#human behavior hahaha
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Jeremiah Fisher | tsitp 1.07
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baylardian-1 · 2 years
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Some little Threshold AU scribblies mainly around the post-Endgame era hehe. :3 The top few were just an idea I’d always meant to draw out and has never gotten around to,,, not a lot to it, I’ve just had it in my head for a while that Janeway purrs, ESPECIALLY around Chakotay, but she brushes it off as it being a stress-induced response or whatever. Then when they’d finally sleep together for the first time he gets that wordless confirmation that she just likes being near him and purrs lol. 
The rest are kinda silly silly, wanted to draw the two Liam(s) together upon request from Alice aaaand yeah. :) The bottom one was just a post-Eternal Tide idea that someone might catch them in the act in a closet or somethin’ haha. Though I think in actuality they’d be a little more cautious about where they choose to fraternize with each other lol.
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Upset impossibly at having a kind of a brain that is so different that people are bound to misunderstand my intentions and words all the time. Like, in most of the times you cannot understand me correctly through the prism of 'well why would a normal person without autism and with a perfect grasp on social cues do that?' because I am just really different and end up concluding/saying/doing a thing with different intention and reason that most of the people would. Doesn't help that because of many factors even minimal normal social adaptation got ruined, so even for other autists I am TOO clueless and different.
Sometimes I think maybe I just give up easily. Maybe I could like, memorize 1000000 social cues and habits and why people normally do/say a thing so I could communicate myself right and be perceived right. So I would have to spend absurd amount of energy and focus on running non_autistic_person.exe every day. Until with just enough stress and pain it shuts down and I revert in my default self. But even if I could mask all the time - would this life and friendships even worth it? Would any of this worth it if to hold it all together I have to just pilot a 'normal' persona? Far better to just entrust everything on people who either just believe in me in a good way, or ASK me if something I do or say seems outright bad. They are not frequent, though, I am thankful when I find such people.
#/vent#neurodivergent#i've been told variations of 'amongst all autistic people I've met nobody is THIS bad at understanding human behavior' hahaha#it is very hard to explain that having brain BUILT differently is not the same as mental illness#you cannot really 'treat' how you see the world and how you just perceive things differently. you are just like this.#but it is very hard to find compatibility with the world you just... don't seem to belong to. unless you run ABSURD amount of mimicry#like... nothing is compatible. i either just hurt other people or being yelled at for reasons i see as stupid and that don't get explained#also yes i remember i posted similar rant a few months earlier so feel free to ignore it#this pain just doesn't go away forever unfortunately#it just feels like a bad joke to be born so INCOMPATIBLE with how people work and act and feel that like#i either mimic as normie to the point none of this shit is real me or i remain myself but cause havoc and get yelled at and excluded#it is still better to be closer to understanding what is wrong with me and why people are so hard#just several years ago i did not know how to communicate it or what was the reason#the worst part is that autism effects every other person differently so even other autists are not guaranteed to understand you#especially if they have their own set of 'how to interpret other people' rules they interpret YOU through#and it does not work on you because you are different too but not THEIR type of different#the strangest part is that it is not even static. with every passing year i become more and more 'strange'.#though that's probably not autism but the A-cluster developing and complicating. i will be like bloodborne character soon lol
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blackopals-world · 5 months
Nurse!Yuu: Floyd seems to have problems sleeping. Perhaps a prescription of melatonin will help him.
Marine Biologist!Yuu: As his usual doctor I will tell you he is fine. Why do you believe he's sleepy?
Nurse!Yuu: Well the other day he wouldn't stop yawning in my face. He was making me sleepy myself. I wanted to yawn myself.
Marine Biologist!Yuu:(gasps).....Well then...remember what you said about yawning?
Nurse!Yuu: The social thing. Symbathic yawning right?
Marine Biologist!Yuu: Right, it's a social thing for eels too. You should reciprocate.
Nurse!Yuu: I see, I'll try.
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Nurse!Yuu: (slams door open) Fuck You!
Marine Biologist!Yuu: Hahaha haha!
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(In humans, studies indicate that our contagious yawning may also be a form of empathizing with other people experiencing a feeling, which — in the case of yawning — usually means stress, anxiety, boredom, or fatigue. Yawning may be related to a phenomenon called social mirroring, where we imitate the actions of others if we think it will benefit us or strengthen social bonds. Other behaviors that fall into this category include leg crossing and laughing)
(Eels will open their mouths wide to show they are interested in mating)
(These facts are horrid when put together)
(Fuck yeah Nurse!Yuu facts)
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inbarfink · 7 months
Okay, so, for the longest time the Tallests’ behavior toward Zim in ‘Battle of the Planets’ has always struck me as… odd.
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 I mean, of course the idea that they mock him publicly behind his back makes sense in general. That is a very Tallests Thing to Do. But the specific ways they mock him…
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I dunno...maybe the intention is supposed to be like 'haha you're saying 'unstoppable death machine like it's a good thing but it's not!!' or something but... with the delivery and the general characterization of the Irken army it comes off as more of 'haha! it's funny because he's NOT an unstoppable death machine hahaha" and...
Like, yes. Zim is correct. He is, in fact, an ‘unstoppable death machine’. That is absolutely an accurate statement to be taken seriously. The only problem was that he’s an unstoppable death machine that’s too uncontrollable to prevent him from Death Machining his own people as well. That’s literally why you banished him, remember?
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But then I took a moment to think about that.... It does actually makes sense that the Tallests, despite getting literal first-class seats to his rampage of destruction - might still have a problem with actually internalizing why Zim is so Bad.
Because Zim is basically the Irkenest Irken to ever Irk. He might be considered ‘Defective’, yes, but all of his defects manifest as the logical extremes of Irken ideology. He has, on paper, all of the skills and personality traits and ideals that the Irken Empire value - just exaggerated and twisted in a way that makes him the biggest milestone around the Empire's neck.
Zim is a pretty good fighter, infiltrator, pilot and scientist. Remember, he’s a Fast-Food Drone Play-Acting Alien Invasion to get him out of the Armada’s antennas now, but he was a legitimate actual Invader back during ‘Impending Doom 1’. And that’s with all the social barriers and prejudice that a short Irken like him is going to face. I’m guessing a lot of the selection process for Invaders is done by automated systems or extremely-detached Control Brains. And only looking at, like, Zim’s practice or test results - he should be an exceptional Invader on-par with Skoodge.
But we all know the truth is more complicated then that. Zim’s talents and training are hampered by his own massive ego, absolute inability to accurately assess threats and his impulsive desires for destruction and death. He’s unable to judge when he’s punching above his weight or tackling an endeavor beyond his abilities. He cannot admit when he has made an error, even just to fix or improve an invention/plan. And he always allocates his resources in the dumbest way possible. 
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And that’s all, like, emergent from Irken Ideology - or at least from Zim’s logical extreme of it. Confidence and selfishness are rewarded on Irk - Zim is mostly unusual in terms of sheer volume (or maybe he’s too Short to be allowed to have such a high opinion of himself.) 
His inability to proportionally handle threats is emergent from the Empire’s ideals of Irken Supremacy. Zim is supposed to see all other species in the universe as stupid and inferior and worthy only of servitude and so logically they can’t be a serious threat to him, an Elite Irken Soldier. But he also needs to internally justify why all of these Clearly Inferior Beings are even a problem to the Irken Empire in general and for him in specific. Especially when he fails to conquer them as easily as a ‘Superior Being’ is supposed to. And so his ego and his insistence on Irkens being Superior has to elevate them into fearsome enemies. 
