#hope i got all the info and claims right in here lmao
faggotmox · 3 months
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something wonderfully important has happened! my "wrestling dad" josh shepard got his book of wrestling erasure poems published & it is up for sale (either 10$ or "name a fair price"). this is incredibly important to me as im one of the first people to have gotten the privilege to read these poems as josh wrote them. josh is incredibly important to me as a friend, he is the guy who introduced me to wrestling & gave me a deep, unrestricted passion for it.
josh is so fucking talented, & creative. he is also my favorite poet, not just bc he's my friend. the book's flow is dedicated to the flow of a wrestling match, following all the hallmarks (the lock up, big heat, the comeback, ect) with the themes of his poems to create a match like narrative for the book.
there are like three specific poems in the batch that i want tattooed on me, a stone cold one, a mick foley one, & a briscoe brother's piece. the aj lee pipebomb poem moved me to actual tears, even when i read it now. the macho man poem abt being bipolar struck me so hard i rethought my own feeling on my mental health. josh pushes impressive themes of capitalism, mental health, poverty, & family theoughout many of his poems. i know ive got a few wrestling fans here, & if you're also into poetry please considered josh's work. or just if you want to support a friend of mine.
a cool way to support josh's work is by requesting it at your local library! even suggesting to bookstores that have poetry sections or interacting with the work thats already published. following/reposting josh's work for exposure also is great.
bruiser zine said this:
The second volume in the BRUISER Zines series, Cutting Promos is a collection of pro wrestling erasure poems by the Oklahoma City poet Josh Shepard. Printed and assembled in Baltimore, this limited edition zine collects 26 poems previously published in BRUISER, HAD, The Daily Drunk and many other fine publications.
After being laid off at the onset of the pandemic, Shepard found comfort and inspiration in the glow of professional wrestling and its performers—their violent struggles, fighting spirit, and electric language—and from their speeches and promos that have inspired wrestling fans across the globe he delivers Cutting Promos, a collection of erasures that echoes the personalities, pursuits and perseverance of pro wrestling’s greatest, standing as a testament to life lived during Hard Times and deliverance through them.
[ IN CASE YOU MISSED THE LINK ABOVE TO BUY JOSH'S BOOK ] [ JOSH'S TWITTER | INSTA | LINKTR.EE* ] *a lot of the links don't work bc the publications went under :( but there's still quiet a few up for free here
support my kayfabe father!!! i watched him turn his hard times into beautiful pieces. even in the beginning when he only had 3 or 4, before he even thought he could make the book i saw his passion for these pieces. i was there for every heart wrenching rejection letter & every hard earned spot. every time he was working late at the library sending me new ideas bc he couldn't watch dynamite. every single wrestling poem josh has written has now been published & that is a huge success. he puts in the work like a wrestler puts in the work in the ring. hard hitting, gritty, & beautiful.
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prodbyember · 1 year
Introducing my Creepypasta OC: Damjan Stojanov! (A.K.A. The Macedonian Ghost)
Full disclosure imma try my best not to violate guidelines on my second day of having Tumblr so there are def gonna be a lot of left-out details I'll probably make something with the full backstory somewhere else but here we go LMAO (tw for violence, neglect, death) (also this whole thing is fictional do not take it seriously pls)
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Basic Info!
Name: Damjan Stojanov (pronounced da-myan sto-ya-nov) Creepypasta Name: (The) Macedonian Ghost Age: 19-22 (no one actually knows his age, not even him, will be explained later) Birthday: 24 December Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Gay Forms: Ghost form, solid form (both will be explained) Relationship Status: In a relationship with Ticci Toby
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Damjan in his solid form, drawn by my partner @cyb3rrbl00d <3
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Also how I imagine Damjan looks like (with light brown hair ofc) (Artist unknown, I found it on pinterest)
Early Life
Damjan was born in Prilep, North Macedonia, to an insanely rich family consisting of his Macedonian mother and Albanian father. He is the youngest of four siblings and the quietest one out of all of them. For all of Damjan's life, he was treated poorly and neglected by his whole family. Why? Because of his birthday. His family is extremely into Christmas and looks forward to it every year. They always like to start early and plan things so they can always have a "perfect" Christmas. However, the year that Damjan was born was the first year when that didn't happen. They were hoping for Damjan to have been born a while before Christmas, but when Damjan was born on Christmas Eve, that made their family infuriated because they had to stay in the hospital when they should've been preparing for Christmas. Their family eventually came to take the hatred out on Damjan, which is obviously just fucking stupid. This started a long line of being mistreated by his family. He was always treated less like a human being and more like a nuisance, problem, annoyance, object, etc. It eventually came to a point where they wouldn't even celebrate his birthday anymore from how much they disliked him and how close it was to Christmas. Damjan, however, tried his best to put up with it and never did anything bad to his family. All he ever wanted was to impress them or make them proud at least one time. He, unfortunately, never got to do that. Sometime in his early life, he developed bad anxiety that came along with tics. He went to school but never made any friends or talked with anyone, so he practically had no one to turn to.
On a warm summer evening, the Stojanov residence was robbed by three armed and masked people. Everyone was awake at that time, so they were all well aware of the situation they were in. The Stojanovs had long been targets of robberies due to their wealth, but this was the first one where people actually broke in. One of the thieves immediately grabbed Damjan and took him as a hostage. With a gun behind Damjan's right ear, they claimed that if they weren't given a large sum of money, they would kill Damjan. Damjan begged with his family to give them the money to save his life, but because his family despised him so much, they wouldn't do anything. They would've rather protect their money than their own son. Shortly after they declined, Damjan was shot and died instantly.
Damjan, for some time after he was killed, was stuck in a purgatory-like world. He could still observe what was happening in the world around him as if he was still alive, but it was dark and brooding. After being in the purgatory-like world for a couple of days, he was granted the chance to be on Earth again, but as a ghost. He would have a ghost form, which was see-through and had a grayish-green tint, and a solid form, which would look like him as a human but desaturated a bit. Despite wanting to remain a human, he took up the offer and was eventually sent back to Earth as a ghost. However, because he was sh*t behind his right ear, he would be partially deaf in that ear. Another thing that came as a side effect of that is that he will never be able to know or remember the year he was born, meaning that he doesn't exactly know how old he is. Basically, he can't think of, hear, or read the year he was born. The year he was born, and surrounding years, are obfuscated in his mind. The closer to the year it is, the more obfuscated it is. You might be saying "well wouldn't his birth year be the one that's most obfuscated to him?" While that's true, he says that a range of four years are the most obfuscated to him. Those four years would make him 19-22 years old. No one will be able to know exactly how old he is either. Damjan would soon start killing people as revenge for his death all around Macedonia. He would usually haunt people before doing so, and because of that he was given the name "The Macedonian Ghost" (Macedonian: Македонскиот дух). He became sort of an urban legend around Macedonia and was known to be somewhat active in the Skopje area.
Recruitment by Slender
As I mentioned before, he is part of the Creepypasta universe with the mansion with all the Creepypastas. I'd like to think the mansion is somewhere in Alabama, just kinda like Marble Hornets. In my version of it, Jeff was the last one to join it before Damjan and Slender is in charge of it, meaning he is in charge of the recruitment process. For a long time, eight years to be exact, Slender stopped recruiting anyone for the mansion after Jeff joined, having felt satisfied with the Creepypastas that were already there. However, that changed he took a vacation in the Balkans and towards the end stayed in North Macedonia. There, he was informed of the whole "Macedonian Ghost" legend and made it his mission to try and recruit him. Slender eventually found him hiding out in a rural part of North Macedonia, about a half hour from the Macedonian-Albanian border. There, Damjan was pulled aside in an alleyway by Slender, where he was told about the mansion, the people that are there, how Damjan would benefit from being there, and how eager Slender would be for having Damjan there. Slender would be leaving for Alabama on the fourth day after that, so he gave Damjan time to make his mind up on whether he wanted to join or not. He eventually decided he wanted to join and met Slender on the fourth day to fly out to Alabama. There, Damjan was driven to the mansion by Slender.
Mansion Life
The residents of the mansion had long been rumoring about a possibly new member after eight years after Slender had sent out a message subtling hinting that there might be when he returns. The most excited to meet Damjan by far was Toby. As soon as he heard the rumor, he was nothing short of ecstatic. This was mainly due to the fact that Damjan was going to be the first member after eight years, though. Damjan was introduced to everyone. He was mainly quiet at first since he was meeting so many people at once it overwhelmed him — it was at this time he was desperately trying to suppress his tics. Toby offered to show Damjan around the mansion out of excitement. Slender allowed this and Toby and Damjan went off. They immediately bonded over interests, hobbies, and also their tics. Toby was really the one to get Damjan to come out of his shell and get to know people. Damjan was eventually given a room right next to Toby's, meaning that they'd be able to see and hang out with each other often. This made their friendship grow stronger and stronger. Eventually, though, he would start developing a major crush on Toby. Every now and then, Slender likes to grant the members of the mansion some vacation time. Damjan decided to invite Toby to go to North Macedonia with him, to which Toby agreed. Two weeks into the month of vacation, Toby and Damjan announced to everyone that they had gotten together and were now dating.
Sorry for the insanely long post there's just so much to this boy and I honestly couldn't fit all of it into one post!! Will def post more stuff on him cus he's so cool
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spring-lxcked · 10 months
finshed ru.in so. thoughts. putting it under a readmore!! (apologies if it shows up without one at first, tumblr is doing the thing where it deletes readmores again :/)
ending was uh. abrupt and unsatisfying. also answered exactly zero of the questions i had because, like, it was abundantly obvious it wasn't gre.gory the whole time and was probably the game introducing it's version of the mim.ic
not actually shocked by grego.ry's betrayal (if it even was really him because why would he have control of the elevator?) based on the main game, but i know some ppl must be v unhappy rn
fn.af making me cry like??????????????? sorry but i genuinely cried abt ro.xy don't look at me
on one hand disappointed that the mim.ic was All It Was, on the other glad i don't have to fucking hear people claim glitch/burn is the mim.ic anymore (i hope) LMAO
game did get glitchier with time (two crashes, namely) but still better than main game
okay positive positive positive because the ending and the music me.n part were the only bad parts imo
the creepy objective descs were SO good. "That mask suits you." "Don't you care about your friend? Why aren't you trying harder?" "Don't think about it, just do it."
animatronic jumpscares were SO GOOD like. i think because most of the scares were primarily not the death jumpscares, it gave them leeway to give us the best death jumpscares of the entire franchise
so like. the rabbit when you're using the mask was obviously glamr.ock bon.nie trying to stop cas.sie from freeing the mim.ic, right? i strongly disagree with the sentiment that it was glitch, that makes little to no sense to me
so we agree that illusion disks are canon to security bre.ach (i personally don't think they are in the other games but it's debatable) right? we agree that we don't know that ANY of what cas.sie was seeing without the mask or with it was real right? we agree the mask wasn't literally making her teleport through solid objects right? we agree that we actually have no idea that anything we saw or heard was accurate to reality right?
the candy cad.et story GODS are we ready for 3000 theories abt exactly what that meant because i do NOT think it was abt them mim.ic—
cas.sie lore has me half-considering adding her to the multi
van.ni mask ambience was creepy but also jesus christ the theorists are gonna have a field day with some of that whispering and screaming
me going from "don't understand why rox.y is so popular" to "i would die for rox.y immediately" (tbf i really didn't feel hype for anyone in the main game, which i think says a lot. ru.in handled characters a LOT better and i actually cared about them)
am i crazy or cas.sie and michael parallels?? i just kept getting that Vibe idk
we need to talk abt the claim that va.nni masks were used by all class v technicians. do i believe this? not sure but it's a concept i have GOT to hear more abt
btw i do know there's other endings but i think the normal ending is probably canon
this dlc had no effect on my canon, i already assumed glitch was no longer in the pizzeria/etc (i don't think the rabbit was glitch + the animatronics clearly were acting of their own volition)
i know i absolutely didn't find all the secrets but like. unless there's something major i missed (very very very possible), i'm still sad we didn't get more info on the greg.ory being a robot theory. outside of when i'm interacting with definitely human!gre.gorys on here, my william making the blueprint for gre.gory is an important part of his canon to me
anyway, despite any complaints i may have abt the ending, ru.in proved that ste.el wool is more than capable of listening to criticism and doing better and that makes me so, so happy
hey hi i want to make a million security br.each / ru.in verses now. how can i force my actual william into this, guys—? yes i know i said i want him canonly dead, AU verses doN'T COUNT
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Interesting insights.
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apparently pat’s deleting his t anon feed tweets that are setting him up for embarrassment, most explicitly M&G ones, probably once this entire place got razed to the fucking ground and they’re realizing everyone from banned server members to departed admins or fandom members that were all part of this are coming together.
Honestly the deletion reeks of ghost or one of the others narcing to him, as I’ve been saying, that I am not, in fact, fucking with him.
But yeah, be prepared for more 20 page posts that commit to nothing but endless fractal potentials so he can claim he was right about one, or a super clarifying M&G like OP said to revise what he said closer to mine for safety but not close enough he concedes. And trust me, there’s gonna be a LOT of shit the next few months/years/however long pat stays stubborn that he’s gonna willfully mislead but like
the end of the road is the same whether you like it or not
if you wanna spend the whole drive pissing your pants and denying where the sign says we’re going, that’s... fine, I guess, but you gotta stop suckering people dude. Fucking stop. There’s no fucking war. It’s goddamn. OVER. EVERY GODDAMN CLUE EVEN BEYOND ME IS TELLING YOU THIS
That you think they told the full plot details to DAVID MOTHERFUCKING HAYDN JONES AND NOT MISHA. 
Is this just you all righteously SHITTING yourselves over Jared NOT being involved so you’re going to piss your pants like infants until Misha shows up on screen (well, likely by voice first unless that changes)??? LIKE WHATS YOUR FUCKING END GOAL???
because honestly, if your whole thing is “shit talk a show I don’t like or watch to hope against all hope and reality that Misha doesn’t come back because I know what that means the second he does”, like, that’s literally the saddest shit I’ve ever heard in my life. Go get laid.
You don’t even LIKE the show. You don’t LIKE jensen. You don’t LIKE any of this. You just have opinions about shit you’re too busy masturbating to your own self worth issues to sort out from fact. That high feeling is just your lonely jizz on the keyboard dude. It’s not fame, it’s not power, and it’s not knowledge. Ok?
So he can flirt with his own fucking tumblr sources he pretends make him super fucking legitimateSJDFSDKFSDJFSDKFJSDFJk my god
because you know
that’s how someone meaningful is gonna reach out, 
Love that his flirty info anon has “conflicting info”. Of WHAT? LMFAO. THE PITCHES YOU ONLY HAVE PART OF? SFJDSDKFSDJF OH OH I KNOW!!! The tumblr anon ran to PAT to tell him he’s right. Oh wait i know I know, hold up. Better. Maybe. MAYBE this person can explain to them that they’re incapable of seeing beyond episode 12 even if they have access, which I doubt, because only through script 12 has been sent to the network so far and 13 is being held for ~mysterious reasons but pop off I guess.
lmao imagine pretending you have meaningful future spoilers when you guys don’t even have the extended season order’s details yet and the accordion variables FUCKING PLEASE. STOP TRYING YOU GOONS. Every time you try to prove me wrong you bring some shit that’s like “Yeah. That’s that. But you’re just stupid and shortsighted and don’t know what that means” and we end up here EVERY FUCKING TIME.
At least when the dumbfuck faker anon showed up with me I pulled in a group of twelve people over my shoulder to troll them and see if they had an extra whisper or two I didn’t.  but LEANING YOUR ENTIRE INFO ON A FUCKING TUMBLR ANON??????????????????????????????
Well, the finale one. The fake misha just pissed their pants and went silent at my response. so.
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justmybookthots · 7 months
One Dark Window
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4/5 stars
Okay, this was muuuuuuuuch better than A Study in Drowning. Like, I was actually kind of scared it'd be a double-flop for me after my disappointment with the other book, but thank goodness it wasn't. It started off as strong as A Study in Drowning did for me—like, I wouldn't say SUPER strong, but I was following the plot with mild interest—and it continued to be equally interesting. 
I'd like to preface something: I AM AN IDIOT. Somehow, I had it in my brain that the Nightmare was the love interest, so when the actual love interest popped up, I didn't care and was wondering why the heroine kept mooning over him. I thought he was the second love interest or something but by the time I was one-third into the story, I was like, SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT. So I went and Googled reviews of the book and to say I was flabbergasted that the Nightmare WASN'T the love interest would be an understatement.
