#i am just sooooooo tired. so very very very very very tired.
scattered-winter · 7 months
i am so tired. so goddamn infinitely tired.
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soldier-poet-king · 7 days
guys im slightly tipsy and played TWO time loop emotions grimly hopeful grief video games today and like. i really hope i am a kind person. i really hope i am becoming a kind person. yes virtue is a constant state of becoming and i'll never be 'finished' and i will have to claw and struggle and try for the rest of my life. but i hope that when people think of me, if they do at all, because i know what im like, i hope they think of kindness, of love, of the trying, despite the Everything Else about me. despite my soul deep selfishness and hunger and empty sadness and constant despair and the non-self as void and navel gazing and all those things that take up so much /more/ of me. i hope instead it is the warmth and the trying.
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binnie · 5 months
venting real quick
#tw alcohol#sooooooo I feel nothing lmao#i'm hollow and emotionless and empty#spent all day just wasting and waiting for time to pass#my heart is tired. my soul has been drained.#going to bed and calling it a night to escape this wretched state is an option#but i'm not sleepy in the slightest and i don't want to go lay down#and it's still pretty early#so if i go to bed i'll just be wasting even more time and feeling miserable#and if i fall asleep i'll wake up groggy and sickly and miserable#so me - being a very rational human fully in control of herself - ams seriously considering just getting a bit tipsy to pass time#maybe watch some dumb show to forget about my misery for like an hour or so#i know i shouldn't cause health or whatever#plus i have a meeting at 10am tomorrow and i've been having trouble getting up in the morning#PLUS tomorrow i'm finally gonna meet up with the student's office to discuss my special needs status#and what options I have to not have this school year completely ruin me#oh yeah right this september i applied for and got accepted to have special needs status for mental health reasons!!!!#(my university especializes in psychology and they - on paper - can grant the status to students with chronic mental health#that suffers from a chronic mental illness that's considered very severe that is frequently debilitating)#that significantly affects their academic experience)#both of which are my case. it's not very common tho so I'm fortunate they accepted me for the status!!)#anyway the council was supposed to inform my raging bitch of an advisor that i have the status#so we could write down a schedule that would better fit my needs#thing is she seems to have no idea#and I haven't brought it up yet#because 1.) i don't know how to#and 2.) i'm constantly scared she'll think i'm like. leaning on my status too much or throwing a “pity party” or something#which - objetively speaking - is a bit of a silly thought because my uni has given me the status because (cont.)#they felt it was fair and reasonable and that I have the right to have an uni experience that better fits my needs#BUT THAT'S THE THING LIKE there's this looming feeling in the back of my head that gives me massive imposter syndrome
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the-acid-pear · 5 months
I'm sooo frustrated with my dad atm. I'm exhausted in general as previously mentioned but my dad's refusal to solve anything which directly affects me because I depend on him. Like I'm fucking disabled that's the thing and the more I'll stay the same if I'm not given the tools and help and etc I need.
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vanillabat99 · 1 year
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World's Worst Sandwich!
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via-l0ve · 10 months
How do you think the Spn guys would react to having a wealt dream about the reader.
Wet Dreams (SPN pref!)🩷
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a/n: this is spicy ehehe. i hope you all enjoy!!! (no crowley bc i suck ass)
warnings: suggestive, mentions of sex, descriptions of sex, swearing
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his dream was so vivid
you riding him and grabbing at his hair
he’s sweating and your voice wakes him up.
“dean? wake up it’s 9am. we gotta go!!”
at first he feels guilty but he dosent after a minute
Dean is such a little shit
he wakes up and is like
“damn. that was the best dream-“
he makes sure to tell you
“i had a dream about you last night.”
“oh? what kind of dream?”
he just smirks and walks off lol
i think he’d be hoping it happens again lowkey bc wowowowowow
he can’t get enough of you
he’s dreaming of literally pounding into you and kissing your neck and your moans reverberating through the motel
he wakes up and he came in his boxers and he feels SO GUILTY but so good
he can’t look at you without blushing and stuttering
he’s so turned on every time he sees you
you definitely notice and tease him for it
he eventually gets tired of the teasing and fucks your brains out
he feels so gross for imagining you in such sexual situations
the dream was of you giving him a blowjob, your eyes were glowing and he was moaning and it was like heaven for Cas
but he felt so guilty
it it felt sooooooo good
he’s blunt about it
“i had a sexual dream involving you, y/n. i have to be honest because i am feeling very guilty about it.”
PLEASE tell him you guys can recreate the dream he will DIEEE
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twis-world · 29 days
The Remedy That Is You (Azul Version)
Mentions: Azul-Centric, Fluff, Second Person, Gender Neutral Reader, Very Possible OOC Azul and Floyd cause god are they hard for me to write...
Haha...hi...been a while huh...
While this is severely rushed and possibly the worst one out of this mini series so far its also basically 2k words sooooooo
Take it or leave it (i really wouldn't blame you for leaving it)
No matter how many a time the students of Nightraven College witnessed how their Housewarden did a complete 180 in your presence, it never ceased to amaze them.
It eventually got to the point where a majority of students began to question if you really were magickless. There was just no way your mere presence could bring out such light in their eyes, face softening and a smile so tender it was as if they were gazing upon one of the Seven.
Just how did you do it?
Being on romantic terms with Azul Ashengrotto of all people required both patience and understanding, which you thankfully had. 
While he utterly loved and adored every inch of you, he also had a dorm and business to run. Both of which were also incredibly dear to him. His pride, his joy, a living and thriving embodiment of his hard work and how far he made it. You knew that. You knew and understood that there were occasionally times where he would have to take some time for himself to further nurture it all, and by The Seven did he love you even more for that.