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That Speciesism is also why his disguise is so bad! We directly see it in the first episode. He had the option of picking a more realistic human disguises but he just found it too gross. And that actually seems to be a trend, considering every Actual Invader we see on the show has a disguise that is just as bad if not worse.
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And Zim’s tendency towards delusions is also born, at least partially, from his devotion to Irken Ideology. Not just from the obvious insistence of the superiority of himself and his Empire despite his constant failures. But also… how do you balance out the Irken values of selfishness with the also-Irken values of loyalty and absolute obedience to the Empire and the Tallests? For Zim, the obvious answer seems to be ‘delude himself into believing whatever selfish personal whim he has is actually for the good of the Empire and the true will of the Tallest’. That’s how he can break All of the Rules All of the Time and still act like he’s just another obedient and loyal vessel of the Tallest. 
And then there’s the value of destruction and cruelty. This is absolutely not a Zim-only thing - that is a value he got from Irken society in general. After all, it’s pretty clear they don’t even have, like, a token excuse for their universe-conquering aspirations. They’re just doing this shit because destroying and subjecting the universe seems Fun and Cool. I mean, ‘Battle of the Planets’ demonstrates that better than anything. 
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The Tallests have no idea of what to do with the planets they conquer. They don’t need them for anything. They decided Blorch's new purpose as a spur-of-the-moment decision and it was a Parking Structure Planet. Most of Irk’s single-use planets are pretty silly but this one especially so. Parking Structures only have value based on them being near a Place People Want to Go To, so a whole planet of them really defeats the whole idea. The Tallests only conquered Blorch and wiped out the Rat People because they want to conquer planets and wipe out sapient species.
And that is… exactly the same sort of meaningless cruelty Zim demonstrates. I mean… What Zim did with Prisoner 777 is literally just a smaller-scale recreation of what the whole Irken Empire did to the Vortians. And honestly, Zim actually has a slightly-better track record of actually getting ‘his’ Vortian to do what he wants. While the Irken Empire in general has basically shot themselves in the foot and assured all of their best technology is going to come with some sort of Stupid Hidden Flaw and all because they wanted to be the Conquerors rather than ‘just’ allies. 
The difference is really just that Zim values destruction so much he has problem processing that directing the destruction at his own people is still a very bad thing in the eyes of the empire.
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And that’s… kind of the ideological blind spot the Tallests fall into during ‘Battle of the Planets’, I think. They should know that Zim is very much an Unstoppable Death Machine, just one that they can’t control and thus should be kept as far away from the Empire and Operation Impending Doom 2 as possible. But in their little Irken-Ideology-Poisoned minds - being an “Unstoppable Death Machine” is a Good Thing and Zim is obviously Bad - so, obviously logically he cannot be an Unstoppable Death Machine. 
And throughout this entire episode, the Tallest mock the idea that Zim is even capable of… not just achieving his and the Empire’s goals (obviously, yeah, he is incapable of doing that), but that he's even capable of properly causing destruction? Which they should know he is very capable of. And this is probably the closest he ever came in the show to legitimately destroying the human race. Only being foiled due to a huge stroke of luck on Dib’s part that nobody saw coming. And yet the Tallests were so certain that Zim, of all the Irkens in the galaxy, is somehow incapable of destroying a planet???
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And at the end, Zim does prove himself as an Unstoppable Death Machine by, once again, managing to kill a fuckload of his own people while the Tallests laugh about how inaccurate that descriptor is for him. 
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This is extra ironic with the Tallests throwing that one guy out of the airlock at the start of the episode
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They punish others just for not remembering Zim’s rampage, but they clearly have not internalized what it Means themselves.
The fact that a guy like that even managed to reach the most prestigious not-height-based position in the Irken military in the first place should be a cause of some serious introspection of how Irken Military training and evaluation is handled. Especially when you consider much more competent would-be-Invaders like Tak got dismissed and punished for things totally outside of their control.
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But… It seems like the only lesson anyone in the Irken Empire learned was just “Zim is awful”. Which is true, but isn’t really getting to the root of the matter. 
You can see another example of that mindset from the Tallests in ‘Hobo 13’. Because those two were so sure Zim was going to lose, and lose painfully. Because he is Incompetent, obviously that means he can’t do it. Totally forgetting that Zim actually totally has the athletic, combat and - most importantly, technological skills and out-of-the-box thinking that allowed him to survive and thrive. 
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I mean, yeah, that means he cheated and threw his entire squad to the dogs for his own personal gain and petty sadistic amusement but… that is absolutely not something the Irken Empire frowns upon. The Tallests especially love to torment and even kill off their subordinates for the pettiest of reasons. Skoodge, featured in both of these episodes, is a great example.
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And like, ‘being bad leaders and tormenting their own underlings’ is basically what the Tallests spend the entirety of that episode doing.
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That Sergeant had ideological problems with Zim being such a horrible and callous leader, but that’s clearly not a representation of the Irken Empire’s stance. Quite the opposite really. Zim might be a disgrace to Hobo 13, but he was an exemplary Irken. The only reason why him winning was a problem is because he’s Zim and they all hate him.
And speaking of the Tallests’ own behavior reflecting Zim’s… let’s talk a bit about ‘Enter the Florpus’.
Because the downfall of the Irken Armada in that story is not just Zim’s fault. I mean, it is partly Zim’s fault. Without him there wouldn’t be a Florpus in the first place. But the narrative makes it constantly very very clear that this is Not Actually a Threat for the Armada… if not for the Tallests adamantly and childishly refusing to change course. 
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The Tallests hate Zim, and they make it clear at every possible opportunity. And they hate him because he’s so damn incompetent and such a threat to the Empire’s safety. And yet they constantly demonstrate they possess the exact same core personality issues as Zim - they’re just slightly better having, like, a veneer of reasonability and being able to perceive reality (and also they are tall, which helps them get away with more.) And nowhere is it more obvious than ‘Enter the Florpus’...
Where the Tallests prove that they can be just as childish and single-minded -
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And just as destruction-hungry - 
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And just as quick to deny reality -
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And just as disrespectful of their underlings. 
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This recurring bit with the navigator is especially striking to me, because more than anything it makes me remember… Operation Impending Doom 1.
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Two times the Irken Empire has been brought to the brink of collapse. And both of these times it is because a powerful high-ranking Irken (one time an Invader, the other time the Tallests themselves), refused to listen to the warnings and concerns of a lower-ranking expert Navigator - continuing with a course of destruction for their own people. 
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You could say the Irken Empire was doomed from the start because of their own philosophy of cruelty and selfishness. Eventually, it was bound to create someone like Zim - who takes the Irken Ideology to its logical extreme in the most destructive way possible. Or you can say the Irken Empire was doomed from the start because of their asinine height-based class system. Which basically inevitably assures that at some point the reigns of the Empire will be at the hands of someone buffoonish and incompetent enough to drag the whole Empire down with them. And both of these viewpoints are true in their own way but also…
The Irken Empire was also doomed from the start cause, whatever this is a result of a culture that highly values obedience to your superiors over common sense, or because punishments for disobedience are just so terribly severe - these two Navigators continued to push those knobs and drive that ship even as they knew their commanders were mad and their actions were just driving their own Empire towards oblivion. 
Perhaps the Irken Military could use some sort of protocol of what to do when your superior is being clearly unreasonable and endangering not only the mission but literally the fate of your entire civilization? No, of course not. Yet another lesson not learned from Zim’s actions in ‘Impending Doom 1’. The only important lesson Irk needed to learn from that was just ‘Fuck This One Guy in Particular’.
Zim’s whole existence is like a twisted parody of the Irken Empire and all of its values. It’s really no wonder that the Tallest never got the joke. 
