#hope you guys look forward to it <3 take my silly art instead
starlos-hat · 4 months
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Slight UTY Genocide spoilers... i love this silly bird... also she is transfem!!!
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kasumikoujou · 1 year
do not worryr anon i love getting any sort of "feedback" or response from all of u, whether it be cute messages like this about how cool my art is, or just a simple JWKSJQLNWQKNSLSNQKDKSMSMDMQ or if my art somehow awakens some hc in you and you now feel the need to talk about that and monologue about it endlessly in the tags. the sense of community is everything and thats why i like being active and talk to all of u as well instead of being another transparent artist 🐟
silly answer aside, things like these really do mean a lot to me. i remember like it was yesterday back when i was struggling with art (i am fully self taught from drawing anything to using the apps im using), when i was browsin all sorts of pages to find new artists to inspire me, to help me grow, look up to and try to mimic their techniques in order to gain new experiences and however i may end up integrating those in my art. my arts changed a lot thru the years, and i remember feeling like i was behind among my other artist mutuals/friends (still feel like that sometimes cause i have friends that have way more followers and recognition than i do), but at least now i love my art and i think at the end of the day having a sense of self in my art and being really proud and happy with it is what matters most. also! i hope all of you who read this and may have had a hard time with art lately, please dont lose your hope and motivation; though i knew back then my art sort of sucked, what kept me around was the motivation that well, my art just made people happy! and i still have it in me to draw gifts for my friends way too often </3 being able to be a change, even as tiny as is, it still motivated me to go forward with art because i could make people happy. i dont know what motivation you could all find behind pursuing art if you even need any (and want to take it more seriously than a hobby), but i do hope you find it/realize it one day 🫶 but most of all hope u guys never give up and push forward even when its hard >:3
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mitamicah · 3 years
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Spoilers from both Trollhunters the book and Trollhunters the series!
While reading the book I was really impressed with how many differences there were between the character so I have worked on giving my take on six characters from both media, book vs series, and how they differ from each other :3 
I should mention that while there was illustrations in the book I tried for the challenge not to copy those but follow along the describtions in the book - when possible - to give my own interpretation of the characters ^v^ 
First up we have Steve. Starting out as the stereotypical bully in both version their paths seperates quickly resulting in two different ending for the musuclar blond Jorgensen-Warner is the book version of Steve. Here's how he is described from our first encounter with him: "He was handsome but in the oddest way- He eyes were too small and his nose piggish: he had a ridiculous amount of hair and a couple of teeth that looked like fangs. Yet somehow in combination these features were sort of mesmerising. His unnatural muscular bulk and odd way of speaking -crisply, politely, as if he were a foreign student who had learned English in class - completed the strange package." page 21-22 For his outfit I went with the description of him on page 224 "[my clothes] ... didn't cast me in the best light when compared to Steve Jorgensen-Warner, who looked rather rakish in blue jeans and a shirt - definitely not a blouse - opened to the third button. He dribbled the ball casually with his left hand." The bold passages is added by me   This Steve is later revealed to be a changeling aka a troll   Before we go on: can any of you explain to me what a "ridiculous amount of hair" even means :'D? I had a lot of trouble with this prompt because isn't this so darn subjective :'D? and the official art look way less ridiculous than I'd figure it'll be :'D x'D Palchuk is the series version of Steve. His facial appearance being way less specific (I'd say he has normal sized eyes, a big roman nose and some more or less normal teeth) and his way of speaking is definitely not polite. Like book Steve, this Steve starts out with pushing smaller guys into lockerrooms yet after that he becomes way less of a terrifying bully and much more of a silly goose who brings a lot of the comic relief in my opinion Douxie says it best in Wizards when he calls Steve the "village idiot" x'D I do not recall seeing Steve being that sporty in the show, he is much more interested in becoming homecoming king  no basketballs around x'D While book Steve is revealed to be the enemy (a troll) series Steve joins the "good guys" creating the creepslayerz with the character Eli Pepperjack
Blinky is just called Blinky in the book  Here's a bit of description of him "The third [troll] had scarlet eyes, eight of them on long stems. (...) The thing from my house glided toward me with a surprising grace for something with an indetermined number of legs, all of which were hidden behind a patched kilt scaled with layers of medals, prizes and trophies and award ribbons. An incalculable tangle of tentacles twined around one another as if dying to squeese something to death. As it passed the oven, the firelight revealed olive-green skin, reptilian texture, and lacquer of slime lubricating its undulating appendages Its moth a horizontal gash.. " The bold passages is added by me   So yeah this Blinky is quite something :'D I stopped caring to draw tentacles after a while but overall this was silly but fun to draw  since his teeth later is described as big as traffic cones I believe he must be very tall :'D Also he's close to blind   Has a bit of a dirty mouth but in a very "read" way if it makes sense :'D cannot seem to stop calling Jim dimwitted and tiny and Tobias big :'D Blinky's full name in the series is Blinkus Galadrigal  he has six eyes instead of eight and they are all working just fine, thank you very much x'D His tons of tentacles and legs has been replaced by four arms and two legs and while he is still olive-green he is now made of tone like texture just like the other trolls  the kilt turned into shorts and he is quite a bit smaller now not even as tall as Jim  He still has this very academic way of speaking yet he is way nicer to Jim calling him "Master Jim" instead of "the short one" x'D
Book ARRGHHH!!!s full name is Johannah Mmmm ARRRGH!!! and she is a pretty big deal warrior among the trolls in the book - she's so badass in fact Blinky has decided to call her by her last name to honor her for her deeds for trollkind   Here's a qoute from the book describing her appearance   "The goliath emerged from the tunnel as comfortably as a dog from a doghouse, coarse black fur pouring into the chamber before I could make out any actual arms or legs (...) Even beneath the fur I could see loops of muscles flexing. (...) ARRRGH!!! was built like a gorilla but three times larger: Two arms, two legs, and, thankfully, just two eyes. Horns, curled like those of a ram (...) The thing's orange eyes cast about with animal perceptiveness, and it used its snout and sniffed. Its jaws fell open to reveal a purple, slavering mouth armed with haphazard daggers of teeth." Page 75-76 The bold passages is added by me   (Also worth mentioning: the qoute is from before the protagonist knows of ARRRGH!!!'s gender which is why he calls her an 'it') At other times in the story we learn that ARRRGH! has quite scarred arms and really wishes for better tooth hygeine; so much so that Tobias actually end up making her a brace out of chicken wire :'D Idk I find it quite adorable :'D Now unto the serie's ARRRGH!!! - first up he is male, his name is Arghaumont and he is famous for another reason than Johannah: he was a general of Gunmar but retreated from the war making him a traitor to his people yet a hero for the good trolls in the series. Series ARRRGH!!! is likewise built like a gorilla but made of stone and having a mane long and green like it is moss  his horns is way smaller and less curvy and his teeth hygeine is never brought up  also his face is way less dog like x'D 
Book Tobias' full name is Tobias M. Dershowitz yet he is going by 'Tubby' or 'Tub'. Here is a describtion of him from the book: "You could call Tobias Dershowitz chubby, if you were being cute, or husky if you were being diplomatic. The fact is he was fat, and that was only the beginning of his problems. His hair was a thick, orange, out-of-control hedge. His face spilled over with the kind of freckles that make kids like Tub look like overgrown toddlers. Worst of all were his braces, marvels of modern torment: whips of stainless steel crisscrossing each tooth seperately and lashed to a dozen silver fasteners. The braces clicked so much when he spoke, you expected sparks. At least he was tall..." page 27 The bold passages is added by me   The outfit I went with is described on page 259 like this: "He stood in the driveway decked out in his best approximation of a ninja: black tennis shoes, black sweatpants, a black hoodie, a belt made from a red curtain sash, and an oversize fanny pack holding his gear (...) It was unfortunate that the fanny pack was lime green..." To describe Tub is a bit difficult because sadly he is not much in the story as I'd liked - mostly he is being quite serious and let us know he is not happy by being sidelined not speaking troll nor being invited on hunts which I completely understand tbh :'D What I do find interesting is how Tub and series Jim has seem to have switched roles a little bit: In the series Jim is the one giving a speech about how he is insecure about his place in life and how he wants more - in the book this is Tub in more than one occassion: "We have to accept who we are. And before you ask, I'll tell you. We're nobody. We have no life. We have nothing to look forward to. We're not special. I just want it to go away. All of it. The stupid being scared. Doesn't it seem we've been scared forever?" page 37 "Jim, you're wrong. We were meant to do this. This is exactly what we've been waiting for. They've chosen us. Of all people! Us! (...) Jesus, Jim, take a look at my life! You know what I'm worth! To anyone? Zero! Nothing! I'm a fat loser and will always be a fat loser. Until this. This is like a present. Full of, man, I don't know. Hope?..." page 196 (talking about trollhunting here btw) Oh yeah and book Tobias gets this badass scene where he uses his dentist's tool to kill trolls I loved that   Now series Tobias is way different :'D first up his name is Tobias Domzalski and his nicknames are Toby and Tobes. He is way shorter and has more neat hair (what is it with the series neating up the hair :'D? x'D). He also seems way cheerier and pretty happy with his place in life more or less  Unlike Tub, Toby is in it from the start being an important player in the story   He doesn't have the same drive to be something more than he is as Tub has instead Toby is going with the flow starting out quite afraid of everything troll and ended up being as brave as the rest of the team *tbh Jim's scared out of his wits too so they mimic each other x'D* Where Tub has dentist tools Toby gets a badass hammer so I'll say its an upgrade  
First off we have Claire Fontaine, a foreign student from no other than Scotland with a taste for military clothing and liqourice   Here's how she's described in the book   "She tucked her long dark hair behind her ear and left ir with an adorable smudge of white dust. I thought she was beautiful, though she wasn't in the classic sense. The popular girl would say she wasn't skinny enough. They would also point to the fact that she didn't wear makeup or do anything to tame that hair. And her clothes -well, what could be said about her clothes? Her boots were not sexy and knee-high: in fact, they were ankle-high and rubber-soled and looked picked from military surplus racks, an array of pea-green coats and multi-coloured slacks, all of which looked as if they'd been through actual World War II combat. And that beret she wore before and after school wasn't of the look-at-me-I'm Frensh variety: it was more in the style of I'm-going-to-invade-your-country-and-be-your-new-dictator. Only one thing didn't make sense: that bright pink, exceedingly girlish backpack that inexplicably hadn't one anti-establidh patch sewn onto it (...) Oh, I forgot to mention that Claire Fontain came from the UK. That's right- the girl had an accent. I think you are starting to get the picture." page 30-1 The bold passages is added by me It is hinted at that Claire is quite tall and a great deal taller than Jim (more when I get to him) and she is actually a whole year older than Jim since they both have birthday May 2 but Claire is 16 while Jim is 15  Since Trollhunters in this story is not a "protected title" (aka the chosen hero type) Claire ends up being one herself even though nobody even herself didn't know: AND. SHE. KICKS. BUTT! She's even better than the guy that had 40+ years experience so yeah safe to say she's badass :'D Even before that she has a hilarious scene calling out Steve in the wildest shitstorm of Scottish slang I lived for it x'D She's described quite a few times with lots of bracelets, sometimes made of wire so I gave her a bit of both   She's not really a part of the popular group but has her own thing going on   Now onto Claire Nuñez the series' version of this badass   Here Claire is hispanic and pretty much one of the most popular girls seen around  her style is way more ... I've called it punk rock in purple but Idk exactly what to call it x'D she's shorter than Jim and slimmer looking than her book counterpart   She enters the story not as a trollhunter but as a victim of having her brother stolen by changelings and as time progresses she becomes a fastlearning and quite competent sorcerer dealing in shadow magic   Unlike Fontaine, Nuñes is seen wearing make up, shorter hair with dye in it and hair clips instead of bracelets  
First up we have book Jim. His full name is James Sturges Jr. and lives with his single parent, his dad, after his mother went away the day before his birthday in start May and never returned. Sturges Sr. had been traumatized loosing his brother to trolls although none of the characters didn't know this yet - only Senior had seen the creatures making him paranoid and in turn making Jim very embarrased about his father. At the same time Jim seems to honestly worry for his father and his behavior too makes Jim very cautious and fearful a character. Book Jim is pretty much a typical teenager for the most part  He is seen to be a tad clumsy and not exactly brave really. And the author's choice of basically not describing him anywhere made my job way harder trying to be book accurate :'D So I've mostly inspired him of the official illustrations in the book   Here's what I could find about our little trollhunter   First off: he's a short fellow  that is first mentioned on page 14; "Sunshine is important for growing boys." (...) "I am not growing" I took after my dad when it came to size and was still waiting for that growth spurt everyone kept raving about. "In fact I think I'm shrinking." This is brought up most of everything Jim through the movie from him not being able to reach a point of a chalkboard (page 32) to people's dissapointing sighs taking meassurements when he is chosen as Romeo (107) and him wearing super high heels for the same reason (224) but also Blinky directly calling him a "little fellow" (page 127) On page 27 we learn that he is getting a bruise on his chin after being slammed into his locker by Steve  Lockers he has been thrown into enough to have learned to open them on the inside :'D He is a skinny fella which Tobias so politely call "lack of muscletone" due to "glandular" at page 120 He is not very good at anything describing his room full of stuff from hobbies he tried and failed at (page 63) The longest describtion about his appearance is probably page 105: "I lowered my eyes and regarded the chewed, dirty fingernails holding my script, thes scuffed shoes on my feet, and realized that these were the symbols of my pityful life: worn-out, insignificant, ready to be thrown beneath Dad's industrial mower" It pretty much says it all when this is the longest quite I could find :'D For the outfit I mostly went by the small describtion on page 89-90: "I tucked the medallion beneath my shirt. After a full day of wearing it, maybe the rest of the suffocating fear would go away too. My plan was to dart into the kitchen, grab my sweatshirt and be out of the house. " I added jeans since he is said to wear jeans on page 283 - the medallion sneak out beneath the sweatshirt/shirt on page 97 which is why I added it on top here as well   Now since there's a bit more to both versions of Jim due to their role as the protagonist I've added in a little extra features here being the medallion in the book vs the amulet in the series and the weaponry given to the characters   For Sturges we have the medallion who's described like this: "It was a bronze medallion conntected to a rusty chain. It was engraved with a foreboding crest: a hideous, snarling face; indecipherable markings of a sevage language, and a magnificent long-sword across the bottom." page 9 The medallion is treated like it is a common artefact if a bit rare in the book - its purpose is to translate trollspeak for the wearer. Jim is giving two swords in the book; a rusty longsword he calls Clairesword (do I need to explain this one?) and a cutlass he calls Cat #6 after the one cat at Tobias' house that liked Jim  x'D For Sturges' personality my feeling about him is that he is a bit more ... passive than his series counterpart. He is not really standing up for himself that much and would rather blend into the background. This qoute from Claire sums him up pretty nicely I believe   "You're a good person, Mr. Sturges. A bit gloomy, but good" page 246 I do like that Jim in this version is a Taurus  (I am a taurus too x'D) born on May 2nd so that's a plus   It is probably also worth mentioning that in this world trollhunters aren't a chosen hero type like in the series: trollhunters or paladin was once a title held by many warriors yet now there's very few left. Sturges was a proud paladin family making Jim a chosen candidate for the honor of becoming a trollhunter but he is not the only one - or even the best - in the book. In fact out of the three trollhunters we learn about I'll say Jim is the weakest (and he is not even the least trained; ouch :'D) Jim doesn't get a nice armour like his series counterpart either but is seen in the illustrations wearing a blue hoodie (like the one in the little doodle)   The full name of Jim in the series is James Lake Jr. He is the child of a single parent and lives with his mother whom Jim "mothers a lot" (Tobias' words in the first episode) This Jim is pretty "tall for his age" (Jim's own words uttered quite a few times across all three series) yet with quite skinny legs (he is called out for this by multiple characters). He is much more competent in life than his book counterpart being an exceptional cook, good at Spanish, seemingly alright in PE and at school he seems to stand pretty good if only holding himself back. Unlike book Jim, series Jim seems much more active and longing to be something more than he is - he is seen to be quite brave and protective of his friends, very kind and selfless. Also even from the start he seems much more nimble than his book counterpart being able to climb the robe (a feat book Jim didn't do before later) and with his training as trollhunter he becomes even more badass   Trollhunter status in the series is way more important since the title is given to only one chosen warrior of Merlin chosen by the amulet of daylight (the medallion in the book). This also makes the amulet way more special and important in the series which probably explains its shine up from rusty bronze thing to silver and blue. While Lake Jr doesn't have named sword he does have a magical armour and sword made of daylight   We do not know the exact birthday of Lake Jr but the creators have replied to a fanquestion saying it would be around fall especially October so by that estimate Jim is probably a scorpio  pretty far from the before mentioned taurus in the book   While Jim Lake Jr isn't seen with long lasting bruises in the original series he does get two more permanent scars in Wizards  
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Hold Me Tighter ||3||
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Peter and reader have a talk and Bucky overhears. 
Warnings: Swearing I think? A big of angst, fluff, Buck jumping to conclusions bc he’s a soft dummie...
A/N: Hej hej friends, it’s been a bit since i’ve posted something. My life has been wild and though i’ve been working on various things I have yet to complete said various things. Hopefully posting this gets me back into the groove. Please enjoy and give me feedback as its very much appreciated!! <3
Part ||1||   Part ||2||
“Do you have an ace?” 
“Nope, go fish,” 
“Do you have a crush on Bucky?” 
You almost drop your hand full of cards on the ground as the words leave the man's mouth. 
“What? It kinda looks obvious, on both sides, but it’s like you guys or holding back or something,” Peter shrugs nonchalantly as he plucks a card from the deck before laying down another set of matches. 
You pout, “Why are you so good at this game?” 
“Answer my question first,” He laughs lightly while playfully nudging your shoulder with his fist. 
You and Peter had been the ones left at the tower while the team was on their latest mission. You felt grateful for the company, or at least you did before he started asking questions while he taught you how to play various card games. The pair of you sat facing each other, legs crossed and knees almost touching as the deck of cards sat in the middle. 
“I dunno… Maybe?” You could feel the fire in your cheeks and ears as you answered, forgetting to ask if Pete had a card and taking straight from the deck instead. 
Peter smiled widely and set down the few cards he still had, putting his full attention on you, “That’s great, Y/n! I think he likes you too! Why haven’t you guys gotten together yet? You spend like every day with each other when Bucky isn’t on a mission. He even cooks for you all the time and I’ve never seen him do that with anyone-” 
“Peter, it's not like that. I’m pretty sure he just thinks of me as like… A charity case or something. He’s helped me a lot since I’ve gotten here but it was solely because he felt obligated too. Kind of like when you find a puppy on the street,” You set your cards down to the side as well, using your free hands to nervously tangle your fingers together. 
“That's ridiculous! Y/n he calls you pet names all the time, he carries you around, I even saw him kiss your cheek before he left!” Peter points an accusatory finger at you. 
Your eyes widen in shock and you stutter before responding, “Why are you paying so much attention to us? It’s weird how much you notice...And besides, lately he hasn’t really been the same. He tells me that he’s always busy with training or meetings or something, and I get that it happens, especially with what you guys do! But it just feels like he’s been avoiding me lately,” 
“The whole team has noticed! You guys have done almost everything but make it official,” The man sighs exasperatedly before leaning forward and pressing his forehead against yours, a silly habit the two of you developed for serious conversations, making you giggle a bit before pushing back, “You should talk with him about it dude,”
You keep your forehead pressed against Pete's, sighing quietly before responding, “I just think… If he doesn’t feel the same way, then everything is going to change. He won’t want to spend time with me anymore, or talk to me, he won’t wanna watch movies with me… He just- he won’t be able to think of me as more than just the silly mutant that’s been obsessed with him for as long as she’s known him,” Your face had scrunched up into a scowl as you thought about what life would be like without Bucky by your side. 
“Hey, hey, hey! He won’t do that, I promise. Bucky isn’t like that, he’d never just start to ignore you or think of you as some obsessed girl. It’s obvious he cares about you a lot, and I think it would be good for both of you to talk about it,” 
“I wouldn’t even know where to start-”
“Start with how you feel, put it all out in the open,” Pete says confidently.
“That’s crazy!”
“How is it crazy?” 
“I can’t just go up to him and say, ‘Hey I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’ve been deeply enthralled and have wanted to be with you since the first time we met!’” 
Peter was about to respond, but a deep voice interrupted, “Y/n?”
You and Pete pull your heads apart and gape at the tall brunette standing in the doorway, his eyebrows pulled together in a frown and his eyes full of confusion. “Bucky I-” 
He puts a hand up before you can continue, “I um-I gotta go shower. Sorry I interrupted you guys,” 
You sat frozen on the floor as Bucky quickly made his exit, Peter switching his gaze between you and the now empty doorway. “Oh my god-” he muttered in absolute bewilderment.
“Wh-what just happened? What should I do? Oh my god he hates me! He’ll never speak to me again-” 
“No! No, no, no it’s fine! Just a misunderstanding! You need to go after him and clear it up,” Peter tells you, hurriedly standing up before grabbing your hands and helping you stand. “You need to tell him everything Y/n. *Everything.*” 
You nod your head in agreement, starting for the doorway, “Thanks pete, I’ll see you later,” 
Peter’s response doesn’t quite register as you quickly walk down the maze of hallways, trying to find the fastest possible route to Bucky’s room. Your heart felt like it was pounding hard enough to escape your chest. 
You let out a yelp as you suddenly hit a wall, “Oh hey kid, you seen Barnes yet? He was lookin for ya,” Tony’s hands are on each of your arms to steady you as he begins to ask how your week with Peter went. 
You can’t focus on any of his questions, solely focused on fixing the mess you had made. 
“Kid? You okay?” Tony steps closer to you, his overbearing father coming out as he reaches up to check your temperature, “hmm maybe we should get you to med, you feel a little hot,” 
“Tony I’m fine-” You try and back out of his grasp but he holds onto you firmly. 
“Hey if you’re gettin’ a fever we want to catch it quick-” 
“I don’t have a fever, please-” 
“C’mon, it’ll only take a minute,”
“Oh my god, goodbye!” You huff out before pushing Tony away from you and using your power to disappear from the hallway. 
Tony lets out an annoyed sigh, “If you get anyone else sick you’re the one who’s taking care of them!” he shouts into the empty space. 
You however, had already popped up outside of Bucky’s door, your hands clenched into fists of stress and nerves. Your right hand went to open the door but when you tried to twist the handle it didn’t budge. 
“Friday can you let me in?”
“Mr. Barnes has specified to not be bothered for the time being,” The AI responded simply. 
You let out a huff of frustration, “Okay well it’s either you unlock the door and let me in or I just pop up in there, so…”
There was a moment of silence before you heard the quiet click of the door unlocking, making you smile victoriously, “Thank you, Friday,” 
Bucky was still in the bathroom with the door closed when you had entered his room. You took a quick look around before deciding to sit on the bed and wait for him to be done. Your fingers began to tangle and pull at themselves in a stressful manner and you couldn’t help the tight feeling in your chest. It only got worse when you heard the running water turn off and the sound of Bucky drying and dressing himself. 
When Bucky opens the door, the both of you freeze in place, eyes locked on to each other for what felt like ages. 
Bucky is the first to break eye contact and move, “I thought I told Friday I didn’t want any visitors,” he mumbles quietly, going over to toss the damp towel in his hands into a laundry hamper.
“I uh- I told her I would just pop in anyways…” 
“Shouldn’t invade people's privacy like that, kid,” his cold tone made you cringe, “can’t start abusing your power like that,”
“Listen Bucky, I came here to explain-” 
“You don’t gotta explain anything to me. I saw what I saw, it’s not a big deal,” he interrupts you and avoids your eyes as he begins to unpack from his mission. 
“Except I think you might not understand entirely-” you begin only to be interrupted again. 
“No! No, I get it. Pete is a good kid, good morals, good background. I can see why you’d like him, it makes sense,” Bucky’s voice was clearly stressed as he spoke and it just made your chest tighten even more. 
“Bucky no-” 
“He’s closer to your age, you have a lot in common, spend a lot of time together…”
“Why is everyone interrupting me today?” you groan out in frustration before getting up off of the bed and walking over to the disgruntled man. 
You move to sit on the other side of the duffle bag he continues to empty, still avoiding your eyes. You let out a huff of annoyance and quickly grab hold of Bucky's hands, bringing them to a pause. 
