#i am open to all answers people have because this is a question im genuinely wondering about
ssaseaprince · 1 year
Not to get political, but does Hannibal count as copaganda? Discuss
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firein-thesky · 2 months
Why is it that dc such as r@pe, sa, and incest is totally okay to write about and romanticize but y’all draw the line at racism, fat phobia, and homophobia *talking about the writings creators make, not personal beliefs*? Whats the difference between these things? All of them are hurtful and affect people in real life, so why is everybody on here choosing and picking one and not the other? Do writers on here think that they are not comparable or that one is okay to romanticize and the other is going way too far?
Im just genuinely curious as I have seen this topic be brought up again and again, which has made me realize this and Id like to see it from someone else's pov.
hi! there is a lot to answer and unpack here and i have every intention of doing so underneath the cut. forgive me if this gets long, but you’ve asked me 4 very massive questions that i think warrant detail, nuance, and thought. there is a lot i’d like to say here.
that being said, mind the content warnings and protect yourself.
cw: mentions of rape, incest, racism, homophobia, fat phobia, discourse in general
firstly, i am going to choose to give you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you are actually curious in hearing another side and you are not simply looking to stir a pot or pick a fight with beliefs you have no intention of changing or having an open discussion on. your accusatory tone in the first half indicates otherwise and kindly, i am not an idiot. but i want to earnestly talk to you about this and again, will think better of you than you perhaps have indicated you think of me.
secondly, you do not have to censor words like rape in my inbox. that sort of censorship has become wildly popular because of tik tok and other money-hungry social media that also desperately want to silence people. do you know why you have to censor words like that on tik tok? or words like genocide? suicide? racism? 1. so that they can make money and market and push their squeaky clean algorithms but 2. and perhaps worse, so they can silence victims. if social media platforms and capitalism and the systems of powers had it their way, you would never utter these words again—whether to call someone out for justice or to have an open discussion like this one. i encourage you greatly to think critically about this and how you choose to use censorship and why.
now, to your questions.
to preface, i am interpreting this ask as being anti-dark content in fiction as you state that ALL these subjects harm people in real life. or at least, you are being critical of all dark content in fiction and the way writers engage with them, effectively ‘picking and choosing’ which are deemed acceptable and which aren’t, when they are all hurtful. i apologize if that wasn’t your intention/what you believe, but regardless, i’ll endeavor to answer you.
i personally have drawn no lines about dark content nor spoken about any of these topics specifically really, which indicates to me you have a different narrative and/or are coming from more inflammatory arguments that are always circling fandom lately. in the post i most recently reblogged, i spoke mostly of violence. which, of course, all of those things can be. but i didn’t name one of those topics in particular.
regardless, i don’t believe in the censorship of any dark content in art, but rather advocate strongly for critical analysis on a case-by-case basis. in general, i encourage thinking critically about every aspect of the world around you.
i do not believe that rape, incest, and sa are okay to write about or create art about but racism, homophobia, and fat phobia are not. i believe all of those topics are ones that can, should, and will be explored in the safety of art. all to varying degrees of success, earnestness, impact, and intent. you’re right that these are real things, that can hurt people, and the fictional work about them can have impact on our society that is tangible but the actual art or fiction created is not real. and again, this is all to varying degrees on a case-by-case basis.
art and fiction also historically and massively do discuss these dark content topics and have actively swayed the public’s opinion on matters, whether for better or for worse. throwing away all dark content in art and fiction because it is ‘harmful’ is deeply, deeply dangerous and reductive. a lot of art that engages with dark content actually makes very succinct points about it—i think of vladimir nabokov’s lolita or octavia butler’s bloodchild or speak by laurie halse anderson.
this is where we must exorcise critical thinking. some pieces of work will handle dark content poorly—white saviors making art on racism. men making art about a woman’s experiences that (as you are so interested in) romanticize her pain. etc. etc. and some art will handle it’s dark content incredibly and be transformative, perhaps even revolutionary in how we talk, perceive, or acknowledge systems of oppression, violence, and dark content in this world. some dark content in fiction will have damaging beliefs and effects on society, some will not—we must also look at scope for this, at the writer perhaps, the historical moment, their audience etc.
(for example, there is a significant difference in a main stream male writer, writing of a woman’s experience with rape in a published book in a way that makes it sound romanticized, sold to thousands and thousands of general public vs. a woman using fanfic to explore rape, take control of it, or whatever in a fanfic for a small online community where there are warnings on it. indicating she is aware of its potential damage in a way her male counterpart is not…)
but i still believe in dark contents’ existence in art. of course there is differences between all of these topics you brought up, but i don’t think their differences matter in this answer. i believe in their right to be explored in art. i am talking broadly of media/art here, which i think is the more relevant conversation, but i think you are actually more interested in a much smaller scale of people. ie. fandom. ie. mostly marginalized people in small communities online writing and creating dark content.
people will choose and pick which ones they’d like to create art over and which ones they don’t, which ones they read and which ones they don’t. there’s no ‘hard line’ drawn anywhere. and i can’t control it and neither can you. perhaps you think violence is okay to be explored in fanfic, but racism isn’t. someone else will have different preferences. i do not believe in its censorship.
now, let’s move onto your interest in romanticization and what i think you are more pointing to, which is fandom. you are specifically referring to people in fandom who write about rape, incest, etc. and ‘romanticize’ it—ie. they write about it in a way that is a fantasy. it is perhaps supposed to be horny or sexy. so let’s talk about it.
i must remind you that these topics you’ve brought up (rape, incest, sa) being written are fiction and it is (most often) done by someone marginalized who has either experienced this or is in threat of experiencing this under a patriarchy. i assure you, they are aware of its harm. hence the copious warnings in fandom spaces.
if i can be candid, sometimes i think that people forget how systems of oppression work when discussing fandom and whether dark content being created should be allowed or not.
for example, i sometimes think people who are anti-dark content in fandom believe that a woman or afab person writing a fictional fanfic about rape or sexual violence then influences people to go out and rape people or that women actually like it. when the reality, in fandom spaces, is that rape and sexual violence happen frequently under the patriarchy and then these women in fandom write fictional fanfic in response to cope, explore, take control of, etc. etc.
to insinuate that women or afab people (which fandom mostly is) exploring dark content safely in fiction then causes their own oppression and harm or trauma is rather victim-blame-y to me. fandom exploring dark content does not cause these things to happen in our society….these actions (rape, incest, sa) happen in our society or systems of power and fandom reacts to them in their art by exploring it in dark content. do you understand what i’m trying to say?
it’s not a matter of what is ‘okay’ to romanticize and what isn’t. i do not think the romanticization that fandom does with dark content (ie. my kidnapper actually loves me! or this sexual act that i did not consent to…maybe feels good) is not actually romanticizing but coping because of the systems of power that i described above. and this can be coping with anything—shame of sexuality, shame of fantasies, trauma, fear, etc. etc.
as i said in my tags in that post i reblogged and as plato said, dark content in art is a safe place to explore what would otherwise be harmful and dangerous in real life. it is cathartic. potentially even, a purging.
and even if it isn’t all that—maybe it just is trashy fantasy. it is still playing pretend. it is still fiction and in fandom spaces, it is still most likely being created by a marginalized person. and again, even if it isn’t, we don’t get to censor it. we can be critical of it or wary or whatever, but to censor it, is a slippery, slippery slope. do deem some topics as “acceptable” and others as “unacceptable” is dangerous.
just like kids play pretend where they ‘fight’ or ‘kill’ or ‘kidnap’ or ‘shoot’ each other in games of cops and robbers or heroes and villains, they are safely exploring adventure, dark content, fantasy, tragedy, and higher emotions. adults can do the same in fiction and with adult topics like sex.
and at the end of the day, we don’t get to demand the credentials to do so either. we don’t get to censor them or control them and nor should we be allowed to. i cannot stress enough that i encourage you to be critical of censorship or the absolute disgust in dark content and at those (again—often marginalized people) who engage with it in fandom. i believe it is deeply puritanical, conservative, and dangerous.
you don’t have to like dark content or consume it at all and fandom makes it easy not to with all the warnings and tags, but you cannot control others or police them. nor should you want to.
and at the end of the day, i have some questions for you. you don’t have to respond to this, perhaps they’re just things to think about. what is the end goal here? what is the point in harassing, shaming, attacking, criticizing, or interrogating people in fandom spaces who create or support dark content? do you believe that if it is purged from fandom, it will be purged from our society? if you want it purged from society—shouldn’t you start there rather than in the inbox of marginalized writers in fandom? people in fandom did not create rape, incest, and sa nor do they in their exploration of fiction…they are merely reacting to a world that did create it.
i hope at no point i came off as rude to you, as was not my intention. i intended to stand up for myself and respectfully state my opinions and thoughts on this matter. i’m sorry it got long, but also i don’t believe in being brief on such complex matters. i am a writer who engages critically with the world around me and sometimes, things cannot be made into short, snappy answers. sometimes, we must unpack.
genuinely wishing you well.
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kyo-kris · 2 months
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Shigaraki Tomura x FTM Reader HEADCANONS
❥ Telling him that you're trans
Fluffy Headcanons.
Pronouns for reader: he/him
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♡ You and him were having a chemistry, even if both never would dare to talk about this, and no one from L.o.V (except for Toga. Im sure she would shipp you and Tomura)
♡ Well, but when you noticed that you were liking him, you got nervous. So. Fucking. Nervous. You didn't know that they had a trans member in L.o.V and you were afraid of being just rejected or humiliated because of your gender.
♡ Well, you decided one night to open up to Twice about your gender, you were fucking SHAKING. Ending up discovering the trans member and that nobody gives a damn for what you identify yourself, as long as you are strong and help them, you will be respected.
➥ (If you don't like Twice, just imagine another member or you discovering by yourself that information) (pls who doesn't like him...)
♡ This information just relaxed you so much, and you just felt safe to talk about it to Shigaraki. But now how would you do it was the problem. He was always busy with his plans.
♡ But one day, you found your chance. Only him in living room, the others were outside doing different things. Doesn't matters. You took the advantage and courage (of course the courage of a few months thinking about this).
