#her accent speaking english is the most adorable thing too omg
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Just some cute gifs from LES ENNEMIS AMOUREUX (1948)
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
As someone with an accent when i speak english (iam from western europe so not my native language),how do u think sevika would be with a reader with an accent? And reader whos embarrassed about her accent cause she doesnt have perfect english?
omg anon this is so cute
men and minors dni
she'd find it fucking adorable
everything you say, every little mistake you make, would have her grinning like an idiot.
she loves your accent. the sound of your voice is her favorite thing in the world, and listening to the unique way you speak, the special lilt of your voice: it calms her like nothing else.
if you ever forget the word for something and call it something else, sevika will never forget it. like you ask her one day where the 'squishy soap guy' was (you meant sponge) and now she solely refers to sponges as 'squishy soap guy's
if you forget articles while you speak, she'll start dropping her articles too. it's not even on purpose, she just spends so much time with you she starts talking like you. like imagine her talking to silco: "shimmer is in bar. i took care of assholes in alley. i'm going home."
and slico just chuckles because that's exactly how you'd say it.
and she'll always have you speak your native language around her. especially when she's trying to fall asleep. she can't understand the words you say, but she adores the beautiful, confident, flow of your voice speaking the language you're most familiar with.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
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project1939 · 9 months
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Day 20- Film: Island of Desire 
Release date: Mar 20th 
Studio: RKO 
Genre: Adventure 
Director: Stuart Heisler 
Producer: David Rose 
Actors: Linda Darnell, Tab Hunter, Donald Gray 
Writer: Stuart Heisler, Stephanie Nordli 
Plot Summary: When a ship is attacked in the Pacific during WWII, a young marine and an “old maid” doctor are the sole survivors. They find their way to an island and settle in, waiting for rescue. Feelings between the two ignite, despite the age difference, and a romance begins. What will happen when a third person arrives on the island, though?  
My Rating (out of five stars): *½ 
Wow. Wow wow wow. And Wow. This is without doubt the worst film of the project so far. Everything about it was bad- the script, the story, the acting, the special effects... it was just baaaad. I went in knowing this wasn’t a highly rated film, but I love the gorgeous Linda Darnell, and Tab Hunter looked dreamy and adorable in the pictures I saw beforehand. I thought I could enjoy watching them, even if the story sucked. Yeah, no. Where to even begin?
The Good:  
Ahhhh.... Oh, here’s something! Linda Darnell was the alluring object of love/sex, and she wasn’t a twig. In most Hollywood circles she would have been considered too “fat.” I loved that she got to be gorgeous and desirable just the way she was. 
Linda Darnell’s character was also a successful surgeon. And if my surgeon looked like that, I wouldn’t need anesthesia! I would just swoon. 
A real veteran who lost his arm in the war played a pilot in the film who had to have his arm amputated. I loved that they used a real amputee in the role. And he was a good actor! Better than Tab Hunter, that’s for sure. 
The Bad:
I need to switch into a running commentary here!
“OMG, this is so bad, I love it.” 
“Oh no- Hunter’s character is so dumb and whiny- he's not going to be a romantic lead, is he?” 
“These special effects are insanely bad.”
"Hunter's acting is insanely bad." (No offense! It was his first film, I think.)
“How is Darnell wearing so much make-up after surviving a sinking ship and floating at sea on a raft for days?” 
“Oh god, I feel sorry for Linda Darnell. This is just embarrassing. How did she accept this role?” 
“Is she supposed to be speaking with an English accent? About every fifth word there's a trace of ‘caaan’t’ and ‘daaance.’” 
“WTF?!!! A backstory of a white guy who killed himself over the native girl he loved? He looked 50, and she was a teenager!” 
“This is not ‘so bad I love it,” it’s just bad. And I feel sorry for Linda Darnell!” 
“Hahahahaha! They just used an iguana with a model set and rear-projection to create a humongous 'fearsome' dragon monster!” 
“What is in Tab Hunter's shorts?” 
“This is like a bad mixture of The Swiss Family Robinson, a Harlequin Romance Novel, and porn-ish erotica. Without anything remotely erotic.” 
“Hahahahahaha! He just got into a knife fight with a shark! And I don’t mean the West Side Story kind of shark!” 
“He’s a kid! He’s a sunburned kid! Why are you making out with him?” 
“This is an island in a movie, so get out your bingo cards: Bananas? Check. Melons? Check. Coconut-like things? Check. Wild pigs? Check. Fish? Check. Palm trees? Check. Hill for a smoke signal? Check. Mysteriously disappeared natives? Check... ” 
Finally let’s end on a few quotes from the movie. First, via Darnell's character, Dr. Liz:
“An old maid doesn’t expect to be loved, just laughed at. We’re suspicious and afraid... we’re jokes.” (Darnell is barely 30 here, I think!) 
“He fished a dowdy thing out of the sea, a sourpuss who never had time to laugh or play... or love.”
And, lastly this, from a rescuer when he gets a look at her:
"Well, this is an even greater pleasure than we anticipated! You know, oddly enough, we pictured you as... pardon the expression... a weather-beaten old war horse."
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violetnotez · 4 years
hello!! how are u today? i hope youre well💖 may i request a baku crushing on a girl who is native eng speaker, but has never heard her speak. however one day the whole class is watching some eng movie n y/n starts dissing the movie in eng bc its so bad n the whole class is sHOCKED BC HER VOICE IS SO FLUENT N SM DEEPER IN ENG. bakubabe is just there like damn thats hot.
Hey babes! I’m doing well thank you, just doing some stuffs for my art blog! I hope youre doing well 💕💕also thank you to @gallickingun for the mangacap, it saved me so much time and I was actually able to color it! 😍
Also: IM ALIVE!!!! I LITERALLY WROTE THIS TODAY AND OMG I MISS WIRITNG! I’ll start on that Dabi x reader fic I mentioned in a little bit, just wanted to post this! Hopefully it’s good lmao
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⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 2020
⤷ Warnings: cursing its bakubabe
⤷ Synopsis: Bakugo won’t admit it to himself, but he’s conflicted: he knows he has a crush on you, but his dumbass won’t admit it-well, until he hears your sexy American voice.
Song Recs: ⤷If I Cant Have You-Shawn Mendes⤷Thinking About You-Calvin Harris ⤷Rather Be-Clean Bandit
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This was so stupid. Completely dumb and a waste of his time.
Bakugo slumped in his seat a little more, a grumble escaping his lips as he tried to focus on the screen in front of him, his broad shoulders crossed in front of him.
He should be sleeping right now, not sitting and watching this dumbass romantic American movie, especially when you were by his side.
There was no reason why his cheeks should feel hotter when you laughed at the movie, or his hands feel clammy with his sweat everytime you shifted your body closer to him.
It was pissing him off, because no matter how much he tried to ignore the pent up emotions in his chest, he had to admit it to himself-he had a goddamn crush.
On you, the goddamn exchange student.
Fucking great.
His lips pouted as he sulked in his seat on the couch, trying his best to glue his eyes to the screen instead of sneaking a glance at your profile.
The TV showed one of the most sickly sweet and horrific scenes he had ever witnessed: the main couple on screen were finally declaring their love to each other, their voices getting louder and more desperate as they tried to one up each other, almost as if battling to see who could last the longest.
“I love you to the moon!”
“I love you to the moon and back!”
“I love you to the moon and all the stars in the sky!”
“And I love you to-“
A laugh erupted next to him, Bakugo swiveling his head over to see you giggling in your seat, your pretty lips parted as those sweet sounds came from your mouth.
“God, this is terrible!” You chuckled, shaking your head as you said it.
Bakugo’s face reddened, his eyes widening from the sounds coming from your mouth.
Your sentence wasn’t in Japanese: it was foreign and new, American sounding.
Bakugo was used to your voice sounding light and airy when you talked in Japanese, like a leaf on a autumn breeze as it floated into his ears and danced in his mind whenever you spoke his native language. Sometimes you would fumble over the words, trying to piece the meanings together as a blush formed on your cheeks and your eyes turned up from embarrassment. He always made fun of you from it, usually telling you to “Spit it out Baka, I don’t got all day”, but really-he absolutely loved it. You sounded so sweet, so innocent and endearing: he just wanted to wrap you in a hug and envelope himself in your sugar sweet voice.
But right now, your voice was somehow the opposite-it was deeper and richer, like warm,auburn honey on a summer evening. It coated his mind in its thick numbness, the only thing he could think of was how deep and sultry, and well, sexy, it sounded coming from your lips.
He squirmed in his seat, hating how much that little change in your tone affected him so much as you continued to giggle at the wreck of a movie in front of you.
Your class turned to look at you, their faces clearly as shocked as Bakugo’s-they had never actually heard your voice when you spoke English, and they weren’t quite used to it.
You looked at your classmates, your face twisted in innocent confusion.
“What? What did I say?” You asked again in that sultry American voice, making Bakugo shift in his seat, his face looking away from you as he covered his mouth with his hand.
Damn you needed to get that voice under control-he felt like you were controlling his emotions when you spoke like that.
“Whoa y/n you know English!” Kamianri propped himself up, his face clearly in awe as he yelled it out the words.
Sero, who was sitting beside him, chuckled at his air headed friend, giving him a judging look.
“Uh, you do realize she’s from America, right?” Sero snickered, Kamianri looking sheepish as he realized his forgetfulness.
“Oops, Sorry!” He yelled out again, earning a laugh from you and the rest of your classmates.
Jealousy bubbled inside Bakugo like a volcanic eruption, the dangerous emotion barely being contained inside him as his fists clenched.
He hated when others made you laugh, especially his freinds, who unfortunately figured out the crush he had on you a few weeks back. Hearing you giggle at his idiot friends made him want to yell out in possession, declaring that they should know that you were his-well would be his- and they should lay off. But you didn’t suspect a thing about his feelings, and he really didn’t feel like looking like a possessive freak in front of you.
He felt your body shift next to his, his heart beating faster as your finger tapped his shoulder.
“Hey, Uh, Bakugo?” You whispered, the sweet tone of your Japanese voice making him shudder pleasantly, as well as long for your deeper American voice.
He grunted in response, his arms still slung across his broad chest.
“Did I talk in my American voice?”
He scoffed, his eyes rolling in his sockets at how adorably oblivious you could be sometimes. He sent you a shit eating smirk, his vermillion eyes dark like wine.
“What do you think?” He stated, but he didn’t say it in his language, no-he said it English.
He watched your face instantly light up, your eyes bright with excitement and awe as you gasped.
“Wait-you know English?!” You yelled out in awe, a smile erupting on your face. That smile seemed to shake his world, his mind eternally thanking that the room was so dark as his cheeks flushed.
“Of course I know English,” he scoffed, “what idiot doesnt.”
You giggled at his comment, your body shifting closer to his.
Damn it, his cheeks were getting hotter-he could feel your shoulder a mere centimeters away from his, your skin radiating a coolness that felt so soothing being near his permanently hot flesh.
You leaned in closer, your eyes watching his face with sweetness. “How long have you been speaking it?” you asked, but in that hot ass American voice-he was about to combust right then and there.
Shit-he would never admit it, but he hadn’t been exactly practicing his second language. He had learned it back in middle school, when it was a required class, and he had passed it with flying colors of course. Over the years though, he began to forget it, and he was pretty rusty now, now only remembering a few phrases (‘What do you think?’ being one of them)
“Ahh-“ he grumbled out, feeling stupid for not even understanding what you had said. He felt those pretty eyes of yours continue to stare at him, making him feel almost guilty for leading you on as you face fell slightly.
“You didn’t understand what I said, did you?” You asked sadly, back to using your airy Japanese voice. He hated seeing you look so disappointed, as if he let you down in some way.
“Of course I do, dumbass, I just-“
“It’s been awhile since you spoken it?”
He grunted in reply, your mind already translating that to a “Yes.”
Your face somehow light up again, your body even closer to his as you shimmied yourself near him.
“Then I’ll reteach you it!”
“Huh?” He looked at you, his eyes slanted as you peered at you with an almost judging look. What the hell were you playing at?
You nodded again, your lips letting out a slight hum.
“Yeah, I’ll teach you a phrase in English! To be honest, I miss having someone to talk to in my language…” you chuckled at your revelation, your eyes coated in embarrassment.
Well shit-if you needed someone to talk to in English, he was going to be the one to do it. With his damn luck Icy Hot and damn Deku would jump in and be your little English buddy. His skin crawled at the idea of you getting all cozy with one of those two bastards, his insides light up like a fire.
“Fine,” he huffed out, pretending like he was giving in, “but I’m not sitting through a whole damn lesson.”
You chuckled slightly, brushing a piece of hair behind your ears.
“Don’t worry, I’ll start off easy,” you smiled up at him, looking up slightly as if in thought.
“We’ll start with a something easy,” you instructed.
“I’ll teach you-“your sweet Japanese voice suddenly turned rich like syrup as it switched to American. ‘Hi my name is Bakugo”,
“Easy enough?” You asked, switching back to Japanese.
“Fucking elementary,” he scoffed, “yeah I can do it.”
“Cool!” You exclaimed quietly, still mindful of your classmates watching the crappy movie. You shimmied again, your face squarely staring at his as you waited for him to start speaking, your eyes expecting and wide with anticipation.
Shit he was supposed to be paying attention?
Bakugo cursed himself in his mind, as he was too preoccupied listening to your hot as hell American accent.
Damn, he was going to have a hard time talking to you in English, especially if you said his name like that. He hadn't realized how mezmorized he was by the way you spoke his name, your voice low and sultry as if you were telling him a secret, something he was only able to hear. His spine tingled and his hands clammed up again, making his mouth feel dry.
Shit, you’d be the end of him.
He opened his mouth, feeling uncharacteristically nervous as he tried to speak the words you had spoken. He could barely remember how you had said them though, the syllables coming out his mouth feeling cracked and awkward.
“H-hi my n-ame is...shit!” He cursed at himself, hating the way the words felt in his mouth. He couldn't say them right, knowing full well he looked like an idiot as his cheeks began to redden.
He heard you giggle next to him, the voice sounding sweet and kind against his ear.
“It okay,” you reassured him, “your just opening your mouth a little too wide...here-“
Before he could register what was even going on, your hand had wrapped delicately around his jaw, the floral scent of your perfume swarming his mind and making him unable to think straight. Your digits were pressing against his hot cheeks, forcing his lips to pout out slightly.
Damn, if he thought he was blushing, it was nothing compared to this-it felt like his cheeks were on fire.
You laughed at his clearly shocked face, his vermillion eyes wide and filled with confusion.
“Don’t worry, Bakugo, I’m just helping you,” you reassured him, your voice feathery as you whispered close to his ear.
Why the hell did that sound so hot?
You sent him another smile, speaking again in Japanese and then back to English, “Just say- ‘Hi my name is Bakugo’,”
he continued to star at you, actually beginning to like the feel your digits pressed against his mouth.
He swallowed, trying to coat his dry mouth with saliva.
“Hi-my name-is-Bakugo,” he stuttered out.
He wouldn’t ever say it out loud, but he had to admit it-his English voice did sound much better with your fingers pressed against his cheeks like that.
You clearly noticed it as well, your face triumphant and proud. “There ya go, that sounded so much better!” You congratulated him, your fingers retracting from his skin.
He already missed the feeling of your cold skin against his hot flesh, his cheeks feeling empty without your digits pressing against them.
He sucked the flesh of his cheeks into his mouth, moving his jaw.
“Shitty woman-need to give me a warning-“ he scolded you, his hands feeling clammy with the sudden change in events.
You rolled your eyes, lying yourself against the couch cushions and returning your gaze to the TV.
“Well, your going to have to get used to it if I’m going to teach you more-“
“Teach me more?!?” He practically yelled out, gaining a few confusing looks from his classmates.
“Of course!” you smiled as if it was obvious, “need to make sure your fluent enough for a conversation dumbie!”
“It’s also fun seeing you blush like that Bakugo,” you playfully nudged his ribcage, sending him a wink as you turned your gaze to the movie, unaware of how flustered you just made him.
Well shit-he thought numbly, a small grin playing against his mouth-you were something else.
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@weebartistinc​ @orokayagi​ @leeeah-loooser​ @bakarinnie​
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magpieinthemorning · 3 years
Up next for rage blogging a netflix show as I watch it: Next in Fashion
- Omg everybody’s outfits and their personalities!!! <3 <3 <3 It’s really painful that every episode someone gets eliminated because they are all so amazing.
- Really hated Isaac’s attitude, though, and the dynamics that resulted from pairing him with Nasheli. She deserved so much better! She would have done so much better with another partner! It was extremely unfair to her.
- I especially loved Carli and Daniel’s pantsdress in ep 1 - I really wish I could wear it! :O
- Painful watching Hayley and Julian - he was such a character and I would have liked to see more of both of their work, but they just did not fit together. No surprise at all that the teams who know each other well and have worked together a lot already are the most successful. 
- In the streetwear competition, on a scale from 1 to 10, how racist was it that both of the teams chosen as the bottom two had the only Black women, and the only Black people left in the competition? In streetwear? Seriously? Bless guest judge Kerby Jean-Raymond. The show is edited and scripted to be extremely emotional (literally people are crying all the time, it’s fantastic), but at that point, when he decided to walk out, I truly felt it so much. Love him. Love Kiki and Farai, who are constantly being judged much harsher than the other contestants. Thankfully here the “nobody gets eliminated” move was used for good, and not to keep in boring old white guys like in Blown Away ... because there are no boring old white guys in this show! Yay! :D
Ep. 5 - I’m not that interested in underwear, but I really enjoyed all the boxer shorts for the women’s looks. And Angel’s men’s look was amazing! I wish they would have shown it without the jacket. There was way too much focus on the made-up bra support issue. Women actually like to feel comfortable, and wasn’t it interesting that both of the all-women teams made bras without wires ... maybe because they know how uncomfortable that shit is?! So yeah ... :-/ To be honest it felt like a setup that the tops MUST have underwire and pushup. (That’s so 90′s though?) The judges didn’t ask Farai and Kiki’s model how she felt in it, like they asked one of the others, they just straight up decided to hate their creation because of the missing underwire. They acted so rude when they were looking closer at their design, the whole “What’s this?!” and pawing right under the model’s boobs. :/ Also I didn’t like Claire’s attitude and being angry that nobody was eliminated last time - so she’d have preferred if her own team was eliminated? And guess what ... 