“Kid, I gotta unpack-”
“No. Not until you let me say what I need to say. Without interrupting me,” You state firmly.
Bucky visibly clenches his jaw, giving you a small nod to continue, “You didn’t hear me say those words to Peter-” 
“Yes I di-” “What did I just say? No interruptions!” 
Bucky sighs, “Sorry,” 
You take another breath before restarting, “You didn’t hear me say those words to Peter. You heard me telling him about what I’d say to someone else,” 
Bucky’s face scrunches up in confusion as he replays your words in his head, trying to put the pieces together, but failing. “Who were you going to say-” 
“You! Ya big dummy. I was telling Peter what I would say to you,” You blurt out with a breath of exasperation. 
Bucky shook his head, as if to try and wake himself up from a daydream, “Are you serious?”
“Yes! Of course I am, Buck. I- Peter said that it would be good for the both of us if I admitted my true feelings for you, and I didn’t know what I would say, so he suggested that I just flat out tell you, and…” You trail off, hoping the older can figure out the rest on his own. 
“And that’s when I walked in? When you had figured out what exactly you’d say?” 
“More or less, yeah,” you answer quietly, giving Bucky’s hands a gentle squeeze to try and bring even more reassurance. 
“Why were you so close to each other?” You looked back up to Bucky, a smile gracing your features as his gaze finally met yours. 
“Because we were having a serious discussion. Isn’t that what everyone does?” You ask, brows slightly knit in confusion.
Bucky chuckles and shakes his head, “No I think that’s only you two,” 
The two of you sit in silence for a few minutes, mulling over what you’d like to say next and trying to organize your thoughts. When Bucky didn’t say anything for a while you decided to continue on, “So um...Do you maybe uh-maybe do you feel the same way? About me?”
Bucky doesn’t even wait a beat to answer, “Oh my god yes! Yes I’ve felt the same way for ages, doll!” 
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you take in the new information, “You have?”
Bucky nods his head, a smile on his face as he looks into your eyes, “Sweetheart I’ve been head over heels for you since I first caught you in midair,” he chuckles. 
You grin at Bucky and feel the familiar flickering of your powers take place, knowing your emotions were much too strong to stop it. Within the blink of an eye you had popped out of existence and popped right back up into Bucky’s lap, making him fall over in a huff of laughter. 
You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face into the softness of his hair, “What gives then you goof? Why didn’t you say anything?” 
Bucky wraps his arms around your waist and gives you a tight squeeze, “Once you started gettin’ the hang of your powers and began training with the rest of the team, I dunno… It felt like you didn’t need me there for you anymore, I didn’t want to risk holding you back from making new friends and connections,” Your heart split in two hearing Bucky’s explanation.
You pull your face out of his lovely smelling hair and stare into the soldier's pretty blue eyes, “That’s silly Bubba. You would never hold me back! You’re the reason why I’m so comfortable around everyone now. You gave me the strength to get out of my comfort zone,” Bucky grinned at your words and shook his head, mentally chiding himself for being so foolish. 
“M’sorry lovie, I guess I got in my own head about everything. Almost messed it all up too because I got so upset when I saw you and Peter,” Your chest swelled with happiness when he calls you one of your favorite nicknames, knowing the two of you were back to normal. 
“It’s okay! I can understand why you thought what you did. But I promise I’ve only ever been deeply enthralled with you,” You laugh and push your forehead up against Bucky’s, making him let out a deep melody of chuckles. 
“Does this mean I don’t have to hold back anymore? I can love on you as much as I want?” Bucky pairs his question with an affectionate nuzzle in the crook of your neck before looking back up into your gleeful eyes. 
You giggle and brush your nose up against his as you nod your head, “You coulda done that before,” 
Bucky’s hands move from around your waist to your thighs, easily lifting the both of you up from the plush carpet, “M’never lettin’ you go ever again. Gonna hold on real tight, sweet girl.” 
You keep your arms wrapped around his neck and try to pull Bucky closer, burying your face back into the crook of his neck and breathing him in. He moves the two of you over to his bed and flops down onto it, pulling the both of you under the covers and tangling his legs with yours. The two of you stay like that for what feels like ages.
A perfectly content tangle of happiness and relief. 
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woozisnoots · 3 years
svt in college! | alex edition
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° pairing: ot13 x reader ° genre: fluff(?), what my stream of consciousness finds funny, college!au ° word count: 1034 ° warning: slightttt violence ° a/n: i know i have requests to write >< but i really needed to write smth fun :( act as a shot of of serotonin into my veins ahahaha [insert fratboy emoji] disclaimer tho - this was ENTIRELY SELF INDULGENT and very very catered to me which is why vernon’s is unnecessarily long SO IM SORRY !!! i still hope you guys think its fun :D
° masterlist! 
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seungcheol: a business major, minoring in international relations. has the slightest crush on you but suppresses it pretty well without you realizing because he knows you like someone else. he likes to take you on what he calls bestie dates to a nearby arcade or places to eat when you’re stressed.
jeonghan: a psych major, minoring in communications, whom you oddly spend a lot of time with because he asks for homework help every other day when you’ve only taken 1-2 psych classes in your entire life :P but he’s a good listener and subs in as therapist on the weekdays so you let him stick around. 
joshua: an english major. doesn’t know why and slightly regrets it but if it means he can keep the tinie bookshelf he has in his doom to make it look like he’s smart, then that’s motivation to keep him going. you tolerate him because you guys randomly go on trips at 2am and buys you food :D
jun: a childhood education major. the friend of a friend of a friend of someone’s cousin that happen to be your friend and so you see him at parties sometimes :) actually really fun to be around when you’re not too much into the party scene and play hopscotch or bean bag toss outside the persons’ backyard. 
soonyoung: the loud dance team captain that won’t give you 5 minutes of quiet time waiting for your chem professor to open the door to the lab room because he has his speakers on at max volume dancing to kelly clarkson,,,, he’s pretty chill otherwise, he’s in my math class. claims hes the eye of the tiger when he comes to class in leopard print
wonwoo: premed that’s somehow taking enough classes to graduate with a literature minor. he and cheol talk a lot because they’re in the same broadcasting club or something of the sort. you guys acknowledge each other’s presence and share a moment of tea together sometimes with cheol.
jihoon: double majoring in music composition and theory. says he absolutely hates it because he thinks the work he does is completely pointless. but then goes on to write you like 27484737 love songs within a week for a single assignment. denies to other people that you’re his best friend and that he hates your guts but you’re the only one allowed in his private studio on school days and can fiddle with his equipment sometimes :3
minghao: an art major minoring in history. eventually wants to be a gallery director so he can hold his own. you make him drag you everyone for his work when you’re bored or have free time bc he takes pictures for the school newspaper/website. you guys strike a negotiation that you drive and he buys snacks. 
mingyu: you only know him for playing in your uni’s (american) football team. his tall ass is like linebacker or some shit you don’t even know his major. you had to take a kickboxing class for PE credit and you swept him to the ground and put him a choke hold. you never let him live that down everrr. you also steal his lunch money from his bag when he’s at practice.
seokmin: a musical theatre major, minoring in music composition. you guys met through jihoon. you were absolutely FLOORED when you heard him sing as the lead for the school’s spring musical. it is now tradition that you guys get crepes after every show and make jihoon pay B) he hangs out with you and jihoon a lot and randomly make music together. and ahahaha people think jihoon and seokmin are fighting over you!! >:( that’s absolutely preposterous, seokmin is too good of a soul (you say this as you help him kneed dough for the pizza you guys are making together)
seungkwan: an education major, minoring in music because he wants to teach music to little kiddos ^-^ THE BESTEST OF THE BESTIES!!! like if you’re not hanging out with jihoon/seokmin or cheol, you crash at seungkwan’s apartment and raids his kitchen when you run out of groceries ;D he keeps making fun of you for your car until you remind him that he can’t drive. on the weekends, you guys love to bake muffin, cookie, or cake recipes to prep for the daycare on mondays :3
vernon: okay actually, he doesn’t go to college SHDJSJSHS you met him on the side of the road once when you decided to walk instead of using your car (silly you!) and you saw vernon doing some cool graffiti art (IT WASN’T VANDALISM!!!). which was a total coincidence because at that point, you were ready to take a bus and wait right at the bus stop where he set up. since it was a long wait, you guys talked and he kept you company. you learn that this is actually a big project he’s been working on and is finally getting paid big bucks for something he really likes doing. you learn that he’s a great conversationalist and you miss the bus first bus ride home and have to wait another hour or so whoops! this becomes more and more of a daily thing, slowly getting to know each other. fast forward months later and it’s your birthday :D and you don’t expect anything at all because how would he know, you don’t really like your birthday anyways UNTIL vernon surprises you with a spray paint drawing of your favorite animal! and then asks you out on a date and you guys fall deeply in love
chan: a linguistics major. yeah, he doesn’t know why either, he’s just rolling with it. says he’s liking it so far, but no one really knows if he’s lying or not, including yourself. you drag chan to college events like club fairs and rallies because you’re too embarrassed to go alone and no one else wants to go LOL he begs you to drive him places during your three day weekends because he always wants to go off campus and do stuff with you and the guy pals, but he doesn’t like the freeway :/ its fine though because he pays for gas. 
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namfine · 4 years
◐ | 𝕬𝖛𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖆 : 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕣𝕠𝕒𝕕 | ◑
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Greed is an uncontrolled longing for increase in the acquisition or use: of material gain; or social value, such as status, or power.
                                               - - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
Γ pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader
Γ word count: 5.2k
Γ summary: When you’re in need of some quick, flashy jewelry for an event, what better place to go than a pawn shop? However when nothing catches your eye, the shop owner shows you something that you absolutely must have. But when the pricing is much more than you anticipated, you think of another way to get it. Just how far are you willing to go for a bargain?
Γ  tags: 18+, hoseok x reader, unprotected sex, oral (f), monster fucking kinda, sexual bribery(?) (if you couldnt tell, you fuck for the jewelry), he cums in you lmao, ripped panties, hair pulling, demon au, seven deadly sins au
Γ part: 3 of 7 of our Seven Deadly Sins Milestone Challenge.
⋫ Link to Master List here
Γ a/n: Welcome to part 3 of our seven deadly sins! Hope you guys aren’t too full from reading gluttony because now it’s time for a little greed. Things get a lil more freaky deaky in this chapter so I hope you all enjoy it! A new chapter will be released everyday so please look forward to the remaining sins! As always, thot on, sinners ;)
-Fizzy ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ)
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When you had first stepped into the pawn shop, you were immediately taken aback. You were so used to seeing the stereotypical dirty, everything out of place, type shops on tv that you were expecting it to be the same in person. However you were surprised to say the least, when the faint smell of sage drifted through your nose, and if you concentrated hard enough you could pick out scents of leather as well. 
You slowly walked through the shop, eyes flicking to and fro because everything seemed to catch your attention. From the organized shelves of books, to the clear, gold rimmed cases filled with trinkets, to even the perfectly stocked and alphabetized case of video games and dvd’s. However you walked right past all of those things and more to find the jewelry section.
Tonight you were attending a friend’s art gallery event and while you did have an outfit already picked out, you decided last minute you wanted to buy a new piece of jewelry to bring it all together, because let’s face it, those little pearl earrings were not going to cut it. So when you caught sight of a pawn shop you hadn’t seen before on your street, you decided you would probably find something extravagant but also cheap there. You were only going to wear it for one night after all. 
When reaching the front of the store, your eyes flick downward into the clear display full of various jewelry. There were pieces here and there that made your lips purse in consideration but nothing really jumped out at you. Walking towards the right while still looking down, your fingertips dragged across the glass, hoping that something would catch your eye. Too deep in thoughts, you didn’t notice someone calling out to you until your hand softly bumped into someone else’s on the other side of the display.
Your body jumped slightly and you pulled your hand away, an apology ready to come out but dying on your tongue once you looked up and saw who the hand belonged to. 
He was absolutely breathtaking, literally, when you looked up at him you swore you felt your breath get lodged in your throat. Your eyes landed on his gentle smile, causing his cheeks to round up into two perfect little circles, his warm eyes made an odd feeling spread throughout your chest- ‘is it a little hotter in here?’-, and his wavy black hair parted down the middle. He seemed ethereal, with his black blazer over the matching shirt and pants. On his ring finger was a bright topaz ring, a gold band surrounding it, the surface glittering softly in the harsh fluorescent lights. It was strange you thought, ‘He seems a little too overdressed for a pawn shop, no?’, his look making your eyebrows furrow slightly together.
He looked to be out of place, like a queen participating in a hot dog eating contest.
“Can I help you with anything?” He inquired softly, tilting his head to the side.
“Uh...,” You shook your head and cleared your throat, trying to gather your thoughts.
“Yeah, I’m looking for a piece of jewelry.” Your eyes glanced down and scanned over the items again. “I uh, have an event later on tonight and I’m trying to find something last minute.” You chuckled sheepishly, looking back up at the handsome man.
“Well what do you have in mind?”
“Not sure, I want it to bring my whole outfit together though.” You smiled thoughtfully, feeling your cheeks warm at the smile you were receiving back.
“What are you wearing? If I see the outfit, I can help you out some more.” So you pulled out your phone, scrolling through your photos to find the picture of the outfit you took a couple of days earlier. It was a simple little long sleeve, black dress, with a v in the back. Your simple heels and pearl earrings were enough to make you presentable, but you really wanted to present yourself.
The man studied it for a few seconds before nodding politely, gesturing to another display case further to your right. Upon reaching it, you noticed this one was filled more with necklaces with a few charms scattered about. While they were more intricate than the ones you were previously looking at, your heart wasn’t really pulling towards any of them.
“See anything you like?” There was something warm about his voice, that just made you feel calm. Which was strange, how could a stranger make you feel this way?
“I’m sorry, not really...these are all very nice though. Thank you anyway.” You glanced up at him, giving a short nod before starting to turn around.
“You know, I might have something for you.” The way he said it made you halt in your tracks. It came out as being helpful but there was something laced underneath it, something that made your body feel like it was being wrapped in chills. You turned back to him and cocked your head to the side, silently urging him to continue.
“Come, I have it in the back room.” He stepped off to the side and pulled open a little door for you. You knew it was odd, him inviting you to the back of the store. Why couldn’t he just go and grab it? Your questions continued to rack your brain, even as you began to walk behind the counter. And when you heard the click of the door locking into place, it was only then that you noticed you were the only person in the store. 
As you followed the man to the back, the hallway you were in seemed endless, your heart began to thump in your chest. Your gaze went upwards, the yellow lights above your head casting eerie glows throughout the hallway. You looked at the man's back, watching his shoulders move behind his jacket. Soon enough you couldn’t hear the music coming from the front of the shop anymore, the lights becoming nothing but a small dot. It had seemed you were walking forever but it was only now that you had lost sight of the front. A shadow on the wall caught your attention and as you looked at it, it went away. For a brief moment…
No that’s silly, the lights were just messing with your vision.
For a quick second, it seemed like the shadow of the man had horns protruding from the top of his head.
You scoffed and shook your head, the thought being completely ridiculous. 
“Hm? Something funny, y/n?” He looked over his shoulder at you, an eyebrow raised in curiosity.
“Oh ah, I was just thinking about something. Nothing worth mentioning.” You replied, still mainly focused on the wall. He gave a sharp nod, a smile gracing his face before turning back towards the front. Inhaling deeply, you continued following the strange man, until finally, he pushed aside a curtain and you stepped into a room, the sight making your jaw drop in awe.
“This is where I keep my most prized possessions, too valuable for me to put out there for the world to see.” He murmured, delicately swiping his finger over the surface of something on a shelf. You couldn’t quite make out what it was, for something past him got your attention. You took a hesitant step forward, tilting your head to the side, trying to make sense of it.
A throne sat in the back of the room, the seat filled to the brim with gold coins, a few gems and jewels here and there. You could make out a bottle of wine lodged in the center of the pile, the black color popping out intensely against the bright colors of the gold. But upon closer inspection, you noticed there was an orange light, seeming to only shine on the bottle, making you realize that it was a dark red instead. On one of the arms, was a clear crystal skull, dazzling amethysts acting as eyes. As if your awe couldn’t get any bigger, on the top of the throne was a crown, far more extravagant than the ones you had seen previously. It was jewel encrusted all around, but instead of it being gold or silver, this one was stark black. One emerald stood in the middle while tiny versions of it ran around the rim and protruding from the top of it was a bright green snake, poised as if it was getting ready to strike.
The sound of a throat clearing snapped you out of your thoughts.
He chuckled, “Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah, sorry. This room is just wow, it’s amazing. I’ve never seen so many treasures in one room before.” You fingertips pressed to your lips, taking another moment to look around the room once more.
“This is the piece I wanted to show you.” You looked to the left to see him behind a glass counter. When you walked up to it, he had his hands spread out on the glass, giving you a small smirk. Your heart skipped a beat and you bit down on your lip, feeling that warmth go through your body once more. He glanced down and tapped at the glass with a fingernail, the noise making a sharp sound. When you glanced down, you felt a chill go down your spine. On the top of the glass his fingernail looked normal but in the reflection was a sharp black nail instead. Your eyes quickly looked over to his other nails to find them exactly the same; sharp and black. When you looked in the middle of where the reflection of his face should be, you had barely registered relief when you saw his eyes.
There was a sinister yellow glow, gleaming right at you. And if that weren’t frightening enough, the man smiled at you, two sharp canines peeking through. At that, your head snapped back up to look at him, but instead of what you saw in the glass, it was just his normal features. With wide eyes, you opened your mouth to say something but were cut off at once by him placing a yellow velvet box on top, the sound louder than necessary.
He opened the top and you were at a loss for words. The inside was a darker shade of yellow, a small mirror on the underside of the lid, and in the middle was a beautiful necklace. A thin silver chain adorned an oval blood red ruby, four thin, sharp prongs on each side, holding it. The lighting from above made them glimmer, causing a thought to run through your mind that they almost looked like claws. He pulled it out of the box and dangled it in front of his face, the gem swaying gently in front of him.
“That’s beautiful…” You murmured. Your throat felt parched all of a sudden, so you swallowed the ball of saliva forming in your mouth, but it did nothing to quench the growing thirst in your mind.
“How much?” You asked, taking a brief second to flick your gaze over to the man then back to the necklace. From your peripheral you could see a smirk grow on his face, his eyebrow raising up a little. The tip of his tongue peeked out to lick his lips and he leaned in closer to you. Yet, you still couldn’t take your eyes off the gem. 
“Well normally the things in this room aren’t for sale, they are for my viewing pleasure only.” He paused, taking in a breath. “But you seemed really desperate to find something so,” He paused again and that was when you finally looked away and at him, catching him eyeing you up and down slowly. When he reached your face, a sly grin appeared.
“$1,000? Are you fucking serious?” Your eyes bugged out at his answer and you couldn’t help the harsh tone. However it seemed that the man was unaffected, cocking his head to the side and swinging the necklace delicately. You didn’t know much about gemstones but you were certainly positive that it was an outrageous price, especially for something in a pawn shop. 
“I am actually being quite generous with the pricing y/n, normally this goes for much higher value.” His voice took a condescending ring and his eyebrows bunched together. Worry crossed your face, you really didn’t want to pay that much money for something you were only going to wear for tonight but on the other hand you needed this necklace. It was truly something you had never seen before.
You looked at the piece of jewelry once more, staring directly into the center of the ruby. You didn’t know if you were still reeling from hearing the price or if it was really happening but the middle of the gem seemed to be swirling, looking like a mini vortex. Anger flashed through your body and you had half a mind to just snatch it out of his hand and make a run for it. Your fingers twitched at the thought and it appeared that the man noticed, for he jerked his hand up and caught the ruby in his hand. His fingers clasped shut around it, completely obstructing it from your eyes.
“If you think you’ll be able to get away, you won’t. I’ll have you pinned down before your fingers even got to touch this necklace.” He hissed in a low voice and you didn’t miss the way your body shivered at his tone. You pressed your lips together and chose your next words carefully.
“This is a pawn shop isn’t it? Can we negotiate?” As soon as the last word left your mouth, you felt the tension in the room shift. He squinted at you and leaned in closer to your body, staring intensely into your eyes. You tried your best to not look away, your heart beginning to speed up at his close proximity. The corner of his mouth quirked up into a smirk, the action making your breath hiccup in your throat.
“Depends, what are you willing to give?” He muttered, now looking down at your lips. He didn’t even try to hide it, for his gaze lazily rose back up to your eyes. He was so close that you could see details on his face more clearly, like the mole on his top lip or the hint of yellow slowly whirling in the center of his eyes…
Your eyes widened at noticing it but before you could move away, he brushed his fingertips on the top of your hand. He put his other hand next to your faces, letting his fingers open to allow the necklace to drop. It swung before coming to a stop, the want and need of having it coursing through your mind once more.
You needed this, and you were going to get it one way or another.
You pressed forward, feeling just the barest of touches when your lips made contact with his. He didn’t move so you took that as your sign to continue. You closed your eyes, your lips now fully on his and moved against him, small flashes of yellow going off behind your eyelids. You heard the sound of something, the necklace you presumed, clatter against the glass top of the display. His hands gripped the side of your face, now kissing you back with more ferocity. A nip at your bottom lip caused you to gasp, and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth.
You felt like your head was clouded, the lightheadedness making you dizzy. A moan slipped past you and your hands wandered up to grip his suit, the material oddly clearing up your mind, acting as a sort of grounding object to bring you back down. You attempted to jerk him towards you, wanting more of his touch, but he dropped one hand off your face and grabbed your wrists, throwing them off of his body. You stumbled a bit forward and smacked a hand on top of the glass to steady yourself, slightly breaking your kiss. You wasted no time in going back, hands going around his neck now, kissing with such hunger and need. 
The man used his free hand to knot itself in your hair, he tugged your head back and went to bite at your neck, his teeth making you gasp. Your hands dug into his hair and gave small tugs, your breathy moans urging him to bite harder. You needed more so you tightened your hold onto his hair and pulled him back up to your mouth. Surprisingly he allowed you to do so and when your lips locked, you raised a leg and pushed yourself up on the counter. He moved back to allow you more room, sliding your legs down on the other side and opening them to let him stand in between.
He grabbed your waist and brought you closer to himself, the feeling of his erection against you made a wave of pleasure go to your core. Your legs wrapped around his waist to lock him in and he grinded against you, squeezing your waist every couple of seconds. His hands slid down your thighs, fingernails digging into you. The subtle pain made you gasp against his mouth and you almost moaned out loud again when he pushed your legs apart, using one hand to guide you onto your back.
He reached up to unbutton your jeans and undo your zipper, yanking them down when he finished. He tossed them to the side and put his mouth right over your mound, moving his lips against your skin. Your legs went to lock around his head but he delivered a swift smack to the outside of your left thigh.
“Keep your legs open for me sweetheart.” He mumbled against you and dragged his tongue up your panties. You let out a low moan at the feeling, lightly tangling your hand in his black hair. He didn’t protest so you twirled a few pieces in between your fingers, the silky texture easily sliding between them. He hooked a finger into your panties and pulled them to the side, taking a quick swipe up your folds, the abrupt feeling of his tongue made your voice hitch and your hips to jerk upwards. His finger that was holding your panties, went to the center and you felt a sudden pull and the sound of material ripping. You lifted your head to see what had happened, but he suddenly pulled your folds apart and licked up once more.
“Fuck,” your voice squeaked out, head dropping back onto the glass. He dug in, tongue licking up and down your pussy, his nose nudging your clit every so often. Your legs trembled, wanting to lock around his head and you almost gave in until you felt two sharp points prodding at the inside of your folds. Your legs twitched at the feeling but you brushed it away when his tongue shoved into your hole. An obscene moan left your mouth and you tugged him impossibly closer to your cunt. You felt that same sharp point directly on your clit now, circling around it lightly.
Your pussy clenched around his tongue and it seemed to spur him on, the sharp point now pressing slightly harder on you. It only lasted a few seconds before his thumb replaced it, pressing harshly onto your clit and causing pleasure to travel throughout your body. It circled around you rapidly, his tongue now moving at what seemed like an impossible speed inside you. Soon that familiar tug pulled inside you and your hips rose upwards.
“Pl-please, I’m gonna-!” You didn’t even get to finish your sentence before your orgasm ripped through your body, your mouth open in a silent scream, your pussy spasming around his tongue. You came down from your high, your breath coming out ragged, and looked down at him. He smirked at you, your arousal glistening on his lips. His eyes looked faintly yellow in your hazy vision. You became slightly more aware that there were more points pricking into your thighs, dragging down. You were pulled up and into a kiss, tasting yourself, his hands going to your lower back. He let you go and grabbed a hand, pulling you off the counter. You allowed him to guide you and when you noticed him leading you towards the throne, you felt your already aching pussy clench.
