was for sure though.
Just like the legend that is Elton John Said:
I’m Still Standing.
In fact you were standing better than you ever had, with the support of friends and family and the one man you don’t think you could ever stop loving.
You were starting to look like a true survivor, and not so much a little kid when you got overwhelmed looking at the scars on your arms from the impact of the accident.
“I’m Still Standing…” you whispered , voice slightly scratchy.
Harry smiled, letting out a small sniffle, “— yeah you are baby…yeah you are.”
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Bad News First, Eddie
Part One 🦇 Part Two🦇Part Three🦇FInal Part
This was getting longer than both Steve and Wayne's parts combined, so I'm gonna break it into 2 parts. Posting part 1 now, and part 2 should be up within a day. Thank you everyone for the wonderful replies/reblogs. I screenshot them cause they keep me going haha.
Trigger Warning: Child abuse referenced, as well as one scene of a child being slapped. Use of slurs in a derogatory manner.
Bad news first, Eddie thinks to himself as he swings the trash can lid turned shield, this is a fuckton of bats. Good news, Dustin is safe.
The bats are overwhelming but he's holding his own. He can do this. He can buy them more time. He's done running away from the things that scare him.
Bad news, Eddie thinks, watching Dustin sob above him, I'm gonna die here.
Eddie dies. He knows this because all the hurt stops. The world has faded into itself, dimming to a blackness deeper than Eddie's ever known.
The afterlife is a bit disappointing if he's honest. He's not sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't nothing. Endless, unfathomable nothing.
He kinda hoped he'd see his mom or something, but that's delusional. If the afterlife was heaven or hell, he wouldn't end up in the one his mom went to, that's for sure. Too many sins under his belt for that.
Death is pretty boring though.
Time is impossible to track. He's tried a few times, counting seconds to make minutes but that's so boring he loses his train of thought. Ends up humming some tune or another before repeating the process.
The day he finds himself humming a Wham! song has Eddie a little panicked. He doesn't listen to Top 40 stations. He spent a good deal of time avoiding learning any Wham! songs, actually, so now that he's somehow gotten one such in his head...
This has got to be capital H Hell.
Well. Everyone in town thought he was on the road straight to it. Laugh it up, Hawkins. You were right. The Freak went straight down.
Eddie misses Wayne. He can't remember the last thing he'd said to him. When did he last tell his uncle he loved him? Wayne knew it though. He had to know it. They didn't say it out loud but they didn't need to. Right?
In the distance, Eddie sees something. A light? He's not sure what it is but it's something new. Something different.
The light leads him back into the Upside Down. The bats are swarming and he just crashed the bike- fuck fuck fuck, run. Run, Eddie, get the fuck out of here!
He's screaming at himself to run but instead his body stops. Turns. Pulls the shield and spear from his back and screams at the bats.
Eddie rips himself back, away. Crumples to the ground, folding into himself. Not that. Anything but that again.
A soft humming sound. Gentle, warm.
Eddie unfolds himself to see what it is.
His mom smiles down at him, reaches out to ruffle his hair as she hums. Eddie knows the danger has passed and he is safe now because Mamma only hums that when it's safe.
"There's my handsome boy," she moves the hand from his hair to boop the tip of his nose. "How about we play a little game, hmm? The floor is lava!"
She scoops him up and plops him on the kitchen table. There is a crunching sound beneath her feet as she moves. Lava sounds an awful lot like Dad's broken beer bottles but if Mamma wants to play pretend then Eddie can do that for her.
His mother is beautiful. The most beautiful woman in the world. He takes after her in a lot of ways. Matching curly locks, the same face scrunch when they're angry, their noses, big brown doe eyes. Eddie even shares her voice, just a different pitch. The point is, Eddie's mom is beautiful and he's got enough ego left at four years old to think of himself as beautiful, too.
The problem, then, is that Eddie makes the mistake of saying it in front of his Dad. 'As pretty as Mamma,' he'd said. They'd, he and Mamma that is, were sitting crosslegged on the floor in the living room. Dad had been in the kitchen, Eddie could hear him puttering about. Mamma had booped his nose and called him the best looking kid in all of America.
Eddie nodded fiercly, "yeah! As pretty at Mamma."
It used to be a fuzzy memory, what happens next. A flurry of movement and shouting. Now he's witnessing it with terrible clarity. His dad's hand curling around his upper arm and yanking him into the air, crushing hard enough to bruise. His dad's shouting at him. He remembers not remembering the words but now they hit him like the slap his dad delivered to his face. "No son of mine is going to be a fuckin' fag, thinkin' he's some pretty little girl. Is that what you want, you little shit? To be a little girl?"
"Stop it! Stop it! Let him go, he didn't mean anything like that!" he hears his Mamma plead but his Dad won't stop shaking him and screaming. He bursts into tears because it hurts and he's confused and his Dad's never hit him before- "Hit me! Hit me! If you're gonna hit someone, hit me!"
Eddie gets tossed aside. He lands on back and sees as his Dad does exactly as his Mamma demanded. Eddie's never been so scared in his life, he can't watch. He scampers down the hall as fast as he can and crawls under his bed to hide.
If Eddie had to guess, that's the memory that ingrained his need to run.
He's reliving his memories. He's a little embarrassed how long it takes him to figure that out. They say your life flashes before your eyes when you die. They don't tell you that the quote flash unquote takes a really fuckin' long time. Like, you know, your whole life long time.
It's so strange to witness, too. Like he's both watching the memories as an outsider, but also through his own eyes. He has both the knowledge that he had when he died, and also no experience beyond what he's seeing in the memory.
He watches his Dad beat his Mamma, beat him, but also watches his Dad push him on the swings and slow dance around the kitchen with his Mamma. And that's the worst part, he thinks. That his Dad could have been an awesome one. If he'd stayed sober like he kept promising. He didn't though, couldn't. Hell, maybe it's even a wouldn't. He watchs Wyatt fucking Munson pick beer and drugs over him and his Mamma time and time again.
Couldn't even put them down long enough to be there when Mamma got sick.
Eddie is seven. He's just had his head shaved, bald as his Mamma now. He regrets doing it as soon as he sees his Mamma's smile falter when Uncle Wayne drops him off at the hospital.
"We match, Mamma," Eddie says shyly, eyes downcast. "I wanted to match..."
"Oh, baby, come here," and she's scooping him into a hug, genuinly smiling again, "I love that we match. So long as it was your decision to cut your hair."
Eddie realizes now why her smile had faltered. She thought Dad had shaved his head against his will, probably because long hair was for woman, as he liked to say. Eddie in the memory didn't know that, though, so he just cuddles closer and says, "Yeah. Uncle Wayne did it for me, so it would be nice and even, he said. Wanna hear what we did in school today?"
There is something looming at the edges of his vision. Eddie can't seem to make whatever it is come into focus. It's not a memory because those always focus. It's something else. Something new.
His dad teaches him to hot wire a car. Makes him learn how to pick the lock on car doors and handcuffs. When he sees how easily Eddie took to lockpicking, he makes him learn other locks, too.
Eddie misses out on school because his dad can't be bother to enroll him and Eddie doesn't know how to do it himself. He's too scared to, anyway. Afraid his dad will start swinging and won't stop until he's dead.
When Eddie is eleven, a lot happens. It was a pivitol age for him. He got his first crush (a boy named Jimmy) and a first kiss (a boy named Jeramiah). Eddie also ends up in the hospital because his Dad caught him kissing Jeramiah.
It's not his Dad that picks him up from the hospital, though.
Eleven is the age he is the day his Uncle Wayne moves him to Hawkins, Indiana.
He's also eleven the first time he hears Black Sabbath.
Eddie is also eleven years old when he decides that he wants good news delivered last. To end with something good.
He relives becoming himself.
Catching up in school because he's not stupid, but falling behind because he is kinda dumb (schoolwork never seemed as imporant as hanging out with friends, or starting a band, or playing dungeons and dragon, or any other number of things).
The relief he feels the first time he meets another person like him, learns there's another word besides faggot for what he is. Gay. The immense pleasure of feeling truly seen the first time he says that out loud to someone (it's his best friend, Jeff) "Bad news, Jeff. You might hate me for this. Good news, I'm gay."
Good, good news. Jeff doesn't hate him!
There's a fear that Wayne might be like his Dad regarding all this, so he can't tell him; won't tell him.
But then Wayne comes home unexpectedly when Eddie is a freshman and catches him with another boy's tongue in his mouth. Eddie has a panic attack that winds up with him in the hospital.
He remembers the paralizing fear when Wayne came to pick him up upon his release. Eddie had walked to the pickup numb and afraid. He climbed in, buckled the seatbelt, and waited for the worst.
Wayne climbed in and started the pickup but didn't put it in gear. Instead, he spoke, "Life is gonna be rough for you, boy. Rougher than it should be."
Eddie cannot make words form to reply. Can't do anything but shake.
"Eddie," Wayne says and he feels the seat move as Wayne shifts to turn towards him, "the bad news is, life is gonna be rough, but the good news? Living under my roof isn't. Won't be. Eddie, my boy, I love you. And nothing, absolutely nothing, will change that."
Eddie breaks, like a puppet with its strings cut, sags in the seat and sobs. Never, never had Eddie ever bothered to entertain the idea that this might be Wayne's response.
Eddie is a sophomore the first time he notices Steve Harrington. It's fucking awful. It's also amazing.
Because noticing Steve Harrington means noticing Steve Harrington. He's immidiately popular because he's good looking and good at sports.
Eddie's not gonna claim to know Steve, he doesn't. There's just these little clues that King Steve isn't a default jerk. For one, Steve doesn't partake in bullying. He stays silent. Lets it happen.
But Eddie's also been witness to two times when Stever did step in; both times when it was escalating to be a phycical altercation.
"Hey, Tommy, don't," Steve had said, not quite stepping between Tommy and the other kid, but enough to be within Tommy's line of sight. "The game is tomorrow. You throw that punch and your hand is gonna hurt like a bitch through the whole game. And I swear to God if we lose this game because you can't handle it-" Steve didn't finish the sentence, didn't have to. Tommy lowered his arm and scoffed. Walked away mutter about how the kid wasn't worth it anyway.
The other time, it had been Jeff he'd defended. Jeff hadn't even been doing anything. Just stumbled into some asshole from the basketball team and knocked him over. Eddie had been the one who'd shoved Jeff (because Jeff was teasing him) and he was ready to place himself in the way when Steve had beat him to it.
"Fucking relax, it was an accident," Steve stood face to face with Roger. Eddie and Jeff just stared at the back of Steve's head. "It's not Jeff's fault that barely tapping you knocked you down like a house of cards. Right, Jeff?"