♡ You wasn't totally surprise because you knew about the member, but you hadn't seem any expression so genuinely like this. People tries to support or show that they support you, or they treat you differently (most time in a bad way). But this pookie? Nah. He was just "ok, and?"
♡ "W-what do you mean with 'ok, and?', you already knew it??" you asked with wide eyes, but at the same time you were so greatful for him not turn this a headache.
♡ "No? I mean, good for you, I'll keep calling you the same way as I always did." He said, same expression as if you just told him that you were going to sleep or something like that.
♡ "Thanks. I always feel like if I don't tell, the person will be mad or feel trapped. It happens more than I wish"
♡ "Trapped? What the fuck. Why would I?" You didn't know if was a rhetorical question or you had to answer it, but you just let a light laugh come out.
♡ "Is that all the reason you wanted to tell me you are trans?" He seemed to notice your nervous face.
♡ "Do you... Do you wanna go out with me sometime?" You felt your cheek burning like a fire "y-you don't have to accept, I was just wondering maybe we.. Uhm could-"
♡ "Yes" He coldly (or softly. You were too nervous to notice) said, turning his head away from your look.
♡ "What?" You heard it right?
♡ "Don't make me repeat myself" You thought maybe he was annoyed or impatient, but it wasn't, he was blushing as hell. And when you noticed, you made your way to tease
♡ "Whoa you're so red. Are you running a fever?" You tried your best to hold back your laugh
♡ "Im changing my mind!" His voice was slightly shaking, and you also noticed that, but decided to keep to yourself. It was just so cute seeing him like this!
♥︎ You could see a short smile on his face. Maybe you didn't need to be nervous at all. Everything went right.
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Notes from Kyo ♡: Hello again! Well, my "I wanna feel safe and loved" is here, isn't? Two fluffy posts and the same character XD. Now you can suggest anything on my blog, can be anonymous too, feel free.
Here a list about what I do and what I don't:
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thethirdpapa · 2 months
"Father, bless me for that I will sin"
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Summary: Father Jim deFroque gets possesed by a familiar face AN: Happy Jesus he knows me anniversairy y´all have a bit of Jim suffering in honor of that. Let me know if you want part 2. Also the art is a nod to a very beloved horror game. Guess which one in the comments!! TW: Possesion , cussing , discussion of religion , mild gore , pain Words: 1,3k
Father Jim deFroque. Some call him the good willing father of the Jesus talks, some know him from his masses, some know him from his not so holy night life. Somewhat he had the trace of a glorious Popstar-Life, but behind this naïve look and the preaching of comfortable lies with the subtle manipulation of giving some man all your money to be greeted into heaven with open arms. Not to speak that Jum had a lot of interesting callers , especially around easter. Some days he wondered if it wasn’t the infamous ministry who chased these kinds of calls upon his neck to annoy him. But , as a priest must, he kept his patience all the way, And it wasn’t only his good willing patience that helped him stay calm during the arguments on the Jesus talks, but also the leftovers from his wild nights . Some wonder if he had a cold that he never gets rid off as they get to hear the sniffing from time to time on calls
Yet , one call was interesting. It came , late at night while he was in the bathroom , taking care of his hair. He forgot to leave the light on in his bedroom , which made the call coming from it seem like the scene right before a jumpscare in a horror movie. The only source of light was the moon from outside, shimmering lightly through the stained glass. Jim picked up, who would he be if not a priest always available for his devoted followers?He was just surprised the call did go to his mobile phone rather than the one he was given by the church for the jesus talks. He picked up.
“Good evening ,May god bless your soul. you are speaking to Father Jim deFroque. How may I help you?” he answered in his usual demeanor. There was no answer. Except some weird, breathing noises. Jim thought it was one of these interesting calls again and was about to hang up when suddenly , a rather familiar voice spoke . “Another day of serving the lord?” . What a weird.. teasy sounding question. Jim firstly had to think for a moment. “Sir, is this a serious question or do you just want to …” Jim started with a confused tone as the voice interrupted him “..No..no.. genuine question.” . “Well , yes, obviously. How shall I not fulfill my duty of serving our shepherd” Jim responded in his usual demeanor. “How are you so sure that he is actually real? Has he done something to prove his existence to you?” Yes, it was done of those callers again. Jim took a deep sigh, deciding if he should just shit on the rules and tell the caller to fuck off, or if he should grab into his basket of “evidence” he keeps repeating like a broken record.
He decided for option two, he does not need any troubles right now , as he did not wish to ruin his image just because it was 2 am and he was about to go to bed since he didn’t feel like clubbing today. “Well you see, I consider my duty and life to be a blessing of our lord and saviour. He has led me to my mission to bring the message of the holy spirit to the masses and redirect the people back to the right path” . There was silence , then a chuckling.. “redirect them to the right path..sure” the voice replies snarky “do you ask them if they wish to? Do they come to you even?” Jim felt himself getting tired of this pointless conversation, but also weirdly anxious. “Sir, I only do what I must, not what I decide is the solution” . The voice snickered at that. “Im sure they’ll appreciate you” . That was when the call ended. Leaving Jim with the phone in his hand, starring at the screen of the suppressed number. Jim found this weird, but nothing shocking. And decided to go to bed, but he still couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was out to get him.
Jim didn’t have the most pleasant dream either, a rather short figure appearing in his dream only to laugh at him. As he stepped closer to the figure he got to see their face, it was familiar face paint what burned itself into his memory. The unmatched eyes, it was like he has seen them before. Why was this haunting him?  But that wasn’t the worst of it all. As the figure stepped closer, He was revealing his horns, and the ground beneath Jim was burning. They just watched him on fire, waving even a little with a smile he didn’t know was meant to be a greeting or a farewell. The eyes and the face paint stayed in his memory even as he awoke. It was still dark. He checked his watch , spotting it was only five am
The light in the bathroom was still on. Jim couldn’t recall if he switched it off before bed or not so he forced himself up to turn it off. Yet his eyes were greeted with a different scenery as he wished to. There was red paint on his mirror, spelling the word Sinner. Now that was the final straw to get the faithful man out of his calm demeanor. He inspected the paint, but the paint turned it out to be blood.
Firstly Jim went to check his locks and windows, in case someone wanted to pull a prank on him. But all locked and closed. Which was weird. To say the least. “Holy Father have mercy on my soul…” Jim whispered under his breath. And the plead was replies with a chuckling. The same as on the call. Jim shook his head, refusing to let his mind trick him. He started to consider that these were the after effects of his last trip. As he stood in front of the mirror with disbelief the light switched off.
Jim unintentionally screamed. Not sure if it was the shock  or the fact that everything what was going on seemed out of a horror movie. He prayed quietl under his breath, pinched himself even to wake himself up from this nightmare. Pleading to whoever was listening to stop his madness. “No, No” it sounded behind him. Jim gulped  and turned around to the noise,  (He felt incredibly stupid for acting like a horror movie protagonist in this situation) and spotted the man from his dreams sit there. Didn’t they say he was dead? Decaptivated even? And of course he had horns. He smirked at Jim. “So ..Are you still on the right path?, Father?" He asked while looking absent minded towards the wall . “What a stupid question, of course I am. What do you want, my soul? “ Jim yelled hysterically , losing his demeanor. Why was he tormenting him like that?
The man stood up. He didnt answer his question but was smirking even brighter. “Lets see how he can save you now from that” he replied, with that he revealed his horns and wings. He snapped his finger and a burning pain claimed Jim´s chest. The father screamed for mercy. To anyone that would listen to help him. “Burn in hell you--…” Jim went quiet. He felt something shift, enter his mind and spread inside him like poison , no prayers would save him now. And he was simply not qualified for an exorcism on himself and way too panicked to continue. Jim felt his faith fade, along with his mind.  No matter how hard he tried to stay and not let the evil take him over, it was too late for salvation. The begs of mercy faded slowly. His tortured expression turned into one of satisfaction
Father Jim was no more, his smile was not his own, his eyes always overshadowed with the omnipresent glow of his red eyes. Jim slowly got up, groaning from his floor. Facing his new form in the mirror. A bright smile painted his face and he chuckled. A weird dark red substance trickled from his mouth and eyes , and his iris were black along.
And with that the beloved father was gone , buried deep beneath the shadows of the possesion , locked in the dark of his mind.
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petruchio · 6 days
i was lowkey tumblr stalking asks you’ve answered before (i apologize i just love how in depth u answer) and now i wanna know your tierlist (A/B/C/D/F) for the songs on GUTS. include deluxe pls bc imo the deluxe tracks are better than many main album tracks hehe
well first off you can ALWAYS stalk me and never apologize for it, i love answering stuff and i love that people actually read it HAHA! so please <3 stalk away <3 i love it
i LOVE this question. i was going to make one of those images like the youtubers do for tier lists but then i realized i would have to explain myself anyway so im just going to give each song a letter grade and a little blurb about why i think this... so here goes 🤓
i actually have to put this under a cut because it got so long that i am not going to clog up people's dash with my long and way too detailed thoughts on GUTS but please read this if it is of interest bc i would love to continue discussing haha
so first i'm going to say to me overall guts is like a solid A-/A for a sophomore album. i don't think it's perfect but i think as far as showing growth from the first album, expanding on themes and sounds that were explored in sour, and just maturing while still feeling like a natural progression -- i think it does all of that really nicely while also managing to carve out a unique niche for olivia in the industry. so like. YES! great. (i have been saying that while i see olivia compared to taylor swift a lot, i think it's actually a much better comparison to compare her to avril lavigne in the early 2000s -- avril was originally "discovered" via performing with shania twain (which in some ways we could argue for being a taylor/olivia situation but in the 90s) and a lot of her early work and songwriting is influenced by the country music scene, but, just like olivia, her first album smashed onto the scene and captured the teenage zeitgeist in a really unique and special that was really of the moment it was released and dug into rock inspired hooks and sounds that resonated with the audience of young teens. if "driver's license" is olivia's "complicated," i think we can easily argue that "good 4 u" is her sk8r boi. (and deja vu is her i'm with you, the best single and best song in both of their discographies I SAID WHAT I SAID!) anyway all that is to say i think that GUTS and under my skin ALSO share a lot of parallels both in how they were marketed and the way they dive deeper into darker themes while expanding on a lot of what made the first album great, if perhaps not spawning the level of radio hits as the first album. anyway it's just something i think about that i don't see talked about all that much and i find it really interesting. i could keep going but i know that was an insane digression so let's get to the grades.)