I was soooooooooo disappointed at first, lmao. I mean, Ravyn just seemed to be the classic brooding love interest. Even until the end when I had long gotten over this revelation, I didn't care much for the romance. I don't particularly dislike it either, though; I'm mostly indifferent. I think the problem for me was that I actively disliked the romance in A Study in Drowning, but I do feel a vague fondness for Ravyn and the heroine. That said, some of the PDA the leads were exhibiting was making me cringe. Maybe I'm just not a fan of PDA; I remember this being a small complaint of mine with Love Theoretically.
(What is with me and my shit memory? I can't remember the heroine's name. I always forget the heroine's name because the book's in her POV and I just meld with her brain. Okay. I refused to Google it and sat here thinking and I finally recalled her name: Elspeth. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.)
I still feel that the Nightmare was a much more fascinating character than Ravyn but whatever. Also, I am especially fond of Elm. Some of his banter was so amusing, specifically when an anxious Elspeth was sitting on the horse with him, and he was like: "Trees. Could your arms get any tighter? It's like I'm wearing a corset." (This is not quoted verbatim.) I really hope we get more of him in the next book because he's one of my favourite characters (him and Ione????? I've got my eye on them 👀). I must state, though, that I don't LOVE anyone. They're all just alright. It's ridiculously hard for me to get invested in characters, I'm beginning to realise. My loss.
Anyway. The world-building is done rather decently for my taste. I don't get paragraph after paragraph of info-dump; it's all integrated very smoothly into the plot. THIS is how you do world-building – I keep thinking of Crescent City and I get shudders. (I must fairly add that A Study for Drowning also had really nice world-building.) The concept of cards with magic was fun, though when I think about it, nothing much REALLY happens throughout the story. They were supposed to collect three cards to complete the deck, and the only real action is claiming the first card. The second card was just handed over by the heroine's father, and the third still hasn't been collected yet. The fact that the word count can be stretched so far and NOT feel dull is honestly quite interesting.
I sort of delayed reading this until the sequel came out. But I'm still hemming and hawing about reading the next book right away. The thing with fantasy is that it's always best to read the sequel before I forget the world-building, but I seriously don't feel invested enough to continue immediately. I want to explore something new already. ;w; I wish I was like half of BookTok and could be a fraction of how madly invested they seem in this series. Like, I kid you not, this book was BLOWING UP.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed this moderately, and that's good enough for me. I definitely plan to read the sequel at some point. The reviews on BookTok are really good, and a lot are saying it's better than the first. I hope to find out for myself… eventually.
- 22 Oct 2023
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weizhiyuan · 1 year
heya lovely, could you please tell me favourite paramore (or not?) lyrics and your biggest blorbo(s) hahah also fave colours or palettes?
First of all tysm for giving me a chance to talk abt paramore bc they r my fav band. Second of all I’m sorry if u wanted something short cuz I’m abt to write SO much. Like SOOOO much. so um. be warned..
Since paramore is a very lyric heavy band (the lyrics are v important!) I’m gonna put my answers under the read more hehehe
I’m gonna go from album chronological order so here we go:
1. Never let this go
Maybe if my heart stops beating / it won’t hurt this much … One day you’ll get sick of / saying that everything’s all right / and by then I’m sure I’ll be pretending / just like I am tonight
all we know is falling is an emo ass album. I love her. This song hurts me.
2. When it rains
You made yourself a bed / at the bottom of the blackest hole and you’ll sleep till May and you’ll say / that you don’t want to see the sun anymore
Just the way it’s written breaks my heart again. Happens w a lot of pmore songs
3. Careful
I had it all / but not what I wanted / cause hope for me / was a place uncharted / and overgrown … You can’t tell me to heal / and it hurts remembering / how it felt to shut down
The first set of lyrics was my bio on Instagram when I was in middle school lmao… the first of a few pmore lyrics I’ve done that to
4. Ignorance
Where’s your gavel? / Your jury? / What’s my offense this time? / You’re not a judge but if you’re gonna judge me / well sentence me to another life
I just love whenever they play with words like this!! It’s also a super angry song. Very typical for brand new eyes the band was angry as hell at each other in the bne era lol
5. Playing god
It’s just my humble opinion / but it’s one that I believe in / you don’t deserve a point of view / if the only thing you see is you
LIFE CHANGING LYRIC FOR ME. ONE OF MY ULTIMATE FAVS. It’s something I still live by to this day. And ofc it was also my middle school ig bio at one point
6. Turn it off
And the worst part is / before it gets / any better we’re / headed for a cliff / and in the free fall I will realize / I’m better off when I hit the bottom
There’s a common theme in paramore songs about wanting to get to rock bottom. Hayley’s written these lyrics to reflect how once you get to rock bottom, there’s nowhere you can go but up
7. Grow up
I got a love DOG I would die for
Literally just love this because it’s about Alf (Hayley’s dog). The original lyrics say love but she’s since got a divorce to who she was referring to (AND FUCK CHAD!) so she changes the lyrics when she sings it live :)
8. Interlude: moving on
Let ‘em spill their guts / cause one day they’re gonna slip on ‘em
More silly lyrics I just think are funny visually
9. Last hope
It’s just a spark but it’s enough to keep me going / and when it’s dark out, no one’s around it keeps glowing
A song for when you have nothing left but a tiny bit of hope and the power of clinging to it. Means a lot to me.
10. Anklebiters
What, do you actually expect / a broken mirror to reflect? / You know ANKLEBITERS! / gave you a false perception
This song is sooo fun to sing! It’s about not caring about judgment from other people and I think these lyrics in particular are fun. So are the ones right after if you have a friend to do both parts lol
11. Proof
Baby, if I’m half the man I say I am / if I’m a woman with no fear just like I claim I am / then I’ll believe in what you say / there’s nothing left for you to do / the only proof that I need is you
I love the first part mainly. Just the silly gender moment hehe
12. Hate to see your heart break
For all the air that’s in your lungs / for all the joy that is to come / for all the things that you’re alive to feel / just let the pain remind you hearts can heal / oh how were you to know?
Hayley wrote this song about Taylor :') paramore background info: Taylor York is the guitarist in paramore and he’s a VERY important piece of the band. Hayley and Taylor have been friends since teenagers and are now in a relationship which I think makes this song even more special. It’s also just a sweet thing to listen to, even if you didn’t know who it was about
13. (One of those) crazy girls
Now I walk under a pink sky / love has flown along and passed me by / I pour my heart out to your voicemail / let you know I caught a bus to your side of town / and now I'm standing at your doorstep / with Los Angeles behind me / if you don't answer I’ll just use the key that I copied / cause I really need to see you / if you’re not here when I break in / I’m gonna go to your closet / just so I can smell your skin / as the chemicals swim / I know I’ll never love again / I swear I’ll never love again
ONE OF PARAMORE’S BEST FUCKING SONGS EVERRRR OMFG. THE DESPERATION. THE CRAZY GIRL-NESS!!! God. I love this part especially. The way it tells a story… paramore hall of fame. (Also I made a vegaspete edit to this part once lmfao)
14. Future
I’m writing the future / I’m writing it out loud / we don’t talk about the past / we don’t talk about the past now / so I’m writing the future I’m leaving a key here / something won’t always be missing / it won’t always feel emptier / just think of the future / and think of your dreams / you’ll get away from here / you’ll get away eventually / so just think of the future / think of a new life / don’t get lost in the memories / keep your eyes on a new prize
This is actually the whole song. Future is almost 8 minutes long and mostly instrumental. It’s a very powerful closer to the self titled album. I really wanna see it live one day before I die.
15. Rose colored boy
I want you to stop insisting that I’m not / a lost cause / cause I’ve been through a lot / really all I’ve got is just to stay pissed off / if it’s all right by you
Such a fantastic pessimistic song. Sometimes u just need to be angry and upset at where life’s taken you
16. Forgiveness
You hurt me bad this time / no coming back / and I cried till I couldn’t cry / another heart attack / if I lay on the floor / maybe I’ll wake up / and I don’t pick up when you call / cause your voice is a gun / every word is a bullet hole/ shot a hole in the sun / if I never look up, maybe I’ll never notice … and you, you want forgiveness (I can barely hang on to myself) / but I, I can’t give you that (I can’t give you, I can’t give you that) / and you, you want forgiveness (I’m afraid that I have nothing left) / but I, I just can’t do it yet (I can’t do, I just can’t do it yet)
God. Where do I even fucking begin. One of my favorite paramore songs ever. It wasn’t at first but then I stopped being so forgiving and this song hit a lot harder. It’s about giving someone a second chance and them failing and not being able to forgive anymore. It’s about still having to be connected to that person. It’s about the hurt that leaves you with. In the live version Hayley changes the second line of the bridge “don’t you go and get it twisted” to “I came so close to believing” which reflects the lyrics from the only exception “and I’m on my way to believing”. Both songs were about her ex husband (FUCK YOU CHAD!!!!!!!). He’s a piece of shit. He’s hurt her repeatedly. In my own form I find it very relatable. It’s very beautiful to listen to as well
17. Fake happy
I know I said that I was doing good and that I’m happy now / I should’ve known when things were going good / that’s when I’d get knocked down … oh please, just don't ask me how I’ve been / don’t make me play pretend / Oh no, oh what’s the use? / Oh please, I bet everybody here is fake happy too
If u aren’t sobbing by the bridge and the final chorus u probably weren’t listening closely. Fake happy was one of my first favorites on after laughter. I knew it on harp once but I forgot it now rip
18. 26
Reality will break your heart / survival will not be the hardest part / it’s keeping all your hopes alive / when all the rest of you has died / so let it break your heart
One of the slower, sadder songs from after laughter. This is my fav album if u couldn’t tell and I’m not even done going thru my fav lyrics from it lmao. Real heartbreaking shit
19. Caught in the middle
I can’t think of getting old / it only makes me want to die / and I can’t think of who I was / cause it just makes me want to cry, cry, cry
Hell of a way to open a song. I remember Hayley saying she struggled finding the right words for this because there’s so much she wanted to say but man. She totally got the message across. Perfect song about having a crisis about fear of the future & pain of remembering the past
20. No friend
the song is an outro to idle worship (another fucking awesome song btw) and it’s spoken/sung by Aaron Weiss from the band mewithoutYou. It is a mix of a devastating letter Hayley wrote of how she was struggling at that time and full of references to past lyrics the band wrote. Referencing past paramore songs: “another song that runs too long” (future, 8min long song) “God knows no one needs” (looking up, “god knows the world doesn’t need another band”) “more misguided ghosts” (the song misguided ghosts) “and we'll do our Riot! dance” (their sophomore album Riot!). From the letter: “I see myself in the reflection of people’s eyes / realizing that what they see may not even be close to the image I see in myself / and I think I might actually be more afraid / to let my own self down than anything else.” It’s really quiet so the first time I heard it via a leak (lol) I thought the song was wrong (also lol). But when you actually look closely you’ll see how FULL of references and reflections it is. A masterpiece.
21. Tell me how
I can’t call you a stranger / but I can’t call you
Another painful way to open a song. It’s about a broken friendship and not knowing what to feel or do about what’s left. In paramore specifics, this is about the past member Jeremy (but also fuck him lmao)
22. Running out of time
THERE WAS A FIRE! (metaphorically) / BE THERE IN FIVE! (hyperbolically)
This song is fucking hilarious. It’s just about being late to everything. Hayley described it as roasting herself and it’s fantastic. I love the way she sings this part hehe
23. C’est comme ça
In a single year, I’ve aged one hundred / my social life, a chiropractic appointment … I know that regression is rarely rewarded / I still need a certain degree of disorder / I hate to admit getting better is boring / But the high cost of chaos, who can afford it?
Getting better fucking sucks. It’s boring. That’s exactly what this song is about! Also I can’t help but think the French title is Zac’s influence lmao
24. Big man, little dignity
I keep thinking / this time the end’ll be different / but it isn’t / I keep thinking / the end is gonna be different but you keep on winning
This song is about putting your faith into the same type of person, straight cis white men, and noticing a pattern of how they repeatedly fail you and how much it can hurt
25. You first
Everyone is a bad guy / and there’s no way, no way to know / who’s the worst / karma’s gonna come for all of us / and I hope well I hope, I just hope / she comes, comes for you first, oh!
SUCH a petty song I love it
26. Liar
And why should I deny what’s all at once so crystal clear? … Love is not an easy thing to admit / but I’m not ashamed of it / love is not a weakening if you feel it rushing in / don’t be ashamed of it
Oh my god. When I tell you how I freaked out, teared up, screamed, and everything when I heard this for the first time??? Hayley makes a reference to the song/lyrics “crystal clear” from her solo album petals for armor. Both liar & crystal clear are about her falling in love with Taylor. I love them both so much and I’m only hoping the best for their relationship (which I still can’t believe is rlly true sometimes lol). Currently on tour they’re performing liar and then crystal clear consecutively and I’m so ready to just fall apart when they do that at my concert. The bridge also resonates a lot with me as a queer person. And of course it’s a fantastic ship song sjskdj
27. Crave
I romanticize even the worst of times / when all it took to make me cry was being alive … Just for a second it all felt simple / I’m already missing it / So I crave, crave to do it again, all again
FUCK!!! A song I never thought would exist but perfectly captures reminiscing on the present while struggling to actually be in the present and wanting to live the good moments all again… this is currently my most listened to song from their most recent album and I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be my top song of the year
28. Thick skull
Hit over the head / epiphany / over my head / repeatedly / thick skull never did / nothing for me / same lesson again / come on give it to me / give it to me, give it to me, give it to me
Another play on words. Being hit over the head with this “lesson” but also the same “lesson” going over your head just for you to go through it again. Powerful closer for the album.
OKAY. WE MADE IT. these are (almost) all my favorite paramore lyrics. Yeah I’m saying (almost) cuz I could’ve listed more honestly… there isn’t a paramore lyric that I don’t love. I’m sure this is more than u bargained for but I’m on a roll so I didn’t rlly hold back lmao. Also special shoutout cuz if I could’ve included stuff from Hayley’s solo albums I would’ve absolutely included lyrics from: simmer, leave it alone, dead horse, pure love, watch me while I bloom, crystal clear, no use I just do, find me here, and.. more…. LOL
AS FOR BLORBOS! I promise I won’t be as long fnmsjdjd
1. Qi Rong: from tian guan ci fu! He’s my fav character from the whole series and SUCH a slimy guy. If u hate him I hate u y’know. He’s an annoying cannibal who is a very loving father to his …adopted.. son… hehe
2. Shi Qingxuan: my other fav from tgcf :) (tbh I love quite a few tgcf characters..) she’s the type of blorbo I wanna have a sleepover with so bad.
3. Lan Wangji: we know him! We love him! My ultimate blorbo from mdzs!!! He is literally me.
4. Vegas: literally just last night I remembered his entire character and freaked out bc again.. he is literally me…. (that’s like how I decide most of my blorbos lmfao)
5. David from druck! A little bit of a throwback but he’s one of the most special characters to me ever. And I’m extremely grateful as he’s amazing pan representation!!
6. Literally the main four from bad buddy… I CANT CHOOSE ONE. I want to be bffs/be like every one of them lol
7. Noh Shinwoo: I will defend him with my life. Being team shinwoo while watching light on me live has left me with battle scars they really kept us on edge until the end lmfao
8. Sean (not me): I’m still in a not me mood after finishing my rewatch but aahhh he’s so blorbo…. never done anything wrong in his life
9. MENG SHAO FEI!!! Now THAT’S a bitch who fits the blorbo definition. He is so silly <3
10. hira from utsukare: NEW ENTRY!!! We are scarily alike…
Finally, my favorite color is red/burgundy!!! I think I tend to like warmer palettes and ofc ones that have some red in it hehe
If u actually read through this whole thing. Wow. I’m impressed. I lowkey literally wrote u an essay. But thank u sm & ily for asking & giving me a chance 2 talk abt my fav band (& blorbos) bc I had fun writing this the whole time !! :D
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fallingsunflower · 1 year
Just want to say thank you for not promoting hatred toward larries on your blog. I really don’t understand the fandom fighting that takes place when it comes to that. At the least, it’s really childish and pointless. This is a boyband we’re all discussing after all. But at the most, it’s so aggressively hateful it’s actually scary. I recently saw someone send the most horrible anon to someone saying they deserved a recent loss they experienced because they’re a larrie. I believe it was the loss of a pet. How could anyone say that to another person just because they have a different opinion than they do when it comes to a boyband??? Sometimes I really believe the internet was a mistake. That was the most hurtful and disgusting anon I’ve ever read. I really hope the person that got it didn’t take it to heart but how could you not?? Imagine if Harry, Louis or any of the other boys that person claims to be a fan of read that?? People seriously don’t think.