So while it was just a bit disappointing to have to reschedule your date to town to another day, you took it in stride. It didn’t take a genius to tell that your boyfriend was truly remorseful when giving you the news, eyes downcast and ungloved hands gingerly caressing the back of your hands as he held them.
“I cannot stress how regretful I am about this darling…” he muttered, not bothering to hide the ever so small quiver in his voice. “I’m usually not so disorganized but I had not realized how far off this month’s revenue really was from our average and it didn’t even occur that I miscalculated-”
“Azul,” you interrupted with a small laugh, giving a lighthearted smile as you cupped his cheek and raised his head up. You waited, giving him as much time as he needed to to finally muster up the courage to look into your eyes. “I promise you, I do not mind. Not in the slightest.”
The small peck you gave him to further bolden your claim finally got him to perk up just a bit, a barely restrained smile itching to shine as his lips chased your own. 
That was just barely two hours ago, a full one hundred and twenty minutes passing since your separation. Not that you were counting. Your eyes definitely were not constantly drifting up to the small clock sitting in the upper corner of your phone screen. 
Two hours and fifteen minutes…
This time you physically shook your head around, cursing yourself. It was only for the night. You would inevitably see Azul again tomorrow where he would stand at the entrance gates of Night Raven, patiently waiting for you as you embarked on the long trek to the campus. Then many more times throughout the day you would be blessed with his loving presence, until the newly scheduled date night made way once more. There was truly no reason for you to get so hung up on one once canceled date.
You focused your attention on your phone screen once more. Tired eyes took in the dramatics happening before you, low volume humming in your ears so as to not awaken your sleeping companion just a foot away from you. No matter how many times Grim swore he would not crash during another episode of the show you enjoyed watching together, he failed every time only to complain about it the next morning. The thought made a small smile come to your face, the repeating occurrence never ceasing to amuse you.
Suddenly a series of knocks sounded through the dorm, quite muffled through the various walls and whole floor separating you from the entrance. They came in rapid succession, loud and persisting enough to quickly spark annoyance from within. With a sigh you sat up, staring at your still snoring companion with envy, before getting up and starting the sluggish trek to your bedroom door. 
Not once during your trip down did the knocks cease. Instead they only grew if humanly possible. By the time you finally reached the door separating you from whatever heathen stood on the other side the entire thing was rattling from the utter strength used.
Annoyance had long since begun brewing into utter frustration, a feeling you didn’t hesitate to express as you swung the door open and greeted the disturbance with a loud ‘what!’.
“Nice seeing you too Shrimpy!” A far too cheerful Floyd greeted loudly, raised fist still in the air. Sharpened teeth grinned at you, poised and ready to attack at a moment's notice. A reality that normally would send shivers of unease down your spine, but not now.
“What do you need,” you sighed, tired eyes glancing around. “No Jade?”
“Nah, he’s busy running things at the lounge right now,” Floyd answered, pocketing his hand and leaning against the doorway. “Things are pretty crazy right now.”
“Running the lounge?” You questioned, all exhaustion steadily leaving your mind as a frown set it. “What about Azul? Did something happen to him? Is he sick?”
As his grin grew, so did the unease within you. 
“Why don’t you ask him yourself!” He chirped. One moment you just barely saw his long arms reaching for you, the next the world was upside down as the wind was knocked out of you from your attacker’s bony shoulder.
“Wha-Floyd!” Fists did not hesitate to slam against the others back, each hit enunciating your screams. “Put!” Hit. “Me!” Hit. “Down.” Double hit. “This!” Hit. “Instant!”
“No can do,” Floyd drawled, not phased by your feeble attack in the slightest. Instead he cackled as he purposely jostled you, pleased at your startled yelp and pained groan when his shouldered jabbed into you again. “I can’t stand looking at Azul’s mopy face any longer. It’s making me feel down and we can’t have that now can we Shrimpy?”
The threat was evident, one that sent chills down your spine, enough to quiet you but also give you time to ponder. Azul? Mopy? That was new. Sure there was stressed, annoyed, and emotionally drained Azul but never…mopy.
Before you knew it the familiar chatter of the Mostro Lounge surrounded you, customers of all years staring as Floyd pranced past them. Blissful ignorance was your dearest friend at that moment, helping you ignore Jade's unabashed laughter as you were taken down a short hall.
It seemed this time Floyd was far too impatient to wait for Azul to even consider opening the door for him, saving himself the “trouble” of knocking and instead kicking open the entrance. “Azuuuul!” He loudly drawled, prancing in and quickly zoning in on said man’s shocked gaze. “I’ve brought you a gift!”
“F-Floyd! What is the meaning of this?” Azul shouted, slamming gloved hands down onto his desk and staring at your hanging figure with wide eyes. You didn’t bother trying to lift yourself up, instead settling for giving a weak wave. “Did you really drag them all the way down here?”
The eel scoffed. “You should be thanking me. Everyone was getting sick of your whining.”
“This room is designed to be soundproof of which I have not left-”
“ANYWHO,” Floyd obnoxiously interrupted, marching forward and not so gently dropping you onto Azul’s desk once he got close enough. A thump combined with a yelp sounded. “Have fun and stop being so pouty!”
Before Azul could even begin to scold him the office door slammed shut, echoing around the room for a second and then leaving the atmosphere in an awkward silence. He slowly sat back down, mouth opening and closing like a fish (ironic considering). Gentle eyes slowly began to look at you, observing how you rubbed your backside with a slight wince. 
“I’m truly sorry. I don’t know what has gotten into him,” he said, reaching over to grab your other hand. His thumb caressed the back of it as he waited for you to recover, before nudging you to a stand and proceeding to guide you around his desk. You quickly pieced together what it was he wanted and with a teasing grin settled yourself comfortably in his lap. He in turn pointedly looked away, coughing slightly as to draw attention away from the faint blush on his cheeks.
