cal-writes · 21 hours
So true
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cal-writes · 23 hours
It was just common courtesy, right? You congratulated people on their birthday. It didn't have to mean anything. Dipping his toes in, so to speak. Test the waters. Dip the waters, test the toes. Whatever. The coffee machine slowly fills up, coffee dripping seconds. happy birthday Law types and sends it off before he can think better of it. He's just being polite. Yes. (And he really does hope that Zoro has a good birthday after the shit evening they had.)
the finale of train au is here! enjoy
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cal-writes · 23 hours
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to celebrate @cal-writes posting the final chapter of Panic Pixie Dream Boy, here's a sketch that has been in my drafts for a while!
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cal-writes · 23 hours
some superpower/superhero au musings. that ideas been floating around my brain for a while. dont know where its going you know how my plot bunnies are but enjoy this sampler
"Have you figured it out yet, Surgeon?" Robin smiles serenly. She sits on the stairs, knees knocking together, her elbows resting on them and her chin propped up on both her palms.
He scowls at her, eyes narrowed. Law knows what she means but he won't admit it because it would reveal himself to be knowable. "What do you mean?" He juts out his chin.
She doesn't buy his feigned obliviousness but she humors him. "Zoro's abilities. You have been trying to discern their nature, have you not?"
He exhales through his nose and looks off to the side.
"He would tell you if you asked." Robin continues and Law glances at her from the corner of his eyes.
"I know." He says. Zoro has said as much. But Law isn't going to ask, at least not yet. It's a matter of personal pride and spite. Law doesn't owe people favors, they owe him favors. He demands answers, he doesn't ask for them. (Bepo would be telling him how unhealthy that is right about now if he were here.)
Robin considers him, head leaning to the side. She hums. Out of all the Strawhats, Robin is the person Law would consider his equal in temperament which is to say, out of all of them he is the most cautious around her. From what redacted history of hers that he has managed to unearth, he knows they've had a similar development. She is calculating. Always listening, even without sprouting ears everywhere. He needs to consider his words carefully.
"You are a curious man." She tells him, chuckling good-naturedly.
Law looks at her from above. "In more ways than one." His lips pull into a sharp smirk.
"Indeed." Robin says easily. "Have you made headway in your discoveries?"
Law squints at her, trying to gauge her angle. She might be simply curious - which Law believes to be the least likely. It could be a test, trying to see if he lives up to his reputation - possible, thought Robin seems largely desinterested in people she doesn't consider to be a threat (an insulting prospect in its own right, that Law is no longer considered dangerous to her, but he did work hard to earn their trust so he supposes it is to be expected). Maybe it's caution - there is a reason Zoro's abilities aren't public. Many people with abilities don't bother hiding the intricacies if they even can. But Zoro does. Whether that is for his own safety or someone else's is yet to be determined. 
"Some, I'd say." Law admits, trying to sound casual. Whatever Zoro's talents are they are subtle. He can rule out a healing factor definitively - even if it weren't a passive ability but one Zoro had to use consciously, Chopper is too concerned for him every time he is injured for there to be an easy fix. He has considered some form of super strength but ultimately ruled it out. Zoro was strong, occasionally supernaturally so but it was inconsistent. Law's leading theory on that front was some sort of adrenaline manipulation that would grant Zoro the ability of hysterical strength on command. He has yet to confirm that theory. The easiest would be to ask for blood samples but even with everything, Law knows they aren't quite there yet.
Other possibilies are some sort of enhancement, be that in reflexes or speed or general aptitute. Zoro is - as his alias suggests -  a demon with a weapon and almost impossible to beat one on one. He is fast but Law wouldn't say unhumanly so. A common public theory is that - as his name suggests - Zoro was either posssessed by or possessing someone and the otherworldly entity of whichever nature granted him his abilities.
Law had dismissed that one easily. Possession would indicate different personalities and quirks but Zoro's body language and fighting style are consistent - even when using something other than a sword. If he was possessed it was permanent.
He had considered the possibility that Zoro was normal. Well, as normal as any of them. Many of his talents could be chalked up to rigerous training and experience. Perhaps he had started young, had the natural talent and dedication to keep up to speed with other super powered individuals. From knowing the man, Law can entertain the idea. But there are too many things that trip him up. Too many things that don't make sense if Zoro truly had no other abilities.