Eddie and Jeff blinked at each other in a sort of stunned silence because since when does King Steve know either of their names? Steve turned to look over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised. Jeff stammered out, "R-right. It was an accident. Sorry, man."
"See, he's even sorry."
Eddie reached out, wrapped his hand around Jeff's wrist, and tugged him away. He could not stay here and witness anymore of Hero Steve or he was going to embarrass himself infront of the entire cafeteria in the worst way possible.
That was the tipping point for Eddie. When he finally had to admit he wasn't just noticing Steve Harrington. He had a full blown crush on the dude.
Watching his memories play, Eddie realizes he spent far too much time in high school trying to get Steve's attention. Bumping into him on purpose, being antagonistic to his friends just get a response, or trying his best to use Jedi mind powers to make teachers pair them together for projects in the rare few classes they shared (this never worked; teachers liked Steve too much and hated Eddie).
Steve changes between junior and senior year and still doesn't notice Eddie. Eddie's kinda bitter about it.
Then Steve graduates, but doesn't leave. He's always hanging around, bothering the freshman Eddie's taken under his wing. He's not jealous that Dustin Henderson thinks Steve hung the moon. He's not. (he is).
Anyway, the bad news. Steve graduates but doesn't leave and Eddie can't get over his stupid crush. Good news, he and Steve share a mutual friend in one obnoxiously lovable freshman, so that's like one step closer to Eddie being Steve's friend, right?
The thing that's looming finally comes into view when his most recent memories come up. Or, more accurately, it -she- makes herself seen.
He's holding a broken bottle to Steve's neck demanding to know what he's doing here and then the scene pulls away from him until he's watching himself threaten Steve. The memory moves in slow motion.
He screams because Jesus H Christ nothing else in the afterlife has ever spoken to him.
"I am sorry. I did not mean to scare you," she says. Eddie can see her now. She doesn't look like either an angel or a demon. She just looks like a regular person, a girl with shoulder length brown hair, wearing jeans and a yellow shirt that looks too big for her.
"Uh, it's fine?" Eddie says, because what else is he going to say? "Who're.. who are- what are you?"
"I am Eleven. It has been difficult to reach you, Eddie. Had to try, though."
Eleven nods, like someone has said something he can't hear. There is a long pause before she speaks again. "Do you want to wake up, Eddie?"
"What do you mean wake up?" Eddie feels like he might start having a panic attack.
"I am not good with words. Not delicate, Mike would say," Eleven says, "so I will be frank. You are alive. Can be alive. Doctor Owens says you retreated into yourself. To protect yourself. But it's safe now. It is all safe. The Upside Down cannot hurt you again."
Eddie feels the panic set in almost instantly at those words. The memory explodes into black and the girl vanishes.
The more Eleven shows up, the more aware of other things Eddie becomes. Occasionally the sound of conversation drifts in but it's far away, muffled. He can taste food on his tongue that he had not eaten. Feel a brush get stuck in his hair.
They don't really talk, he and Eleven. She takes her queues from him and since he's got no idea what's happening he doesn't know what queues to give.
"So, you're not here to like... send me on, or something?" He asks. They're sitting cross-legged in front of each other. Eddie in the outfit he died in and Eleven in shorts, a crop top, and an oversized jacket.
"Where would I send you?"
"Y'know. Like... Hell or wherever."
Eleven is silent a long time before she says, "I don't want to send you anywhere. I want to bring you back."
Back. He can go back? That doesn't seem right. That doesn't seem like it should be an option. "You mean like, back to Hawkins?"
Eddie's not sure what to make of that. Is he gonna be a ghost? Because if it's Hell or being a ghost, the latter sounds infinity more fun. Plus, as a ghost he could probably check in on Wayne.
"Alright. You win, Eleven. Take me back."
Eleven stands up immediately, offering a hand to help Eddie up. "You have to want it."
"Want to be a ghost?"
"No. You have to want to be alive."
That makes sense, Eddie supposes. Wanting to be alive is probably what makes ghosts be able to like, be ghosts. "OK. OK. I can do this." He does a full body shake, dancing from one foot to another to pump himself up. "Alive. Alive. I want that. I want to live. I want to see my uncle again. Want to give Hawkins a big fuck you for thinking I'd end up in Hell. I want to see Jeff and Gareth! I want to haunt the fuck out of Dustin Henderson for trying to follow me! I want to know if Robin, Steve, and Nancy won! I want to know if they made Vecna pay!"
He is yelling by the end of it, and Eleven is beaming at him like she's proud of him.
"Yes! Yes! Now, wake up!"
Eddie does wake up. Sort of. He's already awake, sitting in what appears to be someone's living room. He blinks several times before exhaustion washes over him and he sags back into the chair he's sitting in. "Wh-" he tried to speak but his vocal chords don't seem to want to work.
"Holy shit." A voice says off to his side. It's vaguely familiar. Like a distant memory. "Call Owens! Call Owens right fucking now!"
Bad news is this. He's been stuck in his own head for several years. His fucking body has been moving around without him yet the amount of physical therapy he has to do is torture. Fucking Owens won't let him contact anyone until he gets the all clear from his new therapist. Oh, and his uncle believes he's dead.
Good news is this. He's alive.
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cal-writes · 1 month
read some of my wips for the zolu conflic story and figured id share
"Ignorance is a bliss is it not?" Brook offers, his skull crooked as she glares down at him. He plucks a single string on his guitar.
"It's not." Nami tells him.
Brook sighs - as much as he can. "Ah, that's unfortunate." And strums an idle melody.
It's late in the evening, just before dinner so there is commotion by the kitchen as Sanji tries to keep Luffy out of it and Usopp and Franky have been hammering away at something all day, perhaps only to fill the silence.
"Brook." Nami says with a sigh, letting her hands fall to her sides. "What did Zoro do?"
Brook's next note is off key as he pretends not to be startled by the question. "What gave you the idea he did anything?"
"I'm not stupid." She wraps her arms around her middle, feeling the cold chill of Thriller Bark seep back into her bones. "What happened between him and Kuma? It can't have been a fight or Luffy wouldn't be so mad."
He plucks his strings, discordant melodies filling the room in between their silent standoff. "Isn't the important thing that we are all still here?" He asks and his voice sounds far away. It stifles the instinctual reaction that bubbles in her throat. The urge to make her frustration known. Brook shakes his head a little to return to the here and now and tilts his head towards her. If he still had eyes, she imagines he would be blinking.
She takes a shaky breath. "I'll just imagine worse."
"Ah." Brook says softly, chin falling. His hands shift on the instrument and he adjusts his finger bones. "A deal was made." He says in tune to the new song he starts.
"What kind of deal?"
"An exchange, of sorts. Kuma had been ordered to bring our dear captain in."
Nami closes her eyes, lets the music wash over her. "Zoro offered himself." She concludes. It seems so simple in hindsight. Brook hums his affirmation in harmony. "But he was still there when we came to."
Brook looks off into the distance, fingers dancing over the saites. "I didn't quite understand it myself at the time. The man, Kuma. His devil fruit ability is truly something else." He shakes his head a little as if to dislodge the memory. "Perhaps Kuma meant it as a test. Trying to discourage Zoro from his resolve." Brook says and Nami almost scoffs. As if anything would be able to stop Zoro once he'd set his mind to something. "He took away all of Luffy's pain and told Zoro to bear it in his stead."
The notes of Brook's song fall heavy in the aftermath.
She swallows hard against the lump in her throat. "What?"
"I mostly heard the screams." Brook says idly, detached and Nami shudders. She can't remember the last time she heard Zoro scream in pain. "Kuma was certain he would perish."
"But he didn't."
"He did not, no." Brook says, inclining his head.
Nami's breath leaves her in a shudder. She'd tried to forget Thriller Bark ever since it happened. The creepy castle, getting kidnapped and nearly married against her will - Brook and Lola were the only good things to come out of that dreadful place. Zoro, so near the brink they weren't sure he was ever going to wake up, much less recover from it all. After Sabaody she had worried, during some lonely nights, if he really was okay. If wherever he had been sent would give him time to heal.
When they had seen each other again he had seemed as good as new if not better and it felt best not to bring up old ghosts.
"Please do keep it to yourself." Brook urges her quietly and with a start she realizes his guitar has fallen silent. "I don't think he ever wanted us to know."
She blows out a breath. Remembers that foolish young man that cut open his own wound before facing down Buggy's crew mate. Who jumped into a pit of water, surrounded by fishmen and rope with Mihawk's wound carved onto his chest. Who found her in Alabasta, wearing more of his blood on his body that could still be inside it and still carried her.
"Of course he doesn't." It comes out more bitter than she means it to.
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hit me with your best will solace hcs please, i can take it
will solace headcanons or something
gonna be real honest i forgot half of my headcanons and i'll probably remember them the minute i post this but:
healing and hymns: i don't think the healing process in chb is specified beyond "ambrosia and nectar," but i think a combination of powerful voice (stentorian) + correct hymn + natural talent = higher chances of healing success; i don't think will has a voice that's very pleasant to listen to. i think he can carry a tune, sure, but he isn't someone you want to listen to for extended periods of time. the thing i think makes him such a good healer is his strong voice - he's able to keep singing at a steady pace with consistency. he can heal his siblings of small bruises and paper cuts through a single song, but you won't catch him leading a campfire. [i thought way too long about how hymns work in the infirmary for my fic jdsjgfdg]
texan will: i've seen a lot of headcanons revolving around texan will that have always been a little odd to me, seeing as i'm texan and half of these hcs are just blatant stereotypes lmao. i think i even once saw someone say that because he's from the south he can't be a vegetarian, which is pretty absurd (coming as someone who fasts.) honestly the only one for this i can think of is that he uses "ya'll" constantly. also occasionally indulges in fried food, because fried chicken slaps (none of that fried oreo/snickers bs. miss me with that will would NOT go near that stuff.)
assorted appearance headcanons:
he has freckles all over him! apparently he doesn't have them canonically and we all just. collectively decided that he did, and i love that.
likes pockets. anything with pockets. also, flip flops, crocs, basically any open-toed shoes. sometimes he'll just go barefoot, because why not. i also think he wears a lot of bracelets - things made by his younger siblings (some alive, some not.) they're his version of camp beads.
from here i give up on categorizing my hcs:
gets more irritated during winter/fall months
tea person
the type of person to belt out songs when he thinks nobody is watching
is actually rather chill during shadow travel, and doesn't get nauseated because he's done it with nico so often
lets the cocoa puffs hitch a ride on him whenever he's in the infirmary, and always has to explain who they are to new patients.
doesn't curse often but when he does it's a storm
friends with drew because i said so and also because i think he, jake, and drew have "i became a camp counselor too early" solidarity. i think they all became friends post tlo and have maintained a tentative relationship since! those cabins have each other's backs.
big spoon
wants to get more tattoos (maybe a tattoo sleeve?)
doesn't want to become a doctor, but rather a vet, or maybe a teacher. reasoning being that he'll have to relearn everything, but also that he'll have to deal with the loss of his patients again, this time knowing he couldn't heal them magically because he's relying on modern medicine. plus, he would have to spend a long time away from his siblings, and seeing as how he's a year rounder, i don't think that would bode well for him.
really really likes planning events - especially birthday parties
wants to travel the world, but is also afraid to leave everything behind
was once afraid of growing up, and still sort of is. doesn't think much of his birthday, because he used to celebrate it with his mother, and he didn't really get a chance to start celebrating with his siblings before being thrown into war
terrible dancer, even though his boyfriend is really good at it
loves to garden! there's a garden for the infirmary where he gathers ingredients for salves and poultices, but he also just loves the scent of flowers. he likes to care and nurture things, and plants are something he pours a lot of energy into. he and nico also go strawberry picking a lot.
fast fast fast runner
post tsats: persephone will occasionally call him using an angel trumpet flower (this is like. a very specific vision but search up one of those flowers and imagine holding it up to your ear like a telephone:)
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anyway she calls him on one of these bad boys and asks how he's doing. they have long chats about flowers and sometimes him and nico are invited for picnics in the underworld.
him and nico have a travel bucket list
he has possibly the worst handwriting ever. absolutely terrible
is pretty bad at using technology, but still has to pretend like he knows how to use it when he's helping nico navigate the internet.
aand that's all i remember for now!
