#honestly forever my fav drama
karumbusarr · 27 days
you know, when sun jae figures out that sol is from the future, he so confidently says that he'll diligently run to 2023 to meet sol there.
we don't even question it.
realistically it's 15 years and no one in their sane mind will ask anyone of that but with sun jae, having met the 2023 sun jae in both timelines and knowing how down bad insane he's been yearning for sol despite him not having a chance yet unable to let go... we don't even question it. we don't even question the whole 'ah life moves on, people move on and drift and change' thing that'll definitely be a question with any other couple.
we just naturally accept it, yes ofc sun jae will wait and reunite with sol again, 15 years is nothing.
sun jae doesn't even have any questions, he just naturally accepts that yes ill take care of myself for the next 15 years, where's the face mask?
in the world of so called situationships, cheating, falling out of love, long distance relationship struggles, commitment issues and so on... this pure, intense love is just so wonderful to witness. ofc some situations are reasonable and can't be helped but these two who'll go against time and fate for each other just to be together... i know it's a drama and it's idealistic but just for a few hours, you live in this space where two people purely seek each other because they wouldn't want to be anywhere else, no matter how many years they've to wait.
in so many romance dramas and movies, the question of actually wanting each other comes up, with the whole second lead involvement and misunderstandings and more, but here, there's nothing. you know both of them only have eyes for each other and it's so beautiful, that's what pulls you in.
two dumbasses adoring each other and falling hard so badly that time is just a small obstacle to overcome.
sun jae, in every timeline, from the heartbroken one to the living life well one, from the high school kid to the college kid, has only ever wanted sol. he fell for her kindness and never changed. she fell for his kindness and his wonderful being in itself and now she's down bad just like him. to think he helped her through vicious hard times the college sun jae won't even be aware of.
i feel that these two pull us in so well cuz at the end of the day we all want to be loved unconditionally and these two show us that, how it must be, to be so intensely woven into each other.
and to add on to that, in every timeline, they've also always been best friends with the same kids they used to run around together in their school days. yes it's a drama but don't we all want to have life long friends who'll always be there?
in all forms, love persists here, beyond time.
lovely runner is so filled with love, kindness and devotion in all ways that you just can't help but fall in love, just as sun jae and sol fell for each other.
now, isn't this a lovely thing for all of us to witness and experience together?
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exclaims · 6 months
happy 1 yr anniversary msp... i miss tinngun so bad
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orcelito · 30 days
orcelito's trigun fic recs!
making this for @trigunfanfic's fic appreciation week! this is a nonexhaustive list & not in any particular order (aside from the smut fics, which i separated into another section). just a few fics i rly love & think should get more attention!!
so Here are the multichapters (some of which have smut, but it's not the focus):
someone to last your whole life by catchatter / @needlab7
this one is sooooooooooooooooooooooo 🥺 i was reading it as it was being released and MAN it drove me insane. every bit of the post-trimax love and healing i couldve ever wanted. genuinely one of my fav trigun fics. it's just so well written & evocative. it really does feel like Vash and Wolfwood... and just. aughghghgh im gonna have to reread it sometime bc it truly is something special
CAUSE OF DEATH (See instructions and examples) by neatrogenous / @floofyfluff
this is the other post-trimax fic that Changed My Life. i read it all in one go in one euphoric hyperfocus. i felt every emotion known to mankind. it is just. slkdfjsldfjlskdfj god. i adore how Vash is written here. both of them, really. it just feels so much like them. someday, i will reread this one Too...
Make it to Daybreak by @hypermoyashi (on both ao3 and tumblr)
god. what to say about this one. honestly i have never watched Demon Slayer so going into this fic i was missing that context, but i never felt like i was actually missing out on much. Allen does such a fantastic job at bringing u into the world without having to know anything about it at all. i LOOOOVE demon vash sooo much. so very much. im a little behind on updates rn sldfsdfkj but im excited to catch back up bc everything about this au is just Sooooo fun. everyone potentially interested in Demon Vash should read this. Do it. Right Now. 🥺 pls
Trillium and Ivy by @shastafirecracker (on both ao3 and tumblr)
AUGHHHHHH omfg this one was one of the first fics i read for trigun, and MAN it really set a high bar for me. im a little picky when it comes to modern aus, but this one is just so.... WONDERFUL... i read the entire thing in the first half of my day one day and spent the rest of my day in a fugue state. it was just SO SO SO good. i recently reread it and even having read it before, it was just as wonderful to read. realistic relationship development, compelling Saverem drama, all of it. it's also probably my favorite fic for the depiction of Vash's injury & recovery. the first time i read it i was just blown away by how realistic it felt, right down to the trauma memories of watching bargain bin movies while he was stuck in bed. honestly i could rant for forever about this one lol. it truly is special.
Wildflowers, also by ShastaFirecracker
i actually didnt know these 2 fics were written by the same person at first lol. Wildflowers got linked in my trigun server & i checked it out bc Fuck Yeah trans wolfwood. and then had my world just blown away. it's SUCH a good fic, & i really am such a sucker for fantasy au. and i was just absolutely gushing about how realistic the depiction of trans wolfwood was even before i finished the fic. SUCH a great fic. so imagine my surprise & delight when i went back to reread Trillium and Ivy and realized -- OH FUCK, it's by the SAME PERSON !!! such beautiful writing, For Real. i really do love these 2 fics.
Sun, Moon, and Stars by tragic_unpaired_electron (can't find a tumblr link on the fic or ao3 profile, so if anyone knows them feel free to share this with them pls !!)
WOW LOOK it's a fic that doesnt have VW as the main focus!!! unfortunately the only one of those on this list (i May be a tad predictable...), & it really earned its place here. it's just such a fascinating fic that answers the question of What If Tesla Survived? i adore the exploration of her strengths and struggles, as well as her sibling relationship with Knives and Vash. it's so INTERESTING, and it gets into the meat of fighting for the rights of Independent Plants (and plants in general) and just. man. i read this and wanted to devote my life to one Tesla Saverem. she is so precious and hard-headed and SUCH a good big sister. pls do read it, it's such a lovely fic
and NOW...
onto the smut fics lol.
there are Plenty of very good smut fics around, but these are the ones that really stuck with me. either for being Different than the norm, or just being very... well. ya kno lol.
dont worry about the picture this paints of me lmfaoooo
you'll never get enough by tagteamme / @phaltu
AGHHHHHHHHH oh my god this fic made me FEEL things. it's a boxer / gym au, and MAN does it do it well. u get the sweaty gym setting, u get the homoeroticism & horny pining, u get the blatant masochism that drives them both... im just obsessed with it. that stove scene is going to stay with me For Life. & the smut is of course VERY good, but the Vibes... oh the Vibes are so impeccable. obsessed.
there is a season for all things by SolidShrimp (cant find their tumblr on the fic/profile, but i Know ive seen them on tumblr 🤔 if anyone knows their url, pls do me a favor and send this to them!)
