#i am so totally not about to go fucking ballistic
rtgame · 3 months
i am at my fucking limit
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starberry-cupcake · 2 months
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After a weekend that exhausted me, I am finally able to come back to this book. My reacts proved useful to remind me where I left of, who would have thought.
previously, on harrowberry the ninth:
this happened
also, harrowberry is courtesy of @lady-harrowhark
after which I suggested the following album cover as a representation of her
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currently, chapters 14-16:
"The Mithraeum, the seat of the First Reborn! The Sanctuary of the Emperor of the Nine Houses, the bolthole of God"
I don't want to sound like gideon
I really don't
but I have to be entirely honest here
I read that sentence twice, at separate times
and neither of those times did I read "bolthole"
harrowberry is settled in a room which was made for a lyctor that never was
I don't know if this is at all important but it caught my eye
I wonder what happened there
and I am, as we have established, fixating on very particular things
the emperor johnny bravo has a room that's described as a locked tomb, but harrow says that, unlike the other locked tomb, she's not interested to see what's in this one
on the one hand, I want to know what this guy's actually doing but, on the other, I don't care about what's going on in his intimacy
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harrow is also surprised that he gets embarrassed
which I don't, because he should be embarrassed and ashamed about all of the stuff that is going on in general
I don't know specifics and I don't know details, but I know he's at fault
like we say over here, I've got no evidence but I've got no doubt
he tells harrowbean about the BOE
he says they hate the nine houses and that they have agents who turn planets against them
they got themselves a leader about 25 years before harrow was born, who made things more difficult for johnny man
let's bring back the timeline I'm constantly discarding and bringing back
we've been told now that: this leader showed up 25 years before harrow was born, they disappeared nearly 20 years ago and gideon was born 18 years ago in space to a mom who was brain dead upon arriving at ninth
there's also the whole eggs thing that idk if it has something to do with this or not but we're not totally throwing anything away here
we've moved from a cork board to a 3d model at this point
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emperor johnny boo is blaming these people for not!dulcinea going ballistic
idk johnny man, you kind of fucked that up on your own I think, but go off, I guess
he also says that the BOE folks hate necromancers and necromancy
I don't wanna be making assumptions with little to no info (literally all I've been doing) but all I've seen so far is these people teaching harrow to kill planets
that's not what miss frizzle told me I should be doing when she wore the most iconic looks in television history
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maybe if the emperor dressed like this I'd be trusting him more
emperor johnny also clocked harrow being a ninth kid smoothie
because harrow was doing theorems in the river and only one other person ever did that before
the person who founded the sixth
we're ok with the sixth because camilla came from there
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when harrow starts telling him the smoothie story, the emperor says "This was...all so different...before we discovered the scientific principles" and proceeds to tell her that her parents basically did a mini resurrection
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he says "I have committed the same act, and I know the price I had to pay" and calls her "a walking miracle"
to which harrow responds "I have just told you that I am the product of my parents' genocide"
emperor, my man
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he says "nobody has to know" about the kid smoothie
there sure are a lot of things people aren't supposed to know or ask about over here in the emperor's bolthole
*me, high fiving gideon's force ghost*
he says the initials of BOE mean "blood of eden" and that Eden is "someone they left to die"
then he quotes shakespeare??? I think king lear???
“How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is To have a thankless child”, that quote
I'm not super knowledgeable when it comes to shakespeare tbh but...ominous
he also says "once you turn your back on something, you have no more right to act as though you own it"
and harrow thinks "at the time, that had made perfect sense to you"
that's pinned under the "hope for later" category
harrow talks to ice cube barbie in her dreams
ice cube barbie says she's died twice
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harrow asks her if she has ortus's eyes or if her eyes are hers and what her eyes are like
and ice cube barbie says "she asked me not to tell you"
this is me, adding another thing to the "hopeful hints for gideon" shrine I am building
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chapter 16
harrow asks yandere twin about her diary and she says it has been burned on her own orders
more hints for my theory of past!harrow knowing a lot and planning ahead
harrowcita calls lyctortus (name suggested by the reply gang, thank you reply gang) "the other one"
which could be "other" as in "other lyctor" or as in "other ortus", so it's fine either way
harrow is worried about not!dulcinea still being a threat
she should have been flushed into space
harrow thinks not!dulcinea is moving and yandere twin calls her "crazycakes"
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then we start going a bit more in depth about augustine
I have come to understand that he isn't called "saint of patience" because he's patient
he's called "saint of patience" because that's what you have to practice when you're around him
good god, this man
he has the charisma of the fifth but the disagreeable nature of the eighth
here I am, making judgment on these people I only know like 2 representatives of, but anyway
he's like if magnus hadn't discovered a passion for baking and had instead decided his hobby was to be passive aggressive and thinking too highly of himself
his cav was his brother, apparently
harrow thinks he's hollow inside
he is absolutely horrendous to mercygirl
he also alludes to not!dulcinea moving and thinks mercygirl is doing it
I don't know about this, you guys
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two mulders in one recap is what you get when I have been forced to not read for a couple days
I think fox mulder represents my energy in these recaps
Augustine The Unpleasant mentions that johnny j has "spent the last 10 thousand years on a perpetual search-and-destroy mission out of, as far as I can tell, purely symbolic retribution"
great, that sounds fantastic for god to do
and that "I wouldn't set myself up as his replacement A.L. He doesn't need another bodyguard, and even she was significantly more lucid than you are" (you being mercygirl)
I had mentioned the possibility of ice cube barbie being this AL person, we still don't know, but this AL is "she"
let's put that in the 3D model
augustine calls chad a "nice boy", which tracks for him being a Senior Chad
he treats harrow badly, which we absolutely don't stan over here in the harrow respect corner
harrow obliterates him with a comeback and he calls her Anastasia (You were born in a palace by the sea / A palace by the sea? Could it be?) like the previous ninth
these people love comparing their old pals to everyone they meet, even if they supposedly didn't get along much
harrow also makes fun of yandere twin for being what gideon would call "a weenie" over augustine
then we get the augustine and johnny explanation of how to kill the beast
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I am all for information but this whole thing gives me the worst vibes
basically he says the beasts (disrespectful name) eat planets like oysters and then keep the thanergy as armor
the beast can inhabit anything it's thanergetically connected to it via their death
like that which they kill
they travel as river projections
they have agents, which he describes like the borg in star trek
individual forms connected to its hive
the whole lyctor thing, having a necromancer's ability with a cav's training to take over the body, seems to be a key to fighting these things
because the necro part goes down into the river to do the thing and the cav can take over the defense of the body
this, I think, could be what we saw harrow doing in the prologue, the projection thing
but harrow's body isn't protected, because she's "lyctor lite"
because there's hope for gideon or so help me john
which might be why yandere twin was telling her she would not be guarded if she did what she was about to do
I am very intrigued as to what harrow will come to know to push her to do what she did
also, she got stabbed, so I'd like to know if she's fine
but we have 0 guarantees of anything over here in the mithrandir or whatever
the emperor's bolthole
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god, what has gideon done to me
they say the point of the combat is to throw the beast's soul into the abyss and hope it doesn't come back
that's what I've been trying to do with not!dulcinea all this time
ALSO still no camilla
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see you next time and thank you for not hating the length of these things ♥
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tobyislame · 8 months
Hi this is awkward s/o person again, you have fueled my toby brain and I'd like to make another request (if you're willing)
What would he be like with his s/o on Halloween? Does he dress up with them, get candy, or maybe stay home and watch scary movies with them? And very important question...if he dresses up, who would he dress up as?
toby rogers x reader: HALLOWEEN EDITION!!!!
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welcome back friend!!! i will always be willing i love your requests!! OHOHOHO i am going to get soo silly with this one
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- toby goes fucking BALLISTIC over halloween oh my god. it's the only time of the year where he can go into town and just be normal. everyone's got masks on, everyone's donning costumes, so he blends in like butter on bread. being able to exist in a public space without so much as a dirty look is fucking elating, it's one of the only graces of normalcy that he gets and he milks the opportunity for everything its got. what most would treat like any other day, he treats like a paragon. for one night he isn't toby rogers, wanted dead or alive - he's just some guy.
- he's suuuper fucking annoying about it too. he wants to do ALL the halloween stuff and he WILL drag you along with him whether you want it or not. his mansion buds aren't exempt from this treatment either no one is safe
- before night falls and the real fun begins, you guys are staying in and he's making SURE you have a good day. he's got those cheap halloween cookies in the oven (you know the ones they got pumpkins on em), his place is done up with lights and tacky dollar store decorations, and he's got a pot of apple cider simmering on the stove that mixes with the woodsy smell of his cabin just fucking beautifully. he tries really hard.
- he gets really fucking into it, and you can't help but find his admittedly childlike excitement over it a little endearing. if you ever commented on it, about how he hardly gets this excited over anything else, he'd probably just get all weirdly defensive and dismissive over it. he's been this way about it since he was a kid, never really grew out of it. even after everything.
- he's putting out a SPREAD of treats for you guys: candy corn, caramel corn, the works. can't have it any other way if you're marathoning slashers. there's a sort of unmentionable effort he puts into it with the halloween paper plates he goes out of his way to get (steal), one of those little details that puts this subdued warmth in your chest. he wants to make everything nice for you. he wants for you to have good things.
- you two. on his pilled up couch. grandpa sweaters. steaming apple cider in thrifted (stolen) mugs. flannel blanket. crackling embers from the log burner. oh yeah baby
- he makes halloween movie watchlists. oh yeah he's serious about this. he only really likes the kind of stuff you can snag off rental store shelves: sleepaway camp for eye candy (we need more slutty slutty men in horror flicks), hellraiser but only the 1987 one, texas chainsaw massacre but only the 1974 one (he's got a crush on leatherface that he'll never admit to anyone or himself), the thing is his fucking FAVORITE horror movie of all time, throw the final destinations in there just for fun, stuff like that. saw movies are his guilty pleasure. even with you, he tries to be some hard-ass and play it off when he gets all spooked and jumpy, though the way he clings to you just a little tighter says something else.
- yea this man has split skulls and gotten brain matter stuck in his hair and horror movies still scare him
- now the most important question: costumes.