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miinatozakiii · 9 months
son chaeyoung x fem!reader ; fluff
summary: your best friend never fails to make you feel better, seems like she's more than just a best "friend" now.
wc: 1k
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ : light by wave to earth
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a/n: for @needyforchaeyoung since they're always so sweet in my asks, comments, and reblogs :-]
“bad day?” chaeyoung questions. seems like it was from the way your shoulders dropped down, and the evident frown on your face.
without responding, you invite yourself into your best friends room, laying down on the ground. chaeyoung feels bad but she can’t help but snicker, she walks over to sit down next to you.
chaeyoung runs a hand through your hair and smiles at you.
“you wanna talk about it?” and it seems like you don't from the way you sit there silently for a moment. chaeyoung's gaze softens on you.
“can you play something for me?” you mumble softly. your best friend hums and reaches over for the navy-blue guitar next to her nightstand, the one you had gotten her when you were first years.
you remember the smile on chaeyoung's face that day, how she hugged you and kissed your cheek–it's what made you realize that you might like girls–and that you might've had a crush on chaeyoung.
after a year that "might've" turned into a "definitely."
chaeyoung slithers her hand up the guitar and starts to turn at the knobs that tune it, strumming an open chord before tweaking the pegs again. you sit up and lean against chaeyoung's shoulder, watching her pluck at the strings, then play a tune she knows you adore.
it's a slow, small tune, something from a song she had introduced to you. your best friend's music taste was something that was so unique, you even made fun of her for some of the tracks that would play on shuffle. you reminisce a bit.
"what the hell is playing?" you asked, a laugh slipping from your lips as the strangest melody that seemed like a fever dream put into instrumentals had filled the room. chaeyoung just pushed you, and you fell onto the bed dramatically as you laughed.
"what do you mean what the hell is playing? it's nice!" chaeyoung says, you watch as her face turns pink. she rolls her eyes and lays down on the bed next to you, and you two turn at the same time to make eye contact, laughing immediately.
your eyes drill into chaeyoungs with a warm fond feeling, chaeyoung is almost flustered, but the music really ruins how soft the moment is. her hand reaches for her pocket and she blindly double taps something that changes the song playing on her speaker, it's slower and warmer–you like it.
the soft instrumentals light up the room, and it's such a mesmerizing sound, and the lyrics made your heart skip a beat.
you, always wanted to see the moonlight,
and i, i just wanted to see your smile.
the voice of the vocalist was so soft and light, his tone was lovely.
"chaeng," you ask, and your best friend looks at you with a new feeling in her eyes, pupils dilated a bit. it takes a moment for her to respond as she gazes at you, but you don't even notice.
"what is it?"
"this song is good, i like it."
"yeah." chaeyoung manages to mutter, i think i'm starting to like you too, she thinks.
the two of you seem to reminisce at the same time about the same memory, though you can't read each others minds.
you relax into the crook of her neck a bit more, and chaeyoung's heart starts to race a bit. she looks over at how you stare at her short, bony fingers as they pluck and strum the comforting tune; you seem so content, it makes chaeyoung smile.
"my dad is being annoying again." you say suddenly. "we had an argument."
"oh," chaeyoung responds, "i'm sorry to hear." she adds, not saying anything more because she can tell that she doesn't have too just from the tone of your voice.
"i feel better now that i'm with you, chaeng."
chaeyoung's stomach does a somersault.
"that's good," she says, her voice so quiet that if it hadn't been so silent no one could've heard her.
it's silent for a moment–well, other than the low hum from her guitar–but it's comforting and you're so content. there's no place you'd rather be right now or ever other than by chaeyoung.
"thank you," you start, "for being here."
"i'm just a house away." she murmurs, "you're always welcome."
"god chaeyoung, i love you so much–you don't even know."
it takes you and chaeyoung by surprise by how genuine it sounds. chaeyoung turns to face you and you're already staring at her, her grip on the guitar loosens from how dangerously close you are.
the way you look into her eyes has her feeling weak. your eyes are so desperate, it's like they're begging for chaeyoung to do something about the stupid space in between your lips. your eyes are so alluring, they're like a hook with some worm on it and chaeyoung is the fish that's about to get reeled in. her eyes are stuck on yours, and she wants to dart them away from your face because she's terrified of what her heart wants her to do.
seems like her heart took over for a bit, seems like her brain gave up in that moment.
your lips come into contact and the only thing you can think about is how soft chaeyoung's lips feel on yours. her lips and yours fit like puzzle pieces; fireworks seem to go off when you kiss back, shoulders relaxing.
the kiss is so quick, but so long at the same time. the moment seems to have lasted for ever and when you two pull away your faces are so red it immediately kills all the tension and nervousness that had been present seconds ago.
you two laugh, hearts racing and cheeks burning.
"can we do that again?" chaeyoung asks quietly, pushing her guitar away.
"please." you breathe out, then you immediately pull her closer, arms around her neck. it feels like every problem that had been present was solved just from the feeling of her lips on yours.
"i've been wanting to do that for a while," chaeyoung says in between kisses, and she's smiling so hard she doesn't know how she's able to kiss you back.
"me too." you giggle against her lips, "i feel much better."
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mistyresolve · 1 year
if it's not too much, I was wondering how task 141 + König would react to finding y/n jamming out to this 80s song called Erotic City. it's absolutely foul but such a good song
Word Count - 1.9k
Tags/Warnings - mostly just nonsense with some allusions to the dirty
A/N -  yes yes yes, this was so much fun and thank you for allowing me the honour! and nothing is ever too much when it comes to these boys. Although I'm nervous about Gaz and Alejandro bc I've never written anything for them before and I feel like I can't do those two justice. I hope I'm listening to the right song by Prince and i hope this is what you were looking for 🤍
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The 141
You were the camp's armour and you spent a lot of your time alone. So your radio was constantly on. You had very few channels but the 80s on 8 always had the best music.  
Ghost could hear the music through the open door, but couldn’t make out the lyric yet. Although it sounded vaguely familiar to him. He was coming to drop off his firearms and get them serviced. He did most maintenance himself but would come to you every couple of weeks for a thorough cleaning. 
More often than not he would walk in on you singing along, bobbing your head or tapping your foot along with the radio, but this time you were full-on dancing. The type of dancing people save for when at the nightclub and when drunk. 
He would knock once but you wouldn’t be able to hear him. So he would stand and wait for you to notice him in the doorway. A smile tugged at one side of his mouth. Not out of mockery but because he was genuinely impressed with your rhythm.  
He would shamelessly admire your hips and ass, remembering how they felt under his fingertips a couple of nights before. If he had known you could move like that he would have had you on top of his rather than beneath him. Next time.  
When you finally turn around and make eye contact with him you jump back into the table behind you. Containers sloshing with oils, and metal brushes knocking off the side. 
“Jesus!” you would rub at your side and the bruise that would soon form there, “Little creeper.” 
You would use the little remote to turn down your radio after clearing your throat. 
He would turn over his gear, and raise his hands in fake surrender, “I knocked,” he teases, jerking his chin towards you, “but you didn’t hear me.”     
“Just give me your gun and get out of here,” you weren’t one to get embarrassed but he couldn’t have caught you at a worse time. And it was him of all people.  
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You were in the bathroom, getting ready to go out for dinner with your co-workers when this song came on. He knows the lyric and you can’t change my mind. 
Soap was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for you to finish up in the bathroom and just when he started to question how long it was taking you, he heard the volume of the music increase. And judging by the type of song it was he already knew what he would expect when he poked his head into the bathroom.  
He’d be horribly off-tune but completely on-beat and he would match your energy. He would let you be the lead because he knows he wouldn’t be able to decide whether he would want to feel you dancing on him or watch you dance to the song. 
That is until you guide him back towards the mirror so you can resume getting ready while continuing on with the dancing. This way he can both see you in the reflection of the mirror and still have his hands all over you.    
He loved being near you, loved being able to feel your body heat and smell your fresh-out-of-the-shower scent. The one that smelt like lavender soap. 
He loved it when you played him like a violin to get what you wanted from him, and he didn’t care that you did it. He was aware the entire time and let you take advantage of him anyways. 
He knew you didn’t want to go to the dinner, but he also knew you didn’t want to be the reason you guys never made it out the door. You were the instigator and he would be the initiator.  
“I know what you're doing,” he sing-songed into your ear from behind, dragging his nose up the length of your neck, “and as much as I too would like to stay…we did skip the last dinner and it would be poor manners to skip another.”
“You’re no fun.”
“Oh lass, I’m fun,” he backed away, “all I said was that we couldn't skip. I never said we couldn’t be late.” 
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The smell of bacon and eggs wafted from the kitchen, dragging Price from sleep and then the bed. He noticed your side of the bed was empty. The pillows that had been thrown off the bed last night were now neatly piled on the bed. 
Next, he would follow the funky pumping music, the sun was already risen and lit up the hallways to the kitchen and living room. He watched as your shadow slid from one side of the counter to the other.  
You were never up before him and you were far from a morning person. Yet he was watching you working away at the stove, wearing his white button-down from the date night before, and he decided it was a crime to cut the fun short. 
You heard him come down the hallway and when he turned the corner you dragged your fingers up your body, catching the fabric and dragging it up with your fingers. Revealing nothing but promising everything.    