THIS ONE.......................... man. man. man. man. like i know xeno is The Average for fandom vash, except the normal flower "plantussy" doesnt really do much for me. im too much of a monster fucker for that i guess. it's not BAD, just not particularly exciting. this, though? now, THIS one left an impression. ive already gushed about it to the writer in the comments of the first fic (havent kept up with the sequel fics, tho i really should catch back up sometime) so i'll keep it brief here. just. such an UTTERLY delightful inhuman vash portrayal, to the point where his reproductive biology is just plain incompatible with Wolfwood & Meryl's (oh yeah, it's mashwood, which is WONDERFUL...). wolfwood and meryl are in over their head trying to figure out how to get vash off in his own way, but they do their Absolute Best!!! it's just rly sweet and i adore the way the writer went Full Ham into the inhuman aspects. utterly delightful.
Kick me once again, and say we'll never part by epsilontauri (doesn't look like they're on tumblr? there's just a link to their twitter on the fic. but if anyone knows them, feel free to send this to them!)
this one is. so. very. AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ok i will be honest this is probably my favorite vw smut. and it's barely even smut. the sequel is definitely much more sex, but this one is. well. it's some extreme, dangerous, and barely negotiated S&M. as the saying goes, it's neither Safe Or Sane, but it sure is consensual! it's just so. well looking at just the tags sure does reveal it. horrible coping, it's an intense fic, but it's just so.......... DELIGHTFUL........... i really really really love fics that stick to their guns like this. and i love how even though Wolfwood had a GREAT time, we get to see how it kinda freaked Vash out (he did Not like hurting Wolfwood), so the sequel is good for a fic where they're both genuinely having lots of fun. this one is actually rather not fun for Vash. but it's just. it's about the Extremity of it. the Possessiveness. pushing someone to their absolute limits!!!!!!!!! this is another fic that i rambled in the comments about bc. yeah. yeah. it's. just trust me. if ur into fucked up dudes being fucked up dudes, this is the fic for you.
& OKAY i think that's my list. again, it's nonexhaustive, but ive had enough typing i think lol
hope u guys enjoy the recs 🥺
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lurkingshan · 4 months
Tagged by @negrowhat to give away all my fandom secrets. I came up in the US, so most of these will be Western shows. Also be aware that I'm old and been around in fandoms for decades, some of you youths might not even recognize these ships.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Felicity and Noel. I was very into them (and very anti-Ben) when I was first watching this show at the tender age of 14, but then I rewatched it as an adult, realized Noel was a classic Nice Guy with some clear warning flags, and settled into Team Ben.
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Hmm maybe Elizabeth Wakefield and Todd Wilkins? I think I started reading Sweet Valley High at, like, age 8. For TV, I was a sitcom kid and I was obsessed with Dwayne Wayne and his flip-up glasses as a child. I loved him and Whitley. Damn now I want to rewatch.
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
The first I read? I am pretty sure the honor goes to Buffy and Spike.
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They were the first ship I remember having that classic fanfic brainrot combo of 1) captivating me entirely with their dynamic and 2) canon leaving me unsatisfied. I lost months of my life over at Elysian Fields.
In terms of the first fanfic I wrote, the honor goes to Ian and Mickey.
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I was big into Shameless for its first four seasons. But then the show went way off the rails, the fandom went with it, and I quit watching and scrubbed all my fandom activity off the internet.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
I honestly have no idea. Probably something Buffy, I was doing a lot of internet dwelling for that show.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Getting into discourse is my whole entire thing LOL. I have survived many, many ship wars and let me tell ya you haven't seen unhinged until you've been knee deep in the tags in a long-term fandom with multiple ships for the protagonist. One of the things I love about BL and nearly all Asian dramas is that we go into every show knowing who the main pairing is, so we don't have to fight about ships.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Hmm I was a big Buffy/Angel anti and that was before Spuffy was even a twinkle in my eye. I never liked that man in a romance until he got hooked up with Cordelia in his own show (but then they ruined it ugh). I was also very anti-Harry/Hermione back in the OG HP days (let characters have meaningful platonic relationships!).
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
I've been on a Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian kick of late.
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
OTPs are eternal! Like I said above, since I mostly watch Asian drama now, they're baked in. My fav of my current watches is Ten and Prem.
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
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You show me two characters who are clearly uniquely compatible, you give me a brief taste of their extremely fun and non-traditional relationship, and then you break them up and stick her with the milquetoast Nice Guy protagonist in a total betrayal of your entire narrative premise? Fuck off forever, HIMYM, I will see you in hell.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Hmm nothing comes to mind. If I decided to hate a pair in the past I am pretty likely to still be hating.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
I would like to see you try to cancel me!! I'll echo Eboni here and say Brian and Justin, though of course there were people who hated them because of the age gap back in ye olden times, too. Fandom spaces are mostly women and women in queer fandom spaces often struggle to account for the totally different culture and power dynamics between m/m pairings.
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12. What was your favorite crack ship?
I don't really do crack ships, I am a canon pairing girlie.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
I don't know who the ultimate winner is, but I think it's probably a neck and neck competition between Spuffy and Wangxian as my most read pairing.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
There's actually a lot of variety in them in terms of personalities, appearance, and tropes. I think what makes me really click into a ship is the feeling that the two people are uniquely suited to each other and well matched to go through life together.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
When I don't believe they can actually make it.
Tagging @my-rose-tinted-glasses @twig-tea @imminentinertia @shortpplfedup @stuffnonsenseandotherthings @littleragondin.
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neverwalka1one · 4 months
10 Recommendations!
Tomorrow (2/15) is International Fanwords Day, so as part of the feedback fest, here's ten recs from my favorited list!
The Untamed. This is a Golden Core Reveal, not so much fix-it as fix the world around it so that everything doesn't go off the rails. It features Cunning Deception, Not So Cunning Deception, Wei Wuxian being gremlin, surprisingly cool LQR, and more Wangxian than Jiang Cheng is comfortable with. Also JGY has a migrane.
Like a House on Fire by KouriArashi. (oooh, I figured out how to do a thing) The Untamed. A modern-world AU non-cultivators rough 9-1-1 fusion fic. Everyone's a firefighter or a paramedic or a cop, Jiang Cheng gets a dog (and she is a Very Good Girl), Jin Zixuan discovers a new and shiny spine, Nie Mingjue just wants his people to be okay, and JGY gets an axe. It's mildly unhinged, it's excellent writing, I love it.
Imprints by Lisa_Telramor. The Untamed. A post-canon fic in which Wei Wuxian rescues a small innocent baby... whoops that's a dog. Except even if it is a dog, it is still small. And innocent. And helpless. And definitely will die if not helped. Featuring Wei Wuxian and his dog (!!!), poor mental health repair techniques, Yunmeng Bros reconciliation, and Jin Ling despairing over his uncles. This fic is so cute, I cannot even.
