#i also want to redo my blog a little
shipwreck-letters · 11 months
Year Walk Chapter Eleven: Abide and Hinder
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Read on AO3
Summary: Divine Beast Vah Medoh is not working as intended, and Revali has not been seen in Rito Village for days. Urbosa has a plan to wrangle the chaos.
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: Anxiety mention, nightmares
Notes: This was going to be one big chapter, but the word count was already over 3k words and a lot of moving around, so I decided to split into two parts. Please enjoy this new format! The whole chapter will be included in the promotion post, enjoy!
Credits: Poster made in Canva, reblog banner made by @cafekitsune
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Mipha's mouth went agape. The cold ran bitterly through her veins. The frost on her cheek brought the pain akin to being slapped in the face.
She might as well have been slapped.
It took an embarrassing moment for Mipha to find her words. "I- I am Mipha Naphela of Zora's Domain, and I assumed that you are Revali…?"
Revali's eyes flicked up and down her body, though not an ounce of joy or interest was visible. He rolled his eyes at his name, shifting his weight before sharply moving his shoulder.
"Just. Revali. Do all royals like you prod around the privacy of a citizen's home, looking for something interesting? I know I am quite the feat, however I'm afraid I'm not giving autographs tonight."
He turned away, grumbling as he picked out a few scarce supplies to heal, but kept his distance still. He did not sit, nor did his feathers relax around Mipha, no matter how gentle or concerned her voice was.
Heal him! Mipha's voice shouted at her. For goodness sake, do something!
And Mipha opened her palm, expecting the thrum of magic, the watery blue aura to call to her hand, and she could finally show Revali something worth remembering. But her palm was trembling, and she could feel no magic, no healing in her soul.
Everything that made Mipha the Zora Princess, the Champion of Vah Ruta, had been stripped away. Now she was shaking on the balcony, freezing in the dark amidst a proper stranger.
"I apologize." Mipha whispered, needing something to say before she ran away. "I…The others have already eaten. Dinner has long been over. But here-"
Before Revali could question, Mipha stepped into the cover of the hut and set the bowl of steaming soup on the closest table.
"Good night, Revali."
And she darted.
Rito Village was made for flying: If you wanted or needed to get away, you could take to a ledge and leap, letting your wings carry you as far and fast as you wanted.
Mipha, however, was not made of wings, and every staircase was filled with Rito, sharing stories and good cheer that made Mipha's mind slip a little more. How could she be joyful? Things were wrong.
Mipha kept her composure; Her gaze panned the wooden floors, her hand sliding across the rough textured stone until someone called her name. She almost didn't respond; the voice sounded so far away, but moving her gaze made her realize that the speaker was a respectable distance, only a few steps.
"Your Highness!"
A light blue Rito waved at her. "You must be cold, aren't you? We have space for you and your crew! Or, ah- Your party? Your…Group?" He scratched his head. "…. It's ready, anyway. You're welcome to get some rest. Princess Zelda and Chief Urbosa are there already."
Mipha forcibly inhaled, catching her frazzled spirit enough to accept. She snuck inside the open hut; Urbosa peered into the Winter night, her heavy coat hung up on a rack near the door. Her shoulders were tense, red hair braided and swaying in the wind.
Zelda was nestled in many more blankets, wrapped in a cocoon of coziness, sleeping soundly. Her hair was wrapped up in a silk bonnet, and a matching blue mask covered her eyes from any world distractions. She looked comfortable, and Mipha wished she could say the same.
Urbosa finally spoke, took a deep breath, and reluctantly turned from the ledge. "Very different from what I'm used to, but I'll manage. And how are you finding things, Mipha?"
Urbosa's eyes settled on her, and something of concern flickered over her expression. "Mipha?"
Mipha squeezed her eyes shut, quickly sitting on her bed with her back turned to Urbosa. As much as she wanted to apologize for her behavior, she was fighting with the instinct to run away, scream, and wail.
And suddenly, a warm hand gently placed on her knee. Mipha dared to open her eyes, staring pointedly at the swirls and symbols on Urbosa's pants. The reflection of light beamed from gold trimmings on her sleeves. The sparkle of her earrings, but she could not meet Urbosa's eyes.
"Urbosa, I'm sorry." Mipha inhaled again. "I…I don't feel quite like myself anymore."
"It's been a very long, intense few weeks, my Mipha. I cannot blame you for feeling disconnected. You especially," Her eyes darted to Mipha's coat, where her scar would be visible and tender.
"You've been through so much, and have kept your grief all alone."
Moving slowly, Urbosa took a seat next to Mipha on the bed. "I have a story that I like to tell Zelda on difficult nights. Would you like to hear it?"
Mipha removed her coat and gloves, setting them aside, before silently returning to Urbosa's side. "If it's no trouble..."
"It was a dark, quiet night in the desert. A young vai woke up in her room and quickly noticed that her older sister was nowhere to be found. But even stranger, a trail of peculiar white flowers bloomed through the cracks of the streets. It lured the curious vai away through the east gate onto cold sand, sure that the flowers had something to do with her missing sister. And when she had wandered far away, something happened…."
Indeed Mipha intended to listen to the whole story, yet Urbosa's voice moved like smooth waves, gentle and warmed by sunlight, that even the frightening details of the story were not pure darkness but a path to hope. Mipha leaned into Urbosa's embrace, her eyes heavy and her heartbeat slowing to a serene pace.
At some point, Urbosa covered Mipha with a blanket and another for warmth. "Sleep well, my Mipha."
Absent-mindedly, Mipha fiddled with the ruby brooch holding her cloak together. Her eyes wandered over the buffet table for the third time, yet her plate was hardly half-full of more than a few slices of smoked bass.
Her appetite had been absent since the previous night, gone with the wind like Revali; Strange enough, no one had seen him, and the Rito warriors had flown off to the Hebra mountains with extra bows, spears, and arrows.
She stared at loaves of bread while listening to the village elder speak with Urbosa at the other end of the table.
"It seems our villages share an influx of trouble." Urbosa said. "Blood Moons are scheduled, but the most recent one was completely unpredictable. Many vai were injured, and those injuries still linger in them."
There was a particular pause; Urbosa's head turned to glance at Mipha and Zelda nearby before the elder grunted.
"This Blood Moon has brought trouble for us, as well. Monsters have become comfortable--Or desperate for food, I oughta say. It's my fear that the village will succumb if they are not stopped. The warriors have left, but some return with missing feathers, frostbite."
"I will be glad to lend my aid to you. Tell me when and where, and I will join the fight."
Mipha shook her head to rouse her out of her thoughts, finally noticing the food losing steam on the table. She pursed her lips at the bread and cheese, fish, and berries.
"Oh, what's this?" An array of vivid colors caught her eye; A single slice of fruit cake was left on a tray, which wasn't savory or terribly tart.
Mipha reached for it at the same time as Zelda.
For a heartstopping moment, Mipha's hand grasped Zelda's, squeezing her fingers. A jolt of electricity and warmth rushed to Mipha's cold hand with a wave of terror.
With her face fired up in a dark blue blush, Mipha snatched her hand back, stumbling over the air until she could only press her hand to her cold face. 'What is happening to me? I can hardly keep myself together!'
"Princess, I- I did not see you," Mipha explained and glimpsed Zelda bowing her head. Was she flustered as well?
"It was I that did not realize." Zelda shook her head and gestured to the cake. "You were here first, Mipha. Take it."
Mipha's heart fluttered away to her stomach. She hesitated, glancing at her plate. "What if we...? Share it...?"
Zelda smiled. "We can share it."
If she was flustered, she hid it very well. A chord in Mipha rang out in her mind, 'You're a princess! This is just a friendly gesture, a moment between friends.'
Mipha closed her lips and passed a polite smile, holding out her plate as Zelda equally cut the slice in half.
"There we go. Mm, I love these kinds of desserts. Have you ever tried...Well, it's quite uncouth. I shouldn't recommend it."
"-Monster extract, of course! It turns any dish into a devilish violet, and I can only imagine what the essence of monsters will do to one's insides. Perhaps you'll glow, or wake up with a new ability to growl and pick up a weapon over raw steak."
"Zelda!" Mipha giggled. "Where do you even find that concoction?"
"I wish I could study it. I could make my own with all of the remains from the latest Blood Moon. But alas..."
Zelda stabbed a piece of cake and twirled her fork around as she chewed.
"Maybe after all of this is over."
Breakfast was over as soon as it began, and Zelda set off for a hill called Piper's Ridge; Ancient columns rose high into the sky, a quiet Sheikah shrine, and most of all, Vah Medoh perched among the beige rock.
Her stone wings were pressed together, her head frozen and forever staring into the cold Hebra sky. Glyphs and patterns should have glowed a brilliant turquoise, but only amber lines outlined the Divine Beast.
"There's been no movement at all?" Zelda frowned, and the Rito guard beside her shook his head.
"It's strange. Revali's supposed to be the Champion, yeah? It was moving perfectly fine before we got your announcement. As fine as a machine can, I guess. After that day...Silence."
Zelda hummed deeply, flipping to a heavily written page in her journal. Mipha eyed it, curiously trying to make out the scribbled handwriting.
The pen lines were written heavily, deeply set into the paper. 'Urbosa -- Vah Naboris' 'Mipha -- Vah Ruta' 'Revali -- Vah Medoh ?' 'Daruk-- Vah Rudania??'
'Prophecy following...Speak with oracles, ' Mipha read, 'Praying' 'Powers absent.'
Zelda snapped her book shut, tilting her head back to the Divine Beast. "Well, that's concerning. Has anyone seen Revali today?"
The Rito took a deep breath, turned towards Mipha and Urbosa, and pointed between them; An awful storm brewed in the distance, hovering over the mountains far into the horizon. Rugged peaks of sharp mountains loomed in dark shadows.
"He took off early in the morning, but the blizzard I wrote to you about is that way. I would not recommend going there, Your Highness."
Zelda frowned, peering in the pointed direction. Mipha could see a plan brewing behind her dark brown eyes, thoughts, and ambitions building up like coals on a fire.
"With all due respect, we are allied in peace and war."
Urbosa took a deep breath through her nose, lifting her chin. "Zelda. You are a priority in this war, your safety must be ensured at all costs. I allowed you to test the weather, but I will not let you walk blindly into a storm."
She turned her attention to the Rito guard, who straightened his posture quickly.
"Show me the way, give me a weapon, and I will fight alongside you. Zelda is going to stay here."
"What?!" Zelda lit up in defiance, but Urbosa heard nothing of it.
"And Mipha will accompany me."
Mipha jolted, the sound of her name ripping her from her thoughts. "Me? Oh, Urbosa...O-Of course."
The Rito looked just as shocked but quickly snapped his beak shut and cleared his throat. "Let's not waste any time, then."
Mipha swore she could see steam rising from Zelda's head, fist clenched, the other gripping her journal, and Sheikah Slate to her chest.
She took several deep breaths to calm down but trailed alongside Mipha silently as Urbosa talked with the Rito guard.
"Perhaps it is best that you don't risk injury.... It's not very fun." Mipha said. "We will be back before you know it."
Zelda glanced at Mipha, and her eyes slowly moved ahead. "Sitting idly, waiting when all of my loved ones are fighting, working...I abhor it."
She hesitantly opened her hand. Her palm upturned to the air. They both watched as absolutely nothing happened.
Mipha bit her lip, folding her fins closely. What could she say that hadn't been said or thought of that hadn't drifted like a ghost in her mind for weeks?
"One day, you'll get to fight alongside everyone. It will be a day worth waiting for."
Mipha's mouth went agape. The cold ran bitterly through her veins. The frost on her cheek brought the pain akin to being slapped in the face.
She might as well have been slapped.
It took an embarrassing moment for Mipha to find her words. "I- I am Mipha Naphela of Zora's Domain, and I assumed that you are Revali…?"
Revali's eyes flicked up and down her body, though not an ounce of joy or interest was visible. He rolled his eyes at his name, shifting his weight before sharply moving his shoulder.
"Just. Revali. Do all royals like you prod around the privacy of a citizen's home, looking for something interesting? I know I am quite the feat, however I'm afraid I'm not giving autographs tonight."
He turned away, grumbling as he picked out a few scarce supplies to heal, but kept his distance still. He did not sit, nor did his feathers relax around Mipha, no matter how gentle or concerned her voice was.
Heal him! Mipha's voice shouted at her. For goodness sake, do something!
And Mipha opened her palm, expecting the thrum of magic, the watery blue aura to call to her hand, and she could finally show Revali something worth remembering. But her palm was trembling, and she could feel no magic, no healing in her soul.
Everything that made Mipha the Zora Princess, the Champion of Vah Ruta, had been stripped away. Now she was shaking on the balcony, freezing in the dark amidst a proper stranger.
"I apologize." Mipha whispered, needing something to say before she ran away. "I…The others have already eaten. Dinner has long been over. But here-"
Before Revali could question, Mipha stepped into the cover of the hut and set the bowl of steaming soup on the closest table.
"Good night, Revali."
And she darted.
Rito Village was made for flying: If you wanted or needed to get away, you could take to a ledge and leap, letting your wings carry you as far and fast as you wanted.