“I won’t deny that the surprise kidnapping didn’t scare me a bit,” you shrugged, eyebrows furrowing as you scanned his face. “I didn’t care so much about that when he mentioned something about you being upset. Are you alright Azul?”
He sighed, shoulders sagging and arms loosening from their spot around your waist. “That loudmouth,” he muttered, blush flaring just a bit. It was clear he was embarrassed at being so exposed, yet he did not resist as your fingertips gently smoothed over his cheeks. The scowl on his face easily dropped, eyes drooping and head edging towards your warmth for more.
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don't want to. I just want to make sure you’re alright. I never want you to feel upset if it’s something I can help you with.”
Azul was silent for a minute, seemingly mulling over your words and debating with himself if he wanted to concede. Whilst he did that you busied yourself with tracing over his features, relaxing him more and more with each caress. A small touch on his hairline, a smooth slide under his eye, a playful poke to his beauty mark which you loved so much. For a second you almost forgot that you were supposed to be patiently waiting for him to answer your question, lost in a trance of your own.
“I was simply…” he began, swallowing his own nerves, “upset at the rescheduling of our date.” You paused in your ministrations, leaning back just a bit and blinking at the utter devastation that was present on his face. “I was really looking forward to it and it made me so happy knowing how excited you were for it as well. Knowing we couldn’t go out because of my utter idiocy-”
“Azul,” you snapped, but quickly apologized once his eyes snapped back to yours in surprise. “Please don’t say things like that. I’ve already told you that I’m not upset in the slightest. You work hard everyday to be the best you can be for your dorm, the lounge, for me. It's okay to make a mistake from time to time.”
“I don’t want to hear it.” You firmly placed a finger on his lips, waiting for him to stop his attempts at continuing before you did. “You need to stop being so harsh on yourself. I don’t think of you any less than I did yesterday, or the day before that, or the day before that. We had to push our date back just a few more days, so what? I’m just as excited for this one if not more, okay?”
This time it was your turn to restrain the warmth in your cheeks, eyes taking in how his were filled with such utter adoration. The barest sheen glossed over them, one that he quickly blinked away, before quickly cupping your face and bringing you in for a soft kiss. It was one you eagerly returned, sighing into him as your own body this time fully relaxed into his. Affection such as this was always so gentle with Azul, so warm and utterly loving that each time it sent off fireworks from inside you.
You knew he felt the same, just barely pulling back only for him to give you a peck, then another, then another, this next one branching out onto one cheek then the other. The next went to the tip of your nose, the space between your eyebrows, then finally the center of your forehead.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“Of course,” you whispered back.
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Ahora realmente quiero leer la reacción de John a la popularidad de Brozone y que sean algo que la gente estudia y a algunas cosas locas que dicen de ellos.
Ask: Now I really want to read John's reaction to Brozone's popularity and have them be something that people study and some crazy things that they say about them.
This is definitely something I'd like to think about or even write about if I can get back into the I'm Still Here au mindset. I do have aus of aus... in my thoughts and have a mini-series vaguely planned sooooooo maybeeeee something... I'm not sure yet. But I think it would be crazy funny though.
In I'm Still Here, JD has less of the blunt/obnoxiousness that he seems to have in canon (although honestly, I feel like once things calm down, he's slept for a bit and stuff, JD would chill out too because of reasons but idk since he's the butt of the jokes in canon, I doubt they'd go that route) and more of the tired awkwardness a bit? Like, he's got some social interaction in the last few years but before then? A lot of it was just him and Branch. And although he's good with making friends and stuff, he is NOT used to being around so many trolls consistently.
JD kind of expects Pop Trolls to know and even like Brozone - after all they were probably Pop's most popular band. He quickly comes to the realization that other types of trolls don't know Brozone, he may or may not introduce them. He's very proud of his brother's accomplishments and talents in the band, even if things went wrong.
However, I don't think he'd have a super easy time realizing/thinking that other beings outside of trolls know about Brozone, much less listen to them. But he would be happy about it because of course he would. He loves that people love Brozone.
It's the classes that study them that would surprise him. Don't get him wrong, he absolutely thinks Brozone was great and they did a good job with good music, but he would not expect anyone to be studying or even spending so much time discussing and analyzing his work.
JD wrote all of their songs and since it was a boyband, it's kind of impressive. He not only was IN the boyband, but he wrote all the songs, lyrics and parts for each specific brother, who had different skill sets and ranges, something he would have to keep in mind. A lot of work goes into something like that - with parts that can work cohesively together.
So when Floyd tells him his college spent a week talking about and analyzing Brozone songs and performances - JD thinks it's kind of a joke. Not in a haha, don't be mean Floyd kind of way but a LOL that's a good joke Floyd kind of way.
It takes him even longer to believe that these college professors found HIS writing work impressive. I'm Still Here JD writes because that's one of the few things he knows how to do and although he might not innately realize it, it's kind of a way that he expresses his feelings and stuff. It's more so after the band breaks up, obviously, because he's no longer writing for entertainment songs.
When the band breaks up and he goes into the wilderness with Branch, he actually starts just writing lullabies and funny songs to help teach Branch things or get him to do things. Since he's a baby/child and Trolls are very music-oriented. And then is kind of grows into other feelings and thoughts that JD has. He's SO used to writing, that's kind of how it ends up being expressive for him.
He writes a whole album + of sad songs solely because Clay yelled he was in a sad book club. JD had both very sharp and also very fuzzy memories of the fight. He remembers a lot of words and specific phrases but movements and images are kind of fuzzy to him. This is kind of a side effect of almost dying the first time he left.
If I am ever able to really write down a good scenario of JD finding out about Brozone's popularity - and his esteem - in colleges and stuff, I absolutely will.