By Any Other Name by ShanaStoryteller. The Untamed. Wei Wuxian returns, but it's Not Right, and in a panic he retreats to Lotus Pier. Also known as that 'Wei Wuxian fucks with gender and then everything else' fic. Featuring Lan Zhan having deeply confused thoughts about his sexuality and loyalty to a dead man, Jin Ling gleefully calling Wei Wuxian 'aunt' at every opportunity, Wei Wuxian bitching about careless baby necromancers, a revision of Yi City, and Lan Xichen being So Confused All The Time.
Climbing Up That Coastal Shelf by Sour_Idealist. The Untamed. A post-canon fic in which Jin Ling realizes _no one_ is keeping an eye on Wei Wuxian. Then he learns what a self-sacrificing idiot his genius uncle is, and decides if no one else is going to claim this guy, he absolutely will because he needs all the help he can get. The Jin sect will never be the same. Featuring the return of Mianmian, So Many Family Feelings, Wei Wuxian scaring the Jin elders, poor communication skills amongst cultivators, and Jin Ling being possessive.
The Sword and the Shield by 29Pieces. Good Omens. A post S1 fic (written when there was only S1), in which Aziraphael is an absolute badass. Featuring the sort of angel where 'fear not' is the sort of reassurance one needs, and Aziraphael isn't saying that.
A Friend of Mine by CowGayKermit. Umbrella Academy. In which Klaus' buddies from Vietnam put 2 and 2 together and get 'that kid on the news is _our Klaus_ holy shit'. Featuring a ton of OCs that have been through shit and don't take kindly to anyone being mean to their brother. It's wild, I love it, I will take a million versions of this please.
Arc Tremors by MountainRose. The Avengers. An old-school post-movie fic where people move into Avengers Tower, this time because Tony failed to hide just how poorly he was doing after the Chitauri rolled through town. Featuring Giant Mutated Seafood, medical drama, everyone gets to be a little over-protective and tetchy (as a treat), and the bots being adorable. I love this era of Avengers fics, I will live here forever.
Shades of Grey Spill From My Veins (bleeding ink all over the page) by Reverie. The Untamed. One of my all-time favs, a What If WWX Grew Up In The Nie Sect fic. Seriously, this is one of my comfort fics, I love it so much, just read it.
Work Day by Saintlygames. The Watchmaker of Filigree Street. So much lovely fluff about two of my favorite boys and their daughter. Honestly, this is just the sweetest. Featuring Thaniel being too competent for his own good, Mori using his powers to spoil his husband, Six tolerating hugs as best she can, and did I mention the fluff? SO FLUFFY I COULD DIE.
There are so many more (for srs, there's at least four more Untamed I could put on here right now, without searching), but this is a good place to start!
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gradienta · 1 year
Straight Dramas - My favs in no particular order [1]
The Long Ballad (China, 2021, Historical Romance) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Damn, it was so good! I got interested in Historical dramas only because of this one. Maturing female lead, devoted male lead, gripping plot, cross-dressing for dessert - I love it all!
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Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (South Korea, 2021, Real Life Romance) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ So so so sooooo good! The female lead who's not an idiot, the male lead who's not in a hurry to fall to his knees for her, mutual attraction and bickering... And the smile of the male lead. Ohhh yeah. Similar vibe: Meet Yourself
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It's Okay not to Be Okay (South Korea, 2020, Psychological Drama) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Honestly, after many FMVs I got to expect less depth, but there's just so much here. Family, personal growth, anger management, a lot of coping with personal trauma... Beautiful.
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When the Weather Is Fine (South Korea, 2020, Real Life Romance) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I came for Seo Kang Joon, but I stayed for the drama. Damn, the storyline with sisters is strong! And the friendship one! And the adoptive family one!..
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You Are My Hero (China, 2021, Romance, Drama) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ It's like "Descendants of the Sun", but with a better plot and characters. While I concede that Song Joong Ki was amazing in the Korean drama, everything else is better in the Chinese drama, imho. And, keeping in mind that I actually liked "Descendants of the Sun", this drama became a revelation.
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You Are My Glory (China, 2021, Romance, Drama) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ The gaming plot made it lose 1 star because I'm not a gamer. But everything else? Mature, inspired, amazing.
Lighter & Princess (China, 2022, Romance, Drama) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ A "local genius" trope is not something I like, but "living after prison" plot is so good! Similar vibe: Forever Love
Skate Into Love (China, 2020, Comedy, Romance) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Again, the only thing that made the drama lose a star for me is sport in the plot, but I must say that many Chinese dramas about different professional areas are so inspired. GOOD for them.
Straight TV-dramas recs [1] [2] [3]
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
pedro boys + sports headcanons
I’m sorry I’m just a weak sucker of a sports girlie and I blame @skeletoncowboys for encouraging my wild ramblings (but also love you forever eri) anyways this was fun and that’s all that matters sometimes, go team!
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Jack Daniels: ok so number one biggest sports guy, watches everything and anything and gets into it! Makes friends with anyone who sits around him at games, probably loves getting into team chants and enjoys himself a good old fashioned rivalry. Whenever his team scores Jack cheers so loud and then loves to kiss you as a celebration treat, is the biggest fan of seeing you in any team memorabilia and gets handsy whenever you wear a jersey cause “you just look so god damn cute baby!”