- ok i have two visions for what he'd be and in both events he's forcing you to dress up with him: for one i can totally see him throwing on some ferris bueller getup and dragging you along as either sloane or cameron, or y'all are going as bill and ted and he's calling dibs on bill (so he has an excuse to wear a crop top it's totally only for the costume). if you refuse to dress up he will not shut up about how you're "no fun" until you give in
- he also uses the holiday as an opportunity to terrorize the general public. you guys are hiding out in corn mazes and jumping out at whatever poor soul happens to walk by like some surprise scare actor, pretending to be ghosts to scare off the kids who think hanging out at cemeteries makes them cool. he's the village menace. genuinely the HOA puts up a sign saying look out for this guy
- he takes you "trick or treating" but with the biggest quotations ever. he'll go around to the houses that just have bowls of candy out with a sign that says "please take one" or something and straight up just take the bowl
- when he isn't having (mostly) harmless fun and treating the townspeople like his plaything, he's treating you to some good wholesome traditional halloween activities, and he's a massive sucker for those. like, no fucking question about it he is dragging your ass to the pumpkin patch. if he's lucky he can get a five finger discount on some caramel apples for you two. of COURSE he's hauling some pumpkins home for you guys to carve, even if he'll just inevitably leave them to rot on his porch but he SWEARS he'll throw them out soon he SWEARS
- he insists on going to at least one haunted house even though he's the one that always gets you two kicked out for clocking scare actors. he's banned from most of them
- at some point in the night you'll probably end up crashing some college house party and, even though they scare him shitless, nothing makes him feel more like a guy than standing around with a red solo cup in his hand. he isn't there to make friends anyway (god knows he has no clue how), he's the one that just kinda pets the dog the entire time then leaves
- at the very end of day you guys are falling asleep tangled up in each other on the couch, smoke hanging in the air and the dvd screensaver bouncing around on the tv screen
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fxd-writes · 5 months
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As I'm flipping around Pinterest I cannot stop thinking about the absolute beauty of the hands on the grid. Like how strong they have to be and how much strength they carry behind them?? Hello?? Like I found these and its just Danny and Charles's hands but cmon I need a necklace Mr. Ricciardo and your hands would work perfectly :D Anyways, nasty thoughts under the cut ;)
I cannot stop thinking about it - the way my hand kink goes absolutely ballistic around these men.
I can imagine just like idly tracing your fingers around the veins and knuckles in their hand, just the ghost of a touch on the top of their hands while they're trying to focus on a conversation and you're unintentionally distracting them. Who could blame you though? His hands are beautiful, its like touching a piece of art
Daniel Ricciardo
I feel like he'd be very enamored with your hand kink, often knowing the way your mind goes and feeding into it
maybe he puts his hand in clear view or at least in front of your face to distract you while you're with friends
Definitely the type to put his hand on your thigh while driving and trace his fingers up and down the exposed skin there (if you're in a skirt he is absolutely going in for more)
For my girlies with an oral fixation (like me) imagine him sticking his fingers in your mouth just to shut you up when you get a little too chatty and he just wants peace? Ugh, I feel like he would? Just pressing down on your tongue a bit? Maybe the two of you are watching a movie and he just wants to watch the movie but you -with your head in his lap - won't shut up so he just puts his fingers in your mouth to occupy your tongue
I can imagine him using the pads of his fingers to trace the inside of your mouth, slowly thrusting them in and out of your lips and stroking your tongue, chuckling at your silence and your dazed face, now less focused on trying to figure out this movie and more focused on Danny's fingers in your mouth
"If I knew this was how to shut you up I would've done it a lot sooner, love."
When his fingers finally retreat after realizing the movie's over he slaps your cheek a little to break you out of your haze, or at least pull your consciousness back towards him. As you look at the cocky smirk plastered on Danny's face you scowl a bit, "That was entirely unfair, Ricciardo." when he responds, "Why don't I make it more unfair and shut you up with my cock this time."
Cue mouth-fucking and nastiness
Charles Leclerc
The hand fixation with him is BAD
The man plays piano, you can't deny his beautiful and lengthy fingers would not be PERFECT for fingering
I can totally see just like sitting at the piano with him, resting your head on his shoulder, and watching his fingers glide and dance along the black and white keys, getting totally distracted by the movement of his hands
He's literally just playing piano??? Why is this turning you on??
It's not until Charles stops playing letting his final note ring out and turning his head slightly to press a kiss against your forehead, asking how you liked the song, that you realize you weren't even listening. You're not even looking at him, so focused on his hands still resting on the piano keys
When he realizes how dazed out you are he takes the opportunity to slide you into his lap with a devilish smirk, "What's wrong, mon ange? Distracted?" he rests his chin on your shoulder watching the way your breath catches as he smooths his hands up and down your thighs
"I asked you a question, Cherie" He uses his legs to spread your own apart, pressing his fingers into the skin of your thighs, while he bites at your neck, "Am I gonna have to force the words out of you?" He askes as his fingers glide dangerously close to the apex of your thighs, ghosting a touch over your covered core
Anyways he fingers you to completion on that piano bench and you cannot tell me any different. I stand by nasty Charles Leclerc.
Max Verstappen
My favorite boy with big hands - oh yeah I have thoughts (thots) for him
As we all know there are far too many examples of him grabbing people's waists, whether it be Checo, or Charles, like c'mon the man GRABS
I think when it comes to him he always has to have a hand on your waist, or thigh, or lower back, for him its a comfort knowing your right there and within his reach for you its incredibly distracting
I can see it happening at some red bull gala or celebration, him taking you as support to go talk to sponsors/other attendees and he just has a hand consistently on your lower back, uncovered by the open-backed dress you're wearing
He's dragging his fingers back and forth on your back and you can't focus on a word anyone is saying, so distracted by max's hand on your back as he lightly scratches the skin there
uyou eventually excuse yourself to the bar, skin hot to the touch from the heat building between your legs and how turned on Max's touch is making you. You couldn't focus! Maybe a drink would help.
At the bar, you're waiting on whatever drink of choice you had ordered (can never go wrong with a rum and coke in my opinion) when someone sidles up to you at the par and starts chatting you up
The conversation is boring, but you don't want to make Max look bad as his date so you plaster a smile on your face and laughs at all of this guy's shitty jokes
You're mentally begging for escape when you feel two large hands grab at your waist, pulling you backward into a strong chest. You can feel Max's thumbs stroking just under the fabric that lays at your lower back in a possessive manner.
Max presses a kiss to your shoulder before turning an icy gaze on the man you had been talking to, "Who's your friend, liefje?" you don't deign to respond, turning your head and pressing a kiss to Max's cheek as you feel his fingers flex, pulling you impossibly closer to him
The stranger is completely forgotten, having already abandoned any hope of chatting you up that night in favor of running away from the dutch lion and his princess
your drink is placed in front of you on the baras max turns you toward his chest, leaving a possessive hand on your waist, and hooking his thumb into the hem at your waistline, tracing skin only meant for him to see
Needless to say, that was your last drink of the night before max pulled you back home, a hand on you at all times, and two hands back on your waist while riding him that night
Anyway, I have a disease that can't be cured, its called endless love of big hands :( send medicine
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ignify-caligo · 2 years
note: current time is 5:45 am and I have been stewing these like possessed in my doc. Its been a while since I wrote that efficiently and I’m quite surprised with myself. Hope you enjoy!
Besides the obvious reasons for Price to use “muppet” so frequently whenever someone (looking @ u Soap) creates a mess - there’s another reason that’s more obscure intel. Namely, a little old hag of a Yorkie named accordingly; Muppet. A scraggly-looking thing that screams “ankle biter and lady of destruction” for miles, this little missy was Price’s earliest friend, practically joined by the hip from birth. All the shenanigans he and Muppet went through are certainly not on the same level as those his current bunch of muppets (read: all of 141) get themselves to. 
Ghost has a quite high sense of smell, which in turn makes it quick for him to get overwhelmed. Especially with artificially created ones, such as chocolate on various products (ex. plushies, markers etc.). He despises artificial chocolate scent with a passion. 
Gromsko is the type to wear long Adidas socks with sandals, a total polish “Janusz”. 
Out of all the 141 members in the group chat, Ghost is the most likely to correct even the slightest grammar mistake. There’s a daily occurrence of “ *you’re” whenever someone simply writes “youre” in a hurry. 
Another thing about Ghost in the group chat is his unlimited hatred for system emojis that auto-fill themselves, he tries to type in “:)” for some dramatic flare to his threat against Soap and he ends up one sec from going ballistic at his phone because it won’t corporate with him.
Nikolai unironically listens to soviet-era military music while working on his chopper or anything else. Gives that 100+ energy boost he needs to work. 
The 141 HQ kitchen has a Bluetooth radio (sweetly nicknamed “Bluey” by Roach) that anyone can connect to whenever they sit in the kitchen doing something. The usual user tho is Soap, even though he isn’t cooking/baking himself in the kitchen. He simply became the Radio Gremlin that the others (especially Price because he has a personal beef with that “electrical device from hell” as he so nicely calls it) accept. Soap surprisingly keeps it PG whenever he steals the radio but his street-racing mind sometimes forgets to disconnect. 
Que situations like this whenever Soap wants to listen to music before bedtime; 
Soap turns on the music: 
What comes from the kitchen, full blast: 4 BIG GUYS AND THEY GRAB ON MY - 
Price from the other side of HQ: BLOODY FUCKING DEMONS! 
When it comes to listening to music before going to sleep, the only person not to do so is Price himself. All the others (read: Ghost, Soap, Gaz and Roach) are religious practitioners of this little ritual, tho their taste in music varies somewhat. Ghost is a fan of rock/metal while both Soap and Gaz lean towards the pop genre - lastly, Roach loves violin covers of popular songs. The lyrics otherwise distract him from falling asleep and the sound of the violin soothes his racing thoughts. 
Between Alejandro and Rudy, the 141 feels safer with Rudy as the designated driver. Alejandro is the type to go way past the speed limit, windows open wide with Gasolina by Daddy Yankee blasting on full volume 
Gaz hates Alejandro as the driver because his motion sickness from youth comes back with an enormous thirst for vengeance 
König grew rapidly quickly for his age, which resulted in stretch marks across his back and legs. They add to his social anxiety and make him self-conscious whenever he’s forced to strip. 
