#hints of dimitri x byleth
hmlegacy · 11 months
So we won’t fully address how long ago I was tagged in this, but shout out to @friendofbats.
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Four Ships
So I try to be balanced in all things but, most of my ships, I’m either all in or all out once they don’t happen, lol. I cannot say I have a Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons ride or die ship, unfortunately (the farmer and my wifey, Popuri). But bring back rival marriage, damn it.
It’ll be tough to dwindle it to four, honestly, I have a lot of genres I enjoy.
Zelda/Link (Legend of Zelda): Yea, I know, BASIC, but man--the fact that their destinies bring them together through even like ancestry. That type of gig is my jam.
Takeru “T.K”/Hikari “Kari” (Digimon): This one...this is the ‘you just had to be there’ era. The wars between Dakari and Takari fans were the things of legend. People had WHOLE SITES dedicated to this and would list the reasons why one coupling worked and why the other wouldn’t--it’s epically crazy to even think about. Alas, Takari...before I got deeply involved in my long-ass Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, I was writing a series for them that kind of shaped how I wrote for Legacy. I don’t instantly go for the ‘old friends’ relationships but I loved them together and, while I thought I got ‘meh’, I was excited to see all the small hints in what I did watch of Tri.
Tommy/Kimberly (Power Rangers): It’s so silly to even talk about but it’s so funny since I can’t deny this is my first ship--imagine it’s 1994, I’m four-years-old, in kindergarten, with no grasp on anything remotely...and these two were my ride or die.  I was six and PISSED they replaced Kimberly with Kat. I’ll even roll my eyes now that they suggest those two married and have kids. RIP Jason David Frank.
Jay Halstead/Erin Lindsay (Chicago PD): See the trend? None of my ships work out! But this is probably the only modern one i have, lol. These two though, I just loved how they worked together and had each other’s back. I think it’s super tragic how both of their story lines ended given how strong their histories were but that’s how live-actions have to go, I reckon.
Look, I’m too indecisive to not have honorable mentions. Chrom x Robin, Stahl x Panne, Kellam x Olivia, Lissa x Lon’qu, Frederick x Nowi, Tharja x Libra, Lucina x Gerome (Fire Emblem Awakening, meaning the marriages I would struggle to deviate from), Dimitri x Byleth (Fire Emblem Three Houses), Yor x Loid (Spy x Family), Ichigo x Rukia (Screw you, BLEACH)
Last Song: Lol, oh, “Bodies” by Drowning Pool. I was just listening to a 2000s metal playlist on Spotify, that’s where I left off.
Currently Reading: I need to get better at reading...anything. I write and edit my writing by reading it?
Last Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 3. Bittersweet but definitely good compared to where the MCU is now.
Craving: Hu Tieu Tom Thit (Pork and Shrimp Clear Noodle Soup) and a Sea Angel Roll would be awesome!
Tagging: My infinite anxiety over the strangest of things will keep me from tagging, lol. But please tag me if you do this, I love reading these.
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PK_Chu’s Fanfiction Masterlist
✨ A quick list of my current fanfictions ✨ ٩(⁎❛ヮ❛⁎)۶ 
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[WHEN JOY RETURNED]  AO3 (HERE) Far Cry 5 story involving original Deputy and the Seeds with a childhood twist ~ Story Summary: Born and raised in Hope County, Joy Owens never thought she would return. When she was young, her family moved to the big city, cutting off all ties, and never looking back. ‘It was because of that Seed family,’ the rumor mill whispered. But, that was a long time ago…a time Joy has trouble recalling and has simply let be. Now, she has finally achieved the role of Junior Deputy in the city where the large white signs on the hills spell out ‘Hollywood.’ But, when a U.S. Marshal suddenly arrives at the station to drag her back to Hope County, Joy has no choice but to confront the past. Back to the wilds of Montana, where old wounds had been left to fester, heartache had never healed, and memories once cherished lay forgotten. Joy will soon remember the Seed family; and as she does something reawakens deep within her, a darkness, the reason she had to leave. Can the secrets that lay hidden in her memories save the Seed Family from themselves or will it tear Joy apart, bringing the Resistance crashing down with her? 
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[MY BELOVED PROFESSOR]  AO3 (HERE) or Fanfiction.net (HERE) Fire Emblem Three Houses fanfic involving Dimitri x Byleth  ~ Story Summary:  Byleth was never one for emotions; even in the heat of battle her heart is still and her face is stoic like a mask. So, no one could fault Dimitri for his uncertainty when Byleth is offered a position as a professor. But, once he sees her smile, Dimitri's fate is sealed. Fate that would lead him to one day call the Ashen Demon, his beloved. (Spoilers! Currently on Ashen Wolves DLC - More Papa Jeralt and Sassy Sothis too!)
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[IN SICKNESS & IN HEALTH]  AO3 (HERE) or Fanfiction.net (HERE) Mass Effect Andromeda fancifc involving Sara Ryder and Evfra de Tershaav. ~ Story Summary: Evfra de Tershaav, the venerate Resistance leader, is stricken with the Angaran flu. Forced to stay at home under quarantine, Evfra would have been taken care of by family and close friends. Without either, he suffers alone, until Sara Ryder, Pathfinder extraordinaire, shows up at his doorstep as his self proclaimed caretaker. Soon long forgotten feelings begin to stir awake for this free spirited little human. // Evfra has accepted the fact that he is smitten for an alien, and not just any alien, but Sara Ryder the Human Pathfinder and leader of her people. However, having been so long out of the dating scene his wooing skills are practically non-existent, and what is worse, he isn’t the only angaran who has set sights on Ryder. Meanwhile, Sara is completely oblivious as to what certain angarans are vying for. The Pathfinder finds herself stumbling through the intricate art of angaran courtship, realizing that only one ever grouchy angaran had her heart all along.
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[FALLING FOR YOU]  AO3 (HERE) Mass Effect Andromeda fanfic involving Tiran Kandros and Sara Ryder ~ Story Summary:  A collection of drabbles celebrating the developing relationship between Kandros and Ryder, for which we were bereft of in the game. Adding my own twist and fun side plots. Slightly loose in the timeline sequence in the game 
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[OF TACTICS AND KNIGHTHOOD]  AO3 (HERE) or Fanfiction.net (HERE) Fire Emblem Awakening fanfic involving Frederick and Robin with a Pride and Prejudice twist ~ Story Summary: Frederick had no idea he would later be eating his own words and chasing the heart of the very tactician whom he had been ever wary of. Yet Robin, overhearing the slight from Frederick at the Ylisse Harvest Ball, will not be won over so easily. It doesn’t help that the two so easily rile the other up.A Fire Emblem Awakening slight AU with a strong hint of Pride and Prejudice. For if you squint your eyes and tilt your head, one might get away with Fredrick as Mr. Darcy, Chrom as Mr. Bingly, and Robin as Miss Elizabeth Bennett. This idea struck me and Naga help me, I’m running with it!
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[THE HERALD’S COMMANDER]  AO3 (HERE) or Fanfiction.net (HERE) Dragon Age Inquisition fanfic involving Cullen and Inquisitor Trevelyan with a twist ~Story Summary: Go to the Chantry conclave they said, it will be fun they said. Oh, how wrong they were! Now, Evelyn Trevelyan finds herself in the thick of the Inquisition with a bizarre glowing mark upon her hand, and hailed as the Herald of Andraste. Follow along as the novice fighter, and ‘menace on two legs’ as Cassandra calls her, tries to patch back up the hole in the sky along with the oddest rag-tag group of companions in all of Thedas. And to make matters more interesting, Evelyn is dealing with conflicting emotions and awkward encounters with Cullen; for his first love, the mage, was Evelyn’s sister…
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[THE DRUNKEN TEXT] AO3 (HERE) or Fanfiction.net (HERE) ~ Story Summary: On a drunken dare prompted by a hiccuping Sylvain, a rosy cheeked Dimitri texts his old college professor, asking her out for a cup of coffee. Before he returns to his senses, and recovers from his hangover, the young man is plunged into a series of events as he reconnects with Professor Byleth Eisner.
Dimitri realizes he never stopped loving her...Byleth finally learns how to express her love to him.
...will Sylvain get any credit in the end?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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imjeralee · 2 years
Hey girl! Not sure if you do any Fire Emblem Three Houses asks, but I figured I'd try! I would love to see some Claude X F!Byleth one HCs. I kind of what want to hear how Claude would react when he finds out the Dimitri is also interested in female Byleth, and how he manages his jealous feelings.
Hey girl! ok I tried my best with this. Hope you like -
· Claude isn’t surprised when he found out Dimitri is interested in Byleth. Dimitri is so blunt with Byleth that Claude had to intervene last time, so he was already pretty aware of Dimitri’s interest. Honestly, Claude isn’t too intimidated or worried - for now.
· It will just start to creep up on him slowly when he least expects it and once that happens, he won't be able to quite let it go. He’ll start dwelling on it quite a lot and he’ll find that he should try and do something to take his mind off things, like training or brewing some kind of poison again
· But halfway through he’ll kind of think about himself and Dimitri and how different they were - not comparing himself in any way or anything - but the next time Byleth sees him, he’ll blurt out something weird like ‘Teach, you were so amazing when we were battling last time. With you by my side, I know we’ll be victorious in every way possible’.
· Byleth is like “Claude?” And suddenly he’ll grow red and rub the back of his head head because he just realised that’s something he’d never really say and it’s something Dimitri might say amirite lol
· From then on, if he sees you and Dimitri together, he starts getting uncomfortable.
· If Byleth and Dimitri are just chatting somehow, he’ll just march up and casually ease himself in-between and be like “Heyyy I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” With this huge smile on his face because he obviously is
· When Dimitri excuses himself, there’s no doubt about, Claude is a happy man and is celebrating inside
· Then he’ll take Byleth with him, happy that he’s managed to steal her away
· Claude might even outright tell her that Dimitri has feelings and ask her for her thoughts, because he’d rather find out now than never
· Byleth telling Claude that she has no feelings for Dimitri makes Claude feel like he’s on cloud nine for the days to come because now he knows and he doesn't need to be worried in any way
· He won’t ask her how she feels about him, however.
· He’ll start teasing Byleth more though. Start making her notice him a lot more than usual. Be more active and outgoing and the flirting will increase tenfold. But it backfires because Byleth will probably mistake it as his usual easy-going nature hah.
· He’ll outright ask Byleth to go on a trip with him and meet his parents and if that doesn't hint to Byleth that he has feelings for her I'm not sure what else will at this point lol.
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writtingfiction · 3 years
Claude and a fake dating au please
Please enjoy this mondern version of them cast with the fake dating au! School starts in three days, lets see how many stories I can write before then, enjoy!!
pairing: Byleth x Claude
words: 1.7 k
Now when Claude had received the invitation to the corporate annual party he wasn’t expecting much, just the usual black and white suit and talk about how things are going well within the company. Maybe brag a little about how they got the upper hand in sales for the first quarter of the year. Nonetheless, as cunning as he was, he wasn’t expecting to show up at the party with his former boss from back when he was an intern with the Seiros Inc. Not only did he show up with his former boss, but he’s also said to everyone, within his company and rivalling companies that the two of them are together.
So, imagine everyone’s surprise when the two enter the room all eyes on them. Byleth has half a mind to pat his arm gently in a way to comfort him. Claude wants to crawl into his own skin the way Edelgard and Dimitri look at him. Never mind how Seteth absolute seethes as he sends daggers towards him ready to rip him apart the second, he’s left alone. He thinks the only person to not be surprised by this was his own assistant. Although, he didn’t have the heart to tell him that this wasn’t exactly real.
When the pair had separated his close friends swarmed him. There were a lot of comments and many, many questions. He needed a drink. Hilda was incessantly poking his side, demanding for answers as Lorenz was lecturing him about something, he’s not paying attention.
“If you keep asking me all at the same time, I can’t answer you.” Claude said annoyed. Just barely making it to the table to grab a drink. The small crowd goes silent before they all speak up again. He shoots them a look before he hears one voice clearly through all the voices.
“Ok, ok, ok, I just need to know how.” It was Lysithea. Claude looks her in eye and then towards the rest of his friends. He’s now very glad that the two of them talked about this beforehand and came up with a story. Claude clears his throat.
“Well,” He starts off, trying to give off a vibe of mysteriousness and he is doing it well. “It started after Byleth got back from her overseas trip— “
“That that was 8 months ago!!” Hilda let out a whispered cry. Claude sends her a glare.
“Yes—As I was saying, after the overseas trip she had. We got back into touch as she was looking for a new job. I told her she could apply at Leicester Alliance and things went on from there.” Claude said, sipping his sweet drink. Rapheal lands a rough hand on his shoulder congratulating him.
“I have half a mind to scold you Claude, getting together with a former colleague like that? Do you even know what this could do to the company?” Lorenz started off with his lecture and Claude tried his hardest not to eye roll.
“Hence why we kept hidden for so long. We also hid it well mind you.” Claude said. Pointing a finger to no one in particular. Lysithea shakes her head.
“You haven’t answered my question.” Lysithea was a very smart girl for her age. Even though he constantly teases her for it, he couldn’t help but curse at how she knew he avoided the question. He had hoped his friends would carry the conversation away when they knew the least amount.
“What was your question, again?”
“How. How did you manage to convince Byleth to get with you?” Claude hums. His way of buffering so he can recall what him and Byleth discussed.
“I charmed her. Impeccable planning if I might say so myself.” Claude says. Grin as wide as possible to show off how cocky he was. He could see the very visible eye roll from Hilda.
“Totally Claude, now will you stop and just tell us?” Hilda whines out.
“Tell you what?” It’s a new voice. Everyone turns to see Byleth standing at the edge of their little circle. She’s dressed in smooth black dress that hugs her figure comfortably. There’s some gold jewelry on her wrists and neck. A matching pendent with Claude with his own necklace. Byleth’s outfit compliments Claude’s nicely, a couple picked straight from a magazine.
“Byleth! They were asking about how I managed to get you under my arm.” Claude said. Approaching her, smoothly wrapping an arm around her waist.
“If I remember correctly, it was you who was caught like a deer in headlights when I had asked you out for dinner.” Byleth said. Voice flat with a hint of teasing to it. The cat-like smirks that appeared on half of his friends faces had almost made him loose his composure. It didn’t help either that what Byleth said was true. When things first started out, Byleth suggested a dinner to chat about things and it honestly caught him off guard.
“Well, now they don’t need to know that.” Claude let out a nervous chuckle. He thought he had everything under control but this woman had him rethinking all his plans in under a second. She was just as or more cunning than him. A rare smile appeared on her face.
“No need to hide what happened. Have you told them about how you almost fell down the stairs earlier?” Byleth teased as Claude went red, choking on his words.
Claude trying to save himself and barely in doing so. Byleth was ready to crumble the reputation he had as cool lover and was trying too. Not with fake information either, he didn’t know if it was worse. However, while trying to keep it together he was catching things. People were relaxing around him for once. His close friends and coworkers were smiling and sharing stories from their lives. His rivals weren’t so tense around him, Seteth stopped glaring at him throughout the night. The old man was more focused on his sister than him tonight.
Byleth was making everyone around him more comfortable by telling them a side that only she would see. Claude shook his head with a small smile on his lips. Perhaps she was more cunning than he was.
The rest of the evening goes on without a hitch and he’s very happy with himself. Byleth noticed the change in demeanor. She wouldn’t let him off the hook so easily. However, she’s stopped in her tracks by two familiar faces. Edelgard and Dimitri approach her before they leave for the night.
“Byleth, if I may,” Dimitri speaks up, long blonde hair tied back nicely. There’s a small braid on the side of his hair leading to the bun. “Would it still be too late to offer you a position within the Faerghus Knights?” There’s an eye roll from Edelgard.
“What he means to say, even though you’re with Claude would you be open to a new and better position? Preferably with the Adrestian Corp.” Edelgard said. Byleth can only smile, a small part of her is glad they haven’t given up the friendly rivalry she only hopes it doesn’t end in an ugly way.
“I’m sorry, my loyalty goes to Claude. Not just because he’s my boyfriend.” Byleth felt something twist at her heart. It felt strange to call him that openly. She had spent the last month or two coming to terms with the deal that the two of them made. The two leaders of their respective company's sigh.
“We’ll get you one day, Professor.” Dimitri said a large smile on his face. Byleth only shook her head at the old nickname. Yes, she was their boss and taught them how to do their jobs to the best of their abilities but she didn’t deserve that title. She bids them fair well and goes to rejoin Claude. She knew the man was getting weary with how the others questioned him relentlessly about company issues now that pleasantries were over.
She grabs both of their coats before she reenters the room. A clear sign that they were leaving for the night and no one would stop them for a chat. It was one thing she was grateful for; they knew when people wanted to leave and would let them. It takes Byleth a moment to find him even with everyone who has left. When she does spot him, he’s surround by those greedy slimy men who would do anything to get ahead. Unfortunately, Claude is the only huge target left. Edelgard and Dimitri left, Seteth and Rhea left two hours into the party. First to arrive and first to leave, mused Byleth.