Joel: my pure texas football boy! Loves rooting for the University of Texas Austin, owns various longhorn merchandise (that’s their mascot) watches the games religiously and loves to go to home games! Has fond memories of taking Tommy and Sarah to games and has been raising Sarah since she was old enough to walk to do the longhorn 🤘 hand symbol. You agree to go to a game with him and even if you don’t know what’s going on, just getting to enjoy that quality time with you and seeing you laugh amused, bright, the first time you hear the team band play is when Joel realizes he loves you
Javi P: casually watches sports but really doesn’t care, says he likes the Dallas Cowboys just cause but again really doesn’t give a shit, played baseball in high school for a few years but it was just to pass the time, mainly loves to tease and joke about whatever sport is going on and has plenty of jokes about Texan sports teams (as all of us Texans like myself do) at family gatherings if any game is on he honestly just uses the entire time to flirt and be cute with you
Marcus P: basketball fan for sure, came from a big basketball loving family and proudly continues the legacy of cheering for the same team, so like…if his dad is from Boston and loves the Celtics, Marcus will forever love them too. Because to him it’s about the memories he has of watching games together with his family and associating the team with them, so yeah he is loyal forever and proud of it! Anytime you take the time to just ask how his fav team is doing he gets the biggest heart eyes. Also for some reason gives off the vibes he was a big swimmer back in high school and I see him still swimming recreationally
Din (modern au): falls asleep during any sporting event it never fails and we love and respect him for that! But…if the baby is in any sports like t-ball Din becomes the biggest fan and will completely be watching the game with an intense but endearing focus!! Also, he keeps a punching bag and a few weights in his garage and out of curiosity you ask about his makeshift gym only to learn when he was younger Din was a trained MMA fighter and it melts your brain
Ezra: at first you think he might judge sports and see them as low culture but then you find out he’s really into boxing??? And then you find out he’s a WRESTLING FAN?? Boxing is intense and he tells you he loves watching because it’s “humans engaging with their fists in the oldest sport of all my gem, and that’s fighting” then he loves wrestling because it’s outlandish and he lives for the drama of seeing people scream and throw each other around in glorious outfits
Dave: does not care for sports other than golf, religiously tries to make time to play even if it’s just by himself, enjoys the solitude and concentration it takes. Funny enough he loves a goods sports documentary and is surprisingly good at bowling which you discover during a date night with him
Javi G: doesn’t get sports but is so sincere about it, sweet baby who smiles and says “I hope the team we like wins!” But whenever the FIFA World Cup rolls around he becomes the BIGGEST Spain fan, takes you to watch it live with him at the arena and yeah he might not even know who’s playing on the team but Javi just enjoys being around so many excited people rooting for his home county and loves getting caught up in the emotions
Max P: once joked that he was around when the first ever American football game was played so he “doesn’t need to see any of this new shit” and you don’t know if he’s actually telling the truth or lying so you don’t question him
Pero (modern au): loves soccer/football, is really good and quick on his feet but does not have a big team he watches. Besides that he is also really good at tennis because he’s so light on his footwork and loves the hand eye coordination it takes, really takes ping pong/table tennis very seriously and it’s kind of hilarious and cute watching him so grumpily focus
Frankie: big NFL classic american football boy! He’s the type of guy who can watch any team play and enjoys just watching to watch!! Knows and likes a lot of teams, because he moved around with the military started to do this sweet thing of cheering and getting into supporting the state’s team of wherever he is living so he can learn to love and appreciate the place he’s living in
Oberyn (modern au): does not watch sports but stays active and enjoys a variety of things recreationally from martial arts to water polo, absolutely LOVES the Olympics and watches every single event, you also casually discover he owns a very famous European football/soccer club when he takes you on a surprise date to a game and has his own private box seats
Dieter: thinks sports are shit but loves dodgeball, during a celebrity charity event he got really into the dodgeball game and didn’t hesitate to rip his shirt in half overwhelmed with emotions (also threw the ball too hard and accidentally hit John Stamos in the face and yes there are multiple meme videos of it online) funny enough he is invite to another celebrity sports charity event but this time it’s baseball and he whines the entire time. He sits in the outfield, during the game flat out walks away to get a pretzel and then flirts with you the rest of the time saying “I’m falling in GLOVE with you hot stuff!”
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bigbumder96 · 1 month
account introduction thing!!!??
ngl i feel a bit goofy doing this🙁forgive me if this is weird, im used to getting attacked on tiktok for literally nothing (i rarely use tumblr)
name: darcie
age: im a minor😭
gender: girl (she/her :3 )
sexuality: lesbian
from/live in: england
tv shows:
- the inbetweeners
- white gold
- station 19 (still have to catch up on the latest episode lmao
- 9-1-1 (also still have to catch up one episode😭)
- fresh meat
- ted lasso
- heartbreak high (not that anyone asked but ant is my fav im praying they explore his character a bit more in season three)
- friday night dinner
- this country
- call the midwife
- ackley bridge
- baby reindeer (i wouldnt exactly call it an interest, but i watched this show last week😭)
- phoenix rise
- moment of eighteen (a k-drama btw!!)
- move to heaven (also a k-drama!!)
- there she goes
- benidorm
- skins (only gen 2 tho im afraid😞)
- the inBESTigators (dont judge lmfao😭😭😭)
- little lunch (i cant theyre js both such good shows)
- dodo (a cartoon)
- taskmaster (only season eight tho for the icon joe thomas‼️)
im currently watching derry girls and jamie johnson atm !!
- the shawshank redemption
- the green mile
- goodbye charlie bright (my absolute fav omg)
- the business
- the football factory (theyre making the sequel to this at my school im so happy i love nick love films😍i didnt see nick love himself tho💔)
- good will hunting
- bohemian rhapsody
- dead mans shoes
- ferris buellers day off
- harry brown
- little miss sunshine
- the inbetweeners movie
- the inbetweeners 2
- white chicks
- the basketball diaries
- mid90s
- spiderman: into the spider-verse
- spiderman: across the spider-verse
- alex g (fav song: too many to put here, but if i had to pick then prolly the whole race, trick, and rules album😭)
- tv girl (fav song: better in the dark, louise, and daughter of a cop)
- the fratellis (fav song: i honestly dk, i havent gotten that much into them yet😣i js listened to one of their albums and played fifa)
- the killers (fav song: read my mind and andy youre a star)
- the smiths (fav song: girl afraid, bigmouth strikes again, and this night has opened my eyes. guys i swr i liked them songs before they got popular im acc rly annoyed at the tiktofication of bigmouth strikes again and this night has opened my eyes😣)
- queen (fav song: spread your wings and long away)
- the stone roses (fav song: i wanna be adored and made of stone. basic i know😣😣)
- the jam (fav song: down in the tube station at midnight and man in the corner shop)
- oasis (live forever. icba to type ‘fav song’ anymore😭)
- mac the knife (here to stay)
- mitski (why didnt you stop me, goodbye my danish sweetheart, me and my husband, your best american girl, once more to see you, etcetera…)
- im into football and i am a big arsenal fan !!!! my fav player is def martin ødegaard, and i may or may not be one of those deluded emile smith-rowe fans who think that hes gonna have a huge comeback and be like he was two seasons ago🤫🤫🤫
- i like webtoons! my fav is jacksons diary, closely followed by crystal city killers😱
- in year seven my drama teacher made us watch a play (on the screen, not irl) called slowtime but we didnt get to finish it💔my teacher spoiled the ending but i didnt care and tracked down the rest of that video bcs slowtime is such a good play i love everything abt it😍
- last year i was obsessed with this book series called football academy (written by tom palmer) and it was genuinely so good but there was nobody myp age cuz it was for kids💔i dont rly read them anymore, but the interest is still there if someone by chance has read them please contact me and have a conversation with me about it🙏🙏🙏
i apologise as this was very long, and i probably wont even post that much😭 sorry for the yapping tho🙏🙏🙏
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a-slut-for-smut · 2 years
*years later* thanks so much for the tag @lovelybeautifulpretty!! cant recall if i warned u before but i tend to go buckwild with these, sorry and your welcome :D
Here are top 10 fav films and surprise surprise, im just a hot mess of eclectic tastes 🤷‍♀️ in no particular order:
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This 80s masterpiece is a smart political satire/social commentary disguised as a comic book/action revenge movie that interweaves hilarious dark humor, ultraviolence and science fiction in a simple yet seamless plot. It will honestly SHOCK you just how much it has to say on American evolutions in capitalism, media influence, desensitization to violence, gentrification, and our perception of heroes, each in service of a greater conversation about identity and culture.
