#honestly him losing memories every time he transforms
chacerider · 2 years
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out of memory
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mostmagical · 6 months
was in desperate need of some serotonin today, so here's some quick post-reveal bed-sharing
Words: 1K+ Summary:
Marinette wakes up to a bump in the night. It’s her boyfriend (and not in the way you’d think).
The sound tore Marinette from her sleep. She shot straight up in bed, frantically scanning the area for danger. With a start, she realized she wasn’t in her room. Memories were returning slowly as she recalled deciding with Adrien to spend the night at his for once, both too tired after the long day to trek the extra few blocks to hers.
She gasped— Adrien. Her hand patted down the area to her immediate left, seeking his warmth where she was used to finding it. A steady rhythm from her heart beat against her rib cage as she turned to see his side of the bed empty.
“Oof,” a soft sigh breathed from the floor.
Marinette was leaning over the edge in a flash, finding her boyfriend rubbing his eyes as he slowly sat up.
“Adrien!” she gasped. “What happened? What are you doing?”
His eyes flickered to hers, bright even in the dark, and he chuckled. “I think” —his hand moved to massage his side, low by his hip— “it was a well-timed kick to my side.”
Her heart dropped in her chest. “What?”
He laughed again, pulling himself back onto the bed and taking her into his arms. “What kind of dream were you having, Buginette?” he asked. “Must have been pretty intense.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” she said, pushing against his chest so she could continue looking into his face. Mirth danced through his green eyes. “Are you implying that I kicked you out of the bed?” she asked disbelievingly. “Why are you so calm about it?”
“Oh. It’s not the first time.”
Adrien shrugged. “Well, usually, when we’re at your place, I just kinda end up pushed against the wall? The loft has that nice built-in baby gate, lucky for me. This is the first time I’ve actually fallen out.”
Her jaw dropped open. This was mortifying information to receive in the middle of the night. “Adrien,” she said sternly, taking his shoulders in her hands and staring intensely into his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me I kick you every night?”
“It’s not every night,” he replied dismissively. She gave him a look. “Okay, it is most nights, but still! Not every night!”
“I don’t care how often it is!” She shook his shoulders, his body pliantly rocking back and forth with her movements. “Why wouldn’t you tell me so I can stop? I must be ruining your sleep!”
“I don’t mind.” He smiled, the picture of innocence. “I think it’s cute.”
Marinette wanted to growl, but she knew it wouldn’t be nearly as intimidating as she wanted it to with the red she could feel all over her face. She groaned, dragging her hands down her cheeks until the skin stretched. “What’s wrong with you?”
Again, Adrien gathered her in his arms, this time with Marinette accepting the embrace. She curled up against his chest as she felt him press a delicate kiss to the crown of her head. “It’s an honor to be your punching bag,” he joked.
“Adrien,” she groaned, thunking her head against his shoulder, “shut up.”
“Wait, no, that makes me feel worse,” she hastened to say. “I need to apologize to you! I’m sorry.”
He chuckled again, his warm breath tickling her forehead as it passed through her hair. “Like I said, I really, really don’t mind.”
“Why don’t you mind?” She pouted, tilting her head up to look at him. “Doesn’t it wake you up?”
“Sometimes, yeah, but–” He sighed as he seemed to look for the right words. His mouth tilted in a half-smile. “I like knowing you’re still there with me.”
All the embarrassment drained out of her as she noticed his tone change. “Do you think I would go somewhere?”
“Technically, no,” he answered honestly, “but sometimes… in the back of my mind…”
She frowned. “You get anxious.”
He took in a breath. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Marinette wrapped her arms around his midsection, pressing her face into his worn cotton t-shirt. He smelled of citrus and the fresh linen scent of her Maman’s favorite laundry detergent, making her smile. He smelled of home.
“I’d never leave you, Adrien,” she murmured.
“I know.”
“Especially not in the middle of the night.”
He laughed. “I know.” His arms tightened around her as he laid their bodies back down against the pillows. “We’re a package deal. A bonded pair.”
“Exactly,” she huffed. Leaning up on one arm, she poked him in the chest. “But you really should have told me I was kicking you in my sleep. I feel like a jerk.”
“A cute jerk.”
“Stop calling it cute!”
He waggled his eyebrows as he grinned at her. “It’s not my fault that everything you do is cute.”
She growled frustratedly. She wanted to be angry, but instead she pressed a kiss on the tip of his nose. “You’re so annoying.”
“Annoying and cute?”
Rolling her eyes, she leaned back onto his chest. “Yes,” she huffed.
Adrien laughed again, the sound reverberating in her eardrum. She loved the quiet moments like this where she could hear everything— his laugh, his breaths, his heart beating in his chest. The arm wrapped around his middle tugged him closer, and in response he squeezed her tighter against him.
“Seriously,” she mumbled, “wake me up next time. I don’t want to kick you out of bed.”
“It’s really not a big deal,” he whispered back. She opened her mouth in protest, but he spoke again before she could, “Sometimes it’s just a little nudge. Like this:” His foot connected with her shin under the blankets, gently pushing against her with featherlight pressure.
“See? Nothing.”
“And the kicking,” he interrupted, knowing exactly what she was going to say, as always, “I don’t mind, because I can always tell when you’re having a dream. And I like knowing that.” His thumb was brushing over the exposed skin on her shoulder, lulling her back towards sleep.
Against the siren song, she shook her head. “Still, if you ever want to wake me up– even just to talk, I want you to wake me up,” she whispered.
“Now, I know that’s sleep-Marinette talking.”
She would have rolled her eyes if she thought he could see it. “Ha ha,” she said sarcastically. “I mean it. I’d gladly lose a couple hours’ sleep for you.” She turned her head to press a kiss to his chest, right over his heart. “Especially knowing you would for me.”
“I would. Anytime.”
“I know.”
“Okay,” he mumbled into her hair, his lips brushing her scalp, “I’ll try not to let you attack me inexorably again.” She heard him breathe deeply, his chest expanding beneath her head.
“You’re lucky I’m so tired right now, kitty cat,” she mumbled, her eyes sliding shut.
“Yeah, I really am. I love you."
"Love you too..." she managed before sleep pulled her back in, warm in Adrien’s arms.
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cafecourage · 1 month
Late to the party but can I request just- spoiling the Chain with love and affection and care (including First!) because these boys deserve it
- Softie, who can't remember if this has been asked for already
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I think these can combine nicely. 😊 Because all of these boys have a lot of trauma I am going to make a Hc’s to cover everything.
This man crumbles when you care for him. He is literally always the person that take's care of others so having someone care for him is new. Even if he knows your not flirting he is still receptive to it. Though Time is going to try to give back everything.
Making Time flustered is actually fairly hard. Yes, I just said he crumbles when cared for. However, he more or less soaks it in. Getting him to go all red and mushy and just flustered is extremely hard. You can pull out all the stops and he will not stray from that calm exterior. Maybe he would be blushing but its not as bad as you when he goes to fluster you.
The most nightmares that he would have are from OoT however the most comforts he needs is more from the Majora's Mask adventure.
Because most of the things he has been through was when he was a child, he probably has some sort of childhood memory lost from it. But its more of he knows what happen but the memories he would have just aren't there. It's not like he can see it in his mind eyes. Though I would imagine he would have nightmares of the future hyrule he saw in the adult timeline. That part of the adventure was more horrifying to him then the child portion of the adventure. When this happens he tends to not go back asleep unless you urge him to. He really doesn't want to wake up in a future with out those he cares about.
Time, I would think still has some anxiety towards not being able to keep track of the days. It's mainly because he did lose track of the time while in Termina and he does flinch every time when a clock tower bell chimes. Time has kept most of his masks including the ones with spirits inside, though he assumes they had moved on to the afterlife at this point as even he can sense the lack of magic. Honestly on days that he is more anxious, you would need to ground him. Hold his hand. Give him a hug. Quiet reassurance.
Twilight's suffering comes from abandonment. I am just gonna call him out. He might have a body horror fear, aiming on himself as transforming into a wolf is disgusting and painful.
Honestly even though it hurts he will still become Wolfie to feel some comfort from the other boys. Just as much as he goes wolf to help the others with comfort. Twilight isn't one to ask for physical affection mainly because he was used to just receiving it
What he wants for affection is hugs and kisses. He needs that reassurance that everything is going to be ok. That your not going to leave him as well, also that everything is going to be ok. He really just needs the love and attention.
Twilight's second worse fear is that he will be left alone for the rest of his life. He has abandonment issues which mixing with his wolf protection instincts is just a complete mess of emotions. Just sit his butt down when he gets overbearing a hug him. From that moment on just ban Twilight from moving. If he needs to walk he is gonna have to carry you.
Sometimes you would also need to drag Twilight away to a more quiet location. Being turned into an animal also heightens your senses. We both know the boys are loud. So if its pampering time. You two wont be seen for hours :D
Warriors will rather die then let his demons be known. Which is really good that you know about his adventure! But seriously, Link hates his weakness showing even in private. The man has bad anxiety, he consistently feels like he is being watched. It's not just because of Cia, but knowing that she was always watching him the whole time didn't help, he also had to deal with traitors.
That being said Warriors is another Link that needs the silent affection and comfort. He might twist it on you. That just so he can twist what it looks like to other people. He will 100% take advantage of 'comforting you' to comfort himself as well. Don't point it out, don't even mention it. He will stop and get defensive.
That being said if he is hurt, then call him out on it. Warriors is more willing to be comforted because he is already hurt. He loves his hair being played with, its an instant relaxer for him when he isn't on high high alert. For example, at bed time he is out like a light, but if you play with his hair while walking through town he will tease you.
Warriors is going to need reassurance from time to time. He doesn't think anyone in the chain is going to betray him. But his brain just tells him to always be on edge just incase of an attack. I think when you get to know him better you would be able to notice it. In case of this emergency. There isn't much you can do, other then hold his hand through it. Distracting him wont do much but when he focus's on you he feels a bit better.
All this to say he doesn't get much sleep. He actually is a nightmare when it comes to nightshifts and wont wake people up because he is to anxious to not be awake and on watch. You might just have to throw him down on the bedroll and lay on top of him.
First is hard to read. No matter how long you've known him. It's hard to know if he is ok. You just know that sometimes First comes up to you, hug you and not say anything. You can be in full conversation with someone and he just hugs you from behind. Face in your hair as he takes in your present.
He really doesn't want you to disappear on him. First lost a lot of people then almost lost his life. So let him just seek you out when he is feeling a bit... out of body.
First in general wont tell you what's the matter with him because he doesn't know what's wrong half the time. I image first is a bit no brain cell type. So like when there is a out of body moment it just confusion. Also it doesn't happen to often.
If he does look bothered by something or maybe a bit more out of it then normal. Hugging typically works. Kissing works as well. But he adores hugs and will pick you up so he could cuddle.
Either way you want to spoil first? Cuddle or hugs. Just make sure your touching him that's all he wants. Adores it even.
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i need some nice angst-fluff (?) rn.
how would the skellies reason to an s/o whose generally scared of a lot of touching or romantic gestures because of past sexual truama, but instead of living in fear all their life, they're slowly trying to become more and more comfortable with skellyfriend.
Undertale Sans - He respects that. He would never push you though, he's not even a big fan of physical touch in the first place. He can see you're making huge efforts, but he doesn't want you to do it for his sake. He's fine with no touching just as well.
Undertale Papyrus - It's hard to hold back for him when you're showing him a bit of affection, but he's happy it's getting better and better. He's cheering for you, and can be a little pushy, but he's happy you're trying to get over your past traumas.