Ep. 6 - Claire and Adolfo were eliminated, so maybe it taught her a lesson to not throw her own people under the bus? Or not ... I don’t know, it was somehow interesting how she stressed her Asian half at the end (in the speech about how she is still to be taken seriously even though she is small and half Asian), as if she wanted to distance herself from her Blackness, and look away from how racist the elimination process was? I may be reading too much into it - I’m also mixed race and really interested in how other mixed race people experience it. Still impressive that Claire and Adolfo got so far without having worked together before, if I’m not mistaken. Btw one of the judges went out of their way to compliment the unfinished edges on one look, while it had been so harshly criticized when Farai and Kiki did unfinished edges on the streetwear challenge. Sigh. All the looks in this challenge were really great, and I guess that says something about my own style ... \m/ 
I don’t know if I want to keep watching, because the judges are so irritating (sorry Tan :( ) and the elimination part is so stressful ... But I also want to see more amazing clothes and how these amazing people make them in such a short time!
Ep. 7 - Nooo, Angelo ... It was totally fair that he was eliminated for his grave lack of technical skill, I just loved watching him on the show so much. Together with Charles they were unstoppable and complemented each other so well, but apart? ;___; Same with Carli, together with Daniel they were awesome. I could relate a lot to wanting to quit instead of finishing something half-assed. :/ So nice that other contestants were looking out for her. It felt a bit more relaxing to watch now, although the stakes keep getting higher and the contestants fewer, but it seems like they are being judged more fairly now that Anti-Black racism is off the table lmao ... Sigh, I’d really love to watch arts and crafts contests with only Black judges and contestants. + I adore Adidas and wear way too much of it, but cringe at Jo Aberg’s heavy Swedish accent, haha (I used to live in Sweden and way too many of them go around telling foreigners that Swedes don’t have an accent when they speak English *eyeroll*).
Ep. 8 - Daniel seems like such a genuinely nice and caring person, so it’s kind of okay that the white guy stayed in the game over the two Asian guys. Charles on his own was perhaps missing Angelo’s pizzazz ^^ ... I liked Marco and his stuff a lot, and it seemed a bit like a setup here, too, that they criticized his design for being “too costumey” (I kind of hate that word now thanks to this series) and he got thrown off, instead of just doing his thing the way he wanted it, regardless of whether he would be eliminated for it.  Kind of “pro wrestling” that Minju was so freaked out by the challenge and then she made the best look hands down. Loved it! Especially with the leather band/harness - I don’t get why they criticized it. Overall I was a bit disappointed in all the other looks, because I like a lot about military style, but very few except Minju used the kind of stuff that I like. I didn’t really like Angel’s look that much - the concept was amazing, but that coat seemed a bit awkward to wear and I’m a bit confused about why everyone liked it so much, but maybe I just don’t get that about fashion. Happy for her though! Many of her other looks have been really great. + Judge Elizabeth’s crooked tie drove me bonkers. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE FASHION WHEN YOUR TIE DOES NOT COVER YOUR TOP BUTTON. lol
I’m happy for Minju and Daniel and can’t wait to see them in the finale! I liked Ashton’s looks so much! I’d love to wear the women’s top (and maybe I will try to sew something similar for myself :-p). Loved the reference to hakama - I thought he made all the right choices of what to adopt from the inspiration. A bit bummed that he got eliminated, especially since he was so community oriented when he talked about what it would mean for him to win.  I squealed when I heard Angel’s inspiration, Tibetan horse racing! Here I felt like the looks were a bit far off from the inspiration. But they looked so gorgeous. Maybe if she’d used the bleach lace pattern (on the edges for example) it would have been even more amazing. The women’s look was so great! Though I was a bit concerned about the crotch exposure :D Overall maybe Angel didn’t need the win so I guess it’s fine that she got eliminated. I’m a bit confused about why they were so in awe about Daniel’s looks. Both of the looks were really nice and clean, but I didn’t think they were all that interesting or innovative, and the message was a bit simplistic. And I literally made a similar quilt a few months ago, so I can’t really agree with the “it’s NEVER been done before” sentiments. I’m really looking forward to his stuff in the finale though! For Minju I felt the same, it was great, but I couldn’t really relate to how they thought it was so new and fresh. The men’s pant length would have surely gotten her eliminated if she’d been Black, haha. Can’t wait to see what she makes in the finale - I’ve loved almost everything she did so far.
OMFG MINJU!!!!! YAY!!!!! Aaaaah, her collection was so beautiful and fun! And all women’s looks! It was so nice!  It was so nice that Minju’s sister also realised that she had held Minju back creatively and that it was wrong to do that. I didn’t read spoilers about the ending, and kept nervously thinking that it wouldn’t surprise me if Daniel the white guy won the entire competition, but then Minju won and Daniel was so happy for her! <3 <3 <3 I cried so much!
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evolsinner · 3 years
fuck. what the fuck! i tried to make it as close to sir’s age as possible, but 25 is the first number that pops into my head!
“twenty~five?” the mother repeats with somewhat surprise. “my boy’s what? twel..” she does the math in her head, “thirteen years older than you?”
actually 20, but 13’s fine too.
i’m obviously getting agitated by the tone in her voice and i guess my lovely date notices this because he places his hand on my thigh. it’s not like i was gonna say or do anything, lol. wait, maybe i was… damn, he knows me more than i know myself.
“mum,” sir speaks up, “don’t make it such a big deal.”
“oh, no, no, no, just making small talk, luv. that’s all,” she backpaddles.
“well, then, let’s talk about you guys,” mr killian retorts. “how’s life treating ya, dad?”
“well, son, business is business as per usual,” he replies. “revenue is good. great, actually. still would have been nice to have you back, though.”
“nah, dad, i reckon that ship has already sailed.”
“‘sailed?’, haha haha,” the father laughs mockingly. “well, if it weren’t for me, son, you wouldn’t be able to afford that bottle of champagne you just ordered.”
“you and i both know i worked my ass off at that company of yours,” sir hits back. “i earned it, dad. all of it.”
“boys, behave now, speaking of company, we have company,” the mother nods at me, her trying to be nice isn’t working.
sir sighs, “fine, tell me, how’s life back home, hm?”
whilst they proceed chit~chatting about their lives and jobs, my date proceeds to do something else under the table. something sinful.
hell naw, not in front of his parents. i won’t be able to control myself! what is he thinking?! just nope. not happening.
i grab his hand and place it on his own thigh. he scoffs arrogantly at my disapproval. which results in the parents’ voices fading and intense frowns replacing their expressions.
“oh, no, no,” sir quickly readdresses them. “i wasn’t..that wasn’t..it wasn’t what it looked like. it wasn’t directed at you guys taking that sick dog you ran over to the vet. i definitely wasn’t laughing. forgive me, how is it..she, i mean? is she doing well now?”    
lmao, he’s messing up so bad, it’s hilarious.
after regaining the flow of the conversation pre quick, he latches onto my femur once more, but this time the grip is unyielding. again, i put my fingers between his knuckles to get his leech of a grip off of me. only he hardens it, forcing a pleasurable sensation to trickle up and around my pelvis.
i inhale a long breath of oxygen, so long that the parents pause and wait stiffly for my exhale.
meanwhile, mr killian casually takes a sip from his drink like he’s so interested in what his mum has got to say. his mouth curves into a devilish grin, finding the fact that i can’t express my pleasure openly hella entertaining. this piece of shit!
he softens his hold...
okay, good, great, amazing!
then, he smoothly glides his hand up.
i quickly lock my legs together like a venus flytrap.
sir puts his mouth next to my ear, “spread your legs, rosé.”
his voice. that tone. it has the capacity to liquefy the adamantine jewel necklace around my neck. liquefy or maybe tighten it to the point where i am choking by the hands of crystals and a voice too concupiscent for my threshold. slightly, i loosen my legs. not enough. barely enough. i’m fucked. that’s just all there is to it. i am fucked.
“wider,” he whispers in that velvety tone.
i do so an inch more, my face heating up as if i just opened an oven door.
“don’t make a sound,” his libidinous warning just an earshot away from his parents.
how in the hell can they not hear?
his fingers reach the waistband of my panties. this cannot be happening right now. don’t do it. don’t you dare. do not..ohh..damn.. he slides his fingers diagonally under the elastic.
fuck x2.
“so how did you two come to meet?” the mum finds a way to direct the convo back at us, or to me, specifically speaking.
with them talking about the vet earlier, i blurt out, “hospital.”
why am i like this?!!!!!
mr killian’s wayward hand halts and i don’t know if i’m pleased or disappointed.
“yeah, well,” i put more confidence in my voice. i’ll just have to make an elaborate story up. i should be good at this. “i was there with my family. my little brother broke his arm so we were getting an x~ray done.”
“oh, is he doing okay?” they both fake sympathise.
mr killian’s fingers catch rhythm again and i try to finish my fabrication off as quickly as possible so that he doesn’t make me fucking orgasm in the middle of it!
“no, yeah, he’s..he’s perfectly healed now.”
sir’s fingers on their way to their destination brush against my shaved extremities and the strip of hair in the centre. i am stock~still, captivated, embarrassed, red hot frozen. red hot frozen? yeah, fucking red hot frozen!! so are the parents with this storytelling of mine.
my breathing slows as i know what’s about to happen in just a matter of seconds.
“i went to get a snack from the indoor vending machine when~”
without a warning, he inserts a finger right into my vajayjay and i stop talking midsentence. my back is as straight as an iron board. sir shifts his sit a little closer to me so that he can get his finger in the deepest that he can. i clench around him so damn hard as a sign for him to get it the hell out of me, but all he does is clear his throat.
that’s all!
“well,” the mother arches a demanding overtweezed eyebrow, “what happened after?”
“babe, you okay?” sir asks me ever so boldly; i could detect the libido hidden in his tone a mile away. “you were getting to the best part.”
“sorry, one moment,” i give the folks a pursed smile before facing my date and pulling him down by the tie to hiss, “fucking quit it right now!”
he finds it amusing.
brah, this bitch.
“not in front of your parents…!”
“did i have a say with that bj at work?” is the only thing he says and brings his head back up to eye level with his parents. “anyways, where were we? after paying, her food got stuck and that’s when i saw her,” he finishes off for me.
so this is what it’s about? to have a one up on the other? to level out the playing field?! i am going to deck him so fucking hard when we get back home!!
“she told me ‘don’t bother, it’s a money~hungry machine that exploits from vulnerable people’,” he continues passionately like it truly happened.
the father cackles.
“so i asked rosé which one she was going for and i paid for the same one which helped push her one out along with mine.”
the father takes the chance to add a little anecdote of his own. this gives sir time to concentrate on his avocation.
he pumps a finger in and out of me. i can feel myself getting wetter and wetter with each pump. i try extremely, terribly hard to maintain a straight face; it’s taking every muscle in my face to do so. i lowkey don’t want him to stop and i’m highkey having trouble remaining casual about it.
“s~sir, please stop,” i croak out.
“‘stop’ what?” he murmurs cockily, curling his finger inside me just to further taunt me. “i don’t see anything happening,” he gestures over the table with his other hand. “do you?”
just when i thought i could manage it, he finds a second pair for his index finger by inserting his middle finger in. he scissors me, pumping in and out more vigorously now to tease the real thing.
he leans into me and whispers, “i want to fuck you so bad on this table right now.”
my eyes pop wide open, “sir...”
“shhh, sweetheart, or i’ll put in a third digit,” he threatens.
his voice stimulates me, his foreshadowing, his fingers and i just cannot keep up with this god slash satan of a man any longer! so forgive me when my control is deteriorating in keeping the extreme ecstasy at bay. my face is getting sweaty and i’m becoming sloppy.
accidentally, i release a deep moan like i just ate the most satisfying cake on planet earth.
sir’s racy fingers become frozen inside of me. he drops his fork and it clanks on the plate. he facepalms so that he can hide his face from his parents’ view. omg, why is he the one embarrassed?! the father chokes on his food, hitting his chest mildly, and the mother immediately stops chewing.
“a~are you okay, dear?” the mum asks unsurely. she needs closure, needs something to rid her of what the both of them do not want to bring their minds to.
“yeah, yeah! stomach pains, aha,” i say with an ‘oh it’s nothing’ giggle.
she doesn’t pressure me on it, instead, “adorable, isn’t it?” she asks the hubby. “except why were you in the hospital, isaac? were you all well?”
dessert is served and sir gradually removes his sticky fingers out of me.
thank the saviour above!
“i was well. my class had an excursion there and i was supervising them,” he replies.
“what does an english literature class have to do with a hospital?” she needles him.
“many things, mum, many things,” he utters, slightly irritated. “perhaps if you took up extra english literature classes, you’d know.”
“isaac!” the father snaps, his accent with the pronunciation of his son’s name ‘i~zack’ makes it sound so very profound. “that is in no way to speak to your mother like that!”
“you’re right,” mr killian puts up no fight and dips two fingers, the fingers into the chocolate sauce poured around the panna cotta. “that was wrong of me. i apologise.”
i watch him bring the chocolate coated fingers inside his mouth before slowly pulling them out as all the sauce smoothly slides off.
i’m pretty sure my man, j.c, has left heaven himself.
“this is delicious,” he tells the waitress above, conceited and all. “what’s in here again?”
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thatdamnokie · 4 years
so, as everybody knows, our man, the lovely mark strong, turned 57 this past august 5th
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since the kingsman films have had a huge influence on several aspects of my day-to-day life (gee, wonder what group of people i could be referring to...), i decided to sit down and do something i’ve been thinking about since getting my medical card earlier this year: getting high as a kite and watching them back-to-back.
to celebrate mark’s birthday, i decided to do another running commentary post like the one i did for rocknrolla ages ago, under the cut. it’s a pretty similar style, which is to say not necessarily super coherent and might be hard to understand if you’ve never seen the movies. D:
there are some mentions of the roanoke society, but not many.
if even just one person finds this mildly entertaining for four seconds, then i’ll have done my job. there is a lot of cursing and this is NOT spoiler-free.
edited 9.1.20 to correct typos and such, please remember that i was Not Sober while i wrote this lmao
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how many times have i watched these movies at this point? i don’t even know.  
i always liked the nifty like—retro arcade marv opening animation
and the thing with the tapes! we love book-ending devices!
kingsman: badass motherfuckers worldwide incorporated
like why was merlin even with them? i understand why lee and james would be there, but merlin, was he not acting quartermaster then?
i have SO MANY FEELINGS about lee unwin
i think it haunts harry and merlin more than anyone thinks, but these are fun spy movies so we just don’t talk about trauma and shit, don’tcha know
don’t look at how merlin tears up and tell me he doesn’t drink about it *HEAVILY* later
it’s such a stark contrast to see the 1990s interior vs. what it’s like when eggsy’s grown :(
michelle baby i’m so sorry. you deserved better than this.
omg. like this scene is both heartbreaking but is also adorable.
colin firth has gd anime legs, that dude had to straight up unfold himself as he stood up lmao
aaannnnd swooping logo, whooooo, goin’ over some mountains~
and mark hamill, ladies and gentlemen!
this whole thing with james deciding to kinda go rogue makes me wish that we knew more about his backstory as well. like, is this james being james, or was this a weird one-off situation and he was just unlucky?
YES unlucky. nobody could plan for the hurricane of sleek destruction that is gazelle
who has one of my favorite aesthetic designs as a villain (although i guess i’d put her more on maybe henchman level? but idk, it seems like valentine looked at her more as a partner, less like an assistant? and they had a very interesting chemistry together too, like i would’ve added more valentine x gazelle scenes)
i would LOVE to be this chill about just—draping blankies over bodies
blankies over bodies sounds like a cool band name
DIBS you guys can’t have it
i am SO GLAD samuel l. jackson gave valentine a lisp!
valentine, to me, does fit a lot of the usual spy movie villain tropes
but since this movie doesn’t take itself super serious, it’s more fun than annoying
and we never hear about any of the other knights?? like
half of this is just gonna be me whining for additional footage that there just wouldn’t have been room for realistically lmao
michael caine, you are lovely
i’m an embarrassment
like let’s all stop and thank god that mark didn’t have time to learn the welsh accent
not that i would’ve been disappointed, because all accents are good accents on this blog
but at this point i can’t imagine merlin as—not scottish
“try picking a more suitable candidate this time”
arthur you DICK
like were you this cold-blooded when lee died, you fuckin’ reptilian-ass son of a bitch
no wonder you were charlie’s pledge person thing
and enter the fabulous taron egerton, stage left!
god, michelle, you need better friends, if you were my bro this entire relationship would’ve never happened
;-; and eggsy’s so sweet with his sister! i know there probably wasn’t “room” for it but i AM glad that there are scenes showing that family is one of eggsy’s kinda “core values”or whatever you want to call it
dude is a hufflepuff through and through imo
can you imagine eggsy as a villain? we would be so fucked. he’s sly, he’s smart, he could’ve made life v e r y difficult for lots of people if he really wanted to
but look at him with the squad!
eggsy’s just like the british version of a good ol’ boy
this car scene is some dukes of hazzard bullshit (ramp-jumping and fun car horn aside)
if butterflies are harry’s main symbolic critter, would foxes be eggsy’s? or would it be a pug instead? i guess that’s like asking if harry would be either a butterfly or a cairn terrier, like mr. pickle. let’s say both.
this fandom is pretty on top of character associations like that
you get symbolic associations! YOU get symbolic associations! EVERYONE gets symbolic associations whether they’re actually in the canon or not! don’t have any? don’t worry, we’ll assign you at least one!
the guy playing the interviewing officer is ALSO the patriarch in the witch which i didn’t realize until—like, a while after
and it was while @circlesofbone​ was visiting, and we were just “oh, okay, guess we can’t escape this cast at all, this is fine”
“your father saved my life.”
harry you’re such a fucking peacock, waiting all posted up and posing so you’ll look cool
you big doofus
i’d kill to be inside his head during this first conversation with eggsy though
like is eggsy like lee? is harry seeing lee the entire time he’s talking to his son, in his mannerisms, how he carries himself, how he speaks?
or is eggsy the opposite? which—i don’t know if that would somehow be sadder?
there’s just a lot going on in the background of this bit that’s left up to interpretation
“although i’m sure it’s well-founded—“
harry’s just so casual about this entire thing, nobody’s that casual without practice
harry you rabble-rouser, what kind of life have you led
“manners. maketh. man.”
our timeless motto, my flowers
kingsman STILL to this DAY has some of the most well-choreographed fight scenes i’ve ever seen??
like yeah the church scene but even just this initial bar fight
harry could’ve been a dancer
in a way i guess he already is
like he moves so fluidly and gracefully, it is BONKERS
colin you did so good! i’m so proud!
the way eggsy’s just O.O
whether or not you ship hartwin, like, you gotta admit, that was hot
and his BODY LANGUAGE, he’s sitting like RAMROD straight, this poor dude lmao
nobody prepares you for a situation like that in public school is all i’m saying
harry, exiting stage left like a suave, smooth motherfucker
remember when iggy azalea was relevant
ugghhhh i hate this part
can you imagine being harry hart listening to your dead friend’s son getting the shit beat out of him
like, surely he heard the cleaver, he knows dean was going to fucking gut eggsy right?
listen to how cold and icy his voice gets, oof
yeah, he’s pissed, and dean is lucky
ugh, i want to go to london ;-; i want to walk in front of the shop and visit harry’s house and kiss cute english boys
i’d like to think harry’s super excited to show eggsy everything but he’s gotta keep it dialed back because “decorum”
the way eggsy pauses though
“come on.”
and he says it so softly.
if i was eggsy, i’d be nervous, too.
but i didn’t realize how quickly harry tries to give off signals like “hey there’s no reason to be scared.”