He barely gave you time to settle before he turned you around and pushed you onto the pile of treasure in the center of the throne. You landed on your palms, feeling some coins slide from beneath your hands. You adjusted to resting on your forearms, the wine bottle directly in front of your face. Upon closer inspection of it, you could clearly make out that it was a dark rusty red color, with a faded label on the side. The glint of the crystal skull caught your attention to your left, but you didn’t have time to glance at it, for you felt your shirt being lifted up and over your head. Before you had a chance to settle, the back of your bra was pulled and you felt it give away. A hand went to your front and yanked it away from you, the coolness from the coins brushed against your breasts and nipples, instantly making them harden.
You heard the sound of clothes rustling and heard a muted thump. Giving a quick side glance, you saw his jacket on the floor. The sound of his belt buckle clinking and then it being thrown to the floor had your hole clench. He kicked your legs apart and rubbed his cock in between your folds, hands going to hold onto your waist. You shivered in anticipation, the combination of him spreading your arousal and the cold contrast of the coins made your mouth water.
“Are you ready for me, darling?” One of his hands left your waist to drag down your back, those sharp points you had been feeling making your spine arch up, you were enjoying them at this point. You gave a meek nod and soon he was stretching your walls, bottoming out in no time. Your fingers splayed out and dug into the pile of coins for support, feeling your breasts touch them when he began to move. 
He wasted no time in pounding into your cunt, the force of his hips making you moan out like a whore. One hand went to go fist in your hair, twisting it around his wrist for a more secure hold. “Look at you, such a greedy little thing. Such a greedy little whore for my cock..” You bit your lip at his words, your eyelids fluttering closed.
“Do you always fuck strangers for things you want? Are you that desperate for material things? You little slut.” Opening your eyes, you could see his reflection in the bottle, that one orange light highlighting the object perfectly. His form began to slowly shift before your eyes, and even though you were getting the fucking of a lifetime, you were still coherent enough for a wave of fear to travel through your body.
Maybe it was all the bright lights or you were still delirious from your powerful orgasm but soon enough you saw two pointed objects begin to protrude from his head, and a pair of wings slowly sprout from his back. Your chest quivered but yet you couldn’t bring yourself to scream, at least not out of fear. Panic mixed in with euphoria, the idea that you were here having sex with something not of this world oddly made your already sopping cunt, gush even more. When his wings softly flared out, you kept telling yourself you were just imagining it, and even when you felt something soft brush against the sides of your waist, a small part of you prayed that it was just because all of your senses were on overload.
The more you stared at the reflection, the tighter your body became. What was even happening right now, why are you still here? Why had you not pulled away and ran while you still had the chance? As you racked your brain for answers, there was a tiny voice that kept pushing through, telling you what you didn’t want to hear. That throughout all this, there was a familiarity from it all. That you had seen this before; the wings, horns, the aura of the creature. You briefly wondered if you were pulling it from an old horror movie you’d seen a while ago, but it didn’t sit right.
As if sensing the puzzle coming together in your head, several sharp pricks were dug into your waist- you quickly put two and two together with everything happening, and deduced that they were claws- you felt him pierce through your skin, the sudden pain making you gasp out loud. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the reflection, and the final nail went in when his eyes locked with yours. With a sinister grin, he blinked and two bright yellow eyes stared right into your soul.
With a cry of terror and pleasure, your orgasm came abruptly, your thighs shaking so uncontrollably that your forearms gave out, and you fell against the mountain of coins. You felt him slam into you a couple of more times before his cum filled you up to the brim, feeling it dribble down your legs after he pulled out. You laid there for a couple of seconds to catch your breath, and you were afraid to turn around and be face to face with whatever just gave you an orgasm of a lifetime. 
Gathering your bearings, you pushed up and silently counted to three, not bothering to hide the shock on your face when you saw him looking normal. No claws, no horns, no wings, no glowing yellow eyes…
He zipped his pants and picked his belt up from the floor, smiling at your expression. When you still hadn’t said anything, he picked up his jacket and folded it over his arm, heading towards the counter. You reached down for your shirt and bra, fumbling around trying to get them back on. When you finished you still had not said a word, silently going to the counter to reach for your pants that he was holding out to you. You put them on but still couldn’t shake off your feelings.
He chuckled softly at you and picked up the necklace, giving it a soft look before handing it to you. Wordlessly you took it, the cool metal feeling hot in your hands.
“Well, a bargain is a bargain. Sorry about your panties by the way. Are you alright?” He questioned with a laugh, moving a hand up to smooth down his hair. It didn’t even look out of place, completely untouched.
You brushed it off, still confused about everything “Um...I’m-I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me, I-” You stopped and swallowed, the realization that you just fucked a stranger for a necklace setting in. A flash of horror crossed your face, and you almost cried until he shook his head and gave you a small smile. 
“Don’t be, we all do crazy things when consumed with greed.” Even though there was a smile on his face, it barely did anything to ease your discomfort. 
“The necklace is yours, come, I’ll walk you outside.” He walked around the counter and nodded towards the front, silently following behind him. The walk to the front was shorter than you remember, the yellow lights you recalled being there, now just white. When you stepped out of the backroom, it was still bright outside, and there were still no people inside. It had felt like you spent hours back there.
When you walked out the door, you still felt uneasy. What exactly had you seen in the reflection of the wine bottle? Why was your need for the necklace so intense?
Something clicked in your mind and deciding that you wanted to leave with some sort of dignity, you turned around to ask him a question.
“I’m so sorry, but I just realized I didn’t get your name,” Heat spread across your cheeks but you continued. “I just got…overwhelmed.” You gave a sheepish smile and he smiled back at you.
“My name is Hoseok.” He grins and gives you a small bow.
“Thank you, Hoseok. For um, this.”
“You’re welcome, next time be careful what you bargain for when you want something.” His tone was playful but chideful, and you couldn’t help but give an exasperated laugh. You gave a politeful nod and turned around to head to your car.
“Goodbye y/n, have fun at your event tonight.”
You almost didn’t register what he said, until you did. You hadn’t told him your name. When you turned back to question him, your heart stopped in your chest when the pawn shop was no longer there. Instead it was just an empty, abandoned building. Deciding that you had enough and needed to get out of there, you sped to your car and drove as fast as you could to your house, wanting to get away as soon as possible.
Your nerves relaxed when you reached your house and got ready. The last thing you put on was the necklace, feeling the ruby flare against your skin. You fingered it gently, the memory of fucking Hoseok burned into your brain.
Once you arrived at your friends art event, you immediately fell into the chatter and hustle of everything. Friends were complimenting your outfit left and right, especially the necklace. You met up with your friend, giving her a congratulatory hug and kiss. You were so deep in conversation that you didn’t notice a mutual friend of yours staring at you, or more so your neck. You were about to question what was wrong until she pointed a finger at your neck.
“Y/n, sorry but do you shower with that necklace on?” You bunched your eyebrows together and your hand went up to clutch it.
“No, I just got this today. Why?”
Now your small group of friends were all staring at it, the stares making your face heat up.
“Your neck is turning green.”
You paused for a half second, then took out your phone to access the camera. Sure enough, there was a thin line of green on your skin. As you looked more at the necklace, you noticed small details of rust on the chain and the ruby that was shining so brightly before you left, was now dull and lifeless.
He had tricked you, he had given you a fake. 
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How about it?
Warnings: age gap, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it, people!) 18+ readers
Y/N - Your Name
BF/N - Bestfriend Name
"I can't believe you made me do that." you flopped back in your chair frustrated with your best friend.
BF/N rolled her eyes at you. "Oh, shut up. It's a little fun, Y/N."
Your senior prom was next week and so far you hadn't been asked (not that you were bothered) but BF/N was already going with the guy she'd been crushing on for months. You'd always found it strange dating in high school; you were the only one in your year that was 19. It wasn't a huge problem being older than everyone (your late in the year birthday being what screwed you over) but you'd suddenly matured more than the boys in your year and you weren't exactly eyeing anyone who liked giving wedgies to the younger kids or nerds. So, jokingly, you said to BF/N you should just ask Tom Hiddleston out and, here you were.
"Relax, I bet he doesn't even take notice... No offense." BF/N smirked at you.
You rolled your eyes sighing. "Thanks."
Your day at school and after went pretty normal, the whole silly message you sent to Tom Hiddleston was pushed to the back of your mind and forgotten about. Until your phone pinged as you were getting into bed that night.
Your eyes widened as you re-read the message. This was real. Why?
Tom Hiddleston: Hello, love. Sorry for the delay in my reply but I wanted to make sure I could spend some time getting to know my date. I hope you don't mind my late-night message? x
Y/N: No, not at all. Thank you for replying x
Tom Hiddleston: Not at all, love. A beauty such as yourself shouldn't be kept waiting. May I ask you a question? x
Y/N: Of course x
Tom Hiddleston: Why would such a young, beautiful woman such as yourself want to take me, an old man to her senior prom? Surely you have boys your age on their knees begging you to go? x
Y/N: 1. I'm not that beautiful but thank you 2. YOU ARE NOT AN OLD MAN 3. The boys my age are just that, boys. They're a pain, they smell and they think to give those that have good grades wedgies are what turn a girl on.
Y/N: It's not, at all.
Tom Hiddleston: Noted.
This year the students had voted to have the prom at a fancy hotel instead of the school so your parents booked you a hotel room for you to get ready in, instead of getting ready at home and traveling to the hotel. Your mother spent the entire day with you doing your hair and makeup, asking questions about your mystery date. You'd told her an older 'boy' you had fancied for ages was taking you to the prom; what were you going to say 'the guy who plays Loki is taking me'. She'd have a breakdown.
It had been a while since you had received a message from Tom and were starting to have doubts. It was a pretty stupid thing to believe, a famous actor wanting to take you to prom. So, when the clock hit an hour after the official start of the prom and there was no sign of Tom arriving, you decided to give up waiting for him and headed down. Not the best way to arrive; late and on your own but your dress was too expensive not to go.
You sighed as you waited for the elevator to come up to your floor. It felt like ages before you heard the little ding and the automated voice say 'floor four'. You looked up as the doors opened, your eyes widening as a very audible gasp left your mouth. There stood the most gorgeous man you'd ever laid eyes on, beard and all.
"Sorry I'm late, love. Traffic was a nightmare." Tom smiled down at you, your heart actually skipped a beat when he did. "It's nice to finally meet you." he held his hand out to you.
You gulped nodding. "Y-You too." you smiled slightly.
Tom lifted your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles, smiling as he kept eye contact with you. Oh damn... He stepped back still holding your hand as you walked into the elevator. "I tried messaging you to let you know but my phone wasn't playing. Stupid technology," he muttered under his breath making you smile. "I'm awfully sorry, love."
You shook your head smiling. "It's fine, honestly."
Tom took a deep breath as he looked down at you, smiling as he raised his hand and softly brushed a piece of your hair back from your face. "You look absolutely stunning, Y/N." he whispered.
You blushed looking down for a moment forgetting what you were wearing for a minute.
"Thank you. You look as handsome as ever." you blushed a little more as you looked up to him, even in your heels you were still a little shorter than him but you liked how it felt. "I like the beard." you smiled up at him softly.
Tom chuckled as he placed his hand over his chin, giving it a slight rub. "You do? I didn't take you for the rough type of girl. Not many women do like my facial hair."
You nodded chewing the inside of your cheek. The thought of having his beard covered face between your legs sent shivers down your spine. "I'll take you anyway." you closed your eyes sighing. "I meant, I like you with or without me, the beard. You pull any look off." you blushed again. "Sorry," you muttered looking down. Idiot.
Tom chuckled, pinching your chin in between his thumb and index finger. "Don't apologize, my love. You can take me however you like." he winked making you blush even more.
"Smooth." you giggled making him laugh.
The pair of you eventually made your way into the ballroom where the prom was being held and of course as soon as Tom entered practically everything stopped. Some knew who he was and was shocked to see him there with your arm looped through his. Some had no clue who he was and were shocked to see you dressed the way you were. Some were shocked to see your date was an older man but neither of you cared. You caught the wide eyes look your best-friend wore as you walked passed her. 'Holy fuck' she mouthed as she looked at you making you giggle slightly.
"Why is everyone staring at you?" Tom asked, his lips brushing your ear gently as he did, sending shivers over your body.
"Me? Are you serious? You're Tom Hiddleston. Loki. Famous." you deadpanned making him chuckle. "They're probably thinking I paid you or something."
Tom came to a stop taking your hand in his and pulled you round to face him. "Trust me, your beauty and charm is enough payment, love." he smiled.
You shook your head giggling. "You're the charming one. If I was wearing pants, you'd have charmed them off by now."
Tom's head fell back with laughter. "That's good to know," he smirked at you. "Come, let's start enjoying your prom, shall we?" you nodded grinning as he lead you over to the bar.
After you introduced Tom to your best friend, Tom dragged you off to the dance floor. At first you were nervous and embarrassed because everyone was still watching you but when Tom pulled you closer to him so he could whisper 'Just look at me, sweetheart' you instantly relaxed. Although, it didn't last long; you started to get interrupted by people asking to have their photo taken with Tom and at first he was happy to do so. It was in his nature to be polite and gentlemanly but after the sixth time of you being pushed out the way, he had had enough.
He sighed heavily before he excused himself, moving over to where you stood toying with the straw in your drink. He slipped his arm around your waist as he leaned down. "Are you okay?"
You nodded sighing, mumbling 'fine', not daring to look up to him.
Tom frowned before he stood up straight. "Come with me." he took your hand in his and lead you through the crowd of students until you left the ballroom. "Have you eaten?" he asked looking down at you.
You shook your head. "Not for a while." Tom nodded smiling at you. "Why?"
"To order room service and get away from those ruining our fun." he winked as he walked you inside the waiting elevator. "Is, that alright?" he asked as the doors shut.
You nodded taking a deep breath. "That's, perfect." you grinned.
Once the two of you were back in your hotel room, you and Tom got straight to ordering room service going way overboard with everything. Burgers and fries, milkshakes, chocolate cake.
"This is probably your most boring night ever, isn't it?" you muttered as you sat on the bed, leaned back on your hand whilst you ate your fries.
Tom turned his head to look down at you, sighing deeply. "Quite opposite. I'm sat with the most beautiful woman I've ever met." he smiled softly. "I'm only sorry I attracted so much attention and seemed to have ruin your prom." he frowned slightly as he looked to the half-eaten burger in his hand.
You shook your head giggling. "It was bound to happen. I shouldn't have messaged you in the first place." you sighed deeply. "It's stupid really, I mean, you don't even know me."
"Well, let's get to know each other... what are you going to do when you leave school?" Tom asked, genuinely interested as he placed his burger down and wiped his hands on a napkin.
You smiled sitting up. "I'm taking a year off to go traveling before going to school."
Tom nodded slowly. "Ah, sounds fun." he smiled. "What are you going to be studying?" he asked.
"Dance." you smiled. "I wanted to go traveling before I had the reality of moving to a different country and relying on myself."
Tom raised his eyebrow. "Different country?"
You nodded smiling a little more, excitement filling you. "Yeah, London, I've been accepted into a performing arts school over there." you grinned at him.
Tom nodded as you started talking about what you were looking forward to when you left school. It was funny really, you may still be in high school for a couple of months but you seemed a lot more mature for your age. Suddenly Tom noticed a blob of chocolate frosting land just above your the neckline of your dress.
"Oh, God." you moaned as you looked down.
Tom gulped as felt the moan go straight to his cock Fuck!
You went to wipe it off yourself but Tom grabbed a hold of your hand, stopping you. You looked up to see Tom wearing a list blown look sending shivers right down to your core.
You gasped as Tom leaned forward slowly, his eyes locked on yours looking for any sort of hesitation from you but there was none. You closed your eyes as Tom's lips came into contact with your skin. You moaned as his tongue licked up the chocolate frosting.
"Oh, God." you moaned as his lips began assaulting your skin. His beard tickling your skin.
Tom let go of your hand so he could place it on the back of your neck as he moved up your body, trailing kisses and licks across your skin until finally, his lips were on yours. The pair of you moaned into the kiss, your hands falling to his waist as you felt his tongue caress yours.
"Tell me you don't want this. Tell me this is a mistake and I'll leave." Tom whispered against your lips.
You shook your head. "Stay. Please," you begged.
Tom nodded and stood to his feet holding his hand out to you. You stood up, staring into his eyes and slowly the pair of you began to undress one another. Before you knew it Tom was laying you down on your back as the pair you kissed slowly, his arms wrapped around you, holding your naked bodies together.
He pulled back with a soft moan before kissing you harder, his beard scratching your lips. "So beautiful," Tom whispered as he kissed your jaw and neck.
He kissed and nipped at your skin as he worked his way down to your chest, sucking and leaving a wet trail across your chest until he came to your plump chest. His tongue flicked across your hard nipples. You moaned loudly as one hand slid down your side, leaving a trail of goosebumps as he made his way down to your waiting cunt. He moaned against your skin as his fingers brushed your already wet folds.
"Fuck." he pulled back to look at you. "My God, you're just the prettiest sight I've ever seen." he smiled softly at you, his words making you blush.
"Please," you whispered, pulling him closer to you. "I need you."
Tom placed his mouth over yours as he slowly filled your pussy with two of his long fingers. You moaned into his mouth as you felt him pull them out slowly before pushing them back in. He repeated this for a few seconds before introducing his thumb to your throbbing clit.
"OH, FUCK!" you cried out as a wave of pleasure coursed through your body.
"Shh, baby girl, I've got you." he kissed your jaw and neck. "That's it. Cum for me, Y/N." he whispered as he curled his fingers up to meet that spot deep inside you, his thumb still rubbing your clit as his mouth caressed your skin; everything building up only to fall as your orgasm broke.
"OH GOD!" you cried out, your eyes rolling back.
Tom carefully pulled his fingers from you as wrapped the same hand around his impressive length, using your juices to slick himself up.
You nodded humming, a small, content smile on your face. "Yeah." you blushed as you opened your eyes, seeing Tom was already grinning at you.
"Thought you were gone then." he chuckled softly. "Want me to continue?"
You nodded quickly. "God, yes!"
He pressed his lips to yours softly. "Promise me when you move to London, you'll call me. Then I'll take you on a real date." he gave you a warm, caring smile as he brushed your hair back from your face.
You nodded smiling. "It's a date."
You sighed happily as you and Tom closed the gap between the pair of you, once again your lips caressing each other. The tip of Tom's cock brushed against you clit making you moan softly against his mouth. Slowly Tom pushed inside you, you slick helping him glide right in until his hips were flush with yours. The pair you moaned out at the feeling.
Tom dropped his face to the crook of your neck as he tried to calm his breath, your pussy felt perfect around him. You silly dragged your nails down his back, leaving angry red lines behind.
"Please, Tom." you whimpered against his ear.
Tom nodded as he pressed soft kisses against your shoulder as he gently pulled his hips back until the head of his cock was the only part of him inside you before he snapped his hips forward again, filling you up.
"OH FUCK!" you groaned as pleasure-filled you, over and over.
Tom's lips never left you as he moved his hips back and forth. Not too fast and hard but not too slow either. Just right. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him closer to you, feeling the head of his hit your g-spot.causing you to cry out.
"God! Oh, shit, yes-" Tom buried his face into your neck as he growled. "So, good... baby, cum for me..." he muttered as he pressed his fingers of one hand against your clit and used the other to hold your face close, his mouth taking your screams of his name.
Your orgasm took your breath away as you squeezed around Tom, pulling him over the edge too. He slumped over you as he tried to catch his breath. Lazily your fingers trailed up and down his spine, kissing his shoulder and neck as you laid in your bliss.
"What happens on a real date with you?" you asked, giggling as you felt Tom grin into your shoulder.
He pulled back licking his lips. "Oh, you'll see."
Part 2
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lordseochangbin · 4 years
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Beverly Hills- Part Five
A/N: tea i have no idea if this part is too confusing but.. it’s so close to ending im :)
Warning: mentions of gambling (idk if i should mention this but eh)
With no one else to talk to, you found yourself waiting inside Jisung’s room. You’re looking around in his closet, checking out the many plaid and printed tees that he has. His desk, a guitar hung on the wall in front of it. Pictures from when he was younger with his parents and friends. 
Sitting on the edge of his bed, you eye a bulletin board peeking out the side of his bed before crouching down to pick it up but your attention is driven to a container. You’re seconds from grabbing it before the bedroom door swings open and you see Jisung flop into his bed. 
“Hey!” You exclaim, peeking out from underneath.
Jisung looks at you in shock, looking around his room before looking back at you. “Hi?”
“Umm, I hope you don’t mind me coming. I just didn’t know who to talk to” You played with your fingers, unsure of what to do next before Jisung could pat the spot next to his bed. “Come here” 
Jisung was silent as you explained the Hyunjin situation. At first you laid your head on his chest, your fingers brushing his as you talked but you started to feel his chest rise more consistently, more frequent. His jaw locked above your head, you felt the sudden movement as his body started to fidget. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, getting up from your spot. “Look I know the whole thing is pretty serious but I just don’t know how to act. Should we have gone to the police? Told his mom?”
Jisung looked away from you before getting out of the bed. “You should go.” 
“What? Jisung!”
“Just get out!” He suddenly exclaimed, his hands digging through his hair in fright as he tried to step away from you. 
You couldn’t stand seeing him like this though. As much as you didn’t want to press his buttons, you also didn’t want to lose another friend. Taking a few steps towards him, you wrapped your hands around his waist, back hugging him. 
“Jisung, just take a few deep breaths” You whispered, feeling his heartbeats fasten as you led him to the bed. Without a word, he grabbed your arm, a tear dropping from his eye before he could repeatedly whisper small “I’m sorry’s”. 
You didn’t respond. 
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“How are we supposed to get Hyunjin back?” Changbin exclaimed, throwing his phone across the room. 
Felix walked in with perfect timing, picking up the cell and dropping it in his lap. 
“What are you two fuckers talking about?” He asked, squishing himself in between Minho and Changbin as he watched the two tense up. “Guys? What happened?”
Minho let out an exhausted sigh before leaning his head against the couch, “You’re probably not going to believe me when I say this but.. Hyunjin is being held hostage”
Felix nearly choked on his breath, “He’s being what? By whom?!”
Changbin let his hand rest on Felix’s thigh as he gave it a small squeeze, “Don’t worry about it. It’s his ex-girlfriend Mel, the bitch has a grudge against him. But I don’t think she could do anything violent… right?”
The question lied in the air as Felix’s eyes widened, catching Minho and Changbin’s attention. 
“Oh no.. I know that face” Minho said, “Felix if you know something now is the time”
“Actually.. I do know something”
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You and Jisung fell sound asleep on his bed. By now his leg was draped across your body, holding you onto the bed as his arms cuddled you like a teddy bear. You couldn’t held to stare at how handsome he was, his squishy cheeks finding home in your shoulder as he lied against it. 
“Ji.. Jisung. Wake up silly” you mumbled. He let out a small groan before turning to the other side of the bed. 
“He’s so stupid” you whispered to yourself before turning to the other side. Not realizing you were on the edge of the bed, you fell face flat on the floor. Second time's a charm I guess.
You laid on the floor like that for a while, hoping Jisung didn’t notice before turning your head to peek under his bed. There it was, that box that seemed to be calling your name. You didn’t want to open it but you were so curious as to why it was placed exactly in the back. 
Maybe just a peek inside, what do people usually put under their beds anyways? Old art from preschool? Extra underwear?
You reach out for the box and with a few tries you successfully grab the edge, pulling it towards you. 
Old art from preschool my ass. It’s cash. And wads of it. 
“Y/N!” Jisung exclaims.
“Jisung.. what is this?” You ask, a nervous face on you as you gesture towards the box. 
“That’s um..” He takes the box out of your hands and slides it under the bed before replying, “That’s a past that I don’t want to bring up” 
“Come on, you can tell me” You say as he leans against the bed. “Where did you get all the cash from?” 
Jisung looks around anxiously before replying genuinely, “I used to have a.. strong gambling addiction”
“You gambled?”
“Yeah, it was bad though. I made all this money but if I ever lost it’d cost my parents fortunes. They left Korea about a few years ago so they could avoid having to pay for my debts and that’s when my cousins brought me to my senses and forced me to go back to school”
“So instead of going to school these past three years.. you’ve been gambling?”