Mipha, however, was not made of wings, and every staircase was filled with Rito, sharing stories and good cheer that made Mipha's mind slip a little more. How could she be joyful? Things were wrong.
Mipha kept her composure; Her gaze panned the wooden floors, her hand sliding across the rough textured stone until someone called her name. She almost didn't respond; the voice sounded so far away, but moving her gaze made her realize that the speaker was a respectable distance, only a few steps.
"Your Highness!"
A light blue Rito waved at her. "You must be cold, aren't you? We have space for you and your crew! Or, ah- Your party? Your…Group?" He scratched his head. "…. It's ready, anyway. You're welcome to get some rest. Princess Zelda and Chief Urbosa are there already."
Mipha forcibly inhaled, catching her frazzled spirit enough to accept. She snuck inside the open hut; Urbosa peered into the Winter night, her heavy coat hung up on a rack near the door. Her shoulders were tense, red hair braided and swaying in the wind.
Zelda was nestled in many more blankets, wrapped in a cocoon of coziness, sleeping soundly. Her hair was wrapped up in a silk bonnet, and a matching blue mask covered her eyes from any world distractions. She looked comfortable, and Mipha wished she could say the same.
Urbosa finally spoke, took a deep breath, and reluctantly turned from the ledge. "Very different from what I'm used to, but I'll manage. And how are you finding things, Mipha?"
Urbosa's eyes settled on her, and something of concern flickered over her expression. "Mipha?"
Mipha squeezed her eyes shut, quickly sitting on her bed with her back turned to Urbosa. As much as she wanted to apologize for her behavior, she was fighting with the instinct to run away, scream, and wail.
And suddenly, a warm hand gently placed on her knee. Mipha dared to open her eyes, staring pointedly at the swirls and symbols on Urbosa's pants. The reflection of light beamed from gold trimmings on her sleeves. The sparkle of her earrings, but she could not meet Urbosa's eyes.
"Urbosa, I'm sorry." Mipha inhaled again. "I…I don't feel quite like myself anymore."
"It's been a very long, intense few weeks, my Mipha. I cannot blame you for feeling disconnected. You especially," Her eyes darted to Mipha's coat, where her scar would be visible and tender.
"You've been through so much, and have kept your grief all alone."
Moving slowly, Urbosa took a seat next to Mipha on the bed. "I have a story that I like to tell Zelda on difficult nights. Would you like to hear it?"
Mipha removed her coat and gloves, setting them aside, before silently returning to Urbosa's side. "If it's no trouble..."
"It was a dark, quiet night in the desert. A young vai woke up in her room and quickly noticed that her older sister was nowhere to be found. But even stranger, a trail of peculiar white flowers bloomed through the cracks of the streets. It lured the curious vai away through the east gate onto cold sand, sure that the flowers had something to do with her missing sister. And when she had wandered far away, something happened…."
Indeed Mipha intended to listen to the whole story, yet Urbosa's voice moved like smooth waves, gentle and warmed by sunlight, that even the frightening details of the story were not pure darkness but a path to hope. Mipha leaned into Urbosa's embrace, her eyes heavy and her heartbeat slowing to a serene pace.
At some point, Urbosa covered Mipha with a blanket and another for warmth. "Sleep well, my Mipha."
Absent-mindedly, Mipha fiddled with the ruby brooch holding her cloak together. Her eyes wandered over the buffet table for the third time, yet her plate was hardly half-full of more than a few slices of smoked bass.
Her appetite had been absent since the previous night, gone with the wind like Revali; Strange enough, no one had seen him, and the Rito warriors had flown off to the Hebra mountains with extra bows, spears, and arrows.
She stared at loaves of bread while listening to the village elder speak with Urbosa at the other end of the table.
"It seems our villages share an influx of trouble." Urbosa said. "Blood Moons are scheduled, but the most recent one was completely unpredictable. Many vai were injured, and those injuries still linger in them."
There was a particular pause; Urbosa's head turned to glance at Mipha and Zelda nearby before the elder grunted.
"This Blood Moon has brought trouble for us, as well. Monsters have become comfortable--Or desperate for food, I oughta say. It's my fear that the village will succumb if they are not stopped. The warriors have left, but some return with missing feathers, frostbite."
"I will be glad to lend my aid to you. Tell me when and where, and I will join the fight."
Mipha shook her head to rouse her out of her thoughts, finally noticing the food losing steam on the table. She pursed her lips at the bread and cheese, fish, and berries.
"Oh, what's this?" An array of vivid colors caught her eye; A single slice of fruit cake was left on a tray, which wasn't savory or terribly tart.
Mipha reached for it at the same time as Zelda.
For a heartstopping moment, Mipha's hand grasped Zelda's, squeezing her fingers. A jolt of electricity and warmth rushed to Mipha's cold hand with a wave of terror.
With her face fired up in a dark blue blush, Mipha snatched her hand back, stumbling over the air until she could only press her hand to her cold face. 'What is happening to me? I can hardly keep myself together!'
"Princess, I- I did not see you," Mipha explained and glimpsed Zelda bowing her head. Was she flustered as well?
"It was I that did not realize." Zelda shook her head and gestured to the cake. "You were here first, Mipha. Take it."
Mipha's heart fluttered away to her stomach. She hesitated, glancing at her plate. "What if we...? Share it...?"
Zelda smiled. "We can share it."
If she was flustered, she hid it very well. A chord in Mipha rang out in her mind, 'You're a princess! This is just a friendly gesture, a moment between friends.'
Mipha closed her lips and passed a polite smile, holding out her plate as Zelda equally cut the slice in half.
"There we go. Mm, I love these kinds of desserts. Have you ever tried...Well, it's quite uncouth. I shouldn't recommend it."
"-Monster extract, of course! It turns any dish into a devilish violet, and I can only imagine what the essence of monsters will do to one's insides. Perhaps you'll glow, or wake up with a new ability to growl and pick up a weapon over raw steak."
"Zelda!" Mipha giggled. "Where do you even find that concoction?"
"I wish I could study it. I could make my own with all of the remains from the latest Blood Moon. But alas..."
Zelda stabbed a piece of cake and twirled her fork around as she chewed.
"Maybe after all of this is over."
Breakfast was over as soon as it began, and Zelda set off for a hill called Piper's Ridge; Ancient columns rose high into the sky, a quiet Sheikah shrine, and most of all, Vah Medoh perched among the beige rock.
Her stone wings were pressed together, her head frozen and forever staring into the cold Hebra sky. Glyphs and patterns should have glowed a brilliant turquoise, but only amber lines outlined the Divine Beast.
"There's been no movement at all?" Zelda frowned, and the Rito guard beside her shook his head.
"It's strange. Revali's supposed to be the Champion, yeah? It was moving perfectly fine before we got your announcement. As fine as a machine can, I guess. After that day...Silence."
Zelda hummed deeply, flipping to a heavily written page in her journal. Mipha eyed it, curiously trying to make out the scribbled handwriting.
The pen lines were written heavily, deeply set into the paper. 'Urbosa -- Vah Naboris' 'Mipha -- Vah Ruta' 'Revali -- Vah Medoh ?' 'Daruk-- Vah Rudania??'
'Prophecy following...Speak with oracles, ' Mipha read, 'Praying' 'Powers absent.'
Zelda snapped her book shut, tilting her head back to the Divine Beast. "Well, that's concerning. Has anyone seen Revali today?"
The Rito took a deep breath, turned towards Mipha and Urbosa, and pointed between them; An awful storm brewed in the distance, hovering over the mountains far into the horizon. Rugged peaks of sharp mountains loomed in dark shadows.
"He took off early in the morning, but the blizzard I wrote to you about is that way. I would not recommend going there, Your Highness."
Zelda frowned, peering in the pointed direction. Mipha could see a plan brewing behind her dark brown eyes, thoughts, and ambitions building up like coals on a fire.
"With all due respect, we are allied in peace and war."
Urbosa took a deep breath through her nose, lifting her chin. "Zelda. You are a priority in this war, your safety must be ensured at all costs. I allowed you to test the weather, but I will not let you walk blindly into a storm."
She turned her attention to the Rito guard, who straightened his posture quickly.
"Show me the way, give me a weapon, and I will fight alongside you. Zelda is going to stay here."
"What?!" Zelda lit up in defiance, but Urbosa heard nothing of it.
"And Mipha will accompany me."
Mipha jolted, the sound of her name ripping her from her thoughts. "Me? Oh, Urbosa...O-Of course."
The Rito looked just as shocked but quickly snapped his beak shut and cleared his throat. "Let's not waste any time, then."
Mipha swore she could see steam rising from Zelda's head, fist clenched, the other gripping her journal, and Sheikah Slate to her chest.
She took several deep breaths to calm down but trailed alongside Mipha silently as Urbosa talked with the Rito guard.
"Perhaps it is best that you don't risk injury.... It's not very fun." Mipha said. "We will be back before you know it."
Zelda glanced at Mipha, and her eyes slowly moved ahead. "Sitting idly, waiting when all of my loved ones are fighting, working...I abhor it."
She hesitantly opened her hand. Her palm upturned to the air. They both watched as absolutely nothing happened.
Mipha bit her lip, folding her fins closely. What could she say that hadn't been said or thought of that hadn't drifted like a ghost in her mind for weeks?
"One day, you'll get to fight alongside everyone. It will be a day worth waiting for."
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tojiscumdumpster · 2 months
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။ toji fushiguro x his favorite customer (revision)
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✧ summary toji has a little soft spot for his favorite customer that he can't get enough of.
✧ content warnings reader is a black woman who uses she/her pronouns. chubby!reader and inexperienced!reader. rich girl in her midtwenties, very needy! usage of profanity, standing missionary, oral - m!receiving, doggy style, mixture of praise and degradation kink, breeding kink, unprotected, creampie and squirting, terms of endearment ─ pretty girl, princess, baby, baby girl, etc. softdom!toji with rough, passionate, and filthy intercourse. told in first POV ─ toji's. i got reader calling toji TJ, and i think that’s so cute pls.
✧ author's note happy birthday to my baby daddy toji fushiguro! we've been going strong now for years. just a little something something to celebrate him. this fic has been in the drafts since December. talk about black people time, old sksk. also, if you already seen the original of this fic on tumblr, it's mine lol. this is just a revision, so don't go around saying i copied someone! my writing has changed so i wanted to redo this and add some adjustments. i hope y'all enjoy. support me by reblogging, liking, and commenting your thoughts. ♡ AGELESS/BLANK BLOGS AND/OR MINORS - DO NOT INTERACT.
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 When it comes to women I fuck, I treat them the same because at the end of the day, they pay me good money to stuff their pussy with cock. 
 Don’t really care if they're married either. I usually get the old, desperate broads that aren’t getting any attention from their husbands at home, so it’s my job to make them feel good for the night. 
 I don’t do favorites. 
 I damn sure don’t give discounts. 
 And I definitely don’t get attached. But the moment I met Y/N that all changed. 
 My favorite customer. 
 Never did I expect a younger woman to pay me to get fucked, especially when she looks that good. 
 I’m almost positive she has a line filled with fuckers that’s desperately wanting to know what this tight, wet pussy feels like, yet here I am, living their fantasy. 
 I fucked Y/N once. 
 Then, twice. 
 Then, again.
 And again.
 And again…
 If I didn’t know any better, I’m fucking obsessed with her. Can’t even say it’s just for the money she’s paying me. Probably the best pussy I ever had.
 It is. 
 So fucking warm, and she takes dick well, too. I usually give only an hour or two to my customers, but for Y/N? I reserved the whole night to relish her pussy. 
 The perfect fuck to end my day. 
 Those soft, sweet-sounding moans that slipped through her full brown and pink lips, having my previous cum shot staining them had me running wild. 
 But it seems like I’m not the only one who’s sex drunk. 
 Cock is all on Y/N’s mind right now. Whimpering and crying how big I am and thanking me for giving her dick. Tears pricks those chestnut-colored hues and I’m in fucking awe. She’s so damn pretty. 
 “You know how gorgeous you look taking cock like this? Being a good fucking slut for me, princess?” I ask, being met with a nod and her moaning in response. 
 Y/N’s pussy talks to me. Wet noises spreading throughout the room while I have my arms hooked under the fold of her knees, fucking her recklessly to push past any intrusion. 
 She’s jumping with me every thrust I make, causing her tits to bounce obnoxiously. I take one of her nipples into my mouth and suck on them like it’s my last dying breath, hearing that sweet whimper. 
 I belong in Y/N’s pussy, and she belongs to me, too, the way she’s gripping my cock and milking me. All of her cream and wetness drips between us and down my balls, and it feels fucking amazing. Every time I experience her velvet walls, I find myself becoming more animalistic, hungry and territorial over someone who should only be seen as a client. 
 But fuck, something in me says I would go batshit crazy if I ever found out she had other motherfuckers experiencing this. 
 Knowing how she looks when sweat coats her beautiful brown skin. How it feels to stretch her out and make her adjust to you. Just thinking about it makes me pound into her deeper and more aggressively. 
 “Toji, baby, yes. This feels so good,” she purrs. “Like that. Keep fucking me like that.”
 I hum. “Yeah? This is what you wanted, right? Paid me to please this good pussy?”