Law has been staying with the Strawhats for a few weeks now and there are some things he has taken note off. Pieces of the puzzle he is sorting into piles before he knows where they connect.
Zoro trains, a lot. Both with weapons and without to the point that Law is quite sure that whatever ability he has is unrelated to his weapons. He's just as dangerous with his swords as he would be with Nami's staff. It's not a surprise. Zoro takes a lot of pride in his body and his prowress.
More confusing are Zoro's other eccentricities.
Zoro doesn't touch things. Law is almost mad it took him so long to take note of it. Obviously there are times when Zoro does. Out in the battlefield, doorknobs, light switches. Technically, literally, he does touch things. But at home, in the space he feels safe, Zoro goes out of his way to avoid touching things. Law would believe him to be a germophobe of some sort if he hadn't seen the man lick blood of his sword. So, no. It's probably not about germs. He just doesn't touch things in a casual way. He doesn't read books or magazines, doesn't use a phone, at most he will make himself tea or pour himself a glass of something to drink. He doesn't cook, nor does he do the dishes. For all Zoro and Sanji bicker constantly, Sanji always prepares his meals, even small snacks and doesn't nag him for not cleaning up after himself.
It might be a trauma response. Maybe he is sensitive to textures for unrelated reasons. Law can't quite define what to make of it yet.
Another thing is that none of Zoro's clothes are store bought. It seems innocuous but once Law noticed it, he could not let go of it. The Strawhats were vigilanties so money could be tight on occasion but he knows they aren't above stealing if they need or want to. None of the others seem to have a similar clothing style. Nami in particular wears fancy brands and designer clothing constantly. So it's not a matter of supply. Zoro isn't so vain he would be particular about it either. Law has seen him wear all number of things, especially if a battle dragged on long enough to destroy his wardrobe. He isn't opposed to wearing regular manufactured clothes. He just doesn't if he has the choice not to.
Perhaps it ties into the texture thing. Law will have to pay close attention to it.
Robin is still looking at him, unpreturbed by his long pause. "If you need a hint, do let me know," He scowls and it makes her chuckle. "It's quite entertaining." She says.
"Glad to be of service." He grits out.
"I am just wondering why go through the trouble. It must be thrilling to you to try and unravel the mystery." Robin tells him and Law's breath stalls in his throat. Something in her tone makes him feel warm.
He swallows hard. "Hardly a mystery. An annoyance, more like." He says, dismissively. Robin makes an inquiring sound. "I need to know what you all are capable of to make plans. Keeping it a secret needlessly complicates things."
"But it's not a secret." Robin says, bemused and Law feels himself bristle.
"It's not exactly common knowledge either." He throws back.
Robin hums again. "I suppose not but if you are expecting a grand reveal, I am afraid you will be disappointed."
"Zoro already said it's not what I'd expect." Law says. Zoro technically said 'it's not a big deal' which hadn't been helpful at all. If it wasn't a big deal, why make a thing out of it?
"That is apt. I remember being quite surprised when I was told." She says and now Law knows she's teasing him. This whole conversation is pointless.
He huffs. "I'll find out, won't I?"
Robin smiles. "Will you?"
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cal-writes · 23 hours
There's no time left for heishin, if that's okay? Or alternatively why are you blushing? You can choose
2. There’s no time left.
No matter how often Heiji is witness to it, he doesn't think it will ever get easier to see.
"There's no time left." Shinichi barely manages to press out. His fingers have become claws on Heiji's biceps. His entire body shakes. Heat radiates off him like a fire, scalding even through his clothes.
A strangled scream gets stuck in his throat as the transformation begins. He hangs his head, pressing the crown of it into Heiji's chest.
All he can do is hold him. Sweat slicks Shinichi's skin as his body burns from the inside out. This close Heiji can hear the sickening crack of his joints and bones as they shrink. Shinichi's knees buckle and Heiji holds him around his middle, gently lowering them to the ground. It's already too easy to maneuver him, body weight evaporating rapidly.