Jisung couldn’t happen but to notice the disappointment in your voice. He didn’t want to reply, getting these words out alone made his heart clench to his chest. If he had never rolled the dice, never pulled out a winning card- he would’ve had his parents, his friends. Everything. 
A swinging door caught your attention as Minho stormed into the room, swinging a punch at Jisung only for him to grab Minho’s wrist. 
“Minho!” You exclaimed, “What are you doing?”
“Can’t you see this idiot? He gave Hyunjin off to Mel so he could get closer to you!”
“What?” You looked over to Jisung, his eyes popping out as he looked down at the floor. 
“Is it true Jisung? You did that?” 
At this point everyone was in the room, Jisung still on the floor as he didn’t know what to say.
“Is it true Jisung?! Tell me!” You asked, a slight bit of hope in your voice. 
Jisung simply nodded his head before you could storm off. 
“Don’t leave” Jisung called after you. “W-we can fix this? Right?”
Changbin rolled his eyes in annoyance before showing Jisung the video of Hyunjin from earlier. “You did this. YOU can fix this” 
“Come on Changbin” Felix said, “Aren’t we supposed to meet somewhere? How about we all go?”
“Are you crazy? I’m not letting my baby Jeongin go to some shittown” Seungmin muttered, pulling Jeongin into a hug.
“I’m not babie!!” Jeongin could simply whine before pulling Seungmin away.
Jisung looked at you, hands on your shoulders as he said “Y/N, I can fix this.. please”
“Yeah, you better” you spat, leaving the room before you could get a text message. 
Unknown Number: i hope you have cash prepared, i’m waiting at the address below for you <3
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A mess couldn’t begin to describe how all of you looked in front of the underground building. 
Jeongin and Seungmin stayed glued together, predicting men with guns as Changbin stood in front of Felix. Minho and Claire were hand in hand and where did that leave you and Jisung? Alone. Together.
“D-do we knock?” Claire asked, gesturing at the closed store.
Changbin simply nodded his head, “Nahh, just open it” He said, opening the door to reveal is dim lit room. 
A spotlight shined on a round table, the top coated in green before Mel could chuckle, walking towards her seat across from them. 
“Where’s Hyunjin?” Minho asked, looking around to see no one there. A smirk rose on Mel’s face before a dragged figure could be carried by San and Mingi. “Happy?”
Hyunjin looked up, his face full of bruises and a scar on the bridge of his nose. “G-guys.. you don’t have to do this…” He whimpered as they seated him next to Mel. 
“We want to… we have to,” Changbin said. 
Mel rolled her eyes at the sentimental moment, “Now where’s the cash?” She groaned, watching as Felix took out a wad of cash. 
“And who’s playing?” 
Seungmin turned around to the rest before asking, “Playing? Playing what?”
“I’m good at playing video games!” Jeongin squealed before Claire kicked him in the shin. 
“Who’s gambling?” Mel repeated, looking at the crowd of young kids arguing.
“Oh shit man, my luck is terrible” Felix said, gesturing to Minho. 
Minho tilted his head to the side, realizing someone was missing. “Where’s Chan?” 
Everyone suddenly gathered around before Changbin could whisper, “We need Chan. He’s the only one who has a chance at this” 
You on the other hand stood to the side, watching Hyunjin from a distance before Mel could catch your eye and look away. 
“Hurry up boys, who’s doing it?” 
Minho quickly got his phone, texting Chan in an instant before you could put your word in. 
“Jisung’s playing.” You said, glancing at your group of friends who eyed you curiously. “What?!”
You walked up to them before stating, “Jisung’s good at gambling, right? Please Jisung… you have to. You’re all we have right now to get Hyunjin back.” 
Changbin watching Jisung’s subtle movements, “You have to fix the mess you started anyways”
Keeping his eyes on the ground again, Jisung stared at the table in front of him. He could remember everything from the past three years coming back to him. The girls. The drinks. The money. The losses. 
His parents, gone. 
It hit his mind instantly at the sight of the chips and cards. His head dizzy and anxious before Seungmin and Jeongin could grab him. 
“Jisung, bro it’s alright. You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I remember the tricks you caught me, but I don’t exactly have the luck that you do” Seungmin suggested, giving a tug at his arms before Jisung could step forward. 
“It’s fine, I’ll play” He said before sitting at the chair across from Mel. 
He turned around in his seat to look at you before taking a deep breath, watching as a wad of cash in front of him was thrown to the table. 
Oh dear Jisung, will his odds from three years ago be able to make a comeback?
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stillinaincrad · 4 years
The NineSpot: Anime I Really Liked with Sequels I Really Didn’t
Am not calling any of these the worst sequels of all time or likewise calling any of the originals the best ever by any stretch of anyone’s imagination, but these are sequels to anime series I fell in love with and didn’t really care at all for what came next. (am not considering OVAs or movies based on entire shows, btw, because they both almost always suck compared to entire seasons anime)
1. Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka)
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The original DanMachi series was proof-positive that predictable and cliché can still yield a really great tale when the directing and production is top notch. Everything that should have made it lackluster couldn’t outweigh the feels and I always end up smiling earlobe to earlobe. The characters are beyond well crafted, and it is still crystalline-clear that this project was someone’s pride and joy. I adore the original series. The Sword Oratorio spinoff was -meh- to me, it leaned too much on the original for hooks as it tried to fill in Ais’ backstory and ended up being more about Lefiya anyways (plus they blatantly stole the marquee anthem from Last of the Mohicans, which turns me off a thousand times every time it plays now). Oratorio provided some levity, but did nothing at all to advance the story. Then we got DanMachi 2, which started out with mediocre writing but a killer arc and the backbone surfaced for some amazing story depth to amass, but all we got in the end was the horribly lame Ishtar arc where a depressed fox girl doesn’t want to be a prostitute and Bell feels bad about it. I’ve felt exactly nothing for these characters since the original.
2. Overlord
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Take a peruse through my blog and you will see that I have never campaigned for a second season of anything more than I did Overlord. I LOVE the first season, it is an absolute favorite of mine, and being that it is yet another Madhouse anime I honestly never expected more but always clamored for it because Overlord was absolutely deserving. When we finally got S2, it threw me for a loop because the original cast barely appears in the first four episodes, but then I found my feet and eventually got myself into the new episodes. Ironically, that is about all that this second season had to offer to me. The lizardmen arc is fantastic, definitely watch it, but when that ends? Here’s about all you need to know: Sebas has a softer side, Climb is a little bitch. There you go, onto season 3 (which is fantastic, btw). 
3. Full Metal Panic
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FMP is one of my favorite old-school anime ever, because it balances great humor, great characters, and - despite a shload of filler in the second half - a great all-around story. It is SUCH a gem. Second Raid was a tad bumpy due to a new studio, but still fantastic, and Fumoffu was the comedic break that an already goofball of an anime conjured up and it totally fit as long as no one took it too seriously. Then, some 15yrs later out of nowhere we get Invisible Victory, which Xebec used to completely rewrite everything, and not in a good way. From go, Kyouka - an important supporting character from the outset - is killed and totally glossed over like it wasn’t significant asf, and I got pissed. Then all the already-established characters took on totally new personalities of grave seriousness, which was never the brand. When you take previously established characters who have always been hopeful, energetic, and buoyant to a fault, always looking forward and up - and suddenly make all of them overtly dramatic, hardened, and inordinately austere across the board, it totally cheapens the original and to an extent that superflous doesen't even begin to describe. Massive franchise fail, Xebec - dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow. Easily the sequel I have hated the most. As in, ever. 
4. Sword Art Online
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Look, I am the last person you need to tell how much bad this series has divulged into. I was so all-in on the concept, the characters, the drama, and the love of the original series. Do you think it’s ironic that I’ve been doing this almost 5yrs now and haven’t changed my URL? I’ve always said that if the first Matrix movie were left alone and that was it - Neo giving that threat and then flying off into the credits and we have to make up the reality that may or may not have transpired after that -  that it would be in the top 10 movies ever made. That’s how I see the first arc of SAO. It was THAT good, I have somehow watched it more than anything ever made. I originally considered the whole second half of the first season to be filler and am always turned off at the molestation that it celebrates, but said it was ‘for the story’. Then the Sterben shiz happened and I said ‘yes, it’s the EXACT SAME STORY  but it’s going somewhere’, and then it did, to somewhere absolutely worse. I made it about halfway through Alicization and I up and quit altogether. SAO is such a shit franchise - the only thing that has gotten worse than the animation is the writing, the characters that used to be great are so incredibly shallow and annoying now, and I have made more fun of something I used to love than anyone. I am the first to admit I am a huge heel for most of what I have said in support of it in the past. But omg those first 14 episodes. I can’t label the initial tale of SAO as anything but amazing. And if those 14 episodes were the only episodes we ever got, I would easily call it one of the best anime ever made.
5. Date a Live
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I almost have to laugh that I am about to mention Date a Live after that. DAL was never going to be confused with a good anime, but it was fun. It was silly and rampant and insane, but you still fell in love with the characters because they were totally and completely worth falling in love with. Then DAL2 happened, and I hate this season a little too much. It was released too soon, it was done too poorly, it was just every kind of measurable cringe. The only thing worse than the writing was the lackadaisical and pedestrian voice acting, and that’s saying a lot considering how intern-worthy the animation of the second season was. DAL3 redeems itself plenty, the characters become likeable again, and there is an actual story and it isn’t awful and harkens back to seeds planted that were never developed, and at least part of the budget was dedicated to better artwork. But wow - DAL2 is just pure hot garbage.
6. A Certain Magical Index (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
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The first two seasons of both Raildex series have casts I'd pretty much take on an entire den of Wendol with a soup spoon to protect. They're just that good, so I was beyond excited when a third Index season was announced. I've never read the source material, so maybe some were ready for it more than I was, but Index III started off TOTALLY different - the blood and brutality is turned up past 10, everybody up and turned into an a-hole about everything, and it all felt very foreign to me compared to everything before it. But, I stayed in because I was still invested in the characters and wanted to see where it all went. It eventually reminded me a lot of the good 'ol days of anime where it wasn't always happy, where sometimes even the good guys made you feel bad, and where there was a fairly complex storyline that you really had to pay attention to if you wanted to keep up. The difference is, a lot of those shows were good. Index III just... was. I got nothing out of choking my way through the entire season, and really didn't care about anything but finishing it long before I ever did. I still feel a bit betrayed that this was the anime that fans waited 8 years for. 
7. Eureka 7 Ao
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No need for any exposé. Screencap says it all. How you follow up one of the most epic mecha anime ever with this fail of a series is beyond me. Great music, absolutely abysmal writing. 
8. Infinite Stratos
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Was Infinite Stratos good? Original, yes. Fun, yes, Characters that made you care about them, yes. But good? BWAHAHAHA NO, it absolutely was not good. IS is one of a handful of titles I chuckle about saying I enjoyed, because it's quite bad. Which is how you know IS2 is total dregs, because it's so very bad that it makes the first season look kinda decent. There was a story worth developing in place in the second season, they just chose to go full potato on the harem and fanservice elements instead, and decided that the writing didn't really matter. The ensuing episodes are for the most part just too much stupid to watch. 
9. Blood Blockade Battlefront (Kekkai Sensen)
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A bit of an odd duck, Kekkai Sensen introduced us to a world of enigmatic and strange bedfellows traversing a totally bonkers landscape of a world that somehow all manages to come together as a collective yaaas in the end. There is a unity that develops between them which task by wacky task binds these otherwise incongruent personalities together towards a common goal, and interpersonal gold eventually develops between them. The strengths of the individual are blended like watercolor to reinforce the weaknesses of the individual within the resulting eccentric genus. A cliché but nonetheless robust red string of fate ties all the loose ends together and a fantastic actuality of cognizance materializes between the ragtag cast and the forces that amass against them, and the first season ends with a feel-good that no one could have ever seen coming. It really is a great ride. Then the second season happens, and the glue that holds it all together feathers and ‘stuff just happens’. I was disappointed that all that great writing and plot that intertwines in the first season is totally absent in the second, and in the end it becomes just tales. I wanted so much more and got barfly stories regaled secondhand. 
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beckzorz · 5 years
Spring Break (one-shot)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Words: 5905 Prompt: “Try that again and you’ll wind up dead.” Summary: A collision in JFK International Airport leaves Bucky Barnes with the wrong phone. You can still take photos of your vacation on his, but the nuclear codes are a slightly bigger problem. Warnings: Swearing, lingerie photos A/N: Happy spring break (for me at least)! This was written for @ruckystarnes‘ 2K writing challenge—congrats and thanks so much for hosting!! I had a ton of fun :D Thank you also to my wonderful friend @kentuckybarnes for beta reading <3 Hope you enjoy!!
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He raced through the terminal, heart pounding and blood rushing in his ears. The device in his hand felt heavy, heavier than its half-dozen ounces. It wasn’t the black and charcoal case weighing it down, but the knowledge that it held more deadly information than even Bucky Barnes was comfortable holding.
Bucky scooted around a large tour group, taking the opportunity to shed his garish jacket and toss it under a nearby row of chairs. He glanced down at the phone in his hand and swore under his breath; the battery was flashing, its life all but drained away.
Then it died.
Bucky cursed for real this time, his eyes glued to the now-black screen. How long would it take to boot back up? He chanced a look over his shoulder as he ran on, but his pursuers were nowhere in sight. At least he had—
Bucky grunted as he pitched forward, his legs tangling with someone else’s as the phone in his hand went flying. He caught himself on his right arm—the left would have made a very noticeable noise—and rolled away from the woman gasping under him, snatching up his phone.
“Sorry,” he blurted. He barely registered her wince, too busy scanning the terminal.
“Fucking hell,” she gasped. She clambered to her knees with the help of her friend and grabbed her own phone, its case also muted dark colors. “Watch where you’re going, will you?”
Bucky’s ears caught the telltale sound of his pursuers—still too far to be seen, but still far too close for comfort. His eyes flitted briefly over the woman’s face. She was more angry than hurt, at least.
“Sorry,” he said again, and then he ran on.
By the time he made it through security—thank god for his fresh SHIELD badge—Natasha was waiting in her corvette. He dove into the passenger seat. A charge cord was already plugged in, waiting.
“Go, go,” he urged.
“Nice to see you too,” Natasha said drily, but she pulled away from the curb, weaving expertly between cars as Bucky fumbled with the charge cord. He waited with bated breath for the lock screen to come up.
When it did, Bucky gaped. Instead of the plan black background he’d expected, there was a background image. A painting? Was that Monet?
A text message notification slid onto the screen.
Disha: Have fun girl!!! Take lots of pictures of the beach for me while I wither away in the library 😂 😂 😂
Bucky’s eyes bugged out.
“What the fuck?”
“I can’t believe we made it,” Mira said. She sagged in her seat, kicking off her flats. “First the train gets delayed, then you have to run into a fucking maniac—”
“Hey,” you said, “he ran into me.” You brandished your arm; you could already feel a bruise forming on your elbow.
“It’s not like you were watching your step.” Mira snorted and leaned forward to peer out the window. “How long before we take off, d’you think?”
“As long as it’s soon, I don’t really care.” You lean back and spread your hands, painting a picture in your mind. “All I want is to be lying under an umbrella with the waves lapping at my feet in less than twenty-four hours. Is that too much to ask?”
“After four months of a New York winter? Hell no.”
You giggled along with Mira. The plane finally drove onto the runway, and in minutes, you were in the skies.
“I’m sorry, you what?”
Bucky kicked the doorpost, scowling. “My phone got swapped with some—some girl’s.”
“How the hell did that happen, Buck?”
“They were on my tail,” Bucky snapped. “Airports are busy when they haven’t been evacuated, Steve!”
Steve groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Yeah, yeah… Well, now what? Where is it? That phone’s got so many hot secrets on it that someone’s bound to realize we’ve lost it sooner than later.”
“That’s the problem.” Bucky screwed up his face, dreading the inevitable reaction. “I did too good a job encrypting my phone. I’ve got no idea where it is.”
Steve’s eyes popped. He grabbed his hair until it all stood on end. “Bucky! What the fuck! There are nuclear codes on your phone right now!”
“Think I forgot, punk?” Bucky scoffed and flung himself into the nearest chair. “Trust me, if I look calm it’s only so I don’t bust any more holes in Stark’s fancy-ass walls.” He clenched his hands together, the knuckles on his right hand white with tension. “I need the footage from the airport. If we can figure out where she’s goin’—”
“Right.” Steve ran a hand through his hair, smoothing it back down. “I’ll get on it. In the meantime, figure out who this girl is. If the wrong people figure out what she’s packing, she’s gonna be in some deep trouble.”
“Hey, can I borrow your charger? Mine’s in the overhead bin.”
“Sure.” Mira unplugged her phone. You plugged yours in and drummed your hands on the armrest between you as you looked out over the Atlantic. Cirrus clouds floated below you, casting wispy shadows along the rippling water miles below. Germs, noisy children, and airports aside, you did love flying.
“Did you change your phone background?” Mira asked.
“Huh?” You glanced at your phone, then snatched it up with a frown. The photo you’d taken of Monet’s Water Lilies was nowhere to be seen. Just a boring black background. “No…” You pressed your thumb to the home button, but it vibrated in your hand and stayed locked. “Weird.” You tried again, rotating your thumb a millimeter this way and that until you were prompted to enter your passcode.
But that didn’t work either.
“What the hell?”
“Wait,” Mira said. She shook her finger in midair, lips parted. “That guy you ran into! He dropped his phone too! Maybe you swapped!”
“Oh nooo,” you groaned. “Fuck! What am I going to do?”
Mira snorted. “You can live without your phone for a week, silly.”
“No I can’t! I was going to take photos! I can’t grab your phone every time I want to take a picture.” Even as you spoke, you thought of something. You swiped up on the strange phone and grinned triumphantly. “Ha! I can still take photos. Whoever’s phone this is is just gonna have to deal.”
You looked out the window again. It was a perfect view—some more clouds now, and the sun hitting the waves… You angled the phone and snapped a photo.
“Do you think they have iCloud?” Mira said.
“Who knows. All I know is that I’m going to stop caring about this little misstep and start enjoying myself.” You stuffed the stranger’s phone under your leg, linked your hands behind your head, and grinned.
Bucky took a swig of coffee. Breaking into the stranger’s phone had been insanely easy. He wasn’t used to working with civvie tech. After putting in so much effort to cracking through actual security, this felt absurd. Did she have any idea how easy it was?
Were all civilian phones this easy to get into?
Dear lord.
He pushed the thought aside and focused back on the array of screens. He’d hooked the phone up to the computers in his room, and now it was as simple as scrolling through emails and contact lists, text message histories, photos—
Bucky choked on his coffee. It sloshed in his mug, some spilling over his fingers. He swore, but his eyes were glued to the screen.
The third-to-last picture was um. It was.
The picture wasn’t even blown up; it was just there, the same size as two dozen others, almost innocent in its placement between a photo of a salad and another of some latte art. Apparently this girl—woman, dear god, she was a fucking woman alright—liked taking photos of food.
And of herself, in a mirror, barely clothed.
The fleeting glimpse he’d gotten of her in the airport had done her zero justice. A scowl was never the best introduction, but… Damn. The difference that the soft lighting and soft smile and soft skin made was fucking huge.
Bucky swallowed and closed the window. He did not need to be seeing that. Distracting, that’s what it was. Unsettling. He shifted in his seat, tugging at his pants.
Data. Right.
He started with the emails. Easy enough. Most of them were forwarded from a university—was she a student? He checked some of the opened emails. There it was—grad student union. Suspicion confirmed. He found her flight receipt in short order. Grand Cayman? He leaned back in his chair to check the calendar on the other wall. Mid-March?
Had to be spring break.
A knock came at his door as he was scanning for any information on hotels or Airbnbs.
“What?” he called.
Natasha poked her head in. “Something popped up,” she said. She held out her tablet, eyes wandering over to his screens. “Your phone’s locked, but she’s still using it.”
“Camera’s still accessible,” Natasha explained. “Looks like she’s en route to—” She peered over his shoulder and passed him the tablet. “Grand Cayman.”
Bucky stared. His iCloud photos were on display. The whole screen, save the newest photo, were photos of documents he’d temporarily filched from a facility in Irkutsk Oblast. Then, at the bottom right, there was the new photo. It wasn’t Russian documents, and it certainly wasn’t from Irkutsk Oblast. Just sun on the water, with soft clouds hanging in the sky.
It looked a lot nicer than New York at the moment, that was for sure.
“Well, I knew she was gettin’ on a plane.”
“What else have you found out?” Natasha asked.
“Grad student, from the area, on vacation with a friend. Nothing about a hotel so far.”
“Maybe the friend booked it.”
Bucky hummed. Made sense. He did some more digging. The woman didn’t have a banking app on her phone.
Finally, some common sense.
“What now?” Natasha asked. She snagged his discarded mug and finished off his coffee. “Ugh, I don’t know how you can handle so much sugar.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t drink other people’s coffee,” he said snidely. She stuck her tongue out at him, eyes twinkling. Bucky rolled his eyes. “What now? I’m gonna figure out how to get in touch with her without being entirely creepy about it. Don’t want her freakin’ out.”
“Good luck with that,” Natasha said with snort. She patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry, James, I’m sure it’ll be juuust fine.”
“Mira, this is too swanky!”
You turned in place, mouth agape. Your hotel room looked right out onto the water, the bed plenty large for both of you and the sheer curtains blowing in the breeze. And there was a table with two chairs, a mini fridge, bathrobes even…
“My dad had a lot of points on his travel rewards card,” Mira said. “And given that we’re graduating in May…” She shrugged a shoulder, smiling coyly. “We deserve a little treat.”
“Well, bless your dad!” You squeezed Mira in a tight hug, then ran to the window. The sun was low in the sky, almost skimming the horizon, light glittering off the gentle waves. “This is absolutely heaven.”
You opened up the camera on the stranger’s phone and snapped a photo of the water. You lowered the phone and bit your lip. Did the man who’d bumped into you have iCloud? Could he see the photos you were taking? So far, you’d only taken shots of the ocean. Was it safe to take a photo of yourself? It’s not like you needed one, but more than one person had asked to see pics.
This guy had the same phone as you. That meant he had the same charger. That meant—
“Mira, can I use your phone?” you blurted.
“Uh, what for?” Mira looked up from her perch on the bed, where she was sorting through her suitcase. She’d already taken out her two bathing suits, but you ignored the cute frills in favor of sticking your hand in her face.
“I’m going to text my phone! Maybe that guy will have charged my phone by now, and then we can figure out how the hell I’m gonna get my phone back after we get home.”
“Ohhhh.” Mira proffered her phone. “Just don’t go giving him your passwords or anything,” she warned.
“Are you kidding? I’m not stupid.” You flopped down in the chair by the window, the breeze tickling your skin, and got to typing.
Mira: Hi, this is the person you ran into at the airport. We switched phones after you knocked us over. We should figure out how to get our phones back. Can you send me an email at [email]?
“Oh thank god,” Bucky muttered. He reread the text, grateful beyond words that she’d beaten him to the punch. He’d been about to send this Mira a text of his own, but couldn’t figure out how to do so without exposing himself. Now, he had an out. He opened a new browser window and sent off an email from one of his many covers, hoping his desperation wasn’t too obvious.
“This James guy seems pretty desperate to get his phone back,” you said. You were lying next to Mira on the bed, the BBC muted on the tv on the other side of the room. Mira, bless her, was letting you use her phone to check your email.
“Who can blame him?” Mira laughed. “Look at you!”
“Hey, these things are expensive!” You couldn’t help but giggle in return, embarrassed though you were. “Besides, pretty much everyone’s a little addicted. So what’s on the docket for tomorrow? Breakfast downstairs, then beach?”
Mira started to respond, but her jaw dropped. “Look!” she gasped.
You stared at the tv. Mira scrambled for the remote, and with the push of a button a crisp English voice piped out of the speakers.
“—engers are apparently in the midst of a scandal of their own today, as can be seen from this chase in JFK International Airport in New York. Sergeant James Barnes, also known as the Winter Soldier, is seen here fleeing from members of a Russian terror organization known as—”
Mira muted the television.
“What the fuck,” you breathed. You stared down at James’ phone, then back at the tv. A severe headshot of the Winter Soldier stared back at you. You’d seen his face for a second, maybe two, but there was no denying it.
You had the Winter Soldier’s phone.
