panther-os · 1 year
okay regardless of any possible relationships with the batch, phee and hondo definitely know each other carnally
probably they were young lovers and then too career-focused (piracy and treasure-hunting) for a committed relationship and too intense at each other for cohabitation but they're best fucking friends and whenever they meet they drink and hook up and gossip and it's like they've never been apart
there's been a couple times they've been after the same thing and they take turns "betraying" each other it's always a big thing and hondo's gang always has space popcorn ready. they're both theater kids at heart, but hondo's the more dramatic actor while phee's more subtle, but there's always plenty of banter and an inevitable witty one-liner as they sail away with the treasure. one time there was a duel with actual swords
and I'm not saying there's a weequay/human ohnaka/genoa kid/teen out there either adopted by some suburban family who has no idea what to do with this chaos child but fully supports them or taken under hondo's metaphorical wing as his loyal miniature second in command who is absolutely not allowed in any sort of dangerous situation until they're truly and properly an adult what does he look like a criminal? but I'm not not saying that either
kinda really want hondo to show up in tbb and kinda really want to see him interact with phee now
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general-ida-raven · 13 days
Y’all are talking about tales of the Clones which I think would be incredible but hear me out: Tales of the Pirates.
It’s literally just about Hondo and Phee.
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niobiumao3 · 6 months
An alternative Hondo rescues Tech is that Tech isn't well enough to stop Hondo from running around the Galaxy with him for numerous weeks, but eventually Tech is strong enough to lock Hondo in the refresher and contact Phee. They meet up somewhere. She hears Hondo banging around in the refresher.
"...you locked him in the fresher?"
"It was the moment he was least likely to be able to free himself. And, he didn't take his blaster with him."
Phee cackles, knocks on the door. "Bet that's the last time you make that mistake, huh?"
"Genoa! Phee Genoa my peer and trusted ally! If you let me out and help me subdue him I'll make it worth your while."
"No he won't," Tech says as he fiddles with the ship's comm console.
"Do not listen to him! He's an untrustworthy cur!"
Phee is barely holding in tears, she's giggling so hard. "Oh yeah? How much is my while worth to you?"
"At least ten thousand credits."
"Ten thousand to open this door?"
Tech says, "He does not have ten thousand credits."
"He says you ain't got it, Ohnaka." She looks askance at Tech. "How do you know that?"
Sounding confused, Hondo says, "Yes how do you know that?"
"Your personal security is lacking." Something on the console beeps. "There. I should now be able to signal Echo."
"Are you using my ship to send illicit communications? Genoa! I'll make it fifteen."
Phee whistles. "Damn. I dunno, Brown Eyes, this is awful tempting."
"If he could and would pay you, I'd agree. But as he can't--"
"Do not listen to his slander!"
"--and you're quite intelligent enough to know that, I can only assume you're engaging in this to toy with him."
"She would never. You would never."
"Oh wouldn't I," Phee says, and Hondo groans. She bobs her eyebrows at Tech. "Also I wanted to tease you a little."
Tech blinks. "Tease me."
"For running off with a pirate."
"Technically, he ran off with me."
"I did no such thing!"
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
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full version of 21-23 yo Phee
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thedreadpirateholmes · 6 months
I claw my way out of my lurker corner once more because I am obsessed with the whole “Don’t go running off with any Pirates or Smugglers while you’re gone” line.
This has to be foreshadowing.
Pleeeaaase let it be foreshadowing the appearance of one Hondo Ohnaka.
The shenanigans these two have the potential to unleash.
Just, completely unprompted:
“What has you so down, my friend?”
“Other than the majority of my family believing me to be dead, and the fact that the fate of my missing brother is still unknown and he is likely trapped in a lab somewhere?”
“Ah, yes, other than that.”
“…Someone asked me to avoid running off with any other pirates or smugglers while I was gone - I am concerned this may disappoint her.”
“*Her*?” Intrigued noises “Difficulties of a love nature! Aha, for this let me provide some advice!”
“I would not call it-“
“Yes, yes, yes, but whatever you call it, there is affection there, no?”
Shenanigans ensue
I want all of the shenanigans
I feel like Tech would end up a little annoyed with Hondo but only because it’d be like looking into a more overtly chaotic version of himself, and then they’d get along in a way that feeds chaos into chaos and causes everyone around them the ultimate sort of concerned confusion.
Hunter & Echo: “I feel like we should separate them for the sake of our own sanities.”
Wrecker revels in the chaos.
Omega instigates more of it.
Crosshair snags some Mantell Mix and sits back for some decent entertainment that he’ll likely never admit to missing.