I personally like to read opinions from all parts of the fandom, especially after Holivia happened because everyone could see something wasn’t right. Getting information from different sources helped me make my own independent opinion. Even if I don’t agree with some things, I either block if it makes me too uncomfortable or I just move on. It’s really not that hard to let people have their opinions on info we’re all processing differently. We’re all guessing at the end of the day.
Sorry for the ramble! I just really liked your attitude about that. Especially after seeing that really nasty anon. It’s nice to get a reminder that not everyone is like that. 🩵
No problem love :) I like to keep it somewhat fair here (minus toward the extreme shippers and harries). I’m friends with several larries and they’re very nice and Larry literally never comes up between us. Also I’ve met a lot of larries at concerts and they were nice as well. I find they enjoy Harry and Louis’ music more than harries (or louies too I think but I’m not deep in that fandom) because they don’t want to sleep with them. It’s kind of refreshing.
There are certain things I don’t like about the Larry fandom but I won’t forbid them from coming on my blog or from reblogging my posts etc. That’s stupid. We both like Harry and 1D so why would I do that lmao
But yeah the extremists in any fandom are the worst. I had a holivia shipper say I deserved Covid when I got it because I believed Holivia was PR. Like how is that okay to say or think? I’ve also had shippers make fun of my weight knowing I struggle with an eating disorder. There are a lot of delusional and chronically online people out there.
I’m glad you like it here ❤️
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miserabull · 3 years
A very long meta-analysis on P2 Bad Grief
So, I've gone over every dialogue with this guy a few times, and there is some stuff I've never seen addressed before. This is a mix of analyzing and theory that have been in my head for a while, and I’d love to know if it all also makes sense to other people
The thing about Classic and P2 Grief, is that they are very different characters playing the same role. Who is Bad Grief? A thief, a kingpin of the town's criminal underbelly, and a smuggler working for Big Vlad. In P1, he's also a dangerous murderer who kills people for fun, but denies it, even claims that he kicks people out of his gang for daring to take up knives. Dude lies a lot. In fact, he maintains the lie up until the last route, the Changeling's, and then tries that on her too but ends up confessing. This is my very wordy way of saying that while I kinda agree with people who are like "he's not a violent murderer like P1 Grief", P1 Grief also claimed to not be one up to the last minute. I don't think they are making him a sadistic killer this time, yeah, but I'm pretty sure he's a liar, and that there's a darker secret. The game implies Grief keeps his cards close to his chest and there is more to him several times, like here, when you talk with Lara's reflection
Lara's Reflection: You see, she puts her stock in deeds and not in words. So Stakh was always close to her; for he would hear his heart, and act. A trait you share, Burakh.
Haruspex: And the most taciturn of us all, Bad Grief.
Lara's Reflection: He speaks so much yet does so much more.
or when Artemy confronts him at Aspity's Hospice:
Bad Grief: You heard about Rubin? Know why the Kin wants him dead? He's walkin' around all downcast, doesn't sleep. Says not to ask. Says it's safer like that. What's he done, I wonder? I wanted to ask Sahba, but maybe you know?
Haruspex: You're lying. That's not what you wanted to ask. I can tell.
Bad Grief: If I did lie, I wouldn't tell you the truth now anyway, would I? So back off. 
I'm not gonna go over the blowing-the-train tracks quest now, though I have some thoughts on it/what I think might be his plan there. For now it suffices to say that that whole thing is very odd, that his plan doesn't make sense(yeah, blowing up the tracks is a bad idea for his business. kinda meaningless though if the alternative is being hanged). That is to say, I'm pretty sure there's a hidden agenda there that we're probably only finding out in Changeling route.
So, what I mean is, if you think P2 Grief is harmless, or just a clown, or became a gang leader by accident, then, well. I think honey, you got a big storm comin'
A few more notes on Grief's character, and what I think of what we got so far:
-I believe the reflection(I have some thoughts about the nature of those too, actually lmao) is telling the truth, mostly. He is terrified, he doesn't want Artemy to think badly of him, he never wanted violence. P2 Grief is younger, more sympathetic, and very obviously more scared than his P1 counterpart. I don't think he's out there killing for fun. Still, I think he has a lot of blood on his hands anyway.
-I think his loyalty to his friends is sincere. He's kind of really big on companionship and loyalty, which fits, as a gang member. I really think that he wants to belong, to a gang, to a friend group, somewhere. Artemy mentions he's "always been weird" a couple of times, or stuff like "I knew you'd end up like this." and that thing with Lara's reflection... I think Grief was always a little bit on the margins, even in his own friend group, and that's why he made a place for himself as the leader of the misfits, of the people who don't fit what the town considers to be good society. I gotta get on with this because this is gonna be long enough without me rambling about every single thought and feeling I have about this bastard though
-He doesn't give away Stakh's hideout accidentally because he's goofy and dumb. He mentions more or less where it is like, three times. I think it's obvious that he's practically asking Artemy to go check on him, but he doesn't want to be a snitch, so he plays the fool like "Oooh no I gave you a hint, I sure hope you don't go looking for him now, don't ask me because I’d never tell!!". He's playing the clown, he's not that stupid
Okay, now we're getting to the heart of things. In P1, along with the reveal that he's actually a violent murderer who played another violent murderer(Barley) into taking the fall for his crimes, we get something else: he's working under the patronage and protection of Vlad Olgimsky. In P2, they put a lot more emphasis on that, Grief will tell you about it in the first AND second conversation you have. There is even a certain imagery associated with it... actually, allow me a quick digression here, I wanna go over some motifs around Grief. 
Grief is pretty into clockwork and gears, going by his choice of decoration for his Lair. The town itself is compared to a machine several times, by himself, by Big Vlad, and regarding how the Kains view it. I risk to say that the way Grief sees it is rather different from the Kains, at least at first.  For him it seems to be more of a blunt factory machine, while to the Kains...it means something else, more complex. Grief seems to have glimpsed what that is inside the Cathedral, near the end. That reminds me of something else, in the Diurnal End when Grief talks about how he used to be a clocksmith before, and now he's going to be "another kind of clocksmith", I don't think he's necessarily being literal in either case. Curiously, there's also a Clocksmith inside the Cathedral in Marble Nest...but I'm going off topic again
Bad Grief: Not a keeper of stores, but stories. This town, this great machine, the gears don't turn on their own, no, not till they're slick with secrets. 
But so, webs and puppets. We return to Vlad Olgimsky(old), who uses the metaphor of his “web”. There's also an important character in Grief's journey that is strongly associated with (spider)webs and strings, and that's Aglaya. The most notable time Grief himself refers to it though, I think, it's in the Theatre of Death, if you let him die:
“My path was not called 'The Spider'. No, think wider. It was 'The Silkworm'! The end of a railroad, I pulled strings firm; unaware someone more cunning pulled mine upstairs.”
So about that. He’s referring to the PTB right? Probably, but not only. A theme in Patho is like...these layers of manipulation. I’m gonna pass the mic to P1 Clara and Saburov for a second:
Alexander Saburov: Begin with the Olgimskys. That is the most important sin for me, and the least for him, for it is not his fault. So did Olgimsky protect his illicit trade? Did he benefit from it?
Changeling: He didn't just benefit; he presided over it. Grief was his stooge.
Alexander Saburov: Now then, we shall skip the issue of the barber gang, since it's clear now who their true mastermind was... thanks to your courage, my brave girl.
Changeling: Don't skip it just yet. Barley was as much of a puppet in Grief's hands as Grief himself was for Olgimsky. Everyone has their toys.”
Grief is a puppet in Vlad’s hands both in P1 and P2, as there he says he’s Vlads “eyes and ears” in the warehouses. In the Cathedral, he seems to more or less realize the extent of it, and how it goes against what he always wanted in the first place: to not be trapped by anything. 
Bad Grief: I used to be a thief, yet they made me a storekeeper. And what a perfect fit I made! I got my Warehouse kingdom, and with it, the insides of the Town's great machine. I kept Vlad's riches while havin' all I could dream of. Can't imagine a sweeter life.
Funnily enough, by that time he’s trapped in someone else’s web: Aglaya’s. That seems to be his thing, he thought he was in control and playing everyone, knowing all the secrets and pulling strings. In the end, he’s a Silkworm in the web of bigger fish. I mean, spiders.
Bad Grief: ...Yet they, too, are controlled by someone. Insane to think what kind of teeth you need for that.
But okay. Back to the start, I believe Grief has a lot of blood in his hands even before shit breaks loose. The things he seems to be most afraid of are also… interesting. This ties to his connection to Big Vlad, and the Kin.
Grief’s role in the payroll seems to be as a stool pigeon. He knows where everyone goes, what people are talking about, what they don’t want to become public. And he responds to Big Vlad. What I think is, hm, you know, even after Victoria passed it seems like the Kin and the Bull Enterprise never really defied Olgimsky, or had a leader in any way. Grief, too, seems to enjoy a pretty comfortable life for a gang leader. As an important piece to Vlad, he really doesn’t have that much to fear, since the guy “owns everything” and is very explicit to Artemy about how he can destroy anyone who doesn’t obey him. And probably has done that before. My guess is, Grief kept the machine working right by tattling, so no leadership or enemy to Vlad’s Enterprise could rise. I’d speculate that Vlad possibly paid the favor not only financially, but by maintaining Grief in that position. Basically, I think with Grief’s info, Vlad could eliminate any potential problem. That would mean that maybe without even having to shed blood himself there might be a lot of deaths Grief is responsible for, not to speak of the maintenance of that horrible system in the town. I think the route they are going for here is that Grief is a class traitor.
Why do I say that? Well, first let’s look at Grief’s relationship with the Kin: he’s remarkably close to them for a townie. Geographically, obviously, and also in the sense of living on the margins of society, but he also shares many of their superstitions, and seems to hold Aspity’s opinion in high regard(even calls her Sahba). I find it easy to believe that many of his men are part of the community as well, due to not being welcome in the town. At that time we see him in the Hospice though, and talking with the Kin people there, it’s pretty clear that they are planning some sort of uprising. That it’s imminent. Grief seems to know it. Seems to be absolutely terrified of that too, and to feel betrayed by Vlad.
Bad Grief: It's too late for me, Cub. I've only got one road ahead of me now. Perhaps the outbreak is for the best... Plagues are like fires, people forget old scores. And all hell will break loose here soon.
Haruspex: Any dark prophecies to share? You're the criminal mastermind here, after all.
Bad Grief: No need to prophesize. People fear hunger. Even honest workers will turn their hatchets and hammers to crime. Burglin' houses, lootin' corpses, guttin' each other. They will. Oh, they will.
Haruspex: Not all of them, Grief. Not all.
Bad Grief: The turf's so dry, you don't even need a match-a glare would start a fire. And when the Kin bares its teeth, that's when we'll all dance! They're slow on the start, but oh so fast on the draw! The Master likes them mute and obedient, but apathy makes them that way, not stupidity. They're only obedient till the time comes. And here it comes.
And the people who lose their jobs? They won't be too fond of staying home. They'll find new hobbies, like looking for food, or venting their anger. ...And Fat Vlad shut his facilities down the day before yesterday, didn't he? Crafty... Didn't whisper so much as a single word to me. Do you think he knew?
At the same time he seems to think that he deserves this, and it’s inevitable. “We reap what we sow”, paraphrasing him. He talks a few times about how there’s a vile beast inside each person in the town, about how they are all wretched and everything, including him, which I think might just be a way of coping like “yeah, I sold out, but anyone would do the same if they were in my place”. 
So, yeah. What I think is that Grief was a guy that had no power and money, with absolutely no perspective, who due to his very particular skills had an opportunity to climb up and took it(all while still getting to pretend he’s an outlaw, free from the chains of society!). And it’s...very bad. And he knows it’s very bad, and he’s not evil or sadistic, but he’s immature, cowardly, and desperately wants to be in control of his own destiny, and to not be alone, and all that. He’s still Artemy’s childhood buddy, a loyal friend, and someone who never really wanted to cause that much damage. He also knows that what he did is unjustifiable, and that no matter what he truly feels, the damage is done and he’s guilty of horrible shit.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 3 years
Hi!!! I just discovered your blog and I am definitely getting a lot out of it. I hope you don’t mind answering my question - do you think it’s possible for someone with no Greek background to… I don’t know if “worship” is the right word, but worship Greek deities? (Or however you would put that.) I myself have felt some connection to one or two, and done a lot of research! I try not to make unfounded claims (unlike some on TikTok lmao), but I know I lack the cultural background to fully understand what it’s really like. (continued)
Like a lot of American kids I came into contact with Greek myth through Percy Jackson and my book fair and I know that’s not the end all be all of the mythology and I’ve got a few books on my shelves as someone who is generally interested in Antiquity, as well as Hellenistic faith specifically. I’ve always felt a connection to love goddesses in particular and while I don’t claim to be a PRIESTESS (that’s very silly), I can’t deny that Aphrodite in particular draws me in (and her other counterparts in Ancient Mesopotamia). But I know that Greece is a real place, and it has its own culture, and I don’t want to be disrespectful yknow? (continued)
(Thanks for your patience, I’ve definitely rambled a little). My question is this: is it possible for me to continue down this road? (I mean, I hope so! Having a relationship with the Divine has improved my whole life.) And if it is, do you have suggestions of where to dig in deeper and learn more?
___________________ [END OF ASK]__________________________
Hello! Greeks agree that anyone can worship the Greek gods! It's not a closed practice and any faith is supported by the right to religious freedom. As you read, you can't exactly reconstruct the faith, but that doesn't mean you can't reach the deities in the ways that are appropriate for you, trying to follow some guidance from the past. I wouldn't recommend calling this worship "Reconstruction" for that reason, but I am sure you can at least practice something. You can have an altar, idols, offerings, and say the translations of ancient hymns.
It's true that you might lack some background knowledge and that can be balanced by years of reading ancient original texts (translated in your language ofc) about the deities and analyses by different scholars. Additionally, observe the iconography and the statues or idols of these gods to get an idea of how they are. Even many modern Greeks are not well informed about our ancient religion (because they might innately know some things but there is a lot of material to cover). In both cases you can only learn by studying.
If you don't have that feeling of what the line of respect is, you can acquire it by asking some Greeks who are Hellenic Polytheists and, if you can't find them, random Greeks who are decently informed about the gods (someone who won't call Zeus "a d*ck" unironically, for example :P). Many modern Greeks can feel the bs and when someone disrespects a deity, even though they are not in the ancient faith.
And there are some Greek Hellenic Polytheists who are only that in name and for them the worship is magic vibes, cool names and candles. So, always check what the individual knows and ask more than one person. Cross-examine the info you take with what you read on the ancient texts and the scholars. Don't forget to check the reputation of these scholars and if their claims have been debunked.
Search keywords on Google scholar and you might find papers that discuss matters that interest you. (Don't copy the DOI of the paper and definitely don't copy it into SciHub so you can download the paper - or the book, or article - for free! 👀👀👀👀👀)
I don't have a list of recommendations ready (and most of my books are dusting in a distant village) and I am not sure if my suggestions would help you. I am not a Hellenic Polytheist and I think you might find more suitable reads if you ask other Hellenic Polytheists what they have read or what they plan on reading. There are some who have a big collection regarding the gods!
I'll also cover that scenario: in case you want to worship 4 different goddesses from 4 different pantheons, that won't be a very consistent practice. Legally, nobody can or should stop you from doing that, but it will not be the most respectful thing on your part. While gods can be "imported" to other pantheons, first one has to be devoted to one pantheon and then import one or two deities from elsewhere. That means that to do it, you will have to focus on one pantheon and recognize and worship all the gods there. Meaning, if you only worship Aphrodite, it won't do it.
I've also noticed that a large portion of Hellenic Polytheists call themselves "Devotees" and that's not what they think it means. Being a devotee is closer to being a nun than having a deity that protects you. If you have one deity that protects you and you want to have their altar, that's not being a Devotee. That's more like a Christian aunty talking to their beloved saint. For someone to be a devotee, at least from what I know, they have to dedicate their life to religious worship on the temple of this particular deity. (Whilst recognizing the power of the other gods in the pantheon). I am not sure there is any place in the modern era when someone can be a devotee for a Greek god.