“like my fair lady?” “well, you’re full of surprises.” <3 one of my favorite sceneeesss.
harry’s voice is so soothing but eggsy is so freaked out by the elevator that he’s just—there’s no room for anything else beyond processing the elevator lmao
“how deep does this fucking thing go?” asking the real questions
i’d like to think they have like soft jazz or something playing in there
and then they get to the hangar and there are obviously a buuuuunch of people out on the tarmac that we just—never hear about? i just assume they’re all like technical officers or maybe other agents
“your father had the same look on his face. … as did i.”
harry is already rooting for him.
“late again, sir.”
that. brogue.
fuck, i could listen to him talk for hours, scottish accents are my favorite thing
not a very diverse cast :/
the body bag speeeeech
and of course nobody was in any actual danger, but merlin doesn’t want them to know that so he becomes mr. hard as steel, i am emotionally stoic at all times, do not test me you bunch of rugrats
“classic army technique.”
aannnnddd charlie, also
who we might’ve found sympathy for if we knew aaannyytthiinnggg else about his backstory
like, could he just be Like That, yeah
but most people i know who are assholes like that are that way because their parents were first /shrug/
can hardly fault the dude for turning out like that when poison was all he was given to drink
anyone else a hundred percent positive they would’ve drowned in the first trial
i would absolutely have panicked and bit it
but then again, i’m not kingsman material, i’m roanoke
and if this is the exact same test that merlin and harry went through, does that mean there might be some weird drowning trauma hidden back in there that’s just ANOTHER thing we’re not gonna talk about?
(yes the correct answer is yes)
god that’s such an american response to the problem though
glass can’t cause problems if it’s in a million pieces!
“yeah you can wipe those smirks off your faces…”
i wonder if there was ever a situation where a trainee actually drowned
and i don’t mean like amelia, i mean some poor kid who just failed the test
merlin knows how to put the fear of god in people though!
and mark strong, very handsome, yes, very scary, also yes
he and colin both look like they’re 80 percent leg in every single scene
harry literally had brain matter smatter ALL OVER HIS FACE and still somehow had the mental facilities to be aware of those dudes, leave a bomb and dive out of a window (and then escape said dudes)
billy badass, y’all
“just get it done.” okay, i took back what i said earlier, maybe he does see her as more of an assistant, less than a partner. their relationship is weird.
the puppy scene!
“it’s a bulldog innit?”
YASSSS the golden trio
because of what happened with our other canon charlie has become a weird character for me to watch, like, yeah, i “watch” charlie be himself in tss but the charlie i “see” is like—”our” charlie.
“bollocks!” and then he just runs with jb in his vest, makes me smile
aannddd we see valentine’s super cool factory
harry your hair gets so long <3
“water!” wow, who wants to bet that the fact he was instantly screaming means that maybe he’s gonna have some stuff to talk about in therapy later
roxy baby i’m sorry they made you hold the balloon and have to trust these dumbasses to not shoot you on accident
i would trust roxy to not shoot me
i love, love love valentine’s house
it’s gorgeous
set design is always such a cool way for filmmakers to include details about a character using pure aesthetics and i’m such a slut for it
see also: one of the characters done the WORST by these movies imo!
the fact that she not only says no, she says no with enthusiasm and gets blatantly pissed, is one of the best insights we get into tilde’s character and then it just—gets wasted
like it takes three steps and then gets mowed down in the hallway like her guards
i would never be given the opportunity to be asked if i wanted an implant but i draw the line at having stuff put into my neck
awwww harry’s so proud!
that finger point “yeah, see, be more like your uncle”
merlin is SO TALL
“a bit much innit?”
he’s just—tapping a normal clipboard
… nobody wanna talk about how that’s a normal clipboard
i also love how they show him in professor sweaters for the beginning acts of the movie
definitely a softer aesthetic than one would guess for a dude who apparently did field missions sometime within the past decade or so, but i also have a theory that lee’s death directly contributed to merlin maybe being the man behind the screen as opposed to afield
because trauma is a thing but this is a FUN movie so we’re NOT gonna talk about it
“you’re gonna be all right. you’re top of the class!” this was the scene that made my mom a reggsy shipper
regardless of how you feel about them as a couple, their friendship is one of the best things about this movie, along with their dynamic with charlie, asjdnaskdjna WHY could we not have had a trio movie instead
eggsy you show-off “lemme just throw my arms up and dip outta this plane like it’s not a big deal”
roxy you can do it!
ugh, there goes my baby, off to have a near-death experience under merlin’s immediate supervision lmao
“good girl, rox, glad you made it!”
guys, they’re just kids.
i love this big group scene because it reminds us that these are just young folks, still
“my, my, you’re all very cheerful...”
“rufus, come on!” dude eggsy—and not even just eggsy, charlie and rox too--at least made an attempt at teamwork. you get points for that bro
but man, for all they know, they’re about to beef it in a very permanent way, i’d be freaking out too
merlin getting caught up in the drama
because again, he’s supposed to know that eggsy has a parachute
i think he wasn’t prepared for these two to get that close to not making it and that’s why we see him break face and drop his mug
i HATE the sound of them landing
it’s not like you can hear bones breaking but it hurts me, guys
and then there were three
plus one daddy long legs quartermaster
“if you have a complaint you come here and you whisper it in my ear.”
yes SIR
“you need to take that chip off your shoulder.”
merlin coming’ in with the tough love portion of the kingsman core squad
there’s no reason for me to think harry’s persona was inspired by cruella de ville somehow but i do anyway
she reveals the mcdonald’s and valentine is just :D
idk if he was expecting a specific reaction or was just excited to see a reaction period
valentine is definitely a fun villain, which, given the tone of the movie, makes sense, it’s all supposed to be fun
one of the reasons i love kingsman is that it’s like, this golden ray of goofy cinematic fuckery in a world of grim!dark remakes and other superhero/spy films who are presented as more serious stories
“and thank you for such a—happy, meal.”
harry got a puppy smile
but see, then, here at his house he’s a lot more relaxed with gazelle! like, patting her butt, etc.
maybe what we see of their relationship is dependent on setting, because valentine himself has it compartmentalized?
“and i am never, EVER GOING TO AGREE!”
tilde, you deserved better, and i think all the weird hate you get from our ohana is unfair
you don’t twist a runner’s ankle before the race starts and then get mad when they don’t win
your story was mishandled from the beginning
asmr: hanging out with the golden trio watching worrying news in the kingsman trainee bunker room
the way he says “biblical sense” lmao
i have never been able to figure out if the way he says that line is supposed to infer spiritual respect, or lack of it, but i might be looking too into it
“it’s an acquired taste, mate.”
what���what would you even do if you were at a club and three people as hot as taron, ed and sophie all came up and start talking to you at the same time
like i know the target got up and left pretty quick because of the training exercise
but i’d be doing it because i’m ugly and if three hot people are all talking me up at a bar something is Bad and Wrong
which—the CAHONES on both eggsy and roxy
they both literally said “yeah i’m willing to die for this organization that hasn’t even given me a permanent place yet, what of it”
look at harry’s dimples in this scene, he is fighting a huge grin, he’s SO PROUD
i know that charlie’s response is supposed to be just more fodder into the “charlie hesketh is a tool” fire
but given that i’m not unconvinced that his home life wasn’t super shitty, like—
idk, this makes this scene a lot less fun to me. it makes it sad.
like, maybe charlie didn’t even want to be there deep down, maybe this was all for like, arthur, or his dad, or some other person he looked up to
and the way merlin looks when he tells charlie to go home, the way that he’s kinda grimacing? i’m wondering if he’s along the same kind of feeling. he’d know more about charlie’s history
have i also mentioned how much i love harry’s war room?
“YES harry!”
an evil plan is being born!
“true nobility is being superior to your former self.”
eggsy is still in his club clothes, so like—has he slept? y’all let those kids sleep after fucking drugging them, right? … guys?
“—when one is popping ones cherry.”
and eggsy is just CHEESING he is SO EXCITED
am i the only one who wants to learn more about the store clerk guy though?
he’s like the one person around who’s legit just there to run the shop
has no idea about any of the spy stuff happening
his name is donald, he’s married with three children and has two spaniels he loves
“THAT is sick.”
i would KILL for this room.
i don’t need anything in here for any reason but still
foreshadowing, foreshadowing, foreshadowing, more foreshadowing—
harry is such a NERD
“put it back, eggsy.”
the amount of self-control it would take to not have a sudden change in expression in that moment, omg
i wonder how THAT gets trained up in kingsman
“i guarantee it.” ha, get it, it’s a reference to that one commercial
“y’all—talk so funny.”
and this all means that they had a contact at that hat shop and got all that info to them before valentine got there, and somehow made sure he did end up buying a hat that they could also successfully put a bug on, how deep does this goooooo
“jack bauer?”
it says a lot about eggsy that out of all the jb’s it could’ve been, it was jack
uggghhhhhh of course they HAD to do this scene with eggsy with arthur
obviously harry couldn’t do it
i just think most of us would NOT be fans of arthur at this point in the movie, we’re all rooting for eggsy, like, he needs this moment with this other character because we gotta drive home that he’s an asshole
also—would have absolutely failed that test
and i’m not sorry at all
“welcome to kingsman--lancelot.”
i was really happy that it was a female agent who ended up getting the handle
aannddd more echoes of past scenes, man, nobody can say that this crew wasn’t intentional with their cinematography
when eggsy rolls the window down you can see his chest moving up and down, like, he is MAD
dean you asshole
so no wonder he gets so pissed that the car suddenly decides “nope, no, we’re not doing this, c’mon”
this entire conversation at harry’s house is—tense
and you don’t pick up on it the first time, i don’t think, but uh
i’m seeing it now
harry’s not just mad, he’s hurt, and eggsy’s furious but he’s also maybe regretting his actions.
it’s these two men who are rapidly trying to figure out their headspaces and trying to figure out how to navigate this situation with each other
and the way eggsy tries to apologize ;-;
kentucky is a beautiful state, actually
ohhhhhh y’alllll
we’re at the churrrccchhhh
we’re gettin’ closer to the coolest part of the movieeeee
it’s telling that gazelle was trying to make sure that they’d be safe
“… so hail satan, and have a lovely afternoon madame.”
the most metal lines colin firth has ever uttered on camera
the siren noise after it’s switched on bothers me in a way i can’t quite articulate
it might be because i have silent hill-colored trauma, who knows
but then eggsy and merlin are reacting aaaanndddd it’s—a lot less fun
because you realize that they’re watching their bro mercilessly slaughter innocent people and not stopping
and still not stopping
and still not stopping
but plot twist, i’m really glad they kept the track going, because if they’d suddenly picked *this* part of the scene to get serious, that would’ve brought the mood down so low that i don’t think there would’ve been any bouncing back
i just
how do people exist who aren’t attracted to harry hart
that man is a machine
and colin worked so hard to be able to do the scene himself, and that work SHOWS, that man cuts a FIGURE
i don’t know how they managed to somber it up just the right amount, either? maybe because they waited for the “fun action sequence” to be over so there wouldn’t need to be noise that had to be masked by a fun rock track?
“… what did you do to me.”
i cannot imagine what harry was feeling in that moment.
the way he spoke it was like he didn’t even have time to be afraid to die
“that tends to happen when you shoot somebody in the head. feels good, right?”
“no, it does not feel good!”
i love that exchange because we normally hear the opposite.
mark has this way of expressing grief without showing any—blatant signs.
like merlin’s not especially tearful, or crying, but his eyes look MASSIVE. and SAD. and he has just the tiiiiiniest tremor in his voice.
and eggsy, dude, like, we’ve all had it come on us really quick and suddenly it’s like your chest is pumping like a piston and when did it get so hard to breathe?
like look at how egssy’s shoulders sag when he realizes that arthur isn’t on his team
and in a way, this is eggsy’s final test as a kingsman trainee, imo
do you realize how quickly he had to assess what was happening and figure out what to do, all without arthur noticing?
“you are all alone. it is all up to you. remember all you have learned. good luck.”
it’s a very—almost horror-esque situation from that pov
and he passed with flying colors to go on his first true mission, because after he puts on the suit, that’s his visual cue of graduating, if that makes sense
that’s the knight putting on his armor.
“i’d rather be with harry. thanks.”
“so be it.”
me: *laughing at arthur’s big dumb stupid head*
… man i’d love a replica of that decanter and glasses set though
not to mention that eggsy recognized the flaws in arthur’s character and weaponized them, which is a whole other level of shit that isn’t necessarily easy; he knew that arthur carried the kind of pride that would leave him open
god, he looks so exhausted though when rox has him at gunpoint.
i think he was being pretty serious, about harry
sick helipaaaaaaad
that thing looks vaguely like a rock-‘em sock-‘em robot but in pieces though
more grandpa sweaters <3
man. you can see roxy swallow, you know she’s scared, but then she just sets her jaw and—
roxy baby you are the best i love you
i like the vintage vibe of the mountain lair
i think that’s another visual poke at the aesthetic themes of some of the older, og spy flicks out there
merlin looks SO LANKY walking back to the plane for some reason??
he stays until the last second for roxy. that’s love right there.
“a bespoke suit always fits.”
which can be good spiritual life advice too but that’s a separate conversation
“what the fuck is WRONG with you people?”
and his fuckin’ disco ball
uuggggghhhhh his speech reminds me of so many… “public figures” that i dislike
even though it’s obviously a bad thing that the chips are everywhere, i appreciate that phones and such are being shown in a positive manner (like, michelle talking to someone in the park, people at a ball game taking selfies, people at the beach, etc.) because i get so sick of that anti-tech boomer humor tbh
and the big reveal of eggsy in his suitttt
“how’s the view?”
you’re allowed to be crabby baby, you just let it out.
“lookin’ good, eggsy.”
“feelin’ good, merlin.”
merlin is so calm heading into the fortress and i don’t know if it’s because he’s very, very good at compartmentalizing and that’s genuinely how he is at the moment or if he’s that way through extreme self-control and effort
he can rock a pilot’s uniform though
just like eggsy can rock a suit
they’re both so handsome, help
i also wonder how eggsy’s feeling right then
like, i’d imagine that the pressure of having to perform a role to literally save the world would be enough to distract him from the bite of grief
that’s—probably enough to distract everyone, tbh
i a hundred percent believe there are breakdowns we don’t see
i wonder if eggsy told tilde he’d spoken to lindstrum(sp?) after everything was said and done
like, that’d be some kind of weird foreshadowing in hindsight
this scene is anxiety-inducing in a big way so to distract myself i imagine roxy as a mech pilot
dude i’d totally watch sophie in a role like that, like, let her be in a movie like pacific rim, she’d kick ass
and now we have The Chaos
otherwise known as that point when Everything Is Happening All At Once All The Time
also a thing that doesn’t exist in spy movies: hearing damage
because like his voice is right in eggsy’s ear and without it he’d have a LOT harder time surviving
imagine being an agent, merlin trying to talk to you, but something either hits your ear or goes off right next to it and suddenly it’s just silent
The Chaos 2 Electric Boogaloo!
merlin with a huge gun: hot, also, very scary
eggsy is just 10000% done
“this is mine. i’ll show you yours.”
i wonder who e man was supposed to be that valentine called.
like is that a reference to a real person that i just did’t catch?
… elon musk? maybe? idk
eggsy slides like a gd anime character
when he uses the rainmaker, it’s just like harry’s protecting him from somewhere else
(oh—wait, technically kentucky, i guess)
“merlin, i’m fucked.” you can hear the anger there. not only did he fail, but he—and everyone else—is about to die
but this? this is the pinnacle of eggsy showing himself as a kingman agent
he was staring death straight in the mouth and STILL
so i guess if i say that the moment when he puts on the suit is when he becomes a true agent, then maybe this is the moment when he becomes galahad.
*bobs head to pomp & circumstance*
i remember getting a huge kick out of how colorful they made this
because in real life you know a bunch of people literally blowing up would be like—DISGUSTING
viscera everywhere
no fun rainbow mushroom clouds
“i’ve always wanted to kiss a princess.”
