#hes just silly all the time i love himb
tiefy · 8 months
alan davies gets paid to be a silly billy little guy on qi
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goatcheesecak3 · 2 months
if so...... can you do a fic where him and reader (m!reader preferred but thats up to u :3) take a bath together???? it doesnt have to be smutty, just... some silly fluff???
Trip to Scotland
Matt x GN!Reader
fic type: fluff
warnings: none
summary: You and your boyfriend Matt enjoy a nice day out on your holiday, followed by a cosy evening sharing a bath
A/N hello! thank you so so so so much for requesting a Matt fic! He's so pretty i love himb. also!! i wrote this with the intention of making it x m!reader, but like halfway through i realised that i hadn't actually used any pronouns for the reader, so i just stuck with that, hope that's okay!
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It had been a year since you and matt had visited rural Tasmania and suffered a terrible ordeal. Somehow, despite all the turmoil you’d gone through, not only had you and Matt stayed together, but you hadn’t let the events of that trip ruin travelling for you. Deciding that the pair of you wanted a change of setting, you had taken a trip to the beautiful Scottish highlands. A whole two weeks on a quaint little peninsular, surrounded by rolling hills and luxurious green fields spread across the land like velvet bedsheets. Having an aversion to camping, after your last trip, the pair of you had opted to stay in a gorgeous renovated mill house, with all it’s original architecture still in tact. This was most definitely a smart move on your part, taking advantage of the amenities of a house was by far preferable to a dirty tent.
This getaway consisted of long days hiking, visiting out of the way historical landmarks, and cosy evenings curled up by the fireplace. However, on one particularly rainy day, the two of you had decided against braving the treacherous conditions, and instead opted to visit a distillery.
“Babe, look!” Matt exclaimed excitedly, pointing towards a kiosk in the gift shop. A little sign read “free samples.”
“Knock yourself out, babe” you smiled. You were driving that day, so you couldn’t exactly sit around tasting whisky, so instead you had a little gander around the rest of the shop.
You found an adorable beanie, navy blue with an embroidered wild boar on it – it was the perfect gift for Matt, you always thought that blue brought out his eyes. After checking out, you found Matt back at the kiosk, having just purchased a pretty fancy bottle of whisky.
“For us tonight” He grinned, shaking the bottle by the neck, before slipping it into his bag.
“Now that is an idea I can get behind” you grinned, as the two of you left the distillery, “come on, you” you giggled, pulling him into your car.
The rain persisted throughout the rest of the day as the two of you browsed local knick-knack and gift shops. Matt looked cute enough to put in your pocket in his new beanie, which he was incredibly grateful for by the evening when the temperature began to drop. But soon enough, not even knitwear could keep either of you warm, so you decided to call it a day and head back to the mill house.
The crackling fire punctuated the sweet silence of the living room, as you snuggled up in an armchair to catch up on some reading. The reading was going to have to wait, however, when Matt burst into the room, an excited look on his face.
“Y/n, come with me” he beamed, his cheeks rosy from the warmth of the fire hitting his face.
“May I ask what exactly I’m giving up my precious reading time for?” you chortled.
“Just come onnnn” he whinged needily, holding out a hand for you to take.
It took no more persuasion for you to follow Matt and his longing green eyes upstairs, as he lead you to the bathroom.
He’d run a bath and set two tumblers and the bottle of whisky on a stool next to the tub. Matt stood proudly in the doorway.
“Now, I’m no genius, but I think drinking fancy scotch in a bath with your boyfriend is a lot more fun than drinking it alone with a book” He winked.
“I don’t know… books are pretty great” you teased sarcastically, already getting undressed.
Leaning back into Matt’s chest, you sipped your drink and closed your eyes, letting the hot water run all over you. Matt’s soft hands tenderly rubbed up and down your arms, his chin resting in the crook of your shoulder.
“Better than a book now?” He whispered
“yeah, something like that” you smirked, turning to look at him.
He pressed a delicate kiss onto your cheek, his arms weaving their way around your waist and holding you close.
“You’re gorgeous, you know that?” he mumbled, the alcohol rendering him a soppy and affectionate mess – not that you minded.
“you’re not so bad yourself” you smirked.
“I’m serious, Y/N, look at you. I can’t believe I’m in a beautiful country, drinking the fanciest bloody whisky I’ve ever had, in a bath with the sexiest person I’ve ever seen.”
It usually took a lot to render you speechless, in fact more often than not, you had an answer for everything. But when the love of your life looked at you with those mesmerising eyes, so full of love and admiration, you almost forgot how to speak. You knew that no words could ever do justice for the way you felt about him, so instead you turned your body to face him, cupped his face and kissed him.
“Love you so fuckin much” you mumbled against his lips, earning a giggle and a squeeze around your waist from Matt.
“I love you too, baby” he replied.
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peakdeer · 2 years
Amaranth and Snowdrops Ch.1 - Begonia
Was rereading Soul-Drawn Hope by DancingLifeBoat and went is anyone gonna weather husbands this? And then didn’t wait for an answer.
I’ll uh. Link that. Cause I used it for inspo and because also it’s very good and you should read it.