 By all means, Y/N isn’t a virgin, but she told me she doesn’t have much experience and I can tell by how tight she is. 
 Our sounds of pleasure resonate in the air, and I call her my good girl, praising how perfect her pussy is, to be met with her squeezing me and watery brown eyes. 
 “Toji… Toji… Yes. God, yes.”
 “Keep using your words, pretty girl. Tell me how much you love my dick in your pussy,” I ordered softly.
 “I love it so much. It’s so big, baby,” she tells me, slurring her words because of her lips still being on mine. “You’re going to make me cum.”
 I clicked my tongue, shaking my head. “Not yet. Come taste yourself.”
 Without hesitation, Y/N slides down to her knees and starts sucking my dick. I hiss at her swallowing me and the warmth of her mouth. She doesn’t take her time when sucking me off, immediately circling her head and throating me. 
 “Hot fucking mouth made to suck dick, huh, pretty girl?” I firmly grabbed her chin so she could look at me. “Eyes up, sweetheart. Open up your throat for me like a good girl.” 
 Y/N hollows her cheeks and bobs her head fervently on my dick, tightening her lips around me. 
 She sucks dick so fucking good, better than any other woman I’ve been with. And I just know I’m bound to bust quickly if she keeps doing this shit. 
 My hand finds the back of Y/N’s head to grip and I buck my hips deeper into her mouth, ensuring I hit the back of her throat everytime. I’m a fucking mad man when I begin fucking the gorgeous face, especially when she’s looking up at me with those big brown eyes. 
 A spoiled brat, prim and shy, who’s spending daddy’s money to get fucked and folded by an old bastard like me. Think I fucking developed a kink for this type because of Y/N.
 I pumped into her mouth more aggressively until she began choking and gagging on my cock. Drool and precum coating her mouth in the process. 
 Any type of control Y/N tries to take, I push past it because I want to use that pretty little mouth of hers how I want. She needs to get her money’s worth when fucking with me. 
 “Going to fuck my cum deep down that throat of yours, and you’re going to swallow it. Got that?” She nods and I softly tap the side of her face. “That’s it. Keep those lips tight around me.” 
 “Toji, pl—please,” she slurs, causing me to chuckle. 
 “Hm, look at you. Trying so hard to talk to me while sucking my dick. It’s cute.” I slow down my quick thrusts, but replace them with more fervent ones, pushing me and her head down until my cock outlines her throat. 
 My balls grow heavy and obnoxiously slaps Y/N’s chin, a clear indication I’m about to fucking cum. 
 Grunting, whining, gasping like a little bitch for air because head like this has a fucker like me sounding like a broken mess. 
 Blood rushes to my groin and I start getting sloppy, feeling my muscles tightening and ache burning between my thighs. I’m close, so fucking close to filling her mouth with my release, then I can finish fucking that fat pussy. 
 Everything about this damn woman is perfect. Her pussy. How she sucks cock. That fucking chubby and curvy body of hers. A pretty face with loaded cash.
 Yeah, she’s definitely mine after tonight. And I’m talking about anything lovey dovey. Meaning if I catch her being a slut like this to anyone else, I’d kill that fucker. 
 No hesitation. I-
 “Y/N, fuck!” I grunt while cumming in her mouth. This load is fucking heavy, but she’s trying her best to swallow every drop. 
 I groan at the sight of Y/N touching her tits and palming her pussy, knowing how much she’s turned on, too. It’s like the vibrations of her moans pulls more cum out my fucking dick.
 A mess I made on her face, but the joyful lust I see in her eyes tells me she doesn’t give a damn. 
 Good, because I’m not finished with her. 
 “All fours on the bed. Now,” I demanded. “Still gotta fill up your pussy.”
 Perfection is what I think when I see Y/N from behind, arched back, ass in the air and pussy dripping, ready for me to fuck. 
 I force an arch in her back and plunge my cock in her tight little pussy with one deep stroke. Y/N gasps in the air and I take the opportunity to pull her up by the throat and start pounding her cunt. 
 Why the fuck is she so goddamn wet? She takes cock well, bud shit, I abruptly slip out each and every thrust. 
 “Keep me inside that pussy, baby girl. Stop fucking letting go,” I gritted in her ear. She reaches behind her to hold my dick and push back into me with a tighter grip. “Hm, just like that. So fucking good to me, aren’t you?”
 “I need more dick, TJ. Fuck me harder, baby. I can take you,” she moans. 
 Begging for cock she’s already paying for… Shit, I get a kick out of how pathetically sexy she sounds. 
 I repeatedly slammed into her wet cunt, thrust after thrust, pussy creaming even further than before. If it’s one thing I can listen to for the rest of my life, it’s how Y/N sounds when she’s being fucked. 
 My name drips perfectly from her lips.
 Our skin smacking fills the air in the room along my hand striking her ass until I guarantee it’ll bruise in the morning. 
 “Look at this fat ass moving when I pound into this pussy. Fucking beautiful,” I growled.
 “Toji, please. I… I don’t care how much… I’ll pay more. Just keep fucking me like this.”
 I chuckle. “Atta girl.”
 I see why motherfuckers catch feelings when fucking pussy. I almost feel tempted to tell Y/N that I love her while fucking her. She has pussy that’ll make a fucker crazy… Possessive… Jealous.
 I applied more pressure to Y/N’s throat and pulled her against my chest. “You know who this pussy belongs to. Right, princess?”
 “God, yes, Toji. You… it belongs to you.” Her voice comes off as a faint cry and I know she’s on the verge of cumming. Especially with how her pussy is pulsating around me. 
 “Mhm, that’s right. Dreamed of my fucking dick pounding this tight little cunt, now I have you mindfucked. Huh?” I pinch her nipples with my free hand and increase my thrusts. “You’re about to come for me. Aren’t you, Y/N? I know you are. I can feel it. You should see the mess your slutty pussy is making between us.”
 “Fuck, I didn’t mean to, baby. It’s just… you feel good. So fucking good,” she whimpers, bouncing her ass back into me to meet with my thrusts. 
 “Maybe I should have you clean it with your mouth. Hm?”
 I release Y/N’s throat to shove her face into the bed and deepen her arch more than before. My single hand returns to her hips to grip, pulling her round ass back on my cock to kiss her center. 
 Can’t get over how wet—how tight and warm this fucking pussy is. The harder I fuck her, the louder her pussy gets and I grunt, curse underneath my breath at hearing the sound of her muffled moans. 
 I don’t give a fuck if one of us catches feelings after this. Actually, I want her to. I want Y/N to be dick hungry only for me. 
 I want her pussy to smell like I’m the only fucker that’s been running through her. I’m even fucking tempted to breed this pussy just so she’s mine.
 Why the fuck would I want to have sex with any other women after knowing what Y/N feels like? 
 “You take cock like a fucking pro. Look at you gripping me. Look at how this pussy is mine.”
 She spreads her ass cheeks to feel every inch of my dick. “Fuck me, Toji. Harder. Fuck me harder, I’m about to cum.”
 “Shit, me too, sweetheart. Such a perfect fuck toy. Going to fill you all the way up,” I rasped. “Fuck me back. Keep taking this dick.”
 My thrusts are sloppy. I throw my head back and swear into the air and moan her name. My balls grow heavier and heavier until I fucking but and empty my cum inside her pussy. 
 And she’s right there with me, crying my name and thanking me for giving her toe-curling orgasm. 
 Fucking enjoy hearing my pretty girl thank me for giving her cock. She just looks so damn pretty when she cums, too. 
 Dark brown skin sweating. The sight of her ruined makeup with mascara running down her cheeks. Moans sounding like a broken record. 
 Yeah, she’s a perfect fuck. 
 My favorite customer. 
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© 2024 tojiscumdumpster Do NOT copy, translate, plagiarize, repost (sharing links is okay) anywhere. I only upload on tumblr and you will find some of my work in ao3.
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tetsusangel · 1 month
yayy okay so let's talk about dp with bullies satosugu but it's an au where they're both demons and reader is a pretty angel
gojo and geto like to have a little fun tormenting innocent humans, but lately their plans have been "ruined" by reader
she spoils their fun because it's her duty to protect humans but also because she's kinda hoping to get the boys' attention
they come up with a plan to surprise her and finally give her what she wants: to have her cute angel holes filled by her favorite bullies 💦🩷
a/n: omg nonny i haven’t written in ages and this is my first req after redoing my whole blog and im sososo happy you shared this thot with me im literally creaming
cw: dom!satosugu, sub!reader, multiple orgasms (reader), overstim, pet names (princess, baby, sweet/pretty/good girl), slight degradation, sprinkle of praise, double penetration (1 hole), cunnilingus, 'toru slaps your cunt twice, he also "slaps" your face once, oral (m! and f! receiving), creampie, unprotected sex, dumbification (sorry i couldn't help myself), MDNI, lmk if i missed anything!!
w/c: 1.4k
Devil!Satoru and Devil!Suguru are the WORST! They make your life as the resident caring angel so hard :( They’re always prancing around toying with oblivious humans.
Before they met you, their antics were occasional and spontaneous. But when they first saw you swoop down and save the poor innocent soul they had been messing with, they knew they had to see you again. Even if that meant going out of their way to torment more humans than they were interested in doing.
And they knew you were enjoying it. Not enjoying saving the humans, but enjoying seeing Satoru and Suguru. The two men were constantly bored and aching for a new plaything, those plain humans just weren’t cutting it anymore. They needed to get their hands on you and that sweet cunt you’d been hiding from them.
They also knew you were too shy to say anything. You were just a pretty little angel trying to stop two big, mean devils from harming the one thing you had sworn to protect. So of course, they kept on with their torments towards those inferior humans. And you, of course, kept coming in to save the day.
“That’s enough! Don’t you guys think it’s time you give those poor humans a break. They haven’t done anything to you” You scolded, putting up a horrible act of pretending you weren’t enjoying their company.
Deep down all three of you knew that something was bound to happen soon. You were all reaching your breaking point. Soon enough they’d give you exactly what you want from them, and they would take exactly what they want from you.
Devil!Satoru and Devil!Suguru wouldn’t be able to hold the title of devils if they weren’t as good as they were in teasing you and slowly breaking you down into the perfect pet for them. But to do that, they’d need you to open up first. What better way to coax a kind hearted angel out of her shell than to surprise her?
As you laid down on your back against the plush expanse of your bed, you wondered why you hadn’t seen or heard anything from Satoru and Suguru. It had been an entire week of peace and quiet; something you weren’t used to and something you didn’t miss.
You didn’t enjoy seeing pure-hearted humans get hurt by them, but you did enjoy the way Satoru and Suguru looked at you when you scolded them. Like they were going to eat you up and, God, you wished they would.
Pulling a pillow over your head you groaned. “Aww poor baby, somethin’ wrong?” A muffled voice called out from your right. A voice that sounded a lot like….Satoru? “She must’ve missed us. I think she likes us more than she’d like to admit” Another voice calls out, this time from your left and the sound is similar to the honeyed voice of Suguru.
Amidst your confusion, the pillow you had used to cover your face was ripped from your hands and lo and behold were the two missing men. Before you can stop yourself, you whined out a quiet “I missed you”. By the looks on their faces, you could tell they had missed you too. And that they definitely had something planned for you.
“Yeah, baby? You missed us? Fuck, we missed you too. Our sweet, little angel. Always pretending she’s coming down to save those worthless humans when she really just wants to be near us.” Satoru starts.
“No- No I” This time, you’re cut off by Suguru. “Don’t be like that pretty girl. We missed you too. In fact, Satoru and I wanna show you how much we missed you”.
You couldn’t believe it. You’ve waited for so long for them to finally give you what you’d been craving since the day you saved the first human they tormented. Were you dreaming? Were you in heaven? No, of course not. Devils aren’t allowed in heaven. This was hell.
Everything happens so suddenly. You're flipped on your hands and knees, Satoru behind you and the tent in Suguru’s pants is right in front of your face just begging to be touched. Before you can even pick a hand up to unzip Suguru, you feel a large hand flip your skirt up followed by two long digits rubbing against your clothed pussy.
Another whine escapes your lips as Satoru’s ring and middle finger draw tight circles around your clit from above your panties. When Satoru finally drags your panties down and off your ankles is when Suguru speaks up again. “C’mon princess, don’t keep me waiting. We’ve been so patient with you. Don’t make us be mean to you on our first day. Or would you like that?”
The whimper that escapes your lips doesn’t go unnoticed by the two. Suguru drops his boxers and jeans, kicking them off as fast as he can. “Kiss the tip baby- Fuck, that’s it. Good girl” The praise is sent straight between your legs and a chuckle from Satoru lets you know he felt your needy cunt clench around his fingers. 
“You like that, baby? You wanna be praised? But you’re acting like such a slut. What kind of angel lets two devils use her like this? Oh sweet girl, you’re so wet. You like when I’m mean to you?” You want to say no, you want to tell him it isn’t true (it is true), but Suguru shoves himself farther down your throat, a guttural groan sending vibrations all over your body. 