Phee knowing that this was both the best and worst possible pirate for him to run into for various reasons, and absolutely ribbing him for running off with another pirate/smuggler but “better late than dead” and their extroverted flirting/introverted intrigue can resume its sweet, sweet slow burn that lasts the majority of the season because Tech is coming back in the first few episodes but only after we get the glorious Phee backstory and badassery that should precede (and also continue after) this return.
My hopes for Season Three are so high.
Please. I am hoping!!
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eclec-tech · 1 year
Phee: Well, don't go running off with any pirates or smugglers while you're gone.
Tech: Yes. This mission should not involve either.
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But what if it did? The fandom has certainly asked for it enough.
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dragonrider9905 · 1 year
If Phee is a pirate and she has pirate friends….please tell me we’ll be getting some Hondo Ohnaka?
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cjorgens2022 · 27 days
Star Wars: Shadow Agent
in light of the series finale of the Bad Batch, I have made this Fic set during the time of Rogue One in which CT-9902 “Tech” uses his CX training as CX-2 against the Empire by acting as a Double Agent and considering his exceptional mind, Tech would make sure none of the imperial leadership will ever learn of his double status. In fact he will use the coldness given to him by the late Dr. Royce Hemlock from his CX conditioning to full advantage to the point that as an acting high ranking ISB Agent (rank of Intelligence Marshal), no would dare question Tech. Not of all. Additionally, he would be Luthen Rael’s secret contact! With such demeanor, Tech would weaken the empire from within all while having high security clearance to the most confidential Imperial secrets. Tech would use his CX training to secretly assassinate several Imperial officers who pose a threat to not just him but the rebellion and he would subtly blow many imperial ships just to avenge the Marauder he had blown up and prior to that, he had returned to Pabu to desperately retrieve all past records of Clone Force 99’s highly classified missions that are salvageable and then Tech would have a deep and serious conversation with Shep Hazard with Tech giving a serious look to Shep and apologizing about everything and that the next imperial who tries to arrest will have to go through Tech and that if it comes to that. Tech would use his CX training and his high ranking position in the ISB as a double agent to threaten them with telling Tarkin about their failure and that Pabu is of no interest to the Empire.
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darth-memes · 1 year
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wild-karrde · 1 year
#FandomFriday “Descent” by Niobium on Ao3. A very excellent and logical explanation to what happened to him during and after the fall. Chapter 6 addresses the nagging argument of “If Tech doesn’t die as a result of his sacrifice, then it reduces the meaning of his act and his storyline this season.” He did the act, and he thought that his family was safe, only to find out that Omega is gone. That would be quite a gut punch for Tech, and I’d like to see his resolve doubled to get both Omega and Crosshair back. Link to the work below.
I will take ANY AND ALL The Bad Batch fics that have the tag "Everyone Is Alive" right now, and with this line in the summary:
Hondo Ohnaka was not a variable he’d been prepared to consider.
Yeah. I'm in. More Hondo. More Hondo and Tech interactions. I need this like I need air.
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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jarotopal · 1 year
Okay but.. I’d like to see Phee and Hondo meet.
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niobiumao3 · 1 year
( no excuse writing meme ) POV — something that’s already happened, retold from another character’s perspective
I'm probably not going to write the squad and Phee's side of Descent, or, not any time soon, but in order to make sure I understood the scene where Hondo contacts her I actually wrote it from her point of view. So, here's all of that.
Phee sighed, swept at the console to display the incoming message details. Hondo Ohnaka, contacting her from somewhere in the Inosion system, for the fourth time. She'd been ignoring him, wanting to see how many times he'd keep at it. Probably trying to talk her into more fake relics—where would it be from this time, Alderaan? Correllia?
“Who is it?” Echo asked, offering her a cup of caf. Phee accepted it, hovered her face in the steam.
“Just an old contact. Likes to try and sell me fake shit. And sometimes legitimately pay me to determine provenance.”
Echo looked vaguely amused. “So he values your skills, but not enough to not try and pull a fast one.”
“Something like that.” Her hand hovered over the dismissal button. After another second she tapped ‘ACCEPT’. Echo arched an eyebrow at her. “I could use a laugh,” she said, which got a snort out of him. He stepped aside, keeping himself out of the camera’s line of sight. Phee set the caf aside.
Ohnaka’s projection drew in, flickering and low resolution. Echo frowned, moved to the communications console. Before Phee could ask him what was up, Hondo launched into his greeting.
“Phee Genoa! It’s been far too long, my dear.”
“Ohnaka. To what do I owe the waste of my time?”
“I have a business venture for you.”