Sausage is in the polycule because himb <3 and because I am physically incapable of writing a long fic where he is not one of the main characters. Sue me /j
Thanks to @1-800-crystalball for helping with ideas for the soulmate marks!
Pix had never cared much about soulmates. When he was growing up, soulmates had never been as important as a good education and a plan for your future. He learned to stick to the things he could control, the things he could change and influence.
Soulmates were not one of those things.
He alternated between loving and hating and ignoring the two marks he had on his skin. He’d rather stick to statistics and facts—like the difference between having platonic and romantic soulmate marks, and the likelihood of having more than one soulmate or, even more rare, having more than two.
The marks. He was avoiding them again.
The first was rather interesting, at least to his archeologist heart. It was a skull, located just below his shoulder, with a missing jaw and hollowed-out eye sockets. It was the crisp gray-white of a new skull, but if it was a magic artifact as he suspected, then it could be thousands of years old, perhaps even to the time of the fallen empires. It had a faintly glowing pink gem in one of the sockets that didn’t quite have enough light to allow him to study at night, but at least kept him from stumbling into things. It fascinated him, for more reasons than the historical significance. What kind of soulmate did he have that would have such a mark? Perhaps they were a historian like him. Perhaps they would listen to his rants about the ruins and the fallen empires and everything in between, and actually be interested. Perhaps he would meet them soon, in his guild of archeologists.
Then again, maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe he wouldn’t find them until he was as old as the ruins he explored. Maybe they’d think his curiosity about the past was silly.
He wouldn’t get his hopes up.
Curiously, the mark had actually changed at one point. Late one night, as he was scrubbing the mud and dirt off of one of the new amulets he’d found in the tomb his family was excavating, the glow around him brightened. It was such a small, insignificant amount that he never would have noticed had it not been for the lack of light and his excessive attention to detail. He’d looked around for the source, and his eyes landed on the mark on his shoulder. It had changed. There was now a gem in the other eye socket, a pretty teal color reminiscent of turquoise but a bit greener. It glowed much less than the other eye, barely making a difference at all. He poked it curiously, already wondering to how it could have changed, and why.
He’d stayed up that night, visiting the library and using his flashlight to search through the books for something that might explain how it had changed. And, the next morning, he brought it up to his parents. Like a fool, he rambled on and on about how it had changed and how little information he’d found about it in the library. To his distress, he was met with blank stares. His mother assured him that it didn’t matter, like it wasn’t important and he didn’t have a right to be curious. His father implored him to keep his focus on his studies so he could get a job, and not focus on this ‘soulmate nonsense’. His brother scoffed at him and his ‘hopelessly romantic’ little ideas.
And he knew that they loved him and wanted the best for him, in their own way. But it hurt. It hurt that they weren’t listening, it hurt that they didn’t care, and most of all, it hurt that they didn’t understand.
But he didn’t want to cause any issues, or any problems that he couldn’t reverse. Because once he said it out loud, he couldn’t take it back. He couldn’t control their response. So he became silent, and nodded his head, and agreed with them. And he put the curiosity aside and he didn’t read any more books on it. He studied, like he was supposed to, and he did his homework and he passed his tests, and he got a job like an obedient child.
Because that was life.
He took in a shaky breath to calm himself, brining his fist up to his mouth to muffle a shaky sob. It didn’t matter now, anyway. It didn’t.
The other mark extended across his entire back, growing as he grew, gaining height as he became taller. It was a jungle tree, a kabok tree (Ceiba pentandra), to be exact. Its leafy branches stretched towards his shoulders but stopping just short of them. Vines drooped from his branches like strings, and flowers in every color from gold to white to pink blossomed from the branches. Orchids grew along the tree, competing for space with the ivy. It had a thick trunk and firm-looking bark, and most certainly would have attracted all sorts of animals to live in its branches if it were real.
If it were real, and if the soulmate was real. Sometimes, Pix doubted soulmates existed at all. Not because of evidence, or reasoning, but because he couldn’t imagine a person who would love him, and who he could love back.
He tried to ignore those thoughts, though. And that is why he wore sleeves down to his elbows to hide the skull and never went shirtless, even in the hot weather of some of the excavation sites. It made it easier to ignore the marks, to pretend they weren’t there.
Even when they burned and he could feel them judging him for being a pathetic excuse of a man.
He sighed. He had better things to do than worry about soulmate marks. He always did, but today even more so. He shook his head to clear the thoughts away, leaning down to check the contents of his bag. He’d already packed, only needing one crate to store all his personal belongings. He was never one for sentimental objects, so it was mostly just clothes and books. All his archeological tools fit neatly in his backpack, so he didn’t have to worry about those. He slung his backpack over his shoulder, plucking his cap from its hook and arranging it on his head. He glanced around the room to make sure he’d grabbed everything, which, of course he had.
It was somewhat off-putting to see the room he’d lived in for four years look the exact same as it had when he’d found it. The walls were still the same white, not a mark in sight, and the bed was perfectly made with the exact same sheets. Dust was already settling on the furniture, erasing all trace of his existence.