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I consider this film the pinnacle of an angsty/doomed romance executed perfectly on-screen: the performances, the cinematography, the music, EVERYTHING!! Funny story, me & the girlfriends went to see this in theaters expecting a typical period romance; left completely snot-dripping, bawling our eyes out. I shit you not, i felt the utter devastation from this film for WEEKS
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If there was a film to define the term "whimsy" then this is it!! Its so creatively rich, with such a fun and sweet art style in the characters, the way its filmed, the music, the romance- it'll make your heart ache for days.
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Inglorious Basterds
I'm a big whore for Tarantino ever since Reservoir Dogs, but I consider film his ABSOLUTE masterpiece. The comedically distinct characters, the sharpness of dialogue, how he builds up the tension of scenes to the point of explosion with just a simple conversation- *CHEFS KISS*
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Children of Men
This dystopian sci fi drama was made in 2005 but with all the social commentary woven into the background of the story, it is eerily topical in today's tumultuous political & social climate (which is very telling about us as a society I suppose). The director Alfonso Cuaron is a master at "show don't tell" filmmaking and it SHOWS. Also the tracking long shots in this film are something to witnessed, beheld even. Masterpiece.
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Bridget Jones' Diary
My absolute FAV romantic comedy, i totally relate to this bumbling, epic disaster of a woman, even more so now that i'm 30+ like her. Fun fact, the plot is heavily inspired by Pride & Prejudice which is probably why i love it so much. Also Colin Firth 🥵 (which leads me to another fun fact- he was cast as Mark Darcy mainly due to the author's crush on him from his portrayal of Mr. Darcy in the 1996 BBC miniseries which put him on the map, and rightly so. I know the film adaption is super popular, but any P&P fan NEEDS to watch this version, so so good)
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This musical ruined all theater musicals for me forever- the film adaptation is THAT good!!! The spectacle, the numbers, the PERFORMANCES- Catherine Zeta Jones slayed as Velma Kelly (also my ovaries), i love it so much that i watched it 3 times back to back on a flight i honestly couldnt get enough lol
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Kung Fu Hustle
This film is Stephen Chow's magnum opus- an action comedy that blends kung-fu and all sorts of historical chinese references and homages of the directors favorite films, you can tell the passion and the fun that went into making this film and it really REALLY shows. I consider this a perfect execution of what a live-action anime could be, this film is an absolute blast and classic
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I've got a bit of a cosmic/existential horror kink (where a form of media makes you question the world/life as we know it or triggers an existential crisis) and this film gets it RIGHT. It's a philosophical sci-fi thriller but is so much more with its themes of pain and identity, exploration of humanity's disposition for self destruction but also its unsettling visuals and soundtrack. Funny story, the sound design is so alien/unsettling that it spooked my cat from her nap and got her staring at the screen with wide eyes and an arched back trying to figure out what the eff was going on (me as well).
Also love how its an all female cast but its never mentioned in-film; just a bunch of capable women going to take care of business (i didnt even notice until my 2nd watch)- im a fan of this approach as it in effect "normalizes" this scenario whereas calling it out as if its special just highlights how it's an exception...anyway, its a horrifically beautiful film.
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Denis Villeneuve can do no wrong in my eyes (nor cinematographer Roger Deakins), a beautifully shot thriller that serves as a social commentary on how laws are meant to be broken, lines are drawn and then erased when convenient, as long as it serves a so-called greater purpose, that keeping a moral code is a futile effort. Brilliant performed and written, nuanced characters, glorious cinematography and a killer soundtrack (RIP Johan Johansson), A+++++
alright sorry for the long rambling post, cant help myself! Tagging a bunch a folks that seem alive per my notifs, no pressure of course!!!
@writebecauseyoucannotbreathe @nuri148 @your-lavender-dreams @warbarbie @levi4mikasa @onigiri-dorkk @helena-thessaloniki @misplacedgamer @lovely-apparitions @ally147writes @stalactice @vero-icon @mylienated @hellhorsedotjpg @magicalanchordestiny
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phil-lesterfan · 3 months
yaoi scholar….. pls i finished the untamed and word of honor what should my next drama be 👀 (happy endings only pls)
also i wanna know your fav bls. if you’ve the time!!
hallo! i didn't mean to let this sit for so long, but i've been using my phone more and don't like answering asks there. i don't actually know many cdramas, but i've got other dramas to rec, if that's alright!
sotus & sotus s (thai)*
history3: trapped (taiwanese)
seven days (japanese)*
manner of death (thai)*
restart after coming back home (japanese)*
together with me (thai)
long time no see (korean)
semantic error (korean)*
you can watch 2moons2 for the full story, but honestly, the original 2moons mingkit cut is everything to me (thai)*
*based off novel/manga/manhwa
20 of my fav bls under the cut :)
initially, i was going to call it my "top 10", but it's not my top ten, it's just favs that i really love or think you (sara) would also enjoy. so it's just 20 "random" favs. if you (general) want, i can upload the 200+ long list and even include "reviews" of my favourites, but i'll only do that upon request. also here's my blanket rec for mxtx's works. svsss is my fav. i'm very easy. thank you <3
sotus is very dear to my heart. i watched it right before i went to university, so it really set that mood for me lol it's not a perfect story, the audio is shit at some parts, and the acting was sometimes stiff, but when the show hit, my fucking god did it HIT. of course i roped all my friends into watching it. it was based on a novel, but the novel didn't particularly stand out to me (sorry). there's also a manga now (3 vols) but i'm just loyal to the show, y'know? it also has a sequel, and that one made one of my friend cry (i actually had to pause the show lol), but for me, the first season is what's rly stellar. (lakorn / rewatches: 4? 5? a lot?)
sasaki and miyano by syou harusono is such an easy read, with lovely art, cute characters, and the softest, sweetest romance. it makes me feel like i've been hit by a car, then the car backed up and drove over me again. sasaki is the light of my life (and also if i looked like him, i'd never shut up. and i project just a little bit too bc oh he just like me fr), and everyday i think about making him my pfp. i owe syou harusono my life. i want to say more about this bc it rly is my fav manga perhaps of all time but that also means i can't say more about it LOL (manga / rereads: 6)
the cat proposed (bakeneko katatte sourou) by hayane dento is quite possibly the best manga i've ever read. the writing is so beautiful, and it's a really relatable and inspiring story for me. plus it's got catboys. *motions to my dnp catboy pfp* but in all seriousness, it's a genuinely great story that squeezes my heart and leaves me in tears (manga / rereads: 5)
doukyuusei is a certified bl classic. i've not read the entire manga series, but i've got the anime film saved to my laptop. that was another thing i roped all my friends into watching, and yes, everyone was gagged (animanga / rewatches: 4?)