Soap would sell his entire squad for a cookies & cream tub of ice cream. Whatever brand it may be, he loves cookies & cream. Roach is a firm believer in any Ben & Jerry’s ice cream - he worships cinnamon bun flavor like a god. He also adores the freshness of mint chocolate chips tho he prefers them in a cafe when store-bought. Ghost isn’t quite enamored by ice cream tho, the reason is that he gets freeze-brain easily - he will steal small bites from the nearest person to him nonetheless. 
Graves is allergic to cats - which seems to be quite the mutual feeling from them against him. 
Nikolai may not seem like it but his an excellent chef when it comes to “homely” cuisine. His specialty is a family secret recipe for blinis that the 141 sometimes will have the opportunity to sample whenever he comes by. Roach together with Soap tried to recreate the masterpiece but managed to set the fire alarm off because they forgot they were heating up the pan.
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sunsetkerr · 2 months
dont wanna be depressing, but how do you deal with parenting your dad?
- 💛 (anon who parents both parents)
hi my love, welcome 💛
I’m more than happy to dive into this, but it's gonna be longggg so I will put this under the cut so I don’t get too sad on main lol, but- quick tw beforehand: heavy drug addiction, anxiety disorder, smoking, drinking, infidelity, parenting your parents, absent father and mentions of suicidal thoughts.
quick backstory! my parents were very on and off throughout my entire childhood. my dad cheated on my mum a total of 13 times, what a guy! my mum? literally the most girl boss, resilient woman I have ever met. worked 3 jobs whilst she was pregnant because my dad was on meth and ice at the time.
so my parents finally broke up for the last time when I was eight.
I saw my dad once a week, until he blew up on me for wanting to call my mum to say goodnight, on the night of my 10th birthday. he went ballistic at me and after that, I didn't leave the house apart from school for a year because I would have panic attacks every time I went somewhere.
my dad is very embarrassing. he's not just emotionally abusive to me, but to his mum, sister and my cousins (without realising the extent of his actions). he is very 'poor me, I'm the vicitm' which is something I have noticed recently.
I really am the only person that my dad has. he now realises that because I'm an adult now, he cannot treat me like a little kid, because I will leave. I dont tolerate that behaviour, I am not as forgiving as my mother.
last year, my dad blew up on my grandad who is 81 and has dementia. my grandma and him haven't spoken since. a few nights ago, my dad rang me around 8pm, and I instantly thought 'what does he want now?'. because he only calls me when needs/wants something.
my dad is on the phone drunk and ends up getting onto the topic of my grandma not speaking to him. he's crying on the phone to me, tells me how he was going to k*ll himself when I was a kid, but that I was the only thing keeping him alive. very fucked, a lot to put on your 20 year old daughter.
he says that he needs my help to repair his relationship with my grandma, and everyone else. that he knows he can always count on me.
it's a sad thing to have to parent your 51 year old father, and have those big hurtful conversations about what he's done wrong and trying to keep him in check. but it's the reality for lots of us! know that you're completely not alone in this. I am really lucky that I have the best mum in the world, she is my best friend and I would definitely be a different person if I didn't have her to rely on.
so to hear that you have to parent both of your parents is really upsetting and im so sorry. im sorry you've had to grow up so quickly, because that is mostly the case in these scenarios. my biggest tip would be to look after you. it's okay to break down, I did the other night for the first time in a while.
its really hard to talk to people about it, because lots of people dont get it. my boyfriend grew up with a classic white-picket fence family and has no idea how to handle the things that I say to him about my dad, but he's trying.
as long as you are getting some kind of support, you will be okay. and if you're not, make time to support yourself. remember, you are the only person that you have forever. you start your life with your parents, but your life doesn't end with them- your life ends with you, so take care of you.
im really sorry that this is reality for you. im sending you so much love, and if you ever need someone to vent to about parenting your parents (or anything else) I'm here <3 thank you for feeling comfortable enough to reach out to me.
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elmaxlys · 1 year
If I've already done this pardon me I sent a couple last night to people and cannot remember who for the life of me, 1, 4, 5 for mutsuki and 8 with the prompt of "most likely to adopt a wild, dangerous animal on a whim."
You haven't no worries :3
1- (Hands you a free card to ramble about whatever for your favorite character/ship)
*inhales* we need to talk about Applehead
I tend to always reblog my old post about it instead of making new ones because i said it all already but the Applehead case drives me fucking INSANE and it's absolutely VITAL to any reading of the lad imo GOD
He's a good kid, a good catholic even. He sees the good in people, he wants to believe in them. And he's just. he's stabbed in the back each time, hence his pure bitterness by the time the Fueguchi case rolls. The Applehead case is right after he got out of the Academy, he's a young investigator and it's really showing that even with his childhood, even with the CCG brainwash, he still wants to see the best in people. He refuses to immediately assume the worst.
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(he stops okay he fucking stops 😭😭😭)
Applehead is a speedrun of his childhood, like: he sees a nice old person, is outraged at people suspecting them of doing a crime, grows attached, helps them in their crime, discovers the truth (the last two being reversed in Donato's case). It's just hhhhhhhhhh
It's so heartbreaking. He wants people to be good so bad...!
Also I mentioned it in my other post but he's not wearing his cross at that time. You know, the cross symbolizing his sin of ignorance that he wears so he's always reminded of it. Of going against his first instinct of seeing the best in people. Of the atrocity even the people he loves most are capable of. Takizawa giving him back the cross, which allows him to slay Donato('s clone) at last.
Given he wasn't wearing it at that point and that after that we always see him wearing the cross, my theory is that Applehead was the tipping point for him.
Am I even making any sense? Who cares.
4- What character do you (the asker) remind me of?
I associate people with their icon so I am sorry to say it's Takizawa
5- When I say Mutsuki what’s the first thing you think of.
I brace myself for discourse alas.
But regarding the character, I think of the murders ❤ the jar of tongues ❤ mentor Tokage with little bloody Tooru ❤❤❤
8- Character most likely to most likely to adopt a wild, dangerous animal on a whim
It's either Tsukiyama or Naki
Shuu: did exactly that with Hori and then Kaneki + he's rich so totally could do that
Naki: he stoopid. he would. "oh this animal reminds me of aniki" *adopts it* Hooguro and Shousei exchanging concerned glances but not doing anything to stop him. Miza going ballistic
I was gonna mention Hori (she did exactly that with Shuu) but she has just enough common sense not to. I also thought of 14yo Ayato but he was scared of a bird so it's unlikely (he definitely doodled himself with, like, a panther at some point)
TG Ask Game
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erstwhilesparrow · 1 year
*waves enthusiastically* HI!! :D May I have 2, 4, 10, 13 for the fannish asks?
[waves back with equal enthusiasm] HI!
2. What’s a classic work of literature that you’d consider yourself a fan of?
Hm.... Does The Haunting of Hill House count as a classic work of literature? I suspect no. The Bell Jar?? The Left Hand of Darkness?? Strange Pilgrims by Gabriel Garcia Marquez?? I've read Pride and Prejudice, which I suspect is the closest to what is meant by 'classic' here, and I admire Austen's writing but it's not really the first thing I think of when asked what I'm a fan of. Sorry, this answer's kind of boring, turns out I'm not much of a classics person!
4. Do you have a crack ship? Explain them to me.
I... don't think so? I have trouble framing character relationships as shipping even to myself? Just in general? Like. It just doesn't occur to me that I might want to do that. And I don't think it's as if I don't ship people, more that someone says the word shipping to me and my mind goes totally blank. So. You can imagine how it's even worse when I try to think of a crack ship I might have. Wow, two in a row for Answers That Aren't That Fun -- let's see if we can make it three >:]
10. Recc me a new piece of media you think I’d enjoy!
Ooh... Nimona! By ND Stevenson. I just glanced to the side at my bookshelf and saw this and went, "Ah, yes, found family, magic powers, sweet and silly and sad. Perfect." It's a graphic novel about a shape-shifting girl (Nimona) who wriggles her way into the life of a villain by the name of Ballister Blackheart. The two of them team up to cause some trouble with a group called the Institute, Ballister might have a bit of A Thing going on with the hero of the Institute, and Nimona makes me real fucking sad every time I read it.
Aw, dang, this answer was fun, I broke my streak!
13. Praise an obscure favourite character.
Oh boy oh god oh okay!! I'm giving you this answer with the full knowledge that it'll change again within a month or two, probably. Pixlriffs! From the Minecraft series Empires SMP (Season 2)! I mean, I assume I'll like him in season 1 as well, but I haven't watched that yet. He's just... so enchanting to me as a character concept. And specifically as a Minecraft character concept?
Right, okay, so. He's an archaeologist. He pulls entire cities out of the past. He lives alone in a warren of ancient catacombs. He can see, as holograms, the places that overgrown ruins used to be. In a series that is so much about not being able to escape the past, he's, like, a walking thematic capstone, and that's just so. I am a moth to a flame about that. But also. He's so fucking funny as a character and everything I aspire to be. He's the definition of "friendly and competent guy that everyone takes for granted as The Normal One but then it turns out that no, he's as batshit weird as the rest of them"!! He's really nice! Utterly unflappable! One time he ripped up a guy's carpet because his favourite shiny rock got stolen!
But the actual thing I haven't been able to stop thinking about is. Pixlriffs The Actual Guy Who Makes The Videos (as opposed to Pixlriffs The Character) is making a point this season of not really doing a character arc or a central plot for his character? On a Doylist level, this is so The Actual Guy can stick to what he's more comfortable with: being in the background doing work to support other people's stories -- The Actual Guy himself describes it as kind of being like a DM. But on a Watsonian level? All of this is so. He builds ruins and structures and dots them across the landscape for the other players to find. He guides them to plot hooks interesting sites and suggests they talk to each other when there's thematic parallels in their stories they have problems in common. I keep thinking about the line from the End Poem: and the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code / and the universe said I love you because you are love. And. The idea of a person who is here specifically to act as a mouthpiece for the history of the world, to speak on a past that -- on the level of the game -- doesn't exist. The idea of Pix being in some ways very much his own person but in others acting out the will or narrative of a place overflowing with those things and unable to express them. Like the universe itself saw these people telling stories and building homes and living lives with so much care and love and went, Yes, let me help. Yes, I love you, here is another story, tell it with me. Yes, let me play the game with you.
History chooses the victors… The past is not gone, it is not even past… You are the universe talking to itself... He!!!