all american bitch - B+ i think this song is a great opener and it has some really great lines in it -- the sarcasm makes it so fun and tongue in cheek and i actually like the scream, my reason for not being able to give it an A is just that i do feel like it's very much "putting on a persona" of being a rock punk chick, which is absolutely cool and is extremely well done, it just doesn't feel 100% authentic to me. like, i like the scream but it feels more like an acting performance than a genuine scream of anguish, but olivia is such an appealing actress that i'm like, yeah girl go off
bad idea right? - A+ this is the deja vu of the album for me. it is SUCH A GOOD SONG and it has the best video by far of any of the singles, it's so clever and creative and i actually really love her vocal delivery, it's bratty and obnoxious but for some reason it DOES feel authentic to me in a way AAB doesn't, i think it takes its influences and manages to reinterpret and transform them into something totally unique and personal to olivia and it's just GREAT. (i think a great example of how good this song is is honestly the kelly clarkson cover she did, it was a really fun cover but you could just tell that olivia's version works better, it's a song that feels like it could only be done by her and i love it for that.)
vampire - B i actually thought i'd rate this lower bc it is my least favorite song on the album but like, okay it's FINE. my issue with vampire is that 1) it feels like the label said "write another ballad that sounds like drivers license and we'll use that as the lead single" which i don't like, and 2) i've written before that my main issue with vampire is that it DOES NOT COMMIT to the genuinely cool metaphor that it attempts. i actually love the line "you only come out at night" because i think it's really clever and creative to extend the "sucking me dry" metaphor of a vampire. i think following that up with "i used to think i was smart but you made me look so naive" is such a let down and so cliche that it annoys me every time i hear the song. like, if the song instead was like "i should have known it was strange, you only come out at night/you said i tasted so sweet til nothing was left in my veins" or something i would think it was a great song. but instead we get that clunky cliche of a line and it irritates me. the song has potential but it just doesn't deliver.
lacy - A- (tw: ed) so i think that this song is about struggling with an ed and i think it is really amazing if you read it through that lens. i don't even really want to say that much more about it because when i saw someone say that on twitter and i listened to the song thinking about that, it hit me really hard and i think it's brilliantly done but it's intense. i think olivia said that it came out of a poem she wrote and i think that lacy is the personification of that really personal struggle and i think it's a beautiful and deeply sad metaphor and the song actually does it really well. i also really love her vocal delivery on the recording and i think it's beautifully produced, the layered vocals at the end are really gorgeous.
ballad of a homeschooled girl - A- honestly i have the same comments as i do about all american bitch except i just think this song is slightly better and feels a little more authentic. i think the lyrics on this one are really clever as well and i love the little production quirks like "how to flirt" and the outro is SO FUN and i love the sort of fourth wall break of "can't think of a third line" and the la la la that just kind of smashes into the end of the song, i think it works so well with the concept of the song so yeah. great.
making the bed - B+ this is a song where i'm like, there's nothing WRONG with it i just don't think it's particularly special, like it's a good song and it has some really great lyrics i just think it's a decent song that accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do. it's good. no real notes. my favorite lyric is "they tell me that they love me like i'm some tourist attraction" -- i love when the pop girls talk about the complexities of fame, and olivia seems strikingly self aware in a lot of her lyrics and that one is really a hard hitter. (it reminds me of billie's getting older song, "the things i once enjoyed just keep me employed now" and "another thing i ruined i used to do for fun" which are both lines that i feel like really do a nice job of exploring how it feels when your art and artistic expression becomes a job and a persona. i think billie and olivia are doing so much cool stuff and they both just seem like such cool and interesting girls. they just give the vibe that it would be so fun to get dinner with them and talk about their experience of teenage fame because they both seem to have some really interesting and complex insights about it.)
logical - B- tbh this song is kinda boring to me. it's fine but i just think it's a theme that is explored better in other songs. the one line i really like is "if rain don't pour and sun don't shine" because i like to imagine that it's a reference to taming of the shrew act iv scene v.
get him back! - A+ SO GOOD COME ON GET HIM BACK IS SO GOOD AHHHHHH i get mad thinking about the music video bc the iphone lens makes it so weird and i think this could've had an even better video without the iphone gimmick but holy cow this song is so good. it's so clever, it's so fun, it ROCKS. (though this is the point on the album where i start to get annoyed by all the production quirks, i think they are fun on a couple songs but we don't need the "is this the song with drums" thing, just play the song. there's only so much studio chatter that makes a song fun before it gets a little grating to listen to every time i want to play the song.) but this is a brilliant song. I WANNA MEET HIS MOM AND TELL HER HER SON SUCKS. has anyone ever more perfectly captured how it feels to be nineteen. ugh this song is so good.
love is embarrassing - A i actually really like this song and i think it's a really nice spiritual closer to sour. it does such a nice job of reflecting but in a funny, tongue-in-cheek, self aware way that i think is so appealing and cute. i love "you found a new version of me and i damn near started world war three" as a callback to "another actress i hate to think that i was just your type" and i LOOOVE the outro with "i'm planning out my wedding with some guy i'm never marrying" which i think is a fantastic line. i love the vocal delivery on the outro as well. (also this is an example for me of a song with no studio chatter or production gimmicks, and it's GOOD bc it's like, it doesn't need that! it's just a fun song! and i like it for that!!)
the grudge - A- honestly a beautiful song that captures a very specific feeling. i love the melody and the way she delivers "how could anybody do the things you did so easily?" the second verse is an absolute gut punch of what it feels like to come away from a toxic love. it has a couple clunkers (i'm not a fan of "trust that you betrayed, confusion that still lingers" which i think is just a bit awkward) but overall it's a lovely song and so raw.
pretty isn't pretty - A again just a really solid work. i love the guitar sound on it. and i think it does a really nice job of capturing another specific teenage emotion. one thing i love on GUTS is that it feels legitimately balanced between songs about heartbreak and songs about personal feelings and this song is one that i think does that second part very well. i really love the second prechorus line "it's in my phone it's in my head it's in the boys i bring to bed" and i think this song is really insightful and personal.
teenage dream - B my issue with this song is my same issue with hope ur ok which is that it just feels so aware of itself as AN ALBUM CLOSER and i find it a bit cloying. i think the theme is interesting and has potential but the song just annoys me because it feels kind of overdone. idk. i just don't love it. i get it and i get why it's there but i think there was a better way of closing the album in a more genuine way.
BONUS TRACKS RANKING LINK (i have to link a new post here since i hit the character limit on this post. geez lol)
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david-powers-simp · 1 year
David x hopelessly devoted s/o hc's
Hi besties, as I said in one of my last posts, i wanted to write something about david having a s/o that loved him and all his possessive and manipulative tendencies. I originally was writing this as a hc but I got carried away a wrote it as a whole fic so you're welcome and let's dive in.
Everything was normal at first when the relationship was early on, david wouldn't think anything about how you were towards him.
David knew he was attractive and charming, so it wasn't a surprise to him that he managed to sweep you off your feet.
When you first got together, david was hesitant about letting you know too much. He knew immediately that you were his mate. He could just sense it. But we're human. So he had to tread lightly. He didn't want to scare you off. Not that it would stop him from having you. You and I both know if david wants something, he will do everything in his power to get it. So if he wants you, he will have you.
As time went along, he started noticing how you were with him. You never seemed to challenge his authority. If he was being honest, he liked it very much, but it confused him.
He would tell you that he would want you going to a certain part of town because that's where the surf nazis hung out and you would listen you'd seen the boys and the surf nazis get into before so you understood why david told that.
David would try to wrap his head around you, being so obedient. Why were you so willing to do anything he asked? You had no idea he was a vampire, so you didn't listen out of fear like most people. You genuinely seemed like you wanted to please him and keep him happy.
To david, it was unusual. People never cared about his wants. They only listened out of fear, or they would challenge his authority, questioning why he was in charge. The only time this didn't happen was when he was with paul, marko, or dwayne. All the boys had a very close bond. They also agreed that david was the best leader, so they all listened to him.
So when your relationship you started asking to see david during the day and he always made excuses. Saying he was busy, he was working, or that he was out of town. It worked at first, but he knew he couldn't keep that up forever. And he didn't want to turn you quite yet, and truthfully david started to feel bad for constantly turning you down.
The man almost went mad, pondering whether or not he should tell you he was a vampire or not.
After a long time thinking he decided he should tell you. He brought you to the cave. You'd been there a few times . David always told you it was the boys' little hideout.
You thought it was interesting, definitely different, and somewhat mesmerizing how well they had everything set up.
"Sweetheart I have something I want to tell you and I'm not sure how to say it" david told you very hesitant.
" it's alright my live you can tell me anything" you reassured.
" im a vampire." David's eyes wonder anywhere, but your face, he was afraid of the reaction he'd find. David knew all to well the look people would give him after
When david finally did tell you he was a vampire, the first thing you did was hug him. You knew he was being vulnerable with you. David never liked to show that side of himself to anyone. So you hugged him as a mere thank you for opening up.
David, on the other hand, was beyond shocked he expected you to run out of the cave as soon as he told you.
" what- are you not afraid." David asked aloud.
" of course not." You continued. I love you and know you'd never hurt me. I am a bit shocked i wasn't expecting that. But I'm so glad you trust me enough to tell me that. You then released yourself from the hug and placed your hands in his.
David was at a loss. He never felt so loved in his whole afterlife. " so you will stay with me?" He asked.
You reply, " Yes, david. I am staying with you. But I do have a lot of questions for you."
David nodded " I will answer any question you have."