Underswap Sans - He lets you move at your rhythm. It's ok if it takes time, he's happy already with the small progress you're making. He doesn't want you to feel like you have to touch him to make him happy though. He chose you for who you are.
Underswap Papyrus - He's almost crying every time you're touching him, really. He can see how hard it is for you, and he won't stop congratulating you for every little progress you make. He's glad you're coming around.
Underfell Sans - It gives him some courage to do the same. He's not very comfortable with these things either, so you're both learning. It's slow, but he likes it this way.
Underfell Papyrus - His eyes turn googly every time you're touching him lol. He tries to hide it, but really, he can't. You can't stay serious more than ten seconds when he's looking at you like that honestly. He can't help it. He's so shocked he's losing it.
Horrortale Sans - Oh well, his reaction is the same as you just looking his way: he starts to purr like a tractor, happy to have attention. Oak is really not difficult. He's just happy you're coming more and more to him.
Horrortale Papyrus - Willow is still a bit shy with physical touch so it's for sure gets him every time, transforming him into a blushing mess as he realizes you're only doing that because you trust him a lot. He's a bit overwhelmed right now and he might cry, not gonna lie.
Swapfell Sans - It helps you find out Nox can turn golden retriever like when you're petting him, literally leaning onto your lap for more. None of you are used to being touched, but someone definitely likes that a lot. You have a new superpower between your hands it seems.
Swapfell Papyrus - He draws crosses where you touched him to make memories together. It's weird, but it's kinda working. Except after some time, Nox begs you to convince his brother to take a bath because it's not possible anymore, he stinks bad. Rus refuses, pretending he's just jealous.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Urgh, he guesses he can make an effort and comes to you as well. Wine doesn't like physical touch as well, and he's a lot more demonstrative in his disgust, growling and stiffing. He tries to follow your example, but, uh... Yeah, there is still work to do lol. You're not going to have a hug before a decade or so xD
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's dying for more physical touch and he's literally vibrating every time you're touching him. He's probably not the best match for you though as Coffee is very needy and struggles to respect boundaries. He would definitely be too much to handle in that case.
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
I cannot believe that season. truly just. there was not a single episode I didn't sit down to without a genuine conviction that *this* would be the episode where they spit all over everything I loved about the show. I braced constantly throughout the episodes as they kept setting themselves up for Very Stupid story choices only to pull the rug and go "HAHA surprise, idiot!!! We've given you exactly what you wanted <3". until the final episode which was NOT what I wanted and also exponentially better storytelling and character development than any of the ideal scenarios I'd constructed.
something deeply meta about it all. truly a chaos season for the chaos god, where the most chaotic, unexpected, transformative thing they can do is to be good.
Spent the day processing my love for this season only to have your message sum my thoughts and feelings up perfectly, thank you so very much for sending it 💖
Same as you, not for a second did I go in truly expecting anything from s2. Owen and Mobius have my heart, always will, so primarily the show was a vehicle to provide whatever crumbs of his scenes and chemistry with Tom I could get and with the start of every episode I braced for the moment that would get ruined in some way, only to be continually hit with everything I've ever wanted in a show or pairing right up until the finale. Which, while not what I would've chosen, was beautifully crafted and an almost Shakespearean tragic romance that will haunt me for the rest of my days and is still infinitely better than the nightmare scenarios I'd been floating around in my mind so at least there's that and it's impossible not to be thankful for eps 1-5 for giving content anyone could dream of and more 😅
Besides the obvious ending, I'm mostly crushed our Loki and Mobius didn't get a proper goodbye but honestly believe Loki decided to seek out s1 Mobius instead knowing s2 Mobius loved him too much to ever let his sacrifice happen and it would've been too much to bear, so having made his mind up already he at least tried to visit a version most likely to validate his choice. Just wish the Mobius now waiting until the end of time had at least a similar opportunity, but I'm just thankful he didn't lose his memories and could make his own decision that his faith in Loki is what's carried him before and will continue to do so now.
The flip of their characterization from order or chaos is exactly what has me convinced Lokius will reunite because how can they not with such an open ended future?? Even in separation they revolve around each other and they're the only ones left wanting. Mobius and his life are in ruins with nothing but the passage of time and possibility of some spent with Loki ahead while Loki's surely going to find a way to meet halfway when the choice of order has not only made him potentially the most powerful being in existence but one who spends eternity looking at the only person who ever saw him back.
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hood-ex · 5 months
Finally finished all of Voltron. Some thoughts:
The last seasons actually weren't as bad as I thought they'd be based on what I heard. I mean, yeah the Lance/Allura ship was unnecessary, and yeah the final episode wasn't super satisfying or good lmao, but all in all, the plot still kept me invested. Only time I felt truly bored was during those god awful filler episodes. Genuinely only liked one filler episode which was the carnival one where Shiro was arm wrestling people.
Wish Shiro had a heavier presence in the show after he got his conscience shifted into the clone body, but at the same time, it was cool to see him captain Atlas. I was so glad they at least included him in the final battle with Honerva.
Lance and Hunk definitely felt like they took more of a backseat in the character focus department. Like yeah, they had arcs of sorts though not super obvious ones imo. Lance was a big flirt who could be cocky, and he matured and became a reliable second hand. Hunk ended up showing more courage and willingness to bring people together, and he did have a passion for food, so I like that he had least had a hobby/passion of sorts. I just feel like I didn't really know them quite as well as the other paladins, Lance especially. I'm honestly very surprised Lance didn't get more focus as say Shiro or Keith. He seems like the type of character to have a bigger focus.
My main beef with Shiro is that he didn't really have any flaws over the course of the show. He was always the loyal and caring leader. Of course, we got to see him lose his patience with Slav which was really fun. Other than that... he was almost just like... too nice. Too perfect. The change for his character mostly happened through life events. I think if they had fleshed out that side of Shiro more, Shiro would've been my favorite character.
It wasn't until maybe Season 3 or so that I finally got over the fact that the paladins were flying lions around. I'm sorry but I thought flying lions were so lame when I first started watching it. These are supposed to be made by King Alfor, an Altean, so why did he choose an Earth animal as the design for Voltron? Like huh? Allura and Coran didn't even know what a cow was, how did they know what a lion was alkdjsa. Whatever, I got over it eventually. (Edit: I just remembered that the white lion is a thing that exists and that Alfor knew about it sooo I suppose he got inspo from that).
"Form Voltron!" and then the long ass sequence of all the lions forming together. I got so sick of seeing that every single episode. Voltron actually would've been cooler had the paladins only transformed into it like once or twice every season rather than every episode. Like only bring Voltron out for the biggest baddies. I found it so much more fun when the paladins all fought separately. And a lot of the time, the paladins had to end up dissolving Voltron to win a fight so like??
Black lion my beloathed, red lion my beloved. Nah idc, I have beef with the black lion. The red lion was by far my favorite lion, but I liked it more when Keith was with the red lion. Feels like they could've done more with the red lion as well with it being the fastest and all.
The Blade of Marmora was cooler than Voltron to me. All their fight sequences were sick. Also, Keith looked so good in that uniform, hello. I definitely enjoyed the hand-to-hand combat in this show possibly more than I enjoyed the lion fights.
Lotor/Allura was the only ship I enjoyed until Lotor went off the rails. Idc, Lotor was a fun character with an interesting backstory. It's too bad his character arc had to go the way that it did. Also not totally opposed to how it ended up though.
Matt gave me the ick as soon as he started fawning over Allura in an obnoxious way. Felt kinda ooc for him as well. But after that was over with, I enjoyed him well enough. That one episode where Pidge went to the memorial planet with all the graves... that was heavy as hell. Kinda wish Matt actually had died for the full weight of that episode to hit bc that was such an intense moment.
Loved how Pidge was shown to do basically anything to get cool video games in some episodes lmao. I also thought it was interesting how she was the most tech savvy of the team, but she formed a connection with the natural world, as did her lion.
The first 2 seasons were definitely funnier than the rest. The first season had me laughing at least once every episode. The jokes tapered off later on, which I suppose makes sense bc the plots got heavier.
Loved the Hunk and Shay relationship. Balmerans were pretty cool in general.
Tbh, I didn't really care that Shiro's boyfriend died because we only saw him in a short flashback. I do think they should've given Shiro a longer or better reaction to finding out that his boyfriend died though. Also, speaking of Shiro and men, it was so fruity how the last scene of the entire show was Shiro kissing his husband. Voltron said gay rights for space dads.
Kosmo was cool, and I especially liked how he was Nightwing color coded. Plus teleportation powers?? Nice.
Keith and Shiro's bond was really touching. I just wish they would've divulged their shared backstory together earlier on in the series to help me understand why Keith had so much respect and loyalty to Shiro from the jump. That goes for a lot of the paladins, actually. A lot of their backstory info should've been released earlier on in the series instead of shoved into the last few seasons. The only ones who didn't suffer from this were Pidge and Allura.
Some seasons were only 6-7 episodes which was wack.
Keith definitely had some good moments giving advice to Lance or Hunk. He had a pretty satisfying arc overall. Well, out of all the other characters anyway. He's gotta be my favorite character in the show. He had flaws that he worked through, and he came out as a strong leader. I also can't forget how he and the Blade of Marmora planted bombs to destroy the Galras in line to rule the Galra empire, but when Keith realized Shiro was with the Galras, he immediately raced back to deactivate the bombs. We love a loyal man who will do anything for his brother.
Shiro took on a lot of damage and trauma that just wasn't addressed in any satisfying way, especially in regard to his arm. He did make one sarcastic remark to Lance about how he wasn't in tip top shape because he got his arm cut off/his conscience moved into a clone body. Wish they would've touched on the loss of his arm more. And not just his human arm, but his other arms as well.
Allura's death was just like... I don't remember what she said to Keith before she decided to give up her life, but all I could think about was when she was cold to him because he was half Galra.
I thought it was so funny in the last episode when they showed all the realities in every universe and there were just like... 50 of them or something lmao. Like Honerva really didn't have to do much to end them all. They really did rush the ending, huh?
Even though I haven't watched the original series this was based off of, I enjoyed the small references I did catch like with Sven and such.
All in all, I had a fun time. Will I rewatch it any time soon? No... but I will definitely be reading fanfics of it going forward.
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achaotichuman · 6 months
Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra
Hello Everyone! Once again I find myself bored with nothing to do, so here is a super angsty Tamcien oneshot!
*Trigger warning- Non-Explicit Mature Content.*
Summary- He smiled, for the first time in what felt like centuries, he smiled, "We don't have any music."
Lucien smiled back, he smiled back and it was the most beautiful smile Tamlin had ever or would ever see, "We'll make our own."
A snippet of what occurred UTM before Feyre came back to save Prythian. Tamlin misses the sun, when he sees Lucien again for the first time in weeks, he realizes his sun was Under the Mountain with him all along.
“You can’t mope here forever.” Rhysand drawled. 
“I can definitely try.” Tamlin snapped back, drinking from the glass of faery wine in his hand. Rhysand eyed it curiously, no doubt wondering how much Tamlin had already drunk. Tamlin didn’t know or care, he hadn’t been counting. 
The Dark Lord waved away the guards stationed near Tamlin. They all glanced at each other and narrowed their eyes at Rhysand, wondering whether or not he had any actual authority over them. Rhysand drew up a sliver of darkness and they all scurried away.