He took a seat at the island, folding his arms across his chest and continued to watch. His soft eyes followed and cataloged every twist and bend of your bare legs. Lingering on the silhouette of your body through the shirt as the sunlight passes through it.  
“You’re makin’ me breakfast? At seven am? What did I do to deserve this?” he tosses you a sleepy smile from behind the cup of coffee you just poured him. Black and as strong as you could make it. He preferred the bitterness.  
“You took such great care of me last night, seems only fair I return the favour,” you poured yourself a cup of hot water for yourself, preparing it for a tea bag. 
Confidence bloomed in his chest. That I did. He thought to himself.
“Carry on, Dancing Queen,” you did as he asked but not without a quick kiss.
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You were picking him up on base and it was normal for you to pull up with loud music but the last thing he expected when he opened the passenger door was “Erotic City” by Prince to be absolutely blaring.
Each time he called you for a ride he told himself it was the last time. He debates the repercussion should he decide to walk the rest of the way to HQ rather than get in the car with you. 
Your sunglasses hanging on the tip of your nose and your eyes peeked out from the top, and you would immediately point at him, an invitation to join in on the festivities. 
He would immediately decline with a firm shake of his head. He knows the song but refuses to take part in the antics. He will be staring out the window until the song ends. 
He gets even more annoyed when you roll down the windows, slow down the car by 5 and turn the music even louder. He isn’t sure if he wants to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all or if he wants to rip the stereo out of the dash. 
He wasn’t moody or angry but he had a reputation to uphold and you revelled in making it just that much harder for him. He wasn’t going to give you the satisfaction of you knowing that you get under his skin. 
He could still you out of the corner of his eye, watching as even though you were restrained by the seat belt you still grooved. He felt your fingers poke his shoulder, taunting him. 
He didn’t even wait for you to fully put the car in park before he was hopping out, slamming the door behind him, “Get your ass out of here,” he jabbed an accusatory finger at you as he passed the front of the vehicle. 
He could see the shit-eating grin from behind the windshield, and he couldn’t help the matching smile from spreading across his face. He shook his head and that finger switched to the middle one as he walked into a building.  
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He would be coming back into the bar from getting some fresh air and when he walks in he is met with you pulling people onto the floor. The night was getting older and still no one had taken the leap so you took matters into your own hands.  
This man wouldn’t skip a beat and would cheer you on. He would be cheering the loudest and would hype you up like no one else could. His energy would be infectious and the rest of the bar would follow suit. 
He wouldn’t jump into the fray immediately, he would be content just sitting and watching while you work the bar. Elbowing the men around him and pointing to you, “That one’s mine,” he would announce proudly with a boyish grin. 
All you would have to do is look for him (not even look at him, just the act of you looking for him would drive him crazy) and he would find his way onto the dance floor to join you. 
His mom forced him to take a dance class in high school as an elective so this man can move. He would lead obviously, but he would keep to the genre of dancing you were doing before he joined. He would make sure you were comfortable and happy the entire time. 
The two of you would stay on the dance floor for the next few songs. Till you are both sweaty and out of breath. Till your both giggle as you guys make your way to the bar for another drink. 
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+ Konig
At first, he would be completely content just watching you while leaning on the door frame. His arms crossed, biceps stretching the fabric of his shirt (he was doing this on purpose bc he knows you like it), and a wide toothy smile paired with the always there mischievous glint in his eyes. 
You had come into the kitchen to clean and put stuff away but your soundtrack was coming out with banger after banger.  
He always enjoyed watching you be carefree and encouraged it. In fact, he lived vicariously through your devil-may-care attitude. He wanted so badly to join you in these situations, but the fear of watchful eyes kept his feet firmly planted by the entrance.   
He may understand English, but when it came to music he listened to the beat and melody more so than the contents. So when he caught a few choice words he tuned his ears in. 
His eyes drop to your mouth and he begins to decipher the actual lyric. Reading your lips to aid him. His smile gives way into a confused frown, his eyes flicking to the speaker bumping the music into the room. His blue eyes would narrow, and his brows would knit together. 
Next would be the rouge that creeps up from beneath his shirt to the tips of his ears.   
Oh. Ohhh. 
“Mein Gott, I have to go,” He would attempt to vacate the area as soon as possible. You’ve already taken note of his change and immediately grab at his arms. Wrapping your warm body around it and guiding him back into the room, sitting him down on one of the kitchen table chairs. 
“Just enjoy the show,” you roam cheeky hands across and down his chest.
Maybe it was the fumes from the cleaning supplied or the music was influencing him but he obediently leaned back into the chair, spreading his legs to allow you more room.
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Masterlist  ❤︎  Tag List Form 
A/N - sorry, i was gone for a little while i had a wee health scare 😗
Tag List: @thychuvaluswife ❤︎ @shuttlelauncher81 ❤︎  @lostinsideourminds ❤︎ @v1naco  ❤︎  @konig-breedme ❤︎ @wolfyland07 ❤︎ @dog55teeth ❤︎ @cumbersome-robes
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damagnificentcookie · 22 days
Run Rabbit Run RUN R̶̨̘͓͍͉̬̈́̾̀̕͠U̴̬̱̭̭̼̫̩͔̠̇N̸̝̳̦͎̎
Dark!Alma Peregrine X Reader
Summary: You started to stir awake but you can't see anything. You tried to scream but nothing came out of your mouth. You wriggled around..and alas your legs were free from restraint. Taking the chance you started running...Running where? You don't know, all you knew was you had to Run Run Run.
Warning: Drugs, kidnapping, manipulating, a chase, swear, blood(?)
Tag List: @athenodora-sulpicia-writer @saithussss
A/n: Hehe secret part 2 to "Forever Mine". Sorry if this isn't really that well written, I didn't proofread it :') If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions, please do tell me. Thank you and please enjoy :D
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(not my gif)*I stole your gif buddy >:)
Part 1
"Tsssk..." The needle settled in place as the gramophone stuttered to life. The disk started to spin but no noise came out at first...then a song started to play as the sun slowly started rising.
On the farm, ev'ry Friday On the farm, it's rabbit pie day
Alma yawned as she slowly sat up, looking at the clock above her vanity she realized she woke up an hour earlier.
She smiled to herself and then laughed. She was in such a good mood she decided to let the childrens sleep an extra thirty minutes while she went downstairs to take care of her little bunny.
Going to her vanity she started to brush her hair and put it into her usual hairdo while humming a little tune.
So ev'ry Friday that ever comes along I get up early and sing this little song
Alma sighed in satisfaction as she finished applying her makeup. She got up and started making her way to the door when she paused and stood there for a while.
Deciding on it, she went back to her vanity and opened a drawer. Inside it was several of her feathers that she keeps for "emergencies".
Taking out a feather she put it into her dress pocket and went to leave her room this time with an unsettling expression.
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run
You started to stir awake but you couldn't see anything. Panicking you started to thrash around only to realize your hands and legs were bound to something.
You tried to remember how you got here but your mind was foggy, all that came to mind was you wrapping presents for...Alma...that's right, Alma the regular at the library you worked at.
You tried to remember more but only remembered going to...to...AHHH-
Feeling a sharp pain in your head you tried to steady your breathing as tears started to well up in your eyes while you frantically started to loosen out of the restraints.
Getting increasingly frightened, you prepared to scream for help when you realized you were tied to a chair. Taking this opportunity you tried your best to stand up before throwing yourself to the floor and breaking the chair in the process.
You groaned in agony as there was blood gushing from your sides but you pushed through the pain to get up and move towards the door before someone comes to check out the commotion.
Bang, bang, bang, bang goes the farmer's gun Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run, run
Rattling the door you cursed to yourself as you realized it was locked. You looked around to see if there were any other openings you can try to escape through but the blood gushing from your side was affecting your vision.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you noticed a small window that was hidden behind a stack of boxes. Your eyes lightened up as a small bit of hope was reignited. Quickly hurrying, you moved the boxes as quietly as you could until the window was visible.
The window was big enough for you to squeeze out of but it would cause a bit of trouble with the gash on your side. Your planning was cut short when you heard the unmistakable sound of heels growing louder as they came towards the basement.
Hurridly, you climbed onto the boxes and thankfully the window easily pushed open. Hoisting yourself up you crawled through the window and dragged yourself across the grass. You cried in pain when your side got stuck between the frame as it started to dig into your side.
"Dear, what are you trying to do?" You froze as you heard a low voice behind you. A rush of fear came upon you, digging your nails into the grass in an attempt to get yourself unstuck.
You felt a hand on your waist as it gently pulled you back into the basement. You tried to break yourself free, but your captor was surprisingly strong.
Frightened, you kicked Alma as hard as you could, causing her to stumble back onto the floor as you took the chance to push yourself fully through the window. Frozen in pain, you sat on the floor trying to collect your breath as the gash on your side has been torn bigger making your head start spinning from the blood loss and excruciating pain.
Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run.
You heard Alma grunt in annoyance as she got up and quickly made her way to the window as she got onto the boxes as well. Noticing how your efforts are about to go in vain, you ignored the pain and made a run for town to try and get to the sheriff for help.
Run rabbit - run rabbit - Run! Run! Run!
Alma felt a pang of dread overcome her as she saw her bunny run away from her. She finally had you, you were supposed to love her... and now you're leaving her. Afraid of losing you, she immediately shifted and flew to follow you before an idea came to mind. You don't remember about the loop...you don't know the whole world is in her hands.
Her heart slowed down realizing you can never leave her, you needed her. But she will let you run for now, she will get you in 15 minutes when you reach the sheriff's office. No one can take you away. She will kill them, and she will keep killing them over and over again so no one can take you away.
Don't give the farmer his fun! Fun! Fun! He'll get by without his rabbit pie
So run rabbit - run rabbit - Run! Run! Run!
A/N: Thank you all for reading! I know everyone was waiting for a part 2 and I am so sorry that this isn't as long and as good as I previously tried to make it. But school has been hitting me hard recently and I realized if I didn't publish this soon I probably might delay it for a year or more again :')
I am so sorry for the wait and I really do appreciate all of the support and I hope everyone enjoys this, even though it is a bit short. Have a good day/night!!!
If people want this to be longer I might edit it to make it better and longer but that has to wait till I get all my school affairs ready :,) I had a lot of plans for this and wanted to make it a long chapter but I wanted to keep my promise to yall
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huskynotwolf · 4 months
Tongues and Teeth
-song by the Crane Wives
-fanfic by The Crazy Husky
No. 2
(This is a project I made for Crane Wives x Life Series. Scott basically enjoys singing here and plans to do a project to sing every song by the Crane Wives. All lyrics belong to Crane Wives, and I own the fanfic.)
Pearl muttered unhappily as she hefted her guitar up. Scott was also grouching, apparently disagreeing with Grian as well, since he made them sing. He made both of them sing a song about him and Scar.