There you have it, my homies. I took me entirely too long to write this. I had to re write it like 3 times. I will probably make a part 2 or a fic based on this because I have so much more I want to unpack with this. I still don't love the way this turned out, but it doesn't matter. Let me know what yall think. Catch you later.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
hi hello hey howdy *tips hat*
i have yet another Question for you (if im being annoying im sorry)
How does one write Severus Snape?????
in the fic im writing i want him to be somewhat snarky and majorly, majorly intelligent (his character arc depends upon it), but even with a lot of changes to his backstory, still retain a lot of the same characteristics otherwise?
for context: its a house of the dragon/dance of dragon's au. if your unfamiliar, think medieval-esque grimdark politically-driven fantasy with dragons and civil war. the big changes are that he never meets lily evans, and he is fostered/"adopted" by the malfoys and raised to be a steward from a young age. (abraxas malfoy spends half his introduction going LOOK AT HIM HE'S BRILLIANT and the other half snogging tom riddle while they discuss politics) he is the last surviving member of a ruined house with nothing but intelligence and the protection of the malfoy's to his name, until he meets Sirius (apologies now this isnt a sev/sirius fic, its wolfstar, but sev and sirius' relationship is important in later chapters.) they start on,,, bumpy terms, but they are both young teenagers - 14? - at the time, and sirius is The Crown Prince, so they don't see each other again, only hear of each other's exploits/achievements. eventually, once war breaks out, sirius asks severus to be a part of his council as 'master of war' aka head tactician. but that involves going directly against the malfoys. sev does accept this proposal.
im asking i guess about what his train of thought would be? what his motivations might become, how he would evolve, etc etc.
i will take literally any advice here i am Struggling
Howdy there partner
Tumblr media
(and dw bud your questions are always a joy to answer)
(also omg that AU sounds legendary)
To be honest… I haven’t a goddamn clue. And I think that’s the best part about it. His character’s confusing as hell, we barely get any content of him when he’s not with Harry, who was basically a walking trigger for him (meaning he was pretty much at his worst whenever Harry was in the room 💀). It’s incredibly easy to mess up his character in fics, but it feels like winning the lottery when you finally nail it.
I think you should reread some of his most memorable moments in the books, especially the meaner ones (e.g. when he humiliates Hermione), since they can say a lot about his character. Whether said moment is good or bad. His canon interactions with Sirius and Remus (and even Dumbledore) can also speak volumes about him and how he deals with certain people in certain situations.
For example: when he delivered the Wolfsbane potion to Remus in front of Harry, he seemed paranoid and uncomfortable. [The door opened, and in came Snape. He was carrying a goblet, which was smoking faintly, and stopped at the sight of Harry, his black eyes narrowing. . . . Snape set down the smoking goblet, his eyes wandering between Harry and Lupin. . . . “Fascinating,” said Snape, without looking at it. “You should drink that directly, Lupin.” . . . “I made an entire cauldronful,” Snape continued. “If you need more.” . . . “Not at all,” said Snape, but there was a look in his eye that Harry didn’t like. He backed out of the room, unsmiling and watchful.] There was no insults, no snark (which is an important detail given that his snark is 90% of his personality), no snippy snappy attitude. When you reread it and keep in mind that Severus was almost killed by werewolf!Remus and genuinely thought he was working with Sirius, the scene simply reads as Snape desperately wanting Remus to just hurry and drink the potion because he’s worried Remus’ll turn into a psycho bloodthirsty werewolf who’ll gobble up all the kids in a split second. He was somewhat civil and wanted to keep their interactions as minimal as possible—this might suggest Snape was genuinely scared of Remus. Especially since he doesn’t have any of that behaviour when it comes to Sirius, mans did not hold back at ALL. I believe that has a lot to do with the fact that, unlike Remus, Sirius was direct and didn’t hesitate to openly display his loathing of Severus. Harry—our POV—can see the problem with him, Remus, on the other hand, is indirect and passive towards Severus. He acts polite despite knowing their history, he acts polite while still attempting to burnish his friends’ image to Harry by justifying their bullying of him [which is telling since he puts more effort into it than Sirius does. Sirius basically just said “yeah we bullied the git” when Harry confronted them while Remus tries hard to defend their actions, which arguably says a lot about their dynamic since Sirius was undoubtedly more involved in the bullying than Remus ever was]. Snape was willing to be civil with Remus, but he clearly had no respect for him. This isn’t to say Sev respected Sirius (he violated him every 2 seconds in OoTP so definitely not), but it can be said that Severus at least had some respect for Sirius’s directness. Sirius never tried to shift the dynamic between them in front of other people; their feelings towards each other was crystal clear, but with Sev and Remus it’s much more difficult to analyse.
I think that says a lot about what traits Severus prioritises; he hated Sirius, but he never treated him the same way he did with Remus, who he viewed as cowardly and weak. Severus took great offence to being called a coward and showed Gryffindor-level bravery many times throughout the series; he was a strong figure who mastered controlling and shutting down his emotions. Bravery was a big thing in his eyes. He said it himself that people who wore their hearts on their sleeves were fools and easy prey for the Dark Lord, so it certainly wouldn’t be a stretch to say he thinks extremely lowly of people who he believes are weak.
His intelligence is also a big part of his character, not only has he proven to be a brilliant wizard, but he (as I’ve mentioned above) was very emotionally intelligent. It’s no doubt that he takes pride in it, but a very important thing to remember is that he doesn’t brag about it. He’s literally one of the most powerful wizards in the Potterverse, yet he never even makes a remark about it in canon. There were a few moments in the series where we got to see his magical abilities, and it’s still extremely impressive. We know the guy legitimately invented spells and surpassed the curriculum at the mere age of 16, and he’s only gotten more talented over the years. So I think it’s very important that you keep in mind he doesn’t go displaying his brilliance 24/7 (I think that has a lot to do with the element of surprise, he’s a double-agent and likely wouldn’t want to draw attention to himself in that way), but when he does, you better make sure he displays it in more than one way—his emotional understanding can be conveyed through remarks and heated moments, his magical talent can be shown through occasional bursts of magic.
And keep in mind that even with people whose presence he seems to genuinely enjoy, he still has his snark. In his interactions with Minnie and Dumbledore, we see him make sassy and witty remarks (“Would you like me to do it now?” asked Snape, his voice heavy with irony. “Or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?” is always gonna be one of the best Snape quotes), and even with Lily, we see in his memories that he has an obvious soft spot for her, but he’s still very… Snapey. So his biting wit definitely isn’t just reserved for People Who Trigger And/Or Annoy Him.
the big changes are that he never meets lily evans, and he is fostered/"adopted" by the malfoys and raised to be a steward from a young age. (abraxas malfoy spends half his introduction going LOOK AT HIM HE'S BRILLIANT and the other half snogging tom riddle while they discuss politics)
ok first of all, goddamn I never thought I’d relate to Abraxas Malfoy this much (snogging Tommy and obsessing over baby!Snape? he just like me fr). Second of all, if he doesn’t meet Lily, who was basically the light who shone on his sad life (*sobs in platonic!Snily*), then is there anyone who takes on a similar role in Sev’s life? Will Lucius and Abraxas raise him like the family he’s never had? Will his life be even sadder than in canon? Because his experiences in his childhood shape out so many aspects of the rest of his life (the evidence is shown by both teen/baby!Snape and adult!Snape, in this essay I will- ), so with these changes it’ll be of great significance to keep this information in mind. (I believe a reread of SWM and TPT will definitely help with this, since those are the only times we’re actually able to see Sev as a young boy.)
(apologies now this isnt a sev/ sirius fic, its wolfstar, but sev and sirius" relationship is important in later chapters.)
*wipes tears* /j Dw lol, any interactions of Sirius and Severus are enough to satisfy me, especially when there’s character development. They’re both such loyal, snarky, headstrong assholes who’d watch the world burn for their loved ones, so seeing scenes of them together is always a blast. A whole lotta Good-cop-Bad-cop vibes.
+ the main thing in Wolfstar fanfics that make me hate them in the first place are its inaccurate portrayals of Sirius and Remus (other characters too, for that matter), but knowing you’re the author makes me confident you’ll make it enjoyable.
they start on,., bumpy terms, but they are both young teenagers - 14? - at the time, and sirius is The Crown Prince, so they don't see each other again, only hear of each other's exploits/ achievements.
eventually, once war breaks out, sirius asks severus to be a part of his council as 'master of war' aka head tactician. but that involves going directly against the malfoys. sev does accept this proposal.
*casually obsessing over this*
im asking i guess about what his train of thought would be? what his motivations might become, how he would evolve, etc etc.
I definitely understand why this requires a lot of thought 😭 However, it highly depends on how life treated him leading up to this moment. Was he still bullied, or was the Malfoy family name enough to protect him? Was he well-groomed, or was he still looked down upon? Did Lucius and Abraxas teach him about pureblood supremacy and raise him Draco-style? Did he still have the same personality? If he was raised like other Malfoys, then I really don’t know, because I think it would require some very big changes with Severus’s character. The only things I’m assuming will completely stay the same are his intelligence, loyalty, capacity for love, and humour.
I personally love a Snape with blurrier morals than in canon. The darker aspect of his character wasn’t as explored as much as I would’ve liked it to be, so this might be an opportunity for you to introduce a (slightly?) darker version of Snape. What usually helps me out with this is thinking about what he must’ve been like when he canonically joined the DEs—his humour, devotion, talents, etc, were all the same. But it was simply a matter of where his loyalties lie, he had always prioritised Lily’s life above all else (even over his own master), that was something that never changed about him. But the problem was it just took him a while to figure it out.
So if you’ll include a Lily-like figure in his life (be it Lucius or anyone else), then I think you should take a bit of inspo from canon. That point in his life where he joined the DEs was likely the lowest/darkest he’s ever been, but like I said, all those qualities we know of were in there somewhere. The moment when Voldemort was basically doomed to screw up was when Snape began to use said qualities to benefit the other side of the war.
The reason he defected from the DEs was because Lily—his loved one—was in danger, it was a personal reason and, to an extent, somewhat selfish. Lily’s safety was his initial motive, her being safe would “benefit” him (by benefit I mean make him not live the rest of his life in guilt and agony <3), so perhaps in this AU Snape’s motive could be one that merely serves his interests. He could think “in the end, this might give me a great opportunity for *this,* maybe agreeing won’t be too bad of an idea,” or something similar to that. If you want character growth, then, like in canon, you can make the initial motive not be the whole motive anymore. He might grow to fight for/believe in what the AU’s about, like he did with the Order’s cause (in the beginning he only did it for Lils, then we see that he genuinely believed in what the Order’s fighting for).