Several guards were always stationed to watch him. Fine, Tamlin could easily deal with that. Remain faceless, emotionless, tune out everything. Forget himself. Forget what he used to be above these caverns. He wasn’t anything anymore, he was fine with that. The stone sitting in his chest was heavier than ever, it was the only thing he felt anymore. The scraping of his lungs, the strange weight that wouldn’t leave, everything else was numb except for that. 
Fine. The numbness just made the days go by faster.
“Why are you here, Rhysand?” Tamlin seethed, he already had to see the male almost every night and morning, why did he have to pester the Spring Lord any more?
“Bored.” Rhysand sighed. Sitting down on the large lounge out of the way of the party. Most of the time Tamlin was beside Amarantha on her throne, tonight she had allowed him a slight of freedom. He took it. He knew it wasn’t real freedom, but he’d play into her games, what did he have to lose?
“Then go annoy the guards… or Tarquin.” Tamlin added as an afterthought. The Summer Lord himself looked quite bored where he stood amongst his small entourage. 
Rhysand breathed a cruel, wicked laugh, “Already done that.”
Tamlin breathed in. The sweet scent of early morning dew and rich starlight drowned out the wine in his hand. At first the smell had disgusted him, especially with how he had to be so close to him. Now he had learned to not let it get to him. How to be numb to it.
“Where’s your little emissary? I haven’t had the pleasure of tormenting him yet.” Rhysand said. His arms sliding along the back of the lounge. 
Tamlin whipped his eyes back around to Rhysand’s face, where a smug smile now rested. 
Tamlin hadn’t seen him in days. 
If the world Under the Mountain was a spinning haze, Lucien was the one thing that made it stop. A reminder of home that Tamlin couldn’t put away from his mind. The last thread of his sanity. 
He had tried to rid his mind of that fiery red hair, but he couldn’t. He found himself clinging onto Lucien’s memory like a life-line. 
And he hadn’t seen him in so long. 
“I don’t know.” Tamlin answered honestly, what was the point in lying when Rhysand would always get what he wanted in the end. 
“Why not?” Rhysand pushed, that smug smile growing. Tamlin wanted to slap it off him.
“Don't know if you’ve noticed, Rhysand, but I don’t exactly have the power to look for him.”
“Right.” Rhysand murmured, there was a sharp look in his eye. A glint of danger and sadistic joy. Tamlin was stuck down here with him. The Night Lord loved to rub it in every now and again. 
Tamlin felt a thrum of power dance under the surface of his skin. He glanced up at the stone carved throne that Amarantha lounged upon. Looking so at peace. Smiling as she looked down upon the kingdom she had taken, stolen. 
She was a thief. A lying, two-timing, backstabbing thief. Not a Queen. Not his Queen. Not above him.
But she was. Tamlin looked away from Rhysand’s gaze. The look in his eyes that said, ‘I may have lost but so did you.’ 
He was right. She won. She ruled him now. He was no High lord in her eyes. A slave at her feet. No better than the mortals when Fae ruled them. 
Rhysand’s eyes glazed over his form. Staring down and at his chest, then leering at his crotch. Tamlin didn’t need to be a Daemati to know he was remembering their times before they fell apart. 
The times Rhysand had taken him apart at the seams. Wrung orgasm after orgasm out of him. Made him forget his own name. Touched him in a way no one else ever had. 
Rhysand let his tongue slide over his bottom lip. Tamlin remembered the look of hunger and pleasure in the older male’s eyes when the then Spring Prince had sucked him off. Taking his cock again and again.
Tamlin closed his eyes. Drinking the rest of his wine.
He felt Rhysand drag a finger down the curve of his shoulder. Tamlin didn’t open his eyes as Rhysand leaned over, that hand sliding down his chest, and said, “We’re both monsters Tamlin, you and I. She’s caged us like animals.”
Tamlin still didn’t open his eyes as he felt the barest brush of Rhysand’s lips, grazing the tip of his ear, whispering in a low sultry voice that once upon a time, Tamlin would’ve fought and died for. The voice of his once friend, “You and I belong in a cage for what we are. She knows that.”
“No.” Tamlin whispered back, watching lights swim behind the darkness of his eyelids. 
Tamlin forced himself to open his eyes, and look at Rhysand. Really look at him. 
His eyes held a deep kind of danger and cruelty, something that set off your fight or flight sense. Something that rendered you powerless when under his gaze. You couldn’t run from Rhysand. You couldn’t fight him either. He was a kind of chaos and danger that you could try over and over to kill, but he’d always return. 
Rhysand always came back. 
Tamlin knew that before they fell apart, and he knew that now. 
Rhysand was living, breathing darkness. The embodiment of something strange and evil. 
Maybe that was why Tamlin was always drawn to him. Once upon a time he had been curious, now he was angry. But no matter what, he was always drawn back to Rhys. 
“I am nothing like you.” Tamlin strained to keep his voice low and emotionless. 
Surprise wretched through the anger that made his heartbeat faster. His body for once wasn’t numb, but alight with energy. 
Rhysand knew that, he smiled so wickedly. “No, not yet.”
“Tamlin.” A voice slithered into his mind. Amarantha. He looked up to see her deep brown eyes locked in on him. Slanted and cunning. Watching, observing. He looked back at Rhysand who was smiling and staring at him, he knew what she was doing. 
“Yes, my Queen,” He answered. 
“Do keep your thoughts down, you think so loudly, be quiet and don’t make such a fuss over there.”
Rhysand had been sending their conversation to her. The thought made him sick. Of course he was. Get him to say something treasonous, even think it and Rhysand might get to punish him. Might get to see him suffer more. 
Tamlin wanted to run away, wanted to vomit. 
Rhysand would force him to keep his mind. Keep his fire. Wouldn’t let him be numb to the pain. He’d set him alight again and again, keep the flame from going out. 
Afterall, you couldn’t bring pain to something that was numb.
He wanted to squeeze every drop of suffering from Tamlin. He wanted to make Tamlin pay for the fifty years he had already endured. 
“Since you don’t know the whereabouts of your little fox, I’ll tell you.” Rhysand sneered, “He’s running about the upper floors of the Mountain. Perhaps you should go see him.”
Rhysand then got up and started to slink away. Tamlin blinked at him, he looked around to see no guards coming back to watch him. 
“Why?” Tamlin whispered. 
Anyone else wouldn’t have heard it, but Rhysand did, Rhysand was in his head. 
“So that you don’t break before I want you to.”
Seething rage coursed through Tamlin and begged to smash something. To tear something apart. To make Rhysand hurt. 
They were dangling Lucien in front of him. Using him like a pawn. Like a toy used to keep Tamlin in line. And sane for as long as they wanted him to be sane. 
And it worked… Oh fucking hell it worked.
Tamlin got up and followed their game. Did what they wanted him to do. Crawl back to the last light in his life. In some desperate attempt to protect the last person he had. 
The Spring Lord stood up, he hastily walked through the party, shoving some people away. They all glared and whispered. 
He opened a small door off to the side, before he went through the dark tunnels, he glanced back over his shoulder. 
Amarantha smiled at him, her eyes pinning him to the floor, she whispered in his mind, “You are mine, Tamlin. I’m all you have and I’m all you deserve.”
Tamlin left the throne room. Closing the door behind him. He squeezed his eyes shut and took in a breath, waiting until the two presences in his mind left. 
Then he took off running down the looming corridor. 
The halls of the Mountain caged in on him. The darkness whispered and sung. Tendrils drifted through the stone. Wispy hand-like things tried to consume him.
Amarantha wouldn’t let him go. 
He belonged to her now. Every inch of him, soul and mind. 
Rhysand may not get to leave the Mountain. May have no way out anymore, but he’d still get something back, he’d make Tamlin pay for all the years he served her. If he couldn’t make anyone else pay. 
Tamlin stumbled around a corner, nearly smacking into the stone wall. It loomed high above him and caged him in. There was only darkness. Only darkness. Dark, cold, cruelty filled every crack and crevice of this place. 
There was no getting out anymore. 
It was over. 
They had lost. 
Someone slammed into him, and Tamlin fell to the ground. He immediately scrambled back up, hackles up and trying to peer through the darkness. Someone had come out for him. Why would Amarantha let him leave her sight? Of course they had sent someone out. 
“Hey now, no need to kill me.” A smooth, silver-lined tongue said. 
Tamlin’s heart began to quicken, but no longer with fear. 
He blinked away the dark fuzzy haze. Finally he saw the metal eye Dawn had given his friend after Amarantha stole it. Lucien stood just before him, dusting himself off. 
Tamlin could only stare at him. Lucien flicked his fingers and a small flame appeared in the palm of his hand, lighting up the hallway. 
Even after all that had happened. Lucien was still so beautiful. His red hair had been pulled back into a loose braid. His skin was far paler now, but Tamlin could still map the freckles on his face and down his neck, disappearing under his shirt. The scar that ran down his face, framing the metal eye that now resided in his socket were like shattered glass, something sharp that stands out, but still so beautiful. Even if the mask on his face hid most of it. Tamlin could still remember exactly where everything on his face went. How it was put together, where each piece was, like a puzzle he would never stop loving putting together.
Tamlin wanted to tell him. Wanted to say just how beautiful he thought Lucien was, but he could only manage a half-whispered, “You’re hair is longer.”
Lucien blinked at him once, then twice. Then he huffed a laugh, a smile curving on his face, “That is what happens when you don’t cut your hair, Tam.”
It was the same as before. Lucien was still the same as before. Before they were taken under here. Before they were cursed. Before any of this happened. Lucien remained the same. 
Tamlin knew things about Lucien had been lost. He knew that very well, he saw it in himself. When he looked in the mirror and couldn’t recognise his image, he knew things had changed. 
At least Lucien still kept his sly fox tongue, and silvery voice. 
At least some things hadn't changed. 
“Lucien.” Tamlin rasped. 
Lucien smiled, he knew. 
Lucien pulled Tamlin into his arms and held him tightly, the flame in his hand going out and leaving them in darkness. He knew. He always knew. He knew exactly what was going down. He knew how Amarantha taunted and caged him, he knew that Rhysand was punishing him for his own fate.
Tamlin wrapped his arms around his best friend. He buried his face in the crook of his neck, holding him tightly like he might disappear. The coldness of the Mountain seeping in like a morning mist settling over his skin, slowly saturating his clothing, then his skin. Tamlin tried to push it all out by holding onto the only warmth left in this place. 
Lucien swayed them from side to side. Pressing his face into Tamlin’s hair, his mouth against the shell of his ear. Everything about Lucien was so warm and bright and kind. Tamlin felt infected compared to him. Amarantha’s hold tainting him, the memory of his time with Rhysand made him feel stained compared to the ethereal otherness Lucien had. He felt small and useless when next to Lucien, even if he was the High lord. 
Was the High lord. Tamlin had spent the past weeks trying to rid his own title from his head, subjecting himself completely and wholly to Amarantha. Yet it had been undone, he remembered now, he knew it all, it came flying at him like a dam breaking and flooding the world with freezing water. 
Tears now stained Lucien’s shirt. Silent cries were wretched so suddenly from Tamlin his body shuddered. He struggled to keep his voice in check. He wanted to scream and cry so loudly the mountain shook. Lucien whispered sweet nothings in his ear, promises he couldn’t keep, sentiments that meant nothing down here. But with the state he was in, Tamlin allowed himself to believe all of it, even if every kind, caring word would fall short when they finally returned to Amarantha. 
“I can’t do this, Lucien, I can’t do this.” Tamlin whispered, his voice broken, undone, “I can’t do this.”