It's so funny how obvious it is when I care about a thing. Hi, Reyni! Hope you've had fun with this, and that you've made it to the end here unscathed. :]
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mccoys-killer-queen · 2 years
Seeing Faster Pussycat/LA Guns/Tom Keifer Band in concert:
if you follow me on insta you know a LOT happened last night xD this is going to be a VERY long post I can just feel it. I gotta try and sort out my copious thoughts mixed in with all the events so we're gonna TRY doing this in chronological order:
*deep breath*
when I first got there 5 hours before showtime, I went inside to use the bathroom. Now this venue is relatively small, and they have a small restaurant upstairs (those are the bathrooms you have to use prior to doors). I went upstairs and I heard Tom soundchecking from there :o he was playing Don't Know What You Got (Til It's Gone) and it was making the room shake it was the greatest piss of my life
I was the 4th person in the general admission line and I was with these two guys, one of whom had a RAD hysteria tat and said I have Joe's (pyromania) haircut
this guy offered me free beer
one of these three people in front of me ended up being my "concert friend" (I'll refer to her as Robin) bc we talked so much and she's old enough to be my mom
Robin and the other two guys in front of me had VIP packages to see LA Guns' soundcheck so they left and I was first in line until only Robin came back
Slim Tender actually passed in front of us in line hours before doors opened but none of us really realized it was him
I got my photo pass and got in like 10 minutes before everyone else!! I ended up being front row at the barrier to stage left
Faster Pussycat's rhythm guitarist (Ronnie Simmons) gave me big Steve Clark vibes bc he's a skinny white boy with long hair who looked shy, did air split jumps while playing, and just in general felt Steve-y
Sam Bam is incredible and adorable just saying and FP sounded awesome like Taime sounds exactly the same as he did 30 years ago
They stole the fucking show I swear to god the night peaked with them imo
Phil was wearing a mesh tank top with a bandana and feathered hat he looked like a granddad trying too hard to be a pirate and the curly ass mustache didn't help
Phil looks like his 80s self is pretending to be old
Due to personal reasons I am now in love with Phil Lewis
he was dancing like a total dork it drove me insane I couldn't get enough
His speaking voice is so high???
Phil grabbed his left tiddy like twice during their set
guys I SWEAR I saw a tramp stamp on him with my own two eyes I SWEAR I saw it you gotta believe me
Phil pointing at my camera during the first fucking song and me not getting the shot ;-;
Phil replacing random lyrics with the words "Tracii Guns" (i.e. "nowww Tracii's breaking hearts in heaven")
Phil giving a speech about Tracii during Jayne and saying how he's been his best friend for over 30 years and how "no man has ever touched me like he has-"
Tracii: *pokes Phil's shoulder* C:
Phil: "-and I LIKED it"
Tracii: *pokes Phil's boob* C:
Ace apparently pulled his groin early in their set (I was on Tracii's side so I didn't see- I will elaborate more on this later)
since I was on the side of the stage with the exit, that meant the drinks were there too, so every time Tracii went into a solo, Phil would come over and would almost always interact with me and the teenage girls next to me
at one point I took advantage of this and I blew a kiss at him when he was in front of me, to which he went :O and slapped his cheek to show he "caught" it and I went fuckin ballistic
at the end of their set Phil grabbed one of Tracii's picks and crouched down in front of me and threw it to me (I CAUGHT IT)
was anyone going to tell me Tracii Guns is a dilf or-
I literally thought Johnny Martin was a woman the whole time- like I KNEW it had to be him but I was seriously second guessing myself because he just- he was in glasses and a scarf and a hat and he haS A VERY FEMININE BUILD
Phil saying he's happy to be "on top of this beautiful mountain again" (the venue is on top of a mountain) and it's so weird bc like ? this is just where I live? and he likes it? HE likes it??
apparently Phil complemented a girl on her tits during the show (she was showing a lot on purpose and bouncing a lot and he just kinda motioned bouncing tits with his hands and nodded- I'M TOLD- I didn't actually see any of this. Robin told me afterwards)
LA Guns stole the show I stg I had no idea how Tom was gonna top that it was the peak of my night
Tom was ethereal just saying he sounds T H E E. S A M E. HAS HE DID ON NIGHT SONGS.
Tom's knee high boots and tight pants hell yeah
Tom wasn't really playing with the crowd that much but he did slightly acknowledge me during Shelter Me by just kinda looking at me and singing
He played much more Cinderella than I expected I was LIVING
Tom saying we (him and the crowd) are basically related bc we're all from PA. So from this point onward I am related to Tom Keifer I didn't make these rules he said it himself
Tom during Nobody's Fool going "I SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMM- *falls to his knees*" a capella, letting his voice absolutely shudder the whole building, and holding it forever and everyone going nuts what a fucking god
Tom betting we knew every word to Nobody's Fool which we DID
his playing just seems so smooth????
his wife Savannah being on backing vocals and them doing Don't Know What You Got (Til It's Gone) together was really cute ;-;
Before they did that Tom told us to "show him some Pennsylvania stars" (aka put our lights on during the song)
the stars actually coming out in the sky after the show ;-; <3
they did Long Cold Winter as an encore and I was dissociating thee whole fucking time so badly because I was THAT exhausted- like I didn't even recognize the song until the very end I was that out of it. I didn't have anything to drink- alcohol or not.
someone was holding a very good drawing they did of him and his wife the whole time and at the end of the set one of the roadies took it from her and brought it back, and came out a minute later asking if she wanted it back, to which she said they could keep it. SO yeah Tom and Savannah kept a fan's drawing of them ;-; <3
Tom's hair is still godly
I also never knew he has a nice butt 👌 and legs
When Tom was recording the video of the crowd he put on his insta he was like "hold on I gotta I make sure I recorded bc the other night I fucked it up and didn't get it..."
"...I GOT IT" *audience cheers bc yay Tom knows how to use a phone good for u honey we're proud*
Okay that's JUST from the show. Now here's where it gets crazy.
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ramble about rwby please
oh a request u will likely regret but i will gladly oblige. it's a good thing ur asking me now though. If u had asked me in like 2016 I would've gone fucking ballistic. I was obsessed obsessed during volumes like 3-5. That was the time when I like wrote fanfics and made literally not exaggerating 40 full fledged rwby ocs with two of my friends.
i love rwby. back then I was rabid about it being basically flawless. I loved 4-6 and never understood the people who called it boring. looking back I get it but I still really enjoyed them. now I am more critical of media and actually really disliked volume 8. so much so that I went into volume 9 with my expectations a lot lower than normal. I honestly kind of was worried I wouldn't be into it. Yea turns out I think this is just My Show. I'm still watching it every Saturday. accidentally paid for a month of crunchyroll cause I couldn't find a decent 🏴‍☠️ website but it is what it is. I think I just love this show like. Fundamentally.
I'm enjoying volume 9 so far. Even though I do still hate 🐝 but that's another story. But the rest of it is a lot of fun. I glad the Ruby Rose Depression Era has finally begun. My poor girl has been through so much. This was inevitable and I'm honestly stoked to see her when she comes out the other side.
Weiss is best girl. For a while I thought it was Yang but no. It's Weiss. Sorry. I love her so much. Everything she does is iconic she's so funny but also she's got so much emotion to her. I like. Cannot get into it how much I love everything about Weiss.
Blake I have the most complicated feelings about because I feel like so much of her story has been twisted around Yang in a way that's distorted her. I feel like a can't get a good grasp of who Blake really is anymore. It's part of why I don't like 🐝 I like Blake. I just think I used to like her a lot more.
Yang I also love though. Like I said she used to be my fave. I think she's extremely interesting and complex. Yang has changed a lot like Blake but, the difference I think with Yang is that it feels more like growth and development as opposed to this sort of. Total tone shift that Blake has had. I used to use I Burn as an alarm. That was a mistake.
Honestly though I just really thought Ironwood got done so dirty. He didn't deserve any of that. I could've gone into this in real depth after it first came out but I've forgotten a lot of the details by now but like.
Ironwood was nothing but helpful since we first met him. Especially after they get to Atlas. And they kinda treated him like shit. And then he goes SO hard the other way in volume 8 and it felt so out of character. Not to mention I felt like everything team rwby did was honestly super stupid just. The whole time. I really didn't like volume 8.
I could keep going but I guess these are my surface level RWBY thoughts. Anyway. If they don't bring Sun back to me in this volume I'm going to take michael jones hostage I swear to fucking god
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albatris · 3 years
nanowrimo day 5 here we go. heeeeere we go
today's word count is 10,635 plus a little extra because I wrote some stuff in my notes app that I haven't transferred to my laptop yet
what did I do today, hmmmm
wrote some stuff, then wrote some other stuff. started a little bit of quinn backstory too which I will probably continue tomorrow unless I get distracted by something else shiny
today's excerpt (I'm still not writing in order despite my best intentions) is,
"I'm glad you like them," Nat gushed. "It took me forever to get them right. Been tweaking the recipe for years. Cinnamon is good! You can add cinnamon and brown sugar, but that's not the secret. I can't tell you what the secret is though 'cause it's not my secret and Lyra would kill me if—"
Nat's voice cut off as soon as he realised what he was saying. Quinn watched the smile on his face freeze, all the life draining from it. The hand that had been excitedly tapping the tabletop fell still.
"Oh?" Lloyd said, oblivious. "Who's Lyra?"
Nat's face returned in an instant to a practiced deadpan. He shoved out his chair and stood, reaching for his mug. "My sister," he said stiffly. "I'm going to make more tea. Do you want more tea?"
