#hey human studyblr
snails-in-school · 6 months
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It's ...neat.. seeing these two books next to each other
Need em both for the first of many very important papers I'm gonna write. This one is a comparative report on psychedelic Medicine and typical psychotropics. I've got... a lot more experience in the latter, but I'm super passionate about this
Just. Need to stop procrastinating.
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School has been kicking my butt
I'm keeping grades up tho so that's a nice surprise
My first semester of college as a 26 year old is almost over. I have classes picked for next semester. This is so wild to me. Exams are so far off yet but right around the corner still...
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tolerateit · 11 months
Hello there! Fun round, feel free to tag as many people as you want! Please tag:
Your A Team (technically 3 other people but I'll let more than that slide because I love you)
Someone you want to see your favorite film in the theaters with
Someone who reminds you of a favorite song - share which song!
An angel disguised as a human being
Someone who you remember knowing from your first days on tumblr
Someone who you would dance all night with to any music you want
Someone that reminds you of the color yellow! What about purple? Blue?
Oh hey bestie it's been a while!!
Your A Team - more like the bedtime/timezone besties but @singlethread @thenighttrain @youweremycrown @iftye @daenerys-targaryen <3
Someone you want to see your favorite film in the theaters with - @aslowmotionlovepotion Bee would most probably share my preferences hehe
Someone who reminds you of a favorite song - @littleoblivions guess what song am i thinking of
An angel disguised as a human being - @iamnotawomanimagod!! A wonderful mutual <3
Someone who you remember knowing from your first days on tumblr - I've lost touch with most of my old mutuals but @singinginthecar and @sheslostupstate know me from my studyblr days!!
Someone who you would dance all night with to any music you want - skkdsje idkidkidk most of the besties who are up for it!
Someone that reminds you of the color yellow! What about purple? Blue?- @darcyolsson yellow!! @yourheartbeatonthehighline purple!! @evrythingsblue blue because of course
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waltzstudies · 1 year
hey… so im not exactly new to studyblr but i have made so many studyblr sideblogs and ignored all of them. got low marks this semester and im disappointed in myself so maybe studyblr will help with motivation for next semester… with that being said here’s a bit about me:
- im 18 and starting my second semester of my first year of university soon (uoft pride!!)
- they/them or he/him idk i like both!
- u can call me eddie !
- intending to major in history and another humanities subject
- i love film!! i couldn’t major in it though but its my favourite thing ever.
- i also love cats and tigers and old things
so uh.. yeah not anticipating to make like tons of original content but i seriously need to get my academics together.
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Cultural Anthropology: Course Overview
Hey studyblr! I figured with each final and class results, I’d post about how I studied for finals and a course overview! This won’t apply to every Cultural Anthropology class, but I wanted to share my experience, what I learned, and the outcomes!
CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY: I took ANT-102 (Cultural Anthropology) at my university as a requirement for my International Relations degree and as a supplement for my Women and Gender Studies minor. It is one of the sub-fields of anthropology and we focused on human subjects (gender, sexuality, religion, etc.)
CURRICULUM: The course I took was structured like so: lectures Monday and Wednesday, with videos and review quizzes due on Fridays. Our graded assignments (2 exams, the final, 5 written reflections, and participation) were due periodically throughout the semester. We reviewed 17 chapters and I learned a lot. This was a really valuable class for my major. I learned a lot about different cultures and the ways in which they are studied. I really loved the class!
FINAL OUTCOME: I successfully completed this course and all the assignments this past Monday, May 2nd. I ended up with a 90.12% in the course, meaning I earned a 4.0! This was one of the courses I was very worried about. I really thought I’d end up with a 3.5, but I’m absolutely ecstatic about the turnout!
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e-550 · 4 months
2024 goals/2023 review
So, the end of this year's coming up. My semester ended a couple weeks ago. I can't really believe it's almost over, but it is.