You’re so focused on trying to take Suguru down your throat that you don’t realize Satoru getting impatient. A sharp slap on your clit brings your attention back to Satoru. You barely get out a “S’toruuuu” before he does it again. Another cross between a moan and a whine leaves your mouth causing Suguru to buck his hips into your face. 
Satoru can tell you’re getting distracted again, but this time he opts to wrap his soft tongue around your clit while his ring and middle finger slip inside your wet folds, scissoring you open. They’re both so overwhelming, Satoru behind you slurping away at your sweet pussy and Suguru wrapping a hand around your head and pulling it back and forth on his dick. 
And then as if they were connected telepathically, they both pull away at the same time. Your head is spinning, the only thing on your mind is making sure you end the night with them stuffing you full of their cum. 
Satoru leans back against the headboard and pulls you into his lap, your back facing Suguru. And finally, finally, he slowly sinks you down on his fat length. It’s already too much for you but Suguru is right behind him, they’ve waited long enough. You can take them both. As soon as you’ve settled down on Satoru, Suguru is pushing into you. 
“W-Wait, fuucckkk, ‘s too much! Too big!” You cry out, but the two devils don’t seem to care. They buck their hips into yours, the room filled with echoes of your whines and moans of “C-Can’t”, “Wan’ more” and “Please d-don’t stop”. Soon enough you’re not talking at all. You’ve cum more times than you can count. The overstimulation was too much for you to handle. 
Your eyes have rolled into your head and the only thing you can think of is Satoru and Suguru and Suguru and Satoru. A light slap on the right side of your face gets you to look at Satoru but he can tell from that far-away look in your eyes that you aren’t completely here anymore. That’s okay though. He knows he wanted this, he knows Suguru wanted this, and he for sure knows that you needed this.
“Suguru, shit, I think our sweet, little angel has gone dumb” A groan is heard from the other man. “Fuck, what slut. She takes us so well.” G-Gonna cum soon” A response is heard almost immediately “M-Me too. You gonna cum for us one more time, pretty girl?” Suguru’s hand snakes around your waist to use a finger of his to rub fast and messy circles around your puffy clit. 
No longer able to respond, you arch your back further into Satoru causing your head to lean back on Sugurus shoulder as you whine out in overstimulation. Their thrusts become erratic and you know they’re getting closer and closer and finally they fill you up as you cum. The sticky, sweaty smell of sex overwhelms your senses. Another tap is felt on your shoulder, “Hey pretty, let’s get you cleaned up”
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linalaine · 4 months
- Brother's Best friend ! -
Scaramouche x Reader Smut
also I was debating making this longer but I just ended up redoing it so lmk if I should make a longer version of this !
🪼🌸cw: afab reader, wall fucking, degradation, use of pussy/cunt.
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It was no secret you had the hots for your brothers best friend, Scaramouche. Hell, even your older brother knew! But it's not your fault your brother just had a hot best friend.
Scaramouches hair, his eyes, his voice, his style. Everything about him was so attractive. Even his snarky, condescending attitude at times, you can't help daydreaming and drooling over him whenever he comes over!
This is precisely why your older brother told you that his best friend is absolutely off limits to you. To not even look at him, or speak to him! He was off limits. Because you had the hots for him.
But that didn't mean that he didn't have the hots for you either.
Yes, everyone knew about your little crush on Scaramouche. Even Scara himself. The way you looked up at him with heart eyes, anyone could see. The way you would ask for his help for the most simple things when he came over, even if your brother was there too.
Now, Scara really did enjoy your brothers company! But he couldn't deny that you were also part of the reason why he came over so often. Just to see the way you run to the door excitingly to greet your brother and him. To see that look in your eye when you see him. To see the way you discreetly rub your thighs together and act all nervous when he knows damn well, all you want is to get in your brothers best friends' pants.
And he would happily oblige the next time he saw you. He was already planning.
So the next time Scaramouche did come over to your house with your brother, he simply ignored you. Only giving you a slight nod when you rushed to greet them. But that was the only acknowledgement you got.
Scara was planning on sleeping over with your brother to play video games all night. He knew exactly when to make his move. But that meant ignoring you first so your brother wouldn't get suspicious.
It killed him to see your disappointed face when he wouldn't talk to you! Watching as you left to go sulk in your room the rest of the night. But it's okay! He'd make sure to make up for it later tonight! <3
Which is exactly what he did. Once your brother put on his headset to play some game, Scara managed to sneak out of his room and beeline straight for your door! He knocked on it gently.
You peaked it open a little at first, before realizing it was him and opening it all the way.
"Scara! What is it? Do you-" You were suddenly caught off as he shoved his way into your room, shutting the door behind him and pinning you to the wall with his hand clamped over your mouth.
"Keep quiet, yeah? I managed to sneak away while your brother was distracted with his game so try not to alert him and be too loud, okay?"
Your cheeks went red but you nodded your head regardless. His hand was quickly replaced by his lips. Capturing yours in a deep, hungry kiss. He's been thinking about this all day long.
Scara pinned your hands to the door above your head with one hand, his other roaming your body, squeezing your ass. You had already become so desperate for him! Trying to push your lips against his harder.
He shoved his knee between your thighs, feeling your already wet cunt squish against it as you tried to grind into him, causing him to chuckle lowly.
"I knew you weren't as innocent as you tried to be. I could tell from the moment I saw you, you were nothing but a slut who practically begged to drool over my cock." Scara whispered in your ear before kissing your neck, down to your chest.
You whined softly at his words, still desperately trying to get more friction from his knee. He let go of your hands and quickly lifted your oversized pajama shirt over your head, exposing your breast to him.
"Didn't even wear a bra, fucking slut. You were waiting for this, weren't you?" You nodded your head vigoursly, leaning up to kiss him only for him to grab your chin tightly to keep you still while he took your nipple into his mouth.
You had to bit your lip to keep quiet. Scaras knee jerking up into your clothed pussy. He pulled away from your breast with a wet pop.
He hastily discarded his pants and boxers while you quickly kicked your panties off somewhere to the side. You didn't even have time to react when he spun you around! Your face and front pressed against the door while he kept his hands on your hips, rubbing his pre on your ass.
"Ready?" Scara asked softly into your ear, his tip teasing your entrance as you let out a small "mhm.."
That was all he needed before pushing into and bottoming out. You both let out a mix of moans and gasp. He gave you a moment to adjust to the feeling then started pulling out again until he was at the tip and roughly shoving back in all the way.
You could hear him groan behind you as he started fucking into you, his balls slapping against your ass. One of his hands snaked around you, shutting your mouth while the other was holding onto your wrist, pulling you back to meet his thrusts.
He was manhandling you. His best friends little sister. And it felt heavenly. Your moans muffled by his hand as your head squished up against the door. Your pussy was milking his cock for all its worth!
"Mm-Mmmph!~" You moaned out from behind his hand. His cock was dragging along your walls. It had you seeing stars. Scaras eyes were locked where his cock disappeared and reappeared from your little pussy.
"FUCK! You feel so fucking good, fuck.." He groaned, his head rolling back slightly. "Best fuucking pussy ever."
His cock twitched inside you. The harshness from his relentless pounding had your legs shaking. You were close and he could tell by the way your cunt went tight around his dick. He shoved his fingers into your mouth to silence you. You started sucking and swirling your tongue around them, choking like a good little whore!
Your orgasm was approaching quickly, leaving you trying to find something to stable yourself with. You clawed at the door, leaving marks behind like a feral cat as you completely crashed.
You came hard, tears blurring your eyes as you choked on Scaras fingers. He came soon after. The sight of you shaking from his cock was too much! With one harsh thrust and a loud smack of his pelvis hitting your ass, his warm seed flooded your pussy!
You moaned loudly again around his fingers as he filled you to the brim. Your body went limp after he pulled out, watching his cum drip from your abused hole and down your thighs.
He felt his cock grow harder again at the sight. He wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you flush against him. You felt his erection pressing against your ass again as you let out a soft whine. This was going to be a long night.
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Time for me to answer some questions, and gosh there were a lot! There were a ton I wanted to answer, so I'll pick a few to answer here. I may end up doing this for other characters in a future QnA, but right now there were just some questions I didn't want to leave unanswered despite only dedicating one page to this.
Author: Do you have voice casts for any of the characters? Answer: Fullmetal Alchemist was one of my big influences for this, so I imagine much of the English VA when thinking of the characters in this comic. Travis Willingham for Gallade, Gwendolyn Lau for Ribombee, Trina Nishimura for Dewott, and Brittney Karbowski for Lumen, for instance. It's not solely the FMA dub cast I think of, but it is the majority. Author: What do you use to draw all your amazing drawings? Answer: Thanks for the compliment!! I currently use a Huion Kamvas Pro 12, an older tablet model that I picked up at a bargain, and Clip Studio (I know both companies behind those products have gotten caught with image transformer AI which is disappointing; I was using these before all that). I also like to do traditional sketching and then scan those to use a basis for drawings. Sometimes its just easier to do it the latter way for me. Author: I love the unconventional choice of Tepig as the main protagonist, and of course the way you draw them. How come you chose Tepig over every other PMD starter? Answer: Ahhh again thank you for the compliments! Well, originally this comic started as an ask blog with a questionnaire to determine the protagonist and the partner, with Tepig and Riolu winning out (it was a barely known blog and the art was bad). When I decided to redo the story, I realized how much I liked the pairing; Riolu is a popular choice and could represent the expectations of a PMD story, while the less popular Tepig would be a great shakeup and point of difference. Plus, Tepig can be a very cute pokemon!
Author: This may sound like a strange question, but would you consider this work to be more of a love letter to pmd, a criticism, or both? I can see you’re playing around with some of the established tropes of the series and shaking it up a little, so I wonder what the motivation for that is! Answer: This is definitely a work of adoration for the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. Really, this is just the kind of story I want to see in the games one day (provided we actually get a new one...) because I honestly think there's a lot of twists, variations, and explorations that could be done with the story formula Spike Chunsoft has established with this spinoff franchise. You won't see this sort of story beat in this comic, but as an example, what if we had a game where it was revealed the pokemon you play as was always a pokemon, and they thought they were human because they had memories of one: their trainer, who instead either became their partner or the main antagonist? There's actually a lot you could do with the formula they established!
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arabriddler · 8 months
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Or how I fudge and find out my way through making digital paintings.
art program used here : Procreate ( but the method can be applied to other programs )
original painting time ≈ 3 hrs
*note : English isn’t my native language in case something is confusing or wrong. Don’t hesitate to ask for more details regarding anything
**more important note : take breaks, drink water, don’t push your hands too hard.
I start off by sketching where the bodies and objects are. Nothing too detailed. I’m just arranging stuff around and figuring out sizes. You shouldn’t spend too much time in drawing this and they shouldn’t be detailed so you can easily move the elements around without exhausting yourself beforehand ( also to avoid getting bored when you’re just starting.
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composition is a little complex to figure out but for this one I made the characters around the middle point to create some sort of guide for the observer’s eye movement.
2. Initial sketch (optional)
I usually make one sketch for a drawing unless it has little details or elements I’m not used to drawing. For this one it was figuring out the clothes and the details on them. Again, don’t pressure yourself to make this look perfect or right. You’re just figuring out where things are.
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As you can see, the sketch is pretty rough, not all the details on the hands are drawn. The eyeliner are still there and the chair is just a shape. Lots of lines are overlapping and.. you basically get the idea.
3. Second (final) sketch.
I wouldn’t call this a lineart. Linearts are more careful, less rough, cleaner. I like using sketches more than linearts because I like the rough sketchy texture they provide, and also it’s less restricting boring for me personally . Although we keep in mind this is the drawing we’ll color. So we’re more careful about it. I draw the details and clean the sketch.
also don’t be like me, I forgot to draw the cane here and was upset about it :(( didn’t notice till days later. But also sometimes I do change things here. This one wasn’t on purpose though.
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it’s important here to avoid chicken scratch by using less strokes. For example. Instead of drawing a curve with say a hundred strokes, draw it with one and then clean up anything wrong. You make have to redo one stroke a hundred times to get it right, but it’s cleaner and softer. ( it helps with drawing hair )
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Nothing is wrong in art but it depends what kinds of effect you want. You can use both methods to give different vibes, draw different things. But it’s important to know how to do them. oh and, it is one stroke but it’s fast. If you linger on it the line will come out woobly and shakey. If you do it fast it’ll come out clean.
4. Blocking.
You go back over the drawing here to fill in black spaces. Maybe if someone has black hair or for shading, you can also add texture on things like walls and etc*. I like leaving some white spaces when doing this because black is very reflective irl, so it gives some shine to it. It honestly depends on what the black element is, something’s are shiny some things are not. But it’s pretty fun
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**when it comes to texture this is an example from another drawing
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5. Grey scale coloring.
I have already a plate on hand of colors from white to black to use in my drawings. You can use three or more. This is the one I use
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Circles to indicate that if you have white, grey, and black, that’s enough. why grey scale? The thing about grey scale coloring is that it helps figuring out contrast. You don’t want all your drawing to be of similar tone, when you have contrast, it helps make elements pop and differentiate things.