Lastly, I'd advise taking a look at this post for better terminology use. I get that a foreign vocabulary is difficult to use if you don't know the language. For example, you used "Hellenistic faith" and, unless you mean the state of the religion in the Hellenistic period of ancient Greece, the phrase doesn't hold the meaning you intended. Perhaps you mean "Hellenic faith"? Although the standard "Hellenic faith" for the last two thousand years is Orthodox Christianity xD So you better specify this by saying "ancient Hellenic faith".
A Greek Hellenic Polytheist was calling herself "Hellenic Greek" for her foreign audience but if she were to say this to a Greek she would sound like saying "I am a Greek Greek." And the Greek would tell her "of course you are a Greek if you are a Greek. What else would you be?" So she is misusing her own language, for what purpose I am not sure.
P.S. visit my tag #Aphrodite
I hope I covered your questions and if you have more I am here! As always, the post is open to anyone who wants to offer some more advice!
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markberries · 4 years
a l l  i  w a n t ┊draco malfoy
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anon requested: could you do a draco x reader imagine where it’s enemies to lovers but one day at a party draco gets drunk and confesses his feelings?
info: being tormented by draco was a normal thing for you, but one day everything changes when you find out his true thoughts.
warnings: blood, cursing
genre: slight angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, gryffindor!reader, fem reader
word count: 2700+
a/n: i decided to not make this a party scene because i feel like all my stories end up there, so it’s a little different. sorry if this ruined your request! also i stole hermione’s iconic scene lmao
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you rarely hated anyone. most of the time, you enjoyed another person’s company. you enjoyed hearing them talk about things they were excited about, how they did on their recent exam, and you let them vent their sorrows to you. it was like getting a peak into another person’s life, you got to view how it felt like to be them.
so no, you did not really hate anyone, except for one bleach blonde snob with daddy’s credit card; draco malfoy. his cologne hurt your nose, it reminded you of axe body spray, back in the muggle world. he always used his “pureblood status” as a valid excuse to verbally assault those who did not carry the same reputation as him.
you convinced yourself that you did not care for him, or that you hated him, but something in the back of your mind had your eyes drifting to his smooth looking skin in the middle of a class, or the thought of how his hair looked extra soft. you were the type of person to dust those thoughts off and continue with your day, but that did not stop you from thinking about him any other day.
so you gripped your wand in your hand, pointed at draco, who had just insulted hermione for the sake of shits and giggles. he looked at you, as if he were waiting for you to strike, as if he knew that you weren’t going to do it.
“what do we have here? a halfblood? trying to harm me?” an irritating snicker emits from him and his two goons. a surge of anger powers through you, and you’re at a point where you want to spew hurtful words and cast menacing spells, but you knew where that would get you. it would get you a one way ticket out of hogwarts.
your face is beginning to heat up; not from embarrassment, but from annoyance. people passing by the courtyard paid no attention, they continued to talk loudly and ignore the commotion surrounding you five.
“what are you gonna do, huh?”
“y/n, i appreciate the help, but it’s better to ignore him,” hermione assures you, setting a hand gently on your shoulder. you should have listened to her. you wished you had listened to her.
in that spur of ignorance and rage, for you hated draco that much, you launched your fist into malfoy’s face, making him fall to the ground and hold his nose in pain.
you see a tad bit of blood coming out of his nose, and you swore you heard a crack when your fist met his face. now realizing your wrong doings, your eyes widen as professor mcgonagall comes marching towards the scene. 
“what on earth happened?” she asks, concerned while picking up malfoy off the ground, who was still groaning, it was a bit dramatic in your opinion. you didn’t know how to start explaining yourself — you couldn’t just say “he was pissing me off”. no, definitely not.
“he was saying hurtful and offensive things, not only towards me, but towards hermione as well,” you say, hoping that your punishment wouldn’t be too severe.
“it should not have resulted in violence, ms. y/l/n,” mcgonagall lectures you, now dragging draco towards the school entrance. “we will decide on the proper punishment after mr. malfoy recovers in the infirmary, for now, i think it’s best you think of an apology to give him, yes?”
with that, professor mcgonagall walks away with malfoy, crabbe and goyle following behind her. you sigh, facepalming.
hermione stood in front of you, asking, “why did you do that?” it was obvious that she was trying to stifle her own laughter, but you are the one who ends up giggling in amusement.
“i had to! it was malfoy!” you reply, making her let out a small laugh as well. you two began walking towards your next class together, meeting up with harry and ron in the hallways.
“you what!?” ron asks in disbelief, looking at you as you all walked together. “bloody hell, you know that draco’s father isn’t going to be happy about this.” 
“i know,” you reply, almost carelessly. 
“are you not worried?” ron questions again, you simply shrug in response. ron makes a face, like he was thinking of how worried he would be if lucius malfoy would treat him after he punched draco.
“always thought draco fancied you,” harry mutters as you all enter the defence against the dark arts classroom, and you nearly choke on your own saliva.
“i’m sorry?” you manage to get out, making harry look at you.
“oh you know, i thought everyone was thinking the same thing,” he tells you, and you cannot believe what you’re hearing.
“you must be mistaken,” you laugh awkwardly, sitting down at your desk, beside hermione.
“you two are always at each other’s throats, you claim to hate each other, i wouldn’t be surprised if malfoy liked you, if i have to be honest.”
setting your books down on the carved wooden table, you tap your fingers on the desk. you fell deep into thought, resting your head among your hand, propping yourself up. 
it would be unexpected — no, odd, yes, it would be quite odd if draco malfoy fancied you. although it was not believable nor confirmed, it still had you thinking. would it be strange to date draco? it couldn’t be that bad, right? you could see who he was. who he really was, not that tough, and might i add, annoying front that he put up, no — you would be able to discover the reality behind draco malfoy.
his fears, his dreams, his hopes — the possibilities were endless. there may be some obstacles, his father for example, but every relationship had obstacles.
you shake off your odd thoughts, reminding yourself that this was draco malfoy. the pureblood who insulted you everyday, the boy who thought he was better than everyone else, the boy you had just punched, for god’s sake.
finally, you are broken out of your own trance by professor lupin, tapping on your desk.
“yes, professor?” you ask, looking up at him. he offers you a warm smile, saying, “professor mcgonagall wishes your presence in the infirmary.”
oh shit.
“ah,” mcgonagall says when you walk through the door. “well then, i’ll leave you to it.”
you scrunch your eyebrows in confusion, “i’m sorry? leave me to do what?”
“apologize. i’m sure you heard me tell you to make one, yes? although, we did have to cast a spell that makes mr. malfoy a bit disoriented so that we could repair his broken nose.” with that, the professor exits, leaving you with malfoy, who was laying in his bed, eyes boring into your own.
“i see you’re all fixed up, aren’t you?” you remark, glaring at him. he doesn’t respond, perhaps the spell’s side effects were the reason. after a pause, he begins to speak.
“mcgonagall said, you have to apologize.”
you didn’t want to apologize. who would want to? but you knew you had to, you didn’t want draco’s father to be on your ass for the rest of your hogwarts years. sitting down in the seat next to draco’s bed, you sigh to yourself.
“fine. i’m sorry, i guess.”
the room goes quiet; not an awkward silence, but a calm one. it washes over you unexpectedly, as you had never imagined what a calm silence would be like around draco malfoy. 
at this point, he’s still staring at your face. you’re trying your best to avoid his gaze, not wanting to look into his eyes. he smiles at you, drowsiness taking over him.
“you know, you’re quite pretty when you’re not bitching,” he says, but it seemed like he wasn’t directly saying it to you — it was as if he was talking to himself.
“what?” you say quietly, and draco turns to the side, the opposite direction of you.
“you heard me. i think you’re pretty.”
a million thoughts race through your mind, negative and positive. the only sound that you swore you could hear in the empty room was your own heartbeat, pounding out of your chest as you replayed malfoy’s words repeatedly in your head. before you could question malfoy longer, he was already fast asleep.
the next few days had you stumped. you forgot how to act around draco, you no longer made your smartass remarks, and he would constantly catch you glancing at him. after his odd confession, it was like something changed in you.
“what are you looking at, halfblood?” draco spits at you, you’re quick to look down at your feet and spew out an apology. draco, who was fully expecting you to throw some nasty words at him, was baffled. he had never seen you pass an opportunity to argue with him. yes, sometimes you would go quiet when you two fought, often when he took his insults too far; but not like this.
“cat got your tongue?” draco tried his best to provoke you, to get you to merely look at him, but you seemed far more interested in looking down at the ground. it irritated him, so he strutted up to you and grabbed your face with his left hand aggressively, earning a yelp from you. he lifted your chin swiftly, seeing a scared look on your face.
“look at me when i talk to you, halfblood,” he laughed, letting go of you. you still refused to speak, draco’s former words in the infirmary occupying all your thoughts. draco needed you to say something, anything.
“what are you? mute?” he carried on, heads turning at the scene unfolding before everyone in the courtyard, where you were previously holding a wand up to malfoy’s face. 
“leave me alone, draco,” you muttered, shoving him away. your voice wasn’t the same anymore. it was quiet, it almost sounded helpless, but not quite. as if you were unsure of what to do, or what to say.
when you pushed draco, he lost his own balance and landed straight on his arse, the ground making a light squish noise. giggles came from people passing by as draco stood back up, wet grass littering his robe.
he brushed himself off, before glaring back at you. “oh you’ll pay for that.”
“again, you two!?” a familiar voice shouted, once again, it had been professor mcgonagall. you were red with embarrassment, being caught fighting with draco once was a mistake, being caught twice was humiliating. both you and draco’s heads snapped to look at the upset professor.
“professor-” she cut you off, shaking her head in disappointment. “i’ve had enough of both of your shenanigans. both of you, detention.”
you had never gotten detention. then again, you also had never punched draco malfoy in the nose, nor have you ever considered dating him, so this week was full of unexpected events.
“this is your fault,” you hissed at draco, carefully reorganizing the books in the library. draco scoffed, flipping through pages of a random novel you had put aside to sort later. you had regained your sass from the shameful moment that you had been assigned to rearrange all the hardbacks and paperbacks hours ago.
“me? you’re the one who decided to send my ass to the ground,” he sneered, placing the book in the correct shelf, “or have you already forgotten about my broken nose?” draco added.
your cheeks began to heat up again, and you avoided malfoy’s gaze. you tried your best to shake off draco’s words,  but his flattering remark had not left your head since he said it.
“why do you keep doing that?” draco asked, and you froze. had he noticed?
“what do you mean, malfoy?”
“you keep doing that. i assume that you weren’t interested in arguing with me today, because most of the time, you never shut that big mouth of yours.”
“i’m never interested in arguing with you, malfoy,” you sighed, your back still facing him. you could feel his eyes burning into your backside, but you didn’t turn around. you didn’t want to turn around.
“not what i mean, halfblood. i’m saying you always have something to say.”
“okay, and i don’t see a problem here. i just didn’t have anything to say to you today.”
draco throws a book on the table next to you, forcing you to turn around to face him, annoyance written all over your face.
“today? don’t you mean the past few days? do you think i’m that dense?”
both of your voices had slighted raised a volume, but quiet enough so that professors wouldn’t come running in to check out the commotion.
“what is your problem malfoy? i just didn’t feel like arguing with you today. why are you acting like you’re offended or concerned?”
“i’m not. i just enjoy seeing how angry you can get when i call your little friend granger a mudblood.”
“don’t call her that.”
“so tell me then, halfblood. what changed? why are you so afraid to fight back?”
“you. you changed.”
the room went silent again. both you and draco stared at each other, a confused expression on his face, but a stoic one on yours. this wasn’t your ideal situation, you didn’t want to tell malfoy about what happened, and you weren’t going to, until now. 
you wished that draco hadn’t pushed, and you wished that draco stopped asking so many questions. you wished for a lot of things, but none came true. so many things were unplanned within your current state of affairs, like how you realized how attractive draco was, or how he always tried his best in classes, but he chose to play the “dumb rich boy”.
“you’re not making sense,” he said, taking a seat. you were fidgeting with your hands, looking at the ground. you were shifting your weight back and forth from your right foot to your left.
“you said something, when you were in the infirmary,” you rambled, looking back up at draco. he still had that same confused look on, and you were having second thoughts about this conversation, but it was too late.
“you called me pretty.”
it takes a moment for draco to process this — it’s like you can see what he’s thinking, judging from the flash of emotions on his face. first it’s embarrassment, the sudden pink tint rising as his eyes grow wide. next is a smile being held back, almost like he was thinking about how you might have reacted. lastly was deep thought, thinking about what to say next.
“well?” you ask, eagerly awaiting his response. you wished that he would yell and deny it, but like i said, you wished a lot of things.
“you are quite pretty.”
if draco had denied it, you would’ve continued living your life. you would have continued to argue with him and you would have continued to insult him whenever you got the chance. you wanted him to have said “you? you’re absolutely delusional”, so that you could cut off the thoughts about how much you wanted to feel draco’s hand on your own, go on dates with him, and rearrange his bland wardrobe.
that’s what you would have done if he denied it.
“i’m sorry?”
“odd, isn’t it? i thought it was a dream, truly i did. i thought i had made the entire thing in my head, i mean, i never expected you to ever apologize to me. guess i was wrong.”
you were dumbstruck, after all those offensive comments, after all those arguments and years of torment, draco malfoy had just admitted that he thought you were pretty.
“you’re lying,” you say.
“i’m not. you know what they say, bad attention is better than none at all, and you bet i wanted your attention.”
something he said made your heart swell, and you were staring into his eyes in awe. you smile, your eyes turning into crescents.
“malfoy,” you say.
“what is it, halfblood?”
“i want you to kiss me.”
draco stands up, walking towards you. bringing his lips to yours, your stomach explodes with butterflies as your hands wrap around his neck to bring him closer. you felt weightless, like you were floating. you expected his lips to be chapped, but they were quite soft, like your lips were on a cloud. there were no thoughts running through your head, it was like someone else had taken control over you.
when you two break apart for air, you rest your forehead on his, looking into his grey eyes. he was smirking, of course he was. you were smiling back at him, his hands wrapped around your waist.
“guess we have to go on a proper date other than detention then, am i right y/n?”
that was the first time he had ever used your real name instead of halfblood. finally, you realized, maybe draco wasn’t all that bad.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Remember when this half was billed as when things get serious? Yet every time things started ramping up something threw the breaks on the tension. Salem is attacking? Sits around waiting for the cane nuke. Ironwood is going to bomb mantle? Convenient defections allows him to be defeated in about a minute. Penny will self-destruct! LMAO, make her a "real-girl". Only with one episode left are people actually in any appreciable danger and the main cast aren't dealing with the sideshows.
I don’t think RWBY gets that consequences needs to both occur and influence the narrative for a significant length of time, if not the rest of the story. As you say, anon, the vast majority of our big problems have been solved both too easily and with no downsides: Salem and the whale are blown up, Ironwood is stopped, Penny is saved. This just leaves minor consequences, all of which, while fulfilling that first requirement of existing, don’t impact the story in any meaningful way: 
Nora does scar herself helping Penny. I think that’s the best RWBY has managed this volume (potentially excluding the finale right now for obvious reasons), but the problem is that Nora is still precisely the same Nora after this event. Is Nora inconvenienced in any way? No, she’s able to hope right back into the fight as soon as she’s fully conscious. Has she learned anything? No, because Ren reassures her that she did everything she should have. They don’t even talk about the scars past this generic reassurance, instead focusing on how Ren was supposedly a bad friend and Nora wants space  — a relationship conflict that may or may not develop further. What have these scars achieved? If they don’t change our character in any way, or change those around them, if they’re not a catalyst for something (notably, something other than giving the group an excuse to stay safe in the mansion considering the show never framed that as an excuse)... then they’re purely cosmetic filler. It’s just a more dramatic version of Nora getting a haircut like Blake and Jaune last volume. She has scars now, new character model! That’s it. 
Penny becoming human. Same as everything above. Has a second near death experience and being given a human body changed Penny in any way? Doesn’t seem like it. Has it changed her battle style? No. Has it changed her goals, desires, outlook, or the challenges she faces? Again, not that we’ve seen. It’s cosmetic. Penny is precisely the same Penny she was prior to the change and I don’t mean that in a, “Penny was always herself” way, I mean it in a “Penny’s arc could be removed entirely from the story and it wouldn’t matter.” 