I think I meant to actually use this blog as a studyblr, but every time, I just didn't. Kind of disappointed in my grades, too; they're not bad, but I know I could've done much better-- towards the end, I put in significantly more effort in some classes and saw better results, which was a bit disheartening because I could've just done that from the beginning. But hey, I survived, and the best I can do is keep moving forward.
With that in mind, for 2024:
I want to actively try. This might sound dumb, but when I actively engaged in classes, took notes, studied, asked questions, didn't half-ass the homework, I did quite well.
I want to love what I'm doing. I miss being passionate about things, instead of dreading them or seeing them as never-ending to-do lists or things to procrastinate.
I'd like to be somewhat more social? At least a bit. I'm not very good at making the jump from acquaintances to friends and also have a nasty habit of turning into a hermit sometimes. Something I'd like to fix.
I want to go on some fun adventures :]. I'm terrified that I'll spend my college years frantically cramming, procrastinating, or wasting time online, and miss out on trips, memories, all of it.
Also I generally want to simply learn more stuff. I've forgotten loads of things I've learned before, (like some details about Federalism/Anti-Federalism and various historical wars and graph theory and some chemistry tbh) and there's so much I don't know (coding, basically all the humanities and sciences, pretty much all of philosophy and politics).
I'm working on a list of concrete goals, but for now this is what I have.
2024 is gonna be awesome.
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otterlylovedbyeli · 1 year
omg this is my first post here! hey im ellie, im not really new to the tumblr/studyblr community. in fact, just 5 mins ago i deleted my old studyblr that i made when i was in 7th grade (more than 5 years ago).
im a computer science student (wish i was a film student tbh) and im in my second semester of uni. its not going well and i hope that with this blog i can be inspired and inspire myself to study and just be a better human in general. <3 
i have adhd and its hard for me to focus so ill be using this blog to hold myself accountable and rant about my problems haha
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slowlivingsarah · 7 years
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October 14, 2017 So, I know I started the 100 days of productivity but then I never posted again. I was trying to adjust to college life and Tumblr kinda fell to the wayside. Here are some random photos I’ve taken throughout the past few weeks. Now that I’m adjusted to life better, I will try and post more frequently.
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sennettyoung · 3 years
What university should be: learning useful new stuff
What university is: decoding the cyllabus, writing emails, reading the same shit over and over again because it is in the ✨exam✨, being told one of the readings you did was just a "fun introduction to the topic" (it was Tolstoy), writing the same email but differently phrased because it was misinterpreted, panic, coaching friends through the panic, slashing the tires of your group project partners, getting As in courses you know will never matter, failing the courses in your prefered field, psychoanalyzing professors to know what they mean, imposter syndrome, wondering whether you should email again or just call, putting footnotes in your papers for three days straight, crying, summarizing a two-hour lecture into a single page "point", agonizing over future employment and yes indeed, learning new stuff
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tryingtoexcel · 3 years
hey! returning tumblr user here, it’s been a long time since i used actively. i’m 24 yrs old and returning to education to do a law degree. v anxious, feel quite alone in it atm!
please like/rb if you see this and you are:
- a studyblr (law/humanities/social sciences preferably!)
- focusing on mental wellness/healing from trauma/recovery
- adhd or otherwise neurodivergent
- post about organisational skills/home stuff/etc
i would love to follow some people!
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obliviatestudies · 3 years
3rd YEAR of UNI
hey everyone! if you’re just stumbling upon this post and are new here, i’m going into my 3rd year of undergrad in bio for health sci a.k.a pre-med sorta deal! i did this post last year and u guys loved it, i also think its a great ways for us #studyblrs to share more . this is just an update into what courses i’ll be taking this year, life updates, tips i learnt from last year + more!