“You can, Tam, you can, you will.” Lucien said, “I’ll be right beside you, like I always have been. I’ll be right there, always.”
He wouldn’t, if Lucien got too close to him Amarantha would smell blood. But still, Tamlin took the lie, greedily clutching onto it, to the idea Lucien would never not be by his side. 
“Lucien.” Tamlin breathed, not a question, a simple acknowledgement he was there, that they were together. A promise half-fulfilled, Lucien was here now, whether he would be there in the future was another question. One Tamlin didn’t want to think about. 
“Tamlin.” Lucien whispered back. 
It was dark, it was cold. The weight of what would happen once they separated again was pressing in at all sides. He felt sick. He knew once Lucien and him let go of each other they may not see each other for weeks to months, maybe even years. Unless Tamlin was watching him from beside Amarantha. Or even worse, Rhysand would force them together after a while away, to keep Tamlin fighting. Until Rhysand deemed the debts he held over Tamlin’s head repaid, he would continue to force Tamlin to keep his mind, keep his sanity. He would be alive and in pain until he was allowed to become numb. 
Lucien pulled away just an inch, just to look Tamlin in the eyes. Those mismatched eyes were near invisible in the darkness, but Tamlin just needed to lift his hands and cup Lucien’s face to remember every detail. With his thumbs Tamlin stroked the exposed parts of Lucien’s cheeks. Tears were forming in his eyes again, the once High lord let them fall down his fall like the raindrops of Spring. He tried to imagine cold rain on his skin, saturating his clothes, dripping down his skin, soaking him thoroughly. He tried to remember the feeling of Lucien’s hair in his hands when it was wet with rainwater. Tamlin ran a hand through the red strands. He remembered how it would bleach an almost blond colour when Lucien went on border patrol with the sentries. He remembered how Lucien would let him braid it. He remembered how one strand fell across his eyes. 
Tamlin’s bottom lip was trembling, he bit it in an attempt to prevent another cry from escaping his throat. Lucien pressed his forehead to Tamlin’s, the metal of their masks clicking against each other. 
“I hate this.” Tamlin said. 
“I know, so do I.” Lucien whispered back, his voice somehow so clear and strong. 
A moment passed and Tamlin felt like he might break down again. Lucien sensed it somehow, he pulled Tamlin back into his arms and gently rocked back and forth. Tamlin held him tightly. Trying to give back some of the warmth Lucien was giving to him. Tamlin began to think that Lucien wasn’t just comforting him, but comforting himself, making promises not just to Tamlin, but to try and convince himself it would all be okay. When they both knew there was no escaping this. 
It would get worse and worse everyday until one of them lost it. Until one of them finally died from either insanity or Amarantha’s cruel torture. It was a day that may be a while away, but was inevitable. 
This curse was never meant to be broken, it was the illusion of choice. The illusion of a chance. They lost the day Amarantha set foot on Prythian’s lands. 
Lucien began to shake. Tamlin felt him coming apart in his arms. Unable to keep up the brave face any longer.
“I’m scared Tam.”
Tamlin couldn’t say anything at first. He could only hug Lucien tighter. Could only press a soft kiss to the skin of his neck. A soft cry shook Lucien, Tamlin decided he would give back what Lucien gave him. 
“It’s going to be okay.” Tamlin whispered, his voice so quiet, if it were any louder his voice would crack. 
Lucien cried into his shoulder, trembling with the force of his crying. Tamlin rubbed his back, whispering in the same promises that he would have to break, the same soft kind words that would mean nothing in the end. Lucien listened to them as if they were true, for a moment pretending Tamlin and him could stay locked in this moment forever, never leaving, not separating. 
“We’re not here, Luce.” Tamlin whispered, “We’re outside, we’re at the border of Spring and Autumn.”
Lucien squeezed his eyes tightly shut. Fisting his hands in Tamlin’s shirt. 
“The grass is soft under us, the stars are lighting up the night sky. There’s a gentle breeze and your hair is unbound and fluttering in the air. You can see the tall oak trees covered in green giving way to Autumn. We’re outside, I’m with you, and you’re with me. There’s nothing and no one else.”
Lucien could see it. He could feel it all. The cold bite of the Autumn winds travelling into Spring. He could smell the pollen mixing with smoky cold. He could feel soft grass under his feet. He heard the rushing of water from the stream winding around the trees of the Spring forest. Disappearing into Autumn. 
He opened his eyes to see Tamlin. Instead of the dark eyes and too pale skin, he saw forest green eyes bright from health, skin a shade darker from the sun. Instead of his face covered with a golden mask, Lucien could see the high points of his cheeks, how his eyes crinkled from his smile. 
Tamlin saw it too. He saw Lucien, hair unbound and free, flowing down his back and shoulders like waves of scarlet. He saw Lucien’s scars, every one of them, not hidden behind a mask. Another beautiful part of him that didn’t need to be hidden. Lucien grinned at him, it was a bright toothy grin. Moonlight cascaded down on both of them. A strong gust of wind swept by, a strand of Lucien’s hair whipped Tamlin in the face and they both laughed, they laughed. For the first time in weeks Tamlin heard that bright, beautiful laughter. 
Lucien intertwined his right hand with Tamlin’s left. He wrapped his free arm around Tamlin’s waist and began to sway them from side to side. Tamlin pressed his face into Lucien’s neck. 
Then Lucien lifted the hand of Tamlin intertwined with his own and spun his High lord around. Tamlin laughed. Lucien would’ve given his other eye to hear it again. 
Lucien pulled him back close, kissing his forehead, then he murmured, “Dance with me Tam.”
He smiled, for the first time in what felt like centuries, he smiled, “We don’t have any music.”
Lucien smiled back, he smiled back and it was the most beautiful smile Tamlin had ever or would ever see, “We’ll make our own.”
“How will we do that, Luce? We don’t have any instruments?” Tamlin asked as Lucien spun him around again. 
“We have our voices, do we not?” Lucien grinned, Tamlin bit his bottom lip trying to contain the huge smile on his face. A blush spread across his face. 
“A duet then.” Tamlin said, wrapping his arms around Lucien’s neck. Pressing them closer together. Lucien leaned forward, just a touch, his lips just brushed Tamlin’s own, stealing the breath from his lungs, making his blood race in his veins. 
“Which song?” Lucien whispered against his mouth. 
Tamlin was near trembling with happiness as he said, “The one you and Andras would sing for me and the sentries on Solstice night.”
Lucien shuddered, eyes falling shut as he remembered those nights by the campfire. The soft, beautiful song that Andras would sing with his low, powerful voice. Lucien would join him in the performance and Tamlin would play his fiddle, whilst the other sentries tapped their feet to the beat. It was a slow, beautiful piece that Tamlin hadn’t been able to play since Andras was killed. 
“Okay.” Lucien said, opening his eyes again. 
Lucien began, his voice a soft hum on Tamlin’s skin. This song didn’t have a corresponding dance, so they made one up. Lucien twirled him, they spun together, Tamlin twirled him. They stepped apart, then back together, one hand always connected. 
Tamlin joined in, he thought his voice might tremble, but as Lucien pulled him back and forth. As they travelled across the ground, as the wind seemed to pick up, as the trees creaked and swayed with their rhythm. Strength came to him, the strength to keep going. To sing clearly, without faltering. 
They fell into harmony. Each knowing the other’s step like they were both an extension of their own bodies. They travelled along the border of Spring and Autumn. Dancing in and out of trees. Stepping in between territories. They became the land around them. Spring twined around Autumn, Autumn blending with Spring. 
An Autumn leaf flew by and landed in Tamlin’s hair, a Spring leaf flew by and landed in Lucien’s hair. They sang through their laughter, they danced as they held each other. 
Darkness was all around them but it was penetrated by the silver moon. Birds watched them from the trees, rabbits and hares cautiously watched from a distance. A fox appeared from in between the bushes of Autumn, it spotted them both and ran into the forest of Spring. 
Their voices overlapped, blending with each other until Tamlin felt like he had been wrapped completely in Autumn smoke and cinnamon. Until Lucien felt wrapped in Spring rain and roses. 
The song slowly came to its conclusion. Their voices softened until there was nothing. Tamlin and Lucien came to a stop. Staring into each other’s eyes with the love and adoration they held for each other. 
Neither knew who pressed forward first, but their eyes closed and their lips connected in a searing kiss, a final promise, a last goodbye, a deal between them sealed. They would fight until the very end, they would fight for themselves and for each other until they both walked into the great beyond, hand in hand. 
When they pulled back and opened their eyes. They were back Under the Mountain. There was no grass, or Autumn leaves, or Spring forest, or birds or foxes. There never was. There never would be again for them.
They said nothing, all was held in their eyes. Tamlin felt tears coming down his face, matching Luciens, as he turned away, letting go of the last light in his life. He turned down the tunnel and met violet eyes. 
Rhysand smiled, it was cruel and filled with fifty years of suffering. 
Tamlin didn’t look back as he took the hand of Night and left Autumn behind. 
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danganronpafan777 · 1 year
can I have sdra2.bpys with a magical girl s/o that has to fight demons (also they didn't know until s/o saved them if that's alright) have a great day!
Thank you! I honestly don't know a lot about magical girls, but I hope you like it anyway!
Teruya Otori:
As a member of the Kisaragi foundation, he was thankful for magical girls, ridding the world of demons and helping it recover from the tragedy 
He made it clear that he admired them, but would never admit how much of a fanboy he actually was
It reminded him of the days where his dad would read him articles in the newspaper about magical girls, and young Teruya would listen with stars in his eyes 
He sometimes had nightmares of demons though, and even when he got older, he couldn't completely get rid of the fear 
This fear hit him full force when a suspected criminal turned out to be a demon, and Teruya felt talons digging into his skin as the demon stretching its winged, flying higher and higher
No matter how many times he punched it, the demon would not let go
Only for the demon to be completely obliterated after just a few hits from a familiar magical girl
He was watching in awe, and would have continued watching if the demon hadn't dropped him and he was approaching the ground rapidly 
But just before he hit the ground, he was caught by familiar arms who brought him to safety
Considering how big he is, he was surprised someone was actually able to hold him bridal style, but something about it felt familiar, and he was able to put the pieces together as he looked back up at you
He could tell it was you just by your eyes and your smile, the same way you used to look down at him when holding him to tease him when he was smaller 
He felt like his younger self, falling for you all over again
He loves what you do and would offer to make you new magical girl outfits! (With rainbow designs of course)
He doesn't have nightmares of demons anymore, knowing his S/o is right there to protect him
Nikei Yomiuri:
It didn't matter what he was doing, he would drop everything just to get a glimpse of a magical girl
It was one of the best scoops any journalist could get! And every time he got close and pouted over missing the scene, you'd giggle, and assure him that he'll be able to meet a magical girl one day
Little did he know he was dating one 
One day, when you were tagging along as he ventured for scoops, he got a tip that a demon was nearby, one that a magical girl would be sure to take care of
You warned him that it was too dangerous, and did everything you could to drag him away (just so you could secretly fight it yourself)
Your efforts were futile however, as he pushed his way through the streets of Japan, completely ignorant of the demon approaching him, happy to have practically willing bait 
Nikei didn't notice the demon until it was too late, when it had already grabbed him and made him drop his notepad 
He whined about losing his notepad but still tried to interview the demon, to which he'd get monstrous growls in response 
It wasn't until the monster nearly unhinged its jaw when the fear started to settle in, before hitting all at once
Just before your boyfriend was devoured, your transformation sequence ended and you used your abilities to get rid of the demon for good, but not without struggle
Nikei watched the fight with stars in his eyes, actually forgetting to write the action down
He couldn't be happier knowing he was dating a magical girl, and he wouldn't give away your identity if you don't want him to, but that sure as hell wouldn't stop him from writing articles on all of your fights 
Sometimes the memory comes back at him in the middle of the night, and he'll be fangirling to himself all over again
Mikado Sannoji:
He is also a fanboy when it came to magical girls, and he didn't even try to hide it
His room was probably covered in the merch (what Sora would've seen if she actually befriended him)
He wishes that he could be a magical girl himself! (He probably draws himself in the outfit-)
You think it's adorable, and his admiration is enough to make him completely oblivious 
Mikado is basically a war criminal, so he was definitely surprised when he was attacked by a demon so suddenly, and considering how powerful he is himself, that was one brave demon
However, the demon was stronger than Mikado anticipated, leaving a few scratches over his body, but Mikado kept flinging fireballs at it
He didn't even notice the claw extending towards him until it almost grabbed him, but you quickly pulled him out of the way, shielding him with your own body and single-handedly taking the demon down yourself
Mikado knew that magical aura anywhere! It was his S/o!!