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cherrysmokesaconha · 3 months
// rant
Being in a fandom where 90% of it sees 2004/2005 Tord as a uwu teenager just because of a fucking FANON SHITASS HEADCANON, while me being a person who hcs him as MATURE ADULT (and also with some fankids) makes me feel like a fucking ALIEN.
It makes me sick that u almost don't have good food on here. Everytime I look in the #2004 tord tag when there's new stuff, It's just shit depicting him as a teenager or adding uwu pimples to him like CMON LET MY MAN PAY TAXES AND KISS ON THE MOUTH PLEASE (edit: idm people who hc him as an adult and add pimples to him since I think adults can also have pimples, but I'm mostly talking abt the teen hc)
"oh but Tord was born in 1989-" BULLSHIT. DOGSHIT. GIRAFFESHIT. THE REAL PERSON BORNED IN 1989 THE CHARACTER DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A CANON AGE GODDAMNIT. Edit: The only thing that could prove that the character ACTUALLY was born in 1989 was his grave on Zombeh Attack 2, but that eddisode was made way before the characters got separated from the real people + nowadays they have a fictional canonical birthday dates where year of birth is not specified, which makes them have a canon vague age. (Confirmed by OblivionDowning in Twitter btw)
I specially really love 2004 Tord from the Christmas Special, where he doesn't have horns. And I almost never saw an art of this Tord which NOT depicted him as a teen. I NEVER saw it. Most of those arts (which depicts him as an adult) are made by ME and MOSTLY ME. GODDAMNIT </3 (ofc there's some arts that shows him as an adult but there are very few)
And the fact that people will pull out this shitass "hE's A TeEn!1!!1!1" card when they see an art MINIMALLY suggestive IS sooooooo stupid. This headcanon (alongside with the "Pau and Pat are Tord's parents" hc) literally BRAINWASHED THIS FANDOM AND NOBODY SAYS AN A ABOUT IT.
It's funny that people can draw 2005 Edd and 2005 Tom making out and no one says a thing, but when it comes to Tord, they automatically pulls the teenager card like, BRO FUCK YOU AND YOUR SHIT HEADCANON FUCK OFF/NEG
I'm so sorry for ranting, but I am TIRED. It's tiring to have a different hc and feel like a target because of a headcanon that people assume that it's canon. Please do a research for the love of God </3
(ps cuz I forgot this: I'm not saying that you can't have the teen hc for yourself or even feel uncomfy with ppl drawing him as an adult, that's totally fine! That's your opinion and ur boundaries and it should be respected. But you can't just appear out of nowhere on someone's account and force them into this headcanon. Saying like "isn't he a minor on that era?" or even "he's a teenager..." makes the artist feel bad, SPECIALLY WHEN THEY HC THE CHARACTER AS AN ADULT. You're literally accusing someone who has a different hc than you a p3dophile. That's awful, boring and demotivating. Please don't do that. Think before you speak.)
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lovebvni · 2 months
Hey! I just saw the intuitive readings post and I wanted to join!
Just like Samantha, I am manifesting different things, so I thought the reading could be about that. I've been also working on perfectioning my self-concept so I can shift on command, I already shifted but I'm still not on those levels yet ahahah.
Since everyone is putting their sign, I'm a leo.
HII PINKERINO!!!!!! OMG ITS SOO COOL HIW U HABE SHIFTED!! i started reading ur blog and im being rlly nosy 🥰
everyone follow pinkerino bc he is sooooooo cool!!! i’m genuinely so inspired by you!!! i want to be like u one day, and i really look up to you!!! i’m fairly sure i actually saw your blog in a dream before… it feels so familiar! i’m pretty sure in that dream seeing ur blog was my final push…
“there’s no such thing as perfect.” was the first thing i heard. and there isn’t a “perfect” in any world. once you find yourself, and you can appreciate are agree in it always, that means you’ve found yourself and you can do absolutely anything.
so how do you find yourself? through deep meditation. that’s the first thing i’m hearing. also deep research on astral projection? i don’t know if you’ve done that before, but spirit is very strong about it.
research how to disconnect from your physical body, deep calming techniques. “to get what you want, you gotta use what you got.”
is there something from your past that you used to shift? maybe it can be something similar on command. maybe being really tired, or a yoga pose??
for manifestation, i would suggest going in your waiting room and just deciding that it’s a place where u get whatever u want. or even going to a dr in which u have magic and meditate there!
maybe write in a magic book too??
interesting song!!
“Arise now, sweat, raindrops down my silky flesh But doing up my consciousness Good, good, good now Ability to sleep sound Throughout the star times An illusion, if you just remove it”
“If they were apart and you had no power start or no database Only a shell remains What fun is it, to be so calculated Or be taken advantage of, 'cause your heart's too trusting Silent expressed push my head into my chest Bind them up, forever wed "Don't drift too far, " they said
Help me when I'm too detached and cold Give me the vitality that I need to trust love more Blood to the water, neither can fuel us alone Fervency in my arteries, passion bloomin' through my bones”
asked for a second song for some sort of clarification of this one.
this… doesn’t help? LMFAO
well maybe the words of affirmation? “i’m a bad bitch, im a cunt, and i’ll kick that hoe — punt” is kinda taking down your doubts and all logical reasoning.
so maybe affirm/manifest in a way that is more saying “i already have it, i already am” because… you are?? and u do have it?? LMAO!!”
that’s all i got for u pink! i hope it was accurate!!
leave a review! and i’ll b stalking u for now on 💔😭
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diorstarr · 1 year
Lack of interaction is a massive issue for every writer right now and I've been through it myself. I've had fics with 1k notes that have less than 100 reblogs. So less than 10%. And I reckon about 50% of those reblogs are my own when I've reblogged comments or for timezones etc. Then I get about 10 comments from my mutuals being kind.