He didn’t dwell on it, deftly treading down the stairs and to the buggy awaiting him. He’d scored a new position, a quiet and lonesome exploration of an extensive civilization ruins. They’d have dispatched more, but Pix was their best, and most of the historians who were willing to travel weren’t quite willing to travel a thousands and thousands of miles away from their homes and families.
Pix didn’t particularly have either, so he’d been the perfect choice.
He nodded politely to the driver in acknowledgment, climbing into the buggy for the week-long journey to the ruins. He’d brought some books about the new lands, so that he at least and something to do and cold understand the local culture. Most of them were mildly outdated, but he could at least get information on the older ones.
Animalia. A curious empire, it was inhabited by hybrids and hybrid-adjacent beings, including talking animals, anthropomorphic animals, and humans with animal features. Its export was amethyst, which it collected from the mines and used to adorn their cities and garments. Amethyst was heavily used in its culture, particularly as gifts. The true jewel of this empire, however, was Critter City. It was a place for humans and animals alike, where they could walk side by side in a beautiful symbol of unity. The mayor of Critter City was even rumored to be a human!
Glimmergrove. The kingdom had apparently been cursed on the eve on the princess’s birth, with the kingdom falling, the land splitting in fierce earthquakes, buildings crumbling, and the light being drained out of the kingdom, to the point where it is often called Glimmergrave. Even the princess herself appeared to be cursed, if rumors were to be believed. However, Princess Katherine seemed to be doing her best to restore the kingdom, despite the mysteries surrounding her. The tailoring of this kingdom is highly coveted, so the kingdom exports its fine string, wool, and leather, saving the finest of it for special commissions.
Dawn. Led by Princess Gem, Dawn is a very giving kingdom, exporting food to kingdoms in need. Its main export is honeycomb, and as such, bees are very highly viewed. The princess has apparently not changed her title to queen in the hopes that one day, her parents will return from where they have been lost. After so many years, though, it is unlikely. The kingdom worships the sun as a symbol of hope for a new day, though the name of their goddess has been lost to time…
Stratos. This empire is ruled by a god himself, called Joel. This god is very narcissistic and often callous to his worshippers, and the distinction is clear when you visit Stratos. The peasants and humans live below the shadow of Stratos’ magnificent buildings. The export of this empire is gold, of which they have no end. The god who rules this place is not well liked, and his relationships with other empires are rocky at best.
The Goblands. These cavernous tunnels are often crowded and unhygienic, but there are no problems for the goblins that live here. This empire puts emphasis on safety, but does not meet up to its promises in that department. This empire exports rocks of all kinds, as well as overcharged passes to a skeleton farm and the controversy of the sea pickle trade. The goblin leader Fwhip is prone to scamming and pranking other empires, but it is all in good fun. Or, at least, that’s what he says.
Eversea. The Eversea was always a cove for pirates and other sea-dwelling fellows, and was often visited by sirens and mers. The rise of Skeletron and his armies nearly destroyed this place, but the empire is being rebuilt by the brave leadership of Pirate Joe, who had lost his ship and crew to Skeletron.
Tumbletown. Tumbletown was a small empire, not quite an empire, even. It is suspected that it was called an empire simply because that opened the area for trade, and its gunpowder export was needed greatly by the other empires. The people of Tumbletown are few, but they are very fierce and loyal, led by a man known as The Sheriff. The books were unclear on this mysterious figure—some commended his bravery and strength, but others mocked his weakness and his inability to defend himself.
Chromia. This empire is fairly new. Starting as a small series of farming villages that were often taken advantage of for the dyes they sell, they were formed into a true empire by their leader Scott. An odd and eccentric man, he had just appeared one day. He offered to assist after the empire had been put in debt by the fall of Glimmergrove, its greatest trade ally. He rebuilt and strengthened the empire, putting it on the market as a force to be reckoned with.
Perhaps there were more that the book did not include, but he knew of these for now, and that should be enough.
He’d have plenty of time once he got there anyway.
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planetsano · 4 years
“can I paint your nails?”
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synopsis: some MHA boys letting you paint their nails and you letting some painting yours.
a/n: gn!reader.
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— [♡] ; bakugou katsuki
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“hell no.”
“please, katsuki? 🥺”
he's always had a soft spot for when his s/o used his first name, and they were pulling some of the best puppy dog eyes he's ever seen.
so he reluctantly agreed.
his s/o would spread out an array of polishes in front of him, all different colors with terrible names to go with each and every one of them.
bakugou was confused watching his s/o excitedly ramble on about their favorite colors and which one he should pick because it would “compliment his eyes”
he had to admit, they were kind of cute getting all excited over something as silly as this but he wouldn't be caught dead wearing coral blue #2 semi gloss nail polish.
so he picked black.
“black? that's it?” his s/o pouted as they reached over grabbing the little glass jar.
“I didn't have to agree, dork.”
the type to forget that his nails are painted and realizes when he out in public and gets pissed off because you saw him walk out the door and didn't saw anything.
he's not too mad because he knows he made his s/o happy. softie.
