#before anyone gets the wrong idea im not a liberal im a leftist
ssaseaprince · 1 year
Not to get political, but does Hannibal count as copaganda? Discuss
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thrallsnpuppets · 5 years
-ive shithead abuser and the Dayton shooter are the same person.
***Trigger warning: sexual violence and domestic abuse references***
First off, it seems whenever a bunch of fanatics or zealots get ahold of some damning piece of information that fits their agenda they parade it across social media.
This particular ramble is about the Dayton shooting or more to the point "shooter".
Im leaving the whole gun regulatory bull to the politicians and flame wars on related posts. The only reason why this murderer was even brought to my attention is because, as usual, a conservative meme encouraged me to do a little fact checking.
If you go to the dayton shootings wikipedia page youll see that under the perputrator bar that they really emphasize the fact he was a prosatan, leftist, and obsessed with violent ideology. The meme i found echoed this verbatim.
However, if you go to the reference link section it gives 3 links of 3 different outlets saying the same thing one of them even being cnn. However, 2 of those links use the same source that had been referenced as the first link in the wikipage. If you follow it it takes you to the snopes page and checks it as true.
What many of the news outlets are leaving out, as described on the snopes page, (ignoring the shooters associations; ill get to them in a moment), that he had already exhibited violent, possessive, controlling and abusive behaviour before the shooting.
The facts that stood out for me were the accounts and records of his abusive nature described by his exgirlfriends' rehashing the fear they had of him and his stalking and abusive actions towards them. They had come forward and even his name stoked panic response for a one of them. A good example of what this male was like in his personal life.
Alright, now onto the associations.
Hes prosatan. True. He was obssessed with violence and death. True. He had a hitlist. True. He had a rape list. True. He was incel. True. He was from ohio. True. He was leftist. True. He supported elizabeth warren. True.
Many of my conservative feeds focus on the fact that he was prosatan, a leftist, and supported elizabeth warren.
I have very strong opinions on those three topics.
Most of the Satanists i have met and known never shot anyone, typically dont own weapons outside of decorational daggers, and are typically altruistic individuals that would cry over sad puppies. The Church of Satan and the Satanic Temple differ on a few grounds mainly on legal presence and a couple of fundamentals. Satanic Temple is more prohuman and pacifistic while the Church of Satan is little more defensive/offensive depending on context. Both do NOT encourage inciting violence or sexual violence (especially against children and many of his exes were considered underage at the time of their 'relationship' i.e still children((14yo)). So, the abusive nature, obsession with violence and rape, and causing violent acts upon those (particularly publicly) would not garner favor in either of these institutions which reject abhorrent behaviour of such intensity.
Leftist is such a broad term that it can describe a conservative that just lightly agrees with left wing policies regardless of their party affiliation. So, it is being used more of a propaganda target for Righties.
Elizabeth Warren. *shudder*. I am seen as super liberal here in southeast texas (despite some of my more right wing views that my socal leftist friends find to be too conservative so i suppose that makes me a moderate) but i have to say she gives me a bad vibe. Because of her Republican history and platform change I cant help to feel that she is a party splitter or some thing to that accord. I just feel that when the parties come together to agree on someone that it isnt good for people of middle to lower class (especially poc). I could be wrong and my personal biases are unfounded or whatever. After all, most of the evidence i provided is more suspicion over facts.
I have a point im trying make.
Lets bring it back to the shooter, his history, and the accounts given by his exes.
This is a good example where the plights and abuse of girls had gone in favor of their abuser. They were not surprised to have had seen his name in an article illustrating violence that resulted in several fatalities. (I can hear your eyeballs squeaking in your skull as you roll them. You know who you are.)
So... What would have happened if this murderer was tried in court as an abuser before he had even taken to the streets with the intention to kill?
Lets pretend abusers, perpetrators of domestic violence, rapists, and stalkers were frequently held accountable for their actions with punitive recourse. People, theoretically, wouldn't have died in this particular circumstance. Reread first sentence of this paragraph. Let it set in and be angry about that.
[Opinion] The issue in this situation is the relaxed handling of domestic violence and their perpetrators. That lack of accountability held to abusers, rapists, and stalkers is what causes the escalation in violent tragedies such as this one (and many other situations that dont always include guns violence or mass murder). What would have happened if he was convicted of his previous allegations of his abusive and terrorizing behaviour perpetrated against teenage girls? What if these women and girls were actually believed when they expressed their fear of bodily harm?
Its not about satanism, its not about his location, or leftist views. Its not even about elizabeth warren (wtf i know).
This was a violent crime committed by a violent, toxic, entitled, and abusive shithead.
The shooter, before he became a shooter, should have been seen as the abuser he was and held accountable for those actions before he became the murderer...
Same idea of penial action should be taken against so many other abusers, stalkers, and rapists who feel entitled to anothers life.
Remember, this asshole was a(n abusive) boyfriend before he became a killer.