ANOTHER knight reference, very clever matthew
mmmmm Do Not Like that noise
aaaannndddd *that* line
which—maybe that’s mr. vaughn’s sense of humor, or what he thinks the sense of humor his core demographic has, idk
but it always kinda rubbed me the wrong way
the mass brawl scenes are edited so like--jarringly compared to the other fight scenes in the movie
that’s probably for a reason
also, a showdown to the tune of something disco: kind of another trope homage
this shot of gazelle is so sick, i love everything about it, she is so cool
this entire fight with eggsy is awesome tbh
we got a little bit of what gazelle can look like in combat earlier with tilde’s guards, but now we get this epic showdown seeing her at her full potential against someone who’s actually a challenge
and the way valentine is shouting for her to kick his ass from upstairs and yelling encouragement lmao that’s how real friends act when there’s a fight
daisy ;-; ugh, that’s the visual gutpunch that makes it juuuuuust serious enough by reminding us of the stakes
which is why it’s fitting that then we see the Slo-Mo K.O.
and that smile with the fun little chimes in the back, lmao
and eggsy, quick on his feet again byyyy being quick on gazelle’s feet—foot—whatever
man, impalement deaths are always fun.
coulda done without the vomiting but that’s also one of valentine’s quirks that makes him different from a cookie cutter villain
aaannddd have a heavy sigh from merlin
that dude needs a full-body massage and a drink
“is this where you say some really bad pun?”
reminder: i love that this movie is self-aware! i could not picture a super serious kingsman movie! i just picture something depressing!
there had to have been a better option besides—this, for this eggsy/tilde ending scene
i’m not saying i’m mad it ended with them fucking, i’m mad that the extent of the joke was anal and that was it.
also the idea of my boss possibly seeing me having sex would have me a little more concerned about the hardware on my face, but okay??
aannddd the tapes.
gah, we love visual throwbacks!
we love being able to see that despite all this growth and change, family remains very important to eggsy—he hasn’t changed into a different person, he has grown more into himself than ever before! THIS! THIS is eggsy unwin!
time for tgc! (and to get into my roanoke feels, maybe, this is the nexus where our canons connect)
i did not stop to consider how unpleasant this was going to be to watch stoned but we’re gonna power through it and get through it together
if i cry i cry
the way the music swells into the main theme <3
and the perfect reveal for our boy eggsy!
reflected in gold, looking sharper than broken glass
the pacing in tgc leads me to believe that matthew had huge plans for this movie, and a lot of cool stuff probably ended up on the cutting room floor for time
i also love that they brought charlie back
i love his voice box and his cool robot arm
and i’m not just saying that because it made it super easy to blend him into our canon, either, this is like—charlie’s evil twin in terms of his new aesthetic, the contrast is really cool
like we are IMMEDIATELY thrown back into the gold parts of it all, like how physics is a little broken so we can do cool shit like have a knockdown drag-out fight all within the space of a small cab
i wonder what would’ve hurt charlie worse—being thrown onto his organic side, or having all his weight land on his metal arm if it hadn’t disattached
but then he’s up and standing so i guess we’re fine?
otherwise known as the character entrance that literally changed my life
i try not to think about it too much or i get weirded out
(and to think i almost never even saw the movie)
Sick Car Chase, Bro
and as an american, like, everything’s on the opposite side to me, it’s stressful to watch a little bit
“i seem to remember in your training you were rather good at holding your breath.”
man, that’s uh—kind of a macabre thing to say, merlin
just a little bit
i’m not even gonna attempt to hold my breath to see if i’d survive this scene just assume i’m dead in that universe
we all live in a kingsman subarmine, a kingsman submarine, a kingsman submarine~~
“not boasting, but i trained him well enough that even he wouldn't mess that up.”
merlin are you okay??
gah, i love that chest-deep laugh though.
is it real love if they won’t crawl through the sewer to get to your house in time
i love that harry’s house looks basically the same
i know they talk about eggsy not wanting to change anything in the novelization but i haven’t read it yet so I’m not a hundred percent sure what all is in there
and we still get to see him hanging with his friends, and his girlfriend, like, this dude is still all about the family
i love this group so much omg
for as much as he’s galahad, he’s still eggsy
the transition in the weed bag looks super cool
… oh, i guess watching this while high makes the main storyline hit a bit different
i love that poppy is an aesthetic slut and really doesn’t give a shit about anyone’s opinion about how she makes her space
like, “i want a big 50s-style diner with a gourmet kitchen that i can cook people in, soooooo i’m getting one”
it’s also refreshing to see julianne moore in a bad guy role!
not that i’m super familiar with her filmography but i feel like i’ve mostly seen her cast as like a good guy?
i could be wrong
awwwww jet and bennie!
there’s so much to love about this set
cannibalism and the fact that she bulldozed jungle to build all this aside (suspend that belief!)
the breakfast sceeeeeene
it’s so bittersweet, for obvious reasons
and it’s more evidence that he’s not super ready to move on into new territory yet, like making new memories with tilde that ring close to home
“i wish i could have met him.”
and the way he has to turn away, ugh.
eggsy. i’m sorry.
tilde, i’m sorry, too. you had good intentions, but they lost against his pain.
michael gambdon! the new arthur we didn’t know we wanted until we got him.
charlie had a moral glo-down, it’s fine, happens to everybody
FFFFFF his imitation of merlin lmfao
man, poor charlie, like
you wake up, you can’t make a sound, your arm has been blown off and your family’s dead
like his reaction to that entire scenario isn’t entirely unrealistic, i’m just saying
omg everyone in this movie can wear the FUCK out of suit, y’all
man, i’ve gotten a few tattoos that were exquisitely painful—i can’t imagine how much it would suck to do it with literal molten metal
dude this means clara laid on her stomach and probably screamed at the floor as she got hers D:
this kinda—riffs off of hannibal, a teeny-tiny bit
like we’re so overloaded with the aesthetics and behavior of a certain character so it’s like, we forget about the much darker parts untillllll there’s a mood change and we’re looking at that dude’s legs, to the burger this other dude puts in his mouth, and thinking “oh, oh dear, ew”
i love eggsy in the orange jacket <3 snaps for the wardrobe crew across this series.
tilde’s face, omg, she was heart-eyeing so bad. and like, that little proud nod at her dad (who was of course being Like That on purpose)
and roxy, coming in in the clutch, you are tonight’s MVP
uggghhhhh i hate this part
because again, it’s just--a bunch of bad shit colliding outside of anyone’s control
(it was also really jarring seeing the war room with blank walls the first time i watched this)
like—granted, you should maybe not touch stuff that’s not yours, but…
like we *just* saw eggsy and brandon in a very casual, intimate scene with each other, how can anyone get angry with brandon?
this is all stress-inducing
i remember being in the theater watching this and feeling like i was watching some awful slow motion car wreck and i couldn’t look away
idk what other story i would’ve wanted to see but i was NOT a fan of Sudden Death For Christmas, especially concerning roxy!
and poppy is such a *bright* villain, not just because of taste but because of her personality, which is another weird thing to have next to the cannibalism
gaaahhhh charlieeee your arm is so cooooool
this shot is gorgeous and incredibly depressing.
what do you do?
gah, and the way merlin comes out of the dark, like
i probably would’ve drawn a gun on him too
“you think *i* would?”
this scene shows 1. how much he trusts eggsy to not shoot him, and/or 2. how good merlin is at compartmentalizing, because this is an even bigger blow than harry’s death, and he’s following the protocol like it’s an art form
i hope that we see some reference to this safe in the next movie, that’d be a cool way to tie the narratives all together
“i suppose that must be upper class humor. … i don’t get it.”
reminder, merlin is working class.
if you’re a ho for this fandom and went and bought this whiskey specifically because of this movie clap your hands *clap clap*
and they proceed to just get HAMMERED
“country rooaaddsss… take me hoooooome…”
another reminder: kentucky is a beautiful state!
i would love to tour a whiskey distillery, that’d be super cool
“shame it’s not scotch”
again, with his weird night vale clipboard.
who would win: two highly-trained kingsman agents vs. one (1) cowboy
channing tatum, ladies and gentlemen!
“y’all look damn sharp!”
i am forever gonna be mad we didn’t get more of tequila in this movie, and not just because of roanoke either, but like, “that dog don’t hunt,” whatever he has in his mouth sealed a leak in a barrel, and it took him all of two minutes to incapacitate both eggsy AND merlin? hello??
i’m glad we’ll get to see more of him in the another movie.
“you know why the measurement of alcohol is called proof?”
just dumping it on their laps, so disrespectful
“—and you can go fuck yourself.”
eggsy fucking just giggling.
these two doofuses
also it’s hot to see merlin be sassy ngl
these guys have been fast thinkers in stressful situations but as it turns out, people being unexpectedly not dead can kinda fuck with your day
aaannddd halle berry, everybody! i love ginger ale omg
(and so does merlin, he is instantly enchanted)
;-; this reunion scene
i don’t know how colin manages to be two completely different people at once
like there’s a huge difference between former agent galahad and harry hart the lepidopterist and i can’t explain it
i really, really hope we see at least one little hint at kinsman’s relationship with statesman in the new movie, i just think it’d be really cool
in roanoke canon, there’s an office rumor that the nanobot tech used by statesman was influenced directly by the same technology developed by dr. wernicke in the outlast games. i still think it’s one of my better crossover ideas.
god bless whoever decided to get elton john involved with all this?? because i was DELIGHTED
i love poppy’s wardrobe as much as i love her weird 50s-land in the jungle
i also really love the main statesman theme? it reminds me of all those fun epic westerns
jeff bridges! :D
champ vaguely reminds me of my dad
“can you imagine us in the tailor business?”
and he’s super quick with the questions. my headcanons for champ are all over the place but one that i really like is that he was maybe a sheriff or in law enforcement before being recruited by statesman.
aaanndddd pedro pascal, everybody!
otherwise known as *another* character that this movie did dirty, that’ll probably come up in this later
imagine being harry hart, not remember all of yourself, and suddenly your entire room just—fills with water
that had to have been so terrifying, and it was just as hard for merlin to watch (and possibly remember something unpleasant)
and like
that sounds like SUCH bullshit, too, like “yeah we thought if you came close to drowning it would help”
which, is that what merlin meant, no, but is that what harry heard, probably
enter jb the second ;-; <3 sweet baby
tilde’s trying so hard. i see you!
aha, penis jokes.
and all of the unnecessary weird festival stuff, uuggghh
there are so many different things they could have done, like, all of this is just weird from the get-go
first of all, whiskey striking out? hello?? saying no to a man like mr. pascal???
not realistic
the way whiskey takes a shot as he walks away lmao, relatable
and poor clara, like, it’s not like she was asking for any of this D:
hmmmmmmm don’t know how i feel being a stoner watching other stoners get this blue rash thing when i know it kills some of themmmmmmm
i love charlie in his newsboys cap!
poppy has a little bit of a point. like, booze is way more dangerous than pot, as is tobacco. like i would never advocate anyone try meth or heroin, but i think weed and some hallucinogenics get bad wraps.
seeing a dude get torn in half in the reflection of elton john’s sunglasses is the surprising bit of gore we need to remember that oh, yeah, the villain isn’t fun, she’s a murderer
uuggghhhh the TENT SCENE
and, look, i’ll defend tilde forever, but i did NOT like the weird marriage ultimatum. i still think it’s a dick move, like, in that situation either decide to trust your boyfriend or break up with him
the tent interior is super cool-looking
and like, man, he tried, he tried to bounce D:
/sigh/ work hazards, i guess
mmmmmm we don’t need any of what’s happening on screen right now so i’ll just sit patiently and wait for it to be over
and like, there’s nothing funny about merlin and ginger being able to hear everything that’s going on, it’s so grosssss, poor ginger has to have heard some shit before to be so nonchalant about it
everything about this sucks
and then he tries going to the one person who he needs the most and having to deal with him still existing in some state between alive and dead
his body is here
but harry is not
“maggots turn into flies, perhaps you mean larvae!” :D he is SO CUTE
but this entire conversation, with harry still not remembering and eggsy trying so hard to reach him through the fog, is so depressing
like, i’d need a drink too
*and* a joint
i’m seeing my coping mechanisms on screen here folks
the way he comes up with the idea is kinda ingenious though
like, he’s looking at stuff to make himself bummed on purpose, but therein he finds the thing he needs to fix the issue
harry’s smile when eggsy hands him the puppy TT.TT
and then eggsy just becomes a stone cold motherfucker with no emotions
“no one’s sick enough to shoot a puppy!”
hi, flashback!harry
and as SOON as he remembers himself, it’s like his eyes are different, something about him looks like it did before kentucky
“… eggsy.”
one of my favorite movie hugs
and eggsy has to stand on his tiptoes because harry’s so tall
like yeah merlin and harry’s reunion isn’t as overtly emotional, but there’s definitely a sense of joy and relief there.
harry my baby ;-; much better with the sunglasses (and merlin was so close to telling him he looked spectacular)
“now is that any way to welcome a visit from outta town, moonshine?”
he! tried! to! defend! harry!
i hate that jack got a villain story line!
we could’ve had something so much better and infinitely more compelling!
“hurrrr durrrr morgan you just like redemption arcs because you don’t want anybody being a villain permanently” i also like them because sometimes that’s better writing, y’all sit down
“that is NOT what i call a kentucky welcome.”
i love so many things happening in this scene, like
we get to see whiskey kick ass, like yassss gimme those sweet action sequences and give us some character development by showcasing his fighting style
and also NOBODY shits on harry for not being able to handle the situation. both eggsy and merlin were like “dude we’re still celebrating the fact that you’re alive tbh it’s fine if you’re not back up to speed right this second”
you can really tell that this was penned by british people writing american slang because having grown up in the southern half of the u.s. i have never ONCE heard ANYONE say shit like “i feel like a tornado in a trailer park” lmao
and poppy’s fun little death threat infomercial, so great
“what have you done to me you FUCKING BITCH” oof, that’s a mood
!!!!! gonna be honest i kinda forgot that bruce greenwood plays the president
okay but save lives, legalize isn’t an entirely bad idea tbh
hnnnnnnng the scenes about people not being able to get into the hospital hits different in the year of our lord 2020 huh
… y’all i’m being weirded out by all this hospital scenes, this is unpleasant
i, too, wish i could pull a tequila and just be slipped into a chilly coma until shit wasn’t so fucked up
“the fact is, this presidency has won the war on drugs!”
look, y’all can come into my inbox and call me a pothead, or a lazy stoner, or some third insult, but this dude’s VP is bringing up some very, VERY important points when it comes to any kind of discussion about drug use in the u.s.
am i drug-friendly, sure, but i’m more friendly to the notion that we stop demonizing addicts/users
harry looks fucking SCANDALIZED when he sees champ spit into his spittoon thing
i don’t think whiskey even brought up harry not being ready to return to the field in an insulting manner, he literally just saw him get his ass beat in a bar, but eggsy’s faith and loyalty are up there in the category of unstoppable force/immovable object, so here we are
am i the only one curious about the whole charlie x clara thing? because he’s definitely grown up a bit by tgc, and i wanna know how much of that might be because of clara
and he MISSES, e for effort harry
“so sorry about this—“ WHAM
and now that guy can say colin firth busted his face with a fire extinguisher, which is very cool
“*you’re* wu ting feng?” “… yes?”
“you motherFUCKER” ohhhhhh charlie maaaaaad
ginger and merlin though, #couplegoals
the only person more pissed off about the hallucinations than everyone else is harry
imagine remembering that you’re one of the top people in your field and you just keep seeing imaginary butterflies everywhere
like, yeah, i’d be pissed at not being able to do what i knew i was capable of, too
if it wasn’t careening towards a random retirement center, getting stuck in a wildly rotating gondola thing could be fun
nice tuesday afternoon activity
i would loved to have seen more galahad/whiskey field stuff
“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me—“
meanwhile, in the continuing adventures of eggsy and jack: shit goes from bad to worse like a formal spiral only going downward
their expressions as their both just SCREAMING always make me laugh
”that’s the first decent shit i’ve had in three weeks.” <- as does that line, that old dude’s just telling it like it is
eggsy’s comment about the antidote just reminds me of when boromir looks a the ring and says something like “all this for such a tiny thing”
dun dun DUN what are THOSE? hints that whiskey may not be who we think he is??
great. so excited about that. i say, rolling my eyes into the sun
“i’ll fix their wagons.” no one says that matthew!
i. love. this. scene. because now we get cool gun tricks AND the second most metal thing that happens with a lasso in this movie (we’re coming up on the most metal thing)
like please please PLEASE show us more lasso tricks in the statesman movie
“well thank fuckin’ christ i didn’t need any backup.” i wonder if whiskey’s acting angrier than he actually is to throw off the fact that he might’ve caught harry’s glance at him betraying suspicion
RIP jack
imagine the timeline where whiskey was never a bad guy and harry hart just blew a dude away for NO REASON
now THAT would be an interesting movie
because harry and eggsy, for all they went through in the first film, never had a conflict where it was harry in the position of mangling the ropes up
but of course eggsy would never, never tell merlin what happened because he’s still ultimately on harry’s team
damn, charlie, literally blowing up your girlfriend seems kinda extreme
“THIS is vital!”
and here we get to see the biggest difference between merlin and ginger
now, i know there’s extra stuff in the novelization about their relationship and i can’t talk about it because i have no idea what’s in the book
i DO still headcanon as merlin quitting fieldwork after lee’s death
his comment is either what he genuinely believes, or maybe what he fashioned his beliefs into after stepping down from his field role, and ginger is just as sincere in her desire to break into that aspect of working for statesman
it’s like seeing the same character but in two points in time, and it’s really cool
that balance would’ve also been a fun aspect of their romantic relationship to explore but alas! ’twas not to be
colin and mark could both play slenderman
look at those limbs.
also this facetime scene with eggsy and tilde T.T
that has to be so terrifying to watch when you know the steps of death and what they look like as they get closer
but it also puts a fire under eggsy though
“i’m leaving with, or without you.”
and of course they’re both gonna go because that’s NOT characteristic eggsy behavior based off of how we know he views family/squad
that’s how they know he’s being for cereal
stacey pruitt, attorney at lawwwww
what does this conversation between poppy and the president remind me of
gonna just sigh into the void
and now we have harry and eggsy on the jet along with the BIGGEST LIE harry hart has ever told in his LIFE
kingsman and statesman aesthetics at least tend to be the same color schemes. lotta golds, yellows. browns.
eggsy, yeah, it’s a bummer your gf dumped you, but this relationship wasn’t very well-developed or written so i’m not as bummed as i could be
“… and in that moment, all i felt was loneliness and regret.”
harry shut the FUCK UP
you felt NOTHING??
you weren’t thinking of, gee, i dunno, EGGSY? or MERLIN?? your MOM???
like these lines from him just seem to come out of left field and i can’t even halfway suspend my belief long enough to come close to believing him
like mr. hart you just gonna be like that in front of jesus and everybody????
so, yeah, of course he’s on board with saving tilde! because he recognizes (apparently just right that second) that “having something to lose is what makes life worth living”
and i don’t know if they felt like there need to be some weird, deeply contrasting reason for harry to swing around to being in support? or something?
i’m forever pissed about this characterization and i don’t even know if i’m expressing my anger in a way that makes it easy to understand lmao this is fine, i’m fine, literally not a single person in this fandom ever believed those lines anyway, it’s fine
moving on
... and even if they WERE true then honestly that just makes me more excited about butterfly knife, because that means that harry acknowledged both the bad side of the coin, and also the side with rae on it (which would mean seeing her for who she was and also recognizing his feelings for what THEY were) and drew the ultimately correct conclucision that love! is! always! worth! it! let that shit in like a welcome guest in the home of your heart, and they will stay as long as you let them!
as SOON as he wakes up ginger looks a thousand percent done lmao
and the “process” that they use to wake people up or whatever is—interesting
because all it is, is trauma turned into a tool which is kind of a weird concept to see in a “fun spy movie” imo
and this is one of what i feel were like only what, two? glimpses we get into whiskey’s Tragic Backstory
and the other scene isn’t a glimpse it’s just straight up exposition in his dialogue :/
jack, i’m sorry, you deserved better than this as a character
i’m sure the name “silver pony” is a reference to something but i don’t know what
“lookin’ GOOD merlin!” “feelin’ good, eggsy.”
ladies and gentlemen when i tell you that i lost my pool-noodle mind seeing him put on that suit watching this in a theater, i--
because now that i have the horrible burden of having seen these movies a million times
i know it’s more symbolic
he stays in sweaters so long, as an agent of the background, because he walked a man to his death
so it figures when he puts the armor back on for the first time in ages
he walks to his own
uuuggghhhh the minesweeper
i hate this
i hate it
i hate everything about the feelings i’m having while this is happening
“you move, we die.”
but like, i don’t know, how preferable is this to the end scene we almost got, which was merlin dragging his newly-legless corpse through a doggy door?
because it’s been literally multiple years and i still have no fucking idea
they’re both horrible in their own terrible, awful ways
damn, matthew, it’s not often someone manages to come up with multiple versions of a thing and have every version be so gut-wrenchingly horrific, i’m truly impressed and completely disgusted
“do as your told!”
everyone just going through twenty shades of Bad Feelings in the space of fifteen seconds here in the jungle
and colin and taron do this thing where it’s like—their eyes go dead? like, there was a light here, it’s gone now
oh no
… fuck
“… singing?”
this sucks.
this sucks this sucks this sucks
and he even took off his glasses before he hit him, he had his end coming towards him and he was still a gentleman
… okay i had to get up and go for a lil’ walk
(and again, roanoke canon, fucking fixing’ shit left and right, because we’re the goat)
harry and eggsy look MURDEREROUS
it DID make the grand ending fun action scene a lot more satisfying
because like, without merlin there, that means harry and eggsy get to go full feral
poppy you big idiot you just robbed them of all their motivation to show any kind of restraint and now everybody’s gonna get blown up
except for those dudes who get kicked by elton john
which would be an HONOR first of all
(the part where eggsy’s using his gun and shield vaguely reminds me of the specialist, @bloodofthepen​)
and harry and eggsy just—they’re drift compatible! that’s it! the teamwork! the grace! the flow! my god!
eggsy vs. charlie: round like 4 if you count the first movie
it was also satisfying to see charlie’s new arm in action
we love fun robotics and gadgetry in this house
colin firth is really just not afraid to throw himself full force down a bowling lane huh
ugh, seeing charlie slam eggsy over and over again makes my chest hurt
the sound mixing on all these films is top notch which isn’t always a good thing T.T
that shit will never NOT be funny
a wild elton john appeared!
eggsy is indestructible, he can walk off anything
but charlie, charlie i feel really sorry for, imagine being attacked by a superior version of your own limb, i.e. something that you can’t exactly quickly remove from yourself, that would be TERRIFYING
harry + elton = dream teaaaammmm
“darling if you save the world, you can have a backstage pass.”
i love you elton john :(
i would have been the most OBNOXIOUS hype man in the background of the entire kingsman vs. poppy land face-off
“let’s make this fair.” eggsy you’re fuckin’ cheeky
and poor harry, all that lank just getting tossed like noodles
i thought the robot puppers were very cool
“for the record charlie i’m more of a gentleman than you’ll ever be.”
mmmmmm do NOT like this death for charlie
SUPER glad we fixed it
and another scene where i can’t stand the sound mixing T.T it makes me cringe every time
“i don’t consider genocide especially lady-like.”
and are we gonna talk about how merlin knew how to make heroin?