— [♡] ; eijirou kirishima
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his s/o is a little caught by surprise at his question,
but of course they say yes!
kiri’s s/o sets up all the materials needed for the sweetie pie.
polishes, cotton balls, acetone, those little spongy finger separators.
“what color do you want, baby?”
“hmm, red!” his s/o smiled brightly.
“rad choice, babe!”
he holds his s/o’s hand so gently. it feels so dainty in his.
kiri looks adorable as hell concentrating as hard as he is.
his hair is down so it's covering his face a bit.
he put on his s/o face wash headband. it had cute little panda ears on top of it. 🥺
his s/o snapped a picture of the cute moment and posted it to their private story on snapchat with the caption: ‘I love him :(‘
bakugou slid up and said: ‘give me my fucking friend back.. but y'all are cute ig”
— [♡] ; todoroki shoto
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would agree and fully be the one to wear it out with no hesitation or embarrassment.
he looks like a fully fledged e-boy.
his s/o put little designs like a smiley face, a skull, a heart, but the majority were solid black.
todo quite enjoyed the process.
his s/o was rambling on about their day. about how they saw the cutest puppy ever, expressed that they should adopt one and wanted to name it soba.
todo just nods and smiles, urging them to continue talking. he loved listening.
“this smiley face is me, okay? so i'm always with you!”
he thinks his partner is so adorable.
he also thinks they did a good job on his nails.
— [♡] ; izuku midoriya
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he always loves the times when you guys are relaxing before bed and you decide to paint your nails. The best conversations and the funniest jokes happen during those chill times.
one night he wanted to try and his s/o agreed to let him. it was time for a new color anyway.
the whole time his s/o is giving him gentle pointers while they watch him paint their toes a pretty green color.
he looks up at his s/o with sparkly eyes genuinely trying to understand and apply the tips they're giving him.
he's trying his best :(
and he really wants them to approve of his work.
“did I do a good job? 🥺”
“of course you did, baby.”
he's happy.
protect himb.
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ifimayhaveaword · 3 years
Okay so here’s a continuation of the nebulous (partner) dance au as a list— the “I don’t even go here” characters that I’ve had thoughts about! I’ve never seen the source material and at this point I don’t really care 🤷‍♀️
Max Phillips: i cannot 100% place why, but this smarmy asshole SCREAMS quickstep to me— equal parts harder and more fun than it looks, this dance has a VERY loud personality that I feel would mesh well with what I’ve seen is someone characterized as a smug frat boy. I love quickstep but everyone who does it thinks they’re BETTER THAN YOU, and so does Max. Loves doing the runs and skips, gets immense glee out of any sort of momentum-driven turn. Thinks he can salsa/bachata/do dances that involve hip movement. Very much can’t.
Marcus Pike: I have never considered a man more deserving of a romantic, dreamy, straight-outta-Cinderella waltz. He is 1000% that guy that casually signed up for lessons himself, endearingly practices all the time by himself (or with a partner, if he has one). A solid lead but not overpowering, you know? Gentle and self-assured but able to say oops and correct himself and you if something doesn’t translate right or he gets distracted looking at you while you’re so close to him, dancing so comfortably. Absolute king of non-awkward body contact while dancing. Okay hold up I might make him his own I’m Thinking™️
FRANKIE: oh, sweet sweet Frankie. This is the dance partner who you can bumble and be silly with, who 100% laughs and makes silly faces if he messes up, and who makes you laugh, too. I kind of see him as being a jack of all trades, master of none sorta guy. Will not be winning any medals for technique or finesse but is a very, very solid dancer. Can do all kinds of styles and has enough intuition that he makes up steps/combinations half the time and most of the time they work. Catches on very quickly to patterns and is the kind of guy to try a step/trick he knows for one dance in another style bc he modified the timing/placement of the two of you in just the right way. Will absolutely be the kind of guy to let you rest your head on his chest/shoulder/neck/top of his head when doing a rumba and I WILL fight you if you disagree. (Hm. Another one where I could go on but I’m gonna leave this here.)
Pero: ??? Does this man dance??? If anyone has ideas for Pero please let me know because I have yet to be struck by anything aside from “AU: your reluctant, grumpy boyfriend in college comes to Ballroom Club at your insistence and realizes he can put his hands on you in a semi-pda way while dancing.” I can also see him being like “I don’t dance” and then being one of the most intense partners you’ve ever fuxking had??? I need to sit on this one a little more I think, I wanna do him justice 🥺
Maxwell Lord: this man does exclusively international style ballroom- Slow Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango, quickstep if you promise to blow him, VIENNESE WALTZ. Honestly, nothing is a bigger powermove than a well-controlled V-waltz. Elegant, classy, hard as hell.
Jack “Whiskey” Daniels: I can actually see him being a very good dancer? Maybe a tad strong-arm-y, but so earnest! Like, he’s having such a good time with you, he loves the music and the energy so much that you can’t help but get caught up in his enthusiasm. Prefers country 2-step (I know, I know— but it’s actually a really fun dance 😭) and anything that gives him an excuse to turn and twist and dip you in a way that keeps you close to him :’) also— nightclub two step!!! This dance is so cheesy but also weirdly intimate and soothing in my opinion?? A humble dance for a not-so-humble himb.