my courses:
I'm a health sci bio major with a double minor in chem + business! so here is what my full-time year of studies looks like (5 courses per semester)
physiology of neurons & muscles
human development
structural biochem
metabolism & bioenergetics
lab in cell & molecular bio
molecular bio
fundamentals of marketing
managing projects & business plans
for freshman, your courses are pretty set and you likely won't have much choice around what you actually want to take, so unless you're an upper-year, you likely won't see more interesting course titles like what i have above. not much for an update in this section, i planned most of my courses last year, but the most frustrating thing that happened was 9/10 courses i wanted to take were in my fall semester originally, so i have to do A LOT of rearranging, anywho.....
i'll link last years post here as i went into pretty deep detail of how i schedule my courses and how you can too!
other tips + updates:
it’s always okay to change your programs!! (ie. major, minor, specialist) don’t let the standard of “a 4-year degree” fool you into thinking you can’t take longer. its always a good idea to look ahead and try to plan, but this age of our lives is when we're changing the most and really finding who we are and what we want to do with the rest of our lives. it's definitely not something to rush.
if you have to do summer courses, or retake courses, or take an extra semester, don't beat yourself up. it happens to 99% of people!
take me for example!! i went into school thinking 100% i wanted to go down the med path, now here i am starting my 3rd year and I'm not so sure. I'm more so looking at doing my masters in physical therapy. you change, life changes, and you find what works BEST for you and the path you want for your life.
ALSO your path doesn't have to be linear, or the typical; if you want to go to med/law/other post grad school, but your grades or extra curricular didn't necessarily cut it, that's okay! maybe you'll work somewhere for a year or two and go back to school and get in. basically what I'm trying to say is if there is a career path that you love, don't give up, and don't think you have to get there the same way as someone else did.
currently, my fall courses are all completely online (minus 1 in-person tutorial) i hope most of you will be in-person, unlike me. but i'll continue to post both online and in-person study tips as the year progresses.!
this summer i was lucky enough to work as an online PT, and this will probably continue part time into the school year. besides my other social accounts kinda blowing up, working on Syrse Dawn, I've been crazy busy with everything. I'm a little worried about balancing everything come the school szn, but as usual, i always prioritize my school work
we love academic validation haha....no but seriously, i love learning and school, and doing well has always been important to me, so while my work is important, mental health and school come first.
right now some passion projects and summer bucket list things I've been working on are finishing a current novel I'm writing (haven't finished writing one since 2015), reading 1 more book, filling a sketchbook, going for a sunrise swim and honestly just spending as much time with my friends as fam as possible!
• • • • • •
like last year, i’d love to create a chain of studyblrs doing an update like this, sharing their courses for the year, how they organize them, updates + more! so if you get tagged, add to this chain + tag 5 more studyblr accounts!!
i’m tagging: @studyblr @felix-studies @studyingatsunrise @luminous-studiess @starrystvdy @studylustre
if you have any questions for me, my ask box is always open! i answer all the questions in my ask, so don’t be afraid to hit me up there
hope this helps you a little bit and you get to learn a bit about me xx
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hey! it's @/enchqnting. i updated my acc, guess who re-made her account into a studyblr ... me!!!
yayyy hallie :)))
peoples, follow her if you enjoy studyblr content, and she’s also a lovely human bean 💕
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I have accepted UCL’s offer, and will be starting a Master’s degree at the UCL Bartlett School of Planning this September! I am beyond excited about this, it really feels like my education has come round full circle by accepted this course. 
I have had a passion for the built environment for a long while, and my goals and ideas around entering this field of work has gone through many phases. Honestly, I would never put this on a personal statement or CV, but it began with being obsessed with making houses on the Sims 2. My mum really encouraged it and thought I was going to become an architect when I grew up. 
This encouragement nearly steered me that way, but I really hated maths and physics and in the UK they really are essential to studying architecture. Despite this I signed up for Maths and Physics, as two of my A Levels. After a summer of sleepless nights and dread about maths A level, I asked the school to change me to Geography, Design and Technology, English Literature and History. I’m much more confident in essays, but I thought this had destroyed my chances of entering a built environment career. 