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iloveyouinred · 10 months
another brainrot coming in Kazuha getting you super drunk, and you think hes drunk as well but bros sober and just wanted to get you drunk for sex @///@
Yandere!Kazuha x Drunk!Reader
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𓇬♡ | Warning: NSFW, dubcon, reader is intoxicated and a virgin, mention of alcohol, implying of obsessive behavior, etc.
𓇬♡ | Word Count: 2.1k
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"Kazuha? Low alcohol tolerance? Hahaha.. Where did you get this false information from?" The Crux Captain laughed as if hearing you spit a joke. "He is one of the best at holding his liquor. I've never seen him drunk before." She continues her words, raises her eyebrow at your face that start to grows pale.
"So, what happened? Are you making a bet with him over a drinking contest?"
"If so, you better step down. Because you are playing a losing game here." She starts to pity you. With that confused and pale face, Beidou is sure the bet you made was a big one. If only she knew what happened the night before. If only she was on the ship to stop you from drinking with the Inazuma's fugitive. Your hands come up to support your head that began to throb.
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"Kazu- nghh!" You couldn't complete your words when he is sucking your neck like that. Letting his sharp fang graze on your soft skin, wet hot tongue dragged towards your collar bone, lower to slit your cleavage. You brought your hands to your lips to cover your moans. His hand on your waist holding you closer. He has waited for this very moment to claim you. Having you lay limply against his arms. You melt under his touch. When you look down with teary eyes only to catch him watching you back with his face in deep red flush. His half lidded eyes meet your glistened one. While your hand reaches to touch his cheek. He put his other hand on top of it, closing his eyes with his chin resting on top of your chest.
"Kazuha.." He learns the doubt in your tone. Softly cooing you while he brings your hand down his face to intertwine both your hands.
"Shh.. Just enjoy it, okay Love?" If the breeze is a human sound, it will be in the form of Kaedehara Kazuha's. His whisper sweeps away the doubt in your heart. Replacing it with some kind of newfound feeling as you feel his hand slipped between your thigh, rubbing it oh so slowly. Sending a tingling sensation between your legs.
"Ah.. this is your first time, isn't it?"
You nod your head slowly. As he hummed in delight, whispering something along the lines 'don't worry' and 'I'll be gentle'. You know he isn't lying by how his hand touches your inner thigh, gently guiding you to spread your legs.
His question was a rhetorical one. Kazuha knows things about you quite well-too well in fact-even though you guys just met a few months ago. He was curious as to why you always seem to avoid him. One's research turns to basically asking around about you, later when he sees you on the street, he wanders not too closely, just to watch you from afar. After all, he doesn't want to scare you, and makes you feel more awkward around him. Overtime he understands little things about you, such as how you enjoy drinking on The Alcor with The Crux while playing some TCG card on saturday night-only when they docked at Liyue.
Night breeze doesn't make you shiver, in fact you enjoy it too much. Letting the cold breeze blow on your face as you close your eyes, looming over some less crowded corner of the ship where no one bothers to check. The sea was dark, but countless stars and the moon reflected on its surface. Alluring you to stare for a bit too long. While you were occupied with staring far away to the dark sea, Kazuha will come and lend you his jacket, with more cups of beer in hand. He is truly a sweet guy, you think. Still you have reasons to avoid him. And so you spare no thought on his lingering touch, like when he spent a minute too long to let go of the beer glass as your finger brushed on his. Or how he lets his arm wrap around your shoulders after putting his jacket on you. You know well not to let your heart waver.
His head goes down on you to kiss your inner thigh. You can't help but pant as he teases your lower part, hot tongue swirling on your clit. His hand pushed down your thigh, preventing it from closing around his face. Hair strains fall on his forehead, while his eyes trained on your expression as it changed into a pleasurable one. No wonder so many fell under his palm. You bite your lips as you feel a strange feeling building up. It's like something inside you about to burst. Did you get close from his tongue alone? That left you wonder, with how skillful the man under you playing with your other lips, how many other women has he tainted? The question dies on your lips as you feel his tongue teasing your wet hole. You were almost embarrassed by how lewd the sound it makes. If only not by the pleasure that is big enough to cover any other emotion.
A sweet moan slipped from your mouth finally, after he nudged the gummy spot. Unable to contain your voice any longer as the feeling becomes too intense with each movement of his tongue. You feel his finger rubbing on your clit, while he is still eating you out. At last it hits you, your first orgasm of the night. He was quick to lap on your pussy, as you came on his mouth, not leaving a single drop. Kazuha could spend forever eating you if he doesn't remember what he aimed for tonight. So he only spent long enough time eating you up until you are a wet mess, babbling his name while moaning and sobbing. Your protest fell into deaf ears. He doesn't stop when you say 'It's too much'. He can't. You are sucking him in, so how can it be too much for you. He is sure you can take it. It's just your first time coming so many times, that's why you might feel overwhelmed at first. But you will get used to it, and he will make sure of that.
When he finishes preparing you, finally revealing his throbbing cock in front of your pussy, you squirm from his grip unconsciously trying to get away from him. He holds you down, with a hand gripping both of your wrist on top of your head. He groans when he rubs the tip of his cock on your pussy lips. You moan back, clinging onto nothing as his length slowly inserts your hole. It was too much, you never felt so full in your entire life. When he starts to move slowly the feeling clouding your brain.
You sob as he moves in and out, feeling every inch of his cock rubbing on your gummy walls before it disappears leaving a strange empty feeling. Kazuha drags his cock slowly, letting you remember the taste of his cock. Every inch of it. His hand is playing with your nipple, while his mouth latches on your other side. Picking up his pace as he felt your hole adjusting to his size. Tears roll down your cheek as you feel your body tremble, too overwhelmed by the feeling. With your body already overly sensitive after he eats you out, you easily cum on his length. Kazuha groans at the way your hole clenches around him. Looking up just to see your face deep in pleasure, eyes roll back as he continue to fuck you.
"You are a naughty one, Love." His smile at you feels somewhat sinister than how he usually is. "Did you just come from me entering you?" You can't return his words as you feel he moves faster. Hitting your sensitive spot that he already memorised. You tremble from the over stimulation. Choked moans as you blabbering his name, trying to stop him with your squirm but feeling your hand binded by him and with his thrust that continuously hits your sweet spot, your body shudders. Hole creaming on him while moaning. You hear him grunts at how pretty you are. Eyes rolling back while tears staining your cheek. Moan fell off your lips like a melody to his ear. He kisses your neck, leaving more love mark while pounding into you nonstop.
You arch your back when he thrust deep enough to fill you with his cum. You felt the warm liquid flow in your womb. Trembling at the aftertaste of your orgasm. He stayed for a while inside of you. Engraving the warm feeling of his cum in you before he pulls out, letting the mixed liquid to drip out of your hole. Kazuha gives you a soft kiss. You, in your intoxicated state, return his kiss. With this, you are his now, right? You won't change your mind tomorrow, …right? He holds you closer with lips still latched on yours, devouring the sweet taste that he will long for after this day.
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You were too busy regretting your choices. When a soft breeze blows on your neck, sending shivers all around your body.
"(Y/n)? I was looking for you."
To say he looks for you is an understatement. The man was frantically searching in every corner of the ship before he met you. For the fear that you figure out his scheme and leave the ship already. He almost had a heart attack realising you were not in his arms when he woke up this morning, you little sneak. He'll make sure to tie you to the bed next time just so you wouldn't run away. He smiled at you but the burden of your own thoughts makes it impossible for you to meet his gaze. Kazuha took notice of this. While Beidou excuses herself to let the both of you talk.