“What the fuck?!” you yelped.
“Omigod, be quiet,” Mira hissed, clapping a hand over your mouth. You made frantic noises into her uncomfortably strong grip until she dropped her hand.
“Sorry, sorry,” you said quietly. Your shoulders were up around your ears, your bra straps digging into your skin. “I—what? What the fuck? This was almost funny before, but this?” You gestured wordlessly to the black-cased phone at your feet. “This is unreal.”
Mira reached out and picked up the phone gingerly. “I wonder what’s on here,” she mused.
“Well I don’t,” you said. “Dear god, how many state secrets are on that thing?!”
“Yes, well, of the two of us, I’m the polisci major, so…”
Mira’s cheeky grin was enough to break the tension. You chuckled, shoulders dropping a little.
“I suppose this is what I get for running late this morning.” You collapsed back onto the bed and stared up at the smooth ceiling. “Mira, do you think we’ll be okay?”
Mira grabbed your hand and squeezed it fondly. “Of course we’ll be okay, babe.” She got up to turn off the lights and crawled back in beside you. “Now get some beauty sleep. We’ve got a beach day tomorrow!”
“Bad news, Barnes,” Tony announced. He tosses a dossier onto the briefing table. “Someone tipped off the news. BBC, CNN, Fox—they’re all over your little jaunt at JFK.”
Bucky groaned. He was tired enough—a midnight briefing was never fun, but this? Today? He’d had it. “Seriously?” He opened the folder and winced. There it was, a blurry screenshot of his little tumble to the ground. He glanced at Steve and Natasha; both of them were wincing, too. “Fuck.”
“Oh, it gets worse,” Tony said. He gestured for Bucky to turn the page.
Same screenshot, but it was blown up even more. And there, easily visible, were the two phones on the floor.
“We intercepted that particular picture on the dark web an hour ago.” Tony sat on the edge of the table right next to Bucky, his foot tapping in the empty air. “There’s a race to see if you ended up with the wrong phone.”
Bucky’s blood ran cold. “What?”
“There’s a fifty-fifty chance you snatched up the wrong phone,” Tony said. “So…” He shrugged. “They’re hedging their bets in favor of you being an absolute idiot.” Tony’s face had lost all traces of humor. “That civilian, not to mention her friend or the rest of Grand Cayman Island, is in serious danger right now. All it’s gonna take is one trigger-happy goon, and—”
“I get it!” Bucky snapped. His brain supplied him with plenty of fodder: her in her lingerie, her in a bikini, her in jeans and ankle boots like she had been at the airport, blood spreading around her in a puddle. “How fast can you get me to Grand Cayman?”
You woke with a lazy stretch as morning light filtered in through the curtains.
Mira was already in the shower, humming loud enough that you could hear her from bed. Her phone was charging on the far bedside table; you’d shut James’ phone off before you’d fallen asleep, not particularly interested in dealing with its existence while you were sleeping off the flight.
You padded over to the window and smiled at the view of the sun-kissed ocean. God, this place really was heaven.
A sharp buzzing from the bed disrupted the serene setting. You wandered over to Mira’s phone, curious.
Your heart leapt out of your chest. It was you calling.
You glanced at the bathroom door, blood rushing in your ears, before you snatched up Mira’s phone and answered the call.
“Is this Mira?”
Your breath caught at the familiar voice on the other end. “No. Is this James?”
A pause.
“Yeah. Yeah it is.” James let out a low breath. “You, uh…”
“I saw the news,” you said quickly. Would he understand? You weren’t sure how much was safe to say.
“Oh. Um, good.”
You sat on the edge of the bed, fiddling with the charge cord. “Are you alright?” you asked.
“What? Yeah, I’m fine.” He sounded bewildered. “Are you okay?”
“Well, my vacation just got a little more complicated, but yeah, I’m fine.” You couldn’t help but smile a little. For all that he was a fearless assassin, he was worried. It was… cute.
“I don’t think ‘a little’ quite covers it,” he said quietly.
You froze. “What do you mean?”
“I fucked up,” James said bluntly. “People are going to try and come after you.”
A shudder ran through you. You clenched your free hand into a fist, the cord cutting into your fingers. You opened your mouth, but no words came out.
“I’m on my way to you,” he continued.
“What?! How?”
His low chuckle cuts straight through your fear. “You said you saw the news.”
“Oh,” you say stupidly. “Right.” James Barnes, Winter Soldier, assassin, Avenger. Of course he’d figured out where you were. Hell, he had your phone. No doubt the security on a normal iPhone was nothing to a guy like that. You ran your tongue along your lips as you thought of how sturdy he’d felt barreling into you.
“So,” James said, cutting into your thoughts. “I should be there in a few hours. Can you keep to yourself til then?”
“No way! I’m not holing myself up in my hotel room on my spring break,” you said. “I’ll lay low, sure, but—”
“You do know your life is at risk, right?”
“I’m a woman. My life is always at risk,” you snapped. “I know how to handle myself, okay?”
“You—” James cut himself off. “Listen. I obviously can’t tell you what to do, but I really don’t want your death on my conscience. Please be careful—” He broke off again.
Had he been about to say your name? You suspected so. The worry in his voice softened you. Maybe he wasn’t thinking of you specifically, but… well, it was nice to pretend. Despite the unflattering photo from the BBC, you knew the man was gorgeous. Was it so bad to imagine he cared?
“Alright,” you murmured. “I’ll be careful.”
He let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you,” he said earnestly. “I’ll see you soon.”
Bucky had flown across the globe countless times. To Australia, to Irkutsk, to Antarctica. From New York to Grand Cayman in one of Tony’s jets was less than four hours.
But on the other end was a woman with guts, with an inner fire and yet enough reason to listen to his advice, with fucking lingerie photos on her phone. He shifted in his seat and stared down at the water below.
He’d never had a longer flight.
Three hours later, you were fuming. You couldn’t believe you’d agreed to stay inside. Mira was out on the beach below, and every so often she’d wave up at the window. She’d made friends with a gaggle of bubbly undergrads that you could hear from the hotel. You were so fucking bored from sitting here watching sitcoms and drumming your fingers on the windowsill.
Mira had understood, of course, but still, you were beyond ready to take yourself and your new bathing suit into the water. You were already dressed for the beach—sultry bathing suit, a sheer white cover-up skating along your thighs, strappy sandals to save your feet from the burning sand. Your sunglasses and floppy hat were waiting on the rumpled bed.
Dammit, when the hell was James going to get here? He’d said a few hours, and it had already been three…
If you had to wait another whole hour, you were going to scream.
You wandered over to the hallway door and peered out of the eyehole. No one. The door was double-locked. Your hand hovered by the deadlock as curiosity teased your brain. Would a little peek hurt?
The elevator dinged in the hall, and your heart leapt into your throat. You pressed your eye back against the peephole and held your breath. Two men, dressed conspicuously in dark, thick clothes, wandered slowly down the hall towards your room. They passed your door, though one of them looked straight at the peephole with narrowed eyes.
You jerked away, heart pounding. They were scoping the place out! They knew where you were!
Mira had left her phone with you in anticipation of James’ next call. You typed in the passcode with shaking fingers and locked yourself in the bathroom, hoping the strange men wouldn’t be able to hear you from the hallway. You dialed your phone number. Every ring went on forever.
Finally, James picked up.
“I’m almost there. What’s wrong?” he said without preamble.
“Oh thank god,” you whispered. You pressed a hand to your thudding heart. The edge had already come off at the sound of his soft baritone. “I think someone knows my room. Well, there’s two of them—white men, heavy clothes. Not vacationers. They were going down my hallway, but they looked right at my room…”
“Well, keep the door locked,” James said. “I assume it’s locked.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yrs. It’s double-locked. Should I stuff a chair under the doorknob too?” you asked sarcastically.
“Might as well,” he said. There was a touch of humor in his voice. “No harm in being thorough.”
A little giggle burst out of you, and you stuffed your knuckles in your mouth to stifle yourself. “Whatever you say, Sergeant Barnes,” you teased, voice low.
His breath hitched, and a sudden flush spread across your face and down your neck. Did you really just say that?
“Right,” he said, voice slightly strangled. “Well, I’ll be there in five. Don’t get killed before then.” He paused. When he spoke again, his voice was gentle. “Put the chair under the doorknob. I’ll call when I’m there.”
He hung up. You cradled the phone to your ear, longing to hear his voice again.
Five minutes.
For James Barnes, you could wait that long.
Bucky’s disguise was good. He looked like a buff hipster. Round sunglasses, a v-neck white tee, fitted jeans with more stretch than their appearance let on, and his customary black boots rounded it all out. The backpack was all straight lines, and far too small for a reasonable amount of stuff. He’d had to leave most of his favorite guns behind. Still, he had a few knives tucked away, not to mention the pistols in easy reach.
Then there was the holographic cover for his left arm, though Tony, the bastard, had given it a tattoo that Bucky never would have considered. Watercolor flowers and vines crawled up from the pretend wrist right up to his shoulder. Bucky didn’t even know if his real skin would hold a tattoo, what with the advanced healing. Would his body just flush the ink away?
He wasn’t particularly interested in finding out.
Did she like tattoos?
Bucky shook his head as he climbed out of the rental car and squinted up at the swanky hotel. He whistled under his breath. Damn, this was almost as fancy as the sort of places Tony liked. No doubt the rooms all had nice, big beds…
“Enough,” he muttered to himself.
He eased his way through the milling tourists and headed straight past reception. No one questioned him. He looked like he belonged. He made sure of it.
Bucky bypassed the elevators for the sweeping staircase and climbed up two steps at a time. Her room was on the second floor, down the western corridor. His heart skipped a beat when he saw the two men she’d described loitering halfway down the hall. He ducked down a side hallway before they noticed him, heart hammering in his chest.
It was one thing to give her advice over the phone. Seeing two men at her door, men he recognized from his Irkutsk Oblast mission?
This was something else entirely.
He knew almost nothing about her, but what he did know—and what he’d seen—painted a picture he wasn’t likely to soon forget. If something happened to her, with him so damn close…
Bucky whipped off the sunglasses and hooked them in his collar. He slid a semi-automatic pistol out of his belt and let out a slow breath as he turned off the safety. He let the memory of her face flicker in his mind one last time before he pushed it aside, saving it for later.
A bang echoed down the hallway.
Bucky ran silently down the hall. Neither man had noticed him yet. They were clambering inside the room, forty feet away, now twenty, and then the taller one glanced over.
His eyes widened comically.
Bucky fired at the man’s kneecaps in rapid succession. He collapsed with a howl, curling up into a fetal position. The other leapt inside the room with a grunt. Bucky covered the last few meters and skidded to a stop by the bust-open door, eyes wide and gun at the ready.
The lamp shattered against the shorter goon’s head just as he jumped to his feet.
He wavered in place. You scampered back breathlessly, snatching up James’ phone and scanning the room for another weapon.
Then the goon collapsed face-down at your feet. You sagged in relief, and then you realized someone else was there.
In the open doorway, behind the knocked-over chair and through the open door, stood James. His eyes were wide as he took you in. You stared back at him, lips parted in surprise. He looked totally different than the last time you’d seen him. He looked… suspiciously like a hipster.
Your lips twitched. You slapped your free hand over your mouth before you burst out laughing. This—this was James Barnes, Winter Soldier?
No way.
James’s lips twitched.
“Well, nice to see you too,” he said, smiling. He turned to grab the man from the hallway, giving you a perfect view of his ass in those tight pants. You swallowed as he dragged the whimpering man in.
“You’re getting blood on the carpets,” you told him.
“Eh, we’ll leave a big tip.”
The whimpering man wriggled against James’ hold. James tossed him against the wall and shut the splintered door, double-locking it and setting the chair back under the doorknob.
As his back was turned, the still-conscious goon started reaching in his belt. You rolled your eyes.
“Ahem,” you said.
James turned and placed a well-aimed kick to the man’s busted knee. “Try that again and you’ll wind up dead,” he warned. His low growl sent an involuntary shudder through you that—thank god—he didn’t seem to notice. He dragged the unconscious man, the one you’d so excellently knocked out, beside him.
“Want something to tie them up with?” you asked.
James lit on you with such a bright grin your heart skipped a beat. Hipster disguise or not, the man was gorgeous.
“So thoughtful, too,” he murmured. “Thanks, doll.”
A blush rose to your cheeks as you grabbed Mira’s charge cord and tossed it to him. He caught it deftly and tied the goons’ hands together between their backs.
James stood back and crossed his arms as he looked down at the two men on the carpet. “Nice to see you two again,” he said, conversationally. “What brings you here, Yudin?”
The tall one, Yudin, spat at James, who tutted and shook his head. In a flash, his left hand was at Yudin’s throat, stretching his neck uncomfortably high.
You blink, confusion racketing through you as you stare at the pale skin and the watercolor tattoo of James’ left arm. Doesn’t the Winter Soldier have a metal arm? Is the whole thing fake? Did he get a new arm?
“Talk,” James growled.
“Your—phone,” Yudin croaked. “They thought—”
“Общество змей,” Yudin gasped. He wriggled in James’ grip. James threw him back to the floor.
“Спасибо.” He kicked Yudin on the side of the head; the Russian collapsed in a silent heap.
At last, James turned back to you. His sculpted face was lined with concern, and you realized belatedly that your hands were shaking slightly. You laughed nervously and clutched James’ phone tighter.
“You okay?” he asked, his eyes on your face.
“Well, they’re the ones tied up and unconscious, so yes, I think I am.” You let out a slow breath and sat heavily on the bed, James’ phone tucked between your legs. “Thank you, James. You came just in time.”
“Almost too late,” he muttered. He ran a hand through his hair, gave the goons a last look-over, and came to stand in front of you. You gazed up at him, heart racing, as he studied you. He reached a hand out, but it fell back before it touched your face. “They didn’t get to you?”
“No,” you said. You swallowed. He was so close you could practically feel his body heat. Your eyes darted along his body, from the possibly fake tattoo to his thick chest and the pulse point at his neck. Warmth tickled at you, from your face to your neck and down your body. “They didn’t get to me.”
You did, though.
James bit his lip, his eyes as hungry as you felt. Only now did you realize how exposed you really were. There he was, pistol tucked into his belt, fully dressed, while you were in a flimsy cover-up and a bathing suit that showed all too much.
From the look in his eyes, you wondered if to him, it showed all too little.
A fresh wave of heat flooded your face, and you finally looked away. Meekly, you held out his phone.
“Huh? Oh.”
James took his phone from your hands, the brief brush of your fingers electric. Did he feel it? You couldn’t tell. You were afraid to look, afraid that all the feelings swirling inside you were affecting you alone.
But James put a finger under your chin and tilted your face up. His eyes were bright, a flush high in his cheeks. His tongue darted out to wet his lips.
“It was worth it,” he murmured.
Your eyes widened, but before you could speak he ducked to press his lips to yours.
Roaring filled your ears as you gasped into James’ kiss. His hand slid around the back of your neck, hot and heavy against your skin. His lips were like fire. You grabbed hold of his shirt, desperate for purchase. You fell back, legs still dangling off the bed, and tugged James down with you. He grunted, caught himself on his other hand, but he didn’t let go of you and he definitely didn’t stop kissing you. He ran his tongue along your lips, prompting a moan. Only then did he pull away.
If his eyes had been bright before, they were smoldering now. You swallowed and pressed your hands against the broad planes of his chest.
“Totally worth it,” you agreed breathlessly.
James’ answering grin was brighter than the sun. You traced the shape of his mouth with your eyes, committing it to memory, but then he was kissing you again, and you realized there was no way you could ever forget the feel of his mouth on yours.
When you broke the kiss, desperate for air, he hovered with his mouth a hair’s breadth from yours. You lay dizzy beneath him, one hand trailing along his torso while the other tucked his hair behind his ear.
“I thought you seemed a little desperate for your phone back,” you murmured.
He dropped his head against your shoulder and chuckled. “Yeah…” He rolled to lie on his side next to you, one hand propping his head up as the other reached into his back pocket. “Here. I’ve got yours, fully charged.”
You squealed happily and grabbed your phone. Lots of unread texts, but it still had the Monet lockscreen, and it opened under your thumbprint without question.
“Oh, thank you so much, James!” You kissed him again, brief but happy.
“Call me Bucky?” he asked.
You glanced at him, still smiling. “Alright. Bucky.” Then you remembered what you’d said not even fifteen minutes before. A coy smirk grew on your face. You blinked innocently up at him, one finger tapping your chin. “Are you sure you don’t prefer Sergeant Barnes?”
Bucky positively growled. He grabbed you by the waist and dragged you up the bed, eyes burning as he settled on his hands and knees over you. Every last ounce of air left your lungs as he dipped his head to suck a mark against your collarbone. By the time he pulled away, you were putty in his hands.
“Doll,” he said, voice thick and his eyes carrying a world of meaning, “you are about to find out.”
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A/N: I don’t speak Russian, so it might be wrong! It translates to “Serpent Society” (which is a canon Marvel evil organization) and “Thanks.”
Hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think :D
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dyde21 · 5 years
I wouldn't judge you even if you got inspiration from a Jojo Siwa poster. 😂 For the prompt maybe Percy stressing about coming home from a long day of work/college/volunteering and Annabeths conforts him.
Sorry this took forever! My attention has been drifting around a lot lately, and art and my commissions are still my first priority. But I was super inspired at 3 am so here this is!
The sound of her alarm going off on her phone snapped Annabeth out of her work daze. Pausing with her pencil still on the paper, she really debated ignoring it and going back to work. She had a few more ideas she could pursue, but when she glanced at the alarm and just saw “Percy.” She sighed, smiled and shut off the alarm. Grabbing a sticky note, she quickly scribbled out thumbnails for the trains of thoughts she had. A few years ago she would have easily kept working, probably for another few hours but she knew getting too distracted could be bad for her, it wasn’t always fair to Percy when she ignored him for days or even longer caught up in working. Even if he always insisted he “understood.” It was her job to be there for him too, not just the other way around.
Satisfied she wouldn’t lose any progress, grabbed her phone and headed to the kitchen. Humming to herself, she forced herself to shift her mindset. Instead of all the work she knew she still had to do, she started thinking about all the work she had done. Today had been productive, and that was fine. Her thoughts drifted to Percy as she started rummaging through the cupboards. 
She didn’t normally set a “Percy” alarm, but today was special. It was his first day back from his new job, and she wanted to make sure he would be able to relax when he got home, and that she would be ready to listen to him cause she was both curious about it, and knew he’d be dying to talk to her about it. Just thinking about the way his eyes would light up when she spoke about it had her biting her lip in a small smile, already seeing those tiny laugh lines in her head when he got too excited in the middle of a story. 
Humming happily now, she checked her phone once again before pulling out some chips to go with the sandwich. She had plans for a big dinner, but figured he would need something simple first if he was starving. 
Putting the food out on the table, she moved over to the couch and turned on the TV, letting herself be lazy for a few minutes until she got home. Self care was important after all. 
When the sound of their apartment unlocking reached her ears, her heart started pounding a bit as she awkwardly stood up. The anticipation had really made her miss Percy, as silly as it felt to her. They had woken up in each other’s arms only a few hours ago after all. 
She made her way towards the door when she heard it open, smiling. 
“Hey love.” She said. “I have fo-”
She paused when she saw him. His shoulders were slumped, his eyes were tired, and he looked like he had just held up the sky again. “I made food. It’s on the table.” She continued, stepping towards him. 
He flashed her a tired grin as he shrugged his backpack off his shoulder, setting it against the wall. “You’re the best, you know that?” He said, his tone far too tired for her tastes. 
Stepping forward, she kissed him briefly before hugging him, and he returned the hug a little too tight for normal. It was comfort hug, not a happy hug that she usually got when he got home. She just furrowed her brow as she hugged him back tighter, rubbing his back. 
Eventually, after a deep breath he stepped away from her and headed to the table. He smiled, flashing her one last smile that melted her heart before he sat down and started eating the food. 
Even while he ate though, his gaze was distant.
Annabeth rested a hand on her hip as she looked at him. They had been together far too long for Annabeth not to be able to read him like a book. She knew how stressed he was right now. How much something was bothering him. This was not what she was expecting when she came home from his job. Was the staff bad? Did he hate it? Was he getting himself into a bad situation? Before her mind could spiral and deeper into worried thoughts she moved over to the table. Sitting across from him, she nudged his foot under the table. “Hey. How was work?” She asked cautiously, trying to figure out the best way to approach the situation. Normally she preferred more direct approaches, but he seemed stressed and she didn’t want to accidentally get into a fight if their conversation went south when he was already stressed.
He paused mid chew. “It’s… good. Really cool. Uh… busy.” He said after finishing his bite, only half of her favorite smirk appearing on his face. 
Now her boyfriend wasn’t exactly the most eloquent guy out there when it came to words, but he normally gave her more than that. Especially when coming home from a job he had put himself through college for and suffered long hours. 
“I see.” Was all she said in reply, still studying him. She figured she could at least let him eat before she tried to pry apart whatever walls he was hiding behind. 
Moving over to the couch, she sat down but found the TV was the last thing on her mind. Eventually Percy wandered over to her, laying on it and resting his head on her chest, nuzzling up against the crook of her neck. She hugged him close, rubbing his back reassuringly. He smelled just like the aquarium. “Is everything okay?” She asked again.
“…Yeah.” He reponded, and she felt his shoulders raise and fall in a deep breath. 
“Percy…” She warned gently, knowing he knew she saw through him. 
“Ighjhfjhgdfgd” He mumbled into her neck, making her raise an eyebrow. “I can’t hear you.” She offered, 
He sighed, before turning his head the other way. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
She froze, as she looked down at him. The defeat in his tone was heart-breaking. Especially after how abuzz he had been the past three weeks since he was offered the position. 
“What do you mean? Of course you can.” She countered. “You’ve studied for it for years.”
His arm wrapped around her a little tighter as he hugged her closer. “I know. But.. I don’t think I have what it takes. It’s… too much.”
Shifting, Annabeth sat up properly and shifted him so he was able to look her in the eyes properly. “Percy, what happened today?”
Now that he sat up, he glanced at her, before sighing and looking away, running a hand through his hair a few times that he always did when stressed before looking back at her. “I’m just being a baby. I’ll be fine.” He muttered defiantly. 
Rolling her eyes, she reached out and gently turned his chin to face her. “You aren’t being a baby. You’re stressed, which is fine. But now talk to me, Percy. That’s why I’m here. What happened. What’s going on?” His eyes met hers for a moment, and the smallest smile ghosted across his face. 
“It just feels like… too much. The campus is so big, there’s dozens of workers, even more animals, regulations, schedules, plans, guests. By lunch time I think I’d forgotten half of what they’d told me.” He confessed, looking depressed.
Annabeth’s heart broke seeing her husband like this.
Leaning forward, she rested her head against his. “Hey, it’s okay. Percy, you’re amazing. It’s your first day on the job at a successful aquarium. Of course there’s going to be plenty of stuff you don’t understand. No one could take it all in. But that’s okay, it will take some time but then you’ll be amazing.”
She offered. 
“But… what if I can’t get it? I’ve never been good at all that stuff. I just go with the flow and improvise. But you’re the one who can do great with planning and schedules.”
Annabeth frowned. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. Don’t talk bad about my husband.” She teased before giving him another quick kiss. “You’re the one that made me stop worrying about every little plan and strategy. You’re the one that helped me relax and let my hair down. But I’m not that only one that changed. You aren’t the same little boy that blew up every school he went to. Percy, you got a freaking degree in Marine Biology! That took years of hard work and studying, but you did it! It was all you. Maybe I’ve changed you a bit too, but a schedule and staff is absolutely nothing compared to what you can handle.”
She saw his shoulders square a bit, and slowly life seemed to come back into him. “Maybe…”
“How often am I wrong?” She teased, tilting his chin up.
Her favorite trouble maker smirk crept back on his face. “I don’t want to answer that. We’re having a sweet moment so we shouldn’t start fighting.” 
Laughing, Annabeth joking punched his shoulder. “Well I’m not wrong about this. In no time your dad can promote you to god of aquariums.” She teased. 
For the first time Percy laughed at her dumb joke as she felt whole since he had come through that door. 
“Ruler of all aquatic educational facilities. Generous to all… who pay the 24.99 entrance fee.”
Annabeth just laughed and kissed him, glad to see her seaweed brain was getting back to normal. 
“For real though, I’m here for you. If you need help memorizing things or planning just let me know. I’ll help you out. But surely something good happened today.”