Byleth appears at Claude’s side in a matter of moments. One hand resting on his back, a comforting gesture. There’s a stretched smile on Claude’s face and cruel grins on the faces surrounding him. Byleth is quick in saying hi as she places Claude’s coat in his arms, cementing the fact that they were leaving and no one would be stopping them. Only one or two men tried to keep Claude longer but Byleth was quick to interject. Coats on and pulling him away from the crowd by the hand. When the doors of the building were closed behind them, they let out a breath.
There’s a shared look between the two of them, before they let out a small laugh. Byleth is the first to move from their spot at the door. Hand reaching in to her coat pocket and taking the keys out, waving them in the air.
“Ready to head home?” Byleth said.
“Couldn’t speak sweeter words for my ears to hear.” Claude said.
The drive home was nice, the music was just loud enough to drown out overwhelming thoughts. However, as Claude checks his phone looking at new emails a smirk appears on his lips.
“Good news, we have more shareholders because of our appearance tonight. I have a feeling there’ll be some more cameras following us around more than normal over the next couple weeks.” Claude said. “You ready for this?”
“I’m ready. The company will come out on top for the end of the year, just get ready for the speed bumps along your path.” Byleth replied. Claude let out a chuckle.
“We’ll defeat anything coming our way. I won’t let them win.” Claude said, knowing the year ahead of them will be difficult but he had Byleth by his side. What could go wrong?
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beyondthetower · 3 years
Poppies in the Graveyard (Byleth x Felix)
Summary: In an attempt to make sense of what has happened in the past five years, Byleth finds herself at her parents grave.
Characters/Pairing: Byleth x Felix
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: Lil bit o’ angst
A/N: I’m marrying Felix in my VW play-through and I didn’t think I would have that many feelings for him but man did I fall hard for this brooding boy.
It rained all weekend. Rainy days had a way of squirming their way into Byleth’s heart and hardening it. It reminded her of her father’s death. Reminding her that soon as he had passed, had smiled at her one last time, the heavens opened up. Symbolic: that’s what people called it. People that didn’t know the truth of who she was. It was like the Goddess wept with you, Mercedes had said a few days after it happened. Byleth wanted to correct her, to tell her that the Goddess wept whenever she wept because they were one in the same. But it didn’t matter much to her who understood and who didn’t.
That had been so many years ago that Byleth wondered if people even remembered her father’s death or if it had become just another nameless sacrifice in the sake of somebody’s “greater good”. It broke her heart to think that it was a possibility.
Now, on rainy days, Byleth would move without thinking. She would wake up, eat, grab some flowers from the greenhouse, and make her way to the cemetery.
Before her father told her the story of her mother, she would often find him standing by her gravestone. One day she had been walking back from training with Dimitri and noticed him hovering over the site with flowers. She had brushed it off at first. Surely he had known plenty of knights that were buried there. But the flowers made her wonder. And the frequency of his visits did too. She probably should have realized before he told her.
“Hi father. Hi mother.”
Byleth placed the flowers by the weathered stone. She sat down in the wet grass, ignoring the cold. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she smiled at the site of her father’s name resting beside her mothers. While she had never known much about her mother, Byleth could still feel the love he had for her. The few times he would mention her, the love on his face was rivaled only by the look he’d give her after she’d done particularly well in battle: a heart-swelling pride. It made her feel a connection she never realized she needed. She often told them that. On these visits, since the rain kept most people inside, Byleth often found herself talking to both of them.
“Whenever I was in a bad mood, father would always bring me whatever flowers he could find where we had set up camp that day.” Byleth smiled at the memory. “I always thought it was so out of character, as much as I loved them. But I see now that isn’t the case.”
She shuffled her feet into the dirt and watched the rain pool into the divots her heels made.
“The poppies were my favorites. I don’t know if I ever told you that, but they were. You must have known because you’d bring them often. Although, don’t think I didn’t notice you would bring them here, father. Does that mean they were my mother's favorite too?”
There was a low rumble of thunder in the distance. She hadn’t realized a storm was coming. It was still far off, and she hoped it wouldn’t blow away her flowers. It made her wonder about what Mercedes had said. Did the heavens open for her? Did storms manifest when she felt them start to stir within herself? Did she subconsciously make the rain when she needed an excuse to see them the most?
Byleth was surprised to see Felix standing over her, his figure a silhouette in the dim light of the flickering oil lamps. His thick, fur coat hung loosely on his shoulders, like he was only wearing it because someone told him he had to. “Felix,” she said quickly, with a wrinkle in her brow.
He scoffed. “Don’t sound so surprised,” he said. “I might have hated the guy but he was still my father.” He nodded toward the freshly planted stone beside her.
Byleth had forgotten that Rodrigue was buried there. He had only been gone a few weeks, and Ingrid had tried so desperately to figure out a way to get him back home for a proper burial that Byleth assumed that she had had happened. But on the grave beside her parents, Duke Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius was etched in large letters. She felt guilty for not bringing him anything.
“Is that Captain Jeralt’s grave?” Felix asked, squatting down beside her.
She nodded.
“Is there another name there?” Felix squinted at the fading text.
“My mother.” Byleth felt a warmth in her chest at the mention of her. She liked the sound of it. She wasn’t much for sentimentality, and she had never known her to begin with, but the past few months had made her softer. She wanted to know more about her past, and to pass that on to others.
She had a mother.
“I didn’t realize your mother was buried here,” he admitted. “In fact. I’ve never really thought about your mother at all. I just kind of assumed it was always just you and the Captain.”
“It was,” she agreed. “I never knew her. I was told she died from illness when I was small, and I just assumed she was buried in some far off village somewhere.”
Felix was a lot more perceptive than people gave him credit for. It made sense with how good he was in battle. He picked up on small things to use them to his advantage. But he never seemed to turn it off. He could pinpoint things about people that they thought they could hide away. Or, in Byleth’s case, pick up on words that only heightened the mystery that was her past.
“I didn’t find out the truth until later. Until after my father died,” she admitted.
“And she’s buried here,” Felix pointed out. “But I thought you had never been to the Garreg Mach before you started the job here.”
“I was born here,” she told him, and glanced back down at her parents stone. “Apparently. But my mother didn’t make it. The reasons behind it were...complicated. My father had been skeptical about it, and once I was born the church had this weird fascination with me that made him nervous.” She hadn’t meant to tell him this but she was glad to. It felt nice to talk about her family, as foreign as it was. And a reassuring calm had washed over her, urging her on.
“There was a fire that year apparently,” she went on. “One that claimed a lot of the living quarters, ours included. Father had used the opportunity to steal me away. After the death of my mother he didn’t feel much of an attachment to the place, and he was worried about the church’s growing obsession with me. So he hid me in a bundle in the stables and went to deliver the news to Lady Rhea that the baby had perished in the fire.”
“Risky move,” Felix said. “Hiding a baby in the stables. What if you had cried? He would have been killed.”
“I never cried,” she told him.
Felix looked at her, an eyebrow raised. “All babies cry.”
“That’s why it was so weird that I didn’t,” she added. “When my father died, I found his journals. That’s how I found all of this out. In it, he said that I was a very stoic baby. I never laughed, never cried, never made a sound. I only spoke when I was older when I absolutely needed to.” She smiled to herself again. “As weird as it was, Father kind of loved it. He always said I was the perfect person to live with, not being one for idle conversation.”
There was a huff beside her that Byleth thought might have been a laugh.
“When the Captain died,” Felix said finally. “Everyone was so sad at the passing of a great knight that I feel like…” He paused, either to choose his words carefully or to recall himself. “Did anyone check on you?”
Byleth was quiet for a moment. She felt the sting of tears rising in her eyes and she wondered why such a simple question would incite such a reaction. The truth was, it wasn’t a straight forward answer. She didn’t have time to be checked on. She was thrust into the work of teaching, preparing her students for battle, and devising new tactics to fit the new enemies they were facing. She wasn’t quite sure she had time to be checked on.
Felix shifted uncomfortably beside her. “One of us should have...I mean...someone should have…”
“It was complicated,” Byleth tried.
“It always is. That isn’t an excuse.”
“You didn’t know,” she added.
“I did though.”
He looked down at his Rodrigue’s grave then. Byleth had almost forgotten that there had been a reason he was there in the first place. She felt a pang of guilt at having blubbered on about her own parents when Felix’s wound was still fresh. The grass hadn’t even begun to sprout on his father’s plot yet.
“How are you doing?” Byleth asked to break the tension. “After your father, I mean.”
Felix huffed again, a dark smile spreading across his face. “It’s complicated,” he parroted.
“I’ve been told that’s not an excuse.”
“Too true.” Felix pushed himself back up onto his feet and tore his gaze away from his father’s stone. “Maybe some other time. That storm is coming this way pretty quickly.”
Byleth looked over the cemetery walls toward the forest beyond. The clouds were darker now. Blades of lightning struck silently in the distance, hinting at the impending chaos. She wondered if they would affect her at all.
He nodded over toward the low glimmer of the dormitory windows. “Come on,” he said. “I’ll walk you back.”
She agreed, and pushed herself up onto her feet. “And you’ll tell me how you’re doing on the walk back?” she tried. “Complications and all?”
Felix huffed another amused breath and gestured toward the stairs. “Another time, perhaps,” he told her. “I don’t think the walk is quite long enough.”
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Poly Relationship [FE: Three Houses]
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Characters Included: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd & Claude von Riegan
Note: HAHA! I LOVE THESE TWO BOIS SO MUCH ;) I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS! (Though I apologize for the short timeskip lol). I HOPE YA’LL LIKE THIS! 
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warning: Spoilers
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-If you thought this was gonna be an easy relationship to have, then you’re wrong. But I can assure you that not a boring day goes by, with these two around, it’s bound to get fun. Dimitri and Claude contrast each other very much, polar opposite even. Everyone is wondering how you manage to get these two in a relationship with you, well, here’s the story.
-You’re a new student that was entered the Monastery the same time as the Byleth twins. You immediately caught the eyes of Faerghus Prince and the mischievous Leader. You then choose your house, and that’s how you met either one of them or both of them at the same time!
-If you’re in the Golden Deer House, expect to immediately meet Claude von Riegan. He practically drags you around after meeting you and keep flirting you, subtly dropping hints to you that he’s interested with you. Claude manage to know about Dimitri’s attraction to you as well so he drags you away from the Prince when he’s in sight, which made Dimitri pout. But one way or another, you’ll meet the Prince soon enough :)
-If you’re in the Blue Lions, Dimitri would take his time to introduce himself to you while Claude stood there glaring at him, pouting at your chosen House. Dimitri would also take his time to get to know you and show you around Garreg Mach, unlike a certain trickster. Dimitri might not know about Claude’s attraction to you unless stated otherwise (he’s an oblivious boi -3-). So he lets you meet Claude, who squeezes himself to you and immediately befriends you.
-How you three got together, you ask? Well, you couldn’t decide who you want to be with. So why not get in a relationship with the two of them?! But to Claude and Dimitri? Not a chance, at first atleast. Since it doesn’t seem thrilling to them to share you with one another, and they always get into each other’s nerves. How would they do if they have share you with the other?! But soon enough, they warm up to the idea and decided to give it a try.
-It was awkward for Dimitri at first since he doesn’t know what to do, should he hold hands with you now?! Or wait till later?! Should I kiss them right now or later?! Yeah, he’s panicking in the inside. So you should be the one who makes the first move in this case. 
-But to Claude? It feels natural and it seems like nothing change between the two of you, except for the label. Claude would still flirt with you and drag you around to prank people and cause shenanigans. 
-I would love the idea of them slowly loving each other as well :3 (I’m beginning to ship them bc of the fanarts I see about them, and they’re all cute :3). Soon enough the three of you can be seen holding hands with each other through the Monastery and outside. Claude and Dimitri would also have their moment, and they drag you in it if you came to view.
-I would like the idea of them fighting over who can protect you the most in battlefield (though it always ends with them working together to protect you lol), even though the other is in the opposing side. But sometimes, they wouldn’t go easy on you. They want you to be strong enough to defend yourself but still can rely to them if you ever need some help. (Like the Mock Battle, just imagine them doing that while the others are just like, “what side are you on exactly?”)
-Dimitri would spar with you regularly with his lance if you’re a sword or whatever hand-held weapon you have. But if you’re a bow or magic-person, Claude will help you in those areas. He might not look like it but he knows a bit of magic, but he might just let Lysithea teach you just in case. 
-The two Byleths ship the three of you so hard though, so they usually pair you up with either Claude or Dimitri. The others though? They’re supportive to neutral, but some other students saw this as a sin (of Lust). 
-The students wouldn’t dare to criticize or degrade you if either Claude or Dimitri is there, but if you’re alone? Oh, they’re coming for you. They would make fun of you and spread fake rumors how you are a sl*t and a whore. Claude would immediately find out and also immediately seek the source out. When he finds them, he would prank them relentlessly and basically make their life a living hell >:)
-But he’ll also comfort you, since he’s been through the same. You know, since the Leicester Alliance’s leader doesn’t have a grandson or son and he suddenly appeared and announced he’s the next leader of the Alliance. Yeah, not everyone is accepting (Hell, even Edelgard is suspicious of him). He knows the feeling of hopelessness but he doesn’t let it get to him. But when it comes to you? He’ll be there and comfort you and whisper some comforting things in your ear.
-But what about Dimitri, you ask? When he finds out, he’s so angry-- no, furious that he wants to kill the one who spread those rumors. It’ll take Felix, Sylvain and Dedue to hold him back and calm him down. But it might be hard since he’s seeing red from the anger he feels. How dare they to spread those kind of rumors?! And to you, the love of his and Claude’s life?! They should not be forgiven!
-He’ll only calm down if you and Claude came and calm him down, which the three is thankful for because they don’t know if they can hold him back any longer. Dimitri would immediately pull you into a hug and whisper some comforting things in your ear.
-They know that these rumors and these kind of people wouldn’t immediately shut up and go about their way or accept them, so either one of them would accompany you anywhere you go. Go to the cafeteria? The two of them would be by your side. Going to practice? Either one of them would go with you. Going to the library? Dimitri, you go. 
-But if they can’t be there for you (which is impossible by the way, just saying), they would be so worried. Bu they have nothing to fear because their House Members is here coming to your rescue! They all love you as much as their Leader’s love you, and they consider you their (Princess/Prince). (Yes. Even Felix consider you that. Oh and also, even the Byleth twins help you out.)
-If they’re the ones who need comforting though, no need to worry! You and the unsad one would come and comfort them! If Dimitri is sad, you and Claude is in the kitchen, preparing food to eat while comforting Dimitri. If Claude is sad (if he’s sad though, he would still fake a smile and tell you both he’s alright. You know better than to believe him though), you and Dimitri hold him and chat like nothing is wrong (which Claude appreciates).
-Ahh, here we go. Time for the Time Skip!
Time Skip
-Dimitri would distance himself from you and Claude, which hurt the both of you. But you persisted and continued to reach out to him, only for Dimitri to go further in the dark. There was no more light in his eyes, he really became the Boar Prince. When the Byleth’s appear though, a new light was shone among you all. You thought you could finally reach out to Dimitri.
-Dimitri’s only goal though was to kill Edelgard, while Claude’s goal is to bring peace to the nation. You were conflicted on what to do. Should you help Claude or Dimitri? I guess the choice is up to you.
-I guess that not all story has a happy ending...
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[x] Main Page || [x] Fire Emblem: Three Houses Page
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mortyvongola2-0 · 4 years
Pairing: Sylvain x F!Byleth
Genre: Oneshot, smut
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Student teacher relationship, descriptions of sexual acts, 69, oral sex, pinning, Sylvain is 19 so its fine, a tiny bit of a size kink.
Read it on AO3
Sylvain groaned and threw his head back in his seat. “This heat is killing me,” he whined. He brought a hand up to fan himself a bit, though the action seemed to do little to prevent his impending heat stroke.
 “Go get something cold from the kitchens then,” Ingrid tsked at him. More then tired of his whining. She brushed the side of her Pegasus thoughtfully. Sylvain noticed a slight flush to her pale cheeks, no doubt also suffering in the heat wave consuming Garreg Mach.
 “But Ingrid, if I get up, I’ll get even warmer.”
 “Then hush! I’m tired of your incessant whining,” she huffed. The redhead sighed, taking the hint. He put his hands up and stood.
 “Sorry, sorry, I’ll leave. Try not to miss me too much.” He didn’t have to see it to know that the blonde had rolled her eyes at him. A playful smirk crawled onto his lips and he began to make his way toward the dining hall. Sylvain waved his greetings to the friendly gatekeeper before noticing his favorite teal haired professor down in the market, buying some supplies from one of the merchants. He changed course and began to walk toward her. “Hey, professor,” he called, raising an arm to wave.
 “Oh,” she turned to look at him, her face as expressionless as usual. “Hello Sylvain.”
 “Mm, that’s a lot of supplies there. Need any help with that?”