"What's wrong?" He murmurs in your ear softly, almost making you feel guilty as you faintly remember how he was gently handling you last night-well you remember only half of it. For an instant, you don't remember how you ended up on Kazuha's bed with the man on top of you. Shame on your mind, how can you accuse this man of setting you up, when it might be you who seduced him first. You shake your head slightly, still refusing to meet his eyes. It is such a mess. You strive for a peaceful life in some village near Liyue. So naturally you should avoid things that could possibly bring disturbance to your well planned future life. One of them is the guy that sits by your side now.
You were not really surprised when Beidou decided to bring a fugitive from Inazuma aboard in The Alcor. Sometimes her way of thinking is something you can't understand. But the moment she introduces this Kazuha guy, you keep in mind to avoid him at all cost. It was until he got you to drink with him when Beidou was absent. Which led to last night's disaster. You sigh as his hand rubs your shoulder gently, it was usually covered by bandage but now you can see his bare skin- which is not as smooth as you imagine it to be, the payment of when one pursues the path of samurai. That hand has touched every inch of your body. You flush at the thought, cursing at yourself silently.
"Kazuha, was I the one who threw us into this mess?" You finally spit out your thoughts meeting his gaze in a deep dilemma. You notice how his hand stops at your shoulder, seemingly surprised at your words.
"Mess?" He catches you diverting your eyes again. "...So that's what you think of what we did last night."
You watch as his head drops, half of his face shadowed by his bang. Only now did you realise his hair is untied, white strain fell on his shoulder, framing his jaw which softened his feature. If not for his toned body which is still prominent even under the clothes, he could be passed off as a woman because of his beauty alone. Your hand reaches out to tuck the white strain behind his ear. He looks up at you in silence.
"I am sorry." The words fell off your lips with a heavy sigh. You know your weakness at beauty, but the peacefull life you always dream of is at stake. The house you has buy from the money you collect for years. Everything is set and just a little more time before you can stop working and has a quick retirement. You can't risk losing that. And Kazuha know you can't fulfill his wish. But he can't afford to lose you either. Not after he got a taste of you.
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Can I ask about some yandere headcanons Vil, Malleus and Azul? with a darling like Columbina (from Genshin Impact) or Daki (from Demon Slayer) if possible, it can be from darling! daki, kind of how they would react (in the case of Vil ) when seeing that the darling resisted the poison or the love potion (in the case of Malleus) would be the same as that of Vil only that darling does not fall into the love potion. And in the case of the 3 (Vil, Malleus , Azul) It would be how they would react when they see darling alive but with their head in their lap
(I'm sorry if this is too long, it's just that I haven't found any headcanon of darling like Daki)
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Daki Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland 
Well you can’t shake your suitors off with the simple detachment of your head especially when that's a mouse compared to the elephant in the room. Fatally allergic to light, sash able to imprison all that you wish, your immense strength, oh and almost forgot to mention your desire to feast on only the most beautiful. The great thing about your suitors is that they’re all so beautiful and all so willing to pursue you. And should any of them be able to reduce you to tears and whining about your loss than perhaps your hidden sibling will be more than happy to help:
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Vil Schoenheit 
“W-what is this?!”
“Hahaha humans are so stupid. You all think nothing can stop you. Hahaha such idiots. Its the behavior of cattle.”
“Consider yourself lucky to be beautiful enough to be eaten by me!”
That says nothing for your speed and strength 
And he can try to chop your head with magic
But if he does 
You’ll cry…and summon the one person or rather demon that’s going to end this charade
“Oi oi oi oi you think its nice to bully my sweet innocent sibling?!”
But if you aren’t immediately devouring him 
His dorm is where you thrive
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Malleus Draconia  
“Hm you would be a problem, if you weren’t so devoted. Right, if you want to be me you have to show me your worthy enough.”
“I’ll do anything for you my love.”
He’s willing to deliver all the most beautiful if it shows he’s worthy of you
Now whether or not you have intentions of actually appeasing him 
He will do as he says and provide for you
Now your beloved sibling most likely will never approve
But if it keeps you both fed and you happy there won’t be a problem
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Azul Ashengrotto
“I think you’re beautiful…”
“Y-you do?!”
“I do.”
Oddly enough is most prepared for this 
He expects someone as powerful as you has a black-widow quality about you
So he’ll seal you the only way you know how
You’re so focused on the superficial that you sign the contract at face value
Too bad theres a third party loop hole
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otaku553 · 15 days
re: the comparison post, i feel like canon albedo is socialized enough to recognize logically how much his skills surpass those of most but is generally still very down to earth and polite about it vs baby albedo would be so unsocialized it gives me the energies of ron swanson at home depot 'i know more than you' at grown ass adults
hahaha you’re so right! I do think adult albedo is definitely better socialized than tinybedo but a lot of his behaviors read to me as erring on the side of formality and politeness. Definitely better at navigating social situations than tinybedo who hasn’t really had long to even interact with humans though
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Pint sized alchemist walks up to you, an expert in your field, and tells you you’re wrong. What do you do
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HELLOOOO im in love with the way you write our beloved rama 😭
i just wanted to know ur hcs about him beginning to realize he feels more about the reader than just friendship and/or how he deals with the first buds of sinful thoughts about their dear human friend? 👀
HI tysm!! Ramattra definitely has my attention hahaha. Sorry this is so long!! I just like writing 😂
Ramattra realizing his feelings
Earning his friendship was a hard enough task on his own. He never made that easy for you, or for anyone of flesh and blood
As much hatred as he has for humanity, he doesn’t outright assume all humans are evil. He understands there is still good in its kind, it’s just a matter of knowing who he is safe to drop his guard around when having more acute interactions
And this is a process he has the utmost forbearance for. As long as a person can express patience with him, then he is more than willing to allow himself to be understood by a human peer
You were probably one of the most respectful humans he had personally interacted with. Your kindness made for a strong first impression, especially in the way you had greeted him as any other person, looked upon him with no surprise in your eyes as if he had just been anyone else. Not a killer. Not a terrorist.
Still, for the ongoing weeks he kept his distance the more he had found himself in the same room as you, assuming his same process of determining whether your behavior was a front or not.
He was as kind to you as you were to him, which made things a little confusing on your end. You weren’t oblivious— you know who he is, and such a name as Ramattra came with a complex reputation. He’s certain he began addressing you as a ‘friend’ the moment you’d inquired why people thought him as ‘cold’
“You’ve been real nice to me,” you’d said, mirth in your tone, “I’m not just getting special treatment, am I?”
It wasn’t the first lighthearted joke you’d made in his presence, but it was the first he’d laughed at. He knew it wasn’t a question that needed answering, and so he didn’t. You were smart enough to assume the reason for rumor
Quickly, you both became close. (Well, ‘quick’ being you set the record for “fastest human to earn Ramattra’s trust”. It took fourteen weeks, but neither of you were counting.)
He was content to admit he admired you, respect drastically outweighing his contempt for what you were. It felt nice, to see you through blurred lines— he felt he finally understood, for just a moment, the bond that his brothers back at the monastery were trying to protect
But the more Ramattra grew to know you, the more he shared about himself. Which, tends to be a normal exchange between friends, certainly. Of the others he would dare call ‘friends’ before you, this wasn’t out of the ordinary
Yet when he would speak too much about himself with you, he felt shame. Embarrassment. He would wonder to himself at times if he should have shared certain things, and worried of your opinion
It made him pull back for a while, and was relieved you remained as patient as you’d always been. You made sure he was fine and he’d kindly dismissed you, to which you respectfully backed off and simply told him you were here if he needed
But… then when he was given the space he asked for, he became somewhat angry with himself. Now he just missed you, but felt so under pressure to be in your presence. It was frustrating.