Scott could also see that Pearl was on the edge of breaking. She hated being forced to do stuff. Grian had overheard them singing, and it was as embarrassing as it sounds. Cleo also told Scar, so Pearl had beaten her up so hard she was sent to infirmary for three days.
Scott began thinking of anything to describe their relationship… the song Tongues and Teeth came to his mind, and he began furiously trying to remember the lyrics.
Recently, he and Pearl had listened to way more Crane Wives songs than they’re supposed to, but at least they’re both completely consent with that, although things get awkward afterwards. He could remember a few more song lyrics than before, so he was confident to hit Grian hard enough so he wouldn’t bother them anymore.
He tugged Pearl’s shoulder and whispered, “Tongues and Teeth. That one.” She thought of it for a moment, then nodded. Giggling, she tuned her guitar and readied, casting a final glance at me. I nodded, then we began.
She immediately began strumming the strings of the guitar, starting the song. He prepared himself for the first lyrics. “I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel, it's all that I can give to you, my dear.” He sung as she slowed down the speed of the music.
“And when you come in quick to steal a kiss, my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear.” Scott gave Pearl a tiny smile while Grian and Scar watched intently with extreme confusion. “And I know that you mean so well, but I am not a vessel for your good intent,” Scott nudged Pearl with his shoulder, and she took the singing part while simultaneously playing the guitar. “I will only break your pretty things. I will only wring you dry of everything, but if you're fine with that, you can be mine like that,” She sung.
“~~~” She began playing the guitar with such intensity that he though it would basically just give up and break like Pearl’s first guitar (she smashed it, then smashed Scott’s). Grian looked at Scar, who shrugged back at him. “Dunno,” he muttered.
“Abandon all your stupid dreams
About the girl I could have been, my dear. 'Cause in the night I know you burn with feelings I cannot return, my dear, oh, my dear,” she sung, then shot Scott a look to signal him to continue. “You gotta know that this won't last. Desperation will erase the fact I'm keeping all,” he raised his voice slightly.
“Of the answers in my cigarette box. Yeah, the answer's in the second before the other shoe drops. And if you're blind to that, I am fine with that,” As soon as he finished, Pearl launched into another series of intense guitar playing. “~~~”
“I think she means us,” Grian muttered to Scar. Scar glared at him, shocked, then said, “Nah, it’s probably just the song.” Grian slapped him then looked back at the two preforming pair. By then Cleo, Martyn, BigB, Impulse and Ren had came over to watch, but Scott and Pearl continued, ignoring them and focused on their original goal.
“Oh, I will ruin you,” Pearl sung, then passed it to Scott. “Oh, I will ruin you.” He sung without missing a beat. “It's a habit - I can't help it. I know that you mean so well, but I am not a vessel for your good intent,” Pearl nodded slightly then they joined each other into the final verses.
“I will only break your pretty things. I will only wring you dry of everything, and if you're fine with that. If you're fine with that,” They sung, with Pearl continuing her part as the guy with the guitar. “I will poison all your happy thoughts,” Pearl’s shoulder muscles suddenly tensed. “I love you like the ashes in my cigarette box, and if you're fine with that,” Pearl gripped the guitar harder. “You can be mine.” She kept playing, though Scott could see her excitement vibrating from her body. “If you're fine with that, you can be mine~”
She then followed up with her amazing guitar skills, playing through the rest of the song like an expert. Scott sung to the tune, then they concluded by Scott whooping the final part and Pearl trailing off with her guitar.
Everyone began clapping, with only Scar and Grian feeling very flustered and was looking away from each other, nervous. As soon as the clapping ended, though, Pearl hefted the wooden guitar and smashed it on Scar’s head. It broke into splinters. “That’s for making me sing in public!” She screeched. Scar scowled back, brushing wood bits off his head.
Scott sighed. He’s gonna have to make an unbreakable guitar for Pearl next time. Either she’s gonna take it out on Scott or someone else is ending up in the infirmary.
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soulntes · 1 year
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the song cords of the great mother's children is added an important milestone that represents the life of that child. the song cords are sang from it's beginning until the end of their journey of life.
the birth and death.
ingyen made it a habit of singing his lullaby every night before he sleeps to remind him the importance of his existence so he'd dream of healing and the growth of his influence.
with the reputation that demon left on the child, she made it her destiny to changing it as her son who'll become a mighty warrior. she kept talking highly of him on his learning abilities and skills when her mother asked how her grandchild has become quite an excellent teacher for the humans at such a young age. seykxel talks highly about his knowledge on plants, animals and facts about eywa's life that his mother taught him were important which the scientists took serious when they listened to his rambles.
he was young to enjoy the life pandora offered in his tiny hands that is too much, for him to receive back by the people. constant stares and conversations all in front of the child about what his father had done when he just wanted to be seen as one of them who was born here. born to be omatikaya. ingyen's protectiveness can protect much as she was one of the chief's daughters but such a single glare can last for a moment to shield her child.
ingyen loves seykxel.
her love continues to grow, it may become her downfall.
the time apart from her son, can be her greatest strength in gaining him back and go home where they belong. her mother must be praying countless of times for their return and faith to come back safely but to discover their true path and decide what they believe is right by eywa. ingyen hopes she can do her right by will and guide her son.
next thing you know, as she sung his song cord of his first birth the exhaustion consumed her and her eyes closed to dream of seykxel in front of her with his adorable smile.
spider always felt isolated and alone back at home. never interacted much with the other na'vi children his age other than the sully kids as the adults weren't fond of a human child near them. now he was more than ever spending the night in a whole different environment with no escape and in the same place as the avatar with the memories stored inside of the deceased man. the recom secured him a room to himself where he can be alone and not be disturb by any scientist or tests they were putting him through.
there he is. alone. quiet. without his mother.
he tried closing his eyes so the next day comes fast as he thought of a plan to flee, the sooner he is given freedom with the avatars but like always he thought of his mom. his mother's a strong, independent na'vi woman and he knows deep in his heart she's starting searching him even to the ends of time.
the reason he can't sleep or calm his nerves because she wasn't there to sing his song cord or another lullaby. the way she looks and how he misses the way they always joke around before a good night rest so he wants to try humming of what his mom sang. the song of his song cord.
spider starts to hum quietly the first line even with the heart ache hurting in his chest to hear glimpse of her soft voice.
"i bring you to the family. i experience the light. a miracle arrives, a birth that comes from me."
just outside spider's room, miles was about to knock on his door to inform him about their time to head out of base, he heard the kid barely singing a familiar tune with hesitation as if he wants to remember how it went. so he stood there quietly, not even he felt himself holding his breathe for a moment.
"great joy that is in the heart. great joy that is in the heart of the people. you brought me love and me back. a blessing that outshines anything."
miles may not know the meaning of the lyrics but they are for sure something important and sacred for the kid when he hears him sniffling a little.
"we thank you for the nights of life. we thank you. for the days of life. for i am yours and you are mine. o eywa, o eywa." spider chokes back his crying avoiding his eyes to become puffy in the morning. no matter how strong other see him and the capability he has to survive on his own, he will always want his mother.
his mother's cooking. her scowls at him. to hear her voice once again and hug her tightly, never letting go. the only one who gave him life and importance. as he repeated the song again, miles knocks slightly which startled him.
the avatar didn't hear a response just plain silence, "hey kid. we're heading out tomorrow early morning sharp. don't be up so late and be ready by the time i come by for you."
still no response.
he leaves it at that making his way to his room for preparations tomorrow and the guilt begins to eat away his soul.
yes, it was the sake for his mission to take the boy to base for information on jake sully but now that he fixed everything so he'd be away from any gadgets and being poked at..
the silence creeps its way into his thoughts, laying in his bed with the boy missing his mother the most. the na'vi woman with the scar under her left eye. their skin were the same there wasn't much if a difference but he remembers her four fingers, her tough but lean figure, her hair sometimes braided or loose, her body adorned in such wonderful detail of beads, strings, and plants decorating her skin.
the smile she showed him. only him.
with the image trying to be grasped in his thoughts, he too fell into a deep sleep that night.
not short after spider sang more of the lullabies from his childhood, he slept with a tear stained face and the eclipse light shining down on all three of them.
it was the forest in the same location.
ingyen woke up in the hut with a small breeze making it's way through the crack of the entrance and the sun shinning. she rose herself off the ground careful that she doesn't hurt herself and her... round belly.
a round belly?
this is the same thing in the dream she dreamt of the other night with the mysterious na'vi man. as steady as she went, her back ached at getting up to do her usual routine of the day when her son came.
spider saw his mom making an effort to stand on her own, as the responsible eldest son, he grabs her by her arm and gently lifts her, using his entire body to help. ingyen grins at his kind heart, "seykxel, i appreciate you helping but i am capable of doing stuff on my own. see. now let me start on planning dinner for all of us."
her son brushes off whatever she had said and retorts, "you know sa'nok, you've taken care of me my whole life and helped me adjust the omatikaya way. in return i've prepared myself for this kind of help you need. now i am taking care of your well being and my sibling."
ingyen's heart swells with happiness and pride at her son's consideration, always thinking about others like hers when she bears a child. spider goes to hug her with his ear placed right at her stomach, to feel his baby brother or sister. he senses the slightest movements they're making,"i feel they're going to be a girl." his mom quirks her head humming in amusement at his assumption, "how so? we don't know if you'll have a baby brother, my dear seykxel." she teases tickling his neck and he chuckles at the funny sensation. it's his weak spot.
spider shrugs, "just a hunch. if it is a baby sister then my instincts are getting stronger mom."
ingyen rolls her eyes playfully and sits on a rock near their hut as spider hands his mother the unfinished blanket in her hands. it was starting to look like a proper blanket, might as well she finishes the final touches since her boy won't budge from his pleas to do some light work.
with watching her surroundings it doesn't seem threatening or a mirage of a reality to fool her into thinking the possibility of losing something. the hut in the forest that gets a gorgeous view of the sky when it gets dark you can count every star to connect a picture and tell stories.
obviously the tools and weapons they have were in perfect shape to be refiled or inspected for a better reshape but it seems their things were also a mix of the customs of sky people.
she is familiar with chairs because there were three of them stacked near their hut. a fire arm with strong threads and beaded patterns on it of both na'vi and humans. just like jake does. there was also sky people clothes tucked deep into a basket so she goes to grab it. spider's attention is on organizing the hut where his mother laid to have it prepared again in case she grew tired again, for him to notice her movement.
she grabs what was a green shirt with a few tiny hole in it in the size for a fully grown man. it might fit seykxel but he'd never lay sight on these types of clothes. then she sees a pair of pants with half of it torn off like cut as if they tried making it comfortable. this is odd. she thought in who would be wearing it.