 “Okay,” she responded with a nod. “Thank you.” Byleth handed him an armful of random trinkets that she had bought. Sylvain glanced down at everything, lots of boxes of tea and fishing bait, but other oddities as well. Coffees, stuffed animals, jewelry, snacks, and other things.
 “Hey, professor?”
 “What’s all this stuff for anyway?”
 “Most of them are gifts for all of the students,” she said nonchalantly. It took him aback a bit. He’d remembered receiving one or two things from her in the past, but he hadn’t realized she gave things to everyone. He bit back the soft smile that threatened to overtake his expression.
 “Anything for me in here?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her teasingly. She blinked up at him, her own arms full of knickknacks.
 “No.” Her tone was dry, and her expression hadn’t changed. Sylvain felt the disappointment creeping through his system. Why hadn’t she gotten anything for him? Had he done something wrong? It was childish, really, the jealousy that he could feel bubbling in his stomach, but he couldn’t help it. His face scrunched a bit in displeasure, but his breath hitched at the small smirk he saw grace his professor’s lips. “No need to be so disappointed, Sylvain.”
 “Disappointed? Me? Never,” he tried to play it off, smiling widely and laughing. “Come on, professor. You know me better than that.”
“Mmm,” she nodded, that darned smirk still on her lips. She was beautiful, truly beautiful, no matter her expression. He had always thought so about her, and he probably always would. He hated it.
 “Anyway, where to?”
 “My quarters,” she said plainly, that teasing expression finally gone.
 “After you then.” He bent at the waist playfully, one arm extended, ushering her in a manner that suited Dimitri more then him. After she had passed him by, the redhead easily followed her. It seemed she had forgone the cape today, as well as her usual tights and black armor. Instead, she wore her usual form fitting shorts and a black undershirt that had a very tantalizing window, revealing her usual amount of cleavage. He wondered if she had dressed down due to the weather as well.
 For most of the walk, his eyes were glued to her ass and the perfect sway of her hips. He wondered whether she would be soft and pliant under his touch, like most of the women he slept with, or hard and lean from the muscles she so obviously worked hard to strengthen. When they reached her room, he was still thinking about her body under his, still wondering how she would feel, stretch, move, and if she was a screamer. He wouldn’t mind if she was, in fact, he quite liked the idea of his stoic professor falling apart on his fingers, his mouth, his cock, and screaming his name for all of the monastery to hear. “Thank you, Sylvain, you can put those down on the bed.”
 “Oh,” her voice had pulled him out of his imagination. “Sure, no problem.” He made his way over to her bed which was still messy. A huff of amusement left his lips, of course she wouldn’t be the type to make her bed. What kind of mercenary had time to clean up like that? The redhead set the stuff down easily before turning back to her. He rubbed the back of his neck and almost cringed at the sticky sweat he felt there. “Hey professor?” She hummed in a questioning tone to let him know she was listening. “I’ve been trying to get better with the hand to hand combat lately, would you mind tutoring me a little bit? Maybe later today if you have the time?”
 “That’s not like you,” she muttered with an almost imperceptible pout. “Why the sudden interest?”
 “Just in case, it’s better to be prepared for anything, right?” He really just wanted to spend more one on one time with her, and he knew she wouldn’t go for anything else if he asked. She always catered to her students, tutoring and mentoring them at her own expense. She continued to stare at him in thought, then turned and checked a small booklet she had on her desk. Byleth gave a small nod to herself before turning back to him.
 “Alright, I have a bit of time before curfew tonight.”
 “Great,” he sighed in relief. “Even a little bit of time will be extremely helpful.”
 “I’ll meet you at the training grounds tonight then.”
 “Right, thanks professor!” With that, he ran off. Sylvain needed to find some other girl to work off his lust for the professor before their training session.
 The redhead paced back and forth anxiously. He had, in fact, found a random girl from the village that had let him fuck her, however, imagining the professor while doing so had only worsened his curiosity. Sylvain continued to wonder what his professor would be like in bed. Had she ever slept with anyone before or was she still a virgin? Either was fine by him, but he needed to know. He heard the doors to the training grounds open and he turned to see the object of his thoughts.
 She looked flushed, her pinks a dusted a light pink, her jagged locks stuck to parts of her forehead and neck, her ample chest rising and falling at a faster rate. He gulped audibly. “Everything okay? You’re looking a little flushed.”
 “Hilda dragged me into the sauna with her,” she responded and walked toward him. “Sorry I’m a bit late.”
 “The sauna huh? Its been so hot today, I can’t imagine getting hotter, let alone on purpose.”
 “Mm, it is hotter than I like it to be when I go to the sauna, but she insisted that I needed the relaxation.”
 His brow furrowed. “If you’ve got too much going on, you don’t have to train with me like this.”
 “No, I’m fine,” she grabbed two rolls of knuckle tape from a bin of supplies by the weapons wrack. The young woman handed one of them to him before standing a bit away from him and flicking her wrists back forth, applying the tape evenly and with expertise. “I find training relaxing anyway.”
 “Alright, then.”
 “Show me what you know,” she commanded, and he nodded.
 Sylvain wasn’t much for training, he found it exhausting and it took too much effort. He never understood Felix, Dimitri, and Ingrid’s obsession with it. But when he got to be so close to Byleth he could feel her breath mingle with his, he could get behind the idea of it. The teal haired professor taught more by example than by instruction. She would always critique when she needed to, but most of the time she would spar with or watch her students spar.
 She easily dodged another of his fists and slid her foot underneath his. Sylvain lost his footing and fell to the ground, he grunted at the pain that blossomed from the back of his head at his rough landing. He reached behind him to check and make sure he wasn’t bleeding. “Dang, you really don’t take it easy, do you?”
 “You aren’t focusing, Sylvain.” She frowned at him, her fists on her perfectly shaped hips. “If you aren’t going to take this seriously, then I’m not going to waste my time.”
 “I promise I’m taking it seriously,” you’re distracting me, “the heat is just, distracting.”
 Byleth continued to pout and Sylvain started to sit up. “I’m sorry professor we can-“
 “Let’s make a deal then.”
 “Huh?” He looked at her, incredulous.
 “So you won’t be so distracted,” she said, a playful smirk on her chapped lips. “If you win this next match, I’ll give you whatever you want.”
 “And if you win?”
 “You have to start actually trying in class.”
 “Whatever I want, huh? Are you sure?” She gave him a silent nod. He rubbed his chin before standing to his full height. Sylvain knew it’d be difficult to beat her, but the offer of whatever he wanted was too tempting. “Alright, you’ve got a deal.”
 As soon as the match started, he was on defense. She came for him, hard and fast, no holds barred. Obviously, she was better at hand to hand then him, but he couldn’t give up. There had to be some way for him to win, for him to get what he really wanted. He was fueled by lust, and he almost always let his lust win. Sylvain knew she had a weak spot, he’d seen her rub her left knee a few times after training sessions, she even wore a knee brace with her armor to keep it protected. For only a moment, he glanced down to see if she was still wearing said brace, and that moment earned him a swift punch to the gut.
 It had been worth it though; he had noticed that she wasn’t wearing it. Without thinking much more about it, he leaned forward and went to hit her side, while she focused on the incoming punch, he used his weight to his advantage and swept his leg out, knocking her on the back of her left knee and causing her to stumble. Sylvain continued to press his weight forward, eventually pressing it into her and causing the two of them to fall. Byleth landed on the ground, the redhead on top of her, straddling her torso and pressing the side of his forearm against her neck. They both panted, her eyes wide as she looked up at him, obviously she had not expected him to be able to win.
 “I win, professor,” he breathed out, droplets of sweat rolling down his unclothed arms, he had changed into the lounge wear earlier in the day to keep cool, and falling onto her own sweat soaked neck.
 “Well done,” she said after steeling her expression. “Though, that kind of trick won’t work very well on an opponent you know nothing about.”
 “Hey, all that matters now is that I won,” he said with a smirk, removing his arm but keeping his straddling position. “So now you have to give me what I want.”
 “Fair enough,” she muttered and tilted her head to the side in curiosity. “What do you want?”
 “Wha-“ he cut her off with a hard kiss. He almost groaned, he had wanted to feel her lips, to taste her for so long. Unlike his usual trysts, her lips were chapped and inexperienced. She tasted like sweat and saltine crackers, but he wouldn’t have had it any other way. At first, she didn’t respond, but then she started to give in. That surprised him the most. Did she feel as attracted to him as he did her? Byleth wrapped her arms around his neck and when he licked her lips, she arched her back upward, her chest meeting his, and he ground his hips down toward her own.
 She gasped at the feel of his semi-erection against her, and he used the opportunity to pull her tongue into his mouth and suck on it lightly. When she gave out a soft whimper, he shivered and felt himself throb in the confines of his trousers. Once he couldn’t stave off his need to taste more of her any longer, he began to trail wet kisses down the side of her neck. “Sylvain,” she let out breathily. “We can’t-“
 Again, he cut her off. This time, by sucking on the junction between her neck and shoulder. He felt like he couldn’t get enough of her salty sweet taste. “We could get caught,” she tried again. He ignored her and placed his hands at her sides by the hem of her shirt, waiting there for permission. “We really shouldn’t.”
 “But professor,” he began between nips to the delicious column of her neck. “You said I could have whatever I wanted.”
 “My quarters,” she muttered. Sylvain lifted his head from her neck to look at her face. His stomach filled with butterflies and his chest tightened. Byleth had a dark blush on her face and refused to look him in the eye, she was nibbling at her bottom lip, the only indication of her sudden shyness. She looked adorable. “We can continue in my quarters, we’re less likely to be caught there.”
 The redhead smirked to hide the genuine smile that threatened to show, “Whatever you say.”
 Much to Sylvain’s chagrin they walked to her quarters at an even pace. He walked throw the door frame first and she followed, closing the door behind her and then standing there quietly. The redhead assumed the worst, she must be backing out, he thought. He put up his walls once more and gave her a tired and disappointed smirk. “Chickening out?”
 “No,” she replied, without hesitation. “But, before we go on, I’d like to request that this doesn’t become a onetime thing.”
 “Oh?” Sylvain was surprised, both by her request and by the fact that she wished to continue, his traitorous heart pounded excited in his chest. She nodded in response. “You mean you want to?” He trailed off.
 Again, she nodded, but this time she was the one to kiss him. He responded eagerly, pliantly complying to her rough and roaming hands, her chapped lips bruising with force against his. Her hands reached for the hem of his blue lounge shirt, and he helped her tug it off of his torso. Once his chest was bare, Byleth’s deft fingers began exploring. The redhead responded in kind, assisting her in the removal of her black top. Sylvain bit back a groan at the sight of her naked breasts, and she moaned when he reached up and began tweaking her nipples.
 She forced him back, pushing him to lay down on her bed. Not giving him too much of a chance to fix himself, she straddled his waste and ground her clothed cunt down on top of his swollen member. Sylvain threw his head back with a hiss, his hands flying to her hips to encourage her to continue. He could feel her heat through her shorts and wondered if she was even wearing any smallclothes. “You’re still wearing too much,” she grumbled and began tugging at his trousers. He was all too happy to oblige.
 He exposed himself to her, now free of his pants and smallclothes, and he smirked at her obvious attentions. “Like what you see?” He teased and brought one of his hands to stroke along his own cock. She nodded boldly, unabashed, and began to remove her shorts as well. The redhead was right, she hadn’t been wearing any smallclothes. “I know I do.”
 “You’re very attractive, Sylvain,” she said softly. Byleth brought her hands up and kneaded at her large breasts, she let out a soft sigh of satisfaction. He trailed his hands upward, running them along her sides, barely touching her flesh. Goosebumps rose on her skin and he watched her shiver. She removed her hands and let his hands take their place. They were soft, probably the softest thing on her body, and so very perky. Her nipples were sensitive, he realized, after rubbing her left nipple in rough circles and hearing her breath hitch.
 One of his hands trailed its way back down her body and cupped her ass, giving it a playful smack before grabbing a cheek and jiggling it roughly. She squirmed, and he leaned his head forward to suck on her now neglected nipple. The hand on her eyes slowly slid undo her, making a line from her plump cheeks to the lips of her vagina. Even before spreading those lips, he could feel the slimy wetness collected on them. Sylvain let out a dark chuckle, “I didn’t know sparring got you so worked up,” another tease.
 “Only with you,” she whispered.
 Sylvain’s heart skipped a beat and he pressed his forehead between the valley of her pillow breasts and let out a heavy sigh. “Why’d you have to go and say that, professor?”
 “It’s the truth,” she said. One of her hands reached down to play with his hair gently. “And while we’re like this, call me Byleth.”
 “Okay, Byleth,” he responded, his entire being feeling lighter than before. His cock twitched and he decided to lay back down against the bed. “Turn around and sit on my face.”
 The teal haired professor nodded and turned. She knew what he was asking for, and he let out the loudest groan yet as he felt her small hands wrap around his aching cock. “You’re bigger than I expected,” she muttered, more to herself than to him. He chuckled before grabbing her hips and forcing them down on his face roughly. Byleth squeak in surprise.
 Sylvain licked a trail across her pussy lips, already enjoying the taste of her leaking fluids. He brought a hand down and spread her open. For a moment, he leaned back and admired her twitching pink opening, leaking with slick and begging for his fingers, his tongue, his cock, anything of his to fill the empty space. She whined in displeasure, but he was done observing. He blew on her entrance gently, it flinched and pushed more fluid out, a minute amount dripping down onto his face. “Sylvain,” she whined again, stopping her ministrations to his penis, trying to encourage him.
 “You’re beautiful, you know?” The redhead licked a stripe from the tip of her clit down to her entrance where he swirled his tongue and pulled back. “Absolutely gorgeous, and you taste better than expected.”
 “So taste it some more,” she implored, then leaned her head down to give small kitten licks to his tip. He groaned and unconsciously bucked his hips upward, trying to force himself into her warm mouth. Byleth wrapped one of her hands around his base, the other grabbed at his balls and began massaging them gently. She squeezed the base of his shaft, almost too hard, before taking his tip into her mouth. With a grunt, the redhead took the hint.
 Sylvain wasn’t much for oral sex, always preferring the real deal, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t want to taste Byleth’s cunt forever. She moaned around his cock, the girth of him stretching out her lips and causing saliva to dribble down her chin and onto his pubes, he wished he could see it better. His tongue attacked her clit, pressing against it and flicking back and forth, giving it an occasional tug and suck. His hands, very thankful for their large size, grabbed each cheek of her ass and spread it apart, opening her lips wider for him to devour.
 Another moan wracked her and tingled down his cock. He shivered. The redhead brought his tongue again to her entrance and began lapping at it eagerly, enjoying the seemingly endless slick that leaked out. One of his hands came down to assist his tongue, a digit toying with her clit while his tongue slithered into her vaginal opening. She quivered and fell further onto his cock, pushing his head to the back of her throat. He closed his eyes at the sensation.
 Her throat pulsed around him, gagging a bit and trying to force him out of where he didn’t belong, but his hips started bucking once more, forcing her to take him in, all of him. Sylvain lost focus on his quest to make her cum and began to focus on himself instead. Much to her dismay, he began to flip them, wishing more than anything to see her take him in her throat like a horny teenager. She whimpered but complied, now kneeling in front of him while he sat on the edge of her bed. His hand, the one not soaked in her slick, went and tangled in her hair, assisting her in her bobbing and keeping her from removing him from her throat. “Fuck, Byleth, you look so good sucking my dick.”
 She closed her eyes, the smallest moan escaping her. There were tears beginning to well up in her eyes as he pushed deeper into her throat. “You’re getting off on sucking me off, aren’t you? I can tell,” he grunted, moving her head faster as he began to feel his impending climax. “I could taste it. You would gush into my mouth every time I hit your throat.”
 Byleth moaned again, louder this time, one of her hands reached down and began to play with her clit. She sucked on him harder.
 The coil in his gut tightened exponentially at the sight. Sylvain would have to burn it in his brain. His favorite, normally expressionless professor, with his cock in her throat. He could see the bulge in her throat where resided. His free hand rested against that spot and she whimpered while he bit his bottom lip. His cock throbbed and he felt it through her neck. She looked blissed out, tears running down her cheeks, nostrils flaring in attempts to suck in air, lips stretched wide around him and drool mixed with his precum leaking down her chin. Her cheeks were flushed, and goddess he couldn’t get over the bulge he made in her throat. He added some pressure to it, she choked, and he came. Hard.
 Sylvain felt bad, he really did. Normally he’d give a warning at least, or pull out, but he couldn’t help it. He was so high off his orgasm that he didn’t pull out of her spasming esophagus until he had sent all of his semen down into her stomach. Once he was out she coughed and gagged, gasping for breath and cradling her throat. “Byleth, I’m so sorry, usually I last longer but-“
 She held a hand up telling him to stop. He waited for her to calm her breathing, his now semi-hard dick sticky with his cum and her throat coating. The professor took one more deep breath. “Its fine. I liked it.”
 “What? Really?”
 She nodded, and gave him a small smile. “Besides, next time is my turn.”