You knew whatever problem he was facing had to be because of you, since he had told you just a few days ago that he preferred a little distance for now— but here he sat across the room from you, scrolling through lists of weaponry concepts to decide on what to work on next, inquiring your opinion of colors, of all things.
There came a day that Ramattra had a run in with a particularly violent human gang, of whom he’d shown little mercy for after they dealt the first strike— he should have swung the moment one of the strangers drawled about wearing his face as a trophy, “-after I reduce ya to nuts-n-bolts,” they’d said. A pitiful drop of confidence quickly lost into the newly reddened asphalt of the nearest alley
You caught him marching down a corridor, and it finally hit Ramattra like a truck when you’d approached him to make sure he was fine
He didn’t bleed red, you knew this. And something in him clicked when you immediately assumed him the victim, placing careful hands on his chest as you observed him for damage
Oh, he liked you. A lot. Had any other person of flesh approached him, he would have demanded solitude with a killing accusatory tone, a wordless threat of violence if his needs were not met.
But you had came to him, and he was more than relieved that you had. Just seeing you again, he realized why he hadn’t hit his attackers first.
“Are you attempting to domesticate me?” He had blurted, watching you curl your hand into the hem of your shirt and wipe the blood from his fingers. He takes in your baffled expression with a hidden affection- and yet again, feeling awkward for such a poor joke with little context. He fought himself on whether to explain, but decided better of it.
Understanding then why he felt so drawn to you, he felt somewhat justified in why he additionally felt like such a fool in your presence.
He hadn’t intended to feel this way about you, it couldn’t be helped. You hit many marks that he found objectively attractive.
He would spend the next few days observing you to thoroughly analyze his feelings toward you— to which you felt like a specimen being studied with how he kept tossing prolonged stares in your direction
He didn’t mean to appear like a creep, and he ended up feeling so much worse when you finally confronted his “quiet ogling”
“I— I was not,” he’d say defensively, and relaxed quickly when you laughed. “You are merely a fascinating subject to observe, is it so offensive that I watch?”
“Are you calling me pretty?”
“No.” He quickly bites, then immediately froze as he regretting saying it so harshly. He doubles back, “But, I do not mean—“ a pause, “You are fine as you are. But that is not what I was saying.”
Ogling. He was ashamed to find himself doing just that so soon after the amused accusation
The way you smirk before telling a joke, he’d mishear your jest when he was so focused on the way your mouth moved, and imagined running his thumb over your lips
When he’d find you closer to morning, he loved to catch you stretching your arms above your head. Your shirt would ride upward and reveal a bit of your navel while your upper half trembled into the stretch. He wanted to put his hands there, too.
He stole an opportunity to knead at your shoulder once when you complained about being sore from a prior activity, everting inside him lurching with humiliation when you settled comfortably into his lap.
An innocent gesture, sat between his legs while you accepted his kindness— though a deceptive offer, for he had just wanted a reason to have you this close.
He stared hard at your neck, gaze dropping to peer beneath your collar. It was dreadful. But he wouldn’t restrain himself, entirely glad he had a stationary face.
He’d pull at the cables of his mane when he was by himself, shaking his head and his fists at himself for this unrighteous behavior. Being away from you was worse, left alone with unrestrained thoughts of the things he could do to you
And oh, the things he wanted to do to you.
But you were a friend. A human. He was an omnic, and certainly not one built for… that kind of activity.
But then again, he was not made with life in mind, either. As far as he saw it, he could do whatever he wanted with the privilege of having agency
And that has resulted in relieving himself of these indecent thoughts when he shut himself into his quarters, blessed with the ability to create vivid images of what you would look like beneath him.
These solemn hours of the night should be reserved for meditation, and pondering his next move. But now he’s been reduced to touching himself with you in mind, pulling at delicate wires that were not meant to be tempered with.
Imagining you there. Evoking hypothetical risk by trusting you with his body.
But he hadn’t even made his feelings known to you yet. Hell, he couldn’t imagine a situation where he would without it complicating everything, or making you distant.
He knew he was the least likely candidate to end up in a cross-species relationship. So for now, he’d just relish in your friendship
And if ever you hint at wanting to take things a step further, you would find Ramattra quite eager to advance.
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sehodreams · 4 months
ofc character toxification is fine! 💣
TW and Tags: toxic!conservative!riize, sexist behaviors and thoughts, don't know what else to put.
Thank you, this was interesting hahaha, it kind of became in a list of sexist ideas and behaviors, but still hope you like it.
From this question:
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Eunseok is definitely the kind of guy who wants his girl to be 24/7 for him, you have to be his good little doll waiting at home all the time, you have to look pretty, nod to everything he says and be dumb all the time, smart girls talk too much and he doesn't like that at all. Don't even think about working outside either, your place is right there cleaning his house and in the kitchen cooking for him. It wouldn't be a surprise that he's one of the guys who would actually talk to people about how they have to keep their girls in check, making sure they're not acting like little sluts out there and do their only job in this world, stay at home satisfying their needs, and he'd even preach about it in front of your face, you nodding after he brainwashed you.
Wonbin is such an asshole with all the female population, he thinks they all have to meet society beauty standards to deserve his attention and respect as human beings, and wouldn't say much in front of them, but behind their backs he'd talk about how disgusting they look if they don't shave, wore makeup or kept a neat look. Also, I don't know why, but if you were his wife he wouldn't care that you're in an important point of your career (he doesn't mind you working), if he wants you to stop and have his children, you will.
Sungchan feels like the bro that wants children from you yes or yes, he'd practically see you as his own incubator instead of his wife, and would also always talk about it, how many BOYS he wants to play with, and how a little girl would be perfect to complete the team (but just one, not more), he wants children so much that would forget that you're a person with feelings and that you should be the one deciding how many you want too. On top of that, he'd really complain about how low the birth rate is, saying how sad is that women have lost the desire of fulfilling their role in the world as mothers.
Seunghan is the kind of guy who wants his girl pure, and that means, virgin. Just the idea of you opening your legs for someone that's not him makes his blood boil, like, where's your respect to yourself? Oh, and don't even dare to tell him that he has to be a virgin too, he'd firmly affirm that it's not the same, even trash talking about divorced women because they're already "used". He'd also convince you, to not say gaslight you, into thinking men can't only be with one woman since it's in their nature to cheat.
Shotaro has this artsy vibe, he's a dancer, he's grown up in this free of judgment space, I just don't think he'd ever judge a woman about her career goals and her choices about family, unless she's his girlfriend. He'd pressure to look pretty and skinny, making you lose weight with sutil but hurtful comments like "uhmm, are you sure about dessert?", making you always judge how you look and compare yourself with the girls he works with. Also, like I said, he wouldn't mind if you worked, however, he'd totally hate that you didn't take care enough of the house if you worked too much, he doesn't care that the two of you have exhausting jobs, when he arrives he wants his dinner hot and his bath ready.
Sohee wouldn't have any problem with you working and not having children, but he'd support the idea of women taking care of the household, he'd wash the dishes and leave everything else to you (from buying the ingredients, cooking, to serving the meal), and he'd affirm to everyone that he's always helping around the house. It's not that he doesn't how to survive on his own, but if you were his wife, he'd just leave most of the work to you, and would probably choose to marry you with that in mind too (the idea of having practically a servant). Also, he'd hate if you earned more money than him, probably making you quit or convincing you to have an "easier" job that paid you less just to not feel his position as the house head in danger.