So yeah, I suppose that’s it lol. I seriously hope I helped you out with this because I’m honestly so honoured you came to me for this 😭 If you need help with anything related to Snape (or anything at all), you can always come to me. Have a great day!
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rigil-kentauris · 2 months
URIANGER: 2,4, 7 OR 8 (whichever you prefer), 15-16-OR-17 (again, preference), 20, 23
urianger my beloved
okay let me go dig up my questions
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I LOVE HIS THEE AND THOU-ING. I especially love the fact that. There's no reasons like culturally for him to be like this, most sharlayans talk normally, if not a touch more formally. he made himself like this. i adore it.
i forget here it is (if its an npc who says it or if its a lorebook thing) but i like the part where the lore says hes Like This because of all those damn prophecy tomes he was on as a little kid. so i just imagine tiny little urianger looking at Ye Old Prophies and COMMITTING. he is precious to me
Small thing: I also love his stupid two sets of goggles when in his Potato Sack era.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
hmm... i feel like if i just sent him off on his own, he would wilt a bit. i would want to put him in something that gave him a fun, relaxing time, and think if thats to be accomplished I would have to send some of his People with him. he's been alone an awful lot and i see those as times that have also been or ended Bad. i think that might be something he dwells on.
OH I KNOW. okay weird one. but. BUT. hear me out. i would send him to Roller Coaster Tycoon. I know that's just technically just like a theme park but when i build them they are the BEST POSSIBLE THEME PARKS IN THE WORLD. if he could bring than, ryne, and gaia along, i just know he'd be really fulfilled by having a Fun Family Trip. i kind of see him as the guy who happily holds the bags and waits at the end of the ride. and i KNOW gaias got bags. also i feel like he is taking pictures and making the kids wear silly Park Gear. they go to some of the slow like Sitting and or Show type rides for him.
also if he was in RCT i could pick him up and Dangle him. not like malevolently but with the same emotion as I would have if I was Rotating Him
also also i have. forgotten everything ive ever read played or watched so im sure i have a better answer rolling around in there but alas.
7/8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like/despise?
I don't actually know much about the fandom takes on Urianger. Most of what I see is people analyzing his actions w/ The Warriors of Darkness and in Shadowbringers, and I haven't seen it be unfair yet. I think, though, I am not deep in the Fandom.
OH you know what I do hate. Every now and again people will mishear a bit about 1.0, and start popping off about how ~~~~~~secretly~~~~ Urianger is ACTUALLY a millennial old WISE and SCHEMING IMMORTAL WIZARD~~~~~~. I cannot blame anyone for thinking that, but it drives me off the wall. hes a 29 year old weird PhD haver who went around at aetherytes and chanting his insane End Of The World prophecies, he wears EITHER potato sack OR a backless dress and the only thing he knows how to do other than is eat hot chip be bisexual and tell the most insane lies possible. actually come to think of it i feel like HE was the one who started the insane lie ' is ACTUALLY a millennial old WISE and SCHEMING IMMORTAL WIZARD' so. either that or it was a general team effort. im getting into the weeds here so i digress.
urianger is so weird. i love him.
15. What’s your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not.)
I'm on that Urianger/Than ship if the bit about the theme park didn't give me away lol. I also like Uri/Moen but if I had to pick one it would be Uri/Than. Uri/Moen makes me sad to think about...
16/17. What’s your least favorite ship for this character?
Lol I havehit up the archive for this one. I'm genuinely not sure what the most popular ships are for Uri outside of Thancred. My guess is Uri/WoL, then Moen. But lets see.
lmao i opened the ffxiv tag and the first fic is an Uri/Than fic ive been reading which YIPPE! its updated!
okay im back its all than/uri and some uri/WoL. there are other ships but i got to the point where there were so few it would feel like kicking a life-raft to mention them.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter?
I thought about this long and hard. I went at it from every logical angle. I took apart his characteristics, history, things he's done and to who. Interests, likes dislikes. I thought HARD.
I could NOT shake my immediate and initial thought of Estinien. I haven't got a stick to shake at my pile of evidence I just feel this in my heart.
I guess I was very impacted by uh... when was it. The Scions were in the Rising Stones, and Uri was mentioning he was going to get some books or something to try and share with Estinien to get to know him. It was the most endearing shit I have ever seen and it cut me to the bone. I think probably that attempt did not work but I do not care. GO FOR IT URIANGER! i also, i suppose, wonder how many friends Uri has every actively tried to make himself. like in childhood it seemed more like moenbryda Selected him, and that not many other kids liked him. his complicated history with the scions is complicated, but i think obviously he has to put in active effort to maintain those relationships (ESPECIALLY SINCE HE LOVE HOT CHIP LIES), but a lot of his character development w/ the scions seems more akin to 'hey this is the guy on our team we've known each other for like a decade so we are friends now' and less akin to 'hi my name is urianger can i show you some cool books'
its just intriguing to me why he did that. i hope so much it works out.
also come to think of it i dont know how many friends ESTINIEN have sought out of his own volition. he actively avoids aymeric half the time. orn kahi appears to have also gone the moenbryda route of Mine Now. tataru and krile had to actively hunt and Blackmail him into the scions. certainly i would call him friends with us now, and he cares a lot about alphinaud, but as far as Who Reached Out To Who, i think he is actually in the same boat as uri. huh.
vrtra, i think, is it. though i haven't had enough review time to say who lead that one.
now i want to see uri and estinien sitting silently in a room doing their own separate silent tasks (uri is reading a Tome, estinien is Caring For Weapons) SPECIFICALLY so i can caption it 'tag two blokes who do fuck all'. maybe its alisaie sneaking a bad blurry picture over her shoulder with her front camera and sending it to alphinaud.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
oh man i dont know. theres so much good ingame content and there SO MUCH GOOD ART and i do not have ANY of it tagged by character. let me go look.
OH NO I KNOW this is my favorite image of urianger of all time i want to cry every time i look at it. the fucking. expressions. i cant possibly describe in words how MUCH i feel when viewing this image. im going to pop.
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schizopositivity · 8 months
(hey, this is a sort of vent/ask, so before i start talking i want to put trigger warnings in case anything i say below may make you uncomfortable)
(this ask deals with depressive talk, slight mentions of suicide and self-injury, doctors, medications, brief mention of a psychiatric hospital, and possible ableism [the ableism is not true, it is me asking if something is ableist]. if any of this makes you uncomfortable, please don’t read this, and im sorry for bothering you)
hello :] i hope that you’re doing well
this is a weird thing for me to talk about but i feel it would be best for me to talk about it with someone who has been diagnosed and get your input on it (if this conversation makes you uncomfortable please do not feel obligated to answer, and im so sorry if anything i say is offensive or disrespectful; this is never my intent, but i mess up a lot and don’t realize it’s offensive and im so sorry if i offend you in any way)
a few days ago i went to a monthly meeting with my new psychiatrist (for mdd, adhd, gad, self injury). she had asked me how i have been, and i told her that i feel incredibly low and suicidal thoughts are nearly consistent thoughts, as well as having a recent relapse in self injury that was over a month clean (which is good for me). i was also on adhd meds at the time and my focus declined horribly.
she (my psychiatrist) took me off of the adhd meds, so now im just on the antidepressant
yet, she recommended to my parents that, due to my intrusive thoughts becoming too loud and me fighting back the urge to harm constantly, i should continue my antidepressant, yet add to that a small dosage of an antipsychotic
i have never been diagnosed with any form of schizophrenia, psychosis, or something else that would fall under the umbrella for what an antipsychotic is used for.
i know that she is a psychiatrist and has proper training, and i know that she understands cases like mine (a few months back i was admitted to a psychiatric unit, voluntarily, and she has worked in that exact unit before). yet, i feel ableist in a way, if that makes any sense. as if im profiting off of a medication that used for diagnoses much stronger than those of my own, and that, as my psychiatrist has said, is to help “take the edge off”.
i have no say in this, and due to the recent relapse and also another mental incident, the medication has officially been prescribed and will be at my house either today or tomorrow; yet, am i ableist for taking an antipsychotic when i have never been diagnosed with anything related to psychosis, schizophrenia, or other delusion-affecting conditions?
(idk if this will help with anything, but the medication is risperidal)
this is really messy since im just really on edge yet i just wanna say again that if anything in this upsets you i am so sorry
if you read this far, thank you for listening to me. wishing you all the best
No need to apologize! I like genuine questions :)
It is not ableist at all to take a medication that's prescribed to you. They want you to take it because they think it will benefit you. You aren't doing anything wrong or offensive. You are just treating your symptoms with medication prescribed to you, you deserve to take it as much as anyone else.
Plus lots of nonpsychotic people take antipsychotics for reasons other than psychosis. It's been shown to be effective in people with bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety and dementia. (I would link more info but all I can find are very lengthy and difficult to read medical essays, if you are interested you can search up "antipsychotics for anxiety" and they will pop up).
Part of my goal for this blog is to destigmatize anything to do with schizo-spec disorders, psychosis, and treatments for those things. So normalizing the use of antipsychotics in nonpsychotic people is part of that. It's likely that a lot more people than you think take antipsychotics for its various uses, and all of that is normal and should be talked about openly and free of stigma.
Also if you want follow up advice on how antipsychotics might impact you and the side effects and stuff you can reach out to me in DM or another ask and I can do my best to help (since I have been on that exact med before).
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fluffybutt-7 · 1 year
Hey fluff do you have advice on dating when having a um preferance like this? Im really bad at getting to know new people and im horrid at small talk unless it is something I am interested in. I tried grommr but had the experience of people wanting hook ups and or i would just get cold feet. Im almost 30 now and I realize how short life is and how much i want to at least try out being a feeder/mutal gainer with somebody, but its hard to get somewhere due to being in a bad location and not feeling really connected/ having friends in the gainer/encourgement space. It being kind of "taboo" to most people also kind of stresses me out. How did you get over your fear of being a gainer etc?
Hey there!
Sooo I’ve been trying to think of how to answer this. I think I’ll do it in two parts, one about dating and one in general.