Percy nodded. “I guess it wasn’t all bad… You really should meet Jerry. He’s one of the walrus’ they have there…”
Annabeth just sat back, listening to him as he started to talk more about the various sea creatures he met there more than the actual people. Resting her head against her hand, seeing him so full of life, she wanted nothing more than to kiss him but she didn’t want to interrupt him. They could get to that later.
Thank you for reading! :D I hope it was okay! I actually kinda wanna do a oneshot now of AquariumEmployee!Percy and ArtStudent!Annabeth. Maybe. Either way thank you for the ask and anyone else can feel free to send ideas in!
If anyone is interested, check out my art commissions HERE
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inazumafocus · 5 years
Hewwo, my dear nene! I hope you're doing okay and that everything is going alright for you ;3; For the ship asks... Well, no surprise: KdFd XD And uuuh... HiroAtsu, if possible? XD
Hewwo sweet any~ I’m ok more or less, trying to relax due all this stress of the moving, so thank you for the ask, it helps me a lot💗 and I hope you’re doing great as well sweetie💗💗
Who said “I love you” firstI know it might sound strange, but it was Fudou! Kidou is far too wrapped up in his own self doubts and overthinking and that stopped him from at first even acknowledging his feelings and then to said them out loud. So one day Fudou just EXPLODED because he couldn’t wait any longer and had to speak up what was in his heart. It was very loud and messy and at first Kidou said nothing because he was paralysed and half in denial and only in a second moment did he finally manage to say “I love you” back (after seeing his silence was hurting Fudou). And even then it wasn’t without a loooooot of overthinking about his dad and family situation, what that would mean for his future etc (to know more read the “first kiss” answer👀)
Who would have the other picture as their phone backgroundMmhh they both have the potential to do it, but this more when they’re adults and spend lots of time apart, then they would totally use a pic of them together as phone background AND WITHOUT KNOWING THEY USE THE EXACT SAME ONE BECAUSE THEY’RE TO BIG DORKS!
Who leaves notes written in the fog on the bathroom mirrorFudou would write something in the fog, a flirty/dumb message probably and Kidou would replay, always writing in the fog, to not write in the fog ‘cause he’s ruining the mirror (two loaf of idiot bread)-
Who buys the other cheesy giftsNeither? But also both? I mean they usually don’t but if they’ve been apart for a really long time they would eventually meet up and have both a silly present for the other, usually something that reminds them of shared memories like “a bouquet of the first flower you ever picked for me” or “that sweet you always eye inside that bakery’s window every time we visit that one city”
Who initiated the first kissTying this to the very first question, it was Fudou once again to initiate things between them, because they’re like that example of two introverts going out and one of them having to act as an extrovert to make the other relax and feel safe while they handle everything, just that this time they’re two teenagers who don’t like to show their emotions that much ao Fudou HAS to break from his own mind state and just say stuff, take Kidou’s face in his hands and KISS HIM TO SHUT HIM UP!Because he was spiraling with doubts and stupid worries instead of giving in to what he truly wanted.The kiss was initially BAM two mouths crashing together bc of the impact but an instant later Fudou was kissing him softly, conveying all his feelings in sweet slow movements and he felt Kidou melting in his hands until he was relaxed enough to reciprocate.Fudou is Kidou’s oxygen after all ;^)
Who kisses the other awake in the morningFudou wakes up first but doesn’t wake Kidou up because he knows he’s been up until very late, so he just sneaks out of bed and does his things, starts to get breakfast ready etc.Then Kidou would sneak behind him, kiss his shoulders and neck up to his cheeks, still half asleep while Fudou cooks and they’d smile and faintly chuckles- 
Who starts tickle fightsFUDOU! FOR REVENGE!! Also because he found out Kidou is ticklish on his hips and honestly he just loves his laugh-
Who asks who if they can join the other in the showerThe both do, really, but the first time Kidou did was such a great, important step forward in their relationship! He gathered up all his courage, pushed aside all his fears and slide that door open to a very surprised Fudou.They didn’t even do anything nasty, but it was so intimate, they ran fingers across their hair, watching each other into naked eyes and exchanging soft brief butterfly kisses on lips, nose and forehead while the water poured over them...
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunchTwo options: 1) Kidou forgot his lunch, once again, so Fudou had to go and give it to him with a good scold but also a kiss. 2) Kidou wanted to surprise his beloved one and kidnapped him to go at their favourite place to relax a bit together!
Who was nervous and shy on the first dateGosh they were both so shy and awkward, blushing like the crazy in love teens they were but also gathering up the guts to actually hold hands in public during the local fair. It took them a while to warm up at least a bit to all that PDA and ended up enjoying the date, winning prizes for the other and eating cotton candy and chocolate banana~
Who kills/takes out the spidersThey both kill them without blinking an eye, really!
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunkKidou gets whiny when drunk and a bit sad, but he constantly brags about how much he loves his husband (those rare times he did get drunk for real, so like two MAX)
Who said “I love you” firstMmhh it was probably Atsuya, muttering it while blushing and looking away with a cute frown on his face because he had to master up all his courage to say those three words and he’s rather shy when it comes to these things. He honestly wasn’t expecting much but Hiroto surprised him after a moment of silence bc he looked down and blushing as well while throwing one last rock at the river (which fell this time instead of skipping on the water) and just... muttered “this is so not cool” and Atsuya confused “what?” “You beating me to this whole confession things” and then Atsuya realises what he’s saying and they both stand in awkward silence before Hiroto prompts “so wanna go on a date or what”. It’s gonna take some time before he says those words as well...
Who would have the other picture as their phone backgroundI personally can’t see them doing it bc they’re both too prideful and shy, but they do pass lots of time on the other’s Instagram or through their own phone gallery 👀
Who leaves notes written in the fog on the bathroom mirrorThey actually do it together, art competitions using the fog and mirror as their battleground. They laugh and push each other slightly while smiling both at the obscene things they draw AND at the whole complicity surrounding them.
Who buys the other cheesy giftsI think neither of them is really a cheesy romantic guy? But then again, they are both pretty shy and not at all comfortable with expressing their feelings, so they’ll probably try to convey them in dumb yet meaningful gifts?? Like, if one of them has trouble sleeping the other would buy some relaxing herbal tea but with a butt shaped mug, you feel? They care but they’re dumb.
Who initiated the first kissAtsuya confessed first, Hiroto initiated the first kiss. This because Atsuya kinda pushed him to, he kept nagging him on how he didn’t believe he had ever kissed someone before and saying he probably didn’t even know how to kiss properly, so Hiroto just kinda turned around, took a handful of those pink orangish hair and pulled him into a kiss.Spoiler: it wasn’t the first kiss he gave, but the first chaste one yes. Because for how much he wanted to prove him wrong, deep down he wanted to woo gently and a bit seductively Atsuya, not rushing things like he’d usually do...
Who kisses the other awake in the morningThey’re both grumpy sleeping in guys, so whoever opens eyes first can either decide to pepper kiss the other’s face OR to just stare in awe watching the other sleep~
Who starts tickle fightsFingers are Atsuya’s weapon, he tackles Hiroto down and get his revenge for the chestnut pudding that scarface stole 😤
Who asks who if they can join the other in the showerIt’s usually Atsuya despite the initial embarrass, and Hiroto accepts and lets him in wide eyed every time. And those are the times is Atsuya who tries to seduct Hiroto 👀
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunchMmh probably Atsuya whenever he’s free? I think he asked Someoka some cooking advices and even if his stuff doesn’t look great like his, it tastes good and Hiroto dies internally because of the cute anxious faces Atsuya makes-
Who was nervous and shy on the first dateBOTH OMGS THEY WERE BOTH SO NERVOUS! Atsuya because he felt he had to beat all the other partners Hiroto ever had but he actually had no experience, while Hiroto was because he wanted for it to be perfect since, unknown to Atsuya, he never actually went to a date with someone he loved...
Who kills/takes out the spidersAtsuya. Hiroto just shrieks every time a spider gets at less than one meter from him and he’s lucky to have a mountain boyfriend with him~
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunkThey’re both very loud drunks and those are the moments they have no inhibitions so they go all out. It’s usually a competition to whom screams more loudly and angrily that they love the other!
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Through His Eyes - Part 9
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Summary: Losing your sight after your accident was traumatic, and Jaebum’s guilt of knowing it should have been him instead creates an intricate bond between you both, as you overcome adversity and try to find your way in life again.
Genre: angst / romance
Characters: Im Jaebum x female reader
A/N: This story is emotional and raw compared to some of the content on my blog. It is in no way an attempt to glamourise or undervalue the lives of those who suffer from something similar. This story is purely fictional.
Through His Eyes will be posted every Tuesday at 10am NZST.
Index: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 [M] | 13 - FINAL
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Jaebum blinked away from his petting of Nora, his cat, and glanced at Yugyeom staring at him with some concern. “Huh?”
“I’m guessing he heard nothing, again.” He turned his head towards BamBam’s annoyed expression and he got up from the couch, moving over to where Jaebum was sitting. “Are you back here or still stuck in your head?”
“He’s been in there for months now,” Mark stated, waving his hand dismissively. “Don’t bother him.”
“I am in the room, you guys.”
Jackson let out a gasp of air dramatically. “Are you really?”
“I’m not amused by this,” Jaebum mentioned, folding his arms over his chest and picking up his cat. “You can talk without me in the room.”
“We actually want to talk with you in here though,” BamBam retorted, pushing him back down and turned off the TV they seemed to be watching.
Jaebum glanced at the four men and sighed. “What have I done so wrong now?”
“We’re worried about you.”
Mark nodded. “Jackson’s right, you’re not you. Are you okay?”
“Should I not be?”
“Okay let’s approach this differently,” Yugyeom said, flexing his fingers a little and leaned forward in his seat. “Hyung, you know one of your faults right?”
“My faults?” Jaebum glanced at him and placed Nora back down before tilting his head in confusion. “What are we talking about?”
“Hyung, you obsess over things,” BamBam announced and the other three nodded their heads. “Which can be helpful when it comes to making music because you won’t stop until it’s how you want it to sound. You have a lot of effort to offer, but you obsess over things that you value.”
“Okay, I’m not following.”
“It’s about Y/N.” Mark gave Jaebum a hard look and Jaebum glanced at him in surprise. “We know what happened has changed you-”
“She almost died!”
Jackson sighed and nodded. “We know, you both almost did and we are forever thankful to her. We like her; she is a really sweet person.”
“But don’t you think you’ve been investing far too much time and energy into her?” Yugyeom sighed and moved closer. “You can be thankful without making your entire world about her, you know.”
“Anyone would think you’re having a relationship with her.”
“Woah!” Jaebum pointed accusingly at Jackson’s statement and rapidly shook his head. “That is not happening!”
“No, we know that, but to the average person would they be able to know? You drop things that you’re doing whenever she needs you, and if you’re not able to do that, you space off with this look in your eyes like you’re trying to solve all of her life problems. Your fans are going to notice, if they haven’t already and speculate you’re dating. Then all you need is one photo taken and you’ll be the next scandal!”
“So you’re worried about my image as well as yours!”
“Hyung!” Yugyeom cried exasperatedly and shook his head. “We’re worried about you! And we get that guilt must eat at you, but you need to move on and focus on your career. We have our comeback soon and it’s going to need your full focus. You’ll run dry if you keep doing everything like you are.”
Jaebum stared at each of them, unable to respond in the way he wanted to. He couldn’t believe how lightly they seemed to regard you, to not realise how much he carried around in his chest each day for your situation. It wasn’t something he could easily brush off like everyone else wanted him to.
“We get it Jaebum,” Mark said, his warm eyes regarding Jaebum’s silence as if he could read his mind. “Your guilt is what fuels you on each time. If she hadn’t gotten hurt, she wouldn’t mean anything apart from being a good fan we’ve known for years. But because she is different now, you feel like you need to support her.”
“We’re not attacking you,” Jackson added and patted his shoulder. “We’re worried you’re carrying around too much pain and guilt from the accident and not addressing it properly.”
“And we want you to know you can turn to us. Any time.” BamBam smiled and the other three nodded.
“I need some air,” Jaebum announced shakily, getting up from the situation and moving to the exit, heading down to his car and hopping inside it. Instead of turning it on, he sat there, staring at the concrete wall numbly, unable to make himself start the vehicle or go back up into the house to approach them.
Jaebum knew they meant well. GOT7 had their fights, as any men would when they had once slept, ate and even showered together. Even with everyone moving into different apartments to accommodate their individual needs, Jaebum wouldn’t know how to cope without the other members being a regular focal point in his life. They were more than just contracted members to him, GOT7 was a brotherhood. And when one of the members were struggling, the others banded together to help lift them up.
Jaebum hadn’t been quite aware as to how he appeared to the others. More importantly, he hadn’t put any energy into it, his life only consisting of completing his schedules and checking in on you.
He couldn’t just turn his back on you either. They were right; he was invested in your life, probably more than he should be. He didn’t feel a need to change that though, his own level of commitment to you coming from a genuine place within him. Although he bounced around with how unhealthy it felt at times and tried to tell himself that, Jaebum was his happiest when he was around you. Even if you were struggling, being there to help you through gave him a sense of accomplishment.
“Maybe that’s not good either,” he murmured, his mind wandering back to what he had been thinking of when they interrupted his thoughts before. Your breaking point last week was still bothering him, and he had been trying to think of ways to help you find a creative outlet. So far, he had little plans, but Jaebum knew he had to help you find art again. The need was so great that he realised the members had been right about his focus. Until he found a way to help you, there would be no rest within his mind over the topic.
Jaebum vowed to find a solution, and then decrease his constant guidance over you. If you could be happy with your art again, then you would be at more ease within your own skin. And that would make him feel at peace as well. Smiling, Jaebum got out of the car and headed back up his apartment he had left his friends in, hoping that with some time, he would have balance back in his life.
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He spun to see Madam Cho approaching him and greeted her, smiling lightly. He had been on a few variety shows over the years with her and Jaebum found her creative mind interesting to be around. “Hello noona.”
“Oh you!” She cried playfully, swatting his arm gently but grinning all the same. “Always flattering me!”
“How could I not?” he replied with a chuckle and she nodded happily.
“I have something to ask of you. I heard you like to offer your time now and then to try new things.”
“When I have time, I do. What are you offering?”
She clapped her hands together and grinned. “I recently opened an art studio and was hoping you could help me promote it?”
“An art studio?” Jaebum repeated, letting out a small laugh. “I’m not really creative in that way.”
“I know, but you seem like the type who would give it a go!”
“I don’t know.”
“Well do you know anyone who I could ask to join?” she asked, pouting dramatically at him.
Instantly his mind thought of you and he found himself nodding. “Do you know the art scene well, noona?”
“Of course I do silly!”
“I was wondering if you could help me find a place for my friend if I come to your studio.” Madam Cho’s eyes lit up and she dragged Jaebum over to her dressing room, taking him inside so they could discuss the details.
Two weeks later, Jaebum pulled to a stop outside the address on the GPS and turned off the car. You unclipped your seatbelt and then got out. After making sure he had covered himself accurately, Jaebum followed you and helped you inside the quaint little building, following the small corridor to the back of the unit and towards the warm light waiting.
“Where are we?” you asked softly as he pressed a hand gently into your back, prodding you along.
“You’ll know in a moment.” Jaebum opened the door and led you inside, greeting the older woman waiting for you both. Madam Cho rushed to his side excitedly.
“Oh Jaebum, you’re here!”
“This is my friend. Y/N, this is Madam Cho, you know who that is right?”
You were far too still, your face frozen with recognition of the smells around you. Jaebum nudged you gently and you flinched before turning around. “Jaebum, why are we in an art studio?”
“We’re here to do some painting today!” the infectious older woman announced and slipped her arm around your shoulders. She gently led you over to an easel and helped you take a seat. “Do you know what’s in front of you?”
“Jaebum?” you called out, fear evident in her tone. He walked over to your side and reached for your hand.
“I can’t, you’ve brought me to the one place I don’t want to be in. Can we leave please?”
Madam Cho let out a little laugh and you jumped again. “But I was such a fan of your painting The Rose two years ago.”
“You… you saw that?”
“My dear, I was one of the people who judged it. Jaebum is a friend of mine and I asked him to come and paint in my new studio to give me some hype. Of course he told me about you and I had to meet you!”
“You did?” You moved your head around in attempts to locate him, and Jaebum smiled, encouraging the woman to continue.
“Now, shall we paint?”
“I can’t, I can no longer see.”
“Painting doesn’t come from seeing, but feeling. Shall we start feeling again today?”
It was hard to push you like this, to overload your senses in a way Jaebum hadn’t been so aggressive to do in the past, but as he watched you gingerly take the paint brush in your hand, he knew you were ready as well to find what you were capable of.
[Part 10]
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the-canary · 6 years
Pastel Colors - B.B (14/15)
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Summary: If only the cute teacher would stop pestering you for a pen.(Library/Teacher AU! Reader/Bucky Barnes)
Prompt: you’re always asking me for a pencil because for some damn reason you don’t know that there is a whole store for stationary—happy birthday here’s a gift card to that store. wait, you work there? what the hell?
A/N: This is for @bithors writing challenge. Aside from the epilogue and a few strays drabbles, this is sort of the end of these two fools in love! I am going to be honest and say I wasn’t the happiest when this series started, but I ran with it and as my 2nd Bucky series, I’m pretty happy with results. Thank you to Kumi for allowing me to take part of her challenge. Thanks to @isavuu for being my beta and general support from the middle of the series and letting me see its full potential. Thank you to my other two friends for being fucking soundboards. 
Thank you for taking the time to read it and appreciate my little high school! 
Feedback is always appreciated.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 |  Part 12 | Part 13 
March rolls away softly with sweet dates and eager kisses. April is a bit cooler, but just as sweet with ending of your first semester. Yes, there are setbacks and things you still have to learn, but you enjoyed everyone’s research presentations and some of the students had been kind enough to give you feedback on how you could better yourself– they were a wild group, but you knew they were good kids. From that point forward, you move towards adding the finishing touches to the science and book fairs. Both would be held near the end of the school year, though students had been told two months in advance in order for them to prepare their project, since they would be judged by the Board and Tony Stark himself.
So, here you were on weekend, discussing the final details with Mrs. Potts-Stark.   
“And with that, the event will end with a mini fireworks display, per the request of Mr. Stark,” you explain the last bit of your notes, as the redhead shakes her head lightly at her husband’s dramatics though there is still a bright smile on her face, the love evident on her face. You laugh, catching her off-guard, as she coughs lightly before going back into work mode.
“That sounds perfect,” she says as you nod, “I know that you’ve done a lot of things out of your usual job, but thank you so much for the help. I look forward to working with you towards the new school year as well.”
“Ah,” the sudden praise now catches you off-guard, as you nod your head at her gratitude, “Thank you for taking the chance at me. I’ve grown a lot this past school year.”
“Oh!” Mrs. Potts-Stark exclaims, as you give her a questioning look, “You should thank Mr. Philips for that.”
“Ummm…what do you mean?” you ask curiously. Mr. Phillips was someone you looked up as a mentor because while he was rough around the edges, he was a kind-hearted man that often spent the time telling you about his WWII background and fishing adventures when he wasn’t sending you to do the chores for the library since his back often went out due to a previous injury. You even got postcards from him and his wife every so often since they had started their RV adventures a little over two years ago.
“He said, ‘ That’s kiddo is a spitfire if you give her the right work. She just needs to move on from her mourning, is all ’” she explains, trying her best to imitate his voice near the end, which causes you to laugh, though you understood where he was coming from – you had mourned your mother for a long time and it wasn’t until you became the Head Librarian that you were pushed out of it. This whole year had gotten you to past that it seems.
“He’s just like a noisy grandpa,” you giggle, as she shakes her head. Her expression a bit more open before, “But, thank you, Mrs. Pot–”
“Pepper,” she cuts you off, as you look at her in confusion.
“Excuse me?”
“You can call me Pepper,” she smiles and you do as well, a little prouder than before at the privilege she has given you, something you would have never thought you deserved last July, but you had gained and grown so much thanks to her – you owed so many things to everyone and you only hope that things would get better from here on out. She grins and taps her pen on the desk before going to the next stack of papers you had handed her at the start of the meeting.
“So, you wanted to make some changes to Mr. Barnes’ classroom?” she tries to go back to her regular business mood, but can’t help but grin at the sight of your plans. Ah, fools in love, she thinks as it almost reminds her of another person with a passion for science and wonder.     
“Ah, yes! I was hoping to…” you explain your plan under watchful blue eyes.
Pepper Potts-Stark can only hope she gets an invitation to a certain event in the near future, as she sees your bright eyes full of love and adoration. It was still too early, but she had a gut feeling for the both of you, one that had never been wrong – as Tony would like to say. And I mean, she was the one that pushed you together from the beginning, no?
 “Now what are you planning?” Steve questions as he sees you leaving Bucky’s classroom on a Thursday, one of the two days that he doesn’t have tutoring or any clubs to deal with. You had promised to meet him later on for dinner with the excuse that you still had some work to deal with.
“Something, something,” you answer, as he shakes his head.
There was a huge grin on your face, as he watches you enter the room before following you. In the past couple of months, Steve had seen you break out of your shell and become a completely different person that didn’t hide behind Mr. Philips’ shadow, but he had also seen Bucky –the romantic and never ending optimist–  come back from the dead after several years.
At your surprise shining bright in front of him, Steve couldn’t help but grin and that’s when he knew you guys were perfect for each other – maybe, even like Andromeda and Perseus, without the whole sacrifice and rescue motif though.
 The whole school festival celebration ends up being a 3-day event that starts with a book fair, which you are quite busy running and showcasing several different works of the students throughout the different classes. Mr. Rogers’ classes hold a mini art gallery, Ms. Romanoff’s students showcase their digital art in the same space. In the second day, Ms. Hill replicated her earlier success with a school-wide poetry slam, and there were sports events with prizes thanks to Mr. Barton. However, the crown jewel was certainly the science fair on the last day.
This time around Bucky was busy showcasing his students to the board members and Mr. Stark, as you run around making sure everything is in place. It wasn’t until mid-afternoon that you both had a break since everyone was celebrating Peter’s win with his webbing, that quickly caught the former CEO’s attention, along with a visiting princess that had come along with her older brother to visit Stark Industries. You pull the man away from the festivities and drag him to his room, as he gives you a curious look.
“Doll, what are you planning?” he questions, as you laugh though without telling him anything. You shake your head, as he can’t help but smile at what silly thing you might be up to because since you started dating Bucky had come to realize you could be a tease and prankerster when you wanted to be.
“It’s not a secret, if I tell ya, Bucky,” you shake your head as he sighs. You tell him to close his eyes before opening the door to his classroom. You wait one, two, three seconds before opening the door and telling your boyfriend to open his eyes.  
“Damn,” is all he can breathe out at the sight of his classroom cloaked in darkness close to his desk, but speckles of stars and familiar constellations scattered throughout the classroom ceiling. As it moves further out from his desk, the skies starts to lighten up with the farthest wall in an array of warm, pastel colors in its own artificial sunset.  
“So, where are they?”
“What is, starlight?”
“Where the hell are those pens you took from me, James?” you question and hit him on the right shoulder as blue eyes widen. He lets out a nervous laugh, fully knowing that they are stored safely in one of his desk drawers back home where he used them for his own journaling – not that you were going to figure that out anytime soon. You pout waiting for answer. Instead, he chooses to grab you by the waist and spin you among the stars before planting a sweet, long kiss on your lips.
However, that doesn’t stop your plight.
“You better by me some new ones, Mr. Barnes,” you pout, as he sways you back and forth to some old song you have realized he had become fond of humming, though you don’t know which one yet.
“I’ll buy you the whole damn store, Ms. Librarian,” he grins before peppering kisses throughout your face. Your shared laughter echoing in the room full of stars.
Because while you could thank a lot of people for this happening in the end, it was really just a pen –your precious stationery— that caused all this to happen.
Finale (Part 15) 
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6 Times You Didn’t Leave and The 1 Time You Did: Part 2 (Keith x Reader)
Warnings: Abandonment, death, loss of parent, grieving
Word Count: 2,818
Prompt/Request: N/A
Summary: As their friendship crumbles, the reader finds themself hoping for a way to talk to Keith again. That opportunity shows itself in a much more painful way than anybody expected. Warning: The ending is very dark and left unresolved. This is not the final installment of 6TYDL&1TYD, though.