Oberyn: similar to Javi, I absolutely see his dance of choice being argentine— everything about this man screams seduction and sex and well, who are you to deny him? Unlike Javi though, he runs his mouth the whole time and makes every move a tease; he keeps you on your toes in regards to everything from steps to tempo to direction changes— when you think you’re able to take the reigns for a moment, he gives you a little smirk and looks at you from beneath his brow and blocks your feet and your shoulders at every opportunity. You huff, but it’s... exciting, a bit, dancing like this. ANYWAYS I don’t know enough about this man to do anything but go “yes Oberyn Argentine tango of course”
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I know I talk a lot about how they mess up/how they handle a “mistake”, but partner dancing is so very much colored by how you deal with these because they are absolutely inevitable, and I feel like it’s an important aspect of dancing with someone!
Uhhh if anyone wants to read this hot mess @rae-gar-targaryen @chews-erotically @cinewhore @keeper0fthestars 💛
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ambrosiadreamer · 4 years
Part two, here comes about ya boi, Actor Mark.
I lub himb too. As previously mentioned, bastard man. King bastard man. But, very interesting wacky man and a snake but guess what? I love snakes. I don't know what it is about him, the color red? His confidence? His charm? The mystery behind? But no matter what, I feel drawn to him like mothman is probably to the moon or sun. Do I condone Mark’s part in murder though? Absolutely not. Have I created a theory that takes the blame off of him? Why yes, yes, I have.
I think that the moment that Mark started to spiral down when Celine left him, he slowly lost the person he once was, and by the last time he died, he was entirely gone. All good left him. Similar to how Celine and Damien are no longer the people we saw before in WKM, I dont think Mark is the person he once was even before the events of WKM when we didn't know him. There were two entities, if I remember correctly, the one that interacted with Mark and stole Celine’s body and then the one that got involved with Damien and Celine, and I know the situations are different, but just hear me out. I think that the first entity warped Mark into the man we saw on the stairs in WKM, and we later learned ’plotted a murder.’ But honestly, I think it was 100% the entity's idea, and it just whispered in Mark’s ear until he agreed and was happy with the plan. Cause let's be honest, it seemed like originally all he wanted was Williams(Wilford) body so he could get back Celine, the reason he started spiraling in the first place.
I really think that if Mark had a friend or just anyone that wasn't at the manor to a job, things would've been better. He might not have done the things he had done or agreed to. Again if I remember correctly, Markiplier(the man who made the story) said that Mark had nobody. He didn't have Celine and William, Damien was busy being mayor, and who knows what Abe was doing. And once more, if I remember correctly, the Mark we see in other projects seems so different than the one in WKM. He seems happy at times, full of life, and like he even cares about us at times. I knew the moment I saw him in WKM, there was something off about this man, but seeing him more in other projects, just something about him has changed. He could be manipulating us, but my heart still beats for this suave, mysterious man, and he needs a redemption.
That was kind of all over the place, so to put it short, I blame the entity and think Mark was manipulated because he seems far different from the person we saw in WKM. I adore Mark with all my heart, and I think he really could've been better.
Another silly headcanon, I think Mark used to be a dramatic, sappy, but cute, romantic. He’d love to spill essays in his loves ear about why he adored them and recite poetry and cheesy lines to them he had probably heard in his career -☀️
actor is a lamp and we are just SIMPle moths 
isn’t that canon though? he wasn’t the best of human beings before, but isn’t it canon that the entity is what made him evil? i still need to watch the 12 hour livestream, so someone correct me if i’m wrong. 
i mean, in adwm we saw the mask slip a little bit in the “YES” ending. but he did seem passionate in his acting otherwise. 