I have a good group of mutuals around me who support my writing but sometimes it does feel like I'm living in an echo chamber.
I see random people follow me, like everything in my masterlist and then disappear into the sunset never to be seen ever again. I wonder did they actually even read it? Or just bookmark it for later then never come back?
It takes a lot of time and effort to write something. It takes a lot to post it out there on the internet for everyone to read. I think people forget that. Those 5k words I just posted are my inner most thoughts and feelings. They are a part of me.
yeah, ive definitely noticed this is something every writer is struggling w rn. ill read a fic and see it has so many notes then look at the like to reblog ratio and its utter garbage. not to mention if there are reblogs, they are mostly empty. 
and for sureeeee most of those reblog are from mutuals or just comment reblogs from the op! which is so sad bc i wanna hear what other ppl have to say abt the fic!! esp if ur liking it im ~assuming that you enjoyed some of it. 
+heavyyyyyy on the random ppl following you LMAO. and not a single comment or interaction. its so disheartening to see! 
and literally regardless if its a plot heavy fic or something thats literally just smut (which is so hard to write sometimes, my god) it takes time and effort! this is something i enjoy doing and make time in my very busy schedule to get done. and to have no one say nothing???? im just like…..ok……why am i doing this then. (and pls. if u use the argument 'you should do it for yourself' im gonna find u and live in ur walls. im not playing.)
and ppl get sooooooo defensive and there so many different ways to interact w writers!! like sure u might not want to reblog for whatever reason but what abt comments? asks? making a sideblog? 
idk im just very tired at this point lol
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a-tale-of-legends · 4 months
geeta is such an interesting character the moment she revealed her ace was glimmora I was like oh? 👀 glimmora? a pokemon you can only catch in area zero or hidden pockets of the world where there is a high concentrate of tera crystal energy? 👀 I head cannon she was a part of sada/turo’s original research team but left due to a difference in ideals of what they wanted out of their research. what are your thoughts?
I was told that Geeta was canonically stated to be a part of that research team but I can't seem to find anything that says that. For now it's a really good headcanon!!! Honestly it just makes sense for her personally. Honestly how you put it is sooooooo interesting. But I also want to know MORE about her. What she's like outside of work, bc she seems to be in work mode all the time, even when she's a lil silly. Always have this shield around her, always being so posed and calm. Like!!!! What's underneath all that!!! Does she ever relax????????
I kinda noticed how she would talk about her retirement and it kinda makes me think she's tired? I don't know how long she's been doing the league stuff, and while she does have her issues, she's still very effective, but I can't imagine looking after a school and the league is healthy for her. Again, she's capable, but also rest???????
And again, there's just so much I want to know about her. Like it's kinda hard for me to make a solid hc around her bc she's just that closed off, you know? Usually it just means I can go wild but it's like. What are the pieces I can put together, you know??? They're kinda there but they're kinda not there and I'm just left wanting more. I am BEGGING pokemas to give us something for her whenever she becomes available, I NEED to know more about this woman yesterday.
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itzynabi · 1 year
let’s chit chat [230206] posieve insta live
summary: in which eve spends some time talking to MIDZY
set: 6 february 2023
warnings: none that i can think of
an: gif is mine. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💘
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“hi guys! its me.”
she waved to the camera
“where am i? at my parents house. i came to visit them and they keep spoiling me. i don't know if it’s because i’m their youngest child, or if it’s because i finished my MCing schedule”
her dad spoke up and said it's the former
“anyways i wanted to come here and just talk to you. i feel like it’s been forever since my last live stream, so here i am.”
jazz hands !!!
comment: how is spanish learning going?
“It’s so hard 😕 but im enjoying it. we should go to spain for the tour so i can show off my skills”
comment: what did you do for your last day as MC?
“i went to watch puss in boots with my team. and we had a mini party after the broadcast. stray kids’ minho oppa came to it. we ate cake and just talked”
comment: favourite part of being MC?
“meeting people. i got to meet my friends and even make new friends which was really nice. and because im so busy a lot of the time, i didn’t have to stress about not seeing my friends because whenever they had comebacks theyd be in my domain”
comment: i’m going to miss you next week saturday
“i’m also going to miss being there. i meant everything i said in my speech, thank you sooooooo much MIDZY for supporting me. when my replacement is announced, i hope you will be mature and send them support as well”
she continued answering questions and just talking with fans
“after this, my dad is going to teach me how to change a car tire.”
she read more questions
“yes! kibum oppa is gonna have a comeback and i wont be able to interview him ☹️ hopefully i can convince them to let me be a special MC”
the way she loved being an MC 🥺
“should i MC whenever i feel like it? just call and ask if i can MC for the day? my dad is shaking his head no”
papa kim: you should rest
she became the poutiest girl
“fine. i will. MIDZY, you see how i’m a good daughter? i listen nicely even though i don’t want to”
comment: what do you want to do this year?
“i want to go on a vacation with the members. i don’t think we’ve ever gone on a real vacation together. we’ve only gone when filming content so i want to go somewhere with them. even if it’s just camping, i think that would be very fun”
after talking with fans and discussing if mint choco was nice (it wasnt) it was time to end the live
“omo! It’s already been fifty minutes. i’m going to go now so my dad can teach me how to change my tire because it looks like the sun is about to start setting. bye, MIDZY. i’ll see you next time!”
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tagging: @seolboba // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea // @smartgirlsattheparty
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©️ kim nabi
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rinbowaman · 11 months
got a challenge for you, your moots as songs go!!
i have quite a few that i consider moots but for the sake of time since i have to go help my mom out, i'll do the people that i am closest to....