koimonogatari by tagura tohru is incomplete, and the "love" part isn't there yet, but my fucking god. i think i just picked it up for funsies at the bookstore, but man was i unprepared. it's not a fun read by any means, nor is it easy, it's actually pretty brutal, but it's a good story, so i felt i should include it. (it is one of my faves) (manga / rereads: none bc i will kill myself.)
summer of you (kimi wa natsu no naka) by furuya nagisa changed me. it was one of those manga that was in my to read list for a really long time, but i just never did it. when i finally did, i totally regret putting it off. i think i cried. it has a sequel (summer with you), and that was good too, but that first one just really got me (manga / rereads: 1)
fools by yeongha has an art style i will forever be jealous of. the original, that is. i'm sure the remastered version is great, and probably the one i should read, but i'm just way too attached to the original and the art is (in my opinion) way better. the story is fun and sweet, and i read it at another formative time in my life. *jazz hands* (manhwa / rereads: 3)
my darling signed in by dimang and new lung. if there's one thing about me, i'm gonna read a video game catfish story. this manhwa is so fucking ridiculous, but i love it. it actually gets pretty dark, which took me by surprise the first time i read it, but it's not between the main cp, if you're worried about that (manhwa / rereads: 3)
dasadanan by herb mandu also has just lovely art. i can just stare at it for ages bc i'm so obsessed. also there's side gl, and i love those two girls so damn much. the story is very easy to read, fluffy, and it's just good feelings all around. it also has some really silly extras. (manhwa / rereads: 4)
history3: trapped is so... it is also dear to me. the main couple is funny and cute; however, it's the side couple that really gets to me. they're so ridiculous and fun, and the actor for zhao zi is an acrobat? does acrobatic dance? i'm not sure exactly, but they wanted to showcase that so he'd just be doing some random gymnast shit for no reason and it's so funny. and jack was made in a lab for me, so. y'know. (drama / rewatches: 2, about to be 3)
glasses cloth and playlist by gwak jonpil was recommended to me by a friend i believe, and i'm so glad i read it. it's another easy read and also very ridiculous, but when i say something is "ridiculous", that's usually a huge compliment. i LOLed at, like, every other panel. the main cp is so damn ridiculous, and i adore them. (manhwa / rereads: 1)
starting with a lie by liang azha has the softest art i've ever seen. that manhua is like a warm hug, if a warm hug also had you gritting your teeth and clenching your fists because GODDAMN JUST GET TOGETHER FOR REAL ALREADY! i love it. oh, but i don't like qiu tian. sorry. (manhua / rereads: 2)
how to survive as a villain by yi yi yi yi is... look, i'm sure it has flaws, right? every story has flaws, but wherever they are, i did not see them. i mean, it's a little bit ridiculous at times, but again, "ridiculous", and the mc was transmigrated into a once-good now-trashy harem novel. and he's also smart but oblivious. bound to be a little bit silly. but also this novel ripped out my heart and stomped on it. and i thought it wouldn't happen with the manhua, but i cried then too. what the hell. i really enjoyed this story, and i think it's what got me into transmigration stories in general :P (danmei / rereads: 2)
a shoulder to cry on by dongmul. okay. OKAY. this is not a "happy" story to most. also the ending without the extras/epilogue is bittersweet to ambiguous. the issue here is that I LOVE ENDINGS LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!! this story is so damn good and i like the art a lot and god, some of the quotes? every time i reach certain scenes i have to pause and stare at the wall because no fucking way. it's just too good. i should go ahead and warn that the couple doesn't have the healthiest of dynamics and their relationship starts bc one of them lies and accuses the other of sexual harassment, so. i'm just letting you know now. but i let myself have toxic yaoi. as a treat. tbh to me it's not that bad, but i know everyone has different intensity levels, so. (manhwa / rereads: 3)
never understand by bbong is an... interesting read. arguably more toxic yaoi, and everyone at times can be kind of awful and annoying, but i think that's fun. sorry. i vividly remember reading this for the first time. for some reason. also, as with a good amount of manhwa that i read in my more formative years, i like this art style. (manhwa / rereads: 1)
semantic error by j soori and angy kim is a lot more graphic and hardcore (sex-wise) than the kdrama, which makes sense, but like... DAMN! my toxic trait is that every three panels i pause and go "hey does anyone else think these guys look like jaedo?" and the sniper that's supposed to shoot me any time i bring up rps lets me live because i'm objectively right. the characters are so damn infuriating, but i like watching car crashes, so it's alright. plus the art is good and, well, i never said i don't ship jaedo. *glass next to me explodes after a bullet cuts through it* whatever! (rereads: none bc it ended not that long ago. but i'll probably reread it soon)
no.6 by asano atsuko and here comes all the haters being like, "oh, that's not bl!" "that's more than bl!" "[some more dumb shit i don't care about]!" suck my pussy. i don't care. i loooove the novels and hope we get a printed official english translation. people are right to say the romance isn't the focus, but it's there, and honestly, i love plotty shit. i've heard it's supposed to be the "happy version" of banana fish or whatever the fuck, but damn if that's not a fucked up version of happy. i sobbed my fucking eyes out (novel & animanga / rereads: 2)
snow fairy by serizawa tomo. i'm not gonna lie, i don't remember this story, but on my big list it has a heart next to it, and i feel like i cried when i read it. i've said i've cried about like half of these, and i cry when i see something cute or when i think about my blorbo or when a song is pretty, so that means nothing. but this one really got to me! i think it was just a simple story with lovely art. it aches, maybe. actually, i've just found my initial review, which reads: "im so miserable....." (rereads: none, but i'd like to reread it asap)
bj alex by mingwa. insert loud and disappointed "ooh" from the crowd bc really, phil-lesterfan? i thought you were a scholar? with taste? LOOK. i know this is a basic manhwa, and i couldn't give a rat's ass about the side cp, but ahn jiwon somehow became pookie. it is agonising, though, 'cause like i said, i don't care about the side cp, but oh my fucking god, it feels like everyone else only cares about them. shoot me. also the side cp is into bdsm, but you can skip over their shit honestly. (rereads: 2)
aien catharsis by oshima kamome was another manga that'd been in my tbr list for ages. i really like how the story feels. aaaaand i just reread it and ah. i see why it affected me. (if you can guess what line stuck out to me, lmk, i'd love to hear it heh) it's historical fiction and has lovely art. tw for sexual assault, but it's not between the cp and it's also not shown. (manga / rereads: 2)
like i said, i have a lot more favs, so if anyone wants the full list, just ask. or if you don't want the full list, i can give rec lists for certain genres or just manga or just danmei, etc, etc. i know i'm in batman hell right now (ah. western yaoi....), but i've been fujoshing since i was like... ten. okay this is of course way longer than it should be. hope u enjoy if you read any of these ^_^ <3
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reineyday · 7 months
Mihawk was your reason for getting into One Piece?! That’s so interesting, I wouldn’t have guessed! (I guess the first OP character I remember seeing on your blog was Zoro so I always just kinda assumed Zoro was your fav) 😁
aahhh zoro is my favourite LOL. him and shanks, probably, just bc ive known them peripherally for like my entire life, as someone who enjoyed nart & bleach growing up and so i saw op around just by association as the big three.