We learn of a consequence from long ago in the form of Summer likely becoming a grimm servant of Salem. This is immediately dropped because there’s everything else to deal with. 
We learn that Oscar used up a large portion of a magical weapon and automatically we don’t care because no one  — characters or audience  — knew that weapon existed to attach expectations to. But then this is also immediately dropped even though this is a limitation that should be a major concern of the cast. 
Yang falls into a void. Everyone watching knows that she didn’t die. Maybe she’ll come out of this changed in some way... but based on everything above, it’s unlikely. 
Cinder, as of the latest episode, has had the most development lately thanks to failure and consequences. 
But RWBY’s main characters are incredibly static. No one has developed since Volume 6. No one has learned anything outside of objective info. Did they realize the horrible mistakes they made regarding Ozpin and learned to apologize? No, he apologized again, just as he did three volumes ago. Did they come to a better understanding of why their “We will make things perfect” mentality is dangerous? No, Ruby sat around in a mansion until the “perfect” answer came to her and she proceeded to ignore all the damage she caused in waiting around for it. Did Ren come to a better understanding of himself and help the group acknowledge their flaws? No, he was told he was wrong until he reverted to precisely who he’d been before: quiet and agreeable. Did Nora learn not to try to solve everything by hitting it really hard? No, she did precisely that, got injured, and was reassured that she could keep that up because it’s who she is. Did Yang likewise ever learn not to run into dangerous situations without thinking? No, she just repeated her actions from Volume 3, once again getting grievously injured. Have the bees made any progress in their relationship? No, they’re still at the forehead touch stage. Does Oscar have to work through anything after being physically and magically tortured for multiple episodes? No, he shrugs it off entirely and, once his aura comes back, the magicked away bruises tell the audience to forget it too. Has Oscar become a different person as the merge takes hold? Not unless we count his body language changing a little bit. The show keeps saying the merge is speeding up and that it’s this big, existential threat... but their dynamic is exactly what it was in Volume 4. 
RWBY thinks of change in terms of things like, “Ren can randomly see emotions now,” not “Ren acknowledges something about their behavior and helps the group come to a better understanding of their actions, growing as people, not just fighters.” I don’t think the writers actually want the characters to change, not in any meaningful sense. Unless I’m proven incredibly wrong with Yang (here’s hoping) I suspect that our end volume crew will look exactly like they did in Volume 6, with the exception of some souped-up powers and, if we’re lucky, confirmation that sometimes they kiss their partner. That’s it. Regarding everything else, the characters will inevitably regress, or they’ll never be given the chance to develop in the first place, and that’s in large part because all of the stakes in the show now  — world-wide and personal  — are inevitably magicked away with the wand the show claims the characters don’t possess, but absolutely do. 
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jam-is-my-food · 3 years
Okay I'm sending another ask because there's something that's been bothering me and I think you're probably the person I know that can hello the most with it???
So my parents are kinda misinformed on things 😬 so sometimes they'll say things and they think they are being great allies but they are actually getting the opposite of helpful. And like I'll try to call them out on it, but they just give me the "oh you're too young" or "you don't actually know" or "you think you're such much smarter than us" and yada yada so I basically can't challenge any of their ideas ever but it makes me feel so, ill is like the only way I can describe it, about the fact that they are misinformed. So now I am trying to gather recourses about different topics that have come up that I notice they are misinformed on so that is it comes up again I have something top back my claims up with and I'm not just "a young, niave child who doesn't know any better"
That was a terrible incoherent mess so I'm sorry about that, but here's to the point:
Autism speaks is a bad organization, right? Like correct me if I'm mistaken, but as I understand, actual autistic people collectively agree that autism speaks is bad. But I never really understood what they did that was wrong? Or like I was never told what they did? So I tried to tell my parents autism speaks is bad and they were like "well what did they do" and I had nothing besides "well actual autistic people don't like it" and that just wasn't enough evidence for them.
Basically what I'm asking, is are there any recourses or websites or tumblrs or anything like that with info on that kind of stuff or anything you yourself know and could tell me? I just need to be able to inform them in a way that they will actually (maybe) accept and I don't rly know who or how else to get the info I need.
It's totally fine if you don't feel like finding things for me, I just need to know where to start looking because basically I'm lost lmao
God this ask was such an incomprehensible mess I am so sorry, I hope you get what I mean ahah.
Also please tell me if I got anything wrong or if anything I said was bad or anything if that makes sense? Eoirbrbdjjwl I'm so discombobulated
Thanks in advance! (Also sorry again for formatting)
- 😸 anon
don’t worry, cat - everything you said here was fine and dandy loll. and yeah i can try to help! obviously i do not speak for all autistic people but no autism speaks is very bad and problematic and just generally Shit.
i spent a few minutes looking for the best articles on it and i found this one very helpful: https://medium.com/artfullyautistic/autism-speaks-deception-eugenics-and-abuse-618cf65c094a
this one was also pretty good, and from a more recognized source if you need that: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/02/14/biggest-autism-advocacy-group-is-still-failing-too-many-autistic-people/
i think those articles sum it up better than i ever could, but to sum it up even further, i guess - autism speaks is not what it says it is. it’s a harmful hate group that caters not to autistic people at all but to their neurotypical families, and the money it claims is going to help families is mostly spent on advertising and research to find an “autism cure.” (i do not speak for all autistic people but i do not want to be ‘cured’ - that’s bullshit and eugenics and hugely problematic.) the organization sees autism as an enemy and autistic people’s voices as irrelevant. it’s also released very harmful videos and information. 
i believe the first article i linked has a list, but if you want to support a better group i’ve seen a lot of people promote autistic self advocacy network (asan), which is i believe a nonprofit run by and for autistic people. i haven’t looked much into it, so i wouldn’t take my word as concrete, but i do know it’s a much much better alternative.
(also, i obviously don’t know much about your parents or the context, but the fact that they dismissed autistic people ourselves not liking the organization and wanted more information is kind of unfortunate. it just pushes the pattern of those who are actually autistic not having our voices listened to in discussions that are about us.)
all is to say, i hope this helped! if you have any more questions you can definitely come to me - but autistic people, just like any others, are not a monolith, and i wouldn’t stake your claim on something just because a single autistic person told you so. you can also do research yourself! all you need to do is google “autism speaks harmful” or something to that effect and you’ll definitely find some good info. try and read things written by autistic people ourselves, because our voices get drowned out a lot in these conversations. (on that note, any autistic people reading please feel free to add on to this post, i’m just one kid.)
thank you for the ask, and i hope you have a great day!
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whitecatindisguise · 4 years
Ok, so here goes. How about a lil mashup? (TTS would be modern, to match the other fandoms) Imagine what would happen if Varian travelled to San Fransokyo for some kind of science expo and meets Hiro and Baymax there. There is a robbery at the Expo and Player asks them for help (he already knows Hiro) as it's V.I.L.E.'s doing but Carmen's on another mission somewhere else. I know it's a bit chaotic but I tried to explain idea as good as I could
Okay, took me a while. It might be different from what you imagined, but that's what you get when you ask your sister dearest to write you a story lmao.
“Alchemist to Zero. What’s your status?” The communicator in Hiro’s helmet sounded and the boy rolled his eyes.
“I see the target. They are entering the building. Can’t see the cargo, tho.” He replied. “And what’s with the codenames?”
“Because I think it’s unfair only Player gets to have one.” The person on the other side replied and Hiro rolled his eyes again. So childish.
“Because I have to stay anonymous.” Another voice cut in. “And remember this is only for one job. Normally I’d send Red, but she has her hands full in Seul already.”
“Yeah, yeah.” The previous voice dismissed and Hiro could hear the sizzling of acid. “Anyway, I’m in. Let’s get my stuff back and go already. I have an Expo to win.”
“In your dreams, Va- Alchemist.” Hiro corrected himself quickly. No matter what he said about codenames, he didn’t want to risk anyone hearing their real names. “The prize is mine.”
“You wish!” The other replied and Hiro chuckled.
“Guys, work now, bicker later.” Player called with an exasperated huff. “Besides, if I was there, none of you would even stand a chance.”
Hiro decided to leave it at that, opting to focus on the mission instead. He still had no idea why someone would steal Varian’s chemicals, but it was always better safe than sorry.
The Expo was an international science event, when the scientist from all around the globe met in one place to show their latest inventions and fight for the main prize, the title of Scientist of the Year. What was amazing about the Expo, it allowed both adults and teenagers like him, or Varian, compete alongside.
You never know where the genius is hiding, was the Expo’s motto. He and Varian met on the event few years ago, and became quick friends, despite being rivals in the contest.
Varian didn’t live in San Fransokyo. The boy was German and was extremely intelligent. He spoke several languages, English, French and Italian being only few of them, except for his native German. He was into chemistry the most, but also had a knack for engineering.
They often spoke online, comparing their latest inventions, sharing stories and giving advice to one another.
Player, on the other hand, was a mystery. Hiro never saw the guy, but from what he’d learned, he was only a year or two older than himself, and extremely intelligent too. He was a talented hacker who lived in Ontario, Canada, and preferred to stay at home.
He contacted Hiro on the day of the Expo (how he got his phone number, he had no clue) and told him about the upcoming heist happening at the Expo. Apparently, some group called V.I.L.E. was planning to steal some very dangerous chemicals during the event.
Player explained he’d normally didn’t bother uninvolved people, but the chemicals are supposed to be extremely dangerous in wrong hands, and his usual team was busy somewhere else.
A short talk with Honey Lemon confirmed Player’s info, so Hiro decided to help the boy, if only to stop the criminals from doing something really bad. So, imagine his surprise, when the stolen chemicals turned out to belong to Varian.
The German scientist absolutely refused to let Hiro go after the thieves alone, claiming his knowledge of what exactly the chemicals were and how to best contain them will only help him. Player agreed shortly after and Hiro gave the boy a spare communicator, so they can all communicate with no trouble.
Hiro’s scaled down from the building across the street, where he was positioned, and approached the abandoned warehouse the criminals went in. He pushed himself against the wall, stealing a glance through one of the windows.
There were only two people inside, a blonde woman in a tight suit and mask covering her face, and a man dressed like a mime. Quick conversation with Player revealed their names to be Tigress and Mime Bomb respectively.
The woman held out a hand with a suitcase. A quick glance told Hiro it contained the stolen chemicals, as he noticed the moon emblem on the front, which was the symbol Varian used to mark his property.
Hiro peeked out some more, and noticed the said boy crouching behind one of the crates in the warehouse, observing the two. Varian’s hands twitched and Hiro knew they didn’t have much time.
“Don’t do anything stupid, V.” He whispered into the communicator, which only earned him an annoyed huff. God, this was terrible idea to bring him along.
Varian was extremely possessive over his things. Sure, he let people see them, but if you try to even touch them without his consent...
“Va-Alchemist!” He called out more urgently, hoping to stop the boy from doing anything reckless.
Varian had literally no experience with criminals. Hiro met and fought with his fare share, but the German boy was a complete rookie. If he doesn’t do anything now it’s-
Just then it seemed like Varian’s patience finally reached his limit. He jumped from behind the crates with a battle cry, brandishing some colourful balls in each hand, strangely similar-looking to the ones used by Honey Lemon.
“Crap! Player, I’m going in!” Hiro called out and pushed away from the wall, running to the door.
He heard shouts and some explosions from the inside. He pulled the door open and hoped for the best, bursting inside. His eyes felt on the scene in front of him and stopped, dumbfounded.
“Zero, what’s going on there?” Player called out in his ear, but the boy was too shocked to reply. “Hiro!”
“You... just access my helmet camera and see for yourself.” Hiro sounded tired.
He heard fast typing and then a gasp of surprise, which told him Player finally had a visual. And what visual was that.
Mime Bomb was sprawled out on the floor, stuck in some pink goo, looking confused at the ordeal. Tigress was on the other side of the room, stuck to the wall with the same kind of substance, snarling and shouting in anger at someone crouching on the floor.
That someone was Varian, who frantically worked to open the suitcase, his hands trembling in fear. Finally, the lock clicked open and the boy let out a sigh of relief.
“Nothing is broken. Thank the Sun.” He breathed out and closed the suitcase. He picked it up and stood up, staring at the woman glued to the wall. “What were you thinking, throwing it like that?! Don’t you know if any of those broke it would be a disaster?! We could all die!”
“I wouldn’t have to throw it, if you didn’t attack us!” Tigress snarled back angrily and tried to pull herself free. “Who even are you?”
“I’m the one who made those chemicals, you dumbass!” Varian shouted back, not even noticing Hiro standing in the now-open door. “If you steal something, at least learn what to NOT DO with it!”
“Is Varian just... lecturing her?” Player asked. Hiro could almost see his wide-open eyes threatening to fall out of the eye sockets.
“Yup.” He confirmed, staring blankly at the scene.
“Is he normal?” The Canadian sounded shocked. Hiro shrugged.
“Is any of us?” He replied and earned a sigh and a snort in return. “Are the police coming?”
“Oh, yeah. I gave them an anonymous tip few minutes ago, They should be here soon.” Player finally seemed to shook himself awake. “Better leave before they arrive.”
“Sure. Hey, Alchemist!” He called out, sparing the trapped woman another tirade of insults.
Varian turned around and smiled.
“Hey, Zero. Got my stuff!” He raised the hand with the suitcase and waved with the other. “Easy-peasy.”
“Good, ‘cause the police is going to be here soon.” Hiro could already hear the sirens coming closer. “We gotta go.”
“Oh, right!” Without further stalling, Varian ran up to him and they left the two criminals still stuck by the peculiar goo.
They were already several blocks away, when Player finally deemed it safe enough to stop running.
“By the way.” Hiro turned to panting Varian, who rose his head in question. “What’s with the goo?”
“Oh, that?” Varian grinned, showing his bunny teeth and pulled out a pink ball from his pocket. “It’s my own invention. Sticks to everything it touches. I actually came up with it as a more humane way to get rid of the pests back in Old Corona. But it works just as well at stopping idiots from doing more harm than they already did.”
“Nice.” Hiro nodded. “How long does it take to dissolve?”
“Few hours. That is, unless you have a dissolver at hand, which I have right here.” Varian fished out another ball, this time green and cackled. “Serves them right for stealing from me.”
“Remind me to never get on your bad side.” Hiro laughed and shook his head at his friend. “Are we clear to go back to the Expo now, Player?”
“Sure thing. Thanks for the help, guys.” Player replied.
“Oh yeah! Go Team Genius!” Varian laughed and raised a fist in the air.
“We really have to talk about those codenames.” Hiro let out a tired sigh and Player laughed in his ear.