When it comes to dating, I feel that it’s best to just be upfront about it IF it is something you feel safe doing. Wild things can happen, you never really know who you’re talking to when just meeting someone. So there’s a lot of nuance to the “just be upfront about it.” I often wait until I feel there could be a genuine chance with the person to bring it up (assuming they’re not part of the community), and even then I try to be careful with it. People can have all kinds of assumptions about this kink, so I always try to approach it while making the other person feel like they can ask questions about it and genuinely have a conversation about it. Sometimes I’ll kinda tease the idea before that point, it just depends on the vibe I’m getting from the person. But a well placed and ethical feedist comment can sometimes give insight into how the person would feel or possibly already feels about the kink. And honestly? More people are into it or at least open to it than I would expect. Be safe, and be clear in your communication when you feel that it is time to tell them. That’s how I approach it at least, I am certainly not the end-all-be-all and if anyone has something they would like to add, leave a comment so we can all learn how to navigate dating with this fetish/kink better. 🥰
Now - how did I get over my fear of being a gainer? That’s a pretty solid question. The answer I have may not be wholly relatable, but it’s the one that I think will convey my feelings best. I think it’s similar to when I came out as gay. I grew up in a verrry small, verrry conservative Midwest town, and I was the only out gay kid in my high school when I came out. It was fucking terrifying, but for once……. I was me. And holy FUCK I was happy. I felt untouchable, because at last there were no more secrets, no reason to hide. It didn’t matter if someone said shit, because I knew who the fuck I was and I knew I fought for my own happiness. I also knew that the people who really loved and cared for me would have my back, and they did. Well, most of them. But I guess those were the ones who didn’t really care, weren’t they? At the end of the day, we deserve to fight for our own happiness, whatever it is (as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else or yourself, etc. I don’t wanna miss the nuance to that statement), and the people in our life who are really our people, the ones who will love us and accept us and celebrate us, will support us (see above parentheses) and have our back.
I also very much understand the struggle of being in a bad location and not feeling connected - I think maybe that’s one of the reasons I made this blog, so that those of us who feel isolated in this community can start to feel like… a community. You can certainly count me as a friend. ☺️ I hope somehow this helped, and I apologize for rambling a bit lmao. Feel free to message anytime! I may not respond right away but I always try to respond to my messages here. Hope you have a good night. :)
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sentientgolfball · 25 days
Someone a few days ago asked me why I don’t correct people when they misgender me and I’ve been thinking it about it nonstop so im gonna put all my thoughts under the cut. This isn’t like a vent btw it’s more like a…collecting my thoughts all in one place
I am openly nonbinary in my daily life…for the most part. I’m out to all my friends, I have a little pronouns pin on my bag, my preferred name and pronouns are on my school ID and when asked i introduced myself with my pronouns
But I won’t correct people. I won’t tell people either unless we get closer or I’m asked. Because I’m afraid. It has nothing to do with where I’m at, actually the school I go to is literally the most progressive school in my state. I feel genuinely safe here.
It’s because of where I came from. The Midwest is already touch and go, but coming from a small town in the middle of a cornfield? Yea it wasn’t good. I used to have a little pride flag wallet on my keychain and then I got followed home by multiple trucks after making a quick stop at Walmart. I got a new wallet the next day. I was 17 when that happened. I was one of the quiet kids in school and I listened to everything around me. I heard a lot of things that made me feel unsafe. I remember one of my teachers had us debate the ethics of allowing trans people in sports and only 3 people argued for trans athletes myself included. It sucked.
But now I’m here. I’m on the opposite side of my state in this is very open and very supportive community. Granted all it takes is about a 10-15 minute drive to be back in that territory but for a majority of my time I’m in an environment where I’m not 1 of 5 trans kid but 1 of hundreds. I know I’m safe. I know I’m not the only trans person my professors or coworkers have met.
I am still afraid. I’m afraid I’ll lose my job. I know this isn’t true because one of my coworkers is an openly trans woman. I’m afraid I’ll be followed home again.
And then I’m asked “why don’t you correct people?” It was actually my coworker who asked me this. I’m not upset with her, I told her she could ask whatever she wanted and I was happy to answer for her. It’s just…put a lot of things into perspective I hadn’t really thought about.
This year specifically for some reason I've also been thinking a lot about my gender. Tried a few different pronouns, got my first binder, realized I get top surgery and start T one day. Yet that one question for just a moment made me question everything. Made me stop and go "am I really nonbinary because I don't correct people?"
And I thought to myself "no that's silly" because if one of my friends ever purposefully misgendered me for no reason other than to not out me I'd feel wrong. Itchy. Because for a brief moment I considered using he/they pronouns and it just felt so wrong to be he. I am not a he or a she, I am a me. And idk that was really weird for me because I've never had that moment before. Granted I was never really in the space to explore my identity before but now that I have steady meals and my own little space my brain has been able to ponder.
I've been thinking about legally changing my name, but once again I am afraid. Doing it when I turn 21 in November would be easiest because I have to renew my ID anyways, but that means looking my parents in the eye and explaining. That would mean telling all my old lady coworkers at home why. That would mean telling my boss here why. And that scares me so much. Because once I do they'll look at me differently. But it would make my life so easy to be able to change my name before I graduate. Because then I can go into my career field as Rain and not [redacted]. Granted as a teacher I'll just be referred to by my last name 90% of the time which tbh is somehow worse than redacted?? Explain that one to me.
Idk this is a very long ramble that pretty much sums up to be I am nonbinary and I love being nonbinary but man is the brain a funky place.
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raewritesfiction · 2 years
Confessions [Bill Skarsgard as Roman Godfrey] - reupload-
A/N: some more Roman Godfrey! PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS. I've been putting this one off because of the content. Plot: Roman meets you in a graveyard but decides to take you inside the church for some fun. Pairing: Roman Godfrey X Reader. Warnings:  Religiously this could prove to be very insulting to some people. I'm not insensitive to beliefs and I genuinely apologize for my offending anyone with this.  There's gonnabe smut, there's gonnabe strong language and lots of it aimed at Religion.  If you believe any of this is going to cause you an issue, PLEASE do not read and just skip this one. 
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You had to have chosen a night with no moon to meet Roman in a graveyard, of all places he chose a graveyard and you had willingly accepted because you knew at some point you were gonna get laid tonight. Hopefully not in the graveyard.
As expected Roman is stood outside the church with a cigarette in his mouth; I wonder how long he’s been stood waiting and then note only one other butt on the floor as he discards the one he had been smoking to join it.
“Hey.” He nods and smirks at me. “You actually wearing anything under that coat?”
I raise my eyebrow “Yes…Sort of.” I shift my feet slightly and am glad it's dark enough that he can't see I'm blushing.  Truth is that under my ridiculously huge faux fur coat I'm in nothing but a slip dress and slinky panties.
He chuckles and takes hold of the leading edge where the broken zip once actually worked and pulls me against him. He’s at least six inches taller than me so I have to look up into his amazing eyes which focus on my slightly parted lips for only a moment before he dips his head and presses his against them; Roman’s tongue wastes no time pushing into my mouth and exploring while his hands snake around my waist and down onto my hips inside my coat. 
“Cold?” He mumbles after breaking the kiss.
I shrug a little “I guess… wanna warm me up?” Licking my lips slightly.
Roman smirks “Thought you’d never ask.” He leans down and nips my lower lip enough to bruise. “Follow me…” I smile and let him lead me inside the small church; it was mostly abandoned but still taken care of by the locals and used for special events.  Luckily there was nothing planned for a few weeks so there was no real danger of getting caught by anyone apart from the security on the grounds. Roman makes sure the door is shut before turning to face me and giving me a devilish smirk “It seems we’re alone. Just as well really.”
“Oh? What do you have planned, Mister?” I narrow my eyes at him playfully and let him push me backwards between the pews until we reach the pulpit behind which were stacks of organ music, choir books and Bibles scattered around. 
“Up here..” he motions behind me and I turn to see a bare Alter only covered with a large piece of red fabric.
“On the Alter?” I question, a little surprised. “Uh-Huh.” he pushes me backwards again and makes sure I don’t trip up the steps leading to the Chancel where the Alter is housed.
“Good job neither of us are religious, huh?” I giggle.
“Fuck religion…” he answers simply and pushes me against the Alter, planting his hands either side of me and pinning me to it. “...Fuck God, Fuck the Devil and most of all...I’m gonna fuck you…” he says the last part against my lips then gives a rough kiss as he lifts my dress to find im wearing the smallest pair of panties I own.  “Is there really any point in these?” he grips them and pulls instantly snapping the sides.
I squeak a little as the elastic snaps against my skin “Hey… I like those.”
“I’ll buy you more, in every colour there is… but for now? Open your mouth…”
I blink a little “Wh...I…” as I open my mouth to speak Roman pushes the small ball of fabric into the space. 
“Shh!” he holds a finger to his lips and then lifts me up onto the Alter, opening my legs by my knees and rubbing his fingers over me. “So wet already? You been thinking of me babygirl?”
Dropping my head back I moan around my panties; yes I had been thinking of him.  I’d been thinking of him and his cock since he had fucked me into submission a few weeks back.  I’d felt him for days after every time I moved and no matter what I had done, nothing had got me off like he had.
I moan louder and lean back on my hands when he eases his fingers into me - teasing me.  After a few moments I was panting and whining, my arms unable to hold me up anymore.  I lay back across the Alter and realise I’m exactly where he wants me and how he wants me; his fingers slow completely and I whine when he removes them from me - I’m soon crying out in pleasure when his cock fills me suddenly.
Roman gives me no time to adjust to him, just like last time, just how I like it.  His hands push up my dress over my breasts and then glide back down to grip my hips hard enough to bruise me.  He can mark me up as much as he likes.  I arch and rock my hips to his rough thrusts, my arms above my head and gripping the Alter as I groan around my panties.  Roman grunts and pants heavily, thrusting harder and snapping his hips deep into me; I was going to feel this for days as well.
I pant as best I could and move my heels to hook on the edge of the Alter; lifting and rocking my hips to him at the same time.  Roman moves and lifts my legs over his shoulders, leaning forward to fold me almost in half; I’ve never felt anyone this deep.  A hand plants on the Alter to my side while the other leaves a sharp sting across my face when he slaps me.  I groan and give up trying to move myself to Roman; letting him take over completely when he wraps his hands around my throat and tightens his grip.