He heals up any injury you could've possibly gotten during the fight, ignoring his own until you point it out, to which he almost cries because a magical girl is worrying about him
He cuddles and fangirls over you for the rest of the day as a thank you, and his room is now absolutely covered in any merch he can find of you 
Hajime Makonoichi:
Hajime thought magical girls were cool and respected what they did, but he wasn't a huge fanboy
The thought of his S/o being one never even crossed his mind, but he was a bit suspicious on how you skipped training with him due to being busy, but always seemed to keep yourself in shape somehow
One morning, a demon was sighted at a nearby park, and you just so happened to remember some plans that you forgot, and had to skip yet another training session
Hajime wouldn't admit it, but sometimes he had nightmares of you skipping a training session just to not come back at all, and being abandoned once again
Still, he had to take care of his health, so he decided to go on a jog
It would be an understatement to say he was a bit surprised to be grabbed and nearly mauled by a bloodthirsty monster when he was halfway through the jog
Being the Ultimate Boxer, he easily landed a few hits and almost knocked it out, but the demon's sharp claws gave it a major advantage, throwing Hajime to the ground and opening its large mouth
Hajime continued to fight back, and just before he was devoured, he heard the monster scream and let go of him
He didn't realize it was you and watched the fight, partly wanting to help, but it looked like his savior was defending herself pretty well
When the demon was defeated, and you turned around, his eyes widened and he almost had to take off his sunglasses
Suddenly it all made sense. Skipping training but still staying in shape... how did he not realize sooner?
Hajime thanks you for saving him, and is much more understanding when you have to skip training, but he doesn't treat you much differently 
He offers for you to change into your alter ego when training if it would make you stronger, and while he doesn't say it much, he's proud of you for what you do
Shinji Kasai:
He thinks magical girls are cool, but like with any girl, he gets very blushy when talking about them 
He'll read a few articles about them every now and then, but besides that, he just appreciates what they do 
He encountered the demon while he was on his job, putting out a fire that he didn't realize was a demon attack 
Low and behold, the demon hadn't left, and was angry that Shinji was ruining their work 
Shinji fought back as the demon charged at him, but his firefighting gear weighed him down, not to mention inhaling the remnants of the fire
He staggered back as the demon's claw left a sizeable hole in his fire suit, and just as the claw was about to finish him off....
Shinji felt someone grab him and pull him to safety, away from both the fire and the demon
He watched in awe as you destroyed the demon in mere minutes, bright red even when he didn't know it was you
And when he realized it was you....
He fainted. 
You had to carry him home and hold an icepack to his face just to stop him from overheating 
When you explained everything to him when he woke up, he almost fainted again
He's proud of you, and is always cheering you on! 
If he bought any merch of you then he would treasure it but he'll rather die than let you know
Yuki Maeda: He thinks magical girls are awesome! But he would never admit how much of a fanboy he is, with a decent amount of merch
The idea of you being one was nothing more than a silly thought
Yuki never expected to even meet a magical girl, and especially not date one!
However, he wasn't expecting to meet a demon either
He was attacked when he was walking home from school, just barely missing the demon's claws when it reached for him
He screamed and tried to fight back as he was pulled upwards into a near choke hold as the demon opened its wide mouth
Before he was touched, a familiar figure obliterated the demon in less than a minute, leaving him shocked and still half scared
When he saw it was you, he felt like an idiot
All those times you had to skip out on school and dates for your "job" and how you seemed so strong despite rarely training...
As the shock wore off and the dumbfounded look on his face began to fade, he felt almost star struck
Holy shit he was dating a magical girl-
After you walked him home and admitted your secret, Yuki never loved you more, knowing how kind and selfless you truly were
But sometimes he feels insecure, wondering why you were dating someone as ordinary as him, but you're always quick to reassure how much you love him 
He also secretly buys some of your merch and cuddles with it if your too busy fighting demons-
Syobai Hashimoto: He honestly didn't really care for magical girls
Through his time fending for himself, he encountered a few demons, all of which he escaped with only an inch of his life
He could barely imagine killing one of those things, especially for free
Syobai was preparing for a deal in an alleyway before the demon lunged at him from the roof
He was quick to pull out his knife, countering every attack the demon threw at him, before the demon was able to fling the knife into the streets behind him
Syobai didn't want to die, not when he had just gotten someone important to him, not when he finally realized that money wasn't his entire existence
He thought his best option was to stall until his employer got here, to which Syobai could shove them towards the demon and run
Unfortunately, his employer wasn't an idiot and bolted away at the sight of the demon
Just as Syobai thought to himself, "Fuck, I'm going to die," the demon was abruptly knocked away and killed by a familiar person in a mask
Through his job as a broker, Syobai developed the skill to piece together what people look like, even if just a small part of their face is visible, but he was definitely not expecting you to be the one in the mask
He managed to get his knife back as soon as you finished the demon off, and thanked you (Syobai rarely thanks people, so you better be grateful)
He keeps a calm exterior but is seriously impressed
Syobai is glad to know that you can defend yourself, as he sometimes worries what his job could do to his only loved one, and he won't tell you that you should start charging people money for saving them, but he implies it here and there
Yuri Kagarin:
He's a huge fan of magical girls on the basis that they are women. It's amazing that they kill demons but mostly because women.
He was able to notice odd changes in your behavior, and knew you were hiding something from him, but he was a man, so you probably had a good reason, right?
The two of you were out on a luxurious date when he was suddenly grabbed from behind and hoisted into the sky
If the demon seemed feminine than he would just accept him fate, finally getting to live his dream, but if the demon seemed masculine then he would fight back
Yuri is much stronger than he looks, and actually held his own pretty well
Still, he couldn't fight forever, and just as he almost passed out from exhaustion, he felt you grab him and pull him to safety before destroying the monster that tried to kill him 
Yuri could tell it was you just from a single look, and his starry eyes grew even bigger as he embraced you and told you how amazing you were
He wouldn't tell a soul your secret and would buy every bit of merch he can find of you 
He'd have his servants take care of you after every fight you're in, making sure you're completely healed before you can even think of encountering another demon
He is fully supportive of you and loves you with all his heart
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spacehostilityy · 11 months
My NNT rewatch s1ep19-24
Ps these are backlogged lol I watched fast but then ran out of time for work. Posting this now bc I'm going to Appalachia to visit family and will have very little wifi lol
I know Elaine is pretty underdeveloped (nothing a little fanfic can't fix), but I do love how even in flashbacks, she's more serious and responsible than king
Why was Diane still like 6 after hundreds of years ?? Like why wouldn't they just show her aging?
ITS BEEN 500 YEARS? Meaning only a couple centuries before present?? WHY IS DIANE SO SMALL? HOW BAD WAS HER GROWTH SPURT???
Damn king rlly said mercy kill
The Druids having the technique Enslavement of the Dead is actually really cool because it shows us that the goddess race really was that fucked up from the very beginning. Like the characters realize that Ludociel and Nerobasta are not all there made out to be eventually, but we can see just from the types of abilities the druids (aka those closest to and led by the goddess race) possess
Hendrickson saying "bien, princesa" or EVEN BETTER "THAT'S A GOOD GIRL" LIKE ASDJSKFJSL hes evil and a little annoying but so fcking hot
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Ban telling Meliodas he loves him and then trying to kill him while meliodas is just like bitch I'm busy we can do this later is so funny
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this man gives zero fucks
Ban being the first to realize (after merlin obvi, but she always knew) that Meliodas is a demon and also being the first to accept him means so much to me. This is why I love their relationship. No matter how horrible the other seems to be (or is lol), they stand by each other. I mean not in this specific scenario, but Ban only cares bc the horn of cernunos told him to, so I don't think it really counts. (im delusional)
also I'm typing this on my laptop now and I forgot that I can type this fast ehehe AND i found a way to screenshot so no more taking pics of my laptop for meee
Something about characters begging for death (ban and meliodas) makes me become obsessed with them (i am mentally ill)
MELIODAS BEING WILLING TO LET BAN KILL HIM (if he can do so successfully lol)😭 I know he would just come back, but he would be stuck in Purgatory ASJDKFJSL I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCHHH
every day, i find out just how i much i am capable of shipping them and every day that limit is surpassed
straight besties that would literally die for each other is the ideal fictional relationship
esp bc melizabeth (my actual main ship) doesn't get rlly good until she regains her memories/is a flashback
bro i totally forgot dreyfus fucking dies how does he come back??
ok ban is having his MOMENT after finding out hendy has been using the corpse of the red demon HE killed 20 yrs ago
also I know ban is like 43 and the whole twilight argument is edward is basically just a 100 year old man so following that logic, Ban is middle aged BUT as someone who is close in age to Ban from before he became immortal, that man is the most 23 year old man to ever 23 year old man. He is chronically in his early 20s frfr
king realizing in that moment judt how wrong he was abt the destruction of the fairykings' forest is the biggest oh fuck moment lol
also i may have 🏴‍☠️ed the bandit ban ova to hurt my own feelings
hendy taunting ban by saying his demonic powers are all thanks to him and ban just saying he's "always happy to help" is such a mood honestly
hendy gets hotter with every demon transformation😔
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Meliodas and Ban mourning hawk actually makes me so sad wtf
elizabeth is such a bad bitch when she awakens her power i love her
also hendy being like wow such a powerful druid as if he himself is not a druid and should know this power (and her eyes) is goddess level 🤨
i bet meliodas was shitting himself trying to see whether or not re reawakened her memories tho like damn he was actually probably so scared he would lose her in 3 days without the chance to break their curses
Diane and Ban having the exact same expression is actually rlly funny to me
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wow i remember so little of season 1 lol
them all just beating the everloving shit out of meliodas is entirely too funny to me
HAHA i was RIGHT about revenge counter im literally a genius
😏 face down ass up babygorl
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this is one of the cutest frames in the whole show fr fr😌
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Diane: "Sorry we didnt come for you sooner!☺️" King: "Yeah we've never kidnapped a princess before haha :}"
so in the very last after credits scene, gil, howzer, and griamore are all standing around Dreyfus's work table staring at the drawing of meliodas's demon mark as. But as we know from other characrers later on, can have lots of different marks. Meliodas, Zeldris, and Estarossa all have the same one, but maybe this is a family thing? But if it is, why would demon!Hendy have it?? is the grey denon somehow a relatuve of the demon bros lol
ill do a mini ramble over the ovas that netflix likes to call season 2 then move on to the read deal
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saibug1022 · 3 months
For Magnus, Apollo, and that FINE AS FUCK lavender bg3 mc:
I am obsessed with the how others see them, vs how they see themselves, vs how you the all-knowing creator see them.