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euchunja · 4 years
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hi my loves !! oh my gosh this took me so long and it’s embarrassing but anywho ... i am jasmine, and here i am ! as i’m sure we all hate the dash right now so let me apologize for how hideous this whole thing looks !! but since i’m late i won’t waste time, so below the cut you’ll find some info on miss 𝐁𝐀𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐉𝐀 as well as plot ideas !  ( iforgottosaythisbutpleaselikethisifyoudliketoplot! )
child of dionysus, and in his fashion, is a lover of all things revolving around partying, playing pretend, and chaos !
could be confused for an aphrodite kid for her obsession over making love and beauty, but nope !! she’s actually a child of dionysus through and through once you really watch her, she’s got all the traits but ... for the worse ??
though honestly, it’s sometimes hard to remember she’s a half-god child, as most of her powers aren’t physical, and honestly could be claimed to either be a matter of coincidence or her being naturally gifted.
born in seoul, south korea, initially clueless to her ties to the greek god. she was raised christian, as well, and the idea never really crossed her mind !
her mom told her when she was really young, as she saw the girl’s powers developing into dangerous habits very early, and hoped clarity would stop that ! but unfortunately it didn’t, and ... well chunja is chunja haha !!
her powers started coming full force when she was around 10 ! her mom, who was the owner of a bar, suffered a drop in customers and was forced to close her business. hopeless and out of work, she had to resort to house hopping between family members until they finally settled into a one-room apartment much smaller than their old house.
but chunja was humiliated and wanted to keep up the appearance that they were well off, so always thought up elaborate lies to keep up the appearance that they were doing just fine - comparable to elite’s cayetana ! but given that this went on for years without anyonr noticing ... you could say she was naturally a pretty good liar actor, thanks to her father !
the big moment that happened because of this though was when she was caught shoplifting ! she wanted trendy clothes, and given her family’s predicament, it was the only way how. after getting caught, she made an elaborate lie and turned it around to accuse the store clerk who’d spotted her of falsely accusing her, and got away with it !
this is why she thinks her father noticed her and claimed her. however, that’s not the case ! though chunja often uses her skills for the worse, it was a time she cured someone of madness not long after that shoplifting incident that got the attention of dionysus !
 after getting claimed, she became much more sure of herself, despite her financial situation ! she seemed to understand herself better, and was more sure of her talents.
shortly after getting claimed, things seemed to look up for her, and her mother came back better, becoming the owner of a lounge much more upscale than the bar she had owned prior. she moved up to the middle class, and it was then at age 13 she became an international student, travelling all over the world with her mom on business trips.
but she felt incredibly drawn to greece, as she felt her ties were there. but it wouldn’t be until she was approaching college that she would get her chance to move there, when she started university !
before then, she spent two and a half years after high school studying abroad in france, desperately wanting a change of pace but not yet ready for the academic pressure of college.
highkey can’t say it nicer than this .... chunja is an insensitive manipulative asshole lmao !! 
listen i hate to say it ... but it’s true ! she’s got a bad temper, and if you get on her nerves, she becomes livid, and since chaos is what she loves the most, doesn’t feel upset when messing with others.
chunja’s definitely got a sharp tongue, and is incredibly blunt, always speaking her mind and not being afraid to do so. some appreciate her honesty, other’s hate it ... really, it depends !
she has inherited the ability to trigger madness in others, and ... yikes !! it’s sort of a known fact that all her boyfriends and girlfriends seemed to go off the rails after they broke up, and ... i can’t say that’s not a coincidence !
 unsurprisingly, she loooooves parties, and because of that, she doesn’t perform too well in school. she actually doesn’t even go to class as much as she should, but what you gonna do when there’s a rave the night before an exam you know ??
drug / alcohol tw !! alongside parties, she loves indulging in both alcohol and drugs, as she’s near addicted to the feeling of euphoria she gets ... a trait she got from being dionysus’ kid ! at first glance she might not seem like it, but she’s tried nearly everything in the book, as she doesn’t want to miss out on anything that might give her that perfect high. she loves drinking, especially wine, and the smell alone is intoxicating to her ! she can’t get drunks as easily as the average person, though, as she has a high tolerance. it frustrates her a lot of the time, as she wants to get drunk, but it’s good for keeping up appearances, and is impressive to down numerous shots at parties.
she always tries to reach out to her father, seeking his praise, but for some reason or another he never seems to reciprocate her affection. it really messes with her, and often has her questioning her own self worth, but does help in motivating her to work hard to impress him.
despite her ego at times, she’s actually pretty gloomy internally ! she feels things just  never seem to go right for her in the long run, and though she often has temporary happiness it rarely lasts. it may be chunja’s punishment for using the powers she’s been granted for the worse, but she’s not willing to really change anytime soon !
despite her bad traits, she really does have some redeeming ones ! for instance, she is incredibly loyal to those she cares for, ironic given her tendency to use others for her own gain. but she always stays true to her friends and family she’s on good terms with, and will cause literal hell to anyone who tries to go against them !
there’s probably more, but ... it’s so late and this needs to be posted lol !
here is just a connection idea dump because a proper plots page is coming super soon and i’m too tired to think properly honestly ?? 
dionysus sibling relationships, even sibling rivalry ?? partying buddies who seem to vibe with each other and always have fun ! other older / mid-20′s muses clinging to their youth, smoking / drinking buddies, ex - flings, with lingering feelings ?? or current flings struggling to not have feelings ! friends who both have that sense of chaos in them, a crush who she’s actually soft for ? what ?? is this a fever dream ??? someone who heard the rumors all her exes went mad and are now terrified, best friends who know each other better than anyone ! study buddy to make sure she isn’t kicked out of school, fwbs,  a duo who constantly butt heads, first girlfriend and first person she came out to, someone she’s met while travelling at one point or another, someone who knew her as a kid and potentially the only person who knew the truth about her financial situation, a younger muse who she unexpectedly looks out for, etc !
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Three Can Play At That Game
Follow up to The Beast With Three Backs
Pairing:  Ben!Roger x (Bi) Fem!Reader x Fem!OC
Summery: You’re taught how to behave.
Warnings: Smut!!!!, Dom!Rog, Dom!OC, Sub!Reader, drug mention, exhibitionism, public play (to the point where others see, but not full sex), smoking, humiliation/degradation, choking, edging/orgasm denial, restraints + gags, overstimulation, forced orgasm, oral all round (including face fucking and face sitting), facial, very very brief hint at a possible blood kink, nipple + clit clamps, spanking (hand + belt), I think thats everything lmao
Words: 8,896
A/N: Ya’ll, idk what to say. This is the longest, filthiest thing I’ve ever written. At one point towards the end I burst out laughing at the sheer fucking ridiculousness of the turn my life took to get me to this point, writing over 7k words of threesome smut. Literally what the fuck. I would also like to say that google is painfully unhelpful when you’re trying to get info on lesbian sex positions that aren’t oral so hats off to my wlw followers who’ve had to work that shit out on their own. Anyway, I hope ya’ll enjoy this, I’m gonna go scream for three hours!
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Tagslist: @idontbelievethiss @somekindof-cheese @labessieisallama @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @shae-is-not-ok
The afterparty was just as wild as Roger had promised it would be. Room after room packed full of people. Between the band and their crew and the various girls trying their best to draw their eyes, there was barely enough room to move. You pushed your way through the crowd, stopping occasionally to say hi to familiar faces, dodging around people dancing together and indulging in their drug of choice, some of whom offered you a hit. Finally, you spotted the man you were looking for, sitting with a drink in hand as he chatted with a couple of people you didn’t recognise. “Rog!” you waved to get his attention as you crossed the last of the distance between you. His hand darted out to grab your wrist and pull you down onto his lap as his friends took their leave. “Glad you could make it, Y/N. Took you long enough.” You poked your tongue out at his teasing, only to have him return the gesture. “You were incredible tonight.” You could tell he was still amped up from the performance, as well as whatever he’d taken before you got there, his fingers busy tapping out a beat against your thigh.   “You trying to tell me I’m not always incredible?” “Shut up, you know what I mean,”   “You’re right though. Was fucking electric up there, couldn’t’ve played off beat if I’d tried.” He grinned up at you but his fingers kept moving franticly over your skin. You covered his hand with your own, forcing him to stop. He blinked like he hadn’t realised what he was doing. “Gonna tap a hole through my leg if you keep that up,” you laughed, “you okay?” “Yeah, just full of energy,” He started tapping his foot rapidly, making his leg bounce, and you with it. “Think I could help with that,” you said softly, laying your palms on his chest as you leaned into his ear. The bouncing slowed and he grasped your thigh tighter, “And what did you have in mind exactly?” “Well, that’s for me to know,” You trailed your hand up his neck and wound your fingers through his hair, “And you to find out,” a sharp tug on his hair had you smiling at the way he gasped. “I do like the idea of making you beg though.” “If anyones gonna be begging tonight, it’s you,” he growled against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. His hands wrapped around both your wrists, bringing them back down towards his chest as he pulled your ear lobe between his teeth. You swung one leg over his lap so you were straddling him, skirt riding up slightly in the process.   “Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?” “You’re my pretty little slut. If I want you to beg, you’ll beg.” Your stomach clenched and your breath caught in your throat and you inwardly cursed him for being able to affect you so easily. “You going to start behaving then?” “You’re the one who needs to start behaving,” you said trying to wiggle your hands free. “That wasn’t a suggestion, love,” his grip on your wrists tightened. “But if you really aren’t going to do what you’re told, I’ll find someone else who will.” He shifted so he was holding your wrists in one hand and used the other to grab your face, finger tips digging into your cheeks making your lips puff out as he forced you to look where he wanted, “that girl in the striped top has been giving me eyes all fucking night. She wants very badly to impress me and if I told her to drop to her knees right this second, she would. Same could be said about the one over there in the purple hot pants. And look, isn’t that you’re little plaything, Linda.”   “Girlfriend,” you tried to say despite his grip, as you watched Linda weave her way through the crowd towards you, the bright pink bandana in her hair recognisable from a mile away.   “Same diff. Don’t think I’d have any trouble convincing her to ditch you for the night.” All you could do was whimper as he turned your head back towards him, locking eyes with you. “So you’re going to behave.” Not a question this time. “Yes, Sir,”   He let go of you, almost as forcefully as he’d held you, and brought his hands down to rest lightly on your thighs, watching to see what you’d do. You were tempted to rub the spots on your cheeks where his fingers had been but you resisted. His gaze held firm, even after you let your eyes drop downwards, making your skin tingle with the weight of it on you. He took a moment, sizing you up, before he next spoke. “Strip.” Your eyes grew wide as saucers as you quickly looked back up to his face, “S-strip Sir?” “Don’t pretend that doesn’t turn you on.” His fingers resumed their tapping as if you hadn’t interrupted the beat earlier. “We’ve been fucking long enough now that I’m well aware you like the danger of being caught with you pants around your knees, so to speak. You’ve had no problem letting me finger you in restaurants, or backstage after shows, surrounded by roadies. Never cum harder than when I pushed you up against that big window at Freddie’s place, when you knew that if the boys turned around, they’d see you, tits hanging out, begging me to fuck you harder. So stripping here shouldn’t be a problem.” As much as you didn’t want to admit it, he was right. The memory of the cool glass under your palms and Roger’s grip on your waist had you rocking your hips, not helped by the rapid tapping creeping steadily higher up your thigh. If you closed your eyes you could still see Brian moving to turn back towards the house. Could hear that voice in your head willing him to see you as your orgasm shuddered through you. The quiet disappointment when Freddie reached out and pointed in the opposite direction catching his attention once more. Roger clicked his fingers near your ear to bring you back to the present.   “Haven’t got all night, love.” You grabbed the hem of your shirt and yanked it up. “That’s what I thought.”
“Hey Rog,” “Lindy, good to see you!” Roger’s voice was muffled by the shirt as you tugged it over your head. “What’s got into her?” Linda asked indicating your now bare chest that had drawn both her and Roger’s attention. Roger absentmindedly played with one of your nipples as he replied, his steady voice the complete antithesis of how you felt. “She’s trying to prove she’s a good slut who can follow directions.” Linda hummed and took a swig of the beer clutched in her hand. She reached out and twisted the nipple Roger hadn’t claimed, pulling a squeak from the back of your throat, “Can I help?” “You want to?” “You seem surprised.” She was still pinching your nipple making you arch your back. Roger shrugged, “After last time I just assumed you’d prefer to be in her position.” “Last time I was nervous and stepping way out of my comfort zone. I’m not always quite so meek.” “Yeah, I think I’m starting to see that.” He laughed as Linda finally released your nipple, and you let out the breath you’d been holding.  
The looks Roger and Linda gave you made you feel like a helpless mouse caught between two hungry cats who liked to play with their food. Your cheeks were burning under their gazes, the knowledge that so many people could see you squirming, topless, on Roger’s lap hitting you harder now that Linda was involved. You were certain there’d be stories spread through London, and further, about this moment. Exaggerations would be made about the state of your undress, assumptions made about what exactly was going on – surely more than just straddling his lap. You shivered at the thought and stifled a whine that would only have added fuel to the rumour mill’s fire. Linda placed her fingers under your chin, tilting your head up as she leaned closer, her breath tickling your slightly parted lips. You tried to close the gap but she wrapped her hand around your throat before you could. “Not yet, sweetie.” You pouted, throwing her your best puppy dog eyes but she just squeezed your throat tighter as Roger slipped his hands round to grab your arse. “What say we get our brat somewhere a little more private?” Linda held onto your throat as she pushed you off Roger’s lap. She gave you a quick peck on the lips before she released you. “Be a good girl and wait for us in the car, love,” Roger said into your ear, “driver should be there, he’ll let you in.” “Can I have my shirt back, Sir?” “You’re lucky I’m letting you keep the skirt. We’ll be down soon,” he leaned forward to swat your bum and push you off into the crowd. “And don’t try to cover yourself,” Linda’s voice followed you as you headed for the door.
It was easy to keep yourself from covering your chest as you weaved through the crowd, passing other half-dressed people as they shared drinks and smokes. Once you got outside though it became much harder. For one thing, you no longer had the warmth of bodies in a confined space, left only with the cold night air biting at your skin. For another, you could no longer feel Roger’s or Linda’s gazes following you. It was much harder to stay obedient when you were on your own. You wrapped your arms around your chest as you walked towards the car, rubbing some warmth back into your arms, keenly aware of the driver looking you over. He let you into the back seat with a grin as you allowed your arms to fall back down to your sides now that you were in the relative warmth of the car. The wait for Roger and Linda was excruciating. You fidgeted with the hem of your skirt, tempted to just quickly rub one out while you waited. Knowing the driver was watching only made the temptation worse since you were sure he’d tattle and it’d result in you being punished. The idea of being bratty enough to earn a spanking had you biting your lip but the decision was made for you as the door opened once more and Linda climbed in next to you. You could see Roger through the windscreen, leaning against the hood of the car as he chatted cheerfully with the driver. Your attention was diverted as Linda’s fingers trailed up your side.   “I like seeing you like this,” she said as she palmed your breasts. “Like what?” “Obedient. Submissive.” She let one hand fall to your lap, pushing your skirt up your thigh so she could tease you over your underwear as she leaned in to kiss you. “I could say the same of you” You tried to keep your voice steady but it came out slightly more breathless than you would have liked. “Rog reckons you’re gonna be a real brat.” “Does he now?” “We’re going to have so much fun breaking you.” She slipped off the seat to kneel between your feet, hooking her fingers into your underwear and dragging them slowly down your legs. “God you’re so wet. This cos you had your tits out for everyone?” You whined as she ran a single finger along your cunt up to your clit. “Oh that is a lovely sound,” Roger said as he climbed into the car, bringing a faint whiff of smoke with him. A second later you heard the front door close and the car start. You began rolling slowly out of the carpark.   “She’s soaked Rog, you were right.” “Told you she likes when people know what a slut she is.” You whined again as Linda continued to tease you, trailing her fingers up and down your slick folds. Roger leaned past you to wind down your window. “On your knees. Hold on to the door.” You got into position, shivering slightly as you were once again exposed to the cold night air. “I’ve just found out something very interesting about our slut. Apparently, she decided it was okay to disobey us. Covered up her tits on her way down to the car.” “Well that is naughty.” Linda said from her position on the floor, tracing her wet fingers up and down the inside of your thigh, already making you feel slightly breathless, “you gonna defend yourself?” “It was cold,” you yelped as Linda pinched you. “Aww, it was cold was it?” Roger said in a mocking baby voice. He then spoke to Linda, “Finger her, but don’t let her cum just yet. She needs to be reminded who’s in charge.” Linda laughed as she pushed two fingers into you, making you whine out the open window. You felt Roger’s hand tangle into the ends of your hair and he tugged on it as he spoke, pulling you inside so you could hear him clearly. “You’ve got a long ride ahead of you. Don’t even think about moving your hands off that door until I say you can.” “Yes, Sir,” “You’re our pretty little toy tonight.” his fingers began their tapping again, trailing over your backside, “We tell you to drop to your knees, you’ll drop to your knees. We tell you to be silent, you’ll be fucking silent. Clear?” “Yes, Sir,” He hummed, “I hope so.” He released your hair, and you dropped your head forward, the movement of the car making the wind sting your cheeks.   At that moment the car came to a halt at a red light. Linda was relentless as she fingered you, pulling a constant stream of gasps and curses from your lips. “Please let me cum, I wanna cum, I wanna cum, please, so bad.” Your voice was loud enough for a couple passing on the street to notice you, stopping in their tracks to watch your bare breasts bounce as you tried to force Linda deeper.   “Told you that you’d be the one begging,” you heard Roger say as grabbed your hips to stop you. The light changed and the car took off again, the night snatching the moans and frustrated cries from your mouth as you sped off. Your hair whipped around your face, the entire top half of your body was covered in goose bumps and your fingers, resolutely clutching the open window, felt numb with cold. Roger’s hands shifted from you and you felt him moving around. Moments later something was placed against your lower back and you felt Roger writing on what you realised what a crumpled piece of paper. You could hear Roger and Linda talking, their conversation interrupted as Roger wrote or crossed out something, but couldn’t make out what they were saying over the roar of the wind and your heartbeat pounding in your ears. It was humiliating, knowing passers-by could hear you whining and catch glimpses of you as you drove by, knowing you were dripping down Linda’s hand, while they were more concerned with using you as a table.