Shinichi gasps in agony. His nails must be breaking skin but Heiji can't feel it. Later he will see the evidence of the horror on his own skin and not just in Shinichi's form. Fingerprint bruises in different sizes.
Heiji wraps his arms around Shinichi, feeling his spine shift and body shake. Cowering on the floor of the gasstation bathroom, he remembers taking shelter from an earthquake, unsure how he was going to come out of it alive. He presses his face into Shinichi's sweaty hair.
Holds him through the worst of the tremors and the aftershooks.
thank you for asking! that was a good line for them
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cal-writes · 23 hours
HeiShin #6 for the One Liner Writing Prompts, if you'd be so kind! :D
6. I’m not jealous!
"I'm not jealous. I'm never jealous." Heiji scoffs, gesturing emphatically with his drink to underline his point.
Kazuha takes a napkin to wipe the drops off the table. Not breaking eye contact as she does it.
"What?" Heiji asks. It feels too loud even in his own ears but the bar is already so loud he doesn't think it matters. Everything is too loud. He needs to drink more.
"You're like, the most jealous person ever." Kazuha tells him and Heiji's mouth falls open in affront. He sputters trying to find the words to explain to her how wrong she is. She silences him with a lifted brow.
Heiji decidedly, does not pout. He does mutter into his drink hoewever only to find his glass nearly empty.
With a sigh, Kazuha grabs the tablet from their table and orders some more.
"It's just-" Heiji starts as her focus is on the screen, trying to decide between two cocktails. She glances up at him. "Why wouldn't he take me along?" He finishes.
Kazuha sighs, ordering something before she crosses her arms over the table. She shrugs. "You know how he is. He probably got so wrapped up in the case he forgot other people exist." She says and Heiji knows she has been telling him a version of that sentence several times tonight. It doesn't make it easier to accept.
"Yeah but I guess he remembers Kaito." He grumbles and Kazuha leans across the table to pat his head.
thanks for asking!
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cal-writes · 1 day
Do you think we'll last? With Law and Zoro?
25. Do you think we’ll last?
Zoro can hold his liquor like few others, so he's used to carrying drunken friends and crew members after a night out drinking. People feel safe enough around him to let lose and in turn he could never allow himself to let his guard down. It's a burden he happily takes on. He enjoys it. A visceral display of trust.
It still catches him off guard for it to be Law.
The rival captain is heavy across his shoulders, body warm from liquor and the night. He knows the shape of it well but even so he feels the gravity of it with every step.
Law is slow to trust. Even without knowing all the details, Zoro can respect that. Understands it. They don't always have the luxury in their line of work.
Despite those odds, Law trusts him to some degree. Enough to be drunk around him and let him carry him away from the party and the noise.
Perhaps it's circumstance. The jubilance of the citizens of Wano, the high of beating Big Mom and Kaido pairing with the alcohol.
Since Zou, Law has opened up to him little by little. Enough to allow him into his bed.
This feels more significant.
"Do you think we'll last?" Law's voice is a mumble, hot breath against Zoro's shoulder.
He would have stumbled if not for his sense of balance. The question taking him off guard.
Zoro adjusts his grip, walking slowly and deliberately. He turns his head, trying to catch a glimpse of Law's face but it's obscured. Pressed into Zoro's kimono.
The noise of the party is distant, laughter and music, the smell of fireworks still hangs in the air.
Will they last? Is there something there to last? Zoro hadn't dared to define what they had. He had assumed, given Law's character, that it had merely been something to do. A distraction during the stressful months leading up to and during their time in Wano. An induglence from Law, now that Doflamingo was dealt with.
They hadn't talked about specifics of their arrangement. Zoro doubts that Law would have ever asked sober.
What does it mean to last? They will part ways soon enough, he doubts their crews will stick together. They have their own goals to work towards.
He exhales, moves his head until he can nudge Law's gently.
"If you want." He replies.
He must have taken too long. Law's breathing is even against his back, already asleep.
thanks for asking!
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cal-writes · 1 day
some superpower/superhero au musings. that ideas been floating around my brain for a while. dont know where its going you know how my plot bunnies are but enjoy this sampler
"Have you figured it out yet, Surgeon?" Robin smiles serenly. She sits on the stairs, knees knocking together, her elbows resting on them and her chin propped up on both her palms.
