#horror astethic
gloomy-grimm · 1 year
Just started reading this book like 10 minutes ago and my God is it ever sick. 😅
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blizzicity · 1 month
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Backrooms renders I made!
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gh0st-b0n3s · 1 year
here's a silly song i made for all my mlp horror fans :3
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blood-aesthetic · 5 years
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Best time of the year
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awkenorslumped · 3 years
who lied to you ?
    Importance of the Spiritual Journey, universal signs and the unexpected!
As Summer Walker once said The spiritual journey isn’t about the astethic of crystals or the ideal that people have created to make it a fetish on social media. The true meaning of the spiritual journey as Summer Walker said its about the ability to take accountability for the choices one makes that affect their lives . Its about accepting who you truly are inside to show on the outside, Literally living in your true form not caring for the validation of others.
 Many think the Spirituality is about the crystals or the “witching”, the burning of sage and manifestation.  Take in mind that manifestation does play a part into it but there is much more depth. On your journey the importance is acknowledging that its about connecting deep to your inner self.   The path is for you to really get to know yourself the true depth of who you are. Connecting to yourself through meditation means having a place where you feel safe and serene to focus your mind on yourself to analyze stuff within you that you can’t make a connection to why things happen to you in life. Connecting the subconscious to the conscious to make yourself whole.
 I believe that before we’re born into the human realm we live in our spiritual homes before we’re meant to save those who we feel need help remembering who they truly are. I feel when we dream we are actually transporting back to our TRUE homes and forms.  Scientist and the government are aware but they fear that when we realize it they can’t control it. They do research to figure out how to weaponize the ability and for complete control.  Starseeds, Ascendants , Reiki Masters, The spiritually attuned etc are the people who are reincarnated to help break the cycle of control. The attuned don’t live for materialistic things they admire it but its never a true need, they don’t hold true value to the soul. 
 The journey is complex because you have to really really focus on yourself the past, the trauma , the fear and self doubt.  Once you’ve overcome or can accept those your eyes will be open to the propaganda and the actual things happening in the world. Nothing will surprise you. 
 All those horror movies , sci fy movies where do you think the ideas come from ? Its not a coincidence its stuff that has happened before. They are signs and information in plain sight its for you to see the true info over what they put into distract you. The government has the goal to control the world for greed and power, while possibly some higher beings want to test us or sort us out from the true of heart to the wicked of heart. There is no good without a little bad, no light without dark and that goes for ourselves , the government and the higher beings some of us haven’t met yet.
 We’re able to tell when we encounter others like us , we connect with them instantly they match our full energy potential without of dimming it. The goosebumps you get when you feel an eerie presence or feel your in the wrong place. That gut feeling that something is wrong is your subconscious telling you that a higher being that is most likely malicious or want to control you for a pet for their own amusement.  The higher beings that observe us as entertainment are the ones who are in contact and work with the government for their desire of entertainment. The higher beings have been around longer than we have and seen many things also are more advance, they could give us the tools for world peace but they don’t instead they feed us info for world domination and destruction for pure laughter. The reptilians enjoy destruction because they feel they are superior to the pure of heart . To be fair there is a balance so what makes people think the universe wouldn’t have a balance between alien races ? 
Lets bring you back to earth for a second, we humans HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA OF ALL THE CREATURES THAT LIVE HERE ! We’ve barely made a dent in prehistoric creatures. But lets take a dive down this bunny whole, If the earth we live on has been around for billions of years and has all these layers why the fuck would we assume we would know all the creatures and beings that have lived here before us ? Mythical creatures were & are real. Sea beings and creatures are real. Why is it hard to accept that there are legitimate things we know nothing us. But instead we humans want to prove we’re smarter beings? The joke is on everyone that believes that with their entire being. Honestly you have to be narcissitic to find that to be a true statement. How can we humans know everything about something that’s been around longer than us just because we dug through a small layer and found some bones. WE CAN’T EVEN GO TO THE TRUE DEPTH OF THE OCEAN SO HOW WOULD WE KNOW ALL THE SPECIES AND HUMANOIDS THAT CALL THE OCEAN HOME?? MAKE THAT MAKE SENSE! Scientist believe because they have a phd or doctorate that they are geniuses and make minor discoveries ? Its not a major discovery when most people are like we knew that already because we know there are other beings and species out there. You can’t fool the awaken ok, we have woken up because we were meant to. Shifts are happening and whatever deal was made could be coming to and end soon because the government is fucking up. Or hear me out the true form of the deal is coming where the humans who aren’t awake will never awake and will be under the control of the reptilians and the people in the government who work with them . But little do they know that the reptilians will in fact double cross them. Why, you ask? Simply the reptilians are smart, mischievous and  clever but not too smart that they can’t be overcame. Typing this up I feel goosebumps why cause im aware im being watched I’ve acknowledged things im not meant to be aware of . Also because im writing this with all intentions of exposing what needs to be brought to light.  Religion is a TOOL USED TO HAVE ALL OUR MINDS FOCUS ON ONE BEING THEY TOLD US WAS ALL MIGHTY BUT IN REALITY ITS THE REPTILIANS WHO CAME WITH THAT PLOT. BY BELIEVING IN ONE MIGHTY BEING YOU WILL BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT POWER SAYS AND WILL NOT SECOND GUESS THEM. HELLO THE CONSTITUTION HAS THE SAME STRUCTURE HAS THE 10 COMMANDMENTS IN THE BIBLE. WHY??!? WHY HAVE LAWS THAT YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW UNQUESTIONED JUST LIKE THE 10 COMMANDMENTS YOUR EXPECTED TO FOLLOW IF YOU WANT TO LIVE WITH JESUS IN HEAVEN. Riddle me this why would Jesus who is suppose to be forgiving and loving turn his back on you for not following rules he made? He gave us free will so why would he forsake us if we don’t follow his rules. ALSO WHY WOULD HE ASK A FOLLOWER TO KILL HIS ONLY SON?!?! That there gave it away that religion as made as a secondary form of government to make people obedient and further help the reptilians plot for control of humans. Have the humans do your dirty work while you give them information or false information to complete your task while you sit back relax watch and wait until its almost completed and they come to take reign .ONCE you realize what done and try to rebel you get wiped out and they try again. Many planets many chances to complete a goal. ALSO all those people who’ve exposed the truth were killed because the people who don’t want the revolution are instructed to keep the secret by any means necessary. How come the Egyptians, the mayan , aztecs, Atlantans had contact with humanoids that helped them advance their ENTIRE civilizations, yet the government has know about “aliens” been in contact with them yet our civilization hasn’t advance . Shouldn’t that there tell you the humanoids they are in contact with aren’t here to actually help us. The world needs to open their eyes and see the truth. 