You jumped slightly when Roger pulled you back into the car. Linda’s fingers left you as she moved to wind the window back up and you felt like you could breathe freely again. You shivered slightly as Roger pulled you against him, rubbing your arms to warm them up. Linda got off the floor and pushed your legs open. “Can’t have you clenching your thighs together, now can we?” she asked as she leaned over you. You whined as she traced a finger round your nipple before replacing it with her tongue.   “Oh! She’s all cold,” Linda laughed, “gonna have to warm her up a bit.” She switched to your other nipple, sucking it into her mouth. The contrast between the cold of the night and the warmth of her touch almost stung as she kneaded your breasts, pinching and rolling your nipples between her fingers, her breath tickling you as she left a wet trail across your chest. Roger pulled your head to the side, exposing your neck, and began nipping and sucking at your pulse point. It was only another two minutes or so before the car pulled up outside the hotel, but by the time the engine had been turned off you were begging to cum again in between breathless pants.   “Time to let the real fun start,” Roger growled against your ear before he got out of the car, offering you his hand as you tried to stand on shaky legs. Linda wrapped her arm around your waist and you both followed Roger towards the counter. The brush of Linda’s hair on your neck and her shirt tickling your side reminded you of just how undressed you were, and your cheeks grew hot as you realised the very few people in the lobby were staring at you. You watched Roger lean against the counter as he talked to the woman stationed there. Her eyes flicked back to you every few moments but otherwise she maintained her professionalism. He handed over the crumpled paper he’d been writing on and you saw her smile and say “we’ll do our best to get these for you”.   “What was that about?” You asked when Roger returned, leading you towards the elevator. “Nothing to worry your pretty little head over. Yet, anyway.”
The elevator ride was excruciatingly slow. Roger grabbed your wrists and pulled them behind your back as soon as the doors were shut. Linda slipped her hand under your skirt as you watched the floor numbers tick by, praying that no one else was going to get in. Two floors away from where Roger’s room was, you jerked to a stop and the doors slid open. Linda pulled her fingers from you just as a young couple, dressed to the nines, stuck their heads into the open door. “Are you going up or down?” “Up,” Roger replied with a smile, his grasp on your wrists tightening. The couple withdrew again, unabashedly staring at you. “Oh my god,” you half moaned softly, closing your eyes as you tilted your head back against Roger’s shoulder. “Must have hit the wrong button,” Roger said, throwing Linda a wink.
Thankfully you didn’t meet anyone else on your way to Roger’s room. He unlocked the door and pushed you inside, making you stumble slightly. “Skirt and shoes off.” You hastened to obey, leaving you completely naked next to the still fully dressed other two. Once you’d kicked your shoes to the side Roger strode forward, grabbing you by the throat. “Such an eager little whore we’ve got,” he said to Linda, who was hurredly removing her own clothes, his grip on your throat tightening. “Knew she liked being seen but didn’t realise it’d make her drip so much.” You opened your mouth try to argue but he just squeezed tighter.   “What’s that, whore? Couldn’t hear you,”   Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your chest got tight, as Roger walked you backwards through the short hallway. He finally released your throat, leaving you gasping for air, as you were flung onto the bed. Before you had the chance to recover Linda, now in just her underwear, straddled your lap, pushing your arms over your head as she brought her lips to yours. You whined into her kiss as Roger secured your arms to the bed head with a couple of ties he’d got from his suitcase. “Hey! No fair,” you whined as Linda pulled away from you.   “Fair is whatever we say it is, now be quiet,” Linda said as she reached up to grab Roger’s shirt and pulled him down into a fierce kiss. You struggled against your restraints, unable to pull your eyes from where their lips met, catching flashes of their tongues delving deeper into each other’s mouths. Roger’s hands slid around Linda as he deftly undid her bra, letting it drop to the ground, all without breaking the kiss. You jerked your hips up as you pulled at the ties, and Linda broke the kiss giggling. “She’s so cute when she struggles, isn’t she Rog?” “You can talk,” you spat out quickly, “Should have seen her the other night. Face down, arse up, trying so hard to rock against the fingers I had buried in her cunt while she begged me to go faster. She was a mess by the time I gave in and fucked her.” “That’s an awfully bold thing to say, coming from someone who can’t move. You’re at our mercy tonight and if I were you, I’d keep my fucking mouth shut.” “Thought you liked my mouth?” Your cheek stung from the slap Roger laid on you as he growled out, “Gag her. The dumb bitch seems to have forgotten what I told her in the car.” Linda tugged the bandana from her hair and slipped it between your teeth, tying it off behind your head.   “Knew she was gonna be a right fucking brat. Gonna have to teach her how to behave.” “How? Spanking?” Linda’s eyes lit up and you decided she sounded far too excited by the prospect for your liking, though it was what you’d been hoping for earlier.   “I had something else in mind. Actually, I have two ideas and I’m not sure which one would be more fun so,” he dug through his pocket until he found a coin. He held up the 50p so you could see it, “we’re gonna flip a coin. Heads, the bitch isn’t allowed to cum until we give her permission. Tails, the opposite.” You whimpered around the gag as Roger flipped the coin high into the air, catching it and slamming it against his other hand. He paused for a moment, watching you squirm, before he slowly revealed the coin. “Tails it is.” “Oh, this is going to be fun.”
Linda moved off of you, letting Roger pull one of your knees towards him, spreading your legs wide. She settled between them and bent down, blowing a stream of cool air over your dripping wet cunt before she leaned in, laying her tongue flat against you and licked a line all the way up your slit. You moaned, bucking your hips up to meet her as she reached your clit, vaguely aware of Roger pulling his shirt off beside you. In the back of your mind you knew you should try and hold off your orgasm, knew that it wouldn’t be long before you were too sensitive, but she felt so fucking good as she sucked your clit between her lips. The edging from earlier had left you desperate and it was all you could focus on, the orgasm building in the pit of your stomach, getting stronger with each swirl of her tongue. Roger’s hand sliding up and down your thigh only heightened your need and you screamed into the bandana as you were finally allowed to cum, the orgasm drawn out by Linda continuing to suck on your clit. When your cries quietened into small whimpers, she released your clit moving back down to lap up the evidence of your first orgasm of the night. Tingles spread through your body starting where her tongue met your core as she continued licking over your folds. Roger tapped his fingers up your body until he was stood over your head. He pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, watching the way your head rolled back as you were pushed closer to the edge again.   “Thats right, gonna keep cumming for us aren’t you?” You whined as Linda began pumping her fingers into you again, never giving you a moment to pause as she found that spot inside you that made you see stars.   Roger ran a single finger up and down your neck as he spoke, his voice rough and impossible to ignore, “Not gonna let you stop until we’re finished with you. You’ve been such a fucking brat tonight. Talking back to us like you did. This is what you deserve. Reward for being a disobedient bitch.” Your legs shook as another wave, smaller than the first rolled through you. The bandana in your mouth was wet and you could feel excess saliva dripping over your lips and running down your cheeks and chin as you rolled your head to the side, wanting to escape Linda before she could toy with you any longer. Your hips jolted as her attention focused on your sensitive clit and you tried to squirm away, clamping your legs shut, but without your hands there was nothing you could do to block her. “You think your poor little pussy is sensitive now, you’re gonna be in for a rough night.” Roger grasped your hair and pulled your head up slightly so you could watch Linda burying her face between your legs. “She’s doing a wonderful job isn’t she?” He forced you to nod up and down, agreeing with him, and you felt tears shake loose and fall down your cheeks, “Are you ready to behave?” You did you best to say ‘yes’ but it was muddled by the gag and the way your voice shook as Linda continued to tear you apart. Roger untied the knot at the back of your head and pulled the bandana away from your mouth, soaked with your spit. Your cries were louder now that you weren’t gagged, but that only seemed to encourage your tormentors.   “Ple-e-ease, no mmmm-oore,” you managed to choke out. “Hearing you beg makes me so fucking hard.” As if you needed proof, he pushed his pants down, setting his cock free, “Now, tell me, what are you going to do next?” “Wh-at ever S-sir and Ma’a-am want,” “Good, you’re learning.” He gently rubbed his thumb over your cheek, stroking himself with his other hand, “Think it’s time to put that pretty mouth of yours to use though, since I like it so much.” He echoed your words from earlier as he kicked his pants off entirely and kneeled on the bed next to you, pushing himself between your lips.  
Your bound hands and the angle of your head made it difficult to move freely up and down his shaft. Roger solved this problem by holding your head up while he fucked your mouth, working himself deeper and making you gag. Linda was still between your legs, alternating between sucking on your clit and flicking it with her tongue as she roughly fingered you, drawing more noises from you that only encouraged Roger to use your mouth harder. You couldn’t decide who to focus on, one moment only interested in the shockwaves Linda sent through you, the next distracted by Roger telling you what a perfect whore you were. You tugged on your restraints as every muscle in your body tensed against the onslaught of pleasure and you were pushed into another orgasm. Roger slammed into you again, pushing as deep into your throat as he could and holding you there. “Fuck, feels so good to have you choking on my cock. Gonna make me cum soon. You love being a good girl and swallowing Sir’s cum don’t you?” You moaned your assent but Roger only laughed as he pulled out of you, letting your head drop back to the bed, heaving for air.   “Such a greedy little cum slut, but I don’t think you’ve behaved well enough to earn that yet.” He started stroking himself again and you only had a moment to screw your eyes shut before he was finishing over your face with a groan. Linda noticed what was happening and sat up to watch, finally giving your cunt a break from the endless attention. You held as still as possible as you felt hot spurts of cum hit your cheeks and chin and lips. The next thing you felt was Linda crawling up your body and licking along your cheek. You opened one eye cautiously and saw Roger sitting back watching Linda cleaning up the mess.   “Our little slut learnt her lesson?” she questioned, trailing her finger over your chin and bringing the cum she collected to her lips. “Yes Ma’am,” you said, voice shaking slightly. “She’s getting there,” came Roger’s voice from further down the bed, “but she still has trouble knowing when to keep quiet apparently.” Linda giggled as she leaned down to lick the last traces of Roger’s cum from your lip, pushing it into your mouth with her tongue. You sighed into the kiss, relaxing more than you had since you sat down on Roger’s lap hours earlier.  
The shrill shriek of the phone rang through the room, the unexpected loudness making Linda jump as she pulled away from the kiss. You hissed as you felt a sting and tasted blood and you realised Linda had bitten your lip in her shock.   “Sorry, sweetie,” Linda said quietly as Roger moved to answer the phone. “‘s alright,” you ran your tongue over your split lip, noticing the way Linda was staring. Definitely something to bring up at home.   “That was the front desk,” Roger said as he put the phone down, “they weren’t able to get everything we asked for, but someone’s gonna bring up what they did find.” Your stomach tightened as you remembered the crumpled paper from earlier. It had been completely pushed from your mind in the wake of everything else but you were sure whatever was written on it was going to be used against you. Linda clapped her hands excitedly which only confirmed your suspicions. “What do you mean ‘everything’? What are they bringing up?” You asked, failing to keep your voice calm as you jerked at your restraints. “You’ll find out soon enough,” Linda cooed, tapping your nose, “think I better give you something else to focus on though.” She rolled off you, pulling off her underpants as she moved up the bed. Turning so the headboard was behind her, she placed a leg on either side of your head and lowered herself onto your mouth. She was dripping, having spent so long torturing you without getting off herself. You flicked your tongue back and forth over her pussy, as she rocked her hips, already panting as her orgasm approached.   “Fuck, Y/N,” she moaned softly as you circled her clit, “such a good slut, gonna make me, oh! Make me, god fuck,” she rutted against your tongue until her legs shook and her juices dripped into your waiting mouth. You slowly licked along her cunt, collecting every last drop, relishing the tangy, salty taste. Her hands dropped to your breasts, squeezing them as she continued to rock her hips above you. She left one hand there as the other trailed down your body, coming to a halt when she reached your clit. She pressed her thumb to it, rubbing small fast circles that had you whining against her pussy. The short reprieve you’d been allowed meant you weren’t quite as painfully sensitive as you had been though it was still enough to make you try to squirm away from her touch.
You felt a hand wrap around your ankle as it kicked out in your effort to escape. The bed dipped slightly as Roger settled himself at the end, rubbing your legs as Linda’s fingers left you, and it was only then you realised he’d left the room.   “I’ve left the stuff on the table over there.” He said to Linda as he pushed your legs wide, sliding his cock through your wet folds.   “How m-much of it did we get?” a small stutter the only indication she was still using your mouth. “Most of it, actually.” Roger buried himself completely in your cunt.   A moan was pushed from your throat as Roger began pounding into you but it went unnoticed as they continued their conversation. You thrust your tongue into Linda, but other than a small pause as she gasped it didn’t interrupt them. You moaned again, louder this time, but they kept ignoring you, treating you like nothing but a set of holes for them to use, a way for them to get off. You were torn, half stupidly aroused by the idea of existing for their use alone, half desperate for some kind of recognition. You found yourself hoping for one of them to touch your clit again, no matter how painful it was, doing everything in your limited power to get their attention. Judging by the way Linda’s speech fell away to be replaced by a series of higher and higher ‘oh’s, she was getting close, and that made you double down on your efforts, switching between tonguing her roughly and sucking on her clit. Before you could be rewarded with her orgasm though, she removed herself from your face. “Want to cum on your cock Rog” she whined as she crawled towards him. He withdrew from your cunt as he pulled her into position over you. Her face was above yours, just out of reach of your hungry lips. She mewled, closing her eyes, as Roger thrust into her a few times. Your hips jerked upwards, rutting against thin air in your desperation to have him inside you again. Roger obliged, pushing into you with a grunt, before switching back to her. You watched Linda’s mouth fall open, wishing she’d drop her lips to meet yours, or let you lavish her neck with kisses and love bites, but knowing you were lucky to be receiving the attention you were and that if you pushed it you ran the risk of losing it entirely. “So close,” she whined over and over, pushing back against Roger as he rammed into her again. Roger leaned forward and muttered something in her ear, before he withdrew from her and entered you again. Linda’s eyes shot open and she reached up to free one of your hands. Holding it tightly, she brought it up to her lips, sucking two of your fingers into her mouth for a moment before bring it down to press against her clit. She held you there as Roger thrust into her again, pushing her harder against your fingers as you rubbed her clit steadily. You could tell she was right there as both you and Roger worked to pull her over the edge, moaning at you not to stop until she was trembling and collapsing on to you. “Oh, fuck,” Roger gasped as she clenched around him, making him hit his release. He pulled out of her as he came, and you felt his warm seed dripping onto you from where it was leaking out of Linda. You were still rubbing Linda as she rode out her orgasm, your chest bursting with pride at being such a useful object, able to please the other two enough to make them cum.
Linda rolled off you, panting, and Roger moved to untie your still bound hand. “How’re you doing?” he asked softly, his thumb rubbing soothingly over your wrist. “Good, Rog,” you breathed out. “Not tempted to safe word?” “Hasn’t even crossed my mind.” “That’s my girl,” he said pressing his lips to your temple. You had a moment to breathe deeply before all trace of soft, caring Roger were gone, replaced once again by your Sir who demanded control. He grabbed you by the throat again to haul you to your knees, readjusting his grip as you pressed your back against his chest. “You ready to find out what was on that paper?” “Yes, Sir,” your voice was small as the anticipation and nerves made you tremble slightly, your stomach full of butterflies. Linda moved away to collect the brown bag that had been delivered and came back to kneel in front of you.   “I am so excited to try these on you.” You whimpered as you realised she had pulled out a set of nipple clamps.   “You want me to put them on?”   You nodded, breath shaky and body tingling at the very notion. “Why don’t you ask me then, tell me you want it.” She held up a clamp so you could see it, the black rubber on the ends making a dull sound as she opened and shut them. “Please, Ma’am. Please put them on me.” Linda’s smile widened as she leaned forward and took your left nipple in her fingers, rolling it to a stiff peak. Roger was still holding you by the throat, through his grip had slackened, and he was leaving a trail of chaste kisses over the back of your neck and shoulders. You gasped as Linda let the clamp close around your nipple, the sensation diametrically opposed to the soft feel of Roger’s lips. “That okay?” she asked as she adjusted the tightness, “don’t want it to hurt, just squeeze,” “It’s good, doesn’t hurt,” you said as the pinch you’d first felt settled into a dull ache. Linda moved to your right nipple to attach the second clamp and you couldn’t help but arch your back eagerly, making Linda chuckle. The light metal chain that connected both clamps was cold as it knocked against your skin, and it was only once both clamps were attached that you noticed the second chain, trailing down past your stomach. “One more,” Linda said as she ran her fingers along your slit, collecting the fresh wave of wetness that had been elicited by the clamps and bringing it up to rub your clit, “And you thought you were sensitive before.” She leaned down, kissing your clit once before she put the clamp in place, looking up at you as she adjusted the screw. “How’s that feel,” Roger asked, letting go of your hair. You leaned your head back against his shoulder, needing to take a few steadying breaths before you could reply, “fucking amazing, Sir.” You rolled your hips, panting as the clamp held you so deliciously tight. “What about this?” He pulled on the chain that hung between your breasts, sending a jolt through you that made you squeal. His laugh tickled your ear as he turned back to Linda, “What should we show her next?” Linda met your eyes as she spoke, “Well unfortunately they weren’t able to get me the crop I requested, so we’ll have to stick with a more traditional spanking.” You let the two of them move you into position, on all fours over Roger’s lap. Roger rubbed your arse, sending excited shivers up your spine, before he slid his hand up over your back to hold you in place.  