He scowls at her, eyes narrowed. Law knows what she means but he won't admit it because it would reveal himself to be knowable. "What do you mean?" He juts out his chin.
She doesn't buy his feigned obliviousness but she humors him. "Zoro's abilities. You have been trying to discern their nature, have you not?"
He exhales through his nose and looks off to the side.
"He would tell you if you asked." Robin continues and Law glances at her from the corner of his eyes.
"I know." He says. Zoro has said as much. But Law isn't going to ask, at least not yet. It's a matter of personal pride and spite. Law doesn't owe people favors, they owe him favors. He demands answers, he doesn't ask for them. (Bepo would be telling him how unhealthy that is right about now if he were here.)
Robin considers him, head leaning to the side. She hums. Out of all the Strawhats, Robin is the person Law would consider his equal in temperament which is to say, out of all of them he is the most cautious around her. From what redacted history of hers that he has managed to unearth, he knows they've had a similar development. She is calculating. Always listening, even without sprouting ears everywhere. He needs to consider his words carefully.
"You are a curious man." She tells him, chuckling good-naturedly.
Law looks at her from above. "In more ways than one." His lips pull into a sharp smirk.
"Indeed." Robin says easily. "Have you made headway in your discoveries?"
Law squints at her, trying to gauge her angle. She might be simply curious - which Law believes to be the least likely. It could be a test, trying to see if he lives up to his reputation - possible, thought Robin seems largely desinterested in people she doesn't consider to be a threat (an insulting prospect in its own right, that Law is no longer considered dangerous to her, but he did work hard to earn their trust so he supposes it is to be expected). Maybe it's caution - there is a reason Zoro's abilities aren't public. Many people with abilities don't bother hiding the intricacies if they even can. But Zoro does. Whether that is for his own safety or someone else's is yet to be determined. 
"Some, I'd say." Law admits, trying to sound casual. Whatever Zoro's talents are they are subtle. He can rule out a healing factor definitively - even if it weren't a passive ability but one Zoro had to use consciously, Chopper is too concerned for him every time he is injured for there to be an easy fix. He has considered some form of super strength but ultimately ruled it out. Zoro was strong, occasionally supernaturally so but it was inconsistent. Law's leading theory on that front was some sort of adrenaline manipulation that would grant Zoro the ability of hysterical strength on command. He has yet to confirm that theory. The easiest would be to ask for blood samples but even with everything, Law knows they aren't quite there yet.
Other possibilies are some sort of enhancement, be that in reflexes or speed or general aptitute. Zoro is - as his alias suggests -  a demon with a weapon and almost impossible to beat one on one. He is fast but Law wouldn't say unhumanly so. A common public theory is that - as his name suggests - Zoro was either posssessed by or possessing someone and the otherworldly entity of whichever nature granted him his abilities.
Law had dismissed that one easily. Possession would indicate different personalities and quirks but Zoro's body language and fighting style are consistent - even when using something other than a sword. If he was possessed it was permanent.
He had considered the possibility that Zoro was normal. Well, as normal as any of them. Many of his talents could be chalked up to rigerous training and experience. Perhaps he had started young, had the natural talent and dedication to keep up to speed with other super powered individuals. From knowing the man, Law can entertain the idea. But there are too many things that trip him up. Too many things that don't make sense if Zoro truly had no other abilities.
Law has been staying with the Strawhats for a few weeks now and there are some things he has taken note off. Pieces of the puzzle he is sorting into piles before he knows where they connect.
Zoro trains, a lot. Both with weapons and without to the point that Law is quite sure that whatever ability he has is unrelated to his weapons. He's just as dangerous with his swords as he would be with Nami's staff. It's not a surprise. Zoro takes a lot of pride in his body and his prowress.
More confusing are Zoro's other eccentricities.