A wave of exhaustion passed over Phee. Seconds ago she’d been ready to laugh at one of Hondo’s ridiculous ideas; now she just wanted to sleep for a cycle. She rubbed her face, muttered, “I bet,” to herself. “I am really not in the mood, so whatever snake oil you’re trying to pawn off on me this time, I am not interested.”
Hondo’s image wavered, his tone growing sharp. “Now see here, Genoa, that was 100% pure krayt dragongris, and furthermore—” He stopped short, jolting and glaring at something out of view of his camera. Echo paused in his work at the comms to flick a glance at Phee. Someone else was listening to this, just as Echo was.
“Yes, yes, fine. I am contacting you on behalf of someone who wishes to meet and discuss a proposition.”
Echo shook his head at Phee. The last thing they needed was for someone to overhear one of the squad, or worse, determine where she was. She rolled her eyes, reached for the disconnect switch. “Right.”
Hondo’s voice rose in panicked concern. “A certain brown-eyed pilot.”
The words froze Phee on the spot. She glanced at Echo, who seemed similarly stunned. She righted herself, cold all over. “A what now?”
Hondo calmed visibly, clearly pleased at having bought himself a few more seconds. “A pilot who requires your skills. Obviously I offered my own, but you are by far the more experienced, ah, liberator of ancient wonders.”
Phee’s head buzzed. This couldn’t be happening. But here was Hondo Ohnaka, the slipperiest smuggler Phee had ever known, saying things to her only a handful of people could know about, almost all of whom were right here on Pabu.
All but two.
She tried to pull her thoughts together. “Well. I’m a busy lady.” She gathered disinterest about her, folded her arms. “And I’m assuming you’re not relaying this request for free. What’s your finder’s fee?”
“I was thinking twenty thousand—”
Phee knew what was expected here. She feigned reaching for the off switch, saw the projection waver as Hondo raised his hands, “—which is of course entirely negotiable.”
This was only half an act. If Tech was alive on the other end of this connection and Hondo was attempting to extort money from them for his safe return, it was going to be a close race to see who got their hands on Hondo first—her, or the boys. She lifted her chin. “Awful lot for a finder’s fee.”
“And yet, I have found you a business proposition of considerable value. One you are not likely to be able to find elsewhere—and there are, I'm sure, others who would be glad to take it instead.”
Oh it would be her, that was for certain. She let Hondo see her watching him, contemplating exactly what she would do to him in the event this was a successful ruse or a failed rescue. Echo was tapping and swiping at the comms, probably tracing the signal. He frowned, made a face, nodded at Phee.
“Alright,” she said. “Five thousand down for the finder’s fee, six more when we meet.”
Hondo swayed. “You’re requesting a steep discount. It’s only out of the kindness of my heart—” He stopped abruptly, flinching and rubbing at his leg. “—and this annoying pain in my leg, that I’m willing to do this. For you.”
She didn’t dare to hope it was Tech, sitting right there, jabbing Hondo any time he was too much like himself. “Very sweet of you.”
Hondo was looking—no, glaring, at whoever was out of view. “I am the soul of generosity. Sending you coordinates, account ID, and a time now.”
Despite saying this, Hondo didn’t move. A moment later the comms lit up with the data transfer request, which Echo accepted and verified. A display requesting a decryption passphrase popped up; Echo squinted at it, looking uncertain. He tried two different passphrases, neither of which worked. Then his expression lightened with recognition, or maybe understanding, and he typed in a new passphrase. The message decoded with the relevant information.
Echo let out a long, slow breath, nodded at Phee. She looked back at Hondo. “Received.”
He grinned, fingers steepling. “A pleasure doing business, Phee.”
She stared hard at the projection. Was he there, just out of view of the camera, like Echo was? How was that even possible? She wanted to demand he give her some sign, some signal. Though given how Echo looked right now, maybe he already had.
“Yeah, same Hondo,” she said, clicked disconnect.
Voice hushed, shaking, Echo said, “It can’t be him. We saw…” He shut his eyes, shook his head.
Phee swallowed, nauseated. “Is this a trap? Could this be?”
Echo shook his head. “No. Not with that passphrase.” She frowned, and Echo elaborated, “Plan 56 CT-9902. Exfiltration.”
Phee took up the mug of caf, gripped it tight in her hands to stop them from shaking. Echo got up. “I have to find Hunter,” he said, stepping outside. Phee just nodded, her eyes fixed on the spot Hondo’s projection had filled.