… no?
nobody wanna talk about that?
ugh that houndstooth dress is so PRETTY though
high!poppy is weirdly comedic for all of two seconds and then it stops being funny real fast
whiskey D:<
this is so dumb
this is all so, so dumb
“our agencies were founded to uphold peace, to protect the innocent—“
there’s that nobility again
is what happened to whiskey fucked up, yes
i’m not saying we have to completely remove that from his story
i just
literally anything but this would have been preferable
and then HOT DOG it’s one of my favorite shots in the movie with the whip where harry’s just chucking it away from his face like a bamf, YES
how great is this cover, let’s be honest
like, i’d be lying if i said i didn’t enjoy this scene visually
it’s one fluid tracking shot, so kinda in alignmentment with what we’re used to
some people get annoyed with repeated junk but when you can do it THIS WELL you can get away with anything
but then jack
you did NOT desert that
yes, you were in dire need of an attitude adjustment but jesus
“this is for you, merlin.”
/ugly sobbing/
and tilde is all betterrrrrr ;-;
you guys did itttttt
and the scene with jamal and liam T.T #wholesomecontent
poor tequila, after i knew that you would have a bigger role in another movie, i was less annoyed by the fact that they iced you so quick into the story
“… now we’re brothers, working side by side.”
spoiler alert i actually love champ’s toast
“y’all shittin’ in high cotton now” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???
and ginger becomes the new whiskey like she always wanted T.T
merlin is proud from heaven (or london, depending on which canon)
iiiiiii have mixed feelings about the whole wedding scene, which is probably because i take HUGE issue with the weird proposal ultimatum thing that happened earlier
but the way eggsy says “not a doubt in my mind,” he says it so seriously and i remember that tilde almost died
there was such good intention packed into this couple that was so badly written that i just
“but it is perhaps the end of the beginning.”
there’s ***merlin! lmao i see you dude, they did you dirty
i was pissed off about a lot of things that happened in this thing but i was honestly hype seeing tequila at the very end walking into the tailor shop
like, yeah, i’ll stick around to see what happens in this universe but i’m gonna complain the whole time
and again, i almost didn’t see this movie.
… i think about that morgan sometimes.
hope she’s doin’ okay.
she’s probably not. D:
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jessisvibing · 3 years
for the obscure asks: ALL OF THEM!
Oh gosh okay
1. Fave way to dress
Glam. Like Steve summers, Sami yaffa, and mark slaughter all had a child
2. If I could change anything about myself
Probably either my stomach or my face but perhaps i would just like a new self esteem
3. What movie/game/etc helps me calm down
Rock n roll high school
4. What does your room smell like?
Depends if I wanna use the hot chocolate candle, the marshmallow whatever it is candle or the one that reminds me of Disney.
5. Do you like to organize?
Oh heck I have to be organized or it bothers me.
6. What kind of music would you listen to if you could only choose one?
If we mean genre then perhaps 2000s Finnish rock. Or maybe 80s glam. But if we’re going for bands Poison and Pretty Boy Floyd never get old.
7. What song is your aesthetic?
The song, the video, ALL OF IT!
8. What color do you think goes best with your personality?
Although my favorite color is green I’m usually associated with black or red.
I’ve been told if I was a color I was without a doubt the color black
9. Do you believe in auras?
Perhaps so.
10. What do you wish you hated but actually like?
Apulanta 😂
Well not really but it’s hard to explain them to people. I could probably name a few things but nothing comes to mind off the top of my head.
11. Vague about your crushes.
Well, he’s got the most beautiful eyes and voice and the warmest smile. I think he lives in France with his girlfriend so he’ll never like me but something about him just gives me a warm feeling. He has a message with his music and I just wish I could be like him. Is that too much to be vague?
This ones definitely been through a lot but I feel like I need to try and make a difference in his life. Frankie knows who he is cause I’ve told her this before but ever since I first discovered him I fell in love with him and most people don’t support that I like him but that’s okay. He’s funny to me and his music is comforting to me.
12. Is there someone you have mixed feelings towards?
It’s hard to pinpoint my emotions. Especially when I first meet people. Sometimes I just don’t know how I feel about one of my friends that I dated once. Do I love him or not? I’d like to know.
13. An Au or story I came up with.
I have a lot of crack stories about poison and Jekyll and Hyde I’ve yet to write. All I gotta say is cc’s insults give me life.
14. Do you like makeup?
I liked it better on me when my hair was long now I just don’t vibe with it but concealer has saved my life a few times. It’s just better on guys.
15. Do you prefer space or ocean?
Y’know it may come as a surprise but I’ve always kinda wanted to visit space. I absolutely love the stars and I’m kinda a space geek.
16. If I could pick any planet besides earth, where would I live?
I wanna say Uranus as a joke but on a serious note I think Venus or Mars would be neat.
17. What form of government do you like most?
Monarchy. It’s just easier than this american shit.
18. What animal would I keep as a pet?
Omg omg I always wanted a snow ermine🥰
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19. What do you think the purpose of our universe is?
Well I’m a Christian so I could go deep into it but I’ll just leave it at that.
20. Do you believe in god(s)?
Yes if my last answer wasn’t obvious enough.
21. Is there a song you can’t handle listening to even tho I like it.
It was hard enough to get into this song but when I discovered why mark wrote it it’s hard not to cry when I hear it.
22. What ex do you miss most?
Well I wouldn’t quite say I miss any of them. I’m still best friends with my most recent. I feel like I haven’t found a great relationship yet. Sorry val babe.
23. Do you like soft fluffy rough or smooth blankets.
I have a fluffy one hanging on my bed frame haha.
24. What is your fave thing to learn about?
Hmm I love a lot of stuff, as much as finnish fascinates me I absolutely adore mythology.
25. What country’s history do you find most interesting?
I’ve been in too many American history classes to enjoy it anymore. The Finnish history is very neat to me.
26. What do you think about genderbent characters?
Heck I used to love them but now I’m neutral
Perhaps depends on the character.
27. What breakup was the hardest.
Oh none hit me very hard but my last boyfriend took it the worst I’d bet.
28. Do you have someone where you can’t decide if you like them romantically or just as a friend?
Still with Val. I just don’t know how to feel.
29. What do you think about tumblr discourse?
Ugh I came here to get away from it but as long as it’s sporadical and not constant I can put up with it.
30. What instrument do you wish you could master?
I’d just like to pursue bass decently rn, we’ll talk about that later.
One day I’ll drum hot for teacher. I just needa buy a better drum set. I guess just being able to play both instruments decently would be a blessing.
31. How easy is it for you to be honest?
As easy as it is to lie.
I’m very honest and trustworthy but I could also be the exact opposite.
32. Do you have any strange interests?
Oh god okay so while y’all are over here obsessing over guys hands I can’t help but look at their stomach like omg I just wanna lay on it while my man tells me how much he loves me.
It’s not weird but I love Finnish accents. Just less common to hear someone say that rather than English.
Well I could go on and list a lot of stuff but then again
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33. Do you have any strange fears?
Peter steele 🤣
Obviously a joke but anyways
34. What food do you binge when you’re lazy?
Fries usually but I could eat pasta or fish sticks or rice galore.
35. When you get angry how do you show it?
Usually through cursing a lot but when I’ve got the hots for someone I curse a lot too. I speak more violently when I’m mad though I probably won’t act as violent as I sound. Don’t be afraid.
However as much as I say it I will gladly break your nose and you’d better believe it so it better not come to that point.
36. Do you have any impulsive movements?
Eh idunno but when I get bored I’ll put my index finger on my nose (up to about my eye. So if my hand is on my nose you better spice up the topic.) oh I also play with my hair when I get bored.
And if I get anxious it’ll be obvious. I’ve also been told when I get scared I have a death grip so if you try and work up my nerves just expect your hand to be broken 😝
37. What do you listen to music on?
That depends. If I want 80s music I’ll go to amazon, if it’s not on Amazon or I want something specific from Spotify then I go to YouTube. If I don’t know what I want or I want Finnish music I’ll go to Spotify.
38. Are you left brained or right brained?
I don’t think I have a brain. As much as my mom wants to tell me I’m left I seem to be more right brained.
39. Earbuds or headphones?
Ugh earbuds. I don’t like headphones unless I’m using my Walkman. Headphones are so 2010s/elementary school 😂
40. Do you like light blankets or heavy?
Meh light. I just don’t get the thing about heavy blankets. Plus they’re frustrating to get settled in.
Yay that was super fun! Thank you!!
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
I fell asleep as soon as I got home and didn’t get to write about Kizuna. xP So belatedly, here are my thoughts.
Warning: Spoilers for Digimon: Kizuna Last Evolution
So to start with, some context: I had a bad day at work. Not gonna go into details, but it was the sort of thing to put you out of the mood for seeing a movie, even one that’s a childhood treasure. I almost didn’t go.
In addition, because of what happened at work, I had to stay an extra hour, which meant I missed the first 25 minutes of the movie. I’m not sure how much story I actually missed - probably there was 10 min or so of trailers - but it’s possible I missed some framing. Usually the cute, fun, get-to-know-the-character moments happen in those beginning scenes, and I didn’t get to see those. When I walked in, Taichi and Yamato were having a meal together and talking about how their lives were all changing, but the Digimon stayed the same. So that’s where I’m starting from.
One more thing - I haven’t read the Kizuna novel. It sounds like if you did, you already know everything that happens. (Possibly reading the novel is more interesting than seeing the movie.) Sorry if I’m surprised by things y’all already knew!
For those who don’t like reading my long-winded posts:
Kizuna is what I would have expected from a Digimon sequel before Tri came out. That is, it’s predictable.
The art is quite good, except when it’s not.
There’s not enough of characters who aren’t named Taichi or Yamato.
Yamato is extremely COOL.
Koushirou has some good moments.
Tri is actually still canon, which I didn’t know - Meiko appears briefly in Kizuna.
It was fun to see the 02 kids, but they didn’t do anything special, although they did more than some Adventure kids.
It ends with the partner Digimon disappearing ‘forever,’ but also with Taichi putting in I think his thesis in politics specifically between the human world and the digital world. So everything seems geared to reach the 02 ending, where we know they were with their partners. So I guess at least we can headcanon that they find a way to reunite :/
OK so.
The art is really nice in this movie. Very smooth, very anime movie-like. I preferred Uki Atsuya’s designs and it did feel a little weird to go back to a more wide-eyed, innocent style now that the kids are older, but it was so lovely that I didn’t mind. Tri really lacked smoothness in the animation, so this was refreshing.
There are some times where the animations falters or some error happens - at least twice I noticed characters’ mouths moving without them saying anything, and there’s a scene where Taichi gets blown back by Eosmon’s attack and when he sits up his, um, backside is quite pronounced, like on-the-cover-of-Playboy-pronounced x’D Who knew Taichi was so thicc?
I liked in the beginning when they fly through cyberspace to take on Eosmon and it’s just like the cyberspace in Our War Game and Diablomon Strikes Back. The beginning was a bit promising. Omegamon is called on to help but his evolution breaks down, and fortunately Menoa knows all about why. There were some strong emotional moments when Taichi seizes the chance to help with a Digimon situation, and even stronger when they find out their partner Digimon are going to leave when they become adults and commit to a path (since apparently becoming an adult means you no longer have the endless possibilities of childhood). Digivolving speeds up the process.
Taichi and Yamato react very strongly. Other Chosen don’t seem in danger yet, but it’s only a matter of time. Takeru breathes a sigh of relief when he checks his digivice and realizes there’s no countdown, but Yamato’s and Taichi’s digivices are glowing with a countdown clock. Yamato screams and runs off to do anything he can to stop this. Taichi tries to deny it, but then Gennai appears in his apartment (which I think he cannot afford because we never see him turn on the lights :P) and tells him it’s all true and there’s nothing we can do about it. Then it’s bye-bye Gennai.
Oh, but before Gennai shows up Taichi is showing Agumon his apartment, and Agumon immediately finds his porn stash. I mean, that’s what you get for having magazines and DVDs instead of just using the Internet, Taichi, you moron. Teehee.
So Menoa and Imura convince the Adventure kids to “help” them, saying they’re trying to save the Chosen’s trapped consciousness. Yamato immediately figured out something’s not right, but pegs Imura as the likely suspect. However, he’s suspicious of Menoa too. Remember in Tri, when he sneaks after Nishijima and Himkawa, and gets them to talk? This is that only More. He lurks in stairwells, he goes without sleep, he researches online databases, he gets the 02 kids looking up details on Menoa, he follows Imura to some secret hideout covered in the typical secret agent decor of Papers Pinned To Walls With Illegible Writing.
As fun as it is to watch Yamato be all Men In Black, shouldn’t it... be... Ken? X’D Or are there many secret agents in space?
When Imura confronts Yamato, Hikari and Takeru have been taken prisoner. Somehow. They’re tied to chairs and Koushirou gets sent a message from Hikari’s phone saying in many different languages “Which one will be next?” So Taichi and Yamato hurry to the scene. At this point, Mimi has already had her consciousness abducted, and we now find out Jou’s KO’d too off screen.
Yamato sees Imura sitting on the stairs holding a gun. He lifts the gun and says “Takeru is already -” and I as like OMG THEY KILLED TAKERU!? but the gun is just... for show x’D Takeru has had his consciousness trapped. So has Hikari. Yamato makes good with Imura and they realize they need to go after Menoa, that she’s the one behind it all. Uh, too late though, because Menoa’s already moved against Koushirou, I think because she wants his information on Chosen Children around the world, and traps his consciousness as well. But not before Koushirou is able to track the location of Eosmon and leave the coordinates in a message for Taichi.
I don’t like Menoa. First of all, she’s a foreigner who likes to insert random English words where they’re not needed, and her accent is one of the worst I’ve ever heard x’D If you’re gonna cast someone who can’t speak a language as a speaker of that language, how about not have them actually speak it? But also, she’s not interesting. She had a Digimon partner - surprise! - who was a butterfly - surprise! - and who disappeared when she entered the path to adulthood - surprise! - and who she’s been grieving for ever since, so her big master plan is to somehow trap the consciousness of all Chosen Children around the world in another dimension where they can live inside their memories and never have to grow up. (The Digimon too.) She refers to it as her “Neverland.” None of this interests me. Yawn.
She is able to trap all the Adventure kids except Taichi, Yamato, and Sora. But don’t get excited about Sora not being trapped - Sora has decided not to fight anymore, and she sticks her decision the whole movie long. Sora is almost completely absent.
So now almost all the Adventure Chosen have been abducted and most of them didn’t even get to do anything, unless they were all being super awesome in those first ten-fifteen minutes that I missed. The 02 kids do not get trapped and when Eosmon copies start raining down around the world, they run around trying to stop them. Daisuke is adorable. Pretty much just what you’d expect. Iori is Iori. Miyako is her exuberant self. Ken is forgettable X’D I’m so sorry, Ken. Someone give him a hairstyle. My problem with the 02 kids is because, as much as it sucked that they never turned up after their inauspicious start in Tri, having them around isn’t really improving anything. Nostalgia, sure. But they’re too busy doing research and fighting to have those nice character moments we’d like to see. They do the shonen anime thing of Stating the Obvious and Promising to Unite As One and that’s it for their dialogue. They’re polite and take turns letting each other say the predictable line. At least we know Stingmon still calls his partner “Ken-chan.” <3
Taichi and Yamato use Koushirou’s coordinates to go after Menoa in her world. But not before Yamato reacts with irrational strength when Taichi suggests they save their trapped friends. Because saving them means digivolving, which means the process of losing their partners forever will speed up. “Taichi!! Are you okay with that??” Taichi’s like, “Um... no, but people are trapped and need to be rescued.” And Yamato’s like “Oh right.”
So they go and are attacked by Adventure-age versions of their trapped friends and also random Digimon. There’s quite a lot of blood?? Someone, I think Yamato, has a freaking Drimogemeon attacking him. He doesn’t get gored though lmao. Eosmon has a billion copies and they’re around the world going for Chosen Children. They bring out Omegamon and he gets his leg chopped off, whee. But both Digimon are physically intact when the evolution is broken.
Menoa is completely mentally unstable and fuses with Eosmon to become their “goddess.” Taichi sticks his hand out zombie-like under the pile of Digimon attacking him and yells at his Adventure-age friends “We must move on!” (ie, grow up). He is able to crawl to Hikari and blow her whistle with a huge breath.