But also like, with symbolism (ex as a cloud/as a flower/as a type of water, etc) 👀👀👀
THIA I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOU. I'm about to talk so fucking much. So I loaded some classification things into a randomizer and used one for each character
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let's do this
Magnus (Windverse/LoA) - Animal
If you asked other people what animal Magnus is, they'd say a panther, something intimidating and powerful, yet elegant and reserved.
But if you asked Magnus himself, well first he'd refuse to answer because he'd think the question is ridiculous, but then he'd say an owl because they're known as clever and tend to represent wisdom, which is the piece of himself he's put so much value in and relied on his whole life.
However, I've always associated Magnus with butterflies, specifically blue butterflies. Butterflies obviously represent change and rebirth which Magnus has done multiple times, breaking free from his old life for a new one and becoming someone new. But blue butterflies also represent joy and love, and the love of others (both platonic and romantic) and Magnus's own love are what showed him the joy in life and let him become one more version of himself: a happy one.
Apollo (The Elementalists) - Flower
If you asked most other people what kind of flower Apollo would be, they'd say a sunflower for pretty obvious reasons. Apollo is bright, kind, and passionate, and I mean. It's literally called a sunflower. It's very surface level but unfortunately most peoples' view of Apollo is very surface level.
If you asked Apollo what kind of flower he'd be, honestly he'd probably say a sunflower at first too, but if he thought about it for a second, he would say a hibiscus. Hibiscus flowers are bright and colorful and grow tall in warm climates. But they need sun to to bloom and even then only bloom for a day, closing again by night which is exactly how Apollo sees himself. Without his sun attunement, aka his power, he would be nothing. To go even further, when people look at him he's bright and beautiful but as soon as he's alone he's terrified and sad and stressed.
For my assessment, I'd say a lotus flower. I may be biased because it's my second favorite flower but Lotus's bloom up through muddy water and still come up beautiful which is exactly what Apollo did (symbolically at least). He was hunted by Raife from the moment he was born, had his memories erased and childhood stole, lost his parents, was lied to his entire life and was raised without magic and his twin, finally found somewhere he felt he belonged only to be hunted again, nearly lost his friend and almost died, then he was accosted by Kane and tortured, then (in my version of canon) ended up losing his mentor and hunted by his own people. But he came out of it beautiful and bright
Kieran (BG3 Durge) - Element
Most people when asked would definitely say Kieran is fire. Dangerous, unpredictable, (hot-) and passionate, maybe warm, but destructive.
If you ask Kieran themself, they may also say fire honestly, for the same reasons as every one else. But if you find them in a nicer mood they might say earth. Dark caves and sharp things but equally full of life and beauty. Something determined and strong.
But I would say water because more than anything Kieran is adaptable, no matter what situation they end up in, no matter who they're with who what they're facing, they always end up on top. More than that, Kieran just has this deep sadness within them that is best reflected in water. Water is also a symbol of transformation and healing which is a summary of Kieran's entire arc. Even better, it's what he evokes in so many of the people around him, not just themself.
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Stories To Tell
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Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: Dan Heng, Original female character
Summary: Anna comes to visit the archives more often ever since asking about one of the books Dan Heng was reading. The two have spent time reading stories together ever since.
Stories can have a big impact on people, to say the least. So much so that a few desire to always come back for more, wanting to hear as many stories as it would be possible in this short amount of time. Some people became easily fascinated by any type of tale which had been told across the galaxy and Anna was certainly no exception to this rule, though she may have taken it to the extreme. 
It was all a slow yet simple start, not something out of the ordinary. And honestly, Dan Heng had thought that Anna was just curious as usual. Like always she just hard barged into the archives without warning, just as she would barge into any room with an open door, most likely having spotted him with an open book in his hands while having himself seated. Next thing he knew was her right in his view, looking at him as the pages of the book were open, asking with the usual child–like curiosity: “What are you reading?”
She would not have given it a rest so he had filled her in at the time, his own mind a little blurry what this book had been exactly about and yet it only made her curiosity even bigger, to the point she then had begged him to allow her to read it with him. And that was how this all started and soon transformed into a small habit. 
Every once in a while when on the express Anna would just freely join Dan Heng in the archives, sitting down and just reading along… Or trying to. Because as it turned out she had forgotten how to read next to losing most of her memories. Yet it was not as if this couldn’t be fixed, taking this as an opportunity to teach her step by step once more. And she was a quick learner. That or her brain started to remember and made it an easy time for her to read yet again. 
But that didn’t mean the reading went on in silence, far from it, because the girl found it more fun to turn this into some ‘dramatic reading’. First it was more to his own dismay but he grew fond of it a few days in. At least Anna was enthusiastic about it and enjoyed her time. Surely, her constant questions slowed the process of reading down immensely, but it wasn’t so bad. Dare he think it is kind of fun even, as overbearing as it could all become sometimes. 
And yet here they were, reading some time away almost daily, with Anna looking all too eager each time. To the point where she started to say the following one day, just like that:
“You know, they sound like so much fun!”
Dan Heng’s attention shifted from the book right to the girl next to him in one swift, quick motion. Hearing her utter these words was something he had not necessarily seen coming and yet it didn’t sound too out of nowhere. It wasn’t anything outrageous either, to say the least. Regardless…
“They?” He asked her, staring right at her with a raised eyebrow. “You are talking about the stories I hope.”
The brunette nodded eagerly. “Of course I am! I mean, they’re super duper fun! Lots of fun and so interesting!”
It seemed as if she had been easy to impress at the time, maybe it was a little too easy in all honesty. “I see… Your point being?”
“Huh? Isn’t it obvious? C’mon, at least you have to know Dan Heng!”
“Not really… You have to be more specific than that.”
A slight pout formed, one side of her cheeks puffing up. “Yeesh! Meanie.”
“It has nothing to do with being ‘mean’...” He sighed at her. She was quick to use the word ‘mean’ or ‘meanie’ after all. “No one will know what you’re talking about if you’re being so vague.”
“Vague?” She repeated, tilting her own head for a moment, as if not understanding its meaning. Perhaps she didn’t, it would not be too surprising. So he had to phrase it in a way even she would understand.
“Just say what you want or mean.”
“Oh! Well, I just wanna tell stories like these someday.” The girl responded, the pout disappearing as she faced him directly.
So that was what she had been heading at. Semi obvious but he wanted to hear it from her own lips. After all, Anna has to converse with strangers and if she makes vague suggestions like these, no one will ever know what she is talking about. So someone had to teach her to be less vague and if no one else around was going to do it, he would. Then again, was she even this vague with anyone but Dan Heng sometimes? Not a thought he spent much thought on but it was something he couldn’t help but wonder. Why would she though? It was odd. And yet, that thought was quickly forgotten. Maybe it was just something he imagined in the end. No need to dwell on it too much if at all.
“You mean that you want to write?” He asked her, just to make sure which was of course met with more enthusiastic nodding.
“Yes, write~! I wanna wow people too and make them go ‘so cool’ someday!” She responded with no shame whatsoever. “I mean, it’s just lots of fun! It’s like… Hmm… Ah, I know! Meeting new people and seeing what they go through! Just like journeys itself! Doesn’t that sound fun!?”
While speaking she looked at him all eagerly, excited by this idea alone it seems. The way she had put it was not too far off, far from it. It sounded like a rather accurate description of a story. Stories could be seen that way and yet it felt like a rather simplified description for one all the same. She loved the excitement from them, didn’t she? At least that was his best guess. All the same he decided to not confuse her however, allowing her to indulge in such simplified thinking. She would get behind it soon enough. “I suppose it does…”
“Right right? So so, what if I turned our journeys into stories someday? The story about a crew, traveling across the galaxy and saving planet after planet! Making all sorts of friends and defeating evil guys! How does that sound?”
“Wait… Our journey? You really would—”
“Hehe, why not? We can look back on it and others could hear about it all as well! Doesn’t that sound like fun?”
That… Was quite a proposal, to say the least. He never really thought about that nor would he have ever gone that far. And yet here she was, suggesting it right away, with no other thoughts whatsoever. Was it really such a good idea? Then again, if she draws inspiration from their travels, could anyone stop her? No, not at all. That was fair game after all.
“As long as you don’t make it too obvious that it’s us.”
“Eh? I can’t use us as a group?”
“Not by names, no.”
“But if you want to use this as inspiration one day, there should be no issue. Go wild.”
“Huh? Wait, so… You’re fine with it if—”
Before she could finish talking however he decided to shut her up by placing a hand on her head, moving it softly across the top of it with a light sigh, suppressing any hint of a smile on top of that. And yet, he couldn’t help himself, at least not a little. “I’ll look forward to it.”
“Look forward to— Wait, really? You mean that?”
“Whatever it will be, I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” Even if someone might need practice. And yet, he would lie if he said that he wasn’t somewhat giddy thinking about what she had said.
“Then I’ll get started tonight! So I can write a story as fun as the ones we read!”
“Don’t rush it now, will you? Besides, children need sleep.”
“Bu— Ey, I’m not a child!”
“Just kidding.”
“Wha– Guh… You’re a meanie sometimes y’know! Meanie Heng…”
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crystallinecardinal · 7 months
Nothing’s New
Grian doesn’t have any friends, and that really shouldn’t bother him as much as it does.
He refuses to hear the way Scar feels the same.
Or, a Secret Life fic written before session 4, in which Grian struggles with the choice of allying with Scar, only to fall to it. Title from the song Nothing’s New by Rio Romeo.
AO3 link:
Pairing: c!Desert Duo, Grian/Scar (implied, can be read as platonic if you squint)
Grian doesn’t have any friends, and that really shouldn’t bother him as much as it does. Yet, still, he’s found himself longing for companionship.
It’s necessary in this death game to have allies, he knows that well. Without someone to watch your back, when the reds start to get bloodthirsty, it could spell certain death. They’ll be able to sneak up on you, hunt you like a wolf chasing its prey, and when your wounds don’t recover this time around, that can be incredibly bad. It’s best to have allies, so maybe that’s the reason he’s been so desperate. He just doesn’t want to die. Or, maybe, it’s that he needs an anchor, someone to keep him grounded instead of letting him lose himself to the isolation. He’s never felt so lonely since he became a Watcher.
He had even rushed after Joel the first second he got his task, the one that said they had to share damage. It was almost like being soulbound, but without the actual tie that made it so you could feel every ache your soulmate had. In some way, Grian was thankful for that part. It would’ve brought back a lot of memories he should most definitely not be thinking about had it been present, so it was probably for the best that losing his hearts because of Joel was just a task. Still, the nature of it meant he knew he had to tell Joel as soon as possible, which, to be fair, wasn’t all bad. Being soulbound meant having a friend, so maybe he wouldn’t be so alone anymore.
Even so, he had tried desperately not to think of the familiarity of the situation.
And because Grian doesn’t have any friends, he clung to that tether as hard as he could. He tried to follow Joel everywhere, panicking when he’d leave, and sunk into the aching sense of deja vu. “You need to be kept safe,” Grian had told him when they first realized the reality of the situation they were in, and he tried to ignore how every step he took in this little dance of his reminded him of lush jungle grass at his talons.