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"Joseph Nelson." Roboflow Blog, May 15, 2020. https://blog.roboflow.com/when-to-use-contrast-as-a-preprocessing-step/
I’m honestly still figuring out how greyscale works but, looking at real life pictures is one way you can know how to do it. See how light is distributed where whites and blacks are used. One key element is to figure out where light comes from, and shading according to that . The light source isn’t very strong with this drawing so it was more of a simplified shading. If something is over the other, shade underneath. That’s the simplest way to figure out shading
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before coloring, I did change the sketch to a more grey color and set the layer to multiply. What multiply does is that it darkens the color underneath it with a hue of the color in the multiply layer. I know, confusing, so here is a picture.
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Sorry, got a little detailed there. back to our drawing.
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As I said, the light source wasn’t very complex here to give more of a photo shoot vibe, but I can show another drawing with a more natural strong light
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Places directly getting the light get very light colors like white, the ones opposite use very dark grey or even black.
of course the coloring here isn’t very realistic, I have, after all, colored the character, kristen, in lighter colors than everything else. This is because I wanted to create a sense of contrast to make her pop out against the background. So don’t limit yourself, play around.
6. gradient map
gradient maps replace the grey scale colors into other colors on a specific range, you can use a gradient map offered by the program or one you make yourself. How to chose them? Depending on the vibe you want to translate. I have synesthesia so I sort of follow my gut when it comes to this, but you can also look at movies and pictures and see what colors they use and what feelings they give. Or just go warm colors give warm feelings and cold colors give cold feelings. Or just whatever you like. Just have fun with it
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See? It looks pretty fun. Heck you can even stop here even. Note that I merged the sketch layer and the grey scale one into one layer so it can change the color of the sketch layer too. Also sometimes id use the blur tool to blend some things but I didn’t use that here.
another thing to note is that if you leave things empty in the greyscale drawing they won’t change color in the gradient map, that’s why I use white in the empty spaces. Or sometimes I don’t if I’m unsure if I want to keep something white/black or not.
7. Coloring.
here, I add another layer and set it to multiply and basically color it in over the drawing. I have the colors for the characters on hand to use, and they change according to the gradient map.
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note that it will look weird and wrong at first but just keep going, trust the process. The colors will fit in together.
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Also notice the difference between the colors in the drawing and the colors on the color palette. Cool no?
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And this is how the whole thing looks. You can also add details in here. Like the drawings on the vets and Ed’s bow tie. Makeup, blush, lipstick, nail paint… etc etc.
8. Details
I add another normal setting layer here and basically go back over the drawing to add details, fix mistakes, draw over things to make them pop off or look more hard than soft.
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I mostly like going over the hair and facial features in this step, and also adding highlights and shine.
I also felt that the background was a little too empty, but I didn’t want something too detailed so it wouldn’t take the attention from the characters. so I added a pattern.
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9. Finale touches. (Optional) sometimes the drawing is done here, sometimes it’s not.
I’d maybe add overlay and/or add layers and to highlight light sources, or add a multiply layer to emphasize shadows like in this example.
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for this drawing I didn’t do that as I was satisfied with the lights and shadow, but it still felt too… rigid.
so I added a textile texture as a multiply layer so it would look more…Touchable?
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And…that’s it!
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If you like this, you can check out the original drawing’s post ( or support me on ko-fi? ) 👀👀👀
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sunny-speaks · 10 months
Househusband Harper Headcanons
Hello, hello !! I am going to be redoing some blog design stuff when I WORK UP THE MOTIVATION-- so if the blog name changes, y’all know why!!
Anyway, I've been deep diving for Harper crumbs to accurately write him as one does. (gotta get everything lore accurate, would not be able to live with a too OOC in any of my fictional literature./hj)
AND I KNOW HE WOULD RATHER HAVE YOU BE THE AT-HOME PERSON AND WHATNOT while he works but hear me out… He would be such a good househusband, alright? AUHG- Everything's under the cut, lol.
also Harper is from @campwillowpeak !! I can remove the tag btw, if you don't wanna be tagged in further works ;-;
So maybe the two of you had been married for years. Doesn’t make Harper feel any less happy when you introduce him to people as your husband or when he sees the ring on your hand that he bought for you before you leave the house, it always leaves him with a tingly feeling.
After all, now you’re his. And doesn’t that sound just lovely?
Harper’s got that side job of his to keep the both of you financially stable, as long as you don’t ask too many questions about it.
He doesn’t understand why you need to go work, when the two of you could be comfortable at home from his profits.
Especially when he has more than enough to keep you happy with him!
But if that’s what his partner wants, who is he to deny you?
He’s always anxious to let you leave the house, you’re so magnificent, what if on your way home, some creep tries to hit on you?
He knows you wouldn’t cheat on him and that you can defend yourself, but… but wouldn’t it be safer to just be at home with you?
Or worse, what if one of your coworkers, god forbid your boss, tried to… coerce you into something!
He knows you always wear your wedding ring, and he made sure that it was shiny enough to show people how much he loved you. (Material objects could never dare to show anyone how much he loved you. He loves you sooo much and he knows you love him too !)
But there are a lot of ignorant people out there! 
If you let him, Harper's be more than glad to mark you up, stake his claim so your peers know exactly who you’re married to.
“Cara miaaa,” Your husband looked up at you with wide, pleading, unfaltering eyes, “You said your coworkers were giving you trouble, right?” He’d practiced saying it without violently cursing out your coworkers. You wouldn’t like it if he was mean about them… Even if it was true.
“Unfortunately, yeah. They can’t take a hint, even with this.” You gestured to your wedding ring. “I don’t get how it’s so hard for them to understand I’m a faithful spouse…”
And with that, Harper set his plan into action. “Y’know… we could do something a bit more drastic, if you wish, dear?”
Your eyes glinted with a hint of mischief. “And what would that be, Harp?” You had a vague idea what he was hinting at, but you wanted to hear him say it.
“Mm, just showing them how much I looove you… and maybe biting you.” He muttered the last part to himself, a light flush making its way to his face. He had not prepared too much on how to convince you.
“You mind giving me a little preview?” You sat yourself down on the couch and beckoned him towards you with a finger.
“Not at all, cara mia.”
But there are some pros to being alone when you’re gone!
Harper being your dutiful househusband means he can and will do anything and everything for you !
(And indulge himself in certain activities while you’re gone)
He also has complete control over everything you sleep in, you eat, you wear.
So if you notice some odd stains on your clothes or weird tastes in your food, he doesn’t know what you’re talking about ! Do you not like the food he spent so much time preparing? Or the laundry he did to take a load off your back ?
It’s not his fault he gets so lonely when you’re gone ! It’s just because he misses you so much !
You should just quit your job, you know? It’s so dangerous ! That boss of yours was targeted by an arsonist ! (Because he had the nerve to try and touch you.) Gosh, what if you were next ?! (Harper would never do that to you though… <3)
You should just listen to your husband, he’s so worried for you ! Won’t you pleaaase hear him out?
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cattowersjails · 12 days
Hiya I'm Mari!
Welcome to my crappy blog! :D
I'll post either my crappy drawings or animations! (if I make anymore) ooof
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Now moving forward with my fandom hyperfixations! :3
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Pizza Tower/Sugary Spire
Just Shapes And Beats
Persona 5, 4, 3 Video Game Series
Oggy And The Cockroaches
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Rock Paper Scissors (Nickelodeon)
The Stanley Parable
Villainous (Cartoon Network)
Mortal Kombat
South Park
The Amazing Digital Circus
ENA (Joel G)
The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy
Extra SJ AU Info: More Cyberprison AU, Little Game AU, and Misfits AU stuff coming soon! :D
(All Superjail AUs)
I also accept art trades!
Send a message in my dms or use the ask box if interested (either way is fine)
Art trades: Open!
Art requests: Closed (sorry)
Commissions: Idk yet
Extra crap:
MY FUCKIN JAM! I love listening to this stuff while I draw ^﹏^
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also including my favorite fandom characters 💕✨
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I also really love sour candy
(especially sour Skittles..yummers), panda bears 🐼 bunnies,🐰 and drawing (no shit Sherlock)
I'm hella of a introvert (T_T)
So yeah that's really it, so here, have a picture of my pet rabbit Antonio..he says hello btw
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I wanted to redo my meet the artist and introduction because my fandom taste expanded, also cuz I did the old one super lazy.. plus I dyed my hair again with brighter raspberry pink lol
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midnighttrain-project · 8 months
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Hello everyone! It’s time for another development blog!
Thank you very much for the support I received in the previous post! This time, the focus will be pixel art! In particular, we will talk about the creative process behind the new sprites of the remake.
As some of you may already know, MerúM is the artist in charge of the pixel art in Midnight Train. Let’s ask him some questions about it!
🌙🚂 Interview with MerúM 🚂🌙
Lydia: First of all, could you introduce yourself?
MerúM: I call myself MerúM. I am the pixel artist of Midnight Train: New Moon, and I am in charge of the sprites and animations of the characters. I also worked on Aria's Story and the previous version of Midnight Train doing the same job.
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Lydia: The character sprites in Midnight Train: New Moon look quite different from the original version. Is there any reason for this change?
MerúM: Well, before the switch to RPG Maker MV, I was already working on the new sprites and animations for the Midnight Train remake. However, once we changed programs, I noticed that the character sprites were very small compared to the current screen dimensions. I decided that this was a perfect opportunity to redo the sprites from scratch as well, increasing their dimensions and detailing them more than the previous version allowed me, without wanting to move them too far away from the previous chibi style.
Lydia: Right now, you already completed all the characters sprites for chapter 1. Was there any challenge or something you’re really proud about? 
MerúM: After changing the sprites, the expressiveness of the characters has improved a lot. Characters now have many more unique animations and expressions, solidifying their personalities. I think this new style works very well with the aesthetic of Midnight Train’s world and makes them look quite unique from character to character.
Lydia: Could you describe your workflow and what programs you use to create your work?
MerúM: For my sprites, I use Aseprite. Before starting with a specific character, I tend to draw their base sprites and their walking animations. After this, I receive a list of events that will occur in the game related to those characters, and then I create the sprites and animations that fit into said scenes using the base sprites as a reference. Usually, I am in charge of designing how these scenes will look in pixel art, but with some more specific or complicated scenes I have received a quick sketch of how the sprite/animation should look like as a visual aid, and thus arrive at the version that best suits the scene.
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Lydia: I’m just curious about something… Who is your favorite character from Midnight Train?
MerúM: I think all the characters are fantastic, maybe I could consider Neil Lawton my favorite. I think, in the end, we should all be a little like Neil. Even if you are afraid at first to move forward, just do it. This is what Neil does, he may be afraid, but he faces this fear to survive.
Lydia: Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
MerúM: What else could I say? I think Midnight Train: New Moon brings a story that will appeal to anyone who is passionate about mystery stories. By the way, it's fun to mention that in addition to Justice, Purity and some secondary characters, I have been the main designer of Larissa, one of the new characters in this remake. I hope you play Midnight Train: New Moon and get to know her!
🌙🚂 Progress 🚂🌙
I hope you liked the interview with MerúM! I wouldn't have been able to create my games without his help, as I'm pretty bad at pixel art. I'm excited to see all the sprites he will create for chapter 2! I personally can't wait to see Apollo's animations. Now, I want to report about the development of the game. I’m almost finished with the maps of chapter 2, so I expect to start programming this chapter very soon! Literally, there is only one map left…! I wanted to add a new puzzle to this map, so I’ve been stuck brainstorming ideas… Ahh, it feels like facing a final boss before proceeding to the next step.
Thank you a lot for your support and patience! See you next time~
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davinaswrittendiary · 5 months
Ways to be productive when you can’t sleep!
Sometimes we all struggle to rest and that’s perfectly okay as long as you don’t let yourself spiral into some kind of unhealthy habit. First things first make sure your body is comfortable, eat a snack or get a beverage if needed. If you can sleep after that then yay! But if not here’s a little list of ways to be productive that could also tire you out!!!
1. Work of any kind, this could be schoolwork, a job task or maybe just a hobby that takes work
2. Read a book, whatever you do I want you to try and stay away from your phone!
3. If you really can’t do anything else and the only choice is to use your phone then watch YouTube videos or read blogs about wellness and health. You could watch tips on how to take care of yourself more!
4. Paint your nails and do nail care! This is both taking care of your body and can make you feel more put together
5. Journal however you feel, what happened in your day, you could script or show gratitude for having your desired life
6. Organize your room! If you don’t have to worry about roommates or being loud then you could even redo your whole room by moving furniture. But if you can’t do that then you can do something smaller such as making sure your desk is put together or that your clothes are all put away.
7. Stretch or do a workout! Just make sure not to hurt yourself:)
8. Meditation!
My masterlist
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alena-draws · 2 months
I've just found your blog and I'm blown away by your amazing pencilwork! I'm particularly enjoying your sketch studies. They're incredibly inspirational.
I realize this might be a dumb question to ask an illustrator, but do you carry a sketchbook with you in your day-to-day routine? If yes, what kind? (Small, large, spiral, etc) Do you have a preference for a certain type of pencil? (Mechanical, traditional, etc) I'd love to get back into doing traditional art and your blog has really lit a motivational fire. Keep up the fantastic work!