 “I can get you right now-“
 “We have class in the morning, don’t be late. Do well enough, and we might just cum together next time.”
 He smiled, “That’s some good motivation right there.”
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flamingo-writes · 4 years
Don’t Tell Dimitri — Claude x Reader
Summary: It was after one of the monthly missions that Byleth had asked you to assist with the Golden Deer. Your lance skills were remarkable enough to have Claude manipulating Byleth into asking for your help. However, Claude’s reasons to do so were others rather than just your strength and skill.    
A/N: I went for F!Byleth instead of Gender Neutral Byleth, as I originally intended. I’ve been playing far too long with F!Byleth, I sometimes forgt M!Byleth is a thing too XD forgive me. Also, I’ve been loving the Golden Deer route, although I’ve got to admit, I miss my Blue Lions :c Anyways, I hope you enjoy this. 
Also! I headcannon Byleth to be a cheeky little shit. Everytime I have the opportunity to answer with any sarcastic/smartass answer, I go for that one. So, my perception of Byleth is heavily influenced by it. I apologize if you eadcanon Byleth to be more of a composed/serious character.  
Posted: 04.21.2020
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: curse words. 
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How bad things would go if someone ever found out Claude's teeny tiny crush on Dimitri's younger sister? The princess of Faerghus. Being roughly a year younger than both Claude and Dimitri, skill wise, you weren't in any way behind them.
In fact, from a young age, you showed great skill with a lance, despite your lack of Crest. You waved your lance with such precision as if it were both a third arm and your dominant hand. With such grace and skill you waved any lance, making it hard to believe you lacked a Crest. 
That skill was what first caught Claude's attention. However, your laid back personality and sharp tongue amused him like very few things in life did. However, he could see through the cheerful mask you wore to cope with the horrible past you and Dimitri had been through. 
"Say, Teach" Claude said walking up to Byleth who was attentively watching you train with Felix. "Don't you think we'll need a little help for our mission at the end of the month?" 
"I can't believe you are admitting our lack of skill, Claude. It pains me, really" Byleth snapped sarcastically at once "I'm sorry I can't be the Professor you deserve" She continued, knowing it would either annoy Claude or amuse him. 
"Oi, no one said anything about you as a professor" Claude chuckled corresponding to Byleth's sarcasm "I was just merely stating a possibility…" 
"Why are you here, Claude? I know its not because you want to train. I rarely see you doing anything productive at all on a Sunday" The professor remarked as Claude laughed softly.
"Alright, you got me, I'll cut the bullshit" 
"Language, kid" Byleth chuckled rather amused by hearing kids use curse words. 
"Those two are very tough on the battlefield. That first mock battle we had, I swear to the goddess, for a second I thought we were done for when I fought against her…" Claude recalled as Byleth nodded, remembering how Claude barely could dodge your fierce moves.
"You're suggesting that I should ask for their help for our next mission, is that right?" 
"To be honest, Felix kinda scares me a bit" Claude admitted "He's so short fused, I'm afraid he ends up stabbing me instead if I do something to upset him. [Name] however...she's cool, funny, she laughs at my jokes. She's much more laid back than her brother. And at the same time, she's a killing machine with a lance" 
"Is it just me or do I smell your hormones all over me?" Byleth chuckled, looking at Claude, trying to see his reaction, however, the young man simply shrugged. “You could either genuinly care for this girl, or you just want to get on Dimitri’s nerve, which one is it? Or is it both?” Byleth teased. 
"Say what you want, Teach. Tease me to your heart's contempt. But rest assure, you'll remain my favorite lady in this monastery…" 
"Good, I was worried that you might replace me for her" Byleth replied sarcastically. 
"Me? Never! Who do you think I am?" Claude giggled mischievously.
"The Claudster" Byleth smiled back at her student before looking back at Felix swinging his sword swiftly as you effortlessly stopped each and every one of his attacks "Alright, I'll ask for her help after she's done training" 
By the end of the month, on your way to the battlefield, Claude and you didn't stop giggling and whispering things to one another. The two of you looked like elementary kids plotting something. But that same behavior helped camouflage Claude's feelings for you, as people thought you two were just friends. Some believed you were close to you just to piss Dimitri off. Either way worked to mask the secret Claude so desperately wanted to hide.
The mission wasn't particularly hard. But maybe it was because you were there giving a helping hand. A very helpful one. However, things of course wouldn't be as good after the Golden Deer had won the war. 
While saving Claude's back while he was busy shooting an arrow, you'd twisted your ankle throwing your lance at a thief running towards Claude, ready to slash his back with a sword. 
Claude helped you walk, holding one of your arms around his shoulders and one of his arms around your waist.
"I definitely owe you big time" Claude said, grateful that you'd saved his life.
"Oh, normally I wouldn't ask you to return favours, but I will ask for this one back" you joked, laughing, trying to mask the unbearable pain on your ankle.
"You better don't tell Dimitri about this" Claude laughed, knowing your brother would be particularly amused with Claude getting his sister injured.
"I don't know, it'd be a good way to blackmail you" You joked.
Once back at the camp, Marianne took a look at your ankle. Working a little bit of magic, it soon stopped aching and it no longer was swollen. 
"I-I'm so sorry, [Name]. I can't completely cure you ankle. It'll no longer hurt, but you'll still need to rest" The shy girl mumbled too fast and too low, it was hard for you to properly listen to her. 
"It's cool. You already did a lot" You tried reassuring her "The pain was the worst part. Thank you Marianne" You smiled.
"Teach, what now?" Claude asked Byleth as she sat next to you, looking at your ankle "It's almost sunset. We won't be able to be back at the monastery before nightfall" 
"We leave tomorrow morning. It is dangerous to wander at night" Byleth answered standing up and walking to her tent. "Especially considering one of us isn't in the best condition to fight if we run into something"
The moon was almost at its highest point in the night sky. The campsite, dark and silent, as only the echoes of Raphael's loud snoring. And Claude was unable to fall asleep. Not because of Raphael, it wasn't the first time they camped, the snoring had never been a problem. 
His mind was restless with the thought of you being asleep a couple of tents away from his. In an in impulsive thought he could not ignore, he left his tent and walked across the camp stealthily until he reached your tent.
"[Name]" He whispered. She's asleep, you jerk...He told himself after whispering your name a second time. "[Name]" 
The fabric shook gently as you popped your head out of the tent. 
"Why the hell are you still up?" You whispered a scream.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" The boy asked.
"Not at all" 
"What?" Claude raised an eyebrow as a smirk spread through his face "Why the hell are you still up?"
"Don't use my lines against me, smartass" You giggled "Wanna come in?" 
Claude tried not to answer right away and instead waited a couple of seconds as if he was considering it.
"Sure" he shrugged.
You sat on your sleeping bag as Claude kneeled inside your tent and sat next to you.
"So? What brings you here?" You said leaning back, resting your weight on one of your arms.
"Couldn't sleep. And I heard noises coming from your tent" he lied, since you hadn't been making any noise whatsoever, but didn't question his words. "Wanna hang out while either of us gets sleepy?" 
"Sounds good to me" You shrugged.
"Thank you for saving me today. Or...yesterday. whatever" He said frowning softly. "Thank you" 
"Don't thank me Claude. I was merely doing my part, thats it" you said as your fingers reached his earring. "I like it, it suits you" 
"Thank you, darling" he smirked leaning into your touch and shrugging softly "You're tickling me" 
"I didn't know you were ticklish" You giggled, smiling mischievously. 
"[Name], no!" Claude chuckled holding your wrist tightly as you tried to sneak it to his neck. "If we wake anyone up we'll be in trouble"
"Since when do you care about getting in trouble?" You snapped as Claude looked at you with a stare you knew it only meant trouble.
"True" He hissed as he moved closer to you.
"No" You said once you noticed his menacingly stare as his hands quickly found their way to your neck and sides "Stop! Claude!" you tried to keep your giggles under control as Claude was the one tickling you now. "We'll get in trouble" You whispered a scream.
"Sorry, don't care" He whispered back at you as his fingers kept roaming, tickling you, trapping you in a torturous laugh.
"Claude!" You cried.
"Alright, fine" He was giggling as he stopped "Whatever Her Highness commands" He chuckled as you caught your breath. 
"Claude?" You whispered, still panting softly. 
"Yes, [Name]?" With a pleased cheeky smirk, he looked at you, his gorgeous green eyes meeting yours.
His heart stopped for a second once he realized what kind of look you were giving him. Your eyes were beginning to look sleepy, and yet, they scanned his face slowly. He noticed the particular way your stare would stop on his eyes and his lips.
Taking the hint, he leaned closer, slowly, giving you time to decide what happened next. At first, you didn't move, and the tip.of your.noses brushed softly, as he kept looking at you. 
In a barely audible  voice, you whispered his voice before closing your eyes. Once Claude saw his cue, he leaned in, closing in the space between the both of you. His lips met yours. 
It started as a shy simple kiss that quickly heated up after you locked your lips with him. At first, the both of you awkwardly trying to adjust to each other's rhythm. But once you managed, the both of you lost yourselves in it. 
With your heart on your throat, you clung to Claude, wrapping your arms around his neck and gripping his hair. At the same time, Claude wrapped one of his arms around your back and squeezed you against his, while he rested his weight on his free hand. 
Finally, you broke the kiss, the both of you breathless, panting lowly. Claude bumped his forehead against yours as the both of you remained motionless. 
"Let's not tell Dimitri about this" You panted as Claude nodded. 
"Agreed" He whispered, looking into your eyes for a brief second before leaning closer to steal another kiss from you.
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kendrixtermina · 5 years
Just marvelling at how much personality they squeezed even in the little introduction sequences before you pick your house
The house leaders introducing their classmates:
Edelgard: Attempts fair, balanced, strategic breakdown of everyone's strenghts, weaknesses and interesting qualities including the virtues of the quirkier specimens, though her opinions shine through here and there (she’s noticeably annoyed by Ferdinand and vouches for Hubert’s good qualities) she’s describing the other Black Eagles more from a Pov like “How shall we get them to apply themselves” Dimitri: "This is person X. Person X is awesome. I'm sure you will LOVE person X, you just gotta give them a chance! " He really wants you to like the other Blue Lions going on about how the dodgier ones are good guys deep down and how you’d totally get along with them, mentioning negatives only in a “don’t let this fool you” sort of context. I guess he radiates out the acceptance he hopes to receive. Claude: "Hey check out some funfacts about this one hehehe " but also drops in some tidbits of analysis about the other Golden Deer, and already seems to have extracted many of their backstories and hidden dephts (all the more impressive when you realize he’s only known them briefly, but then again he immediately starts interrogating anyone he meets) He’s not unsympathetic but also not above poking fun at the others in a way the other’s dont.
The house leaders introducing themselves stands out for how ‘show don’t tell’ it is. They don’t go like “Im this and this and this” because no one actually talks like that, instead it’s exposition by their reaction at being asked about themselves and even hint at the sort of dynamic you’ll get if you pick them.
Edelgard: Starts off by rattling off some negative qualities others have ascribed to her. Says she’ll just have to deal with those perceptions. Immediately notes that she perceives herself and Byleth as alike.
“Come here for a gothsy birds-of-a-feather/ us-against-the-world dynamic with this analytic, independent-minded oft-misunderstood lady who values objective perspectives and is maybe a tiny bit fatalist/not the best communicator”
Dimitri: Deflects you, but very badly and awkwardly. The existence of a Tragic Back Story is still transparent as fuck; Hopes you’ll accept him anyways but “understands if you dont”
“Sad huggable woobie boi for sale.  Transparently has a lot of feelings. Kinda awkward, repressed, overly polite and doormatsey but also fair-minded. Will accept you despite your weird if you accept him despite his weird.“
Claude: Deflects you, but deftly, by turning the question on you.  Tries to draw you in by playing mysterious.  Makes for friendly, flowing conversation but tells you absolutely nothing of substance.
“Local clever, charming  yet secretive shifty boi with great curiosity wants to know all about you, but also actually be your friend,  if you’re up for a conspitatory partners-in-crime dynamic and playing detective a lot “
Like there you basically  have them in a nutshell.
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fandom-meanderer · 4 years
Beauty and the... [Pt. 6]
Pairing: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd x Reader, Sylvain Jose Gautier x Reader, Felix Hugo Fraldarius x Reader
Part: (6/?) [First] [Previous] [Next]
Genre: Romance, Drama
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses
P.o.V.: 2nd
Word Count: 2,584 Words
Warnings: Language
Further Notes: And the long awaited chapter is here! Four chapters after this are left, are you ready?
You watched Sylvain from across the room. You had told Mercedes, who came to check up on you, that you weren’t feeling too well that day and was going to skip classes earlier today and she simply agreed and wished you a happy rest. None of the other Lions were particularly concerned about Sylvain’s absence, it wouldn’t have been the first time this semester when it occurred after all. But now that your hands were free from their snares, your mind wandered back to the night before only more often, and it drove you insane.
What did he mean by that?
Well, of course you knew. It wasn’t the first time you’ve heard him say it, but for some reason it felt different. You weren’t dense. You knew that boy caught feelings for you, and he caught them hard. But you truly didn’t feel the same—
Wait, actually?
You relaxed in your seat in the classroom and watched him yammer on to Felix. Would being in a relationship with Sylvain be that bad? Then you watched as another female student blew him a kiss, to which he winked back at her as if it was just a reflex and you scoffed to yourself.
“What was I even thinking?” You rolled your eyes and opened your book. But some strange thought compelled you for a moment and you shut your book and looked back to who you thought was your older brother figure and your best friend and huffed slightly. “Well…”
You knew Sylvain, you knew him well. If you looked past the obvious flirt, he’s actually a very deep person with very deep insecurities. He’s a lot smarter than people chalk him up to be, and truthfully you don’t think he’s be a bad boyfriend, but he would have to be as hooked to you as you are to him, otherwise you’re just set up for heartbreak.
Now you know Sylvain’s got it bad for you, you didn’t miss the way he blushed, you just elected to ignore it, but at the same time that’s just Sylvain. He gets hooked on one girl, then it dies out like a flame in the rain. You’re very close with him, that much is fact, and you’re really not sure if risking your near sixteen years of friendship is worth a relationship. But there lies the possibility that he is that infatuated with you, but now it’s the argument of is it love or is it infatuation, because both are two very different things, to your understanding. If you were to ask him, truth be told, he’d probably say they’re the same thing.
Now for a brief lesson on the whims of love, as presented by Professor Byleth to his colleagues. The origin of ‘Love’ and the origin of ‘Infatuation’ do stem from the same roots, they start in the heart, but it is where that feeling travels to that differentiates the two. As many might protest against, infatuation travels to the head, while love travels to the rest of the body. Infatuation is to be defined as the being obsessed with the simple idea of being in a relationship, and in this case that is a majority of Sylvain’s feelings in general. Where as love is something that encases one whole, it is the simple deciding factor that allows you to put the other before yourself when necessary, but at the same time to prioritize yourself when you must.
To bring this back to your situation, you know Sylvain enough to know that the boy is constantly hooked on the idea, but never on the truth. You trust Sylvain, you really do, after all, it is him you go to before the others most of the time, he has the best insights once he drops his dumb-jock facade and decides to become an actually decent guy.
“Um… (Name)?” Dimitri tapped your shoulder and you are pulled out of your in-depth analysis.
Whenever you think you’ve gotten over him, he just has to show his dumb face in front of you in his dumb school uniform with that dumb blue cape and his dumb blue eyes and you feel yourself falling for him all over again. You feel bad for Sylvain, he had to sit through you talking about Dimitri over and over again for years, you thought about apologizing, but whenever you gave a hint to, Sylvain would reassure you that it was fine.
Dimitri is such an enigma, let that be known. You had known him for years, thanks to your mother, and you have seen his rises and falls and everything in between. But the question now arises, is what you feel for Dimitri love or infatuation?
“Oh, hey, Dima, what’s up?” You force a smile on your face and he eyes you suspiciously.
“I was wondering if you could help me out with bow training?” He asked.
Oh, you almost forgot about that. Dimitri’s strong proclamation of switching to bow skills, one you wouldn’t have seen coming from a mile away, but one that wasn’t a horrible surprise. You nodded.
“Sure, I’ll try to get you a silver bow so it doesn’t break again,” you laugh. And there’s another thing that was on your long list of ‘WHY I LOVE DIMITRI.’ It’s the honesty, the way you could read his feelings on his face. The first thing you noticed was how the tips of his ears would turn red first before the rest of his face did, then he would do that nervous side glance that would send your heart racing. Sometimes you were afraid that people would be able to tell how whipped you were for the young prince because, truth be told, the odds of you and Dimitri being end game were short, very short. He’s a prince and you’re a commoner who just happened to be lucky enough to be a part of the lives of nobles, it was just not meant to be.
You would describe your story as a complicated romantic plot. But the boy behind you would describe it as a sob story. As frivolous as he seems, Sylvain is in no way an idiot. He knows your feelings for the Prince, and he knows Dimitri’s feelings for you, there’s no way he could ever stand a chance against the crown prince of Fhirdiad, and in your heart, your relationship has plateaued at ‘Sibling-Like,’ a placement he wasn’t happy with, but one he was willing to maintain.