“Who’s your God?” his voice is rough and low against me. I moan and look into his eyes doing the best I can to say “You are!” around the panties.
“That’s right… don’t forget it…” He growls and I can tell he’s still watching me after I drop my head back again; he knows what this does to me.  I whine and grip the Alter with my fingers; I can feel my body already starting to lose everything and I don’t give a fuck who hears me as I moan, groan and call out around the now sodden fabric in my mouth.  Roman pants against my skin and I can tell just how close he is too.  I tremble under him and will him to tighten his grip on the sides of my neck; he must know somehow because he does exactly that and just as my vision starts to go dark he releases his grip.  I see literal stars as the blood rushes to my head and I gasp in a deep breath; my body all but convulses as I cum hard around his cock, I feel my juices squirting out on each of his following thrusts and then he stills deep inside me - f it weren’t for the panties, I would be screaming his name.
I lay panting on the Alter under Roman; he slowly moves and leans up then gasps.
“Hmm?” I frown and lean up a little.
“Shh!!” he listens and holds up a finger, “Move!” he laughs and pulls out of me then helps me down off the Alter, dragging me after him to a confessional booth. In the rush to move I still have my panties in my mouth but Roman soon relieves me of them and stuffs them in his pocket. “Shh!” he reiterates and holds his finger to my lips.
I stay perfectly still as a flashlight sweeps around the Church.  Roman slowly sits and then motions for me to kneel in front of him which I happily do.  After a few minutes we hear footsteps leaving the Church and crunching away on the gravel.  He chuckles and looks down at me “What you waiting for?”
“Huh?” I frown.
“I haven’t cum… get to work… we ain’t leaving till I get my happy ending!” he gives a wink.  If anyone else said it I’d have punched them in the dick and ran off.  For Roman however…
“Forgive me, daddy… for I am about to sin.”  I push my hair back and tie it with the elastic around my wrist then drop my head and take him fully in my mouth.  He hadn’t had the pleasure of my mouth around his cock before so had no clue how well I could deep throat from almost any angle.  
Roman grips the small amount of seat either side of him and leans his head back against the booth. His breathing is rough and heavy, small whimpers escape occasionally but more often he moans and tries to roll his hips.  My hand goes to his balls and massages firmly while I suck hard along his cock, bobbing my head and swirling my tongue.  I keep my cheeks hollowed and don’t bother to wipe away any of the mess I’m making because I know there will be more very soon.  I can feel his balls twitching and tightening in my hand while his panting has become shallow and his hands are now gripping the sides of the small booth. I twist and bob my head, humming and groaning around his cock, scraping my teeth lightly until he groans louder.  I scrape them heavier and moan when he calls out briefly before covering his mouth to muffle his pleasure.  His balls twitch again and his breathing hitches; I feel him fill my mouth and throat then proceed to swallow around him.  I look up under my lashes at him as I make sure he’s cleaned up.
“Oh baby girl…” he moans and relaxes back. I smile and wipe the corners of my mouth, looking up at him. His face is flushed and there’s a small smirk on his lips while he calms his breathing, running a hand through his hair.
“We are gonna do a lot more sinning….” 
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jemmo · 11 months
desperately trying to forget about the preview for next week's his man 2 eps and focus on the adorable junsungho date we finally got, but it's all my brain wants to dissect over and over. once again, seonwoo why? i absolutely don't understand what his goal in this show is or if he genuinely is even interested in anyone because i honestly don't feel an ounce of sincerity from that man. he went on a date with yoonghee out of politeness, and his main goal was to see if he could overcome their age gap right? yet, he's the one who kept bringing it up. it's also the way yoonghee kept asking him questions and giving him opportunities to give him some kind of clarity, but seonwoo just gave him roundabout answers in return. it annoys me that seonwoo keeps trying to string yoonghee along without cutting him off completely because he needs that attention and 'support' from him as he always says. on another note, he keeps saying sungho is "special" to him and okay maybe he is, but if so, why does it look more like he just wants to shake him up again when he noticed sungho's attention shift away from him a little? it just seems to me that not receiving a voice message from yoonghee and sungho must've hit seonwoo way too hard and he needs that validation back. sigh. i know we don't see everything that goes on in these hour long eps, but i feel like it's definitely enough for us to be able to get a grasp of their personality and character, and seonwoo is clearly playing with so many people's feelings. i just don't know what to expect anymore because seonwoo is going to continue playing these mind games with that big ego of his. god, i swear, the absolute mood swing i had from being excited and happy over sungho's voice message to my face literally falling as that preview played. this week of waiting is gonna be torture as always.
oh dear anon i am trying so hard not to think about the preview, or about seonwoo watching sungho and junsung cook and asking questions about their date and his reaction, or seonwoo calling sungho, bc sungho and junsung have such a good thing going on, and yet we and them can’t just be left with the memory of a nice date bc seonwoo has to ruin it by sticking his nose in again. im trying to be so reasonable when I watch it and not just shit on him for everything he does, bc maybe he does truly like sungho, I mean since their date he has called him consistently, but then you have people out here like hyungjin saying i shouldn’t have gone out on a date with anyone else so as not to give a wrong impression to them or the one person I like (even tho he left the message for seonwoo but that’s something else), and yet seonwoo goes out with yonghee for whatever reason, obligation, pity, curiosity, so he can’t be so committed to sungho as to shut down all other options yet, which at this point i feel like the people who are genuine are starting to be committed about who they like, but seonwoo just has to keep all these options open even when it appears he’s committing to sungho. and i don’t want to say that’s bad at the face of it, after all if sungho doesn’t go with seonwoo, it’s good to not have closed off every other option; i don’t like to subscribe to the belief that just bc you are devoted to going for one person, that your feelings are better or more worthy or anything, bc at the end of the day it’s sungho’s choice. what does annoy me is the lack of clarity with which seonwoo approaches every situation. I think the only time he’s only been kinda clear about anything was when he talked with junsung about exploring other options, but at least from what i recall, he’s never been clear to sungho and said I like you but I’m gonna keep talking to other people bc I don’t know how sungho then sees the situation, does he think seonwoo is committed to him or does he know about the other people he has ties to and would that change how he feels??
and I’m trying hard not to talk about him and yonghee’s again bc I’ve already ranted so much, but I will focus on that line he said at the end of their date, that he relies on yonghee bc his feelings never change. which is what he keeps on saying, that he gets support from yonghee and that he’s important. none of these are inherently romantic things and the thing is I think yonghee intents them to be romantic but seonwoo doesn’t see them that way, or more accurately he sees that intention but the way he is grateful for it isn’t romantic in return. and I can’t get over how fucked up it is to string someone along and use their affection as a comfort without giving that person any clarity in return. he’s literally using yonghee’s feelings to make himself feel better, feel reassured and comforted, and the reason why he won’t clarify his feelings and say there’s no romantic affection in return is bc he’s scared to lose yonghee’s affection bc it comforts him to much to know he’s so strongly and unwaveringly liked by this person. it’s literally what he wants the most, to be liked so much, and that’s why he can’t reject him even though there’s little to no way I think seonwoo feels anything romantic for him. like is that not fucked up?? to use someone like that??? to not give them that cutoff so they can move on to someone else just bc you want to feel good about yourself??? it’s the way yonghee is so sincere and genuine with his feelings and seonwoo is so plainly disingenuous in return. it’s the way he asks yonghee nothing about himself outside of his feelings for him, let’s yonghee spill his heart and says nothing in return, how he asks yonghee to ask him questions but gives him half baked answers that don’t give him enough to give him any insight on how he feels, but enough to keep him wondering. like it feels cruel, it feels like someone older making light of a young persons feelings as nothing but childish affection, and I don’t want to see yonghee being looked down at like that. I said before how seonwoo feels complicated looking at yonghee bc he has this confidence that comes from youth and less experience and fear and wishes he could’ve had that youth, but it’s bc I think he views it like that that he sees his feelings as childish, bc he is wistful for a time where he could’ve had this childish crush and felt like they were the most special thing in the world and been so bold and forward about it. and bc he doesn’t take those feelings seriously is another reason why he doesn’t reject him outright, bc he doesn’t think it warrants it even tho yonghee is putting his all into this. I don’t usually like to shit on age gaps bc age isn’t just a number but it’s also not a be all and end all, but it’s situations like this where they bother me, bc you can feel the imbalance, you can feel that the issue linger in the air where it doesn’t in other parings where a gap still exists. and i think yonghee’s youthful sincerity doesn’t match with the life experiences seonwoo has had, but also doesn’t match with the lack of emotional maturity he seems to have despite his age, and altogether it’s just so messy and not right and I can’t even say it’s good tv anymore bc I’d much rather see yonghee move onto other people than be stuck here. like sure seonwoo, make mess, it’s fun, but when it stops being fun and starts actually messing with people, that’s when I’m gonna start getting mad.
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sexisdisgusting · 3 months
as i was writting i ended up getting a little tmi and wow I actually told you my secrets bc i have never been open about this 😭 so tw // rape, lesbophobia, mysogyny, biphobia maybe? not sure.
hihi! i have a sort of strange question... do you perhaps have any insight about distinguishing between being nervous bc you're scared of men and being nervous bc you're into one 🧍🏻‍♀️?