ingyen didn't think to know what to tell her son and she said, "where is your sempul, seykxel?"
her son shouts loud enough, "he is out hunting since early morning, sa'nok! he let me know when i was barely waking." the mother more confused than ever of becoming a mate with someone who is the father of her children now.
who is he?
living in the forest is truly a nightmare for miles even if it was a dream he could barely forget about. the insects bothering him when he is trying to focus in providing. the loin clothe he wears is something new and wants it to desperately cooperates with his movements because at this point he's turning back and will grab his pants back.
but he promised.
promised? promised what?
the bow and arrows he has at the ready, he scourges and blends in within eywa's nature to find another animal. he knows it isn't easy with the patience he barely has and every little noise clicking away that causes every twitch his ears makes.
it becomes more of a challenge than a routine for him since he has the memories of a deceased man, uncooperative and not open to learning about eywa's life, it's difficult to learn new things with the old ways of that man.
at this point he did enough on his part to finally head back home where he'll present their meat and fruits for the day. he brushes his slight curly hair that almost reach the end of his earlobes and take his leave, maybe he'll run into more resource to bring back.
as he thought earlier, he spots a hexapede eating. he killed it and thank for it's life given to them like he practiced multiple times from being smacked and flicked on his head for not getting it right. for the lack of learning and respect he had as she angrily taught him.
she was vicious thinking she intentionally wanted to make learning difficult for him so he'd get it through his thick skull so she could get every opportunity to hit him as discipline. her scrunched up nose when she's upset matching her unpleased glare staring deep into his got him amused plenty of times on purpose. just to see her ears flatten back and tail flick at his actions.
miles continues his path that he arrives seeing the mother of spider, going over his old torn up clothes touching the fabric. her face was still a blur to him so he left it at that and places the stuff he gathered on the ground. she felt his presence and her face instantly lights up with joy as she makes her way to him, kind of a waddle from her bump.
this amuses miles with pride and confidence when she is glowing and showing her stomach. she goes to embrace her mate with his arms around her, gently squeezing her and pecks her braided hair. he hums at her affection and says, "did you miss me, beautiful mama?"
she responded with an exaggerated tone, "no, i just happen to like giving hugs to kind strangers bringing me food for me and my children."
miles chuckles and squeezes her shoulders then turned her around, her back touching his bare chest, "is that so? then i hope there weren't men looking for a chance at steal my woman away when she's all prepared to birth our baby that we made?" he dips his head in her neck to give tiny bites on her unmarked blue skin, "because i haven't marked you enough to show who's mine."
she squeals using her hands to shove him from the affection displayed out in the open and when her son is in the hut, a few feet away and seconds to open to see his parents in their moment.
but it was too late. seykxel already seen it all before and hoped to never see them until now.
spider makes a frown expression and gags, "bro, really? i thought you promised to save that for dates nights and when i'm not around. great! now it's imprinted in my brain!" he throws his hands up in a joking matter and grabs the legs of the animal near the hut to start peeling the skin.
ingyen slaps her mate's arm to stop and he pecks her lips quickly for a chance before the kid sees. miles enjoys teasing the boy with his mom and her when she gasps, "can't help myself kid when your mother is irresistible and gorgeous. plus i like the look on your face. it's hilarious."
spider gags again starting to feel like he should go find beads, rocks, or anything at this point to chuck it at his father. ingyen's face keeps getting a darker shade from the compliments from that man's mouth.
with the jokes, teasing and intimate moments made everything seem right for each of them.
even if they didn't know the true meaning behind these dreams they keep getting and when they'll stop because.. it's all they know. know it's from the great mother's will.
once upon a dream.. these three interact many ways as a family would. a family who love and protect each other without knowing how they are so interactive and affectionate on a daily in their dream state.
the mother showing her pregnancy in the forest where her mind wanders into a neverending peace and relaxation. admiring the home built for them from scratch and decorations inside were detailed with patience and time. the thought of bearing a child and her son showing excitement over a new member in the family, swearing he'll be the best older brother they'll ever have.
the father not knowing he ever learned to hunt and search resources to provide for his family, he never met, motivates him to adjust like a true na'vi. going as far as appearing the same as them. it was a nice change of look from what he could imagine when he felt his hair. the way the na'vi woman appeared more gorgeous and breathtaking as the days go on and her dashing smile showing her happiness that he is making it happen for her.
the son. their son completely dedicated and does his very best in helping his mother the most through her time. proving he can be a good older brother once they're born to show them what he learned from their mother. play with them and telling them stories and teaching them tricks to play on their father in the future. become a protector and fighter whenever his sibling will need it and comfort them in their need of cries and helplessness. make each other jewelery for their parents as gifts and hunt together. their adventures are awaiting to be searched and filled with laughter and joy.
a family.
a family where love will bloom if it's followed and they're guided by their choices they believe is right.
then here dreams become a reality one day.
until another once upon a dream...
- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
morning approaches the forest where ingyen wakes suddenly that her hand goes over her stomach but there was no bump. she steadies her breathe looking around her to see if there weren't any enemies or predators around.
once it was clear for her, she packed her stuff inside her bag and checked her bow and arrows so she could head off for the search of her son.
on her way, she's been thinking about what could truly be waiting for her and seykxel of that very man in her dreams. from it's calm and bonding she noticed between them three can mean someone accepting her son for who he is and sees him how she does and treats him as such by the teasing he's done to him.
the intimacy with three shows their connection with each other and through these moments helps her ease her mind that seykxel might gain what he's been hoping for since he was a child. a father who sees him.
a man who sees her child.
there's no such miracle like that as long seykxel is her son and they go back home with her mother where it's safe.
a loud knock suddenly awoke spider to stand on fours for guard but he remembers that he isn't home. he relaxes himself as he rubs his eyes to get used to the bright light, another loud knocks sounded through the room that annoyed him so he covered his ears to prevent it.
miles grew tired by the second of knocking continuously and the throbbing pain again in his head because he told him they were leaving on the dot and they were wasting precious time. "kid, i told you to be up early! hurry your little stripped butt or i'll leave you here to be dealt with by those science pukes!" he shouts through the metal door and spider hisses back at him.
"don't hiss at me, i can hear you clearly through this door, monkey boy! i wouldn't be knocking like a maniac if you listened to what i said!" at this point miles is acting like a damn babysitter than a colonel on how he responds to spider and his actions.
just to be petty, spider destroys anything the room every step he took to the door seeing a fumed, full gear avatar staring down at him with his hands placed on his hips. the boy shoves him to the side and miles does it back to show him authority leading him where they should've been at earlier.
they're really acting like children.
the recom team were prepared and waited for their colonel's orders to head out on the helicopter, ready to take them where they needed to be at.
miles hands spider a oxygen mask and exo-pack for him to attach where he wanted. as soon the doors opened he ordered them to aboard the airship and he holds the kid by his shoulder, ducking to his ear level telling him what he should be doing.
spider quickly got on the airship and saw the armed gun in front of him and thought how cool it looked. he grabs the handles playing with the movements it has when miles sees him handling the gun, "whoa, hold on there hot shot! listen up, there is a tracker built into that mask. we hit ground and you take off, i'll have you back in two minutes and i will give you an old school ass whipping. understood?" he orders spider who kept looking anywhere but him and miles repeated the question.
"yes sir." he mockingly tells him with a roll of his eyes and decides it's best to stay put to avoid being heavily watched, "just wait when my mom finds me, you're all dead meat and she'll send you to eywa."
zdog side eyes him on his comment she didn't understand but bumps her elbow slightly to give him a warning.
ingyen's been searching through the forest meanwhile leaving small traps to alert anything that relates to a person's screams and she'll act immediately.
she maintains focus on every trail and scent that's out of ordinary than her regular forest, seeing tracks of combat boots and varies of small parts from bullets they were shooting at. the shack is where they were holding the children hostage and had an altercation between both parties.
her sister's arrows pierced into the dead demons bodies, laid there for the ground of the great mother to embrace. before she parts, she prays for their souls be judged by eywa herself and lead them the path of their passing and choose to embrace when she decides.
they were similar to jake sully as avatars but they had some strange aura around their bodies that seem too real to be a dream walker. to talk and walk through the eye of eywa but act on behalf of the sky demon's which ended their rebirth.
the work of the demon's technology has altered to the point where they mess with the great mother herself to get what they want and obtain something that doesn't belong to them.
some things the humans invent is becoming worrisome for the people that even toruk makto himself sought for uturu somewhere else to keep everyone safe and left the omatikaya from becoming a target for the rda.
ingyen swears to send a message to the rda like they sent their demon soldiers to kidnap and use children for their use of dominance. just like them, she'll be a nightmare to gain what is hers and show them no mercy.
a mother's loves is a mother's rage.
her ears twitch at the odd but similar sound of the blades of the airship getting closer and closer to where she is a few feet from. and began the head ached again.
following the sound, she has her arrow ready to shoot and rushes through the trees ignoring the pain. once it gets louder she climbs a tree to continue by branch to be hidden from sight.
if this is one of the soldiers who've taken her son, she'll have them plead and be the last thing they see.
the airships release their ropes close to the ground for the recoms to slide down and take position on guard until everyone is off. ingyen carefully inspects every movement and action they take to know what she's up against and use it on themselves. there were seven of them when the last one came down with.. seykxel.
she gasps and her heart is pumping with anxiety to come out and grab him as she was desperate to have him in her reach again but she stood her ground and follows her plan. she can't help but tear up at his bruised body and untamed hair. her poor child must've went through something that these demons put him through.
her eyes darken with pupils dilated and nose flaring in anger, she controlled herself before she gets them in a worse situation. once the airship leaves, they were left alone in the forest to fend for themselves.
their colonel gathered everyone for a quick talk.