Turns out, it’s a lot harder to just forget soulmates. He realizes that now, sitting at the edge of the cliff his base is on. Ever since he failed his task and Joel turned yellow, he’d been thinking about the similarities, no matter how much he didn’t want to.
It’s just that there was something about Joel that reminded him of Scar without the everlasting regret behind it, the type forged back in that ring of cacti, a lifeless body shielded from the sun resting under his wings.
It’s mainly being that Joel is reckless, he had been ever since they started this round of the death game they’ve all been trapped in. Scar is too, Grian knows that. Honestly, he’s surprised he isn’t already yellow by now. There’s the fun of being able to do whatever he wants with Joel, too, but it’s not like either of them are red at the moment. If he tries hard enough to remember, which he certainly does not, he can remember the same feeling with Scar. He can also remember the same fear clutching his chest when Joel fell from that 100 block jump, the type that once hit him when Scar rushed after his Jellie Pandas back in the spring. And on top of all that, there was the matter of being essentially soulbound….
He sighs. Whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore. He still couldn’t make a friend out of his task. No matter how hard he tried, Joel had just run off, and always seemed annoyed. “He was never going to stay, anyway,” a part of his mind whispers, and he brushes the thought away. He’ll just have to go looking for someone else, then. That is, if everyone isn’t already paired up.
He glances down at the beginnings of a town in the distance, the place Scar has started to set up. It isn’t large yet, just that courthouse and his main base, Trader Scar’s. Gazing down at it only serves to provide a vivid memory to his mind: he’d seen that look in Scar’s eyes earlier, back when he told Grian he was going to offer him a property to stay at down in that little town. That look had begged “please, stay with me,” and for but a moment, Grian had wondered if Scar was just as alone as he was.
He’s done everything to try forget it. Scar could find other teammates too! It didn’t have to be him again, not after being soulbound, not after the desert…
Still, he finds his mind wandering back to those autumn days as chilling wind blows against him. If he focuses hard enough, he can feel the sand that used to get in his wings, and the frigidity of the desert at night. If he were to fully immerse himself in that line of thought (which he certainly does not), he can imagine all too vividly looking into mesmerizing scarlet red eyes, the same belonging to a man holding a gathered bouquet of lilacs and poppies.
Grian grumbles, forcing himself back to the present. He can’t think like that, if he starts thinking about it, he’ll remember all the things like the scent of sandalwood that always clung to Scar, and all the times it got too cold to be alone. He’ll remember the feeling of feathers held in gentle hands, he’ll remember shared warmth, and—
He really needs to stop. Void, these thoughts are dangerous. Honestly, he’s probably just going crazy from the isolation at this point. He’s really never been this lonely before. There isn’t a reason to be thinking about Scar, he reminds himself, taking a breath and attempting to regain his composure. If he doesn’t think about it, it’s fine. Then, he doesn’t have to remember all the ways it went wrong. How they always go wrong.
In the distance, the avian sees the person occupying his thoughts retreat into his base for the night without a word. Grian deflates as he watches him, like he was hoping for something, at the very least. A wave would be nice.
Okay, he’s definitely going crazy if he’s thinking things like that now. It’s probably best he sleeps it off for the night, so he makes the move to do exactly that.
Turns out as well that just sleeping it off doesn’t solve all problems. He wakes to the autumn wind blowing orange and yellow leaves past the front of his base, and the ever-persistent pangs of loneliness in his chest. It clings to him like an oppressive weight, the feeling of being buried under the sands.
He really needs to start getting friends.
He heaves himself up, and eventually slips out into the cold wind. He can see the town in the distance, and for a moment, something in his mind tells him to go there.
Quickly, he snaps himself out of it. He is not taking the first step in their dance. He is not going to lead, not going to succumb to the temptation.
And yet, a poppy stands at his side on the cliff, the scarlet red petals catching his sight. For a moment, he remembers the way the color contrasted beautifully against pale sands and lilacs, and then there was—
Ugh, fine. Maybe he’ll pay Scar a visit. Only one. There’s no need for anything more than that.
He makes his way down the bridge connecting his cliff to the savanna below, where Trader Scar’s is located. Seeming as that’s his former ally’s base, Grian finds it the easiest place to check. It’s not like it’s far in the morning, and tasks aren’t being given out right now, so Scar couldn’t have gone far, if anywhere.
He slowly pushes the door open, stepping into the dimly lit room. Everything looks the same as it usually does, or at least, it looks the same as it did the last time he was here. A faint memory of arguing with Scar over who was to trade a golden apple for a heart comes to mind, but he pushes it away.
“Scar?” Grian calls. He hopes that if Scar is anywhere in the back of this place, he might hear him. In response, the avian is only met with silence. He can feel the seconds slowly drag on, sand falling through the metaphorical hourglass, and he silently groans. Of course.
He calls Scar’s name again, louder this time, and he’s halfway through some empty threat when the back door suddenly opens, and he’s met face-to-face with the man of the hour. Scar grins, and quickly slips over to the counter. “Grian! Hi, I didn’t expect anyone this early. What brings a solo adventurer like you down to Trader Scar’s? Anything you’d like to bargain?”
He’s speaking in that dramatic voice again, the type Grian’s come to know over four death games that when paired with the salesman’s grin means that either a, Scar is about to try to scam you, or b, that he’s doing his whole ‘bit’ again. Point is: it’s always at least partially a mask in some way, especially with how Grian easily notices the pattern in his speech.
“I don’t really have anything,” he replies, a short way out he hopes will buy him some time. “I just thought I might stop by.” He hates the way loneliness stirs in his chest, the type that sings for a friend, the type that keeps repeating ‘ScarScarScar’ over and over in the back of his mind. He averts his gaze, and hopes in every possible way that the feeling doesn’t shine in his emerald green eyes.
Maybe Scar knows. The salesman grin shifts to one much more soft, more genuine, one Grian recognizes from days spent out in the desert, and the avian can hear him chuckle. “This early? I thought you’d be halfway across the server by now, chasing after Joel.”
He probably would be, given that Joel hadn’t seemed so annoyed, and wasn’t yellow. He was generally more concerned about the second part, he doesn’t want any task he has given away. “I’m over Joel,” he manages.
Scar helpfully supplies a small “Ah,” and they fall into silence. Grian dares not look in Scar’s eyes, lest he let him see what he really doesn’t want to show. Even so, Scar tries to start the conversation between them again, “While you’re here, I just wanted to say… about that property I offered you? That’s still open, if you want to take it.”
He really shouldn’t. It never ends well. “Scar, I already have a base.”
“C’mon, Grian!” Scar says, and Grian tries not to think about how he can hear the salesman mask be slipped back on. “Think of all the things you’d be close to! You can come here if you need supplies, go to the courthouse if you need to settle a dispute—“
“Griaaan. You’re a businessman! We know how these things work.”
For a moment, the avian looks back at Scar, where behind the mask, the gaze in the trader’s eyes screams “Please, don’t leave me alone.” He surprises himself the most with the fact he considers it, if only for a moment.
It’s a horrible idea, it really is. But then again, Grian would be lying if he said part of him didn’t like the familiarity. It’s easier to dance when you know the steps, when you know just the way your partner would catch you if you fell. “How much would you pay me for it? If we’re really ‘businessmen’.”
Scar’s eyes light up, and in an instance, the mask is off. “I’ll give you my heart!”
“I’ll take that,” Grian replies. If he’s going to in on this, he might as well go big, and see how far he can get. He smirks, continuing, “But… it still doesn’t seem entirely fair…”
Grian delights in the way Scar’s expression shifts to the kind where he knows he’s really thinking, humming, searching for a solution. It’s almost like he’s desperate for Grian to say yes, a promise that means that even for a little while, he’ll stay. Grian isn’t lost on the way it feels like scorching desert sun in his mind.
“I’ll give you my heart and a golden apple..?” Scar offers.
Grian’s smirk only grows. He makes some kind of hum of acknowledgment, long and exaggerated so he can pull at least one more reaction out of Scar. “Aaand?”
“…A heart, a golden apple, and some thank-you flowers..? For making the town more lively?”
‘The town,’ not ‘my town.’ Almost like someday it could be ‘our town.’ Probably not, but still, some part of him he doesn’t want to acknowledge likes the thought. Somehow, Grian finds himself smiling, genuine and clear. “Fine. Deal. One house.”
Maybe having Scar as a brief ally wouldn’t be that bad, but it may take some time to test the waters. He knows how they tick in games like these, forever wrapped in the other. Things could very easily go wrong, especially if they stay around each other longer than they should.
Little does he know, he’s already fallen into the same dance again, where someday Scar would be at his side, flowers cradled in gentle hands. Maybe nothing changes after all.
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Hello and happy STS, Cryptic! :D This is for a WIP of your choice (though as a light suggestion, given the content of this question, Hell's Casino would be hilarious here): If your main characters were sucked into our world, The Devil Is a Part-Timer-style (i.e., dropped into our world without the resources/status they had in theirs, transformed into basically human with no powers, and the only thing they've got are the clothes on their back and their memories), how well would they fare? What would they do to survive, who's failing at adapting and how, and most importantly, who is working at McDonald's?
I can not even begin to describe the absolute joy this ask has brought me! The Devil is a Part-Timer is one of my absolute favorite animes and as such, I don't think I can resist the urge to talk about this for multiple WIPs. This is probably going to get long as I ramble on in my excitement, so I'm going to be nice and put a read more here
So, Hell's Casino is honestly pretty easy because my partner once pointed out that The Demon, Sainsevalurius, is kind of a demon Ariel! Hector is from our world, so he would fall into it pretty well, but if they were working together, he'd have to put Sainsevalurius on a child leash or he would lose this little human culture obsessed idiot demon. And that's not to say that Sainsevalurius couldn't take care of himself. He's been finding ways to survive amongst much more traditionally stronger demons for quite some time. However, he would forget that he's lost his powers sometimes and end up lost, and possibly hurt. If he were alone, however, he would definitely get into a lot of trouble. He could hold a job pretty well though and would likely be more than happy to end up at McDonald's. He would absolutely play mind games with rude customers though.
On the Cross Over front, much like Hector, Agent is from a world too similar to ours to have much trouble. Mortimer and Michael, though, would both be interesting. Mortimer would have to have a human face instead of a radio head which would be its own adjustment. First of all, eyes are not a thing he has or wants to have. He would likely need a lot of time to adjust to having senses like sight and smell, only to then have to grapple with the loss of his steampunk style of technology. For him it would just be blow after blow to what he's used to, leaving him sitting at home and trying desperately to catch up constantly. Meanwhile, Michael used to be an adventurer. He is very much adaptable and loves nothing more than to help. He would absolutely end up happily working at McDonald's so that they could eat, but he would also be every staff member there's favorite coworker. If you've ever seen the comic panel of Superman, in his Clark Kent disguise, smiling politely at someone as they realize that shaking his hand hurts, that's Michael at rude customers. So overly polite, but exuding an aura of "Knock that shit off"
And now, I haven't talked much about the characters I'm about to mention, but I have to address them. In a recent snippet, I revealed Alastor and Asterius. I don't have a name for their story, and really it's only Alastor's story, but. This kind of IS the plot of Alastor's story. Alastor tore his own world apart to remake it to be "better", then couldn't put it back together. I haven't decided what kind of world Alastor ends up in. I keep going back and forth between a world that also has magic, but that he can't use or a modern day our world type world. However, I do know that in a world like ours, he would struggle constantly, always be miserable, and curse every god his world had had to offer.