“Honestly, Sylvain, look at you, you’re pathetic,” Felix scoffs. “You’d might as well just tell her how you feel so you could stop looking like such an oaf when she does as much as breathe.”
“It’s just that we’ve been friends for so long, I don’t think I should say anything,” Sylvain kept his carefree smile on his face, but his words were somber. “Plus, her and Dimitri have a bond we could never have.”
“I don’t think so, but alright,” Felix shrugs. “I’ve had enough of your moping, take action or I will for you.” Sylvain blew a piece of his hair out of the way and slumped his shoulders.
“Yeah, I hear you, Felix,” he groans. The door to the classroom opens and Byleth walks in, tomes and papers stacked in his hands. He tosses them on the table and turns to the class.
“I hope you’re all ready for your first mission as students. Bandit removal, make sure your weapons are ready and repaired, we move out in a few hours,” he instructs. The class affirms his questions collectively and next thing they knew it, they were at the drop-off location, getting in formation.
This wouldn’t be your first time going against enemies, which is sad enough to say. But the life of a commoner isn’t one of luxury. When you weren’t with your mother in the castle, you were with your father at home, home being a small cottage in the middle of the woods since your father was a paranoid maniac.
It sounds cruel, but there’s no other way to put it. From a young age you had to do things for him, and that included making sure people who were hellbent on killing your father, claiming that he was “cursed” or whatever new word they cooked up for him, weren’t a problem. When did it start again? You had to have been ten at least, right?
Oh, goddess above, you just realized how bad that sounded.
Let’s set something straight, you’ve never killed anyone! Gods no. You just scared them away, is all, enough for them not to come back to hurt your father.
Now the person who taught you how to use your sword in the first place was your father, before the “Goddess please take my life away as well as my wife and child” blubber he spouted out, in fact, he was also involved in the Monastery’s defenses, until he was untimely “retired” as Seteth put it.
Another unknown fact to most, actually you didn’t recall ever telling your friends either, you had connections in the Monastery even before you were admitted to the Officers Academy, mainly for fear of being disparaged since you were technically only let in because of “connections,” and goodness how you hated using that word but it was all that was there to use. As far as your classmates know, you got in because of good grades.
Which you believe would have been right, if only you actually went to school.
# Commoner Things.
Regardless, Dimitri and Ingrid’s books always kept you as educated as you had to be.
But let’s get back to the story.
“(Name), I want you and Felix to work together for this battle,” Byleth instructs. “You two should play off of each other well, focus on bow skills.”
“Right,” you nod. You link your arms with Felix. “Guess you’re stuck with me, Lix.”
“Great, now I have to babysit while I’m in battle,” Felix rolls his eyes and you smile.
“I feel like I never partner up with you anymore! What’s the worst that could happen?” You shrug.
“With your luck? Murphy’s Law is your best friend, (Name).”
“Don’t be like that, don’t worry, I have your back!”
That exchange was ten minutes ago.
You and Felix have been pushed back and essentially cornered by the enemy bandits, and the rest of the class was on the whole other side of the battle field.
But it wasn’t your fault! Felix was the one who was cocky enough to think he could handle the west side by himself, and you had to follow him because otherwise Byleth would have failed you. So now the both of you were hiding behind a rock, out of Vulnaries, and on the brink of exhaustion. And since the Professor wanted you to focus on your bow skills he may or may not have confiscated your sword, and Felix was being a dick and not letting you use his.
“How many arrows do you have left?”
“Uh… six.”
“How many enemies are left?”
“Uh… also six.” You hold your bow close to you and Felix holds both of your shoulders.
“Look, (Name), I always make fun of you and say you will never amount to anything because you are a commoner—“
“Geez, Lix, I get it, I’m worthless, chill out.”
“But right now this is me telling you that you can and you will one shot all those enemies because otherwise we will both die out here.”
“Well maybe if you gave me your sword—“
“It’s broken, (Name), you really think I’d give this to you and toss you out there? If Sylvain doesn’t kill me, Dimitri will tear my innards out.”
“Right. Okay,” you nod in tiny. “I dunno, Lix, my hit rate is one to six.”
“You can do it, I know that better than the others,” he shakes you slightly.
“Okay, okay, but if I die I am so convincing the Goddess to let me come back down so I can strangle you.”
“Deal. Now go kill those bandits.”
“Right, okay, right,” you nodded your head again.
Quick reminder, you’ve never killed anyone.
Also quick reminder, you don’t specialize in bow.
Also another reminder, last time you killed a fly you cried.
Okay, good luck, (Name).
You stood up and drew your bow back, focusing on the closest bandit, taking a deep breath in, you adjusted your stance, remembering Claude’s words, and as you exhale, you release the arrow, following it’s trail and hitting the enemy, leaving him out of commission.
“Oh gods, I did it. I actually did that… I am so sorry, I am so so sorry,” your expressions shifted dramatically. Felix poked his head out from behind the rock.
“See what did I tell you, (Name)? Go fuck some shit up!”
“Watch your language, Frauldarius,” you draw your next arrow, a new found confidence setting in you, and aim for your next target. Maybe you’re imagining it, but there was something different about how you were using your bow today, something more intense, to put it simply. Did arrows really fly that fast? And was a wooden bow really that strong enough to eliminate the enemies in one hit?
All questions for later.
Finally there was one last bandit and, using the same technique as the previous bandits, you took your shot.
And missed.
“You missed?!” Felix ran both hands through his hair.
“I told you I was a beginner!”
“So you miss your target the one time you shouldn’t miss?!”
“Oh shut up, Felix, you’re lucky I got the first five!”
“You two are really arguing, at a time like this?” The bandit halted in his tracks.
“Yeah we are, fuck off,” Felix grumbles. You glare at the bandit, grab Felix’s broken-ass sword, and drive it into the bandit’s chest.
“Don’t fucking interrupt me!” You growled. “Anyways, I don’t understand why you’re so unreasonable, Felix, you don’t see me complaining about your attitude 24/7.”
“That’s because you’re weak.”
“Say that again to my face!”
“I did!”
And the argument continued for the Goddess only knows how long and it finally ended when the Professor found the two of you and explained that the battle had been long over, then after a thorough scolding for worrying the entirety of the class, the two of you just decided not to talk to one another. Although you did find some joy in seeing Ingrid nag Felix about his broken sword, going off about how he should have checked before their very important first mission. But then your joy ended when she turned her anger towards you and lectured you on how you should have some respect for the people who were older than you, and also how you shouldn’t argue in battle since it’s “distracting” to the other classmates, but how could it be “distracting” if it was only you and Felix?
Either way, you had a bitter attitude for the rest of the week, and none of the Blue Lions were brave enough to go up to you and even make small talk.
And it wasn’t until Friday night when Felix decided to man up and go up to you.
Tag List: @cynicaltj  @jumblybumble
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sp00kworm · 5 years
For the requests, Dimitri and f!Byleth fluff after the confession in the goddess tower?
Baby Steps (Dimitri x Female Byleth)
Dimitri had never been happier in all his life. 
“She said yes! By the Goddess she said it. She loves me just as much as I do her.” 
Thoughts whirled in his head like a storm, throwing ideas about their future around along with wedding plans, and how this would reflect on the church, but also the Kingdom. The Church and State should never intermarry. He was loathe to adhere to it. She was his light. His only one. His everything. Dimitri wasn’t going to let her go just because a rule written centuries ago said it was forbidden. So many aspects of their relationship were questionable. Old rules were the least of his worries. 
“Dimitri?” Byleth’s cool voice broke him from his worries, her smile still plastered over her lips. He remembered what he had said to her nearly six years ago. He had asked her to smile in such a way for him again. Now she was doing it unprompted. His heart fluttered at the idea, his hand tightening around her own involuntarily. Byleth looked at their hands before looking at him again, “Dimitri?” She stopped him, a step in front of him on the tower staircase. 
“Hmm? Oh!” Dimitri felt his face heat up. He had been caught staring at her and he quickly grew flustered, blond hair drooping over his shoulders to hide it, “I apologise...I was simply admiring your smile. It has been many years since I have seen it. Such a natural and beautiful smile.” He tugged her back gently, gauntlet covered hands coming up to push her hair away from her cheeks so he could look at it up close. Byleth chuckled softly, smiling once more, and Dimitri felt his heart melt, looking into her eyes before he took her hand, pressing it to his hot cheek, lapping up the gentleness of his betrothed. 
She will leave you like the rest.
The voices whispered behind his ears. 
We are all you need, my boy. 
“Damn you all to hell.” Dimitri whispered. Byleth looked at him gently, her hands cupping his cheeks, “I’m sorry...I can still hear them, but with you they are so much quieter. It is like you scare them away.” He sighed, looking at the ancient stone walls of the tower before Byleth nodded, “I will be fine. I already feel much better having seen your smile, my beloved.”
Byleth continued down the stairs, holding his cool hands in her own, the metal of Dimitri’s armoured hands grinding against her palms, “I never knew you would become such a sap with one ‘I love you’, my love.” She teased, watching him shake his head at her.
“I am being honest... Byleth. You are my light. I will never let you stray too far. If you wander into the dark, I will follow you like a lantern.” His other hand pressed over his heart, “I will do whatever you ask of me and more...because I love you.” His armour clanked as he slapped over his heart and Byleth shook her head gently.
“Come now. None of that talk. Today is a happy day. We should spend the evening together.” She offered without a hint of emotion.
Dimitri felt his mouth go dry, lewd thoughts circling in the back of his mind, “Surely not yet, Byleth...We...ah...” He swallowed and calmed himself, “We are not yet married...”
The laugh Byleth let out made his face glow with shame. He knew instantly she had not meant an evening of the likes he had been thinking. 
“No, Dimitri. Nothing like that...just...” She took his hands as they turned towards her room, matching rings glittering in the sunset, “Let us spend the evening curled up together. There is so much we have to talk about yet all I want to do is to just lay in your arms.” Dimitri nodded as she dragged him through her door, already ambushing his cloak from him. 
Dimitri laughed and gently unclasped his great, bear fur cloak, helping Byleth figure out his armour before he took eased her from her own armour. The two off them kicked their boots free before curling up on Byleth’s bed.
“The cloak...” Byleth muttered from where her face was pressed into Dimitri’s shoulder.
“It is hardly sanitary...” He relented with a sigh and wrapped the fur and heavy material around the both of them, smiling when Byleth hugged him closer, admiring the ring on his finger before she whispered to him.
“I love you, Dimitri.” She smiled at him.
Dimitri smiled back, kissing her hairline, nose and lips before whispering in reply, “I love you too, Byleth.” 
It was baby steps from here on out. 
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derireo · 4 years
sylvain - a little help
im being pressured to apply for scholarships ,,, didn’t want to go to post secondary in the first place .. + ive been napping a lot during the day. not good.
sylvain x f!byleth
“ it was difficult. even though her heart didn't beat, it was still heavy with grief and loss. she couldn't bear to remember the people she had killed to get to this point with her comrades, but images of caspar's face as he accepted the fatal strike of her sword and the tears that fell from dorothea's eyes as she thanked byleth for being the last person she saw – it was all too much. it wasn't supposed to be like this. “
It was a rainy day in Garreg Mach as fat water droplets pounded against the windows of the dorms and the monastery. The sky was gloomy with splotches of black and grey, and the angry pitter patter of rain against the pavement was deafening to the ears.
As much as Byleth loved the rain, her mood tonight definitely matched the weather.
There was a storm brewing in her head. From her father dying and fighting in a war against her former students, only to wake up 5 years later, frozen cold from the river she was pulled out of, it was difficult for Byleth to cope with all the things that had happened when almost everybody already found the strength to move on.
She willingly became the commander for the Church of Seiros, to fight for the liberation of the people who were caught in the tyranny of Edelgard; a former student that Byleth was fond of back then. Byleth found herself re-thinking her choices up until now, as the Church of Seiros neared the end of this war.
It was difficult. even though her heart didn't beat, it was still heavy with grief and loss. She couldn't bear to remember the people she had killed to get to this point with her comrades, but images of Caspar's face as he accepted the fatal strike of her sword and the tears that fell from Dorothea's eyes as she thanked Byleth for being the last person she saw – it was all too much. it wasn't supposed to be like this.
And Byleth loathed the thought of having to face Edelgard; hated the thought that her former student wouldn't accept the compromise of ending this war peacefully as Dimitri had suggested. Byleth didn't want to kill another one of her friends.
But it's impossible to change fate, just as it is impossible to create a new path that lets everyone live.
Byleth was sitting outside on the pavement, under the roof truss. She was wrapped in the duvet that used to lay on her bed and she had her knees hugged to her chest as she stared  at the rain drops that splattered into puddles.
Looking at the weather, everyone unanimously decided to use this day as a break from preparing for battle, so many people were gathered in the dining hall or were cooped up in another warm area, so it was understandable why Byleth wasn't seen roaming around the monastery grounds.
Byleth didn't feel like doing anything anyways.
She let out a deep breath of air from her lungs and rested her chin on her knees, her mouth formed into a lazy pout as she stared into nothing, the loud crashing of rain becoming white noise to her.
She didn't notice the few people who were quietly approaching her while she let the soft duvet fall from her shoulders. She then stood up from her sitting position, and as if on autopilot, walked out from under the truss and into the pelting rain that immediately left her body and clothes soaking wet.
She sighed again and closed her eyes, tilting her head back to bask in the rainstorm that fell from the heavens. Byleth couldn't remember clearly, but remembered that on the day of Jeralt's passing, it was raining like this as well.
But then again, she couldn't remember many things.
It could be her imagination, but the sight of dark crimson flowing through the cracks of her fingers and staining her clothes was much too vivid for her to forget.
The growing stain of blood that dirtied her father's coat was something she could never remove from her memory.
She would never be able to forget having to watch her father be stabbed through the back twice. Once when it initially happened, and twice when she turned back time with the divine pulse Sothis had gifted her
How could she forget anyways?
The rain continued to beat down on Byleth, but the pain wasn't enough to distract her from her thoughts. Her bare feet was wet with mud, thin clothes clinging to scarred skin, and mint green hair stuck to her forehead.
"You're going to get sick if you stay like that." someone called out from the walkway of the dorms with a voice so soft that Byleth couldn't help but turn her head in their direction. Her nose twitched when she noticed that it was Sylvain speaking to her. The man was leaning against the pillar nearest to her room door with his arms crossed, and the clothes he was wearing was suited for the winter in Faerghus.
Good enough for Garreg Mach weather, Byleth mused to herself and ignored the way the redhead looked at her expectantly; waiting for her to come back and stand under the shelter with him.
Sylvain sighed, "It wouldn't do you any good if you caught the flu." he tried once more, and held his hand out with the palm facing up as he patiently waited for Byleth to make a move. as much as he hated to force people to do things they didn't want to, he couldn't bear to let his friend stay miserable in the rain like that.
But Byleth didn't look miserable. She seemed the slightest bit distraught, but she looked so comfortable in the rain. Her clothes were now heavy with water, and her hair clung to her face and neck, and although it should've been uncomfortable for her to be in this state, she was receiving the rain with open arms.
Before Byleth could even realize it, Sylvain was already in her personal space, out with her in the pouring rain as he smiled down at her. "Gonna have to tell Seteth to scold you for still being a terrible listener." Sylvain joked as the rain began to beat down on him as well, but paid it no mind, and removed his warm Faerghus coat to put over Byleth's head. The rain only seemed to worsen, not that either person minded, but quietly, Byleth fretted for Sylvain's own health.
His teal button up was already clinging onto him like a second skin while his slicked back hair was a sad, flat mess atop his head. That stupidly kind smile was still on his face too and Byleth couldn't help but feel sorry for making him reach out to her like this in the rain.
Silently, her frigid hand went out to reach for his own, and she dragged the both of them out of the squelching mud and rain to under the roof. Her unoccupied hand still held onto the coat that was laid atop her head, and she decided to keep it there while she watched Sylvain shake the water from his hair.
As always, her eyes held no hint of emotion while owlishly blinking at the man before turning around, heading down the hallway. Sylvain had slicked his hair back while she turned, and with a hop to his step, followed after her when his hand fell from her grip.
"As much as I love the rain," she started when they continued to walk towards the dining hall, the roof above them ending and the raindrops replacing them again, "I can't let you guys get sick. It's hard for me to take care of the Knights of Seiros as it is." she mused, Sylvain striding beside her casually with his hands in his pockets, the rain dampening his hair again.
They walked up the cobblestone steps that led up to the dining hall and quietly shuffled in, the sound of Byleth's wet footsteps apparent in the warm room while the squelching of Sylvain's boots had people turning their heads.
"Oh dear." Mercedes gasped when she saw the pair, "Byleth! Sylvain! What were you two doing out in the rain?" she scolded halfheartedly and stood up from her seat beside Annette who was busy slurping at her soup.