Author: Mod Alex
Chpt. 1      Chpt. 3
Age 13: You and Keith remained as close as ever, if not more so, as you went through elementary school. Some of your fondest memories were of summers spent hanging out at the pool with Keith to beat the Texas heatwaves. It was only when the summer before your first year at middle school rolled around that things began to change. You and Keith had found out that aside from one measly history class and lunch, you had no chances of seeing each other during school hours. Needless to say, this was wildly different from your years in elementary school where you were together for all almost eight hours of the school day. The day before classes started, you and Keith went up to the park that you had spent most of your early childhood at.
“Do you think it’ll be fun at all?” You nudge a rock with your foot, stealing a glance at Keith. He stayed quiet and you sighed, his silence answered your question. “But hey, we gotta make the best of it right? We’ll still hang out all the time.” This prompts a small smile from your best friend. “Yeah, you’re right.” You bumped your side against his. “Don’t look so sad, we’ll figure it out. We can catch up on at lunch and then again in history.”
Middle school, despite being in separate classes, was off to a great start. You and Keith had made it a point to always eat lunch with each other and hang out after school. But slowly, as the homework and drama that came with being a preteen began to add up, you were no longer able to see each other as much. It was always “I’m sorry (y/n), but I was thinking about trying out for the soccer team, can we meet up tomorrow instead” or “I can’t meet for lunch, I’m really sorry Keith, but I did promise my mom I would study during lunch for the test in my math class”. Between your two conflicting schedules, it was a miracle you two still talked to each other at all. Even still, not having your other half by your side hurt. And the loneliness stung as if someone had stabbed an icicle into your chest. That’s why when the familiar face of Lance and his best friend Hunk had approached you in the hallway one day to ask if you wanted to hang out, because they thought that you seemed upset, you had immediately accepted the offer. It’s not like Keith would care, you had thought bitterly, he was always too busy for you anyway. As you befriended the duo, you found yourself laughing again; smiling without any strain behind it. As far as you could tell, Keith had done the same by befriending student council president, Shiro, who was a year above the both of you. While it stung to see yourself get replaced so easily, you were honestly happy for Keith. Everyone knew Shiro was the nicest person in the school, so it made you happy to know that Keith had extended his usually guarded heart to another person aside from you; even if deep down it twisted your gut uncomfortably for reasons you didn’t completely understand. You wrote it off to missing your oldest friend. The end of the year rounded the corner quickly after that, and you found yourself unable to focus on the way your stomach felt all in knots when you saw Keith due to being busy with final tests.
“Don’t you think I should, (n/n)? Uh, Earth to (n/n), is anyone there?” Lance waved his hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Wuh- Oh, Lance, sorry.” “Hey, it’s no big deal, dude. But you should know, you were totally staring at mullet-head over there.” Despite yourself, you blushed. “Was not! Why would I? You know we don’t talk much anymore… Anyway, what were you saying?” Lance and Hunk exchange a knowing look before looking back at you. You give them a half-hearted glare in return. “I KNOW that look. It only ever leads to trouble. Whatever you’re thinking, you can forget it now. The last time you two had one of your ridiculous looks, we got detention for almost a week.” “I’m hurt. Your lack of faith, it wounds me really.” Lance placed a hand over his heart, feigning being in pain. “All we were thinking was that maybe you should go talk to him. Like you said, it’s been a while. Maybe you could rekindle that old friendship-” “Romance~,”Lance had butted in while Hunk was talking. You socked him in the shoulder. “Don’t be an idiot. But maybe you’re right Hunk. I barely saw him this summer and when I did, it was only because our parents are friends and he was forced to tag along, not because he actually wanted to be there. He was always too busy hanging with Shiro and Allura.” Allura was a transfer student in Siro’s year. Apparently, Shiro had met her during summer and they had become fast friends. Now she was practically a celebrity at your school. And more importantly, your friend Lance was ridiculously head over heels for her, so you hoped mentioning her would take the spotlight off of you. It did. “I bet they don’t even realize how lucky they are,” Lance grumbled as he looked up at the table where Allura sat with the rest of the Student Council and a handful of other students, Keith included. You stabbed into the “mashed potatoes” on your plate, nudging them around instead of actually eating them. “Hmm? Maybe you’re the one who should go talk.” You grin at him. “Yeah and embarrass myself? Maybe I can do something for Valentines Day. Oh, I can volunteer in that thing the student council is doing maybe that’ll grab her attention.” The rest of lunch was full of fun chatter and you and Hunk teasing Lance. Still, you couldn’t shake off what Lance had said. Why romance? You didn’t like Keith like that, did you?
It wasn’t long until your trio became a quad? Quartet? You weren’t sure what to call it, but nevertheless, you were grateful for the addition. She was a sixth grader, a year younger than you, but she was super smart and in several of your classes despite being younger. Her name was Katie, but after overhearing her brother who was in high school call her Pidge, you all lovingly started calling her Pidgeon. Initially it annoyed her, but she grew to be fond of the silly nickname. She also quickly adjusted to keeping up with the dynamics and talk of the group. The best thing, at least in your opinion, was that she was snarky enough to shock Lance into silence. Those few seconds of pure heaven were usually enough for you to recover from whatever teasing he had dished out your way. Pidge wasn’t the only surprise that came to you, though. Since you were a seventh grader, you were required to choose an elective. Without a second thought, you had chosen art. That had led to surprise two.
Keith Kogane. Your ex-best friend. The person who was basically the other half of you. The guy that your friends were sure you had a major crush on- was sitting in your art class on the first day. You almost freaked out before remembering that Keith did, in fact, go to the same school as you and was just as entitled to choose art for his elective as you were. Gulping silently, you made your way to a seat close to the paint, which just so happened to be on the opposite end of the classroom to where Keith was. Either he hadn’t noticed your entrance, which you highly doubted since he was always very observant, or he just didn’t care. The thought that the second option might be true sent an ache through your chest that you brushed off as nerves. When the teacher arrived, she explained that she would be placing everyone in groups of four every couple of weeks, so to not unpack yet. Much to your relief, you hadn’t been paired with Keith yet. You knew you wanted to talk to him again, but you wanted to on your terms not due to him being forced to interact with you. Besides if things went south when you talked to him, you’d rather not have to be working with him right afterward.
Seventh grade was shaping to be a much better year than the previous year had been. Your group of four were the best friends you could ask for and art class was easily shaping up to be your favorite class. However, you still haven't confronted Keith, and your friends were nowhere near letting you get away with not talking to him. It’s not that you didn’t want to, you did, it was just that you weren’t sure how to even bring it up with him. Your friends' suggestions didn’t really appeal to you; Lance wanted you to just walk up to him and call him out, Pidge said you should consider befriending his friends to get close to him again, and Hunk suggested you go to the soccer meets where Keith played. Despite this, you had begrudgingly agreed to try out Hunk’s idea first if you hadn’t already talked to Keith by the end of the week. Little did you know, you didn’t have to worry about trying Hunk’s idea out; you’d end up talking to Keith the first day of that week, long before your “agreement” would be up.
Art class on Monday was the one thing you were looking forward to. You had a bad case of the Mondays and needed some art to clear your mind. Thoughts of working on a new charcoal piece danced through your mind until you stepped foot into the classroom. There on the board was the new seating chart showing what you were dreading the most. You had to sit across from Keith in the four-seating table. He wasn’t here yet, though, much to your relief. Even as class started he hadn’t arrived. At first you were glad to not have to deal with speaking to Keith, although, that anxiety quickly melted to worry. He was never absent. It was something that you always found odd when you two were friends still. You had gotten sick every now and then and had to miss school, but Keith had always had perfect attendance. The entire period, you were barely able to focus on the assignment at hand, and instead you nervously wondered where Keith could possibly be and what had been bad enough to make him not come to class.
You got your answer on your way to lunch. Pidge and you were walking to the cafeteria when you heard sniffling. Being the gentle-hearted person you were, you told Pidge you’d catch up with her after you went to make sure whoever was crying was okay. What you found froze you in your tracks, shattering your heart into a thousand tiny pieces. There, by the dusty storage closet in a nearly abandoned part of the school was Keith, tears bubbling in his eyes and trickling down in streaming rivers as he hiccuped pitifully. “Keith..?” He looked up to the source of the voice, looking panic-stricken and rubbing his eyes frantically. “(y/n), wh- what are you doing here?” Your backpack clattered to the floor and you were by his side in an instant as if you two had always stayed friends. As if nothing had ever happened. “Keith, oh my gosh, what happened? Are you okay?” Your eyebrows knit together as you carefully inspected him for any wounds. “Like you care.” He grumbled, scooting away from you. A hurt look shot across your face. “What- what do you mean?” He glared at you as best he could with puffy bloodshot eyes. “You leave me for some people you’ve barely ever talked to before and now you come rushing to me acting like you care. I don’t need your sympathy! I don’t know how you heard but forget it. I don’t need your help just cause our parents were friends.” Were? They still were, weren’t they? “Keith, I’d never do that to you. I wasn’t trying to leave you. You did the same to me, anyhow. But- wait what do you mean? Hear what?” “Don’t play dumb! I know you know!” “No, I don’t!” You noticed how his hands were shaking and how he had clenched his jaw. He was trying not to cry. Whatever was going on, it was serious enough to cause Keith to break down. You took a breath, calming yourself, before trying again. “Keith, I honestly don’t know what’s going on. We may not have talked in a while, but that doesn’t mean that seeing you hurting doesn’t hurt me too. I just want to help, please.” He seemed to realize that you aren’t lying. “So you really don’t know?” You shake your head. “Dad- he,” he chokes back an oncoming sob and continues very strained, “there was an accident at his work.” A single tear trickles down his cheek before more follow suit. What he’s trying to say finally dawns on you and before either of you have a chance to fully realize what’s happening, you pull him into a hug. Your eyes, too, were filling with tears. “I’m so sorry. God, I am so sorry.” Keith hiccups, letting himself fall apart as you hold onto him, both of you sobbing openly now. You cling to each other as if you were at sea and you both would be swept away into the nothingness if you didn't hold on tight enough... In a way, you would. The man that was like an extension of your own family was gone. No warning. No goodbye. Just gone. You couldn’t even begin to imagine how Keith felt. Had he left that morning with a hug to his father, expecting to be picked up after school in his old beat up pick up? Did he even get to say I love you? You felt sick.
You two had skipped the rest of your classes, you didn’t have the energy to argue when Keith had tugged your hand to the fields in the back of the school. The tidal wave of anguish had given way to a hollowness for now. The two of you laid in a patch of grass outside the view of the school. There wasn’t anything either of you could say, not that either of you really felt up to talking. So instead, you laid there hoping that this was all some mistake. That some other Mr. Kogane had been in an accident, even if the thought was selfish. What would happen to Keith now, your mind asked. You didn’t know. His mom had left when he was younger. And now with his father gone, you weren't sure who would raise Keith. He didn’t have any grandparents, at least that you knew of. Subconsciously, your hand found his and you intertwined your fingers. He squeezed your hand slightly and you did the same to his. It wasn’t much, but it silenced your mind for a moment. You really hoped it did the same for him.
Your mother picked you both up. She looked the same way you both did. Nobody spoke on the car ride to your house. There wasn’t anything that could be said that would fix any of this, so no bothered trying to. At your house, your mother had to talk to people from the state while you and Keith went to your room. “They’re gonna take me to a foster home. I can hear them.” Keith was crying again, though it was more of a silent, steady kind of crying. You were sitting beside him, close enough that your shoulders were pressed against each other. “Maybe- maybe you can stay here? My mom has always loved you, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.” He stayed quiet; you both knew the idea had no base in reality. The state wouldn’t allow that. It was a while until either of you spoke up again. “Hey, (y/n).” “Yeah?” “Can I ask you a favor?” “Anything.” “Can we keep talking. Even when I leave, I mean. Maybe we can e-mail or, or something. I just… Don’t want to be alone again. I can't handle losing someone else, not now. Please don’t leave me, not again.” “I promise you, Keith, you will never ever be alone again. Not as long as I’m still here.” You held out your pinky finger to him and you saw a ghost of a smile on Keith’s face for a split second as he hooked his pinky finger on yours.
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auroraphilealis · 6 years
I’ll Be Your Safety
I’ll Be Your Safety | Prince Daniel had long since given up on the idea of ever finding someone he could love. Being a prince came with consequences after all, and there was no one Dan could trust - except for his best friend Prince Phillip from their neighboring kingdom who Dan may or may not have been incredibly in love with. Phil doesn’t want him back though, surely, right? So when Dan is sent to find a proper partner to marry, he doesn’t immediately think of Phil - until he does. | Phan | Teen and Up | Prince AU, fake relationship, getting together, marriage | 8,077 Disclaimer: In no way do I pretend that this is real or cast aspersions on Dan or Phil.
Originally this idea was claimed by @philscurls for the phandom reverse bang. However, I absolutely fell in love with the prompt while Ellen struggled with it, so I asked her if I could take it over, and low and behold… she let me! Last night I went on a writing spree and pulled this together just after the posting date was meant to go up, but I’m super happy with how this turned out, and I can’t wait to share it with you guys! It was so much fun to write, and I hope that the original artist, @laura-sketches will enjoy it as well!
You can find the art (Here) and I hope that the artist will be posting soon as well so I can link to her actual post that you guys can reblog!
Special thanks to my wonderful beta @phillybops for taking a look over it and catching my silly mistakes! Enjoy guys <3
It was the abrupt sound of pulled curtains and the sudden appearance of bright light behind Dan’s eyes that woke him, jarring him from a nasty sleep full of dark dreams that made little to no sense in the morning, but left Dan feeling a sort of dread in the pit of his stomach. He moaned as he rolled over in the satin sheets of his bed, and tried to pull the covers over his head to block out the light that surrounded him now, so very different from the darkness of his dreams and the pulsating music from last night.
“Get up, Prince Daniel,” an acerbic voice Dan recognized all too well called to him, voice loud in the silence of the early morning.
“Don’ ‘anna,” Dan moaned in response, rolling over once more in an attempt to bury himself in a burrito of his sheets. There was a knowing sigh in response- the only sound other than breathing in the Prince’s room and then a light touch against Dan’s back. Dan knew what was coming before it happened.
In one swift movement, Dan’s personal butler grabbed hold of the end of Dan’s duvet, and yanked it from Dan’s naked body, exposing him rather suddenly to the sheer chill of the early morning air.
With a loud yelp, Dan jerked upwards in bed, and shouted, “‘K, ‘M up!” like the hungover young adult that he was. His eyes popped wide open, taking in his surroundings, and he drew his body in itself in an attempt to keep warm, uncaring for his nude state in front of the man who had seen far worse things from Dan.
Frederick, Dan’s butler from birth, stood at the foot of Dan’s bed holding his duvet in his hands with a look of shuttered amusement on his face, something Dan had gotten quite used to. He always did his best to appear stern with Dan, but Dan had long since learned of the man’s affection for him, and he’d never let it go.
Reaching up with a wide yawn, Dan carded his fingers through his curly hair, pushing back his fringe so it sat more as a quiff against his forehead, and scratched aimlessly at his other arm as he worked to wake himself up. He couldn’t quite remember what day it was as he blinked blearily around his room, unsurprised to find his late night conquest from the day before gone. Dan was certain Frederick had escorted them out early that morning to keep the prince safe from strange attempts on his life or his heart, and for that, Dan was thankful.
Still he wasn’t entirely sure why he had been awoken so early as well. Normally, Frederick let Dan sleep in on the weekends; the time when Dan was free from royal duties and unneeded in the throne room for people’s requests. Dan had long since finished his schooling, and his swords master was on a long trip to visit his family this month, so Dan wasn’t expected to meet with him either. The sight of the rising sun so clear at his window showed that it was certainly early morning and not afternoon, though, so there was no doubt in Dan’s mind that something was going on.
Frederick stepped forward then, handing Dan a cracker, a tablet, and a glass of water, of which Dan knew was for his hangover. Smiling goofily up at his butler, Dan took the items agreeably enough, and choked down the medication with a look of utter disgust on his face he could never hide no matter how hard he tried. Frederick laughed at him in turn.
“Perhaps the young master should refrain from getting drunk every night, and he wouldn’t have to take such medicine anymore,” Frederick stated pleasantly enough. If Dan hadn’t liked him as much as he did, he might have thrown the glass at him in turn, but he refrained and merely rolled his eyes instead.
“You’ve said before, Frederick,” Dan replied plainly. Then, realizing that he was unlikely to be allowed back to sleep now that he was up, and feeling really rather chilly without any clothing on or his duvet to curl up under, Dan stood with another yawn and stretched his limbs until his joints popped pleasantly. Frederick averted his gaze politely, but did not move from his place at the end of Dan’s bed. “Now what is that you’ve awoken me so early for?” Dan asked, taking a step toward his wardrobe, only to wobble dangerously as a sharp pain shifted through his backside that reminded him of just what he’d been up to last night.
Dan winced, caught himself, and sighed. That was a pain he was rather used to, but it was always difficult for the first few hours afterwards. He’d just have to endure.
As Dan moved to his wardrobe to dress, Frederick cleared his throat to explain his presence there.
“As you might remember, Prince Daniel,” he began, a sentence that made Dan snort as they both knew he did not remember what was going on, “Your parents are expecting your trip to begin to today. You did promise to be on your way by the end of the month, after all.”
That’s when the words hit Dan, and a watery memory he’d been seeking to bury under uninhibited quantities of alcohol for the last three weeks came rushing back at him, nearly burying him in the same, unidentifiable shame he’d felt when his parents had first instructed him on what he was to do.
Dan was being sent off to find a suitable partner from their neighboring kingdom where King Lester resided, in an attempt to not only stop Dan from sleeping around with their own subjects, but to finally unite their kingdoms in a very finite way. Dan groaned, and dropped his hand from where he’d been reaching for his court clothes, realizing that the day had finally come where Dan would have to leave.
Riding leathers it would have to be, then.
“Tell me again, Frederick,” Dan started sadly, shifting to the back of his wardrobe to find the right kind of long underwear to cover his privates and prevent his legs from chafing too much, “Why my parents are making me do this?”
Dan already knew the answer, and Frederick did too, but it didn’t matter. They both knew Dan wasn’t looking for any real answers. He was merely groaning the way he always did when his parents forced him to do things that he didn’t want to.
Frederick answered Dan anyway.
“As the eldest Prince, you are required to find a suitable partner to rule at your side until your death.”
Dan rolled his eyes.
“And if it isn’t a woman,” Dan mocked back, quoting his father’s terribly annoying words, “Then it will be your younger brother’s duty to continue the family line.”
Dan had never once been ashamed of his pre-declination towards men before, and though his parents had never strictly forbidden it, they had made it clear that it would merely shame him if after his death it wasn’t his own child that inherited the throne, but his brother’s. Too bad for the King that Dan literally didn’t care, and good for him that his brother was far more interested in women than Dan was.
That was the only positive coming out of this whole finding a partner in the neighboring kingdom thing. At least Dan wasn’t being forced into wedlock with a woman of all things. Still, he didn’t have to be happy about any of it. If Dan were to have his way, he’d not only never marry, but he’d cede the kingdom to his brother as well.
King Howell was never going to allow that though, so Dan had no choice but to go along with his wishes.
“If I may, Prince Daniel,” Frederick suddenly asked, coming up behind Dan to help him shrug on his leather tunic, the one to protect him from the winds as he rode. Dan allowed it, and inclined his head for his butler to continue. “Why are you so against marriage?”
Dan hesitated. No one had ever asked him that question before, and it came as a surprise to hear the question now. It wasn’t that Dan was against marriage, per se, it was more that… well. Call him old fashioned, but Dan wasn’t into the whole forced marriage thing
“Prince’s don’t get to marry for love, Frederick. They marry for duty,” he finally said. “And while I’d love to marry for love, the chances of my marrying anyone who didn’t just want me for my status, is next to nil.”
Frederick didn’t reply, and Dan didn’t continue. His thoughts turned inward, his heart aching at the realization that even now, leaving his own kingdom for another, he would still be in danger of finding no one better suited to him than those he slept with night after night in his own kingdom. At least they knew better than to expect an offer to stay, and merely took the money Dan handed to them quietly without asking for anything more. The people in the Lester’s Kingdom, Dan could not say the same for, and he could not deny that he feared the predators who he might end up bringing home.
It didn’t help that Dan was quite close with the Lesters. Their two kingdoms had been in peace negotiations for years, and Dan had grown up with the Lester children at his side since he was a boy. That would all be well and good if Dan hadn’t gone and fallen in love with the youngest, Prince Philip, the most beautiful man Dan had ever known, inside and out. He’d long since come to terms with the fact that he could never have the other prince, and had taken out his frustrations on men of his own kingdom who looked like Phil by courting them and taking him to his bed over and over again.
No one could ever truly replace Phil, though, and it had been a hard pill to swallow when Dan had realized he would not only never get to marry Phil, but he’d be forced to unite their kingdoms by marrying a man of Phil’s home. How much crueler could his family get? They were unintentionally allowing him so close to the object of his affections, only to prevent him from grasping hold - not that it was their fault Dan would never have the prince, at least not technically.
Dan thought his parents might not completely flip if Dan chose to marry a prince, rather than just some dignitary’s son, but Dan would never get the chance. Prince Philip had always been so far from Dan, despite being right there his entire life. Phil could never love Dan, not like Dan loved Phil, and it had long since been a lost cause.
Dan sighed as Frederick continued to help him prepare for his long journey that morning, and tried to pretend that his life was not about to come to an end.
The journey to the Lester’s Kingdom was a familiar one to Dan. He’d gone many times before, though usually not alone, and was familiar with the dark trails through forests and roads that would take him to his best friend’s doorstep. He’d driven in carriages before, and rode his own horse many times, but never for the purpose he was taking the trail now.
Normally, Dan went for a visit with Phil, to spend a month or two with the man his parents knew Dan had always been close to, but never before had he gone without Phil knowing of his coming, or without the express purpose in mind to visit with his Prince. The idea of doing so now put a damper on the journey that had used to excite Dan so, and he sighed as he rode atop his horse with a bag of supplies against his back.
The journey was a relatively short one, a good week from one capital to the next, but without the pleasure of making up plans of ways to steal away the Prince’s attention once he arrived, it felt longer this time. Dan was bored out of his mind, having refused a detail of guards to accompany him when he’d left early Sunday morning, and suddenly regretted the lack of company. At least the guards would have been good for small talk, maybe a good romp in the hay, but instead Dan had chosen to take this journey alone.
Maybe Dan had just been hoping he’d find a good few farm men to sleep with once he’d crossed the border, maybe even considered for a moment to take them home, but it didn’t matter now. Dan had crossed the border yesterday afternoon, but he’d stuck to the shadows of the trails he knew like the back of his hand, and avoided civilians like the plague. It was completely contrary to his original plans, self sabotage, and yet Dan, couldn’t bring himself to care.
In fact, Dan couldn’t bring himself to care about much of anything these days. For the past month, he’d been dreading the moment he’d actually have to leave on this journey, and it had left his life feeling incredibly pointless. Maybe that was why his exploits with the men of the kingdom had gotten so much more… frequent, recently.
Not to mention messy. Dan hadn’t thought he’d ever have a threesome, but, well…
If the second man hadn’t looked like a carbon copy of Dan himself, he probably would have been too jealous to let anyone be involved in his fun with the Phil lookalike, but no one needed to know about that. It was fine now anyway. Dan just needed to get to the capital, and start spending time with known Duke’s and higher up’s. Perhaps he could even settle for a merchant. Dan didn’t know who would be the best to take home, unsure if he’d even be able to find someone who he’d ever be able to love, or who wouldn’t attempt to take full advantage of him.
Why had his parents thought this was a good idea again?
Suddenly, Dan was ripped from his thoughts at the loud sound of his own horse whinnying, and the jostling movement of the horse jerking back, front hooves kicking at the air for a brief moment. Dan yelled out in surprise, and took hold tightly of his reins, pulling back on them to try and control his horse, all while he searched wildly for the source of his horse’s terror.
His own eyes were wide, fingers itching to brace around the hilt of his sword at his waist, but he didn’t even know where, or what, his enemy even was.
“Calm, Moody!” Dan shouted as he pulled harder on the reigns, head whipping around desperately to find the issue as Moody continued to thrash about, kicking behind herself, and then huffing loudly.
It took another moment, but Moody finally settled down, her body tense and unhappy under Dan. Still, her relaxation relieved Dan, who was finally able to see straight enough to find what had caused all the commotion in the first place.