Hi! Thank you very much for your kind words! It makes me happy to hear that you find my sketches inspirational <3 Not a dumb question at all! I normally always have a sketchbook with me or, in the last months, more often just throwaway copy paper (but I want to get back in the habit of a continuous sketchbook again). At the moment I still have lots of self-made sketchbooks from partially used paper, with paper that is suited for watercolour and normal, thinner paper as well.
There's lots of different sizes and paper that I tried but my favourite are probably the ZAP Book 100% recycled from Clariefontaine (softcover), which is perfect for any kind of pencil though nothing watery, and because the paper is very cheap from look and feel, I don't feel like wasting precious paper while just scribbling little things! But the next sketchbook I want to get is a hardcover sketchbook I had before with 200g/m² thick paper, because then I can also use ink and watercolour in the same book. As for preference for pencil, I love coloured pencils called polychromos, they are very soft and have a very intense colour and are great for outlining and colouring. And I love softer lead pencils like 2B or 4B. Ballpoint pen is not my favourite but when you want to concentrate on the line without having the possibility to erase and redo parts again and again (as some kind of challenge and training to accept mistakes) that is possibly your best choice! But in general you can get accustomed to any medium and any pencil type after some time. If you want to get back into traditional art the only thing to watch out for is probably not being afraid of wasting precious paper! Any sketch you do will hone your abilities like your hand eye coordination, so there's no bad sketch.
Hope that helps and happy sketching!
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ganondoodle · 8 months
Hello! I hope you are doing well. I have been following your concepts on [cursed bird app] for a while now and find your stance on the totk rewrite intruiging. Since twitter ofc is never a good place to elaborate on anything lmao, I figured I would ask on here after finding out about your tumblr.
You are welcome to take as much time as you need for this, but I was very curious to hear more about why you feel totk 'fails as a sequel' in terms of writing. I can agree that the whole zonai thing did come out of left field a little, and I never did like the whole "zelda is once again separated from you for 90% of the game," bit (bc c'mon Nintendo again? Really??) but I was curious about what else you found dissatisfaction in and sought to redo
If your plan though is to do so gradually as you go with the new rewrite concepts you piece together and post, that is fine too. I just get more curious about your opinion bc you always seem to have a *lot* you want to say outside of just tag ramblings xD
Thank you for your time, ik this is a rather long ask, but your view is very vast and different, and I wish to understand the development of it more as I find it on my timeline
Thank you for this ask!
i have talked alot about the things i dislike about totk, all my general talking (not just about totk tho) is tagged with "ganondoodles talks" and all my longer rants should be tagged with "ganondoodles rants" (tho that tag is new idk if i remembered to put it everywhere) so i think it might be easier if you searched for these on my blog bc thats were all my ramblings go and, with no ill intent, have talked about it so much already i kinda dont want to spend hours writing out something that just ends up repeating myself really
somethign i can say that the main thing on why it fails as a sequel to me is .. bc its not .. a sequel really, it reuses map and models but doesnt elaborate on anything from botw (the zonau were barely even a thing in botw and now in totk their stuff looks way different and they have been here all along actually(tm) ) the shiekah stuff is basically erased despite it having been so build into the world of botw (and you could have just .. explored them more bc theres lots of cool stuff to do with them still), characters act weirdly off, stuff that was seemingly build up and was a perfect slide into a sequel either gets ignored or just straight up erased, themes dont match up at all and more
it just feels like they tested the glue mechanic for 3 years and everything else was an afterthought, i felt empty at the end, in a bad way, it felt like the game was actively mocking me for caring so much about botw at times and totk actively hurts botw too imo (with some reveals etc)
they should have just called it an alternative dimension thing like majora and half my complaints could be dismissed, but its not so im super frustrated bc i love botw a ton
if there are more specific questions you are free to ask about it again of course! this is not meant to sound dismissive but me typing out stuff can take a long time and im behind on so much work already qnq
also all development both visual and writing concepts for my rewrite are tagged with "ganondoodles rewrites totk" so you can find everything with that too :D
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snailsgoingdowntown · 2 years
Dirty Little Secret | Xiao x Camgirl! Reader
College au that’s also kind of friends with benefits au.
Summary: He found out your secret. And you’re pushing aside your dignity to keep his mouth shut.
Warnings: blackmail, Xiao being an ass. Like. Damn. I wanted to punch him my self and I’m the one who wrote this. Threats of physical violence, xiao trying to make himself not look like an ass.
Nsfw warnings: Protected vaginal sex, fingering, oral (m receiving), riding, cowgirl position, implied dubcon the first time they almost do it a + when they actually do it the first time. it’s only mentioned though. Loss of virginity
Please tell me if I missed any warnings.
To be honest, I gave up halfway. I’m not really… satisfied with the end result. I could do better, I should do better, but sadly I’m not sure if I can even redo this. Like, the plot is kinda weird and the reader goes from ‘Fuck u” to “fuck me” during certain parts. Idk, it’s just weird.
Minors and ageless blogs dni unless you want to be blocked.
This blog contains dark content, so if you don’t like that, then don’t interact with me or my post(s). or I will block you if you have some shit on your dni like “dni if you support dc cuz that means you really do want ppl to get raped irl”. I have seen that shit too many times in today alone, and they had the gal to follow me.
For @ayatonomy Girls on Film Collab!              
Thank you for letting me join and I hope you enjoy this!
I forgot to check the wc before adding all the warnings and notes. Sorry about that.
You had options.
You had choices that could either make it or ruin it. And if you were being brutally honest, both options were awful. Extremely awful, extremely fucked up and thus, made you distracted from your day-to-day life. After all, how could you concentrate on anything when the knowledge that someone you knew in real life, in the flesh, was holding your dirty little secret over your head like bait for a fish.
He had you, completely and brutally. And you weren’t sure what he had against you, what drove him to dig into those accounts deep enough to find yours. To take screen shots and screen record the videos you posted on it, face out of angle, the camera showing only from the breasts down majority of the time.
Despite your best efforts to hide your face, you had made a single but big mistake – in one of your videos, one of the earlier ones, you forgot to hide the recognizable trinkets that were in your room. Your dorm room rather, only preforming these perverted acts when your roommate is either at class or too busy to be in the room.
You managed to keep it a secret from her, you think. And, if by chance she did know (which is extremely likely) she’s either too embarrassed to say anything about it, or simply doesn’t care. She never alluded to it, however.
So, saying she does know about your… ‘streams’, you can’t say for sure she was the one who told Xiao, or not. Logically speaking, you could ask her… at the risk of telling her what was once a hidden secret. You’re not sure if she knows or if she doesn’t know.
When Xiao first came to you, one hand in his hoodie, the other holding his phone, you thought it was nothing. He didn’t say anything at first, simply staring hard at the screen. But he was blocking your way out of the library.
So, of course, you politely asked him to move. And he did, without uttering a word of rejection or apology. He just stayed quiet.
Until he spoke, words stabbing into you like a steaming knife.
“Didn’t know you were that perverted. Streaming yourself doing lewd things… fucking yourself with a dildo and even saying things they paid you to say. Surprised you didn’t show your face since you were already showing everything else off.”
Freezing in place, you couldn’t find any words. Even now, as the memory resurfaces, you cringe at yourself. You delayed your reply – hell, you didn’t even have to reply. But you were shocked and horrified, and before you knew it, you said something.
You don’t remember what exactly you said, but it was something along the lines of ‘What do you mean? I don’t have an OnlyFans account.”
“I never mentioned OnlyFans.”
And that was mistake number two. You’re not sure which mistake was worse – leaving recognizable objects in sight or letting your mouth run on auto pilot. Maybe they were both equally bad.
And from there…. From there, he just looked at you. Teal dyed hair bright under the library lights, golden eyes sharper than usual. He stared at you, and you stared back, time slowing down. You remember the way you couldn’t breathe, the way he just… stood there.
“You could have played it off. But you didn’t, so all you did was confirmed my suspicions.”
No matter, you wanted to say. You wanted to attempt to at least laugh it off and say he played around too much. That you didn’t know he could be such a jokester.
And so, your dirty secret was revealed under the bright, bright lights that suddenly felt a little too bright. And of course, he followed through with the classic blackmail. It reminded you of a manga you read, once.
Where the male lead blackmailed the girl into pretending to date him so his parents could get off his back. But with time, they started to genuinely fall for each other.
But this wasn’t a manga. There was no particular reason he chose you, nor did it make any sort of sense. Because he didn’t want to tell you, enjoying the way you squirm under pressure. Xiao wasn’t madly in love or even obsessed with you, as you would later find out. He just so happened to come across your account due to one of his friends showing him, and the body type just reminded him of you.
So, he dug a bit deeper, gross curiosity getting to him.
Granted, he knows what he’s doing, what he did, was extremely wrong, but since he already had the information, might as well use it, right?
He knew your dirty little secret and you opened yourself for attack. You want to blame him, and he wants to blame you.
You remember the way the corner of his lip lifted the tiniest bit as he held back a smirk. Even now, the memory of it makes your blood run cold.
“Would be a shame if your family, or even the school were to find out about this. Could get expelled, probably. And your poor family… they would be really disappointed, wouldn’t they?” he showed you the phone screen, your OnlyFans displayed. You tried to swipe his phone, moving towards Xiao only to trip over yourself.
And by the Devil, you fell onto him, chest pressed against his, Xiao stumbling a bit back into the door frame. And just like that, you decided that you despised him. Not because of the boner he was uncomfortable with himself, but because he had whispered into your ear after the shock wore off.
“Didn’t think you would throw yourself at me like this. That desperate to hide your dirty little secret?”
And back to the present, you had two options.
Option one: Tell your parents, your friends, that you were a cam girl to get a bit more pocket money.
Option two: Admit defeat and go to him with your tail tucked between your legs.
Both were horrible because option one would obviously well, ruin your life. Your parents would be disappointed in you and probably regret having you, and your friends would start to look at you differently. And who’s to say that your male friends won’t tease you for it?
Or even try to convince you to sleep with them.
Option two… option two, you don’t know how it would play out. You don’t know what he has in mind, if he’ll ask for money or for sex. Not sure if he would record a video of you doing something humiliating.
But if you don’t choose the options he gave you, he would reveal it to all.
You sigh, closing your eyes. Everything was a mess. Everything was… awful. And you’re not sure how to fix it or even how to sooth it over. Could you convince him?
You had an idea. An idea that probably won’t hit him (Or if it did, he didn’t think much of it, probably wanting you to suffer more) until you brought it up.
Another idea, adding to your original one. Would it work in the long one? You’re not sure. But considering who his father was – Zhongli, a former CEO of… you forgot what, honestly* - he would most likely want to avoid a scandal.
With that in mind, you stand from your desk and text him, his unsaved number still in your phone from three weeks ago. From when all of this started.
Xiao was not… good with people. He wasn’t social, his friend group small and tight. Even then, they don’t know everything about him. But he doesn’t know everything about them, either. Secrets were surrounding everyone, everyone had something to hide. Him included.
And he was surprised to find out your own secret.
He came across your OnlyFans by chance. Happened to have a ‘friend’ (a classmate really, only sticking around to have Xiao tutor him without many complaints) who was subscribed to your account. And, attempting to get on Xiao’s good side, showed what was displayed on screen.
His eyes glanced over what was shown, not paying too much attention. Until he saw it. A very specific tee-shirt. A teddy bear that was on the bed in the background, grey covers with pink circle patterns. And… he remembers that mole on your thigh, accidently looking up your skirt when you were walking up the stairs with thigh highs.
The tee-shirt was a birthday present from Venti, he thinks, and like an idiot, you left it hanging from the edge of the bed. The teddy bear had a brown bow and was grey in color – a gift from Lumine, no doubt. Because he was dragged to your birthday part last year when you were still freshmen.
And the reason he recognized your bed covers was because your roommate – Lumine - dragged him into your dorm room, wanting help to move furniture once. But, he thought, it could have been someone else. Maybe they had a similar room. The same mole in the same place, even.
Now, he would be lying if he said he didn’t have perverted thoughts of you. About you.
Hiking your skirt up as he takes you from behind, your moans being muffled by his covers as Venti was away for classes. Sucking his cock, all wet and messy as drool covers his length. Riding him like your life depends on it – he had those thoughts on lonely nights.
But he also had those thoughts about other girls too, or even porn stars whenever he was too pent up. And those thoughts were few and between, too busy with classes or work, not enough time to even fantasize about fucking a girl, let alone get a girlfriend.
He wasn’t one for romance to begin with, causal one-night stands that happened once in a blue moon if he had the chance and was in the mood. So, he wasn’t in love with you. didn’t even talk to you outside of politeness or forced into it by a third party.
But Xiao was also a scumbag.
The moment he saw the account, his curiosity took over. So, like a reasonable and normal member of society, subscribed to you with a different gmail once he got back to his dorm. He whistled at the price – twenty dollars per month. Alright, he guessed.
He has to respect the hustle.
He had scrolled through your videos and pictures, finally finding the video his classmate showed him. Originally, he thought it was fairly recent. He was proven wrong when he looked at the posting date.
You had posted the video five months ago. Upon scrolling down further, he found that it was your third video. You started five months ago, it seems, still amateurish at the time for obvious reasons. He should have left it there. But then he got more curious.