Nat's sister is. hm. well that's a story for another day. he's very cagey about it so I will respect his privacy for now. occasionally he finds himself about to launch into an adoring ramble about her and then his heart shatters :)
today's mood is me going pspssspspsppsss trying to get my sibling to watch leverage
today's jam is "mx. sinister" by idkhow
hey! I love you. stay safe out there
#nanowrimo#a rental car takes a left down rake street and disappears#lloyd! absolutely not a main character in any way. but he sure is here#good pleasant very valid human man#nothing bad happens to him#he wanders about in the plot and because of Reasons nat is very very emotionally invested in his continued safety#like. nat had a fucked up time in a fucked up house and got dragged into some fucked up garbage that completely traumatised him#n lloyd just happened to be the next human he ran into so he was just kind of like#you are so soft and breakable. i am so stressed. we're not friends at all but here's my phone number if you're ever in any trouble#just give me a call and i will come go fucking ballistic in order to protect you. this world is a terrifying place and i am#a totally normal person who handles stress and the terror of helplessness in a totally normal healthy way#you are not symbolic of anything. i am not traumatised. i would die for you. let me make you a pasta bake#prior to this they were kind of just. vaguely sometimes in the same room lmao#nat occasionally drinks some of lloyd's blood (and rates it a solid 8.7/10)#lloyd twigs that if he tosses nat the occasional friendly compliment nat is 100% willing to just drop everything and#cook him arguably some of the tastiest food he's ever eaten#so they have a very stupid ''I'll feed you if you feed me relationship'' which stresses quinn out a lot#like. a good handful of quinn's human associates r ok with#sometimes trading a bit of blood or selling it or occasionally just donating some but like??#generally don't want anything to do with the vampires that end up drinking it bc like#they're human! n these are a bunch of highly efficient predators who now associate them specifically with meals#they arent super keen on actually meeting any of these vampires or having them know anything about them#lloyd is just. lloyd though#he knows there's like a 70% chance if he goes over to quinns house nat will be asleep in the other room anyway#quinn just generally doesn't tell people this lmao
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lunaticsandidiots · 2 years
ok we all know adrian is the jealous type right? like he sees someone flirting with you and he's instantly pulling you away to obliterate you right? but what would happen if he sees CHRIS flirting with you? like that's his BESTFRIEND flirting with HIS lover? how do you think he'd react? would he be even more jealous because it's chris?
man oh man do i have thoughts on this one
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how adrian would react if chris flirted with you…
so its very much established that adrian is the jealous type.
when others flirt with you, he’ll whisk you away in the blink of an eye so he can remind you of why you’re with him.
(i dont think adrian would ever blame you if others tried to hit on you, he knows you cant help that. but that doesn’t stop him from using it as an excuse to fuck your brains out in the nearest semi-secluded closet or alcove he can find).
however, if it was chris who was coming onto you, it could go one of two ways.
(and for both of the outcomes, i think there’d be jealousy involved. adrian looks up to chris, and probably sees him as superior in one way or an other, so if chris tried to flirt with you, insecurities would definitely come into play.)
if their friendship was already going through a period of tension, i think adrian would have the potential to go ballistic on chris for trying it, mostly by lashing out verbally.
if he was feeling particularly hateful about it, he’d probably do tiny little extremely things to drive chris insane, like moving everything in his house 2 inches to the left, gluing all of his belongings to his desk or replacing his conditioner with mayonnaise.
and now we get to the other potential outcome.
adrian would watch as chris looked down at you, face burning bright red as he watched chris effortlessly leaning against the wall beside him, hand resting almost directly above your head to show off a massive, toned bicep.
again, half of the nausea bubbling up in adrian’s throat would be jealousy and rage.
but the other half? pure arousal.
he’d feel so conflicted, but he’d push through nonetheless, the mental image of chris pounding into you brought him too much pleasure to deny himself of the thought.
i don’t think cuckolding would be at the top of his fetish list, but due to the circumstances, it would be something that would cross his mind often until he ripped the bandaid off and asked you.
if all parties agreed, i’d think it would be wise to talk to chris beforehand for everyone’s benefit. make it clear that you love adrian, and that even though you also want this, you belong to him, not chris. (i cant help but be protective of my blorbo rn okay) .
(you could also totally use this chat to loop chris in too, telling him what adrian likes, what turns him on, so when the time came, the both of you would be able to make it the most pleasurable experience possible for adrian.)
i don’t think is nearly as kinky as he is rough, but i think once he saw you getting adrian worked up by teasing and taunting him, calming him a good boy and degrading him
‘you wanna watch me get fucked real good by someone else, baby? you’d like that, wouldn’t you? sitting there all tied up and pretty, watching me take it, not able to touch yourself, not able to do anything but squirm? i bet you’ll make a mess of yourself before i’m halfway there, won’t you sweetheart?’
chris would probably get turned on by that too i am not gonna lie to you.
and just like you’d predicted, you’d watch on from your hazy, teary, lust-hooded eyes, as best you could while chris did indeed fuck you mercilessly.
and adrian would be squirming and writhing and panting and sweating as he came ropes all over himself as the vulgar display in front of him, and he’d sit there glistening in sweat and cum as he watched you come undone around chris.
afterwards, it’d be best for everyones sake if you took extra time for aftercare, making sure that you and chris were all good of course, but then doting on adrian, showering him in love and affection, telling him how good he did for you.
and maybe later on when it was just the two of you laying in bed, you’d take a moment just to check in and make sure he knew where you were at (reassurance and clarification is the #1 way to his heart)
‘you know i’m all yours though, right dude?’
maybe he’d nod halfheartedly, or mutter out a ‘yeah’ if the big green monster had yet to fade away.
‘today was hot, but i only want to fuck you.’
‘really?’ he’d ask, eyes widened with surprise.
‘really. plus you’re way better at it than chris.’
and adrian’s not a particularly subtle or deep person, but i think he’d keep that little comment to himself, thinking of it whenever he’d begin to doubt himself in chris’ presence and just kinda puff his chest up and smirk to himself, knowing who you belong to.
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kerie-prince · 3 years
Hermione Granger x fem Slytherin!reader (fluff)
requested: (@chokemepansy) im terrible at requesting because i blank on ideas BUT anything for hermione please <3 take your time ily 💓
warnings: a single curse word, but mainly just soft hours
summary: Hermione has her very first date with you at Hogsmeade (song inspo from Fergie's Clumsy) (pardon my lame ass summary)
a/n: ty for requesting, luv 🥺 hope you like it! i made the reader slytherin just bc of you <3 and yes, i put in an outfit inspo but it's not like the cringy ones from wattpad
(gif not mine, cred to owner)
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You came to love the smell of parchment and books. The sound of pages being turned, the feeling of a new book in your hands. You loved them because it made you think of Hermione.
Merlin, you were infatuated with everything about her. The excitement in her voice when she talked about her favorite books, the small paper cuts on her fingers from turning the pages – she didn't mind them as it was normal for her – and the look on her face when she received praise from professors.
She was all you thought about and you wanted to go to the top of the Astronomy Tower and yell out "I LOVE HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER" for the whole school to hear. And you were positive she felt the same. Hermione would refuse to let go of your hands when you walked together from class and on some occasions, you'd catch her staring at you during study sessions. Just like she was doing now.
"Miss Granger, for the last time, I am asking you what are the contents of polyjuice potion?" Snape was hovered over her desk. Hermione jumped in her seat and turned to face the brooding professor. Your Slytherin housemates who sat at the back of class laughed at her startled state as she named the contents. You looked back and glared at them all. When Snape left your table and continued his lecture, you leaned closer to Hermione and whispered as low as you could, “Are you okay? You seem kind of distracted,” you noticed.
“Y-yes, I'm fine,” Hermione stuttered. Snape excused the class and Hermione waited for you to be done packing your things just so she could hold your hand to the Great Hall. “Are we still going to Hogsmeade on Saturday?” you asked.
“Harry’s got detention with McGonagall for ‘ accidentally’ turning Crabbe into a water goblet in class,” Hermione used her free hand to make air quotations, “and Ron’s busy with Lavender that day.” She had a sad look on her face, thinking that they wouldn't be able to go to Hogsmeade after all. You picked up on it and had an idea. “So, just the two of us then?”
Hermione’s chest became warm, “Okay. It's a date.” Your eyes slightly bulged out and to Hermione, you had an indistinguishable smile, “I mean, not like a date date, but a girls date.” You weren't sure if she meant it like that, but you laughed at her stumbling her words. The always composed girl becoming a cute, blubbering mess for you. Not that you knew for sure it was because for you but you’d given it a lot of thought.
She never held Harry’s hand like she did yours unless he was upset about something and she was comforting him. And she certainly never held Ron’s hand. Nor does she ever hug him knowing Lavender would go ballistic. Not that she’d ever want to. He was her best friend, yeah but she had never gotten used to it. They both had an unspoken thing to not hug.
“Sounds fun,” you chirped, “can’t wait for it.” You gave her a lingering hug before going to your table. You sat in between your best friends Pansy and Daphne. Pansy had a smirk on her lips once you were in her line of sight, “Did you finally tell Granger?” You knew what she was talking about and nudged her arm with your elbow, “Shut it.” The two girls chuckled and gave each other knowing looks. “I might tell her on Saturday,” you disclosed.
They had matching shocked faces; for nearly a year, they’ve watched you pace around their shared dorm debate with yourself whether or not to tell her about how you feel. You’d have a sparkle in your eyes every time you talked about her and nearly spent every day with her. They weren't upset about it. In fact, they couldn't wait to see you two together. But you were unexpectedly insecure by thinking of the worst case scenario in which she’d reject you.
“That’s great, Y/N/N. I’m so happy for you. I know everything will turn out well,” Daphne supported. Pansy nodded and pointed to Daphne as to say ‘Me too’. You grabbed the hands of both girls and held them tightly, “Thanks, girls. I love you guys.” You wrapped an arm around both of them and brought them in for a hug. Daphne returned it while Pansy made a fake coughing sound. “I can’t b-breathe,” she exaggerates. You held on for a couple seconds more before letting go and started eating. “Okay, so how is this happening?” Pansy asked.
“We’re going to Hogsmeade together on Saturday,” you inquired. “So the whole lot is going as well?” Pansy was talking about Harry and Ron of course.
“No, just the two of us alone,” you replied, taking a bite of the chicken on your plate.
“You mean, this is a date?” Daphne exclaimed. “We’re going to help pick an outfit, no questions asked.” She had a stern look that dared you to talk back. As sweet as Daphne is, once her mind is set to something, she doesn't budge. You accepted it and was met with her usual warm smile. Inside, you were ecstatic and couldn't wait for Saturday. Your crush has gone on for too long, and you were tired of waiting.
Your dorm mates got you up at the crack of dawn. And by crack of dawn, it was actually 10 am at most. They made you change into every outfit they picked out which totaled in 8. You appreciated everything they were doing, but some of the outfits were too much for a day in Hogsmeade. Daphne picked out tennis skirts with cropped argyle sweaters. Pansy picked short dresses that stopped at your mid-thigh and black wool turtlenecks to go over them. They had completely different aesthetics which is what probably made them perfect friends.
You settled on something casual; a thick striped long sleeve polo with light blue jeans and white trainers. It was going to be a nice spring day and you didn't want to wear something that would be too short and you get cold later. Daphne did your hair in two French plaits and Pansy did your makeup modestly. Once you were done, it was noon and you rushed to meet Hermione for your ‘girl date’.