The first thing he saw as he stared straight in front of himself and Moody was a large, brown gelding. He was stood stock still in the middle of the trail, going lengthwise across the path and preventing anyone from moving past him. The second thing Dan saw was an unsettled tree, disrupted bushes, and a trail of heavy and unhidden footsteps trailing away from said horse and into the forest around them, just off the beaten path Dan was taking now.
Instantly, Dan tensed.
Someone was here.
“Who's out there?” he yelled, unafraid, as he let go of his horse's reins and jumped off of her, his hand going straight to the hilt of his sword. “Show yourself!” he continued when he got no response, turning slowly but surely on nimble feet, ready to fight for his life if it came down to it.
Whoever had hidden in the woods either hadn’t wanted to be seen by Dan, or was planning an ambush. Regardless of the reason, Dan was not going to ignore the signs and continue on his way dangerously. Not to mention, a large horse was stood in his way, and there was no chance in hell Dan was getting off the well known beaten path and walking into some kind of trap.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are!” Dan hollered, voice menacing, when the person did not appear after Dan’s first call towards them. “You’ve been caught, sir! I know you’re there! Reveal yourself!”
There was a crunching sound from Dan’s left, and he whirled with his sword thrust out just in time to press the tip of the metal to the throat of someone who appeared all too familiar, and who was looking at Dan with a grin on his face that seemed to stretch for miles.
Staring at this man was like staring into the sun, and Dan’s jaw nearly dropped as he realized who this was.
“Phil!” he shouted, a grin of his own taking over his face. His sword arm fell as he dropped the weapon to the forest floor, and without another thought in his mind, Dan threw himself into the arms of the other prince, warmth immediately seeping into his skin. He buried his face into Phil’s neck the best he could considering he’d grown taller than him over the last year, and inhaled his scent sharply as Phil chuckled against his ear.
“Dan,” Phil replied softly, and merely held Dan tighter in turn. “It’s good to see you,” he explained, and placed his own chin on top of Dan’s curly mop of hair. His embrace was heaven to Dan, and he never wanted to let go.
They ended up settling down at camp a few miles into the forest haven they’d been walking through. Phil had had the foresight to carry his own sleeping bag, while Dan had been sleeping on the floor the past few days, but it was unmistakable that they had both been traveling. Dan was more relieved than he could say that he’d run into Phil, but the fact that Phil had been traveling at all was starting to niggle at the back of Dan’s mind.
What was Phil doing out here?
He hadn’t asked yet, though. Instead, the two had walked their horses to a somewhat hidden clearing in the forest, tied them up, gotten them water, and then begun to build a fire for themselves. Night was coming quick, and while the sun was still setting, neither wanted to be caught out in the cold.
As Phil spread out his sleeping bag near the fire, and Dan propped up a bundle of clothes as a makeshift pillow they way he’d done the past few days, the two settled in with a kettle over the fire, and a simple broth brewing. Phil had offered his small cache of supplies for dinner without Dan even getting a chance to say no, but Dan wasn’t going to complain; the cook at Phil’s palace made the best vegetable broth Dan had ever tasted, and he was glad to have a chance at some now.
“So,” Phil finally said, breaking the easy banter they’d fallen into earlier, teasing each other the way they’d always done when they were together. “What are you doing all the way out here? I wasn’t expecting to run into you on the road.”
Dan let out a heavy, dramatic sigh, and flopped backwards against the makeshift pillow he’d created of his clothes, an action that both men were rather familiar with - Dan always had been the drama king. Phil laughed at the action, and Dan turned his head to grin at his best friend, feeling his heart race excitedly in his chest at the sight of him. He still couldn’t quite believe he’d somehow managed to run into Phil out here, especially when he was meant to be on a trip to find a partner to drag home.
In a way, Dan wasn’t sure if he was more happy to have Phil with him now, or upset, because now he had to admit to Phil why he was here.
“Well,” Dan replied, drawing out the “e” for extra dramatic effect. Dan liked the way it made Phil grin at him, his tongue sticking out through his teeth, smile gummy in the cutest of ways. Dan’s heart fluttered in his chest. “To tell you the truth,” Dan continued, and sighed as he remembered why exactly he was out here. The humor from a moment earlier seemed to suddenly be gone. “My parents sent me off to find a partner. They were getting sick of me sleeping around every weekend, and they gave me one last month before I was required to pick someone from your kingdom to finally tie our kingdoms together.”
The words kind of rushed out of Dan in one long breath. Suddenly, Dan realized just how desperate he’d been feeling lately to just talk about all of this; his fears and the terror of having to marry an actual stranger, of potentially being stuck in a loveless marriage…
Dan rolled onto his side and stared at the dirt underneath him, picking at it with his nails and refusing to look at Phil, who’d yet to reply to what he’d said.
“I guess I’d just really hoped I’d find someone I could actually love before I was forced to get married,” Dan admitted on an exhale. “I thought maybe my parents would… understand.” He closed his eyes and let his hands go limp against the floor, suddenly feeling entirely drained of all energy.
Phil still hadn’t said a word, but Dan knew it wasn’t because Phil didn’t know what to say. He just wanted to give Dan his space to finish. Phil had always been good like that. While Dan couldn’t seem to help himself when it came to interrupting other people and interjecting with his own thoughts before they’d even finished speaking, Phil had always been so incredibly patient. It was no wonder Dan was so in love with him.
“I just don’t want to end up with someone who’s just using me to be a prince or princess,” Dan finally admitted at last, and fell silent.
As always, Phil seemed to know when Dan was done, as not a second too early or too late, Phil was letting out a soft sigh and reaching over with gentle fingers to ruffle up Dan’s curly hair. The touch instantly made Dan smile, and he basked in the warmth of Phil’s affection.
“Yeah. I get that,” Phil agreed, and the thing was, Dan knew he really did. It wasn’t like when his butler or his classmates would agree back when he was doing schooling with some of the other duchess and dukes kids, or even the other servants in the palace. No one had ever really understood the way only Phil could, because he was a prince too.
Dan was only jealous of the fact that Phil was the second son, and therefore might have more of a chance than Dan of finding someone to love. If only that person could have been Dan.
“But if it makes you feel any better,” Phil continued, “My parents sent me to visit your kingdom for the exact same reason as you're visiting mine.”
It took a while for the words to proper register in Dan’s mind, unhelped by the way Phil’s fingers continued to card through his hair in an affectionate manner Dan so rarely got these days. At first, he merely hummed in reaction to Phil, eyes still closed as he rested with his head half off of his makeshift pillow, and then what Phil had said finally seemed to hit him.
Dan sat bolt upright in seconds, eyes popping wide and mouth dropping open as he moved to look at Phil. His best friend was biting his lip on what seemed to be an embarrassed smile, and his bluey-green eyes reflected a sadness Dan was certain was in his own. The sight made his heart ache, and he craved the chance to reach out and reassure Phil the way Phil had done so many times before for Dan.
But he couldn’t, because Dan was unable to get past the gnawing, horrified feeling in the pit of his stomach that Dan’s fantasy’s were truly about to crash down all around him.
Phil was looking for a partner. Phil was going to get married.
And it wasn’t going to be to him.
Dan’s heart was suddenly racing in his chest. He felt kind of dizzy, but he was doing his best not to give in to the sudden desperate desire to heave in needy breaths of air. Clenching his fingers into fists at his sides, Dan merely stared at Phil, completely aghast, and tried to take the situation in.
“What?” he finally managed to gasp out. Phil, much to Dan’s distress, ducked his head at the word, as if he didn’t want to have to face Dan about this anymore than Dan had wanted to face Phil. “You mean…?”
Phil nodded his head.
Dan was absolutely stunned, but that didn’t prevent a stone from dropping in his stomach and nearly killing him.
“Yeah, I uh. Well, Martyn’s just gotten engaged. His wedding will be in the next month, and I’m expected to introduce my own betrothed at the reception, so ah. Here I am,” Phil introduced, laughing at himself. His voice sounded frail and awkward, and Dan didn’t know what to do.
He’d never been any good at comforting others. That had always been Phil’s specialty, not Dan’s. Suddenly every last thought Dan had had about enjoying Phil’s company for the rest of his journey, maybe even borrowing him as a wingman, begging for one last glimpse of hope that Phil might be jealous, might be interested, evaporated into thin air.
Every last thought that Phil was lucky, that he might find love even if Dan didn’t, disappeared.
They were both trapped in the same horrifying circumstances, and somehow, for Dan, knowing that Phil would soon be off the market was too much for him to bear.
So he hatched a plan. As he stared at Phil, who was back to stirring the slowly warming broth over their fire, refusing to look back at Dan, he thought. Dan thought about the way Phil made him feel, and the hope he’d had that he might still have some time left alone with Phil come the future, after he’d married and left his husband back at home. Dan thought about the empty place in his heart where Phil had lived since they were kids, and the desire he’d stirred in Dan when he’d first turned fourteen and showed up all grown and adorable with dyed black hair grown into a stylish fringe.
Dan thought of all the times they’d spent back at the palace, playing and fighting and bickering late into the night, telling each other their secrets and whispering promises of love that had always meant more on Dan’s end than Phil. Dan thought of Phil’s lips, and how badly he’d wanted to kiss them for years now, and his hands and the warmth of them against Dan.
Dan tried to imagine either of them being married to someone else, and his heart wrenched.
Maybe… maybe Dan still had a chance. Maybe Phil didn’t love him, didn’t view him like that at all, but maybe Phil would be willing to pretend, just for a little while, to save them both from their plight.
“What if you marry me, instead,” Dan blurted out, ears flushing red as he realized he’d said that out loud. His heart was thundering away in his chest, and he could feel terror trying to envelope him all over again, but he refrained. Phil was looking at him now, his head having whipped up the second the words had passed Dan’s lips, but his gaze was closed off - stunned.
Dan had to push on.
“Think about it. We both want nothing more than to find someone we can actually love, and there’s no way either of us is going to find someone we can so much as trust in the next month. The task our parents have set us is impossible,” Dan explained, talking fast, afraid he wouldn’t get through his whole speech before Phil interrupted him with a crazed laugh. Why would Phil ever want to marry Dan anyway? This was insane, and Dan had no idea what he was saying, but he couldn’t stop now.
He had to try. This was his last chance.
“If we were to get married, it would unite our kingdoms, and you would be a king one day. You would rule at my side, and you’d have all the time in the world to find someone you could actually love. It’s perfect Phil, don’t you see?” Dan continued, pushing forward until he was almost pleading. He could hear the distress in his own voice, the terror, the pain, and he couldn’t help wondering if Phil could see right through him.
Dan wasn’t offering to save them both the pain of finding a proper partner to marry. Dan was offering because he wanted to savor every last moment he ever got with Phil before someone else came along and stole him away. Dan would take anything if it meant holding Phil by his side, even a fake marriage that was nothing more than a piece of paper and public display.
“Think about it,” Dan continued, still talking fast, eyes wide and pleading. “It could be perfect. We’re best friends, what could be worse than marrying your best friend? And it’s not like we have to have sex. The law about consummating marriage beds and blood on the sheets was banished ages ago. It could totally work, and I -”
“Dan,” Phil murmured, cutting Dan off mid word. The action was half expected, and yet so rare, that Dan cut his ramble off immediately and looked up at Phil. He was surprised to find his friend staring back at him with something tender and warm in his eyes, and felt that something that had been tightening around his throat suddenly loosen until he could breathe again.
“Dan, shh. Stop. You don’t have to convince me. I think that would be a wonderful idea. I’d love to be your husband.”
Phil’s eyes were glittering, and he was smiling, a not so secret laugh on his lips, but Dan didn’t care. All he could do was stare at Phil in absolute wonder and awe, amazed that his spontaneous plan had actually worked.
Phil had agreed to marry him, and it had hardly even taken any convincing. Phil was looking at Dan like he loved him for this, and even if that love didn’t expand beyond platonic, Dan didn’t mind.
“I just can’t believe we never thought of this before,” Phil continued, chuckling lightly. His cheeks were flushed and red, but Dan was unsure why, nor did he quite understand the seeming hysteria in Phil’s eyes. “It’s perfect, and it probably would have gotten our parents off our backs ages ago! Besides,” Phil continued, smirking, “I guess that means you really aren’t ever getting rid of me now!”
“Phil!” Dan whined, “Shut up!” he complained, but his heart wasn’t in it, even as he reached over to shove Phil onto the floor, laughing as the action devolved into an impromptu wrestling match that made Dan feel warm and breathless all over.
Dan was too busy floating on cloud nine, because Phil Lester had said yes to his proposal, and they were getting married.
While the trip towards Phil’s kingdom and over the border had been boring bordering on terrible, the trip back was anything but. It was full of raucous laughter and a level of fun that Dan had never experienced with anyone but Phil. There was teasing aplenty, and even a few good natured shoves, but Dan had never gotten along so well with anyone as he did with Phil.
Every time they walked back into each other's lives after a long absence, they found that they fit together like puzzle pieces. It was as if they’d never been apart, and while they filled each other in on the antics of their home lives, it never felt forced or hard. There were no awkward silences to fill because the two never seemed to run out of stories to tell each other, and when they did, it didn’t feel awkward to just bask in each other’s presence.
It was actually the opposite. Dan had never felt so safe as he did in Phil’s presence, and just having Phil there beside him riding his horse left Dan feeling warm to his core. He didn’t need words or even contact to make him feel whole, the way he did when Phil wasn’t around, and Dan that for as long as he had Phil at his side, he’d never draw another man into his bed.
Well, actually, Dan couldn’t make that promise, but he knew that he would never need it the same way he did now. No one could truly replace Phil, and Phil made Dan feel like he was on top of the world. No one could top that. If Dan could never have Phil the way he wanted him, he would take his friendship with the ease and grace of a gelding, and appreciate every second of his company.
While the trip to Phil’s kingdom had taken a few days at most, the trip back took closer to the week Dan had planned to get to the capital of Phil’s kingdom. Dan didn’t mind though. Unlike the boring trip there, the trip back was the most fun Dan had had in ages.
Half the time, he and Phil were messing around. They spent just as much time racing their horses to see who could take turns and reach certain areas faster than the other just for the hell of it, bickering and joking over the results every time they tied until night had fallen and they’d failed to get much further than a few yards from their destination of last night.
Neither male truly minded though. They hadn’t seen each other in just about a year now, both busy with their own business in presiding kingdoms, and they were making up for lost time now.
They never spoke of their soon to be marriage, though, and Dan tried to pretend that that didn’t hurt. Sometimes he’d see Phil turn and look at him with an expression full of both longing and fear in his eyes that made Dan fear they were doing the wrong thing, but as quick as the expression was there, it was gone, and Dan was left to wonder if he’d ever really seen it at all.
They swam in the lake just off the border between their kingdoms on the third day of their trip, and dunked each other under the water so many times Dan could practically taste algae in the back of his throat. Dan spent more time than he’d care to admit staring at Phil’s toned chest, and how he’d grown since Dan had last seen him, and tried not to reach out and touch more than was actually necessary. Being two young adult men, however, rough housing was how they got on, and it was inevitable that Dan would touch. He tried not to feel guilty with the zing it sent through him, and merely pressed on and tried to pretend that he just saw Phil as a friend.
On the fourth day they went hunting, something they were both exceptionally poor at, and merely managed to catch a rabbit which Phil then refused to slay. They set the unharmed animal free back in the woods, and sat down with their quickling dwindling rations for dinner that night with good natured smiles and reassurances that they’d done the right thing. Dan held Phil’s hand and squeezed at his fingers every time he wondered if he’d ever be any good at ruling if he couldn’t even kill a rabbit for his dinner that night, and Dan reassured him that Phil would do what was right in the end.
Besides, they hadn’t needed that rabbit that night, and had mostly trapped it for the fun of it.
That seemed to be enough to reassure Phil, and they continued on.
On the fifth day, the two stumbled upon a wounded wolf that Phil merely couldn’t ignore, and after gaining the animals trust, the two nursed it back to health over the following two days, ignoring their own needs to get home and merely enjoying each other’s company and the mutual caring for a wounded animal. Dan watched Phil the whole time he stroked the wolf’s head and mended the two hurt back paw’s that had prevented the poor animal from running away when they’d first approached it, and felt his heart ache with the desire to have this man in every way.
Phil was so gentle and kind, his eyes soft and his touch warm. Dan would never find someone as good as Phil, not even if he could search the whole wide world.
Soon enough, though, the wolf healed enough to stand and fend for itself, and while Dan and Phil both were sad to see the animal go, they waved it off as it loped away after one last affectionate nuzzle that told them both they would never be forgotten.
Then, finally, on the eighth day, the two finally crossed city lines into the capital just past sun down, and turned to grin at each other. Their faces were grimy and covered in sweat, and their horses stood under them unamused at their antics over the last few days, particularly the event with the wolf that had detained them so close to home.
Still, Dan didn’t regret a second of it, and as he stared out at the capital of his kingdom, taking in the sights he’d haunted so many years now finding men to take to his bed to replace Phil, Dan felt something right finally settle in his chest. He had Phil at his side now, regardless of what that might really mean, and Dan was going to soak up every last day he got with Phil before Phil moved on to someone else.
The thought of that day coming sooner rather than later dampened Dan spirits, and he shoved the thought away as soon as it came. He could deal with that later. For now, he had a betrothed to take home.
“Ready?” Dan asked Phil, turning back to look at him once more.
Phil turned his head as well, eyes shining bright, and mouth open in a toothy grin. Dan could see his tongue sticking out, just the tip. It was everything and more.
“Ready,” Phil agreed, and took the lead.
Dan shouldn’t have been surprised at how well his parents had taken the news when he’d arrived in court that day with Phil at his side, arm’s laced together, and a plan on the tip of their tongues. There had been something knowing about the look Dan’s mother had given him, but his father, as expected, had merely grunted his agreement and reminded Dan’s brother Adrien of the renewed need for the youngest son to produce an heir that Dan was clearly never going to be able to bear.
Dan would have felt bad, or even guilty, if it hadn’t been for the fact that his brother didn’t care in the least. No choices had been taken from him when it had been clear from the start that he was pretty much only interested in women, and he didn’t so much as bat an eye at Dan when he was summoned and subsequently excused.
Phil, on the other hand, had looked suitably grave, as if he were blaming himself for taking away Dan’s one chance at an heir by marrying him. Dan wasn’t sure if the expression was real, or a mere farce put on for his father, but he never got a chance to ask. He was too busy being dragged into wedding planning not twenty-four hours later, while Phil was sent off back home to inform his family of his decision.
Dan regretted not getting to go with Phil, but with the wedding scheduled to go along with Martyn and his betrothed Cornelia’s, the two did not have much time to plan. Besides, Dan was not long shipped off with carriage upon carriage of supplies to the Lester’s a week or so later, and left to plan there. By then, he’d mostly forgotten about Phil’s grave expression and its implications, and had merely soaked up every last moment he was given to spend at Phil’s side.
Not that there was much of that. The two weren’t even allowed their customary sleepovers anymore because of their betrothal and how it would be seen as unright, not to mention the fact that every minute that was not spent planning for the dual wedding was either spent sleeping or eating. That left very little time for Dan to even check in with Phil and see if this was still what he wanted, let alone mess around with his best friend, so Dan let the grave expression go. At least for a little while.
By the time the wedding day arrived, the memory of that expression had wore a hole through Dan’s heart, and he was seconds away from calling the whole damn thing off. His hands were sweating in his tailored tux, and he’d wiped them on his trouser legs multiple times now. Martyn, Cornelia, and Phil were all temporarily in separate rooms from Dan, leaving Dan nothing to do but dread what was to come.
What if he was doing the wrong thing? What if he was ruining everything with Phil? What if Phil knew of Dan’s feelings and was just doing this to make him feel less alone? What if Phil had someone else out there that he thought he could never have, and he was only settling for Dan? What if Phil regretted this, in the end?
A sudden knock at the door drew Dan out of his thoughts, and he turned with a loud screech of his shoes against the floor. He cringed at the sound, but managed to shout out a hoarse sounding “come in!” regardless, hoping that whoever was at the door would excuse it all for nerves.
Of course, the person at the door turned out to be someone Dan had not quite been expecting. Despite tradition and superstition stating that the betrothed were not to see each other before the wedding, Phil Lester himself was sneaking into Dan’s room.
Dan’s jaw dropped open, and his palms began to sweat even more profusely.
“What are you doing here?” Dan stuttered out, his terror from before suddenly renewed tenfold. Was Phil here to call this whole affair off? Had Dan well and truly ruined their friendship? Dan didn't know.
“I had to see you,” Phil replied earnestly, staring at Dan with wide eyes full of emotion that Dan could not decipher for the life of him. Dan merely gawped at Phil like a fish out of water. His heart was beating erratically in his chest.
“What do you mean?” Dan finally managed to ask, terrified, but doing his best to prevent the emotion from showing on his face. “We’re not supposed to see each other before the wedding, Phil, I -”
“Dan,” Phil interrupted, once again interrupting Dan and shutting him up immediately. Phil didn’t interrupt people, not unless it was important. Dan could practically feel his blood pressure spiking.
“Phil?” Dan shot back, his voice coming out as a high pitched squeak. Phil was stepping closer now, something Dan didn’t completely understand, that same unreadable mass of emotions shining in his eyes, and his lips quirked in a hesitant, uncertain smile. Phil was nervous, that much was true, but why.
Dan didn’t understand why. He just wanted to know what was going on, why Phil was here, and if he were about to dissolve everything before Dan could get what he wanted. How could Dan have been so stupid as to use Phil like this? How could he have thought this was a good idea?
His thoughts were racing a mile a minute when Phil reached out and captured Dan’s cheeks in his hands, chuckling gently at him.
“You’re thinking really loud,” he teased.
His eyes had turned gentle, but his smile was none the less nervous than before.
Dan swallowed thickly and nodded his head. Phil’s hands were warm against his skin.
“Sorry,” he whispered.
Phil just shook his head.
“It’s okay. I don’t really mind. I just wish I knew what was going on inside of that head of yours,” he added with another gentle laugh. It was high, high like when Phil was feeling awkward, like when he said something strange that he regretted almost immediately. Dan knew that laugh, but he didn’t think it belonged here, in this situation.
He wished Phil would just get on with what he wanted.
“No you don’t,” Dan shot back, throat dry, because Phil didn’t. If he knew, he wouldn’t be about to marry Dan.
Phil frowned at Dan, a little crease forming between his brows that Dan ached to reach up and smooth out, and shook his head, but he didn’t argue against Dan. Instead, he stared into Dan’s eyes, leaving Dan to do nothing but stare back.
Phil’s hands were still cupping his cheeks. Dan didn’t understand.
“Listen, Dan,” Phil finally said, breaking the heavy silence that had fallen between them. His voice broke, and he hesitated, something that made the dread and worry forming in Dan’s stomach swirl in a mass of butterflies and hornets. He wanted to throw up. If only Phil would just get on with it.
Just break it off with me already, I deserve it, Dan thought, but that wasn’t what Phil said.
No. Instead, Phil once again took Dan by surprise, the way he’d been doing all their lives, and he sighed. His eyes were clouded over in an emotion that Dan could not name as he leaned in close, far closer than Dan thought was necessary, hands still pressed warm and tight on either side of Dan’s face, holding him close.
“Dan,” Phil said. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. Please, forgive me for this, but I just - I just need you to know, before we get married...I love you.”
The words were nothing that Dan had been expecting. They burst forth against his ear drums like fireworks in the night sky. It almost felt like Dan’s entire world came to life in that moment, colors he hadn’t known could be so vivid exploding before his eyes. Phil’s face was apprehensive, scared and unsure, but Dan couldn’t bring himself to care.
He was floating in starlight, staring into the sun, and a smile unlike any he’d ever worn before was ripping itself across his face.
Phil Lester loved him. Phil Lester loved him, and they were about to get married.
Suddenly, the puzzle pieces fell together, and Dan finally realized that this… this was everything they’d been leading up to for years, now.
Without waiting another beat or another moment to pass, Dan leaned forward and he pressed his lips to Phil’s in a kiss that would rival that of the one they’d share at the altar hours later. Dan’s arms came up to wrap around Phil’s neck, and he laughed against Phil’s lips as he whispered back, “I love you, too,” suddenly feeling like the prince who’d gotten his fairy tale ending.
For the first time in his life, Dan felt like the world truly was his oyster, and he held onto Phil like he was never going to let him go, because he wasn’t.
Phil Lester was his, and soon, they’d have their happily ever after.
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