What would be your reaction if you found out Xiao knew about this?
He was mutual friends with your friends and met your parents at your birthday party. And well, you could be gullible at times. Not naïve, but gullible. And besides… it would… be nice to sleep with you, just once.
It’s been the only thing on his mind ever since he discovered your account.
And well, if you decide to play along, he’ll leave you be afterwards. As long as this was kept between you two only.
It’ll become your new dirty little secret.
And even if you said no… he would find something else to hold over your head. The choice was yours honestly. While it’s preferable, he won’t force you into sex. He would probably make you… do something else.
Like cleaning… no, that’s not a good idea. Probably have you do his homework for like a month or so. You’re better in English then he is anyway.
He’ll figure it out later. Something that won’t last long and wasn’t severe, and you two can say goodbye as soon as you graduate. Never to see each other again.
As much as he would like to fuck you if given the chance, he won’t chase after you if you said no. Truth be told, he was, more or less, using this as a form of entertainment. And once he had his fill, he would disappear just like that.
He knows you will too.
You couldn’t find it in you to hit send. The message was left as a draft, forever staying in the little bar. It could be used as evidence if someone were to ever look into your phone. Which is why you never used your phone to record your streams in the first place. It’s the most private thing a person could have these days.
Which is why you found yourself standing in front of his dorm room, the outfit you wore different from your usual wardrobe under a light coat. Long enough to cover majority of it, fishnet tights and heels on.
It was a holiday and most of the students were off to visit family, The college was basically a ghost town. And venti was gone for the week.
Xiao made a point in telling you that he was going to stay in the dorms.
You think he won’t expect this. He probably thinks you wouldn’t go for this approach. And that’s for the better, camera in hand as you gather the courage to finally knock on the door. You wait for a bit, only for nothing to happen.
Granted, you should have probably texted him. But that could have been risky. Then again, this was probably riskier because anyone could see the security cameras and they would see you go into Xiao’s room. And the fact you won’t leave for at least an hour, maybe less, maybe more, would give them the impression
And despite all that, you were still taking the chance.
Truthfully, in order to even do this, you had to… prepare yourself. A low setting that couldn’t be heard and was barely even felt due to your nerves.
“Fuck… why am I even doing this…,” taking in a deep breath, you knock again. only silence is returned, still holding in your breath. You let it go after a few more seconds, unable to hold it for any longer. Nervous, you fiddle with the camera.
Did he lie to you?
Or maybe he was asleep?
Gone out for a bit?
So many possibilities that cross your mind in the blink of an eye. You bite your lip, scared now. Worried. Not sure if he would show up or if he was even in his room.
Everything and anything was going through your mind, circling like a dog chasing its tail. Despite the chaotic state of your mind, you didn’t pace back and forth, instead standing in place. The only thing moving ere your hands, fidgeting with the camera.
Your thoughts were coming in waves, and you were drowning in them.
“…llo? Hey?”
Jumbled words leave your mouth in a scream, head snapping in the direction of the voice. To your right, there stands Xiao, hair slightly messy, hoodie and sweatpants adorning his figure. Heart still pounding a hundred miles per second, your camera drops to the ground as your hands clasp on your chest. You never understood why people often huff and pant in movies whenever they recover from a scare. Until now.
It really did feel like you were out of breath.
“Oh… oh, it’s you…” a sigh as your body finally relaxes, momentarily forgetting the reason you were here. Forgetting the entire situation, the reason why you were dressed in such an embarrassing outfit in the first place. Instead, only relief fills your system at the fact it’s just him.
Confusion colors his face, a bag of snacks hanging off his arm, hands in pocket. He wants to say something, question why you were here, but doesn’t. instead, he lets you recover from your fright, staring at you. He takes in your appearance.
A beige overcoat that stops just below the knees, fishnet tights covering your legs. Heels that made you a few inches taller. And then his eyes travel upwards… to see the bunny ears. Bunny ears. Fucking bunny ears.
This was supposed to be Christmas, not Halloween.
But then his eyes drop back to the ground, camera catching his attention. You brought along a camera. For what? To take pictures? Ah.
You must be doing cosplay –
“I swear to God that if you think I’m doing cosplay I will throttle you.” crossing your arms, you raise a brow. Sure, he barely – if ever – spoke to girls willingly. But he was attractive enough to gather some attention from themselves, yourself included for freshman year.
Surely, surely, he’s not dense enough to not realize the situation at hand, right?
Or maybe he was in denial because he was such a virgin.
“Um…,” your face and neck start to feel warm, remembering why you were here. You become meek, unable to look him in the eye. The camera catches your eye and as such, you squat down, knees close together and then you stand again. You fiddle with it.
“I… um… are you going anywhere today?”
“No,” he hides a yawn behind his hand, “I’m not. I was planning on… wait, why are you asking?”
You want to throttle him. You can’t tell if he was in a daze, the bags under his eye making him half-dead. Or if he was teasing you, about to embarrass you in some form. But from the way he carried himself, so lax and unbothered, tired even – like he himself forgot the blackmail he found.
You want to keep quiet, to say sorry that you showed up ‘without reason’. To tuck your tail between your legs and laugh it off once you were alone. But just because he doesn’t remember it now – probably due to the supposed lack of sleep judging from the dark circles under his eyes – doesn’t mean he has forgotten it completely.
You dig your heels in.
You were taking a risk. And, disgustingly so, the risk almost seemed…
“Well… I think it’s better if I explain inside your room. If you’re okay with me going in, of course.” Roleplay. You try to think of this as some roleplay.
The thought only works so much, but enough to where you can feel the vibrations. Still on the lowest setting, prepping you.
You hate the fact you had to get yourself wet, at least a bit, beforehand.
Xiao doesn’t say anything, raising a brow with unsaid questions. But with a shrug, he walks to the door, right by you. The floral scent hits him the moment he gets near you. It’s light and even soft. He takes another look at you while fishing out the dorm key from his pocket.
He didn’t notice that you slightly curled your hair the first time. Nor did he notice the eyeliner and mascara, a nice shade of red on your lips. He blinks.
Suddenly, he doesn’t feel as tired anymore.
You’re left in confusion when he goes from s taring at you to violently turning his head away. At first you thought you had offended him in some manner – only to see the tips of his ears turn red.
You were still scared. Nervous. Wary. But it seems like he got the idea, finally realized your intentions. Realized why you showed up at his door at fucking 6 in the morning. Granted, you should have hit send. You were lucky he was even awake at this hour.
“Next… next time you do something like this, doesn’t matter with who, make sure to tell him ahead of time…,” he mumbles, not expecting an answer. Like it was supposed to be under his breath, but he said it louder then intended.
Heavy silence falls over you. Heart racing in your chest, you go in before him as he holds the door for you. He goes in after you. Gulping once he locks the door, legs shaking.
Half of you thought he would laugh at you, mock you – degrade you. That there were hidden cameras in his room, that maybe Venti had stayed behind and was waiting for this moment. To catch you on camera and call you a whore, post the video on a livestream.
The other part half expected him to throw you on the bed like a rag doll.
You tried to prepare yourself for both possibilities mentally. Quietly, like a meek mouse, you take a look around his room.
Two beds, one on each side of the dorm. A gaming computer with a few empty bottles of energy drinks, a slightly messy bed that’s colored with hues of white and purple. Posters of horror movies and video games. It was Xiao’s side of the room, because on the other side, it’s… neater. Like the person hasn’t been there for a good while.
Unlived in.
And Venti, you had learned, is a somewhat messy person. Messier than Xiao, by a glance of his side.
“Um… nice… nice room,” you complement stiffly, the awkward silence cutting and suffocating you. The same could be said for you as he mumbles out a thanks, not making an effort to make you feel more at ease. Maybe because he wasn’t exactly at ease himself.
“So,” you start, swallowing your fears down your throat, turning around to look at him. “So, you… know why I’m here, right?” Your hands feel clammy, the camera close to breaking with the iron grip you have on it.
By now, there was a rush roaring through your veins. Could this be considered taboo?
“Yeah… Sorry for uh…, thinking it was cosplay. I… didn’t think you would uh, do this, ya know?” His eyes look at anything that’s not you. A red hue that’s slowly blooming across his cheeks as lewd thoughts cross his mind no doubt.
You almost found it cute.
“I mean… it’s not like you’re black mailing me or anything,” a bite to your words, trying to sound playful. Trying to sound confident, in a way. You’d rather him apologize for blackmailing you.
You’re confused on what and how you should feel.
Maybe he is too.
“Ah… yeah. Listen,” he walks towards you, placing his hands on your shoulders. Away from any possible ‘accidents’ that could happen if his hands travel any lower. Any higher and he might kiss you.
“Listen,” he repeats before taking in a breath. “I… I’m not… I’m not going to force you to have sex with me. I won’t lie and say the idea didn’t cross my mind. truthfully, I didn’t think you’d do… well,” he gestures to you with his eyes, “this.”
“Then what did you think I’d do? Better yet, what did you plan on doing?” one hand abandons the camera, now griping onto his arm. Your nails dig into his sweater, fingers twitching. It’s amazing, how quickly someone’s emotions could change.
“Did you plan on taking pictures, perhaps? It’s not forcing me into sex, right? Oh, maybe you’ll film me so you could have masturbation material – not that you would need any, considering you’re fucking subscribed to my account.”
“Hey, you’re the one who decided to make it in the first place- “
You cut him off, so pissed that he could feel your fist hitting his face already despite your hands pushing him away instead. The camera falls to the floor.
“And so, what if I did? That doesn’t give you the right to use that against me. Me having that account doesn’t make me any less of a person. And it sure as hell doesn’t give you an excuse to try to use me while using that as blackmail.”
The newfound silence isn’t awkward. It’s heavy and hot, burning every inch of your skin. It burns, it suffocates, it stabs. The confusion you felt earlier, unsure if the ‘rush’ you felt was genuine or if you were tricking yourself. That confusion was still there but buried underneath the anger that’s brought to the surface.
You had a point, he thinks.
But he never said he was a good person, he never said that he would tell people. He just phased it in a way you thought that he could. But he never said he would.
And maybe that makes everything worse.
He knows he’s an ass – a person using blackmail for entertainment. Not like he could say that now though, not when you’re seconds away from choking him.
“… I’m not sure what you want me to say. Sorry? Do you want me to say sorry? We both know that won’t do anything here, and even if I really am sorry, it doesn’t take away what I’ve already done.”
He’s confused too.
It was a fucked-up situation.
“I wish I never met you.”
He wasn’t in love with you. Didn’t have a crush on you. Didn’t even see you as a close friend.
But he would be lying if he said those words didn’t hurt. Because you had whispered them so quietly it was almost impossible to hear. Because it looked like you were about to cry and scream. Because it just reminded him of how awful he is.
He doesn’t chase after you when you stomped away, slamming his door shut only for it to bounce open as a result. He doesn’t even look in the direction of the doorway.
The only thing he looks at is the camera, all alone on the floor.
The slides on the screen don’t make sense. Formulas that look like a different language dance across the screen as your professor goes to the next slide. You twirl the pencil between your fingers, a distraction that could potentially hold you back from passing the class.
It was a new semester.
A new year, rather, your senior year in college. How many months that passed since the… incident, you don’t know. You just know that if there is a God, then they despise you. extremely so.
To your right, a single desk in the other row, sits him. Xiao.
And he just seems as bored, if not more than you. Flipping the pages of the textbook, the chattering of the rest of the class as they converse with the professor. Questions being asked, answers being given. Yet here you are, wondering if you could throttle him just a bit.
He never revealed your secret.
As a matter of fact, the only time he talked to you outside of classes that required teamwork, as when he asked for help to unsubscribe to your account because the both the site and app hated him, apparently.
And also, because he completely forgot he was even subscribed in the first place for a good few months, face paling the moment he realized his card was being charged, the fact that he even forgot something so important.
And that was months ago.
And now, in the present, you had two classes with him out of four. Two classes where awkward glances and stiffed words are exchanged solely inside the classroom. Two classes where you have to resist the urge to throttle him, to cry and scream and ask him if he was planning on blackmailing, again.
You never do.
And neither does he.
Instead, when the class ends on a somber note, you gather your things and walk past him. His desk was at the back of the room, one of the closest to the door. Across from you by a few feet. And of course, per usual, you couldn’t help the curious look in your eye as you accidently made eye contact.
He’s the first one to look away, shoving his things into his bag before getting up himself. His shoulder brushes against yours when you both try to walk through the door.
“Excuse me.” Curt. Strained. Nervous all the same.
He became nervous around you. Maybe there was some guilt, but you could never tell. Instead, you’re left guessing why he kept his mouth shut for months on end. The ideas you come up with were never good, always ending with a bad ending for you. You had good reason to not trust him.
And he had good reason to fear you, in a sense.
Good reason to lock the door whenever you come by the camera you left behind filming the lewd acts you perform on him. Faces out of view or completely blurred out, his bed sheets changed, and posters removed.
The blowjobs that leave him panting and fingers clawing into his covers. Lipstick stains that covered his cock and had smudged traces left on his lips. The bunny suit you wore as you ride him, whispering in his ear as sweetly as you could.
I’m willing to take you down with me.