@talesofyuan - I know she is fond of Japanese songs and I too listen to them quite frequently, mainly because of anime lol. But Inuyasha has always been (still is) my number one favorite anime of all time, and this song holds a special place in my heart because i would listen to it all the time after watching the show. literally. it's very calming and the lyrics are very becoming of strength, moving forward, and building courage. love it. i think it does well to represent Yuanwon-ie.
@iamliacamila - its a shame that this cover isn't on spotify, but for many reasons, i am dedicating THIS version of THIS song to the one and only Camila because i just know her love for Heeseung is strong....it is very strong. so when i hear this song (regardless which version) i think of her.
@nikstrange - My longtime heethan girl. Of course, when this track came out, I thought of heeseung with this one, and Ethan with chaconne. Doesn't matter which one i listen to, i'm going to think about her because i know just how much she loves heethan. the way she gets sooooo hyped up brings me up to the level of motivation i need, on days where i am so darn tired because i've been helping out the parents, or the weather is bad, and i just feel lazy, nikstrange has been my motivation to continue forth and produce content for yall. so thank her for like the timeliness of the postings. :)
@silcry - I like this song for silcry because, the lyrics and the beat is groovy (now mind you, based off the vlives, i am familiar with heeseung's choice of music, and i've listened to this song way before i discovered enhypen, but i think he would like this song) but also...i listen to this song quite a bit when i think about heethan for each chapter. and i know how much my silcry loves heethan with these wonderful asks i'm getting. keep it up! <3
@vampiregirl215 - so when i originally was drafting the teaser for SE7EN, i was listening to this song as i have alot of type O negative in my playlist and when i was drafting up Heelel's character, this song was literally just playing in the background and not so much the lyrics, but the beat of it just helped make me develop that deep and dark vibe of heelel...which i know my vamp-girl looooooves heelel. So everytime i listen to type O, especially this song, i think of heelel. I am dedicating this song to her because i love how she expresses her love for heelel. lol.
@jaehaki - my longtime supporter and reblogger, i have to use this song to reflect just how much this reader has lifted me by supporting me. literally an angel on earth! Muah! this song is for my jaehaki because, truly....they're an angel...and i love the way they always express their love or my works! so cute and funny!
@en-thralled or @angelsunoo - this beautiful person (pardon the tacky pun) but truly is a beautiful person inside and out because the moment they discovered my work, they have been such a joy and delight to interact with. i love the way they express their love for each chapter of SE7EN series, the message they sent where they were sooooooo delighted by one of the chapters they said "you little bitch!" and i loooooooved every single bit of it, it brought such a big smile on my face bc i knew they loved the chapter so much that they couldnt contain themselves. so beautiful!
@raishaii - My partner in crime! no matter what i write and what i warn people of, this person is truly a rose because they appreciate my work so much that they'll grin and bear through anything just to read my chapters and it tickles me and brings me joy. literally, when i think of roses, i think of Rai. Secret note, they dont know this but those banners i used in the recent SE7EN chapters, the ones with the red roses, I picked roses because i was thinking of raishaii since i was interacting with them through comments at the time about the latest chapters. <3
@stvrryhee - so i love this song ....sooooooo much and, i compare this song to my precious Stvrryhee because, whenever i read their comments on the latest chapters, it literally gives me the same rush of excitement and motivation that of a sugar rush, which brings me to this song. I love interacting with my readers and Stvrryhee is no exception, it's literally like a daily routine and i love it. i can't go on a day without my daily interactions with them. <3
@jinniespuppy - I love this song...ofc i love dua lipa and i also love elton john...so the two of them together is literally a masterpiece...just like this reader. she reaches out to me and expresses her love for my chapters in a very affectionate manner that just melts my heart. the love i have in reading her messages reminds me of the love i have for this song bc i truly do love it so much. <3
@lisaaannna - my little Fräu·lein! so one of my all time favorites from En- is this song...i just love this song, the up and catchy beat and not to mention, i do enjoy the choreography for it as well. I love this song so much just like i do with my lisanna. so smart and always so inquisitive, coming up with thoughts on heethan that inspires me to put some of the more sentimental moments in each chapter. so if you're looking to thank someone for the fluff and the very endearing moments of heethanxreaden, look no further, this girl had inspired the events for chapter 16 and 17 of HHP.
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turntabless · 4 months
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🔮 la folie - the stranglers 🔮
welcome back to turntable takes, folks!!! hope everyone’s doing wonderfully <3 this week (said so very loosely. i underestimated how hard it would be to do them every week but that’s on ME!) we have a gem <3 i know 2 songs off of it and they constantly occupy my mind! so! if you’re checking this out, thank you!! and hope you enjoy <3 once again i am very musically illiterate and don’t know theory!! this is me going AWOOGA!!!
also i’m not including the bonus tracks off the reissue because i’m TIRED. SLEEPY EVEN. but they’re also really good!
genres: new wave, punk rock, baroque pop
non stop
okay immediately loving the lil tippy tappy drums with a little echo that fade in! cute lil organ lick that is so fun!! i’m also a big fan of talk-singing when done in a sexy way and this is that! GUITAR crunchy echoing bass coming in. OH those drums fuck. this is just so fun!!! very sarcastic singing its scratching my brain!! and the guitars are so cheeky. layered vocals crescendo in volume cute like harmonies??? ooooo stripping it back then speeding up going louder again is such a choice i love it here. CHANGING TEMPO let’s go!!!