She took the air straight from your lungs. She looked more breathtaking than the night of the Yule Ball. You distinctly remember being incredibly jealous of Viktor Krum and beat yourself up for not asking her before he did. But now, if he was here, you were sure that the famous Quidditch athlete would be jealous of you.
Hermione’s usually wild hair was tamed into smooth wavy curls that framed her delicate face. She wore a floral print button up that was definitely new as you’ve never seen it before. Or did she save it just for you? Her navy jeans hugged her ankles and she donned light pink flats. And probably for the first time since the Yule Ball, she had mascara and lipgloss on. Casual, but perfect.
Your face was flushed, and you weren't sure if she was also blushing or if maybe she was just wearing blush. “Shall we?” You reached out to grab her hands – her soft hands – and waited for her response. She didn't say anything when she laced her fingers with yours and started walking on the path to Hogsmeade. Hermione was about to say that you looked pretty when she tripped over a small rock on the pathway. “Are you okay?” you expressed concern. She was still holding onto your hand as she steadied herself up, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
You snorted and had to hold the butterbeer in your mouth, “Ron did what?” Hermione laughed as she told you how Lavender exploded on Ron for forgetting their anniversary and when he tried to make it up by giving her chocolates that he got from his older brothers, Lavender instantly grew a huge chin that drooped over her neck. Ron had gotten so mad at them and in unison, they told him ‘Why’d you think we’d ever give you real ones?’
“So that’s why no one has seen her for a couple days!” you noted. She was nodding as she laughed. You could only imagine what it was like to see it in person. Poor Lav. You went back and forth talking about whatever went on since the last time you were together.
Hermione went on talking about a new book she read about over the winter holiday. The way she expressed her emotions and passion for it made you fall for the Gryffindor girl more. When you hadn't said anything, she stopped and lowered her head, “I’m boring you, aren't I?”
You sat straight in your chair and fumbled your words before reaching out to grab her hand from across the table, “No, no, no, of course not. I could never be bored of you, I love you.” Your eyes widened. You didn't exactly expect to let it slip out like that, but you studied her reaction to see if you could leave it at that or otherwise. She sat still with a poker face. “Y-you’re my best friend, Mione–”
“I love you, too,” she confessed. “Huh?” Please, please, please tell me I heard her right. You didn't get to fully process what she said because after a few seconds, she gathered all her courage and reached over the table to give you a quick peck on your lips. It would've been a sweet moment hadn't she accidentally knocked her glass over in the process. Everyone in the Three Broomsticks had their eyes on you, Hermione’s face beet red and lowered out of embarrassment. You tried cleaning the mess and out of nowhere, Hermione ran out. Fuck this you thought as you ran after her.
“Mione, wait!” She hadn't gone far and luckily for you, she listened. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes averted from yours. “Where are you going? Aren’t we on a date?” Confidence had finally kicked in when you asked her. Hermione’s breath hitched. She couldn't see anything in your face that showed you were joking. Because you weren't. “Yes,” she grabbed your hands and started walking towards the other shops in the small village. Until once again, she nearly fell back when she nearly slipped over another rock on the ground. You supported her back up and giggled, “You’re so clumsy.”
requests open!
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malyen0retsev · 3 years
can you explain what's been going on this week on twitter with abuse/racism towards archie? i've seen people mention it but i'm confused and i need to know if there's users i should be aware of...
A lot of this shit began to kick off a couple of days ago, when a few people started to call out the use of ‘Malaria’ with regards to Mal/Malina. It’s a problematic term for obvious reasons, but now Mal is played by a PoC, there are literal racist layers to the term. The response from this user to my tweet was to screenshot it and say this:
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Apparently calling out racism is a ‘hot take’ now, yay! (I got blocked soon after this). I’m just gonna say clearly here: Normally I wouldn’t name users, but in this instance I am so monumentally angry that I’m going to. Because people DO need to be aware of the disgusting level of abuse from certain individuals. I have a bunch of moots who are Darkling/Darklina stans who are absolute angels, and I don’t know if they’re aware of the level of shit that has gone down this week either.
Today things just went into a total shitstorm and that’s due to the twitter user ‘bidarkling’ and I feel no shame whatsoever in naming this individual because their tweets are vile. They began by blaming Mal/Malina stans for the abuse Archie gets:
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Which is a load of absolute bullshit because we are the ones who have defended Archie against this since day fucking one. However, the reason we REALLY went apeshit at this is because this individual is the reason Archie deleted his Instagram and made one with no personal content. Because they sent abusive comments about his daughter:
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And yet we’re the ones who are bullies?! Jesus. But oh no! It doesn’t stop here! They have also continuously questioned Archie’s ethnicity and said he is white, even though Archie is literally desi. He is not white. He is not white passing. He is of Southern Asian descent. ‘White with a bit of tan’ is how this user described him! Which is fucking racist as shit. I REPEAT, ARCHIE IS DESI.
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This user has been abusive to Archie since day one, saying how annoying he is, and then yeah, sending abuse to him about his baby, denying his ethnicity, being racist, and then apparently deciding THEY have been being nice to him and it’s us who called them out on it who are the bullies here!!! Amazing logic!!!
Like I said. I don’t usually agree with naming and shaming with this stuff. But I’ve had enough. I think all of us have had enough after today, after watching racist abuse pour in towards Archie. The greatest irony is, of course, that were Ben Barnes to see this abuse, he would go ballistic and block these users immediately, because he sees Archie like a little brother.
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nnnnnjkkhf · 4 years
the experiment | kth ft. pjm
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◇ kim taehyung x reader ft. pjm
◇ smut; slight angst  | E2L!au | poolparty!au
◇ word count: 4.3 k
notes: this is my first ever fanfic, so i apologize if you think something is wrong. pls don’t hate me <3
warnings: soft dom!taehyung, sub!reader, dirty talk, oral (m&f receiving), masturbation, protected sex, public fingering (wHOOPS)
summary:  one of your group mates for research was giving you a hard time just because he was always annoyed by you and the attention the boys are giving you, but you don’t know that.
“Ding!” a message from Jungkook popped on the top of your screen while searching for the list of equipments you needed for the experiment. Shit, you mentally cursed. You looked up, and everyone in your group was staring at you.
“Why the hell are you texting when we are still discussing the things we need for this research?” Kim Taehyung snapped. Yes, snapped. This guy was giving you a headache ever since you’ve been classmates this school year. He hates you and you don’t even know the reason why. Jeongha, one of the girls in your group, smirked. 
“Maybe one of her boys is texting her for booty calls.” you glared at her. 
“Maybe you're just jealous that no one’s texting you.” you said, mimicking her facial expressions.
“Shut up, ___. I was asking you why you are texting when we’re discussing our experiment.” Taehyung said out of irritation. This guy. He doesn’t even know if I was really texting or not! I need to kick Jeon's ass later for texting me when he knows I’ll be in an important group meeting!
“Well, one of my boys needs me. If you’re done talking, maybe I can leave?” You didn’t wait for his response and started to walk away from the group. He is so annoying. I’ll just send my part to Ji-eun later, so I won’t need to interact with Taehyung. He’s getting on my nerves. You opened Jungkook’s message to check what was so important for him to message you during a group discussion. 
[1:48 pm] assjeon: “___! I got an invitation to Jimin’s pool party tonight. I know you won’t say no since you’re basically crushing on him since freshman year.”
[1:55 pm] you: “Who said I was crushing on him? I’m in love!”
[1:56 pm]  assjeon: “You? In love? Who are you kidding? The party will start at 7 pm, so I’ll pick you up later.” 
[1:57 pm] you: “Okay, dad, I got it.”
Good thing his message wasn’t that bad and you really needed it. Jungkook was your best friend since high school, so he knows you well enough to judge if you’re in love or not. Of course, I was kidding but damn, who could ever resist THE Park Jimin? He’s a walking meal for Pete’s sake! His ass looks so good. Any girl would say yes when talking to him. You still had enough time before the pool party so you went to Starbucks to get your favorite drink and went home to take a nap in your flat. 
You closed your laptop after sending Ji-eun the list of equipment you researched earlier before leaving the group meeting. If Taehyung wasn’t being an asshole, you would’ve already finished working on it earlier. 
It was already 7 pm, and you noticed Jungkook already went inside your flat. He had an extra key in case of an emergency. You got up and picked up the two different bikinis in your bed.
“Which one should I wear? Black or red?” You tried to put the bikini over your oversized shirt and asked Jungkook to choose your bikini outfit for the party. 
“If you wanna seduce Jimin wearing a bikini, I think you should go for the red one. It will suit your curves well.” He said while sipping his iced coffee. He already saw you naked because of one accident wherein your towel accidentally dropped on the floor while the two of you were dancing to the beat of your favorite song. He was flustered, but then he started laughing, so you guessed he didn’t care about it. It happened about a year ago, so you don’t care about it now.
“Okay. I’m almost done. Go start the car now or something, I’ll head out after this.” You said while packing some extra clothes in your canvas bag. He nodded and left your flat after leaving his drink on the table. What a jerk, leaving his mess for me to clean up after. Am I his mom or something? 
 The drive to Jimin’s house went smoothly because Jungkook was a safe driver. There were already many people and some of your mutual friends since you arrived a bit late when you went inside. 
“___! Here!” Ji-eun called for you. She was seated on a couch with a group of people who you’re not familiar with except one, Taehyung. He’s with his guy friends, Seokjin and Yoongi. Why was he here though? Oh right, he’s Jimin’s best friend, and he lives here too. How could you forget? Isn’t it ironic how you would want Jimin to fuck the shit out of me but hate the nerves of his best friend?
“Hey, Ji-eun! You’re here early. How did the meeting go earlier?” You sat beside her and across Taehyung. He was looking at your figure, and his face screamed in disgust or so you thought. You felt insulted. Most of the guys you’ve encountered admire you because they think you’re pretty and hot, but unfortunately, Taehyung isn’t one of them. You focused your attention on Ji-eun since she was responding to your question. 
“Oh God, don’t even talk about it. Taehyung ended the meeting after you left because he was pissed. Don’t worry about it. Let’s go dance!” pissed? Of course, he was pissed. You literally told him that one of your boys needed you while having a meeting. On second thought, he deserved it. He accused you of texting during the discussion where i fact you were focusing on your tasks.