Zoro doesn't touch things. Law is almost mad it took him so long to take note of it. Obviously there are times when Zoro does. Out in the battlefield, doorknobs, light switches. Technically, literally, he does touch things. But at home, in the space he feels safe, Zoro goes out of his way to avoid touching things. Law would believe him to be a germophobe of some sort if he hadn't seen the man lick blood of his sword. So, no. It's probably not about germs. He just doesn't touch things in a casual way. He doesn't read books or magazines, doesn't use a phone, at most he will make himself tea or pour himself a glass of something to drink. He doesn't cook, nor does he do the dishes. For all Zoro and Sanji bicker constantly, Sanji always prepares his meals, even small snacks and doesn't nag him for not cleaning up after himself.
It might be a trauma response. Maybe he is sensitive to textures for unrelated reasons. Law can't quite define what to make of it yet.
Another thing is that none of Zoro's clothes are store bought. It seems innocuous but once Law noticed it, he could not let go of it. The Strawhats were vigilanties so money could be tight on occasion but he knows they aren't above stealing if they need or want to. None of the others seem to have a similar clothing style. Nami in particular wears fancy brands and designer clothing constantly. So it's not a matter of supply. Zoro isn't so vain he would be particular about it either. Law has seen him wear all number of things, especially if a battle dragged on long enough to destroy his wardrobe. He isn't opposed to wearing regular manufactured clothes. He just doesn't if he has the choice not to.
Perhaps it ties into the texture thing. Law will have to pay close attention to it.
Robin is still looking at him, unpreturbed by his long pause. "If you need a hint, do let me know," He scowls and it makes her chuckle. "It's quite entertaining." She says.
"Glad to be of service." He grits out.
"I am just wondering why go through the trouble. It must be thrilling to you to try and unravel the mystery." Robin tells him and Law's breath stalls in his throat. Something in her tone makes him feel warm.
He swallows hard. "Hardly a mystery. An annoyance, more like." He says, dismissively. Robin makes an inquiring sound. "I need to know what you all are capable of to make plans. Keeping it a secret needlessly complicates things."
"But it's not a secret." Robin says, bemused and Law feels himself bristle.
"It's not exactly common knowledge either." He throws back.
Robin hums again. "I suppose not but if you are expecting a grand reveal, I am afraid you will be disappointed."
"Zoro already said it's not what I'd expect." Law says. Zoro technically said 'it's not a big deal' which hadn't been helpful at all. If it wasn't a big deal, why make a thing out of it?
"That is apt. I remember being quite surprised when I was told." She says and now Law knows she's teasing him. This whole conversation is pointless.
He huffs. "I'll find out, won't I?"
Robin smiles. "Will you?"
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cal-writes · 1 day
you look good with blood on you what are your pronouns
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cal-writes · 2 days
not me randomly writing 3k of a superhero au
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cal-writes · 4 days
writing is amazing because you can have so many ideas that each have so much potential. but then there is also the writing
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cal-writes · 4 days
a little snippet from the train au universe from zoro's pov! this takes place in chapter one after the attempted robbery on the train. enjoy!
“What happened!?” Nami shouts, pulling him into her apartment quickly and tugging at his jacket. The door slams shut behind him. The frame rattles.
“I’m fine. It’s bandaged.” He says, letting her strip him down until she can inspect his arm. “Can I use your washing machine?”
Nami gapes at him. “Can you-“ She groans, covering her face with her hands. Behind her, her sister Nojiko pokes her head out of the kitchen.
“Are you dying?” She asks in lieu of a hello. Lifting her chin as she looks at him critically. 
“No.” Zoro says.
Nojiko nods. “Then please be quiet. I have a headache.” She tells Nami who looks over her shoulder to stick her tongue out. Nojiko returns the gesture in kind before disappearing back into the kitchen.
Nami turns back to him, still standing in her entry way. Her brow deeply furrowed. “What happened?” She asks, putting her hands on her hips briefly before taking his arm and carefully examining the bandages more closely. They are slowly soaking through with blood.
“Someone tried to mug Franky’s train.” He explains, shrugging with one shoulder and hiking up his backpack further. 
“And some random thugs got you?” Nami tuts, making Zoro scowl. If he didn’t know it was her way of reacting to worry, he’d be annoyed with her. “Pathetic.”
“I just woke up!” He protests and Nami rolls her eyes, walking further into the apartment and to the bathroom. Zoro rolls his eyes before he follows.