everybody loves you when you’re dead
ohhhhhh god i love the keys intro here. bass is sexy and so clear and i’m in love. the odd pitches with the guitar is so nice ! yummy drums!!! synthy business! punky talk vocals with layering going on is so good and these lyrics kinda make me feel insane. god that keyboard part and odd wavering synth in the background is so nice. harsh cymbal type sounds YUM! PICK IT UP LETS GOOOO cute lil tempo change and then right back to it!! ohhhhh slow little breakdown descending in pitch
OHHHH. flat guitar really interesting here. WITH BUZZING KEYBOARD AND BASS ????? drums are really!!! OOOOOH an instrumental soundscape baby!!! i love these vocals he’s got a great voice very punky and when he pitches up it’s really pretty??? also love the return to the darker sounds during the chorus? BASSSSSSS AH GOD !!!!! love the speed and the experimental nature of the chorus !!! 80s video game synth yummy. there’s something so dancy about this and god the vibrato and INSANELY nice drums????
let me introduce you to the family
OH FAST DRUMS LETS GO!!! ooooo this bass? is it bass? descending thing is so intriguing! faaaast guitar playing a really fun ear catching riff that’s like. this really is so experimental here. okay there’s some freddie m rasp at some parts which are really interesting and then the harmonies and layering of the vocals in the chorus are crazy! that bass is so consistent and so clear and great!!! ohhhh switch up that RIFF babes!!! it’s all very like buzzy fuzzy yum! ohhh TURN up the volume on the vocals add another lil keyboard thing this is sooooooo intricate!! ECHO on the voice for the fade-out ending with a drum beat to end everything!
ain’t nothin’ to it
ohhhhh that guitar is yummy. drums go hard in this beginning. BASS I HEAR YOU BABY YOU SHINE!! these vocals are so fun and sassy!! oh that odd lil dissonance in parts of this song is so cool??? and the lil changes in riffs and pitches sound really cool <3 ohhhhh BREAKDOWN lets gooooooo!!!! fuck it up instrumental section!!! BASS AND DRUMS ONLY OH LETS GO!!! this is really cool i’m obsessed. ohhhhh????? ohhhhhhhhhhhhh guitar little staccato notes??? this repeating instrumental part is so intriguing colour feel taste wise??? it’s so dark and a little unsettling with the occasional flatness but it’s nice????
the man they love to hate
BUZZY KEYS LETS GO !!! god. goddddd. that bass goes so hard. ohhhh crunchy soar on that guitar is so nice. drums going HARD. echoing lil keys are fun!! talk vocals as always are so fun !!! PITCH UP LETS GO !!! uplift meeee !!! back to the really punchy instrumentals on top of those buzzy keys that add such an interesting texture!! some little sweeping synthy kind of cymbal effect? ohhhhh. this is so fun !!! also the little whispered backing vox are fuuuuucking scrumptious! oh jesus it’s getting darker babes…… in tone in lyrics and then right back to light???? what in the world how is this this way. GUITAR FUCK IT UP cute lil solo! ohhhhh PLAYING WITH SHADE AGAIN THIS IS SO…… those lowest instrumental notes are so deep and fat and intriguing.
pin up
fucking insane drums i love you. ohhh??? xylophone-esque twinkly keys? GUITAR THERE YOU ARE BABY! sounds crunchy and thin but in such an atmospheric way! the “oooohhh”s are really nice with the bit of reverb on it??? this is such a fun little song? those twinkly xylophone sounds are back i love!!! the instruments are so so good at melding together so that those lil keys are picked out of the fold so well???
it only takes two to tango
ohhhhhhhh this is such a fun little intro… i don’t know what the name of this stylistic choice is but it’s like someone swinging you around with the drums bass guitar and then you get layered talk vocals with a BEAUTIFUL ascending like… quartet harmony going on. this is so fun!!! warbling keys again they’re so good at atmospheric sounds here. also sorry those harmonies are needed inside my bloodstream stat! OH KEY CHANGE! uh ohhhhh bestie the dissonance is back in the vocals but not in the instrumental i kinda love the effect??? faaaaaaat guitar just swingin around <3 OH the warbling is so interesting looking slightly more haunting as it progresses! LITTLE DRUMMER BOY GOING OFF WITH A FUN LIL HIGHER PLUCKED GUITAR RIFF? this is so….
golden brown
THIS IS MY BABY ONE OF MY FAVOURITE SONGS !!!!!! HARPSICHORD WHAT THE FUCK!!!! also with a bassy keyboard behind it! god his vocals in this are so buttery so yummy with just a hint of nasality? also god this fuckin time signature is all fucked the harpsichord is playing in a completely different time. bass and drums come into the fold so carefully subtly it’s beautiful. everything is just a little heavier but it’s still so light and mysterious and plain cool??? guitarrrrrrrrrrrr oh the reverby echo???? this solo always gets me !!!! ohhhhhh vocalisation that’s so echoey and sooooooo otherworldly is insane. the deepness and the layering of it is Fucked. this is truly such a soundscape AGAIN! chu bee fair idk how they’re so in sync when the times are so different.
how to find love and happiness in the present day
ohhhhhh this is different. screechy little synthy things going on to more spoken vocals with an insane lil bass trying going on? so sectioned with the vocals and instruments it’s really cool!!! the layering of the guitar pitches are so nice. AH TWANGY GUITAR mixed with some bongo vibes!!!! nah this is so fun!!! ohhhh these lil drum things sound like trickling raindrops. not sure what exactly they are but it adds such a cool effect. god that high frequency synth solo what the fuck !!!!! so insane so sick!!! ohhhh it fluctuates so nicely and smoothly between notes. descending vocal line with fuzz and partially covered by the instrumentals TO A FADEOUT
la folie
Oh This Is Grand. this intro is so beautiful???? what sounds like strings (made with keyboard) with a high smooth guitar part with echoey reverb and bass. OH ITS A SPOKEN PART IN FRENCH. beautiful. these words are so lonely and beautiful too and that’s conveyed so well with the effects placed on the voice itself? drums………. god this is so twin peaks right now !!!! DEEP SUNG VOCALS WHISPERING. back to spoken word with the bass getting a deeper sweeping moment??? oh beautiful deep staccato notes. there’s such a cool effect put on his voice this is….. really cool. the stringy synths really paint the background of this with colour. OHHHH high synthy parts joining the mix in a fun little flourish!!!! that bass…….. is so genuinely yummy holy goooood. spoken word so cinematic and lovely. the “la folie” being sung so deeply and whispery is so nice and comforting….. i love this. beauty guitar part at the end so soft so nice so echoey. drums holding down the fort so well UGH.