"listen up. jake sully has gone underground. don't matter wherever he is, we'll find him and his bat shit crazy wife too." he comment on neytiri which bothers ingyen's at his disrespectful mouth not knowing he'd be terrified of her.
ingyen let out a calling that she trained her son to hear when he was young. at a safe distance she sounded off again that caught spider's attention but didn't make it obvious so he makes a wave movement of his hand behind his back. she saw it knowing he is aware of her presence.
miles sense the shift of spider's body language when he is behind him on a huge log but continue with the conversation, "to do so, we go na'vi. full all the way that means we eat na'vi. we ride na'vi. we think na'vi. and that starts with speaking the language."
when miles switch to the na'vi language it made spider chuckle at the pronunciation and lack of effort to be able speak in a fully sentence. that earned him a glare from miles and the rest of the recoms as if he grew two heads.
now this is amusing to the boy to show off his skills, "you call that speaking the language? you sound worse than a three year old." with that was a long silence and he smiled in triumph that they were outsmarted by a teenager.
his mother sent out another call that she's getting closer. the man's ear twitch at the sound which is a lot like how jake sully's wife did last night.
he faced the boy knowing he is making some kind of communication with someone among the forest, "alright smart guy. you just went from being our monkey mascot to official interpreter that means you teach us what it means to be na'vi. since you grew up here, show us the way of the people as they say."
spider's arches his eyebrow scoffing at his order, "you? all of you want to learn to be na'vi? i am sure you won't be able to survive on your own without those gadgets you have because us true na'vi use only our weapons and knowledge. it'll be hell for you."
ingyen prepared her aim towards the man next to her son right at the head as seykxel distracted them to give her time.
miles sighs, "you know i'm this close to beating your ass. didn't you hear me kid, we want to learn and you are our ticket for that. we look na'vi, all we need from you is to teach us how you lived among them. i mean you were raised by one. right?"
the boy answers back when he mentioned it, "so what? here am i. alive and better than ever before you and the rest of the demons came back to haunt everyone again. you will never learn and open yourself to be na'vi."
just as ingyen was ready to let go of her arrow and end the demon's life, a atokirina elegantly makes its way on her arrow as a sign to not do it. she immediately withdraws her weapon and watches it float down where the group were.
with the argument the colonel and kid were having, spider noticed the seed landing on his hand pointing towards the recom as everyone watched it float. then it made its way in front of the man landing on his shoulder. more came out of nowhere making the recoms see it as a threat to their leader and draw their weapons to shot them down.
the kid shouted in desperation over the pure spirits being interpreted wrong, "no! don't shoot! these are harmless!"
all of them landed on every inch of his upper body that miles felt weird in this kind of situation at these critters doing nothing but using him as a tree. seeing them himself were magnificent because in his memories, human quaritch refused learning the wild life and entities living on the planet that his ignorance lacked empathy.
"these are atokirina. woodsprites. seeds from the tree of souls and very pure spirits that give signs and considered bearers of omens to the na'vi. they chosen him.. for a reason." just as spider finished his explanation, the woodsprites floated off of him and into the forest to do another will.
everyone of them there were speechless and confused about the interaction. ingyen couldn't believe what she just witnessed. is this what the great mother had planned for her and her son?
she changes plans to spare the demon and acted fast on her next move.
miles is about to ask why those weird things did what they did when someone landed behind him, catching him off guard to hit him in his face, and climb behind his back. holding him by the base of his braid, tugging to draw out a grunt of pain and a knife rest on his neck.
"ma sa'nok! ftang lehrrap, eywa pe'un fìpo tutan!" her son jumps in defense of miles. mom! stop it's dangerous. eywa has chosen this man.
ingyen hisses at the demons pointing their guns at her holding their colonel hostage. miles felt like a fool for letting himself get distracted and tries to assert his strength onto her but her grip was too strong and her legs wrapped around his waist tightens.
this could be jake sully's friend by the size and spider addressing her as mother.
it was fight between everyone that a furious na'vi woman caught them off guard getting him in a sticky situation.
miles tries to speak from the blade touching his blue skin, "let's not be rash about this-"
ingyen hisses interrupting him pushing the knife closer and spoke next to his ear filled with hate, "tìfnu vrrtep! aynga 'aku ta letsranten oe kop fitseng fwew tsatu!" silence demon! you all taken someone important to me and i'm here for him.
he felt a chill run down his spine terrified of saying the wrong thing so he looks at the kid for help in translating, "spider. this woman understands what we are saying. tell me, what does she want? if not, something will happen here?"
one of the recoms, lyle, quickly grabs the kid in a head lock and directs his aim at him. this caused both, mother's and former father's, ears to perk of the danger spider is in and ingyen let's out a cry thinking she should've shoved her son behind her away from those filthy demons.
"lonu ma'itan! fu oe tspang nga!"" release my son! she shouted on top of her lungs shaking miles wanting for her child to be safe.
"my mother says you've taken someone important to her, she's here for me. i'm her son." he struggles to say so miles comes to a conclusion for all of them, "alright mama, we are not going to hurt your kid. if you just let me go and i'll guarantee he won't be harmed by anyone. let's settle a deal."
she searches a spect of movement from the demon holding her child to hurting him and continues to press her blade on his neck. "demon. i want my son back! you taken him from me thinking you were going to kill him. you are lucky he only has bruises or i would slice your neck!" the na'vi woman states holding her ground. "just give me my son."
"you can have him back but you're gonna have to ride with us, sweetheart because the kid has a tracker on that mask which will lead us where jake sully is. either you stay with us and let me go or you ain't getting spider back." miles coughs out holding her arm to breathe.
ingyen calms down detecting any lies on his face, "you lie and you're dead, demon." with that she releases miles and lyle backs off the kid who ran towards his mother.
the na'vi mother cries out with her arms open wide for him to crash into her body. she hugs her seykxel tight, afraid that he'll slip through her fingers and disappear, she kisses his head thanking mother eywa in protecting her son.
spider finally knows it's really her in the flesh. her warm body and motherly nature filling his needs, it didn't matter if they haven't seen each other a whole day, it'll feel like years being apart.
the recoms check on the colonel regaining his oxygen back and brushes off his soldiers that he was alright, they watch the reunion between mother and son.
miles can see the woman now. her head laying on top of spider's head, he searches for the scar under her left eye to prove what he saw in the lab wasn't just his imagination of his dreams.. and there it was.
how is it the possibility that the woman of his dreams is the mother of his son? the possibility meeting in this kind of situation?
son? you've forgotten your mission or you've gone soft?
he shakes his head and coughs to get their attention. ingyen holds her son close thinking they'll take him away but miles holds his hands up showing her no harm, "relax mama. nobody ain't laying a single touch on your kid. i'm just going to make myself clear. you and monkey boy are going to teach us to be na'vi because that's the only way you are safe from the rda and us. anything that makes me think you're running, we'll catch up and prepare yourselves for the worst. we got a deal, sweetheart?" he brings out his hand to shake on it with her.
ingyen eyes his hands but stubbornly decides to agree with him. the name made her heart flutter a little which she beats herself up in her thoughts on why she felt putty about it.
miles gets close to them slowly, "what's your name?" she ignores him with a huff turning her back. that earned her a low chuckle, entertained at her grouchy behavior, "well if you're not planning on telling me, might as well call you sweetheart. sweet cheeks? princess?"
she tried. she really tried her best to not give him what he wanted and her tail gave it away with a flick at each name so she hisses, bearing her teeth, "don't call me that!"
"that's what i'm calling you from now on since you are a difficult one to answer a simple question. come one sweetheart. we're eating and setting up camp for a new day tomorrow of teaching us to be na'vi." miles goes to jokingly play with her of petting her hair and she didn't take it lightly as she tries to bite his hand.
he grins at her action waiting for her and spider to follow him. spider didn't want to let go so ingyen carries him in her arms and walks in front the demon and behind his group.
after everyone settled down where camp is going to be made, the recoms took out their food supply that was filled with human resources that filled ingyen's nose in disgust.
miles tried handing some to spider but the mother slaps it out of his hand, he stood there unfazed she didn't want her kid eating what is strange to her, "what is it now, princess? your kid gotta eat something." she shakes her head going for her bow and arrows and says, "that isn't good for him, seykxel needs what we call food helps him grow strong and healthy. i hunt food for him."
the colonel immediately grabs hold of her hand as she flinches at his sudden grip that sends some sort of energy through her body. it's happening to him as well.
miles rubs his temples with his free hand, "i'm sorry sweet thing but one of us has to go with you and the kid stays with the rest of the group."
ingyen scoffs with the roll of her eyes and points shouting at him, "fine! you come with me" the recoms started to whistle and celebrate at the na'vi woman choosing the very man she tried to kill. they think he fancies her now with the charms he has.
the colonel shrugs agreeing with the na'vi lady before she gets more upset at limiting their freedom. he follows but seen how she moves diligently through the plants and trees that is difficult for him with the boots he has.
there was the awkward silence so he decided to start a conversation, "so princess, what do you hunt that's good for the kid? isn't most meat and other stuff toxic for him to digest?" each step he takes gets him to loose his balance and she has to grab him steady.
ingyen feels she's taking care of a child more than her son who needs the food, "i hunt, you quiet. need to concentrate better. you are better in silence than a yapping baby or you scare away prey." as she insults him the rest in her mumbling and for miles, he grins at her small antics.
he nods at her statement with a wider smile and winks at her, "okay sweet heart. i watch and you hunt. I'll ask questions later." she huffs at his behavior so she ignores him and starts to navigate her surroundings checking for an animal nearby.
miles watches her in her area of the forest how she acts and is steady with her movements. she'll be a heck of a teacher for them to even get the slightest thing right.
he watches her come to a stop and aims her weapon somewhere in her line of sight for a second and shoots. a thump heard a few feet away, she takes action with the very dagger that was on his neck a few moments ago, she kneeled next to it saying something he barely catch and ended the life of an animal in a fast death. he was surprised at her quick movements, "you're amazing princess, a natural."
ingyen chose he should know her name so he'd quit with the names, "ingyen."
"my name is ingyen." she repeats
"oh that's a pretty name." he compliments and she turns her head when she started to feel embarrassed not used to being called that by a demon.
as she went to carry the animal and head back, miles offered in doing so, "hold it princess, i'll do the honors." and so he carried it over his shoulder not catching the glare she sent his way after telling him her name yet decides to call her another stupid name.
"i am ingyen. i told you my name." she rebutted
to make matters worse, miles poked his teasing further again, "i know.. i just love calling you other names, sweet mama." with that he booked it back to camp when he caught her look as the mother chased after the demon to hit him on the head with her bow.
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@skinmittensgoblin @eternallyvenus @winxschester @perseny @cleverzonkwombatsludge @reallysparklychaos @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @liyahsocorro @violet-19999 @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @ratchetprime211 @analuw
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
ask from @lorkai: Twst idea: Particularly there's this song that I love and I can say it's my comfort song, even though I constantly forget the lyrics. So I was imagining a Yuu who is alone in a completely different world, without their cell phone or any items from the world they came from, freaking out when they're finally alone after weeks because they can't remember the song.
Yuu forgets their comfort song
Warning(s): angst obv, book 3 spoilers?
Words: 913
A/N: AHHHH!!! I love this!!! I kinda got carried away lol, hope you like it luv!
At first, being thrusted into a new and unfamiliar world seemed like something you could work with. You've watched enough shows and read enough books about this type of thing to understand how to deal with it the best you could. You were a bit uncomfortable being away from all your things but you could handle it. After all, you survived being literally thrown into a different dimension, so being away from your things in said dimension was nothing.