This snaps everyone out of it. At this point I think “Okay! Big battle all together!” But nope. It’s still just Taichi and Yamato, who get new evolutions that look like Thundercats, and go after Menoa. While some song plays making it difficult to hear dialogue, they defeat Eosmon which makes the copies around the world disappear, and then they find Menoa trapped within her own memories of her partner, Morphomon, and rescue her as well. Menoa’s last scene is being handcuffed by Imura.
Then Taichi and Yamato go out separately with their partners and have a last conversation with them as the countdown clock is about to expire. Yamato plays his harmonica. Agumon tries to ply Taichi for food. We get Agumon’s vantage point looking up at Taichi and it’s like “wow you’re huge now.” Agumon and Gabumon both ask their partners what they’ll do tomorrow. Just as Taichi and Yamato think of an answer, they look and their partners are gone. Taichi and Yamato do some pretty impressive sobbing. Then we see them some time later hurrying on with their lives under symbolic cherry blossoms. The end!
The credits show scenes of the Chosen living their adult lives, the younger ones still with their partners, the older without. It ends with a peek at Taichi’s thesis, representing step one towards becoming a diplomat between the human and digital worlds. Like I said before, since we know they still have their partners in the 02 epilogue, it’s strange to me that they kept everything the same except that. So let’s headcanon that they’ll meet again o.O I guess
So if you read this far, you probably got the vibe that I wasn’t super impressed by Kizuna. But it’s not a bad movie. Tri pretty much spoiled me. I get that there are people who really don’t like Tri for various reasons, but to be honest, I think that even if you dislike it, you have to acknowledge what a gift it was. Six movies that gave every character something to do and mostly avoided the predictable stuff, not entirely, but much better than would be expected from an anime movie. Tri did so many interesting things. It’s got its flaws, a couple big ones, but I can never get past how it built everything up and what it resulted in.
But Tri’s number one strength comes from having six movies to tell the story. Kizuna has just one. If Tri had been condensed into a single movie - say we meet Meiko, the infection happens, she’s the origin, before the partners lose their memories Meiko asks the kids to kill Meicoomon, Daigo dies saving Taichi and then Taichi kills Meicoomon, the end - Idk if I would have liked that. It wouldn’t have gotten the build up it needed. I wouldn’t have learned to love Meiko. Stories need pacing, they need development, and more of each the more characters there are. Tri had the time to give us that.
I wasn’t expecting Kizuna to be like Tri - both the art style and all the info about it said otherwise - so I have to say that all in all, Kizuna is the movie I originally would have expected a Digimon sequel to be. It’s got That Plot that every fan read or wrote on fanfiction.net back in the day, where the kids lose their partners as a result of becoming an adult. I always hated that plotline because it was so predictable. If everyone can think of it, how can you call it creative?
But it is quite Japanese in a way, the appreciation for “the transience of things,” what they call 物の哀れ. Sora’s final ikebana display includes what I assume were cherry blossoms rising above a field of colorful flowers. Cherry blossoms represent this ephemerality in Japanese culture because of their short flowering time and how their appearance marks the beginning of spring. So in that way it’s all very striking and real. But I just personally don’t like it and never have. Also I think that for me, because I was so moved by Kokuhaku, there wasn’t much chance for this plot to have the same effect: Kokuhaku simply did it better.
I do think Kizuna is appreciable on its own and that if Tri weren’t a thing I’d have liked it better. I am not sure if I’m gonna go see it again. I might! I got a Koushirou clear file for going this week. (... The postcards we got for going to Tri were way better, though xP) So could at least go and collect more maybe.
But Kizuna has a big downside, which is that it’s just as obsessed with Taichi and Yamato as Tri was, but it’s even more felt due to the time constraints. At least with Tri, we got to see everyone do something at some point. In Kizuna, they don’t even try. Mimi, Jou, and Hikari are barely around and get their consciousness trapped early on. Takeru at least gets to join the initial fight with Eosmon, but I think that’s due to wanting to give a nod to Our War Game and maybe just because fans like Angemon. Then Takeru’s gone. Koushirou gets to be his brainiac self, I don’t really have a complaint about his treatment, except in the final battle where he’s just there. And Sora simply isn’t around period. Tri didn’t have the 02 kids, ok, that’s too bad... Kizuna has them but they’re boring and most of the Adventure cast doesn’t get to do much either. Is this really better, guys?
When you’ve got a cast this big, I don’t think you can do things the typical way. I’m an X-men fan, I should know. Lol.
That’s it for Kizuna! I’m still happy it exists, and have to admit that I might have had a slightly more positive take if I hadn’t been in such a bad mood from my day, so I hope that on a second viewing, whether I go to the theaters or wait to find it online, I will find more bits to appreciate.
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straykidz888 · 4 years
So I had seen on YouTube comments people were talking about how and when they got into Stray Kids and I thought I’d do the same on here but explain a little bit more ❤️
So I was talking with a friend about my past friendships with a certain someone and how toxic she was and was just telling her a few of the many things she did through six years of mentally abusing me, since being friends with her I’ve had very major trust issues and it’s hard for me to be comfortable with a lot of people, but when I do I get attached to them quite easily, I’m just afraid of letting anyone go... I lost a lot of people last year and the beginning of this year, people I considered as best friends and even though losing those specific friendships has done my mental health a favour since they were also pretty toxic relationships too, it still made me question everything, I’ve always thought there was something wrong with me, something I wasn’t good enough to be for all those people, last year was truly one of the loneliest years I’ve ever experienced, it was quite awful... I felt scared and I didn’t know who even cared about me at points, it was a really tough year...
But I got through it thanks to Stray Kids, I got into them April 1st of last year however I had been wanting to get into them since the pre debut show but just never pushed myself to, but better late than never! But they were the first group I had gotten into since 2017 as I just mainly focused on a few groups instead of so many all at once, so liking a new group was pretty new to me again! I went through what I hadn’t been through in two years, getting to know the members, learn their discography and just get to know the beautiful boys that are named Stray Kids! It took me less than a week to learn all of them and by my first week I already spotted who I thought was going to become my bias, yet I didn’t want to admit it cause he wasn’t my “typical” bias (I usually go for the main singers and the more innocent looking ones who are shy to show a little bit of a collar bone 😂) but really I just didn’t want to admit to a bias that soon cause wow I loved someone quickly 😂 but by the next week that’s when I watched my first vlive of theirs and it was the one I thought was going to be my bias
Channie’s Room Episode 15 ❤️
It was after that episode when I realised just how much I needed to hear what he said at the end, and he became my bias after that (or at least I confirmed what everyone already knew 😂❤️) and as time went on I would watch his weekly lives and he really just... he saved me... he was the only person who was helping me get through each week, every time something bad would happen I’d just say to myself there isn’t long until Chan’s room I just need to wait until the end of the week I can get through it! He really just helped me get through each and every week and I was so so happy I could meet him three months after I started getting to know Stray Kids, however I wish I could meet him now because compared to how I felt last year my feelings have deeply changed for him, he changed to be my Ultimate Bias in the span of a year and he has obviously helped me a lot longer. Maybe one day soon I can meet him again ❤️ but he has seriously helped me through the toughest times and he was the reason I could come out of my darkest times last year, and I know I shouldn’t depend so heavily on him and luckily I’ve made a friend that we both support each other very well and I have another group of friends too that I have as well that I’m so lucky to have, but for the majority of last year he was really the only person I had for a good chunk of the year, for a while he was my only reason to smile and laugh, he really helped me through the roughest of times and I can’t thank him more for that.
But not just him, the rest of Stray Kids too, Felix my dear boy who makes me see rainbows when he smiles, I forget sometimes just how much I love him like he is seriously such a ball of sunshine that I can’t live without watching the lives of him and Seungmin attempting to do things like origami or making pancakes I can’t help but giggle all the time! He’s just such a beautiful person and I love him to pieces and I’m so happy I know the amazing man called Lee Felix!
Then there’s Minho who was the last member I learnt in SKZ but he’s truly one of the most memorable! When I met him last year I couldn’t stop talking about his beautiful smile for months on end, the way his eyes sparkled! He might appear as the savage one but he’s really such a sweetheart, he wants nothing but the best for the members and fans, and he’s seriously one of the sweetest idols out there, and his laugh 🥺 and let’s not get started on his voice he is persobally my favourite vocalist in SKZ his voice is just so soft when he sings and I just love it (especially in Voices).
Then Jisung our happy virus! Our precious squirrel who works so hard and blasts out those vocals like no ones business and we love him for that!! He makes me laugh so much with his meme faces and sly comments to people he is such an excitable person and he’s just one of the best! And let’s talk about his songs!!!! Sunshine and Another Day! Bruh his songs omg and CLOSERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! Jisung is such a talented composer, rapper, singer, dancer I just- Jisung is our precious boy! 🥺
And we can’t forget Hyunjin! I’m so so so so so proud of him and how far he has come the way he showed absolutely everyone that he is not just a pretty face and his performance video he did of the party’s not over and his dancing is just so so stunning, he has really come so far, he teaches me that I can be so much more than what people presume me to be or say about me, I can be so much more than the hurtful voices behind me.
Seungmin has such a beautiful voice, his cover of You Were Beautiful really makes me smile and hearing his voice in the Tomorrow Today cover and just... I love listening to him sing so much 🥺 he also has such a beautiful personality and his savage energy he puts towards his members always makes me laugh!! His lovely (ew) members 😂😂 Seungmin’s laugh also makes me giggle all the time he is just a big ball of energy and we can’t help but love him! And his accent when he speaks English omg he is so adorable and let’s not start on the vlives he does with Felix the cooking stuff, dog and cat school 😂 I love the way he teases his members and everything about our beautiful sunshine ❤️
Jeongin’s laugh makes me giggle so much I swear every time I hear him laugh I can’t help but giggle like he really is SKZ’s happy virus what would we do without our beautiful Maknae, and he has improved his vocals so much since the beginning and I’m so proud of him it can’t be easy being so young and being in such a big group, he can really hold SKZ together so well he’s really so so amazing! ❤️
And last but not least Baby Changbin!!! He is such an amazing composer and he is the rapper of the century, and not to mention he is also showing off his beautiful singing skills like WOW can he sing! He’s really the definition of multi-talented! Changbin is such an angel and the way he tries to speak English to Felix so he can try to learn more so he can speak with Stay, he is such an angel and I appreciate having him around so much what would we do without our precious Binnie ❤️
I love all of Stray Kids so so much with my entire heart and I just hope they know how much me and so many others love and appreciate them ❤️
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stan-and-the-newbie · 6 years
A kpop newbie’s reaction to LOONA
you know i had to do it to ‘em
Alexa: bold
Alex: italic
okay so today you're reacting to Loona!
o, noice
they just debuted like two days ago and everyone is crying
damn. ok but do any of them speak english <<
y es
n  u  t
i believe i already told you, they built this Loonaverse, and released a girl each month
yeh, you told me a few things
right. all of them have an animal and a color. the first five girls have an additional location, then the next three girls have a superpower, and the last four girls have a fruit
...alexa. t-twelve
alright fam hit me up
okay, the first girl that was released, back in 2016, is heejin
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damn she looks like a disney princess
she does;;
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this is aN INSULT
isnT IT
someone arrest her, she's not allowed to be so cute. it is illegal.
how old is she and what does she do
uhh she's 21and she's a singer
she iS BORN IN 2000
ill give you her music video now
the location is hard to guess, so just try to guess her color and animal
i'm not watching this u freak, you know about my arachnophobia
y tho. there are no spiders
there are no spiders, so play the song, its good. no girl has the spider as her animal u coward
the song's aight. i'd listen to it in a cafe. her animal is obviously a bunny and her color is either red or white. asian girls with thick thighs are too powerful alexa. someone needs to do something about them. it's a health hazard.
omf. her color is actually hot pink;; but u got her animal right lol
o damn. well pink is the mix between red and white isn't it >>
she's part of the first subunit, 1/3
ah, so she's a colonel
omG. i mean, y'know, subunits are some of the members that form like a band of their own and put out music
with 12 bloody members, i can imagine
loona has three. anyway, a few things about heejin
hit me
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she’s a whole cutie
o gee i couldn't notice
sdfdsdf she likes dad jokes and randomly breaks into silly and awkward dances but she doesn't care. she's also afraid of pigeons 
the guards would have to restrain me from pinching her cheeks if i was ever in the same room with her. and to be fair those things are chaotic evil. one literally flew into my face once.
they also carry diseases similarly to rats. except they fly. so yeah, i can see why one would be afraid.
she also named a rabbit from the set "heekki". hee from her name, and kki from the korean word for rabbit, tokki. and proceeded to ask if she could adopt it.
that's adorable go away i am stone cold
is there anything else u want to know about her. her location is paris, and the first ever video of her beside her mv was her repeating random french phrases she knew in the airport
the next member is hyunjin
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they’re all so pretty i cry
they are :(
they are like porcelain dolls, but without the creepiness of a doll, just the beauty and cuteness
i KNOW. so, how old is she
hmm 20 and she's a rapper
she is ALSO born in 2000 ;D and she's a singer
here's her music video
after mark's video on that cat game, the thumbnail horrifies me
alight so her animal is a kitteh. so she's the neko of the group, noice... is this a thriller film, geez.
ghjkjhghjk its just a kitten smh
an e v i l kitten
cats cant be evil. her song is very kdrama-ish
her color is... i honestly have no idea
her color appears in the first third of the video
green? blue?
she wears it
yeh, yellow. and yes her animal is cat lol. what about the song? it’s a drastic change from the last one
ok that last part horrified me. idk it's a weird mix between depression and a drug trip
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so, about this baby. her location is tokyo, and she is the savage one
shes the one that kept a blank face on a rollercoaster while the others were screaming. also, she really likes bread and croissants
and she's not a rapper smh. well, she does have a pretty voice.
she does~ and shes really sporty, practiced a lot of sports before becoming an idol
alright, off to my wife. this is haseul.
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and no photo makes her justice
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UGH queen
that jawline fam
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i’m sorry i just. literally have never seen such a beautiful woman
alright by now i'm about 70% convinced that these people are created in underground governmental labs
m e. aight, how old is she
fucc it, she's uhh 18
she's actually born in 1997 dfgfdsdfgh
OF COURSE. sigh. that's just my luck
but i understand u
they all look between 15 and 20 anyway does it really matter- i- she's more pretty than she is cute. respecc.
this is her music video
her color is bleagh. i mean bleuugh. blue
she's a parappa the rapper. but she's also a singer. idk her voice sounds like she can rap. was that plane just there and they used it or did they buy a gigantic plane prop for the video
(i really hoped alex would say this because this video exists)
she’S TRYING. her color is green but her location is iceland so liek,,, i guess the writers clashed ideas
blasphemy. they should have went for turquoise
her animal is a dove. she’s also the leader of the group, and the mom friend #1. she can speak english but she has a cute accent which i Love
aaaand she’s a seal enthusiast
o. that's something
they went to iceland so she was like "omg a seal!!! hi !! that was a seal!!"
pffa whole cutie
she is :( she’s also really funny
anyway, the next one makes me feel worthless. this is yeojin
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another flawless creation of the secret korean labs
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her age?
that tissue-printing chamber in that korean lab from avengers 2? not fiction - they use it to create idols. uhh 19
:D she is 15!!!1
and turns 16 in november !!
Goodbye. Tty later, i gotta pack my stuff
dfgfdGHJH here is her song. its very cute because, well, shes a child
L O L I C O N    A L E R T. those three dudes are terrifying. is that the joker wearing a frog head
this is weird lmfao. aaand there's the foot fetish
why is the frog dude going all roaring reeo on her only to give her a fucking present
well, its a song about how she doesn’t want the relationship to move too fast, so she doesn’t want to kiss the dude just yet
that ending was just... idk man. this one broke me. her color is red, and her animal is a frog because that's the only animal in the foreground here idfk
her color is orange, close enough. the other members call her "bean" because shes the youngest and rlly smol and chubby.
awh ;;
and everyone treats her like a baby lmao
well, what did u expect. hmm i think i like the first one the best so far
o, alright
so, these past four girls and the fifth one form the subunit 1/3. the fifth one was introduced through the subunit's first song, but i'll give u their second song cuz its Better
*check out “Sonatine it’s superior*
basically, these girls have a very dreamy concept with a lot of piano and strings. the fifth girl is the pink haired one, and baby yeojin isn’t here cuz her grades were dropping lmao
shhhh just listen to the song
this song gives me the sad
u gotta appreciate the animu songs
i do, i was literally gonna say that this one somewhat reminds me of miia's second song
same !!
her color is W H I T E like my teeth. p u r e  w h i t e
she haS HER OWN mv
the fifth member is vivi
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shes chinese and the oldest
from communism to idolization. noice
so she's wot, 21? 22?
yeh, shes turning 22 this year
here’s her song
a break from the animu songs. ps: they dont come back
sad. kinda stalkerish fam
ikr. shes a hooman here. but in the subunit mvs she’s an android
idk fam they go all out and no one knows whats happening
i am gonna get bashed for this but when she smiles her cheeks look kinda weird she kinda looks like a chipmunk? but not in a bad way
ghjkHJ she does;; shes cute though
her color is her haircolor lawl. pastel rose
o, nice
and her animal is deer
so she's basically bambi gotcha
she speaks english, and shes the reaction memes queen. and shes also very smol
awh ;;
alright, we're done with 1/3. is heejin still your favourite?
cuz we're entering girl crush land
o h
the sixth member is kim lip
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she’s cute tho
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of course she is. they're all cute perfect goddesses. i'm noticing a pATTERN HERE
hey, shes mostly a tsundere
well, ngl, she looks like one
she chose charmander tho 10/10
here’s her amazing mv. her animal appears for 1 second here so lmao good luck. her color is very obvious
white, at long last
the other one
that building is aesthetic would hang out there with my weird friends 10/10. the song is odd, but it's nice
i think the song really suits her voice
it does! that's why it works
her animal is an owl
n o i c e
also in one of her vlogs all she does is talk about food. she also keeps the members company while theyre shooting their mvs!! and shes also a reaction meme queen. she sings, but her main strength is dancing
yeah, i can tell
oh right !! she is in the odd eye circle subunit, and these girls have super powers. imma tell you now, the odd eye circle members are in different planes. like, theyre in different dimensions, not the flying planes lol
umm alright..?
anyway, her super power is speed. aaaand i think thats it with kim lip
the next one is a fan favourite. jinsoul
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oof. idk man the blond is weird
oh, is it. i dunno, i feel like it suits her.
hammers in that "created in an underground lab to be flawless" vibe. idk, maybe a darker shade? like a golden blonde?
most people choose her song as their favourite
singing in the rain? is tom holland gonna come in and dance to "umbrella"?