but mihawk in the live action got me to become actually more invested bc he is so pretty and so like, haughty in the funny way bc he's so serious abt it. and he has a huge sword and his whole aesthetic is so drama. and im genuinely obsessed with his coat forever kudos to the opla costuming dept. and it helps that he's easy to pair with shanks. 😂
there are more reasons than just mihawk (honestly i think what actually got me was the heart and compassion of op in a time of very cynical media) but mihawk certainly helped. :')
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orangesrotting · 8 months
HI! WAIT ARE U ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO KEEPS PUTTING THE KDRAMAS ON THE DASH. holding a microphone up to you what are ur top recs for kdramas. favorites even
hi hello yes i am & i am the right person to ask this question actually
alchemy of souls: this show is so well named bc it literally is my soul. to date the only media that has made me sob hysterically (multiple times!) all of the characters are so incredible and multifaceted and jung somin and go younjung portray the fl with so much depth it is amazing. lee jaewook is also incredible as the ml and his character is one of the most interesting protags i've ever seen. also the cinematography and magic system is amazing i believe it's partially based off of chinese xianxia dramas? but it is so amazing it is my favorite thing ever go watch it: a+ plot, a+ cast, a+ cinematography
law school: this one also has go younjung in it! (alchemy of souls) and i literally could not put it down bc the plot is so interesting & the characters are all. absolutely incredible to watch. it is so much more than just a murder mystery, and i think it really made me rethink how i viewed lawyers & the legal system in general. also solhwi beloveds forever so ! i think this is rlly fun if u love murder mysteries, law, dark academia or just some really well-developed characters
weightlifting fairy kim bok-joo: this one is a bit older but nam joo hyuk is so beloved here?? absolute friends to lovers excellence i love love love the chemistry between the leads like apparently they were dating? during the show? and u can absolutely tell bc bokjoo and joonhyung are so in love with each other. besotted. i think it's such a fun drama and bokjoo is so everything to me
hometown cha-cha-cha: absolutely pure serotonin at its finest. it is so escapist u can just put it on and forget abt all ur worries. there are like 0 stakes it is just such a beautiful exploration of love and living in a small town vs a city and i adore yoon hyejin she is so special to me
hymn of death: this one is literally 3 eps long & it broke me into pieces? it's a story about two people finding love during the japanese occupation of korea and it hurts so badly to see two people trying to keep their culture afloat while being occupied. also the ending is so painful but it is soooo good like. shin hye sun never ever ever misses she's my fav actress i think
my name: another shorter drama! it is 8 eps and they're all so?? action packed?? song jiwoo is so special near and dear to me. it is literally just about a young woman dealing with the grief of the death of her father and trying to avenge his death and it's one of the most painful things i've ever seen but it's incredible. han sohee put everything she had into that portrayal of her
our beloved summer: title is so correct bc this drama is so beloved to me! i honestly love how they portrayed both leads, guk yeonsoo and choi ung's struggles felt so real and kim dami and choi wooshik really did an incredible job portraying them as just. very real people. it's like. haters to lovers to exes to pining to "friends" to lovers but their love is so real. it's so so so good and it's the first kdrama i ever saw so it is forever special to me
honorable mentions:
moving: ok tbh idk how qualified i am to rec this rn bc i just started (another go younjung drama, r u noticing a pattern) but already i adore the plot and the characters and i'm so excited to see where this goes next!! this one is about a group of people who have superpowers and there's some agency involved but tbh idk much more than that
destined with you: in no way is this a drama w an actually good storyline like we are just here for the vibes but i love kim rowoon and i love jo boah and their chemistry is off the charts and they're so cute in this drama! and honestly i am having so much fun every wednesday and thursday w them . so. this one is about a "cold" lawyer and a civil servant who are reincarnations of their past selves who were alive during the joseon dynasty and whose love story ended in extreme tragedy. the lawyer (jang shinyu) is cursed to have some kind of brain tumor i think? and there's a spell book involved that belongs to the civil servant (lee hongjo). it is very no plot only vibes
see you in my 19th life: this one....fair warning. the ending is. quite. something. but honestly it started out so strong and i think it is still a fun time bc shin hyesun strikes yet again. tbh i only got thru this one bc of her portrayal of ban jieum but honestly this is probably one of her best performances if not her best. this one is abt a girl who remembers all of her past lives trying to find the boy she loved in her past life (moon seoha) but couldn't be with bc she died very young
angel's last mission: love: i think this one def got a tad melodramatic at times but honestly kim dan and lee yeonseo are so in love. i want to be in love like they are in love. this is abt a ballerina who, due to an "accident", became blind and couldn't dance anymore and an angel is sent down to help her find love but ends up falling in love w her instead. another shin hyesun drama and she never ever misses so ! her portrayal of yeonseo is an acting masterclass actually
to be watched:
twenty-five, twenty-one: saw an edit of this one to long live and had to watch it so it is on the tbw. also a nam joo hyuk drama (about a young woman's fencing journey & youth w her friends & first love and also about her daughter's ballet career i think)
moon lovers scarlet heart ryeo: i love love love iu and need to see her projects so! heard this one is pure pain which sounds sooo fun actually (about a girl in the 21st century who gets transported to the goryeo dynasty i believe)
extraordinary you: cannot believe there is a drama that exists with both lee jaewook and kim rowoon. how is that real (about a girl who is a side character in a comic book and decides she doesn't want to be and then there's like a crossover w another comic book or something like that)
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evilwickedme · 1 year
I’m so sorry to add to the fic Rex requests but I’ve been desperately sad lately and need a pick me up. Do you have any Batman fic recs for happy aus? Idk how to exactly explain it but fics where they all get along pretty well and clearly love eachother. Something along the lines of Shutterbug, if you’ve read it. Thank you and I’m sorry for adding to the growing pile of requests 😭
hey for sure!!! do not apologize for adding to the growing pile of requests I have DREAMED of this keep sending them FOREVER
some of these are a little ooc but I tried to pick ones that at least aren't outrageously ooc. it's just hard to write happy batfam fic that isn't a little ooc they're so fucking miserable in the comics
JLA & the batfam
what a genre. I have more of these but I picked my favs
Jason Todd's terrible, horrible, no-good very bad Week - Jason gets kidnapped by JLA who think he's still a wanted Gotham villain. Batfam (minus Batman, who's unavailable) try to rescue him.
Batman/men? - how can Batman be in like six places at once on this JLA mission???