     If you think I’m crazy then explain why they haven’t found a single bone from the mayan civilization of the people who lived there, why can’t we explain atlantis, why is it that  all these advance civilizations just go missing , not as though their city was rampaged but left in tact in one piece but the people left. NO THEY WERE SAVED BY THEIR ANCESTORS OF THE TRUE OF HEART BEFORE THE REPTILIANS TRIED TO DESTROY THEM. 
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drunkinvenice · 7 years
Truly iconic
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popculturebuffet · 5 years
Delpad Week Prompt 2: Holiday, Part 2
Setting: The Resort Beach, The happy Couple are in the water.
Della: So how do I look?
Launchpad: You know amazing, specatcular.. your general astethic. Is that what the kids are saying now?
Della: Beats me. I was in space for 10 and a half years and my one attempt at slang got absolute horror from the kids.
Launchpad: I thought it was cute.
Della: Oh you think everything I do is cute.
Launchpad: Am I wrong though? Am I wrong.. the answer of course is no.
Della: OF course. I just find it nice. You know being on a beach not fearing for my children's life or having it be a hallucination due to space madness.. and well.. being with you. You know without worrying about if the kids or scrooge walk in. I mean their fine with it it's just.. awkward.
Launchpad: I'm sure they'll get used to it eventually.
Della: oh you beautiful optimistic idiot.
Launchpad: Aw you think i'm beautiful.
Della: Come on (Beckons him to come to her which he does. She procedes to kiss him passionatley with him returning before eventually breaking , with launchpad trasitoning her to a bridal carry) WEll aren't you just a romantic.
Launchpad: well you looked kinda tired. Plus we gotta air your leg out before we go ride the dune buggies
Della: (Sighs) Yeah.. we do)
Launchpad: (Sits down)
Della: (Takes her leg off and sets it down) So since we've got a while.. what's your family like? you never really mention them. Is it a touchy subject or
Launchpad: Oh no i'm just... I worry I disappoint my dad. I mean my dad is a better pilot than you.
Della: Bold words
Launchpad: And ones I do not say lightly your really good. But he's on a whole nother level. Mom too. Sis is about your level though. Maybe a little bellow.. gotta remind her to give Fenton a call.. anyways their all great pilots.. I mean I have their picture in the Sunchaser.
Della: Cloudslayer but go on
Launchpad: I just.. worry i'm letting them down you know? I'm good at crashing but well.. you know your teaching me.
Della: Speaking from experince trust me. your family could NEVER be disapointed in you. I mean I spent 10 1/2 years lost in space. And Scrooge STILL loves me. Plus you've gotten really good. I"m sure they'll be proud of how far you've come. I know I am. And even then your still a good pilot... I was.. hard on you. I mean your way of flying is nuts but.. your good at it. There's no one like you launchpad. It's why I love you (Pauses, blushing realizing what she just said)
Launchpad: Awwww thanks.. wait what?
Della: I.. Love you? I mean I know it's soon but I mean.. your.. your a good person. You just.. radiate kindness. Even when I was kind of an ass to you.
Launchpad: Eh i'ts okay I kinda tore up your plane
Della: you REALLY tore it up but... your just... hard to hate you know? A little dim, but.... probably one of the sweetest, kindest, most earnest people i've ever met. And I just.. can't help but love that you know?
Launchpad: Aw I love you too. (Hugs her) And come on your great too. your fun, you have great energy and you can beat a man up with one Leg. I know. I watched.
Della: And on one leg too! Speaking of which. (She pours the leg out) Let's go ride around really fast... just try not to crash it okay?
Launchpad: I make no promises.
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larksinging · 4 years
Visage is a horror game you might like. Very creepy astethic, three different character stories in the full game when released and there are some puzzles with really nice graphics! Also RE1 remake for the horror. Just if you're interested. 😊
i’m very picky about 1st person 3d horror, visage seems cool but just not my cup of tea
ive played a little bit of REmake but resident evil has just never clicked with me
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I tried to draw something disturbing/scary. Thoughts?
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gloomy-grimm · 2 years
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definitlynotokay · 7 years
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My photos from yesterday... enjoy
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blood-aesthetic · 5 years
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Via @crimescenecleanersinc on IG
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X @zombiecupcakebabydoll
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blood-aesthetic · 5 years
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Thank you guys for 500 followers!
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