oh my god
if not i'll be disappointed. the song reminds me of minecraft intros lmao. especially that synth part
the dancing is lewd af tho. so 8/10
well, so was eclipse. girl crush land
is she a necromancer? because those hips kill me and bring me back to life
i knOW. she can sing, rap and dance. triple threat. okay you cant possibly be wrong about her color and animal
uhh blue and fish. idk wot fish but a fish
y e s. its a blue betta fish. she said, and i quote "the blue betta fish is one that needs to be kept alone, because it eats the other fish in her tank. so i'm going to take over the group like that"
SDFGHGFDSSDFGH shes very oblivious and confused also idk if i should show you this but its hella funny and falls into the dumb blonde stereotype. she acts cute in a live stream and then she just
*that beautiful face plant video*
and at the enD KIM LIP IS LIKE "yes. whats next?" and looks through the comments
i-is she ok
yeah, she just stays there like ten seconds and then lifts her head while laughing. her superpower is teleportation btw. anyway, shes just very oblivious and awkward
nice man
the next member is choerry
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oof, she qt. her color is purple.
yes. she doesnt like cherries btw
of course. why doesn't she like them? they're gud ;; maybe they remind her of all the bad puns she must have had to endure
i- most likely tbh. she prefers her actual name too sdfgfdsasdf. but choerry is a play on her name. cho yerim.
ah, i see
here's her song that takes a very weird turn and supports further the girl crush concept lawl
i expect lewd dancing. wot’s her animal?
a bat
e d g y. they made her eat a cherry. the monsters
i know, the madmen
o, here comes the lewd dancing. oof, that was short, but it was cool. back to... this??
it happens more than once. hmm, its a really nice song tbh
yeah, it was pretty nice
shes the bright, positive one
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and managed to feed a squirrel out of her hand, so shes a princess confirmed
o damn how tall is she. she looks pretty tall in this pic
oh my god all of them are so small i literally cannot cope
;-; pure babies
hmm i think this is old information but the tallest is 165 sdfsGHJKJHJ
o damn
it says here shes 160. p u r e. her super power is plane travelling, like, shes the only one who can meet both kim lip and jinsoul. thats why i told you about the dimension thing
..alright..? this seems pretty redundant, idk. the whole superpower thing and the different planes thing is just odd. what purpose do they serve
well, its basically a whole universe, i guess it ties to the whole story
there's a story? uhh
yeah, but we won't get into that too much. here's odd eye circle's debut song
oh, this song is... something. i could live without the weird distorted voice. fucc yes more lewd dancing. well, that was trippy.
anyway, the third subunit is called yyxy, and it has "fall from eden" as their concept
the first member from this subunit is yves, pronounced as eve but it gotta be fancy y'know
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oo, noice. please for the love of god tell me her color is white
no one's color is white
well, it’s not a color ;D
ug h. anyway, here’s her song.
hecc yes more lewd dancing
:( her apple is burgundy
what. is that- is that her color
...i quit.
well, that was something
her name is eve, so people speculate the song and mv are about her living a normal life after falling from eden y'know. anyway, shes the mom friend #2
o, interesting pFF
she was very awkward at the beginning, when she first was introduced
awh ;;
and her animal is a swan
fgfdsdfg shes also pretty savage now that she isnt as shy, but she takes care of the members, since shes one of the older membersGHJKJHGHJK
shes very cute i like her uwu
the next one is an actual animu waifu. her name is chuu
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and she is the full of cuteness member
yeah i can teLL. the second image scraped my stone heart
yes, she softens everyone. here’s her mv, and the other girl is yves. and chuu is more or less in love with her. lesbian icon
alexa ur doing the thing, but reverse
ASDFGFDSDFGHJ but yves just shot a heart at her
it's a music video smh
hey, im not saying shes gay for yves in real life, just in, like, the universe theyre building
ah, i see. the choreography is gud. and the whole music video is nice. and the song is nice too. alright, what's her color
do these people only know red and blue variations. THERE ARE OTHER COLORS OUT THERE
her animal is penguin, hence her posing with a penguin plushie in that photo
awh ;;
and her fruit is strawberry. she also sang a kids show ost before she became an idol :( and the other members make her act cute sometimes in front of the camera because everyone loves her. take dis
when she does the winking thing she stops and asks "why am i doing this..." and the others are just "because its cutE"
anyway, yes, we all love chuu
we have two members left, keep your head in the game
i'm in it to win it
the second to last member is go won
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speaking of winning, apparently she already did
she is a real life doll- oh my god alex
yet another qt what is new. cute dolls. cute talented dolls e v e r y w h e r e
i remember her song just because of the way she sings "baby" there
*check out “One&Only” yall*
ah, i see. some nice cinematography here. she has an interesting voice
shes mostly a rapper
yeah, i can picture that. that was a pretty nice song
her color is eden green :3
n o i c e
her animal is butterfly and her fruit is pineapple
but does she like it on pizza tho >> that is the question
she's kinda cold, but shes pretty oblivious, the staff messed with her saying that "adam" is her stage name (adam translates to "small" in korean) and she actually believed them and she didnt get the joke either affdsdfg
;-; god bless
shes pretty savage tho, we have three so far
she is olivia hye
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and she does not appreciate olive jokes
she's pretty 0^0
she is~
wot's her personality
shes very blunt and she seems like someone that might succeed at being a famous blogger
o damn
she always speaks her mind. i haven’t really seen her play around, but that doesn’t mean i don’t find her funny sdfgfsdfg
pff the mom friend
hmm, she doesnt really take care of the others, shes the second youngest
o rlly
but she does boast about how shes the only one without a fear of heights jasdfjks
pfff alright, hmu with her song
her song is my favourite
*”Egoist” ftw*
s m o o t h. yeah, this is a nice song
ikr !!
aaand more lewd dancing the world is kind to me today
they never give it up
wot's her color and animal
her color is gray, her animal is wolf and her fruit is plum
o damn
here’s their song~
this is hype af. this song is nice too but it has odd parts
i feel like the quality of their music increased with time. the first songs are also nice but you can tell these ones are better put together
well, it makes sense
it has been two years yes asdfdsdfg
o o f
here's a predebut song. the first ever with all of them, but not their debut the intro and the chorus are the best parts ngl
that's a lot of idols fam
eh, 12 isnt that rare. BRRRRRRRRRAH
where the esketit at. that was a pretty good predebut song, all things considered. they fit a bit of everything in there
yep, here’s their debut song
this one's trippy. ah, that's why it's called "hi high" they're saying hi to me, and i'm high after watching it. UOUOUOUAAAHH
do you remember any of them as your favourite or did everything already vanish
i like chuu and the last one but i think the first is still my fave
oo alright, i see. any last thoughts?
well-managed for a 12 idol group, nice choreographies (& lots of lewd dancing >>), plenty of good songs, gud stuff overall, 10/10. 11/10 for the UOUOUOUOOAAAHHH
alexa here!! oof, this took so long to put together;; also if haseul sees this please marry me goddess ily
i hope you enjoy this post, even though its a little messy!! pop a little message in our ask box too, it’ll make our day~ i hope everyone has a nice day or evening!!
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Memeteen guide to Seventeen
carats make fun of his stage name holding a couple s.coups of icecream and a S.cup of noodles 
the poor man between jeongjicheol
papa coups 
embarrasing dad
wings it at choreo sometimes
has 12 children 
wants to c h o k e jeonghan
the type of dad that would challenge his 5 yr old child to a game of soccer and then gets too competitive and swerves that bitch to get goals
 his smile and his smile alone gave one of Seventeen's stages a crap ton of views
say the name!
piggy bank
beagle leader
“eyes look like 9:15″
eyelashes for ddaayyyysss
Everybody SCREAMM
fireworks are the only enemy
members rebel against him at times
someone save him
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John-Oops I mean Jeonghan
Laying down is his preferred physical state
long hair majestic unicorn and short hair majestic prince. He majestic no matter what fam
"Joshua was the first one to approach me"
 toucher of asses 
shamelessly feeds off of members' love 24/7
Makes members have couple wallpaper and phone cases with him 
the mother of Seventeen
“Dino, nugu aegi?”
All members are under his spell
giraffe running
Jeonghan's warm cup of milk
sa-sa-say the name seventeen 
Doubts OFD pds
bitter smile of betrayal 
vernon crushed his balls once
athletic with no stamina
creator of the Carat mating call: *incoherent screaming*
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fukn weeaboo
the b e s t freestyle rapper in Seventeen. Dont @ me
ded meme(?) "Jisoos Christ"
The 'normal one'-SIKE bitch
That poor waterbottle
When-one-of-the-members-wear-a-shirt-with-questionable-english-words-everyone-blames-me-lol  guy
I pledge allegence to the flag of the united states of amerca and to the re-
dRinK WaTeR
pin drop and worm master +uncle dance
pingpong vlive 
“EAT THIS” signature move
"over here"
The english teacher everyone wants and deserves 
white cap
Chicken can heal the heart
L.A motherfuckerss
piggy bank
"Ïm part of vocal unit too! T-T"
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Heechul's reincarnated body that was too early bc he aint ded lol
child actor 
nyeac nyeac 
logos are out to get him 
eyeroll king 
punny and awkward
king of china
404 lines not found
My I now
"Ice ice froze." (that crazy in love Wonwoo lyric) moments
sexy expression
convinced he is the number one visual 
shy vlives
proceeds to tell members to call him handsome in chinese
ofd positivity boy
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naega hosh + pose
 What time is it? 10:10 bitches
‘ten hour ten minute’
 shinee’s biggest fanboy
 from soft 1 to hipthurst 100  real quick.
My name’s soonyoung call me soon
hamster cheeks
suffers with spicy food
beurora hurricane
Coco his chicken 
his love for the angsty teen makne 
glitter face
pretty u first win cry face
kwon fire
 making dances out of things that inspire him; ex: crab, octopus, noodles, street lamp, backpack
kwon edward soonyoung 
refuses to be bottom visual 
rivalry with seungkwan and wonwoo 
claps like a child
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lowkey highkey loves his own visuals 
beanie bro 
garden fairy 
voice so deep adele's rollin in it 
"life is hamburger"
cheese burger aegyo 
let him sing fam
fukn nerddd 
sick wonwoo days with the plushy
make him an actor pls 
got hit in the balls with a ball one time 
nose crinkle 
lack of highfives
middle school’s dance machine
him vs. Hoshi in ofd japan
bag of luck
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Smol bean that would kill for a single cornchip 
Reminds me of a old grandpa teddy bear idk lol 
Done with life, hates aegyo and human contact, but will accept it when he wants to
members mock his crying from pretty u first win every chance they get 
if he does anything out of character they tease him about it till no end tbh
Suga's son
his need to grab and hit people when he laughs
guitar is his greatest weapon
ccrriinnggeee & finger ccurrlll
 adore u is a funky pop song that has fun and fresh lyrics that match seventeen's age on top of an addictive melody 
members exposing his ass in project svt
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the actual sun
 built in speakers bc he loud as shit 
sacrifices his beautiful face to make people laugh
 smile that can cure all the worlds sickness
 stop eating cds
‘come to daddy’ tee
horsemin MAL
 pure and goes along with jokes the best 
heLL0 mY naMe Is LeE SeOkMIN my moTheR’S naMe Is
hightone rap
wat is basketball? 
do it from your heart 
Jeonghan's fool 
Happy birfthday broo
orange peel king
wow, unbeliebable  
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MingEW and all his sneezin
flowercap boi 
tol and clumsy
If Seventeen doesnt drop somethign, Mingyu certainly will 
actually very organized and neat 
was a cheeto for a split second
proud father of OG BongBong 
Mingyu sunbaenimmm
Seventeen cant live without their swiss army knife 
Akita sound
oh. my. god. Oho My GOD
‘Your name is bob’
Where Is Your Tag???
"Seventeens official visual" 
oooo000OOO yEAh 
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got7 bambam taught him how to dab and he never looked back since
before: Yeah I'll have her home before 10 ^-^ 
          now: she'll spend a night at my house ;)
nunchuuk daddy
404 no lines found pt.2
now My I
his predebut pictures are  e p i c
side-eye king
arms for days
rolled thin porkbelly hair
learns more korean to roast bitches
flipping is his preferred transportation 
dirty dirty jamjam ^-^ *svt flipps out in cringe* 
Kermit is his bitch
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fresh baked buns bebe
 just put boo in any word and it gets 100 times better
supports AND hates aegyo
Beyonce who?
MCboo, talk talk talk. 
"Thomas the train" omg rip XD 
Vernon's number 1 fan
cries in jeju accent
Boonon, svts rapper 
Oh Laaaddiieesss~~ this is your story 
haunted house screaming 
volleyball fanatic
 kimbap kidding? 
Crab walks away 
Son of Jeju 
'13th visual' (fuk nah)
Im the BEST quality 
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child actor but never fukn talks about it
attempts vocal runs
looks confused most of the time  
iconic rap lines "pull up on you wacks with a mac fuly loaded", “i'm only seventeen i only got a few dollars” "Chili Chicken in the microwave"
fortune cookie hair 
headlines headlines ( HaJiMAaaaAa, dont mention smtm4)
his obsession with hotline bling
"speaks english, but forgets that one english word" (bilingual problems)
Person: h- 
          Vernon: I was born in america but moved to korea when I was five 
Kidney function is not a right its a privilege
woke af
His mom is my bias
bubble pop
*slightly lifts glasses* 'ding' 
Leonardo Dicaprio AND Leonardo Divinci
Dont take him fishing
Dat laugh tho
My favorite part of Seungkwan is-
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Michael Chanson
"Im growing!"
not Jeonghan's aegi
we will now forget mansae era duck ass hair
Diamond makne
“he’s going through puberty now”-Hoshi
a new born savage
Makne’s visual ranking
GloUp of the century
"michael jackson version" 
bitter smile 
loud laugh 
*runs over hoshi's toes with scooter* 
*scrolls through phone and half-heartedly says*  I love you.
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vandergelic-blog · 7 years
Can you do a RFA + Saeran with an MC who's a exchange student at college and Her Korean isn't that great yet
Of course anon! I’m actually in the process of learning Korean right now..
His acting career does actually require him to speak some English.
Remember he didn’t do too well in school, so his grade in English probably wasn’t great.
But he knew enough to communicate with you and tell you how much he loves you!
A lot of times he would lean down to ear and just whisper to you in Korean, and say really sweet things, leaving you flustered since you somewhat couldn’t understand him.
When you’re studying Korean, he would often award you with pecks on the lips whenever you pronounced a word right or said a sentence well~
His English is pretty good! (Omg I imagine his accent would be really hot..)
He found out you didn’t know Korean well when you guys first spoke on the phone hehe, it was very clear that you were struggling.
“I-I can help you study MC! Don’t worry..I’m not that great at English myself. We can help each other!”
Would be very encouraging of you.
You guys both go to SKY University so he would often translate what the professor is saying for you.
Did everything he could to help you, as always. He wasn’t going to let language barriers prevent him from being with you~
This girl, was valedictorian and graduated early. She has such academic success, of course she knows English.
Couldn’t really relate to your struggle, but you know she’d be up late helping you study..translating your notes for you.
Would always make you practice by asking you questions whenever you guys go out (bAEHEE WHY?)
Like for example at the supermarket she would point at a fruit..
“What is that? In Korean?”
“And that?”
“And that?”
“Wrong. It’s actually 고추장.”
It was a hard process..but she helped you every step of the way.
Would be kind of confused at first and question you why you didn’t learn before you came to Korea.
But it was short notice when you learned you were going to Korea as an exchange student, that he understood.
Of course Jumin knows English, coming from a rich background and going to very prestigious schools. I also feel like he knows French too..or Italian, lol.
Wouldn’t really have time during the day to help you with Korean, so he would hire a teacher to give you lessons.
When he was home though, he would talk to you in English, but mostly Korean to make sure you got used to it. He thought it was very important that you practiced, much like Jaehee.
Overall wouldn’t think much of your lacking in Korean..he would just assist you to the best of ability and make sure you were getting the best lessons from the best teachers. :)
Ahahahh this didn’t show up on the background check..but could instantly tell because of the way you typed in the messenger lmao.
Would probably implement a translating feature without even telling you or anyone else for that matter.
“Seven, what is this? Why would we need a translator?” Yoosung would ask.
“Lololol..no reason. Just got bored.”
Sometimes on call he would speak Korean that only fluent speakers would be able to understand, just to tease you.
Sometimes wouldn’t even speak Korean, but one of the many other languages he knew. Like Arabic or Romanian. Just to mess with you and confuse you..that little shit.
You once asked him how to say “Where’s the bathroom?” when you guys went out to eat once, and he told you “남대문 열렸어요”  which literally means “your fly is open”. The server just looked at you then down at his crotch and frowned, leaving you flustered and Seven in a fit of laughter.
BUT DON’T WORRY!! Amongst his teasing, he would give you lessons in Korean, and it would be kind of messy…and obnoxious, but hey you were learning!!
Okay so being stuck in a religious cult for most of his life and whatnot..he would not know any English.
So this is already a tragedy
Sometimes you guys would try to communicate just using body movements and facial expressions.
*cue saeyoung laughing in the background*
You would teach him some English and he would try to teach you some Korean!
Like you taught him how to say Hi, how are you (OMG HE WOULD HAVE SUCH A SHY BABY ACCENT DJJD)
And he would teach you “죽을래?” (do you want to die?)
Despite the language barriers you guys managed to make it work..somehow.
He’s not the best teacher, so you would have to seek out help elsewhere. But he would let you practice speaking with him, occasionally smirking whenever you said something stupid, hehe.
Vanderwood (added him cause he’s my guilty pleasure):
His English would be good for the most part :) Sometimes there would be some miscommunication though..
Like once he asked if you wanted anything when he went out to the store and you asked him in korean to bring back some tea, which sounds a lot similar to 차 which means car..
“I’m not bringing you back a fucking car MC I’m-”
“That’s not even what I said dipshit. I mean TEA.”
“learned the korean”
He wouldn’t say it, but he would find it so adorable when you guys were watching TV together and you literally did not understand anything so you have such a puzzled look on your face.
Would push you to learn more, and helped you with college sometimes. But honestly it bored him and he was such a sarcastic little shit, you couldn’t deal.
As long as you guys understood and were able to make fun of each other; your limited Korean wasn’t really a problem! He didn’t mind you not being completely fluent. As time passes, you’d reach that point and he would be there and be so very proud when you did!