tbh, i don’t think he should get redemption. i think that’d ruin his character. he’s the villain, and the tragedy that made him that is what gives him depth and is why we like him so much 
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Still in Dracula-writing mode!! Last ask I dumped a lot of thoughts and feelings, so I’m keeping this one relatively light-hearted. Can I just talk about how staggeringly bizarre the ensemble in this book is?? I love them. I really do. We all joke about “haha there’s a cowboy”, but everybody else has weird bits and pieces to them that makes them truly delightful. Jonathan never asked to be involved in any of this, but he goes from feeling victimized and threatened to smacking vampires in the face with shovels (!!!) and chasing Drac down with a kukri knife! Mina is equally, if not more so, wonderful. Not only does she own the brain cells among the crew of light, she weaponizes what was meant to harm her (the psychic link with Dracula), leans on her own strength and the people around her to survive her trauma, and somehow gets a gun during the final battle because that’s what happens when you’re friends with Quincey P. Morris. Speaking of the yeehaw- what more do I have to say? Extraneous cowboy who does little over the course of the book except bring me joy and summarize things laconically. Love Himb. Seward is also splendid (he proposes while fidgeting with a scalpel and sitting on his top hat; awkward much?) and filled with feelings, but I put feelings in my last ask response, so I’m not delving into that. He’s also never hit, stabbed, or otherwise harmed a vampire, which mostly everyone else has done, but he’s here for...moral support? Ok. Good, the crew needs that. Arthur may have the approximate background and early characterization of a piece of buttered toast, but he’s really put emotionally through the wringer and likely needs a hug. He also has some weird aces up his sleeves (and by aces. I mean random terriers that show up for one scene and are never mentioned again) and somehow knows how to drive a steampowered boat. Weird hobby, weird dogs, sad man. Van Helsing is delightfully weird- simultaneously the most knowledgeable person in the group and a guy who’s figuring this out as he goes about 90% of the time and mangling metaphors along the way. Dad friend, designated driver, wielder of sacred crackers. Excellent! Lucy Westenra is (the prompt for a whole essay on views of feminity in Dracula, but that’s another post) a plot victim who deserves so much better (see the last post for more details) and somehow attracted the quite possibly three most different men in the world, who all remain bros because they care more that she’s happy because she’s Just That Wonderful. Might eat a kid or two, but that’s not relevant right now. Silliest villain nickname in the world, but a four year old gave it to her, so no blame can be placed there. Renfield is (a prompt for an essay on mental illness in Dracula, but that’s yet another post) an interesting dude, and I have quite a bit to say about him, but of all of his weird traits, it’s his random knowledge of Arthur’s Dad, American politics/the Monroe Doctrine, and Van Helsing’s research that gets me. Where he learned all this remains untold. The Brides are not characterized in depth, but I’d like to see them in a girl band. “The Brides” sounds like a band name. Somebody get on that, please! Mr Swales is a random 100-year-old guy with an indecipherable phonetic accent here to tell you all about local spookiness before dying on a bench. Good for him, I guess. Last, but far from least, the Count himself! Floppy straw hat, silly mustache, shovel bruise, solid-black attire, conspicuously not-Transylvanian accent (take that, 1931 Drac), and overall rancid vibes make for a considerably bizarre man/monster. He will keep you up by talking about history. Hell even make you food. But he will also steal your baby, drain your blood, crush your spine, attack your wife, attack you, murder a random customs agent, and attempt to take over England. What a guy.
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ace-beef · 5 years
Jedi Cats AU
Y’all ready for this shit? An AU where Obi Wan Kenobi has to look after some cats while he’s doing Jedi Stuff. These four cats are: Anakin, Qui Gon, Padme, and Ahsoka. 
It’s kinda like a modern au at the same time, purely because I’m thinking of the dumb shit that cats do in this day and age… but like,, the Jedi order still out there doin’ Jedi things…
For now it’s just the Jedi but I may also make a post containing information about Palpatine’s cats. If I do any more posts for this au I’ll just use the tag ‘jedi cats au’
Anyway, the details are under the cut, enjoy! 
Obi Wan Kenobi  - himb human  -  he’s very tired from looking after these troublesome cats while being a Jedi - “I’m sorry Master Windu I must rush home and attend to some important business” *rushes home and finds Anakin staring out the window into the back garden meowing angrily at Dooku* “*sigh* Anakin...” - if the mission isn’t going to be that dangerous but requires him to be gone for a while, then he’ll bring the cats with him - “Master Kenobi, do you really have to bring all them with you?”  *with Anakin clawing his way up Obi Wan’s leg and Qui Gon prowling across his shoulders* “yes, Master Windu”  - constantly has to stop his cats from fighting with his neighbour’s cats (especially after Qui Gon got a nasty clawing from Maul one time): Dooku, Grievous and Maul, even though Obi Wan isn’t particularly fond of those cats himself - said neighbour is a seemingly friendly old man called Palpatine, who all of Obi Wan’s cats seem to like, especially Anakin - he’s so tired,, blease let himb rest - will often fall asleep on the sofa by accident, and then will wake up to find Qui Gon in his lap and Anakin on his face, while Padme and Ahsoka are on the sofa and pressed up against his legs - “Anakin nO” - often looks to both Qui Gon and Padme to help with the other two - have I told you how tired this man is? 