I don't feel nothing from Anton, he'd love a bad bitch with thick makeup, a different style, that felt passion for her career and never cooked. He's still dumb with household chores, he wouldn't be able to survive on his own, but he'd never pressure you into doing everything on your own, and he do wants children, but if you don't then there's no pressure neither, your body your choice.
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bamsara · 2 years
In the new chapter did moon know YN was getting dressed when he broke the door down or did he break the door down BECAUSE YN was getting dressed? (Sorry if this question is inappropriate)
Yes, he was the one who suggested looking for extra clothes in there in the first place
Moon (and Sun) have infared vision, and are robots. They could care less about breaking in to see Y/N get dressed, they're not that type of robot lmao
He broke down the door because:
He's security bot, and he's also attatched. Both a mix of protocal and also the cat scrambling at the door when you're in the bathroom type of behavior. Breaking line of sight = bad. Literally.
He just made you curry and he's wearing a chef hat for funsies. He's a bit too excited for the joke. And you better eat or they're going to be upset.
Hahaha funny when the human freaks out a bit. Get boofed, Y/N
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betterfettered · 1 year
Hello there I am ✨ anon.
I was just wondering what would be the things that would trigger Satan to non con.
Cause even as a yandere I see Satan being violent but not the non con part hahaha😅.
Just curious:)
KIRA KIRA ANONNNNN hi hullo scoops you pinches ur cheeks
(AFAB!reader x AMAB!Satan)(noncon)[This is fetish content and rape is disgusting and inexcusable in real life.]
The personality traits that stands out when I think of Satan noncon in general is that this man truly has a broken moral system: he really had no worries in his head about telling Mc he would torture them when they literally just met (cutting off their nose and ears and feeding them to lower demons). There was also the time in one of the devilgrams where he was gleefully remembering strangling an incubus to death. There's no real reason to think he'd have a problem with nonconning someone, cruelty and brutality is nothing to him
I think a core element of Satan's yandere nature would be fixation. As you can see with cats and dramas and books and spamming Lucifer, he really tends to develop an interest in something and then get to know every aspect of it. With you it'll probably be at first studying your human world accent, wanting to know about the cute little charms you have on the zippers of your bag, what the vague things in your planner mean when he sees and watches you writing them, and then what your pussy tastes like, if you cry when you're overstimulated, how it feels to pull your hair and slap you around, how quick you start pleading for him to stop. He'd have all kinds of vibrators and restraints and floggers he'd use to teach you a lesson about mouthing off at him get more reactions from you, more data on you. And if he does the same thing twice or thrice or more times than he can keep track of, like kissing you while fingering you to unwanted orgasm so he can feel your moans and whimpers vibrate in his mouth and throat and get a surge of validation from how he is enough, at least to your body - for those things, he can just say he's confirming his data.
He might be able to use that experiment aspect to justify the pain he's causing you, the anguish he feels when you sob that he can never acknowledge or admit to, he can tell himself it's the pursuit of knowledge, a goal that's always worth it.
Shying away from him, hiding your face behind your arm or trying to pry his groping hands off of you will only intensify his fixation, will only cause him to get frustrated that you arent letting him see you. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree (👦🏻) so you can imagine his punishments will be harsh and intricate and make you cum over and over until you're shaking from both pleasure and pain and begging for mercy. The begging is his favorite - the surge of power he feels when seeing you submit is intoxicating to him.
In the end it's difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that his obsession is largely adoration of you. It makes it harder to not take your feelings into account. I'm thinking about his surprise guest dialogue where he says "You don't want me to stare at you? I want to. What's the problem?" Things are easier if he focuses on the "I want to" and dismisses the "what's the problem" part of his behavior.
Did I convince you kirakira anon?
Pls send in more requests and questions! 🙇🏾‍♀️
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nawoken · 15 days
AHH THE CAT THING WAS SO CUTE!! THE DRAWING TOO!! SO ADORABLE!! and incredibly accurate… i’m so glad the biting with no teeth and just your lips is not just a me thing. tbh i don’t even think grim is safe from me. i think the urge to aggressively love him is stronger than my ability to keep to myself
Omg, thank you!!! You flattered me :3
Yep! Cause I don't want to accidentally make them hurt, so I am afraid to use my teeth when biting them.
And, true, Grim is super cute, I want to do a lot of things to him too. I kinda have this scene in my mind when I wrote the last blog.
The other boys are trying to find their cat-turned-friend, then, they meet Grim on the way.
Maybe Ace and Deuce try to find their housewarden, who tried to tutor how to make this potion. But they messed up. Or Jamil, rushing through the campus to find Kalim, who got turned due to an accident in Alchemy class the moment he turned his back to find some ingredients.
It might when like this...
Deuce: GRIM!!! Have you seen a cat with bright red fur?!
Grim: Woahhh!!! Why are you yelling at me?!The Great Grim knows nothing!
Ace: Calm down, dude. So... the thing is Deuce accidently turns Riddle into a cat.
Deuce: Me?! You're the one who confirmed that putting that ingredient in is okay!
Ace: And, you're the one who actually put it in. I'm not telling you to do it.
Grim: Can you guys stop!!! My ears started to get hurt from all those yelling!
Deuce: Right, so here is the thing...
Grim: So... you are saying. You guys have turned your housewarden into a cat... and then lost them?
Ace: Typically... Deuce lost him.
Deuce: Stop saying everything is my fault! But, well, yes.
Grim: Hahaha, good luck. Can't wait to see you guys being collared after he turns back into human.
Ace: Ugh, you don't have to say it.
Grim: Anyway, even when I really want to see you struggling but, I'm outa here. Gotta get something to eat first.
Ace: Oh yeah, where is Prefect? Don't they go with you?
Grim: How can I know? My henchman is busy with some stuff. But, better hope that they don't find out Riddle before you do.
Deuce & Ace: Why?
Grim: *Shaking* Henchman, s...sometimes, they're acting weird...
Grim: Anyway, you will understand when you see it, I have to go now.
Grim left them with so much confusion, but they kinda brush it off. They still have to find their housewarden, who is being squeezed by you.
Basically, Grim snitched about Reader/Yuu's behavior to the boys but no one understood.
Once again, thank you for liking my post, love u!
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kaerichan-yatta · 1 month
Prohibite no longer.
(Alastor & Rosie)
Summary: Not only he teases, not only he constantly smiles, not only he hates technology, not only he loves his mother. Oh no, he has much bigger reactions, when he's in the specific mood... A/N: first Hazbin Hotel fic!! Don't hate, just correct in case<3 Enjoy!
"My, God must've had a ton of fun in making you so sensitive, darling..."
Gosh, how much he was feeling stupid. The Radio Demon himself, Alastor, one of the most powerful and dangerous beings in hell...now reduced to a fit of giggles and, surprising his friend as well, with a good layer blush on his cheeks.
"D-Don't say thahahat...it's even more e-embarassing..."
"Oh! Embarassing...why dear, you look like you're enjoying yourself quite a bit, no?"
Well, in a way or another, deep inside, he was.
"There you go! It's always music to my ears to hear you giggle!"
The deer demon scrunched up his nose and his usual grin extended to his, well...where human ears would be. Rosie beamed, keeping her playful assault. Her nails skittered along his ribs, up and down his sides, eventually reaching his upper ribs close to his armpits. And that was the absolute worst for him, but being honest-
"Just remember you asked for it, dear..."
Exactly. Alastor had been in a mood for way too long, and of course the way he had decided to write down his own destiny was by taking off his coat and sitting on the sofa beside Rosie with the arm on the headrest, leaving his torso unprotected.