But the longer you stayed the more nervous you got. Don't get me wrong you enjoyed it in Twisted Wonderland, you've made many good friends and have had so much fun not including the overblots, but it was still terrifying at times, being away from where you felt most safe.
It would keep you up at night sometimes but that wasn't much of a problem for you, simply humming the tune of your favorite song was enough you calm your nerves down to the point where you could fall asleep. You hummed that song to yourself almost every night as the feeling kept getting worse. After a few weeks of you humming and singing the song nearly every night, you started to forget the lyrics and beat, so you decided to write down as much of it as you could remember so it could jog your memory. This worked for a short while, until,,,
It had been an incredibly long day, actually no, long week. Grim Ace and Deuce had gotten into trouble again and you had to convince Jack to help you get them out of it, and in the process of helping them, you nearly lost Ramshackle. Oh yeah and another overblot happened but that's nothing new. It was a lot and you just wanted to get a good full night's rest, maybe even sleep in a bit. Before you went to bed you did your usual routine, locking the doors, putting your pjs on, etc. As you got tucked into bed, next to an already sleeping Grim, you retched to grab your notepad that lay on the bedside table only for it to be missing. Scrambling back out of bed you looked all over the floor and the rest of the room but it was nowhere to be seen. You took a deep breath to keep from panicking anymore and reassured yourself that you don't need it.
Crawling back into bed you kept telling yourself that you could remember the song on your own, even going so far as to say you didn't need it at all. It had been hours since you laid down and you still couldn't fall asleep, the sinking nervous feeling in your stomach only grew with each passing minute. You eventually gave in and were going to try and hum the melody of the song, but your mind only came up blank. You started mumbling whatever words that you associated with the song, even tapping your finger on the headboard trying to find the beat or anything close. But no matter how much mumbling, humming, or tapping you did, you couldn't remember any part of the song. It was like the song never existed like it just vanished without a trace, only leaving the memory of the comforting safe feeling it gave you and a sudden sinking sense of dread mixed with a growing panic. The thought of you slowly forgetting your home terrified you to no end.
While all these emotions quickly grew, all you could do was lay there in a bed that has never felt more empty, in a house that feels like the furthest thing from home, in a world where you knew could never feel truly safe. These thoughts made you weak, it felt like you didn't even strength to move your limbs. All you could do in your state was stare at the ceiling and quietly sob, feeling unable to even wipe the tears from your face. Eventually, sleep forced its way to you after what felt like an eternity of choking back your sobs so as to not wake Grim.
Waking up the next morning you expected to feel even more exhausted than the night before and probably a bit crusty due to the dried tears. What you weren't expecting was to feel a warm weight on your chest and the smell of... burnt pancakes? Looking down you saw Grim, fast asleep on your chest with what looked like splatters of bater on his paws and face. He had a tight secure grip on your arm as if you were going to fade away any second. You reached up to wipe the drowsiness out of your eyes, and you were surprised to realize there weren't any dried tears on your cheeks as you had expected there to be. Looking around the room, you saw a box of tissues on the bedside table that had not previously been there, surrounding the box were seemingly used tissues all scattered around. After connecting the dots you started taking in the scene in front of you, seeing the warm morning sun that had draped the room in its light. Slowly yet surely, the warm feeling of comfortability and maybe even safety crept its way into your heart.
You draped your free hand over Grim and closed your eyes for some more much needed sleep. This time realizing that this old bed has never been as empty as it use to feel,,,
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mikunology · 10 months
Mikunology Reviews: Boku wa Hatsune Miku to Kiss wo Shita (2013) (Pt.2)
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Alright, here we are with Part 2, where I will chat about the album's second half! Let's get to it!
Part 1 here
Ii, Er Fanclub: I think anyone who vaguely knows of Mikito has heard this one, if it's not ROKI. XD This is another more goofy, fun track about Rin and Gumi being fans of Chinese culture. And I love it! It's a great song, the back-and-forth between Rin and Gumi is so fun to sing along to - the inclusion of actual Chinese words is really fun as well. The drums are great here too. There's not really much I can say on this one that isn't just regular praise?? I highly recommend checking out it's PV by the wonderful Yori and Ryuusee! (Actually, I do have one comment I want to make: unpopular opinion, but I like this original Rin & Gumi version a lot more over Giga's Miku & Len mix. The goofy charm of the original song just jives with me more, although Giga's tuning is stellar.)
Wednesday Blue: This is another remaster, this time of one of Mikito's much older Miki originals. This is more typical rock'n'roll-style track, and it's a bit noisier than Mikito's usual fare. Unfortunately, I do think it's my least favorite on this album: it's a bit…all-over-the-place, compared to Mikito's later work? The Miki vocals are clearer and a bit better than the original NND upload, but they're still notably clunky in some places which can kinda take me out of the song. That said, the song as a whole isn't bad or anything, and it's actually pretty catchy after a few listens - it's just kinda clear this song was written by a less experienced Mikito. (Not to poke fun - everyone starts somewhere!)
Setsuna Plus (Momentary Plus): And here we are, back to Miku Dark again. This song is a bit more abstract in terms of lyrics, I think, but I still find myself coming back to it. There's not much I can say about this one either, honestly? Other than that it's good and that I like it - it has that usual great atmosphere again. However, I do have a slight criticism, I think - as much as I love the way Miku sounds here, I think this song could have done with a bit more powerful vocal instead, after hearing a few covers with characters like Amaga Eru (who can be pretty loud in her base voicebank).
Sarishinohara (Distant Fields): I remember not being too keen on this track at first for some reason? I don't know what was up with me because this song is really lovely XD This is a rock song about the forbidden love between a boy and his best friend and classmate, who has become an idol (and since idols can't date, she can no longer see him). There's such a tragic, melancholic feel to this song that really gets across the pain the boy is in, both in that he can no longer be with the girl despite her being "everywhere", in a sense, both in the instruments and in Miku Dark's vocals. Personally, I find this to be my favorite in the "Sarishinohara" trilogy, since 1) I think the melody is a bit easier to get into compared to the others and 2) just the sheer vibes.
Secret DVD: Ah, this one…the spicy one. A more straightforward rock track with a bit more "vanilla" Miku voice instead of Miku Dark, about doing sexy things. I actually like this one quite a bit despite the mature subject matter - it is pretty catchy, and the guitars are really good here. There's a part in the second verse where there's a harp-like strum and it's really satisfying. I also gotta say, something I always appreciated about Mikito's more sexual songs is that they're usually written in a manner that actually makes the act sound romantic rather than…well, you know. XD (*looks at REOL and Umetora*) I recommend this one for the music alone even if you're not into the song lyrically.
Salad Banya Cauda: Now for something completely different! XD This is one of the very few completely album-exclusive tracks, since I believe all of the tracks on this list have been released with PVs with the exception of this and Gariben Hirose no Shouri. This isn't really a rock track at all - it's a cute little folksy-type song with more acoustic instruments and simple Miki vocals (with the exception of some electric guitar between verses). I like it, though! It's a cute song, it makes you feel like marching through some sunny trees to find some berries or some adventure. However, I do think it can come as a surprise given the vibe of literally everything else. I think you might enjoy it, still!
Gariben Hirose no Shouri (A Geek's Huge Victory): OK, back to rock - this is the other completely album-exclusive track, and honestly? I've come to like it quite a bit. It has that signature nice Mikito J-rock vibe, with some lovely Gumi tuning to go with it. There's not much I can say about it that I haven't said for other songs on this CD, though? Just more of the same good stuff, I suppose. XD However, I really like the end part, where Gumi starts singing some "lalala"'s - something I like about Mikito's rock songs is that some of them feel like they could be played at the end of movies or as ending themes to anime episodes, and this is definitely one such song with the way it plays out.
Sayoko: Ah, this is another famous one. Sayoko is a soft J-rock track about severe depression, and once again uses Miku Dark - I think this is a really brilliant use of her, though, it really fits the song's theme since Miku sounds so melancholic and tired here. The melody is again a bit more understated, but it also really fits. I'm running out of things to say about the music itself XD I really think this song has a great calming vibe to it, despite the sad lyrics…I think someone could find it a great comfort, especially if you relate (like me!).
kiss: Finally, the last track, and the single collaboration on this CD: featuring the great Vocarock producer keeno! Together, he and Mikito form Mikeeno! (I love it when producers do that.) Predictably given their respective work, this is a slow, calm rock ballad about love. Now, I'm not the hugest fan of rock ballads? But I really love this one: the lyrics are really sweet and wistful, the lead guitar is perfect and Miku Dark returns to the gentle sound usually associated with both these producers. If you really like songs like "glow" or the slower songs I've already talked about on this album, you'll definitely love "kiss".
And that, my pals, is the whole CD! Yeah, all in all, for a first album, I think this is an amazing start for Mikito-san and an absolute must-listen if you are an enjoyer of Vocarock. Sure, he isn't the hard-rocking 164 or Utsu, but the soft and atmospheric yet fun and lively tunes by Mikito are incredibly worth hearing. Thanks for reading my first album review, please let me know if you enjoyed it ;v;
now if only I could get this album physically orz
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comicaurora · 1 year
I heard you mention Kekkai Sensen/Nightow on the Guess that Tune stream and since I’m currently in the throes of a Trigun addiction, I wanted to know if you’ve seen Trigun (98 or Stampede), and if so, what are your thoughts on it?
Also is Kekkai Sensen good? all I know about it os that its ending song SLAPS
Yea, you know, that one manga with the dopey-looking goofball protagonist who's actually concealing untold eldritch power he can't really control that hurts him when he overuses it, who grapples with intense guilt over his role in being passively complicit with something terrible that happened to a woman he loves even though she doesn't hold it against him and in fact made an active self-sacrifice to protect him, and now he hangs out with a crew of extremely cool people even though he's basically non-combat, and they all live in a world that's built a workable life and civilization out of the remnants of a literal apocalyptic nightmare event. That one manga by that one guy. Fun stuff!
I think at this point I've finished every form of Trigun media, although I read through the manga a while back and don't remember a lot of the details. I like it a lot! I really respect any story that unpacks the true depth and difficulty of being a pacifistic hero, and how it can take more strength and sacrifice to not hurt people. I think I liked Stampede a lot, although it took me a few rants to come to that conclusion.
I watched the first season of Kekkai Sensen and liked it, but I honestly couldn't tell you much about why. I just had a nice time with it, I really liked the protagonist's whole Vibe and the character designs were top notch. I'm also a sucker for urban fantasy in general, so "New York experienced a lovecraftian apocalypse and everybody just kinda Deals With It" was perfect for me. Also I was so used to "anime character has their eyes always shut" that I legitimately didn't clock that anything was weird about the protagonist's eyes until he busted out his Crazy Powers - I even had a false memory that he'd opened them earlier and they were normal, it's just such an invisible trope. I thought that was cute!
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