Byleth was sheepish when the gremory walked up to her and wiped away the water that was dripping from her face, her eyebrows furrowed in worry. A few of the others took a quick glance at the small commotion while some had taken the initiative and handed dinner towels to both Byleth and Sylvain for them to dry off. Not the most ideal fabric, but it was definitely better than nothing.
"Just chilling." Byleth answered casually while struggling to shove her hands into wet pockets.
Sylvain couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"Yeah. Literally just chilling." he mused and grabbed the dinner towel that lay neglected in Byleth's hands, immediately plopping it on the top of her head to manually dry her hair. Although it was a casual thing for Sylvain to do for his friends; taking care of them even when they don't think much of it, the red head couldn't help but stare down at Byleth with a loving fondness in his eyes. With the way she looked up at him with her own curious gaze from below the towel and the hair that stay stuck to her face; he couldn't prevent the erratic beating of his heart.
Mercedes sighed as Byleth and Sylvain continued to drip rain water onto the floorboards, and kindly asked a passing soldier to go fetch some more towels along with Annette.
"I'll go and get her some Onion Gratin Soup," the pale haired woman offered to the dark knight who was still messing around with Byleth's hair, "It'll warm her up, no doubt. Would you like anything, Sylvain?" Mercedes smiled kindly when the man averted his gaze from the former mercenary to her, his hands moving around to lift the soaked mint hair from Byleth's neck to dry the wet strands at her nape.
"Cheesy Verona Stew. Thanks, Mercie." he winked out of habit, causing Mercedes to let out an uncharacteristic gag from the back of her throat before briefly turning around to fetch the food that would help Byleth and Sylvain to warm up.
"Hey, hey!" Annette bounced into the dining hall with towels in her arms and headed straight for the pair. "I've got towels and clothes for you guys! One of the students told me you two came in soaking wet and so I took it upon myself to help out." she declared and happily handed Sylvain and Byleth a fluffier, much larger towel as well as some warm clothes for them to change into.
Byleth pursed her lips once the folded clothes were set in her arms, and she looked under the mock turtleneck to see that Annette had done a little snooping in her room. A fresh pair of underwear was hiding underneath the shirt she was given.
She raised her eyebrows at Annette, silently asking for the explanation.
The little gremory trembled at the blank stare, but she still answered, "Well, the soldier was male and.. well – ugh! look, it's important that it was me who decided to help." she grumbled childishly, "Can't really up and ask Dedue to go and retrieve those scandalous things you call underwear, Byleth!" Annette whispered with wide eyes.
Sylvain whistled to himself, earning an elbow to the gut by Byleth.
Annette wasn't a very good whisperer.
"And how did you go there and back without getting wet?" Byleth inquired, already knowing the answer when she saw Lysithea at a nearby table, eyeing the three curiously. "Nevermind."
"Ferdinand helped with getting Sylvain's clothing " Annette added on hastily when she noticed the redhead check his own folded clothes.
"Carrot Top, huh?" Sylvain chuckled to himself, to which Byleth snickered and smacked the back of his head. "You don't get to say that."
"Aw," Sylvain pouted, rubbing the spot where he got hit. "You can't be saying that I am also a carrot top?"
"I am." she smiled slightly and tilted her head to the side as Sylvain began to dry his own wet hair with the new towel he just received, his skin clinging button up making it difficult for him to raise his arms comfortably.
Silently, Byleth let her gaze roam over the length of Sylvain's rain drenched body before consciously hugging her clothes and towel to her chest to help her snap out of it. "I'm going to go change." she announced and started to head towards the exit of the dinner hall, with Sylvain immediately trailing behind her after he said his thank yous and goodbyes to Annette.
Sylvain peeked over Byleth's shoulder to take a look at what clothes Annette picked for her and hummed, prying apart a few buttons from his shirt in an attempt to get the fabric to stop sticking to his skin. "Wanna show me the scandalous things Annette was talking about earlier?" he offered playfully and bumped his arm into Byleth's to tease her, his grin lazy when the mint haired woman only scoffed and shook her head.
"In your dreams, kiddo." she fired back and pushed Sylvain away from her with a powerful hand before slipping into one of the washrooms that was near the mess hall.
Sylvain could only bite his lip in bashfulness as he stumbled backwards over his feet, the corners of his mouth quirking into a little smile. She's not wrong. He thought to himself and sighed, bumbling around to get into a separate washroom to change into his new clothes.
As much as Sylvain loved the moment where he stood under the rain with Byleth, he hated how his clothes felt against his skin, and the cold air in the washroom only made his body spasm as a reaction. He wrinkled his nose when he shed the articles of clothing and immediately wiped at his bare chest and arms with his new towel to dry off.
"Gross." the man had groaned in annoyance once he had to peel off his pants. The sound of wet clothing thumped against the floor along with the clatter of his belt, and he sighed, rubbing his forehead as he put the towel back to use.
Once he was finished putting on the pieces of clothing Dedue and Annette had retrieved for him, Sylvain threw his large towel into a nearby hamper and kept the dinner towel on his head to help his hair dry.
The air in the dinner hall was pleasantly warm, and it definitely helped bring back the feeling of his fingers. The room was less packed than it was before, save for Mercedes, Byleth, and a few soldiers spread out here and there.
Mercedes perked up when she saw Sylvain enter in with a teal, long sleeved turtleneck, a mahogany long coat, and charcoal sweatpants. "A bit dolled up, aren't you, Sylvie?" she teased the redhead with the nickname and shot an expectant glance towards Byleth who was still sipping at her soup.
Sylvain didn't seem to bristle at the comment, but he looked at his own clothes with a pleased quirk to his lips then looked back up at the two women seated at the table. "Annette did say that Ferdinand picked the clothes for me." he shrugged his shoulders lazily then jutted his chin in Byleth's direction, his mouth slowly curving into a smile when said woman looked up from her soup to look back at him.
"Don't you think our Darling Byleth is dressed up a bit too pretty for such a casual occasion?" he drawled while sitting across from Byleth and welcoming the stew that Mercedes was pushing towards him.
Byleth was dressed in a fitted black mock turtleneck and an open, light grey cardigan that was falling down her shoulders as she ate, exposing that the shirt she was wearing was also a short sleeve. Despite the calm look on his face, his heart was racing at how the clothes accentuated her shape, but also softened her look.
Sylvain broke through the cheese on his soup with his spoon to keep him from staring.
"Hm." Byleth hummed into her spoon of soup with a hint of mirth flashing in her eyes, "I don't know." she mocked him while cleaning up her spoon with her tongue, her eyes showing off an uncharacteristic smile. "What do you think, Sylvie?" she batted her eyelashes prettily at her target and tapped her spoon against her tongue.
The nickname coming out from Byleth's mouth left him a sputtering mess, and he winced when a hot splash of his soup landed on his thigh. He grumbled childishly as he wiped at the wet spot on his sweatpants with a separate dinner towel, and Mercedes and Byleth giggled to each other when they noticed how red his ears were when they poked out from under the towel on his head.
Mercedes smiled knowingly at Sylvain when he finished cleaning up the small mess on his pants, and gave a motherly kiss to Byleth's wet hair as she stood up from the bench, "I'll be going now. Don't go out into the rain until it settles." she reprimanded the both of them as she squeezed Byleth's hand before putting it back on the table.
When the gremory walked out of ear shot, Sylvain cupped a hand around his mouth with a sparkle in his eyes and a grin playing on his lips, "I think Mercie's got a crush on ya." he winked suggestively at the mint haired woman across from him then shoved a spoonful of soup into his mouth, visibly slouching as the salty sweet warmth coursed throughout his body.
Byleth scoffed playfully and dropped her spoon into her now empty bowl, crossing her arms over her chest to challenge Sylvain with a raise of her eyebrows. "Mercie is too preoccupied with Lil' Annette, Sylvain." she laughed and subconsciously played with the hair that Mercedes had kissed a little while ago, smiling fondly at how motherly Mercedes has become over the few years she's known her for.
And then her face turned serious, and something in Sylvain's stomach didn't sit right with him when he watched her fold her hands on the table.
"I just wanted to thank you." she whispered between them with a crooked smile, her doe eyes slightly sad as she looked at Sylvain, "You didn't have to reach out for me today, but you did, and I think it's going to help me get through this week." she admitted shyly, and a small twinge of pink dusted her cheeks as she glanced up at the man who had pushed his bowl of soup to the side, all of his attention now concentrated on her. The silence that fell between them was comfortable, and Sylvain took it as the chance to reach across the table for Byleth's hand, gently prying it from the other one she was clutching onto so that he could hold her hand in his palm.
"I'm -- we're.. All of us are here for you." Sylvain stumbled over his words when Byleth curled her fingers in his palm, her fingertips tickling his skin as he spoke to her with genuine concern. His smile was kind while he waited for Byleth's answer, and she only nodded, with a private smile shared only between him and her.
"I am so grateful." she sighed wistfully as she began to stand up from her bench. Sylvain could only watch and follow her movement curiously as she walked around the end of the bench with her hand still held in his, pleasantly surprised when she stopped to stand in front of him. His legs were spread on either side of the bench and she had coincidentally stepped between them. Despite her not stepping any closer, Sylvain was getting nervous at the barely close proximity.
His heart was racing again.
His throat bobbed nervously as he tilted his head up to look at Byleth who was snickering at him in amusement, knowing all too well that he was getting nervous for a silly reason.
"Calm down," she laughed happily and squeezed his hand before using the same hand to wrap his arm around her hips, shuffling closer until she was able to wrap her own arms around his neck to pull him into a cosy hug, her body a snug fit against him as he let himself hug her back in earnest, his arms a tight chain above her hips.
"Thank you, Sylvie." she murmured sweetly into his ear once she noticed he was getting comfortable with her in his arms, and let out a gentle laugh when she felt his face heat up, one of her hands coming up to curl around his strong jaw. She brushed the pad of her thumb against the sharp bone and hummed a small melody that Jeralt used to murmur to her when he tried to coaxed her to sleep, sighing softly at how perfect his arms felt around her body
"And stop trying to hide your feelings. I'm not as dense you guys make me out to be." she admonished him with a smile on her face, grinning when Sylvain's arms loosened in shock. Quickly, she pulled the towel from his head off and printed a gentle kiss to his temple where the hair was almost dry before stepping out from between his legs, but before she could move far enough, Sylvain curled his hand around her wrist and pulled her back in between his legs, his lips already grazing along her forearm.
His arm wrapped around her waist once more, and with how tightly he coiled around her, Byleth's cardigan had slipped down her arms. "Okay, By." he mumbled sweetly into her pale skin, his soft lips trailing up her arm until they brushed over the dip between her collarbones. Happily, he nuzzled his nose into the centre of her throat when she didn't push him away, and planted a small butterfly kiss onto her neck.
The scent of her skin smelled so sweet to Sylvain, and when he inhaled, his mind nearly went dizzy with pleasure. Silently, as his body buzzed with excitement, he bared his teeth and grazed the sharp tips along her unmarked skin, and just as he was about to sink his teeth into the sweet flesh, Byleth had tangled her fingers in the hair at the back of his head and tugged him back with a teasing smile on her face.
"But at least show some restraint." she scolded him then proceeded to kiss his forehead, her hand still buried in his hair. "Okay?"
Sylvain's throat bobbed, his gaze filtered through thick eyelashes.
Byleth then let out a playful coo and pat his cheek with her free hand, "Good boy." she praised, combing her fingers through his messy hair one last time before reaching back to pry his clingy arms from her waist. "Thank you for today." she smiled again, and left Sylvain on the bench with his cold bowl of stew to head for the mess hall where Mercedes and Annette probably are.
"I'll see you tomorrow." the redhead had called out breathlessly, and watched at how her lovely figure walked away with a slight skip to her step.
When she was out of sight, Sylvain turned back to the table and held his head in his hands, his body straining with how much adrenaline was running through his body. He reminded himself of how her fingers tangled themselves in his hair and how her body felt so warm against his chest when he held her for a brief minutes and groaned into the wood that trembled beneath his elbows.
"She is so hot." he sobbed into his hands.
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lyssawritesfanfic · 5 years
the one i chose
Sylvain X Reader (Byleth), CW: eventual smut
it wasn’t the fact that Sylvain proposed to you that surprised the former Blue Lions class, anyone with a pair of eyes could see how desperately that boy ached for you, but rather the fact that when he did ask, you said yes.
“Really? You? And Sylvain...?” Annette could barely get the sentence out, blabbering over her words while Ingrid grumpily handed a few coins to a very pleased looking Mercedes.
“While I have the utmost confidence that you would make Sylvain a very happy man, I have my doubts as to whether or not you are getting a fair deal here, Professor...” The look on Dimitri’s face could be easily described as a mixture of shock and confusion, perhaps with a touch of jealousy.
“Not to diminish any of Sylvain’s accomplishments or prowess in battle, but I do believe I must agree with His Majesty,“ Dedue echoed.
“Wow, thanks for the overwhelming support, guys...”
Sylvain tried laughing the comments off, but it was clear that his insecurities were preying on him, the words of his friends unable to ring just a little bit true in his ears. You could see him eyeing the ring you gave him just the other night, looking at it with decidedly less joy than before.
“If I were being honest...”
Everyone turns to you as you begin to speak in a rare show of your ability to vocalize, Sylvain’s eyes wide and fearful.
“I am more concerned about how happy I can make him. And, more importantly, I am disappointed that the students I have guided this far along would fail to see the worth in a cherished classmate.”
The silence that set in following your statement was an embarrassed one, one followed by Ashe expressing his heartfelt congratulations as all the other Blue Lions gathered their composure and followed suit. 
After the awkwardness was replaced with rejoicing, you took your betrothed’s hand and began to head back to your quarters. As soon as you crossed the threshold into your room, you hear the door slam closed as Sylvain pressed you against the wall, gently cupping your cheeks and kissing you deeply, stealing away your breath as you felt his fingers shaking slightly against your skin.
“You’re amazing...” he managed to gasp into your mouth before kissing you again. You wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him in closer as your tongues began to intertwine. After a few moments of sweet bliss, Sylvain pulled away, his face a little flushed.
“S-sorry... you’re just... thank you. For what you said.”
“What do you mean?”
“I know I’m not the model of chivalry, nobility, composure, I’m not the best fighter here, nor the most devout, so when they started to doubt I could be good for you--”
Your voice was firm when you said his name, looking up at him seriously, your body still against the wall but emanating all the authority of one in control.
“I chose you. You are the one I want. What more is there to say?”
Sylvain blinked, staring at you, trying to process once more the fact that he was in fact engaged to the woman he fell for. Not a woman who was arranged for him, not a woman who saw a crest instead of a man, but the woman who he would destroy the world twice over for if she so much as hinted that she desired it: you, the most powerful woman in this new would, said yes to marrying Sylvain Jose Gautier, troublemaker of Garreg Mach, skirt chaser.
You put your hand to his cheek and smiled softly.
“Sylvain, you are the one I love.”
He couldn’t stop himself from immediately pulling you into another passionate kiss, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close, giving you no room for escape. Not that you wanted any escape; you met each of his kisses in kind, pulling his tongue into your mouth and sucking, eliciting a soft groan from Sylvain that started to drive you wild.
Even now, looking back on it, you can’t remember how it came to be that you were both topless, since there didn’t seem to be a moment when your mouths weren’t hungrily chasing after each other, never breaking their desperate dance for even a second. But you do remember the first time his hand came to cup the swell of your breast, his fingers sending a shiver throughout your body that you had never felt before. You broke from the kiss, nipping at his neck, sucking on his skin as his other hand found purchase on your ass, gripping tight.
“Oh... Professor...”
“It’s Byleth now,” you whispered in his ear, giving a teasing nibble. He let out a loud groan, tangling his fingers in your hair, yanking your face up and forcefully, deeply, passionately kissing your mouth again, his tongue aggressively searching every corner and crevice for some new territory to claim, pulling you closer to him with the hand on your ass. You could feel his bulge growing, pressing into you, and you both simultaneously began to realize where this was leading.
“If... if you want to wait, I’m fine with that,” Sylvain stammered, trying to break away, but betraying his feelings by the way he whispered into your lips. You captured his lips in yours, making your intent clear as he breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly picking you up and holding you against him even tighter. You gasped, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you towards the bed, gently setting you down and leaning over you. God, he was so handsome, his cheeks in full blush, his chiseled chest on full display. You reached out your hand and traced your fingers down his collarbone, biting your lip. Sylvain chuckled. 
“Ha, you’re just as excited as I am, aren’t you?”
All you could do was nod fervently, looking up at him with wide, needy eyes.
“As much as I would’ve liked to have you over there, I think for our first time it should probably be a bit more special,” he said, stroking your cheek.
“We have the rest of our lives for that,” you replied, feeling your own cheeks grow red as well.
Sylvain smirked. “You’re right, my love.” He leaned down to kiss you again, hearing the rustling of his pants coming off, arching your back in anticipation when you felt him tug at your own. He positioned himself over you, never breaking his lips from yours, slowly pressing down against your dripping wet opening.
“Ah, goddess, you’re... so wet...”