You went to the crowd with Ji-eun to dance. The party was a blast. After a while, you bumped into Jungkook while he’s grinding his hips to the girl he’s dancing with. 
“That’s gross, Jeon.” You whispered to his ear before you continued dancing. “You’re just bitter because Jimin’s talking to a girl, which is not you.” He said and smirked.
 You stopped dancing and scanned your eyes across the room to look for your crush, but instead of him, you locked eyes with Taehyung, who was drinking his liquor on the other side of the room. He was looking at you intensely, and you thought it was hot. Damn, I must be crazy. If he weren’t annoying the shit out of you, you would totally have the hots for him. He smirked. You broke the staring contest first and rolled your eyes, continuing the search for your beloved Park Jimin. There he was, talking to the girl who pissed you off earlier, Jeongha. 
“Ji-eun, I’ll get a drink for myself. You can stay here,” you said, and she just nodded as approval.
Jeongha was obviously into him because she kept on touching Jimin’s arms. Disgusting. Siri, please play that should be me by Justin Bieber. You mentally rolled your eyes and walked over to them, bumping into her on purpose. 
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you were there. By the way, I heard your boyfriend looking all over the place for you.” You said while smiling innocently. You knew this bitch doesn’t have a boyfriend but you lied so Jimin would stop talking to her.
“Bitch! I have no-” Jimin cut off her sentence. 
“Wait—you have a boyfriend, yet you still kept on flirting with me? Get lost, girl.” He said and pushed her away. You smiled secretly like an agent who completed her mission. Jeongha glared at you and walked away.
“So, ____, do you have a boyfriend?” You slightly jumped because you thought Jimin’s going to walk away too, but he didn’t, and he started a conversation between you two! He even knows your name! 
“I’m not really into relationships.” True enough, you weren’t interested in dating—just plain sex.
“That’s good to hear, babe. Let me get you a drink. What do you want?” He smirked. 
“Surprise me.” He winked at you and went to the kitchen to get you a drink. Someone grabbed your arm. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” It was Taehyung. He looked pissed. Why does he look pissed every time he’s talking to me? 
“Why do you care?” You asked him back and shot him a glare. 
“Of course, I care. One second you were grinding your ass with the guy in the dance floor, and now you’re flirting with my best friend!” Taehyung’s mind went ballistic. His mind tells him that he’s just jealous because he’s not the one you’re flirting with, but he’s in denial of his feelings for you. 
“Damn. He’s old enough to take care of himself, you moron. And for the record, the guy on the dance floor was my best friend. Stop annoying me and get out of my sight.” you hissed. Did he think I was flirting with Jungkook? I treat Kook like my twin, and now he’s telling me I was grinding my ass on him? Gross.
 “Oh, you two know each other?” Jimin handed you a red cup with some sort of alcohol in it. 
“No.” both of you answered at the same time. Jimin laughed and just shrugged it off.
“Tae, this is ___, and ___, this is Tae, my best friend.” the hell I care, I already know about that. You just smirked and drank every bit of alcohol you had in your cup. You forgot you had a low tolerance with alcohol. “I wanna go for a swim. Do you mind?” you told Jimin. 
“I’ll go with you. Come with us, Tae.” why did he even invite Taehyung to go with you? You wanted to leave because things are starting to get awkward. Didn’t he notice the tension?
You started walking towards the outdoor pool and placed your things on the sun lounger. The two guys began to take their shirt off, and you were staring at Tae’s abs. Before he start to notice you, you look away and focused on Jimin instead.
“Like what you see, baby?” he smirked. Damn, he’s hot, and he’s confident about it! Of course he should be. Look at all those girls on the side, drooling over his body. Taehyung dragged him to the side of the pool and pushed him. Both of you were laughing because of Jimin’s reaction. 
“Aren’t you going to swim?” Taehyung said and jumped to the pool, not waiting for your response. You forgot what you were supposed to do because you saw Taehyung’s back while he was jumping, and he looked so damn hot. 
“Damn, I must be drunk,” you whispered to yourself. The water splashing to your legs made you shiver. It was cold. 
“What are you waiting for, kitten?” you didn’t hear the last word he said but you saw his lips while saying the word. kitten? What the hell, Taehyung? You slowly take off your oversized tee and shorts, attracting the attention of two men and other people who were near you, revealing your red bikini and your curves. “Damn,” Taehyung thought. Jimin whistled while eyeing you up and down and forced you to jump to his side. 
 After jumping, you rose and felt someone holding your waist. It was Jimin. He pulled you closer and went for a kiss. ”Is this okay?” He asked in between kisses. You responded by placing your arms on his neck and kissing him deeper. Jimin’s fingers slowly traced the inside of your thigh as they slowly traveled up the soft skin. A shiver went down your spine as you realized what was happening.” Jimin,” you said breathily, trying to close your legs. 
He merely tsked and pried your legs apart with his strong hands. “I know you want it, baby,” he whispered in your ear. Your head was thrown back as he reached his destination, slowly pushing a finger inside you. You look over Jimin’s shoulder and saw Taehyung’s back leaving the pool. Guilt suddenly washed over your face as you realized the both of you were with Taehyung, and you were in public. 
 “Wait, stop,” you said, holding Jimin’s arm while he was starting to thrust his fingers in and out of you. “What’s the matter, babe? Don’t you like it?” he asked. You liked it, but it felt wrong. “We’re in public, Chim. Maybe I should go swim for a bit.” he was flustered, but he didn’t stop you. He nodded,” Okay then. I’ll just go for a drink.”
You went over to the other side of the pool and observed the people surrounding you. They were busy and having fun enough for them not to notice what you were doing with Jimin. You’ve always wanted Jimin to notice and touch you, but right now, you feel like something’s wrong. 
You got out of the pool and caught some guys looking at your ass. Jungkook was walking towards you and when he got near you, he helped you put on a robe.
“What’s up? Jimin told me to give this to you. He didn’t look that happy.” he said while drinking from a bottle.
“I don’t know, Kook. I just don’t feel like fucking right now.” he was surprised but he didn’t say anything. Who wouldn’t? Even you were surprised. Your main goal when you went to this party was to get laid. What changed your mind? Moreover, who? You didn’t care about how Jimin would feel because you knew there were plenty of girls he could screw over. Besides, this is his party. 
That’s when everything got back to you. Kitten. That look in his eyes. Was it Taehyung? He left the pool without a word when he saw his best friend trying to finger-fuck you in the pool. Was he affected? Stupid, of course he’s not. He was just protective of his best friend because he said you were flirting with everyone and he obviously didn’t want his friend to get hurt. 
“Do you want to go home?” Jungkook said while clinging into your arms like a baby. “Let me go otherwise, you’ll get wet. And yes, I’ll go home. You can just stay here and look for girls to screw.” you said, grabbing your clothes from the chair beside the pool. “You sure?” he asked, and you nodded. “Alright, should I inform everyone that the queen is leaving the party?” he laughed out loud, making some heads look over the both of you, while you smacked his head, smiling.
You went to look for the bathroom on the second floor of the house because the first-floor bathroom was taken by some people making out. To your surprise, someone grabbed you and pushed you inside a room.
“What the hell?!” to stop you from screaming, he covered your mouth with his lips. His scent was very familiar, but you didn’t respond to the kiss. He stopped when he realized you weren’t going to react and rested his forehead against your shoulder. The room was dark, and only the moonlight from the window was the light source, so you can’t see anything but his silhouette. No way.
“Taehyung?” he didn’t respond. You were starting to feel butterflies in your stomach. The only person ever who made you feel like this. Crap. Why is he doing this? Were my thoughts earlier real? Was he really jealous? 
“Stop making me feel like shit, ____,” he said in a husky voice. He smelled and tasted like alcohol, so you figured that he was somewhat drunk. “What d-do you mean?” you responded. He moved his face away from you.
“It’s nothing. J-just leave me alone.” did you hear him right? leave him alone? “You basically dragged me into this room, kissed me, and now you’re asking me to leave? Who do you think you are?” he’s such a jerk! He didn’t answer your question but instead, he pulled you closer for a hug. You felt stiff, and you can’t even push him away. He’s making you mad, at the same time, driving you crazy. 
“I-I,” he sighs knowingly. 
“You’re what? Do you think this is some kind of a game?” you slightly pushed him to break the hug. “You treat me like shit whenever you get the chance, and now you act like a jealous boyfriend? What game are you playi—”  
“I like you!” He cut you off.
There was a moment of silence.
“You l-like me?” wow. I’m lost for words. All he did was get on my nerves, and now he’s confessing his feelings for me? “I liked you ever since. I was jealous because all you do was entertain and date guys that aren’t me! What do they have that I don’t?”
You honestly don’t know what to respond to him. You feel so overwhelmed. You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing went out of it. Taehyung looked rejected and was about to leave when you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. It’s all or nothing.
“I kind of like you too, Tae.” and with that, he took off your robe and placed his big hands on your ass to carry you without breaking the kiss. He pinned you to the wall and started kissing your jaw down to your neck, leaving soft marks on it. Small whimpers went out of your mouth as your core clenched around nothing when you felt his erection poking your stomach. 
“Tae,” you heavily breathe as he continues to kiss down your collarbone. 
“Tae, please,”
“Please, what, kitten? What do you want?” he said, slowly dropping you back on your feet. “I need you,” you moaned as he slid his finger down your bikini top and cleavage down to your stomach. You helped him by removing the bikini effortlessly. He sucked your left mound while playing with the other one. An arousal-laced gasp falls from your lips as his hands drop to your inner thighs. 
 “Do you think you deserve me? After letting my best friend kiss and touch you like that? With me around?” his fingers hook under the fabric of your underwear, and he quickly slides them down your thighs.
“I’m sorry, please, I won’t do it again. I want you now, Tae.” 
“Will you be a good girl for me?” you nodded. “I need to hear you say it, kitten.” he looked at you before slowly kneeling so he can be eye to eye level with your pussy.
“Yes, daddy. I’ll be a good girl.”
After a swift glance up at your eyes, he leans between your thighs and drags his warm tongue against your clit. The feeling is almost like heaven on earth. His lips are soft, but sinful against your cunt. It’s not every day you receive oral sex this good, especially not from your oh-so-called-enemy. Taehyung’s right-hand finds comfort gripping your hip while his left-hand cups the flesh of your inner thigh. He lifts your leg to give him a better access for his tongue to enter you. 