Nami clicks her tongue and wags her finger over her shoulder. “Excuses, excuses. Although-“ She stops by the bathroom door, beckoning him to go inside. She stays in the hallway leaning against the doorframe and strokes her chin.
“Did anyone film you? If this goes public before the next Four Blue we might get a better rate on your bets.” Nami ponders.
Zoro shrugs, taking off his hoodie and throwing it into the washing machine drum alongside his jacket. He digs around his backpack for the rest of his laundry. Might as well take the opportunity to do it all while he's at it.
“I’ll have to call Cavendish. We can work with this. Unless you get yourself killed in the next two years.” She continues, brow furrowed and Zoro glares at her.
“I’m not dying.” He tells her pointedly.
She lifts her brow, looking at his arm. He follows her eyes. “You’re dripping.” She says tersely.
“Huh.” Zoro says. Taking off his clothes must have aggravated the wound. The oozing has increased, thick beads of red pushing through the white gauze. He shrugs. “It’ll stop.”
Nami bites her lip, pressing herself into the doorway as Zoro starts the washing machine. Her fingers drum on her arm. She has fresh nails, a seafoam mint with little pearls by the cuticles. He takes some toilet paper to wipe the blood off the tiles by his feet and dab some excess away from his arm.
“Should I call Chopper?” She asks tersely.
“No, he’s got enough stuff going on. It’s fine.” He tells her, locking eyes with her. Chopper would only ask why he didn’t come to him immediately and Zoro doesn’t feel like explaining. It’s bad enough that half his friends know the shit he’s in. Chopper shouldn’t need to worry about him too.
She wants to say more, he can tell but they've had this argument a hundred times already. “We should change the bandage at least.” Nami says quietly, walking into the bathroom and leaning over him to reach the cupboard with their first aid kit.
Zoro takes a seat on the closed toilet lid, keeping a bunch of toilet paper around the leaking part while Nami gathers her supplies. She shoves a tower of towels to the side to make room. Too large gloves snap over her hands to protect her nails before she unwinds the bandage with a pinched look. Her jaw is clenched, the bone moving underneath her skin.
“Thanks. I’ll pay you back.” He tells her, bumping his knee against hers. 
She sighs, shoulders dropping a little. “I’m increasing my cut for your next win.” She says. “Who bandaged you up? Franky’s usually more sloppy.” The bandages land in the little bin next to the toilet and Nami grabs an old, already stained towel to wipe away the blood. The precarious tower of them toppels into the sink. 
“That doctor.” Zoro says. "From Hiriluk Station." Remembering the other man’s fingers digging into his arm, rubber gloved hands brushing over his skin. The faint smell of shampoo over the copper of blood. Nami’s furrowed brow deepens as her attempts to stem the blood flow have little success.
“He said I need stitches.” Zoro adds.
She drops her head, groaning. “I was afraid you’d say that.” Nami says miserably. She whines and takes off the dirty gloves before taking the towels out of the sink. “I’ll get my sewing kit. Don’t bleed out.”
Zoro gives her a little salute as she leaves, holding his arm on his lap. There are blood stains on his pants but the fabric is dark enough they aren’t that visible unless you knew they were there. Maybe he can run a second round of laundry later. 
Nami returns with a little plastic case and a stool. She sets up on top of the washing machine for lack of surface area, making the needles and thread inside the case rattle. 
“He offered to do it.” Zoro says as she cuts off a piece of thread.
Nami looks at him, putting the end of her thread between her lips. “What?”
“The doc. Offered to take care of it. For free.” He says.
Nami scoffs. “Yeah, right.” She squints as she threads the needle. “As if.”
Zoro hums. Nami touches his arm before remembering to put some new gloves on. She also pours some disinfectant over the needle and thread before she returns to her stool. The smell of it fills the small bathroom instantly.
She takes a deep breath to brace herself before she pinches his skin and forces the needle through. He relaxes his fingers. Familiar pain making his arm tingle. The needle tugs at his skin, resisting Nami’s lead. It burns unpleasantly. Zoro watches the laundry spin behind the window of the maschine.
“He told me his name. Said to ask for him.” Zoro mentions. His other hand flexes and he has to resist the urge to bounce his leg. 