“Please... take me, Sylvain.”
You didn’t need to ask him twice. He plunged himself into you with an even mixture of intensity and gentleness, holding your hips as you cried out in ecstasy. A low growl escaped his lips as he rocked into you again, leaving you breathless and moaning with each of his thrusts. Sylvain pressed his body flush against you, keeping up the relentless pace.
The bed rocked violently beneath you both, the room echoed with loud swears and throaty screams of pleasure, all neighbors and other residents forgotten as you completely lost yourselves to the other. You wrapped your arms around him, biting and sucking on his neck, desperately leaving marks as Sylvain eagerly returned in kind. He sat up a bit again, cradling your cheek in his hand, slowing down for just a moment, staring into your eyes.
“Damn, how did I get so lucky...”
“You didn’t get lucky,” you said. “You have me because of you, and you only. You’re the one I chose.”
Saying those words sent him over the edge as he sped up again, one hand crawling beneath you to grab and squeeze your ass, pulling you up against him, changing angles and plunging in even deeper.
“Ha...! Oh, f... Sylvain! Oh gods...!” You screamed as he pounded, knowing that you were both already nearing your release.
“Y-you ready?”
“Yes! Please, Sylvain!”
As you reached your peak and let out a loud, girlish shriek of bliss, you felt Sylvain empty himself deep inside you, his nails digging into your ass as you accepted every drop of him. He nearly collapsed on top of you, his breathing ragged as he started to recover. Still shivering and softly moaning from the aftershocks, you weakly wrapped your arms around his waist, holding him right where he was.
“B-byleth... I love you...”
“Mm, you finally called me by my name,”
“It would feel wrong not to after I just... you know.”
You giggled, kissing his cheek and holding him tighter, unable to keep the smile from your face.
“Hm? What is it?”
He peered down at you, his eyes with a hint of concern.
“Can we... do this for the rest of our lives?”
His eyes widened, but softened as he gave you the biggest smile he’s ever given in his life, blood once again rushing to both his cheeks and the part of him still buried inside you.
“As long as you’ll have me.”
Your lips met once again in a deep kiss, his hips starting to move in a soft, slow rhythm, your bodies never untangling until the light of morning as you found your happiness in each other over and over and over again.
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fe3h-imagines · 5 years
Serendipity (Dimitri x reader)
Serendipity (n): the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. -Oxford Dictionary
Dimitri wasn't having the best time or luck as of late. The weight of the world felt like it was crushing his shoulders. He felt like he wasn't making any progress with his training, he couldn't seem to focus on work, he was a mess. All of that on top of the pain and sadness he felt with his parents, made him feel trapped. It felt like he couldn't breathe and he couldn't move.
         But then, that one fateful day came along. The day where you joined his house.
         While standing in the courtyard and talking to Dedue, Dimitri was approached by Byleth. A new student was standing a little ways behind them, looking around the area with curiosity in their eyes.
         "Good morning, Professor!" Dimitri greeted while giving a small nod of the head with a smile.
         Byleth motioned you over. You scurried over to their side and smiled, a hint of nervousness trying to spill over. Byleth gave brief details of you being the new student and you would be a member of the Blue Lions.
         A small breath caught in Dimitri's throat when locking eyes with you. He couldn't explain why he felt the way he did, but he felt calmed. The feeling of ease began to wash over him. Something about you made him feel like everything would be alright. Maybe it was your eyes or your curiosity or the excitement on your face.
         "I-It's very nice to have you join us! My name is Dimitri, leader of the Blue Lions," he bowed as he introduced himself.
         "I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you," you spoke as you tried to keep the nervousness at bay. When you looked at him, your chest tightened and your breathing wavered. You did your best to mellow it out and ignore it. He gave a soft reassuring smile, as if telling you it's alright to be nervous.
         His eyes are beautiful. You we're doing fine until your eyes met with his. They are luminous, sharp, and oh so blue. But there was something to them. You could see struggle faintly lacing them. Maybe it was school? You didn't know, but you hoped that he was alright.
         Byleth nodded as you two exchanged greetings then continued their way with you alongside to show you the classroom. Dimitri was to show you the rest of the academy and your living quarters.
         As you walked away, Dimitri's eyes lingered on you before looking back at Dedue. He felt relieved. The weight he felt on his tired shoulders was a bit lighter, energy slowly crawling through his body. The thought that things would be alright and that he would be okay creeped into his mind. Even if the thoughts only were to linger for a few hours, he knew in his heart things would be slightly better with you around.
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xofoldedpages · 5 years
Time { dimitri x byleth }
A sequel to my other title, Save Me Pairing: Byleth x Dimitri Rated: Explicit Genre: Smut w/ some wholesome fluff sprinkled in there Warnings: spoilers (literally the first line so), forced (again, kinda)    Ao3 Post He wasted no time crushing his parted lips on Byleth's own. This kiss was different from the last one the two shared, but that was before everything changed. Dimitri grasped the nape of Byleth's neck in a needy manner, drinking up her taste like he had been starved of water his whole life.
Jeralt was dead, and for the first time, Byleth wept.
And the heavens wept as well, their tears bathing Fodlan in sorrow as Byleth held his lifeless body.
Time had betrayed her.
The day after his burial, Byleth walked a tedious and mournful path to the Captain's Quarters. She stopped short of his door, her hand trembling at the latch. Closing her eyes and breathing in deeply, she opened the door and stepped inside.
A heavy must scent greeted her; evidence of Jeralt's frequent tavern trips. Byleth did not mind, though. She welcomed the smell, memories of a more simple life invaded her mind. With tentative steps, she wandered towards the massive oak desk in the middle of the room. Her fingers grazed the valleys of the wood, and she took a seat in his chair.
She placed her cheek on the cold furniture, closing her eyes.
Her eyes fluttered open, and she regained her posture. The young prince stood before her, a distant sorrow wavering in those beautiful cerulean eyes of his. The air between the two grew quite palpable as thoughts of their night at the Goddess Tower consumed them. For Dimitri, guilt crept up his spine for what he did to his professor. Byleth shared his guilt, knowing a professor and student relationship could never blossom.
Byleth remained silent, but the swelling of her eyelids and the redness that devoured her pale skin around them narrated enough for Dimitri.
"Professor," The blonde prince repeated, straining to find the right words to use. "I-I apologize for my behavior the other night," Dimitri paused. "I know this is not the proper time to apologize, but I wanted to give my condolences."
"Thank you, Dimitri," Byleth's speech was distant as she examined her student. He had always been her favorite, much so that she did not realize just how much of him she wanted. Her fondness had grown into something substantial, and their feelings intertwined.
Every time she spoke his name, Dimitri swore to the Goddess he heard a symphony. This time, however, the cords were distraught, and all evidence of her harmony had vanished. He closed the door to the Captain's Quarters behind him and marched to Byleth. With her penetrating gaze, she watched as he stopped beside her chair and pulled it out and turned it towards him.
"How in the blazes was he so strong," Byleth pondered, eyeing him.
And then, he embraced her; a touch that caused Byleth's breath to hitch in her throat. He was so gentle, a stark contrast to the animal she had seen the other night.
Dimitri wondered how a woman could tame and unhinge him all at the same time.
The two remained like that until Byleth was ready.
The following months, Dimitri consoled his professor the best he could, and their secret relationship began to blossom in the shadows of Garreg Mach. Despite his actions at the Goddess Tower, Dimitri was surprisingly gentle with Byleth and no longer pushed her to lengths she was not ready for after the death of her father.
One evening, Dimitri bolded knocked on Byleth's quarters. She quirked an eyebrow at him.
"Hello, Professor. May I come in?"
Byleth glanced around, but no one was in sight. "You do realize what this might look like if someone catches us, right?"
"You truly think I would not be so cautious?" He feigned disappointment. "There is a feast in the dining hall."
Sighing, Byleth stepped to the side and allowed Dimitri entry.
Under the flicker of candlelight, Byleth nestled into the crook of Dimitri's chest as he read aloud to her. These were the moments Byleth cherished with Dimitri. As he spoke, she glanced up and studied his face. The workings of his jawline, the curves of his lips, and even the darkness that dwelled in his eyes, these were things Byleth wished to engrave in her memory.
He suddenly stopped reading aloud and glanced down at her. "Is there something on my face?"
Byleth shook her head, and suddenly Dimitri's lips ghosted lightly on her own in a kiss. Even within the chaos of the monastery, Dimitri's kisses left Byleth with a strange sense of peace.
They kiss again, and this one steals Byleth's reason and logic, and she nearly forgets to breathe.
The next kiss breathes life back into Byleth, and by the end of the night, she contemplates using her powers to relive the moments they shared.
But time is a fickle bastard.
And five years have passed since Edelgard's march on the monastery. Five years Dimitri survived without Byleth, but time changed him.
When Byleth finally awoke in the riverbank, her clothes were saturated and dirtied. The chilled breeze of the Ethereal Moon painfully nipped at her skin as she marched towards Garreg Mach, but nothing would slow her down. After all, her students needed her.
Footsteps eerily echoed off the abandoned Goddess Tower as Byleth stepped around the bloodied bodies of Imperial soldiers, remnants of water dripping to the ground. When she finally ascended the stairwell, darkness encompassed a lone figure.
Byleth stepped inside as the dawn of a new day approached. As he lifted his head, arrows of sunlight bathed Byleth in warmth, revealing a fluorescent haired vision to Dimitri. She was still the masterpiece Dimitri had painted her as in his youth.
But time was not as kind to Dimitri.
Byleth could see the years of war coated on Dimitri, an awful inky color plaguing the area around his remaining eye. She wondered when the last time he slept was. The sight of her former student twisted her intestines, and she suddenly felt sick to her stomach.
Silently, she walked to his crouching figure and extended her hand to him. Through tattered strands of hair, Dimitri glanced up at her beautiful image, groaning deep in his throat.
He did not take her hand.
"I should've known that one day you would be haunting me as well."
Byleth retracted her hand and shook her head.
"You," He spat. "What must I do to be rid of you?" His words were pleading, and Byleth could only stare as Dimitri stood, his body quivering with deadly revenge.
He continued. "I will kill that woman I swear it. Don't look upon me with scorn in your eyes."
"Dimitri," Byleth finally spoke his name, and Dimitri's eyes widened.
"You're alive," He breathed, a hint of faith laced between his words. That faith soon vanished, however. "If that is the case that can only mean you are another Imperial spy. Did you come here to kill me?"
"Of course not, Dimitri," Byleth answered, and her mind wandered to what the past five years had done to Dimitri. Guilt washed over her, drowning her beneath the surface. She had not been there for him, and she could not stomach the thought. After Jeralt's death, Dimitri had promised to console her, and he did. But when Dimitri needed his professor the most, her body betrayed her, asleep at the bottom of a canyon.
Byleth balled her fist, crescent-shaped indents marking her skin. She could fix this; she had to. Her body pulsated, and a familiar feeling tingled in her nerves. She would turn back time to five years ago, and she would change things.
But, time betrayed her once again. When she turned back the hands of time, she would stop suddenly at the bottom of the canyon, unable to trespass further in the past.
She tried again and again, but could never go further than the canyon.
Frustration built within her as she and Dimitri stood in front of each other, time unchanged. His massive stature loomed over Byleth's, his one eye seeping into her core.
"I'm sorry, Dimitri. I'm sorry I couldn't sa-"
"Silence," he demanded, and in one swift motion, his hand was around her neck. He was acutely aware of how easy it would be to snap it. As dark thoughts mangled his mind, he pressed his thumb and pointer into the crook of her throat, cutting off the supply of oxygen to her head. Just when he was sure she would lose consciousness, he would loosen his grip. Byleth did not react with judgment, but rather with understanding.
Five years ago, Byleth seized most of his thoughts, extinguishing the voices in Dimitri's head. In her absence, those voices grew louder, tormenting him. They chipped slowly at his humanity, and all that was left was a beast.
"Do you remember the last time we were here?" He pondered, his hand still firm against Byleth's throat. She had not made the connection at first, but then realized they were in the Goddess Tower, the place Dimitri first claimed the professor for himself.
"Of course," Byleth replied, and the response satisfied Dimitri. He tilted forward, his target seeming to be her lips before he suddenly flicked his tongue at her ear, ravaging the sensitive body part. "Good," he breathed against her ear, the warmth a stark contrast to her chilled lobe. "Because what I am about to do to you is much worse, Professor."
How could she disappear for five years, and not expect to be punished upon her return? He wasted no time crushing his parted lips on Byleth's own. This kiss was different from the last one the two shared, but that was before everything changed. Dimitri grasped the nape of Byleth's neck in a needing manner, drinking up her taste like he had been starved of water his whole life. He was not gentle in any sense of the word, but Byleth did not mind. She returned his feverish kiss, parting her lips so their tongues could intermingle as she gripped his shoulders through his long cloak.
Maybe this is what Dimitri needed? A distraction and a way to quell his rising corruption. If it were the only way to subdue the darkness that lurked behind his eyes, Byleth would oblige. As they exchanged saliva, their tongues flickering along with each other, Dimitri's throat produced a low grunt.
Byleth felt weak in the knees again, gripping harder at Dimitri's shoulders. It was the only leverage keeping her upright in this dizzying tower. When they finally parted, their chests were heaving laboriously. Byleth surveyed Dimitri's face for assurance, but his face was void of any real emotion. "On your knees," he demanded.
She nodded and floated effortlessly onto the ground. Dimitri wasted no time, unfastening his buckle and his midnight colored armor. The pieces of clothing fell to the floor with a clash that shattered through the entire room. Dimitri's lower half was left in nothing but his undergarments, a noticeable bulge between his legs.
Byleth swallows thickly as Dimitri reaches for his erection and presents it to his old Professor. He was much larger than Byleth remembered. Time was cruel, but it had endowed Dimitri well. He held his swollen member in one hand and with the other, caressed at Byleth's lips. Taking the hint, she parted her mouth, taking in his fingers. Her tongue swirled around the digits, as she sucked at them. When Dimitri felt them wet enough, he removed them from her mouth and used her saliva to slicken his cock. Then, at the same time, he gripped her hair and his cock. His hand moved masterfully down his member, and Byleth watched helplessly as he touched himself. Something hot was building in her stomach, and she wanted him.
"Open your mouth."
Another demand, but Byleth listened. Dimitri rested his cock on her lips, and Byleth could taste the sweet-and-salty mixture of pre-cum seeping from his tip. Without any prompting, Byleth wrapped her lips around him, and Dimitri's cock twitched in response. Straining against his size, she settled on swirling her tongue around his swelled gland, her hand instinctively reaching up to grasp his length. Her cheeks burrowed inward as she began to work her mouth at his tip, her hands moving in a circular motion along his length.
Dimitri let a rumbling groan escape his throat as he watched his Professor's mouth work his cock. Of course, he only wanted her to feel like she was in control. In reality, he was. The hand with a fistful of hair gripped tighter, yanking her back to his tip. His other gripped at the other side of her hair, holding her head firmly in place. Then, he began to fuck Byleth's face with unrelenting compulsion.
Byleth could feel Dimitri's tip at the back of her throat, his pre-cum dripping down her pipe. Her mouth was beginning to fill with saliva, causing the Goddess Tower to be filled with hollow bubbling sounds. Dimitri continued to pump in and out of her mouth, and Byleth clasped her eyes shut. Her hands clutched the side of his thighs, a sign she was beginning to lose too much air.
Dimitri did not stop. In fact, he began to fuck her face harder. Suddenly, the tip of her nose tickling his flaxen pubic hair as he held her head in place, his grip tightening on her sensitive scalp. She felt his cock twitch in her mouth, and Dimitri's body fell limp. A warm liquid trickled down Byleth's throat and Dimtri was sure to let every last drop reach her mouth before he finally pulled away.
Byleth gasped, planting her hands on the ground to steady herself. Dimitri took a calculated step back, examining Byleth. Her lips were puffy, and her cheeks flushed. To him, it was a beautiful sight.
"Stand up."
Byleth, still attempting to catch her breath, glanced up at Dimitri. To her surprise, his cock was still firm. She nodded and weakly obeyed.
"Dimitri, I-"
"Silence. I have no use for words right now."
Dimitri pressed his body to Byleth's and began to guide her body backward until it was flush with a familiar pillar. Byleth wanted to speak up, to talk to him, but she knew it would be useless. Capturing her chin in his fingers, Dimitri turned Byleth's head to one side and pressed his pelvis into her lower half. She gasped, his cock working against the fabric of her shorts as he planted his lips firmly on her neck. He was anything but gentle, sucking hard at the tender spot. He paused only to nibble at the same place. The animal in him was marking his territory.
He continued this from all angles of her neck, ensuring that no one could mistake she was his from wherever they stood.
His hands began to roam over her damped clothing, snaking underneath her cloak to unfasten her armor. He quickly discarded her top garments, exposing her ample breasts and abdomen. Stepping back, Dimitri admired the work of art his professor was. Even after all these years, his fantasies paled in comparison.