So be safe, lovers. You're not overreacting. Your abusive partner or ex really are that much of a danger.
Ps. It is not in the full responsibility of abusers' victims to ensure persecution of these violent offenders. Its a community problem. Other people in an abusers' circle, particularly those with knowledge of an abusers' behaviour, are also responsible to ensure accountability for their harmful actions (particularly if their victims are young and innocent people such as minors).
Thanks for reading
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caden · 5 years
we’ve all frequently busted out the old “I’m not debating you I’m mocking you” line and it’s always very funny and satisfying but like... im starting to be more and more skeptical of that mindset because i think it gets us into some really counterproductive habits. If you run a small personal blog its whatever but for people with more than one or two thousand followers who specifically wanna focus on politics... either debate people or ignore them. Leftism isn’t supposed to be a secret club where we just pass around inside jokes making fun of people with the wrong opinion. It’s fine to have small insular communities, but if your behavior is encouraging inaccessibility and hostility towards outsiders it makes me question what your real goals and values are, or at least how responsibly you’re handling your platform. 
Debating fascists generally just spreads their propaganda to a wider audience and doesn’t do much to sway them or their followers-- if a fascist is screaming ‘debate me, debate me!’ unless you have a very comprehensive and strong argument against the shit they’re saying, you can just ignore them. In general I think it’s good to debate when they’re spreading demonstrably false statistics and narratives, but make sure to clearly cite actual proof that what they’re saying is wrong. If you see a bigoted meme or a dogwhistle, signal boosting that stuff doesn’t help-- you’re just giving them what they want, even if you have a three paragraph long response about why it’s bad. It’s fine to ignore them.  But, like, ignore them. Spreading reactionary shit and just adding a minor burn on the OP is worse than doing nothing. It gets their propaganda out to all of your followers, and the only substantial counter-argument you’ve put there is one that will only appeal to people that are already 100% on your side. Variants of this are replying with “stfu bootlicker”, screenshotting the hentai on their blog/ their cringey blog description, just saying “learn to read” when people are misrepresenting your argument, a picture of the OP looking like a reddit fedora atheist, essentially any reaction picture but a common example would be the no-brain drooling wojak, etc. Like I know it’s fun but i also think it’s kind of shortsighted of us. Ultimately, it is necessary to educate people, to debunk false narratives, to show people why one answer is right and the other is wrong. And again I’m not saying you should be debating the fascist incel guy who’s posting bad-faith inflammatory horseshit. You’re NEVER debating that guy-- obviously you will never ever make someone over the internet directly admit that they are wrong. But you can convince the dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people reading the post that your argument is the correct one. If you engage in the debate, you’re doing it for the sake of the audience, not to actually sway the other person. And posting leftist in-jokes won’t do anything to win the audience over.  Also, obviously no one post is gonna convert someone’s followers from fascism to leftism. It’s only after repeatedly seeing legitimate doubt cast on that flawed ideology that their followers will start to slowly come towards our side, or even just open their minds to the idea that there are other ways of thinking. This goes double if the person you’re debating is liberal or center-left, where they’re actually arguing in good faith and genuinely aren’t that far from being able to understand our point of view.
Smaller personal blogs don’t have a huuuuge responsibility to bother with any of this, but nowadays I pretty wholeheartedly feel that if you have a mildly to considerably large follower base it’s pretty irresponsible to have the attitude of "my goal on here is to make the people with the right opinion feel good that they’re right and the people with the wrong opinion feel bad that they’re wrong”. Just the small change of saying “my goal on here is to state the right opinion in a way that will encourage more people to have that right opinion” would make a tangible difference in what kind of content you output. I’m not trying to promote anyone making themselves less radical, or watering down their ideas to appeal to centrists-- I’m saying you should be in a constant cycle of explaining your goals and ideas in simple, honest terms, and making some effort to do so in a way that’s accessible to as many people as possible. 
PS: The one exception to the ‘in-joke memes won’t win people over’ thing is that i DO think some of the semi-coordinated bullying campaigns against right wing shitbags have worked to great effect on here. That’s not me necessarily saying I 100% approve of all of them morally, I do think using targeted harassment as a political strategy is playing with fire... but communismkills (just for example) went from being someone with genuine sway over thousands of people whose opinions were taken relatively seriously to being a TOTAL joke who now actively hams it up just to stay relevant. The “kung pow penis” campaign was slightly less successful in that it was very easy for the guy to spin into ‘the pathetic sjws are targeting me’ and therefore most of his followers quickly sided with him-- ideally, you would want the person’s followers to say ‘watching this dude humiliate himself is embarrassing, maybe i shouldn’t have ever taken him so seriously’.
Anyways, I’ve said this a bunch of times before but I’m having less and less tolerance for people who devote hundreds of hours to arguing on here but rarely say anything substantial past “I’m right because I said so, you’re wrong, the end”.
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