Anakin Skywalker  - he a black cat, v slim and slender, has a slight bit of extra fur around his face, yellow eyes - you may only pet him when he wants to be petted, if you try and pet him when he does not wish to be touched you sHaLL fAcE tHe CLaWs oF dEaTH fOuL hUMaN - touch the tumby and YOU WILL DIE - try and touch the toe beans and YOU WILL DIE - very rarely purrs, except for when in the presence of Obi Wan, the only human who can pet him almost 24/7 - will always obey Qui Gon, will listen to Obi Wan most of the time, proteccs Padme and Ahsoka constantly  - quite playful, give him a droid toy and/or a lightsaber toy and he enters the Silly Zone - is the kind of cat that will stare at you straight in the eyes as he quickly pushes something breakable off the table - is very territorial and hates it when there are any other cats in the back garden, especially the neighbour’s cats  - although he actually likes the neighbour human Palpatine quite a lot, although Palpatine is not privileged enough for extra Anakin pets like Obi Wan is - a very loud cat, meows constantly and loudly, as well as hissing at those he doesn’t like and doing that fuckin ‘mmmmrrrrrrrooowwwwwowooww’ aggression noise  - is also a very active cat, is constantly running around the house and often goes for walks in the neighbourhood, mostly to get into scraps with other cats (this is how he got a scar over his right eye) - “Mrow!” “Anakin no it’s not time for food yet” “mrrrOW!” *sigh* “Anakin what did I say about arguing back?” “mrrOOWW!” “Anakin!”  - when he’s not running around being a nuisance, he’s cuddling up with Padme - often takes Ahsoka out with him on his adventures - when Obi Wan takes them on missions with him, Anakin is somehow more mischievous and disobedient than he normally is - will absolutely bring Obi Wan ‘presents’, all the time - a sharp and pointy boi who is also a fuckin dumbass
Qui Gon Jinn  - one of those cats with the super long fur, mega soft fur, soft green eyes, clearly used to be a brown tabby cat but has turned more grey with his age, a slender cat but himb big because he tol - old and wise cat that always has this knowing look in his eyes - do not be fooled by his calm appearance, he will fuck u up if he wants to - you may touch the tumby, but only if you are Obi Wan, otherwise you will die - try and touch the toe beans and you will die, unless you are Obi Wan, then you’re allowed to - will break shit and mess shit up when nobody's looking, then act like he didn’t do anything when they discover the mess… this mess is often blamed on Ahsoka or Anakin  - having said that, he is also the kind of cat that will slowly push something off of the table while remaining eye contact the whole time; he doesn’t do this with Obi Wan though, Obi Wan must not see his crimes - when is brought on missions with Obi Wan, will also be more mischievous than normal, but Obi Wan never knows this - “Master Kenobi! One of your cats broke something again!” “Oh no, really? I bet it was Anakin, hey Anakin!” “Is Anakin this grey-brown fluffy one?” “No? That’s Qui Gon, he would never break anything” “well he just did” “what?” - all of the other cats respect him greatly, even Palpatine’s cats  - he must protecc his human at all costs, as well as the other cats, Obi Wan can’t help but feel slightly flattered at the fact that one of his cats is so willing to protect him - he may be a cat but Himb Still Dad - a calm and relaxed cat, likes to lounge in the sun, and will make that little ‘mrrrp?’ noise whenever he is awoken - not really that playful, will just sit and watch the human do silly shit in an attempt to try and play with him - most of the time he is relatively quiet, gently purrs when he is petted - himb soft and smart
Padme Amidala  - a pretty, white cat with piercing blue eyes, she very elegant - will allow most people to pet her, unless she knows that they’re Not Nice and will therefore take a swipe at them (this is the same for the tummby and the toe beans)  - Obi Wan and Anakin want her to stay inside as like,, an indoor cat, but she wiLL nOt bE cOnFiNEd - most of the time the noises she makes are relatively soft and quiet, unless she’s fuckin angry then she’s loud and constantly making noise - you can tell when her and Anakin are having a spat because there’s a constant stream of very loud angry cat noises that drown out some slightly fearful loud cat noises - overall is a very well behaved cat, respects Obi Wan and doesn’t break anything - when encountering Palpatine’s cats, she doesn’t make any noise, she just glares at them (which is somehow more scary and intimidating than Anakin’s constant stream of aggressive noises) - she probably won’t, but everyone knows that she has the power to kill them at any moment - is the best behaved out of all of the cats  - her fur is somehow constantly clean and perfectly groomed, Obi Wan doesn’t groom her more often than the other cats and whenever her and Anakin go out together, Anakin always comes back dirty with his fur in a mess but Padme will still be pristine - if Obi Wan takes her on a mission with him (which he doesn’t really want to do but sometimes he has no other choice) she is on her best behaviour, she’ll snoop around if she has the chance to but she won’t actually cause any trouble, unlike Anakin and Qui Gon - only plays when she’s in the mood, doesn’t go quite as crazy as Anakin does, but she can get quite into playtime - she soft and elegant but has the potential to be sharp and pointy
Ahsoka Tano  - the smallest of the cats, a bright ginger tabby cat with a white tummy and white paws, bright green eyes - she’s also the youngest of the cats, still has a vague kitten look about her - highly energetic and literally will not stop moving, constantly goes outside, often with Anakin - will let most people pet her, but only if she’s in the mood to be petted - do not underestimate this tiny kit, she may be inexperienced but she can and will fuck you up… although on occasion she does have to be rescued by Anakin or Qui Gon - Ahsoka: gets into a fight with Palpatine’s cats and takes on more than she can handle Qui Gon: feels his dad cat sense tingling and goes to rescue her, must protecc the smol at all costs - is the same as Anakin when it comes to territory, and will do the same shit as him if she sees any unwelcome cats in the back garden, except she’ll also claw at the window - very impatient with everything *insert let me in meme here* - she breaks shit, but most of the time it is actually accidental, she very rarely causes destruction on purpose - if taken on one of Obi Wan’s missions she’ll try her best to be behaved but she just can’t help but get into trouble - has a lot of respect for Obi Wan and the other cats, but much like Anakin she can’t help but not follow the rules sometimes - fuckin’ LOVES to be played with, she’s down for that shit anytime and will often enter the Silly Zone - has a loud and high pitched meow, will make noises frequently, so much so that Obi Wan sometimes just has to put his face in his hands and focus on drowning her constant meowing out - she must ZOOM at 3am most nights and will not stop until she has no more energy left - a very sharp and pointy smol that is not to be underestimated
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icharchivist · 5 years
With all the hype for the ffvii remake i watched some gameplays and AC and CC and okay 1- I absolutely love it, 2- I can't wait for E3 3- My fav is (of course) Cloud and I get some Allen vibes with the memory issues, guilt-complex and 'puppet' thing haha. Also, I saw that people call him 'emo' in AC and it bugs me because uhhh he clearly has ptsd?? What do you want him to do, jump around happily after what he went through?? (is this because in shonens the protag can shrug off anything?)