I've been questioning my sexuality since i got a crush on this woman because the way i feel about her is like stg i never experienced with any man... so i kinda know the answer to that question but i also don't? because i have a hard time interpreting my feelings and im scared im just lying to myself. specially bc i have fantasised about men a lot throughout my life, in an obsessive and harmful way too. it was never about the man in it, it wasn't his body, it was how i could be worth a man's attention if only in my head, i could be the prettiest woman, have my worth. i had to "teach" myself to be ok with dick, bc being het is the normal way, the only way, I've been taught. and i think that contributed to every fantasy being uhm rape, i just couldn't imagine myself being into it bc i know i wouldn't do it, i wouldn't have sex with a man I wouldn't be into it. (🤮🤢 looking back this is all so yuck ew im sorry).
it doesn't help that i have a sort of low libido and am very closed off, so i don't have any experience. i have never been into the male physique (though i certainly tried to), and im pleased with the female physique but it isn't an intense feeling like so many people describe it to be.
so im so confused! is my crush on her the real deal and every other crush i had fake bc i thought it was what a crush was supposed to be ? in the sense that ok im a girl feeling stg for a boy so it MUST be a crush right?! even though i never wanted anything besides friendship... no kissing, no hand holding, no intimacy... but i do want those things with her...
so i get back to my initial question... getting nervous or disgusted or feeling nothing seeing a shirtless man, like specifically shirtless or half naked (ew if his dick is even emphasized through the boxers like im seriously disgusted)... what is the shortness of breath, do you know ?! i feel so stupid asking this but it genuinely makes no sense to me 😭.
specially considering that a lot of het women say they're disgusted by men's bodies? am i just another one, but bisexual?!
feel free to ignore this ! im not even sure you're the right person to ask but you're so sweet answering messages so 🥹🩷 thank you for reading (or not if the tws made u not want to <3)
i am so sorry it took me so long to get back to you, sweetheart! never would i ignore one of my dear anonitas, i love you soooo much
im so sorry about everything youve been through, and thank you so much for entrusting me with your secrets !!!
i dont have much experience with comphet, but i do have experience with performing for the male gaze, and its a truly alienating experience especially when youre unsure if youre even attracted to them, or not
it, like you said for many can become maddening and obsessive at times and can really make you confused as to who you are
i dont want to dictate your sexuality, but it does sound to me that youre more woman-leaning in your attraction, and the male attraction you explain seems to be comphet
i wish i could give you a better answer, but i really do wish nothing but the best for you, my love, and thank you for reaching out to me <3
id be happy if someone could hop in the replies with more experience and help our anonita out!
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lindszeppelin · 4 months
i was asking for your take out of genuine curiosity so maybe don’t such a holier than thou know it all attitude with people who dare offer a different viewpoint? i was offering my *opinion* and some hypotheticals on the situation and you’re freaking out at me asserting things as facts when at the end of the day you know these people just as well as i do- that is not at all since we’re strangers to them.
but to my actual point. if austin does indeed feel trapped, is miserable, this whole “situationship” is draining him, he’s gaining nothing…and kate isn’t doing everything in her power to get him out of that situation as opposed to just “correcting the record” on odd occasion she is unfortunately, imo, no friend or ally to him. i didn’t think that was a controversial take. and my opinion on all this at all just comes from thinking that to really analyze it we need to look at both sides contributing, not give one all the power while letting the other off the responsibility hook completely. i like austin plenty so please don’t treat me like a bad/stupid fan for being slightly critical.
just trying to birds eye view things here. again- if he’s gaining absolutely nothing but suffering, why is his team allowing it to continue? The Lede Company is an awarded PR firm staffed by industry lauded professionals. kate, who also works for riley keough who seems to really adore her, nor anyone else working there is a rookie that i can see just shrugging their shoulders and allowing their clients to needlessly suffer. that’s not what they’re payed the big bucks for.
i see you're back for round two. you say i've got a holier than thou attitude when you literally came waltzing into my DMs with an agenda, trying to poke the finger at me and accusing me of giving austin the slide but meanwhile giving kaia the brunt of the accosting that you seem to think she doesn't deserve. also, you are not helping your case at all by saying outlandish shit like he's being groomed to take on rande's business as if he is already his son-in-law, and austin is nothing but a freeloader to this family. what do you think this is, an episode of As The World Turns? seriously, you have some nerve coming to me with your nose high in the air with this snobbery attitude, and you have the fucking balls to say that i am holier than thou?
i have given my opinions on this matter for the last year now, and i have spoken about this exact thing with his PR team and her PR team at length. you would not have come in my DMs the way you did if it was out of friendly banter. everybody knows i am open to discussion. but you came at me sideways with your bullshit that i smelled a mile away and i have my right to give it right back to you. you must think i was born yesterday to not understand the nuance of how you were asking me your question. i don't owe you a damn thing. and clearly you are willing to give kaia all the grace in the world but put austin under the microscope that he does not deserve. he has a great PR team and my point, if you cared to read it, was that his team DON'T step in at all to guide him in these matters. they seem to let austin do his thing within reason, unless they have to come in and set the record straight. so WE AGREE, moron. it is HER team that does a great deal of the string pulling. so you are once again making a damn fool of yourself by coming back to my blog not satisfied in the original answer i gave you. well that's too bad because i gave you an answer and it's not my fault that you didn't like it.
i am not entertaining your snooty, nose in the air, fake "i just wanted to know your opinion" bullshit. you must not know me because i ain't backing down on this one. you started this and this is me finishing it. if you can't comprehend what im saying, when i gave you a response last time in regards to his PR team and now a second response, then you're nothing but an instigator.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 10 months
Time for more salt and violence :DDDD
7. Which character did you begin to hate not because of canon but how the fandom acts about them?
15. That one thing you see in fanart all the time
19. You're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
7. Which character did you begin to hate not because of canon but how the fandom acts about them?
I find myself VERY RESISTANT to this kind of shit so when the universe makes me feel like I want to hate a character I kind of go the opposite direction and love them harder than any of their fans.
For example I see so many infuriating takes with Catra and Hordak but I REFUSE to hate them. I insist on loving them more for all of their flaws, to be the one who loves them most for their character. I fucking adore those characters.
Maybe my opinion would be different if I was saturated by fandom like all the realtime watchers were? Like I'd be worn down.
I'm trying to think of other characters this DOES apply to.
For a show I'm genuinely obsessed with - The closest might be Lemongrab in AT fandom, he was super woobiefied by some people and some of those people were not particularly good to me or to the AT crew (talking events that happened over 10 years ago). I will be real it's nothing on the scale of what happened in shera fandom, and I still love Lemongrab as a character, but I avoid making anything with him in it because I don't want his fans to speak to me. Hoping the situation is different now.
There's also Simon Laurent from Infinity Train. I never particularly LIKED Simon, I find him interesting, but FUCKING HELL. TAKE ALL OF THE ABOVE CHARACTERS AND MULTIPLY IT BY 100. I was still getting messages from the "Simon Anon" A FEW WEEKS AGO SAYING THAT I NEED TO BOYCOTT INFINITY TRAIN because the creators said some stupid ableist about Simon, which they did, BUT IT'S NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY LEAVE ME ALONE. Anyone who is a Simon stan is usually completely terrifying, and is occasionally racist or sexist depending on their stance on Grace while defending their precious white boy. Once I entered a server and someone IMMEDIATELY asked me what my thoughts on Simon were, they were completely ready to start a fight with me over it and I've never felt more terrified in my life.
I also got sick and tired of Hunter quickly for pretty much the same reasons as Simon, though he's not written to be an evil incel like Simon, he REALLY IS the woobie boy that everyone considers him to be adn that's why I don't like him. I appreciate his character arc but ehhhhhh I couldn't stand him until the end of season 2 and during season 3 where it finally got past the "im going to be MURDERED by BELOS if i dont do EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY" phase. The reason Catra never falls into this category for me is because she had supervillain energy and tried so so hard to regain agency and she kicked Hordak's ass and opened the Portal. Hunter meanwhile takes every hit, and I just... it is painful to watch, especially having been in situations of fear and psychological abuse. I don't enjoy it and I don't enjoy the fandom's TERRIFYING OBSESSION with him.
Zuko is almost a character I don't like. There is no anti-fandom for Zuko so I have no reason to stubbornly love him. People always compare every redemption arc to Zuko and I am fucking sick of it.
15. That one thing you see in fanart all the time
If it's a group it's ALWAYS Best Friend Squad 4 man, which makes sense I guess since theyre The Main Group but like... Q_Q i just want to include Entrapta and Scorpia and make it a BFS/SPT combo. Is that self indulgent of me? Especially when it's S5 fanart, I want more Entrapta because she was basically with them the entire time! Aaaaaaaaaa!!!!! I have a lot of thoughts on "4 man BFS" as an entity and why it works as an answer to s1, and why it doesn't work so well in s5, and why I am sad there was no s5 closure to sPT even if that is a dead sPT i just wanted one more scene--
wait that's not really what this question is about, we are crossing into canon wishlist but also fanfic modern AU territory and ALLLLL of my annoyances with how Adora and Catra's friend groups are treated in those. Like how Bow, Glimmer, Scorpia, and Entrapta are supposed to be their BEST FRIENDS but all become irrelevant and straight up absent once Catradora are together. Uhhh...
Okay more about Entrapta, a pet peeve is when people give her Normal Hair. Like, not absolutely insanely long rapunzel hair. Just normal hair. IT'S NOT RIGHT--- i guess people find it hard to draw her hair if they're going for a more realistic style?
I actually like most She-ra art I see though. It's very rare I see something that annoys me. There's not enough fanart posted in this fandom recently for me to have seen something that grinds my gears. All the catradora art is fucking gorgeous. I don't look at nsfw so I have absolutely no thoughts about any weird tropes like I would for other fandoms like AT where the fandom was a lot straighter and drew more demeaning stuff including the girls.
19. You're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I can hear Kan yelling at me to post Entrapdak under this heading. Fuck you, Entrapdak is great!
I don't have any really wild out there crackships, I don't have any "problematic pairings", but I usually get self conscious and cautious when I post Catrapta, or any Entrapta x a member of BFS stuff, LMAO. Even the normal fluffy stuff but especially the sex headcanon post yesterday with Catrapta. The issue is a lot of the time people are like "she's way older than the others???" and either I have to say "actually, that was a post by a character designer with no evidence in the show--" and I look like an idiot trying to justify something wrong, or I just say "theyre both somewhere in their 20s" and get it over with.
But I ship all of the princesses with each other, I especially think Entrapta x Everyone is fucking hilarious, just go off girl. I'm not ashamed of that per se, it's just some people in this fandom have a stick up their ass with anything that isn't a Certified Canon Pairing.
Now if you want something I do enjoy and am mildly disturbed by that, it's Seadak. Sea Hawk x Hordak. And also x Micah. Just pair the dads together. They have never interacted but isn't it fucking brilliant????
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