Requests are open! So be sure to send one in~ 고마워 ^^
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wolf-on-the-tardis · 7 years
Okay so I went to Les Mis London and it was the best thing that happened this year so far. My first time seeing a musical live, can you imagine? (I can't) (This post may be very long, because I have a lot of feelings) London (it was my first time in London too), 7th March, 7 pm. Me and my classmates (yes I was in London on school trip) arrived in front of the Queen's theatre. I was freaking out just at the sight of the theatre, I'm not joking. God, I've never been so excited, I think... My friends kept looking at me weirdly, I wonder why...? We had the shittiest seats possible, of course, because we didn't want to pay too much, so we were literally in the last row. But who cares, I got to see my favourite musical! Many of my friends didn't even know the plot, honestly. (How can you follow a musical if you don't know the plot and you don't even understand English? How??) When the music started, well, it was an emotion too great to put it into words. I made a physical effort not to scream or cry or die right there. So, first part. Simon Gleeson is too good for my poor heart. I can't exactly make comparisons with other Valjeans, because this was my first time seeing Les Mis, but??? He was SO GOOD????? Everyone in the play was really good (wait until I get to the third part and start ramble about Les Amis), but Simon was the first one to strike me. Speaking of Les Amis, from my seat I couldn't see well, but I'm pretty sure I recognised most of the boys when they were playing the convicts. What can I say, I've been stalking all the actors on every social media for months. One of the best moments was when the stage started turning. I didn't know??? And the stage started to move and I was like "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SORCERY??" It was AMAZING. Everything about the stage and the scenery and the props AND THE CLOTHES was unbelievable. (And don't get me started about the barricade) Second part! I really don't know what to say, it was perfect?? I can't point down some favourite moments, it was as good as I imagined it (and even more) (definitely more, my mind can't imagine that level of good) I loved the death of Fantine, they made it heartbreaking and I found myself crying (I cried a lot that night, yes). They used this powerful white light beam that lit her up when she died, and omg it was so symbolic. Little Cosette was too cute for my heart to handle, and little Eponine stuck her tongue out at her at some point?? My babies, I ship them a lot! Valjean swinging lil Cosette around and hugging her and holding her hand was the most adorable thing! Like yes I want to hug Simon Gleeson too (and I kind of did but shh let's go with order) Shall we get to part three? Yes! When "Paris, 1832" came up I nearly screamed. I have a question: is it part of Gavroche's character traits to have this heavy accent? Because if I hadn't know the words by heart I wouldn't have understood anything! He was fantastic, though. And so was Eponine! My baby, I love her so much and Hollie O'Donoghue was perfect. Then Enjolras and Marius showed up and I lost my shit. My friend grabbed my hand like "HERE HE IS MY FAVORITE CHILD" and I couldn't breathe omg help me I'm smiling like an idiot while I'm writing this. CHRIS COWLEY AND PAUL WILKINS DAMN Perfect voices, perfect looks, perfect everything. Les Amis were totally perfect. Just, WOW. I don't have words for this?? I'm still very emotional over The ABC Café and Red and Black. You know the post about 1. Locate Grantaire; 2. Cry? That's true. I started crying as soon as I saw my smol child. He was so perfect, thank god for Tom Aldridge. (Fun fact: he said Juan in the French way, not in the Spanish way, like Hadley in the 25th) (I tend to notice the most useless little things) Then there's a thing I'm not totally sure about. When R sang "Red", did he point at his hair?? (Tom Aldridge is ginger.) If he did, it would be the cleverest thing ever. (If someone knows, please tell me) When Chris started singing Do you hear the people sing I think my heart stopped for a second or so. I was so emotional! All the boys were around a table and Chris was standing on said table (why do I suddenly want to be a table??) and he was holding the red drape (I want to be a drape too??) and I was in the last row crying and holding my friends' hands. Why was I crying? Because Grantaire was sitting at the other side of the stage all alone with a bottle and I just CAN'T. MY POOR BABY. SOMEONE HUG HIM. Yes Enjolras I'm looking at you. Let's go on because I can't keep talking about Enj and R (or can I?) Okay now we have Cosette, my precious girl. I loved Charlotte Kennedy! I still don't understand why they make her wear a wig when she has this glorious golden hair on her own, but I do appreciate a brunette!Cosette. The best part was when Marius arrived at the Valjean's house gate and climbed it over, then approached to Cosette, sang "I'm doing everything all wrong" and RUN AWAY CLIMBED THE GATE AGAIN. He freaked out! It was such a Marius thing to do oh my god! Paul Wilkins, everyone. (The he came back singing "I do not even know your name") Okay, now. One day more. THE EMOTION! OH MY GOD! I started crying at the first notes. I had been waiting for that moment for AGES! And then when the whole cast goes "OOOOOONE DAAAAAAY MOOOORE" I really lost it, it was perfect. End of the first act. Second act. Let's just say that I WASN'T READY. When On my own started, my friend whispered "You go my girl Eponine! One of us", like do you know that this was supposed to be an emotional moment? And it was, when Hollie sang "All my life, I've only been pretending", one of my favourite parts in general, it was so perfect. After A little fall of rain, when Eponine died, they did again the thing of the white light beam, and I cried. R hugged Marius after she died. Now. I need to calm down. "Courfeyrac, you take the watch", and I knew my end was near. During the Feuilly/Jehan/Joly part, R was sitting, then he stood up and I just went "I'm not gonna survive this". "It's your life just one more lie?" They were standing next to each other and then they hugged. Enj was holding R so tight, and R had his arms around Enj's shoulders. And I was crying. They kept holding each other until the Marius part, then Enj placed one hand on R's hip, they parted a little and they stayed in that position for a moment. Then they walked away. I probably died. My friend squeezed my hand and whispered "Did you see that too? Did it happen for real?" WOAH The Ship God was generous with our poor souls and gave us Chris Cowley and Tom Aldridge, to let this ship sail on and on. Later we even explained our literature teacher the whole ExR story, and she said that she'd read Les Mis again and check those parts. Why isn't she my teacher, why?? (But my literature teacher basically admitted the Patroclus and Achilles relationship, so I'm not complaining) I was already a crying mess when Simon started singing Bring him home. Wow. Just wow. Outstanding. I fell in love with Simon Gleeson even more, unbelievable. At the end I was in a puddle of tears, that became a flood of tears with the second attack. "Until the earth is free" R was kneeling next to a wounded student and Enj came and they did the forehead touch like Ramin and Hadley in the 25th. ("THERE IT IS") At some point I kind of lost track of the other Amis, I was too concentrated over Enjolras and Grantaire. Enj climbed the barricade and disappeared behind. (All my mind could think was "NO") R climbed the barricade behind Enj and just stood on the top UNARMED. And they shot him. And he fell backwards, hanging upside down from the barricade. Then the stage turned. And we could see the front of the barricade. And Enjolras. They did the white light beam thing. (I may be crying right now) THEY DIED IN THE SAME POSITION. (It is true that the upper circle seats are the best ones. Beyond the barricade, you can see Les Amis get up and run away in the wings.) Paul Wilkins did a fantastic Empty chairs at empty tables. He really has a wonderful voice, I'm so in love with him! Enj and R were side by side when Marius was singing. A friend of mine asked "Who's your favourite barricade boy?" and I just pointed them like "Those two in the middle. But actually all of them." Last part. The wedding was adorable, because I could recognise all the Amis and it was like they were still alive and happy at Marius and Cosette's wedding. They did the white light beam thing with Valjean too. (Simon Gleeson was incredible until the very end. Great actor and GREAT VOICE) I wasn't ready for the epilogue. Still, it was amazing. "And it wasn't a dream... Not a dream, after all!" If I didn't have the photos, I'd probably think I had hallucinated the whole play! Because it was perfect. My dream came true! AND IT'S NOT OVER! We had the great idea to go at the stage door, "Let's see if we're lucky and we get to meet some of the actors". PEOPLE I MET SIMON GLEESON SOMEONE PINCH ME PLEASE BECAUSE IT'S BEEN 5 DAYS AND I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT He was so kind and cute and he signed our tickets (I kept the pen, it's sacred). I really don't know how I managed to speak in English, since my mind was far gone. AND THEN PAUL WILKINS SHOWED UP HE'S EVEN MORE HANDSOME IN PERSON OMG HOW CAN THAT MAN BE SO CUTE He saw I already had Simon's autograph and he said something like "Simon's signature is so swirly and good, then look at mine..." And I just replied something like "No omg it's okay I love it" because I really couldn't think clearly. Okay now. You know who was there too? Of all the people in the world, YOU KNOW WHO WAS THERE?? EMILY LANGRIDGE. YES I MET EMILY FUCKING LANGRIDGE SHE SAW LES MIS LONDON THE SAME DAY I SAW IT AND SHE CAME AT THE STAGE DOOR TO SAY HELLO TO HER OLD CASTMATES I CAN'T BELIEVE I LUCKY I'VE BEEN But I was freaking out a bit (or maybe a lot), so I asked her to sign the ticket too! And she just looked at me in a weird way like "You know I wasn't in this, right?" And I just replied "YES YES I know I'm sorry" She was so kind, I love her. But then my and my friends kind of ended up in the middle of a family reunion, and it was pretty awkward. I'm so sorry Emily, Paul and Simon, we got the wrong moment to ask you the autographs! AAAAND LAST ONE CHRIS COWLEY I asked him to sign the ticket and I handed him the pen (the same pen. It's the most precious thing I have, after the signed ticket). He couldn't open it! It's that kind of pens where you have to twist it instead of press the top, and he was so confused and he asked me "How does this work? Do I have to twist it?" At the end we were both laughing. Bless him omg! So there it is, my first Les Mis experience! It was amazing and I really still can't believe it happened! (Did someone really read all this thing?)
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xanyxhi · 7 years
It is one of my headcanons that both Phichit and Yuuri are, in fact, polyglots (Yuuri blames Phichit). I wanna say super-polyglots too, but that probably applies to one of them, probably Phichit.
Both boys went to America to train, so they each have English down first.
Now imagine both of them being the only international figure skaters at the moment in that particular rink, moving from so far away following their dreams. They bonded, eventually. So Phichit gets the brilliant idea of learning some japanese to help his new bff with his homesickness. Yuuri, touched by this, vows to do the same and goes and learns thai (Phichit was more than happy to teach him)
And what? Turns out they aren’t that slow learning the basics? They are actually pretty good?
“hey Yuuri, since we are at it, let’s learn some Italian too because our coach is prone to rant in Italian every now and then when he thinks no one can hear him, might as well know what is he saying…”
And Yuuri, bless him and his fanboy heart, was already learning some Russian for a while on his own for years because it was, like, the only way to get news on Viktor because not everything was always translated into English, much less Japanese. So he decided to take some actual classes while in college since they were offered
Phichit finds it kinda adorable, tbh. And because he didn’t want to have one less language than his bff, he goes and learns, say, Portuguese or something.
But guys, they are living in America, and the other language that seems to be almost everywhere is Spanish, and some of the other skaters at the rink are either hispanic, or have some roots, or have that one member in their family that knows zero English and more or less grew up hearing it. And since Italian and Spanish are similar since they share the same latin origin, well, they also pick it up too because why not, right? Though they do admit some accents or variations are just unintelligible to them, but they get fluent enough eventually… It also helps in not feeling as bad about it when sometimes they don’t understand it when even natives say they can’t understand a word some other people are saying because all the accents and regionalisms are things from nightmares.
Yuuri put his foot down, however, into learning Chinese because he remembers his early years when learning kanji and no thank you *shudders* (Besides, he doesn't think his hand (and brain) can recover from Thai, he reaaally should have known better about learning how to write it). He does get some basics down, speaking only, mostly because he had to live with the thai skater mumbling it when he was learning it and it just stuck (it is until muuuuch later that he learns Phichit did it for Guang-Hong because he found the guy to be very sweet and figured he had to introduce him to social media one way or the other)
"Hey Yuuri, ever thought about Korean? Some say the alphabet is not that hard to remember..."
"I bet you can't learn how to write arabic without tripping like you did with Thai"
One thing leads to another and next thing they know, they are both expanding to beyond spoken/written/official languages, they learn morse code and/or gallifreyan, because Phichit thought it would be hilarious to see if they could include some hidden message in the their step sequences or something when skating (they can’t, the less is said about the matter the better.)
Someone saw them fooling around and jokingly said “you guys, wanna try sign language next?”
Jokes on him/her/them though, because guess what happens next time? and "OMG!!! I WAS JOKING!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!? KATSUKI I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE SENSIBLE ONE!!!"
The best though?
Almost no one knows this. Only Celestino knows, truthfully, mostly because he had to put up with them for years and their stints at learning languages after languages (and he won't tell because he's not one for gossip, and because a part of him actually finds the entire thing hilarious when other people assume they can't understand them)
It's not like they go around saying: "i know how to speak at least 8 languages fluently-not counting any fictional one-,some days I lose count. I also have the basics in another 3 or so... and I know at least three variations of sign language. Between Yuuri and I, we have probably more than 15 different ones since we didn't always learn the same ones"
people just don't ask them, really
Guang Hong knows Phichit knows some Chinese. He also knows Yuuri knows some Thai. From Leo, it is also known they both understand Spanish, and Yuri suspects Katsudon actually knows some Russian
They probably find out eventually, though, most likely gradually, by accident and/or in hilarious situations...
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theglowiest-worm · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine. I got a love, and I know that it's all mine. Oh, oh whoa
Do what you want, but you're never gonna break me. Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me. No, oh whoa
Name: Mirium Margaret Midge
Nickname: Miri, Short Stuff
*Reason for Name:
Birthday: 17 March 2001 ( Aries )
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Swynlake, England
Places lived since: None
Number of siblings: One, her twin brother.
Relationship with family (close? estranged?)
Cecil Midge (father):  [FC: TBD]
Meridth __ Midge (mother):  [FC: TBD ]
Thewlish Midge (older brother):
Happiest memory:
Childhood trauma:
Height: 4′8″ (146.304 cm)
Weight: 90 lbs (40.82 kg)
Build: Slight with delicate features
Nationality: Lebanese and English
*Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birthmarks): Mirium has a spattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheekbones but otherwise she’s free of any blemishes. Her skin is a light tan. She has a single scar on her shin ( surprisingly ) from crashing her bike as a kid into her neighbor’s mailbox. 
*Distinguishing facial features:
Hair color: Light brown. In the summertime, Mirium’s hair can turn almost platinum if she’s outside long enough.
Usual hairstyle: When it’s long she leaves it down and it’s natural wavy curl or up in a ponytail and hat. When she has it shorter, it’s usually just wavy or however she wakes up, with very minimal fixes to it since it looks nice when she wakes up.
Eye color: Brown
Glasses? Contacts?: Neither
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): Mirium likes jeans and comfort, big jumpers that you can hide your entire body in or comfy sneakers and a hat. She’s very casual and kind of a tomboy but she always looks adorable. 
Typical style of shoes: Sneakers probably
Health (is this person usually sick? or very resilient?): Mirium can get sick on occasion and, when she does, it sticks around for a bit ( like a week or so, depending on what it is ) but, overall, she’s fairly healthy. 
Grooming (does she/he wear makeup? shower daily? wear only clean clothes? pluck his/her eyebrows?): Mirium’s grooming habits are fairly laid back but she is very meticulous about them. She wears makeup but it’s pretty minimal unless it’s for something fancy and then she’s got eyeshadow and lipstick on. She showers at night because it’s easier than worrying about showering before school. She washes her face and does her teeth in the shower and her brows are pretty well-manicured, though they don’t need too much upkeep. Her clothes she picks out the night before, though she will sometimes change depending on weather and how she feels. 
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Mirium has 5 earrings total: two lobe piercings in both her ears and a bar in her right ear. No tattoos. She wears rings and necklaces occasionally, but not very often.
Accent?: Typical British accent ( I assume anyway )
Unique mannerisms/physical habits: Because she uses her hands to speak A LOT, her physical habits generally revolve her use of sign. Her facial features are very expressive, to convey her meaning for words she doesn’t say, and her gesticulations are usually fairly wide. However, her most unique habit is her choice of personal signs for people. She likes to customize things for herself so she knows she has something quick and easy to differentiate people. 
Athletic: Mirium is of average athleticism. She’s not crazy fit but she’s not a couch potato either. 
Level of education: High school education. Wants to continue into university if she can. 
Level of self-esteem: Fairly high
Gifts/talents: She can recite the alphabet backward if you can get her to do it
Shortcomings: STUBBORN, my goodness is she stubborn
Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.): When Mirium chooses to speak she is usually pretty hesitant, simply because her comfort level is more in signed language or writing. However, when she speaks her words are clear, if tinged with a bit of a different sound to them because she can’t really hear how she’s pronouncing stuff. 
“Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?: More right brained
Artistic?: Yeah! She likes to write and she doodles.
Mathematical?: Sure?
Languages?: BSL, English, Spanish ( from school ). Wants to learn others too!
Neuroses: She picks at her nails when she’s nervous.
Life philosophy: TBD
Religious stance: Not areligious but not, uh, super keen organized religion as a whole. Probably more agnostic than atheist bc she does believe in something, just doesn’t really know what to call it. 
Cautious or daring?: UH...both? Depends tbh
Optimist or pessimist?: OPTIMIST
Extrovert or introvert?: EXTROVERT
Level of comfort with technology: She’s tech saavy. My only true muse that is tbqh
Current marital/relationship status: Single
Sexual orientation: Gay. SUPER gay. Like omg. Also demiromantic, possibly poly. Idk she’ll figure it out, maybe.
Past relationships: She had a crush on one of her friends first year of secondary but didn’t tell her because she thought it would make her uspet. Would gladly tell anyone that the Avalorian princesses are goddesses. ( Hasn’t really had any tbh )
A social person? (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): Mirium is very friendly and outgoing and she makes friends easily. I would say she is comfortable with a number of people groups and can easily have friends in various “cliques” in her school bc she is just genuinely so sweet.
Most comfortable around (person): Probably her brother or her mom? If it isn’t family then Reese, hands down. 
Life goals: TBD
Dreams: To find something she loves to do, something she’s good at, and make a career out of it. 
Greatest fears: To fail her family and her brother. To lose the people she cares about for a stupid reason.
Most ashamed of: TBD
Compulsions: TBD
Obsessions: oh gosh...she likes the royals, lotr, star wars/star trek. I wouldn’t say OBSESSED but she’s definitely a fan of things. 
Secret hobbies: TBD
Secret skills: TBD
Crimes committed (and was he/she caught? charged?): None
What he/she most wants to change about his/her current life: None
What he/she most wants to change about his/her physical appearance: None
Night owl or early bird?: Early bird
Light or heavy sleeper?: Heavy sleeper, usually
Favorite food: TBD
Least favorite food: TBD
Favorite book: TBD
Least favorite book: TBD
Favorite movie: TBD
Least favorite movie: TBD
Favorite song: TBD
Least favorite song: TBD
Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: Crunchy
Lefty or righty?: Lefty
Favorite color: Anything bright!
Cusser?: She’s that person that cannot physically cuss because she feels bad but if she does it’s because you’ve seriously pissed her off.
Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: Nope! She wouldn’t touch the stuff.
Biggest regret: TBD
Pets?: As a little girl she had an English Sheepdog named Lucy. Now, she has a Basset Hound names Rascal. 
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