Linda started out with a few shallow strikes, enough to make you hiss at the small sting they left, but not enough to actually hurt, the chain from the clamps jangling softly with each one. Suddenly she hit you much harder, catching you off guard and making your arms buckle slightly. “You can do what you like with her cunt Rog, just keep clear of her arse.” Roger slipped three fingers into you, holding them still as Linda hit you again. It was hard enough to make you jolt forward, changing the angle of Roger’s fingers and making the clamps jangle louder as you let a whine escape. Roger began fingering you in earnest with a series of short sharp thrusts that were pushed deeper every time Linda spanked you. Between the two of them and the incredible way the clamp on your clit was squeezing you, it wasn’t long before you were coming undone with a moan. Linda rubbed over the pink spots she’d created as you shivered through your orgasm, soothing the warm sting.   “Good girl,” Roger cooed as he brought his fingers to a stop again, leaving them inside you, and rubbing your back with his other hand. Linda came round to your front, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear, “Remember what I looked like after the first time the three of us did this? I had all sorts of bruises and marks up and down my body. I couldn’t wear shorts for a whole week because you’d so thoroughly covered my thighs. And don’t even get me started on my tits. What I mean is, think it’s time I return the favour.” You whimpered as she walked away from your again, the seconds before the next strike dragging on as she moved around the room. Roger kept his hand on your back to stop you from turning to watch, pulling his fingers out of your cunt so he could play with the chain that fell from your tits. Your breath hitched as he pulled the chain upwards and then let it drop, swinging down to hit your skin again. The next thing you knew was a whoosh sound as Linda brought a belt down against your skin. “Fuck!” you cried out as you collapsed completely. “Get her back up for me,” Roger grabbed your hips with both hands, pulling your arse back into the air and then pushed his fingers back into your cunt. Your chest was still pressed against the bed when the belt hit you again, emphasising the pressure from the nipple clamps. She hit you again and again and again, Roger fingering you deep and hard, his other arm pulling you against him so you couldn’t wriggle away. Every swing of the leather seemed harder than the previous one until each blow had you screaming and crying into the sheets beneath you. All the while the clamp on your clit held strong, constantly stimulating you, bringing you closer to another orgasm. “Every time you hit her, she clenches round my fingers. Think our slut might be enjoying herself.” Linda paused, her touch gentle as she soothingly rubbed your arse, but still making you flinch. “Gonna give you three more, okay?” “Yes, Ma’am,” you choked out, voice muffled in the bedding. “And I want you to count them off, nice and loud. So get you’re head up now.”   You pushed yourself back up on your hands shakily.   “Here we go.” The belt whipped through the air, landing on your arse with a sharp thwack. “One!” you yelled, struggling to stay upright as she lay the belt gently against your lower back. Roger reached around and carefully removed one of the nipple clamps. Your breast throbbed as blood rushed back to your nipple but you didn’t have long to dwell on it before Linda was bringing the belt down on you again. “Two!” Roger removed the second clamp, faster this time, flooding your chest with a warm tingly sensation that was more painful than the actual clamp had been. “Last one,” Linda warned before she hit you again, pulling another cry from your throat. “Three-e-e!” You said through your tears. The moment you clenched around Roger’s fingers he removed the clamp from your clit. It felt similar to the way your nipples felt but heightened, throbbing and hot and almost too much. This time when you collapsed no one pulled you back up. You rolled onto your side as you tried to stop sobbing, not wanting anything to touch your nipples or your bum. Roger ran his hand up and down your thigh to calm you as Linda dropped the belt and kneeled at your head. She reached out to stroke your hair softly. “Oh, sweetie. That hurt didn’t it.” “Yes, Ma’am,” you said tearfully. “And removing those clamps made you all sore, didn’t they?” “Yes, Ma’am,”   “Good. That was the point. Now what do you say?” “Thank you, Ma’am. Thank you, Sir.” “Good girl,” she pressed her lips to your temple, “Are you okay?” You took a couple of deep breaths to stem the flow of tears, “Yes.” “Do you want to use your safe word?” You considered for a moment but now that the immediate pain was subsiding you felt okay, “No, I wanna continue.” “You sure? You don’t have to.” “I’m sure. Kinda curious to see how my clit works after the clamp,” Linda chuckled as she leaned in to kiss you softly before she looked back at Roger, “you happy to keep going?” “If Y/N is okay, absolutely. Haven’t had a chance to fuck her properly yet.”
With that Roger lifted your legs off his lap so he could scoot out from under you. He took his cock in his hand stroking his a few times as he pulled one of your legs up into the air, letting you stay on your side so as not to further irritate your stinging body. You propped you head up on one arm to watch as he pushed into you, leaning your leg against his shoulder and neck as he set a harsh pace. Linda grabbed your free hand and pulled it between her legs. “Gonna be a good girl and make me cum aren’t you, otherwise there’ll be consequences.” You nodded, unable to form coherent words as Roger began rubbing your clit. The clamp had left you extra responsive to his touch, still tingling slightly from its removal and feeling every stroke more acutely. You tried to focus on Linda pulling your fingers into her core, encouraging you to finger fuck her but the way Roger was drawing circles round your clit with his thumb had your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you moaned out your release. He kept stimulating your clit as he pounded into you, drawing your orgasm out until your moans turned to painful whines and pleas for him to stop. The hyper-responsiveness in the wake of the clamp had fast become hyper-sensitivity to the point of pain. “Sir, please it’s too much,” “I’ll stop when your pretty little cunt is full of my cum. You clench around me so fucking tightly when I touch your clit, shouldn’t take long.” You let your arm fall back to the mattress, biting down on it to muffle your whimpers as Roger continued his relentless pace, grabbing onto your stinging bum for leverage. His thrusts became more erratic as he neared his peak, releasing into you with a string of grunted curses. As soon as he’d left your core Linda was pulling you up to your knees, your back against her chest. You watched as Roger found his discarded pants and reached into his pocket, pulling out his pack of smokes and a lighter. He lit the cigarette, taking a long drag on it, as Linda reached down to swipe up the cum that was leaking out of you. Once her fingers were coated, she brought them up to your mouth, making you suck them clean. “Taste good?”
You hummed, unable to speak around her fingers. “And was that fucking worth it?” She pulled her fingers free and lay a short sharp slap to your clit that would have had you doubled over in pain if she hadn’t been holding you up, “Told you to make me cum or there’d be consequences, so now you gotta face them.” She pushed you forwards, your hands hitting the mattress with a thud, as she turned to dig through the bag again. “Oh, you poor dumb slut,” Roger laughed, waving his cigarette through the air, “too fucked out to pay attention. I know what’s in that bag and you are fucking in for it.” You could hear Linda moving around behind you but you kept your eyes glued to Roger as you sat back on your knees, not wanting to make matters worse for yourself. He offered you his cigarette and you gladly took a long drag to try and stop the trembling in your hands.   “After that spanking, I wasn’t going to pull this out. Decided you’d been through enough for the moment. But plans change.” At a signal from Linda, Roger placed the smoke back between his lips and grabbed your arms, pulling you down onto your back, your head at the edge of the bed. You raised your head as you felt Linda bend your legs and kneel between them, surprised to see her wearing a harness, a bright pink dildo protruding from the front. “Thought it was time I got my own one of these, and I’m glad I did since you seem to like cock so fucking much,” With that she slowly pushed into you, drawing almost all the way out before sinking in again deeper. She drew unintelligible whines from you with every thrust but it wasn’t until she was fully sheathed inside you that she let out her own soft moan. “But being fucked again isn’t really a punishment for you, is it?” You were silent, biting on your lip to stop from begging her to move. “I said, it’s not a punishment is it, slut?” She said as she slapped your thigh, jolting you enough to make you whimper. “No, Ma’am, it’s not,” “Good thing I’ve got this, then.” She reached down and picked up a small thin vibrator which she held against your clit. Even without turning it on, it made you jolt. “Please don’t Ma’am, I’m sorry. I’ll pay attention properly next time. I’ll lick your cunt again right now. Please, sit on my face or spank me again, please, anything but that.” You begged, breath coming faster. “Nice try, sweetie, but if you don’t listen to me why should I listen to you,” With that she turned the vibrator on and began thrusting into you properly, building her rhythm. Your clit felt like it was on fire, the force of the vibrations when you were already so sensitive making you howl. You tried to wiggle free, but Linda was having none of it, slapping your thigh whenever your squirming started up again. The worst part was that you could feel your orgasm building again, behind the pain, and part of you was terrified she’d stop before you could cum again. Roger was still standing over you, he moved away at one point to find an ashtray but, when he came back, he held down your arms to stop you from thrashing about so much. Linda removed the vibrator from you for a moment, letting you catch your breath, and you vaguely wondered what people in the rooms nearby must be making of your wails. But then it was back against you, pressing so hard you were almost going numb, and every other thought was shaken from your head. You whimpered the word ‘please’ over and over, knowing it wasn’t working but unable to form any other words. “Rog, be a doll and shut her up,” you heard Linda pant and the next thing you knew Roger’s cock was in your throat, fucking you at an equally bruising pace. You were trapped between them, hands fisted in the sheets as you drew closer and closer to your orgasm. Roger swore as you gagged around him, leaning over to pull on your nipples. Your body shuddered as your orgasm rippled through you, stronger than you thought it would be with how close to numb your clit felt. Linda removed the vibrator from you, pressing it instead against her own clit until she came, slowing her thrusts back down to a stop. Roger pushed himself into your throat completely and you half expected him to pull out and cum on your face again. Instead he released your nipples, coming undone with your muffled whine.  
You were still twitching slightly as Roger picked you up and moved you to the middle of the bed, breathe ragged after he’d used your throat so harshly. He pushed your hair back off your face and squeezed your hand, bringing it up to his lips as he praised you for taking so much. “Was I a good toy?” you asked quietly. “Better than good. Fucking brilliant.” He pulled you into a soft, firm kiss, wiping a tear from your cheek.   “Thank you,” you smiled against his shoulder as he pulled you into his arms. Linda returned, having removed the harness, now carrying a warm washcloth. You gingerly cleaned yourself up, before falling back against the pillows, laughing softly as Linda peppered your jaw with kisses. Once you’d thrown the washcloth into the mess of clothes on the floor Linda turned your head, dropping her lips to yours. Both of them threw their arms over you, pulling another laugh from you as they squished you between them. “When I’m not feeling quite so sore and drained, you’re gonna have to tell me what else was on that list. Show me what else you got.”   “Naturally,” Roger said against your neck, “Might have to go for a walk tomorrow and see if we can’t find the shop that concierge bird said she got all this from.” “Might have to play around with those clamps some more, see if you can get away with wearing them under your shirt. I’ve got a couple of ideas.” You shivered slightly at the prospect. “Let the poor girl get some rest before you go planning out how to torment her next,” “Don’t worry, Rog, I’ve got a couple ideas of my own.”
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
Sonic and the Mayhem Master (Full Fix Update Part 1) - Personal thoughts!
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So, if you have followed this blog for a while, you might have caught wind of a few things that I like, from music to series to videogames and, specially, Sonic fangames.
No, I’m not here to talk about Sonic ATS once again, but I’m going to talk about another very nice fangame I’ve been following for at least two years (my Spanish blog had more info about it though): Sonic and the Mayhem Master.
The last time I reported on this project was during my SAGE 2019 coverage, which... didn’t set the world on fire, let’s put it that way. There were two main demos back then, and after that, we recently got more updates from author Trinitroid. The “Full Fix Update” as he calls it’s the latest show of progress, but it’s currently split in two parts, with part two yet to be released as we speak.
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What’s in store for the Full Fix Update? Well, a lot, actually.
First of all, Trinitroid claims around 70% of the old bugs have been squashed, and I can confirm that stuff like UI scaling (present on all previous demos) are no longer a problem to me. Other stuff, like deaths bugging the game progress are still an issue, but the author is aware, and I do believe there’s more to love about this update past technical issues. Let’s also remember that this is still a heavy WIP, and even the first text screen when you boot up the game tells you about how this is more of a “playtesting demo”.
The biggest thing about this update is the content available to play through. You can now explore a longer part of the first chapter of the game, “Lamp of the Deadly Mist”, while also tinker around with the basic gameplay systems in place, something that the author says he wants to focus on first, before continuing with the story and his more ambicious ideas. I did explain some of the basic ideas behind the plotline on my last report about the game, so I’ll assume you know at least what’s going on and why Sonic and Amy look and feel so different to their canon counterparts.
The first part of the Full Fix Update lets us play through the first part (lmao) of Sonic and Detective Amy’s first assignment on the city’s power plant, meeting some different robots (some friendly and others not so much) along the way, and even interacting with different parts of the environment that give some nice additional text and some funny comments like this one. I always enjoyed this new steampunk-Sonic universe Trinitroid is creating, and the different exchanges along the way are still a highlight of the project. Amy is such a savage in this game, lol.
Like what you’ve come to expect of a RPG, this game’s dialog has a good amount of charm and, should you choose to interact with most stuff along the way, can give you a healthy amount of backstory and development. There is a part where the story kinda breaks up and picks up again in a fourth wall breaking “Sorry I haven’t finished this section yet” dev message, yet it’s done in such a fun way it works very well this early in the dev process.
Also, many, many references. Won’t spoil you on them, but there are some pretty cool references sparked here and there.
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How does it play, though?
As with each demo, the author keeps on improving the basic gameplay systems that will power the entire adventure. This is a RPG game... with a twist. Instead of passively taking on turns and carefully thinking about each step, Mayhem Master takes a more active approach, as you have you keep dodging the enemy’s attacks and building your MP meter for a few seconds, until they overheat and you have a small window to decide: do you spent your MP points attacking the enemy? Do you heal yourself? Do you decide to power yourself up with a random permanent boost? Do you skip your turn (granting you a MP boost for the next turn)? Or do you simply roll the dice hoping to land on a 50-50 change to flee from battle? You only have so much time to think before your turn is over, and the game will ask you to multitask as you make quick reactions. Even though I kinda miss the old, card deck based battle system, the current one works a lot better in terms of creativity and possibilities, according to the author. 
I need to also add that the difficulty curve isn’t yet in place as of this update, and it’s something that Trinitroid fully acknowledges, so things can take a while to get used to, and difficulty spikes will happen to you as you play. Still, I do think this approach to combat could make it a very big selling point, should Trinitroid’s wishes to make this a different indie game out of this in the future come to fruition. So far we have only seen a very small enemy selection, but every single one of them has their own battle quirks, and some of them can get wacky very fast, so don’t underestimate them. The only thing they lack is maybe to make some comments in-fight, but I don’t think that’s a priority, and it could potentially distract you from the actual battle. Just sayin’.
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So, that’s where things stand right now. I started covering this game around two years ago, and I'm rather happy to see it still coming along, no matter how fast or slow updates may come. Back in 2018, I remember pointing out the unique art style and premise of this game, and the fact it took the RPG route, as I was going through a “Hey, we need more Sonic RPG games” phase. As the second part of the Full Fix Update looms on the horizon, I’ll start to pick up my coverage efforts, because I really like what I’m seeing and I want more people to talk about it. Who knows, we may be on the brink of something special, be it for a Sonic fangame or for a future indie title.
So, give this one a shot, be wary of technical issues along the way, and maybe we can talk more about it, what do you say?
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