I applied to art schools and universities at the same time during my A Levels, despite having never done Fine Art GCSE or A Level. I was rejected from Kingston and Central Saint Martins during a lecture on the Wyfe of Bath with my friend Frances. I cried and she took me to Selfridges after for some retail therapy. Still one of my fondest memories. I hope she reads that. I was accepted though, to Ravensbourne University. I was also accepted to the University of Bristol to study BSc Geography, I asked to defer in order to do the Art Foundation.
It was during my art foundation I started this studyblr, inspired by my friend Sadika, who no longer posts to her blog. Sadika is super smart, and went on to study architecture at UCL (a school I thought I couldn’t ever get into). I took the 3D design pathway and did some atrocious designs, but I was awarded a Distinction, and my sketchbooks were kept as exemplary material.
The next year I began at the University of Bristol, where I had the time of my life. I swear, i met the best people, went to amazing parties, read some very difficult books and drank a lot of coffee. Those years are the majority of this blog’s content. But geography (I took the ‘human’ route) taught me invaluable reasoning skills and nuances that I think many people who go into built environment sectors don’t get. You need to reconsider your world view every day. With every lecture, what I thought I knew was challenged. It has its issues (most lecturers at Bristol were white older men, some women, still white) and these need seriously to be addressed. But I think geography is more valuable and meaningful to our world than the ‘doss’ subject its cracked up to be. While studying I kept thinking about urban design, and planning, and started to apply to a masters but couldn’t do it on top of everything else.
When I graduated, I didn’t enjoy the day. I think something about having an eating disorder is hard to explain. Its not about the food. It’s about living up to your own expectations. A 2:1 wasn’t good enough for me. It ruined it and I hate that I couldn’t be proud of myself. But I did everything you’ve just read, if you’ve got this far, while actively trying to starve myself every day, with a short stint of therapy in uni. 
Sat about the house for a few months, chanced upon an ad for a temp job in property marketing, got made permanent, that’s all okay. But while doing that I found a couple of jobs in urban planning and sort of found... hey... I like this plan. And applied. And got rejected. I found out that if I didn’t have an RTPI accredited degree I couldn’t do it, so started researching and applied to UCL, Westminster and London South Bank, and got into all three. Which is pretty wild! 
So yeah, that’s me. I’m really open to answering any questions people might have about my education and personal background, mental health and anything really. I’ve also made an instagram titled @planned.by.emily and there’s nothing there yet but if you’ve got to the end of this long post maybe you’ll like what I’m posting there! Thanks for reading xxxxx Emily
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cs-blr · 4 years
Reflections on my first internship
Hey friends. I feel like I’ve been gone from this blog for ages, and it made me forget why I liked to share my thoughts in the first place. I love the community that this studyblr brings, and the aura of inspiration and support. I don’t want to lose that. 
The last time I really posted was almost two months ago now, where I was approaching the end of my summer internship (and first ever job) and I promised I would share how it went. 
For context, I was a software engineering intern as an API platform developer for a healthcare distribution company. Essentially, I worked in the IT department as tech support, but we also made productized software. The internship was virtual, but the team still had daily stand-ups and weekly socials so that we could connect. And lastly, not that it should matter, but I was the only female on a team of 9, and sometimes that made me feel both oddly powerful, yet vastly overlooked. 
So now that it’s over, and I’ve had a month to reflect, how do I feel? The truth is, I feel extremely conflicted. Maybe it was the virtual format of the internship, maybe it was the team I was on, or maybe it was the type of work I was doing - but I feel like even though I worked really hard and tried to do as many tasks as I could achieve, I did not really enjoy it. When I try to pinpoint my source of unhappiness, I can’t really put a finger on it. Holistically, there wasn’t really anything wrong. My team was supportive, I gained a lot of technical skill really quickly, I networked with incredible and accomplished humans and I built close relationships with my team and friends. And yet, when I think about working that IT job again in the future, and even for the rest of my life, all I feel is this vast abyss of dread. 