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locitapurplepink · 1 year
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Bad Batch episode 5 thoughts:
When in the middle of a Rebels rewatch this art style is such a breath of fresh air
I love how Echo is always the responsible mom of the group
I wanna see a meeting between Phee and Hondo so badly omg
… Phee you should NOT take the heart of Te Fiti the mountain
Poor Mel ;-;
Okay but what is that thing? Why do they just stumble upon some sort of death ray in the middle of nowhere? What is its purpose in the larger story? Is this gonna be an inspiration for the Death Star? Is the Empire gonna find it and use it for their existing plans?
Honesty time: I think I found this the least interesting episode of the season so far. It didn’t progress the story (at least not that we know of now), it had no reveals or character development or cool action by the Bad Batch… the only purpose of this episode I can so far think of is as a filler to introduce Phee more to the audience. Maybe in retrospect, when she might play a more important role, this episode could be key, but as of right now I’m honestly a little disappointed. It was still good, mind you, just… maybe I’m too desperately waiting for something to happen with Cody or Crosshair or something
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thesylverlining · 1 year
Very Specific Bad Batch season 3 prediction/hope:
When (WHEN!) we see Tech alive again..... It's what Phee said. About not running off with smugglers or pirates. And oh no don't worry this mission shouldn't involve either!
But. What if it did
What if somehow this is either who found him (without his goggles, hemlock could mean this is all they could salvage bc THE REST OF HIM WASN'T THERE) or somehow springs him from his transport or something
And what if it's a pirate AND smuggler we already know
And whomst (I at least) have been DYING TO SEE in the bad batch
...... Y'all. What if it's Hondo. ☠️☠️☠️
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clownery-and-fuckery · 6 months
TechPhee headcannons?? These are a bit random I just wanted to throw them out
- When Phee wants Tech to pay attention to her she'll give his belt a little tug and say "c'mere" before telling him what she wanted to
- When Tech wants Phee to pay attention to him he awkwardly stand over her and stare until she looks up and he'll immediately just go ":)" and launch into whatever it was he wanted before she can question how long he was standing over her for
- Tech will reach for her hand in large crowds so she can take them wherever while he reads his datapad and she's always careful to warn him when they're turning/going down a curb
- Phee taught Tech how to "negotiate" (read: straight gaslight) and the only time he's ever had to do it was one time when Phee and Wrecker wanted to go to the bar during a mission and Tech was bribed into letting them, the conversation with Hunter went a little like:
Hunter, over comm: Where's Phee and Wrecker?
Tech, answering: In position
Hunter: ...I'm literally standing where they're meant to be and they're not here
Tech: yes they are
Hunter: I- what?? No, they arent—
Tech: yes they are, you're in the wrong place
Echo and Crosshair dying in the background:
Hunter: Im-... what????
- Hunter killed them for that
- Phee's got a real taste for spicy stuff, and forgets others aren't so tolerant- Tech's got a crazy sweet tooth, and they once had their meals switched. There was chaos.
- while phee is technically supposed to be their pirate(liberator) negotiator, she tends to fly off the handle a lot, and Tech more often than not watches her threaten to burn a lot of places down before carrying her out of a gun fight
- (on one occasion he calmly let her go and watched her pull through on those threats after they told him to "keep her down")
- Tech's kisses are quick and short. He gives her little pecks while no one's looking and most of the time theyre aimed at her cheeks/forehead- he doesn't do a lot of PDA but he gets VERY affectionate while he's tired:))
- Phee is the OPPOSITE. She will kiss him everywhere anywhere she has no qualms and she LOVES kissing his lips and neck(it's easier to reach) and she ESPECIALLY loves pulling him down for a long kiss when she KNOWS her future brother-in-laws are already bitching about them
- while being insanely competitive(idk why, he literally never loses-) he still let's Phee win sabbacc sometimes, and always sits back and let's her brag and just ":) yay good job" while she calls him a BIG LOSER (he thinks he's secretly winning because she always smiles when she wins)
- Phee knows he lets her win
- they sing and dance while they do jobs together. Fixing the Marauder? Not without background music. Cleaning up after Wrecker and Omega's attempts at baking? Gotta have some ambiance turn the holo up. Even as far as a covert mission??? Phee catches Tech humming while he sets the charges and can't help but blow their cover laughing hysterically
- phee knows and hates hondo. she'd punch him for maybe a half credit.
- tech thinks he's delightfully charming :)
- the three of them get along fine until tech leaves the room. he can never guess why they always smile at him when he looks at them??
- phee(jokingly) asked hunter permission to marry tech at dinner, and got so offended when he said no, she decided to ask tech for REAL
- (he said yes btw)
I have like a MILLION more but I'll cut her there for now- PLEASE if you have more, add them!!!! Ok byeeee <3
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