There were times where you consider letting go of the entire ordeal. Of deleting your account, putting the whole thing behind you. Behind the both of you, the videos deleted, and polaroid photos burned. Yet the rush becomes your drug.
His drug.
There wasn’t any sort of romance blooming between you. Only lust, pure canal lust, lips dancing against each other, saliva being shared. Fingers that tug and pull at dyed hair, fingers that scissor and curl inside you, moans and squeals that are muffled against either his lips or his pillow. You’re drowning in each other, waves of physical pleasure that starts to burn the longer you go at it.
The longer you keep it up.
It wasn’t supposed to end like this, really. You didn’t plan on going back to him, didn’t plan to kiss him, didn’t plan on blowing him until he couldn’t think straight and ended up swallowing his cum.
Not that he complained, just… worried. In a way where he kept asking if you wanted to do this, if you were under some effect of a drug, if you were drunk…
You only wanted your camera back.
But it led to the creaking of the bed, nervous touches that linger on your skin. He was a virgin – you had to show him how to touch someone. How to touch you, how to finger you until you couldn’t take it anymore, how to put a condom on properly.
But that was months ago, now.
“You really are… something,” he mumbles against your skin, rolling his hips against yours, cock sheathed inside your very welcoming cunt. You were wearing the outfit you had on the first time you ever went to his dorm. The bunny girl outfit.
Fishnets ripped at the crotch area, bunny tail bouncing with your movements. His bed creaks, and you’re almost certain the people next door can hear it. After all, they saw you go into his room tonight. And who goes to a guy’s room at 9 at night?
It was obvious, what was happening.
“Ah… you are too. Mmh… you’re lucky I don’t plan on uploading this video.”
He grunts, burying his face into the crook of your neck. The smell of your shampoo makes him feel like he’s drunk. So does your perfume, floral surrounding him. His room always smells like you now, and it also contains some of your belongings. Shirts, panties, make up, snacks – little things that remind him of you. And the same goes for you.
You still have his hoodie, green in color, draped over the backrest of your chair.
You were both lucky to have the same roommates as last year. People who don’t have questions. People who keep their mouths shut.
There wasn’t any romance blooming between you two. No looks of adoration nor love. You were more than ‘friends’ but also less than that. Your relationship was complicated, confusing. You’re not even sure if this’ll continue after graduation.
Part of you wants it to. It – he – was your drug, and you were his.  
“Consider it a birthday gift.”
He replies with,
“It’ll be our dirty little secret.”
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oroniusn · 13 days
Hello! You may call me Samuel :] (or Sam, Samael, Oroniusn, Oro, I’m not picky!) I decided to redo my introduction post so it was more accurate and elaborate.
I’m a trans man, I’m oriented aroace (romance and sex repulsed/indifferent but it fluctuates at times, when not repulsed I consider myself gay/MLM)
I call myself Transexual, Tranny and a fag, that bothers you feel free to leave your complaints at the door I do not care. All other “old” queer terms fit as well!
My two big special interests are WW1/WW2 history, and survivalist/apocalypse prepping. I’m always down to talk about both. (Especially if you’re also from the United States, the land here is beautiful and I’d love to run off into the woods)
a warning for cannibalism/murder talk on here (both of which I bring up regularly), to get the F&Q out of the way, yes I would eat a person if given the chance, Now moving on!
Currently learning German (A-1? Bordering on A-2? It’s a slow process) and will probably be posting on here in German as a practice when I get better.
American English is my native language (C2)
I’m a practicing Norse Pagan (with Christopagan/Enochian elements mixed in) as well as a Therian/Otherkin (spiritual and mental, depends on the kintype, feel free to ask questions!) I’m generally a very open person when it comes to the paranormal, ghosts, cryptids, curses, demons, I follow a sort of “It’s real until proven otherwise” path. It keeps life interesting.
Supporters of the IDF/Israel or anyone who thinks you can have a neutral stance on the liberation of Palestine
Actually anyone who thinks ANY form of colonization is correct, I don’t want you here
Far right wingers (I’m a socialist, why are you here)
TERFs/SWERFs/TRUSCUM, any of those fuckers, I’ll just block you anyways but might as well add it
“Kill all men” people (I’m a trans dude, once again why are you here?)
Evangelicals, I have no problems with other branches, Y’all are welcome here
Anti-recovery (It’s fine if YOU don’t want to recover, just not if you don’t believe people should recover)
Anyone who is Anti-reclaiming, please do some research on 80’s-90’s queer culture.
I pretty much never check the accounts I interact with before hand, if I broke your DNI it wasn’t intentional (although I tend to find “this fandom dni” type lists stupid as hell)
I can seem very unhinged at times, that’s pretty much my normal (by unhinged I don’t mean “silly” I mean I have little to no moral compass and empathy for others, I also struggle to differentiate right from wrong sometimes)
I also experience paranoia, hallucinations and delusions that can cause me to be irrational. Typically around things like being watched (either by something or by cameras Truman show style) being hunted or an impending sense of doom/feeling that something bad is about to happen.
I struggle with self harm/suicidal thoughts and will occasionally vent on this blog, if you’d like to avoid seeing that block the tags (#tw self harm) and (#tw sui ideation)
A detailed list of fandoms/my interests can be found below!
Hannibal (the show and all movies, manhunter included)
Sweeny Todd (2007)
The Crow (1994)
The Thing (1982)
Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)
Land of the Lost (1974)
Tremors (1990)
Star Trek (specifically from 1966)
M*A*S*H (1972)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
The Truman Show 
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
JoJo Rabbit
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930, the new one is also good however I prefer the original)
Band of Brothers (2001)
Downfall/Der Untergang 
Inglorious Bastards
Full metal jacket (1987)
Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
Look who’s back/Er Ist Wieder Da (political commentary portrayed as comedy my beloved, the book is even better)
(I’m a massive old/war movie fan and I always take suggestions for new ones!! )
Look who’s back
Paradise Lost
Paradise Regained
The Divine Comedy 
All Quiet on the Western Front
Animal Farm
Crime and Punishment 
Jurassic park
The Lost World 
The Book Thief
Hannibal (all four books)
The Hunger Games
(And more)
The Crane Wives
Swear and Shake
The Oh Hellos
Modest Mouse
Gregory Alan Isakov
Kimya Dawson
Noah Kahan 
Iron & Wine
The Mountain Goats
Johnny Cash
Radical Face
Alex G
Ghost (bc)
Mumford & Sons
Fiona Apple
Big Thief 
Florence + The Machine 
The Hunts
Little Chief 
(And more but this list is already long)
FNAF (Been a fan since 2014 baby!)
LOZ (BOTW, TOTK, Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess mainly)
Night in the woods
Fran bow 
What remains of Edith Finch
Stardew Valley 
Red Dead Redemption
FAITH: The Unholy Trinity
Fears to Fathom
Red Dead Redemption
(Just the main ones I’ll talk about)
-Misc (Mostly YouTube based stuff)-
Hazbin Hotel (since pre pilot days)
Angel Hare 
Local 58
Gemini Home Entertainment
Mandela catalog
Mystery Flesh Pit
Vita Carnis
Happy Meat Farms
Welcome To Nightvale
The Magnus Archives 
Creep Cast 
The Red Thread
Sam O’nella 
Game theory (and all attached channels)
Knitting (although I’m not very good yet I do still enjoy it!)
Hiking (I love, LOVE being out in nature, I’d die in the city)
Writing (both my own stories and fan fiction)
Archery/making bows (I’m not great at it yet but practice makes perfect!)
Art (painting and digital)
Foraging (both for food and medicine purposes)
Folk medicine/medicinal herbs (just small stuff for myself right now, I’m not confident enough in my skills yet)
Herping (I keep a notebook full of native species I’ve found out on my walks, especially snakes)
Collecting bones, pelts, and other animal parts
Bird watching
Hunting/Trapping (I put this in hobbies because I do enjoy doing it, however I only hunt for food and use every part of the animal)
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sweet-lover-girl · 1 year
Important: NO minors aloud on this blog first and foremost! I will block you if I feel you are a minor. You MUST BE 18+ to view my blog, do not lie about your age and PLEASE have your age in your bio. Ageless and/or blank users with be blocked, I do and will check. I DO NOT want any minors following me or liking anything I post/reblog.
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Currently in the process of redoing my whole pinned post as this one is very old 😅
Hi! You can call me Sweetie or Belle! And here’s a few things about me! (Formerly know as, Eden-Nox)
Favorite colors: Black, pink and purple🖤💖💜
Favorite animal(s): Fox, wolf, horse and dolphin🦊🐺🐎🐬
Summer, Fall, winter or Spring?: WINTER❄️
Favorite Disney Character: Raya from “Raya and The Last Dragon🐉
Bucket list?: Yes! I really want to go to Norway and Japan, I’m in love with the cultures.
Current obsession?: This is not a current obsession but women, I just love women.
Favorite band/artist?: They are called “Heilung” if you never heard of them PLEASE look them up, they are amazing! I also really love “Hozier” “NF” “cigarettes after sex” and “Kalandra”
Do you have piercings/tattoos?: Yes! I have two piercings on each ears, septum, nipples and bellybutton! And I plan to get a few more plus some tattoos.(no tattoos yet)
Sexuality?: Lesbian🧡💛🤍💖
420?: Yes, I usually write while I’m high so..🤧
Also! Please don’t be shy to talk to me!💖I’m friendly!(at least I think I so..)
Also also: I lose interest easily! So I’m sorry if I stop writing for a while..
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Okay, I’m slowly working my way through my masterlist to update it so you can find it on here instead of AO3!!!
Also please know, I’m slow when it comes to writing so if you ever send anything in to me, it may take me a minute to get it out, and for that I am sorry. Please have patience and know that I’m not ignoring you!
Abby Anderson
Fairy Tale Love
No need for Words.
Sugar and Spice 18+ (No sex but it gets a little spicy)
Head canon--Squirting Dildos 18+
Good Girl 18+
Bathroom Shenanigans 18+
Say Ahh... 18+
Long Night 18+
Tea Party
Rougher Days
I don’t want anyone but you
Feeling Sick
Take aim
Facing your fears in never easy Pumpkin. (No sex but gets a little spicy)
(If you want more Abby stuff, look under my ‘Abby Anderson Blurbs’ tag!)
I said I like to write, NEVER said I was good at it.
If you have any questions for me or about me just send it and I’ll answer to the best of my ability!
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P.s check out the tags for more stuff!
(Anything Eden is old, anything Sweetie is new! The ‘Mutuals🖤’ tag is also old, the new one is ‘Mooties💋’ but you can still go through my old stuff, this is just an FYI!)
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meatcatt · 3 months
Hello!! I found some of your art on Pinterest so I went searching and I found your twitter which led me here! I reallllyyyy love your art!! It's so cute. Especially how you draw Shamura- They're just a little bean!!
I also adore your Redo AU! Especially how Narinder is getting babied by his siblings haha. Makes me wonder their reaction would be to Lambert (Who I feel so bad for. They did not deserve this, the poor bby)
First off I want to say thank you for liking my art work, it means the world to me that though I have left the cult of the lamb fandom behind (mostly) that my blog and the art I’ve made can still be enjoyed by fans new and old. Redo au is my baby, and I’m glad so many people enjoy it despite its lack luster writing haha…
I have struggled to answer this ask because I want to make it clear you aren’t the problem. But I also desperately need people to know.
The reason I left the cult of the lamb fandom, and for awhile tumblr as a whole, was because my art work was constantly being stolen and re uploaded despite my wishes. Even with credit. And the main culprit was Pinterest (though YouTube and Reddit didn’t help).
I want to say again that this person, or anyone who found me through Pinterest, is absolutely not the issue. I also understand that part of having popular art in fandom is that it’s inevitably going to get stolen. I understand that. But it’s just. It hurts. Every time.
I cannot describe to you the mood killer it is to scroll looking for fandom stuff and see your own art work flashed at you. No credit and sometimes your watermark purposely removed. And the fact that it’s plastered on every page I have “please don’t repost my artwork even with credit” it feels like even more a punch to the gut. Because of those I considered even credited work stolen, because it deliberately goes against my wishes.
I know some people say “it doesn’t matter because you’re getting free exposure”. And they are right. This asker is exact proof of that. But! I post art work online for likes, comments, and reblogs. I know that might seem shallow but it’s true. I want to see people like my art, I want to see what people think about it. If I don’t I just keep it to myself or just show my friends which happens to be the majority of my work. Most of my stuff has never been posted publicly anywhere! And those likes and comments drive me, they make me want to create because people like my stuff! It makes me happy. And I can’t get that if someone steals it and takes it off site.
I left tumblr for a bit after discovering my entire tumblr had essentially been re-uploaded to Pinterest by a single user (most of the time it’s only a few of my most popular posts taken). Credit removed. I doom scrolled it for hours. I had to stop when I saw someone commented on my artwork saying “I love this art but who’s the artist, I can’t seem to find them anywhere?” I don’t know. It hurt.
I joined in stars and time fandom hesitantly, and after scrolling on YouTube got recommended a video that had my art work stolen in it. Not credit. And I’m heart broken. Maybe this shouldn’t hurt me so much. But it does.
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