I come from an Indian family, where there isn’t really an expectation to achieve fulfilment from the work that you do. Putting your head down and doing the job, getting that paycheck, and then providing for your loved ones is the norm and the expectation. And so every time I think about my future job prospects, and I feel that dread of unfulfillment, I feel so selfish. I worked hard in all of high-school, and all of college thus far to get a competitive, challenging, and well-paying role as a software engineer, and it wasn’t enough. And it makes me wonder, what will be enough? Will I ever be satisfied with what I am doing, or am I fated to constantly be searching for that inner joy, for that personal fulfilment? Not to go on a complete rant, but yeah, that’s how I’ve been feeling.
And so, I suppose my conclusion is this. Although my platform is called cs-blr, and is supposed to be focused on my journey within computer science, I don’t know if I want to be doing this long term. I don’t know if I will graduate college and go into a software engineering or IT role, and that makes my degree feel like a waste, and this blog feel fraudulent. I don’t know what I enjoy, or where I am going. They say that internships are supposed to teach you want you enjoy in the professional world, but no one ever told me what the next steps were if you didn’t like it. I am way more technically proficient that I was a month ago, but all I feel in my heart is a growing sense of dread. Perhaps this is the regular junior-in-college struggle, I don’t really know. Nevertheless, that’s where I’m at today. Stay tuned for more. As always, love M. 
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slowlivingsarah · 7 years
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8-29-17 I finally got settled into my dorm room and figured out where (mostly) everything on campus is. Tomorrow starts my first day of college classes and I’m very nervous/excited. It seems like such a huge thing and I’m kinda scared, but I will survive. Some of my professors have emailed us the sylabusses and one of my classes has reading due on the first day, so that is what is shown (Sorry for my messy handwriting and poor note taking skills, I’m working on it). Also, my roommate and I found a cool pond on the edge of campus today, so that’s exciting. Day 1 of 100 days of productivity
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studylustre · 4 years
Hiya!! The brand muji is reportedly using cotton made by Ughyur muslims. And it concerning their human rights! I highly recommend looking into it or check out the post by friendly-neighborhood-study-pal. They made a v good post about it. I’d just not buy from Muji anymore tbh. I really used to like them to😔🤘 oh well there are plenty of better brands out there who don’t exploit people like that.
hello!! yes, i saw the post and reblogged it - i’m v glad the studyblr community is spreading awareness about this bc i wouldn’t have known if i hadn’t seen it on my dash!! like u said, there’s lots of better brands out there so HEY HO, gdbye muji
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 5 people that reblogged something from you. (❤️ Hiiiiii)
Hey! Thank you so much for resending it! (And sorry for bothering you...)
Ok so, here I go:
1. Learning. It makes me extremely happy. I wanna know everything there is to know because I know I will never be able to but hell, I will have my fun. And it genuinely makes me happy, like, I can’t imagine NOT KNOWING stuff that someone else in my competition knows...I research on that topic until I am sure I know at least 5 facts more than that person, am super competitive sometimes (here is where my Slytherin and Ravenclaw traits converge) 
2. Music. Tbh I listen to mostly sad songs (don’t look at me like that, they’re just irresistible!) but they make me happy (actually, they make me feel understood, which in turn, makes me feel happy).
3. Tumblr. Yeah it makes me extremely happy. Everyone is just so nice here (I have yet to encounter a not nice person except the hater anons). The Studyblr and the Writeblr communities r just amazing! And The Desi Disasters never cease to entertain and brighten up my day (...reminds me of TFIOS? When Gus said, “I lit up like a Christmas tree.” Ok, that made me cry.
4. Just people in general? Sometimes I say stupid stuff like, “Ugh, I hate humans, they r so stupid.” The latter sure is true but the former? I doubt it, I love humans.
5. Just books... Sorry, but I can not elaborate...
Tagging: @totallyforgotyouwerehere, @fanvergentinanexistentialcrisis @augyshit @blizzard-witch @holding-infinity-and-a-book
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