"I- gah! I knohohow..."
"Oh? Would it tickle you more if I were to pinch here? Or give it a small squeeze there? Ah, who am I kidding...of course it does!"
Alastor's body gently squirmed side to side. Rosie's touch being so delicate, her tickling feeling so soft and slow, not to mention the teasing...if that would've driven someone up the wall, he was already at the ceiling this time.
It was actually pretty frequent for them to have this kind of activity. Basically Alastor being bratty enough to doom himself for the following minutes...or hours, sometimes. Soon finding himself on his back, laying horizontally on the sofa, his torso staying right in Rosie's lap where she could easily reach, where her fingers and nails could go down town on his most sensitive spots.
But obviously, just with Rosie.
And when her fingers found a small opening through his shirt, where they reached his skin, he was done for.
"Gh-! R-Rohohosie! You- hahaha! You know i-it's so bahahahad here!"
Rosie knew he wasn't the type who giggled often, but that cackle he just let out was enough to statisfy and encourage her even more.
"Oh, I do know, Alastor, and I-" she stopped mid-sentence as she noticed his little deer tail wagging happily, as well as his legs kicking a bit, and she smiled even more, softly yet teasingly.
"And I don't plan on leaving your tummy untouched, especially after noticing the cutest details about your reactions..."
Alastor mentally cursed himself and his deer-like behavior that showed up whenever he had his stomach tickled. But well...if that was making Rosie happy, in a way...maybe asking for it hadn't been that much of a bad idea.
"I really don't see the point of prohibiting the others to tickle you silly, dear...you're basically hiding such endearing reactions to your beloved ones..."
She let a giggle escape, which went completely unheard since she had moved her fingers to the side of his stomach, making his laughter raise even more.
"Y-You knohohow how to be geheheHEHEntle!..."
Rosie blinked twice, that soft smile still stuck on her lips.
"Gentle? From my point of view, it doesn't seem like this is gentle at all...or could it be that you're too sensitive and ticklish around your little tummy?"
Bingo. Alastor threw his head back on the sofa, bright laughter coming from him, his knees bending in an attempt to curl up as Rosie's fingers sped up the tickly torment.
"Come now Alastor, dear..."
"Maybe what, mhh?"
Now these were cackles: Rosie knew he was close to his breaking point.
"Maybe you're what? I don't remember...would you be so kind to refresh my memory?"
And here Alastor thought she was so gentle...but the exact moment he formed his answer, Rosie's fingernails found the back of his ribs on his left side, and a radio static-like screech came from him.
"Oh stars! So this is the spot indeed?"
The deer overlord started squirming around more, desperately trying to curl up, but soon giving up in doing so as he noticed it was only encouraging the cannibal overlord to dig deeper in the ticklish spot.
His hands went up to cover his flushed face, eventually muffling his cackles and squeals, which led Rosie to sneak a finger under his armpit for a quick scribble, making the smiling laughing demon suddenly arch his body to the side, squealing again, lowering his arm.
"Uh-uh, don't hide that smile! By the way, you're always smiling...what's the sudden need of hiding it? Hmm? Could it be I'm tickle, tickle, tickling you a bit too much?"
"Y-YES! Y-Yes it's- AHAHAH! St-stohohop!"
Rosie held in the urge to just chuckle upon hearing all that radio static in his voice, between his laughter, almost close to wheezing, his head was now shaking and his ears were adorably folded back flat in his hair.
"Alright, dear..I feel like your little itch has been scratched enough, am I right?"
Her tickling came to and end, slowly so that he could catch his breath back better, her hand resting on his stomach now.
Alastor nodded his head, quickly recovering, his usual smile now back on his face, though it certainly looked more happy now.
"Consider yourself quite lucky, darling..." he said, regaining his composure back and sitting up on the sofa, at her side "you're the only one allowed to do this, so far, as I told you the other times as well"
Rosie softened her expression, though a question couldn't help but come to her mind.
"But why might that be, I wonder?"
Alastor fixed his monocle, sighing a little.
"Others tend to...let's say, overboard" he confessed.
Rosie frowned a bit. Well, being honest, she could understand. Some people he stayed with at the hotel could get a bit...energetic, sometimes. Especially a certain spider, or a princess. But her frown got quickly replaced by a relaxed expression, as a silly tease popped into her head.
"Well..." she said "you could always stabilish boundaries"
Alastor thought for a moment. He could, for when he'll be feeling in a mood again.
"Doesn't sound too bad, honestly..."
"So that means you actually enjoyed our little playful time earlier?" Rosie giggled, hearing his breath get disturbed by radio static once again.
He shook his head slowly, chuckling at her phrase.
"Well, you got me there. Quite a good one, darling"
Maybe, he was really going to give up his thing of prohibiting the others to tickle him in the future. Maybe...asking for it really hadn't been a bad idea at all.
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peachesofteal · 1 month
as always, i read it like a rabid animal, and then reread the prev 4 chapters and then reread this again HAHA
your work ages like fine wine, and i read and treasure every word of it, especially on rereads when i can make myself slow down to really take it all in <3
"He takes it all away. Every time." made me WEEP!!!!! its what she DESERVES!!!! the dependability and the escape into him and simon (simon takes charge obvs, but johnny is just as much an outlet. sweet sweet boy)
i think he also realizes that she's seeing it as escapism and starts to fall away a bit, bc of how he stops her and asks to check in. it makes me curious abt his and simon's early relationship, if he's recognizing the same pattern of behavior and comparing them.
going on with that, when she was showing them her scars, AUUUUUUGH. that hit so hard man. the “No but… they’re hideous.”
“No.” Simon croaks, voice thick. “There isn’t a single part of you that isn’t perfect.”
SIMOOOOOOOON he sees so much of himself in her. its gotta be heartbreaking, knowing she's where he used to be. he gets it fr. i cant imagine two people more suited for her, someone who's been where she is and got out, and the person who's helped get that someone out of that pit. fuck dude. you're so good at this HAHAHA
im not gonna say nothin abt the good girl stuff…. but heehee!
also also "I'm not a little human nurse" made me laugh so hard LMAO pure arizona from grey's. ive been watching it lately (started right before you started posting simple math actually) reading the hospital bits of SM, you do a really good job of capturing the same energy and stakes and work dynamics that you get watching grey's. im honestly still waiting for the other shoe to drop on the stupid attending marshall, there's always something that a shitty attending can mess up down the road lmao
the ending on this chap killed me though. they knew she was flighty, and that she's smart and capable, but its gotta be so hard to get the relief of her coming back after the day out without answering the phone, only to find the papers the next morning. in bunny's defense though, she mentioned in chapters before moving in (i think before graves hurt her?) with them that she had to start looking at outs, and these papers aren't a 2-day turnaround; she probably bought them weeks ago and only now picked them up. i could be wrong though! i think its unfortunate timing, but she also probably just wants the relief knowing that she's got the backup plan accessible. as much as she loves the boys and penny, she's still not used to having the dependability. the safety scares her, or at least gives her the idea of a false sense of security, since she's been on edge for so so long.
i give her big smooch. poor bun. poor boys, and poor penny. manifesting the worst for graves, truly, rot in hell you idiot american
i hope you're feeling better, its lovely to read your works but even better when you're doing well yourself ❤️❤️❤️
I loved reading this! I adore you.
I love how you noticed that Johnny does stop to check in. He has a very firm grip on her mental and emotional state, (it’s not his first rodeo) and he knows just how to bring her back.
The two of them + Bunny is really a dream come true even if she doesn’t realize it yet (they do) and it will take a lot of time and work on everyone’s part.