He nuzzled his nose against her collarbone, nipping at the surface. "Goddess, you're perfect," he muttered against her skin, but Byleth did not hear his stifled words. Though more patient, his touch was anything but tender. There was an underlying possession as his lips fluttered against Byleth's skin. He moved from her collarbone to the top of her breasts, expertly massaging one while his lips ravished the other. Dimitri took the hardened nipple between his teeth, his tongue licking at the summit. With his other hand, he twisted her other nipple with gentle force and Byleth whimpered against his touch.
Something in her whimper pushed Dimitri over the edge. He broke away from Byleth's skin to liberate her from her shorts, tossing them aside in a hasty manner.
Hooking his arms behind her thighs, Dimitri hoisted Byleth up with ease. The chilled pillar connected with her back and projected shivers across her entire body. The only thing between Dimitri's cock and her entrance was Byleth's stockings. Instead of removing them, Dimitri hooked a finger in one of the openings. He could not help but smirk, feeling just how drenched the garment was.
His touch was teasing, and Byleth moaned as his finger brushed against her sensitive cunt. Byleth half-expected him to enter her with his finger, but instead, he ripped a hole in her stockings.
"I'll have you know those are my favorite pair," Byleth protested. Dimitri huffed. After all this, that was what she said to him? Before she could speak anymore, Dimitri silenced her with his cock. He used his hips to run the length along her slit. Her head tilted back in response, and Dimitri continued his slow and calculated thrusts. He could feel her become more and more wet from his touch.
"Please," She begged.
"Please, what?" Dimitri coaxed, his eye fixated on where his cock and his professor connected.
"Please fuck me," She whispered against his neck and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
"Say please fuck me, Dimitri." His pace picked up slightly, the base of his cock hitting her clit with each pump.
"Please fuck me, Dimitri."
With a cocky simper, Dimitri did as he was told. He lifted her up higher, his tip at Byleth's entrance.
"I haven't done this-"
But before she could continue, Dimitri plunged his cock deep inside her cunt. What came out of her mouth next was a blend of a scream and moan. And, to Dimitri's bewilderment, the voices inside his subconscious silenced and he found himself once more, if only for a moment. He faltered, his cock deep inside Byleth and guilt began to wash over him. What was he doing?
But, just as soon as they disappeared, the voices returned, and Dimitri's face contorted in agony.
"Dimitri? Are you alright?" Byleth breathed, her walls beginning to adjust to his size.
Any guilt he felt disintegrated, and his jaw tightened.
Dimitri drew his cock back to Byleth's entrance and plunged himself back in.
He continued to nearly draw himself out of Byleth before ramming his cock inside once more.
"They leave me alone," He hissed through clenched teeth, his forehead resting on the nook of Byleth's shoulder. She smoothed her hands through his unkempt hair in an attempt to embrace him, but overwhelming desire consumed her. She hastily began to untie his cloak, letting it pool around Dimitri's feet. Understanding what she wanted, he paused his movements to help shed the armor he was wearing.
When he was finally bared in front of her, Byleth's smooth hands caressed his chest.
Her hands, so soft and fragile. Dimitri knew he did not deserve her touch. Her eyes roamed over his body. Scars new and old littered his skin. She pressed a gentle kiss to each one her mouth could reach, and Dimitri began to fuck her again. This time was more urgent, and the force of his trusts caused Byleth to tear at his back.
"Who do you belong to?" Dimitri muttered, his breath jagged.
"You," Byleth responded.
"Say my name, Professor."
He had a fixation on the way his name rolled off of Byleth's tongue. He would never tire of hearing it.
"You, Dimitri."
"That's right," He murmured between grunts. "Now, open your mouth."
Confused at his request, Byleth's brows furrowed, but she did as she was told. He gripped her chin and hovered his mouth just above hers, spitting in it. Before she could close her lips, Dimitri's interlocked with them. His tongue forced her mouth to stay parted, and the two exchanged a wet kiss. Byleth moaned desperately against his lips, and Dimitri quickened his pace.
Byleth bounced on his cock with each thrust, her breasts bobbing with the movement. A warmth swelled in her stomach, and she urgently gripped Dimitri's hair. He responded by claiming her throat with his hand, severing her oxygen supply again.
His lips found their way to her collarbone again, and her briny skin reminded Dimitri of the seaside. Her breathing became more erratic, and her wails grew louder.
"Come for me, Professor." He urged, and his cock continued claimed every inch of her wet cunt in eager thrusts. His coaxing sent Byleth titering over the edge, her walls convulsing against his cock as her cum filled around him. Knowing he was the first to bless Byleth with an orgasm was enough for Dimitri to reach his own climax. With one last thrust, he steadied himself inside her, releasing his seed. Dimitri's body reacted with shivers running the length of his nerves, his body tremoring slightly.
As he came, he called out her name; her real name for the first time and the sound stole Byleth's breath from her. It took a while for their bodies to calm, and their breathing to return to a steady pace. All the while, Dimitri refused to withdraw his cock from Byleth.
As they settled, Byleth scanned Dimitri's face for something - anything - but fell short. For a fleeting moment, she could have sworn his face flickered with regret, but the expression was gone too soon. Finally, he slowly pulled his cock from her cunt, and Byleth could not help but whimper one last moan.
Dimitri began to dress, tossing her shorts to Byleth.
"Get dressed. There is much we have to do." ---
As always, I am taking requests! Just click on the request / comment / love link in the right-hand corner of my page! All Dimitri x Byleth fanfiction can be found searching just that; Dimitri x Byleth
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kyarymell · 4 years
[Fic] Ghost Touch
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Pairing: fem!Byleth x Felix Fraldarius Rating: Explicit towards the end (lol) Summary: Felix finally gets a clue and proposes. Note: I don’t have an explanation for this other than I wanted some angsty pining. Post GD route, where (almost) everyone lives.
The war is over, hidden enemies defeated and yet the festivities continue for a whole week. Felix is lost, knowing that the following peace would dull his blade. It’s foolish thinking this way, with unnecessary sacrifice finally coming to an end.
As part of the ‘band of heroes’ that saved Fódlan, the swordsman was obligated to go on a peace tour of sorts. He’s still a young man, revelling in drink and celebration at the war’s end. The constant socialising eventually loses its appeal, even if Sylvain tries to convince him otherwise.
Finding himself by the edge of a stream, Felix brings himself into familiar motions. Lifting his arms, he brought his sword down as he stepped forward. It seemed like forever ago he had first trained as a Mortal Savant, his professor finding out that he had a knack for magic.
It’s too easy to fall into familiar titles. They were equals now, having fought side by side for a year and a half in the war. Byleth was an enigma, deadly in battle. Only once has Felix gained the upper hand in a spar, but not before earning a few bruises to the face.
(Mercedes brought it upon herself to heal him that day, a hint of laughter in her eyes.)
Since then, Felix has been unable to best the mercenary in combat. He doesn’t know why, but the very thought of her twists his stomach into knots. It’s maddening and he has to fight the urge to seek her out at every convenience.
The want for her to be by his side... it causes the silver loop in his pocket to burn. There’s been many suitors after the new Ruler of Dawn and so Felix deemed asking for her hand more trouble than it was worth.
However, that sort of thinking could not be further from the truth. The swordsman should have asked as soon as the sun rose over the peaceful new era. It seemed at the time, he was not the only one who spotted Byleth retreating to the Goddess Tower that morning.
Uncharacteristically, he hesitated. There was a huge possibility that his former classmate had the same intentions as he did, essentially beating him to the punch.
Despite all that, Felix couldn’t bring himself to throw the ring away.
Sparks of lightning crackle between the swordsman’s fingertips in response to his clouded thoughts. Shaking his head, Felix continued to go through the motions of training. It was he who told Dimitri that he’d never let his emotions get in the way and here he is, lamenting over a lost opportunity.
He had changed in more ways than one and it was all her fault.
...Speak of the devil.
When Byleth first came to the academy, she rarely articulated her thoughts outside of teaching. Stony-faced and unrelenting in a fight, Felix was disturbed by the concept of the mercenary lacking emotions. An ironic notion, considering he kept his feelings to himself most of the time.
Now, she made an effort to talk to everyone... even a bitter soul like himself.
It’s still strange calling her name, even if she insisted on it in the first place.
“Dedicated to training as always.”
“Haven’t people had enough celebration? My sword arm itches.”
The woman shrugged.
“It’s important that we build morale and help with the post-war effort. Even if that means... people feel the need to celebrate in my presence.”
Byleth leaned against a tree, pensive.
“I understand what you mean, though. The... socialising. It’s difficult. Just wanted to get away for a while.”
Felix nodded in response. The very last war council meeting was about fostering good relations with everyone. Claude and Dimitri insisted that their former classmates accompanied Fódlan’s new ruler for a little longer. If the people saw the diverse comrades she had, perceptions would change.
Nobles, commoners, the next queen of Brigid, the man next in line to Almyra’s throne, the former king of Faerghus and a man of Duscur... they were a lively bunch, brought together by their professor. No one was pressured to stay of course, but many did of their own accord.
“Do you ever wish to go back to your life as a mercenary?”
If this was five years ago, he’d have no interest in small talk. The world was on the verge of change and so he made a little effort himself. That, and the fact that Annette made him swear to stop being so anti-social.
“No. While there were times of suffering, I wouldn’t have met all of you if I were still a mercenary.”
A smile graced her lips, instantly seizing Felix by the heart. He tries to rationalise the feeling as surprise, seeing as Byleth seldom smiled. Twirling sword in hand, he feels put on the spot.
“Let’s spar. If you have the time to be sentimental, then clearly your presence isn’t needed at the festivities. I need to brush up on my brawling anyway.”
The soft expression was replaced by confusion, followed by acknowledgement. Biting the inside of his mouth, Felix realised how harsh he sounded. Again.
‘There’s no point thinking about it.’
He placed his sword against a tree, shedding his coat, gloves and boots. Byleth did the same and it’s with a tinge of nostalgia that Felix realised: no matter what finery she was made to wear as the new Ruler of Dawn, she always kept her tattered mercenary coat.
It almost felt like old times at the monastery training grounds, trading blows like this. He was young and arrogant back then, convinced that he would win and was promptly made to eat the dirt. Felix remembers being angry that day, but his motivation to learn other fighting styles grew.
It seemed like some things never changed, as he ducked under a punch to his right. Byleth is still unpredictable as ever and he holds his arms up in defence as she comes at him with a flurry of strikes. The swordsman manages to catch one of her fists in his hand, about to throw her to the ground when she twists easily out of his grasp.
Thrown off-balance momentarily, Byleth goes in for the kill. She rushes at Felix before he’s able to react, stumbling backwards and hitting the ground hard. Grunting, he tries to lift a hand to touch the back of his head but he realises his arms are pinned.
Her breath comes out in soft pants from the slight exertion. Meeting with stuffy people and holding peace talks didn’t help her stamina.
It takes a moment for Felix to realise what position he’s in. Byleth’s strong thighs hold his shoulders in place and he’s distracted by the fact that her ornate stockings are absent. Before the war, he always believed her outfit impractical. Now, he’s entertaining treacherous thoughts.
Remembering that he was still in a fight, he shifted his weight, successfully flipping their positions. Straddling her waist, the swordsman sighed. It was all too easy.
Felix is devoid of smugness, knowing that something was distracting his sparring partner tonight. He’s slightly disappointed that she didn’t put up more of a fight but he would take what he could get.
“I yield...”
She closes her eyes, as if she let him win. As if a man possessed, he stared at her soft lips. He was so close-
“How long are you going to make me wait?”
She reached up and pulled him by the collar, bringing their lips together in a kiss. Felix melted instantly, the one thing he’s wanted for so long, finally in his grasp.
Unable to help himself, he catches her lower lip between his teeth, biting on it gently. Byleth shivers from the attention and it emboldens the swordsman to continue. Swiping his tongue against hers, he tastes wine but nothing could compare to how intoxicating her vulnerability is.
Felix takes control, tugging down her robes. Their hips grind together unintentionally and he hisses. He won’t take her in a clearing next to a lake-no, she’s precious to him and there’s an order to everything.
For now, however, all he wants to do is touchtouchtouch.
Skin is revealed little by little and she allows him to drink in the sight of her. For every inch of smooth, unmarred skin, there are also scars from times of sorrow and bloodshed. Light ones from skirmishes and deep ones from hard-won battles, Felix can’t help but trace them with his fingers.
His breath catches in his throat upon seeing a jagged scar under her breast.
The memory is still fresh, gnawing roots of guilt taking hold. If only he had been more attentive that day out in Gronder Field, if only he had been quicker, Byleth wouldn’t have had to take a hit for him.
He was blinded by anger back then, saying words that were unkind, unimportant. Why did he do that? He regrets it now- yelling at someone gravely injured instead of calling for help.
When Mercedes finally arrived by horseback (assisted by Sylvain) and Byleth was safely back at camp, it was the Bishop who reprimanded him.
“Felix, instead of suffocating us with your attitude, leave and let me do my work!”
Taken aback by her uncharacteristic outburst, he left without a word. Days after that, cowardice consumed him and he avoided both women outright.
 There must’ve been a strange look on his face, for Byleth’s voice brought him back to the present.
“Felix? Is my appearance... not to your liking?”
She moved to cover herself and Felix shook his head furiously.
“That’s not it! I-I...”
“Are you still feeling guilt about that day?”
His bad habit of deflecting comes up again, following his sudden anxiety. Eyes roaming everywhere but her own, they land on the ornate ring upon her middle finger.
A convenient excuse.
“That ring... why did you kiss me if you’re already betrothed?”
Byleth takes the bait, sitting up and smiling.
“It’s a memento from my father. He said someday, I’ll find someone special to give it to.”
“So you’re not involved with anyone, is what you’re saying.”
“A small comfort.”
Felix looks comically relieved and Byleth has to push for an explanation.
“This is not the right time, perhaps.”
“Will it ever be the right time? You’ve been avoiding me on and off, but you returned my touch.”
The swordmaster stares, hands suddenly trembling. There was no way to get out of this one. Standing up, he goes over to where his coat is.
“Shut up.”
He almost wants to slap himself.
‘Good going, Felix. Insult the woman you want to propose to.’
Drawing a nervous breath, he rummages through his coat pocket, finding that damned silver loop. Felix almost drops it, annoyed at his sudden lack of co-ordination.
“The truth is, I’ve always wanted you by my side. As a worthy opponent... no. I...”
Suddenly choked for words, he thrusts his hand forward, almost hitting Byleth in the nose with the ring.
She blinks, dumbfounded. Felix sighs, eyes darting back and forth.
“Don’t you know what this ring means?”
Byleth pulls Jeralt’s ring off her finger. Not very subtle. Felix hates the way his heart races- it’s almost an affirmation of her decision.
“I want to hear it from you.”
“Stop messing around! I... I thought all this time you had someone.”
He’s clutching her hands, the coolness of the rings a contrast to his clammy palms.
“Fine! Listen carefully, I’m not going to say this more than once. I want you to be my wife. Please say yes. Let’s get married and stay together until we die. I love you.”
An awkward pause follows and Felix, having lost his nerve, turns on his heel. He leaves the ring in her hands.
“That’s all.”
Byleth shoots forward, grabbing the back of his tunic. Felix almost topples over from the force, and he whips around to steady her. Incredulous, he bites his lip.
“What? You have something to complain about?”
She hands him her ring with as much grace as someone half-naked can muster. It’s Felix’s turn to be dumbfounded and he almost misses the offering due to having her bare breasts so close to his face.
“I love you too and I accept.”
“Oh... okay then. In that case, I’d better start planning for the future. My future... with you.”
She laughs at his typical ‘okay’ and they embrace, falling onto the soft grass once more. She leaves bruises on his skin and he responds in kind, whispers of adoration on his lips. They were for her and only her alone.
Even if he said he wouldn’t take her out in the open, the new ruler of Fódlan is good at convincing him otherwise. She’s wild and insatiable- riding high above him while he’s catching his breath and leaving scratches all down his back when he has her against the edge of the stream.
They laid side-by-side and clothed once more, fingers intertwined as the stars disappear to welcome the break of dawn. Felix admits his guilt into the cold air, feeling inadequate as he failed to protect her all that time ago.
“It’s going to be okay, I don’t blame you,” she says as she leans into his touch, “we’ll always be together from now on.”
“I will be your sword and shield victorious.”
“I know you will.”
Despite his shortcomings and prickly exterior, he wants to believe her words.
“Your highness? I’ve been looking for you everywhere and- oh. Apologies! I did not know you had company.”
The moment is dashed by Ferdinand’s concerned voice. Felix sighed, knowing that Byleth gave him a position on the new government, meaning that he was here to talk business.
“I told you not to call me that... what is it?”
“You disappeared last night after mentioning you wanted to hear the agenda at dawn and... should I come back later?”
Byleth stretched, standing up and adjusting her robes.
“No, no. Now is a good time. Thank you.”
She turned back to Felix.
“Let’s go together.”
The swordsman’s eye caught a glint in the low light and lifted his hand to inspect it. Byleth’s ring. Since when did she...?
Felix smiled.
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