“Can other guys eat you out and pleasure you like this? Hmm?” he said and continued what he’s doing. 
“No, baby. No one is as good as you. Fuck, I’m close.” 
You encourage yourself to be vocal to let Taehyung know that he’s making you feel great. When his tongue glides over the perfect area, you tighten your grip on his hair and emit a soft but loud moan. He’s listening to your vocals and then skillfully dragging his tongue against your most sensitive areas. You looked down at him and saw his erection. It looks painful.
You can’t help but wonder how many times he’s done this. Even more intriguing to you, who taught him this. As his palms run along your soft skin, you notice the texture of his hands, slightly calloused and large, too. If he wanted to, he could probably crush you. All this daydreaming has you accelerating closer to your climax, so you quickly tug on his hair and pull away from his mouth. His lips and chin are slick with your arousal. 
You make it your next move to crawl onto the bed. As you turn to face him, he crashes his lips against yours and guides your almost-bare back to his sheets. The smell of his manly perfume floods your senses. Your tongues greet each other with passion, and the pure intensity of the kiss has you hot and unbothered. He breaks the kiss for a brief moment to tug his shirt over his head and pulls his jeans down along with his boxers. His muscles are well-defined and flex as he leans over to kiss you.
You’re both aware you need to prepare before taking his cock; otherwise, it’ll split you in half. He sank a single finger on your pussy, and you moaned loud enough for him to hear. 
“I bet Jimin didn’t even make you feel like this, huh. You’re such a slut. This cunt is fucking mine now, you hear me?”
His knuckle stimulates your clit as he gently fucks you with his digit. You wrap your thighs around his torso as he adds another finger. There’s a slight warmth from the stretch, but the pleasure almost drowns it out.
“All yours, Tae. Please, just fuck me already,” you playfully grin.
He got up and went to get something out of his wallet. He rolled the condom over his dick and slowly stroked it up and down. Damn, he looks so fucking hot. “Are you ready for me, baby?” you nodded. He’s so big. Will that even fit?
He wastes no more time. With a swift adjustment of his body, he positions his cock against your entrance and slowly sinks inch by inch. You dig your nails into the flesh of his back and emit a strangled moan. 
He sighs at the feeling. “God, baby, you’re so fucking tight.”
“Oh, my fucking..” You gasped. ”T-taehyung.”
Just when you thought he couldn’t reach any deeper, he pushed back your thigh and sank deeper. You pulled his chest against yours and rolled your hips, signaling him to start his sinful movements. His thrust had your back arching and your thighs shaking like never before. 
As you go in for another kiss, you take his tongue between your teeth and suck on the muscle, emitting a startled moan from his throat. His hips stutter slightly at the foreign gesture. He grips the headboard as he fucks you with all his might. He’s been dreaming about this moment since the dawn of time, so he’s going to make the most of it. Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head. He’s hitting deep and in all the right areas. 
A deep moan falls from his lips, and then another. He can’t seem to contain himself, but you’d be a fool to complain. His shaky breath and pretty moans are drawing you closer to your orgasm. 
A few more strokes of his hips and you’re moaning loud enough and coming around his cock. He follows closely behind, holding the entirety of his length inside of you and reaching his climax. The pressure is unbearably pleasurable. 
He lay down beside you as the both of you continued panting. “Did I do great, kitten?” he said as he made you turn to him and pulled you closer, kissing the top of your forehead. “Yes, Tae. The best sex I’ve ever had.” you grinned and cuddled him. You can’t believe that the guy who you thought hates you made love with you.
 The sunlight woke you up from your deep sleep. You glanced over and realized you were not in your room. It’s a manly room. You guessed it was Tae’s. Oh, right. Memories from last night clouded your mind, and you blushed. Taehyung was not inside the room, so you figured he’s already downstairs. You checked your phone on the table beside the bed and saw two missed calls and three messages from Jungkook.
 [11:23 pm] assjeon: Hey, where are you? Did you get home safely? 
[12:02 am] assjeon: Bitch, reply asap. Are you home? 
[8:09 am] assjeon: Fucking ____. I swear I will kill you if you hurt yourself or whatever you stupid bitch.
His messages made you laugh. He’s acting like a mad brother. The latest text from him was just twenty minutes ago. You called him, and he answered right after.
 assjeon: where the hell are you, and why didn’t you go home last night?!
you: chill, dude. I’m still here where you left me.
assjeon: by that, do you mean you’re still in Chim’s house?
you: well, obviously. 
assjeon: thought you wanted to go home because you weren’t in the mood for sex last night. What happened?
you: well, it’s a long story. I’ll tell you some other time, kook. Have to go!
assjeon: you better do! Take care of yourself. Love you!
you: love you too.
Call ended.
“We had sex last night, and the first thing you do in the morning is call another guy?” you stopped scrolling through your phone and looked up. Taehyung was standing there while holding a glass of milk. Cute, you thought. 
“Good morning to you, too. Are you jealous of Jeon? He’s basically like a brother to me! Thank you for the milk.” you said, smiling and walking towards him to reach the glass of milk. You noticed you were wearing your undies and an oversized shirt. Taehyung dressed you up while you were sleeping, and you felt those butterflies in your stomach again. 
He held your waist and pulled you closer so he could leave a kiss on your forehead, and you giggled. “I’m not jealous of him. Just the attention you’re giving him. Good morning, baby girl.” 
You gave him a peck on his lips. What a great way to start the morning. 
a/n: Thank you for reading my first work ever. Do you want a part 2? 
taglist: @strwberryvmin​ @bonnyskies​ @hannahmaehudgins​ @adoringinsanity​
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 years
So... A little follow up on the (what if Claudia took Mitch with her in estranged), what would've Mitch done if he saw stiles being bullied (by Jackson, or some punk that plays lacrosse with Mitch and was very jealous bc he wasn't the Captain and wanted to get back at Mitch using stiles) I think he would let his very badass side show and that would leave everyone in shock...
Or anything where Mitch was a total badass
I am so glad to follow up on this, bc I've been thinking about it nonstop since your first ask 😊
For the first scenario, with Jackson bullying Stiles:
Jackson gets jealous when he sees Mitch, back from college for the summer, practicing with Scott and Stiles. He tries to show off for Mitch in that typical douchebag way where he's lifting himself up by stepping on Scott and Stiles. Which is to say: it doesn't work. Mitch tells him to knock it off, and Jackson is a little hurt that his hero just brushed him off like that, but the message never sinks in. It just doesn't compute that Mitch wouldn't like him. And he's determined to show Mitch exactly where he's wrong, and that Mitch should be mentoring him. (Mitch is kind of put off by it, tbh. Like yeah he's a lacrosse star, one of the best college players to live, etc. Whatever, he's also a 20-something kid and doesn't want a fanboy, he just wants to hang out with his little brother.)
When Jackson's Win-Him-Over-With-Charm plan doesn't work, he gets nasty. Under the guise of trying to understand/"help" him, he brings up Mitch's past, asks why he'd have given up his future/inheritance. Jackson may not know his bio parents, but at least his adoptive ones are rich. He can't imagine giving all that up just to live some podunk life in a small town. But if they team up, they could go pro together; Jackson could back Mitch's career, and in return Mitch could train him, help him make connection, etc.
Meanwhile Mitch is ??? Because a literal teenager is trying to buy him. Between Jackson's treatment of Stiles, and his personal digs on Mitch (acting as if he knows the first thing about him), it's the closest Mitch has ever come to actually throwing hands with a teenager. He holds back though; psychological warfare and blackmail are so much more fun. And effective! Especially with someone like Jackson. And the last thing you want to do is piss off a telepath.
In Estranged, Mitch is entirely untrained. But here, with Claudia, he would be fully trained, which means he could do some damage, which Jackson would get to see first hand.
Second scenario, someone on his team decides to fuck with Stiles:
If it was someone Mitch's age picking on Stiles, it would be no holds barred. Mitch would go ballistic. I don't think he would have the same anger issues as he does in Estranged, bc he doesn't have the same trauma, but he's protective over his family. Threatening the people he loves, in any way, will always be a trigger for him. Especially give the age gap here. Stiles is his baby brother; if Mitch was 17, Stiles would be like 12-13. So it's extra levels of "wtf is wrong with you?" No one that close to graduating should be bullying a middle schooler. Mitch would absolutely get bloody over that. (And not necessarily his own.)
I could also see some "My big brother is gonna kick your big brother's ass!" From a scrappy 12 year old Stiles. He probably gets Mitch into all kinds of trouble lol. Tbh I imagine them having an early Steve/Bucky relationship, where Mitch is always having to drag him out of trouble when Stiles gets into fights with people much bigger and meaner than him. (He was probably a scrawny kid, and then between middle school and Highschool, sprouted like a weed. It's why Stiles is so gangly and awkward; he grew like 6 inches in one summer, and doesn't know where everything is yet.)
And finally, one more addition of my own for Badass Mitch~
I think he'd go ballistic on hunters, too. I already mentioned it on the first post where he gets kidnapped and tortured by Kate. That's not by accident; he totally confronts her (giving Laura time to warn her family), and they probably have a pretty brutal fight before she takes him down. He's got the training, but she has experience, and she fights dirty. But then after Laura and the others free him and have the Hale v. Hunter standoff, even while tortured, Mitch can still hold his own. Him and Laura are totally a badass battle couple, watching each other's backs and tearing through the hunters. Literally, in Laura's case!
And just one more idea because I think it's cute - once they go from Teenage Dating to Werewolf Courting, Laura takes down a deer as a courting gift for Mitch. Just. Fuckin. Goes out and kills the biggest stag she can finds and presents it to him all proud, and he's like O_O What the fuck am I going to do with this, babe??
But he cooks it up once he figures out how to actually butcher the thing (maybe with Papa Hale's help, it could be a father-soninlaw bonding experience) and Laura is heart eyes at him, bc not only did he accept her gift (thus her proving that she can provide for him), but he's also feeding her. And like I said, the girl likes to Eat xD (And thus Mitch shows he can provide for her, too.)
It probably becomes a Thing at the restaurant later, where they'll sometimes have venison on the menu whenever Laura is feeling frisky and Extra Alpha. Maybe she always begins (ends?) the Full Moon with a hunt, and it's a full moon special kind of deal.
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