I think your notes in your last paragraph are pretty spot on, too. Bunny will talk about it more in the next two chapters but- getting a new identity is not a two day turnaround.
Also yeah, I was channeling Arizona with that line 💀 I was hoping someone would catch it!
10/10 I love your breakdowns, no notes, perfection, they always make me smile.
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dia-souls · 1 year
Can I rqst a scenario and headcannons wherein yui is having her monthly cycle ang how the S,M,T bros would treat her
TW : ⚠️ NSFW, Teasing, blood mentioned ⚠️
🩸 Diaboys and Yui during her monthly cycle 🩸
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🎶 Shu sakamaki 🎶
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"Ahhhh what is your problem ? The smell of your blood is driving me crazy. You have no idea that you are seducing me with the smell of your blood. Hehe, you perverted woman, you provoked me, so accept the responsibility. Now come here and let me suck your blood."
At first Shu has no idea what's wrong with Yui and why the smell of her blood is so strong.
He knows nothing about the human body system or even the menstrual period of girls.
Because Shu is too lazy to get information about humans.
At first, Shu tries to suck Yui's blood because of the strong smell of her blood.
He sees that Yui is very sensitive and quickly gets upset and cries or even curls up in pain.
Having no idea about Yui's strange behavior, Shu asks her about her problem.
Yui explains to him and Shu reconsiders sucking Yui's blood.
Shu will take Yui in his arms and sleeps with her.
He kisses Yui and pats her head to comfort her and calm her down.
While sleeping, Shu puts his hand under Yui's clothes and caresses her stomach so that Yui feels less pain.
He tries to get information about this from Reiji to help Yui.
Shu realizes that this happens every month and finds it annoying.
But Shu tries his best to take care of Yui during this time so that she doesn't get hurt and because she is emotionally sensitive, she doesn't get upset.
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☕️ Reiji Sakamaki ☕️
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"Oh my dear It seems that you have a serious problem. The smell of your blood is stronger than ever and this is not normal at all. Don't tell me that you are on your period? Good grief . I think I have no choice but to take care of you. You should take care of your body more than this. I don't want my bride to be hurt."
Since the smell of Yui's blood is richer than normal, Reiji immediately notices her problem.
Reiji has studied a lot about humans and knows their body system well and knows the menstrual cycle of girls.
After noticing the smell of Yui's rich blood, Reiji tries to keep her away from his brothers as much as possible.
Reiji knows that if the triplets smell Yui's blood, they will go crazy and annoy her a lot.
He knows that girls become very sensitive in this period of time.
That's why Reiji tries his best to take care of Yui and pays more attention to her.
Reiji forces Yui to stay in her room and rest.
He makes some herbal tea for Yui to ease her pain and make her more relaxed.
While sleeping, Reiji hugs Yui and caresses her.
He prepares a hot water bag for Yui so that Yui can use it and feel less pain.
Maybe he caresses her stomach and kisses her hair while sleeping.
Reiji takes good care of Yui during this period.
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🏀 Ayato Sakamaki 🏀
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"Yo Chichinashi The smell of your blood is driving me crazy. Hahaha, you stupid girl, do you even know that you are seducing Ore-sama. you are really stupid Now come here and offer your blood to Ore-sama. If you obey me, I don't mind being gentle with you."
Ayato doesn't even know why the smell of Yui's blood is so rich.
The first thing that comes to Ayato's mind is to pin Yui's thin body on the ground and suck her until she dries up and faints.
When he approaches her to suck Yui's blood, he sees in disbelief that Yui starts crying.
Ayato will doubt. He has no idea why Yui is so sensitive and gets upset so quickly.
He yells at Yui and tells her not to be a spoiled child.
Yui explains about her problem to Ayato and Ayato is even more suspicious than before.
Ayato doesn't know how people bleed for a long time and don't die.
Yui explains more about this problem to Ayato.
Ayato considers this annoying, but since he sees that Yui is very sensitive, he decides to take care of her.
Ayato hugs Yui and caresses her stomach.
Surprised by Ayato's reaction, Yui smiles brightly and thanks him.
In response, Ayato tells her not to get excited. After this is over, Ayato will suck Yui's blood as hell.
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🧸 Kanato Sakamaki 🧸
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"Hey Teddy, why do you think she is so annoying and spoiled today? She is constantly crying and moaning in pain. But the smell of her blood is very good. Fufu.... this smell is tempting me. What do you think, let's lock her in a room and suck her blood until she loses consciousness. Ne teddy ?"
Kanato gets irritated by Yui's cries and moans.
In his opinion, Yui's behavior today is much different than usual and also the smell of her blood is very rich.
He has no information about girls' periods.
Kanato forcefully takes Yui to the room and starts sucking her blood.
Yui cries more than other days and this makes Kanato annoyed.
He yells at Yui and pulls her hair and tells her that if she is not a good doll, he will strangle her.
Yui stops crying and sobs silently.
Kanato gets upset again and yells at Yui again.
Yui explains about her problem to Kanato and tells him what is the cause of her pain.
Knowing this, Kanato feels bad and prefers not to drink Yui's blood and kicks her out of his room.
Kanato prefers not to get close to Yui because Yui is very sensitive and her cries annoy Kanato.
After Kanato calms down, he decides to calm Yui down and shares his sweets with her and caresses her head.
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🎩 Laito Sakamaki 🎩
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"Nfu .... Bitch Chan. Do you have any idea how rich and sweet the smell of your blood is? Ahhhhh, the smell of your blood is seducing me. What do you think, Yui-chan? Let's go to the room together so that I can give you an incredible experience. Fufu...."
Laito immediately realizes Yui's problem by smelling the rich smell of Yui's blood.
Among his brothers, Laito has been socializing with human girls the most and surely he has a lot of information about them.
Laito knows that girls become very sensitive during this period.
He tries to tease Yui a little at first to see her cry.
Laito thinks Yui's crying is very cute and he enjoys seeing Yui cry.
He sucks Yui's blood to hear more of Yui's moans.
But after a while, Laito decides to take care of Yui.
He holds Yui in his arms and caresses her to calm her down.
Laito whispers sweet words in Yui's ear and kisses her neck.
He puts his hand under Yui's dress to caress her stomach and is a little mischievous, moving his hand to other parts of Yui's body.
Laito kisses Yui all over to comfort her.
He sleeps next to her at night and hugs her.
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🥀 Subaru Sakamaki 🥀
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"Hey, what's your problem? Why are you so sensitive and cry so quickly? And that strangely the smell of your blood has become richer than ever. What is your problem? what's going on with you ? "
Subaru is worried when he sees that Yui is more sensitive than ever and changes her mood very quickly and cries.
In fact, Yui's behavior during this period of time reminds him of his mother and he is afraid that Yui will become like his mother.
Subaru is a very isolated boy and does not interact much with people, especially with girls.
Therefore, Subaru knows nothing about the body system of human girls.
When Yui tells Subaru about her problem, he is shocked.
He cannot believe that a weak human can bleed for several days without dying.
Subaru gets very worried about Yui and decides to take care of her.
He tries to get help from Reiji so that Yui doesn't get hurt too much.
Reiji gives different trainings to Subaru and although these things are annoying for Subaru, he tries his best.
He doesn't want to see Yui suffering and gets upset whenever Yui cries.
He hugs Yui and tries to calm her down.
Yui is happy with Subaru's kindness and gives him a bright smile and kisses his cheek.
Subaru blushes and tries to hide his face from Yui, but it's too late.
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Mukami version
Tsukinami + Kino version
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