Nami blows out a breath and Zoro feels it on the wet skin on his arm. “Sounds like a scam." She says dismissively, then she snorts. "Or he wants to sleep with you.” 
Zoro cocks his head, inhales deeply. Considers. Thinks about those tattooed hands on him. 
“Oh, no. Stop looking like that.” Nami warns him.
“Like what?” He retorts but doesn't meet her glare. 
Nami leans in close until she can stare directly in his eye. “You’d think with your blood loss it would be harder to think with your dick.” He rolls his eye and leans away, ingoring her until she focuses back on sewing him shut. Her fingers slip on his slick skin, making it hard to get the needle through.
 “I wouldn't mind. He looks good.” He says after a minute of silence. 
Nami huffs. “And? There are many good looking guys out there who’d be happy to blow your back out that aren’t stuck up rich dudes.”
“Who’s saying he’s stuck up or rich?” Zoro asks and Nami just gives him a look with a raised bow.
“What about Killer? Ah wait, him and Kidd finally got their shit together, didn’t they.” Nami finishes off the last bit of sewing, tying off the end of the thread with a knot. There is still blood leaking through when she dabs his arm with the towel but much slower. The black thread paints a harsh contrast against his skin. 
“What about Yamato? I like Yamato.” Nami offers.
Zoro shakes his head. “He’s been dating some girl for a while. Pretty serious I think.”
Nami blows a raspberry with her lips, reaching over to the first aid kit and grabbing a roll of gauze. “What about the weird giraffe looking guy, Kaku? Or Hachi? Now that his restaurant has taken off he's-”
“Can you stop?" Zoro exhales sharply. She presses her lips together, pulling the gauze tight. "It wouldn’t be anything serious anyway.” Zoro says, looking down at the mess of his arm. He’s not exactly in a position to have a relationship right now. And his track record isn’t anything to write home about either - not that he could blame anyone for that but himself. He might just not be cut out for anything long term. He wasn’t exactly a catch before he became an unemployed bum. Looking at this history it was almost like Zoro was a stepping stone on the path to other people’s happiness. Which is fine. He’s glad they found someone. He doesn't really have the time for a relationship anyway. 
Nami gives him a pinched look before she stands and washes her hands. 
Water splatters in the sink as the needles continue to rattle in their plastic case.
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cal-writes · 4 days
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to celebrate @cal-writes posting the final chapter of Panic Pixie Dream Boy, here's a sketch that has been in my drafts for a while!
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cal-writes · 5 days
It was just common courtesy, right? You congratulated people on their birthday. It didn't have to mean anything. Dipping his toes in, so to speak. Test the waters. Dip the waters, test the toes. Whatever. The coffee machine slowly fills up, coffee dripping seconds. happy birthday Law types and sends it off before he can think better of it. He's just being polite. Yes. (And he really does hope that Zoro has a good birthday after the shit evening they had.)
the finale of train au is here! enjoy
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cal-writes · 5 days
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Celebrating my boy finally appearing in 221 Beika Street! And he came in with the most glorious Ao3 tag:
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cal-writes · 5 days
It was just common courtesy, right? You congratulated people on their birthday. It didn't have to mean anything. Dipping his toes in, so to speak. Test the waters. Dip the waters, test the toes. Whatever. The coffee machine slowly fills up, coffee dripping seconds. happy birthday Law types and sends it off before he can think better of it. He's just being polite. Yes. (And he really does hope that Zoro has a good birthday after the shit evening they had.)
the finale of train au is here! enjoy
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cal-writes · 6 days
for the ask meme: 8, 12, 14, 23!
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
i am actively working on a sequel to Law's Eleven currently so probably that! i really like that world
12. a trope you’re really into right now
answered that already! tho i dont really have an answer haha just Crime and Misery™ i suppose
14. where do you get your inspiration?
a lot of movies to be honest. literally had the idea for laws eleven watching the uncharted movie of all things. also just being out and about, riding a train or driving. i dont like taking walks too much (i cant really get behind walking without going anywhere) but those also help. just doing something that keeps hands busy but without requiring too much attention and bonus if i can listen to music
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
oh man that one is hard.
efficient. visceral. soft.
thank you for asking! for this ask meme
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