Asterius, on the other hand, would welcome the lack of magic, having believed all his life that he would be the one to tear their world apart and leave it in shambles. The poor boy would probably cry upon being told that the magic of the prophecy he felt bound by is nothing more than superstition and he could find work pretty easily considering their parents were farmers before their birth. He's quiet and shy, but he would do good work. He'd get overwhelmed somewhere like McDonald's but he would be more than happy to just do farm work for the rest of his life.
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ask-healthy-light · 2 years
Running past falling rocks, crumbling under the weight and might of the Things in the mist, leaping over great chasms that led to depths unknown to the living, though he managed to keep his distance, Boom, who was now alone in the Valley, could not yet defeat the terrors that lurked around, or even so much as put a scratch in their thick skin, save for the agile extremities that chased after him.
With a short sword in one hoof, and the strange, fire-blasting weapon in his other, standing on his hind legs, as he wielded both as best he could, he avoided the visage and the wrath of the Nameless Things, barely, if ever finding a moment's rest in the many caves and tunnels created by the awful, dreadful and maddening horrors from eons past, all while trying to keep the Demon within contained.
At one moment, close to losing control over himself and the Monster, he saw through Its eyes, which pierced through the densest rock and the thickest fog to look upon but a fraction of the gargantuan creatures, and, unwilling to lose such a strong host whom It had been corrupting for so many years, the Monster spoke fairly, and honestly, promising Boom, with Its help, that he would be victorious.
Though there was some consideration, Boom refused the offer of the Monster, for he knew that Light, who had been selflessly helping him, despite bringing to them only great suffering, would return to help him, rearmed, rested, and perhaps, even, bringing aid from any who could spare it, to help him defeat the vile Things to bring him one step closer to ridding himself of the Monster's corruption.
Then, through the darkness of the night, his own mind, and the Void, Boom heard the voice of Light, clearly distressed, yet it felt as if there was something more as well, though as he had no time at the moment, due to the great threats around every corner, he could not reach out to them, though he was glad to hear their voice, as it was pleasant, compared to the roars that echoed all around him.
Speaking through the Void, trying to reach out to their friends, Light was pleasantly surprised to hear Nox, with audible joy in her voice, ecstatic to hear from Light after having had no contact for a considerable amount of time, and in the Courtyard of the ruined Castle, a cautious smile grew onto Light's face, while Nox smiled brightly from ear to ear in the Empire, to her Mother's relief.
As Luna led Twilight, Solar and Shining away, giving Light and Nox the time and space to speak with each other, while she acted as mediator between the two, and the other Royals, Nox said she felt no burden or corruption upon her soul, and she asked Light if they were alright; Light, whose mind was calmer after hearing her voice, replied that Boom had sent them back to the Forest of the Everfree.
They were glad to hear her voice, as they explained what had passed since they last spoke with each other, from the discovery of the Valley to the search through the tunnels, where they found a chest with gems and gold, and a collection of shards, which fit their broken dagger; the same dagger that had driven them to their chaotic, terribly destructive Nirik transformation, just a short time ago.
The implications slowly became clear to Nox, who asked why they had been sent back to the Castle in the Forest, to which Light, who was reminded of the blade that laid just behind them, replied, in a quivering voice, that they took the shards, and, within the Courtyard, using a forge that was built in a hidden location, they restored the blade, but now, its sight brought back many awful memories.
In another room, while Luna let the other Royals know what Light and Nox spoke about, suddenly, she felt a strange, yet comforting, warm feeling, exactly when Nox spoke to Light in a caring and sweet voice; her gentle, kind words to the Kirin calmed their mind greatly, and while she could not speak to either of them, she made sure to remember to speak to Nox after she finished talking with Light.
Hearing how calm, polite and gentle Nox was to Light even made her feel comfortably warm inside…
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
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Featuring: Nox Lunarwing from @nox-lunarwing Solar Eclipse and Twilight Sparkle as Twilight Eclipse from @asktwilighteclipse Boomlord from @thedumbguywithaheart43
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Michinaga: You!
Tusk: Me? Can I help you with something?
Michinaga: You will pay for what you did! Henshin *transforms into a Bull Rider*
Tusk: Look I don’t even know who you are! Why’re you attacking me!
Tusk: Really? After what happened with the Ninningers – crap!
Tusk: Honou Kakusei! *transforms into Zyuoh Elephant*
Michinaga: Its useless, no attack can affect me.
Michianga: You will pay for what you did!
Tusk: Like I told you, I don’t know who you are!
Tusk: I don’t even know what I supposedly did.
Michinaga: I see how it is. Figures.
Yamato: Tusk, do not hold back! Attack him with everything you got use awakening!
Tusk Wha-
Yamato: You can’t second guess it, treat him like he’s Genis!
Tusk: Are you sure?
Yamato: Very sure.
*attacks connect to Michinaga*
Michinaga: Wha-
Yamato: Don’t underestimate the Zyuohgers.
Yamato:  Yasei Dai Kaihō
Tusk: Oi, Yamato, is that a bit excessive.
Yamato: He can handle a little pain.
Yamato: Especially if he’s attacking children.
Tusk: Attacking chi-
Michinaga: All Riders are scum of the Earth, greedy to the core.
Yamato: He thinks all transforming people are Kamen Riders, so far he’s attacked, Juuru, Kotaro, and Hikari on the sentai side.
Tusk: What about the Rider side?
Yamato: He’s attacked Yuzuru-kun, and Anna.
Tusk: That girl that became Den-o for a bit?
Tusk: How’d he know about her?
Yamato: Keiwa-kun thinks its probably his supporter who revels in the misery of people.
Tusk: Just like Genis.
Emu: You could have dealt more damage.
Yamato: He was already unconscious, so I stopped.
Tusk: Remind me not to get on your bad side.
Yamato: Oh this was merciful.
Yamato: Takaharu was livid upon learning that someone was attacking baby sentai and riders.
Yamato: I don’t want to know what Takaharu can be capable of if he thinks his family is in danger.
Emu: Ditto for Shinnosuke.
Yamato: Especially since I’ve seen Takaharu without holding back and all stoic when Gaisoulg was possessed his body.
Yamato: I loathe to think if Lucky gets into that problem.
Emu: Lucky is easily one of the most powerful heroes around.
Emu: Don’t worry about him, we’ll give him to that grand prix and hopefully they’ll have the means to contain him for a while.
Tusk: Can something be done for him?
Yamato: What he needs is to grieve.
Yamato: Even without knowing the full context, the ferocity and his words at you, Tusk, makes him think that you’re the Rider that killed his best friend.
Tusk: But he doesn’t have a right to go around accusing people of that.
Yamato: You’re right, but like I said he’s trying to grieve.
Emu: That grand prix I mentioned erases his memory of the death of his friend so every time he remembers, he gets angrier and angrier.
Tusk: Doesn’t give him the right, still
Yamato: And you’re right.
Honestly, at this point I don't think anything Azuma does still has anything to do with losing Tooru.
For one thing, he seems to have accepted Tooru's death, in his own way. He says as much after he took down the Jyamato masquerading as Tooru. Further evidence is the fact that earlier in the show, Azuma has frequent flashbacks to him or has imaginary conversations with his "ghost" (or maybe his conscience taking the form of Tooru), but now it's gone.
He has grieved, and is moving on- but whether he grieved "properly" or not is debatable, and how he's moving on is questionable at best.
Secondly, he's had that chip on his shoulder even before Tooru died, if his troubled past is anything to go by. Even as a kid he seemed to have a lot of anger and bitterness inside him. And if anything, it seemed like Tooru was the only thing that held him from going off the deep end (which is why I think that the abovementioned "ghost" he converses with was really his conscience taking Tooru's form).
Tooru's death was just what sent him spiralling, the spark that finally lit up all the suppressed rage and resentment he had. And the DGP gave him the power to unleash it onto the world by making him a Kamen Rider.
So... uh, yeah, I don't think this advice is gonna "help" him at all.
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elliemyrah · 1 year
My GF's thoughts on SRMTHFG S1
So my girlfriend has been watching Srmthfg with me whenever we have time and its just a fun time. Especially since I'm not a person who will defend this show with every fiber of my being, anymore. So I can enjoy the bad writing and moments with her.
She was very sweet to even watch this with me and has been going on a trippy roller coaster. At times she'll lose track of the setting or get too lost in the music forget about the plot entirely. Sometimes it's just my fault cause I talk to much and I tend to talk to the fictional characters like I just showed my girlfriend extended family lol. Anyways let's just start.
Uhh actually disclaimer: This is for fun and Im just sharing this cause this was interesting to see what someone being introduced to this show reacts. She's also someone who has read and studied animals almost all her life. She's very critical when animals are involve, like me with television. But uhh yeah the monkey sounds really get to her. Like she is put off guard everytime.
-First off the bat Antuari, Oh boy! lol The moment he came on screen she just had questions. "Why does the black monkey have yellow eyes? Why is he voiced by a black voice actor?" (My gf is African American btw)
I laughed at this and took note to this. I already warned her lot about this show before watching so this was just added info that I could use. But I believe Antuari is her least favorite in the team. Not because of what I stated before but that she doesn't care for his personality.
-Otto though is her favorite, who's surprised though hehe. She loves his nature and his energy. Basically he's a lot like me so she loves him lol. But yeah we just laugh at this sweet green bean and want to pat his head
-Nova Though she doesn't say much about her whenever I do bring her up she just says she's too cool for this team. So i think I can say she likes her
btw I wanna address I didnt ask her questions for this review. I wanted to just enjoy this show with her without her feeling like she had an interview afterwards. So this is off memory and yes she gave me permission to write this.
My gf likes Gibson but she's never been a fan of shows having the brainiac characters say very stereotypical smart guy language. She also agrees that he is very gay and his weapon is super useful.
Sprx-77 now is an interesting one. She started out disliking him cause of his "asshole" personality. However starting after ep 4 she changed her mood immediately. Which was cool to see.
We also are already 3 eps into S2 and her favorite episode of the whole show so far has been 'World of Giants' which I knew she would like. That episode was funny ok, cringe isn't a word I use to critic work yal just don't like to have fun.
Anyways when we discussed his character, she simply just liked how he treats Chiro like a kid. He lets Chiro skip patrol to watch shows, asks if he needs help, and is normally on his side.
Honestly i feel like when Chiro joined the team Sprx was against it cause he was in fact a child but didn't have much of a say in the matter or Chiro was too stubborn to take no. So Sprx just tries to relate and understand him the most. Sprx is Chiro's dad not Antauri, I will die on this hill!!
Chiro is constantly being made fun of by my girl. She just can't stop mentioning about his head being so wide it's funny! lmao
Jinmay - She knew she was a robot right away but jumped when Soko started to speak lol. She doesnt care for Chiro/Jinmay's relationship which I fight her about lol.
Mandarin - Another monkey she felt was racist right away but she thinks he's threating. She was really interested in his villain role and wasn't disappointed til the season finale. We also both agree that him and Antuari are exes lol.
So the finale uhhh we were watching it and most through all of the 2 episodes she just said, " Yep this was just an old transformers movie but like mediocre." I facepalmed so hard. Dammit Ciro!
So yeah she likes the show. It's nothing she'll talk about for hours but I never excepted her to be into it in the first place. In fact I never intended to show this show anytime soon but she wanted to watch it with me. And I simply couldn't be happier. So I'll watch whatever anime she puts in front of me despite disliking 90% of animes.
That was it, thanks for reading.
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