thoughts: okay. okay. i was genuinely surprised at how varied and genuinely INTERESTING this album was? like the tempo variations the key changes the instruments used the shifting parts the vocals and the USE of all of it to set tone? the tone itself was also so insane and has to be mentioned because there was so much interplay with shadow and light in each song?????????? incredible. i know talk-singing isn’t for everyone but i think it’s cinematic and cheeky and fun so i loved it. l o v e d. genuinely surprised at this guys!!!
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andwegogreen · 9 months
top five crj songs but u have to give a super detailed reason for each (not just 'wow there's instruments in here!!!!')
okay i am putting in the WORK FOR THIS ONE!!!!!! aka pulling up all her songs i've got saved and attempting to rank them <3
cut to the feeling, the emotions that run through my entire body when that xylophone type sound starts.... it's just. it's a perfect pop song imo, it's got the catchy riff, perfect danceability, so good to sing along to. when the chorus hits... it makes me want to run up a building. it fills me with so much energy so much emotion that i just want to be screaming it at the top of my lungs no matter what time of day... like the vocals are so perfect bc she's truly singing with such power?? if that's the right word lmao but like. you can tell she's going for it, which makes ME wanna go for it... also just. the lyrics in the chorus make me CRAZY!!!!!!! I WANNA PLAY! WHERE YOU PLAY! WITH! THE! ANGELS! I WANNA WAKE UP WITH YOU! ALL! IN! TANGLES! OH! like. i can't even words... it's just sooooooo perfect and it's 3 minutes and 27 seconds of like. pure happiness and love and emotion!!!!!!!!!!!!
too much, ft. the oddest pronunciation of drama ever <333 the emotions invoked in me from this chorus is similar to the emotions that i get when i listen to the chorus of delicate, that feeling of like. being too much lmao!!!!!!!! here it is packaged in a nice lil groove, airy vocals that make me feel like i'm a way better singer than i am, and they let me throw my ass when i'm in my feelings!!! not quite the crying in the club vibes that robyn has perfected but the vibes are there!!! the bridge also makes me LEVITATE, the floatyness of the vocals and the music!!!!!!!!!
run away with me, when that sax hits you already know what time it is!!!!!!!!!! time to lose our fucking minds!!!! i feel like the build in the verse is so good and it makes me so excited for what's to come... which is one of the best choruses ever... MADE to be SCREAMED ALONG to, which is honestly the best type of chorus... and that fucking sax bestie!!!!!!!!!!!!! the sax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN AWAY WITH ME! RUN AWAY WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's just. i really like how they do her vocals, where you can tell she's putting the power in there which makes it easier for me to just scream along, as god intended. the lyrics too are just.... very romantic LOL which you know i am a lil softie... over the weekend!!!!!!! we could turn the world to gold!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the lil break before the last chorus, when all the instruments cut out and it's just her vocal... and you KNOW WHAT'S COMING!!!!!!!! fr one of my favourite musical things ever, scaling down the instruments and then bringing them back even bigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN AWAY WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
the sound, the chorus gets stuck in my head SO OFTEN!!!!!! the slight breathiness in her "god, you make me so tired" in the pre-chorus is soooo perfect, and the entire pre-chorus tbf is sooo perfect. i think it's my favourite part of the song... again it's that build up to a sort of release, and even though the chorus is pretty mellow it still feels so satisfying? again her vocals are what i'd call soaring, esp in the second chorus into the bridge (the bridge!!!!!!!!!!) which makes it soooo perfect for singing along to, which in my ranking of carly songs is ESPECIALLY important!!!!!!!!
want you in my room, again the sax!!!!!!!!!!!! girlie knows how to use it!!!!!! but also just the percussion!!! such a fun vibe to start with. the call and response energy of the verse!!!! the layered vocals!!!!!! all the back-up ones!!!!!!! also it's just a HORNY SONG!!!!!!!!! I WANT YOU IN MY ROOM! ON THE BED! ON THE FLOOR! I WANNA DO BAD THINGS TO YOU! SLIDE ON THROUGH MY WINDOW! it's absolute perfection. so groovy!!!!!! so fun!!!!! perfect for like. the type of dancing i like to do whilst doing chores like cooking or doing the dishes, aka just body rolls <333 perfect for some like vibey swaying!!! the sax bro. i gotta mention the sax again!!!! comes in at the end properly for a lil solo and is just !!!!!!!!!!! slaying ABSOLUTE peeniss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a JACK ANTONOFF FADE!!!!! I LITERALLY WAS JUST LISTENING TO IT AND WAS LIKE WOW THAT SOUNDS LIKE A JACK FADE. THAT'S BC IT IS A JACK FADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVEN BETTER DKLFGJHLGF I LOVE IT EVEN MORE NOW!!!!!!! wow this makes so much more sense now. the layered vocals are so him... wow i can't believe i didn't look this up before now lskdfjghdgf this is truly iconic actually <3333
honourable mentions!!!!! favourite colour, the chorus is absolute perfection... I'M BRIGHT BABY BLUE FALLING INTO YOU/FALLING FOR EACH OTHER!!!!!!, happy not knowing, i love the premise of this song, and the line in the chorus "i'm sure it's nothing but some heartburn, baby" is just so perfect!!!
ask me top 5 anythings!!
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