ooOOOOH NICE!! i’m glad you tried it all!! :”D God I love this series djkhfdfjkh i’m so so glad you like it!!! And yeah looking forward E3, the more we get the better!
AND RIGHT???? Oh my god okay you have no idea how happy that makes me because I do see a lot of similitudes between Cloud and Allen (all you say + also the need to play up the mask of a loved one who’s death they feel guilty for for exemple. Also big sword linked to said person who died) but i was afraid i was just reaching bc they were two of my ultimate fav character ever and I try to find stuff to connect them a ha ha. And it make sme happy you like Cloud too aahhh he’s a bae
AND RIGHT!!!!! God i’ve never understood the backlash against AC. It’s true Cloud in the OG has far more nuanced personalities, but like, he was also holding back all his trauma in. (and a huge part of the game this nuance comes from the fact Cloud is managing to ignore his trauma so his personality can shine through). I think the problem of AC is that it’s relatively short in comparaison to a fullgame, so the plot cannot lose this much time with Cloud’s silly moments too all while his situation is pretty traumatic yeah?
I’ve seen a lot of people complain that “by the end of the OG he was over it, “let’s mosey” and all” and, to me i’ve always interpreted it much more as he knew the world was going to end if they did nothing, there was a sense of emergency that held back the impact of the trauma, also perhaps the “i’m probably going to die soon so who cares” attitude, and ppl also complain that “it is set years after the OG how is he not over Sephiroth/Aerith/Zack” and it still baffles me because 1) yeah so, not to mention symtoms of trauma can last a lifetime, the trauma he held back due to emergency at the end of the OG ended up biting him back, as it often happens in situations like this, 2) He was dying due to the geostigma, while also a kid he has in charge is dying from it, and everything he tried to save him had failed, so it brings him back into his trauma of all the people he couldn’t save, even deaths he had tried to come to term with 3) Geostigma is linked to Jenova which is linked to Sephiroth, the only fact he would suffer from it would call back to Sephiroth. The geostigma triggers back the sensations and memories he had from the pstd, the experiments made on him and all the puppet stuff 4) When it comes to the Zack’s stuff the OG seems to imply that Cloud’s memories remain blurry so the fact he still has to remember a lot of it + have to deal with the guilt of having forgotten and everything that followed gives plenty reasons to have still a large amount of backlash. 5) He has all the reasons ever to not manage to get over Aerith’s death and i find it bold from a group of fans who had never got over her death to blame him for that
Like, I understand wanting to see Cloud’s more light-hearted side, and apparently a lot of the spinoff games had mostly based their Cloud on himbeing grumpy and unfunny which yeah is a shame, (I would argue though that said spinoff always drag him back to Sephiroth, me too i’d be upset if it kept happening) but AC!Cloud in himself has all sorts of good reasons to be relapsing and experiencing symptoms of PTSD that aren’t that pretty. I personally love AC!Cloud’s characterization, to me it’s an opportunity for him to deal with his trauma for once rather than ignoring it. 
I am looking forward to see him more joyful in the Remake hopefully! I just like AC still!
And honestly i cannot stress enough how glad i am that you felt this way omg bc this is one of my frustration in general with the fandom and i’m so glad you feel that for Cloud, and also i feel so validated in having drawn comparaisons to Cloud and Allen a few times ahah this is so great!
I’m so glad you ended up liking this story
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mister-lady · 3 years
A guide to translating the shitposts I make!!!:
Wow I hate him. He's stupid and i never wanna see him again. He nastie. = wow am I really in love with him this much?? I lov HIMB. Head over heels for this moron. That beautiful being has all my gosh darn love why do I have to be in love with him dangIT.
What a complete moron. Total bafoon. Absolute idiot. So stupid and dumb and is just.... wOW what a moron. = They're a moron but they're my moron. They did something cute and silly and parshaly dumb and I'm rubbing it in to their face because I'm an asshole. I love them and I wish they weren't so cute all the time their cuteness will frankly be the death of me.
*Reatively any insult towards one of them* = who let this bitch be this cute and hot. Like that is not fair at all. I wanna cuddle and hold them and here their voice and I don't care what they say, they could be insulting me for whatever reason and I'll be busy swooning over their voice. I'm head over heels for them and I swoone like crazy for them. Have you heard their voice????? I could listen to it all day or listen to their voice while I go to sleep. I hope they know how badly I love them❤❤❤🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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