Not So Alone - JLA doesn't know Batman has a team/family, they insult him, batfam gets revenge
specific dynamics
Life in the Fast Lane - honestly the ao3 description is a pretty good summary: “So, let me get this straight,” Dick said, frowning, “You stole a car, kidnapped Tim, got in a high-speed chase, stole another car, fought a bunch of cartel members, and blew up a chop shop...all to get a minivan back?”
hit 'em up style is an all time favorite!!! Bruce gets Steph some tampons. that's it that's the fic
How to be Brothers with the Family Cryptid - a guide by Duke Thomas - Duke gets to know Jason and vice versa
crack and general fluff
Waynes? More Like Wayne-kers - the Waynes are annoying! lots of fun
pest family - ratman ratman ratman RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN!!!!!!!
Capture the Flag (to the death) - the Waynes play capture the flag. it is not a low-key affair.
this is our home, we just don't have a door - the batkids for sure are doing something, and Jason is not getting involved. he's not.
The Wayne Family Annual Beach Trip is exactly what it says on the tin
before we get married, I need to get permission from batman - I almost forgot to rec my own fucking fic. I am fucking speechless. anyway the story of five people asking for a batkid's hand in marriage + 1 time it was the other way around
this has some drama, but they still love each other when it comes down to it
I'll Still Love You Anyway - a platonic soulmate au for the four male Robins & Bruce | 2nd edit: has a quick mention of pit madness
Minimum Height Requirement is an au where Bruce strictly enforces a "no capes until you're 18 rule" | edit: decided to reread this and as per previous request here's a tw that this fic has mentions of pit madness!
hope this makes you feel better <3 <3 <3 much love and enjoy
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chewiiez · 1 month
Mu Qing for the character asks!
hehe thank u for sending <3
mu qing...my hissy cat...my misunderstood emotionally constipated pookie....
fav thing: honestly? that attitude! i love his snark, one of the main things that made me like him the most. also, his resilience and how even after losing his mom, being bullied and his status he truly never gave up and ascended to be considered one of the top martial gods! we love a hardworking king. but mostly his attitude lmao 😭 you can never win a debate against him, probably.
least fav thing: not his fault but the DONGHUA DESIGN!! eww...okay he's DESCRIBED. described as an elegant, refined god who appears to be a civil god at first glance. the least they could do was give him robes similar to ling wen's to give that vibe? he downgraded so bad in the donghua, and im honestly surprised people liked his character design. MANHUA MQ FOREVER!!
fav line: is it bad that i was kicking my feet during the ju yang poem recital... or when hua cheng confronts him abt kicking him out of the army and mq is just like: wtf idek who u are ._.
brOTP: not talked abt enough, but qingqing! sqx and mq would make great besties. mq would definitely defend sqx, especially if they re ascended, and sqx needs to have a fashion buddy in the heavens. they would eat everyone else up in styling btw.
OTP: fengqing!! (wow, how surprising.) they just click so well!! still mad at mxtx for never giving us at least one fq side story. didn't even have to be romantic. i do enjoy from time to time some xl3 fluff too, it's cute af!
nOTP: surprisingly, i don't see the appeal behind huaqing! one of the reasons might be my slight dislike for hua cheng, but seeing that their relationship is tense af and hc accuses mq of working with jw in book 5, it's safe to say i would want to keep this rarepair maybe one or two steps away from me..?
random hc: just like how fx isn't the open extrovert that the majority of the fandom seems to mischaracterize him as, mq also isn't your retreating introvert! i would like to say that he can maintain a conversation, with an elegant smile and refinery, and may also be more open in public than feng xin, who keeps this guarded, dni expression on his face!
also, i think mu qing might be a secret reality TV show watcher. he's there to shit on the drama, okay? don't blame him.
unpopular opinion: i don't like silver haired mu qing!! he'd be even more bullied if he had silver hair, and i don't understand where we got this hc from. i also hate fandom extremes where he's either super buff to avoid feminizing him or extremely feminine. like give me a guy who has good fashion taste, applies some makeup, but can kick ass, wield a sabre, and outwit you. the best of both worlds!
song: OH I LOVE THIS QUESTIONN! honestly, i have a few, so lemme list them!
teen idle, marina
together, beabadoobee
bitter sweet, twice
cruel, twice
seventeen, marina
i have so many more, eventually i will make a masterlist lmao. for now have a top 5 of sorts!
fav pic of them: any manhua panel is gorgeous. nothing from donghua because again, donghua design sucked. any mq manhua panel is stunning, but the one where his hair blows into fx face is really funny.
ty for the ask! <3
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aenslem · 2 months
For the ask game: explain why you do/don’t ship doctor/master (any version)
Doctor x Master are my favorite couple of entire Doctor Who, I absolutely love them, they are one of my all time fav ships ever. Why I ship them? They are everything I love in couples on tv, they are friends, they're enemies, they're lovers, they are trying to kill each other, they never can kill each other because how can they, they also care about each other, they will kill for each other, the drama, the angst, the pain!
they are also fun to watch, I love all of the three versions I have seen, and I am pretty sure when I finally sit my ass to watch the classic who, which I started forever ago and never continued, I will go insane over the other versions of this couple, I already loved Delgado in what I have seen with him, those gloves oof <3
but for now it's those three versions, with Simm, Dhawan and Gomez masters and 10, 12 and 13. They are all fantastic, they manage to get out of each other the worst, and the best, and it's awesome. Nobody does it like them, honestly, show me any couple on tv which is as insane as them, they have centuries of history between them, the friendship older then civilizations and infinitely more complex, and the universe always brings them together. I love it
the only ship of mine which I hear a song and instantly apply to them, I mean, I have made so many edits with some songs and them, none of the other couples made me want to do it :D
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bruisedboys · 4 months
ooo i’ve been meaning to watch dune actually just bc it’s getting removed from netflix soon 😭😭 and lotr is so real <3 honestly i’ve been on a rom com kick for movies <3 like i watched set it up w a friend for movie night n it was super cute and i’ve just been craving that vibe yk? i’ve been like 20 minutes into lady bird for a while now i’ve been meaning to finish it 😭
for books i’m still on addie larue bc im annotating it and it’s going v slow but i did start the devotion of suspect x for a book club? it’s super good but the chapter length is such a stark difference from addie that i have to like. be in the mood to sit down and read 25 pages to get into it djfjsjfj
— ivy / @inkluvs
it’s really good you should definitely give it a watch! it also has an extremely attractive cast so ….. 🤗 omg yeah that was the reason I decided to rewatch it because netflix it taking it off soon 😭 I have not watched a rom com in forever omg!!!! I haven’t seen lady bird but it’s been on my watch list for years now lmao. my fav rom com ever is called about time, i guess it’s more of a drama than a rom com but still! it’s so good
omg no I know what you mean about being in the mood to get into a book … because like, to properly get into it you have to read at least a few chapters, but starting out is sometimes so tedious </3
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